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' --'..... . !::;.- '.-- • '- - .. . _ , ~.. ~ • -..- ..... ..,,,:,. . . . , -, -• . The work of reconstruotinuthe Union, , braken,-by fronton. and secession, is now itappily - Ina4nrated, and Is working as • Smoothly; kindly, and constitutionally tp any [meccas we have ever had in our corn ' plax system of' polities. No violence Is iltroll to the rights of States, and no part of the supremo authority of the General Goy , ernment is surrendered. -,'Sixte of the catc:Operettas of Anna-Stan Lixttoza mar afoot to regard him as only „tta village lawyer," more noted for his fie callousness than • for his talents and states ' inattsitip—they rosy oven Welt to deride his simple, homely, straighbforeard Ideas - as expriesed in phraseology all his own;-- but when the world shall see the shattered „.. - fragments of a torn and bleeding nation re eared, underlie plastic' band, to their Itha ca in this magnificent temple, with more flan their primitive order and beauty;- - Whenposterityshall gaze upon these things from a higher and clearer standpoint than nowoecorpj, they will assign to that extraordinary men a place among theirsi ettiteen of any age; or, itigher still, re .„. cognise him as achesen instrument of Bear . An, chosen to effect a great deliverance, not - Only of millions of men, crushed under in tolerable bondage, bat:of a *hole nation, which had suffered itself to_be drawn so. the yoke of the meanest, proudest, and moat arrogant oligarely thst *Nei 0 1 1sii4 The President, in his into proclamation, set torMri o deer for the return—not of rebels, •• as such, not of any political institution' created by Sehollion, not of the Confedersay, (for that is utterly ignored,) not of indlvid- - ; oats, (although they too may return tattler allegisnoe,)tut of States—States with exam , pilled rights and powers—States under the control of loyal mon—aneu who stand up' far liberty, not slavery, for demoeraey, not aristoeracy. One-tenth of the number of snob es east their votes for President in .:1860 is sufficient to re-estabileh the govern meat of a State, and bring it back into the • Union; s The Proclamation of Emancipation of , January 1, lbt33, disposed of the question of slavery in all the rebel P.,atee, except Ten nessee ; and as the national government is determined to keep goal foith with that ' , portion of the population of those States most directly Interested in that great intro_ meat, the holding of slaves is, of course, unlawful; therefore, in. those States, laws for the abolition of slavery ore not required; - for the work is already done. It therefore follows that those citizens : who take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the - Union, must accept it under that condition. Of eourso none but those who aro willing to have slavery utterly abolished will - accept the condition% and resume the eremite of their rights es citizens.. Thus hats the alayeltolders, together with their darling in stitution, tumbled into the pit, which, in their blindness and meaner, they digged for themselves, _ - As slavery and treason are identical in their nature, instinete and interests—ae the ono IS the offspring of the other, so In their downfall and death they will not be divi de]. Slavery gave birth to the Confederacy, and Les been,"during its brief and troubled _existence, its solo animatiog principle. In deeds* blended ore- these twin monster!, that they necessarily rise or fall, aw oke° or perish, together. Hence the Presi dential edict against Shavery,as the strength, the mainstay and the corner stoat of the Rebellion; gave tho_death-blow to the Con federacy; and, by an equally loczamble aeceesity, toe Confederacy, in its fall, car ries slavery with It. Its votaries will fight tontine longer, simply because they have nothing left for which to fight, Thus boa Ile great bone of contention, which has 'kept tho American people In strife for so many Years, anti which seemed to be a things strong, and so interwoyen with out ',national existence, that it put as'fault the uttnest skillet onr wisest etatesmeo, either to arrest its - aggressive programa or sanity 'ita demands, vanishes before thofiery breath 'of war like the baseless fabric of a vision. We shall not give to man the glory which to due to GoU alone, in the achievement of Otis great delirerande; yet it is not wrong to crown with earth's highest honors the man whom, Ei has chosen as his instru ment In the accomplishnient of this work, ...and to 'hold up. to the admiration of his conntrymeri that simple, quiet, well-titned. I and consummate skill with which he ap_ plies tho right messuro at the right time. The heart of the coosti7'lvas stirred to Its depths at the brief and 'Simple recital of the touching scene at - Springfield, wherafr. Jean Lc, on leaving his vdetiscone to enter Upon the fearful mission tq <which Prey'. deuce and hisconntrymon had called him, . .• • turned terhis'zieighterrs ' and begged their payers in his behalf, - Gls faith in his GOD, so touchingly expressed on the! ocessip, has been severely tried, bat it has not failed; and now he sees its end approach fug, even the salvation of his country. , , Loulatemn Govensorv. If the old notion be true, that numbers - give strength, then moat assuredly, We hays no State which, in Oubernabstial power, can be compared with the Stabs of Loins,- ut. nalk.aoTereignty" is at_present in posse esion - o4 loaded down with, controlled and distracted by no less than four °over ' mars, First there;ll_ the Governor whine ta acts hove petal., who is in_ aubstance and - reality what his office and title.dietate-. Gen: Shipley. Me reihience is at "Head quarton, City Hall,' New Orient* and there he all - ends to the legitimate buelneu of bin petition, with :he sword to maintain prtmedares. There comes: neston the - strange catalogue one RiddelL Goy eirnor of the State of Louisiana," who:hill "had Ma 'Zeal credentials pets - anted to Puppets by Messrs. Coltman and Field. Who Mr. 'Riddell may be, we. are at a lemt to know. There used to reside. in the city II carriage dealer of that -name, but ;21 2 &Coals to comprehend how any, even of the _ strange political mutations which have vexed-the Pelican Mato, should have rolled him into the Guhatuttorial chair. There is next one Moore—his distinguishing rumen- *laws in the large fatally of that name is not given—who-arrogates arrogates to Lionel? the ; *Moe and. title: Being a vagrant in the immure of Welters' Lon Miens and tho bayous " of eastern' Textta,his claims cannot he con sidered of moment. Re, however, ia among %lOC/antrum." To conclude the lengthy; • - liet--ettingly p`acod - tho end—lathe aele brated"Zames Hoehnnazi ldcPhorion, - - . the 1 .Aphiloppber of Madisonville," a little wet ' eying place in tha.ooso ref Lake.. row:4 N train; of tad, we think:a donghtydbpntint with Governor:Paul.Hebert, and a peat Influenie amo ng- time 'otos who never "attended the :polls;, , slt - is stated that he „j. - - errors into cZoo, 'by a bar:keeper et Maditanvtila - - , into Inch and 'OS anomilotisieleineritt's - _ ,- .havatho.sebolliticeprotvdmus of a, peak -,wealthy and latistetantliMitis dcnalgo . ref - Fremont Altai . . stnni'licatione," lit is to 1,. bope4 that fiiivemor and '.Geitoral - Ehiplpy IFULttrtbi-400e1i$0, E=M=3l Vitisiturgy D D 4fe 49. =MI jjAlt MOBlirlaz:31:-.....^YAN. 1261. neeottinrtiettOn: P. hr.—Your husband is in the rebel army, and you ask us to supply you with bread. Why do yen do this 1 Mrs. Maud threw ailde the Cy Of the tent; andjust outside stood Zee small chit. drew, rho had but • single article of cloth. ing—• light, homespun cotton wrapper— on each, though the wind was blowing c ly cold from the north. "They bare not had • mouthfal since yesterday morning," mid Sin it, "and not halt enough for ale months." • The appppeal was Imesbitable; the ?mast starakal then told VW he would administer the eatkaad rather reel. On being asked to subscribe her name, eke replied that she could not write, and 7 otewowlingly a resort was had to the mark. Schuyler Coll ut in the Printing °Sim Snivel Wilkenoti , Sup, formerly of the Buffalo pram now of the N. Y. nave, In his admirable - address as presiding officer at the ~P iste dinner" given at Washington reeently to Speaker Colfax, related ths following pleas: oat Incident; Math= years ago, at one o'clock of • win ter moonlight morning, whits the horses In the stage roan in which I was plowing the thick mod of Indians wore befog' changed at the 'tavern In South Dead, I walked the footway of the priori sit street to stake el a great wariness I saw a light through a window. Ilia, wilt° Itegistex," was legible above It, and Isswtluroagh the window a man in his shin siestas walking eptickly about like one that worked.. I panted and looked, and imagined iih,o; thi pika,.24, &boat the lateness of thi hear to which It was protracted; sod I won. dead If he wait a de b t, ant struggling ta gst one „ end it his wife was aspeleUng him and had lighted a new audio for his 000llog, and If ha was vary SM.. A coming step Inter rupt.; this When Su walker reached my elde l-rejelitsd him, and as we went I=Osked- bisnquestleal, aid macron/ workuuut the/ WO alma . the "in his et r sleeves; hate o ort o of matt is he?' W "Its is vary good to tlif peon ha works hard; he Ii rsochible with the people; be pays his debts; he ma sate Adviser ; ha doesn't drink whisky; Mkt - depend on AIM all this part of lodises "bellow* is biz." Troa.that day to this I :have asi6 Vaunt *pelts Beath Bend Bestietsr withonakhinking et this etilogy, and envying the mattwhe hadinstirsatitlad Iblinself to it in thildswn. of ishitnanhOot Eairsc= o4 . 4l Um/L -4 goakt;llA iron Bath* 3 " 1116 1,ull that ddPbuildtts and viten of au city tivo acid. ship. 0 01, 0 1 to E itSietiPst egtaketeo: 0 162totat.; meat of the wir, to stecomt to PADA* gold: Ot GU Own V,1X0,000 i "DI on &lola to XtgroPft• . - • Brick'inking: the following- letter on "brickmaking," ytittert by Ms. John Skirsing, of German town, appeared recently in the Philadelphia Ant: In your fiVaS of last Saturday, I read an article headed 'Sow the Business of Brick making may be Improved." In no part of the world is there more room for improve. moats in the art of making and burning of brick, than in the United States, owing, in samemeasure, to the cheapness of feet in former years. Brick are made ell the year round, and oven during the severe winters, in Northern Europa. In the wa rming of cur dwellings by heaters, - warm air, warm water, and steam,..wii.nrolibead of the world; but in the economy of heat and fuel, we are *long way belrimkespeeially in the burn. tog sf brick., I know a firm in A easels that are now doing a large businets in fill big op buildings with Its appliances, ma- Ohinery;ltio., for making of brick, at all sea &Mir, worindby stetted, and with the waste 'Mara, tho Landin g , together with the heat from thakilae , keep, the clay and drying- MOM at • delightful temperature. Thedry ing rooms being over the kiln, the bricks are dried quicker than in any ether way, and the medium' is so nicely arranged that tho clay is tempered and conveyed to the mould, and from the mould to the upper 1 1 story, or drying-toms, and thence to the ecnah in the same way as the grain it raised in those monstrous 'hidings in Chicago, requiring little or no band-labor, and, although labor in the country where those =ebbing are work is very low—a man gets sixteen to eighteen cents podgy, the women (for most of the work is done by them) ten to fifteen cents per day, and they, onto? that small pittance, maintain themselves, notwithstanding the cheapness of labor, they find it more profitable to em ploysteam. The kilniaresoconstruetedthat they never get cold, and in firing uptheydo noteonsume more than one fifth of the fuel used in clump or kilns la America. Intact., the kilns used around Philadelphia at this day are much the same as used in Rome, where they made and burnt bra to build those woaderfnl piles of brick work the Baths of Caracalle and the aqueducts, and the stuns at Pompeii, where they made the brick to build the Senatori am. At the great exhibition in Paris, in 1854, there were a slumber of models of machinery for making of brick, klieg, Ac., since that day great itoprovemenst have been made in that branch of tho business; in the exhibition in South Kensington, London, in 1882, there was still a =Loh greater number of im proved models, quite a number In operation making up clay. The most oompleto are to be found in Anatel% Hungary, Northern Germany, Tyrol, Switserland, Zurich, on Lake Constance, one of the largest on the Danube, below Vienna, making 40,000 brick per day, besides draining and water tube or tiles, when the thermometer isdown ten to twenty degrees below rem; and the ap. paratns is cheap. A machine for making 30,000 to 40,000 brick per diem cost about I $l,OOO. No. 11, to make 4,000 brick per Nude $235. This, of count., does not in clude building or kiln. I am satisfied that the best machine I have seen could be much improved. This is no new-f.stigled notion. I have seen them at work in the neighbor hood cf Carlsbad, Bohemia, tit the winter, when the snow was knee deep. I have mentioned this subject to several brick makers, and one of them joking, asked me if I knew where the Marine Bamoks were at the navy yard, as much as saying tell it to them. It seems strange that, with all our gesitsadouream in this business, we are a long way behind. I know of no business, if properly started and managed by prac tical men, that would pay a bigger divi dend than cperpetual brick manufactory. Such Is the opinioa of your humble servant. Veedirig the iffresand Children of While the rebels half starve our men hell•by them as prisoner'', our GOvernment is disbursing rations to tho amount of thous ands of dollars daily tq the wive* and chil dren of rebel soldiers coming within our lines. A letter from Bridkeport, Ala, gives an account of fortpfonr women who applied for help from the commisaary in a tingle day: They ware all required to sign the oath, and of the number only three could writs well, and thirty-five eonid not sign their names. Twenty bad husbands in the rebel army, while the husband of only one was in the rail= army; the rest were widows. One owned 400 acres of land, but her slaves had been carried off by Bragg, and she bad neither money nor provisions, Ono case ia• given as a aample of nearly all : Provost Marshal—Are you a widow? Mu. Itiou-d—No sir. P. 31.—Where Is your husband? Mrs. R.—With Bragg, In the Third Ten nessee cavalry. P. M.—Your husband 13 In as rebel array; when did he jotn It? Mrs. R.—Two years since. P. M.—Did he ♦atunteer? Mii== P. 31.—Bat the rebel conscription law tree not then in Cone. Mn. 4.---But thoy told him that it would Boon be, and he had bettor volunteer. P. IL—Was he not a strong secessionist from the start? Mrs. R.—Yes, Le thought you wanted to sla deprive no of our rights , end take all our ve& P. M.—ilow many slaves did he awn? Mrs. U.—None. P. M...—Had he a plantation? Mn. B.—No;als. P. K—What property had he? Writ R.—Nothiat he lived by day's work P. 31.—Why, then, was he so fearfu about the slaves? - Mrs. ll:—Because he wu afraid the North would put the zappers on en equality with us. Sir John Itotering on the Woe. The Philadelphia Rscfinubllthes thn i• log extract frog a late lettar guished rebolar, statesman and diploma:lA, Sir Jahn Roirrlng. Sir John Boring WWI formerly Minister to Chian and 1./avert:or of Hoag Zoog, and 1a ae prevent accredited illklfiiill2l &fluffier Pleuipotentiary to London and Park : "We all play, with anxious solicitude, for the termination of your fearful domestic strifes. Ts the propriety of our absolute at - stention I think all reasonable persons agree. There ore and must be great differences of Opinion as to what the selution of this level,- ed and direful question will be, bat I tan sure the voice of honest England wttl be that pros perity 13121) be extended, no d ',zoo be ree b.re to the distracted Imolai element, among you. There will be mesh erroneous Judgment row lei/ out of Iroperf , et knowledge, and metlal itieunderetuadi tag the remits of t he km, smelt of each; but England's heart is souvi t- wards you, and England's trno in toe tell, are j associated with your Troll being nod doing." -•—• Heavy Receipts of Cotton and Sugar. The receipts of cotton and sugar, at St. Louis and Cincinnati, have been immense within the last fel. days. The namer of eight boats from Memphis and New Or leans are reported, all being loaded, to a greater or less extent, with Cotton, sugar and molasses. Tke aggregato of each of these articles arriving within twenty-four .hours, amounts to 1,840 bales of cotton, 1,652 hogshead' of sugar and 803 barrels of molasses, besides a considerable amount ' of other articlos from the Southern market. Tho Naw:Orletne P:ecyurir, estimates the total receipts of cotton at that port since the lot of September, at 48,700 bales. These figures are trifling in comparison with the receipts of the same staple at New Oe. leans before the war, but they nevertheless, show that the trade is reviving. It is thus the people of the South will gradually be convinced of the advantages of peace and the ruinous consequences of war, The Growth of etaleap. .Ttio following table compares tbo official returns of the pnpelation of Chfosgn, showieg sti astonishing growth 70 1644 4 81.1.1049 ........ 7.000118'0 ..... VICO Thus, In thirty-three years, a colony of sernoty persons has grown into it city of nearly 140.000 population. MIHtiIESIPPI MARI Nf; otoe.—Lt A.) GlBtltt , I. , rht Eat ..f raii BrAretb, to Itin tty Iterrottles from W,. e Dtpareneent.weel erne Is Atsc,l est Ins present the SI A TO11•S 0 rrirE 1•11 tt UIVIDE.SII err, nr Prrreuraun Cs. Pot rave, I Jadoa The Ti...tua u,. . Pittard -Mb re Il a. tn, inst. ) ON day designs! a lilt:dead uf TWO DttL LA Ils AND PIPIT DENTA PER SHARE: the C. whet Mock, 6 , rth• It h, to bt , A . S.b.ltie,e or tarty lon] representative.. JatVll4 J •CIFA It . (711111 , TT. Tr.. neer. NOTICE.--A THE Snekbolders et Hee PITTSBURGH IIAZ LITE ASSOCIAIItIii rill be h , ld on Toesiny, January 13, 1364, at 3 ptan, LL Hail, lt...Yesu'a Building, ours, rtedu end w.'tor etr,te, Q. %be runs*. st fully :,,,,,13,214 C vatd Asscirtiou. sloutlor e•C I/Incises end ~ther utßxre, adcptiso et By-lays, mud It,, ttensvtl. nt roust, .ether es may be branent More D.« no-t tug. ROBERT At•IIIPOLTLI, P. M. LONG,_ J• ?UN W A TT, M. 111.h.K Patt.l4,,argh,f,e-111. -- • 1 I E 1.1 r.ItA Cie Tllls.—The A ]Dyer held ha the Library 11.wrn. e.au•-r of het, Rod e UAL etirets, aa 3101 i La r E , r.N.N:I, Jae To'cludc. &Tante at the re e Lk", . Saatlln, Co.ra!itr, ..I Troe•arr, IL .1; tae preveated , alter le blab ce • ii• .4 log iiroi,r3 . all be ehatnti Sr- the easztliv yeer h”todi,i s 4 ,re NT1L.1,10.. &watery, Trrh,rxr, ere nine Auditor, Pidlit th.fe at 9 By ardor et the B.othl Lca r cl. , r a . Ja 3: IA Gll.ll kl, 02714 Cnn.tao.i Ilia.sus 4tnat l'aaostatt 1a.11.0.1. Pttf•busgh, Jan. tt. MERIING ot."I lIE K 1101.1fiRS of The Pittsburgh no. L.rzolo s , ham Passurger 11411trAwel Comm", • lit Oa Lei or. 1/11MDLIf. 1. Übe 13. doy .4.0.14 , y, 1.64. lu o`eLek ro, 2i the 31031. tll Flttsherg - h, at which. Iluro awl Oar* .n rise:too tn. 13Loottus 0111 1....1,1,1 to .err., fiu par. Wn. K. SieuOS , 11,crstory. [O.THE t.lA4NA , l'io*: , A Mr% LLI: L 1.. 1 tir aru Gar prwr awmbers,al ft.cll •.r sod tlautftmey, 71:1DA 1 4.4 E Ey ING3, 71( ..(71.11,1,r,, 11 tt.:ii.AL , / sad aktlletba 1' A FTEI:Ii , rotZS, uf, rat &duke. mum :4 tu.:.+Ay Tar I.4.Attd For Childr•n, MI DOE DI VI DEN D. — . I . Look. IV holders of IL. Pitz,lowyh d/l^e'd..7 13 Orkhge Ornamet, et El lk..roby s. that • 11.11 , .1 .101. e•gr. CENT , gr THI:LE DOLLAti *Si ILIA:LE. bet boon i bin dey do. rltnet ens of the eernlngt of am yeti toe tooctlat, pxyabte brtherlth. lanchry 50, Ihel.riuss. S. BISSELL, Drfin Atraintrox 11w:sat:at Co., 1 Pittsburgh, J.. 4, IFXi. U.DIVIPEND.—The President and Dir ar. of fhb CLampany bare thia day de. inland. Ditidortd of ODD DtrtiLAit rEit elle RD, out of tha profit. of tea tad els mouths, to, of ti.rr towboat. Tax, payabto fttrt.tholchus on ur fetter litto llth taataol,„ D. IL DODS, JigklOS brorutat7. GLIDAN In. AND eAVJACA rAst ilobragh ,Pa . f [O.A SPECIAL .11ELl'INLI 'THE STOCIEBOLDIrtti of tills Bank 60 it the Banking Honor, au MatNlkAr, tho 11th si 9 o'ci.ict.p. at., to world, the propriety of W m:sang the Capital block, j. 53. Mtn. A. ENPLT. emtilar. non N.M." Dasa or Pronto:son l (Lab Piethwyk Pltubvilb, Doe, T, W AN EIEgTION for Nine Directors of this book ‘lll be hrld am the SECOND 'll 7 / 1 2DAY, 11411 dry of January sectbaler. the boon of 11 a, oz. goad 2 p. deatif JOHN D. ECCLLY:CnahIer, OVIRBT NATIONAL BANK, AL LEGUICXY —An Election for aloe Dirrows of thb Mak till be heLS oo toe SECOND TITE.9- DAY, MY Jettoo7 newt, between the hour.Lf =i o'olock s , rho teat of the Pfeettoolce fLtyla td t Dank. T. H. XIETIV, 14oiddc3L ir - eirrsilultoll SANITARY LAM • atirrsz. ,p sad Dcpcaltary, be Fourth X eeeee Bat nice Wood and Markei Eltrsea. Pamorry—THoll.6.B BAKE-WELL Eacanamr—JOSCPll IL If LINTER Tuaarzas—JAXE'S PARK, fr Cloatrltnstlaes of mancy sad coati lialci!.l. Blum ant to al pasta a the arm Ink:lastUs Oarslaud tro relaikm tho skit .od wounded to tb• Camas sad litopttslo. The ErelghS oel goalie dnoctoot hp pad bon. daunt prrrarnou BANITAIIT CW111117364 cawrninatrEi. !O.:CORONER-4 oib ALtrecuNo, the first Ward, Allegbeey, will be a mull dap forGorener of All m beolo .fla7..advot to lb decision of the earalog Oven ty trof. C 01111.6130011. 4614:t0 re 11, 1 1c1 ;111 (4 , ati Air—ri, QH.INGLEd--51,000 Na-1 S'plit, for saio t... 7 It No. IBf Liberty street.inn U. NIDDLE. MEW BACl.l,.iiTgr---j sift/ELDERS AND B. O. DAMS !sr sale tkr CHAS. L. VALDWELL. rorass First and nariust strestr. M LE75141,s ..l i t i Ctriaza, Tatar on %Lord ODlMavatio. 100 0 in" FLOUR, varioue•brancts ttr a& by LINDBAT TELFOtti). y ..... _ F0r ►1 mils, that well known balktins on nay,' stmts. lormstly onstVed as no pcblbhing crake of lb* Plitsbalsb Genes. kogolra of jattts WM. M. SHINN, 137 Irnovill oft.* - - NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS. Cada ae. kbasr Cara 4 Owns and Lrtbi Deb PPS *NI snake bola' awl tor ana. by jeklw =COX L PAKRICII.Na Marty st. Q,TEA.3I. kNOINN FOE IsAl:Kf 8 ).7 hero power, with boiler, awl arm ma com plete; twatly now, aad tanning onto, Will to sold at the low price of VZ. apply to Et IfeLa IN key.. IflV Poorth ot - ET.-11. au* of two larat• comtuu. fmattheinoo3l9 TO LW?, sttbmt Wan!. on 11.14 LIAT of Lola. is FEO. OXD sturr. Plttamrah. A GOCID WESTERN FARAt. 01.160 wincit..er gg yd gutto low pin sa per o , r; .altvOtted In oaf of tko ton oatottlio fa lowa- Stre .bltztot to *II to tilos ar009,4' - 0 00 . 0 000 lEttorokto lump ooqt, sb.,. fn- rivet sae. Apply to . • 4. 11 SOLA/ 8 *CO.:102 Fourth o:mt. Au 1.3 f: : .1 ukt r ,Alyery ety XOBl/14 ginwnitrat.... • oIDIi • E II 7IBEX.C.T7 _ • y rcr sale, 24 fret front on the he le nn • L, 1-0 1 . /yr de/ p to .Inbn street. o prom, era epoly re Jei. S CCM It CRT .1 RONA, 61 Market et. LOGAA STREET.—For sale, 11 e :tory Crld: D2rlllnr; [lnane, of ball, par. tor, 1111102 room, klrehen, trllar, end Ilre shan.bers, j•nl Arr.lr to tail :1 C1;111.221 . 2 SONS. 31 Its het kJBUT IN ..5,11b0 Ibm frrnh Putter; our /b.n tbs. e nrlOran. for HA, . o; :00 rselnyn end Chlekenk 1:044 000 /1. nen fresh; 0100 Li, g I:1/ bre. ',Owe cluing 0//ehen.. trl/1/0/0, " 1004 s^e ersrl erd 22Nerrd arse rot . rota nt 103 Llhurryntr...l.. nil jet r H. RIDDLE. ti CK Elt EL, ,tel —On LDN kisl.,Y 3110 +2:1310. J.. ISM, el 10 , sOl 1d.... dm Satre Voooo. 13n 1,1 rkltn W 1,,, • 1 ,4.1) R/1-ina. L. G . 1••n,e 1 ' 15 hall 1,1,1 0 :Ira • Mackerel i Dar, Ch...., ro,:s ha, 0 ia+ a q ot or Dood Groostfve. , 3• , 2 • DA 518 IIcILWALLIS, duoVni. von v t R°'.l.l"ll,!'ALL 'au""aitt R ° • Coca mt•alon Mr rollsuat. 6 lirokeras Pctroirnni and Us Products, Ft, • x ot t .Ip.•P .•••Intptlin. 61nple half tltx fxr ri., c• •at tssoroxab:c rat •• A FINE 61qCK OF WHITE GOODS. lndl• Twilled Long Cloth. Ftve.quatrter Preurb Cambria S4lphl 414 Cheated Musllns, Hellcats Dimity and Embroidered Bands Dobbin, Edstngs, •(e, rcu !BLS LOW AT WRITE, ORE et CO.'S, NOTlCE.—Buying taken our annual lusoutory, svii ars prepares! to afar to our ar..l Wu public ireperaily, itnr old stock nf Lawns and Summer Dress Goods LIVV PRICES Alan • t - ,,..efal won ul of tiouseLeepivg Goods, !loop Aklrts, B. RIOr shll - 1.1, Cloaks, Shawls, EMI= 1.12 2t `,VA I. CSEIP AS ErEtt. ,r Kos:, s w s ~ods, I c bslan. of coywt: Ins et... It at old ptl. tiol 31a..., Ist. snd eve. Jolt J.J3 11. fillitlLS IST Mart. stn.,. cl"l'r:A NI SAW MILL Ftlli SALE, situ. On 11. , - bai,k lb. , Obi , tho Der. cf , fO. irk., 12 nallp. 01 , m t:• city. Tb• rm in nr , l-r, 1. raMhln rf n... S.l ft, In :rngth, adenlrabl, 1 -, lolllctot.l for Sag 70 furtl,..r I ,, srtinlars 6.1,114,a, bAelkiai k 11. . 1 /A{TZ6, Pox 47. Sewl,kkyville P. 0 , Pa. 77ASIvt'SKY A.... „ lit F.E T. —Fur Bale or to Ire. • heal. cor ttint.-every 138101 REM onsvalolog iss,oos, ostuora No. 09 fiso. ds'. y irrost, (f. , areb hoe= elsoy• Nov J. 9. !;lot's (.harsh, wstoo Adds I NO" , NY NI g.sn aprll I.L Thu Is ear of the tr,t tLe two onto*. Inv". ' r 0121 , 111 a ca.. Al. If Vro , t•troot. Pitiebergh. _ 111.)1CN El LE . .S. BELLOII'B, h", 1 All ECICOUN,JaIIoary n , 41 esl , l. al ter3l4. •••• sir;". • ••••: lx ar..lsltallar. p• 1 :14•3• - nitl• arc, 3 fri. , •• 1 / 1 1.1k /tom, Jail lIAVLY l 1.1c•1N3.3.3.73:/. itcnt•rs. E.CS6k.l.s t T A FTLII,Ntii , N„ Jeavar, litL. y. : •91 b old et tb• CgrnmrrVel .S.ale. 2.1 •ICeept, Brco , /*G.rp.t, Get* Itat , log. Pent, w , 1.4 7,d, Hp. I Ono Tatl (1.44. Tur , ial, t.at., titan. S. 03, 1411111u.r ..tn 1.11. ..1.1.fy, LMI( Ware, 'll •rri !Amp, ..te , r 11.41, taro PA / railfr.see4 Co. cm , SiW,l:, .'netnrard, sr.r•n, jai DA* /5 XeILIS t, Ackel'ra. SEMIS lIF ( . IILSI9 GREEN & BEAUS 2U IC •.4 , 10 1.1,.. N 0 and Out,* Zu * ar'. H: et.:. Prclo: A Gaorbfe 5.N... 1 L.,,t ow 3 d, do do Kris. do J. to b. 1.• t tot lor.o.tlo,lm•PS.min TO 1-21.11 61.. Nos. 1,9 sad 3 Sl.e.r.rirl; ID t , L ..r..313 p: isru , V Ifoll.3,11; 10 n , i., darn bjrol, 0. tun/ >Li r.rt r,r. by 11:;D9AY al TeLVOIIO. 1.11 7t ST 1.1....ty al. rot. V il . l iLE I' / //I".U.N ArSl.) Sti ll .. /1 LISA! 1:4.'. —7,4 .t•,¢ ...I Laud. Calighittps of 41 , qt Oiler 4nl d....; .rd tolp t.lll, rood r.ar Iron, 201- ler; r y.e1.1..0.d 7,C0L0 110.:11LerIoNgIrg to aintsnlilllr /.... 11,. 1: 1.1 u, , wilt b....,:d Is fats, 02 ..ccass,4,l.ib, t../ sae, to clno, Ina. :all Lt‘AIAI.I L4CRICT lOO. I NT t• A7rt , 113 LY. 42. LA No. lOC Pinta Street, 1 1.t.r.ersh. P Clain. far I'ENSTON9, 1:11rIVIT, P 11.1211 NON Er, .! a , • !gar , ealy prascaotet jaP- M A Z.: il PAL: IWRING HITE FOR NA t w drotiod mouthing ahout ease, !rooting no rho lionnopthels Hirer and Coo neilerille /teamed, talhdoittg the prognoty a the heir* of Dol.nrt 11. Palmer, and east of it. Ooprer Warts, al Fitt totrnehtp. For tetras 'pp!, to A w. LLI . J ed - der 3 Ettestontl shoat, A MACLI !Cid WANTED.—A- good halari will be al .on to s man rail 11.11114 to auperlotrod tha hull.fing of Saramboat rues.. •• 4 tat, gan.ral ovaraige.t of • Machine shop lo MaAlsoo.lodlaaa. Commpand with COES & SUM 31.a.m, t. dfena. _ COBB ITRIBLININ .h.Te2a, Madlan Ifcmad.t7. TUIt 1101frif: ANL) S ORE. —For sale, that tomtalino• attablhhaftnt toy` and gall hoot a..IIeFADDEN.D ICE fIuIIEY, on lye. tar of Con 7 and fourth simile. Thlt proyorty be .1 , 2 morttor or orparwelY. to toll brttrrb••• on, and on &meanie imas. Eaqulta or 147.2 w Wtl. 11. SIIINN, IX fourth Aloof. OAT MEAL AND URITA-8 bands ortn peal.!] kiln drzei Oat Meal one Orlt/ recelmd. We shell be 0 nyder receipt of Liale naterrlor wild.. *ad burs to be able to fill all order for IL JOHN , a. assrsnAw, (ken. Libert• nod Head strews. VITALL PAPER AT OLD PRIM.— ' Notwithstanding the continued advance In PAP6II HANGINGS, th• artlonlgaff volt n 1 tb. OLD PRICES until Ifareb ISM. W. P. MARSHALL, od Otml. WiLLOWii WLLLOWS I 2 'IONS Ibr sale by BCICBi IL OOLLTIM PRODUCE JCIMI' RECEIVING BeITEII-- 3 WA.. fresh Dot% batra PR kCi/E9-113 des. (nab Percher., & 3 qt. c • fre.e.Ne--.30 bash. detail White.; APPLES-150 bble. Resectur; o atoll tad ter tale by DIDDLE, 133 Liberty sow LADIES' SATCLIELS, PORTEMOM 2(IE.S. Wrltlog Desks Pocket Halves, Gold Pena, Photograph Albums, Toy Books. A atteueontooot t Omuta, Obritc• OM Books Pocket Books. blares. Alnuoars, and • great varlet, of heautltel good, adopt.] to the aoaaun to bcelouse at t;o. r.d.md meet Alkshon,y e 621 V OURZ EISTREETPROPERTY.—F or mt., the. large and .171E13M10011 bon. en the seuthsrly or fourth street, neer the moo, of Merkel ettert, fi.erzerly the residents of the late dotbony Zegnire of haat.. W3l. 31 AIMM. Ih7 fonsto street. u A mE M.° IS tiaddlas Venison lee Rabbits tO Wildlan • 12 12,..uant. ; • to! 44. t Itecrived and far tale at Na. lY Sawed rarer, Jdi ITICANE..VAR 0011DICII. MEW BOOKS I NEW )30059! 4.,1 Laet Tlcaos- Dabito of Good Solely. Ida of Grant, • Plla tears of Pram. • Very Ilard , Camh. Larks or thy. Paper. f.m. - reonshlltd CIA% It. N. Sanitary Ooronaleslort. ColorGoard. Lop °Our cbolca Book. • at I T. Helot Stdn. of T. VTAXTHAII, No LM Federal Tl. rtrort, AltezenaT raw at. K tsux 9 . 111 k Sly tt.. ft.r V LAUD 11116=8; • • - • 10 trails nem StiEllese Bahian 10 at. anr Carru mi ng /t ..led Om !DW. FICAZZLbn. .50 1- - UH , r..trns•Tufainu nd i, • 112 sad 1.4 Ileasod amt. 7T - CR - 7" -- ---puotilitlN of a. V kb. l44 wOri kind 'ad kr rob. 4bouma. or malL at Na : rz sad VS es. Clalr otrwt, by 7 IL pait.Lus.-4 ..i.tcp .-110 to .eat irsel pil9i pai *Yana: try Las* - 41 drum., • J43,l4LEtLratBON. Agid name. kill. 311 El/BATT would ry tolorra the cinema or Pittehorgh and ric h,ty t that the Fourth Term of this !recitation will teenlneelen •e semi week In January, Is&i. The two cameas which bare pat rompleted one term, will be comminute. meeting twice a weak, on T... 10 mid rad•r, the tit... , cb. , frc. 4 . a, vat the efewietre clam hum 7,Si to 9,46. These clause will review th e more Impatient elomentary exernime th preparvor7 to further advaucemeht in the eory of mule. A CLASS TOE NEW BEGINNEIL3 veld be forts ad, to taueStmce a week.., ikkrkdk7 ~ .. , I n 0 r 4 when a, mitumeuT insane la the Mth:vat. will be give.mderkl heedelly to now beginners. tlikEtheild clerics practical atercism I, Glee, obUrcti glade. visa, amiern , iiid.c -I,l=l4kLetitire Method of Yoke Thinhig, The Alilso 'bleach lumbar of the dam will be carefully Aaainized and demigod. Quality of tone, enamels. glaa.pronnitclatlon and the tuatara] and effective dr. livery et the voice will modes careful attention. PitIVATZ will are given to Ladle. .d Gentlemen Cl arab times at agreed upon. ail re i• "Oa ppils will be admitted to any of tbe mare. ; withmit further charge. AU book. for the um clam Institute farniabod tree. vitlLlDELrnis, ITEMS: !or darer of Ova Savior of four dames IP adrava:. I, Nina toontba. Top Juulor clan, In :Weave.. 13 pee tan= of tour months. Private law= fa Sloping end Vocal Tralviv.v, : half Verve limn,., poz quarter of twelve week. , tar lwaotte a week. VS. posaTivitur ONLY ONE WEEK No.BB WOOD STREET, If rtrra STRIRT. Fine Limn Shirts, Undershirts Acicl • complete asurttonat of EMITS FURNISHING 000D9, Cloths, Casslmeros and Vest Sessombor, tht. is your LAST CILLS'_I A LAST WEIN to toy greet bargatoo fah tLI ptIitVLANCE'S • PHOTOGRAPH BOOBS, COIINNIt 1171 . 11 AND NAZIBITIITEM7-1,. WHITE, ORB & 00. • .. (lel ma I @tarifa, Itlehardmon's )oy. k) Pyrrsot • Of ovary al. Kul Kyle, plara a colvr,A. ts. popular Dula Am CabinG red lir .1., Kr. PI7II,IANCE would pArtloaKrl, . rao WM. of Kr AGED AND IN/INN to ob. orfbinty at Iholartablkborort. ArtAA ...... , w. r, ..r O.- • single short Mgr. of .Arr.. Priors 161 .4 , 41.. %DO rottst inerranted. v•yES. lyrAwl r H ON HY PECTORAL OUVOIIN, COLDS. lIOA 135E3 Zia, BOGS, rub° T To rad& •poskooo U I. boyaboablo To peraoto &ditto:4s4 b 7 long atonal, e. ug, Cthocropthoo. It omocloon both Oothth and .b....1,L; owl for sale by <blur Pia awf 11•3•,J.Nrero, RODA WATISII, Pa TINT Mklilt *Arm., alctrair pro.vrtpl loot asroft.ll l od TATE & SEVIT.I.E, PIIACTIVAL PLC lIULM 13A_9 AND STEAM PlTThit N 4.. by AEI k. AI. 8T611A7. Na. tr I.lTru-t• ~....a P.l.4.urvh LUI7:I6LiS HULILAT PHl~iS\'~~; Esabroido. e 4 PIInIXO Table Coven Dieslac end Velvet lllngo Velvet mad Iltatmel• Thrsocks, W. D. S H. M'CALLUEII3. Ma n rocaTil ..Tali da23 E.• WV 1 ERIN At ENCY ATISMir BALDWIN & CO., T 1 BROADWAY, NSW TODA itlaartsaarom eet law mamas Ors: Brim, (Meal to. Moro mo from Lharpool or Clo.azrahrst. PaCkages forwarded to ell parte of its world. c=m2mmnmgml -fummu=== Pianos and ffinsioal Instromentp E•ep eunilanUs on band a fine assorimmt et TOM PIANOS VIOLINS. GOITAIIS, Act:loncLE ONO, ISTIONOS, staeb hg:sttl sell for low pike. )19: taro! MGam= NrAtunervazaa OF Woo,. RatsQM, is es; batal sod maks to order ICOR A ND BUPA KUMLA WlBll CLOTU ; ILIZT RR or all kinds BMUS Ow footadrr.. URA VT WORK MY wuriows a. ; s °Laza 0 SLItiIITAL WI:11Z WORE, ler ea. sr LU it of irlilll tor oar, al iIiVi,iWZDM= • tura 4.. d Spare 0 1 4--ineheltu 6 the celd loading varNtlee, ask many new eras Al. a were lure o f FRAIL (standard and ne,i craskur MACH, PLUM. maartzu, GOAD AND ORNAMENTAL ULM RONDA OItAPR CINU MHBLEIS, GRZE.NIMUfit PLANTS, :to, wtiolsaala awl ratall et eery tea aeltkdewlf esaable Mom JOHN MURDOCH, Jr, Plttsbarsh snel Oakland kirnarrfee. 7Kriffrel,-.44lsrraw—• VftLOWJ DR. BAELZ UIIHOHIU malodor attot;tkla to the tivotoo ms DISICASES. ETZ aodAtt/ ; orrOATARAOT. me, 0u MItTISICIAL PUPIL, bloom ASTLITICIAL EYES, anti tn.i• eat INTLAJIMATOItr nu; aloe BARD HEARING, soDoane Comes othottne lb. tor awl InOloc to 019 co. 100 31171 . 1 ErrnreT. m-com IlameActunn ud &Jos In •11 kind. of roDACCO, snare AND DIGANA NO. I WOOD STINST, l'eProvana, Y. • Kama constantly o• band • la,ra• 'slimy of graokina Tobacco. ~1•2,13 IWA T •i 7 MIPM.VSOII TOBACCO DMALEIII, 109 WOOL erumr. kw Altus of their tarp *to* vt TODACOO, MU &ND Ilmoinici rit 160nry low•stAim" kw club. MI grompAy attendad to. .1? 31 - A - RTo-N a nuts. VOL turns Tvgar. Oa* volumo. Iti GO. ➢.wtr.d al IPIPKOMIM/Wy I= — '''' .---- ---- A ND "v ENITE ii. IMM2f all - daaaagnatlms. •MI *NTT, Wa s WTI az' a U . at Dr latarzAt Davasate Uzi door to Ohs Tams 2 27. .T. DAVID If. marg.- , Cb al fatarnal Dansi, 23d D152,4 1 / 4 . Nvia...-Lottars Mandel be dlncled to Alleelaa _ rat Vitadautb, -----------___l____-- —.l"' 100 o,Bla Jmi tr : k a' aa - iad IZlall 7 tan. and Cart! HIM= D CAM., inlIVIREI•a• • iscums,ra . 26 *ad 121W°°4 :Li e IFLI• -i5 laza 5, &Wien 711, is Noon Valet Cnsittny 'Ana to , - D.' MeLAIN * 00..142 Veer:that. 1pillleT! tlwe a3VT, sad tam& it'onims. .1. I I :4: ja, new 'ar',!!"4.ll 71,1 a co, us =tam _ pITTS BURGH MTJSZCAL INBTITt7TE. EDWIN •UERRATT Toucher of Sh2glog Hisainre Method of Vocal Training, Ilmso!i, Cox PENN AFT. CLAIII faTOZETS. ( 0 . , th.;,, Pal/4113g.) LONGaZt. L. HIRSHFELD, will acoattou go claw cal W. stook, anulatUrg of and Drawers, la groat ~ r at,. Bold by the yard ~..0 I. .HOINUORAVIisa ♦ .an nabocly for Mr.& or CaJOU. GEC A. iLLLt.I aurora (•]Y, .4 ►aMrpl ....-.L.. Ile Warta Elan liggigligßagl GEO. ♦. Pr•xcr... WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr.. HO. lk , V O llllll7 %rat Kr, 20 0.000 APPLI TIMIS NAY . °DAMAN T as WOOL! alrert. a B" 4 . Om be obtalant at MA 6ld T.wn noon, Ulna Woe Allogbooy On/. . .. JaC IV am iirivit_ '. "Flal - 111t3. 4 , Ws4es, 1 . 44 . 1 co , i..) Wow% pas op to h , oz maxi tin tos, bensof. u lly melded, jot toizt.vd from tot oatt Llo tko Ifandtt anew: Eton of your_ tairw .roax A cia lensaa asai mu % Sat A TR71.1. MAT" THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, A star, sr sts.r.ii.s. tutirmit, TILE NEGLECTED WARNIING; TIII TRIALS OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TIAGIER. 9: the gifted MARY KYLE DALLAS, Whom name has tamone • hoc...hold veal abororer b. Zaglbib laneinate le spoken. The .tot) ta qoesiko !ems& .1. of ..1l 1.4 and Cation, mud tia Camino i a young lady who from allemem I. moored to pommy b 7 the dealt of • father, who i modemel bankrupt by the seisms. and ...tamale. if • •Idol, . nos Impoverished, the frlenilem girl Leeks to imoblos la . pubic mbool for lb. =yaw or map. t, rod the authotees, with that norm. p mar which morksidl bar Wm producUov, min lae her thiem4h tho tning on which orer berm the rwa•l • .4 yeim,(6., alrl alio trim to obtain • aim , t Xing hem • teacher herself, 6 b 6 t . ., bly Waller with lur 6114. • • heom. II la all It. detalle, from the COIMIS• i• L.. 1111 113 Me bash, and Is meted, also, with :meld to the ehereeters et soot of thore who occupy prole:WNW pc:elk/as to r.. 1nt1,.. to the me.negttry at of the pttlelk who:4 qt.. teak When merit is dos, eh* freely accords It; but where censor, la warranted, ah. VDU. ft wttb toulairing hand, and la • manner celettleted to nub My recipient. of It *lmo, Altogatbar, ma doubt If . mom eselebra—mud at Ito mme limo a more tufo! story, .a I. M. moral conveys—mu smr OW I tette publb, Ltd • 2 alai! b. Much rolatakau if I s pabllcation dam not lead to wlrhaa;read mamma. That It cantata eareral Palahan charm which artll "etrita some , where," the public may raft aaaarwl. Let 100 oue fall to sealu.• thoopealog chapter; nerd our word for It they will not be .low he looking after what tallowy. Bald. the above great Cary, IL. NEW YORK f WEEKLY to now publish/Alf spl.ndirl romatme, entitled, WRIER EAGLE, TRII AVENGER; or, THR BRIDE OP THE SZTTILIMILITT,` by Tau. cr. 8. flarett and another moot exciting portal, anti tkd, "LIABLE BERTRAND ; or, Ph I'ELOIR ['Aro Bore the p.. of Rossno A tdd.d.coati I .Jr to MI which it gime weekly from RIGHT o TWILVE nun dam 'hetet., of different midi. • Imp number of Rn. Poems, and a variety of do. pettloont. of aod antortalcbag oharacter, tn. •• Pleuent Partprapho,^ ..111rthlhl Mar kt.," " /Knowledge D.. - 'qtr., of lotorocie" ate., etc, me., the whoto going to Eno • family nemopapor which, as la trod) ansultted by all who to. It, har pot Ita opal tither in conntry er the eld. Prim, lin coats Pr tingle copy, 10 we year, and literal elatu. tern. c Ben ees d to sett up of STREET & SifITH, korro. Aso Paortscrara, raArsroar ST., New Turk COI. our Speen:m.l eerie rat fh.a. AILEY, FARRELL de CO., PiULCTIOAL PLITEI GERD, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves dad all kinds at Swags *. Water, 0.... d Sterne AGITATORS APO TANI/ SOS OIL fttPl3ll. 4.15F1, 11.64 with t by • as. prtvra. Boa Oa FORTH STILIZT. HENRY O. HALE & W., Aso bolt nootrtas thatr Fall and Winter ticook /ad eon. their, Woad, wid ea pablio to naollao 'hob. stook, tirhilk to Me dastt sad mew oarzgplato root broorbt to Eh Coorkot. Alo.” so bond, a lap raortsootst. of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODE 00.11-MIIf (.1/ more AND T. aunt ernwm PITDISLICE, Py. 51=Zimu PANT bays sow il% COMIIIO at cratdlal as CUNT aricer, between Navylimed Annus sad the Elver, war lapplmootV. A. Iractarh • tam. sad washain 1170IIKB, with all Ma madam imprint MAWS, Awl 1.111 be be complete nabbing 01:44e Oat* ea MSS 07 ILITUAIST, sham lin grin be ptyporod to coanafacture a carrior quota, of Flint Glass 'Chimneys AU craws panapt.ty attracted la Mr 0711470 AT WOIIEB. Address, JAB. X LINDSAY, trlttAlltraell FIRNITURk O• 88 •ND WOOD OEIBI4B {KUM on SLIMCIIII Irtl6lll, WROLZEILLS OR 11122.A.CL JAB. W. WOODWELL, T 1 bad 99 Tbixd surd, oppatts amimaka a al, sull 111 Tomb mat. bablO ti -----'-'''..imu /iTS AND OAIIII Of grimy sip. L.+,Dir.J• B•URA I of nary Wad cod an.nq. LADIES' AND NISSES' RATS I To all all arts DT WITOLVIALN AND EISTA4, A? ED as tlO. 1 a ori woo forum CannaWinn and Shipping Xernhan ~IBZW ORLI/LIN, LA. Actor 'g 8.. Jack & Co.. Pabbarit 11Rota a Lead, Cluchuutt O. Knight *Co.. Pb.flukaPhl444 41 P. Ralabt a Bra.. 'fir 021mtimont.otkit.4. 1 . BEff GOOD 0011411 CANDI. GOOD MI .1911.1! °45157 i - OECD iZ LIMO E N CANDI. GOOO MOZINN.Lim Tra coin. GOODS FOR COLD NVEATRUIt. Hood', in v.rioty of styla. Niibias, Gontags. Ladies' Wool Gaiters. Do. do. Scarfs. Children's Wad Muffs, Domforts. Nice Warm Glovee, Stockings, Extra heavy Socks. Undershirts and Drawers. liandionle Traveling Shirts.. 600 lbe. Blne•grey Knitting Yarn. And a largo stork of Notions, Whalebones, Spool Cotton; Patent Thread ; Braids and Trimmings ; A:r Tzar LOW FSLIC= Wholesale arid Retail. In . M I EL MISTS, ood odl .6o boy to .11 ad.., on tad to ;t.. no IL oft.. mom.. tad... .12,0 N U. quality .4 ytko of oat MACRUX & GLYDE, Betnmas liattril. a. 4 Dkmond W INTER GOODS. ELSIGLEING Ilkh/DS, for 140:t. CELILD111:1511 WOOL BOODti. ashy lIALMORLL STOCKINGS. WOOL 3 100[12,03, of a kinds 6 OLDIWEB' WOOL =non AND °LOPES L4ILCS WOOL 80A2715. SHAIIII ZENIT WOOL SOCHA. CLOTH AND run OLOVEB LADLES' OLOPZEL CUILDSZNT OLOTZ.S. 4OTTAOB, GA It/BLLDIII A ND NVD74.11 SELLING CHEAP At Wholesale and Retail Wholesale Iloosoe tap stales. JOSEPH HORNE it CO.. 77 AND 79 lid IMIST BARGAINi3 I Winter Dress Goods J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Having reduced the entire stook of WINTER DRESS GOODS, Shawls and Cloaks. To oboe them out before tuitiog our u anal inventory, Now Is THE TIME to supply yoimielyez with any deficiency in year wardrobe. 5. E. earner Fourth ea Market Streets. .1.4 FIRST GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL SALE DRY GOODS J. W. Baiter & Co.'s 59 DIAUKET STREET. UNPA RA T.T.FTPT) BARGAINS WILL 811 01713 m. W cre y.it:( 4 ll l ):giqatstomksylrizi 100 DOZEN PINE LINEN lIANDKINICHIEF Pare saed la &meats% lava Gala was al a at bat IS pa. set., which irs after at GREAT BARGAINS Naiad sad mboidodd disichaders lel And Oar Ant apw+ b mni DZPLUrregn, lihrio ow. terms see the mot IlitemiL EATON, MACRIJIN & co., GS, PM GOODS, NOMA to, tiat Nft. 17 AND 10 P 77111 arum. • din FOR THIC ROL DAY , DUBS IiOODBI AT riILEDUCTRED PAlcar.ts as LANE, IffeLISOY dr. OCIVII, • data 30.110 INDISBAL tff. £1140037 OILS Ole. R IDER-&-MilK i - • poutentazoN Kzaoneare. Lail flaws to -•- ' • urn And its Products' Oils, 04 ND L Zia #114.4e. , 4111BOADNIMUT ITou. 0111rxes4r. • 111!.02iT.575.-:-rrsame: Aar A g .d . ll2l ; lllll POßTLElZoicanotopent OIL t i 1 11;2 Ms it TORN ralurynat IFANDLS ' - ----- 2 ..---i d " v17"11". LUCENT 01L W "" ft. °Rm. Me "; "NAP a CO., Nona*Om". oi Pare Whits Bylined Carbon Olko. No. If &titirirrr anti, ecolmuni prrtrustriatt. Pa. I ; ; t L SPECTACLES. Notwasteatthyg tbo attatka. of Admit =eb limbs% e'bo alpha to tba twoo of (ht. parßeLgs -PEBBLE EiPECTACLEk' Lax entuaa, matt h 4 daft" tha warmed- aolonatrito aka* uuki is• aaksd II as to an aflier Ilata ant aad ossadoc the tIIMUT. °!, 11 , 14 il,c ", 1111 rlb t‘a_E - 111 7 / 7 1111 straw. 1111.1,•,••-: .c+r i:7 ys ' sosbatit /arise Craebni jim n - tow Ole bernry, {lll4 brio:, by STA anti Ilk ' '''71114)./ VONAMeatitio. • ...-...--if ;', l ------:=:::: i';s . • '' l- ..'''..l4- - 7.; 4 . - . 7 .„ 7 ; ., ,Y .1. 7 :: 79 . I , -; . TELE OISLY - PLKlEAngrea - t busting CONCERT BALE ms walk a Pm THE ONLY PLACE to hat BOOTS anon d. ). at (vits - cmaa_T slat. MOE lITORI, GI Nth gnat. PE ONLY Pr4q,mdou can ay SIVETED EBQEs, 0015CZI0 HALL Mr 101311 A, Ma ana• VE ONLY PLACE where BOOTS A' spots.•. severed Cr". Ss " nala. suon STORS. 11111 arra. mum ONLY p LA - 761 — a to bny WOMMTS G MA fix 00 ma% tit at 00150X6S BALL efloli STORY, m TlMl.4reet. THE cknyi ly STOCII BOOTS mein coNCYST BALL BROS nowt at mu nr.i. THE ONLY PLACE whore they tume- bat caz.p,loo, fiat CmICZIAS lIALL /808 rroar.. C VIM Watt ONLY PLACE to bo,t , Womcu'a COMMIT BALL MON B.loll Bllfth Om% THE GREAT, ofiginal tinci7only Chen 75 ZLAY.K ET 378. YET, 41 4N0T132 MILL 2110 Z MEP. al Jll anat. CLOSING OUT SALE OF BOOTS AND MODS. • • ita are sow dodos oat oar itxk of PALL AEG METRE GOODS at rodoted inn ram tor Sprats ock. anus arta bay__ "afr of oboe soon, SHE LIALMORALS, W; DEMI.° oTEILSEIOSSL or PELT OPIOISEOZS a at • JOB. E. 1104.T(31/i'S. B 5 SLIIEERT STMT. Suomi door from nth matt. Jvgz DECEITED. LADIXS' °Lora inuo matmosaz DOOMS: Do do Inoenna /Do 3/011007 a. 0 *GOA s T DAUM do; (MIMI 'Han norm CRAPS CAMP do; Do TWO do CAL? do • . AD of tito tart cast= work, and waresnisd to it satire satisfactios. • GEO. ALBERS, SON it CO., A a. 71, ow. of Wood cod Youth W. BO OKB, UJNIS • or ; c. NcOLELLAND'S AUCTION, HUNT'S .NEW UN. lON STATIORIIRY PORTFOLIOS cmud“ 2.1 earn PAPZE; 21 Envilorrs 1 PLSHOLDra; 2 LZAD PZIFCLLi nunrs 'Truro:riot ALVI9IZ; CALIiNDIE roa 16211; EX31011.3.1511A 03' INPOILTAS3 LV10912; unmans* IIEC01:7); V. L. Boraw LAW; - 1861 11. S. PENSION LAW, ate, Al th. prier-c4my A$ casTg. ZORN P. RUNT, 111.50M0 LULL, GO strrn masa.. car LIMITS WANTIED. ulln4 • OTOGRArif ALMAW f AT LOWEST num. SURSCRITTIODS RECEIVED, DIARIES, ESE 1884, WALLETS & POCKET BOOKS, AT PITTOGICEI Book, Stationery & News Depot, ia OPPOBjT orn de. pacriva ruoTogiupnst A lira zarg attar aitaraiLD, Asa win fo. ioht st 3.criqs nu= nuin eV yaw ZIOVBIC thilrisi. VA3:I3MM Boots, Papes 'and amines 12=13=3 Lamas aaa Glidirmaiii swerimurat, a Tiled b all awl maize acne* W Okay at ram :2r WEE 7 O, r' • NO: 8 / 1 115edipeall 1114 Angthillar• szyrivra WIIMMET WII4IOITB' •,_,-.-,--------.------ 1 0..1C STITC-H . L, l * ii:, aaw,wao . r0i . ..me,.... ..,- I BEEPING mays vox: - The nighist Pi:attains A w ~ h e n exhihr the ewer.: atateikALE/124113.1=1 rake ted thttitehme, fmpreyeaftats- tutitOneetitry- tree taw,. which ruder tc the tevet , Aeitn9Yht , esschlhe ti Qs • E - Ttary n Abada* -3Valyatiteill Toni. - . IN F TEreCllol 9amarti4mfor nr. 14w417s44 ? , ! b,3 , 1 °Poulcisi; -• , • • • -WM Orgroikco., . tbr.adoor yd Li-pit:4. 4 o z% xe 1 7 su m strsim,: opEcENT EhTtPI :r A TLONIL- 'onus tipc.swametn, oflre% - • eapplimesat 's IkuseXatissi of thrGgotorr: • 4 ZINC is Ms Amitvnyttriii.';'` - -.Bragea /WU et Obo Old W Riont.' 3 MIN rthiriffljg, of Pollidoollkoleusiolt Amsted's Groot Beloo Nook;of Agoratro Otailkoo gotim irxraco.,,auFfwativic„,„ v,z4A,nr 0 trqualki.,s ; icabk i • - 4 BOOTS 4,24; amiss, I. at imr,z3 rep L mat, Caab Naos name, in al Nat door to the 14tirto Oe*—• CHEAP 1 65 nrra WITISZT. AT rams - arr.. e PHI®. LO nisrsassr ETTLZIL 200 DElltztann E 1313. t 1-1.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers