rib Vitrsliti 6azt - ttt. JQLY 29, 1914. COMMERCIAI A FINANCIAL, • , PIITTSBU it GI MARK ETS. elcaclass, kw 5 CV 1 '.7BI3R,SDAV MORNtS Plicabaugh aaaana.l 4.17 21. /124, : - .7BBEAT—The rreripts continue light, ar'id with a firlr drutatel, the PlLak, NI nem while pricer are tun ircliaiicrl, 11e tc or iconic EY) bush fru firs Itrudeilt iiiVicr for red, sn I Y2,05r810 fur white. CLI.B. In net, m can roue rid, and with • cent nuod 40 . 1 . 1,0.1 c,inuauf, p iccs ere pretty wai • ed. Won! ctricn trotlc, at bneh -do at ',05; I . ,litottnoilea es from store at J 1,0611,10. COEN—ta oct tarn , ics very Ireely, and, with fight restyle and a ant/erste jsbtiug demand, the market ".soy to, qtrard Orm girlie prices are unchangid.• (Meta. 'Aisne mty fairly giT.l at $l,lB, •t depot, and 51.11 eta rich, • IE6IIE-11d , eentrtall co Wens. emcee:lowly limited, IttAlLlLasinixs art light and ncimpsrosts. /isle {rpm first liana. of ;•..0 LLL country Extra rt 58.58; red LQ Nle I. l ll.liitty E•utly at 5875. Eros. store, wet:- :liiont blonds of Wisner. Featly .re held et We :1195. . law watt a talrPti.:tda d.ta tad at pra• ,'l44l:aquetati.... a.te sae of 11),WO lm ahouldeta ~11,4,1; ' ARA; -d .Side., al I.a.KalGh . : (0(0 lbs Plain Currd nalid• my be Vlotei - 174.5a2T, w Woos-ay. ' Cialtt tutokrt ronuoo s ozoeedlo y dolt etria wLoe pttees us n nolually usteSearial in t e r et way o, lora d ,to 2i0!5 toe Cues, wed 28.27 fog and ttalonsot, Sattoftr 3 . "httt.theu_J „, " pa• o ' *l4l eyephelatortant St.to 144,10,0 quote/ 12, , 4 "for C.:00 for prime oral e. .1 . 0,131,1(-1.0 P in r. fre.ly but tap ttuoutl op oa 1...L..1M., • the nrpp'y 8 dee ..1 .00.1. y a tt....Bto Z:',B :or 01.0. d slotau for Thu the. bUTTElt—le •tt pat. dab...ad ...nil war., •LI. of .10..4.102a , te.o Yanked flatcar nosy b • PO et 28138 e. `'-iffat--t tat 0.10 a ...pp:, arg I y iu eves. of the ;4 . 0 nod: as matt _ton uor bar, It at ITall p.O d` au (HE l'BE—la 01 at .1 It O4lr (nohow', arr 4 l!gbi aup. l'lrta . flat, to lota sq So oas nt Peat. Le ete, a.., etot .4 Lg bld rime) . at 19119 , 1, P. 00 I* ker. , 00-• • I 'Ciar,riN Is iwY hu• le 0100 qtatatob.c 001 tat., t .11 00 1. 51,, i.--r .01, 1.1 tetN/PY• . y y wpm aa,a`. t-n —prime 1.0.. ux..y 01, ,2 10611 C , • a • , km.ort work 003- 60 .e, oer ..140.0ied. rib 6.1,, lb, a. el 13,U), do Betted. Ptttabur„gh Petroleum Market. . • j4 . ,e, t -z•,—.TNeol, era [egret t 3 state, no Intrommo t Ceiatutlen to the Tetralnane manner. either inn named, y " aYJits or bualoteta. The troth or the Mattel' to, Its.* 1 , •.••ho rn ttott re for sitter Crud • or Itenaed, and tele b.:• I' 7 thn ease, it to out of the queatien to nap.rct Unman . atom. 111 advance to told ant the more amoral& 3 :. , ...a t f e yel'eoet be tort. 2dontay, mote huller. left V•llMatianatoctll,ard the majority of Unman, now taking &•' .tbittra.qta tly, fu ;Li:Unite Won ol a reaction and • better At prow ne. 000eln, the same.. I. du •I ond riga; sod thus , is tot mance& tn-lo^.a tio:u, to aretakteraoratione. :rapine V tnlJ a svt od. demo:. and ,- f , ..ltnatetna ate may toundect that It mo.t shims fly ad •fillifat aele of re tbls erase. Dm flown It arm; and ono- cait7 be Uhl thee .t fA7la7,h3 per bbt liate advice* hcart Olt Creek report that Credo boa quiderebly at the vent, with a tend , Icy to i till lowtr tattoo. ;Alio ISa:ipts by the Lit !showy rim dorlog the two:, boigss Flodlog this evening aro es follows: ti Ps ySta Dooms. 37 Te] 6, Now. York Petroleum Markei. lat -Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Juty !t—'there is a moderate demand for , , to land, but prima are • shade lover, sales on Spat It MEN and 90 for Angsut delivery.. Than, fa 410Ingeoved demand (or Fie Oil and prima hare ad ' 'f,sanotti—citsing at afirtElli, on the t pot. Holders of '-31r9200r0 asking an edema., but buyers operate with V-vintbui—H3a6l% on the *ot., befog the asking tabu. x het p is Carduognwtiattrrer to notice in Elapthk. The Weather and the Crape:. . ...... F. -1... - .....5t1is ISLlattle Nets says: V-.....'1/9.l.4thalmacitt sumo, th e greatest drLuth that boa '.; .. ; OeCILI : Ttd In actuth-eta•ern.Wleerstlet for the Lett 16 or 29 ",... or. aria ItyJI1.1), viten n's.rain fell for tsreioty eight •'.:‘ <1,411-11.01 done 9(1, Lo July "ILI, Tha present yerrcr" no ,: . ,1411zi ILA lie twit!? Ale* , bib and Jam 29:14, a trorlod .al . '''fify:r_rfaye. This alatemett arpll.• substantially to all ~. • , '_,.ptal , _,..... 1041...0f th e 'Rat , ' tole•cultivation. ..... ,y,.;jleitytts (cell:au to the aixtOeut a damage reviling .• ti th e Der. Cid r j• al' I oteligoat Namara e..t.inaata :t.ti4,1,0 j'A.1,...„ r.Teetol y to the eon . .',a sea l aftlana iat4,-.iaths IA the SLAIN Fl,ll I. t exeresd 0r... halt iha arse.' n „..„...„, 1 ~,,jer ty ,••I our llate.exchaogre Coact., Iv .!, 'AM* Il.lokoli. &there late 11110:0 LAy,ful, hal the Calle '., ''?W . Lior. ,or. form L . warrant IL. ir captclatlluil: The ... liant.C) of oil (0.1110-OLatOLP \II LOALLOIII Of 010 sort oi „ do, afar. Ft to oz.if ertge toe ders..,,, Let i lie lore is ear . ighil, sbt, ens•idrral,le, .n.l a 111 1•., ncrion•ly Jell :he •.. , eca.lns 7ear In e.ddit 1..11 to the tia'stag. trrueloLed by A( i . : Ethe... 61.1 ilk o, the el etch bug Lee e.on 00441 it. ~, .. .:14 - e , at•te. sod In tun., r qa:a h 1 I OLAL1.1:11 tLe not.. af ( • ”;_Ti lot ..I t 1... 1. , .. s• I. • pus. ty ars .1....ath. '•.•.:' lillt..o.nlitabeee li,t , rrnt . I it,- I,‘ : . I I . ;` chinch 1.44 is Lis,: .....i use .s. , Fll/. the 04.1 .....'l . ll-415!..A. I . its.ll 1.1 7 s'.. , . ..... p ....,,, ~ all steno a 4l • Ll.a. U.,- 1.•,.•., tf,IJ • wt.1.•11 er.• • P•rd A Isle di-Id It 441 , 4 Its. g 1 .,.: ' a a a I.leing ‘ , 11,1.1 1.. serseal. "'-":, , paryssr. no ere I 0,111/..F1 th•• In .c.... ,are .I:4sc:vl and .. .-4,ll,Oiettarylcg the A LVOLISIG 4:111. re..p. ; , k, •• •• jt e. neap 4e4441 .111,1 iluessus.e.,•l3,i.llue/ ft.aaz Het 1,141.1.1 a 11.9.' '., ''.. dtperug wheat ai I ts. a t,t et at set Ire 'adore. A• i a . p' en er Vaal, ct Ito !tat, ~h .v...hogt co ..g0.a...1 thei,. 7: - ., I 9+%16 , 1.-1), .4 t sse u gr!, ant h.l, ad what goring - Iycheat Ito crett.rt left Tl,q.r.. •... 0,10 large bfteAlth 7.1 ., ,L ttcnnd 1101110 to 'tut, ar, At, I,•ts abet there it r lr. LLIOLLIch . :I.I I I DI gr.... 1 rdtar,t. Jr- Il,' 8.1120. 94..te ' , l aess syst Ef,llniet.td al ai on:. ~,•,, acre. Gram I. ligtit .... 410 "if. i Ito, b. halts .....p. 1..-ensta lOLlTll4ll.enp,,oargll . ... . . . ~ - i •ll.ettltoiitlon In Om. :' , 4 .1.- In g.. , 1 in ri, ts , .11. a ao f :..,',,, ki...e, - rtit , o Sr , nlb t, soh.: - . it wee • , ... j . 1.. don g ~,... ot.il , ne far ir en it,. , •tr.tg 1., ~iur I, 1..., .ni t . ~. ',..• 1, 1 , e l :L i t:l . : - s , ..1:: : ::: F LL. twat. 1. Tio. 11 th • ~..,•`• 'at oil testo,lostx.. 1....... ..1 • a p. :.( ...i..t LI IV IIifOILLAZ ct,110,1,. , s• • ..I r tn. ~,• •A, . IA • c 0 a r . ULIL F' He LIFOLY 1110.•0 0 1 GOGII ' 11 L•t• ...,.., •,:: .4 .1 t•i• ,'' 164 at I.h . vas OW 4110 10/11,1LL , lOF ham" ... s y re ..s iglad that hr .....,,i Iti• i t •:1 111, 10.4' I. as. . ......• 'ad Gla the 1410 IA Frn yr., 1 , rA••• tt, •4• , i A L.-t ifrl lor 'V . btrir [chary •I'l.lll '.O 00/.11 Trutt Car,. pr .:, tic.". V. hifUttst VADlbret , r. d 0.11.1 , ./ t P.,./.., 0 v 10.,1 1 I sot' And isth se..s.:•T L.yia en. ~. p ~ ..,,..... $ .4, .4.r.t... rent, rdr.c.t e. 1...-.::1,1. and t .....• • n• ••••• • ineilb of ti.s. alnat II .1 ... , -,,,,,./1,..,•,: A 1.,‘• 5,-, . :ititiele.ulllk , us. ,L. , t,tl.n irI,A• •,. i j.treiltilp. w. Ft it 0u,1.• ~t 11, ,it•te, ~,1 p 441,../(11 are ;Lahtdattatr.: 1131,1 .a. 11X p , r at, ar., ty, ft. rn (*sibiirrlookol t-r P nr+l, Atil ISt"' lb •L lc ut , tl t..fmta Thew,. may be said • f ' t Joa✓ph an.l other treatora iib4lttetl,teatt•ttle,,, Lot In other I...rim of the 13Iofb ult.; bias Arn...dn a poor )141 Tler+.lrlll he of a co.•p In Ito blat .9 a whole. •nL actor Kcs-rocc.c. enre of the Deter /Men: of Agri:Allele eliptiltatt a`rere proelare..f rt.e lo ' illealPreffriireturly. Mr New. :belietotro we /en, fro ••••• .tyjther the TrOili.S.P. foam whirl/ It e.e., ee. ter. . • Idbe Pia "Of "beat I. e alirsordlom ro .e tin. 41azooge,by tiuslog !art winter. Mn,u • it .thab.Orref•ktreern t ri ed , 1%, total prod.', wltt t 0 brit year Grees-tted e•. eery n n ,., . •Or 'Lily • her cent. betu ', r than brit yo ir. • 44131rdiell •• better yield. thoogh the nmOer SlAll.lP.lted "M-loot by about ooe- eel: ttleride • Potatoes ire ga d. Tba. arrotlso. dart. M...y ilk*, el WM f, meow:able. •Iwketn.r. na for re. ble ROUdiltOF, of eddrultural affair. could ta,t beteek.d. ). tneLteeiteli - ell =nor to the feet that the ceotret :yd I, not end wese are over the toll *verse°. Tae :I:stiller hen bete fweeen,le n 7 helve., all Ur •••• lob in... Ibieheeddistrdile geed order. Lao elne.,t all nth. per. .:47tIttil e ut Itetdcennttt +'4t (4.41 . 11 rein tboordi tbeee ) . 14 ••u• u. ers ! • at pe• -.err isdoul', - -..te ry I' l .0 •• ..,„ ,„. • rer.la aid ••• •• • - twill ;L., jil.4 Or. t. , 1 ',Art e•,.1 ne.-e •t 1 to, v. I) one rear • toot , 1.1.4 ir • e lr ur.oure .I.e t. tale petaso.i are acalluvlog from the reed • Merlfairr. tta-tbo. cue kite et the 2atu 'Armed ewer. et the eta to hate_alreely reached wit fret le Welt. LIU co; tau Vet. • tier to lids I;il:ertfttisti,...,eale....u!di.,ef wheat reported for Lairrea,3 11.:;;l:14,inicie$ Nest. Oso p• to by nhd gtetn In this stet!. Ora an Enni pso keato s d are !yr) flue. Th. la. rsh,s, Laotian nialotfdd to help the proms Geld+ ..r grtneoto pot.. •,,,t d •a.• on•• • Hal, and boon 1,m:4. u!sr. bent finis) to ludiAl• corn. 'W• nx 4. h. t oe,s„.. .fosokhott NISI, Wing rsord the (oh rr no of t , nolt l'FbnO.O.CnrSh rf. atnl ere daily looktus Lep/Tony Ls fur rOdflitrultht b! , D... •• 'flti;lllgbO4 wn he oat p. or, Tsfforlng e no dor,d4r. on ttka *Vous bolowor, • tont! , f.trornhie tiny 11,./ 11d sro Sesta *olden, otos. -tlStry $ Hotly Mitt!, toy: for/arr. bay. foul the otoet fornratto .roattow for 1;, ly V. l ; VI I h ro r po ' TaT..t.n0.".4 Wry Leey :—.7„7:7.att shyltt.ter g rate Blue, Lou • cfr , ,l[4lllll fidiOrry are mAking all batty to gather In Tto yopodt vo•y ono 3619 gtagly, and SkiriOnolltrd EWA gbod 7hld was actor more Odor % ' • lOWA. ' ij , ois c btljfig . P .7lV r e'vv " Thei r, r ,c 7ift:Zp e tl PAiflly do at the putiont orritlog, • 3v4 so.' .of .tlow dd.& 1113111104105 t Ina . al 1p log timber bduf.. iLlbNt altekly Lido tdryostrd, and ylellot namlittf, nosirly resdy for the tomdmig: Afiairjfff&k 11-1 cora .,gwartabolat , throe lactda ovary ktildi of vegOtablws look 111:O,y., •ya tW wily tido year. • 2:7•14. , ' - "VityitipOrd Oisetfoo r tb•STM alt: ttlilirestb.rlr4ter47 iotti &Algid:oly :guava and ial?ylr,7l .I=w c lrp a t. 71r.wahnich ; „ sififidakod bettor,' end thi moon pros P alses reatiUd , • ••- • . , Ailtetratrt- The siftto trap, we sr. '&01. i w ., n G t e ar m A jitgee Fa: 4 0 i1. N;,104 - sbatriady et. uP.Ato inlnolasgerbesri;'WbatiopOonne 4 , gropitia sem pa, bo rproatitcaappr • lit.sVi-4V4 Is the to:dabber , • . L•k• thau put. tn..• • .t. Y. O•tutitt It the emit pr.." ••••. tb , th.m. w. Mitt n. , .•,•• 1,4 up our WV.* tot., O d *escalate cr r g..noral , , given. Ths bag eDtlatt. 11. rsvag•••• • I - , t r ue: n• ICLH,• Dart •4 the Sits e, Tof It the sr tta wheat ow lu the corn and oats. he Frankfort JUI21"1.11 :lie se!. The mgr. b of the ch,n ousrsnl creed She green tlelds-of corn shd as, tn . :, i Mi. welters • Odd of green tnelay to re , rro e est !ellees, sod sera Atter •CTO bile ender lb.. vistlati n • past, as r.p• try 11.11 sip pale under the r-aier It move. In isn • 11.141,1 ZrZritee, coven°g Laces and high- Orin. kr myriads.. In regular • s •i hr" , i Chien. Of apriog ' , beet W.! 1.. I i a tro nl , l be enongh hervest, • .• , I and corn hld tett ten d.o. r • " • •. • of th• cats may yet t • so , ••• nos • . • • ~, • , bet the prospect be oh. rev are being dial desto.,..t 7ts Beck land, I 4 .1 - say. A gentleman .l. L. • •. • •••-•,. mach bait. Ont. P 1".• rs“. al., Alin It h. betott InJur. rt ••. torlll FM 10,001 • t• • • • h.°. demand. , ,r ,a•• •• i•rairle Stab " ,:o I The Tr Zee, of the mow of 11, _. ra ••-• d/leavard. Ihe .rarely tt4:•e7. • 1....!ndi--c • -ad,: ‘-t and the &aceral . 41.. o, We.) that • crash fa • 4 , • F., 1.41,, .1 the aerd Leary. Fur I r; t tut.. .I•y• • ,•• t • ♦epecl aLf V 44 Ih' • • . 1. tddchlaz it rely •a) nr I. le Ice , the edl day of! sr.,! 5..,..• AI ever tie 7 ta.e, e •-• A I'l ai‘l Lt, h t liine, bat Ueda% tet •• r •• 1,•1 • • •• •l• h••••• bay thu •••• pt.* •• Roth baya e.ae rile. •t • d the LOA r to toy. IF. ertpla.4a desa., .... ...!• -- 4'd •• f li,ht, it aim prabald: .• e• • I -4. 14 .• tde o • We •obatirttir'. t•r.r.r , tn••/• ' ••• - e5...• tat r. We La. ••• • • - •It r • - r Ira t • roe. lalki lear. 14l : •or ttor• 1614,,x..• and E , A •p . toittittelst;er f..+ of tb• .1 , law. Lri. • • 11,..44.1• t••• , drr of gtalo to•llave • att..,•. r •••1 'O4 f • tr., for rtl Wtr•hoor. St.c I • •,•t ." r•judietal,to the po t',...01.• Vhiladellinla Cattle aim ket. ,hnv arrly. t.' •ot e! .J.LI • r.t Ph 1. lipa* A. nue Drove n. • V, .rh lug at cut 1;;10 s • :, and quality Pruuryivsois .• „ . 1e.,.tt17t: fair la it. Si fn , . 1.3414 c V o quun' • •••nuet r . uth,,, dell,and c. mmon (41 .• •• .1 - nu U. It.)U , r rr., ore , , e .tter ?.. .t:.• ,Oud to aas ta .:from 1V.14 , " •.. „ sal lag at now P.%t.. „ T. The rreelipta APIA tk :17 rell.b -i131: oboat belo, .1 e •lelns• , ;.true b.! ,'-• ft:, • t, • 9to toed .4.4 t. 11.1. , 1,, frup ~,, F 1416 the „. Boll.ltdote. Mark et.-21a.11 11 e,0:t. Jur r ^l.--Coffee--?o or., 0- addeard, Z0.57c per C. Mos—LIM Ught red, r:, • .a. ammeat to aa); ae qm oea bed . S.; -.: I/dr...4 treats:4olllo =par, 0;11111, 14,11.7 C. p r dd t•r ran. -Gralo-11 brat, 11,00 La o!t.ret , l; atim • 2 n by raw Smarm , white at .0..85,.2. ex, 1.111.., au I 2001 a radat $2,E4a2.9.5; Gera, 609 ba offered, and :O : ° t,l. wth',.. m.pl at 5!,N. 1,72, &U Da lallow at $1.,7 , 0, - 71 per b. Oatr, 1100ba re411,-1, er.d ,mad 1.. ..y eta dr row 210) iarel uel.,,rede—Qatrt; q noted her. , ~rohaert i. drrlredtG day, 0 pour-Loom tram 1ma.,,,r0 Proroions—Stork 140, ,• name O pretiorsly qtrotcd. Ealt--We hear of 0 adre, rttto da day .AIO2B ha from 1001 feland Sugar—No a Ira rrportal. Im, :rrt • ' 101 bhde and /20 bbla hoar Dem..rara, Whiak,y— Quist.; aslnut 0,1 • . • sl,7e WM York Grocer Mari et. JetY2r—lLlea—The market k , qtr , s'...lr. s'kee er.r Ira:, 76 too Banco:to, n I'. Caffre—lhe market C011:414., 1..1, , 1,2 .oe.natir =chant& k of ILI° coCeo on July I. b. 4, t:t,•^l at at of Jo•s J.y Itert so• s . 1.1(1 Stock of lichia July 29,1891 -7.916 Flock olldkr.calbo tu'y °••I'•, 7,4 . .... ..... .... le, ZII Stock of Logo , a3n.laty 23. 1ei...._....._. 1047 B act of Itl. o Logo J 71.4 V , 1k0L......... —_.... 4 i. 6 stock tfolttor daso.ll.tooos Ja' y .'. •.:. ........ 7.3,1) Forts—le dull, a lala au ea ato••• u: 1 , 11 hh f. Ockna st 2134«; Idalluad ;we quite at ?andu. f,•~~o gr. •taa Oo for .4t .b 1 e, and 30e, I, pt. re .ud gmtmea' td. cnd 1.-st and loludor ,f•ruaud. cr:u ut ACI:),10 I? t. d. td X X wb, u, wca — , l6Lkut t.r; cu ludra. EttLy , r- , otlvriu, for rad (rmt no nand but run , cdi c tbru rdi+' to tr.rd RI 6133. -ORa, R., ataal and uctlurigrd at Edo on track n p wile by Railroad rr,e, eltr , EtszEitoo it it, trOy - 5,, .4. t t,holorn, I A II rchha.., t tor airing J , ]4 d. w r Llowr , O ..t.cart-tun, tott Ato.ioo- t cl 9 do. 'JS llame.3 . Ito , Mr COrt,o4l, • ..-1.•• 4 %,• hOrtry. VI A , onro, 21 do tors, thin lbol; bar= • I.t. eery., E • '• • n 'Li b c-; neat. turor,/lw.toiter Adm tt.. Atir , In'y 2 bh.• Lo,r. 11 zr. A to. • Lon. • but.r abd fr.. 17 LA. z. • bb br,bler.p. a anew; 1 tts" bru-k .t•ra I' r 1 to. at• Jacub Mlactbul; Ibt 1 tia,v, A P 11..• tb, do, Kb kiAtficA a In. bble S I aco trba chi efie, Jho uit n • •Ni. • .1: it.rt cry y kac ;21 IA clv d .r bl eau MOU 9, 1 . •• k. Btu • It 4 336 bio ..rti, .c (.7,,00; , t 0 P'FIG'I,IL. LAW: (A. THE uNrrED 6ra.cE3 i curd at the itrfit &SSW% Of he Tklrty ,,A,k •( e. AN ~T 10 Rmel ono cn untidel •1n no: ti r w(T. +,t1.1 thlt•t, !11, :1,7y 1311.,1 l'onolj of IYwali.n4t3.l, DLI , r,crt , d by t he S•nat, cmd //,‘•4p r earl. lin- Um: tut Stab. 0) . 13 Rd. MS , 14 toga , be fist . .11103 of the a lid 11l inf. QC:. Of eJlJgreYel 'nu nu to define the Lowete tut dna, of the iety court t t toe ootioty of Woeltit,sto t, Die t t ot of Co; untbio, in tegattl to rondo tad f elo,r puppet-1.,' be, abet sic Puma to lterehy ewtv<'.oul to or to tend se l otiose,' fbs: tho told cos:l,W: Dare the. care en I charge of rink the too untie koriedicti..o n•tr au the pollie reed+ sad beielyt in o.i 1 C utty, ex cept evcb roots tend bri , l,ere no belong to and, me under :be onto United Sates, avl wept euch toitle sod bridges ae that; hers I-ten cot stay beteatter b. ipeots:ly prortdei tor by Cc: gets. And the mid court ea/11 . hate parr and it shrill to their duty. Per. 2 And to it fut-4,, rnarf•d. 7h tt the tenth reclines of the ;:aid not be, and the scone trotntled by ett Pt log out the words ' , thirty fine" and intArting the word "tide tiet.A." Etc. Z. And to it farthir enacted, That all beroetertes ii ;he. Itittrict of Ctlambio, oat , let of o'•W c.a et,go- to L, l i,t , , . I Pi. imtaK i 0 I+ it+J• "p c• 1 tog , , our ,or, et•oli be 55, a.. , • A v ..1 O tt• .r pt„,.. i . , , 10 Lim e.u.sc 1,c•o ~i 0 .ti:,tl Ll:ttilo. pro.cfcd, dencer-r, Toil oil + I ~a in sold at-moieties, mien actually e,..1 I tar burial pull oat e, and soy cemetery hell and owned by a religious scciety, baring a raga isr and at own pima: tf worehlp, than be ex empt (tom tenet,. e. Bt C. 4. And Le if further enacted, That Eve, otter the said courtsholl have power, and it eholl he their dully to oppyit?L Oa county eurre3 0 , nf 6,.iil county of Washlegtoa, to &Lite bin dutire, from time to time, to fit hie eimipensation, end to remove biro whenever hey sbial deem It proper to to do. g : e r, And be I'l /other enacted, That it eb,llte .to dot.) of the collect,: of tales for esid conoty, e becever the owner or keeper of any erg or deg.. shall neglect or refuse to pity the tax tb. i to to kill or osnia.,io be killed wir., ard e'l a , ti dogr. Etc 6. And be 11 further en,rtel That the tins speeierd by the ucr. of Frbru.sry twenty oft., eighteen hung:Led and eixiy.theel, with-. to ei lte h tutalo`.o4do :a emit wooly shall to tut V( y.,il Ott e.I and remaled, is .hereby extettleo to three yo..te .irom the first dsy of July, tightirn tuotited nod &ivy Ilse. , B . Ko. Si ,And be it further euraed, Thal the geld eturi,eaoll litive power to lenity, classify, aid tax !itctitfo for tar roe, betels, and reit _tatrients„sed for retailing goods, waren, nod nitrebstitiiio iti , olld nionty, to proportion to -tits syconne of butilnito the perain applying fOr fiitotniii..l4lkely to do. ,Too !unzip= sum io•benbe rged ' for Any 'Onalintiesta not to to exceed two hiindriiintd fiftyr dollott, and the iniititinina•to ba eo, charged not to be'. kat • thi,ii two Jailors. :i:,•tyro: -8.: And be. it Tuildee'entrlefeit, ' That /be stigge uoived.to...he given by the eighth ow tieu lathe sort tibial ale is an nnosodeotht, - nett.not bit niren - when 44 the portion hair, ' :tiled iteregreeiff 'lna itlfigniojaid Vett butler' it snob agreement, without each natio ~ ..: , giTel7, are berftlideared latent high vitt:4 . .:-. Eixt.-fl.kieeViSe itfigthev , innelac Th 0.4 ;• ; t ortytt. /the t.va tratutot ; toa.ttoss fattbsts• Lne •t a ?arse M inwe a csniatittlat 'Ma thiD Kt we r F • Arromi, JUDO 25, 1864. [PvsLie—No. 1341 • r o authorize the bailiff of the Orphans' , i a. the county of Washington and I , rtt.et of Columbia, to servo prom:tures lo af -I t said court, and for other purpose& lir it co Ord by the &sate and Boone of Rcp T siolotars of the United States of America is Corgrus moulded, That the bailiff of the 0:• pl sus' Coun, in the oounty of iSsashingtho, end Diet:rat of Columbia, or such person or nay be dquted by the register of wills in seta county, shall have authority to errve all ptacere issued by a , d taunt, and shall be eo lith d to a fee of fi:ty cents for serving ait It iorm, aid a fee of one dollar for serving attachmacte and rocking returns of the same to the court. At d bete shall be paid to the register et wills for prod county, far reoordiog wilts sad other insuumente, fifteen cents per -folio of one hundred words. Approvid, June 23, 18•14. [Prinio—No. las ] AX ACT aneodetory of an not to amend an act entithd 'An act to promote the pro. ghee of tle comsat arts," approved March wgbiceu hundred and sixty-throe. Br it noon. iby th< S nate and 11,,tirc of R T . repnranres of the United Slaw of A Merl. IA cx,mitl•d, That any person baring In uteri et to no invention, whether as Ihl 1011Dtpt OI si.sigtirie, for which a patent WOO ot del ed to isene upon the payment of the ft.. nul fee La rtoritied in aectinn three of an mot antes, d Moich thee, eighttea hundred and e but who nee no m•lte pay nob( at the lire' lee as pii.rile,l by end all, shall la, lie, 141 t 10 /nuke ih. payment of each Ire, eta It eclve the pate,' withheld on ammo of he non payment of said tee, pro lid inch larmient L., male within six months 'es m the alt 01 the misitage of this eo Proo dd, That nothing herein shall be eo LOLIIITOf d as to bold rStiotisih:e to damages any prisons who hare mauttfeetur,d or wet pry elicit or thing for which a patent, no aforesaid, was ordered to he Isom!. Appro.:4, Jui, 25, 1441 I i't tiLac --No 137 As Ariz to curry into effect a treaty betweeu the United Staten and her Britannia Majes• ty for the dual nettlemout of tbo Maims of the Hudeon'e Bay and l'aget'e Bound Ag. ricultural Co.upartiee. Be it enacted by the Senile and /rw of Rep. rettntattots of the United &sin of America to Congress amathled, Tuat the Preeidecu of the United States by and with the advice end consent of tl:e. Senate, chill aprolat it com missioner, whose duty it shall be, omjointly pith the cicannissioner appointed by her Bri tannic Mhjhetyh Ocvernmeut, to investigate, adjust, and detelmire the claims hf the Hud son's Soy Company and of the Pd 6 ot's Sound Agricultural C.daridey against :he G ,sera meet of the United States, Ruisdaet to the terms of a teeny signed at Wahhinzton on the first day of Jetty, eightrea hundre I led hiaty-three; and the oommieeioner shall be arphot iced to appoint u clerk, with a compeo. saliell at the rate of eight dollars a day. Bro. 2. And be it turther enarbd, That the compesehtion of the commiestoner ghat' be five Hummed dollars in full for his services aid personal expenees. And the sums uotoes eau to pay the oompensation aforesaid, the share of contingent r :cruses of the oommis e'en on the par, Of the United States, ani of comps nation of the umpire chosena 110_er the menveutioa ' are hereby apprdpriated out of any mewl it the Treaeury not °therm** approprialee. tee. 3. And be et further enacted, That the comminei leer on the part of the United Stater, in corjunction p‘th ;he copambhdoner on the part of Great Bri•aio, ib hereby authorised it make all neodfal titles and regulations for oonduoting the businees of the oommiesion; such Lulea and regulations not contravening the C, I:imitation of :be United States, t h e pro- Cakes cf tale eat, or the stipulations of the treaty. Sac 4 And be Si fwener enacted, That the Secretary tel State is belchy authorized and required to transmit to the slid commizsio c as he may deem proper or on may be called for by the ccmazieizionoi; and at the clone of the commissioe, and of these duties of the umpire, ell the records, documents, and all other pa. pre which may have been preheated on bi t:tali of the United S'a•ep, shalt be riturue i to the Depar t ment at :Late. A pprovcd, J unc 1411. BEE= [Prutzu—No.l3B Air ACT in relation to the fete soa emalum3lie of the maarbit', ettorr.ey, and olcrk of mu Supreate Court of tho ll.etriot of CJl.a.n his, end for other it urpoere. Be it ertoe'ed by the Smite ant Houle of R-p -reseedatives of the (fated Stotts of America en tAn•sr.a4 .I.4erale.l, That the foes of thy oierk A the Etrlreme Court of the Dueriotof Co:oaa ttia, except en far me hereinafter speoifiosily o% ided, trd of the Coked States attoroci red the marshal of said Di/trial, erupt eo far as hereinafter provided, theft he the r amp 118 the fees reepeotively ~dewed to clotted of the CI- Lola, end proctor., and maransis, by the net .11,,tttei ?thy...3 , twenty six, ti4httta han sttcl old fifty three entit.e.l "An net to reg. toe(' the fees awl cos a to he aliened, to tli A, ma.hrale. ar. t ,ttorneys of tart et renit %rd dit trio ccu [lotted 8 'stet fsr 016.1' Prorded Isat , Ito eldrit raid ;upto.e ooart uo: be a ;o•red by rctury of the ior , t) :wain If :Le and raucluintnts of Its a tid office, for his • b‘e Witt t etruttr.tt: ~,taper.s4tion, Orr: above his neoes-sr 11l , sup axe LIPC2II - elect tee ino.uded, to he au.l to 1 by 11 e entoLtallog al) .1.1 . jer , t, the S c•ota•y of ,be lot ,hpr, re< rt than the ono. o' Nor no d• er ALAI tint and in MA tttii, lie mi-sorest t.turtoi. requirel hy the tail d section of coil attt sail clerk ehall em • tics his (pro Inuld :muluaantA of e,try cam, aid biirtiriter, fir an; service rmi /ate' of I.sni by lie. S o. :4 And be it turd: r oared, That. no. at." hat nor distil LA attorney of the United tlinics ftbnil, by reason of the dleoherge of the duties of Lis art te, now or hereafter rerytired of him by low, ur in any rises In whicel the United S'a'ne will ho tuad by tilt jud,rmsnt which may be rendercht in the came,' be al. towed to retain out of (ho fees, oborgee and matimr nts therefor, whether prceortbol by wolf or alloyed by a couri or any Jodgc Ittfeo', a greater maximum oomponenti ta Ilan that bald by the act eforeutild; bat nil Itch fees and emoinmente, of every none and, ...hamster, shall be loeubsd in the semi.anutt• el ri burnt roe/aired of marshals and attorneys I y the thiltd section of the sot 9 forzinxid: l'ru flied That nothitog in this sot contained .tall ently to the provisions of sections cler. end torolve of the not to prevent and pan. Ai frauds uperi'the revenue approved March third, eighteen hundred nod sixty...bre°. Elec. 2. An i br it further meted, That at the ocromercement of twirl salt in the supremo court of the District of Ctititabia, the ptantilt moll deponit at 'esist eight dollars with the e, to be art r Itristrd tornado the o tern I 11 a till ar dif h eactitl no see egoist:. I h ....sot sit ti tiotto, soil recd errs uo not idiots to Ow" :u hr p w ~1 by 'be c ere: Pr e ded Th-t otit•tl et.) , •ort toted in said court by war polecats witbou sting the deposit heroin preorabed, upon the order of the court, or of 000 of the justices thereof. Bat. 4. And be it further enacitd, That the follow ng few, and to other, shall be alio wet to the clerk of said court, and the marshal of said llistt lot, for too seriice. following: for all ft-trricem rendered by sold clerk to the United Stoke, in oases in which oho sold Untud States is a party of record, five dol lars. For each marriage liortoe le=ued by him, one dollar. For each certificate of otitis' obarsotor, in elucing the Best, filly c For service of any warrant, Lithe:meal, ItarnaoZB, anima, or whir writ, (except ere rut on, venire, ors eon:moos or nubile as for witnees;) one dollar fcr eaoh prom on itom inch Berrie° may he mod.', Ezo, b. And be it further enact... 6, That noth• ing in tbie act ehall be ea c..ostrual to to re peal or of the provisions of on act yeti:led ha: h.:neer-lung the dispoti tien of convic - e in the eource of the United gig ( 0 , for flhaisiing persons esufined in Jolla charged wi.b violating the issre of the United Btetre nod to d.oubishing the twinges in relation ih.fele, approved frelfth, eighteen hundred and e;-say-fiar, ori• of an Intalled "An act to anthorizt the appoint. moat of a wo i rd.co of din j.4i. the Dlatriet of Colembli," .14 , 5 ioirei Fehr-floor twolitpatnth, eighteen tiusartd sod iitsty-foul bat the da. eits of tail' w tee, cad . cf . ihe roarehill of filib UnitedOtateg i for gal Diatriakiin , regard to the add jolt and th, ltrieuners commuted . thrtete or evil' aig eintli raisin the this ,c 4 nett nat. loran paned. 'Apprortdi J une 27, 7864. - 1 4 - _ ~sts :Ir&Ovjai.,-43br'.1A-7 eairnPi : nail i o atiimaio.i.Thwitimtv. -,, 'ffiiik. ."11"45:111.A4. , '<-L . -1-- —'-.:Z-77.77.77-7 011.4, Oa kI I F- 4,1; I=l CRUDE AND REFUTED O.!L PEFBI ELL.CK, I=l ea• fipec:•l••,. vxsrot Conalgotuouta r..yc•'l . WIT Pittntnngb Ater-. ir.N A D 7 LLA I , I3POSTaI :ON • ~‘ l, . * y DICHAR.L.SW , . NI.EY GO COMXISgIC II s lOC. lA' NG a ;WEI Crude am! Untied Petroleniii, =EI ilt•ang Outil For I baigbm Enatern hlnri ob. r•Tr•Nt W• 111.4 451011 • J S. 1 , 11....r:h a ~, Springer Pn.4. Ocaart•rets . Hnat rll TACK r 1,;( Crude and RellwA 11:7N7.1'. E. , I=l =BIM EEMMEIRME L:a.t.• to• ..a al• - ••• o• mod • Def. • to Motto t & Co., Plmilro',loll, Mccoin , K•K A ( AI.LEN:I‘;.:s. OIL I:I{O}CEIZSS Nos, 211 and 213 Bouth Wa:er 2;.re..0t, Imlay a CEorpe. , ,t I Jun!, Painter, 1 Jaa. R. elst... . trat:ly Z ALl~:r, ~ti .:: N SHIPPERS Cl' E.: W ne; :.~ti ..~~~r Ample t.outle, ; 8 ^• ti at their yard u-e Ar , myl9:fir IRO". uITI , n L 'AY , !!. LITAI & diii)titTANlN4l, LIVE AFD I,OI , I4IdUeTIA4 Of bq ANA .. • 11 CRU 1) E.: E. ti.. - 1 - 11.0 tr.. 13 ==l ONee, Nc. A) HAND ISTRZNY ===xa lOU I. • /111...Agrg.i-a_tio.i..4., ComaxLearion Al*roheusta. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM, 151=1511 A D LUBBIOAMEFGI OILS, Ma. UN V01P713 WHASCIA PHILADELPHIA. NW Stengel ey►cUt7 (fouler rover.) b 115,030 bra Ain aicallard &rattle. fbr ablppLas to America, and Forrtao parmost mar wharf an the ltamylkill tarsi. nem.tbs platform of Um P. B. S. 1e45:17 BREWER, 4t. CON SION LIKROISAHTLI, ITZEICI GLOBt, PAGIT:Q I.IIIZWIT OIL WONK-a. Ruled or erwle retro/tuns. CO& 1•13G16T.451 I • .1 a tit SODOK ENO: . ! WOOD NA itl) I=l aisat6l. ‘,4 kILD,JRAIT iteC.l Crude and Petroleum. Be. m tUCTI! vroEsrr. W 'ool.olll.l_l , ‘.:f, . H.., 9; DrIININi; AL AND LORRIOA• Tl,O oft Item! t. 1.11 you tr. qtr..l. at of /*C , C;111•1) 1.11., e 1... and aithura ecicr : atm. • 1.1.1C.P.11 A 1 Wt. yen NBlll4 ii2242.0LE aid WV All weer, 1.. tN...65 1111711 k.T11.6/Ir. ear k a. • tit ,romptly att..o to ocit CAIIOI Nibl ktEltl'ON h WEIS:4TF.FL Geteral L.eronw.atze Broken, I.lro. 1.1. b COUTI7I igi.l/EI ST., F0.11...1.e1pb , .., Pa. CRUDE & REFINZII PETROLEUM', Bt , D to. A. 611, Mil 1111 C 45,. _ . I' LI t (W. 1111,t4, 1.0.. to. (o-den to I.c) ot ar.taCtrl D KILLER, r 9., ear, It 3 WALED'S fit, PIIILADLLPIIIA. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM Ou CLouuttlutoe colustrAy. AZ tbseses at mat res. tovabt. ndce. PTOBACIE TOE 811111111 D to owl collar, Vox OPVD7, ends good elottler. PorticuLox ottention paid to OIL POll IMPOIIT. T Bods—CIA.USTI4.7 lODA, SODA !dill, &o. sokly ALLEN NEEDLES, TBILADZLPHIA. CM1111451011 amtazustra Icau ettantlan FsM t oxifvuninti 01 &tide and Refined Petroleum. ior mast Ovestan Duda. =Lay . ROBEErASIIWORTII, rft. 1 IST, CIL&LB uT, P11T40111411. Forwarding & (tommiasion Merchant •CD LMILIM IV 01/4. eX,ILLIMINATINCLIMIIIIIIIITTFO,CFLOPIC P!. 7 . VILIMPI Uf L.:•, c , • , ••••• MEE= r.t the NA of Crude and Refined Petroleum, eellTll DBLAWAEZ AVIONU.II, i. WA RING & KIN°, C0G1E153105 31123011AW119, I=l3 Petro/cunt and Its Products, E=l Fo. 83 IIeGUIZT BT.. Fitlaberictu ROB 6 I-LAIU3ALL, ruu-snassrau. ColimalaslOs Pleraitaat6 6. Brokers. lzahlidra4 la Petroleum and ifs Products, twexpars and bouri coommtlem. alogit ars=,..g. caa . reascsabla ritias u sat S& POULTNEY, Broker In Crude and Refined Petroleum, .13IIGNZINIr. No el TIMID UTWIT, Pittsburg/1. Pei: 0111,114 m 4Awmi utwm, oil log Vitriol arx Alps AULVIOIIIIL :'-einletslift .lata !Morbid • Oa!' ,Oitor, 'paw taa It .d _triV6- 18'29 FRANKLIN FlitE INSIII‘NCI cONNNI PHI 1. A E . P f-{ I A EIZEIME =MEM n.AN n r A W AI:A T“n. \-; f;.•1 .•,1). !nor:Lute Co. of North imeric EC...L:Ord Fir° lasr.rs Lice Com.play. W.l" JONES, AO TNT, MIME I'.-'1 CF W ? P. ; 1:7. i...... ~. ,N i ~, .~ u..~,, I c, Lica, c ca.J. • : J I 1", a ..l', 1 . '1 nso I=! I=l 1.. •• rip.tiost of lull Bayous, 11611911113 r ,t Jon:3 dlalptors. 11..-baub, J. ~. .11.1yrol!, Jr., V 11.., Boos , L IL. t klw . 1 11. ERNS Don pEort.E. , ' RANGY. COMPANY, Of9ce. ICE. corner Wood rifth Sta. Flap. AS D MARINE INSURANCE. ocaawnu ; J.m.. D. Visrtkor, John L. EtJaoads, N.....mvarl P. 13briror. th,orge P. Jones, Cl. Mason Loy., Marls LtbatlLL sn. Jack Waft. Rm. a Ei•ra, Jam P e.rk, all. 8. Enseil Wm. {Tao Kirk, WM. 7111L1.1173, Asking. JOHN WATT. Hog fivs4 W IL 7. CIADDNES, Bar :asp. Lly ALLEG F.NY INSURANCE COM.- PANS or PITTSDUILGIL— Oas, N. 017Utb '"-, Bsal M.A. bantroa •,,ipuut sllliadsgt ?try and AlextosElidri ISAAC Ji.NES, eras.eld., 0../.111 D. WOOD% Vim D. EL. 1100K...40-re.7. 0...^, WM.. DELIS, Omen.: 4 lope D. IleCord. Coml. Adam Jima; D. D. limorting, Doms o I..!4c,frvm. IL.M. ft. 1,6,14 E=.= DorTez ChWtk LAIL R O. Orsp. . Irv/n, 11".. P. L. I` air...L.l, fIJ 4'@iß dl. fruu Wepi ra.l 8.. , cdr.'.: 'cat fl .. asy In to ::a cater la.. !r• 7 Co • 6,1 tic ti.aata• K nia bl Croa. DIJ;ILI its al NAT,: cg auCL• net 1011 Um, it.. ID-A -1.,'• 111 Woof dr con ,sußta am! end, • par, In Sow and D. . mt.., ule,t •n to• NI La Ilduoson4 sad Ontetutnac, .watt. gr. • 4. la lbn rote of nix pa mat.. pal. •• 0.•••••, ••••.,• ••• •••• • • •t• lb.- r an pr actual, cnd tsar. tom. •,..110 I no .4 te, tin Cr-: .1.,e of lan. Inosaabat. .I.r•s ;b.) tar. too on tun • v... •it 'tout .at. , tti•oognsant, a. OrtAl t.• - • 1. •NO 1••••.• ••••••A Al It,. row °L.., • !noble iu I. D. tLau Luvute Bouta rota. ulng W. lbm la. By Lam, 4:•• uD4 lAA 444. .to• • n. J:Jar 11 S•••01:.Rkr, Wro Ih.ugifor, EME=MI k ,•a. 1 8..11.1. A.k P.. 1, • 1 h t., lobo I. 11. Loh,. Ca. 1•1• L 1...• • 14bn Joh.. Mvorho,ll, onort , 1••.. t ...L t P. 11.a",11 l...i~r•rr, Cho. , rs .11 It ws't, B.j. L. tt'aul.matler Jot. J To, tllttni 9. L. , 14 P•l.r II I:lqr.l,r, fem.+ RLI tier, S tin, P. II LE. l OOLTO 5. op nu. 441.. WIWI/ F.b 7xa..xn.st b11:11,c . . U NUL - UA LLY A"; AC MVI AND 875 ENTIRE PACKAGES OF Domestic Dry Goods, EZMEIMM F. M. QEI7. 411 trill we I I tttrosgh 211aostit. J. 13. 11? kIS At CO., at LL.I, runs, 2.12 AHD nt MAME 3?., Phil.43aphlA, Treduesday Morning', .AscAr. 33, The entire .to k of do:drat:4 D 05117 3 .110 DBY 000 'ad In prl•inal rata : 390 bet.. lied, Whito, Yellowand 171 no. Plain and Tolllsd flann•bi and B•cklnkk. co ram. ttem and Printed eakineta. to " II•lotooky Jos.: % 71; Wwl Lirmyg 16 " Minor.' Plao•nit: V/ bets all Wool Tne•di: Las, • 6 4 ' Mote; " 11.4 and 18 4 Boandala Blanket.; 70 0 Cara n r 1•130 0 111; 46 " Medd., and 111.4 k Prints; 76 •• A ilo.rcen, •gin, Lawlstc-n and Franyia Carta 35 L eller 11 kir rr: !r , • • I.lr - rr 1 2 II; L. 1 n r i n I I •;., Red 3101 rr,d EU= MilMtl2S= hn pltiwf.c att. , tiou of the [rade Le Celled In ado We. as It orl I accordre the meat dattreblo make. of gouda, wad Is the Worst olToritg orer naral• In thta or aby otter market, oath <me eve glint. Too goelo ors all 1,, oratr and °clothe; poatogeo, 1120 x. JOlatt 0.11Y1113 00.. Aact'rn. SILVER PEARL soar. ORUMPTON & 00.. 1167 lab•rty Stmt. Eels Propsistarr and LI matranrers for Weittm - q Pmn gh.la, Ottlcy India., 111Lnola 41.1 tilssocri. Abo r t= betray. of • Evertor artlaa of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Snap, hod Tailami - •OILCT AND FANCY 1110ALP11 Of a BUMSII PEA ILL EOLP, which we odallda tinily woo. vie u bests to polehral ere thalluiy othrr Won Oro public, nhoald he dwno or mind had ;Waver Pohcrld, Batt , Lime or Itortn, or .c.r other ailatioda to Its rastaincturs which o$ Gloria, os WWI the damn ee, ben.. Vaned's and Wonder.. owl be swim! With the rap.dif., or Gotton or Linos. Cabe. wralind with the BIL V7/1 mter, SOA P do riot maim boiling or half the ralArbm, which of mutes S•10/1 the wear and leer. SILVER PEARL 80LP llamale• Grams, Dlri. Sdbamo Prlatent Ink, lame, and the worst Date Water thalta lam .dlatdy, V i aplysaktllLlth . : tegt i ßpoo.se, t=ettac It harartairraancy to Plate, Jamway,viaanaa. Eaemelled Plinth:km andEatetit Leather Immediate!: ; and Mr oleaniaLmouble tad door tile It him no That, and particularly br dhozopeeelnE, the MVPS . PIABL 80411. a' beret taiga, IL ewers, en who We feted Ur th ey Med qulllem, eatnowledge It thit - greatestdheoeery of eage. Rigs °milady tat • trial ft= en who wee tritmeW la coded heap stet to . Wen cue will Woad the .mies at the Pose alt It 11•11 fo meow nab what Wn.Clalin OWE, lt need wattlliti Piesetiml• abroad win do wan .to I ere QnDxPTOH !I 00.• an, WE Mutt Paid, allosiM ihnotyteadde Balled Paw Depot. .. . mon AlllPEwletwe wimsmant..m of •11" lildtattowit Tan oms nAwibr. malaw m 10795065. EUMM Twenty Years Standing. C I: R E D! IC o t:1 . 01.14 a ur/tlesto try= one Ed tW met ~m.r•nt. c them of Wl'llos township la regbrel to f'.. ys.r4 Liledfrbr. Blood 7", U.tare. carstflease• are within mach, and ao ra.4 b. dmcind in recut MM. pnparstiOas i Pr 0.0. H. Hour t 1 became stßicted with pil. ol 0, Mt Dty TM= KO, WI erery par ClO7 IMO wtv.e, F av In Trouble tee very mutt. 4. vcrvoh I...ine• a. to anflt ism for wort. Bove time. I oak .0 S. , J... I wad not do anythinn on notoo.o/ to e m , awe out on ma as bop ea . hinkory Ont. I nu! ! • treat Lel.l of mectklne f>r tbwy, 1 .ull m bny .A ..b• whatever I ooald bear of or araa of In r.irc I o and pimoyckto th►l fdl to ml way,lmt T omold tat p>1..1.1e0 ..rm.-nos. they mould do me Moo do,d for Trlddy out •Iter.ards tbey Imald re... a vett , ;ad a 4 ever. I s:to applle.l to tRo peatOr; .ba eh ca, et my bow, add gain ma moms med . .ctua, bat it a..a:d ao o, I crald am get wall. Over • Y-. ego I cat .5 Wvtrity,,,n, •td t t 'ono Ll,ay'. r, Whet, you sold It to 1124 you t. 1.1 m. not..dt In • on ,I hot CO.e rap, ant teat my a, de ..d.t.du . L. .1 ;d0.14, to rend... Jul l.y tha medldind I g dl Ile u,ht ore b.ddle and tdoi It d . ^ . add u.. d ad .....,:cline. I I`J II to. y. u ab . ic, vlt oyuva IA I , ort , i not -ct nhi.n taarbt Itcdu L.ca Lome. : , oho at • t r/..., out.. I I atm: :.rt. tro..lort. Alton thle trot rd If hod bon twoo, 1 oar of toe Ptlee, which bed krt.er toe iwooty year.. IP Oth• respoctatuy health In Iwpo'./el. Aim: lam es wolf 0.010 be on ponied for 000.4 my rat / tw 4 nd /duty year/ port. I here ban. wall 12.2• N itr .13 moithr, and there is o 4 nypose SD. of • rotor./ of titmeas. l con d o any kind or work ace rothoit the Pike or lee .. , own an: hurting me. I can I liet key, stop wood, llft, no do nay kind of wort oh/ch Intone newt to her. mt. when I Maud out you Blom/ katrihtt I kept on mkt.. It until 1 go: tmtlzoty woll. I ...dor It my .1017 to toake my nee known to the 0000111 for the Woo/Hof onion w ho not to ,onerlog as I was, and do not know the rel. of your medfil.. Ton may publith Ode If you It.. I the to Wtitme township, end wlll be pineal to Wstiefirmy one Cl ths truth of Inl* 0a411100 , . they i I\ll' A is ) • , . co.• Irish to cal Om too. YILLIOTI 515. Decrother lan ear Loot oat t4r tau o ac.e of Dt. G 11. a gr. 5Lu on lb. cover -I the t,tik, pared over Ma ark, slam M hie anal , oo Lhu Gal.! Statue !stamp on the top of the taatir, to pro, at taloa bowled upon by a aparlora arlirae obtah te to tar mark... -told by tho Proproct)r, No. 143 Wood Btcrect, and by :11 . 4),7 Jo:lssros, corner Fourth and Satithfiold streote. H ERNLi OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rapture Garen lieraia or Rartaro cured. Retain or Rupture oared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared. Rends or Rupture oared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared. RUptilre CIT Herat l& all/ f a. Ituptaro or Heraia cured. Rupture or Hernia oared. Riptare or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia eared. Rupture or Honda ozrei Rupture or Hernia curd. Ruptara or Herds cared Mardis Ra,dical Core Trnas. Ritter's Patent True& ritcl,'s Sapper:el . Tra:a. Belf-Adjusting Truss. Pile Drops, for tho support on I ours of Piles. lastio Stockings, for wa/k ant vet , knee veins. Blaitio Lim Caps, for weak knee joiner- Anido Bapportr-re, for waz.k kroo joint Bruiperoory bandages. evory other kini of ruittet. Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Baiming's Laco or Body 'gees, •or the ...are of I rulapeam Ut'ri, dbd mina and Spinal WeNE-M113J30 DI, B. 8. Fach's Silver Plato 3np porter. IX:r Moo at his Drug Store, No. 110 WOOD Symms, sign of tho Golden Moe Persons writing for TIMMS should s )nd the number of imams around the bmly inarediutely over the rupture. .lt CtATAREH I DR. R. GOODALE'S 40AT ARRI-I REMEDY It P 13.. 11: ato tha t-r] lest of 'hi. 'v....M. duels.. and extermlost.w It. root and branol, foNrer. Dr. GOODALIt he the ant and nett pent. who ever told the world what Catarrh really was—where It eonuneeoed— and what tread can It Dr. MODALS has treat a lifetime In tattling with Mb 11D disease, exploring It. menet ambush and ma king known to the world the fact that Catarrh, which hm, far years. defisd tbc 'kill and . rasearch of medical men and authors In gala actuary and Europe, Coll on., be cured, with the same uniform certainty that morning follows night. Thousands who have teed oar, known core In t►ln, have been peraretimtly wand by Dr. GOODALL'S OATAL•]UD IdUaLDY. and aow rain It in the most astravagant term* of praise. Call at our marled agouti . , or send • stamp fa a pamphlet. Devised sad reporal by U. GOODALS, K. D., U. Zak. SOUTOS & 00., M. &I.*. an 0r.11.7, say Y.a.. DB.. OEO. H. KEYSER, ti 19*. HO WOOD STD= DID-Omei rob. NORTON'S OINVAMIT, TUB DALT BIIZUNI &111) aaratvta. Paranrani care• Tatar, &, link Stnwanal, a- d all Ueda. sad Mardi:. Bora, sad itraptbn Ot tau Ebbs. Thb Otertmeat phut:star la Ms bans. ab suo-goel gel the Ten bob co-aart bun It Cron to. dash Worth to Oa nb oa the sada*i aides tha poi -ona of the now contd, sad erratf 'panda of U to o.l..rged Wont. Ilea pones tha sob at Minion.. eta npaUed Rom tO, Crht acannoaatbh *are 61112 no tNapw• • norms 1 go., 1113111coldirsy. - tiyiza.l ~; poi -.,; *as Eg)gi L f Off. REJrT S A F I.KBANOIS I &].N /*ND o•:•uted 4,54 tel ea font. rt.. 'lt, on th. evwl, a4jolp'ng (lo bo) 'r Cf .z - h. • ax.rrs. all andel' 'once. TTa 11‘,1 Do,11 , .”(. Ia . taot.••n Ine other Fran. Par t Office, 1 . .. a lank* Bank Bury with tat, ...I.- c ornnardo tb• Deal or •':••• • ••••••••ring tree.. Thera-el fa w•••': waterr, th ••• • ••-r -lel log aptias. Oormeet•-• I,.th • .•• .• .•••• Lobenoc• Nor, ry. ° com p:int. 150,8 0 • ;•;,. -• • • and years aid. 9c; tr I . ,• : ,•-•••• 14,0 •n• t • r••• • _ 3 teen &-i. 10 fr , ••,• • 1 , 1 • o,b I - ,t. , .• 10 La , .1. roe • I Witt. -••• • • Thlt Tam and Irrertb street. At • ,• h E •• • .::t Ottk Thstb,.. con • It .• • - -Itttglaeoy rivor, st Coo.' • And I on Om Is Ee•a+ t' , ..• a f.. mil-e Crum the Irect r, . 0 . ..• P-,, gonna ere eald to be FOL: `,4 !. SITES Ast. : r,, r:mt iv( REssuls.--Tha EJ oart.tra of John Herron, deed 0 0., f,. tota, r... 11 ova half to tiro sotto rtr`J, wt....t00, on .•rtvt, sza,trithio thy 0 into6o, !k o: t.rrar...b lts.lnargh •• • . • 1:•• • .46: •DO•. , Lots are tor it 0, a 4.4 L•rlustre et alle , mr• —Mut, se sixty tart trout 1..0 ht.:..1‘.../ feat dr*. Yor ' J ew 0, • (ha undo, Otto, Ooui V-11 A At riOt: t rm7l - .NT. 12 'rite . • tottctry bunt le ITEM /louse, I kloci.m., and nib, o2t • tnaildl. r., w. .1. 1.44hL of ahldt, wawa,,• . • "It, vr.ry nr.uiety. 1.114 so• Ntlr I .. • coata•. 1424 tise Poe fur: , . • t.. - -tr VOP. L i'arm 118 earol, in .1: aL Gir rware.end ocar.t7, Pa. Also, s Warafattfp, ra.uer. Ake, a -...g . •If 3..fa1• aval Lot La Ltli tlrn,lt Vt. • . I Vervsillas tat., Al la.bray . •• • .1.11 artffa coat of too Loracla • ' ntrlei •., • A 1..., • rety F • . at. Ufa?. oahlp, Wu Al., t• •-••• !. • •: ta.rogth at 'Waft Per .••••• . • ••• atreet /113 A.aaat t 4 S . • s..ah•p. c -ran: tlsbech •,; • ...C11514., 153 P611 , -13 6—"" ' cmrlarg... cult! - . a ••• '1 • • !nr7,• 1,4 anJ 114,11, a. 6 1 7 • • t... 4111 fur cattle Tuts Sae /Hi , or • c/13 be alsitti u-e:4l v. 1. •7! e T . lb. pt-pmig....: N. 0 Nu. ::! . ..n.s.moad Pitt gh. r2.sa "OR Z! , A I t,•• ..,Lry Seat of the tau ;lOW<LI In L 10113.0. ern' •a• • .r •• Gera..ta• T. t^ , 1a1n11.4 • to of caltivealal, Lr lw ae n• 6n., and !sal, ma• .. nsr L. , . seekaLg la.prov. • If,. onl « T.A , nil. =MINI QIJI4Wat. a j..ltcalaa FOR - A FArtu of 50 Acres .11: morer Iro. er apr sy• Nab aura the End er otagron.. t , ... o b st o sold •e pa one aSe. Eshl pr. pert: Mita n Anngaahr o le well watt, ot non e.c.aJ tvin of BRUN:11401f Oual art dr the nte • Lord Gluon Darn sad froze e!' .:r Yrr further p o ison oa the proonnisoe, or:s E` EVES , L. o sr ues of Oorog.cos sod ,114. &tracts, Int.. y ..• nt the Prothoe or.. .• 0r- Vince. D. C. .tat. tralur DI Elownor N etr. jelthlavrthr.:4. A T-4- 0 B b.' ALE Una now FLeem U on haseT lca.. Wel beles..• sw , Te 0.11 lace ettc. e, erase I heal tett will et , Om 7 Loch cy Woe- 7. ..,e Woke, 2••• Ott. a • Two OyWnlee , TO feet I.a=.Ttree " '• Two Win..er,bt • • . Mew Three eew • • r Toots, Lr• Oil Wei!. Obwrilor c.wh Pel• .1 . R. CI. BOLA, I rEll Allesl..ey :it,. Beat, cow the P.,431. ITALILLBLIS IcJV PROPERTY FOR V BALE, atm.. MAnnacchela 818., .be, .4 alendlAtt MA, t 0 , a..., •. g a. (Ice nPe rOffit.4l4, ,13:111"g 4 Arne and ~.rebn a. it ia la an tontr, A fo- rdanaL...nc peep - am taring t rim (ton?.B. t.eb11.3 aad tallroad tb• re. 1.4+1 has Mill add b.11.4....t croCted. . T o , Atig Tl , 3Titl. nn tte. pnmiaela, or to W. C. A.C(.:II:IIBAUGH. Diamond 0R PALE— STEAM. SAW MILL x AND OLL P.IIVINEET.—The one-hall or whole of ea 011 Eatonry and Ataank Bare NW, withten oaf ors half acres of ground ; an abandaaee of seal oa the lot— talc. toren aod bang vortret,sltnete or the Atllegasey Illrer and A. V. It. D., It oTored b. Nee The Ratner, le roe and of modem bold. The Ban LDD bLa salsa dw order, and b cell alteated, hartinf a crook roroteg he to It to the 11,• need loeellty for balldlniboant. ror call CP tha andetatenea. L'IDAT ♦ 011ORPEINFIL:10, apt' Al 80. CO Eland street. Plttabarge, Pa. FOR HALE--,ttli.ddin Oil Works rp orlnne orl.r or-bnan:lol:r belt cf pd.= timbnr, no long Ix we, .d .111 ~ • nW., c.a. 'O5O Darts. 00.4. Appileet.o may Po . rho Itortnory Ar.strons C. or /tette:. In Iltntburitt DLY.BEION. JORESTOII A WILEVZIS. ESSE 7 , 7VE 130U,5L,'13 Third Wurd, AlL+r6 any. JIVE LOTS, In lot Woul, 611'y, oa 4atwx• at TO LET—For 12 3 - care ' A LOT 01 GNICHD Tam:TING ..S OEIIO LAIIK, A - tteqh. y (3,7, mar the P F. W . 10. G. Shoo , tou LOC vtil ti 46 ep, •alwoble for ote.Otort, Cooper, Ulowk wrath or W.c,co.eueler Strop ypty st No. TO COPLA,LISTAEST, sly,or the prelates, of jytO tf JA9 ttENG 1 - Olt SALE—A Izsita or 110 Ames, in Qe ncony Won:46lp, Oonvor c.nnry, and floe cats Irtno the Chia :ism. on winch t o matted • oloottrtabln !crow Darn. d.s. About 60 woo cleared, load good (raft I. on the plow, Tor parinoinro enqntr• of 0. LE1217030 1 1,, /713 Fo. 10 Dnunono, allseniny Olty. NOB HALE—A Brick Uwe:ling Howe of • `ht mow, all la ample% rrdeq tat 43 by ItKI teat. fit Ming as flatlet ettetet, cal W.W.I at the. fut. ot the r ad. Art 17 id U.• Dag Last. •4 lzumrsa. 011 c, et 6.8. DM% 171 7 BoUar .treat. L.rnaa.ri:l•. FOB BALE—A Brick Binning Irons* of tlx mow, all In complete =ler, wkb a good lot, Ixopcoved, aleaste on Ilk. moot, mar Beam T. ten., to, apply st the Ikal Seats ~d Itt retranco eflee of G. B. lIAT/13, jIIB Butler enact, Larreseartlls. F 0 It SALE DS FrECHANGE DOB x CITY PEOPLATT.—That LAMB DW ISO, with Woad. att.h.2, . ear.. marts oceoplad by Christilhmva, Ws of Eta Dirmtagtkca. Bmtalas And tbs of the Ihrolling Bona TIM. L. MEM. 100 /math sired. Plitsb... RIDIEEt MARIE, cosonsuon 111:130111103. santea Patrols= and its Prodnabh Orin cuzazia, Q. gr. Sou Auxin. U DUOAD ai WM= a Lla TZONT La tt. P ND lUMOIERIS OTh - Iwonza. EIPI YOBS MUM= allirlaa R. WASY, ati k, altOrk6n /atm gigUal 23 Wet.- 1.% Trott Va. LIJOENT 011 1 1keonsfi.' DUZC&L 'OIIHLILP 6 00,. /hue - White Stdinsit Mahn Oak me% a.A.Ln I.IDEtY7 In= , :catuKom r , f4gr.rarvcit. Pi. K. mainmex. Jobber and Retail TT r h ' e l . mom MOW and 0 : 9511141 "" 7.6 1 014 #A6PA We, 1=1:2 FuOLTH .13,k,'s !i ti D. CLL i+)3 • .t G tEtd.PN, . J :.1.1:4)N, 1T..11C111. ••Ifl, • d 0.0 l n•kt J.W.Wlf6rg, '• F l th t • .4. .1 Lb. ant" c 4 CI, P.o 2 22r.r..t. d B. DOCC`'.Aft. 7 , , 74 Snmer street, Alloghmy OILS, Ja c. ON El LL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION AG ENC Y, Pittsburgh, Penn a Chap Portage from the ' Oid Conotrv: , fly the first elan/ Olytla befit atammtra a: Ihn jrC1112.4 LOlldtrUalefry Boy& Matt Lloe, et lt , trt boa• r. loos. Inn leas. Peruvian..-.. lone, Daxameatt.......:.2„3.0 toot. am-avian . G 33 H. Atottticatt—._l,f= tota. e01abut.....-.- .2 Gat t ata. Ile,. etre:arra 4.0%1 Llvo.pc•l every TUC dab] toteblog at londooderr, fer tits Ir:sh watt Se n -h pas. atone t he m.. 11 and have cLearcottool sm. •tato dation" for punt germ ran fruit Lien:vs, , 4,3 a. dertOorry to lie • lot, r 5. Alto. by 4AP6OOTT'd USE of ult ta - a,d Gtlyoer tldling Peeled, /towing Liverpool for hoar 1 tr:a t•tre • ...a, aol the "X" Litt , el Lot:Goa Ptv:tlce. Lorin; London [Le haw took or ry lea daye"apacatre Ltr 1. pool L Me coo:Trace toe folloulog ettli.st o. aaTayreatt Emerald Irs4l-. et. cuts—. Inroin Adm.-. • •• 10. , • ll , .oorck. 01 1.1. naravaal ...... D1T449•91gbt...--. r.... 4,11 VI tcr y . A rnor b 1.9 2 , 9lGeorr .1 UN/VV.—. 9 al, Itinantousi .2,00 u Foy., In;entrinsicy. be. Tort, ff.s thr.ntgb to Pittaborgh. 111 150 5 nnioniyini boolositlitongb ts sot of (0- Stairs or Calm!. • en loysirocl. T ,ft, UP.Sty loth Int Lioirpool story to U. ovistard •. , yrice are t mod in overrating. rs... Mot Now Tort to Livorno. T.ll BIGHT DnA7l53 on on purists( ro.rope for W. at the lufrool. tat.. . Apt ly to D. IYISSILL. lt•ming Obtcololo Buffalo/A VUt stooge; /71 1 1 or Oa otait4at.l.l street, Pits....botglt STEAM WEEKLY TO Li VEN PCOL, [caching oks.QUE.T.2:IITJWIS, (Cork Unrbor.) ba tr.ovsm Brw - san a! the L. vp flees Vol. bud trt.....bip Comps., (Ls- Slew) sr. Itttettd. t 4 a:: as to:twit lIDINDISUGU ...... .. ........___Rotturdtly, Jll, St. CITY Or WAFJI I ta: a CITY OF Di eNCEI EA___..a._u,Jy. A n.n•t Awl vv. ry gottord.T..4 noam, Rya P.+ 6 4 North at mm. urn ON PaEaslil: P.7abt to gold. o. to equintloot to octretkot On to Looton— _. 6S W " to Wend. -. St 00 to 48 211 " ro Part-- ..—.... , 116 " to Elatoborg_ IND 00/ "to GAMOW; .. 4f II Potoornort oho tutuntnico to Hons. Bremen. Bxt o. dam. 6. ...erg. No rata. rare"tom Llverpou , Qnonatono: Ist Elabta 1 1 3, got, 1105 Eitoortg, $.1.3 I how ni.o lath to.soyi Cur than Pioodm coo tag, ttokots bar. to ntosc.nnoo. lot MUM Usluirdattaa appiy tioatoony's /Wilt ti. (14.1.74 anmohray, I. D. 011 BILL, Tvrn!go 151. 66 Elealtztold Pittal,ro. C UNARD L --vr.sa.sa trotta Lury.r.rucs 14T , grzarerrowt FUCIII RIM TOR.G. 643 e. ...,...r. M=l T6CCII2I rartlfutka. Uwe /1121.0 mull: ri-eriLito.autta. 17:14. I. B. IL-- BUM tiltß LIDAEGTXT.DNZ DAILY `MAIN . Coes:ant addSVons ate Defog ma d.a:: V , to; ogotpdttat 0 this azostlent dovbfe tadstaprou canto aol even pma caxe will to =mama Las tat was*: of gemengen and rapid ro=aat traleat. ell! taws tte Depot ta Plttstrualo‘ loßow t' Tio imam - cut ACCOrieDDLINAYS .Cd.t.a.3 tams tb Poseawer Etation (srcept "model ,) at 6:57 al" B. slopping at sit 6tatiocz betyPant Illtabarea aa.l rbiladelphia, sad =sling di-r -t pa: tg . B. Yerh tad rhtlablphto The TIMOD.GEL ILAIL ta) Pa,m1.37 Shstbas nary =ming (ex..wpz Bcavia3,) 1::53 e.x.ppq,g only as ts.r.oipal ez.otrms, a 21.1 u51.1. , a .IL-est toe, .0 fox Vas Yo n n The : z=a BROM la rms ddly 14436 p. ra.,ctoprtag<r. yat pftatpalstalloaa, midair 111so41 conectlon at H. rrti to &Almon, Weehtogbai aati PlaDadripbte. no Tan' LOT. borra (ersept aaa dry) 0 E:.55 p. m... etopp=st o-17 et pr.r.cipal 01.12r-CLag Harrtebarg sor Dalt.thmere are Washing tea, ar.d Hey flora eta Alloutora mats arithoat t.b.tr.i• cf i .st, at Ilalladeipl.,:a lay rlea Vat. 6.00011.S.C.11.).1.11911 TAILItt!t. • 7.l...Tchnstoun a cr.crAnarr tilra Trait, lairrstilig Ces orptEloaday) &Oa p. oppin et a etilda33l lAA • coning et tar es Coarmeagh. - • rim Arrouunalatlon Trstn Wane Blithe beteg ;;.. Catty (cunt B.ols1) at tap Bernd Armizmodsiton Trata - br 'Wars Eta iii&ne • a7,oimpiftDoliW at M 40.1.. l i ttrd ricoommodatirn Train fm• wen et:at Ittree daily (sompt Sunday) at .r.:".11 p. m. Toroth ar.veraroodattoa Troia tor Welni it a4aa bane - &Or (mama Soudan at (HU p. m. The Citurish lh min mares Wall'. Shition awry ecomkor et gtos i rt.; ramming, irarus Plttabc-gil .t 1143 p. Beturuir.g Tralra evrtira is Matnn - gli u tailarg • Whim= -.U. ItM Ptdiedelphta ... • xi p. 12. 111 Tart . 'Through Mail 'I :ars-- sr.. Scherrogra , ,tat Wall% Erotica 1:+15 i Ist. Pecced Station /...royereedathati-- &Sat. to. Third W..P. Ltarks. .A.r.c.arrodathao— —161 g. so.. •••• • 741 h Wan EUtioa Itatti.or• wall Area. with P. 111116144:: C.O C. MI% ) p. 0. Ucadays int." Ilslrssfitscad Indium ct Eltl *lfs Intensceor. with Tlecr3b 6.ooommwtattot ibiLitS•ll Accoremodatlatrcd Rrrren Trala Dud cad Ida %I "- tire, Davy., awl W. to L4ubcrx ccanect at (Ina= wan as.prms Trait. and 151•11Trnitlwre, =4 watt Maranti &Ulm, Walk. cad Isxrcw Trs.h:l Salt. PAWL t To !T4 812 EOITo Ea11imara........--$lO 53 60 To LIWIAMIT.1••••••.... 8 SO HorrSbery,,..—. T ~ 5 135 Boum* obooto3 to 0.1 Statlcato ort Cl* Poon.itriato , Octant Lailnod, ood to PbEladolphtay Sontioxft 0..141 Iltv York. my Wart" In Cmt Atli t o rYorard an entmaa. emmi.lazto thsetttamm Mate r. r.idltino to Um ttalSnr , attn. swag tract ttattogt whore the Company hat ce ayett—• cm of lam, the Ontspoo2; sr% dot. tletrutarl. nopornlBl. br pent..l twepeo sal• sal for ro not atatdlng PICO. N. P Otnnibm Lira Ern loNto troOoys.i csvrey untoc to and 11,13 0.. n Oa.vt, et • beryl! LOS to er.tond ES Mr:ft, L... oath puo=rot .51 rur K.:34 tO J. 6TZWAILS. sett At Pr TmozytTorth Crntrel Railroad Pannapt Erf:tilo n. of Liberty nod Gamut etreeM_ , Mat BII.IIK3EWATER. 1760. COIIIIOE DRABS, GEV Ur 1) is ruSL LIETSEMD rixalMrent Dr,b Etudes, fat COTIAOII2, 111 LAB, It2-17.U.0LD DrPOTB, Alpo, Dia fir BOOTS, BARNS, ELEVATORS, EISEIGIIT CARP, 6a. 63:—'etP/ZSZ PAINT IN TS'D HA/R&M'. MOB/CRT ELXYCIOL/114 General Agent, TI Malt. LaGN Bra. Taft enbtamad RE:Li E, SEAL & CO., WOOL commis - sion MOl'Ctl£illtß, ,Y 341 LIBERTY STREET. Corner of Vi7a7tLe. PITISMTBAFI, P. tar Wool bonbt mod wad oo Boolangs. MCCEEkilitti MAEXLEI WORKS. LIESSI'Z 61TMZI. L Ica= SA ratut tamt:tst MARBLE SAIIMA, Ronne= utd err.rm, 131.313 i; MOM NM% raniaraia LIND SO 1111. F.-?: I-TAAO ORtUt4, oultrAu.s. /3.11. NV astr.rea. ex.=ml:ls;sr crs% Ke* auslaatly m bald • lax linEmtblYs• DIX;MNG. 1101.? 4:cOTIVICZ PLANK. WIEDOW YEA= El MT LES nts BILIA rough, BPOL"r11/0. LASS , rat r 739, Ha vID OE cream Lc: umnat gIRYN et) m=o4 , is and a fat rabw. /LB. Paint" Iter.thg 140750 TOM= az EDP L&* no particulars Ins!tril t reaci.hte lab revel. Wer-os as etzlz and. asskr pIUtBSED A.ND oommoN BBIGge: - • ISO,OOO.PBESEID; sad 10:1,000 MUM SHIM; On bandana Dr sas DAVID HDTOILIEDII. moINTYIIE, hioNAUGHXR Stone and trick Pavers. - en order foc crams roar. PATria. or aoltEdrtio atm lb% IMF:ft'? attended to : eddy S 148, •••• any Prot - Ofr."!•:ii,.. - ., IieIiAMOLLSII, VI Mood/4 stmt. Alloaboa7 OAF .-...-- ~71.!. L YON . A.RNISTUAL, • LIAPOSTIM , .. ,-,-. _ . - ~.;,-,., AND DIALIEII to tbs twat lid 04 'Uri& 0r,;.. -: ,-.- ..,4.V. GYNLITNY ILtira.lil. CrIGAUS, sad all' Jr.lnAs -- _,V,:?. bIIONING LIM". CIEIZWESCF 'l'ol3/.000. • 132 1 . 1 rfiV : : 4 react xtrascrucas ruse, , ryas .b'grtal minty', IrLTEB SZE ST. 4:131 . 1441:5 Il bmk, , -, .._ `. • ..,..;,,,,. Ph6.2u - 61+ 1%. .. - ' - :-,-- i : . . ..,..,....,,, N.u.--• Toe& serailid oa libaral Una& i ‘-- .,,.,,....... .. . . ... . • , , ~ ...-: , -: • .. ~.,.....-:- -- . .r..:;•.. , . - :' , " 4:. ' • ~ ~ ~-,- ^ , ,7,:k..W . • • • JAMEB DI. _BALM AROUI TI OT, Pss arrizarr Damns azio Elinexcimmit. fik . an tends at BuUdisP. end 114114, !!. 401141 ' emti "• so rametabislirms. 4flice °I iitsialbuw itr lwr ri 9 51 77 s ' _ • 01=in :i? ?s~Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers