[Baportad Famously far the F•ltbbsugh aszettej • • . 1 , . . Soma,Amil 1111, VW. - • . , . 0114.11,..i.7iernXia hot littli Whst °Coring and its _ . . . . . Minee art father term:lllr, an Omit variations in the , . • abeam Of 411111. dorm is in haiidamard and . m . . . • linit...fl Arl 19Ward 4041a,1C7 in..PriF.; !.4/0 . 1. • - . . : :j" . i• iii hie WI Lt.liaikrajal4lo6eda digit-$/4 1 - , . . a d. biiiiinennat : to e t7 lll : li aT i lli ti:P : l' lr " ,y 7 e-61e ;g.::d'Ib of : bh : '.:t b e sh rl ;a a" t q.'l il :: ,rs 7i . Barley nominally 81,92 ror Spring and 1 1 , 40 fdr Fall -•,,. , . . . _ . . . . . . Cillalflgalcas•-There Ina falriebhlux demand for • ' Rapti, and prbas arearm but uncbauged-17a17jic . for Cuba, and libilage for New Orlams. Coffee la . . . Mkt army at 4744730-demand limited, Motet ea, - ,- 57 50 pm 10,41, aid 11.41211,40- for 'stem- tyrtspr - • ire whit regular aalea at forma quotaPolui. I• P.lloYjsiluSdrTtetre Ls a fair local dar nel fur Ba4„at, and we not* sialX, to a fah extant o fl2o .for . . . ~„- , -asseghterr,l4•l3% for Ribbed:3oam l4,s(ollllbeClear ..' • 4:. ... ,' .- ek,„ I.kliatOo for ,lean Ilami; 11%a170 In• 8-. gar ' Caleb Mee P.-irk le Arm at liar. Lard la steady ' With Waal Ohs at 14.a14Y for qty.. SLOCS•e4IIIIma ash at and ra th er dull, th ough, am ~ • -.... -,_ • ~ :- • • 4, '-', - • yet. ptiow are hot (mutably lower, We note essal. • ''' ' - ' - ": . ' . . 1- sabatof.Zetta - Fatalsy, frometore, ' at gB.OO to ISA.S. ;,..,. .1-i It Lima pupae te remark, however, that a round '. . r let Wueldnot bing Cm aterrerlamed.ggarea. . - - au rt./4w a laara-...maai i. • cumintted.brink ... ~. . , 1 12111=00 for roll batter and prima are arm, and to la mow caaw, higher; salsa in lota of .0 his and - Is boles; Si', sad 19 on. do at 4,5 a 18. Pecked bait, la etwady with Min of 12 kg. at 26. Z.p.-.taprry with *alma tO•fais extant al PI a OS per dos. . ~', .. '... ... - • 1 t • . ItIYnDS- toady, bat without quotable „change. • ' ' [ lia/m at 00 bmb cLmer mod. at Kai and 23 boah timothy at VA% Flax gaol hla fair de:nand at IX,- ' •.L . Ulan OIL-1, . lake of Not at 4 • ' In bterleD . 111131 T-Then Le regular 10-al damand ..., • _ • . for appal what dm at )0411 Ma. Saha of 40 bbl, , p....,. at 18 ate :IN .. . • 111.2Kre-ThisAgiet,le lean ,ftna but not. quota - -'' • • - • ' id/ Wier: we note , tenall - labia of cortmebn at 5425. ass-firm 13 . a shade blither; sales of 7 louts I I of koall at jio to 544 per ma. Baled bay May be q ... 7 ' 4/ to 145. HOW:NY-Salm at PM to $11,25 per bbl. :.., ..„..' - ' l ":7.' -, -.11,,,k,,r.J m be quoted arm at $10a10.2.5 - bbl for No 3 medium, and 613,76 f ,rtiloB Largo. ... aka Herrtrig firm it fir,25.3,20 per all bbl and Sir ' 2.5•8,60 tor wulte fhb. :: - . 4 .-• •••!: S&L T-Quiet but .llrm, with email sales of No - • • • lel3ll from store aar..., , 2.5 per bbl. - - -.- • POTATOES-Pim, with small rata (rum Moro at . . , . $1;10 to 81,93 par Mabel. . . . . .. t CIRECNAPPL233-43mmge mll The way Mr, ra PAM ~ . • .r. r 1.042 . 23 ptebbl, according to quadty. .. • :!;-4i , - • . • :, . _,,,•.'t, - :. (6azettt TUEELDAYi 2,191/Ifili4drAPßlL 19, 1889 COMAIRICLL4 BECOBI) Weekly Review or the New York Pc trolewn Market. Liiiitprrted Sorenly for tbe,Pittebugh -Gazette tiliw You, eprilll3, 1861. The nutter for Crude was decidedly dull, and Prtmowese about 101 l gellodlower during the And halt he the weet—but subsequently become very en . hitridalideii uneettled that Oct the put few day - elates :be *haply tuipoUlble to Impart ant correct repot[ of the market—verbal or wtitten. Par some time past a Philadelphia dealer has been operating ex tenalvelyln “tiontrallU"—buyttor op all the April deliveriti—and it la remarked and believed by mod geopiathaftto of the Waged house hare have been operating with him eib nero-but after =dolly ia vertleating theaublect we luau to the belief that thin tearroneetta Ha hat unneeded to getting hold of kluge =omit of contracts—sod ingaining con trol of imbrue •, =portion of the available-stock on hand we to fitment theleeners of the contract. Item Wing thaw—and trios hoe efiectully • cornerese• them.. He Is - favored by the continued fulguldcant receipts. Prices advanced rapidly tiu.ll 42c tEI gal lob was paid for I,oilo bode ,of OW ittavity—on Wedinaday--elnce whkh the market has been dull aid wholly mutual-4251a45c has been ailed and 4013 .olfered, for the oamiturt, by those who needed the oil badly. Thou who could peaibly do without hare done no. Quite .11.110111a1C1111 reported, but .nemiltlineiterithe .eintracta" There , ta nue:sport demand, art • matter of course, and the Nelloers are not buying any al= the advance. 11,11ned, In bold, bur rated 'nominally quiet but dim, and there le a very strand .bellef IA higher prices-though the tend .racy le fditbintommadurn _ ward, . Thechlei feetum lo the market, la the par " lebasaby Sure:the biggest home., of7loo bias—their own contract for Hey and Jano-411„ SCco-which were utadeatihnutla to 62o—entatilog a lose of bbout 1115,030. Prices have since ruled higher—but tubes decliud again, clod chard ea below. Noth- Ing . drdng for export and =reel, any °Cluing or, the spot. Pres 011 has ruled more binuant curly ell thrcough the seek. Adrian hare been received from Washlog loran render the dealers cooldent to the belief that a hoary tax Rill Implored on tree—hence the buoyancy and Inman.. Daptbaraled doll and loner during the best part of the enik, bat Subsequently become more active and prices am Armen. ' The Wee and testate. compels. about 23,060 blue— .cootracti. in from 54y; to 420, hacindleut =geometer femme delivery of 11,000 bbls of which 2.C.JU do today at the outside pm. The market, _at theekne, was isomthalst 40.42., on the spot, end 17•51,%c for Mum helloed in hood the sales comprise about 7,000 11,11;istonsly on the ep,t .at itragularie l ese, bat -chalet nenthial b6ast4 on the epot-57, ler all Apelland 66 fur May and Jane, at which WO Idth for Myth scrap d- jesitlaisalea and meals comprise abopt ab.ist halt Ott tlie spot at hoar 61 to es IA 11,ht strasso mblta—cloeltur at Matra, for yorlme --i iratapt:are l i : l t leocuprissaooo (79 goes. cans, at aa36o mod 6,000 Obis WWI Srael./. April •fibe 133.17)(,0, buyers sod o.llars oldies:SS 114 r all ril. aam 84,0 da - rA aat parity cc ho of 3.1 a &Mead lea do tea al including 600 hbl. t.-day at bt sLt cite arm at Vs outside. pros. rftiititirgu ritroitwa.itartet Areal 11.-the owlet frir ensai centime ilLtnet I eiplise, thsthsb, etrlthstthileg tee re egAjethfear and the dessa...ll, for the these Wag, pthei ere fay sunithed - listens tnsthth oar rtflom gen- valle are Was bed eparlaal,,—bnlag pat 5m13... Art; to manillas Immediate weals. The paortal • ~' ..1.. amounts Lb* asirreasts to 4111 bbla,asfcaloyme 211.bby atAfte,.bbls itamdatteatt bbls at. pea, batiaa .bei• tatarma. tiaptbs ; mahatma ta mast setts. utttadtatawL .advatmat ratar,aales of siotbb.Vai.,•litallnedts caletblitana,mtd ibere ,test attleodartaf. P.ii. al ir;braids ...rtordriy 'quota:l4 64 la band, sad Waal:- Ma sot* a sate mattaaay bbls, ..Staaamat . brand, stile. • the pada tadvalmt W. tortketabt hoan enabag thimersatapre faban, ibettaa Ober 253 bias; e• . Aebwortb, 2,50; L ataatry, 348; It lamy, 35; itaxter; 64; Jo s Wilklbe, 478; 11 -Down - but; HO; MU Ttruntat, 120 i Capt, l oeritran. 311, Jam Lindsay, 83-; Brea .1t aniaend Wit Byram, OM; Panama Bally W, 430; Ju WWI& Soak Ita) mmthrimie Tobacco Market. . . • "1.01811.1.:41.1.1sof1G4 ttogabead. gm (anoint Mat $4.4,95, VI at SWAM. 46 - at 10. 0,9!,22 as &ea!, 13 .at INS 05,18 al B a l ,Bo,llrat 17 1 9, 90.10 at 10•10,715, o-1.145.$11.1175;11 at 91.1.1575, 11 at 513.13,75,10 at 214.14,10, 9at 51.5•16,50, 4 at 810.10,75, 17 at SIT. 17,76, al.;4 0 a 5110418,75, oet 291.20.75. . Bat 121,21,711. 2 at $22, 4 it 523.21,75, 3at s24t 241,70,1 - at $25,25.1M,60,1 at 820,71, $ at 227.27,50, .2 M5.5a.U,50, 1 at 8W,50. 3at $301,3021;2•2 s33a ss,as 833,1 at 813,1 a.-sEft(lxiak, lab& sere grown 1.0 Wand try one tosayiatid tads 'Muth at 2203,7513 100 Ih. I.2Loalsoffis Total= Warehouse of 74 blots 11311olfat !MIAs of 'ClattarMolisf at 1,20. PG, al, itakiall,l3;4:3 fauli fight leaf at $15,50, $17,50, $l3, - ,- ;'52.438, 73 • 1n0,75 , 11 14 .5 18 , 75 ,11 17 ; 58 .8U,2 17 , 51 .M. .1138,80 510.15, 811,25.810,_5, 25,40, $5,70, $5,45, • 5112 K $17,75,21;211, 812,50,18; 40 WI& Ilea mg. at sat 1 4 444 $6.59.11 5 .6 0 4 6 . 8 4 118 . 73 , 25,70, $5,40, 55.55, 6,05, UP, UP. 14 25 , 51, 0 5, PA% . 11 41 . 60 : CO. $4,25: 50,55:;',A,1 0 .4a,116;1 0 , $4,1/0. $5. SajP, 5i,7 6 , Pour 1 5 ,/ 0 i 54.65, - 'W0.10; 88; 14,25, and 1 old tomb Wevots' it* Wang vides as - ,6ltorm SOW/ 0.50.8;' Madam leaf Salt :goTI karlss dim (1110'st 46aMet alset meet rjOarar 0080120, 110. at 110.1210, per pound New - York iCollbelipirket . milltatbsaboduntdat Odd. our UP, but bald• r....:9:a932l.l499llanaitradcirad,si our notations png9l nazi fdrabadd sad putt 91 IDto mono nedritconfora: to puma ialtudloP,4olth.tanding u. rapl4 adgance.and. norm( redast , dr...4no la gold. Wesi.latUdi.Aseliptbrmr ,119931 p and father loatalagl,battbo WI plop coatlgtel' to - be realised. agai am -9439 , bap Odle 'BP, - peg Bram t 'Marl*, at 45=924 lesa ti coat tub;Pep rifigabont th9aamo ploo—a bleier rate Nora: thou 43 rantilbssatap been 9591,99 Tab 0 9 1 71 1 5 914; 3309 tega. 204`1d211900, - '9l.2 3 allltadaroold Ira* tensur, Pi k bap , her., resale', la tote, 44%a depts; 300 do 159900909:19 42; 000 293 5 :92214.4 3 . Govan , mentiara, In lota,/5.4;1073 pagoda 30, usual discos nt_ Ormolu; andl tas 214 bbla and o 21 1,1 4 6 ' 16741 k./ datlatina did 9191999:1:- , Tbotolloiriolg ti tbs [Matt daspateb from Rio ' hegira, Ida Blabon ' Burd 10," ilia:Amebas.' Pre relleVe l ear Ifo L ek, B l.s Z P Vir i ilrestr awww,.olll9 Tem_Tort,, t 61,000 bp. Led "."'WLO3I;4 isrballaw Tort 16,000 end Baltimore Seadmataied Laub " to. load from-sla to .. , ,48pookokaang.e.msslijobnyitao. , ; 'CleirelAnd Market:- Igrab6-1100Ha'all.00 bldshelleee XX white . . a s 17.0kX01 4 / I ,lltrill+atilta at PAO;fAbet. ZZ. ati7osk 6o i*4 ii:Pa B iiitss,ls.l.3l4rlrat . clo• Muskat deal anal di:actin.' &l ea 9 an. 4/slts amber as Ina's* $4155; 1 ear do at 11059; 1 ago doles whits , an 910 1 :: 6=11 . '6 0 0 tsatudo a ka. ,Oarn.-Is good demand and toot m:Ant o,nrud . LWaf abfarsigt l 9 oa taok i tad aa. o a t MAL C1a16.4(a risali l l/tilatat lC7m,at lire On tract. and Ite Inns stare', TirAfts' ilotor It Aartit Sts- ifuipoirts pirretnrui Y? Ants .41/4. 01111201 - IiKLIOIt , nitit i rOde " htl4Td. ittZarrit 4,140 4,144 :batik - lb to,"6hosnaker•Lanr, 1 ~ .carbsfi* ti4ll- 041 .1sxdr..Pesti...carn. Lags aati, ikwvanama Sallas44lll,, Jos loorrierlos als;'10. 11) ingliaodrAlattlgtaiMpilXilkallikliJolb4ll sivio,l?ark.trailkoi , Wscisobtiak tot_ 1; eis 'WAIF iota 601sabiraarbsszd/i.labli'd, 496 butt aataittalO*llls9bas64 16 ale 11.*121. Vs* Iva.. Wait & • -0* .doc- . - Ig-Pfts Sarni IS4 U ‘t ltgt ," B ll r , P t - 4.':: fi rkin' 61 0 344144 6 4 V E. : /kW 'Air: &norabit reoll 199: . . • _;tigillats*.ar,LW' bptiat, irisouvr-w awn. Xisitbsratilturgeos kw, it our ilk am Vondestas • a 01;0 MI ISP, I ToAlceder; Auto Salop% . - ~~ _~ mil„ . X~l x`'+~'"~ aw l w~~'~v..~~3X ~a ;~,., ~' ""-4iw~~E` ~T:~*~`,s~ Thos Tork; 146 aka corm /Sampson 8 Knot; 1301 pd mat, E E Byers dt co; 61 Ime g'ssaware, P Drake, 316 eka wheat., J 8 Lldatt co; 66 bbl. all, Pennock. Ball co, 800 eke corn, Aural! Lee 8 co; e shrugs, Godfrey Clark; I car pulatoce, rVanconder HS alga etheat„.l Eltkpatrltk bro;' 4 pkgsoat meal, Bechrayer 1 Vmkaxop; 33 do peul . barley, E Bees alto% 6bs. cbecao, Datell 8 co; 101 ak a, potatoes, Ilikeherjr.Kcemery co; ITS aka oata, Hahne & Asia; 480 aka eka rye, Thce Bell 8 co; 50 Stile nod, Batman, Peas a m- azzackber Vtinsos, Agsfl pn tacos aides, &et Pettit l et; I es:lumber, White SAY emu:Oen 14 pkits Ash,fl Dyer; 20do, Blnas 800 Itco; do,nabs !11144115 TECO ft Inaba, John Beath; 800Crts 6443 11 14145 m; 42 Ws chats, Hadloy, co; 241 bp battery, W W Anderson; b bas butt., Sines Boa A eo. Imports by River. ZANESVILLE—ran Isms assume-250 barrels floor, It bbl . Trutt and eggs, 1 boa beers., 2by featbere, 25bbl eggs, Parts co; 5 bbl woe, J 81rwt. /L- 1 boX modlclne, Is A Fannotteck, Bon ! cca 450 sets mill feed, Simpson Hr..; 109 sets do, Vontly AM. pp 361 sets corn, Dorrlngton !co; 9 rolls leather, I/ 11 Anderson; 1 bbl nom, 8 Pettaw. 14 ptp eimm:ragsetc, Head Meteor, 3 bas tobac co, Cleo Wsromn; 1 tessosp,' A Fay 1; 16 pltsa buts; Fetzer bAnostrons; IS pee p..mps, PA Boreman; dos OB shales, ITad•ey A Itoctershousem 10 dos ,dl, A 2111111tro d co; 1 box butter, I 1 , Onttendort, 3.bbl egzs, ghats Sou a co, 83 note corm, John Al: hey; 2 bblsdrleol apples, W P Beck A co; 64 01l !Ala Wool— dridge t Atwood; 17 We potatoes, I bbtegg.,l bble sod 9 sacks, ITletutox dAteel; 18 acts,Wer la . aps, 10 bb apples, 2do eggs, 1 beeswax, picots Fob.* co; 8 wigs mdse, owners; 2 bbtu, tobacco, ipigne4 10 tubs ammo, Juzb Ilaldloger, lot ,oI old lion, J T Bart; 7I bead, sberp, 00.7; owtward 153 oil Ws, 11r. Gore, on b.M, 139 oil bbl., Wareny; sate curs, Ras Kalb owner on bisard,4 bbl apples, 3 bessggs, 1 brat cblatena. • . 0 • • ST. LOCTS—Wse TtLasses-12/3 Was, Isnas Weiss.; 100 961 1111cLaughllo; 1 box scrap steel, 1479 bats Iron. Jane; Boyd A cm 27 skalbtle corm .des, Wm Bingham; /3 PAM. clay, P6ll lips A Peat: 12 cltalsaA pipe A Gordon;3l9 tts lard, etc art coq 71 bbl sand, atas.. Lbto2 46 tom meW, Graff, B‘onstt A co; 43 do litmlek co, 12 pkgs sundries, 2d Dessixe; 8 0 by bran, Watt WU son; 19 do- - Ben Dolton 13 to ad uXtls, H Albert. STE.IOIIIO4TS. FOR CAIRO AND SAINT t ad LOUTS—The atesmer SESICtIVT., .Capt. W. .i. Ltet, trlll leo.e for the ere:mend Lome mediate port. on WIDNLSDAT, the 40th bait at o'clock, p. m. Nor freight or rztrimpAr Ward or to JILpIB J. D comatrawoonj pOR CINCINNATI & Lotr l as t ISTILLE.—Ihs new and elegant steamer OHIO VALET; Cantaln 0. D. Chapin, will lease unbar. TUISDAT,I9th Ind_, at 4 p. m. Tor freight cm pumae apply on board or to J. D. IXMLINOWOOD, . agents. opts JOdai FLACK. tOR LOUISVILLE AND Eq. 64 44# LOllla.—The Otte ns. paseagar abeam. H. 2. IitEPELAU, Capt. Blaaw, will kr. NI abet. orl J•T,;19,1t Far fraiell or pwapi apply oa Word or to JOtili FLACK, I , .12 .1 111 VOA ST. LOUIS. KEOKUK., BoacnraroN azo C.ATFNE, DA VENPORT DUBUQUE, lIASTINGSAST. yr, t.—• Th. eplodid Owner oTARLIGHT, Ceptain Cho. Barton, will Noe as above on TU ISDAY, the o B h lost., at 4 o'clock p. Tor freight or , apply on board, or to o.ITTOL to I NGWOOD, a . OO. apIS JOURFLACR,'_ _l 4 CAIRO, ST. LOUIS, 44 I. ALTON, HANNIBAL, GOINGS, _KEOKUK., BURLINGTON. AIUOCATI. Iwo INLAND, roorraiecatr. FULTON CITY, GIALE• NA, DUBUQUE LAOIIOSSE, WZNONA, BAST. INO3 Si'. PAUL —TM, flan neer steam.. SATE KEARNEY, Captain F. Haight, will love as above on TUt BRAY, Ibe lath lest, &o'clock p.to _ For freight or wore apdy en boarsor to aiol3 J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agora. 111QIIEGUL.A.It WHEELLNG & %I PARKERSBURG PACKET.— . tie otaamar IN A, Capt. John lll=nrrirl leave Pittsburgh for Wheeling every TUESDAY. THURSDAY nod SATURDAY, making rime coo notional with the Whheling and Parkerelmtg Pack et. Hotnirang, lora Wheeling every 'Pac k DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAIf. Passengers and freight repented through to Parkerstorg. Yoe &night or menge co sal l y N o s n a boX or to On Muff Boat. et the foot of wood dallnltt FOB WI:MELD:O, NL&RIET- , TA AND ZAWASTILLE.—Ttio fliterr I=rztotrt ; er 011eA1 r. 4, 1 Tionr=rl, ZarkerrillocmatLALtll . o . `clook . wander, I. Plitabargh ovary SATUILDAY, at 4 p. m., Tames - rills army TOUDAT, at 8 o'clock m. tor frolgtl ; of E r= apply on boar 4 or to INOWOOp t =n4 b ; H. S. PTEILCZ A 00., Apnea, 0021 'Salaaming. Ohio. GARP ETS, OIL CLOTHS, Arc. FOURTH STREET NEW STYLES WINDOW SHADES • IILCSIVED TIIIS DAT NEW SPRING STOCK , c a .A_R,..za'5.,11. 4 . WELL SEASON ED 4* iL CLOTH, AT WC ALLII. Bre.: CARPET b'l'ic,RE no.o TOOUTEL 67RZEt. H A VING PUECHA.IMD Aim ADDED To DUD OWN TN! ENTIRE STOCK ON CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &CI Lately tea by W. hIoCLINTOOK, at la Nuke! .treat, te. are able, by the aensolklattoo, to off the LARGEST STOCK '• TO BE FOUND IN Tals, WEST, 4T TEM _.lO WEST PRICES. Oliver McClintock dr Co., 190. 23 emu , MILL stn p.ena COVERS. . . Fine Embroidered Cloth Embossed Cloth. , Victoria. um acgl olagall4 . seartwat pmt readved at As NEW CARPET STORE N44.11,11.LA5 . D, COLLINS 4 . 1 c CO. VENITIAN BLIND TafdlifiNElß I Au aadiabt OFT sa aKCIVIII4O SMOTUZIOSIt Jost re. .ped . rod at Me 1 • 7 Ew ciL,ltpwr IiTOItE .1141VARLAND. COLLEgi & CO GROVERIES,PROpUCJE,Zre B F, QTY . & CO., clanimisslon Merchants, lla 100 .597111 WATI3 BT., cmcmcw ohs upochil'ottruttoo to Danb•tlW Flour, Grain, I!rovistons, 'far /astern *wawa ay. Qmlanr m10:17 j 140, -BUNg § BkSCO., ' . fflocmoosslc? J.ll W.1113111 1 / 1 t Ilanuatiaion a, Varivarding biuit OI L .Qi n PA. ' '• ' 11 :/= 4"Ate syQPL a y = i slt ht" ll.lVm s v at 21 1 ! c l=r f atoratig i ormard . pll..... , aAri idatiaa W who way Amy 411...110=1=1. rr,E2$El: WALLACE, CommlWon Merchant, IN. roams wana n„ onatacwutiacia mliegamisentbm PI Etsigaunstr' scrkea:lnfoinii,sioen a *am srf DDWARIY OHAZELTOLIVboIesaIe la GUM 12M1:0101185Tor aftwatthoDtsmood,lll6 N. • OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Nosed bt the Fug! Basics of Ihr Thirty eighth Cowen. (Puutto—No. 24 AN ACT to supply deficient:ea in theapprof, priatintut for the smite of the (teazel. ear ending •the thirtieth of Jane, eighteen hundred and eixty-four, tad for other purposet. Be ft enacted by de Senate and Bowe of Repreamfaftees of fbetnited Stales of Amer ica in °Agra" ayembled, That the fallow mg lump be and the same are hereby sp propriated to supply deticiences in the sp propriatlons for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth'of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-tour .out of any money in the Tress• urynot otherwise appropriated: For contingent expenses of the southeast executive building, including the extension. six : For tad, lobo; light, and miscellace ous items, thirteen thousand three bemired sad live dollars. For euppli tog a detiolency in the current •zpeneis of the branch mint at Denver for the current fiscal sear, eighteen thousand three hundred and seventy-seven dollars and sixtpnine cents. El MT= For compenzation of return clerks, from January fires to June thirtieth, eighteen oundreitand eisty-four, OIL hundred dol . For ogopensatien of the purveyor gen eral of Illinois and Mia6ooll, to the thirty first of October, eighteen hundred end surly ,r,ree, linen the office closed, one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty-eight (sewn. For courpnestlon of the surveyor fen• oral of Arizona, and the clerks tub's office, four flu:inland and two hundred and fill dollars. To supply defieienciem in the Department , f ;Agriculture for the °meat year, •s foilane: For the purchase of sorgbure seed, two thousand dollars. For re-building shop in the propagating garden, eight hundred dollars. For postage, thirteen hundred and twenty dollars. Fur carpets furnii ure and cane fur fruit, three hundred and liftx - dolters For fuel, three hundftti delta's. 13=22 For rupplying a deficiency in the appro priations for the payment of the alerts, messengere, copyists, and lsborere in the afros of the Quartermaster General, one hundred and Grrynix thousand nit hundred and fifty-one dollars and aisty nix copra. For sa'sry of an additional Assistant Secretary of War, fifteen hundred dollars. To supply a defioiency in the appropria tion for the purchase and manufacture of site for rolootrrre and regulars, ordnance and ordnance stores, seven midion Seven hundred thousand dollars. To supply • tistioienoy to the appropria tion for tho muaufacture of arms at the notions! armory, seven hundred tfiogaand dollars. To supply a tlefioienoy in tho appropria tion for the Surgeon General's department, to •Itt . For medical Metrumeate apd dreettinge, one milliou three hundred thoinaud dol. lark For hospital stores, bedding, and so tomb, ate million two hundred thouaoad dollars. For hospital furniture and field t quip. meat, three hundred thousatql falters. For books, stationery, and prlnttng, hie. ty4..x thousand dollars. For lee, fruits, and other comforts, ore hundred thousand dollars. For hospital oluthing, forty thousand dollars. For citizen nurses, thirty-right ihoutaud dollars. For sick soldiers in private hospitals, seventeen thousand dollars. For artificial limbs for soldiers and sea men, bi.X14012 thousand dollars. Fur cititert• physicians and medicines foinished by them, one hundred and eighty - fi re thousand dollars. For hire of clerks and I,l3oreis I.ur ivjpg Depots, twe D iva, thousand dol. loos. For eoptiotreht expii.e.e of the mettles) deoirtateit, five theusaud dkars. Fur medic/ors and oreotoal attendance (or negeoa refugees. commonly called •"con- unhands," tbnty•tbree thousood dollars. Fur ...hello and •ashiog machines for .bospitals t whore mstrous cannot be ea, played, one thoussod dollars." To imply a delloteney in.the appropria lion for the subsistence of the army, to wit: Far volunteers and- drafted men, fire millione eight hundred and terenuiglee thousand dollars. For employees, six hundred [ortd] forty thousand stx hundred and forty douses. For women, two hundred [end] eighteen thousand four hundred Collets. To supply a deficiency in the approprie tionlor the Engineer department: far contogencies of fortification'', ioolu• ding field works, fire hundred thousand dollare. To supply a dtfielettey in the appropria tion I.r tbe Q tarlermaaterh dept.-112W, 10 For purchase cavalry acu artillery berets, seventeen million° five hundred thousand dollars. For regular suppl s dt the Quartermas ter's department, eighteen millious ere hit‘dred thousand dollars. For barracks, qusrtorn s go., three tail Hello five hundred theueand dollars. For tatturportation of the army. thirty rollltoaa of doll►re. For Incidental expenses of th. Quarter. master's department, tiro millions of dot lora. For transportation of officer's baggage, ooe hundred thotutand dollars. For clothing, camp, and garrison aqui page, atVCI2 millions of dollars. To supply a deficiettoy in the approptla lion .for the Adjutant General's depart meat: Per purchase of hooka of Modes, twenty fore thocumnd dollars. To supply a thficieney in the appropria tion for fuel, and equipment and recruit.- ivy, in the Bureau of Equipment and Re cruiting, two million dollars. To supply a defidenay in the appropri ation for clothing for the navy, three hun dred and fifty, thousand dollars. To supply a deficiency the appropria tion for contingent expenses of the Naval Academy, tidily-sight thousand dollars. For Wary of commissioYer to codify the naval lairs t under joint resolution of March third, eighteen hundred sad eisty-three, three thousand nine' hundred and eighty. three dollari and eilty-sevin cents. For additional repairs at the Norfolk navy yard, one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. For 'hie, machine shop, bridge, build• loge for naval storm ancinthcv vorkr at Port Royal, South Carolina, one hundred and forty-four thopeand and el: hundred dollars. To supply * deficiency in the appropria tion for lilting in the ground"' for the new foundry at 'he Brooklyn Dairy yard, forty fire thousand Dino hundred and ee.enty five dollars. Por temporary storehocute, for provisions at the ftrooklyn nsvy yard, two thouoand dollars. For temporary storehouse' for provisions at the Boston navy yard,'tiro thousand dollars. D/MAILTIMET.; For salary of tho minister at Salvador, from - Apra sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to . June thirtieth eighteen hundred and sixty-font' at seven thousand Aid hundred dollars per 'tritium, nine thou sad eisfy;tnp doibire sad fifty cents, • - insonsomotto. For salaries of clerks, mesiengers, watch men, and portent, In,the office of the as sistant trensarer at New York, twelve thousand•dollefs. ' For additional allowanecto clerksin the office of assistant treasurer at Boated, two thousand dollar& For, compensation "to disignaied depost mit; two thousand dollars. For salarire of designated depositary at Banta Fe, hien Wilco, land the 'cleric, watchman i - and porter Int Inhis office, tour thousand alight hundred dollars. , Ice supplying .defialencY,ln the `apt lodation for facilitating Oistartiunittation weer the' Atlantis end BaellA fitates:by. alufd4tA lrata..**rPht titillf;t ll #9 ll o 4 01; • • For rorandl4 to the prop:dation for 41.',.; the Treasury Alia:melon the amount of pay ments nuide'out of the fund for furniture, night ward), and other miscellaneotti items, one hundred sod fifty thousand dollars. of onainuation of the north wing of the Treasury extension, fencing, grad ing, and miscellaneous items, two hundred and fifty dollars. For furniture, carpet?, and miecellaneous (tome' for the Treasury building, twenty fire thousand dollars. For the payment of claims doe various parties for furniture and for the alterations in the offices of the assistant treasurer and oolieetor of suemnis at Now Yoth, ►od for oonetructing buret r.proof vaufis, eighty thousand dollies, For completing. ilia repairs of the Gov ernment warehouse on S.aten Island, ten thousand dollars. For encroache of the Gael= house at 0100115usti, Ohio, iweoty•fiee thousand For alterations of the cuetom house at Louicride, Kentucky, fifteen tboUland dol. For completion of the custom house at Dubuque, lows, thirty thousand dollars. For repaint and preservation of custom boners, marine hospitals, and other publio buildings, under the supervision of the bestiary Department, ten thousand dol. lass. • For furniture and repairs of furniture of the varioue public buildings under the supervision of the Treasury Department, five thousand dollars. For the payment of Ephraim Swett, for cervices as superintendentosof the MONO house at Belfast, Maine, nine hundred and ninety -two dollen. For erecting new furnaoes in the l baee• merit of the east wing of ihe patent office building, fifteen thousand dollars. • For repairs of rooms in Bob-basement of the weer wing of the Paient Office five thousand dollars. For the Capitol extension, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Far the construotiou of water . olssets in the basement of the south front of the Pat ent Kum building, two thousand dollars. For defittienoy In the appropelation for keeping in repair and partially.: finishing awl furntobing the Post Oft.ibuilding, nine thommod one hundred antleevroty otte dollars and ninety-nice teat* For the completion of the Pot Office building in Feticide!phis, twenty age thou• sand dollars. For deficiency in the appropriation for sOitries and expenses of the contruiettioneni oppo Died under;the fifth section of the sot of sixteenth Frbruery, eighteen: hundred cud rixr)-thrte,lhree thousand Are bun. droll cl,ll.rs .Fur deficiency to pay eatery of ooe I 1- than -agent, each, in Ukiah and bkqimis Tr r 'ritory, from third March, eighttea,loundied And oixty•ibree, to the firet July,„righteen and r atf-!our, et 6•e hundred diillarn p r annum, an increase pay, one thosteiind three huodred end thuty three dollare*nd tl .r -ty-three crate. To supply deficiency in the epproriatioit for tho pubito panting, one hundred and t levee, thoustiod dollars; Ptorifed That hereafter no printog or biriding "Mall be dot., or blank books be procured' for any of tt-e F.icoutive departments of ,the Gor ernment will:trot a written requisition on tho Stitterintehdent of Public Priniing from the bead of ouch Department, or for either Stance of Coogrees, except on the written Alex of the &craters of the - Ornate or Clerk of the Hone of Reprreenixdises for or iamb said piloting, binding, or blank book. nosy be required. And thestaid Su perintendent in but annual reptlrt, shall hereafter be trquirtd to report thi amount of •t:ti h ordered and dose ; nab ti general olaesific-stion thereof, lot each Department. To bopply a drfisirnly to the appropria tion tor itsper for the public priatipg three haodred sod eevroty four tiouituttl dol. To eupply • deficiency in the aPproprie lion for tee public Mediae, cue i,:eueilred incite/Led 3ollare Far li.hogralohing and euk s ,kl tog fur the Howie or Repreneotatives, ten oouse.t.d Jo! h.& For mapping, in C.sto ipendinji. in the Supreme Ceuri of the Uoitsd Bows, pion thouaaod dollars. • To supply defloieney in the eppe.prie dou for ifie eupport of the lighthouse es• tablietiment s f•iiiteteen thousand hun dred awl tify-eis dollars and histylve OW": For re-building light house St Cape Charles, Vtrginia, twenty thotoractitdo To supply a dtficioney in the appropria tion for stationery to the Treasnr .Depart mew, twenty thourstd dollars. TO roppli s &limn:toy in the appropria tion for ordeal:ter, ordnance stores, labor, and crertingect expert,a in the Bureau of Ordance of the Navy Doormen% two mil lion seven huodred and forty thoienud dol. tars : Provided, Aberesr, That al mono) , shall be paid under this item of appropria tion except for deficiencies actually exist ins upon °anti:sots made by thaiNavi De partmet. For ercyling naval hospital ati Kittery, Maine, taenty-five thousand dollars. For extending naval seylum at Poi!, detrain .event), fire thousand dollars. For erecting naval hospital at Washing• ro. city, District of Crlumbia, twenty4ve thousand dollars. To 'supply a &baloney in the appropria. Lion for Capitol police for the Senate, four thousand sad three duaars stutieverity aye tenth: • To supply a dellalatioy in tho appropria tion for stationery for the Batista, six thousand dollars. To Bundy a deficiency in the appropri ation for miscellaneous items for thaffien ate, twenty -thonesod dollars; That hereafter no payment shall be made from the cootingeut luod'of either house of Coegrete, unless sanctioned by ; the com mittee to audit and control the eptitingent expenees of the Senate, or the Committee on Ammonia of the uouee of Representa tives, respectively ; and no transfer of balances of appropriations shall be made from one fund to another, eieept by law. To supply a &Baloney in the eppropria- Lion for oothpentottlon of the officers, clerk,, messengers, anti others receiving on ow. nivel eller: In the employ of the4louse of Iteprestntativer, eleven thousand three hun dred . and silty-five dollars and nineteen cent.. To enable the librarian of Congress to employ an additional laborer fritfp ry fir.' to the end of the current Opal year, two hundred and eighty dollars. - For contingent espenees of the Route of Representatives, : For clerk. to oela" mittees, and temporary clerks i¢ the office of tit" House of Representatives,"nne thou. mod eight hundred and sixty-elf deltas. For folding documents, forty.thoutand dol! re. For fuel and lights, including pay of engineers, 'firemen, and laborite, repairs and materials, Dix thousand the litindrel dollars. For furniture, reptire,andpookiner•bosea for member', eight thousand flee hundred dollars. For laborers, el& hundred abd thirty two dollars and seventy-eight collie. For stationery, nine 'hot:wand dollars. S,o 2: Antrim it further thoded o That the remainder or unexpended balance of twain krone thousand. two hundred dud 11.160 dollars and filly-six cents, for ongraileg, electrotyping, and lithographing, be and It'se lame is hereby tranerorred to the role °chansons itim of the email:lei:it fund of the House of Represent osiers. Sat 2 And ie it jurili,r mama, That the President shall appoint to the Treasury pdpartment, by and with the advice and tronsent of the Senate, an additidual As sistant Secretary of the Treasury, whose salary chill be throe thousand dollars per annum, who shall perform all such dotter; to the of of the Secretary, of the Treas ury, belonging to thstdepartment, ae Chan be prescribed by the Searetary of the Treasury, or as may be required by law; And the num of two thousand dollare,,or so much thereof as may be found aroCulliY, be and the lame is herpby appropriated, out of any money to the Treasury pot otherwisextyproprietnt for the pninent of 'roirksaimy . fer the currant fiscal year. bee. 4. And ,That there beappropriate dennienoies for_sepsts of the coot and landing wharf iro Westi to erect a crane thereon, eta IA ester theextension"of the etibbinttobsp It (bet pouf, tan itionoisid &Dam. 4 01 . be: -.‘_, l2 fittriO!aeedir That urns be apteeptiatva,.for praline of letter carriers to July fltstoighteetihitidred end sixty•foiX, to bo paid eat of the 'mow:* . . of the Pat Office Department, one bond r .nd fifty thowiand dollars. Sse. 6. And 1,0 it twin' r enacted, wit to addition to the clerical tone now no .tior toed by law, the following clerks ert, ployees are hereby authorized in the sev eral departments and offices hereinafter ipAified, to be e employed and continued only daring the rebellion, and for one year after its close, viz: In the office of the Se3retary of the Treaeury, one clerk of olsse four, one of clam three, eight.of ease (Co and ourteen of class one. In the construction trench of the Treas ury, one superintendiog architect, one as sistant architect, two clerks of clan four, font of irises three, two of class oue, nod nue messenger at an annual salary of sin hundred dollars. lo the Facet Comptroller's Office, fire olerks of eiass four, end one clerk of class four eubstbuted for one of class one. In We Second Comptroller's Qffice, five clerks of class four, viz of class three, ten of class two, and fifteen of olase one. In the First Auditor'i Office, two clerks of clefts four, fiud one of close two. In the Broond Auditor's Office, fifteen clerks of else! three,illy of oleos two, and and one hundred an d forty clerks of dose one, and . one &ark at nine hundreedollsis per ILLIBUM. In the third Auditor's Office, two clerks of class four, two of class three, fire of olass.two, twenty-four of class one, and one messenger at a salary of seven hun dred dollars per annuni, and two laborers at an annual salary of sir hundred dollars tech. In the Fourth Putlitor'e Offloe, fire clerics of close foar, nine of oleos three, nino of oboe two, thirty.fire of class one, and one laborer at an annual !o'er) , of eta hun dred dollars.. In the filth Auditor's Office, one cloth of class four to be substituted for one of class three. In the Treasurer's Offices four - clerks of oto four', two of ohm three, seventeen cf class two, and six of clue one. In tba Register . ' Office, four clerks of class four, six. of ohm three, ale of class two, eight of glass one, and one messenger .at a salary of ',even hundred dollars •per theoffize of tee Commissioner of Cue• tome, one olerk of Moss three, three of °lase t•o, and four of omen one. In the Office of on. S oretory 01 I Le-Nary, two clerks of &alai four. lo the Office d the Adjutant General, two clerks of .line four, eight of nine three, nineteen or ohne two and merenti - four of clan one. to the Office of iLe Quartermaster • rat, fifteen clerks of clans throe, thirty-6.0 .1 mans two, one hundred and ten of C;Sbe one, and nix laborers at an annual salary of six hundred do lure each. is the Pay master General's UtEoe, aloe clerks of Glass three, t wenty elx of class two, eeeeoly•6 ett of class one, terse mess engers at as arises! salary of eight hun dred and forty dollars each, and ("or watch men at an annual salary of six hundred dollars each. la the Commissary General'e 01E,, o clerks of nisei, two, sod thirty of aloes our. la the off. of the Chief of (teutranc.., two clerks of class four, seven - of class three, eleven of class two, seventy tour of class one, sod nine laborers at an annual salary of six hundred dollar, each. In the OlEke of the Chief Engineer, one clerk of class (our, and one of Oslo two. And the eeveral clerks and employees authorised by this sect,ion shall he appoint ed by the heals of the departments to which they are sererally attached,'tind the amount fleet:teary to pay their salaries from the time of their sppolotmeat to the thirtieth of June, eighteen huodred and eisty-four, is hereby appropriated there (or; and the heads of the said several de partment. are hereby anther.sed to ecaphiy females instead °Luny of the clerks here inbelore designated, at an annual compen sation not exceeding six hundred dollars per year, •heurver in their opinion, the same can be done consistently with the interests of the public amine: Proruled, hounrer, That the clerks hereby authorised in the Treasury Department nod its bu reaus, 10011 Doe be to addition to the tem porary clerks now employed therein, on her f, rarer appropr Jealous for that purpore, but shall include the cam,. deo 7. Anti be et Jura, enacted, That so much of the Act entitle.' 'Art not to pro vide for the appointment of en Assail int Register of the Treasury Dvartment, and o Solicitor for the War Department, and for other porposes," approved February twentieth, eighteen hundred and sis three, as limits the office of the Assistant Register of the Treasury to a term of one year, is hereby repealed. Approved, March 14, 1811. [Pusuo—No. 251 As ACT in relation to unive.l ty laude in Washington Territory. Whereas it Is declared In the fourth section of the sot of Congress approved Jely seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty. four, amendatory of the act approved September twenty seventh, eighteen bon deed and fifty, cresting the office of sur veyor general of the porno lauds in Ore gon, eta, "that in lieu of the Leg town ships of land granted to the Territory of Oregon, by the tenth semi= of the act of eighteen hundred and fifty, for mai- VeillitieS, there *hail be reserved to each of the Territories of Washington and Oregon two townships of land of thirty- Biz sections esob, to be selected in legal subdiviaions, for university purposes, under the direction of the Legislatures of said Territories,. respectively ;" and whereas it is represented that sales have been made by Territorial authorities of hods selected in virtue of the terms of said act of seventeenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, authorizing se. lections to be "reserved," merely under the conviction that they had the power to dispose of 'the same as a fee-simple grant: Therefore, • Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaliomal the United States of AMC, i ea in Congress assembled, That in all oases of sales made to Individuals by the Territo• rial authorities prior to the passage of this sot, in which it may be shown to the satis faction of the Secretary of the Interior that such sales were bona fide, and of the elites hereinbefore mentiened, and that the battle so sold are selections in all other re. speots regular and proper, 11.8601 and may be lawful for the mad Secretary to approve euah aeiection as a grant in tee-simple, and ktrapsoript, certified under the - Seal of The General Lend Office by the Commieslober thereof, of such approval, shall vest the title in the Territory and its bona fide ven dee*. Approved, March 14, 1864. [Pon= —No 26.] AN Aar granting a pension to John I. Barns, of Gettysburg, Penneyt ants. ',Nit mated by the iknals and. RaUse eV' Representatives of the United Stan of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the Secre tary of the Interior bo and he to hereby directed to place the name of John L. Borne, of Gettysburg, in the State of Penn sylvania, upon the pension roll, at the rate of eight dollars per Month, for patriotio writes at the battle of Gettyoberg, where be was wounded, on4be first day of July, anne rl3lllilli eighteen hundred and sixty three, at, Which time said pension Anil commence. [Approved March 14, 1864. WAT T. IMO. ' COTTAGE DRABS; OBOUND ny Ptaur. taltswen ort.. diZront prat) Shades, foe oarrigss, nips, nenuoan precere,ao. Lb% DIM tar ItOnlll, lUMB. 1111LITA.T0823; 11111108? OAILe, ao. orramar PAINT IN TNJ =MDT. Addis, 11.0131131T.RETNOLD11, (Mural Agent,74,llfaldim Louse. Hew net. tabs;42nd " WdliEHOUti*. PkBROLL, TRYING & CO.: No. 6W MINOR EITILIOLT.PDILADIUXHIA. --itiatOldnras Dotti?le String& Paper. 110 - TWltiiiiiiiVattand!r made so ard.r: 0 4 0 3 air Bai*arbikeot ishTlad • .701. S CE Et) US poufall LI C (11 , APPLICATIUXt• 1: for to April 14th, Nei.. A..J Plade. Phillip K• iner,iii, lot Word. Pittsburgh. Frank C. Weigeon.l, do Jo Patrick ilicentin ck, 1., loi Thom. Davy, j. P.m. Durk..., Jo ,A„ John 80th,... - toe It .u.e. Henry Evert .P her gi.da. Adam Being, LI . er, In, do A. Gurkenhet nod .i. 11,i. . nth d0...1* do John Bassett,l •rer n . David 51....., .I,i Jane M.Th.,. n I . Jobe bet... Frederick 11 i.L. . ~., D. W. Adam., du ' Andrew eta a do du David-um Iliad., , 1.. Thomas Jon., al 0 .1.1, 1,111.11.4. Thomas Staling. ,1,.. Joseph epone-r . • . .1. Jacob iii-rbor. d Jo Joseph Inch,. .1., do James eewell, do Jo bliciael Kr. nail o do Jo _ Thomas 800..., do Alexander 11 uern, , do Si Ward, Pittsburgh. Joseph Keiser, do John dm Lin, do do Jacdb Keller, other go-As, dd Christnto /louse, esti i.g incise, do August Wit tiiner. do Go rgr Schwartz, Jo do Davul K II ,It, tar,. du Peter B•edy, do Joseph Sneak. Jo do Francis McLaueblin. du • , do Clark d Co., do do Joseph Kohn!, hier, oaring house, do Stephen t svonolli., tavern, do John O'Neill, do do Simon School, other goods, to Henry v . ...komp. ori do Timothy Connedv, e4.ing I on., ..h. 0 Patrick Dunn, taw... do James Jima ult., tato e goods. do Owen Corcoran, ..01100 Lour,, do Charles Quinn.tavern do John linnet - iv, d , . do Gottlolb 11..11.. not ing bowie, do William Libeller, tavern, do Henry Kra,, eating bor., do C. S. Kea tody, tavern, . do May .16 Dickey, do d„ George 11... b, eating land., do Wm. Bennett, ether good., do Michael Mu leo, torero, do Ell Young, do du Thomas P. hits, otter good., do Peter Aland, tavern, • do Goo. Illitinenalmla do do Bean Wtadci.k, do do Louts Celia, : do do Edward Collet., d., Jo -M. McCullough ,i, lki.,..th ,C.... li h I V.A. Ilttsborgii. Joseph Feltwell other g 00..., do Joseph N. Anderson, tote, o, do .1. Adler k Co., , other goods, do J. F. Nelhain, d, do • Lawrence Purcell, dd , do Albert Gluckner, other goods, do James Lynch, DA.., do Frederlige Maurer, do , do Alexander Compleli, Ito du J. a Shomakor, eating house, do Jim McCrady, tavern, do Joseph Ilhinebart, do do John K Mullin, du do Little it Strolling, other goods, do Louie A Footman, do sth Ward, Pittsburgh. Gutined.Yoz, du do Frank .1 Landgrof, do do Edward McDermott do di. Cobb,. Bomberger, do do Jahn Scheib., lid do J A Loughry, do do G W nimbler, eating how., Wm Sonliumacker, other goal., do Adam Itauorline, tavern, do Jowpii Keck, • do du John 111ler, do do Peter Gel,helomr, other goods, .lo Emanuel Simile, for Joh an n Gamier, do en, do ao Wm Morgan, Jo do Josephine Schmidt, other pads, du Slalom Lofink, do do Michael Greenwald, tavern, do Henry Colors, aline house, do Adam barinehart, tavern, John K.ler„ eating house, do floury FroYhorg. Inner°,'i' do Catheine Keck, do ' 'i do Thom. Kelley, do do Callanrm dlr., Jo alb Ward, Pittsburgh, Homy. Zinsuterma ~ do do Chas AV White, eating ladies, 1,1. Ward, Pit taburgh . Goo McLaughlin, tavern, nth Ward, Pitteborgh. Id iehael Stoer, do do John Hansei, do do Wm Cromen, other goals, oth Ward, Pittsburgh. CorielL. Slyer, eating bow., let Ward, Allegheny J. Campbell, tavern, do John Sidi..., eating hour., du Eared !Drier, tavern, do C L, Bothnia. do do John ..hats, Jo do Mathew Campbell, J.. do Mary 11 Triad, do 'ld Word, Allegheny. W II Nevelt, do do entf. Walter, do Jo Junes Neely, In do Coition, Dram ble, do do Peter Nevromyer, do do Kurtz, Penn St . , other goods, 13 Ward Allegheny. Fred, K oohrodurfer, do du Frederick Lang, tavern, du Anton Work et, do do Gregor Meyer, other goods, du Adam Conrail, rating house, do Pots Gi-ea tavern, do Lot vent Wagner. do do Jac.,ti nelin arr, eating house, do Leonard K•on, do do C....Wirral. do . do ClielatianJeik.l df, do . Adam lienier, do {lb Ward, Allegheny, 0.0 Schmidt, Au do John Lt.., d, do !oho Eichento tilde. eating lodise, do Nichol. Taudi, do do John B b-n, tavern, do John J Cowling. do do Henry licepenheld, other good., tab Ward Aileen]. Jneeph Weber, tavern, do Marganduei Pack, Jo do A polunia Mull, do do Frederick Lilted, do do Rosana Feld., do do Michael F...., eating house, do J 0... Krobsubuhl, tavern, do Frederick sellout., do do Jacob Kagla do du Antony 1f...W.154j, other goods, do Joule. Johns, tavern, do John 11clniyre. du do Femme beheld., so do Dumb., lnehrlig, do do Adam Matt, d. Birmingham Porn. Mar In Fiedler, Jo do Frederick Scott, de ' do Geo Krogh, ... du du Francis ) - tither, .to do George Schafer, do do • Job, Schn.e, other goods, do Nichols. Kooller, tavern, do Frederick Almadlit, do do Charlotte Liuilman, do Cut Birmingham. Wm.' Useisman, do do Joseph Schell, do do Gettlelb Fisher, do Duquesne Borough, Sehattlan Bald, eating boos, do Charge /1011111, ether geode, Lalrrenoerilte. Hannah tsunaldeon, keting hones. do • Valenti. Berger, Wrens, do ' ' Michael Berger, do do William Smith, other good, do Barbara Ludwig, Lavern, Iduschester. Itsschisel Kepler, du 11 onottgahalis. John IA - ertenbach, do McKeesport. Wm, B. McMillian, do do . 11. Kir:lnman, do do Jacob Engel, do do Joseph Pabold, eating hone., Shattoburgh John_ P. Walker, tavern, South Pittsburgh. Jacob C.hbitugh. otter goods, do Ellsabsth &Tula, eating house, Terenteno. P. Ming •nalit other g nods, Ternperancenlle. Jane. Hanley, eating Lours, do Model Sarver, tavern, Week Elizabeth. 11. A. IleGrenor, eating Leine. Weat Pittsburgh. Penne. Lundell, do do Valentino Frost a. tavern. Baldwin township. Andrew Lightner, other goods, de Wm. Sample, tavern, do Mablah Gardner, du °Minter& John Snyder, do do Jac. Singer iit Go.. do Collins. - ` - --4'lr 'Weigel, do ... Fred'it % tigel, do Elßaleth. Joeeph Eichtroser, other goods. flarriont. Rohl Armstrong. tavern, Indian. Frod'k Romp., do Lover to. Clair. Morris Kelly, do do lbery Iteltaltamr, do do " Francis 5. !bogie, eating beam, do George Volker, do do Coo. W. Warren, tavern, Ilarsioell. John IL Fowler. do do Peter floefeteed, do 111111 In. Philip Beeman, ether goods, de Anthony &bolts tavern. do J.oob hlel, do do Cleo. Altmeyer, do do llary _Hallman, do hfeClunk Jacob Sarver, do ileCandless. Fred'k. %Vow% do Pitt. Jno. EL alocler. du do • R. B. You Voorhis,. do do Thos. Gillesp!s, do do Frederick Elk Other Good. Penn Township, George Snyder Tareen . do '. Mn. Ellen Reeler do " Peebles Toten.hip. J.P. D. Rootlet: do Ross Tmortship Jacob Born do do Conrad Jung do Ttraarre Toon:tat:do. Phil lip Gerst do do Barbara blerteclernenn do do Darns. Luto du do Christian hat do • do Samuel Philip. do Robinson Toot %tip. James E. Tiddall do do James Bryan do 2 do Thomas Davis do . gloater Toots/dd. . ADD Holm do ihtlorg Tovrasl4llt. ttorgraretto Bangs) , do do Traugnt Tschegner do Versailles Tp. , Pstrick Galllgher do do , Adolph Reneger 'do %Vitiates Tp. ' E. Reece do do Jameekt. Bole. do do Bomb J. Robinson' qo do The Court .111, meet on WEDNICSDAY, April Etth, 1804, at 10 o'clock a es. Ramenstratems most bo Wed on or before thattlay. licence. must bo taken out after 6 &mond 'dada bll dots after bolot `prated, or they orMake revoked according to low. Atiplicomla will Wog-Mgr boots to my oboe Won abode, of hearing: • , embednd . . W. A. HEREON. Clerk._ 3,00011016 ES WANTED - CATAUIT 131:1413, 'trims or Cams Qra 87 nmmatairma, Washington. Bluth la, ISM Ord and, any (a 150) dollars per lead tell/ be paid for all yAtay nonsts. • &literal vlthm t e nett lAitty MI) AV! at 11,0 Goremment_Stebk, , nt °labor; D.C. • sea holso. to tth Nand (n a - particulars, nos than In (6) nor tOre than acne (0) ,oars old;' front 14t to la hands high 1 full Gated. telnpmaY Dant. bridle telae. and otalrnanflhdrhtlbm.l' ° "" n ; There meeldeatiom .001 be . @tektite Am.s. - eo m, nad r{yely caromed to every retersesdar. Payment made on dell xary of tau (10) and cam Maul or Inolactloa (rasa 9a. ta to (19. m. • • • • .NllllO/ A..g11.111. • Llcdtenaat tblaaal,CtaerQuarrerateateii• =halm • Omar:- Dariaa. 0/11 DlSPOtlAL,nn modeiefaterraktt J 2 cub.o.l.otofieeoad•Lwdti 8,0 Lod 6 TIMID LiEDII7II33LAWBOILIMIKAnnt aces tilio, pnreratimooad-taad ENGt taidult alas; WRODUZUMION vent sott : caw • *bed borts...DOOTORS. Abo,lla. sal JUR MILO =DIMES amd 111111[Gat 1101117184._ • hafts 64.101 B.I.THS S E.I. I) I'lo is' AI, OF PITTSBURGH T ERASER T DEPA ftT'll ENT I Om.. or con/tuna. orzai Classaca, Washington City, rob. 13th, ISM p/gattgaa,ll satisfactory evidence presented to the tender. , II hes been made to appear that tbv SECOND NATIONAL BANE OF PITTSBURGH, In the Cooney of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva nia has been dilly organized under and ancording to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide • National Conancy, emoted by • pledge of United States Stocka, and to provide for the dr.:baton I.ld redemption throvof,. approved February 45th, ISM, and has complied with all the Fortsione of said Act hqutred to. be compiled eitb before commencing the betelnoss of Ranking: Son, tberetore, L Sion I.lcCuazoun, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said sacosir NATIONAL BANK OF - PITTSBURGH, county of Allegheny, and States of Penenolrallia to sathorLad to 031311741106 the bcortnem of Banking nn. dor the Act aforesaid., •-•-• In testhnoni whertuf witness ray band I BB land soalof Mace, thin lath day of Ifebonary, 1 fla64 _ . ' tl UGH LUIGI:MI.OM, flomptrollor of the Coroeacy. They ellit.Greon ðos (Ohlonesto.) They care If ennzth .4 Spinal kEoettoro,PaSi i. the Bark and lower part. of the Body, HaeiXesa, Tattgoe or slight exertion, Palpitation of tb• liplarp bowness of Spirits, Uystarlo,Sick ileolocha„ tem, dc. in • word, by rumoring the Irregs4ty, hey remove the cause, and with It all the eitisela Capital, 13300,000, with pchtlege to Increase I hat spring from it. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURGH, PA (Formerly IRON UITT TRUST 0 0 PA Si T.) to $1,000,000 Vas ILION CITY TRUST COMPANY baring or (matted under the National Onmency Act, elan Its morloca fur the transaction of a Veneta! Banking /Inquiet.. Drafts bought and sold. Money remised on Deposit, mid Collections made on all perm of the country etuvrou R ab io lio u bla a lon torral;. Jacob Paha., JO e 11111, C. 1 Elopfur Wm Cooper, G. E. WARNER. Provident JAO. K. PATTERSOX, Gahfar r.411.4c0 THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Orno.a or Courriounn or me Conner, Washington Cloy, Feb. 27, IMA. Wurauss, 117 ralbsactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has boon made to , epoear that the THIRD RATIONAL , 11ANIE. oT PPITEIBURGII, to the County of Allegheny. and Siete of•Tednsyl• caul., has been duly organized under and According to the requirements of the Act of Congress, mtltled "an Act toprovide National Currency, moored by a pledge of United State, Stocks, and to Forbin for the cironhttlou and redemption thereof," approved Tebrnery 20th, 117.03, end hes compiled with all the provisions of mid Act required to be complied with before commenclog the business of Backing; Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the weld THIRD NATIONAL ; BANE or PITTSBURGH, County of Allegheny and State of POlLlMilreals, authorised to commence tae huelnessof IDnkingm der the sot &formai& In teatlonony whereof oritnoso my hand and mad of odloo, ti do 27110 day of Ifolfrosry. 1864. [ee.l liUGII hfcCULLOOI3. , Gomptrollor of the Currency. TH2, THlllp NATIONAL BANK Haring organise/ u nder t)o National aurreturr Act, is now prepared to do • General Ranking Business mcposrre RECEIVED, Exchange on the prin cipal title. of the Last and Weet bought and sold, and collectlocul nude In every accondble part of the eJuntry. Office for the protenti (mill the oompletion of lbe Nest Booking Reuse, corner of Wood street and by[h am . Villa the. idler.) lc the BABE, Binning boom lately occupied CITIZENS • N. W. cor. Wood St. & Virgin alley. Wro. E Pcdcurtz., A. Huta. L. B. Bch, Ales. HoLstels, ' B. 11. Ilastrun, Baasße,'lg, L Merguctern. B. Goa. ADAM EINESIMS, Prcekteat. J.lO. B. LI V !BOSTON. Cubic-T. mblltErn DOLLAR SAVINGS RANK, NO. 65 Pocanx Brass, CTIL&STMLIED IN 1955., Open daily from 9 to I o'clock, ..o on Wedneitisi and liatnrday evening., from May la to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock: and from November lit to My Ist from 6 to it o'clock. L.posite recoiled of an mama not to., than Ons Dollar, and . dividend of the pradta declared twice • fru, In June and Deoeinber. Interest hai beed de• eared muit-aannall Jr= =id December, data the Bank Iry orgaalrod r .t the tato of six per dent 317teivat, tf wm drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor •• principal, and bows the wuna tu tored from the drat days °risme and December, com nu:outing twice • year without trembling the derail tor to coil, or even to present his per book. At lid* rate money will double in iIMS then twelve years. Books, containing the Charter, 87-Lowe, Robs and Regulations, fornisbed gratis, on application at the yam. Panrco=r—GYOEQE ALBE&E. Imo. B. D. Maeda. Wm. Done.; Lomeli. ^mock, Jaws Shale, John.B. Metaddso. John. 0. Backofon. Jam. McAuley, John FL Shoenbergaf, James Merdmaia, Peter b Madeira, William J. Andaman. A. M. Pollock, M. D., ran Clahrti Adonis, John C. Bhadley Henry J. L7noh, John Marshall, Walter P. Marshall, John Orr, Robert Robb, Hear, L.Rlmpralt,; llßam R. Schmertz, Alsotander Spoor, Alexander Tuella, WillisaiVankirk, Isaac !Adak; Alonzo A. Outios, Marko A. Colt. /oho Snat B. L. Paituortook, John J. Gllltopto, & Dot., Pettit H. Honk., Rtchazd Hays, mAll Wto.. Christian Pram, OOLTON OILS. BIDER 44 CLARE, 03111ffliS1021 tad radon ha Petroleum sad its Products, 01It. s•snLBn, la" aa 61 Mal) 8TEM1C5,.!, = .„.....-11sv You. ea WATER am FRONT 0113...—Parsarsaa. rir t. for the YOUTLAND =WSJ= OIL WORKS Am , SILW TOW. PIiIidYPINS WINDLI 032[P4 NT. to. V, aIIA.P2CII3, &am 03 iiree,*l22.lPecattifi LIJOENTOIL WORKS. DUNCAN, MLA.? It CO., Pure White Refined Carbon tat taßliraTl VICHISZ. VVICENMigh PA AterRAL Qll WORKS. ARIA- LIAOHI OIL. Baring pnrchswri.thnltriScrrilArtr,ly owned try . WW:W. ABANDON, In . now mound to attor to tits trubrio on ON, XAOMr OM, Sumo thottcrot on rritetly volcano . prinriplor, ud Irmo ranted squid to Lard OIL r TWOS— L. IletlLZ LUMP it 00—'- 1Di:1243w Ottloe. ST Woad street. pAito Houo?i & co., cox:canon manoLuarrs, Per th• oak of Crude and Refined Petroleum, iIa6,BOIITU DIL&WAIIE, dPSHQID, , ==2l MCOII F TBOLITE OM WORKS I L . " niumeactuars of_ . MIDI WUITE CARBON OIL, BESIZOLE MTh PETAULTITM LUBLIOATIMO OIL. . • oipscia M, thausLA tizniin Perot: _. _ lIZESR Plonw=4: veaNNONONCWi;MI, HOUBS,,Pittaftrial. siw.rirartAi. QTRAM . 'WXII3CLY " TO; LlVilla IMPOOL, .kankteng at (tinauterows. Toss Pleinot.r The emelt-known' mammal c7rtei I . ll ltroot, :New York - sad Phlle3elpblhi Mawnettp On_ pinta 7 arslntantleOn Samar - . APO Lied ewer, snocomMeg. Onturdey. a; mu. then 11, North gam. , • • adysitdr, ioloidoo." • .Poroabblbc4jokt.o4tr. Ciotxo4l, Irmos do to Londoo.— 85 01 do .to Lon/m.01,03 do to Part..__.. G&W do 'to Parts 1040 do to Ha=burg. 00 00 do ; to Moab& 811.0. Retanxen taw Fortrarded to Harm Dratitiz. Rot, • lord..:tworp. de.i. at Ninety Idir Moo. lama total Liv•rtcoLor gsmeoltono; °Alit; in t 185, 1105. Btearnde,Es 20 0 0 1 vtbo 014103 ma ea - g og r g ri "#.99lkT 4 ., 4'sri thlol y a l.thr,4 ol , OlkirciatlyirsoDly ILlCO.hapaurl Secoa. , • JOIEN - O - DAIXS.mt , • .-•- IS OrmdwAy .ioNN THOMPSON, As; tralwor. posh tju tidge; elet4O ,Pitsta-41 eIniA.RD b ; t at, .g tic•telt,okes4?9*. rson-s 1 inv s'int,rr - ' I 11,c'dit ','" JfifED. CHEROKEE MEDICINaI. CHEROKEE PILLS. BC 0 11 -COATED 'MULE BEIMIATIit 1 For the Ltemoul of Obstractiou and du Inszree es e levllarlty in the Iteetareace of the klonthly Perioda. Stuff cure or obstale those umustc\la dbeatistst764l spring tt,to Irregularity, by renaming the !moist' They car. SuPPr...l, Lucite,.And Nonita 16,4. Contpcowi of almplo mutable extracts, 1114 lion. lain nothing deletoriona to any constitiltlon,liow• over delicate, their function being to sabatipzta strength for 'realism., which, when properliird, they poser fall to do. They may be ad, ly moat at any sige, and 4 ?my period, acepi deriap the loaf three mouthe, <flaring which We unfailing nature of their actkin wou)d fallibly prevent pregnancy All Innen waking information or advta trill be promptly, freely and dlacreotly apnrcred. Tull directlona accompany cact, box. Pd. 51 P•r 1.., or .1. bau• for $5. S•Ekt by m2ll, rnss of podaire, orl receipt arid*: • dold by all rap...table Drusgbrta. Du. w. a. arziwili a cu.. Sole Proprietont; , Ho. 69 Liberty greet, Nem Yolk. for sale in Manx& by Dr. GEO. H. KETECLI, No. 1413 Wood etrret, and N. IfoOLARELN corner of the Didatoed and Market Arnett. mhl7./awdalreowl GLAD NEWS I THEI IT2IIIOI/17111AIllt THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT UST CHERQKEE REMEDY CH333IOKEE INJECTION. Compounded froii Boob, Barks .4 Leiiil4l.', OLLEFONCEE:RUDY, the great Indherll:ll.- retie, menet ell &teases of the =luau organtOnch as Incantlience of the Drina, Inflarnmallon Of the Bladder, Inflaroon of the Kidneys, Rolm tit the Mulder, Stricture; Gravel, Gleet, Gonorrhea, and le eepeelelly reomornemkeltn theses... of Fluor ilbus (or Wttitas in f0a1..,) where al the old naniliernm medleine. hare Wird. It It prepared ht a highly rtmeentritted foralltha do being from one to two Wier...trona thrdeltimea per day. It la diuretic skid alterative In its action=pmt• tying and cleansing the blood, awing It to Ow to all it. original putty and rigor, thus retnowinifroll tha apt= all pernielone males which Imo bawd disease. . Cherokee Injection V Intended es an ally ar ant to the Cherokee Remedy, and ahaeld be cried ha emdmaction with that medicine In all cease o;#an arrhea, Meet, Floor Alb. or Whin. Ito abets me healing. soothing and demulcent; ream* al melding, hest, chordal and pain, Wired tt the burning and almost emenderahle pain that lijidzpi rimmed with nearly all the chespquaet hidectioSca By the ma of the CHICSOKEZ BIBILItand 0111910 KEN lIITECTION—the two medial t. el the ammo time—all Improper dlachargesare retrieved. and the weakened erre= me speedily restatO to WI vigor and strength: For fell particular., gel our pamphlet from; any Drug Store to the country, ar write us, and *Oval maU tree, to .7 Mimes, • tiall treatise. Price, ClititOKHZ REMEDY, I 9 per bottfs, or three bottles for 56. ;!_Prim, CIIXEDIEES INJECTION, El pm little, or throe bottles for 55. Beat by <mamas, to say adieus. as tba roca§t of palm Bold by s 0 druggists erorprbem. • DB. W.s =EMS SolcrPropriab4 , No. 50 Mart) ,tort, New For We In Pittsburgh by DR. GEO. N. NYININI, No. 140 Wood street, and N. 11.017LAIIN&N //TO, corner of the Dialzumd sad Market Meet. mhl77.24lrdalrecnrlP ELIXIR I r.LLIEI3I DR. WRIGLIT,B REJUVENATING BLECIRi Or, CSSZNOP OP LEW& P.parcd /ma pm. T•celablipli:xtracti, aset*Ellag no thing I.Jortou to tho =oat dentatO:g The 1/Onvenstles List[ to the terra of elikiena diaconal,* in the vegetable kingdom, ban oil on' Only new and abstract method of core, trnspectlve of all the old and we: e-cnit eystems. This medicine has boon tested by Dot moat MAIM medical men of the day, and by them pronoun,* to be one of the greaten mail* dlocererielof One bottle will core General Debility. few doses caret Hysteria In Wanks.. Om bottle curs Palpitation of the Hart. A few gown cartons the omens of generstiOni From nano threw bathe Teeter. the aua 114erai and rift rigor of youth. A few done radon* the oppetite. Three bottles cum the worst ease of Impotooty. A fen deem cum the ion epiritalt. One bottle redoes mental power. A One deer brings the milk to tha cheek:- litds medicine truncate to mai, vigor and rebus health' the paw, debilitated, were-down seed de opening deroteeef seismal &wire. • The *ea; enervated youth, the ormAnikediaan of bud:tele, the victim aware= depiesicah . thie tai. diridiud eafferiod Ikon groinal. debtlig, orjam mailmen of a does ordain, eral ell find hneaddlee' sad permanent tallef by the an of tide =air 4'rao . Price 12 par bottb.. thre•bottles fp; Wand !brawled by OWN; ou.tocalpt el money. taaay Bold by ill-drugests 4 DD.. W. B. ED/11411CDOX,k so. 69 many itiset, Yn Top. for rile la Pittstaw& by Dr. aux Tr. milm N 0.140 Wood irises. ant B. 1144 . 741,1A1L1S I,:mzer of ion . Diamond Auld CIIEROKKE 0310. VIE GMT INDIAN --IYI:BDItiO,E, Cocvtnadad loom Sooty D~rb ~pd:Tjq unfaillng cars foe spitesi , irdi;lisseag ,Waslusesc Bodurnal Tagmlars, lad Of dipisies nosed by sat pollution. each II UN Eralettla lesseliudn Pains in ilinßarly Dl of Visron, PrematuraDiddite,Weat Nunn, Diflicalty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefainers.,3rupliarel cal the Ton, Palailloantenlince,lnnaltyironaluP. Mon, and all no direful esenplainte nand by O. partial( from th• path of nature. This medicine la a steeple vegetakii• wrack owe ete en which all cars rely, as it koe been usselhl our practice for rang years, aud, with thoareado triletsde It has uot failed la a Ones instanar. IN =gnu poems ban beta nalgclent to gala Tidal:, own; to moot nolitarn ens • • To than who ban Miffed solar their =lllthink tbemailan brycessi thisno4 dkal vs would sey, jlmparr.lott kee Ours lOU antony' bold* alter all au& doctor/1m WWI • • - ' War. MI particulars Ma etreniar from sal fultlf_ Elam la the country, or orrtrarbortlndiUT___ cm•t. ICY CP daddßlF Prices b ßper bate, or elan ba . stO , r em lannuted by etyma. to all ports sf _ Bald by arl reepretablo - DB:A WAIBZw'm o ror-uol dL .v doita ri t. ttab 76:4 ari za h ••nagMilaa .a. ?4 , 0, cerise Dismard tad SWISS 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers