1,1;t5,-.4.-'.7A .. , 4,..::-• - •1 i 4,4 11 .!.1:t" . . 4 ; \ , i- - - P 4 .i.0:,.,0 t .z.:f.; „44,..r , ,, ,, , t ,, , , i• - _,.-'r..---.,. ,- :t. ,-, - , , ..-- ttstrurnit 05aRttie, 'AlriartfLY 28, IS6i UNION Nomrsmoss. r01111211FRZT: LINCOLN, of Illinois. semi retinnorrs 40II1iSON, of Tennessee fON. ifiESDAY, trct • L SOLDIERS VOTE ? • fired ,Millions; Mare Ithe preside it's sell far mei two Mr. Eiteretury FellintrES'S lie wants to burrow from the .dred million., of maniac:is for r‘which loan interest at the rate rs.and thirty cents per hundred shnum will be paid semi. an abacits.:..The Treasury notes issued - to auhscribers to ; be . convertel, at the optim of ter 'maturity, into fise.i went; per cent. interest gold of thek Sae -twenty hands will •11 is g01d..: to every loyal man who hie est to loan it forthwith to the 'Oar soldiers bare not been mends.. The daily receipts of from. Internal Rerenue and es. do not amount to more than eapinses of the flosern. lire Treasury Department hai .4w! legal tender notee, there is - *cm which the defciency to inferred was be supplfed thin ••' of the peop l e. If oar inetitu .ttlr -saving—if Freedom is to d'-end Its opposite crushed—. 'n'y nf Ile people to str:ngth .kilorm of the': Government. •rold regard it as a blessed priog • 10 Hr. ridgESDEN'S appeal, and itsplui earnings in the new loan. know and ponder the fact , -.... C 116 teceasary in tte present str , lain the national credit es to .:Tee-n the field. The financial the Go'rernmeat are of the most re. Let the Government long cy toeerry on tbe we', and we hits want a government gee this question, when &Tee as has himself to admirably se• address to the 'people of the • the reasons why the loan he , citid be promptly taken? We 3....ntrat who loves his country, hireloquont appeal, can refuse overnMentthit whick it so sore• all not only our patriotism, bat . pride AS well, is appealed to; 'Lary, siatts explicitly that -as i ed rip foreign old. - The Gov *sly pin its own citizens. It ' "•gentieMen bankers, and you, ' re, and yoo, rich men, of . 7 . : ;' who would hand down the ifathers to generr.tlnne of your , .., . :• cl maintain that spirit of no. ')dezed wide!' has been the beast 4/teit kitisen for almisi a cen i,,. , cia Term Precep. TOZOL yet forgotten the gra in— insulting comments, made, 44 rapt; by,the New Yoriprees ~b orderers' of Pennsylvania ' - hlto failed to take nil the raid tltg the grave of the &lel _ Shout Monceau. Nor have itid• the New York quill dri- ILawl , ; tate would do under similar t 1 ayth boasts ! what it , • a &ming formes raida. Well, , lime :pose 'salient men of . ailing. forth fir and smoke lki - lierolo deeds their . , ..,,,,• fortned In 160'; at I, esfe di+ 'i;i:.ll ATM], the Preelder.t called ; - !;itin : restsetinty•fonr thousand ; ; 1- en and upon New York for Juiidefend Weshin' gton and -;•‘:. rtratayiranin, the innd of '.lins responded by organ- Y:'•• . site, allof which will aoan p , : '.; - 'wonted. What has New answer be rend in . the : '-• ';'. fro m la leading New York Dim ..: .4-- ass N..Y. S. N G , t g. '' , 4,.' w Wi, Ju'y 23, 1041. azatitr so. 30. . r...' , 5 ; ' re Irnen General Eta:lv:tar , i t•-: 2;1321, until farther often, 4: ' ::. l i i ty . Vd7r c o ' f 'f m" gi" / I . ..3 . , ~ no. Case. tV: StllDrollll. .; ;'"„C 765,,ZA.t DA.. Inspector. : 1 4' ,A. D. C... ',.-... 0 :. ay safely bt, eorisbiorsd 6 1' ;',, ...- Inde fi nite poetpinement '••,..,, harp, undoubtedly brought i .: :toor,- and, roey be Its:ad as . '-i..,,pes - with allot the alarm. - .- . "!••den for their departtre at ', '- iistal. - pnitfexperlonted in procar ,, " .inber•of•recruits to fill the 'flea tatiltmna standard. •.' ..;- rtalimaitt- experienced by St eers, growing out of the 1 , ' , ,t,.e proportion of the re • • ',• gging from fourteen ti a tx- .stan'inring ended. the .a'. d eparture (v.; Wstblng ',.. to *LUG' • ... 4 „ .. .: . abOriiworlA be eras'. ..,. :,:.' • Maley timtth. that_VOIIETEI GLANT lIIIS '.r'!mrder hinted from the War : : , :::: : ?g Geotmta Buritr. from • ".• .-: A-and centime:3)g hint to t d i - e ret4ina Donna in the .. ~- • general W. E. (Ealdy) .',....:..- for .thin soden on the ... .le .... , - t General have not. been ..,,,. .. ~.,. •,:•;:: :Thsqtbspor. correspond .•..-:•'..: ' &filet ceser'EthSt tl r.- .', iii front' tko co n In dof ta consequence of ineub ,:; t ., 'el Donna. He it a Der ,...al Gn aw,but that officer . : • , . '' edifice° of onion `tom a ~llfeild that the orderre . , rst Tire! iniile at Ga-ter's figned. for - the retconi of 1 t „..... ~ tantiolly th e 'same as .., p ear . reepondent of the -.. daps ago, awl Is meet .. ; ...tt it, the people will who demo not hesitate , the country may be -., tel Boman spirit. - 1- Orton 4aesirts.—lt is lned.,by Pei:rotary Flo , '•-litipts cf, the Govern , iinternal .Itevenne.Act lic,c - the present swath . a.et:idollare slay: The e hopitliit°6s time and Pleers employed in cot: • enforce the stringent . 4w, a Million per day I'l4 Pat the exmmtion." Isty Ate millions a year \lO, or even thXe hula. ; . fad, and one which !! any dent' s of Ike" . . to pay ite debts'. . _ , , erumi.anaouncel _t, psi) , has assented' to In - the t3outli, •to unit fitste under . t 4 _ter For the Pittakutith Gantte, Shall ,Saldlers Vote? The Hectare of the great State of Pence3l - will 4940 the privilege to vote on next Tuesday on the amendment:to the Constitu tion, allowing our soldiers the privilege of voting at ocr elections. Will the onallEed votere allow the - election to go by default, thereby doing a great wrong to a noble and patriot:, portion of cur atizeue who lave left the comforts of home to go out and ao hat::e in favor of the old qag ' The Pcnt iylvenia s idiers have earned a reptile lien in :be present, war, of which ell of ne teak le fie! proti. A. 14 tow let no not no :Foot our de ty them, but let us show (hot if we cornet or not shoulder our muskets, we Will t t it net do he :or and Baal justiot, to those who have scar to. Vcitle. one and ail' 1. , 0 not fail 0 devote port of next Tuesday in gain: to oho election and salt g for the "Aratedment, and thereby show to our noble soldiers that we retrgniz3 them as equals, and by our votes confer a right on them which ought never to have been dispelled. even by parthan judge,. The Military Value of Atlanta. The New York Timer, after referring in de tail to the mine to the Confederacy of Atlan ta as a great matufatturing depot, and as the railroad centio of the South, and after allu ding also to earl oats topographio al advantages which It possesses, thus states its chief mill tat y value: From Atlanta breech out, like the elicits of a ten, important offensive lines in several southerly directions. Pleat, lying not far teem s common parallel of latitude, are the four impel-tent relate of Selma, Montgomery, Opelika and Columbus. Of these, Salina was. once antidered as very desirable; but He importance has doubtless beau overrated. But blentgbmery. the former capital of the Confederacy, is a point to be carried, and probably to be held. Opelika is of considera ble value, Loth on account of its proiimi.y to Atlanta, and because of the jinaturo: at That point of two reilreada. The earn" of Ope lika will oleo:well eever railroad commit:d eaden between the Eastern sad Western z nee of the Cvnfederacy. ladeed, it is prob able that R:ueseau has already cut the track of this Montgomery railroad. Bat with A - lentil ten, the work could be made final n ate' aof I, a:rotary. Lastly, on the east and southeaat are Athens, Milledgeville, Macon and Augusts, be two letter Important as nProad junctions, as all are in other respects. Now, the retention of Atlanta by the ene my protean these different points in his rear. Its evacuation absolutely uncovers some of them. It Hood retreats toward Augusta, as be probably wiP, the first series of four points Is open to as without a struggle. If he re treats to the northwest, which is almost lan peseibm,ko entovera all the others, which are still more important. It must be remembered that these rolling and fertile valleys on which Sherman is entering, bare been of greet 'ser vice to the Ctnfederaoy for suppliee of food and forage, only eurpassad, indeed, by Texas, Tennessee and West Virginia. It must also be noted that Sherman, in taking Atlanta, plants himself directly &CIO as therm:ad - of cora munication between the eesbaard and valley States. Expeditionary forces, sent-out by 'hat General, who has shown himself the most cotenzr,mate master of moveable column*, will sever 'he :rat emission of supplies by rail road, acid cut off manufactories at other points, as be has already done at Rome and Roswell, and is about to do at Atlanta. At Roe vrell. the largest cotton sod woelcn factory in the State has fallen into our hands. At Celumbus, Macon end Au gusts ate erect:tabs and ordnance factories, fir teener, miler' and pistols.' At Augusta are the immense powder mills on which the Southern Confederacy almost solely depends. These a i.alTisonrces of the Confederacy are all threatened by :he capture of Atlanta, and Ito fall Wati t d.aqrtestdestroy them. In the wrcdo of the Jew: •• Too take my life Whin you do take the moans whonby TUT," Nor, Terbspe, we may belle • tee why the bloody fields of Reea.,a, Kenesaw and Allan is have been fought, when the enemy would gladly double hie lines on the shore of the Appomattox. We also moat not forget, ;n our valuation of the campaign, that an army hat beta k• pl ruiplejtd, which is l toto enough, nerd deters raiy, to trouble na An Virginia but yet tot enovgh, unfortunately for the enemy a echtmea, to bold off the grasp of BLoriluin on Atlanta. The Effects of DllsolnUon. The New Yoik Evening Post thus forcibly stake enb oft tie cones - pen= of dissolution.: "lies it occurred to any of our readers, in the midst of then diecnea:ons of rebel terms of peace, to consider wt at would be the result of our acknowledging the Southern Centel,- racy ? Should we dteband our forces, and re• dace our gust military establishment, with a foreign nation norm the Ohio . and on the other side of the Potomac 7 Not at all, but we aboard be fothelfor our own Plectirity to main tain, not for one or for three years, but for all time, a standing army, to oppose the warlike South. We should lave to maintain llama neatly the vast military establishment which now burdens us eo heavily. We should hare to become a military ne pie, and our best blood and energies would be wasted, if not in war, :et in those preparations for war, th-ee immense levies of troops, three curtly aim, manta, under which we bear the peer overt ittc:ese people of Europe groan. le 'sty Amu:loth anxious to see such a stated thiDge , Chl sin bete' Then let him oppose the draft, dice, iiratte entiatments,. and vote for Tailandigtam and tl e recognition of the Confederacy. he far from procuring peace, each a consummation 1r 041,1 only he the corn • illftiCelrellt of intetminable. neverteasing 'hoe tilitie.i. "It ia the cheapit and best for us, thin, to male an un3 of the war at once: nod to do thin the people must not rely upon the Gov ernment, but upon themselves. it they wait fora delft - they waste etrength, and, perhsps, lore opportunities not to be recovered ; if they take into their own hands the filling up of the armies, they can. do it in half the time, and twice as effectually as the Government." A Full Vote Needed. It will not do for the friends of the soldiers to be tco , confident of semen. Two years ago by cur supincters we allowed the enemy to carry Pennsylvania--electing half a dozen Congress me:, an Auditor General and Survey or General, sad a Legislature which gave no a Copperhead United States Senator and State Treasurer. We might then have carried the Slate, but we did nothing, while our enemies worked silently, but effectually, and carried the day. They may defeat the Arnenchnente unless we bestir onrseives. No where do the Cops ad. vocals tb. u—in many pieces they openly on r are them. We tear that thee. Oran eztenrice tenet rprr tt dyne the Arend eats. In our , own we have beard of men who bare S re, patriotic acne in the *my, whose party oral ro far antenna natural affection that they propose to vote to ditfronehite their own 801741 "Nigger" is the pretense—hatred to the Ad =inlet:anon, probably the real motive. Tarn cat and vete 1 all who there the preservatiop of the 'Union of our fathers I—Har. Tel. Important Draft Decision The following questions were sent to Pro vost Marshal General Fry at Washington: Ica a refresentatire recruit" (who is S 2 alien or a oaken not Uable to draft) entitlel to the fall Government bounty? and ban in be credited to any wart or township he may elect? Or must be be credited to the ward or township -where the man is manned for whom be io a substitute? W. P. Fool°. The following answer was receired An alien "representative recruit" is enti tled to all Golernment bounties, same m any other recruit. Be catnot be credited to any, ward or Rot/reap be may elect. lie mutt be . otedittd to the ward or township where the man le =rafted toil Theta ho ie a substitute Tun Banat. Gelman Boon.—lltspatches from Nashville yesterday afternoon contained a paragraph ststiog that all the prisoners cap. lured on the twenty-eecond and twenty-11dr! unite In saying that the rebel General 11031:0 MB killed on the twenty second. ROOD lost a leg at Gettysburg, and if the rebel alias. flea -be as reported since his failure to . defeat Bustaraw, there will be general regrek 'at liiihreond that It 'was not his head he lost Sitheithenhda leg. • If the Nashville dispetoh' .should prove to be true, Rioltroond wane! . put - on FlOisa*th and &ahem. The promotion efoon,hatt beezin'eostlyliaperintent for_ the !fiiill34l l 4* , ; • - g:;:' Pexaonal and News.paragretPlMl. DDITIOILILL IBCCOUZIth from Geo. d. J. Smith show that he has thoroughly defeated the R,bel forces in Northern hllissiseippl, and confirm the opinion that General Elber t:ma has no longer anything to fear from an "Mick by Whceler won his line of roil "ray cemmuoication. Gen. Slocum, mean while, bee folght and driven back the form which sr tempted to make head against him below Vicksburg and seems to have destmy ed effeetnelly the ra , iroad west of Jalksoo. tre f r that ihe oommunicatione between Hood std bie trane-Mialiesippi allies are of irr•ry pectriats kind. - LO Oti C &ranee Randolph Tenon whs. gaud rownenvisble a reputatioi ae psy mos er or purser of the C,,nrod,r,ts war a earner Al.bems, lass been heard from, dt% doenin._ A . l e. A... 1 d . 601 1 . 3, in (!korrs 11., , 10,18 to hie career as a ri ate, be has still -torsi., introortAPt 41 Hamel/ by leaving a stemd 'sir in Sal ti, to whom be was mar. rted, sad to now on nis .ay ont to Lb.; No:th• eta Btatee.—Ale Jourr.7l A BEAR v as trouped on the Green Moan• tales last wed., wofth weighed ai.out two hundred pounds. Bruin made vigorous ef `torts to teeepe, dragging the trap and a clog attached to it. which eetghed Cony pounds, to a nee 'bout twenty role foom the plane where he wan cough., and climbing it to the height of thirty feet. Here the trap and its armies become entangled in the boobs, and h , was &cider:ld shot. A LUITEIL from an - officer nor in the milt- tory prison, Macon, Georgia, says: "Another eight months down here will Birdie my name off the rolls, and many others also. lam al meet naked—no hat, coat or (111.97071 i peva e•atleer, and boots on the last • our of duty.' There are plenty of lieutenants who can get paroled treat Lookout to exchauge for me if the effort was oily made. lam not welL' ' A■ old man has recently died in Vienna .who for many years had put on a new pair of eteekingn every day, several old women, whom he hid paid liberally, being constantly ens , ged In knitting them for him: His wife lit tore her marriage had been a poor knitting girl, and his p. modem wag in honor of her memory. He left nearly 5,000 pairs of stock ings behind him. . Jere. De Vis hag quite as much trouble with the Ooverctre of North Carolina and Georgia as Mr. L'e,eclo has with the Governor of New York. The Governor of North Caroline in charged with Northern et mpathies, as His Excellency of Now York ie with Southern. Would it not he a good idea to make an 9 tinge ? A PLIAILLIT foretaste of the idessingti erhleh might be expected to result from a disunion pace is presented in the conerpirsoy for a NeirthweeternContederaoy, to be inaugurated by a rising of the Knights of tie Golden Car c'e, which wee nipped In the bud recently by the ammo of its ringleaders at Bt. LOW& Ceti. PALLIelen of the British Army has discovered a method of =tilos shot to cold sand molds. The ' , hot pass through a target, and then eplit into fragments of four to eight ouvoes, Isiog thus as destructive as shells. The cost, memoir, in reduced by over 90par Cent. BAEN4IID line returned to the army of the Potemeo, to euperintend the engineering operations - in f'ont of Petersburg Col. Aiex• Soder, nee of the abl-et etigineern in the ser vice, is in charge of the Engineering Doreen at Wishing+ OD. Gausses' says: "Meng nelsons inquire whit in the meaning of the word Kesresrse, the Lome of the wanel which sunk the Ala bema. Rt arearge is a river in the southern -part of North America, falling into the Bay of Viva Clti... 11 . to I„ re 422 hie heal lb, es to trenches be He 'rill lea , Govesse not many b 3 Inspect of Jtete 1104 Was Jceet, Ceerfh !lading el which is to of the 'XIII lion in No Tne Bid for a teem needle ibis Lee as a s 11.. t% 11l —To o' to Plow, Actomt, deal our Istor. 10 -- >EIRETH WARD BWISTY FUND. —There .td b • mottles et the citizens of the Minh i• ward ..Ithe 60/10',L HOETE, as TdIS iThczn• den ETZETLIZ at 734 ...lack..zo romesillo t the Word O tom the draft ti•de.- it>. 041 for 3./0,110 nen. It to demand that shill t ...let. he had aon Intance• d. tom. tarpared to intscrtb• foe Penh (to be laced by the Eichorn Ward) end to PAT A. • 000 7:4 11 0 -AT THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF no IX HOLDIPIIII o the Lhfle ga. Mil Rum B. Et. Co. Mr e.Mcem. 21.14 00th, Mot , the 'olkrere lag named areal-mph men Gull eirvad Preellent, m Con hub Dhvetorm, Wm. Xspy. Wm Cheetahs., N. P. Vetter...o, /lira. King, Itiohard Cterh ore. and Jacob Ilearia. ALI X. eetliNAELhlf, Ctuelreeim. Job. Secretary. Iyg7.lt 10- - - TOE MILITARY COMMITTEE OF 4 FIJE /MST WABD,loghiny, met THIS EVENING, 28th Wt.. stldio'clu .t -stco of John Diet, Bog, 1..e.c0 ...et ck Weneoluent / I/CO ..tort I rectoto. Na' olptio. can c. left rah bAbIUE4 DYES, Tr. 4.11, I', t 2 per.. whoa the Elect uommitttes fotel to and .0 home. Prompt eq. ttoo. 1128.1 t JdelN Y JENNINGS, chef.... COUNTY UNION CONVENTION .11/c loyal Tutors of Allosheny county vim .up. poll lb. noroluatloa of ABIL•El rad LINCOLN ..d d2/1/BEW JOHTUSON, and l b . platform of principles adopted - by the Banoual Union tkmoentlon at Bell. nod adhere to the Uulan party, an mria/sled to orstoblt at the untal pintme 0f101d,v4•1•.1...• In [O,l, Wards, Bonnets, Townmahlps and Elottion Pre.incm, rag:. /fray, on <EI 11110 Ali , July 30, 104. and elm/ two dulegutta to toprosont so-rat dmtnot afor.std to • U.SION ODNEENTPJP, to be held at the GOU flt/USE, In Fltteturet, on WilDloE9Dtalf, August 31, IE4 km the 'pn-rpo • of nomination caodidatos for Ito eneral redoes to be Elled at the onsafcg October oleo- Lon. The Menlo. la Ito Wards and atm/laths 1040 be by ballos, betomn the boors fdoisrd moon o'clock p. m , and In the Pm/astily, between the boars of three and slx o'clock p. to. By order of the Union Uncurls, Clommlttes A 01. BUOVflf, Jong H. OTMAIrf. Brenton, 17004 7HE FIRST COIIPkNY FOR ONE ITAll—Large indocostent • otters I to One Testa' M. —Captain Ball laving recruited • company for 100 dayr and the greater portion of whllla here &tread, of. fertil to flirt for one rat. be now effete to ail mon de. lira. of apart:Da for tbat perioi In hi. company • bora, of TUB= BUNDIIED DOLL &lIA—P*OO HONDAND AhD DOLLAII6 AND NIFTY MIST!, CAAII IN HAND. 1r r. Gomm W. Latimer], formerly OW Znaltiteri of the Atm reparnent, t. Irt I.4 , ntrtmot of this ram pug y, And can be found Maly at WlLlittid BALL, from whom all rinceasery informiellott may be obtained. O. K. BALL, 1y23 I? Capt. Cerarg 00. A, One Aram' Alen. :WEIR" 4D rERTISE.IIIE.4 ^ 7B. . _ . RIOARIiNG.—A Gentleman and Lady •••c r•. can trt xv ol , tl at no. 71 WiLLZ aTtlltt P.'so i.o . logic gmtleman. 'VCR ENT—A FINE STOREROOM, P ootth trolleg sod on ' lot .ro eh* Ditto mad, OD l'adtm I .tort. emir any ot. Posted= II:tilt awry. itt.notrly occupied bo M Olottoo. DAM Jllll N. i ttig t t 0 *Wien/CRY. BONNETS, IVOR 28 CENTS, At ItOULAND*B. 98 Market street. FOR. ed L&—The entire stock and fixtu roe of • well astable/Led THIMILTING AND NOTION b7011E„ is offered for Ws on good tams. Location I. splendid. All qt. Dons sm. wed estisfactolliy, free partictlere even by &dein:eking LOOK. DUX 72, Allegheny Olty Post Onoo. i,27.2 SILVER-PLATED WARE. —WEI be o:d , h oonnecilon vitt, the Furniture, on THURSDAY 10011151103, Tiny nth, at 66 Fifth atom:, one elegant Kt= Platcd tauter, Liver Plated Bp;ons, Torts, as. Also one compte sett odi Died French Mins. .1727 T. A. IdeOLELLAtigi, And. QUPBRIOR bEWMG MACIIINEi AT Li Ai 1:102103.—On Tllllll/31MT MORNING, July te, at 11 &desk will Se said st6.l Yllttretreel ; flute Superior Sewing Eisrldne., la toed D. ord. lISI T.*. Loot.IIeOLIILLS.Et SILK FLAG STOLEN—From :the hall of flare. Hotel, on lfzidsy. The flag vrai foot long and doe wide. It belonged to Go. E,1223 Row:lrani& Betimes% Got Cdsrk. Any person who know. tba wheresbonte of the 'Sus tIU confer a boor by taring word at THIS MOB, or at No. ID, South Otmuutt, dug' any. Jy2131 WOW BALE—PENN STRUT PROP. EIITY.—Ths threieetary Brick D.ellla4 a contain. lavelfirc72Dlemet 80. if Peu"tre"litillithrltri!" Them am • The above is an and ex heck cellent London A: nisantacturans lemma& ' ZAri ere of jy2l3:tf T. A. ifx.CLlttidaiD o Illth street SOCIAL PIO NIC.—,,Tho Social Pio Nio to tis bed la GLIMITOOD altarll, TM:9MM JULY UM, Ls pa tpttied till ': Frlday. July 29th.1.884. Testes Dave the Ccnroelletitle begot et Oft etol ll lud 1 sod $4O Veto* p m. 303. 31013130031 .100sereDtv. 112313 U. W. amrsvia. • -Villraafalel.:ao. Colanai foi as 11.1701.1pW".' A.t4,-"'--• L.-LA 7-t., • - 44..300; ;-,-7-:,-;••-7-• • --‘l7 .111 P feta L ,sro rs yes We hese Manned het to be estet_khel at so y• thing. Tram of experinr.ce sad . oartet;end• euce extending tl.roughont all osetionallate of the hab itable globe, ham turned theories Into fnetn.and olnb ll.h • beam tram ettch ere need not err. We see not •arj4ned at mit 'he* se the 6,11 c wing—olthongh the puma, who write tbeto aro. We too. the pore Ons and eltretostantee eta, !se! s 10 - rrt7 ft. !odors their state. 6,18: " Naw-Broroan, Mesa, Nev. El, 1893. Deer Mr: I have been afflicted many yews .Ito . verso prostrating cramp. in ray limbs, tAd Coat and h.& .d . general disorcluied system. Pavelcleav sad Cedickt• failed CO MU.* MO Wod. Tivitillt Roma friends In Dew York who a. re Wring Plantstion name they prevailed anon me tansy them. I .mmenced small wine-glavelld after Monier. Peeling better by &gram in few day. I was eatoi Idled to find the sold wee and always bed entirely left me, r—al I could lamp the elabt tbroagb, .blob I have not clone for yearn. I feel like another being. My appetite tend strength have i rr ui, improves by the co of toe Plantation Dlt• ter.. grapectitilly, JUDITH Stlidalls." "Haab. &Pt- 16, 18 U. to • • • I Woo In the fumy hoeplesi fat [oar• teen me oth•—•perehleme end nearly deed. At Ale c ., Di. they gm mat • honk of Phu:natio. Ohm.. • • • Throe bottle; mumod my speech mid oared me. • • • 0. A. FLAMM." Th. Coll. tag is tem tho if anagu of the Union Elmo Brioton (to Lb. t tiloloon of Voltuaboorsl - - ollavroarnalannton. 67th BMW, New York, hugnet2, 16®. Dr. /rake: Your wor.derfol Plantation Bittore hoes hero given to soma os our chlldreu searing from weakness mw lunge with man hap, elect. Orm lime girl to particular. with talus In boo bood, loos of .49atuo, .04 daily wasting co =Ansa. on .004 k nitdical eall hod teen asharated, hoe boon entirely ro• stored. W. oosioustud with but • teaspoonful of Bit ten a day.. Her late and strength npfdly Intreat tat, and .he Is suostwell. lieopectfalts. Km 0. IL DEVOS," ... • • • I an• mud , n , ion. nta I redly bsllave Da Plantation Mtgr bay• saatxt my tun lien. W. H. WILOGONXIt. Clairid, N. T. • • • 2bou vitt east toe two bottles mon or thy I 'total ton B.ttan. My tette Us been scatty besotted by that use. Thy Mend BHA cnis ins, Philadelphia. Ps." • • • I ban teen • gnat sulterer Dm.p. tan sad hal toabsaaa preacnlng. • • The Plazas Baton dm owed me. MIT. J. B. OATHOILB, 11o:het:sr, N. Y." ••• • • I him glytat tho Plantattcra Blttara to hon• 4.241 of our dltablW soldtm 71tb the lutort..tuttiotting W D. AliDa (WS, Ihrzlintrudemt aoldi,er ace., 014 . 4 ..0r Or" •• • Th. Plantation Bittom bar. octrird of r (Lapin's!, of whfra I was laid op pros:rata, sad bad to abandon my buslawas It. B. 18.1hti9LICY, Clemland. Data.' "• • • ¶b. Plaat•tlon Blitzes bore cared sts of • doraNgesent 01 Ms Same •ad Ortnal7 Orgara OL•t tom d tau ,nerd se to Io•ra. It arts la. • eltam. 0. O. BIOOIIS, 80. 0,l B:od•rai.. da., +to., to The Pientsttoo hitters mat. the weak stronr, the 1.. • gold brlllient, and ace onnamted nahtrs'. .nest rem, . - The, are ccosptesed of the celebrated O. liter& Iltrt, W tntetat w o dasstres. Boots. Beth., at, alt Itth.etT'sl rerfactlt here rt. Onstat seder 8. T.-1860-Z. Fusco. of okNotaxy bsbtla rant:Mad with wsalotat, logtottzeb, paklCatton of too heart, o k of aopottts, tiotios. torpid UTC, eonallyttlon, tens to meet. If tbyy will not try cum They an gte,433l.extdad by tba bigtsat tatellevtl 00. orities, IWO an vimrroated to pughlos an damt.d/44 bo&r.loa. tied. They ore esoootlYttily Nynkyablo, per. trcuy Putt. 101 Yam.. • Hat.....m.—Any parson ;lel satof to Neff tuatattas Inas in tall or by tae pieta • minter sad La. .mkr. It Is pat up only vi t aar los oats bsttem Demo* of battles nrdllod ladtettots daleterloao staff. Ito whlelt semsral person! are already ta prison. ase As: eves., bottle b our Valtad amts stems over the cork asateelisted, sad oar stgaatare isa saa.l elate Iffamthatoren of ANILATIIINCI, SIMANIZILD AND BOLT OOPPKB, PRIX= OOPPLA BOTTOXS RUB= STILL BOTTOMS, IRALTAB BOLD= AD% Laspartera aadleal.rs la Imam, TIN PLATT. MINT IHON, WIBZ, ta. Chnotaatly oa haall, TTD IMAS' MACIIIII23 AND TOOL& Wa..oure, 21. 1141 TIBBS I LIU HUMID lITAX.P.M. Ftlaatargh. P► !postal areas of Omar vat to my tartroCel pattart torMlySlauT Wffi BAILVIELL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND II rum IRON WORK ERS, Pens Bf., Nao. E), EL 24 and 28. Raring ea - oared a tam sod ud furateted It with the own Ira pwTed myw0....,, we are prtparod to town:. ms nary dow=tption of BOILERS, In the best rawest, du erarrantad opal to_ any nude be the cosoatry. CRUZ. BRIORES, TIRE DEM, STEAM I /PM, LOCOMOTIVE DOELZI33, CONDENSINIS, BALT PANS, TANEN, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, BAT TLING PANS, BOILER LEON BBIDOZS, BVGAB PANS, and solo eneenclaotnrora of BARMELLLM PATENT BOILERS. Repaldna dose on the ehortwet notice. 4.18:81 Q-7ROBERSON, RRA. a CO., (stiocee• to Itormsom, Elm, d No.LA.A,)WABIELEIG- ToN WORKS, Eamon= I 11.4cougurs, Plit,antraS, NAtotnctoyen or BOAT AND IrtATIONIRT =SAM 1 - Nannts, BLAST MURIA, KILL NA. CL INERT, GEARING, BEIAPTING, CANTING% of slldsserlptloas; OIL TANKS S MILLS WILIER AND EGRET IRON WORE. *Tema br 011/7ARD'O PAU= INIZOTOB TOE TEILDINO 8014870. 0., TIM CONFESSIONS AIM EX- Ps RENSION OP AN INVALID, publish/4 for the lA:midland us • warning sad notion to young inset into suffer from Nervous Debility, Psuossiturs Decay W Ilauhood, etc., supplying, Ist the ova time, Bo mows car.. By one who has oared tilmooll etre being put to vote ezponso sod Wag through vodkal ¢am• bug sad quackrep. By 11120 mos e poet-Paid ilddracted coy& pv, shop cops foal to had of th. author, NATHANILL eseirient, 11.1. orrildidomY Bedford. atop onnty, B. Y. TO VIERVOIIB SUPPE/M/1S OF 210111 ortss.—A rmrmad platinum lona I Dena rentmod to health to a few dap, after undergoing ell the moat math. and , Irregular newelee mode of treatment. without eu,ouw, ocoellete It Ida mimed duty to communicate to too %Meted fellow creatures tbr mama of core. Hance, oo the reaw IA of an whim. I envolar, h. wail mad, from, • oopy of the preemiption Direct to Dr. 70ES m. DAGNALL, 1811 Hui. ton anted, H. T. tohltlydswT La 0. ,mn...... 1. v. =Wu,. 10.. LA BELLE -STEEL WORKS. REITER a CO., Boreseeora to Better, Hartman A 00., ausatesotarers o OAST BIT= , BPBOSO, PLOW AND PLUM eTsr.EL ; BPIWNOS, AXLE CIIOWDMIA, to Works, FIBS? WATID, Allegheny City. P. O. Addeeles, PITTISI3paGIL. Pe. jam, JOHI4 COCHRAN & BRO., Man ofactorers of DION BAILING, MON VAULTS AND VAULT DOOlia, WINDOW tanurrans. WIN DOW GUAIIDS, ho., Not. 01 . 13ZOOND and ft THIRD BTBZET, tot. Wood and. blarket. Hate on head s tr ait, of cow Pablems, hoof sod Nth, =liable for ell pupae& Portia:du. ottenttoo pal to intelcodng Grate Lott. Jobbing dose at Abort . notice. and O , N. Hazes fi BONS., Dismal IN 201/11163 AND DOWN= DILLS 01 DX. CINDTI7IOATTB 01 DEPOBI2,..DANIE Kern AND =can, No. IN MINOT NTDIFT, Plileargh, Pa. ooUsotteme audio on all On pdatapal- tale] thr.sh.i ths Vnft d Shaw. :APIS DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, 87001161., "JELIMAET AHD 137111P11. 811- 17218 new and reliable frittered—tit Beres of the Howard Aseodatloa. Dent b 7 mast la UAW huff' envelope. free of charge. , Mann D. 1. MIMS 1:101101170H, Upward Assnistlaa, So. Math Moth area, Phrtaleloble. Pe. • ; oth.Ml7 10-- , HEN= YL COLLIN% Foßws.so • MI AND 00=MON =mum rill idtalsogil &Aar CLEMSB:I4 11IIrrlik MOS: 473/4 Ana= 71R U WOO 07: sir JirE 1r ApinEßTzsv.ing4T4 Dll. EOLUTION OF ?ARM - Fs ElFalP— b arm of Will= 11,116 S b CO Ina tlat dub dlssalved 1 ittn utl et...tut All lest 'ti. t rue .111 b• prover bi to 11. IC HOZ, nr LIB [CT bl El I ET, ,mumitutely. ILOOMItT FECX /.1 . 4:3t 14 11. /SOX - piAldi Li" SEWING. MAC 11 4 : E —On .71 ght;.# ina =Ks, will M soli, at ItoQmmeetial Woo Rion. or irtri.h 810 1, ono very enroll°, Family Peeing rlactdao, In outlier t nit, and teat de so •• /YU A. Idell.W OINA. 001 IN ?}IF:1 LE RS AND NULLS, SEX\ -- lb U MAC; 'Mal 1113 WIN IN 3, Jul r, tlO o'clock, will l added to thesal u rl eteo d Frelsk t, at Cauutre el boo. Itooses, 51 street : p. 4 tatu Shel on and Mill. 3 Plen a / 7 Peeing Mod lot e 1333 A. IIIrTLWAINI. lenot.r. k ux SAL E. ♦ Re ND.WHE 9:TI FOR A RE.iIDE iCZ frrm tit thy the Ohio ... cica L. t• e. a •~¢nud pOy to JAll 141 W. RROTT. ),. r it N0..1 fifth LAMP BURNER AND 13111ICSNIA W B titiNCF&CIOEY COLLINS & WHIGHT, blaso Groat,. of .11 Sizes of LAMP DEIR.EBS, LAMP rneesap. &a. filanuf.aintere of Oolitus Wright'. Patent TO TOO 'POP, Patent TIN RUS TS HD T. I% Tabs,' 81311 NW PEPPLV, TOP, to, 80. ISt Atone street, Pittsburgh 1. re - - NOR SALR—A VALUAB FARA si - 3; natid in Waatii or. ler d ran., Pr. , 22 mlb. fn m Pbts 114 h nd 8 ales Rom Allegheny V. to, FL K. • Loren's ;qr.), auataiumaid raio r-rea—s i xant lad a.cr, <1 ;10 nwadonr. A gool vir.lllair Me and new Dat.k Barn This Is to nocellent store or grain farm, 10 n; well sainted by never Ming grins:. W. u d wt. well to !trade Into two turn/. Fur iairthar p•rtictdata so quire of E.d: A. °ARSON, No 91 Federal cues.. AL gh 01 city Fats BALE. A TIIHEL4ROBT Coahlalr g NIA lama and Wlt, icostrof en te. c rn r of Le g.r. •no Do olor ctrttpt, ALA; • rr FR .MB 11 : ::: : At:loto vo tAig p.ro tga . .abo in , f o t i o , ra: L n e. g i r i t bn rer . t i intros nosh , of B. Adair, At tbo • 'Moto( Barely a Bow, Itror or emit, i.e. Tarry. F OR S&LE. A sultxruser: AEA IDLE 02. 71. lei. reefed,. odch• Rae. De..Teedben, la Me• Clim• tt ...I. 4" ftn. blood M nateeter, and 00.44 d with Ito dLc..atar dzatran of L. risors!ogor flan ..7. b oa evd for We ere twe acres et gerund at , eked with the choir pot (rote , • good nra7ory, a •arga tut k cistern, and as v.rJdY cf t. b:011Z311. 71. belie* Cen4l4B tart•§ rt 6,.. Th. sisads num. for ngr dtger t - onleld slth It The neighbor • ttrIDC I. gloannt. IA thert . Rfrom the borate =We. gaited or ttauty. A utd• to 9.N 881811, BroSer mad insumoot &est, I)2A Id Totatti stroll. buttes Building. RALV RALLY! lOCII OLUNTBY O&LL3 FOB S )0,000 E N, la 7tnr time t> tol•te:r 761-, •ut re tr.". • 1=913:33 pt C. 11.t1[3119, lea Major of tLe IS lath Etevarra •, It a l'actir d to rain. r C noparly far one f mar's rata lola 001 LE ONE' 0 ME ALL OrP f Moo at I 11 LT, whore Borg!. TIIO3 WELCH II be oa llot.d to tate your/ tame. 17b.1. FOR BALE. Freedom Foundry Property. The cndrotigned offers for tale the &bore Foundry, whit b b. hen nhtd no fa the heel Style. land convect nti etu fer Tonurry, Beard Fect.ry or Wag no Shop— better g two button ge. The foundry build] en la 470 e, •t. b • feud roitt'o lu lt.._d • lot of good fluke the Me.. betiding IS erldO, with . goad bill. eat.. ttet• glee 7 Web cyttuder. 3 f. ut etreke , eighteen foot hotter, dent I. doe. 'lb to I. .Heeled to It • good stable and tbrt• tot.. Also, one grwei 110! S E AND LOT. Wonted on lieln Corot, t•ld yltre Tor !triter for. tretere loouir• on the pretu'es of h VA. B Sit SAD, Fteelom, , SUMMER DRES8:000D8 Organdiea 1 Jaconets ! Grenadines! T., to it BEDOCIZO FIIICLS, WHITE, OHR a 00.. ME3IOILIN DU BIN, PAH3 BOOKS. INVWLOPIIR LEGAL BLASE& CUKOR KOOKS, NOTR PAPZR, SILL& WRAPPING ?APIA PINS, VDILL PEND . GOLD PENA, ALBOBS. CARD GADD!. BLANK BOOKA NIA/ BOORS. DKAPS WAN!, • UP.frIPT fr..)0.!:!,!• t!. ISMS, SCHOM & CO., IYT:It No. co ►OTC ITTEMIT I9ATIONAL BASK, OF FORT IVATNE, Designet.d Drpo►ilory of the hatted Sitter. --.1150.000 Pretbrz....J D. 2{171111 LEL CloghiFT—W. B. nsuza. J ohn mmun. J. B. 8o p., John Ore, . A. B loop., Pm& 141rOlinger, 1 B. El nth,. Jahn EINIFII. ! (Y. r. 0 hlsyor, r M!ECnal Tk.la Bank tendon its atrelrea in making cailectl min ea • / aneramibla plln4. Oellectlina will meat •eive pt attention, and rattans mad, try draft • ot,. ik. tin loan' linkage or lilitiburgh. Jrls:ini MASONIC HALL. THE CALIFORNIA FAVORITE, MISS LOTTA, While ...left through the pity, will • Ire TWO EM TRIST4I•MICNTiImrcoe WitntitiD&T aorITHIT BS ITZF I NOS. July 17th ad nth, suppertel hy • expect ar tate. M. loqs has small. great .1.. elf yme • rot., men., ...list .4 louse.., .4 Ime *licked the hlihnt comattu•stlaas of the press tl the Materm end Pacific Meta. rre petemmat. 4/3 Nluis LONTICAOTORI.—erupo .I.I sate are melted and all to rearlad h 7 tbs Omo mitt o os Steams of Ito Osty of Allighay until r al `l, rt. teih lot, for the Grading and ['brine of n.y eller, firm federal street to riddle allsy • MIMI, &Hey. (Jens 0. Alley to ittnarberry alley ; fftintrherry al./. from !diddle &ler to Pitt allay ; Pitt-.lle, from otrewheas 11.7 to tato that, (streets or anal ear. rtmodlon the centre equareej together with the as we eaty Mutate. and 0 desalt Payments trill be safe to the o amnion es fat as the armaments an collect ed from thy propel) holden. Proporate to to reeled soul left with a. 110118011, 8 not Commtmlonor, or jyrront .1011 N WlSTlM,Ohairmen of Om. NOTICE To BII114) 1 118-Boaled Propo rob will b» rvoelvad op to tb. 29th of July, id.L, for th.buildtog of . good gabotoattal DEICE CLIVECII EDIFICE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CITUHOH, In Tr•oklba, Venous° Monty, Ps. Ordld/ag to b. etety b 7 Wow 7 teat, with • baa•meot. Pin, bed spoottlestlons can be seen at the °Moe of 117 eta d H loon., to no berooirb of franklbt. By order of the Smuts.... 177:td .1. D. 1111111111kIt, Secretary. RBJ OVENATOR-Will positivOy re dose GRAY HAIR TO ITO oniausAL COLOR. sad VIIITATIT HAIR MOH WALLING 00T. 01 lh. maay honttrede of hair sword% thla I. thionly Lt ito. dh,cown followed.tb 7. eterlo ,mre la r sellafwetien when the • 016.1011 aOl tale tiLIP MO H . DR. OZO. H. IMMIX H. HoOLARRAD 00., SOS. /LIMN° lya Otu. L. KELL+ it 00. U 8. INTRUST COUPONS. 10-401, 5-SO., dnebrl NOll'llslll= Delight .t bed rata, by Bann.' a rocas, liaam. U 10-40 LO4N. Barnalye= GOVMSIZZASP 1111.40 LOAM, Bosehod el the Moe Cl aIIII/14 MST A 00. Recd direst. oat:Scat 105M171.. lIANHA. AVIA BUTTER --20 00 tbs. fresh 801 l Butter 1100.......1,00/ dams Muth feto L MIL—. 40 Ulf bbls. While Vtih; U 0 'de Lek* limbs: 121=1311.. 10 bane primatimia Goma Haw nothing and goi sap by Itt TUDDIZLIU 41014 pATTRIZON to Al&:MON, COlOllB5lOll - 102111.011A0138, 1101:111 AND MAIN, _and general PRODUCIN &slam Zia, 0 WOOD DMZ% Plttsbargo." lIM 11084-40 - feet'Jotik,lneiiil¢. lam Ifs it "I"" : • r.alollVe6ll2tilltilliii'' ~+,•;. : . . f, ! ,, , 1i,, , :''T:-.: : ' XI:1r ...fDreR TIESIBABLR MICK DWKLLING.—On SMISDAT 4'E‘ ISO. Logout ad at 8 o'clock. MU to sole, ea the Commercial Palm Poore; o. SI nth aront, The clearable twonturp Duct L. ...Slug Uth, He. II ' , bowed steam. th.rd door tetra , ut. reter's etoach e acid at w vans occupied b J O. Back. 18, E,q. Ike lot Is to tees !root oo Dionasal street, bs 92 Let In depth to to Ip atty. In, h 'use It well aa , cl Contains .even emce, ernelou the 1372. Trims—Cs e 11-11 crab, balance in 1$ month., with Inter.t n earth by Wad nod ma 'gene Mod A KM oWAINS. hoot', 1 7 hit Y SUPERIOR FURNITURE—On IV DAT • YTERNP.ON, 3nly ntb. •• 2 0 . 01 ell be 0.1, Alt 01.111111.• MI eV., 1:1001T•. :• olr••••• • l•rge ler 0% of Cr, en, trio • 511(Es nr, 16. a • L !esti. • .14.613 111•• •• " •• • C•rd t les, W.lnct 6.14, Bab 6 •• 1 13.. ire nod B. -c• r. 131. r. b./. •oy P:-r Tat.l , law tom Too 514 bcarl, 13 00. ItS lure. T• Troy, wbat Not, Not k 6t•nd, 11 rckfa.t Table, ("ma., tut C. sirs. 110.• tr. 6146.••••0• Ma. It a Inc e., F.,••••/: 114 Are 6pring le • ••• e. TI 61 I. e t 04., B 0 v.lll and TOro. Ply °er ica, Ir.°, (11 11.16, 101•61e1 °locks, (61 l'alvtleg., • ra.ci Il`r•••••16,r, boolvo r D 1..,., Mat, .1.1 Stand, 11•111 . 11.1 bit ~1:06 Sale, bit log Et out DA'. • 0. /1 a A. 63611,11 4 / 3 1.6.6, 6.act.r. MANiIIFACICRINO AND lIIIILDINa .LTA. r !Tab 11, Pat lOW &loin EA*C UP AY ,XkLOOtt , J :0 L. at 3 o'clock, •111 be eold ou t' c pr. a We, roe. in nook at cercur of Draiy aai Goto• ton, ^r t• eer. , I Wo^plcJ as GlTarutuent Rap Tar •, ti o LLta In Oszeatu's plan r Incicdtog • large racks t f lute on . he truth Moe or , •ecouleici at rert tabu h extend to low w•tor mark no the Hon •egabel , nod eh., filled out To also Hirt Hue, will Aare a di pth shoot: OPT et. Bidder will I. awe Vim option ' TeX it a cow cc more lola. Trots—Ooe third ob h hol.n o la on. and o wan it tarter, boctund 4rod sob mortg.g for lowe bud informatiru .poly to VI m. . 1.: Fourth a• tom, or to A. ?del tWAI 41E, Aori'r SUBSURIPTIONIS SOLICITED roa THY AMERICAN CONFLICT, A lIISTOBT OF 41 .1riTlat IT REBELLION. DT lICHAOL OEM:LT. To b. cow ;bred in t•o volume.. Yoe. rolcm: row arly icap,Oon, et FliAliK CASE'S Boot: and News Denot. 70 CLIELONIOLZ J!".blt pLuathiNo, GAS AND STEAM FITTING. Tho uod.ot,Co.d, balls( mazy yearn' o:perfecto., In the above Miaow, are prepared to all op all kinds of PLUMBERS , WORK, Ott the most approved VIM. Steely deacriptlan of Gas and Fteam Pine Pot up In admirable meaner, and at re...rabble rates. All work warranted, by DAILEY, PARRIOL.t. ak 00., jyt. Ifl FOURTH 5113.E1TT. 1861. 1864. "COST A. 11.3" BAT, ROACH. EXTERMINATORS. 4. 13 yes. onabltabed b N.Y. City.. ..Culy elonedlos Samna." ..Ire. from Tolosa. - "iks doASotoos to tb. Bataan Funny. - .Bato coma out of their holes to dta. - Sob by all Dintodttanterrobers. Draw I of All wortblreo Outtalks,. OtatAr's Dnpot, No. Set Dr.Athray, N. T. mr Bold by II A. PLENS.sSOOKII, SOS A OD., and SIMIALSI3 a 00 , Wbolatala and Berea Anent* Intobargb, P... SLOW' P. BUHR' ARTY., Wbolontl; and Potent Agoat, Alloghony Oily. JytEto FUridNil. OEM ose■ ♦s6 iooob 08•149 mane On ST SICOVOSTI MOWS. WHOLIVSLL OR lIXTiaL. JAR. W. WOODWELL, ma 111 Fount, .tree! EOM lii BINO, Ciaa and Steam Fitting, In all Its branchs, essately altantiaS to, by •[prim Qat, pramcal wurtcnost. A 8n• aanrttns•nt •t 018 VI VTIYATS. 815E8. DATE Tres. 8130WZII DATIIB, WATER ULOSEIII, EITDILLSTS, OuwWtlf on bend and meal to onto. TATE & SEVILLE, S.. GO f EDILLAL lITRAIIT. And LIT LIDIIIIT MUM. Pfttidargb. obll:Wdetty FRUIT ern RLIADE TRIM 3, EVERGREENS, to Of APPLY., ban taus =O,OOO, and of all Ms lee. log eartetle• mut prollttrOU for this lunatic.. We have saws nws true .. Early Ilan.. klaldso Bluth, Hol land Ptspla. Onidertn. Faliostater. Gate. Him of Tamp kr. ro. abode blood Green, Bonn Beauty, Bunko, tharkr-hove, Tainan's Sweat. Emitter Older, do., erith v. sl lour ruck t I PEA OITEMIN,PEACIII, PLUtI, SPRISGIIZIN, SHADS THZ.E.3, HOSES, rIIIIIUD• D SHY, CION.ENHOOSE ?CANTU, de., fur. A. onr k 1. large, sr* offer {Teat inducements to plasters noa/unseals purchaser. Omen t the Orerra. n., Caklud, _or Pittsburgh Put Obbo., will be prourptly stranded to. JOHN mrapoou, Jr., leVulawr Pittsburgh and Oakland Narseries. :.am TZLINASSIM Ornrr, Plomhurgh, J¢lJ 20:11, to/. p ARTILLERY HORSES PURCHASED IN OPEN fEAIIKET. $l7O win tw gl , let by the .derslemed. LL Pitta. tough, P•., Joe ved AhrtLt,Eh7 LOIY.F.S, payable eartlexates 0/ ladtbledcese for not I. than tee Derr e Thom hot... most be well formed, active., .d froe fmco ell ...eflert. F., (rota 6 yews old (hit going to 9 yewn oil, ftom 1.53{ to to !mob WO, mad to w.ght not lase mon MO p: undo White hone. and mane "LI be . zo'ncled., ?Ley WII.I to ammo:abed by • competeat Jodpi mad mil bora. prevemted most conform to the above Laos 0. OLOM , J,21a1 Lt. Out mai D. Q. M. 0eb...1. J& M. M'STEEN, BRAM FOUNDISIN . 01. AND Paola Trrresa. Particular atteolleoa paid to the fitting op awl repairing of OIL lIEVINTS. I. AD kinds of DEARS AND INON COOED nude to order: Also DIIAI3B OAATINGS, of ell hind., =ode . 0 the thortrat notice. . . All orders left at Ace. 31 and Si W&TEII, sear Ltberty, will be promptly afteroded to. arm. members of Mile dm Wog prootleal , masimm MIL of many ears' espartos., tbotr brained. will la sers to give malefaction in every rropmt. We are alba moots for Goad, ftarrierm • Go.4IITELN PUMP, for purple! Water, Crude and Bellied Ofis;Alo. FUBNITURE, eARPISTS & QUEENS. Thur , uclny nlnty. July nth, If o cleck T. A RicOLLLLASD, Acct. N. B.— Persons banns ankles In the above Ilse to dhpote or, will please e/ ng or before Wednesda y gentler. JOS pATTERSON a BROS., Deem In Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Olden left at the 011ce. on DABEIAMI Bram. nest needle'''. Woolen hen. ry,alleghany Olty, renew. ty attended to. eirWeetorn cedar, pr - zaptj filled. Inhlo-lawdtif SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, LW WOOD STRUT JAIIME3 BOVVN Invitee the attention of Sportsmen and others to Ms splendid Auk of 013118, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, PISTOLS, GLEE BAGS, POWDER If LASES, SHOT BELTS .d POUCHES, Mall PLASES, end .m• monition of every kind. Rim .tack is the largest mar broMibt to thts market. SOLDIERS' MAIM, BOUNTIES, 17.111910N13 AIED ABBIAIII3 07 I'AI. Pm:aptly sitaalo to b; 1221111118 • BIEDDIIIbIi, Ito. lid Peath stmt. ritteintlN Pa. datheaulasl NOAH W. fHILFER, LTIOIIB274IT•LAW. No. 106 rum strut, ribibutta. Oat= tor PXIS3/0118 3 umarn, ratal I 1103- ET. vigarotudi promentsd. bals $7OO WILL MIWELABE • e2avenient DITSILIHO HOUSE In Bb.arynborit 8,000 A TWO.STOBT 111/1121 HOOK In Illrattog , Am. se.ooo • Ma Jape; GU Wythr J. LW) raiLlitAtio-Apasar -Si.loirmodnekantesaisia .rEw /11rEFITIBIE.ters.rrs. - Tug HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES, C ROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH .10..1K. 40 3M wstial:y r,voeat.cnr cmatomara. aaal all otbtra n advlettl va • u the re:ati m rim of tue CIIMER BAKER lIVIIINES, s pODUF..ftg aeon fromas, inst., an simian t on one cempail on of the different iieving itectPnee it .1. Ors city s• ALL nom t Judo • d net for Toone, a, Po ninsbine but 11, GIOD ER .. BARER EMBROIDERS TL , most entitle pet feet 1184133 3to Haas cam. plr teas no. quailed braiding; test the strength and beitt , y of Its stitch; the strongest 111.114 most eisatte Io use; suits superior In both qua/ itits ; try its swat and rapidity ui rur! u, spid; the satsoaino to larl4lrs of n•lag Td CAPACITY Id WITHOUT LIMIT. 41•1•• Fez Cut .4 boantiful p:inciple examine Ili ;Imp, mechspimm; leary , :gems, 12 , 111ifS, [llli2o, we, Ir." Its. am !Ls Each Sewirg Machine in the Market, on appiy any arl ALL th. .04 tt tha GBOTEII ARIL ..d It. .hy•ro•-ify .111 I. core r••• 11 y %q.t. refit, ct,d 3. car ocrtiq will amord that of thaw and, throustt.wi the 'sad, who proclaim it, !or o .tcel• 1 ac, THE BEET IN USES Offioe, No. 18 kirril STREET. A. F. CHATONEY, General Agent •t o, sorer TOE D. FAB 3Ur 8 "SELF-SEWERS," FOB ALL MAOHEINZ3 suppli*d st liberal discount. }pi.% UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAI'S ISLAND. 13 am Juan. I " -- Paararrroaa, Beg loose to cal tne attention of their friend. and the poblic to lb* above magraflocai ertabliatirneat, 1.111 Te rpm for the reception of viallont on the tdra Ot JPlill. Banda, • .redoes Dining Hell and Parton, it can Was an nactual cumber of large and nail ventilated Bed bran.,all lasndeonel) ft:nabbed with ne• feral turf {boat. The propohltors of this eetabllshosent will spare no ma et encase to Meet the Inaba( their pasta then by hoping to altars llberallf b Utz publio psionnun Applkata 0 for roam Mae to the entwortlatos, by I.Mr to Gyp. fahlati..ol ...Ir. • prompt r•td7. aw T • SIM LAIL ELECTROPATHY. MADAMES LOHMAN ADD CALDWELL Here opened an office Co the corner of Mit end W3lle , weeds, entrance 10 rirrrn BTESEMT. for the practice of Medicine. They ere regular graduate.. end hare their Diplortue on exhibition at their oat.. They are peepeted to trent ell &Seance in a scLaattflo nun. her. Merges rceactable and rum certain. They raihr the public to the fel:Login reccenoidami ticit lineloy dispcoad of my Atm and mallalnea to Diane Lonerinan A ueldwall whom I ham meld.. to WA, me geminates In Um he►:lall art, I do moat eta Denny tecommetol them to the afflicted, and to th ontotie m naneeal, aa our) way worthy of their -ant• dram and patron D. WOODARD, 11. D.' Intutargh, dune 14th 1114 1.111 ernes Cocas Croll or 'vernal- Sramiun i} 00L5.11,1 lON Ammer. Plusbergh, J. 30, 16.14. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the AAODAL LltiT3 OF L1CT.153103 AND 1145 D It I T.t. Xl6, noder the United Etatea ltsrenue bows, Ore ism in this sillies and that payment must De made be tetra th• Ist and 50th of July, ctherahle tits psi:anise will Or strictly .riforcell. The Ts.a for the city of Pittsburgh, tocro4le tl Lawrrucestileand Pitt township will be paid at this of fice, and of ihe time sad Vara of oollectiot a for the other borough! .ad township of this District, due nor los will to siren Li Deputy 0211. mi.. W. S. Ilarrleon and John A. Barges,. W Lrrrus, 00/bztor. peallta 6T fourth street. THE SUBSCRIBER, AGMS FOB John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, Is constantly noshing the mos. whilst, he sell sail= the moot Womble term. Tbl. Alb V parilselszty selopted to the osanstfactore of Gloss. U. W. CHIIIWICEIAN, 01 BOOTH MOST 638111 T, solterceed One Thousand Dollars to paid ter . SIIISETITITTI. IinkSASTZB • GAZZ&II, Ho. es Elena Wye --DAVID Z. CAM ;nue A. 6 . As . GALLOIN , AY . . . . ROMA', 11103 AND OHDANEENTAL PAINTERS. No. Da (1134.21 T 6TIMET, mar Mi. 140041Azu P/57830/1618. PA /(ARVIN'S SUPERIOR CRACKERS. B.Q. at No. lti 70111111/ MILLET 15. D.—aLy Word nal wren onobtoo itko to toraloh Oath/to =porta,. to asky max mot of he Hosoblos. 6. B. 16ASTIB, Zia 66 /mil Wed, N BINDLE., Na 183 filicrearna.D dm Dolor la Pianos and Musical Initinments am* constantly an WO pi Mao ootartmeal of tiZW FIA.NOB, VIOLIN& GUITARS, 1100011D10321 MAIM Its, ebb* ho wfll soil for low p nicon. ton.liavd ECTBICITY TBSUBSPHANT.—Ira ONDIEM AB A TEMOLPICOTtO AGENT-1111 M fin MUSS RILLATIMO TO WAX AHD COSS 07 DU &8L DU. J. A. ItEMIIMI° Madkal Itsettielan. CM oe ; got Pita' OTRZTT whore Mt dl oossoo us inoo =daft, traded with Oalssaisat ; MwootlEm and other zooditlestions of Ilsotrlclig. flosistMmi ow, Oros and Important. atw otroalor ; get one albs offloo. Ho chars* for corooltattos. Cues wsmotal when fastroi. folLitolog 1g64. DIABIEB. 18 4 A lmwe ttintment of DOOM AIM 00IIIITIE0 'HOME DIARIES, for 1864-1 n gaper, in cloth, In nun, in imitsilow.l'arter, Tuba, linumne—with gat edges sad with marble edter—with baba Want duel* sad alartlo fulaninws. All rines,_ ono from the mom. motor tO the very hal. Far sole at resew able Moe be ccuirtsin, WlL ai O. roanaroN • 00.. matcons, 67 Wood Mesh 1101ENS2 ELAER POLY TECHNIC INSII ITU, 'MOT, N. T.—Th• IrOETT.111.1? AN. DUAL BUNION or UM wail taw :0001100D Of EL GINEI3IIIO AND NATIIfIAL BOIEtOE, IND tom. mum BEEIXDBIS 1411„11M. TL. prlactpal Lau. Tat Se completed end rody _far accapaloa.,. - Net Arunislikstae, Vika fall tabpsnlialyzevt. usavdtts , lent woxi , u sumo; WANTS. - - WANTH D-A PIANItT, r4,-I with T T Lt.. rt. Addre.. A. 314 EL. Arntt, )12 , :14 Bhtzon, Sereer Coamt,, h. W A TED--Two good BLACKS?.HITHa, Tro wb m (le bight nt 1.111 b) Vv.. N. Dot the btst wl , lllnaell.e.ra 11.4 , Jori St JAN T,PW5,1:41 WANTED. A SU WiT IT UT E To warn 'a three 7. Ste to me j. 27 No. 81 W.ITLA tIT6IAT. WANTED—A good Jcurneyrnan WATCH DIA E VP, arab canl nn lattml Go oool sag: s ttnecly einit'n •nn nt•• e, inett to •tt tarty appt:• can by R. A. 1 ?TT. E Part•cabarg. W. V. trinttl U - tk oung goof habits V ...Irailt .1 Fire Tho2eraal DA!ars. vr . •11•• a rerther ta, I'EPT37Y Csolda, Om' lI,VrANTRD—Or od LOC )ItorivE AA 11 FIST. t0 , ....0,1T .rt .4 Ms w e T ftert , ILe 911 • elks MILL I UN 21. It. ev, :aoc:l3 of hoer MIII Itnr. J a",3t I, I [7ANTED—An WA.KE t no , Pr VA "—ote Wolghtof Mot I, tog w 0 66:Fp(ng A, to lIQ6E EY, WE .t.s JY•, no k., Filth War& -ANTED- TB* CR E 4 24. —Art Elec. cion ono be bald 1 S _Noel Novae No. 6, en SA IV /1.- D tY, Att.tet 6tb, for the parpoar of eloolleg Six Totritn. a fnr b. Fall 1, rat of thr e teottler, for the Detrlct t choela of Sttelltleg TO. tablp. ROBT. MEVIIIININ(119, Fret/dent. E ILINO, Peeretery. J 31 WAISTICD—TWO RELIABLE MEN, scoo cull capital, to .1:Igoe* to Ito Rates of Indkar• Lbtgan, tit., =on totur* and eats of On ant Ida that pa)• 3 , 3 Tor mat prAl fy .1 U. Ttl Tuft. it Hand ...al WANTED. A SUBSTITUTE. A ..pr am bathe •utatltute ante!, to *So= a 1 Poe al bootty 1611 b. 'pit]. Apply at No. 120 F01711111.8717.11CT. AAJANTED-A= ROUSTS.—A handsome Y EOM, eto•eso on • quiet glare, Alladhd7 from Ow. to Defeo roman, dttb wawr sad gas shit. =ars to trout of bora., and • stab!" vrttit it pfsferrid. No tried • •tar•l Imandiately. /alarm at JI die OITIVE. WANTED, GOOD TITABS AND TI r. WANTED--TEACaER.B —An Election TV of Tottivra for he Rooth N t.bo oh N.b112 ScbcoN t. e. b&d MONDAY. Augart t.t. at the t.CIfOCIL 11008 L Applies:lo. received oh or bears that time 111 order the Sabo! Itoard. jrnloy J. 0. 'Wen, Poor:tem • WANTED. PAPE& An, V.AGS Ws are pa. lag mars than user b.larre far tag B.lss, wit/ Dut corn; Yampltu. awl salves, trasapa• pets, 6114 own Fart:cle or printed or attastracript pap.. Prix g aB yen kw., and Ma and gss sash for thaw, st tto Doak St re of r. K. WASL9I.I. Na iol Voderal arta:, Lllagneary WANTED A BunurvTHEDSIST AND tiATB)S, For the •• Netre.Boyer Home." Ynr further wander. inqafroof ILO3.l3CraLi 11211,.64., at Kramer @ Pam's. N 35 rift@ stmt. THANE 13.8ELL269, tom!• TAN T D- $6O A MON in —1 .mnt•A g enyta at $6O a 61:012th, 111ip61.1 path, to All eq .fitAsivin MUMS. GIP BUS NUM. sad thirteen ether nen, weal awl earl= send. rthtema ei zea..l MI Mi.. . Arktram, JOH N F. LORD. Bld.iko 11, 1401....Nallanef W A N T E 0 RIIIISTIVJ rcs, TT IPI'T L1A131.41. TO MIAs T, to ester tho &write, .. rrproemtatlves, 1n WlT.rs or the next oraft. A lib eral boahty will be paid lo oddllink to tbx atrrortrumtt bormty oriersd. Address BOX. 3C7, Pittsburgh. Pa. leaf ATILNTED—A gents to sell the Standard 11111T0117 07 Tin WAIL A rare &sato to make mono. Agoota on clearing from SICO to 10)0 per mouth. WO 000 volumes otroady sold. Bond for circulars. Address J0H123, HBO& d 00., Poblittlito, Bottitoom Md. JoSiate. WANTED—A good DlAoaurs BLUM ! V extra AHD EILYII3.. &lag •Mr good OIL - 011:13111111. Rigbegi wage/ paid to good ',atoms. 11= of =OH BOLN. Oar. of Pot at allay and Dogmas Way. THE kIIENIOAN INSTITUTE, rrinw YORK. giros.: 6 ant the WEIZEILLICa WIIEOB =kelt the 1.0011. EMI LOU, sad r.k. hig.d. . `-count of tt. elasticity, ymnztenos, Donuts and g-al dtetrableneas cl the etitehtug era a dece, and the wide range of tta •ppllutkm THE - LOOK STITOB' Is atilrennlty sckavrled4Led an the vvry bast tot Ali Mods or sowing. It row/. cull one ho'l the amount of I=l "Chain € [ltch" Elsehtnes. tbmi =lan • e•ftng or bo cwit.n3 to SLIP) PEE DAY. Tb. WHIMIEB WILSON fa the only mact.lne tralug. the GIAISS ILIPIWVEMENIB. Call sad exam I=olll9=l WM. SUMNER A: CO., Agenta. OMAnwr AN OT DINA NCE donating a portion of the Baum tto thell•ntral Bd., - of lidacatdott, (or tt. )14 L Scho•l. . . _ Etc. 1. if ordained and made ttf mew and riti.-.-ns of Isittsi'vrob , to SWerf caal Ccomnolg Cbaa• cas arseng.ded, and u to &erelly arliafffed and matted by the anflimify of the IKILIe, That th.t portion of the node Lot in the Math word, at toe corner of Prospect street sad Pens n sired, trtuting oa Prospect street ono itnedred sod no, hey and eximoding northward along Manus street. p . esening the nine width, three hundred and slaty d e fret, ho and the same to hereby a,ptopzinied and boosted to the Central heard of Editcatinn of the My at Pittsburgh, ea a site for the High school of the city; Pzererri, tinwares' +hat the said tot berebt do nated ehali be nerd exeltindzeir foe the pralines of said High tchect, ens when no longer needed or wed for eau purpose* then revert back to th • city. Ordained sod courted Into * low fn Cosnr_Lts, this:l6th day at July, A. D. 1605. WIC 11 DUOWN, Prookient, pro tom, of Select Council. Attest ES. Houma., Clerk of Select Council. THOS. EITEL% Pratlent of Common Council, Atlot Ilron M'lturan, Clerk of Common Commll, AN ORDINANCE changing the &lariat' of the 71rAt'axid eacond ULU"Ia Strad Comma s!. em Sr.. I. Be II ordained and omelet by ate Maw, Alder ®& citizens of Pittsburgh, in Seed and Onotton Cann ei/s ennobled, and h le ordained and maned by the anhonly of the none, Thot from and after the drat day of Apr% L. D. net, the azlery of tee Pint and &mad Distret Street Corneal 'loners dual ha Bevan evades& Mean per year, for each one of Ina Oonitareatonera. Or c S. That all ordlnences or parts of ordlnancee In vanilla with the abase be and the stone us haroby .e. pealed; and that the aforesaid Inonteao than he charged to • poroestatlon No. 13, far the prima year. Ordained and enacted into a law In Otrancns, We 25th day of inly, A. D. 1664. . . WV. 11. litittitva, President, pro torn., of Settrit Cenned... Attest : L. S.loasow, Clerk of Mont Cotmci. . _ _ . THOS. BTIEEL, Preddant of Common Connell, Attest !Iron Billiamr., Clerk of Common oOunciL ADM A lICTION SLIM OF CONDEMNED HOWES. Wen Demiennner, CATALIT Ogice of ObbdCbsarternaster, Woman; July 4,1884. Will be mid at Public Auction, to rho blatant bidder, at the Uwe and plows aantallelow, : lotonon, Pa, ibureday, Ini. 1864; Benans, Pa, TbursdaT, Joly 2:st, 1864: . Harebtlag, Thandar, July 2810, 1864; Altoona, Pa.. Tianaday,Anostatb. 18648 Williamport P. , aomort t4tL,1864 Two Hundred ((2OO)) Hamar Hansen at awls Aim; 'bean ay Boras have been condemned as wait fur 'ha Cam &wan ofeba amp. • be had. Ito Band and farm pmpeeen map pad Megaton nay Hone." mold singly. Terna—CaM in Batted nest warmer. • JA Ll2l A. MEIN, Lleatinant 0016:41 and 08.10 itnartarnuttor, ' Jyttanil Omar Burma. MCCORD & CO., Wlaltnals Dubai Hats, Caps and. Straw Goods, Han ea, it, don Oa largest ald man sang en An* of good/ au SPRING EIALTSIEJ. ltror oend In in inot Ilontunto on nytinoi io cal cod oatios.tno oar do* which urn In odd at nu low ram. 131 Weell-ft.Ptitsbangt. GRAD; SKM, 1317TTEIL1 POULTRY, JRCIIU, Mid coso llinaWag d 031=1:17 natio". sow vs. w m, C. COPE • 80. 1 . 153 *AU" Fra*r2psgitilW4' PrOat ti ntaras. Beigracus [Mil:C*2mi, • wurni mai macawslnors - •` -- ja sy. ID WiJi& .1 iliENal cotaid Ts The Eck passed a ( IVACO Thusly i Fainted t Aped p oe e repe.ed trey,. J leek, IV , Wilde J. Blcck C names ra their nam part wills (Ttitradei mi... remrl Block Nc • J Gib • ID J •-• S—II D.l -; Vii 7—Ben • X 5. lO—Ardi l 11—lot. 8. 1 13.—TX1m 11-11.D.0f Ll-01,14 0 •••- lO—lkm 11—II 10--Pwrol ✓ The Ex* • this mond' dejoanas Hie iteaki Bloody E Fridai In Bell toy tween Beg Celatd; Nal drafts/ lut e. port' But"' Sergeant e pd Prti Dareseting; at the diesel r , ate with manner Mm peacoat:4 - first appear L." to hls be took a reel: it.. In cocktrA-, lodging thi` own brother::: raoirer * tilt". Lim. Somak', Crag, b't-- same instanb , , it taiga to db whieb porartly Canby gob,pv ; boom then be. • and wattakit' tody of .enpb.-;4: s men won t him for 'clot hart. - the Pll,, The Muth 4, fo: the vollit saga, and apt Presidttit ofiF DD. It it* half of Alai* tamediato tioictlowiage*,/ influential -k. which it tiLiti at a dill occasion to . ciiitlas of ' one of the ' school fa gait til bite 'Olio -, widtnasts of, `iai ptospetai "':'Swabiathia ..1 an algregataiS4 This Sear Via Sha - l Otb, and is possible the -,L4saizing A* OA S.ietiersrothWal -, - ,Vaiatcfmati•A 1 - 0 8, 211 - •• 4 , .._... .....,.. Theadte4 proe d m urns time fazed er.d The :moue* IIC , ere nowhitsA Amagemil tribatlon of to the systetiell There* tad ealt It hem benifait tem of distrlbilti sorting threetchl tad:Uinta ihiltik , 4 not beta ad.:041 hem toottl*4l petal erreettleel relhoed eyetesci foetid to wort* it ahculd nc6a , l6. country. ,7, -- - /iten•re. Theme( Lend', ptatidlik clizsg*, to *Healy eagfted In building teal rangemer..t4 tp . .p - To tLe ClW* The BetiLei:4:ll of the Eeconosl, render of thlr . :110 money will IdOki the preeent4_ , ISOUttre MOM! , men who WOO eentrihnlieneldir committce, Wei ; if ca e thii Nan a mit** corned, It • aal t) tome fkArtli Headiptirsk ttleatea xecilint4M Fks';:..,--'k . 4fit' , :: Dr. CP f4:114.94. Health, teliOft..thi oki lath 0001 b1a1ez......X1M Zeniees,...* ;.!,Celt, Of the abefirilutr4, thole& I ; Watioplei ll soisatlem ( tthe I. ebo!ers Infa,atnni,,t Mo. ho e, 1 ~.oinvia, ma. gin of thelr4. It aatontatlin.lot that Lang., l; ! ,- i,j)toif Unknown, tv DPl:mem ` Coal t,p': RtroliT orro Se the Inctenen*.it 0 'State or Pezpoiteon pert fee 0031.Eneo, timbale,33a-.l".rtirej 19'; telthieela 14.1311 suseentbehE:ol; e l'astehlef l'aidarchti tritr0te,.4,44,4 idati4 fizailisa ral7 : It; far relief of-3:attla. fizainea, $4910; fat 4.1.1 for reliql;fltl,732; IrriazaTnroa XlO hie teen doedded rini 4 9doek of boo' or day of PePtieibtrae octane* with a at a the. storti..dui pitelng.the'efpfopti the whole fiankike of il 711113011 that eiery ha*/ the etaroP Or, r*npe, 1 A Bel= . .4..:5 I. , Lubin, the rest P ket with btiekit d' 3 fn." . It: taiklellet al portioned with the DWI" fkr- lb. ton I Pomaded polyp en& Were appllod: twat; out extaptlcit neell 1 Diets:mato:s . ok odd h', '1.2111 e 'ID' i; ick. stills ea " - aetteil of the w j'illasendiatx t it, becalm d ea telhlC oPPOldtd 11 , Poel 0 11 tif eat ciati ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers