. - = 03aztlitt, TUESDAY 'r • -:CITII:Ailt-'nBUBBAlil. The SiFil,at,Comp Copeland ii,;iiiitelerected• at Camp Cope ' land wag finished on Saturday, and on Sun 411Stitlit -Werernmokodfrom the hospital (fi'int‘llktidaoedlrkilikiknew quartorr. The. building is located some distance north of the akuP, and Chaste the railroad station. It is built of rough boards, with oleso windows ilitirenghly battened. It is provided with a kitchen, and other convent • ‘44111.0311,0nd will accommodate about seventy. patients. It is furnished with iron bedsteads, and new bedding throughout. Tho mon were gegkeivroll the bedding whigh they used in the tents, but they will be lirovided With their . new.beddingtq-day, whit: will add meter!. gal:Vie their comfort. ' ,k .L. We legothat the mortality at the camp, • ;during the month of March, has been very tgreat—no less than forty-five mon having ' idied in that short period. Between sixty and seventy are now in the hospital, besides quite is number who are sick in barracks. Some pot the deaths are very sudden—ea mon •-` i taketteen known Mho on duty oatiday and tdead the next. Intemperate eating and drio k • jag bares doubtless named much of the sick. :DWI I linVenT.Olure.;aed pant of proper so :coma odations while tick; hive caused a great .many death!. It Le hoped that, with tuiprored OillelpliittkiLl camp, and with a suitable heapi talTor the eare of the sick, the number of deaths will be materially lessened. There are, perhaps not more than one thousand men 'wow hi camp, and we loom that arrangements 'hare been made for sending the greater por ilea away in a day or two. Oa' entering the Colonel's quarters for a pass, we were struck with the remark that etherbelne. no objection tonititerse going into 'camp, prowided . thit no 7kt:or was carried to the mad I" We were struck with this remark, tar we t,tt em us the nowtfhulftfter'Jolca fres for weeks and o'onths engaged in selling ,the most villainous hell-broth over distitled,' 1 c •. ' d where the "men In camp" paid buy on e Gaited quantities provided they paid a high .Z . -.. tArei - figtlfe. ;i l ,O iejOiab in the change. rfilte Sealer's estalaishmentls no longer a COM - {Eon doggery, and even the citizen be now haven to understand that one of the condition. • - -flit the prlgilege to enter the precincts of this hso• famous spot, is, that be shall carry nu ..%.01qttitir inside telines 1 c We found the 'camp In tolerably goad con ri, ' ition-4hat is, considering that we were 11•0810P:CO&Ltd. • The ground immediately • °raid the Itascirrhad been drained, the ~1 . , 'tid hadifkirdvip, and the men could get ' hint With "hist . little inconvenience. The ~ amp nerrerthelese. is' very filthy. Refuse s attar from the barracks is scattered about plrerywhiro, and the barracks inside are in heed of thoreugh l renovation. i• The• drill grutind him become sulficiently Lard to admit of idrilling, and on Sunday at I.enwon.sre witnessed a "dreg. parade." We . i.annot speak in a vary flattering terms either in regard to the "dress" or the "parade." ,'Only a few of the min Were armed, and hence ghpylaboned under great disadvantages. A immpany of about ono hundred men were sub- Sequently "put through the facinga," but they • aid not strike us as tidying progr , toed very far ~ .l.he science of war. Their ir...livary educe ion Boomed to have been sadly neglected. . • cque Released relsoneriv—" Ragged, 4 Starved and Dying:" ' l- e - This followite ixtract of a letter from a gen ifie;Mati on board the - lag of trace boat, now ' rzing between Richmond and City Point, been banded as for publication. It Le ;ttid . er date of March 2lst.: "As you will have aeon from the no wspo . vete, this whole matter (the exchange of prbsoneri) has been very much complicated. tii exact litotes, I do not, fully know myself. , ?111 I care to know is the faet that we ore ro,st pt work In trotting. away Oar sick and starved amen from the Richmond &ham and the prod tyrants that guard thous. ' ,• "Oh I your heart worddblead could you sce :them clothed in Illth and. rags, with the eager k of hunger In their Piece, as they come to • its scarcely able to totter along the gangway .9 our boat. To giro you an idea - of their . . exinditien, take this one fact. Oa our Met . trip here, four hundred and twenty .011.1lari . • - ere sent ne from Belle Isle prison, whore ' (hey kept See/1 men, and of three, two died in e forty miles before reaching our boat, and Smother died before,wo landed at Annapolis. 0 three of debility from ix-tread.. ?" , tA postscript twenty-four boors later Bays : - Aiwa niae hundred and twenty of our men '.d sixty-three officers on board. Half the men are feeble and sick." la reference to these latter named prison 'lll4..finother correspondent, writing h.] ..---. jtanispelik soya ~ "Ryer, man, woman and 7 ita i d within' the limits. of the loyal States -.: - (isaish included) shoald have been hero to vritnms the condition of the poor, wretched, i s 'itUrvedandnalted men. When was such a (Uhl predented in this country to the human yet ..Thrse.dead bodies on the boat- ' seven ay eight dying andthave already passed away ' !.I . lthatibettrne'frim which no traveller re. % ntarly'fOne hundred admitted to the E *R rn d in the .Naval Academy buildings, 7"...: aferatti of which will never leave there :'.. 'Olive, and the condition of the balance is such ",--- chat they . wliflnettrorthefield for months to come, if ever again. hove humanity and e, thrtlattity brewer taken their leave of the there - hetirtf ' - Could the North be made ' fit !utile the condition of the men. arriving ' 'Lire,. they would to a man determine to put •.•.:. - fieivis the rebellion cost what It may. One , gworfellow died with convulsions, caused by . *theacrMitt that ieroaating him up. never ,having been allowed a change of clothing or :..._ . „Air opportunity to cleanse timsell." F,- Pennsylvania Tobacco. The Virginians are to be thanked for 3000 iparity--whirds-IssOgrani-out of their "."eide. One termer In Lancaster county, in this State, has sold the product of three and sc,lsall acres planted with tobseee, for one tsouund dollars. This farmingis profitable_ The cropiavU that portion of the State has b es large. It is now coming In to market, commands from thirtoen to twenty cent. /Cipartud. 'lt will be as profitable, probably, at more OO the present year. Tho old stocks a`e not bleared out, bet they are redaeed and ona held prices.. Tho steak abroad, .too,,has.been decreasing, and none of the to budo rebid In Other-countries bah thee far orittailisd- the Americativ a- Thisse petitions of reclatmed will produce , . . mime tobacco this year, but theta is no den . - tirnihirni trnitplus for yeasa to come. three hundred dollars an acre, there are "`few crepe niere'valuable than tobacco. This, about the rate realized in Lancaster county. . — rthose who hare spare lands which are adapt ito growth can hardly plant more profit ably. - COMMISTED Fen • Faunas n 141111,0. --J Taylor and' aura..„llleyernon, who were Sunday evening, on a charge at cutting boils4.llayt iritb aAnife, at Lana tal, on , Penn' stOet, Waft committed to jail by Major Lowry this morning, for a . farther impart% on hionday oast. The condi , lion of the wounded mon was slightly ito - proved-to-day, although ho is stlii in a very 'dense:ens situation. The proprietor of the - . - hatelstatesithat his bar was not Opened, dor. log the day, and if the parties were intoxi cated, they, prom:mad the liquor at some other' establishment.- dlitaSmtwion ven Idancra. Dir. W. A. Gil nfenney,, 45 Fifth street; has received from tds Ametlean.pubtistrrs; Henri. L. Scott A C'., now York, the March number of /gra Istocra Aingariee, containing the following ar - thirst: The Fleet of the Beare; , Toney But lir, Part dyne ECM:1010Y of Capital; ,Lonis General; Chronicles of Cii dingfondp Cornelius . O'Dowd upon men and W Omen, and other Things Cu General, Part 2! , A letter from Solderalg-Ifolsteln. *ssita.—Three young seem Were arrested on. MAO" evening, sad taken before lllaybr Aksaandery on a charge of loafing on the nor '.' 'a* - or:Cbetitnet !Area, .Allegheny. While ...--llterlifenkkeing taken to the Mayor's oPee, large crowd followed, and a. rescue woo Lira, 'kat they were safely lodged In the • , wietieb-luinsit: TVs Mayor this morning fined tham two . dollars esakwad code, whi l eh the paid and wore discharged,. 3Dtsslossii Bititraits.,:gitry lir ing with'; lie. John : Bats, of, tho Ninth ward, in th*daliotogi of a - dnasestioi decamped, on Fri drq_at. . toisoon, wittuher jewelry and ' ,ooo wlt to the...srhount of tiontytilro or thir ty belonging to Mrs, Bliss, who Sinn Vag ill at the Unto, snd ;onablo to 'prevent she robbery.: Among the articles stolon:wors tear gold rings and two breastidits. rpterilw Barn! obFpo.oettt peq, l i t e titl2i P p u p= b it=i7h h la u Utr a wait. virglii‘aslaaot Ito optillonlwl9 7,4 WilitrOprellatall4 thILVVI4 • • • ; - its Autta , ...a% the Otile far 700,00 aID Tin township Is thosAoliosed, sit tbevorations of tho dei4ft. ',-A4. , :q.:.t:1.*1.:t , ',..:-. , .3,•.e ,- ,'.: - .- , ; . ; - ,-7.. , ,••=. -- ',.;. , .1. - •:i ?-:,:if:i.i4•;.:7fi6-4....,..,0:",.:;:..;-,,,'.:.41.: Rini Passenger can. Fourilegsnt new rag, for the htenobeeter Passenger Railway Company, were received to this eity on Saturday, by the Pinneylvanis Riitioad, and were vinloadad at the St Clair street depot bf the company this- forenoon. These cars are of the largest vise, and are gotten an In the neatest and most comforta ble style. This line has been doing a very large carrying hnsineis of late, and the trartl seems to be constantly on the Increase. The new care will be a most desirable and rateable acquisition to tho rolling stock of the corn. pony, and the increased facilities afforded will be duly appreciated by the public. WILFIIfB Tuwirtinte.---On Saturday an oleo- Ben waslield ih Marius township to dotor mine whether tho Snhool Board should Issue bonds to pas a bounty to volunteers credited to the quota of that township, On taunting up, the tally sheet ehowod the following re mit: Bar the Bonds Against " , DIUTEIS IN TIM nOSPITAL —The 4 follooring deaths occurred io the United Rates Army Elospital, in this city, Apra 34.: Franklin Butt, let Penns. heavy &tallboy; Cr fonl county, Jacob U. Front, G7tb Penni. Regiment; India county. Oliver Frcel.md, nth Piaui, Regiment; Mer , county. Inoasset OV S LiatcB.—The Board of Dl teeters of the Manchester Public Scheele, at their regular meeting 6n ereniBg. April lot, voted to advance the solar Qsll their teachers—the Principal tosS3o per yesfs, and all the aiIFIS tants, twenty per cent. upon the old rotes. Avcand., who h•s been lying don geronaly ill fur several days past at Martins burg, is now considered uut of danger by the physicians In attendance upon him. At one time the General' was so low that ho was given up by his friends. The General's complaint is hemorrhage of the bowels. Ma. W. A. Utt.orartsteur, 45 Fifth street, has received the April number of "Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine," in which will to found the usual pictorial and other attractionlq. also, the Mar number of "Ballou's Mega. Mart•ar ball will be given by the Vatarana of rho 102 d Pa. Reginiant at Latayotto Hall on Friday evoning next. CuCMITLIIVICI7 greenbacks of tens, twenties, fifties, and one bemired,, bare been put In circulation in Louisville. TuetntY MORATNO, April 6th, at 9[2, Penn street, Household Furniture at auction. T. A. MeCtettteo, Auctionetr. COMMERCIAL R.ECO.RI). .11 , 1 , 11111 K %EAR It 2 fn illeported rapretaly ter the Pituilitugh Gezette.) IiONDAT, April 1, VOL GRAlN—There is toddling doing In hat seer, and, In Ow slatunct , a sales, sre t.tnit quotallans Near Corn is staady, with • fair 10.1 deruaud, I•La unto small ules frvu, .tore 51,1141,TJ. Oats nmay be quoted at 83.0 k on trust:, anti a:nsatk: from store. Kyr—sale on trark of I car at E1,35.:Uar1.y —rt sal.. rory el G t p g •L E :i — i S e. u o ' y ' ; n i l In Ii hie I'too at 11,1-,r; N.. In lol. tufty Lo t uod 17 to lac. Cruatted Salsa very firm a tar. (orb. I. oe'lting In the small way am 1, manly, tot.saint to the trade of Lae at fu yaw fillolaauts Is trotat 00 (..r old to New a- dte to 97, for tow. Syrup. range from El to 01,25 PROV ISIONS--Thertt lo aconti nett gt.a.l demand fur Dawn, torltllet piers aro firm and fully onetain ed. We cantlnut , to quote' at ltt'ial le for alum Wert, 11741234 (hr klibbotl 01.14.4 and 13t-,.13N . f0r Cie.. do: 14 7 4111,51? for:Plain sad IS ‘,1t1..t4,- for St,ar Canal tart la quiet !tot tiny 011 for t It), Mt-at Pork may be quoted at 173 'au_ I. FLOCll—Thore It an lotptolo4 Itral demand for nat.; but (Ito g 0.11,11,1 lone of 11.-1121.111. Let la vine, nt.to. • Lilo prlrt-tt sr.. vnel.nnZrd tior`te at 06 to 0G,90 for Opting Wheat Ettra Family and $70,7,'1r W nt.r W /rah. In trot. hr Itr. Spring Wrirwt Burn:lt & EGGS-11,r. 1.. more ingniry t. 80., and plane irtgllrr, rsnclu, (tom II Er-. in nix id iiiinanu "ri ni it II ..11 , vf molar wo..F 2!. 1;1 N. , 3 lA°, 31x. Loral at 7 V. 14,1. 'l , 1.a11 1.L 1,1.2 hi r .iium .1.. nl 2., 4.. Imo lapl! 1.1.1, N.. aunt ,I 0 iNts3, 0.415 , 3 I i4J tilt dna at Stl.ett I ,, TATORS—StratI) bht uw . banged. bosh "mixed' . Isom own at I.• hl, isba I r Wows" at 9.1 w. LAttrn oat.—.l, or., nnintnin iir Sv Es tra rusl,lll per to II Y —Stcruiy, g ita Pr tar.r r eMieta: orrir. amall nalps at u 11a1,1 and rnr 1-.4 I) Ell EP to' lult P.a. 1,4 le Itt, al, maul] .1,1. at 17.. Api.l.ll o-. .N 1 BREW—FIax i. Ann, w fatt - d.-maw! a 't{9.o to fl ANS. Tuttethe 5..4 la ...lift., tit the gala: traytiat Cht.tr t,•.trt anti uu changed. WHIBKV Firm LW much note cornvtly. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. APS. 4.—T6r market tor Crud* c 1•• very firm, and whsle, as yet, than has been no ma. terlal rhange In va1...., holders generally aro nsk In; higher rate. The receipt. ware unumintly largo to. clay, but the demand is, or ruttier will be. folly Noel to too angrily. We give.. the prmaihug rate. 7.2 Na 'Lk in Milk, and 'Ms iubbta, tLonob. It i. bat proper toremark, these figure* too below the ni. as of a majority of [beholder.. Tim sales reported wore 1W bble at Lt- i 0 alo. and 101 at Hotined I. quiet but ref, firm, and will e .mingsratA 'el: 11,01, stock, holders generally. do not scot. fit all 44- p... 1 to .11 et the nreeetit rat., -- in [mud, and Glob fro. BoplLo to Very firm. with l•ut very little offering. We give ih• namlus I .in dot •t TA to I.s—the meld. Ogee, ollered, ...d the ow tsole asked. There Ls no feature liatever to no, ins. hi re , gard to Its-mdutun. The nmlird• by the Allegheny river, during, lb. forty eight hours ending last last *v. oing are as fu11..., l... , J B glaucoma. Leal /obis; .la. Wilklno, Jus•than jr2t; Maxwell & Striekl e r, 53,• BAsh wort!, ICol. Brewer, Cutts & co, POP, Ly da, felannpening . , EA Jos Benny, elf; P Welsen berg. I'.tl; 11 )Irbelvy, 137; 11 11 6dbu., PM; It gay, 73; .1 11 McfMne, 125; W Byrom. 71; lirn bneb. Done., DrsoLay A no, Olt, & bros. 24 .0 Done., 127, Pennock, 801 l CU, 1,31r1; toral-4,043 bbls. New York Petroleum Market. Special Dlvatch to the Pittsburgh oa2rtte. Neer You, April 4.--There eras a lam., .parole tire demand for • rude to—day, and Kau , . atil tartharadvaneed; gradativus may be fairly ei.en ibt433% on the spot, in;'-; steiler. npi ion, fur A pril delivery, and,34•34'.:,. Layers option Ti. indee fo thu 1 .7 OP brie There 1. a nee,in.ad . demand for !UM:lei in and price. are firm 1 , , oncbang.nb-52 on the spot. Vrisi 1.11 i. firm but 1./U{2oot qnotabln rtmogr. rookleig from fa to ott. rc N•ptbn, tharo is scow loved fa.r clortnand, a ILL Palm of reflood .t 34 New Orleans Produce Market. /larch 23.—Irlonr—There were Wel t-day or 106 bale soperfloe at an, and lea bal. good extra at 59,25, to • cle,Jer, and I ,MAO Itlds cbolee extra at 1ta,375S Yr bla, to asp...datar. Pork—Ss lot or z Lads prime mess sold at $2.5 pot Ltd. Coal Oil-54 extra sold at 7C. coati, par galluo. Eacutatita—Clued Potatotal •ra e.lliogoo it. tandlnz $1144,25; Apples at fA1a3,60,. and eprontlea Oalone sap per bbl. re ceipts bareeold oft the labeling et 40.42 cent. per doze.. Ilag,ing—l rens le retailing In roll• ut lEr, audio bales at Mak per yard, Bale Repe--Ilueblaa mad. h.retaillttp ea 19c vr pound. Fretglits—Tle. , rete by steamship. for NOV York la 1%! per peat d tar cotton. noston Platt Market. April 2..—The market Pm Gmbh!) Is doll, In flew of largo mcolplal and raimallve preparatlona for it • new c deb. Prima hews rather a softening totalaur though not quotably lower. The nominal ratra Grand Plank are $.3a0,65; bay Ponds, $3,50.7; small, $5,5010pm, and 56 packed- nal. havo teen wlliog ts 3 kawa, and Isl,so7mcked. Pollock at It per qtl, loam Mackerel err In moderato demand s t prealens Wet. Balm of No. lat PIP aosas; No. tlarm,at and medium $lO hualo 701 No 3 large at $l.llO and meellorn $7 62.7 73, pm In Alewlers an eel% to at 06 pee bbl. Pickled Iterrlng are In .Wl . St mend at 12 elhall per bbl. Chicago Flour Market ,liptB24,—Baogined 2,774 bbl. Mark. firm. Ink today VA bbl i'ingebdurn white wint.r et 27„0i14 . lOU bbl. .Crcsanti's Rain" spring extra 1,5,626 ECO Wm good spring rats fit 2.5,Ger, Son bblr ggiregjgn 64 $61:5; 60 bids "Lien Co..' spring •opeii at $4,Vg g bids i•Nnytionlii" sit 22,14 Y, LA bb'. "Borkikld" eprin; morel 54,50:10. bbte "Auburn'' .bite winter wain at 17,706 800 1;ble "AGantie, wing extra et 1p;,50; Uq bbl. “Fairebroice" do on p. t.; 100 bbl. .00os sutler at 04, 0 0. The Govern... L eant Gkwwwlweery to-01y awarded to H. Adams R Co, ' Mibble "Marion" miming extra at 0,60; nod WO) blibi...lagtO do toi; M. Lake at /1,00. 0 Imports by Etlalroad. 2.rntoraml 31. Wotan AID C 111,41110 11 AAAAA on April 4--Car4 bided, Chas Kanter; 12 babe cottou, ti Hyde; 102 bldee, Cm II /decker.; 12.224 po balk meat, rNellera deo; =bd. barley, Peter NM.; 90 ;di dry fruit, J It nommen; 4 rare metal, Jobe Moorbead,• 1 ear oats, Cop d Shepard; 260 pig. lead,l3 A Velinettoek It on; WO bbl. door, M Qoe. nwly; 3 cara landocr, Cook et Williams; 52 en hams. McDonnell iktbackla; 1.5 , 11 bbl. float.; Insaleoun Llabart; 99 hides A Banda; 9 dna broom., 0 Mailmen; 1 nkr hurler, Dankkaill: MO nbtal; J 8 Llgnat au; /45 aka mill AKA, 15 1.431, awe mad, IT .Ltds Bkomakes Lawgoa) Mils e.t.a all, Jahn A Caagbq. • Octets/ago :too Prrrasoloo IL IL, April 4 rarilomber, OW hatchet or; IGOIto cora, Mogi; Stamm k rier&4 brm eon, Rod rye; TU. 12441 & 1003td• tionr,'Ven Waite.; 133 Olt. therm V f woker; a bake tow. Wo - b;Wberley, nrwerti;,, bble,ipplee, VArworder. IrO LIAR poor, Weiktity teo; Ws purl bajki. rim Ila.1i~e: 6 ta. bIIZIM. las earilltren I ror iorti;NY Ile= &Worth lottatt; Virgo prodoee, r Vaal:order; 3 ski rap; Markle 122totiver STATIOIII. April 4.-02 abrpati; sta pbtat, Elaron, !twat 1 Cs2,lombet, Orem E intioden-6--bbleoplarr - War'llockmbeforl 213 5ki152;3111:22142 A-ct I air eteein J 0 80.1tb; 200 Wei, A ilaidein;ll22/10 do, -Popp, Itaker E an." bales tIIV,I it MU* cot 22 Lt” Lird; W Maa= tavexi. ~ /a Weekly Review of the New York Pe. troletue • Martmt. (fhpu 4.1 E4rf....41 for th. ri, Labstry It I liver Your., April:, 1861. The market ruled steady, under • moderate in quiry for both Crude and yiellt. 1, during tier cuts part Of the trek--t olders tomifiesting • prat deed of Amines. end bioyancy. purfrg the lat. ter part of the week, hoWever, there has prevailed a more active dctrieutd for Crude--heeth for refining and on speculation, and the wiles have boon beery on the spot and to arrive, at an advance, of about be per gallon. The market WWI •trugthon.d by the report that Crude no. retina; at the well• at kb 11 the belief which has generally prevailed that rho stock 4 very Tho ltednere harp boutlit Tory froely—nor bowie , haring . taken. it hi report.' no good authority, some MOO Milo for Iteflaiug, in one day, The receipts have born itteigallireant all the week —iwarrnly vx.vellug iteti Ltd. leer diem, until to day, when they numbered: 2.2 , 0 Idde—eo that the shot has been decronseol by stomt the antnout too.n taken eat of the marked, whet her for n fining or for Thiprnont. The market for Itettn.ol hne loon rather quiet but very Arm, and the Itmlt.d.tranesctLms hero lava at Tory full prices—elbowing en Incr...e of aired to 'sl Winn. Tien aid. hove been greatly reetrtotlel by the. groat Amnia.; of holden,' Vr. Oil Imo bon' to fttii demand, but the males limited---though of fall prices. • s Th. sales and resales fool up nearly or gait. , 30,1 10 tails, mostly at M:432 , /,.-4.vit Mein 'nog tic, no thn spit—Of which WI half for futtire delivery— nearly ail fur April at 344.114e—t:a including smite for Piny and Jung At Se. The market toslay was firm at She on the ppot--rodtb a fair demand --stock about 30,000 Lila. • Of Refined in bond Ovulates nomprive only about 10,0001M1s, nearly all on the spot at 61.52 c for prime light straw to white, but Including 1,000 bbl, fur May at 62.14,c, loayery option. 1 he market toslay was quiet but firm at ere option—snuck shoot 40,000 bbls. In Free the calm hays been confined to about 12.- Ore Milo, almost wholly on the spot at fka.s9o for light straw and filc fur primp light et raw.td whits-- but Including norm 3,500 ibis fur all April at 'en; c, buyers option—chiming quiet hot firm dlarl%c. There has been an active toovernint 3d ticdue.t Naptha—under the Impression that_. - .. Fax will he placed on it—and vrlth large sah s psidao,harn ad vanced to 47141.5 c. Th. pales foot opl,ooll bids Mara gravity, on the spot, chicili at itlaidSts fsroo do for ail April, 30,111.5 c, bnyorn option—H.l,l6 01 11a355 stock about 3,2110 1 , 1,11 , Imports by Myer. Z&NEiVILLE—Post F.)ma 11411,a141c-25 rolls leather, I. bbl apples, 440 bile flottr4lo92l.l. high wises,: bbl. fax seed, lu bbis butterietd;iftga, 2 bags feathers, 10 Idols eggs, I box tobage ` - .•2 go. batter and ogee, 1 bbl moloases. I do ;TOO., ' , cheats, Clarke 0 t'o. &a. bags mill food, Simpson i took. 2 empty oil bbls, no bid. flout, 5 bags turtlff 1 , bul. apples, Fetre , • s r 4ol ' l4 ongt 1 lot. h h goods, 1 Hodkluson, 1 bids fruit trees, Jobb I, Ilhodos; :Vox mull,; nee, lien Li Keyser; 1 empty uarboys, g pty h i ; bbls, 11 L Fahoostock 0 Co; I pkge, Ilik.t 0 Day itl.n; 100 bids flour, Graham & Tltornaail Lx bids Sour, V , e61 1 7 a Kopp; 24 bk. Sour, 1144 , 11 t • Cledsknh; ack S 1 is ecru, blond lisil; 3 boxes melte'," pcks, J 8 Int - worth & Co; 125 ht. apples, 101 ticks p05),the..12.5 ticks potatoes, 1 box cabbsges,l4l bbl. oil, &tenors on board; 4 hos, 1 ousel, John Cook; 1 box tin tette, Fleming & Torrotut; 15 ale kiln, Spencer & klcKays 18 pen pomp., Wm Jerre. & Co: 14/7 flour blds, Ligu/tt 0 Co, 2 bo. Inch, 2lr _Kiss; lot In I mho., ownet; . oil 1,66, Woolridge • Atwood, I ock sundries, P 51 lidgorton; 135 bids apples, 5 bbl. flax tend, 'l3 bids appltm, Firm ing A Stevie, 40 bblaapp re, it bozos cogs, J lie)per - , 71g. porn, 23 pcka radar, Geo Their; 12 bead fat IT. Ile. J Haas; 1 lot produce, .1 11 Soorgl4. NA 1113 V 1 LLE—oca booboo 31,rrts-2,11 1 2 .sale wheat, Kennedy • bra; hei tea horns, Scaltmyer & Yoskamp; Melo bk., Spencer & Molt ay, I folding crime, Jobt,Dnolap d en; 25 h.}, .1 hit. bacon, m . ..to boles cotton, 200 bits flour, :41 do a h /AY 7, 2 1, bd. tobacco, Clark 0 co ST. LOC IS—ran A 631111t1A script) I.blo, A rdssco Oil ('.g. 105 do da, J L 11..611: 42 do ale do,npencer en; 1 pisno,2 barh hetods;ll st, now; 11 mils leather n.y. t Sl.r.rf, 5 Lobla lard oil,' r, il.a.,lseon; 1.5 do deco, Ilnarurth A co; 5 Jus no.. 2 hls glum, 15 kirlir-,* co; A cks clay, HI 11 ColilLs; lot on chinary: Ninger, .t (1., do, 1 rusk Iced, B Fahunsto k; A 7 hal. If oitot, King, Pennock H no b tons pig iron, Graff; Bent..ll t co; 195 grean hides, , 11%1 dry hides, J T .11cLaugh11n; 451 bbl. sand, Mc. Km it bre. 2 te3 haws, NV A Thotnal, n. do, Issas, 1,14 Ink, J.. 11 , •gsrs; 2 ts , .ddr,ils, 'RN ham Lons; 22 hales rags, 14 14, , a leachers, Yes 61,1 s a1.,- hol, 10 do whi, , ky, 30 As bacon, 25 1,-• Lams, lk. Sc. 1.1.1, 101 Ohl. whisky, kb 1 , 4,15, 2 cks roots, 29 cks, 1 551 bacon, 21 tcs hams, Clark A co STF l.?1130.ITS POI{ CINCINNATI a 1.017- TSVILLEC —The steals."' ALPHA. • ' Capt. 1 , .e ter, will asee.o It 1L,41,A1, the sth I •t.. at 1..'c10 p m 3 , IH.Si FLACK, A:1 I.g.n IS I OLLI /OD. • 1.4`4 t . II •IS Abul !11 R I I. IV Ell. • The splAn Ist t Amer PARAGON, Capt. lk.nn• lIJ, nil r..1,A I, April 7111, At I 'clock p. so. Itrinbt •pply I , Aorn or to J 1.f1.11 a • J. r ay: J IIIN FLAI. K, _ - 1 4 1 1 /It IA /[1: 4 .— . 11A. p,..nger stn.cno. K nhar, LIAn,I”I A• , .1 n MIS DA V. ths .o• JOILN II .1 IV 1 , 1.1.1NUM.0n, 1,0111?. 1.4 )1 . I: 4 , h:()K 'K.. 11 /WOK 1,1. ••N. N V "t-. 1 . ritl , l4l ASD Sr AA I L eplen... I oe..:ser tSI ALI S. Cast. I.v tit, .m !este Inc sle,e 're , o• pert. eel r t AI Ds Y. WI tn. 5., frei,ot er , Apply o. tested r VI.AI 6. J. I) no!, I, l oli. : 4 'l'. lUIS, .K.E(11( UK .41--q U 61,16071/N. Iltle AI IC •••' , " -1. • D vEN cynr. 11(1 , 14 ISUANII. Dl' Itl - cIU A N ST. PACT.. TIIII.F.J`r—Tho Atte twee 110.4.01Tfr All KR. ffMEMMES=iIEI JOHN rt./O.K, J. PA . ° 1,1.1 NOWOOD, A4 " " ' iTBItUI 11: WIIEE1.1N(; & lt PA/1K ERSIII'II.O PAL:Err. —The fine strainer HINE:IIVA, Capt. J.ihn o.irthin, will leave Pitteliviriih for Wheeling ever, y, lillUltsl)AY Anil ATt'ISPA T. nankin.: ri•ivvi neetlima with the Wheelltig and Parkerntont,i Park eta Returning, will lees, Wheellog every !do!: DA Ir. W liA T .14i VIII . liaveengera lard !might rrc.ipt,d Onningli 4. ParL..nhurg. Ir " ight " r.r:r g t r Ott l Aii7.l b' tZ;;: v , On Wharf nortt. at the hart of VVavi street. -. • . 14 1 0 WHIZbIA ILI HT u TA AND ZA ti H.a.Y par...om.r M A ODA HA St, Monn.n A}rra, I ,, tontatole.r, I..arpte Fittatattult ay..ry TUPSDA Y, at p, m., 7.. n.. ilk. every YIIIUAT, at a Writ,. k a to. The near atrantt•r JULIA-Wm. anti..., Com • tonivolt, loariv Pl Halsorgh every tiATURDAY, at 4 p. w. , sod Zatze”a Illa every TUE.:MA It, at a o'clock m. For frriAltt or roma*, apply ott or to J. D. COLL.I.NQ Watt tit, A,ot, Pit tabu rgh ; H. N. PIERCZ (M., Ag 1 ,1.1“, n0 . .;1 Zato.avillo. Ohio. FIA M I I,Y Y C(.11;111I.S. rvrr.NliEn Ocirmill 14 L. Black lac for ',YU. ALA taw, LI,AI J. i raritllle, Dark Brawn, Light Dream, &kir Data.. Men, 0-awcon, Dvk Drab, Lk* Drab, Pau= Drub, WWI.; Woe Dyerlug Milk, . Goode, Shaw., Scarfs, liressee, _ Dormets, Mt. Weathers, Kid Glows, Children's! Clothing, bud al Slade of Niwaring Apparel. , sir CAVING OP BODED. OTNT. 'KM for 85 coots is can color se many good.. would otberaim cost gee Lines that. tote. Varlet. ehadrs C•l3 be produced from the mute dye. The pr... is riMple, and any ono me 5111. dye with perfect cinema Directioue lu F.uyOeh, French sod German, aside of iamb package. , For further Infortuatlou la Dyeing, and giving • purfoct kaueriodge 'slat icewri are buscadapted to dye over other.; with assay valuable recip.,) porch... !lowa .B.Btevens' Treallee Dyclog Ouloriug ieut by mall on receipt uf prim -- tocent. Manufactured by UDWEA HTICVPOBB, 18118truadway, Boston, Pot 11.1 , by druggist. and draleri genera/Iy. , owl l:om N.)R,Tiiiki EN'S. 11. EA DQUA ETERS, E=l I A-LYLE:IS 1130 VVN Invites too sttonden ftpottemon and othon to hi. oploodid attic of GUNS, RIFLES, KKPOLVERS, PISTOLS, OAME BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, SHOT MILTS and POUCHES, DRAM FLASKS, mod am. MEMMMZIIMMI GOLD PENS. VAIIIORILD 8 801.11 PENS. WADDEN'S GOLD PENS. M. aro the brat 19 the market, which aro mi . of only reaom mood, bet roily em.rraal orery t , n DA VII 3, CLA RR X l CO., rohlo 93 Wood areal. el j :IMES M. BAUR; 6.1/011ITMOT , ~ Pspan. Sinai, Da.nrlfflll an Praracurloariral fat all kinds of Dal+dingo, .ad oporintondra tho irrantlon on manna/310 lamas. • , Oaks an Andoronn atreot. betrarenu Losoack ..4 Brattrfoonn otmoto. AlTlora).ovralto +. DlSPOSAL,ottinodernte terms Mi . tt cadb, all. Ins or. nowl.bliad 2,3, 5.44 a iLllgn AND TUBULA DOlLEllS,'ol,lllTorrat alzul; esvoral 'llnyon4l;hanil ZNOINES, dler.root alsosk WtIOUNRY IRON PHA YTS, for aura .od auto hate, Also, Bow .u. 41 Vlour bill iNGINES and YRDION? 11018 TANS. &Adm., TEIOSVID. KLUB, AA:3mA 1111aMs. 1 1 YON ARNSTIIAI., IMPOItTErt , lit AND tho matt *4 lino& of: 0 NUINICII.4VANA.VIGAItS, and oil kinds or BANNIING AND UNNWiNO TONAtCO, rtoy /Inman - ma um PIPES. Tußfat, dc, Aa.t: 1 6 7 , UNDID TIIZ OIIANLIM HOf TY 'Pittsburgh, Pa. N Trude rop0116:1 au non& tarn. Z. . _ eral:41)( jtIY6P,NDALS 4.211ENT.—;-100 bls. Alai ruched rr d for Worry _ Johlt Ma r i, OOLLIFIL TIOLTS REVOLVHIII3 for gale by N.J mll9 JLID DOWN. US WmAaresi. FOR BOLE--FOR , FOR BALE--A FLOURING Mll.l. -- win our Yketring_hilll In Centre 'Jib...ling Ohb L. • abort distance be. lon the U. O. EL R. Depot, on river bank. Ma Mill Wu finar run of Fr.tith burrs. an d or linprovenienta Calu Murry of the Mill 6 160 b•rrel, per day. Size of saOtla IU Inch hors, I re< lett stmkx, es ti. Getd at 1.4) horse power e, !ludo: hullers. 24 fret lJnz. loch., In do. .. , The msla haild• ‘.• feel b, 4n, 1. a: t and wlr.-hease •1 ta:hed, •13 14 14 Oat , 30 t .ur hrt, ies, Enr'ading ber me-or ; Wn., s o-0,te1,1,. Eti by 4 7L-last on %bleb the 41.11 14 er4 IS CA 1414 h.., MI a,ill, rot l with ih, Mill ' Ke waul.l call tin. at • airy capita/Lao 1.. thi• property, us there le )1 II nodo far, ably aP0a......1 than itilo to lb.. saa r, roontr,W e Lora a .40 , 4 gntm KrutEllig Fornati3 pr . /c0:4.1.Z: 1111—.4 1L... we hare ttse llhl. tt at ourlLat R eau a. o I time. get a .upply rd gnrl a. We aro also larumbly .itoata.l to ahip our a air to the ...Pao mark,te, both by Dalt bent.. 4,1 Mb. Railroad and Pennay I Vont& I'entral. W. ob. hOOO a good haral trade ur dour and had, at fair prior... Wo hay.. rallnattl troin'uor )1,11 dt wu to the law watt., mark, br whieh we draw our Wheat from the lauding Into the. 11111, by niachtteery. Thrta. m can lake lo from 100 to thr.. thousand • latoltelo c ou f wheat In • day, waving the heavy expo.. of JraJe.p. bboolil the prowl ty a..t Le .01d by the Y. 1.1 ur April, 0 1 Pri , Atv.alr, sre U.., .111 off. r It at put Hr .do oo tbst day. at two n'elnek p. m at Ills ticuit Poo tit. city or Wbarlibg. Tonna will b. mod.. rosy. mbYttootlO .t li. DETWILIM A CO, rinvo FARMS FOR SALE—The on -11 dersigned offen for sal. Ids Poem., oatitslning four hundred and nlxty acrtet, all cloart.d, of Which there sire forty scree of meadow ground, escept • sufficient quantity of timber, width is reserved for Its ow. To persons d 'lrons of engaging in stock raising or agricultural pursuits, title I. . ram oppor• molly, as lb. same has been kept for stock farm for the last Oft,. yearn. Will be mild whole or In part, to snit porch:teem. One•batf has got the boot of Improvements, •Is Large rcatne Dinning, noar ly new; Frame Barn, forty by eighty, with w. eighteen bet idled In hot 1 , Sheep Cornea with all forme; trupiovetneuts 1.-crene.ey to rusks It a choice two good orchard. of grafted fem. good, together with an abund.oe of never falling springs. The ether half 1;.. erected thereon a two storied Log lion., with other imgroventents. Said land I. situated els r.fo.n toll., from Allegheny City, and nye Ininottu.' walk from the Zellenople .ad Per rysville Plank Mad. Rritan, uf DAVID ROBINSON, melding cm the prem.... or JOHN McCLUNG. Porn area, PHU blush. mhs,lmdamT DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE.— The subscriber offers for ula the dwelling bonne in which be now Hem, altneted on South J.O en. ' lint Ward, Allegheny. The lot t .: 7 feet front by 160 deep, retorting back to o 90 feet alley. It la a two-storied brick, oontains six room. and collar. The ont.honsee are a sul, boo., stable, cool hones, to. There it • tat,. yard surmamilse too dw fling, filled with shade wed omamental trees. nem Le gem and water in thn n.c.ms of the dwell ing. also °liar for eels e desirable wont:, maidens< In llochoster township, Bearer county, Pa., orntain. log twenty scree of gronnd. Them I. a Dsw two. .toned frame dwelling, containing six lasos, on the property. There I. easo • youngorelesed of all kinds Of fruit. Them is a rood barn. outhouses, e ke. It le about a mils from the liochestor Duvet. For MAIDS int:1111M of ft. el. BULta, 1.21111 South Avenue. Allegheny cuy. t. BALE—A country Residence sit- A: 0.1.1 lu Row township, on••belf mile from Jack . . S P St. .• C , sod I f miles from Wood. Ilan. (seta:no alms. 13 erns, all amSty haws I ud hishly imtromd; goo l les-story I.lllelt Dwelling lend Prams him-haw with re 41.0, g... 1 amide e.gh. rt.. to an or.liked of the . te tra calsoolons, complis i ICI the Cif 11.r‘ut varietiev °rapid°, parr rash, piumb, sherry, grapes, nod 11,1.11 fruits Usher le e ms.. mbwadaurr, bud and weft To iso woe asking far oul.y seat, specie/ atlrlitio4 61 di ,r(O4 io till. piece. or and terms u. 1.1) to 101199 lash la A W., 102 Fourth sums. FOR SALF.--A Beautiful Itesideuee in Lharp•burg, &Austad on Itfain erpret. the Loose contains atmeta rooms nod floisludattar.o A wall of good watt, end an exa•bent dote!n at the door, with poop In each. The lot it 77 het 1 Inch.. front and 206 !mg deep, to • stiwt. There ts rrn,t. Flown 10311 Bhru Derr to sbandon,w Persons do. alrous of pottbes,g I.tatiftil rt,lden-a, twat,nt dod a loess piteasi.l ono In this Tirf: Icy I,ll...intre of th. (mudf of the insherriber, en the premier, ur .1 O. LEN IS, of the firma Law* pal. at tlaadr co in Sharps/owl. 0313 0.3116103 v IL 11. LEWII3. VA A LETA It IV ER PROPERTY POLL SALE, witna4d on the Monongahela Illver, abov• the first Leek, Staving f ont on .13 river of vi feet, ana extending back to Braibligk .treat. l. Caitlin Ilael le Railroad. eon• taming 4 acne and 77 voting. Thie I. an ml re ni lingtbin far tnaliateetrietng ricirviersa, having tho elver in front and t obli- aire.t nalrout In tho roar mini •un Mill and building. thrreon en rt.! Jr, ..pp y to bl Ith A b fit TUSTIN. iir in W. (1)11INBA U4:1I, No. It t 1/1. Inuit p tug-on:h. taslol4 It , 14 It SA I.l'. A v 014,11.14. 1.0 , it,,a yrt, prup ryt • lyklY k ItYYI •/ .11•:0 lyrry etyyry. n I. F111,A14, tt.tneb..3 try ny nyytin 1 , 111..Y00. ZyY,ItY with yyr • ytlyyknt • nyy. gyn. ,yyr ety.4l. nytti o ,ntl Are It bump t .. V•yytyy ill In I.yt p•g . P • t , vTfttti W RPtCß,tyy-yn. In •,.lVurnillyrr nyyd Vlatyyry•yy S'Y 3_4 ACRES LAN!) fur sl. , omi, milt. fp,m tL. city. awl w)ilitgl tLtrwm u the P Ft. W. CC. It. It . r,.1 arit6 a th.a rivw trout Trrzu. .way Alen, • I'RT:I3 Or LAND. har's m.le from M. u.l ra.r.-41; ruliltai.vrt. 11.41,51ial p. Ir r. N. W. MIIA rEll, tt .rn.y at-Law. 11M. VIII rt m/..11.2* LVlfi SA LE—A STuAlo ENottirt, 13 foot .aver.to Infil cylinder, 13 h.ot Irou Ell wheat, sod cal .I••rut Ake, club Ll,mlor. . . . . • • - taro OVOTI; 11.1141 81.0.11 Ulna Ro goo npr,h Florio,/ M.A.., one Chain Back Raw, ors. tnachl • An. EueJt ink Ultnny Bade fl.r 111 i To; 11. h IuEE, and about kgt .ad 2 .nab Shafting All of tba abow. ar sold at' groat bar gain by ihg at ..or. at 12 FIFTH BYREST. nu 11.1)1NI; lA)Th );;NA LR. Li. Lo., egogttga ate. tt, atM, Ilenusyl• Irgbia Avg no. 2 Palma n. 255(1112 2 do, 11'..ri.g. atr...t 2 do, f °rapt al, 210i,r. do, near (Iran vi .Ar. 4.15411103 7 A., In Illrn Ingham. t I do, It Cast ',Lost, n b 22 1.2 BRYAN. Att Iroafth alrggt IR SA I.E--I'wenty-nevon Acres o L LEtecl, pox% Et the Lore tE. mattstandlus Ittnr of Pltt.barghtad victiaty hi about opa mile Iron Jun.' Tarry Land ,ng, nowt ne on the prutuleus :ailed fruit Ow, ta 3th...or-falling 'goring of nwane. .old together, or notion, salt purchaser.. Person, dociring • notion, weldeno• will plow. all ou AI. ALLND 10 ' SDND. jal9-4tn No. thl Water street. Foit SA LE-IM PROVED l'4Ol'ER .—A twowtory Brick Dwelling of eight rooms. hall , large reJlar, good well of toter, halt Irv, etc. Lot 63 f.et Ir. nt and DO fret damp, awd A within lop at of the Ctn.. Dawengar Term, rat,. Apply et the Aral !Mato and Intnrsoce oPlci of G. B. TIATYB, Inb2fl Mahe street. CantrOurevilla. Darh Gram, LIM fl.eco, 117o,fars, EMIR SA LIC--Th•xt donirable property .Ituatod In the Borough Of ttlancbeupg., nn corner of Locunt etmot and the Ohlotrivor, and knower. IN the Ornermoull prat...Hy, ott tibleh I. awed la 1.11,.0111 “tyle thick Ihrulllug Home, Oa, rteg• Noose, Stable, Ir. Benue, to. °raps, Rink, Nayle, Boyd Paw ‘ 7,4, 4 1 . 61w, 81ff' turttar particulars enquire of A. D. SMITH, • rtfaa Water street. Pittsburgh. tm FOR GALE.—'Chat ;Itatiablo I. t P RIG 61 , 131141. MI the Pittsburgh sad Dharon Grade Road, In itobloscu township, kat... the "FCC Furze." shoot boo mliesi film the city, ton tiVolng shoot I.s arr., mill be sold at private 010. liff%r terms apply to 818. BtIYD or J.(l. YOONd, Attorney -at-Lair, No. itt Fourth:spa., rtf Pittobirsh. Pa. 'VOIR SALE .OR EXCH4NCIE FOR A: CITY PROPERTY —Snot LAuax': DWELL.. GPO, with grenade attached, on tiarao atreet, for. molly °cooping] by Christinu lima., late of XVIi Birmingham. Ensiling and outbuildings In lite etar of the Dwelling flume. FEED. Y. 11l PIPSN inh2l;tl 100 Panrth street. Plitoborib _ EOA 1{1 , 20 . —T0 a small Calmly, th• war half uf twavElful realdroca In !donut Trwy, ono sills from the Alls.bany Market Wards with alsrat 34 sere at gross& all swvond •I.b oSoloo ;ton tram sv.rgrtermsbrol•bery,..c. AO .natl..l well of water, and • largo cistern at owl em,r. bagnlreof A. II HAW/We. ;sta.a Ile lbw yerlst.. 'Oft SALE—Two Wrought Iron OIL STILLS, ellsost new, with Copper 0•01.0 Waal' Candeasiog Pip.. ill the sucks sad C 060.10. U.S col:Lipka*. Mee, TWO STEAM 1101LZBIL !Logo tro of - 'Trion n.nota, •(3. to 0.0 neer or Point MI6, end Doquiso. .trees. V)li. RA •BRICH DWICLLINCh !Inhaled to good style, itk jltoplete order, allueted en the weer a Dental gtoet end Carpenter's elle', NI: tit Ward, anitatet , rted Th t .i g ht room and linisho4 garret Can be hod al f..›au. r'efen,inir,, of 01 , 1.. P A fiIIENIIIII, nt3 :Llig•rtY 3tellli MGM , : Mi RENT—A leartn . of 52 Anna, rood !nod, in Writhing loginghip, adjoin. ttf.F land of rotor Porchnontowtt within • Wort dLog - flnce of thg rannryiranla Ra ,I;7cring nussonabla itoquiro of WU. %VAUD, ftintutotroot_ RARIt UPPORTUNITY.—A Book, • iltationery atuigNoorg Drpot for oda, In tb. toot _ Ono, la a largo city, and Ono boginoga 'Sas person with Maud Iti,foo capital, It will bo AD Vlcoilent opportunity to otng•o himself. part.f.larg coil at JOHN Ilaunnle Ilan. NMI .rival OR SALE—Two Cast Iron inAtiT OYLIt It ktt, to work ~i'''''":t.",`,l.l,, 4 ,;(4°," 7 • and In 4i Ina toquiro of 4. 0 01.1 , 71!-N, WILYTEiIbf AN • fhb, inralt norm, Horner annuty,Pa. OR RENT—Six largo tad well Ya MOM SUMO, anit.bl - .On Cabinet M FAO. glaehloa Ithopg. Will ho ka•ebt con or olotol at al wf sort, lEii RESII Itol4, DOTTER AND WIGS.. ie; l :l7=l f s". h d alltMlT P 4.7.hr" . rli t t s l. ll 'st kol, fa barrels Matt Eg l i. ,7 4:ratell L. n. vow? • 00. MISCELL4.IrEO US "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, so., EXTERMINATORH "it yosrs eqtato , ltined In N. T. City. - rectotlin k Elo• "Floe front PtAtoto.." "Nut dautivrotte to Ott. Hnotan Yanvly." moon not of tbelt4lolta to .' Bold by CI Drogglsts overAwbern. B(R11411! of all vertblostfltodlntlona “l'ostat't Moot, Nu. 441.11rundwoy, N Y. art•old l,y N. A. PAIINMYTO.CKS, SON 800., nod It. IC ANLLEIIft I CO., W1:0h...1 , itn4 Itoton Pitt•burglx, PA ; EIENR.I P. BkIHN7A.B.TSL, Wbultytio and Retail Agnut, Alloohony thty. ,L4ROCE RI ES. 300 b... y.r.no, 111..6%.1T0.; 60 do do ler. hhd.. N 4. , 0g?..,c. op; 60 do pploon Cult.eugyr tOkr bola. eh. , 1 one rted, 21..0 d. .. O. new crop; 16.50 do do +do, .id crop; 000 do Ny rope. ajan,rood brat,d.; 501 do Rom, an , hive; ILEOO pool Nos nac6e..l lo I. and ball bbl..; 15111,61 a. Vor .y La. d o of blood do; 60 do los,a.lot do; 100 half bldg. Laka I do; 60 do Whltarlal.; SOO bbl.. lratra No rd Solt; Zoo do fix tra mot Yarn Family Floor; 000 boom Tobac,o iaanortad; 76 bbl.. F4t. No. 1 irioter atnalto.,l Lard 011; 60 liar.. prime Llaf Lard; For aala to the trade lov , l t y JOHN 1. HOGSFr. 0 GO , a 614 00rnar dadtbo..ld and Water !tank', LIQUID STOVE t'OLISII. Reasons why It hi iWtter than thy Poll 4 1. It le slmtly mixed., 2. 21 hm no smell whata.err. • 3. It produce.. no dirt dr dust. 4. It [mils the nuat ilitettse hest. 6. Itprtesnmes from ro4t. G. ft In the rutmt ectalotolcal Polish 7. It le not onaforuth the labor. 811110 N JOIINSTON Oorner Tonrih and Sznltbfwld stmts. G ICI It Es. prim. 010 Coffoe; ss hilds. N. 0 [Neer; 30 do Cuba .104 20 tierces du do; 1101.1.1 s N. 0. Maass., I.* do elanics Syrup, 40 bozos h's st d 10'. Toberco, 20 do Pounde 151 g. x tarot do; 110 ball c 11..,. Young Ily•on, Imperial and Mark Lrrlylng and fur ..It low by JQO. 011012 PATRICK a 0110., 6.2.5 191 and 103 Liberty stmot. N EW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I 1:INE AND PROGRESS OF St"NDAY SCROOI,B —A E.tugvaphy of Rol.t ItAlkev awl Wm. Pox. By .1.6 n e Puw. r. I rut, Prior 31 ni). A MANI'AL ON EXTRACTINO TEETH— Tunnth.d on the Attatore, of the parts Involved In the operattmt; the It tode end peop•r cemetructlon of Inetromeote, de. I rut. 12mo. HEAVEN Of /10b1E. 1 vol. 12r, BARING AND SUFFEEITNO. By I.wttt. Pelten qor .\ large oupply or the latter work Just recelyed .1 I, REAP. 7M Ponrth army 'V M. HECK & Wholesale Gro cern. 1.3 Lit.-rty •• boy. for rd. hhta Bomar.. Apples: Ii do plckod Ituuet App ho, 50 do prime White Beaton hO2O Its. Leaf Tobaretn lb I,lla. nernet do Toll., 3 do Sorghum !doleamod lup Jo tetraßo. 10.11. .1.14 % LARGE.I.O l' (11 , 4011. Oman.. B'. ToliancA: Baltimore pro Ti...e co : Nary Ponnds do: Bright ; •Itil Dry timok lot Tobancio P. or. i 1 d• do. every dr. rtprt-; Vat it., owe* Oaen Fins tad it,d aunt, 0,14 d. do ni hie • ki,tn LLly rBB a B. q Ina W.. d at. NI TS, ke —lllO a- tint.. rime Oranno., Itn boar. Lemene, liar f oily 1. oa A mond.. In balm, Bordean Almond., Z.O loga t arn,,tt A Imond., :e/ Mg. Sicily A 'mood., t.ise. Shellml Almond., 3t, Fats Enala.t, 11 a 1 neta. Al , Imo. Vltherte. 1 km, Brazil But., Y u t o „ Pu N A • ii.n 'in.., store and ie. ash , . by Bea id Ku a BROS., A.. anil 1., 0 .)()() "lii i I E E WEST ti Lot 1-4 Inn bbl...'Prar. Donn:.• KY In I I. . lOU A•. bnct .•• .41 • Ex ra . In do Oniry Pin•l'l d.. to. In , Co Gold. n corbl .11. Vot by 1.1N1).111 .t TY I.YO HP, mil It. IbT I.lborty .I,ot - _ F iS tP i Ibl. on.l holy«, No. 1 Inc,. " A 2 to , Oa. Bay ..rllLott 11..rriGe No I Lat.tadur `• 'Am L.lf bbk. L•t• •• White Vitt.: by (niblt.) t , tlkl VEII A LA.44.111, 1111 ECEI El./ 111 IS 1/.ll' ?-5 baste awl • Moll Putt., bbla V. it. .1.. L'At 144.. Euler Kgac I car I .ad roar,. Potato... 4 blot.. F.l.d 11.,rr1..: E... ...In 11 L. 11. VI /LOT A CO. V ILO bottn ; o,ettppltw. I ..ar I. ad I. tat.... hblx. Lake 2.5 d.. it iii. Ines: ILne.lved, Io arrltst sod 1., sal , .1 Kn 3.71 Liberty POT rE., AIKE4 A SII EPA FLi)LirtA voir I.bls. Extra Family flour, 3.5.9 do Extra Sortordost do; bosh. ot w crop tYlower Pctotl; J3O dodo Timothy IL '.l; For sale by JOS. II RIL PATILICK A BELO., fee..s 191 and 193 Lll.Arty All — S! NAILSI NAILS I 5.0 keg. 104 F.A. ; 21:* 9d do; .2 . 20 Ad do; 7G dd de; A .tandard Whooling brand, kw ardo by ISCLIODIAIiEII A LANO, mh2.3 Llborty 20 13I I I I L ) e S ia. " ti )L n iji. ra i . N l 15 do No 1 Lard Ott; a tine, 4 Devi: diar Rams, (Phan and Garramiesl,) Jut received .d for male by LINDSAY A TELFORD, 117 Libarty street. LARD OIL ZAN - 71 — i (a I, 'AA If 4 bbl.. No. 1 Winter Strained ; 60 0 Nos i • %muted rimi to any inedr, for sale by JAS. DALZELL A ION; • mien w 4 7u Waren street. BARLEY rind BARLEY MALT, Constantly en hand and for ..Jr by D. ft, laaram No. 321.3 Liberty atm.. WittUiL7 O. Wicks. fair prime • and strlet/y chola atm and old nor hay Origami Sugar, Mr oda 1 LITTLE ,k TRIMBLE, ambit jtar . 1111yrkl Seoanfl •treej a INDIAItO Elt 11ELTI NO, 110 SE, STEAM PAIIKISO and GASK ETS—A lame Inca k on band and fur sale at tla) Indio Suntan. Do• pni of J. A 11. PIIILLI PO, m 1117 Nos Pa and 20 SI Clair alronl. 0 liA NOM A N D LEMONS. 5 0 bone. blosalua Orange.; Ilk , CIO do L001(11•1; Jtu , rvrelvall old for ask by • tLIZIMICII BROS Bible . ?fod 124 and linWed strait SPICED U Y HT kf. ;Andorra , and 9 01. lloso Oysters; 10) do 1 and 2M. Spiced do; Just mot srd and for sale by RHYMER at 11809 , man Noe 12a acid BA Woof aver. Fad medium Biwa on , l, Lake. Herring,' White Ptah, LabraJor and By Island Hominy, for We hr whet LITTLE A TRIMBLE 6.ItirVANNED LEATIIEst. BNLT INC), of All the dllTioolit widtba, and • superior quality, fur salt at Um. EC, and HI Re Clair at. tub I 7 J. • IL PIIILLIPB. rri AS -75 half chests Y. H. ; RO .• Q. P. linpnrid ; TB talona. • vOY COO by (=I! iT) RI tv it it p LA¢EA It $75 A AiONTU 1-1 want to Mr. Agents 10 Mry county at E 76 a mouth, tsipl4llll¢l paid, to mall ray new cheap family &ring Miwilin.a Aildsgt, B. MAMMON, Al/nal,, Malan tota•aradne/T Tcßis' 4, assorted sizes,at tut/ WWI than '' lstatinfaftnnsta prima. In non and I , f 000 by PAT rERSON * MBION, who Na 6 Wrrwl xtrnyt ` hiv ORLEANS bbla Of Ir env prima and choke,. for itabft by: tar rLF. A T 111.118414, taloa Num. 119 and 114 becoad straat. .-- • VOlt. PLS AN K—ltnicati•in of Carved Awed Illooldlnga, In gold cud broods...for Oak Paper Ilangloga, for wla by Mon w,T MA EOM Lk rll.lll,Eli V—A large ar - 7 - rertment of V TRW. owl for Nolo by fold, • JAItEII DOWN, 131PPPoo41 mane! OBA.IiREL PAINT.-1U b7iirel; N., Mucha No, • iillperlor•rticlos for 011 Du , rgo luau itpoiaaria. V.RIAJSIIIIIIS I II , 2IIIAAENTHIE in /...r glom 14 1441 k 1.44414 4 loot twoblit• Ibis At. by 100 II AMA - W . IIITR FISH in store mal 446414 by 14011 VATT/IREOII 11 AMNON, Na. 4 Wood a. GEtOCI: It ll.s, PROD CCEA Til • ' 71 .1 I=l °ISM& L )I,Nll,Sr. , lti MERCII ANT 15 Flour, Grain and Prorfstotas Pp.< 30 Eat of 1111,1. 44 mai I:. r14,1411.i 11! j____ i 'MARI V.) Produce an:: Merchant. 11.1 , 6- A 1;1 , i E N.. • L t; %It nod M. LA.SISES, k I. .110 lIACI.N, •' II: \ I:, CIIIKILSE, SEEPS, ,•.. .•:,l ,+I I 11..rzy sir,t. btmsti. S HR E i.AZI,..AIg GELOCE EN AN A k , -.)l±l,:,ltsN 1 KIWI! ANlt, ~.a ; qI~I , I77SIICIIkM. • 13011 . I.: AI :‘ ETA 11 U C (au n 51, r 1.3:.t• 3rd 11,331• r, In F.., tgn s•ad Dotzt.llc 1111 . 11',, itt•TTEI: cIiEEtZ, ECUs,p,:.arany,3.lLl J. S.lll wcrti, i'., ir..4 A Critrin.Cnly Irbil. rail. Atikcil, J •tas 0 av r, ; bade, r 3 Its , t • I: Brit l'hllarlik.; Tr, ml-It 1 St . Sinclair & Nrw is k r. i,ne i 4 s Larch...nicht •kri. rnyi.l,l ...... ..... 11.110.C.5. MA CI:. )1V N ,t LANDAU:I', FLociL u Ct, • I AD eO2I.IIIMION Illtactu,r., 1. It I'. vf Gr N ~ Pork, 11.- ouu, Lon!. Gnu. r, Itteue, nth. 13 I', mod Purl Salerat., Llzir,ll t!”1 Lard 011 g, Dritql w.,1 Grwa Ymil4, 4 Gr.. Cash AlVtklic••••11,111i , • ,ot.s• eiti:ly ; 1.. t• tv .rt. I , Enbnrgh FRANK VAN GORDEIt, Produce and Commission Merchant, No.lo BMITIIFI XLD EiTESCP, cor,First /RANT 61 FLoUR, FITTER, BROOMS, REEDS, LARD, CHEESE, MIRE, DRIED AND CURER FRUITN, and wualot. genarally. LII/ortd raab /Wynn.. on ror,ignsuent.. foil __ . _ W . M. GOIZNILY, Z7l LIBEILTY B.YET, PltULargb Haling parci”..7 the In:enact at Ws late partacts, .111 .41i caw the I.,ttaluras at tho old stAnd, and viii b. pl 0.. d to M.N.* the patrocuzge of hie old friend, anJ eustortn... rnylf,,tf 1:13 I S \V I I NS( IN, CoNI 8810 N 11 Yr ileont,orra, In \VESTS:RN RESERVE CR ELL , II, BUTTER, EG(iS. GRAINS. and y.Also, LEATHER, 111L1k.,, UI 1,. '417 Llborty EMiIIiMIIM • • .- 11Im. BECK & to. Nu. 16.5 L 18,17 ,17 6;1 , 4 , 1, l'Atsburrh, ru ., Wholtss,le Gro cers, '4:rtuul.u.su $ 1 Merchras, tlinsiers Iu COCN THY PI.S,,DUCE, ... FAUST, LARD, 111..(TER., EGGS, CHEESE. Ylrif, Sc., PRODUCE, VI,OI U., GRAIN, SLED:, GREEN AND DRIED Se., HA LT LIME. W. mgno. ERI"4 /N - AAI Nit YN, (.)4•3131 IMION MEID•LIA NTS, LOUR ANSI t;ICAIN, osd Foetal I'RODECE drier, bh_.• c Wools :TII.S•Et, Pittsburgh, tua 1 t) J • ----- • 01 IN B. .\CA Vi LIA) COMMISSION exu FOStllls amen: Mrso-tssl, 1..1..5A1n d.drr In WESTERN 1L}....,1.151 E rII EE. 4 Y.. I:1 TTER., LARD, row:. FISH Sr,e AND P LINrELD AND LARD OIL, 015111. / 1,1 1•t•-.1s..• ir , orrally, NOS. 111 aitd I CI I Cl-2 TIP, 1,1,, Jill 1,111.12.2. I ITi LE A. TaI.NIBLE, NS, hviesale te mr.d Mrrrl.auts, dealers In I . lloln CI, 11A1 , 11N, CLIF.:II.E., FISH CA Fill. , N AND vll.. 11105, e, A 1.1.5. GLA.SS nPTI,,N V 1'1,141,n15b maottfactuns po.•-rnuly, 1 1 1 nn.l 114 n« - nnel ntrn.l., reburgb. ; ; C7:47:113' r A A od, r , ..1.41. In 1 , 1 , 10.16 N YHA , ITS, 513 T, AND 61'1(1:s, CON -1,511 1 , .N tiA VI 45 11 0111,, 5,..110p., 1,. nod 15' ',KAI •Lr, 1, Vat!, l'ilulAuglk. I) •ti CI Ito ... , 1111 , 11 1.1 . R it A li ll CommLl-44 - ,4 .1..01..ry In I LOt G ON Lt ER.OI , ICO. LlE , rty stroor, t..borgb. lorooclo -1 1 1. , 111" for 11,Ekers sod Family 10 ott rarte• - ol.tr latrotion paid to oz•lt ra for llor•O000lare• E.coornliy. A .+LEzi L EEC ii, FLOUR AND lJ ( 1 1 . 1 % CortRuis.som 11r.ROTEART for the male of GRA! N, 0E012 , , do.. Ws,' Nztl. for too Lwlt.broto,l Uulontalro (i -ra EN T. 10. 143 rirat stroota, be. torn a..1,m1.1.4.1. Pit O.Rurgb. .3 . _ •. 11 AA • 4•111/11.4 LICSIOA.Z. HEAU & I...TAGAR, Groecra and co,naa..a.r, tom an d Joaler. to all k tuda es I ouotry Produee aud Pittaburgh Martometurea, No. ,to Lsberty are.s upposzte bead of %%cod aura, Pittsburgh. apatly st. J.,•••• .......a. JUSQL. tAEO B. JON ES Sc SON, IVholesale 4... A Grua,* and Ilk. Puruisbera, dealers in MA NILLA Win., OAKUM, OILS, PITCH, and Pittte. burgh manufactund male!.., No. 111 Water street, abuse the Meaturmahria Bridge, Pittsburgh. DOBERT DALZELL & CO. Whole sml. droners, Commission and Forsitog Iter ottants. and dealers to Prodnon and Pittsburgb man ufacture, Lilwrty tit. t, Pittaburob. WATJEtPI AindhaElt, 1-. F• and Vibolt.ale Duster in FLOillt mtd GRAIN, No. 3NY Llbesty etnot, opposite Pennsylvania M. N.. Passengnr Pittsburih, Pa. biomes Ware house, corner Wayne nod Peon stneda. uul7.ly NIBERT, HIPTON & CO., Wh01e .1.41 S sale Grocens nod Produce Dale*, No. 6 birth street, Pittsburgh. Jalt3 _ _ JOHN, IiATATT & WII2OS, Wholegalo Gro osni, Curnralasion Merchants, and dealer* In Produce nod Pittsburgh manufactunis, No. 154 Lib erty !Arnett ,Pittaburgb. Jan LINDSAY TELFORD, Wholesale mud Heidi GROCE RS, FLOUR AND PDODUCI DEALERS, 187 Lawny street, Pittsburgh. - .Plum 1.1.1 . - SCIiOMAKEE. LANG, C0A131183101/ nerukkocrs andNrlkulk , Akalkk dreklrrs to ORO OEILIES, FLOP IL, U HAIN, PIIUDUCE, do., No. *I? Llbarty kurokkt 11013.117 J. Is. 1.10.1. T. JS. LIGUE'II' S. CU, CITY FLOUR INC HILLS, corner Liberty ILIA Adam. .tmete,Pltt,burFb, alreapadty, 4ru harrola per day. TIMES DA iZea:Lal, di. EON, u truer. of LARD OIL, Lod Commission Not. chanta for the porrtmaa and Bala of CRUDE AND REVIISED PETROLEUM, Nos. 6U and 70 Watts Aron, Pitt•bllrgh. AtIV4IICn made on couslu_mmouta. am. amarartuor LIZSPVISLICIL. K IRK PATRICK S BROTILER, HIIO - • coo.. to Brown ,t Kirkpatrick., WEIOLE NALE GROCEILS, Noe. 191 and MO Liberty atreot, Pittaburgh. apl3tly_ WIT; ESE IVA —.HENRY ii. et/LUNN, Purvardlng and Commtolou Mon ohaut and doolor in CIIELSIN, EMITTER, LAKE 11411, and Prodaue gent rally, No. 74 Wood alma, almaak. Water, Pomburah. myll 01,LAN LI RI UUL 6 auccerisor to Jot Soli, No. 149 L y Groot, ,911 10., .DUCE, UWE NY AND CON MISSION hl 10,11 T. Cone Igumint rmpoot (1111 Y annottod. 110 Ely 16A1All DICK et CO., TaTareal Oroan Colurniviou Noramta, lutd dealers In thvtltier, has. co Water strmt and CZ Front arm', Ptttaburfp, 1011 N FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gra. e." and Oomcabiolon Merchant., Now 172 Ward and W.. Liberty .treet, Pittsburgh. ll{Ak LES L. CAL.!/ W ELL, (suecomeor %._.) t. Jame. Hcluice a C 0..) PORE PARKER land dealer In t . ILLIV corner of Kagliet and hunt Maggots. Pittsburgh. Ja6 LI J. To ViNtiEND, (tittreeesor to Jack ‘...A• son di Togrovenith) PORK PACK ER and drat. ea to PROVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth Mtvot, SICSI erty, Pittsburgh . oan Lvoita 8 CO., eueeeessore to L . G. Oral; PRODUCE AND 00111MISS/ON IIIiiIRRIANTS, 247 Litairty Arcot, Plthiburgh. _RD Mr., 1171VOTIL . JOLIN I. &. CO., Wholesale 0110(7ERH AND COMMIASION BICIIOIIANTS, rot Smithfield aud Wotri. idria•tn, Pitteldirith. ( 1 40 K , & CO. Merehtaild, and ddialent Commis BACON, WOO)., ONAIN, Sic., No. 12 Smithfield Menai, Pillebuttih. mitzly LI'DWAt[L Li EA:6I%I;I'ON, W l,olenale -LA °HAWED. AND COMMISSION MLIICLIANT, East corm, of Om Lilsomml, No. Id, rittahotet. mhltlyvx W 1 ttiliALE arocor, Nos. 11l sad r) Wad WOO% rid.- tomb. .1144:it ElAllarll3.& . S'Elt, G4' A t ' tioC6Orn OTWCXI:B AND COMIISHION ZICITCCIUNTS Vn leff Pl.l.nro4+, MARSHALL, Deidei : ll3AVA.U.. WTy . PAPYR.B. BOODO.BB, &a. ho.• 87. woad' .8 K. i!lttobarsrh hot 4400 BELH. CHOICE FAX MTH. s. =al d Weed 4 CALK I NG` IRONS, titail:ei'r- 64 2 tor'. make, far W. by mIIIO JAIII:3 DOWN. 738 Wood .treat. 3~t ~ =' :m:~~,x;,~~.K PROPOS.ALK MEgMni= Ca= Qtaarcarrarr.'s Onnca, 1 Wubingtss DrlPArt, Dsr.. .I..ar 18 , J1. I r.. 1,1 proscenia sr.t isvitsd I,y W. undrrakon.-1 far erarplyiss Ora LS. id sartorrassarC. lk.partsuent, st Weedlingun., D. U., fisitua,...r., Md., A Irlandos and Fort 111.kurr, Va., ,a rill., pia _,lll, with HAS, CORN. OATS and STRAW. Bids Ftll ho ret - eired for the th-hreD . 5,000 boah. of cram or ost.d, and to tone or hay or etsto.r, and op. vents. Bidder. must state at which of the above nasal taints thew people to make deliveries, and the rates at which tiey sill make dcliscrien thereat, the quan tity of each article par , erato be doily eroi, the time when told deliveries shall be;commenced, and when to be contrleted. Thoprico moat Iv 'written out In words on Limbic's. Core to Lo put up in grad stout Lanka, of about two buottela each. Oats In like sacks, of stoma throe bushels each. The sacka to ii‘ fouid withooi ii .. on charge to the Government, The bay and straw to to securely haled. The particular kind or description of oats. corn, lia, or tow proposed to be delivered', mart he eta agi kr the pposal ic s. • All O ro ra art ha offered ander the 14,11. heroin Ito• ' ited •11.1 he sul4ect to a rt4id ittopectlon by the '., . eel neu.at Ingpect..r, lofora , loing iratertwd• . C..n treats will be awarded from tutu. to time to t he 1..a.al responsible Weldor, ILS the Interest of the Gov ern'', ut may regnin, and loiyuirrit will tb made when the • hole amount contnseted the shall ha , " been delirered cu d acoeptod. • 1 he bolder will be requiregilo accompany his pro. rood with a guaranty, signed by two n•sperisible p..rw4:et, that hi case his bid Is traceried he or they mill, within ten days thence Mir, evoute the contract for the some, with good and onffictent sureties. in t. 1.1 equal to the amount of the t,ntre - t, to deliver he forage plopeeed to onefortuttry a ILL the terms of this ad' ortiseauent. and in cot th e , gala Milder sheold (nil to enter Into the ~ u tatet, tio y to make ga , d the differener between the offer o add li'dder and the twat lowest teapot:l4bl* bidder,or the rergon to whom li the contract may awarded. The rosponalbilit of the guayantoramust be shown by the official e•rtl sate of a U. S. District Attorney, Collector of Onsto, or any other elect nutter th'e Untied Stan. Goiernment, or resionniLle pennon known to this offloi. MEI= =EINE All bidders will be Linty notiflol of the etaletanoe or ralection of ihrid proposal. The full name old P. D. widrcew of each bidikr wrest to legibly ao Mon lu the proposal. Proposals aunt Me osldresecni to Brigadier General D. 11. I:llCli..Elt., Chief Depot Quitrturawasa, Ite.th itigtan, D. C., and should Le plainly marked ”Propo• sal for Forage. - Donde, in a sumaqtal to the amount of tie con treat, signed by the contractor end both of bin guars stoves, will be enquired of the sure...eh:l blot or tr bid.lces upon signing the contract Blnuk forma of bbln, guard iits, and bomen, may be obtained upon application. ut this °film rom 01 1110108 AL. (Town, Conned azelßtateyy I, theutecrim, do beroby propose to furnish bed deliver to the United Stater, at Mae hrterrauster'e Department at , agreeably to the term, of your advertisemen turithig proposals for fulmar, dated Washington Depot, December a, 1863, Ile fel ler Mg ankh:a, via: bmbehe of Corp, In each, at par Mabel, of to pound. bmihols of Vote, to issokit, at par !Miami, of 22 pounds. —tons of Wed Day, at par ton, of P,OOO pound, tom ofStraw, at— pot ton, of 2,000 pound]. Deliverytonommenee on or bdoro the —d t ,p of 186-, and lobe complotedon or Wore the— day of —,166-, platigunlytelf to enter into a watt= contrast with the United Stmt., with good and approved secarition, within the spec:oaf ten dope Wier being notified that my bid Itn• been accepted. Your obedient aerviott, IttigaCler Gel:tend D. R. finnan, - Chief Depot trunnerunnttor. Washitigton, D 0 GUARANTY. %V., the undersigned, resident. of thecounty of ;and Stow of hereby, Jointly and eeverally, eoWnwt with the United Mama, nod guarantee, In mule the foregoing bid of within ton daysafter the acceptancei of mild bid, exe cute the contract for the same isith od end sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amen* of tho contract, to furnish the (virago ptypowid tq cOmfuntilty to tho terms of nilterlisement dated Da:ember 7,10;3, under which We bid was made, and, in cami, the said - shall foil Monter into a contract sa aforesaid, we guar antee to make good the difference between the offer by the otd - and the nest idwcat responsible bidder, or the person to wham the contract may be alrialt;tl. .. • Witaras, j Oh= undezonJ hand. and .ale thls —day of H--,186-. . , trt L ids I hereby certify that, to the bast cif my %me w and belief, the above hawed goarat4ory are good and augieteot as =retie. for the tonottuk for which Uwe offer to be eevorfty. . . . To be orrtiforl by the Onftod Blatt Wirier Attor. noy, , :ollorror of Co cl rodrnm, or oy or officer nod., We Cultod Starr. Goveromerit, or reoponiLle per•ou known to this offitc. All prop. sils root:Roil under this sdrorthicinont ill t. op. nod and examined st thG otl ou Kalb IiMSDAY and SATURDAY of nerieb wort, Bidders.") rraportfully Invited lie prosent d lbe opening of bids, if they dories. D. ff. IWOKICE, delliSm Brig. Ron. and (Puri...tor. Yito POSA LS WILL RERE GE' VER at the Traninery Department, Offl., of tied Su pore fallen Archltsst, WuhingS r I. 0., until 120.. of lip. In, DA I Or DAY. Irril, lot all lho FIRE. AND BVIICIGAIL Pallor SAFE AND VAULTS requlrrd by the Treasury Depariment prior to Hay let, 1854. Place and specifications can be obtained by appli cation b (bit othco, personally or by letter. • Dias to be per superficial foot, including doori and all tiecerriar7 littores. 113.111,513rtd the ontalds the price named to corer all charge, Irbatever, except the freight and the actual traSelhq expenses 01 workmen to the pl.* abr. the Inuits ate to be erected. Salm to be delivered at Ilea ItoDroml Depot ..r Steamboat Wharf for traneportsdlori, In good ord. r and conditlsn, scithent charge. Locke for the Vaults or Sella wllibo forolehed the Department, bet norot be properly pat on by the contractor without charge. All bide most be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons to the sem of SS,OOO. ibal the bidder wi.l sreocfn and perform the cantrect If award ed to him; the aufflclency of thee...rarity to bef cer. tilled to by theta:ol=th, of Interne/ Derenn‘of the District. The Department macre.a the right to reject any or all [be bids If it be mineldernd Its interest to do No, and no bid VIII b. comidemd that does not conform to the resiedrements of ISt. advertisement Bids to be enclosed Ina sealed envelope, endorsed ePrep . sals ier Satre and Yeelit . ' led IA II 1100 EMS, jipaaj gag,reisigg ES'TABLISIIED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, EINUYY AND TOBACCO MARV-PAM-LIM, 18 42(D 18 CHAMEIIIIS.II2II=2I (Tormorty t 2 Chatham stroei. Sty York,) Would call On attention of daslorf GO the sztlelco of ble nunapfacture, els : • BROWN 51411TP. Manaboy, Tine III:ppm, Gonne Ilnypee, Amerioats Gentlemen, Ilemigen, Pure Nachttochee, Gopenhagon. • YELLOW SNVF7. • Soctch, High Tocct Scotch, Irish High Toms a Lawlifortt, Homy Dew Scotch, irctlt II Ite7 Scotch ➢reah Scotch. Attention is called io the largo rieduction In prior of Fine Cut Chiming and Stooking.Tobsoone, whirl trill be found ofetiyiaiiAn c t . ityi, • Snalco.—Long, Na 1, Na 2, Nos 1 end 2 211.24 Granulat.l. Yore Cr, Ornorom—P. A. L.. or plain • Colon -41.13, or 8woot; Sweet scented Oronoco; Tin roll WendlA. BoaWmw-B..lsirra Spanish, Canister, Turktsb. N. B.—.A circular of prices will be sent on applies PATENTED OCTOBER, 8, 1861. DITIIHIDGre PATiafT OVAL LAME' CHIAIN I=!=ZEI II FLINT GLASS Thou Chlronnye aro Intended for the fist Cue% heating all parts of the glasoqually, does not capon It to creative. H. T. Port TAU Mara Work., Wathlngtuo emot e epIT Pitfaborgh, Praha. MCCORD & GO., • Wholamb Denim IM Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Hare my le store rho largvt mini mat non:Note .rock of goods far sr.ixtives iver offered to the west. Merchants are requested to call and examitu our stock, which will besolti at very low rates. 131 Wood Ett, Pittsburgh. rohb N&W COASiGNMEN'IIi • 23 bozos Efaraborg Chesaor 200 Dbs. Orem Apples: • 1 ... 100 do Poach Mass Potatoes: 50 bosh. 012/0.; . . 154.0 ON. vitae blaplo Bogari4o sear: 00 bozos Omura, 0(1e bosh. prima Whits Beams: 25 bbls. thir Apples; 75 DOll. Toralps; Jost smeared and for sate at No. nett Liberty sissot. mllll POrrEll., AIKEN A'SHrkAp.D. pRESSED_ AND COMMON BiRICE. 140,000 PRICSISEri; sad 400,000 COMMON ntacil On band sad far Ws by 'DAVID lIIITCIIISON, 1 0447 - Lakiak PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.I map, to cotattry defilers DA HID a slip BITITZIZING I BEYOND Tat ' ff's'A u r • A new lot at - DAVIS, (MA RAE ADO.; • BACON AND PORK. - 1 6 Nos. p Sboneri 4 'I by ft ens ld e ' ss ' Tor . J. &IRK PATMok. 191 and 103 Lilbedty Mgt. CORN MEAL-450 hoeftt }late;.. in dorolkild for ago by W. 111; GOIIIILY, ' Ltber7114•41, 4 WHITE. :13EANE300 itc sato 17 ,1---...."...111/MILSAL.IIIT.' IMO Libut7 RJOILIIO4DI. • • DEINNS YLVtai.la L CfirritAL B. 2. WINTEII Alt RA ROL • It ENT. —NINIS Curraput scl.lltions sre bring talklo ILI GISMO. nent on this expellent dmtble track end apeA rvc.tr, and ....r7 rare will be scrnelsed Ito ptp.t espld enneessent,n tr.lght. Trani, tetli bare CI, Dozen to Pttteborttli x•lnrxr • 711lloCOB faXYJMI:keDATIOII THAIS w... eh. i'oee.enger Station duly. (eaeNept Sofelay,) e..kf , a ra.., stopping at all btationa bet - weak Prime. uer-,e end Pkiladolifkla, and rraktag direct rotate. t..eu for N York and Pitilseelphia. The TEMOUGH MAIL TiWEI barer the Paw leer.. Ste.llo; @eery months (except Boxtday,) tee° rebyping oely at.pducipal 'tattoos. and mating direct conr.cotkins at IlarrWean tar Balt!. to erel Weablestco,arul flex New York via Pb! !.. ROUGH XIIIIESS T11.51N tam daftyst :IY. p. only At. prhtelpsl net ~.nneetito IlatristotrgEaltnnore, Waan 'pet.. .4 Ina Poutelplils Th.. VAST' LINE i.e. tea Otattort i p (neve te..%! Snaotay) p.., napping enl7 at !pal ra..Ur.vl.lrqs ii.u.riaburg tintare ArnAluatoat. Jald for Hew Yuen tin Allentown woven New York. trlth,st ch.pt nuel alw , at Philatlalphla for ACCOMMODATION STAINS. Thr .TolkrAtotrA Acconatnadatica Tray lama WI, (a pt Sunday) acl.Uap m.. rtorplag aVaa Stadass3 and running as far sa Donemangh. 7L-st. Lamm:no&Non Train !Jr Wall`, Stalin, Loom daily (aunt Sunday) at 6,93 a. tn. Stoma! Accommodation Train Inn imvaa tinily (except Sunday) a/ 11:1O rt. - - Third AccommuMtio. Thad fur WWl'. Mb estwr daily (except finally) st !:50 It. ca. rarstl. dermsunadatlon Traln in Wart etatim bare. daily (except Someday) atG:CO_p. m. The (larva Tram :cares Wall's natal: iii Ektu. dlky nt f;dls a. m. returning. ime - cli Pittemilt at :43 v. m. Trstan 41:11111u . Pfaataigh on Balti.ore OR a Philsvielpb 1-110 p. r a ..4 170 .6 Tmcmgt at;ii Johnstown Anwcwoodstion- ►uL /trot Ststlon ArcountZtlon--. &VS Sernod Wrdlito dintion doottnimodstkin--.. 137.3 h WAIL Third Wrillis Station dscomansintion--. 1 , 55 , :p. us. Fourth Wan action gorounualatlon..-. 6:115 Italtlinoro Engem will win, with rhit.eepida Cron. nt - tem p. m. w grondays. "groins for llLLtrwrillo and ind Lina connect at Mfrs rills Intarsootioa with Through Aecaruntutathe Johnstown Agooramaiotion and gum= Trig. LW" and with Baltimore Nsgrov and Johnstown Amain. =dation West TrWns far Etatabtirg connect at Crown with lie, Truing and ida9 4 Train Wm, nd with Tarooghi azeolata and fiapraw Train East . FARS a, 1 To Tim York.....__ SO To Solthatara---410 99 To Phlladetoblo.....— 19 SO To Lataceoter ......,.. a 31' To Ilartisbarg— . TCS To Altoona__ . 769 checkol to all tiatiODß 00 tho IlonnoTllo. afa r = and N IlaUroad, and to Pal/Adolph* Dahlman ear Took. - . Putiongere pnrobasing tickets to the owe teat be ...eked em execesosonordingto the dbtaace tr areal, to addition to the etation rate, except from where tho Ooopooy hse no age.. 21011cfa.—In can of loss, the Compeny 0111 bold themselves responsible for pan.] baggage only. .1 for . ameront not ar reedislW. P. 3.—Ao 0.1.11 M-11 Idne ha been employed to convey paa.gres and basaeAgeto and from the Des pot, at charge not to exceed 23 cents, for eocti sensor and baggage. Tor tickets aptely /. 373`WAHT, Agent. at the Pennsylvania Centred Safiroad Pease.. .tnrlnn LOnnnne. land Grant nrrnn. SHINPFIJrG QTESAti. WEEKLY lb LI V- i fifi YrlPOOL,.torrling at QUE.Y.RYTOWI3, (Conk Elkokok.) Tho roll-known stoeurtoro or ths Ltverpool,'Nea York and Phltaelptda Sbramahlp (bmpn• aro hatendod e. tams": " ' _ . - - .•. PITT Of DIANCIIaITER---.Fyllirday, April 9. CITY OP LONDON April 16. -- April' 1. And every amcceedlngEatiiplay, boor 44. Li•rth itiIYGIS 01 MMUS% Pirytibia i Goa or Um rowan:soe it Owner*. 1 gran 0aam.....- --... ....:90 Go ursonaaa....-1130 OD do to London.... 85 00 do to London 34 00 do •to Pori,— 95 (0 do to Parts_ 40 0) do to Hamburg. 90 00, do - to !lamb gST 00 Pamenger• also (oward.) to Havre, Bremen, Rot. tertian), Antwerp, /a., at amally to rate.. Tarp from rimer' 1,41 or Quom4own ; Ist (Mob, irk Sm. 9105.. Obkriide, PI. Thins who wish to - eehil for their blonds cv) bru iletao hare at Hum mt.. For tarn., Intarasikra applyd the Ckdapanry Oticsa. 74:1IIII G. DALE, Agora. IA Broadway How !krt. .101 IN Triontwori i flar.a erwr. Cmd hire frow the Plttaldwat. s. i'IIiNARI! 1.1 S —.qt.= front MA an in 1,11, fra elalral.rot ,IrrrAc. rSuld FLW 10111, $35.4. =nem Ea 2.• T . 4, 4 4;;;,,, FURNITURE DANZ AND WOOD °NAIR - WHOLESALE OE GETAIL. AS. W. IVOODW ELL, cr . ,' an 99 'Third street, opposite Z. =madam it Cr. and d 111 Boartn street. tahlo ROBERTS, BARNES & No. 89 79Alzd P9 - 14mrgh, TM AND MESS IKON NVOIIRXII9, And Eloonfactarers of JAPANNED TIN inTA.ruir. Particular attention pald to the Inarearacturfax o GROOSILS TEA CANISTERS, TOIL= WAGE IVATED. COOLTII.3, lo.• OIL CANS. ell Agee and tatternt ; TIN 8007- IN6, CONDUCTUIta, and all Mode of JobLlng work done to =ler. Alan, a largo stock of Sou DIED CAGES Jaat ro °Hard: ZINO SCILLY'S wad OLD BIZTALS boned.. fol. ' ATRET. 1760: COTTAGE DRABS, GROUND IN PURE LESSRED OIL. biz different Drab &hada; for COTTAGES, VILLAS, RAILROAD DEPOTS, ie. Alma, IMIT for 110 , FS, &IBM. JELEVATOBS, YIIZIGHT OARS, &a OIMPEST PAMP IN TIM .ALLIIKIFT. Adder HOBERT MET NOLDI9, Ckacral Agtot, 74 Malan Lane, Hew Tort. mhZeitrld PAPER WARELIOUSE. FARRELL, MYING a co., No. 610 HUMOR STEER, PiELADRLPHIA, P. , Double Strength Manilla Paper, =En PALL wnerproas; on hand or ludo to ardor. nigtwat price gar SOPS, in large a mall gamtltas: mtaamd FRUIT AND SHADE TENE . N, EVERGREENS; c. • Of APPLE, za. born o $00,000; and of dl Lb 6 leading iarletka; poet profitable Pa' Ode locatke. We hill entre flub tree, as Early' llarrent, Malden 111.11, Holland Pippin, Ilaldwitt. - Valtowater, Gates, Xing of Tottrpkine Co., Hilo& Mend' Green, Bans Beano, Itamboii Snooke.bonne, , 'Xolnetne . • Street, t , roltle'a Older; 6e., vsitli a 'vulture stork of RUH, 01.1PARY, PEACH, PLITM,STED.GPSZIS. SEA= TREES, HOSTS, SIIIIIIIIBEHT.. 011117.1111011/111 PLANTS, de., At. Al onr stock to large, ere offer great Ituireereents to planters brarboleealorcha. sera Orders left at the Orsembenee, f akd, or Pittsburgh Poet Offico, trill be proms_ pfle attended to. oax - nruaDocn, Jr, Ibilkdatr, Pftlabirth gad Oakland liarsarien. rill/ GAUD X.N L IC • B,:fAND Vaig lOBOWBBE.—The euherti*: bu .011Uded . hie yarn', ennate four ranee down the Ohio river,on which the AeammiodatioriTrainnef the Yitteburalt. Wort d Chicago - B. It stay, into Lott varying from to 14 acme, which he effete atm& on acconnumla. ring term. Some of the loteare level and wellardt ed ear gardening mimosa and country mate, whist atheneum partly hllleld.end: Uri very twin sites to the trusty for vineyard. Nerer.falling spriny on tearly ever. lot.. plan of which can he wen . 1 the mere of GRAHAM & THOEL&B;I6hand IE7 Liberty street, Pitteburgb, and tuk the Proilit La. where per• .one wishing to .panbuo.good , property near the city win please call. - («loam - 74 . 11101 OUT/ AIL • & M. AISTEES,'IIicAas FOUNDBBII, • On Leo flreett 4 mat: Partlcaler atteatkei VRWPATI t tro;r3 3 ftl'i rititt O oltc% made to order. Mao MUS 3. at.a3riliGgl , gt kiwis, nude at the ettorteet nark.; .` AU orders left at Woe. 31 and 31 WATIII ErraraT. • near Liberty, ‘lll he promptly att r endod to. mord...reef _this Inn ro tMo ll* Peedto:d."' of r... 7 lOW ezperienotkin their bulimia mm In ors to gioSlN.ticlketion In eterY,nceet' We are el.* agents thr Cirilla; , CerrLsoh - `t Co.'s BMX PWIP, far pumping. Wlll4, erode end Le tined afy dte. HEN Iffr* -- ALIJACE, ti Commission Merchant, No. MD 3017111.WATE11 LIT.; - 0111CIA00 1 . Moots. • . ratio:Ur attention pildteriMU4 oidas*t ine a 01=74 fILOVERWhit rims- N.rsar szi, - out cf. T, ' IWO No. VA ,Vet ixt.7 tat rn PKGS. wabictsaiw, barrels and tau :as VAR l' ldaliizi a rL l ATou ls aii. Wad 11. • -, • • •- • -:-1".• & ‘t?.:"*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers