Vitisintret iSnattt. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1M CITY. AND SUBURBAN - --Trial of Janice Sims, for the Murder of Howard Hamilton. COUNT OP ONNIZ axe TZININICR.—Judges Starrett Mellon and . Brown. Monday, May lath,—At ton o'clock this trial:toning, the special term of the Court of . 'Oyer and Terminer irlis convened for the trial of Jame, Siine, indipted for the marderiof .Howard Hamilton. Our readers will recollect that on the even- Ingot the 7th of - March, a party of young men, of whom the defendant mu one, raised 5-disturbance on Federal street, in Allegheny, during which the deceased was struck with a knife and killed. The Coroner's jury invest igated the mitts? . fully, and found "that the deceased came to hie death from the effects of a wound Inflicted with a knife in the hands of James Sufis." - The defendant was arrested and committed for murder, since which time he bas been in jail awaiting his triaL The case was called up at the last term bet continued over, and Seed for trial at the epeeist term. James Sims liebout twenty years of age, and eon of Mr. David Side, a well known res I .dent of thin city. The deceased had not yet completed hit eighteenth year when he was striekrardownby the hand of death. He was the eon of Mts. A. Hamilton an esteemed rdsident of Allegheny, and a widow. The prisoner wee arraigned in the usual 'form, end plead "not guilty" to the Indictment. The jury was obtained without exhausting the panel, and Is composed as follows ' Sarel Morrison, Henry Alhorn, James Pollock, • Clark M'Kelvey, George Neely, T. N. ll'lLicusey, Alex. M'Odntoek Julian Hughey, Henry Giberding, M. J. Hamilton, J. B. Craig. • Thomas M. Marshall and M. Swertewelder, •Esqta appear for the defendant, and District Atteitney Kirkpatrick and Billings o..Childs, • Esqs.,,for the Commonwealth. Afior the jury had been sworn, Mr. Childs opened the Case briefly on behalf of the prose outios, when the Court tooknrecess until two .o'clOck. Afinulcy Afternoon ' May 16.—Courtreassem bled,at two o'clock, and - the examination of ..witnestes was commenced. . Dr. Wni. Hamilton testified that he was a -'practicing physician to Allegheny ; on the evening of the 7th of March was called upon to see deceased at Mllllken'e drug-store, who 'had been cat ; he was sitting in a chair at the back pact of the skirt ; had a wound near the centers:if the chest, in the left aide; the wound, in his opinion, caused death ; deceased died in fifteen minutes after receiving the wound ; • a knife with a sharp point would:make such a wound. blade a past mart.. examination at the residence of deceased's mother. The knife found on Sims was shown to the witness, and he stated that the wound could have been made by that knife. Wm. G. Stubbs testified to having seen the difficulty on Federal strtht, on the evening of the murder. He described .the disturbance previous to the cutting, during which Sims was knocked clown and beaten by two men. He afterwtrds saw an open knife in the hands ! of a young 111312 who was pointed out to him as Sims. He did not see anybody etrack with the ladle. He identified the prisoner as the - man who had the knife, and nob° same per eon who was arrested by ctffieers Will and Gabby. On orors-examintalon, the witness stated that the prisoner was very drunk when he first . saw him—what might be called " staggering ' ..drunk." Mr... Marshall asked the witness whether the defendant was in his right mind—that is, ' In the Posieution of his faculties—when he was flouriliung [hake& about? The witness replied that the tuitions of the man indicated that he was very drunk, but there was nothing extraordinary about -his actions. He behaved. as most other drunken men. His conrersation,was jumbled up, and he was staggering about, ena very much ex cited. • Mg, Sweats-welder then proposed to ask the witness as to the character of the drunkenness of the defendant. Whether be was stheity drunk, stupidly drunk, surgyering/y drunk, or merrily drank ; or whether his drunkenness wee a combination of there four characteris • ties ? District Attorney Kirkpatrick objected, and the Court remarked that it would be pro per tointerrogata.the witness as to the mans : festations of drunkenness, as they el:he:trod to him at the time. The witness could not be , permitted to give his opinion as to the charac ter of the drunkenness. - Mr. Marshall—How drunk was he, Mr. Stubbs? Mr. Kirkpatrick—l object. The witness continued—He appeared to have been drinking for the previous throe or &a hours, and wee vary drunk. Mr. Marshall—Did be talk intelligently Witnesel can't say that he did. Mr. Harahan—Did he talk as a man of sound memory and discretion ? Mr. karkpaniek--I object. The interrogatory. was then submitted In writing, and the District Attorney appended his objection. The Court sustained the objection maidly on the ground that the question was calcula ted to elicit the opiaten of the witness rather than the forte from which the jury mast de temine the degree of drunkenness. . Mrs. Arena Hamilton testified that she was the mother of deceased ; (the shirt which the -deceased wore on the day he was killed was shown to her,which she identified ;) the de ceased Was ead whed he was bronght home; he would hare been eighteen years old in Angrtstztext. , Coroner McClung testified that he had held as is quest on the body of deceased. Alfred Gabby testified that be was a mem ber of the Allegheny police ; on the evening of the 7th of. March was passing along Fed . essl stzeot, when he noticed a disturbance at the railroad depot, ; saw Sims crossing the street with a knife in his hand ; struck him on the bead with his mace twice Iteri he dropped It. (A knife was shown th eitems, which heidentified as the one he h' d_ taken from Sims.) On crlds examination the witness stated that he only net the prisoner strike one blow, and that was around the neck; he did not know who the persok wag that was struck. GISEITIII:10449IIII testified that be was on Federal street en' the evening of the murder, and witnessed thecutting ; described them= who wu cut as- wearing :dark clothes, but could not say that it was the deceased. John Will, High Constable of Allegheney, testified that offices Gabby gave him a knife which he had taken from Sims. (The knife was shown witness and identified.) Sims was ,arrested And taken to the Mayor's office by officer Gabby and witnees. Mayor Alexander, of Allegheny, was call 'ed and testified, that Sims was arrested on the evening of the 7th of March, and taken to hie office. A knife was given him by offi cer Will, which be locked up in his safe and kept there unfit handed over to the District Attorney.. (Identified the knife.) Wm McffearY testified that he witnessed the stabbing affray on the 7th of March. He noticed some person with his band raised, and immediately heard a sound lIJ if some one had been struck; turned around and saw that Hamilton had been cut on the breut, but did hot know who inflicted the blow. The roan with his band raised was moving down meet. --Henry Richard, testified that he resides in. Allegheny; saw the disturbance, but did not umemters seeing any one „dressed In ac liter clothes. Charles Manning was called, and testified .thathe - witnessed the difficulty which result ed. fa the death of Howard liamiitoo. The witness was standing near deceased when he wu ant, and gave an account of the trans udes. MAMA stage of the proceedings, the Court adjourned till aloe o'clock on Tuesday morn ing. ' . Arrival of It °nodal Soldiers. Fifty-three soldier', nearly all officers, who veers wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, daring the first two days'fightin/D arrived *HU city yesterday at moon, and wore very Madly oared for at the Soldiers' Home. They ail belonged..tcv. the Fifth corps, and were re '. craned In the west. They were .furloughed on Sunday but. Most of them bad to beer/- clad from the cars to the Home, and many of the wounds ha not been dressed since the bath , Dr. Fleming, surgeon to the Subsist - enc. Comistittee,.dressed their 'wounds, and fttntiebed them with sponges andother articles necessary to enable them to complete their journey comfortably. Cluistlan Co , . Tho. Treason; aoko mission Fund. owlidges the following don►Uvne llirmony 806104 of DerJamintlay-.....-8 itoonomy, 8 8m109;....--... 10 llnfon Bale Atom.. 102 JBI Pr0w0...—... 6 3.12 J • 100 A 0 11141832„. 5 Xibiatlers P 49 orora Proa; '.0:8180 Lick Pres do.. 81 13 1,343 .... ig,414 Bei(iiints Woyailia t No. 16 Smith: ' Manor Aib x oi ,_No. 7 1 Wood' i .. :.- Death of a Soldier of the 102 d Dee- .Michael Mullen, Orderly pergeant of CO. D, 139th Reginionl, write* to Its friends in Alle gheny, informing them of the death of hia brother, Jambe Mullen, of Co. A, 702 d Regiment. - lle says "James was wounded on the 6th of May, having been shot in the right hreast. The ball want en tirely throuili the lung, and lodged near tho opine. I was with him, and did everything in my power to save him, but in vain. Be died on the 141, at Chary'? Grove. I attended to him and helped to dig his grave. We buried him with all the rare we could. I marked his grave with a head board, con taining his name and the number of hie regi ment. He lies within the enemy's lines, but his body can 'be procured when wanted. I will forward the body when I got an oppor tunity to do so. He was sensible when book pired--calied me to his side and raid he was going to die." Serg'L Mullen states that he was a prisoner in the enemy's lines, but he got out on the 10th, the day after his brother's death, and marobed to Fredericksburg on the 11th. We have above a, simple but melancholy record of-the death of a brave and worthy soldier. Alas I howanany hundred such in stances yet remain to be recorded I The de ceased au a noble -bearted young man, and the intelligence of bliddeath causes bitter sor row to his widowed mother and his numerous friends. But a few days ago he left this city with hie gallant comrades, and as he took leave of his mother at her own threshold, hie last words were: "I do not expect aver to return alive, but I am willing to offer my Ufe for the the sake of my country." /hue he seemed to have a strong presentiment of hie death, but, like the true patriot and soldier, he never shrank from duty, but nobly resigned himself to his fate. More Troops. Another regiment (the 160th)of Ohio "hun dred day men" passed through this city last night. It was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Blake, and numbered 960 men. It was raised in the upper tier of counties of Ohio, and. was composed almost ezflosively of men from the country districts. It has seldom been our lot to lee a finer body of men than the Ohio Militia who have passed through this city during the past week. They were well drilled, thoroughly armed, and enipped, and exceedingly quiet, and well behaved. We have been informed by o gentleman from that State that the very best men of Ohio compose the National Guard—they mak ing it a point of honor to go when called. After partaking of the hospitality of our noble Subsistence Committee, CoL Blake made a very eloquent speech, thanking the Committee for their kindness to bin men, &c. He said that the meal was doubly acceptable, as they had had no rations for two days. Ha then paid a glowing tribute to the patriotism and generosity of the citizens of Pittsburgh, alluding very feelingly to the many brave men from this city whose blood consecrated the different bottle fields of Virginia. He closed by proposing three cheers for the Sub sistence Committee, which the men gave with a will, and then repeated them—Ladding many a "God bless you" as they passed out of the We hope to bo ablo to refer more folly to the work of the eubelstenee Committee for the laze week. Officers Wounded in the 62d Regiment. John McCargo, Esq. City Controller, has roosivod a lottor from an otEcor attached to the Headquarters of the sth Corps, (General Warren), dated Friday, May 13th, which contains 'number of names of officers belong ing to the 62d Regiment, Col. Hull, who had been wounded up to that date. .The Hot Is as follows Col. James C. Hull, badly wounded. Capt. Wm. Kennedy, Co. 0, not dangerous. Capt. Wm. C. Beck, Co. D, badly wounded, and in the bands of the enemy. Capt. Wm. Crider, Co. H, wounded. Thos. T. Bell, Co. I, wounded. Lieut. John E. Meyers, Adjutant, wounded. Lieut. Wm. Phillips, Co. 0, wounded, not dangerous. The writer adds : "There ars others that I hear of, but I cannot got correct information. More than one half of the regiment is either killed or wounded." The Court.. (Reirorteal exclueively for the Casette.) DISTRICT Coo at.—The following .1.80, were dillpofed of yesterday. 2 M. Townsend vs M. Carroll. Role absointe. it L. Ebbert re A. Best A Cu. Role atwalute. If Birmingham Deposit Co. vs William Whig ham. Bev trial refused. Tho folloWing cue. were added to the argument list 31 Kirkpatrick vs Loren.. Rule on Allegheny Bank to pay money into lloort. AU Commonwealth for uso vs J. Men Glenn, et al. garntinne of law reserved. At Iltrough of Manchester vs W. Robinson, et al. FtWe for Judgment. lit W. ?mac vs McClurkats, Ilerron k Co. Case stated. 35 W. R. Williams A Co. vs M. Gorvy's Admr. Motion te tate off non nat. The fdlosing ease arsaaided to the &pity List. c Mayor, Aldermen and cl Peens of Pittsburgh va Penn. It R Co. Motion for or injunc tion. notico that tho Spring Session course of Lectures at the Eclectio Medical College of Philadelphia, is about to close. Dr. Oldshoe, of this city, who some time sine. won elected professor of Pathology in that school, has al- ready concluded his course to the class, and returned home to his practice. The Medical of that city 'Tasks of him ea one of the best Pathologists of the age. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES Tnoman Pamtv, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver mont elate of the best quality at low rates Olken at Mex. ;anghlln's, now the-Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. WHAT en amount of Suffering and Disease among the Whitaker' would be prevented by the free use of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. For Wounds, Sores and Scurvy the Ointment is a certain care, and for Bowel complaints, Fevers, Small Pox, &c., the rills aro the best medicine in the world. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high price of drugs, at 30 cents, 75 cents and $1 30 per box or pot. For axle in Pittsburgh by 13. L. Yalu:te sta& and Co. For sale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal street, Allegheny olty. Srcciar. Font..—The attention of our readers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Spring and Summer Goods Just received by our friend hir. John Weier, o. 125 Fed eral etrect, Alleghen. His stook oomprlses a great variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Caseimerei and Cloths, and flne Silk and Cassimere Vestings,—all of which will be made up to order in the latest styles and In the best manner. A choice se lection of Furnishing Goods also on band and for sale, together with a full (teak of Ready Made Clothing. well and fashionably made. litsoven.—Saannel Graham & Co., Mer chant Tailors, have removed to 73 Smithfield treat. We are just recoiling oar second supply of tpring and slimmer goods, and would moserespeotfully invite our friends and the. public in general to examine our new stool, believing it to be one of the finest stocks of merchant tailor goods in the city. Every garment waeranted . to give fall esti-- faction, in both price and quality. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and fridge for yourselves. GILILHAN k MCCANDLC6S, Merchant Tailors, No. 79 Smithfield street. Do. Morrrrr, Dentist, Ne. 16 Fourth greet, between Smithfield and Grants No inducements Feld on; by offering low prices; but an equitable fee will be charged in every cue, for the beet materials will be need, and all the time and skill neersary to in sure permanent remits squill be applied mlL•lw Commas Bute.—Thole wishing a bones In a convenient and &Amble location are re ferred to the form of Mr. Barringer, at Glen dale, formerly liillhuck Station, on the P. St. W. R. it, which ho designs rolling out In Ws.* suit the purchaser. OXIMIIII and carriage calls will be taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Venn street, day or - night. All mders lett at the obeys plea will be promptly attended to. All calls must be paid la advance. • Tea MOM. itias:ldar.-111r. J. P. Bunt, Maseru Hall, Fifth greet, has received" The Medd Wax Map," siring the Southern and Middle States, with' all that water and Bali road oonaeetions. Price 25 canto. Jong M. gnaw, Atimuty q Um. QS Great street. . el:Ets O. Stu, Dentist, 248 Pout 'taut, wi ll at to on losinna of bls poofouloo6 CONOIX6I3. Lap Balmoral Chilton at goCiallazkra . AnctiotZolue 55 Fifth Monet. Mini% ittrieand 'reale Balmoral Shoo at Itopellind's +Sutton Nam. ' ' ..- , . THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPII OUB SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM Tr.ASHI.IrGTOJe. FROM GRANT'S ARMY Monday's Advices. POSITION OF THE OPPOSING FORCES Offensive Operations Tempora rily Suspended. SHERIDAN'S GREAT EXPEDITION ! BATH INSIDE 1118 lICIIIIOND DE6INSIIB! Bragg Commanding the Rebels OHIO ONE HUNDRED DAYS TROOPS The Rebel Retreat from Dalton THE SICK AND WOUNDED CONING NORTH The Red River Disaster CASE OF FRANK BLAIR AGAIN The Baltimore Conrent tots' I=M=l Special Dispatch to the Pittsbargh Caeatta. WASHINGTON, MN) 16, 16611 To-day's news Is encouraging, but it Is evi dent that it will take a six weeks' campaign to secure Richmond. Gan.' Grant sayzi ha will compromise on the Fourth of July u the day of triumph. POSITION OF VIZ OPPOSING FORCIIS Thorn is nothing from the army to-night. It is known that Leo has only gone a few Mall from his late positions near Spottsyllan nia Court House, and that he is occupying Grass Grose, the fortifications of which wore apparently constructed last year, and is still opposing a determined resistance to our advance. Heavy fighting is not goner-01y expected now for a day or two. Letters received from Frederiokeba g to night give no statements of having heard ,fir- Mg, nor rimers of any battle. The rain; do not seem to be over yet. NO 71011T1312 lIPICIIID A? rittllllti No heavy fighting is now expected between Lee and Grunt for two or three days. There has been a constant succession of showers , all day to-day. • • Lieut. Col. Kingebstry, formerly of ROO crane staff, now of Gen. Sheridan's, has Just arrived here from Sheridan's late great raid around Lee's army and through the outer defences of Richmond to Butler. In addi tion to details of the expedition already fur nished he Rua:Ashes some further particulars They fought their way all the time, being compelled to clear the enemy's cavalry off their front every day. At Beaver Dam they recapinred the 318 prisoners with the three Colonels and seven other officers of whom special mention has already been made• Those persons were at once armed with car bines and they accompanied the cavalry from that on, efficiently cooperating to the remain ing engagements, before they had reached James River. They had been captured in the battle of Sunday from the sth and oth corps. The heaviest fight the cavalry had vrui at Yellow Tavern, six miles north of Richmond, and inside the outer lino of the Richmond chtlonees. The battle lasted all day, Oensral Bfagg, the rebel Commander- in•Chiel, bar. leg himself come out from the city with a division of cavalry and two brigades of in fantry. Among those troops were many boys, fourteen and fifteen years of age. The Rich mond bells were ringing all dry, and there were abundant indications that the mow fever ish alarm prevailed in the city. We took be tween four and five hundred prisoners, and lost about two hundred and fifty in killed and wounded, mostly the latter. At Meadow Bridge, where we had to cross the Chicks— hominy, wo bad to advance a quarter of a mile under heavy tire in front and on both flanks, without being aisle, from the nature of the ground, to deploy. The enemy, however, did not fire very accurately, and our Wee dashed triumphantly through. On arriving at Turkey Bead, Sheridan at once obtained supplies wrote the river from Butler. Rd is still lying at Fox Hall landing, only four miles from' utler. Ills work Is by no 111011./11 over, and the country may expect to hear from him again before long. All the reported captures of locomotives, a million and a half of rations, do., are cdri firmed. 0111.111"'S DIBPATC111:11. The statement of late official dispatches from Grant are untrue. His latest wee to the President yesterday telling him of Daneoek's effort to draw the enemy into battle. The President, however, has a rumor that from four until ten yesterday there was bearyenn nonading. Other statements are to the sffect that the rebels opined on the fifth corps last night and kept up a vigorous cannonading for over :an hour, without any special restilk Others from the front insist that Lee is push ing for the South Anna, and that Grant's ad vance Is pressing upon his rear and flanks. Letters from Belle Plain say that about 1,000 more prisoners have boon brought in. There was some cannonading this morning, bat no result. OM( army has changed poaitione. It seems to be thought that Lee means to fight in his present position. There V no doubt but there will bo bud fighting yet. 01110 011 11171111101 D DAYO' 111 Ohio hem been heard from again. Tan hal regiments of her one hundred days men hive been judicial:LA' distributed between Par kersburg and Harper% Perry. They have released large numbers of veteran troops for the active service at the front, and at the tame time they have made the road safer than it has been for many months. It is not believed that there Is now an armed 114eP within fifty rnilei of it, and its heavy trsfns are constantly bringing forward horsca, catt le and provisions; as well as reinforcements or the army. The Ohio hundred day troops are also beginning to garrison Washington de fences. El= • Mr. Wilson offered an amendment to the Garrett Darts Blair resolution aimply:declaribg Blair no longer a, major general under resignation and appearance and qualifyit u a member of the House. In this) fatal tho resolution will probably pass In that; cue Blair will have dropped between two atoolo, the Houle Election Committee putting him out of Compass and the Senate putting him out of the army. WOtrIIDIM LT TBSDI3ICKOBT2O. 00i. Klugelmry saw in the Richmond man of the - 18th lust • diriratet from Mayor Slatmistor, of;Fredmickthrug,, gloating over the triyte hid treated our wounded. Betretary Wallas;Aprlilaat Sernita7.l. Cipt. Mtn, Chief of Oiti•••00k - • , - . *-; General Blair, Senators Doolittle, Grimes and others, went down to Fredericksburg yester day in the neval dispatch boat one flying visit M the hospitals there. ORLI!? FOR 0100 WIASOLo Ohio is first in the ftshi with State relief for her wounded in the late battle. The Gover nor has sent on the Hon. R. D. ]Torrington, of Springfield, who goon down to Fredericks burg this evening, with large supplies of everything needed for hospital use. Mr. Johneon offered a resolution inquiring of the Secretary of War whether, by any order of the War Department, invalids have been recruited into the Veteran Reservecorps and credited to any district as sound men, and If so, by what authority. There Is general merriment over tho out generating of the Baltimore Convention man agers, is the matter of procuring a hall by the disaffected party. It Is stated also, that thesaame sot engaged all the beat rooms and private parlors in the hotels In advance. SICC SRI> WOUSID[D MINT NORTH Three thousand wounded have already left tho city for the Baltimore and Philadelphia hospitals. AU the wounded in the recent battles will bo sent north, and the hospitals here will be kept for future wounded. The Committee on the Conduct of the War have been directed to go to Now Orleans to inquire into thy Rod River disaster, but It is doubtful if they will leave tilt Congrere adjourns, and the Baltimore Convention is Over. ILLNESS' of RIPTIZSVITATIrE BLOW Reprosontstive Blow, of Mo., has had a painful and dangerous Illness, from which ha ie slowly rocovering. It will be impossible for him to devote himself to work, even after his recovery, as he has hitherto throughout the toselon. NOTHING L&7211 111011 tirrlAti There is nothing later from Dotter than the diepatehee already forwarded. Sheridan has only gone there for forage, and will co-oper ate with Lim temporarily. Till RETOOL? PROM DAI.TOS, Tho retreat of the enemy from Dalton is understood to be embarrassing to Sherman. He meant t hare got a battle not too far from his ciao base of supplies. leDO WILL'II COY YLIID The assignment of Gan. hi'Dewell to soots.- mand In California gives general satisfaction both to Californians and to military circles. .• General lionter'n report on the Red River dictate, dep not make matters nny better for Genera} Banks. rystzciaes TO RLIGHTLT CCOL-NDED Orders lisvo boon Isquell giving furloughs to such of the slightly wounded as vi3h to go home. The Senqe Finance Committee not be able to rerntt the to bill before Wednesday. The Waif and Means Commitme are en pentad to ittivo been ready sritit.the new tariff, but it sriq;not be retorted to the Rotas* fur Porte Mayor fi:Rdyko, of the Bank of Commerce, Mr. Van Bilk., and other prominent °Metals from New York, are here. jeslaze vaBrus'Ttool,l • Some of :ine three months' troops are Lore end more 111 . 1 expected hourly. Col. Godifrich, chief of staff to Gen. Burn side, who ecrrived hero this morning, having loft Burns de about seven o'clock last night, says there *ins but little or no 9ghting yester day, but th'at hoe holds to his new position with groat retubborness. lie stated that the rebels have.'. - beon subsisting their army from Quinn Statkm, and that they have several days intiorbj on hand. DELAYED DISPATeII ES The folldWing are parts of dispatches which failed to gel through the line. last night; None of yhe regular press oofrespondente or couriers tiro through yet to. day, bat several arrivals bring scraps and detached fragments of news that mast I • taken for what they may seem Worth. The InteAt of these says that on Friday night Hancock made a dash on the remaining portion of the enemy's lines to scsarg, the eighteen gene which the rebels had abandoned, but which had been so mounted beaded huge breastworks that under the rebel fire we had not bean able to bring them off. The report has it that fire of the guns at leatit, if not all, were brought In, and that beyote those there was no fighting on Friday or Saturday morning, though nothing positive le` known as to the direction. It is said that nations indications lead to the be lief In official circles that he will bo compelled to go toward Lynchburg rather than Rish mond. Oe reason for this belief is that Lee's trains are anderstood to . bo found as having gone towards Charlottesville. Several thee of mail left Washington Ws morning, alder charge of a special mail agent for the Armj of the Potomac.. It rained logaln last night and this morning, and the roads are understood to be In a bad condition. Reinforce?loots are still going forward GEL IVADSIVOLTR'S BODY RECOVERED ! Jeb Stuart Not, Killed !I THE REM. LOSS TREMENDOUS Gen. Crattford Not a Prisoner. OUR LOSSES OrER 30,000. Purtarmucuts, May 16.—A special to the Eceniny TWei jraph, from Washington, says: A surgeon of the 6Gth New York regiment who was captured with 600 others in the third end subsequently: paroled, came into our lines on Saturday w i th the body of lien. Wadsworth, which bad been interred by order of Uett. Lee in a nut coffin. Me also saw Sen. Vongstreet in hip teat- lie is wounded in his collar bone. The wound was not mortal, b!it the Wound would incapacitate him for active duty for some time. General J. B. B. Stuart was not down at Richmond at' the time that General Sheridan was near there, and is now hi General Lee's army unhurt. The rebel loss le tremendous, but there is no indication: of their giving pp yet. Their lines are well protected by lines of interior works, and more are being codstrueted. General Lee hat net been wounded, as the surgeon saw and talked with him:on Friday, when he gave ?dm permissiOn to take the body of General Wadsworth. He is of the opinion that the rebels will yet Make a des perate misnames. • He says these reverses only min to exasperate than and they are kept up by the hope and idea of exhaustineand compelling no to 'tendon the Contest General Crawford, who was eat off from his command of the Pennsylvania Reserve', lest week, supposed a prisoner, is reportedto have re-joined the Reserves. Four more boat loads of wounded arrived here this morning from AcquitOreek. Some Ohio militia paraded along Pommy!. rani' avenue today, making a fine appear. ilnee. The Second corps has lost 1,550 killed, 7,000 wounded, and 1,400 missing; Fifth corps, 1,200 killed, 7,500 wounded, and 1,300 miss ing; Sixth corps, 1,000 killed, MOO wounded, and 1,200 missing; the total loss of these three corps amounts to 27,500. Burnside's losses are nearly in the same proportion. Ten wagon loads of sanitary goods reached Fredcrloksbnrg to-day, and mbra will follow when transportation can be obtained. The Indiana State agent his fed over 10,- 1100 persons gratuitously, at Belle Rains, and continues the charitable work.' Harlem Railroad Cue. Nair 'Tom, May—A4Witt= by Indy BooMunn, in the Harlem' Railroad esse.dir salvo the injunction agaipstiming twits to Broadwgroottlihit.rak is ezportpd. to cow_ , . , ~ .... ~ ~„,,, ...,,...• • ~: , •: .., „ ....,-,,,,,,":. FROM BUTLER'S DEPARTMENT THE FIGHTING AT FORT DARLING The Rebels Driven into their For ificetion°. REPEL IRON-CLAD DRIVEN BACK 1E11=!/M311 HrIDQUARTIVIS ABUT Vs. •N) N. C.—Proc • far'. Creek, Fa., 31 , 2 y 14, Pert Monroe At daylight Gen. Burnham's brigade charged upon tho outer work, at Proctor'. Creek and carried the entire line a. ction by section. At ten o'clock the batteries opened upon the enemy, who had fallen back to a line of heavy earthworks near to Fort Darling. The enemy replied briefly until two in the nftmnoen, when tho batteries and .harpshootors sileneed the enemy's guns. Nothing more was heard from the rebels. During the day our batteries continued until sundown. Our loss we; 450, and we captured a ew prisoners. Major Ainsworth, of 'the 10th New Hampshire, was wounded. At four o'clock in the afternoon a shell exploded in the meg— anise. of Fort Darling. Paocroa's CHIC[K, May 15.—A small rebel gunboat came down opposite Fort Darling this morning, throw shells into our camp and then retired. Lieut. Colonel Pond, of the United States Cavalry, discovered three torpedoes In James river this morning. At noon the enemy camo out of their forti fications and attacked Ilickman's forces. The fighting was altogether with musketry and lasted till 4 o'clock. The enemy were driven book to their works. Sharpshooting was continued along the lines, and the rebel ar tillery was kept silenced. At coven o'clock last evening the enemy advanced upon our linos near the Petersburg Turnpike. A short, sharp musketry engage ment ensued which resulted In the enemy's being driven back to their breastworks. BLHIIUDA BONDIMO, May 18-9 a. m., yin Ftertrew Alonroc.—The rebel Iron-clad Rich mond came down lost evening and opened fire on the fleet. The monitors drove her back. The Richmond Dispafrh of tho 14th says that (Jon. J. E. B. Stuart's funeral occurred cn the 13th in Richmond. Tho dispatch also has the following The enemy has taken peseession of the road leading to Louisa Court Howse. The telegraph wires are cut down to Lee's army, and Intelligence Ic received by a very air often n route. The fAlowing is latest from the front: The enemy came oct of their earthworks at daylight and attacked our right wing. , ar artillery opened on the enemy, driving him heel( to the fortifications with heavy Mee. Our loss Was slight, being under the enemy's. No ollizere mete killed in the last engage meat. li.obel prisoner/ say that the enemy haye lost more killed than wounded during the loot three days, and that one hundred and f..rty of our wounded, belonging to the Bth army corps, were taken prioonors. The hospital boat bee gone down with 910 of onr wounded to Hampton; three-fourths of theta were severely wounded. Everything is favorable. Gen. Butler commands in por ann. INTERESTING FROM EUROPE, SECOND lIFFTING OF TILE CONFERENCF. The Eug . ll.ll hannel 1-leel Ready TEIF PIRATE .lEOItOIA 1:I1M3=1 Nir You, May 16.--Tho Neela, from Liv erpool on the :;.1, via (larvae:own on the 4th, arrived at fear o'clock. II er commercial ad vice,' are en:triple and her general nova interesting. Meyerber the gre composer, died at Paris. The Pane paps, say that a second meet ing of the Conference was called for Nay Id. There was great c nsiety to know if it would result in an &mix , ice. Tee TiPar. and I,lity Nerra taunt and re• proach the tior,antuent with being the cause of the difficultir, through their indifference. The English Channel fleet remained In Down., ready to sail at twenty-four hours' notice. The officers were ordered to join the Woe, end the impression prevailed that they would be ordered to battle, if the Austrian fleet went there. Lirrrpool, llny .I..—Flour held for an ad vance,bat buyers gmeralls hold back. Wheat steady at Friday's rater. hot hardly 60 active., Red Western 7a 10.1( ! y5s Bd. Corn 34.1(4,6d: Mixed firm at 2te Ud. Beef quiet and an. changed. Bacon steady. Lard dull alai a shade easter, with rather slow sales. The Bank of England raised the rate to 9 per oent- Demands for money hoary. The Pope delivered an allocution denuncia tory of Russia for peneouting the Catholic. In Poland- The Pope's allocation to the Em peror of Moileo was published. The Pope urged Maximillian to respect the rights of the people of the Church. New YORK, May 16.—The City of London, from Liverpool on the 9th, via Qneenstown on the sth, arrived today. It asserted that the Georgia's visit to Liverpool was that she might he told, proving unfit for a armies. The Southern Club invited the officers to a ban goat. The Persia's news caned the Confederate loan to advance d'•_ per cent., closing at 66 61, 66, In the House of Commons inquiry was made as to the truth of the statement that United States trmms in Minnesota had been permitted to pursue the Sioux Indians into British territory. Mr. Carlisle said it woe tree, and offered to produce papers. The Danish war news was unimportant. A conforenee called for the 3d inst. was postponed till the 43h. English journals continue to express little hope of a favorable issue. Liverpool, Nay s.—Cotton closed. dull, the quotations are fairly maintained. Bread stuffs quiet and steadyi provisions steady. Petroleums tending downward. Landon. May s.—Consols, for money at 9034 and 90g. Illinois Central shares, 28 and 29. Discount on Erie, 59 and 61. PAIITIINN POINT, hily 10.—The Stbamaldp Hibernian, from Liverpool on the sth, via Londonderry on the oth, on route to Quebec, paused thin point this evening. Her advice,' are one day later. lareurooh, May 6.--Oottou Is q . ulet and closing flat at Thursdays quotationr. Bread stuff, firmer, and all doscriptions a trifle higher. Provisions steady. Petroleum tends ilownwards. Lircrinot, May q.—Concols for money 90 90%; Illinois Central shares 20E04; discount; Erie shares 5S@;OO. Bullion in the Bank of England hue demeaned 1.113,500. Lando% Corn M arkel. English and foreign wheat firm with a fair business. Flour steady ; Barley firm. Another report says that fair supplies of foreign wheat, English wheat and door aro heidat fair prime. Float. log cargoes are nearly all sold at is advance since this day week. Floor is to better spirits. Cons market—moderate attendance at market; very little choke White in offer and a slightadvanee over Ineeday's rates is made. Floor steady. Corn 8d dearer. There had been no movement in Denmark. It was considered that the Conference had come to an untimely and. The noes thinks it as well that it be abandoned. The Morning'Pod Ls very warlike towards NCO&la and Austria. LEE HEAVILY REINFORCED. The Union National Convention. WLEIMIGIVY, May 16.—A special dhtpatch to the Commercial from the front cop that Lee hoe received heavy reinforcements from North Carolina and 9eorgla. The Fremont men have engaged the build ing In Baltimore in which it was expected the Union Convention would be held, and have taken all the boat rooms in the Baltimore hotels. The Union ConvenUon tall probably be held in the Front Street Theatre. The noose's Ways and Keane Committee ate making the tariff- bill conform with the Eenate't amendment to tho, tax bill s which therthink will be adopted. tinteroi 0 0 01 . 1 - ing the duties will be Mereased nearly 50 per abut Arkuwas U. S. enatore . Br. toots , Ma i Fishback, elected U. 8. Sancta from 'Arkansas for the short terra, is noir , en mats far Waahington. •Jadlgerßaxte4=eleotod far the lanioterra, and Col....tobnien, rumba eta& to thellonae of italtreaentatire4 - is also en Setiti , for .N4l.!'" - ' , . , ' . :` , K:t. , ,,,4.1 - •i'.':',..;','. 7 L.f,i','•, , :,' . ; i',l ','- .. .:.:!,',i,"•::.1:•. 1 ::< - -':';:•:,:".'::1.: 'R .- :%!:•-•'::;!.,..:.'r. ,- ::-...'. ,... t,:,.i,:::,;,1,;,,i,L,:.,:,,.•t'.-4::•:iltA,,:;T:a4:•z,-,,a.:..37,, FROM SHERMAN'S DEPART MUT A Battle at Resaoa o❑ Sunday. THE UNION FORCES SUCCESSFUL. Our Loss About 3,000 Wamnscrow, May 16.—A dispatch received by General [fetlock from General Sherman says ho had a fight yesterday at Resaca, in which we were miceessful. No details given. General Sherman says he has pot. had time to find out, but that as near as he can judge, cur tors war about 3,000 killed, wounded and missing. Everything was progressing very favorably. The railroad has been repaired to within seven miles of the army. OFFICIAL INTELLIGENcI. Mapatchee from Secretary Stanton W.HINGTVII, May, 17—To .ILsjor Genorai Dix: We have distiatehes from Grant up to 9 o'clock this morning. 11 states that of fensive operations have been necessarily sus pended until the roods become passible; that the army is In the best of spirits and feels the fullest confidence in success. The two armies are concentrated on the main road from Fredericksburg to Richmond, The operations of Gan. Sherman yesterday and two days' bard fighting forced Johnston to evacuate Resooo at midnight. Last night Gen. Sherman's forces were in vigorous per mit. No dispatches hare been received from Gen. Butler to-day. At the latest report ho was still operating against Fort Darling. Signed, E. M. STAR - TOY, • Secretary of War. Advisee from Red River—Guerrilla Depredations. Chao, May 16.—Late advises received from .ad River confirm the former report of the blockade of that river, and state that the reb els have two formidable batteries, one at Nil eon's plantation, mounting twenty-eight gone,: and ono at Snaggy Point, eighteen guns. The guerrillas, ander the notorious Bow. : lin, aro again committing depredation. in the ! vicinity of Charleston, Missouri. A detaoh-i ment of militia, under Captain Ewing, is after! them. Adjutant General Thomas and staff arrived: from below to-day en route for Paducah. Term E.:fared—New Torii Militia. New Tone - , May l7.—The 79th having served their three rare term, have . arrived. Official orders in relation to the dispositiori . of our militia ore expected to-night. Thd 11, ilst, 22d, and 12th regiments aro prei pared to hart for Washington at short noticei HARhETS BY TELEGRAPH New York Market. Nrw Ingot, Hay 16.—Cet toe stout Ir at Sr,iaN.C.c wr Middling Upland., and d24.,:1c trf flour—State and 'We.tern moderately arrive and 1O higher: 57g7.10 for Extra etate, 57,2$ 47,45 , or Extra IL 11. 0., 57.60(414.'2', for 'I rad} brawls . , the market fitll3olll.h no macre at the nelde gatAti.m. IX , 7 firmer, irregular sea • - , • unsettled ; 41,17 for,vgl.. - 4 for Hratnrri. W hrcl &rid fly more active and ,k4t< higher, sac! goo 4 drmar.d for exp.,rt 41,;:041,t4 for ellirag, 5prtng,151,: , (41, ,,, for Milarauk, Club, it ,f1.:41,;.; toter Ited W,atzrn. tarn Irrry nr4rre • llrsnrr ; Mixed %Venter/la 1,45 iv late,. .ost... dull and Ironpltic WrPtern Wool quiet Prtrol. mu sta . .dil: IlLeflued in hand 570 Juor nd July P 'loa , B=Salc,r- , tor no u .. a r.r Old dw, 1, , ,754:- . 7 for New do, print the latter pri $ . !..1.:,421 for Old and Nrw Prime end 5--ti fur Prin. Meas. Beef matltrt quint and nmeham,d. L. 0.0 cunt loun. doll at 13!,414c. Buttor bantrce. Mk. for (duo. nrrl ('h.emoo shadrnmei•r at Stock and Money Market. Nr IMltc, Lay sale , e•gq 74 4 ,, ut. Sterling ISl%rgl,g in currency. Gold Sauer, petting nt IT:, and closing firm at is a. stocks morr actlve •nd firmer ; 54.03 1067,1197:y . Tresaurlrs, and A pril, I=l 11. & It. NMI' York Central—l:ill; If .& F. C...... .. ... Erie LEV.% ToleJo..t. Wabash.7ot, C. II ........ 111.1:astral liarlem. 2(..0 I year eel, ificatea. Itatdinsr ..... —13.1 0. i. 4.0 !r4 , , , Micto4;m Central...AC.l% Qui. kallver ...... 73 iDlich. i rutLrru gtd..l9tiki Facalc '2'll Nter Kay I ol—Lato.r.—Gal firm of Philadelphia Market, rrtnAr , ra.rutA., May M— dulL Flour i uJ .- , vrith •alet Sur. , rtinr at $767,07, %%rat nun. WhiLe51,9.32.,0,,11d 81.7. , 1,51.bu. Corn nrm ; fI,Y, Wh Ile l' quirt Crude V.c, Relined lu bunJ 57r, do Flow C...1.,:d0k.c Whisky firm With small 1141. St 1,"....541.27. Baltimore Bartle. BA LTDIOLt. .1 16.—Whrat .11 and drnopinz; li , nturky White $1,0802,03. Fl r dull; Hurara str«ot st,tr2sii. Corn firm; Whin, firm and advancing; Uhl , $1;1761,. El!dlTll.—On Monday morMng, Nay 15th, 1554 NELLIE L., danchter of Joel and Locrstta dmlth aged 7 ;cars, 5 months and EV days. Ilse friend. of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the fonensl on TIMIDAT, the 17th Instant, at 2 o'clock p. m., frost the realdenee of her parents, No. 71 Isabella sties; Allegheny, to proceed to the Ellll.lale Cemetery. GLABS.—On Sabbath evening, may leak, at 6% 'clock, of diva= contract.' near lorktown, Fir. Lieut. MILL. A. Otis. , of Oh U. El C. T., for- rly of On. A, 2rh Pa. Brecrres, aged 23 yew, Friends of the totally nod mesabere of the 9th If. mores O Invited t❑ attend his baneful, from the realdence or bfe father, Mansfield, on Tro❑or, 17th Instant, at 2 o'clock p. m., to prneted to alertlen Cem.tary. Cartt.pra will leave Jackson'. Ptable .t 12 o'clock, and Etstslibergor'e, In Temp-ran...lPa ►t 121-; o'clock Tutulay. FEPPARD.—In Freeirricksbury, Man, on tbr 13th day of April, 1864, NANCY YrCPPA KD, wired( Not. Peppard, aged meeting of the Police Committee of the City of Alleghety, will to held at the Trammel. Office, co TIII/119DAT SITENINCi a the 19tHt lest, at 7% p. m., for the pose of appointing the Day Pollee .d Night Watchmen to mid coy, in conformity with the or- Mumma adopted by Domicile Illalo. lEM. All 'ep. plloants era requested to he in attendance. Dl for- der of J. L. L. N.N0.1, Oho of Cotra THE SITBSCRIBER; John Marsh .& Co.'s Soda Ash, It conrtintly receiving the same, which ho will tell on the mat ftivonshio term.. Thlt 'Ash in portifa• laxly adapted to the mato:tract - um of (ilea. C. W. cirErßonwir, i 32 8011TIL FRONT 5T73:617, PhtlWelphl nol2:recionoi , pREeSED AND COMMON BRICK 140,000 PLUMED; end 400,000 COMION BRICK On baud and for tale by DAVID 11172 CD ISDN. .1 VOIR CALIe.--Twentpeeven Acres i)f -v Land; part M th. Larons farm. commendlod a Ilne ,to. of Plttobergb and oldolt7 IN about 0.120 mllo from Jones' Ferry landing. There n on tPe Poe fruit Mora. and • newar-tallipa 2.l&°i.b77.l7,rrw . ..wut".'dvrair: country restdon e sill please call on if. ALLEY WHEEL No. CI Water stre,44 I'OR KAT ITE, ATTENTION I BTEA !MOAT BUILDERS,/ 10 000 feet face measure of that Today two !nth DECKING to offered for sale at the Planing UM 10, & DAIIIfED , on Anders. street, Allegheny CiV. Price 1:14 per thousand feet, board rernsore. The Docking is already planed and ready far me. Sondra of 8. BAILEE& apl3.lX On the ptendoesi 0011. SALE, UR 21XUELANUE OITT PROPLIITY.—That LARGE DWE'LL INCI, with gromads attached, on Carson street, fdp roorly occupied by abstain's /Itmein, Into of Ewa Plirsningham. Stabling and ontbnildings In the roar of the Dwelling House. TEED..L. ush2l:ll 10irourth.stroct,Pittsbarsh., Fos SALE RENT—A Farm of 52 Acne, good land, in WDlrlos township, wiJolit log bode Pear Perchniont, and within a short dia. team of sits Pannsylranis Railroad. • Tama ral=l3llblo. WARD, 1 =dr. lind• End door ih:4l3 71fiti, on Groat A RARE OPEOItTUNITY.—A soot, 40ILL Stationary and News Depot for nolo, In the bar kcatlon t la a large city, sad doing a floe Intros. s. witty 'aorta:34W cora l jr• will to as Nor p:rt=2l 1117tirl3, • 1.111..0 moot, Ilan; 'PM Urea.; A 240TICRIE,BANKER, 112 FIFTII A 111. M t, TAY the blithest - pees for • . , GOLD, SUArgit • B. S. tkalda,.theinezq Casinty_llirbied-Bonds; Sol diers Smutty' Biala; A.Usbany Tao aid brawl:mills Uallroad Stab. V. e. mug Tkusiv.Au aara, watt vurnamwa,voo bips. Wen liril- TY b 7 • - MS imam it. corsom ~~,. • • - ii..: ,-,,, 'i:-. , .k . .. , - , - , -.•• - •- .,., ,:-..4-.;',4-7 . t:t't . - -- - • , i- ' --...:! _ V...:,:d:Pj.,:„.-.. " ,,,,.-- F .ti: , ..'.:' , ..: 4i741r ,- -, , ;;; ;; ',3,-,7-,.,• : - :e.-..;:4-•,... - _ .,:,,-- i ":-.1.: ,- _-_;-.4--....,- i.:, If',l`,'•Ft•f,tl'<-..r.'..., '..::-.4':,..,:"-!:•----':'±••',•; .. 6 : , :', :•.'",-.4-- -: : :::':".,, •' -- -'':':! • •r:- .. .' ; - - ',':'-',; -.- ''.•,:'•',:•:•:-:;,.i-,-';;.•I:•.-.',-:::-:-•,•.•';i''J•7',2t•,;,•:-;:'-. ~:',.::,_ - : -. . , : 5 2: , ':; , -..:' , • - -.'", -- 7:,': - .. , T :":,,,... .. •?•_•,--,,,,'.::::•-1_•:,.-E',:i.;;;....:5t.;:,1..,,,,.....• )'-,'.,, - • • ~, . 7..=.-,,:;•.-,7,1:-,:-:::',:,,..:;-,;;:,, ie.t;Z WZ, ' -'''''s •'"' ' f•-,i,'T:e.?el. ' ' ,...,.- 4.1 .......i4:12......- V-........ 1. RIVER Ikr=AIGERCE. eataxv.... Emma Graham, ZarfewilaiLluie Altatin, Gin I..heroLg., Ft. IKIEns. Eltecrrs, The river remained about stationary at thla point durifiedrinday night and yesterday torsmoon, but In the after part of the day It commenced Ewen az again, and kit evening there wars over sixteen feet ha t.ltis channel by the pier marks. no weather continues cloudy; warm, and unsettled, with every appearance of mere rain. The only arrival darn Sunday le the Emma Gra ham, timm Zaveraille. There a several boats dm, Rwl aportg MI.", the Americ m a willprobs i bly ho found at the 'dart thiamorning. • The Zenton and therokeo left for Elt. Louie tat Tett ing,pith fair trim and the /Ulnas - TN for Wheel inn, cleaned at noon. We ti•grot to learn tbat Mr. John Lamont, ei omit 'know, meant boat clerk, is lying ibingerontlg tlt at blt reeltlenee to Menicbmter. - - Cetit Thw Semen is building a tints side wheel s4aoler—the boil at Elizabeth, and the machinery at rittsbnrgb—eim Sec in Oza, power, model and entlit, to Chelan:Lone Nicholas Longworth. The lenpeth or the hull will be 244 tent over all, 3: bet beam, 0}; fe d hold. She will hate three boiler, 40 inches i dia meter, hl tent lonn, containing six floes esch.,i Tbn c) linden. will be 21 incite. In dlatineber. with!: bet leogih of etroks, with a pair of LM feet water 'wheels, with 12 Met buckets. She will be ready In (Selmer. the It designed (sr the St. Lords and New Orleans teeth, Copt Jae 31 arratto hes also contracted for a fine micro-wheel hist, simillar in size, heifer, etc., etc., to the Emma No 2. The hull, which la being cons/met ed at Freedom, will be ready to launch during the latter Part of this week. ' The Nate Robinson left Louisville for Pittsburgh on Friday last, full of freight. The I.Aonldisaviras loading At the Fame reilot for this city. A fight occurred cm the steamer Emma No hat Memphis the other day, betymen the engineer and his assistant, in which the former received a frac- S . tore of lie skull, from a piece of iron to tlii hands of the la . Capt foore has changed the destination of the Chum r from At. Louie to Nashville, and he expects to be ady to leave this evening. The ew Tork , Capt Lightner, and the Delaware, Copt 8 ovens, both neat pi...ger ...en, are annonriced to lens for Cincinnati and Louisville forthwith. The triads Graham, Copt 011 Stoll, Le the regular packet ter 'Zanesville to-day, leaving promptly, at p. m. Messrs Hoge and Doe ini:lA are eseociated togetherin the office. !Ij'EC►.lL JWOT►CE-e We hare learned not to he astonished al • anything. Yam of experienos and a ear respondence extending throughout rill national ities of the habitable globe, bays turned the ortee into facto sod estabiLM wheals trona which we newt not err. We .ro not somprlsed at snob tarts se the following--edthough the persona who write them are. We know the persona tool dresonstanoss, mace feel 'liberty to indorse thoirwtatement• "Nyw-Brnroan. Masa, N0v.21, IS (3. "Deur re: I have been aMicted many year. with mvere preetrating cramps in my limbs, told beet and broads, and a general dleordesed utters,. Phyalchun and medicines failed to miles, me. Whily visiting some friend. in Now York who were using Pl.ta tion Bitters they prevailed upon me to try them. I commepend with a 5-.1.11 wine-gbtartful alterdlinner Teellnglatter by degrees, tns few days I wax aston ished to dad the robin.= and cbmnpa had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night tluottsh, which I hare pot done for years. I feel like another tiling. My appetite and strength hove also really improrod by the.p, of the Plantation BMus*. 13,pectfraly, JUDITH EIIESZL." “Etatmenar, Ale., Sept. 10, 1869. • • • I bare been In the army trompltal rot lone-Man months—•poechlese sad nearly dead. At ttit7 pave me a buttla or Plantation 'PR tem. 0' • • Throe bottle, matored tay speech sad cared am • ° • (3. A. PIJAUTPC' The following is from the Stanger of dm linen Rohm flebool for the Children of Vollnateen: "Ilarencrta Ms-ehlos, 67th Street, .New York, hugest 7, 1666. Dr. Drake: Your erenderthl Plantation Hitters have barn given to some of our little children sailer tug from serakntestruut weak lunge with most happy effort. -free little girl in particubv, with pain. In her brat, loth of appetite, and daily outing con. samption,hu whom all medical aklll had been a• heated, him been entirely matured We commenced milk but trautpoonful of Bitters a day. Her appe tite and strength rapidly increased, and the le nom Heepnetf oily, Mrs. 0. M. DEVOS." :• • I ove matt to you. for I verily teller Se - Plantation Bitter. have .red rely life. RA, W. 11. WAGOUNEd,MteIrId, s. Y •• • • • Thon wilt mod me two bottles moty.of thy Pbtoration Bitter. M iodic ham boon greitly beneEted by their ma Thy friend, ASA C`LifilllN, Philhdelphlo, Pa," a • • • I bare beer. a great •nßerer tram Dr+ mul beg to abandon preeeamg. • • The Plentetlon Bitt•r hayo carai me. J. S. CiTHWIN, Sockmeter, N. T.' " so • • I haw given tbo Floatation Dinars to hundreds of our dlaabkd soldiers with the snow ost toolettlog elect. G. W D. !MODEM'S, Soportutosulont Soldiers' flume, Oinclntweg, O." i' • • • The Plantation Bltter• have cured ma of Lie or Conaplaltd. or chick, I ry Ltd vp pre•• irate; md had to abandon my bo•Inoa KINGBLEY, Clevel.ll, " e • • The Plantation Bitters have eared set of a derangement of the Kidney. and larlastry Un gans tlos has distressed me for years It arta 12ce charm O. 0. 210eILE, ho. 254 Brcadway-. &0., The Plantation Bitters nuke the ernek strong, the langeld brilliant, and are cal anted natures prat rastarer. They ars coraptreed of the celebrated Ca. liaayi Bark, Wintergreen, Beaentras, Boob, Herta, kr, di preeemll in perfectly are St. Croix Bun. • B. T.-1860—X. Portons of seentary habit', troubled with weak ma, lea:Made, palpitation of the heart, leak of ap petite, &eines after eating, torpid liver, Tonatlpa• Mu, de., deserve to cults. If they will not try them, They UV recommended by the higtust meant anthodtire, ana are warranted to produce an ham:. date henetleial effect. They are otooodingly agree!. blo, Elerfoctly parry and hamlet, homcou—Any person pretending to ten Plant.;tion Ilittpla to balk or by the gallon hi a swindler and he. poster. It le pat up only' to oar tog cabin bottles. Dolma of bottles eel:Med with imitation deleted= staff,. for which cereal persona are already to prison. See that weary bottle hat our Deitod States stamp over the cork awaaraotal, and our elguetravon Meal plate.side tabeL iTlflilllll hss7s:6mead:zzaw ir.DRAICE'S PLANTATION BIT MIS, the geouire article. for age by - SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner of Smithfield arid north streets. feirormaid-armer FURNITURE °AND AND WOOD CHAIN NICLISZU OT? AT lilttlttla. WEIOLZSALI 011 urient. JAB. W. WOODWEIMi 97 awl 99 Mild street, opposite 19, Idlasadica 04 sad 111 Toorth .treat. mahl9 M. M'STEEN,' Buis' thni. D ttir.""up F aul'd. reprarr siticvl ing of OIL B.Y;L: NER'rq All kthAi of B R ASS DIION COMA made to order. Also BRASS CASTINGS. of lam* made at the abort:ma edticn All order. left at Not 11 sod 34 WAVE& firliEST, near Liberty, will be prmaptly attended to. adirlhe members of this firm beim: ie.:deal ess. ,thorriol, a:mai:ll7lmm . experience in their . hostess will theme to gin satisfaction In erery respect. We are also agents fete Guild, Garrison A Co.', STEAM PIMP, tor pr Water, Credo and Re. Aned Oils. An. de9;lT Boyd'. ERA FOR 'BALE OR RENT—A Reacitifca Breidince in Eharnebutg, enlisted on Zane it. 'The hones contains sewn r.eome atorlheithed attic. A rod well of water end an 'excellent cistern at the door, with Pump to mob. The Ita is IT feet 4 Inches koala 1100 fret Aeon; to a stmt.. , Thorn's Plan, Ifloentte and Shrubbery in hbandance; Prawns de. elm= of pnechtateg or renting • beantifat residence cannot find a terme plemeant one . In tbfo rtantty. Xnqtdre of the :wane of Oh. entsoliber, on the premix% or J. O. LXWIdi, of the dram of Leyte, Dei ced A Co., at their mill to Sew pebtul, 1TM:84.1113w ' ' • B. ft Ltlna CENTILiL DRUG , slitiniß, 040. a reoWdzawts, Frar =ern_ srAiir.7ll3o:l3oDA - • • , - PAIXNT Cr5D101.737)..e. '- OZ' 711. 'clan? orpgcrlptlera e.,eir.l7: poanj , 4•1 row rp lc XX PINE. - .TAR. . , mewed eitympleor XLIB. Pia try. ll:wden tattoo Iron band BUCKET;4, Yorptt pytbsdows sad 131 bantli sad halm. • __Office; ruw ,_; . RAULEY ' Fall and B Prize. , - senzini - auvr, ortgegatly on bintl and for alb by • ar,„. , • =sawn , eme. Pgbberta, 014 A9.I.IaLL‘TRIM Hoots for We. - kw JAMIDI nowt. las wooa foroie.l WAterit bush.T. - Fiszieed. . • joya _ :1...E.7041711$ CP); coteinai WHIcH HAS Juts !pawl Families most eatiditkay molts. She inteetaccs ot GENERAI, 1341 ANT eras notMo lly rebated, but Ira de not grpreboad , VICTORIOUS. lumen, IS mill stop e l ltett:of tio P.. LikaGitt. Grant, CONCERT BALL 8'110E1 . 61 1 0BI ' N 0.82 Fifth Street. h Wand to flaitit the energy at good taste, by supply ing the pot he with readymmde srood..y that MO NI the temeiitts of OA tante and )onrig man • mild tam a permanent Inaptestioll eta the heart of his hulyelose, his shorten meat to hippie MU Ike through ' 62 iriirrim STREET. to llo w teen .ho address %m i tt: rats styles can possibly all mylt =MCI Ilienton St. Lowy, G. A. I. T. E. 11,. For Ladies, Misses and Children, 41T M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION, No. 55 Fifth Street. mylo WE HAVE JUST =RECEIVED LOT or ROUND BRAID 8110 R LAOIS, To which we hallo the attantloaraf dookrrs. SLATER & SOUTH, - Na. cs MAN LITIIZEt second door from Fifth stmt. 7 mrn NEW GOODS 1 NEW C1001 . )13 I we have Juit received oar Eprieir stock of Which we will Mliat the LOWEST WM PRIMP We heee the horst and best selected Flock at Elen , s sue. our Squalre.thelL Boot , To be hood to the tiny. IADIEEr'LABI CLAIIMUS la abnadence. Glee an aIL • • .7as. liobb, table en Ifdltltlrt. STUMM ' OIISTOM .MADEBITOES-;-BPS HAY& NJ ton me/I'MA Chip suortment of - • lIMITB.IIILLB AND Kticra, Lest N. York sad Philadelphia end= Walt, for Ladles and Miue4 G. MO, Marrows Goat asol Lutiog Balutoralt, Boot. and Qattara; doh oty/sit. Torso goods are trarraatad to bathe BEST goads mode to ths country. Ai.. a general essortneml oral kinds FA quad*" o Chilaren•a Start and renc7 likorgy • GEO: !MIME, SON a co., ante Igo.n;eo7. of Weed andloarth GENTLENLLN WI BJNa made la flub MOST FASHIONABLE Ana G.TAII3 & CO., MERCER TAILORS, 0085118 O .11.21 D BT•CLA7.II/327111171. BRIDGEWATRET. 1760. COTTAGE DRABS, °lmmo Or amts LIB® 0114 dlderlat Drab libadar,lor, OOTTAGIA, MLA RAILROAD . DEPOTS, An Also, DB7lbr 8011713, BARN& zaavexoas, =guar OARS, DREAD/RI DAM IN, TDB MAMBA Address, ItOBEST REYNOLDS, ealakamd General Agent, 74 ILIA= Taba, ZOffr Va. FRUIT . AND !SEWN?. TREES, EVERGREENS, Oz. Of APPLE, we. ham some oxyzo, sad Of sli the ?sallies votieths toast profitable fbr tbL Ifitstbes. We have 0:20 , 0 2.11 UV" as Early lancet, biabins Efusb, Gotland Pisan, Baldwin, Ibleareter, Oath. King of Tompkba Ilhals Mud Gram, Bone Beauty, Rambo, emokabouss, Tolmse's Beset, Smiths Ciderwfth • . 17 Immo dock of annum PLUM, svrainuurs,SHADE THEE% EASEB,i BIIBIMBEItIf,.GBefiIf. , 11017811 PLANTS, de., Ac. = Al our stock Is lamp, vs Mar great hedmemeats Fa plseteis or wholes t e mobs; sere • Onion lab. Si the Greeoho Pittsburgh Pole OEMs, mill be to. • • JOBE k 29 :divr - Piliataufal 44. d. cogiazuusermries. P. 11. MAKE & 00.. PM Broadway, 11. Y piass WAW101:01 . FAMIELLMIVING & C 0. ,: No. 610 MOBgraiXT,PEILAI* I I3II4 Pa 4 lisixasetatar of Double *Drown,. Male Paper, ROLL Wildllk& on Mad es :We to craw. iigassi, petit WO it SOPA teTarp. men IN THE COMM OP QUARTERS:I gEssroas-or AZLEGBEHT OWN 31, •Thomber 13aOttor, -1863 Cansnoo , wealth .of Peensylviosts n. WIC MEW= and Diald Cbsamt. 134: Ya. B Sorkdtact -And now, April Itth,„ Untoter mottos of 8.4 a. thus% 7.atl , the that appoint J. a litOrtEol7, Awithrr, to dlstrtbahrthe !tad In nonnaterg to the Ant of Asetenbly in - each tuennede end ttdea rer Atka : W.A. Ithounr, Goa: Nona, I bcrebgpsn that ths Andftne .abcw• ill named w niet t vartles Intended In the abx• ot " M i eltg,DAT, idam. at 9 je l lrtft aMtd. ; 5.7.10101150 N, pLum.BING, ass luml,!neam!lltling, Dian to tayinebil,itarataXlP atteadal 12 7 Ogle. - limit:al,practical irotkmack Pat meartaleas or - GAS PlXTUtila t . --• . • • - • ligsProas - anowirt EAT¢ • • WETSIL 3 00artantl7 on hand IP! made tiic . rd B r.. • EtTIIIATTZPi c go. ;SP isigusas, irttarz ,7llB:B— ,.ett i udy *Bl3l7lll24— ;'. -Am sR7 zatOnt , ry suilzar;lithanve6. Www(nN!v=i , LEM= In=it atessued ium raw . suctermst MUM KAMM t• Ilntumenta amElifen* Stouts 0w:1.4w. = 4-t_ 9 . - Diauttanseoilmra Brimming= n.4=!' BOOT; ga.ra BROX& BOOTI4ND SHOES, _ FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. L&lLTAr.s.r, =GU do arch to cal cimm Defoe!, pruchuingelipenthem M=;l 7:;: : ;. : 7,..:.. , .'-.:>i-..: . i, , ...._. ~..3.i , . ,„, ! 3;..:1.,..,..,...-,:,-, -. .3:- . 4.i.i. ,. .! -. ... ...i.„,...= .._.,.,.....,_....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers