f "` ° "`~"sas'S~ti+••^ . ..+..:., u ~~z+uz+se:^'~.sz...,nw-r,.g:ca=s`"~'-.: a',~.-''.^ „'~, _,..._ - < 'r=_~ . Y',,:. ¢ _ - I a!Z =I MUM aTiT, ESTABLISHES', IN_ 1786 .;2V .141U/kiTeX,:fe. spa__ ram fiek , isime is liellelland DiriaS _ r.l-291111113WE )1230Thialt .11:11117. 9.111-14g-t4r04?‘8011WI. .4 3 4 ,4,o 'Nft e gar t aD th /trarl ' i l l s z tEwu " "4 4a , vzvditb:if amixti:iitig.:o Ps. Jailay CRABLY4 0. BALSLEY, i titd.-4334W1t )fferahant. LG. • OKIROIANDIMI 11801034 431 #40r' 4 kbathictIVIINIEBT Pi 003014 2alaato zsaarerz trrsznai 410... L. • V. MrE= mac= arnad4uNe.,-.1 . Ora* bielleturdM l DrM umlia an ka. i v r , 41.14•1114, (14144 _ ALD 41-ARIMMESi Whole oli';foonan P:oduce and comet Her. rats, joblwre in 4107/7W4.441111042 sal ISO! 4.4.' I. II . I mItSILITISIED SLIII 8t BYRUM 11,01:114 R&M, TOBACCO, _TY". lUD& ! CHEESE, 410 .!-gT 141WW41:44 - Nottildrand 944 Marty stxoeu Pitt. & LAM . ft.a4 Wholsal. 2t, 41 1 WW..44D 4xEinturkali Ica gr sad thatatidd Om 64=4 • OBIZF! 1 2•7 1 eXCV " k LIIttART = rapEvs, .4111a= I* La f Mow Gr Rork, 11. asa, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Moan, Ennis Tallow, Gnaw leathars,. Ronda*, Rot aktut Road Albs, qa. 0 t. - 414.EsiTEdird r ,0130,Esiod and Grote ~,,i, sill WlENWater:Mar 144 Qiutamod... Cult intranremeasts nude on Conslgtonsott 1 • y No #. YET .4 Liberty street. IPinsturgb. 1 * 1.G,, ~0191Y,c‘.. c. ' WHOLESALE GEOCES„ ...3r ...`' Cr u 3,021. RBYT ITTEEZL - Pittatarars, .;.:, 46„i n iiii i 7,s;„411. - i4,.4 4 bla tab' Irtli COatintm the Malmo al this old irtand,=l 1=4 . 0. 1 0 1 ). go PlandtEr dr h6*ll=d. IDIVERIVat. " TATi 11.000110 MM TV lissimures,WboloeY. &film b WI:STEWS =dam caumer,.Darstr rums, ri crw 4 E 4 na. sad • mods°. sonarsily. era, HIM; No. 217 b. 17 arciou !kited. • •• • 11.4-emd am IP. dotty' lituerVittibirgN, , , b it , • ,thet,daletilsool3ll - ONS4IIACON. ' , MU ) ; Va =6lZlMlSErarar n at • 1.-6,33 1 1M 411 / 2 1411 a c , sAtTIM:. ITJ'a CUUTA ELD,jannamo* .worp&dtat, - 111.813, OOT*141) MULL. • AMU •Teht. O.ATVEI, LlllB=D AND -LARD OILS, 1011.11D1MUIT, and P.duto N.• m•9e4 4 3110.1411,.• ocdl real urns, EA. maw,. aal T TITLE & 'TRIMBLE , 010 e Alpo • 44:01ticidAVAIdoinfoleit , IllittoOtSikikts • eigpopgunieromi - Baoos, r• • teiIf•A=TgIM , OIVITtOIIiII,4ILIB,I4 , ISE COTTON TARNS, andr'Pitttrartdi mato • • illeerally, 111 and 114 Sward meet, PI •• .• •• • 4gallataiiirin m'g OTAMS;, l 1011111015 TV, zarg 223.sekr.s. Can t:e12011.0 BUGARBMltAnkFt i rt__,M•r+ Mord LW Wood street. a. r /frt-SIMPIT A RA"Colibit*ox Blzzemorrs and d.slen in FLOUB, on, AMP MODITCO. 10.243 Libextrareet.NOubtugh; •IllallidiisiThlrjrur,Bakers-atriaaatlk `" 'bfianAr,Vadkmisr attention p.m to "-" LEECH,' Funs' Atm , arr L a os OBAlHi..cma,TranA " '1 team WoadNA M Atrn - fl at and 146 ' Viral attxt4 he. Bralibliald, Pittsburgh. " 1 " des/assisal. s(- fl Pram* sad Pltestrtnh 114,Ata Liberty itredorpploslts heel of l" Wxl . V, •;• • .... .0 1 7i. - 2 4 30. B. JONES & SON, Wholesale Hasera and Boa. Mandatory Amami,- in HA " HibrHeOMPTHOM4 wa MOH. ll Tato tISEPIN ..:.entot•m'ar• Wino, Ha. I.4l•Natic gna4 alms the Mattoniphela Intelga Pittsburgh. UMW 1111.-. 3 .- ...17.B*MkitiZ.1,1-ZYG; NI!bole- Pm find Persra J. rdlng- tab ALLACE„ _Con:Manion librottant, satiVlsoleasle Denier in PLOOII and N• 01.63 PwW Paartsyleants • nrsen,, erg s Wale, corner sins and Penn steets. 1:10/7:ir WILT umnav—....—zars I E RVillirrtYo4l4 ,, COdWh OleOt ISKOLokkrfolnoe' ,Dadan,;llwAS. Stab • ad) 1W wArr-- ATT & WILSCIR, - Wholesale Gro loackipar.heaMt Mgtl , . - Jcl26s_. N, • 1 ...ite a272II NIZEOB.D =NM awaitsi:min tutoDucs 117 Liberty greet, Pittsburgh- r. Lift QCIIKIILIEEN:"A LANG ccangaiwne , iiiiiAcantii , stwybobsah' •er - Gtta. =atm FLOUR, GRAIN, PlioDl3ob, to, tie. 3* Liberty ritelik, ntiebargb,. eeLleily I _ kipkilfrP2,4-'-'2_,_ - - 00Err Ot Per du. lOCI ,TIFF "- nWift . •SLIG , lar9 7 9 9 9Aabfret'ida' ..' 9 I.AI [ ty, barna.qa ` I :r: j gate f V * Onatatti We padre- el =dale of MIMI 1.79 1119L1913) PZTBOLKUM, Ztas t an gul Jo. 77. t amisommomoiAmmifte En mplmll t. .01:4 C' . :4' . :St I • ga. • arm to Immo t 0 waszait simorm r 7.l , ILV W- 664P"Th irms. bO..v ..r_ wn ... ozsrxx M l :el.-"' AB 01114K—HENET sadOanoi*Seskats °°'"'l"M.ilSUlTElt.l49 Milk WNW:ft 16-GEt MIX sad Prawn ges.../ a• "J 7Tobd allonMstor. Plliabatztr. 2,12 1 . 1 . Wsuoceskir wan. `ll4:ol3labss, No. 113 fabga y strost Pitts Mming raccraumGlio AND cox om itzsomuir. cs9. Bl l7.utto oar T. 3 147 . . Wholes* 1 6 : 2, 7‘600 . 04.1116• waisectuak iteibior— a pp.oo F fs f rc, r s_4 4 .4 Cklrmat drmi, AM MTN . „,.........IFILUAII !W M. TORN FLOYDIt;CO., Wholesale Gro fg me sadOcsaadedae Nackamts, Nar.,172 Was; slZl=ltiont.Plttsbargli. f- ,, ' , "..1:.• OW etigiLDWELllhnecessor • ijillisilltotems ik Clo.„) PORE 1. MLR and ear 12.11101,161033, edam of ga.dut and TrEmt sterti.Plthibecres. Jal dark -4 (. 2 =ftlUtAi t° mddW 'rb -.7005 , ono. low I.lb-, VOID & CO., Omoms can oomusitcf* 111111111111% SlPLlberty area, Tlttibumb. : W." 4 0 bil d iftllA.loooll3l2l3slo 77K lUMMLlM Waia t imil.liftleviitzmas,?ttfabargb. 1 ad Arlini IT 6 Teo c; ksp_m_i; moo w j „.... t r ow . mix. °WM, 40., No. If =UMW. i I Zr J . 1 '.1.: molltly FPWARD 111 - 2 f, Virßiterile atom ant r Jtuoluart iistemordld• ltrilt4,l7SVlVitt• i i " liThOtreale 40 Wad ' iditter,..7.ll4o. 0..) (.1 .„;:pi, . . I Oro , ‘-,-,_,,-. elmor, ' , - , -„;..,: ,, ,:t.+1.1,.i7 t . ." Yom. - 1 -1: 1 3 r 'me .4:41 .Eivrlirn; Maloolawaltl=l,oltiracsawre. .arroa.Arzrs. K a, yER, •., . *art ; tr. , : • a .tifEE2<l M Ml:eirt Ohs hutramstedisszi. Oa* whedatsibbsodaeotutortaunti.. 10 • IPTQU ESN E BRAR 4 MADAppr4 044WFOILD, timmelaatarere of aver 7 .rity 4 W antaku4 mugs WORK rail =Alf on (WI TISTZB)3, MACHTIfIarI, AND .., COPPEILSXI IL MUM OASTINGS, .f ail mod. to ardor. fillfaiLßOAT WORK,% AIM GAS• ripprigo, wad RKPAIBINO. prototattaudod to. Particular attaatiou in i ciat o gip =PINS. alliatrOlt COAL 41.3,11olordirtothiMottero nutria of Pecia. mita - tor tea Ws of HARSH, LAIO3DELL . . . . . PATENT tr7PllO3l 11131 P, tl4 beat error to mato& Boring ito rains It L. hot Roble to rot oat of order, and will throw teto...a wale& tJun any pomp %rodeo to aptil w.r. RON CITY WORKS. QACSEISTOTH. BIBPSv.LG & co 111Nrcs, romsDras AND IatanNISTIL' Conger of Pllke asad o.llLars, •d e( e 46 ifiSPitar ST it.,) Henn6Otersrs eletLt and other ENIIIIII2I, tOLLIIG4IItEstiItertIEIGS and XACIIINZST, et ell Mods, wed toners] jobbers. Prompt sttertion peen to reparlei BALLING KELL MAIM New JOIEDrHALL & 00., VALLEY PORGY" PLOW WORKS PrCFM6II4III. Hanafectantraaad Sealer@ la all the differsat Mat of BLOW, - PLOW 0.61111308, SWOPS, -DOT , 1720 BOXES, Se. With greatly incrteuetittellP 45' rme dttbisth.weillrlerseagr bane &doss to as gin S . - 'Bluth ' tory; Temperaneorllla- , • Warthog., floolli Ohl sad Llberis nALL, Et, BfUrSEB. " ,114.114t1.4Lt,' •• " ""' EineasN WOODS. • •JdS. J. BROWN. BLAc: r ..oND STEEL woe PA.R.S. BitOTHEER Se 00., Barr QIIALITT 11,11711fSD OAST STILL, sq.ms, rut sad Octairou, rf all atm. Warraeted .42 6 6 1 to,yy i /mporwdai m4624=421122 In OIL 4044- % 2- 41104 tad warstiocue, Hoc 142 sad 161 FINN? and HO sad 11E1 EINCOND STA LINTS, Pittabtugh. miard W,j3ou.ga irtairirr77lZ ;fru,' iral•Mitits; PENN = and A:webbed It WWI tbe move Improved ' WO I. to meonbetara every theartptlea: 01 BOIL I MIa the beet meaner, and warranted eased tome made De the country, courgaira:7 nielatiat WIMBEM BTRAN p~SLOCONOI'IPB BOILERS. CONDENSERS. SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS. BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and eels manetheturere at BARN- HILL'S PATENT BOILBILS. Repalting,done the etteneett swam 11518,0 BRMSNI a AND BRAss WORK.P. COLLINS-A WRIGHT. • (ttoteoesoto to Orin Newton.) Danuftwouvre of °ASTOR FRAHM% MUGS, 011PtL LADL,NO, and, a. mac , _variety - of BRITANNIA erticialb_i:AlK , cAIUO oth.tenp auaszu.s ud LAMP BRASSIDI generally, No. ISO Swond menet, Pitteburgh 7 1-Luttllf OOUMIOK & yaw= DK. Toccoa,, Pitobutlitt, P. IllirWarehease, MO LIBERTY STREIT, Ilanufaelwers,of GOOK,PAILLOR AND BRAT HOLLOWIn AND Goulds, , Wan etc.,Steel said Roll. ing MIII (Jottings, Gearing, Gas, Water .4 At. then Pipe, Sadirons, Dog TIMM, Wqm.5101..., Su gar N.M.. Purisys, llangett.. - Car Wheeli,Venapllngs Gel Cheilegs generally. A 1... Jobbing and Machine Guth:tip made to order. Patented Portable MI; with Steam or Horse Power. _ _4l/14niod -'• NCIMINGE, .1N Vim Pittsburgh, osnol'seturcr of Bona= Ervirrs, wzouoirr arpussy.p...!..l rgroad, of vreryl deaription.. Particular sisal or shapstiSPlLlill and 1111Xra, Isro or ittitglattitils to ardor , at &On notice. • siWt constantly an hand. mrarsta •." 'ODLE A :RIDDLE & CO., Na N 2151 -1401117.1* tartly rittabargb, clndiaixdrairENlMPS, LAMM sad SWITCH. 1123 6" d .*.ii 6, .= Wi , : , !i.d LIMIER Tiammym, Onion •ollettad Qom the tn.* sad goals prortvt-. 171IIiSrd aii Pariastmetloaa. ted:l7 a &W. Bah.STT, Manufacturereof • . WHIM growl omlik aid cilium COL BID WAIT, . _ . Callmaad.li Na t 71 .111TH MISR% inhl6:ll nn r nOODS MTN •11.110.....1101 , Ir. WILLSON, 9 . 4.42 it (into , Wqn , on, dinoo4. ro•af, Wholosolo &Mon to 7011InGli AND DWIESTIO DILI GOODS. No,lll Wood MLA; thin!' hod. 0b. , . ['Lomond &L AY; l'lttaboonti. .plOll Wy X. 10.1X......;.1.ciAxl X . /.11011.5.-4. rLrial VANE, I rdABOY & CO., Dealers in A- 1701 4TAGN ASP DONISTIO MIT 000M14- 1107aaaralit teem& 46str Wow aim Meta . Ihses,) LeathetyCity. L., • - !Way TON; 2CAORIIif 6c CO:, ; Wholesale .tea Beta biota - bi'Mitrintias, siniaol - sacristies, A na, I 414(544 t , .olesale and ,• ~-e Deal., In YANOT AND BTAILIPDST ACKiDII, INDIMENOk -- IM.Nic7lcidaitst street, tetween Diamond audYmNlll;lllDa h. , (successor to • ztrebSta.ltDo•ClesalpsselStsool Dealer In OTAIVIIAII.IID4' 01 Dr/SAlXlDel,Northeast ccermsealr Toattliind l Meets, Pluaborgh. i.it,ilol trit .16 . B,aitailesale 'and Re - • oki -at THEMION GOODS, kn. Nag. 77.0419 111004 street 'ant " : 31:4:11:01* . • • .Ifffi•A: ‘6. " ood -tract, Della In DO , XIS% STRAW IBM MINOS, anteritAir GOODS plurally. :r.. , yr a ;LI RITO6iIaTR A N JOEINSTON,-Dealn MIR 1.3 DREGS AND CHEMICALS nurruzsr, rasa! D ammo zp.91141. 11,r- 3A4-4-dirleal =•'Aittallty t °Ears ono Flom. ikal". o sad IroadllesitATllMlAdeL .. Detscrttlertur ear. sunoct.....2v i nita ilev*vrt, gPIP T l M in PlLtsts - - Pl — 7,:rfiri - : fil. slriAlre . T rt.l:4l , `:A; k►l ....; li t : L , Ljerft 0 / 1 . 8 : 4 . 1 r -eut ' ' . : e l i" ! . ' • ♦ 'muse..., amass sort Wear • 1.4401444tE8Nia11i ITT - fiNoi• • w,tipt ftj no A , . sou t. far KHASI it 0021 PIANOS, MATSU PlANO& ln tsai MiCialkala 111 %,MS• oad. NIL Yd. 431 Om% I :1171:1: A' • : .ta en in I. 1. I s AND /1118101.7.1ilrfffrarffnaited erin i rigfi l aSna lE ” , i Mgr ~...,.._. _ II 0 O.lllkBELLERfiaf C. WIL G. JOENATONA Mt &WO; p4lo....l..ll67lstrAtatabamt= sad , Job Ir/4 - VW, lioo - iteoare Awl, &silo. .1.300;xcu5w...1 wed ;sat dew to th. corm . s m gi ditai . ama. 10:0r ... 094m0 LAW Boca, co bead. *O4O tiS ta t ion er, . 1 IVa Ursa, Apollo Scaldb 2 P. ,* siiedar-garanrz — mawit. , rollsrilwan s aigi• MORT NM% mimirsanteass,..d drmtttairxxio, s: 2l3 "VaZial= "44.l":i = e ra, (him e crilittitAida Di. ITS • 1 4 V . "'L i. i44 4 7,:11M; ; ; + . Occu= v ' 4MI: ..... • ' n .11 .-Tjairrif2.7-0102.. "ENT. 1. • , .;'- Viitsburglt 6azitte . . S. -n ; itibi;nierOsti . 1 25.. oao at. to the pert, maths dolt. lir dab of Mee, vs will atoll the Emmet Gin Till WI,. Tara dab of Meaty, we Iffll. mid Os llownze Goan daft. Vhita oovrfee,b ateto. ear bB outesziptlime *introit ;imam, tad papers arm stepped slum the Iftme ktirtret. Pike wad Walnut !Kraals, TUESDAY MOUNTNO--.1:17.11. 16,1,664 Oorrespoodenot of the liquatrargh OssettA. Asir Toile, tab. 11,1866, Recruiting le quite brlelt.'iled there ere now earnest hope. that the city may yetemaape the drift: The antibuneeineutyeaterday that only _ . 'B5OO more man were requisite to i:14.) the city's tine* has had the eifeet..letreerar , ellthreell to pester eSorti. The iiiihilAflpg.stre, 114 . in-gleing ovary man who furodahtemes !recruit fifteen dollars, will be Ukeu, iiisikitu k ht, to reduee enthusiasm here. Still, thee° pars,' lively small number to raise, and-the large bonnties= i red as to believe that toO draft srlH-bli n_'7.lC-Idiff.aus cotton specullatloo..illas aim to' Bip.town which sheen that a worthy and ape sexton had • pretty sharp eye en the techanoe." Knowing that all Ike cash bum of the fifteen hundred pews were staffed with cotton, he purchased a large quantity of dry see-weed, which he anbstltut4 far . the old "Southern, King," by which operationa ve ry ye snugeecte ai 'd transaction m. The uve n litte u d . however, have mode serious legal objections, which he le piously endeavoring to overcome. Stephen U. Breech, who aanopnceda weak ago that the Baserreetiod was near M hand, has again found it necessary to inflict on the different papers a communication stating that the public, in to be disappointed. The Rearm motion is postponed. Stephen fearing a sen tence to the panitentlery for tome of his old libels, has wisely considered his project. Small loss! Burglaries L have beetrtrlghtfully on the in crease lately, to so great an extant, indeed, that the citizen. have organisedbedies of men to act as night watchman and an additional police force. Almost every block in the snore densely populated wards, and, in thou con taining the great be sines houses, am, guarded at night by these epeeist fahrolmen. But I hardly think these mesoderm are sualcient to meet the demands of the Case. Two-thirds of the burglaries mo committed with the criminal anent of servant girls, the fellows being admitted by their fenutlizepale." Hap py is that woman who dove lzer own holies work, for she knows hew many skirts and pil low canes she has; how many silks and fern arc not worn to shindies and wakes, and runs no rink from girl' who bring an "excellent character," and who for a consideration, pe cuniary or otherwise, I pen, musically, of mune, the doom %aft, to 1:1•611S111 . 1111. • The more pretentious and high-showing the ser vant girl, ths bfiger , thienshe tame to ; the stronger the recorauseidation she brings, the larger is the circle b 7 emcee-dropping 144 Anaintanose. The extreme frequency of t 0,.. midnight raids, I, the instrument of an in creased prosperity In the hardware business, comings?' impetus to the sale of revolvers rind dirks equalled only to, the riots in July test. Sanitary Sentare all the rage here now. -The papers are filled with advertisements and items col:leaning the condition of lthems ober- Roble concerns. Gushing young ladles eat at one houses,. interrupting tae afternoon moose, to be sure, but when they, with the Sallarsinsents atr their coroznand,wenetteit thgx 'they 'lora the Mime* yea ocoine , down7' why who can help it? by:the by, how meek better is this ruse—for a raze It le—than the lottery scheme, which has always disgraced church festivals, and most 'fain foe the reall %mien of Suede for charitable purposes. I never could clearly dlerhilidsh the distinction between ticket. In a festival lottery end those In Ben. Wood'. Kentucky swindles: Adver timnizents have been promalgated by the man &Bern of the Metropolitan Pair to the afloat that toe lottery feature will be diecounte nanced and deprecated. In Brooklyn an announcement bee been made by the managers that no wine will be allowed on the refreshment table of their fair. Thle,ll. Is ealenlated, will inverrea:losoof ssoioedito the fall, which bed .providerV i large amount .of this homage. All the places of amusement have given, or will 'give, the proceeds of one night's entertainment to the charity, and psi-. vats eoneerts , , lecture", fie., is the oneburbs are advertised with the same benevolent de sign. Many thousand, of-dollars have al ready been contribetted, - stil the work has only began. ' ..- The upper warts of Jewry City Were yes terday thrown intomat - frewish state of ex citement by the frahtle eliallltiona of a wild boll, which hid escaped from sews slaughter hove enclosure. ills gentleman eewship came down ravonle avenue at a high ram of speed, to the imminent danger of the equi librium of appleatanda, and teasing the an cient female proprietors ther'cof to change their buy , suddenly... Thn din of crockery stores were speedillnleied. d barred; the bustled oat of the treat and took . . I PITTSRUAGIC , _ TUESDA , : 410 ' 4 I G s FEBRUARY 16, 1864. LIITNIIS LSD I' BOTILIZTOU. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Kovno, Itniimo, 111wh. Per year --..TS 00. 5am01h...... YO. .. wet...—. 11. " deem ...... S. tvonmo Rettlow, by nail. per year..... 4 50. lb. obit" Wcsat. Lumen, angle copies, per year... 9 set. dor! of 6m 10., ". IW. OUR NEW WORK, ki3l',rt3n, rerun behind the 'welcome brick and mortar. -bier ran out with tuns, and; as the animal approached, dropped them again and retreat ed. Bats dew off; shoes went Omitted, and oost.Mils.assumed horizontal positions, until the ilasailmn Park hire* fOixtuid.s bulwark to Lk melesty's further depredittions. lie at, tempted . a lunge at a street railroad oar, when. sometmerring bailee stopped his caner forever. Warmer: Tar ITALIAI PLOT A OllllllO 1r41 . 0L1103. 'Mt London Doily News says that the interset Ih litultailao plot ceased is linglaad on the pubileatiou of Motile', short and simple iitemantt, and adds I "IL will be remembered that it was a put otthe story that the tot was planned at In opme, in Switzerland, where the (oar non In pantody were Said tk have Maishil, But nossmantte, from lnquirles made In ilia uniand,tkint the fon men did not amino at Primo, till the month of Ndlember last, and that Martini had left Lugano at the 'begin ning or the previous month. Certainly Allis plot has been entrusted to very elumey kande." Tits Si. Amami" Szmuttrol.—/IL Au auttas, the new point of eparationa op the mast, it the capital°, fit. Johns aunty, Fla, sad *bout three banded and Shy talks from Qtarlastos. A swabs Una of paste piled between the two pares prior to Mu Nu. It ban been twice ecouptsd by oat troops and abandoned.. We have peyote 'defeat from Charlottes which mote that • portion of the trom immprlalng the sapodillas whleb bap o /Aladin thARM be mounted sad tamed with ~ alahh• oublam" This wpuld 'arm to Indloate a march Woad. Tel khanoe which to reported to Its dm ultimata ' destination of .the expedition, is two handrod and ulnoty-two milts .dm Wool, about half way to Mobil.. , 4 "141-as mai" 'Abe to the London .fiffig4 114.0. sitonisea •., bona to Jet on the atlr of 1 7antuu7, between Broad wiff - and Sixth wre• nue, on Twenty-seventh street. Her adder , *fore nine o'elook I had-vented ethane* az4l furniture for $l,BOO per anniun. ',last Angast I should have gladly rentedfikir $7604 fn l, tare Included. Sinew ten o'aleek I have' thirty persons of nspeetsbilltr WI; Who re tted that I ha& veiled- the berm, and would have given me .101,60.0., The house I . 6141, and to which I made, I And I mild get $3,900 for, farnlshed,,and I-have a-grimed,* to vent b and go trasiUmg for • pier. Two and a half years ago Tanta not get s7Pll for the same house, then& I Offered 'totem It [for firelWO at*l B f14.7..,.-., -, - • . , A Sal?; lime , • - •hr attt froloolt- 141.7.-/orio &WA dootog M0404i rp fitgtooili: &aka polstod to tootiOrsal, ittarsego. os.tho.toot M.zlcs4'fo.l og. oft yid& .31; Joist Artob reuorked limos odd , polle7 td.lol wk. do to ordOrtoobtatiitt Tote:. aArti us lila P • • riolti,' c iold'hilj! e to:oioitittatlit - mt . • 1 of victim for tamable su...ortoor-L;L' at . -- - itaritactlitsjat. Optittaiti, Slap hi. ai - lib* Ulf fitgalVi Oatagalthar of lave .. •,. hanstat4tattrittli7hilt: s•at *ON Itidt• Vista Atahake *nag • rsfailitthats a kpbeed the maahlaary by *lab taws less seraphs', hare obtalasa a WO slat* st *au imitable tabs. mamma* insurstarl. Quasi Vintners has undertaken visits -1 personal IA1 . 1.1,0[101), to ,the. female alVinett of the IfuglhiU:prissina. -TisiTioolb glen • 3 If irnici has thefollowing announormint: • . On Friday last As?, Majesty spent cond. ' stable Viecisi!going Oyer Abe Prnizaini I PtPet.tiOtininjor parte! whichis occupied by Dow* convicts, and the °that hey eon, 1 riots. Attached to tht es' prison is a nursery for the children .burn of convicts slat dig:drool:minden, ind la that depart:mina her Majesty remained for some Mlle tijne. On Monday the Hon. Mr. Bruen .drora to the prison with a vaunt trans heir Majesty,Anits a load of o toys fr,th* nnnery. i ... , . ' A raw wake bef ore his death, white *Abe I Batarday OW, of the Pima contrihstain Theater/7 was challenged to give an illtet ; Hon et ittalexterity witiltdospen. at dead a fans-panty place. and WV S.* the etteleef gm soir Aqii imith iil 4.4 piper, he" drew in the cent* i t * illied-urthe rersadmingispace wit* 'd Pram which hi trabseribed trifle sines contraction „nap. in, She east of the wo . 1 "which," spellingituwb.'t • The ternata . - an orals:ter, goose-011 whiejt iteppernsd to 7_ , ......::,.1,- , ,1 _{.. , Jsrsit,—The pleasAnclusig.tkosit' heel 4.4 tin been confirmed. ''FitiPthics`offitatan a bag given in, has paid the indemnity np,ei 0, has 1 prom tromitlng to , -hint for)di.: R 'herd s= a -mertieterVertid lissf *a r eal. in: Isnild 'a mamolenerfer his ierantrii. An offieeetof the Tpooh, witnossed the .egreensint,tm Reams. ferthe enlulsioli Orthieigners has beeri with. drawn,an4 it, Wilma& Masud thirty dw psneeesMislas le Ro _ A fey ednnstion The reartsalegng it , *pre p.'l4.lAboat. Hu not , Irigastnieterilipiled ibove Mr. Richardson's 1 Tonßaulin, array-An , Om Osmium to to 'four ' d i, each divl.ton toomberini from 27,000 to 30,000 men: Betides dal force, thine are tntrty-saran battalions motioned on the (Mutter, four battalions of rides, and two battalion. of engineen, a „division of dm goon, ft regiment& of Comet" of the line; .twenty regiment, of. Den Cossacks, 15,000 Georgians, and other militia. This force of over 200;000 men under: th e command of Grand Dale bflchael, tutelar Its support the other troom of the Dan. Loan Lvanntrees caimans' of plainres le I to be add byanotlon thL month. The most I valuable Matures baths collection are Oast I painted by , his fa th er; J. 8, *Vey, D. A., of r'irhick , tha Mid if "The Death bf Allor Pier son, it Jetty." Them la likely t o . bacon:pi titlon for the and other *torn, (more' par-. tioularly "A Family Droop,", repreeottini Lord Lyndhurst and hisofstere,`When ablldreni with their mother, father, and ..rondfother,) and an attempt will be made to seeare them for_Antortea. Tea netralng of Green:begins to appreci ate the dlllfcnitiel of bin. position. Blibs are frequent, filling fqr the downfall of the min lion the sittings of the Assembly are turbu lent, awlalmost ending at every mooting in Wm:la nendOte among- the members; the peblle treuury is empty, and it is contem plated to assist it by appropriating the pen sion mosey of the seamen, and the King Ia sot yet In posientien Of his stables, u the artillery corps refue to give them op to hint. Tea Rome correspondent of the London Time Jaye that styth,sinast,annual Aciadem la Poliglotta" of the Ignit'eatholle College of the Propaganda, the youths- wbo carried oil the palm wen two negroas, rejoicing In the eon of William Samba and Jobn Precut. Their delivery and action won wouderfal, and called forth thunders of applause oven a church. Ar a meeting of the Southern Independence Association bald at Alancthestes on Jan. 20, Lord Nirharnclife, the President of the Al.O - and Mr. Spence, the notorious agent of the Rebels, denounced damn and declared In favor of Emancipation. Tiliay avowed that the principal object of their astoolation vu to bring about a disruption of the Union. A Vllllll2 in the ,georferli Jooreal of Sate estimates that "there are In Groat Britain, within a depth of 4,000 fast from the, surfaoei dt,544,000,000 tons of coal available, and that this quantity, dieldodihy, that salad Ini the year 1881, would iistSaudit yeeti. Tan Pope,ln-1 ASdrallontlais, (not that addressed to faldnron laria,)arpressed tip pidalon that thOluirolt.!renU refullt /0 ever She profane !Aiken tram her. A Tasraux manuscript long by Dr. John Ball, .author of "God Sava the Quetta," has been found in the Nape Rieord Ogles, and will loonbe pabllibitd. Tit London Aerated Dread CoMpany Ls very succomhaLstad pays dividends at am rate of twelve and one-half per ocalL PERSONAL. Tint Nashville 17siosr. gays that: L .' General W. Q. netting, President vsf the Wiens Mili tary Board of the rebel Governor of .Tennes wee, lA= 0. Heal,, has taken tho oath of allegiance General Warding Is an influ ential Mitten. Be has stoat-high In the estimation of Southern disunionist', and done much to mutain them In their uir egalnit the Government." lieureest ti:sausu...—The Chattanooga Rebel says: "Own. Hatopfirwy Marshall' ti • candidata for Congress from the State of 1 Kentucky. Al he weighs about ire bandred pounds.. the prosumption Ix, that If elected ha will he ale twilit Ma tut. He lunmobbetter gnalified for Congrese than rot:light infantry." Goo. marriage of Liana Clan. oral Hardee was AIIIIISMAIti enmr time item, but to whom was not stated. The Graeae boro (Ala.) Beacon states that ths'Ooneral was monied on the I.3th 01t.,-to Miss Mary T. Lowlaidthat place. , d. stainaont an of hone eutlpmenta for General Grant has Jut been completed by Mr. George Peters, of Newark, Bur Jamey. A stallion, valued at slooo# has mutt" been presented to General Granby a gentleman Is Cincinnati. B. V. LoYiuusos, who, &north* doottwottou of Ma popw, to Troy, for Its '1•001/1‘013 pro. olivittoo, /1•41 to Canada, now casual out Is , 11 totter &elating thit tho Dostaatatio p.rty ortgbAted 14,w0i,- and Is wady rospoulbla torn_, • - Aronanotor Pa aders„ of Oineinnall, say*, in an addrese (Jost published) to the olorEr.and laity of his Cease: " We so, with oar wbolt heart and eon!, for the enedstiduutoe of the Union and the abolition of ebrrorp." Pao,. C. W. Srown'a canzuretlon with the Andover Theological Seminary. alone In hisreh. Rev. J. Mary Thom of Se m, Mos., hag been sheen togUlle place as As sociatod Professor of Sacred Lltaisinre. r.. bill to peados to Jabal,. Dons, otbs hero of Gottysbure who fought dialog the July battles "on Itts owa aoftwart," has monad favorably to tbs Sonata. It purls a pension of $8 a atoatb. ! • , Us airman Itspnblleac spar at Indians- pplte, balms, heretofore publtsbett. !HWY, le ohaspd into • daily, for tlikpami• etao• roasting the nomination - of Oflisral Yuman', Ar the Prosidsnoy. Ms. F. O J, pmltb `bai °frond 0,000, on the Iffittegirf:.;h:A.:.° at q f i r g i c cor ruyesos of airritelttnif Ooingstal lore" eehtradlote the re. ported Meet of the lion. Thema* awing, and sop that his health la qutte-good. Mo. bower.,, is serionoly bsasisas BrThass's Ninth Army Nips Ii tepidly Mb; op. AU Ohs soterin Mink ohh.ssus mammas now home on futioup. ,, Ws bun wiped to his eomand. . . AFTIIII • manth's Indesttlotre bagful thtoughent Ohlo, the admlram of Yellen la• tukto rabid lest tharrotte thchiaand d o l. larr toward the, foot field' rolls!. Army Zonnsoi Is on his way to Wishing. ton, srhithir ha gossip smart-via tiro Mai den, upon manors oonasotod with the WU. governosthip: Sat. Dn.-Paw:on 0008 forettely of the AiritieJimeftpi„ is,tton, Mau : , tha 111th'initink i got sixty (oar item lip in% 'of Brien, the Molassr nangsrir and •bank robber,. Is to prostrga,by grist thaS there Is little hops orbs: rohoroty. tan Wisoonstringisilannoir seeking soon" osoititationsi mods to punish thou who hove i0n5t* .(3 .1 2,2 0.6 vatcap• tbs draft. '•• - • hweese Utile - be it tat oral! 4on. Ilappnt goy pw:43immiaos int nsCan &althorn raatonft .. , . , . Tau snnonnossiticitliskilloPein.'l ton Int booksaignish of lbs cavalry Boma tsprinshirit, ` sr of Plka'a opera 6ssss In 9bud Gann, will gins : pintatiorts tho Minor Oak, to tbsiNosetarhiSid• - rs ha eronsmsad of the t see, oWs._l! tigatssistieskilii ultimo* on tir.T xiee PINMRIS iMILPAT wn 0100 • wadi's& booktlndin. _ . ~-1s REVS M/REt. I ilt tunnels imported for the Government • Ants sip, and 'lnca kept near the Tejon 1, . • • on the plains, have innealed term ~ . to thirty-seven. They are now ro t; ornd to lesaitia, California. They= sully ievrat i t tltiom -more ""1 i t it t . iii tty , but t.toryonsoreoifttled lia dirtied four bales of wool or cotton. Man Were fifty-0n deaths of rebel prio =Mg eel:heel Diesslas, Map, timing the monEti or littputf One hundred and eight ttaieCif. frostAite were treated among the feddralitidkle which ooanned while perform ?guard ditty during the extreme cold 1811 0*,. /rota the Into the fth themonth. tr 'l,4tOrrasarr belonging to the rebel army - Mad in Louisville; ry., a few days ! • d *Wined in the military prison. ail 1 - ordered a uniform to het made for him thi'ottrulothing establishments, and if - hem 'completed when be was ar - _ h* 'l4teghoss, the well.known• em -; r hintielimond, has been arrested and i taiiiited'fur putting versants across the linos gisesports fraudulently obtained. Win. 44bsilly hastalso been arrested bathe same e, end paroled la the sum of $13,000. ;16Eu G. .W u, the poet, skates that wbUis Villain Lloyd Garrison was in prison tallaitirtum inlB3o,4lenry Clay wrote from Ueltlegton Kentooky, to a friend in Baal 11711.4etrag hint to pay the fine and costs., bitrate Mr. Garrison.' ieopie comprehend the - great amount o ....d atinully in the United States. Ten9s2 there were 432 411 tons, ei1t04,812,- Oltkponads, or nearly 29 pounds teasel man, vift,.in and child, estimating the population gI ID Ac I9 / 9 09 . asuman of the Third Corps, Army of the Stilonish, writing to a friend in Boston, de aril him to'send forth with a prayer book, a sUag Kook, and something to eat. ceiiirrrrzi of the Kentooky senate has bleu appointed to contract with artist - for :fllifebalse portrait of Henry Clay, for the &n -igher:ibis. ' Oki fifty thousand dollars have been paid' . irgamphis, Tenn., to collectors of internal Menne, during the put sisty days. Gives up the Ranted. • ...4haNastiville "May Prom publishes a long' nonimunication from J. M. Phillips, of • wincoanty, Tenn., In which he states that he hat Nerved with the rank of Captain in the ' Confederate army for two years," been 'thrice wounded' in that iervice, and that he he' 'seemly voluntarily come within the lines o the'Tederal forms, and since her embrs. col the provisions of the sionesty proposed by I;tAi President in his message to Conran, 67 : eitinerribing to the path therein prescribed." ' Life Says the resources of the Booth are es }:SOYA In both men and means, that "the 4,41'111141m0ms of the Confederacy is an lui -possiblliryr and that it will be folly and mad ness to matinue the contest longer. He mirnestly appeals to all his friends to abandon the rebel army and the rebel cause, return to theii allegiance to the CritedStates, and ao opt IL" terms offered in the Pm:lido:it's Am 'testy Proclamation. Tsa Boeheiter Destowas, mentioning a visit of Joseph Leffel, of 6prit:gaol:l, Ohio, to the farmer city, (aye : He is the smallest hut; um man In the world, and Indeed quite as iitoa; as oosipared with General Tom Tomb, Hr. • Leffel "bein 6 . only forty-four Inches In heighta, &ad weighing but fifty-fn pounds I 10.1reffel Is now thirty-two yeas of aim. Ho htlikintelligettt, able-bodied, handsome fea tnipd.man, and spirts a motudaohe that would really do credit to the Scotch giant. He has failed Oho off:war supervieor In Springfield, and leragarded at one of Ow most pubilaipirited :Minn* of that place." Be is-about to many Hits Sarah T. Balton, who is =allot than Mn. Thumb, and was formerly Dolly Dottores meld of honor. • Tan milkmen of Parrs are kept honest by Wall =Own praotiee of stopping lb& cans at the eity "gates, while an Ismpactor examines their nostonts. I f he finds any milk watered, .tokianto over the delinquent can and the san itation= Into the getter: goniettutes n much walk is spilled to this way that a stream hall a wile long Is teen running dawn the gutters: ; I i 'IIieGAZETTBIELIGINS; FROM OEN. SHERMAN'S EXPEDITION. Jackson and Yazoo Oity in Our Posses lion. BHT BLIGHT lISSISTANCII OFFHREW Short Plight/ at Ilatarlia and Clinton INF REBELS FAILING BACK ON PEARL RIPER Ainr. You, Feb. lb —A dispatch from Vioksburg to the Ilwald, assist that Jsokson and Yugo° City are In the hands of General Sherman, after a slight skirmish, which was attended with very little loss to our forces. Gan. Horibat and McPherson took pe ten of Jaokoms, whit• Yazoo City wes oecupled by Cot. Coons, after a short fight at S►tarlia, where the enemy made come %how of resint ands, and killed • few of ear men. • 01101111UTT, Feb. I5.—A Ruhr(lie dtspatch to the Quotes gives °Mel news that fiber= men entered Jeckaon, Mu., on the sth. The enemy offered but little resilience, and are supposed to be felllwasok on Pearl river. It Is bettered the rebel. are receiving ro-ezi foramen to from Dalton. There to .nothing from e.g. Thomas' front. Theteterans are returning to the &nay. Canto,' Feb. 16.—The. 'sperm from rebel paper* of • Aiht with part of Gen. Shame:Vs foram, nee Clinton, Mies., on the eth, have been confirmed by oilcan jot from that point. Oar troops chivied the rebel battery and fat Mean killed and thirty wounded. Among the latter was Col. Rotas, of Illinois. The enemy wee driven, and ear foram proceeded towards Jsokine. Deported Plight at Lebanon. Ala New YORK, Peb. I 6 —A light occurred et lobinon, Ale., on Wulneodoy /sit, between Lewis' squadron and cat troops. Aocerdlng to the tjelook R.Fortcr, the enemy, (Federal') LObeshoult, subsequently abandoned Lebo°. be and retreated (swords Tenuous" river. The rebel fore, Is cold to bore numbered 400 only. (Tula to arbletilli either a conent or ILI Cl amieratiao of amy mall affair. It lion ha probability on lii hea.—na.ClAlrrriq Emmtg 1 . NVANVICD—A rano ill ft iinehiDe Ahoy, Abr. Sal road Loremothw are mad. wpaiod. Ir PlUabtrib or Allagbeay lbty, by plug NMI sa Oh Appall.% Li. 1? lows sad sagalba. iliddrum BOX BM, neiostara, Parat.ta foully, Pa. (*11,3t lIVANTED.-450 A Alowrn.-1 want y Aosta al 100 a mouth, aireDir paid. to . 1 1 Nawkortyr Pan* Ortrehd Baran, wd (tartan Wow [MI rum.bd and nation" article,. Inftwa myth alas wo u ttra add., I"A ma JOHN r. LOUD. DiddatorA. Ka. spA MONTI:I I—l want to biro Agents Is mos misty al MS Som th ,....teme pa to ael ta? atm thaa_s atally_tlimina sawazaw., adonno, MADISON, Aitood. Mara - notowitioor BOOKSINDEMB WANTER—Ste T and 70114AAD i kliGiNgiali l lE a l att el OFTIOI4 OItTURNER IiVANTED.- , -A mon for banal mewl lad 1•01 Gord o n, tom lb* • *POO brut for • good mu. ._ vans! TUTS 017119 L 410. it GIODD Olith WANTSD—To do gas , oral loesowork. • ant Waw own . try ID 04 . toy., Mend mar pat& A•olo at du ' Olt tf • , °Luna Immix 11 ` • g• • • rats MAN, to taltithiviro rats for ill 1192NINCI .o•llrA uti ptlio pond Curter hortos Azo pty at TELL 01710 E. flair 'MELO z •i: trovotuur 1,) ~a lazisMk of emit 4 17A111. - 1 , 41,14 %MARA toots 44-4,suilsketv Iwo pins. BID 11; Mgt, Husk and Atli , M i ng =HIV' II Ann i• CASPHISi bbta TIMM COTHE*Addalds, wa ItHollartkeed •of slug tudtgaltly, amp vpir dcielkant 11". 01 &ad. , • dd7±l. It , l As .616-eip" Irma& 1111% • 1/11/IY4 am?, momil iria I ~,.-w5.`r.~..~.~ f..+e.+.. MEM AXUB 11 - PITTEMIIIIGH TiIEATEISI. =ad . Baoransaa • Seem! 'stela of the metomolhotat of inn HILZ3 113=281. the and benatlfol eo. Men, lobo tent ans. at , b parti j c ular requeetot tbe timstbcench sod TRIP cfteedl7.l ZVZHIBO, WI:11 b preesated, the comic dream of THI LITTLZ DEVIL. • • demedeon,LlHle Devil. with twatikths Watts.. Doe Sapba•L.-. C. Loreday. To °miriade with the natneatle drams et TIIZ THEI4III ECM or. THZ TALL OP AL011:08. Meg Se. Alstat. Cll!==3 g.MASOMC HALL. THIRD AND LAST WERE BUT OM: OPZN =NMI MGRS, ►ND 1111711 MY APTIIIIWOON 11131113,1111 UL. The most eetreoreyeary exhibitten he the velia, THE GREAT MILTONIAN TABLEAUX PARADISE LOST. MME:=I Obildnem vetth wt.. GkIiLA_NI3LA:FINE:IMM STREIT AFTERNOON THIS INZIK, _iiirmiri Di'Doan op= grettlep AL 7 o'clock. nthis4 [lon commences et 7% o'clock !precisely. Al7llB.l9ooNB—Dleo opels-et ar For partkeClerviee WILL A. B. 7107111M0N, feltav r.7 - 2,IERCAN'rELB LIBRARY 48:30fr , rer (RATION LIXITVEttft The Lectan Coatisaitta• stuaoans• that thy tune arrancod with PROFESSOR RICHARDS. a PEOVIDF.SCII. U. 1., to &Um • mourn of erx CONCERT FLA.. 1.1... PHILOSOPHY SAO CHEMISTRY OF 11E AIR. Shoo haunts aro Altopis in ttoir .tyl., and Wei. lAriblo to rail dams, whits thouNfolikent Mostrap dams and witertmostw will to made Mated* now doting thou vitible to all. Ivory ovenirAt will to orowdod with 01:181008 rem AND MIGNON INA, with sxpolmoota illostattinetto Awitoopharto Borosmitor, Air Chu, •liousitatio, Damao Winds. all thit charoloal wtodars of the atmosphere, tAghtwitto awl tto Atoms lilmeatta." BUM ERGS OF LIMBS : LL to. YOYDAY-- U. lA TUDBADAY.. " Doom mad at 7 attack; Lacterwaramancs at 1%. Paw. or Ittcagra—ror as perms to tba roared ``L.OO Ella Law* LIZ emits. Tor Pala at Um Maxie, nook mad Drag Storm and al tbs dam. W. El Exiaala, Gamma W. Wass. , Bur. A. Laza r Tana.. Dazzarztd, Jr. Wttd.ug W. Wass, Haar N. ATWOOD, God Lectern Ocduoittas. ariLrr.lß F JrOTICES. ATO LUNT/3 NES, ATTENTION v ha,* rotolved authority to rotrutt • Jrcte Company of Infantry, So b. satiated, Om; with too otbtes, , under tiro obargo of 111011/111D 0 D11.2,1*, (late Lt. OW. of 123 d P. V01a.,) to th e 110th Beg t 'l', anon conk., Corp.. lo • ran <beam for voloneetv, tio tb. mm wty .111 bon the paining,- of ILICS 11112 THEIR OWN OITIOLBS, and tbo Of PRONOTIOII Irlll be bettor than In old organi sations. Government and Lobed °mint'. marenteet. I would specially tepee to my fanner companion. in arum to motet me In Elllog this company. Decosoz.pd thane to Jain it whom you know about to enlist. lon ni mn, am e yoarestme. and again unite to • abide alori.l old Bag. Itecenics mill be recelmel ei the MB. Col. T. 11. 11 &TNT; Federal area, Allegheny, of Pro rnet lianhare 018.. 111111 M TAG AST, Fort.cly 0. B. 00. El, Lind P. Vols.. to Capt. Co. I) /lath P. V. M . kdiss IST H REGIMENT, • v. S. IN IeABITGL. All walnut.n enlisting to this liteginseni will on. ' Calve • Botutty of Poui Truiidred 17011 ft. ...... Ooruromsat, onflt On Bre, Joy of Marth,l664; also thettgboal locul bosolattonul b: .ay Word, Borough, Towaphtp or Oonn . Baerultleg Mo. No. It ITH, abon*llll - streert,Tlttobuigh. DALLAS 0. PUSH, tatna Oopt. Lith lasuß7, toesurdng Moor. i a I $602 TO VETERANS I 6604 TO NEW RECRUIT. IT Authorlood U. B. Itasrattfas agna 7 , . sa INDIA sL @TRYST. /Mihaly Oty, la Mai . 1 tha Promo Ku-that's 0111sa Tons 11130 to 8.100 LOCAL BOITNTipIe is O.BR. liamita ass allot tbstr antesea Lett! T. N. It a lUN. liacmiana A I. COL DALE'S . • TTALION. 116 TE P. V.—Sba fblbrertni mud •re Marbled to reerolt one Oomputy.eaoh po. the riat• tattoo no. b•toig raised 17 zoo to be attach al to tbe lletb Peasteyteenla VoltuWeers: Capt. DAVID W. ILECITCI.9I, Ilealgoarteee at Prorate lifirsbareerloe, Allegbeay City. ()apt. BAel .IL TAGOLllT_Pittsburgh, P. Cl9l. &&111 LW. OAILICIIZIL , L, Wises, Pa. • on , • • • • C • • lift ' MILIT ..:Y %AIM. , 11116.112TIONAttohlint. W. J. Hsu. pierrnani . . I di locrutritlo StrosetNl aim, , 'FITOMMIAII. PA. Clams Rat Paerrom 210171121' HA .e 6 .e6 'MA PAT. lIIMBTINCII, TIMM It NM ow 8011.111 Imdd tkol on Ir. 111•11 tot ths works, dI7 RISDIPTIONI °LADD otwodat otztwoot dlikom SOLDIEES t : tA IMK - PENSIONS, , BOUBTIEt, 8 CK PAT T. *ALTER ri Y. LIONIteZD DT 12111 U. I. ROT MEI" ' dottettoor Dor MILITARY CLAI To. 103 3.ldoortsoloto CothodosL WAS OWN*. ass.? decrtptkat, attootlod to. I To chords to sods war the data solstodo. JOEUSW S. "am" wrreassirs.a.r.T. LID SOLINZIX CLAIM • SIM So. ■ Gran 112111101 T. NOAH W. SHAMIR, ATIOILITT-11-411W.: . dia. 106 Street' PUUDarsb. Mahn to Fusion. BOUSITI. rants KOJI CYJA , fa" grirgrouarpremehtot. - • •INI ILITAItir BOU NTIES • M- M UM% SACK ale analliarZLlT 01.11111111 d.velm, estbetadl by the IA& Acsibst, aS the rata, IRE lbscidessMO 03; Ili other clalabla 6CI. F O. TATUM, a Orbit o ust. ur ns e Lig la* re. R. a No • am buds IS tb• data doom mei sw o .3. and, talbraudlos aim "MIL ' *MY SOLDI ' CLAIIII3, BOUNTIES, PrX . 01$ 474L1AE3 01 PAT. P=o7 attendadla TO . , arrause,a sunla4 • i mai : ii i i nk-rolsib apple, nuetank. Dl:. , - 4 1 a IPTION :VP: CO-PARTNER. 081 • he OoMirtooiohlo loroo:dber ostd • too Wilmot th e lindondioNoll. mb, es AFL of NAYLOR It /RIM, Is ale allopolood so* tod 'moan lou.d 141- b. r , ooo, oCthO Ifenomlyy et iamb, -not ON, Moth WO* L oopmfood to RM. thobolinon of tbo 111.5511111N1M01,', - bennoilbreadiltaubstimma alsoinsligbo, 0144104141Z exmiitia ladepladlOShe Ids isl =. dor Idj.bstllidseddidd z - /CV .z• • ' Ciro Si 1 •-• 1 - TILV;I:q* Wm/ T. TO latip LAM of JO& V. ILLIULSOI pm ad* sommal. JOIL IN lAN. TO did Mud sodidd soomaldolf add tea, id do Og stud, ovum NM and Maly old Jed. T. 11.4,11AT0d, , - . -,--t1 :-r-z•-1.1 , - -, 17. 2 .:41 Al in.,11.5 37 .nl- 1 Z.T.'.. - Z— 1. L.; :, - 11 ,.. .: .. ...!... ri,L4 r.rsina.dorcE. retrßANur, Insurance Co. of North America. 4. a ILADILPHI& Insuremee Co. of the State of P Piti.AtliLrata =1:=! Hartford Fire Immrance Company. Ilatinotttaoco In the atm old and rdLWj osm toutlat out teobtatoodlonappllettloor to MM=2! urzsTEßN_lNeußmicß coIEPA -11 IMF pErraltlMOH, I S9Q !it ylalsi r al=t, Opisie Cie:" la rilt=_ • - . was paged biodo 4/ .11%. sod -.61•64. Allow Lootakikk- - rkokood it Vorockni solo sr eon know tkr misekkajoy owl WA Saki oink& romperi. rut laomosUki, waimkall eksatssr,plid W. low mooed,. oPriog w beol prolooko - o to Liao Ow Loin ko L Losoroll. eett:mi B, anki,:ri:", • Swum XeAtday; " Nathan e Bartle, "Atm. iblck, Georg Camkotell B. Hems, O. W. Illeketaae, m 730 , - r OLTIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY lJ OT P1=1.11773611. 015ce, owner Illorkst and Water =vete, ietnnd floor. " milt WE.'DAturre,l%.6l.o. Lours Otralaboeties. loran= toes and damlif• hl th e ns•lviwu of the and Westerd Blvd. Lakes so Bagoz . . end the nartitatito of the Ewa Les and &asap try M. 1 1:. P.ittJr ., SAIL Wm, John Skiplao. ' 'W. O. Jolmjtem, Jams X. Coopor. • 81. loam, S. llarbanigh, itomothrims, J. Cloldwoll, J Hon. T. H. Haw% John S. Itthr" k, Baday Pregton. Wm. a. itoofv o,t , -Oomgo•Bhrkmm, Forus INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. B. corner Wood &Fifth Sta. FIRE ADD MARINE INSURANCE. Win. PhMips, Jahn watt, Wm. B. Ha" Jobe IL Parke. Obwin B. Blau% Wm. Tin Kirk. WM. T. OARDNICE, ALLEGHENY t LIiSEFRiLNCE . ; I PAST 07 Pt ryssuanue.: armote. !Ka Rime. Bank Block. Imams lovapAkAdkorlikto ~e~~ Asfdd. D. W. 1001. • 1 4:1p r t r 414. DIEM Gerd *psi. Taw Jones. 0.0.11= /Vlngt. G .l rV. B. L. ens L am AID= 0011 MISSION ItITSCTHAWIII Petroleum and its Products, Oils. OA !IDLES, AO., ha 61 SCOLD MUM— -- —tint Yam OF Age:MIN lb. POSTLAMDII OIL WOWED, wrar TOM. PADAITLIIII WED= 9 01 IPah7robc , ,„,. =-Icettergawarilm Tao 11111Patar &In Trent oft LIJOIENT Om WORKS. DUNCAN, DI2IHT.A.r A CO., Pore Whits Reined Carbon OIL, oaw, do. 11111 SMUT! enuart ESTABLISHED 1780. PETER LOIt.IIMARD. 131112/1 ANA TOBAOOO ■LEMPACTOSYI, 1.8 AND II CVANDIMA RTBILSr. (Teraserty 41 Mathes atom& New Tott) Weald WI the atuation of twat* to the artlotee of hie matorthotwo. " =OWN OWL ekote.n. ro:a. icotob, Malt High raw or Laodyox4, Umko Dow lama, Trash. Moo, footofy Maks in collo:Ito the Inas todoction 111:prifoi W Ms Cut Mead,* oad,flauldnig Toteepokortfteti triallsollatrod a Tawnty. . Ortorazo— G. , o. Non 1 and II inlaid, - lar;i. X 1 21 L. rramlaroa. " . . Ton Orr Onewnro—T. AL T..... ar itrin - an”n• dlah, or Barra; eviot mantra °rotor* ; Stn. Tort OrrondJah. Barinra—i. Up, Bimnb. Ornortar;Turk.trb. IL 13.-Ar etrentor of - priam•M be rant on oppUrro tt.a. ! - • on 10 :17" . _ EXOKLSIOR FLLNT mass COM PANT km. mmr fa memo 'of - erectioa as. 0182 MUT. lottereeft Roo g hanb A ad the Zhu. war lapptetett% Aa Veeen, a lugs and setesette MOM, with dl the mama tignmni- mete. and be In complete emalig ardor en abate the MB= 07 JAYIIAYI,whim tlew will b. pmared to sissalfiettl• • =pular panty of Flint Glass Chimneys /4 onion promptty /Undid ta. sT 01171011 AT ROWEL Address, JAB. X LEHDRLY, MIAs 111NAIMIZIL FITRNITURZ ?removal" h. 01 91 fikarp_WOOD.o4,•la 11113.11 017.4 , 1.10901:119 1.11103111. stuotinsai oa arum - JAR. W. WOOISV.EI4., trizelltdrd.la.wonniai'm PATENTED - OCTOBER fk 1881 oiralloari PArmr OVAL' clinumrarviel, XX /MI XT GXAISX, If:two Ohlmurys ors 1.08.164 Ito gal gals„ I yawn ag puts of ~flo R uav u l t rp . , Itp .l.`"t h etts fit;eiWarti.Wilkilt#o MUM, _ , 017 • bizarr itiminbitivassmpieniniteitioxit; Nada EalkUngs,. spichbodv-thge r=i;it= i v;== VE NINAI ' Dim I III4 % Pm!" 01,1111dPidirenitabilli0,, ' •••• .• P MlCinS t f".. far papiair weitser wow 111=111. BEBRET WILLO73. bdts. - :ho rtnlonnsat LT WO, , . • • 4 ! . ••••'' 11 4 ttty.o`;`,r..7lo • • • - .!'"• • ' • I 'VOLUME LICIVII-t-NI3. ITU US-- Case la liipl:aucats 0 iliallten„ Petre/eltraC*4 iiit ' ,l**Ktit • Tor - 6;p* osial: ixaiscalsfallhl4 l 4 ll bdit• ths ftor storage; et , Llbast adialsape mt. - . • . IRON CITY OIL WOlllll l . MIT & mahictzmas asol laminae Mali 01:41 13 ° sarz AND Lunatannia end mie t• CRUDE Enrrnoraffl7#l. wo.b.ts9.ge ea.assur!.. otim. no. 64 HAND 11=1111S. w. T. ram *mit, • Ulna, stwasearra. WWI'S.% BIIRKB k 430., 001111188I0H NERCIAMITC _ nowt, PAC2IIO AND 41041 at law* ow& IKlTgalar asadaia t fictkaadl ost Crude Parofetras. • cmmarmatifir2r aceoo64 hempl,l, .21. .I.olmp aim. 0p..., Dand N. Long, Ham J. paaaalgh. Boot. P. Bakevn.ll, John A. 111Vana. M. comas, I WETMOBE & CO., SHIPPERS OP PEPROLPARL Mapla Ilelitleribr STOBACIVOID MINUS st Mar yard sad mbar:. BE , raiitag • RIM7WtION, HARLErkeO., 0011E11E10U a TOBWAID.UII2 Crude and Refined Petroleak, e. to lawn ems= irrnismias. Mr Liter* Club tlraner• sa amipmbritalbr Plttiborgli or Iroitera Markets. nutrunts ; imam D. Verna Copt John L. Biwa, Panel P. fihriTer, 00. Ham liortirP. Jame, = Chaim Mem JAL liffvotlA A Cle.. A 4 Ly. g° rnd 4ANARAmPiAI AWL NM 001[1111L WALLACE a BUMS% • • Ccnatralision Merelanta. 1 r cznz a won= PETHOLKUIL IZSZINI AZ4l> LITIIIIICAITZNI , ODA ' vioura wizzarni, IMISMIIIIII Jo D mooord. apt. Adam load; B. B. Ilityritrtg, Cape Wm. Dom, - B. 1 U. D ar, DOI. .T* : or Romp merit, Wet roma kr I/C= o ►. l6lo AI eatellsat belittles trap lair ee end Tarsus pert; et ear a t the pW atm, saw the .meir P. 11.15 . it Tim &•BRO., 004.1111 Crude and Razed Petroleas, BENZINS, &a., us imaarr cr., rirtutouricui, Basin astrasto&-to tar ea wilt mays eux pram& poprial anentloa. Baba. to Elmsra.lllrharam, 9.risyoo., Harm. &wt.& Os. and Nalleilnad & Baty &&&&011&: Thos. Badtb, X.K., Press. Haat H. 'Li cow &Op., FOAM •bla. macoßmicrA mu.,-zyzmp:t,„ 211 and 218 Soak Wittei tkms%guimalls NO:,!SA. Lyda, a Cboxpann Iron C1110111,a!ta. Jacob Fainter, ot.l. Pants, Oa. •Rox 0— ObAlemt, SP..4B4Akalkoka b 1121... ==IZIZI P ETROLEUM annamos Inp r :, AIpISTRONO .110EIDD, • s aopts PUSZIJA-MIVIMPOOL. lESUWIO. IIZZUMIZIM : ' Saa Yarip—ltaismE. G. Thar 'Oh Atiltri . 1,6 ' 71. )L "'V L OTT's qt,Lidawica:Wl l, 4 .. mama, .. _..., rst tar= mid taforniatka 'Am - - • ~,, dau tr. Petaled Ikea duets; l'lttebargl!.` D - " 11354. ' Irwin in.- t". eammerianumunraimpric, 4 Cie 642 intstion 4042t4412. 4,1124#3 , 21•24 22244, EffIOBAGIN -TOE =num fist4o9l , ,con, ttot 7 J COSIMSO322I2r 220 Ighada. • Piertlatas atteallospald m. 0.11 ZOE: lIECIViCA so.1213H:111178710 sppe.. SODA A 611.412. ila iggrni nOIT '624 CRUDE a Run= POrgotiont, - , = .', 0/117STIO ISM SODA ADZI. BrEllsl=lll, -. balms, e, - Wan to tizzy or 0811 proxoptl4.,, ;Trigg - •-• nmaranaini. erantraturm andrAiria PolkalN sitadlop pad Os antligiumalls , trade and Relined Petrelems."l' art.Thend eihnere soft *I43:I9I3UDWAIA _ affizdY vAalorinazoilmaatra a ca.' commwroa lipidgractentke ens a t fir alb* Crtide and Refined Petroleum' 110. 13.8* WIEWORKIEL. c Xnavbetessrs ot. . .„ 411. , nzirs waft tummy OIL . EEREOLI *kit prriumNIMILIFICIIO/11=1471.1 1 : Iwth oololl Srfell , PR MAO ca m . agoxotalinma Holm!, Irisotiroir sa.t et. cunt st, rrittiwaff." Porwirtnziagolludisinisreasa...,- - : :,:can =WU (IX 12E4r; 1.127 r maranwrtalwralliroliti., _ea PITZOLII7II OIL& lopoisOtt bt ak af I. llonatisarkq peat& Faistglanti. . 1 *. firffirra 2 t:ai.C 6 - Mr; iumentrnis at anarito am nut . two OIL alotairris ad UM Os very b E 7, of DU !ISOOM, dog aml Wlthootallat ;", •• LusszsErss„ p.m nips Plap-111"oar.',I.s .sis. is =int misrsi, t DWI Mock, wool Soar, prom* meal wigwam:xi es ;.• ' • t "L':S!' ClDD*Hinnai; tit.ta ziras lamer jlllOl3 IRWIN, . •"' MI of Vid*l sad bpi Anstots. 11b0/44 WltteltitttMeNtV il' 1341,YM1 0111.14, COMMISSION 1 ZEUnEUM!,I6 UI usmr.a taiaousw TOIL ME=EI DTI;` tittoiltEit*':.:- agrataa. 7 N: I &PEMBERTON, .', Gernirialeteithiplizarolumr MESM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers