131113Z1 - ' tiffisintrgit Onzeitt. ~.rtresx•Kr;afAi bittlief thiZthOf May was fought,Gtissvresitiated tree strength to be AlOO, army, including Bear 's corps, anti not counting the cavalry En B3unimavr, has been ; !variouely rroiLl2§,ooo to 100000. We -'believe the the former \slumber nearer Ale The estimated losses by Las are— .ll3:ltilled and wounded, 20000; piisonere in our hands, 12,000: total, 37,000—leaving Lies present - effective force, 03,000 men. estimated losses are--la billed and wounded, 30,000; prisoners in ..Bebel , . hands, 3,000; total; 23,000—leaving Bon. xtlsawie flthting! force after the battle of Thursday. last, 02,000 men. Difference in f;:lrcr on.yriday . last-29,000. But Saturday °DANT was re. efficient number of 'troops .y.equal in strength to what erttesed the Rapidan, or, say 1 . 25,1100. If tho foregoing estimates ap .s,:sproximate to correctness—and we believe do--is it apt o very probable result ~ . . that Luz will either run away or be to surrender? Can he have any 'hope of successfully resisting twice his own !strength? If Yve should retreat, is it probable that ho*mid go to Richmond ? To take refuge 4 . ..,thertlyouldseerct to involve certain capitrt lt.-tiiim in the end, as a close investment, which GRANT would certainly make, would ri.' ,, :crithltu off from• all his supply , communi old3ens and also prevent succor from reach• jnithim from stile! Rebel armies. Is it not uteri probable that Lacs army and the whole government would abandon Rich• - xncind and Virginia and retreat to the Galt ao Rebel neasiaspariv have hinted would be done in the last extremity ? if Lan:should attempt to retreat into the Carolinas, is it probable, judg- . . , ...ix!); from what we know of Gen. G asiti s ''Way of - making war, that he would be per "? ratted:to - take the whole, or even. the half of lotto- army With him ? The questton of Endurance Wat.r.merox, at Waterloo, referring to then progressing, remarked, ' wilt see who can pound the longest." Est . glish enduranee, aided by BLTIClill; won `diy against the impetuosity of the yrench charges and the sublime devotion '...T'...074.110 Old Guard. 7 Tbe bottles of the Wilderness and the Po the Iron buke's celebrated saying. pounding drove Lae out of the and, .drove him from his defenses an'tht Po. True, Gasses numbers were . rtrerfor to those of the rebel chiettoin, but the dipproportion in numbers, both' in the Wilderness and on the Po, was fully equal ): ,fired by the superiority of the natural peel Licht held by the Rebels, by the defenses they had erected, and by their greater familiar ity,- with the battle-ground. The dogged , ..endurance of the Federal troops--tbeir de ,.,:,;47mlnation to go to Richmond or go down :itt: the atteMptalone gave us the victory. "...:.3rriday, the 6th, and Thuisday, the 1`....4.11 of forayer the question of the rel .., itkve etduranci of Northern and South . erktreopet. The former can "pound the -/Migest." • And the side that can "pound the long est" wine the battle in the present Cam- paign. Fortifleitions may aid Lam in pro longing the contest, but they cannot loth:- mom the remit, .iThe heaviest pending is over, and the odds are against him. EmanclpaUon In Maryland blarylandConatittitional Convention on Thursday of last week received the re port presented by the majority of the Com mittee on the 'Declaration of Rights. h there provisions: • The-Constitution ot tho United pates atillthe laws rondo in pursuance there 'l.--nthalitg, the Flirrlitila law arthe land, every -,'aftiecos Pi this sista owes pszamonnt allegi- REMO tOiilo Co, 1: . a60n and government of the Tait; and is not bound by any law or ordlrienco• of this state in contraven , :tea or. calivir,lori, thereof. .. , '"%•"Artiell 23. MAL hereafter In this state - there shall be neither slivery nor involuntary servitude; except In punishment of- crime, whereof the patty shall hove been duly con- Tiotedk ant4eU persons held to service or lit bar as *lases are hereby declared free." There is notlditg said about compensa- Acdior andest:evasucipetion.. Tho work ',reposed is to be thorough, uncompensated, and Immediate. i The report will be adopt— ed by a Large-majority vote of the Conven- course, the colperhead papers' have loconmenced Abe work .of magnifying the lomm,siofthe presentliirginia campaign— Ole Mien leases; nettle Rebel lasses; they never dtrtheistter. The Tod of this city, tor. instance,- mildly intimates that "the -,,,--pmantcilapalea ban been attended with a ' hili:OrperAapr 60,000 men." It the author thnatatetnteccwero not a Copperhead, he wonbittantainly - be entitled to be Coned eyed a very faitiapecimen of the American Adder. t' - • .2.1 . 21;--Perhopir the Past , malt could find } 7 _ ~ o oml o r i lon geditorial with the AboTo Item Tus 41!;111317:11V414.37 SAltylSPir Fma 4" rill probably be opened on the day desig ''."itited--4is • • The em pt t• ..Langentents hare, been made to facilitate the diaphiy of oantributleas from all, parts • of that Onatry, iTfio malts building alone ' ems* an adua levered thousand feet larger. thaithe gelrcipollian Fair'', and there are 'Online kap lit use whicit'adde ne arly 'llWa:Ablais as tknoll epee* aothe main buildings. TO cash subseelptions to be , gluerith summit to $200,000; and it will be *4 l ame SOO.= Yew York end SL Louie.fer,tbe.paluton Int receipts. IStron. SATJII.—TIie .XIIIIIIATOIIS frields . goiitlamtu2 nili :egret to ;.• lessithsthe he s. been 8 irigtuily ill for the .topsltero or tbreeireeke,ntiti has been 'con . ? .lined to had (limiters the time. lie heap in slant, however, and,-with - that seal . ii4a tense for whibh he is no noted, hitt *net act is to - visit the hospitolel 4.l:latter.fr i m I. ll m in our ?caul depart ,,_, y , Pan Chl4ge. Pilaw his reached the 44,600 ,0tet; Ina :prouOirs if it were pasible to, print more their ordtrO road be; larger .outtand. - Thia4tartePaper rao thousand. nen In a City; that *itt a village thirty ! , '-`y*Fitagnia moht Wailed; : !tYPth-Yoil:friita like a gentleman and iittierott is tba,"eam'a Yet 'ITO* of Csairi 4 e'curot ,41spatehto the ' I s : Ira' 11 011 , e 12 ! 6 it , we tiesut theoo:, the PepartateliViie to the pub ' :114igaiiiyotto_ecktitIVe dva . 7`tieiceiloes 6EO not irtinting that Paul. r ' a OUP/ Aim!: (or her 81 ;iee r ofinteltuttirezr (fey iolieitaers;t 6 sul4et is pad:WO end to the rebe3llol2: • , _ %VIM* 'Scott Hatictick. ETM Teadeiof this paper, we feel sure, •111 read with pride the followieg tribute to Gen. Hancock. It is from the Vorlh interim. The splendid achievements of General Hancocka °nue in the present campaign in Virginia are again attracting attention to one of the finest soldiers in the Army of the Potomac. Since McClellan's brief tel egraphic dispatch respecting the battle of Williamsburg spoke of Hancock's deeds on that day as superb, his name has been • familiar ono in his native State, Pennsyl vania, rendered so by his soldierly qualities in the field and his heroism wherever be has nerved. IL in not necessaTrto-reiter ate the long catalogue of his gallant ex ploits. They are now welt known in this commonwealth, and they 'Must ever contin ue to be. To the people of Philadelphia Hancock bad peculiarly endeared himself by his noble bearing, frank and generoue manners, and his uniform courtesy. He rev'e wed the local militia and volunteers here on 'Washington's birthday, and as he rode 'Along the line on Broad street, with his brilliant staff, the citizen, who were thus "on Inform name idea of his appearance "on the battle-field, balled him wth en thusiastic acclaim. He seemed, indeed, the bean ideal of a soldier on that occasion. Since the opening of Grant's campaign in Virginia, however, llaneosk hoe been in his true element. Largely backed by men of his own State, enlisted to serve under him especially, at.l whose confideoce In blm was unbounded, he has rivaled in his dashing,cdtarges and constant and fearless exposure the most famous leaders of Na poleon. Always brdliaut and successful, he has, in the presebt campaign, made two desperate charges, which must long: be remembered in our military history. The first vu in the battle of the Wilderness, where he drove the enemy before him for a distance of two miles and held his position for hours, vainly waiting for the support ing columns which would secure his ad= TBllOO. • Bat his last and grandest • exploit was reserved for the terrible battle of the PO where he Made n chnrge which crushed one wing of the rebel army, carried their rifle pits, and captured between thirty and for ty cannon and one and a half divisions of Hill's corps. Ile took the division of Gen oral B. W. Johnson entire, with all I's offi cers, including n Itlaj General and two Brigadiers. We wee the division former ly commanded by Stonewall Jackson- A year ago Jackson himself was killed at tlhanceliorsiville, and now his division is annihilated. Threw rebel troops once so much dreaded for their fierce and sangui nary charges, have now met their match in s General eurpaseieg their old leader in impetuosity and daring, and commanding o eorpa which seems ennui d ai•h his owu enthusiastic spirit. All honor to the heroic Hancock and his noble color As Penn sylvanians, it is impossible to avi it feeling a Just -pride iu their valor and achieve ments, however much we may deplore the cost to many a family at home. llonon to the Hero--Gescrlption of the Gold Medal now being Prepared for Lt.—General Grant. (From the PhilAdelphis rmsl.l The work of engraving the gold medal for General Grant, in accordance with on set of Congress pasectl in December last, in in the hoods of Mr. A. C. Paquet, engraver at the Dnitod States Mint, this great artist having been chosen by Mr. A ntropus, the designer. The medal is to be made of pule gold; to weigh thirty ounces. 'hie four in ches in diameter. Toe tolrowitag to a brief dteoription of the designs: On the renter of the front of tho medal is a correct photo. graphic profile of the General, partly encir oed with [hie inscription on the top: -MAJOR-GENERAL GLY9BIB (laaaz " Oa the lower part are the following words: Joint retro:lawn of Congress, December 17, 1843." The evabkllinbrnesits are as fol lows: Near the outer edge is a circle con taining two American flags, the stalls CroBs - each other. The folds of the great na tional emblem are entwined around tobac co, cotton, sugar, and rice, the four staple Productions of the mates wherein General Grant has planted the fin of cur country. On the tap is a wreath of oak and laurel neatly entwined. On the rim outside of these embellish ments, are thirteen States, representing the original States. (In the other side of the medal the design is beautiful and appro priate. It represents the Goddess of Lib. erty seated on a sphere, her right band resting gracefully on the national shield, with the word "Danels:h" thereon. To the eight of this is an eagle in the: act of taking so upward flight, with the-Ameri can flag pending in festoons from its beak. The sacred emblem bciog thus raised dis closes a view of then city of V.ekeburg on one side, and Lookout !Contain and Coat tonooga valley on lbu other, wis h scene in front- Toe river Mississippi, -hearing on its bosom iron elide, transports, and steamboats, 18 6180 well represented in the picture. Oa t h e lower centre of the medal is a pryaniidof war triumphs, tit. 'riding the views of Vtckoburg and Look out Mountain. The bane of part of the design is a field piece near which msy be teen a couple of soldiers. The outer rim of this side of the medal also contains thir teen stare, baing the number in the galaxy of the original Confederation. There is no other gold medal of this size in this country, excepting the Ingraham medal. Tee engraver expects to have the work completed in seven mouths, for which be will receive the sum of $2,200. We may say that, in response to the resolution of Congress, a number of beautiful designs were submitted; that of Mr. Antrobus be ing the most appropriate and beautiful, was selected. There will be a number of bronze medals made from the dies after the gold one shall have been completed. The Difference. The World given ma the official return of the loans daring MiC.ellan's "Seven Dip" on the Peninsula, 15,249 killed, wounded and missing, and then alder. "The Tribaneeorreepondant rays that in the first six days of the series of battles Gen. Grant has been fighting he last 40,000 men, nearly all of whom are killed and wounded,: bat few prleonere being taken. Tit the Seven Da, e' battles, which were called disastrous, left McClellan within half the distance of Richmond as compared with Grant's potation at loot accounts. This fact would seem to prove that the Peninsu la route must have some advantages as compared with the overland route, Presi dent Lincoln's 'plan' to the contrary." This would certainly be a very telling atatengat both against Gen. Grant and Mr. Lincoln, were it not for the circum stance that when McClellan lost his 16,000 men he was getting away from Richmond es fast asie mid, leaving that city and the rebel army safe, amid and triumph- ant; while Grant ier pushing hie way to. ward Richmond and is grinding the rebel army to powder. Moreover, there was probably not one of the seven days on which MeClelldu would not bate given a considerable sum to bo with his whole force north of Spottitylvanta Gown Reuse. Ia- SIUSi of being glad that he was so near Richmond, he.wished himself far onougu away. Sir John Moore, in the Peninsular War, did not lose one-fifth as many men atviVel- Hagen, but Moore lost them in trying to ens% to hie ehipe, Wellington in driving the 'French out of Spain. According to the McClellan 'school of warriors( however, fdiortivas the greatest general of the two. WhYisill,not someone save LittleMaefrom Wad-miter/a - Eiroirenvaaza, the scone of the recant terrific battles, and which Is now in our palmation, is si• !small villege l fifty-five miles from Richmond, MP the railroad, but connected with the rebel capital by good -road& The river Po runs Booth of Ohs village. The North Anna river, to whit& Use Is reported to have retroot ed, is about twelve =ilea Booth. GALEIXIALDI.—Thp London Examiner bas i severe article tipen The treatment of C4ll , - ibeldi by Gladstone, it bieb it eonobules ttg • • torkfrogL i',4l.l,feellll POoriboiat sa overpower tirotrid orbi(k . ' ne to express our inexpressible sorrow_ antl ladtgustioa at thistoul wrong - to the holiest'sympaddes anti aspirations of . - tho nation!' -, t ,' j ~ ' ~ ' +r-, .r~~,4,.,_~ -' i i.~..a.,.-k5F,.:t,i_,,..~....1:~:~+:53. v~row:-!,~ *"- f -.t~.-~; PUBLIC JMOTICES IU• HELY FOR THE tila,piEm We, the undersigned, hereby glue the wages of one day, or th• sums set oppo site to our names, to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Pair, for the Sick and Wound ed Soldielrei (Em add the name e the eIk:J.I4W,- moat. 11•160, prqfessioo or trade, and a, i0e..614.] Let the Proprietor, Manager, nom, or any patriotic MAD, pane or copy the above on white paper; get It signed by all the men of the mill, mine, formers, chop, boat yard, saes, trade or occupation to which ho belongs, transmit the amount to rarviltttt Ileum, Jr., Trtiesurer of the Fair, Pittsburgh. The receipt of the money win be duly acknowledged by letter and the newspspera The nand of the battle; the groans of our brother" and defendent; the memory of the glorious dead, and our hope. of samosa in the !draggle, cell on us to be prompt and generous. Key God put it into the howl of every Chrletiau and patriot to respond with his mite or tile trooeon. rot the Executive Committee. mylOtf FELIX B. BUCNOT. Chairman. _ . 1 ... QT.?. TUB PITTSBURGH SANITARY FAIII.—Tbe following named Steamboats .temelmat Fund of Pitte d other boats subscribing led to the 11.1: Arcola, Camelts, Pao.gon, America, hula, Nevada. Armenia, Argonaut, No. 2, Mercury, Kenton, Lent Lootl, WI Ws, BL 8. M o e, teserve, Cherokee, (new,) Llocto Martin, .Tevesa, Silver Spray, Capt. Wm. Dozes new boat s (not yet tamed,) Kate B. Porter, Oltre, Ids Reese, Echo No. S, (Bars Pea Delaware, ast, not yet launched. haw inbacribed to Oho y kneel 'halter, Fair. A will have their nano. add Little Giant, . Rover, Oliver (Amid, No. 2, Alpha, nerva, Charmer, Loonldim, Damwl, James R. Gilmoro, Westmoreland, Vulcan, Kate ttobine•n, Starlight, Goody Friends, New York, Ontario, (new,) Roanoke, (new,) Ohio Valley, Lotus, Franklin, Citizen, Empire City,- Golden Era, Maggie Rays, Bertha, 0 0.71. Anderzon'z new myiktr FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 500,000 S A l th prtrilege toTr:; , mme to mt. Sank It 1,1" o rolls minimized and In driocaule Sul opciratlon. Vie are preport4 to to a general Banking bounties, and offer our acruic.l oorrolipaudant to Hooke and Bankers throughout the country. Sr.vial attend/up given to cullection to this and the utolning Oity of rittebinigh, as sell an on all vans of the oottutrys_ Mona), recetvad on depodit., and Era:maga cn all CO, principal ettlse bonkiht and eeld. AERn./ for U. S. 10-40 Rood.. MIEN! T. H. Inn' IN, JOHN DEAN, WM. HAI:BAUGH, U. C. BOYLE ARTHUR n 6r,;( N, tr.ZWLY GSIVA :0, JOCK 71.1.0targ.1.1 A. T. 11. NEVIN. eIk[SIOSSI I=:! •I%OT I C 'ft) TAX PA.Y u persons who bare neglected to par their City, Poor, Maginot, Water. Pchool or Bonding tax for Coil, In the rind Ward, Pittsburgh, are n..dued that on May Ist, salts will t lastitoted In all case,. Those who woahl save costs will pay beg , . that day. ALLEN CORDELL, Colkwtor, II I •. j -- 7.-z.A MEETING OF THE UNION IaButiTIVIC COMMITTEE, of Allfltheitly Cotifity, will In 1144 at the tt➢rß..( Mi. Chairman, hn. 116 Fifth litre.t, Plttaticirgh, on FELIDAY, May . 24th, [wt., et tiv'elcck p. m. A. M. DHOWS, Oiairman Jont; H. HSI:WART. Secretary. r 0,14,111 1.-SPECIAL NOTICE.—The owners of Oil al•the Allegheny lauding are ropreirted to remove thlr Oil at once, otherwiwo It will have to be removed at their expense, as there iv not room thorn to do the current Wildness. Attention to thla matter will awn trouble and expense mhll JAMES ALLEN. Wharf kl aster. .MEW .4D rERTISE.III EJI T 8 MOTICI —1 oat, out of a sunk boat, 1.. .Loot 100 BARRELS OF CIICDC OIL, mariErd No. lth Any person catching this Olt "Id be Inbar - ally paid for th,tr truants by repertiag me, al my *Mgr. corner of Eland lama and Dnoacsne Way. Plttaburgh myl7 dtt 13033319 STRAYED—On the sth instant, from the subs:A . l.r, In Temptrancosille Dormagti, a (X./W, aborts tom years old, erlthlu a fees es). cf miring. Drone/lab gel. mid back, belly gray. Any person Orin, Informatien In tb• onbarriber, or to ISIr. kultEref 11cGILAW, at roarnbes'a More, In lb. Dlstnerrd, fittsbmth,nrill be Mandl' , ravroadml. IA2II4I2A.SkIiNSDT. ARNOLD'Y, AAD OTIIMIt WRITING FLUIDS, El= MYERS, SCHOYEII & CO.'S, El= CONSIGNMENTS. 10 Ws Picke G 2 do Turnip.; 50 blues Lemon.; 2,0 bble. Pork State Pnt dirs. 100 half We. Late Herring I,res• p,. t:odlieh; 100 pack eg Ilaikerri; halt bids. lake BIWA; 1 Ouo Ma Maple !Inger. In raker, bbs gro 1111 . 1 MS9II. Jut rPorlved 555 far We et No. L'lsl 'Lap., 0. myl2 POTTER, AIKEN d 544 5A4 D. NF. W CONeIGNMENTS, now la num sod for ..le. 400 both. choice holes Dr:o4 Prompt.; ISO do bright qoartors P , do .00 dried •bol. do; do Yodi Rot. Dried Appir.; 240 do Ohl. do do. (KO bpi.. Oboe. Potat.c 21i0 b Igo Jorsny gpsob 10 k combwrie.: IL bosh. Cloverstmd. m7ll L U. YOJIT di CO. __‘. SUNDRI car lands Lake Shore Pototoer LO bblit. extra Floor: 6 do Doll Dotter; 10 Irmo do; 10 040 pecked Bolter; 10 bble. White Beau: 20 do White el :trifled Coro Meal. 5 Ithdf. N. 0. insil 10 .tore sod for sale PRANK FAN GORDF.II, myll No 10 Smitbdeld et., corner of Find. _ . PEACHES dr. TOMATOES..— A: I froth stilday of choice DO1•Irl TO canned ninch a ad Tiaatae f rat naked and for Bile by the dean a eagle can, by JOHN A. RENSHAW, Fandly Groat, ttlyl.3 Dame. Liberty ad Hand Ana. S ALAD SAUCE.—Prince of Wales alul Same, an Indlepentable article in the prep aratlon of a 1.., do., jots received In pinta and hall pinta, fur W t . at he Family Glaser, store of JOHN A. RENSHAW, myl3 Oornarletbarty and Hand area LIXTRACT OF VANILLA —A full as .l4 eortutent of Acoustic celebrated Flavoring Ex ttnoi• Jai remind and forale by the dosed or at retell. by JOHN A nicersriew, toy 13er Liberty and Hand aerate. UNIVE RSA corn CLOTHES WSJNG ZllS—The.beit In rm. Call and o=9l. them at the India Rubb.r Depot; Not. 26 and ID lit. Clair etrectr by tny2 I=l fait ERN CORN, put up in tin cans barroctltally orLledju4...dyad sad for sale at Ulm Family Grocery Store of JULIN A. lIXICISEIANIT. 32 earner Liberty alafliandrrtraata. "MEW DATER-25 futile new Dates Peet received sCd for sokin by RIVIIIBR • BROS , 16 Nu. 12G and 12 , 4 Wool elvot. (lOWA NUTS.—u,OOO fresh Cocos Nws just reeslssd and Ow 'Os by UNTINIII it BROS., myl4 ' Nos. 12S wid 1. Wood stront. 1.00 BBLS. TROW'S SAINT LOUIS ;Loon, best family Flour In to city, tor ill. B. LINDSAY, talb 101 Llbort• RECEIVING DAILY, by Express— TEEM BOLL 1111171611; /BEM EGOS. L. H. VOIGT d On. MAPLE SUGAR-130 barrols Ihoioo Marls Saint !o# mle Lr 13011011ANZII A LANG. m 9 t^9 Liborm 9freet. POTATOES. 600 bah. resell Plows, ht War.; 1,0:* do, to wire; • • rimy. No. d Wood at. DRY PEACHES-25 his. prime halves for akle bs LITTLE t Timms. ID • 12 Ito. 111 and 114 beyond street. k • : • A• ENOS, Paris styles f0r4.601, Jut resolved and for saki by 07.7 W. P. MARSHALL. 17 Woad street wrA.Toicd—tio bble. Pink byes and Nub Blows jot recelied mid for its le by mrl7 J. B. CANFIELD. L — EAD.-1W pigo (aloha Load to sr: t i le and for salOy m H. VOLTAM. OIL. -163 bbla &ado Oil to arrivo and vol. or • IMIRT B. comae. OIL BARRELS-50 Crude Oil Bar rag ex m. 1111811 T Q. COLLIN& T JgAD-SUO pip Galena to arrive and 63r sea by I. B. OANI/LILD. TILUB..-50 iti,staro foi `La /al. DUTILAY arn DRARLS-50 cub No. 1 in store and farms D 7 J. D. .O/17iliELD. ArElr .SDI'ERTISEJOIE.►'TB. I)R.:,:s8 Gomm ITZIEEIM Nov sty:m Jut null% d by WHITE, ORR et CO., TO THE LITERARY PUBLIC—The -L extemOve y.uy relict PI brain Library of a gontluman of el:thirsted literary tutu, resnove.d fro" tho city, mid tot oVd by cataloguo oa ISATCRPAY lIVRNING, May Ilot, at tbo Csmotercisi Auction Wm ma, t.o. y Plfdb at nad, It erabractss recent and costly !unto frum tn. , pros uf Little. grown S Harper A Brotherd, Putnam. Ticitnur d Yield., Rh , srsido A Ctak t rid Fb , lusislo import; London editiota, ell of tha.boot and moat yalnablo Knglish and Am• r• can n,hurn in llistory and Relics Lettrtn, Ilia greate a r part In neat an f firma binding., with insuy work. of unusual tau - not - enc. at public sal, The Walnut. embrewol a Sr.. vary choton Parlio tali lona Froucil Who.. In the original. Alm, two to. I tall. 'Pater Coln- Painting.. and fon. •a/nable 1,11 Paintings one of which Is a largo original Idwd map. by Mot r el. (Jatalo43es non truly. Tbo Books and Palming. 1011 ho on vie. Friday and Bram-nay. A. Mc!LWAINE. Atut.r. AA N ORDINANCE for the videning of Osatre Avenile, on the south side, from Fulton street to /111 . 4 r street. Sr, 1., Be d ordahned and enacted by the Mayor, Al. dermen and citizen. Pittsburgh, in flees and Common nnendle.eneneeldeA,Ond k i• hereby ordained and reacted by the ataluortty of the more, That Ventre Avenue, en the tooth side, te3treen Fulton street and Miller lands, be widened to the fell width of sixty (0) feet as laid out in the city district plea Sao. 2. Thstfleottgs flarnittwa, of the Eighth ward, flarvey Robinson.. ef the Third ward, .ad Chat:lllAm of the Sixth wstd,tbe and they are hereby appointed appraisers to sewer the damages or bene nta, if any, mated by widening said Avenue, accord. tog to &et of &monthly approved January 6th, A. D. 18E4. Onlalned end enacted Into n law In Councils, Ills Inth day of April, A. It, lef4. , . . . J AYES IIIcAELET, Prroldent of Select Council Allred E. A. Elcanow, THOS. STEEL, Pon!dont of Common Council. Attest Fircn 11'31nerna, Clerk of Common Council. m717,3t AN ORDINANCE increasing the pay of tho litght Sr., I. of oaaaaal and marred hg the Mayor, A/- donna, cud :v.,. tf Piluburgi, 1.1. d arta ( . ..mm...11 Cioeneils assembled, tad .1 4 hereby ordotar , d und e by the ...thnriev qf some, That the pay 0! the Night Pollee of the city be and the umo Is hereby incretosod, so that hereafter the Night Pollcanten Shell Ix , paid wit The eaptala shall Mtge., two tiler. and ten mate; each of the Laso• tattat4l then receive two d..llars end Each of the I there •ball reawf nua dollar and seventy tiro for every night it -tuolly encased In pollee Atty. 140 0. The co. tehero of to. per cut Night Polices who hare born on duty 11111 , the Best day et last April, shot. re-oleo pay oln e that dot., ur since the data, oftoir nmpl. p :neat, If rola quent le Aro ler, Si the tat..lv ob. p-ece.ling ..el Ln. Nero 3 All ordinances. or ports of r ansucee, so her at la. - onti,tent.with, or eupplle.l bl tale crdl• nonce, err .rteby terrcla.d.. Ort.Lin..l af..l •rlactul Iran a law lu Ulf h day of Illy, A. D. Itr.4. JANES Ma-A ['LET, Procd,/ tor Sol. t 1' WCII oS. STEEL. Pre.l , lma ~! C.omm..n 1'4,11.-11. Attald 11r.t•.14'11 AFT.. Clerk or C.lmm. udl. my 17.% SANITAIIY FAIR. El 1g CONINITTEE ON "LADIES' BAZAAR' Will decor the app . orlioulhor t of Tab:os and Booths [tuft' altos the.:hn inst. The., nsgsotty request all persocs desiring spec. In this dep.. ttosat of ths Fair (who have not althstly 190 Iscl,l [take early application to the Ohmenittcw, ttsiongi. V. ff. Atßq. Cbsirnsan, to. ty, r‘tth mist.; r, JAB. C mpli int N. 103 t v ft,t, straet ' yo r) CAN AhWAYS ritOCUkt o.•nntltrall.,•, Water and LAI. Watcr, • , 13nrnrat's Olcualun and K Biooo2 of T,110.1., Hagan'. Maproulia Balm, klotloway's l'ida and lantment, 11ra. acaturer and Aykg,..bunanos tlelmL•Ad • Unodu sad darlayar,lla. Lizmisero Isthprovvd 114,04.1605 PL ,tr. 1401,Intale Fine Talo bwpp and Prfunins, lino Ilmtbo., F.O 13/11111bAN. tonal Drubm, 4tho eclairs' Drhg mark corner Ohio and 'Wars] roete. klarka Llama, Aittglartly. %PI! OEO A. ICVLLT s 00. TiIXECUT()E'S SALE OF 1111'1UWED ALLEGIFIF:ST eITT PHOPEP.TY. --On PAT CILDA Y ArrEntiour,, q. r at.t.., a a clnck, a tll I. madd, uo the gtood•ra, by c e `t. tort, K1,1.1 . ..0r of Itobt. N. Clermides,r.:or , hat rateable lAA of Ott, led, 44 feat !runt ...North atm.. Atirghony City, by 1 . -0 fool drop„ baring o front lo the rear Ft lo !art 10 leach.. on Last Lama, Hwhich I. erech , t • tev-at.ry Frame Dwell:kg cem, with out-Umiak:o. Lat•.oron. IC. locati,o b OLleamant and agr.eabtry to to roll oe thr osi terms Or, third rase, Cal•sa, La cme and two >oars, .10110t0n...0, orter,l by boot and mortgage. A. Mel LVe AIN K. Aare, GRA] SEIEDS, EIVTTIM, POVL.TIII", EGGS, AO all kind+ of 001711fLUT PTIODC('S, ob Conlllll.loll, bf ESB=I3 Prompt relwra,* - 1.1. ri,n If 41..11..d WOUNDED P.OLDIE kS • • $ll/0 BOUNTY TO ALL WOUNDED SOL WIMPS. la cow tr.log gala ; call with' glesbaise." No charge made nail! the mooey I. colle7ted. T. wALite. DAY, Llogrased by lb* D. g. Geeerameot, No ItYl Tlftb atm. t, Plitehutes, Third door below the Cothedral. WALL PAPER., ETTOLIKA PAPER, et d LINING-ROOM " CU A ILBSIR do, 1234 to Also, leantlrol nMn for Farley end mat, .1 No. 104 Federal aterel,llll.ghvey __10716 WORD 4 13T C L. A 131 , LL. MUIROMI J. M DAILLINO A large 1.4 of MO no. and beautiful Doug ham ar rived In the alai& Brom of lIOFFMA! & HOENE, BUTTER and Now Cream Choetto.— 180 beans PM. Cutting chewy; 20 imam Clttdce rrneh Duties; It barrels mesh Igo; 180 Washele Bled Potato.; idllo bewbeb; b4lit Dried Appler, :81; bartalsMt/ and Doinants Apples; 110 barrels Sweet Cider; Now receiving. and in More. ingather with a Atli and freab ;flock of {merles fur ..1. by • ...atm -; /A 1., et , CLOSING OUT LAbT SUAINIEIIB Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Mir. than ant.. Non hi the ans. for Nogales Men, Woman, Boys, Youth. end Children, nll soon J. II- Et 0 ALAN D'a. nESCRABIA.—There is nothing more dethabls tbs. n rood bead of tour. It Is easily •ttalsood end e•mly retained. Tl. ItE.IIINZ/141- TUB will aocompllsh both; It cso.e• hair to vow en bald he•ds, .ep prove:lu b.lr from 6111 n. off. &Moor beyond disputa. hold by all solvent Drop gists. 11140 N /0111ISTOli, Pole Agoot, my 3 Corner Fourth imd Smithfield rtsaotiL FRPH ARRIVAL I I.'RRY DAY OF Xav Roots and Shoes, ()MEM AM) Bet.MOSAIII, BOILLAND'O, Of the !akat dyke, et neyl4 Oa 111ket itrectdild door from Vtfth. SE JU7'O3 J' NOTIC R—Wherens, J.:l Letters Tratementat7 have Ewen this day rant ed to the underataned, Ifacteritu a the last taltrind testament of William 111cLataghttn, dedrued...l l persona Indebted to the said decadent am harnbl no ttd'ed to pay the Curie withont 04.111, to thstacler aliened, by whom the debts of decedent mill beeettted. mll4:4lrd CtlCOltoll 33121G8/di, Vieotttor. THE PHENIX rseuRAME' 00, OP BIIOOKLYII, 27. T. Capital 14117 — th • lam surplus. pile and InlandiMe6946 B. H. Pituburg6 !(Ont. mlt 69 gogtl, ES AND LARD. • ridge, Beatty ot Co.'. 9.0. Hams AldB, S I 11 70 tcs. Tro 40 Chic ao 20 twee' ES tbrcoe 01 47 Tot mile at 079 Side.; ►. Davis% 00.'1 Dryiket ; Lest Lard; ecuou&Kine& tam% MO Inert, area will ba paid for - Bich want Ist3 babe roccoltry of PICIBOLIIIII, distinctly idiots bac@ boon ether luso lsy • the Alllglssay Wharf iono• • o stmt. •a. Lamm's. No.lo ;atom sigs:. S5O infarmail 49 iIIABBLIS 0 maim! T. AIL dly zilioske . &Um Wor WWI t MEW 4DrERTISEJCIEXTB MnS NEW GOODS THE MISSES ELLIOTTE Hays J nat received to-day their Summer Steck of Circulars, 'Palmas. Hanttltas and Sacques, in Cloth end Berege ; Black Datuasuro, Lama and Tryout; Lace rousts, Rotondo+ and Talmaa Shetland Shawls; rant de Gann, Point Applique, Valencleunts; Ilal. less and Thread Lace C.sllara and Seta; Fi snub Em broidered 0 liars and SLevra ; Breakfast Seta; Break fast eats: Steel and Linen Collar. and Cuffs; Slant Crape Collars, Gollarettos and you••, Half Mom sling Pollan and 'MIS; Black Luau and Grenadine Vella, Lace, Embroidered and Haunting Ilandkerek ef.; Pint .d, Stamped and Ham-stitched Handkerchief.,; Blond Walats and itl.res ; Boman Seam and Ties ; Boman Cape,. Argyle Nets, Ilend•ltresaes, Water falls, Trimmed and Plain Seta, in great variety. Black and White Nuts, plain and figured; Sulk, II Insist and Waall. Blond.; full motim: Passamenteris tor Breasts A la , gr auturtment o' Dress Trim. minds Batton, Sc. !ranch Parasols, bun Umbeel. las and Pant, Pe- nett Worley, plain and embroider. nal ; Sere , Ino, Victorian, hips; Superdne, Drab and White Bloch. Gantt • ; Balmoral Skirt.; Bradley, Duplex Hoop skirt Skirt supporter. Mad. Dens oreltes Stilt Elerator and Jun. Patterns; and • fall assortment of La: Ise trea s , Wa n g Good.. E=l=lM=B Isf.tn' and Obildr,o • Inamoldertd Drrunm. Lace Coq, C:osks, Glatt" .d Alarm ille•Secymm, Waists, Skirts, d.c.; French sod ll•naborg. itrubrolderin, Plait; and Striped Naltol.A., Leta, Lawns and 0.0,1 s, Ir , rorh td•reeillm, P. No. 43 OT. 4 , LAI A STREET, ruder La. Clam Hou-I. RALLY I FOR 100 DAYS! First Call from Pennsylvania. The Eocretary of War Imo sothoriond me to mho o Battalion of aitillery, To rano for 100 DATE, In Washington and vicinity. The orgsalsetion knoven me BATTERY A Will (dm, one Company or Oda lilatt•ltOn. Three other companlee (Infantry t r Artillery,) will ho se rom. d. Coo mandln, (Moore will pp or• port •t ,tito at TQIQU 81011 T itr UAL!, rosch comnany to 1., comp:wed of ICO mon,—ta bo ~pifu rm. d .pd ~0 0 1 4. 1 by tho MUM Stator Goren:mon:it tosl6.dtf NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF TUE 1301100011 Or LA %V BANCRVI LLX.— h by • eopplement of the Art of Assembly, approved the Ith day ef Idaerh, A. D. 11164, ri , ating to the payment of the Itornotto 'Tax to the Troaenr, within too limits of rud Doroegh. The CII/tlonigued reap...ninny untitled the maid Taz ityc.r• that he to Dow to yonexe.alon of the Iteplicat• for the payment of Laid tax, and testy to rect.., the mow. on all taxes pall on nr before the first day of An. gala, 1.4, an allowance of live per ceatunt alit he made. 00 all taxes 1..11 sobeeduent W Ills first day of Angina and rmor t the Drat day of Sertemiwr moot Le raid to full. On all taxes paid stibeaquast to the fled day of September, he shall add Dee per Erotism. And on dna drat day of Octobor in each year, the Treuursi shall mat. out list of l'elinquent tax wet with the amount doe from earn, with ten poe rc0.20 additional balled: provided that no addl ' Ilona! amount elan be lest than ten mn ta, and place 1 the .isms In the hood, of the High Cointah e, wheaa Idoy it ehall be to receive thou not r • renaby of tiny Dollar.; and the sold Tr...tamer Is hereby anthorixed to hone to aald Cone able his warrant to mitred said tax, granting him all the power. and ha• muuitiew now toy low "'feud In collectors of county ratee and le hot. Provaisd, that ne further or addi tional notice to taxrayers shall be require...l than the alvertinomeet In one or more rapers, and by hand- Ldb WILGIADI J A Neel, Borough Tram, Cor. Butler a Wainwrigbt sts., lawreucto'e. mylo led W ERLIS bl tr. WILSONS 1111111liCST PREMIUM LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES- Tax car.A.PIST, 8161PIAST Mil) PlafT Prlttedp, Wbnlesaln ErnpAlaxa 0. 2 1 PIPTH MT Throve an i.,1.. Ilan! Iryx-k. WM. Strltitiß & CO., Asa ACIZNII3 11332111 BAILEY, FARRELL & CU, CM= Plumbers,fias and Steam Fitters, a all lh.lr branch... Vtomptly attended to by hall tut and expertenood vorkurvn. on abort untie.. Have constantly on bond . larg• .11.0(119,61 nt BATH TCBS, Ppeetal attention given tolls* filfinnor 011 Refiner ies, Agitst.ini and Belling Tasks lined with lead, de_ No. 120 FOURTh ST., PrrrastraGe. SANITARY FALIC.—The Committee an Mechanics' Hall resuctfolly rapnem all who are dmirons to contribute machinery or maanfac- Imes of any deocriptim, appropriate la that De partment, te report as early as passible to nlther of the ondenigud, .o that the proper arrangements Can try made for th e nacepelon aad accommodation of every articlo that may ton offered. To. Oammittm will tout regalarly, on Tuesday and Pridar aftarnoons, at 4 o'clock, until otlemiss aenoucced, at the arc« of Jas. M. Cooper, No. —, Bank Block, PM street, whore contributory or other./ harlag lauineraa an Invited to confer with the Committee. JA 11. MES MILLER M. COOPER , , J P. 3. JENNINGS, WILLIAM WADE, TROY. B. BLAIR, W. W. PATRICK, Commlttos on Mechanics' Dail, blwadtsry Bair. toy16:1 • NEW WOES. Another supply of FINE AND FANCY cess in RILE Cutaway and Garibaldi Suits, ro CIIILDREN Juet Received by GRAY & LOGAN, NEW SPRING GOODS. 10 ST CLAIR STREET, Just received from the rilatern cities. • large and well winged stock of goode, &signed for the Opring and litunmer trade, wedding to part of th• follow • THESCLI MAMAS and ateSSIIIIIIM EI , WITIVYMOLIB, GERMAN and AMERICA ! OCIATINOI3 and OASIIMERES, of aimed every shale. style and color, all of which I will make op to order to the laud and mast fashionaLl• manner by expecioneed workmen at chart nodes and mum-Able Alen, • largo stock of Gelds' Puralsbillg Good., sock as are sunnily kept la Ord claws tangelo. tog doses. Onienioilelted and promptly ex•cotad. W. It. No. 10 St. •‘,.•lttsto'h. WE . HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH TV as ALBERT R. CHILDS, Le • partner in ow km, The badmen eitli hereafter be carried on un der theism= and etyle of A. 11. GUILDS A Co JAA. li.cnups A cto. • A e H. CHILDS .1: CO., HOPE FLAX HILL, Manaritturers of • Seamless Grain Bags, Carpet Chain, WAXILY BAITING, Ac., atyl4:l, NOTION—STOLEN—Coupons of 5-20 Bond.: Nye so, No. 2461, UM, 2163, 2164, MA :Three Ilan Not. 10,31r3,10,31; 10,354 1 Two WO, Nan. 6216,6279; Throe UM°, Nan MART, 43,67111, Men Those (kespone bear date lloymbor Zol, 1863; thAll persons are hereby willed not to births'. em. Any pence rrstoting the Cowpimaor giving nth la formation es will kid to the detection of the thief, will be 111mralIy rewarded by _ 111A1AU DICKEY& CO, saltit • • • 10.Widantrest.• WEitAVE THIBDAY ASSOCILiTED T ilia as GEORGIC D. COOL tba Dawn and Ilmical {D actOoton Incensis.- . spuda Apr11_1.14 4 1864. cox rrar a co. .vh s r z~: ~. DRY GOODS. BEAUTIFUL LIFIE , S (111.1k -I J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Sha vk 1%, Mantl fireulaN Remnants or Dress Goodi,rbeap. Goods for lien's and Boys' Wear 11. Z. 0011. T 01.111. 1 111 S 111 IIK HT ITS gmyl6 N EW G()()9!•41 NEW COODS ! J. W. Barker & Co.'s, No. 59 MARKET STREET NEW G-00-DSI NEW GOODS! - - SUMMER DRESS ( D )ODS. Organdies, Foulards, GRENAI)INES, LAWNS, Tb. IstvA unvaitle. in SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, Silks, Shawls, 3001 J e 4. AT ALEX. BATES', No. 21 Fifth Street. my 9 NSW GOODS Just Received. The attention of the Ladlea le hartionlatiy called to oar lane and eplendld .took of NEW GOODS. In addition tss anr mount ontematvo aasortaloat, the., *lad very prutty on of Ladies' & Kisses' Hats and Bonnets, Ita great vviaty, an 4 rh.aper thaw now genera) mild. Macs SPRING AND EMBER BALMORAL ailßTa And • rory choir. 5t.,.1, of 141111110 IND NIL Vil3lB and ONDEBOADMENTS, for (.441tv kr.III L.• 13 IN kraiat. w. ban mho the fineet and best moor - WI Mask of Tine Welts sa4 Taney Mans% Eden se nom to fond In any Innlehtoz Goods Eters. Also, Ladies' and Gent's Lin. Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves and Rosary, Pocket Books, Porte Kontudies and liarsra,elegant Staid sad Jet Pins and 8r00d..., Belts and liolt Smiths, and . full Ilse of Trimming mid /tinny tonds, as cheap births el:mayn't. VW Wholnal• Bona. op stall: nd In tweement. L&CBUM & EILTRE, NA. AT ART &IL. Bead. Gimp and Bead Buttons, ♦ID OTHIII NEW TIIIIIIIESO The new Itaxietnta Collar and Cuff' elegant Paint Gauze Netts sad Elandivarahlcrsi Ivor Intend and dn. Liman Irdk'fi I Lase., Grua- utlnta and Crape VellsiOszolnio and Hamburg Trlenal4ga to great minty, at km prier ; elegant Nish sod Scarf Ribbons; Donosis, tints and Plow en; Eked sots, of em .t 71.; Stocklap, Glover. Oonnt4, Hoop Stizt. and Sprln Balmoral Skirt.. A TOM Iles of Men , . Varnishing Roods shiny. 012 hand. L.dfa• and Children•. Dimino, Bilk and Gs Underre.ts ; Wllto /Leen° Under- akirts—cost lon than the material to [take !ham Witslmola Worms op slabs. Mims In the city and from lb. mootry oUI do sosll to look at em stock before purchasing.' • JOBIPH HORNS & • _ TT /LAD Ts EITBEICT. , 1 „ MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS. EATON, INACUUM dr CO., Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth stret • Invite the attentien of WHOLBSALE BUT to their ;meant stock, which to [IOW complete to every department. ell their rood. mire pantheon:l before ate protect GREAT RISE LP PRICES, And they foal dt.opand to toll at a moderato advance, and at name moth tower Ilan EASTERN PRICES I lITSUTEIANTS, HILL2HYBB , and all who buy to sell agate, are esper.lotlyinvited 'Waal and essalee our 'tack. EATON, MACRUM & Co., Has. 17,LND 19 WITTH myl9 NEW TRIMMING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, No. Si Market Street. New TH1MM1NG11.31111301172311311 and 818, 110213, 1.d(13 and Wllll3 GOODS , 1.111321 GIN; 1.13231 T 11311.2.3. SERUM and BILE 1721. 3113.011221123.23; 110113180W6 best EMITS; OLOVIM NOdIBBY t3lll _.11311/ 311, 3103 'Tres, YANOT 13111.11118; num, /11312IT118021113; LIATIIIII6 BACA 011313 X. DILEGLAS and DUADI3, /3341te. - lOORkg, AD• DE M ( k aw4rramTn iliM P ETS eI.LOTHS, dSu FOURTH STREET ~; oz •IV b*, ;- , T 1 1,6, . 4 'WINDOW SHADES c:Z.jhiVrlt TDIS DA V %P ‘PRIATC: STO( S. to CAR T 5 Oil, (I.OTH, AT frPC A L IT DiE'S. (t A H. r Z ; :E . S T c) R E. St, Sr F.,11711'91'LF117 nlll' , Fi A - V I t Cit, IIAtIED 4No ADD r.:1) /I El MI I a IN3 ENT! RI? , STO: 1K CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. 1..4.1 0 W. ki'.:CL[l/I,li L Notr.k..nt LARGEST STOCK 111 b; FOUND ]N It WhVi", .4T TUE LO WES4' PlB WlA:gi Oliver McClintock & Co pies() co V E Fine Embroidered Cloth Embossed Cloth. Victoria A of. amd Rvlortment snet rone!vv.l Itto NEW CARPET STORE IffeFARLAND, COLLING 6. CO nah4 VENITIAti P.LIND TRIMMINGSI En entirely to" Lod ...taidete r_r: rt J , ft crt•ed wt the I=l McFARLAND, COLLLIIS & CO fro,l DI rIDEA-Ds EMIT NATIONAL Dials 07 A Um.n vs r, Allegbona, Pday.l3, j THE DIRECTORS OF IBIS HANK hove thin day declared ► Dividend or 17141 E Pill CENT. on the Capital 8 fie or the Bent, do, of the profits of the bonnet. since its organ trnn ot, payable en the lnth bait lieriancent Taal pool. 30y141.14 J. P. - ,RISLAMEII, Crteld. r. COLMINIA OIL COldr.Cli, Nttaborgh, 31. y Iltb, 11114. DIVIDEND Numa—The Board of Dir.rtor• ho,. this der doctored . Dtoidond of SLY (Thy) PCB DielAltE, oat Of tbe profits of last manta, payable. to the Stockhelden in cash, on end after FISIDAY, the 13th day °rider. nt y12:1 h E. FILesTgIIVE LT, Feceratary. pIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FiTTSDUTIGH.—A Dlieldend of kti 70 per .bare (Internal Illaveune pettel,yttu ad. day Wen de. eland from the pronto of the islet six months, pays. hie to Stockholders or their legal agent., Books will be open from tb. 16th to Slat Mats for an hicrease of 1.00) ghost.. to the Capital Stook. Stockholdera can avail thomeelvo. of their privilege by suLeemibing, in conformity erith an Set to proud. a National Cure reney, approveek at Wa.bingtety, D. 0 , Feb. t llttr, ma. JOHN ahscuLrty, Cuhfer. sapktived 000teoe DAME or Prerestinar, Mey.3, ISOC. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF _L SHIP HANK have declared a Dividend of LIVE PEEL GENT. out of the earnlngs of the last etc. months, payable on or after the 13th Instant. The United Stator! I.r.oire Tux will be paid by the Hank. myt2.da.L H. It MDARAT, Osstiler. D IVIDEND. Preraaraurt, May 3, 1861. THE WESTERN INSODANGE COMPANY - has this day declared • Dtvidend of TWO-AND-A-HALT DOLLARS SEH,EEILRE, free of Tarn , payable to Stockholders on dr after t he leth.triet. cartler Y. tL GODDON, Secretary. 11 - .I.MTEI WANTED—INFORMATION OF WM. I T DAVID ELLIOTT, aged about ton yearn. Lad on wh.n he left box?, oa Talelsy lent, hob gory roundabout and panto ho.amo. pink want and drat. slouched hat, and bee light halt. A liberal re ward w'll be Oren for any Infortnetlen concerting Mtn. at the Gcl,etta cOlce, or at the reeidence of ht. parent., T. 12 biandneky etreet. Allegheny. ley mst WANTED, A SIITATION AS BOOK•IVERPER, By s coropownt roan, with thirty yew"' experience For ;nether Inform Wien apply to • • COILdWSLL k No. 7 BL. Clair street WA NTAII- $5O A MONTH.- /n' I limit Agents et 160 month. expenses ftid, to sell my EVEItLneTINCI PENCILS, ORIENTAL DURNEtiS, and thirteen other' nevi, walla lind co rium articles. Fifteen cimitlnts iientrary.. Addreak, JOLLN Y. LOUD, 111,1410nd, Maine. aptr.:EridawT WANTF 4 ,I)—A good SERVANT OHM, who understands general housework, and is willing to go to the country to Ilse. To such • cue • permanent situation and goOd wegeorwill be given. Inquire at No. In SMITLIFLELP ST. well FURVIANCEI3 PHOTOGItAI 3 II ROOK% amimat nrrn AND MAIM= IMMETP/ Yd s.dgld starts., o'er Itlchardsott's , Jslrste7 Stars.) Prrtsx matt, PIICYTOIC.442..A.IP]ing Of morel= art' style, plate or colored, from the wpnlar Oates deII , A.I. lie to °Ward and life dm Mr. PORVIANOE-yroold particularly call tho at locattor of the AGED 'lOllOO INFIRM to the easy .0. oartilbillg of this estabriehment, being reached by • sit& short eight of stabs, Trims moderate. and mtAddoo rteranterd.are-StlywevTle MaCORD A: CO., • Whototals D•4lars Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Ilan non , In don the lamed and coi4lete atcck or goad. for SPRING- 14A.14E5. Mrs:offered in the wett blerehanta aro nsted.. d to call and examine our stock, .bleb irtil be add et eery 10. rates. 131 Wood Stet Pittsburgh. inha EYES AND F, A R DR. I3AELZ aiIIOW I SITEAVICr at; EAU; "' f on CATARACT, SQUINT. MIS, for ASTIYIOLAI., PUPIL, Inset - fa MITIFICIAL EYES, and treat. all INT/AMMATORY Bras; a‘n HAUL) UNARM, and all dleesaee affecting the Ear 'and leading to Dearman. omm 'too nrra Frnutsr. myTallyle /'ALAN. W. SEVILLE & CO, Grinders and roHaber., (Formerly Sonog Bro.'s Blinding !mad Brnolrlog lir op,) In an alley rnonlog from 'Mb street to Dia mond alley, near Wood stmt. Pittsburgh. E o p t ' ta ,tr rem a r? , ' Plr:o= r;loTe d ra 41 ' 4, 1 7 Scissors, Razors, Tailors dis re , .Barllers' Bowing. Machine Guides. Bad Irons, So. All Grinding and Fr/11111os promptly Sttendod to. my7:2alrdoor TO PBINTgRS. PRESSES FOR SALE. ONL ADAM' PATENT PEEN.% plAttoss 33m 45 Inchel. ONE TAYLOR GYLINDERiLett SI 4V3 loam ONZ TAYLOR !N)1:141LE OXLINDXIi, bod 11.4 N.l 'Adam. All In good wurktog order. WIN be sold int bar. odA. Xuquire or addreig a .191 f OALKITX, PlOsbnre., Pa. SCHOOL AT H VHROREEN.—The hemmer Term of thin trutantlonvdl oarrausei oa MONDAY, !trey 2, 1864. A 11=44 nurrher of young Ladle. r II be received u braider.. In the family of the PrincipaL, InfoiehathO 11,1'6141 fin , ntaked on the premise., at Tairgreen: lihmlef, or on applleatien to • . • 813212,41ttie1f A care of Wm.. Xi Shinn, But 'Plttst. rgh. lna THE' WASHINGTON , trisraerci cO., or yaw .i,orar. Oadtal sad ' - ... r ssazsis is •IlmisttLulanpl,llarlmatinnute.l !IL S. !IRIAN, Pittabargb Agelit• 1 1 1:105/.1.:;41.t, on Shoulders far sale trrrtars Tartans, aql2 .NCL 1.12 01111. &toad sued • ..• FOR S IL E. Fob.. SILE. George W. Smith's Farm,. in rararonettoo lbe mums - al of pars. of my fsmily, my own ego, and other considerztlft. of s irrtrago and featly nature, I rich to etsotkot my analre emillue my att.-Igloo to my 01., eartab rl.r4 ilrerriug unit hisitiog, business In Wheeling, and to secom,leoh this I offs, - bee luele, trir:priests motroct, the :Orr DAT OF DAT, 101.$ .4 If ort then Fntrlio Attotlrm, the Magnificent Estate of Waddington, Cotoinnior, 114 ACRES of beautiful and forth* ren al: h til lani, rrdl watered's - Ith meteor failinetaittinga, le f the most countries In thet world, and tit oar. 1 Ina nelightorhoOd of noalthy 001 :o ~ .n, . Intl)). It it on the Beihntqi Then inne mites from Wheelltg. The teanoodirio to then., -.t.,. largo and commodious, (80St by nnslnen eon•enietioe, sur.4fOrinBed , • t • y The pricelpol'tenant bolt , I. urn: nit c.•nvortattle tWotttorl.. trick. Th. deity house Ix •fmcictnt and flatarsa ofoori'rnt twee are also right ovitgggos co the reent. 'lnd rentv , l to old mod Rotted tena2iw4 the et.tni .•; at., -h pnyr more than the tarra :.As en :oto re boon, with stone Oct-moot divided WA* eta r 15 horses, ond stall. for to cattle, Math colt TM,. Loot, m,rd. and everything In the hlciieet en gin...4ll.n of a (atm ; It stood& In a yardkS,o feat nioart, entrendwi i.y buck thole for calfde and sI op ; it` en, bled:smite chap and slaughter ;ribose. Ti. firm is krona to be the neat lialtecoed st.e. highly cultiented In this partof the coun try. at p. ,wkwi with Imparted and other ehoitSgsattlo, shy.e horset, impitmente, tic. She gionlng rrnrs oansigt of Z.S. acne of fall wheat; 20 ?gees of fOl rarity; 27 acres of spring barley; 25 O'hroo of Lteelt oats . Do sacs of torn ; 12 &errs .f pot tore; 55 .t - ese of meetow, ft..baloney in good pastutW„ ail et Nth' 1. • 111 nn shove stated cn the ASV UP 0102, T. ratot porch.* ads known on day T rale, sod at tlni Ini:owtog pl..cne, whore plena of tria plaza ono 11, thee t anion:art on re. given atter Ito 15th of !Ivy. 100; fork—Atodic. of Idoesrs. Pe:Klett, Bins 1/l 1; et I ti., 1 Water serest: Dlr. JOBV /lAN:Safi, lintel st-eno. tit WiIst,IAB*EIAN• 00 IT, real nr. , t. 9L-sere, 111eC11031151/1 ;5 II Water ettool. TAIWITLOII44: Polthonnen—Mivers. P. STIIAUO, DSO. AZEI,I,. fitsbutzh—Hr. J, PLI.tl I litrB Drug ars - re. eselaeti--!ile. J.B. 0511711'0 Malt liennett, elr.cmnnti-1). H. II ITVIIF.I.L 1 Co., W. H St. & E. Ilia NISSIGESEI.OFEIL 0. wt,.ittr-tt thr 11111WIET. EM=I FOR SILF B L.niv traut of 1940 nerve, Occluding to Oak, Flnr and 11.inlec c i tin ler, en the upper Aileen ny Ores, 10 eadee stare Tideenfe, le nnbs from Warreno. mitre fro::, titoutubn , g, en the A. A O. W. It. B. Ate• Kean rennty. is new offered for us , e. A Wen mop be *ten rod a minute dcecripV.au had by upplyjn, 1„ tiw S. S. BEYA4, Bret, end T1,111.G, Agt at, No. F 9 Po cnrn grrZtr. mill (I3Airkft's 11¢1Mrig ) ,iii .,:,. or tzo y s o te r : t rT brick ho w nLic . mud Sandaeby streets, AlleX m en ' r " 4. Alen. Thro, Ise story brick tenemants„nn the e,..t end.. of Cnerry Alloy, between Be.,:ond .4 Third street, Pnteburgh. Alen, Lot nod Gadding., nn the eantheas(4,ruer of Fr aril:end lorry smote, Pittsburgh. Al- , A large lortek bufl.Png. no the lenWeide of Fr'nrth stn's(, (East eflderken) Pittsbarghefaltablo ft r bee r,.ng A' , The obi Gnu,. Fleiidly, on the rA-therly of TT -rd Coyest, abetting on the above litn s uiro of Wtl. rai2 . lta No. 137 Fonoth ikreet. I.DOR IALE—COIOTTRY SEATS.-413 the M.SISII2I of Ibo 'nor hen crme by .hitiEdho ate toction of many of our citizen. in direstdd to the purely.° of country seeds, If • wish to dealt the ate nti .31 of lin , ll to that trenutiful farm whiehlms re coot , y heru dlt idedento eni.o 3 .le iota revs/fig from 3 In 110 acres, edtiotte-il on the lino of the Plitthtturge :oard' r hadrowl, Lhartime valleyirimprreita Title, of Al ',toehold. 'The libel.' omp • r rty 1. offered at 7;, per cent. loss tbmt thattbloh now whim; the some dirtnuos from the sly In av ..mterly din, on, 0311 AO4l es.smino the plot at the °lnce of my it 13. Ric Leak s, CA, 103 "%met Vreet. VO it SALE—Ono new Steam Ehgine, u 15 inch cylinder, "OD inch etroke, an lAry trim In-0'; Udmurt• rape governor tioe 12 loch cylinder, 3o Mob strokn, eemoed-Itand, refit alit be as good se new. FL, Ono 7 inch o) Soder, 20 inch id: cite, nowt Cno, .• " 23 't Ta.. Cy lin tor Boilers, s 5 to. dlacn., 30 fact loug Ten ti rought Iron Oil Stills. Also, Thrro Sets of Boring Tool., for OR etc Coeep for cash. Enquire* of IL hl. 01 LE, np22 Allerheny River Bank, neartheitiLlnL_ VALUABLE RIVER PROITATY Y Iron SALE, situated on me iffidttagaliela River, chore tho pmt Icck, baling a Goth on sad river of 927 foot, Pad extonding bark to Vse.dock street, adjoining the Oonnallerillo Ballrched, con taining I norm and 77 perch... Thin In an-Admles- - bin lc.^-13.13 for III• 1113 fac taring purpoha*lng the river to front and public street and to the rear, andrave 3llll and building. ther.l3 a/voted. ler tonics itc., apply to MARY ANN on tbe premises, or to W. C. A 110111.758.4.0011 No. lid Diamond etrort, Pitt.burgh. - iataktf VOR SALE—STEAM SAW MILL L.' AND OIL 4,EFINETtIf.—Tin onii`balf or %thole of . Oil PAP iniay and broom Pair PA-I. with trh and ono-half acres 14 'mound; an abil.ffilinc• of tool ou tbe lot —tnthaitignettiand being trorks4laituato on the Allegheny Weer miff A. V... 11. ts offered for male. Too nefinery s inotand of modelon build. The hair Mill la in spl.did oar., .5 is ;ell attn. ated, hat log a crock running frtq, It to e riser. Good locality for building boats. A For particiffars call on the underalgued. LSDAI A CIIOIIPipiNWL at.r. tt No. 53 fiend amt.. rind:mil - N Pi. VOfi SAIE—VALUABLE 3LASXI RES tr.r property, befog pert of the w.)l tete .11scediLle,. trontingon the Ohio rirerihetenon Waeltingium and Obestout Micas, miming book to Preble street.. This property can be dividicil into 3T lota, meetly St fret fount, and from 1.10 t 7rlS tett &op. The properly .111 be sold ea an 011 i ty, and pofeccmcs particular Illittllltlgoll fora miman,Satriring Ate. Tcrncs can be made entin6ctol7. Apt) to OLOUGE COLlgOkti, Peetuyleitala Salt klanufactnringtio., rainier Pitt street and Thignenne Way, Pfkiabli, tnytim OR. SALE—A Farm of ll&if&a, in F Ft. Clair township, Westmoreland mitt!. Pa. Also, o larm of 110 acrelia Zllimbrth tr4roship, Allegheny county. Also, a large two story Bela House milk; Lot in the Borough of West Elizabeth. Alva a Brick Home and Lot in EllzabotlAcrough. Alm, Ede Lots adjoining the borough of .ees• pert, in Jones ft Petty's plan, No.. AG, 6 8 , 69 and 60. 211.0, • sary valitablo tract of Coal Landlln Pool Po 2, on the to firer. Por particulate at N 0.168 Totuill street. my I itil y O. FL SOWER. Patel Potato ifiguat. FOR SALE-A LARGE MODERN boat P. m° nary brick house, Ctuate)ini BOSS STII.Etir, bemoan Fifth and 'Ugh atreeta4ontain ing ten mem., with gold cerlar and finished gar ret The lot has • Emit of PO feat on Ems anrce,, t, run. ning bock 70 feet to a 6 INOL alley. Tha hoop la sub stantially built, and has cuter and gam th.*ughtart the building. Fob further particulars ericsOn of A. Cl. BS transom% PuttOurgh. * Fox SALE.—A small Farm fgif Sale, near the Honontabela rlren not sir from Browner We. Dwelling- House of MT roetas shod garden, abundance of unit, I acres of sf6J, Jiank opened and In good order, • well of gm/Neater. a saw mill at widen good holiness can be dela; 2 acme In timber. We will hell the farm ' mat tank and mill for 2.1f1D, cash. ?caseation so thirty . 7,iiye no tice. The location is Mal 17 and pleuattt m 717 B. CUTIINEBT S SONS, 6110Q:et et_ — OA KM FON. SALE.—That FA 1151 situate owthe Pittsburgh satEBharon Grade :Med, In Itobilmin township, knoW s d es the "Still Tarns" about Bre miles from the elk', cm - Joining abottl2Secree, bo mid at prlT'ate sale. Por terms eppll to E. 5T113.., • or, .1.0. TOON% ttornepat-Law, $0.126 fourth stied, mbDideertf T Pittsburgh, Pa. LIAC4PDE.I: AND WAT.Ett rowm, L FOR lAT.E...—Tho anbacribor ofteralbr do • barge bollltb water power, 'baste `So. HIM BRIGHTON, r atosay, Pa. The 604 in baa boon ased as • & faked Door factory, adloodl.l -.mg the pr.orty where... T hp lob will be .o l d 'Promo') Orin For trails, &e n apply to • , mya:tf J, w .l.wtirTE. las infttiat VOlt. SALE---A two-story lirickliesell ..o ingot eleven roon.;4as to good polar;V , /Wiz 264 5 fronting on two streets, ths whith brick stable, with tto netetrary ontboLidikics, de. sltiove Wiliatiaborg, P,bles township, ptsd wN be sold low soil on 5557 tsrnte. • S".. Aptly et Leal Palate sad lonians finite of 6,8. BASBII , G, enyiWales. attest, Law attest, _ _ LAJ - Ti --- dAlit.—That deairuble :Ptperry o!toated In the Ebn-cgh at Rehilbar. 4 .6 n the coracr of Looast &tract acd the Obla khown a 3 tan Chseawacd prcpc!ty,, ea Vlach kg ended a molara et3 l o Ihich:Threlllck . #ofp)e, Cu. r v : llmsejtablepazti.6leetrAtte.f. Lthhtf e 8 , Iniat Virg o etroot. PlUs ib tent SALE i -,107 R 66.4• arranged for dwelling koose;,. ot two dloing•roomAttchen, liath-riotnal daze• ter., good dry cellar, fondled attic, paved yard, tot and cold watrr, titchret, range, Sic. The fit b•• • r,..t ot. Z 1 tett, by ill feet deep to allepy for price and terconaprly to GITTILHZI2I4I3M3.9 melt Neal 'Estate Apnea,. 51 Market teuts ..eA.LEThat isccrstoiy,UK. DWZLLITEG,' tabbed In lgoodadik.,-, and In omplate coder. ar.atad Om cornen of oatan trend and Oarrentora Sixth. Ward,*ntain• Ing eght nalal and 2141thed Evret. had • tarzaia. Enqdra at . etas de aIIitPABV, 113 Liberty !!1" Leint ISALE;-..A Lot of tirotuad,7o the curses of &Tina sad Etsrtacay ta lb! ltdrangla of Blnals Os= Alvii sus od 'vigor 03 Tan gas= sad Lorot streets, Ilabta lad& Tends awry sad title tadidyntable. , Aegos morp, , W' came: rwomdroarthafma. E AQICEUS*The rtio , LET-gg. 1 Sao Gately lame new ballPtS mraaFaderal Ind Water streetsihikitbilirf• rar:if u,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers