)bitr : :JULY 28, 1.8, :4) SUBURBAN. It ;fluty Meeting. !' l ziog held by the ettlrensof evening, for the fart ez . i . ..subject of raising bonnti t. fjrs reported that,they had issue bonds toll, amount bonds to meet them. g Eaten'.lre Committee ap- Ihrectors in raising m spay I.:afters. The Committee is tilowleg gentlemen: A M. 1.,) Jahn Drown, Jo. G. PJl nsery, W. J. White, John A. ;lad A. lintchLoson. n ;; were also sppointed. Their Gentlemen finding t,,ilowing list, will please n il the School House, to dsy, , to Mike arrangements to v Carlo, 4. %i•C, laity { - 7 "6y.. 1":11, - T Pit tr ck. ei44e 4,;„4 Louis Gent 011Wk!:." - Jottu Kely. 4.4.1. Amp, John W•Okoi :I:4beer. Thai Onyta. tar 0 Iton. Brown. It,insitton will ain't at 13 D. L. of A. as. Brown. of o t.z3a. will be bet - 7, A. M. Blows, Perot. • ,ii :— Between a Deserter l'...ia Stadler. prperate en seunter.oeourred s , iestmoreland county, be • , 4„(lauley, of the Provost I j ''; 'Mod Boman, who had been .. . i bat who had felled to re 'en' , dodging the ofacers, but .: i bearing that Roman AM . ping for a farmer twined . - . . .I ; 4 . ),ltter, and found all the rlawn along—in the house . McCall.) , sat down and _ I,Drhich, be to a gentlemanly '.' . Lit his badness and desired ' ' '''serepany him. roman at :posed to resist and eaited him his coat, from ifilloh . , ltd at once proceeded to um •:', as accidentally dtsoharged, • I , :'-its in the hip or hi. ' .. :'auley then drew his .. :Isedesist, orbit wont., l'i of d by firing against bi , .:ring his right side; at the . • '. T f.bon• snapped his pistol, brit • . , yii. A lanes then =sued in ' • , ?ked Sumaidown.andfam .-. ?.:A he and bin brother. Els . .... ewer of both pistols, and had .-.,,5! pier, when Samen . gave ap , ' / neburg and pat la them 'is °glean. lifetlailsy hoc • ''' .e side, which will disable 1 ... %urian's brother was badly . . ... , . : :f . ills Female CoMtge. . . iNtalogne of this institnilon ' •' • .. ,• '.• • ' • is,, •.-1' r a 1863 4, has j‘setSita ti.' !.. ..-P , ': be had by addressing the ,/ , '4l ..4.. - . '- ~ ' .4„ - alt7, //eV. I. C. P.snain.T. 14: 'ihr us to say anything in be • * - ••••,•'. to those residing in this f it[ •• a; to merits are known and 1 oi , ,-: and hundreds of or mo 4 -1 it .),'•)-zz -, :ti• reaping the advantage' ~, -„,,,!, .those, noweN or, residing ' ~..; who hays not yet ha 1 into the ednoational fa- . J, we wonld eommend it as els <gantry. There is „ no 2h has risen more rapidly 'Meth gives each flittering i sustainers and permsll?9t khainoe rani yid& fad the of the institution, ,being hawked and Afrpnine. ice will be lunch haler. odes on Tonadas, August tent to know as need y as bo may wish to enter, those old mats application by i the earliest date possible. xi obtained from the oats, . !is 7 ..li:; - ,..i.'::•',1 : `, - ::;.:•:; , i,it:' . .- - :'..i-:i'iCno . ' , ,-.'.4:,.-;;i1 . :•, , I ' ~ ••• -! . .1., I :„..,...„.,•t 3.. ,{4, . ;:t i . e Reforms. ::..: 4 _,.. , . ~, ; :i. ,, ..3et5m, which hu been In -`..!41 • in the Department for ~ ':-'-' ':-; silo:Lehi will be folly ram : ,:, 1 , ..; , - 'l. 1 ..: ..I.'' :. .; ma by the &Alai Ootobar. ~ ., : ‘1 . /.'..,313' . .. 3. orme, bookkir.otrnetions, ~...:4-41. , ......• pared. I 'r e .t.,l - '... - cc,'• clog perfeetoi for ihe &I- L ' ... i :- .;,, wbile In traneltzt, similar '•‘ 1 1• 1 ' . .: . ;;; nrsued in Great Britain, .11,,,. ,'iptir. eon arts. ~ii...',:::;:.. of surprise tbst the aye ',-, 1t• . • ' ' . . 4. .., - l•: 14. for WSJ paints 'and of -.4..,+ , - while . fault, 110 Si t, ' , .. : .4 : and certain delivery, hes : 1 '; ip.!: 4.:.., r. Traveling posi efflires , - ,'•11::•., : :,1;" rortant trench of the ..i4,. 'T . ', ,.. ..• :„. .k: o a r fl7 ., n t d , s . veri . !ilx their • ...,,•,:I : V., ?..;,..1, , i1d stare is no reason why • .•• a>;: .::,*,Jikaormi advantage in this ....: 1 - „•••,,,. ,•:, - ..t..--0;;A1 - ... , k, New lurk ; Gcorge If. •:•' : ,..L. George B Arinstronr. 1 , ..;:;':i.1 ler, Cleveland, are st, w -....,. ':i ' ' , l•-T" -.. . %elf of the Government, •::::tii' : - .-Nr:,.. stiog all necessary ar. 1 • 3,,/,.N . ..i..,7 , ,;:ik Ibis . 7 .10. la °proration. • • „...1; '.- 1 ''.:l `. -' • :lan Second AV ard, Al.. : .: . . 'l ,.. * ;. 4. i. 4 r.i'ilieny. '"..„%...'. ' „_•! . '! .4 . :1:1-;ttee notifies the citizen' ~:.-;.;••,-...',1".:71illeglieny, t bet on tie estr • ''''..,..', *':.ti;,.'clinaber of tho corti fi rstes. „ 1 ,‘,i.. ,;,,:i.;,..2"zing' to process men Et . '''''' %' V.• • •• s or defeat of tills :.• :11- • - .: q , , t .n.os '•1 Y,' l'..V . ':- olden of certibcatee,and 4.,:::,11, contributed in cash. If - -'.,i",lptly delivered to this :•: . •;,4„,t1;•,;. q meek, men can be pro • %,.''.4.• ....:i ';:..„,,k.ic must groomed. This :: Y,: , , , h all are poradnally eon • ::.h.' 'l-'' leterest of every iudivid .l. . :7 .;' '.. ...„ ' chant solicitation. , ' '-'' . ...r - : -.;:' ~.; : :. t . Tressureee Cffile. Car. ~.' . '''':•': ..'- member of this Beard. -,,, .....4: - j !I : - w. J. KOINZ, `, •I'.'. ' .. ....43 ,- . ,,,, ,' t S. P. BoniretTs s -.5... - .....;: , 1 ~-N, , .,. ,_ .t ? /ifs/. I)eva, '' 2 !•••. :.4 1). hleciseeos, .-..; .2.' 7 x A.. LIOOLIN. ' lertallty. ' .ilystehill to the Board of i". 1 ..- owing Informants from t)Bss , ',.: ,'1 . 4-::: 23 , 1 TotaL 26 ..-.?-!....: tire: Compound fiMeture of '.;• :. - . pgob, to-Anomie, 1 ; 1n '...3,...-., . *...1.,.. 1 I Effects of Bretons I; '.'' . 4 . 1 liarrtse., I; Chet re - •••• 0 . ' ..a",l the Brain, I; I Asa ... ' :1 ..i.i sea, o of thallMiln, l; - ...'...•,' 'l,l, gi. 1 : if ftmotobsge of ~..; : 4 !...... - 3..,,i0 , ,,,,,,y, I ; Still Born, 1_ ,_• ~7 ,r :•„;:, , n i o n, 1 ; Blythe:is, r- bnanolsof Odd FeHowe, for the ' m atte tbe following re. 7: ad mitted 4'..ente working, by Gard. 79 ; ki 25 ; reastatemente, 2.9•, deatbs,Bs ; 252; contrail:dims Pa relined, 749; widatred .I.:..,itip.ratis burled, 66 ; paid $12,866 ; for relief of kryiag ead, $3,351 ; to ttpts,s29,2B6. ; . 7bionrAcrusitos.—lt xe MOW Low, tbst emit K,bes toll after the first 1 7stantT::4=ooltoodtb, upp y en 6321:n t or of b i o ta xes m , P LF Cr box 86;1)3111,0 bays : ifew ig..:NSII 00IINZ01108r-• .14 - -PVIUMeto il in mar- Kii"Osts Dressing Fled!. TOele of rare excellence, eflt of the "Principal 710- t4ylnreanir :Inle t ; n c e ° Te m ; ~ Oa telenee, and h, with._ i,. 7firtset Efilr Dresser ast.l ' , Yes eras produced. ',..." '.'... cbs4c-----0---- 1.-rllook Thixt. of .11, - ; - .4 turtevute ahronlales I . . ii!,.` 464,h 1 3 *.istato." has u _..., , ,- h by, W. Pittok, ..'• Vr.ol. IL_ z t. Pttla [ 'sirs yas • r, - o , o 7orri rs. 1 Tie Dig (.; sa When we last referred te the twenty-la ib tali, it was ',at is front of dk. Fort Pitt Works, OD the tracks made to ann.; it east—the trucks being supported by props, and looking very much as though they were main to bear up the fifty-eight tone which pressed oen them. It was alleged that the frock. we • failure, and that the ger would never fro east on them. The editors ot the FienneyiTailil Railroad Company, however, having fall faith in uponacter of the work, and the principle which the trueke were built, knocked the props loom nod. r them on Monday morning, and with tbe aid of three locomotives ftwo fro the Allegheny Valley Railroad, and one of their owe dragged the pODDOTDDII mope or the aids Marl, and thence to the main line. The gap rembed Darrieborg on Tuesday, and although Rog on the way,it was safely and surely moving to its deetinstion—New York. It is expected to leave Harrisburg to-day, by the Allentown route. It will doubtless raise a Z0L31!.03 among the Gothamitim. Bet ratting A gents...fin port an t ,tcio n. It seethe that the agents for Allegheny too a niy, to recruit in Insurrectionary dietricte, knee tot yet been designated, and u the matter Is nno of Importance, we hope prompt action will be taken to secure the appointment of reliable end oom patent agent'. At a meeting of tho alarms of the Second Weed, Pittsburgh, held last wrestling, the following resolution was adopted: That each rub dletrlot in Allegheny ettinty appoint two delegates to meet in 411- tins Mall, on Monday morning neat, at olevon o'clock, to make wzrengemenis for emOrsolog the advantages In the appointment of tees Ito creating Agents for this county, for the purpose of procuring Kona' in the rebellious Siete.. The Brownetown Riot Yesterday afternoon, a hearing was had be fore Burgess Ballston, of Birmingham, in the We of tie young men who aro charged with being oonoerned lo the dot at East Birmingham, on Saturday evening, the idth last, do: log stitch de house and furniture of Martin Br away vsa nuatk i juteCL Auer tiostiag ch. 'dachas to the case, tae Bargees bald the perdu to bait for their appearance at court. This ease has cz cited considerable intereet In Birmingham, and the Burgess' tillce was crowded yesterday doing the hearths. Dating the ezaudoetion of the oust, ever fifty iridium have been et unload. [Luxor) wrni Burrso His Wzra.—Dr. Chas. B. Culp, formally burgeon of the 74th Penns* Tanta regiment, was arrested yesterday, In Bir mingham, by ufficer John Mohleay, and taken beim. F.,q. A. B. Stephenson, on a charge of booting his alto, sod taking troca her an 1: fact six zeniths old. He war held to bail f-r bas eppearance at Court to answer. iIitIADILPZIA, July 27.—The Du aaya We hear Dom a mnrco thtt cannot be disc:edit ed, tbat dapatch was mewed )eaterday even ing et the War Department, aging that Ibis. -{lO/1. Avetill had been billed. and that General Early end foto, were In the Valley of Virginia. lie had been reinforced by General A. P. blare corps, about 2.0,000 strong. Tex groat rale of tou at Braddock's Yield (adjourned last Monday on account of rain) will coral/off on Monday next. August let, at r ti cket, on the promisee. Excursion trains will lease both the Penneylvonis and the Oenneks- I illo depots at the same hour-1 o'clock praolse tylor the tele. Tickets free. tee pans and bills at Meltweine's amnion reonts, No. bt Fitch Street. IIIniCIAZ &OCAS NOTICE!. TIDILY PALSY, Plain and Ornamental B:att. Pada, sad dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver. 'men* elate of the beat quality at low raw. QIN at_ Alm langhlizei, near the Water Wqzks, Pittsburgh, Pe. VOLVETZZU Bike Trus—Por the derangement of the system dingo of Dist, Wounds, Sorer, Britten and Eruption', to which every volunteer billable, there are to remedies so eels, conve nient and sure ai HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINtIldliNT, thoroughly totted ix the Crimean and Italian Catnpalgua. 'followers Pills and Ointment are now m ulled, owing to the highprieos of drugs, ko., at 30.ecnts, 75 mots and 41,10 per pot or box. "Par ago in Pittsburgh by B. L. Ifahnestolk & Co. For sale at Fultoul drug store,;Fifth itrenti Pittsburgh. Fee solo ntsaby G. A. Lolly, Federal atrret z itElegleny city. )3xsoerro...-Etrunel Graham s Co., Moelent Tellers, lore =ova& to T 3 B=lthfield stroot. We are just recoelsing our seecrod supply of ming end isrmszer goods, and worrld most to spootbilly Invite our friends end the public in ger.cral to .:swine our new gosh, mg It to Is ens of the tent stocks of meroluvit tailor goods in the elty. Every gement war• rented to give tall satisfsotion, in both price end vent'. Give a s eel before pprotts.+Llg elsewhere end judge for yowl:mires. 41..eam frlce:antens. Merchant Tellers, No. T 3 Enalthaslrl street.. Erman Norma —The attention of a or readers is directod to the brilliant assortnentof spring and Sommer Goods just received by our fileni Mr. John Water, No. .1.26 Eedarel street, Alio tiny. Eli stook comprises s great variety of arty Trencb, Ensile", Elooteh and American animates and Clothe, and Sae Silk and Ow e:mere lireatinse,—all of which.will be made op 1.0 01 , 161 in tic stjlee and iL the b.: winter. A eboiee eelection of Iharnishing Goods also on hand and far gale together who a full stock of Ready Mods Clo thing. wall and t ut.- lenablr made. V. tr. tta rot sus Sni.arta —Brown', Bron 7 thial Troches will, be found invainable to the Soldier in comp, atriosed to endden changes,-if. fording prompt railer In onset of coughs, colds, Ito. For ogles[! _sad those who OVZ,LNII the tolce, they are teen! in 'relieving Irritated Throats, and will render articulation easy. An there ere lreatasiont, be sure to ohtain the goa ?int. Sold by druggists generally. No (mince-meets held 0 , 11 b) of etini low prloott tnt On equitable * fen will be cbarged ln wary lAA £u the boot znaterists will be ;rod, end ail the ante and akin necesiery to i I ve prnwrlent remits shell to apt:diet'. Omni and carriage alb will be takea M the Omnibus dies, No. 410 Penn stern der or sight. A ll orders left at the above place will to prca-ptly attended to. All calls mast be paid in advance. • MAGAZINES ran AZGENT.—AII the mapriaal e Don road, for Aconat, at Frank Case's news pot, Chronicle tuuding. DIED: • Polllllo7.—On 'rands, man, Jane Z6ta, ILIZf J &NE P 011111,01% Eler funeral •ill Lao plum at 2 o'clock r: cm 003, from tot fate mml.loote, Ho. 1279 Perm St She fa n& of Ito Wall v. ruptcthilly bcritel to sit a. 1417 CELLL—en teeny morning. July 2715, et 7)4 cecto, k. JOBLPH 11112011 ELL , BT., ,Is.itte nth ye,r of MS sp. She tr!ezds cad anorsintaa•ea of family an to ep0..4 fel, la ttcd to attend tie rousts), on ►nseo:n, ►t 2 o'clock, Von htt lsta neidence. Ifo. 711 IZIEZMI Alll3rCti I t ?. —On Tacklar morning, at t 4 . Ci k 3511 N BB Br ,to me 'ear of tat 147. Yttoctal from tote rotidenc.,lso. 3t Ulcer kca l:Ma illity,htny city, on intrisnny tioaatoo, at 1.05,‘ o'chek., Yt CAPP3997811. !0•0•town, P... J 7. , :th. 1901, LYDIA CAbPd..%13..3. •i • a the Ist. 3•1.1. C.arosoll sett! of oPesSt of City, in tifth ;tar f eke. A.41E1190'3. —At the reel 'arra °Nor pan n 1 mew: of re tn and tali etre 3., bizah ...J. EATS Xt. CC.XLE , infant aezgotAr lid.r.rd and E. ghiltl. AA' don n, months and days. COOPED.—On ?Duda,, ginh itshmat . 3 1 3; " . . 10 ‘ . g p. trit4lo2 L 000P/916, Lin a Da. D. W. atd Jantillitntifir, sand 3 joare. COPYrni I 0017135113 ■aacoaan I MATICKLIZT I tINDEIITaIaciG lISD=TAMSCI ROM 'WILLIAMS, thinnzusaL OM., No. DB rotramernits. :wits tasachts. Dittatirlar, Win oat and 02.1.7 norythloo, olOsomr7 tho props lawnwast, prom sitoodol to. NKr th lend! Beano sad Oarrlogoll %NOP . . . • W.:. rittuiL) STREET FOUNDRY. ALFRED DAVIS, formerly foreman at And =matted/ I Informs 11% hint& mul lb* Walla gammen, OW • hos orecod • Fornutry at the corner raft:dot street m ad Climorrry tono, opposite trultoo's Brum Iternelrr e or tho pu S r T pcis mazturactolieg LIGHT ltr AMINE- - ny, CAINGS, mass fiLOWLD ffrfaalTlL roefol attentlene rhao Plambors w 0 05 ,1. milanre - IGIAPER AND ENVELOPE WARE. I"l363.—j lM a ib t rarp d p o WL. NOV, L Alto, lIRELOM, In great minim, aft= and qualm, for - tam. Ike deb) A. G. 70 I. • pat VICIS BALE—A Lot OLOzonnd,' at. Off vain& re4.. et g0, 144 =02=1 oitv ` ra wara_ TERMS LPN °ruin i.... sancerat .2 1 : 1 41 L i o -- mrs ~,, 4 444 "Ull°4llll - 4. - birrirsellowead ft , erthesno - '.. •. f 11 a 4 ANGlTilkaist i f . f . .4614 sanikr , .... wasow).•, ...4.49- 4 . .-, ,-1-.:1-• THE LATEST NEWS BY TBLEOBAPIL Our Special Dispatiles FROM FrAll 8 1111.3-GTO.r. THE REBEL RAID ! TEE SITUATION A' ATLANTA. GEN. HUNTER SIPE(O4.I.IED GE?i.CIIOO6, CONVALESCENT ,OFFICERS CAPTURED. -I/SFAX:LT . IN° PAYMASTER ARRS3TED Spec .`ae IV,aufa-ow, July 27, 1361 131EMEZI There is an ominous stillnue to day In the city, although o deep current of activity i► everywhere visible. It is difficult to learn enythleg about what is doing or going to be done up to the preterit writing. The raiders are still on 010 south side of the Potameo, and our forces hold all the fords. I am reliably informed that the authorities here understand this to be the same force that made the previous raid, with the attrition of Imbo den's cavalry and two now divisions from - Richmond. This would swell itheir number to something like fifty theusandi If this erricitt- Ilion be correct, I suspect the enemy will not is content merely .to bold and harvest the Shenan doah valley, but will pooh further north, after they have cleared that district. It is not sate, however, to make any predictions yet, either es to the number or intention of the rebels. The tendency :away. is, .n ttleh time], to overesti mate. The government to day received official du patehes- from (oners' Sherman, stating that there bed rtiOo no serious fighting to front of Atlanta since Fridey. The city wu being g, ,?molly inveitcd by tur army entrenching as It advanced. flood shows no disposition to evacuate, and it to believed that the city must be Ulna by re gular ..siege, mad there will be bloody fighting yet before it falls. Intelligence of the MMUS:rid result of a ovalry mid on the line of the Atlanta and Bimini railroad erP , Ot.d. GIN. 11113!ill CIL° VCD— 063. CLOCSII/3 tITCCISO3I. The following order has just boon Isrued by the War Department : First Brevet lits,kir General George Crook to epe daily assigned by the President to command in the Department of Vest Virginia, with' lank of Brevet 11.jor General. Eecond—By direction of the President, Brevet Major General W. 11. Emory it assigned to duty according to hie brevet of Mej Jr General. There is s rumor here to-night that General Banter has teen superseded by General Crook. The above order seem. to confirm the report. GOBIILID CP BT 0[311.11i/4 A few days ago the supply boat took down a number of nonealisecent officers who 1.111111 or dared to rejoin their regiments in Grant's army, and when below Belle Plain the boat went in to shore, and Capt. James T. lied, of the 2d New York mounted rifles, and two or three others wont ashore to lcok around, when they were gobbled up by ton rebel guorrillas who were prowling ;round there. Neater of thorn were arxed, and consequently could risk: no resist. once. IRAITAL 07 R7rUOISS3 During Mit week there have been largo arriv als, et Point Lookout, of solngtes from .ths South, o!ti men, women and ohlldren of all na tions. The rusthorities at Richmond grant free ruses to all the women, ohllizan and old men who wish to 'come north. DITAULTSI ARSIZTZ, At lots hoed on Monday G. P. Foloom, addi tional Foy matter in the United States array, war arrerted in this city by order of the Secretary of War. Folsom is raid to be a defaulter to the r.mount of about eleven thousand dollar. Ms j Robert M. Little, U. S. A., formerly of the Cis &tonsil Rover Guards, has been appolnted Assistant Provost Marshal of the Dlstrlot of W sahin 'tom The news from the near raid COLitillnel ample • it tidy !tatty. It is a °emoting ctreamstance, bovever, that we have few or no panic stricken stories form fugitive borderers. Them mance. he much cf to invasion, or vearticald have heard from these people Lome time ago.. It is not erne that Col. Fortitry's visit to Europe has as) thing to do with a desire to hold aloof from the Administration or tole out of the cons• try %hen :be Presidential election oomez off. Ile pron.:4 es to go simply and solely because his health has broken down and he wants rest. Re is to 'tali on the 10th of August. The rapid flee in Government bonds 13 ez• pla!ned by bankers hero to be owing to the heavy fore•gn demand now beginning to set is From Memphis and White Alvir LOCII3, July 27.—The steamer CPS' of Al• ten has arrived from Memphis. Sharp *kir- Wetting acne/red near ,Collieraville on Sanday between a detachment of the 46th lows, in• fantry, and a eempany of rebel °sealer, re • niftiness, the defeat of 'the rebate with a loss of ten or twelve. A barge 'ceded with Government hsy was burned at Memphis on the 25th. Inform alto• from White river represents all gale'. Price's army at last accsunte was divt .d bats eon Camden, Mentecollo and Pctrtt tsy f9rm IP In •ho toi-hborb4od of Pi, o Bud pinoderirg occasionally. General Gordon'• Pedant brigade from below ocropied tilf. Charles. Owing to the late TreastirY bettriotions the Memphis cotton market came to a stand still. The mooch on band be about nine 'hundred betel; sixty bales dapped from Memphis on Monday Vet seized here by the military authorities to day. Ssmuel Hallett, General Manager of the Ent ere isivief on of the Union Pacific llaiiroad. was shot and killed In the street at Wyandotte, Kan sae, to- day, by a man named Taloott. No rea -1 eon h atalgend for the aol. Telcott escaped. Late ad.lats from Little Rook, Arkansas. say Prices assay is at Camden. Be htmsolf Is at. Slit* repo: t. Mr iintethe It sis',l to be cros.ing sqlvis of hie kap soar the Mireistlppi nest Jamas land. Kirby smith is attempting to stop Gem Lie and . Gordon, from Bank,' department, at the month of White River, with reinfores&ents for Gen. Steele. New York DIDDej and Stock Market. Bpecial Dispatch to ths Pittsburgh Gnat . New YORK, July ST. 133:1EM The s'oek market is more active, and rates are higher. Pittabrergh end Fort Wayne, lit : Cleve. land and Pittsburgh, 1111 ti. S. Sizes, 188 i, roe( l 07; One You Certificates; 9.17,; ; Seven Th...j Treasury Dlotes,.lo6%Cd; LOS Five Twen ties, 3.06%(d. tOS. Gold has declined, doling this afternoon at 254. UZIDIELTI.BI2IO 1 Aliens from tee Pouth—Operating for He WW11301 . 01, July 27.—The'reberanthatitles again penult ►none to pas through their Hues. and an `. bare bare reached Washington. Int ifada eighteen tcok the outh.of fidelity to the United Stein Gaon:mak :carious agorae from the North aro operedng bereabouti for recruit,. Gem. Stongb, Military Nerrerilor of Alexandria, has clopped all pereone edrgaged rearaittig there sod ualoes they are legally eathorlied to do so, they will be ensiled and yoalitS. Blockade Steamer Destroyed—General PH/LADIU.SUIL, July 27. The steamer Bermu da hen arrived from the;Weet Gulf Squadron, and reports the deitmetion' of the blockade runner blatagonds, off thelveettm, by the United Stator steamer Kanawha. The hislogonitA had cargo of seven hundred balm of cotton. TIIII BermudaotAppod At Net. Orleans. General. 13klato intended* th mum north' biter, bat bathg golc lii'dopittnr• Lit.; doloyed.., L ' Ait ar pi t t, 1r " - , 1.11 EST REBEL HAW Heavy SkirmishingaiMarlintbarg. CLOOK FOECEB 508111 OP THE POTOIIIkr. Order for Criranlet.g .11 Oetared Men HARPER'S WRY STILL IN OUR PO.SESS OR CI eneral A ' 6 ... d i wn..l THE RAID PRONOUBIGED A HUMBUG. ll.,..uuruu, July 27.—Ilurpet's Ferry is etill n cis? poretaslon. Than has been no attauk •n that point ns yet. YDe rebels are believed not to have catered Mary land yet. A 'coat who left Martinsburg at one o'clock lea night, and crossing at Shepardeterra, ar ;Ist d hem this morning, reports heavy skirmishing at Martinsburg botween Crook's (trees mod tbo rebels under Breekenrilge, on Monday up 'o hen in the afternoon. Our forces fell hack to this. side of the Potomao from hlattinaurs to Williamsport, but the rob. els minced no intention of crossing, and Wu gees from Washington and other western coaa oh s w. re returning to their homes. it was gcneratly /opposed that the object of the rebels was to keep our forces out of the Valley while they gathered le the harvest. Later report, assert that we have ocrupled Martinsburg. gee. Wallace but issued orders for the Immedi ate scrolling of the ale bodied colored men in this city, direoling that they be forthwith or ganited to companies and regiments, and armed and equipped. They are to be drilled aed fur nished with acme. The effisers are to be ap rotated by the Mayor. and the fore. will coned irne a part of the special military eateriee of the e ty. The order wales dieloyal mestere and employee's not to interfere with the excitation of t se orders. Too Lassoes viralao actively engeged In per (eating their military organisation. The order reetricticg the pt., es here from pub lishing an, thing to relation to the rebel mov men•a le still force, much to the perplexity a the &tors, who do not appear to appreciate th wisdom. steiercent in the special dispateh to the that Harper's Ferry bee been orucated, I. undoubtedly ineerroct, at the tot egraph to that point tt still working. The re ported occipation of Munn:burg is generally crec tie d• Neu YORK, July 27.—A Rarrieburg dlipatch of the 26. i, that miter hard fighting in the attotta of Martinsburg, our force, were oem lulled to retire. Cot. Mulligan was kilted in the battle of Sunday. A Wheeling disp•tch of the 27;h, states that OM. Kelly telegraphed to Gov. Borc.maa, t a the night of the 2ith, that Crocks had a desperate Yght with Early near Winehestee, end lc se de feated, and was retreating on lisrper's Ferry. A tight was reported on Sunday, at Banker Hill, in which Gen. Mulligan and Lieut. Nugent were killed. There is great excitement to Wheeling. Now Yost, July 27.—The Comr,erri,./ says: A gentleman from Frederick says there woe much excitement there on Monday end laceday. The government had removed the stores and wounded, and the inh•bitants were preparing to leave. The enemy was known so bo south of Blue Ridge ' end it wee feared that they would croce at the Point of Rocks and pooh on to Fred erick. BAIIIItiIVsO, Pa., July 2T.—Authority has born girco to the State authorities by the S .0 retell , of Wet to. organize ne■ Tegimeets of Tot :amt.,' for one year, under the last earl of President Lincoln. for 500.000 men- The ov sonar will issue bis proclamation to tt la effect room 11.1 orders and Instractloste aro reonise4 from Washington. tall companies of volunteers for one year will bent once received. Viroeuttitiloll, July 27, P. M.—A pi:Ullman übo has jolt syrived hots informs me that flu.- pea's Pony has been evacuated by-cur [tycoon', and that the reboil i an their line of skirmishers out ohctli four milts distant from Cho place. 11, ossanot give la, an ortimato but state, WI they * St :rage torte. :le also informs me that there was mote or less fightlog on Sunday between Itiardniburg and Williamsport, and that our forces fell back!sullooly and resolutely. Wesntscron, July 27.—A special dispatch this blew York _Evening Pod says: Ativioss from the npptr Potomac reprennt that some of our forms Entered' Martinsburg yuterday. Cav alry skirmishing boo occurred at Williamsport. It Is :antra* that tbo tabula occupy eitltor Fred erick or lisgerttown. Wunrspvoir, July 27.—Passengers from Western Maryland, who came down this morn log, report that heavy bring was heard 'on Mon day in the direction of Martinaburg, and yoster day firing-au beard from op the river, appa rently in the neighborhood of Williamsport. Ytw Font, Jaly 27 —The rov.enerciare spa Elul 'aye the War supartment says that ti.e.aid is a humbug. FZEZCE IMIEMM C=C=l 1a2=21 LATEST FROM ATLANTA The 4attle of Friday. VIII REBEL 1,08812,000--'I I MON LOB% 1,17.0, •Mtlanta in Full View A CAVALRY RAID ON COVINGTON LCV I t July 27.-111al. d. W. Kelly, late Mayor of Natober, etko hue jut arrival (ram the front, report. that on Friday, in front oL . tbe 15th, 10th and 17.1 e °er', cur men burled Orme thousand, too hundred and twenty-one rebel dead. We captured one thousand round prisoners, eleven hundred stricutly landed, and eleven stand of coints. Among the prisoners ore 31 officers Soca the rank of Colonel down. The slightly wounded were taken off the field by the rebel.. General John A. Logan oath:notes the rebel lees at 12,000 ; our loss, including killed, wounded and missing, at 3 120. Atlanta le in plain clew, but Gen. Sherman does not doer. to enter Atlanta at present, though In two hours he could establish his head porters there. Gen. Stoneman Is en route for the MUM Cad Atlerito Railroad. To dav's . 1 F1.1117 . 1.!-'2 WrdOn gays that Oen. Gu yer& at the head of a large cavalry loves, Matched to Covington and destroyed covet,' bridge', an magic°, • large number of care and two thc l3l o2A bhict Oi cotton. We also learn that the rebel loos before Atlanta will doubtless rrnch 12,000. Guerrilla Operations la Kentucky Loris:tams, July 27.—0 n Monday night thir ty.flve guerrillas entered Hawesville and were shelled out on Tuesday morning by one of our gunboats, when they went to Oloverpot and robbed the stores there. When last heard from they were moving on Stephens port. Last night, about 11 o'clock, ea Wilson Mal lory, State Senator, was rator• i ig to its tone, shoot liemiles from the city, Inn bug 7, ao • eon. panted by Ws an, be vas aosoeted, three mike cut, by Et man to soldio.'s Rub who de• mended to know where to was going, when he replied that he wee going home. The euldler rerponded: "Ton had better go back to the city at this time of night." Mallory then !started his horse, whereupon the soldier fired upon him from a carbine, killing him almost ins wetly. It Is rumored that the same evening Dr. Gil pin, family physician of Workhouse, who had been in the military prison ' was sent for a few miles out of town by a guard of four men, under charge of. a lieutenant. He told the lieutenant that he would not be taken back to the military again alive, and slot the lieutenant, fatally, whereupon the guard killed the doctor. • Only this morning six guerrillas captured Captain Geo. W. Womack, 'Provert ,Marehnl of Louisville, and his clerk, near the residence of the former, at Middletown, 12 miles from here. The guerrillas administered same sort of an .oath to behalf of the Southern Confederacy, and then released their prisoners. Signatures on Buis of Lidlng —Clerk. Organizing. Waggle mu, Jolly .27.-01110111 lion:nation from Atlanta etatee that 'there hav boon no operations since Saturday, but thatel,WlJ hard work in the trenches. There had boon no fight ing. The Third Auditor of the' Treasury has writ ten &letter relative to the practice indulged in by diem, of having their names stamped or lithographed on bills of lading, for orders for transportation, to. . Ho says such signatures on anything in the statue of Tondo:nu, or forming • basis or authority for the expenditure of mo ney,-cannot be recognised, without opening wide door to fraud- The clerks and other employees of the War Department have been. organised into a rut. meets. ThFl!ake Sc9erpT,liixecintonbto! . , . . . bitLWAIIIIII, Wis; Slaty 27.—The Home Ls. Avim*Citaipuirs stemma IlLaggetitnivachira on Tliesday evening tams Liksfiakelipr. She dhardoillertiliktnioahts, ind prillodliffl E 3 "• _ -4.1••• Guerrilla °Dent ons in 9ti4souri RAILROAD PROPERTY DESTROYED Tlioniten's Guerrillas Disbanded. SI. Louts, Jot,. 29 —The guerrilla' burned all the railroad property at Shethine and Lakemen, on the Iliarnibal and St Joveph Railroad, yester• day, sod all the block ',um end water tanks at 2•lt Riser, over that etymon. They robbed Abe ' , Worts prrmiscnocisly, plundering the stores cf friends nod foes alike. The band numbered eisbiy. Two hundred armed mon went west from Harrill al yesterday and were at Salt River .ridge last night. The damage done to ruilread property and the value of the plan • der ramrod bee not been' ascertained, but the •ca Is eontidtrabie, as the merchants had • large sto-k. The railroad Is oilier to day, ea reel tic g the Is, iege, where the trains era trans • (erred A la-go slosh of arms and ammunition Is beteg Chipped no north MI i•ouri in trunks, or , e or two of which were broken open on the transit at Qoiney to day and revealed a consid erable amount of buckshot and other ammuni tion. Gan Fick to day ordered an asseement 011 the diatcyaFsts cf Alb, ar.d Moot° t counties, I.l.l4:icric. to ”ier alt damages done to tha rall roade sod loyal pupae, and It .111 be colleoted. 'the 1 , 111114 1 will beloved, enforced on all railroad I:nes In that district • Oen. F.k bee -.'aired en•hnrlty to reknit for regiments of 12 roontnr' I; 8 volunteers in Northern 151irscuri. A !„, gt , fofc. 1 ft so. jno to-der, by order of Davis, for below Every bridge on the lientib I & St. Joe Railroad IN strongly gnarl ed Fiske', militia are d..ing tborouth work. Every broth patch in Platte, Clay, Ray, end o bar rebellious comities, being vigoroosly es•vehed for bast triss.skers. T tarots. Is said to have disbanded MI men, z. h ng them that it was' impossible to cross the D. brouri liver, and as the Federal forms ware mg:timing arrnod 'h to from all Eden, toes , would be d ed if th.y kept together. No large bends rf a arendsra being beard of fot several d• 3 s, pees color to this statement. YELLOW FEVER IN NEW YORK HARBOR AUCTION FALE OF (OPIRCATED PROPERTY OEN. r 31ER'S I'O5lllON ATTACKED Nan V.Ex, July 27 —ln view of the feet that the yellow f.v.r b.. t oken out among the orew co she I;raed State. steamer Tolima, iig at Qn.rentme. the mayor has tuned hie pre a am t . n warning all persons against a violation of the health haws, or acting in opposition to the legulatitns prescribed by the health callers of the I ore. A special to the : w•orreirs7 from Washington ears : bleishal Lemon II! art el to-day an sew:. n sale of the condsoated property in this Metric:, owned by Cowan Ashford, Joe. Lsicher, Wee A Ti IL li. Lewis, Oscar N. Hough, Thee. W. Greer, Trn.ton Polk and Wm Stu:Ph arr, The into la to take place on Monday, August Sth. The Time. eoTroapondent with Gen. Better, ven dor date of the 23.1 rays, the rebels on Thursday night attacked the 110th Maine regiment, which was bolding Strawberry Plains, in superior fora% and Li.uf. Col. Hill, commanding, in obedience to or. On, slowly fels back t, tor. the assault, ra terns! g to Gen. Poster's headquarters with the 141 Cl one men Gen. Foyer yesterday morning, under ewer of a fire from outgunboats, again cent the Maine rment to retake the position, and they mo o oiled in bolding it ail day. Lest night rein f. ircements were to be thrown over, and we dmattlera shall keep the place parmanently. If no do tl l • without more fighting. it will be a stirs sign of weaknesa on the pert of the enemy, to whom the position wan en adrantage. The Draft and Hundred Day Men WASIZEMOIr, July 2T.--Gest.Szatordesestvel from the War Department last night a copy of SoDeer Whitney's opinion respecting the drat of lOil days men este th e decisem Bsoretery Stanton In accord:moo therewith. It le a lengthy document and is understood to be adverse to Governor Bey moor's theory. It also mod.fies the rulings of the Provost Marshal General on some pi Into. The quota of New York cannot be tilled with lOU day'e men. Ei ,, Lyors SATHAIROS gait/atm/ I. *cm rho Greet ward "Ilathvo,“ or "Ka thairo," Ordering to clean" reinwinata and reatore. This/ saki* le what Pa nalee Apathies. for pre/tarring, radar Inc and twairtflying the human hedr la the most ream/kW* preparation la the world. It Lapin owned and Pot OP th• original proprietor, and Lariew mato with the saraeoaro, skill and attantion which gave tt sa.• of over one willfra bo/tks per anantn. It Is • mat &Withal Mir Drain(.lt aradicatee war/ andilandralL 1: keeps the bad 000 l and clean. mak/a Ws bar richo/3111 and /dom. It it.,,ta Lally v carulug It fedora bob upon b/M brada. Ar.i 1.47 or grontlem. who valuta • boantlitil .hral .1 heir .Na nd was Lyon's , Eathalroo. It b known and 11 need throne/oat Ti.. el/alt./al world. hold top .11 rag/ea table &Were. DY.M.A9 9. 111/INltB h New York. Thialitabie Hair Beat orative 150 T A D i it tut remoras fray bait to It. original color by supplying the capillary tubes wi th natural rate. ODD.. Impel:id by soy or disown. Lit 140.1 We com of buirr octane, destroying tboritallty and bracity of t u be hair, and afford of themselves nodrearta*. flotreeitreot i r Inimitable Ckilortog not only ante , . holy It. natural color by au, firmer', but Own the hair a Lu xurialat Beauty, Ft - et:iota Its growth, peneente Its feting off, eradicates Lendrner, and Impart. b, alth and yleesentnma to the Eced It hesetcod the testof time, being the original Hair Color and to caneteustly intcreasine favor. Deed by loth gentlemen end Ine.lre. It I. told by nticaspectekte &Were, et coo to ye.nred by them of the manner:l4 wont., D. ff. DAT.h SS a CO., 200Prokiwa7, !few Tort. 170 Ws!. 60 cents end . - C...1=1113 ro ilium uta.ft BALM, is le the most delight el and fC:trurrdlouty ankle etet dlerceered It changes the .nn-burnt tecelmid halide I, geed, ratin to:taro of swishing bounty, impairing de marble purity of male. and the &diocese appearance ineitiog In the city hiellsof tuition. It rename taa, tr. aka, pimple. and longhorn tram the skin, leaving the aumpl.Kkal fresh, bresuiparen A. t and =tooth. It ena• heirs uo resterial urious to the Ala. Patronised by trerere arid Opera Mors. It Is whstsreery lady zheeld neve. Sold every "here. Prepared by W. 11. L told-ert all ardraa to DElitA.9 8. HAWSES 800. Item Turk. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, e partite to el. mete end °lnch:natl. atm have been counterfeiting the Magma Liniment unmepro. um.. of praprittosehM , have been thoroughly eetopal by the Cosine. To guard easiest further lespoeltion I have procured from the United States Transco • Pi rate ettel.pLote revenue stamp, whieh le placed over the top of Mich bottle. Each stafn helm the fourfmlie of r t c . ly sid=ro, and Vrotif tee , ==t l . c . le l i e : a arm orer, bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grow. in In 6e or foe me year barfly edges am. let on th e habitable globe that does not eon evidence of Its wonderful edect. It Is the h a t, emu lent In the op e n wod.. With Itspresentimmoved hatrodients,lteeTocts e man sad beast an perfectly rem afield. to are heated, pans relieved, Ilea lewd, meltable animals made totoftd,soed =told Wog For enbabruime spraln. rheumatism. welling, b . on caked breast, strata horaes„ d0.,1t is a ign thateheed rot be illgrees cilia It gbaublibe tei every fetidly. Auld by,sal Dines% • ID.11•11611.IINJ• Zirw Tort. fe2c:cmen]-vr+• O'THE ABOVZ ABTIOLBB TO BALA DT SIMON JOHNSTON, • Corm of IkalLtdbld and ToortD strut. Ilakeosecd•sz.. 10' ONE OF HII.NNEWELLIF GREAT BEILEDIES.—H 0 It NEWLL Lro EOL/07110 TIVITA roan OP A oAre the application of true Iledlcal Levi, both character and economy are am , la fhb most eslueble Pith To present putting in to the vtomach arch qvantitlesot [.digestible sta blurb= dreg. usu ally amtslood In Pills that rtgokil (rota tour to el s to get • donne =amnia and to Lb. Orin* Ades A. erroneously judgedto „ha *dame of therm tar. via the etudy to this de7sl9otoltllA Tha doss seldom exceeding ens, sad noverntoss than no 0131 A settles ths caustics of .comp. And 'ermildence In salted se to their true Character In Dyspepala; Onitive” nest, 13111011511N4 Liver Complaint; 'LIS*, all &- rano:este at the rtennieb and Serns, and aa erns ra rni ti 4. lot WP!'''' lt . tbal_ Olre ; Jig luila by all inalausln earlitioan DeakEn • Va5e:•7 1 4 111 .,:, VG/ ilsie bi # 41 4 'llelntrib Oink .L.lisper; If: .1„ . • 77 ,-- ..77 , r* ••• ''• K_ ETES nca• Yuck Market. ac. Tnaa, Jo!, ?T.—notion talon ',lntl , stead, at 61 XIV f. r 11911 , 1•.cic i•pla Th.ur tnevy and 20 Al& pet Phi lower: 11041 u I.d anti. 61.0. 6 (0,1.54 O,EO tor Extra LC UV . and 6110,c1i.41: f, Trade Brands, the Iraq. t e 0441•41 tansy, with no buyets at the ontmette gum a , ',us Whl-m. Wavle., unsettled. htaxy .ad war , r tate, end 6l t,31 far Weetern, tioeiug firm at th• latter price. Wheat hclae, ruff 1(o lc lower .'2+ , 42 13 f • rharago Sprint. 12....12. 47 Sr Al tau, I'2...tada. t‘t fur Winter L.d Wetter", eon r!...itc1,2.c1T for Amber Iclielcl,,tatt. tato dull , 51.61 or a.. al lard Wetter-, and sl,'•ll.r f.:ta,,t.r 4. Oslo tit wet, 61 d1(41 ..1 fa - %%Cern. o.!t .1 nit rnd minaliy net t.anclr.l r czar inlet, .egneat Cuba 191.cr1?= ,. , Slo awn dull. 1•-trot —Cru n/..t a.(cl . aft, 8ent...4 :a 1.1.rl 1.1 fair demandrer t .ll .S3c, Fr.& trtrt.. nrrn•r at X I 446: t,ol ttuit P.ll, h..a. et..l i-wer, but 1431 a. at ot 3•1. , ..4ay •r, All oa • d 14 n •441' I 44 • .44 I n 44, l wit r.t for ttet,,,trt 11. 1444.1,41 4 Ci r for truer. . thtt 31. aft t I.(Tri.".` r , l'Auldert, and 74, i [ N: llama Laid a .1 ode Maher a. 4 In fa' r &tn.l i 54.144 for AUxua . br an °talon at Puler tutu 1ta4410 f 1.510, a...! 3...tatt.t. far ote. xh• eto :am at 17,324.. ler Gcloatuart to Print.. Stock wild Money Market. tltm Teas, July r --Money at'llru at 4 rt re7t• • ta..z dull lower •nd nominal at 100. g .Id. The !tree f. mend for .or. re meal Steck.lise rustert.lly loves:L:4 tl.e supply of Sterllr I.old lower, opening at GEol , i, dte••t: tt, ade... ;lng to 23134, and gutst at I. e ••;e• seer A ustralsei.o for Llote pool carried out 00 In e;:cle G vet meat Etork• a I. all Item,: Ill,* bus tewss a ler, I weir,. d..r • In Plre.T .lee(r to, elan ne.l4{ll: 1:. I. G Intl G. upset. 1t4343t0 . i; C.., loe.:glow; 7 10., trcto et . and APtti, ftc , kr •tst—crr 111..914r . 113 ............_...1 111 1. T s'etto . 14 ynat 111 1 ,: P. Yl W. 9 1141:r. N. l ir pr.f.er.4l. sd 111 C.Dtral P4:11 , I",.l4 , t , :nyTtrk C attal blot. Cer.ll,l ..... Cincinnati Market. CMCINN.2I, Jetty 27.—Tbe m trkets or. •sry r ail rotten so Ow tt le didloalt to ...re so totals lotion. Very little Flour Is efierl.,;, but ere In not muchdemitod. fled lrirbs 4lx derumd tt.,!gt 94) for shipment. bet Dtrtla of emseutte es Teeing. Corn le nett suptey and in demand; IF.10(9 It as lax, and $1 laoSl 19 far Beetled. Oats it bald Fsc in Bulk. Wtilaky declined to 151.73 and dull. rovlsions quiet soduncbutittal • I,ootl Lard Id at rie, which Is the only thin; 1111 V , lll line which is acy demat d f r. Mom lea dri I sod pr tee in 1 s I. eq . ,. way • Gold Ptillnde Maiket. r I ILLlnttlill, July :7 —Roar qa st ; I w grade iLarl r.h“tro hate Lu.tO $lO/312 Pt heat ; O4it d 17,5". i:•. Bed bite b ;6502,75. rOTII nd• r•llnw f 1 12iZt1 75. Onto dull at 44P P.. rel, nm •rry 1.. l .t . Crtrie It, , Befitted In Bond rOOSSc. 1..11:7 dull at ft,P. Baltimore Market. 11,t tansr JO, fir n 1...1 in li ;ht S bear very hr.. y Nrv., uoutb, rn White 6..rn du I sod 100... loser. B.too nrtn. Wh Witty an• 1.c.-.d Ohio $1,7z41 TS Diet - GOODS, ac W & tLa. WfLnn, Pay. 1 C 0..) V. a, it eel• dealer. in IrGELZION AND DOil ESTI() Day Oi utbe, ito W iti.val street, thud buuve above Diamond any,. Pittsburgh. aplittf VATO:s;, Isi-kClitTlll & CO., Wholesale and Doolon In TRIMMIN.S, rmngolDEniEs and DRY Gotars, of eoery dwilption, 2i m. 17 and 19 FII.h Aro., Pitooltrgh. ATAC G E, Wholesale and 11l Retail Dvalr.rs In FINCY AND STkPLI PUT 000I•S, TRIMMINGS, k-., No. 78 Market ntre3t, t Area Mama.% and Fourth. Pilan.slt. IL PALMER, No. 84 Wood Street, Deal, lu IIyNNETS, HATS. STRAW ..Tani In I NOS. antl STRAW GooDS certeraill. JM. 111.11{C111 , 11LI.), Wholesale and • nr.CIL! / Dealer is 2Td.PLU AND Td.NOT DST Gra.: 2, Northeast corner Fourth and Market a:seat•, rittahargh. 107:FPI{ HORSE, Wh.lesale anti Retail ',ANT to allßota ol TRIMMINGS, Dar GOODS, gr., j w. 71 and 79 6leteort street. W. 13,11{K EH . CO., Dealers in a • kinfit or DHY GOODS, Yo. 69 Marta strritt, to eta Tlth., mut lourth. DIOH,Ge• DRUGGISTS. Q 1 lON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PURE Dlt MS &_\D CiIIEitIICLLS, PEBYLEMERY, FANCY (NODS, DUILDING FLUID, OILS, YAK ELY II UDR I N ha, k., of stitctly prime q uality, which he oFori at lowest prices. Corner Sot awl /fourth slice t, Pittsburgh. Prowtrlptioni omeftily comyotoi• rit at .11 hours. BA. FA EIN.E.TOCK & CO. Whole ale • Druggi.ts, sod sdaanteouirers of WHITE LZSD AND LITIISIWE, dom. of Wood and front ittrostr, Plttaburdt. later , ro. GEORGE IL HEYSEat, Druggist, I—l No. 140 Wood street, oc41118! of Tirgio Putstrugh. Jll US/C au - - eiLIARLOTTE BLIP E, Dealer in Must° NJ D HOBIC.4T. INSTIICIIENTS. Sole 4aeorarr KN . ABE a C 0.13 PlairDa. HAINTS DSOS. PI/SSD& ard .PRINCE MELODKONS. !0.43 fifth et, &coca door oboe. Wood, Ftrtetorrittr. Plsm to Let, sod rake. ID earbeatte for new. Karl & BRO., Dealers in Meer: H. AND BIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and rola N for STEINWAYI3 CILLEDRATRD PI &NOS, No. lliftb Wort, Pittaburolo. m3rn rIIAS C. MELLOR, Dealer in PIANOS lILLODEONS, do., Ito. n Wood .root, botwor. irleUtth woe load Dtomood l'lrdborid, MM=illie=E GARDENiR 60FFLN, Agent for the J. Franklin, Philadelphia and Baliance hoar.. tauipanua, ournei traai and W P. JONES, Agent for North America, . Bt,.ta of Yetarylvania, utd Ilartford 100 ce Com .1., Y 7 Water meet. 1AX1L1..1.. REA, `Secretary Citizens' In enroore Company, corner Market .tel Water eta M. GORDON, Secretary of Western In . sumac° Company, 92 Water street. I t M. BOOK., Secretary 4 Allegheny In ~ Ckmpany. 87 TM strea. D E.MI - 7 . 18 Tit r JOSEPH ADAM., antist, Connelly I Building, corner of Dloroood and Omni Woos. PUbtsMh. Wrrf......-Dr. A. M. Pollock, Dr. Selo* UrdAror. Bna.l tr.." di AJOINT RESOLUTION proposing oer- Jain A:confine:At to the amet Ration. Do i roooloxl by the F unlo and Mow of Berwontati of de arrongonwood.l of Provo Book. fie C.moral AsAros fy That the follow!ng emend ovate be propowel to the Cobs'Untie:: of dm Commonwealth, la m a ce with pre:blot:ea the tenth as tide thrreol: Thera shall be so addltlrroal section to the third ar ticle of he Constits4l24, to. IN degtsztatod se 3szttet: kw, at : "g.,tlOn S s inweAser alt of the qualified eleoton of Ihfs Gomwoowes'ttt *ball to In any actual Military eerTica.a.. — ._.. a requieition horn she 2reaideo. , or by me authority of ell Commonwealth, anch electors may exorcise the rigt.t of suffrage in all election , by the oit • is re, cr odes ench regulation. as ore, or shall be, pre .: its d t y too. es tinily as I/ Mil were presort at their venal place of eleci.Pirt.'• tillTM. 2. There shall be tea additional sattiona to the eleirentlArtlcie of the Conatitotion, to be desighated . aso lore eight and folio.: iiSzciiox 8, lie bill Isbell 1.5 pweed by the Legl lattire containing more than one subject, 'which eball be clearly • it ',mead in the title,.espt appropriation bill.. utteartoll 9. No bill shalt be pawed by ths Le,sislaturo gninling soy powers., or privileges. ill Ally caw, whore the authority to gnat snob powers or pried gte hae been, or may herea ft er be, cc:tier:o upon the Warta of this Oommoutetalto HERBY 0..101i5307.1, Ppeoker o 7 the lien s, llll P. P of gepEN NEYromentattnts, /0, Speakcr of tho Senate, Orfica 01 Emma, or :nn OollflOgifletif BarrLibarg, deprll 2.5,1421 P/INIISYLVANIA, BS. 1 do hereby certify that the romping I. a full, tree and correct coy, of the orlirical Joint tied. lotto* of the General Anembly. entitled oA 'chit R. Nunn ii•oidislog t • tlr• ann. •a lame renialvs on 81. to thl. office. I, tmiknocy wheraol , I b are nemnoto set my band sad .cod lb* ,cal of tf e decra•,rl's oftim to be aired, tie day and year abdca written. Int BLIFTR, Eo rotary of the Comm nirnaltin. The shore resolution having been Agreed to by a ma• Jo Sty of t he members of each Hann, at two 8.C..41. , soselene of the General Amos.ly of Mds Commonwealth, the propmel amondomnte .11 be submittal to the poo• plo, for thit , edoptten or rejection, on the IflitST 7UEtDAT 01 , AUGUoT, In the year of our Lord one thou.:id eight hundred and etsty-four, lo accordance with the provision* of the tenth article of thi Cknitstltn- Hon, and the .et entitled "An Act proseribing the time nod manna of submitting to the people for their op peommod ratiEration or relectlon, the prOpssal amend. of to the fkmstltution," approved the twenty third a, of April, one thousand eight hundred .dlzty 7~nr. ELI Elf, irEft, accrottn• of the Camino:two%lth myl2.lawdtd ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an crdrr of the orphan.' Court, I will sell at Pnblto Bale, at the (Mart Manse, to the City of Piste burgh, ordAIMIDAY, August gOth,lB A. 106 ACRES AHD Cl PAIICHIS, and allotranoe of land, Ifer nerly the retidenee of Hobert King, deed, on the Saheb urg road.) in Plum township. Said property hue thereon one frame Dwelling norm, one Bacoand outbuildings. fine Orchard, good 01,010 0. Coal Dank and the whole in goad , snout 76 acres clamed, balance In Matter. Isnas-00.110,1 nab, balance in 0120 and two years, with interest, bora and momftego,an4 pumhestm to pey all gapers and stamp,. 11013ZUT 11. DICIPAY, jitt:leordtd Allegheny City, per Poet Once. CRAB. W. SEVILLE & CO., Oslsaias sad Polishers, (7ornmetr Tonna Bro.'s Genghis and Itannning Bhopa In an &ley running tram MA swot t 51, amid at seirood slant, Pithibugh. Eutaw.' Maven: &cup, Straw and 5II141! Ulm; CierpinterVi Oarpers' spa Timbre Twig Talkie Mork Beane Man" 1111CmOns All nattaten. and Irons, an Ortaing nad PoPJAIng promptly attmlatp. millgordom 1017BUlki " '6 • No.l - "n mit s onatitawrti Otitis medial teas as tads Pmr, kr: GROCEIitIES. PRUDeCk.7, Jrc B. F. QUIMOY & CO., Commission Merchants. No. WO 50I1TH WATTS 91., CilleAGO Give spor-tal attetatte, to pvlrtlastalt Flour, Grain, Provisions, Ac., B F. QCI11131"-.--- eOO-1, j BURGESS i Co., (Suoccocrs co J. W. 11J01341.41 Commlaslon and Forwarding Merc !tants, lli H 67113, ourchatied the ...Fianna at City, ana L. 111,4 az-tple and ftxPottel. • rand A r t j fr.rvra•cl OIL S • , al. a( evevy pr..atty.•allea.a i,, , “ Iso way trot u, with theft pall . ..are. oc24.«,adh= pos. L 51cCLELL2LNI3, rauxusitot to NoGotland a Davto,) °ENV/AL coarassios 11E8011AIST LX Flour, Grain and Prorisfons oZL'ip.r."l,v,Em t, the •"'"• " N 0.27 WOOD STRIEWLPOObtrrek, Pa. istly 'now. port ra..... .10117 g •. . POTTER. AMEN SLIEPARD, miroloo Moran,. snot In Yorolge slid De. newt le iUDIT9, VLOCH, BETTED CLIEIS•E, EGOS, IttrIATUEL, and Produce generally. No. S6O Liberty 0.4,44, opposite Padern• er Inspr , t, Ihtertr'sh. S./wooer - J. 3. Dilworth & Co ,Illeslos& tlhopsrJ, Ateeil. Leo I , John Greeter, Ittl.totror,,h, near, McDowell Yet, er.nt &Co., Phila. Treei Y tott Simmons, St. Lunt, ;D tlinelnir • Chan d t. s. Na odel Mutton! & Larelt, Oi.in.ti. lnytly pAyK VAN GORDEIt, Produce and Commission Merchant, /50.10 SMITHFIELD STEEL', our-or FtreL Dealer In 'tars, r DttODNI, SEISM LARD, CIiKISV., PORN, DRIED AND GRZILN VOMITS, produce genertelly. Litonel cash saran., on ounaignments. otre,•ll - le. a ;so. •neheete. (of the h.• brat of D. AD. &BD.:laid i Pttlehurgb. a Co., Oblo.) lk 'DONALD &A R BUCKL ES, Wholesale .0.8. Greene, Produce Led Oelamtealoo nett:het., Jobters ha COF 1 , LE, N. U. BUGAII and BIOLA.S.eE3, IMBIBED BUD Ats oD SYRUPS, FLOUR, BAOON, TOBACCO, TEAS, aICI, CIIKESE, SEEDS, Ac., N.. 242 end 24 Liberty street, Bitiebbrgb. "' arA - XiT'VR S LINHART, AND 111 GIAN Vat - rocs, Puma. Ann Coiaresroc CHI sr., for the sale of Pion% Graf., Pint. BaCdfa. lard, But tea, Eggs, (.Leos, Buss. Talton, Our., Voathera, Potato., )'ot and Pearl noshes, ffabooretna, Lftssaad and Lard Oda, Drlcd and Green Fruit% Timothy, Clout, Flax and Gram Socota. Caen advuoceownts made on Consignments. sr 4.1 y No. dr, Liberty street. Pittahug,h, =lll R Y WALLACE 11 Commission Merchant, so. 160 SOUTH WAVES ST., OHICIA.GO, PortloaLv attsotiort paid to ftlttus orlon for PIIOYISIONB, TLOCIL l GUAM mll7-[m SELRIVER & LAZEAR, ODOCENS AND COMMUNION lIIMICILANIN, Um. and 23 I T hTIIILD ST., nor Secant. Jafiay PTITSBURGIII CR kRI.F.A L OALDWELL, procanor to Jams Hoban 6 044 !ORE 1.A.011.Zn. Drster Sn BICO, LARD, SIIGIAB MIRED lILX9 ObIOBID BEM to., 0011 DEB 111M/BLT MID 1/128T BTIIZETEI, many PITPACCIIKM. PA. eTTATtutS C. B,kISI..EY, Produce and Commiasion Merchant. 111E6Cr8ANDISII PIIIOICI3, And desist in ill lands of 00IINTSY MOMS% Ho. 1711 MB/MU STUMM tab4:l7 ?mamma, PA. wEBB & W ILKINSON, Commission Merchants, Wboleule dealers to WESTLIIN bEncE CIIELOA, DRIED PEWITS, DMA% =Gs. DRAINS. !sad pod generally. Also; LIATEIEII, lIIDSS, 01L8. to., No. 217 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Daeb advaloceesezde =de. Ocolsipurwas solicited. Jel?.-fired WIL P. BECK it CO,. No. 183 Liberty Y Street, Pittsburgh, Pe.. Wholesale Grocers, Corn. mind= Merriam* ...a amieee it, COUNTRY PRO. DPCit, PROVISIONS, DAWN, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CREME, FISH, &h. PRODUCE. FLOC* GRAIN, SEEDS. GREEN AR DRIED TWITS. ha, SALT and LIME. 1,10 1 URN B. (Lk.% Fl VI CoMMISIBIS Ls . '" Pcovncinuta 111voinnT and wholonale dnelor to WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTES, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, PUT AND PEARL SALEILITCS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, ED . FELTIT, and Produce generally, Ncw.III and 14.3 Front West, Pittabargh. oc9 11104.. LI" LE, ..........—JAW ratan. LMLR & TRIMBLE, Wholesale GPO nen and Oct:mission Merchants, deaktra to PEW DUCK, FLOUR, BACON, CHERSZ, FISECOARBON AND LARD 01L, MON, NAILS, GLASS COTPON YARNP, and Pittsburgh tuanufactunna generally, 112 and 114 b,,cond strcot, Pittebargh. r. iI6TML? --a. 1.... . K. EGIZIKII. R . EYMER BROTHERS, (eUccesaora to R.,mer A Atdersan,) Deniers in roa r-lON FBC ITtl, EUTS AND 81ICEa, CONFS.CTIOLi- F.ng, fit:GABS. VIBE WOllEs. Bc., N 0... 126 aril 12.4 NY,,cd Med.. stove Fifth, rittAburgh.' OULP & :SUE PHA RD, mr.ncisurrs emd dealers Ds FLOUR, GRIM IND PLODUCE, No. 24 Liberty *Met, Pittsburgls • Choice brands at Plow for Sabers .ad Family us. oiso rtantly oubaud. Particular attention paid to ` dl` n,; °cis. for Morchaudlue asuarallY• octlolly Gant LES B. LEECH, FLOUR Alto Goats iMITO6 awn 63.111.3161101 bicanthaatt fat the tale of GRAIN, bEEDS, ce.,Ersß, PRODUCT. in., and agent (at the celebrated Uniontown CSIRENT Sm. 116 adecond and 14.5 Pint strutlz, { gad Poobargh, *63 ornaot I. READ STOZ2Z. EAD 4 METZOAIL -td Co - Lir _ _ , anu —admits, sad dales" its ill klasie of Cs.uutry Produce oisti Pittsburgh Ihnulactures, No. 519 Liberty tames, oppoalte head ontioOd meet, Pltti hnrgh. iP3sll . DALSLLL 60111LIVI. ..... ......... r RROBERTT DALZELL • A CO. Waolo tido Grocers, Conazobtalon sad Foreretedlng Her clouds, snd dealers in Produce and Pittsbarto num. afactures. Liberty street, Pilisbnigh. TA WALLACE, Commission Merchant, .1.- 1 • sad Wholesale - Deal. es In FLOUR and 3.13 Liberty &Met, opplealte Pennsylvania B. IL Paniienger Depot. l'lttaburgb, Storage Ware home, earner Wayne and Pearl atteeti. anthly unar LAM .LT JOBS =MOS S. 0 W 1 ,AIIBERT, SIIII . TON a, co,Whole ssk CO. Grocers end Produce Desleis, Ls. stmt. Pltisburgh. Jalfl ions WATT TE WILSON, Wholesale Gra T, cers, 0011111111.100 Werchants, sad desks. In Pre -duce and Pittsburgh tosatiscturos, No. 13.3 Liberty street ,11113turgh. ju2s SLINDSAY Ja. & BRO., Wholesale and .Itetall CI ROGERS, FLOIIR AND PBODUCKI) EDS, 187 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. apl:6m HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to John .1..1 McClll & Eon, No. 183 Liberty Woof, Pi tt . l.r.rgb, general I'ILODUCE, GROCENT &LID •001.1• BiIttiIOX.3IZUCII&NT. Conslgnmenh roapottallly sollcited. eiIIEESE WAREHOUSE.-HENRY H. V COLLINS, Yoroardlng and Coustrassiou tlerchant sold dealer in CHEESE, BUTTS'S, LASTIPLIM, and Produce generally, No. 28 WOOd street,abore 'Water, Pittsburgh. mit JOEN rum TWIN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gre y on and CG atoltlion Merchant.% Nos. 114 Wood and "..2S Liberty street, Pittsburg!, Jel.6 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Whole3ale Gt..", Coon:Seaton blerakanua and dean In PRODUCT, Ho. EU Water gnat and G 5 front stmt. Pt etatwrott. Itno. 1 KIRKPATRICK & BROTIIER, sno t, *moon to Brown I Hitimetriati,' WHOLE. SALE GROCERS, Ras 101 sad 191 Liberty street, Pitubarg,ll. 10241 y JAMES DALZELL & EON, IJanufno trams of LARD OIL, and COMIZIII.IOII Mt( chants for the parches* and tab of OflikOß AND BErLITED PETBOLLUK, Na. c 7 and TO Water most, Pittsburgh. Adrances male on conatrortnents. J. S. L1C0227. JOEY LINDSAY. 8. LIGGETT .t CO., CITY FLOOR, U • 11440 lIILLS, corner Llberty A 1.4414 4a.4 street,. Pittsburgh, WW.C41,40147, 400 barrels pm d4l , 44,2 QCHOAL&KER &LANG, Commas= lissenAlrn and Wholesale dem on la sa IRS, FLOUR, OSAIN.,PBODUCS,La:,No.TN Liberty street . Plttslmsgh. geolUtly G J. TOWNSEND, (surceluzior to Jackson PORE vudvarlVAro. PAC KER ""' "11 to Plitsbartb. stas64 mar larty, nuandravra. ' Caosuctebestuno to L 'O. Graff 1110DGCSL L 933, 00113120531G8 luat aterre,saLtbatritrAnet6.o:: • . L>-.'-"..:.'v-' ^ .cam.":-i,._ ~.>,Y..,..y2s ~.=_.~.~.:.y ~:;:~_- GEO. T. REOWN OIL CITY. PA BOOTS ..1.4"D SOOES. WONDIRS WILL NEVER °BLS& 131h1HOSS. the great Pr,Attilicti atm. ti•l ;an. t the Itrttbh. rravt.art. ; at 009028 T HELL in v. to amnethicg &h. ljaveaSztt leire7.,;at rota. but at ncert all Shoe'Store Iry I.d a?.+eL nt tho ...mot .0.1. ow prt:e of Custom-Ma:!e Dods and Elhoei! No. W!FrH STREET, Where ever, pt:r Is va,tamts.d. air 1...1 . : eat M. 03., to c nat.*. sst iEb 110 , 1.4 react Iloaday. j, ER' GOODS I NEW GOODS I We ham Met roce!esd oar eying ,neck of BOOTS AHD SHOES, Which we will sell as the LOWLST GASH PHICEIW. We have the !sage.: end bat selected stock of lnalll. Tian Calf lkaaarlo.tgaMl Beata. So be *mod In tbe ally. LADISIT LAST GLITSI33 ta sitacastlszto. Otts •s • axll. Jas. Robb, Si SILBIL SC 4 !MIXT LOOK AT TIIE PRICES Wc.awn's C.it au H. le! Ga.'tira Pu{a• • ID CS/ At BORLAND'S, 93 Market gtrert &woad de, rr.rit Path ORDNANCE. OFFI t DSCE. W4IPA.3 , IIIBNT, Westiteoros, D. 0., Juts V 2.1841. I Pealed Prameal• ell Pe realties.' as 041 00011 oath 4 p. m. .1 - 1:11 PULL the 2d day a! August e 1161, 10, the - algal. at the New York Sr. oat, &over ren's Wadi, New Y,, k : nn 0 o. or rune Lake Superbr Ingot copper. 044 0 Is. of Z oc npater. to be stated. In as loos, inant. awl a. Impiety to pccelt•le. Beideta nth state tee at , . at which they can de- nrar... of bid ran be obtained et say or the United SW. L•.. ,or t ootle Mr.a. Plopatelt cot out en tbta t 0 nt coseldered. GU&UA NT! Tie bidder • 111 he mitered to to mmy•any Ma grope attiou wttb s gam+, y, 'ord by two reaponalote par e, that ftt bit ii .. hi scirptial, he +III at oval trtivia the centre , for the i.e., with good aid ma di et mratits, in • arnt egnal to thy who , • *menet Of the mutest?, to eel :Ter lite artiste propomi to mama. of ta lb the torn s a. tide advent =ant ; and, to tom the ate bidder &haute tall to twat into the oihtmeti the to sake good the coffmaata between the oder of safd Wear and the next :vaporetti* bidder. or the pct • ton to whom th• ret mot may be a warded lb• rot perattitity the gunieetots Mimi be shown hi the eilhtel mrtideato Of the Cern of the nearest pet - riot Court, Gl' or the Q.E. Mania Atter -O. Beads to a loom egnal +athe ammat of the mitmet, .!geld by the contra:my d to.h of hat gmmittero, will to malted of tha 00e00att701 bidder orb, team epos algeieg toe c..tozact.. • TOBM Of 011611AVIT We..the undereigned, residents of —, the • manly of ---,sod State of —, berebyptaily sat ker.esily cos-vent with the United Steam, sad guru • tee, in cam the foregoing bid of be accepted, that be or they will let etc. esectiee the contrect 1, the ume, eel b semi sad sneered suretlee, la • sem equal to the amount of the contract, to tarnish the article. prt ; used to conformity with the tonne of the sdeettieh neat, dated Jell V., 1104. ender ',tech the hid was made ; and, In case too, add shell fell t e eater transom - trent as &framed, we gesmartee to make good the do:fens:es hrtween the offer of the said--sad the cent lowest respmsloletcrmal bidder, or the peal* to whom the contrut may be awarded. f firma odder our Lunde and ere 1 this day of —,lBB-. [Sea.] [Sod.] To this mum ty out to appealed the Offload cee tteute above mentioned. Lash petty obtaining • centred will he obliged to ewer it to bonds, with •pproved serail" for I.la faith- Sal esetution of the luxe. Upon the sward. Wag mod-, essaashil biddew wIC be lot Bed and tarnished with iorese pd cotarset and bi lbo nd. Depart:mot reserve. the right to rshast any in all the Inds, ff deemed oneartetector7 ea 5117 ectoont. Pr. pawls moot he Wrens. d to "Brigadier agaust tlEttliGß D. Be 11111.1 T. Chief of Ordanneg Ssaihtag. too D. C. and seaweed ..P 010.0111IIC tett Copper and Zinopelt. r.^ OZOIICIZ D. 11.11thar, jrie roltd B Gstaersi, Chief 00 :dunce. GRAY 'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS As* not simply fat pleated' paper out la the form of • baler, but ere Nolgod rod Skapalko ... 1 / 1 11.ork, hewing V • perfect curve free from eggs, or fronts, Istich b oh tnined by our unbolted pbmina, bdieh oho secures ,•- otter airecaroge penzereel by co eanconsr.—ris: Efewee /c✓ the Oracle to the turn.aoinistyle, the incde of whiten to perfectly smooth srelfrno from puckers, matins nob mina—for we, Lettliell and dumb:My —uormaaThei. They see made In tarn-dorn style, in • Ism born 11 to 17, end b. Garrote from 19 to 17 inches, anduseked to nest Wes boons, of 100 each ; also to manor.w wif li each,—the letter a r. ry heady pcckoCo for bessedase, eta y sod nosy other. mar EVES I' COLLIP. to stampbt ..tiray , a Patent ktoldel Collars.'' ball by all rats!' desiera la Ilan . * 7aret'iblar, G ,oda. The trade oryped by FAY DEL"Gr..ti, 1101:311SII A al.. Cbeabaat greet, thiladelBbla; mad J. 8 LOWUZY d 00., 7 Warren lame, Saee.y• ark. T 4 WILLIAMS' CLASSICAL AND CO3I3IEIVIAL SCEOOL. No. 23, Bt, Char One'. .I..rtt • ell per scholar von goo rtew of 11 wools ...aldionet. noon of Tuition frontr Rm.MII p. m. U5/11.10N1.u,5; PoocroleN-1 tale pies:nee In aping that Pouf. WII. llama to entl,nll7 cr.Allitled to axeconly and to teach Om sm. of Evading and Braking with est , ditticotatah WA. gance, mug awl lutnnenettn•ffect. BOW. KIDD, Protestor of Zloentlam. Dorm-Ertl LSO AN'D rESEINSIZI2.•-al a toackar of Iltok-ke. ring and reonstauslap Lo LA no ...Town. MAD. E. HEMEL. Loct,tS 011 Co. A. J. LIE, of Atwell, Lee A Co. Time obo desire • scientific as Intl es • thoroughly plectisal knowledge of the be t eptoms of Bookkeeping and sonnets can no where obtain that knowledge to • eoretior wanner than pt. under the tniticno of ?sot ' CoEikklUDL TAGGART, Wli Pr0f.303 BIONTGOELEBT„ OED. W. DITEMIDGI, Book.kwener for E. It Di:bridge. 30115 Et. FE,BGteO2I, AttOrney et Law. De bee, in or opinion, no tupelo" mu tradhrr, sad to him more it du: than I can one 11.1 e rep:). strfliOLDS. Boot-keeper for Evarrou. Puntau, 3 tio. puma STREET UPHOLSTERY. 18.3. 85 101313231 =Err, [au Woos. see sataiaThels enaskatara sad tans aasslaatly an baad arm article la emir Una, T 111! oosslocs, 03 HAMZN 3, CrOILISUI GOODS, 00117011T,,SLATII ED BEDS, SI sTrSaSSES. al alt Sauk I Ma the age. tasted PAM'S PUG OW. 6E kbals 88AD12,, BLINDS sad TIZTOSIA Prat sad la tem La all wawa SS !Wag lid *Mg Mora Garpata, Ott Motto. atm soirarra 6 Immix. 11FELOLSTEFinia--Ilaving par4bised Iv • larp 'itch a! Fed. CAGR.I as all to odar Fast bands, at Wailes Loy Flaw. TB ATRE3 sEDS; Sett. Batt and arias Al* MAWS ; • Fait viably - of SHADES. Tens nu.) Oil. CLO THS; CARPETS; tR1N15930 TABLE OOTIRSI AAll•tde, Gam, Cocci sad '-Loofa BardenCLIATS. tba beat otaLity, tuld alma:oast I , l=lModo AllerLara proratly avandod N-oce, No. IN% PIDRRAL mum - anions OASoceastal 7d 1 . 111 .0Ti S moblali BAUM= TO PBESTILII9. • PRESSES FOR BILL' O ADLOILT TLTSIPT PRIM Oldies 33,10 On TAYLOR OTLINDZE, bed 311 ASO hub.% - ONE TAILLOII D 01113141 OTLIVID/13, bled 7.2146 bars be bond broribe cadeer. WIIi bb Wad at biergabbi: .12,49bi0s bedews GdZETTIL Pttidagb, 14h, . TORPH : KEY Ell & SOli, Kanafeetarers and Wholmolo sad Ratan Data, b 113130301,11 ABB Cati.llB.lio. Pratt BIBEZT, about the tih• Da; bib to barks ostortmont OIVANCE WED TZARS 14131111, h ibloolond Cahapa7, d bob bra bamboos& sod warreatos .flott bit owls, and bib to nay ow triatland ka booby, Owl win foilr AirsA,NE a_ANarat, VONERSERON DECINIMM, And deaUra hi Floor, ends Ina •PrOeuces, - - 121131C00 16 ST., betisi W.iodavatithif+44 mistraisca., - - r 4. Z.,31,0410,111111i, .. _., ~,.-..-»::? .pia ~'.~r`l _.._tl ~ ..._.... 1 •.io 121=51 MEE
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