, 11AR` T.° • ti 1 , 44.94.cimad, pcV:alna4 of Ditc.blatgb 823 - • gay* a2yeal eacray !ha b W ti fat wain zerya,a-r 'Y'orn.ol, oa acd as. PaY,',Yr..cy.9".41., 29221 .• PAZECYTE. Fulton, y‘ar 'Yank 7 , 1 a '4ll ccastar. 2i anal by rt • tat ca.... .. .. a• tea eft faclatba, adaaaca—.. 00 . `En ihrra en tate, 2 VI t ? ' Edit lk .1"' by .sari, fr ..... 7 2 69 ....... a : a ' a ' icra:a sctoctica... 925 for three 0 ' 0 165 7,5" rk a didlikred by .. : ... pr, In aorraace, coat by ...... ; Tn.r. cnesi•r Mtnac:,a n by rtntl— '7" CI LYY, .—.....110 1!0 Cie P ETIT. Ath iAr 08,E ZA.V, Ar•Wr6rinrklr; CliTSN't !WI( ItEirtBP4VISIL L AND WATLING (MiNitly. . . . r . 4 . Cttn. itouesennAo Bald. , • • '•:',liT.ailulayafte. 11.ora of the prettiest atrava :::.eiosaen—one of ;he moat noteworthy - 4w- Valls .ef•iltai "Luf.n ear. ill etaital 'from •Ottr, in ...tioithr.n Alattama, on the 10. h demi l tha . velisi telograas giro no glimpses in'tnat. at ltilladaro, rmt et the Coosa rivet, inetaiy, at liadavrdie, on the Tailspins., I I '2' 4 1,7 the ii.fetins.ticn that he had cut the I/1119 I 1 iint /lento-mar:l an sr d Atlanta, alcats that ; ~,,nd struck the ritattahae. ,§ln.no that : ,4,.' , .‘ Tie itrart (atm Da, •.`,l. atoth Eid3 that he hsd ...., • ,pp, d Si•ariet:ii, •of,)/ x; alo the Huai of om. • ..1[ liil'. ms 11.11 lung stalloa•la, lf,o. lien;sean moot . t,:i caste/hod n tii‘tonco of ;cur hand...ad miles ...!t.n rite Enemy ii linos, net be did iitt tselve p. 'TVs 14 ,ortainly wry rama4sixfo.t The ...inee.i.rnearami vas as great aiCttii e.iirerod -:4lett. asteraon's prom raid *tough Waal!- ' 41 ! s et y e a r . -rAiriar.Ot `swept clear 114=13 • i liAlipi, hat 'foto,oast ' noes over mare than . 11 0 . theleagib]ni Arthalas, tad than tarned 7.. 4 ..t andjoined.ottr ore,! in Georgia. 1.111/ tilleei ekilot raid 11/..1111 to mat certain of Acta:l44 eninnainteattims am l destroy aorta:a :Ds 44414' .11" , : juitgott , e cork woe titantive • r_ ents's-A% Y., / ,list,. ~ ~.1 it ' !lurk' awn al cottony. „nn 1 , , iiirg , r t`ntarar hoc ono tin ued. this greater - saormit cc. .day to 'St cupy the MC0,111413 tern - ~. s,(, and the fort to ereduatrio tons, that this r i been so firclly and systematically koste that . .......- eon eof the b r oars.: ..si towns, forts and posts .. 5 [ a. 1 7. Ins otor been retaken and held by if ictemy. Tu., inroLment inalades ' prai throe - ' I 1 , i ll:ova .ho I aro no: lot rendered miiiii.7 , • 1: - '71.lira. ' par raerUrCed 112 MOIL are Mill great. ,-,, 4 . 1 1 4 haftlfstratitui alone far exceeds, unpuriestly. - '.., , I.assa by the war. A failure, thorafore, to ~ , ecu e the ear to its triumphant oonalestan, int of met and means, Is not to be - thought • , ~ a4:341, lave but opened ma mine, notechaing 4, ?ill; nor does oar patriotism need to , be peffod .iwith. 'flimsy and I, Ise exaggerations of our • ,- Y-4....irificte or nor ksons, however great they may 4 ', 1... A, llsurte.--Itte Elmira Garta c soya : The en ....llesi on the train convoying prfsottoreto this ~. ~.;10; When this' collision was dlsooverad to bo ..rAllP_l•U . ..Oldliblee With . certain death atesing him In 10 formildrolailli remained at his post and re , ,tf;sl3-4blverrgine, and was ballad in the wreck. -,- ....'ett found,lide,2.beek was found against Ito fe ,ttna he was li tera ll y burning ea death. • "..fi, '1561 . ; 11W, man told those who osoeo to. his 043- }t ry .....', • , 1 , ..?5t0a to seep away from him for their own ,1 1 11. 4y;tis lufsezed tlith oiler would burst. Brake .. •,,,,, fLierf matmade to esuicate him, bet without ',. • - .„).11 man fits Was extinct- Ilu name toss War. cute. Be will not be forgotten when otter ?deatLeonia of the terrible accioent, which canoed h. death. cease to be remembered. Bourseo's resat, —le is Followed the:, A l : - .„„,'l.l4,?Colotars'rrornv. , writ newer bo board o. It '- - .. . - Oitr, Ent that theja:”at aloe of the Bishop of. .I:?„sriessuirn. alt. he a. tied, cud the proceod.agi ltll . habari, if the annonetion for an Inhibition ' 71140. el Dr? t. kiln . , ,cu cot bud b , en ratite!, ;?: rysonltt hale tact, fats, to this plea; bat It K.lll ...... -,44,1 by the Lord Chancellor , woo pointed out r:!7.1. L the mhibitico , would ukos wleags the jot la. - , `,l-,•lon. ii int proceedlesu are quashed, it it ~: e., l i. 1144 T./:. t oloneu ....I b-rag so .4,,, m. of ... tI , , 'WITSVO 'alai it Bishop (dray , or Jai try dons to r 4, 41 irs .seaming po wets smash he coos not y?s .. ..- ' ll . -- Ccuod- TA Err Dracuranxn Crironatv.—ln the 6.a ' . ,.. 0 1. 4 1ps *IN' Wan disarvered la a tomewhat e.g. , . „Tt, MILIIINCL .., e had be. a to toe aervior, tool •-,',... red en' , sap -arad freqaosoly ands CI( -' l. l'” P- d • .. IP xturtacjors that awakens sae-protons tat: be d' . ,As momsonnicativg with the rebels. DI o'isq.g :i.l.t.,tild be, proved against bin, however, ult. h? ~, ; A - ; ,!qated the other day, and a Union 501di , , ,, , i4.4.'Crti lea rebel enifor2l, rear thrown IV, to• me guardhooteo, pretending to be a robot p,., 4.r. ,Finding himself it the company of a reb • . 1 , , lit ti ha suppostd, tae rascally spy, open e d 11.3 . ... t and =math, fad revealed ha ova gusts co h ' ' , -iy.that he silt he hung without anzeurov,a-y x...4 r i ~.,t 'lnc i Newport Nro sadd nose Ste "Otaalh" L 1:1! , tamest preset rjr or tout fashiocubie wa'rr ~ A, i, olies • On .nr ... notable drives the Bohol ~.e , .:c i t e ruess pt. , MiTreat 5 At player every .day ty - t ' LI" ins:Cabo are 1•:.J os • n hen to their .Isounsv -',i25.t. 'CD of Ito Itcrtr-rrn (CI '1,4 and no, llama , y? In th e torlsrs, these degredod ;curates l'it, ...Ise exptea.ion to it n B asuto that no reaprests. 4.. I,„ seaman out sot gain, s th l'e the 9 ovules , .n , eetess keep goutlonnen, from 010 ba. I ' : ••I'rtia,lle.,e't Ads sr t , o r at Bolurday lost asys ...ki;Nrci- OM intoraud to reliable an.hontr, toes ?...illv.toirP., p4e0.2,r0r r commit toner of lltoja - z eau ~ ot toponh . ith Cloy and ilotoodaho, •: ' 4..„ . 4 . dima tae Dot oir c risur at Grosse Ids fevered Dor sip, Sidi &is amp somewhere le the lYssterst ..' Vrates s ... ~., . ' ,_,.- ~,`rtnles little town of Bedell, Mani., hos pre ,..., --' rated all 4. =IOC Or pntriotio energy shim ~. .s.)'''Oglil to be kiektated In carry village and city „ ' i”, the -1 yet r‘httoe. Within two days otter the , 44te co , tor 5C0,000 mon wt, pubilshod, her - -, cta, thirty ,s men, wore raiad, and the mHI stunted, accepted, a .0 mattered in. ...tr, tr nng' r Partall 1. • 0 at an India slisee, ~, ~.,..; #,,detsa, e 00.44:140 to ra , s6 a 'rebuilt:us, and ap saisd • , o a stoat dietary woo was SLILLICILSOLL the preite.tones when he received this reply Yor h ems 3 tr, I'vm get eight honduldellata mum to buy n -alike man for myself." '' l‘• `il - neav`v rain hills treat of Poteralm; Lu a u '' I a b att a in • ~,_-.,nts ay,t, e net, the roods, that Had sc. nnoisted los i but Vol depth soorywhere, was '._•,, : ; ~..ets ec , v tie ' • .gtt-' nothing folk, A 1,,, , ,1 :. ...R.t I. s Caoatt to ~..et be app-seed by ous f t;'4 . .4 4 :Ar.tkasto.h.. •'r.t,.... a, tn. iscs [era ~ 1 Sho`Bedfordlusiier (Pa.) says : ,it An unusually -largo number of vleitora *ors ~ ,i. , ,,,,,,,,, e t Ufa. 8 'stags last weak. 0 wiliedi ' . , e'es7 /IPA laa•s'allii ganiet Bache:Lori, Dr. I,ziy cerruiter azat James Buchanan strived:' timber ef hte [fiends from town went te,tee „ , , 'drat Dallas station to meat him, and returned .. 1,,, tbe opting; with Ida. General. Buell, Who - Ls , * ~ ,i taying at the Bprings,rodo IS the aup,,,ni . , ,- t.ydhe sidal of Mr. Baahutan. A "Got” Diull' , v t kitibidelphiswas eamplmetts on tho! ' ocan I „lilt t•ca.cr. as a. persozr who siaa , 2 4 0 I.; :LI . t„,ureaked loudly ill lamm,osa day Imam wham to 'V. Vp 44 al as 'At c • . war 1a ic, w 4ried by 44 it; lw f I see& that , ?sissy -1 . , I 1.-Tbk/ "COL halm" wl#bs remittentel 14 . -I . • , ; :iyany Hew-Yemen as spending some time in . 17862 at Wetland Light. N . .7., and hailing from I.,,,l;iliforals._Xil 01cl:tuned Listualf a Bessealon ' tlxi; and an inch was CD tames of daily Intimsey ridge a McClellan Brigadier, who also scj turned i r lboris. The Tel.!! Rome to dad congenial so -1 • sly wherever he .goea.—N. Y. y,46 dui*, to ilarreader4tottess of Afar. Tho attire:arc anihtritits,strorreep,,,Ma - airlioridoiDatlY,irew says, refuse to giro-up ito Ifitotalsk Winslow eight wciandedeallors or the r gabs ship Malaita% wheat he sent to the Cher , Moutgg Maxim Uoepttalin,order dist they iitglit Kbiloottir tchert care of than ttey could ho on •ISSIIK -Riannlito,-..The go nod ot the refusal t6 - , T out io sstd. :to he an intspotable rule of thee n•Oro"- prisonor of war who sets .'toot eri hienISSOU b•SiOinet , by that attars.: %.Ifilit be th e sot ei:gnste, Captain •Winslo wno sotsti inhnolltipe of it gnosis be partof .71:411b , td. gurc iouommea:th• chubmirg °mows arinot`dories any - sdrantagi ':fronithat fOet_„ - 1 I, probably alto, that neither ..• ittbotwo,alllsoits out properly quarter his •'• seSFinory of a mato sad Aar_ . • • Ireeiii Elliaettro:.:l:,, r , ' pa •• . • 1-1 TN 1786 to People tbr Ungt,.l ,Inters lidiff. TT on vl of C.,ug•ra,.. •ppf os,l Juo • Zl/. tho ecrrts• y of the Is ow tvonvut to WHO an 212/011/2 {, ,, t .2 , urdred miltion• of dt.llln AMMO M 13=11=1 1, , k to A , l: Tee It to I 1,11 c.oto tailt..cuabla al trt tizlllOpearo!MlL dist<. Mad to ex.,!vatzr, thP • all. fur corAer, ft w van, flit; Letting leterolt • I • rate I=l the p of :Le Utitel E•t•ltkil Treasury riot s se do. recited In u r sdv• r•lrechtra dtied Joly Y 3, 1844. Le hiremostsurts tomer with h this 'mot is asked for, cod year • id lavhhod, lbooth dinning Irately from the estrlii.s title of ;110:1. C Les years age,are ouch es Grad I cp.: mud security. T•oht,- trl,ll , tom rt.g, tle ett oggle fortis:lanai rinlty write exchid le mat u sh 4 covertly oar, Worst saticipetmait, beet cud cottons) isumitAtt, and developed the o • • 110001 rztent sites arierproted and re hatthells, rad. lug eolol otiontattmertt at home sod alep h & 7b,.0 pest-, oi eh, liars hardened pOil dtbt ,Lich, that flirt" yeers t alhoe, .would hats scented leyood p•mr stbitity tO :met. Vet the secs so sled veCIS and pr. doottre rot rgite hi the est on hove rhettt to le as vest that it hue `den barite with corm pa!attre ease. and a tato•Vol !store would boldly feel its rr.4 0 1•1. As a lake t /ha for hstlmlal ovistrocs, and of a taeset•••4••t• t it does not dsoorve sht tmat's err 71. a. la. It. war I. at ba, enrr 44-0 end eartial on silt r nl7 you'd hare tton, I y a poop. rrante•d,at w !•at • I ver coat of blood and tteotorr, to trancenit, naltaptlr , to grapa sty. an eyeatto at trot gor•ronant be quatbro o then, n. tie great prey *lto froat-d It 'lnto d•'l , •••ta e aut l otrittle mantra hos d, 'eloped a toa et ant pi ing • ten w tbermaalr4l. It kat shoe, to 1.., that e.r Lt el ta oat:on her atagert,rtnettrp mod In r ti •r• TAAAtirCil to caatleot ll.7eCtl. u• l.• ',Art, air cirt Ili' most gigantic Kate, r 1 II fa ema vai• n • oar Pe clot., atonal On -1111. r. d“.au t' a a old raetite ••f power. It bat. •t ge,,t st Gild. In (be he d. awing an rot• try pra• •nt y taect :a; a p rt , d of att., ex• Parr leo, aur tart t t•agg• ityg tlt A furry the goaa , r end more deayn rat, et it tAva sod il•erattaa ft Oa, toa ter ',pry, aeb of a gaol and I.tat woe ou•enett••••• In toy da Ito•ntajodgynest, ❑ tlo• •• roan -r.. di t• Cr It , . AT •-• leel mot- at far obit 1110r11 ty b • .11U 131 V 11,0 ftr.r.d. It'. ....tat you hies 1••••3?. DT sod chpez• th.• means L0.n.....5ry a support ;our p o or. crLsr.LlSt V thb protrsctrd struggle. I I Is so.- . You ye Claimed it, sod ydo hAr5."1......i0rd It so. ft.. sve.y.twre, With 1. patriotic dilrati - As euaun IL Ile vulgar* blslory. The rerun!. Rend are each n. .haul! e.m .ad s,Atr trady tonneau, ninch .Goo: hal; b.ott tout, to lune; public f Ala to one nation et. or:ant, ta;tl at home *CA abicial. A. ;.L we have asLatt no fur&gu ai d . 4.1 I.lf ration!. ur own -moan+ 'hue fez ate proved adequate to one wont, -hey era >et amp . . to moot 'hoer of the patent and the fuLaro. It ettil r.- Mritt• for • pro rtottc people u tninh the nendfal sop. p , y , e The lase moo oho ere fo,phti ig eon- battle. to _oud nd it ; nod Llosbrit, maul I ILI of weir ' all kinds ! shad,er the war moat and in di fiat and dagraco. Thl• yactLho limo for aoy cyor of his cLuntry to inquire a. to the state of tL. . in.y mt rlet, or whelhor ha ran to Invest his anrp:oo.piLLl .Lose to SGU him a largos. rennin. No &Luis. at -I nO' milt can be drairsb`e If halow d ilty natio oVi Nth or aro:lona diegraur. rnment pooh! thus rqt.tri dl. but the prertp4or of future apid .p nlp d. 'traction. No rote.! twat .-wn biro dwelt pronotti than whlcb Venda to Insure the national eLV.lttru.. I .m ancour.ered in Lho [who( that tawny Irv.- 1 lieu of Coar,rtas our LUannesrtny sea= t#3 up.nt ote.er en more stable footing. The pria.t do:eased condi L n of the. comency la lonratablit it a gr.' da• Are, to italuslemees arising front th• • Khan.. al ea r witty cheat., oltart havitabla. to time of war, wheat tayer.dltun• moat largely i.e.d any rese . ibla Vapply of coin. 7hr oprortunftln the, p xern ad ta areoir• sod t ea err. h tart ted to old or veto:attar, • romactoent lane.* of rine, and 010.11 doe nation., Toe comedy I• tote Aced only 1, a ntroltng that uOOO. 1 y • i..r be. get the alit Hitherto we Inrie felt fba , nead cf tone eade.no nod Tlicromi taxation &Tara . 1 ,, utn...t0t hoe ode it, on arbst gramed to many. titdm timidity and t 0... of action, on shat pert of Coogrow, In this n cud.: 1 doom tat jots to any *battery trrat a l.aronirce oat has extetart ant fr chop silt tate r;ti, this patio, Walston, Ilia all others, h err aa 6 •0616 rt le• near 01`00 1 00a56 6 . So .46112.'1' e,• era to bn cl Tt.od, and OW a) foal mast n cm. V, I. the cr.... of liras and eto,-. tierce. It Is n I atrantettat tart rExte !shoot& ban txar,d act rod 1.11•1.0. To 1. 1 , 1 Ituny bor. ca. oo a gust •. d patriotic pcoyle la to,mmt ea t t.o opal, trd aa to o'lratito the Ix.. amassa adnieg cr toyancti, r ord.. limo std. 4t nut saw; sad with r•„ 1t,,.., earegierce Iv 000 tat '0 teat It a 'amino of tae 'p.m, had c in.ct Its . ouch 10 , Ire o he colt eetatb °eager,. art. coil to er'ereo 1 ten Lapp, as ;hot .1,04 revelto we Merin. art to elev.! la I the atop e a• e-• ..0.1.010 La or Its a en the itattetit of Scam 'Leta, LC yfoldt d'about lot" od oatt-belf talllkettsof dollars, •t. b-a rrtes• whoa oath of rLi I year returnetlab ul ••• loos arta rtbeeame lair. •••••• I, njw-if I ;:, Orin do, of Ile pr•aent moet:, the Tre.aaty no: ao • ttttl.oe •L. rail 10 - -- io a cloy. A. time owl tsp. r 4 aeo abl • tho • It- To •arployed callectlait; Lhabe 15 ht,i'.l,s the e . 134..15.74 l oam of the cow law. I tram: Mat e a Ulm, p r tfal To be 4tmeld th • 'IL • n• t: 1.. I ;L. t 1.• 14100. E(!ll mach et Toes le left (or o lhe 3.w and:l3l3.a alstrailou,s 3 /eNt• r 111.C.111 Ilat.matti•on i ac lor,/ EEC= in•d...r 111 ibl• ,s. bsebtssids•st rd id .I . * ALd I s • ec.•1.1 n,s•dits to t• d • 1.% b vd; , it is be. eved, •dsb• Cvorl , n OP, to S.. ~ ni as" ur t . .rtt a ...la 1 1,, crc r•.• lb e •In d 1., 4 sm.., I r I 0. 1, e ure fOr Ito nat. ,ra• , • 'nu Ix, lln a steely .ui • tvst•aket npro cur: my 0•0 a emnmir L. f. u f r mtire .‘il3 f url a „ crnlat ran only cr:rer. ' • tun. , , r frxr.:rl,l , l L m r.r.4 of , n - r IN, yids,” t.Lr Ant of n pa!7 all r tan, rty r Vi7o, t 1.10%1'11 , 40, r IL:. tm Any .:Lo tbo mr4,1.1r d. f t'..• • nts p. p dI, Mits, lal Or; frt. Eft, le tixiltetti Lieu, plec rt..; Wilt v, ithin (Lessen'. of all who ors ..L.y co it nonby. Fes if els zeibrts; tloo 11.‘ frnil. and hors,. end ; only of tbn't .naryP: 4, B 4 • A rose...sad b.tre to hie con.ret, n v hr. i end to be tear L,17.•.1i• vab•eno tb.rr 0(11 to helo"drs ; and Food. "la r•Stored, vu. lA, Itghtty borne. ti.. srl.o • ;11,95 , S.; hholf, Pig .4 I, i the bey, of [lssuing his sesdleble tosane to Cr ,tor lin • .31 &ale pr. Ht, a rprenlall• g u 0.. hre ceon.rt's mtnfer tm Ms] fool the! went sortite to hu pt Swat gob, loads celf to furore lose. 1 .pp..el; t ho. of: re, n'll• F AA ton toe / yel and runt! Alt people. red Innek• the efts Ls of oil obo love heir 6,ioiry, nod desire for it • glorls.no future, to rdd lh,lr Ciletzbectent in lust:AE.l,l oledll, oral p'solug that Cdeornmeot upon • •t•tie 'X. P. l'r.senelt. cAiravio.ires. . .lotry fistrtf.vcr, of Of J' Barn~b et Teletrereneesille. sID be . eetul ds.te Ike Atsace.l,, fro, tee off% In ...of of goo ‘ftf , f, os• to. to tbe ulan 0' Mt ttul.tt (Lenty Poe ,tati re. f'i.Y. Afro • lA, t .1 11, It e,. 1. 11(3.4 P t 1S -3foKso, of ottt• YetroAte ,!,• • e•ndlft•t. ex #l. tnak,9,; .- PAIIi/5 1 .1. 0 tithat lb. ftcitlelt 10 0 , 111 0 Univo ..d4ty my 124:0 'ASSEinLY— . .13ixiszs,•4 Up pir,Bl. ash. tr.o• or the In Pconsylftula Ma • ton Caialry,) 011 l be a ant tate for Acsatotat, tora I,m That, ictogalt, a ;he rt +a a, auttpci. to th. tenon of tLe pvl,ll. a (k.gaira v'ar , e4.titlatt. jz.ta PHOTRONOTAAY.--Orn. yitt lan be '.4.1.310-ete to the (arta V Froths:el*. e ire. ettject to the &deka of the Wan 11,411 , 11ca1a GotreVitlex, 1 3 11071tONOTAliti.—Jusos IL Wm, ores Matti Wad. Pletsbargb, .111 CO a a rdl , sty kt il.e offos oG Ilimitiannotary. suldacs .0 the d od, of tb..1,7n., C.1,G^.11211. j/rnta 11 .. }WITT 0 N OT A Y. , —D C. Fillt.TZ orl W • Caudidate Wr tha o.ncs rso:.o.>- t ,rat.ct ea d•delct N tb• r•IS• f10,,141421 Omrtatkat. IT - .7., PEGTHONOTARY.—TIIos. Fnest, u,:r ' r at I, • •••.16t4t• Of th• at.. a etut.......- I , y,*titi:ect 10 tto dt ,- Ir.oU of Oa Cotun to p- 0 uTtattin- ~ OWL:a 10' OUNTY . COSI !tilt:3lsloNi: R. A D Comtrao. of the Third Wig* 411c0.0,, .in . tmindldare iv Curtnty Colowlahlorm . , of the ULIIOO iirErob:lokaCkatp2tlem. 001;tt 10`CO1INTY (301102041.44 hr touna6 of ram.bmixdv.. lll tbr Mike, onbleer 10. the deataloa th.. 4 . 1.4 Ites.tAltasn - Covnty Cloonetiat , rnaixtrate _ - • tUNTI CaNailSVONEß , —juug trar, of Withfos loonaehtp, ortli be •as.di• .d•te kT Gounty VotamtrAlotoor.rofkieett, thn dolt day+ th• rfaf,i CN.rant, J , pinotion. 1it234 OcouNtr anntissiovant.--A.R• 141.1.1. of Eat Oerr Toraltsfp, 4111 bi isaCklatt• for the offiu of Diancr Gunaitooorr,inioloot .bib .greafro of tbr,ll4lol74oll.4lCautrastlcas.. '6644,ir piattniorktit&igy . A.Ritiirui: 'I-Alf EVENING GAINITE ILLEGROS, CONTRADIOTORY DISPLTOHD3. FROM SHORN'S IUO PAN , ATLANTA NT OCCEIPIhb 411. RA!LROADS LIADIEG . FROM AV.4?0./ 3Eysulzp 'The Oc&motion of AtiAula nat Dip- EVERYTHING 13 GO!'.o •1N Nsw Yovc, Jaly 27.—A fI. • I 4,d Nashville, July 251 h, Bays: Ttte ttien .lie. patches, dated Atlanta, Jot) f ..ti acti •triblithati ID the Western papers, Steal, a tOtafl 132 presston. We have tot et ,te.t,t ) t ; eI tn It is believed here that we h., t that, and are keeping hood's et.o..v .0 it Rood • ppesra to Lave h., 4 u.c• e -5 ,;,;,., on re garde the fight of the t be; •.•.• be sphttr g since the 221. AU railroads g :ram t -to Mason rotd, have been de ate, There appear.' to be no disit..t.it . c.. to beaten the occupation of Att.. •••ee• thttx. can he dons thee by save t • :D e- •-•••• their werks, and Shortaan le sot nx e ' an engagement in which, the 00,11 • it'', 38, iffy great advantage. Reliable information just 3, .r... est rythirg is going on right. LATEST FROM AT LA '\ he Battles of Frida) THE INEMYT3 LOSS it, The TRt bel (44-11 AFRIVAL OF GEV. ROMAr AND .:!i/e Late Unit the Most cnec.. : • ttu NeruYit.tt, July i7.—lnformai... from an (trim at the front, gays; :- haulm in frcnt of Atlanta wo hove to totter portm of the enemy'. 1. , A:: Fit ouers captured on the tweet.- —; Ir-,0t.-•hird snits In raying t , It tleceni Hood we, killed an the : or.':. -•aa.• Major General ILonssenti and stif: a. 1,• niabt frg m Ilia raid es, lA. • 1.., . • eessfal during the teat. nee killed seal thirteen wounded. it. :-, end par.led two thOl,latti rasela, i • acceded two hund•ed. 111 also e4p• -1 , • . hnzdted horses end mules, and aboo •, samba of &I:Ars:hand, lie al.ei.- • 'Airy eta rail.. of railroad, a pea: t, . • I! rorer, castor. Ac. Thirteen ;ointa oc tic A•l_,..ts and Mett,oroe.! tee liamed. FROM THE SHEHANBOAH CCLOMIL MtILICAE/ WOLINCID t.ti: 4 I- Gea IVrlght Assigned to the t •ca of the 61k end ittth Corv, Vas Yoc, July w i•h• ce:il Lll3 : Usilivz is was h 3 1,z • pl-,her. Tle tetier•e (3 cm the valley irtikl• 12.3 r 3.94 " meet here. The report atr,ct Lurlilktreel u n tzliered. 7he Tve'o - • Weebington special ear. 11 taah in, ton and Baltimore are tot consldefel tb ar.l Sao her fi ID the pres at tOOVVID<PC, CO . :, Jolts. th.11.1 , d force Is moth larger thee ere have [COCOA to Mffpol.ls, its career will be a sho• t ono. Ger. Wright has been &stigmata the eas t-, 4of tle 6 h and MAI corp. Gen. 7'.l , trro. 1 sr con mend of the 6 h carpe. The dualert Baltimore dirpateb, Sated ,7etly 211 h, 9 p m., eryr: At tart aceattntu General Cl 4• k Lei :ner,•ded In claming the advance of • which RM. vnthing north, h tv'r to Brinker Ili:, ten mites tooth of Martinsburg_ B WOWS are now enrrent of s fight ne If ..r -prr's Feely, in which Ilur.ter was hotly ed. They are very IndeC,itd, however. Thu Baltimore epo dal sayr: A. far •1 brown the reb..le have bol.ed at MartinsUo•g. No c:r AOOO 600100 the E'OtOoar..ro Er the Baltimore and onto Railroad. The eel. ale appeared before .afartin:harg at 3,20 p. in. esteldaT, tto•ing two lint. angst 2501:1 rtrong. '1 to eon mantle of E irly not ridge have bete joined by Zdorgan'• cavalry, mad eve of nadir fill. Vrl,Cte; 711 d zutat :Tett, BAL.,nmapt, July 27 —The ttnrrinEn to-357 Nye :bele is no cohfirroation of thoteport that the reh•le hive re entered .floriland lry th 4 Tely of cb►rptior; and ESopfordstoml2. I, i t tardy I vbible the! Early rill come to thif difoalion, Lt he cusitt.to .17.7 t a -It he will oho:senior sign. •eq dfferiet trot Es irons the broken town col mums of I:*valler. Nnw fore, Jury 75.—The Be. t nitre cannel - 4111 , 0t No apprehensions t be rtiterti feed !hat the rebels will demon:kit:a reward* Washington er Baltimore, thie time. Oen. Crock rays the fore. which attatkod him at Witiebreter on Sunday was greetiveoperinr to bls own. They thawed a front of four mittr, overpewerlig him on both vier., sod enall welly bays enveloped him If he hal not retreat. ed. leis feared that Col Mulligan to 1011e1, tbe reprrto of the deittlyof Croup or Aron!{ are un!ov.ded. Anical of General alePhelannia Re malte—Gueriiila Raid In ludlana. e12C11.171.71, July, 27.—The rewriftle of Oen. leftPhetseta errived Lore on' tha'reall boat from Lcuisei!le, at C. a. in , and wore oreorta4 by a -particibf tba 13,11 Regulars and the military of the <iffy, to the Burnett fiSCBG where they are Icing fu isle. The remains wilt leave pit Careo e'cleek Of. afttrucon ter Clyde, Ohio. A ereall petty cf grag, Oleo crossed the Ohio giver at Roes landing, led.nua, on ebb night of the 25tb, tied arc new an g..ged is planderlog the Cglit. tetroy 11, t 7:e I: 1.0 tied Olnolr,tir doom O. tr: 1,, hot. bar., addressed s {lost to It. D, pr.in t;: to a :ate la na up p.t.l 1n L.awhta Met m pewit Ludtscs Soldier. to ...orb to e Mato on furlough to vote at the sptr.stlng election. The propotitiou [entire)/ the hearty approve! ef . 1 3ovortOr gOttoS. F...c..2 7 Ibe 1.411`..17 MCNT Or 01111r07011A0, July 25.-1 here la nothing but an t..115i0D.i AL4II tag Akd *kat Lting going on, end no 'az :iotoge ul import lase bean caul., rebel coattnandcre Lwriog itrirn, it. Richmond pdpote of the 221, elolrea a 40111;41 briery Atlacte, and &Onto/ that the ?A erate w ere driven book with heavy lute.. • . • . Tte vase roper also I , tatos that Lbw Faders!. area d. wad at doicirar'd o.lp by au4 t umber of tat.. Sera cuttu tad. Very &saliva roue iota out Hatt 11-,w, the It bola appeai to It asp at/11ot wutoh. 81. 'truth, July 28 —The 'Brourernee Fort Letroveortb eirouti rap: The lodiaus have ittlarbrd our train& and dertro)nu a large fractal, of rtores en the Btute Pa, toad. (1-ou. quails ball bat a Pala ram la roulen, bat ;rraltlngrollttin f r'rervler siraluot tbniudlsno. Ile Lao created tbardlstriot of linhar Arltahrell, Wolin tag Norte ft,tei k Lamed and I;jorss. and nplf yr en flan Blutit ra lt. C3ninintlo, whaloares for tin. Geld at °err. Drfonrlr• ulovemlttr are belt g rapidly rorparad. ri, D.. , momAcTia. U D , of Poland, Ohl', so the honorary deems of LLD , 00106711 A oa ,{um Ly•tho - Dosed ur Tromso of Miami UoIvor• Shy, atlas into commencement. Dr. Dialf atter, - for rtme years, occupied the WO position of Ned - dent or tho Jhstitutton, and. is .120 of tho throtraitns :In the Old Boh,ml Proohyte tiny 011orch,_ Cooirs's . ,;Wassass vas Brom( —The Arbest ivy larkigetiren siva: WOW= resat Pittiliust by ibs.asarapiPßobiassai wbs liar Nan .Itriss. 1 61 .4 gimp, in }be 101)As nols las 414,- list ' . 4b area iatSjhssity.ystorS.Sy by the Piltb9l ll of wilakatt hos or so hilt. 9 ~,r,Y.,(F-AISL:VO4I4I.4akAt ITITSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY `2.,8, 1864 strable at Prc,cnt 1 1 , Rei;orted. MIRES as., Le., Lo. From the Potomac Army It d lan Depredations. PITTS 71; T w_), It C-11 CITY AND 87131YRBAN Fill up the Qixotas Ina largo number of towns is the State, local bounties are now offered for volunteers bosom for ooc scar, under the President's late call. As the impending draft is for only one year, it It not expected that the various rub-distriets will Ell their quotas fora longer arm, inasmuch no the credits for one-year men will be the same an if for three years. It is the number of mm, cot the rime, that Is accralitod. limy sub dis ••ict In the State should be able to All its quota, poying liberarbonnties for ono yeet's service. is to the interest of those having the means, I a contribute liberally toward the bounty fund, to order that a draft may be avoided. Under this those districts which pay bounties will be iikely to All their quotas, while those places vh do not ray bounty will find their potrtotio young men going elsewhere to enlist--lenving those who minion at home the whole honor of their ewe quotas-4 a draft. The 'psi. gni Ca filled—if not by voinnteers. then by one revelnuor e of the wheel at the Protest hint there rffice. Erery sub district is interested In this matter. The people should hat at owes! Taxation fur Bounty Purposes In many distriois of the State, and in it unm• t,er of the etib-distriote of this county, money rill he raised by tszation to pay bounties to This plar, although popular with masses, mtete with but hubs !sear from .age property holders, who contend that l im , rts bear; and oppressive burthene upon ahem. I I answer to this, a cote cuporary justly remoras “These is nothing In the Ida. aim • ler) cars hardest upon proper y holders. It is the iNople who rent that pay for att such le•tiee, Joot .1, moth no thorn who live ID tD11.11•f •n. The case is the same as between the or. reboot sod tile customer. If Congress pot. a • s on sugar, coffee, toe, and other "advt.., of t•ede, tho merchant adds It on ire..en he sell , , vr.. , t thus the consumer pars the •at. I• 13 • war n the lasi:acid and oe tenant. Ail .lore To reckoned and added in :tie price at 1,00. Liu Is Eballlg in TO. 11,sert.ia emu. nines OTT eat that urn tr to it IV urn us open trlleitioll tts are they ash., <en proper y. !!)} Ale Wane upon jue •11 mos', TLe oervlors diorituted, std it melon no I.il.2tect, whoth • r ItLan lire. In le bones of hi, own ur rents I o tram rosnacciy else." 51s+3-Fli.t Reg, Imetit lb• following to a torrent 11.1(.4 the 4,1 .need in 111 A regin.ont in the boil: , Got. re 6taveze, rn Lc 1.:1-Y a .1 u i lnn W Ltt S Mt 101.—,H ...1.1.5e64, II I: o ,p o•.•tn I :tt C Itr, A ,J W jragt.7. leg arm F 4.r rus t ••t R L Er. 1u..6, 1.)11 Cart, , ...A 11 ebut..•U 1.11 • , J , r , A a EL. ~ A, p ,re A, eg . A It. a., / I. N felt :Amts. A, taeggl,jll AAA.I nr•grou, A, 6ip. 13 Emt, A, ,, {.:e.g I 11, A. a 1M EA, L ll•ake t 1,16, •It t ht tree 11gg• r G, arc, a. EI,V, LP. t 1,1 I err. .1,1,1 UT". I , Ft 16t A L •46 a..is, mg. •.4.17 . 61,ghl W I. ta., . • A F, gr. ncelas: , •.1....Ach 6111,Lt I al gLI Casual Wee ►u Grarre Dlrtellon The Ici!tering 1. • litt of the Perna.33ltentar. ii,led end wensded Gen. iinery'e bititton, ,;:r.g the bat.:lo of Pesch Tree Ccec k, on It t eintedey of last week : A.. A. u , [OW. Lo.ptslo Dt.rvt. Jt pl. Au to , J. Wino, L. La-Gr.ego 00 Etna, 0, l'slth. nrirwr, spt L,..1 Q 11.c1rInsrm, VW, Itllts4. I t Yost..k tdc 611 05.0 t, ,p. Jr.., 11 Llc.-1. t•Jth :infant /00 11 lie., 4,10 Lt. Jew L DlO.ll. 20.1,. .1, 1101. /I , lwel. • 1.. Lt 116 c 11.1 . ..roe,rant, I Itb 1., Lt Pact, 110.. I t Lt ;C.!, Iltb Lt. P or i ta. rt." , -•••- I Is LI • Alerrt, I I P.t, Lt . ,ra.. sw, 0,, •4r.., 0.1 Lt 13,rt to 80, "lA* Nollozat Nast U.lll, innurrSey of nest arre Is bre been aril sink: , kr r Pro skirts 01 • day of Ise fog, tors. ;az . d pm; ler in Saari( of air ;....or try. Tn. ?ere- I' Pent regales that •:t lot.t, •hvilae ...rotir in Oar:: re'rreri plum of ; i e..rraban on that day • sai.4 there to ro.hlti, hry .r. 4 set Itu'or rf Sir ozlrer.s.o.h ..• ',von c nifetaiw a and to ;•4, ;•; tt h roprikationa as the Cenves, Gf I,s ilsated Stave tint, ro *smartly raoa " We beam that la iha city rev,. servinit 0,1 t. id in the variant ohnrefeet. Bosaz ors s :1, Le atirpanosel. Per the titer feet hie oer her beer cc thety derriel of •wa-.sent,, the TA:let're or tier teneen. Porcntterl I r 6.'4,4100, err., lit. I.ctt'w, r 4ellf,tir 13 i‘l, i.e itegvitttd to ho ..b seerrnpi.hei er free". Ur kettraer,ber arrived, and wilt w.tper:.-rm tree. ib Llancnia Hai!, COW a.. t:sg tett eve.. vin;. Fite till 1, esAlatod ,kiwp.Teker. ,ha Thulre, pr omlrrht cm 124 .b'-b the cur* of 1111.. Y. Chipteendalo, vt.ol fsvorabl7 known n one cf the her: ..1).1 Sten" in the couctrr. lee 1,114321,8 of hi Weld end J dt t vlen ore ...Ito sot:lettuce tette no clia'w. her the boll -0111 ho wt . / Irlek. We nfer tc the kelecetuement in we ollter e.e.clan I r tl.c pat utulare at the pr.rtzertc arr. %lout Petsconas SQUOT hex., ,sd rad Ofty Lire of ear. e, toslr •1. toted a.al Witeh•eter, by qeue r.es on! A ft' fin, 611!Virti It IVberibg, sud wore eJgoso.t. .rd to the Athebertm. A tneog the ocorCuur was 3 os2o ,4:11111r. 110 ealA be W2./1 is get Lt. ogh Stir Arose st heohl7.l. esuzused by Abe tabus Aril ,osTret ee Sate tkoir serviss. Ste losses It, regular rebel orallsito, cal the ~ o lsor.les toilet stet be Is one of , Tan LPel BUT.LI - bIITO 1, yet no tidings • f s'e boy Wit a ohs was lost in the in : . antains neer Johnstown 11 - Peck ago not Baridar. that Dior two hundred MOD irooll bnitinn fnr erns o eoep'e of day. ago, Lot °paid End to user it bum eX,Cfpt acsoill.llll high ay in the shown tails, which were recognised se hie loom the retells's shape of the heel of coo of his shoes. Itsv. Aux. CLooe, of PhibAoirnbin., tb. nbie ono Kiinsbod calor of Clark's Sr.hoa Visit or. bled be tor.crery drgro. of Master of Arts oar f r ed to him by Vcota Union Collor, Ohie, on the Itnt CC iLigencatiant. FAXII. a fa:city-no, gllt mirrors, Fro .ek China tad direr plated warp st auction, to- narrow Tberreday) mornirg, at 10 o'clock, at k: 40141- :sad's, N. 05 YilLb street. .13E RC TrILLOI2I. BOYS' LINEN SUITS Vvillte Duck Vcsti nod Pantuj Erov.n Du:li Vesls ai dya ,'s I=o GRAY & LOGAI, No. 47 ER, 111 d. Ili 62 GENTLEMEN W WILING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. aw.e fn the MOT TABU SO G.DLII L,OkT.ECPSIr kit-YL.ll;t3 wall 4110 wall to .01 ap,,o IL O. II RE L CO„ intoas, 00111=410/ RUM /MD WL. 046111. Dehus v nne.tva eteenrben BIESELVB BIJWC. W. H. c(1 E 10 WIN MA II 11 6T E ET, w.wa Dail the alle.".fou .1 Inky.," lo hle stop% of it hu Leo ~:e•t cue, raw con tduecll 11.1 moirrAlt 501.• of pool. to to. f0,,04,1,,, a nd I.lo4llliolncl. Gent. v/110319g • chit of cll , lusa aisdu odtr, viii DLeab .11 and ex•co!pe oor goois sod unas. &leo. lan and coceplet, Ida* of Ifitivs(Shipag 0 °oda W.12. , N0 t, mi•cm.pt taitn. SaloiSt.stnxt. Irltiatil4* quit,u),,it - BAGAIII7 QUM.% ttrv: '0 13 6, 04 4 r4 Zito 1 1' ,"4 I ZI=MWM ../z LB U .:l R. occ TILING'S 131,i4 Margaret and lier Bri 1v raids, 'Tho Qat•on of 1.11. • <,_:,,turlty I=! Tho Lendat stqa We May 461 , 0 the tronbl.• of At t, bu t the e, 11,1••• Of this went fdermo...toto.t. • , I • ors lo ototch of o feeol....ttag on, I, t r s for Sion Naive.. The; Orin bud it ototl v.,.1. t.t.tr tont:. 11 ...tory Is Tory Ither• g It C. lb, •tf 'ott lobo. I follOo - z. 111•7,F,Lx 0... O. v.v... an In the Ligh.4 f ;writ, zit o et • littha r brace, ft .1c a t,ag W.t r—i. g.. 01 the took. ad cc far so tor •0t...t . too , . aieg te an metrol og ig , tt 41 ...t0r.... - • tion—.ll• wry aboratt oue The Londr. Tore La test J.& ••I iM• of tofil mmt,ext. o gtotio bmvlty r r n . Liao arid em - Lt —L4 lb. pt IStm,of rm all ,mer.ri •-•1 o, tont, t, .tts The Marts... o , tU torn mum. , as, gtv.2 ~ 04 • ctton,imti glad a o Imrr, 14• t u. 1.• o m Itg , . urt llmmt IL i• cam Loiael ea to I, , ..Tb'ir 103 tsfUt.riv . ..4ev..?l, .• • rttLu.i.u. of skit Itk • of on ordflialy 11144..4.. Y 4•41. r.. a la 14' flt p3p t , 3 az, • .....rofrat'on, in .3 tr.3entl 3, at... la 0.3 Ma gong'. 3 .4 tr....• "In, ma.. pr.. of .7 . .;11C.Ite 1 .r,s 116,1 6.. I=l " A ;Arse an•Aaa.rwct I,;%nb.rity rt; r• , ..;•; .; ,;; T.l.r;c wbh Ir. IT And kr,..1.4.,;44..0.+3 nstar• ald ,; Latot had 1;;.,bab.4 60 tIIIT anD 11l IL t111,110E , 11 • •ith &to r Is 1101 au 1 4u1.... fa: shb tup CST Lcal,fs 11.astro I cliars' Lea f.: sal. et lIIE !IRV Ira ME rt. n AI A 73 ruin STILELT, o.zt Sw. t 4 P. 0 v• ..ata V.1,1k Gartn,'.lll.;bo.• 1725 liL\ar, (4CELNS AD KNAVE.; LO LO Gtti NATIOYALITIr r. TV/ YwII F. I/ E• ronatoN Our 'll Anal V.tublerns, Engle2, Sbiel•h, Stara and at, Q. Otits m tbe AY.X.E.I t2illl UNION PLAYING CARDS OOLONSL 17 , 11.T;LD Or EIS.] eODDItSB OT L:3IMTT INS LTA D nT QCkLS LiJOIL turrce.l) Dr I &LS /fir •r• put la • u•aL brat .1 0 NW. P I*r T() G •zi LITU 13113521 . . OPYDAI:I Tait 1 , ,1r •trr VAL 11.5 TEN CENT NOELS • , n. Irp.real tvracal, far Sr LI, • to. r.a.,”..b.rs ( • shot br Int Italliat ntsrlt .41.11 t. flln • 1.. 61 0:1 .I , pearLe: at a ~e a adova.ot - 1 t la...a.seav a lai"-Maa4 iff ON Ito taw% p.p. ••• ••• •••a•••••• 1, ••• •• b bouts alacc,Ll 6,1 OPULs• • • Istalsor of a Ix,. Lit ay.tlatteetv. - s• fat bbi• a 4 huta the fhLgo ag kat L.• 1 - TLe E. 12.1.; 1-11 n Tfstrpor'. IL.trat; 3 11.04/ Alum. ; 4 -Th. Aunt d • 7 yi ,—/ T. 01.• r ---Tl, res..; fa,, 1411. - IT. Vb 7b••. 11 11-TL. ..AL -. • Tr apt . 11-.11.414.tu.5u 11.,•• • ; I I-• h. T • ;1.A.-1- 114.1.. LA. , ,curn. tn. I.lon.heArtut n.<=l: IL. fl TS,Ar • /NIT ..4; --.; • ; g-toµu• 1 P• D VT. Atte ; 16- '5• .0.44 rf p» 111cuu5aIns: 1 ,1 -6 , fur.; 1.4 e. .44.4 0.. Oulu .1.1. ON 1.1 it A.,; Hat • •, b• be I. ..J Soto 1 1A -11.50..50. MIA, of c • nos •r Me WI1• lo be 1.4.4 Aug. VII. T•r ..1J Ty al Si...a A• - tvls and D tai ••• ta...! • • .••• rt c.••tp , M pr kr-10 cow. cacti. L “I CA to agm , CIIOIO3IIO3LOL , 1 . 7 \VII lam .treat, Now Tat czTA.N - t)11ID ANI) 131- LOGEIAPI3I , A L Wt.ELF.P.-1 - 1421.,..rt'• 8 .1,16 Pre6.0 , ..• 11 ru rl4l, II rel., hirer CS.. k. lb. ry .1., r d; Thb r • 0, ou,to 4.;.1 rtmrilr, of Nh,olo 4 4 • 1 , t 1•14 ,t.. 1111. • Accts., 11:41.. 4 r Is; kilito.a's I: v. ; 11.1.••Thrr. ~1 F01t4,1 b;1. rd.- • tol,. I/ `ii•rlt• bnncf •f, el . 31 • , 1.; Ma, xrd Ta,l, • '&MI4, • ‘,ll, &I a le, l r Dula]. I.; St•l art , : At. Isrd, 1 tots . , t ot trlr••4l,. • ;',.; Plutairl's L/vr.,Cinnyt.'• iii• , ary ct ti • 11,4_1 , Ag r, • is; ( Lu. I r' 11.40 Lib or;.. It role: don' Llyrs T 111.4.• 1%4.1 t. 2 Per- Urea LII• of Burt. I'• 4.m • LAN 01 J ..• 3 014 .: Pout'. 1... Gru , rt. a 4, eoL.'• Llt. ol Nap ; , co, 41 , •• net... L I ,Jol.cton, 1116.111 . 11 111/..11.11 lc r'.n.ral Alit a, Jr a!of 113 a I b• - Ln‘• , ••• 1 , 4 , NA ; J 4.n LAW ....:1 1 111,:,a4pt 11 u, • 1.1 , ..• ..t Levi, X ‘,./ II T3/..,'11 ..1 v Pry •ftla DJ /In N 01 le/ , .r-col. THE Gil t 4 rxt nos S won:, P.• •• I; N lo /1 , Coda a: rr {14.1 ...no., ;7, r•geg eloAl/ copy, , ISZO bao• rr 1 WEI in r, , I.nr,rod. fr., by m6ll, 44. tiftlot. nI p,l s. b 2.5 Is, CLAIIK I: a W0..41 ISSOL UTIOAT. 1 IIbtiOLLTIONOPCO-PAItTNEk AJ —TTe Partb rssLlD b414-et.V.l.• We lag gr.act T. A. I V iv . , it A ANDElltOli, E. V. ANDEE... 441,1 and H AI.O,h2BLN, tattler Me UV.. •pi .11'e of T. A. SVA 3 3 13. wee d1..0100d Jcll 13th, 1804, by TutIEAS A FIIEaSON pun:l:melee IAo tat, 3aareat of A. A., E. V aul 13. AN tEll.ull lu ad I den, oat• .1.11 , g of the Booth, licok Ate:mats, pod all t al lead I'. re mg reopelly, tbo na • y ,- ,. avemeloe the pCymnot, of ell date due by tho arm of T. A. EVetle c OA, ►O9 g0.1.0110g a/I data Otto I}. true al T. A. EV A Ha A (00. The &Meat. •IH ettatdo 0O heseLobre. Tbankfat fur 11s y liberal puttoesee eatendtd to the old arm, us ttete , tull aulloll a muttuuance of the .ate C./ the 00,11 tutu. T. A. EV Seth. Al. A. AoDTRBIN, t. V. AHD .R lON, D. AtIDELIbt/g. C"-PA BEi RTNEII I. P.-T. A. IC V &Nil a-e 7110111 MI AIVDCILCON Lave tble Sat f , rattv.t L rie-Ceriserhip Am the t.trirre of veer) tog tee the Teett an It thlt ay. oath,e dent swear or T. L. Al.l 1.. 11l Hers :La' ICo , li rr e!,41 Lad tly s lq 14... TtIOMAY At.D,c,q)v •../F PAN.TN ram trrinerblp horolntoro o.btie h$411•1 , 1 the eccbsrst.enrd, nudes the gtyle 0. 10 II rcar Oe.. tautoelly dirterred, to tete Ca. th nu 0.1. <let ItiCll/1111) 1.11LE,4619 retlrimi !gm the Om. The heel wet sill Le ccutteved eo furratly, fader the Ingle se hatiatetg. . . fOUITSTOS. SASI . L. B SOIINtIr,I9. TIMM= BSC& a AT TO Et .:k.kl rB. ""- lOZTORME:7S.-AT-LA Vir, And O. H. LIOII3dID 8 )I,olEtti' °LA.'S 1.0=19.01. 7, r.nttn. rot Wtnlndoi.foldtern consent h from ten evocon e• D ata' 0111 , e. ye Mo. LP OttANT 5111E6T, Pittnta:th. Oull with el•oberge seal tvnt sitnemtede, dottay WM. G. UALBR&ITU, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, FUZIFORT, aIIBIETSWIP OzmnrT, JAM. ES LAFYERTY, A 1 MII Elr E AT.LAW. au Liesl Ecolimm promptly attandod to. CCU, Na to 6 13TEZIT, moat Groat. Ptlu- LuYgd MatA.STER& GAZZAM'B 4,.16.17V O.IErVICar., se an-Awir Iit,IIIVET. L =ma, .... , d. id 20114 Q 13:! O. BCFLOVIM, Attorneys-at. sii-rA 44 a. 4 F.ll CT it ak: •gf N N. IRON WORKS, -Arm Castle, Pa ~. SUMMER DRESS GOODS ! /111•11 DITHEIDGE (19., GLEIT rignus IN SUMMER SHAWLS! r;;oo,o , ; C E, e • VA IfljiTfl CADYAY & CRAWFORD, Wllwafv , tr.reta of s• et, •46,7 a dc,a..l DE A'l A ., 81. , I,og ,•13 0.1'1'1.1,41TP: Bllt. 01:37::.i.r'S or nO ••••cripo ma, -qt le 61),E.i1tt`7.1 WoLls, rITTLA sI AND ...a.i1117• •:IP o. nt.4 aFi A 11.:!sq, Ely .1. , 1s LJeg KE/.1...A41'd..S 1 , .t.t ,, AL ASlt. 7... tr!, Pang!. ,1 • 1•-?1, L 11'81 , EI.L IP, 'at •ent.4. Llel On 11, rt, I'AIT3MT rarkklot io F. , irazoon Glove. and Cotton Sr...kings. via e. krt. tt•o New cra cast. Lio<n if.t dierob era. to pia nordista ”d beat elk 15:a. b,natit /ink bod .t.tads/sorad. o o /3 andktrobb ta trb tuts ...Job 101 l tt erb.r , lisritled Largo's.. t s Gat as Undorolsltta. nrisa.rm .tea bilk bhirto, tloaptstakaa kLaall-k Wain* stet +rm. nest auks at Papua utabt ' at, la every sta. •likd tne rt3l, • r(tN Wt,I;K:L., At a1%7 , 41111, Ak•IiLL.LI. 1 (.:13., Cr .11...iGti Itt I 11ei~.") l~sae: 4 In •.••-•.• 4,4 • l'••,:10% • I i• • ..••• • M '• •••.:: • , • L.••••••. 1 jobt.P. ~••• :••••• r.c•>•••.r.4 • i.• =NEEEII LIEM=MICI 1 A i'.1.1 In A.itke ~' T . w.l • ~.. • 7,1. L. •41., 4 )-1 - rt.:4 I=Eliffila . w t, 1..% •I I • C'II I , 1N IC Y" sr* L.A.e..1-A. he cu. , flu i• - '%iat ••!T•11L._ , .,x, -ra ..1••• i.F.I rAITI•BO64IH. Pa. P&L.X, EROTILER G CO., [l5l . QC 2, LITT IAII3I3ItrILLST cTAIL, es - 11,4 stzos. W s nmisd 4"1"-. 4 tm'Perud K tavera=san..l iv this c.a.-try. or =ea gaa.-....,fita. /43 a:A 1 71deT 1, eon liEculitll3TnrET . , 511.11,1 Ll EP 11 (X)1.4.41M 00., V Iroval•ut. Plttobarcb. Air War.l.4..ma, CS. Ma" P 41,1,01 AND EriaTllslo rLIsLou. AAA/ I.lTi:lttN GL1A113.3.1101.- 1 VAR Slat, .601 w. licori•ng Inn I.karlr.i. Cu.. Maw. aa4 I,sca, Doi Wiiwr 1.0 , Sugar Rages, Pnl• I,76.llang—ta,rar C...a.711.agu .4 Caatanis vac. ..4111x , Sine Oastlogs sa-ale 1.. or d.., Paavauaa •ah " Uor. 1ba..1 Soh E WORKS AND ti ii U. WIOIIIT;LA.I7C GO. IN G:141 lIVILL(T.LLY A&il tl&Cllls(l..t(rA, 1,(L0v..:( Pmfor..l sc.(l 0171, PA. AL ,,, ....11..tv w Whin 111 CST rta POIITABLZ • (.ILLArtro e2EI.H rscnacts. ebsltta,, a r , s7l kiwia et al.l to Mai A. enntertnees eu: Hay A Gran Rakes, et to lerontnay and PT..k nd-d pet. e,anu, it Ale I) )M64101.18 Tfilthrie ld l._ 11 , .tript1F44 •TVSL '7E3.1'31, 1347 sad 0 , 414 x,«.. 4p7. ,e 44.4,•• 141 A N (Lino c too arm of N. , I .1-4 ; PAO. 13 13 RIL3c.N dote al 1 , 1 ..t.el4, D anS 1,•6•11....v.en, e •_3UUPRST ertirr, ; t:..t.; ,;;;;; Fa 0,;11, J , 116 11 WELL.S, it.IIH,LE .4 CO., Nn. 215 Lacrt, tr. op w o E, u, :14"....nrgr., .. - wmfo.cturer. a' till VS. LAS3M .4 ; - (`CR• and nr.ry dun r:pticel of I..Z.Vfil 7.13L'a1)11) ORK. vrlimn aLipi.l r prt lustr.etluna. 1e.).1.5 6EVERANCE, N. .55 Wax:s.a tir. [4,4.IIISIOLUrtt of DOLLED, a ! vsrs 114..VG11T 6111111 . , cornea and *Aar *s.l, tin', do. ac rip*Son. Porticular Fterd er *hap.] SPISM and RITL'7.I, large or onn*ll, nu.le trnler •bor* LIAM, of tmcnt t*.r.lanntly on .I.lsnd gyn.*** C. - DI F-IDEJrOS th ma or ran Pmsnrefm, fax, Warns} •ND rbyr.ob -, fre.oberer POW a -an, f a, Jo:, 14th, 1 VIDEN - 0.-1 he Fomrd of Direct re of .1 lb. ~ 'lipopney hare fhb; 4eyr dtelared • fitrp..,4 of P E,ll CLINT ob f •cr.re lo' the Er tat n 1 0 tylt.l E 4 ma of the yrey oble (free of tiomi..armat Ten,) nod et a: bo 144. of • opant, proL'lnl„ et the Offlce oMbe llooapv. yfo tble ctrl, ••• the Tatant.r Ammo', Wit:Wow, bertr•r rk No e 9 Wail New T rlti to tb. Bane, he' d• c..alotereo et All reg. rib, fano. ate Transfer It rinse/ tea flontrusey feLII clene co the lAd, of 3011, itAboat, et 2 o'cloe'n E. a eoi re tu.l. (rued brall one Ott. d y of Laza n tb,srreftnr. By unto of the Board. lylfasr.a/ W H. BLICKLEI, Be,Etery. DIVIDE! , D NOM Z. 0; nor. or P1T1591,11 , 1 6 Doer Os Blow o t. , tatmbnrgh, Jail add I at. 1 Th. Direct: n of tht I•lttsbergrt end Donlon Oomtsoy bevo 43e.•1mml • ISt lanud /LIS PIS SII&M. vo • h• r•lntal litoot, as tn. • m• tact,a ot do, of Ou tins*. or. • sanmy. tm 311 Bo t poyeble auslumldors or Lb, kgel repro. somtntlets on tad ants THOMSON. tee 4th o: sus to.t nalmo Itsotesu atooaholdon OM( Dlv• Mod at to OGaze o: th• C mymir. Ito. VI etraet. Boo.t n, !tam. THOS. LI. nowt, 7T0m0r.n... 11 ft at • ViDE: ll StITIC” . dJ IL.:,Ls•IL OIL ther.,, Pa, n ab . J +l3 Inn, ....LI pltol etack • blur of la+o ;la+ It , Motto. of th . .a Co noon) lotto thle doy de:lstA • Dlolder.d of Pt Vle (e) PE!! CrliTT_ on tee • ap•tal Btock, oat of the prate aof Wtfu+ntn, ;Ay t+ the Etzkluilders onon! a:be TLlUltaPet ttu I ice lm , . vj coder of Menn& jyllolor It. WO rimy ELT. 8,-,otory. D IVIDE:ND. • Ontos er ALLain Orr P irmts 00 , 71. t 112 Souilillard July 12, 1 , 7.4. rotracton cf IDa A Ilrgh:oy & Pitt horde (Mt Cum al bon thn day deals:ed.. Dlyllood of 1W..) E•LIL SENT. up the Capital Stcck. for tha swath GI/ aoth tree of Int, p‘yablo ntd Vtur tho b Jylnlet W6i. B. LANA. Sou-Any. 111VIDEND NOT! f3Fr--0 Moo of to Pcoplea Intoranoo Do. Pltmborglo. July att . Mel. The Board of Dl.roton nf tht. company bawl the day &clued intl.:loud of Vow Dollars, pee *ban, floe of govoroccoot too, onto( the prone of tto last di mouthy, fottl.4lk . WM. Y. OARDMY.II, flocoalare. CLAIM 4 #I2EXTS. WOUNDED SOLDIE&. W. J. s Haiti' PAITERSON. CLAIM AGIZTS, • 11It.. 144 liroartb str•ot, Pllttbiazigh, dry grepsrol to .11sot lAL 8100 Bounty duo Wounded Soldiers, WOUNDED BOLDLEEO3. 0100 BOUNTY To ALL WOMIDIED 6OW2= ta riOV 1,1 paid; So pall frith .I:dwbatiik" chats °Ws ... the9 r.°TrauTra oar, gdoarid.Pithe 1 ; 1 . 00 Mit I 14 9kr-._ tow ngot ib• - =EMI Nifty GOODS. C 1 EATIIARGAINS Iih ; T SAt It I ES, CIRCULAR! 6IIN lIIIIBRELLAELAND PAIL /OWLS ! J. W BARKER & CO.'S L 9 MAHE= EITZCISt SUM 11F, R. GO JD:I I=l 11 and 79 Market Street. •tl donna Illadarveata. Belting, Payta Cilrn, NaAmaral Falrtt, Il at lieta. ItILI Pt, b. ad Litr,ga .ad Eaagla I en t aul V. it , t t.nneir*lng ant ohm,. Li, rni.rnst In now putlelne end C 01... 1 .1 hOLESAIE 01' 8 11.1• r• hao • Kn.! 11. dm us 13,11,31 to laok /. otlCo aud 1 1 3 a iut7 dude eta =UM JOSEPH HORNE & CO., ' , TH E "- A ItATLiN,I Who cr. 5 - recil. c;f4i. Fifth Btrrtt.l BARti tit GOODS AT OLD PRICES, MACRUM & CLYDE'S No. 78 Harter: Street, Wholesale and P.etl:iil. AV, tetrr pt.!. teeter. ihe meat beery el mom', 1111 ' he at r CORAIEregf f 011.2 COM tte betwht ar.rrhera la the rust, Laity toe Init.:totted Wei of Seasonable flocirry A' Gloves, Of OA bud foreign we dvsentlc iffas.c&ctsre. A gnat esetety nl I , rfee Trffne-free EVA end Beti• Gump., 6,1 k tAfAtb.. °moments. Veleaf ebece, anA e Y.A.Leff.g. Jet, eitk. Led Duple Dees tu.tone. A "el peel .....rizaent of lief Gelman , Laces, Ere:xi:dee eniee, ESAfeie, ParesoLe, f et and ette Cenbrelioa. GenCemen's Furnishing Goads, &r axg. I..ripsrt and t. 4 nook al Pence Good., To be Found in the City :CALZ. SOON . ^ r.% ea 6 G OLLI Gou, Great Excitement ! ILDTANCE O GOODS OYER 15 PEI CENT, MOH, mum & Eating rdeleel largely to thdr .:.cal relhre the rezeeret Mornay retterre la the peke of dull, are Itere prepared tt ter re their r.e...te at pre., Much Mow the Market Rates Eirr.013.116.75T9 3.1511 DEALEILB sill •t otva so. a advaotcgo or Lorin:; to tllli morkot, so load oa pruert. htocke taurdu toll. _ EATON, NAORMI & CO., LACE MANTILLAS Laos Points, Grenadine Shawls, Bilk Eacquen, Eummer Dross Goods, 'cLogiNc our AT LOW PRICES J. H. 81111MF1121114 NORTHEAST CON. 4TH AND MARKET BTH. DIZEISB VII MAI I NUS; LLCM GOOD% PABADOLD, unzazzaAN, ti LIDCOOK EIPACIIMIO 81115L155 VIC/TOBIA swies LIND; !MILLI!, DT& BIBDONS, MUSD =DM, COLL!, Da. LNATIIII3I DANS, HANICDIMOIIINCS. A tall s=ateasat of Lllll,ll KIIHLIH LIEBTISO. GAIrLD AND sms Insorzumultanno For Isam sad <Naas. 80110118, BOUREIB, DEMON i CO.ll, FINAL REMOVAL. JOHN HALL Ai no. Hui racacowl Mak PLOW WARKHOMEO to so.. 1131 ar. 183, =mar rtes &n 4 Liberty Mu., OALLITARY " GLA BO'ONTEEIA • PISHIONB, VIA CZ PAT and Ilurraay Cianta 0 * *m7-dbaldineal. coattail by ea aub. writer. at lb• 6RoAng rat* Its s PirrAtolla atO 000 otheedalem4lao. , _ , o. ampormosoLtsorpir as raw, AleaYaaaaaafiamaelalasboala Pe. :vast Mies trar *woe al seis. iod ail kienstals antil Ise" VOLUME LXXViI --- NO. 193 77 Dll ES= ET BT lUDS GUM 21 MEE T. cLid • ,Fifth Street Iri PR MI Notion!, and Small Vhres, Fos. 17 11. SD 1D FIIITII 8T elElrt BEJO 0 IMALEL PL4.11 - 08. . 1 2 US It, ire. - AMELINK Bradbury & Co.'u E3Ml:3'lB k I a (:(I..PC American iieiodeong, r=ll We tote p 01ao hove poaches. ‘1••:.. iirl• 1,, It d Bard, /'••:. • V. li. E.:lris, Jan.ro Ut.0.r.41, Fal J. P. Etall.l. p'v , r. Tr. 0 EL. m. ti1er: , ...,, 1' if 1 r, pot Pt. flopiPt .1.. A !I •••• 1) 11. hock. r• , •1 • L r .• lhooctroom l org•tOlra, PtL Miro Eateh Mei .nad, roe: Cart. J. 11. C4pn., • tio-c.JE.s , ,, Ler. U.. flopk'ni, Gon• n r. E. re'sbez ,-, . a. Saha. 2 rut I, 1,11 H. Goon,tEa.s • Bateman Goo, 11., J Roc • Tory Her. Pa, A•ho Kromer, U. s fro. !eq. 1 , J. It Elool l n , 1 - • John McCurdy, .Sll Pianos. belool• . • •./. A Ow chola, tosio.1•1•• 47rT - CHICEERIN(4 lj C=l Far Sale at PI teat aza r ?deal, Epley did ( 1:!( Pc?' tr • , ,,t 1` • LI. u'dl.4% •:.1 • 4.. 3.1,,b117 •:n &MIK. •• • ' • • ior Is eat 1. 1 11110 Resalifol roses° d s• tud:rnit 7ttp eleop an! , n.•. 6.e.w.g.1 on the cgs• wppealsace bat I mi . ., tuorrd In 11, laws. THE HETCLAIL Cij. I=l - 0, K N A IS .. acid by CLUAII,L , 11:1 ;La., -.4 • it., /1 12 9 . 4 • r'! -. Pa. r._ _ slrVg p A.. 103 1 lergr errortrn , a. lr..strama_ta. ipr .10 `... No. IZ stud. C.E.R.PET S. 011 CY-111".Mi. c. iti Tfl +P M'FARUNO, OWNS et CO , MEE= Sett boa, :• P. 0.. Moor, too Itted s or,•1; tot.ltt.• , t t'si*Slt 015170, tt2R.• I: MATTING, of tit. •-• A r W. IX pottatt• EL. Th. ggetl,to ',Qv+ rtz-io to , tt, ag•ro•ght. able tt) any caber met g t.•;•tro-1, an I t. 41 quantityrttirr• varyd httoi la , Juot t-tt•ti rid • b. ex .l4:tingly st.at and headsonte ot,t I al Fancy Plaid NJTatting3. A./1 of lortilth bass Jolt tweo so-. 1 at.. thane" the FIEU/EbT YATTING, IN" TH2 ARCST. Our generul stook or rxxi. •Ills Greolr,,sroi le a• leaf Cr sarielyt, anal wv at aut , ttn. t.^.r pstrusfi lourtut trice. the slant. will SUAIMEII GOODs. CHEAP C R Z G, al I TT 0- S WO have now o;an a Ist,L. 114 re-.. ',mi., at 1113021:1 risar L rresan„ At prim 'cal, ?Lan tr. Zest. c atarkan ratan. The atmd.., of Lt.. on LA ,a1..1 .2 ale seen ad 4A.7 tsi 11 PASN rN WEI I{, N v Laza. Iwy other CLISAP CA67E:154 Ic 73- router. OL.VEII. ICCLLN CO.,!kCK & 0 UHTH ST it F,' E OL'n WINDOW SIiADES CARP ETS, OIL CLOTH, 1T 3711 1 C L 31'3 A RPET STOR So. Fr TOrll7/1 STEM% BOOTS .firrn saos,4 GO TO M'CLELLAND'S. No. 65 Fifth Strest. GAITEGS, Boots, Bairoorals, Sllpperi, Lim. • TM '4.111 Cock of PUT CrOttD3 J)Jo RO E ASSORTMENT OF GAITERS. BOGTS, SHOES AND ELIPPMS, ra: Lea.% Goals, Kim*. Boys and Coll4r4oke, ffeellutorh's New Shoe Store, ;; SO. Allegigegy at P. 8....5aw goNta arrittag only d.q J)18 A NEW SIMPLY plr .GBDVDr.GICNTLXVJUN% rurva. LBD Q£ILDC3S•S Boot?. Shoes and Salter% No. 54 Dlarket.-- Street,ll:,•-: - . 814.014'stirra. • , UHF , CA3IPBELL,. -Manufacturer of-: , 15001 V ARTISIMICI; of evet7 litscei7ttatt, at fle 31 tknitl It.la mat. Pittatmrsh - toc2.ltly . _ , fIEO. - . ALBREE, - SON CO;;Wholeekia.-?; IL.Jr..utdl7..Csil IN:01,1%ln MOOTS, snow. &A.cc , Wood and "earth itsee•tf. • . r urIGERTOIT'A "SZElEM—lchalegiati, Mt =ass exiD co w ho • r . .lt.Larg6 au/ 1: 1...4w, • 'K 1.1.11. ~,a r al. r7E.11i91 a e'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers