law gh Y. 61011NINCI=.---=FEB. 16,1884: :AND. SUBURBAN PAPEILria ' t ' i' - 'iil „ t '''', i lmmense Enterprise. . 1.-:'- ' . ---* - ennead that Geti.fitMon Cameron, --'-': . ' Ulla" end' Jeoab Myr of Ilarrir -1--- AOUliitis Colder ___,,,,,,.*ie- i n philuda -, - - i limit, :tagthevidth ../.......- --r , 1 '-.' . ' philh'. Balfb" "d Ountarry, ban ,forreed a '' . 7,.., : idayirruk - :inutiyeay. called . gatr , Loa ~on Loclilel Cusepowy" with Lain; of O.OUP '' C ' 14,thsitrpepof entabllaidng an Iron worb in tim vicinity of iyurviabing. The above I'`` ":".ratikes . already . bean snbseeib. d , thee. s aa v d" .. a site '."... bee been Waded between . . river and the canal, just baytw the r y erreso . - 1116°;a4"1". kuudre Ct e o as mbed -1.°1441411°6111df aonfdfwitin°.emsfafaetbitnild, :' 'aladat inis en lIVA ."' heating, he other - is in tn R ae need for ' The plans for these ' ter Ile - th e iron. . t attentive alchltee - 10113intialla of when rerardate, will rirkotarsi ,____,:,„ee.„,.Lenume,adaelflireet^ an imr , ••••••!. - a - - a tmajark of that par. rticote to the istrifi r se b ur& The building -: ' ' of ---.- .G. el . *' Da e. troori Col . etnao, r of Leb . aa b z g rif ,T:',.. odds, sod I.E ' Rb il i ? turine, have Ireproed, o 0 leith y= 4B" ts ,for the emotion of,tbe „ . .. 4 . 1 1M 5 ~.......' "elm They. bars also map :-.7 WintriatiThor the ooar;mod uli mi n c al f tr oth s engines n liteiniendcal P° Zi er ibe 41 operation of the .. ... ,, ..eidziery nrolit,,lrr. . . 1 -:r -"dm. " have the buildlngi under - - all ° t ali"' al and ea anon aa the ''' ' 'never V/ isk'a i r din . be oonstrUcted and plane smabbary cm b writ he palls' full °Pm^ 0- • PA1P.,....„-Vt•ea . w ill r eq uire at feast ara 7- baiieriaMiwitivir . firai TO it o is calcu late d . - vat IA prodaised no _ o - that lb" : Tim' rangeal !Mate wilt . ---' - .1114 a iron Per dV.- appreciatethe Magnitude ..,---- •an alma be ablate a pratiumbin. .- 1 ' • ' • " . - : f ii2SO 000 area curesldered anffi q 2.• .elimb lril in gua ireiresn o t , tbs . inime4is.., tw commanos . taut woo but th e bo obs still -' - ' opiala bi rtaal_ eaf additional stook, to which the attention of. apltalitte -et the State are faulted.- , , -. . 'Meddle on the Atmosphere. Tbis even i ng will dose Profaner Bicharde • InUllent dans of laibres on (be philosophy asul dandsby of the atmosphere. Ills beton • - betmeng, in which he showed di/wondrous eaddibation of the constituent elements of vans= er—dte two mein, diverse, almost andigenbtlir - elements, together with' those loses - which enter into Its composition in seldiktieuntitieLinunstrating every por lien experiments, cations, brilliant and and dosing with a series of , great 'misty and lainty; by deans; cif fialqdroarygeo blowpipe, wu one 41. the most interullog and Instraetbe we vies! attended— His apparatus I; very and he rarely fait even In the mostr eignited detest* of his experiments. To-alglit oar people will have the pleasure of seeing for the flint time in our city, the ,ntalnutariflidtuetion Colt" Tee apparatus denim the erred - of the common magnetic liatbny, and, th this•great intensity, most „in&rfr s tifieldll experbiente may gives formed. irle The ppandas of the Profaner a spark belies magui ln ll length, and the experiments ea bey ase,portleela illustrat ing the Nealiere Lights. Th rly thou e nse of - reds will be explained to a stunting man . „Hbotrially will be handled in masses. Thla is the laet lecture of the course, and will :Pe marls ths most brilliant. been requested to suggest that Profaner Blau& la solicited to repeat the -ountee It istillaved the • large and apple. _,„ cdatfre dun can be made up. t{ahliath fiehool Convent A Octavention of Sabbath Schad 'pints, and =OE • be bald.this males in the. 2.4 Presbyterian Munk Ponn duvet (Dr. Howard',), at whioh ssobtresses' by mayoral able speakers will bo 'arab statisiloal Information lin. 'mu& „„ . 0 - 'ligotons etrut Is being suede by am Anerkan-Sunday School Union to. extend '! - Erengy number and efloisnoy of these ~..:.phooda:: *its commutes of the A. Q, &fib ..e..c.4ooll4*ther-1111411102--- . o ,lll44upfa'been , anabled to employ throe "ntlethittorles; Wha hava canvassed five of the Wiest eSontiss In She State, amertaining the ,l.ittwahtli and actual oendition of Sabbath namber — Oricholars carolled in _ , llhaniti and the number of children who never % , - -..-- .4lltend..any Sabbath school. .Grout destitu tion:lms bee' revealed. Bathe townships In this aid ChristboarCommonwealth have been found without a Sabbath school. Some of thee. indeed,. destitute'of the preaching of the Won!. Mora dun ozie-half oldie Sabbath sear& In the BM* continue only from five to 111111111 months of the year. So that not only Asaleri considerably less than one half of the , = ,, uiblidrairortldaffloudionirealth, of - asuitable stet° atten4 enrolled lii the Sabbath school, - *stet those einnifed more than ono-hall en joy Ste lrivtleimi, on an average, not more Qua twenty-four Sabbaths of the year, giving Seas twenty-four hours, crone day's religions testruottosi oat et toS.: Miscue of Penruryi- Taal; this - Out! not so to be. We ere labor ing ta comedy it. Will you help us ?" ~. . r , ,- ..,...- . Banat .!.118,161bIloting own '•" 4 4o6l,l*iailarin• of Be .11.6quatsiond: , ALtimittratelle:oo Jaw t 1t0tk1ia...... 10 `' 4 2.7. eats.—.—.. 00 iota J. Rause .1k Co_ 100 . AlfroilL Pantms.....—.. ao Geo. A. Cionatr.....— go .408. CL Oarry ..—.... :80 Ow: W. W•yEtuua-. ft '.:.:Xltmt•rjr,Ji ao floc Hankie_: ._..._. 00 ~.118...' INA ..—.,..... 100 Sob= 1111188,.Yr., Sto ";3t.Aztk0nr............., :00 18. W. , Patadet.cAtz.—.. - le y.18t80.A... 10781'......... , ' BO PT.B.Jartson...--.... 00 'tree:?.' • 80jW03.18004018.:.-.—.- Igi- I pnnt., .4.114118 80 &Ks Slut --....... AS ~...1411.........' 80 Leltayt 1t0 . ............. 10 ;',II.OAL QMAter5........ , 25 - J 2,470 . 112 08.7.',t/t48‘.......... ZO mvport ,41.75) - 7oaranto---.._ _ ..-. .es ~.. , .faiia5ic..........*, .10 Sptal -58,280 Accident. to a Railroad Man. • , , ( .14. - inFt.t. to Ina. aut tiangdayisal "irodriOrloiurnindinnt - _happrnod . to Mr. Col. Lteg,fralaht mine in the Reinpflold raroad, sad who bee bentenegaged arm the road eves dine It was opined. The train ping west leeianetnifthrouiththettontel sit West Alex; ender, when Mr. King luiti-oocasion to albala :Pawls air broader to reach the bake: As he lime doing.eifer wee struck by the sport of the „water fristimi and knocked of the ear. He :fen to the `Nand; and the wheels of the ems eisesed no NOW feet silotest off the sole if one.-of his boots.. IT. was somewhat braised ANIS hile heed. and is supposed to have re= attired severe Internal Warta. He was left.. st West diesander.- De4'/4441 . Fount. ail itamaknows man was found. xestialwi, On the Nl1.10:414 Blnningtsai;& ihutoititiiii• twit thiiproinuviMetort;. The 0•11011: hold itzu hilliest fa the afternoon, bat =Atha riwralletted landing to ahoy who shy ifissi:wwor -by . what mean he came to ble death. , Zre was 'appose:tar about day Tour of sp, bat there were' no" wawa or sarlatirldobulate load to his idontition. Tb• tyke rabiliteliao - iigni of violence, and voralot-of. "hard dad.? Tbreingypoettion' it badfrost appearaiii_ of 0,0 body, that it Mao for tiro or ihrN • - • . , 'talentad end papdarthetaur, as will is by a cotta o mohnuna,, 15111 lioterta to Allegheny, it,Weavasdng aatt,'on athenea and Quinn la Mal' • Mr. B. Is a thins, think. -lagass_ header of Übe ye - rather' than* npressalatthe of thy Pig. it will hothlthatatedbrthose : who heard 'don stew Sl*ol ladle he our 'ally, how atrintakt alhulana 'to the Um of oath* future of our. Country, and heelkettany kla th beerful e4*.Pl O s yam ot -cor hsory. wlDaeutha draw a erowdod house. • D2IIOIIIMT Ostria.—Ahitro:Barsta,orsa yesterday' blot Wore Mayor Alexander, to swat a *up At methods and bathe), lefd bf hinds& Baroth and, Ms Wel mks iL4o d with keening &bawdy , Wait en (hake wide Jane They woo both soasoltted In Wilda of The Swet*ookalloolend. _ - LW Itio.i.4titOlropto nonatiy. Oita toil it nsibbifinoles' so* lad OW bitting : CibilriibnmiAtVti lpid utopia at Ituzoos on totallts. Mo. as Mewl" ice" "hold to la to POD sob to nitro et ooatt,':;:, -", , . . _. Zan Wont Ida itpa ea Wadnaids7 APS irlatift.), at Oman; Sal Itirla 4.0.404 - 4100Winesta *Om VS •Ito Ne6lo 4e* 110wo, i1111 4 09M • 110 / 1111 11100% - ''''''' .; • ' Davis, the well known bock ratter,-oflfhod striet,,kaa Conned • co-part narehlp with Meson. Samuel A. Clarke and Wm. W. Waters, under the etyle of Dub Clerki h Co. The gentlemen whom Mr. DAVIS ha associated with him are both expe rienced booksellers, and are in every way worthy . o . rthe highest recommendation for littilnais tad and energy. Mr. Clarke has long been known sa the active member of the old firm of Colin M. Reed k Co., Washington, Pa., and b a gentleman of the highest integ rity. Mr. Waters Is well known to the patrons of Mr. Davis, having been in his employ for a number of years, and alio in the employ of his predecessor, Mr. .1. 8. Devison. He is fully conversant with ell the details of the trade and understands the literary tastes and reguliements of the community. The new firm opus tinder the mast favorable unlaces, and will no doubt transact a largely Increased baldness. Rectum Recruiting A 15th, 1864. Harem Ammons Henry Dowell), Henry Veleta Barbi Gilmore J F e Jams Vas - 'Du Finney Edward rbin Boni V Wilma MS O'Hara Baal Ist w'd Pltta,2hd MT;Rm J do do Cowan Robt do • do Neon Lewb do • do BeiwoJoe LlVree baro, do PorborJai do do ICHlllen John Ist led Pitts, do Moran Wm Lay's bozo, do Collated by Montt. Wm. Canon John .Patton tp, Pd' IttertrITSIZITCTID. Jan Vodka?, laborer, 24 plan old, Clarataay; dia ability. . . Frank Leonard, eoek, rpm old, Ncvr York city, N.Y: - Samuel L. Iltaley, laborer, 17 years old, Wheling, V 7 r riff, 1/..14 1 2, 1 ;5drim, IS year. old, All &lab_ Nity. dOab TheodartNueber, 4borer,23 years old, Germany; The felloillng ireo • to J. C. BrPbstion, • Ward (Allegheny city) CT Cf!r='to Dikabopta. --. 20 E raalhabar—.. 40 lrElatany.--.. 40 Hartmeyor..—... 40 0 F Gralaam— 40 Hobart Mom, Jr.-- 40, rapt W J 00 Jacob HP , * 4O R 40! P Besaultt--- 40 1 JPalnter(wid'al)—... 00 BB 00 40 Jmßrdaar 40 J X 40 40 JllBoothei----. 40 PRI:J.4r.— 40 2111aatier (112'.1) 10 40 LonL• A '2O The young shepherd, David, 'aid to the ki n g of Waal, "Thy servant will go and tight wuh this Philistine." He went, es he said he would, and slew the giant. The Pittsburgh Onitasmial, of Slatorday, made a similar annenneement, saying, "In polities we shall be [mid doing battle will the friends of Progress and Human Freedom." We hope "the friends of Programa and Ho man. Weldon)." will come otl better than Galati did. flumixon.—At • mutes meeting of the . Plan'a Library Society. held Thursday even ing, Fehrtutry 11%1814; the fallowing offi cers were elected forth. ensuing term: Pres ident—W. G. Dunseath; Vice President—A. IL McConnell; Secretary—Geo. W. Hulett; Treasurer--Rell Patterson; , Liltratians—W- S. Shaer and A. Shaw; Trustees—John S. Lainbiry J. Strome, W. K. IfoOmuland; Crider-0.0. Baer; end H. L. Wilson; Orderly Sergeant-.f. H Millard. Law= ST. 01.111 TOTTXTITTP.—The OlthelLS of this district held a meeting last evening. when it was reported that a sum of 5 7 . 000 had already been raised to pay a cub bounty of 5200 to iiamb man who may enlist to the credit of that township—every dollar of the bounty to be ti td to the soldier enlisting. D. B. Ferguson, Big., ham been appointed Treasurer of the-brad. Bsorgurns, Condna.,Wfiiresn'aDerfacbtal irs 'a slings and elegant form for ad ineerablustion,ierrusimedicanal snissinnoto, bold in genital estann, among pbyalelsas, in the treaties :it of Bronchial of= footiont."...Dr. G. P. Bigarow, Dam.. • Nor solo es Inikon's Drug Store, Stith street, PittebargiG ACGIDIAZT /SOX Porona.—Two children of Capt. Louder, of Doddridge county, West Virginia, slew day. ago tolled a keg of Pow der, which he had in his house, into the and a terrine explosion was the consequence. Both children were badly, perhaps fatally, injured, and one side of the homy woe blown entirely away. Mons Horns Prt.ten.—Appollo borough, Armstrong county, Ailed its full 600,000 quota yesterday. Harrison township, Allegheny amity, has Ailed tie quota on the Arn call, aid has several man on - the second. The township has more re-enlisted soldiers in the service t ban ars required for its full quota. A Noun liaimennarr.—A number of matiral amateurs will gve a unique eenoort on Saturday evening next, at Concert Hell, lor_th, benefit of the Sebsisteaeo Committws. The concert will be in imitation or "ThaOld Folks" and will be a rich affair. Bee adver tisement. irt.boottpald to Thai : • Wol:d(Pittsbutgh Ben Bars Pmmmixo.—ldayor Alexander, iestaday, had before him Are boys, who were arrested for throwing stones on the hill at the head of Federal street. They belonged to the •fiaionnd and Third Ward,, and after being locked up fora time were dischargel on pay ment elf fine and oasts, Scorn Won, Ausamtly.—The citizens of this ward - are expected to tarn out in ran force this evening, at the nubile school house. The question now is, droft,cr tso draft. If the man attend, and go to Cork at once, there will be no draft ; not,further efforts map be abandoned. Boor. Nora Baroiria,-;-Tbis raluabS B. porter, edited by Mews. Paid It Lase, Die patch Building, Filth' etzeid, and limed semi monthly, is on; for the February month. We eronld recommand it to our badness men as »Habit la orrery respect. . SPECIAL LOOM& noucza. Tamtia Purr , Plaia and Ornamental Mats Itattfiq; tad 41talir fa It anailualla sad Vermont ablltklif the but qualikf $ loaf:tax 02011 at Alex. lantabltaga, awe tb• Wife . Wick", Pfttabargb, Pa. • • guru & Emma Mamma ham ebtalned the highest pm/dim at eresy etas, County, and _ ' dtuditnhi lair held in 1883, u the best family and the best siannfrattnint machines, and tor- She but myths, work. • A. 7. OnascsBB. Geneva Agent, 18 YU% dad, Pittarargb, Pa. Souturer Bnow. ACMCII—DO yeta. drily to YOUnialvei, protect pear health, us HOL LOWAY'S FILLS AND,OINTMINT. For Wounds, Soto; Bowel W:obeyed Num they are a perfect safees. Pall &readout how to ue them with way box. Holloware ND/ and Ointment are now re tithed, °milk to Sue MO prbe old:age, elte., at 30 outs - if 0 eanta, asdil,lo Par ha or pot. ' Tor alibi Pittsburgh, Pa, by B. L. Mu stook k Co. Nor tali also at roiton'i Drag Fifth Itatinwe' saw Ann Tos asta.—The dae assurtaseat of Pall and Muter Clothing, lately received IT Mews. Zola Win a Co., Meroheat'isflors, No. ldd street, Al leeway. The stook of *bulldog tonulste of the Boost Tastily of totepautelooss,owtoi oasts sad oyertosts. Tke *We of patteass to tasteful sad fuldotable. We would finite all of ea wean to rid iles above geatlwasa a a 11..,. - Mannar.. Guam, b. Co., asetibint tailors, ars closing out their fill and vistas Stook of good/int a reducedilgure. ,Genthuses desiring is fissionable and well mad. snit of clothing would do well to gin ss a call before par. ohasingelicwhere. atErit thutwalb.i Idcznisist Mass, 44 3Larket strict. NroTTlTaiv JoithszT,lo.-;... aCkbettg, No.IT TWA mot, is now opening the NM Widow stook of flu Gold sod NUTor'Watohon, Sanity* Myer vow - and 71looT goods an tntiW albs Tad la slag Una at Oisiunit iistautiN • ant ittabriakid th•Oandbil n 0.% 4I• -Peak stroslto why or AP. AU abate% it th• Alms slue 11111 be t0=utv.440.4114.0".r.t, • 0.-aciiiiimpse vor .211001 I***4 , Dairth - Clarke & -Co. tad by J. C. nt, Fourth i Somali, U. S ma i. on Feb Nerolled. Belladr,l(Khd, 0. Not enrolled. za Mts. tta Pttttp. do I Loves boso. do Ist tir'd Pitts, do /aloe* boro, do • do do led rlttd, do Kan DM, Sad Versailles tp,s2d Brovrorrtl442lst Not enrolled. , . Pawn tp, =,l Ellsotopes tp, itht do - do =CM MEM • • have boon paid in • • of tha Fourth Bounty Fund: Goo Butbasn .. 10 John Itoorhanoler..._ 40 W Aableahlde 20 r nnekmon (add'al... 20 ID /*Behalf. do Dordlek do 10 W..... 40 John 40 Moo Arnold.--.... 60 W A Nay—.—.--- 40 C Royer (add'al) 20 Fred Behowet do 20 Chao 13 1 40 /1 11 20 D li Beatty 40 H Stephens= 40 11. P Watson---. 40 Ain't prentoully rep-SLUT 7.b W _.......... _..... U q trr. An Alarming Threat. THE LATEST nwa BY IDIGEORMIL OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON !pedal Dispatch to the Databases Casette. W•samaToz, rob. IS, ISM rum ooseciurifol sus As foreshadowed in thole dispatches some Wee ago the Senate Military Committee is ex ercised at the wane of the Homo, espeotally of the Hoare Military Committee on the con scription bill. They think their bantling wasn't treated with proper respeot, and that many of the amendments made, were without any object gave the simple one of making a change. The House Committee on the other hand Insinuate that thlAuste Committee don't write good . 11InglWaild that they only attempted to make the bill latalligible. In the meantime the Senate .committee re ported beck the bill with the House amend meats to-day, and recommended non-canon.- ranee. The Senate sustained ita committee ; so the bill comes bask to the Rouse u It originally passed the Senate, and will now, of warm hare to go into the hands of a confer- once committee.— In the primary meeting* bald on Saturday night in Baltimore to select delegates to the I National Convention end State Coastßational Convention, the friends of Winter Davis end uncondittional emancipation, carried merlin teen Wards out of twenty. The raccessful districts were headed ferv , itairediitte =anti. petion, no State comperogition and DO negro apprenticeship." Mr. BIWA! friend' carried but ten votes oat of one hundred. The de footed ticket was headed ' , Abraltrn Linms and Thomas Swann." It Is not true that the delegates elected gained their eleetion, there fore, as 'reported in some of the dlspateltey by representing themselves Lincoln men: Montgomery Blair sought, to force this issue. Winter Davi■ and Ms friend s irefused to com mit themselves thus prematurely, either to Mr. Lincoln or coy other man, and they carried seventeen out of the twenty wards. The vote on the resolution in the Reiss, to-day, declaring that slavery ought to be immediate ly abolished everywhere, Wu seventy-eight to sixty-two. PLIA or ILIDDOES7IO7OIIO N Winter Davis' plan of reconstruction, as embodied in his bill, is to appoint military Claremore in the States where military re sistanoe has ceased. The first step towards the restoration of the StalklCA* enrollment of all persons classed as loyal`and disloyal. If the disloyal amount to one-tenth of there en rolled, then the election of delegates to a Convention is to be had,at which all persons who have had any 016011 under the rebel gov ellonsmt, are not allowed torahs, eves If they offer to take the oath of allegiance. The Convention is to frame a Constitu— tion, In which slavery Is deolared abolished, and all debt' Incurred by the rebellion Ignored. All slaves, by this are emancipated, they antl ;, thair posterity, forever, and all persons who hold office under the Confederacy alter Itensesago, are declared no longer citizens of the United States. LomoT's Mil Lye —ars [Arun TO Tim zotraz Kr. .Lovejoy still continues sick, but his ruling passion is se strong as error, and he perpetrated one of his biggest jokes to-day. by writing the Rouse • letter on the whisky tax. lie hoped they wouldn't tar the stook on hand, and exhorted them, through eve foolteap pages, to back down from their former position, and concur with the Benito. One of his arguments wet, that if yea ahould get a pailful of milk frork t a e0c",.1 1 414 obould — ismatffrittaTi .to milk her again, sho,would be apt to klok the basket. Whisky epeonlators, he said, might sot In the name way, If we undertook to milk them tee often. SHZ GOLD Q 01137101 Th. Wars and Means Committee 'ought to-day to int:odor:4a measure, empowenlng Soo:rotary Chase to cell gold 'bummer and however he wishes, solely limiting lam by his responsibility for bating always on hand, enough to pay the interest oni.ho public debt. Objections were made, and the Committee failed to get It In, but will soon do It. As Seenotary Chase now has on handorn twenty millions in gold, It la manifest that this glees him the power to utterly smash the gold mar ket whenever ho ehoosss. As a cotunqminco, the people who are hoLllng gold at 59080, will do well to get out of It as loon as possi ble. SWAM riot s LOUT Inalloll. A Iqow York Captain, who hos Jmt 01,4P.d from oeninentent In Libby prison through the oonnivance of Union eititi* arrived hare to-day and was closeted . with Stanton all morning. He represents that the change of feeling In Richmond on the subleet of the war Le remarkable, and it cannot be concealed that all are sick of•ltornd the general dissat legato' gives an unwonted stimulus to the hitherto latent Union feeling. Before leav ing Richmond be wits furnished with a rebel uniform:4u d In thiildlsguise he patted through the fortileattordod deames, of the rob* capital. BILI, ITI ZEGIAID TO TI MM IX MI OONTITO The Committee on Ways and Means hare reported a bill designed to iiithorise the entry for consumption until the fret of Jane next, of geode bonded mons.than one year, and which aro required by the present law to be ex ported. The bill &leo (*meets an error of the tariff of last, so that registered rissole is tbasoastbsistradems, be placed upon theism* footing In regar4A the tonnage duty as en rolled vessels. RILL TO SZTOIL'Xii lOSTOUSI. Mr. Blow lntroduoed a bill to refund to the State of Missouri, on Timbers, five sallllon s one ihundred thousand dollars, advaneed to suppress rebellion and invasion. Referred to llommittste on VayrnxiMileans. Mr. Blew will be fully prepared to proteot the State In the premises, end to 'Mutant's% the just ness of the claim. • OILE. ADAM? IVIDAZON HAMMOND. One of the 'dunes against Bunion Hem mond la thet :Ago dlsottand a Lemon from servioe, gift:ices a town the ogee of Gen. Reim* to that *feet. Gen. Mlle* on his hmandnation before the court-martial fe-dey, denied era having given mob an order. can slain 07 AniaL. Mr. Shensi:Vl bin relating to Mumps pro. vides for the rightist smug from Um deetsteu of the Commissioner , of the Internal &mous to the Supreme Court, soda's/Est the ?animal of hie own decision) also, for stamping butnt moots objested to to courts, "dm in certain oases not legally stamped. lITSIITI6IIIOII. The subcommittee of the Senate Committee on the Distris 'of Calambla are enpged in Investigating. the affairs of the Washington Aqueduct, wbloh has cost the Government several millions of dollen. It vas under stood that the last appropriation was stablest to debts the work, and another mil for half a million more has t*Atrakened Inquiry. Tl= WEIVCINTLI BILL. WI&117 engrossed tits House to-day. No results Irak ,reathed L fiat U the protracted debate simony ladloatisa at an It to that th•Hottsa would intlit ea its origlnalrattdon at tofaildg tho Bidet cat bid, and ttnig pal a commlttioddf, costumes. soars vinenu Is ea "ea of Burr ajtablit Dams, sow atialaant bebus: aim lapis= &art - °Lai tlaited Statet, bayoklas . . patois eittil ankh, amain tea& or bat bedlab th• *at alnatiowitifittipveidusibus per, irsti4nev,- - - - .5 gins* aTuptiaty,lautermsatar. oz icYa : duly Agipantei and sigaz ito lr tufo ti idly* rollitarlier4ce 911" the baUfs veld, or dies. et wounds then received, the lama pension as is allowed twills reptescan• tival otis;*ssid Lientanant. r— lits. waltz* 247.. th. E4tara niatufactitioni Live szsiting here ila:l2/6t to protest against tsuuniug the taxagoit, tepm *talky oh wltlth_thip eaYLilia y= ;pings pienautitospoetdatort, wh# 6 l(frpitnitsed to makeup to the gorem taunt uiPaii - Utteof munufaUttuvra. wichturrox. ..:31ar Ifitmitiiaj Board b he session here, keoldar Into ilue - physical perdition at the stare of the Inrelld Ooria;. end lAA &boat aao-third of them At for settee duty, end will recommend that'they be ordend to the del& OFIVIOS or TIDI MOW COUNT Justice Wayne today &geared the opin ton of the Supremo Cote In alio of Varian.; dlgtuun, pettuonoe Ate a writ of cortiontri, to' the Judge Advocate general. nifdabeg to pant hie prayer. WI CONTRACSIte The Committee on the Conduit of the War have got into the to emanate for theartay the Cumberland tordanbut didn't make any Tor7 . lmportant dlecaverlee. - SAT? run IWO? ♦ID 1103PiTAL AT 01130. A bill was introduced lino *aflame to-day to locate a starryard osAohini depot and hos pital at Oairo. It appopriatdo,halt I adliloo of dollars for that purpose. 21711,0 Hulas The membets h amp bill for intab- Mtn * bars= of frealmaa'a asks, hoc* to bring It up to-morrow. FRO.) ff g.IRRISOVRa far mama laziesarSj 817.4•1 Dbpotob to tb• Pittsburgh Elassits. HAZITIMIG, Fob. 15, 1564. The SIIRSIA Castpindadjaurnod, without any lotion, until to-morrow. The Governor has returned tram Wishing ton and is actively ah , wak.• * Recruiting 's very actively goingon. Eight hundred rantrits • have been moolved hare within thcput wren days and sworn Coi. John B. Wynkoop bee already eighteen kin dred men forth" formation of a cavalry bri gade for Hancook's Corps, and many applies- Eon' come is dailt.fram mode' and from various parts of the State offering comps:dim We will have twenty-0e kindred men within fine days. Hamm—Mr. Bighorn presented a petition relative to haying the pay of road supervisor' to Allegheny county incensed from one dollar to one dollar end fifty cents. o fdr..Benton,s bill to attach Elk county to the Eastern District of the Supreme Court Also to the Supervisors of Jones township to con struct • bridge over the- Eutern branch of the Clarion river. Mr. Watson, • bill further supplementary to an sot providing for the payment of mill. tary claims of permute basing authority to re cruit on the prude* of being odious of oom ponies, but did not raise the number of roan required to become odious. Mr. Cochrane, of Erie, :sad • ofil. to establish • puungsr railroad in We city of Ed•. Also a bill compelling persons to strata relative to the =omit of assets they possess altar bankruptoy. The Weather here b delightful. On motion, the Hoare adjourned until to morrow. Ft= Cairo. Cilia, Bob. 15.--Gea. W. 8, Smith's cam airy expedition left Memphis on the 11th lost., to the direction of °oilier's - life. The en tire tine of the illeMptits and Charleston R. IL was evagnatod by our forges on ,the it*. it having been Mild rot the past six months, merely to aid Smith's cavalry expedition to got • good start. n ibermon outriders that ebalumdtair and _ oidoit ortbirremils Wen a course of w to us. Ile does mot favor tbe guardint Od-railreada s lotion th•T are of vital Irepanisma. The steamer Mill Boy sunk on the Ist Inst., eight stUes from Jeointouport, en %%Ito rim. She was laded With Government stores for troops at Batesville. Part of bar cargo mix saved. The beat was valued at fifteen thou sand dollars. She is a total lym. Owing to a large mooned of Government stores, for Little Book, being accumulatod at Darall's Blur, the railroad prohibits the transportation of private freight for th e pres ent. Gin. Coethough, formerly a Colonel on Gen. hiThonoleo otalT. now in the Mexican sm. vies, arrived here to-day, se bearer of db wakes from the JUAN! GAMITIMbIit ta West -10 I S t : the 13th, Capt. Madison, of the Id Ton i:mum beery artillery (colored), was shot through the shouldorcand severely woondod, by a citizen, a chart distance below Columba', 'Centr:icy. Six cilium to tha vicinity wore arrpsted and hold am hostages for the man who did the shooting'. About wen _handrod bales of cotton were shipped to Memphis on the 12th. The cotton market is dull and drooping; goad middling 'canoe. Gen Sherroan's Ileadqoartan are reported to have bees at Jackion on the 7th. Be was Once heard of at Bourbon. The stoma, Ludt reanklia, Iron M. phle,yassed here fee. Cladanatl to-day, with Dearly eight hundred bales of cotton. French Mortarle_ of the Wen Coast _ Of Prezleo—adviees from Bogota. NEW You, Hob. 16.—The steamer Ariel has arrived from Arpinwall pith 1433.000 In trusties. The French daphlp PEBat was et Panama, A French blockade of the west coast of Mexico Is now affective. The steamers al the Paoli° mall are excepted, beteg allowed to teach at Acapulco &rectal and porlslons, and to land and recolve malls, but not passen gers or carp. Advises from Bogota report that' traitcyll- Up is restored to the whohrrepublle. Other accounts, said to be rellableasport that the revolvtlonlsts to Antloptialum several thou sand men, and have routed the Government troops In an engagement. They were, how ever, defeated on tending the Date of Oactes, and were punned Ito Malaya". Destructive Dire. PRILIDWILL, A.detGneµre dre occurred thin afternoon at No. SS Second strum, ahoy, Chestnut, aztendlng to Straw hazy area. It commenced anddentally In the hemline oft utabllahment of Gimp W. Wootton, and extended to L. 0. ',Wooden% papa warehouse: Lou about 433,000, pas , tialiy inured in Philadelphia and the Royal Insurance dice ' London, but petnoipally_ in the Amu °Sloe of Rey HIM ! 001113. %AO only damage dons to adjoining buildings wail by water. From Fertreas Monroe. Sorrow Mum, lab. han To *steed a estop** nods: date of Mugu 14, from Geo. Wistar, whlokstates that, Gotrael Straight, wittello other Baton °Boers; Ward from the prism at Richmond, by digging a tune. Col. Straight, with siveatun others, have come to. Col. Straight le safe. . (Signed) Bur. I. Rostra, M.J. Geo. Com'dg. From Fort 'Oplth. FOll7 ham, Atax., Feb. 1¢....C01. PhMips, ounmandhoir the expedition in the Indian temitery, reports to 'General Thayer ghetto bu driven the enemy entirely Ma of that N• eon, and in several skirmishes killed nearly at:and rebels, and saptared one Captain and tweaty.dve mat. Genus, Curtis, leaves hen toluene,. From Nit New You, .Yeb. td.—Ai a =lkom Ninr rave to the27th of Janina, mans thin .oons gmu was not yet assembled, but the nines+ Mon of the aratoset with thee's:tint American TramitCompany is not doubted. The Com• paay has the euh then to pay for the riot. tree asked. France an 4 Mexico, WMIZTNSTON, flab. 16.--The rumen OP to an Intended protest by oaz streesusent *salad the French otespatteit of Nubs, Aro OM' Wetly eat well The polio, of the soyernmeat on We inttlset a ftalp ezplalsed le the lately published dlplemitte ourrepead. Bank Robbed. , . Duil'or, Feb— BOIL et South &Unto, vat broken lalrr e01:1 9 =24,7, storehkad robbed of 1008 hi UN; et _ to om imidoholikip,6oo la' boob, it Pirs. : • - ClattUrStlO iriittlaritWls.Clas AttieswitriAtabir* ." 111 PAR I NIVI I II • "" ylletagressicalald _ ff_naiiimmr.tir,l•b• 15.184- ' 6prirs. 2 —T6E4 * ll4todisafrftsd to hive tbis Haase amendminti o therEent bill. Before adjournintent, eitdotion of Mr. Wil ton the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the fienete bill far anielling and calling oat the national toms, with amendments of the House of Representatives. The Senate refined to made from Its proiisione by • de aided Yom, and the bill goes back to the Bonze. The Senate proesfeded to the consideration of the Deficiency bill. Mr. * fiendrieks offered an amendment in creasing the aalary of the Assistant Secretary of the interior to tee thousand dollars. After some unimportant amendments, the Howe bill was then reported &emended and agreed to. The Senate then adionrned. Horan.--11r. Stevens ' of 1 , a., from the Com mittee on Ways and Means reported a bill authorising toe appointment Of an A/intent Register of the Treascuy; also, a bill extend ing the time for the withdrawal of goods from. the imblie storm and warehouses. A. bill au reported from- the Special Com m/ninon the Pacific Railroad, granting pub- Ile lands to the People's Plaine Railroad - and Telegraph by Coley s Noreen:trout. Mr. Wallin", delegate! froinldsho, :intro dined a bill to establish a mint la that terri tory. • • ♦ll of the Above bills ware appreptistaly refernd. Many tesoludone of inquiry ware adopted, among them one reporting Um Committee on Judiciary to report as to the establishment of a new anodise department, to be called the Department of Bayonne. Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, offered a msolntion declaring that the Constitution .should be in amended as to abolish and prohibit slavery wherever It 'lists. Mr. Holman, of labia% moved to toy the zesohttion on the table. Haag:sod to—yeaa aye TU. 4(r. Arnold's resolottow was adopted—ayes 98. nays 62. The House then took op the Senate' amend ment to the Internal Bayonne bill. . . Mr. Steven, moved the 001101117111100 In the Senate's amendments, whieh he said Ina e bitter revenue measure than the bill as paned by the MAUL Fernando Wood replied, maintaining the Jostles of taxingnplrits on band. A debate; ensued involving the merits of the Benate'l amendments. The House adjourned without taking say question on the Senato's whisky szooadoients. The Chesapeake Piracy Case Katmai,—ln the Provincial Ad miralty Clonal here today, the 800. Judge Blenart gavials dual decision in the Chesa peake piracy case. ' The vessel and cargo are to be reetared to the original owners, on pay isent of all proper cost and charges. IfentAMltury.Commander tn - Kentucky Lounirtan, , --Chni:Burbridge re mud u succoator t Goa. Amman, u oom wander of the hatred Bute forces In Kau tacky. DIAIIKETB BY.TELBOBAPB New York Market. New You, fob. IL—Cotton buoyant; des of 110 0 bale. 'slam nada. Flour dna; We. WOO bbl. at M 11,4 1 for 81.t.,57,2467A5tr y. 0h10. Lan PA) or m ertagn. a ve t r i tgr o a i :les at ILLXg sprin6..n(l ft ,n6;1,60 for Bad. Corn Wet; :a . l i e; 24.000 bush $l,lB. Park Ira et 11=4001113,78. Ba ron Bun. Lard firm at 1381.1 g. mad) at tßia. Bug. Arm at I.4.jialgi °area quiet. Kotula, quiet. Naval atom heavy; 111 VISO WO of =OD bbl. rosin at $47. Petroleum drat: 'Oland in band at 474417.4. Trolled. quiet; dour 11)012e; wheat 404 o. St. Louts fr. Lows, rob. 13.--Couon—No ealsr; n= e. noel tW .;,0 01 two. Mal; $3.25 fur r.P•rihm lows; ®l, Drs prime to choke. Cora Omar . ate ns at 1103(4.9atc. Item pork &- Dyad at points on the Mtrulls - river et 119. M.. tmerflll,9o6l4.oe. Prime mem pork 11114119. Char 111 Os 111,71. Shoulders ¢2,4000,70. Plain hats at .od. BALTIZOII, lab. lb.—Flour due. Bsl wham ths and advanced ato 4..; whits dull. Corn act! white end follow $1,1101.1a. Whisky doll and to trial at Pao. Colfax drat at 34.343 i for Ho. Philadelphia Cattle Market. PattanaLrata, Feb. Lb.-GUla Ittarkst---The of briage of beef cattle an about the saw; rowebing 127 k bead thia weak. no demand am good and tbe pekoe fatly anatans.4l and dm. the gales ranging from Pb na Nomura to gcaa mamma* quality, lanbading fair extra eattla at 1431054 tbet,loopottadt, Oa market closing a rm. Cows Tba rem lan readled stoat 1,0 ba1d...4 Prima ranged at $3O to tip tallt , for springer.. gad 225 to VS for even and ealwa H Mbar flren*r, and VAC bead. end aad • • enortly.ot OLna".l2oo6 , hasd at 1143110 the -101remoda net. Sharp artim also &mar, and 0000 Wars dl.yo*d of at 7.3134 pa gonad imam. New. York Stock-sad titoney'rnu-kct. Fow Teal. Feb: la.--Stoeks attic: 1 C. & B. L.:-...... ....121 iCiamiand & ToLido.,l4o‘ Combaland air...-. ada ILicttlgan Onnsal-'.4.% - 111. Cornball lerip---.1 I Harlem, -100M' Illehlgan &tabors- S 4 C. a - Now Tork - OsatraL..l Terra Heat & Alton-Id% Beading .- -.-..121 IP„ Ft. W. & (L....-. 90 Rodeo 1t1,...-........1 10. a. N. W............_. al °not. Co------- 41 p01d.....- .................0 1040,,010. --... as f riv•-mnii.10........._ „, Erie U. 11___..-.1.11334 , 0. year mettleatat. 999X Gam& 0011tempa..-.llril New York Sant Statement. Nina You, Feb. 16.—Ttta folloarlal Is Oa Bank gram:gent M the yolk ending ?Amory 16 • Loam, I,,,,ftaa, 61,013,463 ; Carcalatlon, 1aura0a:116.1,463: Spet.. &masa, 6346,233; Depoalts, $6.97.7. 674. MARRIED: DLAOI—HAWDON--Os L.E.y ...nine, Yob. rway nth at tbs With Prebbyboriab Omen, by Ow Day. W. Wilmot, D. D., Dr JOIN DUCE, Jr, saII IDE MIME 11. IIAWD3W, all a cht. city. WATSON—On Sunday iftenuran, Fob. 14th, 11344, JOSEPH HOLTZ° WATSON, In the wrath you et ego. The *metal will take place from the nethleoce of kb !Mbar, Matt W. Waimea. 313 PPM anat., oe Ti..... MOM.% IA tq etbatk. 500 VOLUMES LAW MISCEL LANZOOS 80013 AT ATOTION.—On TiItrIMIDLT ZVENIHO. AT ICASOBW lIALL AVOTIOB BOMB. No. 118 BaltbaeLd stroq, by mbar of Adadotatystor. vahusos Low and iLboollissooes Boob. Can be seat oil Monday oftscaom fole - T. A. iI'CIiZZLAND, Ann'r HENRY G. HALE & CO., Aso now nothing User Fall and Winter Stook. And tovlto Mar Mot& and nu pobUo to summa Mott do*, 'bid 6 ttak Ono* sod moot ototolsno moor Intraitat to tido roarkst. Abaft on Una, • tom suarttodat GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINO GOOD/. op= a or rum asp er, man mars. Parriaused, PA. sod UNION BRAES WORK& NA 31111PIRLD • IFITZIIINERIONI. Drags Vocindora 11:11111MID MUSS WORE to/abbot at tho don. .4 =the.. A sourer artklo of BAIIII1T1) PACK. bISTAL, or Btosa Cylloorrs. No. 13 IMO -0141:4 cm Short I • PlOaboret; Po. Ja12.51, • POLL UffenidtAeolatile rendered Leaf Lard; 13 kande do S. do I Int bp de do • 600 D Km gaga Oared BUM;• do; 16 0 0 do 101 l Col do flicrolda• ; 1202 do do Indite; Balk Boom, Sbooblioo sod Bide; Omer Oared Same pleklo SCO barrel, ottra rotary kilo Pork ; WO do prime • • W. Invite Ms attorittin of doekr; to oar stock of Lord, Boo" Balk Moats, thaartlorod Boot, Boots, Pet= and Nees Pork, of oar own sorbs, weak Ire ea' neest to oe far rubs,trade oath throubtmt rho 'anon, at barter • ifeDONALD .4101IICILLY11, Wholesale Grocers and Pork Packers kh Bro. 242 and 2b4 Liberty Sirs:4. - - 5it0M1L1m5 „ ......113311.211r.........1. Ir. MIMEO. LA. BELLE STEEL WOBICE-• REITER 4( 00.1 . , Ifisocookos to ROW. Ihrtman 411: 133.. tosnafacturtiro of OUT MM. IMMO PLOW AND SMILE rrnr, 'manias, OXUS, - ftOWBABS, T Lo. Wort:4l7UL W Allttbery City. P. O. Address. PITTIOIOSOII Jolt(' • tr MULLS • - respectfully germ, the direr of Plifsburaii, Rat be bee tem morbid We ems ler the ed. of ISTINI • BOX'a OItIOINAZ U=NT AliTl , ooltEofra Ibey an remanded thrWp6t bosun tribed% men whir an aurt iCe, I arra& ; Emma . . a Co.. . _hos Cen Tzet f ot t rii. warm • oe., XI MU, NUM Meant 100 boss Gotha Obwor,,, t wir e row. fikg . Ir4i it° Ulf irc Sllsekrii; • L 5 do do 11 .dok 1111 do 4? is: • S V" . .." l " *. :itii.'4ll.ll7lTtati. • X 10." bozos bozos KT. Chem l ji1 t ;444 1 1.-11 1.111. 'stab ky fIVEg 1 ELLIGERQSt, Traalker-Brogrontain .InBOM latiabLLS. ; .1113=1, Cfnelanst:. I Emma Gratup. 42.turrips Mann, Jut. Sees, ).11.,....tb Gallatin. IT MI6. I The Mai mewled about two Inches se thienedat yesterday, and tut arming the pler mute indleatad file* feet de* teem, and apparently at • stand. The weather muttow elondy and invented, with fn• dleattona of rate. The AnAnteny river is entlrel y dear ad ice. Itagnats Irma not eery briak at the wharf yester day, being retarded somewhat bytho ocarcity of ton t:aim. Th. river haa bscomr in low, that boats tau not take mom than halls trip, and the result is that • movement Lem foot to advance tiro rate. Of freight. Taking everything into consideration, •e do not think that &Intensean reatinahly obJoct to • slight advance. The only transient arrival •wa have to notke, to lb. Mend from Cleehmati, while aside from the regular packet., there was not • 'tined deputurs. The illserathre from Cincinnati,' tine the An:lents from EL Leads, are the east lamb hue. Wel:heard the. the Alleaheay "river packet. were racialists. freight yeeterday=prinetpaßy trarrels malcipation of • rise to that stream. The ml. lowing named boat. are nom mound at the • Alla- Ehsny wharf Bala, Beho, TO. Bees, Lertaire, Advanu and Cottage No •A The Benton, Capt. Bea, has almost oompleted her mrEe, and will maeettnently he ready to &are ter EL . Lotus today. TI,. J. Bleb+, formerly of the Ottirern and liartester, ta. charge of the °Elm. The pereetnal and popular Mama 'Graham, II the regular Eanerville packet for to-day, leaving at 4 P. m- The Gol4 In, dropped down W th. taut of Llber Planet yortardat and rocomaneed indica fur Nub erns with railroad The St. Lode reline or Saturday says : The V. .tear, which eras i.. 4 it.ueid o short time ego by the any, Is oadamotag repair, at Cairo, sad it la dated, Will be end as • dtemtwb boat ter the test lo the upper riven. She it Jost the boa: for that kind of torrid. She Tolantana mu built at Ws Fart, by Captain Leant Vandorgrift, and tram eanatanded by hire mi lli the time of her capture. It tenant that eh* mat taken ma e prise by a grtnbratt, (or carrying a mall quonUty of cotton. Pamogentand ahipperr should bear In Wad ttut tW napedana and refit-!Horn Lotlpea. Capt. Wise, tura for Clnetn• ati and Lotdrrilia this evening, sracesaz ArLPTICEII. iIZF• OHS OF HIIIINEWELL'EI glgg&T UNNEW 6 L ITNITERSaL COIIGH ItZIIEDY.—Sha boy of this 414 wonderful preparation, no. crouch adabritg, is • freedom from eery oomponont.oal ordattd to dabilltata, and by oath to *llO. the greatest Mud= of ara, day or night,.. the only tom theory by ablob Throat and Lang Goa:plants can be affoonally can& To prevent salad attadlon to long .toxins of great cans, when kcal rams. make almost .0 mob eom• plaints different In effect, I could .ak confidence, cbleb will b. sacred, bnColds, Gogh., HAUSOO.IIS. Ben Throat, Snmchlal and Astiunallo Complaint., Wborming Congh, and itrall Throat sad Lung Con plants, whieb, when neglected, end In Oonsamption. Testlatoniala from Pny Winne of the higinat respect., ability. and from invaida, can be seen .t toy office by all intended. Tor tale by all Wholesale and }dell Dealer,: JOUR b. HONIiIarZLL. Prnprietar, Practical Clumbt, &atm, Mani. feldlat— ir ...) ,-."PEIVATE DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Speoido the only rellebte mood: Its Ceoesee of the °mute geoarailoo. It IN the &molar, or ail eiskitulat Phystetat whose Mb was devotod to the treatment of Mb dm at dissses e end with unprecedented ems, ke foot, than tverity itt.ra. It Is paloctioo !belt. nicpgring no Ildectious, gad clur.rtog eatiroky Irmo Ow mtraksz make end Ibe eguroaroun warts Low coorpottada camel to the peNte. IC tor tut*, tvg•tabbk sztel porft,tty waif. Tt Irk. • du= awl Import, ammagth and view in Übe doomed CLian..—Tho gnat- sacce.of tbla tsassdy bating grefriu - a•ut . czni;• hast,l 16):; eT itevlnapled man. Oiss.rny dwelt:m.l,4/W es "lowan. ot oopriebo Igen:lod taclt @dna Ye pasta. Prapared oetly WI. P. DAVIDSoN, 8010 Plosloar, OLoa l susol, 0 &Mb, int/ 0.4/0.0.. hits, per bo. tITTn sob at wbolosolo b 7 OCO. U. EITBEB, 140 Wood Ergot. .003,17dar11 SUPERIOR COMB KILL 1 151111LIIIT80 WaltIES. Prrnovalm. PARR, MCCURDir & CO., Slaustsctoncs of SREATEING, DRAZIIIIS' AND DOLS COPPLR, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM, RAISED VITAL BOTTOMS, APALTER BOLDER.' Alm, imp: Rim And /calm Is ICE:ALS, TIN PLATE, SUITS ISON, WIRE, Itc. Co:Waxily co band. TIINZEr NACRTNES AND TOOTS Warshotme, 80.140 MST b . 17..85C08D PM, Pittsburgh. P. BD••W avian of Coon out to Rai dattnd rd. tun. groguruwT 0 0 1.10 COEl'BBBlOlB LED EX MIUSISICE 07 A 12tVALLED, publlotaid Dr the Molt sod to •loarntaiiad caution to 7 0 zttt ooto 'who =Mr tom Mims .Dtbillty, Prestatoto Neu Niszbad, ota.oupplyiag, as tbo same thotk, At mom qj .41 a.. By ono - TM boa eand tauten Idler Wing pat to groat toms aad 10in 2 7 tbty tik otodlotl humbug and truoitorp. By ambadas poesvald addreeard onvelibe,sluirle andeet eaq be had of t anther. mill. • Bettbri. Magi coembrOff. Y. Drlo NERVOTIO SOME/3EBOP DO= /3111..13„ . .,.& rewind geitlatmilue. tos been restored to Istelth is a-6. dam afte;Tnit• dentdag arch. =al iontla6 Ltd inmates 'soon etra Innis 0/ Destine:a. althea,. mane. canaldess tt WI sacred dal, tannetntnalinsi• to kW at itttod tertaer maim, tb• weans al ilne. Heaq . no thf iscelpt an addzetsed eneeiole. b• .111 =Aim. • copy * 0 the proatiptko used.; Dinar to Dr. JOBS B. DAGIIeLL, 116 lilkitt unto; A. Y. allt11:1 attn. . A. C r. . . tto--W. NWT 110111110 a; icrROBLEIBON, & GO., (IMO amen to Surma, Kurz & Unix.l4) SOB WOILICII. foment• 11Acirutoris, Mann* ELsaatanarare . d BOAS AND III&EIONER1 MILLE' ENOTSES, BLAST MENU, MILL EIACHINIRY, GEARING, lELAFTINO, CAST! 003, 4 . 11 tinxiPthm. 1 OIL TARSI A KILL% BOILS! AND RR= IRON wOnx. Apati Ibr GAINED' PATENT INJZOTOD, 10111271:DING SOILKCIS. OM 000::.:it BRO.; Man whestirm mos zintso, ODD VAULTS AHD TRULY LOOB2l, WINDOW 6a1773 TZII3, WllrDowzaussas r eo., Boi.IIIICOODD, imodso TIMID MUT. tat. Wood sztdWortol.. Novo nu hood hoodoo, of rum Patterns, Amoy aced; Oath, aNablo 01l ptosooo. Pontoolr'stolottoo paid Ors•Oci. Jobbblo do* At abort notice. _ 11 'TO ONO t - • • 11. A. lallattra moat" far tbo oar, al oonstrxrnov,Astax‘enoxiaurris;, .001•1:15 00IIG8IP and all Throat sad - Mtn Attacttann,A • pain wttb a vasollat ihtig prametiptlaa • abort Uttar, oir atkomea, as b. obtained of J 09.1211 1L1311210, Cinaarilastat atAiii and ths Dimes& 4a2Altaaday/- 'L 0. ,-- ;L , n i n z t pire ) , . 0) I-. 0 ,0 )).1 0 I tft. l . 1 • • I .1 .. . • ARIL NOII3 AND ISPZCIb, , No. a YAM= OrCollootlone made on ili tki? pelact4 AWN" _y, boat en, unite/ titatli.... , , - . 4es ' :Y op A ti; th, • cutritz nro•Akip °cameo= matc,..,s 'aft/. dealer in :mum sirrritt. Ste" tia. No 4 ON& esostally, ORN-15 -WOOD111". 818 l NA 0 AL :A X; FITTIMOU:—/Lailea far Malt .1:11. rectorrat tklr Soak WU is tall-an lintriataX. 11th of Meek ,111%, tha M a as aOa Dim eathipr raalltrllaa. Daman the hang of 9 matilit *Week a. ak. • . NOSES! 0. Anumorrs. VETVIIIPnAND -FRP 43"' SEr 6 " Vag ttif ni t - WOE !s g "." . Pal QUOTe:63olikm.itfisorteritVllMS: surAltacodellif,to ssenfisats* Web,: ; iv: it, - trizemster., _ -, , a1t.1t..1011,111111111110 4 ±' -10. nvensitak.- . - _::lrmaradkussmous. rICVLOICE'It: ”• riiisTeCir;ii% ROOMS. =on Jana AND NABS= STIOIitTD, Si cud ad 11101101 1 / 4 averli-klardson's Jrvelry Slam) Pa. P.UOTCNI.HI3, 01 .serf tfoi 'ilia ups, plan or - ftarsd, two tlo Purdurearto do Vbtio to Cabby* sod Me du. PIIIIVIASCE wouldaprly cull es as trutko Of the AGED AHD tO ilidadwy ue. atettetty of thb eetabliAmml; las =abed b 7 • id• start eget or Idafis. Wass. raodarati. mad Into rowen t Ewd. , wryskaiwwwTh - • REJUVENATOR. 11`0/1. .r.utr. *LAIR- Th. mandolin' ate., of thla .rttkL la restarize . I IL& to ib behind color, IT voancu g H►h •Oer 11 ma altagettrat 1101. a ad, or deoom tarn, la nary day becoming mom roardfsd, add adablla.b., be- yoiad derebt, the theta— asorrair ortorioroisioro Grua H. lo i mistral color. seal tt mole it gram as Bolt &ob. Mega Wit mare dr No at Satreasoo. 21st lime moor*. air Larilrar, and Do . • Tint Mail oak do Ea* Bort add Vitagry. shat it WE promo o»dytail Cbtoib °HAW • not it WI posttr Hairfnan Naga it WE arreall Diodares_cp• tio Snap. It is not a Dpo; contains no Nitrato Our, or say other bpar&ent tripirione to eit he r Skin or Hats. • Petra, ONE DOLLAR. SIMON JOHNSTON, Chmstal s tat s O. • . of SallatloWand , Potorth Sts., Pu nottotiaousolr . ;NOTICE.- sill. are (twinned ...111 nabs! einplettng, In. any form, the Ands mean which ham Lean med-Alming the paat..thrm ream to . dalamate the single; daunt. and .trobie etreneh of D1V11111343X11 CIIISCISZT3. the tr stem brands aces , • . ' &lel XL Flint Olmm,. Pm. Oval X flint Glom; ,• XX .•• . ' - u " XX .. .` ~. XXX " :"- " " • rXX " " Oi4oyallinl Cracker*. OrPat.Oval Nut Chucked. "those - who intringe on .3, of ' them Lands will he proceeded agefeet am- rdlng to the ler reauletlos trade mark... . 5..D..D/THRIIXIX. ... root Ilia Glaer Werke; Jan. 1.1957: Jet,:m S PORTSMD. S iIEADQUARTEIiti, ' . . ....- us wool) sTazzi. .IA.Itn3IH sOVvN • BOW; Ia• atgatlanof Bpertseneit and others to ills plsadld sti ILLYLWIIEVOLTYP,3,. PISTOLS, GAME BAGS, POWDZIL TLASKS,3IIOT WILTS Aud POUCHE S, DSAki muss, and al, entalition of oftestlnd. yle,litock lazgese over. becrtgla to this marks,: • • celll. LIQUID STOVE POLISH. Mumma vity It a earls Una an rotas • • • Mrsst cotxmL — It has non sumll or S. It prodams no din or u Mut. 4. It stands ths mat Mums twat, 6. It pressmos tram rum S. It Is thsatast scvnomtcal Polhnh. Y. It Is cot tmentorath ths labor. TO yds by !MUM' .IoElligtoll. Cartier Fourth ui CONSIGNMENTS. ra b. rel. Green Applo ; I.s.daraDp• 4/4; 30 togs Apple , Botta.; puma Noll Nona ; 10 do ;ant dvghstra 3,117;;;; lead)Chord..; • . 10 do Email WM-Ea Beans; SS Ts both. Rls' Ll ; " " btl, p bah. Pop Corn , Jootreoolved and tPr We at NO. 123 Beano struts ;PRANK VAN 'GORDEN EYES AND-BAK . • witeolar attention to the treatment of P.S.tONIO DISEASES, thoRTE and RAR , ,'"operatea ea, CATARACT, SQCTNT EYES, Mr LtrrincnAL PUPIL, Ineerta ARMS/UAL ETER mate all INFLAMMATORY Jil - A4i also MARC imunsa, and all &wales affeettnii: E.v .ode Loading to. Deattra„ Ma, Ind I/77TH tFTRZiT., FUR THE FALL, 0F,1144. tAerA , APPLY Tit Va. Estra 1:144-9, 9,4 and_flymis 414-14414.1.144 4:11tb• 414 leading 1 4+ 1,4 4 34 , 404 argl • ALI: wry largo clock of LAB, (standazd 4441 dwarf, 011EILICY; MGT. PLUM, YITIIOBXXN, 13144.0 4,.514 011.54314.,TAL trrng 8.04m.4. G 31.4119 SWUMB, 041=111101P.1t 414419194 dam.: irbilask• azti:•44,11.4t. veryna. ioasble• ,JOLLIS DWILDOCH.Jr... • nts,borT • 1 3 11441474 444044444 Narmaries. 300.RBLS. STAR OP THE W&T Utt -FLOOlt; tO -do , C l ti L Lard ; ' 30 bor. do Gormart e do .. rp; 10 do Monk! A . • Otleraot Dart? fittrils.4; 30doar Borlrrta; • • .93 do Woebboradi, • • 10 do No. 1 Toba; ' Tor arla by LLS/33.6.11 9.T.E1413.11D, . 181 Liberty turot. VIP.BItIOVAL.—HENRY HIGBY has nonoesst his Block of CUTN/l'and 4:11123F.5.' WAS= to hi WOOD -11tHAET,adiaintos. W. Bates/. tn., whets he will sumi to show Ids onatomers • complete assortimahe t O of all ankles in hi. Una, wind to the manta of Wu Mos, restarmta, botfls, sistamboats, and 0117 and wants, dealer. CRTIDE OIL TANKS of all sizes; AOSTATOILc CONDX.NdIiO TASKS and TOWN of all !lads, fccr Eaatassas noir. maned and rims pas AO work warraniad.. at tha _llssmatar on MaSSIOX AVSNIII,s4 MOW. =slag, DM phas o ll . Ha 1. ddles: BOX 64 411 04.3.Pf a t a 00 poßmaros.AL, onmoderato torms for caab a Ana lot of aacaad-nand.2,3,6sld 6 YLUID AND TUBULAR 'WILLIS, at &Serena 'Luz; ober' Amaral aannad-lind ICSOIntS, of dDLlnni WROUGHT. LEON MASTS, tar WTI and a fido• wind baata, DOOTOBIL Alan;. Saw and RD= JIM BUMS= and MMUS BOISTILBS:. - • • • Addrale TUDS. ELL! . ft; . Ibladaad .• - Cake, liihnna. • ; 8700 WILL PUBLIELME cattveni on DWELLING HOME tnetarpnii' 51 rii - O-STORX BRICE HOUSE In, Ina 1,600 Al Ll= • ens imperty m wyn. inset. 5 ' - , ULU Apntud Broker, A 0.107 Fourth anat. neirpniddield. II GA.ll.k•=-20 htidn. prime .N. Q btxpjar Wood do• SO BO vie ;h do - SO bbla. croohod 60 do A .. flaSSo' SS do do In MOO ood tor'slo dol4 . Stitspentick a sizo. NOTICE... 'TO IRON.. AND NAIL DIILLEn.--lir isock.on band,..candning er '4-beat OLIO titukdred ind WV tans good bar Isoth a:d ust:4 "nal ..crud, 2.(>00 kcir... 01 % 6 e1..4 1 P11 to Littaanlng ZoWoi r. ill lb, wal. Do sold to lots, as arm mmtatAr ter=k to cos. oat - • ifiALLB , Dtetar a XI. - nUNCALN; • dfritt. Oilatt am. Irtuon .ad _filet Bab on arse, totyartarrt town In ijerrnanny.Trann., awiti.und itatroft , gabs to nom tit wit par awn., try . WY. Lt. WILLIAM& e OM; atastraro scram, cgreer Onto WALL • PAYER _AND - WINDOW BNADIS, of which I Wow opera Unto no* en not -ccoollefl m , oceltywr, ozouitl4 lo the ray, to dowswro sad loloopwro at the 10weit rirife. MN sad lows at No. 107 PlaNuN strolkw- , ar fire, est JOS. IL NIIIIIPeO. S.: Fresh. ftmade bY "fitra7i COL-LIIOI. BLit X .T Yrimo lota Auld catgivub , bang ,4d fbr rale 4 • •• • jathto, Mt: SZ3 Lthorty strait; Pitted:lo; LEATHER BELTINGT,_ nisi), Gum Belting. Psalms, WAN UtaUltaa,-loace Joether me Binds; a laity etpckalarariba hula at tb• illa Itabbar Dort of = - J. 4 a:rintraPs, , , • 4117 azdZSOVelatratrapt. tiILNNA.N HADDIKe..—JuIt reeeiv" J.!. from • IreW Terk., i w aT Ooirtiret MU doer s breakfast or _kat - 011a% roe meshy tha Pmtd It 7 ficusaitiv, I'4 Owner Libortr sn4 Hand stmeta.-- 500 .BBLS: - CHOICE' . Y YORK riTATD. atlas= wriergn PYLitS: • • 61:0 bbb. PCYTILTOrb,pf Proch rsiz+ - 41 WO • lln Wromil: , AMA, Mime& f•AILLEOX - 86:1LAINES,=-Thit iLlybrat t b Importedjart reo.ilsd Jet Ulf bcixes . abtf ? .t.. 40 by 41)1121 BEICSILIV, boner betty IWO abattltreefs. .6)11 TONS SHORTS,. 16 •TONei . WS. fatTPSll7l . lr,..l TORII 3 1.D7/LINGs In non and br mu by ":" . "1601E. d rtaczz,. D' r Y=SE: triato SAWA, Sad fei Yt. a , • KiltriCa ZATiCr: COLD' ' tE, to be • VV act at wry lottrica 1f131814 On . MAIL. gpole _ • j * 0 I 1 4ROBST. mn , m aSSO t. allitiNT OF . 'i'llllrBc'evAL—T " jurt r y stmt.. All D U 1 _bblajock.. 1 Wintez- now maltiterstuistea,m.A.s.k owl/ . on,matroigiailaw -lasi ' Y . IL itoora'a •, araa., MOST ,131,114i1ANT GOOT — ii 9llll X.Ol#,EiT Most Durable' slut I'B3llloneldo . . : 1300T8:4 - ,SHOES, xpriui arry,D CONCERT HAIL 8110 E Stet No. 62 Fifth Street. 4is • carEA - Pi ciakkPi Aztszi cazAti . :, ' ,assert CHEAP cos 7 - 6fiCAP 1 • CEUILP I SHOES? licelelland's.Auctton, 65 PI IrTIL.STIIILIIT, Sl7 A T OM , ?Rita:S.-14'43,01w* on hand Ja. lugs and Cord[ t4O stock • • BOOTS 1030, Ocaddiag of .rhove, o 1 Chmtl.mni*tedTee Chbd..u . • CONGRII,S 4.* I ring , • • 041:1101C‘LN; 1117170$ sad ILC4 Gell nit; i 0; - IeLT - 10 otX OVEN:SII"Y- ...Ill.,Polbas . h. old prim Com al3o a.1411.0, , Y. oar Cu.. Jos: Borland, OS MABEL? Br .14 dobillanirfli Ivrea& SttnE IIOX!3 ItT lola. YINE GOODmi __ MrE!!:1 LADIZT GLQPIII EID,B&L.IIOBAL BOOTS; Do do do CONuILESS do; Do NOHOW, *Goff • LH% do; °lairs THEME BOLE GRATE & Cala' do Do TWO do •ciaLs• d 0; !al of tho tat mama work and, inaffaiod to Elf* o&Urosatlifacticm. GEO:AIRIME, SON lt No:41; ear. of Wean and rmarth m. GEO. 'ALBIIEE, SON s CO. Whole. sal* and &NO Dealers Is 80028, bUODB,I<... carer Wool and Fount. damns. iqnsbarak. CHARLES I. CALDWEI4 Oftweporw Jimealfolaus is f.*.) , P ORI ' I ! . .# ' Doak: InBACON. L.1.RD:E710.6.32 . 01311..r FUME, - =OVAL) BUN, te., 00}INIM mama . ? Mai ratsr:ingrers. PA. .0.13.0CE.11.1ES . N . -11.3.50 b y 1140 Cage§ LT IQ as. N. G. et , 173 bblt. Ramat do; • • 230 do N. v. nob!~ ir I.M doSyrup,: 140 clods I. IL, P and I.3spor/al 'Taos; SO do INILek Tau; .. , • • - 110'bItes - Dark Five* aildSy:tia No4.lobaceol - 40 - do ' — fialoaral tat do; YS kegs Thglolo iStolit• ; " 'Co; 300 bbl.. No. 1 Nitro halt • 11, aeon and for site by Mall AL/110.4N. IaLE& S pdt. cuaii : IS boas do Ball;,. • ,gy --118=52-tlOO do ai.ha, ina MO ViodemEamorne SOO 'do IN;IBb loam, . 8021.12iY-20 XOO4O oats Peat; • k •'• balf Lai •• - APP7.I3-100 bele. dale! GOMM; In wan ad Ilke ado by J. 11. 4:II33TILLML EW . CaIsTBIGNICENTS now it' ooze 6 bb.1.1. prima Coll Butter; ' 4 ban Print do; SO bads. Coavoiseol; 2 car Wadi Potato.; - 60 bbio. diode. Appko • -' 46 ,do Motown Crosboortoo;:....-^ 106 do Hlo6o 7 Nato: tea • - L. 13. - VOICT di CO. JOSEPH f3NOWD ..Nomulaty' PUBlalci r : °Moat asararT lhaftbleld, DedVDepotiti di=.. Au.," 1,..44 , ' t sh at *lgnaionat, Lamm saa Upgal P,ara imsgitid TWENTY PEts CENT.B VEI.IIII . naeug I , w notwesims, erateriivet. -AURA M PiJKLL, J.Slannfactukir LP BOOTS AIM BROM; enirr thleaVsloy Re. WEE PEAAALES:Aan - 250 dosioirridiltoomoos, 2CO m - do"Yeahoy " gosi . roodood loot kir Ws ' 1.15 Iswoou Loa 1,4.43 amod. 01L--LUISEIIUAI (.4UIL 60 Obit. pitonno, i :UP= anittretridll VW do Pack Urea 1.4.14:x41nd Tor Ws JALMAMMA a 00,11, 020 ' sod Watiiwook. " sa:ip :Dr; tip.l4,liro • LP' duos cola and prcuat' re, ourentho • per of y4TTE-PEPOP BOWS. Go sad pa• paws: . &ill O==MMM UN.L. k - / 011,t0.1 ta,14.11 lik - Lt lt 4l" WALL PAPSIII WILL/M. to.; to beieeld 'Wore inprinjrat ULt. PltieLs. . /4A P *ATOM A 1.L.117.W00i ar•Zt 200BBus tieFr FLA* R 9 BUD" . BeB r u. .n 5 swished ant tweak, by , Le . 4 , 1 , LT. .8111 _ OELEMET-. Ou Poxes prune .tinctiitig thines Au% recemil tor • LIT2LE a TIC awl/ 1.4-exceitisowl.s?. 15 0113.ITIrivl',1111.Z11;" D 8 • • rnX a M •T. r 93 /OUU4 . ..riff Arra. .tier.riEW4arillf anklq, m .Wa and arrrilrf, fqr sell by bta . NOY it INcHILB. stl.Lawny nibt. CAM Ontutra. , rAL NC=Ar tupiripr N.J , :14! e! .1111nd Paltg i da t 2 r * r o,, 3 l =N . 411 id L 1:UAW...86-61Am Nix qiit ),. ior ago A, at AN, VA MINIM nmw. a 's 1.1/ILBL.NO IRONS last • raddlreff tbrsale *391 iJAIII:3 1131911. 13s Wood'saVs3 IVALL' I"„APER4T,OLD T T Gutted Nicent ht 02 /5 6 / Cheep Poet% ar.....113 j s mum.: For mu. tv • 4 mom VEIN BACON 8DE3;131101LI1:DERS 01-1 SUZY b. O. far we • - - - - lint and Xarketitcsotaw, M M M" rrNi. 44.4.11711g2. WRLN IRSA.ArietbeirappAr ot that seast4* - airobleMsieger,tut and tor * sob [4 Ja.e. 24. AgiatillOr 11,10.1 ft riOCOA.ND7ii 000 SH, _ C... 1 Nut. markt WI dor JAM AM Lid aid 152 =NM • CIRUDB%" 6+I6 ‘a - 11214 . WERUIVE.-400 - bble. lasoribliggyag tir uPl "anticattlntittiLt GuLL. O - 11,11) OLDTIIngO _ kb i d ashr i gas basdandl44,ornamelakil • aets se:char
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers