==i=ll =ENE :dtburgk c6eft. ' - ^IIOIIBDAT 'MOBJPI,9:::::AN. 12, 1864 ex? AND SUBURBAN.- PAPER. rfliarr =Tr 13AION TICIEUT TOR MAYOR A. C. ALExiiiiing. DISCOLOR 01 Tat 1.0011. GEORGE GERST. Allegbeny City Election To-Day. Oar friends in Allegheny meet to-day, at their respective election precincts, to Tote for 144er, Director of tho Poor,. Councilmen, ' and other Ward officers. We trait that every Union:voter wlllaormider it no less his duty than tie privilege to exercise bie freeman's by Toting. for men of his choice, bribe severralottlees. Neither win it do for • , toter to take for granted that, ~.'.becaifi. lde Party la largely la the ascendancy, -tbetaforei tits regular nosolnces will be elected, — :titithatit his Influence or vote. It sometimes teippeaethst & vigilant enemy—ever on the slid, for opportunities—foreccelng the nubile apathy. which sometimes results from large pasty Maleritles, so manages as to take a. • - vantage of a light Tote; and, by tiling di,- . etectiotalaspicants, encomia in organloin loot of Mongrel opposition , composed 0 ilibenufaolndopandent," or .edtitens" a ttaie , if which are, pretty sure to hays one or more Ocipperbeads nicely eandwichod ' Chu friends In Allegheny nominate in the impeder way, bye duvet vote ; the regular nominees Of 'the Linton party should, there : , retire the Union vote. Let every voter mtaYxitl4* 'business to spare the time to do ; posit Ida.voto to-day, In favor of the regularly aim:dal' tialon ticket. The larger the um - jerky sew, 'the , Welt will tt be neat Novem ber, when 'a more Important vote will bo • Iled. Thar Ate Rebel Raid—Further Details. Co . Vest, of the 11th West- Virgic la In tently, now engaged upon a Court Martial at . Cumberland, gives tome further particulars in regard Mae late rebel raid in the direction of New Creek and Comberiand. On Monday, yet Nee. Kelly at Cumberland received • dir patch from Col. Mulligan at New Creek, stat • ,bg that Joie pickets had been driven in, and thatingebet force of about three thousan d ' 'nadir Vitshneh Lee was marching down Pat lirseee-Cre.ek from Burlington toward New Crook." There• were no soldiers at Cumber land, crept a fowsix menthe' tarn, and these — *ere Nut W gnerd the fords and bridges likely to Aa - intecvupted by the raiders. The ma enad and bankers of Cumberland sent all their valuables up Co Frostburg, and what few euldkif tosmined in town proceeded to make arrangements to tile to the woods in case the rebels term - into the town. No ceromenica- Aloe teal& be had with Cot. Thebure at Peters burg for foity-eighty hours, and it was feared • he had been destroyed. • Weis finally ascertained that the minis Dad gone in' the direction of Romney, and thence to Winehester, the present headquar ters (iffiest. Early, who now commends a new department lately established by the rebels, called the .llthartniont of the Valley. It le suilinsed that it was the design of the rebels to march upon Petersburg, destroying Co Thotoun, take Neer Crook and destroy steps, audits= enter Cumberland. Their < raarthtiommenoed on Wednesday Sr Thursday ' , • . ar the week before last, but the weather grew teddiudy cold, and they could not bring up their artillery, owing to the icy condition of the Toads. They lest considerable time from • : : this mean, andlinding Col. Thoburn with a. . pretty good forte, and well rosined, they de clined to ease* him. They avoided New Creek for the game realm, and fearing that their &roe might be gobbled no, they made leek nitro greater rapidity then they came. Quito rolerga number of deserters came to ors Taisday and Wednesday, who represented that the rebels were suffering most intensely .. , from lb, extremely cold .weather, :and that gouty had potished. The raid wet a moat complete failure In every inspect. The train cantered by the rebels the other -day between. Few. Creek and Petersburg wisagnardmi by one hundred and fift men— seventy-rim from the 21 Maryland, illy de tailed from the 234 Illinois and let end 14th West Virginia, and about twenty-flve from Captain Jarboo'n company, 10th West Fir- This rebels noshed down from the hill- Bide woods like en avalanche, and the escort fall backCe an elevation and contested the pouenion of the Mules with what energy they *add, but with finally li...impelled to yield to superior force, and a large proportion of them Mao doubtless captured, and are now on the!: any to Richmond. ilLereantile Library Association—Elec tion pf Meer,. The annual election for officers and direc tors of the Young Men's Mercantile Library LUotistion WU held tut evening, at their rocorik In the absence of the President, P. It. Brunet, Erq:;,Mr. henry Clays was chosen &airman pro cos. Mr. Wm. if. Sinesid, &Oratory. Tollere—lrwin U. Laughlin, 11. If. Atwood, 11. M. Long. Attar the balloting had progressed some tlner,"_2dr. Bennet (who had been unr_veldably detained) mama In, awl on motion the annual report was road. The report Is quiteleugthy, Sad giver a detailed simonise of the opals dons of the Asseeistion dtuiegthe put year. 'Lethal mut conins much of interest to the . general reader, uta u to the members of the Association, we shall give • synopsis of it • were three theists in the fieldr and • . lively interest wu manifested in the re udt, The Tote polled wee over one hundred and.lifty, while at the last anunaieleotion but forty years were cast. Tim following aimed gentlemen was •uete President.—rlis a. Brand. Vies Presideat—Ylereneo KTaiMCI% Seetstary.E.eD:ll. Boot. Trimmer—lt. B. Smith. -Direerers—C. J. Clarke, John W. Chalfant, Sohn R LteCute, C. L.CaldereS, R. B. Two lead. Auditors—James Colierd, Jul. E. Dlekeen, A. ZAsoa Dales% The City Councls--Canotts Meeting -Itominatton of City •0111cers. Tice triton members of City Councils held a sauna muting bit arming, for the purpon of iienhistlis city, of:goon. The old.. omoom inn - all ranongintod, erupting Mr. lone Motley , .._ . for, Prietrdinif nrgulator, , orbo da fr4l: • tctianro; and Moues. Eingerley and ilyaneCity - Job Miters. Thafollowing to a felt hit of the cattalo • itiondisio lhssanto;-C. MoGowais. Assanor-J. E. liewinln. Cioy qnnor-4.1. Edward,. ' Aegteroge"mt ofiferkst.-LoTid Shoo • - Oka 2forkefe-X. F. Irwin. .i 0574•14 _Wharf Moster-Winirm For . .' - Aateglarg .Wheuldfasnnn;4annes Al.lto BalChkijoiston-Jsoob Fodder'. Askes-4 IdeM . Sing. invennw of Thbaceo-C. Ojer. INI/Prinbtri--Enitlhibi audit and Dhpateh .. , 43armanifr/4 211 % .8 ' Job IVister•!-D. - B. Ferguson. duk e John Owens ' • 21.114;IL B. Cooper. eSiperio!oldoo of Water Worts -Joseph Araraltle of' Water Roti-Itobott King. .11norttilst multi" 1m 0 6; ;Itird,: , John 'Norse Sd ° Word, J ames 7•111111110# 1 1 - 4111 yard, Row= 6th ',Oran%WMlsmifilsoni Othinud, John Eley Ithiratdi.ilogh:Yeang; Bth:ward Jo h n L. ;-nbalLitan ; 2th *lid; amnel.D., "Lill. Lt pli~t lirsm.txes Coxrerr.—The fol . hvetignseed rentleatetasse been Omen Di - ilatoreet theAlleghearlneurszoa Doi • beaclasee, John D. McCord, LO. G. Honey, ' gamy C 111144, Richard C. IClrsy, Item. Dean Ad** Jen* Chubs Hilo, Bohai, H. Davis: 31. L. leheatteek, John issinvlT9 Rebid L _ . friend' of Sr. J. N. Millar, Paton zombies for Salad. Coosa Ur thoitt WardeAlloettais will Pi/ n o ;4111sation -to moored rostotatiour or with ' Artarel of op pos ing a:told/woo, but tura out : ..andnpport 411 lobular tuudidstos. _ -Certnintring been Wawa 40411.1b..!ktneytutme an the Smooth -. —hare WeetrionAnnmon 43onnott fez Abe 41411.-Werliitte L Lef Allenbenr, reepeetfalb tteeretletkthtubi.thit .• eandbUtP tor sagr Nam Joint VlSsoure. atm • Tin Cotes-Centis :Jiang a Corporal's See of Units* leervici-ba tbs Masten* Army Corps mint ame ILlteeter, ; Veen bb, Ffin-sresed-lksi- Mae :VolunUstre om Walker, Wise, and Co. Ifittstrunds: An saloby nary Veer, ri and 73 Fifth street, -2.14 pp. temp. Ths Itev.,"Profinor Peabody, of Harvard University, haa written an introdaction to this interesting VOlO3lllO of note, of military ger.' vice, from which we will emote a few sen tences, to etioWttow the Bev. Mr. flosmer, who bad become a soldier with thought and fore thought, lips become en anther without eu Mortise illgiought of it, or only with en after thought of it;—" In Septemter, 1541 , Rev. JBllll4l}l. Roemer, pastor of the First Church in Deerfield, Illus., having but retiently en tered on his chant profession with ardor and with • rich promise of ,nooses, beard, in the needs if his country, • higher call of duty; WI with every motive of Interest and era.-len d feeling opposed to the measure, but with a sense of obligation whishltisCODlClOCCe would net set aside, be enlisted see Driven in the Fifty-Second Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer,. He entered the service with the determination to trade neither Lsbor, hard ship, nor peril; to devote whatever there woe 'in him of capacity and vigor to the public, and to do what he might, sot as a clergyman, bet as a Christian-Inan, to mieleter to the physical and moral welfare of his fellow-soldlers." 110-waa offered a "safe and easy poet" by Gen. Banks, but declined it, and wonfd accept "no preferment, save a place In Cho fore-front of peril a ono of the corporals intrusted with the defense of the esters of his regiment." These letters were written during his term of service, "solely for the permit of bit father's fixedly and intimate Christian friends, to whom they were sent In tom." Being read with vivid Interest, the pablication of them was urged, that the pleasure and benefit de rived from them should bo extended to a larger circle. Tho writer, as Dr. Peabody justly re marks, Nausea keen, quick sad aocerato discrimination, and a superior power of life like deeeription and narration. Juvenile Books. [for sale by B. P. Davis, Oa Wood street] Means. Sheldon t Co., Sew York, hove recently tuned somber of useful and enter taining books for tho young folks, in a style of neat ale and even elegance, which mast render them highly attractive, not only;dur i rig the season of the holiday s, but at all sea sons—"all the year round." First of the pile before us, we take up two volumes by that veteran and incomparable writer. of books for the young, Jacob Abbot. who shall always Lave precedence with us error his competitor', as well because he can olden it alphabetically, as for other equally valid reasons. One is entitled " Ware of the Cobuics," being the fifth volume of his " Amor - icon Hiatory." It is illustrated with numerous maps and engravings, The other is "d Roil to the fele of IFight," , boing also the filth vel ume of the favorite series known as "The Florence Stories." This, likewise, Is Mastro, tad with mr.ps and .ugraeiage. If Jabot. Abbot is notary boy'. Grit eholee, surely "Peter Parley," the genial, charming companion and instructor, must bo the hon ored man. Here, then, is "Peter Parley's Own Story"—that in, es the socoad title of the volume explain. it, the Biography, or Life of "Peter Parley" by nitinself;—m other words, "from the personal narrative of the late Samuel G. Goodrich, ("Peter Parley.") All we need to say, of this but book of him whoa* delightful "Tabu ej the Sea," and "Tales of the Marv,' and "Traceis rurough Europe, Aida,. Afrias meet America," have nude kis name a dear household word in bothhecal spheres, is, that It moot be read.—for it is racy of thegood soil from which it has sprung. We should add that there aro a number of appropriate illustrations nattered throughout the volume. Thirdly, and lastly, we notice two more vet lame. of the series by the Rev. Diudel C. Eddy. D. D. entitled " Wettav'e Tear in th e row," in which en attempt Is made to render the celebrated scene, et sawed story more dis• tied, more familikr, to the untraveled, by a naratlire largely interspersed with dialogue, end thus imparting a kind of dramatic interest to the work. The two volumes are entitled, respectively Walter ia AV15.14111, " and 4 ' lVot. ter u Samaria- . Each contain. several spiri ted illnetrations of the scenery and incidents which Walter and his companions met with in I the source of their travels, and daring their eojeurn in those ancient end celebrated cities which they visited. As Gottschalk and artiste give conceru here on Wednesday and Fridny, we coneig.r it sp-1 propos to clip the fullowing from the New I Tork Tribune, ot Ahe oth rust: Bone-Buene is ram Etsow.—lust in the higlav: of the late:atone in the West, Max Strakoseb was fulfilling engagements la that rogien, ao- ; eompanied by • little Seek of groat artists, : among whom were Gottschalk of the ivory keys, Brignoll, Cordier, Carlo Patti, and S. I Behrens. They had been doing a great burl- ness (snub • combination could hardly do otherwim,) when, on the way from B.ockferd to Miberatikee, /lax and Gottschalk got' banked in the snow. This was on Thursday— two concerts were promised on that and Fri- I day night. Not • foot doald the• more, and for two days they astonished the prairie I peasants by the happy equanimity with which they bore their Imprisonment. They were shoveled oat no as to get through on Bator -day—Max ratliakt, Lents moody. At Chicago they found the Mercury 40 degrees below zero, and Brignoli's note. all froze to his throat, as ' did the musie iellanchausen's horn. Snow was three feet deep on a level and twenty feet in drifts, and it was pretty mocha! drift ; the wind was cold enough to give a polar boar the ague. Imagine the song birds of sunny Italy in inch a hyperborean prison. Brignoli was fortunate enough to hive himself in Mil keer-and only reached Chichgo on Monday, throe days after his notes were due; but they did not go to protest—the holders were glad to get them after any number of days grace and waiting for the handsome tenor to thaw out. Having got "ant of the wilderness," Man's happy femily wIU do the amiable in the con tort way at Cleveland, Pittabutzli, Whetting and Harrisburg. Editor" Gentle: Permit me to mill the etten don of yourreadere to a paintingnow on soli- bitten in our city, with tho above title. It is really a meritorious work, and deserving of • liberal patronage. The Panorama begins by representing chicle, and God said "Letthero be light, and there was light," and light ap appears. It carries the spectator on from the creation of men, and his possession of the Gorden of Edits, to his being driven out by the Lord God, and ••diming tweed to ganr the way to the Tree of Life. And thence on, In the development of the life of man, to the 'ening of Joseph tats Egypt, end his wonder ful elevation to the threne,--ooming down to the time of Salmon's Temple, when the -Qneen of Sheba came to oiler him gifts, spices and frankincense. The painting, u a work of art, is well ex ecuted, and the time spent in Ing o it, will be pased both pleasantly anti'. prdtably. The representatio s n of the. Deluge, the then amine fighting, followed by torrents of rain, the attempted egeepe of the inhabitants from the encroaching water, are all well portrayed. The Panorama Is accompanied with suitable and-appropriate remarks by • leaterer, and altogether it la well adapted to excite a now and more lively interest in the study of the Sacred neriptare ,E and if the eommendation of one who Les had the ?lemur, of seeing, but has an interest to servo in impressing hie admiration, will Indus others to visit it, he will be amply repaid. A Mrnam. NIX urn Luray Bruno Ptorstirr.—A 40 fooOot on Liberty street, opposite the new depot of the Ceistrel railroad, end the two lola on comer of Pend and Washington streets. formerly the - Washington Hotel. are to be sold at i3S o'clock this atoning, by,Darls k auctioneers. Also a lot on Chestnut street, Allegheny elty, near to the Mechanic bridge. Alt BYULT AID BIZILIA6IL4Y PILOrZETT.— , This atening, at 134 o'elook, Deets Is Mcli waine will 'nil, on the "mud deer of their ¬ion ramie, two lota and brick hone en Nina, neat Vaneook streets. Also a lot on Wuhingtoa West, Birmingham. These pie ens et-valuable property PO of the estate of Soluktlerron, detailed; and are toile sold b 7 cadet of Orpheas! Court. CilArt..loll VAIINT Itemsom—An sleet= day,,Diroore fo l lowing company was held to with the remit; J. Neer head, Jacob Painter, law Janes, David T. It[c roan, .Tohn H. Twirl, Wm. Park, William Duainotaand Drentary will dad:sate the yal=teers br more than the bullets of the en emy, themfore let *my man seats it that he carries with him a Pall supply of Holloway's per. Their. use in India sad the Crimea alma Donsandi otlltitleh soldiers. Oily :5 scuts psalms. Hounwies Ourtirsx: aso rum ars to: sale at ralton's Drugstore, MI street. Ottawa and ameta j ty edit wilt be fialitt at tha OtoObita aloe, Na.' 416 Para etaet, day . At Tiers lett - at the above place wa be ptomptfy attntel Alt oat must hitrat• ekvicaert, • s r t't ~~- ,>r y~ r; w4+Y G - - 4 s ;'br'r~c*„r~+~v Y__~-~~ "`:te=,..s:~ ~~ +erda~~xiiti:r.~.y :~,t,4r~v .u. L ..;--. ~ +ate ~:sv' thw fiat Tab le. 31uslesd. The Bible Panorama LETTER FROM ILRORI7EIG:LE. • Swornid,e, Ten., Dee, Sth, 1963. Carroes Garerti.:--The siege of Enoiville • ; has endediagd now there is aprospeet of mail communications again, I set me down to write yen a few Lines as to our doing.. Our little army had been very active through October, and until the 9th of Novem ber. We then went into camp at Lenair's Etetion, tweaty-four miles southwest of this place. We remained at irelloied Station until the 14th day of 'November, when wordreaohlii us that Loogstreet was throwing a bridge .:roes the Holstein river, at Heirs 'lorry; nine ,milee below. Atsistant Secretary et War, Dana, was then at.tho headgnarters of the 9th cone!, General Burnside at Knoxville. Donn immediately ordered at re'ercai to this place, but before the order could be executed General Burnside arrived, and erdored the head of the column toward the enemy, in stead of from him. About 4 o'clock, p. re., of that day, Oen. ' White's skirmishers came up with the enemy, (who-by that - time had got three regiment/ of ' sharpshooters on this side of the river,) and drove them beak toward the river. It was dark by the time our troops had arrived end taken position. A heavy rain storm set in, making the roads almost Impulable, and rect• dering our Intended &malt upon the enemy all the mere dangerous. Nevertheleee, it was detornoined to charge the enemy at 9 o'clock, p. m.. and prevent him from completing his bridge. A bile we were completing our pre 'paratiens for this movement, an order was re mired from Gen. Grant, directing Gen. Burn side to fall back and allow the enemy to cress, and endeavor to hold him, until <retain move manta could ho made at Chattanooga, es would insure us a complete victory. The en emy followed. On Sunday, the leth, a stead was made at Lenoir'', to enable tie to 'get off our trains .ha. Every effort wee made to complete this work, and we succeeded in starting everything but eighty wagon. belonging to the 23d corps. There work effectually destroyed, so that no thing of value fell Into the bands of the enemy. The enemy wee making every effort to cat off our retreat, pushing a cultural on our left, by the Kingston road, which comes into the Loudon or Knoxville road at Campbell's Sta tion and nine miles from Lenoir's and fifteen from Knoxville. Our eafety—in fact, the fate of East Tennessee, depended on our reaching the:Station before the e e my. Our mu guard, the 3d brigade, Ist Division 9th army carp, wee constantly checking the enemy in our rear. Ono brigade of the 2d Division, was hurried forward and succeeded itt taking a po sition on the Kingsten read, while the 3.1 and let itigallee of the let Division. formed line about one mile from the forks of the rood, while our artillery, the 2d bri,,sde, let Division and one brigade of the 23d corps, under oonma r and of Gan. White, took up a position on the crest of a largo hill beyond the town. While those troops mote getting to petition, the troops book were engaged in a heavy skirmiele with the enemy. Thennier was given to fall hark gradually to the position before named. No troops tould have behaved better in earryine, eat an order like this than did these veterans. As they emerged from the *sods their lines were as perfect as though on parade. The Ist brigade wee on the right, and when having gained a distance of two hundred yards the enemy came down and charged, the brigade immediately about faced and gave the rebels each • volley as cant them back In the woods in greater baste than they came out. The 3d brigade was in a much mere dangerous po tation. The enemy was about four hundred yards in the rear with two lines of battle, their front line pouring in volleys of musket- ry upon the breve boys of the 3d. Thin was a very critical moment. Had they broke, or in any way failed to preserve their e.Luess all would have been lost, But they lid not; never did men behave better. They ',earthed down tho plain in a perfect line until the rob. ois were at least oil hundred yards from the woods in •beautiful range of our batteries. Then began the battle of Campbell's Station. The lot brigade had gone into position. The Third was ordered at dile moment to move by the left slant to a position on the right. Ae soon as they uncovered the enemy's line.; Benj.:wee and Benehon's batteries opened on them, telling, (earthly on their linei; great gaps was made in their rank,. They hesitattid,stopped, then fell back in mach die order. Again they formed, bat now their Gees were complete, stretching for two miles along the edge of a dense wood, with their right and lelrflentre turned inward on either I sinned the plain, oceopled.by their lines of battle, and reeling at the edge of a henry wood. Oar position was • eplondid one, running along a crest for one and • half mile. with our flanks well guarded. The battle opened with our bixtories on the left, shelling the enemy'. .diaries lines; while our infantry uo the right engaged theirs, thinning thole r.lis at every attempt of au advance, effectu aSy repulsing them at every onset. Our liaise were not broken et any limo. Change of fronts were made with all the precision pos iible. . . It was 1 o'clock I'. ii. whgn the battle .mit• meneed, and at 3 o'clock'befure the evading, got his artillery in position. Tito battle lasted until S o'clock, when darkness put an end to the conflict. Our lois was 294 hilled and wounded. The rebel loss, as we learn from the prisoners taken since, was 700 at lewd.. That night we matched to Knoxville, arriving here before daybreak. Oar Division wee meignod the left—taking in that art, sines, named Sanders—resebing from the centre to the river, a distance of one and • half miles.. Gen. Sanders, with ens brigade of mounted infantry, held the enemy in cheek until 11 o'clock A. M. of Wednesday, the 18th, when ho fall mortally wounded, dying at 9 o'clock, 130... Ile was a very bravo soldier and able offieur. After Urn. Sanders full, tat mon gradually gave way until they were within our Hoye. We had worked eight and day ort.' rifle pits; redoubts sad the fort, until our lines of defeneo were nearly completed. The enemy drew his lines very carefully around the city. On Tharaday morning we• found ourselves cot off, save by our pontoon bridges to the month aide of the river. We were troubled but very little by the enemy lave theiriharrhooteri, who were co-Airmail,' picking idif our officers and men. On the night of the 20th. the 17th Michigan made a sortie, driving in the onetime pickets said burning a large cue within their lines, which bad been cued by their sharpshoot ers. They opened a battery en the troop, .doLuglittle damage. - • .Daring the night of the 22d, the enemy dug • rifle pit a little closer to tkiiifort than was comfortable for the eannoniers. On the morn ing of the. 2d, just at daylight, the 2d Michi gan charged, carrying the rifle pits Without the loss of a men; but the enemy pouring is a hoary fire on their left from a very large force, compelled them to fall back with a loss of eighty-one killed and missing. It was a gallant charge, but did not pay. Every hour thereefter,wo expected en cassia upon oar line., bat none was made. Did they expect to stereo us out T In this they would be dis appolated; for although rations were short, there was ',spirit of no earrendir among of ficer' and men, sad they were neatens to de with little to eat, rather than go to Richmond. Every day there was more or less skirmish ing. Saturday night, the 25th,_ the enemy drove in our picket line in front of our divis ion, Where they had missed their troops. At daylight on Sunday morning the alarm mug out, "They charge the fort . ' Every man was in his place, all reedy for the prey. They same up in column of division, sad charged the nertk-west salient. Our men held their fire 'until the enemy was almost on them. Our batteries opened with grape, while the infantry played cad haves in their ranks. Some of the enemy unneeded in climbing up the angle of the parapet high enough to look .over, but that look was their last. Oh I those were awful moments I Fifty times our num bers were usamiting ns. Reinforcements were tent for, hat before they arrived the 1 enemy began to falter. The supporting column first gave way. Then such a shout of vietory went op as never chilled the heart of a beatoo foe before. Those that eould get back did so. Bat very many who had gained the ditch and I were beneath the grins, had nothing but death to expect, if they attempted to get away. I They had nothing left but to surrender—this they did, Gaming through an embrasure, one after the ether, until 232 came in to the fort. Then to have semi their look of disappoint ment u they beheld the small number that I had repulsed them. The dead end wounded I filled the ditch in hunt of •the salient, while the ground in front was covered with them. The order was given to tease tiring. A flag of truce was lent out to arrange for the car rying of the dead end wounded. The enemy didnot like to take his wounded. but could pot avoid it. There was one hundred and eighty-throe badly wounded turned over to 1 them, and one hundred and eight killed and buried by ahem. The slightly 'wounded we kept, Our lett in the fast was two killed end twelve wounded. Their entire loss was net le s than nine hundred. They charged with:wetly throe thousand; while - we did not bare over fifty infantry In the bastion when the assault was • made, and. they were dotaohments from the different regiments. Wetook three stand of colon., twenty-two commissioned caws and 227. enlisted ..men. Daring the debt a sergeant in the 70th 7. "ff.Jad tabs 'musket.' reit-aired iiseleilifbe picked - up 'an axe and fought. with It until the enete.tiorerepnlied. 'Although *speedeg thew tu win Weak oar lines; were hot gratified.' .1111 waited emu. the sth, and thin moved of et sled In the 1 1 34 6 ' .' , 00 li":0 1114 r il i • 4 1 " . madietelp Doming tievelip iie,io7d Sittrameon the teeth side of the rim proved their patrio ism by bringing food to the garrison. We lost many brace oSeert end men in the cam. , pain. • Tors truly, W. W. T. SPECIAL LOCAL Itrric=4. Taman Panay, Wain cud Ornamental Mato Roofer. and dealer in Paansylvania and Itinment data at tha lord quality at le' ratfe_ Ogo, at Alm Lan Ulna. near tl.-e !On Winks, Pitttburgb, Pa. • K111,111.11M.511,111,4.1rDLL1 810=10 TOT. , co.—This Tobseas, used by the North Amer ican tsunami:esti from the finest %Canty of tobacco, and commingled with the moat befall/dill and °derma Booty Bute and Herbs, Indliinons to tit. Reeky .himiatsins, In sad peoporßo i n, se to its dis tblollro c h aracter, and ISOM for it wherever it becomes knowa a hearty welcome. A long residence among the inalasts or the Rocky Mountains, tainted as atetialatsnee with their habits, eaitoms, end - mOdee ior life, sad among others thtitga,, se insigittlette the esza will n of their.tssooking tobaces,.l..aind knowledge of the Means by *Welt the mAtat site aroma Is radioed, sad& roadies' , ts* plaulag to the suinker,, and se, acceptablti" thee, who are not. Smokers who ones be come esqualettod with this tobaoce will never be without It. Bold by all tobacconists end by the manufamumr, N. Heat, 611 Thee ant street, PhlladelohLa. delßam Yoe /sot. ono WWI= Wass.—The Anna marl I plot, and by the mondag's frost, we begin to apprehend, that Atli and whiter will shortly bo npon no, and we canal provide-our selves with the material to keep us comfort able. A tire fell snit, or a good end well. made overcoat ari the very thingt,'and we do net know of any place where our readers would snit thentielves bettor than at Moors. W. B. &Who & co.• clothing establiskunent, corner of Pedsral street and Diamond &pare, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patient- for walstcoatlng, Ac. Boom's Dunllui. TBOCIII3 cleez and give strength to the voice of &eons, and are in dlrpeneable to PUBLIC SFSAICIR3. "I recommend their nee to Public Epokkers." Rev. K. li. Curls. "They haio Nutted my ease exactly, reliev ing my throat and clearing the voice, so that I could eingrwith ease." T. DVCILLIIItI, Choritter French Pariah Church, Montreal. - • . .• bold by all Dealers In Ticino, at :5 cents per box. Brown's Trouehes nre for sale at Fulton's, Drag Store, rlfth street. Ynrocrr DatxxsiArrevcrarr---Mrs. Ann. Nantes, of Louisville, Ky., ir.7l is a letter: "When in Now York, Ili. summer, I in:- chased by way of experiment sense of Mrs. S. A. Alleu's evlobixted agar Restorer and Lyle balsa:own, which I bare found valuable.. I new write to ban you send men dozen of each by express, for the nee at my friends." Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot 108 Greenwich street, New Yak. The above is for sale at Fulton's Drug Store, Fifth street. _ _ Chmetxxxx,havayou examined the fail and winter stock of pods at the Merchant Tail laying eltablisharrat of Sam. Graham A Co., No. 54 Market street f A freak supply of goods every week. Have you examined the prices of goods at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Sam. Graham A Co., No. 64 hfxrket street; if not, It Is now time yen would, sod save 20 per mat. in your clothing bill. Remy garment warrantod a perfoot et. GLLILUI. 0110. MOCAMILIiaL Jura AzacursD Ars iswoy POO Bsta.—The Jaw assortroent of Vail and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John Wier 4-,C0., Merchant Tailors, No. t 46 Federal street,!Al legbony. The stook of olothing consist; of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, 6011Ll'and overcoats. The style of patterns ts tasteful and festdoneble. We tronld invite al; of OUT readers to give the above gentlemen s Woxrasa, /avatar, toe—J. M. Hobert., if.. IT Fifth West, is now ripening the most ehniaa erste of floe field and Silver Watches, Jowell7, Silver ware and Fano, Goods eeer riLiplayod In tide city, and is eellins User at romarkably tow picas. 0. BILL, Dentin, 248 Pon street, Irlll m rnfi to •q howler• of YL Dioffaieoto T0E60:1011 moo oa flooday, letl , 4LLnur, at ntm maldraa• la Jarman loan map, Alla, two y roomy, DAVID TOlltlflgull. oval It prom Ulf foomal altl lots p 1 . ,. Tom Oar !mums, Mb 15e1..04 II o'cloolt, from Ms IMo mobbsca. 15/111117.—M Sbaryabarg, oa lemur, OVA, 1101, 5a11.4.0 0. SLINT. Wler of tbo lam Image hint, to lb• lid year of Irer .Cm. Dos rol!or of favond ba (Clan. AnusTBosa.-02 Ile 2d inst., .t Brandy Pte. ttan, Lieut. 711.321. J. iill.X9Titi.l4o, humeri; a Unless Cilubits, sod cres Oen. bliter's isi!, iburit firers. Dos notice of tuuerel tetil be gists, SPECIAL drOTICIES {,,-,.-440H21 COVE:BAN & 880., Man at:velem, of IRON ILLILINO, IRON TACLTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT TEM, WINDOW GUARDS, its., No. St SECOND and SS THIRD STUEET, bet. Wood sad Marko. Nov. on hood • eaniot7 of new Pottwoo,font7 told sultablo for all porpoooo. Pirtiailar attention odd to enclosing Orai. LOCO. Jobbing done at short notico. opt, pATENTKII OCTOBEK 8, OVAL. I.A.M I. cur i A.T.N v X X FLINT GLASS Vane Mthuntry• loam:led for the Ilat Eases, tonging ell pens of thy glen equally done not exp.. It to creeklng. Z. T. DIVIRIDGE. • fort Pitt Ut... Warts. Weehilllfton thrtuG. erpll` Pittsburgh. Peen tr. .11. M'S TEEN, 131/Aaa FORNDERA, EP • Gas A/D ST./ /mom Particular attention paid to the fitting op and repairing of OIL IIRYI• !MUIR& All kinde of BRANS AND IRON COCKS rude to order. Alpo 011A.SEVOASSINGB, of all lamb, made at the shorten notice. , AU order. loft at Noe. 31 and 34 WAITS STRILTT, near Liberty, still be proesplly attended to. CW - The members of Lid. Arm bolus pretties* no <amain, of malty yens' experience to their Madness .111 insure to give satisfaction In every respect. We are also agents for Guild, •Genison Ott.o STEAMPUMP, for romping Water, Credo and Re. fined Oils, Ar. deOtly C~IPOIMMEN'. : tai EMS, IM WOOD mart J A.IIIICS 13OWN. Invttos Ise attend= of Sporissom sad others to kti 11•,114 ar 11 of 0099, MYLES, lIEVOILVETIS, PISTOLS, OAHE HAGS, POWDER "TASKS, SHOT BELTS and POMMIES, Dux FLOES, and's.- ssuollisn of systy kind. Ws stock Is dm lure ens tumults to Ods market. ocl7 -• MilliiMil VISE AND 1.11.00115.23 or SUNDA./ BOROOTAI —A biography .f Rola Roam nod Wm. fox. Dy John O. Power. I rel. Tying $1 00 A MANUAL ON IfITILADTIIIO TRZTEI— WoundAd co ska Anatomy of oh. porta tovolood to lb. •porationi a ,lo /Gods nod pow onint nett. of loatromooto, . 1 vol. 12mo. NEATEN OUR RONA 1 voL DARING AND BUY/BRING. Lono. •lorgo amply of tba latter wor k k jolt remind. y. L. BEAD, II Fourth latent - - - - - 14 POLI3U ` (QUID 81 .1 LL Mums irlsy It Is bettor thou dry P•Iln I. It Is already ea troL I. It kw as stbstsvor. S. It prodder; n• dirt or dust. 4. It staads lb. snot labase Vol. rtt"ham root ssosl sontoadsal Palish. T. It est sao•forrth t4labor. MOM .1011110 TON Tor sal. by Corner femme and Brolthildilhdelmts, 5., 3 t Planar.* EZPLICIT Dnoruies Lars RTICI/M llOl2 . for all kinds' of dinfalny, and aparlataada theft matins n resnaludda tonna Oman Andaans rtramd, batmen Lama and Robison emit.. AJLldandol city. Od/ L _ N AtINSTHAL, n•o. TES AND DEALER In the most whet breads of OZNIBBB lIAVANA 010ABB, sad all kht. of AMOKTICO ABB OBZWING TOBACCO, SNUBS, TABU! BIZEILSCIIAIM PIT= TIMM Ae.. h re-TAA'', VA= Tin CHAILLTA BO 'fT. Pittaburiibt Pk; R.ll.—The Tema awned on liberal tenser. serthdly LII 1 t OIL • 1 11 bbl.. proo'Doeb Groot OD; " Franklin " Warrsobol oat to chill or goat. opal to N 0.3 Lard OR as tubrtraturs, for isto by J es. beam, sow. &Is ' CO ood rolirator. outer. FRESHII.OII. 10 Oil* ?NIA to antra • tiga wrap s wlLaussos. SET WILLO Lila CET bundler; to align ou mama. Lad Wit ti Y!. bg !WI • MUM PIOILLI• 00. :s~~:,. I'HE LATEST NEWS BY Tzumilers. CU SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Brpolal Dbga teh to the Pltutnugh Buono. WASIIIIGTUS, Jan. 11 0 18f4 11. B. IIiVATott . FROX MAIITLAS. Immediate emmacipationiste of the Winiar D&ria school say that the election of On,. Hicks, as r. S. Senator in Maryland, is a triumph of the gradual emancipstien prey. The - ye:plain It by saying that the dispute' es to.misor aloera bail broken the cointon of the Immediate emancipation party, an•l that once broken, nearly nil went over in a body for Hick", in order to hv on the winning aide. They Maim that they still have a majority in the Legislature, but regret Malt' election as en unfertnnate prolongation of power to ernstmentive bands. thi - Senate administration members had long moms this sit :moor,. The time is mostly taken op to discussing two spect►l stimmittees, one en Emancipation, the other On the Conduct of the War. It war finally determined to create both into that on Eman eipstion, ►ad will hare referred to hall ques tions relating to the condition of freedmen and the like. It Is understood that Sumner Is to be chairman. A loos debate ensued on the 'proposition thatin rot Ming Wade's Com mittee It undid be made to sunbreec the ex .ponditures as well as the military oen. duet or. the war. The prdpissition lnally prevailed. Bea. W►de will of GOilrile be ehair man again, and through this enlargement of duties will have even a mere important and responsible position than last year. AIMS O. DICE.I.3ON. • The House, to-day, by an unusually large seta, tendered the use of their Hall to !M. , ~ Alma H. Dickinson, the Quaker girl orator, for an address next Saturday *coning, ln be half of the Ireedman's Relief Association. Thip Democrats attempted to make • par ty quo.- doh, but were only ablo to muster forty Totes avaant id Miss Diekineen eels invited here beiletter, signed by Vico Prenident H•mbo, ipiaker , olfra, Charles Sumner, Ben. Wade, Th'ed. Stevens, Judge Kai Gee. Schenck, and over • hatudred "titer members of the Henna and Senate. • THE canna Or LIEUT. GRANT anaewat.. She proposition to revise tho grade of Lient. General with a view of giving it to General Gesot,still hangs lire in the House Military Committee. It lo understood that when It is reported hark to the Rouse it will by opposed from come onerpeeted quarter. The present delay arises however, from terhollat que, Vona we to law and from fears that its passage would be opt to tot, Oen. Groot otit of the (old. Others ter,: it so the 6r,411,1 that it srotkid Lo on the better if It did this, and rot:: him io Ifollock's epee. Tho Government i. understood to have a mush stronger case against Surgeon Ham mond than leat boon oommotly supposed. Ho will goon be brought to trial before a court martial on charger nod epeeiSoneiona alroady prepared, which collation tho greenot Arc, eenn the lightest punishment for which Is cashiering. Agessin and I,ouloott. promi mint seientific men. •ignel a inemorial for Hammond, and they lo re sine., on discover ing the nature of th• ...so. bone. trying to get !belt unmet off again. 111,0 .T• 3, D.16!03 Supreme Cont; t the Unita.' Stews this morning 31.0413 , 4 its opinion in the onto /Uptake and ether* a g cinat the city of Dubu que, lowa, holdin; ii of the bond. ironed by the city and county •••rputatione In payment for the elaea eubaerOwil to all is building rail lerida-beyond their tw.ttr ar. valid bl beetle et lbe buLnrlJ; taVh Slane lu volt it. •to .nn, pr;,ciplevei l d .7 di, Icicd A member of tt, N tonal acceb.ica Coca =Woo. from the Adui.i.ieerntion party. it to be appointied for bilsloo•l, m Ail too named by the doato Aea Jonef , tor St. Louts, Illarenti. 7i o delozation hare re eommended Aonator Norge., tho oltairmon, to appoint li•nry T. 1! Morcott ue.lor• Stood I. bare intigneiod that 1t.., il.pnitit- M.% would be mace. ALLIT•I 401 tu.•ll Frank Dials arrv. , . ...re this morn log, and was in the House .7.. Ii to irbils to-day. liis policy, it Is I to fight no radicals, but at the same tin... champion f Mr. Lincoln, an footing for btinvolf gain in Alraini,t , pantie.. It I. not true th, aubordittate alter has boon aaeigivea i • .10 tateTorary command of the army during M• ode'. absence. No is .611 commanding it, iceoleing fall reports and returning ardor. from time te limo carh day by telegraph from Philadelphia, The question of Goo. Schofield's c,Jufirtna tiou le developing into r. eery pretty fight In the Senate. The chances are very much ratted, and it would be idle to ■ttempt to predict the result, though the weight of opin ion .coma to be that be can't be confirmed. She Senate Is complaining 1.....e4y shoat the late reports of their proceedings, and the Printing Committee are coesldering the propriety of having brief affwiclrcports fur • niched to the newspaper press. 1/11110CLITS TIT ITIOIIGIartIL/D. The Democrat, in the Rouse, are still die organised and are ratable to agree, either on policy or leaders. They hare nrilred at two oonolunionr, howeier, that the army ohonld bo paid in apeelo, and that they ere down on proclamations. Sundry members of the Canadian Parlia ment, and other prominent Canadian °Metal', ate in tOlllll, and no. presented to thr Presi dent to-day by &tailor Foote. DCATiC 07 EAREIII It is reported that Harris, the Seeessita Maryland Congressmen, tiled a dry or two ago, at his resident:* in Maryland. The re port I. not credited, however. pirma Of OltlflT DAVIS Garrett. Davis will commence noxt Wednes day a speech on Wilson's motion to expel Mal. When be will finish no mortal knows. Possibly within a month or two. ME= Gen. &taiga Is beak at the head of the Quarter - masts?' Bonze again. So ends the speculations about his suspension or removal. A51111741T stsseciai The Senate did little to-day beyond usual obituary speeches for Senator Bowden. of V ir- TEN b[PAIIMICSIS IN XOZILII3O. Departmetiti are draped In mourning . ez-Seeretary Caleb L. Smith Gan. Mimeo& goes North for • few days-on badness NT the Per Dopartment. CEIMI et in his usual war with Senator Di'Doa Mr. !ranee's resolution to-day • The Chesapeake Plrkey Case. ST. Jong, N. 11., Jan. 11.—In the ease of the Cboupeeks piracy to-day, Chas. Waters testified Math* attended a meeting in Joint John, at which Captains Parka, Itobinron, Seely, IdoKenty and others were present. Capt. Parker raid he wanted a new to go to flew York M capture a vessel, and mated that hi had a commission from the Confederate genrnmeet. The witness understood from a onvonation that the crew was to be en regerlorltlis Confederate service. This Moses the evidence for the prosecution. The, Comities adjourned until Friday. I Arrested on Suspicion of Murder. BOSTON, Tan. 11.—Crutarna D. Smith has beam incited at Dolma Hale, bn maiptclon , d the murder of Captain Late. U,1665 , ,T Braun—Mr. Dixon, of Conn., hniulliiii„,fil4, 4l . 'amorist from the loans-do of .. eer 'Tort; playing for exereption from thedfat . .. - Mr. Doolittle, of Wis., press:Meld three me morish 'ef eitisons of Wisoasin raying Congrosi to abolish slaery In Vail/ t ernaries. Referred. Mr. Pomeroy,. of Kama, prciented from ten hundred women and two hundred ma of Kamm', preying for the Abolishment of sta yery throughout the Unito4 State!. Iteforred. Mr: Sumner, of Moss., introduced tha fol lowing, which was referred to the Jottielary Committee. ,liieur.os, Tho joist resolution, approved July 17, 1162, expiouatory of the act =titled an act to 'appro.!s insurrection, and punish treason and rebellion, to iota and confiseato the property of rebels, and for othr purposes, likewise approved, July 17, 16t2, contain in its last alas° the following words: "Nor shall env punishment or proceed ' legs under the soil act be so construed to to work a [oilcanre of the real estate of the of fender, beyond his natural life." Ant whereas, the Intention of Congress was airetly to de -1 °taro that restriction on the forfeiters' of TOM estate of any offaudor, under the set which Is required by the constitotion of the United States in theTlilowing words: " No attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeituro, except during the life Cif the persoti attained." And whereas doubts have arisen re specting the construction of said joint rea -1 lotion In this partionlar, now therefore to re mows all such doubts, km it enacted by the Sonata and House of Representatives of the United State, in Congress assembled, that slid resolution shall not be construed to create any other rertriction on the forfoituro of the real estate of an offender under said set, than is created by theconstitntion of the relied States in thecae of an attainder of treason. Ma.. litudirrion. at' Mo. introdurad a joint reaointion t.toposingntann ' amenta to the Con stitution.. Mr. McDougal, of Co., introduced a joint retail:lion In relation to 'the oreopang of Ataxic°. Raterroi to Committa• On Foreign Relations. . Mr. Wilson, of Mau., introduced a joint rosolution amendatory of the joint resolution to supply defleieneies in the appropriations for puhlio printing and bounties for volun teers. Mr. Wilkinson, of Minn., introduced a resolution calling upon the Secretary of War for information in regard to the arrest and imprisonment of tdo soldiers of the 9th Min nesota regiment, by the military authorities of Missouri, while engaded In promoting cer- tain 'tares from being carried away by their rob^t masters. Mr. Lane, of Kansas, said that seems of soldiers had Leen incarcerated in dungeon In Missouri for the simple effenin of hurrahing far Jim. Lane, and that the Colonel who im prisoned them was nftel wards obliged to ber• rah for Jim. Lao. himsolf. The suhject In troduced wu now undergoing or. Inoestigs- Linn by the Mitooririmotboritiei. The otlieere appointed Ly Gorentor Gamble ware the of foLders, and they are dympothizere with the rebellion. • Tha House bill, making Consular and Diplo matic appropriations, eras referred to the Committea on Finance. Mr. Wilson's resolution .e expel Mr. Doris was made the order of the day for Wednes day next, of I o'el,k. Mr. Carlisle, vf Virginia; announced, in . - appropriate teruit, tho death of Li, colloagno, Mr. Bender, and need tho aenal resolu tions of condolence, end that the Senators near crap fur thirty , lays; and that, as • farther Inuit of rest,,t, the Senate adjourn. Masers. Willey. of Beet Virginia, and 'Wil ton, of Massachusetts, fnii.s.ed in arproprtate eulogies. This resolutions •cte thou adopted, end the Sonata adjourned until to-money. House Congressional Proceedings Wssatioros, Jan. I l.—The bill introduced by Me. Stevens, of Penney !main, to-day, the ommidoration of which was postponed till February next, provides that within all the territory of the so-called Confederate Staten which has been, or may be conquered and sulfated by the federal arms, all laws andpart of law., which permit slavery an henceforth abolished, and that slavery shell never again established within tho said territory, end that hereafter no portion of it shol: be admit ted into the taint so e State, or be represented In its Coerce_ ,s exzept by delegates, If the 041310 should be authoria•.l, until the people within the territ .0), forming suet State, shall by Its organic I.e. forever, prohibit slavery therein. Senator McDougal's joint rverlotion in rela tion to tho Trench 0-c•spatien of Mexico, 63. oerl, that it is an act unfriendly -to the (Thited Bcaue, end that it is the duty of the government - to dournxid—tne- twithdravval , , *Thor aria,l force. fr. the Mexi-an torri tory: that rail,. the withdrawal shall Lai.. place prior. to toe r: „March next, it i• the duty of this iivvernment to declare vvar against Fran.. Senator Wllson•s bill, seinen nets proposed today, providoe that all money received from. commutation shall ha paid direct into the Treasury, and paid out en requisitions for the expenses of the draft and the procuration of substirntn. The House Comm:tiee on public expense!, whloh was referred the rel/batten to exam. toe into the alleged frauds and shipments of contraband good! in .New Teel, consists of, the following named gentlemen Meters. liabbard, New, York; Broomall, of Pennsylvania; Lel,lnn& of Ohin; of Indiana; Latear, of Pennsylvania; Blair, of West Virginia; Rollins, of New Ilampshire; Rogers, of New Jersey, and fords of Illinois. It is known that an investigation into the affairs of the New York Custsiii lionse,which has led to the imprisonment of certain offi cers in Fort Led Otte, has been in progress far some time, under the direction of Mr. Denison, Nary Agent of that port Sale of the Arlington Estate AIS'ZiNOTON, J4lll. 1 1.—At the Salo of eon boated property in Virginia to-day, the Arlington estate was bid in by the govern ment at $26,900. For this property the gov ernment had three or four competitors. The Cuetia mill farm was purebased by M. E:rlan nog. at forty-one hundred dellorv. There mere in all thirteen bales, amennting to Mty thoneand fire hundred dollars. Diaryland Legislature Bit.Tll4oll, fan. 11.—The Seante of Mari , land to.day passed a tcsolr.tion appointing committee 4 wait on tho President to protest •gainst the operations of Gen. Birney, in wising slaves In Itar7land. The Homo ra h:teed to concur bg a Tote of !,7 to 28—twent7 members not Totlisg, Arrival. of Colton—An Attack on Diem phle Contemplated by the itebcte. CAIRO, Jan. 11.—Tho steamer Compereln from Memphis, his arrived with 355 bales 0 , cotton for New York, nod 100 for tzt. Louis. There Is a rumor that Forrest has been re litforced, and contemplate! an late:ken Mem phis. Salo of rive-Twenties l'ort.sori.rnis, Jan. 11.—The Subscription Avant for the National Losn reports the sale of ,V2,1120,2:•0 of 6re•twooties on hionday, and deliveries of bonds made to December 15th. The aisles far the last week were ever twelve millions, and him than forty million; remain mania. mAnKie.rs By TELEGRAPFI Philadelphia Cattle Market. Puttazastarta, J.. 11.—0n17 about 1,100 heal of Beef Cattle were uttered and said at riatillpe Tard during the past weal--o failing OS of 450 ma com pared with Blonde,. Priced were fully 50 ...tie higher, with very low good cattle arriving to from the Was:, cooing to their scarcity them; the sal. ranged at firm vBi2 60, the 100 pounds oett, and and 53 505 per Irma kat . canna. to pod ond eaten quality, t he tendency befog upward et the alma. /bent 160 eowa acre offered and sold at $315335 each forspringer., and 111 M to $l5 ihr cow and calf—a alight advance. Hog. are in better demsod, cad 1,700, all that wore offend, were .old az 031034,' Ir eluding 1,700 sold .1 Glue Union lard at thew , tutee. Sheep are firmer, cod 4,000 head wen toll at $5311 14, gran. Few York sank Statement. Nan Tot', Jan. IL—The Bank Statement tar t ..k ending Saturday, slums • decrease In this -arsenal of Loans, 111,701,75-1; Denniasa in Ppm , lo, SAM; Deena. In Circulation, 7T1,753 ; litcmisaaw In Dopculla, i3,3bb,P6c. New York Petroleum Market. , tiny Tons, PM. le quiet. Slid M. Crud* la quoted at MO , " , Refined tn bend, 46a47 and Relined R.. 4 queted et LA05.14. LEATHER BELTING; sLo, Gus. &Wog, Packing, H.., G•skate. Lire fretle'r and Elver. I • lar o stock alwap tit hand at the la• Ms Rubber Deput of 7. h E. PRILLIPS, A. 417 N00t.211•14d St. Clair earn& CPErkL - Fittili ARRIVAL 30 lava prime liar. Goshen, la gm; 100 do do Western 'Loamyloarrln; not' AVM V:ILLINSON,4I7 Libortv tot. NEW LEAF LARD-1n tierces, bbls., sod pets, tho lattrirut u p0n:N..7.1,1 6 1 . 10 011 °"' " °r ' sur " °. - I ` dr4 o. J. TOWNSEISD, 401 111 rcuitb rt. b..+ LThe.rty, • DRYI APPLES. --5 0 busheLc Bright Dry AWE. Pu gals by • • wit , P. • DEM &OD; GuurEx AND CARPENTER — W -- OLS V for hyJA.3I2B DOWN, 1.98 Wood street, ALMORAL k HOUY ISSIRi R(;!, lEJI.- - -50 half- buret, Wis;ta Fah re. F "1"1101 6.,uk bx ',1:13:010 41 nD, CLMIDWICI OLL—rqii itafint4 1...; .e. .ow rat,* J:tI.4MP. P . . TBXL,AV 4 SUP ER B ` PlA2do3—a SseratoCk •ottbofuncat STEINWAY PIANOS!. WIU =siva a /II; We noo: va tbleS orOliii,to &root ;Jo atteafido of porchasors. b ls a T n tho d oe s flt s bo i..o..icirlo rty alb ll a ST a r r rti %V AT ILkITCS lTpboonmimouthrnotim ni ocr Beet Pianos Ever Made. CC Suid at EASTERS CASH YHIOIS., H. BLit= ft 82.0., No. R 3 Tr 171121 iTIIEET, &dr Aguas for Stelicoot,'• Paot, 1. T. 91/13/ W A3l BLINK & ueuit wh,..k.a. ba Mme Desl,2-• PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, MELODEONS, AND MMICIaI. GOODS grwrouLLT No. 2 St. Clair Stieot, (Hoar 8.1 , i ..a 11114..) • horn and o•Mortt4 stack of Pt A NOS Jmo “17. y from okormiairraird manorfarttri.o. R. B. IVRADRURT, N. Tat; SCISORACEICE. 1 CO., fluladelghl..; Ott; TEST [E\ AGO., DOAB.DMAN t Gatlf... 4 GLO. STIWK 1 CA, 14. Tort awl a:Men We are idea Agent. fos IL D. & FL W. SIMITIt'II narlllOttittina and Xaodeant!. A cda;!ete on band. Terning and topoiring of PIANO 3. lIELODZONIS and MIJC::::.L 1103711.UMEATEI done at no. tioo. Actl rr . BOMB CIRCLE, VoL 1. 1111 1101 IL 01:6CLE, TO. t. STEL BILVDII. CHORD VIM finowirs 07 PWLLL Tba atano aro choke collect:ma or Vo In re,montal Mtuk, etsgsatly bond, sedtot.o ORRDITRAS PRESENTS INCE:I33 OHAS. 0. MELLOR. B 1 WOOD STELES], TESTI MON IA Lti.— .11 The Ileadca,l Neaten of the Kaet4e , „ja -- 4.11 awaking oar. to favor of PFCF.EIti9 . , PIANC6I "After having maniacal the Piano Fooes of the Mown DICE= B e, •very carehally, co here ...me to the ternviation, and cheerfu ll y Walify,that lbw/ are to twenty 11M10K11.14.71.1 . 01.Fun0.0ta. Their dim he pare, rkh, brilliant, - very distinct, ander en entirely ransical character. Their .wetantanehip ht of the very bed, plainly dernonetret that wee bat the very beet nantorlale CO. need, and their knelt, evenowte end equality 01 now throughout the whole moves of the key hoard, unscryemed by any other Plum Sane wo hare yet twee. C. B. Mina, Theodore Thawed, William kfaton, Clow. nada, Thou. Hagan, editor of the Zfadiod Sarin. sod Wald: Carl knothole, Director of the Gorman Opera ; John ittnttel, editor Journal,/ Pat- Um Menhir, V. L. Ritter, Caui Proifeohn, Plain" A chain. lot of the. superior ',wire:hunts ;jut: ar ndog. .1. Id HOWFJAAN d fit Fifth itreet. .0117WELL.I.VEOUS. FAMILY DYE COLORS. PS,TI:S7ED OCTODLa .3, 15.3. elae Ir far , bar.l Moe, Idolet Drs., lbodalla• Mani Brow., Dal tre—a, Ligl4 Brours, B Bram, Gary, _ Crittseut, Lark 4thiAai F. Dr 6, 14. Dec.S r. Dyeing f r fl GL.ods, l+t-sse Le, icarre, _ Tunris, Het.. Ccatbera, Kid Gloves, CHlama's Clrthsnd. and a., kinds of Wearing Ammer/. /Mr A Sin re PER CSITI. Ter 26 recta yen can c..'eu . am many ~.... wonld atherwiso cast nye limes that cam. 'Tartans anitdre can be prudnced fn o, tn. IMMO dyer. 7he yrece., simple, and any ens can use the dy• .nth mom.. Directions In Letz,Lult, French and German, Mold. tit each psir i turio. for tura.- information it Dye... and perfoct krioatodpi whit, coital am best suloptcri to dy twer others, with sully ralnablo Itor.h Btaryne Tioutioo on Brim,. and taut by mall an tomipt of yrkw--id 1161.6c...41,y V7E t i t - Et...CZ:3, IV) 8rn0...7, Bottum. Tor We by druzi . lots and ihntlor7 gimoroily. - - VOTICE.—AII persona are eautionea -Llspina* mnrloylng, le any torn, tho Rado n:arks which hare been mad darted the rut :hr.., yeah to darldnata the, doable sad toe L.: atm:spit of DITHEIDGE'n 01113137,53. Tbo r icm brandy ere: Royal X Flint GI., :Pat. Oral X "Flint clam, " XX XX3. 0 3 X.X " Or 11:1.1 Fut Crackam. Or Tot Oval Nut Crmok:ra. Thaw vb. teftiore on any of those brand. CO to prodooded sgalnat according to the l.s reAsl•tir7 trade auk.. E. B. DITIIRIBOR Tor{ Pltt Clam Works. San. 1. ttbt. jai3to tr---PIIOLSTERINO.—finTing r‘lrc I.J ed a largo Wok gmalt for CA S H. 1 to' ael: to ally great bargaltm at ettnmmly Inv FEATHER BEDS; Bak, !Mat and Sleing 31;.T. 'MASSES; a gnat tarloy of SHADES, TABLE & TI, 0012 011. CLOTHS; casrrrs,• 3.3160:4•ET , TABLE COVERS: Adllafdo, Gram. C9C.4 and Bo talla Bordered MATS, of the bat qcality, and olmap- Ilt tmenrpeamo rom All order. pro ..traded to. Horde No. 112.3. rz.Nutei. stramt, All.gbery, (formerly aocapmd by Hz Somplo.) dold THOMAS BARRED. VOTICE.-11ilki.11 WA+.LEW UNPAID -LI WATER Mtta CITT, POOR ARE BM. !MSS TALI LE, for lgatt,ttot plscett In dm Smote ot Constables foteettlaellos,Arlll ebb be rtesttell t the City Tresintores Olres, rourjh *best, for • L. , .t nay rushlsnos, No. m Wtbster street, fn. 6 to 7 p. J. E: Carlotta:, pitiODUC E, NOW Itr.Q.El , 13IITTL11-1r0) It.. strictly 300 n lbs. trfth, to m 11.; CD= 50 Jo Woolens Crtt',2l B. W, noun 2050)04 In 50 0r.05a4, tt,15,E4.. ram. %IL. Wheat, CAD.IOI4 OIL. CI do 110 I CarL., 014 HMIS —lOO tivoti. oosawil NILO. Decor, TORN! Sy, In Owe, eIDEB —....—. El bbl.. Sm. Mc. C 1110,7, 6005.__...... a tics Brea: dam 888 10r LLD by U. MONA deW 11, lin Ulu Ft, et-. 415, Nt" IN efulth. I,an ba,S. Dr: Art4l4: ' VPI , II , CV ,,,, ....ii I 1,008 do Dry Prarbelq 11,40 D do. 'Delon, Seed; ' 6 do Dr 3 IWpborß;ll 1,000 U.. 4.0 rIIL 11071471 10 do Dr , illnakbes; 4 4000 D. W. Illontl ' 60 Uhl. Flint Hominy; 15 W3%1. 9b.11be1 , 16; 80 do if% Corn Kcal; 10 do Cheatouts; 70 do Corn Gritz, 516 do Walloon; 100 do Propsred Cid., :00 do U. Coro; . .n.l do Vinegar elate,' 50 do Dark". • $OOO both rointong 'CS bias. enton.;7! , •: 0 .6911 514. Green Appleal, 100 btur. - Whlt. Toro/„ I 78 hbls. ltellnd , Onkoir " , L. B. VOIGT d: CO. For oda by BOQUETS, OUT FLOWERS, &a., To...ranted to ordar.ftm MCIItDOCIIII °Aswan) oßszNacwas. Fourth stmt . am ?iv' oat to ttlo Orreaborso ovor7 Moo Wallin. no17:1/ /SUTTEE. bbls.-freah Sall natter 51 ken Peckai do; tweak at. 183 Marty stmt. m i t= .t 0). oC all n . E. 31 AND OILED.CLOTHING , tlnda, emsys bana and for slo:csatt " " the In" I"airiT.VEIILLIPE4 4,18 1g0i.121..d 28 FL Chtr. etteet. li B. , ilifiELS.- 1 , 000 prime , S p7l: A../ 1..40mA* en d l, oll&r . r_tc , it bU . ftl_sWn S. AAR 6.2 and 70 Water Wok.' ritH.N. MOST APPROPRIATE ROM x-Dly Grrx, for the Sde,ter s pair et MI 13001 1 . :711•24ei tan be bad et' . doll , • Ikit. RnIII3WP) Vtoketettret. l t I TIER-10 boxes fresh Roil; L..n.PeaPAr tdiftotZT •AtssuermisT sucest4sAtuT -nno ?Ins arq city, aux be. ' 110 ftP14,,,1. , Vert. ------, • _h e ,t, —Bin& rpEas.-100 half cm* TIM /Miner. Rr ornit_ Twat &pro. dea L 7 li kisk-rA -8 Lam\ jnrt ricetre4 f:t sae bz - _ on.e. wvat__ APVIeWr.f4O.O-tiAll(iteen Apples for Vdio bi" • I J:4l. C i ).MtrO z GUM KIPESi Si • . itramuaosni!xini. XO7.lOEs 6;1. -. 4860 — X. Amin 4 eagrtiku babe.tro^-2 , .,-: %lib mat. of .immt,lnet el wi• Palm. etmtnim estL.4. torpla anistips• tam, fix.. Amc-ro ki Meier B Ilsy will rct try _ emieboWl . PLANTATION )31 . 7/Z13.9, Which, ere cfJc reczmenviited by the liighta Ream/ emthotttles, asqi to mince an inre.ti , h innefittel effect. Tito, an exc.:At:4ly e4roc-Able. rerteetly pore, erd mot upeteale att ore.- lett, s b.,.ith7, gent% etimallot ts rf-rAre.t. They potty, eh-earthee 41,11.. They crate s healthy sno:111. Sh. 7 are ea eatlatetto elytosect ;outer and atcl. They oseroyme ee.".ite of disslpatii.o.a rata irrs. Tboye"Ftostheu the tot.i.d . . - .4lren th, mr.,l Theitiereist ostaelustlt in.dh4ro4lttst.t ,Ebel peitr the hreath acid Irvof the atsr,,h. Thar ore Drizapsb had Coartitatio.. • •- They ram. drerrh.., Chclrra and Cholers 3L , :fhey ears LlAspialst and hors,. Ihneethe. Thrvensks tber . eak strata., the ia.rirr tell!amit. and we satiosuat aatarn*. sdreat reeLarer. .rl7 ^-vapecre. of the celebrated C.4l4eya task. elate, ere.. Laze:Sr:ls, rents tad teen, all preserved to per&ctly perm tit. Crete ;Ural Far te.rtternUrs, so , strredars arevte Bitch bcttlr. Dinnas of tropevra. 17:ss...ineevery bettl,-. So. that tt 12-u D. 6. Bars.' Siguall,ro 00as pm - A.2er. S. Selo:parr, tlas Mei. 'VIM r.l.niatiort roar% are our era signets:e en ptsta enirre,dee to slim Lbet. See that oar trays 12 ern anted ajch spealooo.7 inlet , r!ror Enff. 1-ay s=y pence to catch the hew or sturr,ter ct oar evotle. !Loy yeasua pre:kelt:Li Neel' Plittcriby.thr e.sner. or In tolt,te tr. ;IN .10.. \re sell ore; In ow lag milts bcttle. I.ey re tau this bottle. er selling ary other reeterlal therabOthetNir aaßad Pleetet.4® Blares or not. 13 it urban.; or,l.tz the C. S. raw, and tee p.:kt:sxmtt-d ty wt. 17e already hare oar ore tit tee parttee' re. , llltra. car bottles, Se., who edit ance...l tr. gatileither—, l l . to Lta err re courts's. Th ustun Bitters Dom-lades., rt.otonte. to., Is perfectly Increelbh.. al.e2plo trial e • bottle L the wrid.‘neo we mat, t of ttcc o 4,1 euperlarity. They a.s. sold ty sll ccc ctabts drrg. gists, grooms, pbyetclans, betels, steztrivate w. - sauntry stores.. Brr TTX.S, br ale w1.1.4i...1 retail, UT ttErICIN Zon:i1;70,211 - Oorndt Recladidld sad lrer.rth etnau Issay? c . ".PILIVATE DISEASES. Dr..Ladinm's Specific tb• only relktia rxpedy tat dimwits of t2.4.7Gr0t.. prz•rance. G u' o• ditiairi.q7 of an 441.7-tn: nyntian -Atm. .blo dos of asol thnoprcoo‘lontod 36.1, Fee more then ter-et) f -rfe. It t perfection In f, wiring no Wroth . .., knO diEerio!vitircl7 the to.Ltatsu rractirc ...t1 Cue nop,,asta .txponeds utli-mi to the I 13 ruttrely metsbla and parr:city cats. /2 ncta 11lot a 4:1:1,12., and hoperta M,¢S•i aud ricta t.N• Ourrzoot.—The ghat v9..f lb In et. tActlny permanent rem. Ittsl;trto i:e b.leg Ly thrtinciptht mt. °heave, thereht., the: the atinalurel:tiau pevislotra Con..;!±,t othn Y geirdLar. Prepared o:117 WIL F. IVIVLDSOII, 130le Prfq.rlotor, Clne by all Dr--ggigu. Price. El izr hrk 11,7 , I Groom, Ongsv, rurpie Yur pale at oLel csal, IQ. 0 SO. 11..KESSE P. Fro,dstra..t. . . • Jon.' yegogr OTIOE. '_1863, TO THE CiTIZENS OF PITTSBURGH EHO iCIIIIII. F 4.4.1 1 4 .4-pie telva., [4-4.7:04 eue,, 6. jermo 4 Lel 4, T. 1444. 'Cho nr.d.ralwa,l would rerpeecf . ally 11 LESIi ESC CCE - OT: REM EDE. For Xll TJ r t and . 11USHPWZIA:S. TZ , 1.1.1 ANODINE, Th. greet Ncttrali.t.4, gbentsutic,Zuktlacht, I'. th• or Sioep azl Nkrio. llem• LIR° far tho iu Mertl2.l.? Mow trratt,n3 a S•at nib( , ElUtiNEte T.CLitt:ITC TILLS, The most ports, t farm of easter:is tyre siren tz tte puldhe, •hteh newer regal, non ttott ...I daa bet car far a des , ,, "'Molt tea: Lest er:i 1,4 cum rodlifoottorf, llpfropoto t Lyon - . Complaints, Pll.oTorrA, r 4 gal tierrsogoccoto of otosath or bowel,. ettv, prmarabbarts. Icpu. usion I. Now EngLo.r.d, h•Te co , :f.donco or, nbi are and by, et..t numbois of I . by.lints, ar.:l at pricm witLut earn o fol, are sr,..rttry of fendids,sl., oILI dud 11,0, • ..tr S.t mnformiT3 to tats„ in medicine. WitbaCt rreonin to IL: rm.- mon totttiod of C.intr , l! adso.rthiug, 1 T0..n11 too.lid•ace to [rat them, Le ..“red. JOILS L I.ll:iblnir ELL, I.m.ilvtor, r ractwal _"Lary. - - . _ For ease by ell erholtoeie end rettil drolets. • to , greatest fretotorn of sune epoudetou colledr.l. Bratera of ' -oot too-- so; VI ottrn ctrorabs., a. For rata toratetorrg4 or retort. by J. N. Fulton. G. B. s eyeer, It. D., Joe`] Alltstroy Ciro by J amt , s Brsoro, .11 L, W. J. Sleets and Geo. A. Kelly. B. A. FAUN I ETO' El a CO.. ooltorsoondata Wbcdast.".. Arita, l'irtetrogrt. LAKE sv.rEniot. COPPER `.NILE L SLISLTING TV:LIINS ronix:o2l. PARE:, McCUItDY CO., idaeoforturror of SHEATHING; T.RAZITSS* ASS 110 LT COPPER, CO.TITT. TOTTC.I , S, SAVES STILL EOTTOTIS, HALL SOLI:NU. /6.14 w, :mpo•rt. •rs acd dtalas :n .11L-7AIS, TIN SLATE SEIZET ' ISON, yaw:, 5c Corstant'l hand. TISNESS' HACLUBE3 AM saraocse,Nd.lo T.:STd 120 SECOND 'IS, ?itdabargh, Pa. • MiMEME NERVOUS STIPP.PRERS OF DOTE twermul gra...abat ing ban reatbre.l to health in a :Ow rs, af . ..er. tm derrof•ag all th• usual mains and irregular. give mode of treatment, without tumuli ; eou.itcts ltbs aamotl dutfto communicate or Liiia.Siicle4 StSlcw cuaturea Lb. =eons of cum ILuro. on the reeving ad.leca.clens - e1:4,1, be will end : ?,,, a cou of the vsourizulmet Direct to Dr. JOILN 11. DAGNALL, 18G 14t.. ere f, S. Y. - =7 , t1r13 CONFESSIONS 'MID EX' PrrafEltrcE 07 I.'S ES VALID, cd the bona arid •• • teaming aad csetl.. a to yotes• c.c. trio att.' r from :venom Dot:lay, rrercatcco D,cey littnoodo; e•pyiyt•r. rs Cte cace• time. rle temse c.f eel ewe. By one who Lae reicOsimlf after being rat to great expects, acid i•jur; Ittnnigh Isted!=l Lumen r end qtaacry. Dy ete%siag • post-pad mlerxrp.,4 I rile nry be ba4 trf.thl•lxt!..tyr., NATNANIEL rarrAirr.,Eri.. okylitlyda.7 Itcdfbrd, Zimp Y. " Cu. C. ssz:.xuar. /MOT .11.1.11,1. Be SON , co., (t - cc. WWI'S 10 BA ;lima tatf ING TON WOSZE. romans. A NicpmErri, PiNsbie6A.: .11.1faastors C .DCAT AND FT:LT . 7.ON I=3 STEAM SNOOZE , . MAST xscuas,- aria, xecumssr,zs.lEzana3, NTIASTING, CSST LNG& AsbuipOorr ; OIL 1A.:W.3 a .51#1Oi BULKS AND BIM= IRON MOM: Assets Ibr GINTAIWEI "'Anna ISJEC1•011, - row WEEDING BOILED& CON,SUELPTIVE2—Iite.Iit,v. IL 4 WILSON'S rentult fAr tia ctr!. of GONSVILPTION, AS MILS, BBOIiCBRIi, COLDS .00VGHS• and aii R6rn.s and Lr.tg to orthairlth a pamptdat giving tilt Tnn•crli r tlon sad sabart Idalorj co*, can `...) obtined of - JOSEPH s utursco)matlit. I. On , wr 24:44. lama and Diantand. dautßui.ri: • • E - tEIVLD-P3ll-2E-rOUITED irtzv.gi7Toliryr. pa tb. or 1.5 any. Ckr n lm T.0, 1 / 3 0 X01.1=07 / . ./.2*Lt or apptl• corkt, by son or otberfiro. „ s. sca-ssos, suzniattnAza Oak., dalara 16 Made= .Lazo, 11 - 111' York Ck.y: 3L, HOLUM SOP.; rgyo*o.s 1.0)01p/icfB1t40-.:. d ixcluitas, .cutarie**-1,,0f ntr.ouT; Sim. NOTES . ..6SD ortrai;- . .vri,:iinz± .l - *ra ,ritteuro., -•;. _ sir • thyvi.N•qt. ti..rtitia,..ftt TTT:5.,"=.11.E.112.1' it — GOL.LIIIB, kortiAr.c;,• wsa Damanzston *Pr ovAix.Ezet doslo in 'ol=l%, Bta - xt..2. 0 - . .C7SPF, a. stmt. Asa On.iacCeqvaal7.lo. $ 5 UOCD a z : riStabvid4 2 %.- 1 • - _ _ P. U. DWLEII.I: 06., Zavotett to the ter...41.0t 1,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers