Pttigntrfrgizettit , THURSDAY HORNING• FE8.11.1861 C 1 i 4ND SUBURBAN. From Inaterdav'n Evening Gazette liatroatia In Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Nora Amen... says .tWidlithe spring, which is now fast approach• tag, several railroads In ourtate will be core. ra plated and put in opotii . Of these the most important in all res eta will be the Philadelphia and .ErieLltailread, affording the long sought connection between Lake Erie and the Delaware. The prospects of this road will be neon at a glance to be brilliant. In addition col the immense oil trade of the Ve nting° region, for which it will afford a direct route t o phil e delpida, much shorter than any other to tidewater, a number of valuable coal mites have been opened in anticipation of the completion of the work, and will send their tributes to Philadelphia and Erie. "In the oil region ..nil the country West of it a number of branches of the Atlantic and great Western road are in progress, whic h promise great results for some hitherto very mach isolated counties. The immense value of the oil trade will soon cause the whole re _gionso be traversed by railroads in every di• erection. The Atlantic and Groat Western Railroad has proved very profitable, and as it is becoming the main line westward of the New York and Erie road, it is of unueual value to Meadville and other towns along its route. Crawford county has increased very largely In population through the influence of this road and of the oil trade. "The Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad, which will be finished and. in running order about the same time with the Philadelphia and Erie, lea work of much consequence to the whole western tier of counties. It will traverse a region rich in mineral and agricultural re sources, and add materially to the trade of both Pittsburgh and Erie,while it must enhance the prosperity of the country concerned. It will afford many advantages to both Pith burgh and Erie, in view of which it is surpris ing that the line was not built long since. The Reading and Columbia Railroad will also be completed this spring. It will afford an manned trade and travel to a rich and popolons region in the counties of Herbs and Lancaster, not previously accommodated. This link will extend to the Susquehanna Me ' er the chain of railways formed by the New Jersey Central, Lehigh Valley, Eist Penns) i- Tanta, and Ending and Columbia lines. ...A number of branches of the Pennsylvania road in various parts of the State are in pro gress, and in earl.s stages of advanoemeut, but we have not the iefortnation requisite for a statement respecting them. We presume, also, that with the completion of the Erie soma of the branches projected in connection with that work will be pushed forward, as by means of these too trade of the main line itself will be largely increased, and the whole of northern Peensylvania Le rendered tributeey to it. At the present session of the State Legis lature a number of new pr. jects have mane to - light, some of which seem quite premising '• After alluding to the gradeal development of the railway system in our State, the editor unnelUdefil ante : "No one need he under any 'ear of over• doing the matter. The State hot never yet been adequately supplied with railways. Her awn growth has always kept ahead of that of her r dicey system, and tnere it not n road now projected which would net be a profitable itivestnnent if eon:Tic:ed. Pennsylvania has now a mile of railroad for every thousand of her population, while Indiana has a mile for every four hundred and flit; of her icLiabit ants, and has none' el the rant stores of iron, real, lumbar, lime,teno, marble, etc., which we po.sess to furnish trade for her roads. Had no relatively the same supply of rail. • roads ..1 Indiana. we should have six thous _ arid coven wundrwi toiler; and if we take into coesideration theists... superiority of Penn- Weenie. over Indiana in wealth, commerce, mineral lanottreed and manufactures, ten thousand miles of rend seauld be ne more that a fair supply. ••We °Gunmen.' these things to the consid ered,.o of our people, and especially of those • • kio have been apprehensive et overdoing the rallrued 'easiness. The western States owe - very much of their later growth to the cue, mous tineeiqent of their redroad systems, whereby The) wn hare renaerta their lands no• corsible and at ailable for settlement. If we " could attain to cur full supply of railroad facilities, ten thousand miles, how great would 'he the progress of Pennsylvania' Should our population keep pace with it, we should then reckon ten millions of souls. If we had sot . Orient confidence in ocr own future and in the boendless resources et war Coln mons ankh, we should find co difficulty in ottaieing this re set, and in view of its grandeur let us en -' dearer to meke commensurate exertions, since any outlay of money would be fully warranted by the and in view." Meeting . of Coal Men. 17 •An important meeting of root into convened at the 13,..tril of Trade Rooms, It one and half o'clock, on Toemlay afternoon. The meeting came to enter. A. D. Smith, President, in the t'h.dr. Thirty-four mom• here present. James O'G.nnar,Secretary• road the min• otee of the proceedings of the last meeting which were approved. The Committee on Locks reported progress, and asked to be continued, which was granted. Mr. hlcquiston, from the Coo:mitts , on Dig ging. reported that in roma instances digging had been ruined to flee cents per bushel by the employers, in anticipation of a demand being I, -made by the employees for an advance. 7.7 Drsvo made some remarks, in wbi.•h he stated that Miners were plenty and noxious for employment, and he had no doubt a suf .-Ardency of hands, st four cents per barbel, would be obtained. Do suggrAted that a com mittee bo appointed to wait on the employers and urge a suspension of the operations, un less miners agree to work for lour cents per bushel. Mr. W. 11. Brown raid, in Illinois miners wore paid but four cents per bushel for mining coal ; at Stenbenvile, and throughout Oslo, but three and a half cents is paid. At these place., heretofore, one cent per bushel more had been paid to miners than had been paid them in this vicinity. Mr. O'Connor suggested that a committee -- be appointed by the employers and one by the operative., to ascertain if these matters can not he amicably oompronalsea and arranged to the eattafaction of all parries. Jame, O'Connor, Esq.. offered the follow. Revsleed, That a committee of six be ap pointed to meet a similar committee of the reproeentatives of the coal diggere, and freely explain the neeee.ity of reducing the price of mining to four cents ptr barbel, and !cowl to thin Exchange on Tomday, February lOth. The following named gentlemen were , ap. pointed on the above committee June M. Bailey, William 11. Brown, SiMpOIIZI Horner, John F. Draro, MeQ•iirton, James After Como deeultory remarks tryfilMeilre. Bravo, Colvin, Bailey, Miller, O'Connor, 'and the Prosi3ent, the rmolutien with the com mittee ensued, was salvias& Mr. Drarooffored the f IfcgtArd, That a committee of fifteen be chosen, two from each pool, authorized to wait en the owners of mines, and get them to agree in writing not to pay Over four rents per bn.hel from the lst of March, 1861, and to iotathe Pittsburgh Coal Exchange—the Com• mitten to report this day week. A miner being present cot called on for by views, and ho elated to the mooting that if the prior of coal foil in the marked down the ricer, in Cincinnati sod Louisville, the prise of mining coat would fall here. If It raised in pries there, the price of digging would rahs. lie also stared that rho cool diggers on the Monongahela and tow Mill gun did not averaged,. two dollars par day. ' Mr. Prase, it answer, stated that he bad men in his employ who made ton dollar. • day. ADO lir,/ gentleman, "base name we did not hoax, sold ha had hands that made twelve dol lars and twenty-deo coots per day. • The resolution eras then adopted, and the following p er appointed on the h e 'mitten: - —That Pool,'Yonahlogheny—Wro. Robbins, Robert Grinnell. F Manoogehela— Mr. Watson, Wm, Re m man. Second Pool, Monongahela—Mr. Cousin, John F. Drove. "Third Pool, Monongahela-31r. Rodgers, Mr. Coultas. Fourth Pool, Monongahela— Wm. Clark, Mark WWl:tett. Snwml L Bun— Behest Long, Mr. Co)rin, Mr. prey. Oppo site Fittshurgb---Jaa. M. Dailey, Thos. Disk- Oath (Ye4haor moved that ac9mpittea, eon gaitsiliOf the President and two ether mem- Wee( the Ezehange,bo appointed to call on 04 firm Oft an d atk their eo-operation. enternitles canting of the President, aid kfritta. fl'Oftnfri roml.llnivo. • toa,Vrillidet Maley, Itobert Long, V. tie r a t ` s 0. k 'l/4ersin, titeektnote',t pici ! 0-0114'it4 tWa.tHil**44o9 akmw664 bra ViDteigry 16th, 44./ F • A. special meeting of Msotchester Council vas held hut evening—Burgess Spratt In toe .hair. Mr: Misr plan:Lloyd an ordinance author. Wag thd. Ylniece Committee of Connell to issue. tensity tcn year slx par - dent. coupon heave! tti7 dedomination of SMIO each, nod radaatlla,in ten 7.005 after date; the pro ved& of.thiehoeds to be applied to the lhaul. lotion Of try:nett indebtedness of the borough. The members of Council gave expreseion to their indivil views on the adoption of the ordinance. 4 Wm deemed advisable that log. hdative authority should be obtained before the bonds could be Issued. After a free and fall interchange of opinion, Mr. Phelps moved that the Ordinance Com mittee, in conjunction with the Borough So licitor, be instructed to prepare an apt to be presented to the Legislature, authorising Council to borrow $lO,OOO for the use of the borough. The motion was unanlmouely adopted. Burgess Sprott read the Act of Assembly relative to the grading and paving of the streets in the borough, the proviso to which the Council desired to have repealed. The proviso seta:forth that tho Council shall not pave or grade any bat certain streets named, unless petitioned for oy a majority of the property holders on any street desired to be improved. The Council wore to laver of having the proviso repealed, and the mot so amended as to give Council the authority to pave any street, lane or alloy in the borough that in their opinion may be deemed malle able. The Bargees ouggeetea that if the people understood their own interest, they would favor the grading and paving of the streets. It cost the borough eome three or four hun dred dollars each year to keep the muddy streets in a passable condition. Mr. Patterson thought there would he no difficulty in the matter. lie moved that the Street Committee, in conjunction with the Solicitor, be authorized to prepare a bill to procure the necessary legislation, giving the Council authority to grade and pave any street, lane or alley the Council may think pro The Bargees suggested that the Act relative to the grading and paving of the sidewalks should be made to eorristpond with the street law, in the matter of collecting the expensee for suoh improvement. .Mr. Patterson amenaedlie motion so as to include the pav ne- iog and grading of eideeralke. It wee geally euggeeted that the act be prepared similar to that now in force in Alle gheny oity, and the repeal of all other ewe relative to grading and paving in the bor ough be asked fur. The Improvement of the Ohlo River, The--Wheeling ftseUi et, r, in publishing the eircultir issued by the Louisville Board of Trade, calling a contention of delegates las euggeeted by the Pittsburgh Board of Trade to meet in Louisville on the 24th inst., to con sider the subject of the Improvement of the navigation of the Ohio river, says: "To the holding of such a oonvention as proposed no one can object, whatever may be his opinion on the policy of meddling with the pres•nt navigation of the Ohio,river. So lot as we hare seen. but one side of thequestion has been discussed in any of the Ohio river valley papers. Our Pittaburgh selomze• are clamorous for slack-water n•vigation. They no doubt think it would be a great thing for Pittsburgh. But would it really be a gri at thing for that city, or for Wheeling, or for any other city or town along the river ? That Is the question which ought first and chiefly to come before the Louisville convention. A gentleman of this city, oho has taken n con siderable interest in all that affects the nav igation of the Ohio, has submitted to us the following questions. It eeems tone that there is a great deal in them that might well claim the certain attention of the Louisville con vention. Rio questions are as follow: . "Would elackereter navigation of the Ohio river be an improvement? Would not the pools freeze eooner, and remain frozen longer 7 Could weever have freight as cheap as we now do when the river is in good stage ? If not, would it be an improvement to ton the heavy shipments in the spring, in order to retort, less rates as the lighter shipments of the summer Flow about accidentsin or to the locks in the active business season : W cold rafts and flatboats be as well acconosiod•ted as at present? In the spring dams rush wouWldould they ttiti be eked or go over the water be as good for family use to the cities and towns on the river These and other queetions should be satOlsetorily onswe red,- herons the slackerater plan is adopted.'• Pitt Township on the Draft In ptIrSIVIIIN , of an adjournment, the eiti tens of Pitt township met at the Oakland Public School House to receive the report of the delegate,. to the County Convention, and to make all necessary arrangements to fill their quote at once in the coming draft. The several collecting committees reported progress and assured the meeting that with the aid of the county bond, to be Issued, they would be able to collect a sufficient sum of money to fill the quota of the township by the end of the W.., On motion o f A. W. Folder, Isaac Jones, President, and E. P. donee, Secry, were rrangement , to fill authorised to make all a Oar quota, and draw OD the TlVllStirel of the Bounty Fund of Pitt township for • liberal bounty for each person regularly mustered in and credited to the township. On motion of W. _A- Herron, the meeting , adjourned tomcat on Saturday evening neat. I at the Minersville Public School thence, and it is requestedlhat all loyal and patriotic cit- Siena of the township be present. Stabbinggiray at Late rtlir t I tile. Charles Friar. of Stewartstown, appeared before Mayor Lowry, and preferred a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill against Roger Jeffrey, of Lawrenceville. The information states that on the morning of the 17th of January, between ono and two o'clock, a difficulty occurred near the Arsenal, during which the defendant unsuited a broth er tithe prosecutor, striking him in the fact. The prosecutor, by way of defending his brother, struck Jeffrey in return, when the latter drew off his coat, pulled a knife, and stabbed him in the back, under the shoulder blade. Je ff rey was arrested to-day, and en tered bail in SMlo, to answer at the next term of the Criminal Court. B.vLes of Stuck by Davis k MeliWlarte, Asv tioneers, on Tuesday evening, at the Commcr vial Sales Rooms, No. :4, Filth street. Exchange Bank.. 68,00 Iron City Bank 63,25 Mechanics Rank.. 62,00 Oasis - Ds Rank. 61,23 do .. 81.00 Allegheny Bank 56,75 Merchants & Manufacturers Bank 55, Iron City Trust Company.. 51,7755 Pittaborigh Gas Company 84,00 Peoples Insurance Company 28,75 Allegheny Insurance Company ... - 28,50 (111.1111 EXlol..llolll.—Proparations are making for en extraordinary Influx of Ger man emigrants during the next its months. Societies have louts formed firemen and Hamburg, and from the inducements which have been made, the influx of German ele ment In this country will be Larger than ever known before. Industrious and thrifty Ger mans have done ninth in building up the prosperity of the United States, and they are always welcome to our shores. HVICTIZGDON COVATY Al. THE Dater.--The spirit of recruiting and paying It-enl bounties is ng rapidly ln this dintriet. The trout of the borough—forty-three under the cell fur 500,000 men -11 almost foil. The chiles. of that place have subscribed about. $4,000, nearly all of which hu already been paid out In bounties. Kirocwstirs.—Jacob Bergner and Kind Baines ware yesterday arrested by °Meer Lowe, on a *imp of threateniog to me a pair of knurl: tars upon a party against whom they had a grudge. The oMeer saw one of tho men pus the weapon to the other, and hence their arrest. In derma of • fine, they ware com a to jail by Mayor Lowry. Was bicirruro ti Wgzsrago.-6 large and enthrislastio war meeting was bald in Wheel log, on Monday evening, at *Mats it was el log, urgently 'aloft. the Supervisors of Ohio county to levy a tax auffielet4 to pay a prior to the let of March. The county i. tics, it is said, will levy the tax. Arrri-liorrrr Bonn Marnsa.—A call Will bo found to our advertising columns to-day, for ► meeting of ell those nitre:l4o( the county who em opposed to the further. Increase of our indebtedness, by the nine of bonds to provide a bounty for volunteen. The meeting will assemble on Tuesday, the 16th inst., ►t the Court House. RCLIXT Fosa.—Haar Weal>, A LLICORTAY. — Thove soldiers families who are entitled to a share of this,fand, fa the Fult Ward, Alla. teeny,- ate requested Co call open-Alderman r t r, corner of Lagoa and Federal itrau, or Col. John Slddons, , Rebaxas street, and re ptile& tnelrahare,'withent st Agit. i lt s:ititirtxis.--Itayor Leirrjr_to WI Oita Itßy - bait* . Ilowto •of lionise, obwged, on ootoplefixt blupartati, Irian toe•nigibilify. COMMERCIAL RECORD. ft I TTEIBU ltti it SVIARSTS. WaMissali. robruary 10. 1364. CalAlN—Whosl t dun awl tiro 'ping, sale of I Oar prin. Iled alu, I, dull and nom -31,12 to $1.15 from wharf 11.10a1.20 (rob ram,. Barley Is quiet but tinchang . ed; mall sales from sragoo al II.N , for PPriag• and 31,:0 for Van 011 e may quo,' at al .002 from 4,1.4, and II to ht., from el ,t salsa. PROVISIONS t• u.• II .1 111 the ea opts a that tit, sur . ed Shoulders poue.sll, •ud Ragas 1 r,d Ilatus at hie s .. Lord Is .01.1 but Ilan ut Ile 1 , 1 idquAs rill tsudcrod Ilea Pork rmatus about al 11. 4 , 01 L WHEELING, NIAIGF:r- ir1"...• %, ..L . TA AND ZAN Esl 1L1.E.-lite him....7.4...A" , passenger ' , tram , E M NI A oil?, LIAM. Monroe Ayres, Command, ham Pittenurgi. every TL EADA y, to 4p. or.. and Zaneerille ev4r) FRIDAY. at e &doe's a.. tn. The new steam, Jl' 1.1 .1. Wm. Coulson. 4. ,, m• ruandsr,,leanno Pittsburgh too, ~ATURDAY, at 1 I p. En., and Zone, De over,' 'I I'E,I.A Y, at A a'cloch a.. tr. V.•r froight or pao.aga apply on Ward or to J D. tUL LI NieW VOD, Agent, Plttaburgh ; R. S. PIERCE SC... Agents. 0021 lanewville, i thin. QATUItDAY PACIET FOR jr_.: , ; , .." o•-7 (Ilion NATI --TI. tins steamer rat.., PAIIAOON, rapt. Donnelly, e 11l boars as aloeat FISH-More active but unchanged. Saha of '2 , 1 lo o'clock a. tn. bble LargeM No 1 aekctel at F11.00;1. 0 half bble do ! For frt ight orJn pa•sageliN le L A C ,l y un ;ward fir to . at .qt.,?_:.; and 1 , 0 half bide Slidiunt do at Sr,::.. fell J D cULLINGWoOD.} Agee w. RAT-Quiet and unchangotl. ell. on wharf of 2 i Ao l , ( ii N I 1 .S .-- .S - A Tik 14 411: - 1 - -.7' . tots haled. prune Timothy, of al':. '.' P er ''' n, nn'i t' I I 14VILLE - The fin.• nen proachger --.WiSX , loads from scales at s3." ; at-earner NEW ll;IIK... tpt. R.. 1 Lightner, It dl DRIED FRI IT -unci.onged, sale of I.e , hush Ap. len , e ILA above TEI DAV, 110, inst.. at 4p. to at at 12,10 per I..talie I. l',.echca mar to' cnoted at F"' Ir.t .b t or 3..n.'irser,lPl,,knn bard '•r to lot per pound. r e p J. I , C.I.LINGWooD.; 'n .". * Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. 1 LiOtt EVAN: 4 V ILI, k 4:, CAIRO , .11.! AND ST. LOI' 18 -lb.. new and 1 a'... For_ IU- - The market for Crude wan considerably ,,,,,,,,, „,,,. r .„ t. ,,,, E ,,,,, , ~.A m. ~. A. 6 ,,,,,,,,,. , firma to-day, and, with a paal demand, and light ;E. E. Rinehart. i'Dok. will leave to Om.. on receipts, prices manifest an upward tendency. Ws 1 TipslUßnDAt Y. ••thc II th imd freigh p•saage apply on board or to note some anvil sales at lac in bulk, .02 'Llitia:3‘ i f,,, J 111 ES COL LI NS a CO., Agent , . - _ - in bbin, according to lann''',' At t'''''''' of ti ' ' I ' kin. 'CA I itT, i sT. Lotls.— .. teaticst tome holders, were asking amaterial ad. -. The ,., , ...„,.„,„. ~,..s . A r„ , „ ArA raise Orar the 11.1.0 1 11 , quotations. Refined to firm 1 ,4, i it C. urigudi all , i na r, ~,, ~,,h.o „ , on Tuts DAT, 'without luoUble thongs. may be fairly 11:h loot., at I o'. look ii a. glean at Watit4oc in bond and o, free, for prune i n°.' fr'' , . ,nt "i r:rt e i .,, , , T, .1,y, , , , r 1.... rd• ., . city brands. Naptha and Residuum remota gotel, f,..1 J. D. Ct. Lid NGWOOD,} ni Ti ' • 'rich searse'y doing to eetabilah quotathons. . y . __ ....e•-•--'••,--....-'--------_ 1.4 pouted . URUCCILI fiugst• Ter, firm. s ith mu up •n4 tet.leuty lu prsco, sole of , pr.m- Orleatu, al It.. Corr, Tory firm, iu of the reportr.l sslvance in n,n I.ut • v. yet. then Is to, further change in ',H.--; ales uf logs Rio at M“lanbes remain nte.scly at former New York Petroleum Market Sowiai Dispatch to the Pittsburgh tiawtte. Slav Tata, Feb. 10--Cluda c,ntiutp.s at firm, a lth no upward y, tt.o sp,t 30y 2 0.31e. Iles ue , Pio 14.1 is !Ira', with salt , tho •t aa.l 4 4, kw Match April, ?1,,, ul Jute rtrl.v , .ty , on Ow t, to Polling at 'mu IrbrUary ry, OLIVER lic-CLINTOCK & CO.'S at buyers option. Vapthar,naft. Chicago Market. C111...100, Fel, ' e—The lump... noted In Pr 1.i1 , 11. rat the uf loot week was enll tonlntatuol tht, 10rrn , .0., and ...rue tle-cripttoue of le, 'de., held ttiAlwr, but ,Iler, 1..u... , 1 It %., .:.'de , •1 to • , Lain any 2.1 , 4 u, t.lrept tor Te - y J,•.' rut 1.. I .1. 1., aalt..: ti eut• nen , uante.l; an held firt.,;, at" for bulk bhuulth.n, .. , ,...altk fur Itan,, 1........, A,,,,, plt - klod Il.m• at 1t..„,a11, ribbed :4d.... In 1 ulli I, . - at by for light awl , - . )aa , fur h.. . )5t. ...t. ne . at• brat at 11'.,‘: for lord cut Itarn• eNc fdr light et,t,hte of Cumberland Mhrdlet, 0 a 9, ,r . for heavy 00, 0.•, , . ICa . fur besot 0h.,,r114.4 115r. , 1 Pork t‘rr., e 1.., ..... '..."... th•• , ..•..", n. ,,, . I rat. • fall demand for prttnr na,ss at .51t0 0 --uroet h.I :• era ached 131.,•75A17,, 111 , .e f1... , A1t f or .. nut , v .‘, 1,1a1 . ..,5 0 tor ,rt,. Lard ttr-u t., tr..u...1 .,,, r,` , .1 crate, at 11....< fur No I and 11%ale , 1. , rtTnr• , fan , ) brawl , . a • hi.; h , r Grease .11111, et 'IA' , ~,- I, I.; L e :., ~, f.: au.l 1tta1 , , ,. f •r wh,r... Dr0m,, , ,,1 i 1.., act, , ,e /Ina ft,n , r at S' ,un 2tt , It, 1.,• 11.., m art ~,, ' Market flirt„ I: ~..:.• •I -: At I altipplog r , • , as.a•le to ov• r, or,. ....I ',lt ad ...kW. 10 , al to e, , P.!, ~ C•t Ito Ono al..i uncha1.,,, ,, 1 ILI ,, Itr IDS. 11 , •, hold':, t,..1 to 11, li th:,..pr1 ,,, 0f10...-.1. I , heat ea.. hru , , au , l to. If a 1.12. No I do at t1.1gA1e ,, ,. l',3rt, opeo.ll at na,hlr 1.1 n•••• ',V ~ „ J.,: for Nu . Z, bat cto.ed la ars a:,,1 I , 1..., .• a. It , . a....'.. - Rye and Barley don S.-mi....tun, an.llsmtl, I , e : - 1 , 1,1“. Ina. ~:17.' 1..a•er.., ,,,,, 4 ~. - . a . .. 11011er It. en , h Out , . ..fl 1.. , • hell At It,. 0, • . and wrtlsiu the. r.,.. lialtimore Marlict--11x11 I , rr,rt. 1 7 . 1 t —C.ktn , nr 1re,13, Intt rocolitt• ntnnr •10 , .ao 11.1 1 1117.0rtn.;, Ct, 111.1 Al 2 Ur) 11.2 ‘I nont, '27 Jo orn .11•.; • tutee Incladod I :lon .:tee Ana roll 1. , 1. , • 1,11 ~„„„ 0„n 1311 rod Who.t •t I '•.1• 1 ‘. , ` ' I K.? , Ur 1 W I .1•1 , 1.7• T {b,:ty 1 b.k.'sl !kn. 11•411 , 13sIkrl• 1,..., 1 At 10 , at '1241 1.1.5•11 , t,naholo .7•ol an 1 .to .1 I 11 I prtnnoonllow At 1 Inotf: I. r 1311, • 0•11) nno 7.01 Int cortanandtng 120 laWor Itn.o 1.,•,•1• t/tWn It 10..1 rts not,. run 3 rat len• l'T int. •nn . • rn.thorn nrhtto , I g".- 1 ••• •• k II r/. latir a: 1 7,411 nt. In,rl tk a. 11 , 011 7f., prin. , Istol otln rn WIN.. I :.Sil a n•ot an at I : , tr,o at I 1 12. 1 an.l ar. Inro: 1 .. port •rol 1, nt... •1 r.rl tolnbol. nt 2.t0 tn., at ItA.5; 1.0. •,.11, and yolloar . Ilnd 117 pot 1.4101. onta nt 14 ,to 0,011 1:).. al 1 ro, 1,10 1 l'rrw.r•—ln btap. nLI tra,t , no • nnto onl•-• '.r'0123. :41 n to I. .. linorool tn at 1 1.2.1 s npol n'a tarna 4wl 1 Dar. , no• lot% al, .ts,a.d 'al Ll.l. Moo. 1 . .c1 at .n.: l al in • ~' We 1101 f riuoto Igt•V Si,sl Port: nt , nn.l rt.l• 31... • .1.. ILI atOld 11.1 , 0f1 nb.,141.1er.. •tn, n . at 10' ,al•. l n ota. •.1.1 51'1,1 I. a:. I at Ital2.lS ot- 0111 11111 n., 11011', 0•1 a, an, •nr run.] (11 , at 14 1 ,11., por Itnlk .t•,111.1or• 2 1 , , la, and .10 114, ni II •n• 1.. r enl at IV, otn. W to 1.1.1- 11.•$•1 If • • toovro rot.noel .4 ..r. Lort RENT—The ttiree-oolrt• - d Dc,ll - Llllllol', 1. 4 11 3n, ctuate.l Frit.l.l firma, Ity.n.nrly ut Tln ;on ••' I‘.• vrini avply Y . Jr J. INV , . lain Nnw i,k ' , .n.rY Watt s, uKn. J•I s =ME Brand., CIL-etel.. Gin, cask. Gin, rases 1.43.A1tti1l tiF AGNICULTI'II.ft, I. nintl. punt Loons .. ...... .... Zot 1:i ii I st aali ',via, Ii 1' . I i..< I' , , U' , Lt. Chamtiagne, Iciviliet.... ..... J.:77 1i,7. i,...:, 1 I s t 7'. rro THE i; Et AVERS AS D MA: U. Port,. caiik• . . ,:' I .' 7 Z" , it 1 .. 4 i n 1 1_ rAcTulaits or FLAX AN I/ HMI F.—Tl.•• It L. seen that no tiolthaianitinalni•rea*ldnt'' ..., , C01....0ne,. acvuttit A by this Department cio, the 111,;li rate of carhatiu, the ItOl.rte of liquor. toot , ~i,io , or r ,,,,. 3 K 5,,,,,.,K,..„ 0f„,,..„4„.. month 'orr , larWr than lt•ianni ,- ) 01 ..7 ''t th . l'''' William !I. 11a:ley, of Rhode Itlaiiil, and John A. ceiling threi• 'ear. Ttliii 1.. fall' Illuatratiim .if ch. , print too o r obi„, i to ron,d:l,, we r o w., i,,, a ppr, nsiala of lining In the I” ultid Slatt,llll pf•Arrl I and int II ; ~„, t 00„,.,„ 1 ,, the„,„,, c ,,,,,,,,, ~,, I. • t. , ...wt. -I 1..t-r , - 41 ... , .... I "spi..L. •• For i n ,ratigatitio. to Pitt tlvi praci teat il1t) of the ratio, • of_iiiir heavy Imports, alili I. a, •ganic , t • „...„, So , ~,,„„o4 ~..”., 0 , 04 , ~....„,,,..,. log In trminblickn. •,icrii.onn lair el' Th. r ,,,, T1 j rat, for cotton. trot) too mind dollar.,” ice manifestly Iticliriad to eat, di ink and 1. nwr, . , H a ving mar, and an, oaveral day.' investigation, uniting to luck l b to Nuarc account. • ;Ili i 1,.,.1iew 11 i: that a fortiiiir ml.l fuller non k .. of th•ir In. our tr. , - At nut t , ,r,litcr. at •iimii fu.. r- ',• • vast iconic.. cutglii Fodor- irialiiablri multi, adjourn. Cm Gavot.. : ed to mi... again on WEDNI. , DA 0, 11, 2411, day of Fi•brary at 12 o'cli.'l4 11,0; rri;iii•t •11 intermit. d In th, illstrllintion of this appropi tat AO, or 1.. n, Ain I.• dev..1,11 1110 atiti) ' '" • . —" " -- Cleveland 11 1..0r —N. , wales. The market !, tn. to. nr,,, awl nueltanznl. Wheat --,atee tar. ear. tod ot, at El, n car snit , ' on tra. k Corn- Dull. No sal , report—land rorptpts nominal. °arr.—Salm no ran. track of 7 . 2. r. Itye 11.1.1 at 31.29 from nor, listl.l—No role, W• n om final at 3.1.,:.41, 3 t , rot poor to prim.. on t oa. ork—Steady and arm of ss , for my*. ani a'. 1. clear. Lard--Quowt or 10114 r larret. owl 13tie in keg., oak.. rnported to.lay ese,pt in onsall lets to borne trs.le binoited 1100.-110000 in ,rood steady regrind at 13!4c. Shoulders at rind Pried R. et al I/ %4,--11.*00.1. iligliwinca in Chicago. Tca.t.—Tb. market fur Ifighwinve experienced another panto to-day, and we tare to note further decline In prices of &a far par gallon wince Saturday —opening at 7:.e, and coloAng on Things at :113 , ,e In the afternoon. however, t be anxiety of holden to realise doprvvel tn• market mil more, and rale. were made &slew as l'Oc, at whieh ngure it cloaed quiet. Title in a decline of fifteen cents per gallon eine" the gth lONiadt, when heavy sale+ were made at .—Tt thane. Imports by Railroad. FlrTnern. FT. Rarer. oSn Cows. Its noose:, Feb. 10-4 can motel, 1 0I0101A•4". 0.000 bLi. AA., I Lenz; ;no he yr.o Liggett A ma to balm moo basks IV Noble .4 rah./ LI,. wrap iron We; Smith; 61 bblt bulk ban soap e,.d can• E Byers A co, ,k• .in do, J Dilworth & ro; 172 do do, IC Sonora & 0...25 eoap. 11.4 1 ere.- oar; 20 do do, 1% . 512Cuteloom A ro, 2100 bills Mr., gulp a BbopoOd I car do, 11 Ttlildle, 5 bite appp 411, J Osolleld; Thisarblekv, G-; II 10drber liro, 011 do o, Lambert A ilLipt r on; 95 *kr <dolor so., Ad , darkest. Herr n co. 2I bble shpt., Roo .4 Keil, 9 care barley, 490 bgs do do, .1 carboye, J. halt, :10 aka wool. O liorbuagh A co, 1:.10x Ustrorth A co, 15 era rem, Markle A ro. 551.1.10 dry apples, do teens, Atarli. Lee & co; 7do, gar, II Clone. I F co; 7 yeti, appr Imo choose,les, 4 pkg.. betto Jr A , bbls dry er apples,gordo; 2 Brown; dm brown., 311 Ruhiman; 140 eke wheat, Wall 000; 2 ...stated, /I ee hopp, lot agricultural imepleMonts, Bockitm & Long. CTDiCIIII TL—ran P awnees.—Large lot rt., &les, Gl.keMae whams:, 10 alf do, 5 bat. do, B Bilercuila blebs Wham°. IDboo re pia, Julto F ullortoo;, 1 box oomplm, llarphy; 6 Undo tobacco, 1 boo Rumple, 11 Rey I ; 16 DLL ahlaky, LIALA.3 &STAN e httds tobacco, I b o a oomph., Vieymon 0 eon; 10 bluls tobacco, B. ill Panda:tar; 145 alto reheat, It T Kennedy Bro; pkgs,Colon Coal Co; 3 rolla roPod Wurell 10 1 , 360, Joht A Oaughey, 1 aki3; John J Boa.; 50 kgs lard 0 J Townsend; 70 half, empty bbls, 4 empty .1. bbls, Joeboa Modes; 1 lot hintimm, Lena. & 18 beAstoode d Cuturee, 71 II Bulger; 1 bele cork.. Gloat d Ar 04.1004.; 101 eke cuttings, Wm 01'. Elroy; 10 bble lard 011, E hAyers; 15 b. snap. do Mndlm, L.kbard. 12 ace berm, Rm. 31 11 Fried; 160 hbla 0bi...), 3 11 Watson; 100 do floor, Lambert flldpton & co. CLIMI.AND AVD FiTralinkoli Rohoorda Fob ln-- 333 bash wheat, Renoody & Bro; 1 car corn. Rubio & Aortal:BO oks Aso mad 31 B Burism; CS ohs rioror• eard idlCallottgh Benith & 131 do corn, Simpson VEY.= 9 kgr lord, 8 Dlbrodb & the ram, 4 craters do, Godfrey &Clark; 65 bids whisky, 11 & Bean; 102 pkgs choirs. 1 G Walker; &el bids Sour, Jae Gardiner; 142 Om wheat, J 8 Liggett A co; 5 t o or o uri, kloorbeed; 20 bales hay, J A Coueboy: , bble flour, Hartman & Bre; 46 pkg. pearl. J It Li to bbls sand, Bryce Richards &co; 10 Wes wadding, 117.1r0y .1 co; 6 do do. Morgan...l& Bro. AbbroWare Bronos, fieb, la-2 tan bay. John Kopp; 591 Reunduy & Bm; 11 Calm rage, Howard & Gott.o4l; I hole drool, II epears; 4 bbdr apples. Wilt Voter; 1 ear .tarn. A L e Tay m lor, 7 rolls loather, A C ToylOr, 19 All Bagwell, ton; 3 holes yarn, lobo Birmingham, Impoill by alikka WIII3ELII4O—ria 21722kr.a.-11020 boap.polas Kennedy 5 , Deo; 56 bbl. apples,a G as Swages; 3 bbla dal apples, Obomaker }Lana; 14 pap sondelea, J 0 rad.l3; 11:0 DMA apples, C 5 Le.-h; 70 aka corn, Dag Wallace, ?. pkgs. .99dTIM U M P Bola; 250 o ft Ws, Udall:Y.& freer' '3B aka' boat, illmisoa a Hamix; 73 aka cork; 00 5 yor 127 Lbls rawer, WIIIIMUUth; 472 %pi kboot,4 Lloste Jr go; 441 lades; (fee 8 Andaman..." 011* - 12: / 30 e 072 Nankin; 10 bake wathltag,.-Wlbos Mroi kan 3. tom totwaXo, kdaterougg; l 2 aka Way, J Bhodesk. 7isotipt2ska, J rortasked. , 7;C195ra13TE"q51,7-1112:134`rattati...40. kelt a* Par it , I d ica l" Xol,T 'u ttY:lr,..24 ! de, Lindsey k Tollonl; 5Ws .0, Ja 2 : 1 2' SinAMBOJTS. pErLAR au WiLEELING R L ILSE L lul Y AC &KT. —T fine eteaussr MINS:RYA, Capt. John Oo q It I learn Pittsburgh tor Wbosting 111 . .17 TI DAY, THURSDAY and NATIAIDAY, making Clow ono nectiane With the Whe.ling and Parkersburg Pack• sto EMl:wrong. 'sill loss , so , rs MON DAT, WEDNEBI,AY end so d freight rscripted through t , , 1 ertersburg. For trelzht or towage oppty. n M 4741 or to JAS. , CU t. LI2. • & On Wiserf Boat, et the f4ot f.l Wood otrost. C.IRP lETS. CLOTILS,Ofc . . _ A ' II,ENDID ASSORTAtt.NT 0 NEW GOODS ! bsrt rp. al po. 23 Fifth StreH, EN4II.'SR snA lING3 13GL S. TU KEE ELI EXTRA. aud FL N. INGRAIN CARPETIN ( S , Floor Oil Flo hm, .Hollings A DES, A , hn, hned n tare. 1,4 1. Xr•_+ - r V II: A (;4. rt)L)M w l, l 1, ar , . t 1..• .tt , t.l II 1.-erers, •)• t• 1 tl.• to a. MIME 1 , 1.1 i I R UNTO( h (11., ~e. I I 111. ".; P. ( • ) L. MEM as p.leul~ nu. !nt d.t IA rii• .1-0 OVA N , .E IN MICE, i• - 1-• l (hl • • • .1, r". • •• I r.l r•LOTILII, Pl&HO .• {..t,k.,:• 11St.. t•TA I 6 ItloFtLrlat.c. Coruna & Co fl >TB WILLIS. Pool .0.« .r 4 rh.m...u, deS Hnsbroldr•ed Piattn d Trthle Corers Moat." s,ul Vellvel Rugs Vrs•el non tirte•••ls /I••.n< k.. dit W D & H. ICCALLIJM'S FOR RE-ET LE:r- A et, to ~f tKo laritleontmo Tfaicettlorut fv !fret flo f- v n r o f Loa o4l .m.. 0 aTO :11 . LET, 'withod, 71. n gt 4)Np 1.11: kET. 1.1 I; !•., . for lb. noldo t.. rend to this Del.arttnent, on or los here that lay, eau.t.b.s of the Lento god 11+0 the different ats..res Cl previa - oat , . ; of the fihras and Cahn , 0. pret..,...1 by ths aeentnpanted by state ments of the ‘aro.tis noted. 01l the co. of prodnction W eaelt caw •1011.1aserit-tions of the kind. and of 0,001110er7 004, t here made, tcy..titer with any and all luf,roatiqn that may to tisoeNl to ths Cannission. ' , ht. Information hi necenotary t.fure• an 101.441.10 dl tribullon of the aporot.riation nen kw malls.. de2.3 ISAAC ASWT.ON. m alls.. .-----_— 14 1 01{. TILE FALL OF 1863 Extra fins-4, A, I and 5 years old—including all the eld leading warlette*, td.d many anew. Aloo, a 'pry large atork of PEAR, fittandard and dwarf.) CUERRY, PEACH, PLUM. isKualteEri, 811 Ala. AND ORNAMENTAL TltEkßi, ROSES, GRAPE V 811111.7014, G ERN LIOUtIE PLANTS., de to , rr tall at Tory rra oneable JOJIN MURDOCH, Jr., Pittal.nrch and Oakland Nnryriee jfiVIT'JTC9S. PST porti.,nlor Attention to 11w LP...310A of OttRUNIC IDISEASES. the EYE and EAR ; cm CATARACT. SQI'INT EYES. foe ARTIFICIAL Ins.,rt. ARTIFICIAL EYES, and tn.. All INFLASIMAToItY E 1 E,A, el.o II A RI , V.A Itl NO. and MI 0ff..,11., Iho Rat and Itmeling to Deem.. VORA , lon Firm eiTnzwr rnyr' 22,l rs Ti, A. (1. KNOLLS - Ft — AT . o - ctfulTi Infonm. 11, cltis...n. of Pittaborgh, that ho hod been .ppoiaood nit arm. An Ite .alt. of MYERS A SON 'A ORIGINAL CE3IENT ANTI-CORROSI PEN. They are revorntnotoloal by the. largo. bottom In the city, among whirl. on, OsAn, RAosvrt A Co., Romeo d 00., Rona.. A tit., I lion Cyr,. Tstser Co., Eon, PAINT. And atom. WpfIAATEITI'fiAER Wltolesalr T'obscoo De•n ic.~ Ilave no. In Mane larae Int or 'SAC. r DS. WA. LUMP, BRIGHT 1 11 1.1 and 11‘1.11HORB OfGAlen, the the and most complete eel! Ihe cif-, which they .111 eel! lory Isoc .rv•s r slat M COLLNTEIt ar El:, blannfarlumn dealers lu all ktn•lr of TtiDACCO, 6NUTY AND CIGAI43 NO IN WOOD STDDYT. PITIIIMOII, Grope enautautly nu Land • lamp •ari...tyPtpc• sit :mok Ing Tvbacto mvtly JOSEPH SNONTIYEN, NOTARY PIJI3I.IC Officn 2‘11.7011 . 1 1 OFFICE, YouVIL Orrot, ar 13mitbeerld, PittOntrgb. Acknowledgments or, Dopositiono sod At donna token. /leo. Wools, liortpies, Articles of Agreement, Lows sad Legal ropers of envoy kind then. onlinCdo CRIARLES L. CALDWELL, (5m..., to Jew. Holmes a Co.) Dada in BACON. LAUD. BUG= CUBED HAMS, SMOKED DEM a.... COHN= MARKET •HD TIM STIIIINTS. safity . Dirrasaraan, Da. aliJsi OILEacJAYMING, of all Vl'irtsi.v. 4' WA mt.f.f Aix% .thammie net fl; 114 edte Itabbac Depottif • ' • J. a - 4 . 0 - • 'stew 'Mimi 25M. Clair ono& 'SPECIAL JrOTICES. iTY Persona •f Neelimier, habits. trent le- sat, al • ~, peek laaeitade, palpitatlete of the !cam hoot'!: ale tea • petite, , xe after hay!!! titre, e UR: s ' r• ' deeerre to ender tf they t the celebrated !al ! I PLANTATI ( )N BATTErts, libich ant new recommended by the tattiest ~. la 1 antheritiea, and warrented u pp - duce an i.i,‘ • beneficial edict. They v.! cseeedtng!) , perfectly pare, and =net snipe-cede , .r fete Ina , where healthy. gentle nitu uleint reqt.,red L!!!'t They purify, etrengthon eahl tnYhthr.t , . They crash. a haelt:ty appet ltn. They ere . hntlEot , to change 31 ~ter eel e . They overcame effect,.ell. met tau They sh,,,..then tn. and run,. tn. tit They prevent miaianat , sud intermittent keen. They purify the breatt. and acid try o: the cum.., They cure Dyspeleas and 1.1.,tit !pat 1.. They cure diarrhea, Lt. le, e Chalon Clot They cure LaYer And Worsens Heads They uttate the weak atrta.g. it. I,lvie!! and are eataxastPd natnre'• gee, rrilf(rt r. TI.-, anpoeed of the celebrated Cisli.ot s balk, leis gee., istuntarsa, root. sod herb.. atl Pr .e-te, perfectly pure St. Orobt Bum. Per ter:l,oler. circulars and teeth:mutate around each hortie. Beware of imposters. Examine every bottle. ss.. or pa, . shot It hat D. 5. Barnes' signatory or our pram. . • & fiternp over the cork, with p.entsisoz.van our firm signatnre on a en. steel plai. env !. side litho'. Bee that our Dual. , Is t led rip various mid deleterious stud. We person F to match the Mute or character me go. 's A I 1u11.,!... person pretending to tell Plentatlot 8,. - .rs by the gallon or In bulk, ban Imposter. tt. e.-.l ou.y ID 1 oar log cabin bottle. &OStsra,tu.irs.Mar Oa bottle, or sallies., any other materiel the: e la- ..1 i'- called Planratis n Bitters or not. a a n the E. B. Lou, end will be so. privaceter already here our eye on tvib parties r.-0' wtti., Se..ho will BaCcMl54l In eettini tutu close qbarters. The detraind fur tattoo Bitters from ladles, clet..irraes. uss day, to perfectly Incredible. The cm: bottle Is the ovistenne s.. use. us rf tbei, .uperturlty They au,. ~.!d VP all rts,,, , ' , I ~• . I:, r % , I , •) I.,, ,V,,tra r,. la, grace's, I,eue, holnis, et. , erol., • i' : ~,, t •,, ~ t•., cocuato stmta. i k . a . I.' .k ,)1 , .1 , .‘ . l'T 1 ,, 1C13.):. , . tl, , a. I. A6l f' ,1 5 ItT- 4 i . rhlty t •5,, ,, 1t I. ~ ;,, i'l . • tth Str•su to , , NI d - . I:ES .1.,:: t. so Cr-o-ac..• T IL A BE ' S 13.E.NUT:•:E BIT TC81 4 .• for tale whol•ulir •L, Wm.• b. 30 n... • ~ t ...I Nu •Nc••er. Is 14 , * on, 1,11•14.. n•cord 1%, 1t...a", of ...tttl'D II Is LI. 4.,.r• .1. e ht. .1 11=1:g cooom. n., ns. r v It+el.. r.-121[11111 ~n Iru. , . ~• ~a, n..: .1~~ fr•ru (be mirt.k.t. pr. lia• ar ~.. t.. 1 __t. ..n_ C ARPETa taw,. .tregjel. , 1 , 7 tu•prlsctpled au. •f. , rre of 11.. pe”prt,.., • C'"ll2, Pr-rar.-! -13 141. , 1 je..13,t.F OHE 01 Uti NEWELL'S tiltr AT HEM Y., II 'll 1' I. I EGLY. 4- 11C PI (1.1 I - ("ATP a Trri F. ~T1i0.7 9 , ..60D APPLE Tata, DR. I3AELZ roas Pecs.zu, 1'I.; vinue 41Mc , N =-PRIVATE DISEASES Dr. Lulltun's Specific WM. F. DAVIDSO.S MEM= ttt t y ♦ K IM!IISIII!111:111111:110 ME!•!=111 rt vaually .; • ••• fr••m f:•ttr to 1, to get • At.. t.t •t'•arii' pre•ent the MM. 1. , et volopmentTt.. 1 nl.l •aa nerve . smart , Man tope , Ittn t. ramotay suJ cocroleuc. cLurArt, l'ornplattl., Stonascb awl Itt , gr , •. AA .> F_Gn•') Tor Wort. they.te a otr•• runt. Tor male by tat elt. , leeale sod ' , q.t.. .!‘ NEN% 1.1.1.. Tr*. teal Chem. aud &at, TOY t yam . LAKE BIIPERIOR COPPE.R MILL a SMELTING WALE, 5r.r...ce...n PARK, McCURI)I A: CU., 6111:A.T111N:. 11BAZIEi.o ANL B,LT COPPER, SuLasED ,oerEr. IJUI10)1o, RAISED ST ILL BOTTOM , . PA LT !Al So 1.1t1:11. Also, tesportnrn and Snalt” tn 0. TIN PLATE SHERI IllAt>t, N IMF S . ,00p100t . 7 on Land, TINNEIIn * SIACRINE , ANDIottLA N 1 Art Ronan, N... 140 I IL,T : oN :TS., Vitlaloargh, Ittrwnial urns,. of Cop,or out • 1,1'..! pal al, 2 -THE CONFEBI3.I.OE 8 Alin EX PERIENCE OY AN INYA LW, polatebed roc the bnuoat and se a wartaug and cacti. n o y Doug mon rho suffer ft,on Nervous 1,1 , 11... y, Premature U. elay of bianbaxl, etc., supply i ng, at t same tpoe tae• qf ref e. by cue a tie bee cure:: n.oseell alter 1.:a; put to great aspen.. and le; main.' humbug and quackery. Uy euelostug peat-patil addre. , l str,gla ouploa may be had of the author, NATIIANI F.L MAYFAIR. Esq.. coot tlydaver Bedford, Kings count,. N. Y. PIEENO U 8 8 U FFEEESS OF BOTII SKIES.—A rceoremt 'coo:lumen hes- log Itemn Inetered to health in hoe dots, after un dezgolug all the lanai routine end irte B tula - repot sloe mode ol treatment. without sucrose, collation it his sacred duty to ecroccuttioate .o hle ultlnvel tellon erratum+ the means of cur, Hence. on the rreript !au addreeted envelope, he will erodjrn, a copy . 8 I the porteription used Direct to Dr. Jolt!: NctONALtn 180 rotten, emtert., N. Y. nth ll.lidevT _ IWNISIKIft •01,11.01 Wl. 1.11 tILNICr anCiNCON. 11—s--ROBINBON, REA & CO., (sue C.../111 to flonteeem, Shen. A Mo.t.ra.e.) MANNINO TON WORKS, rot. eats a 111 trn s tern, l'iltaborgh. Idannfartnrere or BOAT A NII ST ATI , IN FRI STEAM ENGINES. BLAST EN 111 NUS, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, L'AsT. !NOS, of All deagoptsona , OIL TANKS .1 bTI ROILEII AND SHEET IRON WORK. /genre for GIFT ARM'S VA rENT INJ EI!TOR, FOIL FEEDINO BOILERS 7-7:---4011111 COCHRAN & BRO., eLacterere or IRON RAT LIST, IRON VA CLTS ANDY kULT DOORS, WIN SHIM TERN, WINDOM Or A RCS, be., NO. el 10,'OND sod F 0 THIRD STREET, bet. Weed and Market. BAT. OLI baud • taciet, al nee l'eHerne, Cane, and plain, Imitable he .11 port... relic - War ...nth.. paid to eLtelealeg Grave Letll. Jobbing lbws at abort Irelce. L PTO CONSURPTIVEB.-- ' I he Rev. .A. WILSON'S Dated, r Ole 10'n 01 CONSUMPTION, AS 211 MA, BRUNCH ITle, COLD , LAILIGHS . Lod all Thrust and Lang A lbe , long, te. Bother saith a pamphlet airbag the preemption • abort bletory of LH case, ran he 011a10...1..1 .101,1EPII FLEMING. PenggHt. Corner Markel street and Lb. , Dianem.l AstlA-BrodawE UOALEIS 1.11 FOREIGN AND DOllEB7l' 11 ILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES IF. DEPOSIT, BANE NOTES AND St'F.CIE, No. It A LEE STREET, Plttaborgh, P.. gar.Collectlona made en ell the ipel throtexhost the United Raw. Ma 2 COLLIS% FORMAI, t, I t INCI AND COMIIIINSION ELERIMIANT mei wholesale dealer to CHEESE, .BuTTEK, SEEDS 71511, .6 produce Generally, No. 221 WlA.ofl ST, Pittabarah. Pa T Ii'STEI2.c, Bakst t'utrYrosrol, ! t/r . son Sofa VITTIO.S. Port Molar ettrotivo paLS to the fitting up and repairing of OIL REFI NERIES. All kinds of BRAES AND IRON COCKS rands to order. Alva MUSS CASTINGS, of all kinds, =Se at dm shortest notice. All Orden 1,1% at Na.. 31 and 35 Ickntyl i s -FREET. near Liberty, 'rill be promptly attends! to. 11111,Tbo, pactlyart at this 'km being rn.actirainse ataxia, or many yews` Imperious in their WM UMW" to er•tatlrtictlon to awry impost. We ar.- also agent* ant Guild. O*rliMt k co.'s mix PIMP, rot ramping Water, (lade end if 011 a, to. deibly FOR SALE gu.k tb• Ou•rt sy I t I kt r 111111111M111 ~. y~. ~~ I'. ~ =MEI \‘‘,t I 1.1 , 1. FF: t.r fC;-"r • iL, IMEIMMIM -1(11.r. =ME ' ' 1... 1 ‘l,ll nln!..>:No --A .1 EMI M kr. I! I. w,". 14. till' c;11ANI Mll.l. Io4{ 11. o • ft, 111 lot., 01 . 11 1 1 . 'fly ttrterrr r , Frr P.•.-r PP.. 12 111 lot 1,11 •, nr.. 1 1 .01 11/ 1 1.1101 tt.sto t 11, ..on (I 'own, '_'or.tdy and htot,..', -. 1, IL.. er,Lacrlbel ..lo hemby ntopose to fornt , ll a, . debrer to tho t 1 Ited htatne, at the tplart. covet. : • 1 , , pariccout at , 5,7,mM, to the 1.. um, . - your adtert.accueh, Ino Mott prepocalo for ler*, ~. ' t r..t., I , c : 1,, •on / ..-..m.. htdUle _ .feu -d Washb.c.l , ... r ,. ... , , 1 ,,, , , nd ,-, ", 0 , 0 3 , th" n" , ~. 1,, ,A,d , l :1,1 It go. "I . t,.., vox. I,•', 1. , 11't, . Nr Mr,. r.r , r'''' - • ‘•' r 1•, ri r ...Mot, r.1.41rg n nr.r. TA t, , annten•, e nd I I' B RAS LILY BEI Ant 11 ENT j -- I,thntels of Corn, in sack, at. -- ;.,.1 bnahel, ..I, C. • Li . 11. oh t 'rift 0/ 0rfar. 01 IrtilL 00111" o 1, 1 a NS pound.. ~,,,. ~,,„„, 1:. ~ ,-,, „ ,L , IN .1. T. qtr. L 1: , .. ~,,, NC anhitacton City, Anan.l :th, C0',41 ---- trurobols of ltats, In sacks, et per Maath.! JW. 1101.1' r. Wttrritt.A.,, By aathrfactory or 14doee on...caul Co t.l :21 ponodu. .... Jai' In , N' , h' . '" " Lr ''' '''.• ''''''' the . t .ate.ancood, It h. 1.,t 0 ,010 CO ahre.' tn. ---tatrri or halod flay, at --- per too, of 1,11.1. H , V , the V I.l‘hr NATIONAL BANK 1. , I' I . iT Chß 1.; HG It, ~,,,,a, 11 14 ' l <s;\ I' 1 :,,,"., 1 ,` I . \ Cli AN , , 6 i ', : ';',' ' ; i,, 1.1 ,„, Gotta, of A11e,,-to•try, aud Mote ~I Pennay I , a. ----tonscfntraw, at pertOn, of 2,000 p.u ,,, ' I ; ' ''''''',.'"" ':' '' ' •d ,T .... ' ' 4 ,,. " , o s ' ',T o, I nfa, has bent:. duly orsonixed under and according 5.0 p o th o ry to 1.01 -nno on or h. t doro ti t ,— • , .a, ~1 •'' ''" ' ' `.• ''"'' I .' ". ‘...; 01 "..",,''' •,....^7 the mint trot` .0) the Act of Corwrerrh, etrtillor. --, 101:-,..rrt [DIN completed on or bcfore Cu , . --- f'' .. d , at , l Joo - th'' . ' ' '".. . `."".' .. ' • t...,.. '.. An Act to pew; idc a N.lonal Lurren.y, accured. W ~,,,,f ---, i„,,&-, rr r,ri p“. 1.1, 11l yYr If to enter 1 1.10 ~ tn t t .h t r g h .VI ... iI, 1.0,,,..,... Aleut .. '' ' a hl , O, 01 1:1 , 1 td Stave 5t, ,, -1.., nod t.. 1 ~,,,: e 1.. a rttica coorrnct with the CL1 , , , 1 o f voth goc.l .- •' '''' ''-' : '`''' '''''''"'' ~ r , '". '" ~..-. I n '''' , do , cuenlation and rr, , tion ll,crenf,'L opprov.ei 0n ,,,,,,pn,yed ..craittortocithtn 1 1.5. , , , ,er of {O,l lib ... .”-' ''''. ''....' .. r ” ."'-‘ ' ' '''''' . ' ..."...., ' 0 . Frrbrurary 11010. 10t.% and boa c0n,, , 1t. d • lth all Ito ,atcr ',tog tcdth , ..d that toy tei ha , . la on a , ,- , tcd. ( " I ''• •": S ‘ C 50 "''''''' ': ' ''''''' ' •••)•'` Th. ort, cnoos of .ald Art 1,0•1,d to 1 , fonliriled 'ir la IL.. tr1...-rir•rat ad - cont. ' ".'''''' '' '': '' r "' ,' '",".""': •IL ',''." ‘""'" , t0, ,, r: comment - 1.1,r the huaincaa ef Baukanc : —.--------- „, P" .., .- . .''' a I, ' '"''''' ;”' : ",: t..... 0 ,” r 00(0 ' ' Na, thersdort, 1, 11r , ..s ItcCut. , cm, Curni.trolle: . Brigadier .leneral D. FI. Itrcaca, 10a T'. , 1 'r-rr• a 1 1 1 ' n. I 1 • to'..) , •,,, .11 r .r , , o r ,L., Currenry, du herell min 'ay that the sahl , Chi.< Perrot grtArtermwster, tor sr,.. rrr •kr ~ nn,., ' I y ;rryrr , rr y . FILINT KATI ,, N A L BANK 01.' PITI'S • JI. ItCril. Wadnucton, D. C. h....,d 1 1 ,, , , h- I:1 II N GILL. I county - Of altmheny, slot brat. of Pi 0n.yhtd , ..0., h. der the Act fora-aid- GrA.B.ANTY. kr. . F ,1t ..., ,,it. 1 .1F.,--.,-,A.:(',1,,,1„......1 ::', I. :}t , '' lL: h. : , l:l: "' ii...N:C u . ,..g Y., ' l l °°‘l.°°Lf'd 11°°°°''°r° C b° b „ • °°° of IL"1". '' a..l.,'o';.t.htn7'"' °(.4'nd.'"rd. kk,k44l ' ' '' 'Sk.s.a °' ---------- -. -....- lodnotltcony wher t e, , hf , , witto. C roy br.n , d , a,,,,a,,,, j ot ndy and segerti .. 7Tv . e . r , % ' io . ,... th ,, l n ha c ~L ~,,,,,,,..., 0,1 , ~a , 0 ,„.,1 , ~,,,,„ 1 t KS, } 1T: 1 . ,. *...) 0 ! 'a' , t..?' -P d,..h , `„' , '” ,, 0- ~ I otutt ht....a, Ind rr,1...1,5r1t .. . , 0 II 1..t.11 1 LLOI. LI. II) of ---- 1. , ....emptc.1 , that he cr they will, Pa...on. r 1 . -LP...ay ..., c •••• 1.,' ....,, aunts. .. In,- , • ' ......-. o ., r.Ftcol l, ' , or the 00t - tond). ~ .1 inn t,n coy , atter the ...Tian. , of maid bel, wan , ~,, .., 1, 6 14 PO , Oil, r.,1•0•101, 1. ,, ' Lot, tit= er mt.. t for COO ow.. with good dad/maid. t S"' l'' ' ' ' .'' '''' ''' ''''''. 'S '": ." ' h''' • 11." "" ' ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF onrAlea, In a sum equal toil arnoont of tbecoumet, . t. -crated the fora, prop ed In coniformity to the VITPITTSBURGH, PA., ter-co of Aden rtt,ntent dot . Ilronabtr 7,, I.:1,11nd , fr. ta ~ ~,,,r lading ”prtnc. to .1,• I. Itch. n and a o.h• which 1 ,, , Het vcro rindr:6 - rrid. in rritrro the Prod --- ' r.- ".. ''' ''' ' " ni''''' ' ' "‘..ri ''''' t" '''' ' . LATE r n i.., tit) 11 .r tit Cy c 1.0 1 ,•. INC.) •hadt fah t.'r'nler tt ,, '* , ... 1 . - - .. .. w . ' , 'L g .. ''' hove" No b•rt•r irltr• tor r• r Wog mill. oir er c . .,..• sale. t, make good the Moron. , tatwven tbe on, , r .at. P. to t. ,,, toood Thor,. I. on , uoder,c , , ~I . - .by the .1,1 --- and the tax: loiro.r. tepon.d.lP kin" "r ft.".‘ "9 " ." 'l..'" In "'". '' " 1 °'"'''. V'4l'°'°°('• 'nh PTl''''' ''''''''''.• ladcr, t„ „o , ',mon to whom the contract moy IQ DI ri' 10 , 17.1tY, I 510 , 1, the I. 'lt" .' 1' t ri ll .... , to 4,..1.000.00 0 . ' nw,rd, „ l f,..r.1m -- f lli•crtocdcronr hsnA. and non's I tltt• —.117 ot —. Ist'-• • • . OR z•A 1.1‘;-F1)1' It AC RES,, 1,..Y;; I) ....I.rttit,wi ft, nal.. Ft.% u e':uee I.Pailt hit 511,,.0rt• tooolottlp, n ti n . , Isttittonc , l .1 Stand...tor. and rt 1,1.1 r•tt a uttl- tr.u, rite ItAnver l'Att. 14. th• er.t• tate' • tot . tt Lout, .161 torn .1.. tr.idenc , ot J nt! Thrn. Dalos , I ko-,. Th. , laud to a Mt, /mt.,. et t-ttittt,tl. , Tt tt ts tt , tttil VI tat, •ttn. t.r.te. l It •rttto. at .1 rta tt,tl brartte, fruit, t-t..tottmtrut .411, 1,. !tr.... anti Ott. It 1.•. , 'h.,. mot a , : • ttla •-•.• 1. , i w • ..• • rAtu... 1.1:t. 1A g : 4 1..1 , A LE—Contair... ; L : frnme It 1,1,1 I• . . in.l.l • 1.--.l.nt f;u.t n .v• • f nr 112 I t ..1 In •• 11.0, •Int. • o F • LI • r 1:1" • {A.. 1.V.. I• r• - t I 'tl.lkn 1,34,, IT 1 4 1 4 /lt Vli . lt t`TV, 01 i :ant Ilr oritAtali., • n,14 fins, F •n-• ••• l w 1..1Pa. n t414..1 ta p r• 1 prwatu IT, a LUlt IV. (Vt. TI. r •10,1 J 1 Til IZEE Ci Fl 51..1 khooy T10.;.tr.... oi Non r.vls a o. lsovoi, I •••1 .1..0t0 of ho, E11.5s !loot Al*, • .11g V i. 1.0 f , kr, ..53.011• tog the on lb. torn., of Alleowny ...ow, Dn.! .yett. 1•..!4 G doe', The 10055..0 oro. a :he 0,5,05 5..0“501,',0 In the ri•y 01... lA. $.. 4. , .0505. frP . 1.0"1ho !,Iny.•••• y. -• I1TY• 11.1, , .d 1,4 N• , th au, vtrr.t. \ Y9,• , J.1.1.1t, tml./ t.f IvryAnt, Y. , YI L •:Yt.e.d.l.l.tot ;I rt% ytruLlt, owd plantvd , 01..1 yy..l Wm., ..•11 tl_iF rd, men y us,. 5"..1 Ins - rsts., 1. 4 X)1t SA LE—That d..Fornble: pioperty oltnn.t.,l 01 a Maw bracer, thr corner wr Loon" an and the Ohio known ws tto , Gt.r.uwond pr perry, on w hich t erwcted Lut...rik style ria walLlwi Cal.- nage Honer, Strit.l... lea a Llbzww. D Ac. lot furtb , part i,ulAalli enquire ct A.D. SMITH, ralf Weer ert:et,iitiarargh. Hoag ND LOT POI.t. EiALE, on (Mbar:. Woe, In the Zlglith AMA.' VI,. good 1,019.1111 the Loon. Apply to ?SAM - TALL t JORtiBON. Altocrieya, lie. 5o knot street. Plitavatilt. ..... ..._., ~. ~. i ~.. FOR S.ILE 1, , 4 - - --4 hand a T 1 a tt, pEN 1•g•1. .fu 11, L CR NT Li & It. Ir, ' tr,t. The Sh ENTER AR aA , r.; ft E , T.--N I NB D., IL 'f 111A110. fl• ,-'l4; md.- t • the aNclp. .n.r.t 01 thu cmcvlleul duct , .... , • - ack : be, f. r , 130 Iv Plttabrag“ it i• • t.- t., p ft. n ,111t4• t.. I' 11 A , li LE +,l ~tulstrd ti,— 111 II '• • .. I •, ctsr, /I, •. • r, , y +.l:Luba" , A.A!^ , • !lAA ht 4 A Al M 11: \ [ -111 1i I • rt) t t It. )!:Mitt. Ft,t-iv",“ : .• . • -,••••• „. I , ea, t • L't ;I; Jr VA I. , ''F. YN.U,K. AND 1.411' :-Al t..t • L, laft • A', V., Atli -A . -.; H k 11 . S i l, „ . A i N ., 1) ,.„ 1: , 1.1 I . l' , L: i :- ., A , 1 . ..1:: .7. 1 . ...... :: 1 „ ...: .; . :t ;,,.:: .:c , , .. ;,,:,..%%., ...__ , ~ 1..e.t f1..0t. rokinthg I ti.k L..., Io I' 6.14 n all.y. .. Ba. a. , ,-,,••• '-‘,., IS , ,-, !,.....t.s.e , u tn. f, ~I.> wtstch t• er , .,.-1 a tu.. - ... rs ltrf.di. 1 , •••1 lilt. I 1 , 1- .. ‘••••,,,,,,,, ~,,,.,•‘•• ,• n' ,.. . ••, •• •• '• , ,1•••••• i , - .1: • • tr , on.. of tl., Luo": 1 • tr. 1.1 I,ration• in It cvz v .' N. 7, 1.1: - . app'• I” J. h. let: LA ,1, • I, i . Paa....Dgrra p.:l-'ote•ag ~ 1,.... ..: lb. , a . will t • :1 I:. en. . tr .., ' 1 - ...r,m1 an ~...., a, cot•I:oK ta!',....115ta,-... -...1. t, ae' D. t: , .. mtat , “n rt.,a, .......rt fr •.• -ta:i. .s 14‘)H SA 1, E—A n Acre of Land, be Itn . 1 ,„, 0 ,, c , ,,,,,„p,,,, k,,... ,-,,., . m .,„, L 1.1..11) ', n Lod 0.1. .50.051 is .4 Nit - II IS .o-• . St , TICE —ID L..: at L.., tts C0r..,..ny u . .,. h...... 1 1.•11.1....n I . •., ”nc.. 1 iret ou I'. ,t 1 &tr.,. a... ' nen,. 10, n•••1•••U•O•it 1.1 irrbol,e-i b.,...,....., only, 11... t:c.. vs. Ps, , 1•50.5 ...., ,nd 1 ,, r ...qua. US, not ,xt...11t,. Sta. t.'? v. 1 , ,,. 1t...: E.:..... erua I .ntau ,, . , •11r..•5 N. b -.Au Unantbes I..zne b. been rolf.los - rd to U. a. 11511. n. oi.scs puss.-: ,:i. bni.g,... to and ficrn Ile Do lt .1, -.• : .., li , • t , ...r.. , 1 , ,t, at a Lb.: , t.., to 01,...4 crate, for eactl pt.... 1. . _ .. -.- _ r ...,I I. 4,,,,7...: , 1' 4 0501"..:* apply to J STRIVA.ItT, iigt•al. ri.,rrer 01-11:‘ , . •••,.. ' LI, Vi• .d Grant 111,,,tl• 11Iti P 1' 1.11" G !rut, h TIC IFC.I: -4 1 . 1 • L 101: .111 ADIIIAT ,, i.t• MEI ! s ""'"' T s ''''''''' ss ' s ' s ' T " sss ''''' s sT ' ' Ts " '. ii:•:.i.•,-..•..t ~.:•• .‘ .1•1•:.. , tn..‘ ~......: v.. 1,1 I', 1..5 , EST 1,1 1.. , ra'l.-rna. Mnr rr..n. ~,„,„,., ,u,., i ,,.„.,.,,, w 0.... ~,...,..n..a. an a y . r .....n. P. p. a., yI. IL. nri-nr. P. .. Nt..! l .L. at u,. :k lnk . n ~..t..L., , Irart r•ar tkat, lln .unn • ,5 aknatr ra. , ...... , , ••• • •• P 3 .. T" rom ,•• ,ty ••:-..• htot. I , I.! -..d /.• 1, ttvll,l,l, .:1•• I . I %Iv! , I• NNN. , • ~/ ", PNN , ' N ' N N•N r .' •• %IN,: .111•1 d• 11,.. N , .151; , e .ann. or nt, nI. I v... u ! ear aicta Prod , .ntr - 3 ..t • nal !lane, i,nyaldr ~.,, ,„..,,,,,.,.. •k I .akN : I •• I.k.r '. :u Sa.c , aukl nr 1r... •,. '.', T, rm. nun., L. u tkrtrn out In wont, of; the Man 'F.'. ....LN t , IN , 1•111. ,:1.,11 ~...1 alk nt'....,1,,, , f a1. , ...t tw• . • . - , A b k. - tknan la ..a.rlk. rm., ... 1.,• encik..k., . f el , 111 three • ~....n. EA St W I' . )t I.\ TI ) I.IV- ' hnnhela nar,. T. .n. 1....rtn ntliJnal*.trknut ea ... •13 P.l.Pra.L.......ratar , Q1E.1:5 STOW S. 2 . 1 .16 ' tr, char, 1.. I.l.••Cnn -rnmkknt. he 1 , 1, n.. 1 n:rnn - ' •I 0, 11., ur..,, 'II.. ur .1 Ernm. , .., ara.nrcra of 0,. ~, ~,,n un, i, 1 „,,,, 'I , 'la k.....,...: r...* y..ri. ...k.,1 PlnlarlakluLia .....eart.ani The pnr.i. tkler km Inr •Ika-HP,..n nt .5.t.... .. ... k ••••k. ........,t0INti••: an fr.ll••aca. :ail,.. •rcac' prk,•-• I. t. k. ... 4, ‘,11, 1 :- ,al,l . 5.,1115 5 iit). y , E. r ~ . r ~.,.. N.' P,.' , All tlkr• a-tr.l , - , of , I. :n. 1 - Inn bill herctu In -, . ••I`atka la , • Er' , - 7 a .t... 1 5, 1., ..-1,... i 1 Inapncti.n L, thn ~..,....... a r r.. , nk ~..r ~,„......, ;, .... k .. . • .• -NiP.: 101,-NTNN i. • 1,17 , C "IF 1•AN.44,54. I .N. , Inn.r.--...1a.. 1,, k . r. na Cm a.k. rtnt ra V.. ti... !.,. n , .;-k.. r. rre la. rannrnient *I Ea•r-ern, rrkkrm ut may rr•lnk, am! pny:lrcnt all: br . mane , • • • q ... r *ln n 11, uh.. 1.• utuount ...rut., tr. , an- r:..... na.- 1..* kn.' - - • ..::: ". '"'""'„,",-- ,' ''...; :' • , rt. dr•11,...,..1 and arrakpr..C. '' ' ' L '"" 4 " ° " - '''' " "' "" ''''''''' ''' . Tlnk ,n 14 . -, 1,54.11•• • t.noirral tr.., comp..., Lis r• - • , 0, ~.. u.....,,,,. .0 la do tr. Rana., 37 On , pr.nortia, tiast in ca-. Ina U.S ta a. ca1.t...1 le. art they '''''''',"'''.."" l " r ''''' ' '' Is n '''''''• L., r ' ,''''' H. ,. ', * ni, rrtthin tun tis,• thrrrank,, , ,l'ute link contract ,1• m lar.l. Auto. cp. 1...... at naimally IQ. rat.* tnr .I.n. nme, an t. c,...1 and anlll.rirknt .12,, , . il. a F .rent halerl .4 nr Queon.rto,” . 111 Canna, . mon .1 tk. 1:4 nkr ~, un: of the ...itn: l , t... MI, . ~. r ",, 4 , , 31 , C... ct...nrnara. 33... Tin... , att., wink. in ,k ,v ,„ i I•,, prcia en.rl ua ..idoruoty 01th On. term.. ..I • '''''' 1 . '''.." " ' ".d. '''' ''" '''''' he'' at a ''' . this savcrttarturnt. ana turn... the ma tr„.dark nh.m4.l . _ .... r..:1 to rnternkto T.!, ...ntroct, the? t . ake r..... E.. .. .... r .J.; !.,firs mu: ..., IL.", .1.1, a, gan.:, . 'TN L. itt ..... 's.! ..71 •se . N •tt, r. t •• 11 n , i•• I 1,...,1 Ir, . 1 , , r or the i•• it. In 'oe , or "o';''' i • PSON, Atrolt. .". "" '" rr \A RD N ,--MPalrq y^.".l to 1 ta - 66.1.1,r. , 11.• full hrne 1..1 P. 0. whirr,. each t , tddef rum, wrtrlrn It, pror”.W. mutt to Br tviAler Gruer.' D. 11. CLIO Una..ll;irilrlenuitn,r, W. 41, C., ...I et .I.r. r Forai.e. • 11ortd, anro ~anal to the timonht of the et. •. - j.,..•1 1, ) contra:W: l .Al Loth 01 his g'uvr • re,u.r... , 1 tlo enco-eiitel r ..10,51:1U,13 .1;0111i; evutra.: 111a1.1.. gulrat , tessi awl 4 , ..r..1A, upon eit 013 ulhco. 11,2.31. UC;... in ANn QuICYN,Ttr•VI, rJs.tri I,IA, vr IU eln , •.!rr. fp FEWLI N WSu ,vs In mr,,,nt7 ISbna ere., •.<t. asa.s.a.l4 TATII!\9I. BANK ov pirr*ltuacitt Toe Pittel.orgh Tom t Ornipany Tustin: tree:Prod ottior the Oct to proeitic National Cereency, node? Itheal.l the title of the VIIiST tiATION.II. 11 .e\6 127. t Si nil rITTSLIVI:011, would oppeclielly ofh r toilwoe ..„ tr . t h e 1 ,, t ,l ic y k tt „,,,,A, fu and r the conert lan of Ninon !Pone llllle of iiishettAr. oral pr,rho ohttptt,,„,,,r '•°*" on d ' t ' oti• •°" " °°4 'll Forel:tin for the amount for 'elicit the) , runup. ve ell t•irte of the coraltry. ueer tit w.r , .7. T. soup,. I.OJ lel low "a •unwed rho rittal.crrP i • • liocettioisioz tho rotted Stolen District Alter Tr"'hi " °°°rd."`"" I's2' Rill ; r,u..dor .rtyawr a netrr under ""'36""` `'"" bwin." M . :Coned Stoles wnl 00 - olte the to woe ptesopt ng tteltitit.a. k I All vroponale to undo . thin arlorrtiteurrot r Y r"'"""" ono '"""C' uarr'"'"h P'° ° Intl lot opened too! exatutotti nt I.Pri 0111. W Et , s"d nor , sera thr "" ° " . ‘ " the rrmn'rY ' c.° ."'"" °°.° Nil Earl . GDS . ! <A I ot. " Ln " r ' r """°' r."11"1. Diridere are ipootfitily Invited ter tyres 0) OP with pt. o rieetoe of ?Liar 0 they en.eirr. e ei the ea:, ,Scan 3... E LA...Lila 11.,4,rt 11===1 Wea li. Stmt., . JAMES 1. AUGIII.III, 0tt.10....1 Orr. c. 0. - Via entry ilunriron.arOkr., -., .' Joll N D. SCULLS , Crothior. ...Eir.rfton. 1.. C . Nov.*, lek.z., ) aaaa..,l fel. 1..3. ,„.,,,,,,,,,, , Otnii3o.. tot solnitol. iii.O. 011 br rcoott..l et this - - - ----.- - • onto() ter tio. tocotahhor or entrator Hors., to 1....10.• I) Oi.l.Aii SA VI Nil:- BAN 1i , N 0 o ,1, .--...1 .: Vt.hontlon, P. P. r . t. 1a.0115, Ho., ens V.: - Ron Nruncr. thionktin, 111 1,711 A P.TfillrD IN 1b."... ' Thu Porn. to comply vt•h-thofeAcnsiog apocalca. opon tinny trim oto T o'clock, den ~ , k Weak),.),, ln, no r . T.- 1 0 ftom Oat , . iis) to autos,. 010) no 3 basun:ay fornottnp, from Noy 1. to Nontfmlo h o o f. high, In ol fee (5) to W., (tki rex. n l 4, wnll 1.0, from 7 to 7 o'clock, nod Goal listorni. , 10 Or r ' inokt. 00 thosotaint...ntro.-111'000, it , F.. , droh. 11.1 10 from oto 0 o'clock. nod Imo lkozo all dolacts. . . .... 1-...0. roc... of all Nona not law, :hoe Onr , The *DDSs of It. Wad.' t. ruMB GA , *VT... - . 1...5r, awl n dol.lornl of Oro prof,. dochoo.! awn,. • 1.. 0 to titsoofilo od 10 1 Bo°t>iont3 o . oll2 . o P0n..., frar, in Juno and Don-rola, Itatorrat ho. Lieu do. ' .hoop oiSktolot' om..t to' °W . ". . t.o.tb.orit . t o o L ot. cotrol roml.nnrotally. to Jtme nod Ittcootot. r, etoc. . fin prem.]. nal Lo tarhatihtball ntrOorthe oath of the 11000 k nao o -- -1 •th to 3 .01 I •or root t tillpointo , cf. , . -rm. , Or in.-rarrne I.3Ling shall 1. t,a.Paa. ,a. ata_ .. On ulo to this ..tinn. o f l ,or If not or out, ht row.. to 0., crtiot The raapOualtallt, of 4.froanantont onat.lieshown of, t0...1......ii, 0. pt tntitol, 10.4 hoary tho nano it.- ny the afiLdal certinnater Ifl U. Cl.-rt,,f i t „, ~,,,,,,, t•Tint fr - n. thr 0,1 dn‘a 'I Joao tut Poorml.., nnoi DLttrlrt Court to 03 Le L,.!:01 :. , ..,,tei- Pistrit tAL yonito too tntre n rnif . without troonl tog tho .1.1...1. ~,,,1 • ~, ‘,., co n, or 00 ,, n. neranot hi. or t....k A, 11, • . 1 . r..p..... la our. La ]. hoped to tient- Uol. ...'. a rat- m oo, ell' doubt. to 1,.. floor, 'solo , yrara ~.,\OtTLLLI3,....kaa ttrar.onitottor. tiornlry Boonno. 1,..... containing the ('hurter, dlr.-Lan, Be!-. ml he . rodosse.l cr. rho ontel•ro .. ProposoLf for nod 71,110.0.' - a, torn:shod gr.., on appl lento n ot Mtn., . tn.. ...too - (kooky Horn. aktrofing orttlt LSti atinve •prcifica. Peraltucor--GBOLGE A LIIIIZI trou••011 10 Purchased lit . tpentaarter., st Lair priced, 01.71 , •13.11-,1,111: se the fottee - inf olnecs4:o i Noc-loili City, Albany, J• ...0 El TitcYstl.l... t Lome O f. Poonorl. Ounalo and Ilan lantton, . Y.; Pithilittrgb, Penns.; RAM 1.1011300. ! John ftlarrioaL, eolotutons, 0h',,,, 11.30.00, kin... ti.uokstn. Me.; sod .keen 11.3., 1 ur n ,. B. O. Moot.. 51...11n0n, Wln. '. C. G;SAWTVLI.L, lionl. L. Yahoo.- h, , A. 11. Pollot - k, :0. P., - Lnott.GOLAirtil Chtoe QUartortkoi..o. J." , 11.-Aulcy. ' 11111 Burro, n023 - .3tf Cata_ ITlog lloresn. Jam.. Ilenicolui. --..n , ..-........._-_,............-----.7 n r.rtorron 1 k Vk-v.. A . ht.Jek,. SI'OIZTsNIEN'S 111 , .:0QLTAIITERS, ! w lan P. Alat•ht.ll. MG WOO I) STICYTT . k. 0 L j Jot., Orr, 1 tk,bert 'Robb, ' floury L. Iting.•ll. James FL:3ln, . ‘ .l o o . b it n ii". ll. EtEh.r.,s,oht.Lriri,„, Molt.. Ono sitcollon of Sportiroen rind other. to Ms inlncliltl stt t.k of GUNS, JIJELY.S, P.E.VOLVEILS, , Akarintico Tindle, PISTOLS, fIASIE BAGS, POWIIEItYLASKS, ntlitT I William Vanklrn, BELTS no :l PO U. - n*l , , 1.12.);,1 Vi.....1}C7, ak, a o..kk . 1 LH. Whittler, • noinrik. of .awry Una. 1110 ...k is the lug,. tner WOO, P. troy... i.h.o=ht WO% mart.. - . tool 7 Childlike' Telsivq. .. 1 DROPRAIVARY : AND:9I3EVENCE --Les A- COLTON., I, ,_ 4 STAIIPS, of all derwskanitlaciA , 6.lß) lls r.vply _ —... cone.Antly Cr 4ar111.1.. din 1111011 A Iteonstle .-, lOpice,So. 67 VisUr street, wit 1901 - ho .C7ty Tram LARD WANED.—The highistrtittrt.amv.imi7. - "i: ' . 13 1 313 /14 ,171127 :Vp Om psfil fir (Unary Gard. od,au tlinei.: -.-, k- , - .!Chalicaor - it'latcrualltont r ut4a LPL). A. ...- JAIL DAGZELL.4 - 3011 - , -- -,, 7 441 Noes , -stmalki , loo tlfr,LcUtt:to4.lSeir,hen cad! -3, 3 111 1 tlAfllCkWaSor Bt.*. oto , Pitiotolokik • --. . - 7,0!, , 0. .° 24 . ''' I,min VEN I'l jirsltticerrainly VVM:rt 1.1-Mg.-20 bbls, fbr salo by =WV VG, COLLINS. I V 111 J, B. CIB - k V-LUGD. CAITIn 0.1..k0f0r Joh. E. Btu.lley, Clark.a A. Colton, PhII Tam John Evans, Wall.= N. Mom, Pan 11. Clanks, Richard 11. pk, Jamas D. 11,44, WI an 8..1.u0t171 Nuarranl It Unarm teltdaw S. N.. 1311. TAN =OEM :1......94. .._:iv , ...t_,..,.<...~.0 v ... i P.•• 'Oll •crwis .tdar, (ra,..rt :aaday t , • dt ritt , I. 111)....iuD W.; T rN., 1 MEE :.:J d.o!• st p t. Se IMMEIM First V. trtmT - T 1.1 voh 1:01.{./A4r. IMITEI =ME 1.... `-.. r I I :1 ••I illO.ll/09 14121 - 10.51 , , Ft.bar4t. 111.4ANK S I Frauds Alr, Dr.karl• Samuel Ur. R.IIILROADI. _,,,_ . _..,x,. ~.-:. •~ a •. r..... oe r at ot..a.:tutok rt. , 3 1-Enrrietf.,7 Dalt, a:. Neer t : TIA r/1110- 11!=11!SZM N TI \IN• , 1. I.ti.ntat tkr,L t Xx,rrs. Tina: 4:4: 1.1 , uew,i. A.Cet,TI P It 01.05.1 th. tot t •: g r .tt.l th , -r r t, • .fted ithe T. 11. 11VCEE1 1, licit. Itir?Zl2.F ALA' J ANIE.I3 NiUrl4 N _:: } '~
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