Vittsburgli 6azettit. B. RIDDLE et 00., MORYING- FEB. 11 1664 Vie Presidency For several weeks the Oppositron press has :been busying itself in the attempt to ordate—the impression that a division of sentiment in the Union ranks, relative to the choice of a candidate for the Preei dandy, is fikely to eventuate in an angry partisan warfare. We have been poipted to the endorsement 6f Mr. Lincoln by the Legislatures of eomejof the loyal States, to the organization ofhose clubs, to the ed itorial expression, here and there, of pref ercnce for this man or that man, de., as proof of the assertion that ours is to become a divided house. That leading members of the Union party—men whose patriotism end fidelity to principle are undonbted—have in some instances mani fested seal without knowledge in advoca ting the merits of their respective candi dates Is, we think. the fact. It is our opinion, too, that much harm has been done by intemperate partisanship in certain quarters, and the manifestation of a dicta torial spirit by those from whom the Union party had o. right to expect better things. But, while we admit all this, tee do not ad mit that serious dissensions, likely to en danger our success at the next election, either exist now or are in any way threat ened. With our Copperhead opponents •‘the wish is fhther to the thought. - The right of free discussion is a privilege which be longs to parties as well as individuals. In this country it will always be exercised. It Smith says that'he prefers Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency. Brown has an equal right to say that he prefers Mr. Chase or somebody else; and what one Smith or Brown can do, it is right for a hundred to do. And if that hundred happen to be members of a State Legislature, or to constitute the mem bership of a political club. we see no reason why they should not, if they see proper, pass a series of resolutions in advocacy or their favorite, and have them printed. We only insist that duo moderation be observed in the expression of their partleular views or preferences. We take it that the Union nominee, who-. eire. he may be, will receive the enthusi astic support of n majority of the voters of the country. And it is because of the es ettmed certainty of his election that the great diversity of opinion extets in the minds of Union won 119 to the man upon whom the choice Abould fall. This will necesarily cocaine , until the choice is made, but when it u made, every man who enc.:rely desires the crushing out of the rebellion and the iletta of slavery will work and vote for the rtandard-bearer of the grandest political organization thin country has yet known. The timid, the pro-slavery, the -outs, - and al' those whose sympathy with the rebellion has been ont spaken or but half concealed, will vote for the other candidate. whoever At may be. Consoi'dation of the Classe. The impression prevails in the minds of tome people, that ?Le two classes of enrolled men will not beoohsolidatetl and thus made lUke subject to draft- Tattoo who argue in Ws way point to the pub:tailed lists of no !inipts in the 221 district, where they find numerous names said to to "stricken from the enrollment ." as for example "Peter Jones, over BS and married. - Now Peter le correctly stricken from the first class, but only to be entered in acid if the classes are consolidated. they most cer tainly will he, ho i= jest as liable to draft no be was before. To satisfy every one that lie classes will bo consolidated, it is only necessary to say, that in the bill, as it has already passed the Senate, they are consolidated; and that on Monday last the House of Representatives. In Committee of the Whole, reject ed a mo tion to strike ont the clause which proposes to consolidate the two classes, by a vote of 26 against 60. That vote settled that mat ter. Death of Michael Dan Magellan Wo are informed of the sudden and un expected death of .11ctiArt. PAs NIAItEILLS, of Ebensburg, Cambria county. The de ceased was for thirty-fire years one of the prominent membors of the bar of his native county. He was once or twice a Whig member of the Legisla urn, and at one time resided in Pittsburgh and practiced his profession. In private, life he was noted for his fine social qualities; but at the bar, Od a legislator, or while on the stump , Would give expression to the snout biting loam man ever uttered. But for all `fhb . Mumant. Da s If.sorasa died without , enemy. Tin Oreensb i arg Hired (Republican) ex pressos the opinion that Jthlge Oza, of Armstrong county, wal likely be the Cop perheadoendldate for the Senate, in oppo• !Won to Dr. Stacriaza, the Union candidate. The Plota of the Democratic Minority to the nowise Handsomely Frustrated by, the Honesty or a Democratic Toe lest hope of the faellonists in the Borate has been destroyed, and at length the way la clear, though tbe plot, and the counterplots of such miserable demagogues sad triokstere as Clymer sod Lamberton, to secure the progress cf the legitimate busioees of legislation. When the write for an election to 611 the vacancy in the Indiana Senatorial district were issued, it woe ecolideuily seemed, In copperhead o roles in this city, that an election could sod would sot be held in that dietnot— that the ter:dog of the writ wsa ioforotal and ilisga:—and the Sheriff of Arm strong , nary, A Den 0 .rat, would positive ly refuse to recognise the writ. Thee. do clarations ware matte ott the strength of the piece entered into to this thy. The leaders of the mincritv to the Senole were deter mitred that tbo Sheriff In Armstrong county should be used as a tool to carry out their base purpose, and mill further disgrace the State nub the d-icy to the Legislature. lint the Sueraf of Arcortrorg couuty ap pears to-be no-honeat moo, wort too much integrity for the coanlpulatione of Clymer and Lambert°. lie rturgoired the writ for an election as tented by Sresker Pen ney, and accoardicgly we tad lu our Kit canniog exchonges, the proclamation of the Sheriff of Armstrong carroty, Wag the the election to fill ;be vacancy in the din triott, to take piece Os the 18th lost. This pats an end to the machioations of the minority in the Senate. After the 10. b lost they will throw of •be disguise and appear to their tree garb —liarrisburg TilVraPA. Ins Washington correspondent of the Worceeter Tninscript; who bas ~ e the Internal Itarenue 'returns, says that tobacco pays a tax of S2,8;7,0,000; leather comes ass•, poying $1,800,000; then iron, 81 700,000; and then malt liquor; $1,600,000. Ptddlers pay $300,000 for their lfe•nora, and those wbo ride in car rlsgn s2no 000. Tea Rou.uoici I..ionatture Ma passed a hill authorising the conitruotion of • rail road from Manville to Newport. It is to oenneot with the Louisville and Frei:Litton Road, twenty-eix toilca.tibove Louisville, and strike Lloklatriver four pallet, above L •. ~ 4f'.. The National Government and Slavery —Senator /manor's Petolutions The following is a copy of the Resol Edict ,9 which Benabr Sole: ca. hart. daced L., the Senate on Mondry: 1. Resolved That, in order t, determine the dukes of the Notional Government a• the present monunt, it le of the fart im portance that we s hould age sad under• stand the real character of the cent, attach has been forced upon the States, for • failure tru:y to appreciate this contest most end diesstrduely in a failure if these proper edam, which are es:el:pied ti the re-establishment of unity and eon. cord; that, recognizing the et:retellt in its real character, and Lis it must be recorded be history, it will be apparent beyond con troversy, that this is not an ordinary re bellion, or an ordinary war, opt that it is absolutely without precedent, differing clearly from every other retellion and every other wsr, inaemuch es it is an auda cious attempt, for the first time in history, to found a wicked Power on the corner stone of Slavery; end that such an attempt having this eiugle object—whether regard ed as rebellion or as war—is so completely penetrated and absorbed, so entirely filled and possessed by Slavery, that it can be justly regarded as nothing else "than the huge impersonation of the crime. at mica rebel and belligerent, or, In otter words, se Slavery in arms. 2. Resolved, That, recognisiog the on questionable identity of the rebellion and of Slavery, so that each I. to the other as another self, it becomes plain that the re bellion cannot be crushed without crooking Slavery, as Slavery cannot be crushes: without crushing the rebellion t rust terry foroesrsoce to tee one is a forbearance to the other, arid every blow at the one is a Slow at the other; that all who tolerate Slavery, tolerate the rebellion, and all who strike at Slavery, strike at the rebellion; and that, therefore, it is our enprtmest duty, in which all other present duties are contained, to take care that the barbarism of Slavery in wbt b alone the rebellion has J gin end life, •ts so utterly trampled out lbw it can neeer spr rig up again ray +here in the Jebel cad beiligereaL ror loastag •h•o du , y urrfoue notatug io Inc and all our blest ant treisure bate ,eett lavtabe.l iu vain. 8. Resolved, That in dealing with the rebel ==i===l ot:th two e;heeee ct ftidive—o .0 the 2,,y). or Soo,reiynty, inherent and et try where otihtn the halite of the Uhlted Stand, and the othor the kyllts 0/ Ha, er Beitigtrent It.ghts, welch tines bbell super induced by the nature and extent tf the o.n.esv, that by virtue of the Rights of Sovereignty, the ttt•sl and beil.gerew re gion le nos eul jtet to the Nati.m..loov.-ru. writ as the on'y rightful Government bound under ire Constitution to all the do tire of sovereignty, and by special mandate bouwi also -to guarantee to every State a republican foist of tnv. t omen', eud to pro tect II egatast tav,sion,' by eirlbel of the flights of War, tote dam. regtou to euh j•ot to all the condltinus a .d 1b0b1.11 , 8 of oar, lileCOrdThig to the established usages of Cbr 'visa nattous. ou•. of which le dert•vd the familiar maxim of public duty, ••In. demnity for the past and senor-ty tor the future.' 4 itraolord, Thad in set king tbe rest toroaiov u'r the d wets to tLair proper pacer 66 113,11 bore of 'h.. liqu'Jita, 60 Leal tear) &ate .13.1 enj sewn cunatiluttbool fun, .tons, and every star on cur otttonet• dog ells I ;opt,u n Stair , to reollty, of gor,: as to name, care tabg.6i t.e ,alt• u that It, telmatoo is but allooef, GrAagb any o-g ur 1.1110111/“.11 0t.64.0.6;u11, to I. LAIL tie least to• m•.O for i ot Jr. •C 11•117, ~r 'he tenet p.m of lobn•e 111.; proceeding Si, the of holcte : .,Ao !ROW or ut Belttgorcot Bightr, she nu ae preCautioni muse be thaotad agoloot I hurt pert', tha , , therefore, any eyetem of •re- rrjeottd *roan do not pro•ole b, r. votoitt,o gallon, et ogrdlatlt LUC Lll,lollt.i .1'5,000 or I, I soildo molt .1 of S a•ory. an, ihot each .n. att. 010 be pricosril, ob.sined only lorougo the agency of the NlllOO.lO (.1410,01/Attil, 0 bleb 10 said cud mur, a.ceert ik trm per .r.) cuffernea, wintry ore ell, tnroughout the ref.. and belligerent regiov, of roth• clear dAration 1. , 30itup Upon! ibis rriglop rho ohArsoler of Lieetioul. 5 ft. "Awl, Tbst, in tUe enjoin of Ibis essentds. of toe National Oul erument, a stl-mu duty to pm maturely re stored to its constitutional fuootions, anti within its borders sit proper salegusrde ars established, so that huy at cit s-re, in eluding the new made freedmen, osnuot st any time be molested by eri' Ji .; need per sons, and especially that no man there may be mad, a &are ; that, tole solemn duty belJogs ho Congress under the Constitution, whether in the exercise of rights of Bove, 131111/ or rights of war; and that, In ite portal mance, that eycem of •'reoonstrnc tron' will be found the beet—howeoever i• may be named—which promises most surely to soopmplieh the deetred eod, so that Slavery, which I. the synonym of the re bellion, shall absolutely crave throughout the whole rebel esti belligerent leg:en, and the land which it hoe maddened I coportr inked and degraded, seal; brooms elle, far tile, and glort.,us from assure mancipa lion El golord Tont, is sbe f•rocre.• of —re tonstraction,' it a cot epougki io e. cure the death of Sto•ery Ini,ughoul Like rebel and belligeteat rrgiun only, shot e•pert once Lestdits ansioet :;.very tenereter it • II31!, not *o.y as a criate speinst kaltllsti• ity, but as a t.istirt bur of the publlo ; e ice end the epot•er of the pubho liberties, to ; eluding the liberty of tpe prem., the ttherty of speech and the liberty of travel and ; transit; that obviously, in the progress of crivilitetian, it has become incompatible with good government, and especially with that orepublioan form of government' which the United States are bound to guar antes to every Suite; that from the owe bunk of this rebel war, teen in States pro. tossing loyalty, it has been en open check upon patriotic duty and an open aoceeeory to t.e rebellion, so es to be a courts of on questionable weak nese Witte national clause; that tile defiant pretensions of the =utter, o'alming the control of /11l slave, ore to direct toofliet p•ratconnt - rigets of the Nalonal Government; and 111•1 ; the afore, his the further dirty of Congress, en the exercise of its double powers, under the Constitution, as guardian of the na• dowel safety, to take all needful steps to secure the extinction of Slavery, coon in States professing loyalty, so' hot this cr Doe against humanity, this disturber of the pantie peace, end this spoiler of the public Murtha shall so longer exist any where to menace the general harmony ; that 01,111. watton may be no longer shocked; that the eansutationei guaranty of a republican form of government tolovery State may be fultilled,; that the rebellion may be de. prived of the traitorous aid and Comfort which Slavery has Instinctively ;mina tsered; and that the master, °trio:dug en unnatural property in human flush, may no longer defy the National Ottveri.mrat. . acsolord, Thee, in addition to the guarantees stipulated by Congreaa, sad as the oaputone to its work of restoration and reconciliation, the Conetilution itself must be an amended as to prohiSit Slavery everywhere within the limits of the R. pub lie; that such a probtbitioo, leaving all personal claims whether tt slave or mas ter, to the legislation of Congress nod of the States, will be In Itself a sacred and inviolable guarantee, representing the eol. teethe will of the people of the Untied States, and placing Universal Eaftecips tion under the sanction of the Constitution, •so that Freedom shall be engraved on every foot of the national soil, sad be woven Into every star of the notional flay, white it 'layette and inspires our whole national existenke, and the Constitution, eo often invoked for Slavery, bat at last in harmony with the Declaration of indepen dence, will bectoche, according to the holy aspirations of its founders, the sublime guardian of the inalienable right of every human being to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; all of which must be done in the name of the Union, Is duty to ho. inanity, and for the sake of permanent peace. 013. Sontivsn has Word a general or der promising the reopls of London, Berke. ly e Jefferson and Clarke mantis', Va.— totiatlet . noi occupied by, Insurgent trope _that if spy. nt m w thee tit• rata* iiearv.skiglimat protilneos Lirabe arrested sad. imprison• ed wasozikt.# Unr.ndltional_ L'aion Organization In .... ew York toe oi.p (tom the Nee To.:: lbtate, of Inel Moodoy, the er arttt d rep,: of a meet. int ad the Unt:ouditionel Union Central Coruc-ittte rf that city, on Faturday even ing left. l' wt. ;•rt fret ro,• lie. tote log. lle:e eat a met.tit:g u, the Ur.o.ucli• tionel Union Central Cc.ntatttLeit, earner of rr43.d way end Th.rteen:h tSabur. dey evening. A. C. Etlic. Eel., I",..tit man of the Committee, cul'rd the meeting to order. After the minute. of the ureao.s.• Lion were teed, Mr. lltra, Grerte, who tat entbosteetionity reeet•e I, spek- in 0n , .- stenne as follows: Fe Leave tIZEN, I greet yen as among the most vigorously patriotic of nil our loyal ay.:ens. The time has come when, in the . words of Daniel it abater, Cul. sod Liberty are one and irtespa,Lte. And the time has come when the loyal teeth has I become one and inseparable in its deter mination that Liberty shall prevail in the I present sttuggie. ' The rebellion is , tottering to its finaLdeteat. I do not fear so much the arms of the Itakellton as I do its principles. Both our defeats Bud our sic• tories have eontribu'ed to the victory of the just. cause. Six months ago we were strug gling with the rsbeis for Itlis,auri, but no rebel force now for a long time has dared to show itself in the State. In like man ner the rebels claim Tennessee, but for s long time have nal dared show themselves there. The whoio territery a blab we bold now we bold on the principles of freedom Even it the Peebe:s should recevor tee ter ritory of these two Star. they would not be tibia to ra-estallich slavery there. No months ago vfe asked them to take nay for slavery and give it up. They refused. They would not take the money, but now both of those Mates are themselves getting rid of slehrery within our paying a cent for it. They might Lave Lid $20,0•30,0QU each for doing this. N., ea any of tee Copperheads now find fault with the em. ployment of slaves tie soldiers. NI e have learned a costly lesson ',boot the real eptrit o' slavery and of i e nukes tof thus lesson I N't Leia t pesia -lane. ..r..1! to I New York lnet July. wh•o isles, /.• against whom no crime whi.e.ser a -3 even . allotted, were huetti Jo me te. Tr . 3 hey were not in thv., c' lte J.O Dario Government • ' 0-e d 1.... .1 eon • .11.1.1.,: I have Ire et 13. 1, wo 1.. n.. 3 I;ei , Loves till :id. r lul npl tor C..ugreet in this ci y who 41. . world will lwak up with Ile thong ht ,ho , I he, Ca•lr ere the veh•c, or I. I( e, era continent. • • T peep, bore at least made up their 41 , 1..1, L , t ha! on election. i 3 an tire:we. aid the beater. purl matt •o}.tet: un:•i 3. To , people moon the. %Lill p lqulre ' y down I:11 , Once establish.d. I bd.. re We - in a *Tr. hundred years of ...Wt. p rte le, world hie never laoWlt When we ee y le/I,n -Lie I-1. , 1 preps ii, le, .as , InsurreellUm sit i ',LI!. I; .w ore- the moirebewilng po.l Went., we sh:.l. to. pew.wle' ht..l hype, l .u•i obeli Le fai , hnit :e our,i•e!, our our prineipleo, to..J our ti -d ihiter Mr Greriey, w'.o • prke force and aniens.i , u, nod aho quentty applaud-d he I e . noed Mr WI otlcred iho lot Wiring pre.oll I 1,-. to on.. W1211./.1221, 1111W/A .52221,•)" at a lon e • tla• ..1, efir• hat • d•+. red 111, 1 1•1 1 1. 2.22,2 •`•• •111,122 h.. portertc4 tat rum da..trit, of l!t,,r4i, ttp.x our ...avt.rnmettt uas usd.i, I. Lao SIVILAAO3. 21 atill el .A.l 11,1.1 1 2. 2 AAA f.:l:mytar. .1::t pool. to tt • OIA 021212,222 the rtt•uy 5ua511.121.2 c,•11.21.212 tha v.:l • • tn. .d ntiles, e t lea grasen t • th . dimensions of It c m mater, :1 has ta.c.l..nti, attempted , o. t.lnstlttlllvat trews,mo.ol , n. Ll,iggi• g Mighty nattc ; •no.eits el , tn.. ,-mt•i• •,: 0,11 , sear h. des,etcd :anl, he. red lt•I ',Vern and sons ..1a gen:sr.:us hot , t V.-, • d ha. raxe c{1,14. the rulers am netitma , Ma setr:..l Wll.OO, It le the Only pre.. lot .00! at the North, the euls - , 11.141.1. o; South. and th. tivn}ath .1 t•t t, ery , ll..e. sad I. to. any t .1:.. c! tat Ind G rasto, 1. 11 of 0,1.4,11 44: t•rrn to. flat ther.for, Ro•••1•••••3. Thal wht..u, th• the R•tralll , .o mutt la pc,. u ty tu , • tla it a tee ,tut) the 1 t. :ly sv:ol-t . eealam that It will h.u.a.•rwar.l • ru,gl. • It.. total. sharlct•. and ; - armanynt , a.rt ros -I human 1s eta. •ay ~ ru.“ , l hy the Paay...a. o' ••••••• p • arer at the dlepa•al -tat. a! 1 r by lir l/ end • b , n• ruder tits nth,ttttn. th.r, by recnring the ettkunr.b.bilvta of v‘rry et... and ti. prbts,:on ~! t n LI. rt. .4 e , v human bving, ethlntnt..l bbth et. tne In the I r..• ta•nA •r1.3.,h , ry MIA hnd Tern., t rebt,nd owninattlutt •ta rand b- Ibtt pr , Accutb.t tb•b• ,rvet Alderman Diyton kupported the rtsolit tions lie eai.l sla•ery would never exist again as an institutive. lie argued against onmprorniAe and in fa•or of c plete emancipation. Councilman Orson followed lle that the meeting r ould express itself op posed to the expediency of ro.kpting any particular candidate at pte.tet. The rota. lotions wero then unanienou•ly adopt. d, and directed t, be p..bllstte.l in the dr. ty papers. Mr. 61t.imen eubmiued a t eaolwion em• bodying the point called for by Mr Orson, which was adopted. with o herr, so fo lows NCtizar-s,. Tun R,b,•ln .••••rn not r. exhanattn: • r0,"...* In • r..rz,te • fro!, I • fr.,,,a1 :h., a!, .1.. fur a II! •trnr-: , mad lb. aim..., II pa-party r,t .4, tor 11 , -1"11;:. , i,rtuinmt,riul t:••• ••,• ar..ltts-• thornfor, vre ate tb- jr alma of thr nwrit• sod et•trt, *I cran , htLatm t,- Prevld•rwy, . u.l t, ulat•,l t, tract tb. titt•utton -I 1.3.11 mon fr , ,a. tit. a prow,. t paratnnunt duty, and earne•tly Invite our xrus, writt,out disti,tl,l cf lan y t nil:T. u.• I a T‘go,llll and r,,n•tant .ti t, nit t, •r: .tet, tho tante, the, a,: ~•,: • , Gai cod R rani, at urr. Important Order pn Consolidattuti of Regiment.. A Washington dispatdh to the New Y.rk Times 'aye; It le stated that one of the mat im poi t• sat orders Issued by Serrtt.ry S.:betel] Gino° he took °Wire —one t ha! .hall 'nave the happitut Influence fluannial‘y, and, in la culling of tbo tdlicers it .rrr or, hate toe effect to norosnire the a-ides—will le published next week; tea order to rater the cavalry sod infinity regiments 2,400 men r ad+, an t to .ta the tee m:. dittion. Portlier ettlitlittleatq Onto ry will els, be 0101ped It in ap• • , ire (cot, that if the exe..iry rtittecttate in the n. 1.1 were lull, the Treasury gild the nor w toil be burdened with 250 WA of laid era: Gzs, DAY enntpnr•ftog a corps of ear ltoopi 10 I'.llB, L; every officer and soldier to 13r COILCJiI d eb 01 be immediately suppli d with a b'noitet and half s shelter tent, fur entice arrrice It 3 the geld. His order rays, 'll to lintialpstel ehat hie army will fighf cu foal, /Lb.! Dm no wbeele." Turaz ore 4 V. 4 vick eeltiiera ia the rmy boapitala in the Department of the litueque henna, which includes Philadelphia end auliurbia teems. E, .111rEllTISEMEXTS. A RARE BARGAIN.—Ffve 1 ots of A Oroua9 lrootlog an flobtooon oattl Guy stlaott, • a a Frame Dtro/lit g rm. $1350 Apt 1, to Atli 8. COSH Walt? • SUNA st WAN'I Ell—lcro aotavo tiod v 'ins, to ran ou erianer Geod neon. re quired. Apply el open. at 7. Starker er. rimierM 'CrllN ' TT, e riAliUll2.ilskt W A 1 , 41 EDJ—et mnu for Ao email l'hulyard and Fruit (limier, neer the Oil. A g.. 04 b.mb for • co./ hAvalhe At SHIP 0111106 i 0.7.0-tr AHOOK-lIEE E'ER, of thieo yoars perils:ice, Is d.elroas of ob anolo4{ • sllnarlw In a Coal or Iron Offioa. schlroes, stAtlng allary, "M. W., br o b. E•4,1„0. A TAN TLE,3LAN NITH A :sNIALL FAMILY wfaho to rent three room. 0.0 doom and one sto.) from sow.respectable farwly 1. willing I. pay a liber•l rot Beforenere given ••01 ogolred. Achirso, elating 'retro o pr...., s e ., BOX IRO. Pit abursh P 0 a ben AYUN'S NuTicE--:-LtiEwe JAL —AB persons Intereered ern beret, notified tbat on and error the Igor D 4 of PLIIIIVA BY, Instant, the Ordinances of 14.0 City rf Pillehurgh, oddities to obriroctiotia on the pdrealke, will be rigidly enforced. 11 order of the Mayer. fold St BA MULL LlrhG. Chief rf Pollen DWELLING iiOUSW lefik r iTL" Tour story brick bongo on feuriliatreer, R as twenty-two ewers; • large Lou., OD W•we .meet, Ulu; Ito Ira eel, Lab wed Rm. room.; 70 Pint orat, roof., large Lou.. and wroendo, trees, de Robinson street, P 129; 1(2 Elm street. ball sod four reeve, 1144. fall B. OTTUDEET et sox's, 61 Motet .1. IVOR RENT—To a mall' Qtaiily, the 1: con-bolt of bowattfal ratidsace In NMI Troy. ono an* twin the /Ikghoy Maritsa Haw, with 0b0aC.34 son cf pmd, Yl amend with chides trait Imo, norgroni, obrottery, dz. ,11. a naant wH of WORT; into Ivy eidom Ctliatt giunfro of La. HILSTIT, co On promfen PUBLIC ArOTICES BHCKLAYERS' MEET'S Ert , klylo•n . to Ica will En,nt st the LLlall.., co . 8 II i LI. us I twin etrmt, on Fttl DiY k Stl At ctr 4. Ptsrtual at. o '•,rort-y. ' ATTFNTION' - to,: !`.ua+T••Kton V. II I ill, o,lk ‘" •i - i.:(21 )NU WARD EFFI NCI 113, • ! r • ••••••,•14 to- •! tt- out t. •• : • . I•t ttt t lat W., , L . 11•.t.L. Ttl ti`l, EN I SC, tit , t,t , t, .N . ,: ,! it:, to 1911 :hp ft.l!-It 111111=!IIIIMM t.,with , TI • r Ith, nw•a. I=l rug ItTH WA RD, ALLEGHENY l'N'T 1" FUND 3INETING—The C. , toml4.l , •rrra t't mrnltte•-% vrOl caret Tkl L+ , I.VENIN , i at to the LI sil Eilwi a, lloco - , corner of La• c,ol-1; and Andct+rg street., A tell art•ndanee of all ths.aatutt t,nndo.l. Th , Ooretn!t toss t.,• t, ...Pact all nobscrir. 11.11 ar.d pap lb. Trevn. , , ae possible. •1! J. PATTI:kW/N. i—crrtury. OVNTY N D EETING 711150 WART. A LLEGRI:NT.— The e II• gene aremen t at t It t•• 11, ri:•/,t,ralli .1 g P. ►LEMINO :1 1'; ; +l.lent of , 1 r.rmullo.l;•nors. HIrEIARDS' THIRD LECTI:ftIC, Bar, a:lWe I .rari Aeaxigtlon, will M r•,eri IMEISE=! rl.rr •1 P.I.ASTIt3TY AIR. 114ust-•- ,••A t.) 11.:•. Es plwiinot Cult. nr "1 t:r. Y.• z Alr Gun nut, Pm, • J• .1 hal Ht.trne 1 31. A. ',e f.' M 21: t.t: , 11.11 1 , 11 It L-ry'• BEN KITT AT NI ASONIC HALL. O PHIDA V MOHNINO, 14TH INST. A—LI v LR o a.. taule4l.l. I Per•ll... ' yeq,,,Aly Benefit for the Mts•t.t.ts of the 'lath.. ! Ktat l'rotestant. mores in the %Vest. , ~ , a ,-,,,,,..,- t.,•,. h., t•t• , I, tC. r•gn at%, , ap foto, .1 ...,; ~• a .1.• I 11,11 c Is a: • ••s nn, at 9 a,' t lo k Et Ylt,,t it n -ttr.mtt• - •ac•t 1 .. ..: I. k. It 14 h" Tv- . . .tlat tte, ..CC la, • •••..4 st•atilwoc-n, • Ch. Atatar, Is tor a g ~n 1 rats,. and .lii Le •1 • I tl- • 1, t!•• Oa,- ca at trap f n, t`... 1..., yaw, nf i crort •,. st rant ...I •`• ••11‘ , a • Lahti, 1.,.. , i n, t, L1..•1f sh t-, ••.: ~ , av, Ibn plattct, I 1.. - . • r ,,,, tbn 11,..t atL • o ne tf •he pr. ; ff. kat. naf: . ttn.r.l ,r. Teurada, ,tar rfidly le 0 . Y . 11. •ry MI, nr'• (Lank fttara. YU:I, •strt• I, a:Ai as , . •ha rlattr nt• Frw., ea., Inc) tato 1.-ft 1 __ - -p.... , :0 f I l'll. I 130 C. tip.l,l)d ta, M)r L '' 1, , P., lat, •f , n :Ay tl, net. nr Inman .., tat ..t .... • I, .I, ..: tot t + 1 id CRT II•sr 04 TT' LID, T N I.X I, the I , It.t••t, et 11 . 'ot,n• •. rr if •• I. ~ , t,e-. • f Int M. 4. tag • 111 I. to tat• . • g.rts P.' I ~, ,,f • )... n •••••• , n , '• nr tn• or-•••• ,f,• o I‘ 1,,,, t,....1.-1-. I'll e.. 1.• frou, 11. o• wog, iiistrl• r_ .....v tentonsattr Inettn, i•• •lirt..! fel t.I 1.• I R-T NVAii LI, 1.1.1 A; II t_N ago, [4l• 4 •14 , 4 144 lb , 444,, of [boo 1•4“...1 444‘ 4.4 a ar 0 • - 014 , 44 :aoa4 44.1! 41-4. •,( 1i.',..C111C1441.....1 ,• t, rund. n 111'1.11%1 41 , Ltil 11th • C tn 11.•• Prolovt 3.fvv•h•l'n n trqn...l dt, a:Mel ,3. 1.1 f" -- 7 — J.-.C.A. OA LI. . A LION 11 , 3 - re (.: F. ‘. '`'l.• fI , •141.•.. et ,••••,„a• •ra au t. , rla , ' . 7,1.11.: :Ye C mp ay ••.'l, f-r thy bat talt .r 3 a.. • g ••• 4: by :,,, 1.. , 4- att...:`. 4 In, Lb. / lin_fh Peva/P1.,. ta V .11.9. ,OP . I.A V, IV llE.,ft W 70.•.!,,,,,, f•r lat Pr ~..s ilar.l,•: • cl 0..5,1. an', ',Loy. •I a, , 4 A 4 Ur I. I (C., . IL . P,t,b .r a h. F. , • I •AYI'ET, It: l'a , (l . • I.L. [w.f.,. P. .• " 1.14 .I,t* S . 0 at r . e: ,-•' .1 I ALI , —. irlt .1.11 tor Ore k,l. oe' • .. , ~ ~..: ~t• •1.• • . ,L.g 1.. r 1",..el fr a. rl,• i ,1• • 1 . .r., , ,,, e, ...,41 1,,,, , ,, ft • M. •• II t. I• • ' I a . r . .1 tP.1',• 0:4, at • fr ,In .r , . . .1`1:: ,, ,y,. CU.,. rt,•••, .1 , ,,, S.' I . ,lt •,,,: lath. 'FL I.PDA I' aa.l VIIII, AT 15,F1(5 , -,N• •IA li , '[ . .til:sli., al •,,, .'• ,•''.•-• f • •Y er,t,•:,, Capital itlt pro .lop• • •t. ... rbla • z 4 .1.4 11 a 11,..ecaa• •.prrat,on U • ur• or•par•d to so • pw.rd r.uS ICF Lt./nom, ovue rttor ou • tor,. -• •• r••• Trot v, Itt•ok• atott Bat b n Iltrungh , ot u.• cvuutry ep,.. 1,1 at ,l•.ti Colt. I tEta tide adjotnlo, City d3.' rttlt,er,ll tertl ea nn ' .11 parte t 3 the .nonto ttlona,a of. detweat, au.l Ex Laart...r , sit the 1,1.1;S. 1314 , NAlactat MOE= EIZEMIEI /OHM DEAN, tiKNItY GC/IV la, WM. MAMBA unm. J•MM ThOMPSON BIZISE ART/11 T. H. NEVIN, J011:1 P. KIV.A.,IEIII,r•••,‘ tn 1va11.31,0 • 0! r• netr. • !Sourly of Four I-1 Fr sr G. , p,nment, u 5.1.1 rM M.t loy of March. T 0 44, h ty 11 Ward. B los,Fehly or C .uuty n ritt•l•urgh. DALLAS C. 1111 C•yt. Llth Infaetr.,, 06 om fettlahl E -- ... . 5602 TO VETERANS' 8302 TO 'SEW RECRUITS Authlrized C. 8. Iteornitlng licenry, r SEDER 81. RT RECT. Cu,, Ia thi res. of the l'rovnetlanl.e.Pontftoo. Yrota *l5O to 11200 LeatL lIOtSi T p.. 14 to C.stif.i. Hermits ren gale.i their reg t. f. 2"( T. M. 0.T51, Ilecml.tog Agent. TH ANNUAL MERTIM: OF THE BTOcIK EIOLDERS nl tluc ALL6ORE NY A" A L LET RAI Lb D COM PANT •111 be held at tfcc c . .11,c, of th• o.accpany, ua WaatilsOcca Pcttsbocc‘h, oa TVE.SIc.f.Y, fehruary 1.3.1, at LI trel rk . co, fcr che rtrryn 1.4, of the Atonal F... Gc , r 7 tc the tleakka of /••, .rd thei fraccau-ticm of ac.l etb c ar hotiaeacc a MOT b. procaestecL • Dy alder. LL. O. OVS, Mrornlnry and Treasurer , PltteTur.b, Yabomry Ch. lent. f r;Zo.AN ELECTION 1 . 1)1i TIMRTEEN MANAGE/IA of tam Company for electing • Bridge ono the Monongahela, opragite Yltta burgh. In the collet, of Allaahony, In conformity to as Act of Assembly paased locator) 29th, 1601, wtJI a. hold at tho ToLla HOUSE, on MONDAY, tiaruh at 1 p. tn. foh I w lf, Ilf3LlTE.S.7ramtnner. :s ELLeTiuNA—un 610:if/Al', the 7th day of hlerels o to It G'c'ock S m.,. nieettuit of the olochnoiners of the reensburg (L Pittsburgh Turoptge Reel Ginzipeu7 etil be hold et tee Cermet Tull Howe, nr tr o pr• pone of eleostug Five Ilenegen end Tea An4l,re n. @ern fur the ensuing pus, NEOLET, Trine r (Greensburg 11..41 p tiles copy I ELEC'TION NOI blee ttal for PreaideaL Matmadon.d Off.. of the Odupst 7 Wr araottng • Bodge dyer too Aldo 0.7 Sta., 077.1te tlttabenth, lu the c , ttaty of Allegheny, a 11l to th•ld at the OLL ROUSE,. the 4 a tp •bo brit, as 71' te•DAY, tbe 7th day of lfa. a h,.l , h. b.., of I Vclrolt p tn. (adder ROSEBURG, Trotanratt. ERIN, CA." AL LX,NI.P ANY .—An Etectlas frr A•rec Llrnmon ct Krle 0.1116 DcAwan, Itl bottald *h. to Erb, en MONDAY., Blorch Tat, IF6I, At 10 o'clor k s. m. A. U. , ADOB , 9 ,,, eretary. °Alm Erie clitml Compaq, t Ea, at Tea. P. kt/Tlt TRIKD 4111 M XL 11- pprrADltflaff —An Election Ihr Nino DI. re: trsre cf th Lt Dank •111 be LAU oo SAITILDAT. the 91. h of M srh, 18 lat the Mlle. of ttnt Dime PArlt e ' ln.tllotlno, Intneen the soon of V And Id DOBEIST nCIIMICILTZ. Outdo, P. T. I? 1:310VA L.—II EN!? Y 13 I.GBY has iii. .lock of CHINA Lod Qt E rats. Woottr to NO. ro WOOD STILE/7T, adloining Hensley, Dn., where Ls will in pleura to show his enstomers complete atwortmeol of ail articles in Ids lint, stated to the vents y fanlike, re:Mel:insult, baste ateemboats, and eity and °notary dealers. jentklm U FACI'UItING SITE FOB SALE.—A lot of_grortmei containing about tin flolltillg on' Ow Illanongshoh. Diver and Oon• neLlsrlltelriesE, adjoining the . pr yaf inn bales of Robert LI. Palmer, moil coot of (he popper WoAa, to Pitt township. For terra% apply to ALES. H. tax.Lra, la 26 Pgr Dhimond street MOTICE.-1 herewith declare that I Winn On derocatos7 te the tesso sad character of Ms, .10/314 EIMATIII.y, tutelar. in Sprats Garden, In coantositau out 'bleb sty name has Pon usenticautd, to to =true, toaeutab es I buss &hays bald tic BASISIAN to MO caeca, sad bernath peblldy &atm tbst net. 11101111. Ma t t Mubarak NU Wit UAL Matt .IrE IrVERT'. SEM EA - TS. .*E WY 4 0 VERT IS EME.II-77; EAR CORN I EAR CORN !-470 , i1,78 Ma•lab,gutzt ltd,r Far corn. 14 bart ttta• bin wad Btanalda, nna. at kfonorga , ola aaia b 7 50111)11A KER A LA Na, 610 :114 Li ,ny WANTED Li PENNA. - 17.•1 the ,11 I r.-1...rt c`, GIRLS TO SEW ON COATS s lEf Er:l - s f. ROCERT, re 40.,:. ,11l A T•cr, lj01:SE .AND LOT FOR :-ALE.— That sts/uablu Lot Nto fi Palo Alto sr...tot, Stt-forstl Ward, A Ilrglt,tuy City, ruttu:ttg, buck rtt liluttkllu i u .hicjal Ll.lll, (.4 fur, rutoms, With ou r re:. a g auto, Gray shntle, •tal pit:a rttt lard,W. and • v•luabitt td:d. , .; or buttltt..,. •.tv• or. Pal., Alto artwr, •atrut... For further pert ico:ara nquire . fell 1 w N. RiliT. cr7, — $ l - ,0 PER .Nll)l\lll.—Thr c) t../ LIT TL 1. 1./ANT FEN% t COMPANY wolt an Ap.nt in ez , h cunty, Hat order for thrir cew MLCHibE, with gong, ten... d.lrer and extra nfrdira. win ;.nn librrai alwry and expenr., ..r zi , e larre ensnmin• .ien. roe t. rn, , .tame. and adarea S. l'A , l F., eenrrwl P.r the Seek. fod•lenda.lrnWr FItANE VAN iioßirEN, Produce and Commission Merchant sTra:rT, Deal., to FLOUR, BITTER, Illi.ooMß. CUEE.SE, CURE, DRIEu ASI t. 3 1 ,1, FRCITA, outil pr.Auco ooh on ,-, n. , gnmet.ta f.. 1: :L4111,, -• 31,11 , 16 OA. lb. . _ Trl ) IKON NI EN. Who Lee End several years'uperlenee 1,1 e , unertL n With Ft * RNAC I', S 8 nod .•L,L11,1 WWI Id I take a ettoati.on at either, or In an Iron Wambtouee irlaira WI la \ATA N D. By a compr,e o Auounts.nt I=l to wear good boelcou homso of thlo crt• ei a,ea. rosto ul sr, 41 , 14roo• 110 X 1227, Pitt...! :11 P. 0 ..•r nr . 3t flaCht I NG b11D6..14 W."1•DI-o QUl'lililOß !URN !Toth; AND SEW- TAG 32 ACLIINV. I'4'ol , A 3 A Fl " F.brv.r,, •I 2 n.1.2..5a•D t. • • MMEMM Val,zany Hatt 11,10: • Mae ti tc. . flat. gat y f. 'a, '.114•13t.,...T Lao d I able, 1.31, Kat ..ttco tue IL Sat..J•a! n: 13,1 aI.J •rre,s, Pr...eong Ellut•n.ll, flrvak Nur. K k It•otrt hat, t Blrd, in, nip...,la. h Inn` Ar Alto on, au,[l.K ger', DAYIed Mc11.%1 ATOL Aortra. Gr)1.1), 611 S ER INv 1" t IWO htzte.t Let 1,1, la .t 1 f t GOLD, SILVER dr U. S. COUPON;, •. "IcTIOIIE., TIVTII ::7141.11' th. Act p+ce:lcy the L, renn•i:ranla on Ms tan day f lebr,ary, ♦ lr 15 , 45.15.5. G. 5515 fr.-gavot], to th I,;tr 5L+ pub, p. 0c- and I..,nry to pally. enets'.. 515.1. n.r. by .5,5• n to 15551.. r.. f 15”5-o, L 410 ~ other pa Its 115.11 55155. or 1.15a1t •t• atoritt,n, or milll' Icon, vlp r so 55. oras 15 on nr wlthin Ittol , promo.. n , 1,1:00., 11505 lb. act 1., to •161.!, .51 1...1 :, , wafter. Ur ord.r .150. 1510 35 nsvt EL C 1,4,4 P Ire. RNITI RE, Al L AU :V..% --4.711(2/1,1,1Y li9P tl4 at ca. nt I.lxll Auctl,n E=l 1.. t• •u • I,•• Lag... • So. Ona.ra Bcra....a N 4,6 T..p 11 , ab • a ,i 13..d•tea.1. ~,r., co. - kr•• 140. a, mad Br•alfa, Ta^lea. Drn•sels Ca LLI,7 Plead Foal.. ao tt w. 1.4 to 11. • a1...a ago Par, to,* v lu hseteg •Irsie l 4. of fn.-ult.. L• , tos,s, 1,10.1.. St.Ll.l tu.a. ur %V. 4. . 7 T A u lt LAND. BitP, T"AKDENE is AND VINE tiOWSI4. —Toe •aL,critmer W tub cy,tof II:. •e:l.. f,fxr .les duwo the OL,o II'.! ~ f 1 El.. A.ecosar..l,l..n Tr,n4 of lb. Pit lebla to. t t Chirac. kf 14 1, f 4 f 4 f,:014 'f•-= tr• 14 ,L-4+ a, • Lich Le • Tort L.r tale 1. 40 th), ivtit• k.J.• tLe Mr* 1 , .•01 1,1•11 II 800 et 40, Pot, .••.• sod cog,. ry L 1 •• otbd. ae.. pew:, toe belt •11•• 1. tLv c • o,yar.l. earl, •••ry PA. • {Ph., 111 rso lbe •trre..: °KAHAN T AS. I Lc 1 11: Lit... 1 1, woof, aL•11,0 M., pr. al,. vr1,14 40114 A l hlL, ,t.a..1.• • pr. vet, IA • P ,•11. j11.A.11•11 pit' CA \ - AL‘t Alir4. I• I{ I Finn T.V. Pure Bora:n.l4 Arr.. n4rrh, Fart., to. • rur• .',l , Yip. T-6ct b b, I , titortmg, Ambr , ,a. I Wuhan's Nv. 14. r Tnr Si.. 411 Co Hair Curaot .41.011 irStrt, l r., d. , 10200.000 1300,1100 rtt rats 13=11 Tits sub•critxt offen fot o•lo • rel , tu Lo•mr is, township, shoot nil, from iitsb,rf r. W 4,1110 itna Tivupt2.., •djoutts . ' Gordon, Plilltpuborg.r's b.iF•, anti ottcrs. - - Imrtovementa, eLe •41,,1act1.71 Er• Lr.• 07,11Jc, • lar,,g, Pram. Barn, 1r Al•c.. a 7. thsr-1, r...atatnicg 1711 v•r70.1.• or fru•+ The. prtlyerty arlmtrably (;:‘.. I iorl.•.lng purpewn, • l Is well 47.1, m.r , hato•l.l. COAL., cusdort) :Jag imald Iso :, vl be I. •1 , 1 elth, or .7p•rmtr.l7,. Tr 41. . emir tr. 1.4n.1 -I, ,• I n Intor•••• Ex•cat, a Mrs. Ilarri, TLIUS. STILISL, Tog , rrotbervaary's (I L T b FAL*. AT 1 - ENTI , I rrn,v.l autto±tt7 to r,rmt a .Verr Company of Infantry, T: be ottsebo4. along witb tsso ntb•rs, under the charge of Rt 7BARD C U LL. [.t. • mt. 1.4 of 12.r1 Pa V 015..) to tbs 116th Om t P. V , of Iton. cock's Cvrje_ lbw to • mot tbsocator •slantooss. se eh.ono:lpso) , will haw. tb, prisJogo of LLIC f. IsO THEIR 0 WIC OFFICERS, ono tn. CH &hCED Or PROMOTION trIII 1. better than Iv old sr/v.l'- 011,M. Rill te Anesanteol. I would specially appeal to say Ames oumges. loos to anrll to anent, tee in fillies Ibis comp .y liecocomead I. Jain It whom yone know abseil to outlet and, .. many of on et can. come youreelvese and again unite In the deem of the alorloos old 3.3 Fisrorntieleill be footsie/A at the oftice of Q.I.T. IM. Dent!. Pedant! stnot, Allegheny. near of Yto- Vr. Ittosbare Peke. SAMUEL TAGOART. rurneetly 0. S. Or A, I= , l tats oApt. 1) Mte P. Y. 11. IN IY L" INTELLEIT COET(73Ir . Ni • will pa, lb+ brobest rel. 4. U. S. COUPONS, Inoludf mg %boss of 4.10 Joao, thie Ist May n-at THIRD AND WOOD SI REISS!. tlltvd b LIVER. We p. hlghoet cuaTtroi We GOLD AND SILVER COIN. SEMPLE & JONES, THIRD AND Wn, D FTa6 ETA. 168 twd Ater ! RAGS 1 white and colored , Ne.spap.r. sod Books, ond Whlts Prkr, of all kiodS. 4n061.1 fk.r nosh, or taken In ,ssbuv. goals. Please °bare., oboelry ere p.e'eg rt. Mc 'been, st the Book of o r , :f "." hi4h pe tio. 101 1"klona .111,41,43 &mon ty It Is /otter them dry PrliaL 1. it to alnetty intatel. L It hat 1:10 stne/1 whateret f. It prodame ao dirt or due 4. It Mande dis newt Mimeo Inca 6. It pretence from net. a It Ls the mom economical Pollen 7. It Is not ono-fond) tbe de2B Corner Fourth an 8 , I etret.e Utiibti2IRASgWORKE. MANSFIELD R. FITZSIMMONS. I=! 71518ELED BRASS WOES. tarnished et the taw t• est DetiC4 A eaperior article of RABBITS PACE • INO METAL, tor Biwa Cyllaters. No. 13 OND,,taar Abort street, 'Pittsburgh. P. JaSt.l, IMPO"I'ANT MEDICAL WORK FARRIERS PRACTICAL PTIARPIECT Rim =ldea Designed as a Tart Book far the Studant, and as • Outdo for Um Physician sad Pbarmamotist, ome• talning offletal, and nuns umßedal, fasundaa, and Mar= 'sample' .d Zatamporamom Pra meintkeei. Prim t 3. Tor mak by ieS NAT Jr 00, 15 Wood Amt. 50.0 pip to artily and for gale I_4l um 11. COLLINS. =EMI BARGAINS IN A tram,: vna., 161" A 5p1e....1..1 . VTENTII Agitators and Settling Tanks, - • • GAZETTE CF NCR'. " `MALI, T o's I.NA) SF:E THEM ,• :IV T11k..11 V AI.hNT Ttar! I:age supply this rouou tio• SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES. MILITARY COMIC VALENTINES %:v ‘L {I., %.13.1 IN Tr•Ce P-1, I 1.1.1 n. r-ftaly A A. . 1 1 orl,m, 4, pr.mapt attmullr, to rl l l E. r. r r ANr 1;t; - Cf Y Lava constautly •ro Lan • NU staprrl. r.r th" rbuire“ I.,:QE:lttrr.... Coot •trirg rrr: NE rrr,-.1. , Ct.!, Ai' BHA ND T r fix mr,4l,lrrai ;tarp..., Euro uld NEN HIM( CT , 111DENE.3. and Sift:al: , NNW ENt.I.LNI) ALn lAMA NUM: Yr I N sr d It:LAND) . BENNY rt CHAP -6Y 1311A'N1/1". Me h.e a !par Nor., ,f 01.1. lITE WIITSKBY 1•111., •••• had •Oal•t•• Er. Heyman lo 11451. 13.•i0w • at, • • ro•••riv,l :rota ham Mese , T.-.• 2- ...14 I ex.m.lard the ape. It • lib •14.1 find It bb • purr art.. I, It L. frurt Iv.II ell, the ca.ut.mou loapur I, r,od b.a.ello he•ltetto• In 01,1,4 ,1 el • proolut •rtl'l. Th. 'Lb.,. are prep*, ed t .dl by the barrel, ip511.43 or gptart, put np dov•n• for ahlpplug, and nt •ult :or cust,cue,. W. Welles). atteutiou of de11..1• mud v•uutry ...Tr/m.4 to an ex. •mloatin of par •bx t, frollng sure that they to .b , •• wel et our rot', ::•htntnt 1161 any In tho Sr Al' p,b.Pv••red n rlth•r r t• free of ebarer, TIER , AN d b/:Tir. Ohlo abort, A LLEt.itiEN 1 WHARF NOTICE.-: All pen°. • unntnK fr•lght, and ovp,Lally C , II, rn.t r•p^rt .t tbo Wb•rf Ofbo•, in onl , . to obbtln • pl., to lAnd, and to settl• their .haring., which .not utran , , AI: u I Rout b•• tiered inlot,ably thlrty tart in, ••:er lin• any fJond brlv.r • t .111 U. rbar.,4 d •Ibi• • b.k_riag., •• It I. do Do.ldes. • b•ti it is so i nt tr• vat, Ail ! and ether freight rune, he removed Myth. Yrlth freen ly.t••Yrn the ty.aryle, w Per, thy re,. hlyr sham. rs ni the hue 1,1.1. se tb. great ct entluYeadeenituda 1,•411t5,•2 0n1...1 , 0g a eat pt, ib• roger pr .b zeept to of tb. CEEIZEI N;SMaI Mt pere.ins dealing in data most pot tbalr name on h dst, and . tio report as soon as they sell, ea a otaistra of this dray is attended with lots to the Oily. Ps stile removing any data upon which lb. wharf. age rwntos co; .la will rectal, the extreme penalty of the 1 ... ea a rt most t. taken to tbe Point And rut ova the bank. JAM= ALLEN, a. lw Whartinawtar. D r•Yr BOJO. -ADAM DMZ. pATTERSON ANLNION, Commission Merchants, 'Lora AND GRAIN. ADD GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, W. take, pleasure to referring to th• followtog Pt[taburgh hooey • them, Prorthe l 00., ' J. ItcCni;7 &C , z2P ' J. W. Ppatoor, it ted11 1 :, EN , C. H. Loaa & Co., E Cdtouselson & H. H . Jack & Jos. Vit.:lean Z Co. U. R. Pavia, EN. N open February 13th, 1804. Ja.Vl3l pt..KVIANCE's PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, CORNET 7TETE AND MAI/KIT frrlllEfil, PI arid &I staruek over /Gehl...hoc'. Jewelry 0w..,) Poresaarut, PH o - roci.ll-4..i.nis. Of *very Ore um] role, plain or coland, ixiimlur Carte ii- V lelt• w Gabluet sad Ilhi ore. Er. PER VIANCE inuald particularly the at teutioo of the AGED AND INILEIN to the may a, tamability of Otte estithltehrona. Coln( mciud by Ovule short flight of were. rotors tooderate, eallstartion trituratitrod. inyttolyetaiirTla SEMPLE & JONES, G ENERaL POREIGIN AGENCY AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., abaft timer It low I.loaa lireal Brush. Irobm,l fva*sp. mw from Llvertoo , l or Queen slow n. rscksoro Ilimarsle./ to ell carte of tb. I=l John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, caostantly malt - tag tba tame, a - blob Ler sill ..11 au die overt Neonate tarots. ml. ish I. panicp rI y clap:oil to the maoutooluto a• .Iv. C. W. CHURCHMAN. Y 1 SO T 9 FlitONT BTRETIT, Philadolphia. tialit."atriaal e j NO. BURG EKS s co., COMIIII•21012 & Forwarding Haring purchawd the •lilarala Wan:wow" at 011 City, and haring .mole room and facilities., we sea CHw empanel to store and forward OlL AND AIDS AN-DINE, of cirq description,aroi .lt %se sets leaclion to all oho may favor to wi th t Woes .43 , gm STORE SHADES, No. 107 BILWET IT. , batvera MIS and tact, EIESEEEN Second-Hand Pianos. IMIMII=2:=11 C LIELLOR I;EllgM1111 1.1. MEN BAILEY. FARRELL & CO II 1 n Ml= VALENTINES' VALEETINES ! VALEN 11 !TES ! 0 O.IIC ANT , SI,NTILINTAI PHOTGGRAPHS I PHOTOGRAPHS I PHOTOGRAPHS I ALBUMS ' ALBUMS ! I=l PITTOCK'S, VALENTTN R 8 VALENTINES 1. • stylea .f Comic. Valentines alolitine Curd:, IF.15!BZW!1!1!!!I I=! 10=1 Ilfl@==! Y .r DiAlmond. All.ghemy City N... 6 WOOD STREET. Pltt.t•argh, Pa. tt NIOADTRAT. YEW rout WILMA 3/ BINGII A Id, fir.. Av.% ekotl Ana•od Adam.' rxpose• Om. rlttsWgb =II (Itnrovosoro to J. A W. lIANIIA..) MIME! Zbeto to order on abort vodka, at 103:11. Iftralool. C=rl2l3 11?, : s' pr I Tbeltray Idol [or nib by 11 1 21110 MAXIM LAWS. DR I" GOODS, Arc. SILKS! I,11.1ES! DRESS GOODS ! Housekeeping Goods ! GENT'S AND BOYS' WBAR! All NOW :tucl C I 101113, at J. W. BARKER'S, 59 Markel Street OUR NEW GoODS 1, di U. -i.e. kr tioo .4. ONDAY, the 15th Instant ALEX. BATES, No. :Zl Filth Street SPECIAL NOTICK COTTON iTOCEINGS, Loft uror from last Deaaon, and .f taportrt quality, VIII be offered at real retrial.. by the, single pal, or dam, for the neat Ileo woeks. ALL FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, I=3l SOILED HOOP SKIRTS, lieu,. Log war at half pr ice. Linen Handkerchief, tb«p,r than am vex. .111 be Alexander's Beat Hid Gloves. A fail ...miracle la Colon! and WM.. Jnal raost , sd. ed,l PARIS HID OLOVVI, at One Dollar and Tan Cents sk pair,. retail.. JOSEPH HOB.KB & 00., BARGAINS TO %LEEN ROOM SOH UCH EFELLEO GOODS, Wholesale or Retail, GREATLY REDUCED PRICE, HOODS, SONTAGS, LADIES WOOL VESTS A large quantity of HEAVY WOOL SOCKS, TRAVELING or ER SHIRTS UNDERGARMENTS, In abort, all WESTER GOODS t Iv. to ken, . well •••ortod to of TRIMMINGS, FJ,IBROLDERIES HA NDICERCUIEFB HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS and NICK-NACKS, k 5 Nr . " " If t aifiS k , of t au) color. TrAT o ll WOUSTID, of any ohado. air Don't target the place, No. 7S hiel.ri.TrElCT S'InFLIZECT 11.ACEIIN & GLYDE. N EW SPRING GOOLW t JUbT BECEITED AT J. N, BURCHFIELD'S Table Linens; Napkins and Towels; Bleacied& Unbleach'd Muslim; Irish Linens; Figured Mohairs ; Silk Lustres; Calicos and Delaines ; Shawls and Cloaks. BAILOAMII nt 8U I 6110u.DS Is. lik. Ger. Fourth and !Market at • M LOW PRICES! YOB WINTER GOODS ! EATON, MAC&UM & CO.'S, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth St onTor to clots oat oar rettlatolni .to of WINTER GOODS. We trtil =W. Engem",lT Low Prices, to gowns roodg Merchants and Dealers Wig gag mows narAlrgatos to almost all dooms of good. LION. IddeßUM & CO, Wm. II and 10 nth stroet- BEAD ANA BUOLE (MVPS A3rl3 1:11331/11 • chain anortationt of the moat dnlnble .t) i.e noolvact b 7 tines fhb Os), al MASON. AKAORUM t CM'S, BASGAINs Pun THE HOLIDAYS. DRESS GOODS I AT 11.1C.1311CJZ.11 VILICIO4 I Al LANZ, aeABO 1r a CO:* o. HO 4. • 11./1.1. GREAT BARJAINS I CLOSING OCT Ora LADIES' FURS, trim= MICORD * CO., Utl TOOD /112XliT. fel 0114-8 big& Winter now loan !tap mow atet for _s - 11A111,4n9fan a 00. MED/C4l. -- ( 7 1 LA D fib FOR THE AFFLICTED ! GILSON'S GERM MEDICINES. The lavettur of a‘. extrwt a PARERIA BRAVA. After au ecperlenoo of may ,eve la poivote pne tic•, now ofkrg It c. Ih• •fal.trd In • 1 4W/ conoa What Is Parerla Brava ?----1088. I , I—, —l., t.... • ffpecilla eor INF' AILMATIOS Or TELE &AVILA ISLLAMLIATIUN OF VELE KIDS-ITb lIESI'6I ll= ft bas I,nialuast,de: by the talent of the L.d in Profrazten Ibr utarly tyro centurion. Th• nabll Extract or elsrm BEATA ts nay otferod u Am •CL.3.1 • chain Within the Reach of All for all diaitawa of the Bladder, Sidney., Gravid, " khroßinit, no medic:lnn Invented can mpg with this oompound to Ito power to literally ANNIHILATE DISEASE- All bed properties to the drag are masoved by the Pfd of Its nocapouudin to the .b.l e of the Ovid, lesslog tts STERLING PROPERTIES ALONE. Young 0.1:1 who may be tottering from tho many ills coneegoant upon tally Indiscretion or abuse, abould try one, bottle and be rellevod. Tho gym]. La= Al* INDLSPONITION TO EXERTION NERVOCS INDISZOBIIION WA.MC lIAISDS AND LIMBS. By tint .meeting tante signs, which so atierringly point aa the needle to the pole, to Impotency. Zpb leptio 7110, P10101111r• Decay sad Death, a mime wham nature b cemMitted--a , practical, elthostrk protracted, SIIIOIDIC is being committed. 611 coadD tool anthorittos agree that were the elects of 'wane .Isylains, as tt. ita,td• of tbs. banutalf lo.tllatloa• that • •rr7 lariye prop... Mai of their willows owe Limit raceptton wid d.t.ntlon triads, MUD to aarly habits of India-redo. WOMEN, MARRIED 011 SINGLE, Hr thiadi fig,inrn w it.. mill tnd in the EXTRACT OF PAREEIA BEAVA • Specific for Chloroth dr Bannatton, Irrestd•ci t7, Panto! or suppressed Hewn, Somme of tba Maths, the Whites. Barrennm, and In .hart all diseewee of the Goaltal or thinarl Organ., lot atm proceed Qom any pa. "Throw Physic to the Dogs," Baya the Immortal herd. If you are a .offerer act upon this &Alice relative to your 13aleaut, 'denary, Ooparta and Ilk. 110.1111011. Ihr .11 aupleaeltot dangerous inseam. GILSOYS EITRAC? Of PARERIA BRAVA, ribeolutel7 corm sacred diereses, of 120 matter whet length of emmilmc. dump of diet le required, to enure= from Unitizes. Soldiers Homo Upon Furlough, and who may porluips tkei.a onliorisoutaly contracted at......iu find the BXTB.ACT OF PARERLi BRAVA the epoddc P.. their Illd Ey Its peculiar actfon upon the Kidney. tt ammo a fropuen , desire to nrinate, thereby ratuorlog obstruction, and ooeurtog eh. euferer *refuel ali Far of stricture of the [there. Ipraisliktic= Ammikei Beware of tbe memberless quarks to be bead la ell Wire elthe. Reny of them KNOW NOTHING OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE sad yo: they ore allowed co deceit. and de.; THE 17N - VV A.ELY ontil oftantfous, after • ILOWto• of °emery, death !lady cadh Utah. ithihrhmg. GILSON'S OKLORENE WATER L. connsotion with the Extract, It • apordllo far the Gannett., or Srotracta4 Oteet Syphilitic patinas, ospoolally caws of 6/4 standing, wonM de wail to try GILSON'S 'PILLS. ♦ !Wades OW bee stood the test el yam, gad to comet/leo with tile me ante EXTRACT OF PARERIA BRAVA, Idadtabotually 4.01,61. arty um.. tr,,lsmilat a km beg .I•22dlag. Pries ...ONE DOLLAB PER BOTTLE. EL C. OAKLEY. (*.sacral Agent to DST ISTBIE61", NEW TORII Wholesale and Het ail. JOHN N. FULTON, D 18 1 .114311 amyl-no, nrrn mart 1•277 LuipsErrs IMPROVED BLOOD-SEAROMER. Tar the mug of all dlation analog from & Input. Ora of Ou bloat art r 110110TII Oloonoto Norms. Otto Oalacono onto 1 :1 11 1O 111 4 ptget• - On tbs oto.ltotoNyes. skaldflood, Totter Attrotiou, Ottt a n d stubb... Moro. Ithootaatle Dittodom ... Coottnottos. JIMILLICS, Balt ammo. I:l =lotosto.GonatatDtbEttty,Ltrar COW Loo of Appetit*, Lov Write, Tool Ilicaostb Nook ComVadatt, toothapfth caw dlo orders from au boptopolcooglltioo tbo effralstort. spite= lut_a Amaral Tot* ft. Orator its MU tott cannot toll to Welt, -ottan i:nod torsonotogy azut I. FULTON, Druggist, Wkoleaale and Iletail Noa. 67 um .69 Mira orprrnnme./ 4 , . , 'Da idiom wain vrats dtertti:'
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