,==2k ~..: . ..4 .......,......-le,k,Ft* -1-1- ..`1,i ,- ; . ,- -4!.' . -:-(,.'...,:......,- ~ k.--, k riii'::...-:' - -- --:,-;-- . ----... 1 ---1, - --•- -..--.. -,, . . r-•,-,--,..avt- , 5 , ---rrc.l?.,c' - :x.;=: -7 .nztVi -1 . - -' ,. . ,,- _ -!--, ;:" -r ..' , : . ' * :'''' ..- -r' ..-- '':' - ". =?---.; '''',-----,- ,-,..-".-' - -:' - 4.^1c.,.41.'": - - - -:. - - ....'.--4-',-- -:, ,- , 7-------'-= ---- ...:.: --- - ...cnz•-t----,-.4.4T7:.-:rf-r-51,m,---.-.4,TP5tr...5.-,!;...-.-2-7....Z.7...r,177f-=-IM.-:M-1.20.-.r,`Mttre-...!..:-.27..-v----77,::::,,,...P!,..,-4:....., -. .....: ---,:...-- , ....4.. ,, ,,,,, ,, , __, 1 ...._..._ . __...-........ ------ . . .. .I , A . • , I ;%, .; . . . , . y. >. fit- M=ll=lll ,Y.J!1j0:41,-.! rt• , 5;,1 - ~~;., y F, ~wi~~', - . s; fit Ott littifistr.i:Assoelinot oi# , itiiiawr4rrE. • - - I:tastier/ toWd*: brim. Per a . .' - 71 0 5.2 1 ”••••4• , - , - , ii;incas b 7. p7l, • -- 1 • -- .Plestb;•;- • Z• a., • . "SSI.1 13 .IV.: 00 2 4,0 •••••••*•:- 1 .:4 (444T *5;1 , 4154 1 3 llklnks,Por 2: -.:04: 011 " t*1 k 1, 23: ; f~Md "7 rlatrio. 1 -7 71,g41gi1r,"!. ' O O O lt r!'"-"` GAzzets teTld E . " - r ° 11,111 ,end the .Tar Centfo --atimormitatiretdal. air - itniiabsitiPtio" 7!r"7" mait.fititune fte -nittrals expl• " z.WPXESDOI3IOBSIZiar.:ORIL t., 186 t spee - cii!or. lion. .Y..B.lalocor end, , u t ,. ' ' livered in the, limitssi-af - RePreltentaw lii.,i.iiiliiAlfe. o o.-I.elii 28 ° '-:- '' , .;_...-. _,;.' 1„ - ;.:..lilr. hibenikani-, ‘ ‘_, : -....1,._ -.liiii Chairman r. 11,reselleogue I from the. .• :,;"..9'.•:,-.,2lst'rlistriit TAir..Dslirsonj has kniicre:iinti ,, , • i -, 4 Icasidlylhe arEielt iptenh;cli;tki‘ r cit o liti OAS i ~...-or-411b:11ense sitrf hue - ed . itklrreat frinkruiss- anti :iteatitesi 4:lui:' itildS!"lif his opposition le the witi:::Althongh it Was ~‘ -*ill answered by my colleague from the trlot, [Mr. Schofield-IL feel it in-: ----„.--:;rurcibre.V3lpOltme le.gifeltkora attent an, Fig 07i4.1614041iiiiribtividj•Iini.bioielikel interests. and feelinips, s and as special efforts bare - heeii amide; by thearculatian of his speech, . - to affect the.pediLlitst sentiment or Western :::il - 7• . : tr.rerrosylvestia; .3Yo7,beithlieti - .so the; head 7,:-r_ Ueda - formed by - ,,,r,-the. Ohlarind.hilsalastppl. • Avant, d their ir „......,..... whichlthe "a is , lumber, --- -- • tarsi OSAuctsotol . e Baku, .....1': ..-IY . ,:gu c yyreiritfitali; ktileiten, - copper aeon( ..,!&-0,--,:pront.,-qpier,*-o.4:!aciumoaied before' .-"'•;-- '''4.lle-retellittu'lc float Carey:4a without lei' 01'' bifiaMilMe ... 10, Ali, italabil&MlS ~Of ibi:T.4451.1,11kii31-34,11.011,1/44h I ate GEM • ' : 10' fotelglacarlWa.-..i:Tattiablet.stil the Fed; ... . end Union Ss:lo;thetpeolitelcrtitht States, , it illieyOnl'All!pira_tirerdinylv nitt,:pl, "...mug” , w. 411. gonoutifratt , c , 1 • tome, 11,404Ukoloye thejr:turuntry,'ortolproud et •.,-:,,-;-':' 1 . 4 ._. ,_. h_r 4 4 iie_ l2 lllOTO 1.4 - ,fret ,COTernlnent. • • -',' 1 Rkte disTetYt etU...reads , :te din , raiher than - seer thefi ilstionithiln:clialmetecti it 'kaki or abroad, cad wilt net pertniothVeiitite ' .' lion - etheir Government: by;ar Wein& 22.. . , ....;.:.. slaveholdeiesWhe-trestandepeoltof tiaillt-- -,:c•-.:-.',,i-inrnpeepip:--Poinecrats as well italßeptibli cans-with More item, thew tte ) , feel for their slaves on their plardatioas.„ „The '' bleeref "the fraiterh. who made (hie war, fell first dndheavieet on our sin S LituenCler, . when - they claccd the navigation ef, tlui3lia. ' Oissibi,. tiirise arid' confiscated property, and destroyed trade more than minty ,yearz.- ......:. , ..enjoyedrandlttiseetoration Of:the right to which our:People have been vigorottiky . fighting for nearly three years. I do this, Mr. tOttsliman, the more readily, bedsuse : ' ' the doctrines he announces, .are !the:eery ! , .... --.?.,;,acte.o7,Trbich.btheight 'ort, the war, sa. ttit:not ;sondempalloy. the people,- would,makts_,the eonthent rebcle our maitere rainy r:, _, „ .... ' ' • - My; Colleague, begin hie, spesc by' , ie. /, minding us in glowing terms of 't e happy , ... „. snit :prosperous smut ofthe country "About - '' - eight yeses since," when he left aqua bails. I ' •• ... fin lett two years Wore Ur. Bcchisnan be-. 1 ' - 'ems'. Ptesident: Wh'at'srai it &maiden ""-- - When , Mr. Turbans's' hinded the Goretn•c• '- ' - Mint toldic 7 LinOln? Why is - MY colleague --- ' '' anent Is To tha:preinant Tee; that when ,"..` utr. - !Beene hi: T etirea, - the gloom of that - - rl . wirtatiietilictWas-eiith the! its mers remem. --- leases coined-Mien -Orr shade w over the ..-- - ';':* ..h'eatraf everyyPitriiii? ''' .-.- • i it bialken'aiggieffelle'haO, en in a -"' • - --.deep'eleepriliirilig, die tght year ho was i, ' ''' , ' , I - abeetirfrenti pelltidit2 lig.- 'Arm' ech fur' ' - !`" uttliteettobgitvidetiii et ii7tesizee then -Infetwildtri 'lrlditAteldictaid : kh,w, and - • •''' - "whittittinY erhilatolittlifenteitb know, that not merely 94 - iiiiici'yi 4 , :in lite midst thitl eycil ! olan',7 'bat 00.*ittitTi was in - ' t c; . l algCaiirt-14 1- it_ iio M C. l ßriniiiin' v_•an;ititliedi-and..itasineen otrtheirrint of s, ..,,itwebTlE,Sflit•Rtfyr•:,,t(te.thg.Toi thirty' , ..,,,,, ....... -...laokinn,aupprassel. treason , An 1832 Jeff. Davis mar;4l,ll . 7ilttftlkintlyiratore .*tdO*44l.l4.tcor-MgosuMges retention, ..„ ...;',;.f,isi,ustennitt. , Zumi , Tsylortha r.-ISSO r whenCal '' f , - , ~I forisist er:fle ,, aftinitter ad, :elefe7B4ete; but ;,fhb,....vfiii iiici.PWarietiv.`.l4.tierellid it by that he la. hi t ............. w.,.. I.sinoniniins t Aron - ng he Ernst ......:,1. ..,: t l ebm . VAioraWd-ru'MptiNittd:,4 inst the . • ''..3,..',:.X.Tgi5i0301.1a... 44/40 siell.*Paw:h 'would / - , 7 ,,,,,•.,, .d‘ lii.,egiertpretaredloe:it4 wit r Plena "'".' lAlld'ilt'lltelirtdcfc ttitifle,ol l 4:l4.iTie go , ' ''' . r. t: `,7=0:,444 0 .4 1 4AF . 5=1144;12441,21d White ':.) Zithaamtn-waa.,,Preeidereyand - F1 yd eon .. ~ Y ,t-Irolled‘hig,,retritry"MielUietterti,t e 4th 01 ;"-:.'' '7:4.7lBtOblit:itoPAtcbik4,-.4464w:ifse h eap ...,.... It ,:. ,tocloGnallo.ltk aldtistlls./.88t,141) day be ‘', P.' , -lif,fie. itifiß.iiftifaV, 4 o,tgirttl , 011 el' ...t . ,i•-•:-.••gi)g .I.4l 4 g i ouut„„ . o„,micn,,-egaryr L ira' ory ... '• - ..,i i;eieed asernaVatt the orthronosou s, Sari ..e.r r r; , iiltrimprittibiliill'ilif.tn!lOTlibilfg,ipost Ut - 7.•;',".l'.;•"4lWiiiirllttUir4lailiAtota,o44lo* ,itroper ..,,,,--...4prof,lhatFederld ..,- Klortrteeddi e very seesit Siste,were„tiredTbilave Slates ttidOcstoc4s,ilerlegi ttlet6i,a shot being fired is i their detail, rand •thirty daysit4ore iniqunateitidrzd - txPrr Y 'Welitriliiilkilitlbg 'Via es-,hid • 6pe - nryt • , • . ' ~ ,rebelled eiainst the' Goverrrossitt, i tait - cff , z ••••-' sttalegialici ff il,aist istljidtni:'a. ?rarity; ''' " '"-qttitieridditaro'llegiCelitarcd-:tie I lsviPe' ,- , .ilintsf artsia rwitnumationa „elitsress. . bled a . congress at hiontgoriterirlf 'older ted it constitellothelected a Preside 11,f Ft& ,paredtaeinie armies, and organized Weir: „ledersoyalaforeigarroldhesttlegOreteunehk lu al nii a tierj fiDetWii4ortaolcalohittey' 4ll ific kgala . anxiirislo4eainricittid Ortabrre . ...„ . 17D=w Ala lenderstkOfkit !Sid gr: 12PY . 1 ~, , ,,et t erisiael•t, ol preveat thVegpest‘orimes? .1 • , ;, Ifithlefj:lFl(xt did the: PAA3ooratilt party N '.ifee terpratettf ! th em ? Raildne What dttf, ---: ''''thtitttlebt o to do T;Niatntl - pis the othlr, - ' hirdlitho.frisisteCeyetylhidg thatilddkid lika proteetiag tiorpablitKpropertyyand preterving th'e.nstletWrOr. inkee Itidehgeatt.; 4,einion, foih. - tete the Prellideldj:Ohatddr hop , efts:: . ' • , hadsted except the ilittilitiii 4 td" " . ... dretdd expire ..brfOre all woe lost abash' • .... .= oodflAbrabam.Lineoin tenure' Piesittehr . :,,,,. r. , betnitt tiro:harks:6 ritut 13filed'Atteltdttil ~•:.;;C;WisMit'it, A #4 l4 - P reek, 4t - t isol i e rm.g o tr. . •;.!,1 I 0; 0 ,lasitoollowr,in,4 wproilaef:tweniputtis ! '' .l " tigtiktf:Le 01. P 4.100, ifpO t eri:al t i tigt ct . ..,.. 3,....WedreSaitteultsOlta Autragek•verdbes , 11.14baqr turyveiympahrwrlth those I dins '-.;,:t....;;-"•4:etYB.l.olll.oo:qc.;4,7iFiiihrl-001 every lir trtl4 isdefettetekatekiparktrrj sal .....,1 .:,, WOW riiimerso sten bohnv-Iltetthratol , and" - ' ‘n'r , 13hliflasinff;sttAtel101 1 iWiA t Ic*. r e Vicks• . :••"' berg *Ea choliaboogs, sti4 :whole! heroic ".. ~ ..:(4MeataY,..lms ,protectint ••taro hortts.: - .and gam. _,„'""' 7..fiktotteatmio-ttospatP:br,oltoe pout, '' 40A` tite4l4; • tteilmii.lo-4014.11hifgeo to tisMhasgainet anybodyescepe of...andutacta "tind'folly" igideof‘therkidplenia, raillgs ..,..- i against the tttrernmens, the ' l:enitheritottut ~.c.,- . ' '• :, A, e -b ttgin4i t a i aniase,,.,T hetanballien - d 4 e 4 duly. ''4 % 414ri'1,tt 41 0 4 i. 014. '7 30, k, t43* WW , itAberibeli b 4 nde, ' • • •'. dalye.missaktinliragetank hired gimes se • '',', Lr' s talitScdhAtredPitl; ;VW 0/brillid‘ my •- 7 ...'TdaihtemteAse.idleired,, vales Inge to .;.• r.fintlexpreuriev . tts bin sporob I. brit It was - - Made Maid in , restoring the .Dsutiarilio rule, its errors . lad 'fallacies abotKfil ' pointed out. ' , ..,„.„ , •My colleague' env no prospect it•litit 6lic& Ile - leys , !nearly three yearly cat, 11 war have noir dhoharged theirr.:4 . • * 7 7 - liPq ll 'olll' unhappy (merli', mit we :are yet apparently as for from any; sans . ,tfaetory ..adlustutent' of. oar. 'E ff eteness se • ;.when Ire first flew to artel." Sir', I brood , 31-. deny this extraordinary statement. It . ' .4bs the Of the rebels, 'and those who. telympsthise with - --they to undervattie the tresuits already svampltelsel l and talk. •. - . •,- . montage the public feeling of the Kettle: f.l• atUDevis says the Shelir.llittillt bi `Of& ~ .Ltittegedoiladstdyeeltnagandeitnuustelyi MO Itenyerettainedstonietthreweerdte alittal ' 1 lattadteAlfho.4oArdtgliArd.2#4o:4ll,:: 4stnieutkaNdi herilieddatxtede BIT. 011141ntifiWirifiiirahlegiNtyliTI1.11pit idah .; r664:01.4100,74 _ftlii2(-*_s4:* d iltra;an Mao or,lientsfeiror po es • ' ' . ... .! 4tolanicts end tag-itiStidgag rat isf rtopv,-/srt..-...igrulf rte!' . . , .. . .. ia . :„..E :._ ~,, . .„._., . 7 ,...,... . ... . . T r 13 . . . • , .. i , , this; but there is none Co blind as he wt. will not see. His doctrine se to the true character Of the goverenriaint isle 'specimen bride's:if tits genuine Calhoun mould. Me "raids tiii difficulty In a divided glee. ante," and he "bolds that allegiance to Mad the claim in equal degree to tliegov... f ernment of the Stale' end to' thaVotAite nation, both proceeding froth the same source—the people of the Mittel &Wee?' The doctrine has _deluded multitudes into Mann, hoe undermined the Federal Gov ernmentsr. brought on (hie War, and sacri ficed the lives Of thousende 'el bite peonle. )(lame fatkien !tilde day ,5113onticed it, and warneilltia.,canntry aga' t it; nod tyen Mr. 'Buchan:o4 In Mg 1 t annual inessaga, deoroieci R. ' .liii to Intonsiatent t i. ...... nietory . sa !tense th ee bier til the FoletalCroniftitutlMO fit tia that we TIMI.1:10'11101311111t0,0Yetiolphit that un • der theConstitutionthere is no Dion; but only a knot of fames that may 4 tiaLor Untied atiMeikettrel that there i no such thing.se as niiisen of tha United fii atm and, no notional Sag to eliettrii hind;' , ~Sec fili. Chairman, the mett.,druel re, lure of my colleague ' a epee,* la that which, °peaty, prtefitihning- hit • lipprorsil of Mr line onmiethurstcinipftedty minium that of the treat old patriot , whom ho and I, once rind agalib, but vainly, laboreill to make _Friaident, of• Coe tf Silted Staten General Leeds QM; wham, patelotism'and elates., mansblpvereittal' at the ' trtioltilits policy of file. Bittlis . '"ittr.. rind: I ftlAor ' Shen his il , proposition tes au o autumns the w ern tole and' maiiitaln‘poistbeititi et' lb public property was refused, promptly tendered his resignation and withdrew Orem the Cabinet;:'if Mr. Iltichanatt's ptilioy he eyrie, Geniial boss's' was unwise lf Mr Buchanan - sell faithful in Ms h h post lion, Gehinsl. IdissoWae militia - en to j oda. elitebt.i : if ills. "Bitahatiatt piiiperly ma the great ditties of the hour there General saes utterly - failed to appreciate the dit floaltica. ' Thil, not. go., : 1 cat -never sub scribe to =oh. It. senleutte of condensation against an old friend whom I hare long atjuldred ; Whoa I note Mara 115 antong the Intakes- autv amen the i limuntry hoe ever had, and whose claim - to the love Wild gratitude of posterity real, In ray judgment, IntEte firmly upon hie du she kal Adeliir ,Wiltte teetsott Watt so gen , Orli; tbatierin upon ttle brilliant; record. of bothowit and military service. About the tietio'he:rettrid Item the'cOhlolt be woo Allta .:tall gloom -and mtgalith. At the thteatening:neperu, of public claire, it; he fully .00topeetiended the grat and gro p -elgwin , &agent weh theat t the i n eh site. ' M im ht t pteitlve r exe l no astiou tit the time , in my preeeithr, was: ' We are fiat, ire are iteedroyed; our great land Co il= eduatri will be ruined. It Might he eared—it..might be gutted. I hays tried to cave it, but, eau do no more." kliorious nerds I betokening the. great Wirt of a ' va l et cleirr PatrietiO dlitieSmAl3, WllO would hoe a. mud the coun try, 4he pedals proper ty,•andantoduea,the rebellion.had.ut,bem Creel& nt let..place of. Ur.. Boehm:fan. 'As be wham:4mnd the president soulddo noth ing, be left the CtSbiunt.. ant My colleague l tadorsea•Dir..litithanati.hrul lespolioy, 'hue impliedly enallag_cetieurs and hintoe upon , eakiral.C.see. L :Men% the imputation, andsppeal with Oontidenc: from his words to thajodg,ment. of A free people, who miff I be +akar despite. the open, troscited of Du I banal?, orAbnctireritreactier,y of cite elites and - friends. • • I have alluded to I.l3e.fatit. that the rebel lion ill not a nil thing in hatericho his . tory; all remembet how promptly a .oknou pert dolga one, and Toy for nipped !another • 17ithe1111- I,thcottaltolfSkradiffil the toy alt' atictrinsttiotbsekatjipr eouutrj to Bub ; Toe the rant pad ;Worst; and we who are libta This dtiy engaged, are tUt following the leaching( of there departed pot-tots around whom a antra -caary threw lie preitualitgainma„.taid ITPoiiiritose Memories it continuos to lavish its praise. '•Toe Union„Jemuseand shaille preserved," was I the motto of Jackson; it is the he4t - Tea. 1 of Lincoln.` The rebellion of 1832 liras in.' yoked nand eklating legislation, tole , much lest' justifiable, and more *ward, was inaugurated in the absence of offensive legislation, in fact at the moment When al i tegielation wee not only harralms, but harmonious on the late disputed teivitonat s question' when by the confession of the *blest of their leadeer, the eloveholdere or the South bad no came to just' ff Manion,. and when by the truth of hlatort there I was no actin! saleroom. whatever. Tots 1 id most tivr?riely and clearly presented by the following extract from a spacer - 0 Alexander H. &event., delieered i t in the seetiegioo Oonvention of Georgia, J 'pilau, 1831: P eter be. "This step (of eccession) once taken can hever be recalled ; and all the baleful and withering eon.- y . quences that must follow will rest on the c entlon l tor all coming alms When we and one teellY sh 11l see our lovely South desolated by the Sou war, wrath' LW set en.. tetitfeeritabin few euttt forthlwhen our green teldsof waving harlot shell betrodden down by the murderous tionhay and eery I car of , War sweeping over our land, 0111 . tunplft a or Mut la. macs. all the horrors and desoletloue of w. upon., es. led An overseen. of( ta , Ittle ' rOPIIPWIAP It t and who but him who 'hp have given his vote for thin unwise and Ultimed inessure, , .019.1.fttorierlj i=sr.,_bxl.tra.tkar! be ail o'er yarns 1 I andosbably:owd sad =wad by le g f.r. ail • in lo for the wide a ct , yen la that , will inevitably follow ads act, yen VW, P Po • to perpetrate. tease, I entret . :tA tb tj.. : • • /rad riam • Ass the Worth r "Vat Werra athelkuute has balAuralede jai la hew , pmaroto;-04 atam-atuvratatka 10 I ce and ,right.itee been withbel44 Altdeenther Of pit to-day name Otte communists] actor wrorte L uilebemtely sal Wersoalwelliturby Mt Gairtabour at Waettlng turgbflihkittlhenottlehasatightEhtmttipbau, t PlAirraWorlyvw"iiiiairs..-vCan'ta Wt.-lA:lean: Zerskieent, aira calt yk"fr werenabith % r and are a weilbefeneeretse•taaff.t,Waliattload ft majority otute 'wigwag atotta rksmobt , &mho.. !well se the _eoritrai, sod raaasaaperit of mat et those amen frontliti KUM: wohlta had'ilaq o a ni of dOriatern Pktiddentnigl qtweittniti .mar. !Tonics , Lim .X.Woutila.-Depactratme. -Bo eit the 1 .0 lodges °eta enprepte pow% wo lark wal Sidra from' theSoldholadbittiferem Soot tort( tilt at thatsh aster forreflatir or titivithiMitt mane ass. Adam, L iu .tbe.fela l!debiel-ilweler - erle/ 1 . of thetion4 has altreyethen rt(4131,f,p0 6211) Tide al hatenidnireCiaairto goad a th irst an tater- Irt=oprt% il lt e* ar " o "iwi betDco"u:il67artithlr "'n 04441. 17 ri I, 4 „.;.l. 3 tft!igt i tz „ 'tot', 11121%. 46 rea1t *, :a7ur.'"711 ,. ..T r i1' teretityltheevand the ' lr:- 'W* l . l l4 .v. 4 o' VA tbetheraordatraa ibefilrei rk.lniation here abare Seth tifist ellathaetlaltaese gm, vrell7 e•outdd the Olieehee:Xerataft bei.las*rwiter soteet. ARP" Ina eeeteeeie eh* iniemthee' of the e emery, .. ,a- . ...e. .....J.-.- • i t o laterneerellaeridaivretheritiltdifsitrteen, Ile the tiosto hied,POS Yithe-Renden =Waif", we e h Te naa defitvstx. and they but filly-four. • le, oe -ir.vie• - effetheeilad eV Peloelid.ehth teem atereeenrs ettemanidrarkete i forair ! cattan plea:o,BA AVMs RA thettat weedbio temida. M. dance hod a lea putiorityjdthe higher ideiver bait argdyltall iikiy; Eitillilla U.IV brortlonM heed. • • an sal alias werodesta Cafe the.Nortb. }Nal. 1 7 1 P et cletkaanattoraerat cometthlieraldfiele the executive Repartrunte :The made show SOT the tat rtry,trittavortltteith am4m p lo t td, we , bare - Vad inare-than tavittarda l or the O ren, tllr2ZZtbftr vgl!:""tir4 4 4 14. 4 rbi1. P°P; Pt Tranottbilie thimitrairtfat oriligr;r ' Wetted teentbesit•wfVeYhtfttltoellitlfrh falai been releed front the Worth. "Pus. actrar le yen MI. patina., and contemplate eartul3l, suntan s tildlY three athatant itena. • .F • ~..-JltreefoßtoOoollo4° eterPlaas truth 4 Gown fir: Ifillllt=ir'beiC'h rrP;V. VIZI lot ' lre r' ve lame d our aseitheourerteesaatloolur do , 4 „, is tioiNtety,Ablletliaolernenteakielloitieele .." tl2, wi th• pn.ft mod tranquility accompanied with ettleholiMfftirothoueVida Titktittildeali4 to the mishear awbeiravfairrliraJwielaserhee width I mielth&SyletpW Pau* • cc rYtelete4. r ehe Sat excealatShet wthautkiteelf N I T the p/irie Of theliontuss from tee Ilatun fu ash `46 as orthehtleltlatt Wile Ltnadn to: i Nat deny of h et acte d Stattar Sly eleassame Zan eaftoe Ca, , benakfly, ma csnrsay, tit A keto as that 'iii' one . In mijudgment.lbsedectrout lisman, • 'aihtetitta sally amen to that With ob. - et is sail 'lleta cil. OF iittfOtO Inmate ISO= IMO 'FrOloO. ,_,..1C21.00 0 hie, ital. try. sosistalabg . 1, 4 "thaUonehrot on et the country. To make O pant of resisitanostothe is whele mit heatailmaauhaWeet aalumelf i emi es fi r s *veva We 000 Pledeti jr, Mog a the .4thailtritta. %airy alp Waimea - to the rt lte Bar erreanadoesu ler the•mierlecan to b the theWreeklesuy.dt slit" la two. of P.V I b`l,' Tetitallitatat Tthe breakers a thabathell leatetusentbspodies-evlthe d" aurwhewoetiohille,'Fauktene-weseba in the oes? Wiatetentata eta iteYetill toil oeou t li! l a Ii rem , ta tato .tio atop or the Peee de P -td . eatidlnif a thivile dUeerglaiset NW 1011.092ThVil 0.0 .41-7411 11, f " I Ind thdormirovotupds•thottr:lj oRr ei hotas are robadatellArthaglwalitasaan down, hill nab& Vaud tothataniummeataandthieuthe aslwith the Conexuntma of psi Vat* states watt om mortibiar. 'la Ute tanallbi of the North bre the Coatttake 11 eatf.ettalt thitnerlavileL: / e tbe reeporiatety tie spoattew 1-attele ti r more oftlielerms i bitiet WO tcrtlY t- 1 4 4" oirtmensaterionefittths a. 'Ow t ateetterratur tatlroassimet ..Muhl Pws 100UUTINgrAeLlilfoft'llt-Olkiskil a tat at ititimaiketsccamtatat, Soo an.Ornac.tr„,,_2lr":o7l=r2l___,..Lmarttoo" vot otry When! attoi- t ;Sir; thit- rebellion' . s a co4thloodeob, premediated, infamous attempt of ambi tious, desperate and wiaked onlepiratoii to fiestroy the Union, overthrow !free Gov ernment, establish a sectional out over. tirW southern portion of it, and titter pretax's the 'way by European; detrime for nil irilarnfatte ort ? MonlirobicrufOrm: on this land of freedom. The man who In ;thet. loyal States toleratetb sympathise* With, or fails to check this movement 'ln ould, revolutionary timee,have been de minated a traitor. Toe man who halts in le tidal'. ty, wheqetibblee about tbi s ‘ teclin °anise Or re that, who aids tick beisiby de r, leg Ont . peeler of the Gevernment to suppress the rebellion, and 14 dafitiangillit n an n should.' be ranked and deepiee is rift Arnold Who *mild eelt Melotadr ,Bnt,iL is said by thee° eymptithi orawith treason, that it is the fault ell his: Aci mlnlistration and its friends Mitt hie war exists; ,that it la an unhelyiwir,n dtlionld 11 , be stopped, and that Mr. Bdchan6 'fienlicy. Was one of peace'and conciliate, 1 whilst that, of Mr. Lincoln' s has beep ' Ode et, usurpation and tyranny. I , Vitt' et the answer to these alligatioue,--, foil and ample as it ie, may ho 1 portant to the future historian, I will no ittip fo. make it bete as the wax is too ne, and our preeent duties aro to suer - i audit!! team' It is waged for the p kof 'die solving this Government, k t. is niacin& by east armies, which are eltliptili kbe pleld by a military despotOm of t6ti lola foiest. lest character. The greet,qpi etiod of the day is, not by what procreadthis l oornißicen of thing, has been roached i L eilit..l9 1 etippreee the rebellion, how in b at back our rebel foes, how to save our pet lc tom opotiation and slartgatir, our coon i• - • Irma diviSiCn. our Government from etihrow -deities in whose presenceie , e ve '' othe r . political deity "hides its diiiil halwit.heaV., t have, Mr. Chairman, uutfor ly dbserced that the men who watts their I enetgise in dmo uesing the past are the Teaes_sr 'deg to meet the rexponstbiliuts of the - Pla ni, and rise toile statute which tt aithencts of all Loral antis cue.l , I Still, sir, I am tot willing to let et much of that part of the charge remain than it a vent d, as fixes upon the toyed ft rill the reepotetbility for this roe 'lto mputs, teen is wholly false. Thc ' sta r , holders were the aggressors They word stinni; toted tai tie heinous trim, by hatred torthn. progress of free commanittes, by Jealious ire of their rising povor, by envy bf their, greht eoperitirlty to every ail tied Ipurlielt of life, and of the higher pivilisatieni which paid, twofligenteied free labor hie coo. rorred upon tbie free 8• site of the Union.. DO'S any one doubt tbie 1 If so, let h:ts read the" debases le Congrees'of Molest Len year!, but especially during the semioes et 1 1859 -GO and ISO-Ll—debates to Which d l was compelled to "seen, and which Ekhurni,J it the most malig taut expressions or, bat red, stern, con'empt, end, disloyalty, pithily forestal' le imng the bass revolutitiukry, schemed thin lately catered upon, 40. hurl ltig defiantly at Nhither it 'llepreAte Lairs's the vile and untenable doctrine of "thS tight of secession:' One clams of =ahem • criembeiv, i *egret to Wry, encouraged these declarations, sympathized with their', op; thorn, and abetted thei designs, Miaowing, that they saw In them the material of rue , cefisful politic ilinfluente. - Dot for yrie, there would have been no tweet:stoat . dn. 1 other class boldly denouoced the false betettls; :earn eed the ideal's, and hurls d bark the threats of seoteston, declaring that.usi etere no CISTUSIntsnOCI wn-.t h VAnY Fennell , ti • a repa r ation id thee& fitetar °r ictim 4 the more result of an election to be made the pretext for TeVOltaln*.` Sir, I firmly believe that had all the zitirtitdin niiMhCol joined in these clear Zeolarattote od fitiell-i ,sy to the Canidtuttom and - the'. Union, seal , announced their Perialuatimi.to ecialatain , the existing Government late *II has stii., the Acres:lent movement Yeetldt nevrr Sieve . risen to formidable propeetlonil at given canto for who= alit. M., , littn!.4lTer, w here over the BOON hereelsion wall',lsiecinimed to ben peatered r ieniedi.for, r:Uegedgisitvan tea, and it was publiely ‘ and , codstantly , proclaimed that any epcippf tonoeSTX.:"lhe South, woeld be fettlesettio a. diviaion in the North, that biota would flowin northern t etreets sod to etvlrvear:entOble: tweet see t would tender Beoreilan ,eat certain, sae . , complete. It to tent= Gunman, nerrhou t ' Ittpresentaiters lia - Wsit'lltritrolil Term.' ontrepreeensed theic.coialitionotee fear . fully deceivetl.ilus feint leader', and thus , covered theroseires "Slat y s pat etarcely 1 lees.deep and infamous •than belongs to t-Palisciduntrif_and tds.tralteroin a Lb 'net ' While this were 'hernia:mita wea rers on axle floor, what was the attitude of Mr. Buchanan and his Adrulenqation '1 t Ile ..ss.swered before the_ storm. ' Floyd 'shared his confidence until be bath trans ' forted a large pinion of the arms telsoulh e ere arterials, without interferes:net until ' atfrisdea , 'in 'Ms rreaerinable attempt to I remove the cannon from Alltgtieny r Arsenal to pretended forte in Louftiina,by . the determined patriot!, m and courogh Of itqy , constituents) at Pittsburgh, and tabu re signed because Mr,. Buchanan Teased to t order Major Auderson be* fresh Fort , Sumter to Moultrie, and thereby mXinteau the trim me previously given to (Sloth Carolina by Floyd, with Mr. slain Buchitheire i ' consent, t•that the of afrzaire ' hould not be disturb's' in the harbor of C ariee , ton.' Cobb remained in the cabin until by his financial management the credit of the Government was co low tn thatone could SC arcely 6 borrowed at nay rate eveni tarty " the neneeeary resume of the Govertpoienf,' and in tfiaCthite or peace, temporarylidPati could not be made exempt et most exorbi 'tear-titles •bf irittreat — .Teompeon, Whilst bo'ding is seat in the cabinet, journeyed to Nortit,CeroWns to: aid ik tentitching ttiwold North Sate ant of thellpintS' Add bertitinned teposailtlitinitielfg;saltinalstoiMs to be ttanemittei south-as the-bentutitrebels, ontikkinimattive'lloutt,Vettufll Oat anduro the all edgeeiiiitheugniptit fcbt ,hia ki Mr. ilacluttutitirfly-eiteilt-do-proeisio Fort Bumterie.•Mulnwhite the - Presittent; t emb• Bog with fear and overmilidi Irf the% reo of rebels, was dragooned first into a a (nation of his last annual teetioegeo I openly to rib tntion the doch Inc of,coo cis Xilloh.grlertily noterpted nerthern o nt and contrtbuted reedy itit ðer' acel ante of the rebel pro..if pel:rime - , Si dill tk 1 for yeeeke,i is , struck, kith par ye When It wee proposed to do anything n a set dott,nt thezigbittal, Arid inherits i c ere& tin Goventment "frprtett94l4eif thitt,setik bid fliald bidretikh Pargreded a le .tale,xhidi Las Amvered, , ttia isame wit I • foamy, and will forever load. it' VI 'l,l nation's.oonienipL. 13netuisdefettilai itt the reputation of James Iltichattan, COO I regret to soy, known he °Penney lupin favartte'elftr i 'y Irs ataitirieft for the lull ~ cut orpol;terloy: ' ll- -"'' • . General Cale,'ln his ex . preellonste(r fret se4a 10 :b. 0 0 ' 4 ,reed: td.o6sttitie,,X(e' m 1 aulaied rho extent of the eritlione b Mt Buchanan, and aver estheatattbeinfl es of hie Imbecility and ' treachery app loyal muses. Yet at the time, luau portentous were the clouds, so getter \ lbile suspicion, i 6 wide sortai and cti artist the conepinioy, that it seemed o t hoping against hope to have any, theprrt aallolPt(tinmtlatea bolting liittisho steel ttrt.d flotal fain"); and it is not entprietni that hie patriotic heist was otarsote)med with grief. Qa.finty, b 1 f) , Mho teems wee tle busy, the Gorsroment silent. and 'edi fi er eat, bound bead and loot by Its dt ey General, who narrowly paring doir the pawns' of the Government to protect self, trthrieed the President: 'limy 'the. On mu st utterly perish tit the moment', ken Congress shell ISTIII OLIO part of tfir otirt i t against another for any purpose be ond Met of merely pretesting the General or eremenein the exerolee of its proper 7,isoi. - 'Stational fent:Alone' • Such 'actin pilo tless _404, deliberate phrastolegf7; within Whieh 'lurked the fallacione IttplideettriStive errot, that one Wiens had eoustructid a Cloven:moat without pet:leer - 4 lecture. It.. Ox seferced Ls-tusk:to asiurCittur queetierted Mid.inberentrighteitdlup rose ineurrectionrntre Ur ovm (MB nee front sottee'diallkmet,teessoni and' my I / 4. . . ,lidi,llititirtatus;l4 the onuses Cott .....t. s • .1 . ''lckuppel24o47. .her volt ,t,=,,,,^ pkifttl'ltt e ?APT out. p 2. 11 ' brut ' rAtltirwilWsianlltirrlAti Tut sot trogrixontztuevbe lair lin bn . iiitriCaTitarikirtiritA 6" timitildtursiabta* invadectus " dV, -.':2,7eit.144,..4-•rj . .F. , ' ,4, "t0 14 .. , th i ii,;adt iftet;wardetiriptoofired, upon ' ' the nt 1 risme of Gilt fa:Cilfrrtre ifiltatiA o r, , / t 9 se9ptp, 164hciont, saw by, some sup potedtob • o woe, wattedroleified into life If illi the t'' • of ll,' glen), Ibex instincts dripped .. 1- of 101••_Wreathed .ooittitalitO of the em-At‘ + y eitheraltithe heart of the People thu • ,t(inta life,,,llibml4 with the atinte ef l .OO, injuellite' end , wron g. a ' ld ti • ' : I'Mailblere camisole bad oo out. fiftt l the try of stern jai , Mat one . Smilers rang thrnaghoutlhor land. Cit • • on i , plotted• lignites ) and d t e ' l i e d xig prr s di proserTii h i, pr - not cepa 9of p totion, at. once eine rted its su premacy/0# the natimint heart, and, safe from thetifeignell'of the 1 , 110 1 , altd. - 7 40 ' 'di 40 GI 'seri' 't heehaw expo en . , ~, O,COlt Ise a notional di ro te *hint froth . that day td thin, has ialleif mob', do soillia"asaor.noes Of eve ry:-;ice -American [heart, and will nelrfple ea; tintil. its 'enemies are nontin oxiirpated*d 110 1 44 fjfitTali a la , lg ued to " a Jut SzeListetteiot scorn...and nontempt The preirs ilt eentate bn'fbae# etemdil) onyre`ril.l;. lid nl'lTifitity4.'nireir 'ef Abe roods, irewttly lataltseted, the. awaiting , utice WO by ehen 'weirdly veil:teed anZ cid nate nia by one . resquitiof the "AlitalaipOlir Ivens their. gr#4,,,,gyadually„ Ilkoy, _us being Beaten baits, their sulttdies Winter lusted, their artilleilethrosiqUityttilly; reducing, M•Od Abet e dies4iarnet elements , rapidly inorausiDit Upon -.the ruinal of ~ t helt strnature. 'of getteinio4iit,' a , tooielltai; wiliteri'Sespolista butte II ErtGiCd,libia , 'ism:al strikes doen everrloppdsing , ' i l bt s 4'. .Prhttieo , 111 4 14 ; r _ki a l br oke° 03'03 OPfliteal Made_ witlntho,peopleOpts practiontly , repudiated the entirg 3useatio, Sas consoriptel 4 the ~enGeo nymt..beating PePailltleha ea i timer afretent_sitoq;tfows , tli who stithndtrwtHielly , oltyr-.their eutti mb)tt,;.l;kkliceta,tip':neaitete„hild;,int.o. word, hat e reefed a: military organisation- ilie' most, concentrated and vigertms the world bat ever eeett. Bach All, es I believe, our °armies, r hile oar Administration has been very serupolone of public and privaterights, and never hot anjustifiably haltaded 0 4 °T • No man ewer exorcised entrimitryaliterer more cautiously than Mr. 'Almelo,' none more nonertly, none ceased it more gladlY than be will, when the pabliciuteroste may juntify,, 'they} who denouno 1 On as a usurp':; know little of •hie high centimes tionaurts, and; regard but-little that militia Nit LOA IIWOltil• 16th turn. the pole-etar of do , y ostal , whkstirtiorrdrillo ea loudly for Ins to•-••lopijort Itliionithile, wider th e unpar • sIINI SaancitaLniattagemeni of the Store lazy of. the le - Gainey, en; , Government. '"'" r " eire teken, with esgetnesa r .lbe tires 4i,e.paLl -with prompt:tetra sad wheerf inners, the array is being tilled by reatetiblettnen t s, the vette oh,/ hoer, tot' tbc nation is ' rally! tog more olomb and breeely•armed the •etternerietrattott---tesaring tllO agates tin 'imPlltaialit reit inthe SW,. cruet - nettlica' Lee at how. ,•Ste,•smongat . the people of coy &stmt. there dre lee ' ver y . (err, who 'are, riot failtful to.''thenedlon-.lu this gust creams( ilemield. Tte defection there is, r eleewhere; to , r< DUCA to esprelne pro taqtrfgten;,whio•npholiLit. not only for its own eake,• bat at a moans cf achieving partisan' enacts% In ehamefres dill. regyatal or. their own, solemn .duties to • the • .conotry,, Why t , should ' irlavery be •vpheidt It deterves no anal, fete It hun long divided, distracted and I troubled us. It- was •from the heel:inter. and hue gout ea - ever-increatilttgly to die-, triet had etabroll no. it has ban% and to, the great bone of contention, over whim), , -at inet, , lre bare cone :la blued. 54 payees,- • efo feigetusto. Gila Aliened. T. I.llltray' • it, ta to seocrethe present, sad maim panne-! tut and glorious - the filfetic, Balt °ante, be arairoysti. Ity praeliftwitiona glom; the poeserof taw etiould tit invoked to Mile the &Otto:lion cooplete in character, mad perfect to extent It must be efrietea in the Coustitution that stactry J), ,ll no more ''''AlS.R.w..Vl4',,,lva4 Sall , . Theuoand only then, may we sing the rt qweta of Ista , fij At present it is wounded, deeply wounded, lay the blo•a that were given it by its own friends. It bleed:, but its wounds may be staunched,unleseby a elaggsting blow the painple'idlierly,disucty it,..by forcers' public end unaltattgeablit law.- , r - Thall4neie oratatery 14 the Pai . p . * Loos of the rebe l lion and it is yet eo held and defended by the orgasm of pubito toutiuteto IV the rebellions: Mates, 1 ifinfs,..ene de claration "So ler from believing that , slavery !must die, Days the Ittchinond 3170 u, "we Imre lose hold the opinion that it to 'thiaortnal modality humane relation which labor can sustain towards capitol. 1P hen the war is over, we shall urge that every Yaakee•who-vegtetres to put foot - tin soul i- I ere soil be node a eiteve for life end yea, au iron °altar as a badge of 'Alert° uy'fi. the Maio tet Slavery will stab itself to death about the time that Yankees learn to tell the truth, soil vo rooncr.' -. Sir, -there naboraufely Hewitt., rt) qn ILie COollitetit, or for free labor, upbeat. the ruppreesion of the rehrlibb anti the , xtir potion rif , rber pestilent'aeletocraoy;of opitu •tl."lolalt,kitstali,ill:Uldihn.ceme.tt a eon• formation of our , : inertieutions to 'tire pr in oinks of the Declaration' Of Ilideitendenee I pity while 1 despise the man in the loyal North who sympathies with this rebtlbon 1 .9 r ittia,1113,01,11940 qulllarrinvetetand moot .xo Olive iciest; it is aimed as a blow et the dt•otriffell which underlie our whole sys. tem et republican liberty, nod if streamer tut G is intended to be the lover by which bteopean systems are to bo introduced and estrstiliebed upon this free saatinent, and by- bkob..' +be Whole- .earrent. of • ,erentr, *hp 11103"fai has 'tended to the sotellclea aaWaVPlo3llll enisring and the , extension of brpnprrightei tottalT_be teieritelf, and bee cotor4tesifailated to the 'lnetiarclalcal and ariatedifatio systems of turepe. "Thi man rebblettsgageti ter this Kettle 6 publio en_ etoy; . t e man , who in this home liberty aide said a d abets him, detente the -eistra Lion oft mankind. t '':: r ' But ,tho object at:limie r straggling for politlopi Hirer ' under 011 view of thereto, . can ;este, he nee noplisticd,,ZlllllB the J. Unionaicannot mud will not, -bey tored ;el: :ate oept:,tirt'ourth":tbe suceetertirlatopethibti of ,di- the:Nal . ..l, -L.. ~ to filut4ebehuretaatti or•pratini44ettb din. on, guise of sitodess. They art 11 . 3 . 13,iitiin aid ion trariPtioablil they Pr4.02t1;44.** 2 of 'pt- ocgotialloti, and will listen to Ma etoepe loin with the fuedialuenteT4.oiidtriaillp I ' els, Geveradent retognlie tbolr,indepettil;nee as. This done, they wilt then trettuorree lag ow the nealcallatt sif Giblillasitlliatj,,,yetter f4.- nett on ST t rod ei . thaftleia dt jug4iso shatert I 4ra ', I thilliintrand•land one question* t6iit la- would orietaberoftelli:Oltilptrtflio; 6 o:44 - „ 0,-, nodipitoviragiiiiit..:lthi, Is . prepared tor otif ihiST NiiiierJ.-trus,, slitotapartite? ease ne t policy adaocatedbi glat)ediegifalipi tber p's whid of the' Ilefia leads- lieSltattly t ( big lg. restitc - Mke strineelpproettinetiorr;tt the president 6111 gams `follby r j4 Mita rof ilt"rEarilatillfellg'aral4.-Priereenti U. o• fhriwar follow,. astil eturasibele 'art! Bab e 4uod and plead forlersoClVeteri no tee otherlhape fairanj one of tut, or for A n in. he Lerma, outside ef•tkli. Leavens . . spe, 4 'o4illlPataltf*OPuttetCPaiiiVfafichi* td'' is tfleltlaaa Isaiah wilL arise eat,44'.4.:,, br V- Here the President has skillfdllyoest pi be the dillioul}ies teurrefteding,l2m; pro et fal iiil4 Ile:Vita G•at:the. people at Abase at Sit. tartiatred.trons-the . pressure et di Intl 1 at II power ott therlybols,•tind'atitidni tqlt at d ate tprennioal ieitotrons witlahltsso lee 0-teriettryotittrear,will ratirstrotrad - th ol flag,,and udder the lot piretton of thet cc 7 lesson thartas been taught, will reco"de • t Oiled:hate govertienents, *Wide their els tient with the General Government, • t amite-thostorolollons ettiebleuandtaartnr bo, sboltehleithlaterytins solos ok ,i,r:o . ci ell 5 1thendiTelittessee;, &titans*. Wes arc , andloulsiane artr,treadlap In • that d , ace tietwtrrAltibeith slap showssilitatsCw 04; IT/Ilia — line. 7, Tao, , otheys 1p ar.r tug slaters," realtemed and disentbraltk4 ill In due order of progression follow, ntil, finally NO have a melon at paconet • • led States, withent a bletaish or deforeotty, nd every star restored to• more then its to e•. sr bIighLUMUI and glory. Whet Is let preyeutthle result? and by shouldlt not bedittelAtedopeedily ?,, I • tte - Southern °onset:llloa Ulu deisoorig at* the; army not only the ablabodied‘re . oil proposer, bat old trten'aed" boys bar not i Wen. spared, and ".shay. bey* tbas Val fiml until nearly . Merit:dire foreeitaw# l . edt we 9athcleittottiella 41 1 11., 1 V •. a # 'al' raeilled,.. statUatoilztaiiikWearla t rr a .' t allillatalltverptilation have been 'dial 't i t MiMIE Wins. 'While ihe - iotithern filittteell Uri , L' l " : l :',.'?; y *ir,frinit.... ..-, beComeillititistiOrnidrthe',Wites Of l lYek; ..11y11)tisir WeactSU Zfoism—oteirp Arlie Cirfay treasury almost no worthless ca tie itaßer , ' of the Metropolitan Fair, Now York.' op= which 114 std printiiLf,•cliot r rittane.tal:/,. - ; criXorder,titewalmbLbrirLtag. - , smears has ,bccome the wonde o f , the, ~, , , 124 0 10 Pe me-slaps lrfot , r!ss. • - '• - 1 world, 'Oita our own toyed oltisors :have. , , /471,intr...2.1.70ttl oalev freely andfromptly yntchared'iliti tletretti.h ''' '',""-'". ,''''',, , , , "7, Ger 'breasta the 'thing Om uient„ol46/q1- at T i "?; t oo 1 1 .. "39 at g aC i 11 . .s i ti ' vralth: that warmed oer sn'es, • imitio,loce 2 st t rY, L.. i*g i c cuLD ' .ll6 Ir:w t.] Thy yonoria madecer esti. free, If about- horrowizrai •ao dollararc= i .. (Cfre! 0 . •To OW= her is serlaa tlaw-- tile', ' Pbwoes l' 'LlVillibt ' ,thU„lltatii.M - •,- l . '0:61,:j. ol4ied ttiniat4 a . gar drmy'satt4nO.Viri citheas , tire tituntsh. / : - .-ft,,,,,ldlant.suare. tlidfarrln roc ft L - hag fen' li Om ti of. ni:rosary tiripylieh ' , lire ,` - ' And apenthe tisttlathitodentlend, • granarlcs of tho North are rabid - :glib '; .. VtlilVl4 2l4 M. , .ip fp tt.A44..a- ~ abundance. 'Mlle commerce, tritde,,scolt 0 , •-, 00 0 ,74 , - ,4ta n „ . 14 0 4,4., t r,0,' trtioultomin the Stroh are . tiintool totally , ' lutto.VOreadrialne Ire aI , L., te 075., 1 tr; tftnichy rizid, asi lip:o=W - Inalathistdar , 7 nag on Alit . , iCeltairtthernstaectioff. fro a with ' TlitieltltelektteYeil,"ehifteneYter• .• - the/Vold l iberlieriThert 'f3ittlei . l ' i er were, No mom it . fi ,,,,,i,,„ ~,,bk.„„ 5r . 0 ,,, 00 rinm,pu‘tor ptneqe retie ea ni f t i tqs emu. t 1 , Int,t,fr,,rf,zkodp4,Stlrmo=stavul 1 , . . A gereeitta r i. ' tthellasrei l , ' thv ' n'a iti ,l, and ' To tout cub w. :he child f thane.; - ° 1.. ~..... trade of an, hinds ate wof Ling up o aim' t. 'fitloid.'istpscity ; the. p cple by lio clit Mai • 1 I firord trtestida renteroLumuldesditn, . Guide tboulta tales nil roma stall toint , , I I unit y 'Sind•foil ore beconclug_drop ly cn- ...ylan, r s_pod nide, tilleboro sod sr, 1 • , rich(; the ability tot pay talons uifffleient \ Joni our loud anthem, Proles to Gan I, ' • lin lay fb niitniailttiOn deep to, 4 bro&d,,,Bouocht , • --- , ' - ' ' to tinsf ilt!idiS iinko ce.kitli , quid the pub Newe nun Anse ellany. . Ito dc,btApladruble it., pic.mat, pro*uraene I A turmoils ocruorobh girl' 611' ii,"'Mii;iliall . : tar tozrptiT And with a icilly, or hei , irt a-taint plantatien rVas inStrfOtj "n'illiy.:zeor s i ego tit Devotion of purl hie, t 1,13 , ere n3,4lllitlislt • te dranratin'oi thealtnel. plantfiliaollar 4 d I- ene they at - cable to pour their wealth Into the afterward/ Mid to inothar . 'denten 1 0 int' 'Co publio treasury to, tit treason is ,hlotted I hot" renator's ImennierY difathalliel4 ' 'Thh f rom-thls Coati ne to .' - couple iteere plainly told that she du Intend. :Why! Le ti l dhotiitt oily One t144,t0r fees ime,l.,,tathrilo tnolaWiorettzeoer'ele.mistraeiLiutEinatrylaptivel iih• ` .4. 4 4oi - 11 l MO he - re he Ur S' t I/ 4 3- 4 5 N., buttino, and • het Imil taken 11 ; The, ',Diana*. Al - Jewthet• e ' f ' 4)-see ' a ee4Y4 •••eietched Bill Attem/te . ;suiehlo tl ho t mao `br the difetrafition Of Piveyirr the ' stionelti,A4tion wii - t4r,gek 0 y6,,,,,,,,p0 r pi k ty bltf: il life regeneratki, we may onfelyi an icipete ; quitAsi ,y forte& to submit iohertatet e had 0-4 .';'4 l i' l 'a te l" - !Wt ineo YPeleell Attar for the one eidabytter bmtal.owrico4cGdor Nl:the llpipn. illegal OA lnidueloss of ifsintalli- husband/afterwards eseopia,"tilcc.supaeole -1 • gentlisalredubsterklaberritelsely ditcoted, of EgettingtS Enron° unlit:Actin Pdgilitiship: iittoppirciintlelflf picarktioci of n(hich it *Yalta *oh theri:i4ela servant to fault ih ospiliii;i:d-tigt- + ., 4sltii it, is illcdtalw from I, ' r, a11e1.4 , short time stow:returnee to Cleve - the (MA ON cold which shal l be tribitary.t fling-. ' W°""ilii.e..fin:t2le; irair of Nov .b m a t ba04,,, an d # the woman to dwnerlA nap 4" Ito ~ D r this great . country cipoirto Ohilsdelphis, where, eholhae sinoe remain; widen the oodles and protrehon of ;b e dded tn. a family at -a . servant., Ilaving • kind and just PrOTnlenCi, the favored _ . gone to Cleveland a short, Mem since on a spot of ill the earth, and the asylum or the 1 „ha', ohs alit her long , lostrhoolialO in de de•44tull'en and ePfl r ee'''' l of e cell' no street, and both manifeated the saeat Intense Von, where honest labor and merit kill te- , joy. Thus after so beg ana Orttig ,a aqua-, live their full reward There [chill be no . don dhey are happily reunimd. bound eel :in 1110 iteuiliesti future to the Joel before the adjournment of the Mary., 1 granduur,, prpepority, and ri we: of the land Legurlature, a proposition was Intro- Uialtid States of America.• ducat] to tax bachelors above twenty-five years i of,age not less than .$.20 a head per annum, 'The fourth Lome:, or alseaullyofttrhn rof Sc•thematc the war is destreotive of the male bond , (34 / 4 4 nr " 1., oonntib. ii "'I I .ii'nni in n n' population while tho somber of femnlesAs counter Internet! add orqtrassdt the National .11b!bt In Loess of that of the opposite sex, or l' nslourt. ttessys ••...Scott was tau engin of tbot and d ' 44 wid ' h id " " I°- `' n bin., " "in idnarentiillarodigy and It Is tho duly of retry laver ot L i e coca debt ever roopl...ren It ntgoclty and coilhematedibe try to promotes by every means the elements „,,,t• of ,tatessocit pad philuseptaenh AC/mu stop that constitute her strentht said tax to be to tho growth of that &LI, the notion,,ltaa ..rt4 applied to Thu rrt And cdarairsa or the up the some cry or aneoPiti and despair., Lt ea, m , , hild ncf Mar ylan d soldters alain,in battle stage 1p Ilts_grott tr. ot that M. tit,it buabeeuf."iowq I e” • I emended bydoub ling . - asseticil;ltymble,mon that tankrepoty 41b1Inio w ere ‘ The propoatLon woo Innen. .0.. 1 .Tastalthr•dst•l• 411',11"26.'441.1, "ill the tax upon bachelors over tarty -Aro years lankruptty taint care r , so entate,a..TEt of age •-- . Andammhe eave- A.,buig sow lim" ['tato helleylog that Xagland mo,to the Twentieth Ma. Mar°, of the Ohio Legislature, said a , tinotuu,bi - betterable to IPialepth , lll,of &Wien boo- for days / th ee, In deboa l l "I 'Weald rather ILi prey Seilkil Golleyn sr et deatroilld thatt one sin ,cm time to ewLe bcr Prs" , catwa tu•!4.6.,tb4 a . ft I gre prase should ho deprived of the liberty of may. ttmee otio.so ninfldnatle predicted taut alto . hi' bl b t il edit. to ',lied " Mr . I mrt r pnk, rot.ma. 0 404 a day ratihrt 1... a. P. ".g P e " I n . ~ "O'rnntotb". Wine , Pnhb , of olObty annions, thee I Tree, Union member, sold that Mr . Mayo 'a unto,. Oebt elect Iteitdint and totty,mtUldias,then I language was an abuse of the liberty of the 004,! , k debt a teohneeted nod 4 'llYtnitthelt• nod 'press and-none bat traitors spoke or indorsal teeny &Arra debt, of night linednid raltDoes. were t .. ' ~ , _,, _ ._ _ _ ,• A __l,l_ beyond 011 doubt under • two-fold silstalie. They r r n° 5 .°`•. °0•50 nn'i!. ...S. reliaeu., with 0 ., , ,,,5t10,1 Ina p,,,,aae,, o r u,,N,,, 0,,, some Moulting epithets. end litt._Pree onset itreatig maltreated-The *math by, which itio bur lately collared aed choked the Copperhead, duo eqt to4e•holn e • . •. who was taken out of the House by his friends. '—'-'-- ,I.Mayo had previously Bald Must "all persons 'arid papers had a right to speak treason, write 1 treason and act traaaon." 1 Abniew ncsaos gum li v ilto theocrat whip looPturctl Fort De Russey. 118 Is a motile of Pennsylvania, was appointed a cadet from 1 that . State in 1834. and graduated lat West Point Jane 30, lialS. Dag commission date. • —lid Lieut.- of the let Dragoons, U. Et. A. July I, 1833; Lieut. 1345, Lieut. Cul. of Ohio I .Vole., Aug. to Oct 1840 ; Cupt. U. S. A., Feb. 10, 1047; Mayor let Dragoons, May 13, 1861, ! and afterward Col. 2.1 Cal. Car. Vols. and !ling. Goo. of VoLs., March 17, 1302. II is record is filled with honorable ...Vine. As them are fire Gen. Smiths in the army, this a:planation may be timely. I -Tee Tadisnovolis Jourmsl soya that a dis- I patch from ti...vernor 24ortoorat New tliort, I !stares dilate had sompleted negotiations with I Winslow. Lanier ,to Co., for, the payment of the installment of interest on the State debt, 1 falling duo next July, so that there will ba no failure or delay in mooting tits Obligations, of the State. Thia third turrets of the fllow-I *WY in, 'intoning undr.iipaiiiirl bOnaptlei.l oy to force (ho State into repudiation,will settle effectually the policy of honest deltrig. I Climnacit who do not like cuter oil 0111,1 ' have it prepared in, the rocont Paris fashion. I The quantity of the oil prescribed Is pieced In , a pipkin over a fire, and an egg broken into i, itandetirsed up. Wheel:rooked, a little salt or lingerer currant • jelly ibtitod • be ' added. , The patient cannot possibly doieetthe medi eine, and will most likely cry for more of the mixture, . • • - Triple lilattachntetts man, six ice high, wore Walt , presented by Motors. Alley and s pooch,-who art not teneargabld for their i I bright, to the ['resident, irtili, aftsi'Llanallisa vilikher .thsr Were cal troso. that Slate, and I lazing essuont.that they WUNlLlliti e Ibtitly it , seems to mar that Mannachasetta always ozai, her-hole men to'Cfmgress,,", ' ' • , ticanc,Ftva vessels of 'war um now wait ing for croni,laid - oideiP baled boon issued to, •ililibela Geer** ttiOnsita ocigraien.recentli en-, tinted lit Itistylitcd, And -tobrander thom tuft :toodiately- to-Abe navyt Secretary •Welliii loving coneenied - to accept . them ' id edfAult of able or ordbouystianieh. ' -.''' .A noir ;larch :led of an enterprising edihir bran - interturtown, who, foidiag tltehodi of a man hanging to a /amp post. one night, after .11iS4Ista paper had gone to peens, eat it down and canted ir.t. r , tbitteritit his rival from Tiitditildail 'the eleweeffa -*A& hIAOif la. dieted for thetnuld4r. ~ , Tan Government order prohibiting the ex pose trees] t• 3 Canada applies only to anthre ette-rittttindlietts can be exported as Wore. - Tie reason of the prohibition is, that anihrak siteloil.grailtit Any to blookado nmcers, Arlie ` Ailie Mier Its emokeleas qualities. .. • i Ti IBA sigaillicantiaet,• andet Virtual iernia . thin ef -the - 'rebel Outlier; tiniti thee Waren& ton bittekalle II 'EEC effectriiili ant. peCett, yf I Oki:City of flee-10th, luthand 12th ult.'oon, Itattiratadvortisements at blockade goods - for I ." - diiimathriXiasMaimenclpatlonaneetin war [held in Bath:aura on Frldayalgtir,:the'spealr '44]444W Meekte:tenlie.hili_ot Willi._ ;I:olfei and Myt,ra,'llliMetana.,, bavia, or, Asa., dud 179e ttr I" the 11 7 0 411 1thult 7 t; '- rt - t ' s', - the Sralr . olk - , Bln:kz iirini,.Vatusall, MU, Shoo and - Leathhr and 'DoyleetcerenhaVO declitatoitsznialhanbindrdir- Idend of h per tint., 19 others 4 per root. and s t. tiara 3 ii. —.-. . .. .. .. - • L., able caOttarttrfrralil247l2loltalt and venerable ca., httm..ttf -tin (Mobil Bank.,l3otton, has held that postiton spa:, r epee Ithe,-ohartisibT, the bankr,forty-years.....L. r ••• • •.. • ~, Tea : KantuAr Viil4l3fatto*.gyoidlohAt Looruta is to moot ott..listy-2hile to-opoint, 41,ssates to tho lintiOtuMlitilett-Conventlett. . . . Gee. Bramtette and the A.4eArtpted Re: stetattee to the fliraft Keutuek3. The Washington correspondent of the: Tri= betethasjtatee the full •ridenelng ' 4 O. tree • sonaldepurpege conspired between Governor Brawled, and the their...Me jou;eelt (Etetfoe - -- . •• I. Tfahf j act that G.:senit,. ,f3iirolptje cat 'nptec,:thilclatfoith. it Lertngton j , and gave bin ,Doototorlancolo.lhhtraiteiona.rpoe. of jit'ul :ford, La:which•lor eulogized ,' the:Dart:nem the eitnphensts of Kr mucky attathe S o odh,.. denounced i'regideilt Lineplifjak "a tyrant andjuDirpkr," Dud DIODDid Omit "the cleeola don ~.0 .t u osery . this 11 . 11^Nee brie -legion the wrnanwwl-elnldrel , ol ...5.D.." • • It.. The fort •that the Provost-Marshal of Boyle county, while engaged in eundliag the amyl.' in 1110 district, received a dispatch by telegraph trout U.S.1110: Dratolotte, Dearly, if not Manny in these words J "I bee dos- patched the • President, and• bees der:Ott:idea that this business 01, welling and -,Darclui of negroes in Kentucky meet be stdphed, and ii he don't stop it, I will." 1 111. The f..cte that Governor Brarniette, after en interview with Shipman, Of the Louisville Jortrooe, wrotd a pr Dolan:l4ton to i the people of Kentucky, and sent it fir pub- j Deaden to the ollloe of the tiommoseowith ammspoperocud that it woo there met iii typo, 1 .d proofs of it taken—thlathgeprncharohtlon , ( I) in its j apanirog and tbrenglotont ten! grossly ibicelve Of' OOd hostile Ip,str.iint-oip . Ad-' ministration. -•(.2 ) That it • ahhesitntlitgly VIIILIMICaI . TteiVADINI * to the - Durollment,.of Devote andjspeclfie4 how'thitc:suld be, dohet stating, Ore', tint' the ocitiers Of slaves mould refuse to giros Id thely nanachadoe,&e.;scond; thatif timarm-woravisoited to to compel 1,11. a to Inerdah the Degrees tratnee,lagee, a: 2., they o ,nlearriMiTtri the-cOtrit'and to hint at Got, ernor. el.) That 'it •plolgoi . the pectple of K4t h o rl .a. a tj.V ate, mould tt.k, Mir tomtit,. -hciennicl mataittshrosio it with all then peen of she Suite : , .I•filhat itatthdted the lit. l Con grata as . quottotestlonahlY ismonsolultibuhtr and urged restslanao to the• draft oh thaf ground. I,' .... . IV. 'lhe facifitil at'a°llls,etirta of Iv gen tleman in ItathlSit;Jii,ll o:clek at ight, Governor Bramlotte .read that: prods att.. aloud from uproar: freshly, brought in, frotic, the printing' office.j' . ..." .. V. That the liTyal L femst-ktfaand Dr. Drchill' It:triage, withsttipd itahablialliori and rototikid oils PPlrSit tillingelm Governor that. It would, -.lnrieren MR war In the State, tad that he would be held to a terrible reshantldlity, both pereonetand °facial, if be published it." VI. That the Governor, cowed by Br kite ridge'. fidelity and sternness, and the ildor disapproval of the others, then and there eviicerated the traitoroni documant,..sa gent it to be reset for publication, shorn o fiver alDths of italength',and parga4,of hoar pall lirtienion: VII. That Lieutenant-Governor Jac° 1,11 . 11: a conversation with —, a fea'aafe kefore - the event jut narrated', .00rineolid ' One I re:- sittanee to the draft. "lion trill yin n4rt it V, ' iilligirOd rn ---- '. ". ,‘ . 11.4 •• wi1l 0Ver 6 6 2 0. General Grant's army." "Slow?" ,"hilsi will stop the sopplisl—they atk go ,thtough• ,Itentutiry:'',: nyhoselbeft:t foi.tlainatifall • I,44k3o:gfaltddloTiaDdicwtogetticich Will: Holt . hint sou the litate wilt beraintd7Y ~.. eV answered Jaiotre ifogsedlr,.thlif think Itaa i Sot la irPtra;aoa..i , o 4 eX ' 6 1.0 1 a °pit notqf lie" rlsfilh.liteatinipt.,......„.. • , . We hen rive thiti,kesetitatleti.of , le eater ' gainst Goy. I . .fmroletteinnil the .hob err • uothe twtort;444litpFicy;,tfi 0 of the Patine- ~,- ..r...a I.e, el ~• e •," t ••• • Th&Cfovernor's clemseadi•iipiti e fllf. - Ta coin toned down: here to a rota:eq. tilityfieltetreee alfeadtlifflorelitliWilhaftgle,ltentekti Ma' ebiiiifl,Ve'reineyad frOo , iltaStatiliatti. Wt.. nr..4enater•Olioni , hie aline* pg.- gad thaiihredrallattitght - be tostierlded hata eller thetdhaeho'itetl'tte-4dd-ltiat rte let off Ketitioli - i'fieto ltarfligilieP:ebe re' aLlseatait uteathi:•:, -,.- • . . -.,.. It le . bli(oito' and ...ititelestlttic,",ti ill We; titB9.;Pt, OP*:. (1 0-- 9 g leligetille; pp xitiVitize‘bacti.; , ed irrliOlLtaist r :wholkniedi•hiieirlkutbre , to It'll:amid!. &'43o4.'oele.de libtthle aff'lrarilboV"' :"M9n.741Ch1.4ti.t,:.:t lite - tf4e(eY4. l 3l4 l :tett,.. 4;0:X1,' xpcnrip-1 aott Mr; ;that have Ido with stheir,:nal about slaves ? This lee lownflOonietter; shall be executed, If I.tit . iye to 'brief ul .# "atiriiiii*i. T*o74-.o.filitugkong. , ...Tait • ;...'..5 , ;:• ... ~ - • :), . ~ ~ . A ,o.: ~ . . .. , . .._ . ~..11111IrrnTy In Inal7llFlrtr - ..7 ~ , , ..,Altillf Cil.l ' ilii tig;ileiVAslivith : l oo l t !; —',„ overtrlght - ihtfuiluil 'IIMI ricilpii-ykte 0011 , D raised for our army to lAhlitaret 0 oof ',,,, Viiiiir likiplailli/OIV4 PCIA li 9 iii 3 fril , u d South - Carelinuorda '6llstrt ,* yrilrepW pthkir; ,!' : - "Ae::11illii, 'ltto4itnii:M4 . irer"; r 1.14 4.10 :; elaulUiiiand-vreie:eritiseed;iormialllyreu i a l i 'ri - 4reartteratatttrisir,47brrhibrdtif.tll4 [Nu, 'v: isirg6t 1i,./S ,Illtfilifirillate 412144d...0:i la. )7 i M , ..a e alle Mettle iilrMitly must aomprike t e iL [mirth,. of this'abfe:botrloS alavels'ol IllstS at iv .The'frefastiider'lih eti*liiif,ai It 0.-4 ! lc at lii9MKTYOIR 'a Pace cl,o'. , k. 'll44,Po9::Wk4u4alf,ly 4 4441) au 0 , s 61110.111te1l provialng for the Wile anfteP d, it sbolititavot : ttt laart!riloututiciia! . - : A f vaiiifiticui r tiav , ; AA 411 , Niiii i of 1 PaP ar k il'" ' ';':'.'" • ~...4- 1 ; '. o I ' Gentlemen from .npfermarerttes . of. • 1 rand say thht. , :thil -, tiqopearemen,of or, fa' ipkto Voitihnseiirhligutumisbingstp.f U.. ' 'ltlieruiting partlm...alth%iont..silirtng - -, 7 1 1 and floating banners have only to! , M Or tilletPAValtilk"N t id iurreoff J. 441 0 - lAtiatctitaiebiti:!! ti.?..titi .15.11414 'l4t. amongthrsurogra:Maillandere,4llo i , larmestotiviiltdtamitets his.4etitt .p4eav ioliariptiTilc;filleiii)alidri..lstr , detE , twice otwlistanin , population.. mastan . "-SvPmd,rate.rops.koAri. tleta".,HAk. to 00..0441.40:031d7u - s'ouim44,.. _ se to db sa.' , _ . ,SZ : tl nsm , •', -.- •Foreigu'ltimsa,... ....... • - . -. Tea Forme Ccescerryuma..;-Ttio7ltoabyer phial/ thia dwalslear of 'the /Water of Mr s hr yelettfarto 'the iiihrtev*iptiSor obtaining 'Onlioritlciff - frOtii•Aliinryliarkira 431 , agi.., 'Tha.y yang men compruadlw-lbselah! INS will have to pail Axed UM of 2 . ,30(11y. , hied , now warviagiand'illarelit't(Ciagre, molt pay' /Daft: , for avAnhatailber 144 pi ~ a ary leer. sattiejoVelatilithig lot Oven yoarevillllrirt , a right to vaaalve a- sae! at 2,?0 , 111:11,400... itgdiaglodiatelj;and :the reattalliday at, th e vspixatiatiof 'diatom; ilaa abrallA pi, Pt * hollataaaVarlOyafffdeiii,l/4"...,AataallAt:-. at fahlasseliziliasiti 3r ayiwill . girnanigbi, o p no 44. ItarrnarilenkTa a itinrof Siioo., fur each leaavidOlC:ia he paid iedniedlitely,htid 1031 h it she Aticw tu•ser4,:cto 11 she hlkh gat of' 10 willitlele7 i aay: ' All/L.14.7We e/prica those lap. re•atllat will onlibate a ryttlq' the dollTribc-r.O iodates. : ewe ..tav lite': provided yWe Ideatatitration, and loe apatite/ ixf (materrytaif, _ . :‘ , 111111411(11p,riglit, toa awn ot 2,3lloErrXlatiff...paiala.laoaaadi i-Aly,,alad the Arepaaladq/-att - AbCoorof lb° , Wax.; IC.for.liaaliahlavatarAlts 1 1 1 4 0 1 d., thoalve 11201teforhaeltiara;•1011b, Jba Yen , aq. ably, and 1801 y. at thl . f . 3o4ll4o.lThei 11,:c 4 . , d:._, ,Ttnaounuti ds,Rome# iinnotrigia*Aestk T. /lt Oaf( la", afollw agar:hi-71;0 Sohn 3:aetes • a 3/pplatonowf-:Bleattedratattal;luil er t olirlY •.. Cherie d'Afratrea tot . the II 1( • ''' -l a ke at ." • arid and...iitockhalpa ;at whl(:b.talferf it" - 040illgilektho Creefdteefownenerre -wiiich, k -ntliPtonian icnbii- 'hada -.of tila , totatUins be: witneKortir 4awsloi Wad flWedalq : 'Tbhple : , doroannuimtemleldi4wri:buretbnaratt7,,,4l,,„dr.;.:itel,;.o77:::lt.:oll- A. bat, large wrom . e . /M ~, woaajdfilir ib N wee. Matt= 'lC2ll64libir. 41ia1f141414:;t11,":07444e7tW dr, 4:464. (taxies father, who leaves tretlad.higi. , -011-47.1trbritirtlin°iat" the kktliii,w.6.74'Lcra t,..- gleti4:o7io s.4likt‘lhistvile:leeet-klo., DIBAVN/0.111-9FAXP_PAB :tr ,- . Tau , '.( . , ,-4 ' wader the Virta MIMI, - a il ' toe - - afirf : A rhTh' ii .--- ; 4-44Thr 1i11414121a. ...1: i ii 41. 26 141Wilvalwall ftn1 lo tbi%wasettlall t' weewwW l66lV tsal i N (panda, .initlabcigi,ike-rlanny . bALZ • &eh if tlayobi stand, Forma Prot ADS 1 .1tir4 , - about 38,10D,Gootiqet (aunts 11011914 - 3ho .. - , - SIXI. - . , 11t HANIkw D E 1 coat of a Mao Is and fraaa Oat' tannin:lm. . bir...intriii 'iiTaM Wald. • tad opt tit 1 oat st, - t 4 vidal ll 4 „, _ ; i ANN Ther:llll"thleired of"Ainl.laitiViii e,., • ) r, thenlireeldetp, 4. ;:. , 17iltITIOltiiq' Atilt : 6 :. .41ii.1ie . : 11104. ai' Creiiersitioltlias;lti reirkiiie,:lo_ip quut of. tbP!ll*te CPice4tAh ' 4;i ' e . 14 , 04 113 7 ot # . stem his views. en e .the 314mee. Br 'from CD Btaaidant , tboritairtir ' 0 ai stelae , lieeri - r held , lair ralatitata tha'stopenaloanit': (tom catamaithi, irlth:t4 fp; ~ ~ . ~ ~,.,„. IR4:4; l s4 , N , Stl*. f rP lEt O t . WilteTtemseet , the , Presideeo tbAo /10 1 P,ot hmeozettirdighish , 05 1 , 411, 1 2 4 n 4T .4 ArTic e l.. r No i r e )re . ord l u stigi !On% eh ::ine - e4l - , y4; • lti'lrati • itienidedly ley eprehtiee t et heiiet , TegeUry Owlet ' be toss traiEll theietcner,:o3 , thie citit oattcreak ;it thltref.elilettli! -that imshre '.40.1 tistepalloh , An:.that ;:should Laxel% : 13 3 PC . Pmicp , :. et smilltim : , cially duncts a, pa.4054-pkapttv irtiert . et,: - at. 0110-, sarvice. artaa iiiilie4-11eitiliftteerii:',e'hill:;66 ." tiie ect, but; AsYthili places; 4 41i0thly' . 00011ed.' This blitli .I:7:llsoprziOiabte iadhe'esskt sinfireadbreieliiieltehritirmi cy. Basides dal Mr. 161flaya things that the'Grilernhithittol tea itannghcoarti taarttalta . .mat rlatelt this bill wont - tr ~ 0 3:0 b eml, i ueli -le deellsepeet 0 nriv_needad lox Wis. e hilt groistliiiiiiait tits ptifiblcaaj xibiiii.hcittla'aptOii. ai'o7.; of tho'trar. - 114 Senate 1g tiltari 6 - ria sdeereely.to the bill. L -, • E:tietlehe lel ' 'Ci;etitivit; Jtiiril 6:i4k._... City oftViers hhid here . 7epriday iViit ' , fifths of the vote wifirollyd: I"ftli_lotdi n jorit7 Is about forty-with hued:keit - to from interior Mimesis . mews: la c..ik.' , Olt Gtty Uxdon itnejority; Tran ••int he tired and thirty h majority; Da7eotoo3 he Bred tosjoritya ;Oltiveleplyfifteoliyh 'dx litaiwity. Ihe 1 461 =0"Pata ;. 4 "krg4 , 4 1 1" -" vs ern ... . fit!' . t 13eavols„Apait 6.--,Tbetnae• and Agnew Pierce, two yawns ,Englis • are under Arroit,..onlhargee of•attepapting atTindiv., They ptirchasottaotpi - zipop t w • of dry goods and jevretry, stAl' gwvaglv ks payment, on banks where their total; • op . Its wers less than :COP.' , w recovered. • From Buenob Naar Yoga, April 5.—A littenot Aiies litl I of February.l2ta; to the Tina ~ - *air t t, t crown and purple bare Arrieed fat'...alie cow nation of Lopes aattatperot of Rallltta;, .Tbe U. S..gunboat Alobleurkzrakil Bfienoi 4"P"" . -- ...! .t.. 7 f7,7j:-. 1 _ . • ,A5m719.117..4.M4. , ! itiptuova4.lrEMP,OßAßY4!.,. NS• 314T:41: 4 1 • friendtArd - thi:Pnbli , :at' llo 4,l ll nra: hunt, forget L tD44 arW i ggl i r t A ir 4b, to lakttaa/ at Idayott's Oatat,iraarth attest, Ittita'sehallnaa.: ttibi and,for main aa Mask, • • earinosirtt4' brought • • so ever were uto tbis..elly, . qtiCtiy EASTSIO: FLUIVRYPIIICS! H. KLEH,FR V 131194, wiliK[Bs HALL REMOVAL.-Wvirrinvuti'ti, old and long estabished /4LIND Has toes 'remold No; susurruiritt 124 rm.c facsad, obese- yob rlas.rs-ralr,Prx o er or year mbar, by.bnytog youy.aarrEllaallessrl otOt year old eras oeul7 repalated .4 4 tiu, 9l 4, ago,: bet Warmer and WJArtossibrp. • ' • `lO-,31- t0r....: REISO3-104: " • • • TEM 11130Eit TritirESSUOM 1 iulSuijui W 004 !mei cr. 4- Der Hada t sud idridet itrucki. di , • •• • 'ni.sllLsittrET Erimettir • ajoiainK BRUM' 11.1115tuka &tons' Etsnkladouis . siulTtyr. ItzDellf.ollPloll, nee REMOVAL. lum nmfoeo lay . "ol,ijs , I 1,11,116. ET ErraiTit, mut:dog to N. *bn Boos. • apt:l. JA2yLEI olomsrpit REM.OVAL. pneNa T&N'ooanta, ..• • -• rt.t:lttc. and Ocmtals•tert Merchant.iina rtactotedlet. Na to SINITEITIELD STELES?. carnet' of rir , , • • . :1 .4.. - 41 . - EMlSVA.L:÷Wiletirian EVN ht 11 Lt., sou- faw Am...! au •Usa Jeassoirrobaawairva car Av.i.t.4,A....r.th., mums ,rwmgwr M:MIM • ------ WANTED4AtRITINGTEACEDIE4C- r- ASltads*llikeftfatt!Pesiettits4. - of abitttSAA Ositdoittons.as ih.Texcl4rl.cstreisFtroa rrakii4 eat Ittuatioll, at brl m bt , yeat„ , .Itrezincli'Etyteard ret.: •Xi , P l .7 be the MAT hat: Mud , eoaraina Morale %am 4,1.0 , * of pla and olf•tassitorritlag .0046 tb testelig I=l,Nl3llVo2Vei, ' 6l '6"*- , ' ..^• • ! ,4, - • •• ••• I for the 'Hata Ittfailtafti ;.... • 01! THE 1111113110EPPI i 1... Fa! Z . luttor lainastion. avflY• Madtattas CID t/V47,re. qtutalkliirayiUta4rgh: '7 AWISD.-. -,, ,• : ''' ' , •••:- • 1 - ... , , Sigtl;trioo4 4iiiilr!;;; ' . iii; i v DWAIN Of , ' lAns.4 TrAES)patl CO i ', ... ~... ..,- mblttllr tor: Locust* Ikakirotz. - .136' . ... • 1 r - ras,' i1,1.43 - Fuedsy. OA r OD O R : wIACIIINLeTtc,it SAM ikr:Al7: , App y to, . 43AILIWN,9uptilatwadekt sr , Kabtartswprallialt Sentra 8, qe Calwelaw:.MXl , Rel agw " itanatiliVtealwallAr or . 4. : B. EDmkailltairtmlis!. derroitastio7.4nl:' , •"10t1...11 , lIVAN7EO—Agelif9lO •', I JUID. mama ifcar tillr WAIL -A ware ctioutto o r• rettawy.... Ageatieam‘eleating *ss • .; itacnrAtretV; brafipsibilqf siolchprattleale tirn 4 .P.r.411X. PliPll.:o;l4.*,;t DXS , OL _ I a &CI TAITION.=-1167111. tfripiship battoraiitsrittne otOpEEN YOZGUM liCo.4l,MlliwptivriSti tar:l U LA ltdd.lcnsavg bvitevit'4 -4 Y.Pcs' Jrtl4Mltmalnoolatt> Fee trid,b,4l3,ls4,ttscrepatas tbkinuk.4 l . lBl 4 "VA i la r e ml* MUM: , ksaaur AeynJSl.Wl. t rts• Virtu sed,par licarigitAlAti~ASt! It'ale eti s'em sheartmll,4o.3 Urn% ;oc tam 'cZflrflt4 aro Inane ite stir.4ll . a.l. mbity aua it 7 y4s *ca% - 44 re'rrti4 title itesirOlorvtipiild itapectrlati bespega coattnaitsfoliftth*.yesor best th mod ouVolpiesas.4on 1 )4 11 .1".°, 0 k /144C T 14. - eirtet. 412411,01iii't6 .IVo.)l,lrfitis`tiktilVtakftSTl)P -;,h...04.,and.„th.r10.01 1011., s oo t 6 7 1-# .. l " ..l"H :; l ;7# l'7lll i 4Leat r:;: `74 :r: ::: I N I k al ' 7 sto . 3 : i'..6'‘" ' ; ' lanis TON t - CV.; tr matrollf illusatratkUr tako elect '.'lairtsilly is -littAii>'Ati.ist.:liii,rl24l9Y3l9lV4l4i riii3E) WWI' 1 ~condwillieistiiiiiaMM4, iii 1 KOOK a 00.1aut MIMS 801103111131tEXANciSat thslty to of th, PitAtt4h Whlta.:Lead ColaTaii` Ma tarrnirttO MatilL,larr.nas 1ade1444 to gala partanaclplall 'Safe toddiAllo , mats p 4). limy Pa illt latt4.lstgetslaXMcptd• tun of tbs IWO dem). tato p.m. - . : - "%ristlkaiih.l.34l-1.0.044.,.:, , 0 -',;4,041. „aiiasisaxiiiittuagbiimbkAirmstzsgosan , LDW A413 , 4•5D notrAtidemg3l[l.7 . ' 4 ,CLIfetRIFA •14.4440.011441•13c11,144q. =Mu. ” anti 1:tOi ilt;0611.116 mattra gisyktEditve.achlyby.tasZet. ,so . - • r • I.entse'cititlik - cmonadsiti 5ir5 ,7 004, 1 : 4 41 , ft-sii . . - rea rtst A tuno. 1-44 Li !abacus. rinimmunf:Yhis.nimattemititiatt: kAggertter; fn -7 -i Wu .14 dr Airvsounzi, BY TBS. OHOII4. ALTi...A.PrtglailaKaic I. 'EL &Ea zialaciaeltrcarqL; - 1 illy 11111 RID kV tilVittiOjilkt? due. W!..t1. 1 5! A- !Vara Mis .11ttgarkWialue ,ktot r itla Ai mai ikerusg, 'O•COiICEI I T HALL: 11178SELiv8.. • - GILE.VI f , , - ..• • ' ll PANORAMA :OP '. - THE IREBELI.IOII, t d be exidaltad lash* atom., gat; pe weak calykebsaaaancfng et " - netorrp*T; 'April, 3»-1064. Tne il',tutempesm- *Arm, sams v- dna Dwain, by if fia•XISILL ingorAT.DAisul to' 'Matta td iyl/4113fita; aid r SittiODlS. far tbaniatininadatien etledaiNa and = Sa STellitretliettailiald; f MO; epenla 'yronlag Adak eflernen. ; 2: ' - • ' , Boa pititcn *nip ilvl;rw , •• T 9I VIVITIT ittinenly. r 0.M.A1301110 . SAS,. , „ - .ron owl wixtE Liiais.,.." WOOGROFFE'S GREAT ORROGAL BO FE.VANTIALg •`4O,IIPE • tiluiBEil)LOtirEßS, , , . . *at cp.'. tiii, GaizircialT vadvartiltz sir 73:14Pilimilsiagp.057...Thilit ca,. A Jffoisdayifterstisr, !' 4privitp, I U4 azAlatt Lim& ETLBiiia...i.a ii - wip sus. pia ..icskrimeAT Altnismarizartems tba aye. At rack ostirt!atatot tlr, eriabtatbid Loa , Glass :Steam .Engine t: `, 4 ll6mitcrr " , • - • ILL= iiitiliFLY 1:0)i 0 46t,' ani 1,,, iz;n4..prAllo:" michsr„eri4 fiii.la tbat till de corn of - art ataaaractorrilPar COS. tray will largratuitoastydistrlattal Pa . .Tititotit. Oa YAIDAY =a % April' Lt; a loaatital aro at work ollt bo prerotta4 Its. tta aglow of the tn.: triettialtont4leuta ortioUtamilitostalirgioa. -/ittairticiii to Arcata itata, - 115 nat. Aftaritoto Alitinaro, IA casts, Ntulip:kw Dooreapea in alot sandst at I Vtdoek:" Attar um at,l Wl:Wks lithilatimaitargroata . liar on hot& War , 11:11:WRODBATIIL:liparkr. - :44. NillAWitnak, Eitotarailigiatir..--opkiw -.44: 05 ;f4 1 { 1411 4.44 - BRADKR% I: 3E - ClO,-IS .;•11 . . ri S aW a l c INl n U r nliWill34.l42 • ii, timed, at Az: alsiata tor' adliniiamr Pat 11.4•4111101 • GI•01 maraer-Plam.. ad ff. asokas Xelakass tterosaa. Pin.= &dd.( Pea lasartt. I. vial Wall ad maul bitalathaDa thaw ,Irskirtparrased.ttser , A...an 'maGb to thill vicinity Its. Las stossato In Masai w.aU Sasser. Lob oad llama flat, Lori. AD... Jan as data, n 7, (cd 11, 05...,) Mn McGarr. °Wad s Datat. H. It tat, noo”in, b4.ol , ittuks4 Bard, sm., gala Lawn Sass Wass, La, Dr. D. al. Oa rA. Hoot. lava&Hassbagra. 47,t,;• "4 / 7 !t 'r r b !!, , • r n :;!;.."0311ELINK.e 4W134, Seatftbail*llidWatariEgh . :* .4 ityipleplitsieliopeaca ..* • .1 . . f .. . .. 0225.. 'T' 0-.-*W *8:51 1 *-,.,'••'• tr.4: - th.timiv. , : -. 4' ,., .• 0 • • ••••• • • ---- _ GM 45.;:tiEJTE1!?„14Ca ii•lialeilltd. SV-5 00 liGigniii Galt- t' • -. 2.-.....L!: • 1723 CO • • Ir. 1". -'-up. .. , MS GO XII.111;0003 0151 a 004 +. - "Tr• , - '. , o..x.oopitukao., 1 1g... t'!".. • f --; tia.:*;at . :, - ...- - ‘...7.) . . 1 SO D imrrimus zparvilr,!..it r i. ro co ,• ....-...-....,-,i....0.40,. 1 i - . . :' '. :940. '.. 4154., *y . I. - .Av .,. .::: •.. • ...-. •,..,. 44 . 10. , , 4 4:. • psoyAL:l42.4high*.filipist A.! .•: No. 5 3 1•31/TU rts hour pnamot oxecTilt i t m Oar • &o. & ft= sametrocala "Anal pew PN 6 3, r rt 13 , 1 1NF1105.-•;ii 2;:it ROtireglanSt . . • r • • ?, ii.11µ13./41 ' kis Avishbet WNW 111500. kir:nip:lm th' •-• • - -.4 - • ". a"' - Banos • rr7l 7,11 aigir kuroi, vioLurev OM:M . ACOOIIIM errainatc.l4 ,0 1 1 tc. br 77-750#T, • tteAr4c: VINE — Flifti Th ilTUBA lANO* AC.. • fi0.12 JIMDIII2/.1. :P 2/04 1 . 1 r, • juntNtscioneil st debrek, 'lsiltbittegil. at • the tr.arteg ge.4l , inskraraitoit basivAtilin &sib Wi'd, the =paw howbeld liandwal., • g sit eels" tees Pei PLiccg Wes*, ,n Carpet. knrinativpoutao. 0 -11.,7- toy!: W I ornactaiato. litgrAlo &sat: ..11-A.1.N4 ...- .enable gantry VT - ce bin rile _lnitt-Efot, Kbfol; OA Gelb. II OW Mini nd gsd I rd Ustneacts, Mattis a, Der eug to. Weitb i.ird. liehogicof Witernetilebts, Mottos Pun, 'Es aLtics, bishoiLecrEitithnyiwtsigt spit DAVIS'S SeTLlPAlTlZikaliets. PSHICMCI3I.BII3:IITORE.--,-.Will A. toga& on TERITIMMY 31011,111N0,4ptia 7Lbi ' • Uotidectr. at tbivllaSepnoret 07).W. Itaarha 4 .' • 4 Lelag banlaeakita. Ifeell atijaic tNo•sttr . • ' itoeltat - latticalVastatatv 1 2 012 .asawm" ma. CV% 044• Bilk dad Tar cam ittutioisati BOW 71.017 Comp, Its. AIKObs Stonilltrtitr“, sairpteng Gime; Cam • subtotaleds„ now Ist Back, to . , pkilt gas3riiir;u2ni. .t..:.,11/IUGG/15.171. QIMON JOHNSTON DcaIRO:6IIMB. DIIMEG-AND-V1C01161.14 -riarastm.. mei At mini Mniauxo-swarroaricrAx-1 = .4,4 'Oa It • , • -• . .... . Ac—rin 7,,-- = 1"01144= itisticoor- • • • ta, 140 Woof . 414ba. COUMIT K4M
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