Oittsburgit' +gazette. . SATITADAY, APTLIL 23. P 361.- rt. lons ems et Pa , rmAreidel ibbastrrialpis - National Hokin party. will meet In slats Commit= la the Ethlt or the Mame Begreeentetirm, Su mow& elfluitzsdaye Apr/445th; 11646 - .Haab d eu iarist will bOnliflednOthe tams regrew teflon U It new bag in the State Lettialature, and the diliples will be gads time, and in mieb morn. salami! tw . d, by the reepoctive empty • Wi t"L ieete_ ' Catiteaticdi thepuma. of Poles in 'imelattirra so Voctorol Tlthst,seetettog ~ . .- ' riedepmtheltt Umtata. that Igettescal 001.entinii of the Swist/eKilso held et Beittatoreve tee7tb J®. =a. Med tatted - math action es it my deem proper frii•ferectee to the approaching Piliddeatial tatimis• Thai ...abaci& the aortae delogstre from Petra allteala laths National. Cionna ion le irk where ft properly lialona,m the people eaerathed to their eimmmilaue; bat the different county sem. mitt es sissarniatly nivreet.d to adopt inch mem - imam •MD ettandame tame respect. : am maims and thereby am" Ea the choice of " del•gatas, • tall sad fair asynasionwt the will of tbs oomatittee =mot Tbs. to tantgratutate all seas of warty sad the Hal 111 upon the repent tit. - Mopes of. &swiped . mum ILI:Soar Hampabire and o..earinit, and to czar the live. shared by all loyal men. that they CV Ol s 4 Um Lain:mon of more • splendid victoria. •000 to be won in the gams Muse alike by the bullet sad ,thebiltrt.; • IIaVELGH, Chairman.. - • Gm. W. Haaagglinnfir 1 &c . f . i .. W. W. Hans, i , . GoLa is tap agin. Yesterday it was 174 In 'Wail street,- To-Dar-the eleitiost . or delegates to rep meat : l6 Union Toters*Aaleghony corm lIIEEM ty in a convention to 'ln) 'held in this city nst- Tneiday next, takes place batsmen the hours of 4 and 7 cicdock, P. n. As the con be called , ' upon to consider questions of the /usual itaputance, it is einnusily to be hOPisti thdit soy bat men 9',PaTt7.lllll7:o2llP3B°.iti MEE • Taw probability of an early movement , of thieifiny f thiPotemac is ove7where eon ceded. Lint is raidto be getting rolidy to anticipato Glaawr's purposely, and of cbaree whatever be may attempt to do must be checkmated at °ace— There Is, however; an other rumor &fleet that Lit will act stiictlY 'On tho defensive: 'ln either case a battle Weems tobe Imminent. • ; Tomo hundred yore age this day, ac cording to the commonly received opinion, wria born Wrearatt,Bizasertatue, an English dramatist We would gladly pay 'oar fee ble thbute of respect to the almost inspired ...genitte of the Great Maid if wo had the re-. qtdsite:epace at oil' .411epoolt, Thus • le lhst the homage I!°l'°ul4 ed to a repetition of these lints of one afoul. *oaniestAtierloaa poote—al U. STODDARD: Rhatorpeats I . VIM fix %pee Ara coajorca op Op that one voldt ' Um, some And 'Mrs :TA idoutoers though tog be . • One of the worst features of the institn• eon of negro slavery is, tho inlum-asity it engenders. Wo will net. Mann the intel.ll - of our readers by proving this prop. - -„coition to be as true as the teachings of 'Holy }writ itself. The scarred beaks, 'the • braidings with hot iron, the eowhidinga, the separation of families, the prostittition of women, the selling inte,ls/11T04 of one's . own flesh and blood,. the 117121,4.5 t the . stake of men and women who had dared to - , escape from the lords: of an Institution which degiaded them to a condition below 1 ' that of .the beasts of the field—all this and much more has Ding bietcfamiliar as house i hold-words in the mouths of this genera , .. Mtn. Btfore the war we knew it all from an occasional example; - since its commence. meat the nation hes been, brought Tace'to face with the horrors of the cruelcsi of all cruel space:ls. The Southern alayeholders themselies seem to have takeit especial de. light in displaying to and:the world the ' savage nature which their "Peculiar insti tatien" boa created for ; them. Their Sant ?_ - Itarbaious ilispleY' at' Fort _Pillow 'was the , very climax of :fiendish audacity. . - , Inhuman as Southern Slaveholders hive . beetle:Ley as a result •of their nursing of an • institution unknown to the Christian world • in the Dark Agen_the Philanthropist, might welt hope - and the cirrhotic:l prey that 'their. Tnituntanity. might never be' &polo. stied for or imitated by any people not . cursed' with thr;t. inistitution.7 Bit It his tbuid bc;th 'apologists • and imitators, and among a people.whosa homes are threaten-. ed with the incendiary'S torch, and whose - lives are placed in jeepardy by hostile sor. miss. So depraved is human nature ihat it ii 6 Y 1 1 4, !4-einn4TPlifilitb , georat the' oaf of thti worst passions and the worst 'men. The Demaeratio party of 1"- the Sorb, by reason of its long \ • elation with. elaveholding allies in the , • Dona, to its everlasting disgrace. became participant with : limits allies 'apitioldirag all the inhumanity of tkeir *lave ' They them in all 1 , their -Political - assaults upon - the freemen and freedom of., the and when those i -sew took up arms to destroy the Govern ' - merit they cOuld, not perreet to. their own uses, only a portion of the itorthern Demo. • : iaoy refused to condemn them. The rest ••!"-; cried "APotitiosists' has done this; Wavery innocent. And they became copperheads', • and ever since have been. glorifying the - Min who have spatrupon theta, and who hats them. Thus does slavery net only rob thireholdert of their - humanity, bat It also robe of their manhood these who simply, hrtch the vile thing compared with whose - ' cringing condition of the nelpro - sloe is independence itself. " - Initainimi of title debisementof Northern -• white men at the feet of the barbarous ileac power of tbs.:abet South, are constantly 00. • " reaming. :The lest to which or attention ;has been ealledwas contained recent I ; number' of s Copperhead Pifer; 'published, Iwe ashamed-1n nonfesa' in one of the moat loyal cities in the Onion.: A writer in ' its colutons..(for the honor of the profession : we treat be is not cue of Its editors).takes ; . advantage - ,of the :cruelty prnotieed a few nights Since upenn negro regiment passing 4 - through the -loyal' city -aftmttudd, to-do ; what? -Synoptithisto with; the -viethila of thakeruelty2 Aida that the anticr of their 111 treatment may he pnnished t Not either - ' 'Bat, he wriics half a column • of. inhuman -- - ' Inteliery of those cruelly tree ; -and not of theni only, but alsoof their:dead ; negro comrades who hive, in many Ditties , lila 'rebel elaveholders," laid I down their • • litres forthe trnionifor Liberty, major this appsthettst. l iitSviota quota s few sentences: I ' - "It has hecoone quite common to hold the otdoas o f colored regiments to a' Strict ao. • tr - j, eeent for every little harshness or peccadillo -, towards these es ytesa-arelZllawtfti:fszlfstoentill:ll.32c.,: - • - et *moment's notice to loutish - a , spread eagle 44 ill" =1 1 61:1111 1 0 ff Irilita , 1 1 1. •Be Se a -,, u a t ielsobitt. of Interest-has b 1-"Jf helteett9i Yir ea. 4"" quitted hi'dmeii eraditehlyill - the_dai,de Isla not been fa want:of:ample enoonragement. iffo' every assisiong** o 4k - Pow eran d"" soirees weld tame, and critill apology for fallere,holut not Incrnn than Sustttted the ea- vedette:l4'o those *bet We of little faith in • hligenine. • ;7. ,' 4 Jintzsow he it above Par with theca Irbe lezirL " kizilet froin las h l :t p i a to i'Vie vel bre . i r .b4.2lr o lVl D N i triplk t with tbosafachlbrd with hie debits around litirephlt, In:Lints.] Icate,'srodelsewherer The ifteqstrntdoses of 111eratey'WhiChtebaS:.tataakfot from his nn- • Fisadmirmatifat certain class; the . Whialthas bon attached to emdltion,and the Truldenthel tends:my r; ~ . ;;- ~:.' • • • b 4 1 1 ,• - • 4 ;••• . =MM to - put hisain the pave:bum place In all Ns Speeches:line inclined .isiany se pale face: to sigh .for the, sable plumage that works such marvelous and unexexpoeted benefits. At the slam time that those reasons make a White 'Malawi& to be • black one, they have !replanted in the latter a germ of domineer ing self-ennarit, that is fast leading to acts of insubordination, . and savage barbarity en tirely at varisibe.with the picture which abo litionism has hitherto. held op to the-public slew. Several times, within & short period; hare Western relate regiments and batteries or artiller7 been called to aid in suppressing mutinies and barbarities 'among the colored troop,. And still the farce of negro worship goes on ; still the President makes Ms pretty 'rumba' about "Liberty,' and' still Congress 'strikes the word "white" out of the bills erAating, uew States for the Union. Mora 'Oise thii: It Is hinted in _tho last rhetorical effort of Lthe great joker, that retaliation may epoedily be visited by him upon whits men, prisoners of the South, for the trarusection at Port Pillow." "Trantation at Fort Pillow !" After ridiculing the ego soldiers, and lying shunt them, to speak of that most brutal manure at Fart Pillow as nirantsetient" betrays a beartletlisness and a hatred of an oppressed race which should make devils blush. . . Joint RANDOLPH of Roanoke, a Virginia alaveholder, but an opponent of the insti tution and a kind-hearted man, speaking with well merited contempt in reply to a Northern Member of Ccingress who had been donghtace enough to justify slavery,' •said, that he "envied not the head nor the heart cf that Northorn man who could de fend slavery on prisoip 0. - $o the meanest negro in the meanest negro regiment, adapting the.words of Joust RAamomu, and feeling-a contempt deeper than his, might well say that he envied not the head nor heart of that Northern men, whose home win in part Protected by negro soldienn who could mock at the Mfficrinp of . some of .those soldiers while under the charge of an unfeeling officer, and taunt them with the horrid barbarities, the ghoul like muti lations, the burigeg alive, which betel their - unfortunate comrades ”around liemplds, in Louisiana, and eltewhare." The Congressional Nomination. Rel.eL FALLIT. Armstrong Oo , April 12, 18G4 Janus Corszs, - Erg., 1 hfr—rThe time bas come when candidata for the coming campaign, have their amen before the public. We, a few et the citizens of Armstro ng county, beg Wes to ha. your name . announced as a candidate for nembuttion one the mart Cowen: One county Claims the next member of Chgrea, and we clam you as an Armstrong county man, and the mulct of our county at the last Congressimal elec tion. Touratruly. Hamlet Totten, Robert Clart, William Kirkpatrick, Henry Yomt, Gleo. A. Gourley, J. W. Morrow, . A. IL Marshall, John 0. Milky, P. Pevell Levi Schrecongoet, John Whitacre; John 0. Kline, =dalliers. Amsoacrr Crry, April IS, 1'5,84. MettrA Toad', iiripabiek, Galaley, Marshall mad adieu. Gzsrturta, I have received your kind note of the 12th, stoking mato allow you to announce my name "alto candidate for nom ination for the next Congress." Other citi zens of Jour emits have expressed a similar desire. Truly I have reason to be grateful to my - friends of Armstrong county, not only for the Tone at their primary eleetlon in 13.82, which made me their choioo ad a candidate for Congress for the 23d dietrlot, (although I - was then, as now, a resident of this pity,) bulbr this still' farther expresilon of their confidante and good will. Bai,gewl :men, had I been as anectisfal in the conference as I wan at year primary oleo . Mon, I Should now have been in Congress, so Kr. WILLTAIS is; and I should: have fete it 'extremely harsh and and unkind treatment on the part of the men who pun me there, to have thrust me eut at the clue of my Gut term, to make room foe anybody else. You know that it is a time-honored usage to give members of Congress at least two terms, pro : , Tided their party friends are able to do It— which We of this district certainly are—and provided the member is worthy of condoned. confidence, which I think Mr. Williams is. Now as Ido not wish to treat Mr. Williams u I should not wish him to treat mo,.i feel constrained to decline being a canditlato at 'this time. Let no wait two years longer ki lout. Too frequent changes In the represeriation of the people in the National Legislature are bad every way; sad the district which, from eantional Joelnusiee, or to gratify the personal ambition, of anybody, sets upon that prin ciple, does itself great wrong • for it is Impos sible for any man, ho.eter gifted, to esquire much weight of ebarstter,_ or to tsars any considerable Infinenna, in Congress, In the 'path of a tingle term. Oar present tains rentativa is, as you wall know, a moo of bril 1-ant and highly cultivated talents and tos, impeachable integrity; but if we glee him only a single term, we, by so doing, not only treat him very discourteously, bat we deprive our dietrict of the honor and benefit which Id might reasonably hope for from the exer nita of his talents and his unseat devotion to .the great principles of ?readout and the Union. Ton remember that, during the ex- Astute of the old Mettler, we sant Mr. Covode to Oongrus for fear snecoulve term, • and, by so doing, savable:ix national repot:Mon and snide him a very useful mac. Suppose we had give - all= but a single term, what kind of a record would he or could he have made ? ' Your admirable system of TOttag at pri mary elections directly for you choice .4 can didates gleis you perfect control over each questions as this. If you wish to make a change in your Cougressional representation, you can do so, so fuss yam county is con. aimed, by simply isdicatingyom will by yore ballots at the primary election; bat if you think, as I do, that *change would not be ad vantageous,. either to 'yourselves or to the conntry, you can any so in the same Way. I like that ',stem - of nominating directly by the people, for it alum the Weald with the "wires" with width (impolitical affairs are of tan managed In their incipiency; and I like it, moreover, because, when a man receives a nomination directly from the people, he need not be ashamed to ark the people to vote for • him Witt in October. • Gentlemen,we live at a time when daty re. villa as to timing* our own personal simile. nom, and partiality for friends, to the well tringend Waiter the eouctry. lam free to admit that It would be a very plestant thing to, be elected to Comte's; bat I am not so sure that it would be advantageous to the country totem our Present representation oat . „ at the close of his first-term, In order to pat me, or any other new man, lo his place. , lied I been nominated sad elected in 1862, I feel satified that it .would• have been you true policy to hare elected me again in 1864, and I certainly weal& have expected you to have done so. but as' it pleased the people of the district °there'll., then I am en,. that 11. is now • their tate/est; and, permit me to ' say, their duty, to adhere, for at least another termite the gentleman they then preferted. often call to mmd the Mug and. salaam struggle we bad in Annetrong county to bring it to what we bellowed to be correot'politinii principles—a struggle which war at length crowned with raccess.t. Id, meal feeling, der. lug these tbirty.'seven years, was anent hope; but rconfess that sometimes I was half in clined to give up. At length, however, little by little, we began to gale open _ the adverse party, and finally turned the mule; sad now 'good old Armstrong hoe t • glorious mood for, although hundreds of her sons are st this moment standing In the fiont in their coon. try'l defame, and.many All bloody bat honor ed gravel—two of whom bore my name—yet enough remain to stand up triumphantly for the Union at the ballot box. • I am proud -of Armstrong eaunty for an other thing: I mean the way the hat tilled up the quotas of her sub districts with vol unteer'. florsobler test et loyalty and devo tion to the cause of a bleeding and imperilled country could have been given; and my heart bas often throbbed with strong emotion when I saw my gallant yoangfriendsand neighbors so cheerily doff' the habiliments of peace and of home, and don those o r t the clamp and of war. Yon knoll I main a posillon to observe and take part • .this• week. I tell you, gentlemen, that, torietimesiyhea the storm aloud/ width bang round mir national hori zon appalled me, , l-have gathered bath hope and tamp from: the eight of young men from all puts of our distriet going IQ Wll - the field of @Writ, and of their elders pouring oat their, mime, by thousands In the form of local bundles. I felt;that a people at once in brave and go generomt could never be broken - dean,' sad th at a country with such aitisenstliald never be destroyed.; I r , • I forbear to eater upon they MM11 1 1 01 4.0/ national politica; and chill 6nly say, that the lets agitation webs's. ancosq4ourgelvos about men, and the fewer change, we make among who '-are 00111/119ling.the government, in this pectllousforhis, the better, If men in tiPPMIII6 - 1)91 1 100 1 2 1 ,301,thlit 0,11 or 'Mill. allr' unfaithful or incioiepetent,, they nagbt •to be 'Cheesed :far better; but on no other ,Corittiiiiration.- aught we to make any abangeottow......l.at tte standby our prinelnlea and ounerifferingeounlly,and pay no regard to the ispirationant innbithices men. •Sisumiffjeniffilffhtigilik, Jam plaStbend; - - 77 t ~__. ~ -_-,_ ~r.5t4 ,r1.66~n-s%-4nS..cv.a-+..~.' S' ' 9 :~v~. RELEGIots .vorivas OlEi•- , _ . W. COLEStiL Pas the Tm at . w i plaNakkl p t i aloaszi Corti& • 40.1110hatotV (Sabbath) at T 34 tlon forlviollt or Maim , . Witlat. DISCIPLES OF CIOLLS'T, (Aux. ---, • 01111:NT Ctri,) LDER JblittPil Po. tor, met to DICELSI E OII-11ALL, tan.. Lad Lc:stook ot . a. Prearhlag mu/ LORD'S DAY Lit NUPEVIN T figi. - -.Prama to x"Wlyt: ooldttlt WrHE FIRST CONORR4TION OF DISCIPLES, of Plttsburgtk, meet anted• ly, in tho ICON (NTT COLLOOE BUILDINGS. corner of Pann .and St.. Moir street. Prose LOUD'S DAY—Nornlng and Ereolng—st the meal hoar. Sunday School at 2I o'clock p. tn. Pray. Meeting every WEDNESDAY EVENING. The public are reop..-tfolly invitolL apthft P' LW wrorICES. U.Ct. ...11TTEE OF THE PRESS— enjitITART TAIR.—The member , . of Cm &Wee Committee are rem:eared to meet at the Edi torial Booms of the Gearria. on &ST illtD&I .a 1 TERNoO a, Mat., at 2 &Mock to iteu reports from toe Snn.Committeee, appointed at last meeting. ap2l:td 8 FIDDLE, Chairman.., PITTSBURGH SANITARY FAI R —The rommlttee on oarrimes and Wagonk appojntea lly the Executive Committee of the Crest B.pftyy Mgr, will meat at the Office of Phelps, Parke a. Co , be. Gilt. Clair street, on SATIIILDAY. 2O' dln t at 3 o'clock p. m. .21,14 JSO E. Pe tER ChalrmArk. C&NTRE AVENUE AND MI 771131SVILLE PASSeNOR it RAILWAY All perant. Interestal to the running of the Gantry Avenue and. allnenryllia' Pawntar Railway, will meet at no kllnerarillo reboot Rouse, en SATUR DAY RYES'S°, April 221, at 7 o'clock. Import ant matters to be rontlfm.ed. so= 01 By order of Commlttm z7Z--'NOTICE TO TAXPAYER/a-Ali yellow 'Who have neglected to me their Ott)), Poor, tloalnewa. Water. 'lobed or Hallilog tax for 18E13, In tha Pint Ward, Plttaburgh. an tortillad that on May lat,analts wail he Instituted la all caw.. Thom who would Siva cogs will pay bd.,. that day. . ALLYN CORDZE4 Collector. ME!EMffiIIMMFI U•TO 7HE ENFOLLED MEN OF THE BECOND WARD, Pittsburgh —Sat. seriptious to the Exemption Fund wUI bo received mall May let. In nee them iv no draft, Additional subecciptlons will be reltru'ed. D. HISZICIL, Cl Smith Meld street; Z. 0. SUITE{. 114 Wafer street; ALT. .I,PARBONB, spir.3t—M-17.50 Committee. fr -ANIERIOA N PROTESTANT AS eOOIATION.—The members of Trot t lay Lodge, No. 38 A. P. A., will take no lee that the meeting nights of tLat LOdge will be held IVEUNLS. DAY EVENINGS hereafter to place of Friday even. leg. Panetta' a•tendanee ii required of all Menthe'. on NVEUNEJDAY EVAN MG, the Wth Inst.,sa rpm of Importance will be . brought brunt the bo.ge. By orderof the W. N. ' , • lobed . W.AITENTIoNI TANNERS AND LEtaTn RR DRALERs.—.Ton ba requested to meet on TIIE•DAc EVILISTBO, hut, the 29. h !Want, at the Ping WARD Itto3,BL MOVelt, at 73i o'clark. A fall atundanne of *ha Tasman In the too eltl. Is earnestly requered. The erJeet of the meeting le to tan same union In regard to the Ea. tary Fate, to he told next manes, In Allegheny. Be order httoesup BARD, apZithtv Chairman of Commltt,e. fr - Zr - SANITARY FAIR —The Steam boat Centmlitve of the Tittaborat tlaeltee Fair mill giro to the boat rernreing the lamed sot ectipti in so the Steamboat Toed. • splendid set of comes made by loyal indite or PiOabural• This is int•nded for bLata navigatiug the Otto and Meg.- • ppl rte.* sad tributaries below Plltaba•gh. It., 0 . •3 give • full sat of redo , . to any boat nariga. tirg the Idonergothela or Allegheny rtor 3 f hat stall return the Lepel mobacrliptios to said d. B a ORAT, Chaim. N B Brnztrni.ten. ;---= UNION COW: IT CON VgNTION —Th. loyal own of Alegnaoy moray, cam. prting the Balms party tlaaid county, are rammed awsemble st the meal plates for bolding eloctwo• lb their wen!., boroughs, trartlikilp•, ..d ale Alm, precincts, respectlrely, on BATUIWAT, Amil 123 d, Inet, and elect two thgerdesta ngreernt each dM. tra t efartaalrl in •Coorrltion to Its b.ld at tbs Boort Boum, to Itttuborgh, on TAIMPAY, Aprll 20th Inn., at It o'clock far the onto.. of electing Iwo rlettatorial and are geptawentadre Delawetre to the 1 Woo Mats Caoreatle. Deleg•tre to th• do-a 1 awnmatkar to Ib+ bolt at Baltimore, and owninattog Orngretakrnel carrlldatte tar the odd and 2nl (swim.. The meetings In the wardi end boroush• obeli be bold b-twain the boon of 4 sae 7 o't at, p. m , and to the townships between the bon . ofd and p. m. By order of the Union ExeentleeCatemittee A. 111. BROWS, Cleahnnan. Joan U. ETSIIAIT, 1.e.c0e47. anllb-td 4THP PITTSBI FAIII-111. Voila hate aabter.bed to the tromb Pa.ittar7 Val, All will have tapir calms add, Little Ghia; Bent, • Sitter Claud No. t, Alpha, klittarra, 04artaar, Leonia.% • AnaPa).J R. Cilltrawa, Wastratizalaud, ca Vuln, Rata Robltiaan, Starlight, Go Ay Now Tort. 'apt Anderactia vow tiaat r not pot lawactiad. ary^l' R&H SANJTABY log mood Steamboat. .teamboat Fund of Plt-a. caber boat. .ohocrlbtog . to the Matt Arcola. camella, Peray., Arnarim, Jutb,, Nevada, Armoota, Ant. mad No. I, Mercury, n., ton, t. of Loot•, M. I. Mops cm, Smart., Cert.. sa. Prnset - min, Your Warn a t Caraao ILAILIEnt Pittabitsgb, Pa,. Aptll Mb, 1854. J L'ETDIVIDENIX—Tho iluard of larect '-r=f. on ham thle day declared . 41.4ridand of TWO .1137 D t.NE.II AL. MO Pitt MINT au tbr Chtplial Mack of the Company, oat d tbe no earn. lags, tor the quarter coolog March Mat, ultimo, male (free of Commonest flu.) OM mid attar the 111.. ti day of May. prom, at no Gmetral OClele of tim Company, Fo Pitlaourgh, to the Elluckholbwa wham Mock to rawbowed them .d at (ha Agwory of the Comp.), tMewn. Wimlow, Lane. • C 0..) kb. 02 w all meet. Cher Work, to the BtockhOldmi whom stock le miasma then. The Tramfer books of tat Company will awe at 3 &deck p m., to the 2d of May, prom, aud will re main clowd till 10 o'clock`. to. as the 17th of May therrmter. By order of lb Beard of Dlrectori. spladoxyls W. fL SAIMS'Socni i A SPECIAL :MERTINO of the atockholdors et Ob. Clanissd a Pittsburgh Itsaread Oio pony will to hold st Abe tof 1 11 ,clot:load, ost thotTil DAT oa OF & NAT, mad 11144, 4 0 o'clock & 123., to rots upon the locust of lb. Capital Stock of said Oorupuly, for Nu por no. of stiontng lb. bonds of aid Oonspany to be mutated into stock: The Trio:vier Hooks TM to tided cants NM day of April and opts on tin Ott tbos of Ms,. By order of thoßcard Dineiol%, • _ J. N. NcCULl4ll7lill, fnoddont. Cbtr.litud. Kara U. inb3kunyk Orries or Boast awe Memo Co., 55 Tifto strait, Pitubargb, April 4, IDOL f o.nig DIRECTORS of the "North Cud MialnipCom of Nithigaa." bare sosolmwsolot 0515 play, DOLMA ?AA MAZY oo the POW Ate* o. the exam nuq siao4 at ths awe of beldam as fIATITADAT, lb. 10th Instant, motels to lb. Tram= co TVLSDAT • lb* 10th of May nest, with barred whir that debt. speAtoyll Tilos, IL MOWN, hammer, llaxi or summates Pittsburgh, April, 141 h, EA GENERAL MEETING OF T B Stocklioldars of this II ink .111 be hold al tin Paul hug Bourn an ra V ELSDAY, Mks Ilk it els eon ID:, CR tsks Woo courblirrigloaLths vs teusloti of the charter, swayed Jaguar Gib, ISM sphligrel H u. atVIGRAT Cobbler - SPECIAL NOTICE.—The ciwarre at 011 at the Albzbouy landbui our ractUsted to remora thir 011 at Duce, otherwise t artA bat* to be removed at their aotmaa, a* ttu co la oo t Moat them to do the current blufnuta;. - Attantlott to tido matter viii an Moats and emanut, mbll 'AIMS AIL tli, Wharf Mutat. ArEir rERTISEJfIE4 TO. 'Ol4 BARliEtaligS23AP.!;ftrzalo DEVOLVES'S—A largo Istsorin4lnt on haad iod tar .••• .p 2.3 /AVIS DOWN. tra troOl ALE' COCKS, Eastern manuftleture I ask by 4,43 JAI 1116 . 17711, WI Weal itivit. j°CHESTER AN D BUFFALO DOOP III TOOLS for 146 SI 1 AF43 JANES zowposs Wond Amt. Flfilittiti TACKLE—A largo Assort vrnit 6r oaf. by 0p23 J Olga BOWN. 136 Wood o.eSt. DECORATIVE WALL PAITtS.' - Panels, Pillars, Trear-ws. &um", Pion, T.Ww. I,la &Toms, Pollen to.. for .144 tty ap23 W. P. 1101811 ALL. 47 Ward stmt. • peNEL PAPERS, for Eon% I soom. VieWyche, he., In heveco as Clones, 0 lie. 107 hasket .spYtt JOS IL 1.9 W ALL PAPER. for Parlors, Hallo, Dinh:Ea/40M and Ohs% ben, itlll atilt the kmait pram, at N. Ul7, Market stmt. aytl. 'Jnit A. Alla mi.LET.—Two largo' and harlds6muly fdrobbed BOOM. alotuiat board, paid, bid by anlylngll6 TULUD br wife Ora& sad dmitheild Weida • sottlw F • OUS/JIB—A twelttrey Brit* Direll- tea cot Lot oft Clba•bass draft. Lot 20 by 00 f lusting tett to an stir,. Prim 13,000. Magnin at I. N. NoOLOWBIL . • 213 t Attorat Gnat atotet. NOTICE.—AIay cow who has;tit ties. kit PornUm, at my looses, and! pub& 'fit lowing It, Fe boggled to tat it 'MST, of It rill dispottd of according toles._ OwAria, , - -JOHN DILL PXECUTOR'EVSALE - OF. STOOL_— . Po TITICSDAT 49 211 ' kla TM , o'clo,k, will la .44. fit th•Cloinultaislfahexm=s• So. 41 fifth raut. Ery orderot XII. - Mal t 11 ./.1 IMlCator i:rt &told &Ha .dorossolel Ilobarlo 1.:7. W. 440.2. IL,Co. Stocky • myth stasatair aiNa.enoths. %OW—Drowned; oft the iiicaina; 'Mange; CM t6aitret air ot-erPt a Ibbrb &abo below Drolestralle,, JOHN UMW Jiti, Tang sub Oboe 1/1 mre, dieeseb46 stinbay • aleebeb• • Marl sill be yabSibt tee reach. INT ay *Nobody, by • JO= MIMI. lbw T. Labia, **April net Ti ' ' Mot WA Oldan 0 4 ; 45 .1 °1:411:P 1eiZ it ' d *lb f°," by , ?! 12.11241 . 11 I lnn .'_. :11 1:032 A. monylr.swilligrams7trests.! „z_.2,.... 2.„..1.4.,, , ,,„4 ,,,,, i4.4,.. ,,, , ,, v5 , a ,,,.... t5. ,-1 4 , ,. .7;:i . ,47,-Zl,tif--•416• , -; - -a=3:;Ekrit44;SZ'...,;,L•o4l:. - ti , 3.......,-;;;1,'1-1:44) _,./. , ,- - . ' , 1 i , i: ' • : 111:1 ‘ ,4:1 - ~, , :17 - -,,,,,, , , h . ;Pt ', --,!:•- -,.., XEir 4111F1ER778 : I , EAST.SIIiIi'S STEAM GAUGES /or •ala by i gya3:lva , DAVIS & PHILLIPS. no Wotor VVAICTED-LAn oxperienced. Darras . , fa oric-h.rm W•gon. Hood warn will Da given to ..good. .otar, smiting van Apply Immo , L. H. volon • OD., apt] 457 Litocrty and. THE PEE a LESS STEINWAY PIANOS Cart tady Oa had at DIPS, . Bala Amu tar the Eltalattall, Waal. 8011, Dane aura. JAMES LAFFERTY, ATTOR NV.Y.ATL A W All L gal Badness promptly attoodod to A 0111 co, No. 108 70111M11 ESILZICT, soar Gnat, Pictimugh. spliamtnt ExEcoToß'd NOTlCE . —Whgreas, Letters of Administration non titseetaks of Jecob Durtase, late of Hann township, deced, here been granted to the undersigned, ell persons , Indebted to said estate are notified to make Imam. diata tumult, and three beef g claims or demands 001 present them, pro - Jenks authenticated ter set tlement. M. EL BEE ILLY, Executor.. ottered Q.CIItrOL AT EVERGREEN.—The Bauer Term of this Instltutlon a W commence on MONDAY, May 2, 1824. A Halted number of young Lease will to nrosived as Warden In the family of the Principal. Information to detail W. used on the premises, at Erergmeo Hamlet, or on written appllastion to S. IMIME, Prlnelpal. _._. lm mad Wm. 11.1313 hut, Le, glitstrugh. Nspl4k !.• CATtENBERG'S N. Y. PIANOS lo deb toned, drat ohm PIANOS, of Oaten bare. Near York make, can only be had at tki roam! of the ondereldned. Among the many who In thte 'trinity use them In their funnier Ire append• for name: EL F. ratan, EN. J. McClelland, EN., M 1 8. A. Neely, Jahn Gallagher, FN., • P. DadE Esq., Ommerclal Mrs. McCall, Tensparancertlle ; Mrs. Nlzon, Allegheny Bar. T. 0. McKeever, West altddle . town.' White:me Douglas, req., and many others. IL ELIDES A BKO, . WBldes Ball, Fourth Meek Sole Agorae far ellenbant. MOURNING DRESS GOODS! DICIOLLISIECI SHAWL! EIOIIILBISO COLLARS L. • SIOOFINEIG VEILS I _ A toll uniortnciont of HOURNING DRESS 6100D81 For Spring and Summer, for ail. b WHITE, ORE & CO., IS FIFTH 81 . 11EWS DYSPRPeIA AND FITSI A KOBE GUILE TOR nese &Wrestle; cum:Jain , In now mods known to • Treatlw •et F. ..Igo .a-t stirs Darts! Prsparne Ilona, palatal...l by Dr. I. PIMPS 86• Ilt• pwitcylptton was ttuntsb d him to such a pt.:midst dal o sat se. teat he cannot can cbuttionsly reran to male It too. O. a. It hat cured everybody•who bn •••ed It, never tutving• fsetwila a stoat. caw, It tit equslty Mrs la Coed, o• Fits As of Dyspepets..l Out angredronts may b. wand In any ar.g stem dad hue to ail on Ins ntottpt • f Os. cents bt ysettay tat. to., Address Dr. 0. PUELPA DROWN, ha. IA Toed Wrest, Jrney City It. J. strad:Stsod REED ORGANS I 11.&DE BY CIAIIIILET, N.Y TI. bast knovu substitute. be regular Imp CbuseAi Organs sue OltlllL&Hrti N. T. Organ Harmoniuxis. The rollowing Churches heve them to nee, sad pre far them to thew of our other maks : H. P. Chanty Plleh ettert, P. N. Illuederi., Leader: Central Pre.. b3tertan Church, Der Dr. lsootroa'; Plith Preaby. ad= Muni), Bar. Dr. Wagon ; Soettofield L. Mara; 6. apencer, trade. ; Many street H. IL, Church, W. J. Deader, Leader; First Lethenka Church, Perenthatreo., O. 11. Aluandu, Lead e r; Cut Common H. Church. Carharv . • Organ n/N1320211131:112 are 11.111113ted VW*. dot to all *them D. B LLEIZU 1 BA I. kale *gents tbr Garitarea Ela.maalcuisa, aDMIt Waklne Harl , roartb otriat. pi LNOS PI A NOSI PIANOS! CABINET ORGANS Cabinet Organs 1 CABINET CABINS! DEW LOT AT OLD MIR:V., CHAS. C. HELLOH; MAGAZIN ES, FOR MAY FRANK CASE'S BOOK AND NEWS • DEPOT Chronicle Building, BIM; VirsoL. ReBer:ll MAI:MUM MANPZIVSMAGAZIN*, MAILPLIVA MAGAZINE, CIODIMIS LADY'S DOOK. GODY.I LADY% 11001 G, 043DIT'S TAU'S 13001, ATLLSTIO NONTHLT, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, ATL.&NTIO MONTHLY, von. MAY I FOR MAY For atp *Uvula,* at liimpapisr, or any Diu oa ataidard Moral, and atl aladaat Stattfttary, call or soul to PRANK WISE'S BOOM A.ND NSW DiPoi, a{/alt No. TO Pith Bh., Cbrookte iluthling. VEREAS, Letters Teetamentari on the mtato of Nancy Noniron, later of orDts • bnrsh, '<hewed, bate bean grantsd to the and. r• signed, all poems indebtog are required to mate payment to Thos. D. Oflimplo, .11thel's Sow •• Dinh and all elainm against said sitatiertll presented to him. 1131117111, ItIOIIAIIII3, Dattalo Ty, Duller etesy TllO3. D. 01 Li:as rn; Pitts g burgh one/tots • COLUMBUS COLEMAN, ialuos 41PIGNITE, illnheoy City, Maanfactrum tiar We Say Jr, Or/Ltd Ilakdic Of tha troscrory, Union, Wk.., sad Praia. stn paten/; alto, V 101111 AND 81008211 ?BUOY& W 112261322.110215, rtontso BOX 111 and Wag cd tactical al drearipliona. WA, 222111. TEIgtEl, far Way and Grabs atkrci. a • • auvrodave • A DMINI&PBATRJX %OIL% tens of Admlnssirstlen o the ovate of tree.. tick A. USIIIA, bite of FAUN:rib, doomed, bevies. been Woad to the erculsselvaett, all prone todsbted to raid WM& are repented to mat* velment, and. thou haring claims 'staled the estate of WO dec.' dent slll present than, properly - entbentleate4 for. settlement. CAROLIMIS *ANAL IsraltaebbsT Aetoledstratfie. SUNDRIES AT AUCTION.—On tiAT BDAT COIININO, Apt 13d, at 10 o'6looo, atalbe sold, at tho Oomoteroml Room, No. 61 Irtrtb Knot ad% dosoa Slattlag t . dO .Ifratlea Irklajl do Writlnd /told; • ft; ir;t?L.:Yrtwl P llrtreb; pp 2fr DAVID oILWALM Atatem 11110TIOE 18 HORBEIy GIVEN to tho plibb that 11. rlO/19 X 'ha Joined the Attu of J. X. ivnaieN a DUO., anti that tho tar dm. OEFINAN, HOENE & CO., • Efae pod a Ant clan Xi:2l4Bton In, . WV:, • • ,Ba. 63 311211 8151117.. gildlpßLa EUSSETT APPLES. uyv4. 4, 3ii: eot.. Las li rtrb late t ta; 10 *Ms B c p ; "r• ~.rp. Lb bath. Turnip; lo OW. Ooloon - Ow& Delos; NOSilli iir#oll mob for solo by , • , . L. 11. VOW!! OD. .17AVA.LRY i gi git i T o ta WANTIIO.4or loorm4bOsOqr. , . or . 12 TboassoolCavolry Potato Ond/lro Wa win 001IIIIIILCO on iboafrit but • ADV.( t ELI 178318, t • ' 4iirizzalswrlExra. LATH PittiLICATIONS, received w sir MI WB. FAMILY PRIDE! • • Tax oasay NSW 1300 E. Ey thou:Ohara CIatbALISO; piper, 81.111. ma, Led Ilaturth or, i.teal Geography as asodltbal by Mu Ph cus action. By theme P. /Bush cloth:..-. ...._....._._- ...•- 60 John L. cad Ma — lll - rael - salppl Babble. By Adolplmiblars. Trauelateet by Y. 8. /Mks. Qoth. m u , g .,ll,ll - 4 Beat; or, BeArre the Siena. Navel of American Life and Hannan. no.. lld Plane: .Bing* NoreL Cloth-- ...---. 1 76 ifstratone• Hogarkeepar A Cm4nd. or Pique. Cloth-- . _ 175 non 43.1. 7 ..01,71;;,47 - 1711 - 07;n 1 10 rataniar Quwatlena. Nampa nod Phisa• to common use; ctiefly iron Uglish authors. Vela= 1 GO Nan - . By apes fwgent. A tele of the Great Trattattloa- ..... 1 60 Let of Oteemsatl,D, with dlteictione for ben. Speke's Africa; a Jowled of the discovery of the &date' algae. By Cia,#.l3polte. Clod, 3 10 Madinat Erligiotto Blowy and Ot•ntlid[lll. 11.1 M. Kraut Beale, anther of Life of Jemt. CL 60 Nepeathl : 541 , a. By the author of One. n IEO Apaaal of tkinslla Dlecovery. f0r1064 GUM. 1 50 ry th ti e Dectritte of a future Llte. By Toutb'elltatory Of the liebellicue. Mahal, 1 ie. Ilbstratteoe el Universal By Her bert Spertoerterlth inottnreocer's Bev Bytteto 0f.2131140phy. 1 50 La Gerlota; • SpeabhlroveL By Barna. Oa- haw usrojta ; • Prsotkaal Brprnience Showing how a very 80.11 farm may to. made to keep sonny large Emily. Gotta-- 1 25 rat of Man. .11 am aMs, " and nothing that relates to sum Is bodifiohnt tome. Mo. 1 25 My Can Id& In' Vtokaborg. with Letters of Teel and Travel. Bye Southern Lady. Clo. 100 Iflote to Bider . By H. W B . Cleveland. " 125 Church Tanya .By McWhorter. Cloth- 1 co. Grape Culture. A - Treatise .. the Cultivation of Na Natl. Tine. By Sod. 0. taller, ma th:al Hcaticult•tist. C10th.....,......___.__1 k$ Work nod Play l , or, 'Winery Tauieto.. 13 UMW Bagmen. Cloth.. _.... 1 60 Tlckaar's fliatoryiof Speolatt Liberation. 2 vit. I 00 Pampa= ThaL Br Jan Pardointharof sus," uTitary'r eta: cloth - 1 60 The Tell Partly ;Lifted and Jams Bumming Ttsibla. By Wa H. Pawner ;_ .clotb- —. 165 Counsel and Ocanlbst. By the °churn, Parma, author of ''ltocrestlone of • Country PAM.'I CO IndattrieJ Bavhy. By Samoa Smiks. co. t'BeU-Halps:' ' , Geo. nephew... sts 4 View of Slarney—lberiginsl, Zeclesiaetksi Historical IVB Hopkins, of Vt. ; oTh 160 Vigor. A Hart alter Berndt Clerk author at "Old Merchents of Bow York.; cL 160 Bad Tape and Pidgeon Hale Gmasnala, Br Callum Soldier, {Army of the Potomac ; Sloth. • 1 26 O Cbplee oa recei of anypt: al ..bon book. =fled fine of of pries HISRY n 4,a4 n Lire .rtes. .1 door ha r. o 103 NI WHEELER & WILSQN'S LOCK STITOH ~~wa [t!i'~iH~~i~~1~ GO TO Tli dOENOYno, and you will you was with us, that It b almost pSwllet Instrument.—Siadag P. EVIIIIT /LIMY Is toads happlsr by the tamsducitoo of this trustworthy =shin& --tbrisrlsis lerraireerer T EIZEL ere good, better, mud best, mad Übe beet mK6t➢!, In Gel entirely safe In esy tag, lo " Wheat', t Tlll7 BAIT NO RIVAL. ff=:=3 H.T. Weird thelw.s Proothans wbemer. wrialtad—Piamistpkis Pros. EMU itiIUORD, sot list mget oat of anion, very buottindonnpimpla In eon strnetlna.—FAlnor N. T. Snannolist • - BE/0 E PUISCHLIMIO, examba• tW “Wbeakz ; 4 Wlbox."—Adir Oseas.. E XCIL9 all Ma qulldee that coustitaa • gaxl znieblac—hAfgpodest SIIIPASII3 ALL OTIIZILS. TIILS Is oup.tthanably tit* WO Bombs itaablne, mad la tha one *blab Imo can am csdUldklV nrarcuue.L —Need Avgb. 77sese .1/Jae/Urges are War rankled for Three rears Prices from 100 upwards. PITTIBTFITSOU Olnos: N 0.27 FIFTH STREET wit' summit a co.. ALL THE NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS AT lIIIINTPS, All the Ws Pagan AT Bumps ALL SIM ItAGIAZTIADA with cat or coma alga AT BUN l',ll. Albums Use. from Al e aHUmt. N & T'Sgm e 4 upwards, Pbotoproh Altwoiar, all. ston, mills, dupe sad qwthiks, with ell alp sad 6 / 6 266. froin 60 emits tvrot AT, nu writ. lobool Saab sud Moat Iltatumuy AT HUNT'!. ths Dlm, &QUAL ' AT MIND& Pei Alba= Planta, to al calms, odd what► sole sad moll •t Pones rim, by JOHN P. HUNT, General Agent, I===M TRAWBERR PLANTS. All on, plenti 'sire laid In and eartfully inched lit samba. Mach plants an much mem salualci thus those grown In kb* cedlual7 val. Ws Warp a good supply *fall the Valuable kinds. J.. NIDX;29 Pift6 attest pEACII TREVEL - W. can rel* i! fir trancind Oh. azi two plan obi Ptraelll Trois, DettO bell =WT. iluiroi.49 amet. LUITNEOUS B!IIIOARB,' TIIN BRIT SUREST!' CROWN... Is lo crisp, of&U l ises ism ski memo 41111 w/nor this otb • variety. !Unto toe sgo at No. 40 Yin moot. optl:Ott • J. ROO!. CIIBBANTS. I Vas Innlaable Stria is trosiiing mach aim at• tension than ftnratesi}.. We hoe largii pima 4 futgallg, WHIM! iIItAPX, v1uroack;11011T, BUJICII,BIID, *a. 1 J. KISOI, Ho. gg pith strut, BERRY. I iO 4 .NIN thelarpoil grog uoillsocs. Wtk, Aboi a Mor o Imp 1 i? t r ak lt4 " 44 , 0 *at Raspberry vett 14 sat it it biwelatteggViLtrA. QZ„2O:F#W d=nt: EMS= JirE rERTISIZAig. TBbTIBfOIyIALz I=l Grover & Baker SEWING MACHINES take phatura la rvconmeadlca it a. ortry ray rallabla." /Ur. Dr. L 11417 1 .11, E4lt. r Sam York independent "1 b.,. mai Gruver s Balt.r for me years Gs commits bats boss vats out without ths giving of stitch." it... QlO. WIIIPPLN, N. Y. '144 ars tutor Qr... a Bator's Bowing blaabbso, and witb plasm,. lastly to its taaattiol and abode w. tae, and Its almpliolty.. OCOSON P. 110B=3. idlior Bow lendnaL ..kfter trying several good machines. I oretbr the Grover &Baker, and feel competent to reearamand, It Cro every variety of family swine.. P. SPOONER, editor Brooklyn Star. .We 'memo( non mon &keening of patella • • Aden* cud ostronsgs thou the Warn Os Hoke, —Elniewel Ant. “Ver family purposes the Groom I Baker E4l/1.1111 M •ett. Is leaultely superfast, may offers la sise.” 4Aphis Neva • Tho Gruver h Baer Harbin* raw with so =Me ,••• tn. parr of • crstlEsd Wm. Th.. Is •o coupltow.d MSC binary is it to pt oat of ceder.. —P/alLde/p4lo 71. e. T 1 . Grows A Baker Muth. •ranitlyeu•ttlat to al , *then le use. It II coacedel by all she Imo B 71 1 ,4•1 • costliest tort, that the Wu= Grasse • akst to - cob b hoilattoly she most danble..—Phli• aeterAts Bylines. "Allot ballot used oil the prLoclpal foming the avow, er. as.; wooed to Grovel? I Bakor the pzo truleeZoß." Doe. Dr. StELOILLED, EL V. T. Chrtittan ildeoosio sad Joemol. We bays tented the Gem" b Bata ebbe to car toast. al strana atm "Them is so Ismael or syststo of Deaths known to the ballots*, slabs, pmetical or ortmasottal, to •blob task Grown t Bakst Itsobtoo sat It. tmpma m.et• emmot be sppilad. It Dim Ms ttrntt•t plassars to Mt my lianas:my to lb. usirirslW ex calloodta of the Omar 4% Dakar Machina. It is to my opmlos by far tbs most rabablo easy. sra BLDIti WARD HUMID. •tirter di Baker'. Marhhie maw • bbaa slaette ~am, Wet doss tot rly or wear with smiths,: me owe notselassly, b plebe. simpie, easy to wort and tact liable to get oat of repair; feat/.. the ands of Ito own thrud, end oar the threat and silks direc tly _ Irass she .pool en which they are bortyht.^.—Proak Calks JUewratei Sam.. Moe, No. 18 FIFTH STRUT A. F. CHATONEY, General Agent NOTICE TO THE OWNERS OR DBAYI I H AOKLJ2.—laUee wit; to sU .Cl, ihrr: entor net • 2at hte city of Pito, bandy to op their names at lb. Trenterda Oinsa of the aity of Pittsburgh, Am.alk, th•aaxettaaar with an Act of Amiably approved March AM. MO, end so Ordinance Mitts Councils of the cll7 of Pitt. b 1 2= s A io paid l Tt C or an d b • 4 1 t_A. 100. will to played in the hands of the Me cartnapfar collection, 'abject to Ms lee of OD cents far Oa ciA. halos Miasof; and all pawns who angled ar rr to to Mks out Lianas wilt to eatdect to ► malty, to be masted take* Ma Mayor, dontils th• emout albs License. Th•eld Peal Plata of prOlan lean must twit *urned at the time Llama an Wm oat, arlOgY aeat■ tharobr. Ram pf Lima: Mach osiNbares vetaleJos...Born &Man and 11117 Na. larch twAtorma " ...Twelve dollars. M== ===l Omnibuses and Umber of hada drown by two bonne, ofibbom dollars. ?or oath ocidltlocal bona used In soy of Ms Atom Tobias. ono dollar. W. JCICHBAIWI, 1b0:4345413 Otty Morons. N' SPRING GOODS. 10 ST CLAIR STREET, int nollord from do when oft/e.. a lowo old well &acted Hock or goods, doitioed Ibf the nabs wad Sommer Undo. coughttog In part of tbo foam. fog palm: TREACE CLOTHS sad CASSINEBI4O„. • VANCE ENGLISH, GIRMAII and ANZEIGAM COATINGS siol CABWILEHICS, .of Almon orolE Gut, stylo and color, an or whklo I wilt make . op tc, arm In the lateol and mot Goblonablo mama by expatiated workeat al 5000$folumalblo term. 000 •41. LrgsAtock_otfAeoW • Ifondaklng Goode, oath so mimosa, EGA In fiat: aka foroisb. log sumo. OzdakielleltudanO promptlrereulea. W. FL Wcalit, • apltly PA 10 B). Mir [bow. Plttobli. • • 111110111IIMATISSI I ' 211MBILLGIA, SPRAINB, EaUlßta, - SWIELLIIrda and PAM, of all Wads. Seed'sMainetio 011. Bold amen immeroa, Conar hit*. pad emlthaelistreata_ Irq t . BPT4' IIB ; PRESSES:FOR BILL ..-OES.ADAEW .PATENT nims. 'Platten 33. " .4 i oNE TAYLOR. O'ILINPEP, bid Pi Kid bias& ONE TAYLOR EOUbLE OTLINDILIS, bed 17 IdEt Allyn good yetis ads: : win tesold id sban p . REMO DEPIII4CG'aP,OALED,IIiktk t'''?' l "o** 2 bi tbs. 4 q. ami.d4idix . 144 i;illo — ti. %V. -emir -talrien $ B. Da. J. BLVNINOrY ' win kw mat located at Non. 67 and 69 Fifth St., Whar• ko Is now preparing BLOOD EIEARICHER, Which 1 n/az foe silk J. X FULTON, Dittrocaa; nrra maw. Gffisorre EXTRACT PARERIA BRAVA, AND CHLORINE WATER. itte aim ai JOH* Fuvrows HOOPLANIYB 410 0EBNLEI BITTERS, £DVEETIIZD iB ALL 12111 IZl=fi lIILTOWB-DENG STOLE, r,,~:1:,,a.,:,~ S. T,lBO0 -QE. PLANTATION BITTER% ADPtllitegp 13 Ai& Siff PAMIRS, IZI=EI FULTON'S. DB. ViIIitHASTB PINE TIME TAR CORDIAL ADVIL/MUD zrisurnass, fat sib al I^OTONI DRUG STORE, Jima nu= CSONETITEITION WATER, I an man is 9zatomoui, . , Wli BABSBILD & Cll, Baum atexiata 48D• • sanr Itioist WORK. KM Poi' 2 2 ; Noll• 20. 2421 and 242: Nuttur► cumin large putt end thrashed It eilth. the =et tut lured turd! 7, in ire 91:panel to aucturectere Intaraescrt s pant el sonais, to the beet manner, awl vaunted equal to sny =llll, 16 the country. (11121112iM BRIODYN, 7111 N BEDS, 8131131 LOOO2IOITVL BOIGZIU3, OONDENBEBB, BALT PANG, TANN.% OIL STILLS,' AGITATORS, SETTLING YANA, BOIL IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS. and sole 11241:1101CMOM Of EAU. I ntPt troth . n PATENT 1/911.7271& . . Beptartog done co MTN 11111lit.TIL Q 1222 . . z. er. atm imp= FULTOWB DRUG BTOBZ Cherry Pectoral a flarsapiMlb, Sat gala al FULTON'i HAIR DtivC,l Bachetoes and t7io•isgeokw.oPs; Zs, sal. al ruL,ToN's. swo Dool.ll3ollTall POST OITIAL: - 191010IDEr ' • CURB' ANV:ILI4tED-Y,",.! r 2 BPECIdL drOTICE&- I.LYOWEI BATILIII2ON liathafron to from the Greek word "Kathro." Nureaste cod nestore. "l YLfa = S erhas liana= wenblesa. Tar preens ing motoring and beantlgying the ham= tudr It La the matt renuttable prepare/ton In the world. ::: It to win owned and pat wpb) the artglookAjggoto* tor. and le now made with the maze cam eltlll4d tantlon whir. pee It no of Pee ime go txd• its frtrogog''i en:dtaete• etortwad dandruff. ( It tieps the bead cool and clean. • It mnkna the hair rich, wait and glom). It warrants the boric bang etf and tcrolng gray. It radians bah . own bald heads. hairy or gentannan atm ulna baaniird bowl of shot:lM nea Lynn's Enthairon. it born and mad throng/looting clvaltat world. Bold by di - 1: zeipectalna deQ.eze. . Daus 8. Baßanuse co- 8. , Tort. antistnr.Ers , .....,, Thinsitabte ; Hair Itiosterative, -1 • o 2102 A 0212,_ Sonoma pia balrio Its saisand ~ .1 I color, by plying the ciplling tuba with natural f: - , aostonanes,, . gslred by as or cases. Al! notcons: .;-1 mows dos cansposad of how conada ri dastroltssi •P / 1 Shoat beauty of 00 Ws, and of thaw '=-1 seism op" . llabistreet.'sjalniitablaoolorbilr :5 notonly mosses halt tolls aittral calor-0y an sag re procon,botalsea Ina Inds a / - Latzurliust Beauty, • '7..;;1 plonddas Its Falvey prtratis Its Winged, essdiestes :,., - ii dasidsufromd Imparts. bralth and plossantsars to tba ..-i 2td. DUN gtoodtbe scat of tbs",blnog lEl,o:rig:WM ~',., Halradarlng, sod bit constantly Increasing In tam. 1 - ',;' Died by both patkunen and Indica. Is Is sold by all ES. saspactatla dealers, ocean boprocared byrtbem of lb* commercial agate, D. EL BADS= a 00,SZI M.& „41- any, Now Took. Two shot, Wants and ILi q., HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. Tualetb. oust &light td and extraHicrednat7 ant- l• de an dlicatererL It aunts tbe sosk-buntt to totdbandsto openly ottltt tutor. ttetsvlthlng tom. ty,trarittrlng the marble pasit7 at youth, sad [boat- .t tiogr aroma . ms larking 1.1 *a till Woof fah- 1 - lon. It rump tn. fttalsi, plaplftiad rtmettion frdrat tbs. din, leaving the complexlonyreab, ratatind atooth. It tautens au ituttatial 40= to th*Adn. :Pitroplud try Actrustassid Opars feu am mtdatteri ladytitemld ham. Bold everp ..• Where. Premed by , HAGAlf.'lrt7. s.:. AdAross all &den to DIXAB EL TAIIITES 00,NevTatiL NECEICIAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The partite Ia 81. Loots and Cinch:maid who ham been comoterfaiting the Ilmting Unhand mobs pretense of propristaddii• bar. ben tilanmith l 7 ..toped Eby the (onto. To guard staboithinha im citkm, I bare premed from the United fitates a private eteaLptaie matins stamp, which is placed am the top of soh bottle. Each Mary bears the Jae Made of my.Mgnatoma and without Whirl the article is a comMartlt, &apron end worthies imitation- Under, every bottle. This Liniment has been in me and groving to fiver for manyyam There hardly-exist. a hamlet on the habitable globe that diei not contehmrtidattee of its womilarfol effects. it t. the best emodateln the .odd. Wllhtrspmentlmprored ingtredients, its effect. upon man and boat am porde:4ly iMnetabiti &cm axe he ad pane ltered, Li saved, yalnable animals made =Md. d untoldie aematted, For outs, timbre, sprains, rhownstuar twi ll ing; bites, cum, z armed r cest=netj ed l MI6 idi= Os la entry busily. Bold by-allirirjdite. D. S. BARNES, Mow York.. Ad& taterid-ammi TSB ABOVE AETIOLES IDA BALI BY SUMO DI JOHNSTON, arnar 111:8Aaaollaccairof Bmlttleld and l'oarth streets. 2 - . IL PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP ILABBILOII, containing' rawly Sit pigs ind =if= Mates and Thigrastap tha anatomy at tha llmsn Organs in atsta of Hearth sal DS Ns, with s Treatise on Yarly firromlts doplorabla comecnences trim tis Kind and liody, lath th. antioni plan of treatment—lS codi rational and ancoialbl mob of =re, as shown Lj the sport of • as treated. • truthful Stchar: W 'lb. marrild, • asd thaw cintespinting marriage, duo entartaln doubts of their physical condition. • Bent Doe o patinas ho sly addreas, on reedit if 'lli cent• In Suns ar . yontal crinancy, by adiSsaing Dr, TA lko. M Valdati Lam, Mitini, N. Y. tobtbsdairf IL"./.AXE SUPERIOR . COPPER MILL a SHOLIONO'WORES,Trrarown. PA 11E,PfeCtInDY - CO., Natudactimin al SIULLTILING. IMAZIVIS SSD BOLT OOPPBB, MOM= iOOPPIVI noprone, =SID STILL sommax arrawria SOLD= Macs impute"' and tabu ft 111112ALS, TIII MILTS, BIM? MOB, WILE. Si*. CO ntently as bs34,III I 2XLIP TEACRILSZEI AID TOOLS. Wszsbows. 80.140 rrEar 3 isto nom BM. l'lttibtrel. Pa. , !Odd ordai , oftkipar !aa—atsy=. 10 0 1M1 ZONITSSIONS AHD El -nanusas wi es INVALID, published tho beessidond se tames* sideautioa tong tact visa seta tram Him= Dehilbly, - Pssassture rontonnahoca, sta.m*Fing,iit vss . , nom time, &imam Voltaire. By ow ',holies aired himself sitar bin put to great exyenseiszia Wary thsougle ussibud beanbag La pecker,. BY snaking pail-pald &dangled envelops, eagle sopis tow be had &the =than ' • - ibuttAsua. MATZUB, MK wr Batted. Klan VOIM N. Y O'BOBINSON BEA - & CO., (Imo . . own to Soniscor, arxEss # laccussa WASIIINO TO lirOltES, roooxa.i lit, Plutbariti. Nanisettrai of BOAT Milk (STATIONERY anus arammu. Ea's; Inraraka, MILL MAMMY. anama, EMMEN, OAST• isca.arin amaptams; art, =lra a SIMLA, 1071121 AND earn IRON WO= Agents ftir GIDITLED'aPATZNT '18.7201011. 11110 NERVOUS SD PPM:UM OP .iscrnz artgi,Annizes4 paths= lksr• intim reamed to heath la a ilor dim After on. anolugalt it* motal math= sail Invoke expea. Via =oda ottinteurot IMb:id toecest,eatottlea U We smut dette r to ecterotomeatiaohla 1151I0AM:1ov ortatiftriblittiona fear..'-trine, Oa get noitpt C' ta l addeied onvtiorr imadny , irotoription mid. -Direct to nr. JOUR Maxim, um retton'Oreot.ll". T. islittarto.9. 1111•441scrix.--" r. %mow= Ls. BELLE STZBL -WORKS ItRITEIr & COQ ; income= to Bona, Ilartama bianatictium of CAST STSIL, BPSWO, PLOW 4017) BLIETIa SPRIINII, — AXLS3, MONTI! ABS, ft. VOA nest w.tro, - Auetteity city. r, 43 .'.outinisk fl 7 w 3 lntcgr. ra• - : Amy OXIICIMUiriEBRO, Man -- Wildman of _nog ,npmnsto, DION Yirris Azwystrter zoons,:wpow Ram .T. 111 43;721D0W PAW* &I:: Nat 91 BLOOND art 4 TE= Min; leat Worland Nadas. Ravi an Una alai:dotar, ifposa. tai Pifieris,faboy Ida, suitable Ibt all F Parttaalar attaatlaa paid to, eteloatiai Own Lata Jobbtat Sow at short radar; - - atS SAIIIIVARTIIIMOCICES, FOR es came Itooktmoiambelidaegois, ripe•lsl . 11, taxelbeadorbalbge•••,l4ol", sad busitios vbeei•bobtlia , bats flora' speak blink licb itababtriedinaly 0A: MIUMVAIIT a Co., taitisbart`ft, :•!•••• r . tfi eilkos• b• "Ida 12 1, 1 .00a* rftrywhetl 11:11AFATAIIT 420. wmilis WDIECEM3EB OF THE NERVOUS, • irautraz, =saw Aim rinks Max.-J,trkaat goituargetila soma afthesoult,,emest4i,f, tkod Vita fa - mid ham Imago. kw otslumv.4 ,4 o*o 4 JAM. 110170111921, Smug Millioallostli Ilata,hwt,P u m** pa naldy A .:;~: ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers