. . ii . - • . • . _. .. . . . . . 1 • P . • . . 1 .1 .. • - ..4 . . • . a 1, F . . _....,....,_ • ~ . . . . . , . . . .1 •‘•,. • ....: . . - _ . • ~ . . . ..' . I . ~. • _____ _-- , 1t 7: :T . :!...:'? , :t..1 ,•, :. , X ) Y.7V.Mt - 1t ,, ,,V... ,, ,,,,L, - -...... ~..,,,,-.-... . , ~,,,,,,- -.-., r x, ,T .,:',...-• ^ ' , . ' , - , ;=::..1r , r' • -'. -- - '''''''''- ''..-4 , " - r....z 2 44 - 1.... -V :. - " ,, 1 ---- " , ':',. -5 .:L' - r -r, ,,_::„_,_." -- .,L.C7.4.:::.a.:.:. - -:,:.;.::.a;'-`2,=17.17.,'.7..JE- , - , 111.7,11Uft , .-11_. , r7.:..," --, ' - :.:.-1"-- .7:1:1:77..."=.7..1. , .:,..- ~..-. ._,_., ...,. - ... ,- .... -- F:_ ,„, t.5 . . , -1---;- , - , --- .• ,',-,,.. - 1 ,,,,,, -- ,,- ----- - - -'-'==- -- '-- - :•-i-- - -- -- - '''' --- • - ----- -- - -- - - , ~ , . ... . , I . 7... - , - ; PP-7" 7 • \t-4, .(4 cLrl litte . hur I I r7MM Tall .Pannsyylitzda-Nill4tAntr - p r called oat. Bent piljefottatiiidn* Mt Tinton' Betts tion Conven must ) risburg 7e tteidey:=9:Fiel:"ErAvntrzeo, of 1 16 tatttOnt man. SUM 6atiaili;i3OT. sow vt: Ir.rtriticiffetieve oh *NM itiotitertni sloternter A. resolution wmpidoptAinstruetin them to adhere tO,A I 9t-i leFf c r , , Mai . and Ji D rtPiwii (tour reisr 4 4 lloo r e k' ilted 26th 4;y r'eAlbulid bid - WO iefit'latiC - 4 14 45 3 , Ttle P l ?ifg vraq there of er tobacco: ' bit* tallttesPtellika4 iiMitittn4Y tabu . oo.", The fireneMatiolcco,,stosed_ in nich t:wide-4 lieuetroakitairtr" - of the 19th, C 0 and eight 4 . 110 ' ini24:h4ibegitOtlt'bf which is of find cstalityfed riktlreeireial millions of dot. iiiet4'ipeck of warlitii? A Protest. , irtstrotest against the despondent feel .)l4Which is manifested in many quarters coneerning the present miltary and eman ated situation. We hear men saying that "If we should be beaten.this Spring, all is bit'" that "the rebels have already com-' minced'to heat us—st Port Pillow, in Louis Lana, at Plymontlt; end the other "day at Chattanooga." We hoar :frequ ently the re mask - that " gold will soon be at a premium of two or throe hundred per sent;" that . , "we eau never pay the interest on our pub lics debt," &c, in. All this, we respeotfally submit to ear desponding friends', is un manly and cowardly at a time when the nation gonads of Crary citisen that he should quit himself like a cm, and it h also not warranted by the facts. What are the facts? At Fart Pillow a small garrison of 600 men was captured, but, although the half of them were , brutally murdered, the rebate had previ ously lost at Paducah and Paintville an equal number of men and fully as mach •of the otaterisl of war. They have mama quentlY lost heavily in the engagement with Col. Ctarros- on Saline 'River, the particrilara of, which we published on Wednesday. campaign is certainly not ended. Plymouth is a disae ter ; we lost 2,000 Men and several guns. The Chattanooga affair Is too trilling to be mentioned. And this is all l If we' had lately achieved any brilliant successes, the 11414 reverses which now cause apprehen, lions of greater disasters in the minds of so many Of our people, would be passedby almost unnoticed. Tkat ii the 'difficult/. We' ben not had a substantial victory since Missionary Sage If we could have one victory worth crowing over, our late rever ses would not be so ominous of coming evils to'.etir friends of little faith. 'And is there reason to believe that great victory over the rebels will not Soon be ours? We wills*. attempt to prophesy what will . happen t but if only retain* a 'Careful reading of the signs of the times to discern wilt is likely to occur. We cannot be worsted at Chattanooga, for our army there is large, and it is commandedbystime of the very best generals in the service. If we make - no further attack on Charlaaton; we can receive no, damage there. &sum • has 15,000 men, and . can be trusted to take . `safe himself, If not to pucka &Withal who may be in his way. No farther harm can come to Basses. Losos no longer menaces Enerville. „The . Army of the Potomac never was stronger than it isle, day, and it never was' as well officered. Gassy himself is a tower of strength to it: There catil be no doing that Gsasys Ayzety. Istiely exceeds any formal:tat Lee can pos. sibly oppose to it Fartiterinere there is as doubt that we have - 411AI oar &Moles almost if not altogether Wu as many . fight, ing men as the rebels. We draw no de = duotions, but give the fah,. Do they poi-, tend victory or - defeat? • "Bar r " says • desponding reader, ~ t he rebels Use raised the bbmik: Bee Sup : pose- they home; we cm dO -likewise, and let time show bow little therbl oes • tiy th eir brutality. 'Bat th ey will ninon . ore one fishers; and brothers, sidelong whit are prisoners in their beads!! Be 44.0 than they, and erety rebel Jo oorlkindi Is eirttutlly, a. hostage for the lific of, a Vidal -soldier in' the Libby or Say othir, rebel prison. As te . the fletinehil 'Mamie°, any man *bolus made the eubjeet'his' etitdy melt hese te-n . convinced that we can pay,ettr; inninaccr JAC In a Lingle ,generation if the war should ,and within s' year. Soppoie war taliOnal debt at -the 'end of the war . should be, lweittitflre.-httodred We are aboutto lemy an: annual excise tax of three hundre d ral widob would wipe,tinttlit debt in less than nine Year! Ifthe',espensei;of a prace establishment 1.0 be prodded for. But double nine IfWeirisOlvitiota* eurselvel that we Should, our rut tiooal debt will be paid: ,lior can there be any doubt about -our . ability to- jay the latereat on that debt, as it accrues; in gotd. The customs duties are all payable in gold, and they are alone mare, than sufficient to pay the , interest on ell armbands. Wo pub. 'kited thi figures intent - ay. ~ Upon;-the srlk.le, we, see no tauten for faint.heariedneio. ; tit a military tienie,the ibels.sre.msohless defiant than Itep were • year il go, while the iroops arp more iiithnsiutla, morn ininentil, halter 'ie. osred, and'occupy stOolior. strtkielgio dons. The rebels show, their desperation In prinioaltiorie to bunk onr large,olti*erid In enrirderlog prirlierro troop. PIO are Int.% drintii.fnstal of the tattle of thei,oomlng twerialgte:: Bin: In ;mlnd; too, that price of-told . riot trrie index Of the Aniuutial situation. After Fretlexichetrarg, more LAS S year sgo, it ireett, up tosetenty rateeproulum; in& diesOettjiburg,oared MODtbll hder,lt MI to imen yUlrce. • Hurefaitis, thrn,6reader I Possese your gorq.ip..o.4lenee,iind remember olisyrtiat it is- Woe , esotigb. to hid, thi • when Yeti meet biro. att , be ..dr. • - The CaPitlkl. . neFova • - 'of Represonlatifts,, • The -e• wed tig i t dm:idea by a at Berrie= birburgholt'-11. 71 " 3 7,:1hat)h0 capital, Tote OY-19 7 44 4 10" . 4 fi l id , thst . oitY 14 4 should AO "qv'.me • IllifloilolPAlL o lt ' l.s . t. foscion _bye. of 5147c0 I°l4 ' 21.71 ''":- • the lisep . 0 0 ',lr 24 zi 1 494f4r , the CommOnwOgab' th! , Af thiAiTernar sit e cietition ‘.1. t ----g eler to Mr.. ming= ina da-arrat -nali v' t theOlciZiecraot 0- tt t of d orgirte d „.yor the- Pt722°2., 'orlitrtitin . witi ' park th!' Sapieeeatatite from thus count/. ezaptios the removal Cia beria that jib 'Mb°our Ben. , • ;, ators Lion. the otbir w*Y. _ • ' General Banta — llilrnliTott - Serstry, - Port calls attee Tri - FOUETti WA D r ALL ECiEgn. V(46)lires of Gem Banks in Louis. uT-Y At • mattpg of the contributors totes butinsy g jogivAin d platelp_asks lar_Attis se. _e_bodatitertoest_of r. F. 0.1.040 0 .; 0. To.- cnaL ,P. 614.10 'it so l isata i OttlfealA t t , :arotiorts to lb. bOattly fond This le a-sub4ercir,le hopqge).- testis pasta by Atoodas, !May 2,1 . j ,,L4.b., .. t t . : 1,, oct.Rabllotttees Moro tartraubsenptb. boat, totted to allillottl fit et 0,11 l 001 f test she to tin treasurer by tbst i d r attl a zir fml wt of all subject has keel:throe:bed there is no roam ',lVi t itt l ,u,l4(;,;:f.tra:of thrPro u pTp:rtle i ft i r for farther hesitation. We riotous in the ‘6',1.17; a. b, ne4rubP• opinions or the Esming Rat. The tuicuin: bust op t olActi. I i Rs, civil dffirti4,llo iriiWelliquid aiUsneeess is the test ef merit. in such tines as these, it is inoritableSbainmsrbe fails should go to the wall, We were among those who entertain ed high Wile or • Geneial Banks. He was just that style of man supposed to possess the chief characteristics of d itodetti r ,GeOlfal, and of no one of the itipeibtmente was more anticipa ted than of him. Ample opportunity has been given him to fulti.l the eopectatioas cotnoerning him. His failure at Cedar Mountain was not visited harshly upon bier; and 'ten be was sent to the Gel( Depertiment ihere - wee a general sequies o ace in the belief that he wan the right man for the p'sor. He cannot complain,' toeiefore; that he has not had time and chance to make e name for himself, or that room enough has not been given him to test his ability. The moil we - read of the blttlet on Red River, the less satisfactory th the details become. .They show him to have possessed none of tie qualitita of a good General, mail:4l;l,j hid it not been for the timely succor brought him by Gen. A. J. Smith ids disaster would have been an overwhelm- ins one. It was • military blunder ibrougbord--a, blunder whiob, in view of the thoniande of lives eaorifteeti, is trttly worse than a *time. Generslithip, It ; 8 true, 131111/31)t be learned in a day; hut a General who, after theta years' exp-rienee in the field, can do no totter than be did diPiertaint Bill, will newer live to be great 312121== But, if his military career is a failure, equally so le hi- administration of civil at• fairs in Louisiana. His compulsory order log of in election for officers of a State without a Convention to precede the form ation of the Canstitutiort under which - they ware toSermerse about Nati to his send ing the Cavalry sod wagon train sheet of his infantry -at Pleasant Ilia It was des potic aewell as unfair—without' precedent as well as without Justification. Its sole pnrposereems to have been to defeat the aims of the Itsdicil Free State moo; and SO Cush It wan plllll of his general scheme not. Inlet darer, be overthrown too rapidly . His plan for the management of the for !Sited estates and the emplo)ment of the . freed negrcee, of which in much has been 'laid, was nothing beta forcible remand ing of the freedmen to a condition but Moe step removed from absolute slavery. The l i President's proclamation made free men of them;but the workbag of his WM MO e race of them. There may bore been SOM. good.featnres stout it; but, after all, ice stead of tosi;g theicaerof the government to pyomote -Pciincipition, it turned that power into the opposite channel It was a sop thrown to -the Cerberus of Slaveryi and hoe pleased no-one but those ioterested In bringing back Louisiana to the embrace of the Confederacy. The lime has come when, to be success ful, we imast mere effective min In every Important slice; and Gee. Blake having signally failed in Louisiana, should give efay,trisome One who is equal to the pool The Apikortleument Bill. We &rounder many obligstionsto Acrarto Scud Eeq., 'Member of the Stale fr eels turr, for correot and early copy of the Apporitonment -Bill u It peered both Henri. We refer the reader to the vote tevooientor and Supreme Judge.] ast entertain the probable political corn Option of 'future — Legislature* under the stet Appertiontient: . . . • i !'l , • nom. m,,, i Ph Biakip . bla N .... 4/ -11EDanplino-...--. Wawa. ......... o-..-- 1 T0rk........- -....— 110ntacinun7..........,„„., 4 Parry and Franklin-- 9 Bticw.-...............zi0... It arlams--, - -... 1 Dit=--......- . 2. Boniest, Boil ore mod pton -if.- .:--. 9 Fulton— .. 3 Oartionknd Idaareo...-1 Bradford' and Saillkan I Warm:and Plka. ... 1 Illafr---..._...-- 1 Laterna--. .- - 3 Cam da.......... . 1 llawinakanimand Wyo. Chiartiald, Elk and For. niinit.......,................ 2. . mw...........:.....- .-- 1 Brooterig, • Cabs and"' Clarion and Solionion- 1 rnyilir--,....-:....,....:31Armarr0ng-...-- 1 1:61=0M and I l ontour . l Imams and Wealnitonw 3 l'lnits anillhottat..-.......2 . Taiiitta....-, —..— 1 Clinton, .omm= *ad .• firanita--_,sa -. - ••• ... 1 arErar..—. -.......- 1 Bearer and tirhlngtono 3 Cootrei.— -.-. 1 Fatting* and Warns... II Illmtlorden, Jmilat• Crawford._.. ; _.-...._.... 9 and 131111 la-...--;,.. I Mop-- ............. -- 3 lichnylklil...... -..:;--. 31Lawrenes, Nemo and Barks: "..:..4. :a.... 3 13n.thsr-:-......... labamin-o---- 1 AllitikWl9.--.....--w... - 6 Distria. 9e qf Salton 1411.4 indladslotkla o,CWatariDetleiretland,lloutgoosry—...-- tablet 47,9 ii;itl7. .... slb9llloll - 014 - bon, Loan% Pilo aDd Weems 11 etwiLtd, StisquebanosenJ Wyoming .--- 13.Po:sr, 1 loaec -41,'Irsan and .. treseLLL Lnlcslandtinrer---- 10 11prtlanterland. nonionr. Columbia and . • 1511saptan said 17 Lancaster ... —.— 18 Yink and OnsoberiatuL.—... • LI Adams and qp lioaserot, ll.dlord and linluns—,.» : . .. 21 Mar Ucustingdan, Centre, 121011 n, Juniata du 22 Combs* Indiana end -- 23 01 rdeld,Cameroa, Clarion, tat and Elk 1 21 Westatoretsad, Wayetta and or, ene----- 1 25 111sisteny —.-- • ---....-- 2 20 Beam tad 1 - 27 Vairsanne, ltntlar and Armstrong 23 Warner, Tettani&si s sn d %Varna-- 1 . . BI.Uon Ors.,Bleatm has announced that the Oar`Department has decided that the .term of service of a regiment is to be com- FLU:Vixen the date 'of twister into the Bailee of tie United States, without vir ferenbe to the date of enrollment or any serviee rendered a State. This is an im portant, announcement, u the time is ap. prouling when a number of the regiments belonging to the army of the Potomac are to be Alscherged from the 11.8. service. AL4uni.osazzat lienswas has issued the telittifing-genent Order : sPreelekete will no longer be toned to citizens at military tt_rhahru.., ,Where. citizens cannot procure pnsiishina in u‘ . connim _thezcls no alternatlye but . they must re. inovcio thi reirP , Gl" 3 / 113 11 16 ': —lt Is esisited in navel' circles,. (bet then:lsnot one . Monitor attest that:_does not draw too mach water to pees over the bar at the mouth ' Arlbentarle Brand. Several Ititatiorisof light: draneht were ringbuilt by oontraer, and , were to be complsted;prior, to the first of Ortrber last, bauftti work on tient was delayed by the striker of the workneo, sod other causer: Saadi bee 'retina to the: ar De. Wavle - lent froit. 4 osltti that the ebeged batoberir.sht eolored troops coloredit fort. Pillow are proved„aird the recta. Wt! Worse. then Were et filet reported. , Mr Gooch 'ls ebalrtnatt Overrittroi on ; ; Conduct, of . tha:Wor..t: Too President,' 444444 for the lep;tt:4•tbe " lie witl`iotwhin-it: Is aubteturd to Congress -ThttSreate. 'kr, COlotattlett bus blifitioreesing the - pay of noo- Otnunlittioned cetera and totdons two dol. lets pt!wittith. - . ~~ ~._lv PUBLIC X017CP.09. Paortter Manses Orrt=,} 13d Dlerl,A of Pennsylveuta, • = - 16.11.gtony Ott April 88,1864 ( . 11.4 ABOUT 'THROE LUNDRED volont.ere. and rterld , s for the r. gnlar army, aolishd Mace elutes Jul) 18 3 e , d e Ivan oember of vetsrans re-enlist. d fa the flad, have to en credited to the= Mame salons, to A 11.ahlel le vet', AI• I ghee, ear, Drid , r cAtuty, Armstrong county, tad tllll4ll. POIROM4.• to.. not ...44".41.4. Oltriett, I & 01611% acted of the A. A. P 11. Getrnd to Lt. evidet . o.. as to the mt.! resideoce of Alt th tern nest the tithe of ihelr oe,g,nal maul meat, for th. pn, pss of os ablhbing the s. credits te. toe lcgali tha . richt d Men o. To thie ends e smiled men of the vA tons eob•ditricts in Chic detritt.end altoth. en to .ilog an lot• rot le the Jett e.tabilstuneht of tridlt.., are re bean:illy r. qs.srd to turolan me pt as early •ds te as pomfole—tbe loilo• tog information: 1. A ~t of oil emu ter. en 1.4 d lo the errdit of enin sub Marta more the draft In Jul. 1833, with dine of eons meet. notnAny, r elmeet, and the uames or tee nor. trot and trievert..g oaken, by whom the) Isere toter d .and nist.tertd, or d a arid. ram 0 , toll.. nao t .oaf muter aimed by 414 °dicers wheat' oen pooled, be obtalortr.•: ,- 9 A U.. Id al. p.m... also hare enlisted In the O. B. oral Imo) erth .he same pertlerthtfe. 3 A list of ai Yoe ens lino barer* ei.let dln the 11..1d .0 the cs.dlt of such sob-dLt, lets{ or who ere d.t.O %tinge trot rode to rot. atib-dlstrittsordh the same lef,ratetl.n eel. rptilred laths ease 'oleo:sera and to atirdtLat ther e to Was peadhla ...spies or extreme from the =ht. .In robs of each ...e.t.a.! at d by A. L...Thseed , ' Mtjacant Cknoss of Ptrumllseola, •ed In all caste seaters the credit, 1. at lagsertutone of the amnia re Wins of mob reteraft..or the patrati.tot to bonatlse thereto. dse for'Vetoons miiellited to tde Ifeld up to the 13th ••Anr.l. lent, boa b artriotaved et this of 3 0.. nut to atich am Imperfect ontettlde that It le Insuceoltibe to apply teenjtutly tMld banded .0 above Ind katro The aborelnformatlon Is reqdri I to he fa rtathf d before the 6th day of Key neat, Ime ordered to teals • reporton toot dete. V. EARLE% °opiate and Protest Idareha, 93/ Olstriae,Da. 443tdatte pr.uVoire Plusraut's OSnos, 114 V... iro.„} No. 9. Pour. Sins; Pittsburgh, Apnl 2 stb, THE DIZAFF-221 Oistint Penna. TO AL L PEIV OHS IIiTERIISTED. solurosers, regulccourd rt-sulisted Vets . runs have Doh crooltrd to Uhl Distpot,•• to • Al. 1. gbery meat.," to -Pittsburgh snit to ratan. t• op..tat vinare, Oct Wing enielaant dic ed U, SEA L •aa mato, ts. 4 ancYrreptio II gelato win define.o t• th• Getout RESIDIIeOg of attch peewee act/waste of gar origictel nightwear In the wroloe, In otd r' mat they ma, •• properly credlad. the peering. of 5, • varwut MID (Ulric • an lee rowttlly reopteend (in ardor that error• and otelsclons arty belprbtopt. ly corrected.) to flutish me'asenrigt as • pammi c, the following iitat•tment 1, a iptof VU' USTIEB.9 trollerd to cheered. I' of arch sob ds• trait, nice, th. &Alta July, 1853, w th the deh of ern- tment, nsen., coMpany, regl• reentitinic Ma or, mosterlog: amen, sod amonot oflorel bounty paid in molt rase. 4,51 tier of nil volonteem, enlisted 1. the U. 8 Ulf.OULaft IsERVIOP., with the env. particulars. 11. A list of .11 tweMestrd with the eami partienlats, scemonanti d,' u fa es paints with carticird avow. sat sob from the waster-1u to is, from - the-aclutant Oesworritoildic. ilartlitiorg; ma I where arodital is bum evidenmof actual Rd.; denim of so h vegetate, ur the p S meat rit loccal bone. ty thereto. The tame and oddreit elf roma person acting for strh iab d.st, int owd iccoompang the.. blot,, to or. der tot' I may give tint oatw to ewer .oh credits . as aro claltnedwr• asp lowau Ac the credits t each svb-dis Ma sw estal,ll had Wasbtpston or at lia•Tilitnifir sad the numbers alone, and sot the owns am foCtildiccd me, all per vc uinterested will we the seceseicy Moo Mae compl sow vitt th e resat, Its' tiler test the cred its may be eon eagy es tehbahed hrhvel 11. draft. .7 EItBON TOSPILB, Cysts and Prorwt Plarsoal, DIM. log, P. • a-evens PsWesetwasts, I Collm of the g a only et)! tyvai General. f . . . Besmear:7m, Pap It 2 I.— . 'Post ir, NJ t ellatrove are Mr cttd b. martin with eir e ativie oiepach, shot nasty, if soy. to too. &treed, onommord fr tin tom ~ nay be doe to their crepecove me-dieulcte tinder 'b. lata (AGM the Prevident fir 700 OA eau To the •od tear an-district* may her.. as oyoononey to for. oish Wm •of mccift• doe, teal idttcles ?moat Menthe- le atittonie,l to give 401.10• of ttift order th•ough toe aetbociat • yea. ere to LI. darter. Add atiof cr dna to tobAtets bte al be te• el o of er alai anti cepplemeot•ty at, h r or a Alin utetr En N. mu ev.eg oilleere, or offlo is &tenet re re req. g make am t the regal.r vette, oc Wren, Doe. dt of aural = of IL Cr Mt. not twirled by motter.itt rolle or by the • toplemeotary role, , by t e • ablb.te for. tatted the Puna{ Ileirehmer fem this odic, to petticulareeb-eletria. or I e oni • beLneging tomb Went to. but to &art,. o oaks, or Cid. .1 LW. May be eatlgo d to sub distil le within the roma. ple artricte, can have •e, procid-d than solid • eta& trident* litv in testi oats. tout the sub. dies let claiming the .mot bar eitbe- paid a foal onnoty to the ...roll fn. et Mb the malt i. claimed. or iv toe actual aide... o ortA toldir. sod that the ncornot ma not paid • local bait, toot any other out d vat IA Or Ourtrry fit. Toe dlembotino or rote cord 7e-for uterine 3•.. thud In theeeld, tom bare bas .ti giattd by topplemeatary rill. tope Gnu sr rob OirLrICII 0 , Le Militia eel. sing to moot Is pea, bun artancid as due to diet Me, coo o eltl.. me Inge, will be made to Mb dianctesccordlig to On to PlvomAIIG7 role. IV Haabtria PromarEarshal will cam.. exhlbit of all tti credit seselintil by; AL Et rolling. Board, muter the pr Melons of tole tr I ruler. to la made •of sad raced by tba, Board and f mad lb. same to this cal ea ma dab of litey,ll66, o• If a titan .bow Id to. ord , c dthat det, en:ACM*II slier tbe rtnefpt Aim ,der at bb omr., Illoctal 4Cal. J. V,Vlltlif • 16thB.S. luActlty A. A P.M. General, WILL/ A 67.68 E• BLEB, Captain end L.A. AL G. son Side' ter o dal A RI NETMON or nts TABLEAUX VIVANTS, For the Dents o' aim • • • Sanitazy & Subsidence Committees, • Will be Oen Id • • MASONIC „HALL, SATURDAY EVENING.. APRIL 30. • teem. opt at 7—to .1:1101t14. ?farts. Including enema roweltort. Tho eels of. Comm,... as - Mt; Apri vta, el 9 , of. .r • Mask War, IA 4comt.• Ili' tr,dloe ofoattood tbsseetblbltttozeve mixt. to ra r ests4 to appeal eelebtat. boOnata. • (Arnim or TOO Torrircian, For Wenn al Chicon ISAISMAT CO r . . Plttsbouth, Pa....Spdt 'lth. O.DIVIDEND.—Tho Boar 4 of Diieot. an ham GS. day deolmed 1.1Ti411114 of TWO AND 0141411Abc (1$) rEd I:=T on the Capital Stook of the Compay, out of thong eart• .tap, fee the quarter enrllog Duck Slat, ultimo, payable Mee of Government Tap) emend after the lthtt del of nay, praz., ea she Gmeral ofhoe of the- CemPlo7, Pittatemilr. to the Stockholder. tame Meek ts rectal:end then, and It a. Agency of the Company, (Ceara. I mean ue.,) De. IS c weer. Gem tort, to ths • Stockholdon. lame stook 1. emblem! there. The Trsoafet Docks of th• Company out cam at 3 o'clock p m., en they of Nay, prom, and ertll re. mare timed till 10 o'clock A on. on the lTc6 of May Wes Or. By order of tits/Lard of Medan. _itylSomoya W. N. BAIINCS, Secretary. 11;? i sATTENTIONI 00. B .151 n 011311INT,' PCON , TIVASIA The meMbers *MmermovnD toapem who mne In theta. a. kld OGG, are rico. PA to meal. a. the corner of fah" zed endmll•l4 mama mc on 111IDEI 1101110210 at 10 o'cloah, ttlth ammo,' to be too{terott tor pal - . Them 4 may ree steed In ehe meentlniq by call. Inc upon the carste, at IM • Moe. alrghany. Panotml &Mendel:meta requested.' I By order id the i CAPTAIN. apatd If3f 6 Pl rTsBIJKOH SANITARY , F AIR —ftramioan 00ORLITTZtt—Ildie Corn wires be . Iran to euerad tba matfett of Offiotre sad trail yeas, of ilalftmda tea rriog their eub. eetipterea to if!. iianitary rfa for tbt • Committee. *bat the total =mot derlred tram tito Railroad In. coat mal• Re dolt ateertaloed and •iredited ..0 • Itbgaffit Obalfiddit• W. 0 WWII IET, Fay:Karr sad Tiattorar. • ateldelet T7NOTICE TO TAXP&YERB.-i-All irbolein sk_liltet.d to Om thrtrerty, Prot% =rpm Water.. nrool or Soildlot tan to 16117,:tn ea fins %in% Fit.nboran. an mortar; than on Mir Ist, canna I be Iranian* In all tan Mail von wools:Ban orris mill rip bar -rokthat Oar. LIrLICIM 0081 Fo ALI 4 C urth olla taboror, r 0.41 t. Atom from 6to 7 &anon, p at. aoin rOA ELAND; POSENGEEL RAIL. WAY-A speed mnitlag of it* Iltoekbold. erirallha °alma Pamaspar Itadway'Vollapad f.Cal ke bald al iha adlce af D W.l A.& NMI, ploppall", bhp , dd...st2o'clock, m. etnaw i ta t minas of impartamm wlllcomatbstore dpMdltd wsrpmsr, .reTH - 6 DRAFT CREDIIS.Ac-1 ho Board of toroth:mg *MS Dlststot kiss to War 'Mi. models of do Oulu Ia thdr ,trbst, to the dosatir of , Col. Illsmfbial Y.' /mot iisrsbat tiatoost, on' soldett of ontdos, Os. as toOstbbsd ists Osy t 3, tb6 Saul state= district. 'bests mood tow espotsbls la. ths bos - dt dttss to tbiotbor, sal ISIS onsotrossy I . tq,nt It 4 11 tto GOAL EXCHANGE, krtr, ,;•tatalittbortig thillmsels4W. azovint: Wtsvited oat +gaited tabs must tto twain TRIDAT-111016 1 1. 110 ; April lAtb; O ail! %to 11oxos onto: Elitstrasib: POStd Valk 'Mud , nen of Os Omit Importswwwill tratticleb By order (spliatr A. Ilstrt, mot. --,-- 'r7'Zl4,--- '7':,-----e i ,o. ,:,.., ..:..•:,. 4--;:i F. LK ' ~..K4 -I- . r,4-• ~,,i . • .7rE vr ADrERTISEME.rTS STILLMAN WANTED— . teeetre.t the ZdfiLE W 0969, Lalrrecu , r 11 - , or No 91 TEMIOfiTERICT, zoo et... •paat WitifflLLA.S 9 ANDURSON. WANTED—An interest of 82 000 or 'r i 3,09) In an =lige sad yebivg lo one of lb& olds• or toontr7. &dews. rob Iva name ana ...ter of bovine., Y, Z, Adegbeny P. o.odeting where. interview tin. be bed. . - pITTSBURCIII FEMALE COLLEGE 11 n.asiar ache I a• eticig or the Stockhold will tete piece on HONDA V, the 24 lust., at Com o'dottk ap2Dat WANTED INI m EDI VTELY. Who 1 acquainted with the manufacture of the Dint LINT RINI 8 01 . ViaHISSES I=WM==l PLAGe FOR THS FANITAAY FAIR. —Ali pernonykeieties and cabals Ravine L +MS. are mooted S. lend theosto the eaelTAltT r Alit for put, saes of decoration In the tenons buildings. ArIIBIOMMUI have teen made with Mr. John * Pittak, to Fifth street, to mein them. tho will give • proper reoriet, end math them, at that they van be recheiratel after •he, Weir d-aired or the mut*. we h to cent lbote them W r i the benefit of the Sinker? . Commis.ion, the receipt will indicate the lig and lb name of the donor It is desirable that th.. Fleas sent in es soon ea parable, e.• teat those netdunt it may be .leaaed. 'Mats Id [LEL& aps:2er Chairman otOomtaittee on flop. T g E MANAGEMENT (W bTHEL - D. APPLE rON 0 Noe. 43ene ttb B•cod suf. tablleb tote des TEM MAN tOgIIsNS OR 821116. Inolnd ea Praha, tied ping. 1 mou lt B, Amman., a rinkone, .d Itspm • on. Ale., the U•a. Harder Ina o lruo. Um Loa. Roo sto.al by the It pal Ono no arta Departmesa We/Olsten Arsenal. Pint Almelo.a toad second land. dittos I Tot., 12 so. 60 cents Steel bang one o the moon val.:unloosen% and retuning [net e••• to lb* foripog berelealsg, tem. polle' ...ling, and menwerneut of IS la geao.al thick, eft.e basal tt.d na•ely er..nty yam' good p so lee expatien • sea otody cambia d, 1 am no. . le to Os. s Wee lakmaatton to the.. lobo have not bed 14) row& to do with le a. I bass."—Extract fr th Wavle &111 by mall on ',apt of the • rice. ap29 St A ULTION bALE OF CONDEM ED 110131111 Wan Dsissantmrs. CATahatt Busman, 1 Odioe or r hie Quartermaster, Dashing:tun, D. 0., aprlllatb, 1861 Will be .old at otitis auction, so Its. highest Id. de., •t the times and plass*. d wiz Illemp:11, Tenors, Thursday, Ploy 6to; Gettretrurgr, mum, Monday. 11e) 9515; A , 1.1111, Penn. Thum oly, Boy Ilth; Illlfdin Parma, Thu easy, Bay lOrls; Heasitr. Penns, Thursday, May Mb: lobasum. Nine, Thursday Jon 2d; bontrum erland, ?son., Thurriny, June 9th; hrs.:mum, Penns Mustafa,. June Idth: Williamsport, Thor Way, Jo.. ?Ad: Oee haDdr-d (1001 I 0.104.5 Getiy.bwg and 1.0 hundred and afty (1110) at each of the wher press. hex horns hare boon modernise d as unfit for the raeslry serrice of the thartcd States Army. Tor ro d and form purposes m any gool bargains maybe tad. Horses mill b. r3ld sto/11• ' Balm briftri or 10 A., Sad csntl,.. dolly till all •re sold: Terme: CASH, to rutted Ststse T•tasury no!osi only JADES A. ChIN, LW:3 Cot and - D. ra",l Oaralry Dusan. spiCt.).93 PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Sealed Proposal. am Invited till the tors of MAT at 12 o'ciccli 11., for furnishing the Subititimce De partment with TIGHT THOUSAND (1,OW) B hBBTLS Or rtaua. T payolal. be and` eown at this de pot 0 Noe 1, 2 and a, ids 011 1 be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Md. mum be to dnptleank, and tar nob grate on meant* thesis of paper. The 4.110017 of the flour to be commenced wiDdn dee days from the opening of the bids, and In such quantities, daily, .. the Government may &met. dee timed either at the Government warehouse In Georgetawn, at the when, or at the retinal depot, Washington, D. C. Toe &livery of all glow awarded to be completed within tweet, day■ from the appetite or the bids.' Payment will be made In certificates of it:debts& news, or each peon. fund. im the Government may hen for silsbormmont. The meal Government trAptctiati will be maideJoal beano the dopy is receloal„ and anew will be swept im which Is rest 'nee mound. An oath ofallogiance moat aocompney the bid of aadi bidder. who be. sot the cam an file to this aim, and nd eutertained from polio who ham prellomly failed to comply with their bids, or from bidden not present to reepoad. Goretwasent moms the right to reject on; bid for say nom Bide to be addressed to the andersitmwd. et No. 21C1G inreee.raf eshuiston, D. 0., snored "Ptopp mi. for flour." S. 0. 01112ZNE, Captain and CI. S. V. Washingted, D.C. April 10th, 1164 spM:td t: 0 a 13 FOVXD It AND ILA - CHUM SHOP, • • T Jrzatnisodr, 011AWFOILD • DAVIDSON'S ratusdry and It. • anhas step, front an 17 mod strcet II) fen by 11l fast In /both to High street Tbs banding., tools, msclatuary soh patlnn• aro =Wets. Tido well knemiestabltsbmsist Is now, sad has bean for rase ye►n to contemns oyaratton, nod arsrthlog sbout It la In puisat only. Tbo mason far !snag b tbs dutb of W. W. Da.• lam, one of ths pennon Tho coutaacts :boron baud can to purchased If do. abed. For tafartutatlon apply to T. T. OSITTIINDEN, Attorney nod 6r.r Notate Leant, spitkit Madlna, Indtans. TESTIMUNIAth Gro‘ier & Baker SEWING MACHINES pk►cQt Is roocamondi•i It mot ►ter' troy roll la" j Took LIikTITT, r He• !odorant. ox bats and armor I Baker for two pan G. =outs ban town worst out without Om &log of • *Mat." 800. ego. W/11211.1. N. Y. • .t.W• ars vitas Ciranar I HAW, !awing littelattit and with phawirw tart* ultimo b skilful and With swriag, sad ita alma why.' tit.ollQB P. BOBBIN •idltor Bona Jaunt& l•after trying weal good roschinre, I prefer, the Grover t Baker. and Seel onotootent to 1 goonunimil fo{ every variety of family eetrine." X. P. siiooszn, Editor Brooklyn titer. sad. sm.. or sons mon &animal' public on Menem and pattonags than the GPithbergl root • Mum' . . 4 .1* &mil purposes ths Omar a Bakst birth titschins L Itomitsip superior tr. say War in ros. Phitedsrplois , Ite Chow 1 raker Moats"rasa rrllb no mon stols , than ttio parr or • aratlLM thesis. That. le Docent:gloats& Mature, 11 It to got out or order." PAPohlphia Slave. !Tba a MUM BakerMaebb'a erovaitly superior to ill !Ahem In me. It U eooevded by all who have einolad a melted tee, that the Gomm Chow Baker Stteh la Welt* lba sot agral'.." PARed✓yhte &Ufa. hoeing Arbd all the orfeclog deeded Da WOO% iv. cams no Id to Grover a Bale , there nob Boor. Dr. BISIUKLADD, Editor N. T. Clarttstau Advocate and JoarnaL owe bars tested the Owner a a= lla• dame la tn. howl% and Mae" ttorns to one subctlaeta"— Geghs?* Lade's /ask. • PlOrrro L oo brawl or lotus of Sowing knowato tba horlowN either prectirol or ornswerval, to which tno Dieu It.Boktilirchla• ow Its Improver smuts Wennn can 11•1111 MO tho newest Ml ; inv tronarwy to tea nortrawd 00 adisoctro of thintorar * BrAsr. Machin*. it In In toy opzion h 7 far dm nowt elloabto of fey. • Kn. litinlY MIND 111110M111.. ..Orator *Bator% !UAW» mate a ma AMID sum, that dog lot rip or mar with waft& g; rasa mgt aotahall, to plat% slmpls toy so sort and act LWOW to gat oat of roosts.; fall.aa taa ends Of tto ass ttlftad. sad ttooltho Waal and silks Alertly from the spool ea vlacts they aro b , oght " Ali JAW/ Masa atediketrirow. Moo; So. 18 FIFTH STREET. DlEl'lTEß—Reeeiving dailv by ibrpriuis 1.7 011 . 41. o. eAraz7v, • -"Al • - S/4170 Litmr,st.4.', - A LE COOKB, Ellllthrfirtg3Soll); [a apt 4 7; sOwir. us Wand am*. ' l ' EL TRESS llCK)rdfor sale 4 7 -1 1 :7' ; . J/XIII BOWS, US Wood snot. A PILACTIOAL IttAN, TN 7A.V01/ 07 VIE A. F. CHATONEIt, General Agent. LW dDrERTISEXEJI 7'S A N 011U1U.NCIS. changing and es ,, tAnosa4 the gnaw at manta @treats m the ts, 31. a-a at. Waldo. arc. I. De a ondained and enacted by n. Mqyar,.4l- dames and damn Palaberyn, b Wk. and ihnlown tbanada awn/J:4O, awl a Ia fare!, ordained awl enacted Si.py authority ef rho nano, 'net dm are u at lb, etarTe Otre VIIIII etthl. boat tbe Writhe, it tare vt Vliyhe Olivet le Unman °rub a at. WM, etaul cek• ,ellel.4lt of r Y below tlna aorman, or 3111 f et pa. 1 If feat. /ac. 2. , That the hmta of the north co-b of Peons &tea. ea,antloo aball Dave ednmazi ot a° fol b low the ho trotbor 24t feat pet WO f. bout • MI street 0. the ere t Onto o Bleb ...et. thence tall I° tif bet w be • °dame, or 907 feet per tou wet to toe ee at tort, of T boat aunt; thence tall cr. a below the boa Mau 070 70 i.e. per 11.0 Seat to the w-it cot', of Lltettlata In teat. th, 3 That the grade , of the West cart" of fte,s. ottnet from • 14.m0 greet to Path erect phial hare desCtist of 1.1 . 3/ endow the hu boo or 0.49 toot twt MU feel thento 6/1 2f/ talus. the Mreast, ar 2.52 het per UM Net to Li gh et , . et. h.t the grade of the ..at curb of Sigh el .0.1 from the &Oath curb of Wylie street, to lb . AO. th curb Pnu )Ifarsts fiVeatie attention, .hail have • demo of of i/ below the bons st, or &Oa foot per A* stag thence fall cos cot t, .he south carte of •he same; thence het 40' below the tot Mon, or 0.1.9 beet per lUD feet to the tenth Curb of Po.tweile mule Aetna.. nett 6 That thb grade of the north curb 01 Pena &Wahl* Meow" Irons theeast cut b et U 5.1.1111.. 41411 UM daceut ul t' rtaf t. low tee .4001.00, 0 • 9.310:t P.O Lai hat to the Amt.. of lilt feet to 00 alley; thee.c , ; fell 1. se , bet .ter the 000 0,10 or 3.111 test 100 115 lent to the west a •rb or litsh ettOwl theme f:lll If ur2 LO lest po • .tat het 1.04 and ut 'B5 tee. bathe...we re. hem. The 0 2 te , ahor• tee ha Illuo or 70 tea per 100. i the •. o heat of Yettlashl4lllA teens eltenele-. 800 0. That tee grads of the went curb of 'tunnel street tram the tooth Lath of I eun•yl solo Arre.ooe eat-not.th to the norm sett , tl P. One, lestwa trehtle .1.11 hare •desn nt of 1" . EL' below the barmen, or 639 fwt per lat feet. • ere. 7. Thu the grads of Try street from the south sohOf Peoayl•aula Asente to then rta curb o• Pi dab street. 411.11 have a thse.at of a° St/ bel, the teasMou Cr 4 b 3 het per KU I et. Tile B. Theist roach or any artisans. as conflicts sslth tb. prod. Mu at Ibis uschasnol., be a.d tic. same II hereby toped. d Ordained and enacted into a.. in Oonocilr,ltlda day ot rkpril4. D. 1864. JAMES McAULET, Oresidantof &Ire* Canoed. Attest: E Ti. Moincdr, aloft. of tioloctOoonefl. TIIIN. bTLEL. Proddmot of Common Coont • Attest : Ikon EL'ur Click of Combo') Cow:mil OltP/3 ANS' COLT nT SA LK—Farm for eats la Indiana Township. Allegheny w on. iirtneof swords, of the Orphans Court. of Allegheny mangy, the undersigned, roardlan of nAItiIIEL ti.WSBIEL, wlll expose to public gala, on Monday, theBBd day of May, A. D. 1884, at the boar of 8 o'ci at, p• m: of that day, et the Court Hone, city of Pittsburgh, all the right. title and littera. of the sold Samna 0. Weber, of, in and to that ...- lain tract of lend situate. In Indians 'Township, county of Altegheny aforesaid, bounded Rs foliose; Ne4lnnitig et • post corner of porpart No. I In the amicable partition bcfseen Abraham, Michael, Pear and George Webelt; thence by tract No. 82 north one and • half degrees, west one hundred and fifty three percher. to • post corner of tract No. 83, 40, 111 and 111 ; thence by treat No. 11l north, eighty-eight and one-half deer...ant, t , l ty perch.. and twenty &lons-hundredths of a parch to • post, theme. south at. and one-half degree, east one hundred and Ally. three perches to upon, thence by porpart No.l south, elstity.eight and one-half degree. west, thirty perches and t watt'-du one.bundredths of • perch to the pier- of begin log, containing 28 awn and 14.8 perches, non or lees.. Ten:mot seta--cash upon delivery of the deed • P. 11. BIeCOSH, Gnardlan of Baronet C. Weber. For partienlare enquire of D. Bowl, No. 108 Pllth street. ap2h:4 tw APJOURNEI) ORPLIANS' COURT EIALI6—By Tinos or an o•d-rof. Orpbans' Courtof Allesseny Connty. I will nzpo< at public ob. at the fkoIIIIT HU13812 in the d.y of Oittabnegb, on fistruday the :Tandy ofeunil at 10 o'clock. a. nu Tout Boone and /. d. No. 98 G ant ilte , t. (Towns tba Cattle-des] Oirsbarkh. =holed by Bruce A N liy, and other a. law 415C05. Al/O, Two reoll.inuni 1 on the tined Ms of Ova. guess stmt., Pittaturgh. Nos BS and 31 to the Wan of ahrui ..tate, sub lot having a front 21 Vet, and a der h of DO feet. Also, A lot on tits corner of Tultonutnut. and Bedford Os., Pittsburgh, I clog IS bet one 11 foam In front. by 123 feet 6 loebos in ceptb. duo, Two aharos of stock In the boa City Land lonoctation, Tel Vis Or Batt, Cain, an. OOD•Orannii made sob Jerk to *be tar, for 11. Isar 1804, owe] , be purchasw to pip caption of the csaveyanc- A aad 18e reepatsits re.stats recopy then on. LI Otifi 12011ASTIRIL. Iths ,, d Ada* of Andrw 8I Ns, tor, deed. SCRIBNER'S - • _ - - • • - HEADY RECKOEWR & LOG BOOK rOll SWP IiEfILDECS, DOAT B'LLDV.II9 LU /I DUEL 111WILOHANTS. PEA Nli CASE, 600815ELLS.11. AND NAWS DEAL= Chronicls BuSlans, fit b Etreet =Meta anywhere by mall, froo of pootago, on pipt ef 70 cou a. apP) • N°TI°'—.STOLES--Coupons of 5-20 Bawds: H'. p.o, 2481, 242 MC, :tot, 2.1810 Thwo $ O O, No. 10,3 ti 14,3 3, 10,354; T 1600 Now crok.f279; Throe 1100 t , +ix 23 877. 92671 23, , tr9; Vow. GLoopons boar dots Nov tote. 2.1, DIG.; ill portions es henty omits& not to I antows them , Pity pow. reownirs ch. Cosootw o: giving ouch 10013.44 m oka win bad to the !abed. of the title, • 11l be Db.rogy roorax.,od to. DICKEY! CO., aptEtt BO As orstroet. M./TICE TO BUlLDERS—Proposals /I will be received at BISSELL at CO'S , .rtlr mad, es.rt alum anti epeelflatuthe way wee for the motion of the PITT3BIIII6H teLt• La ELE VATOR." Whiles ab rat 12::. Yet square. Sepe.- ode OW .111 be entartabod for the mom eampea ter work eel mem leery requtted. ell to be pot op an der: t as ireeteral aupettatendente. Until Toes.tay 10th 0 , NO heat, S. eta! 2e, W. EtttltLL Patel. BUIVEa and Nctr Cream Cheese.— Ise taxi. Pt Imo Cultler f'hsesa SO torso Cantor nosh Etstuo; 19 carrels Ptah SW; .. . . 110 tarabsis 6 , 4 Poiatoon be cuskelab-fabt Dried Apples; 10 burs!' Iters-t. to kostssu Appian 21 bomb Sorer 01.dikr; Now noscchts sad isstota tqrsther with a WI sad fresh stock otgroto rho for ..1. by arollass 11 RIDDL 0,183 Uhettlistreet. aURTEEN TOWN LOTS AT ENON. —Titers yin bs Girard at troths sretlormt April Nth. Insb, se 9 o ristk, a m » se PITON, tssrsocs ortnitty. Pa.. on tbs prstabot,lll ballast" lots. briongtott wilts estates! OOLOISLL .bZoPubl) BAHL, dam Condriloss sari, aLd mods lama Mull& It P.EIIiTMLLFM, 01:0 Kn. PARL unman, . EMMA spbSAttl Mrscorors rf deed. !'COLLECTOR'S NOTICE.—PERSONS lotorested will plow tete notice that monthly Marne of Internal Revenue tax.. are regularly re. 'celled from tile - Asseosor on toe first dm of *sett 'month. and the tax.• tonal be trald an cr before the 16th day of each numth In •bicer the Hat L reeelved. sr ra erldels date • warms ertil be lasedatel stall delinquents.., JOHN 8611E1.. Oolt.ctnr. 81 Toortbetreet. • • Vat REMEMBER . • ISM SUSUMU UNTIL BUYSZT, iIII L IDITA ThVOBITIL PLIWAPPLIE ann., -. and MOUNTAIN TrA 0 iNDIL eau to °lnaba& at the Peoples Breu Nod Wady IltazA, lathe allegheby New Martet Rona. apSTI le • - OROACIC B .• AIL JAMES LAFFERTY, - ATTORFEY—AT-LAW. AU lorp.l Malmo promptly attoodted to. Woo, Ito. IGO irOITILTII %TAUT, oesr Gnat, ylltatrargb. &Mihaly" A BoTIOHR, BANKER, 112 FIFTH atrrat, paf tbs blgtrest prise far GOLD, albytu, B. Dods, Alliatoity County Railroad Booth, Bo&• idlers Bounty Benda Abe, Alleyway Valley and Stenbeasilla Usßroad et* Ira. Er P. COUPONS 7,14.11 N AS GOLD. ap2s T PT FOR 8414 E—On tho 'wet aide of lJ G,Xeithath street, Areedenro ear lb* .x.nei. iabout 9t feet wide, extending back, with anitllo !width. &boat XI tel et toe nun tootthlley. wee • eenietighod , lteXpeetten , eis molt. et the dike.? W. te. Wallsce,7ll9Libetty meet Plitebargh. ' aretlllw ALE/ANDIZI WALLACE ;NOTICE TD CONTRA OTO RS-Pro pmati will be teo:110:1 , or poUoig up oboe, moo work, and findlet inter:ale foe' none 'ball& :ing,2oo tees boy - 40 'eel wide 04 SO feet WAX Ap ply t e forther lattesoallon to the P:an:yl•aali Sett 6:0 1 / 6 :6:010 0:6060, Natrona, allesbene tax • • syWet Ilk) LOAN; FORA TB MOF YEA RI•l t A. on D rod. fecund by Worr:, for vtount o f mloorotairro,lll6llr or HINZ IktullB Nu babril. A prly i.-11A04111 arms WUREM al!o• Oro, or at Iti WOOD Pl' 440 T, Pbtahorrb ,spyrtly , auslimittNa. Do rdbm. Wt, HAVE THIHDAY At*OCIATED T with so 01:011011 D. MOIL le the ,Pi Wogs, Biwa as 4 Offlionit Oonsaitelon buisk-s ; April lit WK. 000/4 YLTSIt x.OO. 1p1.61m4 11/1.%11 MMUS, - • • 'Altmates. tntok b, _ lavis ratuLlPl3. w.ur net. Sq . AUTS AND - Ohs 11.1iFINF; Mrs promptly fatal op tvi DAVIS A IIIILLtp& 110 Tau Unket. atabia STEAM GAUGES E sows D & PRIDLTP& 110 Wafer st. rt•• di 117.4111 kt tine,t ••• jedrepayao andiar isuit t. " '177 .1 , ib.111,1018113.7 -• ~ o iralltibtrf*ina Bial4 414011:L. • - We Ofrar:(o2 Eget Mt betiof Nall; amartedte saltpatt ha 11641"gz441 r. F1".. ' 1.12711 Z :10711 IMA. 11; saffll4lsscald stmt. 1. %;11. 1 :i REPORT t I • MITTEE lEEIREMEI the • clear e, / Wan. , a/t• Gin,yeat•tt TI rtt .i,r i-mat er. port that the en,uoudltured t r IV, . r ‘Verks for y•ar eudlug on thethir) -first do) . 4 J‘c,III•1 - 'A. emeuht to thorly tar. itirusand :au hundred mud toirteeo eo WI mad oc,toly4, Ca of Ito tturirosandiniren huedmi .od •ati do :or, and •earaty—four tLe•tiodruttnrra 11•• rt.., year, canard I.) the .4,...,3 ir •ha p. ot la• L r and Loa. It oid r• qua,. uratly 0.1,1 rho •ppro pita fun fur Idel iu y.y au. cc 2.. et txr.t.se, end Remo retain reetaueer, t mA - d arida yrar There nod Lea vary p 11. to apply to ro man.. extension.. There a, now to•r.ra 3 3. a ta , pout pettticce for exteu•ions, wt I b ma 10, vramti add mete:cad) , to the rocept• at the ot he, lo,Uar •I• illy /...1 that tod ample 613 yof g W I • ....4.l.irt• the 1..51113 of tic 1110. nn W e itt reri,ct fully urge Mural blip ittistor. I r ttour.... • uc.til the eitotitsot th us P. ad5...01,0.1 I I •Ii partr dl the rtiy. The water rent-. r•oos,rd tor tit , year tut •is the sum of trioreaty-tao Ith•ut.l.4 I herr I, v oared sod unieuty• brae dollar,. and • I y• o,lla ILI I,3Sr A fourteen hnedred aid 44.)-nice dvcare and Aft )- (oar tsnLa 0,1 the ;,..)nuoenient 00 0130 walkout. yams, ror a atatenaeur In dot di you are nuiptotfully re• arred to Its. accompaapag reports of ob. atipertu. tendeut at th* %Voter Wt..r to and Anemia, of Miter tents. JOLIN ALL I 34', NV al It DAWN V;'sl AI'CAnI HT, AA OGEW MILLER, A, G. AVGAN vLINS, 11. A Cul YILLC, D. O'NEILL, To the Water Com:mare o.2ltalia : the r Bowing Dtatement of the cip- erotic. of the Ikuter A os tut, for the year ending tne dist td January, NIA. Is respectlully eubstitted. There he if eel twee coy repsits made during the ptet year In the lower 'rogue, house except the necessary repulte to keep the engin. s In goad order, to ensb e us to fur. lab the city with a supply of er We deterred waking au) itnprOVllo l / 1 1., ov tng to the bleb pr tb oftusettitte work and lactr. During the poet yayin we bare been working the death expansively lu the steam cy len ter. We dare fowl Ibst there le acne cc honk. The evidence we hate of the es-otestuy Li, that the arcouut of cowl Las . . . • the in all that. In 16.3 as,itil bushels, and the amount lees communed la lkas, than consumed In lnaY 1., L 11,370 outhels. The eutith saving of coal can not be atuibuthd w expending be steam, as there are other canes tt at as'lstei I u waking the oaring. Th. time has ...rived tuallli.g It useutlal to turesee the capacity of the (York.. to meet the demand upon them wt. water, and owing to the cont. action of the percent Works the coo of the niubiLery now in use cannot bother...ea, making it eeceamry to pet In °pent on anew pumping engine , If eutiods In their goodjudgment think It ...Alai to mart. the Works turther up the rivet, lu c0n...d0-nu of the wash of the city, and the many compladae of ell In .tee eater, in toy opinion 'peed/ action L. esientmL There an ssteal other impettaht matters ought to be taken into to sid.ration. Firs% removing the smell pipe (4 in.} to the old part of the city, and replacing with (6 tn./ult. (4 In.) b. Lot the opacity to meet the umandmade upon them for Wee and other perfumes. Sound, I rematnend an increase of fireplug. be made, et least an additional plug in all the long square in the city. It would glee benne protection and boa glut saving of hue. /I.i.d. The deseend• in; main, leading from the too th and connecting with Mean:at...ling pipes hoc not gat .sat tfett capacity to moil the outland mule upon it. and h-en, the courthouse and Jell anatent of water, when there Ls large quitht.ty drawn in the lower pens at the city. In the dry we..tber, or when there is a flee, and un der the (present tircumetatitm, the only rented, is to contort the pipes that supply the resolar portions of tie city with the upper basin. The only repairs made at the upper Work. daring the past year, was a renewal of the metalic packing in the Mina eydnder, and potting on links, .o the enginva can be &Muted and worked full struke until Om column of water le In motion, and then the cut off tam le applied. During the year Ha. we worked an eccentric um full etroke. The COai moue:ma in leail was (II bush- ale 76-Itankt) per hour; coal commuted In 1142 was 11 ba.hels per hour. It Is enentlal that tbe roof of the upper engine hmse should be renewed the pres• eat litlfoD. The following table shows a onomary of the ma time. daily coneumption of coal, eupoly at water and lite ospendltUres tram year 10:4, January Ist. to February, 18,71 • E . ..'• i" , ,e' . 7 F: ;: UPP/111 0 /9722.21. f= 2 .! g ..S. 1 Z .-, .4 , 4 -i i - .. _. ri, I g r i , 5 .- , ' 9 1863 ._...._ ..... - oo 23041'41,333 3774051 do do !4-21 447,089 do du 14•9.1 447,031 IVA 111 / 6811 633 ,475 M 1847 ,475 11 2.0 Su.a4 1631 .. ______,.”. 11 4-10 kali lye 2..50 5911.820 1840 12 , 6 168 2.10 C 02,127 1831 .....„ ........ ....... i 0 73-1001= 30- 00 066,777 1572 13 74-1 01 , 04 2-1131 7311; 551 1262...._._ ..... ....... 12 43 1138 643 76-110 733 311 LuWEII. 11.1713/0. t ''° I 1g ;"? Ft t 7 ^i - E... ItZ... ••• . 3, 4 . 1 :4 I . : EFT ' 3 :!. 2 . YCIES. : ,r, —.a3 70 '4 9. i • • ,._. 13.741 .... not rd/oo'd, 43 54,306 1110,644 01 13 - 4 .... do do 187 j 71,003 24,78217 1833 ..... do do;103 83,331 23,32.1 63 laid.... lug 'lux 102.373 28,291 28 1057 ..... 10 1.613,,V 11=3 35.3 868 16 , 3 ._ , 11,, 113% 90,420 27,484 46 1 , 61 .... 12 0-10 173 3-10 103,189 27,060 34 136.1 .... 13 6.6.163/ 1.4 4-10 i 107653 33 870 17 10,1 _...1 1.2 41-100 110 17-1001 100183 13,083 04 1052... 11 55-110, lOU 40•1001 127,66 S 26,4 - 6 oa 1833 713 45400:168 23.1001 157,482 33,213 70 nu, f Ilowing astruthms dare been made: Four Inch plpoun Lomat d Capper otreers, 1,463 ft. " " De VlMeer, " " Nif.bater ..... Inch The follovday baro born y•id l by plutio• to be remtbureed In water mate: Four Inch popto for elll a Co., on Butler et., LOCI ft, • for Nutley, Nelson At Co., on Butler etreet.—...-....-. 137" Eight Inch " for Penna. U. It. Compeuy, Liberty etreet....—.-._ 51,CC3'. fs Penna. U. U. Company, 2.68 for Penns IL B. Company, MIESMMM Total 31.21-100 .-104793 ft. Eight tech pipe lowered on Penn street...—. OW ft. 811 " " " on Smith "....._..109" Total --.1,0 ft . --- Number f Floodgates made end pat 1a..—..-- 4 tomber of Floalsete Boxes —... 17 Whole , num oar of Floodg wla tat olty.-----.451 Pueblos pat to Ole yew.— I Number of lire Flop titreeed 21 Rumba of lire Boxes reneered--..---..—.. Whole aamberof flre Piap la the city.— Whoa number of Leah stopped and repaired-- 66 No " .of ferrules lae•rtod mein of 3i loch, 74 "•• A " Teter number, al $2,00 wa.-- Um an ilzg, By cash pataTreesonr $lll9OO Th. moiling time of the lower markt trio avenge of 19 14.109 houn per day for each engine; or 'nett. er 26 111.190 tour. Average 'gaily coaromptlen of coal 'l,l 89-ICObbih• ele bt cue roglue ; or together 643 76.100 butte]. • Amu. &Hy .apply of water 7133,11.1 .bio feet. The mooing tone, as reported by the engineer of the upper work., le au average ofl3 16.180 hone per d Trinage daily consumption of coal 153 03.100 Average daily ropey of water 157,482 rabic feet. wuraorrrtin rot town total. Coal, Labor, eo - gforers *Emmert, -.-- 3,200 43 Libor in house, cleatitba and . vaalta 311,70 Labor et Optimal plop, lower district-. 1,924,81 60.11 Parkin 3arp, rope; tow and 110.20 Brus walk sad brass castings-- 94 43 'llonnoe tax on c0at._„__..........._....._. 108 90 Ilepairing brick w0rk.....__...._.............6 181,73 , mithwork . and iron —.-.-....--....—.- 053,24 Revering b011en.—....... .......... 24,50 Allsoallermoue 01 , 92 Capper pipe.-- 0.05 Cat9les brooms, stalls:Ws -1........--. 60,21 10.20 20,80 Locus ' 70.00 Pine ..... ---- 15,18 Hickory 2,110 Ofßessapeture, ecol, - wood, poste-12Ce-taZ uszaorrtrass ion trris WOW. I=!!!!!E! 17!MIMMI!MM!MOMI Latu:;, eng7 . 47and Armen-- 1,495.Q0 • In house citablo& Do.ler anridttal.. • 45;0 .• at pipes and plop, tipper 4.02.43 Wading ,yarn. Ape, tow ..a tiine /WM Welablog coal - • 220 ..... Baps Ping fence, beats, t0t...... 01,42 Repairing pavement -----. —.--.—. 12,22 Batons Lat. on 3 1,0 1 %Well moos math 17L63 &pairing brick work ..... liarltr4ro— • 10,12 tOnltlitrott end SW.* • Itegiuiring Buckets cud e nt ,,,,t o . work._._ 8e... works taus coating. IMSMINE Tallow ..,;:—..— —•••••• • I==== ;610,79 nilnortous.zol rcarasetvalssuan. 1,140,48 emittmak satin:l • 67:9i Yipsll344 lewd surto 1,41t,13 Patten. Lead. • 91,2 u Lumber 11:10,413 truommtlap — and 'Armin .113013 .....,. r .._-._... •. 340 . . , *Teilrerclumid ' ataat ""^' , '";'" l 842 ' 92 DECORATIVE: l o rgi"...PreSaa '-- - “ , upper Watt ...4„.....,..... 7 TANA , 4 lost Hotts..-6.............: 21,4470 Pan** Mists; Ihlic44llt, Mein. r• gam, .Itarbils. M. lora% Total expeadlt=n—..---- —...—P 2 ASACI iP 22 :W. 7 . 11 : """141" % . "Trot stoic <"..-i,. 474 ' - '-' 7 :irjr:Z. :l Z'' . - - q 0 .'',;4'.' , i5 .7 ,- 5. -"lij-i'''-' . .:, , - - ','... , :?-:i . z , l-GT , 1't' 7 .7.7.,z ,,, .`P. ,,, , ,- ,y , .. , ...& , :::: . -.!. 5 0•N7- - rf.-7.:' , 77 ,, :;•ri! , tr - - , 4:: -- :. , •.,,. 2 . - . , ? , :i . 7. ,- .5:::' , 7r:Tz5 .- -'24 -,-. .• _ W , c, : tar C,:la 7 .l : l l:ol: thi ttOLtiT 1843:1... TA : 114. 68 : rivc per cm. t. ..LI di t 0na....---..---...1.... 1,001,34 Water. D en a rur building paryom—....4. . 1111,31 Ihrmaa and ground Mad.-- —lil« , / Kai Fannin and Drilling--- —4l. ! 3 Iklal Cash on amount I tran .hattera-4—, . =,33 Citsta butane., .ntlageat fund' 11172. 11.,... . 6.G7 'Total Tani lExpoud BM.. In (Afar of tho city -- AproorsamMi •llo=tl. balanceof apprvprtation,lll92---;--9 63,18 " contio.ent food •• 6,07 appropriation 1993--,4- ' . M.A11.11 • Aago. 91, I,Cou,ou J A o. MAI t. Cult oo account of iron siluttera-4-'..- 29,79 baalanu. contingent fund, .. 8,47 es h on raccoons a iron sbutters—.... 41 ,1r Tesal orapectfally antonittea, ' JO5lll IBEX.U, rupir.htandent. February 26W, 186 i. - • ttPO).l or rut alitrion or tAUt SZTITII. ro th. Meer Corensite• : GIZTLMSO : The underegned reporillte 'amount c Meted and paid to the Clty Treasurer tir the year IBM, on account of house and ground , ma at the hallo lot, one hundred and'lony.f at dollars and ulnety-ele cents; and tn account of .watterreant or battling purposes, ale hundred and misty-Matti dol lars and elghty-slx rents ; and an KCCVIII:ICor water rents for sprinkllog streets, eLsty-elght dollar. and two cents. The water rents guested on the earlowe establtsb me❑ts In the city and TLC township using the hydrant water for the Year ending ost the thirty-Brat day of March, len, sad returaed pe the treasurer ,for c Motion, arnonntto the sum of wronty.iss thou sand and ninety-eight dollen and alsasen cent.. Amount of credit to 8111 • Co. on account of laylog ten hundred and ststyweren feet of four Lich pipe en Bodo street, eighty dollars , and credit fo b.ewer, Borg t C0.,,, the taste account. cosi hundred and els.tywlght dollars • and credit to Thwtly.7 nelson Co., on aconat of laying three hundred thiityweven feet of (oarlock pipe on Bailer etrret,,twenty.toven dollars tad Any cent.. fire pry centttno ien arrears unpaid on the first day of October, 1863, tenhandred and elnety.one dollar. and eighty 'Ore cents guided, making • to total of asseety.tbreo thounand four hundred and slaty-Bra dollars and - filly,-one cents, no follow., els : 1 Court House and Ju CO 1 Custom House and Post 0111c.5..-.4 BO CO 1 Flour 51111.--- 100 ce 1 Gas works-------- 600,00 3 Tanurtiss...- 16 1 .00 3 96 00 6 Glass Isocks 13,0,60 -4 Steal springand shovel faetmElll....',, 246,00 9 nsulag and saw 52 6 , 00 7 011 refluerits - . 554.00 15 Cubicle: and Clair 2:6,25 10 Brick yards .. •'• 156,50 144 Livery and other 51 1 9,75 VI Printing offices and bisiderLes,—! : 293,60 50 Churches- ..... 297 ; 09 34 Schools 3331 . 02 IC Theatres and lertnnibulls-.-...-:3 151,50 6 . • 1036 , 4 Public 102.10 63 Itiscellansous mumfactroies.»...-.;, 894,013 33 Ikeriryloir d stlliesies— 72 7, 011 11 Etallnmd and railway deputs.i.--.4=: 1,391,75 9 Bolling mills and stolid 1.999,52 47 ingine shops, foundries and yards 2.121,6 0 14 Breweries-- 0,774 ,20/M7 372 Haas, taverns and bourdinikmsell; 5 904 Warehouses, storm, :Mess , and.: workshops._..:.... 7,026,43 Cul Stores with welllags attached........' 4,89141 7721 ...37 719 14 10039 Aaseasments... ..... Tiro per cent. on arrears, October Ist, 18621,0g,5S 1/ ,, Pectf¢ l l - 3 , I to . Obi a lt a ted —* T 0, February 261br1864. 11110118, 011.1111.218.1fc. LATE PUBLICATIONS rooksiTed at , ELECN - Eta - 115T13p3.1%. Sermons by Pre. froderick W. B00:000100. L. Of. IVO Salm Veal. 12mo. Thidforte(ortet the homer roman:— LI. of Wm. H. Prescott, by Gasp 114 , knor. Library !Alton.. tdotb 3OD Waal Wm El Preacut‘by — Georgr 13. Titian+. Popular • .. 2OD o.aptains and Otargynf the B;solMion. J. T. Deadly. . 1 50 Time Banana:tent ol thaw. looleding farm Hardening, Temperiagotonealing. Shrink ing and Itavortion, Oh. Co.. Ltaraen lug orient. 111 Georg, 60 Loot. Xaool•os end the Balta. of arnaseaddon. 76 !welly Pr.de. The Or. at Neer Bmk.by the au thor of Piqua. Paper. 51,7.0. Moth-4. 150 Idea and b warn ; or, Payelmi GetliTa947 o o moditiel by bum. &Won. By il•drigo P. Marsh . • —.CI 00 JOl4 t.. and sue HLdealppl bubble al - Ad,lphelbiare. Tranalavd by T. L SUL. • MAO . Denim nelas,r, Beare the. MAI*. AL 11.... rel of lutsfloanLo sha Manners: ;12.0.. 150 PI in. ian wits ish NOTOL Oath 175 alavrette• Ilwasekeeprr ♦ Compsalto so 1 71 Palm Gkrta.r. °Whoa& Ala =41.4, Ws— 150 antn,lar Qeosolone. Prang.. .od Mao •to Ponion cle. CI IayMO= SoBIIIL onshore. awn a/ Peetol.r. 13y spa Poirot. ALisle 4 Ina area Tratoltuko. Cons 150 do 0 , Oonrereati n, with dhe.tions 151 , 15•11- 11diseation. Cloth. Brim% Africa; • Journal of Ito 81180 , 0 , / of lb. 8 Aar. wo of Mk. By OsyBBo.BB, pith. 3 Za Btaul •of 11 Belts Moon sto&CrltlohcBk. By Id Irwin Ems+, author of Llf-IdJoins. CI 100 llopouthl 7. • b.groL By the author otollo.. 1 50 Animal of Bcloostslto Memory f 001551. Cloth. 1 58 Uhttolsof tbo DOMAIN of s 81:0888 las: By Aker. Cloth. tus • Youth'. History of ttri Bebe Mon. Bs Bohm i 20 Ilinstaatbmo of Unheard Ptomain By Her- bort thancar a with • Loth* t4l3Moomog Nov Bynum of rhilcsophy. 1 73 La Gastota; • rponish HaroL. Groan Ca ballero. Cloth To Urea Znormh; • ProotbsaL lingeptenco &matey boy • otery mon Tana may be mode to lamp a vary Largo familY. CSoitt.....— 1 45 Out of Prison "I am •Ma • pusd nothing that rant. to man Se laditer . e " nt to am:. Cso. 1 45 My Caro Lite In Ykltabora. with Letters of Trial nod IrsteL By la Southern L•dy; CLo. 1 00 Hisao to Hiatoottn. BY W Cam 1.314 March Elmira. By IlloWborter.'ftCsotb4....... 100 Or. Callum istsestien on HOP Colttestsca of the Mgt. Vim By And.fasiller;prao tical.Holtkigtrirtst. 113 Work and Playt or , Litopary Meat* By Borneo Boslutell. 130 Blaney of Bpantah Llteretion. its. 00 Ceunpener Thel. • By Jean Paul. nutlxoof oLlie enns....Titao.'!oto.4 cloth 160 The P.O Portly LM ed and Jorge Ifeals4lo AT W. H. P.m. es ; ITS Ovies of any of the shave books 0:401 feu of ponsee on receipt of viva. ITIFEpIT atprato, Ti evlls Tifth otreet. Halt dzotio T. 0. .. aohionn • ALL THE NEW AND 14E)NTLAB goon AT nurrvs. lEEE sum. late Pspen AT HUNT'S. , ALL MU lILLOLZTATA cut Q.' =CU t AT HUNT" &Ram Cards from ;5 cants dozeit and gonad; AT THlPiTtit '; Photograph Albmxs, 6R sirasotassi aliapre coA qualities, irtt/ gUa adp 6641 elm% num OD =to aperaid AT 11171irri . t.: ' School Boas and &hod Stattoiney AT RUMPS. • AD chi Mai Boats at• AT HUNT'S. • • I Punem Album Pletum; is aft eau., 41xa whae. Nab axlo ragtag, Pratea prbeitit7 JOHN P. HUNT, General A gentir, wie. •VD Ilfth fida pHOTOGRAPII ALBUMS! AND OAED kHOT011114:1491. DITTO 0 . ; LATE .00g:* itsOLILLAWS BIPO BT. l e !owns ttuceoNi. : • - 7 4:n3wcres.! . uagsa...2llllllSTo2l. - /USD CASH, , . ' IrOTLIM 111 szw minis t • au L. •Joks tarelsegss 'Om; it*Liallod,, II COOL, steetiosszi:A*l4 . N 11975 Opposite tam Pool *AG 29 . 0 0 7,04 47,22 re° RyEsAinpw‘ - . - „; : 1 , , --,: 7' ; . 4 ,.' ::-.7:*';'-t-3.44Z.Zi r ai ;ptirlicolu stietictim: to , t im a, 510 tt•imsiats on CATARACT,' sclurru nts. ibr.#22llVVE PIIPM busts ADITIMILI, MIA And Ueda all INYLAILMATOIT ElrE3; aboIIeARBEARLItG, .134. all dlimorrs acctiNg 110:1Fow gOilmdta F cdnesado MTH , DOCTOR F. 14 1 '. cc t;• PRYSIGIAa AliD* l ollozoli. ita rams ennoreaocw mat •• • . ...... 31,21.3,7 ts [LYON'S EATHATRON. :..E~=.C~.~l &metals= le from tho Greek word "Nothro." or .- Bathaim," eiguifying to clam" Mu...W. MI LtD article herbed. Ila woe o AalE.ea Ilar pnwerri g, rester tug god baurtlfyittg the DurLu.D.rz It le the most recoarksbk, eperestiCh In cbs wort& It t. agar. owned sod t.. up by Lb. teigirtol ProPLI O I' tor, and is cow made with the saree Car% ditllw.d at. Welton which p.. a • ma, afOTsrow zullliou beb tie* per am um. It L. • need delightful II•Ir Dreadug. It eredlcat.s sem' and d•ndruff. It Seeps the head co,l sod clean. It resitee the oat. rich .oft sea Afoul. It prevents the halt fallity off 4md turning DM. It .stow herr upon bold had. Any tarty , . rutem. •he value* a beautiful Dad - of hap. shenid Lyon'. Ketheerrna. It le It:gni sod used throughout the civilised world. Bold by al napoctabledo-bre. DEMOS 8. D • IttftEB & Oa, Dow Yost. Eisimitabie Hair Restorative, HOT A DYE, but tort i ores gray isle to it. anginal color. by supplying the capillary table vith amoral' anatenarma, Ice pared by as or alma*: Ali imams* thedos are composed of besot =dig destmlnit the vitality and beauty of the hair and abord of than. salve no &mans. Ileimstrest . • Inimitable Ccdoring not only remoras hair to fts natural color by au eaq proms, bat gleam the hair • Luxuriant Beauty. promotes lugrowth, prevents tta Calling off, Candlestaa dandruff. and imp-rte health and pleasant .ma to tba head. Is has mood the tatot tine, being tin original Hair Coloring, and fa constantly inclasams in favor. , Used by tom, gentlemen and ladle,. It la 804' by all. respectable dealer., or can be procured by them of the cconmercial agents, D. & BARRIOS t OSS 9C9 Brod. may, Mar lark. Two sixes, 60 amt. and IL HAGAMB lUGHOLIA BALM. MU lathe mad delight ul and estraordisitry amt. de am decorated. It eheadas the son-bloat bag annum& to a pealed, sada texture of ravishing beau- Oslmpairlog the marble purity of youthood the Ws. pspas appearance so Inviting to tbs.:By balsof fash ion. It remora tan, freckles. Fhl4 and raibthh.a hors the akin, leaving the camp freely tramps,. rent and smooth. It andahm no serial Wallow to the skim Patronized by fatness. sad Opera Nos. en. It Is wha every lady E should ham. Bold Mary. when.. Pre t med by W. EAGAN, Troy, Y. Addras all orders to iiiimes a. Demo:saw, saw Turk. IMEXTCAB lIIIIBTANG LIIMMrT The parties in Si. Louie sad ancintiatie Who bun! been. counterfeiting the Masten Liniment under pretense of proprietorship, hare ban thoroughly estoped by the tiourte. To guard against ferther pTomsttiiem, I bars procured Mai the United Buts •-• a private stael.pl mrremem stamp, whints is planed over the top of each Dottie. Bach stamp bears the As duals of my algcatore, and without which the oriels lea coanterLitt itangerom sad worthier imitation. llrandue al.". bottle. Title Liniment hes been In me and growth; In favor for !. many pare Them hardly erne hamlet on the habitable globe that does not con Wu enders:* of its woluieritil affects. Ills the bet sato lent In the earl& - With Ita premut Improved ingrofhanta, ifs effects upon man and boast ars perfectly remarkable gone ere healed, palm relieved. Ilse seem, raluable animals made usenii. end' untold 111, antteced for cats, brats, spines, rheumatism ss Mugs, bitm, ruts, '• caked breasts, str•ined Ursa., Lt., it is a Banntp Emnedy that Should cot to dispensed with. It should be in army family. Bold by ail liromitsts. D. 9. BAILNES, Mew Took. te2llAroaoi.r.aw WIAZ AZUVB AILTICLEB TOR BUM lir • SIMO N JOHNBTON, Oorn.r of Staltheed •azd loath rtl EI:p.P.E.IVATE DISEASES Dr. Lu.dbun's Specific% rs time ox 4 nitaAle smear tee . deseesstlib! aril= of genundten. it it the dbeenery of au teitesti Physician whose Ids was &total totals treatment at t4l ohms of disaara and with onpracedentsd nut• t. osR .Ax man than tmentY rasa It hr porasotion En flat & milting to infections, and QM:dm anttraly : Eon the mistaken mottos and the mamas wrath oranporovis carol to tha I. antbaly **table aal perfectly milk It Ma la* cbseli sad haparts ankagti sad vizor to Os dlarand moray..—The crest soma of this moody fa 1.18. bathe peratamat carve hes lot t Ito being imitated CT andocipled men. Oblate, therefore, that Or etimatare of the kocrietor eroaad sr.! totaßohe other to events. Primared only by • W. B. DAVIDBO2I.' sou ro;posice, cnoolVdio. o. . !old bi as Dreggisla. Prioadil per boa. • ler ray gals st vtoolani 11160.8. Ear/DC C. V: zusus. Qat, Manager tat Lipptaccat 8 M.) ayssassi. (Lat. of Choy: flubbardi 0o) I*fiPITTIBITEGH SAW, WOBY.f3. UUBBARDS & LONG, Mannfactorara of PAMT 4110IIND 0111011- LAWS, waranted GAIT STICIELIWitift, of wary . dzszilstion *day, Orem .catt;aaar and aD. • otur tariclia. Ankh:dart 10171i11 a SPBIHOS, cads tioin Shinn Cart Stoat; Mrtraikinsd =AP- Ablo NOWLEGI,i EMUS, do. ,Wanttostie sae Worts, cor:WArgit REIOICT 1311.rittelsirgh. Partirtart Wang= glean tot lintoothrtg, Gumming and Straightening Oftrrtar Fawn ; ales repairs of ell kands. PonthhtS DrtMilg don. at reasenable WM-BLUM= & BOUSR spreas.earD--sesirr ism !ONE -1334 NPR" Sto N.F.• 'A eland ir 9 7 lo * we lap pod ad faabed ath ast tot. PQM autelaincry, +s on mond to cantatas anydsettpttoaot BGILKES, to the bat manner, end tranantod-ogial to soy made Na_conita. OVIAINETB, - BRICITEN.' TIEN BEMS. "STEAM "PTPEd, LOOO3EOlll'4 EOILEEttI, OONTELEENEL9. BALD PAM; Tangt, OIL ETELLS, - AGSTATOIIB,. MIMING PANA; 'NW :PM IRON' BEIDGE4 BEGAB PANS, and . tolontatditettcau of BIWA PATENT BOILZBA.: Beitairoi dam gm WIG 13/113111011. gritOBIBBON, BEd At" CO, (euo canon to Bannow,l4xus & Xtugat,) AVM= lON WOBBBJoiptiisiiiiti, Pittsburgh. or zto.a..AND. ATATlosszir mut mini% mesr' - nronstra. mn,s, isecturrair,' GUMMI; warns% cum me, don aim/wool ou, TANIS le 8711L8, 110U12 AND start vigorwonit..-, , -Limb tir QIBT EOM- VLIZOTOS, TOIL IPTEDITIO BOTIM slaseuarra: eisou.suur BELLE:,IMEEL 35ropis. encamais So Itaiter.Thatziatt a 07.. 'Or OAST aim, ammo:now esti) nun= smut; gleamy's, ex . r.;53,, 'mows/as, Woks, Mar MAUD; o. amt.. Prrrsamum.. Ps: - = immy nTOHH COOBWE &B$0:; Mar. irunn =MN% nos WWII VAMT Dwas,-wurnovr 11119TJ TIMS. WINDOW GU*, . 8 F 0 .. , Sm. 11 enCOOND NA BO 211431 W 811101`; tat. Wood, ouidpoikot. OdialiriVrirle7 or ivny rattarAhner roatloolor littentkm pad to otoiodog Gan Lotil. JObbitik &OM ihottMAIM • • otairsvatve Thawslll3,l'olX thecae of nosnes *mite: - an 'pedal reamoisulidad balbillUrro Mme , aad Mins rTiot to atlat eat!, *kb tO WAWA imb* lia. Martubictund mill by 04.11451TA1T* 00 . 41,1 , 1 be , , , • - s , , • • .••• sirs* 1:7 Dna*. riegyhem•-• ' .• • r aye ~aaxavjiassco . _ . PICDIf3II6IIEI3 OP TEM NERVOUS, esinuta.p. Inman - asp sum. sisnots-conr and rabbi. miitkianbilivora (me amnia Ammisani. iws trysail in amid litter @metal*, tree or clifq•;.444rits /:k On; zsa norcurrois, lastirimmaig*l63"ll2l - otos, ndtbSOPlith Pe. nenft EXIMBVILTTEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers