t., FAl.:_ ,„....,-,-, : OAT , NORNING, APRIL 19, _. 1864 e i rPF .l APT : 4 8) ggHEOUEE if ADVERTISING RATf.S ! smarm Rom. • /94 7 1% 947 1 4 75\S 40F7 1 2.7 70 1 CO 1•90 1. 15 2 20 170 11 CO -7 40 ,1 70 90 85 'IS \ trots In '.l°. Itt Oil Jit'ilt,' It 2 .P. Its Itt n 7 61 7 tO 9 15 470 455 2 00 ID flat CO 13 85 9 00 0 90 4 tO a cots isyt , 3 co to 501 9 CO 515 SO 0011$ 00121 3 3 77°1"1 oni Tr/DAL oleo* , Tbiii Too trista..... Rim times— Orie Tiro Itaki -- 1 'TOT& *Kelm Om month-- Tiro piontbi.... Thise rsoithztili Moo riori —1 0.• -;13 iiistilupt,t'Anirsarismisrm. tit to - 'square clunguble- 'sub xeck .ioalsed Sotto, itamalt•to wet 4f uircrr r • bler advatinsmatta wet prpation; r 3 thaell.oo*.• 11 5. 0131.13 a Delp Is:rani utak' ger. 00 'Ol5 1:503335:-. 915 \ 70 5 ? !boo i t l o tss., to Di —OO 00 - 14 50 14 93 warinA natters dosbls the laws rates. Nati tatioes,'sv.te 50 cents Stative 7s Itssatwatisreatistasests, pa trip......-. 4511 00 luestaa• Adialutaxstors' aostas..—. '4 75 . Horrible . Caen or Crime In Cleveland. d. terrible - hie of crime his just come to the cirmunatances of which ire thus • • le October lest, lir. Gregory:Jona, former ly of .11ochestar,A..Y., but morommantiy of ,JecksOn, Wolk, moved his family from the letter place to - Olerreland.'One of the mod bevy bah of the family wear A daughter nam a.,pretty and interesting girl, who would not resehher sixtemitityear until June next. In the town of-Jealus-lived a feud-. named. Warmer' with whom the Jones' *ere ou intimate terms. On the dot of April aeon 'of hir:Werieriagei twenty-one years, Who, lied been very intimate with bliss Riots, end : denty,left his home at Jackson, taking with , him acme three hundred dolbui of his lath ' eft money. Ms was followedeto Cleveland by hie father and-mother, who arrivedthere on the 7th. Of leer Gallagher at once proceeded to bent op the residence of the lons family, and found them ou Detroltetreet. On enter ing the bouse on Fridey, theday follow in hat g.the . arrival of the Warneestlallagher learned t Nth Flees Jones VIII deed, and theit herbody had been: forierded to Rochester, N. Y. Yeurig-Weruer war also found in the neigh.' .berhood ot ',Detroit street. • • On being confronted by 'his wit h oung 'Warner was asked what he had done the ; money he had carried aWay., Revive -ease ' 'octet of Ito enornerating 'among the for dollar' paid to the un dertaker for a Coen for the body of Mies , Jams, thirty dons:eider the . traniportationet ..the body to Rsieliester and the expenses there, end slaty. doUare for medical services daring them !Thestinurnal eiraitrostauces of a stringer usying all the expanses of &girl died in her parent' house led to further auquiries, and. it wes dist:anted that she lea taken sink me Fawley stud died Tore day morning. • • • The suddenuess of her r death and the anor.' mow charge medical attendusere awalten- -• led eirellegtier's suspicious, wealth-young roan" •• • wesi eribleotad to a close ezonthustion,where • be acknowledged the fact that he had seduced the girl, who lied become pregnant, and that bola& employed a physician of Cleveland to . , ; promo:tan abortion. Instruments bad been used, and the unfortunate girl hid' died from ' .thoeifecte of the outage. An. effort wee then made to, stop the body, and have ft returned to Classless& for nest i dispatch wee received the nest ' day, announdog that the •body • had , been buried. The parents of the girl had halm ...panted her remains from Cleveland, and the - funeral.'' OA Diendey,ifter the diusovery of thes.affeir, ~:Proseeltieg:Attoncey Palmer .and Professor , , Thayer-erent to '-iochester, Mad On the ,fOl- loiLog itchkepany with Conner T _ •reat; of Ithebestar, and Dr.' wh Lingworthy, of that the -'efly",proceeded to the cetooldrMeres -:•; body wisr disinierrid,'ned a post 1310TWIA OZ -1111•10.1tioli 'The -Vesuit'Lestablistued-th the retest inconteitiblis manner that theurdesp - aid . had ' beinkh• victim of • loathed ' modeles sunage at the Wads of the physician employed for that AU*OO, and that she had died trots tbs istine'en helloed. llpeathe breut edthinafortunstavictim,endelaspeedln one or her 'liana; was'. the AkiAbitailf of. young Weiner, by Akan she, had` een seduced. The - parents of the girl deny all knowledge en of her condition. stating that ihe pbyii '• leashed them that their daughter as sutler- I lug under a seven tattemineelois o f the bow ,•• - involving the liver, luta - that her copal tian was a most critical ono. _ The Youtts:ef the vietim sad the circ ' um stanch ot,tbe; eiesee main this one of the .most . horrible and atrocious esteems of the kind that Weiler* hod to reaord. very-et _ tempt wUlthe, Made by. the authoritieEs to bring the guilty partici to jastiec,lmd we hope that the whereat penalties will hisinflicted on them se a•sideguard to the Morale and lives of the Sale of - Negroes ln Irlorgatife.w l 4. The *organtotra- Poo, of the lath inst., says: On last Monday two negroes, manand woman; were sold on the publie square--a ammo which has not been witnesse d sure :t in ohe ur toOrr. foe pony • long day. They ty ef the tat s . Alpaus C. Dorsey, and weretold to liquidate a debt of said Dorsey. Stephen Trtaibte, the oysterman, more Lion-. lady as "Meek Starer was Purchased by, 'Wm. A: lisaway, Eq., for $128., The A. Elisabeth, wasp urchssed Mn. A.DoileY,-Widoir of A. C. Dorsey decd, for the lama $4l. A greet deal of interest was iii7lfested an the '‘Ceetudon, as sale' of this kind are getting to, be of rare occOrrenco In . West • -I, • • . . ",. -;) Mont' StatlOn ry 'Monte: Mesita. bf tie, Balmier 4Co Stationers, Printers andßisnk Book ganufaluren, hate jmtopenedat Bo: ill Birth street, Post Boil& 'apical' of the seatest and most tasty es talishment/in the city. Their stook, which has been jiadlcionsly telectedi is complete in a ill departments, and Imbrues many nov elties mem before introduoed into this city. .let she nitwits are Mr. Edwina. Myers' one •of_the moot ' 41011 job printere in the city, and Mr. Wm. &hors, theaccomplishedbiul- of of _the If oining The p 1/ a trona otthie twice ;illy rely , upon reoeiring first cleai articice - at the raory'reaeonable Om: • A:V . 1117111.13 . 1)X. --The Canton (0.) satire& u n its 0114 -Yew :Assi wir27. hed in 1,916,,,by , its I present pniilishar, I.loetran tits!an : Antongthose who :worked sw printer inithe_ aide Bra. cMoe, went Janes Ildißelcaftallw 'r of the Hoirre'andPraildent of the Baal tee Ilika3llllo.oll Wra; recently de twated in Calthiinut. ' • . . 1020. Deowerm.—Coroner Meaning yes /Aria, held an inquest upon the remains of • I wanders wroman, found Mating in the liteshany riga, tau the month of Pine meek. Wm • deceased Ina awparently atamt forty rasa 14,ese,-bat thing was asoortabud in rtf-rimed to .. the manner of bar death, orhee. place pf,kedde*o.y Shahid on a calico drat:, it amka pfmtirbOnt. • 4 %MS - " 141110.113.•••• Wit. N. 13; biadrA; of Oa: 21,: , ear vest ,Vlrglitis'- (Lynam vol autared on tbe 6th' inst., 'while • oat en a . beenthetwerat-Ifielasbart and 'Winchester. Being t bia strong ' force IL rebels, our man retreated me , when -Meat. Madam's. horse 011. and wu disabled; thus Alistair in. hill cap um um. Buse 'fifteen ',Orates were. Lost . ";, ''.". i - . Tifirs.Forlariroir Will put the Goreasolont bas lasi oottlar, tom! Latta ottlatp, of Norsantorru, for ozeoy pat sad ,mss' th e Sannsis sto votV iumn' VoltilisoitOs , outdo to ' ,progiff 'ol4*, ,irtalia for fogri!ation. • , inst- ' iirtste r °' I s ‘ frorri.—lioU ' sirrstrd IL gun& th Ward, Wei . LtlM'anke 3:" rthlir .13110' before, M 57,74 Imo- 13,,,,i, : aid , 0 and t a lon _. dinalliv -,_,..A-g au .ca' immiNtof kirriNt fora: . furfht , r '.."'. T , ' ,4_444,thelVeld to -- III! . .1, ,— r from '-- '...m.i.' if_ .. ...;......,..—,,thodele 0 . L.A. / 3 1*'‘ 7 ...., , _...., .. ' jTTililEW,,a=alll °Lib: tt _Wilkkl,_„ .4.7 ~,,,,,,,...... tioalll w-,-iii, E1ea...4._ tio et...". . Oka ant all f°r.knal2o h," t.a. ~ ,;,,innotoiredzsialyet be 2111° ...b.,.*— , d --gaticn- tddgiew 3—E,-,zier's . o p . f .ciivt., Rich - mos° ter ' 0 7_,,rrarit ,-..1.. 'i 1 bap 4T.M. 4, 3ner,t Itt°'.l.7 abouti'w!il/4 .. . Ali to--,;4140 asEtar rom7,-41 - a , WV!' ocrlo ... r.sl,Yr.. , .. .- T • . - ' ~:..'' '--'t-'--I', ,si,i / . . i 4 . i 0r: * .0 t .? - t..n-r t r.s-li4,VoA'„',i„: i'M..;S..-1W 70- ;. 1.64P ' o Wa&ng:rhs;XM',=-41. r _. '''- ~;----. 1 , . i,;I .1., 2-1' :, L.:i For the Pittsburgh Onz. U.. ItepadSalton In Pennsylvania. Naturalist:ding a solemn contract between the State of Pennsylvania and her creditors, by sided ties interest °nth. State loads was to be pall gold or its equivalent, our Leg . Waters e paned a bill to repadiate that contras:, and pay the future interest upon the bendeln INA tenderribtes. This lathe scared sot Of 'repudiation by Pennsylvaide. The • present, generation, likely, ha ,forgotten the 1 , Aret tapes of virtu, and the winolng of every honest MUM, when the sarcastic pen of the , Bev.. Sidney Smith trended with infamy' - the refusal of the Slate-to Pay its interest in I , money. Buten indignant people; scorning to • be held in the eruld'eplllory,made the omende , losoree, and pusedthe set of June, 1840, which appropriated entdolent money to :elm- i .bares the beahoideri _ far the • differoce n, valuate:dire:ln ecie and. suspended bank our- rency, and then sp deelered by resolution,i'deu . hesofter rho istkrodfaiiinrrdos an .feutuyieenia' l Nab shall dump II pal us specie er.ifs sigh-- , dem." Upon this pledge or guaranty of the '. State,the existing leans were trade ' led mote' the low rate of live per oent.inter -1 est.l en act upon the expectation when they ' lend their money, that public faith. once , pledged will not be beaten; and If no coma- Aroma could be reposed in public assurances,, Uwe would never be respected and society would end. The State got the -principal of the loans in epode and pledged herself tope', ' 1 the interest in, epochs. • Eat the Pittsburgh gauge says: "'lowa- 1 or much this salon maybe regretted by those -who en solicitous that the Credit of the State , may be =stained without reproaelvite nedreiry at thlatime was gored.ren imperative by the i n creasing scarcity of olasdthe consequenten-1 largementof the preminmit comioaside overtly, , currency of the country." With all :aspect to , the opinion of the editor, I begto my, that the , acarelty of gold is not a sufficient reason for I State reptdietion, for the interest could here I been paid In its "equivalent" value, accord hag to the Act of 11140 ; and it was In reality \ thus paid on the let of August hat. - We hue gold_enough P‘eked stip in the vaults of us. , pended Wake, which are limping golden arrests ont of gold cooped!' from United States Government stook' L' but State legisla Ls tlon, though humb li ng_ to the State honor, remarkably tender towards theselimitations fostered by , its clemency. .19e• have gold • enough tpay in. milliontito Europe for luau. o , ries that our people woad be better without, ot yenta manufacture under &prohibitory tariff. Weiser* tone to pay our debts I ~. . .- The Pittsburgh' Gauge 11 says : " It was question simply who should suffer by; the do - preoletion of the -correnoy—:the bondholder. or the people of the whole State. The de cision; has been ag . a i n s t the bondholders, and we - think rightly.' Wilt not the arguments of tile GaaUs apply equally to the holders of the United States bonds ? The Gonne urges the land people to anbecribe to the ;National Lou bonnie the interest Is pougsad to be paid gold by art of Congress, precisely as the Legislator" of Penne:jive:tie Fumbled to pay in gold the State interest in liitd,butgold is: Ineocelog entree, and the premium is vd mincing, and a good ninon to repudiate the payment in gold I Besides, the question is simply who should suffer, the bond holders or the people of the State t. Aed the Gitett• ' mitt deridesgalust the bond holders. "The will Bak by andl:ry where the tide o f, iniquity -willstep. . Bow bra Mr haa d hnndrads of zni li in ofbondsobta ined flooaglitets., 9tiedollirann.scylverdim. ani,eranbtld.rtree the money of the people ? By • soutiati.g , this Teeple to have confidence in their homt Itsiny and integrity of .the Government, that promises will be faithfully kept, snd that the', ' national escutcheon brill -come cut of this 1 great revolution` ithout *stain. The seethe! I thus fax his kepher honor untarnished, bet ,may not the sin of erring Pennsylvania be ',leafs: upon and thrown in the face Of the mother?er ? end beeoming famar with the eon verdant, act of the lapsed dinghter, may not her vice übe pitied, then embraced?" • Alas t this keno . tinie for State or Nationaldisn hon- esty.-The eyrie of men and angels ere 'us. Shell we •.—sett the mighty epee of truism. honors Ter as much trash as may te grasped thus r Yes, sell honor for its market value, says the ..politiolan. No, sacrifice ell hut honor, says the 'datelines. Anil thiS Deems to be the age of politicians, not statestuen, and Nemesis is plaiting her whip of scorpions. I fear the act of Peansylvanis is but the be• , taxing of the end. ---- . SUBURBA)T. 3 tame. al thaws. week. . I • week. CONSIMITOATIONs. --. -The Conneileetge Retteoee. Mews. Editors: The best way to eirive at , actor tuidesetanding of the vexed cautions , regarding the bonnellseifle road, is to direst 1 it of all connection with the personalities that r..z.trnalzPora=.ll:l ..,..Peot="trtor -retire Isom the controrenY. Tbtipoltit then - to us, 1.3 business m en,is; what wilt be m ad e,e of the 'acme of the effortnew being at Ilassbbtirg; to take away pest of the charter of-this toa . In the drat place, the 1)111,DM:trod, charier • lug the company to receive the rights tbu bodily taken , away from the Vonnelbeille company. by pit 6 1 it' , eery fr' ,B f' ..rer rwmu another. - through bee to the seta -The. etch-, , 'word of. this new clamor hi ".Independent ', route flololPitnituroh;" y ls. et the chastest' ap t 1 ; parently, for a road oommineing at :Cbmiti 1 riffs and competing with 5.511111 other road at 1 - the "Maryland State liae.". The donnection toeszifby this b the 'Western blatiland Road, which, from the physiciit'diffloulties of its 1 sante, viers assured, wit be delayed many years, if .it ewes can be bea m . of middle link thin has-poor piospecto .ofi '. indepen . . dance." __ .. Bather* lies the "snake. Tien, has just bun passed • bill tor a road from Connelhi. 'We to arrecusburg, on the Penuitivanla Rail road. The new Rennellnille cost Many being organised under the umpteen of the Pennsyl- - yards road, e Leouns, will take their route to reshb our city.. nis is not all. The bin which disposes of the fraliohises of the Con nellsville rued so cooili grants; to the new company the Fictive cf oonneeting in the But "muck wry rood eke Sagoshauto =My or Pat dual." This is the. Pennsylvania Railroad again under a new and more modest name. The connection is to be made by means of the Broad Top or Csustertaml: Valley road, bark weed by the &bete Umpany: It any..., thing more is needed to demonstrate the agency of the Renntylvania road in thWellort to destrorthe road,--it. will be furnished by. the prase:CM of theilirloe Pre!--I de of that road at Raivietarg—the energy of his advocacy et ;this bill and:his oven and avowed determination' to carry it at aey 63111. To sum up. The patsap,af this but will `give to Pittsburgh (if built at all) road abut., urettoing at Cfresubug, , on the TentisYlvszda rood, making a detour to the SMith, and t he Wing Into that to again somewhere In , udnagnehanna Valley." , 1 If left to the present eompany, they are I willing to' pledge themselves; o put the Mud 1 under contract in three months and to flash I titlark twci and half yule, . or submit. to the passage of the Mallow asked. • This wilt- give us anetker threugh and the'earamitition Of, thsPeuturylvanleicad'l will cause the ' Ihdtlicas 104.:OhliiiO4 to Como intefair Mims for the portion of Its line to be med. . , -It itinly.nciessary to pref. the coinplidisi of, the Pennsylvania ; road with tide OTltt at- Au:twiny to aln cateumnity which has suffered so Wally *oat its domineering, end its policy of uojast dismingnation. We would** add that the signatures of four. thousand ,and , utoro of the -Mtiselli of this • communit y and-,4amethe'-line- of, the road hare been obtained .to protest against the- pester of this bill, and as many mere can .be obtained if time is allowed.—e •nx , "i• A Pan OTPOaIII7T 10a Pll.ollClala ia. yeanarr.The attention' - of capitalists is direensd to the advertisement of P.ev..4 L. TraxeM, who aim foteale ibis line proPOrt7 in Swikley. This establishment was ated • orp; and tom 'beat: nocoplid. as. a boarding johooliand Ismail adapts& for that purpose i trot .its adaptObillq * a' 6 lll elus , SonE l imeitibieschool haiisC,Whotel, Is en r eamed Myth* neiglibartgled of Pittsb h. •The grounds: eopipolies satin acres, running an It, jail:Cad' i3O WI cqdo river, alferding *wry faellity Liz !bathing, boatine.iltbing. snooty genies nod isromintades, and . accessible to ohnrohos, schools:charming drives and Mil road faellitise.: The 6131111;1p and -grounds afilei t 11156 be__ arida Into tlro, gentoelissi dams, ona I= ',Why of , attention in that 'law to those -. teeklitc comely hales. Ve undantand it 4rillbe so* clomp. and on te• • Tarible ------,-- - . 1 , i • - ----77- - , VA desir e to set. stlentloti of persons ro are anxious - to' mate* goorinrestmen of their surPhoi smarm, to-02D advatisemen In this morniots wipefiof !the tale of , ..thip*S lll: wood Parra. , 7from all we OW of It, and th i Information are.Mee smetise4,te is estu4so ono Of ilia VlClit irslng , l4. propels/ .adiattig• ad in oar helerons .. for i some time: - To tdris manniacturare-or.coal idealism -It Is reei;n :l l l . m'ended as being the ealy coal field of a extent la the market, within some ditto e of 'the city, Ca the florongsbelnsiver. - z Fcsia two and Vets- at alsod"x Tstosdarsombas next,it lollsafro suction nu. 65 7111111. - ologont ossastiookif of Boots, Stoll' ' r - AS , .114104oraturtlan tome:l4 THE LATEST NEWS By TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES, PENHSYL VANIA LIIGIBUTITRE. Special Dhptteb to the PlttaborA Gazette. • Ilssamurso,-April 18, 1864. Sots.—The Souse met at 3p. sceoid-, ins to adjournment, and, resumed the coital eration of the Revenue bilL The first section on second reading was on the basis of discua;• lug whether the gross receipts or nett Income shalt constitute the buil of taxation. Various persons took part in the debate. 24i. ham favored gross receipts. This is his prop- Adj °caned until night. Night See.qoa.—The Revenue bill WAS again taken up, Tice gross receipt' of the Railroad corporations was made the basis of titivation. The amendment trying to make the. nett rer enne the basis was rejected by's vote of se to 65. The Rouse went slowly up -till 10 p. m., putting many verbal and general amendments !materially modifying the hill. It will get through socond reading to.night, and Will probably be considered to-morrow until en- Lshed. Sawa:R.—The Senate met at half-put seven !o'clock. DILLS PALESID. A supplememt to the White Deer Creek Rail road Company. Mr. St. Clair moved to re consider the supplement of the Anthracite Coal and Iron Company, which on motion pre il TIPS L the bill which grants such unlimited railroad privileges, with an maim ited page,. passed lost Plias, night. 'Mr, Lowry rondos strong appeal in favor of its was postponed to be printed. A supplement to the Payette Pountyllai lioad; on motion of danator;Latter .the bill passed. Mr. „Hopkins, one• to relusbuie bepty monej paid by the citizens of Hopewell teem. ship, Washington coarthy. Mr. Graham, to Incorporate the Western Coal. Company.' Coligreselonal. Wsharilavon.April .lB. House.-11r. Pendletonof Ohlo, presented the resolutions of the Legislature of that State relative to making provision for the da titote people of Eat Tennessee. Mr. Farnsworth, 111., presented's ranon 'trance against the extensten of the Goodyear patent. Mr. Hasson, of lowa, Introduced s bill to extend the western boundary of that State to the MISSOWI river. AU the above were ap propriately referred. Mr. Wilson, of lowa, offered is resOlutlon' that after to-day, until Otherwise ordered, excepting Saturday. the House MU take a recess at 4:30 P. M. to meet again at 7 O'clock for business, and during the day Seaton the Rona will consider the Internal Revenue bill and during evening seszion such bills as ' the flocs, may order. The resolution was agreed to by vas 88 to ant's. 22. , Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, offered. thnfollow bag : Raolocci, That in the prevent condition of the country and its finances, it Is the tut perittve duty of COllO3lll to raise the tax so ar to 16.11017 Increase the revenue of the Orem ment, and that for this purpose a muchhigh er rate of duties should be Imposed on all luxuries imported and produced in the United. States. Resolved, That the expansion of the ßank Iclrculetion of the eoantry il producing l end and =MOOS state of affairs, and should be repressed by taxing the issue of such State banks. The above views were agreed t o; - the latter by a vote of 02, against 40. Mr. Holman, of Ind., offered the following : Reeked. That laths judgment of this floats, the gement deranged condition .1 the public &amen can only be effectually remedial by baslog the amount of paper currency in the colmtr7, mei that as the only effectueimmedy, the Consteittee of Ways and blame be inartietai ni revrt *bill repealb.g the National Banking Law, an d to provide for lim iting the eliculation of heal tender notes, lamed by the Treasury Department, under the antenrity of the United &tate.. The Rouse refined to second the demand yease parlous question on this resolution -41, nay. 60. A debate arising, Oio te:olntiOtt Iles oeer. 51r. Stevens, of Pa, offered the, following joint resolution: . after the pu _ Bewared, Th at fr:ni to-day, mp of this resolution, all .the duties en imported law, am. and merchandise .ow wrorided h 7 g = be, included by the addition of f.. 9 per cont. thereto. Objection wan trade to the , coosideration of the resolution. The Speaker said it being a tax bill, it molt go to the Committee on the Whole on the State of the Union. Mr. Stevens gave notice that he would ask for action on tho resolution at another time. far. Fernando Wood introduced a resole. tion to restrain tbo working. of 'the mineral hinds . and mines in Colorado and Ansonia, until prostate° be made by the Govern men The t for their working and no t. settlemen Themorning hoar expired teem fret on Wien on this subject. The Natlonai Bank or Carrency bill ergs then passed by yeas Si to nays 63. The House considered the .Northern 'Pepsine Railroad bill. Mr. Willion.opposed the bill, who was fol. lowed by Mr. Sweat, In favor of it. A far- ther consideration of the bill W. 3 postponed 1 until to-roaraw. Mr. Stevens offered a resolutlen to increase I the present foreign duties 50 per House tax artic!os now free, 10 per cent; The refused, to suspend the rules; Yeas 74, nay? 14- Mr:Morrill offered • resoled:on proposing , that vmtil July Ist; the brill duties be in creased 25 fee cent., and article now free pay five per cent. lie * moved suspension of the rules, but no quorum voted; Adjourned. Sarers.—Mr. Wlhon presented& tition of I the Boston Board of Trade prayin gfor the construction of a ship canal around Niagara Falls. „Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Doolittle reported back the report of the Secretary of the Interior in reference to the Idaho Indians. Mr. MoDougstr introdneed a bill to lacer tale the settlement of certain land claims in Califon:as. Referred tar o the. Committee on Lerida •., Mr. Within, introduced a bill to aid In the construction at railroads In Minnesota. lie ferred. BtlaTir•Mellart. Doolittle Send Howe pre sented a memorial of °Risen, of Woruiln, praying for an increase of duty of 10 per cant on wool of. foreign production. - Referred to Financial 'Committee. NidninSOne remon- d strance' against the same were presented an referred. 1 Mr. Trumbull, from the Judiciary Com mittee, called p ia u his substitute for the Mil oencenting the dpotition oil convicts An the Courts on the United States, for withbsisting of persona in the jails; chargedthe via baton of the laws of the United States, end for diminishing the expense in relation there-. to. :. Passed. The bill deSnei the.dutiesi of . Warden' and Hershel" in the territaria sad in the District of Coltimbis. The act making apProptialions' for .legishi tiTe, eleantire and . indlnial , expenses, . was taken up and read. The . dismal= on lia bill will Dumpy the entire session. ' r ' , •• Mr. Femenden reported from the Finance Committee the army appropriation bill, with a few unimportant amendments. The Senate proceeded with the coneldela- Sian of•the House appropriation bill for Leg islativei Executive, and Jrifilcial expense" of the Gournment for the nentescal year. The amendment increasing the appropriatimr . to.. piy the .cleski of the War I Department, was agreed te is the Committee of the Whole. ; _ An amendment was adopted increasing the psy of, Messenger'. Aft rk s er brief rema b Johnonand McDou gal, the 'Senate went i n to taxectstive . Session and shot* after adjourned. . . . ,Mrom NOW °dean& . Carlo; April 18.-... The steamer Luminary, NM New Orleans tor the', 12th, kat arrived. liewi'MaimPortant. Cotton Is In fair denandt salts erf 550 :tales st 56521, for erilnery ,to strictly Middling:. dope molasses are in fair demand; the supply has'been !MA re &Lea t pal* range - fret t 15X to 17%, !or low fair to prime. ot tonna, and nate for the latter.., Ifni Tollts dprillB.=rlhe steamer Havana boa 'arrived ;rote NOW oildearte on the 10th and ilarani on the 13th: t that tot- NC news from New Orleans .Iticep ron . este held it/ 3i...nr. . Sitspended,rityntenti-The Gold Mil—. pin, - Girant to airflow the Potato. ....Asony!tll!LtlorY Changes ' - ' liaw • Y014,...ipri1. 18:—.2 Korea & . Co., Steak trolunwstopped payment to•day, i Aillomial WasbingtawAispotan to the toss, loader dale or. tilt Da inst., says tho nous will probably past thi-pmata gold bill by a - tlerierai'pramt will taste „ the army of thol Potetnno within oday lir:tiro: . ' - ',-..- ',Graced - - atop:l:tuella ziaifivins tision laths lanimand of Wait Tennennarr tip *I toe* llative:l- lisibta, Rod beam -W#4ll l , l t 0 11*113411* dittior• ' .': - , ' .._ ~,,,,. : . ~. -~~ ~. AticMoue Foreign Sews per steamer flaxonia. firer Yoax. April lEL—The Barents brings London papers of the 7th. The Rouse of Lords had given judgment in the Alexandria ewe, adverse to the Crown, and dismissing the appealfrom the judgment of the condi- Late news, states that the difficulties about the etaeptais: of the Mexican Crown by Meximillien, have been Wired by a imospro- Ore with this Emperor of At:stria and the Arch Doke. Be will shortly proceed to Mexico. The Prusaians had driven in the Danish outposts and occupied a position 250- pates nearer to Duppel then the tint parallel. The works were uninjured by the bombardment. The bombardment of Sendatburi had ceas ed. The town was burning in several places. Eiht women and children were killed, and the g tow y n deserted by the inhabitants: The Times says that the question of the so ceptance of the Mexican throne by Maximil is doubtful. ' The Confederate loan is quoted at 3 51®5 French routes 861. &L end itirgints sixes have declined one per cent. All the Powers interested have agreed to the holding of a Conference. France will only ask the inhabitants of the Duchies Do declare whit government they prefer. In the event of the greater pert of the Powers th e doniug the treaty of 1851, the Courts of Lon don, Boma, Ventoe,Berlin,Petersburi,-Span and. France have agreed to recognise the Emperor of Mexico immedistely on his so melon. ,The Pope hes entirely reeove:ed. The Ring o! Sweden will endeavor to oh- . tea peace, but in the event of Warn says he must render assistance to Denmark against an overpoweringforee. r. Six thousand Danes bad defeated the Prqs siarrs at Viele. Liverpool April 6.—Cotton flat and un changed. irovitions, no sales. Sugar active: lildittlimations Confirmed... The Sopro, Court Adjourned... Wight Sessions.. Collage Laud Grants. Wesunrorox, April le—Teo Senate te. dey, oonlirmed in executive .talon the fol lowing nominations: • D. W. Wilder. of Kansas, Surveyor General of Distriet'of Ba nta's . and Nebraska; lot Mehl, P.O, Kennedy, to be reptalo, aril 2d lienten ,. . ant J. O. Harris, to be let lientenent in tha marine oorps. The Supreme Court of the Drifted States adjourned sine die today,after annul:going their decision of aionglist et cum The resolutioo passed to-day tor night sessions may be regarded no evidence 'of the determination of the majority 'of the Koos° to bring this cordon of•Congreu to a clo i se at the earlieat•—prscticable moment ; perhsp libel:alone Ist. Some of the Senators, how ever, enpress the opinion that Coogress will remain here until Jniy. The President hes approved the net ext ithin end- beg for two years from date, the time w which the States and Territories. may accept the grants of lend donated for the establish ment of colleges for •the benefit of the me. chemical arts. West Virginia is now included within the limits of this law. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES .11' Ur [111.116 1` Mato hoofer, sad dealer in Ponnolvanlo tn 4 Veto:hobs ;fate of thabost quality .t low mot. TEce st alss.. f,aag`•iL-'t. •h. Witem Pitt.3bargt. NIT CL9,1113. ESTABLISHIMIT.--11fr. !Mee, who for many purl hu been known as one of the principal merehant cloth tars of Allegheny otty, has removed his et tablishment to No. 10 St. Clair street, which he hai fitted tip very handsomely. His stoat. of spring goods is large and varied, compris ing the latest patterns of cloths, cassimeret and outings, and the gentlemen's fun:tithing derrtmant is complete. Persons in want of a well fitting enitof clothes should give this oatahlishment call. Mr. M eclat' is a g ains to fine taste, and takes special pains to gratify the wishes of his patrons. - 11Mtov.0..—blesirs. Gray & Logan have removed from Fifth street to No. 47 St. Clair unusually where tey haveonened • large anti usually well h averted stock of boys end ehildron's clothing, including • all the latest styles of the teasof. The firm would call particular attention to their facilities for gettleg op children's clothing at the shortest noties and st,the most reasonable oath prices. EWES MU?. —Young men, be warned in time, supply yourselves with NOLL() WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. They aro guaranteed to cure the worst owes of Bores, Weer., Beam, F. very and Bowel complaints. • 'Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re. tailed, owing to the high price of drags, V:, at Vicente, 76 cants end 51,10 per box anent. For iafirin Pittsburgh by IL L. Fahnestock Plumose having a mall capital, desiring to invest in ■ paying business, are invited to call at Room 29, Scott House, for • few days, or address, Clamp h Co., Box 1951, Cleveland, Ohio. The artialels useful. Eighty-tar thousand sold in Northern Ohio, and a few bordering eounties of Now - 9 ork and Pennsylvania. • A liberal proposition will be made to take charge of the State of Pennsylvania. Fifty ups.* I wanted. It Tax palate are Invited to lispeet the beau tiful assortment of confectionaries kept by George 'leaven, at hie Bras Hod candy stand In. the Allegheny New Market House. golf (MAP end deetreble dry goods go 55 Darker's, 59 Market street. at Law , Grant street Atom *7 EDOII,OIIII 6SILIVOLY..-SllO advertlinmatt 9-WANTS-FIRST SERI-ANNUAL ..L Statement dohs Condition of thekIIII ., MS 111b1111AIWIS CALPAIII, on the Int.nyy of lann• op, Cla. In dies Buda and Mto B•L orton. (bSing ant 11. on Boat Estate In lork and Brooklyn worth at leist 5119,100.- 169. 10 X, ClO Loa.. Moe., pat able on deo and(mar• ldt Iralris Of denude. bald es Collates -11.219,1.— 191,024 00 United Btates Straka owned by the Ikest. Plod. darkateelse--.—.-.---.--. 214,400 00 Baal Wide tunlncumbred).--.„..- 9,647 Id lter. t. Accrued (of which Agnates . pad •dns January 1.1., Is already ... 11,547 Balance In bands of Agent. arid in Gourd 01 trazonal.sion from Agontl.-- LOCO 00 13111 a Bendsable for Premiums on. luland aid other-.. ...-.--- 10,967 it Cult Preach., on ollnitedon 4Pollrlee • IME:=IM . .01a1= for tap e s ots000001n; Jui. 1, ql/ 1- 11,3711 00 10110 SAW 03 J. 3.IILTON , TociCti Tato, Beomatar7. Joftes W. Wuarr, Legstant Socretsry. Applltglacts mind ti /LIES W. MOTT, AGENT, pa BAWL was. ►BD PMI A. tree% et land. one nab" froze tba Allegheny, liter. ands nunneleatlng, with Itby • planked oan. In Italian county. near Corydon, etr. rages from Ilteandrtni ll on the '.6..4 U. W. H. II.; abounding nigh 04 'llllll 411 ELZ2r4OII. Umber con Ugo• lag UM A DTA k offered. for sele. . , Ihel Inlbnnstlon 1011111:1o1 terms taiga tenni by 8.8. lISTAN,, ISO 701:11aff BT.. Dukes Deans. Filar AND Mpg. TREP3i • EVERG.ITEINIff, ae. . , Cit APPLI, vs hos a3m• Ste" Lg . of all the bating issittial most phitabls ihs ads location. Ws tom ima tins as Dols llama, Maiden Slash. Montt ri p phs. - 111,0 "" . ° M., Ming orthaihicito 130.. - Ithods shad Gnash Boum Beam Eambo, BEELOWIATUICh, Plumes Swot, assities Ma; ao,tritlen vsq isms Stook of PUB, IMYPS,S.SW,P=II,I=I.I6)II.IB. eItA.D3 Tu lams, estupsuzsr; awassoun am, to. A• one sect ts In Ala, VW ttolsootosols to Plait= at orbo/ Worth* . sm. Orden at at du ClessubsaZsad. or Pittstowsh Fast 020, will bs pp atistolsd hi ' ' JOEII 'll Jr., • , SitSholail. . ilttibiziltkand Oakland liosserlit . • 11/IRCIE I.Or OF , °m ins 6'i T 066660 - . i BolttrootoE aan Po ® gm I;s,botco; ; . . - . illsiitill ..., . -do; , '.-- ' , CatAirtd Dry-Fiaagibbarrot -. . - ' do, NTT diocop!nj uu , Bido . do do. • .1 • sabig - lIWOLIMITXII4IIIIIII4,IIO9 'Wool oz: kIN)11 WILL PURCILIABEik einirtmieit i nr l i. Dv-mama 1101713Z80 - MX/ 62M,431.0ait PIICI,PIL*Stria• talL000•111010tOrii.ltilr U street; . • . assizobite asonsimia Brour± , No loati sterst, liadtbaum. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH . . . . . Stack and liloney Marknt. ' nay Sim, April La.-Stocks lowar but closed firmer: Seven-Thirties --IC& 51.1chigui Houthern- 61% C. B. 0-20 Cottpone-.IIU 'do gnarma'd....l3 2 0. aM. ocrtificates.. en DI. Central ticrip.“-1 19 'Canton C0......__.... 50 T H._.._. .- ---.-. 65 Pacific Mall ._..._...210 Cleveland t Pittabli /05 N Y Central . 131% 0. & C......;..-.1 21 3 144 Erle...-.....--.-..i19 ChrteliEld & lOWA./ 45 Erie preferred..-.--107 C. A N.. 1.....--5.-. 110 Hods= Itives....--.M I IC., B. lk, Q.. Harlem'i-..-.....—.1g1 Toledo &Waash—. 60 reading- . .._...152 P. ft to a c—.--10 0 14.1shia. eeatea....i..n In..t N. W.......:..--. 47 Nity Toaa,april 18.-Cold closed at nocon. but sold at the First Natio Hank .1110; lam VALCOu. The money market le nal much hallnenced by the ,took Panto, and there is no regular rate of interest. One - per cent. • day end even atoro has tutu paid. The banks are not PaVing out greenbacks, and legal t o are worth two per cent. noon than certified cheeks. Some Danko raised to take certified checks of other*. .A large number of Lull. operators have broken down. Morse A Co. announce that they will be able to pay op to CO days. At the public board the panlo became Intense, and awoke were thrown overboard at almost any price. Fort *tune o wn ,overboard down to 65, but recovered to 106. At Qbe mond 6 board the market was very unsettled, and some stocks a showed • sharp advance, while the majority shored tower: New York Centritl...l22NiGalenri...-- -----13, Erie....-....--...._lnmilglebigan Pouthern.:92% Maim -.....-.4......-108i do guarantosd—. l3l Ilsvaing .....,...-...i..13:13/41iniUOIS Plant.. --US% Nri0.......--............3 00 )1 101ed0.-...---...-144 Huhn Itivii.--....121 Cleveland dirittabli.NOX lElleldgen Centnd--130 obe • rocelpta•at the Custom House today wail ncarly II,X O . Neer e Toicfo3,, , April 12 -Ernting.--Tbe market is vory feeble : 02 . 'Gold-.. . ... -.170 Pittsburgh- ..... ...:... New tort thri . trel -125% Gr5aa........ .---.11(1. 107 Cleveland iti01ed0...144 Hudson -.—.....--120 R. I Harlem ' led N. W..: .. .... my. 45 Reading -,f..-. 120 furl Wayne. 05 kflebigan Bautitein.. SiPrarlo Duebion.. ...... ii. 5 .! do utd....-.,....131 Wabesb-.- ........ .-. TY Illinois Central-._... 1 17 10. A N. certificate.- ao Mining Stock. 'lvor, April 10 -1110100 stock : 75 ...-.. ...Pittsburgh„... CO ..... _.... ....... - 03 6 uP"P' r r, ~ -...-1 03‘ New York Bank Statement. New Toes, AprillB.-Leaus, decrease, 51=ms*. Specie, increase, 111,633,: , 07; Cikenietlon, dee 524,001; Deposits, decrease, 52,102,100. New York market. • Liget Toni, Aprillti.--Cottondull and prices nom!. Dell unabanged; Middling Uplands Wo, Lova Mid. .dling 75e.. /lour eery dull .84 11.1111.0 c lowe o. r ; 7,Z.1C41,20 fur. Extra ;nat. 57,501138 (fir IL, 11. Wheat nominally Igx loner; Chica7201.75, . Milwaukee Club 51,1201,75, Winter CodWeetern 51,1501,82. Corn dub ; Weepers old, in .1,11;32, Yellow. now, 51,22,.41,24. Outs dull et 83@81%. Pork dull and lower; Nose $25,2502:..,110, Old 40 $25,23, New do 126,606i2G,523.4, Prime 11224 .111 1a5 2 . 5 . Old and New Primo Moss 51602145 0 , ides . ..e.io bibs; .403,00 0 Olds New Ilea Mess June, milers' option, at 11,25 500 bble prime deliverable all t his month, at litS,7s, and Moo ebis Ideas, for time, au former tern. Cat Meats scarce. Baron O der; 13 0 fur Westerpflbort Bibbed. La. d a shade lwer MMus sad at ler, and in lads at 13X911%, the lat ter an extreme rata. Butter lower ; sales .127432, State 21426. Whisky ham and lower at SIM/31,15, and gt,14g1,15 for Western. Petroleum nosoltill i 88040 tor envie, 55c4dt; for P.Lnned; Free li in mod. mate demand. Cincinnati Market. • Oractssarr, April 111.—EweWoo.—Tions unsettled end prices nominal: Ettm good at $5,50a1i,r 0 . Wheat dull at 51,34(41,38 for sea. and 111,6QtniPrime Kentucky White. Lorn In moderate and it ea® 1,05 at the upper and loner depots. Oat didial Orel Itys is bold at 51,60. Whisky declined tel111, 1 ^; Oh. demand bi light. Thera is no change tit lots and the market Is quiet but Ores sales of 31X1,- 100 pounds of 50)5 meat. at iuy. for Shoulders, and lo for Sidra plea quiet but firm. Gold 168010; Enver 157(.115•59. Exchange trot at fall ratm, and selling st one-tenth premium. Philadelphia Market Prutanstruti, April 111.—Breaditu7s declined,' rained' by the reaction In 'gold. Flour unwttled ; Superfine 17,25, tetra 58,23, receilds end stocks light. Wheat declining tut buoyantsl,sll(.4 I.bli. While ri. Corn decal:l.42e ; sada 3.000 bush. Whisky dull and,deethied 1165 a; selna at 5 , ,8131,22. 'Petroleum unsettle , Cattle market It lees.tive, but prices are an. changed; Beeves 12.011t0. Sheep In good demand, but lower. at o u gloa. i . Chicago 31areet. Butcartn. April 18.—Plotir anti. Wheal quiet ; 1 [ales at 111,Yd% for No 1, 111,2 be, Y . Oure goat ;Om at 06%(4,97t4 Oat , dnU at 880. II lob• whom doll and decalued pt, ues af 11. 0 1. 'BeoelPo of nom B,disi bide; W 1,003 barbels; Corn, mum bombast Oat. 21,M0 wallets. Shipments of Floor, 1,101 bb ~. teat, 00.; Corn, nom; °Jail 16,000 Mabel.. Baltimore Market. . • UOLSOLOLZ; April IG —Clone eery doll; llonard street Superfine, Sl,'/Nry7 Go. Wiltat. fi rtallo4 Var.. Corn I ; 001E0 10,000 'umbels et 81.2501.24. Whisky dull and droopiqg ; Ohio 5 I,IBdIA. St. Louis Market. ST. Loin% April IS --Vlonr atel Irregaonr Wheat excited: vtime *1,5041,57, cla.ice 51,0)41,G7 Cana active, nmmon,, ff SILSII,IO. Oats loom 874a0. WlMay Ar.l!oed issoL ISSOL :ON.—Tho Partnere p JL , f toretnforeaM. Me under the name laud style Id JOHN VOlrtitLY C 4). foe the yulane avr• vyleg on the Flowing busin-as, has sha day been altaote,d,Th e a avelnAvelenf the death of allv.161C11• titAS VOL]TLT All penults keening themselves Ind hod Si, and those her delnis 11141.111 t CILf!I arm, plvme call on tne , o desvt,teed foe settle. vont JOUt i VOICITLY . • lIECOMOENDATIO N Mains wad ono flouring tu Items MOUE At wo cheerfully , icciaincootid Omni Cocoa Sue costumers sail public gamma, as mot of probity apd exporloucw. JO VOLOTLY k CO. To re orrtog lo the atm., Ire rerrsctrally bespeak a contlunsoco Mr favor ber!pvtrvi aport ora p tdeettlio /I, m tho flouring 'south c... 1 drool, Allnban7. spChr 011.11011 E t CO. OTICE-LTho partnerAhiP heretofore L' etChtiog wmaa t.t • caw of JENNISGS aa RAMILTUF I. dd. day diroleed b, mu lora courant, BEEJ„kId IN F. JENNINGS brain purchased the entire to or NV I LLII,II.IIe TON. will centinne Use tu.innet corainfiratarbig .PIEES,RIVErs, &A at their fecto.7 22,, REES°. Od. bTRICET, Allesban,. lIENWLIN P. Jr:SIMMS. WILLIAM lIALtiLTON. kittll 11,. IVA. _ . --..... In tistirlog from tlot Am of JESSISOS A ISMS ILTON, I Otootiolly rooommood Iry Ist* poortnot to the potrettoue of the public , . April 14, 1854. WILLIAM 'LAMM'S. spa•lor_ _--------- j lOW GYMNASTICet—The lint ex- A mikito of Dr. DlO LEWIS' 'veer einem of Lialit or Nita Gyrnnottio." le to be gine et. CON- CERT LIALL, en THU 11.8Dla TV t.Nxso. April Ramthe thus to appear to fall costume A mite of Ram vital the Liget Dumb tele, exercises with the °musette woe mot Warta, are to be pet forot , d.b. alarm other highly overteinb34 eaercisra, all to be epltrenta by • muitell eater/A*l=mA. 8. , Doora.opir siyaseXlitsto r ecisiene;to.heloidm:.entzertr metes yearn, le team Violets to be obtslued tit the plied* patio atom, and alio at the door. • • .13,1er giEe NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 1 lan 2iNWYIIOO4/59 Or 81TADAT souoots —A blornphi of Bor. Balker And Wm. Vol. :By John O. Power. .1.1.01, PriCo ii On A ltAlillAlS ON TNTBACTING rrifli/ Irct .ii nil on Oa; Anatomy of the pans invoinsi to the ties; the kluds and propor construction of instrollstdo, de. I vol. =no. ILLAVEN OVA 11010. l vol. llmo.' DAWN° AND surrzsiza. By Lieut. Pettier, re. A tarp snOly of the latter work Jost racclitd. 105 ' 3.1. SICAD, 'II Fourth argot. N) , IP 4 GS NrCOMEn ' sat &vats In lat kb& et WILLOOD.I3ISIITY AND CIGARS, O. tas WOOD crams, riming". TL•a Sena cangtortty on baud a bay TatiotT a-AM and Smoking Tobacco 5032:17 F. BIESU, 1 13 1 2 M 5= No. 11..4. 111211p1,11£GD V., 2d door bah!'Sth DOCTOR. F. IRISH, • - ralrell'6lAN AND SURGEON.! t So. g 69 V te...fto 191:4 FITIMEI,botow Hand. it. • ALL:PArga—Diovink cl . U. Ins Gin ts sow st hand ;bai* your bo • • 21;tpa g ,them, for 'which call sad roe, from tbs. t Gold rdabroldramf, •InLta sad What Parlor Yoder, to the chtspost article la Oar roirdrf, al ltd. lfrf ?larked atria; near Ylltb. esteaa ios.HVOlE__9l2l, Brek•l'mia • rtLIF TON'S' WOOL Wilrat• pawl. , imply cribs atintiout iridtbs rsolvvd 'far sale the Duni limber Dowt. Nor. 28 and ZS Cab street by ,', . U. PHILLITS,', Whit gots S ALAD NJXdosuz 011,6011; in pinta sad 'ttii. sd lb* lob b 7 the Om or tiAle". boU T amll7(l " c ""r d 4OHS , 4.llll/B} ll, Wil Corner 7 itadHand streets. A iIIICAI4 COUFEE.--4-vioill lot of Cl, cholts'Atticsa Cam, rescalattis -110. 8 t in vial .i d Ilator,ibr llle st, theloally "L' • :' • • Rag REHESAO.I • ..mtlllsa treetC, RIVER lIITELLIGENCE Gorxre, fit_ Lo-4.11 Minerva. Wheeling. 'faille List, Nuhville. 011 City. ;Advance, 00 City. The river receded eaveral inchee at this point yes terday, and was still receding slowly lad evening with eleven feet .ix inches In the channel. The wmth er yesterday eras clear and pleasant, and ell that could possibly be desired for out-door Minions. The wharf presented • very lively appearance yes- terdsy. of there is rem room for improvement. I The offerings of freight we m liberal than tonal for Monday, and them was also an improvement the receipts. The tonnage In port, however, la loge, Imdtpparerdly in excess of the demand. The arrival Include tho ma gi ham, from Zanesville, and the Reserve, fr Louis. The Ili and Lizzie Diartin, from Llnclanati, and ttes Ilavatm. n0d L.9321118 3 , from lit-Loafs, are among the grit boat. doe. The Sallie List, for alubville with • cargo of rail road iron, eras the only depaiture for below. The trilds and Ade - ante left w as 1 City,with excellent trips. The former boat crowded with paean- gen. Col lialrland Informsthe Clnelinual Ceneneseciel that on and atter the An of May, all atetaurre tiring the words "li 13 Hair on their wheel homes, pilot houses Or elsewhere, or In their dvertisements, cards. or porters, and not engaged in She mall oenvice, will be reported under the recent "wt. of Congress on this subset and enforced. The °natio, Capt J A Flarlort:a new boat, Is rapid , ly approaching to completion, and will homely in a T. 2.7 short time tocornmence tosainees. is• aw newt looking craft, and is well adapted far the mar trade. The neat and well-known steamer Ohio Piney. 00 , 1 4 0 D Chapin, le announced for Cincinnati and Louis. villa Sikh ensuing. The staunch and popular Starlight. Capt. Chat. A. Baton, is lilting by rapidly, and will positively be ready to leave for tlt..Lcorie and all points on the Upper lilasialppl, on Wednesday. The %mats Graham, Capt. Ayers, to the regular packet for Zanesville to-morrow, bearing at 4 p. to. The now and pretty steamer, Han Zgarney, Capt. Haight, Is announced for St. Louis and Korn tug; forthwith. The New Steamer Inephsua. Om of the moat magnificent Floating Pasoa ate. built at our basteyardebo,..the new Warner 11. EL 11Upham, now lying at iTBR wharf, preparatory to leaving for fit. Louts. She leeward by Id. S. Men ham & Brother, J. Jewett, Wilcox, 0. 11. Show and F.IL Clayton, all "of St. Louis, and lea perfect model of ,Der.nty, combissiog all the redetiremnott of etrongth, dorabllity, comfort. capacity, safety and . neatness, that the tracts fee which oho to destirld, wilidextand. ller dimensions are as follows: Length' Of keel:Vail Mee t deck ova all, 250 feet; ch•pth of hold, 7%; 3 floor, and VI feet beam; has time bottoms° Imhof° dissenter sod NASA Imp. two The e wheeliders, l. PAK are i 3O feet in dianches in diammeteeter, r, with& fee stroke. with 1 214 feet buckets, 20 inch. erlde. She to supplied eilth a steam eapstao, nigger men, for holatiog freight, mid an extra meant tire pump for throwing water to eny part f the boat La cote of Ara. Pipes are ea or. rased as to com:tot either boy or cold aster t any part of the boat, and the state-roc:rue are auppl . .l by Ws mama. , Tin mblu, which In point of style and Eolith care- hot beexcelled If equaled by toy other steamer now ' afloat, contains forty-nine state roam, minable of coolfortably aecommodting oue hundred cabin ma @engem In the after end of the Ladle.' cable, le a magnificent bridal chamber. by feet, winch le banished in the swat luxuaious.Jle. It metalline nushograry bedeesd, bureau, wash amid,' bidet stan.l, and ward rcbe. On the oppelto gide of the cabin from the 'bri dal chamber is family nom with folding dcom, width Concomforsbly accommodate an =liner, , f mlly. The floor of thercabln la covered with id. gent Englbib and Turkials canoste,tr.an We mineely eatabiletunent of A. T. Stewart! 00., New York. On each doer la • Simi repreentettm, the handl werk of Ste celebrated artist, flutings, of Jib Lone, I he ladles , cabin • will be found • =wattle cant piano, from the establishment of Clue. 11. Kel -1 tor, On Wood street. Mr. Jewett WOeox, • gentle ' man of long experience, has fitted op hie efficethe at elegant manuer--and art the lout notteLtble [assure of which, le, that it is burglorprooL D. le with feelings of pride, that we now turn our attention to the pantry, the elegant appearance of which le due to the excellent taste of M. IL Illephun and Capt. filmer The tableeerviceconshte la part of silver knives and forkemastore, pitcher., butter.dlebes elating dldus pickla castors, mkt etmdsh sager Meta cream Pitetere. syrup J clot, salvers, goblet., etc:, elm., upon each of which Is engraved the alum of the host, the acmeseteg Smith, tits celebrated ea. the of ow e md New York ; end the remainder of the an omens of bautifelly decorated ehlll6-18ele ham .har establbshnient Lawton & White, els! of New York. LAM pantry Its amw idol o f t ta b l e suppihd with steam apparata , by to .00 of ahich meats, ete..tc., to kept boy. 1 he barber shop mid vech-honee Is a perfect mod. el of booty and coriverdenbe, and le much oh:area b all who here soon Ttie washstand contains O y ne suable binans, and above each bufn e • large gilt-frame mirror. Back of the wash-boo., and Ins. m ,dl.4ely co otignous to it, se • large limb room for rotten:ma, supplied with a French bathing tub-. the ladles bath Tools being In the rear of the ladle , win, and su ppl ied with bullet eraeb-hou.—roth of which are supplied with shower baths The bed sad tabie Hoene, hablaine, table. epteade. tea cloths. bad. eprewis, blankets, towelling, etc. etc. are from tbe , establishment of A. T. etewart, New itc h el The obandellera are furnished by Mitchell& Vance, of New Totk, having been selected with care byli. Benham end Capt. A. U. OWL tier glaseware to froze the net of J. B. Lyon & Co , of this cloy ; knots and door-number. bs IL Wgby : subliming wad plumber wort by Cadman A Craw curd ; bath-tube by Bourne & Co. ; life and sounding beet , and chimney tops, byticalfa&Co, s her mirrors: and ga p by °Whole; cobln stoves by Bradley,and t h e r. a CO., of Louisville—the cams table In the pactry beteg of funlahed by the last named flme-..orotiog and gantry .to and chalet dishes, by Lope Co ,of anelnuesti; oil <Wm, by Mcrae. Linn & Co lima, ant En nitto eby Daley Dewlap; of Cinoln,tl; the fornield: g of the bridal chant ters le , (0111 the establiihm.st of lbsdly & Co., of Allegheny 'eking tables, by John Blom, of Lonliivlll., Ky. The hull wee built by Wm. Leta, of Eliesbeth, Pa., and the ogle by James Milling. of tide city, the came having been dalgued by Lome Collett, and mperintended In Its L a n d by fdattheer Cue. alday. The painting and glazing was dune by Wm. Nelson, of this city, and the lute exhibited In deco rating the cabin le due to Mr. 11.th:tat, tbe cel.bra. ted artist of At. Louie. The engines were built bY James Beets, of this place; blackaredthing, by Grace% bl4km, by Noberts & Dotage; fenders. spors, der • rick. by Evens; ettnet iron and tin work by.F.ean a Seller: cordage, rigging, and gemral outfit, by Long A Duff, all of Adds city. This floe eteamer, we molt not omit to sate, was &dosed and euperinteaded.by Andrew Ackley. This spidadid floating mime is Wing hp rapidly, and will, in all probability, be reedy boo lor AL Louts thif evening. Lbw commander,' Copt. A• U. Abase, in NM old stemnboaursan, vials In the office will ho found that genial enclaccomplished glu tinous, kir. Jewett Wilcox. Retake great pleurae In commending the Elephant and her deserving al ma to the merchantstof Pltiebrogh audthe travel ling public. and Acconahear IaARLEY 4 1 14414 ~ Ell/ . • Ckaildluagr vs bind owl 11)! al. , • D. Y. GATA:YVA. I .I • hareat " Ita:llll3Ltbini. Pietas's), 14 - teniNA OBACKERS.-5 bbls. Ire sh _bard Wturs estetrtstsil hytyyk last m61 1 14 1%11 rap. .111VIZTUVIATEUSDAT - AgSOCC &TE T T *ltb sti GIORGI D. °MIL, to tee d Haat and Crookralikngu. akidft•booteis, , 7. ~ Apriltl4llllollo4,- ,7.-... 000 X, VICIITACto:T , I.Wri. W, 7: ~- ,` ,` , 7 -'' .7:: r: .r. • - - 1 ` 1 "; , : . ":.' , i ,Q":'..‘,:r,":•%:: 1; ~, k - -i'll. e.' T. , . .--Izi 7,.'z's , --- i .t• : . _ - I( WNW Esssris Grnbara. T J. OEM & CO., XX PINE TAR. Prepared ear/regal fur XLI:B. Put up in neat one pilau iron bond DUCXETS. Tornio. or thedasue and In barrels and Wel*. . Cake, 210. Ltd YlBBp BTU= Pittsburgh. &Otto EIL & STOTIBILAN wanTragrousse 01 s - urs WOHS. alae alwayt on tuna outd malts to order 111011 ANC DBMS 601SIXII WIRE CLOTH ; at. REAT I of all rind.; ILIDDLI/B, lot regindrt • W0i1.14 INA WINDOWS, to.; OIOD M 069, 0 0 11,M011WrAL WIT= WORE. It en, An Q AR .h.• at VTLIti ter mot, al e. a TOTIRT,II ISTILILLT THE NATIONAL ALMANAC,! FOR 1564.. Thts Irrabi r ablo Annual U now road, (or not Them I. ma combat coo nod some Mammalon wortb ton Mom the mot of tba boot to tbom. DAY'S, CLAIMS I oo for rale by AANEW WORK ON THE HORSE A The Illustrated Horn Mania's:Rest,_ordain . log descriptive numbs otiAnaorey, Shads& Both, rood, Sloes, Iliablae, :likewise :a plain moment of the situation, niters :sad. Tao or the fmioas poll" Soothes with • cisoloonla on 'looms, dealers, brooders sad balsas; also on tax , Asps and barons Brobelliebol wish roots then 400 erograrlogn. By =sod Nohow. bol e 8 co, Yor sm. eT___ 01b) RA Y a Wood atm,* . ORACLES L. CALDWELL,' ithor;:e to how Holm* 303.):. POUK paos - as, Dealer BAOOII. WAD, fttiGAla eldoE.rik &a, wail= masa e t tin rum pRESSED AND 'COMMON ~BRICK, 10,000 PSEPEZD IE 4 - s •(03000 00U1KON _DVICE On bandana Cor Bale by toorw ovicuisozi Q . E. POULTNET,-. • • S. ~ : • , • Erika In" - • • Crake" and Itpitled-Petracpr4 , 13 PIIMZINV. , Na. 92 TIMID irrEuar, ; A TrENTION 1 ALIL=43. COLEALfiN .8111:1tas taken titi etkop,tesinnet by fro a Air wets ego, and ts nofit,evered 1.1 atiumOactano fp . nave all kinds , or WAGuS 3WOILK,'• HAT AHD alum BLEEP, lita&W DIMPZUS. SPODE AED PIADCUMMI 1. - 7 Atatt.ISTZED Imerr4 _tar Estantl-Grain Pinkest. I liettn ene 1 Penitent . . = = • BRYAN, NOTAILIE -1.1J131.10' rotrasli isssir, (B 's 'Banding. - , , ~,. TT 5.10-4010A14.,, , -,----- 1,-1.- . , ~., '''''-' • -.- 10.44.0t*'- , -` , 1 - ...,,s-Dovvimusirr_4 o-. *" ., ..p...._ . 14=41,15r 44 ;g. 1 •teutna-Is OW 41 11 t rf4T,- • ''. r -,-• ,`'• ' ' •, -Wood steset::':- ~ - 4 0 gaittao4,4l4*V t , ' ,111411-Vig--:t.'":.4n- -i- ~:,- , ,;:,.-Fir..- 1/ 4 1 4 , :- -- • '''t - ;-...*"; itoi'll,'-''' • ; -,-=- ' ~ Ni . , - • . -, " „,': '-." '------:. •, •, ~ . ' - : :,;,'.. - i:3-P1•••••"t .. "' "-...------'-'," , tambil:3-frornit jolori 'nek 40711 °TORE:, -•. 1120.61 -. 4 113 7 124 ' • ~'j4 MMI {R EELER ,t Wasome 1:11GMT 1.1=113,111 LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES TER crazatisrteremset AND Sidi' Prtadpsi OCIa. and Violetsls Import.= NO. 2 FIFTH ST« Th.. door talc. Blink BICCk. wm. suzurza %maim. imam. eas 11601.7 HICOLY O. ULU , a CO, Ars sos noshing Ws* Spring Block of @o4 WWenm crtint, and totem gums rap tt tl iar ban arrrattnnit to the public , . Namin g torn: wary Mends and patrons for tba real patronage berrtototo remind, end : trusting, by claw Woad= to badinss, to mortal ear WA Mop tad many naw core. - 11. du:4m eolketton at GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING aoons,. asap ca hand. cowls or PURI Alip : er emus morn, rrnyiniaill PI .. 1864.' - itCOSTAIVBn SST, soscitcse„ Ejtt.E R MINA • TO R S. ots an rstabllnbal In B. T. City." Only i nfal l ible reciedisi known." "Free from Pawn,. "got Asagerou to the Haman ramify." Etatacomo oat of thotr boles flOA. m Bold by All Proalde onromfifon. " Diorama) of sli wortlstmo Imitatfois. Depot. 80. 4 2 BrosairiEß. T. tarfold In B. A. VA.1171.13T0C BON 1030., BA=f ll , 88. IL' BiLLEBB if 0" AMA f, and Bob& ABA ltubsfrik, Pa.; o libi Nal P. SCHWAB= Wholesale and SAAB Agent, 11.1.1eittony.Otsy. NEWCASTLE AND 'FRANKLIN 1 SAITYWAD.-13cols of Sabscristkot to the Ossital Stock MA, NSW Waft& a PEA MELTS lILILSoAD COMPANY rill be *VGA ot W 3 D• • NSBDAY, tiro kftb of April, proem*. • • 1 In tin City of littabarkh, st tbs Boacosdf the BoArdof Trails. In Nov Outio, Lionents rowdy, st tlarifeci of the Dm' Coils sad Darns Palk? Bafteard Como A la • klocosr, Mater county, At tkioMm of MUM= St 1 . SA. • • ',. • - In rranklin. Vsoass, °oats. At the Ma! of lbs Tint If stionAl Sank. , '4- - ir aura ot odnasetaacJi : A. - I. Crawford, StantslNC. Elm, &Q. Scrota, 7 .11.0,kri 1 . Wm Dilwor th , Jr., G.W ..C4sk • Woo. &onus, . • -. J. C.ltlnny • J. C. om. , • Goats. C. VA* llotert Ashstk. Jodskliks. Juan Skokie& Springer asztangk J. W. Bland:o4.. James K. Karr, Darla Courtin). Pittsburgh. Match IyIcCORD lc CO., Wholamb Mairs Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, /Jove Lao In aim:v.oo lorgait 0,0 " ." 21 ; b c' e dock of goods for RPRING SAP3:S. . , . - • - Era ofierod to Ulm •11.51. ktertbaato aro requottod to cal owl etattito oar stock, tehtoti .m bi moll at , rem low rata. 131 Wood et.. Pittobtozb, ISLA° 138.A8.1. tII:7IICLIVT ELANV IVULL.S. CISt" . . Hoop mound, on hand a *de MI annonod mon of D O. DOME LED PLANS, WillX/W IMMIIE STUNT LIEVELSO, BUD-autzLhoiers,,sPotrrnia, [atm, Pao ••INDS, do., tn. . . Eta old orders tot Ohli,IED emir- rift II oral at NO MM., - - 11. B. Pawn. wanting WOO nansia or POP. LAD an partladary invited le ovizoino his Mot. noi - 011 ...im on on 07 hr = rat. r••••• R•am=rti - TWIN CITY PLANING MILL • • -'• Matte Or Aka . ' ander, Ittgettly banned . ant, tab yleresto theft Mania and tn. nubile Wagtail'', I.=ti cli g bate lamed tam aad watt in tha UFION FL.A.F.. MG MILL. war their late kgattlon, and we now prepared to gxecnta t ip = =Uinta; is limo, with . promptness ani Zi s i= • larga antli• of Pl 7 Lumbar on hand. nal I:I tnalootat gm Ogg will, to • an dap, be preparsa ta famish deg HSU Floating, Is W. quantity. at tagetadd• Wog. satglate - NI . G OLRGOE MAPLE WORKS, is mini: eraarei taattlil aaa wied esizterat litiaßLE 8 • RODUatelltS and Grave titones. PLIOTIM PABIES. 1101harDA.41 !NU Mint ?owl, inpourrn usrgEoi; Blum Foustol4 J. grn. At tog anA of OIL in t = Nous& All kinds of B 'Ali IRON TB Encis to wins. AIso_BILLSS 014ffnifirt, o Linda; niado an tba aliartaat nods. nil order. left at Nos End St WASSIt STUMM mar Liberty. bepromptly sttatulod to. : alaritut members of ~tbia Arm being proonost nor Osaka, of many icare.exparience in their inialnest trill Omura to giro satisfaction in story ratpiact. . Ws sm also agents ,for W ate rG Oa,'"' STELLi MO. POiPingOr!" 02, d UP load CALL an RECRUITS W4NTED rim Tin • Fifth Regiment V. Et.' Arti*Ty, ALL Lzon armrsunri. 13 Wood amt Thou, ebbing toseleit tor - tldelsioriti braiteis'et the mental etil receive the bigheestieTSll3 RUT arid WPM , 110IIMITS. , •• • • • The termerserdee Weedy three years. ••• Beerultieg Rsudere nu No. DO TWISTS ST., Pittsburgh, syreitittlellaytes Ofitor T11 , 41/ 01 1/7.1,41.83 18 ..IRLHoI. 6 W ff. rgy 6shavutsl lieCretlAnk Otatrer; ETEB LlsiD • , DR. BAELZ Aisne=to th `teti(m~nt of WHOMr; DrillOASltO LIZ andAist_i_opecitse ao ciamacm-scruna S 7[B, for A8=10411.1. Plll , ll.onrotto A.IIIIIIICIAL KM sod MAI OA 12111)B1.112 - 13; *lrani= BUBO% out all dli alktyll ,TooraauLtrodies to .-tea s. aos MTH inaureT. itaiaas - - DrEING 4INTD'SCOORIIIO MIAS LTI3IIIII3IM4-Ths sadessfgold Ilnins Vinod so establlaluSent villa:0 FOURTH a? Vi c mom Marlon aql,lres7,,tor Stm purrs,. , of tapr , Drawl 1,26 tecitnartenistaiss , mow. Lolly solkito a shim og Vain_ i.V 6 . Hosrhei gm% also can la ths sastdishooPi trolu sst a Sur,' 1100pCT, Ilaltsts Sinai( east b. OA iM Ow ess osslitletion to Ato sastosssSA. goods taxi will be ro=d 4 too weeks.. ' / slCtur mazy DIEINSTANTLY 9oyd• RIM :ftoes of aft tbs. Bal:Postsfti, Cis at Pftls , ftst ter:4=R 1611 so sicaatully &OM ' , MOMS. 11..0LC11 1 126 ts. u _ ,_ . , .:_:....: . - ... . . VOWIM/ 011 liktv PASTIII: 3 -.. Tbsy osi ft 04111 just disputa:AU,. -- .' U t ' ' .-- :-', I' irtuns , somiirios,.: BWICKLEY' ACADEMY, ai'Classical 1.7 sad: Comilisreist BOUDINGIAMOOV TOE SOTS; tbs P.L W. 01 , 11 - ..)1411 - iater fits, leittsbangll: ,Bir.4.IIOII7AVELL,I A. ?wind y& • Tee rorty•lbutti _ ssiSsso* 11.01:IDAILDIST 1,16:13..;:;'_:,_ - Tor amain ay T. I; a ort,z; ts 164 Hsi% I pal! foldetierlipllll;p:,,,, Coxos~r . ~ ~:. 7 H 0 p IS T 0 B.s The tiniest Varlets, Beat LOWEST, PRICES .! BOOT 11110120171 331 151 . TUB Wit[. NO. 6 2 Fifth iitrgi*lVlS ;MMaila ALL. AT , M'CLEUiND'S AUCT!OLT, N0..65 Fifth pear ,thErv4L Ladles Galit•r*' Belzape Boots. . anis aunts.. . 8t 000 taiee th e CbgsPrishall 1 / 1 let . 2 o an ma. Degas sunned st Um:tub:To vim BORLOID'iI, 98 818,11.91BilitREST. A NEW AND CHOICE SELECTIO ttprixaz and Bummer Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, = etc., trxvr son Am gaol nousz or SLATER & . a KKABrxr 111: 0 14doorltii netrd X6O. TM GOODS I NEW GOQIIB 'WISP lila nottrottont Spring stocks( BOOTS /n sum, I; Which we trfa sell al the LOW'S= ChM 111 WIN We here the lamed and tai aeleqe4 decker Mavis rum Calf , Bquara4gred ,Hoot", ?gibe:aka Ix the city. LADIES' Lair , ammo U an:clap:pm MID viwell. ICUS. Rabb, mnlo ID• ZAILIEST frnizer. VINE .000D'61 J. PL. Smith, T. D. Simmer. sald. • LADIES' GLOVE lan BALMOBAL scichs Do do do CONGRESS 'do; I . Do 2080000 a GOAT DALWL . . ; agars TEEM 801.3. 08.1M.1 06131' do ; ; Do. TWO - do DALT do; LII of the Not oamOoM wort. and inassatoct ewe padre OEM A LB BB& 808 & C _dal San. oar. at Wood =I TUBES CAMPBELL, Manufactu* of u 800113 Alm Mows, a may doctiptios. Ito. 3113mIthfielitt.bush. argally csEo. A 4.11 ss, SON Jr. Vhole. NA. oak sad 15 p Deolon BOOTS, BHOW3,ka, coma Wood sad You Mad& Pittdddsl4- wrw EfiT4l3•o7 ' . Wall Paper -Dr-Spring Trade.zi MOM'ION STGIt PIO GOLD, ev.. ildriAT„ Cbambikis, •A viriery of Chap GOLD, ISATIS i illieLizGo WALL ,Perlt I GUMMI AND 11210147.11tV. GRITS, . Ursa SLUG, MOB= WJGDOW - , , , SHAM. Arai imam* saasismnt • of WI , Fk•G' WILILL MIR, to altlit satik the ameba topiptfact of lilmateloPeri 'lltiveripeataar • zestord AA the Will POW - Wantellas.. Wood stru, bayous sal Tic doe, bebor Dlazartut allay. - • ' ISM& VAIALSE. ilnertssalei arpostimust ct 43•1.4 BarMikl reef Lisa Widow Midis listares, fir malt "11A21 1,111111,.. puhisiNG, • • • awl Steam bi all tta teilthes. attemaid eltafflorM*l Wm. A ftwaleilainit , Oz;; . e - • -197.0 w Lis Ilk% dLT 4 ErnataZlTß. 404: Ozastsatt7 oibird and made to & MLLE. - no. a riamaisu ezalorr.engetral •=l2ll, *met ' pravitaccara' ~ • • , PROIIOIBIAPII, B001114%,,j,), o pals= virin mac Jim= arairox.' Id sad id dodo% eta SitAirdisew Otte* D s' - • eiaceroGatialla* , :t -. t:' , Of olaowl do sad COW Oda *SOM. it stri 140 Im Chits do Vitt* to Otibtot sod Oft star,' . Ift. MIITIA.I4OI welt —sottito/44rmillAi to• fiction of lb' AGID AND INV= lo Omani so. olosibillty-of stotatehtommt, tato" sougoot loy • ifte=et WOO of otitis Mos sooderitoi. tad you.CAN ALWATOPMACIR4 I,,,, ' oaxtiti nom wagisaa iodine weer. Bormst's Clotteds• sad listestcw, Levi's Vbxes of Youth, ; Hotta% isoppnr. . : :110.1trmarlrees PM, andOlatzh Z ast, • Itreaa Ear istarsrWiax,iruh BA:6M ead Buda sa4SinVw=4 .l : . . Olument,,, • Mao Una Ikept sad Patuseir_ Hatt Dreamy Sal Bream: Ted= WOW. At us opentral DrWttall. after Oldo aid Irma totTerts, IC Xacllat nous,VbrUi-' BAGSI BAGEII Snvandamosid-bue ' • Seamless, Burlit.tb & Gunny 2 • 42, I tt,lia to • jonzr T:,.11.114111( it; CO, . . G NEWS TO NO :i ‘jil - =ad *Mm slbWfYr sotrawrintanamaa V 6.• a.t.314 Tonit Wan. Oaps,jalk 0 3 41214V1 !tam. to about sm In* Ica chPa. 6 , lolo .rame-- , Tla Swan sad Job Wadi warra , ,isd. six s ixicirwri. • s', taw erruEi or ommd door froa4llttisisso rat da ►t the JtreT =ll=D; 1861. vs. us Nods nest 12==t13 TO EW 800 ''Y . .L.N Casoretbs l .. Ocand wiassfort Mii:Oosirtirfarsott. 1144Sgs oaf Vo C MI" Gra uanla. : Vast sad ruy. ltadowa, , „.-ct Gemeal Qrsal salt kis CMui. • Usti Namara sad the mai mai Mier RI in“r z sat th.Wierat orat. VIDLO.II Itigatiagr..-4911, %LI souse munsisliersvit=t . iburami meas. Ida- ow at illx . ..: *e.t.a talc adirularr la tbs'Arateplessrec , Lleg-bialOpirs......loV=S. Zi t ~ ..41 fultatisriamarsiZPOlAliiiitr dr do Mew tbonglar ealat Montt. mope IlbelPirkTalikelleASOFile llot spoitivpit bold 0,00014.bs bai Or- ll i ll i ...: P&llollolrtußtAi" 4. ; , , , i,..r v.oi -- .= v..c4r:,-..Dei- %:, ,•,;.:.., :-.: .1 cti:-.:24,1 -:. M.M C*=: ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers