:E I't efte. /LIMDAP lIMMtiG, APRIL 28, 1884. -"-,•0127, -AliD SailqßßAN: mmm:ate RANTED. A . 104. newspaper compositor la rants& it ; thin office. We pal t 0 cents per 1,000 was. ,Apply aqua 6)a/iceman %rot/e l Plttablate.!' quota of the 234 blettfct. The additional quote asifgaed the 231 i ;rti .- i.lar the late ad for 200,000 men!, itat,'lrtikk, added. to the forater quota of .33111 i nuke" an autegate of 4390. The fol. louring Is a stateinene of the pots quota of each se -district,togetherwith.the credlte ,the draft, July, Isar, for new volunteers. listed to ill credit clesob, up to the twen ty` ninth dry of Bebraffy last. All mob:stews 4: wallited wince that day. all Teleran se•enilst •ed in the &Id since last fall, end to Us k oern. proper - sub.distriets, and all men - who easy hare enlisted in the regular lamb, tend In -the nasal and marine service, to the credit of their .respeetbre sub.dietilete, are put to beersdited, and will be 10 credited as. soon se the reports are melted: ao gn .9V .1 1 7 • gi 3.; ...ties-ntsraton. - 62. g ''• • Pit psr 1 . .pigitay, Let ward.l96 4.4 57. 101 97 '-• - .2d Vanilla '44 43 87 133 64 32 90 255 . -4etwarl344 . 98 841 184 160 Maaahastat Bat 125 42 23 65 60 , - XeClute T'p t '54 34 43 13 B u s = 15 23 37 11 45 -14 13 St 18 .13ewlaklet ;Bar ;.-.. 23/ •8 , .8 16 12 = ahalatiay j _Tp 19 6 10 16 ' 3 =‘, 39 15:: 29 34 5 IfeCaadraat , .... 30 10 .6 16 14 -.„ pink_ 22 • 3 •13 16 18 ;,.R.kausia'aL •21 6 12 18 -• , 1- Hampton " " 12 . 18 9 abater:. ~ 84 23' 29 52 32 173 33 ... 33 :140 Baltaeras 74 14 36 50 24 • Eibaipatats 48 15 16 31 17 Tp 72 28 26 54 98 Wasilhar. , 27 • 5 - -15 20 Bait .... . . 9 25 9 •Tannata3s2-8ar:...: Bar:... :....55 - 6 12 18 7 . Tp • 17 9- 6 15 . 2 „..t.'SHarsitiatk . " .. .58 825 33 25 2166 547 558 1103 1081 Anus mum. Buffalo township... 35 15 10 35 10 Clinton' do 29 10 - 12 22 7 1111ddiasex do 25 9 10 19 6 :.44sniss• -do .... 29 /0 13 23- 6 trinberry do 31 13 10 23 8 JaolnionkElannony. 38 15 11 26 1.2 ' Zslisnoplp borough.. 11 3 It 6 5 Parward townihip... 80 6 16 23 8 Penn- 22 10 8 18. : 4 >reffirtSon Saxonburg. 48 9 20 SP 19 Winfield township.. 35 8 11. 19 ' 16 01nr3dd :; .,do 30 .7 . -7 23 • Butbst .:.::ado - -28.... ,10 -22 6 borough. • 46 16 21 37 9 Connoslittnisning 9..52 • 8 9 17 15 .Lanesster St . U 15 26 8 •. Maddycarek 30 8 15 33 7 hankUnk Prospect. 40 13 • 18 31 9 Clubs tp 26 8 12 20 6 Oakland 28 8 7 15 13 _ .... Donegal tp. .... 21 ' 7 . 7 14 -.llfillerstoWn 7 1-- 4 5 • Yahwism tp 33 11 14 25 8 Concord tp 24 .11 7 18 6 - 4716.7 tp 29 11 7 18 11 "Brady tp 18 6 8- 14 4 Worth tp 31 - 6 14 20 11 trapper" Rook tp Si 9 11 20 14 tom tp 26 8 ... 8 19 _ Wattatigton tp 35 "11 ... 11 24' .:,Parker ' 31 12 ... 12 19 Allegheny 28 24 1 8 . 0 ... 10 14 lronango t.. 18 Marion p . 24 4 ... 4 20 Ewan Es Harrlssills 20 - 6 ... 6 14 1038 313 -spa ,621 417 aBIISTE.ONG COMFIT. Parry tp. & Queens• - town borough_.... 41 14 ... 14 27 ... Brady Bead 28 ... 28 80 Sugar Week do. 27 7 .... 7 20 Wiublugton do. 30 9... . 9 21 Prinklin ty.AWoreh- ' lagtotrborengh.... 82 30 24 54 28 liforth - Borak• e 0..... 27 10 10 20 7 Boullandelo do 44 8 12 20 24 Preeport borough.... 38 5 7• 7 31 lasehburg :do 4 " II 12 .5 App do 14 2 1 7 ' Allegheny towuo bip 71 30 18 48 23 Ineklealnetas d 0... 67 23 22 45 22 Banta d 0... 28 12 8 20 0 Pram Crook d 0... 62 25 11 30 26 Elderfon borough-- 9 4 2 a 3 Kittanning toiniship 40 15 10 25 15 Kamm . d 0... 42 13 24 37 5 Nittaioning borough as 20 ST 57 16 Valley township , 50 . 17 17 42 Pine , 58 64 16 40 18 Elam , d 0......... 32 13 -. 13 19 kialionieg d 0......... 47 17 14 31 it 114d9a4, do .. ... . 42 •61 9 30 12 Wayne 'do ' 54 25 17 42 12 Oarostshasosk tp ... 58 19 12 31 25 MEM ...1106 397 269 650 516 a5a210092: 2186 547 558 1101 1081 Bailer 1038 333 298 621 417 fluinstrang........—. 1166 397 259 653 510 Total lo 238 Dlsl. 4390 1257 1115 2382 2308 -AxeMem on the Birmingham Passers. got Itaaway...A Man Hilted: ' On _Friday afternoon, about half put three OVOCkra man was run OTC/ by the CM en 'the Pittsburgh and Birmiughion Passenger Beilsray on Hmithdeld street, and instantly - killed:- Prom ell the-circumstances in the - ease we can learn, it appuzs that the deceased, whO is supposed to--,be Pates,' Mathews, • Itlambhwer, tualding on Center street, Bit . minghania Bud who beatings to the gunboat fleet, bit at present tome on a furlough, had • maimed tome groceries at the store of Mr.. JAL. Surathen, corner of - Second and Smith field kneels, and seeing a tar passing down the street, _endeavored to - -got upon it. A quantity of calcite liodlicAn piloted upon the platform of the ear, and the deceased in en deavoring to get upon the ear, orbited his foot ing, andfill, the front wheel puling over hie breast. A boy who was on the platform also fall off In front of the ear at the lame time, but was extricated by lame pusere-by.': The wins then moved and the Wad Wheel pass ed over the body of the unfortunate man, breaking Ma left arm,and, lacerating the right arm from the sh oulder to the elbow. He was canted into the , establishment of E. Idmandeon Co., and a fterwards removed to tke Mires °Mee. The Coroner was sum.' zoned, and Ait Inquest held upon the bodj, but on gement of the absence of witnesses, the Jay adjourned until thleinorniu afatnq o'clock.' The-body was left at the - Mares office-last nigtt, but wp to • late hour the one. of the deceased had not been definitely The balked: Passenger Ilialtstaye "Wi uigastaid. that the stockholders In 'this company are detonating to take up the calls and cross ties, and dispose of the earl, ' =leis the line Is perelasidbe: fore the Ant et June. Thivallthy Omni bolder. along the line, , .who are so deeply be '• tures. Cain this haverement, should ' es least make an attempt to prevent he abandonment: )(Ohs track Is 01100 taken up, itetlbe a long time before another Is lad, and property , wilt -consequently either fall In valor, or cease to ease°, SO price. The slack, materials, eta: am be sell on very farerable terms, and If the line ""-Is to. be Ina numbs the citizens Intorestedshould beup anddoing. hi:meting trill be held in the Minserrille school hoise this evening, at seven reolook, to take same action In reterence to fhb matter; 11Ottli'ipp ad • • • to is desired. • . . Battery Fair. • Thelmildlap for thel./bairme prigraidai flld by the bet of neat week wilt be -eat &biased for, the pecipls talons an Nene their bameiu• oiyacdty. The oary paten of' this vty have respoirdednobly; and "the Omandtree earasatinardicit the co. oneratlonof all the empanten, wagon n miters, eahineßanaters, and all ethers sompetent to handle A:sawn:a hatchet, - to 0011211 forward • and give at least one day .to the alorioni `ewe. ',Tim following aamedwentlemen bare 22 lobrateered th eir worm as foreman, , tom, on Medi ensuing, Ms: Bator. •y, Wm. Boyd; Monday, John • Bruer; ;Tireaday,,j; B. Smith ;. Wednesday, Andrew Bully; Thaniday; B. allegro, ; Briday, 011210ali j listardaY, John ;Alatinder. ' - Sits To Wczoitoo.--lohn Wilson, r IV nn' from jostle% who mewl from the el , • lows of the IoW oonerryid ..from espattrolt to IrAoluiti, Vs s , sad aftaword mererdsdin. this sits end eletod of writing Laologesior lettero s 'items Ids= ..WOUJOBIte. MkS dinveind b 7 Sheriff ,ftinnitsirsateasy;asd Whoa to Wheeling r .7.: ale inittNr by ecomkr,l: ~ • . - •• - , -t ••• • • - , An 'Enflame"' Appeal 10 air Friends -ar . • Cheletian Commluien. Desk Befftnexparhe. 'gated stets. Chris:- Cominission has now been to satire operation for more than two years. In the army and In'the navy we have bad our agents at irork,zeslottsly and untiringly, for the corn- fart of our soldiers and - in the service of Joie Clain In the city hospital and the crowded bait:racks; Lithe busy strip and at the lonely birouu; amid the roar of cannon on the bat tle ground; and the sighs and groans of the heldlumpltal, or the prison horse, they have been wadagging in their labor of love and mercy to our brave bele. What good they have acoomplishedwhat neceesiciee they, have relieved—what kind words they have dropped of happiness and Heaven—Shat pitice and comfert theyhave brought to many an hungered body and starving soul, is too well known to require an exposition here. The Delegates of our Cominiation have a two fold object in their labors. They heir with them all the little tumnieswhich can minister to the bodily comfort ofortralak and wounded, and carry the Word of Life to their never dying soda. The Bible, tracts, religious and secularnewsoapers, and °Um good reading matter, sealtazy Supplies and ithipltal deli cacies ore dispensed with a liberal band to all who need, while. the promises of the Word, and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ are im pressed upon their minds_ with having and prayer. /deny suareless soul has been led to the gates of Heaven through their instrairlen- In this grkst work we have boon warmly en couraged and supported—more is, perhaps, than. had been anticipated. And yet our la bors are bat begun, sad our responsibilitlea are rapidly Increasing. In :the ensuing sea son of active operations eviineathe enemy, ;the wants of ours suffering aoklieri will be many;and the evil and demoralization of our vast armies will demand renewed exertion on Our part, and an enlargement of our meths of relief. At no time since the M.:option of the rebellion has there been such bodies of men massed togetherkand , very soon the din Pt AIMS will be resounding in our ears. Then, oh I what suffering I Shall we falter now Sauce a family In oar midst-but has a raime nt:astir° lighting for our happiness and safe ty, sad otur eympethy and generosity should be for those brave defenders, and the calf ' alecrilleingmen who labor amongst them. We appeal to you, then, dear brethren, for a continuance of your support The goner -011/1 hinds that hark heretefoie given so much will not desert as in our hour of greaten. IMO& in these troublous times, when so many things are occupying our attention, and so many objects arising for our &Inky end liberality, the Christian Comndulon oofy arks sotto baferjonan. May we not hope that our 'fork will come:Maki to you, the neecsaity and the do; of upholding ue, and that, with the blessing of God, the "word spoken in due season," and the "cup of cold vrater," may hammy Instrumental - bringing much good. out of greatevil, to the .glory of God and the elevation and comfort of our dear soldiers. Hon. Hobert McKnight,Chalrisin ; Joarpla , Ai' bra. Treasurer; Wm. P. Mamas - , Itiadver ; Boha i O.Tottee, John B. 510f,tens,40aph Horne. Per.W.D 'Fieweid; D. D. Bor. J. D. Herr, 0 B. J. Wllson, D. D. Ham. J. K. Moorbetd, William Preston, Harvey Childs; W.A.Snael,y, W. W. Mgr, " George &Chase; B. Wolf. L C. Pershing, Joseph McKnight, " 8.8. Higbee. G. Follausbee, ei " B. Inswert, James McCaadlees, OE. Swope, . C. arbutbna, ° W. J. Bad, . I. G. Backo, ° Henan MU, Bobert.a. Date Ha. Hamm Jansen, Pendant. Bazar C. Torras, Secretary. inverr 07 W. P. WITYLS, UCIMPOII OP CUR TUT 0051116311107 wroazioom, 30. 70 MUTH -711:1D SatatT, PaTanosOn. The Army ,Committee for the year ending April 1, 1864, have forwarded to 00.7 M 16104 -and distributed lit home, hospital stores and readhig matter to the amount of myna, ful ly three-fourths of which has been sent to the Army of the Cumberland, whit has been placed under our Rectal care, and locks to as for its chief supply. At Camp Howe we established a station in the fall of 1863, and also one at CamP Copeland the beginning Of March, Whiehis now in full operation. The United State* General Hospital has been vis ited weekly, and such stores as the men need ed bare been given to them by the ladies of the Subsistence Committee. A large quanti ty of lumber, bedding and clothing was furn ished the 'Hospital during the month of March, in order to erect quarters and Enke them comfortable, to accommodeve the large number of sick which were removed from Camp Copeland. Preechlug has been held at the Soldier's Home and at Camp Copeland every Sunday and prayer- meetings every evening, by the delegates of the Commission. 3,520 articles of hospital clothing have been cut oat and made up through the efforts of the ladle , of the Subsistence Committee. The following Is a list of the atoms distributed: Shirts, fistula 6,511,Dr1ed :fret, Pa- 22311 Shirts, 4,934 . Winetwtdsky,qts 6,621 Drawers, flannel, 1,791 115,055 Dresrars, muslin. 4,270 Batter, 1155.-..-. 5,302 • Sheets -.—.,. 1,033 Corn 5tarch........ 746 Slippers, pairs-. 577 Chocolate, 285 Dreatng gowns,. 454 155...—... 527 Comforts--. 471 Euler, Blankets.._-_.. 685 Grades, IDs_.-... 1,681 0,625 Bap, 467 I PUlarcsaw___ 1,743 Farina, ra.....-,.. 108 Boas, 6,25 D Ginger. 40 Handkerchiefs-. 4374 Sage, 1M...-_ 30 021 Hearbound, Zs_ 43 Kittens UZI Gelatins, 8e...-.. 15 Housawiver:-....- 4.182 Honey, 40 Badge, ... 7,277 Cologne, qa-.... 350 Pads and 7,203 Bay Rum, eta-. 110 Braise! roman-. 4,527 Vernal's, bush. 1,64 S Arm slings..._l,ol3 'Bus, dos...— 1 . ,105 P/OLVOLO n. 7::: T 4 65 Lint,1,335 3,205 Buttons, grow-. 250111ats in cauz.... 410 Needles, sgslOranges, 205 Thread, Bo— 141Lanotut, d0z....-. 160 'Papers 5 t.reetepet,o3l,sl9 WriPg papa num 27t. thalladdlerbka . 94,511 Pena, d 05.... 1,339 Liege bks for lib's 4,550 Lead-paella, Ora 4,230 Hymn A Ps. bka. 11,800 Envelopes„.,_ 37,710 Tatamenta . 12,801 Ink, quarts-- a Mapes 37310 Cans of frui prbla. t-- 6,BlloTents. . . .... 3 A 150,10,600 Zapf lumber, nails, glen, Ac. WOIT OP 301,121 . 3 ♦LLIO, TILLABOOPP. The sub receipts of the Army Commatoriaz the yaw mining April 13, 1841,1 ms been-18,03i 58 The expenses have been as follows For 5t0re..........__ 15,088 64 Per . 3,564 53 For equiproente nod exptves of 160 dela • irase- Mr. 83 For remittance to Gentnsl 9 t.tfom.—. 1,603 69 For ofnco mpearet, including rosins, Ma th:nary, printlna reports, rent of story room, nape of bay, etc 876 10 3 For = U S of o n s rt g . 11 For Amend ape:um of a oanuato—.-- so 00 or, couritufat m0ney.............. ......:... Taj0 leatving4 balance on hand 02,680 88. Oat standing =mints unsettled about $l,OOO, re dating the =omit actually on hand to $l,- 680 Since. December, 18811, the average expenditure for stares has been sloopar day. Per • religious . publicatidns 8.500 per month. During the months or Debrusu7 end March 'our expenditure . or thineceroillos, as wall as comforts pf the soldiers at Camp Copeland, UT* been a did* short of $2,000. An* hun dred and thirty delegates- have been sent to the field, of whom thirty are now laboring in the armies. The average expenses of these delegates fora term of six weeks have been sixtaen dollso. Delegates receive no salary—thelr &amid expenses only being borne by the Committee. Tim amount on hinds being": sitlicient to meet the onnent espouses for too web, we make this statement In the hope that the Christian public may be Induced to contribute blevalis and epeedily to the funds of the OWN-. Ilan Commllslon.: AU donations may be sent to . 7010:213 Amu, Tress., Sq 711Tond street,,Plitsbargh. Boactttax Tiliirrs—tros? Di t ir.- 7 -This live ning will positively close - the exhibitions of the Bohemian TrouPe is this and la or der to era all a chance, three exhibition' will be given to-day. Morning at 10 o'clock and afternoon at 2—mkboth them exhibitions ev ery child to the house will receives gift la addition to theregular distribution Of presents, and "at 4 o'elook the handsomest ehild present ISM nodes a handsome ornament; The eve sting exhibition will wind up with the pre sentation of that handsome case of glasa- Work which has attracted the attention of ail our titirans, in front of Masonic Hall. This ,ease will be &mule the holder of the last number drawn, ,We understand that there le 'already a great sail los tickets. and some putloware:buying gaits ' never 's/2n is-a , Who holds the luekraumbot." ,"Tros Dtrostans."—Thbi ii the ails - of I .novel by Ma. Marsh, just publlehed by VIM. Peterson, of Phliedelphia, It world be superfluous to bespeak! the attsution of our novel-reading Molds to any work bear. Lug, on its title page the nano of tho author of "The Admiral% Daughter," i" Two,' Old Men's Tales ," " Mors Wyndham," sod other books that have boon for more ,'than twenty years past "familiar . to our ears as housohold words." We shall therefore simply remark that the publishers hays ehoseu,woll in selecting a work.binolifted • writer as Mrs. Marsh for the "Library of garbs Noodle."' • Per sate by Entry Miner, text door to the Poskddoe, sad J . P. Heat: idesonlo IdaU, Filth street, Mee 26 rents. ' ' Innt Panzu,—Bin J. P. Sant, Magda: Hall, ZIA street, hasmaivod Plinilrlandla's Illnstrated ItinunspeT,lfirra W.akiY° Street and, Smith's Weft Tog Winklj• . T!! Now York, Weekly ,Ttibunnalmen• A10r". 16 Worldode.pdon," PuoTootawidhloi, tow to just :salved adWolloY4Sl Wood stmt. --Wbat Befall it-etreet-Cu,- •t 4.- IA car s way chartered !on the Oakland PAU— . longer Itailway on . ThOrsdry night, to can ray a party of ladles and gentlemen from the light gymnastic exhibition at Concert HAIL. The cis was crowded with men, wont= 'heti aileron, who, whiLpleasintlY proceeding on their journey, were startled by • land repot resembling that of a Musket shat. It sias opposed that some miscreant had tired attlte car as the noise was =mistakably in deo proilmity. An athletic passempsrp deter mining to ascertain if. ponible who did the mischief, cashed out and 'cited a oriole of men-who stood on emitted . ... 'The madmen were called, a crowd eolleeted,.and &Orions disturbance seemed imminint,but the impact ed parties having been Identified as two well known gentlemen of respectability and diame ter, were released, tie pauengers ulleeted, and the car proceeded on iti journey. They bad gone but • short distance,athen another abet was heard, and the athletic gentleman above alluded to sprang from the platform of the car so suddenly that It wet feared he had been shot. The driver felt the force of the explo sion, which so terrified him that he fled and left the hones' =guarded. The women and children rushed from the car, and a scam of the wildest mn teflon followed. A couple of men, who ap proached the ear, were seized by our stalwart friend, who haclifot been injured, en was sup posed.. These men, like the tut couple, were respectable citizen', tatlding in the neighbor hood, and of course they did not relish the treatment to which they had been subjected, alleging that they opposed moms one in the Cu bpd fired the shot, apd their object was to see the extent of the injury. A well known county official, who was In the car, alio became pugilistic, and • general row seemed unavoida ble. The watchmen were called ripen "to do their duty," but they did not knew what to do, as there was no evidence to show whasild the shooting. When quiet was reamed, and the patties began to "compare notes," it was clear that the explosion took Owe under the front platform of the car. An examination was then made, which resulted in a complete solution of the mystery. Some reckless joker had placed "railroad torpedoes" en the track, and It was these that had exploded and spread consternation among • the mason ger* I These torpedoes are very large, and are nod by railroad engineers, when ono train falls as farlehbid time that the follow ing train is in danger of running into it. They are placed on the track to warn the engineer following that there Udangor ahead. The explosion Is very lond,.and .it is no wonder the pusengen became frightened. A little child was lost in the confusion, and was found, after considerable searching, on ono of the Cress "trees. A lady passenger disappeared, and could not be fond at all. She turned up the next morning, however, and . stated that she had taken Wage at a house. in the vicinity, where sheranathed all night. The feelings of the pusengem may be lroagined, upon making the discovery. The circum stance will afford them gossip and amusement for a mouth,to coins. ; In r order to guard agolut torpodom, two pullet weresent ahead to reconnoitre the, track , and th us the journey was completed.. L may perhaps be well to state:Abu this.aiLlr la: not regarded in the light of a harmless joke, as the consequences might bIITO been very senoras bad the hones taken fright. Atentleraan offers • reward of twenty dollare'lor information that will lead to the arrest Of the party who plated this torpedoes on the trot. • Pitmen( of Emergency Men of 1862. The feLlortng arrangements have been made far the payment of the Emergency men of 1862 Those in the cotuaties aj Beaver, Lawrence; Mercer, Crawford, Erie and Warren, will be p.td by Major jcitur 0, Mona, PaytillLAM IL 8. A. Those In the counties of Wuhlngten, Bat h? and Venues°, by Major Joe, S. WALLA', Paymuter U. S. A. Those In the counties of Westmoreland, In diana and Armstrong, by Major iir.lllY W. SSTDI2, Peyroaster U. S. A. These in the county. of Allegheny, by the undersigned. Major Munn will snake hie headquarter. at Erie, and letters shotdd be addressed to him then. Letter to Majors Halals and SIITDILI should be add d to them at Pitts burgh. These Paymuters will visit each county in person daring the coeuseef theensuing week, and snake Inch arrangements for the payment of th 3 men therein 11.1 May be roost eoeducive to geureral convenience and give due notice through the county papers of the times and pinees of payment. They have been tarnished with blank pow. ere of attorney for those who are absent, whether in the army or otherwise, and will furnish all needed explanations. They have been Insinuated to wish the various localities where companies were raised, and eonfil with the °Doers, for the purpose of arranging the details of payment.• The Captains of the various companies raised in Allegheny eounty will please call at my office, 3d story Custom House, for the rolls of their several companies. Deism Entre, Paymaster 11. S. A. to charge Western District Penn's. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES k WWI PANSY, Plata and OTILIIVAZt.II 313.4 Roost, and dentin. to Penosyloanto and Vermont dot* of the boon quality at toirstat. Offed of Alex. Longlilin'o, not? the Vona Worts, Pittabsregll, Pe • . Smut Noncre.—The attention of oar readers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Spring and Rummer Goods jest received by our friend Mr. John Wha t No. 126 Fed eral street, Allegheny. His stook comprises a great variety of Nancy French, English, Scotch and American Cashmeres and 'Cloths, and 6ne Silk and Cashmere Vestings,"—all of which will be made up to order In the latest 'Wee and in the best nianuar. A choice 'e lection of Burnishing Goods also on hind and for sale, together with a fall stook of Ready Made Clothing. well and fashionably made. ftemovet..--Banatiel Graham &Co., Merchant Tailors, hare removed to 73 Smithfield street, and *mild most respeetfilly call the attention of their friends and the public generally to their now stock ' of 'Etpring and &unmet goods, whichlhey have mat received. Their stock is of the very finest quality of English and French ceastmerst, clothe, lassie/ores and vesting. Also a very ext.:aisles assortment of Scotch casidiaeret. Don't fill 'to give them on early call. Every garment warranted to give Anil satisfaction. Outlaw & 31cCsamsoc. 73 Bmitldeld Bt. ORPHANS Corey EIALLS.—We Cal the 'Mtn tied ofcatallsts to the sale of the Billarllne farm on Squi rrel Hill, in Peebles Tp.; Wrangle m ilaslegoodon theConnellrrille B. B. To be sold on the premises Saturday, April 23d, at one o'elock P. M. For beauty of locality and healthfulness It Is not sur passed In the county. Land good, with some thirty sores of Goal. T. A. M'Ctarratre, Auationeer. DIAILIZONA AND DYNIZTLIT Will decimate the volunteers far More than tho bullets of the 'enemy, therefore lot every man see to it ;that he carrier with Wm a full 'apply of 110I,LCI. WAYS PILLS. Their use in the Crimes saved thousands of Britbilt seldlent. Holloway's Pills and Ointment an nay re= tailed; owing to the blerprice of drugeoto., at 30 tents, 76 cents and $l,lO per box or pot. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. rahneitook- Co. For tale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal street, Allegheny alty. SOILI TELIOAT.—Those allletetwith duets, Hoarseness, Irritation' and Soreness of the Throat, will And nothing so eiticaelons u a Throat Remedy, u Hrown'd Itonehlal Troches. For sale by 'druggists grodually.. WATOEU__ , Iworwtsr , ixa-4. M . &bests, N 0.17 Fiftlt.stsost, Is now opening the most choice stook of nu Gold Ind Savo Watches, Jewelry, Stine, ware and Panay Goods ever displayed in this city, sad, to selling thous* remarkably low Motes. - • .• Pais, penholders, lsad•penells,inbbsi, ink eraiers, niters, portfolios, to be had at Mel lor's, 81 Wood strut. I 01111202 sad =rime cans taken at the 0.0341 tan elle., No. 410 Penn street, 61 or Meet. ordate left al the 41,0•4.10ae1, will be-promptly attended to.' All GAM taxeft be paid la 114"4"• !. • Tz pnblla are Invited to Inspect the beau tiful assortment of confectionaries kap); by, Stamp Bosun, at hie Baas' fled =Ay Wind In the Allegheny New Market Roue. . . .Lavoatro 41t. Bunraises oolaimited orriiios told, oval to ArnOld'a, for lab at Mellor',. 81 Wood 'treat.. „ Pos tars var . eke —p Tudor Zvi/44nd all other papers, to. to had It Ina% Csso's News Depot.- • , • O. Ons, attn " i t • Ind ia dJ invilassami.r Us ottlksi.ex. Pot isinui sad desirable la ilof?P, O jk, Bitkalk Al Market street, rrb..ai;,,".',._.a.,,..5r`.c-~Ff.:-tom._. 7i~ ...... !.--TritnNtrW-Essrer smainfli.,-Anawandspreat :inventionlaisoopekirta.. The Dorm nip -110 (Orsionbia) Steel opting. J. I. . Wires t, Ho. 97 Chambere street, New York, are the ,owners of the patent and exclusive mann lecturers of this J. W. Bradley'l patented Duplex Eiliptiosteel spring skirt. Tide In vention conslsti of Dugan (or two) Elliptic stealsprings,lopnionsly braided tightly and topthex . edge; to!. edge, making,-the toughest, most atestio - diiible and durable spring ever and, enabling the wearer in con 'Sequence of its great elasticity, end - flexible ness, to plaice android it when inns, as easily and • with' the lade convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objeition to hoop ekirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially In crowded usemblies; car riages; 'railroad tan k church pain, or In any crowded piece, frontlie, difficutty et contract ing them and osoupling space. This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the ekirt the usual fathead iv:metrical fano, and the lightest, .most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or holm dress. A lady. WIES enjoyed the pleasure and comfort and• great convenience of wearing one of the Duplex Elliptic spring skirts for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with them. They are alto equally desirable ' and a great Improvement over other kinds of ' skirts for misses and Young ladles who wear short dresses, the elas ticity and flexibility of them prevents when coming in contact with anythingcrowding,the hoop close to the parson, from pushing oat the other aide of the hoop or dress r and again, they are so much more durable and not 'likely to bend or break or get out of shape. The bottom rods on all the skirts are also double steel and twice or doable covered to prevent the eoverlog from wearing oft the rode when dragging down stairs, stone steps, do., do., which they are constantly subject to when In use. All are made of the best quali ty of corded tapes and everipazt of the skirt Is of the Vary besLatiriaLs ; It Is guaranteed in every respect to be by far the best, most comfortable, and most durable skirt ever made. These goods are for sale in all variety of styles and sixes, by Joseph Horns and all ant elms hewn In this city. Alastve.—A large and elegant assortment at very lost prices, at Pittooles, opposite the Post San. 500 Csins Da Vurtx at !Mock's, opposite the Post Wilco. • HARD Can. ettditif C►re, HAMA' Alma nac for IBM, Toeth's History, and other late books, at Pittock'S„ opposite Post Wiles. -.Soldiers' Pocket Albania, Poaicet books, ha. at Pittoit's, opposite Post °Moo. All the Dicta Books at Pittock'a Harper, independent, Clipper, and all the 'papers for this, week at Pittook's, opposite the Post °Sao. Card, of Dog Jack, and Thumb Party, a • Pittook'a, opppatto the Poat oaks. _harper, Lally Friend, for hlaj t at Plttock's idusta roe tea Hommotm—Almost ev erybody now needs n Plano or Cabinet Organ In his house- The aft of mulls la now culti vated and its influence felt everywhere. To ante persons who have not yet 'applied their families with these indispensible instruments, and who eontemplate doing iro, we recommend an examination of the large and varied stock of Pianos and Cabinet Organs to be found at Mr. Mellor's wareroomi, No. 8, Wood "Met, We has Jost received a large lot selected for the Spring trade, wbloh he L sailing for the present at old. prices. Call and examine them. -llama es Burroaa.—Thesi iaftrmitiss are more rife in the eyries time of thei year than at any other reason, for the raison of the re lemition that comes consequent upon the thanes from the . braohig cold of winteriO the relaxing weather of spring. The MAY cure, is to getting a well fatties True, which sosy be procured at Dr. Keys..'., No. 140 Wood Street, where may alto be had every mechao• iml appliance for the care of disease, or phy sical displaoememt of any sort whatever. Rostmanno.—"There Is en unfailing .. .lmre for this disease in the Meod:Scorder, made by Dr. Keyser, No. 140 Weed attest. It cures by tenanting the blood and netoring tone sad vitality to the tissues. No one need suffer, as many hams done for months, with this painful malady, under the delusion that time will cure it. Oar word for it: One bottleof Blood Besteher and on. of acid Lin. Iment Will give a dollar's worth of exemption front oath os *very cent they cost. PAIR BClLDl3oS—Calltirl Maas—Messrs. R. R. Bulger and T.,8. Young & Co., cabinet makers, Smithfield street, have- very kindly offered in behalf of their employees to eve boo day's work each on the Pair building/. This Is assistaaoe net celoolated on by the Building Committee, and goes to -- thew that the toachanice of the neighborhood are deter mined that the buildings shall be up on time. Iftaaancs..—A ours cure by using Prof. bioCiintock's Dlarrbcia Cordial. It io the preacription of twenty year.' oipetienee of Dr. McClintock, Professor of Surgery In the Solactic Medical College of Phkladilphia. Price 45 oenti, it Keyser's, 140 Wood etreot. LATE Pert/3.—.7. W. Pittook, Fifth street gPosii• the Post*Pim, tuts evolved the N. Y. ifickhy Tinlame, Weceterley,a• &dependent Harper'. trektg, Nita York Weekly, ate., ate. for this week. SOAPS AID Piasaa:cr.—l mean Eno toilet row and perfotorry. They can be hod In great variety and of every quality at No. 140 Wood street. Oro Ana's Joess.—Old Abet Jaime, 'Fresh from Abraham's Bosom, now ready at Frank Cu.'. nem depot, Chronicle Beibibs, Fifth street. NOW RZA.DII.—MI the Dellll and .11107a17 paper' for the woe% at Prank Case's news di vot, Ciumalolo Building, Fifth *treat. FOII MAT.—Call or send to Frank Cues aura depot, Chronicle Hallam for ;our miguthes for May. Rum letter, note, billet, reontaing paper sad envelopes, for sale at Mellor's, 81 Woad street. Dtitir , vi. Prenah quadrille riot* paper and envelope., to bo had at Melloes,ltt Wood street J 05111211 U. GAULS, Attolllll7 bA Law, Kt Gragt strut. slam MARRIED 9PEOITLL-0011.1ILI%—Aerh 1924 lIC4, at the boa* of the beldeo Yaber, dm city Of Bothnia, N. Y;, byllo.. Thos. Sprual,D. D., esdsted by D. Seat; Roo. R. D. BPROOLL .to MAGGIE A. 00111ILT, d►njbur of John Gaudy, Est.. BIIOWN—HOSHEIL.—As Altoona, on 'Thursday, the Vet Ina , by Mu Ilea. W. A. AWL, lIICHAIID T. agosug .d Mos EMMA A. lIIINITEE, ban of thfs oily. .to cards. . VANDZBAEITT-03 Ifriday ertuldir, April 32d, ELITABIIrH ANN, Info of Cot, Leiris Vendor. grid, apd thirt773re The Mends cents familiars Omiselfully fenlied to Memel the funeral an Boma Arra:mow, &Mum o'eleok from the maideuee.of her husband, No. 21 Sahel eon street, Alkshenicity. Dart—On Tharider morMoir, at 22 minutes of .10 o'clock, TllOB. DA rr, Alderman, Mettle yard, In the 88111 pear of Ms The filleMlll Wlll taka.placron Busoar, 24th at 2 o'clock p, m., from the realelaneee of 81mprek Horner, IN. 14 Btainunirsimet. fe'hmde of Om family are respectfully. Latta) to anent!. EIBNICT.—On ihuroday mooning, Apill 21M, 11. r. mutts& BESET; la.the 47th pear of hie sae. The funeral mlll fob piano on. flarmehAr, the 22.1 lent, at 2 o'clock O. m., from hit Lte reeldeztee, tellefonfalnartmet, Laimenenflle, GBAT.—eOA Maly, 224 lost , at 634 o'clock p. le'Llllilltrit'daughter of :mom T. pray, la the gib pea of her age. The &Imhof the family am roloooted to attend her humeal,- en EVIIDAT arras/moo, II J o'clock, hoot the Madame of her father, 71 Mad, deist. pUBVI- CIE, ANS • PHOTOGRAPH ROOKS, column rirra ein) seam finnan. Sd /1111 d ad storks, aver Illchardscres JaShdry Stars.) tirrirrzas,RA. PHOTOCITLA.F77O4. - • Of oostyStss sad Mr% plata et:colored. from tbo pordsr Chula d. Tido to Cabinet sad les SOO. N.T. Manta= 1146/ pprrtt au tbs it. balms of the AIM AND LIM ttio guy es. Modulus , or this ostablithano.t. Solos roached Sy. s =S a lt Mee of dots. Mee ssol= rk sad BRItiNNIA, BRtiSEI- asp . SKEET • surrar. WORKS.. -7 :'OOLII3IB,Art WEIGIer, E .¢l62tuns fiCASTOII7RAIET9.LAMP atm. TRB and LAIILP MMUS stoorslly.t AIso .TUT, LANTZ= TRIAIIIIKO34111;12 JAZ (*TITS, As Itsaarsotossrs of U.lUba 111..Wrfobt.A Pasta TOT Jup TOP.. No. 329 Snood stmt. Plttobisits A.-LARGE LOT OB • - 401. Irs Tamed* • • Ildlinders Spda.Tobacco; Nary Poaddle do; • ' Bright - do; Out dad Thy raddring Tabsem ; !sawed de. fivr7are4Pft notacaltta•Chal - • isvertowszr Tursoctt 4 :dor atavism si THE LATEST NEWS BY TELBORAPIL ODE SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM Ira Sill RfOTO.r. Sptclsl DLapatch lo .Pltttb2rgh Gocottak. WASIIrSOI . O3 CITY, April 22, 1864. G. EWE. BIaIIi—INDICISATIOZ 41.1132111 ILIN Moil LID 17.1.16ZEIVATITES. The President has finally determined to eremite the remonstrance of Senators and cancel (ha. /frank Blair's reslgnatiou of his commission. Gen. Frank Blair has so oordlagly already received orders, and is ex peCted to-morrow night to lancelet the south west to take command of the 17th Army Corps, under Gen. !Sherman. His friends state that thane are precedents for this remarkable course, and Instance the rase of his brother, Montgomery Blair, who resigned his poeition in the Regular army when a young man, and some months afterward had it canceled, and himself restored to his old rank. The outrage In the present we of trying to hold on to two offices 'it once, keeping constituents from haying a representstive in Congress, and keeping others gut of a major generalship by blocking up the fay, excites the severest com ment among Administration Senators and B4resentativea The Senators declare the premed's:lgs utterly without warrant of few and an Infringement of their prerogatives. =2l the town WWI of rumors ta.day' of array mart:aware. They are andonbtedly precis tore, to far ds any serioal oporatloas are con o ined ; but the openlngof Grant'. campalga Is pat likely to be much longer delayed. Lar's larairroas Itebelriesertere bare an idea which is gain ing wide credence wttb ne, that there le some priebabillty of Lie' anticipating Grant, and meting aggrcteire movecnentattimielf. A: , OTLIIIII ItITMOIL Coyotes reports some •ia refugees that the rebels are patting a secool line 'of works around Richmond, and placing hoary siege guns on them, and that Lee will not fight Grant on the line of the Rapidan, bat will fail back to Richmond where it is lotonded to auks a desperate struggle. Readers can take all stories for what they may think them worth. 10T TO Di PAID to not expected that the bill to pay Stites far militia called oat to repot inrationr, atiCh al John blorgan't raid, will past this tension. )Ica like the Ohio aquizrel hunters pro not an.tious for pay for what was a labor otiose, and•the tre'ainary has more pilules deinands upon It now. VIZ DOTY OS PIIIIIIIIO Pill& tVben the Minas comae to raise the hull" on Imported article', the meatbal; of the Ways and Means will warmly advocate leaving printing napes for book. and temper:re at ini: recent duty. They express the option that they - will be able to carry It. The flout* is proxressing with unexampled rapidity en tho txx bill. It is sitting on It to night, and the Oommittoe of Ways and Mialls DOW talk of grating thr..ngh with it to Morro* night. For two days, now, we here hall no debate; nothing but steady work at porfootirg details IM=! The bill for the postal money order system is iloallar le that of 01. at lirltalo, which has paired am noose, and the main features of sitilab were given sone months age in these dispatches; has renal. ad the approval of the Senate Cousmitlea. CZ= The stcry eiroula id by disloyal New Task yapors that Goa. Groat sad Secretary Stanton are not on good kraal G without a shadow of focsdathe. vas Anse niCettintin L nxpootad to !peak soonogain In-Washing ton, on the trentinent of negro troop' by the Government: PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. AN EXECUTIVE MANSION PURCHASED Another Important Bill Relative to the Coudellaviile Railroad. :bead Pittistob to the Pittsburgh Ossotte. HiILIMBUICI, April 22, 1804. Sanwa—Bight Sessien—The Sonata hu been sloirly progressing all night with the Appro priation Bill In the Committee of the Whole. An'amendment giving fifty thousand dollars to bull* wings 4o the capitol was adopted. the people of Harrisburg, scared at the dscimustraUon to remove the capital, have bengal an executive mansion on the hanks of the! Susquehanna, at a cost of $25,000. It is *beautiful location, but the house iooo AdJortruel until tomorrow. • Hoops--Afternoon Seetioo.-,The House con curred in the Senate amendments to the Law. renew Transportation Railroad Company,:and only awaits the signature of the Governor to become a law. The law relative to the Increue of trading priOegevrader the law of llmitted partner -011.164 The LX rasa.o to the distribution of land scrriO !taxies passed the Senate, iru referred it the 'Howe ; the Gemara Committee on JualalaryJ-. • The laid geqnsting bill concerning un seated leads, palmed finally. The suiplentent to the Antbrseite Coal Company, over whioh eo mach contest quieted some day, ago, petted with ell its railroad privileges streak out. This le e victory for the four feet tan Inch gauge over the mix feet. The House refused to concur in the Senate amendments to the apportionment bill, and ordered a gommittee of Conference. Tie appropriation bill was called up and theWbole afternoon consumed Ifs debate and amendment. N'teit Swim—One for the relief of Marton Modnnen, of Washington county. One permitting the Cranberry. Coal rem ota; to build a railroad in Venango county. A impploment to the act relative to private bonito:a and brokers. Charter of the Clarion Improvement Com- One relative to the Booth Pezursylvania and Connellaville railroad. Ithas just come to my knowledge teat a think and moot important bill is about to is presented relative to the Connellsville One of the two Ant has passed the Rouse; the other is on the third reading, and will pus. Proni all appearances both these will pass the Semite. Thin third bill is entitled "An Act relating to the Coanellsvilla and Southern Peansjivattla Railroad." It provides sub etantlaily that the Plnebuigh, Pt. Wayne A Chlekgo, the Pittsburgh Clevklind, and the Cumberland 0 Ray Railroads, the Walt ers TranspMtationCompail,the city of Sal iba+, end any other railreids out albs Sumpaehamia river and Baltimore Multi have Pewee to sebterlbe to the capital stock of the Southern Pezmaylvania railroad, er purchase or.undrue tends of said company, upon such tern* as the parties may agree npon. Ti, Southern Pansy koala ind Conn ellstlie Ball. maditairpurehase the profati 4,34'frita• °hues of the Pittsburgh and Cennaideville Railroad, and haw or 101 l theaama /poach tuna n th'i repeats' partial rady agro•opos through Utah' respells* boards:, Tlth agree -meal he binding upon a'aujorlty of the atookhatdera In both roads ratifying It. I bows advaa this Maim& en full because I know the interest felt in your al open this AIME& . - • Bigham his riraparta the bill and will ji rtL i . s i t i: in place - to-morroz By accident I pormud-cf -Alte..ktibwitdo of tta CONfiREBBIONAA PROMMEGS. THE TAX BILL IN THE HOUSE lIIPORTANT AMINDMENTB ADOPTED Wassurozon Cal, April 22,1804. FLOM—Fin thousand copies of the bank rapt bill reported yesterday, were ordered-to be printed and•bound in pamphlet form. Mr. Voorhees, of Ind., asked that a tele gram- received by him to-day be reed, bearing on a personal explanation. He would not now Indulge in any remarks, became the gentle. man, Mr. Garfield, who recently read letters purporting to be written by Eon. J. G. Davie and Judge Bela's, was not in hie seat. Consent having bee; given, the dispatch Was read u follows : Terve Mete, April 2 let, 1864.—T0 Hon. D. W. Voorhees: The letter purporting to be written by me to John C. Dreekaridge, used by Gen. Garfield, is utterly false—a bate forgery. I hare written you to-day: Signed, Sons G. Deets. The letter alleged to have been written by Mr. Davis, recommended a young man, for merlyln the Union army, to _Breeken.ridge for &position in the rebel army. On motion of Mr. Merrill, of Me., the In ternal Tax bill is to be considered through out the evening as well ea morning session. The Home then went into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and re armed the consideration of the l'ax' Mr. Morrill offered an amendment, which was adopted, that wholesale dealest to liquors, whose annual sales do not exceed $50,000, shelf pay a license of fifty dollen, and one hundred dollars on every 'one thou sand dollars over fifty, thousand dollar,. Every person who shall sell or offer for tale my &allied spirits or fermented liquors in quantitice more than three - gallon at any time, or whose annual sales amoubs to-$25,- 000 per annum, shall be regardet: as a whole saledetleir. The license of retail liquor dealers was Inerekred to twenty- ere dollen,. Mr. hierrlll Offered an amendment that Com mercial Brokers, whose am endment do not exceed twenty-IMo • thousand dollars, shall pay a il , canoe of twenty dollars, and exceeding twee , ty five thousand dollars one dollar, for every additionalithosmand dollars. • Fernando -Wood, of Y., en:an:trued va rious olarres of brokers in clothing, tobacco, coffee, *a., and moved that all other broken; in addition to commercial, pay the lame li cense. The amendment thus modelled was adopted. The bill wail further modified so that all steamers and veasele upon waters of the United Staten, on board of which pasrengers or liar. •lers are provided with boon or lodging, shall pay $25 license. Mr. Thayer, of Penna., offered an amend mentrecialring hotel and tavern keepers, ere-, to take out a epeeist license, at a charge of twenty-five dollars for selling liquor to be drank on the premises. The amendment was adopted. Yeas 79; nays not counted. The license for bowling alley, and billiard rooms was leers:wed from five to ten dollars, and the acme amount for each Additional alley or table. Builders and contra:ere era to pay a license of twenty-five dollars when the contract is over iwenty-five thousand dollars, and one dollaraddilional on every thousand dollar'. The Committee thus far have acted upon all the actions relating to the general provisions and licenses, seventy-nice in number ' and have commenced upon those ender the head of manufacturer.' articles and products. ' An amendment was snide by which stemmed tobacco, with manufactured tobacco, snuff or cigars, may be transferred Without payment of duty, directly from the place of manufacture to a bonded warehouee forci port:Won. The Committee took a reams till 7 o'clock. Eoessing Sewice—The tax bill we taken up and an amendm oat made so to to read, on all mineral coals, ezcopt such u are known in the trade as pee coal and dust cois4 a duty of five cents per ton, provided that in cue the contract for the lease of coal lands has been made prior to the pang, of this act, the lease chall pay the tax,H not otherwise agreed upon, and all dillies oretszes on coal mines delivered by coal operators on con tr.eta here tofore made, shall be pad by the purchasers thereof, if not otherwise agreed by the parties. The Committee stack oat the following: "All gas coo - spent:se are authorised to add the duty or tax Imposed by law to the price per', thousand cable feet on gar sold." Mr. Morrill offered an amendment iaereu lng the duty from twenty to twenty : five cents on coal Illemtnating ctis per Mr. Holman, of Ind., euceessfully moved to tax theta thirty ants. Mr. Schofield eaid there was ao 'Comparison between whisky and Ilqaid whisky. It was a demoralising luxury, walla the titakainzting-I oils were the poor man's light. It costs twenty cents to produce a gallon of oil, and the tax proposed was ottelundred per ant. Mre Harlon, of lowa, explained that the revenue from such oils could not be no large as anticipated for the reason that the bill pro vides for drawbacks en the large quantities imported. Mr. Amos Myers, Pa., contended that inch heavy tax would have the effect of decreasing the consumption and to cut off the poor Mee light. Mr. Morrill said the consumption would not be reduced. It was the cheapest, article of light in the world. 1 1 7 e have taxed gee and lard at nearly double, and yet there is no eom- . plaint. The two milli amendment wee adopted.. Also one that oil produced by the distillation of coal, or asphaltum, exclusively, shall pay fifteen cents per gallon. Mr. $11320111, of lowa, offered an amendment taxing crude petroleum one dollar per barrel. The duty on screws commonly called covered sterews„Je increased to ton per cent. ad va lorem. da amendment was made laying a tax ob. two dollars'on gold foilper troy ounce. The duty on artificial mineral waters, soda waters, sarsaparilla waters, and all other beverages used' for like Imposes, sold in bet .. tics or from fountain'', is reduced from 10 to 5 cents ad valorem. Mr. James O. alien, of Illinois, moved to increase the tax on pig iron from one to two dollars • ton. Bo said the tax proposed was entirely too small. Mr. Moorhead, of Pa., remarked that the manufacturers areperfectly willing to hear their proportion of - the burdens. They ask no exemptton, but ask aa'assuranoe that the duty on foreign articles will be increased in the Tariff bill. Mr. Stevens, of Pa., said the deg on iron is double what It wee, and on some of the smaller kinds three or four times as much. Iron was taxed higheitiums any other article. Mr. Cox; of Ohio, said that all points con sidered, the iron manufacturers of;Pennsyl yenta have protection to the extant of one hundred and UV per centum. lie reminded the gentler= from Pennsplvanis that whisky hid been taxed four times its worth. Mr. Schofield sold his colleague, Mr; Sterens . had voted to 'tax Illetmlnating ell one hun dred and fifty per tent., an article eonsumed by the poor white man. Iron t which we, used by the wealthy, was to be taxed 'to the small extent of one dollar a ton ; it' ought to be eve. . . Mr. Kellogg, of N. Y., mentioned. foots to show that tron,could bear a higher tax. The manufaotarere in his chalet whit; to bear their-Jost proportion of the expenses of the government. Mr. Merrill, of Vermont, opposed the pro- posed hicreaas. 'Mr. Griswold, of N. Y., also spoke against. the amendment to incresie the duty on pig-. iron liven dollars a ton, which was carried; aya Ti, nays 28. The amendment was adopted. On blooms, slabs or loops, when made In forges or bloomeries directly from the ere a duty of four dollars per ton, thus doubling the duty as originally reported to the bill. Amendment adopted. Mr. Allen unsuccessfully moved that a duty of six indeed of three dollen par ton be put upon railroad iron. Mr. Schofield, of Pennsylvania , proposed four dollars pa ton. • . Mr. Woodbright, of Vt., opposodthe amend. ment. Pending its oonsideration die annutit tee rose, and the House at ten O'clock- ad.. maned. motion of Mr. Hoirordi of Ithohigan, the bill to amend, the Pacifio Rail road act was made the special Order of the day for Thursday next. The House bill te establisha tureen of Un itary Justice was taken up. It authorises a Buena consistintof &Judge Advocate and two' &statue Judge Advoestes, with elerks, do. The bill was so amended auto` give the Judge Advocate the rank.:of itrigadier4lin oral, at a - salary of 14,000 Per aanUM Arid. the Assistant Judge Advocates the rkear Colonel, at • par of $3,000 per annum,. and was then posse& The arm,' apprcPriation bill wu then taken ap and the Amendments-of the Plume Com mittee agreed to. ' An amendment of Mr. Wilson, , providing that ell enlistments In the re; =AY shall, during.' reaalaratm)eu, the present war, be tar tow soars, war —.tag adopted. The amendment of Mr. Hendrielts was re. footed. After tome dlaeosalon and debate, the spa .and nays on the pante of the bill were called, and it pused, Mr. Powell :toting In the nepttee.. . The Senate went Into areantiv• eeselos at 4 and atto resolved. to skouttismtll Nodal: Asobr • ih at. o risobatlon plot 6,000 =plop butt thip miport of M 4 Gm.. Mow= lad Meads, inn lotrodmed by sathority,l44 to. farad to tho Printins Corasslitoo4__• AS sIMASSISS s*TMOSUSI 15.VMAtc! copyisitbkatailtroPuts ofikkfirr?7,lo:PutP' Madan was adopted, ad waa buried la thi army spropristian bin. The Bill to eetnnd War Erpindliti WagliTl9lo74 , Apzil !S.—Mei discussion butt evening on the bill to refund Wan hun dred thousand debits of war expinditarea to Pennsylvania took a much wider fangs upon a substitute offered by blr. Blaine„ of providingloe the appointment oflt commis sioner to sacertain the war debts,cf ail- the loyal States, with, vies to theb. ultimate aartunpUbn andliration the general government. Mr. bane supported Me prop osition in a 'leech Which received the fall "attention of the lions*. Ife argued the Justice of such apalloy, and cited precedent+ for it, and debated it at some length, allowing the Then e Vno n f i nal v o te p n n t g 'h l a a m pdmmentt Unfounded Rumors. Ponrr or Ronne,' cL, Aprilre port' to the e ff ect th t the rebels are in 'force in the Shenandoah alloy, or eltewltere,in the vicinity of the dame and. Ohio Rail road, are without th slightest foundation In truth. Cavalry for litlicua .124/1. Donor. April 2.2.—Pour corepazdts of the 5t6 hlaaraehasetts . eaxalry leave qo.sorrow for liiiton Head. MAMIE'S HT TELEGI6LPH. Philadelphia Mutat: Pima:mm= 4 April El.—Plutu. are= 804 bbl. Extra Pandly sold at 5 7 . 7 5(3425, finno tr mul -1 oat at $7a7,25. • Eye /lour Is steady at se,to, and Com Mai 13.1 . 5. 'nu demand Str - INN* is Enthral i it ratordays qtaitatleam salon Of 50C bath pod Perataylraulaßed at StMat,lll% and boeti OW alma at VA Whits numaa _Om $l, to *car Itye sell. oil datum d at omit Cora ne smaller Or 70(a) btrahlrellow at SU% and mats atAr 1 °au mama cum In wasted at rt 7,a0. Slam Seed 111,57 X. Proridont there la ma do ing_ 100440 to nouldera ta salt MRS sold at; Lla ~ L turt dell at layia Butter decilzoidi 8.5r.p00 Or Evil, gad for dolled. Whisky la =rattled and advanced' g ( 1r3.5. Petroleum Is firmer, Woe of thuds at 31c, Erlued In bond Vert' and Pros GOOsEI. By 'Bar tlon Ibis morning 457 bbl. Heir Orleans 0 oburaterrld Tor 03V 4326 , 40, and Pus at rOgrlOo eaula New York Blar,ket. . Tona,April—GAton , - 4,lranceal la; oak/ 1,600 bales at 00(j9I Plow. 11(423c Ma har ,ales 11,000 bid" at 86,31kra0 GO for 8µ t, 57,0507,20 for Ohio, 17,20@7,10 for &atter., ;Wheat norakodly advanced 2E43.; 146.30,000 bulimia. Sales of gooco .b..halrOun at 3 1 , 13 34611.37, an advance of le ; Pork gales. Lard buoyant at LVAt9I4o. meth., nouttlol, and 4chlgbert aaina at al . 25 0 1 X,.1.106 at 111.27 (4 ,9i.. Sugar active.at 15@l1 M. Cora, coke. kola:ma quiet. Naval's:ores dewy. @plata or Tarpantias $11.1003,12%. Patrol.= anaatthal; Lazed In bond 650. Freights dra and tteary l -Stock and Monty Mari*. New Tons, April .22.-Btocke tanner: C. & N../.............../It a. * T..". 1 Cumberland pll.-- G9K C. IL 1- • . - 190 4- lll.Contral Sexlp.--.1.10 111tettkcp .Ceatral...l4.l 111. Central bond.--117% Harlent...-4...11 Itichtgan Sontbern- 92 C. kP- ...;.._441 do gnarated_..ll4 Wade& Wabliab-,-. New York 0entra1....=4% C. & N. W-.:.-.-;133 Beading --------.129 Caapostro.4oa ............111. 1 Hudson Illrer._-_ISIN Tressartest.... --All5 - - Canton Co.---... 50 1 year Carilleatee.... al Erte..... _...._ __..114y, cola _ . __..17.0 . Galena eacago.-.IZW, P. Pt. W. & OL-...118 Pan...ezeimne. Avid 21.—illocke dull. Palma. 293faeleaa. It. U— ... 773 deeding B. 63%1001d Morrie 03 IZetheajor ea; ea Ye Long blend.-- 42 I dbeasmte ; •- • • Baltimore Market. • Itaurmaas, April M.—Tkrar lardy ;!Abla 'Extra 58,23.. Whoa* Arm, with • Karoo aupplk. Cain ad. raacin; Wen at 51,2801,V. Whlsky Ira and ex <lift!, Put the quotations are nominal at 51.2531,83. RIVER 1171TELLIGENCR. ascarrils. • \ Minerva, Wbeeitw, lady:2.4 - 0u Pig. My Laderacti.Cla Jai* Eaterrille. Minerva, Wheeling. Advance, 011 Wry. l Oblo Y.lky , CnitelnzatL The river continues to recede Steadily/2 Ills point with eight feet In the channel by the plea masks last evening. The weather conflated warm, cloudy and unsettled, with *emulous]) autism of tarn. Buinese seemed lobe more active than magi at the wharf yesterday, and with de reatelpts, then was •deolded improvement to the shipments. The arrival. fueled* the Minerva, :from Wheeling, and the Julia. from . Zanesville. The rAnder coo, ler from Cincinnati, had not attivill vilten we left the wharf last evaning,but wee momentarily itz• petted, and will undoubtedly. be foond/In port' this morning. • /1 - The Minerva, for Wheeling, cleared at the usual time with an excellent trip, and the Ohip Valley, for "Cincinnati, was making preparations to leave last evening, and elm *quid doubtless get off during the night. The Allegheny riser bu become so low, that ordeie them is anotheriell at the - head-Tatar boon, steam boat, will be rem pelted lo dim:outlaw their trips In tory few days.' TbliAdvance, left for Oil City, hat evening, with a falr'trip; and the Locialre. Coated., awl Ida hoes, from the lame point, are doe to-day, The Lonisellie Joeumed of rhuradey, hes the fat' lowing Wixom The steamer Bertha, Capt. hleotchen J. Lamont, Clerk, arrived from liashville. She ascharged 4.13 sacks whew,' tot of thrasher, and cleanno, 15 bble. apples, kik for Pittsburgh the had' CYJ Wee cot-' ton for CLuchrietr en Imaid also the! 4 stemalwat bonen out of The rebel guoboat,' Jae Wood, which boat the rebels burnt at Nashville to prevent it. from Llling into the bends of our troop.. The bolleni be taken to Wheeling. • The Argonaut arrived from Pittsburgh. She dis charged about 10 tow of iron, and sundry freight here and left with aboutldO tone for 8t.,1.5015. It 1s estimated that ten millions win be repaired to improve the owigation of the Ohl* river by looks and thaw, and that. the tolls nerwenry to pay, dividend on the investarnt will not wooed on or. dinar, merrnandkeone min per ton per mile, while the rotes on coal-boats, rani, etc., wilt be merely nominal The toll would thus bravely about one vent end a half on a hist of flour !mai Louisville, and Vicente on a knot lions from Pittsburgh to Lai:W- T[llC The Watt would make 111 , 113 money than they onw'do, ea they could run all year, andelyrays carry full freights. The Cincinnati past. for tis:rlay is, the Munch and popular steamer, Melon fdidenon, Copt. Chas. A. Drava. She has excellent ruxotatitodations for passengers, Capt. Andy • Bobinson rebnne charge of the attics, which Is a guarantee that passengers and 'shippers win readvoevery attention... Tbi Jesus, Copt:Prosier, rani the Bowers, Capt. W. M. LW., both neat passenger' steenono, are. on. nourmod far St. Laub. 'forthwith. • • The new steamer Ontario. Cants/A I L; UMW., le snow:owed teleran for Xashville fo.day without The teal and puoitael Julia, Capt. Clatdion, Li the • regular whet tar Zartafrina today, ;kiting at 4 o'cloek p. m. - 4 72m Btartitht,CapLlThaa. Ttartam. .iiitslttroly ahlartbr St. /ads mad the trpor4llistaelppl to-day. • NEW Emu or ! Wall Paper for Spring Trade. KINIPD BTAIIPED GOLD, for Patton: LILITAT.LON Oliambers,AA A variety cd cheap GGLD, SATIN irvoL, ZNI WALL PAPER; GLAZED , ANI3 DIIGLASEN GRUB, - DLIT, SLOE , WINDOW SIIADRA, An *mem morn:mu of lair prkod WANI, PAPEB, to , all of witch the it =Ws Rod tropordka of lumaekropers sod *Gaut Io nopectfally requortid, at the WaU Pow,. Wareborm, No door Wood oGret, between fourth NO Blab, Arad WOW DIMM:111 - TRONAIIPAL NEW. Ao.o armament of 'GM Doi', rod Thin. piront Lhoen Wain, Made, litztorti, do', for rob by. , DIANA. - lytiCOßt . l & CO., • • Wholesale Pollan( tti flats, Caps and- BtruiV Goods, E.,. wit to dote the lazgest WWI ecingiete omelet goods ler • • SPRANG SA LES] Star °food laths w t. Illathaats or. requotixt to tall sal azatatto oar stoat, 'Welk lilt b•pold To" latent/a. • - 131 Wood 314 rlttaboot," ECBUrra WANTED! Fifth ' zegiment U. O. AIM*, ALL_ itoat-tra=a;& Those itchlog to .thus ihts fallorito breech of the melee ern reecin the Worst GOTERITILINZ ma LOCAL' 8011112163.. • • 1 • • The tens of oervise Is only rim yam. • Deerultlrie Bastdoseisa. • 120. 120 rounTNET 4 ' p (nab nigh, op vets the hdecor' l e Other • . 131 , 41.1.9 WILLIAM. Je. lst Linea. 6th U. 8 etfilery. - - telecast Itecinittee 040,e1,- you WI ALW4YI3 P4OCUBEI Gaistihrtfon WALL:calk lodine Vara, ' ' Bornett's (Icaroala• ark EAllistoo, , . . Laird's Mona of 'Sou th , ' ' ' Manes Itagnolla Hollawara 111 Land Ulaticat. Alri. A Ilo's Harr Itadarar and AilorealkannO t . lidratald • 800 and Airsawalla, - , Idralsy.• Intpreral Bralk 15fraLec; • : - - . Ellltou • laseiciblaGaseat;_.. t Alas Tale& Sada artd l'arfarana, ' 'Hair Strallea, Bralhes t Thoth Drabs; At ltdOesdral Drag blana coroor Ohio and /edema arms, to NJUIV4 aka^ Alloghlay. • - • spit . • . 010 A. HILLY it OCAL POULTNET, NJ• I troker Crude I and Reined Petroloank, /racrzia`n% 8c.0.• Ige,'l4 TURD orinr,:vittibur i N Psi SEVIICELEY AOADEMY,a Magda' I. ii.nd Cotaiseretia -110LILDI8G 11.1CSOOL 10E 130113.-no the P. P. Wag O.- E. 41., 2Z alter from , Pts...baNtk.. Pa. J. 8.2 r IL,Priwa• psL Tr Torty.trassh aksztass will !mummer as dONDAT; Karat. LWit.' j • • Pa thrcalaas flutbo- talansuato milt* Y. .a. ISZVPIK It 00., PPWood stmt. at So 111,4 " pl, BtitaLf.TtiL P 1 a, Aftenra‘aaa, , rausksaiwa.re = . RHOWN TRLLOWi AlD' wlirrz OwziaL-40 acitalail If* milt cos, w. Soft, c. 151 1 .1 stwavieiresseria4 , , _800271 *ft ND 8 , C ONqa,T ; B k - L I, 5 R - 0 P STOI, The Largest Variety; Riist:Goods, eau -.- LCIWBST t • CIT BST BOOT 6 BUOY. 1:10172Z TB Tlti CITY SONINTo. 62 Fifth Strept:in air A. redantion mads Scalsni. FIRST AIIRIVAL znrg WITLE2I OP Ludt's failterlif BaloseTal.. . „ ma u i per .. Cwt affthe 140144 letCailtd*,,ata 2 at 001 axis. ri:niari . 11; It tla )#t tu tt ata P t it l a , _ . BORLAND'S, 9#llA-BICRT STREET, , _ a,13 incamidaor hots PAD itreb A NEW AND - CHOICE SLOTION Of r tilpriascand f3xmazzi.4, Boots, Shoes, Rubbiysi tar sal• OP t ors BOOT AND aim soisiS - pr SLATER & BOMA, sw as iliusir sr, Is Lorpot; Itdro. • • SLUR PP lttr, co"y. -1/ ORIIMPTON 00.4 sew itberty sou ho l dat.r. ana iianzaiwthiiia4!Wimr. Obb, balsas, 11111adeszukiktbwarL Also, maxas oti arperta etkla of Palm, Garman , 9/ 1 " itud:z.!?.iii Soap, TOILET amp zuncni spivs, Of oar EOA-Videlifere oetti• deatialiyoranomeod whetter for gamma,: am than say other beta" the pal.% thatad fathom, m maid has neither Pauli; &NM= ariteethi. or MY °the' eabetanoe ht ltd atandeattire whkkaut,thrtek be ate the tont fibeiza Ylaaaett sad Woos oat be embed with the rapidity *Maths Lithia - Clothes washed with the BILVYB PEARL SUP do eat maim hoflfnQ pt bait the itophingoehieleof mane need the weer and tam. • SILVER PEARL. SOO Hammes area.., Dirt, Tobicito Entine !Printer: Lek. Ms wont Delp Water/Rains im mediately, bf applying It with a moist ripona thus protecting Wows,. Carpe atut Ifuntiltirs 'from nide and atop.. imparts . hrii fancy ;ho Plats, /miry, Inamelid Painting. add Patent Leather • and for cleaning tost•bie and door tile it ham no spial. Tor the Bath. sad Pink- Warty Ibr Ilhampecesing, the =via 1MA.42.80,1P to a perfect In • wort, ell who hive tried It. superior tip, ackamplalga dt thalm-mtett discovery of age, MI6 Ckmtvaity oe3 • trial from ail who are taterrated In swing Soap, casSerfil refund the arks of the same &hoed It WI to erattopliab VMiiro claim foi it, If awl Sonirdblig to oar directiona Bold at FIVE GIFTS POVND ?fn My. pound Data , &Thant to the cars ar bats; or In el lopdtany, •Blrustagtoun and otty rectdoncat hoe of Diroctlons tor me ati ailstakigeat: . , Maul- Ilerc•sats from alms& win a 0: wett to Om CBIIIEPTON & 00. • eall..367ldbarta w t•Ot, 0 1.0 0 . Idle Parosltuals Sail Paocager t.:.. /01.11• ran of all WWl=: nom gireadd• mikes -truing oar trulleo.l:l:LiA...-151LVRIt PE4.IIO.IIBELL —as tamed til Nalkmal Colartit4 I.! sohtl• RORABACIC'S Compound CAemleal Son% (Patentee 'Masai 23,1E5i,) • lrom hi =wive' excellerm;.aliP °it" Beeps am otrusd to thet Is. loss variably met the approval atoll parties who...laver - ten in therit attention. Its nen In irsablogiottoluorlbien grogs sans the labor of boiling, outline a!grens rt. • tout =bleb& thereby otrotttoo Vest" revllla lobar, tiles and do struition of We. rot imbue goods it cannot be cricallitt ; humus Mak by au, ire wedding with Gum soap bars -ketone ahrunk - and hard se a heard, ere res toned to 'bolt longer so l ot. a nd dertibiluy b.y Its gee: In rob:antra paints sad vanitthedynek,sll4ll.ll, no EMU: w long standing, green I pieta sic-Phone ste.l Itc., are Matantantullyllll93.Pd. Ilbittudda and. Pittman Sr. net only quickie chanod, bu t • pukah.'equal to that preeinced try whiting, and accrunplegitici la dui tenth of the thou, la %hermit.- Carlota ited Int are alto. quickly and thoronably treed' from wl Wet: Tar Maxim cr bah pe.vs- it be c toad to gin= the! bed quality, VI Iptd•or illosp,lraving Dustin soft and plongoat. likootales no tagrellent that ate /nines ttut host Wei:and . pawns who are so inefortunate as to be alltioud with • cotousuup Cisme, will Ind It ageing Pawl, ciaL °otos to Its pecultsgprotarilem stns - Led cheap.- nese it quickly bag fam among tiptoe vino nog tt, and is doodled limpmeir all caw-Scam:. Th. patents Is now et:vying at Itlalias kiO7ZD, . in this city. mingle -he will rectudoltpr a , .fivw dayr tomes Etabt gad Glatt,. Blibtk-, Egmont dosing:4 of • good Investment tide a rare dlitigtnat shy, for haaldoe pasts' patented ariabs of id toilvereal nu is ode:PA in State sod Coatengl Bights, thereby Onehiting ntea of vary nooduato coital to acquits that which wetli mine them a criapsUnce: The Wettest= alliw oeuntlei In thlg Buts which he la dceirbos of detrain at previous to hadepart, care ibr the wed, and Oftenropirlor indsteetkupti to any person *shins Metal,- , 1864. teak° liotuxiicx., DAILEY, FARRELL ;4. CO., , ^ PRACTICAL PL11,4118 Gas ,"and: Steam Fitters, Han t ea ail Itaniitaiiii Olt CAS FIXTILIfiEei . - BASINS. - 8111-31.8. BATH TOlig, 8HOW1010,:4' An ardall VAnnal UtaidtHilbr frAti z tsniCiA sad practical inztkota. _ • - •,• - • 129 FORME! ISTREOI; I/MY G. 11,14N,* "r,„' AA ROW no2M4 our . . . Bpring Stock' Socid4- Which% extent. clam sail tarts no* sop, Ratroutfr 'tbli4 Ograti , oral patrons borototbr• add trat}ng. okr slant:Wild bauticao, So zaattall oar oldlrloodir and saw Delo atom. _ 1E •moo►, coniegals ot GENUEMEN'S FURNISHING. RODS, dim; ruttat4,==;-= cosi= of Pisa err. ai,Aturrincts, .. ~., LADIESV M1§3P.97 &' CMILDA.EN'S HOOT SHIRTS ‘• . . • ~... :..- •-. . ~ .• ..., .'... .., ...._ A T .• .....•.. . • , ravuospnwiavnestima orszum.A7 _ • . ki MTLEI.OIraI; micron; No. 55 'SIMI Streek-. _ . • Icco;pelikir..ettut 00.4 r=lo - ; 51 455P56 , ERIII ilt: s . , .: .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers