ittst argh 054utitt. PUBLISHED BY TO CAi rn PUBLEING ASSOCIATION. • TEEMS OF. THE GAZETTE. *horn° &mum. by =A par yeer..--40 00. moult}.. . 74 a a wea—.-. lE. • w iingto Myta.. , iyin6o Lennox, by =II, par 70-44...... 460. month— td. . - b w @Loeb cop WIRIZO nettles, single copies, per year... CO. w • " Slobs of 6to ID, " 1 60. I, w date of 10or more " 1 2.5., .-and one sztri to the party sending club. For club of fifteen, we will'eand the Earwrso Gszerte daily. For • dub of twenty, we will send the MOiauo Gaurrz daily. Single copies, 5 ante. ' dlllitAllsobleriptiorst Wricak to armee, and mars stopped when the time expires, The Reading idatter on this Page is frog Yesterday's Evening Edition. Ur to the time of this writing we have not learned whether General Las has taken his !I Mkt petition, to resist the progress of General Gun, on the Noith or on the South Anna . ; If We did not, bow - from the test bf ouch experi ence 111 we hive had during the pairt ten or twelve dayr—not to antedate the period—that the rebels will retire tary slowly and reluct antly to the inevitable "last ditch," we sho'uld hardly regard It as probable that Ls* would attempt to make another stand on either, but would endeavor to reach the defences of Mictunond,—LaMmuch as it ' 'seems to hare- been proved, even to the rebels themeelvu one, might say, that they ,canuet hope to do better en either of those lines than on the Rapidan and the Po. In deed, as the Washington Star remarks, Lee's chances on either of those rivers are much worse than on those already eo disastrously lost, as the lines ta be held on both would be much longer than that on the Po, or even that on the-itap idan, and therefore much weaker and more easily pierced or turned. More especially will Lee Lod this to be so, mow that his forces are so much reduced in numbers fiom what they were on the hanks of the ILpldan. .the junction ofgatiloin with BCTLIE, Prom isee the Most important results south of Rich. mold. With two such enterprising cavalry oMeers operating there as KAUTZ and SBBl - Ran, what vOll be done in that quarter we • wilt not venture aeon to gnus. Gen littutz , s Raid—lts Great Success— . VVltat'„lt Accomplished. A letter from Bermuda hundred, written on the 10th inst., the day after Gen. Santa ro turned from his five days' raid, says: The grand success which has marked this movement has been fraught with so. few dill culties that the very ease of its accomplish-1 meat seems In some degree to detroot from its eolossal importance, but it is nevertheless one; of the grandest things of the war. Here we •are safely planted on a proper working but for an advance upon Richmond, and with the rebe! communications which would havepour; eel reinforcements upon Lee and endangered the success of Grant, cut in inch a thorough - manner-that those reinforcements can by no posiibility reach Lee for days. In addition to the great tearing up of track and destruetion• by us at this point, wo now have the report of Gen Santa, who, last night, returned_ from his groat raid of five days to make this viork of destruction doubly ewe. Ire galloped near . V AI LVt ig . . etaway an arm c . . , „ • -Jest long.- With' iron claws invented for the purpose, he twisted the rails beyond the pos sibility of straightening them, set cars ortflre, tore up the track for miles, burned depots and atorehouses containing rebel supplies, and did injury which could not be repaired in a month. He tad several fights, in which his aggregate loss's' were i 7 killed end 30 wounded and mist ing. Ile brought in 140 prisoners. Intercept ed telegmins ahowed that his operations penned up Beauregard at Weldon, N. C , at the critical moment when his large force might have turned the tide of battle on the • Rapidan in favor of Lee. Secretary Stanton, Mr. Forney, In his last latter to the Phila delphia Press, beers the following well-de served tribute of testimony to the great abU- Ity, energy and efficiency of Mr. Stanton's administration of the War Department: The dispatches of Secretary Stanton are brief and satisfactory pictures of tneprogrers of our arms. Nothing is exaggerated had nothing withheld. I taw him last evening, and he weans calm and composed es if be felt that all was well. And if, as I now believe, &great Union victory is sure to crown this IDLITIMOLLS week of battle and of blood, to no one man;aave only Grant himself, will the nation be more Indebted than to the Secretary of War. The splandidsystem of paparations 707 the conflict, In every one of the branches of the military sorrico—the Commissariat, the Quartermaster's Department, the Surgeon General's office,' ke., Ac.—is due to, his vigil ance, forethought, constant labor, and stern impartiality. ' Gm Fiascoes, when he had "finished up Johnson and was going in to Early," bad eonquercd and was going to conqneifoemeu worthy of his Steel. Johnsou'e division wa ono of the corpi cr elite of the rebel,army,and was the force that made the desperate at. tempt to storm our right at Gettysburg af ter dark, on the second day. Early is an excellent officer, also, and it is singular that he was Tfancock's earliest antagonist In this war. Hancock's Umons .fight on the right at the.battle of Williamsburg was' What - find bronght him prominently before the. country, and the body of troops that Gincock overthrew in that fight was com manded by Dirty. Hancock's full name is Winfield Scott-Hancock. Llonum marim— ba= omen l A. COB7iIMPONDBBT in Grant'e army says flat about 2,000 rebel prisoners were marched past 6 portion of the negro troops of Bninside's corps. It was amusing to hear thetegroes inquire, jestingly,' " How Is yon boas T Mighty good thing we did'nt ootolt you; ;we would 110TOr took yo prison ers!' Via piisoners became infuriated, .and beige 4 tiltive their. will 'of the no five _minutes. "Remember Port I'll leer," the.itgeoes would urge. ' "We'll cot your black throats," was the threat of the others. Thus the two races reviled each Mlter.:-Tho nitmteiwas'prisoner; the bond .man free Ind' eoldler. A Myr named John M. Philips, a rest l i - dent of Philadelphia, rend a member of the Infantry, while on furlough at Springfield. 111., made an indecent assault upon the person of a little girl named 'r:Clenrsr, and 'lO3 errested by the sheriff. in the ous.ody of the officer, an ex ' sited crowd collected about the Court • Smuts, a rope wag procured, aid an effort mar to lynch the offender. A guard was summoned; lint before the crowd could be dispersed the prisoner woe shot and fatally injured bra brother of the girl, E. P. Clo. irer,'Peq. He died in a few hours after be. bi shot- • - TOM folloiring table of distance!' from . ~ Richmond • *ill be found of laterest at the vresent.einia; ElLlei. ' t 21.thrs. .... r i . ToPot:Team '.1......-22 To T5y10riTi30:......._ 20 . ~ Tewbft• noon ~......31 To Ipogow z .-....---. 3 To l. l222 . l l = —Ccj 4 . 'l ° , TrUrlck's th ltiC.: ig , . ~„:,„„„:,- . To L0u1a31,0.11.-...-- fa ... 4 : To 4Theirtullsid 1...... -33 T o Gorionivllle.--- 22 -- 201133021 . J0ncti0 -.23 To Morn Dam._ to ,'..- To Oberiettestina..—.. o To Opottßjtv,i , 44 .: : .To T2l32bbani . -!....... -.31 To Daur,...........-....1M ' Oat!' I to* deye einao. tho.ffel,te masa itoottilz maimed, 'without ' to .th:o7ollloo9:Cogunittee, the OOpiDotino of "Fersendeiu ot Ibe Thlrtienk lleloirreetotnt to s trrigaillor-geoet4l • Tho,tilogriphbrinp as the intT.l7l .; geese of his d. Nb, white lcedlcg his sde trite the tats bntile en Cana #ies, is THE DAILY Our Wounded tit Washington. WAISIIIIGTON, May 14, 1869 Maws. Editors: Al I have not observed in your list of wounded the following MUMS, I will add them: ! Capt. Jos. 'Pricker, sth Pa. Rea., wounded ' through the calf of the left leg, painful, but I not dangerous. He is atfleorgelown,Semina ry Hospital. I called on him this morning, but his wound was being dressed, and the physician objected to hie being seen. At the same hospital is Capt. Samuel Pal wood, 102 P. V., wounded in the shoulder,but not dangerous. The same objection to his being seen as to that of Capt-Fricker when I !called upon him. Ciptain George P. Carta, fad P. V. (Gen. Hays' old rogiment,) wounded in the left shoulder, is at the Kiiirwood House, it doing , well, and la in fine spirits. The ball struck him in that part of the shoulder above the vitals, and passed completely through. He had a horse shot under him at an earlier hour in the fight than that at which he receivedhie [owno wound.N The animal was shot through the heart and fell heavily upon Captain Con., inning him for a season hard against a stump. Meantime, as his regiment had passed on he hastened as soon es he could extricate himself,' to catch them ; but as he was running forward toward the enemy and cheering on his men, some sneak shot him, as he thinks, from the top of or from behind a tree. :thipL Jacob F. Slagle, Co. D., 149th P. V., now at the Metropolitan Hotel, received a wound from a Minh, bullet, just under the right eye. Thmissile entered near the nose. It is an excee dgly painful wound, but it is I hoped will not ion him the eight of Me eye or endanger his life. He is in good spirits. At the moment of receiving his wound, (Friday morning) Ms regiment was in the second line, awaiting orders to advance. CipL B. was sit ting down and just turned hie head in time to receive the shot in a safe place. Lieutenant William Dalgleish, of the same regiment, I have looked for, but been unable to And. I fear he is not arrived in Washing ton. I learn, however, from Captain Slagle, that MS wound was a bad one—ln the bowels. The: hall entered a little to the left, of the middle of the abdomen, and passing through, came out near the right hip. Lieutenant Colonel Dank', 034 P. V., re ceived a shot in the arm, which passed along and oame oat on the under side of the hand. I have not seen him but get this description his wound from th ose who have. E. wort...—. ID. From the ttlionndheadw Regiment. Nzert Casamanoavitax, Va., ?day 10, 1863. EDITORS 9AZ6Tri: Cwing to the uncertainty of mail communication from us hereafter, and in accordance with the request of some of the men of the 100th regiment, I take upon my self the task of Informing our friends,through your Columns, of our welfare. Our brigade was not engaged pntil the evening of the Gth. About four o'clock the enemy made a charge directly in front of our position, and so furious was the onset that they compelled our men to abandon the firs line of rifle pits, and had it not been for our brigade, which was stationed in the next lino, the day would doubtless have been lost to us: 'We poured In inch a galling fire, and followed it with a charge that seat the rebels howling back under cover of the woods. Wo captured several prisoner., and among them one or twe commissioned officer*. Our casaallties were but few. Capt. Pente cost, of Co. A, was slightly wounded In the shoulder by a minis ball. Only ono man was killed in the regiment (Henry Woods, of .Co. and nineteen wounded. The company, to which I belong (61) escaped without the loss of a man either killed or wounded. I wish to -inform the (air ladies of Elizabeth that the Ass which wasprosented to our company while it home wait the' . first to float over the cap tured worker being borne and planted by the gallant Charles Oliver. Tours leo. Lirrr.c. Alnireir Jackson's Home In Seecosionlot A Tennessee correspondent of the Cincin nati Gusetlesaye : I visited the 'Hermitage' to-day in company with Capt. Armstrong, Gurgeon Grating and a squad of colored troops. Everything about the place looks lonesome and bears the marks t • ia,t• Litho old berio tiOn2a is inhabited 11f secessionists. I ISW Washington's chair, the General's fine portrait, by Healy, and; his grave, but I have no heart to speak of thein while avowed secessionists dwell In Ms house. A.:thiak shadow has fallen on the 'Hermit age,' and the whole neighborhood seems to bo under s muse." T/44211011 a CANADA.—The Canadian Min ister of Floe has reported his- annual bud.- get.. The imparts were $15,000,000 and the exports The duty on Canadian whisky has been raised from 15 to 30 cents per gallon. A specific, duty of 40 cents per gallon has been laid on foreign whisky, and an additional duty of 15 mutts on brandy, gin, rum, cordials, wine and alcohol, to take ef fect to-day. The' following is the duty on to bacco, to takeaffeet the lit of July: Oa cot endish plug, an., 10 cants; snuff and cut to bacco, 15 cents; cigars, lowest, $3; highest, $5 per thousand. A stamp duty of 3 cents per $lOO has been imposed on notes, and 1 cent on bills of agehange. Gozzarmsa oe Loursratie.—A dispatch from Natchez lap A party of grumtrell's men have been committing depredations on plan, taffeta! in Louisiana, between Vicksburg and Nritchci, opposite Davis' plantation, whets negroes were armed. After a skirmish, in which two rebels were killed and eight wound ed, thermassaered Professor Mitchell, lessee, from the University of Michigan at Ann Ar bor, and thirty of him colored hands. Two dale afterward they elated Waterproof, and stripped all the plantations of moles and ne grabs, carrying off all white men found, and threatening to bang them. MIMPOI2I, May 11.—Advices from Little Back, of the 12th, report Bud Steele is confi dent of maintaining the line of the Arkansas. Kirby Smith is menacing Pine Bluff In strong force, bit the place it well fortified. Tho Arkansas river Is high, end if they can cries they may make trouble on White river and interrupt Steele's cammunlcationsup that stream. • General Washburn° Is quite 111, with chills and fevers. Tun magnificent charge of lianoccit, by which he captured o whole division of Lees army, and that the 'Stonewall" division, was made with the bayonet alone. Our troops advanced through the woods in el deuce; not a gun was fired; and when at hat they rushed to the attack, they did not stop to fire, but °barged at once with the bayo net. Grimmer. J. J. Baarrarr, commanding Third Brigade, First Division (Griffin'e), Fifth Corps, was not severely wounded and disabled as reported, but was struck on the howl and Stunned by a pleas of the fame shell thathaled his horeo. Ile soon recov ered and hairoomnauded his brigade in every battle since, refusing to be turned to the rear. Emossrmin Pustuano.—ln the Provost Court it Norfolk, Vs., Tuesday, Miles 8. Wilson, charged with running of ► negro and sellinchim in - Richmond, was convicted and sentenced to three years' troprisonment at hard labor. Dr. Joseph E. Reed, charged with aiding and abbetting, was convicted and sentenced to one year's bard Moor. Taa is /011•ZDOZII ar TIM JAY= Brae;—lt roported that General Butler has suoceeded In removing the obstaciu frog the James river. A chartoshowlng the location of tor pedoes was found en • map, who was shot while attempting to explode orpedoes a few nights ago. Zutier bee used it for an excel. lentvonnose. Ir is encouraging in these days of °Five Twenties" and "Ten Forties', to be remind ed that a debt of $127,000,000 owed by our papulation of only eight millions and a half in 1816, was totally extinguidhed in eighteen years. Tux General Assembly of the Presbyte rian Church, Old &Moo!, will commence Its 6031 the Newoll at Newark, N.J.. on Thursday nest; and School Assembly, flame dsy, at Dayton, Ohio. Mum Ansa Dicautros is not quite so popular as oho wee. lier nitwit" on Mr. Lincoln have diminished the desire to hear her.—Boston Daily Adatriiaer. - - /teinatz, Blichlgen, is, or should be, "P 97 town, for thorn, is not single pram within Its limits where• intoxicating liquors ore publicly told. Tay prinzipal tnuilnosa portion of Con Wirconoin, was distrora by Sr. oa thrrY4 Inot. Lorii s6o,ooplatirranoo 1 15 • 00 .• . himeator of the Will:lsta Znag tatZtbsecri Std tut Took wok": - . NEE TELEGRAMS. THE SITUATION IN VIRGINIA. FIGHTING ON SATURDAY EVENING. More Hard Fighting this Bide of the North Anna Expected. i OUR TOTAL CAPTURES ABOUT 12,000 OUR LOSSES MADE UP BY REINFORCEMENTS Wasnmaros, May 15—Midnight —The la, test Intelligence through unofficial sources up to 1 o'eleck yesterday to: That on Saturday evening, jest before dusk the rebels made an attack on the position occupied by the sth corps principally with artillery, but were finally driven back with some loss. The cannonading was [aeons for severe hours. We loot a Lumber of valuable officers, and from two hundred to three hundred killed and wounded. After the repulse of the rebels, one division of the sth corps, mado a charge upon the enemy's position, and it to reported they captured a rebel battery and a number of prisoners. On Saturday night, Lee'. fore.: were be lieved to be in line of battle, about three miles beyond Spottaylvania Court Rouse, in a South-westerly direction. Several important changes have boon made in the position of ear several cbrps. It would be improper to my what they are. General Grant will bring to bear is the next attack superior forces on all sides. Fresh troops are arriving. A general amardt was to have been made on the enemy's right wing on Saturday morn ing, but owing to the wretched condition of the roods, which have been rendered almost impassable by the storm. S' portion of our army failed to get Into position, end the at tack had been abandoned In'ohnsequence. My informant says the impression prevail ed at headquarters that there would be hard fighting yet this side of the North Anna river. Lee has his forces massed and will give us battle again aa soon es we advance. His army, according to statements of prima. ars captured yesterday, are living on quarter rations ' and without hope of receiving any more [rem Richmond or Lynchburg. Since the fight of Thursday we have captured about 2,000 more prisoners, making our total cap tuted in the neighborhood 12,000. New Yost, May 18.—A special to the World, dated Fredericksburg, May 15, says No battle wan fought on Friday, and but slight skirmishing,which continued during the day and a considerable portion of the night. The enemy has agate gradually drawn away eportion of his left to • petition nearer his base of supplies, but we are pressing him so closely, that if he were to weaken his front materially, it would be at great- risk. The reconstruction of our lines was deter mined on Friday, night, and before daylight yesterday morning our troops commenced an advance. The rain fell In torrenteand mud is literally knee deep. Notwithstanding all ob stacles and trying work for the past eight days, our men accomplished their advance with cheerful acquiescence and resolution, which entitles them to the highest praise. As it would not be prudent to state with precision the line adopted, It must be sufficient that it was more to the left at the close of the fight on Thursday. At night we Pot only held the ground we had taken, but also attacked a strong advanced position. A 'pedal to the World, dated Washington, May 15th, says: The 101111 in killed and wound ed has almost been made up by reinforcements which have already reached: the Army of the Potomac. Troops have been pouring through this city from the West and elsewhere during the last few days of the past week. It is stated that their numbers willnot amount to less than 20,000 fresh men. A special to the World, dated Washington, May 15th, says : It was ascertained yesterday afternoon that Lee had noteentinned his re ,...tyyslotot t wiiAmtaren makin g tiy - stand forano - thilr'SialaUtliiiiTlliiir fresh troop., and If he has found Gan. Lee in his now intresched line, ti is evident if he did not attack him last night he has done so to-day. Latest from Grants Army NO FIGHTING ON FRIDAY. . Fresh Troops alarchtng to the Front BATTLE ON SATURDAY. Enemy Repulsed u Ithlleayy Loss. GRANT'S STRATEGY BEWILDERS LEE The Present Position of Our Army OUR .LOSSICE} 30.000 New Toil, May 16.—Tbe Herebre special, dated at Belle Plain, the 14th Met., mays that there Was heavy skirmishing, but no fighting on Friday. Fresh troops are marching to the front daily. Nine thousand prisoners are now here, and more are expected tonight. May 155 h, 5 M. P.—Yenterd. y (Tar artillery was opened heavily on the enemy for ball' an hour. • • •• . In the Field, May.l4, P. 3f.—Lee is now on the right bank of the rivet , to front of Spott. sylvania Court House. Instead of its rear. The enemy made a dash on Wright's Bth ar my corps and gained a momentary advantage at 4 p. m , but were gallantly repair d iv k few minutes and driven out with considerable loss. Grant's strategy has thus far bewildered Lee. Be has stolidity moved his entire army by corps, by the flank, from the Wilderness Tavern to this point and acted ofiensivedy the whole time. WASHINOTOII, May Ti, 11.35 a. m.- To (:...- oral Dix:. The latest dates from Grant's Headquarters are up to yesterday morning. No operations of importance have occurred. Our reinfornmenU were arriving. There has been nothing later from Gen. Butler since his talegrain of Satarday night. We have intelligence from Itestica up to eleven o'clock last night, Oar lines had ad. vanoad on the left, two lines of the enemy's earthworks having boon stormed. Gen. Stoneman 'inverted to have destroyed a wagon train and captured two gnus and thrashed the rehab. [Si gn ed] E. ra. STANTON. Non 'roar., May 10.--A Herald special from Washington, May 15th, says : The 1 . 4 river forms the Mattapony, eight or ten, miles southeast of this. Leo considered the Interme diate &tin try susceptible of defense, and *rooted' substantial earthworks there bat year, immedlately fronting our present posi tion. They are sodded and loom to mount heavy guns. • We are now between the Ay and Po rivers, from one to two miles south of Spottsylvania. Our losses, so far, are estimated at about 30,000, a large proportion of whom are but slightly wounded. • ROM GEN. SHERMAN'S ARM • Row bon, May 15.--A 'pedal tothe Veto dated Cincinnati, May 15th, says the anew. , cioi has the details of news from Bherman's 'army op to Thursday afternoon. • The ono my's position wax held by the corps or Gana. Howard, Schofield, Palmer and hooker, and saTare skirmishing had connived for some days, resulting in a loss to us of about 800 killed, wounded and missing. A great num ber are bet slightly wounded. It has become fully developed that Dalton le almost, if not altogether impregnable to afiront attack. Gen. if herldatN Expedition Forme blossom, Mayl6.--Gen. Sheridan arrived at the .7161211111 liver yesterday after noon. He had very heavy Agbts and was TOY 01ie003116 11 . He got Inside the rebel work, around Richmond, and could have ta ken the city, batons !operant of Butler's pa- He took SQO winners. Sheridan re toes Job Stuart )130Ttilly wounded. Ile de• amounting and other norm, stroiod.i. sullilon tolling aka, /ea. to $10,000,000 New , Jersey DIEUtla Called out TsenToti, I, Ihtyt.tanett of the Pcestdent the Gotornot of Rey aerlay has limed eltooltanntion toe all the tailltey forte he can Tsai in the Slats srltbltt 'Meth dip, far au hundred days' eeeelo. r 7) PITTSBURGH GAZETTE CITY AND SUBURBAN: General Conference of the M. E. Chureb Rev. Bishop Morris in the chair. Devo tional terrines were condneted by the Rev. Dr. Kingsley. The Committee on Itinerancy made report No. 4, to which they report against any change in the °Coco of Presiding Elder, but recommend the appointment of the very beg men to that oftlee. They also re commend the now CAurch Record, published at New York. Item No. 1 being under con sidered= Rev. Col. Moody made a character ' lade speech against the appointment of Pre siding Elders by the Bishop, and was in favor of their election by the Annual Conferenee. The item read as follows : "They have patiently considered tho mat ters refeived to them with regard to the office of Presiding Elder, especially the petitions fora change in the mode of their appointment, and are of the opinion that no change as jot proposed can be beneficial to the church. "The office appears to be an ineliepensible pert of our system ' and it may be that the trite and only remedy for whatever of disre pute in some localities may have gathered about it, is to increase its •Ificienoy and they by convince the church of its value. We therefore recommend for adoption the follow tug, viz "lleet,/e«i, That the good of the church requires the appointment of men of deep piety, of large enterprise, of the best gifts, and of acknowledged efficiency, to the office of Preaiding Elder, and the special at tention of the bishops is respectfully called to this subject." ,;.The Rev. Dr. Hatfield, of Now York, made an eloquent speech against the rebore. In the most fearless and Independent manner he ezpoecti the faults and foibles of the Presid ing Elder., and the (elation of that eystem. Rev. Mr. Gardiner, of Detroit offered the !ollewing substitu, "Reellred, That the Presiding Elders be elected by ballot by the Anneal Confereeoe without debate, after being nominated by the Presiding Bishop." Rev. Dr. Tippitt of East Baltimore, advo• oated the old style of appointing Presiding Elders. Rev. Mr. Smart, - of Detroit, answered the objection that the election of Presiding El ders would give rise to electioneering. Do would spbmit that there Is electioneering now in tho Annual Conference of a very efferteivo kind, and In the name of reasen is there any thing more reasonable than for the ministers to ray who shall be the advisers of the bishop in the tanking of the appointments for the pastors. Rev. Mr. Lynch moved to lay the substi: tote upon the table. The ayes and noes were called for, which resulted in 122 in favor of laying open the table to 72 against. It will be remembered that Si Delegates In the body are Presiding Elders. ; A motion was made to strike out the latter part of the report in reference to the hind of men to be appointed to that of whioh mo tion was laid upon the table. Rev. Mr. Promo, of Oregon, was opposed to the report, because it contained a re Use don upon the appointments heretofore made. Discipline be amended so as to allow the Bishop. to appoint Presiding Eldersosubject to the confirmation of the Annual Conference. An amendment to this was offered that the BishoO, In conriestion with a Council to be elected by the Conference, nominate and ap point the Presiding Elders. A motion was made that the whole subjedt be indefinitely postponed, 47 voting for post.l ponment and 127 against it. The subject was finally : disposed of by lay ing it on the table for the present. The Committee on 11.ok Concern reported! among other things, that they deemed it; inexpedient to establish a Church paper in the oily of Philadelphia. The report was adopted. The Committee en the State of the Country made their report No 2, containing the ad dress to the President of the United States, with the congratulations of the body to him, and the assurances of the sympathy of the Church with him in his noble efforts to put down the present wicked rebellion. Bishop Ana., and Revs. Dr. Cummings, Dr. Rev. Cot, Moody, were nominated by the Committee to carry this ad . dress to the President. After the reading of the addre.a it war depted,and the Delegation above aimed wore appointed. The Committee on Missions made a report, but a. it contained no Items of general Inter set we forbear to mobs any lengthy report of Its contents. Various pal.ers were receirat ani refer red. ThoCcomittoo adjlarrood wit the doxology tho bonedietlun from the Rev. Dr. Grit, old, of Now York. At noon the Conferonce in a body visited the Rail of Independence. Mr. Lynd, Prosi. dent of Select Council, Introduced the body to Mayor Henry, who mado a felicitous ad. dress. Bishop Simpson replied; and at the conclusion Rev. Mr. Moody proposed as a fit ting finale to the delightful association• of the hoar that they should unite in singing the grand old dozologY. "Prattct tied from who all, blessings flow," Sc., which was heartily responded to, and never perhaps before did that noble old ball resound with more power ful or impressive tones than those that wont up en praises to God. A Chapter of Accidents. The people residing in the valley of Saw Mill Ran,netwithstandlng the great risk to life and limb, still continuo the practice of inmping on the runt trains running over the Little Saw Mill Rua Railway. On Saturday no less than three accidents (one of them fatalyresulted from tile reckless habit. An old man named Richards, aged about seventy years, and residing at "The Mines," got upon an empty train, and while passing over Snodgrass' trestle work he fell off, ens taming injuries which caused his death on Sunday evening. Between four and five o'clock, Saturday evening, Abel Enseoe, while riding on a train on the tame rued, undertook to step from one Cu to another, just as the train will on the high trestle work at the crossing of the plank read In Temocrimeoville, when ho missed his tooting and fell a distance of over fifty feet. Ills flfte was badly out, and several of Mirth. were broken. On the some evening a man named John Smith fell trent a train on the road, and was ro badly *Axonal by the fall that he lay un der the tro.tle work all night. On Sunday morning he wes discovered and properly cared for. Ile is not dangerously injured, and will be about as usual in a few days. A few more lesseneln this character ought to have a salutary effect upon the people of Saw Mill REIII but judging from the past we fear that noth ing but a "pitch off" will cure thorn.. Death of 310,1. Geo, W. McCullough. We loan that a dispatah woo received on Sunday, from Washington, by Mr. Thoman McCullough, announcing the sad Intelligence that his eon, Major George W. Mo CaUoagb, of the 63d Pentmyrrania Volunteers—General Bar' old regiment—bad been killed In one of the late battles. Major Moen'lough was promoted from a second to a first lientamtntoy on the 23d of Juno, 1862, and on the 4th of August following to the captaincy of company F. Upon the retirement of Meier Ryanooapt. McCullough received the appointmaiot of Major of the regiment, which position he held at the time of his death. De was o{brave and efficient officer, and his death will be deeply lamented by Me numerous friend' and acquaintances. Donations to Subsistence Committee. The liabsistence Committee acknowledge iim.following contributions rnceired during the past week: Alkgy. Midge Co 52170 51 0 0 Mimeos " - 250 T h. s. y ak...... lUD " 100 /314,nkongk D0e,... I urP Duller Bogs Dank 12.5 MOTU Willboy 104.1 J Dhoenborga , 914 Dlonick 100 I V.'notervelc 10 Usyn & Blovart... 60. Mrs E E Drading, et. Ilabsugh & C 0.... to W nO U. Nprool 1.4" Jno Pao tenon.-- 4.5 0. A. Gooe 10 Day 01 Cub Donat rg ion,— 01 WASI lIARLI.3O Mar.—This is a map on a very large scale, of the obit of War in Mut Virginia—comprehending nearly the entire State from the mountains to the sea board, and including aloe thole counties of Maryland lying near the Virginia line. The large scale of the map render' It easy to mark froin'time to time .the position of the contend ing armies, hence the name "War Tetcerese Marking Mop." It is for sale tor J. F. Limit, Masada HMI, Fifth street, and by W. A. Gil denfenney, 45 Fifth street, near Wood. Price, 25 issits. rOVXD DIAD.--411 aged ooloiad aun Walled Math/Mid Allen was found dead thlainotalna at the. ooititt ot fleventAlued , Webster”etreeu. ni had been'ileinkLog for igatrasysi And is comma to. hal* dlatiboak , thefgracte Of In- Oaf:mune and exposaref.' ; Casualties In the ItGsth Regiment. The following is a liet:of the killed, wound ed end raining in the 1155th Regiment, Col. Peareml, from tho sth td the 10th of May, In- Captain E. E. Clapp, 00. F. FltatSgrgeatt Tbena43J. Wood, B Abner J. Adana, C Anthony Trabor, C. John Oriertil, II Peter Lewis, li Liens Churl.. C. JolOon, A. Eiergo.ant.Joseph Shawl:Lan, C. Marion Hadley, C. John Miller, G. ' H. S. Bornisb, H. Amon Buley, I. MIS./210, (6UPPOSID [WAIL Sergeant Henry B. Campbell, B. Sergeant J. J. Irwin', H. SCPPOSED TARS PIIIiOSSES C—A. Jouniron, C. Till. E—Jnoob Friend, John Hunter, D. ilaught. 6—lsaac Toman A--Capt John C Stewart; Liout E P John son, arm ampetated;Sergt W 111 Justice, foot; Corp Frank Gillmore; log; Thos Belt, hood and side; Robert Martin, slightly; George 11 West, hood; Geo Sharp, heed; Stanley Laffer ty, hand; Noah Pyock, head. B—Wm Whltcsell,hand; Ferdinand Dietch, log; Michael Nelson, both legs; Chas McMa hon, back; Pat Lyons, knee. C—Corp Philip A Drain, breast; Wm Coul ter, knee; Philip Donahue, shoulder; Chan A Stevens, knee; Matthew Donavan, wrist; John Dole, head; J Webb; R McGowan; 1' Riskin:3; Jos Bower:, foot. D—Corp Jai Fawcett; ride; Corp Ilcfs, leg: Jae Finnegan, hand; Edward Liilade°, arm; James Murphy, abdomen; J Kroesen, leg, E--Sergi R TM - map/lan, wrier: Corp W Loutsenheger,hip; Corp Michael Lemma, neck; Wm Marshall, face, alight; Jackson Mend man, shoulder; B B Theskield, back;; D K Horner, slight; James O'Neil, flesh wound; Corp W J W bi:o, hand. F--Sergoant Frank Ma tin, both legs; Corp John Mackin, arm ; Samuel Bill, head ; Snort Mayes, leg; John M Miller; Jacob Laos-, berger, shoulder. O—J as Taylor, slight: Cleo Swab, slight; W F Cotner, slight; W Sloughenhanp, slight; Corp Taal Mehl, thigh; Ferdinand Eiseman, shoulder; If J Harems 11, left leg amputated; Jacob Vonseel, hand and hin Corp Jas L Black, band; Jae Dish; John Eldinger, J Gordon, right arm; Jeremiah aeighner. ll—lseao Fox, below knee; J Q A 'Riley, hand; John Kolar, elbow; Joseph }tackle, shoulder; LC Meeker; Solomon Kolas, head. I—John Mellary, foot; Leandor William eon, arm; It Butter, foot ; S Calbort, sada and hand. K—J obn Po;tigrecr, arm and leg; John k dams, leg ;.Corp Aug Schmuch, hand: W F briast ; L./Via Z Wolf, face; W II Roam., hand; Barrett, head; D L JI -Cl°, ky, anoulder ; Wm W Wella, leg ; Jno C R6"011, hand. A Call ter Hundred Day Men Capt. J. M. Knap ha: been anthorimi by the Secretary of War to organize n battalion of Hundred Day Mon, for the artillery err. rice, to do duty in the vicinity of Washington. That excellent organization, Pittsburgh Bat. tory A, is already in for one of the companies, and the others will no doubt be filled up in a. day or two. Foot. companies have hum au thorized, and Capt. Keep hoe already opened an office in the third et ry of Wilkine Hall. We anticipate a prompt response to this call. Let our patriotic men here folldw the noble example set thorn by .he "Buckeye Boys," thousands of whom are already in the field. The men will be regodsrly meetorea Into the service, and will ha armed and equipped by the government. Wounded In the 101 d Regiment The f.•llowlng ndd.ticnal names of wounded In the 1011 Regiment have been received ; W R Weaver, H, in head; Thompson McKin ney, II; Darld Dt•iithett, H; J. ho Cotterback, U; Sergi M 1 Donrrlnsville, H; Sergi R John stay, A; Corperalys li SI Blair, A; John Z Prit chard, U; Wm Malfrey, 11; D. Maguire, A; Aleg CrithiPM93 W Later, if; D White, A; S CH; well; J IV Merton; J S Nolan, M: D K Morgan, E; A M Reed, It; John Mil ler, C; P P Harper, C; U IV Marburg, L; W H Dungan, L; Jae Magaire, A; S if Dare!, E; Tana:ol(3y lor, 11; John Lather, G.' WOUNDED OP TUE '• DocETAlts."—From private letter from Spottaylvania, May Ilth, wo learn the folkwing casualties, in the re cent bottles In Virginia, mu-red in Company D, 149th Pennsylvania r• glmont, (Ilnoktails,) Col. Hoy Stone: Capt. J. F. Slagle, shot in the lace, wound, not dangerous; Lieut. Wm. Daiglish, In hip and hand, serious; Seret. Frank Dorrington, chest, serious; Corporal Andrew Johnston, chest, serious, Corporal David Phillips, head, serious, Corpo ral Henry Itiotarius, arm, doing well ; private James Walls, foot, Henry Wallace,of Squirrel Hill, killed. These casualties occurred on the 10th, while the regiment was charging on the rebel works. Ncor Cam.La, May 11, 1a64. Gartit• tho local department of your paper of yesterday, I am noticed as loading off, or heading the list of. contribu tions by the citizens of this county to the Pittsburgh 9saitary Fair, with a subscription of $l,OOO. This is an error. To the hissers. Phillips, N. and Charles) belongs the credit of lead. ing'the subscriptions with a contribution of $l,OOO. And what adds to the character of this consribution, is the feet that at the time of making it they gave another $l,OOO to the Christian Commission. • - - Pleas° make thie correction and oblige our., c., B. B. SicCoyo. LAI'S PAPsILI, MAO.zIIXII, hoveLerrre CIC.—J. P. hint, Mmonia Roll, Fifth street and J. T. Sample, 8.5 Federal street, Alleghe ny, have far sale " The Lndy't Friend," fo Jane, containing engravings and wooden: it . . lustratione, and all tha other attractions of snob, publioationr ; alro, "The NovoDate," No. IA, containing the story, complete, of " Adolino Dermond, the epy of Newbetn—a Story of the War," by Darin. Cobb: also, " Tho Waverly Magazine," " The American Flag," and "The Flag of Our Union," for May 7.11, eto. "OLD CC0.10211, Sour."--Elon. James L. Graham and Colonel Alexander lilland, who have bean on a mission to Harrisburg and Washington, in behalf of the Committee on Old Curiosity Shop, Military Trophies and Italics," have returned; they report quite gratifying success. Adjutant General Rus sell, General Moorhead, and other gentlemen, are co-operating with our committees, and the articles already promised will make a very In Wresting collection of relive and trophies. Ma. W. A. Glingsvesser, 45 Fifth street, near Wood, has received the Jane number of "The Lady's Friend," a new and promising monthly, edited by Mrs. Deasy Peterson, de voted to subjects specially interesting to la dies, as the title implies. It contains the usual fuhion plates, ote.,.etc. CL 1.71 EATS. LAW OFFICE St CLAIM AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON 164 Poiartia Serails. 24 Poor, YITTBI3IIIIOI.I, P. will Pro. , " PENSIONS , BOUNTIES, BACA TAP Lod .11 other Military Claims promptly. Mr tin charge.mlois naccoutul MACKRELCA: JOiiNg)N, a.TTOLLIZZYS-AT - LAW , Lad O. 8. Wound BOLDEVIS CLAIM 611ttiT8. so. tra CiItAIAT BTBSIT, MLLITAitpOUNTI C, PENNONS, DSOS PAY and MILITARY OLAIIIS or weer, drweription, (indented by the tub. scriber. at following rates,Peralotie NO Mil all other elgints 63 60. 0. U. TATLOU. Attorney at Law, No. 73 Grant street, rittehergh, N. IL No °hares are made If the clam duce 00l succeed. and all Inforioatleo ene r eee:l7 611.1 i ATTOENII.AT•LdW, •o. 10e Fula Pittibnribi P.. OW= [or PENSIONB, 11017121'rT. PItISII tION SY, do., vlgoronely pronont! il♦ • S iii;DTE - R2l l- 01AM ran, ISOUNTICiti PI:0101113 AHD AIIIIKAGA Or PAL Promptly attorarti to by anTLIUIIB a lIIDDaLI. vs 3 annul lams, ratamush. rik imendww, .I.VUSEME.V"I'S. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lamm mid Blansvr ....... ffsarrrearig. Ommasom Eighth night of the popular actrow, ETTIZ 1U 1 DED.SUN. I=l Will he presented, for the dolt time, the new four act donitcotic play. written expresely for Ettie Hen• demon, entitled, LEA, THE STILEST SINGER. Luau. with Henderson. Eager, Earl of Weston G. Loyola). Idarquis F. thippendale. Anthoter 'Waimea. Cleopatra ..LAIN Al•rd•v. To o:include with YOUNG AHIGUICA . wukin.ton ..... —Jannis Burl John James.. urn. Dash&lon; MASONIC 11A.1.L. FEL RECEIPTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SANITARY FAIR, ONE WEEK. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' Wonderful Scenes and Wild Adven ventures in the Life of an American Whaleman. EVERT EVENING, .‘t 6 o'clock. Adrolerion 25 cents Pa. I YIKI acct. 50 cents. O.TURDAT AFTEONOON—Admission , to el part. of the bons., 25 coots. Children 15 tenta.j my 6 GRAND Cf )N CERT, R. B. +B IL rtalso.r...i, IN THE SECOND U. P. CHURCH, ALLE.T Thursday Eventug, May 19th A t. 11., of palri, , llo rr, QUA ILTETIEL , Le xung from IL. "Bugle " wocomoli , hed TocaHow of known ability and OVZII. Foul S WELECT eltiliELLS, will appear VIF.IJ(OJ <r';~7lck•t. for sale at lb. Rook Eton, of Mre Spy at, Altrithray City. The Mello la faml.lool Ay 0. Mellor Ponriinroo nt c mumoclng E.t. 9 o'c:k my I 4:.SM . _ IT FOR TUE EAL - SHOW GARDNER, HEMMINGS & CO.'S AMERICAN CIRCUS And Troupe of Arabs, RED LIDA' LOT, Pittsburgh, MONDAY, TUESDAY C WEDNESDAI ➢!AY 23d, 211 b and 25th Tte IE iiial Entertainment will b, given no MON DAY EVENING May 23d. D, , nr4 °penal 7 o'clock p. m., and nn EnDA V and WEDNESDAY, May 4.lth and Vith, there, wilt L. Two Grand Performances D.wn open nt 2 and 7 o'clock, performance t ceEnntencr half an boar Inter. 11==ta! . .... Tina eattrtairmeni al I lm of the moat chin. .d elnant charnct•r, and will conakt or army variety EQUESTRIAN AND GYMNASTIC ENTERTAINMENTS, In which ie. hILAB TRIWPt. end .:.o over 20 European aad A neerhan nears wth per• ttelpetn, dont Id toe mat a:intend nada U and lonics In the world. The Alsg•lftecrit Golden CA/Axis:A 1,11 lend the Gnaw PROCUMIUN, victor, will pr , • through the princq.ul Wools on llongsy morning (1.41 . 1 forget the day, and data.. my 70 W. 11. GAILDti Ell, Agent. UCTIO.I" SALES. CI FY GROUND HENTS.—On PAY 11011NING,111ay 19th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the Contuncrotal Bales Boom., R 1 Filth Wort. by oat, Orph,re all tha follow tug ground to hi; proportyh rho city of Pittsburgh I. A ground rent of SY2.On per annum, on pralwrty beginning on corner of Market ecA Fifth gum.. and rnaurng north.ewid•ordly along 81whet wtreat IS feet, 8 inchett, and extending bask au equal width to Liberty .treet.' 2. A Ground Rent of 8.00 per annum on pr<Port7 adjoin los the short, being 36 feet or, Usrh. t street, and extending tame se illth to Liberty lamest. S. A gronnt rent of IP2OO per annum on the two following I.3ts together. tin: one lot on hl.nrket .tree[, beginning 213 feet g Inchon north-esetwaray from Pourtu .tent, thence along Millet street 1:1 feet 4 inches, by 70 feet deep. And one lot on Fourth al, brginulng VA feet below , narked etrect, being 1.0 feet on Fourth Wert, by .54 frot deep, 4. A.. ground rent of 8141 per auto on proper: ty [lei:Outing on the 'corner of Itecitor street, (Jail elley,) and extending up Fourth street, 80 feet, by 64 deop. Tenon of Sole, Canby 11 S. I,gal Tender For further porticolarn eriqulro of D. W. d A. S. 11441, Eggs., 144 Foorthtreet. DAVI; d 111cILW/JI4IS. At:m*l. MISEEMEEti AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HOlln.S. • Wag BVP/LILTIS.T, Csvabov Dom., Office of uhlef Quartermaster, Washington, D. 0., April 25th, MM. WHI be sold of public auctlan, to the highest hi der, st the time. and place. named below, via Newport, Pelona, Thursday, May sth; Gam &burg, Fenno., Monday. May 9th; Altoona, Penn., Thnrs my, May 12th; Poona, Thursday, May 19th; Poona, Thnrsday, May 20th; Lebanon, Penns, Thursday. June 20; bonhomtorland, Penn*, Thursday , Juno 9th; bersubm. Peon. Thursday, June Witt; Williamsport, Prom, Thursday, Juno '_l4; One hundred GOO hones at Getty/Marg. .d two hundred and City (2.50) st each of 0 9 0 other plames. Throe horses have boon condemned as unfit fur ;he cavalry armies of the Unita! State. Army. For road and farm purpows mmy good bargain. lro t. will ho Salon begin at 170 ' 1 dug .,atrcontinue daily tlll all ors clot CASE, in totted States Tremnry • .Iy. JAMES A. Lirnt, Cot. and 0. Q. 111. Cavalry that ap2itsyr9i UI'CRD STATESMILITAItY RAIL ROADS. Reno, or Aimee ore Qranernatatert, Apinl 16, lan& bo eold on Wednenday, the lath day at May, at the Railroad Depot In Al.•73ildriP, YO tons of Old Railroad I row ILO tuna of Old tar Autos: 10 tom of Cast letup Iron; IWO tow of Wrought Iron; h tons of Old Braes and Copps; • SOO 01111 w -relic Terms: Cash In Government Tondo. Ten (10) po CSDL. to be pald of M. time of purchaso, the bats. on delivery. Tho property must bi b rumoved within toads ys try data of alla. L ROBINSON, aplgtia • Contain and h. Q. E. SUPERIOR FURNII U RE, CHI DBES'S BUDGIES, SEWING MACIUNT.S dc.—On TI7E3DAT AFTER:3OOB, M. 17th, sr oleleck will be sold, at Cotrunarclid Salsa Booms, I No. 04 Pthh etreet,• large qaantlty of very rogerlor Furniture, owe and aszusaissuid,comprieing alegant styles of spina hair beat Tetwadsass, Parlor Chairs and Aron hookers; Marble Top Sofa Tamw and largo Centro Table, Spring Peat Lounges, Malloguly Sofa, Mahogany Ifstaneloa Table, fln• Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Mos. Manna.. and Pillows, nsweathars, losportor Venithin Blinds, Window Borders , Pular Lamp., Floor Oil Cl.3th, Cooking Stove, As. Also, Two Ornamental Oat Chandalters, Family Sewing Machines, Viiildren's Buggies, on• Secretary Desk. mylil A. MoILWLINII. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION —will be added to the lame Hot of valuable Blocks, on TULBDAY EVLNINII, Mny 17th. at 7% o'clock. on seaond floor of Colunteselal dales llccnts, No. fel Fifth stmt.. • • 20 sharesldanchestor Selloff. boob: 10 do Merchant.' Manufacturers' Bank.; 10 do l'ltuburgh Insurance Gumpeoy; 10 do Allegheny Insurance Co.; 60 do Pdtshorgh A Steubenville R. R. Co.; SO do Allegheny Vall e BoUrc.d Stook; 20 do Pentisyhanla.ln_Tb.ot,nck3/Nz. XECUToit'S SALE OF VALUABLE E bTOI3K6 TUESDAY EVENING. Mel 17th, et TX o'clock. sill be sold. ou second Peer d the (tom:6l4od bales lteetnt, 64 Fifth tttott, of• • dot of A. D. Smith, AJEtlebttt Ater of the late leapt. Jot. Smith fill sham ilachonto Dank stock; I 60 do Allegheny Don Block i GO do klunuogellal. WWl'. o. o k , took. 21 do Irnn City Bank Mock; GO do Weatorn Insarauro Cu.; mats A. IIoILWAIXII, Ancl . t. ----- VALUABLES. STOCKR—WiII be atbled r to tho forge 1111 ut esluablo Mocks on TOES. DAT EVlCtilkill, May 1 . /1b..% 1X u'4. k,OO ;1, amend quer of tho t.kosorrolal blot Doom, No. [ii 111131 .treat; 10 oboes tt. W. 411 go do rlttaborsl; A Uounell.YlN l<: A. Co.; - al da . ilmodfacturtis' Dank" l 1. la A. 1(014WAIN V, Aaa , TTATS AND OAPS AT. AULTLON, on-roptephi zystutta, nay aA & eakck, be 11111101110 Hall AUCMC4IIIoust, AS lin Wad, tit stoat of weity_rd_all Hal State. 1111/4 A.llo:34w.aliD, Anct% BOOKS. .S.LBUJOS, .cc. NEW BOOKS, at EIXIN - ErY" MLNICEre A BRIIJ_LINT NEW AIERICIN NOVEL. DANGERSTELLYS BEST; or, 8.011.121 1 A Novel of American Lila end Mann. I'ol., large limo. Mc* SLID. This lo . moat luloro. to story, and glees • powisini sketchtaf Antertean Life and Manner. presiorre to the Great Reborn.. It is the prod.tbso of . polished end oxpendenced crazyby much travel, .perien..4 practice in other wet. of literature, to at tempt an elaborate story of Amon., Life; Poli tics, Letter* end Factions, whom cleshinglod to the . 4 0reet Rebellion." ThLi work, we belle., will pr the meet brilliant novel of the yetr. Courted and Comfort.. Spoken from *City Pcdpit. By tho `4.loontaT Parma." I to ,10 of hand eomely hound in muslin, gilt top, .4 bandied boards. Pri. S 1 GO. This volum ;Oda another to the terbe of the writing. of the y“ Country Per ern,” w-hose popularity as an essayiet in inferior to that ef no writer of the prise. day. Nen and uniform edition. are now ready of the "Cattuny Pars..." previous writings, as folio.: Recreations. I vols. S 3. Leisure Rows. 1 vol. SI to. The Everyday Phibelopher in Town and Coun try. 1 vol. 11l EA. Graver Thoughts of a Country Paron. 'A rot. • Pew, Si W. She Catoraner Thal, and other writings. B Jean Paul Pr.:frith Biota., author ef •fitati." Price 111.60. This volume contain" "The Oeferwunr Taal." "The Life of Quint. lisle.," "fiehreel tia's Journey," Analects and Miecellancons PWes. New and uniform editions of the other writings of Jean Paul are now ready, as follows: Titan. 4 roles 51. newer, Trait end Thorn Pitons 2 roll. $12 75. Lemma, or the Dear ne of Uncial On. $2 OD . The Termer Boy. end how be became Cionamtinier le.Chlaf. 112 i. - Life of Abrettioin Lincoln, the Pioneer Ploy. $1 2.5 [Notkr.—This emsee fife w. written by the per minion of tbe President himself, and from nate- Hsi hanalthed by him. Ask for Ttiayer`e Life of Preeidant Lincoln, the Pioneer Bo _y ? and you will gee that Which can b, relied °port.] A Ireentla's History of tho Liebewon. By William 11. lhsyer, author of ...The Pioneer Boy,. dc.. Tully and elegantly illostrated. gt 25 The "illitory of the Rebellion' . contains the onbitance of the huger weeks, . that families [het minnot aped to parch.. too histories made large and ea-Domain by the introdnetion of public documents and long speeches, which fen, If .7, mike to read, will And the pement • rideable and tellable history, for the elder poi Mons of the family as • ell.. the 'Wing. , Znrlch. Being vol. sof the tenons "npeetecilo &- ries " With thirty new Illustrations Iron designs which mate from Bwitzeriand. This it the hand somest and most desirable of this attractive aerial. Price 85 emote inthatetal Biography; iron Worker, end l'Ool Ma kers. By Samuel finales, author ot..'Self..Belfo i•Brief Biographies," and "2k. life of .gootge Etepbensen." 1 eol. 12m0., neatly boood iG Mose 1111. Price gl 25. Oopire of 0y of tee above bort. maned tree of pate' t e reonlpt of price. 21111 Y. n 33.473 Pllll Arcot, next d.or to P.O myGnern r iE BEST MAP OE TUE WAN, HUN I'S (3-A.Z Fr, TIEICII Of the Bordor and Southern States 'met ow of Ilia time, to both citizen and ea . . dicr. It contains a great amount of topographical and statistical in , ormation, with routes or railroad., military toada, had .ltas lino largo colored steal plate map. Oen of in. Lest h.d-book• we hr. •ovar yo ,.Chrur.icle. valnablo ahl to the batter understeuad9ag or the cat.vententa of our armtes."—Atneria. LAlerary Ga vat, A pnnntl• retie /bout, which will bo of Tut • • oaken, soldiers ma citizen* Prim•, 60 mute. Bound In cloth, 76 cents. I , ether, with tuck, for carry hag In the pocket, El. tarred, pent on receipt of price. Adder order., to Insure prompt .treaties, to JOHN P. HUNT, nausutz, !ME= 69 TIM STESET, IdABONIC PULL. A NEW AND VALUABLE hIEDIOAL WORK, Just Publimbed, ALA DIOCSOS/S. fth special re fce to Practical Medicine. A KAl enin Jae to the and Discrimination or Dia e. DJ J. M. Da Costa, M. D. 1 ToL, Sro. Il streted • fili engrai fag. . Tor enle iry iC AY b DO., myln NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS! RISE AND PDOGRESS Of SEITDAY 8080018 —A biography of Debt. Bathes and Wm. Son. Br John Q. Power. 1 mi. Prim El 00. A MANUAL ON EXTILACTING 'TEETH— doondai on the Anatomy of the parte involled to the operntion; the kind@ and proper COLIMMICUOCI of bytrnmente, de. 1 vol. Mao. _s , . . HY.AV7.151 ODE HOMY, I vol. Um°. DARING AND BUYTENING. work LloaL Patton ger. A largo oupply of the latter Joot received. DO • e 3. L. READ, 78 Fourth irtroot... OILS. Xt. RIDER d CLARKS '1.n1..4:14810E7 tisr.aneffic, Potrolet= and its Products, gilt CIA.IDLtd, 4C., 00. 61 11110&D rev 9 WALTER a 129 MONT STS—.. ' .. • . Wr Agenta for the PORTLAND IKITIOSIIHS OIL WORKS, art' 401111 PABST/Mt CASTLE ODZIPA NI, be. W. A. CHAPMAN, Act a., 98 Water A 1= Front de. LUCENT OIL WORKS DIISCLII, DUNLAP &a 00., Pure Whits Reined Cub Oils, FAVIi327 c• SLAW HOUGH & Co., COMIIIZSION IiffiCIIANTS, For the sale of Crude and Refined Petroleum, 410 BOZTE DELAWARE AVENUE, S . F. POULTNEY, Crude and Refined Petroleum &t, No 92 TIILIID STREET, Pitt9ll9.rgh, P.ft kpl3T3m .1.011- ..211.111MW aaen pETROLITE - OIL WORKS. ' • Itaantes of MITE WRITE CARBON OIL, BESZOLI9 AND Capacity taro tbausaud barrelspar ...k RilliSE ft GRAFF, Przraticroas. ofo, MONONGAHELA HOUSE, Pittsburgh. mr23 4TTORJNE FIZEIGia ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; All Lep' Battates promptly . attended M. OfUs, No. 166 YOUSTII SMUT, our Grant, Pittsburgh. ILO:lamb:a MeM ASTER 1.: GAZZAM'S LAW OFFICE.. No. OS GRANT STREET J M STONEIt h ATTORNEY-At-LAW.— . Ordee. N 0.120 TO Til STREET Plttaburrrh. DZE.Dd, NOIITOAGES, DITOLIANI LIII.S, LIMES, and other Nal Inetrintente wrk. Col %actions to tht..4 rifolulr4c4untim bl:2n2 - 4, eOA 0z.% ..... SCUMS SCHOYRR, Atterneya-ate 0. um. 0z.., No. Iss rainh artet.Fittaluzgh. ael7 DSc. DR. F. BEBE, Surgece and AcoolachOur, Ho, lit tlilT/111SLD er.,1241 465ce Is;knir 13Ixtb, DR, THOS.IIABON, 1 Eia& ratoovod from WS Cotovis' stnot to 1400C.1C EITILEET, Minbony CRT. voitam DOCTOR F. IRISH, , PUY 13ICIAiir AND SLIEGLEOL VB.ll9PlMieziutzT , wor4. l 4 ,l quit!crgh. ' t VOLUME LXXVII--NO. 156. IZ!C=! wha - uNial'Aurio, maw:mow arucausTß. 1 Petroleum and its Prgdatlit tad &sin.. No. 23 d&ELEIT BT., Pitts. Maas R GEP Comm' clot St arshants de . • • . Zzolasietkga - ; Petro/ruin and , iro Prod Tbr export ned ham and, 43101 • tire for storage, at resaatabla - ; Liberal advances maga. B/3119101, B0I01:0 & 00, - - COICEISBION MERCHANT'S. GLOBE, recallo ABB LIB =OU WOBEB. r: Literal anti adman* made an eanstgrunanta Refined or Crude Petroleum DUCKOZNII PLY • MEOWS 07.13 4 Ply PA. RICHARDSON, HARLEY do 00112/128ION k FORWARDING Crude and Refhled Petroleum, N 0.19 I:6WLB 812,33 T, .• • . Lilaral 0,6 winnow an used&ciallti Pr . S . Paten na& or ?astern Mark.= Iftorto..l. B. Dilworth 3 Co. • =room ' Gamssuctil EU& C r : mblOnSm • j - Ruiv LIITY OIL WQIiKB P' LYDAY dt CHOMMIia, Idanntactorars Bal, of am= ore,. BU. Mial AMID Lumuosinia one, low &Was b 11*#;41./DI:.M7J:.*4-7 4 L•, ,, :q./j.4 Warts, malts ElusiTsbm7, Oftloo, No. !N 116 ND MENEM WALLACE d; CIIRTIM, C)mazoisadon Lod &iamb . . MIME & MIMED PETEWLEVIE MID Ltraniarernia On" ;.; No. 151 8007 H WHAMS. PEOWNLPHIA,F_ ear Storage weeny (under corer.) ktr I.6.edis.„,z:: Alm excellent, OW. far shipping' tti eirlain - eiv and iforeign.paria, at am' vvbarf au dm adnalkik,' River, near tea platform of the P. B. R. WWI I% 1 TACK & BRO., ~ i ,'.•! • „ : i. Crude and Refined PettoleuM IE9 WALI4I3I. PECILADLUMIS. Business entrattad to our oars m troortro Oa* "atpimonal attention. • • • rto Messrs. Bichardeon. Earley Bark. A Co., aad McClelland lk 'Day* - BliddakiEb nix Smith, Esq., Prat. i; Larstak Co., Philadelphia. McCORMICIC St CALLiarr",,; OIL BROKER% 211 and 213 flotah—Water =MOO. No 55 Wood litTs.t. IPlir Couignmant. wild:ed. Lyda, & Chorpettabig , Iron Clt7 011 WOOL Jmob Motor. of J. Painter 6 00. Jno. r.. ohnte.a., Bpong, Chalfant 100. JyZ:.l7 VENANGO OIL AND TBANSPOWO /LTIOII OOMPAIST, ere plowed to Fecal's, stare LA Crude and Refined•Petraleuo On the mad reasonaile terms,and In istak*illberil advances. more% Proddttit. Office, No. 12 Pine street, New Isair.:7 WIC BOWEN &Nei, 011 City. weierzu earsne, Set:011 an,, .1 AMPS WILKINS, 41, Pittaburet..4 VI- Consignments, via Pennsylvania Cleo •PIA be staved at the Omapsnro aro-Foot Hoboken aide of 'river. '.7; WALES, WETMORE & CO., 13111PPERS OP PETROLEUM. us lIAIDLNK LISA NEW TOIL I Ampl• &attic. toT STOBAGI AND geginip at tlislz yard ad wharf, Rio Ram. alylttf , 1 CABOT, PERILEiEItrON WEEMIL Generallierohandise Bram, f .; 142 PLUM irratcr. Nem lork4 1 1 . ; 135 sot= TIIDW Me 1111 / 1 1 *PlIblel& CRUDE & BKLITFED PETRO4I6I, 0/o=lo SODA. SODA ASH, Snillnlgkre DBMS. OILS, AA. Orden to My or moll promptly stimoilid lo. aulay 1i.,, D • L. MILLE; Js, AGM; ,• is DTI WALNUT DT., PEULADIELIGEEL CRUDE & RUINED PETR OLEbIEI • ou O.mmisloa evateleay. AIL clam* al alga STORAGE FOR 'imam) In Cool CRUDE, under Particular snoop= paid to OM TOR 11MP9.112. You IIazz—OADEVIO SODA, SODA ASH, Autry A LLEN ar. NE ES, pletkaprurau. oommuos anisortain. , PutWiz ettantial Pad te arnd Milat# Crude and land Petrolegtn. Mr Liberal wITLEOeg ENOS WOODWARD, • (Law a vim. a. waxtvilat a o 4) azzaatez onnumoN , Noxits2o. Spacial &Miami thia to the 4 Crude and F.etlned PetrelOon. pours mar au= ceft:Ma ago. r. WOODVILIoy. OiL REFINIF CEO. W. uormstor m.e.t. of nusatscivz LanixWa.- raso on.. . !5 __027:14/1114-11211..a oft bed guolit, of BURNMEGI OTL..clogrood vittiotioolor also • good LIIDILICATO*.S O ., ZOLlg and OAR °EXAM aaran orders left at Iga. Si TUrzw- Soak P4ock. gocatid floor. ill! L 4 Praq,PF7 ROBERT AZEIWORZIT4 s no. 02. 0.8.20 0:0.2/71!I/M 1 001. Forwarding tr. Coauninionl43:o ll :4, analnymno .nrora r.f.' iraananrirroo.terfspaw prrnoilvm sim d etr tale et the lotted market Omit . sr4 orders mondial. • . pi wicsou,pe JAMES M I fd iliC a t4 Lll-'41111367 " : on ervit# &dation ' Vak ,‘ 62l i ri 4 ,.) 11,001 / 4 Of* , 4 ,,.- i ,bii--_, ~, .. --TER_-_,- 7.-4,-- ~ - -,-.....,,,.:..k. . ~........_. :-,, ......,„ ..,......u ... , 4 . ~. .„... OILS, if 0, CC:=I And Brutrry In ' Agouti of to E=2EZ!! BENZINE, ft., OIL CITY, Pwdm,l 0011:XLB13103
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