pshrgh 6aztftt THURSDAY M0RNUa1.......FE8. 11, 1864. CITY AND SUBURBAN The Proposed Bouut}• Tax In the Ckeentereinre report of the protect!. lip of the County Convention, yestertiey mottling, we hod the following: Why the tihvernment officers, Messrs.• tie, of the Fourth Ward, Pittsburgh, and Rid dle, of the Bret Ward, Allegheny, voted &plait. the Troposition to raise the m. 0., to proeut t e Tolur i teers to fill our depicted armies, ye do not understand. We etre unable to speak for the delegated from the Fourth Ward, but feel warranted la laying that the gentleman alluded to, from the First Ward, Allegheny, voted again•t the proposed tax according to hi., o wn cent and in accordance with the expro,ed will of those whom be represented. The First Ward, Allegheny, by the unaided effort• of e. few citizens, hare mood a fund ef money, and have already pineed in the feld cone ei,tyrq oreferee, without asking free the County Tree itu7 one dollar. Al the Convention refused to exempt those diet:iota which had already filled their quotas, from the operetione of the proposed tax, no °holey was left to delegate. co situated except a negative vote upon the proposition. A.llegheny Yards:. rtant Arettoti by Butchers and IJrUyers Pursuant to call, about two hundred butch ers and drovers assembled at the cattle yards, in the Second Ward of Allegheny city, on Monday, Bth inst., to take action a, to whether their business shall continuo to be carried on et the old stand, or removed to the new yards it East Liberty. Mr. N. Carr was chosen chairman, and those 'present nailed upon for an expression of their View,. After some discruseion a resolution was offered that the business be continued as heretofore at the Allegheny yards, butchers and drovers being unwilling to lose the time and spend the moneywhieh would he requir ed In a removal. Upon a vote tiding taken on the retoltition it was adopted unanimously, those voting pledging themselves not to buy or sell 'tea at any yards which here lately been or moy be established in this ricinty. and that they would continue to bay from or sell for all those who may see lit to bring stook to this market. Those engaged in the trade, it was stated, did not feet disposed to make a change—to remove to a locality distant from everything needed to carry on a successful business, with all the azpense to which they ism subjected, in addition to what would- nees,sarily be entail ed upon them in case of removal•. Drover!, ll WY urged, should feel it their bounden duty tOcreVerire unanimity among themselves, in ordei to famish all the stork needed is this market. Another meson urged against removal, was, that all stock k eomlog from the West would be unloaded at the Allegheny yards, if re quired, and hence there wee no necessity for butchers going elsewhere to purchase. - The butchers would feel it &heavy tax upon them to be obliged to drive their stock eight miles,a distance unknown in any market in the nited States. After driving their stock this distance, in warm weather, they could net kill It, as, being overheated, the meat would be unfit for se and this difficulty might exist for days. Again, the drovers and etchers think that by removing to the yard at East Liberty they would be killing their own interest and build ing up that of a few who have no claims upon them, much less the cities in which they re side. They had to deride whether the Penn sylvanie Railroad should be allowed to force them to go to East Liberty. The city of Al. ',shorty has received thousands of dollar; annually from the yards in the Second ward, audit was exulting too much to ask the butch ers and drovers to throw all their interests Into a chanurl which is likely to prose haz ardous and neprofitable. The question had been asked when the P. Ph W. &C.'S. R. was constructed, who mode the siding for the unloading of stock" Was it the Penns, R. R. Company f No. The dintehers and drovers made it. New shall the Ft. W. read influence the shipment c:f stock to yards owned by the Penna. R. It. Company. which has never done an iota to serve the in tercets of the trade. It was said that if stock was unloaded in Allegheny, and drovers el:ripened to drive to But Liberty, it would be too expensive. In reply to thin it was asserted that utoe-tenths of the stock unloaded in Allegheny would be soli there, and If not, the expense of driving to East Liberty would not be as much by ten cants per head; as is charged by the railroad company for the ore of their siding. drovers would much rather drive their stock than to have lo on the car, eight or ten hours, as le often the cue. The impression baring gone abroad that the Allegheny Yards hare born abandoned, on motion, a committee of fire was appointed to draft resolutions, which, with the Secrets. ry'e report of the discussion, were ordered to be published in the city papers, and also in western papers, in order to counteract an induce:ft considered detrimental to the beat interests of butchers and drover, The following axe the reit:anti.," reported ind adopted: L That the contemplated moving of the drove. yards front Allegheny to tart Liberty, Ls contrary te the hitereste and elehes of drovers and butcher.. I. That the retell yard. will he retained and am ducted as before In Allegheny City. L That the expreeziou of the drover. and butch ers, ea given at this meeting, be published In our own and all the western papers, Informing cattle dealer. of the detertomarion of the abort named panto. to continue to buy and tell se usual at their, yardtv t. That the drover, and butcher.. feel that nwo op ales, whether gotten up by Indmiutle or eorepa• Idea, ars 14Juriotta to the maprit). B. Th at •• believe the new Tanta at Latt Liberty have been gotten op to benefit • few, eepecially the P•usaylvanla Railroad, contrary to i i,. in rnrsc• end whales of our busty.. men generally. A singular Confession In November, 1882, a into named John Strawbridge was found in a dying medicine, on the bank of the Susquehanna river, near Harrisburg. He had evidently been beaten end robbed, but he wat to badly injured that he never spoke after being found, and the murderer escaped. An old lady named Paul recently stalled anon District Attorney Herr, stating that a young woman who recently died In Harrisburg confessed, upon her death bed, that ohs, in company with • lover, was promenading on tho river bank on the even ing preceding the day on whioh Strawbridge wu found; that her lover knocked Straw bridge down and robbed him, supposing that he wu dead that she wee forced to swear that she would never reveal the murder, but her eenscience compelled her to state the facts before departing this life. The alleged murderer is In the army, and if guilty it is hoped that some means may be found by which he may be made to suffer the penally of his mime. The cue is a singular one throughout. and has created considerable sen sation in Harrisburg. Philosophy of the Atmosphere The leetures end experiments of Proles..., • alchardt;etCormert Ball, beoomn more Inter esting as he progresses. Be reveals, In • meaner as pleasing as it is plain, both to the ass and to ,the eye, the wonderful properties aid powers of the all-surrounding atmosphere and none who love to be delighted or astcp lehed, or who have any desire of knowledge, ought to miss toeing his experiments, or bear ing his lucid explanations of these wonders of soignee. By his experiment', ho demonstrates the tmtliofsoye,and by his explanations he enables all to understated the philosophy of all he does. Both dew it ie, and why It to, are clearly made known is all eases. Thle evening he lectures again, when, among other experiments, a small balloon will be In. dated and sent up in the hall. Bonnet ff. writer on the fashions thus discourses on bonnets The bonnets of the present season ought to please, we think, the most fastidious ladles, as they are so exceediogly becoming, being just large enough to forma framework round the face and trimmed both inside and Out Without any exaggeration, so that we aro almost tempted to with they would remain as they are. Yur is used as trimming for bon nets, bat has not a very graceful appearance. The best Pa this purpose are ewendowo or grebe; bat chinchilla, ermine, and even sable ere used, but will not, we think; bet , tine at all gannal. Chenille fringe forms a sou elegant trimming, and is much used. Muulw TEI FIRST WARD Pt:Tamara. anrolled militia men, and the stilton' 4gennally, of the First Ward, Pittsburgh, ate sammtly Molted to attend • meethag at the &tool Row, on Friday evening, Feb. 12th, qty of d optm ward. Let there to be a full at- POSdanoo. 2t Progress of RecrulUng Below will be fatted the Bet of roc:nits err listed by .1. C. apronll, Government agent, Fourth street, and mustered Into sen-Ice Captain T. Demon Foster, Provost Marl...vat 224 District, from the let to the lOtla of the present month, together with the au` , -.l.etriets to which they are credited, ant also th, which they were enrolle.i. It would uo seen that only thirty, nut of the one hundred ad bre men enlisted, are credited to till, its: vi n:. the balance having been place i to toeerr!:[ of di stricts where local bounties hove been offered. The neceseily Cre prompt eetlen the pare of the citizens if this eistrict in pr, ridingbounties is apparent, if the drat: t be avoided. Every dry agents from otnt r districts arrive here prepared to ore: hountit to r.dunteers, and if Cal) money raised immediately. the great majority cf those wishing to volunteer will have been .ceurari t'y the districts already t o the 6e1..1.• ~f t PI: • .f I Richard La, T l% rn II Ea.. .1.. Jdhn A t: [r,. V“setl.. d I itkind., • A P.m, y liant..l bind. Ra,d Christ, do d.• Witi g Row. 1 , • John A slthrr, d, do John I' Mehl, • ret,s t;-. Ott h , • dd -1 Jd. Laiaderbadt,Sew'ky Vro., Jdd A 0 , 110 , 015 • S Ward, rot.., tp. tat 0,.1.) Hard 111.'y Thonma riot y , It 0,1 +nrnl , 4 , : to 5 P ',den, !Neville tp...1 . 2 , 1. • of Ilophdr, rasa., t2d; bet c W Re... 1, I IL. tit k Timotli 111uting,'” 01, da John o.leon. irt.ter. MEI=ES Jar 1I 11,11.rr,•:,. Ver,s,llert, J. II !renal,. , d • Ir r.nrrlhnl J. /I llamb IS Fayrtte—l,d, DaNilJenkinn, IlArorthirn, ttlarattrll.lntrro, n Mit .111,1 M litter, I Iletrrn tp, Jw Lantlegnu, r, Phan :111, •Itlnttlarry . Aber, 4. W0r.11.41, I RAI Stanley, urt 1r Ingn z.nlA. .1 W /ravrrernr. , =d, nenvd Wrn 1 d, Jusept, Dray, .1.• .1./ •. lien 3lnson. V2elvtdl . Y.ln, "AS J. n rstupboll. dr de N.., . - re•fit Tread bjur, Cr.nnrllrr v. 21, J J Jr., it it 1 , a•,., .1.. A.. 1•. .I 4th SA nor d I rnt..,n Juhrillnn.rt, a. n. t: • . .1, hick. rt. 11,1 Thor 31 ry u.. John ' , ample. do N., enroll-1 44 /A Crick.. tp, d., J. Gs•orge, allo,n tr. t2d. David Sef!•11 , 1. a 1;--0 John Lombard, d, do N.,1 Unrl.l, Richland tp, Jas B Scott, IM.'on tp. 2,1 0. 1. pols'd %lug, 11.1c.blan.1 tp. d.. .1,. TV MI Marc.,,,, d.• Jas Rossi, I , rin tp, 21•:' ,1.. Samos( Ilinry, Wsyn , . tp, I , th Cr,l‘r Smith, do , do d • do John Torphy, d.. do JO, onrd, Al! y Jan S M[litoVi , Penn tp st. si,ol Wea Springer, .1. , 4th wsrd. liaphaol Smith, Js N t enrolls.l Henry 0 Tlll, J. , 0., 4:1, wemd, Chas 1 - nb how n Chas Mayer. do Sot ear Fad Schaper, .1. do i do P Blackburn, .1.. de ,llMty town.!. .I• Geo Foley do Geo Coulter, J.) do do 0 S I'o Gallagher, do Lawn. Roes. inc A Gray, Mancha,. 'ast ,Nnt. mir C IM sah'n A T G-IT, .1 P ''u Lor ShL J Drake, d,. 4. 'Not enr..11,1 in.. ildrrt.. ::111., i.t Pl.. t :. Jae F Wood, Pot.. ip. oil N•• . , • Aldreddl, F J Durban,. • Kelly, St 13 3 bompsou, Tp, I du 5111 Bryant, do ; W A Barb., do do 1. T Pdttotx, do da Jo 3 eataple, 5 Qrndl, 24tia Wm Hen4rit,t, , . Ilms , d. T .111k7.1 Jai tp 22.1, Not,l r, • Pitt :3, ,amvel Frm, Plum tp, tp .Iro. Mo BnA dc, Ne.t eur,21..1 S..lll,env, G Pttt 13 , , Si,,, Itartmat,. J Lau,. Plum tp. • lloupt, ,hdldmtp, ,I.t, • Pdrls. Pitt tp, Ii Wa1,,1.-1. Vivo, 13,, Complimentary Supper The Day and Night Police of Alleghen!, last evening gave a complimentary supper to his Honor, Mayor Alexander, ut the hall Mr. Hoary Howie, on Ohio street. The table was most bountifully supplied with substan tial, and delicacies, served up in the best style of the culinary art, and .18, surroundei by about thirty able-bodied men, who ate with the relish of veteran soldiers. The sup ply, however, was inexhaustible, and it was found that after a "severe attack — the boards were far from being cleared. The affair was very pleasant, and ea, conducted in the boat manner throughout. It was an eriden'e et the good will and pleasant relations existing between the Mayer and his officers, and must hare been very gratifying to bte Honor. A number of invited guests were present, and were well pleased with the entertainment. At the connexion, Mayor Alexander took or cesium to return Lie thanks to the members of the police for this mark of their esteem, and he hoped that the pleasant relations now ex isting between them would continue through out the year. After tendering a vote of thanks to Mr. Rawie, for the admirable man ner in which the supper was gotten up, the party dispersed. Something, for the Ladles A lady of New York, noted for the and accuracy of her observation of life sad society, Lean her testimony to a remarkable physiological fact, owing to mornl causes, which to worth stating for the purpose o being verified. She affirms that of the birth. , taking place In that city, those which occur in families whose attachment to the Union I. decided and zealous, are mostly boys, while in families in which there is a decided sync. Why for the secession cause, they are girls. The observation of our reader. may help there to Instances confirming the fact, or ehowing it to be a mistake. It has often been eald that in countries wasted by long wars which carry off the male population, the male births largely predominate. City Mortality be. George. L. McCook, •Physician to the Board of Health, reports the following deaths for the week commencing Jen. Vetli, acid end ing Feb. Oil: Railroad injury, I; debility, I, Bronchitis, 1; croup, 2; scarlet freer, 2; enteritis, I; in digestion, 1; measles, 2; whooping cough, I, pneumonia, 3; sooldent, I; hydrocephalus, 1. Males 12;WhIto 1 ;1 T0ta1.... 18. Female. 81Colorati lIILLTII3.—The French Spy we. produced with One etfeet last evening,by Mies Western, and the house was jammed. This evening she appears for the almond time In Don Caesar de P.esav, and also as Little Panl in the Pot of the Petticoats. In Vern P.xx.rtvaxt♦ ScasBl.--We .re informed that the elith Regiment Penn sylvania Volunteer. will arrive in the city thte (Thursday) morning, at ten o'olook. r EcIAL LOCAL morn; Et;.- THOMAS POSIT, Plain and Ornamental 51-ate Ilaofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont date of the bent quality at leer rate, 02lee at Ales. Lautglilln'e, naar tan . Water Works, Pittzkrazgh, Ps. • °turfll t Barnes Snizo ktioninnz hare obtained the highest premium at erory ntate, County, and Institute fair held in lb it , as beat family and the beet manufacturing machines, and for the best machine wor k . A. F. Caarorst, General Agent, 18 Fifth street, Plitaburgb, F• VOLCXICZILS. ArtiNTION I—For the derange ments of the system incidental to the change of diet, Wounds, Eruptions and Exposures which *very Volunteer is Eruptions, to, there are no remedies so safe, oonvonient, and reliable as HOLLOWAY'S/ALLA AND OINTMENT. . . . Holloway's Me and Ointment aro now yr, tailod, owing to the high price of drugs, de., at SO eents, 70 °ants and $l,lO per boo or pot. For sale In Pittsbtirsh, Pa., by D. L. Yahoo stock dr Co. For salis also at Fulton's Drug Store, Fifth street. SoLomas and Olken in the Army, being exposed to sudden changed should always be supplied with "lirourn'a pronekia/ Trochcs," as they give prompt relief in a cold, Cough, or an irritated Throat. • - -• • •• • • Forests at Falton's dreg store, Fifth streot, Pittsburgh. Dame and cartage calls will be [alma at the Omnibus aloe, No. alt Pecan street, day at night. All orders et the above plan will be promptly attended to. AU cab mud paktja OUR FEW YORK LETTER. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Csrtensebrisn - e rf the Pittsburgb Garotte TOR[, Feb. 9, 1F94 Prqtaol . .i• tor are maktag to oelebr4te the 00n.7e - rarycl Woolaingtoo's biriti.ity in a moaner srorthy ri the Empire Cit . • t.afire dog-co cf entioutia,na I. already manifested. and jevl. Ic atte ,eric.utly azkinz robtnary ought ttn: to he T•e 0 linh,,clo token Lie ieo4 :hi. innecircni. One ..! f. , fc.tfu re. of the ecter...nmeht or •f, will he pa.:notio ruhti , ,.' per fortne I 1.7 c• lee , t ve hurAroa s,ho, ;if 1. , . n tt Ito•to• The tii-tinghtshotti judos chtcl 1-staha, h., anti hme. the ex: ie,ti tn .f Vtinortmga or-iiirs,' who, fur the op.-I par, were born mtile sixth ward of this city, end of eeuree voted the lietne,atie ticket, this aft-noon of the g oo d. square Ain,icaa Intim ne entree some teal intereat. lie Life came East, lie assts. to ace whore an 31. s psle faces, came from. Judging from the great :it...sells of curiosity makers who hshg on hi• rear - a hereycr he goer, it would he prcmature to any that he bide fair to be LLunt alma-font.; tutirbrd. The Millet Imre al a bees romantically inclined to ward the getternu,s, noble savage of the f meets Irataba'n drwe, which, to eay the least, i 5 a close fit, has gene a good way to disabuse Fifth AVCDOOI.II.IIII33', mind of some of Its ohoirest I yesterday eteited tee rendezvous of the ear al boots, whirl, are wintering here, for the purpose of being on hand at Cho opening nat tgation. The boats, to the number, perhaps. 01 one thousand, am hauled up on the Jemmy due, eppoeite tho tipper part of the ci:y, anti Ltd oat in regtthr dtre.b , and 11,- noes. ''omr.conic‘tton ts 6,1 with ore ancth er tbt.ans of entail boats, calming the row mme,rtras: t,: appear Whoa,ery Democratic Ve tocc. t C311 . .,,,tprr perly let rolled a ilbating r.ty, because to rut aflcat only about a qua, trr tithe tune, at bigtQige. the rent of the time it Is d:,:ty imbedded to New Jersey mud. Now a theneer..l b.atuien with their faiciiien and atiwiii es, make .lone a rearectalile tool 1,10 far n• number,' go. They era cc:e ta:t o Ir...el:arta:O. a bioly of turn as c n Patiry.raintng and history are ignored to be nitre, hat they arc authority an ild nlcd,ce and rum drinking, Each in tha or tirani ' n cartie, and the scenes witteeted there or. u Sunday laity .iuntify the belief that the ercup or t aterwthentioned is deiddelly aiire that nlightly altered legal aph: Veto. hinging and ....using. fiddling en 1 dancing, thinking and fighting, nee kept up ti'l .`ter midnight. In vain do the law abiding Jereryinen, resident in the vicinity, seek toabate the nainance. IThat Jersey Coat hoi juriedirti,c the tide chi. and tlo we rib led ..hy thp nigh: watchman, who ts termed. not inaprir, the Mayor, I roast through the various streets of this mud•bo• girt cc..y. Int. was a hasardocis feat. I rim the naohtlet of the coarsest oriiirirm, welt as something morn emirirting of bits at coal, kir fling wood, pail, of slops, and nurses, loud and deep. The names of the boats were Roil chosen, and their .solnatlonF appropri ate. Bete were the Alert, Antelope, Lx press and tiLaiti Lightning. Made fast to the Mor imar was the Motiior. Fart Monroe and Ben Butler were there, as were Bull Run and Cow hoe. and tied t the I.e-s StOr" was the Dan Bryan:' The trot:oles teer the water small distant reficettun here. The tiertuans hale established a reading•room end headi f earters .In a Wilitaut street lager beer sahib. where all news retell, a to S,IIICFITig 110iftein bulletined no test ti." received. In one eerher of the r is on immense placard eontaining the words:ot at En on raarsri. r l• Ittaa- Mont. :—There is something rotten is Estr.• mark Ar stiatte., Gan thtuteand peeps ,• :coaled rst the Cote Lachenge :sester.t.t!, in shticiputi• a of a dir•urbenre, there having been a must ditgret—it.l pertormante enacted there to Frids.7, sod rephrts hoeing gel cur rnt that a repaid:ion on act:: on 31tnlay. It appears that a Mr. Ithbetts had ittabsged to get himself in hatt ed., and the Ittard of Managers cf the institutii ti rest., i t:pet Liu T. th tomirre Mr. 7. t.u'd att sah • scribe. Ile the:tier< e•rocif himself dec. the !arth. veri at cp..l - aeoecub:y in hie r.glit heed eud iirie is hie left.eeideally intent on a 'land ellict bushes," ECrecce wer, malt n +lop bin, when be Inoantail the rare Fie tab,. out ma le a T. •tor.t harangue, easerting that be was rll rob of all he rue vcppi, et cet. ea. At it—, tincture_ three po keener. mode to app,,ree, two of vane accaned hit front wh.le the third third spiit open hoe head in the rear. Thus was raptured this bravado. after he had Acierweedeil in inflicting dangerous flesh wound, te rlx or eight pil— lion+, two 01 whom Were pOilist.l.l3oW. Upiniol3 is divided ae td whrilter Exchange ellen ho turned ii.t .i rhea , r r the there of refer:hen The whinky ::.n and enrolment hills haring !tore :a the :hi.; a deputation of Now lark. CIE, ruppoecil to he rotten with Influence, hasp been de•pni.rlivil L. Waphir,krton, to straighten thing! MVO" things dependent on tho curers: id theat.l2l%,..littS are at a stand and auliacroar goad merchants and if...di:evil, who., roepeettio evocatnins ere well repre sented in trio commis/ion, ere waiting with anxiety the suers , " of the latter'. etfarts. Meanwhile the pri, of a hlAy in advancing. ate cres.s, Jsar it:Ct:V,ll alt 9 11.3.11 , 1 it. duo ass..:Laii a: nt Fall or Winter Clothing, lately rci....L.d 1 y John Vile- it Co., Ms-.l.sutTds di,. lld Federal st,wit, legi...L". r k LI clothing c•usisid the neer: *lr:try of gents' ',entail,.• 11S, 7.11:1, 'LIU a,d ire: ' , Una. e: to paten. is m. t„ fu's W• would iaiao .11 of -.Ur to pre ilia ;More gentlereen . nein. /Scars:. , 18.01• X k Ce.rrhent are Hostog out their fall and Paint, pt,ck of goods at a reduced figura. fiantlonien desiring a tatninnable and well made suit of clothing would do wed to glee np a call befcra par. nhacing al,ewLrro. a / itorchant Tail..-s, Ipt Market ...rect. W •-) C . , 1-, • J. N. Hobart', IT Filth etre., ia laming the et , tl chmee atork of flee UOl.l Mild tiilver V. ',tell., Jewelry, Silver ware anti Fancy Geode over dmplayed In this rill, wt.! le &ling thaw at remarkably low nriees. l'il•xtrion clillittATMLl.—A ycrtAble engine, tic Inch cylinder Una trIVIV• limb stroke, by ClancoN St it. Perry'l Block, novitiate Vity• I.4onCst, 14R Nan eCtwt W 4.1 et -4.11 '4,4.4.1nr04.4th0 or ht. r:n(..nni LWBl.l,.—At . 7uaA.T , Sib wet., ELIZA, %Ile t•r 7h,noraNlr..ll Carriages e ill las is Mr. Fain:ma's ltseins, ei set of Sov.uth streipts, Tetresoss, et 13% cdetoek, to iriscesd to Wilkinstrerg. sad :nonce to niildals Cealet.ry hIcWILLIA6IIB Wei.lnowley morning, ►.b. 4th, 1861, at t o'clock. of Jima.* contract/4 In the mrrlne, Corpotel JAM6d M. kIeikILLALMS, If, WLth Ilwemeut Pcnimlyaril• liblontoonl, in the Einli year of Misr, Corp a.l MaW tuure ••• much wittoomeol by a IMI;. chub. of Mond. and r gualtitaacm, end Ink will tor d.•pIT hilt by til. companions. In orme. 11. wlll t. Lurked with the honors of war, Tumoral rat, •rrtasc.ox, ALL 2 u'elock, from the rxtdme• Lf !O. par...B, Liar stre.t The Lama.," of the :td Drlgsdr. 1l 1,1,1.1. a, 6th ',L. and .11 fr leo'b of tie fomily aro Invited lo attend. --- RAKE 01 3 POR1'UNITY.-A 11 litallovary and News Depot for to lb. best bxxauoq la . largo dolug a floe blotto-es. ,„, r por...oth about 5L,G00 capital. It 1.111 be an excellent oplisatoslty to cogage latowa. ror particulars call at JOUR P. EUNTIt, Jalf . of . Nlamoule 11.11, Path stn.... PIANOS FU It RENT —A filw . very 1. good Plan - it I r rnl. itp= ellhltLitll6 DLtME , 13 Fifth .t, &ill Av., to t }luta,. tO, aaa 141 E. Drcther, Air ELoolio's FUR Rit COrprie log 4. 4% Safi e ootare Melodeons. elit A kt - LOTTE ULU MZ. N Firth street, tole Agent for Prille9 . lll VElrtTlite'd Biol.:loons awl Illartianylume /9 IST-2 hnae9 11;a1 11111101 1.1 Bloater lierrtar the lir. t the ...OD, ji2.r e*IVM sad for Bak by the hwx , b , ent., a be ram IF; Ge err; Store f .i9IIN A. e,rn.r L/bnrty and Hand erte.tir. DI E.:.:- Just: f ,, .X.w Yc rk, n .apply ar C.rned Haddt,e, very nlee re a breakfaat or tea relief for vale b th pound by JOHN A. RENSIIAW, 1.4 Corner Literty and Havel streets. Q.l -1 17E - 1/ MINCE mEAT, LaYlog, not up In a IL Jur. or ter 1 , 4 b, by Lb. at Ibe foro: , • nruervr, SiorP of JOHN 0. RENSI34W, Coma Liberty and Hood thoota. LLY.I. , X S iluest k. brava Imported, 'oat socelTud 10 hair box. and her wit by JOBB A. uercsrt A w, (.0 comer Liberty VA o.d n bst 2n TON SHORTS, 10 . .lONS VINE, AA/ suipsirrr.•nd Is TONS MIDDLINGS In nor* and Inc sA. 1,16 NOS GO s 'n LIWIm7 itmt. MIIIICTI Kn. JA solE. Bo gte. ...I 811 11, tat Native emit OUR SPECIAL DISPATORES. FRO NI WASHINGTON ~..tee es to [lvo Pittst.r.r.:b Gar.ete ("ITT. Feb. 10,1.'1 OE= eq It is retool that the Llommittce Illeettont in the 111/11f0 VII:1 recommend the gieiag of rrfteer hundred dollars to Field, the bagur L rtiriant member who came here rep , reeen , izg but a uple of hundred conetitu cots, and had the a:more:ice to claim a feat In Cony...n the etrength of each an election. The Ileum will 1•e very latish of its money if it ayl.lti. 1 , the Committee'! recommends• 1!=i1 Mr. L.:whist', from the 6enate Judiriery Committee, today reported the hill for cer tain highly important amendments to the forcehadowed in Mr. Sommer's resolution recently - introduced. It provider: First, That neither slavery nor involuntary' servitudo, except as a puni•bment frr crimes whereof the party shall hare been duly con• rirted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 8oc• end, Congress shall have power to enforce this arti,:c by appropriate legislation. All indications now are that this mra•ure will go through by a full sdcuinistrrO.t.l vote, Lad it is possilde with some additional strength from the opoo•o ion side. In the N•urbe of n debar vu the conserirdi a bill, Tuna. Stevens said that all negroes shalt ho enrolled under the: pros - ieiono or the bill, and drafted just like other people. 'When a user of a loyal owner was drafted the attract . to meek, three hoadred dollars. Brutus Cloy ~boned it, at.,llllr. Crtseaol,, of Maryland, booted it, and Winter Davie woo warmly in laws of the enrollment, but watt oppoe..l to paying the owner for the ,er. Tire of tho, flares. The debate wa• quite ...late I sod considerable Ilaterett esetted No roar i m woe reached. IrJriag r. Crenswell'i Jpeeoh some one proro,nd to adjourn, on the ground that it .1118 now ly dark. .•k , h no," said Thad. Stevena "•11,1 I• i 113% ITenk floe st snit been got off the Speaker's dank arid roferred to the Committee of Way. and Mean.. Indications norm to lie that the Committee will report it back to the !limit ei thor precieoly as it camto from the innate with •light amendment, It to regarded an oill:te certain that they wit; not re , : .re the provioion taxing whieky on hoof. it will Le remembered that thin Committee bat been from the o.nuet oppaseor to 1111011 a ter..? The tr 'ion at the Hoare, however, was contrary to the rommittet's recommenlation her ore. an.l ccay Ln egair p.. roomberg r r.!,7 ocher„fieatot thu governiu.n: receiv,.4 any napen..ti,n for orru,,, ring t cdoltu4 arrest 4 triolo, whereto the I oiled St-.tes io a par'y, on,' powelling any one orb , doe. a, by o tine not ex,edins nlo, , Jou, and mrnooitment not exceeding tao yeure. .tod rendering his !otcrer tnettpoLle of bolding ouy otb, under Lb- gcternmect, poneett tho Seaeto t,,ity by n dee.eiro vote. It .wee its iit‘sige iby si.mui, given It by m i•s i.i e insiigstn in Sen., Halo'. recent A contwittee of clergymen and ether? . headed by Pr. Willraino, of Princetop. of which Rev. Drs. I'teaslj and Longing, el Pittchurgh, M. George, of Cincinnati, ind Jta , . Alexander, of Xenia, Polo, are Western Inembere7lrad an interview with tho free, den: to day, asking an amendment to the preamble cl the Conettitution rerogntring trine vevereignity. The Provnlent exidttased hit vympathy with the purport of la., te marlit, end promised a written reply. Another hatch of milttary nomtnr.tions, numbering about three hundred, were submit ted to the Senate to-day, embracing mainly Assistant Qu.srterneasters, and Commissaries, Paymaster. and Chaplain.. There aro about f.fteen hundred statues now before the Senate ter ettetirmatton. There wore tie confirmation. to•day. Dr. Magruder, of Loniseillr, of the House Military Committee, reported a bill pr,ciding that all Brigadier or brlajer Generale, whether YOIYOIOof or regular, also may be Bt for dray, but bare remained off duly for three or more months, obeli be dropped from the robe of rho army. Regulars h.lding •rdunteer reek shell return to the appropriate duties of their rank in the regular army. TLe Iternricratic °wormerse have lately been raj., lug ibternal conrulsiens. An inert , e tibia conOirii is raging between the War and Peace wings, each silo trying tii hick the eater out. Vernantlii Wood makes a stubborn fight, and insiete upon bin pneitten Ks the eel,. true and honest One fir the lienivicra7 Ia making out the quotas for the .eiveral Sista., the War Department has decided to credit every district with the money it he. furnished in the way of commutation, pre eiaely LI if It had forniehed the men, of whom Num ....mutation was received. roalliaatualla 101.11 erpr.cted to appear before the Ways and Means Committee to give answer to such question. a. the Cemmittoe may propound, t..oching the proriety of abrogating [math, with disloyal or rebellious Indians. The Committee are mach inclined to this course, whicb, besides its apparent justice, would erat a large saying of public money. iirsts Brown jubmitted. a bill la promote enlistment*, which confirm. the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery throughout the country, and subject. negrou to the en rollment and draft under the same apportion ment as other citizen.. TIII PROPOEIRD 1 LISUIIIIT To TIII0ONSTITLTIO:, The Senam Judldary Committee haring matured what they oonaider a better means of obtaining the same objeot, reported to-day adversely to Sonnets proposed amendment of the Constitution, which Is as follows: Erprbere within, the limits of the United Swes, and of oioh !Unbound Territory there of, all persons are equal before the law, so that no person GM hold another sea slave. Till 1.1013111 RICIIIIIMXT OHIO VOL! The PO Rogt. 0. Vole., by the capture of Col. Straight's command, hes been loft rrer since with but four commissioned officer , , one captain and throe lieutenants. The regiment being eve hundred strong, the Ter Depart ment has sent instruotious to the corps com mander to supply it with Bra officers till pro• per officers shall berallered from Belle far ruins UXGCLATIONN XOT WOROCD. Tbo Collector of Customs at St. Loch 11 seems has failed, for 601130 romnott, to enforce the nee trade regulations oftletally promul gated in July last, opening hifisouri to trade. The matter le being called to the at tention of the Secretary of Treasury. lie to day telegraphed hlm peremptory order. in the sere. The Secretary of War to-day granted en order to the Milted Presbyterian Board of Missions to take possession of all oburtt property in the rebel States belonging to dis loyal oongregationi4 XL MONET, Dflotgato from Utah. sakt Courts' by the btly Jost lotzolluood by blot, to .appoint Commit•, tiotiers to ascertain end report to the Secrete- FTOIII, !C ew Orleans.—Steamer Planet re of laterior . l.he lore., mei/tined by the Munk—Uegulatlone tm lie Regard to Plantation ter.. people of the Territory of toll by Indian hew Tozz, Feb. 10.—The eteariter depredations. The propeeel Commiettionere efpni he eaired from New Mew, with are to he the Superintentleut P.f Indian AtTairr dote, to the I.h met Ohs he. s5O moo of the in the: terrii.Pry, and two otiose tottolab Conneetirn: r2gimcer,. appoint,' by •he Presider'. the ',teem.. Planet, from Cairn, with 600 .ro lnrod auldiers of the let Miemori colored regiment, Punk on the night of the let of Fettle:try, fro m,le. above Pew n r is aas , b u t uo lire, were ie•t. tr. :be mor.or.y (),/, Ilibitd by tit, re , -iiirti wttli-h ;tree ILs Cattt,lect ttbility le it.treyitiz hu•i- IMMEI6I h. Introdu,l I.CI rthich prvr. -0 • r• en gorse the Cdcurd 11 .1 uu A tinnri- i Raritan and Delaware Bar fixilwayr un• Lure, and pub , i, highway, l'nited ti al thriugh line from l'hiladcliihd. • • New Vrtk ii. r-inpo.• tiriwn with the rain let 3,1 Ainboy I=3l roar Oh iv regime.... a, Pulaek., Ten ureter, having czpreseed an intention of re enlisting as Tenne..eo relunt,or., the matter war or forred to the War Department. Secretary Stanton decided that insztnaolt as Ohio r.hould be credited on her quota, an 4 t'un, Audi a ;Mange yf organization would create confute , . in the so ttlemenzi of noeounto in the Depart• ment, it C . '.11: l not ha allowed. Aenat, II ilo to-day, in the uric Jr de bate nn the I,•ohibitiag mornhery of Con greys from fellow in;; their profession as law yer*, ho tali of Stanton, that whenever • mean thing Mat to ho duns he has • nimAt ex traordinary 1,401.ty for nailing :he meanest pokible man to do it. It I, etat4l th.if ~,klas him toren or. dare/ lu the Depar•d.cnt Ark•csas. with olrl and military p. ntr,rsery to enalde h:m t.ou rout: .1 the ed.," t.e..a Mtelt ;no' rSu Uniou. Leund•s accord \ ,iurue Count Unr.w -skl'• Diary. last publit..w.t, is produ,lna swroati,w in ‘rashingi , n It was if:e tot jeer t.t it.tit ,tatt; I.rmitri tLe Pre,- 1!IIU!MIIIMI!!!1! Of Jh, ~ has beets u 1 , id -at-toe In !Le Idutted [states Suprrme iu order than he ruay take c t . of old In. eases euritoi up. Ito.: a et not ,s..•r'ere with hi. retttsta ott:.t.dry Tho ,11/15,0 Diajo.r, of Nmw 1 ott, 6u; here. The real friend. ut the who are [gut •p -ryintees, fly c ! Lr.le pre arid tie, l!Mr.E=l2ll! the l`r,,j.lear, •fi of I,,reed. act named L, fita hit a vaifig lIMI=I I=l 1 . • D=221=1119 l!PIMI=1111111 r.rgro, IIMIEMMI11:1!IIIIIIIIMIIM I=ll I=ll 13111 Mr. 11.g: , ..nt road .4 tr. Flare for a rap piernont to sue v6s• , M t•t•tttg-attela Narigetlon ran Mr. ~'•1•• - 1/1111 Italros : cce Trr r.anon Arrprtny A Y.,: 1.31,r13,0 =MEI I•tutbo I .-.ldl-r MEE= =MIME roce end Cleat Ad Ear,. C...npany Mr. ed t.• trnrieler the bs:l re:, tiro to the eds. •atict t riddle", children from th- 1 , 131t/1 i • • t ' the C•sssit.s.tter en filucedsnn ME= p.,etrobui _.err u3^,trog .tt :1 A 1j.3 1 I C • I Cong,rr. 'tonal =MEE 1911C=I o Ho, a tdodto Ore 0,0 aitioratioz of toe hi• • e•t..0 , 11.1) o Burezo Frovitoton'o A liol” M... plumed the ot,t di tLo Gill, Foy ing la, I'm pat le ga 1,1 de man Sod. co :ors by t` ,t,iderzition, of toe tire, tl,cn by its eft n thti,•tittin7 toter awl of the gorotitto.,. Nr. Stu(th,r, ( ieirticarc. wculii my re the gentleman from d•ntn-ky Clay, that they in that ?eats ha t ao nt-h c reo pi oc a the people Of Kentookv ho nothing more wicket., to flifilwaie than of take her claree away •roiu her. Mt. Medtory, of lamitimlty, Imiedy resit, that ee.mrding In ch., titation prl• Vito jorapa rty, IL it: or ,:41,11, cannot ne taken pu b!, u •ot with , ot just eomponaa do Mr. Marie, of Maryland, maintained that alaves owe military duty, and thwrefor• we do not we the ol•rehn!dAri anything fdr them The Committee I “en stithout voting on the auiecdroent. and at e.!l paot five the Haute adjourned. —Mr. Trumholl, .1 [ll reputed from the Committee orn liciary, various bills to &mon! the eunstitotion, and an amendment he way f a substitute. providing for the abolishment of slavery through btate Legis lation. Mr. Stunner, of Man., iutrodueed a roiole tioO of i1391110T, •J to nu outrage committed on hergonnt stop:lets, of the 7th United Staten colored solanteere, by a conductor of a street ear, in Washington. The resolution elicited a spicy debate between Messrs. numner, Wil son and liendricks. On motion of Mr. Trumbull, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the bill pro hibiting members of Congress, heads of ha react, and others from acting se attorney?, except In purely judicial cases before the civil court?. There was no action on the bill. Yr. Dawes, of 31assechusects, prosy:awl the credentials of Jos. M. Johnsvn. a member from North Western Arkansas. Mr. Davis, of Maryland, moved to lay them on the table, pending which the 'House went into Committee of the Whole on the 'State of the Velem, on the enrollment bill. Severd amendments were offered and rejected. Mr. fames offered an amendment that all pffsons of African descent between twenty in forty-Are years of age, whether citizens or not, shall ho enrolled and form a part of the national forces, and when a stare shall he drafted and muotered into the service, the master shall receive a certificate for three hundred dollars, and the drafted men shall be free. This, Mr. Stereos said, would giro compensation to the master in 1,11 border States. Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, hoped Mr — . Slovene would withdraw hie amondmont, a. a good feeling was new prevailing In hie State, but the adoption of the propoeition would retard the progreee of the rnion feeling. Ile did not object to taking rebel property. bat that of loyal men ought not to be interfered with. Mr. Denten.ll, of Slate, cold the laws of ell the States recognize eleven as portent, and not 00 property, and the exigency had arrived when we should nee them ae other men are need, fur putting down the tobellien. Mr. Morrie, of N. Y., favored the amend ment, not being able to pee why that deeerip don of property ehould be 'exempted, while property of citizen of ether State, It used for national parpoeet. Mr. Crusawell, of lid., favored the amend ment, mating that the tdavebeldere in that State have furnished hat few, if any man for the war. Mr. Farnsworth, of 111., sold he would not put money in the pockets of .Icveholdere, sa It wee their duty to put their sieves into the army without compensation. We put our sons into the army, and why not the slayer. After a lengthy debate, Mr. Conness, delete tog to Mecum the bill, mould that the whole subject should lie crer. The Senate wont Into Exeentire eeeolon and eoon aftervrarie adjourned. KANSAS Ctrr, Fel.. 1 1.—Tha reported raid into Kansas was n hoax. Col. Ford has re turned from the intreu'.t. Thu suspeetedparty proved to he • detachment of the lbth Kaman, who bad loot their way, and on makLug in quiry for the right road. were =spoofed bT the Inhatatinto to be gnerriltu Missed in bderat isalforre. leo guerrillu bun emend Into X 101511/. • cr \ -- [l. ter arrived at Nca n —.- i :a• - .r.b the cd b , c. ta:l c h.• • ccaTy Ci s v.... Bank! be Itrg,:hy irgala lation, or. ilia ot rompan t a t ad plan tation labiir, dr leg the rate thereof, Interdict ing c;gtri,4 and rater vi to toxicsting drinks to plantai.ce hand., r.iti.inz that the enlistment Of 11,idlar! 1,111 plattntlon• ,Il net ho m aul:nod wiihrui. tiacii,eturnent. La borers will be permitted chock° their own employ - era, but oboe an agrermeni is made, they will be held to tt one year, and they will be permitted, on a limited male, to cul ticate land on private account, and a free labor bank will be established, or a sate de posit for their savings. The transportation of negro (Amities to other mantic,' is disap proved. Wattlangton City Itiesv, i9Ol ~ON, Feb. 10,—The Bowe Commit tee on Military Affairs hare prepared a bill eatting not with the declaration that it ap pears that many of the general officer, are, and here been, entirely unemployed and not on duty corresponding with their rank, thus holding commissions and drawing pay with• oat service, and standing in the way of pro motion of active officers, and provide. that all Major Generals and Brigadier Generals, sTkin, on the fifteenth of March next, shall nabs in performance of service, and for three months continuously malt prior to that data, shall be dropped from the rolls, and all pay shall cease, and the VIIXSPOIOS filled by ap pointment or prow,tionlibot this Is not to af fect effpters absent from wounds or in con.- queneo of being p- se -, ers of war or un parole. Any Major Getiercl o: Brigadier General sp rinted ander •Le act !Sal, so dropped from tt sr. Ile, shall ~ t be e,charged hot remitted of his fermer po- tttn a ,to or line officer to the regular army. La Leta 11 . 110. Europe locvg, Feb. --The rteamer City of Corkallaaa Lirerre. on th..7.4d and Queens nou en the N•-, January, has arrived. The creamer Druid, Dam Ltrerpoul for Nu sac, to run the hl. Chau, WI, at Queenetervn. Lrc.Wri, Jaw —.l sanguinary orinflict hetween the Polish ihsurgents, under Berraek, and the R113.i1.11, took pia, en the lbth, In the vicinity or Csenstoehan.Several wons fille.l with dead an I wounded were Ino ag ue.. into the town. Lnnberg, AA. .--The ,naurgent ourpe un der Poninski and Urobleaeld, have returned to the government of Dublin, after baring eappliad UMs and amm,nition W Lutheran lan detachment, On the lian of January they ea aged the Itursienr near the fortreet rt Re Nepaper Correnpondent Ordered to F.dt:rt Itookor., lo --The following pt-tel order bas been issued by Maj. Uentral Butler: H. W. Chore, being by his own con fession the corre•pottient of the New York f nod T:.,, ~ the articles nod letters from which papers ore copied, with approbationta ninny et 'ho rebel paper!, tc the iojary the tsovernodent and CAUee of the e. totry, i, orders 1 to care this depart- Lent lortorrrh, n.•t w return under pain of eioc cot tit ts-d but Lone , . lob", =r!IEEEIMEII2 Letveati tie,. k.l. 10.—The Kansas Le -0,4., Ore Wet in joint .10Pei0111 yesterday for the tivo,,,n I nited Stater Senator. :or. Carney,wlio received siztj nigh votes, was iiselareil alerted. C. S. supreme Court WAnutadetta, Feb. —ln the V. 5. 5n promo Court.te-day the argument in the rase of the Ltero•oe and Milers's/tee. Unlit - cad, Na. tr.," r•neitidett t•., . der ~, Arrival of Troop, at Gum lab Pt —Three hundred mon re e-uueu from Warobain arrived today, en route ft, the :Son . .h. Thu Ninth lolra In tub try V e term C Ountners arrived from en mote for home. The 19•sriantoy, Feb. 10.—The Paesident's stable, Located between the Tech./cry Depart ment st.d We I..secutire Mansion, was to night destroyed by fire. The carriages - terse saved, but Et: horses perished ie the tame•. .4. 31 , 411.11,1 Parogun 47,utinnat i 6,11. Vltrinnt.t;. l Co.,t.g OR liiy inerm h,ling 'Juerph The river cocain.... I•, eleathly .tad. point, with reaul 0,111 feat 1.3 Ma pi.r mark. last e.nnlng. The vrwits yeatonlay was cloudy ant /10., twab en namalonal tpittln; of anoar, There .m• Immo light ke In the y river htt , P a ea thin and amttwred, and wonl.l not mtorfere In tbn 1.1. t with n n,gatten. At will bet wen by car riirt hat, there were bat few anival• or depart:iris. The Joetiph Pierce lel tee Cincinnati at net.. with oat! a moderato freight list. though the Lad quite a number at rawer:gem The Sate Robinson has atsnust to lease for Lonimetile teat evening, but it Is altogether likely that she will he over nista this torrnin; The Cinch:m.o weer!. Moody gay. •• Thorn 11 more coal ("ming d the river by hand .than en, lewt kor•ri le arri re here by the samo Roar A nalrabla Porter is . praaent 'Wang' t'ln. casual.. on • tour at inspection to the navy•yard, and the new Irvin con_rtrticted In that clay. The Black Ilsw b. H. B .41p, 1. still at Maw Alt•any The L0u... ; •O.:. • Tu..tly Th.• eeitoin f L udin, which went ••er the hat• in lb. tee, is lying; on Tintiterlty ehure, . fee Salt to,r The D O. Taylor. tacently burned at our wherf, eras own. by Walter Ca. tar Theodore Lsrell4, aad hoot Itosanfeit, et ,t. Lola and th.yd P. Lirj;ll32, Yer emncoander. The D. U. eylor was built In 94- ,ob.r, tt 5 , an d mt a.,,,,tee) Abe ,arTiecl I.ltal lons, and waa reghttarecl 4. hen. The atettaaer "Sakai-. wt . b nf cotton, omenneaea rt•mr, waa act , l at Paincah na Su day by lb.. military an thor.t.te for eirlat Inn nr ...Oa ro,ulallano The Paragon and Ulm, from - In. ail, Um only transient arrival. The formar tont had aa na celle. trip, including a fair namtou of pasoonpre. The Gem, also had a fun oargo, including fourteen hundrad sacka.f whoa( for Bloom. R T Kennedy Bro. We be. It elated upon pretty weal authority, that movement LI on foot to Steal a regular lino of pat kilt ateittnere between ails city and Cincinnati Pour very Liao Luau are already natned la o Paull with rile new and dreirsble project. a. 101101.11: The Jotepit Pierre, itnecathee, Ittajor Andenaon reed Paragon. It le the Intention, we understand, to ban ono of there fine Steamer, leave hers every other day at ten o'clock a. to. The bt. Loots and Momphis ruckus Company have purchased the City of Alton Lir USX,* MARKETS ET TELEGRAPH Philadelphia Market Purt.aptt.ret.., Tel. In.—lkon 14 lot mu, h trots doing In petroleum. W, notice tales of crude at Xlie, relined In bond at 45),ir, and free At ta(43.5,. There stay little shipping &wand for flour, and wilt 11N1 bblo gold at 81,15V,6,00 for extra Welly, mad 1" 10 for fancy brands. Ilya flour dull and nominalist (born meal at $3,60. The denalud for wheat has baton of. and mai .3000 bunk sold at sl,Wiel,rdi for rod, and $1,9,:i for Kentucky white. Small minor Pannayleants nye at 51,33. Corn aln tatr request; 40010 hook yellow aeld at $1,12, Oats ❑ to gocel pint At 116 e. In collon there Is morn flrtanus, and angar and melanges are were Inquired after. Pro. 'Woos are bold tiredly; salsa of meta pork at ISMI,Ofq halm to pickle at In11:1Xe. Lard at 14, In barrel., and jr in key. Whisky nominal at ocase.. Stock and Money Market, bre. Tom, Feb. 12.--brock. better Cumberland C0a1... 57N Michigan Central ..11).% Illinois 0cutra1..«...13 , 43‘ Ugric.= IM' ' - C 7 4 ) Michigan Southern.. X P., rt. 1" .A. 6 ~, Nine 'fork Central...lll l "; C. et IL 11' ...... ....... . 31 6 i Beading . IlLig rive-xiaout6ml.ol l g, lintlrou River 166 Coupons 1681...........107,4 Erie 11. it 112 X. On e your rertitimma. 04 Worm* Ch10ag.i.....115 Gold 1.501 g Cleveland it T01ed0...137Ni PIFIZADMBIA, Feb. lit—Stake Irregular. rum eyliarda We 063.114eeding 11. 11.,14 4 .4.,. Morn... C anal, 65; Long bland, • 421 t, Penna. Rallineul. .li'g. Gold, 600; 'Exchange on New York, per. Now York klarkot. Fes Tom. Feb. 10.—.cortoo dopey ; ealre at tear. Flour firm ; sabot of 0,000 bbl.. Wheat dm; melee .28-000 bush at 1f,b5r31.01S for Ilflerenteo Club, 1111.6741,61 for Clalcup Spring, sod rdk41,70 for Red. Corn ;Inlet at preelort. price*. rm. - Linos steady and quiet, sod ;pot alloo2 on changed. Rbteity steady at 631183. Baltimore Market. Bar:awoke. Fob. 10.—Flour dull at E14:47,30 tar Ohio tem.. Wbeat Inlet; eelre 50 0 bufb et ly3oo 1,00 for Eentucky White. Corn arm at 51,1 k lot berg 10641,17 for Yello. Whleky dulland eerye at Stlatbie. Coffraineorly at 1.1!..5=134.1%. St. Louts Market. E T. L o va, Y.D. 10.—Cutton Is quiet Wet rocalpts 02 balsa. Tbs. drooping at 8 4 1.1 0 las la tra. Wbast. Oran sad Oats SWORD, VIOLIN, &a , AT AUCT/ON,, ed TILUBSDLY MMHG, st•• deka, et: a d TM end. am to sera at ea tit* 10 • T. LiteCILMUSID:AneVr. 7 FitliaLtD..l -500 PIP "%M g ' .4 - ** 17 • li• IMIMIN FA3fIIrY•iWS COLORS. PAY , tan ocrozza . 13, I.BCL Gca,lx, st.wls, Prather., ftld Glom., Chtlet , o'. not Ling, and .ti kinds of Wowing Aprorri. !EIT Tor t <mu you ciLn w.n! gto_ulaxs itvahl otherwise .vet Qae tinaell that a rarl•nts thades can 1,. prullnc..l (ruin the same pncer is sinlpls, &net toy ono can us. 11, fir • ith perfect success. Directions to mesh Gal put, Imide of cacti • Fur farther information to Ityt.t.ta. an 4 riTtr.g a per. Iknwctlpt what colr.r. tor I.—tsdaptti to dye over other; with many ratu•ltit. purcheaa Rowe Ntwvotta• Ttratiatt on 1.1 , 1na. anti Coko - ing. Sant by mall 021 mr-cirt of in..t.--10 t.rtata. I(mM...tared by . • HOW STEVT-NE, 2tr rtroatiway. Wort., Tor tale by drat/3,444 and .1.x1..ts uttottally. toil gm R EJuv KNAToR. FOR THE UAZXL Uhl,. to to orheir-hl wise. and preeinciwg Rate where II I.dl glt.gethor fallen elf, or thin, to .4.47 day besmosbad more seanlfket. and establish., ba- yce4 doubt, th. torts— 71.31 a ..0.12 nate it peva co Bad ilea. Tics V eel rotor. /161 Natund derxtkma. rernc.• tt. Dowd,/ n 0 , 4 0.0. Vied it NO nutet ie 17..ur tat osod Git.rd• That il ;mown G. (Moira! Cokr W Old Ap• That is viU prevent am W.1./rem That 4 %NZ ore al( Digress qf tk. Seely. Il to oot • D 7.; cognalcu n. A Itz•t• of 811ver, ... cot • Dye; contains ne oat., ingredient InJurions to .itloo naln m Dais. Nina, ONE DOLL! R. al RION JOB NEfri. • General agent. Cr... of Smithfield and F , urtL St.. Pittsburgh. aolgiatosteavg ESTA BLISII ED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SNUYP .ND TOBACCO IdANTNACTLE.Nit, 18 IND le CIL:IN/7NRS ATHEIST, (rortnerly 1C Cl.athsua , New Turk.) Wt th. attautiou 4.4ers t the articles of bi• tuacatact.lre, ¶l2, 11” e Itappos, I oar. Amvrkan Gleutlerns•o. !gr... run N Ilaetzlicxbra, C-kiwnizaz-ec. !rata:, 11i41.1 Los: •. ..t.:, . h,.L 111;1x Toast or Loodyt,t. 11,a I. rrt la, Yresb Ocoteh. Attentiou ,nll , -1 to Int I.ce rodattion La pHves el Imo Cut (21.,,r,N; and nuok•ug Tc ,hlch cull L. found 0: 41,,,n, • 71•6A1'• annsmen—Lon[. • 1, I•• I ar. , l: tra4o-1, Pain err Cc Is7—P. A. L.. or platu - Cam., dish. or cire..c so , ntori Cottr.adl+b. - .co, T.List.t.. e.n - cbtr Ice* will 1.• tent vo applica tiost EXCELSIOR FLINT GLASS CUM lE= STRESS, beimeor rfmn..i..rla Avenue and ths PJTV, curt Upptn. , ti kx. Factory, and rztemß!. 014ICS, vi... all t 1•• nvNiPrn In; role- I=l .coat the nnar 01 JANUAFT, :dm thoy be rfrreftviel to • onp,l, r Flint Glass Cliiinnoyo AU aner. rremptly fectalt.: ad to. Addreg4, JAS. N. LINDSAY, HENRY G. HALF. k An uov re.t.zi•rfug tlrab Fall and Winter S cock, Aud totrtim utotr Mend• wt.t thr public. to sattrolm their Wet, which 1.. she a.r..1 nurgt cvan4st• •.+• I , rouig6i to M 1• m.rk•t GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODY Cateira 0! rmai A tit , PT. (LA 10 ATP EMIL, FURNITURE Oass AND WOOD °BAIR mina on A.T 11.12MCZD tiLiCri, I=l 97 and Pli Thirst stoot, opposite E. rittritindson At Oo M11121=21 pAITI4I - Ti) (xlnilTarg. s, I=l XX FLINT GLASS The". Claltur.eyo are intended far tb. fiat heating all part,. of Ow emu equally, doe. eat ex pcs• It to meting. X. T. DITIIIIDGt, Von Pitt Maar Wockt, W 010110.2 wait. apt? Pittsburgh, Penna. MoCARGO'S MARBLE WORKS, !M.f. LJ.3267i STIMVIT. A twabattfol be wrled tasertairAt of ALIEBLE MANTELS, lionnments and Grave Stones. PLAERZII NUM, BOSZSDALZ L3D JOE UM ISAAC CRAIt4, OMM=! A. LLD] ElittiT CITY. ‘cl7 L o l;:eniq y a g r trl 7.l l l: b i ' gga PLAVH:\i'LIiDOW YCnorli EMT LINTIXS, val.e , n.te, JIATTS, SPOUTING, tAfan, P. 1108 Qv, tn.. ito.. as nrlll All ordain tor 'Mitt. f/TO FT • Ity Vaal - Um awl at fan. rate, N. 11. roman. wanting 1.0110 Y 1381511 cr . P(11, Lait ars parthulary invited to crenatoolot• rtara. Onloolllta on th-aGg C‘q.;,.saa. • UPHOLSTEMG.—n.adiii,purchao al • largo stocked awal• to CA 3II. lam able to off.rr grmt bargains at eatmtamy pri•aa. VitATLISR BEDS; hair, Ittnit .1 rprlng ktAT. TB.LELSES; • peat rarity of Sig TADLI FLOUR OM CAISPETE.; IGILDOZAILD 'ELMS OUVELIS; *Mau.% D. Ms. aill• BOrlered SLAV, at Lb. bwl 0 4 1 , 7 , Imo man:upwind All order. prtst!t•a4 , 4 limo No. rEDERA r.T, 201..itbruy, !formerly away by &L t. Satapto.) 4a13 713 0 354 4, 114111tik ICE CHESTS, MM.:IG ERATORS, BATES AVID MELT BOLBEi.—Itt aorta for limn, razoillow, Boa 7 /to., !Lc- - ig.piiring of old Cboato, Eska *ad Befrivraton, and made al good ay en. altootion of the tr.*. la collci to car WWII. meat .o 4 bhop oa 241.114024 ATEXHt 44 th 9. 448 4 ,44 4 1.4.• lex. AI saheb?, or athlreal BOX 64, ktßaboty, P. O. J430.3a4444 H T. PRler A CO. - LIIONITZCIT'; Prepares Exrurrr Oaf crow AriCIFICAIIOIO, for all klr.ds of nolllthrot. owl opalotoas • those orfeticri ort 11011.1111bil forrno. Moo ou flodomit Wet. Conoco twooodi and &Witte arida, Allegbeirfetty. WHEREAS, Lettcirs of Administration Aare thls day boas putted to do Eadersig. • 41 tgai4 Ow mate atidurg..Blrt. decasva../1 „tor. tow Lianas dinvligms Cr deism& spdast anOd "W!!Faiftilgatior twin itlo Ara to 9.4101(011M, Jr AttriVrat• Vallir Meth *rot. - -40glaso.' • BOOTS .91,319 SHOES. GREATEST VARIETY, DEST 51 - irLE-S. /ND LOW EST PRICES. r)p, BOOTS AND SHOES, /T CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, 62 FIFTH STREET, NAST DOOR TO Till: RXTELSSS MICR. Sty Every pair warranted, every pair repaired free, every pair new and per feet, west beautiful and durable, cheap est and Lest, of any in the country. Mows Boots, al 2.6; Weinerie Calf Shwa. 81.00 DA/22ba, Liu. CZ STRAIT. Dcrk Craw. tAyiel lf famcrs, Or.rma• ?Ina Env Er . r • Fa, G REAT L's; DUCENIENiS UL'EEitE /2i Boot.. Shoos, Caftans, animorala,Geess, AT .00 Et.T....ANTYS, To thee ex 7.0 Winter Goals. 6tl axe .ad Imes. beralas. 11L-1 , LIMED, N. SW MARS ET SIIIIENT, door flea rife. fee 'ill NE Goo 1):73 : JOST BV:VMD, LLDILS' GLOVE SID BAL3IOEAL 110p1.3 123EMIXEM Do MOROCCO GOAT do 'ISN'T% MIME f•OLE GRAIN & rALIT Ao WEEEMiMETI ==n GEO. LLBREE, BON & CO., del3 No. 71, ,r of Wax! and Folaril TWEN'IY CENT. SAVED B' /7n. 71, exr. of Wood and Fa:will stn. Baylug 3 oar 1"04.4S a. SHOES [Ws mouth, as h 4 BORLAND'S. 63 1 4 f.oirxt street. 10/IN. CAIII.II3KI-1,, lirlanufaeturer 01 D , . , OTS AND 5/10E`.. of ,ery dftcriptHa. timlthn,-14 .:ever. temrgl.. cell (11E0. ALBHEE. SON A:. CO.. Whole,. ft:n*lml 1.4,11 1 - , 41;.•ft TICK , Tc. aorn.r ntid 1 ourth str,t.s. lEAF LARD, BAC 4, N AND MESS I.J F9P.E. L.A.( Lari ; ; 250 tkr , or 75 barrels M.XI kept co du 41000 Extra F, e eru7,: Haa do rat: Sluo.lldoru 1 - ,157 t:d.v ; Bulk Ilamot, 5/,, , U50re, end 8P7 , 77 Cum !xt 71:kla turrols extra 2, :ay . , - 57,40 Pork 100 do Furl, do , We turite the 001.00510 n rr to oeo stork of Lord; Bacon. Itolk )toot.. F.ugar Cured Beef. Balm, Primo and Moos Pork, oreur our. toaring, vrhish &r to Ire tredo tt.e scallop. St Loredit parko ;or 0,1, I5o:•Al.n .2 APP.CC.6I.EEs and Pork Put. - kurs, 5.5 51 , e. 512 nod 24-1 I,Pwrty tun.. FREedi TTE;I, arrivbr , dnilv by Express. 4 bbls. prkee fresh llnil Bcrter; • 75 No. 1 Graf Lard' lrl ~ Tallovr, 41 best, prime Clorer & -3; 3.3 •• Itex bl •' chobro Dr.el App:-s; 40 bb's. rates; 10 half bble 9,1 Me-hest% 30 half LWs No 3 Intx Itacterel. 130 boxes extra Ctrifing Ctonse; 113 " Weste Cotte' " btrls.3l.reot Wino Odell It lre3 Latta ramtly Tl I " .". 't to arell With • NU rbark Greorrice, to [tore Kra for ••1 by AIL lIIDDLA N.. 123 Liberty intr•t. tatiOCEICIE Vf SO bag,. Rio Clottio ; 150 hada N. 0. 80..0 50 do P. IL do; 173 bbl.. Defined do; 0.0 do ti. u. Lc/soon; 1.2.5 do 11. T. Syrups ; 140 cheat. T. 11.. G. t . and Lnparlal 50 do Blank Tr..; 00.0 bcono• Dart Vines and Span Roll Tobanas, 40 do Natural Lear do; 55 kegs iltzlnla d twist do; 100 do 131. Crab. Soda; 500 bbl.. No. 1 Lama !alt ; In non. nod for oak by nlllll7llll GAZEd.R. JUST RECRIVED AND FOR SALE at COOK, PETTIT G CO.'S ttls. rano iramlly 60 do Round • ppt•s ; 34 do Wally Loam; 60 do 31na Deot, 100 bush: Buse Po atom; 3 bbla. Bolt Ban.; 13 txttb. larß•Not , , Mat% • lot of new Pao., to mats, (dB Intek. S UNDRIES. BCTIEB-10 pals clola Dslyy; 10 tube do do, 6 boxes do Bob; CHEESE-100 do Goehro and lisoaburz; WO do Vreaoro rieserry; 100 do R0g11421 Lalry; ROXINT— 20 bbl... F 1444; AMISS— 40 cooks Poor! 161816-100 hall !Ala. Lob. Serrize.; IPTLES-100 bbla. obolco Ghreet; lo atom and far as by J. 13.10/414174161.13 300 BEM. STAR OF THE WEST 145 bidet. Eztts No. 1 Edlt; 70 do Clnetemstl No:1 tixdbil; t.oxes do °.r u 664; 10 do do 3.1001 d Cd 61101: - . 6 gluon. Dula' Stu L1a666;,.. . . 30 dor,. Becket.; to do 7 .6.17b0ards ; ' tO do \o.l Tub.; !or sato by LINDSAY L tz.r.roaD ' teo 167 Libuty droot. H%% IXLISIt+IOIIiNTS, now in store and far We: 6 tdsla. prime Roll Dolor; 4 boa. Psis! do; SZO toasts Clorsovoal ; Icar bade Poust000: 50 Ult. chaos /Lwow • 45 do Eastoro OraolaThrtlts. tot cos Motor, :;uta fd L. B. VOIGT dOO. GHiNJt9SMEN'I4. - Sb Orveo Apples 75 tacks Dry do ; 30 kegs Apple Bettor; 10 Ohl.. prune 801 l Batter; 10 do ants Bore.= kyruls; 1 sack try llberrtee; 10 do lisuell White &wiz: 25 bush. prime Clover &ed. bbl.. Surulpes I bomb. rep Corn ; Jost rrcriTrd and f, vale at No. 12.: Reamed attert. • FRANK VAN' GURU . is so tßalts.-20 httda. prhae O. eiacr do Mead 50 bblo. <matted d , l; 60 do A "WSW' 4•; ffi do A do dri; 60 do II 'do to •tor. aDd for sale by dell J. KIRKPATRICK 0 8110. F,t; 29 bbl,, Mot flora nr, 100 boom G.sbea Chftso; 200 do do; Mu do la. Dairy ao; • 60 boil Lb!. N 0.3 flack.cro: ; - d" do y do; 23 tarry% do .." do; 103 do do 3 do; Socelo.o and tor solo by Lea J. B. CANYIELD ClietNE —3,000 boxes E. D. Clifton Imo a.. W.II. dc; xe d 9 11=lbarg " .2 , 7 J do . for ante LI OANTIZLD. KETCHUPAN D EaTEli tiAUCE 21:0 dossra scent. a=d .Wet Nev./ap .10 d, last ant; to store and for csls 1 . 7 Uri= LIMOS., Said rm. WS and LW Wood street. tjaHISH PEMALES . 4.I4D,TUNZI.TiAIb. .Sao don* trtsbelcmatots,idiiist: WO do do Amid" Just amednd sad tw ale try' ' arnas — alszoa, Nos 155 sod L.W woad .rn.t. LAUD OZL—L 'Bit/063 114 60 Ow. No.l ortoter drab:Ka Lord 011 10 do No.S Lard 160 do rock Crust Le.olootioi MI; roe Ws , .102; DALZYLL 4 WV. ja2o 00 otorto wus.ncoa. nAmy FEET;' Bays' Dr. ".pro. • Lor dna Colds. aad rata. deatlm." - ilia tont patently* Is a pair of W61p.1.5007 =TS. Co and data pair, at • data rss. ROW& at Wafted trtraoc ONLY lutkuuo- icuL Ltl;UN '- t 11k41' WELL PAPILIIII,EOBDZ7I3,6L; to W .c 1 befor• oprlag K . OLD_ IItICLL• Tr. 111 A wAn a 87 Wood ainVII. kJ IS Lt% tid Lte FLIJU e SEEM N. O. 800 Ali th. city; • LlAta&T* Teiroep, 1, a 1 .:10pbe, for gaj te IS:Mbirer ghee • , t • • • • - • ILITDDIX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers