1:4 - ::".,54". - cl.T.›,.." , „ilt • „.,,, ILAT 47, - 181:4, cowilwßemz Jooon. PITTSBURGH siAmicori. • • zr xm ay the' Pittrbarq 'Casette.] ‘ Nozoar, 11ay10,1864/ aliB3llN-Thareht a good denund for Wheat bat lieritetrfrom' Drat p.d. deed e !..•1101/1daelIrtilliy at 51,45a1,48. 'Oate—in actin de ltrolimisupply And ushc iwitreaf„iiiiezedfiAr , 4o;•b. fr•oo car.do it It; and Email Wes from itoreat 1150 to 81,00. Corn, ale, continues to meet `pith etbrlak demand at full rates, sale of 3 carshelled $ 1 , 29 . • ---.••• • ' i PROVI/931)1t8—Dieon Bhcrahlere of toed onal/ty Anselllng Ms fair extent at 12%a13. of 00 pea Than Raw atlTana 100 pea Cauvested Eifgac Cored ' Fialo.AW Cured Rama may ¬ed.. at ' 1414 Aibbeo Alden at L%.14.'L%.14.'And Clio db.. at ~.4- 4 8g,„1„d„.. - pee Port la nominal at 821,6041 per 111 :,17.1.rtsacq4CS#4 sillater ...Fain/try and 14 bar .OttOCERIIThere labnta Ilmltod 57ema for .• any do/min:lino! Gtotartm, and the maim: la dull s:t- prkee are moratnallyi tltithang. 'Doyen appear to be hold:408 in satiolpation lower race, but holders do tint mem citermed, es Imam say roneetalon., , ,• • •••• Burrs% &:ZOClS,..Theraly wan damandirr Rattsrand Prime 41 hat /dreamed 1418.10, wlch, • mall ealm a 11 t theist dstrnat. The supply le extrema , II light, t,aol 11 1 14'hf saart , the /detnatd. .Erna, higher,with /aloe m 17.18 per,doxen. FeEll4 arm with a demand largely Co ~ exceed of the =poly. 8.1 , , of 19 cm/ Oran, from Wharf; at 81.,41%, par met, and 1 car too white 0114. 'd ll / 1 0-1.0 a diatlller—at 82,12. 114115 KT--hr. doll and tuglectrr/ but anchmtned. sallingla the wall way 00 • 11/1„8.5 DRIED FRUIT—Firm with reenhu• WM at 11340/ 32for £pp.e and 00 Ex 9.,ehea. • _OLBII-Ifackerol remain a reedy at former rate. Setae of Late flerrloo at $11,004,25 per lasAbbl, and Watts FL& at 10,03a9.13., Lli CaNet,',4),nleti hut •tteady: with regular mdes of ptiina email miiltiritll,7l per hash. . 41111:108—emall aim Grum W. Et 14.15. &ad 1. In flonand to...hip/tent to Ina Fastioro markets at 52,9042,04; esle Itm bosh • no SAX. Small talcs of Clover and Timothy heeds at Id tlf-7-la *fedi' soh n abide d=meo; soles of 10 bad. /rum wales at 836442 per tOl2. 8.1. p Ray, from wharf and depot may ha quoted at &Mad& 111/01:18-1a. dull bat nominally Aioehanged. 'BmAllsalee from:awn, of 57,00 tot Ertl*. sad 57.50. 8,00 for Latta Fatally. Weekly klexteetot tue New rock Pe irosenba Market. 1141.611,1,4 Brottorly: for the Pittsburgli o tetttnl Now Year, May 14, 1864. The Easekethasbo. Irregular during the week, , - hlid'herth Crhae . bed barealternmely &dram. ed and declined. Business has been moderate In • , o , '" both The Market has been devoid of excite- Mitt of every kind, and the flectostiom.have been "lausedettlefly by the change, In the quotation. for Ana Baling the 4rot pogkef the' week Ceti& vas In ff.... Beau deentsetartd loin.-bat low. a , OOD bbb wen, ' 'haat for shipment at 1.4 e below the pion torrent bat trieli.." . The nierket ruled firmer In the middle of Week, hpirever, and the decline tret recormad,but boateenwery light. The .lee for the work owarise about 18,0020 blob, of which about i2:l.llldY en the.spot at from 35 to =ye, and the bulk of Pte . :fibs balance for all bleyand Jane at3734,33.3(„e-:bet Ineludlngsome at VI, num .optlon. The market ,tX - firele t y woo dial and nominal at 3713734 e, No brat was ne. . - Beftnalla bond !hoe beam very Irreguler, baring opened at 55madvanced told mod enbeequently tailed to 553‘453%. The badness tam been light , .. noreprlalng about ontreelylss,oos bei.-ad o and re.. aldse-ot. which about 11,000 bbte on the spot-part not-export at 53t0 57 ) ip tit• and attar mime white '4.7e-t,.•0/morphento.' . This brand, and the ,Plttelmrgh standardr Olney' Went about Ye .0 gallon above ,!ettler , -"prims white- brands . The aohnifor future ! dolleurnltirebeenits634 tiosBl‘e for Ilan. June and Ot ell to tie cans lbw atm ate 50.030 gallons from GObn, 1434 n. -The ,market today was doll itoridnal td%•55! fur .light straw' to white. til.,butmeljanythbog.watttione., r . tree gllhas been =usually dell all Ihroagh the If ,itehihht prim bustler-Mated in eympathy with bentlW-thettch they are relatively Lower, The sake are only about 7,1.01 Max, all told,, of *hien 3„.3in bbbrflorltumediater:flellverrat from 173% ,t 3 06 3 for - Flea. light etratr to white-the dation ells have elm esldarliblntles rang. 4,1/20 bbla were sold for June, '12..51 An e ooat at Tat l VA b ar I.9*ePre,7lc lubog of no L . Naptha hoe been dull and nominal, d few bun died bbl. Maned have sold at 35 to 37340 for 681163 gravity-ClatLug at 3Ge. . ILOTlfilf art. rea ~ Et/ttatourgli Tobateo Market. I.,.(sitpOrtea for thi Casette. by 0. D. Armithal, 11. & Tobacco Inspector.) 'Bur lebteco.market during the post two weeks, --.'4,411 keen ration 'longed and dull, owing to the dallmou at resent existing In the Flied : pa outer., thls the case, there, In re . mad to winter inirntfitetured lobscoo ofnew lest, of L;;,'lllticlAtkerillbe yet I,arge ,fitiontlties on :hand, and tn:"dieobtiel order 4.0 keep during the cot summer • aseolbs. 31111. out mannfacturen, here, have very - .-little,torhartlljany,stnek on hand. mod plenty of or dont:et to 411 alpacas formerly agreed upon with custeeers, aadsie hard at work to ad them. '! ; losferethe new tariff, as amended and mimed, °slog the . duty at thlrty.die mots petpound, pee Into effeen-Tberefors, -there- hove Em ubut very few otonAgnmente Meat° the'eacters tnerielta, and the shlpmerue orenouieted eluteat endrely to actual or deem ,The nxtbanced value.. of good mulefee ', 1 313 thfl'holl;tobseco,i , together with ihigh price c . o f end: nnolerfal .uted Ita osaufacture, !!. "mart still more factitme the val. of good tobaos, _ and note. need be• entertained • a Todueff co fh Th.SAPTlfigera.the . ruling fantory''Aates for the difkrent ' • ' tofu -thoodand hard to 70 Nip:Bight aid. Ton to 70 . Black fat, liNtuptunead And .filomaere...4.-L-.60 to 55 • Diamond Totter, brightcolon.....-:- --70 to 75 ,;rasa Twist swat and In god dehaen4 and &Veld artitfe roadily —3.3 to SOL Might work, light and barn meted, of mood manly, re merge; and er.Ye readily,. tram SO 101 l Woe stock in tilllll3 of matatfactarers fo very light. Plttobirgh Petroleum lit,orttl4Aerrsio N. alight Itoprontuent in We demand for etude taday, the reporrad asks, amaze. 3aira , ittettl7lll36is Ascontparedtritble ,;:ittaat;lbete bOUreedittable cbanie in pence bta, on Anted We marled.. abide &rota taw With bldefinbulk at Mi; 05' able at Zei. and .:413 2 ,!)*?.; late, pit 2sy, On the 11:riptitiputittioda m ej b. Nris gant at ,szji hr balk ~ zattraii yelp. o btea bo r a t .d. ea• riedirable In nowei.,—;l3 btr tied dPrieem rhvonly Azle •rakelld bear of w Ineedieta delivet - at treo ••rootr, to:oe ot 4nza halo co, La trgbt Orate to oo 2 atittni,--ited the seleiraranstected' labour to reel Lad taartre Opted nominal et =a4(4 , , Itehhannta to hold at 55,ne, kteula omMoirtuoutt,to 044,76. .ntitteeJlal'Aut teraea. single Arent of oil by the teethenistrareneetittordsrothith ts owing to the , state Prorate, rendering It dangerous to make • amen at the tenet - Refit York Wool llarket. f4 IS A.T I Af"'" Pontnnl in!.nti.lon of the tnrin; .Lad in MeV/et growing opt or ine military manta Of ittadiitlitia movement In both Domestic b? Sonia - bat tri easiPmanteli. lightraoth Lo e,u and ailtiri r ialtiltaig farther developments, tellable boat. dir comma, • Mal ealcolationia niminatal4 artth -Ugh: meek., holden ..flan, at mama ' , blame genitally 'above '" -' "" :°x•=rgh: direlaf76tuit. .4i .- cubit somo . Pnli. satesotloged. 78 . 8 4 dni lbs-Dotontle • 'limes at 711aiinet. 2dtt Mao ,7 ,Callferait as vintagers:at anal! parcel. do 4945234; U 0 lab* thrsio, stuns 0;0 do from second hangs. out 14,0002.68711 an. MX; 5,000 Ms Seamed Gage, 11,3% fidzautylantivd;tr'. a b ort t-", ' 9 % 100 art ; ado annaitad amtiot, laX! yam ite; sod 43. do,Ciate, averaging 33-411 .t 4 damaged. An auction ant* of I,4oWbou. glintinttgasian Ladandbant tor lath but ini Doe. nest. The following awards steta made by Oolonal Henn,' 7 7 07 77 . /SU , ' • Wm 0 Wilson, 978,Ct0 tbs bard bread, • 1,5,80 Dunham *Gregg, 230,090 • dO" , 6,60 II 'Thompson 160.000 do 5,53 MatOblo , 100,000 do 650 'Chas Balms, - ZO,OOO - do 5,80 Kandall it Co, M 0,03) do a,to Thai 50,01X1 ' dO 520 o Scads! & Sop, , 250,033 do ; 5,45 J Osman 200,000 do No lA - suck* tux) bbls doable ex flmtt 7111 15777 do ; 7,93 " - do , MO do 8,07 o do •C* C rg .) * K Y . /et — M* ll BePort -'ll.clll—Tbs "show' Intonst In No 2 Spring • Mott eased a'Rim and rather staufy market 'Ear 4.40 adid.Witkilkral bitat'it 0 ' 15419 --dosing 00 7 95 / 40 Plia‘ N oidgrintlr Bs . ' tmtistud end iho transactions wets maps at 81,192,1,20„ Ylose lass' 45711Inftstasr en trig Ing salter The arm and bnuant ftellna wood In I th e th rx i yesterday coatinned today. and 'no rota* h,rther advance of' 112; with miss at en.ow.as fox stor-Nos. lba nutdde Spunk's. ~,There.twas mots satitity rhos =kat tx- Oats, PICO 4,01 r 000 / 68 053.0 - tot No lis a14' 61 7.t0t quote ths ffautet ocaolzud- i i i 4 e , t id.bat 4 u - Er4 - Ttoldsdlnauteldch,qtaa 'ea sigh,eh e . laarhat for the pasititor oontlonteand lower Imam Itedr: , Adas our loads_ to•dar ire n0m41,134 "-inf....cloth:l7 Aoki{ the alter idle& -'3Dostartrish Mirk* ' • AtEr,24-444* 4. 4 Tattcom'af;Oriy *port Tayy Stmeiveatlsoramtialsallross. Itbe .4.3 stock,o2,l - '- f liakiiiiiieklttlididitd2 lll 4 &WSW few .linds.,l • T.-, .44 , *(44' _thi4usiutt .4 Ana 1 DiY froze.rl 4 - 1 - " ---:ll"xe C ll ' d ,,„4 P e. 14 4= .I.:..srizt Tassatruck,lizires3,4vovi U. a a ,444.4..........4........th0it 0r _...__ 27473riti=armcwit B _ ADAMBLZit bannelly's riwwi t iti l l ° ' s2. ' g ift selp al et tr s ' " Aks " Pi l Z l) DriA.4.zoi e Zir irg i 1 " 024 4 1412,0495 ° 144, ' •,. '-', •-•- .• ' rig 1404 tar• 11 1 ;4 4., Ptak -,; sp • I 1 ir:' - 2,- - .. •-•.---- - .. -',, - ; s--' .• ' 2 -i ':' - • . '::•;.-='- • ; I'. ~,,. - f - 71(' - • 1: v• , - ~„. :, . '.-•. ' ... -,, .' . : I'. ,•;,-_ -,,, .-.-, _.- . . 7 . • -;..."4';' ,,,, :e: ,-.'"... .t - :!`" - t-- -----.'-' .' , .7.-)•.•„ - ,;14,-- , :-! : :::;:...„,,q. , •.:.. , ...,,..w,, , -..F,-,. - .., , ,44:41c; , :;;;.?„,....2, , .1._,, , et-,;p: - .4.,,,,,..7. - „..-, - . -4:,........t"''' .?.;:',- , .;_ . .-;.4.'f. , !--• . -•.‘ 4 , •4',. - P , -,'..-t:::',11 . 1.7-1,-- , ' - -:-. ,, :,14., - -1- .- -- - '""` - ''''"'" " ; • '' 'el.'.:-,:'1.-N•.... i....,--a-_,--,,f . 1 , More Prodnetian ..Tbo wad crop for tbs : Etats of Illiebbian f r tho : prawn! warn too baal:morally . astintated, an d the elliptesaldubittel a 0 I.2yni,noo of pooreds, 101870 It .*of 20t4 t,d the number of *hap 746,435. An dip boa plantain lettnpled in fourteen year. Tinto were then etsht State, which produced a lolOrtplantity of wool, and Lon which had a largos naalD.raf.h.ep, Ohio hod 3iSt.2 the largest of any. If the , loame of .beep la proportional to the Increase ofirool,llllthigan must stow hose 4.478.610 .hoop—an exam of 635,01 over what ms pommeled by anyStsta fourteen years linos. =portal*. Railroad* PfrilLnol6B Fre Water 41191.1.181.0 Itnnroir.. 110 16-160 at. corn, Dan Wallace, 172 do do .23) busb oat., W H Ewing; 8 Inca atrn, Bingham, 13414. goon d co; aa bg. hair, W E Bays oo; IVA dry •Peachre, I 'it ThoMMIOOI 1 car hay, McPherson; bbta floor, GO bbla blgberinea, D Wallace; lag aka wbeal, Fenton Boo; 22:1plgs lead, McKee et Dm; G 001s011, Fonrytti d co; 60 bbl. blghwlets, A Gook.. .balinet , ,ll4'Bro 60 do do, B McOrlcltert B: co; 6do 8 1 11 / 1 14 :, Seller; 1 bbl /0112,a H Lyday; 25006 floor. achomakera Lang; 49 bble carbon 011,1 A Eaugbey; 25 pg. Eish; Beam L. ldc(loy; bbl butter, SII Jack co; 8 aloe flaw Led, do foathcra, Ido fare, Lll Volgt•dteo; 200 bider, J Y McLane:oll3;4 011, Crampton A co, 5 bbl. oil, B L Fabneatock el en; U 'bbl. ham; J P Hanna; 117 tells paper, God.rey ',hark; 5 aka frollmis, John Floyd; la Wee, J 11 Wotan; 8 Gbh potato., Little a Trimble; 60 kogo spites, W 11 Brown 1 en; 50 do nails, J B Snenlb.r.; . 4 Romp., John Vaawiit OLIcrELAWD Awn Pri-mumum Ilartunaw, May 16- 8 lduls tobacco, J A Elavarle; I bbldo L Arnsthal; 364 bgecorn, 1 car 2nlll-1.4 ,Blikonn 4 loos; 133 oil I.olBe.,Xlinolug & Bro; 2 care corn, Dortington a C0;06011 moat pork, W 11 Bays dug 170 aka corn, IllAtharb, Sturgeon & co; 416 do 46, AB J Garothera; 10. k. rags Seamy a Clarks; 8 PG, P.A.... if Biddle; 14 do leather etc, Placa. a YID; lu bga oa 8 Barbangb & co; 17 pkg., Alvan, Lee dr to; 25 b. cheese, L H Valet d co; an bgs panacea r V.Ggertior; lalls payeo,3ll 3 Koonedy; Bdo do, G M 'Long. 3 tibia rasp. I it 8occop; id bblo tobacco, Ilartland (Man.,; A/ pkg. do, McDonald A Arbuckle; 65 do do, oroaker Lang; 24 pkg. B.h, Wm Goolego; 4 M 6 leather,. !Jaya etowart; 36 noze• Balaleytl27-001. potato., L H Tolat tt. co; 6 01.1.1 egg . X st Beilloy; 60 bbla mood, 21 aka dry trait, L 11 Foico. AUSGRIXIiI &AMR, May 16-2 pkas nth, Hahn & !addle; I blot cldr , , 1 Lb( butter, 8 Dyer; 1 car pa utast. 10 &mu clakirt 814m.8ma & oo; 1 car lumber, Zlnklmad & Andrag; 151 aliments 61npsou Sao. Imporue by Haver , Z&llF4EllLlA—ratt Eska Om rtaa-409 bide 'll ar, 37 Dbl. ego, 6 kegs Lard, I b. bore vet, 1 keg batter, 2 walating =erbium, 1 tub batter, 3 beam leather, 32 rolls do, 2 [Mae tobacco, 6 1.11. leather, Clarke 1 ce. 10 bbla egg., 7 bba Hat med. 1 keg onions setts, ' 1 bo peaches, 4 bbl. beam, 1 ha batter, 1 bbl dry apples, 1 crate rags, 38aacke Has teed, .1 bbl. do, ZS maks potato.., 17 mcks cent, 1 bbl pots teed, Foliar at Armstrong; 2:bble erine,John Pelfreibl 15 tibia [Lax seed, M B Suydam; 32 rack. Hat wed. Ewer, 'llatalltoo 1 Co; 70U bgs read Teeglty d Fotdp; 32 pkg. sods, J Twigs.; 10 empty ale bbia, flpelamr McKay; 1 bbl BM, lteymer 1 13e0; 42 Hour bbl., 11 T Katmedi 1 a; 11 pkg., mdse, ICm P Beck &cm CO melts corn, Filming a Steele; 36 oil bile, W P ridge; 100 oil Ltd; tlrdeeoo Oil Co; 0 pkge =dee, 3 calm., Wm hiller, 3 pkg. mdee, 311 Partly 19 lade glue, 26 bam scrape, 2roll. leather, Flare., Fell & co; 7 tubs evil:re canc., J Baldlager, 10 bead cattle, J Elam; 5 bbl. oil J Pr_holletd: 2 IA lob goods STE,' 4IA 7 BO.ITS VCR CINCINNATI & LOU- --e• - • TOVILLE.e fine steamer DEL AWARE, Capt. elevens, will leave as abo,e Ear WEDNE3DAY, the 18th lust For &Eight ox passage apply on board, or to .T. D. COLLINGWOOD Agents. tallo JOHN FLACK, FOR CINCDZNATI AND LOITISVILLE—The flan pfesenger etnamor NEW TURK. ea eL J. IL L•ghtaer, leave es above 4.12 THIS DAY, ITHlpust., at f p m. for trelght or p•eeagr adplp cm board or to JOHN FLACK, mita J. D. COL LINO WOOD, ' IPIPEGITIAB, WHEELING do U I'ARERSBURGI PACKET.—Thei, Aro atroimer BILNERVA, Capt. John Go un, will mare Pittsburgh for Wheeling ern"' ItiONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, making clime con. unctions with the Wheeling and Parkerebutg Pack ets. Returning, will leave Wheeling °Ter, TUES DAY. 11117118 D AY and SATURDAY. Piesengere and freight recelpted through to Parkersburg. For freight or pereage apply On N 444 or T,O AS. COLLINS & CO., Agent.. On Wharf Boar. at the foot of Wood ttroit. &MAW FOR, HAELING, 3LARIET TA AND ZANESVILLE.—The flue =reteameirEMELB GRAILUl t Dismiss Ayres, der, k Pittsburgh every TUESDAY, et 4 P. and Zanerrille eve FRI DA Y, at 8 o'clock a. m. S ite nem steamer J ULLIA, Wm. Coulson, Com =ander, leaves Ilttelnagb every SATURDAY, es 1 p. m., and Zanesville every TUESDAY, at 8 o'clock m. For freight or peeing. p I n Mani or to J. D. COLLLISGWOOD Agent, Pittsburgh ; R. S. PI CROR A Mr,Agents, no2l Zanesville, Ohio. P'Z4iroB. JfIUSIC REMOVAL. we lake pleasare In Informing the public that ow occnpithe tams and coamodloos hoax 10. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCK, ST. CLAIR 8113.ECT, Vlore ore ham toot tutted from tiro avoinf..er of WM. B. BSA DEWILY mid SCOOM o CE Ell a W., new lot of SUPERB also, • moripleln assortment of MUTH'S oelobrated Barnum {M., Me lodeon. and Mudd roods generally. imperiorli 1 of the BaADOliitlf PIANO Is al- Moly establish.- In the .1.7 of P 1... nom instrument has wahao m rapidly lo pipolartry or teethed ma rumay sithlo rho , owe o' too p.m as the ton. male. hall Iron fr. oearcirung tam and French gr. d action Plano Forte, manufactered by Val BEF.AllatlllY, ate! filmmaker Cole Macs baring been et, long and lavorahly brawn In this and other morldrirs, need no tmther comment. All guaranteed for Are loan. WAXELEffir & BARB, -801. Agents' r Eltteunrgb end Weetern Pe. so. IS irr. mem St, Blawll'. Block. Good Second Hood P 111209 for Recd. Toping and maim= dope promptly. oO PIANOS I PIANOS: .PIANOSI CABINET ORGANS cab ittet Organs CABINET ORGANS! NEW LOT AT OLD pawn CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD Erratrr KNABE'S UNRIVALLED , PIANOS. A choice ropply of G% and 7 octave Plano Porte., from tho calabrattat factory of /Inaba d, Co., has Kist bersquealvact—..(llo to richly cora.' costa. 7h.. instrbanentg are MI; warranted for eight years. mad aro by the best Judge% pronounced unrivalled. A call la reepeotfallywilicitad before purcltuing o re 'bore: MaiAV= DLONIN, 8010 Agent,. myl4 No. 43 Fifth meet. DECKERS PIANOS, WITH NEW warn TERN rnAmx, Acknowledged by aR the bat maidens to be superior to 4/51 other teammate, mahout ematioe, and also "MEAT & DAVIS' moot celebrated Melodeons and 13Artionlams are . ; 1 1 . 114; sale by oss Haco.. ap.3o • • 'No. $3 TM street. BUNDY'S . . • STEAM ENGINE WORKS, zinsvgaz, orno, !MARDI'S NEWARK MACHINE WORKS NEWAII.Ii, 01110. • foam IL AT. DLAJADY, haring purchased Um gamin establiabarent. af flu remark !Loblas company, Ilea doubling their already lame fitallltis. far tostutifectuilog BLANDT'S PATEIiT .ROII,IABLI BTLAIt Tritillad and ZIG al/DY ;TCiILTABLI !ULM SAW JULIA are now pro. pared to moat* orders for thetr machinery, togstber alth all descriptioul of castings, with vary vast parraaptvia. ....Morgan, profusely illustrated, forwarded to any addrais. Ordeal, ilirle• and eornaspondinta solicited. Ad- N. — T. /GANDY. liameerilla or Newark; 0. DYSPEPSIA. AND FITS I IM=l A EMILE CRUZ YOU .Thri distn laL compWnta4 now simile latojrii is Votatina an Namara and Nally. alarbal Proper*. tioistimibligsd by Dr. 0. PRIMES BROWS:. 'rho prictlptJan Iran Issalybcd him to such ta mortar. Cal than.; that ha maw conselcatioasly Woo So sob Lb kmista. as it lammed rrarybody whit hos Mat u want basin f4lod in a Coals can. 'it la stash) mars Wows at lilts as of Dyspepsia, and the . 14 1tredhaita any . blandln lay drat stOre• ZZ ie rgitss ti lVO P ' t . grti, Grusin:ems, Jew City. If, J; lsp..6l:Od se--; D.RIIM Malaria • , AIANDWARE AND CUTI,ENY, , pLowik rLownisAra, HAT zuNia. eitralfortist limb of EX/MU mad NowsitS *WOW, IKIPIP! of rarittos and ClF , :intin Zap 10 411 . 0 0 1 r••• -•• • 101. 161 40.sizjUrrN cen,yDabnia - My, ' EIPECEJIL ,Noriess. - -bOLAPP, STANLEY & CO.'S pox° PTIECOIiOIIANIA. spk%accl ,PRIVATE DISEASES. Dr. Lndlitm's Specific Is the outs reliable tamady for diseases of the organs at ganaradm. II la die disc.:men of in eminent 1%72:k1n wtnee 115 no don:n to t 122 U,.tm 1.1 ' 16 cir. .of GWr w , ADA wayrec.6onLod mo awn, Inn =aro than twenty you. It to patectern to ltaet4 reztirtn; . lalmtlant, clad Meting tottroly from the mlatakea practice and the lica,crora worth Ices compounds °Miro& cc the , pulAlc. It Is ectlrely ~ ,1 63 : , k wd PerfectlY Wt. Et acia like a ekarm anti CmQi.n. ilt-etigth and ♦itw to the dimmed Carss,a,—Tbss ervat BUCCOM of this rnmedy In d• I,ottott permanent carom h h 4 to lb being Imitate by unprincipled men. Observe, thereinte, that tha eliputurs. of the proprietor ix woad esub bos.9or• other 4 genutne. Prepared only by WIL F. DAVIDSON, Salt Proprintar, Cincinnati, 0. 80111 .7 . 11 Dn 1 811.1.4 Prlets V per box. mr for male .t whattrals by OZO. R. ZIITEIB4 =ril ONE OF HIINNEWELL'S GREAT REMEDIES—EI 17N NEWEL L'a 17NITERSLL 0013ORREMEDY,-Thebudeof tbL Indy wrtidertal preparation, now of nal wellwara ed celebrity, le a bwedoet from every component cal culated to debilitate, sad by nob to allow the rate.t freedom .f aede, day or eight, as the only try* theory by ohicl Throat aad litaig Complaints eau be effect:AßT cared T. premed eaten attention to long starkest pent mree, .hen load trams seek. aimed a men com plaints different In effect, I ...id aMoantioarca, which will be mewed, to Cold.. Cloagbs, Hearamen, diem Threat, ?Irmo:dal aa4 nettuaatto Complaints, Wherping Cough, and t. all Throat sad Lang Con plants, whieb, glass neglected, end In Consumption. l'aetimonlals from Pheeitima arch. hlgbest reenact ability, and from invalids, am be men at my ao3ce by ell latemated. Tor We by all Wbolopile and &Pell Duelers. JOlll7 L. EIMPIYESSZLL, Proprietor, /or sale by Jrs. Slanting, Geo. U. Keyser. 11.1 a. Dahlia:rock d ca. J. N. Pelson, Ageute for Min. burgh; Oco. A. Kelly, W. J. Mamie end Dr /tunes Brow. Agent• for Allrgbany City. fald:3m-4e-lay.en w. nll2lEllll, Onto blininger for Lippincott At Co O.D. strimanti, (list* of Gyro, Llubbniit t (b.) O•PITIBREFREER SAW WORKS lIUBBARDS & LORD, itanufacturere of PATENT WIOUND MRCS- Lens, warranted GAIT STEEL SAWS, of every dvvvriction ; Dlltl, SWAY, Crete that. a.a and all other varieties. All kindsof /MITES & Brill NOB, made from Sbeet Cast Steel; Extra Refined REAP• KR AND MOWING, SHINES, fto. Warthonw and Work., ear. WATER A SROBT BTU, Pitteburylk. Particular attantlau given to lletouthlug, Dooming end Stralghtfanlng Circular Own ; Alm revere of all Made. Plathing aid trilling done at reasntatile rake, WK. BARNHILL & CO., N Boma MASERS AND BURET LEO WORE EELS, Penn St., Noe. Rlt.E, 21 and Rd. Baring err enrol • large yard and iltroishcd it with the mart tat proreal machinery, we ars prepared to teannfacture every deecription of BOILERS, in the tern manner, and varrantwi eq./ to any made to the conntry. CIIISINEYS, BUICEEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ADITATOBB, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufactorer• of DABS HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done cm the short:et notice. &HSI LABS SUPERIOR COPPER d. SMELTING ROIMI3. Prnsunsaa. MeCUßrbli & CO., kl.ntactintra a 1 BIILATIIIBO , lIILAZIEBS AND DOLT COPPKII, PIIF,B9ED COPPED BOTTOM, HAIRED DULL BOTTOMS, bPALTER SOLDER. ♦lso, Importers .4 imaces TIS PLAIT., SPINET IRON, WIRE, Aa Constantly osi TIDNKIZS• MACIIINES AND TOOLS. Warobouse, Pio. 140 YIDS!' 1100 t3Eadm Pittsburgh, P. 4..141 orders a (tipper cut to any &erred Fet ters. criMlydarel USOBEISII3ON, BEA & CO., (suo- mown m Boausos, Moms ,1 WASIIINO TON, WOIIIIB, irOVIDGISJ d 2Loauurs, Pirtsbaret, SiouanDamn a , BOAT AND STATIONEBT STEAM EVOIYES, BLAST ESOINES. MILL mecaurgaT, GLARING, SBAITIFO, CAST- Mat, deActiptlo.; OIL TARES & STILLS BOILER AND MEET IRON WOGS. . 4.01 fin RITTAIIDiI I'ATEN'r INJECTOR TOR rrenrs'o BOILERS. -- .IIIE CONFESSIONS AND EX PERIENCE OP AB INVALID. pribilabed tor the benefits. as • waralag sod cannon to roams rasa who raf.•cr from Novo= Debility, Prematbre Docay off daabood, etc., rbtplyleg, at tho woe tiros, ao meow 41 ail car. By oae who has curet h lamb after befog pat to great ezpopso .d Wary tbromgh medical humbug .d gratchory. By eoclasiag a post-paid adOnased earalopo, eagle copies rosy be had of the Whirr, BATRAIMIL MAYFAIR, Bop— rir Bedford. Klux' ...tr. R. Y. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VLEW OF AtARDLAOS, containing nearly K 4 paint, and 1.9 floe Plates and Engravings of the anatomy of the Human Organ. to •state of Health and Die. owe, inth a Trod. on Early Errors. Its deplorable coosetptatome upon the Mad and Body, with the author's plan of treatmcnt—the only rattoual and stutorsafol mods of cumin:shown 10 the report at emcee treated. A truthful ads:ma to the married, uut Wise omtemplattreg marriage, oho entertain doubts of their phyalool cooditton. Bent fore o postage Wary address, on receipt of 2.3 nap, to Lean:Lys or prat& mummy, by addreseteg Dr. LA ,011011, 1in.71 Malden Lotto, Albany, H. Y. tohitantdaseT [ HEEVOUB - SUFFERERS OP B(MI 8E1LY.5....-4 reverend gentleman las. to been adored to hesith In • few dap, ►Oer an. deriving ell the camel routine and facials: eapea• the mode of treittmeat. without mow, coosldea It his mead flay to cmaratiolcate to We el/toted fellow inntitafeil the mous of cum Mace. OD the receipt of so eddressod entrele, he will eand,free, • copy of lb. ppm.ootptloa aced. Plact to br. Ann+ u. DAG ALL, lfid Walton etreet. N. Y. mhll avd•w7 EFLT. Ifireirtfe r. nnouux REITER & CO., Baccossort to Baiter, Hartasseidi Ob., msrodutarers of OAST STEEL OPILINO,PLOW AND BLIBTIOB ATM; 0PP.1.15105, AXLES, CIIOWBABA, Works, TWAT WARD, Alloghsay Ole), P.O. Address. PITIOI3I7OOH, P. O.IIANNVAIirEIMIOCHES, FOR the cat? of lioanonakftbmat Masses, aro eposially Soeommemded tiddlnlstats, Shams, and persons wrinedrocation calla than to speak la pato Ifa tfanutscarred only by O.A. BAIINV.Mhr A CO., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders ohm:ad be ad dressed. ffill•Sald by Dna:We atinwbera • 0. A. lIAR6YABT & 00 OOCIIRLBT at BRO., Man. ofacturtra of DION BAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DONS, WINDOW - BERM MB, WINDOW GUARDS; leo.. Nog 91 SECOND and SI ILEUM ET/WM bet. Wood ind Narked. Rare on band artillery now Patterns, [awry and en, imitable for all purposes. Particular attention paid to 'enclosbig Grain Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. and 0.151. HOLNEES &BONS., Damara II rOBEIGN I AND DOILDIRIO BILLS OP SELCIIINGE, OEBTIfIOATEB o➢= DEPOSIT. BABE ROTES AND !EMITS, No. 151 STEM, Pttlbargl, Sir Gallectlona made osi es palskofpal onto Drevathant the United Beata. 70711ELU3ES OF TEE ITED/VOlll3, BEHEYA.D, :tummy ANT MEWS trisTEKE--ari =La iamb; tresbaant—bl Reports oftbs Rovitd Assobbitfoa. .11ot by alai In sealed mks annaope, tire ot;cluiel Ammo R:r.trm_ Lttif JIOIIOIITON, girwittitamocittlost, No. 3 &nab Ylbstb ortnot.424bble tab; PYL. ' enbly HERBY :CO-' INS, FauwAlP MA= CalllMAlNlXlMlnirraila etaisas deelar , fs-Van4 =KIN 'BMWS rearally, No: WOOD,M, V. V. _ DATTESSON AMMON. . , COM Istems 'Lona 68 D (ULLUI am la rg uair" reirm Kowa "Im, SO. 'r:VD bThirkt, ,tutrter" , pa. WEL i.tIJPE 'OUR. WLICSI AND TROPHIES. "OLD CURIOSITY SHOP." Lbw . aid arid es-operation of the patriotic people of Weitorn Panturylvania .4 Eastern Oblo, L. here b7 ontoestral,, fa mating the above named depart ment of the arming Pittsburgh Sanitary Pair eq.:il ly:a credit and asuman.. Numerous relica.d trophleo of the present war, of the Ilexicen war, war of lil2, WI. and Ctrolatiounry ware, c MUMS Ms connected with the early &Attestant of oar region, or with events and men prominent in our bleory, eerie&• tie °revery description ttre toted MIA) 10 Tr Irate res. mpter.lee, and may, If brought together, render the "OLD CITIITOSITT SHOP". not the leset e: the at trerUorie of this lair. The comenitto. therefore set that all who ars willing to help along the good came, would .end In each astlcLw of the above de scription no this, may have, er can procure from others, or notify the committee where they ran be found. Article. donated will be disposed of no the doom may direct, or under the dimtion of the Executive Committee: But articles merely awed on exhibition, recelpted for by mty member of the committee, mill w met/oily prmernel and rammed. • letter ehouldeitcompeny each article giving iteortgin, history, etc—and tilt hr &mated, Pe trine. Clive Innytbing you can, and laud us the met. CM behalf of the Committee, JOB. B. MORRISOIi, Moir Ikea. H. Cartairn., Becretary. gekles either donated, or left for exhibition, ear be left with, of addreesed to either of the following members of the comm Moe W. D. 11'047 WAN, Fac'y Ex. nom., DO Water rt. Pittab's EON. JAS. YEECH, corner 4th and Gnat atreete. DR. JNO. DIOSPON, corner Pena and Rand streets. B. RIDDLE, Postadce, Allegheny: D. LEE? 811.11CLDO, Semitic . P. jar.Astra.i. Orncs, AUL. Plitahurgn, Id ay 1864. IN PIIRSITA_NCE of the 21st section of an Act relating to Allegheny homey, paaaed Kay Met, 1/Ail.l, DAVID Aid EN, Jr.; Transom of area county, nerclii giro notice Mat 1 will utane for the pllrposo of recntrin, tar-a In tho general Wards, Borough, Toremnipe and tiro Biota of mid county, at the place af hoktiog g nen' elections therein ne specthely, on the iorlewing day, from 10 o'clock A ro. until 3 &vent p. In., to Inn: Wed AthgLm y 11111abeto borough, dry, ickl-y borengh, F INdley to•Dah p, Elitrahern toorn.hip, PntMan t0w,,0 hip, ramitoirstablp, un TEIMISDAY; JON! 2p. Hamad Ward, Pdabrargh ; Second Ward, AI agh , West Ellaata,h humugh, El cg rosport 1r rune; Irlaraaall to•n.bip, liarr4.on too a •111 p, Moon 1.00 .141 p, Jadnrsou township, ON FBlDilr, JUNE to. first priiloct, Thini *hid, Pittsburgh; first prrii einicS4Tbiril ward, Ale i t. oily; Tatiouti.rti isiroush, bor .ugtt, Piss taiirriship, North rosette tositiAbip i Moretti ...ship, Pan . ON SATURDAY, JUNE 4sia. 8,4 n: prectuct, ihi d sriisi, Pittsburgh; Soc,ad pt oclUct Saud surd. Alirghenl, borough, Iluqueiue I , uron s h, Ile and.... tosruhhip. !bash% siitirnship, Soots rspitto Par• milks township. OD. MONDAY, JUNE Ora. Fourth ward, litt.burgh ; FiNt puctott, Fourth urat:ll, Allegh.o ; Bloncurst, borough, Luurruuee •lllo borough, liotuptun tcuttolhzp, W.. Do, t•wo• thip, Flobluocoa township. Putt., towarthlp, TULSDAY, JU h X DM. first product, fifth want Pittsburgh ; tiocond precinct, fourth wart, Aliegnsay; West Pittsbargh horoogh, Ilociongistris borough, Itichismi tans ship, busk, nownstip, Upi, St. ills.. uoncutrdi Pita tollltzbf UN WEDNESDAY, JUNI gm. gocood prtab.c.l.. Fifth gro:ril, Pittsburgh Sixth wa.rd, Pittaburgla Nouttz l'ittrburgb ; *lna pr.- duet, Ilirsologbam borough: !to.. to. eatlp, ()btu township, tbovrdeo tootually, Ltriirnship, O(TBQGAUAY. JO CPT.. • 64.araah war& Plttaburiza Eattlth ward. Pitts. Dumb; S-o.aal pnaauct, Bin:magi:am I..mti.all Eut .111rnaLugtuana bor.a/gh. Rw,calnl McClure Loartathir. D.idwriu tosanaarp, Scott tp.. uN YkIIMY, JCNir. lout • - , Ninth ward, Piitsbco Rh, nosorss lowa:at:lp, Char tisrs township, VlllOri townslip, Wlilies tawsablp, first pooch cc Pol.lse township, Collie. townsdip, Isower et. Gat/ towoslaip. ON tIeTURDAT, /ENE Ilya Second precinct, /hob... townsalv. PM Crescent township, Neville township, ub ►IONDra, /ENE Wm. Tax. tan ba paid at tba TrratarerhiOffics within three months from the oat* Rawl la tl. tornpais districts, &abject to SITE PER ERNT. Drsoottrr for prompt paparat w any peraon paying th.aa I. amotint of their tiptoe. rasa :obi . , ".LuisiN 1.1.t10g soCarkl ta. who sad .4=1%1, / ight La the Gollnd .iladra of Mortice and the Canadsa, JELALEL DItE,SING rtoratasE, Re tete vest tdeartre to anroanelog to the Drag exile and the pliblic g.norall7, that the aSare articl will t+ randy Mr distrlbutton end male In America, • attar the arrirwl of the Elmvacen Steam, qf rE Us reputation toap eontlnn•d and enjoyed by LUBIN'S Wall DILWINC‘ Parb, and moot of th• miles throogtomt /mom mad to.m to t. . luttictent rcartatee of It. worth but rhea the lost b kootrc that It vas, (or many years of bit tiro, bts eapecial ears, thoottbt, labor and embltlo to bring the "FLOttleliW. to Ito present otelnalled stenderd, Ito reed merit cannot VII to be pprectated by the pt bllq and mend tepee. tally by lb. . WOEIBIi or A.MILELICA I==! w. .lals. fOr It the mmt pothet [lair PT, palat too In the !World, for realoriog gray hair Is Its original or, inissonting U, turning grey sag falling on , 4 grtmrally to .emulate and •tringtb a lb growto, more (-apt ctolly • two tho hair, by 'tort• , line baccure Nterfonted o dlraeL Dot • •logl• srplut:on ..e>ewn le. fact th Luttt,s's ITAIII DILEBBING TLOBILISE Ike all of p. telobrand Perform, Ix onsurplomed d worthy of tho patrol:ago of all EEMMI h Wdlfl n to the Gm simile ofgestors Of cies ham , pan the label Of cacti box, the gennino wig of bear the ' , Coal V Arm° of tho origle.l 11 ell kvovr proprietor. Exitlrmo& the a:motion or your orde Ito holism of' Totrotabllity, o luldross dirort DRAKE a CIDILDS, 1111 Liberty street, Now Tett SILVER P SOAP. ORTMILPTON & 00., Mat Liberty Street. Bob PrrPrtswrii l and Risuntostarars for Western Ptiansilrazils, 01 io, Indians, Illinois and lelbsouri. M. minufactkrers of • on:76dpi. article of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, And TIM= TIYI.LZT,IABD FANCY SOAPS. 01 our srivzo PEARL SOAP, which .we cone• dentially recommit:ld ae better for general tide than any ol v beron, public, ettould be Lorne In mind boo neit Poteal Salt, Limiter Hada, or any other tabstan in its manufacture which can shrink or Wars t a dnerttlbrics. Flannel. and WOO/0611 Can be waahwi with the mpidtry of Cotton or Limn. CtotheCwwitted With the envra PRtRL SOAP Aoaot (squire boiling or half the rubbing, which of mune are the Wow and tear. , • • BLURB. PEARL SOAP uxuris arm.. 'Zirt. Tobacco Btalns, Ptintere Lak. ¬e smite word Dag. Water Stains Im snadiattly, ig ap lag It a mast Sponge, thus -protecting troloars, Carpets and fin:Winn from soda and eV. 11 imparts • brilliancy to Plate, Jewett', GlaserarS, Tatuarilt4 Palntlaga and Pat -Lcathit tounedlatt4 t and Ibr cleaning marble sod floor tile It has no Tor the Beth. •nd partle „,o7lLT , the 8/ELVER IRBIL 80.110 "• P aThco luxa in b ' , ma , all who barb trial il. Its anterior q acknowledge It tb• Eroded dlstorery of the as Vat Company. ask • teal Qom ill whb ar• In In Ming Boap, and In sway coeval refund th pri se of the sm. should It .fail to scant ash whai we claim DR It, If used chording to our alrectlans. - ecie as I'm , .... , rEff porno, In t 4 pound kwww,dall , • • to the can at boats, or In 4 , - _ag..wr, Itirrattig) •• and thy- "mamas, hue of • Igratthsats from *brat!' •Wf/Lrbi 101 l In it" ,01/0101T0114 00 • • 167, Mat, rtrawt,nAr.„ rite Peimehials 1.. . . . p.w w i t .p.. . . . irip_illrerir•otal Lpflaktow; fiantivoglai Vail" baling= • • • —aux= pzeakinnua. -•••mbrt ••euroll 17 X ••• .Coppright: 11. i 1:I .: • - .123,'made to °tiros-a - , ielir t 7 . - W.r.4048,1414: =MMI LXBUIR4-VCE IEIIE9 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE INSLIANCE COMPANY P.HI•I•ADELPHIA Learo, on Janory 1,16f4, 6 9 , 45 4 949 95. Capital E-100,Aecroed 000 Invested Promlouu...— VasePled Charm-- .. ..... S a ~ t 16 Income for 1864.....—.... Lou Paldaincr IM 5 00000J0 Perpetual and Temporary Polk. on Iltrera/ terms. DISUCTOL.P : Charles N. Banckoi, Isaac Les, Tobias Wilgorr, Edward 0. Mils, Samar' Grata, Ono. Vales, • lewd , H. Smith, Allred Fitter, Goo. W. Itictands, i Fro, W. Louis, M. D 011AIILES N. BANCEEII, President, EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice Prisfident. JAB. W. McAILISTER, Sec. Pro Tom. J G. COFFIN, Arent, mh'S corn, Wool and Third stirrers. pSUTLANcE, FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. PHILADELPHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company. old it relia rot edble thn cao be encored to the stove named sad compsnlee. W. P. ZONES, AGENT, Co'27:dly Ba,zate WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA ,v NY Or PITTSDULLGII, I. h.ll C,LSIL, Jr., Prenelenr. P. 111. GOTIDON, &mem, ,Offlce, Wntor street, Splng Or.'. Warr. house, op stairs, Plttaburgb. wal imam adaiad all hod Q/ Ftire gout Mara, Rid", A flew Ituthtutioe Inapachnl aLn are teal/ tooter in the eeannamay, and oho are de,. moral, by lat•ornpthess and tibaraddy. m mainada da• charnel, uhlc4 rho bans aumaned, aa gram,: the beet padeHian to Max mho desire to be Iniared. oraccrom : Andrea Ackley, Ale:and,•r Syncr, DeJvd N. Loot, RI , II J. Thamec Benj. P. Bakowoly Job:: A. iretto, It. Miller, Jr., Jame. bloAniey, firkthanlel Holmes. Ales. ISlna Grotto Dame, Campbell D. Herron, C. W. Hlrketson, my3o F. M. G , RTNIN, geore..ary. CtTILFIN'SINSUItANCE COM l'A SY OF PIITSBUL.OII. 00,bo, corner Mark. I and Water streets, second Mon.. WM. BAGIALET, Prestdwel. SAMUEL REA, Secretary. Intone Steamboat. end Gorgon.. Irmarna against loss nod &mango in the nevtgut!• of the Southern and Western Rlvora, Lake, • Pinyon., and the navigation of the Sou. II tee egainet hrs end latnege by be.. Wm. TlAgalry, Jam. Park, Jr.. R. O. Johnston, B. F. Jones, 17,,t0 Oven , Hon. T. M. Boss, Barrlsy Preston, George Bingham, pEophtis INSURANCE COMPANY S. M. K. Johu Sb tpton, J... M. S. liartAn gh, J. Caldwrll, Jr. ' John S. Pllvrortl, Wm. A. Rodgrn. deSAlyd Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sts. FIRS AND MARINE INSURANCE. Wm. Phillips, John Wan. Wm. B. Hozn., John E. Park, CD.IO B. Menai Wm. V.o Klrk. Junco D. Verner, Jahn L. liboed Namur.' P. Shrine.. (Xrro P Jame, O. liaxmark Lora, Charlre Arbankla. WSI• PHILLIPS, JOHN WATT, Floe /Ar T. aARDNZIEL, JAl4.ly_ ALLEGHENY INSURANCE (Vd- PANF OP PITTSBUEIIII. CHOce, No. 37 Fifth !moot. Bonk Block. I.luntros solo. Of'klnda of Tim .:111.ina htou. MIEGEOMIZ2ZI JUIIN D. DIVORD, V. Anwar,. D. EL BOOK, Berman, Go. WM. DUD, Ge.,-al Ape.. 1 , 111.1004: John D. tlceonl. B. i. Adam Jarotg, D. Sun-ling. Csrt Wm. Doan, B. L.EItG row. Cola. II Davis. Dace Jot., C. C. Harry, Hann Chad% Capt. Pa. C. Cray, John Irwin. Jr.. D. L. riahanatock 11.1JrK - S BANE,SECOND NA lONA (formerly IRON OM TIICIBT WhIPAN T.) 8300.000, with privilege w Pa- to $1,000.000 The IRON crry TIIDAT °OXIDANT haring or Jrantun ander the Natio.i Comeau Act, off.. its tartlet for the tratassetfoo of • 4en•ral Banking Bett..s. Drafts bought and .Id. Money molly . . on Dupont, and Collections made on all parts of the country, Jacob Printer Jata Hill. Lk,bt. Robinum -R. Bonghmaa, IV. M. CursnlT. O. F. Slimfar Wm. Cooper, G. E. WARNER, President. JSO. E. PATTERSON, Osshirc. faDAni THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OP PITTSBURGH TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Orncs rer oourreouza or run Cciaassc•, Washington City, Tob. 27, 1224. Wrautua, Lid satisfactory evidence present* to the endemism ,It b as neon made to appose that the TEIIIID NATIONAL BANK or rirrsucncii, It the Comely of Allegheny, Mud State of Feativil tnis, ha. boon duly orgaulsod wider and a... 114. o the vormfreteows of tr. Act or Dooms; entitled •ren Act to proties a National tmrrency, secured by pledge of bolted Stat. Suck., and to provld. for the circulation and redemption thereof, approved lebruary 25th, sea, and has complied with all the prwielow of said Act required to bo complied sr itb before commencing rho lawinces of. Bucking Nom, therefurp, I, thigh McCulloch, Orrimptroller of the Otineacy, do brrebycertify that the ruild TLIIRD NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBUNGII, Oottety of Allegheny end State of Pecestivania, In authorised to communes tee business of Banklortu. dor the act idomiald. In testimony Whereof witness my hand and mat also, this 27th day of February 1861. HUGH' o r IteCLILOCH, Comptroller tho Currency. TEE THIRD NATIONAL BANK Haring onantred undue tho Nothooal Comm Ant, oov rreparod to do . General Banking Business DEPOSITS ISECEIVED, Exchange GM the prtn• clpal cities of the Nast and Weal bought and told, and oollections made In every ecceaelblo part of the country. Onion for lb.preannt. (until complation of the Nair Banking Homo. turner of Focal arced and Virgin alley) to filo Banking Boom latoly oocapiod byte 02711.E88 BABB, N. W. cor. Wood St & Virgin alley. WWm. S. Elduatits, • A. Genie, ' A. B. 8011, Alez. Holstein, S. H. Hartman, Henry Gertrig, L Horgamitern, B. Goo. ADAM .3.EINEHAN, Preeltlon4 .180. D. LIVINGSTON, Cubler. mhos DOLLAR .:13AVINGS BANN, O. 65 Tom= &num 142p..TrItz . tt? IN IBM Open dolly from I) to 2 o'clock, also or, Wedneedey sad Saturday eventogs, from May let to November let, from 7 to 0 o'clock, mad from November lot to Nay let from 8; to 8 o'clock. Depcolte received of all Ml= not 1.1 than One Dollar, and a dividend of the peollts declared take a par, In Joao sod Dorember. Waren law been de dered wel.ennetally, In Jane and December, since the Dank was orgaUted. at Om rubs of six par !sent. t. If not drawn out, le placed to the anent of the depailtOrae principal, and bean the same in. tenet from the Bret dose of done end Dreerober, com pounding trios • year witbont troubling tie, oep ee d e tor to oell, or men to prteent bit pea, book. At this tnta moon will doublo to lea than twelve years. Books, containing the Caerter, By-Lave, Nuke and Regulation; tarnished gratis, on application at the open Putmrarr—OZOEClE MABBEZ. hem B. D. Medi, Wm. Denim, bun M. Permoek, ANIMA Ella", Job. B. Hcfraddm Jab 0. Hacker.. • • EL. O 7 ranch Jahn Harare% , Water P. HaremDr, Jahn Bo Hober O t bb, HenryL. Plakeral WU= Z. &brea, Alexander time% m Atexander bubo IMMO, -Wm. P. Hr iu4 obrktrior !, a. PHLiON. :mire Hanley, .Ibbn Stkoenbaranr, Jam= Hardman. Pea d .:edam, William J. A ndaraon, EL Pollock, M. C 411113 .11. m.. Jan CLi:110, fi e l f r i ac i k, Akan* . 4:::rr 4 kr, ' Wades Coltcn, John Jota,). OLUmaN Wall=fLlElairea. Petzr Mmter, wawa Alm D. Nall Aramaean- mbiblias A :WWII 11,--: 200 bblvCitt? Mats; j: • / 03 lb Golan ask. =lr. 200 20 Ittits PATE 222012 • nom mr7 tfo.ll Wood stad. PROPOS.ILS _ _ t OR FORAGE IMIZEMI tc v, i . .r Istrart,urrra's Of ICS, POO, lo.pot, Il,cerdber 8, fir.drd .1.1“ d by the noderrigne,l fdt rdrrplyntz s. Dopartroont, nt , Al,roostrio Fort Moor—, r placer, with CURN, OA FS usd STRAW. 14da will b." I - rt.:ll.N} for tl;wdi.livrry or 15,000 bcch dr corn or am, dud to o- or Lay or draw, end wards :—Blettert tt , •ti.o rttJ,,,tt twattod peltatt ;,, make vet lea, end the rstte at which 11.14k0 it" therms, the qvi,tn• Lay tterl, ,trte pret ,, ,ted the taut when taid tit ~,• .hell L • end ,then ft , c,,tpleettst. • . 711. pr.., word. On the bid. Corn 1.t.. pu: ci.Li gth , rt sacks,. I at...nt two ba3Lels each. 441,, na,te, f aL.ot three. : 1 4rn.:...1 a Ithant ex tra chary:. to t G.. 1 Tl., boy yad cunt/ Lu L. sect., ly • • The Liud or doe.criptti,o of curt, hay, or fano* propc...., to tft must e Leave. In the pr .. All the a/ .::oral too Lida heroin In vited wol U. to a rood Inepootion by the GoTortoarnt I ll ,ttt.d, Lotde bow& aoroptrd. Cootrar %I be ',soled frOM tiCRCIO time to the lowerrodproosiblo bidder, an the Inane* of the Gov ernturut :nay rniulrr, and payon•Ot 'frill be road. trhen th/. nbolo anon. robins , tett hr than hale boon dollo rod atol atooptod. The loader a,li tee Dquima to accompany hi. pro. p. 4.1 with a guaranty, edalfrel by two responeible persona, that zu cax is bid le accepted ho or they will, wlthie ton day, thin alter, execute the Contract for the 'ion., with 3 , .0.1 and euElchnt enroll., In • turn equal te She IMIOULIt of ten; coalface, to deliver the forage pmta.sed In conformity with the terms of title seltertmement, and In coo, the Fold bidder eboald fall to cuter 114[4, the contract, they to mike good the difference betwe. u ill, offer of mid bidder nod the nant haat.. rectounattffn ladder, or she person to a horn the contract may be awarded. The core nal tont y t.o. guarantor, must be shown by the kffartal r-rt of a U. h. Diftricl. Attorney, Goikector ut t uf cane, or any other otloor wader the United Stags Govor,..tuent, or nsponelble person t%onin to tfilc office. All bid,ra will be duly nodded tho steel Moat or ralecte n their prop,al. Ttto full name anti P. U. teldrees of aacti blddar 12/1/el he teal I.ly wri: ten la the proproal. Propo.o,ls Turn b achlra.,.l I. Srta - adter General D. li. It I. l'h alt, ei..ef Depot goarthrmae4r, Waaft lagoon, D. U., nod eLoold be marked "Props=l tale for Forave.- _31,500,000 _EI,MiS POO 8e4 , 13, inn Ei 433 , 11" of the Cot (Sect, vign,...l Loy L rato I, tout rer mad hi. gzar auto's, !In tn. retptrect of t!o siltcwcalul bidr*.or or npta, At 01,1,:: 00." MIMMiIIiMI F ' r•.F , L , - • I. r a hereby propose to furnish at. d doh ver to the hutted [maws, at the Quartermaster's Depot 'meat at , agreeably to the forme of your mivertleement, Insithag prnpneas for forage, dated Washington Depot, December 8, 1863, the fol lswing articles, Vi 7. : bosbele of Corn, in Ilackkst per bennel, of 68 pout& —bneholeo! tnna, in mono, at P.O bonnet, of 'X.! poonde. —tom of baled Hoy, M per ton. of 1,000 to. of Straw, at per ton, of 2,01%) pounds. Dry to commence,. or before the—day of and to be completed on or beton; the— day of and pledge myself to enter Into a writtan contract with the tnittod !Rates, with good sod approsed event - Ili., within the enamor ten day. after lean", matted that my bid has be. accepted. Tour obedient acretunt, Gad li,pLt - 4,Cart - irmltsun, Wrathlngton, D. U. FIANTT. Wo, the noderel4o.4l, rvaldentx c I ths county of ,sod bt.n.t.e.t isers.hy, Jointly and severally, cvstoant with the Coiled States, and mt. - note, in CABO the foregoing bid of within ten clays after the cep:since of sold bid, exe cute tha cox/tract for the Annie with good utd anfOcient ecretioss, It.. anra .jowl to the amount of the contract, to furnish the fnrage proposed to comfermity to the terms of arts - ertteemout dated I/comber 7, 18 , 41, under which the Ltd wea made, and, in case the mid shell fed to nt,4, into a cvn tract as sfrese.td, we mu, ant., to make good the diftexenee between the offer by the said - sod the next lowest riseponetide bidder, or the pet - eon to whom the contract may be woordod. itnem, J alrennvdur our hamte and tomb tilde —day of itt „ e l l.l / hereby t he that, to the beet of my knowraim end belief, the abtme named ommritore am good and endicient as mantles for the amount for which they offer to to eematity. To be notified b the United titatos District attor ney, Oollector of Mauna., or any other officer order the United States ()oven...mot, or responlble person known to this office. An propamb moeired ender Bele adrortimment will be opened and exaralnad et Mae offlce on WED NESDAY and SATrIIDAY of each week,. 12 m. Diadem atn reeporthally invited to be present at the opotong bids, if Dm, d.b . a. D. H. nuc4ta, tieltam Brie. 0.1. and Querterrimater. ORDNANCE OPFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, t Wasmaurtm, Ns, Let, 115.1.1 SEALED rIDiPOSALS will he received at this , unite until the Eld day of May, Juni, hit the delive•y, et the following Arisen&ls, CAVALUT ACCA:TliAllalini,Einted States Cavalry pattern, Y hereinafter rperifled. At the bre, or Arsenal,th,ooo sets. Al Ch. t. Locum ' 6,04:0 pets.. ==M=l At tte Abo,thetly Atertand, 10,0L4 tots Theme e,c, wren:tents ere to be made la etri , t con forcedy ertth the ergot ion pattern, widen can be eten et the al , eve named places. teat vet is to ma- Lt of one nahrt•bdt and pieta complete; one Car. blue-altng with swivel compote; one Sabre-knot ; be Cart , ine Cartridge boa , one Pt.tot Cartnagee x or Pouch ; one belt-Bolster It.d . AM) e 1.,. re , volvee, and one Cap-pooch watt cone plot. All of ',Mob are to b•• made of at. beet materials and worturataship. The Sabre belt, Sabre-tmt and Car bine-sling are to be of PUFF LEATBEIL BLACK. A.D, and the Certrldgt , bogs*. Pelt •Bolster and l ap pooch of Puna 064-TANNED LLATLiEII. It is to be dtstlect , 7 utdereto.d that tide Depart ment la to have tne prlvlL gr v e n.prnabog the ',net done under any contract it ma !award, In all stage. of Itm progrees, expeciall7 toexamine the ,tort be fore cutting. They are to be nddeet to the rural in eportlon at the Areenal where delivered baton being receirtd 1 , 7 the Government. None are to be accept ed or paid for but snub as are approved upon inept. glen. balker'. moat be made In lots of not Ica than ono tetattt tblOth) per wrok of the whelk nombot contract.] for: tbe drat 4.411,17 to ba made on the 20th day of Jan.. F.ltare to make defter to. at a gambled time will annex{ the contractor to a forfeiture of the number b. may Sall to dehrir at that Mos. Thu Accoutrementa 13.121 t be bused In the timid trimmer, the boom to be charged cost, to be deter mined by the leepector. Hidden will Men explicitly the fawned, or Arm nate, where they propose to aelleer, and the number of mta they propene to Ccllvor at tech place, if ler more thee one. bo bids rill ba considered from parties other thou regular manufacturers, and such •41 art avows to this Department to be rtlll7 competent to execute in their own sbops the work f, ropoted for. nhonald any party obtaining *contract offer Accontrcontras other than those made to his 0•11 aho p, , th-7 will be re p-etc CI, and the contract rendered nail and Told_ Bidden •111 clarions with torte bids the written Loos lodgments sf their swell. over their own .47 1=7:Lty otimining a contract will be obliged to enter into bond, mull approvvd sureties, for ita faith ful esocuties. Upon tto award being modo, optoessful bidd 1.11 be notified and Int - lashed with forms or cone, nd bonds. The Department csaerres the right to reject mu or oil bids, If not deernorl satisfactory. Prop:wale will be addressed to iiThigerdler General OICUttliE, D. RAMSAY, elder of Oronance, Wrob- Ington, D. ecduretsl .'Proposals for Oaralry do contremente." OE-OBOE D. RAMSAY, try 6,61 Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. -. ORDNANCE OFFICE, W. 611 DEPARTSInT, ll Wasnmostet. D. 0., May 6, lbGi. f Bids will-also be received Err these accontrementa to be made of the DE ST GRAINED LESTIIEB, Wawa or BUFF. OEO, D. RAMSAY. Deg. Geto., Chief of Ordn.no NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLY OF 821.111 NZ lIOSPITALL. DOTE.. or "nu POST or Provativrami, Custom Cloture, April 15, 1864. Notice Is hereby given that Betel "imprimis, ac cm:mount. d pe guarantee., accordhig to forms to bo L edNrule applicatiou at tide office, al Ibe received thereat, until 14 oic lock tocridnon, on the TIMM TUESDAY IN JUNE, next, fur the supply of the Marine Hospital, nom this oily, with the sr- Calm of provision, medicine, AA, enumerated to said forme, for one year, commonctrig an the first day of July next, and ending on the thirtieth day of Rum following. The goal:1011m stated are estimated with reference to the tumid number of patients In the Ilcepital ; but toe totted Stet.. retorom the right to take more or lees of cold artlclee,accordluglt es they may be sr tually required. Litho articles delivered at the home pital ere not, lu tho Judgment or the Physician. of the bent at beratsy i t ty , sad ad t a h j m s i a me h lo ho u p rictham heo i s le il r l articles In tio 1r Mad, and to charge the contractor with aw y once.. in Can over the omit:art prima. The Culled titmice reearves the right to accept the proposal. for the whale or any portion of the articles epcalled. 0. W. BATCHELOR, Stumm r and Agent of Marla. Hospital. apThlawdtd 113AAC3 UILS_Lia, 0 LrSZL,E.';'W S.A-W 2ZUL2L.S. Hoops constantly en Lund a large and thoram,gbg ffieseaned AU:Kt...of Blrk M O ING. BAT AND Bano name, W INDOW plufTE ertut LINTLES, strEt-enais, JOISTM, BPOUTIMG, PAL. ems, • Re Irll.l CU Emden (Cr wrap errurs win poniptnen and at fair Wm. M. B. P 112.131 canting LOBO TIMMY'S. or AP. LAB aro partlrciht7 lurked to nzamine has abet iltrOtlo• on OW: etroot, near Batumi. an2Glf er S. IQ-40 LOAN. Sulacriplloin GOVERNMENT 10-40 LOAM, Ilteetyed at the clam of IL&SNA, HART & ITood.tnet. aktatat JoMire. [Lk ZiN4, Agent. LYON haus'eniAL, num= Li AND MAMA to floe woe oaloof brand, at G=EITNIt HAVANA C 101.119, sod fal kinds of 11.111051103 AND. CEMOJING TOB pace° $711717, IrEEIIBOIIAI7II, WPM TUB S, ar,-, Jte.. .I . l . :west Pi rooIoty h IINDELI TLIS OILABLES . la—The e Epplita =Mora tents. MEALY pi L E- • , Twenty Years Standing, Bolo,' will be 1.1113 d a t0rt191:43 fro= ono or the cuot raspectabk tittrAce of tograTlilp to Dr. Keyeerb Lindsey'', Dfood Searcher Th. th,tor's certtLesw aro an 4 ace nmd In n 1,1 1 ,0 Ei4Pror.r.,/... Dr. Coo. 11. Seers, I bonnet. LEllcteil with piles shoat twenty years ego, and emery year they were growing wane, so as to trouble tea way much, ec much no at times es to nuet my for work_ Some II Hiram I was so bad that I could cide do anything op sseonct of thorn ; they mime oat on me as large as 0 hickory lent. / had tried e gloat' deal 'of medicine for them. I nerd to boy and leltd vhattsecr I could hear of or road of In circulara and porophirts that fell In my way, but I could noigskenrmi; eometimes they squid do me some goori for • little while, bet tafterwarde they would meson againos Day as ever. I also applied totwo Doetore, wharisltr.Sl me at my • horee and mare me warm modlOicei hut ft would not do, I could not yet well. Oret a pier ego I got an siwrtleement of your Llutisary illood ;caroller, made by yourself. Whoa you soli to me you told , me ono bottle would not curs tote, And that my whole ispoon would hare to en renewed by the medicine before I got soli I bought oho bola, and tools It hams w.th me , nod treed it orirordlng to yom diroc• thms. I then called to ace you in,elc, when you sand I could sat extent much benefit If is ins tattle. I bought it, one bottle at a time•until I boat used tec bottlee. After this ririsamity had been need, I am entirely well of the riles, whiCh bed tortured for twenty your,, 10 other reepecto any hsalth le proved, and I tom es well as 4.,,,a4 be expected ear one of my ego, toicg slaty yenta Fast. I hare been well rime for the. mouths, sad three le no appearance of • return of the disease. I can do any kind of farming wark DOW wlthont the Piles coming down and Muting me. I eau pltch - latr. Choy woad, ar do any kind of work which hurt , before toed to hu me. When I Petrol out your jibed Peareber / kept on taking It =Mil I gat entirely Well. I canelater It oey duty to make my case known to the mmetty for the benefit of others who may bo Irtifforing to I one, mad do not t001:1 , the vans of ions medicine. Yon may publish tlids if you las, I Urn in Wilkins township, and will be phased toemery any une c the truth of the. PertiikOte if tiny earth to cell en ZLI.IOTT DAVIS. December - Am, S. • •T Look out for the oar. of Cattrllol: KEYSER, on the oover of the bottle end footed over the ; eke for Ids stamp oo the United Stake stamp on the top of the hottle,.to prevent teeing Im posed upon try e oporions *Mick. vrhlch I. In the market. rfir' Sold by the Prdprietor, No. 141 Wood Street, and by EititoN 30EINti7MC corner Fourth and Smithfield street!. toh7 HERNLA OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture mired. Hernia or Rupture eared Hernia or Rupture cdred. Hernia or Rupture cured . Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Heinis cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Tram Pitch's Supporter Trim. Belf4dj tufting Trust • Pile Drops, for the support and cure of Piles. Elastic Stockings, tot weak and car icose veins. Elastic Kass Caps, tor wonk knee joints. • Ankle Sulportera, fa . r weak kneo joints. Suspensory Bandages. Self-Injecting and overy *other kind 0 Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringe€ 4 Dr. Banning's Lace Or Body Brace for tho onro of Prolapens :Uteri, Pilca Abdominal and Spinal Weakneoaoa Dr. S. 8. Pitch's Sil4er Plat. Supporter. Errszu will give his personal at tention to the application or,Trusses in adults and children, and be is satisfied that, with anrerience•of twenty years, ho will be m Ned to give satisfaction. car Office at hie Drug Store, No 140 Woon STEM, sign of tho Gidchm Mortar. Persons writing for Trueses should send the number of inches around the body immediately aver the rupture. lab?. CATARRH I DR. B. GOODLLB'D CATARRH REMEDY It ponetratsa to the very teat of thle terrible db. ems, and exterminates it, root and branch, *mover. Dr. GOODALrats the first and only person who ever told the world what Catarrh .really iirsa—where it commenced—and what would tors it. Dr. GOODALE has epent artifrtize to battling with this fell Came, exploring Its ecrel and taxiing known to tie world gbh . tact that Der tank which bas, for years, &tied the skill and re tura al medical am and anthnre:la ttle country and to Europe, can now be condi ; virh : the MILD atdforra certainty that morning" follow, night. Monsen& who bare tried every Itnenan care to vale, nave been permanently cured by Dr. GOODALF.II DillatßE REMEDY, and now - praise It In the met extravagant terms of peaks. WI at our neareet agency, or acild a stamp Ice pamphlet. Devised and prepared by 11.: . (30r./DALE, M. D., New York. ELLEGJECIIT CETI, N 0.140 WOOD 61T.07, Pitt bural NORTON'S OINTMENT, Ton BALT BITS= Basorme, - : paria.atly now Tatter, Badd ;acid, llingsarma, sod all Itching and Burning Boma land riaptlans of 'hernia: - TaVidfratfneat panatiniaa to the balia of lb* to Its iary py ~d eon 11 'trout ilta - Beth beneath tollaa 01dB on the tagano thrxwattiff49lsA a rtlindlteami:errard; and mu paiitalsoutt Bllsslirelilitnightto pores; tha Was oftlii dlaea,aariimpaled ant,: can: .eki#kurcg4ivait,ll6 reciir O.; 611 4441m4 Y. DR, Mina iswaclienes, .ffltzr).raitz. C U 11ED! NORTON t 09., 94a1e Aimst.s, ern Droi4ll4y. Saw icrt. DR. GEO. H. XEYBER Sor;s. Amen V '.;',..P ...1.,i..n%7;.-',---c-.,,,-:..:4,;:':,:-,.-..--:•-,..,'.:. i.T.;.-: ',:'.''':::.7:.'..'i.. adIIZROJIDS. ..- . IGEN NSYLV AMA . L. (7.I"TZIdL 8.. IL— WINTER Atilt A lir SI f :rt.—NINE DA 11.1renuatiti .. claletant addittdca cum Wing made t 0 tha optp• 4,, m , o , ~! chin na.llent double track Nl= rant', and t., reatthlo cam wlll be et chncencihrt a paas.m + and rapid tnoveatant cf freight. Traits will lcavo to Dcpvt In: flttchargh an h.:lklaa : The l'i-TROMIEI MX 3 O.II2IODAMON T/1.6.1H te,rea the Yramoger Statket dally , (akoept Sundayj at 0.7, a. ox., atoiping K &11 Statioas between Pitta. brrgb a,l l'b.llcd.rtrbllk and soaking Crated con.. tiou 2.4, York and 'Philadelphia, TO. 111COVG13. MAIL TR.d.U. tie Pas. ranger titatkna *Tory atkoTategreßanday) tl `£a la., ate:Ting only at print ittatknota atti making direst coo:Lao:lc= atbrtra for Balta. do sore .3 Woalaington, and for New York via Phila. The T. 1.18017011 IMPS.S.a MATH Kra =a 4l l 4:2.S p.ro.,atopp.ingoolyal prbalpal katkuta, dlresounection a: Lierrisbarg for Itiltinoars, Wash ington and Phitrklybly ttrsr, loaves the Station daffy (accept f.i.dny) at 815 tin_, dapping only atanolpal eta. Vona, connecting at Harrisburg In 1... pm and Weahlogt., and for brow Yank vi % Allent t oto rant% withortc`o.ar,, of care; [OZ., at Philadolsll Alt No. York. AGOOMMODATION Tbe Johnstown a.cocnarmatar-on Train ra,t Smlday) at 340 p. *Wallin* at all Milo.. and tuning Vint Arammodad. Train for WON Station learn dsay foment Enoday) at &Xi a. ra.- Samrl ammannalallon Train for WaU'a Stamm Ir.. daily Ciampi Sund a y)) at 11A0 /24 Thud amommadadon Train for WWI Efailpa Aims daily (ameni Sunday) at Train p. m. ' • Fourth Aron:in:Mail= Train for Wah's :Nerve dolly (hcept Sunday) at alte p. N. Tbo Church Tram imam.; Wall'a Station nary Elr. - dry as at% a. ; returning, Isom Pir.abargh q 2,0 p. . . Ileturn Mx Tr.Ma mire b PittibUrgtvas folios a: EA:MI:tor. P. V. Poet Through Mott LS*. m. .101.111,11 Itscremotlatlm... a. m. I iret Wall'. 2: t ine .11.5 a. ea. Stend Wall's etatlon Acco=c4selca.--. 8,45 te. Third Wall'. sl.4[l.3llAccommalatian-.... p. SQ. Four Wall'. Station dcrommodatMa.-. MOS Balilr.tora Excite=t vral.zlva .'LA ptda Monday.. Tratr.. f,r Dia lmtrille ord Ir-dtan3mmlMlt at Blain. tur.r9n-tioll Throtes dcomincuidwab J•Jartmotra Arra...ref:Alm sad Ebben Vein rut, ...a .1-`157131 1 ,31.1.1013.71.11101.7 . 110.0111. 1,.....ad0tt \Vert. ; alun far tenant at (Irman‘saLth eat•l Mad lnitn Kent, and I.'lol Ttcrotgh acco...m.intiva cvl Esr,ttra 14111 a. Elia. • • , l'o Tott 80iTo 1ta11100tra......-$l3 00 To 10 301 To Lancaster- 888 To Nwolaburg..—.. 7 C. 7 To .. 880 Ilaggooto otmewal to all Wilma on the Porlaytes nia tton Oat and to Philadelphia. Baltimore =8 Now York. Pecneugers pitrclualog ticket In the can grill be charged WI excess, according to thedistaoce trended, to addition to the !station rates, except from etatlona where the Cemixuay has no agent. NOTICE.—in cuso et loss, the Company will hold Ltimoselves reeyanalble kr penernel baggage only, uld tlcr en amennt not exwection.lloo. N. L.—An Omnibus Lane has bran •inn Ployed to osovoy peasengere andbaßcem, to and from Do pot, et clear,„, Pe: enceed mote, tor each pas eons, end ha€,sa„--, Yor tickets apply to I. aITWA.RT, Agent At the Pennsylronie Central Railroad. Printenger Station. 00 Liter:, and (3 , 413 t streets. Jet ~IIIPPL.re: CHEAP PA.SSAG E FROM M Ati t •• OLD COUNTRY:I LOWER JUAN THE LOWEST. Tho undo:sassed le cow prepared to big out pos. ElgOT. by First Class nortal Nall Statues. ere, direct to New York, or Plttabertb from Liverpool, queenston, Londonderry, • Glasgow, Galway, Lower Than Any Other Agent Hem Call end get the rave and be consiticed. Oat steamers sail talren amok, end.pssfengers an Mind In Ai vrythirg. mdersigned la also Agent tor, TAPSCOTTS LINE of favorite Llierpool rackets, calling trlco a rear, and for Otto X Lino of LONDON PACKETS, Parties brought out by this lire at low rate. &IGLU DILAFTO on soy part of hairopo for cola Apply to D. O'NEILL , I!:llrprdefr Geist. No. TO Filth Street and from 43 to 10 p. m. of G Enalthfeld stris•t, Pitts burgh. ' • apl9 STEAM WEEKLY TO LIV-Ah EIIPOOL, tottching a 4 clmarrowa,, {COax Heim.) The alcD-ktu,art, atostaals of the srerpool, Bear York wad rhfhalalplxis ,P hlp Oompany arm hatentlod as IbiioW/: CITY OF LlANanol.bat.....—Batardni, May Srl. CITY OF LONDON. .....Exharday May 28 And carry' eriocoodhar Etothreta - y, at moor, froth 44, North Hivor. . Ftmabie to Gold. or potor.leas Gomord, ram ._550 Cloessosow —MO CO do to Louden— IS on do to Loodon 54 00 •do to Parts...— 9.5 00 do to Porta —4O 50 do to Elemborta COI do to Eforabs 47 CO Pszoemmea ram forrmedod to norm Bremen, Sot tordene, Antwerp, at equally low rani. Tama from LlTerp?ol or Qum:olmm; lst 0a1212, 475, IS4, 5105. 6teers,,,, $36. now" wisp Isiah to send for Melt frlst.da ccc Gary tie:sots here at tome rates. Tor rater Ink... U. aRpl7 . the Coapany's '''', 01 , ,, 7012111 O. DALE, Agent. 15 Droldway l,..., Now ?oft /0113 TROUP: 4 O. El, .6.n. itrso. fort 3--.. a frcm the7irdes. 1.:21:.:.: , Pntebtark. CUNARD TAKE.--St froz j a LIVTIIPOOL can QIINZIIBTOW.ht C ..13 vkl or IN ectitalOUt tt cturauty. !nns , toES, Vz6 clarga7 TTAMAII LLTZICULZI, 4vut, FAMILY DYE COLORS. P)!all. 0 OCTOUIIR MIIII2. For Dj loaf, Shawls, Scarfs, —, nn6 . ts, Bate Feathers, Ki —ors d Glaret, ChUdren't 'Clatldng, •na kinds of Wearing Apparel. , •a'A BAVISiII OF BD PER OXIST. , IIPI Tor £5 cents you eau color aa many good& as would otberwleo and nye times that ann. Varian. *bade,' can be p4Ancediront the name dye. - ne.pr.ocem le simple, apt! in, roe as the dye perfect 4110.22. tarretiordin Ectglialr,Trenchaml German, inside of each package. _ For farther Information to Wan. . and idyl • per knowledge whatoolots ate beat adaptbd to dye over others, with many valuable rocipee,):parchaer, Howe & Stevens' Trestiso Dyelng and Ontoring. Sont by mall on reoolpt of prlee—lerewom.. Idanntacturad by BOWE& ETEVEBEI, 2PO Broadway, poem Tar sale by &testate sad dealers generally. noiLGm • „ .COSTAR,S" RAT, ROACIT, EXTER - MriS'ATC4IB. Ms years established Ia Yl. buy." "Only Infallible remediesl,4mm." "Free from Pelson." "Not dangerous to rho human Family." "Sate come out of thetr Potts to die." • gold by all Druggists ererisrhim Detrain! of all isorthless Iniftatfous. "Oma-r Dersat, No. 4MP:roadway. N. Y.. LlPtiold by B. d. TALINESTOOKS, SON it CO and It. It. BELLEII.9 & CO.. Wholesale and Baudi -Agent; Pittsburgh, Ps.; fiILN - BY P.•1301.1WL812, Wholesale and Retell A gent: Allegheny 1:nly eut . .l3:Sm t_ • BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! li'aw wad secor.d-lazadt seamless, Burlap it Gunny Bags, FLOttl AND Eil4T BAGS, AB lotttol =to Order. b 7. JSITI.i T. E14.1 4 iy it. can t.2731a No. uSwelth YrOut .4.;.:PhI7ollotoltio. RAGS ! BAGS! BAGS ! . • E,lOO &emit", two builial Dap; 2.W0 ludtat:ou do P 10,000 Oats Su.ke' 1 • J 0,0(9 four busbellrewryi Glom Bop 2,000 Ex& Bags; . ' • 1,000 accomi hand Brumley, Bap; 1,6011 I ' Gurany Sacks.• • Wo too constantly recdolui; Jury Asol seson4l4und and Gunotoa. - Tbe • UITC/MGCS, 4INJEFXR7 A 4 3 3 4 ,P 121.1(vond street McINTYRE, 111(INAUGJEUER* CO. Stone and .Briek Pirteis. An ore,'" for CriTBSTOIiErPAT/Na.L63la) lI A CI=oIAVI iu orVin•orrolortifim7 r „, aa- Ice ucernratieu,,tatotourA,aurctel - ICIOTATOZB-L25 bbls. Reds - and Panels mass to Me I*. KIM r. 111:03E 4 :74 aryl* . • ' • In jagrtz - . ' . t 1 . . Darts Gans, /1.04 t Gra., 11."ta, Mous, Pul3, Purple, Bova Ems.. Fmk; Stats, &Vedas. nolet, YeUm.
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