v.4YttP.{,,,;'l.ay. .I ~ Y ~~". a~Y t .: ~'. .._n. o.S.a~~^Y9 ys --ta....~. "'_ THE DAILY sburgh o.sazettl. FIIBLISIIED BY niGenrts PUBIASIIING ASSOCIATION. . TERMS OF TEE GAZETTE. ligFroima itprrios, by mall, per your.-......f6 00 . u tt mouth.-- 70. single B. Trnmato Erman, by 0011. p“ year...* 4 60. month.-- U. at Wook-.—.. 10. " Single Wirshe Irmo., angle copies, per year.- M. dubs of 6 to 10. 1 60. cluh of lOor more I 25. -rind one oaths to the party gendlog club. Tor club of Mean, we will mod the Evrento Iltssrre Too • dab of twenty, we will mod the ftouruto o.arrnt daily. Single cork., 6 mote. subeeriptlous mica. Ls awn., parer. always Wiped when the time expire. MONDAY APRIL 4, 1 " - Secret Societies slid the Roman Cath- one Church The /*mint, is the title of o paper published at Chicago, al the organ of the:Fenian Broth crhood. In it; second number, is a tong ac eonnt elan interview between o committee of the Brotherhood and the Boman CathoHo Archbishop of Chicago. The latter diseour. aged theentorpriso of the ' , brethren" of the order, and the colloquy wound up thus Committee—Well, Bishop, Is therein° way In which our society can be made in conso nance with the law, - of the Church? Bishop—Your object is illegal, and until you abandon, that object nothing can be done. ' Com.-Geer object Is the overthrow of Brit eh ruleiln Ireland. Must we give up that? Bill:top—I have said your object was illegal. Cout—Must we consent to abandon our in . tontion of striking the British Government If an opportunity should offer Bishop—Yes, even the British Government Com—We have spoken of Poland. The na tional government of Poland. is one of the most insamtible secret societies which his ever existed on the face of the earth. It con demns a man to death, and immediately he is found stabbed or put to death in some my tete ?lOU manner. No men knows even the names of these who comprise the government, and yet the archbishop of Ireland, who is most op posed to us, in his letter to the Polish commit tee In Dublin, apok*lxes for the small amount he tends to aid the cause of Poland. The Cardinals, and even oar Holy Father, the Pope. offer up their prayers for the success of the Poles. Bishop—lf they are secret they will fail. ' Nothing good ever came from secret societies. Cora—We are detaining you longer than we expected. Allow me to ask the question: Must we, in your opinion, give up our ides of overthrowing British domination In Ireland, to order to be reconciled to the Church? Bishop—The British Government ie a legal Government and it is a crime against the • Church to attempt to subvert the existing - state of society. Cora Then we are to understand that the British-Government in Ireland is a legal Cov ernment, and It ti a crime against the Chlsrch to attempt to overthrow that Government in Ireland? .• Bialiop--Well,. yes. Tjibl decision closed the interview - .'7lllaltop Timon, of Baffslo, takes the same Vound. Ulf has recently announced o Qiciolty that the "Benign Brothers" cannot march in Procession with Catholic societies, nor take Oat in Catholic rites and holy sacritlcei4 We find•"nho that the highest dignitary of the Roman Catholic Chinch in Ireland is equally decisive in his nondamnation of such secret organisations. Dr. Dilol7l, the Archbishop of Armagh, tad Primate of Ireland, has just Dined a pastoral in which be strongly deacon - red Elbbonirm, and other secret societies. • The Copperhead Outbreak In Illinol The Illinois Copperheads have 'skedaddled . A dispatch, dated Indianapolis, March 31 .says: , "At Malta:no, Illinois, the Copperhead. abandoned their entrenchmenta u pen proch of the veterans, and all ow h ea p There is nothing new from Charleston, 11l The Onion forces senethere are competent u pat down • all restate:am. ' The 47th I oditun veteraneileft-yesterdey for Mattoon, by orde of Gen. Carrington, ma 35 minutes' notice. A dispatch, from Mattoon, of the name date 'a ces ' terday the insurgent/ll:arm Windsortook a - vote and unanimously resolved to attack Mattoon and release the prisoners confined there, but the spoilt they sent here not retern ing, he having been arrested, their leader] be came frightened, and, after much hesitation, they did not come. The- copperheads bare • not returned home to-day. They say there, are 6,000 soldiers in Mattoon, and that it is no use to try to release the prisoners. • • All is :Inlet bore to-night, and no apprehen ' .Man of an attack is felt.. Should one be made, there is as abundant force to guard the pots • unere and defend the town. _, • ''• The Cincinnati Muth< of Friday, remarks The Copperheads in-Coles county, Illinois, having shown theirtrtithibus sympathies and fenomais hostility against the Government • • and• its defenders, by deeds of blood *hen , there was no efficient forte to oppose them, have also displayed their cowardice by,Alipare. • log as soon - as troops in Itay considerable Another me near.. lye contemn that the author • ,ties w i llnot rest content with their mero dispersion, but willionlith proceed to disarm villeins and punish at least the ringlead - that no more demonstra '..".linfteinf the kind will be attempted. Qualification of Color. . S.WaShingionlelispatah remarks that Seam toy Wilkinson knocked down one of the bat treaties of literary on Thursday witban amen:d etest to the bill organizing the Territory of Mentisno. Be Moved to strike out the Words "every (Wm White male inhabitant" • from the elective :ftsuschisielasae and 'mart- "every male cill• sen of the United Stater end those who have declared their intention to become trash." To triestty.suggaselon. tram a Border State Sen ator that he had 'batter insert in - the bill die= Una authority to black, Men to vote. Mr. , Wilkinson - replied, that - Iss - was satisiled wit • the amendment ai offered, and hoped never again to see In 'mace Uf the. United States Congress the wordi"Whlte and Black." The bilious emended pasted by 20 to S. • rom Chattanoomt;—lialinriant Military fit image& Thaiolleving owls; dlipateh, 'dated Chat ; twos*, March 2a, aprolirs to the Clacittnati I Causereirdoet Friday: • • Maier *mall Buell, Nagle', bleeooir, oritteadetOiewton sad Sykee,sasi tea Brig adlery.'havelnin .ordered to report to Gan. Sara= for -duty in,. his division. Buell wilt likaltanocood Schofield to oommand of the. Army of the Ohio ' ' - sad Sch.:Meld bare a ardataalad ;satiable to hip .rank. Pistilli= rotate. :thittdoluaston 1s rolnfori: PIXTASIO TEIWAS Alithi r rial, Co. rdi tSoth ' ffiriel r oits yolcustecie.bito wu misused um 171.1.'Briyhr, SO eland Cos murder et Witilatostrargi Vi., and who lieemltted the •-•.• • ;slid Boils to: coupe" ttw enemy, with he intennationver Gen. lintier's inurement ter studs. (mainaudested, b,y Abe*. ittains to Dolie,) hu been tibia eomietad Ida sentsinaed to be,stuit to death with musketry atlorktown, Va., and Prestdeatbse apnea ttlirientcre. , - Alnki-LKiorroat4wka preildedat., the remit ,„11(oCiellatidembnidretion In New 'York, was matt who at the robbery of the United States mail when be was Postmaster fieneratilit-;_mying to Mlle" who had broken open thautills at, Charleston, 8. C., end do odroyedvartione Abair oontemte.. “We owe en obligation to the laws, bat a higher one to - 2 the oommanitlie in wkirliWti:,llTerand if the - 7 Wier - be permute Ito dattrg the latter, It le Ott tiotimit to disregard them." :iite t- Ilextco and ArlsonaWe bee w. n Taal __:--:::-'. id& itianadiattritr i l:ilL ous i noc l y. t t, :':!..;= had, of late, sego oats of the 'Wen de; feat" or the' savages In several fights.. 1h • ' : --' obsutlioneat appears to have beep,prq,t 17 - -- - . .l3l4miash,.is our dlspottelre c s o r i es str incrn oig io . 47 4 - - . ''', itgeildartertheent 7 1 vos " . * ' tile foruitthil situ . ..--,;;:• .:Niebeiltsvi-sltirbelitz,tbaxa!p - isi" in a &to . 0r05a, , ,; ', , :-; . • -.. - - . , '.. - ' -114-- of : ft* *al -twitti v i, fesbUstked,7ll , - --- -....,; ."Eiriltlse:' - 44 -4..,bria 0 ,zussai A .--Ons erste , .... ,t,L ~.,„„, '''''".'''''''' tu.sou. )1 , .1.40 'anal*? t Q/111'6.414 OUR NEW YORK, LETTER Oonespendecce of the Pittsburl: Garotte. Nrw rch 3110364 It la ►t once wonderful and amusing to no tice with what tender solicitude Republican politico are regarded by the sew York Cop. perheads. Allot a sudden the Herold, and its followers, have conceived an inordinate love for Gen. Fremont, and the Expren man ifests a slUlilarly passionate attachment for Mr. chase. Brun that nobody in the Senate, 'Garrett Davis, would support "anybody but a negro?' Butler, too, has his admirers among the disloyal. These demonstrations are but a repetition of Democratic tactics. The chief and only purpose they have, is to divide pub lic sentiment, and encourage the split in the Onion ranks, which they think is imminent. Sharp and shrewd they am beyond a doubt but it is to be hoped their transparetey alone will be sufficient to place people on theft guard. That mop who has the friendship of :he Herold or Erpress, in certain - sooner or later to be an inveiglee, and it is luckily, generally known that to be on the right side, is to rigorously oppose those on whom these ! journal., lavish so much loving regard. As I Mr. Lincoln's chance becomes brighter, the 'opposition to him to Loetfoco quarter. in creases. Blackguuxdlem, the great argu mentative coat of mail, ban already been doomed, and Lincoln is announced as the "mlecegenator'e choice," "amalgamation can didate," and a hundred pthers of the same sort, while there are not wanting those who proclaim him a usurper, and style his sup porters Austrians: Oar people are getting themselves into quill, a fever of excitement over the storage of titre hundred tons of gunpowder on an Is land in the harbor. Many, whose pretexts for denouncing the Government and "Abe" lineoln have become exhausted, do not sam ple to lay that "this unwarrantable placing the city of New York at the mercy of a spark is part of 'grand concooked scheme to destroy the beet government," and all that art of thing. Quite a novel Idea, troll, and about as good as that of a Bradford county (Pa. ) patent medicine man, who could not support Abraham Lincoln a second term because the Commissioner of Internal Revenue imposed a tax of one cent pa bottle on his nostrums. By-the-by, to show you the state of feeling in the matter, and to lot the good people of Pittsburgh see what literary talent we wash down our Sabbath morning breakfast with, I append the strictures of a Sash Sun day paper on this decidedly Rutty subject; "le not this. terrible suite of affairs to conteru- plats. Who of us can read such testimony, am. not shudder at the bare thought lench an accident. In an Imtant of time. monitors, of prope rt y would be muse a shapeless maa• of rubes, white the lose of life would be frightful to enumerate. Our pen fails us before making an effort to Wetly portray the horri ble scenes which would ba spread before the eurvi- I vers. It would be terribly awful. Think for but • moment bow wideapread would be the divas., New York &loner:could not be the suflVrtr. Brook iyudersey City. Staten Island, all the Inhabitants In the harbor would rtee in for the share of the great rain, and ts Influence am not fall to to felt even to Newark l , and perhaps to Y id onkers. "The work and moneys of nearly • century would be swept away to a breath. and hundreds of room ands of lives would be sacrificed at this greatauar of power. Time could scarcely replace the wreck. Commerce would be paralysed. Three eitiee Would be mdmed to the level of the earth. The greed me tropoli. of the Western Continent would be deipoiled oilier glory and power. Oar homes woold Loden.. , late and our dwellings gene. In feet Thousand.we would be ' the desolation of desolations Thousand. of odilions [ could not repair the camapi. Not one stone would remain unturned. Fire avoid lend lie ravishing hand, while the very riven would mob in to make tler devastation even more-completa A gleam, dark as night, would sPread the earth over. Wlde.spread arm d the terror; all loft would mourn the hes of their relative, and friends; it would be like a judg- tneut-day, -. The terrible &catarrhs of death and destruction which would be Martial at us over the peaceful waters , of our bay, world be beyond conception. and weutd °arras' any of the earthemakelstaanedt d lu history. agony, torture, mifocatlon, starvation be neath the ruins, the miseries of thousand , dying by slow tortures, with LiOtin to help, and none to saes, would freem Out soul to behold lloaveu forbid such oil cahoot scenes!" The disgusting affair which occurred at the Brooklyn Academy of Marie a few evenings since, better khown as the Yenisei affair,tbe particulars of which were promptly given by the sensational press to an eager, on-tiptoe attdienea,lnis utmost had the effect among de- cent people to bring the pieties of amusement) into disrepute. These "respectable" Brook lyn merchants, who thus tryst a lady shonid ' be made an example of pro Longs poldiro. The law books pronounce It criminal to suppress an act in this way. by the commission of which the people are affected. But we can hope fur nothing wholesome. A conference he. been had by the principal's deputies, at which the "Brooklyn merchants" plead ! drunkenness, begged forgiveness and promised reform, and so the matter rests. Another Russian has succeeded In getting ! himself into hot water. William J. Florence, the celebrated actor, Insulted a Count with an unpronounceable name, at a ball, the other 'night, (so the story goes) when the Russian I with that wild, demonirdal frenzy that char.', czarina our whiskered trans. Atlantic friends,' insisted on coming in possession of William's heart's blood. William vonttlred an apology, which the Count's optical organs could not permeate. Whiskers froze his antagonist with the remark "A Russian Cotint never for 'gives.' When the ball broke up the Count was still in hot blood, and expressed his ,k termination to have satisfaction. W•venztv. The Prlees of Food It in the obvious interest of the farmer not to have the prizes of his produUs so-high as, to destroy or diminish the demand for them. That point is always reached whenever more is charged for the necessaries of life than the great inajmitycif the community can afford to pay. Bat the producer or seller caonot know the fart se long so the generality of poop* continue to buy and consume as usual. There': ' fore, the upward tendency of prices , for do mestic provisions may be expected to go on until there- ie a very ecnsible redaction to the I counb;:r of consumers - or ln th e amount of ,tionsumntien , per he ad.' This has already taken plueln Boston, in flea:lido of butter. The Pose, of that city, says that "hundreds of familial in Boston are, either dispensing with batter entirely, or using it in the smell est ponifile quantities, on account of its ex travagant price." Batter In our markets bet gone up recently ati high as fifty cents pain. Beef and poultry have risen to twenty and twenty-five tents. Vegetables, of ell kinds, have advanced In proportion. The effect of already, hue been to cause a very large number of families to use considerably less of the articles named than they have been ac customtd to use, and if the cause of pub re untilgoes on, the effect will increase, the producers find their customers con , fined to the few very rich buyers, and, con sequenUy, moth of their perishable tom, r modifies tenon thelzhands. Then, of course; a reaction must take place, and price& go down. But before such a result eitu °tear, the poorer classes must suffer great deprivation, while others, not quite so limitedn their means, must learnhabits of economy. All this, In the long ru n is likely to prove more prejudicial to the p rovision men than beneficial. They will enjoy a temporal harvest of exorbitant prices, but It may possibly be at the expense lof teaching the multitode that they were I Previously extravagant in livirig morrennip 'measly than they needed, and that, even in equally easy rimer, they can consume less than their wont, and yet live quite as com fortable. The tufting of high Prices is v er y strongly to enforce darnestle economy, and as American families are said to waste more food than would keep some European families, leleoei of thrift may beloreed upon as at the present time which will hereafter be beneficial so us all.—Filiikuietwhie Ledger. The Grants The Ohio State Journal copies from the Scogith American Journal, an batorestlng "gonealogloal 'sketch of .the clans of tho Qaaata,toScotland, concluding 1.1 fougwi: .in gtrapthaper the name prevailed almost to itto °salaams of *seri other, In the dlstrict.o aid-to by Sir Satiate% baronet, in his lively reran. • : • "ComO the orao . taprroltochiortiu‘ theh. Open mom before ens, • Plorod the =theft stothot Gore 'em. "Nerd tliwGrente alloadereircinis, Every - East tds sword wad dark hes, Ersry sr= as pornd'ss Tort = To With, Jo:ant - odds Ne don't care a 2plper's------ebont the Of Grant" of tbe ttrolllb cantor/ in Sootbuai. Thcri may have beat vary:. decant , follows forthair time: bat-3316i hart' beta i dead too long to be or matt account mar., , is — r tbe,oaraite". Talommorocr - ego fr the GIINNI` Met &tree' tete, beforeh!ro. *Tose ~(loot "Omit& or Sothic:aurae.. Slut the ..wideeswiksl-GBANT, bore in Clermont tte m a t u 4 i tirigtebi b reNo n itidt.t halrl this 1400.1 raltlit.oont WO— is , . Atitstatoo-btoit tettnott'toi Costioton, to tint ittSt.l.; outs nn &it OrthAptU, to, itctot.- tisittiatio:ttoetorst.ortetot and , soloot-illo plealtaUoataationta slegly Prank r. Bigeirworet , i4„„' EVIRING GAZETH TELiGBAMONTEIIESTINGMMEIMOPE.I 411.111175EME.V78, __J_. OUR SPECIAL •DISPATC . The War Betweel P I d ifSBURGEt 111EATRE. the Danes and 1 • Germans. ' Tvesuror.... Germs -ATTACKED IBY TILE PHITSSIBS. FROJt WA/MI./VW TOX Sepcial Dielatch to the Pittentrah Gantt.. WAIMINCITON, Avil 1, 1664. TAN CAFA Dl'ol 11E01910CM( TREATY Mr. Ward's report on the Canadian Recip rarity Treaty, from the Menlo Commerce ! Committee, gives ca prominent reasons why that treaty his been regarded with dissatis faction, that it failed to produce friendly I international relations as a natural result of the vast series of reciprocal benefits ; It shows; a regular apd rapid decrease, of the value of our imports of manufactures under the opera tion of the treaty, and 'regards as desjrable s! termination of the system unless the hues of dissatisfaction can he rumored. The Com• mitten reported resolutions requiring the' !resident to give a notice to the Government of Great Britain of our Intention to terminate sild treaty et the expiration of twelve months from the termination of the period of ten years, the longest limit by the treaty stipula tions. and from the time the treaty went into operation in 1854, and authorising the op pointmedt of three commissioners to revise the treaty and negotiate a new one, hued on the principles of true reciprocity, and for the removal of existing difficulties. BRSOADLAR tiLIIIGHLLB COSTIRMID The Senate bad a long EThelltillf session to-day, discussing the qualifications of the men the President has nominated for Briga dier Gonorals. It is understood that One or two wore rejected, and the names of some Others were referred back to the Military CoMmittee. The following ware confirmed as Brigadier Goners's: CuL Patrick E. Con nor, 3d. California Volunteers; LL Col. Ga lariat R. Paul, Bth Infantry ; Ist. Liout. Adel. bat Amos, sth Artillery; Col. Benj. L. Grier son, 6th Illinois Cavalry ; Cot. Robert S. Fos ter, 13:h Indiana; Capt. Alex. B. Webb, 11th Infantry ; Col. Alfred N. Defile, let. R. I. Cavalry.; Col. Walter E. Whittaker, 6th Ey.; let. Lieut. Judson Kilpatrick, Ist. Artillery ; Capt. Kenner Garrard, sth Cavalry; Capt Charles It Woods, 9th Infantry of Ohio; Col. John B. Sanborn, 4th Minnesota; Col. Giles Smith, Bth Missouri Col. Samuel A. Rice; 3:ld lowa Col. Walter Q.. Brenham, 53d Indiana: Col. M. M. Force, 20th Ohio; Col. R. A. Cameron, 54th Indiana ; Col. John.M. Como, 6th Iowa; Capt. Alvin C. Gillani'd,m't. Quartermaater H. A.; Col. James 17; Rice, 44th Nair York ; Capt. Watley Merritt, 2nd Cavalry ; lit. Lieut. Geo. A. Costar, 4th Cav alry; VOL John C. Starkweathor, let Wiscon sin ; Col. Henry L. Vetis, 10th Moss.; Col. 11. E. Davies, 2nd N. 'f. Cavalry; Andrew J. Hamilton, of Texas CoI. 11. W. Birge, 15th Connecticut. The Seoond Ohio CAvalry, over nine hundred sarong, hare smised at Annapolis to juin • Gen. Burnside. Tois regiment was ro eruited at the comma neon:tent of the rebellion. They • first fought the rebels of the far west, I 'then Ulnae of the middle country, and now they will get a smolt of those who have fared I the glorious army of the Potomac. Washington flown. EICHAIGI Or riIISONEnS. •.; ,• The rebel prironers lately sent the Union misoners delivered at city Pants have _put been exchange 2, ar,,lajjenerwllp supposed - , bet' parotid. ' ratV7l3oell TO a...Warr OFFICLEA. A report favorable to allowing • Calonet decors tomtit in the 'louse tel participation in its debates will be mode nest week. U - 00P-C1i0re62.21 AID teMlOltininn TO MYrIADTID. renhoes. Assistant •441111rterillntller Much bee been • The Sanaa., on Motion of Mr. grintaa:l ordered to hire 6,000 choppers and laborers to adopted resolutions inquiring the tenet of art ^ 51 1 . d . . for th. e b ( l et o::::n7 l li t t . o r i LitntioP of r."°. l (re " the mouthi l i r ge White River. Thi; remy no of pardoned front dill:ern, and all other persons ;asman w i l t b e armed set fief; b 3 the Examinee clemency TOR AltarLiND ELEOTTOM--OUDZIL Or ORNIMAI Octoral howls Wallace has recently practically illustrated ills declaration, that rebtlelai . o no political IVA or privileges, by ',liming orders to 'prevent disloyal persons being elected to the Constitutional Conven. lion or voiing at the election next Wodnoaday oo r“ fog ►rrnnNTlCra . The Commissionerr of tho Bowl of Claims nosvirifting here have reeeivei orders from the War Department that no apiirentice sballt;e prild,for. ACTITITY TL SIOLL'S , Considerable activity le aux shown Io Sigers department, biz troops having being editairs bly ilisponetl. for the geom.* dr ',Uremia and for protection of the pdople agninet Tent, 'lnctementes :e .L.ARYLK2II3. queen Armes county, 114 . 1., %A [acute,' with incendiaries ; two churches and many duel lings and barns of Union Citizens base lately been ret on fire. I=l The hoe and ship CELTltllltDill of Baltimore are on a strike fur an theism of Wages from two to two dollars and fifty rents; the litter from two dialars and fifty to three dollar. 01=12113 Lincoln Political edits here been formed In every ward in the city, the most prominent eititeris joining'. [MATT 1110 the hea4lest storm of the Decidedly season Itcspn last Tottaday ;night and con tinued up to last night. TologrltEhe ere down in every direction. No fag of tee has gone up the JAalta river since the dneteenth ult. EceutNortress Monroe Ponta/us HON ROC, March 31.-The steamer Eden S. Forty, from Newbcra,...N. C., arrived today, and after landing Mir passengers sailed for New York. Nitebern, 31,ach 28.—The °nom, is guard ing their Liles with unarm' care, to prevent information of their movements from reaching the Union forces. ' ' :Fourasciped Union prisoners have reached Washington, North Carolina, from Danville. Their names are John C. Morreugh, 38th Irft nets; George W. Bean, 21,1 Illinois; John Inamilton, 89:b Illinois, and Wm. Nerdegb, Moods. • Movement• of Porrest--Iteported Re. iuturcerucut—GrieceoWw I)perstUoto. 'lllaram, March 30.- 2 0 en. hfcbullosh it reported to be en route north, with tweisty tre: hundred MOO, to ro-inforoo Forrest:' jLo !imported to be near Jocluon, Tenn., to-day. 'Gnomon has his cavalry force ant, watch ing and barrassing Foment, but his envision is rutoitt reduced by veterans being at home odtarloiigh. had Orierson hie entirerdivi sloe eat at Memphis, Forrest would not bays so easily escapoo. From .Tesau. How lon April I,—Th° latest ;dykes frem Taxes . slaths that when our troops avec neted Indian renni7. o 4..the latitnt Much, eeveral Union families left with them, taking the lumber of their - hqhses. In massing the bayous 34 men ware 4rolitied by the swamp • log of the pontoons; They belonged to the 39th- Ind Lena regime:Avid Ith Michigan hot toy. Ben. 31'Clemand , has gone down the coast to visit Arkansas lime and Brownsville. Photponemedt of thM National Union Conrad:lloh: - • . , . Nseuisorta, Apr. I—tie roposltlon for the postpOnement of the NeyMnal Union . Coition. that is meeting with itirtteisi favor an al! sides: The friends of hir,LiqOain favoritr and Nis Bilieved the President igmself would be eat-, Wed with each an art 4igement. It is doll sable that there should' no dissensions In the Union patty.' Thil Ils Wooed to be the bill Dion to ifisraioatqOoallylrog views. . . VaanacessialSe a idlooltig Ital. ' ' lati;it. ~ . . , • - 1 Now TOsts; Aptilii.4.The frigate ISliegara orsived,to,,tar a0.. ,- *ll unsumessfol search lba. Ups mtsisiox .. Oi' frigate ife aiimi, tionto;- Tho - N , ..e,: - ~_, .. lopped voi7 bony gata, , ,dmittr one: ;:l..:ltichNihti . shipped so . t.s.Hauclklaciattebriros.salto c '.. 3 , , ,.. ..i . m en t all u h r es t tisol op,v4l ,_ , el; '` ." ' olegistas. I . -.Bat-Palusassec(riii4 lasV..-.Thasitdiolegates, i 16 Alto RspithilaP lititoit OP ititth n 14 llaltino Mem TlnfiddiV7 iliettatj Snap, South Rana „ ..iid His= Eisige!." ... . 1 `',.,/..:,-, • - ---- : • .. .i..,.,-;,.....,..,...-.: '...,..P. i f.. -:. . ;I;ikij:{.2l:.- .. .: ,, zi.:=4:-.':tc - z:f. ,,,-,1,,. . -. i 4-4 t.f...t . .t . i; -., .v .,. • • t.',...1 . . I . , .. - • , . , • . . ' . , . 333 , . „ :. . . I iirr BURGH • . . . GA , , VOLUME LXXVII- , ,-NO. 119. . i Fresh Distnrba4es at Stockholm, ALARMING ILLNEGS OF THE POPE. —..,—..- . l'eissesr lireettertL.le of fh.ugtteston.. I . / Is rg liZetb rteitl 13east. Nan Teen, April .—The stentotiblp City of Cork, from Liverpo via Queenstown on the + I 21st inst., arrived at this port this morning. The Cork .fftrubi,othemoriing of the 21st, loontains the foflowtn dispatches : Cape Aryan, Mara, .17t11, 1:30 p. so.--Tes Iterday three Prussian Men. of-star attacked the Daniel, blockading sitetadron off Oriefaweld I Pomeranian. After in engagement 'of two hours the Prussian } peels returned to. the 1' harbor. Artillery fir ng was renewellto. day I at Doppel. I &ring, March 20.—Thecommatidei - in - chief of the Prucrimn nisei has rooeived,'• report stating that yesterday the Ancona,w3tb three gunboats, again pot to sea in seareh trf MOM* shipping. The cruise had no result,kowirrer, all the Danish ships having left the Prusilan waters. The report concludes, therefore, that there can bo no question of a n existing block ade of the Prussian mut. Hanover, March 10.—The Drnisi4Orellt- Meat has decreed therelease of the Sumter tan ships under embargo to Danish pert& Londenbotrg, Murck3.7, 9 a. nt.—On Thuniday there was heavy cannonading 'ind fighting all along the line of the,Duppel villageiand the ITonsebergposition was taken by the Glans after a heroic resistance by the Dan . ' The Iposition of Dappel !Jit still unharut ~T he numbers of the Prussians are alwayt our to one. Their artillery have ranged three riffles. • 'A Danish Colonel was killed to-day. Seventy wopnded were brought in. The enemy's losses are severe as well as those of the Danish army. //osibstr9, March 17.—According to hand bills emanating from the printing office of Greed A Leidtman and distributed in this city, this morning, Prince Frederick; of Au gustenburg, was found deaden his bed at Niel. The:runior„requires confirmation. Copenhoyess, March I'7.—The Prussian bat teries opened fire yeserdtsy morning en the Doppel entrenchments. The enemy', fired altogether, fire hundred 'hots, wi 'replied occasionally, in all thirty-five tlates. Onr firing seemed to be auccessfal, as two_net the enemy's batteries were silenced fur sometime. We have two officers kilted and one stritlittded; sixteen privates were tilled and farfpninel wounded. • ." t'.`. Two fires occurred here last night cons durable damage.. 'Advice. from Stockholm to the 15tk !Ash; I that freak distaff:manes bed taken'lsilsne. I The potice ofhpoirstiktOken into and this win. j doses in the reildeft4tof the chief orithllea I, were masked. The Military were caned mill lad II poisons - werti arrested. The .Pufhlatf insists upon moil:. energetic measertsPheing l taken by the tiovernment../ Pushing, March 18.—Thu bocabardelient of Deppel was resumed t.n-di),7„,terriBo Orman tiding being heard here. Turin, March 17.—Netrs from a tlinable source at Rome, States that the Meese - et the Pope has become morhAberming. The official Goatt. of Turin announCes the appointment of 231ipiw Senators. The Planter.' Ilou,e Se. term, A pelt 1 —Mr. Stichney, lessee ' of the Planer• for irony yeateiwast,, retired to• &op, rod MCSAIII. felt S.l•;letch, low( enenewted with the house, tonic 'Olidgel hots. r=l The statement that nen. WClellan had been recommended for the command of the defenses of Washing'on IA denied open the highest authority. LATE COMP from Idaho relates principally to the stern measure• made there for the sup• prevslon of crime. Tho Grand Jury of 80110 county had returned twelve indictments fur murder, sixteen for assaults with Intent to kilt and only one for manslaughter. A Cigi lanro committo., numbering a thousand men, was meklng a clean sweep of the villains In testing 'Mon flood county. - Snictosa—On the night of the 3lst ult '- Josiah Dasidhcber, a young man of ous 'years of op, of Now Ilanoyer township, Montgomery county, committed suicide by drowningihiatsolf In a mill dam, about ball a ratio from . home. It is suppled that the act was committed during a temporary depression of spirits. N &val. Cs.versutr.—A vaesur7 having oe ourred in the Naval 'Academy cadetship, for the Ninth Congressional district-I-Lancaster wianty—lloa.• Thadeus Stevens. M. 0. for that district, gave notice .through the county papers that it will be given to the best boy in attendance at the public schools In the county, who passes the bolt examination before board nom .0104 of leading &then& DISIOLUTIMArS. :0 niSPOLUTION.—TIIE PARTNER 8111? heretofore existing between the nodes. signed, nudes the name Lad etylo or B. RIDDLE d tX).. wes dissolved try mutant agreement oe the 3lst do of December, DM. TIM GAILLTTI'II hie been efuce the• tat: of - January ,' 1136 t, and will henceforth be le Om bands and under the ended.* maragenumt of an daawletlon orp. ritzed ander an sole amenably, relating to hianufeeterlag,tr 8. RIDDLE Is authorized to um the Brin tome In rattlomont. 611 puttee haringjelalme against the late Brut 'aro reiVirelled to Present the cone at this Oonnt.lng Boom Bar sottletnent; and all persons teo leg themselve• Indebted, will pleasetall and wage I without delay. ' 86.111 TEL RIDDLE, • -AUR:IEttETT IdAdunini, 801.1 YETI, Jr., ROBERT RIDDLE. MESE , DISSOLIIIION.—Tho partnership! hatetefoti extetinz IAIIIIIL. Ifto3li ttiC. and 3 Bouousaua, ander I thoet,yle t O ho ritt.hur 6.13E8 gu White tweLd sz Conran, been this 4.7 dissolved. AM llamas Indeeteo to tall partnership ere hbreby nothitd to make pay mawto the nuittreignted, by whom the indebted- Deli of the tai d 0 1 ?"'W . T . ' hinowroalr. I CO. Pittetniraotinil let, MIL • • spitletk DIESULAJTION O N P.AILTNUMII..I I ' ,—The partnership bandana, ezbttsa batmen the undersigned, ceder the style of WINO. BATON mutuellY absolved,. to 1 tato effect tram %hie date, • swam BE -retiring from the Ilmr.! The tautness will be continue; se former• ly, tuba/ the style as beretofora • `MO. aosigstos BatTL. tt. Jonvertni, • ,BIOQAED DILICSOII., Pittebtanh. Yen. leth, 1801. • _mall • rtINIAnitITION . ur flllll".—The yartnelnlay fore aviation betweenJOEt. T. ItAXILTON au STAN DA VIII, undue Os fit m of JOY. F. ELUILLTO2 I aCO , bee been absolved by mutual cousent. - JOB.' T. 11621.- ILTOII wlO attend lathe sumettled accounts of add atm, et the old stand, Writer Tint and Illbett• eta. ! • • • JO& T. IIAtaIITOO, • . telltumele infMt DAVIS' W4JFTB. `~ANTED -Buis Goon Bonin. MAI, T SUS. at $5.25 per. 4lay,.asal • FUMY 001 1 62.76 per day. Apply W.& 7.1 BAIT!, artparlateadent oh 6laehinotY .- ill s a . 70. splz.w 'good OAtienk luipitre or :Ants xoe9imr , L : a CO., • d ihe ' S'~lln 70Dadrf~" M!!!! WANTED, Men lor. theliaval 13quadron. oxTuvitssitairtn — tam of o . 7,Ziaiittane par:: SinYDoiiiba',4 ll 7 10 adtaaar.-, - rat fandey Antarantloa apply atillagulilaS 0111112q. - 11 motels Emu. rutibige": .441" , nriszzprouniozDvateno seats a Wadden. Good irdarande Otis. , 4 , 01 at No. 893 LIGIGNIr SOW. dab Ult ':."lw. - vnia...r=.'v.'.vtay.n< ~"r'""" `. 4n:iit~r~+! MORNING. APR IL 113.1.um,5. pint appearance of IL* iliatinguian.il young t ra• neillan, EP Wni A nAlis, wbn make his debut before a hltlaborecassilionre In kis unapt...bal.' , rendition ornate - puma'' , =Way piece. 13 erukt. THIS (Monday,) EVENING, WI/I Id prinent.d Slukap• area Irapaly anti led 11L IF.T, ria• CF Or DSNISABB. . Eirla Ads.... (Most G. S. Runes. Po r. Chlppent , sle. Laertee —.C. Ayeeday. Ring of Ihnmark ..... ........ 11r. Hurgon. Qs.st . • . Rate Rynor. No other play this erening *Win redo-areal, Alug of the Commove, The Re.-tin and Wild Owe MEM I=l LADIES' AI'D SOCIETY, 11v Tui I,T CONGIItUATION Or IoIS 11.1 LES AT EC. X ClGl.y I OIL FZAE,t 6LLEOUIiNT CITY ON THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 7 anstrtelby toss or tb; boa t main." or bt ll Otto.. COMM l'lsknts f.r mate at Mos. U. Super'. Oro` Store PlaslArga, Joao NVleer, Nercbmt 'Dialer, Federal attest, and et Pallid* Drown's, Plumtwts, Alit& I....CONCERT BALI RUSSELL'S E REBELLION WM be e11t114.4 in the, above 11.11, fur tn. •eck only, opminenclng 1 I/ MONDAY. A pril 4th, IS. ti-t The zhibltion will be ititeispereed ith ;longs and Duette. by MIA &Mk A ILEIONAL7r , and Mr. W. It. GOODWIN. Matinee ou to EON ENDA Y and SATUIL DAY TICUITOONn, for itt• gLer-1011:11 , 4144$13n1 of fataliCl and Pr.lloolll. Adntlia to ti e. ent.irtalnmZut, cecits: Mon.Name ion cidtis Darla open Iv the OVVOlig 113 7 o'cleck; aftsrOon at 2 o'clock • Doe p a4n apl.l• T D tql I PR & 00 OVIAIa P - 1.1.1r05, .11 UR If., Ire. 11 - 11 - A-1)14316; ''114 4 1-11 t A IJIESU y'r3 CELILTIMA TICD 3P 113. r C, Si The mwt POW ItIMIL aud 1 , 1LK041 NT TONTD IN . :ITU - UM manufnetwvd lei at. noonry. viusrr PRIZEII &arrived within smooth nt mats Pala and' tato.. We are also 14,0 ts ,for Sellootu . ker A Ou.'•end. Duardnota S G. wiAlleh ;as tIAAMAIIt. Pl4llOO, ‘O.l A. D. k W. 11. 9colkb's kr?.lodOroi and Ilsrmorth tone. Peroone3..orllog • pc , •:114...0.4K ate la c•Il andla...llll4olret an.,glnalrt alelare a. Ole viclulty . wo totio pleavlre In refrrelng to dlYm Krunrr, A kin ;rhoity City , John klekrol.l), -- Itsi.,._urf Park, kln. Pont,r.k 81/Oorr). vat, , Dr. Jon. D. .51cCOntort, llee.erll.r..,Req.,lLleb•rell;Bar,l, D nel l .r, 1.4h,r‘.7 I John Qulrr„.E.a., Dr. 1.7 U. Beak,anJ • ll.. Illatleraore. orgh. A grarsolerro Troy. •40, tech metro. moot. WiIMEL/NR & BARR, ;goal• 4rt 1411.1, vyL at, t 1 W.lern re- (34 (It HL. weo.e. anus 0 14,Uip, gfrvral 'at vf 510,1 , ,A llot4ef Alf:if,yo , on fah] P IAN(t , I PROM $225 TO $850! ts,s, , , pa ; rl ISICIS TR •NU s et Ns, ,46LTON DUOS. S=.s JARDINC A W. I` Ell EDSON, ET2A 4,0 )11 LIAM., Cl M1,41N A OU., • TO U. et, Dlill Dt CO„ TO LC , Ac , Ar., TO. . TO 1J1.14t meet.. d cod ...a sale •t the LOWEST TO SSW CO EASTERN FACTORY PRICER. C. C.° Mt, $8.50 01 Pura:were are collated to call and elarn• $.140 00 Sttso Ou.iar before lave-1A.114 ele.chere. • CHAS. C. DIFLLOB, sala , RI WOOD 61BILET. ExcELsium ir riesos Ara warrniita.+l fur c141.1y.r5..a.1 privilryro , it,tiks...tranttql at Our time ..stain sit months, sLaut.l a riat , r , not Orr rut+n, sAllafAction. Int h ELATTE PLUME, 43 rifth •I rt,t 8.44 i Agent for lin•be. Mann., IT dn. Divs. Plm. mad Prinet.'..S. hoot Oren.tnhl 4 R EM QVAI,--on the let of April we I=l So.; 67 YIFTIJ EITILEXT, Ile bunco al presont occupied by Moon Klober 4!. lint ocuortmoot of PUN , * on bond prc.i. .nil! at N0.:61 Flinn biItICET. I. !N. ROFFMAN & BRO.. !' Solo Ahrouta of Motor'. Mance. SI No. 183 85a ti rrIBLD ST N Piafloe and Musical Inatramonts, fLok.To wudnuny ou Laud • flue sesortmenat of tainV PIAIIO9,.VIOLIN6, (.4111.Tti63, ACCOILDL oNS, STIiINOtI, do„ *.Lich h. Trill 101 l Wr loa minim laßOtawil Cl 47.7 .dGE,RTB LAW 4EI(IE & CLAIM AGENCY W. J, & 'HALL PATTERSON, 1 CI roart.b Strwet, 1,1 a., PITTEIBIMGII, Ph- PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY ted all othar Military Claim. promptly iliCe No clurgo gulfs, succraera npl.ms pKNSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. T. WALTER DAY, Solc34ere' Claim Agent, 1101:21513D UT TUT. U. 9. GOITZUNKINT, No. 101 Fifth St., 3,1 don below the OathtdriL No charge le made mall the calm h collected. NAB CILAI MI, of ererry deterlptiou. wad prosecuted Were Congresc, the Court of Olsten, the ExculDroortinenta, sad Paptusater °mural, et 'Waitangi , P.OO. isrhe goo p end Ilecraltitor .Officers' Claims ptomptle al , ed to. alfhly LO. SCIXIIROLI MACKRELL JOgNSON, ATTORISETEWLT.LAVIrt isfi S.Limised Borzurius• ' in.tria ACIINM OHM mart, MR-1301.3Wki.a#, .L7JI. Tosss% BAGS PA T inrAITLITAII up CL/ MB of nosy dolocrlptios, or.Cottod tab. miler, at the Chlioviog rater; t ft: Peptone $lO 00; all otlwr clattostM 50. • . ;Ye O.•TITROTI. ittatey et Lett, So. 71 Cranks/MR, Pittabwg4 PA. • R. 1 So&taro al =AO if 11.6 atlas dm sot ottoo.o. sod Alt tottrtatittoerterm watt. - eottly SOLDIERS' •cieimy, BOUNTIES, Promptly altimded to by ar.nrosa a BIDDILL. •;• t!rflo, u 5 r4rsti ItTist; riptbinlb. Po. 01 - 1 • • 4i'll*Strftstp _ Calms tor wr.ag,viscgousti Pro."" • • <:'. IX'S Una XCE CIILIITER 1829 FRANKLIN FIRE INSIME COM' PHILA/ ) ELPHI A lYete on Jannry 1, ISi J, $2,157.648 95. iter.rtml Nut plop Invesl4 , l PrEMill=l. Pewit%led Ciloinis--.. , 8,41 a Income for IOU; ...... ...... ... ...... 3111,0 n Low Paid .Inca 18:J .......... —....5,1.0,0t. Perprtual and TPoporlkr7 Polices on llliiiiial term. Charles N. 13s,ockir, Isaac Lee. Tobias Wavier, I Eduard O. Dal, Sarottel Grans, C. Paler. 13. Smith, 1 , Alfred PIG,. W. nfrbsrdo. i Tr,u W. LrwD. M OHAll4ltd N. RA NCKEIL EDWARD O. DALY. VI.. Prefl.l.lG. /AS. W IIL,ALLIInT,EI I ., Im Tem. • J G rkIFFIN, Agent, / 17:1." ckrner Wootl so.l Third stints. INSURANCItt FIRE ANI) INLAND Insurance CO.-of North America. P 9ILhD EL PHIA =ll Hartford Fin Insurance Company. „_......._......... 11.28a,Mn ali - Prel eel n bin be secured In the above named Id and reliable eosbninlee• W. P. JONES, Accr, fed7:dly BA.olll's n.4lamo. 87 lytaer strecL WESTERNI INSURANCE COMPA i7 NY OP PITTSI3I7IIG.II, IL. MILLER, Ir., IN.,***. P. M. 0011.190148earterry. o®m, Ho. 92 Wear. ewe., Sports & Co.'. Wort howo, op ztalro, Pittsburgh. Will Wray opetit.ei ail bled. of Are ond Bias, d Herm hati.tiott ammesaved by Direrieef tobe are well bootee ioi the coomeoelty. and who are doter mized, bj prorophtrae o.d Merality, go INlPiAliain elyrroder labia the, bare <monied, as eferiey Ole beeY yroeedioo to thew who to be imr•l. SliHer, Jr., J. 111.• ilcAalayi Nathaniel Holmes, Nimick, George Dallia, • Campbell D. Hehon, C. W. Itle.ketaorl, F. my3o GINSU RA SCE COMPANY \-.1 OF PPTTSBOROII. 0113., confer dlsrbot and Water streets, second door. • WM. BAOALEY, Pm/11mb PAMTILL RICA; Bsere&ry. Insures aramboats nod Oodoes. 1 .. 111 r. 141. 1 . 1 4 41 . 111 sbd doeo‘do 10 the naelgatiols of the dendhern ,, and Wuteru 111 Tent, I..stes add Bayou., and the tit,fgetion Of the Sem. Ilmorrs ogsleut loss sod (Wke by tire utarrrosa. Wm. Ittegaley, Jo. Park., Jr..; K. G. Jobostoo, D. Y. Jones, Seers lbrens, 1 Ihosbly Presto, 614rd.' 23111 S 113E0 11.1 1 :NiNSITRA NCB', COMPANY, Office. 4. 'E.icortier Wood & Fifth Ste. 20/1431ARINT. INSURANCE. - ; I Pao. P • Wm. :n" I I,ipt. Jolo u4.,i. • P. ibtte F.. Parke, (Peep B. Jones, YTwlea w. Pbeiell, C. 11....c0 tone, W.. CAu K Irk. Atbuckle. L. WAl24.liiiLart3..eidFieoxi. , . .., '"..--- 'T unowArr, r... Pr. 0../. --* vim. F. 0 AlltriEll. F.-err.,.try. ju14:17 — 7- . --,--- , A LLE(1111 NY INSURANCE COM .L-A rAN Y O I'ITTSI3OIIGIL OHI:e, No. S 7 Firth .t.rmt, It.. B 1( , k• iusorra Lzata.. all kindlier Tiro and Marino UIW SA..htl JUNKS, pn..d.dmi, 301Iti U. bteult u, rk, Prairlest. I=ZEEMEMI Csl.l, Copt. IL C. Way, JoLa Irv.La..lk., s. L. Fahneatock 3,000 ri" i{- S'ES WATED, CAVA LOX BOILEAU. Orice or C1:11(/ Qunrrain teed. Washington, U. Q ltlareh 18,1801. One hundral and flfty (0130) dollars per laNset be paid for all "! CATALRE lODISES, delivered vrAhui the neat thirty (20) day. at the Government Stable, at Oltsboro, D. C. Raid hon. todie mend to all`particulare. riot lam than eve (le) notitmore than nine (0) years old; from 14% to lb handitish embed. uompaoilY 10111, Midi* wise, and of 1117.0 Mediae. I. for cavalry purpose+. TO.. ryee(Bcalioss v:11 be Jriely adhere , / to. mai eioidin reformed fie every portiviehrr. Pay moat mad* on delivery of tau (10) sod over. Douro of trapoOtion from I:e u tf6to L ue.,:;l 4. Lieutenant Cobeeml, Ch of Quartermaster, vel2t:lm Caealry Demean. • NIBY S. CO., B. F gITI ' Commission Merchants, No. 19 aorta \PATEN BT., CtiIOAGO Olve spririal attetr Inn to purchasing FIOIIIE, Grain, Prorisioth c., 117 or Itutercr account B. F. (KIMIV..-- mbsAy BAGS, BAGS I BAGSI • • Kew and recond-nand Seamless, Burlap & Gunny Bags, ■LOBS AND SALT BAGS, 4 Alt etAtot, pclaird tx. , order, by JOITN T. BAILEY & CO.. .27:9ur No. ;itt North Pror• .I.2loLtdelphis. M O'rICE.,-All persona are cannoned .01 soared tinaplorlng, In any form, tbs grad. marks which hare Wen need during the put . three tmn to dnigb.t.th doable ..a treble etrength el brx mu DOws punnays. Tn. va rious brands frugal X /lint pilaw Pal...fralX TlintiNasti XX " - " XX " " XXX ," " 'XXX" Or Royal Nut Cricks.. Or Pat. Oral Nut Cracker.. Those who infringe otianii of thew brande wilt be proceeded against according to the law regulating trade make. i E. D. DITERIDOE. Pert ens Man Work. Jam 1. IBM. JNO. BITROESS & CO., • (g.oc.,n. to W. 11/15541 Commission t Ferpranllng Mere hanti OIL any, PA. M.log poribasedlthe ' , Hamm Warthonie" at 011 City, and howthg ample room and hotline., we ate n AISH ow pp owe a d ad . f r o i r p l i r i erd . Wootton to all who may tern us ;nib t aad tolt-patro tomlot t no2Ctoodfas,' C-11211 MCCIIPSTEII. - BAER, iir•maaittress fad &Wen In a tin& 01 TOlll.:EisurrAND l 3ll l / 1 , 11 1 8, DUI. 108 000D . 81. - BPISP. PreTtscrzos, PA. It.ta malady m biuJ slangs variety of PI and &sot inig4.abseco. mr.2.11 CIIARLEB CALDWELL, (Mimosa to James Holmes 9.47 e :) 0-RE P A CIE Ell, I===l ` AI Ill.:I' In DAWN:LARD. SUGAII OTrARD fIANS, sum= ItY.XT. 001/12X1 iimursr AND Tll/8S sittEETB. .417:1y • • :PA: JOSEIIII:3NOWInatN, -,, • a , • - -- ,*ITJ\2ZY 01-78L4 1 1:4 •- ; . , 01115sat*ATOUT 0171177,1rocath strekt,n , iiir gaslatteddi•littzburg6, _ , ~, ~ : . , - , • e ~ Ackaeaelagdmt, of Doeds,'_Diposnloas aria MB WIG( talobo., Atao,- Deeds, ITottisgeo, geoleleg,of „agreatoent; Leases cod Legal Pagerast ovary kind .. . ITN'tON : BRASO Wpftli#.-, .... Ad : 110YINi:-- - ,, , ,:",:-...zf.:zi 4 ' PP L F llr ' ' 4 33' .4Fß* 064: ' i , F , 1 ' Oil of liitiiiitiatAtuk!Aiiiitumis. -31thartetelltieNfoRntanilsisifit Oil. oisorl art wake:- A An week. of 5A11.111113 PACK. ! Ord.a.ll.lX ot lobo PortartiAl. Ss Gs.* tglakcer• niti Murat. An Slaws Clllalers. Va. 13 el* ! was of lAA SSW „AND. plfiL9T jr1.7 .. T.L one - 1w r oio,miki trbart afoot. Zeeland!. Ps. • , 141513.. i lolugoeva.s - 1001 1 011.; :7 , -.. ... lUM_ -. _ ... .. . . • _ . - • . - ~ . ... . .... . . -,. 5 iz,,,,,r.f. , ..-i , ,:.r,;..r . ;•,..;3 ? -7:1. - :-_ -- ..== .z :,,1*4 - :::.=L42,..=.`i '.--"1.1•i:;:‘14,:„:.-;= -1- -" , ...rx: 44-,....,...4-,--" . . ••' : . I- , . • . . . ~ .... CARPETS. O.IIL CLOTHS, Av. FOURTH STREET 1211100113 - z. EW Sri [.ES • OF WINDOW SHADES" - - J RECEIVED TEM DAY. Ic . SEW SPRUNG STOCK ; 1 g : C.A_IZIDT.-9-,; - 'e , ,, ,kt- . WE.1.1. SEASONED ! 00 - 6 OIL •CLOTH. j AT IYE'C ALLII EL'S. g CARPE.T STORE, V I Nti F ROHASED AND A aIiN:D ENTIRE STOOK op CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. Lataly bold by Nr. bIcCLINTOCH, at 112 Market street, we ve able, by the coueolldatlnn, to otter the LARGEST STOCK TO B 1 FOUND IN Tin WEST, 4T !THE LOWEST PRICES. Oliver McClintock .& Co., NANO 4..XiVlitti Fine Embroidered Cloth Embossed Cloth. Victoria. • nos end sple;Alkuso rtmont Just retedved st tba • Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Daled IL Long, NEW CARPET STORE Benj. P. Askew., John R. DlTune. McPARLAND, COLLINS & CC enb4 VKNITIAN BLIND TREETNI.47B M. GORDON. &enteral, Au entlrriy 11.. m lod complete musurttuout Just oohed la Au. N W C.LHJFT, STOKE NeFLELAND, COLLINS & CO. d. M. Slow, John Shipton ' Jnotos M. Cooyer, S. liarbannh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John S. Dilworth. Wm. A. Motion. /01111 11 , 1i607 , ..-/LAII. W. casat.....nl ae...soLass ILSON CARR. S: (Y)., Wln.tondo &odors In FOREIGN AND nompno li DRY GOODS, No. DI Wood mdrost, third Ron. above Instnotutl. I ello7, Plitsburgh, aDIOII WWSA LAN,- .LT WOOL. Ott MI. IM LAY" Mal BOY A: CU., Deafen, in YORRIGN AND DOMMiTIO DRS GOODS,No. Sedirsl street,. (second door NOLdr nee Merk.st. (ou IpelegnentlSll. tntk9:l7 VATO.N. - MACIRLIMI: Wiitifeenre iu and Itelsll Dialers In TRIMMINGS. mum'. DE.P.I):9 and DRY GODDS.•or oron7 donsrlP4* Not. 17 tad rfatrat Pittnlnnsgh.. rr ItitXCRILLSt YOE, Wholesale ara 11A-rlt4.ala DOOOl In FANCY AND STAMM DRY BURCIIFLELD (successor to tr • BrachAeld C 0.,) Ntlinitnias snd Retail Dealer corner APLE AND FANCY DRY Pittsburgh of Fourthlmd Market streets, _ _ OgEPii HORNE, wholesale and Re -5../40 Dealer in ell kinds of TRIMMINGS, DDT GOODS, de...Nos: TT and . /9 Market street. W. 13AlfitiTER k CA.), DeL%lers in all tl • kinds of PBV GOODS, No. 59 Market struck, botn - nnn Third and Fourth, Pittshurgh. ' 4. 'b apt 11. B. Elterilug, .1..1pt• Vim.Desta. IL I..illeGrelt. itobt. 11. DaTie. Pio IL :PALMER, "No. 84 Wood Street, I_llA. Dexter In BONNETS, HATS, STRAW TBTIT tdINGS, Bbd STRAW GOODS renrralv. CHARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU -81(1: AND MUSICAL INSTIIIISISNI: egont tor S.St k CO.'S Rucsos, BROS. P.I.AN • and FRU:CZ k CO.'S, al ONS. No. 43 stret, second door above Wood, Pitteburgb: Janos to let,nnd taken to exchang e . for neer: spla 1.4 kLEBER BRO," Dealers in AID ' 4sn hILIEICAL INSTRUEBEETS, And sole aget,t. Ihr 13TEINWAY'S CELEBRATED Pl. 'W. lie. 63 PIM area, Pittsburgh.. 'torZSA RLES C. MEIIOR, Dealer in PLAYIOIS, nownroxs; ae., No. sa Wood at, ttetweela Youlth street and Diamond alloy, Pittab`a SSEVERAINCE, • N0,,53 WALTER T .Plitsburgit, inanutieturer ofIitOLLEU dPIKKS, common and tuilroad,Olevec7 description. Particular sinid or Wiped SPITCTS and 11.1171713, large Or small, made to order at anon notice. good assortment constantly on hand. stridimm rr=rwPM_l7r - ;! 1 GARDIN aWFIN, Agent for tr • ,Yrsaklin. Philadelphia la Rellanedlamranos Camtases, Northeast corner Wood LA Third Oa. W. 1 .L . J0 . 14: p E e. 5., Agent North a America, ante Oompani es; 87 Water streeh' wawa .REA;Teeretazy Citizens' Copy corner Nret sad Water ttt DCWOON,Seeretary,WesierziS terser. Cbmpsepi2 Water street.. n mance Corepsay. 87 Tiftb street. -..0E0. T. DROWN Q L ENION JOHNSTON J Dealer in PURE DIIYGS AND CIIENICALS, PITESITNNEY, FANCY GOODS, BIJDNENG FLUID, OILS, FAM ILY lismcirra, ac:, at oficur pew , OAR which be dimes lowest prima. Corner Sislibin• , sad Fourth street; Pittsburgh. Pmecriptiam cm, billycompounded st all boars, D g. FAILiEeI'OCK k CO.„Thrhole- - /-r. We Drake.. ts, and manuOuturets of WIWI LOAD AND tataAsar., corner of Wood and front 'Meek Pittsburgh. • • ruby .rifiWOWIE H. - REM% Druggist, 14,„. 140 Wood otrart, oorner of 114111 OWL PltUborel. M: CI. JOgNSTON lc CO„ Station.T oh, Mint Book Manotarttreers and. Job Motors. No. 67 Wood street, Ptitiborgh. 00.10 TT AT & Co.,lokaeliera and Station lA. era N 0.55 Wood stmt. next door to the t or Tbltd;Tittsbnxxh. &WOOL and LAW 1100E.2. eolistantby on band. 0/LS, EN.0..00 on, AND TgANSPORT, A. preporeat to twolv*, otOrs And oaf - . . r . Cr' and Refined•Pttroten in . ' -• : - , ._ ..- , • • On a moat riven4llo tentso. sod to Oaks : Moral ia, ..;:..••• I. IL OULVT.FL•ProoktriL ' ' 001c0,1g0..121 1 n0 duet, NovrTutit.. VIII. BOWILIL foo J. Oil atr, , ..... WASTES CI.IIESTEIL n 1 3 4, en `My. • , Amps Ull.Hl2l3.•Art, rAt.bini , p. eonolgntoests, its AnniilTants &mind, elll Go gored ot. LW. Cowpony's lire-Proof. trombone*. on nobalton Ado Of ilvar. eihtl! Rit!tPt. 4e c l.ti t iL, . Petsototua Ind its Products, DAL, aispr. as, 4a, 4a,` .11 13UOLD STRICT Tank WATICaIIL.VVROI37'SIS , es- Agratalbx tharMITLAISMEI:ISOII33nIOIL W 011,68, NVW PA11i.1712V6., (MEDIA 0011 PA NY,' 65. . . L1C3241: OIL DUNC/i7ll,'Iil32lLAPiltQO, • " - ' •= 1 : Pure', :411einetY , Viaboit 0x067 szt =am morsauttra. PA. 5. WO WARING & KING, - - - - - - Petroleum and its. Products, 011 T WILLIAM 7111101, R" PEAR2A"' I.IIII.6DILPHLI, Tor rzport arid boos eariecosaptiaie, &rapt' boa tied for storage, M namable MAC Liberal adransgp made. TO OUlt OWN in 'arra 81111EIT DOI^ GOODS. (Le.. Faun, n.w• s 0,..) mosw rsc. DRUGGISTS._ BOOKSELLERS. Av. AIION OIL CITY .cenrizsinow nrecaAwns, 7, 7 And Ihrtorii Ina. 011EPUAN 161131 . 4 . 11l Viktor I.Fq IhtretStlL orce, kg. 0011X111610S MIIICH/LIVIS. MiiMiii9 Commission Itishaisists 4 Bruited, • Exchistrety ht' Petrolett m• and its 'Products, BREWER, BURKE & 00., COMMISSIOB Ittaal,CMTB, a r aiila of th. OLOEIL, PAOVIO AND LIBICBT7 OIL WOBILL Liberia orb sirmitee madam poosioosenitst Refined or Crude Petroleum OEM. DOMINI WLT • ELLIWOOK etimmar. rA. WALES, WETMORE & ODIUCLUSSION SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. 11.111.AIDEN LAIIt,I9IW 1011 k=plo !graftsbr SI*11310X , ANI:1 SHEET= wet wd .bartliro Eon. o 14.11 RIdU.RDSOIki, Ii&RLA3,:r.I CO., .002a7auatialvim 7 awn4txmmaJon% Crude and Refined Petrolenni f Ho. 19 lawn! graart-PrrTiztnsars. Or Liberal Clash edraanai ou egiudguseents tat Pittsburgb or Taetern Martel* lwarth 430, 'bringer 11. Nosh, Iraq,. ompson Pal, rag., Prot. Cloinewtal But CITY OIL WOIPEK MAI& CHORPONEffe, semi apes/101 OIL. BBB• ZINN tOD LDBRIOATING OILS, and !Wad to cmumr. E.ini-cOLAlcUrd. warts cOPOOb br>R• CME0;4110..16 HAM 'rarer. Premmtall. P. nem c intiasc amnia WALLACE & CURTISS, Consinauden Merchants'. CRUDE* REFINED PETROLEIM.: lIIIENZINZ AHD LITI9IIWiTTNO OITA i• r, Ist sorra wlienvta:ParLADmr.Pait tor Mange capacity (Hader airer.) l2ll3 :o oo bblS Ala* curellent for shipping to Amart , ala sad.. Thaelgri wt., at our wharf ask Ur kW Itlvir. war do Pia PAL /L . *" 7 ()rade and 'defined Petroleum. BENZINE, &0., In WALNUT PHILADILyinA Itosixtem .trostad to oar, vll.l near* t?itt prompt poroorml attention. • • Rota. Mossm,ttichadoon,llarldiy.liCkP.,l 3 mo l .or." _ Burke a Co., sad MeCtellAnd a Darts, Pltubtomb l• Tho.. Bmf b bq.. Prest. Bonk N. A, ;IL L. Yon ; Co..A Philadolphia. • " soSay • .• MeCORMAPIL & CALI.ENDEit, OIL BROKERS. 211 aid 213 South . Water Street, CIIIICLIGQ: • - Orr Osnalgaismakti oznotted. 6 , . , 1.06rA Otorp.n.abg, Iran City OD Works ''.. lamb Point., of J. Painter A Go. Ina. IL Chillkalt, of Sprig, chslo666l;Cb. . , ~ . . tydSly' PETROLEUMW.COMM Mialg ID ER -cuAisrls. 1 , ' ARMgTRONG & FOOD, , 6 GOB= PIAZZAS, I.IWZRPOOL,AISOLAWD. asnaracts: New Torl—Mosos.-76.G. Dori A Cb , 614 Broothroy; Pdt6/6066-61oes. It. G. Dan a 00.; Imam* OM 00. ; Ardsco OD 00. , • Poe tenon srul Intormatlos'opOy to , °OSAGE:UST, . Oar. Wood salfrourtkOltroeol, rttelush. delelst- , . ' .. ' .. . L. z. KILLER, d, Ain" D • r . warn , tre.,raiLeimima. oRTnn a azmaD p1170.91.zu* Oa Onandadon =kestrels. 411 Axil* it seise STOBAGIC YON. 11.1131 NED m coot:, *lars. foe MUM, touleogood abed*. . Particolot stionticel Wort* OIT,VIAT IMPORT. Tao eats--01.IISTAI BODE, SODA. ASH, am. OABOT,PEMBER 1 h aIVEI3STEIt GeieraMeroliandizeiiiiiers, 142 PZAIIL braErf, Eine Yak, U 5 riONT BT.. PF1.4./Pkiat cum ecßithErni.tinsomins, 0*T1317.0 . BOlh o 9 60/0A .4kr . 4 .. 4 211 1,1; . 101' 1 Orders to trai at selliccalpft aft:Adis. ALLEN N ADLIEri v nuaturralna. orammaroi stigazuz* Particular utattlaa pia to ismilgogionto Crude and - flatted -Petroleum. ENOS W i .DWARD, (Lots of Wm. IL Vaximu'd ?/.J -ceratuu annalatot incitorta_yrr. ateaika ono to t o o s i t erode and Relined Petroleum. No. iicrout =Orr .110.2 DET,BOLITE OIL Wo.l= narr 1. • - Itran at PRINZ tint= MASON (11 . 3.;,11111.2161 *AD . . FILTRUIWII LIIBBICIATLE6I OM L.: *dap too nicannit born& pa wsek:" HEM & GRAPH, Paonurrow otuaIIONONELIALIMA .Hal. . mut szainlatim. Forcvardifig*Contittdon 311,!1'1:41,11Ut 41 Dat&Wai 78 OZZB sarnaaniniona,ursitionnito - =ME ermistrim ono. am, eausucenice taws sad dos sis st lbw loses lossistxrices. Skaadipgsessts sad ordeSs sdklted.. - - NA*. sex essays, W4f)6itini,.4x orkwifky.! - - abN . - • . Minbctontr of LIIBBIOZ. TUW Bop con:tartly to hind eery bed! 51.411 1 2 of BITAHIEG OM clew widiatboat color; dap. 'goal LITBRIMATOB,- pool BS S" , SOLI nod CIAB.GBBAHL. - Wren orders left at Bo: 351 rzermarinum Inca. vecaoll °eon' rill Do proiapay ismose
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