•'1"7" 7";*?""; i • ESTAIt,'LIS :I I IN tift j i iti t iat ip int ';;;111: 4 / 1 1M. , 16118 1111 C AWtOIMIIOA. tioutitir storet.m 7 =la. IP" I tsg " 4 " . " • •i anzate tcr:mn frr man pl>r 1 6 sa. • .:.j,,,lnoatal.-•• a • -,"'" a'; &did 15a4 0 . a: .- / 50 .. * - is i. :" 17 - ii i ' eblitelDpnatori ... 1 SS. ;4lial iini.fitirs tio the iarts me fp"' '-- ' gab Or saut, u la out ths GAmis ''.._. 5 - • '- ' dilly: r a a gob of Weal, vs ma fb• ~,,' :NoiStSIS,94. &AG nisi. rp6,, The Bending_ldatter on t • Page - ou 'Yeiteiday's Evening - - ;_ Edition. , .. Coloredffinliellelita—A. iiinrceititul Ili , . ...., : •.• , - , smiting Officer.. , . , LifiOl 02 1 thit 12 1 , 444 of WrineSdV l,l7, COL St M. beeimarr. cats* hail to-day, a .- - ibadow of hisi,iforMer, Volt -, we* . ( nearly to _ • .death II the vakt labor ortiolisting every male Jiltir•Jir,Seriltililsl44l,biffili-ligahra quQl- Inatiens. He ,has cleaned • , I,ly , &spend" out, and knocked Bishop llopkins' divine in. sffintion into limbo. He raised,* ihrtylp two - fall registrants of an Ana blar a l troo Clll be found on the•eszth. He l 110 11 TO/ tit for military', duty in Maryland. sHe over ran with his snuadravery county; they visited almost every farm. • _ • .,,1i3, Zlo,lboatl i ts ,, 41 o.427streata Lai mess .,f,4Tra ..areie n god to bids their es in - the ,_ . •; • s, Moods; :iitineekt • iii9isi,itin:likatis d confine . ~,Z., : kkkili .4.11.45i1t - cakd 'hoists , Al* ad the •,• ,••• jail isverw , ll4 -nna- Leas= draw n ne dollar '• - "feed the Trusituryjned • his 11101! b k troops ~: r :, • ,Antra :not coat the esseerptsuset Ave r aut. of ~ss , what the smite natter ef white uterus cost. • - • Bat In doing this work he laid &Wei all style, ••' air loins and-;•oerstmcny,..•Wellf into negro • *arches night's. Sundays, Whinerehe mild t ..., „ get an .p:diens*, and aiwayi eddre sod then • ---,ssilisthit.the great ileigAheiraalva on. Bowmen le 111 Western jury levy , end be plead this cote with the Dogmas f, Mary land almost individually. Ills home's of taker ware from Ba.m.to 11 p. in. He arse's:rail/ inspected every recruit, end m ite red the 'hobs in squads, and singly adm tared the oath, andalways spoke to them no le words -.. .., 16 .9ut • thO r . 4u PP I. • •• - - _ • -- '• We learn by lispitch, fro • W;ils: Ines*. f4e,atit.trebe _spree:Wes at Port , ', Mei, - W • Prom preventing „entered men •• f .:*oii,eislisting,bitire..raa 'p*iiel,y rie app. ••••,'' ' alter ettar—OoAffifording -smother o Ids:ace of - . ~.- d lishl .andtidismitelde =in& Ibloh, an - '' --• •Aer Oii,iniltsolsens otthe war, icidtbb glorious, •iresipiessi iissfliside •oi -baring chains - - !tilCken:ilf#isrcirs•atiz ecaora-1 °". TV .• . ' los Ikestmtly•sussi so abundan tly; 'rested. ..• . „ • . The ffisielidt!ice relerlo ea] e' ~„ ' • _ -, Thaysporti of thismassaere at F•t Pillow . --'• has .4bren, an.;litipettss to acaored enlistment", bob . kiwi stirt• Lei Tiltlisare. Servants ate . irseninaiing - their positions; arizion‘toivehrte **leather their brethren. •-• ,, A.• sesieting WY , ,01 . 11 1111;1001r1tOrl for s ee samerpose. • , , --.. The- Iffinen,Trade,iniliii. nd. . .- '-' Ireil.inlorrned: gontlernen irhe TO been • traveling* tilster give glowing stomas el ' -its,:lnaitatital'piogress. The linen mazurka - - . - •••••••,. - voters are making fortnnee with ton is king -, • .C_1T4,411..,-XW_PF9fikS;;if4sik'si:sit. milts are .I.*. 3 'i r i . AO4,S,kktir.P.S4SAIS.S.O7.OIS aiS owner of .- - : ,:-.: • (*11.101111,10d P. be ,fficsrini.,ffi sediii, ... : , ,:lactortes hue bean enlarged, new nee lw; - • . beim-built, and *Belfast within k w months ' . • 1 * • 'whol e streets bire"sprung Ude - ex tepee for , , s• : ' i1*,4,40#4,40101114 the iticriimilig P 3 Pulw• . lon widen the demand for la bor dr ws to this , . .. .kusy capital. . BILL it is, not in „13 est only , . . that surolt • njpid progrui is sielhl It laic be seen In N ewry , A=sagh, Ported wn; Bal. - . .. , -,. 1 .j 1 : 11 , 1Las Wahl _4ll the, seats of the en trade ugheat the prorinei. worrti' 'eulture • „ •. neglected;' . ozi the eon trkry ,_3l. is - circulated • •by kanntsafarliss Laura. Along . whole -Hsi from-Dublin - to Belfast, • the f ors ere 1 '.'"J busy putting* their drops: The . d is in - -sassellsmt condition, and the spin ork is '• fi4k.kra• . ! . ~ _ _ - : Geri. BUtlir on Swindling Endefon' ents. OE4 ,Bittler. in n gegteridiD4er !lately il .. - 2 : : : 1 44RPUI; - ' : ' 1 •'- . . t i o .." r 63 "Acomavacci is am.to nsfa.tril tad with ...2.t di* Idettellebteiniegihe Inge_ des now . . - :Mang pald:ut-„tbe liostb,wbe.And vionely bin discharged the Amiga of e 'United Status; and-1n the hors that Theyyi eld bn nnedistaky' upon joining their p orn de be 2.----''''---nigslikdischirgoed..-it is ' hereby_ red that '5 4 . 4:'-;-.7.iiolfnnullid au ' inch into; as yo as such •.- -...-', •Ithohnte net henebs the sweicr, be)who ob . r li9 l ay zest here hien *wens of eir dila ' nein .V,hiitare setariag the centre, r e port, ''''.,... lid to th ose teekuiiteri,.lnorder , f - clitif leelnej; be preferred 4ainq debt-for de '''',-. rid or the 9orentment. ' : ; ' . ~ Al +. .. liCl '. J b at 01'148, pretest 111 _0, =telt t rejele. lag In a, 'lel Imp..stint diseeeery, keit made. . .- Henry ..MAKE, the - ,inierloaa, ha ing sent _sosetisdittiOn tbs-inounSain I Webs,: „...-7 ,:spesiasheidiseevereti a.tesn htsclaroribie -....-,..- ttkotetentstiAithni,-of.• rsilreedi by which to "ennieet theAtTentrdinaTaailte..... he newt ' '-'-''' duterturtb#34o; ratted pid "Volley of the ''-gisitieiritissoreferistleit Of 'lint sin thou ' IWO& win.handred feetlticireiheCe, tsal Val - - -Aar et Ohl% tedttsreztoncovietby ountatne .. .-,., ~..Isseigttei: w eesos miler:--'Thep stied that. . - -llus..totnt expense ot, Italian Ilt .be sight million dollen," sad the . lissome wary-for -:;4?r=rualentisvcaj!wuriitYbrato.g.7n ell " than tb.9 , 4 7...,, th ..4,oUr the road from Pitigicli Chimer :-'idltoion.whleit'atesln it Wield Will or e ......!. - I'.'. —Ammer; -On some-sertiOns of-Oiim pe there sr ii niskt . Initiations of - poppet end Iris: , , . . - - . ItnitiOnis noli ;the ttdirtit . II': Oen= steleedland, Tennessee, writing to broth. -- - ' '''' **f %Chie*Witlfinirdiei no sii - who his t a ~..- -. - b een` in l the sertlei,nsdnbleree &re dais. if;;eis: avoid she edict/Iron:* nisni of ,-- "'-thertetsigetm who tow tooted 'with our, Mel ' 2 '-'' -' ese"Olshirts, not from . the 'atrial ' "'lilt fritisnotreetteri. , zlhet hatitbiGosernment , ... .'.-- btitteenthirstlens. - Trio Vit stlfistrille there - . eta oteny ot 'this elist;letto zeta= o service ,77,..tor:Ustisc detlP-7.16a.77-dii-sitio Copper , i .). ..,, i-- 11 .t",liear to!.ft,l6*,'lrtF•tntonterhttltOtr &Oen -7": tithe feet that Toerne- six des ago, out . :;.... 1 :i.,-...0f coo hundred rattans drentr: Wren gees, ~,,,:,•-•ltinntretts were - dialmly whiles, Maloof by 111.1p1M!ts the;llltief. to & great -exult sopped if,-fthems4efaithnir /4'9 7, - . .:, 4 . . •6ruisi4i.Lll.-.The .Bonlista isbel,s, no *AI as some folks Li the Ilicatti, are font of ''' • , sitslOst *dr:buds in lit" of ideatmant Gnat's approsiablagesterpar iniqt '----- Vith-therarasile-adit. though rant has e lle ,:i,•-•,`4 , r foislootp imOptllfd !abstain the rebel - .. 3: ''': l ', L ''' esti ,be bat tire tet anikolajed G... --- • : Le; ,!Sti it la trio among • Bat. do ;hose pep ' - .. plie 'itiiiiihlnli Oat, it it be true that Errant th 'Llill AngefeushtjAhit Ii 'quay !nr, at . -c...:-..iisoillegrove;.mit @air,: 1- , -,-...j t.: 'Than ii:k_toni4usinD Thom,* /4_ 1,1 24 4 k i r ' 417.4 41 7 rod% „rikrotiff ,flostedoy pf!lfyilb-'1,51h year. o;lie tko mod ,diotlfigilsbed of : Amid= lire aoudad tit hfiroLdofa hav e • `ranges Post ffflft - ei t - WI 6007' . - - kkisszsit -bar iopiasid '67' Professor U°2044; d - "tag% !TM th s SYM , , , tattoos. ouggootioos - coatlitoilsto -She IsonhasoCoozdott {oast Siobilitj -of trboli; -_,lfitfimo:ostltootott;toduotlott..-.Uttlto soot of d'.%...todidttasoo-for tbs omit' yast_of }one hop milltoolof dollar& -• - =for = - Th e deamor Men for 4 , , OortWorn i at a bowl Avis ' s6a tope., • tolt!. w ub etaario,- 4.l,asta, • wi,„„kod • - - - -Viand Magi Temapti Compul, •-•-7-..-41141 is tarpusgronslita ttototittes t yew, Tostb/ am , .‘ll.7o743lMlololMtitiltoti 4 .#9:Mg doull • - "—• Bliodirabiler tat brette-tir thilaintAlt,lossidleturtsis tb . tcite , , • - •"" 17. ' :41 fri . _ . • . , . at ' . 7?...... .. 4 i 7 ., ""' ,.::::'ti' . ..., . - .. N.. 4'. : - . ' ; ..-:::' --• " ...' ^ l' ' '''F ' ''' ' '.:"."."; '. 7 . . , :74 .. • ,: , (1. ' ' i.. TRLEiR4M2. iteMto9l. UtiKS! INPARTMENT. BIM Of MOIR CROSS ROADS . , The Enemy's LOU 'Two to One. REBEL GENERALS MORTON AND PARSONS KILLED. , • den' itali find; toi Palter for Assistance. eN4lTritrilti eiffIIHE OUR TB.4SPORTS The Enemy Rept:died by the Gi [mitosis 1 . •: , It' l .V. t alit l k ta. " T Y " .1 , 1 , THE, REBEL GER. GREEOS HEAD BLOW Bit.. • ' Cia tl ...:is9al l l o . April 21.—Adviees froth' urronB Xpor,...m.RlLdjtint.*Ltite_ttlarniag of thel 15th tune been rseetinkor4,ljr% t . 1 A battle on the Bth inst. waslatight at the , Sabine Cross roads, Itad Is known al the bat-' tle of Sabine Cross Roads. The enemy was I , commendedlry Gene. Magruder, Hoboes and' Tisylobogtunsler .11411;4107 Smith. Tipp "MihmitilbsirditlaediVtlitt dry Isplaced at fifteen hundred, and during the mend day's fight at Pleasant Hill, where, as Fres - kingly stated, the enemy was most glorlotudy routed and driv ftom the field by our forees undrir Con. A. J. en Bralth, Gen. Banks coMmanding in chief, the enemy's loss was hea, two to our one. Among their Jailed w ire-Gera. Morton and Parsons. After the first diktat gilt, Biopcs bOing Short ot ridons, ht edit Watt& /Umbel Porter to return with his fleet, which had adSanood t within 80 miles of Shreveportandpre paring to blow up the stoemer New Pails City, which the rebels had Bunk in the eisitnel oa the remptimpat Banks' dispatch. The "Peet turned butt, and on its way down, was.. at: tacked by a large number of the en' r mji ale' were stationed on both sides of the ri ver, and who attempted to capture the tran sports. A ftgltientwedr between the gunboats{ and the rebels, in which the latter were splendidly re pulsed, with a loss of between Ave and' els hundred killed andel Warr 'Anthem Wounded, I talie no one at troVirostboal.s - truti injured. Gen. Greene, commending the in this action, had his head blown off by s Shell. A fisval dispatch boat from the mouth of Bed river has arrived with 500 bales of cot-1 toe. 1 ~ • stuanterßolden Fulls, arrised with BOG 'telex Of tettoM -9004Mqtrehiillls7„ and the Iremainer for Cincinnati. Glen. Corse is here. I - ' syx,ymz,4 Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Guests. llsantssonn, April 21, 1864. Hotren--liforcing Rewion..—The home re slimed the 'obriefderation of the &fixation ' meni bill. Much discussion ensued ailiety bitter denunciations wore made. The Booze I slowly reached a conolusion. Britler and HttriniiiiiniArf .! . gf• tionatoriel ;district; I I Armstrong goer to Jefferson and isdiatia; ICambris to Clearfield and Clarion,' thaenly 1 changes made. Carried by • vote of iffio 0. An important bill to soldiers was pamioker' tending the ruode_Of.gfatrtffntingclainis before the State hoord:Aiwititintlinally.;;Xdj warned until I p. m. SISWIII—Aftonw. Sewioo.--The ioliowing 1 ta bills were read in pia = Mr.GrahamY, lailrets 1 incorporating the Antelope Gold hi I cAili, ... I.64lAtiliejagi Aii */ lath rhin tt f , be erected %poor house in Alligheis county ; oohs:ter for tie Allegheny Asylum; elbill rola. tire to the foes of the flour inspeetoi in Alla glsyy noirty, giving blentwo eta. p i rtf#lll7l; for gal tait'i . bt - 011iilt 7 AliegtiercOntit - , for sale, and. .11 manufactured in Ilegheny Y county. Mr. Lumberton , one to eh ter Va. &is Oil Company. 1 , ~.. .... istt.ts airoarro. I , Gee to protect sheep it Buffalo lownehip - ,, Armitrong county; State' road, running , from New Culls into Penang° county; char-: 1 trlrlihriluViConi Company in filantingdon and . Bedford counties ; Concerning pa 'streets " in Oil City ; appropriation billi In . g.mst I the increase - fittiUOtir - .01 - eradgts Fayette, county, end 014.tideease df salvias made by the House, save a few clerk's sslirtem The bills relative to raids Is now enact con sideration. A long debate was had: Messrs, Lumberton, Wallace, fdaSherry, and Stem ma Savored Its pisseage.. , Messrs." 'Wilson,' Zowty,sistAlßt. Makepposed dht bill: • ' The whole morning session will be cionnittied by this discussion. The appropriation bill, being repotted, will now 'tats the _Trecedent of all other bills, 'whenever dulled try; wall it it dispoied of. From North Carolina. New Into, April 22.- 7 Advices trim North Carolina to the Ilth inst., have becnroceived. The Governor's Council, oonvimell at Ea, i,leigb,..daciltio4 calllnAyks. Leghlatoie top th irla- ixtiCteisitin, fiarfng it wohld array I the State against the Confederacy. i The Henderson, N. C., 1t0'.., pabilebed In the:Mantern part of the State ad lassylsal P O -91. 0 -4-kto.P .—0ui...91..tb..... 9 CantaaSra ittayi 111111111.11,11VAPrit,11121t111{ selves. Thiflisieigli Progr ear itiyi the pie are starving in the Ir.tela at Arty doltars a day, and that many of the but fsmilhis are on half rations. The Wilmington J.urnd IB gloo7 ci at lb. prospect—of affairs . In the Conrad , and acploreitlie tidiest' if food and thelad con dition of the coating crop. The Fayetteville Gm:aides !sutlers!" the high prices and lack of food, but tatu com fort in the aunouneument of scurathondreA 18pringfield-7ifleif manufactured deify in thin armory there for the Confederate aerrice. ' The rebel attack os Plymouth is cenermed, • but no path:elan are received. oolong condoned drought caused a scarcity nfara 000; &ILI avairmtg . !Aow up tlo;bnild". kg• tolave ilia aim. -------- i -,-.' • ' Humored Call fortee New Yolk ta, Ammar, N.Y.; April 22.—Euggsratieltu L mere pievaU.bere in reformat ma call of the War Department upon GovornOttolit for the State Militia. Theis -rump are, even out by intelligence received had.' frees: We Yrar Department that the State trooPs,Will to neared by Oen. DM, for gaud end - other special duty' in and around the harberaiti forts of New York, duslag th e abieriel of the yeloolita4rSeafftitol de r A llolottlaora• , hillerfenter Ithrte Mrer De 7 partment the use of the militia reglidents for the datums of the forts around New Xosk and , elsewhere on the frontiers. He thinks this desirable, as !roll to tan* the Jiver! 4 , l lidtl ; ed within the 6:.w for snob purpose, as - ;to efford the notierml guard desirable oppertn• nity for drill and practice. From PlymonthoSinking of the . boat Bombshell 1 Bunruou, April 22.—The Astoria= his (DOW Loves from Norfolk that the atesseer l Vita liOneoak arrived there yestordayero New °define via Marabou), where she was taken to bring )urpostant 'dispatched to lion. Belem. The Gaptidi-loPlidednat rebel rani mane down to 'within a fowlfoible of VI; month, N . 01, on the 18th Inst., attedked laur fleet Mid sunk the gunboat, Bombiltell and two others whose Dames ore not',known , - FrYattat. at Rroutlit aaa' was generally expo - tad [hit 1. ditto° _would be evacuated. It was thought that General Peak Orottli be fully able to iteig2twbf ma • - Strike among Railroad Laborera—see fitoneman. „.13morsiork..4prIl TL—Ths strikrt moons ltisisbarMi-w=seted wlth the. Mama rail road ‘opots this city still Minh IlefiAnd most all the roads have &Watt= Maar. ' ing , Abu Sfonomoir Sued though In Wisp l bjeltOrditYills stroops_ are beintivid l i? , • St. illarket—Eneellare Wire at Watts. burg, lda. fir. Loins, April 21.—Ootton--no talos; rtk allots 540 bales. FWnr, whut, cornceari and oats halm ott Joipened fooling, and , Ar l and stirs Wilms portioi of th• townof lattabnig, filo., was boned f3otovikp ASht; Lose stoat $100,000; inourana 1104 cifor4sAlcat of a Colored Brigade. OLtroomatoi, 4111 31.—C01. T. T4daiaiii lath colored rogllsonlo lugholifia I .° 2 = Os a Weida of cantles .41 Of two new rooto non M01434-bl3tOttildp& Ast Thou Au new ola *aid tagliatidg tikdoiriaeiT CITY . 211 VD SUBEIB.HAIV =tares ot Mth;ks. Arrivalikand Dep =MU , Anima Ita p m pus. —rif 33 P m hot Lhot.—. IMO LEI Tame 1:00 • a Jolmot`u/Leso'n.ldt o ß t. a 8= as Bd do 11011 sib Bd do VMS p p m Itla do fl• -0 6 Wodtgation pm 8=407) '••••• • m.- IMMITLY Depute.. Thor' toOsem.— 8.1:.0 • m Thro' MAR— 2:50 • la Thor' Expmee. 4.25 p Test Linc—;-- &SS p Joel:lane das'n 1800 p m Ist WAIL stat'o— P.S2 • se 2d de —lleso re 8d do —SSO p 14:2; de 640 p m The Olooreteltsbele• `at 6.05 i; m; pv1=1;0444, Departs. devisee. Fast Line-- 1:46 a mit:Wrap Fap'.... 22 3 CM i Express , 1:45 p m Phil. do .., WO VIM I Mail Tmlie..— 11:30 a m 101 2 .11 do ' 7:50 p, en i ii, Mums eicm'n. 216 p salOreetlin• Ma ll. 1:44, 1 TA , The New Brighton Lecommodation TM idlo &any Station at it 15 a m,PLOO m, 4130 p &tOp M. Beturning. Imam New Might= dtattaP at 6 : 5 9 • ea, 7:00 ane,1.1..20p m, and 2150 p uo. a t r ,yregeinerni 11m,....... et I T. . ' i... 1. cail() adtd.pla Exi..— WI p m lapram. a m La Prltomport...lLlM a so Ist IPlCampootl 7:00 p m 2d . do 0:15 pin Ed do 1246 pni Part Perry .—.... talaM Port Par,. 4MI a m Braddcuk . ..— 4:16 p m Braddock . . ...!6 - All p m The Ymnday Train to and from le loaves al 1.(10 p m, and arrive. at Wm ne. mamma! Vallaor. , L Llama. . druhee. 111.11—.,.... 'POI • li m a 11..-- --. 1: 0 .P m Neprees..--, 3:00 p m Eaprom—.—...l P.M a M decommodlatola CM p m ltecornmeelethai 2.lri • ail MU:urn Ara Mlsstracgc. . , , 1 . " '. Nixtru. • • evatomil..— 143 a mMail— —.—; 5:62p m ... 1:43 p m Clod.. le'poe..' Ser.6 p m Wheeling -- e2O • m do , 2:10,1 m Steubenville—, Se* • m Stmatommtdotiolo:oCri M C1eve1and..—...."1:46 a m do 1:43 p ml .- The Fire on PeUn i36.eei...Lose About - *if ooTwo. • The fire this morning which resultad in the diminution of the commisison house ,of 'Mr. Daniel Wallace, covet of Penn and Wayny : streets, involves a very stave • loss,' not less in the 'aggregate than $0 1 1. 1 , 1 100. 'Theiwarelmuse was leased by Mr. Wallace, well stocked with valuable goods, partly owned by other .parties. Anions the contents were seven hundred barrels' of high wines, one thousand barrels of flair, four thousand empty on barrels, flee hundred bar rels of whisky, ono thousand barren of ably 'a lot of tobacco, en: The ArdesOn 011 Company owned the empty be:.rels, which wars valuedat $8,400. They are insured for $6,000, equally divided be tween the North American and the Dartford companies. 7 • Mr. Wallace ban an insurance of t 20,000, in the following Companies : $5,000, in the Peoples, of Pittsburgh; $5,000 in tli b lirette, of New York ; $5,000 in th e Con ental, Philadelphia, and $5,006 in the Mono gshela, . , of Pituburgh. Mr. P. C. Reinert marble cutter,lwhe 00. espied 'portion oethe t buildin lt alwrnt $2,500 worth et stcick,l3l4 is par tia ll y cOvered by insurance. . Mr. R. A. Colville, marble dealer, who oe• copied a ex t en t in adjoining, Was dam ' aged to the of $3,500, and his no in- Isuuosce... , Mr. J. J. Bends; druggist, earner of Wayne and'Liberty etreeta, was damaged to the ex. tent of $l,OOO. Messrs. Filopfer .5 Co., furniture •dealers, corner of Penn and Wayne streets, ware dam-' aged by water to the extent of abolit $ O O OO They are insured. Delennebtnilte belonged to tSe Hartford tate, and wi► worth about $3,000. It was • urge a:ratory briek,and was one of the old canal warehouses. Teere is no truth In the ' statement that there was Government property stared in the [ building. The clerk of the Quartermaster, Col. Cross, assures us that the Government did not loose a duller's worth. .Thre-f‘oldler'e .I.lOme was to great danger, gua rd been for the _s tertian, burnt.. guard the building 'Would have been After retooling the Illok, the soldiers stop ping at the house tendered very valuable as sistance. • • IIItrAVIIIIC/1 deserve all praise for tbe mea tier ..in. Which they Atieuharged their duties. The. pollee; altd,- rands:ea wiry walkable se • -istanee. - Tableaux Vivant' One of the most attractive and interesting ,dehibitions thittleti taken. place for some [ time in Pittalmegb,will tome a at Masonic Bail on Thum day!'"rveni . ng next. A large number, Otiadles and: gentlemen, who hare seldom, If aver before participated In an ex.' rhibition of this kind, have had in rebersal for , the last throe months, a series of beautiful tableaux . vivant. representing domestic, patri- otio, historical, and other scones, which will be presented on the evening , In question for the Joint , benetlasf - the Subsistence Commit ! tee; and eatitary'Commission. Those con itectid with It ere classed among cur moat respectable and influential Gitlin', who, taking into consideration the feet that It Is the duty of every good citizen to contribute whatever they can to lutist the noble Institu 1 lions for whose benefit the exhibition will bt given, here volunteered their services, and have spared neither pains, labor nor expense to render it the most attractive spectacle yet offered our - "Weans. In order that noth ing may be wanting to complete the de -s‘art re d tit s ct, beaenspe.lialg.pcodraminerd fr . m now .buoy in getting up the costume for the gen tlemen. Mr. George Torge will be. present 'with aspecitdorobestrant thirteen musicians, selected for thair - preficientry, and they are now engaged In making selections, land ar ranging some of the most popular operatic pieoes. The stage in being altered 'and ar ranged, and entirely new scenery being paint ed for the occasion. We speak confidently .wleete we say - that, irinddition to the (acrobat theta,' tableting'isill differ from anything - ever before offered our publio, they will allto ousel, In interest and variety. The ladies end gen , Gomm connected with it are determined that nothing shall be left undone that can he done, and our citizen" may not only expect • doh 'treat' but still also have the satisfaction of contributing to a most worthy rause. The sale of tickets will commence . * Mr. Mellon; - ouldonday next. . BiltnatkableUttar" Company. Sampans% Of tho 47th Pannifitania Seg. lucent, - -shows Molt teabarkabts tocord, so .regards. rho -telationildpe of a portion of the men) There all four' tmitlints: and * atlMimed YnwaiL There arelilwe brothers of the name of 'Brsidy, three brothers named Billear, three brothers awned Kroger, and lirotinire „pained Darper,Who see also brothero-iti.l&whof the osptain. There are two brothers and a cousin Domed Shaffer, and I o fithefand two tons tamed Tag. Perhaps the most singular eirotioutinee ix the - pres ence of . .siz pain of brotheri; named Clay, Reynolds, Vance. Anthony sad Wa tts also; two - step , brothels, nursed Baldwin and 'Pop os* • boll from POMY canny, Pa. ko7 sin - m al the old Holland stock, and -w • &cult. of fifteen miles. ThniAti all re-enlisted men tut two or three. Thu oomph; bas been out Ito rst two years, most of the lime at the astionter, - Southern pasts. Daring eighteen monthi loot bat one by sickness, , They kept up strict sanita ry regulations, commut e d' their rations of salt.meat tor. (tech meat and vegetable/ and saved by the Operation ft:ozonize hundr ed to one hundred and thirty . dollare month, with Which' they made Com pany fund, annolneint ikbrOCoPtan tlingilret's.ntid out Of laleh last - ti re, ki l ick.laysekt veno . needidpoold be par chased.; always -Ma - at table; which ttceilO. lily ILO that' 064 from;forge OA 12114 hikeinS Isla plwe, Y at tomti, nklob' no one elks was'alloweditencoupy. Thera/4e ettimmanded by Captain Homy D. Woeidraff; a Madinat of Pennyttatia. Their Ideutiinsit is S. Ouchtority,, Second Lieutenant, enc!tri Stroop.'" OUT dress ipiods st 12%eenti pit yard, gaod madder prints O RM, mita sad ap, two ease* ' &dill' muslin thig at 20 sod 22venta yardrmohatrs, Ingres and monalblques, chomp black sad faney' dress elllts at bar priors, two oases Russian oruh at. I J I 12% .fonts ard.. Remember to !get the shore giods at J . If Mehl; corner of Grant and Ififth straits. . . . . .:'--CtiorrienentirPremput.—Virkieellni tr 1142! 'Hy fowled wttb , oonnkrfilt treltsd Staten ourrenoy. A coil denier shined coliaeay wu leeniApotpentonnUit "lista noth; not yet 1 etiti'aila-buelitiateke,to•th apprehension et - Ptilterjoiroliettom , be Q rgograd the chests fpr bold for NW Dive evesitrhlr. psi. A. Maly, aa dl "24,ll . t ilittinfiy.l a to oneZef,ttelitt e i ;setter epyisettlehiserellittetted with the aheltest. O M*4l"caLarnel;pettattardes,:shiwt, shas.Witor hada tOunt&U - • t(hteh wa he 'peptise Azil I lat s6l3iarll . • 'Arrival of Bleinnond IPONners. Flee hundred and fUtyrfira Union prisoners from Belle Isle andAtichmondielleeeo were landed at Baltimere Oa Of eight 'others who left, three -died= reaching Forums Monroe, and Bre pa t he way between the latter place and Baltimore: They were in a Imp deititite - a.. - imzioitea eondi -1 clop, strongly exciting the sympnthia of all who were spectators. .oaslaridred and four . `were unable to walk, hetet greatly debill• Mated, having been almost 41, - As starring _point. One of them'uliaLlintandredelY glee I reaching-the hospital, and it - was apprehended ' that others would not Arena ken. - The I three who died On the Ifill`,/ttet;.rovitot t to , reaching Fortress Illoriroe,ArnYrank aA; I caepany 14th q 11.111114,; Dodge. 100tb Ohio :Inlannyiand /SC Pape; comport; ti ke ktiv,Benti cavalry. I Thoso who di 88 .d,- rn''Jhu Thompson. Thomad>.Crprnwell, Bash, company Ohio cavalry Wm. corporal,.eompser 0,14 th Peaasylvania cat -1117 Jonathan acmpany. B, let Ken teeny cavalry, and Isis. B. Binith.7th Mich lgan"Tl that Wednesday - 13th r priy, of the 100 t Ohio Regiment; woo shot and Vitally one of the guards in 'Libby Briton. The guard alleged: tbathls. ;nuke, went off accidentally, but it la thane's by the prison -1 en that he tired it dellee4l7; anitani. 1410. ;, The Interriationat lea% ip tten'Ycirit, catisurisad, will realise considerably titer . $1,000,000. The . Ch 14910 .riot was thought, wonderful, yieldirigslls - ,0 00 nat. The Button Pair did bettor; yisliglag abotittlilo,oo o . At Cincinnati the net, croceadi ware about „ .000. AtItiookly41310;01.1.: On e Amass for dilate that the *inept/ULM selsdnat by tiX;; Menus... Each pedr...de v *eloper .eome . nov , * 'fatter° intishati tat bar in rtabari or paint life. ati All fuel os<orpagrlotism, and the fullest confidence futhit purpose and the means employed being faithfally devoted to the desired erd. The *hide history of war has naver developed anything so noble and 'Christian, operating oh so large &scale. Prom the commencement of the war to May. 1,1843, it bad only received in cash about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and in stores loop! alma lour tusndred thousand &abut more: Bat since then its funds and Ats duties him been enlarged to • most gigiustio extent, al. though to March 1,1084, this total *mount - Or its receipts were but one million and Cm* quarters. Orttrogetitut.Prooedlng. A tavern keeper named Thomas Darken, to company with several companions, visited .. ~. the saloon of Edward !Renner, on Liberty street, near Virgin alley, about eleven o'clock Thursday night, gad =lied for a bottle of wfoil::. ,ThOttine wig igrialhed.444 , drankt i l Darker, arialdii friends. Another bottle was called for, but was refund by Barterer; whereupon . Darken began to act inr.es most outrageous manner., He draw it pit tol from his pocket, and disehartadC 4 shot into the wall, intimidating Stenostend driving him °abet the 10 Dine ' Darkest' audidr friends than helped themnlvis to Witateier they funded, after which they left. The'..bax ram was then dosed, but they retuned - arld hietted in the door. This attracted the ittan• Wm of the eight police, stud the rowdies its- period. Darken was arrested to day by pfd oer Herrera, and will hare a honing before blayt r Lowry this rnoraipg. San.sioar. Accinmer...—The Express train an the Cleveland and Pittsburgh RaUroad, com ing east on Thursday afternoon, met with serious accident near Shanghai; a stem - die tattoo below Yellow .Ctimk. The yetis:4 truck of a paarenger ear broke down, lind was dragged along over the arms tlea fat the die tans of several hundred . feet, tearing op,the track and smashing the Cu to lees. There were tot thirteen passengers Li tbacar. all of wham escaped uninjured. Ilia damagad car was rolled over the embankment, and the train proceeded on its wit, to lista City. . Deiciators Pocetca.4-rg.stni . thei heys hare been wouttinetheniselvtaileenter flare pot by rowing themselves around the idle ghesi river, below the fittepenalow.Bridge, on small rafts of their own atattafsiture. Thie morning one of the Tide fell from hit raft, and was with difSenlty tared from drowning by a rafttsman named Gordon. The water is Tory deep at the place the boys have talented for their operations, and if the practice boon tinned in, we would not be eurprited to hear of a onto of drowning. Tea Casstrioi °mums* Cs euximan.—.l ame s tiammill, of this city, the champion-oarsman, has MA; challenged by William H. &mem, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., to row • flre-rolle race on the youghkeepste track any Omit /A fore theitirst et July for a pans of mo. Striven kgrill allow Haromilloneltundred dollar* for hig espouse in going to thathlty, and contrasts for a good day and • fair track. Tae FJTICT or pso pie would do with sugar lima coffee se they have done with butter, the prism of those nenassaries ' be reduetd , . The stand taken by so many people *giblet the use of butter until It reached,' raw:l446la pees bee bed Ito effect. Forty eenta was thautmott price eked for butter yeaterday. A weak ego It brought from slaty to seventy saute. Deowatn.—A. J. Bailey, a wall known sett of Armstrong county, slas drowned la the Allegheny river, at klanervillo, his place or residence, on the 11th inst. Be bad fallen asleep an • beach "closes to the flyer bank, and unconsciously rolled off Into the water. The body wu not recovered. Do! Rica - all giei sn eihihttiOn of bit great show, on Saturlay afternoon, the 23,1 inotant, at Girard, fide county, for the bene4 of:the Uinta Aconletur, with a ♦Ti ow to Pr curing °homiest sad astronomical apparatus foi the Institution. Ailanazar ILaToa's Orrnm.r...tdayor Ala 1r ander had three common pout before hint. this morning, two far vagrancy and one f4r drunkrintas. They , were committed to jail for fifteen days each in defacdt.of payment rrf fins. Tea WAiVemss rot Taal Nircar.—Kr.J.P. nun t, ?assault. Bel, FILM street, has retadved Pantry's War Press, for Saturday, Audi P 4 tarp double abeeti.cauitaintou •news of tto put week In a fall and attractive farm. , BIBIUM 4k Co., P. I): Box 1951, Clevelmid, Ohlo, give fifty Ism., and gentlemen permanent and paying employment; fier etarep for circular er call at room 19, So tt Bonn, this elty, f ora fey days., Bats or Om Leath—We learn thetas prop erty 'of the "Belly Oil Clotapany," at Nit Bole, on the Allegheny river was ~sold *One days ago' to' les Trak pullet, for $.15,00 1 ?, oath. , Pon la:wt.—Tido Dime Savings institi v illon 1 0 bas 00,000 to lose on bond and auntie . eat a reasonable rats of Interest. Appl y is ' Its aloe, amithaidit etreets, °pinnate the to ap4o:at D. E. IlloKertir, Bonet notansinfila la *ant - of - flafpiti, fill Cloths and Rossi wilt gave tweet)-Ilte per coot. by going to J,Flootes, comer of 0 ~!, end fifth stfeetsl " • - . l- ' *s., A 'Aux lot. ol Sodas .0100, id I Flneh's ooinoi of Grant and Sllduotroelt Great Loss firma 112, 600, . ' to e3'./00.000, [ , • lIALIPAX, Apiti2.2e,The treififpollo4 Of the bistnets pert of Delleattl-IMS des °Ted by fire on the MI ialt. The loss inionOte to from two to' three tiottlioniof , I'; _ . CZ= ANTWED--A young =an .whol hag plea ui the Dry - Gook buena* *boll 8101 mouths Si xtiodrotni to .oblfits w,ottoollos to.GIY Good. ears, or limo Ow bortsipoo. LoOr t oot """all"" jstpt No. G7HWd ` trout. • VIVANTED--igants tb - t3ll. tho ISTAND , T LED TEITTO&T. OW, 111111 WAI&A A tan ebony to mil• money. Aropit 11111,11rittoii troll Stop to IMO per tenth. 'WO WO &Om.* , 0,041 ' , UT rood rot tittolat. Adam& JWISB: RAO& & 00.. Publithan; DO talon, if & WAlrrEni ursitolit'Dzo - _ „AA v,vISIrELLI to , - rto wow s .to bk . ~ us 111!•_ m. A MOT~TH ,jam` tenat I*[di MVS jr2S l o2= on!ri7pl=7,,,w . AP ..iitivsEarENTs. it ;? PITS' BURGH T.H.F.A.TRY - =ad Manager -- lbormusas thrsaMmo. a • , on any Ose. of Captain T. H. 10)CEHILL,abo will apvar In the beantifol char !Oak Of WO= T.l. Vote Dramas: - T 111.9 EVENING. Wlll pmeeated, ttue much admired drama entitled - W114•13 7 d TELL, .rna Kano or BerrittaLesn. . BocknilL G. EL Eames. —Kate Ilynor. To be followed by i• THE BEACON CU" DEATH. StiEdela.-- -LIMA 11.ardea... To aoudad. ..dal . • . JACK SEISePAE.D. TeWebeamsi.. ft a 00. , 0013," OIJASONIC HALL— POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK WOODRUFFE'S BOHEMIAN TROUPE. 1 0eimendous At' raotion GR.iItXD a4L.9 irElgii I OF NOVELTIES tRESFINTB TO EVSAY Pot partleulkr. .!o erABLHAIJX . VIVAN Au exhibiti( u cf TABLEAUX VIVANTS, rot tkoi-iensofit o' tLe anitary & Subsistence Cominittees Wal d MASONIC HALL. THURSDAY EYENING. APRIL 28 ;Donn spell et 7—to'cesamence itickets, lesladlug titermd mats, *1.60. Th e sale avails to eememeartm Monday. Aprli 2rtb, at 9 at a 131.070. CV03.1 .inst. .iT Ladles al ho attek,d this tablhltlat ma inspect fdey,ni nested to sepses •Ithent boposta TIT . G RAN D I BIT lON OP PITM ,m> Ronan 0111NAHTIO AISOCIATION, TIM-SIMY EVIL:HMO. April 26th, Al the ATTIKINKICX. Llh.rty street, Plttsbesh. Tlckeh, 110 unto—fer ode at all Book .4 Drug 403 , 4 In kiltabargb Atieghogy ma kt tto Gnat Wastrre 17.00M•111 4 in ..tetd.eo. 11M . ocr oyo at o'clockperfornenee coarruces •Pata CA:rPIO.ITEB 10. FO R coital.; ER,- ALBS. ABEEN till M • a.m.:. tc.. tho Oleo of Ciatower, silk** • &oast , . of the Er?edam tholon cot, C00n0..0.-o sahloaawso • - FOR Wit' 'NEEt,--SnalioN SALA, altif Edllo.4*-WiLi - bi • • 0341 data tOr Car • Jurr, sotdoet Ulm .I.lnt of tb UolOu'Coottly =Meats to F701 , 1.09E0N.813..-- 11 iS Muir:guy df ELTIZIDIgtAbS, VIM b. a candidata la, Oar ime.a..abject• to the dear:lon of We tram lisayab ftoO panutT Ootoranalaa • alhUtaate • 10•COItONEA—,tons NfoCLoia, of Liao FirsrWard, Alleghour. mill till , ...p -ilot. ita . Coro*. al fillogiiony-Ciatdy,siat*i to ant aorition pf Ma wooing Oottnty Union Corptlon. firms FOR Ptt(YCUO °TAR Et% TUK , sill 'b. estutidsto for the caw ot Prollgynary. subject to du doctslou of th. Vulva ,IloyabLican Co.tt Oanetratou. 0.28:b PROTRONOTA.RY.-1 4 Acoa q,K ALTT-1, of the dirt.h Ward, Piefebarle, atin ba• oareildste for the °Mee of Peale:notary. •ob.e. .0 the decision of U. Mike Ilepubliala Oola vette.. batfete YOA PROTHONOTARY.—D. BC_ TB will bo • candidate full the Moo of ZrotlozotAry.entooa to the tbicisioa of ll* Etakm ilopublima Corovoatko. • 02;tto PROTIIONOTARY.—Taos . - nr Sixth or ,to • naardidath for ths Oflico ot Prothonotary, =Wont t o the dretaloo of thn Union Oonrenttorn Maws ne FOB PWJVIONOTART.=. 4IIS3 . B.l7.snoca Al b • nndUtte for tbo DIDm of ' Prothonotary. otadeot to the derision of tho tlntoo 000•32tkm. folikhorto tr:?.FOR COUNT - Y - 005111ISSICINEEL —Asa.za Troso, of Pitt Won't:tip. vt:11 ttt• takoilLldoto tor-.loit *Moo: of t)moty Coottnlestotter, on , j.t tho'doottka of its Caton Itepotaticon Ckra voodoo. apll:2lawte r'FOB COUNTY COMMIS-9102i ER; Calincsiat Perm tovruship. will• to cavdtdats for the above office, ertbjeet to dart*. too pt the Colon Itspralleat County Oonvealon. maltdeveto )71•FOR COUNTY - COM R. MISSIONE —Jowl amass, of Wllkizu tuvrastdpe .in scasaktata .for (boat] Corns:steamer, rutlect to th•dscidla of Ma thilon Oomty 0m ...146m adailaTto COUNTY CONDILSSIONp...- -, eluCensus Ilasesa, of. East. Deer Totruitihh .LU be a enneltdate.for Dace:Us of County Commir honer, subject to the dachaoo of the Unto* Depube eau Couvoutton. . I feltUflavut DISSOLVTIOJrB. npI4nLITTION.—THE PARTIgER -11 8131 P baretotoreAxbilnit betweca the under" dame/ order the cume and style of L BIDDLE OP.. Nue dimelved by LIMO Wm... on Ow inot day of December. Ind& Ito Gown eatoblldenart UN been dam the lot of January, MI / and umD hautattnit; be In the bands and "eider the excladea tunagansant of an Ansettattut arganlugt. andu an Lief asembly/ Mating to Elaoobotoclote IS. BIDDLE Is /*the:dud to or ebr Om ammo in mettlesuAL , All parties Wisp dam wines the lbws= ere 'coquetted to mums end lame at the Ountlaa Item for iettlealanti anion, puma lows lag theanadvas *Mud, pleamenall and lOU Without dear. ; IlkidOEL ßlft • SMELL ERRITE narnas.areasmi. O.BOHOTLB. 3f. / . • ROBERT BIDDER. !ffM!CII I ___ OTLOB4•Tha pubic:44 he:owns:a ;aiding . =tot' NSA toms - of ..putzuses 1 lIIIIILTEFF,_ts &la doi &Paned 'Ey ,go, tdol moms, B I 'J& T. JENNINGS bolo` 43orcbartd - tho mars Intim! of, WiLLIAM mai,. TON.wtli4 actions the .Inithotit of losontiotailos Seim,. TEr4irre. EN of their lietexy W, DEEM fli" ItZ T''441411711114.1111tk jENNIIiiIS.. ' wiladvasituLvocr ''- . Aril* mi., - iii rettrtni Irmo IS Arto ot Jraiarnios4 Ho. ILION. I thwrinny ttoommonJ my iota prtn* to the potroosoo ore* poblto, . , { i 1 : - W i lt & LW. wirmat itymprofr., amwat=lol VOTIOV.--Tho . .ColthrtifthisidOierON ' ton. felt WIIITEit* botirton.t TELUO id•bo initeta.,4„kg, ths stilt of , 11110 illatolvtd to mutual tonodol. to take tirOct nom the Ist loot„ Jhtltt.V,lll7; rotten fr., too .—• , JOSiP 0 wmr5.:..1...1. ao.pouness, •JOllls MTN. ithaeisottliasfti Oolitic Plkifty, Patibligh. ' • " " WHITE. ;•• -0041b4., .1101:1110%1 • 1A161301.1)T1t)ITOP PARTNE.RSEILP. '1.1,-.4lfroint,Op borotoOno =lab* bat:Oink th. dots ed, 'motet the stile of Wit, J 91112. TIOR -Al si I. motaolly Olsooletd,ttr.tato diet boo UV ago, - HtCILHD 1313:30N ntittni Rota • The booboo OW be oostlipoito L i Wino. 7, ofolortho stplooi boookari;" alualk R JORDISt6Zif *- 31.101118 D HISSOILN 111OL tadat , M=E=r TVESOLUTION. ,OF ant P.—The pertheniblp heretofore • between JO& vomits:mu iterigifill DATA ad* the Ina of Yolk V. ILILIOIXOIf A_CO lee been Mooted by eistuallhoretell: JO& V.. WM ILTON till ottani to the metaled IMMUdit WO arm, it the old Vied, earner Wilt me MeV ate. TUSSOLITTION.The s oo-vartnon 1:K - tontowk:Inuttarbtursz , 4 . ; .1 , , 00 VI bid LIME ba the Flabi•all Obit* ans.b audio tunotvoa inward acobwq.' basis. Ina b• tostltrod ea bet" man z.T. oatant awe, • •S )P:•ilaint/1 nianlittlaft l o 6 4 . 0, 1104.1 ESiZ=ZI I y a 1864 FOR SaLE-FOR REMT FOB 13 A L E.—BELLWOOD COAL TARN—The Bellwood Vasa L Croats on the math tide of the Monongahela` River, nine miles she, Eittsterrgh. It rental. abour4lo *muerte. Gees Land, •bent 100 aces of which to goOd timber, principally of Oak- Whereas , . about 100 acted of cog OA the promises, with the adrantage of moth coal In the rear. The•. is upon it one °lucent inthsiOn, with Ant Prat omm:thouto. its., the former resideoce of less, Jones, Esq. There are ex Dwelling nouns, and throe rod BARD on the premis.w. It he. . front age on the river of 71,100 feet, with • good land ing, and adilcient depth of water, at all ._.tom, fec loading coal. These. with right of way to Owl coal tl:dds, comprise the property now offered.for sale. A map of the entire premises can to seen at the office of J. S. COSGRAVE, 10 Second street, and prkstand terms nth be Warned from J. IL COSGROVE, IG3 Second street;" Or JOHli IitoCLOSERY, Port Perry, aplB-Iwi. • F OR SALE, 12 ACRES OF LAND, W Ithlq tba Borough of Lourreurevillo, sod alatio 3 NIMES OF .T111426011:181,80158N. It Is excellent land, well Improved, with good bones. barn and aut-bldldlege. It It the bight:did:4 In the hornaith, yet generally Wet, st 4 amid be ell divided into good Wilding late. MTl== finest place for serldencss in t 1 OlCted at private nle tll UAY ;nu. perf.t. No tocussbrtoco mire of OW. L GILLIIVItt, IM Fourth , or on the premises of SAMUEL El EELLETt LAOS SALE-A CTIOICE LOT OF u FIVE At:EEL—Tr, nederslgnicl bat the ot a choice Lot of Ground; containing FIVE kll- COSLS,,altoateonShe Squirrel 11111 gamy about half a mite from the station'of the Oakland I.I6IEFIM PS%way, adjoining lands of 11. 11 Trollb atdd Wm. I. Flonlock. Clout twa-tbirda cleared, the. remainder In woods. with a mall giro= of water flowing through lb. lot i all tillable ground, end of Bret clam to f It bat on admirable sl:e fora coun try maid... It Is also wall e'toiled for • 'ln,- yard. Laud In that tetchbothood. is telling from nee hundred to one thousand 4011.0. p , acre, yet thiblot le offered for font b unfired per one tale a rare AMUce for an Induazione Otrman moo to pa • home, or for a capltaibit to mike an locretintat. onable timo will be Oren for paymentt; or, pr e ferred, It will be noted for a term of years or an Improvtmeat home. J. W. V. WILLIS, ap2oo 104 Tlith duet. PHA be. ch. FOR SALE. AND FINE TLNIBEII. A tract or !sod, one tulle from tho gllegheny river and nwsonn o testing •Ith It by • planked road. In McKean county. neer Oar don, el: miles from bteamburg, on the A. A h. W. 8, n., abounding alai CI S.R., P 1 shd l ed 4n sounds tog 1500 A.OUES, Ls offs , rod fur tele. - Tall thformation glien and . tarmi eiladolumro B. B. BRYAN, BtOkOr ILM Ism - ann. £OO5. 67 ROURTII BT.. Ilarke'm Building pOR SAL F..—At F.vergreen, ROSA lownsbip, fire mita from Allegheny, a good frame dwelling, modern .tile, containing eleven room., stare room pantry, olstero, cellar under the whole Meuse, and ea sere .f groand with • variety of frail tree and small fruits. This property to &cons touted from the Astociation„ bat Oa purchaser may enjoy the advantages ofst test eines lieminary, to be opened In a few weeks by • geotlemart from New York, ted any ether lnuctliscennected with the &surf Won Any gvettletnue doing business in the city, and de eiring • healthy house la the country one hours' drive from the city, of. log rare Lnducemente for the moral and physicsl welfare of cbildmo, will do wolf be look at this property, which will In wild low. /NW amnion can be given Maylst. For further inform:J.- omi inanire at the premlles, or •at the 35 Market Meet. uplilMsr POE SALE.—A LARGE BuiLorso, BQITABLB ToB A BOAR.DING lIOUnE QR 110TiR1,--Ttes pryperty known es the ••Seerickloy Academy," 12 miles from Pluaburgh, on the P. rt. Wayne and Chicago Caltway, ertib sem. or fourteen ame• of land, t• °II rod far *lac There Ls no finer In mileen loth. 'Welty of Pittsburg fora &letting, biome, Motel or School- lb. m building Is fart by.lifi And. ornialna nearly tort . ' Amine. TIPTO• le abmtsusa of WO*, mid 'the gloat& ari mealy arranged. There Is Also a edit /card= And plenty of small Baits. 801 l excellent. It has all the ad vantages'of the titer and rallrOlid. Possession can be given hamedlttely. For price, terms, to. en quire of Kraut. T. 11. Nevin a 130. 26 Wood street, Pittsboegh, or of the subecnber in the prembce. a•l9.tf JO .d. B. TIifiVELLL UOR SALE.—The undersigned hate. bran appcdnioda Committee by the Stockhc ld ere to wake sale of the °AMA'S() AND PAYS - 1 BUSOII AND YfilllghiflVlLlA- RAILWAYS, or either of them—vrith equipm.iste, stook, de. sad 11111 receive bids therefor cavil Moy Ist, proldroa. If not eall by t h at time, propoisio will to received for the tron and wood of tee nspeetleo railways. Betio* of the disposal of the equipments, do., will Do siren after Hay Ist, dostaaid. For geolloihini refer to either of the undersigned. Witt. A. HgltaOhl JOSHUA REIOD iIAkiIIEL 1110/1 4 4, A. 8, BELL, Committea. Foe SALE—One new Steam Engine, 16 Inch colluder, SO inch draw, on kw., Iron bed; balance oohs go rumor Ono-12 Inch cyllndor. 33 Loch stroke, mocor.C.Liando , rodt .111 bo as rood wit now. • One 7 Innh cl ander, 20 !Acton cis, rot. Tug " SS " Two Cyllndor Baton, 36 In. awn., SO toot long. Throe LE Two Wronitht Inn Oil Alto, Ilya° Selo of Boring Toolo. for on w.ne. 00000 for cub. Logan of IL BOLL A . hear Blur Look moire° Point. pox exu.4nman atm MILL' C AND OIL ANTIETaT.—Tbe one-half or whole of an Cal Bofinery wed broom flay MIL with Se Goa otebhalf acme armed ; an absoularan warm the lot—mineopen and beteg mortal, situate oft the Alleahenyllires and A. V. it 8., is offered for aale. The Dana, le tale and of modem build. The Saw NW ts In splendid Order. and I. well alto• eled, bevies check roaran4 hum It to the lam. flood locality for bonding hoar. Ter gratin:6oe ail co the rinderslared LTDAT A. 1311011PLNIST60, • .tt Do. 69 Naha Meet. PiMbulit, Pa. FOR SALE OR RENT—A Beautiful Ulitidente la shatinharit, siincttso on blots at She hooter contains wean r Atm and tinhhed win ik good woo of water and so elotnent datern at the door, with pump in mach. Th. lot to 77 feet linehia front and IWO foot deep, to a otreet. There is null, rimers and ehmbbeey m abnadanto.. Pomona da. .from of punlailint or stating • boon Ural madams cannot lint a trots pleasant One Is ad* otdotty. Enquire of the tonally or the onhooribor, on the prontl , ot. of J.O. LIC,WIe, of tho &mot Lolls, Doi volt *1344, at !her mill la Dim g. w e. 3tawdaw , H. U. LZWIL. FOR BALE. ATIENTIOS 1 STEAUBOAT BUILDERS. 10,000 feat fate inannste of fleet quality two bleb DEUllffig is offered for sale at the Pinning 11111 of S. SMILER, on Angels= atreet, Allegheny City. Pelee $5l Per thousand feet, hood mann. The BARK= DecktE stratell Plat+ 64l . l 0 00. Su al W On the folaninee. • FOR SALE-aLPROVED PROPEW ST.—A two•story Brick DwoMfg of eight rooms, ball, large cellar, good woU of water,. fruit teem eta Los fid hot front odd LW feet loop, and to wttlinlCo feet Of the Oltizonoyeseengsr Brainy, I 'forms easy. _ -Apply at Owned Zststrt sad traumas aloe ß, or • O. ft: DAU PIM Bailer street, Lawrincerabo. SATE,-That desirable property J situated la Da Ikmough of Kauctuitsr, un the =tor of Locust staled ma tho 011to•rhor, and tams as Du Oseetorood y, oa"Isblob Is arectoclutoodicfnityk. Drkk. Dinning. Douse. Doe. stapling:ups, Stable; km flume, Yu foram . partletasfsumpuro of, A. D. SMITII, Datf. WOW street, Plttsboxib.' 'OUR BADS—A - pleasaut . Conntiy Seat, I. voltable Ibr btitinebt tuo, my of luxena by bitter the Tat Wayne at:ltrsacEntterßall orbs', Ina Itoroved aitt'sbanading choice trait, bi now of. ItteiblorbbibtF to bstaPtltb 11 7 tit 7 ProbottY• - Apply to S. tl. BBT"Broke tas:Agt, •. 12 TourtA (Butte'sllntlatue VORSALE-4130AT AND Isoitta,:—,rattpe;:oklulting , t Itched, butt, Matte* ttollistori 24 beg* ir4fte; civet WU , feet dtatrtm t)f, foi;" tik• dad Eitilbalcl6o cons coax; llts taco 24212 422.44•tattabs btscsall ta b V°4: 7 l ;ni rp4d , " r libactueart, 2t. .El l O3 SAia—Vrenspecoron Abreo of 1.! Lsr4 port of the Loma faro coolsomilfai a la. vim of Plibborgli sad otolatty. abans oat from josna ° lorry Landing. .!Zhoro rro blithe foralos oozes too troll trees. ands oeforAilloa =of orxellaal vote.. Will Do sold tovtbor, or to' .111,parebaairs, P• 0010 awdg 014.2tri RWODoll,llll.raor oall Juan 170. es luta arid. . --------1---7- Ik l oli ALK—Ho nice 8.2 a acres of 1:- Ana &IA %halm' WA, titoststltvat to :rat. 101. 411 lomat meaty, to cliAlt4Altirwtm etth latmt, itvropottltbil isitOtt cotatett ret4o7 - in de. =IA golf tpolal :AMON% It dinete4 to to. More, as ir• Imp lodneted to peA:s.l a - mat .!isrl- Atik AO rvileguirtfplolo • • : . - Wit AP. WWII a 00.,1,02Taureb stmt. - -• IlAirlV;Z: i fhat , two-etory -utitutt : NL Elrszv t i t tiot i tr a t ~ , ttle a Tlt. ill ve lr *Mil ,IlatbellAkal, 'Mitt Iros2;CMllia" olpollo4M OM e rn& . 9116betatim ;. ~..;,• , .41 , ..... •:. , ~,,.• . - - ‘• I ..E.SAlSSlerltrineto. • • • ,- .I — .: ei - . 3 ,-.-.:,..,,...,-,-.- •,....... i , ~ .:.----:. : 4:.::.- -- -i f , - , - ,::;-, , ,y-71" , :, -- 4m.';: i VQ,LIJME . _ FOR SALF-.FOR ive,,yer. ............—......... TWEJJANG. HOUSE. FoA sma ,. ...-, Th. artscrttar odor. tar Sal.; the ttwoUPW bonne hr which br. nay Um% &mad on Edsdh AT. enne, Nast Ward, ILUsghtory. The tot is 'V toot front by 160 gyp, tcarilag task to li Yid feta Owl. It Is a two-storied' Int*, cantata. ste roma...ad I cam rk. ow-bangs; op s•irrak! houst.. Pm' .ke oral howls, /to. Thera Oa rd extrMaNt_ the dwelliash lilted bl.o. w and otaandmtli trona s Thsrala gat and .alto t o the rococo of err/do:oil. to othr for ode a d cogotry reSldrurs In Boobeater townthip, 1 , 1, cocarty, Pa., aratahr lug twenty norm of gro d. Meru Is a trstr taw shaded frame dwelling, tahrlng 01.1 roacts r oa the property. Those ls alio a nagorchatd of Oland* of trait. Thore lo a good outbocum, 0.; It. bi about a tulle from Ile Bo Later Depot. Tor bums Inquire of B. X. B , LBO, J.26:11 Tenth Amon*. Allocheny City. 'WARM FOR Sa ',re --Alarm of 47 acres, under goodcultivation, end well watered with springs, situated within threw mgoi nt Greembargi Wesudorelesel °minty, on tbe Philepolhbla Pite,and one from thel,mnsylvanta 1111 _toad. The fra... prommentsam a two story Mick batman by ifs feet, with 11 rooms. tatek barn, with dahlias underneath, and other nrCeasery tmbs:hogs; has two -good or chards, alma( 100 tree. It is • goOkimm. HIM for public house or store. Terms wry. apply at the Beal Estate sal intelligences race oi ch 8. spin • Butler strost;Lawremomilla, . .• fl OUSE FOR SALE --A i•ery neat and is desirable two story brick dwilltag bonsai, near. ly asv, Mutated ,on Boyle slreet..(aarneriat) Veer llootnione, Alleglorny, cour r enlent to market , . schools, de.,tontsina seven roonisoillareallypivred, roarbla manta In parlor, stone lartrtb, tigalla awry 'tom and lull ant wants in back brdldlng all taloned in the lawn aryl. Iltronsboatl = for terms, &c., apply to CIRP/131.11.11lDlYttS, , :la Ta Grant streebooppialts Ccrat% or at 13A1111 & lUDDLO otony,,Plainond altenr. • 7'777 VALUABLE RIVER - 'BROPERTY 1011 BALM, situ•tra co the rfonooktrals IV., above the Am Loa. ballet, • Long= ,Tier of 927 - 6.451, 'and stevitng Deck to street, edfoloins the Oonnellert 1e Ihtilroact . cow Wean 4 .or .4 77 perches. ellatlre. hie kcal= for tosnothetuelos mrpttsag the Aver in front and pob11: moot - AU .. , = 4 - the rear, end - Valr hllil eusd tral3ol4l tbetron tea., • V or teems, epp`y to Meta -T TITI, an the pronolses, ar P t W b CA ratasnAvou. 112 Diamond sreet, eshl4,o PAIVA. AND -LOTS 'FOR SALE-4-The J: undersigned, ender Weft', atterrist7, effer at Pol'llo at Exton Station, on the rittedstrgb, Port Wayne and Chicago Itattaray, IltlDl OIU , April th, the laineileg PrePetiV . OtiVenie Zlirat !lag. the Berth, 73 geniis and ST perebea. 7.11111 feral live beautittuly ; Ix °lmam all ; imitable ter raising graft ind.grass, mit well atered. AI.. 18 late tn. Dann, and rouroo,saa Joining the village. .IdII.2dcaILORGI6;A apl9:Set j• 10011 SALE—Four Takablo Building 1 1 . Lob, c.d. 26 feat front on Bkflatreet, at cor ner of ain West, and 112 to 134 Teat dom.' row Lots, each 14 Pat t one Blo2f strat, .djaclint pr•perty of Alex. 11111er, dumm. Four Loayeseb 21 fast , rora eon Ytatiet . • alba by 0p to so • ley 24 trot wida also, Vireo 'Juts, each 24 rata trout on Cr•atotd Mort by 12 deep to leant-bill •treet. SC 111 b•sold loa Flay and cm vary:atm oplV B. 00T11131111:0 a 51123,61 31artstst. LOB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR L CM PLOPEllair.—Thac LABGN DWELI, MO, with grand. sambaed, an Carson latest, for merly occupied by Christian Thassu v late al Saw Birmingham. Btaaing ad atimildinp in the mar of the Dwelling House lima L. IiTELBEIS, wbAlitf IC9 Tara street P l .4lll=h- PACTORY AND WATER. FOIM FOB MALE--The maseriber offers tor dos lop ImOdlng. .Ith water palter, 'hate in: NBW 13111011T021, Deaver county, Pg -The bnildlnt too been used as $ Bash and Do* factory,'and as • waken futon, Gad Lsmiltable for utmost any manufacturing bumnose. Apply oar tbeprenitsis to apleam (I. 11. summit, GUR RENT—To a alkali • family, n n i. tmo I•alf of a boondfat reo"drui. hi Munn* Tin) mt. milo from th e Alleghkuy Harlot: Homei,„vild *bong 3; am of gronud, ell GLITFCrd Lh choice tram arm., commons, thruhbory, dc. : du alitellont ot,:a watee. and • Isigo 0L.14 - it of :61. - ivter.• Enquire of A.; H. IIABYIsY mhz4.1.1 tro th. premlard VOIR RENT—To a small rani:Rl:A: , one h 4 of • beautiful re 'Plaice in Mount Trot; one end. to the Allegheny Ilerket Efonte.milh about !x: ewe of ground all, core:red 'with leholne Tuft tretworesgreee sh . robbery, Le. All excellent weII of wow . ..a •u m clatarn.of aoft mete 4 En. quire of A. LI. lleftTY, on theprexelhos. ap18:11. VOR SALE IiiKEN - T-45. Fwm of 52 V keros, good lasof, Wlnsio• torsublp, OAPs.In Lug lead of Petes Pesztomealf,fatd witttlft • Loan Ws canoe of doe Panantran.La Railroad- Tarn= rerasona?le. . r Kagan, of WLED, .Illtddrozfrao. Tilthom Grant ortreek. EN BUILbLICG LOTg 14:133, tkLE , .L Manta at tbe inaction Of the Greensburg ra. and Butler street., 22 feet front and 100 feet deep. Terms: one bar cub, and the balance In tunTeasa.. Appty at the Leal Banta and Insurance ofßca of G. g. BATES, a.lB - Butler MVOS, 141,71210ffine. aOli SAL +I Let of Ground,tit the corner of Ferule wad Uneaten} Amt., be the Borough of Ettramingetam. Alm, one pro Grim of nan drawn and Locust mode, Sleben werth w aye Mete tozisposable. A&EOtI le 609 D *Wet. • Corner and Foneth strain DOB BALE—One lot 30x60, having L Lbwe bou thereon, with an outlet on Thwin nibty, sat omit:man street. Tor toms; one st the dam ot __ - • wzratvAN it DOUGLS, SnIST Penn inset. laß BALE-32G saes of prime Min i: !Purl Tacna In &7noini *panty. Con bo par hued fongiOn cash, at On party, owning wants to wan, fon tho gold regl•na Apply to , arid ; B. Obr, !men Wool. vcrroxs.s. -, (VT X'. GROUND OENT&—Ou TUBS- N-1 DA moszruso, Mb. et 10 d'elfAtl'i l l to sold at tha 'o=md'••• Sales Dooms, st! Dinh wed, by order of Orphat all %be Lfolloying• end on property tn dl7 of Plttaburga. L A groand rent of SAO pen annom, on letlefll besttudagan corner of Als24at and filth anode sad ! running north•oasteardly along' Market atrrot IS I feet,. t Inches, and ectoodlnyt bath an oval *Watt* Groan& Bent of COO pa itnnunt en Variety adlolldn the 14T% Wag . 3d bast ort Ilark.4 axed, and extending muss ofd th to Llborty meet. l ' S A growl% rent of f2OS per annum on the two following las tcletltor,*hge ocelot on Mattel itraet, beglosdng 24 Dot 4 lodes ozoth.etateddly from Youth• dad. the m oobet, dons, Slorkot aloud 1 feet 4 inches, bs 70 fete deep. And eta lot on Tomtit at , besioolog feetltdlrow Dube% _Wed, befog= feet on gourds add L'by 41 feet deep, • 4. grouitd nut, of 1 143 Nor , ' „aiginnlng on dm coder of Dodson. street, Vail ey,) sod extending op Ifonethaltosa4 l 4 fedi by t 4 i' i t e d ttalof Salo, Ome, .IT.D. Tender. ! Yoe bather particulars :enstuto of P. 'W. A. 8. Dell, Zero., 144 Fourth attolob • • ' . DAVID 4421oILWALIDA'Agal 1116 tpl6lo6loArtd. • • • QEVENTH WARD LOTS.—Ou TUES.. b.DAT STENING, ' Sprit Bite, at 734" o'clock. filthd, at the Ootassretsl oabas Booms, 34 et,tbe Sllsnetaltdestrebls. bropert7 la Ltn ton's plan o t late In the nerenth • ward,. bendrowly Wonted ow Bet Idghly ltaPft?”d.P.v.t7..r Ban. I . 11. Warhead; Two Lots on earner of Centre woman and Boherti street, well annebtel for begone Wads. What ea - It 23 feet a thew front =Shawn Amu,- and extend lax beck 103 feet to an albl. - Toro LOU on Owbill strtettypallte tit Widener of 11L 11. 31ixatkeed, - Sig.: between Otutre arena and franktla street, hams esthtl-fest ttort., end extettann tack It fret $ teches to in anY• Joe farther fentlealate bell on Z. e..4van, reg 80. et Grant street: • , Tonne or Bet3=43cattldrd tub; Itelenee ens 4. 1 two e3tk•ftttobttettsti trottttt t 7 band sad gat TOBACCO GROCEPAES, FISH, Onß April eld.: alO o'clock. 1,111 dupla, atlbe Coma:uncial toles Boom!, • 4 bbla. iltiackaral; • 5 half bbla Lake/lib; . _ 8 dawn Lobatar,' 10 caddies doe Clasaring obacco; • 10 boxes Ovum:Lent Jais Cograe; 10 do Gtoosul Pappas; • • - 10 -do. do Maya • ICF do do. GlOgorl • 5 do.•Saltistasi • SI do lodide; •-• ,4 ' do Pale Tallow ifoap;. - 10 do palms Daley Moor, 40V1 . • D6VIB t atalmnuosr. once . ED'6TATESSIILiTARYRAU - V lIOSDB. • , I . On= es 4111121TATt QUARTS:I)4 rt 1341. • . • WAILIADVet drr.ll o . It" - AtICTION—MM IA .old. Wadueaday, thrlittk d.y at Mei, at the steharax Depot' leg ?fleeeedrid,- : OM Virido tens ot Old 'Railroad Iron: . AOC. Octal Obi Oa tater. , 60 tam of Cut rasp tro:. •.. 100 too at Wrosiztit trot; 7 URA Ot Old 73tess and Copier; — • I Twee: °ph deretemeat limas. • Ten (10) I per wee. to b• paid ed db! time of .pneebsee, ehe, we &Oren. _ • • • 1%. pr o w II 1;4'0 rama ndvitbie tin dip MAgt data er eds.: • " • - ra -ItODISSON, apletti :• •: • - 04dain untie GOVERNMENT SALE:-Will be sold at. Patella ACC*44en WAD S2 iDAYI 4th, wit. at Alleabatty Atiaag, commaatiag at to 0.40 ct -a .aa ;to th• hightst. Nada; att. tAkna.tai , It Z 75 Cartddga taus, Dalt., Jta.: ; 16 eg l it g ',. a 2? • .- T. 12 ItaxcPardil l' atid SOL TM" . aka.,' H. WIIITLL icrr IT T . At ., ZIAB Ttri e D sTO T ea:A, 9O ldirlitostaist , . • ; 'ham lisadmitlitiolooi wt Itoix o , 0:4 ...I. : Stt===t4AnevAi. 14`,) - ,fft.lJralFalerilltEles, 4. . D " UQUESNE Iltd..,Si WPRIP, - - CAVIAR & 'LltirOß.l); -- aintamtares, of vjvravirty l of Oldie • .• • • BlLlith WORK TOR nnualas..tmaN oil 013 Mau& StilialLtilMot.lip , BEAM CifinlNGS, off all 6 ee ß. millainoil,• 4l da to order.: STWIIIBOAT .IWOltri., Max Asp 033. FrlnfiG, REPAIIIMG, pecoopay attinton to, • Partio nlo mittention paid to =op op 114rnir, RIES TM COAL AND CLAILitOII *Ms, .gj Ai r fr'r tha lSTO ri a D tr a W 3 gri otall VATZNT INPLIuts . 031. P. itte tinttarae• in. tante& Barliip_no adroit Isnot liable tnlget eta of order, awl anirthros mot* orator tb.a 517 Polip . ye Wen ite atm • '•- • • . 1.7.a1i1il s. sucxximarn----r. aw, IRON carr wags. Bzwasurross, .raratriAlla4. rommiza can ffectilmeri.:. i-t PM, coon., or Pik allosiillslitrio as& •—• --- Triarettylrater Watts 4 I Ilsa¢fsstaxers of station and otbar_TACIIIISS, BOLUS° MUS CASTINGS arLd BIAOI4I4ZICT, of all Wads, sad glasral Pro atteaticslina to sagairt4 X-g ZYSSO JOB HALL & CO., VALIZY rosin PLOW. w"Rics," rmti=sn, Plaantactarers and atom 113 the'dir t kinds • . of ?Lows,. PLOW' OASTINOSi ..tgOVOir OUP. TING BO O ZES. it, Wlth greatly Ancrotted j ow d tor ing tnatztas, autte.lavl ri,stWart give as call. lia.noNcun, Mumpenatcalle. to WarebotObi. Cactil allay and Lib 2 SLePrttaYgli. • J.IIAL%; OtTe. BLACK DLUICIEV STkE 'ORM, PARK. MiQTRER & .CO esaT QU 13=1:618D tan *CU. 84.114.b4-iaddecieto,of alt oloot!..ilTssrontod opal to any Import:gay soso.fid=td Iktbit inzsr sod Moroi 122 fLEOOND STRUMS, Pilletzritlt• 611:10 A LLEN lECOMIOII. LA. /MEW Pitlatimwh. Pa. girWamhoose, =ll LIBERTY STARR% Manniantonnsor COOK. PARLOR. AND EMT ISO STOVES, PARLOR ARDICIDGECO'ORAMI. HOLLOW WARE, etr.,Steel and Gdass Moulds, Roll ing MCI Castlmos, MS Gearing, OsAlVoier and Ar tisan Pips, Sadirons, Dog Duos, Wmpioilasea, So ma Kennon. Polk's, Rangers, OariVbeell. Gonlargi ma Canino! genera'''. Alm, Jobblo‘arol t giuhtne Owning. made to Ander. PatonWod le with Sown at Rom Power. r. - taxed INFUL I 3,_ REDDLY, & T04';:14. 215, v Lthenti. etzee_kgegoolte Strth,.;Plttetwa, ossut of 391118X8, LA811.8.8 atel 8 • ES. and awry doectipfloet of LEATIIEWIMAIDpIe .;.10 Orden solldteel 'from the Bede. aa 0012 Vol, ty atepol ma per Instructions SQ SEVEPANCE, •NO. -53 Via= ST. . Pitt at nult , Marl: Warr* of BO._, I :TA.VritrrETB WISOIICIUT eorazaaa tata raalr.. o 4"r/ Per dud or Alum' BPI= As7rd Burrs, fine ar satan, mute to order Waal =err s firltmzarreut coneaktlyWland. BENNE'rf; Ilsoufoctarors of D. warm,. STONE ciateb!...acqadat 001 oar) WANT... Orme and Warshaw) .t So. 74 rEli*L ISTEE6T, l'ittabarsh. ovEßJE4raorirev,:re ) QlllMlt r fli CO., •-• Commission Meret4llls, ' Ho. VG 19011T8 weals c fa ics Gin qe:ial attultion Co pus#4l4 }lour, Grain, Provistans, I • /or leastmn scoonat' 1 3 : Tr. emu e ptlang 0. BrtA Ai CO., (s.geors tea. & W. galcuo. cominustoms av;:reratng*.:(imnts, on an, _PA: - [ wasotto W,t-I,lumilio" n t Oil Oltiotad tuttiog ompla roma and ftollIt&mo sro &SAME. dot.l.ption,T l pototlso rt. Wootton to all wbostuy Omer vigt their • sitattodGm' Taos. neozudesi4i _ , , IdeCctenvad 410s ! iii,r _ • • °primes commissioxr re - Flour, chlain and Priot.sicens. tarttar K han and a r m i ar et n 7(a 4f ROOD I'ITHIGNr, • • Ys -t•, lIENEY WALLACE; • Comnitsalon.Nerchant, so. 360 BOUTS wrirra milticioi.bunols• p.tteßdw.tuatontsta.b 6 s4ro b : alaawrav, niansaiss;loataa a igsalv; _ • , WANE & 7!. • coississitorj Ant degas* Aber, ,4119141iilaik VAlgrke es • 111130ND-rl.,4OVONoodillailti4eil RaravEß 4vuLzE48 1 .:1, -''" • vibelinii mazes an pp 102 50.. - s In tanastilasta segaa. 4.6:32 - Trmawawc- diaixTE4 Lew.. PFFIPB A C*P i W. J. & HAIDATISS,OII- iatsomassset, 241 ?axe. rillEttiZa $l2 ;1"1' • ; win tram PEISIDIS. COMES: AIM PAT' Al:a an few =hay clOss #ractitly. ==a iyie.aßELL ! s Jowl-ix:ON . ; _,,,,, r . virolusstits-iirpao.w.. , " , mg u. B. Mama ISOLDIZEtti Ctrart Mali, ' . ' Iti: to aliM ErIBIEiT, s' vasiii,iousTas, rssatoas,rav 5g.57.•41, PitlMPAlldtais44 faiby: ' .'ARi}lOlO 153461,1116,1r0rri MILITARY- C1.,UA , 0% 'IIOI3IITIES, PYX.9:10104 BACK ,TA cad MLitt= L.d13 1 / 5 of may &Oen 410110XMCCtid - by at* 4r..t. clot st tb. Ibtladltd, naafi rtt fett*tja On - . aldtbir Oahu 113 60. , • . TAYLOti.'AlULOt ,r eiiii." hr ' U. Ti Gnat ttitiP4l,..t •= i tmcbdriti. Ti.l it. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers