-...,t i0 . - _ ---.-,-.., ;.6... : ... . . ''' ''. --- ::1 ' 11 . -. :,-.:, - ~,i-...,T,..,:-.......'7. vae:.-ec:.. • 141, Inti;l3 ' thtlChrtent 1115# 11011ZEU4- . - 1 -lirz- mamba • ~E,9vao. -r •• - trout tbsErteltrelkietninbarate wadi owe of the steltlntrAW9 of thaeognol4W4 Wa lP . AVS*O s e liereindleiteieth 31eilklItetctooni theamdition and. proepects of the eurancy. Attar , 1 00000. : • • - COMMERCIAL' RECORD c#P l 'Ll'elt °!'"" : " m ' it r , " fd ' w . meat has played In the that pramile, otne.lla, be •• PlMlllll:Mthil . illEAßilreETlS ' proem& to the Important opaline ..Of-5 . • sae: al agree with'ai ?hit hie tan sea by the prate ad in.Qpiogress in ,favor of the annual taxation to u,.. a yeant oxgitx,,ooo,o3o, At the extra amnion of Congests, in July, NMI, I advocated immediate take , Wien to Vase:tent of paylog the animal apemen of rho overninect au &peace footha, Mod the interest on alitheirar debt, and I have adirceridedthatritcy ever alarm. 2 bop Congress wili'lact Adjourn 4th out providlog.for tatting the wino of. poo,toopou • esch_rar by taxatiett.e , Asauting that Congress will' provide for raisturtha /limb" taxation 'for simony nael yaw, still the whole expenses of lb. year will oot be bisa t tliant 61;600.030,0 1 4 IN¢ lean .the additional sum of 6'700,003,000 to be borroWed in toms form to Pay the expenses of the army and bevy, this brinseeretanbopractkaleinestion: Bow hathislage nun toile -.Obtained?: knell 1.1 be on temporary luau of paper calculated to still ft ether Inflate the curresicy already afloat. thereby adding to kbsembnrsa.menlaareal,lndenough;cratedit be an eliermanetitlaab bawdiest the Wee of long bonds, Minimal aced intanet payable ingold,laid at anti • ltrir rate of Interest teat the bode Will be-readily 'taken In such large amounts as not only to make any further. temporary issues under the $9OO 000,000 wet tindeceesaryi but alto material* diminish the :.present eases of paper currency? This would check epaulation, and bring down the prim of gold and aD other conuncelitles to a more lee and stable a Ito alledif di • lieftreseconcniarciee for 'business men to know . b at Ss to be the fame. policy:of the Tannery •73.0. run nt. Whether it o p still further lodate 1 the currency by temporary. expedients, or whether it Ladle contract the'noeneg debt by fueding In Wog bonds. 61.11 It be inflation toed web prima, or con , treetion eon lower prices! rile metal to of Mal Internet, eroding the lame peimbanee of the Par. - weeetterttreprosmatam of - Merv:Teri s well se the legitinalattirintesi.f the people If the Treater, D-pertment will print and put xisthe dirpoari or the people ten-forty bonds, paying e per aDet Inwerret .40-annually. In coin, fur the tem, alp. gito.oftmiuo leen. it win be so rapidly tskinjthlgink frina.thi mealier In rillieb courant... :ere snide into - the 6'°.A bonds, that all Its other printing promeeetoployed In Printing lasporery catalog ptPer SOO b. Well stllePen. unit' 0.. is exhauted, and with the moat beneficial co w loan the gareromeut and the people" • We concerto Menem ansoodakms, thweghire ara disposed to tbtok that the ten-firty bonds could be nsestilly supplemental by an lone of els. per cent notekeoarertlble Into Ingeander et the win cef the holder.-21. T. &miter P.O. • Uk1 411 • 4 LIProPY Tor:ths Pitts!stn . & Cizetts 3 "'. 1 ,l-f.'" `-• '7..1.. '.. ' ',, ,Tz %:,F2aT"ZP"Ptd, a rionexend—utr. is 1 =num,' fair kcal. d.- : . marl for 1116 m; d Out tomtit is Ono. tbsoill 12414 0 e1r4 1314 PI , TiVe-vols Wei at 12)•-zrot uxo ttn Samidert; i forlittdad tildes and ltalbge for Clea 'de; 14 , Yie. i Plain game; 13 for Ilan Poor •.Curk'e'l ma 200 for Cord dih., ~....,A.r with .. Wes deity rendabd, Cam, at 14)§:', ma Pork a held at VA to VI. and Ness Baer at Stute,so, Drlact beet issteideirlth fr gslar Sea at finth 11 tOltd. , 'l ,2,,, ' `k.r _,,, - 4011A114— T h esis is couldeista Lavin' for Wheat tent time is, appsitmtly, none in Os market for • sale. porn is Co.. salts be. unchoored; =kali Wes ' from atom at WAWA% • liatsArst,`lalth.• heist Ormond and light, recalpts. Bela from *tort at 87. dßye and &holey remain nominally nnatantad. ' BOOSSIES—Fir somewhat si dled and con k safeeektylagna. fiat* Of 501topst lNalfin So Oa. to atot 4. fo 7 4 tortaradotai IP _Oliettre , Pima Xis Orleans. Mamma nag be cin Atka ot front 1it,15 to 11,18 00 47 Air nay act". Lora Ii Piling to a fair extant F h L a O n C ge — d; sa lmon i s lsohngtf s o - f I t CM i Ib ra Eas ie t t 457 d 0 IS hid, and= bbl. extra Family. st 7 40. Prat more small Wiest 17 for Estra snit g7,1n56,25 fur .. Kit e d Igillitealls Ounaid;,tirttter core, Orme" limited, and prices bars salt fatha' &alined; ...._ *Sas at Opts ret tont/ r.., fair to taista 8011. • Esp, Ma bare dathai, and may he quasi dnirsi Ica? , COLLO P 11117 1 ,4 idea 40 built apples at I(sk Vi trodso, =mkt cialmof sh .I,a at 1a, ,, Pantos are held at adadrana, end may,towlks quo tod at Olt for 'yams, halves — , -1-1• , ' , .Catgai—ln brlok demand sad soppy 1 6 ads of 175 bas prime Zotlith Dahl at lOefild 7 t. k Ildti--Leint [lathes are arm and basher,;bang Amid at sd,oo VI tar bbt. White Piste may be quoted , ' firm at IP j.latictsral ore arm, tro unatanged ' WHISII—is firm tole. u nsettled—h olders asking:ran Slit to . 41,AT for Common; sale of 24 ILAT—ds bilatter annuli, atd eiger.• &lei w i th . Lade beef 4111,0 - ta PS. Eatelltai Is steady; , 'POTATOSS—Sha demand tontinurs brisk and the • - 1 scrulaittsiliti,-erittzsatesst-01,25 to - 111,Z0 111 bah, .-br all aeod qualities, sod $3,7a4, 00 %bide HOOP PO t.E3-9ato of 0,00014 110 la 1,000 for ' alacaa sad Std for lights. Closer . _ •C‘ll*--Tbora la soma locat enquiry for , Powal, and the market ls grut, lath sales at slB,Olail V ' Da 'b. "I'lea shy bleed nay bar quoted id, '•Atd• 2 , 2s Sad Idalbad et•OadAlli .. . , . , ' Plasbargti retie leUna Waite. I . Ilion Was •• felt &mud _fur ' ,Cads today. sad 031:" 2.0000.111. dhaudad hands at the . on , ths "pat, ....--- ---.....1501. leoaslases..--lialk oil mar • ) quo , tal atakdy at ° S' although se Ware unable to bearlor a Outs traaraotiaa. The shipping demakti is a '. a last somowitatiorconerquence of the boa that the Central iltual Is and has beau . for umaral days sionott oomnletely blocked, eakas a matter of arca ' atty, madam" boyen ato comps lad to hold od We groin hopes, haworer: that this obstack will 000• laa ntmovad,lawittob amt. Oa businessto this great t "Souls it immediately improve. Itegned is quiet but my ata—licadan. tonsdaz toOptilte Tuiless tin i am ragas *strum prices e arkd this het, more than . , anythlagolss lab *tenancy to retard trade Prime j cal brsoda Mal to quoted St 6041 la demd, and i 00kka, free. llaptta—esha arta Std. at 30. Fo r , , Mas m an aks aaabadital at 5 4 rw• ( :Thom has not Nes &singly antral by the Allegheny der, since oar ast :cart, - . ' Meati - Terit 'Petroletut;... Market. , . Specie, 1 Distette3: iceL:, / PittebVlT.llllasette. ", Saw tree- - th teatket • tines dell'andprlcescre xhade lowan , midi nll - at 370 on en spot; 0r5333 for cat month dales:Gr. I=Parrjedrlis r efeler ' e a n " :fie la spr at • / 63433, and ISM for Way delivery: , 'The 'mnraet '1 -, 1:V,4 0 ,:g11T. 1 41:=4 4 .1% 4 Vfg: --- ; •11 . whateTert 9 A s rtqllolaptl4.: • . - egheny C, Me ,Market. assuiliai cur, aetti.M;.-The auiiit. for Mule continteas .- fini And bog:yet:et; with et Intairdeetnarel,. 1 light stTply,-,/ and atill higharrates. The utimbet offend sagretated'hettieearSCO and 940 load, - on of were wild, and malty more coald. have been digpmed of bad they beanAtt - tele. - ,lbei 11 01 /iiit/gliera -agnate hate :sgtdclbeeri-tittyltig to this • 1 - fuel maybe - iitabaue the bss:beeo4bilifeedlelitilieg:lherlur two :webs. •, '.thewe tareti,bOiastiv - do nee ice and ioo, head at PO* Tiiiiii.tfeum MP 15 ' 3 A Of eat. VW.; Pt, . ; . \IT ALI tiol/PIY did out bight to meet rho demanl, ets: rosny:of one botcher' - filled tO canal mimptement txatau, ).._ goseterustent ..eirdeld,.,hate taken - - mote bad they Ism It Is . e netimatjo tack:thatthe fieutbila of :be tuuti We for Some waits pist,/have- honor good. /-• quality, apd It lsegnally rott ee z le that tio other /aind--es s genera thin g wanted.. There bat fir nod cattle Offerip,g, while's/eel:terns" hare • aimed entirely dtsappeared from the pens. • nvelpts of cattle ky rate at tbeanYardee ddr log the .past , week amoinut AO 43 cars, mfollqwei 21. Lipsey, I car; tr. ilmitli, qty ara Bro 14f • Rothchild , et Homer, 43 Nubs et Greenwald, 4; C„ Markt, IS; 'llariewood rIS 'Co 11; J. Taylor Go fis• • -Merritt g - Dith 2: dB/ of theme ;cattle were from •—• 01110 and I.lllneis—prlortpallitrenn , Uhis Th ! ...f4tsro : 9llll ma 'Massie instrin lb. leading yams BVdeenTad, wild to Capt. Claw...rot meat' Wl'bosoll or good Mimeo. Ideas. astragtog ' 12°1b4" Voraftlittlitealat Alta !Inn ' • Wm: Ifaa 111:or tits . "; l " . ZeCt Clow ato ' Sa Load or. fair J Tailor &Co to Abalizzat.t, st 37 theltUds &Wt. 9ttlead'of Icktrnwa i I.4.ll . lWoritLwitim'cti , J Stood told* tolzed si tt of 51 !:, ! 19 of 'Wasters .f„ ..-• • Tisormanat Stria tram ir•r i , 76.-ot ' DrO" totaled about:II:0 lunar Weatoro 'etattla at to:014103 to IR" Yo - ‘7 1 4 0 .° 4 t° 411 I ° l I tZielitej tal4lytoliaorixl*AA* l, P rk 350ttb.:44141.4 0 . 1 3 A 5 far far. .Dry of - sond., . PhllltpaltOld ilboad of aortssl2.soirtortd•,- • swoon. tottllla4 -head -0J; Picts mailllK ietesile,toteitots Tben AT* boo stWtetdidmod to; Bneep tboput sot but the - lifraW tone of kd%dads; 'kn. -row woe uneffsou. 110 quotab chug. lbe HIS contain *boot SOO toad at dto PAZ= Opped and to Os for woolidl—told , lot clod. vat and nandnalst cur quotation*. rim demand fortilts grads of sock continuo light end the troultari atintraPauttraly•of a local and nulasooruint charactar. The ludo comprio , to about 9301 read Ita d .p . 1.1 , r125 04 1.0% 12 ISM igA O if cot. 'kg bquall"' rbbrileetpta of rodealirm taut:CM galas liberal • 41arios tto weak, atmonntlzg to Awn tOo hoid and the market 4 a little weak. OA Pfl••• 10 = 4 W • raA a t :IV 01 Land:g Dio n rj t t • r g, I=l 01015 C iirthe7ltini:yoriC Grocery Market. ormstappospo, Apru • • iiiiraltmay fair ileolhd fir Raw. , •. •• OS I S4triObbd ,31[44d47314 1 4.p5ci t y t o atprY, the - C4l44liiiof iitiisli;sa Gold 'pod . *schativV,` pthetinfr ataatigth and andlagran , itoprcrecotf saalght of a cant A,' Toad , . - ":"-• 1 1: , 'day. *lies Stent-o bacon known h that dot bra V nahwf Con .. • pod had trod a • 1351. for an additional Doty of • ra.7 Vont, on Os* poi Tacit to be In bra for . rinty r, nntll &more pmnastant 13131 0141, bet par r betaaithe motet 1:144=4 meta invited sod aorta Intaratt. bolded att a general thing either retiring' , Calf data' of dialog - cooddarahly bloboC rata. , • - Solara mat Idea anhannal 01.. dna rnal7. - aws .itticondanint.tunlaik, agnahar Improsament. of Co. tad Wet - Itar Weado.7 - •58404, and- : tho b nittat Irlet4l4/11bdiensindistamistardomr vevt:ad g notations do cants higher - than thaw warnrot friday has, do mutat 41 , vdtg atnrog, , tatty Ibliptushtina Ward and lofted down to the thetnia hat arrults Id • has largely shared to ;the linoya34o7 th Plintori" 'and PVidr-Jto7u'unr9 Mu 4. 07374 *how o • ' _Raw •,dtroand food, ?wok Wit: Wit gaga' other • • thatiattunl. rod 154115% amtkooroe sat :whit. 13.24. dat,Telletflara%; of. Unded,shout WOO Wads, thangod Wanda and car hat at 75445% cs•ati. mostly =an, timing i t Rias Was .of Bair are 4240 hbd.4 Cubeibia% cents. s t llonTof zport tied to 17 In boodito Ithds Clatttad ' - doatti e rh); 5 Porto 15.1114, tho higher Ica In Id* 13 1 ) Ifew.Orivems. 16a12 . 47 garittd d ' O be ss• dtiob si foi , T 6 soca. The dock yeitotday vas ata7ta 21; i . , Ithda, MOW and 741 W tap 'Engari acs's; tated—ano,coirkat.hatt Lase An tint . ea rgold fa • • Odd tivd pticargather.tandloc n 4211 farm but yestdday. when It became katbril ICI for an 444410041 Dim of Fifty per cent. Ibr . • flinty daye to cons had pond nos branch or ;lon. ' - 17nandla attar withdrew Utah . stocks or Ili a tondderable advance on pnlbttilstel. I •2 ~ Atcuttatkoto hea,-.ln cordedua.. hoodoo gotta us. •'' 44704 luul lootattal. lb. olds Cl buyers andaellent , • • • bag! ow nod natant than der. We llotloo MC* Uaturday. pa ea. Ammo at 44 cents, Ida . 2 9 dot.. clahtlill 62.4%15 Lagdynt. 47, 4 wait adaa, and 40/11:—Itandayn, on Land not mai ifoluper—lAtazdAy and Mendiy the market was • - 'du% sad DA:mot Wstlndbt elltoriptlona WU or I:a • ~3 data 111 gaIlon; but yeatardayiattaa the new ludo* .44,110 Ar Matio44l 1:: Of /Ay per nenty , haritg pawed ad 'ovarian!, of • Catagrap, 4 p he at became th.ott!ladll.llrmeragals, thisdon .vias roundel, the - mark o g &c m , en :et a l a t th W a ;all i c o d t s ite! ;11 . 53 1121 1= • tea an d -153 - bbla Cuba gaitcarad0,..732.14:61 1 5 bbts TiartAdada: - part to dent oftho dada; Wald, 41 pia,; sod .lLl bbd! 6gln Mira Casa b: lute . 014!1104'1,u teml4/0004'516/14":,,, L". Sart.- 27r.41=:-IdonliethiCjralii 7ir bta stiVi:l49bbio XXX *Mu at PAN= 161* XlLtut iatit -,6 11. ltxaiaiar end l tlAaatt! d. 0 5 . '-- " • toii6thippthe 01 irggealath*,dnuir4 ad Olt •-•:" opi,nsylog - to a , Wats& admit, Bap r. 4.0611401C.3. 1 X 0 Ikaskrus 9,44nuard nsi; tithe &me Oboicostawn -dtmt Sttief _elt4k* isa imailtsba42nrscos 4l :4 ) " fr:41: 0101 nid t ?/,!L a il i a , .„;;; ',-'011.1*F1:41 ItYN 441!1t.44 atld ii P . ' 4 ` MI" 1 " 4: Olt it - 14 4 irivisti, AEI ?or Trackiza VA.° for - 7 ', ,g FY *37 -; - 4,; •;-: - PIMMII=7= ECM= Toledo Olarmet. • April 2d--Hoar—No transaettoua. Vitt , at—Salee, alt before ret;ort i 21Xo bosh So UM at 149Y,e ; 1,700 do No 1 White at 100 c; 3,000 do No 1 Bed at 112%e; 5,C00 do Amber Mich. at 1530. EbtaerePirt Ira doskot thlot bo)ere aro di:wowed to otTer over 152 e ter Amber bitch Coro—Tbere Is nod mend; ane quote ncgollisdly 113 - all2*. z.Byo—Nombeally , Barley-1a demand at the Bretrer!ta at 140 e. 111upprt, by Stelll•uatt. • • - PrITOCUIi to. Vince arm' 6naloo . ftsitscion, April 26-1 I corn to balk; .111tehmak, IleCteory & co; cars Mote, John oloorloP4. 2 cars oil blAs, H. Ilosenbailoi.7B tceprease, P. !loners & eo;100 bbl! &or, CulP X Shepherd 100 hidol rani. Plummer762B hosh..o66t.'Telt &Strong; 3 boars tobana J Kirk. pe riek,4 Pb) egys,John D aub; lot temp Iron, .Jll..VNOC4o.oo4lmuthy seed.llcOlurkari, Herron 19,7010 bozos cenned'frult, F. :Bennett; 28 bozo. bacpn.Gdea, 'Abotdoker. .* Unit; 18 too shoulders, Watt:inns: l o; 4 ears hay. Col„ Gross; 13 Gm barley, J. Rhodes; 42 do rap, Godfrey A Mit; 9 Via pota• toe', K. Gedf,looldts,, A. Holotehoe; I bosektaboa., 11, Heil; A oks rye, S. 13.1f10yd,95 dos brooms, J. Mr Folkoion• 61 do 'do', H. Robson; 10. k. potatoes. Y.ll. 11e1Cor; ' 3 ems lumber,li.lstoshant; 1 car hay, E.9lohlman. ALIAGREST STATIOS. April . 67 J Holy a; Bin Ike brick, utchinson au lot pota toes, P Pei. Kn o t; ims; 10. bp do . Jae Craig; 27 bp oats, Blinpon & o 1 car hay, 17. Dahlman; 3by pots tips, 8 Dyer; 131 es flax terd, Ewer E 20 bdlo - pmts..; Perk's. -& co: 3 rolls loather, 8 Beil l e7; 26bdbilOw; J Crdlds & co; 19 0 IP W W Anderson. CLIVIZZAAD JET: , Prrrstanal it. li., April 28.- 1050 hulk abouldero, W 11 UO3.E co, 100 lads floor, /Pm nk En 01; 42 bble-dry apples, 3 Dbl.. rood, I. 1, 11 TAP & co; 6 1.,b10,0wp; Tango der:3 do do, 21 Coo; 180 sky Dots, A.J Hspo;00 bbl. whioky, Lam :bort kehipton; 1 do dd. J McCulloug h &co; 000 I n, 0 0 To. -701 PP 1744 nu% BA' .1, c.,; 101 alto corn, Hitchccsk,.llloGretry 8.17; 48 bolts hay. B. It Yloyet. Park 6 11,600 feet Int:ober, A It —lmports by Elver. 'COM . . .V I.IM Eirsis—Llbdis Cubing rods; 1 I) Theripscro• tau Prim:dui Imam, 7.11 Nader. 82 bbls W ssud;ll:Etelt Br*, 7 Wescott., 10 tv do,E Hyde, 25 tm .bsros. M ki Erled, 15 mks 0 spirit., Ms sta r G do ,wise, l 3 Ylorteetri, 14 E bbl.; - YA NII evin& o), 21 bales teer;Trulo T Yullou c 0,3 pg. esercliuDetdiry Burke Mimes, 3 pkg., Pens. tt Co, 57 tm; medicine; Wilms Irwin, 49% dOs came seat chain,' xideboardi 1 pkg. UV., ISM do, I dos cans eest rockers, one-ball .dos Mace sto.b; .LemurA Well. SASEVILLIU—ns Br:ante-7 pkg. glass sure. McCedly; , 37 Pbb Bar seed, 39 pkgs dried ipples, 15 do dried peacbei, kleDcrodd A Arbuckle; lugs lot kandrlei, Clark A to, • EMni:MN: I _ IOR CLNCVNAII 11 LoutSVILLS —The titurparsempri drum N -Willi:OWL J. 'daper, m will bare el above on Tap Dhlr,_99M Ind.. at 4 p m. for treighr.or tonne adply an board or, w " • • J: D. eCtLIANDWOOD, VOR ST. Tho fine .I...:tbituoLEMPIBE DWG CoOt. ^-s''' 32l " litatop, SDI ittitrlla abort on IraIDAIr. the tOiti Tat height u= s ter: btaof to , it •' • • J. D. COLLIDGWOOD3 AV° VCR CINCINNATI & LOU- j a W .i . IIiVILLr.-Th• fn., neuron. BATS 110BISSON. Pepe, B. Itabinson, *ft ea. • ta OM= FR;DATaTtb fast Tor freight or towage ot,ply oa bard or to ;:cotta rLA • a r um 3.ID.COLLII.IOWOOD.I • :E! 0 R NABRVILLE—Thei c eit rigeaiiia , um' plistottor Mesmer cledzue., Cart. LOIN will Imre for too JaKITO azd latormallato corm on 21014DXY; tOo 21 of J. 40111N.ILAGE Av°u * aR Y -11Q1EGULAR. WIEEELLSIG. '.I.IOPASKICIIIMItIIG ACT . - he ens itaataai MINSEVA., Capt. Jahn Gordon, grill lane l'inaboagli for .Whealft vain' TOSSDAY. ,T I3 IIOB I I S II DAY ti a th nd e S n e T lAga o n l d . m Pa a r k h i a g n b C u l. t ol t As...olatnin 10 COl2. Las cam MAO PAT, ..47EDNE8Dta kid „FILIDAY. _Paseengtan sod fralght nanfined thrangh to Pirtninpurp. tar fr.lgt"rrrOgeg hoard or to • --- on Wharf Boa;it the fold Ve=al: WILISNIALL 4dE i s tri AND wrEaVILIT.—Th• assasunar tm Against sztauccaua, Mon Toe Arras; bomistimiekr, bares Pittsburgh mrsr7 TIMSOtt 11,1 a p.m.. sad Zataarills;enrg gout. 14. tb heir id LIU, Wm. Mullen, Foitei der. lea Pittsburgh cam SATISILDAT, at T. Hani'MDLIT i t 8 o'clock red -- ,Zsomfaq PwrP cu g owt or to a. M. T 1 T, ! 1 7 /I g h .tlj / StralOOD”Vt; 100.. Agents, 7.• n mOl le. Ohio. ANTED BY A, LATE OFFICER, toiltia I alb* Q.B. terit*sui loymblio 01111ATION SAL atom illoolcaßectr, TraTelllo(:/14env, antthitig borsosable sad .vidlts tlei.. Cau plied 51;0: 1 :kb;the 12110. of ht. erilQlo)et; or would Invest Pe tams tp any, paylr4 bu4Dea. , lhdrix Groat Li/en. sad • reqsq!!L ddresg. .131LZ9.H68,r City cstali!ca. g ood 16&ET.E13. ve. lautacitiesaseta, a am, l'ASt tt. hanklin luomdty, MON llt _7- IBM 87031›. TV -A AID' UMW= Or' TUE Ires. A ran. chows to togii c 0 .., gmto ate dosrits.frons 111001oTSO. per Math: 9.P.000, eBRO sold; PontlArt:cireuliro, :Address ,110151113,! BROS: Poolbacro, Bal . !mom D 69113 PIIILLT Ite" . 'llO Water It rat VICrANTED--Boye 'to learn Braia Fix I/ iddng *ad Maws ary E. Dt NTlil=lWalt Wal la AV" VV i ti..*.fstwAtir 0 175 5 5 ,„,,1 4 '"="1 . rargkato.lo!l' ourohai- U itopke gm& fo[ ]r pWtlma. iri.barfalur. la tt "zt , re . 9113.10 v, 11 9 rA n TIMM farre a sia4 ISHTDII2II2.' -MOB OIL _CLOTOBC IidEPSTS. ,• • Busossil ausza.nortaut,_• mut* ann. weir—asid Use 11111ABorbire4 111.473.0:40 spa clog. -AD welattrtain T attended • goof )1,:b; TEDILIIILL -BTUS% Apfitrz-t: 51-tnwill; Snug tiaitmad-,: • `- • kris bistdet lailbarsv.s o v. , wrifpuftxr twi , m6 rum iza lassiY2 , krona" p2Ait srus t,Ey n Iz ir ir ir —:Liza T e , F . all ~ _a , n d . s.,opitantil vs 1 1 44 .1 GALwAY. g. rtesbertb• .wards ' N 0112,1444"." :D v eli-VIZEK-111:1BNIUATIN(110 :460 bac piiiiii Detdi (kink Liztedesitis Oil, ' listeistla its %One Aran grit eff Apajmnit, and i ep . ..rartfallte matt•t:Priud• try . - i - :Z"fi ,,7 - - ~- ~ , ,4111. - .DALTZLI. At 50ni....!•! . ~_,,,bl e -cp,,,::: ; ,..v.,,,i1 ,Aie sod 70Wabite ittrost.t op , -bpa; Jai* rectivErlo " ' , = . •,~ = - - - ..,~rr. ,--, .orz-m_~~ , ~a~~...~-'ay?i"i==v ^.ti.'-'.~:w...: i~~:..:'s:r •{ `, =o=== MSAVAUCTIOF('—Otri : ktdi , Hday modidsdy, - Agnil 30th, at 10 o'clock, be' soli at klaloold, ktictloo Woo, 68 rush grad: 40 alas now and sdcoad bac& Ilacoraiorltbanc ro• A. kleOIX LLAND.Attorr. 134KL'uCHIS-A.NO ISUGOY , grAU t' TbsN—Abirnisy s.oralig. 14.0 1511 i, 13 15 o'clock, at Maion'ertlalr, *action novo, 5. • 7111.5 Area, will tts sold ramily BarClidlel 34 TOTakay. • • WM . ' ' T. A. MeaLELbs DID. Mietr. 10H.NyLANTEE OIL YARD. - 1 -'O2 V Tuesday eventsc; BUT 114 wirTbv• lad it tba Coninnuttal latee lei 84 14•11'streht.'oth atonal tsar, live atm of 'lroned in Wilco terneeip, frOcit log on the Alteshany river; with the lleene. pomp. PI" ill rmiltits truallubry, Tan's. hurelina Vatforas, and rellioad switch be oollua so the Corn plaiter 011itiolopasy Tents zeds time nat late O ATM Mitt*. ORSVes AND JENN Y LIND AT MICITIOT—On friday m^roing ipr.l frith, at ll okleellt erill be sold In front of t'..• omoterchd , Was &otos Mo. /MIL 'Meet, eye ameD etzoi bey left ',wort. Is barons or under the indliti.; owl ber.o.Lmil Lind, tall/ D.Wr and in rood or. der One:, Auotei. apYa IDAYTErcI"7.IL TI3E to STREET Pi‘OPERTY I Aucnow—on Tresdai ainealg. May sd, at Ocleet, will be aced tax account at lamer Pnr bucr. at I hv 001:61110. Chit Saks BOOM* 'NO. IA Yin etr.c. that rab's Lot of ground, altuata At Oa osrb-eats /I Ile I.Nrty and Waahiugtoa strrota hat , na a trout of al Vat utttlitert7 atreet, lied. ex. tending skits 11 Ntalogton ttreet 'Vat, =OA let ars ereetod t two etst7 train dt mUh - Te ma back bulldipat. oteslioae.halt each, h ad the Willits Pt 12 months, *lth tAtertai ap=t DX I 7IB t zacpArstax,.Aiet`ra. I,AW AND .3dP , CELLANBARS .11-/ nll&si or iLIDDIC VOLD a 11.-4.10 flotarday ayaning. April atta at 7)4 o clock ' vW ba sold by estatognut on the taisand floor of she lameracial Stars LbtMaps, 14 stnet, lb. Law =a kiLecaliannos atry cf helstejage 10 tektite; eatoprisbig Iran Me rats of Am mean end lingllala Lair lamorti,law tstramun Lew, An; r ono editionnf the Lase of Pencartmolia; Bramcation of the alwari taws of the United bta es, am Engileit shmlittret large., 11 rob; Bole of Earliement 0 ads Pricmcd inns and Datette of it:mat:ollst% Binalo of Ocautions, It roe; Gales a Aanton's Annals of Ocognee. cote , fmna lb. beginning . DI volm_thinerriesh Etats ' *Parrs, 10 role. dc.. ; • -: among Weasel's:tat us boat int the following: nalctith'e History of the Woild d sun ; Tontea D 4 to !loos of Dralcy. 2 von; Winans - of Wsobingtoa, 1 cols; Thalami ha Ma 4. vtl.; Work. of Tanana Burk., 7 sots; gfawa , t,7 est.. Lord/ on, 10 voic,--Lord 13.1losbroke, 4 soh; Liormst's gnp Land Was; Priiceoplacel Woks of David Elam*. .1 sots; Al arm', Tampa, 5 eels; Maroadon's Illatory of tee.llcrellion, 0 sal , lava raw. •rn now road, for &alibi:atop atad - iht book. can De riarolord outia.orday. oots DAVIS A MoILWALI9I4 Ancera. Urrr STAI.V.S.I%IILLTARY RAIL: 1 1- 1 BOOB: timer or enter Lie GUeorthotethls • Wenblogton, Apr.ll3, 11164. tsßUtlON—thlll be sold sm. Wednesday, ths 1.3111 ot May, at the Badr.ed Depot to elezendrin, Vi 6ro tons of Old Gollroad 100 them of Old Ca dem: 60 tone of Oat scrap Iron; 100 tam of Wrought Iron; 6 tons of Old Blue non Copper; 300 Ott Gthrels; Terme: r.. 11 In Government Donde. Ten GO) per mot ts be paid at th e time of porehthe, toe Woo. on delivery. The pest most be remcm d within ten dere hoes dots of este B ISOBINBON, Cop do and " • fIOERNISIENT ;SALL—WiII be sold t Public Anctiori . , on KTIDISE.DAY, 1804, et &Vachon, Arsenal, commenclos at it. o'cick • m , to the hlktnat bidder, the fallterost • prrporty i ij r s , : at u IS Sid Clartrtlan Itorrov,.Bales, Its- T5.0 - O lbs. 8 rap Leather. 40,001 M do Inn. 7,72.6 Horn'. Barrels end Train Terms cash. 'lt 0.6 WHITGIET, spZIA4 Lt. CoL of Ordnance. FROM THE ak LOWER THAN THE LOWEST Tim undereigned le now prepared ti bring oat net Me= en First Claus tiogal Anil •IMIGAZII• arse dire I to Fee Torli,on Plitabsign Liam Liverpool, ' Queeadown, Londonderry. - . oltiogo W, , Galvin. Lower Than Any Other -Agent Sere. oat maul gni tie 4eual and ii ainetno-d inn emu's maii eel es neck, and pruning , ' are Inane in everything. The esdermigneil Is silo Agent ear TAPBCOTT'B LINE. , of favorite Liverpool prated voillog sod fort,•Z Lb. of Varna brought on b) this line N for ndoc fiIDirt.DUSIIIIn on say part of Lame for onle D. O'NEILL, rAnniego 01:m. go. 70 110 b onion. Ea from 6 to 10 p. a at 68 Bcoldtbeld Penh._ • Ina Apply to STEAM Virg.EK.L.Y — ll/ ' LIV-41k KOPOOL, t -) ouching atCIIJOENOTOWO , ' itoonori 1,, Noe York sad PhStadottitA Stuunsity Clomping Ars tusandol thllion spro 91 And tom on:weans SitordAt, nocz. ?um g O/, North Misr, - . ALM at 'AMA,. Penal& io 0 , 111. tor Ito opstwami is Inge Clarts--,..... 0 Cul uxiiciAns----..:,.Pt 01 do to Goolini.- 113 00 do to Lando:6'lCM do. -to ;OM . Parlii.;4o dd. do to Baulburg ..'lO 00 do .to ilmsdig St ransongsra Alio tbruncdoi to flitis, Brousen,"Bot nitiuo, gut - trap, 4c.i.ato7olny mt o o rage so= idairpdol - Chintioioiro t IsCodunts, Ir3i 11,5 Than obi Sold to aids Wird. an ~4A -Usti , iitc. thin. Tar tura.. tearoom= si,gls Ai lit Cheopiar. Moo /011116. DALL aging Id giveaway, Sop Tot SORB 11101IPSOli, 41.1 Ind RV, ST . M. thy , mtge. ATLANTIC AND FACIFIC STEAM .. _ lausta ti - preas oE6ce, Mubarak, h. tgln Ptd. 0 :4 0 " 4 " t 'Fr." Deb .nn c,17 4 f . 11r1,10 1 sire a!laMes iotwrrs. WMUAllit t virliptoNTT SEWING .4VEACHIIsI,ES this. Om 61.;a 1 .4 Black. VrE. SUMNER &ca . inanals JaltEM. as,tal ; I.2I.ACRES ()VIAND, Wiwi; th• 214>rongh of Taminrinitelalla. sad witutn _ SIIIPPLrG "OLD COUNTRY.," I,OIiDOS PACKETS, saw visa io nuacesu.. wit. maw!. a UNA)1111 1•INIk--tit.um Arum annirOcil. AV" QtrigillEtrowft MN IgtWelroax. Gls I. axairs: rwsnm LOCK. STITCH int onsvisr.snliptalmip pan fttoclr"ing‘liawko loakit p ipagsnm. Mo s 7 virtu wr MoCABAXYI3 MABBLZ WORKS, laolutil.( 44 lii'll 4 twoiltd Gunflints wad elan . gtolle6 3 .1 nkinme - 4 00 ; micimum xeP Josmi vA , Ir Oirler;lFX . WAIAPUIALMe's ' Auxuateri ortii call:alai a Wm ad staiW smantailatearot Dwmtrairt,Wszo, R026 - lEomgmumudall , re:W .014511tifiliTititv , w 6 s! itie rats H. ,z a was.piatizeo,TElZlVr, jralatarsPeriiiaZ S . a BRYAN,. "IN , it loricem, , ck 14;a0 ~. • tior omalignid.ftc,f;',o 4 4 .1 la. , 11 toJW.N YEW/W . ANIVAIILIVI! 9 in5a99.094-1994 199 ! 929 T1 989, ` 69; 'itript Thr " I T" ' • 40 glaitiWO"Tri• E COVE a taraxla of 'l' It is oil:gant land. Intl bzntott4, ttith sc.! bonc.t,rniatint-bottdtur. it I.* ,l1:1a lilltees land In clzu bucanb, yet gcuirally rya, and could t.. 11 dliddeil loco good balldinit tat t: • • ror M.jr, lrcatloo, and other qcalitlaw, It b the flite!te - plme taro •IG>,v a in the county Offorefl atptiraza 2.1•411 UAY lat. Tills perfect. Zia lacumbreciaa. Inquire 1:4 thd promises of GILLMCBC, IE4 Your* opt. cro w SAMUEL II HTIMITL FtWELLID. I 3 HOUSE FOB BALK- Thecolwernaw• Wm for We the dwelling holm to which he now Ikea Waisted on South de. site,. gird Ward..allegheny. - ,The lot le 27 Peet Pont by 1W deep, rowing beck to- • Di bet jitney. it ton t.i.gtorini brict; coniati. tin roomy .ad toU.r. The .niAboneee area wants home,. rtable. coal hews; dc.: There Is a large , yard ranbededlog the dwelling , filled with shade end ornamental tram Thew is gps and wator the room of the dwell. 1 1 . abo offer for yak* ' dad:shit tanntry wawa t ug lteAanehp BMWS minty, Pa., °attain. L Melitr Wes of ground. There le • MIN two. Iltatia tune dwelling. eontelning sir now, op the property. , Then Ls oleo • youngordarl of oh Wads of Iredt.' There Is • good barn. ontbonws. It le abcatt A Etna fans the Zook:arta Depot. Tor tenni Inquire of IL DOLTS, Lend' South amass, inembeny city. VOIR tALE.-A LAIWE BtaLOING, - 11171Triltili PUB. A BSOARDINO 1101151 OR 110711.—,Tba property known as ths 45oirtekl.y Academy," 11 mein from Pittsburgh, oa the P. It. Wayne and Ohlmgo Bailfar. stitti ..ran cr fourteen arm of 1410,1. DM-rod for rain Thera Lino flan 10- codas to aka slain ity of Pittahurgh tor a lloardcog fto.6e. Hotel or School. 7ha man braldmft 11/ bet by 50 and cantatas namiy: forty rooms. Ttore L abut:dinar of shade. nod tha grounds ars matl nt y armor 4. Th om is also • good radon and pley or malt frolic Poll excellent It has all ins an. vantagei of tha river and railrosa. Pommitas ho silvan hormalstaly. /or prim, taros, 0 0 Pit t. of T. U. Iforti Co. 13 Wood stmt., Pittabirgh, or of the enbarsitov on thy praTalsa. nnit:tf JOB. B. TitAIIILIAL POE SAL E.—At Eirergreen., Ross menu p, five Milos from Atlestumy, a rod 'frame Swelling, modern idyls, containing demo room. itore MOM, pantry, cistern, cell.. Mader ths whole lase, and as erre of ground with a earls:yet tralt tree, and smell fruits. This property is die= wooled from the im.ocitiobut the , purchaser may enjoy the advantages or a w ill ms Seminary, to he opined ta •Orw weeks by a gontlemmt from New York. and artY ether bonedis connosted with the Asso:letton 1.7 gentleman taint buslums la the eitTocad do . siri' healthy bln the country one houn' &ire from ng the shy, ooneff. s Leg rare inducements rur the moral end physical welt.. of children, still do well to look ht this property,. which will be sold low. Poo- Koalas am he siren May Ist. Tor further informik , lion inquire at the prerolses or at lio&Terkel street spithew SALE.—The undersigned have bevel eppobutest • Committee by the M: &sabot& Mt to make rah of lb. 0•1(1. AND PP. mORGIL ADD BLINESSYILLD R %ND AILWAYS, or elth-r them—with equipornts. etoek, ae , and •111 receive bids therefor WWI bley lot, proximo. • Ustossolity that time, ptoposele min O rersitea be thd Iron ood mood of too tespective railway s, Notice of the Coral of the eqnlpmeetv, de., will eiloo after May let, sferteatA. Tor pelt' .titan refer to either of the neAssoliptel. Wet. A. HERRON .10sELIIA SHOD SAMUEL MORA', A. 8. DELL, Committee. Voit• SALE—A CHOICE LOT OF CRRtivz 116.9.—T • e nonerslgnal has the tell ing Of • choice Lot o mad, containing VIVID inmate on tha t tinuirral Hill Road, about half a mi:a hoot tho .tadon of the Oskland uen rr *snotty, adjoinlog loons of B pram h d Wm, .I. Warnock. about tw,..thirds cloven. the remainder la wooda. 'nth • mall itreera of water, nowing ttoonab the lot ; all Unable gnaw:, and of trek ohms so I. It oat an admirable Lite for a Man. 107 tweldtoos. It la &sateen situated for a vim.- yard.' Land to that taighborhood Is 'ninon from pre blonrst teme anosand dollars p.r acro, yet this tot ti Mimed for four hundred per SW It is • ran chance for an Indo.trions Getman canto get a home, M for fora capitalist to mote an Investment. kap nmisnable ho Oren for payment.; or, if preferred, it rll he naiad for a term of yams an an liaproronest lease. J. infinsf 18.411tb Mood, Pittsbn•gb. WPR SALE • OAR AHD PINE TIMBER. A treat of land, one mile from the Allegheny A.? and wromaelesaing *Ott It by • plank r 4 road, In Magma) county. near Corydon, Mx mike hom trimbimg, on the 6. A O. W. IL U. abcnodl og g itt. OtK, PIN •134 HEMLOCK timber onde g IMO a.CRES, E to °Ewell far sale. m !an Inforsatkost (1V and tart= gm% known by S. S. MAO, Elzotar goal Latinate° Af...t. sot . 60 VOIT6III BT., Burke', 1tan61.91. ARM FOK SAIIE—A farm 0( . 47 acrea, • ender otend colthrittlowould wellwatorod with neap, Mutated withha thaw milts of Onwosburg t Wadrooteland o Wa ) , •• Philvorhis ald Irgainilwfroto the Peta!syhanix Rotimod. Promooduoro o two. ry t rickt haw bQ by to bet, .tiblt *as; tank ban, ith4o4 underneath, and othAT amowmg7 onabeintot; boo two good or. char* ono of ILO tont. It le • rad hand= for • pollio how. ot . dem; Toros woy. apply at the &al Waft and LstolliOosco aim of 0. I. nA.Trs t Isple Dela nowt, loarresao,Ukt. S so it to.Bollngthl/4%11, 15 loch Al trlL E'74l der, Ted; Woo* gab. gorernor uoe 12 loch cylinder, 10 inch elute, socord4Wad. reef *Olt. as good u woo. 't lock eglludet, ID tub n oko, rum. Clue " • TS Two Cyllodor Holhors, Ea In. dim., ` l o ot long 'Two Wrought 1r.2 00 sat. Atom, Throe SW of Boring Tog% for OE Wank Coto Dor mob. Eneogro of H. X. BOLE. • AU Um hi. -r Hook, sleuths Point. VOR BALD -4 -'Ol3 MODERN boat enve story brick bolos innate on EOM STUN between gh eLeetel contain len ten roanse, with good cellar and delehed iter• 'rst. :The to:but alma ot TO feet on Bees street, roe- Wog back Itt neit lo a 5 foot alley. tttibevags sub etanttally aye haw water and gas throngbest the bnilang To farther particulars enquire of - • • • 6. G. CUBBSOE, qua., , 18154rnoed, /Uteri:ugh. • L l O/1 • SALE:—STEAM SAW MILL A' AND LOII, :BYTANZItY.—Tbe on.b.slf or .bole clan Oil Xlednety end Ate= Ilmr a IP, wit!, tea and ottost.ll sm * or grow:Al an stet:dean of coal on the lot—rains open ardbeing worked Prusts on the Allsabsny Sim and A. V. U. 8., - 11 offered ter sal. Tee Potincryis nos and of sank= build. The How Min le In spendid order, and Is sell alto Med, haring s be routing from It tri,tbe pond totality Iseetiding baste. Tor rastleaLir,a upon the undersigned. LYDAY 011011.PAVISINO. ssibtf No. eit Haut street. PlLlsbrog i e, P. Fasts AND LOT/3 FOR SALlr—The isfonlgood, alder poorer of attorney, IflO oWr at ?OW baloiatTroa Station sotto tatobare, Tart Mayo* sad `Chicago Ital4my, ft FWD al', aril Vita lba follaMoir Ono Com? join m/ non Btstbu as Om North, of TI woo sod 117 larcbm. Ibis Wm Um Maxatflaity; Uof yam *4; oultabla For toilful; grain awl gram. oal watered. AIM' lola la Soon, ona four oat LU iolamg Jas CORG IC, Am , .11:1111 f 84.7.-Tiventrotrion Acres of LanalorCof tint torsos Lorin, oonnoon4Los • tea NW • Plthborgh sad /lento'. - lo &tont ono ettel JOON' tarry Landing. an on Om bes ems fine Clan trees. and • novor-tkatoll s =of ozeollont gnaw. Will to'sold =Br a to salt poronnant. Ponmon• country reilditte• lOU plows call on AWASH 101916 ii. No. 09 Wator West: &TOR 1361 E—A Smug Bsorgv4 , L 3 Lou* etloke, Ul hub gnaw. 15 tact two dr *ba4 an d et abenztlso bona power.. Alai, am • 141wasUa. two Dry Otos, slid Stamm Glos Bonen. eat= Bating Nadia% ana Mats Dick Saw, ina. auttne • Palay Dedefor QS 'Walla; ars Dam 2111 Vadtilte, aad goat 100 bat Mardi laab MOS& MI at the abor• artlolca 6. gold at i mZbap pin b 7 applying at one at 42 nrni VALIIA.I3LE RIVER PROPFATY y TOB WA, situated to the noteartsholt Biwa oboes ths Ord Loth, hating a tont oo Ow of NT Sit, fedextandlog beat to arab& Meet, edlototot the Cketaellsrt be Itattroot, on. tstateg 4 verse slid TI welt*. Thte se Moans bM Iteration for mint Ihstertni horPosscha # ll l the river to Mot end otiblit'sttest - en4 Mloo9lo. the nor, tad !an Min and batlelati thereon *reeled. Fat ba• Meta ANN TUSTIN, en ibr Pmet a a W.• O. hIICIIIIttBAUGH, - Ao. 111 ttlemovut Littab •e Wiltd . - - FOR ATTIAT/05 I uvreauton.usaunr.sa. 10 OOD It bed mann of tut 4ra41117 two fa& bildaiNG Is strand km' We at tad, Kazdzglilld.of 1101111114, d.ndasnu - Men, Alleilud7. o l_ , V. PrlnkSsS tort ttimmukd Cud, baud dulddr,., •DuktiV thluddr planed. and coals for we: VOlt SALE--it BOAT KNOINN AND. 17 soliza •:-....xosirs:coanatut, a whs. gullle :dl of Mauler. 44 hults, anger ' bag , 'clangs top. Soger..l% Ant Alampia, 404 - 14 , 44. gra bozi 64 th* goap cocks. Um goo lima wills writhe in 66424r4444 b 6 4 1; 6.414 14 lma Aggro% /0511 A. nlarola4.o atiLl4- - A pleasant giitatii Sea l r • hatablls Lai sir:emu taw; nEL masa.% gm Trtflltarie 4ir lanclusaar . usu•sr, torgavrellatta abodidlsti to shako MOON pow_*, bred for Wahl laimltuate for.otty proputy., /4, to Asr ritS , tifTAßr ' • "WARM' "108 - SALII.-That 11%1111 atitcsU at the 71t4tatrgb gligroir GGods Bad; ta &Woos ttrirtialvilasitrn lb" ftUlTsrug! *boat Ms e fr e lm In ttf. epart tlandlii 0002 3 acce,•oo slat vas*flit, ?!P li f - $4 ' 01 , , r 1:: : • ;;' zti,,ll:l.4 l ala =allay, MOM rrotriannu.i Wove.. VICE SALE oft_ EXCHANGE FOB GMT PEOPETY:-/that ` Careen LEE, with grenade attached, es street, tor , rawly occupied by Chrbtien lleramen; hie of ma Birlaingbare. Shading and outhuittlinge he the rear of the Dweilint Timm TEED. L. 11111 S EN, ---TO Tooth ghee*, Phtelersch i`O bAL T° 25 "res. of I ono. dui limber L. sltuat , d rear to a rail road, la Toted ilonsty, To capitalism who a las to Wed to property that I. .w mauls artatly rased, 'thole special attertloa le directed to OS above, aa wa are lastinett3 to sell at a great rokr,• BM. far o• alley ta Doti Fourth street EA - U vibe:o2er Were forialo Isms buildbat. with now gowor,oltesTe le o BRIGIITOII,I.ver county, P. The band= boo Man end as • &sob end R.r factary, end T....0y so Welts - factory, sad A pply wettable ear at m It ..ny osearactarles butane.. ar the prefab. to ebl&let INE. tlALE,44'hat cwostory4lBl4ll 1.: DWELLING,' finished In good style, and In =plate order, shunted on the homer of Daatat MO ir.d Gergrenter'm alloy, hlxtb Watloontsln lag night room end nolehed, garret.. flikbe had as bergen , Ithqulte Cl CULP it IMSP &BD, . 04 • nu Ltherke .tr ot_ - - Fos BALE—IMPRtIVED rsorgx, L' tweeter, Brick Tiarelllna of swarm hilL lame cellar, good well of ater, dolt trees, ete. Lot ad het front and 101 feet deep, and fs within 100 feet albs adorns Pealing= Railway. :. Tema our. Apply al tlas Beal Estate and Insatance 04 • 0. B. 111=3, .antler ttr,Ot. Lowencatill. ipou BALE—That deetirs . blo property situatedln the Boum& of 311duchesteul on the comer of Locust street and the Oat° Itta• ace lmoern am the Gramma] propertj, on *ltbloh erected a modern myle Brick Dre ll HMIs. Om. dap Mune. Stable, 100 Homo, Ike baileer particulars ftqMre of A. fl,liattni, fee.? 66 Water etree BALE-320 norm 'of 'prinio Mio 'l2 good r ands, In wymia. eoanty. CoO 0. P.r chased tor $4OO At Om platy drpleg *Aota to ICST• for Om gold rept no. Apply to , ' H. IdeLAIS hOO . tol Vonr th ostr.ot Ewa/aims OK KENT—A Farick of 52 ezion, good had, la Wilkins township, adjoln• lag hada Penstaneat, pad wfilain • share din attoo of the Parou7l.lnis Banns& ' Tanga reg al ionals. Wit. WARD, Mdrs Ent 6par tram obi Grant stmt. VOA SALE—A Let - tif Grout:el, at the ono:, er and Tiar.irt erred., in tb. Wrongla of 00e tat :wilt of 0! P. Smarm and Larn.t Warts, 61,abla ward ea r sad title indlryntabld. &AEON VOID, ardrti Odraer lion and. foal ta. idret• rrIE.N BUILDING LOTS FOR BALE -1 Mosta ►t the Junction of the Gramlhof Pike and Dotter Amt. 'a feet front and 100, feet drop Tense: ew half etab, sad the Wept* Wm , yea. Apply at the Real Estate end kJ:Ammon oldre of G. H. BATE.% .15 Dutlorstreet. Teesreeeeelfle. Itko LET.—No Irmo ohd ha n• some y harblabed 1100.1111, b. 16.4 by ayplytha st ibb TIHELI) 1111 HWY, gm.. Mutt sad blaltbl.l4 groom. LE GALL TN I'ECE CO — IIRTOF QUARTER' SESSIONS OT ALLECit.ENT ont,s.,lAte., TT. No. U, Doctmter Selateni, 1861. Ounkot. With of Peons3lienta T.. Wm. Mc'Motl:t3 so Daniel Meseta. SOL to Sae. Yortetted etc...nu mon of Ball. • • And now, April 18th, ISGt, on moildn of It A thuot Ito, tete Coon epOpint .J. S. VINO t et) Maitre, to distribate the fond in Coon, eozmile to the het of Assemtly to ench OM) DaWO WO pi ided. BY TBM wouT. Att.t : W. A. Hanson, Clerk. • N, - .4lre is betehy given that ;be Auditor ahoy., turned will nisei t he par Jet interestA in the shore one. Ist hie *Ma', No. t 8 IrMirth'irtriv4, Pittsburgh. on !SATURDAY, Ilse tab ISM,S e 1 2 ts`cl.sli p ap20.0 . . YOEOO, Aucitoy. 'rlitf. ORPHAN& CO I T, OF AL- LT,GELENT COUNTY, No Yrs, U D R tvernber Tette, ISO. the mutts el the estate of Samuel W h.un, dresvied. end nos April 16, 13E4, on moth.. of Moffatt 1 Taylor, attorneys for the admt,ist•ater, the ()oust appoint W. 0 ktORISLAND. Auditor to distribute all the (andel. the binds of the adusials. Water arielbg from she ..le rt real estate at ustd de• cedent, and snake repose thereat le Conn. BY SRN COM. Attest. Rin. A. TIMMS. Clerk. Notit• is bcreby alms (het the Auditor pulled will meet the partks I ot•castad , 11 tan •'.us manta, at Ida elm, No. 93 plenum) Bing iT, Pittatough. on limped ty, April totti.l•6l, at tc, o'clock p m. C. ItIORELAND, apl9:Nft ao Iltor . - . . IN THE tOC OF CO Mid ON PL b. AS, Allogheii County. No. 101 March 'T -roc, 1841 To the coati, of th- .ppl catkin of Alfred Vail fbr the Bernal of tho losolocut Laws. ben thy given that the utdatalgovi gill mobs oprl ao ta the above Clow, ea the tut Saturday 1, ....NI. between the boor. of 10 and 12 o'cleKl al of said dig. for hi. flral discharge and, th. lewd. ant Ism of PencaTteso ta. ap19:1151 A TArD,CI) IraliTYll.l.ll, At lartlo lila LS. ,t REMOVAL. GRAY & LOGAN Dm remand to NO. 47 ST. CLAIB STREET, Where the" bp" sow npati • “112116(.0 ko. CLOTIIINO, far BOYS. YOUTIO. AND CUI t.DR EN Including all the new swot Oa Kamen. GRAIL' & al , At BT. CLAYltuMffn RMON'Ais TEWORdItY. WIT_AKINS HALL co l a tileousze t 4. public - at large win not, treat, *Opt that we & at ..Orfeenti and fur aUm weeyk;or' to Is found at WILMNS DIKI,L, over tile Ma Wogs Toortb ail:44,4We it base on cs , htbition and for sale as Erie ► stock of it • PIANOS, lIAIMONIIIISS AND lIELODP,ONS, • as ay, were brought to , tbLs city, and st strictly ICMITZIIIi 'IMAM PRICES H. ti.LRBER it BRO., OILS. Alitio. a cLAtui. Inrtnemail lassoutam, W radars h Petroleum and Its Products, 01k pA 5D 41i0, A 4. Aa OBOAD Loan. gm Wan 11132 172051 8116......1Prm5yn05. air igentsfor 1126 PSYSTIAND yrnosizz OIL W08T631, lfl3W YOUVPAIIki 14 - 3 OALIOLS 003011211, /26 CHAPI4/623, 41111;11? Wecor 132 AMA .4 i I umou on. woRKK CONGAS. DUNLei 4 CO.. =1:=1:2 Pare White Itefineti Car. 1111.X . 5. hir • bIZEIVI OTHEIrt. 1,, Afertua , 01 - I AL , )v9RE 33 • _ ASgR MACIIINFZOIL. • • • • - -liatitr 'outland Oak Hattlety lady tratanl by Wlit. XL DUI:MON, we ant now Fttpand abr. to the publlo atir lopatar 11.41311.1bt& 0114 'permed on tnictly adeatteo :prlacll4a, and wan ad equal to Lard OW "11 mos. L.laccsutiim & . mbatim. 0111. a. II Wond .hat. TSAAO HOUGH & CO., 00 DIIIVISIOII nEhalAVr6, Yes the ale • . tirade: and ''Re fi ne dli' Petroleum, • • as Bourn D 19414111.11 AVlrattl; puaibtumur. aliffinEVClMikt , radro witris GUIDON ori:mmioty, LBD PITHOLZUM LIIBB!.0.41;tid Ogpsolty two tboussad barnetspor wee*. BEEBE $1.011112; Pi:tonna* 7 oge% 11,9111HIGLUX14 tfj-iuS.E,Pituitnugh. thugs -Notrerosan; . • all mut gnat IllifltAg 'Pottoolotnitsottor pa bathe Ilttlarop out . sitplittittgot OIL ARYL MAIEL ,, All AlMit at DRABS AND 11/ON:COMB mad, .to ,ordst. Abe . 084 Ari CIST22iGL ot kinds; soadAat tlte shOttest All orlon Iettarte.IIWAYWIIIMItIMI, stost.Ltbarty, stabs ptompsN itttodod to. Strlbil Numb= al thls'Ara Wog itrAAAAlsse, elhanda, Ad =any yesnt=maca .3.64 Intslotot win tosurio la pro us IS sib r 7 now, W e as d.o am* ter'ltall,L'Osulsott CA's PUMP, itu• IsAttplAA Wats; thogoand reva-EINWNI! • '.';t4p3tr:A3Eriz umslAso. MATOBII,OII adar 1,01044 final)Fgh, moms* ' D4c.ctiar. a Am, mounts et Arritt tabu.. Ma, Pied* ror'qages, - krtklia ot atteittahtr, oll Vi t W A I rZagai Tssit a.P.SH,- farr - - - • Parlors, ) eal, • Disstltoosmettsdari rang et es bigot paw, &AL Ifftßaba street: 021 103. B. REMMIL, URA JrCE 1829 FRANKLIN RE INSURANCE CORNY CHA2.TIIts PHII •an Janory 106 , 4, 1,1,457.13-W 85. .. ................. ..... Acusled Fu• .......... . Un COO Ineested l'romtu . LOSl.9:ke Income r ....... -.....-. ...... 3U , A100 I..ces P•Jli 1A.10,000 Perpetuni ai d Temycr,s ,•e ineersl termo. VITO f•IIIIN Charlin N. I:Archer, I !mac Lea. Teta. Weg..o,r. I B.rw aid Pals, Samuel Giant,i Geo. Yalta, Jacob It, Smith, ; Alfred Geo. W. Ftici eram, Tr.. W. traria, ID. D ARLES R. BAyaramt, President, FLW ARP O. DA LE, VI. Prefident. JA& W. iIIen.LLInTEO Svc. Pro T IN erc, J. , G COFF, Avant, cortirr Wood and Third street. pSURANtIt , FIRE AND INLAIcD. Insttrance Go. of North America. P TrILADAT. PRI& Hartford Fire Insurance Company. 101 - Protecti o eth h, secured to the above named d and W. P. JONES. Aazsr, lak• u 11. .4. r 'WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA v xv 01 PITTSBURGH, B. HILLS% Jr., Proida4- Y e M. GORDON. Secretary. Moo, V/ Water wrort, Spent; Co.'s War. borate, xtp stairs, Pittsburgh. win Were wowing all Wad. ete Fire and Marino Risks, A Howe in.atioll enanapati by Dtractors Ow. are well known in the community, sad who ewe deter ',stoked, by pronlytnew and Mernlity, to mainta A. character whieh they Ami ne mused, as °feriae C r. ha are . -onto OM who to be (neared. OTEXCTO BB Andrew Ackley, Alexander /hear, Dalad N. Bing. Bees J. Thama, Benj. P. Bakerardl. John 11. mp... B. Miller, Jr., Janice McAuley, liatheuelel ilclueem, • Atex. George Parole, Csaipbell D. lletrun. 0. K. UteketAoA. roc3o ITIZEN:B INSURANCE C °3IPAN Y 07 PITTriBMIGII. Office, cornersad Wstnr inrcets, se«rot.l SAhIIfEL. REA, 6ecrster9. Insnrea Strumboate end Rarpsset. Timm. , upshot loss and denusge In the nneigatten of the [Southern .d Wreitreu Rivers, Latua and Bayous, eud the naviiyation of the Seas. Insures aguknet lics end &usage by bre. Wm. BeepGoi. Jan Park, Jr., W. G. Johnston, D. F. Jot., Berm Owen., Goo. T. N. Ilona Darelay Preston, Oro Bingham, PEOPLES INSOR.Z.NTCE COMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Eits. FIRE AND MAIUNE 12181 TRANCE. Wm. 1111111y*, John Watt, wto. n. Ihrt. Jukrk E. Perk., Charles B. Manll Wm. V Kirk. JOUN WU. P. GARDNER, • ALLEGIIENY INSURANCE COM rest or PITTELBUBGH. — Ofdas, No. Xf Fifth *Wet. Bank Block.. Inonno against all hinds of Jiro andThninottlakk, ISkAO JONNS, Rook Ton; JOHN D. D'COHD, Vies Prosicnib- D. H. WOE, Boortforo 4..hpt. WEL DUN, Omni beg. PinnCfO John D. kicOord, Copt. Adam Jacobi. B. Et. Sterling, Caw Wm. Dena. It. L.HoOrer, Itobt. Mots. ow Jos., O. D. Lto.nosl, LlarvekctriT, ?Oa:Levin. Jr.. , B. L. Yalmextock S K~Urll NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH (r.nnerly MOB OITT 00NP&Bir.) C.Pitol. $300.000. with privilege to increase to $1,000,000 The IRON CITY TRUST COMPANY haring at &kited under ths National Ourroncy Act, attars its bantam for the transaction of • (amoral Bn•lnata Drafts bought and sold !donor I = on Deposit, and Oollrctlons Irma. on all parts of the Jacob Painter /ale LIM. 0 T. Elopfer, Wm_ Cooper, G. E. WARNER, Pmictent JNO. E. PATT E. 11.601.1. Oaehter. (n9O-.lm TIMID NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBITRGII. Orrice o l =O TD a °Ala Cons; , WaelAngton City, Vb. 2v, 1864. NVlcralls, By sag isoictory =Wore present.d to the undendgned, It boo beem MT to =year that the THIRD NATIONAL BANK Of PITTSBURGH, In the County of Allegheny, and State of Pecussyl• Tanta, has bete dit*organised India and according to the requirements of the Act of Cfongress, entitled "an Act to provide &biotic:ad Orarency, =cored by • pledge of United States Stacks, and to provide foe the cher:tenon and redemption w it h synrcoced labizmy 25th, ISA and hes complied with all the provisions of said Act requited to las complied with betas commend ng the buelnees of Banking Nov, therefore, 1, Hoch. Oomfdrofier of the Currency do hereby certify hat the said TIMID NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSTIOUGH, Bounty of Allegheny and,Butio of Pent= leant% is =thorn= to commence tee businees of flanking un der the act aforesaid. In teetimony whereof witness my hand and seal al °filo, this 2711 day of februscy,lB6l. 462.] RUOII McCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. WTLBLHA'HALL. THE THIRD ,RATIONAL RANH VHating orpabx4 ander tkoNatlonal Curreng Act. preperod to do Genera/ Banking . Business . - - . DEPOSITS BIICEITIIIII, Ticknor. on Use prin .:lva erns of tits lasi and west bouglin and sold, and Collections nude In every accessible part of In. country,. on oi l., Ofacerfai the present, (until the completion of the Nero Danktog Ileum. comer of Wood meet end Virgin allee ) to the Daoklog /loom lately occapiod by the CITIZENS Ittailf. R. W. cor. Wood St: ,a Virgin alloys Wm. IS fidsmertz, is:. aWI, _B. B. n.rtmw NOrilsnekr , "' ADAN 1 3NO. B. LIVEN93TON. rOl o )I... f .au man Alt era.m tiAVlNCßS ‘ CIIABTEIIDD clan dint from 9 to I o'clock. an otl'Wo;liitia4 and &nodal aveningsirrom May Ist to Novermbn lit, tram 7 to 9 o'cl4, and from •lionosbet lat t !day Ist from to 8 o'clock. - Deposita received of an sans Dot Ins tbao Dal I .Dollar, and • dividend of thaprof& &dandle** a year,,in Joao sad Decorator. Into:rest he ham de. "dared" Nemi-isna&DY. Join - and lkocrobee r stran the Ilvd& Ina d, the rate of six leiv . *rot. t u tinost,sot drawn end s is placed to too ends the &gaited at principal, and tears tha mos tn. serest from the first days of lt rine and Documbormsto. moding twlma year without teonbliag tha datcei. tot to au. orto proand Ala pass bo6L At tilt I rate money CD double ink& than tend* , year* Dootai containing the 'Obarter, By• Laws, HAW i and Beloilations, A ortolndkr,On anikatkot at Ql l /. ".. Pacninarr-.OIiODOR. ALDRED. James McAuley. James B. 1). Enda, John: D. Saosaberger, Doogiu, J Joules Heldman.. Dow h. Mineola,. ' , Peter is. Dadelna J.me• *Amon, John /X BitladBllll, A. D. Pollock. D. John Backolka. MM US: lEletuy J. loneb, John Afars all, Walter P. klarshall, fold Ort; . Robert Bolt. • Honig L. Bin= "r W illiam C. Se • Menander Speer, , Alex= ninlindlv. _ 7 IsmieWhittkr; P. 'l9,ff tun, COV79 . DZ; . • Oglvbs Adsmo, ,ioin0:13111 - d1 , 7, Chotc=, Alma= A. Ojrteri Charts A. Colton, Vibe tttl. Jobta.lL floa - ,! - .4r11114un Petetrlr:Htmka:. . • - 41 'JdmtlFD: Ha r ame~aar.! '- aibu•Na' - ` ..rnaciceT AND TWILL - 07iJr• , ma n: ci t tO 6 40 41 4 11 1.1-'2, for do by 1. 11111E.t.kralt1al wlll3 Ittbartv rtivet. l irJai7VE ItneaA WORKS, ' CADMAN & CRAWFORD, ttsuullatscrus or rrtr, nuioty of 11-alzhed I'EUPETV BRASS WORT& FOR PLUMBERS, STEAK OR GAS FITTERS, mecnnusrs, AND .coprresarrna. BRASS CASTINGS. of atl descriptions, made to Eder: FTEASITIOAT wows, STEM Alm ems- CITTING, andR.IPAIBINO, promptly Attended to. • Particular attention paid to Xining up utrus - r , RIES YOE COAL 'AND CARSON OILS. Maui Sole Age:tutor tba Western Dlet of Penn. tyleauta for tba,Asla of BIARSII, LACSBELL 60:8 PATENT SYPHON - PUMP, doe beat ever In- RElted.. . /111Ttrig nl'ea It It not liable to gm ont of order, Ira door more water them say otov toiot Its sira. • • - zp_ l. aucilintWia.....J. 1. Ham. HON . CITY WORKS. RaciasTosa, m7cliptrix.LL a co. YOUSDEDI AND Ek(M/Ml5/nS. Cornet of Inas sad 07304 sad Eimil.futurera of stationary and 4thos INGINtS. [LOLLING BULL 0L85111139 and DIACIIINTS.Y, of all Mans, and general jobt•era. Prom. astral°, gismo to ropairtog HOLL•ISCI MI L AO: TORN HALL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS blanafacturers and dealers In all the different Muds of PLOWS, P OASTENGS, TING BOXES. 80. LOW With greatly lad ed facili ties for doing brodnesa, Ire cameral, toslte dealers to give us a cell. hlarottsdory, Temperanordlle. Warehouse, Coral allay LandJOHN Lltsa i t Plttab'gb. 1 T.. 1. HALL, _ • STRYKER WOODS, - .1/01. J. BROWN. .__.at,sss,oro BLACK DIAMOND kir 'hEL WORKS, PITZSIIIIDGII, PA. PASS, MOTHER & DEBT QUALITY alnligl)' CAST 31112114 Squaw, Flat and Octagon, of all shots. Warszawa equal to any imported or manufacturssi to this coun try. WOBlca and InachowW. Nos. 149 and in nem . and 121 and IV. SECOND inszsra, pittabursh. 1111.1 d ALLEN-Df COMICS. dr. co.. V4.ure fomirr, Pitubest. Pa. • IlariVarehonae, 391 LisiERTT STRRP. Hannfactscrers of COOK, PARLOR 'ANDILT , A.T , IND STOVES, PARLOR AND HIICILIM ORATES; HOLLOW WARE, etr-,Steel and Glass itiowd.; log Dili Castings, Dili Gearing, Clas,,Water arid A.r- Hun Pipe, Sail Irons, Dog Dons, Wagon Bozo. Bo- Pr Rath., Ptalep, Haagen, Caeirheels r erintlinge and Castings generally. ADO, Jobbing and ligebine' Castings made ,to order: Patented Partablis lifil, with Steam md IIL t OILDO W2LI4 RIDDLE & CO No: 215' - Liberty street, omite Bluth, Pittaburgb. manufacturer. of MUM LASHES and WIWI!. RS, sod erery description of LEASH - ER BILLED= WOK. Orden =Mast% from the trade, and goceis prompt ly abißed a. per tostructiora. tasai floor. NM. BAOLLIT, Pre:N.V. Q. SEVERANCE, 53 WATER ST. WO. Pittsburgh, et azubdtdrer of BOILEB RIVETS WROUGHT hPIEEB, odor= and natrosit,of evas7 dessalprion. Particular dreg or shaped !XIS.= and 11MiTd, large or small, made to order st abort notice. A good ea_____sortlares• • 8. M. K. John Shiptan, James M. Cooper, 8. finrberigh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John 8. Dilworth, Wm. A. Dodgers. deKillya ----- ufactarers of L.F. WHITS EitiniS CHINA and mum (PL. OILED WABE. Me and Ward:warp at Na 14 =Ts SMELT, Pittidaugh. midday - - _ GROCERIES, PROD EWES:cc D F. QUIMBY co., COMMIIIBIOII Merchants, No. 790 SOUTH WATER ST., =Tem:a, otuncrone .. Jam. D. Verner. Copt. John L. Ilhosie, Samuel P. Shrleer. George, P. Jonee, C. Ilanson Lose, Chart. Arbuckle. ILLIPB, Proideof- ATT, Vic. Preridest. jnl4:l Flour, Grain, Provisions, tVc • B. T. mows =Lel e iNO. BURGESS & CO., ommlluilon &Forwarding Blerehants gaeln orchased the 'lianas Warehouse' at , OD CI, and harin amle room and twelllties, weve now prepared to g store p and tamed OIL AND NEU eIIANDDID, of crux deaerlptlon, and romise oat- Wootton to all who may ft.! oa With their patron listA'AS. TIOS. L hiceI.ELLAND, 1 tatoottoto to atocramotia a Dr% Flour, Grain and Provisions emelt! 4ittemtian UP to Oto porchaas wad DI& 4 OUTDO &ND ILDVIENRD PITSOLEV2 4 . , D0:27 WOOD STREET, Pittotargb, Pa lady HENRY WALLACE, Commission Merchant, - No. ISO 8011TII WA 6T., mum% tuna. 0111.111, Robt. Exiblwron Borghmn. I W. M. Gormly. Fantod= attention-potato Wing codas to ;,11.011111010, YLOa C" : 5 tab IT,Goa asxr. thurs.. j 'BANE A- Akin, ' • . oommassan sIMILANTS, Anil deans Flour; Gran sad Pr44str.i4 4 IVEI lECOND ST., Leta Wood k daded4 l . pwr23l3ldiGH: SERIVER & LAZFAH, Ima.croas . A. Elart4e, Alex. 11.01statn, RomGerwtg, B. Goo. VELAINCIAN. PFladdent. Cashier. !FAL'AII m , •0. 65 Pills and Walnut Straits., (Near Ctt/ Water WCAO 1T1T5131314111, PA.. Idscoxlbctrcrm of Give 'pedal fatal:atm to yardmen Tar EI,KUM scemat. (lauccessom to J. jir W. ILABra.) OIL CP PA. CILNIMILL 00IIINE89101. IILBOILLITS,EO moms win oommorom natuctrerre . Nas. SIT sad Etadibledd St" am. Baeoad. . PITTeStIIIOH. 1.0 vIIGEA-198: LAW OFFICE & CLAIM AGENOr , W. J. & HALL PAM:IISOR, I** iroTztii a use ronstatiza. Ph. win Prom* FUSIONS, BOUM BACK P A.l an Giber ffillltary Mice proutpur• iiirlao darts %WWI SOUNTItIet, PTISSIONB A.I . II) , ABPSA. IIB 07 PAT Promptlyottoodoi to larrimas a =Dm, irc'?rtl'Ettle4.l'2/16'''Stit /.4 a. 03. JCONigUI i y k koKREIL & ..10111430N - - • , , ~.ATTO;I3SEVIT/11(44/A,Vifip spa U. B. Lionised aoLing* . cumlaEr= • ea ou t wl • • ••• 7Tr7limuns.mit: DaILTIART CLAIMS BO= : PINSIONS E _UGH' PAi. and' OLAVatiot envoy etecriptlat.sollettet 137 theta.. scriber. £t lb. Minting rates. The: 'ergitots Rlxf; 'LlfO. 0. Temoitiettimay at Lair,' Zit 73 anuat ismer Pittuburgh, 8. B. 118 .- thargee are reads If et pion dote not ratteet:anit Ide:wit:ma/at elm NOM NY.z9)UVEB, " No. 100 'Putt. Strast. Pittgarth, Poh ore: vra tarn Immo ai , ierciu.,! - , 4TTOR.ArErft. .176L3030-7:7 mgwsT4t, iIOA2ZAMS Z.'AW ; OB B'lq~, ~' No. na WIANT g ACE01113..171. 0.110011:6 Q • 44; SCHOYER, Attortiky - i-st, A 7. Lam :' Ott,-IgO.LRiToorW tdreet}Yltoumßb 'STONER.; 'ATIOESILYLigiANC tr . 01111 41 YO 888 Pittsbtatbi" DESEN , morranota , lizoneta urns; Luntioutd A tteg legal Imlncosentidriorto-IMI-; riLO.l9Ol - ..I4AEDr-,bushoU_ pima' kl:r 9 f - .4: ; O tt o . saunalr. - Llbolany c y rs'i riaa .t ► isiastlisFse,t,trTt!t." • - Cl - 4 Nef4l . • . pitimo; - in' NJ stars *sailor 'W:llf. 12103130,4, • mhlo Uo. 171141:,arty stnikt. FOR FOR&GB, pRoPo ~—.4.a... . D .: ~—._, ...u.4r.jornta. NibstactP:r 5.,. ended prevents are in ted by the for wriTiline thOU-li. Goaftermastees Department, at Washington, D. CL, Baltimore, Did., Alasandria god Tort tionroei'lTa..,..ex either of those plazas, with .DAY. GOBS, GILTS and STRAW. Didawillbereeeived for the delivery of 18,C00bordt. ' of corn ar oat; mod Ultras of hay or straw, and llt. b ~.- Bidders most atate SS• which al the above-named points they propose to aake deliveries, and the ranee at which Wet sill make &liveried; thereat, the qua.. tity of each article proposed to beetherpt, delivered, the ante when raid - deliverios shall be commenced, end when to be completed. -- ' The mice moat be verftwn out in woes esethebids Oen, to be pea up ft, geed nova saelcs,Ct about two bushels each. Oats in like orb, of _about thane boshele each. The racks to be fmnb. without ex tra dour, Se the Goverronett The hay end strew to be securely baled. ' The particular kind or description of oath core, bay, or straw pc:Toted to he delivered, must be stated in the prop:anis. ' All the satiate offered ander the lads herein in- . cited will .be subject to a tight inspection by the Government Inspector, before being sandal. Coatrecm will be iwrarded from time to delete the I lowest responsible bidder, as the intetest of the Gae -1 ernment "May reentre, and pattnent wEll be made when thelarhole amount cmitracted for shall hare. been delivered and acceptol. The bidder trill be required to nocompany his pro. prael with a guaranty, signed • by two responsible perena,lbat in awe his bid le accepted be or they alli, within ten dale thereafter. execute the manna to the Pam, with good and sufticient =rake. in la wan equil to the ecotone of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed to conformity with the testae of this adeet , therient; and incase the said bidder - shard Mil to enter into She coutractsthey.to maliegad the . dliferenee between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, ar the permit to when, the contract may be awarded. The reaPraftbility of the guarantors meat be shown • by the ofticial cortiacate of a U. &District Atterney, Golloctor of Cul:totes, or arty other oftfter under the pelted States Government, or responsible german known ttl this once. - - .. .-- .411 bidders will be duly notified of, the acceptant* or rejection either proporaL The fall rogue and T. 0. evidrate CT each bidder mutt hi legibly written in the propose'. Trapaiteds most be addrme&to BrlglederGencsal -- D. IL aIIOKEII, - Vbiet Depot Quartermsafr. Walk-. ington; D. 0., and shonld be plainly gawked "Prow nab f o4o, exae Bo in a milt oval to the amount of the, we Wert, aloud by the contractor and both of his guar 1 entonyi be ropoired of the micomallil Udder ar bidder...tiro signing the oontract. - Blank A of bide, gneasetees, and bay% guy be obtained n application at thts orate. 011.11 OF PROPOSAL: (Mean, County and fitate,)-••-•----- - I, thanehel, do harebt Mete' tc ,, N ,d • dellver:to the United States, et the tees Deparfteent at ,SlMesab to the Wawa soar salrerthament, battles proposals Re. forage, tedilreabington Depot, December 8, 1883, the fol lowing lies, viz: —. .....1: beds of Corn, Maack., at -- pm barged. .., 88 pound. ...•-•bothela of Oste, in racks, at—per bushel. f 12 peon& ...._tote o of baled Hay, et --• pm ton, et 2,fof, ponads. Ursa, at ---per_ton. .MO OO lioutidf- Delftery to Ontelnelleooll or before the—day of x +,184-, avid to be eatepleted on or befete the— w e t.---,113.4, and pledge myself to enter into • .written contract with the United Btatee, with good end a= i t ir d seccuillee, bible the apace of tun dm after notified that my tdd tuts been accepted. . '..' oar obedient mutant, • Brigadier de *end D.ll.l3txd. . :. . Ctdef Depot Qoarteroixofer, .Waehington,D. O. 13113A.841 1111 . We, the ondershyned, reeddente of -------, to the ;minty a and State of .----, hereby, jointly end serekly, carenant with the United Suttee, and guarantee, an axe the foregoing kod,g ------- beaoeepted, that he or t 13 .11 1, within ten daysefter the acceptwore of sald 61 exo entethogiontrt, for the name with good and . clout worethe,theralnegniltothe aroma of tkecontreet, to tarnish ttieforage:proposed In nothfoftity to the tertasofwirerthietngni.datedDecember7,lB*, under which the bid win inkitOutd,ln cue the wad ---- obedl failtoenter Woo contract aaaforeadffOregter• sage tog make goOkthe differenoe between the offer by the Mid 'and-the.---- next lowest reepowdble bidder, or the peretro to whom the warren! way be awarded. !Rum, c. Given under oar hands =drab .. au —..-day of --Oka". , . ar. . . . • i hereby eartlfy- ;hat, to the beat of mi kw4 t e and belled, the ainmenalneff likkrefftug ari b n d sufficient as sureties for the amount for w they • • -•••• offer to be secort to To be certified Oa . 17alted States Diaries Attar. u4,.Coilmtor df Pk Pr any otbor officartmdes thel.l rated States Govenmeent, or reepordble per= IMOvvr ta this elm. • propsala received nadir this advertisement SDI be coma and examined at this aloe - DY.SDAY and SATIJSDAY of each week; at WZD 111 in. Bidder's are reepectibily invited to be present at the opening of bide, if they desire.• • • D. IL 10108:101, Brit. Gemand iatuistommemf. PPOPOSALS FOR WHUTE 'PINE 11111NOLT.3. Cum D e of Ornem, Depot of Wasbinitton - :. 7 i : Washington April '4l.lSnu , •;.' Peeled Propcsorls will be raised - at this 02000 ttil• TUZSDA if, May 10, 1804, at 12 o'clock, EL, for 7 , the delivery at this depot of the Sollawftm Immo of hbingles: um tall= (1,000.000) No. 1,111 Inch settee pine (eawedrelear ) The Mingles lb be made from good matenlal. to be inblested to a rbrid inspectlim Wore beingveceoe4 end the whole am. ant c temente& for to Mauiered litmin =trey deys (30) days from shoed=r Bond. inmates mad to bait of the amosat of the .Oommets will.be required of the raccuslod bidder or hidden ' DIM received for two hamdied and fifty thermand 250,000) shingles to more. tempter of UM shingles Mimed far irl.ll be re* a each l'i t 1 4 Propesee mete ly endorsed, 410405AL5 ' . :FOB WHITE PINE 6111bOLZe," and a d ds BU to .the undersigned. BUMS%ed EMEadUr Gencral sad Chief e m memester, an2nremy7 Deem at Washington. CATTLE 1 ,CATyI---G.A.TTL I &led Propowls, Camea win be opened daily , the Office of tbe eary of Nettel.tence, - 211 Penn street, Pittsburgh , Pe., at 12 m .- let--BLIP t - OaTTLY to beldelly.rad In that etty.,Bidacre wtll t ,state the gement: theywish to supply„ and the weight and tharecter et the Cattle; alto-tee sterteet ,tlme In which they esti be , Prcgawals most be aicomp , ated by it gptiOnt anteelny felthfelpitrformaties °tem - Tee Gerteriataca Manes the: liabl. tO inject oil bide deemed objectionable.„ The Cattle will be subject to Inipictica bee tire being recelyed. _ , . ?turnout to bend* le mull fen& u ate on load at the'UMW: elteantrth of the amottat duo on the delleoeT*o be rettlowl mail the, dna cOmpletban of tho A. L'OARTZ T°N • • ay2.5:10V- ~ • Capt. and 0:6 V. 5. .a.RmuloAD- commAcroßa-. Proposal. are Wiled for the Graduation, Ma.; wiry, Bridge Benswetructare, Ilallast,Orte.thw and track-laythg of the Pittsburgh a Connellnille finftroad,'betwtera CannaillOrne and Cumberland,' embracing n &stance' of staid -eightratero 07) . milts, In writhe of !stoat one , sake PPodit cations and Psalm are now ready at the CooParT• Office, in Pittahurgh; audepoesia '.lst math& =EI th e SO= OF APBS ' - BENJ. IL ElLEltOßß;thweidouL' thflos of P. t O. ft. B. Co" Pittsburgh, Earth .16th. 1864.1 whit:o ' rpOP !RAILROAD CONTBACTORB.--. 1 Thelendien7 Valley llailmed Clonmany Invite mimed" for Um unidamlon and Venally of stoat eight ninsecif tharroad, benreentbaltrovithollidt• =and the =mob of Idahoning.fireelt, in me* about one tale. profiler; Man and Spoddenitom .of thei work • CI -he ready for examination at the Mee o fthe Cate. • •y. on PUN Motet, hi the city of Plttebingh, on nod attar the nth tut, and Pruposall os rd. celvectsmtElthetni OF BAT, next. . , - WEIGHT., Chief nu. Vitintieftb.-Antli lltb, ISM - • 1864. :~ 1 61: - /04T4.1F8 . Le., X *- .T tit "Di.t N A.T.O f •R S. . • .ffr....i.6"‘iihu - Abi R. T. city" orris from Polaoror .; 'Mot dangerous to the Rommal'amu_h ,, ollato come oat of thee boles to Roll by as Drotomtortirboro: :•"✓• Baum ataU robotloticom: KbilailkDoOr4 to. Or']3'.3.dlig. arsoa ,e by B.,.venzawro.o ,NN CO. ,lad IL a. SELLERS & 90.; _Virbol • kryt 741_ 4ranial;Piebburgb, ; BIM RI P. .u! wazTh. .y . rnoltssls loud EMatt Spoof? B E I ME ` W # II96 F • COTTAGE ORABSi' ; =tun trt PIM! LMS 33II "/" dukenothS omens, vattrAtuAnnoo "MOT% to. Aix, DST for 11011113, DAM. • NlAlranar FBA:tCarrt tf4B s . AM. =raniT' Vim ' •OATUP 101.41IlUti Mlarallh "ROBERT Oetird Aten6 Ti-Kildmalati l / 4 ?kw Tdk. _ RHEITUATIESit • I . 11WILIC/LINGB sa tire of grit T. • -Tkeß4!".*sit#elaa::- oii: . CC . , . ' itosatiiio 11=PRRI,Pte atttaaa 10 ottratl Rom Pater at it% tell Pala n. - ,-11241FACtUat sn4 Para qa tuml sad at ' ,ltertoit ak,s9.lp, "flag srfAVlOrdi n .- . 17t BZ ttio,Otrutniamiris irsanuoneWase= quail for sea at Erof. Si %O a t C1231.1A2-0.._. -1864.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers