ESTABLISHED 1786. Oittsburgit 05azetk: PUBLDIEED BY =ISE to, inn Pomo gown TER OP THE GAZETTE. '- Kahan 111orlaal, bi caya, Per Irar- 1 -0 064 z month—. 19. art } .....— U. a Anglo araasaa firma; by; ma% par 4 60. so ' . 6 15 2: 1 0 L Witiithrtoththi, angle =play pervar- 2 Oth "/-• elotorof 6 tolo, " _l6O. • etttheitlOor moth - 1- it. •-•thl ontylitth to the patty =ding doh. 102 • dab of iftoen, we send the Itnocrso Omits /any. We • doh of twenty, In viii wed the Swum Gacerri daily. Single wptos, 6 coots. en sabscaptions trio* is armed, wad pews awkii itorix4 whoa the time soh.. The'llesaing Matter on this Pa ge is' froth Yesterday's Evening 'rEdition. • "Preparations for a Grand Diovemettt in Virginia . The' Washington iorrorpoirdent of the New York Even i ng-:Poet writes that encouragingly .- of the militeryproparattns an d prospects in . The prepare thrsa for the impending conflict in Virginia are going on rapidly 'upon a gi - gantleseale.: It la improper to givaany par- Wan that might benefit the enemy, bet it tan de no harm to encourage the loyal peo pie of the country with the statement that while we are meeting with ravines on the Red river, in North Carolina and other places, General Grant is not idle in Virginia. Re is preparing with all possible despatch for a great, battle, bet if Leo remains in his present position:it libt , robable:ahat - in will be Ought daring:the - piasent -week.. Lee, how. svar,...ean force a 'rattle at almost any mo - Many - and Gen. Grant will gladly take ap the gage any .dai that the rebels will come out of their latsniclntints, and if. Lee intends to compel oar army to Attack him in his chosen r idden, IC' will fume to watt few days The -army of the Potomac; Is gaining in strength and efficiency every day, but the ea tent of thin gain would, hardly be malted -woe L to - state Oncrof thomost hopeful signs of the bon: is the fact that nobody here seems to understand the plane of Gen. Giant. Heretofore, before a great battle, the secret of the campaign and the piano, °random have been understood by at leaser. hundred periona in this city. The three or four Individuals entitled perhaps by their position to know . something of the plan of acampalgn,told all Their frionds--and the rebels, through their secret agents hem, have anticipated all 'that was coming. It is not so now. ;Gen. Grant has, either kept Ms plane to himself, or hal warned hie distinguished enamellers and ad -. triser . s in Washington to be reticent. do not believe there are throe - men in Washington who, today, have any knowledge of Burn side'e destination, though he has been in town ford day or two and his troops are not thirty miles oft' ' • The Red Riper Country. Shreveport is the Capital of Caddo parish, Louisiana, situated near the - foot, of Caddo Lake, in the northwestern part of the State. It is finely Bleated for incline/1140a Bed River, being- surrounded by an exceedingly fertile . planting region, about thirty miles below the "great ruff," Some fifty thousand bales of cotton were annually shipped frnitt this place before the war, and 'a very large number of cattle from 'Texas. - The town contains stars, number aMoresorernral steam mills, churches • a printing office, ands resident populatian of iibout,3,ooo. S ince the rebellion ',Shreveport commis sary aid other stores for the -trans-Mis sissippi Confederate troops, ander. to the time of the siege of Vicksburg formed an im portant link in the "rnainof supplies" for the • • 'whole rebel army. Titania a military r bin) than, ',which has at times contained • large 'number of Federal captives of war. It i 1,233 miles from the mouth of the river. Alexandria is one hundred and'. fifty miler from the Mouth of Red River. Eighty miles above is .Nachitoches, an old Trench weer, settled in 1713. It le noted in hiltery as the • scene of a hardbattle between the intabitanti and the Natchez Indians in 1732, resulting in the extinction of the Natchez at a distinct nation. _ Tram Ehrivepertthere runs a railroad west 7 ward to Marshall, Texas, aid sixteen miles beyond, making a line in all some slaty miles in length. Many years ago a routs was, pro jected to 'Vicksburg, which was- completed from the letter place west as far as the !Oda chits river. The Story' about Mrs. The N. Y. Trams publishes thi We have the highest authority for the fol lowing statement la connection with the stoz7 that Ws. N. Todd White (a sister of grs. Lincoln) was permitted by the President to carry *contraband goods South Mrs. White went nod& with only the, ordinary' pass which ate President gives to these persons whom he permits to go, :The President's pan did not permit Mrs. White to take with her anything but ordinary baggage, nor did the attempt to take anything more. The President's pars —did emexesupther- -baggage New_ the peal hispoetion and her baggage ,r001,647P the weal Gm. Butler found se!con -traband goods or in herlsaggage i Stu -: dithotinsult or defy:Gad. Butler; nor Lira:li there anything iP ,ha warders, actions which led Unto suspect thM ih. was either a rebel sprovemissaryjorthat Shawls violating any of the :rules c inder ,which.persatteare sent through - 0e 1 iner,;thi COppeikield OPin Won:bent the cenntry Are Tiotlegtherrtiones Sr antlthrity, .in thlrteatter; anti. ushsg that askeitions ',Mier made though our , iolumns, We hope thoriVill this statement a speedy and. wide publieitien. Arkansas. irikensas now site clothed end in her right .-- ataang.her freerraLloyel shun; 'Gov ernor Marp*y-bas been formally inaugurated at'lrittielteidt s with imposing ammonite. • - prochunetiortiront Gcrterner Murphy declares' theta! the hits election the -constitution and era:wane Yrepsred by the State Convention, were ratified by 12,177 Totes faior, to 229 . .against them; and T. 2L.Tacks, A.G. Bogus, ..and .I.ll.,Johnlioe were elected to Congress. keen oppress fora State Conan on to reset at Little Beek,-Lfeyld, to IpPola d elegate, .to -the National - "routfop, -which crieeti lisitialor*On tatiri:of gene 116 XL: Things ire looking well in li'notases. - • The Little Rock Uetoe of the 16121Sejan l The Inilitisi's to be orgenierdi's - revenue to be ' .sailed, mesterei to be adopted;retch ire will •gaggerAt forgiver 'fifieossikri for traitors aad Copperheads to 'grasp tipc reins of stscaiger, • _ , . The Treaintry Butloikng ~ kr. Beeratary.Chise hal replied to the re , Woke of the .fionate onto lath Instant, listing whether it is-Intended to. take down any portion of the south front of ;the Tress try-building.: Bossy' that no alteratioir of the eolith front proper is intended. but that proposed to convertsvortionef the large ' , Testribule of the watha portico 'into' ii - snit of - "rocas ' whieh - ere much neededratid that the depth of. the vestibule le acknowledged to be as attatteetazzi - afoot; which the i alteration trill neroedy, - according .to the upinbin of - - IfeurerWaltor and Wost,aratiteeturni ape 1- , letendents of, the Capital eitension. The de sign of .the enoorviag arehlteotofthe Treat. ft ado pted, . which will affeet's saving over of the. alteration :Of .1a3,80e, by sum '•=lts somata from the uaribbont, A Nme lanirimm—Shlst oolhOttf, line, cotton, pones, and Mail ace OOM111011; hat to this catalogue an nor to be kdded ALM cob. ...We from mdesnised ladle ribber.' Jot; Pit' anted in England, and • - which we have no doubt will soon be found at ear India robber sestabllshessate. . The. laventei. steles . thee 161.1601,:r 1 144174 04 Ise painted or rinsed gr a the oollan, either beton - or - alto Otto, am est from the sheet, and they may; ho made white, oolored,er embossed. nisi. bind' maybe made also of .the- smne , .. . , , 4 . , ... , ii , 0.4. u.nui 'alt. his. w. ..u.., • ' ''' " A --mu" .mixited for the futimallrbe ts sallonike".47.•- embloa, he * OO -4 sacra, r l ier° au ral or=Pailleue .." the ' .,,,..,..the/ate-nil ~ Br" • ci u Ai m to, s '.- ...' rettedr•••••lo4in aftstia*d IA 411130A_ .. _.,... ......... I.L j-11 " - ' 11,2 is lora so**l*!..-ra.b7Z ,""11ia....,-° the fait - that . or fn. ''''il... duusautimk ttindiria• a r .::,..,._. bit ,„... la. the 4 • -t, aete► 'AT! , ,*--91.1r..Auttisti-00",stigua.,,tvia it. ~,...tans-i-iokiligo_, 5,,,,,,,-,-.„ 1 7 17 , :"!'"' , plV!.:.7i3y. THE DAILY. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Oen. *EAT YORE )LETTER Garnapaairmice ot the name:o Gazette. licw.Yezz, April 25.--The great Sanitary Pair closed Saturday evening, having, daring the three mots of its existenee yielded or" eIeSOII hundr d thousand dollars to the trees ,my of the franitary Commission. Of course it was a calliant success, and the feeling of regret thatit was allowed tb cdose so soon, Is general. The vote for the sword resulted in a victory for Grant by nearly sixteen thousand dollars. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Gen. McClellan was two thousand ahead,but the Loyal League of New York and Bos ton had not been heard from. Thetesult has generated much bad feeling among, the politi cal adherents of McClellan, *lib term the contests "pious and patriotic swindle," and Opaline thithy - means'of sheddy ehinplas tors, by the viand, eon popsl. was suppreied. It Is epenly.declared in some hitch Democratic. places that the fonds of the fair were applied to procure this. sword for Grant. ‘. However, to heal the painful wound, a movement is on foot to procure Gen. hielllellai, si sword by private contribution, "which nobody can cheat him - oat id." - Though Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon Bennett and JaMes Gordon - Bennett, Jr., did all that lay in the power of their "shoddy shinplaster'," to proeure.the sword for the little Napoleon yet the triumph of Grant Is heralded de :bright omen for his NW:* accupantry of the Presidential Chair I Saturday wu the three hundredth anniver sary of the birth-day of Shiskespedre—(abont the spelling of whose name, by-the;by, there Is as much Vitality as with that of your city ) and it wee appropriately „celebrated. The corner atone of the first monument created to the Bard of Avail In the United States, was laid at the Central Park by Mr. liaekettin the presence of a large concourse of people with negligent clothe,,-'uncombed halt, end re dundancy of shirt collar, whom' we know as ebe literati. In. .......g most of the The atres played a Shakespearian plena, the whole Proceeds tole towards thentonument. In anticipation of the' rash greedy, speculators bought:up the tickets, for the reserved seats at Nibla!a andtheWiiiter Garden, and peddled them out to the: theatre-goers at a regular Harlem late. - ;Yenta truly was fortunate enough, to get a seventy-Ave cent seat for a dollar Bo ahalf. Harketra rendition of Pal. staff in Henry IV. was superb, but - the street was sonewhat =tailed by the non-arrival of "Hotspur," (Mr. McCullough,) which part was relict by Mr.161u21. a New York audi ence Will not submit, generally to having part read, but some allowance was made that night. Much disgust was created at the pro nunciation of the gentleman who. attempted to apologize forldr. McCullough's! absence. He started by reading a telegram to Me. J. H. Wheatley, Esq. and called a locomotive an oingite. ' After having stated that Mr. lints would "throw himself upon the medial- Price." de, he retired amidst the hisses and laughter of the audience. . And now 'dills I think of It, the departure of Mrs. Obey tram Wallack's Theatre, has or • visioned ainelt swirls* and profound regret. It Ls understood that thevianse of her emeute was the violation of a taeltagreement on the part of ,Wellech,ttulM when . Mrs. A. did not °boon. toulnyishe talglitname her sabstitute. Mrs. Hoey was a very pretty and wealth/ lady, and it is reported was the leader of fe male fashions in the city. Her theatrical wardrobe was never excelled by any actress. Much 'speculation is rife as to whether she will re enter on the boards again, but the lades friends maintain a reticence not to be 'permeated. Quid mous announce that her husband is about to build a, new theatre near Wallach's, and this is as likely to be true as not. The searclty.of sumertis really becoming alarming. No less than forty one vessels of sorts lie at our wharves and In the stream unable to iall'for the want of men skilled in navigation. Upwards of four hundred eerk• men werWebtained last" eek by rivals en torptiso,but when wanted they were found to have•anlisted'in thaarrny to a man I The trio:afar:et the seamen now In the army, will, it iii:thought, furnish men enough to equip the neval-ressels now here. " The beinlifiaire.thrr . durlng the put two days has ntmaglst fern' green leaves in abun• dance. .The Mao bushes ere almost in bloom, and everything betokens a •forward move ment"in the vegetable "arm or the service," at 103 rata - - • W. General Grant and W Glipw• A 'private letter from Lieutenant James llntehintoti, of the Ye teranfteserve Corpaand formerly of the 13th New York trolanteers. furnishes' a little Incident Wherein General Grant was one of the Acton. Lieutenant Batottlioion is stationed in Washington, and a few days since was'on duty as Offinr of the 'Day -at the War Department. Aw order was in force which forbade smoking in the build ' tog, and thesentriesierelnstmeted to enforce it. It 40 happened that among thole who vaned tniwe General lialleck was Lieutenant.: General grant, who approached the door con fidently, car in month, expeotiog doubtless to pass without question; but the veteran solder on ward knew hie duty better. Bringing his piece down to a charge ? he bar red clie . General oat, and Informed him, res pectfully.. that he eoultin't go hound keep his .The Lientiotant General is too good a disciplinarian to dispute each a p•rint, so he yielded; thrig the obncudons weed away, and went in.: - Afterlig departure, an order came from Gitieril.'llalleolt rescinding the order 'about emoting sofkres it affected Army odl- EASTSQVATI AT Qtniersc.--The Quebec (Cm. 4a) 'Gazette of the Roth inst says there was an earthipake shook In that City on the pre riChts day. It lasted several 'ecocide, and the houses were so violently shaken that 'ell who 'wire in them made their way to the street as quickly. as poesibie; the alarm' in every part of the city wu great. No damage iral — donsitutiptibe 'falling of slew the 'froth chimneys . The atmosphere at the time vu clear, with a etreng breeze from the northeast. The shock exceeded in power that of October, 1800. Tao Now Fork /Inv Nation contains an lam- portant announeement to the effect that the friends of General Fremont are to holds Con vention inplevelandi on the Vat of May. It calls upon all men pr Wads . like He own to hold township conventions, &a, thereby "toll ing the gentlemen that the Meads of Pro t:tont are big eisougli to tato:lce» of, themselves and that they intand choosing for themselves." The Nell Maths 1'61114 every one "at once to give up the ides of, taking put in the Bal timore Convention." ; ft: 4 MMll6r: rititonza.—The - Richmond Alarm!, of a recent date, armorial that a regular Boum for a general exchange of pprisoners has been agreed upon„ and will be immediately .4nm:quilted. Commiesionor Ould.has returned from ifortniu Zdonroo, at which point he has barn, . under a ilega of truce, two orthreo-dassi past, .on business connected fifth hit - department, the result: of whiaialbe resumption-of the cartel, with the prospect undeOuiiiroTinlani an imme diate exchange if Allprisosers of war on both sides. , . . • Passatur...—Pdtj. General Biome, formerly of thwannYikf tbe. Voter:Mo. from whence ha was traneferred'wlar the 12th army corps to the army of the Cumberland, together with the members of staff, waa at dt. Louts on thit 22diatt. He Is ordered on senate down the Milduippti aid rotitefor Vicksburg. •MaJor General Gykes, formerly of the army ofethe Potomac, arrived at Laavenworth, Han us, on the 18th Inst., 10;1* 0141711 to report Is the late bail!. at Pleasant. MU, sits a suirremendenti General Banks, while encour aging his troops lithe midst of • piling are, had his coat pierced with s ballot. Gen. Franklin maneuvered his troops with great skill, and while lesdiiig Ms men on Priday he had - twn fine hones shot from under him, while • 'dole ball grazed his boot. Ma Suraitax said, in the Benito, that he heard a gnat deal about thi &airs of every body to ba taxed; , but ',honorer Coven at tomp4 to in:Too* tax to allot an individual that uino4artax, although very patriotic, always - ready to.ohow, that whilsororybody else ought to be taxed, ho for aotoopartlmilu raison might to isms. - ‘.: Tan ,Blihroond. yaps* do not pretend' to deny the mature /A YortPlllow, but rather glory In it; In thli they , are" mote honest than the Copperhead Journals; at the ' , Mirth, which athizeptid to explain sway, the matter And the snloptutblltty. OA the ,rtatinus of rebel fetnntty,. , . r --• -- • • .Washingtopl: tolograxo 11711:- 'A tcrofocuid conviction - perrodoo Con gnurof the acioars4 of snot 'Mello. zotallatiots for thoi Pillow and Itrynontli vuoirscros as ortlllomer proreosfosorroce of Omits: barbarities.. . • Tat Washington gapes state Um:. 9ea. ril BOliddlei .9ih.Army - Corry WA) , rsorgan dat Annapolis ishish has just tontalisa 1 , It i r 16sWOISC M 1121.". Annapolis, gar itg4 - Vltgli#as,:b T, 11 .1 4 - - • CITY ARI SVBFB.BA.N Arrivals and Dep rissiriv ' nap' 6:150 a to T"hro' 1:50 a m Thre Exprets-; p m fast Lino-- 1:35 • at Johost'n Ante* p m 11% Wallataru-: &SD II to 24 do ..:11:50 a m Ed do !LSO • m 'if:lt do 640 p Tb• ohurob at MS • ml :Marva at M Bairns Exp's.-12-.50 p Phfla. do —. 160 p tut Lino-- 1= • m Theo' man_ 190 • m Johnst.'nacm'n.lo4ls • m Ist Wall sten— 119.1 • ts 24 6, 11,15 • cis 3d. d• m 4th do— &AS p m Wall Bulks, (on Sunday) up m. 1:46 m' 145 p 6:99.a m Alllaace hem'a, 2:16 p m The N. Brighten A gherly !Ratko at 9:16 a m, Beturnlng, leaesa Nov m, 7:90 km, p m, an Anise. Chime , Up's— m Philo. do 410 p [Cited do 7110 p m Oreatlins YaL. 71p m • • modation Imam i dile , 200 m, 4:30 p m, 6:40p m. Brighton Station at 6:50 a ^6op m. comirmirmus. Arrives. 6.1:0 p Irpross.. —10:00 s to Mlleafrort. 7:00 p 2d do 2'015 p m Port Perry ....... a m Braddock's.—... 8:411 p m from WlCtroport loom las m. ULM: 7:55.a m Express- . 5:00 p m Ut IVICeMix .- Zlr LIM a Es Std do , 6:15 pm Port Perry 7:00 a m Braddock 's.-- 4:15 p The Sunday Train to at at 196 p m, and anima at -- 7,00 p m rapnoZ.:".—* m Accommodation MO in m IL . OO p m hammmodaimm 4:03 p Clueleinstir.ZA4s • m —. &BO p m Mein. Ulm.. 86 p m do 2 10 • m Eitettbantille de 10:00 • m 1:45 p Muting 610 • m, etaabenHle....: &90A m m d• . 1:45 p m Combinations Against the Poor. An exchange paper truthfully remarks : "It is not the high premium on gold that makes ovary :article of living nearlytiouble the price they were a year or two ago. It Is combinations of , traders and speculators that are engaged In this -winked and heart less business. 'The opponents of the Gov arnment would make the Secretary of the Treasury responsible for the high price' of batter beet and co ff ee. It is not so. Every one who takes leisure to reflect, knows that during Pebruiuy and March, 1863, the mar ket value of gold averaged about the tame, counting one. week with another, as it has done In the Month, of February and March, and the first two weeks of April, 1864. Daring there last named months, however, almost every necessary of household consumo tion—we speak, of coarse, mainly with refer ence to the larder—is from 75 to 100 per cant. higher than it was a year ago. Thus taking the average gisality of the following article's we find buttipr ads:mead within the twelve months from ' 25 and 28 cents, a pound to 50 and 54 cents; Cheese from 14 cents to 22 cents; ergs from 20 and 25 cis 'per dozen to 30 and 36 cents; coffee from 40 cents a pound to 56 cents; sugar from 14 cents to 20 and 22 unn; routing meat from 16 to 25 cants ; pork from 10 and 02 to 18 and 20 cents; vegetables of every description from 60 to 100 per cent. To be blunt, then, as well as brief, we believe the public ark swindled most unmercifully by the market middleman and the petty dealer. Again, we repeat, it is not the high price of gold that has made living so expensive, bat the combination of heartless speculators." Worklpg•Women.—Prize Essay The coddition of the working women of the country, and the loud call there so for some remedy-to relieve them, has Induced a sym pathising gentleman of Philadelphia to offer $5O for o parer or essay pointing out some practical means of relief. Be says " Believing that there exists a remedy for this state of things, I cheerfully offer the Yremnry bond, No. 8112, of 'fifty dollars, as a premium for the best paper on improving the condition of working women. This is but a renall rum for4o great a purpose, but It is all, as a poor man, I hove to spare. Yet I feel &seared that the good results from such so effort, if 'euecessfal, with the gratitude of the tolling, ill-paid women, will make the pare, invaluable, and perhaps not unworthy the of forts of the best etatermen in the land. Corn. memicatiene meet net be longer than to com pose a tract of ten or fifteen pagex, must have the name of the writer on a separate slip, which will be kept from the examining com • mitts* until the deeision is given, so that the members of the committee ma* not be influ enced by any Personal consideration far any writer whom they may know. Commanica• tions must be post-paid, and sentlahlr. Thos. W. Braldwood, Philadelphia School of Dolga for Women, 1334 Chestnut street, who will ro Min the names of the writers, but hand the communications to the oommittse for semi • nation. United States District Court. Tunturue, April 2.9.—Before Judge Mc Candle. John R. Tracy, postmaster at Titusville, Crawford county, and his sureties, wetli vied on their bond for arrearages alleged to be doe the Government. .It appeared that Mr. Tres coy had given the money into the hands of an anent, for payment. The Jury found verdict for the defendants. . The we of Dr. 8.. A. King, indicted for harboring and carrying away a deserter, was called for trial, but the District Attorney, not haring his witnesses in Court, or within reach, naked that the ease be continued until Friday morning, which was granted. IT Ito usaoce.-1511. BicDonnie% whose stet o was robbed at. 'Freeport on Saturday nigh t last, offered a reward of one hundred doUate for the arrest of the thieves and the recovery of the stolen . goods. 00Icere Will end (lab • by,.supposing that in cue they were success fat inlinding the stolen property, the reward would be pald, exerted themselves to do so, and spent a considerable sum of money in the effort. Yesterday, after the goods lad bean removed from the office - , McGonolgle re fused to pay the reward, deans that the repu tation the others had received In welch:lA o mutts was a shfecient eorepeneation for their trouble. He was Induced, hoWever, 11 -the interferenos of severer °Mums' to g, the officers twelve dollen, the amount eel., 1 d by than in recovering the.goods hid ear Deer Creek. Paso Metes is MAI* Cormyr.-rlt is bell.. • ed that the iniestigation now tieing made o! the sine and lead mines near Birmingham, o few miles from Tyrone, Will revolt in the discovery of rich vein' of these minerals and good preilte to' those who are engaged in , the experiments. kir.Alharles- P. Williams, ans• lytical chemist, who Nu lately examined.the minim, gives the average amount of sine in the ore at 40. 06, and says that duly mold ering the topographical advantages of the es tate, Its proximity to fuel, and the immense deposit o! a superior quality of ore, he has no hesitation in pronouncing the , Birmlngltam sins mine to he a property which posegyses all the elements ofincoess degree to sat isfy the most snorting', and strongly room. monde that mine work be at once commenced on a liberal vale. Savants-NMI Esc neeirr.L.lble veteran Pennsylvania regiment, commanded by Col. Ilimbrtght, arrived In the city this morning about eleven b'elock,on its way to the West, Its furlough having expired. •,It masts about four hundred men, and is one of , tba • regiments in the service. It marched through some -of oar principal 'streets, pr e . ciided by the regimental braes . band. - The band afterwards Milted the residue* of Major Kennedy, on thi South Column, Allegheny, and - serenaded the family. The rentment will probably lute bo.morrow. Paiuna.—The 102 d regiment (familiarly known as the' ` 'old 13th,") paraded our streets this afternoon, andmade fine appear. soar. About two hundred:of the geteransep. posted for dutyitho balance beteg out of 4. city. The regiment was commanded by Coll John W. Patterson, and the companies. were under control of Captains Day; tklemag, Mc. Laughlin, and Partehell. Lieutenant Colonel MeDwaine, Major McLaughlin," Adjutant Callow and Quartermaster 'Moreland partial. pitted in the parade. Annear. or *es yr 811salla " Gaaar:'-4heinewr steam engine, Goeeral Great, contrasted far by the anthorldes_of Al legheny city, inbred from the east on Tees. day - night. The engine was built by .the Amoskeag hisiniaottoing Company; ILO in easetly similar, to the " hope" steamer, now in sande* in Allegheny. ILL.expected end the Geneisl Gnat will be reedy or trial on Friday afternoon. The engine will be located temporarily hence or Abe --Cplasobla Sure-Zeulpenl, - - ' Boum Siomur,-An Friday -tight list a largo browiemir• fit stolen from the stable of - Henry Smith, M . Hemp:Ed tomuthip. • short diaMne• gore; of OrearfoOr_S• 9a Saturday al& last, a atrodrbeny roan mare; about sloe you* oldi and a natural Room, was 'colon frouttim atablaiof gorbach, on the Claylike In At.= Mumildp, Wditmorland enmity. ", • PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING. , APRIL 4 29, 1864. The Michigan 011 Discover! , a;, Theis It awl some excitement In different parts of the State of Michigan, growing out of the recent discoveries of oilspriest. The statement that the "indications" had tuned out to be of ' , rpm! andnotof ends aB, i.enti! I contradicted on the best anthatitY. 011eprings have been found at Paw Pei, Van Buren county, and also in Washington county. Among other localities, oil his made Its ap.. pearance upon a eprfog belonging to a farm of Patrick Dolan, • mile and 'a half north of Dexter. A Large amount of oil has flowed from this 'wing. - Upon the farm of /edge Dexter, adjoining !the village of Dexter, an oil Spring has been known to, exist for. sortie years, bat no particular attention was paid to the matter, till the recent oil eicionnent broke out. Seventy acres of Lend,uontaining this oil spring, have recentlY been sold at a handsome figure, and explosatio re will he commenced at an .early day.. At ROO; to Berrien county, on the line of the Michigan Central Railroad, still west of Albion,: •it springs' have recently been discovered:: At one wooing, • half mile out of the ,elty, the flow of ell le quite large. Companies of cap italists are forming, and ft is determined,to 'give the matter ft fall and thorough %Testi. gallon. A Rascally Soldier. James Shrum, s member of the 4th Penna. cavalry, was arrested last 'week . , on a-warrant tuned by Jutice Moorhead, of Westmoreland county, en oath of s man named Hips!. .It I appears that Shrum has had posseislotrof • counterfeit fifty dollar bitten the York Comity Bang for some time, and bad tried ttthavti it "brute" several times but did not enceeled until he called upon time, but who readily gave him entail bills for it. The next day it near prononticed ark counterfelt,, when Shrum war then arrested. Ilyaorati taunts he eluded the vigilance of-tli offieetrived Is now at large. He refined to:refund sty of the motley, and remarked, "I gm safe eaotagh, bel,ng to Thiele Sum" Aihorttlinelpre. clone to this occonenee ) hoeeddesiorid.te cell • bone that be had borrOWed froali enteral of the Volley. Ha LI now • deserter from the army. He lea confirmed tumuli, end we hope will 114011 get his Just dues. . SL,. Gu. liclator.—We are glad to learn, through's private letter received by his broth er, W. A. Herron, Esq., that Maj. Gen. Her ron, who wasreported sick with'. small pot, Is recovering, and able to resume a part of Ms duties. He was not attacked with smallpox, bateimply varioloid. The letter was 'MIND b.fteen days ago, at which time be was Millet Brywasvllle, Texas. Hie numerous friends here will be pleased to learn that he is recov ering. VsoITABLIS.--Every spot of ground which a man May have attached to his prom lea ought to be cultivated this year with some thing that will supply . the table with an article of food. The high price of vegetables, and the exorbitant prices; of every thiug else, de mead that the people ahould put forsrami every effort to increase the empply of food, Da. CaAMIL—We iiated in our morningpa. per that Dr. Chapin, of New York, would. lecture in this city *boat the lath of May: We legit wince that the Doctor will bolero next week, and will :deliver two lectures in Concert Hall, one of ;:which will be hiapopri hu discourse on "Hrtiope and Ansevica," and the other probably "Dignity of Lvbor." Due notice will be given Gf the time. Tao General Syned'of the Lutheran Church will °enema in Yort, Pa., May sth. The delegates; from the Pittsburgh Synod ate Ministerial—W. A. riUSIITIIIII, G. Sassier, it. Newmast, B. IEII Sind D. Garver; Lay—C. Yeager, J. It. Titsel, U. W. Ralf, T. IL -Lane and D. K. Hoyle. Tus SEIDOTISO CaSt It AILZOIIOIT.—JaII. McCombs, who was ot by Wm; Brockman, In Allegheny, last eveining, is still in a very precarious situation, tad ills life is despaired of. A hearing in the cask has been poopoti al until this afternoo4 EFIC•FED —Two men Darned Rehentoale ea eared from the Heetniburgb Jail dila - et Sun day, when the Jailor ,and Ms family were at church. They worei Impihoned under charge of peat larceny. A. J. UArs, Ett, kr Wood, Morrell 4:C0., has ordered o mactlincifor otaktnivbrtek that will - turn oat from dfmen to Metal 1,. thousand per. day. T he company oontern. plate 'itemise Itopronment, and hone. the purchase. SPECIAL LO4AL MOT/OES r amt. Ptivt, ?limo .ad Ornamintel date Loam, and detail la Ponal7/VIDIA and Vermont slate of dm blit quality it lowntri. Oeoe at Ala:. Langhlia'n. veer Ms %Am Pktr.lnagh, Brsotas. Roane—fie attention of our reader@ Is directed to tile brilliant assortment of Spring mod fittmmen floods Jut received by our Mend Mr. JoluU Water. fro. 126 Bed mai street, Allegheny.] Ills stook eomprisoos • great minty of Panay Frontal, English, Scotch And American Sasslmeres itnd Cloths, and One Silk End Cassinsare Vestingsr-411 of which will be condo upl to order in the latest style. and in the best Manner. A. choice . se lection of Furnishing ()Dodo also on hand and for rale„tagether with': a full stook of Ready Made Clot r, well e. 4 fashionably made. Wren mothers and- sisters, where has banjo, sons and brothers are 'erring in the *rat estanot pat intei ' their knapsacks • more neteerary or vataahle gift than • few boxes of Holloway's Pips AY Ointment. They larnre health even midis the espotores of • soldier's life. -• Holloway's PM" ands Westmont are now re tailed, owing to the blgh 'price of drop, As., at 10 pints, 05 menu and $l,lO per box or 'pa For Bala he Pittsburgh by B. I. Fabnestosi &Co. For sale also by Oe rp A. Kelly, Alle gheny city. reovai..-31arorml 04i:ern *Co., Marken! 2:4110111, have removed:pi 73 Smithfield street, mi would moat respeatfolly 0911 the , attention their friends and the DOM , ifilitcallY to their new stook of Spring and flusconergoodi, which they have Jest: reoeivad.. Their snick is of the very Dims quality of 7EagLliti and Branch ossimeres, cloths, sassimeres and vesting. Also, a very extensive issortment of floetott taulmeres. • Don't fall to , give them an early fliery4germent warranted to give fall ratlefsetion. k MCCLID 1.7 g Sialthield Qt. linovotni Salrisailt opens May U. ;Prot Btiokowitz - hu bun inigaged as !isobar of Pisa° and Hinging, alto of Punch, etillllll. and Italian. Lessons to Dr. Dio Lewis' system of Lig ll Grasorfict will be , given by the !distal lies kell. Applications fot admission may be left at .the bookstores ofdDarla, Clarke A "00. Pittsburgh, and . 11; IT4 Corinti, Allegheny: or Address Pier. A. PlAtismr,lkwichlerclibq Peima. • • A• syltdclw Prillaman Sanwa ILY Fam.—Thit menibcri of the Committee en the Old "Cariosity BUN Trayldre of War,and Old Aims; arepquested to meet at . TX o'clochi;oniPridayaranittg, 20th insb, at the Bowl of Trade Bona; • , Josarg B. Blontios i Wa,ciiJ Roberts, No. 17 Fifth street, Miaow awning ow most choler stook fine Grid and - Bilrer Watalieh Jewelry, Sliver wart:laid Piney thadsi ever dbylaye4in this atty,land'. la sailing them at ramarkahly.low pricsui: °nun Int carnet/ e vUI. be taken et Otelliber 0110 e, lia 4 1DPiaui etmosii Ley or night. Allsariers 11ft at ,the "bon pleas will be promptly ettewded bx. eons meal bs paid la aisles - - 0_" Tel pelale axe ineliedio !upset, the begat- Ufa! assortment of eenfeetionsitee kept by Range NAM, at Ms 'Jima Zed' candy stead In the Allegluely NeeriMirket MALI& ; May M 2d. Ad= no nn Bane epees , dram Rey. A. WILI4XII, eireleklrrille, Pe. "art 4. CIAILMI Attorney at Lner, , 9B ' ,121 Allot; ' in trat4, - Dostist, Mal WWl' , tittosti *DI w 4. an businoutaii !this ja qtr 'e VOA DlSPOSAL,iinmoderspo termilbl 1.!041.5i oireotid4upid %SAVO Winn LND TUBULAR' DoLTABO, of dithreut Wag; al" smrsl seend•llsad ZNOTHISof dideroul'esem WROIIGHT IRON GHAT" far stern and idd. wheel bouts. DDI7TOBIL: , . AI I I I 7:uud 71441911111 INGINEB Aztd_TßZ/94T n NE CAR i,oo=o BLOW .1O ?Moss: sou &au - mate, in es" tad lbe salsjiy o - - • P !Ca AIUtOP. , Sq. 1 Wppl TELEGRAMS. gems from Rebel Sources. Portz= Bioslos, 441 28.—The following is from rebel papas motes, dpn2 10.—A courier reports that a messenger from Gen. Buda to Gen. Franklin was captured on the 9th- Gan. Banks tar the town of Ilsetounap Ls occupied by rebel cavalry, and that Had river has fallen, and forty tranaports and gunboats are caught above the raft, and cannot get out till the water rises. Richmond, April 21.—A ,neat of gunboats has appeared on the Rappahannoek. Tt is now klleveil that the Rappahannock or Port Royal will be the base of Barnsides co-oper ative movement against Rlohmond. From New Orleans. • New Yoer., April 28..-. The steamer Amer ica, from New Orleans on the 19tb, arrived at noon. The EN of the lath contains late news from Gan. Banks. Thalia:star 'portion of the rebel army Is at orelleld and opposite that plaea. Preparations were being made for another advance 'of oar army. The Ern adds We have good realms to be- Here that Gen. Banks 43 on his way to Shreveport. From St. Louis. Si. Louts, April 27.—The recalpm not• ton were 220 balm Sales, Missouri, 68; strictly Middling 78. Flour is advanced for high gradei; low grades are nominally lower. Wheatis firm and higher, ranging at $1,659 1,68. -Corn and oats are nnakuusgcd. 't hi reildenne - and out Sinn,. of Frannie Darla, near:St Joseph, vaiundat $lO,OOO, wok burned by incendiaries on Satiuday. A large distWery • worth $4,000, In the isme vicinity, was consumed on Sunday. Arrival 9f - the Champion. tiny Yong, April 28.—The Utiampion, from in s tap pecie.- e:mall, bas arrived, bringing $182;000 is stated that the subscriptions to the new Ten—Forty loan already amount to thir; ty.three million dollars, though the ins rue• dons to agents were first issued on the 26th of March, and bonds were not ready for de- livery till some days thereafter. Tee NeuhriMr Timer talks this way:— " Gen. Chadoers alleges in excuse for the For. Pillow massacre, that the rage and indigos.. tion of his soldiers at the sight of black troops could not be restrained. There b one way to restrain it—knock their infernal brains out." TIRITABLIC soap mina has been dtteovezed In Esmeralda, California. The vela it ten feet wide; six hundred feet long, and rune very deep. The soap when taken from the mine leas soft as nutty, but burdens on *Kph lure to the ate. Ger. Ecorr, who has been quite feeble, is now better, and is boldly at work on his "Life and i Imes," which be expects to have ready for the press in a few wears. It will make an octave of 000 pages. IT is reported that the Petersburg, Ve.,E.e. press hu - published a report that as Pint Auditor of the Rebel Treasury L baa been or dered to remove hi. bureau from Ricbmond to Montgomery, Alabama. Tea alternative and remedial adobe of the mineral waters of Carlsbad are attributed to their containing u a chief constituent Gino ber's salts. These in moderate doses do not interferes with the assimilation of nourish- Tient, a very important fact for invalids. VOLT:, sssss tso in Indtane to response to the calling for 20,000-one hundred days' vol unteers is going on quite favorably. All badness In Indianapo:ls after 12 o'clock on Wednesday.was reopen led to give impetus to the volunteer,monmer.t. CJ5l'Dw4T6$. FOR CORDZiEK-4141:X.--,-14031, will I%e • candi'stalbs thibinoW,ef nbSect to ve aed.i., of Va 4 Pxplhlckw" Devi Oocintr coely.,•loo FwataiLdawto D. --- FoR CO Eft, - -:,..'olitdio.*. , §tata,— of eirmingh .Lo, will by earididsts' tor 0:g otter, übJeot to liar Joe.fors of the 'Hol m Coulity . COnvontlon. tasisvie U.FOR CORONER.-11. R Earrnm, of I:llrnaln6bur, will by it =Mdse. for Mr wry, sobject to the decision of the Union Sepublican County o.rontion. mbtdowte RONEII-4coli bloCurito, of thn first Ward, dlleghody, will boa ctudt date for Cootout of Allegtomy Ccurty, notjoct to tit !odd. of [St rosaing Ooroty moon aougention • &ICI& FOB PROTHONOTARY.--G E o. rout will be . esneldsto for the offs eg of Prothenatary,.toject to the doebrlaa of the Dukto flopubllean Count? tionorottou J. 2 to U.FOR PROTUONOTARY..—JADOB IL Velem, of the Sloth W•rd, Pitteburgh, •111 be • candidate for the dllie of Prribonetary, eoblece o the docleicro of the Velem Urpn Oele• make.. 242.5.tt0 FOR PROTHONOTARY.-.D. C. llatn TM be e reedidate for the °Moe of Nothoeotary, gabled loth. dodelon of the Union • Elevablken 0012.1313tia1. faa3Cl rFOR PROTHONOTARY.—Tim b. a ratodldate for the Dike of Prothonotary, =Wert to the decision of the Linton &yobMan Ocurrentlon. &Mtn L.r".. FOR PROTHONOTARY.--41= 11..-Barme be • ear-Wahl for the office of . Protbasetar7. =hit:a to the deciefou of the Vulva Caisntioz. ColOalawto - O.FOR COUNTY COIIIiIIB9IOI4ER, —DAVID CODSCLICS, of 11.761,4 Ward, Allotbray, will b. • candidata fur Coonty Oomail l. Mortar, rublrct to tie &slalom of 160 Dolan &path canCooraatlna. ap. td riZ•FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, —Attie DV., of Fitt toe Wily, will too weadtclet• for the oda. of awry Coonntodoner. Wire to the &dale* or the robin Beriblletra Ocoo reallott oprtolowui 0 0 14 - OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ldttoraTaiLtes.bote .ol e Pews tor t oabi ttiw ill b. Io • n of lb. trolooltopoblionnWir Odirroojl. L". Lotiltdamta o•FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER —Joao Hours, d towutdp, will to • cooditito far County' Oototo Wooer robject to ths ilecirlini lb. Vidou Boyd:4l,u &linty Car. yontint mlititlowto .O.COUNTY COMMISIONE.R.— Lacungeze Pueotr, of East Deer Tointettp, trtil be • eandldete ter the tats of Openly Oottualr tehJect to the *dam of the Union Re pub. tea Coneeotion. telOoleirui DIELSOLUTIOXS. if C. riISSOLUTION. THE PARTNFAt - - LP BIM hactotinci a:Whig between the under. Mignbd, under thename end style of B. UlDlible ' 00. ens dltsobred by mutual sgreemeut= day of Den:toter, 1812. thirOserrrs bee been dam the let et January, rink end win henceforth be In the Wide and nn4a. the imeludn t of Cs amoulation ormiled tmdar an ciet am a i embly, minting to liariturluit, Le. • IL RIDDLE le enthalsed to new the lino nom In settlement All parties haring claims mint the late Ire requertel to present the sums at the Omitting Oxen ter setthunent and all pemonslmon. iiithho ut emeems Indebted, plea selfti sal and settle sit delay. - BAILU •••• IAXISIILLOHI2I24 801101117 n, Jr • ' Jen. 1R,126t. • • BOHM BIDDLE. • • . , VOTICE.--The Copal:Der:6iii:hezete. fbrosahtiog batman thouwairshoo.,a64.l6l4o 44 style cf.-WHITE, EEO Ham k has bhp awaked by mina, cavatot, to take direct front lb, ht JOUVI MIME retutog •Cono the 6na. ' • ' JOSEPH *Ern, • •, JAB. IicEIDEEN, ' ' • •i -JOH* WHITE- tarderegeted h w canth aa fart a l y o l g ondOooatolta *w o onderah• n 6" nsea ofWlt= , 'MOS - *0 at'Ea.,• 6E' 610E17 oorator Elborty. Pittabahb. - ;, • 'JOSEPH wanz. - : -8616.1md -; • J,116 D ISS 9 LIITION-OF PILIITNERiSHIP laustatu* 021Xtibit bitumen the ode ept% guider Quayla Of W. gi join. BTON 00, la mutually diaiolnod, talco effect tram Ibis dab. BICHILIID IBM:801 , 1 retiring trtda Nu trim.. • Mu Wiliam CO be coatlated ma foram , tr; wider the style as horatofors. - • ' oroasemx estrz..E.onins, ."1110Pari4. . • alit! DIEWIATTION • OR t(NPARTITEEP 61117.-11 e pirtondi bsretotan patina JO3. NI HAMILTON ty, sod MOAN 'VA van ths Ono 'of NHL T.' immoir 4 1:04' been disioned by tottstel =not. JO& T.' HAN. total .M 1 iLitand to in absented socants'of end MO * -tbe Old stint; axon lint sad td. l . .VANAVIL NKWEIVCi HOUSEHREPERS. WM% fig tbd.paid *TOM 2 1 . =ililnvite - Weir pstrostd idt.d tomb* r_dtodlt _.GODSid-IrirSHISHTISO GOODS, _Oldairf..TodTrays dad lddfteni, told sad Sided Tin Tog Ws, Firli Isom and Stands; Tend Watd„Dird Odgek, Lamp, Sa., an.; Cooking Sims; and Stun leak an., Saks Wed, .addlxdas, let Chat... 21d Goa • ds Add lob Y 1 ock doe. tooter, , - -demddi,ted axaSOUWAais.. pitiViarpty 5-Nt-lorwrolo:mainit on 1,111 land WAVE this* • rf ,3 5 1 .. MF,lt.EaPts I St W OO l, t!*St." IMEiN ; • atIrfUILEMEXTR. PITTSBURGH TIERATRE. Leese and der I •-- -11113 ocrosoosl.4nr. °ammo= In protadat We mar popular play, the Manager hes bees guided by the -pohlia dears aka are ans. tom to me +hie meet vivid and truthful slaws at Southern Life. 'Nautili:l tranary I • nrilung Tab , bans I Startling =tub I Wens! lieu& I This ivzNiaro. nlll be manful. the sacceesful play, waste* b y the great dramatist, Wen Itooraincat, entitled TEL OCTOICOON; or, LITE IS LOCISIAHy (Tlltutrative of Southern character, Southern none and tenithem Imam The scene It laid an the Ms- ebstypi ever, en the plantation of Tele bonne.) Zoe, the Octoroon_. .Cate Syne?. With a fall and complete cast, embracing the entire etrestrtb at the colnparm . UsLECTURE BY BILLINGS G. CMLDS, ron TE IrESET/T OY SANITARY TAIII, IN 31AMMO HALL, TBIDAY XIAMEN% APRIL 19, 1863. Satisct Carts sod Com!Willa of CM P Life. .• Std L , CONCERT, TO BE GIVEN BT AIL CLEMENT TETEDOUN, MLSONW BALL, ON TOINDLY, MAT SD, On which mouton, boas • tholes selection of bal lads and operatic pious. Dent's Cumleal Symphony for Plano, Violin, Put Plato, Cuckoo; three Tramp. eta, Triangle area Drum—the last fire instramsnta u> be plated 1:7 ladhs. Tickets; ocr ants. Sociiied seals 75 cents, The mlo of secured seam will oammonce on VBIDAT, the 49th lied.; at 9 o'clock, at 0.0. lb Ikea Walla Store, So. Id Wood street. Doors °petard T o'clock. Mo ored to commence atld to P. :aplfitd PL41.11"08. .121//8/41,,4v. BRADBURY I ESEGAJJEVIJR:VIS I= o AL 107 SIS 1 The . own POWItIIFUL aud =AMAMI . TOZIED I.IIBTRIMUCHTS tonnulanturol la th. country. SEVEN FIRST PRIZES Bacolod . Blitz . cru'aratlk at BLS* ran sad lzurti. tate& We ere aleo agenta for Schomacker A Co.'. and Board.. d Grey'. well Irnoern excellent Plan.. end 8. D. W. EL Smith's itelodootto and ILereeced nme. Denon demising a perfect blativimast ere In vited 14.11 and emend. before parched. ...he.. Among than who Onroxrchneed the. Instro. manta In thD vie:lefty ere • plenum in iltertrin to alters Kramer. Deq., and Bateman Goa, D.., Alta. elegy Oily ; John BloDardy, Esq., fo f Park. Da rd_r • C 0.,) ItcOrolkilh:tland; Dr. Jon. B. gzalutock, no.aer, ¢fr.t.d Mud, Cm, Hatt Merry ; Jaw ~ Dr. IL Host.. ter, I). IL Dook Dee., and Hrs. Blnchmore. burgh. A gas... of tyro ream erlth mob !newt,. moot. 'X AKEILLITH le BARB, Sole Units ir rittoburgh and Watteau per., EA Ho. U BT. CLAIB St, Blase!l's Block. A ronarol offoortrocat of NI natoal Moot. affrays et imna. bl pIANOS I PIANOS! PIANOS! OA BI NET ORGANS! Cabinet Organa CABINET ORGANS! strwLoT4. wigai P 23 KNABE'S COLD WED PIIR.IIIII.IPIASOS. 4_ lIELODY4' A *p!endld now sklck Jute received. ap2B uasuurrn BLUDINI. 43 Fifth ainsiA' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to 'ha ?abbe that D. HOZEE hu Maed the firm of J. 11. LW/MAN & DHO , and that the nalt fires, HOFFMAN, HOENE &. CO., — Has oprn,d a first dame Moab &ton to apt/ Ira 63 TIPTII mart. IGARPETS. 0/L CLOTIfIS, HAVING PURCHASEDAND ADDED TO OL'IL Olni TUE ENTIRE STOOK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, _ &C. Lately tad by W. BIoOLALITOCIL, a 111 Market Magi, ow VII able, by the conoolblatioa, to draw Um LARGEST STOCK SO BE FOUND IN MI WEST, AFT THE LOWEST PRICES. Oliver Me!Minted as 00., I== FOURTH STREET NEW STYLES WINDOW SHADED ILLOIPTED THU DAT SEW SPRANG STOCK c.ap,p3±rre-, WILL MOBED OIL CLOTH. AT M'CA.L L UN'S CI - ARP 11 'N t ho.lll r 0 TB STltgrt... P. ouvue. Pine Eparioidered Cloth. ' Rmhosied Cloth. Victoria. ♦ saw .'sad itplauttd sixemesit jut nicatTod st ths NEW CARPET.STORE or IdoPABLAND, counts a co VENITLIN BLIND TRENIMINGSI! aim &tine An intirdy azuli complete snit mud itst it - • t _ rrxow caanalwr NeVANI.WW. COU.mB & co. r W. W.ll/4:OIIZILV., (IL DIMRI3O,II Irarnwrlt with Utah, Kamm a Oct I tr. a. swum MOOIIIIEADi DEISTNISON & 00,- • • Erazlmit Stroll% . gara Jut, reamind •MB stock Oi ItMECCOI , 1,1M17.9, TRIMMING TUMMY LACE. - . - Innisbn - OBLIA BILE imd , LINIE9.I3IERDINEDBIT .- •prtirs use iiokrif ITIOUCUISO mid-SILK _ DROG/A chink ';!:m''''''iaiirilio — fia= 7 "iia , ' WEEII1 —'3 WM. market and Eik ' PIM , 'OOLLAILS: DIITTOIIN all %dada. /SPOOL. t . 'COTTON; lama arsignosarrianuoits,.! , is: * flab am odanidtattna vs* ig. ~ --7 -71— -Len_P".F._.«.4.l..ra. , : 1711tz.1. is.a.. , ... I,c. , , TA brirl"`• E..... . .-., - .11111. EM - YifitteinstiTiediyived i *iiabrivilp tt..; : , . , ::::.1;.). - -:. , ..::::4 , -.N. Wlf l lW . , ...I _, DR!' GOODS, Zre- T,u{Lt#m irIVANTS, ON THURSDAY EVENING. ♦ CEloiollloliTlil T OF XMAS AND READ DRESSES. Iu oduori fur flor•rbibttfor(crayfbunfLiky multi EATON,; II&CRUM & CO., THIRD ARRIVAL ZT.MTT_ GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Beautiful Oreisuithees t Beautifalilazamblquee. Beautiful Fancy Bllka, .. '" 7.1..Vt1f PLIa Bliatic Iterrpillles, ViIIIO Plata Silks, ,B4F,Fird ant Plan Silks, linffehlatt,• • iilue Chintz, • Pluk Chintz, White Nalsivooks aad Mulls, Mats and striped. Ilirdirdr• Lille/1q Calicoes, claslinet-Irialt Linens, and Table Linew.e. Tble stock will be.. found the largeetand !ma'am ed le the city, fall lit every department. ap27 AT RETAIL Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, ABD OTIel:C}1 !Uri./ Tantemsra Molar Raizlan Collar and Cuffs *leant Point Obom •ftta and Elandkerohlefili by Inked and arks Laripn IrdlOth Laces, Gres. saline sad Crape Valli; Cambria aid Hamburg Trim:old% io greski varlet7,4l loir cries; almost 8& and Bose lltibani: Bonnet', Hats tad Flaw•, ors I Ilekrlfeta, 'err, rtyla ; Etacktii,. Glom; (brats, Ilo,ap litiart4nd ftprlnelligeounal ' Skirts. A Ras of 111•10 i, Porni4lng goods always on hand 1441 W and thin:lran's Marino, Elk and uts trckdariestil Ladles• 'Whit. Herb° llndm• Akio of tonithea the oasterial to make tbooo. • Wholesale Dozens up tarn Belem to t u tiff and from - the tozestry rill do well to look at cazt stock been parcheetnip rows Roam a Co., 7? AID 79 M►HHET STRUT. OAKS AIGD MANTUA to ~ tsala• dock ar NitifTicesec.l9 : , • - QRQA 113. Grenaillnes and Lalfns• LINEN ANIS COTTON GOODS, whoie.w. :, and Rata: ALEX. BATES 21 FIFTH STREET,' 11 MONDAY - i'4,l*L. ' . cis SACQIIES; qllCVLAlttili . . BASQIItIES, JAMETEL'.: _ . NEW SILLS; AND DRESS GOODS ; Th. 81C8T8T asyfOITY4P , S3T,i,r oft:Pi hen, aS J. W.' BARIEIIa it_ CO.'S, de =MI= BUM. sp22 NEW .600p/11 I 4ust-lieceived. no attention st Stu Ladles Is Tanta diitiy child to One large sod IRlStothl stock or. NEW GOODS In ddltlan to' cnr czydstiii they will fliidTa, Pratt/ Ladies' * *isseat 114 ts sad Ilawiets, In mat irsrk sold. Also, sum inumiBAINIAL Stall , • - AM s Ivry .14* ot6cle • Mll2lllO AND ea, 9112118 and LINDit Aatiz for aiesTiatairctalii. V* bass' also the Paast.assa tad oistoted "each o Theo Wilts - and. fumy lftwaxest Sheets as cos be too.d fa say furafshlag Goads Beam,. Also, rduri;v in l Goat's Linen Callus. Tlsa. Park Gloves and. Batley, Pocket Boats, Tette Ilfoonalas sad. isms* desist &al and Jot Phis sad Drenches, Beha sad Dols Ilackka, sad *fah If* of Trlaualag awl ':...fassey Goods, as cheap as str i o , rarvicaetwo - Boinin .up stain "and Issiesesai. • - isitcsirt a 4:tializ, Ye.-is DOTING AND SCOIJEUNG &STAB- Lteutass.—no h ft i-,aam sn i l te 4 f 2 hmont*S issouirre Amur. es• twont Nan* sl,A.Sirrh InR ! Ye . PirMe . " or DriCllo 'ME minima /SOW sea nintraug.inticlia Am of ‘ ,P•u Ei wg. rrtolzignit alto - rn tit the ntiAdisluant of Erlipl l 7.lll B / 4 11111 .11tUtbit bp tan gin tho Alit• enunilhatlco rainomn, • AU gmito tair• AIWA* • tien , • D RY-B A /41 114403-- 00 • storeand UAW/ IFVKIT*93 VOLUME LxxVii-..,:mi; 141 SILVER PLUM BOtit!;; ; CRIIMPTOIst 367 Liberty St;itell, Sole Proprktus and Illaweactuk, for West= recumphanla, 014, NU:Ds, 111.1gato sod Itilmot7l.. . - aumbeturers Of im4 , pert =tab of , Palm, German, Olive aa4 Rosin Soap, AHD 'pas o:* seeps; Or our - BILITIIt PZIEL-80.iPrwittrit ws coal. dantistly roccotoinend so brettentrgessral QM Shea say glue berara the public, should - b. torts in laird Ors wither lititash,tialt, Lb= or /bribe, cc say gam =toting la its manufacture erttiklt an shrink or Wart thinnest ate= Irlszinelkanit Wootton can in washed with ths rapiiii_gfor Cotten os Vine , Oaths wished with Os PletlaataeLP en not rotates bolting or half ths gibbing, sada at roam ans the "gar and tag. - SILVER PEARL : SOAP • Homorei Gros% Dirt, Toheco _ ` Sloe , Printirsi rantke iz endliur wog Ups Vara Moths ha, medlatel lt ertil, • meta Sponge, Moe Pm tecting indonsi eerpeta. and Turnltnre fine noir eat Glop. /t impute brllliaaryPlat; /oxalry;Plargerare, Enamelled Paler*" and Patent Leagasr "la w endrbr. amain :Garble and Erne We It bar no cal . Per the Beth end putt:- shut` kr Eh= lbe WRNS PgitlaL SOAP It •perfect- Lamy— a wortbral ItPro PISTO tried Its Mei* evalltlek adolowleig: It the gem.: diaxgrery of the age: 'nag °mogul ark • n•W from aLL law ere InlareGbei Gabor Iktsp. end LC Wary we will refrunithe- Woe of the Nona ebonbi It fag to seccenpllab `whet ire clalarlbil CLOS Glegicceigleg "u rivx Rini' PER 'ERRED; la stey peolsol toragdellrend lo th e cars otbaetayegin nY: lintablglons end sit, .rbeldenicra fox of derv.- Ditecrlonalbr meat ail verlogge. Morel r: .pd TO • • Merchants Ahem • abroad do}to Mae CRAMPTON 00. a% WI .LThonly stenet,.Ma.` dte Pantrylvahla Banned Peonage; Depot. Mir•Metrareatill Isettattoci 110 giactin• ants bearing oar tradenzark—lLllMitt R.U&B.Is !S.EUIL3. —es seearid by Na tonal Cepritsba.!• • - Eir,:argrromagy :; 11Li11031.6193111110 of Wfl E WthilS ' ; Hun aha7a on tuna nod tosko Wires. IRON MD BRASS 80ETEE WIDE OLOTH;: BEEVIa, •of all W RIDDLES for l'an.dru sr.; ELUTE wo r ms son wusrbowe, tea 0.&0121, 0 E trAnznevivus WORK, for norms, Lo. I s-An dims or van iat muds it • udls . An sn roivra ETV= 'V VIOLS roma—am, ainza—itizatzs L imirian• POTTER, AIKEN It SHEPARD; Com= mission Ilerchants and Nab.» In Tongan sod Domestic YBIIITS, FLOUR. DLITT= 011KE4., SOCA POTATOKE, bad Produce troterally N0:360 Liberty street, opposite PsasettLerMspot, Plttatigh. Tteferrots J. IL Dilworth Co !Licata 4 Cain, Culp Meg ard, Atwell, Lee & tb , John Grantrr, Pittsbureb; nalserßoo , NI:Dowell. Van Brunt ato.,"Pidiada.; Tremlett a ai211121013/. St. Louis; 'Zinclair A chant" No Tent: Stanford & Lovell; elniitiontL TO PBENZERS. PRESSES FOR 14LE. ONE ADAMS' PATENT /MEM plattoo DIINO ONE TAYLORCYLINDEE, bea'al w lA tichti ONE TAYLOR /X:4.II3LZETYLLNASE bedPlp3s Inches. • ;! AE n good itikbr coati. Wtllia acid at abet , gala. Enotttra or sada= apEikat.•• : t • 6 CONfiattiMENTS. . ';.'' 75 boxtiOraugea ; . :y . Lts do Loan.; ~:y .- . . - 2 ear laude P.:Lion; : - BO bbl. (tern Apples; - . 75 obis Egvs; 10 bbl.. Lake Herrlag ;:i . 1,000 12. Clecitish; 50 bouni.rrimit 8011 . Ittilier; ' 25 bble. kite awl hall INS Illarkerei; i Jot reesived, to arrive, aad fa .el! at . 120. ICO Lib erty street. .027 POTTER, AYEESt4 SHEPAIXD. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS tun AND PBCNIRESS Or SIIBBAY 841a0ota —A biography of Bobt. Baines and ;Wm. fox. By John 0. Boner. Price $1 00. M A 151:1A L 0.9 TXTBACnING TEETH— fonmild ana the Anatomy of the pints ineolted in the operation; the bads ea peopll comtruetion oi imitnnamota, to. 1 vol. =no. BIEATEN OUR nomm - ive;rtiao. DABINGANDBUTTERINCi. _mar Lieut. Potieli 'pr. *large supply of the latter notk pat molted. per- L BEAD..7llBoarth a ..n nENTRAL DRUG STOp4t, ow , "4" 4 ”tat• - ao.a.altrkx.r..Krasprr . • • SPANYI.4II7*DXWAIM: 5'9"4;• SPORTMEMPS rigewparrEps. -- _ MS WOOD 6TBrel. JAMES .EObt!N W BMW tab attiosid Orß on of S Spirtrot , en aid Othoso to Its eald Wok INi _BEVOLSTBS PISTOLS, OA= BAG'S, POSPDS.BSLASES,SIIOT , BELTS' and - P0110.M., DRAM Y7.AAES, aad ma mmal= army kind. SL atoolr.B the tamale ova T L oft.R &co., = Deakra ta - • XX PINE "I'AtR. - - ntyparad 1=1;1=04 Ibr AXLES.' lEa Iv la mat, =a wan sha anala boa bon an d a BUCKET ale. S. Pariah. bytlisdatra ad W na • Mk% Ha. its EWE 17/1111141111sbargla. tio OE - F. B , :a, • . Surge= and !Lambent Egrharsiz et, si 11;6 balm Silas, , • PETIEEMIOE. si;Otted RESEED AND CONUON BRICK Oa tumi mtd On 01417 - .Devi M/TMMN. S. 10-40 LOAN, SIOVERBIZZAT.IO•4O .LOAN. Bescited al the gem Herr it cit.' wcoadraiL mean, JOBBILW sirs, LNON, ABITSTHAL, 'CIIPORTER AND DIALED In the meat sleet bread* it ONNIDNI: lIAYANA CIGAR& And all hinds of MOHO* AND CHEWING TOISACCO SNUFF reser DIEBSCHAVIII Aef, livelt= L Dh p l ‘ DlZll TUX, IrrT?etty..ea enclltel en DI:4M int7min. .501IBBL8. RIISSETT AVPLES. ' " • v tbls. Like ante Potistnes;• . 10 nbis. Arm 10 butt: Tarafp4 10 bbla:oaionr~ Now in store and tarsals by - , - ' . anti • - 14.11.NoTo?• ori. lalsHoPlileK'S BAKU% VOIVDEB, Ai piiieit aid bed BOAC Pkirdem that is boown.rt 411 Plck 2 r l 4 lu ula,at 'if' wwvlß, 083 .1.333811A.W.. ernar Liberty Mad atnets. now gmendly • QTRUP:;--550, bbls. af; the Id -1.1 low,g Wands: Tolman . n d Lamm, e r • Ira*? litnAkte,. Tama a Ca; Ifna..L. EMT, ado by . ' Lirtta fi l l afiri n roV i . . _ ikrilZwd IR Snood dna:. 1%1 1.1 if TUN'S . -Vi th.f.LENAnal, P3OOl 8U.T130-A sapOrcrAkdiff. , .• , in widths !oohed sad- Or sale at Cu 4at.pirr S I N!C /!cl" 20 saap le. erraTIVIILLTIVi::: ' Sola /WOW for taladmm• excefir.• I :AB B BIL 1.14. RD OIL tO OKA ;atm_ No. I.; •:, Warnuittd oral to say loader toi =lob, - JAS. DALZELI, it SON; ::am; 4 fag sad zo.Water atreec Ti 7 C. BLAIR'S RENNET -3-i 1-I.Altoertaldri; Jankataiotrraztlic, coaTA abut Asa boaltbtal at a suites( itoottl, . 002 . 2 0' V,' just welted And Wells At Alt• WAS 0_717 !nom of • - .)01.121 .01, BIN I, r• ' 47 - =roar Inert, woe EWA Atroet• LI4IIIIIeATENG -01.11;* ink— . ..ek - and Iresik4 Ligniaans 14U Olrforsii 'l.ll.l%Twager?'[. A RREts ,4101d$ YA sM39o,Tx9lFA4orittb&l4l 210..111abi Iltenfrat .gzu I 'r -E -A(1.15.74 Ituralorar tk,!•—irlA btplgood throsigh amaiseer, rt. ptreA sad Ursa. soas-A:sirsankw,,---!, -= - Como Llbutympill Mad strip to: pelt • . 'Eats, r for Etsll4- &mi. Nmasifrs. 411.. as !rift inia Was, alio. I.OT lialket ima; - • TT MARZAKON ' anatad fr m a i am make s d ion theeskgautr,lo6itfea nit ior - - Ides!tya*Misd arm*, • -- -. - ---!'-':'i JaLSCELL:~:7k'~ODB: w 14.0,000 PBZSEXD; and - {OO,OOO 0021IM01( 881C,K4 MMI !WMIII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers