, * ME= Mar; jxOWuiii Oett SAltralig DIOHNIAG, litllB6l , RELI4TOUs-INTELLIGMIC:B. --- The w l'ork Obsereff, emaduct . ed with algcb.l ability, has an able editorial - on ' .Bishop Hughes and Starr King.vr Thi artiale,gleatly,sitows that the vario'ns pub • putio.detrionstritions on the death of- th, noted Roman Catholic Prelate 4 was not •-, because ofehemvingpower of Romanisro. Yditit s filthi'etite duit it *at owing entirely to the fact that Bishm Hughes was a public man; he 70 termed ' of a politician; as ho was a elergynien.i be lted. Axerteds., great influence is political CiiidotAiyjenteAtifpersonslly into the arena, and when he died he was trested at 'any other man would be who stood ic . themma'position and exerted the same in fluenee." The death of Ror T. Starr King. ~- , ofSanA'cancrisco, was. viewed much in . the lama light, with this difference, he war largely . .conneeted with public effeirs . hu, wee &titan:a-4m _periartalents,- whichlie.derroted to austth ing the Cinernment'_of thelThited State* andoliddeteteirtorrard moulding pubilli au. lament in his adopted State, and coedit:rt. tedepnah towartyprodileinkthe hearty ix. ' , rlllt9l/011 in favor of the old Union, and re. t , ...:-Inallued•soloyatto-the Government. Ittwat this,valttable service these I, trottblotre times that called firth nth a Pnblie eipres 'arker rregrat at his deah, and pot "their ~ interest itt, _or regard for UnitariSpism ; it - ---- ,harrito - thintwhittever to do with it." Ever, in San Prisnlico, says the. Observer, we learn by a letter Just received, his *ent' sentiments differed so much front the mut. Of the. peop - e, that not a clergy Men in the deeMed near eil'onghto his way of thinking to be Invited to conducran funeral - tertrices, -- and , they were conducted entirely - • teettoirding to the rites of the Masonio Order. • grsoloos revival of religion :41n progreis bt Netearc, N. 11, under thi, letietitine of 3fr..Haraponti, "assisted by "..'" Margin L &Age; of Nevi 'union • ; meetings, ei - u , held tiff the Preellyterian IllOthod4t, and Baptist churches. i An. roes: d• ent ;mewed at one of the meetings, which - ie. !nth. a._plien:heine4 woman - moved :..;with - curiosity : attended, and not Reding ethyneathntone besitles colored Mai, she 'adoined,ltlllist,'''sliiirilin'SCa proximity ent - Whoui she despised; but according to , " , --Iserowtraccount, she ent - -.down there" from .Wearinese. alone.,-., When, the hymn - begen, •• - the.feer. black Wan , :brolte forth n such a joyous voice thafthe• thought his happl• led t 4 liittlik.diScOiery of her guilty lest state, And ele, said to herself : ;hurt - li blacker ;than ilia inen'eskin." . Al, the penohing and arguilient•falki - ; but the sofieof theiegrolwes used *lie Spirit • to lead leer her Savior. . • ' letelsted of tko late Kee. John Marton, the Book Steward of -the_ 'English *ethitiatt Chtlialt fdr 'Over:Bait! yesrs, re hettgy deceased, - that' notwithetandlng -his connection with what- may bp termed the-, commercial department, he never loci the - simplicity, steadiness, and 'piety of' an old Methodist , preacher. Per thirty years he met a class (of church members) at 7 o'clock:in the morning at City Read Chapel, 'the old ., Cathedral' of Methodism. Till re , '': • tiently; in his aztreineage, hanaver failed ::;. I .lo2.pteach ,tWiee.oh Piety Sunday ; unlike `.'some' of 'he drone preachers .in Church agencletiherenhinita.arld elsewhere. At the tumnithoits requiii of the Wesleyan Bob • Committee, Rev. Dr. Jobson, Lts.ionunted, with some reluctanCe, to alipPly, till the uaeting`of , theaCitafelinet. Dr. -Jobson L :well known in Methodist oireles in thi: country, having been a. (*.delegate from • the British -*utopia , _Conference to the Ceders:ace : of the hf:l3..Churoh, at Ittdiatta*lis,. no. -He- was the guest of -Ex4lor. , Wright, then • in the Gabernatorf. Chili,ar- also Rev.: Dr. ilsinab, of the puldiemkut of:,' D • capltY:of .te smate lecher, it la 2.• • ., - 14.4. 11 ..that hie, indit' - died of. emuumptin - t wer days after , he wasborn. die was - her only chthit..Wherfthe.woman thatattended and her saw what he vas t ttti“ Ibls mo th er aould. , :iiet live, ehe thought to ;aitetept ,- :to.heep hint alive. :;iftii:,',Was.;*appisd!Op;.itid laid aside . But ~ f- . : .:after- a irldletne of the Seamen thought she s eeelif and tt eitt.dett; wash and 'elnyYPE4 :_ 'PRY he Ilede' , ir With - rids , Inothiiir_,' • This' incident had a narrow 1 .--..ii;O;MisOrtiaisi , COroMeads "Hodge ~ . .7, , : m i1it0.- f temenet," anew and snot wholly ,editioc,_ as to• . - estandard expeel "-- • Ikei•;ee-Vse'tiriec,reciatudiia; taught Princeton, And on alt In which that imFaMirfliapitt "preeenta.more views of the Old SohoolTresbyteriepe." farther nye • iti ihiti'dity of ritionsfistio.te'pieciation of •,',,,',17,44geik-ffeteilel.:..4:4l, refreshing to , sit thejeet of a mann of genius and cross of Christ, and hi not eshatned of the —ltevallmtWaimitOf : 11111 0, 1 1;hia, the welDiniewnllitileal Soholae, has ready f tiltai litiTY on the Ye l lin' • In three volumes. The question ..Chriatkul - !" --,- : - Ithishectii ,- sayi when the question-of the me- Won of edienOe - m'llie'Palpit was under `h `:diwasdtiyiTaT47yiA Clehinfttir nf the ftlin- Isterial. Association, he said that were he over twilit, he would devote ha 'of the' sabbdlh = dcy ministrations to texriefforypruchiny. He rcgarde tame most • • Boiriptiiinfatict effective methodiof present. ,0,05Pel to lhe.lrPle• , -L-I.ktni the ;1,40=5._ of the American, /1910 at.Bottlon months "1.04 . 4pei1.,1, - ) - rinitintlti'Ailo;2!fl; but little $6,000/I",!adriniti. , :if -those :for Alui same y eas :` The indioakione are;ttiarthattoatiibutions traleir94* - Pfe_lerileeei l 7, so as to emit the point desired to meet the ~.7 P PrePTlOime..q.the Be?u*, Is reported that the Be,. Baptist NOel, - Of 'Loam, a .celebtated minister, is teth font •to of tee BiptliCsitialonary • Union, to be held in Philadelphia the third elan Iq May ... Thu Baptista '.in'the Quaker ' , -leitilieteeieViiiergepreperstions for the amide& ; • ..,„ it....kr.meegn cl tha B°34a . , At. 441,• ..z,1,,6-2,,,firican Band 7 ti : ar e . of Manieer§ cfrrtyw.tgwo miniquariesfwz: #o4istiolnl-Vr.tt:pitigitta'aneY7fi,ok „these !1f1451-n-7.ir' ifP;ll4le 7 tel- p i - and -one . wine wi er %WIWI' V ..,. ‘"7oistoiliArirglilla' - ' laylvii r inds ", u t -; 1"-in to sn, 011.1017,;ici chord 'lit - - ,In...thetßefolano '7? were ibitti -- c ' at ' N ' VWlll74'l* .int 14:04 Eb dteili q "c° f r o zi Ttlaitiei 445"." .......,,' 700- - 1, ' ' —--• a 0f". 14 -'"'"' . ,----Itontair•nr". so *to La ugovxotatist- „„,,tt --- 2/ rialab - . ENO from_ the State of Ind" - f#Pl 4OrSpOnazamicants of the Methodist 2 ,Pisopol Church .. That , State has fur aisfied over 103,000 soldiers up to this date. —At a meeting of the presbytery (11. ~1 . ) of Aliegliny;r: held, on. the 1 lb, the. fallowing were. Clected delegates •to the Haaerat Asseeobir 'Alinieters:-Dos. J. T. Pitsely, A, D. Clark;D.ll.A. "AV Lean; olden -z-Messrs. Arbuthnot; a Dean and - Wilson. Altarnates—Minieters--Bevs., J. ItAlark, t G..Ethaffervod llngh Sturgeon.. Elders -Messrs: trCutcheob, Niter:mid Hare. —Ehe.present oirenlition: of the Pitts oorgh-,Chi*Nota 414ceate Is 11,600. The t!ittaburgh Conference, at its recent annual passed -a resolution request. ing the, General 'Conference to return the present. editor, Bey, 8.11. Nesbit, D. D., for he ensuie g - term of four years. --;—kriew Methodist Eriscodal church has just been dedicated in Virgins City, levads Territory. Eight thousand defiers cognised onitho eccasion toward defraying the cost of erection. —The tercentenary of the death of Calvin Is to. be celebrated at Geneva on the 20th of May, 1164. This three hundredth anniversary' will be celebrated in four of .he principal churches. Presbytery . of New Orleans (Old Achool) has resolved to detach itself from Air General Assembly of the Confederate Mate; Dad declare Itself an independent body: • =at letter from a gentleman connected &ralteisi . College states that there are at present only-four non-professors of religion id the senior Claes. —An exchange says masses are to be ma in- the enahterranean altars of St. Peter and Paul, in the Vatican, for the repose of the Souls of the sufferers at Banda ga. Baptist Home idlision Board has appointed Re,. G. 8. Boardman, of Roches. -er,..to the pastorals of the Coliseum church ,New Orion,. COMMERCIAL BROURI) PITISIDURGII xsARKETs. [Reponsd Expressly fcr the Pittsburgh asactte.l £OlOOO. Aprll 23, ISt GEhLE—Thera 1. no riew feature .to octico to Wheat; the *Redone AM light, and, in the absence amiss, see qftets,lhoo atom at 111,60 for Red and 11,70 for White.' Corn is steady, with • demand ful ly .goal tothb supply; sales on Thuradey of RP maks atll,23.and GO do 81,25—b4th from depot Oats atarba Voted Arne at BRsB3 on track and 85 from .too .lisrley and Rye nominally mchidoged. PROVISIONS-14mo le !steady with a regnisr de- Miind 1411 indent. We goats at 12.1_814 tor Shout. 13 1 jj•133for Ribbed Sides and letals for Clear de;-16forPlanallants and 17•17 S for Plain Sugar New Pork Is nominal . 32.27 per bbl. - Lud 44=4 with rogoi•r snies of city rendered at 14%. 066CE61E8--Surar is nom with • regular sates Rawatl7•l734 for C0b5,113a194 fur Sew Orleans; did 2T for Ca - tubed. Memos .toady with regular tales .87 to 90 for <id crop and 61,0.1,10 for new. •JoiTere inselltrig to • fats extent at 48,aisf7 and 473. —mostly .147. -11.13f1Ths Mark. unthaws doll, the demand belaglimiltd,acid the trunuctime are entirely of • Israel cbarsiter.. W. out. mall salts.' Extra Taxa- Uy at STA. to SS,O3 per bbL BUTTEIVE EGGS—The demand for Ratter hae ram elf materially, and the market Is very dull, and prime h.va drained to 58.2 for common to .irrictly palm .. Eggs in good supplyrand vary doll i 7 atm. - . 11 Of —Loom Bay has advanocd to 6t2.6 per ton ilititales analog to-dip at the/shove figures. Bided liseliingoo the wharf at from ;as to tsvp ton MILL PEED—EaIa off l car of stdpatufs to at, sire, at $1,.433 §S ctn. Itidalloge Itio scarce and o het FUEIT—R.O el' 20 bush Pesch. (guar. ere) ata.sa and 2 4 do (balm) at 18c, eppie• may be go.Sedat from 10 to lie, as to malt/. TOE—dale of 75 half bids mke liming at 65ACil did 60 bolt bbl. White rig, at 68,75—0 n 'advance. Stacteral remain shoot as last /looted. SELDS,Thereetypears to he considerable Inquiry for Clover reed, sod prices are Wither; indes at 68,50 -reorrie holden, asking $9. flax Seed wadi y .1 83.55..'timothy toed is selling at 53a3,...3. R603--Stoady,'with sales at from 7 to 7%. WEIISE " - bade firmer, but wk w are non mhanged: tale of RN tibia Sionongohels (in arcdwavllle) at 121 k a.ED Oth—la firm, with regular tersof l at 11,15. iti ' LltTOES good dralgd. scene and Mill • 4betatlona from ateri may be tarty . givoa at fro 41,10 In al,V.rpor barb, as to quality. Pittsburgh Petroleum 'Market. A,lO al—Then/ was an .ususlly largo business 300. to Crude t.-day, the reported tabs amountirg to thsaggresateto 6,370 Olds. Prices helmet . . re main about as lattquoted, though Bronco/ appeared toba tbageneral to.. of the market. The receipts continuo light licrt. aupp'y I. fair, and at/caret:By equal to the preamet demand. We note tales of 710 Obis to bulk at 400 400 do do at 22%; 1000, 270, 700 and= at 23%, free an board cars. Them 1. also a better demand for Itaflued, but the estrum dews oft/olden - has a tendency to/varlet operagons. dalea 07 1,000 bids In bond, for May delivery. mt prl 'rate tains; and 130 Dbl. to baud, an up clear brand, 1443 .;.on thn spot. Prima city braada Maybe quoted at SW,' to band sad 00000. free: Waptha L quiet and nondtud at 25. .12alduran to to demand and no netatales at $4,50. .Tba receipt. by .the allegbaay el/ er during the tasnly.fonr bouts entitle title mailed, are no tot. otti: :Le 101 r, Wray a Denny, 156. 1. Wads 13/ um a Tana, p% zyd.y a Chorpening, 4E MO. ma, Dunlap a co, 135; II Pauttbsch, 99; Dna., Burka a co, 309—total, 1,041 bbla Xeir York Petroleum Blerket. Sieritill;ata to Um Pingbiesh G=otte. !frt Yoag, Aprlt a-Thereertat Tor Credo con dell, While tricatire nomelnrril7 unchanged. Mania an active dieniaol for Itotinsd, he bond, and priors bat . .again advanud, ranging froin.Gs to orr.. rm. Oa, too, to sett. gwd Mahon antes on the net at . ctatise, Raptba it In. fair demand, uld prices are an"; Wa of refined al `.tie, and . 0113 . da at 2234. - Baltimore Market—Diall Report. .-• Apra U.—Flour sod Nast—Salm were Isported on ICharissof 500 bbls Howard street Super at tri.UNA and MO tads Ohio Tatra at IS Si bb). Peon may .bs noted as follows: Ohio Saw at 17,251 7,37%.110trard street do at $7.37}4.7,60. Ohio Ex trues $808,25, Ilunrd do at 10,12%5a.373i. shipping , nude City Mils do at SY,WaID, and Baltimore rato ly at SU SIMS. Rye Floor Is maim. and brings 11,25a7,31)5per bit Con Sisal is quiet at SO 52% • bbd tor.ollY Grail—The offerings Ohio morales al the Corn homage wen GAO bush YYWgybent,,4sCo do Corn sod VIVO dont/ No tholo Bonbon Wheat was no. mired, fad the lowa' grader erne nary. Corn brought an advenee on previous prices pr WO; do alterations the other varieties. We 'quota prime and ado Collthem white - Whoa at s2,lrai.,2' n, fair to mod do, ?AA common and °Ming sl,Boatarn• fait And sbmo Kano)) ,willta 44104,16' prima and choke Southern 12,M411, fair to god do, P.9N2,00, Inferior to =diner do 11,75n1.85 VI bash. whitatl*m $1,21•1,-,7, and yellow do bushel. Oats 8545 cents weight. liye!l,tBal,69 oath: • -t • • • • Prorrlatous—Barketd4l.l sad Wisiettled. V. quote Ilan Pont at $2l for Dew, and BA pea al for old. Sam Shoaldara at 1.VA,a13 °ruts, balk do at 111,1 e ll° coots, Dacca Illdesat 13e r t:y ants, balk do et 11,liart cents, plefer bun it 18 'coots, tom cared do et Was for rancor. sad at laXaßle 18 for esqvusod. Wettern.lard , sad trcs at 143/alfli - grata and Baltimore refined at 17 unite Piro. Widekyr-Bre,ell lot#of, Ohlo were placed early la the day at $1,10t141743 gallon, bat at tbe•cicse the mutat wax Yerp hwy. tienr,Tork Flop' an 4 Grain Market , • . • - 'RIR Report. s, . April Zl.—Tba 'market for Stat. and Forts= near . , . totem &titre, anddSalbc Sulu 7,84 V .bbd al 17,100,40 for SoPerrnna• grate, 1r7,d0a7,P0 for Rain' itatall7,Bso,l3ofor cholca d0;17.160,40 for raper arm western; 17.c0e7,95 for common to manicm rx. irgWcatarrn $7,0501,06 for common to goad shipping broada•xtra roand hoop Ohio, and 10,000,25 for tracts Intent% • • Asusnsee Bout da desk tedtre and rCirraly so dim. ginaa bbd at $8.1,25 . f0r common and 118,3Ca11,Z5 for min extm.-' • • Canal/in flour la .6aloo lower. Bales tem btda at Pl,ls.sefenn fircandmon, and $7.7609,26 for good to choke extra. " Aye ttosrb golat and Ego fa warm and firm it 11,60: seder is Onlet, — Barley Malt Is graft end flnn;ralea nAnn bush rgs malt. 1.141,36 ger ' Oats wind" and 4. °Opine at ShuS3' for Canada; Eldfd4l23 Intiatnat for Western.• • • %Ws Com marked tan ulnae fennar, wilt only • iftploisrMy. ealciint.COOlinab st 111,3 t 4 for ptd. rotted..Wr;fam La alMniand iddrVadAdlo W•w. law. Corn Cud to kaani. and Clint saki- CO bib Jolley at 0 doli§asui, grandritzto at $0,30! - ,Ixtsitsvfllin Tobacco M Anti 2X-8 15 ofi3S hhisu foilow*: 06066467.6".6k 44 . 11446,00, 64 at SW: 18490.17 la 5.34,8 r, is at st. 510510,00, 10.4 511. r Aso. u at Moms it 583.1300. 18 till at 516a16,76, u.t 316.16,13, 617.11,73,61 118•111,60.11 at Slaorktr, 0 o11200;77;413 6216 2460.1i5t MAIN 21 . 06,2544,76 j at 62444, 70.1 at ITS; St at iliTp ,9 75;25t SUM, lat $33.76, Wrist 11 41 .1 at / 140,1 of ;nib st Igo 40.3,63, sod 1101 demi 64 62.2 562 .60100) - 161/.61,6 totioolloiTorsooo,Worobor' coo or Tr undo so Molly: Staid. massUcturtog 14446$ !NAN T 16$ AVIS CllNBlNl=6l.;.(Ourotiabd by J T Liam, )44V.1161 tau:Whom , ' 104 1 4.51711 1 1: 0 1 ig IA 6 60204:13,16, W.II6LIW; 12 Olds 1266T3 -1 4 0 ;SAKITATA l aut Cesittei ludas labs 1.6 66,130¢eptaksimtvw , &mom atria* ro . 'll4l 42tortg sr Vlsriarraiti , 44 s,A at 11,2311401 ltrletrurk o 6 **, IRAs + 11 44 19 .434 41 1. 1 =2: Mont gelds" .1 toWapitstia 45)14'1At ..kbyr 2. - iseitma 011,1 . 1,1110.1 wads; „ . ! , ~ +~" Imports by Railroad. PMMarnnn Pr..WAMM AIDCntLao LULL.. April MI - 543 -bp MGlV4ied, 3 b ns., bin I Kell; KG ,sks...ourn, 0 Yerbolta; 128 bet *beta, J Coi 201 . bp berle,y,"Spencor A 51CHoll 105 aka rap, Closifro & Clark; S bbls e gg .,. Dub; 138 Am wha t . Fen AA co; 14 bbd. bacon skies, Watt a Wilson; 35 pkgs scrap iron, Jones & Laughlin.; 1 bbl butter,; W P Beck d co. 1 car bay, J McPherson; MO bbl. Boor, Wm McCutcheon; 114 Wee, Hammett Hooz;HTO'do J H Balaton; Melee! plates, Singer, blimickA on; 10 bbl. 'whisky, If R IL' Start; 124 aka wbeat,l3„,B Liglatt ixl; 1 net clover seed, IleClur kinOlerrort et co; lot corn lo Volk, HilcllclAlt R 81-c- UseeryAeo; 150 aka corn, Dlll2 Wallace Otsysnaan sae Prrmauxua 8.. IL, April 24 April 22-5 rolls lialher, Hays Retestart; I do do G Anderson; I do do W lamas; sks corn, 'Lbw Bell t tic; 9 bbl egp, Eltellley; 191 ou Dlll feed, 100 bble flour, Sloipmm A Knox; btda'apples, Fetzer Annstmag; 381 .k. barley, D b.• choose; C U Balder; 28 do do Potter, Aiken A Slop ard; lu bbla buns, L H Toigt t co; .20 do do 76 aka rgligll, F Vongordor; ILO tp bran, Ilea /I Kell; 12 las cbeess,Toight4 co; 8 Jugs molasses, McDonald Arbuckle. * 1 Lail egp, J I Swoop; 278 bbls mod, B rind; I box butter. II Riddle; II bblsoolons, A Il Heusi], 8 ate rap, Godfrey R Clark.' Arazonaai 81,1103, April V..-2bble ego, 2 bra butter; Wm Beed; 1 bbt whiskj , , 1 1 bee elder, W ?Baum; 15 do: brooms, W J Knorrt 2.9 bills paper, Perini& co; 108 bbia Boar, Ovene.4l Herloodr: 6 bee boner, atolls, sou dt .624 MU Pear, 3 . 4 Groot i 4 skeane, 61 do cum, Stamm &, Knoll d pip butter and ego., II Lea; 3 do J Oolblants; 2 tees do. 81 hu, Illehroon; 10 bblaettga, 2 ;bests but ter, L 1.• Bak; 27 pip produce; P Um :Lad.; 7 do L Baker; 14 pip butter nod eggs, liriney A Wesaer; do do, J. Beck; 7 dodo; tts ley; do do, .1 Emit; 8 tildes, Groetzlogar & eou, 13 bat ;eelte, Kahn & rah ber, A 0 Taprart; 19 pigs produce, A Rouser, bble apples, Jain Iler tart; 11 slo OLT. wed, DI la Buyilam;ll7 do oats, .1 Spear; bole Cwt. P Colllna. Imports by Slyer ZANlMVlLLlZ—osaJbma—lotstandrles, Clark co; 14d potatook 3 b. tobacco, 22 pkg. butter and egp, Amer A Aromtroug; G 9 bp abated corn, 4 bbla egp, 1 box butter, 11 Velett A co;i111 pkgs taboo. co, ItDalton &co. ' 60 bbls applos, 1 box butter aod coot, P Beck & co; 11 bbl. apples, 1 do Ate seed. glazing A Stank; 3 rolls leather, A litelemsyer; 121 oil D ada, Hutoblarm & at; 12 pro bedatesds, Lemon & Wise; 2 Das buckets, 15 bbl. elder, Mae Baladey; 1 bbl molasses, Mena, Jell A otd 2 do eggs,' 8 DO sprfh & co; 2 bbl.. Wm McElroy, Mt b. soap, Halm A Biddle. .1 bbd tobacco, Head & Metzger; I do do G Cam; AL egg., A Brown; 0,003 SUMS. J.. Many; 4,000 ft acantbug, a Md. potatoes, Melf.loney; 1 bbl, l sack, 1 coop chicken., Wm Gates; 03 4.• potatoes, 8 bola older, Walter Brown, aka corn Mcßan. & Anger; 4bp Rotate., Ibe eggs, 4 ba s k e ' t., .1 A For. gown; 2 eke rags, I emu; 4 pkgs aundrbm Leek Armor; 150 bbl. apple., Hort; 48 do do, 0 9 door Dbl., J A Haden, 2 btb dry apples, Cook, Pettit & 03. OFFICLIL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. ratted at the First Sesziota of the 71ney eighth Cony Tess. [Puntac—No. 313 Ar ♦cr to eneblo the people of ColorsJo to form a ocmatitotion and Mate goottn- MOLL, and (or tbe►dmioaion of scum poste two the Union on ao tqati looting pith tire original Stites. Et it enacted by the Senate an{ {{fuse at Reprevntatires of the Vented States of Arne. Leo in Congress asseenbt.d, That the inhabio tants of that portion of tbe.Tertilcry of Col. orado included in the boundaries hereinafter neat glutted be and they are hereby author. tied to form for themselves, out of said Ter. ritory, a State GovernmenL with the name aforesaid, winch said Staid, when formed, ohs 1 ha admitted into the Union upon au equal footing with th • original Stztee in esti teepoets beveoever. , S o 2 Aid be it iwtherrnaered, That the ealti State of Colorado shall omelet of all the terribly iooluded within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a paint formed by the intersection of the thirty seventh degree of north latitude with the twenty fifth degree of loogitude west front Weshington,• extending thence due west along said thirty seventh degtett of north latitode to a point foamed by Its inlet-Elec tion with the thirty second degree of.loogi tude west from We.ehlogton;: thence due north along said thirty et pond degree of weal longitude to a paint formed by It. in.. tersectien with the forty flip, degree of north latitude; thence due east *long said forty-first degree of north latitude to a point humid by its intellection with the toenty.fittb degree of tocgitode weal from Washington; thence due eoutb along said tweety-fiith degree of weet longitude. Sec 8 dad be it farther enacted Thai' ail pereone qualified by law to elite for rep resentatives to the general assembly of said Territory at the date of the passage Otitis act idol be qualified to be elected, sad they are hereby authorized to vote fur and chain., rrpreoentatieta to teem &genet tillt el, Wafer such eutee and re.6,lsiationo as the governor of esid Terri oty may prescribe; and alsa to Vote upon the Se.:eptattet or rejection of each don-titutioo as may he formed by said COLVentiOri, under bt.ob rules nod regula tions 6.1 the said eouventiOn may preecribc; and if any of Bald citizens are enlisted to the army of the United S Oleo, and are still withi', bald Territory, they chill ,be per.. edited to vote at their ;dace of wadi 570.1 e; and [it] any are nbaent from said Territory, by reotion of their enlistment in toe army of the Unite d Sates, they shall be permit.ed to vote at their-place of service, under the rules anti regulatione in each case to be pet ecribed as aforesaid ; and she aforeeaid representativeo to form the aforesaid convention shall be appottimeed among the several counties in said Territory In pro portion to the population as near as may be ; and said apportionment shall be mule for.said Territory by the gdveroor, United Suites Dietrict Attorney,.andi chief justice thlreet, or any two of them;'and pie goy ernoe of said Territory shall, by proclama tion on or before the the filet Monday of WI next, order an election of the repre tent/lilies as aforesaid to beheld on the first Monday in Jude thereafter through out the Territory, and Pugh election shall be conducted in the vireo Manner as is prescribed by the laws of said Territory regulating elections therein for members of the House of Represent ativu, and del:lum ber of men:dere to said convention shall he the same as 1140/ oonstitute both branches of the legislature of the aforesaid Ter to riry. Sea. 4. ilia be it further enacted, That the members of the Cot.Tentioo thus cleat ed, shall meet at the capital df est 4 Terri. tory on the first Maud., In July next, and afterorganisatioa, shall detainee, on behalf of the pedpie of said Territory, that the,' adopt the Co katitutiou of the Dotted States. Whereupon the said convention shrill be, 'end it is hereby, authorized to forM Con stitution and Sects government for said Yerritory: :Provided, That th&eonsciention, when . formed' shell be republican, and-not repugnant to. the _Constitution of the 'Qui. 'tcd -States. and. the peletolpfes of the Do. alaratiun of lcdependence: And provided; father, That said convention shall provide, by an ordinance irrevocable ywithout ;he consent cf the United States and the teo ple cf. said State First. That thei e shall be neither slavery. nor involuntary aerritmlein the:said State, ir her wise than in the punishment ot crimes, whereof the party shall' hive been duly convicted, Second. That relict toleration of relig ions sentiment shall be secured, and no in habitant of said :State .shall seer be mo lested in person or property on account of bli or bee mode of religions worship. • Third. That the people inhabiting said Territoryde agree and decisie that they forever-disclaim all right and title to the unapproprated pnblio lands lying within gal/ Territory, And that de same . shall be and remein'st de sole MO entire disposal the . !Unitedflustes; aid that :the lands belonging to.ollisene of the gaited States residing without the said State shall never • be Coxed higher than the lantibelonging to resident thereof; Ind that nolagesthall be imposed by said State on - lands or property therein belonging to, or which may 'here after bepurchseed by, the - UniteitStates. ' Sec. 6—rind - be it Aran , . Ogled; That in case a constitution .and State govern. went-shall be formed fordo people of maid Territory., of Colorado, in coutplistioe with thevirovisinaeottitis act, .that seld ;olives ;dm flaming the same' :shah. pc:iiiide by ordinance for submitting salkoonetituilan to the:o4l4W - said Seed. ".for their rad& rtjeition'at an ;clothe' tits beld on -the Second , . Tuesday; of October, one thousand eight htitidgeintul • !linty, four, at fund places and uuder.sisCh . regulations. as May be prescribed therein, at. which AN,: lime Oa lawful value 800 sbell-vote:directly (ova - naiads; the pd. pos el consiltutlen,.and .the retnrne of - said election shall be made .to the soling - goy- • senor of the Territory, .whet, veld the Utile ted Slate's district - - steorneyisndOlof Jen treinf said Territory; otitny.isect. of them, - shill Conies's majOillY of_ legal.. melee_ 'Oa shilt.:W i cieri - :for, I t ild;,Goiiiiitado,:i `elictiproNee4• SW*. 04:inktd- Oveittith:tbsilGait* the 1 0 4 4,04hit'recsiskeitt:.:::ottliii:Uhlted)3tatec , ; togethertiajltsolo.o.7.4l4:iatiiistitettiott• •164.4tratimpteKlehesettpins , ttehall be glut daty, th_OriettlititettAhernited State!, issue his proclanuttloti declaring the _,.~{ State admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original Staten, vrithont any further setion whatever on 14 part of Coogresn. See. 6 And be it further eautetsd, Thal until the next general census shall bd taken said State of Colorado shall be MO to one representative in the House of Representa tives of the United &Atte, which revesen- Wive, together with the governs . ? and State and other officters provide , l form Said constitution, may be e:ec•ed op the 'Blame day a Vote is token for or tsgaiost life pro. posed cooFtilution and State gos emment. Sec 7. And be It further eneefeef, That eeotione nnmb,te elsteen and thirty Six, in every townebip, and where each esotilme have been Bold or otberwtse dieposed of by any not of Cougnas, other lands equesii!ent thereto in legal subdivisions of not lees than ono quarter settion, and ea eoatlgnoti, ee may be, shall be and are hereby glinted' to esid State for the support of common schools. See 8 And be if further enaete4 That provided the State coloratickif shall : be ad mitted into the ti aim; In accordanCe with the foregoing provisions of this sot, that twenty entire scot ioos of the noappronristed public lands within said State, to be Select ed and bleated by direction of the I.,zglei 'stun thereof, on or before the first 'day of January, anon Domini eighteen buridred and sixty-eight, shall be and they are hereby granted, in legal subdivisioni or not ilea than one hundred and sixty Mires to raid State, for the.purpOse of ereoting pub lie bnildinga at the capital of said State, for legislative and judicial purposes, in such manner is the Legislature shall pre scribe. Sec 9. And be it further eneteieti That twenty other entire sections of land, as aforesaid, to be selected and located is aforesaid, in legal sub-dirielone se:afore. said, shall be and they are hereby granted to said State for the purpose of erecting • suitable building for a penitentiary or State prison in the manner aforesaid. Sea 10. And be it durthrr enacted,: That five per centum of the proceeds of the sales of all public, lands lying within eahl State, which shall bo sold by the United, States subsequent to tbo admission of said State into the Union, otter deducting all the expense's incident to the same, shall be paid to the said State fur the put - Imile of making and improving public reale, oon structing ditches or o•o,ls, to effroCa gen eral system of irrigation of the agricultural land In the Sato as the Lrgielsture shall direct. Bea. 11. And be it :further macte t i, That from our after the admission or thle said S•ale of Colorado into the Ul3lOll, itOpUrell. t I ibis set, the laws of the .United lti , strs, not kte.illy indpplirable, shoji have , he some nil, iff-ot wiebiu the said 91*.e,i. rive • hide within t fie United Suttee, and ?fold S , sie shall outwit me one jirdloial district, and he (wild the district Of Col orado. Approved :throb 21. 1864.. STE.I.III3O4ITS 0 R NASH VILLE.—Tho i splrodid nen; puseugor 'framer .-'• Iniretrar,, Capt. A. 11. ton. lenv• for • abort end Interco dist, potion, on IRIS DAY, the [St eer ed Irst., o'cick. p Yo trnt or prxtage •pply on board, FOR CAIRO AND SAINT ja z z RESERVE. Caph W. M. lAA, aril] lore. , or Ike al.ore and later oardbee pinta on THIS DA V, the 'ad latlarit, at 4 o'clock. p. m. Pot Helot or Damage apply on board IV fit JOHN y LAOIS. 016 J. D. CO L L INGWOOD, '6:o°M.' VOR ST. LOUIS, KEOKUK, -^p `Z DMILLNOTON 110• CAT ISE, Ds. V4l.4Pisia DUBCQUE, HASTINGS* 81 . .. ' eh ... The splendid ••••1•••• nTA4II.IOHT, Capti,tn Barton, will lens.. shwa on illis DAL, the 13i1 •t 4 o'clock p. tn. For [might "I, i armp i lzc ir to c ar m l . . } Ap spl3 in r LACK, 0 K CINCINNATL—The 12 lira new and magnificent Haatarr Ar.DS.IIIO.N, CRS O.A. Ina , . tile& Andrew Lon limn, wUI kaire ab.c.• 114 bta• VSOAT, 2 1 last ,ai bo . elcsk p For tio,Lit or ;wane apply on baud, vela JOHN rtnes, .per J. D. CoLLINOWOOD. f p g h . , : r J . E i.j r ) B U . l n he fine Tease .442 • ill Dam as above on 11DPIDAT, the t4.4e.b s. at 4 p. m. rosfrelgbt or •age apply on board or g. J. D. DOLLIDOWOOD,I, agents. •pl 2. JOHN PLACK, VOR ST. LOUIS.—Thq fine , plClMnger otiamer , NEW YORK Capt J. El L ghturr, will leave an above wia 0. • DAY Mb Ind., at p to. For freight or pealply on bonnlor JOHN FLACK, app J. IL OOLLINGWOOD. A." 0":. REGULAR WIiEELING PARKERSBURG PACKET.—The line steamer MINERVA. Capt. John ilonion, lan Vlttabnigh for Wheeling every TUESDAY. THURSDAY wad SATURDAY, making ' im con • mations with the Wheeling and Parkerabnig Pack. eta. Reinrning. will leave Wheeling every MON. DAY, WEDNESDAY and YRIDAY. Peasengera and freight reeelpted through to Parkerelnirg. Yu lght or a i aa 3 ge apply or board or ao JA CO hLINS A CO., Aguas, On Wharf Boot, at the Put of Wood atstet. deSloitt ME WHEELING, MARLET TA AND EASIEST ILLE.—Tbs Sae paweroger are, ERR& ORAHA 111, Mumps Ayres, llommander, Mayo Pittsbnigh corny TUESDAY, 1 4 p, m., and Zaneevilla mum FRIDAY, o'dook a. to. The osw Mesmer JULIA. Wm. Cooltelet. Coto standar, Leaves Pittsburghevery SATURDAY, at 1 p. m., .d Eaneasille every TUESDAY, at a eclock e. N. F.' height ° L.M74? : ;3/I — AF - . 4 or to Pittanorg6 ; EL EL FUROR 00, A gram, oral Zanesville, Ohio. ' FAMILY DYE COLORS. • I=l Mack alocifor bah Dark Bbio. Light Dos, 15 __ 6441, Resedll3len, Uantoe, Skeet BIIMIS , • Otrowy Durkßurma Ptak 1.601 &me, Persia detqf 810. M., Mem, admen% ' °rim», sass's, Part Pre* filefo, Llghl Desk Seiterina Dun Drab, Vlast, It. Pam Drat ram. i for Dyeing 811 k, . Goode, Shawls. tinuta Dromm,...--. ___..._. &one% ga i r i rp 22 ,, v 1 „... .. ?? T05. (.11 . 1dren e Cletbinit, and *or A — HMI/T(l'7r so pzis O. sail for hi mote you am coley as many gouda as would otherwise cast Sae them that num Walton, sham can be produced from the same dye. The promo Is simple, and any one mu as the dye with perfect somas. Dl oeda= In Zngllsh,Drenchindi Imide of each package. for huller Informatkne In Dyeing, and giving o perfect knowledgewhat colorram bast oder tear , over Wows, with many valuable porches Moro A Stevens' Treatise on Dye ing Dok.iali• Sent by null as receipt of price-10 mote. ilanblacturod by BOWZ a STIVIDNB, WO Drcadway, Baton. fofskin by dmnridel.l aid dildrVg....l2,l* r NVOARGOB MARBLE WOW, fit 1111111217 'rain . sad tarisd of giSaBLE narIMB. tionuments and Mot Stones. PwiErrse &LIM, goal:spell &GD JOHN& Wirar:• , ~,:,,r CUIJUT oequeurrislass 72.93101123 07 ALLECIngO7 anint- TE No. 11, Doonator gruslaus, 1801 Oomman• outlet of Peon.) hoult V. W. Ifolnallos sod Ostdal Obasuat, Sot 7n. Sur.. /atoned Rend-. mot of COL • /tad now,'April 10th, 1881, an motion of L Ar. thuto, Earl, too Ooart appoint J. 8. 71:7.011807, Auditor, to dlittlbato the fond In Coast, soandlag to the Art of loomably In rich eon moo. non to, tided. $T TUB 0011BT. . • - &telt : A. Rama, Clerk: Notice Ls bitchy glen that the Auditor above Aimed win meet :be pante intended b the &ban nak, at hie omen, No, IS3 fourth are" , P i t u t"n b . on SATURDAY, May 14th , MO, at . 9 &sleek p. la. • le YESUUSON;AstaIior. THE ORPHAN& COURT, OF- AIR . LIiCHENT CODATT, No. 194 December Tunn, le ht In the matter of the estate of &Mind WI Wn. doomed. And now Artil le, lAff. motion of litoactt A ettorter. for t•be .. " * """ w " the Conn appoint W. C. MOBILO& Auditor to Comitustosil tho tindeto the handl of the 'Metal.= teeter arkins from Ms .der( real tote. of raid rl,O- *idea, mad make repot!. thereof to Court. • DT Tow:* A Mott,Rot.A.. Ittsson.Cletk. ; • __-• - • Noting. to hereby Mem that thrAhrittor sum* =Mel Catered th, puttee Intereeted tho Mims "4 1 % 14 bis oaks. S 3 DIAMOND 828111.2, Pittibursh, Sortirdiy, ZrOtti, Mt, st tito irkhrith ort.• inonxiAND, T'I'THE t.:ol.lifi: OF COMMON PLEAS, pritleatroy. County. N0..1111 •Marth 'Pray 1/811. to lb. metier of tho oyytracticio of Aid* Whitfield, Myths -Resellsof-ths InscAtent Ulm. Patio bs4by elteathat thettasntgro3 inigorpplies. I!..l4p_i_tlut Man Oaart, ea th efts! ftlwalkl , la Mar. UlallalitreleithneolOth es M. ilr;sl7ldo.y o lothl.ibe.l lusemaciolo ,4# 1 4 , vat taws orammtnas. . senatit rump milianitur,,, 1:110 , - 1 • , par GOODS, Zfe. SPEENG TRADE t To Country Merchants and Dealers TON, MAURUM & CO., Jobbery sod Itnallsrs of DRESS TRIIIILENG, EM. BROIDICSIES. ROSIE gr. GLOVES, TB rm, BONS, B AIR NETS, ZEPHYR SKIRTS, CORSETS, UMBREDLAS, SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, NEON TIER, 50.4 kc. A WI a.mortmeat of Notions and Fancy Articles. CITY AND COUNTRY MIME/NM liiILLINEII3 AND PSDDLIIIB, Who bay to sill again, arill Sol It to their advan. tags to all sad csatnica car stock, and learn oar pocra i. EATOR, MAC&UM & CO., N EW: OOOD3- Jost recatrid t the Trimming Store of MACRU &GL " SIDE. n NO. 78, Cloo oe+ be band the beet Ltd mon earefolty bored stota of ./MIIOY - OOODIS enr opened m tte city, eampildr.g EMBROIDERIES 01? ALL KINDS, Paqt, Minns, Thread Lace, Irlah Point tad Ster breldered 'Collars, Itabrcddered Seta, WM, ax! Dente fleinstlobed flandkerchlth, Lace and Sm broldsnd Lleadkorchtall. 111Ack Ciape Collars sod Ms wary ckek, In cmr 'Haulm and GiDTO Department trill be Woad • hall .assortemat of Lisa and Dents' • IClds. In alloolora. Alto. Bllk. Linle Thread. Bilk and Linle mixed Glos.. also India Robber filaree and and BLitt: We hate ell makes of Lattice ~bites, brown, With and mixed Oottco Qom aleo, white and black 811 k Wharp do. Taney Goods, Nations and Nla N. k,, an mile= tarlstY. lirtudesila Bo:Kan np main, awl in Eh* besameaL. — I 2I E - 1 ------- GREAT SALE, AT W 1 BARKER & 59 Market street, SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SOILED HOOPED SKIRTS- J. M. BURCHFIELD HOOP SICIRTS, SLIGHTLY SOILED, Sallltait at Reduced Pricee to make room for Sew Goods. N. E. CORNER 4Tif & MARKET STREETS. CLOAKS AND MANTLES, In *very .t la C*nd.om..tack k at NEW DRESS GOODS, CIRRUS, IMMO, Grenadines and Lawns, LOP AND COTTON 00005, wh i qlenale and Ratan. AI,EL BATES, 21. FIFTH STREET. anl3 Dar Crr, Wit Gram, Mate., AT RETA.IL Bead Blain and Bead Buttons, WAD OTHER !JEW TEINEIENO Th. paw litui4a2a Collar ma chars elepat PoLattanzi 1144. sad Ibusfikerahlefai low gefeed and Ate Linen MEWL, 'Leann area. adtae LOA 911411 ValLetelembite and Hamburg . Teiramldge, In gent Yeelety, st lar peen ; elegant Ana end &ail. /*Acne t Dane% *ate and Blew. Head H eta, g ot igaig etgle ; Stoetatin e Olotnit Onset; BeeplUdrts end Spring Balmoral Skirts. A MI MI6 of May's FUritlqihiff Goods strip op head. Lutist' sad Cbildeles *Aso, Bilk sztd Gums • Undersold/I Imam' Mao diertho U. sthia—ast WI plan WI matalaliatosks Masi. Wholesale Besjus up stabs- Buyers In the dry and from the country ern lb, well to lock at an oar& bade pUtd44 . kg. • • J 0 ea RORBE 100., 77 LAD 79 xsasa w. scastiam. tw. Wormerly'with Won, liar= s Co. iv. a. varwra. MOORHEae - DENNISON /' Op.;.. Na lea 12121"414"", Elm • tallotoot ofEMBItOI. MUroot M TRIMMING, SESSAD LAM NNOLISH * n d 1111X,NCH °BAPS, BILK L ILL= 111 ..”1.011211 . 13 TIIIISIBRI • 0 GOODS; bettAuallty 00T -1.08 ItSB 1 . 0 oad BILL WEDRIIOBII, .• ';1101311017. GLOVItB; boos worn 8: : LlBBB4 sod PAP= •-•OOLLA.1121t1•81717088, all llnda t SPOOL . 'LIMON; Walk style BONNET BUDOIBB, .I=ll4ab 'Art Mood to tho trade,' at Ma.% co UPI OW &vault. tohttfoitt . LYON ifrHAL; Empoirrla &ND *mums -te-tbs- setteet Wands of MIMS SAVADIA-r =ABS, and kiwis of SMOILISCI-AND CEINIVING TODAOOO 1511141 W 7A3011131484011AM1L. =Mc TITEIUde., tAireat 7,a5144701Npa1. FS MAMA 1/0. 4pit . Riktioerid rt& JUE3I3IrATING HOSE ewe tom .fflicesstatt-i. Istsi colluatest *o4,4ltnelndilißiblia 'll;46llllakillatifell'OseaL 11.4'S 17 B R.l o .Ar'e I E. sHARTEDI FRANKLIN , FIRE INSURANCE COMPANI' bP P I 1 A. tows on Joury 1,1414, 5/457,449 94. 6300,000 A.ruel Parylu 4,1LU0 Ilaseteled Clams E '8,416 Income for :nd4. mnsu9 Leo Paid (Ice ......... ..... _....3,000000 Perpetual awl Temporoy Ponces,. Moored moo.. ~ .• Choler N. )(locker, I Iliac Lee, , 'Yobbo Warner, • I Zdesed (I. Dale, • Sound Gout, Gee. Palo, Jacob R. Ntultb, , Mfr./ Doe. W. Riot aros, in.. W. "eels - D. AIILE3 BANCREN., President, Ef)wmgn DBLS, Pee Prof - Amt. JAB. W. EI:A I.LIeTE.P., Um. Pro. Tem. Ja. II) PI Spent, ant, ICJ moor Wood and Third streets. INSURANUE, FIRE AND INLAND. usurance Co. of North America. Hartford Fire Insure.nee Company /112rProlectl .0 Con be 1iir..11,4 la the •hove named Id and reltrads. nompattles. W. P. JONES, Aaim?, Cna, Avstg'illy4Ml. .4 7 or wept WESTERN INSURANCE CQMPA 11 NY OF PITTSBUIINH, R. lIIILLEB., Jr., Prelidral Y. DT. GOllDON,Noereotzy. Olnee, No. AS Water .trees. Bl.ang A Co.'a Ware. boom, aP atalre, Plttelntrit. 11M1 amen icaiaa oft bade 4/ Fink aed Maio. /Ada, A Ham Inetitanan emouseed bilVaredere mho to-e melt boom 46 the coorntaaila, mod oho oaa deter mined, by prompts. eaal ÜberoUV, to oastatoia m. character which Awe hon. oaressetlerfag A. beef tooleettea to lhor mho Antra to be Andrew Ackley, Alexander Byeey, Dalvd X. Long, Bees J. Thomas, Benj. P. Balmrall, John IL Weans. 11.-11111er, Jr., Jame. litenolery, Nathaniel Holman, Ales. Maack, Gamin Dande, Campbell U . Heron, C. W. flicketaon. • my3o g.Rosavx OITIZEN'd RiSURA_NCE COMPANY 0/ PITTIEBVILIithi. Otare, corner Mutat and Water street., second door. WM. BAGALMY, PeveLle•L IWEIVML RIM Stergary. Imeres Blearobosto and Ca:rpm /MUT* against I sad damage in the 13 a v lit a /Jon of the Bouthern and Western Wren, Lakes and 11=wod the tit tian of tho B g ly, 1., .: W. O. Johcra3a, B. F. Solara, Beam Owns, Ban. T. It. Baia Barclay Prartark, Go xrgo Bingham. 8. 11. Kier, John Bhipton, Jame. DL Cooper, S. tierbsogb, J. Caldwell, Jr., John 8. Dilworth, wt. it. Dodger. P EOPLES JNRIKANCE COMM_NY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sts. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Wm. MJEU/y,IN John Watt, James D. Verner, Dept. John L. Dhoadi. Samuel P. Shrive; George P. Jones, C. Hanaon Lore, Wm. B. liars, Jobe K. Parke. amen& Wm. Vika Birk, einzlmAZaae, Wll. i. GARDNER, ALLEGHENY INSURANCE 'COM PANT OP PITTSBURGH.— 061=, No. St PM Woo, Mink Block. Insure. sgsinat oil kinds of nom sod Morino Risks ISAAC JONES, Praideor, JOHN D. Jl'oool , Pia Aran!. D. 11. BOOK, SocroOn-o. Cois. WK. WWI! DILLS, &mei 1vo& La. Jades, O. c. a mi„. . B. L. Vahneortock Jahn D. Mc°ord. Capt. Adam Jambe, D. D. Starlthg. Capt. Wm. Dean, Q. Llif cflrow, Hat. 11. Darla. C. 4 RP ET& OIL CLOTHS. lie. HAVING PINICRAEIED AND ADDED To 000 OWN THE ENTIRE STOOK OP CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C, Lettely held by W tIcCLINTOCK at 112 Market [treat, ire are able, by the eoneollterlon, to offer the LARGEST STOCK; TO BE -FOUND IS THI 4T TILE LOWEST PRICES. Oliver McClintock to Co., C mkt! Ro. 23 711/TH EITEXIM. FOURTH STREET NEW STYLES WINDOW S.HADES DECTIIHTID THIS DAY NEN SPRING STOCK Or C _A_ P P E T S, WELL SE&SOZIED OIL. CLOTH. AT KVALLITIIIT. ARPE W I ST OR 81 FOll TR WTRRICT: 19 . PIANO COVERS. Fine Embroidered ClOth. Embossed Cloth. Victoria. A cat• nal splemdid axecirtment Jett 4 , -r;atirs4 at ibe NEW CARPET STORE MaPABLAND, COLLINS & CO. nalt4 VBNITIAN BLEND TRIInDa4OBI _AA entirely um IladAcciptert•woortment last re wired at the NEW 0 Ail.PlE'r ST ORE zoreziazw, camas a CO., BUJIPPIJMG. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIN A 1111P001, teaching at QUINNSTOWN. (Nona Hanna.) The well-known eteanant Unman, New 'feet and Phitedelphle Stance)* • Allea rr ey us landed ae Minn: And mere enceedinE lapedtn, dWO . tract 14 Borth Weer. .. . Paola to Gold. or Pt otoCialoot le Storattr: - Ina Cum— —llBcr GC, trri55ra2..«.:....,..1140, OS do to Luciano. - PCO do 'to Landon S 4 CC do to Posis.-- lit 00 do to Pair... Pt SC do to Hamburg .VD CO do to . limb* of OE Poomar=ifontuded to nano; Protosti . Pot t . , :r ., d, Sc at «pally tow rota- - . l'ares Erma .tpoo l ar Chtsolottovn : InClabla, 115,58 8 ,. SPIV 6- ' , Vt. IPS ' 'Moto ?rho wish to vitutibr the"' trtit,Llt- o boi Pabst, Savo* tbmr Tar fax2erc ai• am m ir' .- osaaa. _ JOEICIP G. DAL& Agent. ,weis t ot a v ni Tot - Alma Latin tr ain . 'OW 004.131 - LlNE..rateszp •uvznyoor. igrspro9lowo77 Mtn tow - orlsi /oink:4 b carrtaif;.... nON Jaw. i 0811,1133 t "7 rsii iai•e%'t- a.iJrKs. SECOND NATIONAL BANE, OF PITTSELtRGII. I TILBABITItY DSPASTMANT Barra of CONFTI4OI.Ita 04100 CPICESCT, IvaLlNcto4 my, Fob, 1=0464. - Wirtarart, r !l atbfactOry evidence pree n . to the solder. , ft has arenas& to appear that the SECOND ATIONAL BANE, LOR. I'II'ISBUNGII, In the Ccorntyof Allogtidiyi and Statue( Peioasylia• rile, has born dull oripaulred order and 11.0nling to the requlrdneole Of the 'Act of Congress, matted "An Act to provides National Currency, aocured ,by it - pledge of Caine Scam Bucks, and to provide for rho circulation end trodemptlon thorsof," oPP. , vd February 25th, /84 and. has =OA rlth ..n the provislona of said 'Act reptred to:De cavivlletTsith berme cgonnencingthe basinue of Booting: Sloe, therefore, I, Boas 21cOnsovs ompfron. of the thorn,cy, do hereby certify th at the Bald SECOND NATIONAL BANE DS PTITSBUItOII, county of Allegheny, and Stale of Pennsylvania, le antbarircd to commence the bnatrossa of Basking an der the Ad aforesaid. ' .--..-.• In testimony as hard vritares to, hand I pp ttn . l . sealof race, dd. latliAsy dr Svbravry, b'' t -.A- ''''' . Lam m IifoCULLOCII, Comptroller of the Carrenap fe2o:2m TEE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURGH, PA., (Portman IPOS QITT TIIIISPCIONPLPY.) Capital, 6300,0 with prlvilego to too o sl.ocoo.cloo The ICON CITY TRUST °carpel:if bertaQ or gattiaed under the National Currency Ant, °Cara tt service/ for the transaction of a General Banking Linein.aa Deane bought anti sold. Money tedired on Depontt, and Colkcttons nude on all parts of the counu7. CTIRCIVIcs Itobt. Itzt.flonis 11:130.$htilan, W. M. ponaly. Jacob Painter, Jake Hill, C. P. Illopfer, Wm °cow, G. E. WARNER, Piesident. JNO. E. PATTERSON, Rahrpr. 440:4m THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG 11: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Onus eta . ooarrnottas or to, Conaantor, Washington City, Web. 27,, 15G4. Mamas, By malentetory evidence prescutt to i the tmdereigned, It has been made to *meter t at the THIRD NATIONAL DANK Or PITIBB . ROB, In the Bonet, of dßogibsoay, and State: of I' roryi eattia• has been duly organised • ender and rd e ha, tothe requirements of tne Act of Hoogreea, "au Act to provide a National Baronet, by • pledge of UnitedNtstes Stocks, and - to pro tide fir thecirculation andtedemption thereof," ItOroved February 25th, ISM, and hoc complied with *di the proviatoos of said Act required to it4ropiled With bd., . caranencing the busineei of frig ; Now, therefore, I, Hogh McColloch, ttoroptrotior of the Conency, do hereby certify Nana tbs,auld THIRD NATIO N AL ERR. 01 PITISEUR4I3, County of Allegheny and Elate of Penne) lamb; in mahatma' to mninence too business of Banking un der the act aforesaid. In testimony lel:minor lOW. my hand and mg of once, thia 270 day of /Ornery 11164. No. ) num? mccimtani, Comptroller of the Currency. THE THIRD 'RATIONAL BANK amingorgsnlzed under tltsigagOnSl (humor Att. Is now proparod to do General Banking" Business. DEPOSITS RECEPTZD, Enchain" on {ha prin cipal cities of this East acid West bought arid odd, apd collections made in 'very aoceasiblo part of the anntry. Office for the relent. (until the COMpletion of the Neer Banking lieu" corner of Wood envoi and Virgin alley.) lo the flanking noon latalY mewled by the CITIZESS 14218, N. W. oor. Wood St it Virgin alley. Wm. E Samerts., A. Ilmta. • A. S. Dell, Alm If.olsteln, • B. H. Hartman, Henry Gem% L Hortganetore.' ADAM HEINEINAN, President. ISO. B. LIVINGSTON. Grottier. mbriltro nOLLAB SAV/NGB BANK, NO. JL.I Ittram ems. 011411.TIBILD is DM. Open lolly num 9 to 4 o'clock, also on Wednanday Ist, and Batarday e I rngs,. from Iday Ist to November from T to 9 o' and nom Nortimber let to Nay let from 6to o'clock. - Dewelta receinsi of all gums sari len than One Dorian and a dividend of the pranta declared twice a year, to June and Demonlecr. Interest Imi been de clared e.ml.aeamall77 to Jone and December, elan the Bank via at the rate of six per cent. n =Val,ot drawn dent, la placed to the credit of th e deposit:r or principal. and-bean Ihe =us la• tared tronn the drat bus °Nuns and December, core paconding twice • year without troubling the depat4 for to cation nen to present his pan book„ At this rats money will double to ton than twelve year., Book., containtag thi Marta, By-Late„ Rolm and Regulations, tantlahod sratb, on wilco/km at the of a. hamiorr—GEOEGi AtI3RW6. James McAuley, John 11. Shoenbergee, lama Hardman. Ptter A. Nadirs, WIDE= J. Ammon, A. M. Pollock, M. D., Jams B. D. Mods, Wm. Douglas, Dow 11. resulock, Jams Wells, • John B. MOSlden, . John O. Backotom Calvin Adams, John 0. Bind:ley, Gloom Blar.k , Bargyrin, Alerso.A. Wig. Marko A. Conan. John Brawl, Benj. i., l'nestool, John i qllimpio, Will .8. Ham, Potq Eionkoz, Blatant OnTor Jame D. Kell SnaLTTAZT 4- mbIL-daw Henry J. Lynch. John tlsratalL wat., P. ➢lanhat4 John Arr. . Robert Robb, Mtn L. Itingwalt, 7iL 13clamatc, Alexandar Open, 2Jessader ;WW2= Vs:skirt, Whittlar. Wm. P. Worosa, Ctaigt Ti_Ara, •• A. 00.41`011 Pl4JroB. JIUSI46. BRADBURY 1 BRADBIIRY•B P '1 AL PIT Otal The meet Powzainn, aad ELICOAIti TOE= ERSTlllnflarni roanuractited la the eeerut*. SEVER FIRST PRIZES Received *diddle icenth u Bhae refry eriCLoielle We are also agent, tbr Bchamacker A C 113.11 and Boardman - 8 Beira well known eccollant Fianna, and 8. D. ihW. limith's Melodeon:mid Hamm& num Pomona &airing • r.-f- hicamuiat, am in vited to call and Gamine bancepurehuing eineirtem -Among those. who have pouchared Dim itnitim• manta in tits vicinity ani bike plaesono In referring to Allan Kramer, Tau., and Bateman Goe,..Caq., Alle gheny Mil John Mewl: rag., for Oatd yy n a XA I v t e Dr . inbaLl ra fr t. Lll.7 . a i t . oh j AM, burgh. A gaaranten drily years with sash lOC nivel. • ► ' I NAERWIE eC Bola Aganbi for Pittsburgh and Western Dike -• • 71c0.2 BT. own st., sinews Buck. J h asioial . ioortmenS of 1111:=6-41 Goals always- PIANOS I PiAICOS.I-1 notmat to gly patron., cattelnam,, eta. The - . hare boom rankle as patiently for nom time, that those Leah Ilqi• Piano - Ter:ea ham the celebrated ream of Wm. Enabe • 00. Beltlatere, will arms tale meat and she a Ins assortment of the emit known Hallam Brom. Pew York. .I .. laroni, walcb 4.26 warrautrd for tee team . , maw= alma, 43 ilea, stolet; eds AVrat Ibr thesbovelcstramerits Ici . uflgobargll. and W.:44ra PeassAranto. • , 80:1' PPLENDID CAA A ' BO:WM= /11.1{0.'; f t' I fkmm cietsw, Iron .11-ama tutali 'mew. VO onsa._o. simLLo EIEWND-HAND PIANOS, TiOW.SW Tp #a6,. 2 4 tiTIOLP.:IITELLOTI. ' 81 Wood skeet. A lor a ale by •P 9 4C 9 14D4 U0P • 1 1 1 14 1 ,P0' co. souoik itsimorandi• I Ts MB' ' . ZUTLODIDONS,.I T ' ; it T i'TT ys 441/Tc6;i. Ci 141,1- P.I INT r RE : . .• _ OAH H, ASV W oOD 0:94 mans an n =COCO wiloLtaexa ois 3axei4 _ 4#ll;,*;iWerniV/9641; Thlrd • And lUrroartb Unit. Docro. _ „ ' r,RDp o~3.aLS. pR0P0443.4 . FOIIAW3. cmxstirAstricobtlernilenrics, / o - • •-• 7 : 144 Mi1n Drtftecom ..thaled - propteah ere ins mei y the kit% plying the allechlarteresistees Departmeest, aeltbsgtbh, Baltmore, ant: Furl COl tae; Va 4 •or either of three plasm, c 0414. and 15:22AW. Bids will be ie•W- red ton,the del of s,oXtbash.:i of torn or rota, sad to of bay ar Mow, and eptr: , wario. Bidders mutt elate et which of thit'abore WitisdC point. they proposed° make deliveries,%and the nice at which they willmake deliveries thereat, the gamiSi Op of each article proposed to be claimed, the thaw , alma sold deliveries shall bi.cogostenced, and whoa ` to be completed. - The prim moot be written out lairorde oaths bide:? . -. Coda to tap:l. op in l ik e toat woke, of about twCk. bushels each. Chua in mcM,.. of about threstY. bushel* melt. The mate fortiffited without esti! tra charim to be oasure ly to the Govermagrd. Tba hay and !term[ The particular kind or &sedation of oats, MOW'. in the propony, °nitrate propma to be delivered. mud latstatsoty in All the articles offe r ed ender the bids bes t ot t o sited will be i c et de to a liti bt impection by tbt is Government rt ono scapbad. Contract, will awarded from tireato time to the , lowest grapmaible bidder, es the intehst of the Oar moment n sy taquirs, and payment will he read* when the whole amount contracted Tor shall have;,. 'been delivered and accepted. •-• • The bidder will be required to eigompany his pros.; posed with • guaranty, signed by.two responsible: persona, that in, cambia bid la hmepted he or they will, within ten days therialter. execute theandract:- for the same, with good and" sufficient Sureties, to atti scam equal to the stemma of the contraet, to doling, . the forage proposed to conformity with the terms oftl this edvertimusent; and Incase tbeadd bidder abit;e:lW fall to eater Into the contract, they to mikegtod difference between BM offer of said bidder and the,74 next lowest tespeusible bidder, or theperson to whottiz‘ the contract may be awarded. „ The reeponsfiellity offibe gumanters must be alttnerh,: by the official cortiteate of a U. 8. - Dletriet Attorneys:l : Oolleeitor of Onstoma, or soy other taker ander that, United Stater Government, or trepensible patioltiL koown to this office. l• • • • All ticklers will be duly notiffaiof the aceeptanest er rejection of their pro . • The full name and J. 0.. addrue • of each bidder . ..Li en in the Woods mint? moot be written eddrh to righike Genteall' 0 . IL LUMBEII, Uhler Defed QUarte ß rmaster, bsgton, D. C., and sheep be phinlyMarked ''Propte. ash for Porago.” • - • ' •••• Bends, Ina nom Neel to the amentet of the nod `, tutetteiguel by the contractor and both of hi. saw, ' editors, will be required of the gamma:Nl bidder or bidders upon - AIM:Mr contract. ~ Blank forms of goareataes;• bench, Enio bo obtained upon a cation Id this *Mew 1.01111 OP PitOPOI (Town, Clounty and that%) P -": I. the rstaorlber, do hereby probate. to fund& and; deliver to the United States, at the (boartermuuters 'Department at agreeably to the terms of • your &doe:Clamant, Inviting broom& for forage,'. , . , dated Washington Depot, December 8.1863, the lowing article* Sig : btoheto of Com, to snob., as per betthele7 of 60 pounds. bushels of Oat., in sack., at per bathe?? of XI pounds. tons of baled hey, at per too, of 11,01:kb; • pounds. • tons of Strew, at L—• per tffio, ofT,OOO pormtls. Deßrery tomb:demo° en or hefote the—day ok.: 180-, end to be echpleted on orbefore the —.7- • day of-- , ,168-, and pledge mywa'ato enter Into written contract with the United States, with gosd and approved. eocurities, within the spliced tea daya . , after nOtilled thatznyhld has been accepted. Your obedient wenn; Brigadier General D.H. littatin e Chief Depot Quartarineater, .• - a it • crueitlarn r. We, the wittlerrigned, midden. of te‘,, the county of --, and Shdeof hereby, Jointly sad severally, acerveti.at with the: United Sint.% and guarantee, to Piot:the foregolteyl bid of be accepted, that he or they wBI within ten daye after the ticcePtatice pfaaid b eare•',. cute the contract for the samsvith geed and fenti eareike, in arom equal to the animator the contri. to fornith the forego prtiposed la voinformlty to thie terrosof admit...tot doted Deana...7,lBA ander:' , . which tho bid 4es made, aid: In.ovie the said - .1.11[111 to enter Into•contract as afoieseli,vreiptevi, antee to mate good the difference between the offsr:", by the odd - and the next loaned rierponalbloC bidder, ar the petiole to whom the contract may be: evrardod. Witness, f Gita2 =dor our hand' sad ea& 1 tide of [Beall ? pp& • I herebfrartify that, to the. beet or MY and belief, the above named g.rantors are good and, sottictent u 'metal fOr the antaant for which theii . offer tuba security. . To he .rtlfled by the Vetted fitateiDisteirtAttor-_;.: hey, Collector of Customs, or =yogic. oftloer nada t the United States Government, or revoltte penoto known to this aloe. • s MI propose. toothed finder tide ,adrettlesmsni'l will bo opened wid examined at Mit Lace on end BATEIIIDAY of mob week, aklif sltC t Bidders are rispectfolly invited to be preen. at %hr.:. osnlng . of bids, If they desire. • D. H. Eraum doltem Brig. Gen.and Illi ROPOSALS FOR' FLOUR—Sealed; -I_ Proposal. are turned till the Wird INSTAIIT.:i . at 12 o'clock IL, for firrnistdr4 tberAtthsfertnece De4l , parancat with it EIGHT T 4003124) (8,000)111.71BIGAI OF FLOMII,: The P.Pla , tabwi if be far whet Is ktuAno at this de:Z Pot es o ta 1. 2 ...2 z, and lids will 4os @aortal/testi, 'for any quantity few thartilerwhole.; ' :: iiirtoes be to dup li cate, and lioreach grade w se sheet/. of paper. - ._. - ~ a. e ilethery of the flour to be commenced within); fete days from the operable cif thebids,leild Ineuthie quantitioe, daily, as the Qesemneent may direct, de:e lirerod either at the Gdorertnneni , warehmee hi Georgetown, at thewharin, or at thei'iallreed depot,:!: Washington, D. G. The delivery of all rioter awardeinto 'f be ' ciropletest . within twenty days from tie opening of the bids. e:,... Payment will to =tide in certificates of Indebted.‘ , . am, or each other fend s as theGerrertitnent may hate?, tor. dishoreeinent. .. The anal Octearnzaent inspection skid be made )rot_ before the lour is receired,andnone-7111 be accept:; ed which le not trash ground. - An oath at allegiance mast ecoissipany the bid di each bidder, who has tad the oath On AU in tble Wilco, and no bid will be antartained troth partial': oho hare previously baled .to, comply with their.; bid., or troarblddere notsresent to respond. Goren: meld moms the fight to toJect soy ' • •' ibr any came. Mu to be addretted' to the anderzalgattl. at NO;ri 2 0 anti, Woaltlagton, D. 0.. &Aortal "Propo,: ms.la for Rout.° - S. 0. GEM • Captain and 0. Wostangtan, D. O....Sprit 1/51141204. syMtd rpo -.BAILROAIP 04:MTRACTOBli-, • JLare United fl)r Vie , diedttatian, Nem.; mai l = Buyerftrootare, Was; Cromptlfsgi end Irset-leying of the PI tfabeszb 3 fkeinerinillei Mame& between oounellsfille sod ComberlaniV( o:abrades a dleance of stout etettraoyea (57) bites, •ftetlons ar abatis one trilerinch. Speol.e..! auk= sod Profiler ere cow ready at the Compeers:, OIDoe, !a Pifubufgh, and prop!eel) . sill be rocelesCl trail the 30. re Or APRIL. 13ENJ- a LAlllO= 4 , Praddent. '•:; • Ogles of P. 60. E. B. Co.. , ,• •:.i Plash:get,. Huth 15th . 'ESL !' '- ~ 661.1.96 f• 5:,, - - - TTIO - RAILROAD CONTRACTORS -1 "1. 1- She Alligtreny Valley llaltkmd tbropany lmfte prop:moils kr the Gradoselon sod Igagonry of shone., eight =Ansa thdr road. between the Borough of tanning and th. mcdth of Idahoolat Creek, fn few. : tionsne about axe - . Proglee. Plana and Apeelllneefunewisithe work • be ready for rezanitnallon at the IhAlna of rho Cow-, p. m . : . pia, genet, the clep.4-pletsborgh. oe &A after the nth talk. and Propowels well Do ra,e oelwA wa ll the 4ea UT NAV. • ' WRIGHT. CtettEneglnaer. Plitabargh:Anril HO, 1884. _1 *plug 1864: ........ -.• .. • uCOBTAWO-43ATOKVOII, to., EXTERM,INATORS. 15.7.estaIllihed N.". idty." “Only resonttes knorse... • - sqtren trout Pebottsc.' • .-- • • .15110 ditatatise to tbs. Thrmsultramlly." • aßab pm out of their boltatist Oa" fold by all Drstatsts trrityaltirs. , • BzwAszt of all Ntrotestoso htsltatietut Kksitaes Begot. lio.:1102 . 4tlvri , A2l. Y. .1110.ffold B. A. MUMS 808 • Caw': And B. )11L-OM-LIGEW 00_., Witt It and Bet: - Arinft.Pittextegh, PA. ; ttglititt P. SCSEIWAB.74: . W m ol - stsals 100311.001 Agent, Ages4lo3,T 113AAP - pluu%'-' • •• ~. . , . oat stellia c I.z i•. 41134 ausosed dock a DEll63l3o.lloterAliD t =l2 PLANE; WINDOW 1 TUNE 81:117 LINTLLS, -JatErle,-420_117p40, TaHY, rA.t. is • 11.11,ataeri 81t.WX4i STITT/ .is 1 71 14"8 , Benoit inn ttag /4Mb:ft . = ar Pori LAB las partitality Invited to iug4the Ida stook. 101/MlBilcou Otsl4 stredi EIZEI2I TWIN CITY rLANINIaIrf er, • pletiero to Infroudoti thtle 'Mtn& and Um rallo that Q km-logeot MO &IA pa 41w 'UNION 11, ;• MILL, nesitatie locttloo, sod ass not; pribind to ittocatio *lthittittlated to thelo, Isitb,prcooptota asta dbpstch..., Itat4.'s lugs sack °troy Lttati band. . di= by Ste - zititotarto tairslmk - now pttputt] Nralbtv dry AIM .11erning 111'1114a Sbetylor. loir. quantity. at pivotal* num. ttbSteat . 'pop,' DISPOSAL, obticidettle tams itir,:, - ..1. -- emaboithetotiliecotawkszas,:qtaadisrlD -i. - AIM TZIIIILAIL 130.11411 a, arAttOsist dzallia v : swami seeopd -~ AII9IM trisliffacil i . Witol7lllll _DO EaHATwu., it m an d 7 ' irtneT boat, DOMECV — AIso,* diw:und Am ; INGIIII9 slut MWAT#I.IIOMiIitEL ' r . 1 ii ; - : 1 7, L,A•1au1 j _. 7 .....,, -...1,.. Lt. .4-14:.. • IN". -4 . -',.... 1 - t Mat . --, , I, 4411*81":441-a1A.z:::t-1-‘-. POPint EXMCRI .Thiikr7ll - 40 lot. kiad&-etßalldlngs,44 0111:1:3:=74;;444.Lanxt ABLlM:::gikrart Fall Janta l Lthertl gm% • -' • IMI=2:1 n 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers