4;t MRM Vittskagit 45aMte. TUESDAYi - APRIL 19, 1864. llnion State Convention. Tha Wel pen Pestorrithals„ camprieing the Estlosug raga partiorill meet lri Mats Ganteniien to the Hell si ths Uwe?! !leprestatatleet,; et Hen 'damn. onThurhailW Alt#lllll (hi Each dlstrict widbe entitical to the semi reprepee. Pam mil Otlerbie in the Stele Beitielabbo, and the delegatbi will be &owe at mech. times sod In inch manne(asahaß , be dirtated by the rerpativs c'l°2o The Stets Helrfation is called far the purpere of Owing Lt ncninestbn tip Electoral Ticket, mkoliag delegate*M bergs to the Belem] Coaventloa of the Haiea party, to be lutist Baltimore on the 7th Bob next, and taking each action al It may damn proper to reference to the spitosehlog Preeldeellal canvass. The selection of the dleiriet.deleastes from Penn- Sy/yenta to the Maims! Commotion b left, Where It properly .belonge.to the people assembled their ....my hot. the =went comity oom. mitt mate eartontl7 relltielted to adopt =IR awes. tree as sill wore a full ettandamee at their respect. tnwtrtm iom,and thereby swoon, In the choice of &deans, a fall and Lour es:preset= of the will of the Tae committed cannot lobar to coagratidateall totaled liberty and the Unita span the recent trl. lymph% of the good cubs in Now Hampshire and Connecticsit, and toa:prese the bow &tumid by all loyal man, that they amonlythe Laureation of more splendid abbots goon to he won In the mime cones =slip the bellet and the balloL • MoYEA6H, Coalman. • Gots 114/011110a ) .w . fu n, r Secretarlea. The Campaign• If we' may believe all the reports that reach.' us from army correspondents and other sources, it would seem to be rendered certain that the Government has tit last, =der the inspiration of General Guar, abandoned what has been contemptnously styled the "IscattMation policy." This polio/ waif - Inaugurated General SCOT and General Weimar', and at first, when eTeptbody.lued,faith in it, went under the very respectable same, etyle and title of "anaconda strategy." Tle reader will re membei the significant closing of thefingers •upon the,palmef the band by one of the great captaininforesaid. . Etat the. scheme didn't work. The anaconda refused to 'ternili" anything. The fingers have-never yet touched the palm of the Southern Con•. federaoy. . . It was - filih ante, therefore, that the delu sion should be abandoned, and we hope and believe that it has been. If "history Is phi losophy teaching by experience," the. his torjaf 'Pint three years should be coa t:lutes testimony upon one point, namely, that it is misdirected eneigy and a waste of mokas. lives to attempt to occupy re mote and unimportant portions of the rebel territory, when the strongholds, the very citadels, of the Confederacy are =attacked and unshaken. Even if such places as Charleston, Savannah, Tallahassee, ite.. so., /Ashler be taken, it is almost certain that the aids accomplished would not mate rially_f nrther the *error subduing the re bellion. To destroy tht rebel armies, and not to: spend one strength in chariest= bom bardmente and Kilpatrick raids, is the way in which this war can be ended. It is the only way. To destroy those armies we must fightgreatbattles, and these battles can only be'produced . byrittaoking the enemy'at the points which ho has himself twit Mite& as his littongest whole positions. Jo defend them, the whole peler of the Confederacy will be concentrated if necessary. , 'Two of these strongholds have. already, and before the abendonMsat •or the turaoondo fallen into our possession—New Orleans and Ificksburg.Lr2wo others remain to be taken —Richmond and Atlanta.. To possess Th e lit former, tawr is nasterinip his legions in the-Seat; and to drive the rebels from the fingsweer Ls gatheiing :host .at Chattanooga. The rebels; are fully con- Aoki - 4 of our plans, and are preparing to thIFILII them. They also have two largeattales,one to operate against Gases• and the other to oppose SHUMAN. When the shock comen iL will be terrible. the .iirobable featnres which will characterize the coming campaign. lira the compete 'abandenment by our generate of- the - anaconda polity, and the eenoentrition In two grand Invading armies • .of,notAees %halt 400,900 men, the chances of an early termination of the struggle are altiestredieed UAL certainty.. . But, wtile we are: thus hopeful of the . limas of the coming cempaign, we are Sr/401a to dm" oar regret that theCloy ertnnent. e.V.W - ashington and. the 'people af the North do not,Tet - neent Whew+ become Inspired witlitilat te;iitle earaanfeei :Ada Las been so .worked, II feat= ,of .the rebel Policy, and witich has, more than any other -cause, gained' for the"Confodersey all its truccemi4; , Cliraoldiiri egnitrell en eiely tittle-511d, but in many notable instances our 'victories hare' hemi barren of satisfao tory remits because they pare not promptly aria itriliiteity fellairea Our people et home contribute liberally of their means to 11.1,4 treasuries; of the Banit4tuandpitris• flaix CatiniesiOni, hitt is their reckless oat trarapnri t —iii *dr nneleeked -gayeties And. fettiiitir —_they : lorget the =rows Matra? has brought to,lhe .Itomes of their nek,lthori. Goveritimit Makes war egeilifrebels:la arms ; 6t~i- permlte Loss, - vat Ilietukto preach treason on the Soars tdCoaireee, and , vet:sine in_ite: employ, in Departayeits,it *ea _ldiom are w tp:pathiee raith, iletttlt.; - We speak P 11.0- hate beenendelloag ago if alt , our leaders, mi 11.,. tare and mia the rebels as Ben. -11ensa,laselutiel.them. it wntrld hay* been-A:ll4i ions agoltas peo.; ple had beenas earnestin-their determine tioa that , tie liirptildle should:111e ai the .rebels -wows that :it should die. A morn earnest people would ofienrseloivoliiiistetf upon 'Vinery' laapnnt lalniZlB4ll , tiOn of the These words nucilco uniOafabli,but they are aeieitbeleso the Words of tr u th and so- Unless: dci.notStiiiethenc isi• a &DIV , . Snarls spirit, but rather that, on the ere of the Moodiest Arid . Sweet campaign of.eo war, our; feeble inilustneemj aid in itrodu4 Ding thioughout tieliesth a more determin ed spirit of -opposition to; amp where thin Mei jet prefailid,'and deem detestation d:treisois'itselt. - Our 'miss n . .therie)r-ekneopnignyekii not fail In their. eltny; lettherpeople At home aid the aiffer branehen or the Goren:untie' Stiiilllll jthem asidifitsiet their' by resoliincto Dail fik. traitor.tits itor;-Whether lu aims or with nut synknediredthies such. was Prise bl foot that gold iscontintesify ittictus:; tlni .18 ,plae, goicg up and within< ceztakateP; abin *bit,* **FT !mil tictriflutrois fir the high rites, tuulthsttbs admit Is solely IhsTrenttli.4L'et gallant ItupPerbfo4-00uspirttaz.- or-of .orssy ;sad ilolteg_gst*llog. Ilia s liitla Oise , s year ago iirhettibld-lescieitifitelgbist fit; that and then quiatly dropped down as thl:lorp,akcr m4Ptha-slisaused, brixtgint ieiewing'pubils Imo fldetion. Bents 'of lbe gold speculators who Iredfoted'thet golf would sdessol. to 209; *were pretty battly•bitten faittYesri sad we tops stideStiosd to a norint (stator. Ws don't wish snylgdy'stirgarticular ;Wm, but rlfinzLes modiste othurlinisoratto z, forloSSir Web. "SocuitrA ,TS - Siect sorq If eV bring the Pl-1116512,A-,,,,r. , _ The State t otiveatlon We eontitiue our memoranda. of the in sponse' throughout titretato to the t all Tor a Union Convention at Harrisburg on the .28th Inst. 'Brnia.,--a county convention is to meet in the town of Boller, on Monday, the 23.11 inst., tb be compared of cnti:deiigate from each election district, whii is be - chosen on Saturday, the 24d ifist Bemoan.—The Union county committee, composed of nine members, pilk meet at Bedford on Saturday;the 28d of4pril, to appoint, a delegate to UM-State Cravention. Nothing said about a delegate to Balti more. ' Cssinnts. 7 -The loyal men of Cambria county will meet in county mitt conven ton st.Ebens . burg on Wednesday, the 20th inst., to choose'delegates. • • Nountrwssausr.—The -Union county' convention, composed of delegates froin the several election districts, will meet In Sun bury) the 25th inst. Ilasnrosn.—A. county .convention com posed of two delegates from each election district, will meet at Towanda oh the nth instant. °Limon:La macs convention of the loyal citizens of Clarion county will meet in Beaty'a Hall, Clarion, on Monday, April 18th. GarlbaldL The Italian chief arriiedst Malta on the 22.1 ultimo, en route for England. The people crowded to sea him, and held quite a levee, Ma leg bring propped up in mohair. He was - expected to reach England on the 2d inst., where he would be the guest of Mr. Charles Seely, M. P. On the 16t11 he is to have a reception in Landon. The time of arrivalin London, en the afternoon of p Saturday - , is by the express wish of Gar ibaldi himself, in order that, lavailing them. selves of the prevailing Saturday half holiday, as many of the workingmen as possible mry be in attendance to receive him. The London papersinfer from op.. pear:tines that the contemplated procession in honor of Italy will be one of the grand. est and most imposing spectaolrawitnessed in the metropolis for many yearn. The following motiouwill be made in the Court of Common Council by Mr. John Richard: "That the visit of Otffeeppa Gari baldi to England, affording an appropriate opportunity for the recognition by the Cor potation of Inidein'of his long devotion to the cause of political liberty, et:Menai acts of self-sacrifice in America and Eu rope in the service of freedom, and espe cially of his labors in preparing the way for the establishment of Italian-liberty on thetasis of lite and order, and constittt 'ideal rights, it is resolved .to present him withthe freedom of the city in a casket of the value of one hundred guinea." A Repentant South Carolina Rebel. The Louisville Journalopeaks of a young blood of Charleston, whoserved in the rebel army two years, concluded it was a hopeless cause, left, traveled across lots and through the woods on foot all the way from that city, and arrived In Louisville a few days since. He says that a feeling of deeps"r prevails throughout the South, and the rebels are nerving themselves for a desperate campaign the coming summer. If they fail, the star of hope Whltth struggles faintly now through darlustate ablations, will sink behind a cloud of dismal gloom, And the Southern canoe will breonaidered hopelessly lost. He 'spooks in ':sadness of the desolation wrought in. the Southern States by the stern realities of war, and only a firm conviction in the utter hopeless ness of the ultimata enemas or the South could have indexed him to abandon the cause and become on alien frontiriendsand home. Through the kindness of the chief of the military police or the city, theyoung refugee has obtained a situation In Govern ment employ, where be can earn a living by the sweat of his brow. Though reared in the halls of boxer, and unused to labor 'of any kind, he cheerfully accrp's manual labor which affarde to him a Lupton; inde pendent of the assiatance of his friends. Senator Henderson on rilavery Senator Henderson,. of Mitoioui 1, who represented the Conserv:vino, while BfOWD represented the, Radicals in the Missouri Legislature, daring the struggle for the election of Senators, has made a speech in Congress on the amendcant.of the Consti- tution for the abolition of 'slavery, .from which wa take the following: • "Mr. President, the eotarry :may not yet be'prepared for the announcquient,- brit I em free to say but two Minimalist.' present thrmselres to my mind. There are but two. tides to the question. The one is Union without slavery , the other is the immedi ate and unconditional acksonledgmint of the Southern Coofederaoy. TO this end must it come at last. Far the expressioo of this sentiment !shall be called a fanstio. I cannot icelp 11; it is my opinion, and his my duty, inlay it If, it betanatitism, it is only that species of fanatic's:o thataprings from conviation.lt results not - from any Bud• der:abhorrence of slayery, for t hive been in its Midat all my Ilfe. It dori not spring tram any hatred of slareholders, for, wheth er in honor or shame, I am s elavetiolder tc-dsy" . ' • , HORACII GIIZELET TO EC ACILLIGNED FOE Correur or Cellar.—Judge Cunard, of the Court of Oyer. cud Terminer, stated, this morning, in open Court, that be bad bawd an order 'for Mr. Thiraen Greeley, editor of. the Trienae, to appear before bim on Wednesday next, to show Gam why Mr. Greeley should not be Punished for contempt of Court. The Jadee mated that belted tuned the order In cootrequence of the .appearance of an editedial, article In the Tribune of the:l44r inst.; beaded 4 .a Judicial Ontrage,'! dL which' e conduot war Selected upon. In an unlarrantable manlier. ' • PAN/ ?MI BLVILKiII Seal. IRO' Cowan's, plan for relieving the country or He 'financial. etobainenu i ts. ' It Is simply ~, this t".Wie mull pass Revenue b11.1,-soCthen, with our new : general and rejuvenated law, conquer,thWenen3y, put this rebellion .down. and pay par debts." Good. Pus the Iterenue' bill; for this thesauri, will strengthen the nal., and en able the , ; Tinsary.toprovide for the pay. tbeta of oar debts, • 1 PVILLICI_MOTIONII. ILL A. 44 .301:1;KTY,CQUNCIL—,- , Pmr Ihnbod.tesstm, hot* emit torsi Comm, he chiding the Presidia's of the Groa..W.l!artll meet at . WILKENS 110.,L, Pltt.tirsts oo Wntiltitiht, April UM, at bto'clocir.ll:l32.. ImpmWhintsbuse Mil require tha attendeset of has p,tlone !ram yen CeaacD., . 8J order ofttatireattbmh. • 'epleatit • , ir , ,,,rITNION COUNTY CONVENTION.' —The loyal's= of Allegtomy =MT, pri lag the Utdon party of mad comity,Tmtaited to altemble at the natal pleoutbr wee lamb= la their. muds, boroolthe:tormdliPl . -elettlent cti , octea, resprg i rel . y, LATU/134.1"; z d a :ete l rerslna aCorireatiost gb r e ' Zrat the Cart Home, to - Pittlitcrgh„Os SVIZIUT, April 26th tort., at 11 o'clock. ea ar., for the outgoes of electing two Benatcalal and Ora Bepreinitatlre Delciatem to Po Dal= State Ckarmatiost, Ihlegeto to the 21s , dotal .Volo Cottrentlats to he bald ai Baltimore, and aemlastlnpOonsmatiottal candldideelotthe • Distrlote. The amethige trardh sod reathe shall he held bats.= the lotus at sad 'l' o'c:oek, p. and I. the .toerashlpF. between the km. old and d **do*, p. m. _ ali , By Order of V the alois RtentiroCmittos.' • BROWNj - Ohairmia.. :Jou H.Braerarr.lmaitary. • 1012-td A .spEcIAL MEETING,..of the eatekhakters of the CherelitatlY Platebenh Berlina Pompom/ will. be :held at the Mai of laid morale. In taiandead, oti eta Dkr Or MAT. 1164, at 10 *Wake: ma, to Tato spa:the fatness of the *gad Stock orsaid baspanyirths the par. :poee or Mlowlog the headset ael4 Comm, to .b v:wetted tole stock. The Tniatter Xoob will be eked colas CA day of Aiwa sad open on the fah • day orlley; orderer tbelkarl of laractore. ' XeCarL,Lapalli Pretithatt: , Chrikaaa;Xsreh 16: .1661. ZOLUteryll Omen or Coungsu, Ou. •• • sr.l • 7, • • DiiirDereec April D. MI T . . DIVIDEND Notics.—The Board of Director' bare Ude del deolsretA Did. "larorof 1111111 DOLL/ABS Pas DUB% ...yaw ta,Us‘fitoeltbolam 111,020,_,*.m .1 1 ,0 s 14thdo !of .! WIDITDAVELT, Aioll4lll.oi, don 0 thka,!M hia4brittlMlMl lid 'mins if& 011 anzik - hots to tootondogt inoliKsitto Um/ loost Oar to &the Wrest tos:Atpr:tS, V. hit "ftar 1111we r bia tatrifiatiaier. -1 - • LIFIN . „ , PUBLIC XOTICES. TFIOSIPSuN'd BATTERT—THE lumbers then - A so w stawrib frawi CAMP COPELAND.I Tm report .t Clamp to actominray Capt.A bra:pawl to Wealrtarcno an TErtrit9DAY, rat hut. spl94t4 L"?-AlIRRICAN -PROTESTA.ST AB. • COOLITION.-26e matte= of iron City Lodge. No. 39 A.Y. A., artil take suo 10. that the meetlnc :delta Great Lodge mIA beheld cos 3L'ES. DAY 13VES/NGIB hereafter la - plate of Frid..l ....- /Zlr. Punctual &Madman le mat:oda all menthe oa WEDNESDAY' 9133311:3113,91.213th Irak, as hul l:Bleu, a r m o p r o t r l t= 111 . 1 be breaths be' ora.tbiAtro. 10. NOTICE TO T'AjIPAY£4IB.-All weans who hare sogloctril to Imo thsir OUT. Pcor, thulium. WSW. School or Buildirg tax for 1863. to the First Ward. Pittsburgh. are ttottflad that on May Ist, suits old to instituted la W6IIIZ. Theo who would sass costs will pay berla that day. ALLEN CORDELL, Orilector, • no, 41 Fourth street. At hot. from 6 t 0.7 o'clool • . m.. son SPECIAL NOTICE—PERSONS -desiring to penhate the ey, acne of grated. over Ccurtroyie button on the rittstitutiti, rent Wayne sad Chicago Hallway, advertised in the Ge. ace a ahem time More, will be shown over the prem ier by Mr Tnitdr. Little on Tilde) o! this week. She Mein leaves the cation et 'Allegheny City, at IY EL, and Mr. Little vW be a the station to meet any rumors .ho may go down Traitor ratan at 9 •d 4 o'clock, p.m" eo Cm ample three Will ho elven for reviewing the gnicord. etc. • Mad. O•FLBST NATIONAL BAI.!11, OF ALLACOIEOCZCY. Wlth privilewto humus to.—..— Thu Bank to Err folly organized and tn.adoew fel oranition. W. ars yreparadro do a gsnarananklng burtnoa, and orbit our sallow d cortempradent to . Bents and Bankers thrangliont the =Wry. Spatial attentkot given to collation In this and the adjoining City of Pittsburgh, so well so on all parts of the country." Moneys reosivid on deposit, and Burbank. on an tha principal cities bortatit and sold. Agency for Q. & 10-40 Baud. ins; T. B IBITIN, B. H. DATIS, JOHN DHSS, HINDS GI:SWIG, WM. HASHAUGH, JOHN THOMPSON, ABO. O. WYSS. e_ PLTTRIMON. HO.BSON, I.EVIII. Pa mm. It, Cuazza. MMVI OM= 01 ill/ Prrrssuatt, Ion? Stefan At Cams. Batty. CO, Pitteburgh, Pa.. Aptil it s ISfit. O•DIVIDEND.—Tho Board of Direot or. bare this day &Gland a Dividend of TWO AND ON!-HALL. (O 3) Ina CUT. on the Capital Stock of, the Coptpsny, oat of the net earn lop, for the qnsrter endlen March alst, ultimo, psysbleifroe of ClOvernaseet tat;) se end alter the 160 day of May, proz„ at the Osumi Ofhos of the Cloiepany, to Pittaturah, to the Slockholders whew suck is reelstered there, and at the Agency of the Oosensoy, Mean. Windom, Lanear A tic., ) Be. 6.4 *all e.t.d. New York, to the Stockholde rs whale dock le reentered there. The Treader Books of the Soodany will clone at 3 o'clock pen the2O of May, proz., and will re. main clowd till 10 o'clock e. m. on the 17,1 i of May thereeter. nIMMM;E 011103 01 Nonni CLOP Mt>rnla Co., Yltta alreet, Pittsburgh, Aprll ; 4, 1504.1 0 THE DIRECTORS of the "North Cliff Mining Compagy, of Michigan." ban laded aneaseaunent of 0 h& DOLLAR PAM SUSILE on the Capltal;Sto.k, im the game may stand at the dor of bnaloces on OATORD al, the 20th Instant, payable tathe'Treaturer cm TORSDAY4tha 10th of Kay neat, erlthintatett • ter that date.' anetotyll THOS H. HOW, Travaree. ricoaaos Rasa or rirtioaaoa, Yltdatrargb, Apt 11.2414, 11384 TA GENERAL . MEETING OF TILE Stockhcldato of this Halt %RI DM bed at th. analog Hposaoo THURSDAY, 11.7.611., at *lawn o'clo-ki a. to., to take tato oontldtralloo the ex tension ottha charter, alrprarai Yaottar 4th, ISM. aplo-.d h. at. MURRAY CamMor. • >llMici tVi/ / isfil VOR SALE—Twelve Bend of Horace `• .t Hares Stable, on Perin. street: ililant Draft Horses; Two Saddle Harem; One Meet Sine Match Horses. (Weald D IL CHOTI.E. DIESSOLUTION.—The co-_partnerattip here:anne extetleg between J. T. OOLVIet wad LEVI COLVIS, to the Fleur and Grain bawl. newt ls this day"dlawelead by mama entvent. The bnelnese vat be conthmed to Wore, noth , r tde style of J. T. COLVIN 6 CO,. wt 110. a 8111ITIIVIELD 8 REEL', Pittabureb. VINE FURNITURE AND CARPETS al auction an Is le•day morning, $ 10 o'cicck. min basold at Haman Hall Anction Holm, 65 flan street, embracing elegant Marble Top I ablah Cosh ion Chairs, Hat Hook, , Beatead, holm Sabha. °aphelia d. Cook Blow, ettrer hated Sea and T.bl. Bpoona Tooke. Collar,. Mao, . quantity of N.. and Second Hand Carpets, 01101E1t u. ►a. apl9 RAILROAD STOCKS AT AUCTION- Oa Twit, molni, April Mb. at TX o'clock, will be sold at the Commerilal Baku BoOtoz, 64 nth bOalue es Allegheny Valley Earned dock: CO do Ylllanurab and iltentenrllle H. a. en. spin DAVIS MeILWAIIIIII. Anct.ra IN THE-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Allegbrai County, No.lol March Vrtn, leaf In the tetettarot the opol-cation of Allred Whitfield, for the Sem tit of CO. Insolvent Lens. t. Wee Is lamb, gm Met the ticdetslguedarill naskeeppitce• that In the above Court, ca the first Ballades lo Slay, ensuing, h'.4ereen the hours of 00 and 12 o'clock., in. of Said day, for bl, Heal discharge untl,r the •irund. Teat lairs orPotoallesnis. split:lSt ALTELD "PARR AND LOTS FOS SALK—The tmicnigned, tmiliwyowar of attorney will offer at Patina Bab, it Enott•Eitatkeo, n the Plttaturgn, Fort ,Warn.: and Chicago Itiiliway, 111.1Dia1, .Aytll the faltoirlos yropattyi One tann join lox Sun titallon on 'Ow lion!, of 13 aonw and perdu*. 'Able tam ha beautifully la of warm eatable for raising paha and gnu% aril wen watered Mao. Id lob In Edon, and roar oat lA' lotti•ny the Tillage. JJaLOi eaOZEBIGC., /Mi ...iyllk2tl AlildY j A LLEGUENY COUNTY; ES—ln the A Ofptwo' Om= of oallf moot,, lo:lho motto? of the ostoto Bur% &con& dm! now to mlf. Awn 14 18%th.Caartippolats W. O,IIAWIL WY, •Ifl,A.diffrfc to sant the ammo and mats dlotri. button of Ito balanc• to tfko bonds of thi acoonotauf. • TUC COURT. • 1%. Aaditcr above named sill atUa6;toth. dales of !Oa appliatmeet at;bl4 office. Zia. PO pant ;treat, Pidanzrati, 'TROUP AT, Nay Mb, A 4 D ,116', 2 o. 4tck, 1 , 6 M 'btu lad where all pa p. interest. .dmay an d. ' I splP:24lcaw W.V. ILLWRINO Jr., Auttar. THE'ORkWEI' COURT, OF.A.L• - 1.110 EMS T 00VOTT, No. 79, thennnter Term, WeTt. ID the- wager alba seats orlatored Wilson. &awed. And Doer A6tll 16, IX4,* motion of 71off.tt I Taylor,' sitorneya for tha ad totalserator, lb. Court Appoint W. C. 111011111.A1111. Aalltoe to kaleibutrall -the rands ID the bands of the Modals. Water ariging host the Waif real etesta of Redd due adrst, and make tape, t theleotto Conti. A . .73T 21711COVRT. Attetl, 4.. A. 11we. Cie: Notice la -keret, 'lmo thse the •131ter above awned 'via meet Mkppeartke to bovetedi to , tta stone omits at biagdoe, No: 13 DIiatORDETIMIZT, PlittlaP3b. Beturdty, Apr 11.50110.. ,at too o'clock p_ m.. Wll. (1, 110IIIC ND, ao11:10t Aotitor. R E4°V4I / 4 , , - GRAY &LOGAN Hay* Tumid to I .NO. - 4S ST. CLAIR, STREET, Where they b now opal yomloto stock of BOTS"OLOTELING FOS BOYS, , 4 • 7UTIIS; 4ND CIII,4DI4EN, tbs aim laying( the , - r GRAY & LOGAN, • iploi •t • !. • 47 ST. Olealsarysgry. "MR SALt—A LABOR BUILDING, ‘-ll: - IMMO It yds A - BfatiDlllo4llool3 ON i t ... goThT.,—The properly .knoen u the ...fiertckley heideutty," U mike from . We Pitts gh, Tart Wayne and Ohlrepo Batters, item or . fourteen' *nee Of laud tottered for isle. re I no One to. huh* to the 'Welty of Plttaburo for • Ikenfing Vont. Bond of Schad., The nieL Wdlog la Ilte nee i. fret by 60 and &Weans fatty memo. 'There Is sbuodenee of shade. end. - iptotmds are neatly arranged. Them le alga ' yards 4 and plenty of mall fur. ,Poll..ze* t,'' It hue All the a& tentage" of the dyer sad rallsoad.; Petsendon can be Oren flaatedietely., for. plot. ,terLher Ito.. m oire of.eenne: .r. U. it et Ai a Co. la Wood Omit, Ilttsbueth;or Of the subecribie an the premises. • eP l V:tf ' .. 1 i . - JOS. O. ttltAlflll.Ll. UNITED STATES MIL . Ono's Ot Mutsu= Qloitsiturrtt,4 A . 18 40 1304.. th, i s stronoar—i br'lmP t in laid May. stithe Rethoad Dept ft - 7 Ahrzsafrle, . 000 tau of Old Railroad frox4 , 110 teas of ea Oar Atlas; 60 tom of Out Veto Iron; . , 1S ta n u g e e l oWua no o 0 ' f • nn ; 400 bathCu& ht Ootetithent Enna'. , Ten )Der fold At' the time of mane; tho-Uthee date the* fads. , 1 proputy tees tbe retaouditthin tall deft hue L BOBIZOION , o ink, . I - -Caplet* end A. Q. if. - NEW 8741_ 0, I ' • NEW Gobps„ - 10 ST. OdLIR. Just mottled, fr. tbsouttes.rillesi • lap ad attlt•elatad stook of goods &aloud for Umbria, Bamossr tnbdo. condatlog pork of Atha follow. . 1 1?" 21.-111745" cumis vd:Oassnrust• • or *sown, annul& add 00/1111108 aalifilatro; of. shunt seat laraW eats =4 Idol: 11 ar.which I. .111 maim tq arta la ea Isiah tad tacit rspalated I.•' Shalt lath:sat anosi, . Ark: laic lOW of Oat& ltrualsblat Ocahr, inchan uous4 _kat la Ara deo toribb• tat itarst. , "thdotal4. lta mutfaratt.t=ti: iNknimititramtiraW, Jrz4w. .atiormarzsziyuarr& PRItiTERS. 11 PRESSES FOE SALE. ONE ADAM` PATHST P 2339. platten LUIS Umbel. OSS TAYLOTI CILPSDPEL, bed 33.• ta bubo. OHM MIME DOUELS INLANDER, bed r inches. AL le good 'radars order. WIII be Bold se•byre gefte. Enquire er addrees spllktf • OLZETTZ. Iltuburgb. Pa. • M'OTICE TO THE PIRILIC--THE ane cautioned not to mules from ALLEXANDES MLR MUD, of Canton. Oblo, an , bin parent lot ems fur treating Malta Cray from s , I air blast Gm Oa manufactur• of guel. The 'urn Unford not baring paid a Wilting of ernaihr • at:ca therefor. bat remised the add patent Intelsat or toteratta Gam me for gabs Interest on mon•7 lasned.aa wall 44 sub./rout aat•agst practiced by said Liernod. ii. batter t . logs! MU Mender, the public ma motional against tam. CHiuBTlA$ 1/HUHR. Taungstowa. Ohio. .Nlynca-;..The Copartnership hereto -I,....isthug batsmen the era M, under tha MA, of 'monism 00, has been dissolved by mutual =mat, to talcs effect OM ths Lt that., ..'Oll2l MUTH Mains tram the Arm. 'JOSEPH W MTN, JAS. JOBB WHITE. Tb. ttuderalgool will continuo the feria-din s and Coottobolou buttatst uncles tho =as .od loylo of WHITE 81109. dt CO., at 80. d *XXVI= BIBEICT, corner Liberty, Plitthagb. JOSEPH mars, JAB NcEITIBEN. - 0194md MYEltb, SCHOYER & CO., STATIONERS, PRINTERS, 0 BLANK BOOK RANBRIOTIIBEBS, NO. 39 FIFTH STREET, ..put.st Imo Buildings. BELLWOOD COAL FAUN! SOB EILLIL—The Bellwood Farm Is situate oh the math aide of the llooongabala Bin(, alma EOM above Fat abargh. It contains .boat IWO sores For. to,. almat 100 ea ea of which la good Mahar, pentleelly of Oak. Tlnta aro alont 160 aides of cal ot! , the prualma, with the advantage of math coal in the mar. Thq•e h upon It one elegant mstotion, with fine T:cit Greeritonee, &a., the former residence of Liam Jones, Eeq: There ars el: Dwelling Homes, and three rod Dents on the premleke. It has • Gent. op co the rim of 2,500 feet, with a good land ing sod eniffclent depth of water, at all "sou, fee loading coal. These, with right of way to the cal aids, rompelsethe pr. party cow offered for tale. A map of the tell premises can be emu at the office el. B COSODAVE, 163 Stcand sheet, and pen. and terms can be learnsd from J. 8. 0080110 TE, 143 Second drat, JOIIN 111cOLOSHET, Port Perry. pROPOSA LS FOR FLOUR. Sealed 1 ms IEII the 19ra INSTANT, at 12:=21., fur furnishing the Sobsistence Dr. partmpot with • =GUT lIIOUSANDiS,OOOjBANALLS OT YLOIIII. The proposals oil' be for what is known at thisde pot as An 1. 1 and 3, and tide will be entertained for any quantity be. than the whole. Bids mast Win doplloate, and for U.S grads on separate theetsof paper. The Solitary of the flour to be commenced within fin daps from the opening of the bide, and Lannon goantltbs, dolly, as the Gkrvernmens may directs deo limed either at the Government wersbouse to Georgetown, at the wharves, op at the railroad depot, Washington, D. C. The delivery of all flour .warded to be Istinpleted within twenty days from tie opening of the bibs. Payment will be made In certificates of Indebted. nem, or n th other fends as theGormunterst may bare for disbursement. The =WI Government Inspection will be coadajust baton the dons lancelrak and nuns will be wept eel which Is not fresh ground. • An osth of allegiance mast accompany the bid of each Hider, who has not the oath on Ma In this om am, and se hid will b. entertalnol Nan putts who have pnrsiotudy failed to comply wtlh their Sib, *rill= bidders not presemt to reepond. Geyernment merges the right to reject •ny bid Or any amp. Bids to to addrrost to the trodessigned, at Da 2110 street, Washington, D. C., en toned "Props , gals tor nous." B. O. GM:IND, MMEEISEI2 CHEAP PASSAGE FROM THEM "OLD LOITIMIY.P9 I,OWEIL THAN 'THE LOWEST — The undonrltrned to nom and to tains oat ;do. mre. eir First class ua a 1 Kan Staam• an, dim I to IteW Tort. or Ptttaborgh Liverpool. Queenstown • Londonderry. Glasgow, Galway. /ewer Than Any Other Agent Here. ball sad est the rates sad b• masthead. Oar *tamers sad mites meek, mod samurai an Mad 111 oreryttlits, The aaderatiraed ts also Agent Its TAPBCOTT'S LIRE of farodts Llrarpsol packets, smalls tadca a mat, and for tts X atm of LONDON PACKETS. Putts. tanoght cut 4 tho Una at to rata. BIGHT DfUlrfa on any pat of Intone tar sib Apply to ' D. O'NEILL, (ironic'. Nem, No. TO nth strait, • al4(mm S tlc 10 p m. at SI SmIMILIO stroll, PIN. 1.19 NOTICE -ALLEGHENY POST OP IIICZ4be Postmaster General baying antims , trod U,. appointment et two additional Uttar anises and the imetion of additional Pillar Hamm for tliemmilimmtatesti of tad imbibe the gostmattar. taM•pleastirelp istforming. Um CHUMP that bona foe the sollectkat Mistime base been lomted La Allay gh, y as follows , has Wani—lio. 1 at-tbe store of Wm. Wilson, mo usy of &Mina and fituntlete streets. No. 9 at Jglts Weldor:to', No. 373 Baboon• stmt. North Want--No. 4013 the non of Ka Phillip 0020(7 Leuxak and Korgut creeu. $0.6. at ths.tora of 11 ails Dann, corner Ws] oat and Maio mod*. A*. e. at kis ['nag. store or Dna t Endo% coriw Ohio dart sod Um% Thrd Ward—Ho. 7, et Leta A Wane, tor= Cm nut irtriet mid Pprlrg Garden Plant Ital. Ito. kat the Drug Store of Cr. J. U. Brom; 1111 OW anat. Ho. 9,1 t ageism of Henry MU% conker Iflomfog lad Matlock Credo. &mod irol,d—ito.lo, at the Drug Store of Dr. JUL Drone; .cornor Ifodaslrtrort out berth Common, No.ltiat to otoni of Mt. Klapp, oruor Baum aud/Woon itrooti. No. IN, at the More of J. 11. Defy. coma Ramon street and Taylor Arms. .14,121, at Ousters of Jacob Haekotonter Western aad Irerlit's Avenue'. These box, ars Molted by the take MINI heart - the oh:Maio( Winans. Lettere deposited to thucolleetkui team will, therefore, be forwarded a. Promptly uIT maned at the Ohm _ AU drop Vag for other puts or th e city, dropped In a or the tothation mesa dottop the early part of the (1117:mUl reach-their dealluatlontbo rams day. Ir addressed to street sad another. Noexus thine Is made for the delivery of mall molter properly peeped by pottage damps; The attention of merthants and others rendbtailr• colors within this &army I, directed to this notice. All nth shoeld be cart:4lllly addressed to the drool and umber, to Wars delivery by the outlets, . JurPlellie gut this out and plums rebrues. ..13.31 SAMUEL RIDDLI, Postmann% BAILEY, Fenton, & co.; PRACTICAL PLO , ii; ERR, Gas and Steam Fitters. Irma constaatly on idial i imp acaortaaaal of CAS FIXTURES, BASINS. • SINKS: .BATH :TUBB, SHOWER!, 11c. • AU micro pioraptly Minded to by exprrloaugl and practical =Omen. 129' FOURTH STBEETi split nrrssuatoz.- ("AUGHT ADRIFT...A SMALL FIAT, Iv 41 hot lank sal the toot Vdo, pally docklod am. 'Mori obo was eanabt, shoves Wog It Cod BM twits • londltt. I . :Egotot , "1 1l atop tr. orameatroto proporty. ply a nd Irk. tat OM or Cao Os utilliosold ne ~. Iv:, . ' • . • JkAt: • —DOH. :I ' Oppcolta Oa Pofut at the Telononipliota Rhos.. - OA s CAVALRY , HORSES , AND LIU 1101,13WAISTID—Iter != star. 11040 se*-0310011107 Nam mad TM rupooka - ri„rminstes oieriankihr. lb. Mk Plit" Moth% if• 716 - . DRY GOODS, 4c. SOILED HOOPED SKIRTS , J.M. BURCHFIELD HOOP 83MIRITS, SLIGHTLY SOILED, Wiling at Reduced Pried to make room for Sew Goode. Call and s.. Mamas N. B. CORNER 4111 & Main STIEHL apl9 NSW GOODS- Just rooked at tha Trimming nose of MAORUINIik GLYDE. NO. 78, MARKET STORM Oma tam Is band Ma bast and moot ea:Wally 010- Wad stool of TANGY GOODa over opined to ta• city, ecomarioiag EMBEOLDSSIES 08 ALL KINDS, Point, Malta*, 'Mord UP, idol Point mut tm twoklad rmbrAdm.! . &ft, Labe sad and. liontetitatued HandbuchMl, Les axed Los broldan d Hardkathlefs. Black Craps °Alan and Bea v 417 &asp. Ls our Eaten sad Glove Departmsut will b• bond • boll woof/mint of ladles' sad Chute L4.,1a alleolors. Al.o, Silk, Lib Slum% Silk Loaf Lble ialzed Gluons. Alsoladla Ilaboar sad Mitt.. We hale all makes of Ladle. whits, blank, kora, ■late and lulled Cotton Bose. Also, white and black Bilk WIMP do. P. Good', Natal= and Ina Hacks, as eaten vartet7. I=l Bo= up stairs, and In et. tosegoaal. CLOAKS AND MANTLES, To Glory Et, lc hasofiemo stook of NEW DRESS GOODS, CHINTZES, ORGANDIES, Grenadines and Lawn, UREA AND COTTON GOODS, Wholesale and ALEX, BATES, 21 FIFTH STREET. "is AT RETAIL Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, AND DMZ NNW 131101130 Th. ..w ILasidadi collar and Clain shwa Paint Game Setts sad Handkerchiefs, law ps tad sad flai Lilian Wallets II Laces, firm. sabre ea Crape Valls, Cambria and Hamburg Ttimmtdp, to gnat twisty, at low prix ; ikons Sub and Scarf Ribbons: Bonnets, Rats nisi Too. ; Hood Not; of nog styli; IStocktop. Glom, Omuta, Hoop stub aid goring flaboaral f•hti. • ilno of Monts Parsitafolni• Good' shrilly an Wiwi Len' and 0611411•20 i liinsion, lilt add a.m. Undo:Tata; Lulls? Rhlto ache ski:la—coot Iffstbkn lLs auituial to ms[. Uwe. Whobawls Swims up Alan Bayard to the city and trout /Ma WU* paredulda cavalry g. will do wall to Wok at oaf JOSEPH HOREB & CO., T► LID 11 KAMM assts GREAT SALE, ' A? W, BARBER & CO.ll 59 Market Street, OP num SHAWLS, • CLOAKS, DRESS 0.001115. WOO AYER'S Cherry Pectoral & Barsiparilla, ior salt as FULTON'S. EATON. YinOßlTal & OM's. I - plant DVSS o. rr invra maw " - a• ' • NW AND DEEfIRABLE I N /.-OtAre mottos. at of 'cote h, P4IA, Scarf". Batumi Ribbon& Now stlloo of Mad and Hui& , Cdmps and Outten& Mac* Guipure Lacies. 130111251 stAll of p l.t L.CO. as Minbtai#OZlOS, Come* Skirts, Gifts*, I,leitor7. bearb, !math* Iltdstai 46f1/24sit CI=EI W. W.IIO.3IIXUS. ^ laa*la Zoos Sows I Co. 5 - tr. RM3440)4P/MSCtiq - MOW . . . Ila i ra i redvsii• tnlinbAt otrittlDDl. D MUM% THILIIAD 4..11103, INOI,III sad -3321i011. IMAM BMX and MIN' HAIDEZDOUIDII3, MOM VOBSIBEIDIO GOODS t Dist gnat, DOT, TON 1111111110 and BIM UNDIIIDOAD; , _01,0111:13 ; but wawa-1B TIN_ LW= - sat, PAP'S COLL/ail 11021010,_011 U1'4;1_111'001, 'O7ISON; bUtt style BODINT D 13130111. width ate oddetel to the trade, at whotwolo owl notani Vs !nail timnblo 150ENTS F T OR GLOVES I woafra se. 120 dozen of Pine Lisle Glens, mods imam. ore now spas on crar Natal Mtn OM II! HI Min r-a-B "ftalibusan. 'CATON; StAoßirli & COy N 0.17 irnTa eIBIDT•' tpLIDAYB • _ "211111 NOM AY Et=TOED""PRICEII I &AIM!! litUlarg II C I D" *Mai 114.P 1 WPM" fri. AI WIN& ••„. 's AEDICAL. .„ D R. J. )t LI NOSEY isermansatJ7 looted st Nos. 87 and 69 Fifth B t.. When Ls is slow preparlug BLOOD SEARCHER, Which lob, for oils J. N. FULTON, Dar am; VITTII 8 =rt. GILSON'S EXTRACT PARERIA BRAVA, CHLORINE WATER. JOHN M. FULTON'S HOONLA23D'N GERMAN BITTERS, ADYEWM3MM IN ALL THE NTAWAPNRS, 1:13=13 FirLTON'S DRUG STORE, s . T.-1860-L FLOTATION BITTERS, ADYZEIIAND IN ALL !Hl PAPIES, 1=33 FULTON'S. DR, WISHARTS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, ADYILITIBID 17127WHILBS, far tab a .s. FULToE'S DRUG STORE, 111111 MM. CONSTITUTION WATER, £DYIEHBZD ur aMONIOLB, FULTON'S DRUG STORE, ruin STIIIIIT. 13aqieloras and ChrLyteWeiont, Tot 2 sila at FULIrON'S. ' IVO DOOlLlssomnn POST 4:11M0i. CHEROMEM ODES AND REMEDY, .visima=maccniwkwix SPECIAL XOTICES =ZI Initrtitable ftiligorative, NOT A DTA bat rustrubt Itra7 hair tw ib urfßtruj color, by supplying Da capillary tubes wlth natural austastanca, Instead by ayl or anew. AD inatasta wows dyes are compared of boar owweit. arwutOin lac vitality sadlitauly of the. hair._ and afford of them tents drehttait. tridmattrafi latuOtabla Oclorlag not only radorra Bair to ltinataial color by an can process, but gives tbe hair . : lauxorlautt DawlitYr promataa growth, pnranta tbfaßingotf, eradicate. dandruff. and Imtmrta blab aad.plowant.sa to tho bred ft bas strod the tremor eau% tidal; tboortattual Hair Coloring, abd to ottLithatly thekhht•tbit 1.r...f -t:sod by bothg, gratin:am andladieth D ao:d by sit rwaowtable dralara, or cart procured by kbom of the commercial agent., D. B. DARNIS IX2 Broad way, N.. Task. Tyro sites, 60 ants and ft • HAGAN'S .11A.ONOLIA. /ULM. Thla to the atostddlight W aa4 extraardlass7 art! cis mar discovered. it charges the son-burot facie and Mad* to iipearly satin texture of ravishing berm, torywairlog the marble purity of youth, mld the dur Mein. appsarszeco w Writ:los In thorny belle o f rash. ton. Irlfrourtes tau, fr.:kiss, pig:pies and roughness from Shod* leaving the complexion fresh, trauma rust skid smooth: It contains no martial injurious tl.-• Oda. Parcolted by Actresses and Opera Slag. ern 1t is what emery lady should have. Bold overly when. Prepared by W. S LUG Ali, 2 roy.ll T. - Address all orders to D WIMP. — 9 B. BMW.; TS a CO., New York. aZS.. , LYOWB KATHAIILON liathalron Is ham the Cheek word "Eat hro... sr .ffattudrm . sign' .fring td ammo. -ngnmintta and remora: ThismiloU is whit its Danko Mg - anus. Tar prormaing, restating and hnantiOring the human hair it U the malt remarkable preparation*, the world. It Is agate aimed and put slob, the original prom* tar, and Is Saw mad. with the wan care, skill end at tenthon which gars it a tale of over OM mDllaa bot tle. per mama. It is • meet delightlhillair Draining. It eradicate .mot mad dandruff. . It keeps Os head mud and clean: It makes the heir richµ moll and glossy. It prerents the hair falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon laid heads, • Any ladyor gentleman who value • beautiful teed of hair should um It Is known and need throughout the clrbead world. Bold by all respectable nailer. DEILLEI B. Billing a Co.. Saw York. lIIEXTCAN MUSTANG LINIMENT The partis In BL Loutl end Cincinnati, who base been counterfeiting the ilusteng Liniment under pretense of proprietorship, bare been thoroughly *sipped by the °mule. To Fund Milled further im ctmri I bare procured from 'the United gnarl • prints Keel-plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of mob bottle. Each ,tamp bears the for data. of my shpature; end without which the article is • counterfeit, danger= and worthies imitation. Examine every. bottle. This Liniment Lae berm in me and growing bras= for many yews There hardly extets s hamlet on the bablMble globe that doesuot contalneridencis of its inirsderful effect.. It is the boat emollere. hi the • orid. With ire preeent imprrered ingratitude, its effect. metai man and beast are perfectly remarkable Bona are healed, pains mitered, lime saved, 'Viable animals made useful, and cuatoldlbs arstutied. Per out., bruise, torsi., rtieumattam,nrellinp, bites, cuts, cast firmest; .trained homes, le., it is • Bovereign Remedy that shouki not be dispersed with. It ahead be to every family. gold by all Druggists. • D. S. 13611NE9, New York. keti:Gmead-usalr (THE Limy's ARTICLES icat tau BT SUWON JOHNSTON, Oerneer of 132.14111 d and roarth strata: hatemeothusor r•I. PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW or .11ARTIL&GE, containing nearly. ED per. sad 131 to. Plata and Ragravings of the anatomy of lb. Btu.. con••• to • data of Efealth and Di.. sitah with • Treaties on Early Error.. Its drplorabla omsapyrami upon tbrollind sad Body. with the author's plan of treatmont—the only rational and armsful male of corgi as shown by tb. report of nom trotted. A truthtal addles to the married, and thus ek coutomplatlas marriage., who antertaln doubts of their phyaloal arroiltloa. Beat tree of portage to arry addroii; on receipt Of 23 mmta, stamp or real currincy.. by addressing Dr: LA OBOIX. No. 31 MaLlereLans. Albany. 27. T.. tolgotrodawr , ('LAKE SUPERIOR' COPPER It EIMII I IING WOIMB, Pirenviaz. PARK, MeCIIRDIC & CO., Ilassfactaion of eitraTanw, ineznires min BOLT COMM, MBA= COPPM BOTTOM, WALD STILL BOTTOM, APALTIOI Also, Importers sad doslasv la dErs:ALA, TIN MATT M EL T MOB, VIM, de. OmasSially cla TIESZBEP mecnirszs AM TOOLS. Warehouse. Ho. 140' ITBST a 120 SECOND BID., Illtstrurata Pa. epeeist Orieni tern. Of Ociper eat to any & e peinat • 10212:17011.2 ODTECE CONFESSIONS ACE EX PEBSIDION OP AN INVALID, pabllahrd for tha bawattaad sae•warning aadcaattaa toted mat who afar fr llamas Debility, - Pressitaxa Data at Manhood, eti, applying, at thosamittma, Pr wows offseVarra. 'By cam whams maul hbasall after berg pat to great raPtarse and Irjaap thmtgh =aka! hozabng and ;parlor,. Df oacloring a pcd- pall adthemorl *ambit, abet copies mad bo hid of tha szahor, Jer4mr.,ment4te ly m. y. 0•WIL BAIMILL & 00., Sonata MAKERS AHD SH E ET IBAH Wpm- ERs, Path as.. Not sit), p..2i and Y 6. tiaTtme.• cond • harp yard &ad thrafabsd it. Irlth the molt im prowl machinery, W Ala prorpand to mastothetos• awry da•orlytket of BOILERS, In the bad rogihoer, mad warraated eccut moy made to tho mattry. CHENOMB, Banat% PILE BEDS, STEAM. PIPED, LocomoTrni Bouxits. CONDENSERS, ,SALT PANS, TANKS, WTI STILLS; AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, POLLEN IRON BRIDGES, [SUGAR PANS, sad sole mar nt HAHN- - E:Erys PATE 7 BOILERS.BOILERS. Rep isetarcr s !low on SILILLI; WEI/Bl3lBo*, REAOno ..„. own to Ilasnos.lllirar* Naszast)wearaira TON VOltEli,Notarcis itNacconris,Ptttitpies. IfAnabottam of BOAT AND EITAZMODY' fITTAX EMMA BLAST ;MGM; MILL 71LAIMINJEBT. GDAIDNIX LakASTVIG, CAST. MB. aid! dascziptince!; OIL TAVES.* 8331414 DOUSE AND tDIDIVI . lIIOS WODE: AgaAL ihr. GINTABVB- PATIM MUMS, ron.ratortro 1101133.9. - g*TO NERVOUS SIIMYSTIBIi OF Dora grease. -4. rourend vattleauut luvr. Intim stand boatth few 4ils; itta dartniallp• attud iyfittne ant !repair !stpcm. /trip mode of trastrunt. iithcat sticeim e costtlbra it samot duty to oaccomucato to tdiAtlLlctedplkiii avitriza the maws or ctite. :Veztes..oti the reci4t ol!t?:t addrired strintordts SDI itendifrimr, stag Of Its 'Oplonipticett ono. otiiiit - to sa sorra a. VACINALL, 165 INltott spat, H. entialdner aursaiciansi.— DEOLULIN. tre . BELLE:-EfTE W 98.191. ,It . IEIMESII".4 itameacat neftei:Entatso tasembotarets of CIASZ trmirr" plan% PLOW AND TILIST4B al= ; MING% LELIA CROWBARS. to. , Walt; MIST WATIA, Allesbes,:f City. 0 . Addr•sk PITOOMUIa, fr&4oß:fir C.0031.101* - BRO., saniura,-_MOO 1.111) VAULT boortsoupow eart niu,wrisrnow C ABDS.'aa;' o i.OI .BXCOsp awl SS UMW lITIMEn bet,Viroal Ltd Market • Ilsveini band surletrof iumbitt enli, howl aid atnolattabla tor 'ail • • Po rt icclar sitectlonpdd extATl:s4 prue Jobblu dons as abort notko. • ar2; paurave#4l7coonse, - roa , tlts curl of Diseases. araapaotall7 retususserdel tattaistesoi venom wbass eciation tiOsit to 'axak la gob. Ilsotthaturot only b 3 HAL BANN PART lb CO., Harrisburg,' gs.; to *Min di siditi 'should to ad= Orgola b 7 Drutil l / 2 . eltrr.bira." .; r<_ . . o y:tyForar.T . 4 oo;.- DISEASINOPTHEZEIVOTIA trvY , snow mann- /1111---ssura+ ivartrnr sxttnistatibistkot,:lik Tao* a r*miratt-luilictiusci. whimktgelmba utiffornicipOstaddaii*:'Aantilxi l ear;• las stivammr,sisfird suiteri p Ea.• 20.1#11V __ . O.CLAPP, STANLEY & CO.'S !! POLOPTICOIIOEASILL ..x1 O , PRIVAtiI DTRRAR • DL Lndlnm ' a Bieck° thi only es.llabWractectrta distaim arta a=m " ; of geeeretles. /t I the Ilbcotery of ip , eaktemoli Phyddm Irtme life Iris dernitc;ll t thi COistmaal OS' thbeJae d dbmWiNkt end with tmgreadmalad am, sem for mars than two. As Oars. It Is pulbaSkst twit ruirdring m Nectiops, sal digiriniintina7l Ma the 1:211152112 mato* and al fA uccoaroas worth lam mamma offorad so Ca pilalo. It Y sattroll 'instable and perfectly eat, It acts Ilk. a chola and bawl. staangth and vtgcrt d Ow dlurnd . • CILOTwa.--211* groat room. of ttlf email b &Van permanent . Tres tub WI to lb being Imltabd. by zumprtuctpbel mro. Otearre, tbarrbro, Om the. Ktguattai t : 12o proprince b around nab tc4.8001 C4ber b. pantsa. Prepared amly_bp WK. F. DAVIDSON, eas Pratltscor, OW:bath. 0. Bold by .fl Draggles. Price, $1 per tar. Mgr Pc+ ado at wtolgeas tri cuee,ll.sFiraia.- 1 to Wood Knot. . . io23,lyday? . . • ' . • W ONE OF HUNNEIETLE'B,i GREAT REIS ER I ES—HITATNEWELLIe TOLD ANODYNE.—'hit jortll wiriest." IMPorof.: tics, which has so Ma" earned ths ma= and Lansj:. of a a Tr. Analyst* by ?molts *Lich Ea 4 1 11156 4:. arm other attempt us any or ranter to gimpasta. F . Rhenzetatdro, Gout, Norms Headache, Troth and . ; Lararhe, Cholera Erorbos, Pains to nor Ette Bove., 'wart., Maness altar Eatfsg," . l;Orr of.L! Sleep, Dement Reno= Roblin', Paroxyrras fad Asthma and Whooping Ones, sista , Mishima to ire lamely mamas, and for tho pairs in Monthly Kon4 remotion, also declared to be one of the moo tam. p ntant points to medicine. A lady trite toot New' York et tan dollars • drop, I inocild slam , it to my romll7, and no one dumb! De Irttls-,f out it. For on bp all Wholania said Detail Dolan. JOHIL-h. HOLINDWZLL, Florrriatrxt Practical Chemin, Dalton, Man. -- Tor sale by Jos. naming, Geo. H. How, D. A:, /shanty*. CO., J. IL Salton. ligantit tar Pinar, burgh; Geo. A. Key, W. J. Mesas axed Dr. Jams' Brown. Ag=ta for AIL%-bany City. • mitlemb.)eas HOLMES it SONfi r Dmarmi YONEIGN AND DOEIII3EIO 10118 07, CLOISAISOZ, OIRTITIOATEM 01 -DEPOSTE.? BANE NOTES AND SPECIE. No. NI •EL/SEZT: Pfttsbargh, Pa. ear Colledions nude on di the ralitit* eitl* exongbont. the Mated States WEE O"ThILKEiIIiT EL COLLINS, FOGAVARD 4 RIG AND COMMISSION ExEcoaair wbolanle &Ala In CIDEDDE. BUTT= ADICKGG WISH, and produce reasrally, Ho. 116 . GroOD Gri PDAlbarea. Pa , , dot B 00.103, 414317415, Ice NEW BOOKS, received at wiammris Muskatlam of thstrereal - Progress. By Ea% bat hearer;wttha rade, of gpmoMhi Now _,- 6yatem of Yhtlasophy. Cloth.*---It La °adds ; a epaulets NoreL Bylfctuan Ca. ) D° Cloth.: 12, Tau Acme Buoy& ; a Practical — ftl;w . =Ut — sce Showing haw a • vary null Farm may he tondo to keep a very lama family. C10th.... I Z. Out of Prison. ./ am a lbw," and nothing that Mates to man ts indltforeut to ma. Cla 124 My Cam Life In Vlcktburg. with Latta, of 2 Trial and Trawl. By a Southern Lady. Cis I Offa Hints to Blemnas. By H. w 2-Clinstand.“ 1 22 ' Church Temps By If cWhortu: 02 Grape Culture. A Treatise on the agthll/1321, of the liallea Vins gmo. Ccii Itorticalturit. at hg. Wort and Pay ; or. Literary Varlettee., Hamm BeatmelL • I OE, School Ghia' Garland: A ealectlonog Poetry: Bed Track. A Tots of Mexico. Gmlary 411.- mand. Lady eland, the Wonder of Kingawood C 1..... 114; Ten Nights in a Barsßoors. skly T. 8. - .drthik.l Tkknor'a Histaa7 or gpankk LMentlon. 2 vls 100; -Cesummar-771aL 112.ieen Parakauthurogerge.s mu.," "Titan,. aka;Cholb.l O. .r.O Par t ly Lifted Lifted s..73 — nt4 refits By W. H. Yontem ; I Ma. Conned and Comfort. By the itkiuntry,Paracn Industrial . anthm et “ Biogra ßecrea phy. By ?mond ttom ors Oonntry Passon. , l 66 llee thor of "Coo. et Brueph ..t r. eam , • eta.: cloth— - • "BC, View of glavery—gmtptniel Zer-ketestkal ant l Unsorted ny Bishop Itopltina, of Vt: I clia -I tt, Vigor. Ls BoveL By Walter Barrett Clerk; author or sold umcfmato or Tork"_•;el. 1 60 1 TM. Illustrated Horn glaummunont - By MA hew, author of ..lhe Illustrated Born Doc, t Bed Tape and Paige= Halo amoral& - By's CHM= Soldier, Army of Ma Poannoe ; Moth,l 24 Maharanee lloseekeeper. A• new • camsonion m nom ' Lifa mrd Lerma of John Winthrop; ilosamor • of Maroachnosna Day Cloomatry; 1030 Eclaxd Economy. A .Trestbe cm the Preprome elm, Omani:4llw Employment. OCWII. , meat and !aunt:edam caches:Om aLitla.. - 1 Gen. Grant and his Oanpaltrut By Jtd.hin •.•:, Larks. Wltk pmtreit oa Mad; Bordello, EttaDsd, Chanouiss Eve and :Zola' Day. By &Mort Batarnlnt; Ll'e of W. IL Pramort. By Geo. Ilekaar. • amen Vallam.• /2/ Autobiography end Darla:rpm:lmm of Lyman ` - Beater. Edltal by kis and 'IOL 1,aloQ;-1 Bobo Me Boom. By Wm. W. 8t0ry..2 strrioa.3 00 Bradne. . A now amyl ; 10 Gurowelro Rhu7, Nor. 'et and Oct , iszq cloth. 1 MI Ines. By the intim "OfMenlah 1 60 Mood s ; c,,. :By anther AM Ealiaaaaa:MOrel cloth 1 50 Om: Barba In 'New Orloana,'Ey Peeled elo. 2 00 lima-Book of abe Mem Intaloora.,,BrMez: Wharf= ; cloth 00 Cloths of any of .the &bora hooka nrlgkikctr of Paitte • •• 71 and TS Elltk Meet; Dent dear tio ALL TEE NEW AND POPDE'AZ BOOKS • An the hut Nan ' • ' - - AT BUNK'S ALL TIM macusniza..ith ent'orm:ve par. AT BUNT'S.-- ly Al/30,4 Cards *IV e"ti tOt atll ;k 4 ? 44 Pbotogripi AlftEme. all.eisee; eti10i,..... 4 eZe -at qadttles, "Ipen . clsl4llPi t t..! Aenr tPward • a ' ' AT rip thheal Bwka sad Elcbcat Stat:atnry •_ • All the Dthie.ll.3:As at , " .3, - AT IWNT , III. Prsag's Alb= Pictures, lira- so&V.;11/..1si ale end retell et Prat& FlesN3l. ' ' aOHII P. 'milt aeival.4nut "aDie s4lltat licinxwAni-AnAmmr-g ---.--CARDyPHOIOGE4PEIff.' -; • P. r! " 1 1 . : r , J•it;l.l .ILATE15001Ells: - • KoCria,UANarateoo::; ~; --: ,- CIM7O4I:OATZ • • • • ;3 , 1 .• - •• •• ,'•,- • 'XIITTOCIrt -" BOON. ST47/01 . MrP - AIID - liLltil DITOT5:1: • • • ,Oiil4lllte i -i 4t Bic • ..4t 1864 i: , %:-LDIAB42: •• ;1140 - 1 • A 4arce of.l.oolta A.Vit ODAINTIOW I HOD= DLLII.M., for, .1.864—ta paper, to tiotb. =en; hilmltationAtalroy; Ifervqx.44.k Irithvilt elm sva *Mr earbk ed 55 1,4401,2 0, t_clilps oadaksato 110410201. 4V 3 , 1 . 21 r2 6 , Shut commoupd to Usk i5171)9 , 14V.2. 07 . ~47 MirrOltU • . NVMXIMSTON oci 'ftsgloario " . 'EatD,JOYEW _ 40111 EL—Jo AN ►r goalt Abb, 1111, thV i o. U Vi r k .MiMM4:O. • 'oo3.olllllPrilt "CM,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers