► 111 u Tilt _ Strzette. ViIUaI.KOSISINGI=.AII46 29, 1864. OLT! .IND:: SUBURBAN: SCHEDULE OF ADVERTISiNG RATES. siarnisa lEN ice. Two &ark-- our rite Ilona- Two ake 12 110 1 40 110 2 60 190 1130 1 (0 0 900 1 03i 169 T tO 913 111(0 II 86 5 , I It 00 21 In 1 TO It 20 9 70 Tram, vnelts Ono month, Two awnt.tt..— .7hree =oaths. 61011a111... Ahts E"►DVEItTtBIDtIi 08.4.110 Tar•ir. Aolarliitd tottm Lli larger atitet ehoossobto one tim ooso.loso ?miner of , atiltatata tomot prop• tl3 tstate2 110.4110 ms Dar. grettja week ' week. M 3 3 /$ 4 701 3CO 11 45 A AO 1 4 0 , 2$ 30 76 10 10 43 CO 44 50 14 03 1 One morith--. 5 935 tbresiziocrths.....—. 115• Elz moatbs--..—. a clo Ote• ',sr.:— -- 40 CO -- - - nit =sloes doubts elm stage rates. Mitts aotles% •>clk Insertba—.....--. 60 cents Marriage 76 " Steamboat advestaamou, trtp.—..s3 60. • Sasentore Adatbilsteatoes . Imams— 276 PRINTER WANTED. A good neorypaper composittu. is waisted at this ollico. We pip 40 cants par 1,000 eme. Applytion tOfilloreman Ciossits, Pittsburgh." Pittsburg :Sanitary Par. We are rejbluad to find eh. 'following good Word, In We dnesday ' s Chicago lace The citLvets of Chicago will respond heart ily to the appeal which comes up • from -the Pittsburg Sanitary Fair. TWA festival, in aid of brsvesoldiers, will open in that city abont. the third week In May:, When the Chlearifianitary Fair wee held in this city' in October lost, the public, splritedmannfacdu-. rers of that oily came forward and contribu :. ted,mauiltcently. This occasion will give the -ellisens of Chicago an opportunity to repay -:the obligetions then Incurred. Ten thousand dollars was the valuer of their contributions. stleint an equal amount In money and goods be cent book to them. In this connection It is proper to refer to the claim of the St. Louis Sanitary Fair for contributions from our citizens. The clerks of Chicago have been asked to contribute liber ally, and a movement is on foot to Induce a satisfactory response. The only contribution from tba entirelltata of Missouri for our Fair was a single pie arraims. It would be • fitting rebuke to the Jealousy exhibited by our St. Louis neighbors, then, to send a pin cushion in return. Some of the ladies who‘were instrumental In getting up the Chicago Fair are bestirring themselves in Ude matter, end the: is alma -dant prospeatthat Chicago will be well rep - resented at Pittsburgh. A meeting of ladies :.'will be beldthis afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the Tering Men's Christian Association Rooms, Methodist Church Block, to which all the ladies who ware friendly to the North.. westantfianitary Fair are Invited to be pre seat - ' The. Pennsylvania Oillitia—lmproba bility of their being Called law Ser It is not probable that there will be a call made on Gay. Curtin for the militia of this State,al the preterit time. We understand, Iteirever, that the militia of the Western States were tendered and accepted by the President, to protect Cincinnati, Cairo, Padu cab, Columbus, and the imposed point/ on the Mississippi TiTer. The militia of New York are to garrison the fortifications in Now York harbot,'and the New England tallith, are to perfornithe same service in the fortifications in Boston harbor. and aletig the eastern omit. Governor Curtin tender:4 militia before the battle of . Chancellormille togarrison the for. Unmakes atoned Wasthgton city, and be hai aver. shies been in:readiness to furnish troops when needed by the national &cohort ties. If the militia were taken from the State now, to be of setrine to the Government, ft winild . be neeitsirY'foi such forces to go to Virginia; and thepointithereerri too impor tant and too much exposed to be garrisoned by. green troops; and in cam of invasion. the military force of Ati State worn be thus a:- -hauled, and one border left sit the mercy of the invader: We are happy to hairs it ln.our power to annatume that the most Cordial and reeiranesil feeling seats between the national sad. State anthorities, ; aad that in any mar, gettoy which may mar, the:aft a perfeot un derstanding to control and give forte to their combined actloa. Herr&bW9 Telegraph. Bow on Filth Street. Lest evening, a - number of young mon, dates influence of liquor, entered the tavern, of Mr. Diontel Vlerheller, tear the corner of Grant and Minh streets, and asked for some liquor, which woo refused' them, when they. .`muussenced an onslaught upon the occupants 11th UMW:4 but fruiliately no one sou bjand. _They than . left the boon, whin the pollee *an sent for, and upon chair arrival, two of the parties were taken fate naiad,. A tune wu attempted by some of the rlot pra daring the melee which enned; lltr.".Lortuitr, a coact officer, was ' Area on =the head with a stone and merely 2,118 eattakento Dr. McCook's *Mee, and -la dreamed, after which be was - taken - to Hareallotal, where he boards. His irestad,..altbOugh severe, is not Unaltered dangerous.- Carnal boy,.ia son of Mr. Vier heltart tru.sittied byqe hair by one of the moundrels and'-thrown thrown Tito the 'Wet.. Toe parties :United were-taken to the Mayor's *dos sad locket op. It le to be hoped that %Withers engaged In flat olitrageiitl be de tected 'and.reeetea the purifshment they so richly deserti: ,TII6-11ollidaysbire Whig. • Oar atteatioa hoe teen tallied to an article In the lut Itlther,tif theliollldsyibnrg W 1.9, In which something is cold about the Pitts burgh 6itruitts having inteiferod with the in , - Waal arreaptatale of that office.; Personally 'lre de acetate air Ost about lhe W6iy4 elan - der, for ettoll it U, manufsettmed oneof the Whole elptit, but is butstient persons other than ~...oirselm are unkistly milled by Joel Store - flan; we 'take - the liberty . to dere:ranee his 'velum of dreary dribble, so Oa as it erects thU ace or any of its employee, or theist" foreman of the 'Mist, as an unmitigated, un - prosoked , calumny. Ms foreman, tired of the bawl work and lowwsges of the Whiz applied to this for a situation and we game it to tie teakeirjast surto' the Wises that he Std in the office. And if Mr. Biome': • ,ails hae any mere forittelti in hie employ who are competent workmen sad desirous of ms -31,121.0 will give thea situations "- if they apply for than: "CIAZIS CaLo4l4nlllol` MVP Lieut. Illlinip 0. 01 1 14 h /gaol the =Via antig, - :will,' deliver:. • lecture on the abets aided ibis evening, in Memel* Hall, far din bud t the Bacitup Commluion. Matt. Childs iraa in the..ipt Ball Hun and other battleh and so ha lea pleasant speaker . rea's Anse real atteit who heard hie campaign ..spiteeltss latt.faii =re hive to doubt. that he will mike the abject 'per, Interesting. Bet isdapetdant of Mr. ghilde popularity as, speahoir; the - object 'attraat a large . , Landskr.. , -Yeitarday James Compile; pro. poieum of Cm gavots', Hotel, thi audio Ailegbani, missed pockeJbook, andidolaiii4d, and was lid _to maspeot that Blom Barnis, i y r ouin min employed as; ost• Vai vu didflt• atmeared tem* gaga! Masada pesuadar'idtanoone and sada ln• hnutlo 'phut Duals, pliareat him * ll h Ski tobbei* Bards 'We ems cad 'and Com mitted toyed- 'ln 'dolma of ball toi a filthei bsarLag osjEleitudsy mornlos at ten o'clock. Lt Auwazarr.- 4 / 6 would raradamozid all pargoas residing Su A4111%4114 to call at 'tha gars ad J. B. Milliken whoa standing In wood of drist, porlaatio. or ailythlog la &a drag WA; as hasfiaL inea)itook frocourhloh to - sake saloodoito as any bouts la the city. Mr. Mal= • vim. accommodating icons. - as k and Imp guarstitaii that ho will give en-, Alm gialthotton at Um's. F.• Mutrisvq.of htottitoun, s econ d Ailiatant _Battu% 11.- 13. ft., , who has bleu dutpshflotahurits for moms thsie put, bat . beta cram& to:8t: 'Louts, Noscooped:l..: .to the onstmotlon of soadiZny and out . eiliff o 4 0 - 320 " Su,b° st ! 1 44 1 04 dui . . Barrarzon or Ints r ht Uttaiiith.goodrinans; Of Crawford eon- success of tabling/ tut night bra In awl tyie io ttse a bile wifielilisais leaving the - manitiprment to • Orals a repetition on ate bid: and 'Ward: and olorcahi. WfdlOojip Batavia, mains nat.! Seroril pew and _a li bi Nide,li ti.. sixteenth time she hea beautiful , tame trIU be, Introduced , Bata tees Ladbisame may. *saw rout may be wend et - lielloree, a rood street, **Oat Bensdiot.s, .this orallig, et 9 o 'clock. ova slaw TOME LETTER. ...—..".aftta Pittitiaritt Gazette. • - • NIIV Yoli c ApzU 27 . . The beet otitis week le the crash in thi batter 'pellet:ion. Those gentionion Who went to Washington Market end bought imny ounce of butter they could lay their hine- Ads on, and who detailed agents to stand ab the railroad depots and iteatraint landings LlPortassellt•Wcmin, g butter at anything un der forty.fiva tenth haveheen :suety bitten. Thu may belies there is note greet deal of sympathy offered hithair behalf. The quality olr butter that sold five, days ego for sixty tents noweells at thirty, and the price still tends downward. I:ltheriproltsionshave been affected by this sudden downfall. Most of the down-town restaurants, which pomp prices on actootmtof the scarcity of but. ter, banscome to their old rates again. The wffee and cake salons, which are patroni zed almost excleurively by printers, editors re partee, patrolmen, and other donbtful char acteraleho are foroed to tarn nightinto day for a living, inaugurated both these movements, and their prices are now twenty-five percent. less than a day or two • ago. The other res taurants will follow Soon. We ace *indebted to the merchants of the Corn Exchange for these gocid results, all brought about by their persistent determination to destroy Oakum speculation. For the Bat time provisions have declined while phi advanced. This shows what might bi done with gold were efforts. made in the right direction by the right men. But even for whim has been done, prayers bare gone up from the heart of many a widow s . and poor laborer on behalf of the noble men of the Corn Exchange. Much fog has prevailed to-day—the first of the spring. This Ku renderedforry.boattnivel precarious, and our Jersey neighbors have gene to supper "belated." There are three fenbi to4ersey City anti three to Hobokeu and there has also existed a sort of rivalry among the pilots, who do not scruple to run, one another down. This fog hen afforded them a - fine chance to gratify their desire for punching, and the larger boats go tearing along through the mist to the alarm of the pusengere, and to the dellanoe of their small er; neighbors. To so great WI extel:Oad this despicable piece of bugness; gene, that the inporintendents of the diffirent finvias k in view ot the numbetkos =idiots, and at the tirgent demand of the traveling public), re• coney met in assembly, and igreed - to discou rage this rivalry, but the'. feeling intended even -here, and their action was not , very harmo nious. In the narrow East river, which Is pact' e rr ore crowded end where there are many more ise collisions are very rare. Legis lative waistlines ought to be eallatinto abate this farry.boat trete' , between Jersey City and Hoboken, which Is dangerous enough at any time, and never more so than during a dense fog. Boas (who mu not elected Mayor last winter) is entitled to the hearty thanks of the people of Manhattan Island for his systematic) toothed of making the streets Moan, and keep. ing them so. Before the inauguration of our pr, sent commissioner, the condition of oar streets was a standing reproach to the city. Foreigner ' ander= gentlemen from our own pities, on wiring here, Instinctively ex pressed their first thought: " What a filthy town." But things are bravely 'altered. Boole keepainera constantly at work instead of having the labor performed , Irregularly as heretrifors. The sweeping,maellnes at night ylsitniher abreeta than Broadway now, and in the ettornieg the town: resembles a New England village, so far as oleanliness goes. The Congressional Invettlgating Commit tee, which his been in session on Cestom Howe matters, in this city, fore month or two, has concluded its labors, and returned to Washington. Though the members sat in secret, It bee leaked out that uric= charges will soon be preferred against certain officials), high in authority. Fort Lafayette gapes. • The first gun from the rural distriota has been fired, and has told no in thunder tones that New York wee not the "State that is to slaughter Mr. Line% in the Convention," which our Druneeratio friends pallet hi &leg log. At the County Convention in Suffolk, (Lang , Island) held recently, delegates were appointed and a resolution requesting the de legation to support for delegates to Baltimore , those favorable to there-nomination of Presi dent Lincoln was adopted unanimously. The Frecreusn'e Journal, whose editor was arrested &retards early pert of the war far dilloyalty, has some out for. Fremont. Many other Democrats are advocating his cause here, and, in feet,: the strength of the oejp ral seems almost welasively to lie In such disreputable quarters. W. I•4rix.qr 85 45 146 85 SI 00 1 10 1 5131 , 1 55 575 800 4 65 986 trIT 4.0 ;900 1 615 10 701 800 Pete Rotuma. • LtaMID 07 781 •11101.1217. II yon listen while tens, story iv rents. It m. 7 to Umtata or wonh to tbsso toritood to rpm far all araonerlrallaro's MIL, in rallegbeare vale WherelliEl Creek 'previa her gresap tide to ripple EBMIIMEIME MEMEMIE= a torn— 'nen nun bath cons to rue al Watt In doubt, debt and de►pale. Asi rims to no morning light an anted million. Then came a sua =an tha nst, attneisd then by gal; Wed enh that sore anus called oa Knee the brae, be lb known that Peter Old, the Herten, never pU ammo soak. horde to Ilan golly grom.). rm., Pete Rolm= by mum Ex whit I tear to toll, • gut moo squire Yard arcool oR land to Mok . coal MM!!!MIEME vu nest, pumping mar was es bin britoi • drp weir on We With such aartannd/ngs talr and bright (ennead do rearward caw, Bat Pear now looms &Wigging ba begun. Ids land, ba &glad adyna:a:bald/ night, ha bored and drilled all day, Tbrangb kona,throngb graved tacksad iand,through granites coal and clay. Tar tarty days and forty atibtalce looked to Ora all mesa, And bad intlimar as many frightlat what be tho't His amino puffed. the derrick creaked, the augur nazi pluok, plunk; And with each sit repeated arab. the wen it doors. musk And <Dan, ; mho piled to. task, be thonght upon the nut would eswardhla nohow toil and pay him for his p Ile taw -3 al orodorty m. on Da plank," and footed up tits Mil Tor snanolema fez with mart& bah on Droadstrest or Dosb Hill. .-" - Whilst thus in Jena such merles Pat, ma ho'd on hem him, Ito board a sting., oyster/bus sound coma rushing from Malmo; Then tubed ho u I p and shouted " 011 l Oh, listen bow bums I" • Is danced, la yelled, and slanted "Oil I" 'Tic oil 1 It coma, it soma 1" Ent hold, high boom ham Lira before. (thoy'm sometimes fall's Pohlad), Aud caused • twos to lea his Ilk his money, soul, and mind Oh, Peter I if you had but applied when you at AM boson, If not • wiser, batter one, you'd been • tier men. No oil Comm spouting from the depth, bat to Ito place , and Mad Thorewas an awful oaring Laboosalls and overhead; Down wont the anger and the you, and down tla on. alms flow; Tho one mums yard of coal oil land, and down wont Peer too. Thus rearythiug was swallowed up with nob a crash and rose la norm- has boon hoard of Wore, and ne'er had been beroze. And when do wing in had mond It All no sign or The earth closed up as closed the as o'er Pharaoh andbla boa. hiss saga since ham sought the opt aid bald their chino In thought, And thus they moon on Pe chaneo that with poor rotor wrought, Slat Pottrr—(by wh at greet ill It manors not a In as on a mounts struck, and that it—eseisi Mot la Tip Max Vivants. Iduonio Han was crowded to parfait leo cation hist night by one of the most Lashio:9i: blo and brilliant audleMses,pabspe, that ever assembled in Pittsburgh, to witness the exhi bition of tableaux oilman, niastrative of some of the most important events in modern his -tory. It Is well known - Wear citizens that the most extensive ptspisitiotts have been in progress for the last two months in order to give effect to the, exhibithin; and it was really • grand utopias. lanes were condo, tiessto, twineely, plebian, al histerleal, fantastical, face dots, symbollo, hymenbd, and, intensely Interesting. -_The personeters were gorgeous ly and appropriately oaparhonaL Th e pars pheruslia were splendid, and the deeoratiorui magnificent. • IndesOnerything was tonal to, it it did not corpus, in brilliancy and splendor, Co most extravagant scenes width we have read of either In"Eutaw prose or Oriental poesy.," The most risible scene, per. hips, Was that of the reeding from hist:aloe:l We hope the exhibition will bkrepeated the largest hallin the city. A handsome aim must bare teen reillsed for the Sanitary Coin— zdssion aid the Bobsistatee Committee. Since writing the above we learn that the exhibition will be repeated firths lame plan an Bs turday - , *vents g. No other hall in the city affords Stage taallltiee for the exhibition. We have no doubt bat Whom will again be crowded. Wholnabs "Mw2Wig-Store. We take pleat= in directing the atten tion of the trade to the fact that Meant. Ma -earn & Glad!, of No. 78 Market street, deal era in trimmings, notions and fancy articles, have enlarged and Improved their store, and are now preptied to engage extensively in the wholesale bade. Thee' gentlemen, la a comparatively short period of time, have I built up a large and remunerative business, and in order to aceemniodste their customers ' who purchase by wholesale, they have fitted etp • neatand commodiousrool In the basement, where goods can be eiamined, selected and packed up with facility. Their arrangements are complete In every detail, and their stook will be found equal, In extent and TS4lllt7i to the meet varied want* of country merchants; milliners and dealers generally. Those, therefore, who make their purchases in this market wtilconsult their own interests by giving this Arm a call. The [stoat and choicest styles of goods are being constantly received, and their customers can always depend upon obtaining fresh and seasonable articles. Spe cial ettention Is paid, also, to the retail trade, and we are ;gratified to state that this house now ranks among the first of its class, and is daily, inereaelog in favor and popularity. We can cordially commend the firm to the patron age of our readers, knowing that they will be fairly and honorably dealt with in every transaction, whether large or small. COLORID Tenora.— , The 39th 11. S. Colored regiment of Illinois, arrived from Chicago last evening, and were hospitably entertained by the Subsistente Committee. Mho regiment numbers four hundred men, and iscommand ed by Colonel John A. Bless, of Chicago, a brother of the edito- of the Chicago 21,ibluts. Colonel Blots wet formerly Colonel of the 88th Illinois Infantry. After this regiment had partaken of supper at City Hall, Colonel Blasi returned thanks for the kindness extended towards them by the committee, and the mem bers of the nen:lent sang a number of patri otic songs. The ...recision was very Interesting, and a large number of citizens were present. The regiment left in the Eastern train this morning forlonapolls, Maryland. liar Orr? or Datan.—William McCombs, Who was allot by.Brockman, on Wedretday night, In Allegheny, le not yet out of danger. Brockway it still °endued in the watpb•boma,. awaiting•the result of McComb"' Infertile' RIVER INTELLioEncs. I 11Werra, WluxUrig Bertha. liikahrille. Plariner, Cincinnati. I Ida Wee, Oil City. • The river is again receding elnaly at this point with &boat nine feet in the channel test evening. The weather continues dear and all that could poesibly be desired for the transaction of oat doer business. The only arrival we ham to revel le the Bertha from - Nashville, edit at excellent trip. The Ca- met" from the same point and the Julia from Zenea• cute, were due last night sad yid doubtless befouled "port this morning The Mariner cleated for Louisville last evening, with all the freight she mid take and • fair num ber of passenger.. The 'linter uderson, 'Leonidas sod Jennie Bubb. lettChccinnatl tor Pittsburgh on Tuseday, and the Camelia, Revenue, and Dames' were announced to ndlow on Wednesday The Ohio Valley, Meier Anderson, Damsel and Starlight artived at Cincinnati on Monday night from this oily. The steamer Delaware .as perrehased yeeterday by the Mears. Marton &Co , for Immo. She .111 leanf,r Wbeell•g today. at , which p•dot she will lend with Q,vernment done for Kanawha river. We !lancet hoard, tont, who la to have charge of the Delaware, order the new administration. The Zonlre City, Capt. and the Silver Spray, Capt. Shaman, are both announced for ft. Loot, forth elth: The New Tork, Capt. Lightner, and the Kate Itoidinon, both neat passenger stam en, are announced f•r Cincinnati and Louisville- The prompt and poptilarldonerva, Capt. Gordan, to the regain packet for Wheeling today, leaving at noon. The Julls,,Capt; Coulson, IA the r,gular Bawls, racket for Zettesell'e, lenvlng at 4 P. M. DiltoPON—la 0•Inotbla, Awnlltaa County, Obto, at tb. radial,* of 111„ 0 Pt.d-or•, ea liond-y apell MO, at 6oblock, ' , Nair CLASH, • mad d•robt<r of Boab and &bacon Dation, and la yam a -- "FIILST NATIONAL BANS air L.Lar.o.maN . ._-4100,000 eg; to Inatome to---- 11 800,000 Tbl. Rank la now faily 7 otganlaad sad In m. o. tal W. Ws prepared to do • galena Baskin/h= and area oar eerylren se correspondent to Barham through.' the country. Specialttention Wen to collection In this and the adjoining City or Pittsburgh, ea 0011 es on all parte of the country. !dolma repaired oc deposit, and Zulange on 611 the principal cities boasht and .Id. .hpney be 11. B. 10-40 Bonds. T. a =MIN, I 11. H. DAVIS, JOllll DEAN, HENRY 0/01W10, WEE. HARBAMIL I JOHN THOMPSON, O. ORTHUR . DOY LE,HOBSON, A PATTERSON. A lIICIIIIN. flusamat R. Cisnuis .- JOIL2I, P. KRA!!! =M= I]rfunnovei., 192 1 11:.1 129 Wood Street: f {Wood Street: r mond lotatlon en Filth dead beeSe.of 1, I, retest OWI and =ore enderdabls lm au bm. remora ova w s i r b o rgo . ~:a the tntr&,ll3 •Avialt nets, to 122 WO QZI STREET. TOUR DOORS ABOVE 111711 STB9ST, Steely opteida Ltd fittabersh tent OTrdeny tarns atrlsoln wag for STETN WAY '8 PIAIIOB Witt temida In our posteedoe, te beitte. H. LIEBER & BRO. jr9fdtes-rtes 6reclikr. BinhnNo 0. (• • Stonlatoiden of the Method A Pitte Itstiroad Ckrmponferal be held at the office cd C. pens, In Unload, on the MI DAT Of MA (SAC at le o'clock e. to.. to ton npoa the of the Cephel Stock of veld Cknapaky. for the pm poop of ationtot tbe bonds of !mid Ortopany to be concerted Into Tho Treader DOOkll Will b. doted suite* Idn a lriof April end open on the 6th of My. 117 ord of the Baud of Directors. I J. N. licaThlsOtlun. flesident. Chnelend. Barth 28, tata) erty6 Mr. Hasson offered a suliatitiote for the i5,,t section, which was adopted. It pro as follows t It shall not he lawful to record any instrument, dam:meet or paper unless the proper stamp shall be (fuzed, and the record, when the proper 'tempts not ab ed, 6.11 be utterly void, and shall not be Goad as et (donee. Tie median stricken out proposed "penalty of of dollar' for a failure to alßx the 'tamp. Mr. - Parnsworth off red a proPotition that every person, banking Institution Ind assort. elation Issuing .notes, bills and other oblige dons for money, authorised by ;act of Con gress, shall pay 1 4 of, I per etat. [ ltionthly on the notes end obligations so Issued. He sold his object was to compel , the finite banks to withdraw their circulation; and ta.tmpose the to not only on the money ; issued duringeath month but also on the notes sti ll out. The West does not want the A:dental Cis and rot. ten aurren4 of New Ragland sot New York Btate banks. Six months waa too.long to al. low for the withdrawal of such notes, and he should like to see this done In tthimonth. - Mr. Yartisworth's amsztdment tO the section In relation to .banks and bmoking was agalh read as forwent' That soy person and honking suoelation or corporation Undue now or other obits*. tiontrEcalculated or.intendmi to , altruists) as money . , obeli pay one. fourth of one per amt each month on such amount, or which having , r, a TOIOT* CO. been issued remain in circulation._ _ Thla was agreed to by ayei 54 to nays 51 limas or Maws turr Dram Oa, Mtte nrret, Pittsburgh, April 4,14. f O.THE DIRECTORS of tho "North CRIS Ifflidng Commy, of Ilkhigau.. Mae tested arauleouteut of OAR DOLLAR PLR MARS an the 0103801 Mork, as the Naos cosy Maid el Rat Adam oft mshiam an SATURDAY, lbw 3Dth Metaat, mettle to the 'r rammer ma TUMID/IY, the 10th et May Wit, with luta., a tar that MA w irtroyir • TERM it Bowe. • tiC.11..110 BOK ON PrITIIIII../1 ' Pulabititi t. aarA lath, Mt O.A.I3ENERAL MEEMIG OF T atotkboldara of this D ok .D 1 ba bald u tba Haab lag gm. as TB InaDAT, )X. tub, at Glans edotk, to Ph into toarl&ratloa Oa az. Mosta. of th. airtar, approval Jatioaratb. VOA. apl64ird • H 11. ItilltßAY Cobalt. OSPECIAL NOTICE.—The owners of Oil at the Allethemy landing Sr. masted to remote this On .t once, °thereto. it will have to to emoted at their expos" as th.n I. sot room Mors to Oa the curnat Madam. *Matto° to this maim ari l... trouble mod ammo. whit s Mita ALLIR Ilitmerlremeu, REONIVED ON OONSIGNIiINT, 1 car load Task State Apyieq SO ban: eatra ado* Ohio do; I tar Iced Shall d (Lea. 140 balk' Lake Share Potatoes; TO Fry Mks; In atoesaad Or de by L. IL 1 Dia AND OhICNN SALTED HIDE 3,1XX1 Green Sal ed Gov Tildes; ISO LIT do To arrleto elear lad for sale by do; IttoLGNALD t Anuoszse. sas i Noe. 242 awl 044 Warts war Wood. D Ci IRON AND CLOVE' 1:51:1 WM VlllOl Mawr PIO 180/II POO barb. (MOUS a ZED In don( sad to ads by wan a wasps, r h 47 SYM Warty argot 1 UOUST l'a§Tti - 1.1 • IccoisaiNd ro.t helloes; • t il n ew isput . 63, ir 0 I. .. • No of , WATT *WILSON, a ' ' " WS Liberty Meet. ITIALLOW • 011,-12 barrels to arrive A. enetesseer Janie Nubbly for ale spin 1 ' ISALIIII PIG A CO. LOUR " 50011g. - },'", =il; 1110 yactttar Nadcres, bursts arid kepi IA 144 ,-P I TITT, ' SfO b A•infOIt. No. Wood at ' A VEIOAN a/VIPER—A email Jot of dioidi Atrium Coda, ilmirmatos gas Suitt *oaks le quality ea tour. LT /Ale st tW 1i UV Gratrg Mare of • • JOHN* nisdou w *pit tome liberty sad Mod caws: EEDWARDREA.ZELTON. Wholesale 0100= AND " COUMIBBIOII =Mast, z.aaesmeof plposo94, ISO. 10. riSbi l r u T b • Mblia,roP ' THE LATEST; NEWS OUB SPECIAL CISPATOESS. FROM WASHINGTON. Ep.e!►l Dispatch to tha rau:4l:o , - Gum Wa►ataotoa, Apill 24 aea9►o■ Of tae PRUTDOT.,, The Pzesident to-day sent In the fallowing Menage one subject speehpy eorerning western hotareata I hare the honor to transmit herewith an adder= to the President of the United States, and through him to both Hones', copies on the condition of the people of Hut Teisnessee, eating their attention to the necessity of some action on the part of the Government for their relief, which orders are presented by, a Com pletes of - an organlvition called the Bast Tennessee Relief Association. Deeply cromMiserating the condition of those most loyal people, I am unprepared to mate any speed% recommendation for their relief. The military Is doing, and will con done to do, the best for them within he power. Their address represents that the construe Lion of a direct railroad oommunication be tween Knoxville and 011201211:111ti, by way of Central Kentucky, would be of great cense- I quince in the present emergency. It may be remembered that in my annual message of December 1861, such. a railroad construction was recommended. I now add tbat.with the hearty concurrence of Oongreu I Would yet be pleued to constrain the road, both for the relief of those people and for its contiouing military necessity. (Signed) ABUILLN LiSCOLN. April 28, 1864. The address above mentioned rocannte the taming of the people of out Tennessee dile° the beginning of the rebellion, and claims that from a voting population of thir ty thousand fifteen to eighteen thou'and have stolen away from home and entered the Union army in Kentucky; that the iebels, In 1881, took sixty thousand hogs and . othei stock in proportion; that Burnside's, Shertrian's and Lengetreet's armies bare exhausted the re maining supplies, and that, perhaps, not fire per cent. of the accutomed breadth of wheat ono be gown this spring, as the fences me destroyed and farms left desolate, not even with enflielent seed for the usual crops. It asks first, the prompt payment of claims *genet the Ocverateent, and ,eoond, railroad facilities fur obtaining supplies, to 'mild." for destitution which a single year of industry ainneipmady ; and estimates ex— penses and losses which railnrad bOilding to 1661 would have saved at 'slut liver million. dollars. Every western man at all familiar with the circumstances knows thesurepresen tations to be lair and within the facts. I AZOTHiII 11t831.01i 01101/ Tall PIIIIIIIDIST. The following la a full text of the Pfeil dente explanation of the Illegal appoint:nen of Frank Blair, to the House of Fapresen In obedience to • resolution of your honor able body, a copy of which is hirowlth re turned, I have the honor to make the follow log brief statement, which is balloWed to con tain the information sought : ?riot to and at the a:Malt:go( the present Congress, Robert 0. Schenck, of Ohio, and P. P. /Raiz, jr., of Missouri, members cleat thereto, by end with the consent of the Senate held commissions from the Executive as Mejor Generals in the volunteer army. Gen. Schenck tendered the resignation of his said commission, and took hie int in the noose of Repreeetttativee at Its amembling. Thrrenpon a distinct .e:. hal understanding was had with the Secretary of Wu and the lizooutive, that he might a• any - time dating the session, at hie Own Weal ear*, withdraw his resignation, mid raturn t the field. Gun. Blair wu, by temporary as sisal:l:tent of General Sherman, in command of a mops through the battles ig front of Chattanooga aid in the march to Knox ville, which occurred In the latter days of December last, and of coarse" was not present at the assembling of Congress. When he subsequently arrived in Washington, he sought and was all by the Secretary of War and Execntive the same ocindltlons is were made to Gen. Schenck. Gen. Schenck_ has not applied to withdraw hb resignatiou, but when Gen. Grant was made I.lentenant - General, producing some changes of sum menders, Gen; Blair sought to be assigned - to the command of a corps. This -was made known to Gans. Grant and - Sherman and ac ceded to by there, and the particular carps for him designated. This was all arranged and understood, as now remembered, so much as a month ago. Bat the formal iirilhdrawal of Gen. plates resignation, and making the order assigning him the command of the corps vim not ecusummitid at the War De. partment until last week, perhans pn the ind of April frost. As a enantsing up of the whole, It may bo - ntated that Won. Blair holds no military commission, but would bipleued to do so. COlLtql. It h stated that one division of longstreet's Corps has been sent bask to Illehesond. I=El= Orders are sald to hare been tuned to begin the draft Immediataki to the State! of Penn rllranta, New Jenny, Iduzzobntekti, Ohio and Missourt, Gem. straxatne. Chi.' Bernslda'. -staff left towt yesterday or the Odd. Congressional Wasatiorox, April y 3, 1864. Haws—The Hones went into committee the Whole on the Internal T 41111460 bill. On tootiotait Mr.ii the , ,seeti9n waS amended so as to Impose the tax on - the aver• I:ge amount et the capital stock,! and omit - Mg the ssOzda "'beyond the'amonnt Invested In bonds:, limtkin,-Tho bill for tbs elaistilostion of of alerts if paymasters 'ln tits navy, and for the graduation of their pay, ins pseud. Mr. Possendert, from the-Pinance Coos. mimes, reported , the , Home joint resolution ineressing temporarily the .rates on foreign imports fifty. per east., rith. an ?amendment inhuming SIN par cent. Inesease on the present daty; also an ameadeleat ezempting pods in Wad and transit. A lengthy debate ensued on the/101110 bin tamasibibtempfully,thadetlei,on Importe. 4tt'asteadmeat faulting the 104 ease of the . • polar, detyea ialportS frozen, topairty three. sad ottatlttrd: per vim. on the pressat rates, wu 'lntssed..,.The Bonet* •amendment laimPtibi Amain, already: in_ hind and In transit from the temporary duly, was adopted.., On a separate vote the atnendumnt adopted la the Oonualtlee'of the a* focussed timpormy duty of tthitty three end ono-third per eons., fastait of airy pa =Won the wore& reti.ot datjrcasfetetp Lukuti; wee .ndestsd.. Tholimiidsmod en. ooPlinMteo:inbotdd'inr re teted.fpßcetraiesn r i c. inttuismdansy l ntioici. 11,010zilfAA.10/0215:04 at 4.34)/'i* Proacediaga the . tfnitur. taste Con vention. [Nis are indebted to the courtesy of the Intend. Telegrah Company for tho proceed ings of the Legielaucro and a portion of the proceedings of she Union State Convention. —En.] !Special Dlvacb to tII. Pittsbargh Guam liAatuaraa, April 28, 1884. A large number of delegates are on hand. The Convention met at twelve o'clock, and was called to order by Mr. &swill, of Dela ware. Mr. Penny war chosen temporary chairman, bat attained:on aocaunt of hoarse - nes,. Senator Johneon, of Lycoming, was then nominated:and elected, and on taking the chair delivered o very short but handsome addresaleomplimenting the Convention on its intelligence and integrity, and referring to the trials in onr, country's history, and feel. ingly invoked hermony of action. A number of Secretaries were . appointed, among them John IL 13towart,'of Allegoeny Mayor Lowry, of Pittsburgh, was =balm. tad in place of S. L. Shield', absent s A petition asking the appointment of A. B. McClurg Cbatrman of the State Central Cont solace was largely signed. Pally one hundred names were appended, because of his efficient services in that capacity is j 1860. A resolution was offered to appoint a Com mittee:on Itesolations and Address, and to appoint delegates at large, Senatorial and Eiprosentative electors, 'bet was postponed foi the present after considerable debate. A Committee on Credentials was then op pointed. Also, a Committee on Permanent Organisation, composed of members from each Senatorial distriot. The Convention then adjourned to meet at half peat t AB allusion: to President Lineolo excited the heartiest applause. .1: Monsoon Hesn'on—The Committee on Per manent Organisation reported George V. Lowrenee as Permanent Chairman, who came forward and said he saw dround him the lead s/ tog man of the Union sr& o !lotion from every pert of the State . l fee deeply honored in presiding over each a bod . Never has there existed so powerful a put tical organization, so powerful numerically and mentally, .e this Union party, either in Pennsylvania or all over this wide land. No mon inall We broad land, or even In Earope, known to pulello and high political Wo r ts better known and recog nised for honesty, lotelligenoe or uprightness of purpose, than Abraham Lincoln. [Load and continued applause.] No man has spent 'more watchfal days or sleepless nights then he. [Apples:tee.] He will, if it ran be done by talent, energy and unfaltering purpose, restore the Union. Let us then give him 0111 . best and truest support. He continued at some length, discussing the general topics of the day. A resolution appointing a committee to se leooelectors at large and delegates at large, was presented. Mr. Penny opposed this In a brief speech, desiring the Convention to elect openly. He moved • substitute that the Convention pro ceed et yore to ballot for dolegates and elec tors at large. The farmer proposition was withdrawn. A committee of seven on resolutions was appointed—Mr. Panay among thim. A resolution that the del. gates at largead • hose to Abraham Lincoln brat and last for the Presidential nominatl o wan passed. The Convention than proceeded to balb.t for delegates at large. !qr. McClure and Mr. Cameron wdre eiceted ea the first ballot; Mr. McClure receiving 91 v•Aes and Mr. Cameron 91. They were declas.l duly eleoto.l. On the accoad ballot Mr. Morrow B. Lowry was elected, reerivir 80 votes, and on the 31 Mr. W. W. Late am wan elected, receiv ing 91 voton. AdJ 'anted till night. Niyit Seasion.—Sl imbers from the various Oongressionel dist-icts reported the names of district eleetore. A rerolation Tad offered to appoint a num • ber of,: State Senatorial Committees, one for each county in the State, except Vega, Alle gheny, Bake, Dauphin and Lancaster, which have two , Philadelphia to get two for each Senatorial district. The resolution passed. The address of Mr. Adams to the people of the State desires that this Canvention calmly considers tte question of a candidate for the Presidency In the coming Presidential canvass" . Every consideration of public welfare derrands st Its broads the re-nomination of Abraham Livieoln, Ile has been tried and found able and faithful. Victory at the polls with him Is tare, and is of as Much importance to an ultimate triumph over the rebellion 88 victory In the field. Speeobes were matte by Young and Ketchum to the electors at large. They we» brief, polated and able. The Convention adjourned sine die. PERIM LVANIA LEGISLATURE tpd U 17.11. pates to Um. Pit wbargh Gssata. 11•111SIBORO, April 28, 1864 DILLS IS [LACS. Smteri—Moraing Latta, an Act to ehange the name of the Baltaburg Coat Company. One by Mr. Hotumboller to incor porate the Gettysburg Battle• Bold Memorial Association. The General Appropriation bill was passed BILLS lIILLTITZ TO TES CONSILLSTILLI SOLO Lut night the Senate remained in session until nearly midnight, and passed finally all thee bills relative to the Cannelbrine rail road, including Mr. iliglism's substitute bill, which mu offered yesterday in the Mouse and passed there. The Senate then adjourned till tan o'clock to morrow morning. I=3l Hoses—Afrnano Section.—Mr. Eternal, to inereue the price of gas In Pittsburgh. Mr. Searight, to Increase the pay of the Supettu. dent clam eastern division of the National Road. Mr. Bllighain, one for Increasing the warily against ateldents to stationary steam boilers ; and one to shade! the Maxwell Steam 011 Company. Mt. Rack, a charter to the Central 011 Company. Mr. Olin, relative to paving in Lawrenceville borough l alto one authorising aldermen to set for the Mayor of Pittsburgh in certain' cases; also to pay bounties to oertala retina volunteers who have not yet received local -bounties. The Appropriation and Iterente Bills, u passed through the Senate, were brought over to the House and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. The Moue adjourned it eleven °Napoli to 'thud the Convention. 7aatt4ogton Iteun. tessAmerom, April .16.0eis. Haag ex presses the opinion that the rebel 'troops have left—'for Virgin ia. The Millo'4 Committee of the Hones hes - potJetmtdearepottoythe bill to Inereue the pay of eoloroa troops. The Senate added Aide measure to the. army appropriation-In% 'as an amendment. It is new before the Ways and Meant Committee, which sill speedily reportnpon mmomd here that Post4daster Gener al-Blair will !feller his removal of Mr. Watson • Boldical Republican alert in Ms departmient, ' other • removal, and that he intend* to make mar apon Chaiirs friends oho hold pool alio* appointments. Mr. Chose is in Philadelphia, nod does not intend to go to New York. - Several member* of Shelia. York Bond of Broker' hark arrived hem to protest against 1 the p ro p osed tax upon stook transsetkam. From Fort Gibson ' Sr. Loots, April a—Adrian from Colons/ Pbillips,oommandlog et Port .eibtoncin tbs Indian conntryisty tau Qoantnal is pinto Estarms, 'Aiming crossed .tbs• Tsnififfs and nritassm, ?Wars an tbs . night of. tios Serb. 'Adair,; 126 nbaL, infri ban Stilts &MIN the Ifibtols abort/ lasstrocr iniffi lt • • - kyci;M:fod114:10. 1 [CIV;II:q Steamer Attacked by Guerrillas, NOTORIOUS OUERRILLI IMRE BILLED, BECUTION OF A REBEL SMUGGLER THE DISTRICT OF WEST ITMNESSEE Gen. Wasbnine Assumes Command, Sr. Louts, April 28.E-Cabo dates of the 26th by mall say the steamer. Liberty and Belle, from Memphis, had arrived, the former with 128 bales of ootton for Evansville, and the hour with a number of men, horses, males and wagons, belonging to the 16th Army Coros,Tfor Cairo, and 270 bales of 'cotton for St. Louis. Memphie dates of the 25th lay that the steamer Curlew, from drkansu river, while aground on Johnson's Island was attacked by guerrilla., but the soldiers aboard chore them off, killing the tender, Tom Hannan, the no torious guerrilla and beat burner, better keown a. the "Wild Liebman." Six steamers were lying at the month of the White and Arkansas rivers, from which guerrillas were remising large supplies of clothing, &a. Martin Smith, formerly conductor on the Minisslppi Central Railroad. will be executed at Memphis on the 29th. Ho was sometime since taken In the act of smuggling 500,000 permission sips and several hundred pounds of gunpowder to the enemy, having previ ously taken the oath of allegiance. Mej. Gen. Washburn arrived at Memphis and assumed the command of the district of West Tennessee. The Memphis cotton market U arm and unchanged. Receipts trifling. The proceeds of the government sale here, to.day,nutounte to upward of six hundred thousand dolltra, one-half of wbioh was nasal price money. Cotton, mixed, to II bed 0011diti012, rang lag from 71 316 to 733 There is oboes • thousand more bales of cotton rtill bere. The steamer, Plantation Moser, brought 9134 bales, and tho hospital steamer, N. W. Thom as, from New Orleans on the 18th, arrived with 168 baler. From New York New Yone, April 23.—The steamer Ameri ice, which arrived to day, from New Orleans, reports that on the 20th, fifty miles south west of Tortugas, she spoke an Boglish schooner which reported the rebel privateer, steamer Florida, cruising in the Gulf. A special dispatch to the Commercial, dated Washington, 28th, say.: The Senate will probably pass a temporary tariff in accord ance with the views of its Finance Committee, adding 33 par cent., and exempting goods In bond from increased dutlee. The &Poste Committee on Commerce bee repotted sgainet all proposed loge appropri ations for tho improminent of the navigation and harbors on the Western lake. and rivers. The Sedate Investletting Committee on naval pnrchuee ill soon report It is estimated, by competent judges, that Lee hoe now maesed under hie immediate control, on the Itstipshennock, about 65,000 troops. Others estimate it es high as 80,000. From Cairo Osseo, April 28.—Memphis papers of the Rath contain nothing special. Cotton advanced te, but little doing. Hold• as are waiting for better prices. Receipts and stock light. A reception etas given the Slot Illinois Veterans at Carbondale y esterday preparatory to their return to the field, followed by a din ner and ball. During the afternoon some soldlors of the regiment who had an old grudge against Colonel Osborn entered a store where the Colonel was sitting and struck him on the heed with a weight, breaking his skull and inflicting a mortal wound.. The murderer bad cot been arrested at last accounts. Mawr. Wade and Gooch leave for the cut to morrow morning. The steamer Forsyth brought op 400 bales oottou for SL Louts. Active Preparations New Your, a pd.! 28.—News received this morning at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, from Fortis. Monroe and elsewhere, indicetaa approaching hostilities on our southern coast, almost immediately. From our own harbor, a whole fleet of armored steamers have gene out. The Onondsga has been ordered from Fortress Monroe, with her crew. It I. under awed that all vessels have 'received their sailing orders. This afternoon the Canlloll - and her escorts, as well as several small steamers were to have left. Large numbers of others are being pushed forward here, and as many as possible will be placed In oommis don soon. N. Y. Central R. R riuurn, April 18.—At a meeting of the directors of der New York Contra! Railroad Companj, held in this city to .day, Erasure Corning tendered his reolgnation as President cf the company, which was accepted. Dean Richmond wu unanimously elected President, and R. M. P. Ratchford Vice President. E=l=2 Fomus Moine, Aprl4 28 —The follow ing Is frost Mobile papers of the 22d: Co Wednesday General Wirt Adam' repuls ed 1600 Federal. tear Mechanicsville, Miss A Yankee spy, under the stemmed name of Sterling King. was arrested on the 19th; at Marion, Va. He was recognized u a de. Waive from Chicago. The Fort Pillow Massacre. Murata, April 26.—Tbe Committee on the Conduct of the War are here inrestigating the Fort Pillow marsacrs. Is is thought they will exonerate General Hurlbut, u it is gen erally conceded that the force at his command was Inadequate to deal rigorously with For rest. MARKETS . BY TELEGRAPH. Few York Market. Now You, April n.—Cotton dull and 11 Ueda easier et klarigo for Eh:idling Unhands. and $5. for Low /diddling, Maar—State arid Western MVO,- regular, unsettled, and ltaijato lower; 57, 50 8.7,6 3 for Extra State, sti 20 for Ewa Et H. 0.,88,15€19 for Trade Brands, the mark. t chains heavy with no buyers at the outside quotation.., Whisky irregular and unsettled at $ 1,47(51,20 for State, 51.W41,31 for Western. Wheat clewed doll and nominally 2030 {Gyre , . 51,7241,75 for Chi ago 5prit1g,111:1361,75 for Hilwank-o Clab.Sl.Bo3l,S4for Winter Bed Western. Rye waree and firmer at $15501,63,. Corn quiet and scarcely no firm.. yesterday. at 51,29{3140 for Western, dogleg heavy at the Wilde prize. oats dud at 57(483 for Western. lour doll Coffee quiet. Wool firm, and In moderate demand. Petroleum ern; Believed to tend, 541058 o; &tined Free. may, Doyen' option, GS. sod in Philadelphia 3,11110 bobs Crude at 350. Pork cold without material chums In prices at 1122,50. Lard inactive and prices favor buyers at 141(415; 500 Md. St ay; at 15, and 500 Dbl. June at 15 . Butter • little firmer at 25@".00 for State and 0 . Clnclnnatl Marlet. Cutctattrti April 28 —ll our dull and 25.5 lower ; Superfine $6,50, - an7 Extra $8,75. • Wheat 6e loiter 'and dint at the decline- Red 51,4•; White $l,lO, Oats not satiable at over 82c le bulk, and 720 In tacks. Whisky advanced to 5146, but lthe deemed was very Insetlve. Provisions rather quiet and • the demand hes netWO; Firtilitast mer, wide 5n ostler tents than they could hers been yesterdaY OM Able City g• im Pork meld at Mat. and 1,000 do do at 125. Nothiox tramp red In Bulk Mesta, but holier, an dim Lord quilt; Mit tinves Prime Reentry sold at 13 , 4, City It held at 1311 Grocerke enchanted end very Arm. - • Orate 45647 c. eater 1 7 42 1 3. Nebula 51,03.; 1110 advanced to 123 1114- Ookl declined t 01750176, 811ter to WWI, ; Ex change Arm. Stock and Kandy Martet. Nem Tome. a prlll3.—atene7 easy at kW per mat Parting dug at 1914193 enrmney Gold a Made firmer, opening ar 1783(. and closing firm at 13 U• GW. swift &mks steady j &IN . MDT.. 1U um, 7 , 3oloTersam, October and aprll,lll,. Stocks b.tter: • li %Pedalo Oedtrel,2ll . Site. .---11t4i 111. Crated da1t1..—.15 IS T beatral..—...—.33H4 Cliseeland a Pltta.—.ll 1 year rertlfleatra— 93 0 a 11. 1--.....--114 flesdlua.—...... ..;....137 P. a Pa M.....:....-117 ildhoredi ra--...... Id . - Harlem,- --ISt 0,14. eettUlcatee_ 14( Hama 81eia....:,1a) Par-Ma 1113.0.---:—.1.1.7% Mining filtnek. Var Tem, April 211.—Xlatuft stmts.: cky lionohla..— Hliwo Ira= "-- .11 Penn Cloppar---:—. Dorm, Aorll 23 —Mining steel: • Hay Blate - -.....:.VKNordelFaitein. - . 14 Central. 00X 42% Rockland— 13 Franklin 653fi Henwnk 10 Hur0n.,....._.._....- 41. llrranclf (testa.-- 173( 23 I Baal° Market. Ilmntio.Artllol.—Tiont t . Citito, Loll+ nu and Victdp,ll7lsot Mines end epolograttlll7o7.l2. 'nits Double Extra Ottoilndlana sod Illebfgpa. $1382,75. .Wbaitt doll sad. I.lll , Ctiry and bold, for ald--1 and '2 *Minutes and Lan d clang* Boling, at 51;4001,45, Wlntor Bed oitarnitt,l3. Cara .sttb small salts odrint at $1,20..ind to ;write Slit°. Oats dna and walnutßliat7 117tICUCe and tionelitat. -Inlay dull 'azoil .2 duds. eider at 21,2161.204. - • PhlladelphtiMarket; Pminsu April 211-7nds Is reit fiattlre. nipidsll7ll.ltr. .Inont dull at 119.M9,70 Wheat a t ut; sad 51,1101 A White $1,9001. - standy at 81,98; and scapx.: Wilky !Ina at PA; 'Nu., st. Louts maricit" • et. Lars, Aim -A—mlurr• is tat litt% ° In sisal* sad Ocoes vie 4 •1010170141•1.. Mar :STANMO for 14tts.- Vresst,, JUSCELL4JrZOUI3. _ . B InAY, FARRELL &CO., • PRACTICAL PlaialMrs, So and Steam Fitters, Hai!. co76taitlyou hand •tam awatmeas ITISTRIS, FLUID% HIM TIMS, an= itc.,:&& Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting Promptly Wooded to by iod expotionood worksten, - oh ator& No. 129 FOURTH ST., Pmencea* LADIES', ILISSES & CHILDREN'S 1100 P SKIRTS, EXTBACIEWINART BARGATUS onsram AT M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION, No. , 55 'Fifth Street. G ENTLEMEN WISHING • ?IRST CLASS GARMENTS. hole 10 the CIOST ra.sUIOISSBLIII dad L.A.."1" ELEPT STYLF p, coold do Inn to GO apos, IL O. ORO & CO., lIIERCIIIAT TAILORS, 0081i1121.01r PENN AND ST,CIAIRSTEELTB, "Wore parchaslng aLunrhr_ra. 3 186 C: - 4 ''''' 1864. . NEW STILLS Of Wall Paper dr - Spring Trade. InftPD'HIAMPEO GOLD, ro r Palms. LIMATIOS .. ; .. for Chamber, to. A earielY at oboe', BOLD, RATIN It lINGLALE3 , WALL b&PER ; GLAZSD AND lINGLAELL GREW% 'MIT, B 13%, I'IOUNED WINDOW rt i l SHADES: An teen. se entortntent of low priced WALL PAPIII, to or which the attention and inspection - of k o tweb. oat and others le nrepeetfally reqtmt, di at the W Paper Werehonse, tin II Wood street, between ourtk and nth, tooted door below Diaasene allry • TTIOUAiI PALIIIIII. 'An intently/rum eat of Gold Bartered Trans parent Linen Widow hada niters, to for We by . ,: (apkto ) %MAUD Pt,ddift. NEW. I . SPRIN6- GOODS. . : 10 ST, CLAPI.III STREET, . Jost recalled from Ibo ...stern this% • largo sod well Letbcted stoat of &d e ad tor urtepriog end eemriisr t ode obeity la part of tee tote. w log goods ritK • CH OM Yr 113 and OASSIM Ink!, of 0411011 E•13610N, ERMAN and • 1/101.10AN cotattles and nA 4 1111EKIP, of 'boost orery se et* .ad caor, '1 of wbleb I will take op bs o , a in Om hiss at mat fseblortabl- enamor by ten er boo , d wok-et-0 s intot DO he sad rens qable tetra. . Iso, • laza clock of G-et.. ritreithlog eittpeteorteb awe utes•lly kept In Ora class torultsts lag suits t.ndonyollatett tad pr otptly_ ex cute& W. 11, lictsit, splieli No. t 0 St. CUP as ale, Witten,. TWI!CITY PLANUiIi MILL. 11rhUe 4 4/exander, ThroatlT; burned out, take &tabu b haiirming weir aloud. arid be piano marrally, that thy bate levee .ore aryl room 111 la the 0019 PLAIT (SO MILL, co ar thelr late lodatotwaud at• nom 1.-Tared:to emote 621 ord.= nutrostird to them, elk promptaem and dirriathh. Ilimitin• large awck of trry.Lamber an hand, hot damagarltry tha recant gm they roa now 'lotparni to famish dry 11111 fflooting sad gib Walling. is mr. quantity. at remotiabla Wes.. attlintos TLI f3IIBSCREBIKEL, • LOESS TOR John Marsh 4 Co.'s Soda Ash, liconstantly rxestelrm the LIM% .bich tee le r Len on- the meet Womble terms. Mkt Ash to portion ottapted to the alsonfootort* afGloos. C. W. CHURCHEA.II, ItOIJTE! MOST SISKILT, Ploff ololphlo. aoltantoNt BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! ; How sad mama-band _ Seamless, Burlap it Gunny Bags, VLOATII AID - BAIT BAGS, an thaia printed to aria,- by JOUR T. SAMMY /IVO, 1247,3 m No. 1.13 North ?iM,. goaciphh, MoGOBD CO., Caps the an un d m Str .d .ad . o.t. awflooda t atosk b goadagar . BPfIING 8A:7.1123, Ewa aorta In the wsat. lierabsats aro masted to uali and asandsa oar stack. wtdah wili based/ at varg lowralas. 181 Wood'Ilt” Pittsburgh. inh9 BRITANNIA, BEAM: Aim SICEET ETAi WORKS. • • '.OOl. INV& WRIGHT, 11Antaselarelsof CASTOR YBATEES.LAXPBIIIIII. PM eat LAMP BRASSES cmorrally. Alio, TIN Li IBM TRUCK/NG& ram JAB OOTIMS. kn MaAnficHtsere rf Wl= A Wright a Potent TIN /CO TOP. No. LT) Second street, PlttAtireb. 'ral S. EL'.P.OULTNEY, Erokat Crude and Refined Petroleum, iorarozronia. aro.. .Na 94111111 D STILEir, Plttarargh, Pa. apl.M.Sar THE;N . ATIONAL ALMANAC, 15 . 011. 1864. •'YM. itrodutble Annusl"ta not wady for HA. then Soho 000 lott eta hod wrow turbrmattem worth too rboor the coat of rho book to them • ' , For tale by DAVIS, CLIME 00., POI:ECILN ALWAYS PIIO9IIREI tilted teMan Water Lee Todin• r Wate,r, Eproett's /val.. and Unlace, taibirs Menlo of Toetb, Efeetan'a ibereuebt etnen• - bellow.) • PI Is and Wotan:lt; Pine *Limn Bab tinter.? andZylobalminenee. llHmnotd • Baena ADA tterneernle,. I..trds.n. • Tapered Mae) Semite; -111.tetee ld Inel•Oment, 7_ Toilet Pesos and INaftnee, Hair H wine, NO Blisbein icon Denthen, At the Contrel,Dres Mane coreer•Obio and 'I ectenti Mem, in blarkri HOU" AM them. • • nal - Get,`X. SWUM k Q s iX.T.E6N ACRES et. had .tor 'tale; .10 s taste ..ear the Moinjuileala• jrl *v. se the *oath wag. 11,4 gun. crra, adirelnagboome et ti.nicarball, 6 roots, .4c1,14.1tua,4 Uri P.,1,1,•*11 panted L.A.:pgpuee,' . la* rarefru, well et wAter.4pi yak. poadt. - I lam, arm. saCsbata VW' 1 .1:4• 11 Waltz. Laps 'OM szat shrobberr. tame Ran ~:mt:Amak opru. tworetei of .holastl=itr, • namable asirmull. • Tbe 1=0:Ion braliby Oissltiomottempt to aurae; itlkools, *to. Por wiplost....i data "Xi ply to; • iippi-; ; COTURCIC tens; 61.4. k., it, CHOOL AT , lIVERGREEN:—The S Bois. sr Term of this Itualtuticsk r liTeammbtc 110FiTua. *ay 2.11101. Ilsato6 ourstao of so basrdoro tD tbor foals Of Om Prixtetpl. Infonastlos to SOW M. nosted,ptt the posmises, St 341111".11* BILM/11; on ircittasspsltastlos to. . . a. mtg., rtilap4 rare of WCII. Wass Pitt.bureii... 4.33:15k lireqiTYßK, 'hIoNADGECEII: & " Stone asul. • 'Briak Pavers: . , flYr Orlt1M0911;-Piviaa; rf ch 0r4.• oor tlny. promptly anooBe4 is .irdroo. 144, Allevhvy IrOo onto, or firoH66, IH:14:=11% 010r0,4 *6511r,07 .urtax:repEa.—movitig 'awl:. dam yv • tirm lir ow_ it band • hips* Tkiiattatbsto: rot 'phi* s b nrier, rem Us sfelpiat Maititottlawl. Itik lOW sad Yard Parks SU= m dxspies tackler's go =ad, iitralll Illyittfirrtr .nst BOOTS arrti anoaa GiipAT EXCLTEIa.bII au;-. UNPARALLELED :`ATTBACTIOZI OLD MOBS 002ITIRTJD I Jroto to the Excepted Time: amisPza sams To manor: BOOTS ANb SHOES, AT UNHEARD OF PRICES. fiIfULDREMS SHOES Fon 10 ctik ONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, No. 62 Fifth Street. Wir/SCO lISIPTI 13.11029XTE1 for tale. B°()T 3, SHOES ANDLGAITERS. SLATER S;,. SOUTH, 54 Ma4rketStreSt, Mtn fbrinla very ttylo of Cloahr, Shore mai Gate, toe OquhltcoOn, ml.ad and L=DEM A LLIIGE ASSoßtasn OF LADIES', HMS& ASD CHILDREN% Gaiters, Bahnot:als 11 Boots, Cr gal the Want dyks and months, Aft ocel , nd .ud 'du be nia Le We Tery ia ib. dq. J. B.IIOBJokHU% 99 Marked stn et, EM=MUIMI NEW 0001X3 I NEW POODSI Ws ham last rooltrod.Oui Bizias stuck of SOOTS AIM SHOES,: Which wo gel 1.11 d th• 14WIST CASH Pirlo/ 3 We km tholtrimi had heo-mlectod mock of Nam , . Sias Calf SOusre.toed %Boots, To bit bond In tb cdty. L/01:173 . LAST QATTEII9 stocadants. Mu. lac a eq.. Jas. Robb, sici.luriKET 8 *BELT riIISTOM MADE,EIIOE,9—Wt LEAVE vicurt frothed • largg 1121.1 1 . BUSTS, MUL!LS3oDtU KlElo'd test New To k 41 - emu 37-rk. f tante* sod Mon. G. k c ia, iio , lo ' Gq...t a d orng to rids 80. is sad Goitres o all •s, Sam goods are var.flatod t.l be ibe Data g ce.g wide In the country. • ..'. aim • lord woo , tzow.t.;/ f klzd. and la.. LI • of Ch llama a !Aspic and fatty Bcces 080. ALBROB. SON da ooge Wa. 71.0,x. Fowl , * -.N. SUMS OF LbSt o.lsllllbit (11501,13. AT OLD ORICES, TOBN CAMPBELL,' Manufacturer o: BOOTS AM) 8110ffS, d wary tiractipttoo. No. 34 Elzolthllel4 stmt. Flttatrurg fIEO. ALBREE, SON 'Et: CO., Whole- VC We and Seidl Dealarp to BOOT% nliOn.S.ice.. amser Wood and Toth stmts. Pletsbarce, NEW CASTLE AND FRANKLIN 1LV1LE.02.1),-13colts of Satiottfolob oo tba asolttl Stock of tin 2111 W. C&STLHA YUAN It Litt -ILIIII.ItOAD 4:lO2IPtliT will bs opentd an WED. Nltb.DAY.llba 07th at Apelf, prositoo. It tho , Claof klttiburtibi at go. Zomba of the la Nei Cast.ley Lairteaci cornty, et the Offles of Stu Vey Taal* sad 130Irr Palley Itallrolid Gam. WV , Ilarear, Mover cosorly, its the 01E0 of WWl= tplwast,Zieg. ! • la manna, Tamale cnnnt7. at the o!ttu Tint National Bank. . ' sr amass cr sorarresosrar : A.l+. Orawfaid. ,. Baratta 11. SW, B. CS.Deown. , •J. &lola, '.... Wm. Dilworth, Jr.,. O. W. Can; Wsa. ISMmut, • J. B. Darr(7. J. o.llAam, . < assalsa 0. n af. Sabot ' Ashworth. ' s /Watt Kb.a. Jams IMIAM7s EPTI.Ft 11 , 1 bass 4, es IL Dab. , • .1. W. Blatcbard. Ammo K. Ken, , ! 7.11. Smith, Darld Caanary. ! .. D. D. ICiasseat. Plttibarah. Earth Si. 11161. • • 1:1,1 purr Al'ilYl3}4D.E- • TRE,TS, EVEROMEN% • APirLion mace Loop% and .or the bating .isrlithi matt.proßtabla for Agit bastion. altars eggs Wu .U1914101_ Serb llama, that. Bluth, Holland Pipput,' BetWala. Val waster. Gray Wing of Tompkins 004 Wads Agesid. Omen, hums 13e•atitAlitanta, ;Stookt•tiatue• Tobalta . • Sena, liailtb 4 Older. ittaattb awaziMri rat ich or PEA OHZBZL Pral PLUIf. . BHADD Mitt . gr a II,WIMIBT, vnr stock: bIIBZIANLIO.Uggi iter great teig tetweate to gdatittes orstiolasal• partite. arra (Wen kit sattiatiFreenl7 tkis.a. or Pal% Cittka vll3 to prom r Umtata tn. JOSH DOGE, Jr. Pithlairtb - wid o.lbisid in en...4a R 01314348,114411 FBa , piRYS, _ FoOlopiimtist"ntstmFgh, itti 6eZ . a4 7 `"irsos wonms ;;TIN ,Panlasiiirattiotkai c w e to Ma maanfactulLsur o 01100128 STA IBMS, TOILEt WARS WAITS COMMIS, - 01. CABO, &I dna ai4 pattalms;TlM 11COTt- MO, COB DOOTOBS.,andII kinds ofJabbin wort AU; ti , ti or, 1114 , :4:1111iD CAGI3 'just:* hoa. , ZINO BCHAPB szutOlqi ULTALS pleas - pAPE4 WAITEIMISE. FARBEI4 moo a co., No. %SW 217011 OVIZIM, PE ; Ilatsfaisitaen of 5 Dcrablo Strength . ; Manilla. Papor. IZEZ=I Ems wit.arnata. aid3andor 113140 to Oita* FICO pad lbr i *PD, lap et moll akbratout PATENTED ;* : 18E1 inV33UMIIIp9 PAT UT OVAL Le/LRCe. ZZ 1 . 1/2:1711,,, 014.&filt. eatm, 'Mos Othatinp .. ..t .um bltedtpr . 2111 .4. besttn/ PUla .! 7111: DICIIBIDGE, '6 =it (ThaiWait&,l7s.ll4lcm =4 . 017 . Pitubttrith, CHARLES L. UALDINS (ftwolow W Jaws "am/Ma) PDXI a. t.'nkon LitIVITJGAZI7I3)IXDI: 111115 EXD, SM-#°•• D Irma! arising, Prreogintaw. P. I.ll3V.telitital ' :• - 1410 TOIMAYA:g 000 0 Clowria ram astiluEirre nu n% sisal la Calm mot Terdry St") (. tPZiCI3 ' OCFtPHLj... ' orniry Ow 'and *l4,4lata .ftgarid, from di MuiClow to Cabfnat lib Vine. . lIIMANCIa 'mold pitt..falietreal/ at.:* button et the AGM WNW tins eon ix." arsitetty of thhittabilihmait, Wog by • short COI :iirt dank Palos =Mau.. mod f A 'NSW WOK& lc - THEM MB Tboacatado nom arioristati g .outabs^ Lag desat Wire mats 'cis - Mavya,.7,." eal" Ittoedisg, Itistb; Tcat,fl9Le.l4,' Stables -11ksmtit . vista actenms_of ibe ainuilias;.uattas ot tb• Pain% tvitbar V 1 A veitimaisa Mo. Ask *alga g: bi.seiltpr and tratarrik Ilto at 3 :ISSO alukturies. , /mbelltattsd with am tiva 440, ,etigisirtew - By =ward 'Sway. - 1.c.1„S for War • a • tb EAT* C106;65 Wood Mule. fIEIL PAPERB-.l".oriettrozne, friprA . , sad /lard Deearstiouvlbr /abbr.. 7 Y 14 ; 1111 1 1 1 /11 4. 1 4 17 , 9 ! 903 .gitsgt• - :". . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers