PP- The Florida ltrz*Utio When the first iirkinkotart expedition to. Fluids reached us, we confess we regard ed it. (aa.wahad done an -earlier report to asoptst-tlox 1,31510# wpa eraj_l34 -. 1 50 -124 1ritaittletora_ the WashlngtonOsimply _Lugo lighi of ii act very ingenious story get telmuss the ; idles : and 4,eicheact, who are ahrail gratified; and, for the time being, Okada with-i sensational climax, attorney extravagant, Or even trateasonable. and absurd, it may be. We thought it not improkuthle, cho,, , that .hoth tken. Ouratons aN is it`iituiiiiies et washington, ta. 'draft or encionzagthi the pubroation, •-taf each stories, looked beyond home eon smnition and the amusement or Wizen olesseswe kavejcst alluded to, and airier eiliMhited' en the efiett they Weir birrolnossaiv theltidmilind and Charlie' relwth, so...as. to plasma point by di , miming, thutbr attention to another poiht bitted; therefore; of expecting to find Gen eral Guaxonif trust up, when we should next hear ikenst him; either in Witillington ilany part of the Flowery Peninsula of Smith, we rather (writhed to believe that he would be found doing something import ttoll. .rsolkial,stich as eiromnventing his watchful antagonist, Beatacorazi, and approaohing dharleston broome route less difilealt than those liitiunteatteurptod. Ic thotrefors; we are to believe that the r „, Owe* Florida expedition is - • boric No gle alratugetaatial.alatement of Ilter deters by the latest mall from the sells to put beyond all question -- we confine to have no vary high opinion of the wisdom that planned it, and Conse quently no Irerreasiguins expectations of the advantages, military or political, which it may premise, . I, ThW.New-Ifori Times, in referring to-it, is probably not far wrong in - saying, 'Jacksonville has already been twice co zpvied by our troops, and twice abandoned as uselesi, tied because the forms were wanted elsewhere. There is not the small est ,ssilhary importance in Florida, for the rebels have no force there worth speaking o{ and-the State has no atrategie 'rains whatever. Had we indeed a supine or fere.which we did not know ; how to ` - quitrioselit h.:might:be Worth Willa, in a purely political sense, to send an ex pedition-to Florida which would ocempy it en pernmene e ,' and enable the State to ooms back into the Union. We believe a majority of the people of lioride are In sympathy with us, and would gladly see the - 2;1,0)1%1:ton of their State; but In order that this shall. be made available, it Is necessary to insure the moment proteo tlon of itio people. They cannot aeord to show their loyalty if file Is merely to be Mitletatileore lits'they lutes had 1 , .. ~. ... every mune for .the, past three. years. _HO have we theJoree to spare to do this? qui we afford to nerd 10,000 men into • :kin tor rani4a7 Coventry merely to aeons. 41hdribis nbjeet Surely not. We trust tliefris a wisdom in this move other than meets the eye; but, for the present, we can't see it." %I!bi WLila AO etturenatiequal inability "to Dee It," etill w 2 cordially with that the wits. door may nevertheless be there, and maul fat itself one of these 'days. ' The Vete on the Enrollment 13.111. 770filkave carefully. analysed the vote on tin new Enrollment Mil, which paused the Triday last, and find that. Atir Of• tibia gentlemen who are commonly !Cued as Dettommta 'voted for it. Of the Ireatury - Democrats in the 'House, Ifessrs.,Arcon4Enara s liesmem., Simons, Thuilitat 7 l sr, Cerrito* DAMP); and Leevea voted against the sLure - amendment and the whole bill when put open - its final passage; lignin dodged the vote on the amendment, but voted igalnUthe Josmuxi dodged both votes; Beau voted against the _nuttinteekbot, for the bill; Nassau, dedged the imendnent; bet voted for the bill. Th. were. 61 votes against the antudezent, *adz 60 ` spinet Om MD, and, Qat thane were either Democrats Or Der. di:ratite tun- Rot' trainee member Who ) was elected as n friend of the Adminis tration., led 'aP VO last the bM. It will hardly do after this for our Demo. made Mends = alahn that 'they are Y numb la fluor-of it vigorous prmicution ofilthwaresweareothettheirsrvresentik this Coagiva vote so solidly against a wieitteaincre - of the alOWlitil 111:10. Without the Felipe:l4 vilarge addition of *ldlers to those now in the Belot we could aetentirveda'spriiiii campaign withany hope of emus, and millions a - draft or the bar of it we would not prooure many os' theaeltilerit: ire-cithnot, therefore, peri selve_any hankfirelleoll why the Democracy shooldelsito to the true "war mit' of thireetinfri: *ad pit many of lie man. egesifhirvithil thaelfruntery to dUthis thing (tdte exteadvely of- late! No sooner bad the Brats aleoththe everywhere goneapinst Gam - thij hiced ilbeat, and began I gradually to 111=440 the ides that they we the beet war men.in the country. They oulg differelfrilm the Administratlon fa two partioulars - : they - were holiest; . it "ARAI Pa Net. In favor of a vigorous preseention of the war; the Administration wee too slow! We have had .this siren waif sung unto us for Moodie,' and now, when the ofportitdly.olfete, we Ind the antselera In oueway.... won!' do, gentladici,ta harp on that stria; say length. Toni tette - belle' the Aimless - of PlutgeN;l4.).`Zi‘ -, ' Ilitte,TAmetenant•Cleistalsblp." 14::T7f: 7 .5...-1. .... ;;.:41:•_; . :! ..+!;:::: : . . : •••••• ••. - -. i 1 :3•;:: ,:'••,.•',., . ',.. ÷4 gs: :..: :Ci, ~., TheldjAtt,eoltfteeyposithot. of:Mouton iliegisitit has bows sonfirred on Dot two diem Moist hAleti:se a ostlop 7 (abit Weaaktotoi. and. denera••Scott, the Woe btent,elpointmihp'Aen. Ifeeldeittot-L Woocifiefotod Chtostel aid Mitaiteder of the Armletof . the Villed - flietee 17913; whin one QM otadeo'withAtessi ihrestempl lounionste wow. 11pOildo deathln AL_ grid s viddisid for` lto' stone oohed with - Ithsk:stf although toresalote somoted l a, fk uvey. It int *Oa dOlp until urniglissi otter . • •vki knead twillteit 06 0 1 0 —'1(. 4*WP. 30 0 1 2 Tinging *ant tie irtr oflBl2lillllend Ida, • , . leutwero, lei to thetwoofsi of the Vide by , - 10 mir codes lb, got 110h...,15.th, 1815.. tiesswelfeettatowitir, kowtow been pissed as LW of flie d hale ISO, his Pint Allo nlirodkiogie iiii ; Ptowtood info. W ita-10441. 1 24 ogler do ails 91r1;: AMIN Oata - iibbloy itsiktfairigtee 4 300111M1N hi • stitatust avai thir Mood= empla Woo" thos 2,000,000, op u s onifofts)o4llfaoria Tony of t a b; ollSoi gigolo isogtWOonoisittle illotelsiosoo. too of AopokttUsp•itott. CV *Pat', AO Muksifttok fidOos 4 _.. s - t ... ~ L. -. ~, gh +Ss "The rapid Mai of-population into thb group of States increased the quantity of the timparond' land, thereby meaning farms more or lees cultivated, within their limits from 2468%861 s ens In 1850 to 64826,825 in 1860, but laving a residue yet to blue. proved of 280,804298 area. The area of 26,146,054 saes thew taken in ten years from theprairie aid the forest is 'gaol to seven eighths of the arable area of Eng land, stated by its political eacimiste to be 28,000000,0 f acres. "The era embraced in ths resides will permit a similar operation to be repeated eight times successively; plainly demon. tasting the capacity of this group of States to expand their present population of 8 067,690 to at lout 80,000,000, if not 10,- 00%000, of inhabitants without lucent". Wawa. 'The effects of this Influx of population I. Increasing the pecuniary wealth, es wall as the agricubtust products of the' &atom in question are signally =entreat In the maim. Ths messed value of their real and personal property ascended from flle 116.000,000 in 1830 to 83,920 1 00 0 044 la 1860, showing a clear Increase of $2,810,- 000,00% We an best mean= this rapid and enormous aortesslon of wealth by com paring it with an object which all mane value, the commercial marine. The com =Tea Ululate of, the United Blain In 1840 was 2,180,784 ions; In 1850 was 8,- 1 686494 tuns; in 1860 was - 5,858,808 tuns." / !'At 1150 pern, tuwillobls a NI eitimrlu do whole pecentery value of as 6,868,808 amtmeCilEjell ear amotsrclat fiesta on / the oceans and the lass and the rivers, and numbering, nearly 80,000 'e melt, I 'would be but $287,940.000, whereas the in. crease In ate pecuniary value of the States under consideration, in snob year of the last decade was $ 8 81,000,000. fire years' 1 lemma would purchase every commercial vessel in the Otulattsa world. The =lenity of these States for the pro. ducUen of =amble and animal food is dins , dwelt upon by Mr. Ruggles with much force. Ifs says : "In the last decade their cereal predate increased ram 809,930,295 bushels, could- I nobly exceeding the whole ceroal product of England, and nictriy, if not quits equal, to. that of Panes A the period the min" whir play a very important part in oasuming the large surplus of Indianorn inernasedln number froM 8,888,182,t0 182862, and cattle from 4,878,712 to 7,204,- 81p. Thanks to steam and the railway, the herds of cattle who , feed on the meadows of the Upper Mialesippl-are new carried in four days, thank eighteen degrees* of longiAtlantutide, to the ilaughter houses on the c." Ile adds: "It is difficult to furatob any visible or adequate mum far a men of enrols so mucus as 558,000,000 of bushels. About ons-ifth of the whole descends the chain of Inkesi Cu whit% 1,800 vessels are con rawly employed !a the season of navies thur. About outtseveath of the winds dada its way to the ocean through the Eris Canal, which ins been once enlarged' for the purse of puslog vessels of 200 tons, and lane! under,urvey „by „the State el New Yorlkler" emend "enlargemeat, topes, •vessels of 800 ton" The nuts called a-' lug bunt, now. navigating the canal, ex. bead 6,0001 n number. and If Placed In a line wemld be more than eighty miles In length. • • • "A general dugs. Ie now im possible; for America, If neOcusary, - can f the Europe - for end hliani/Uplit ponder I well the magnitude of the lestrand all Its Is: ranching consunsuff—polldoal, *dal and nutral- 1a Incressedlatilitta% Co Increued happiness/ end the assured pm. of the world." In regard to the melalliferotte dtpoirlis of! littlestlah7t hie bffigleis presents some hp followitmusting slatbliok and concludes with the' "hem ng pum domm p its - sad . ether evl • 1 the isi duets now befell the lateruttunal Elte- Asada Congress, it'mast be' apparent the the': metalliferens - micas of :Ile INlted fltittu Of Almeria us deetlistvioaur or inter, to add materially to Ow surd,. of preeduritultalkand thereby -to afetttltirl mamma ILTlbtfw o %OrPodlt4 basa In l _ mama with' ffite capacity of ty. new Aulastil Briar aggines, end ths ja malblt da ct s „ stewed OethlLY " /T/A,"-21111,1 :,:ei-.;... .'5.:J.4',..."f.0.,c•-- -••-•, -• •• •-, ~i , •;' ,l -4 - ::..„ - .5.-4,,, , ,, A 4 ..gt , •• 7 ::' , . ,,..,. ..F .- 44 , ,'-'.:4-•;x444--- . ,,i •••=,.”1::•::7....,-,•,.;:!...y.!..,-;'7`.-;4,714.!•'"' The erreeiteenth Congresidonal Die. The Hellidsysburg WM, is determined • • N i t e s - 014=K4 a 1 t • '..ber next Sum -11„41.04e442f0 f*Cong"loYa ' S S dreenh i4 Xetzbibot.thislintteAs, lilies &moss CLINIX of Hollidaysburg, as the man who should be - nenninated. - We elf Elm - Cum well. He Is a sound law arld mm ardent member of intr party.. Bar he bas, eke felling, ,He lives In Blair conney,`andlf sie - eeiriferitilel If Is not at all probable' flit the remaining counties of the district—Cambria, floating; don and will consent that Blair cc1 W 1 Y 1411 ,....., . I ' ll 2 P.ll s3 lb7Alrlmeitopoly of itriPPVirig mom Congressmen. Fifteen years. ago Hr. Ciskitielli7J elected toCongress; Hon. 8.8. Bran, of the same county, him since: been twice cleated and now the district Is ieiresirrded by - another tali" county man, Hon. Mcrae D" kezLzennt. If Blair county has any modesty, she will stand aside this year and allow one of het equally Autritortme neighbor* to fureleh the candi date. Especially should she do this when the fact is remembered that the Serieratererith district wancarried by our opponents a year ago partly because Mr. Exam,. the Union candidate, was from Blair *aunty. Many of the beet Union men in the district could not be indneed to work blindly Err his election, when they felt that Blair county had no right to the candidatee. Our friends everywhere during the coming eampaign should guard against the ceMsee of party mildness and clissatiadiotion by being just to all. newels nothing thorn odious than a Truntaporg. The Iteeoureme of the Milled States, The report of Mr. Same' B. ltageles, the American delegate to thelnternalional Statistical Congress held at Beriln, in September hut, has Just been_pnbliehrd at Washington as a Congressional document. The paper on the "Resources of the United States," which Mr. Haggles laid berm the Congress, appears In full In Me report to Secretary Seward. It corers* vast field of research, summing ap the statistics of the material wealth and growth. 0t this country in terse and forcible . st le. The subject is treated under four re torted ares, increase of populaUoi, advance In the valued real and personal property, sad the yield of the gold.flelds. Every statement made Is proved by figures from official source; and while the reader la 'left to draw his own deduotions from the compariaons presenth at ted, the extort is so clear and simple but one conclusion `cant* reached—and that is, tbit the Dalton has ample resources not only to wedeln the hardener the war; brit to pay all the debts incurred In patting .down the rebellion, and also to sappon the Large and Icarus lug Immigration from Europe. We have no space to follow Mr. Ruggles through his elaborate array of valuable statistics, but the followhig,are among the striking ex hibits of hie - report: Dining the last' sixty years, while the population of Fresco has leareamel but 87 per Oelltind that of Engtandlikpercent, (Prussia Increasing 79 ;et ant. la forty five yea%) the increase in th e Vatted States has been 593 per cent. The foOd•produclog western States, em. bracing an area of 282„184,6112 acres, form, nye the repork--"an imams° natu garden in salubrious and desirable par don of the temperate sone into which the swelling stream of population from the older Atlantic States and from pampa has steadily flowed during_the last decade, in- . ereesingitipnevions population from 5,403,- 595 to 8,957,090, an accession of 8,554,095 inhabinuits,gatned bythepeseshd conquest' of nature, fully equal to the population of Silesia, which out Frederick the Great the tens years' war, and exceeding that of Scotland, the subject of struggle for cen turies. . . ~pi e d nos of ftfWoo, crests' ming tne Coupons, : ,firhis trabsequeztWathalg%4ll4l4o At Prams anplntetinen of eetnipying Tao San Pnure "Alias iinte -that the government ha. dint:Wai:l military 000n 'art: liskalsray of f d T cl ati nta edro on the stmthera Cast' of California. The ) island has of late Luanne important from &ilea& that =masons rich mines hays been Alisoprered them It possesses a fine bar hori'whielwill no doubt be made ',ena blese a naval, as well as military depot. Ii bu been rumored for some time past that this island was to bo mid* the rico denten' of rebel pirates, who were to make an attamptat capturing some of the tress untt-laden Pans= steamers and then strike a blowat our whole onosieree on the Pa cific; and It is not Impossible that this oir otunsianos may bete led to the otumpatlon of the island. A RADICAL °gauntries is lizernagr. —A meeting of Kentucky radicals was held In Louisville on the lith instant, for the purpose organising an anti-elartu7 party in that State. Resolutions were adopted approving the course of Menu. Anderson, Clay, Randall and Smith in Congress, and establirkingregalatiens fora grand State mind:sties. A committals was appointed to - prepare 'an addrees to the people of the State, and another to make arrangement' for the Freedom Convention to be held in that city &vete 22d 'lnstant Two MOVTII7I7LII 07 BALM WOE PIPIT Carrs.-14at bread is beaming small by degrees and beautifully less, if we an to Judge their else by the one which a black smith tainedJohn Dean'purobased Lir fifty een=l, on a small wager, ate at two mon . Thla feat occurred at a smith's shop at the Nary Department, and Is vouched for by several eye witneues-- Riedisond,Dispatek. Sournsan Itazioausx —At a meeting in St. Lon* a few evenings since, Judge Tibbetts, of Arkansas, an original Solon man, having been oalled upon for some remarks, said that every Union man in the South was an immediate emancipationist that the slaveholders had made up their minds for immediate emancipation, and that' sooti That* would be more radicalism in the South than in the-North. 'PUBLIC JrOT/CE3. Iap.MIEV3 LINA ECRIBAi Vocal and Instrumental L'oneert, CONCERT HALL, On Thursday Evening, Tab. IS, Taal. PROGSOI.2III,—Pas• Trzer. 1. Tlollacalle imaater_....Pret krterL 2. A Boa 12r4.14—"D0 nnt 411460." Cram Bemoan. L. &ribs 3. Wamollnk. 4. Ls Ouclido. (r. 14 11-1 . 433ar...Pr0f. IL A. Berg. 4. nose Ittlabtlll4ck 1. 8010 on Violin-12 al Air Varie...o. D. Harlot._ L Alt tom Ls Tileriata—.Ventl.--..7dia 74. Ylolbo.fo Bob—TarLation.-.llomberg... 4.Ramat. 80ng— ....... -IProf Wantslink. a. Happy - Mtag of E. .. mug L. The elegant Parlor Grand ?Lao ;nano:Nomad ley Wm. 73 Madbary, ben Oren kl:11, farntahea Warnelink Bar, 67 Atdodadoo, 50 *rota. Doors open at 7 0... formula to mammon, .t. o'clock. Tleketa to to bad at Mann Rothman, X•yran Beidlea ; Warnallak & Darr's; Kra. ; Blame C. C. Mellor'.,and at the door. ftt 11 - 3 PROF'. RICHARDS' SIXTH AND LAST LECTURE gi Dorms Übe Norm:age Library Angela:ion, erM to ven THIS (Texa.DAT.) ZTENING, AT CONCERT Brerset—The Eadeaker, lA*. Electricity of tbe Memspberm• Nature sad demure o af Bode; lb. Binning Boum; tin Annum Borealis. CI lentrated mita • great variety of exquisite Expert. amotto nod Brilliant Lit=Loalions, produced by tbe• ituhrokorti Machine .d Getout. Vapor Tubas. Mutt ABBA.TH SCHOOL MEETING. Tben will be • Sabbath School__ defeat:, held ha the SECOND PRIPDYTKIII•Ie :„Cg, Mahone., (De. Itaverd'e,) THlS (Tenday,) imam et o'clak, la the perpa• of inna, ening • deeper Infarea In the Itabbath School man In Pensaylvants. 111-Cfm POLLOCK ar LILO. H. SITWLET, end alma l eddreee the snattng • etetement eall ape be made at whet bee bean daze dabs the peat 'par, end the deathalan width b.. boo nrendel by the 111atasuutee cf the "Asealean dandy debar lb:no? bertn• b Pesaaryleican ths as tntereet In ILLg:rent wart ere eerneet• ty bated te be meant. told u nap- NOTICK—Rsv. A. B. BRAD. /ORD. of Raw Owl., Data D.B. Camsal Jo MAIO .111 denote a lemma on °UNWED AND MINIONS IN OHM,. la Nov. J. ItaNILLAIDg 011134011. Saadi:Ay meat, Allegan, Co WLD. NINDAT &TWAIN°, /. brim? IDA, at bia . eoloct. Adatbaton. LI amts. 'Dakota for od at e Drag Stares of Y. P. Ochwarts, J. B. NUM= sad 0.0 A MAIL sod e the Church door. told St I.OIX/ND. WARD, ALIAMILKNY. —The entelled ottlzan of the booed Ward, Alleelerah wUI writ to the PUBLIC ACBOOL BOMB. a. wad Ofett4l2llB (Toney) IVIALNO, st ! o'clock, to heat the mons of.tte• Block Cote. autteec a ran - seism:Wu* Of the eltleate of the Wert to earatetly amend. THONAB Preelient. S. 0. PALIMI, Bo:Mem • Walt Omar .r %ow TataaroaTentot CO .1 • Takla* nth, ISOL iIeiMAMMAL MBE TING of the tao• balms of Ca Western Trsaspctethre will La *IU ' tier aloe, la PI cabaret, ot a f i nDaY. Flb MOOS* at ID o'clock h to. MAO 1.7. MoDOWZIL. atcretaff. jr" , . ATTENTION l• jOU.KNE Y MAI\ ITC011111•6038 —4 meeting tern be held ea 1141171110, February 17t1, Mk et the TEASE HALL, on Liberty etre; mark, the Oulkolle Chozeb, Alletiban7,olo.• CO.tece an, emu oft, se Importaes bushman will Do on butt, 8)o at „AMID STONEMASON& 10V°HY CITY ROOK CO,_ is Third teal-Ananallitrklead at Tan n bre MOLLANEI Tint SHABA, oa Two Hairtred Del. Mid In.. will be paid to Stociatlecia, as their Jima eriaatatleek cia the 'Mb bies.„ at ars eibee J. I. NORMIOI Peontary, No. 107 north mem. The Stockholders M ravened to wet at Or meal place, cra .NTINITNO. lath fut. Meets g3PtiOne • ,—Ati • jousted' !cleating ado puma= Ku OP TlEll TRIED WARD, Allaibtoiy; trill to bold itOm. Gent'. Bali, on MONDAY ITINLNO,IStb buldtat it 13 *Wrack. J. J. Illebtaltb, rod., and *dm. or, ratootod to be mat. All enroll amma, yhttbar matocribers to lb* Bounty Yard or aot, atioald be proseat o at bath= datataly afractlas all torollod awe arm hsatattod. Am, J. P. PLUM°, Prooldata, Slaratary. " Al3At 11 A CARD.--Grateful for the kind tam:dim and patraasp dam tkr remind from Eta pima, of Pltuburgb rloll9ty. Me Mum RAnKIILL %odd rermerfaUy makmuloo MAI emr members adrolikd MAD Clamor of .9041041 Coital% lob. MA sad 19th, TUESDAY sad PEIDAY AFTERNOONS and LYRE/NOS, or I And 739 n. 1. 14a11111 and CatUdrom. Omitlartm, ODOM of 90 imicca-...50 00 11410 TA 041118 T NA lox. BAB. K, QS Aasaaolammry. Ca taL~ 4 5 00 000 prlTllap to Inmate . 00,000 Thie Bank le now Italy orgsnlaed sad la mom.. 141 operation. Wearegaspened to no a actual Bank and ethr our sersloss se corriumuisat Zit= Bank= Ihnsuggseut the Sputa st tattles given iti am Mlcth,e Is this and the *Bob mento tail My 14 Pittsburgh, se veil Ise on sp . the p pet ra pi coun Xmas nuehrele, d ftosU. Labi on rincitry. socia l ea sotand& ate T. B. NEWS_ JOltlf DRAW O vac. asardoins . o. DOR% Annan' Boum, R.lll. DAV/S, RIMS (=WIG num znompsoh D.•. WHIM =DI ANNULL MEETING OF OTIV ITOOSEIOLD/01 of tooviLizoint. NY TALLEY SAILEOLD 0010/1111 .111 601 at Ow 00:o of CM aoripav oa Wasblv abut, attleerib, ea Tamar. Tobroary at 11 odo o k O. et, forth* rooopthot of to dasaa No. rot, taeloatt aof. m aw , sad Qs traluseu on of nob coloce boohoo so Foy preoantod. Mid • • ;11tiratary sod Tooolontr. . zISTOTIO.B.-Those - opposed tc2_!iny • tatiliso.ttilai Of oYosty Week or of Wake: urn toot of tho. Oomt; Roar= !MOAT NUT,' the 1011 tottooq it n edmk a. a. - TIN boolosoo of oho tosalog •111 lo to Sib 1marrts:011101 lb:1mo of pp mitto both or li. stow of foosto lodstitamos. -‘ Olds:0V rim the um ge lt " , - .4. ."1" 0144 8 1 1444 . TroArans 41.011 VOMPANIre.ken [ my , jkisnal t low DboOtiont tbeltsto al 00:11 .1 111 n L iat‘ alitli ttmtvz.: ,9BEELTB,It4RNEBtk, Pati:RV r Ra —.l SOrisiT 4. o,& , lnfent-ab• TIS Aral 8116 E. T•1:1108 1i0.112CL118; -And Manabaluren.ci JA.F . ANNICI) TIN VVA-11.1E. - • Parthulas attontlon_pald• to the seanotancntlan amazes nu OAIIIBURS; SOILLY WALLA of WATSi COOLNEA, to. OIL GAN!, all Azas and penal.: TIN BOOT' done to order. LNG CONDGUL'OBA, and all k* of lobbies rt aired , • hugs stock of tansy DIED CIAGIGS Jost re- ENO 80MP5 and OLD =TALE boaitet - pIDRODUCE, NOW REOxi V INe. B,oollbo, (rub Noll Butler; • 800 dazes timid 11.1 p 1,000 Tbs. No.l Lard_ Oa 300 boa. mm-dried Apple.; 80 do Cobb y. l ; 1,000 R,. Bac3corboot /In; 50 R. mat; 30 both. prlzos Clam Nod; 50 bbli. chola. Hawn pyllo ; 100 do Atztra Taa3ll4lloar; 111,1331 lbs. Sad Lott Tobacco ; 150 boxso Wort= 11010 rwo Chow To &rein sad tor We by 151T/bLI, 80. 183 Liberty amt. wearer. Oiresomburguh ea . auseamer Os.. 1 1 Pitts Ireh•uory letb,lll4. fro THE HOLBERHOF FIVE YE AR A. MI Pril OWE BONDS OP ALLIGHINT 0003171, loilOID POE BOUM SO POLON TEM.-1U suiplits of Out KM Mg r consols! for these Bond. Wier moan tutarook will now be ap• plied to their avddatiou, at the %gad tavorablo rose. gart rs to the amount of 'MIMI' TOO MAID DO Hotaus witting to caa soly at MU alloa. 7 La.llBl.llT, Clatatallar. aie•aedaltwT GREEN APPLES. 559 EBIII. PLUMB ILLIIIIrriA lIIIBBITTIII 80 BUSH. DRIED AIoPLKI; In gyro and to aril's and tor male by 81, ones. Gmmor ThirdF L L td Il EW atthaeldTlEL MEN WANTED I To MI quota of lil - Jolh raystio townatp. HIGELOAT LOCAL BOONTT PAID. 6141tbro. e Wood Wool, ad door froso pOR SALE—No. 524 Penn street, sth Wad, near thie Rut. Rana Ona of tn. bed bulimia dada in the city. For tams, In., apply dt its Reel Ida. and Idarand Oilla• of O. a. RATER Isla Butler Wed, Lairiaddlei. • D RIED FRUIT. 1,000 bealals Drl.4 Appbr• BO do 4) Pesebe;; For We by CRAB. C. BALEILLT, fele 179 Llbsny Omni. 10 TONE MIDDLImara -- • - .ONIS MIDDLUNGB and 10 TONG I BUN, at thelauding, per steamer oMesa, d for We this more by !NON. Earn. tele No. 163 Liberty street. 200 RIME CHOICE FAIL FLOUR in afore and for Wm by PAM/190N 1 AMNON, No. I Wbod Moot. U7EITI3 BEANS-300 Mullah prime fcir sal• by CMS. C. BALAUCT 616 179 Liberty wait : : c 1, , GLEB-51,000 for sale yb U. BIDDLE, N. In Llbarty Knot JUST PUBLISHED, BY Lin di WALKEI4 738 CIFICSTNETT STRIZT, PHILADILPHIA Grand Paraphrant do Concert. 05 the aver polars "LIM'RNIIr TO SIM HOOKING BIRD;" an. table varied. Oomponed by &heard Hellman. Ma la Gm adma which created mush . 11.41:111i012 at Om I.l.lrtp°°lfat eirig l ini, WAR rd Oirn SOn and Chorea Mimic adaptad by T. M. Todd. Prior SO map. Zither of Ow sham at any of oar pabUcatiena rent free of poMage upon naafi* of marked pima To be obtained, she, at all the priacipal.. Mamba Storer. LEX & waxita. [...Mil Cloatnut Mut, Philachdphla Pa. ,iIIOPOSALS NAM STEAMBOAT .i._ TRANS PO STATION—ITTTBBOIIOII 011 War:CLING TO BT. LOUIS AND NULL Prrnaitmort, Telniesa 160., /Wad Praxes!. .. lorited as the lath 07 HARM, t 7 oxiderelpted. for taammargatioa DY etamemr, from Pitteborgb or we to at. Lilo* • mid to lilmOta City. from 11,1X0 TO AIDO TON! 07 RAILWAY IRON AND fIOPPLICIA between tbe let day of Nara and Jim* or Daly sett. Prepomeie aboold Dolor ell or soy part or Peril= alt. fr og.portalloo. mart aceompaaiiid with • mom. antes Re= . Itleitd pritorosabos. Th• Oita isrereed toetirt lAN odaSP P - Irtall. RING= BLEB ittellri CO. • • It.. IWO Liberty Wirt, . • DlA:td Agent@ Pad di7alme Peelle E.D. 0.." GOLD AND aILVER. W. will pay lb. ttlgbast marl prim fat GOLD AND tHLVER COIN. SIMPLE & RIMS, M tted TUTBD MID WOOD BTRIECLO GOLD. SILVER An, U. COUPON'S T u htshaffi eguakst prim paid br GOLD, SILVER & 11. S. 0011 PONS, at Um Sreithe Rowe of MoTIIOOAII. iii P/11113 lUUT • j NES' DrELXVi 4.7171 EICOVISZAVI ICST.A.EILIBECBC6rbTr GOODS RETURNED IN TWO WEEKS. N0;39 Ohio 8 ALLIOHLET CITT CI O.P AR T ERSHIP:-EOBNIZT FL V DAVIS boa mandated Vttb Lla BUIttIIL OLAWSWAtato of fk W. !bed a Ch.b, Wubbistm, Ltd WM. W. WAWA% wbo biltcoattebo tbo vooluel AVIS, C ling awl LAZICE tati CO.onory bodams, ander tin Arm of D Plibbarib. Ifibraar, 1,1a14 .. DAVIC, 'CLARKE & CO.. lilecomms a Itabt. e. Day*, Booksellers and Stationers, As. 111 WOOD 11T8111 Donner 4 Mme. 34 40, Pitubsrigh, FL folday r~:~t:~t:~~. ~:~r. > Rae Olin 011, for *Me ea; Pura Dannula Arrow Root *en Starch, Peri. sad Bice Floor; Tare Cod Liver Oil ; Plas Toilet Bove sad Perfume; Purling's Ander.% for the Hair Wisher* Pt. Tree Tar Cordial Km Mica% flair Iteetorer—senntne *restitution Water, Ca" Pe., Le OW. A. MILLI'S OVITRAL Mint Omni" Obb and %dull Orris, Is Ararkat nays, A Amy We van pay Ma lashed pia. Its U. 8. COUPON& acloAlat Moss of 11.11) Loan. du Id Kay 1.11. BEIPLE* /OM . - 1411:Mod WED AND WOOD MUNN ECHAITIOAL DRA WDZO.—A Afew 17.1. isonsfloboloroltante4 to int up a clue form log for losltnetkra h• DRAWING AND ZROMM=O. pixy to A. L. 1 1 171 . 1.111, ffmagimay Necia_aa sad "hangman. S. Ti GRANT 117251 T.• S YJILVING Nutmeg ban. or on NO7IDAY THIIISDAT S: Pan ALL PAPER. ♦ hr 6 5, 4447 int MOTO& • Deattifel style and cheap, at the look awl Piper Item • WatADS• 101 trident stmt. Atlegbasy. vr. IDEs.ND TALLOW AT PUBLIC 4.1. A llOl lOl/I—WOl to testsd at lulls Abeites, sill °Walt .as 1171 : 1 M/T.tha 134 lay of 71b. map at tbs ipma Tut fa the Rte of Wok. lti POO. Most .• . 1 WX I O OM= ItiliatvlillA obi - ' ' • bboxe IM- 0/ TM. oisterad RI 01. Ibm Orb L , In 00111ftlel I MO: „la g CI. 2 XLL. Lama I:bi. sad IX 11: • II .oST—is N a g limns by plpsids ---- .i.s Bobtamil sad g oatrestar__,Ainiii An. , lax_ la: • Awns. fin a. -Aso m ica is sat ono by kohl Ito my facbafrestrat rub mid gamer. 0; ,now "kartllllkb -!.'• ' ?•,., - ;. - -::--..1 .._ f , z.. , ..,-.. 1.. =ME ~~S 'dT : I.~SI.fi 6inisbalario's aristart Effort , TEN creavr 2sKeVICL. No. THR.C.ABIiD3AL A dory of woutere; 1 eaphd sad adventure. to the Borth PadfeLAT If an ,is superior to the Boated Etnistrat, Leery one read It. Mr. Constellano Wrttet acelnehlt7 for this wk. now. Bead also, the THE TEJLOK 0 V 15TEE.. JOHN P. HUNT, am No. 60 11/111 SUM, KABONIO RAU, CAIIPETSA—We an just opening out SPA M STOOK, • wit exteeshe end complete easart• pp( ihrorlptiou at English and American Goods, ladedlngaim stria., tuner before ha Ude mutat. - Earths parcb•••4 oar era Denton. to no 1••• adulator ta prkra • raw oar • gnu part of our stmt at WHOLZILILL2, 41 Manufacturers , Prices / And Wall at s vary nmall sdnact, MOTIRLANA COLLINS /a 00 den II and TS 1/11th Itruit., W. D. PAT/Xi/SON p79nTummilli VALUABLE FARM FOR BALE.—In prawns otan order granted b ths Probst. Court of .fatholon county, Ohio, I will y ode the ille at Public 413141011, oa FRIDAY, the •th day of Kara. A. D. WI, at 2 o'elart& g en. oils the prom. Dr, a valoableltAß.W. anti' 2no Anal*, woil or to., in Warren tarlatan. legal= county, Ohio. The above satin 'tarn% i onderledd with • bill VI/IWO:4 kaurorn to be of the boot lyalty, aoppoend te to andartad oath an wilier veil. t h e sails as hi Sail& dtemberrene. Ohio. The eenl conswdont anew both by .14.ra:till=&boil and duals& lb. loa et d lbsing within • few hoodrQ yards of thartrarand adjoloto the arest! depot at Portland, dint win shore g. With tho Moil tand *LI ba sold tho one bait ot tan.ty sap. of Wheat, now growing noon the land. and alio tha watar prtrtlegm opou scree not la eluded In tit. anon law. Siang or tilan—Ous.thild cub, one third In and oaa.thlnt in two years, tram the dab of ail., trite thwart. Us to to to world by mart pp upon amnia" ab ed any perant - catirtag to tuna= the abon. pre.- low, ma be Ansa caw till same by gating non nw at Tfitourfna, two oaks below the TwollAs O b elima„ Wunder of Will of Joieph daftly deed. , C. 0.301111110 X, ltilyney. CALL AT ONCE AND SEE THEM OADL'AY ONOZ AND ME rani GALL AT OXON LTD au THEM vittmaze - VALI43IMNEB ! VALKEIThrn ! 001110 A/W IKESTIIIIISTA PHOWIGRuHB I PHOTOGRAPHS I PHOTOGRAPHS ! TWO taotraum NNW maim. ALBUMS ! 4 4 4 mama! rißf im AND rams, AT P 11700103, OPPOUTO TIM POST 017111 L tat . TTALLiN' ' OF ART, KLIC GA.IIT ILLROT GOODS:to—Oa WXDaItSDAT =BUM 11M1dtte4y 170.,44 10 a'atock, will be NAL bf aoatotat Wall= the Nomad dote of dos COIN. ask* 64 !Mb otovet, a nay lane and aztonotot, areattnant et Mutat and Ltaboatev Statauty. rlab sad elaborately env , al Alatestrt Darya and Slum% vial Bambino end Avian% Lola and Robyn, Flora and Levity; Saw anev. awtotoodgi Traver, Apollo or Mame 0o- Conona, Stave Grano, tears at Pon dlftr inns of 40.. and man? ottoo Poop, too n ontorona Ot toomtkos. &b., 'amid Marble and LW:outer Toone toytod Ikon cootooala at the okl tet% embradair bra- Itta.ontl. Efate, Zoom, mo Zottystan, and ether ttltN; • • tio AbvtlariPt hood &tatters and Tama, Group .oats. ot anima, Montt articles ftr tbe & Itcok of Parkas, E a ho. nont=latoty totpartad t from Italy by atulanotatl, a FlorinaL l eo i =l . Do opso 'ko• taapeetton on To iLa oboe tho pane as Invite! and eaand y, e. 411 DAM 4 staiwamr.- AL.rra. _ _ _ A M B RICAN LIPS ENSURAMIE ilyporatrim communr. 47, 1111114DILLPHI8 BAX'I. WORk:Vls• iPnat4:ll. Amen theTtestete ere WK. HOWLYID J. =Oat THONINON. Neg., esti Hoe. J r.ft POLLOCK. Lam patchy ot - Rie meal 1117TUAL RUIN held. era of which elms to the_prOthe. The bet Num wee IN per mt.. JOINT eTOOI. Mat eti ID amt. leo them the Mutual. £0 thrbrutetion ferateluttora amtkatket IL IL Bursa, metabwah Arm; `Barka'. Balidiag EME! rpo GARDENERS AND VINE A GEOWZILIK—Tim. subscriber b.. sub dirldsd his Parra • situate kw alisedown the Ohio ricer, on 'Welt the Asocesseextatlau hulas albs Plitsbargb, Tort AClldasso R. B. stop. lots lots verslost from S to lt son; whkh to oars fur We on aciecussoods thus Isms. ham ell e lots are Wel and well suit; 12=0 a lta . Czatry =Tat the otnisizjitir ,Yentr.telltais sprbese ms shot may Mos plau or which cau be seen al the r IMMIX 7110111/A, IBS sadlo7 Marty aid, Pittsburgh. skidoo Use presslan, 'awe prr. iisl isioxrutuou loot SuorisslY eft, will slew *USE= /SIMS GBAITAIL pRAOTIOW Boors FOR DOUEI3- 1. .lo s er W . Wiliam. By Um 0. ' 46 Roy. kbnon.. ........ it Oa Hot.. 012 21 6.47,1 B,llUssr.4.4ghtheipa, SO 11451 on Us Katmai t of Obildtan 1 25 Prlnotploo of ?stab 1 25 Lattaro an Wealth and Rapport By Clotha- Tho4 ,l tOr ‘ 2 ! 2 ' SPA cl ;Mg, Dulls. Byslm D fs droll. BY Dr for lam Wallop and MU. ..... Wink Loop, sad how to mob rhea 1 Z drone. ' By Dr. 1 25 For dr by WAY t 00.. 65 Wood K . _ _ w. o. unmet. pantasow AMMON, &pmlsslon Herthants, • 'LODI AID Gahm AND GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS We. 6 WOOD "num, Pinsbargb. 116 takirplinsos nrikrtna to the lbilairlag 11,tnballi 66 6686 h. j A l a * 114 J . " W 1 3 = * , A._ i ßracila Dlt. O. IL Lon I Oa. •1. maanumian a GL. D. H. Jack it Oa, 44511,66,61/ s 0.. IL R. Inn!, tn. T o IRON MEN. • A iltriMida YAM, Wbibu Awl wrosesl yeszew•pyieses tea mammon itdrIVRIACIZI sad BOALOG KILLS, woad tai • eltestios pt Lbw, or la as Inn Wushocur. Thr" CAM* OMCII. A - LARGE LOT. OP BALTIMORE Downitur Pm! .0 ItLTY.POIMD. BlllOttrifttratl% sad IMMO TOD/1000, at atm . !no taint' pad . moat cumphta wortatat et CEIGAIIS/a tie MT,' at mcoolastrans 111111141, weal dad. rITO. s ox TER MONTa—The U LIME GLUM XAOIIIIIII NAVITuat al APO to •111 / 1 001 .110 °C . upscipidioN Abr thatz war 1115 xattsusx, sus spiv, smakdeAerradsmssises. W a>Fbenlffir sad a:pow% Gwen Ilugolommalik• scon,ll%. sadar• Amp, mie Mem MIL /L6ll, ToSZObb, ir4iiisarri, woman ' *iill**i /11311801 Otto It,lo P. Beadle IfELE MN EAT lIEEN HVNTEID lIISIONIST •OB 21//Lll BY ziliw.ctutprr Brea', thanes, the fold Duke of Burgundy hro volume. ho. PhDs, in cloth, Pl{ bolt ma M. , tat t*Ph In. Tar salt by 11.111 KAY • 00, 4r)Wood COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. —lbw atm of valuable land, .all bummed and In gaol order; a annfartabla, bulls Swo on., d house of nine room, large boa. inn a =what vat., knit trees Ins.P• ti o e. gam' barrylesb, raspberry bed., *a., all leaved In. Mtn ate in • heal=sad . agreeable Isslgtaborhood, way of bonne by r% P 5:. ;Tut ftni a! * soss mins , 4/CZ. WRILLDIB, ProddeaL PIG uxoN AND CLOVER CIEED. WO tells ow® Tozabamo PI MON; 300 blab- OLOVIZR la 3toss Ibr Ws by WATTS • WILSON, lan 1 r IP • Llbnly Wag. .1::I • .• 1,1,1 a:idles to win oa asanar Picket, to oh b 7 bL3 AlgalMilLt 90 • 2711 P 118 tO V Amin Monde/. 11th tarNl• MIJ. B. 1: 1 .1„10, l'lrst street soar Wood. , W.l t :141 glamor Twat. In ! second aftra,oar Stan 4 at prownl oansplad by A. Frannida ar Bro. WY. N. amuse.= a CO, at Ilfth Omit 110'. FOB P ROTRONOTARY.--Gso. B. RIDDLE VIII be a oendldet• M the °So at Ooneeott Prothottetaq, anhieat to the declaims o f the Mike ott. feltblayte COUNTIHRionLCO %LONER:. O '' P. will to a fur th 'r tiogeo of &arty 1b ~~uh~Dp,, flour. gulled to the &clarion of the Unica Emote lean Conteattoo. feltteleerto 100U1SITIO B(ONER...—J, M. 21 41.a01, of Turtle Omsk, Pattou Ton drip. , will be • Candidate Ibr thseface of Comatyoena. mbedaaer, enven to the decision a the Onion Re lbitto',Mono Onanention. EP*FOR rear Hryte trill be • throlldate for the cam of ptethereeerNabjzt: the dedrion lb; 11.1gte 1 .L. FM?, p otTuR 3l 7F------y:---.A.R - _ -G ip. thaw tall be a candidate Ibr the ado at , subject to the deaden of as links Repubtkati ty Clonnetion. Jainkta Tr" It PROTH MARX. coot —., IL Vannes, of *be Stith Want, Paid:gunk trill be a candideta as the office of Pulite:notary, Ballot to ths decision tithe troloa Idlnibliso?ooa* reation. TE - FOll. ' LI IN d - '..—Taos. ...cr Bono will to antidote r the ales of I. rothosotarz 6 eablect to - the derbies ot the Velem • • • •Iloatt vezoloo. Sallkte kor-. I I • piF- - I ...JOHN • • MG, of date be ths t o Wa Pic ht . Albstoity. utti be too& &wooer bpd . Otalltry,tobjtet to lb. &ditto tithe ontoloo Oomty Cloolsotloa. 6•ltta BEITTB11,; err ---7 77 ---- 1 — any by 6 3-73311.-iiiaka fresh 101 l Britor; bozos 33 Ibis Ns. I Lost Lank 0013 6.1N/1370 : 0 1 3 0 6 434 .3 0kerer body 30 , " darks Dr4d . pp _A lm 10 bbl. , ribs user 33 t • 30 balrbtas. N W ! . {! 'l4 ". 30 &M AL host lizAkelcaral; tp lib bane atm Cati c grern 130 Wartarn ICC bblr. Sweet Win. Mon betra Tunny Moor 75 irrirs; 31451 rbot of (bombe. fa rter• sad br 334 r, 4 EL 11191)LX. 1111 Moly abort.. pluvErsuß Y .. dair ileatadostle6; A Ihlliappli Oil MK et eh. Ifeellial Lease , I M C raWetereeredeomeeeeeeNar try, , . i ti asitts l / 1 13073k5. - Aran...adow- dam be ~.m ew be - ...• .r .. , iipf:.,.., 1 • lunik,taurirpailwriarepay. ' - mat feraittle .,` Ai. ,* , t r -- .., I ~.. ~..:_s.i , 1. ... 4. • i .:„.,-,, , 4, s . ;'.."..‘:! ....',........,_:- -,. --, - %, ---,G,..:7,..tt0, , -,--....,-.:.,,, . _... RIUM{Y, ''''''''''' &_po , DLUAIIII MATililleLd roa WATER. GAB & STEAK. so. axo vouttru STABIAT MORGA N co (nu«e.r.n to t.:l Y, aui.n,) DRALNILS IN AND 11/lIPPERA Of COnneUsTllle Coal and Coke, No. T 4 WATER ■TARET, (UP MIR& king telly eupplied with oar ova cara, nael t r i kg, aa benttotors, pantmalar atbaboa to Inshore orders yrs are prepared to y ship his suprrlor OCIAL AND 00Kr to al paints, b ra t a,il by rim. A Perr barite belooging to other parties may bi lobb4 at our Winn, user McKeesport. We will city ord.. by the car 1.4. PITTIEBOLGII, Pa. VALUABLE FARM AND COAL LAND FOR SALE. That very callable property In Allegheny county, knoon es the Morgan ber:sea farm, on Um No amagatude river, about 11 miles above Plimbrogh, to offend for ale. It conteine 187 ears and 4 perch es, 40 scree of stint, are embraced le the borough of West Zlitabeth, the road.. In .1.12.. n to.. dab. About thirty we, of It la excel4nt Coal had. The improvements on the plane are of • valuable character, there being on the pert to the bonagh: large double two envy brick =mean home, a tern, log boned and frame Mall* and SS the b e n path. • bearleg orchard. ten /rig homes, .table end other barldtage. The loathe ef thh property b edzerreble, fronting 108 perches on the river. and butes • fine wharf lath deep oath along It. The land, which I. of excellent 15, 4, rhos gradually Ito:award to the coaL As table title and early pmesesion sill te glen A z i IMO to TEIONS J. EIX ALS Attorney, 11l Diernend etreet. GREAT RA.RJAINS I CLOSING OUT OUlt LADIES' FURS, AT COST I NocoßD ,t co., WALL PAPER, ,118 CULL► AS THI CULPRIT Monolog that I trill sell WALL PAP7III, of all vase, an laws ae say sham tweet of the land of Wooden Nat 1! "1 to byees to Amine, at No. 101 11;111132T. Ala JOS. B. 1117.7111:21 .TOE CHESTS, REFRIGERATOR, SAM JIM MUT HOUB:I3.—Ios Ousts for Hots/a, lartdiles, Baer MIX to.. 80. Bap&lrtng of oklebssft, &ha nod Estrksratars, sod made as good am sw. The ottani!. of Um en tarn sad prior. ds Is esllod to oat wort. Bhop on MARION AMBIT& ot rothossi In* 7. or address BOX di, AU.basy P. 0. Jo3o.lentd 8 P. PRIM t 00. FRANK VAN GORDER, - - Produce and Commission It °Mutat, No. 120 EIZCOND 111111:17, Plttabazitt4 Dialer le YLOITB, EXITS!), BEOOII3, SAALARD, 61131111, POBZ, DELLO AND R nod prodow paerally. B EAD &ND BUGLE GIMPS AND BUTTONS I • ebobas marts:mat of the molt &arable fait recel”d by imprint et* &kr. bt EATON. MACRO& & 00:11. N. IT Flab onell _ EFT:tzte.ll:4:o:ll3CiriW4Jl/W.VA:iil JaliAlli, ae, For BOYS' AND =NI VIAL tar ask 67 White, Om A Co., la 177[a MIXT- t e) ; 4: fnittf:ViOritsflolvaihil KIRK HISTORY OF Mil Pigate arrive and for isla byLIAD EMMY FL MILLI:11M CaIIXDIDJITES. A NSW &Tom of ! FOREIGN IND DOWERFIC • ! DRY 00008 AT Alex. Bags', 21 FIFTH ST. 415 SPRING GOODS I J. M. BURCHIFIELD'B, aIARIST STRIEIET ?ABLE LTNRNS BLANICATB AND /LAEItILS; CaABB wurra DALLAS° YLISI ri.atraus WHITS ODONTX6PANES COLOEI COUHTTILPANIO/1 Btu raszin, BLIAOHYD XIMLINII 6 2, 04v4.:Uul SILKS I tilUcs 1 DRESS GOODS Housekeeping Goods ! eon AND BOW WOAD! All New and Cheap. at J. W. BARKER'S, 59 Market Street. TO 11:411[11 EOOll FOB 0171 B.PILT3II GOODS, W• oatr Nt Wholekuile or Retail GREATLY REDUCED PRICER, ROMS, SONTALIS, LAMER WOOL VERDI • luso quantity of HEADY WOOL Eioro3, TRAVELING or NECILIORk SEEM CND r :r..1:1 : short, all • =. l= mots w.acmtbas bop • Intl • • do* fit TRDOEINGes • SHBROIDERIES, HANDICEIRCBmgB, HOSIERY, GLOM( NOTIONS and NICIOIACKS, misfrineliryetr. anAl wossram, of soy • • .•• ;14 swum= ItILORME a .OIeYMI SPECIAL NOTIOB. COTTON ITOOKINGB _ - Lett Ow Alm bre semeeN sad at impeder vita be elbreet et real bombe. by the Omit peie done, Mr lbs adece ites. wide. ' ALL PAHOY WOOLEN GOODS, £NP WOOL 111=112T, . acsisg at se low prism SOILED HOOP SKIRTS, - Acluas data, oat ”It pi* , Linen. FLandkerohleils., Had stow Ition amt wait .B Etat Hid - liklves; • farlaatathaaft to Valera sed : "hall~' r i. c ir e plitlSZT GLOM. atl,llhrallaz soma mum a Co., TT Aan s vii suitzir mar= LOW PRICES WINTER GOODS EATON, NAON,l7ffi& CO.lB, Not 17 and 19Fitch-et. Ga ardor a idols eat oa mutate( uteri of WINTER: GOODS. in will arab Unrameli Law - Pres, so sa co nun a ci•tyeals • iferahlinta and Dagdera And maw ism Wallis is an .° in dila" °S "lola ota. rr sad to Mk staid. HOLIBE Muff sifiNG LINEN GOODS ! 1131 11131111; nun, mamm al Llm xamm.... smarm% scam Mirk Par ode bi WIMMORR k a 1111= MUM TbARGAINII SOB TIM HOLIDAYS , . . - DIZISGOODBI , -', - • , AT EtICDUCIZID PRICIES I . 0 SAM, I , I ? ii,A.. 4 .n.r i:0604 - : .itiiiir : - . 1;:iso mem N. 42iiti:Z., • „ya oaf Rd i n Arai 4 r ' * L it' *llk h 1, 11 . 14 1 1 4 1 is ,i d a s,!l A i I 11 , 71114414"'ill1714 Wiiiii W *7 • •• 4 • - --•••=‘, ~.ks•l• • GLAD nlMtti FOR TIER Appiwzo r 7: GILSOWNEIIINREDIONEL Ti.fly amtkiam .l PARERTA -.BAAVA. Mtn sitexpatescs al sout!ii ralts Prtn ol . tke. ear cearn It 6 lb* alkted is • IVO 01111:11111. bvial corns What Ls Paresis Brava N-1688. It N. due NM bola • aprolo ar itALIATLOUiI 411710111511111 MILLIENALIIONOF TICE minas ; ntrz-mirsnos or ; LXooolgBHalk ; sod all Miami at Tam uarimar mamas, Abut boa neasetwoda by the kW al lb, MAC ima Prasien suity two astsrfa: Ito 11'111 Rthut et PAUXIA. BRAVA im rov,elArel to aa aialcud wolf la a dupe. Within the Reach of All. 114 g, gtl Mugge. at al* Elidgar,ldasyg, Gruel, at Drgpsiggi gg mugging ternatat egg gape wltb Ude =gamma tg ttg prongs Ittgasltg ANNIALLATE DIWEVJE. • Lb bid prop:dim is Ms dm Sib rairxed by a. low e 0 5c.... 114 la the Mob*, a. liming 1312:111.1NG PROPEaTIEII:ALOBX Toone ma irbe may be Wrote; thou or awl cosequat 'epos only - tedtionitkie or abet% abode try coo bottle be Were& esp. tom ore nonsposmox To =lmmo& lIMIYOMS m!gOIL LOC 01? SIG EL wAzx Hums A2rD ILINEUZIO 01 ELUL 01:21111AL LAllamwZ. Di sea smolt— x theta gives, trldsh_isiaetetv pew es the efeekre to the PAN le ,wrotise7. • WU Pramatore Deasy Awl AGM, s setup Mesa geottsta W td, neimi W b ano cal satheettite save thst sue Us @Etas et' E.&IiLY re4l3laCUUdtlol/1 iszooryd," Urge irailoi uwme is /wane .ftvpinw., Naa. tha. ast. a vary largo poppadom' at quer foam" ow Mob eaar.getatostke,i Edda aim to 4=4 Was at .•, • • - • WORK% MUD ORAINGELE, Or than tooktas farina. la tba au:ghat fitaataaa, eta ftad a tha EXTRACT OF PAREiLt 111111741 t7 .l = ik fr - WIZ - 7itic reams. Cis Flaw, Bansous, aat ht duet di dim= eta* Scapa or littoary Orpa. be de poesed Aso asp came wham& a Throw Physic to She life.qs,“ Apo tin lauttortol ter& If yos a. ..atom mot =do oittles With, to you Beless. naraish ated ecarecoo. Ibr loltdouttot SDI diliipralla &MUM Men unici el MIL ItYi, Absdatoll;r mut wad emus. of IA arome bola of oteadtog. Xo duet et . dist** apiti I q . so anatice fewa !tampion. ; Soldiers Home Upon ForiAM, aad aba may ptrbaya widealiaid vIII tbe 1 EXTRACT OP PMMiUII. agape ths loughs ter Moir Ma- By tea pocathia Mau Mal the liasioa itaaativa fkagasefaaaa sa ulhafts ea eta=arity rfaxataaeboapellaaalabla t!. .Wan all tar at atdaisia at Ur 17thana. Snare of the monbaiml geacia -to Med tit al now lamma min PUCtitE Orin= owl yet thoy or. Ward to itelittOooil diotit MUM L TI WdAZLIrii • math opm UM. 4 it O k ffl iP . #o ball/7 a* their sotheteg. anison °nom warms amilsoucairiti lb, rstram;lemokrills Clanaotbse. DeotranedGlast. agretallraws et old rano* --iy".^ffirall4.o7 . „ . . GILSON'S . • Modiste* Oat has stood do tad st jids; "AA • =um , or FARfI !d 8B ITdy Wal4Mft4 mMW , Milii7otehamiummililliF Wistoft. . DoLir.an PIM R. C. Oidriax '; eßinierm". 4 4 lo4 , vo.irmsnur,mr*inas, =ZEE oTeeede land :, Re'tiMl4l JOHN Mi rDLTOlift:' DLOATCS Vml44 a :Y' TED INDNON)RiN, Ibr 04'1110 `ll,.f."ll,l4lftbig siPl* gate ads Union* io" ' " ' ft . • ' U (Jae t-iiii*lmwei `c±..,--11:Hi.-I , liom arsisiow ssi., •-: 'E -.3 V..t. 1 111 , IN% ..1.1, alealitill Iftibii,agalt, -,,, ~..._!. , - lasit.'...Tatee-vim . -.. &Mori 171eark.• DlitelesC- ' '4 , 1 .. ..: 11.="AriNk CjaigI r l 'a f t;gaiii=trilas184 '!'-':a was. Lona - _bastll,6ftyPeallipZif tomb "wiffaiteirik Mod* ', fidai_llllo on osattaz stat -1-,---7- : , 'mann odes. A i iiiew,",. lb Mar =spies , gm - _,.,...3 .q . I'. ' "UN • 1111 is' iginntf.; .. mime
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers