~~~r • JiLILAMUIPaCTVIZERS„ • cDUQUESNE -BIiASY - W01.1103, irk CRAWFORD, ••-• --samatitsotttimi O'smy Tiiet 7 Mashed amiss *dui WE - PLUMBERS,. STEMS OB • ILM6:/IrtERS,..IL&CiIINISTS, AND COPTIMSNITIIS. AILMMIAMITLNOS, of all deocriptiona. of. to STEAMTIOAT WORE, ETEAII. t‘l'il) OAS OmiIirPAUT.ING, promptly attended to, Polards: attention paid to affirm ;gum TOR COAL ANDOARBON OILS. Alm,Sola AVC111:11 for 11. iVrattro D Wrier. at Penn ', 'Thuds for Ow oak of . DIAILSII,-LAUSDELL _ PATIST•STNION thebmt anr ls f Meta& ' /Wing t» valves It to not lInbl• w Pt *renter; aid will' dam more valor thou ao proaP .18 optvrfca Ito aim. Y iTlyw j 'o m " - mts. — 4A.CELI3TOSII3, IjirattrumL4 & vcn, ypt 61417 BrAOTTLIC Plir:e az!IS Pike analgrtaimst Streets, Ozdati - Waler a", Z d o ther 11:OrSS, ' ILeGASTIPOS2diiCULART, .76jitncied &tin! Jobbers. Prompt ottoution. Otos to ropairbt atl KILL IfAt7l‘l2,lltßY. .Tgar , 30.DtuALL - E, co.; PALLEY P'O3IGE PLOW WORKS, 14TT/33172511, fen gait icsera in ail the diffenmt kinds of-PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, 600u195, CUT , Tocuipoxrs. ke. With greatly - Increased radii. .tkallr•Wintliitiniel. wa cstn Teru eatlyinvits Seale," to 0e • call. Manufactory, perancorille. OcrishoW., Ow 4 . I alley and Liberty BL.Pittsb'gh. ' - 'OLIN LULL, : T. J. MALL. .STEPIIMN WOODS, 'Sgt. 3.11110 WM. MIS DI4MOND,,STEEL •-:Pli28111IliON. PA. BROTHER & CO., BRAT QUALITY ET.TENT.D OAST WINN &two, of *ll Cu. Warranted PCol44llaTtariarkter.exantitsettlad v alto C. ~.1 ; 6'.1)511* - iis4 *reboil*, Itaa. ISikaad 151 YOST Fa rosi4A22. tarAmarrt warn a itta hnh. ' AVILI;IA.3I BfittisTilli..Li 431) ;.1-toturai auk., .a fames 'hos w.rkis, PENN , No, 5h ! ..2, Et and ER. Hav throw...mod a large WV en.d.litrahhed, with the meet Imprvecd machinery, we are •arepoted to man ItOILKUS, in the. bee: =V er'.....tenrratrend.--eeinal: to way In - Mtn country, ,:,011.11141MYS, BUICIWN. 'run :.13ED 8 r•-•" i ST , LOOOttoTITE s OIL CUS . ,.COXDS. , ISERS, ," 11/LTTINIT, TAlntsoni, STILLS:AGNTATOII2, • , SETTLING PENS. 'BOILER. -11tONI BUDGES. - HUGAt Pll3, and vile manernotorina of DAaF-: GILL'S PATENT 1101LEItS. Wrath* dose on the abortHet notice. , doltat • BrUTA . N A AND BRASS•• WOR&B COLLINS 8: WRIGET, (Attooesoors to Olin NelViAri..) Manufacturers of CASTOB FRAMES, MUGS, (.."1".11* LAULE;S, testis'. great variety of ■EITANYLA arttelia. • Mae, cAr.noiq OIL raw , lIIIHNUS and LAMP ERASSES g enerally, No. I Second street, Pittsbur g ia. . ALLEN u CAJR3II , FOCKDIIT, riglakirth, lii,Warehouse, WI LIBERTY STREET'. Metanfacturera of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR AND XI •brli.N OttAT, HOLLOW NVADE, eto.,Stret agar/1m lluaLle. Roll , tag HUI Casting:li, HUI Gelling, tate, Witt, and At "' . Man Pipe, Sail Irani. Dog aBozee; Nn _ Wu' Keller, PuErys r llatgerp,_c NVlnedr, Cauplbige gearra/11, d.braTebbing and Hachlie awl. la . Oder. Patented Partible nun, ,with Stamm or Hans Palm, opltrGmd j4.36 - Y,KTEMAMILTOIC CO Oar. PIEST ASILISDEETT EEL, rlttr _ . • ' glanifictarera at • trerrnlon STEAM ENOMLS, NACIIIXERT. asylSat "VrraSWYZ --- ; '• WATaTi 7 i. •Pittymßh,malsofaeturrr of POrLER.IIIVEIR -.WROUGHT RPIKESioomm.-.4 raaras4, of every • tleamiptloa. Particular aised or Amid EMIT. and YRrn largo or smart, roads VI atter at, abort itotico ! • • good I.lllofillteOt constahtly oa hand. Myt.V:lra • - T T Moray etreet, trßodte Sixth, Tittahorgh, matorfaetanrs of WILISMASIA .(1 SWITCH- Z - sad ovary 4rocriottou of LEATHER BRAIDED Orders aoliCited from the trade, and Tool/ proznt. • , F. tfIROPRoCas por Imtructiona. : figkly & NE --- 1:".r, Mann fnettrrers of •• D-. • • ~,TTIITB STONE. CELINA4tud CILEAY °RED 2WAILE.. • - illtlittian4Atisnrboase lie. 74 STKEZT, Pittabargh. 11113r_GODIM Jar Irraos:acar. - Tr. ean.a.:..DAyrD‘ ecunisig WILSON, CARR Si CO., ,411tolesalwetshme tri i/ONZION -AND DOM rsrth • -DRY GOO D N 0..) Wooditteet, thlreb. 9egrabore Diamoud Pittsbureh. _.plat • ILECE, licißo & CO., Defilers it, -1-4 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DIY (MODS, No. 140 Fotorotottiet, trocoM door I,cluyr :tor Morket ILouse,) Isehl.ly VAT - O - S.TMA — CR — ark CO., WtrAugaie autl . Retat Donk, to TRIMMINGS. EILEIROI. DEFIES and DRY GOODS, of ovary docriptialr -N00...11•2412.11fArtr00t, VACitlnt ft - GffeWNirholesale nod Recall Dodo" fr. FANCY AND STAtLI DRY GOODS,. TallditllNGS, to. No. 78 blatt c ot anat. botiirom Inamoull kid Fourth Plihtburgh.. • M /3130M71niF (Buocettsor to 3 1 bitatinctff 00:,prtLgi.ti. and P.t.o Dealer In BLII'LL AND YILNOT DWI GOODS, Northeast corlarr a Fourth and Illarktt .treed, Plttsbulth._ Uoa - 0a ;1101111t. , W olesnk and Re to l Dealer in all kinds of TRANIXGI3,IIF GOODS. to, Noit Tr cad 7/ Market strrAt.: Dealers in all • ' - r - ift - i — rmorzir& ,la n dLof 11.IIT,G0073?-2,10,67-_ atrapb WU . ken Thlrdirnd rdinttr, ratibutch. - 1)? frFALALER, No. 84WociVmeet, -Cu-Dealer ill BONN. ZTS, BATS. STR AW 711121. 1132iCia,s0 4T34.14%)300D.3.7 ‘ DRUGGISTS. • '; V.IIKOS.IO.OI.44TOIST,DeaIer in PURE mires Aim eummtekus, poutti sour. 0 - 'I ..F ID C N L D O C O I I E 44 It, to.; I t N it G a tntitttlanO ILS(,F aIAIXty which I eth at loarrt pricrs , y rnet ktatttd aallicittrth streets, NMI/at/A., Prestrlpq ma cars ' fully tomituattrarat 'tll hans- pq A F $ 'ho nu bre., N. cosaufactoron of WHITE LZAD MID AAGE, coroor of Wood bad grout Weeds, PlEobardit. '4 4 40 j WitokTn. le Maier in - CP Dads, PAINTS, 01L3, VASNISNDS AND DID. IBTDRYS,'No, 2V6 Liberty smut, DDAtoFgh. •£Dlnalve prompt sttwatka. „1" TM GEORG DrugZiSt, Weoratroit, corner' M , Ytesin 1. k 7, T GARDINER COUTLY; Agant for ti.chuitlln,llll.lalpldA and.11.11.2N. Ewa!** .4itlfr , :tkimputfetvorthearot corner Wird url 71kIrd sts: Visl i Wgeatir:tiorth America - , t woo Clorpoudes. Vl,Watar stroar.,.. 114 ' 1 ' 6 .' 4 hum.' WI Di" -R. • - tkarotnry lams ,—..iiiiiimizaciimumainui,mirk.t and vro.r.t. OORDON;Efectetary WesOrn An -1; • " ftna, C0214411./.03 Water straet - - TIOLIZOCA. SlroWy Alloglieny la :,*.friiii*Pinzsgte4rinnh:ghvitt• %Z.! • • ,1111ARLOTTE. BLUMA-Dealer. in MU -- .S.lO-.0111 . 21111111: 1 AT. I.ISTRIIIIENTS. Solo • igeout* tor .XLIAIaN. CO.'S PIANOS, MAINE'S - BROS: PIANOS, Jzzld - rr.ums /1c CO.'S MELODY °NEL; No.S3 71fthstroot, woad door aberro•Wood7 r. .7- - I.lllMbzegh., Placa. kola, aied • lei;ozehrstgo 019 "JLEER 4. 1340., began: in111:1- !go AND MUSICAL INSTItOBIENI end far STEINWAY% CELIMILATEu K ILL 43 'lin Irtrect.Pittsburgh. ..f/P BIEZ ILLARLM3 U. 1 ' ; • 'leder in PIAISO/4,11ZL0DE0103,4a, I}Wooa 4 istinrii Itcnutb ind Mamma dim PittalOg I 1 . nig WC._ • r . G. JOHNSTON & CO., ktation , .tad. Sob ( 15 % 4 Z s ) id Bookseller! and aatinn ,l,:,-"' "r** • " 767141,1:f111= : Alt, - -Bookseller iiro Stationer, % No; 7911 , 04111 Nwt, ,~.',etZ7'Q~rd. { Serattalit' iiStriag OecII9MI —4--.'4.4.,:i41,13(1110YER,',Atter it; r; -,1-Omea 1 .. 1 °01. 1 ) , ,f1 e44,1ereee,1= s 'i.ti;;;..3, -- 12.77:::=7 ,--, F;Ta i i - yr i. . • AtAl • 4, 4 ;7- . •-,.. e . . • - _, : • . . .. . . . • .. s • . \\ l " . . *, . . ... „. • . . *,,Wt,i 7,•••.....-...;•6.,...4111'V,M.,,'",t:':-S,'"-,5r_riZ....>0...7., .................,......4..,...".4-"Attnev-r4-1..:,,..p,...,-. , . T ..........,..—...,.....,., _ _ _ ___. ._______,___..,..,....,....,,,5.,,...,,.._.............,....... ~..............,...„.,---,...,.............,ff...,...,........7., - .. . • . . - ..,..,. : . . . ... _ • . . . . l'•Eing"-- . .. . ~.. .., DA ... . . ruT ... . • , ..- T.S.W.RGH , 0 . • , • . Tr- - • - ” ' , --,. .7. t,. ~.: • - 2--1 '-. '',' ; ... r.- - ::.,,; _;.. .... W4:11.' .;:. :.:: i ::: ';'i_. ', ... .- • -;..- ~..;..:: ~-. .... ;,.-.. .... ~.. . .... ~ ~ . „I: _ ' •- -_ :, - •- - ' - . . - .' .' • ' ~ ... , . . ... '. '.- - 74 ....1. I ,_ f_t_ , .I.S-j-- ;11. , 4=4 ..- . - .... - - T./YU' c' ‘141.4:). ..--..... .... _... , __ . .. .. ~ _ . . _._. . . , .• _..... GMlCElillp 8, PROD UCE,Irc TH6B. McCIELLIND, (14wesarm . W lltcCiellaad./l Davis,) 001111118SION MCII.(IIIANT IN Flour, Grain and P.•roriaions aterillUrtrllMED 7VNLITY'ai J,. r WOOD earaisT, Pittsburgh, Ps. CLUAELES C. BALSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. lIMICIIIA.ISIDISZ BCOKIII, Asa &alga la alt kis& of COUNIST ricoDucn, .--- LIS ......01111. 1300. (of Om We ern orD.A.D. littentrea. A Co., Wolluillo, 061A4 • , I ArDONALD do ARBUCKLES, Whole tole Grocora"Produco bud COMMiNiOII Mer °butts, jobbon IA COPS'EN, N. O. SDlAltood MO LASSES, IT.TINED BUG A ES A STRL PS, 111,01.7 It, BACON, TOBACOO, TEAS. RICE, OHEESE, SEEDS, 21„ Nee. EP2 aid 214 Liberty street, Pitu, burg), itul4:l7 SURIVER & LAZEAR, GBOOEB2 AND COUIII*IIIOI.I KILIIOIIANTS Boor. el sad 2 15mIlls&ld St., cur. Secsri, . hyrACILEOWN LINJIART, Fwee 11.1. aso Gum Tame, Pardsces AND C0T.1151.03 *Pr th. sal. of 11,..0r, Grata, Pork., Oa sea Lard, Duttor, eggs, L'Lasoo, Coons, Tallow, Foathsrs, Puratues, Pot smd Pearl Adios, ilalsoratns, Llassod and Lard Oa., Dried sad Coma Prato. Timothy. Closer, 1 - I,Lx.d Gans Seeds. . Out advaacernonla cads on Constvosonta. aptly' Nrr,igT Lfbort• street. Plastrnrsdt. M. GOI ..bII,Y, IMOLIESALV GILOCEI3, iIo..2IILIBLEITT BTZEET, Pitubuzgh Marlon aural . ..3d the incorest .f hie into partner., nitt continuo the b00t... at the old stood, rod xlil be pleated to reo.two the patronage of LL' old frivolo and monomer& toy.lzhtf ItinTß ec WILKINSON, C 0 31 I SEWN . L. Km...v., Wholosolo dealers io WESTERN erfiERYS GREENE., DRIED EGGS, GRAINS,d produce . genorol.l AL.'S LEATHER, 111.Dtg an , GILL, to., )10. 117 Liberty slcoot, PlGA:kyr:h. 8.1/"Caoh adrooloramsta made Comiimmont4 an- Jer34.-010 .... .-T.04. 1111,76,.. W.A. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 LIB.- orty Ntre•t s PiMeLurgn, Pa-, Wholens/. Um- C,ortsagsalos Sterett.lnts. and Sal.Nrs Is COVN , TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, RUlTrat, EGGS, CIIRESE, FISH, de., KOLA:Cr., FLOUR. GRAIN, BEZDB. , 4IREF.N.AND /MIND FRUITS, !rt., SALT and LIKE. .13.14 . . JOILNIi CAIs.WIELD, Commiamos Asp Ftnorgistso Ish ,, lroul..AAler ih WESTERN LESSENS CH MiE, DCTT ER, LARD, POLL BACON, FLOUT., FISH. POT AND PEARL /AMES, . SALERATP__,S LINSEED AND LALD OILS, Drodsce giserelly, 141 aaul 143 Front .meet, PittutAuth. oe2 arlat, 1.11,.. JAM= 141.1111.5. LITTLE & TELNIBLE, 'Wholeiale Gro -1-.1-rers cod ComatiMon Xambants, 131 r&JDUCE, roux DAMN, 0uz0.% 'CIA ISO IS ANDIAILE: 01 fr, 1 EON, ITS GLASS Borrox YARNS, and Pittsburgh munfactures 4 cacrally. 112 sad 114 Second siren: l'imAucch. S. D. RFTSLIH *.BROTHEKS, (euccessurs to Raines. ANtterien,) Wholoitals Dorian in VOSMIGN SLUTS, 31.73, AMP SPICES, CO3- 33CTIONETA, SUGAISN, 71133 cronkic , , k., Not, LYS and 131 Hood gross, Oar" Filth, rh , obsrgh• ost. CM" -- —OT IS 11; fitiL L" S ILA It 1.), ComussioN Itstralara Sid dealers I. MILT., {MAIN. Litt PgO3UCL. 7n. :43 Ll6.t ty meet. Pittalograh. Obetaabnosis of rloor tar /takers-and Fundy st> astsisSll3r sit bond. Particular atUatloo pail to tilling orders Car iterrhandile aanorally. oca.dly eIHA , LES B. LEECH, FlAttat AND la./-Osati lion. aro Coorrasrost Ileactaa= et. d. of GC•I3. SEEDS. Cll3E9rd rnoDuct. £C., and sem. tt.r the odebreted tiolentotan tE LLEN?, Nos. 111 Second and ICS 'Fir, .c r est.. t. Co., VALLEY' ~. . . . . Woad sarlAralallelet, entbarih• f 9 Iji VAN • GOlsllka, Y roduce and Cteroaterkii'Marcleisit, deals In !LOMA RUT TER, 15501.130, SEEDS, LARD, CHEESE, YORE, DRIED LED ITT ITRUITS, aa,l yreaan, parr ally. Liberal call% advances as Milft,ll=4.o4ll. Ifaraberima. No. NZ Second street, Pltrobsrati. WIWI S. METZGAR, Grocers and Commistlyn lion•hanta,anitatidoro Is all klibis of Oventry Pr 041103 six' Pittsburgh blanuticitirtu. So. ?AU Liberty street, oppo•its bowl or Wm.! at roct, Pittsburgh. GEO. B. JONES tc SUN, Wholesale Grocers ind runt lurvinynn, deal•ro let 'KILL& EOPS, OAKUM, 01.1.0, Prltal.and Pitt.- rovilatatietod ant ]n, 141 Water iitn.rt, ktimontu•bi rittabure, OkIALLt. ROBERT 'I k CO.. Whole- Groe,e, Corm wizen and For - reading Dler tbaists, and dalloneln Produce and Pittsburgb man obotteires, Lawny stmt., Pittsiontgb. WX-frATALCOPIGIission3-fe— rent, , Viltoleedde Dealer In PLOD It and GRA I Re. WA LP:warty .tree[, opposite Pitt.TIVOP/0 It it. Peoreonger Depot, Pittsburgh, P.. riturage Vierc. Levee s corner Wayne and roan Greets. nol7tly trattart. LAII BERT, S PTOS k CO., W holo ante Grocers and Produce Deal-re, No. I Sixth tts.et, Pittsburgh. . tale W ATr e al Wri saio r n E'6 2;4han W D lWl Ard a,l l. e a'o i r ; Tp Piwth. and Parsbnrgi ertaAn*tervi, N0.,1:t wty atrog, lues LIND6AY & TELFORD, Wholesale 4111dRatADGEDCER3,IILOGR AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 167 Liberty .tzeet, Pittsbcres wan R. 11010E.t4/=' .... . r. QCHOMA KYR & LANG, C0)111531014 Straccurrs and wholneele dealers In ORO. CEZIES,-F.1001., GNUS, PEON IN:E. to.. No. 7.2 n LlbqM street. Inantnrridr. - - I. 6. 1.1.1617.. Idesdnrr&,,CO.,•ViTY FLOUR. .Ltscv..4max arnor Aaaty Adam. tweets, Pitt.borgb, I. 403 barrel. per day. • ay, /MIZELL rt.' SON, Tfruidac- U tants of ..1..A2D OIL, mad Ckrmralarfon ebanto for the •purchase sad sale of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM. Ni... 479 .d TO Water greet. Plttab ugh. Advarroearnado on conolgamonts. Irg.,visdr&Tet&r. .. lIRCPATAILS. '' KULK.PA ' fRICIC d; BROTHER, SUC GP • aunts . tolirmr& & WHOLE. q&LX CPAC&FII3, X..., 191 and 193 Litnrty strret, Plttalringh. • -' -•-• , aplMly, Party.) Dann law xsa.r.m. HAL A. toner; • / ill l'artnsr. • MEANS k COFFIN, auocesSors to ' 31'Ciodlass, itea. s Co., 141101.E1ALH ClROClTatkeernm . otWeed•snd 'Water SMOLA, Cat* lrrryh • - • - Cal. Eat WARELIOUSE.-111NR OOLLl2ll,7crotif ding andClurslnlon Mer ebist dealer la - CHEESE, BUTTER, LASE sult. Amax:Waco gmenllly, No. Sa Wool street, &bon Water. Bitistrurgk. • , sey2 WALAND - RlDDLE;suclignot to J no lteGni Nos, No. IS3 =stood, Pitts bore, vassal PRODUCZ;GROCENN AND CON SILSSION - 111=ELANT. Coulgoncenta respect tally solicited; --114Ckly PiMAU ';DICKEY CO., Wholesale lil,oetor,Connalsileo iftrellant6, and dealer. in Pi•dua», 1651. itt Water meet '6641 65 Freqt .treat, -VG7011211....:... 0111 . 911.1.0 ern r. S. DiVIVORTH it CO., Wholesale • Groeurs, - Noc ISO .3.14 13C &tend axed, nesu• SlottTal.l4l, Plttabaro. • . 01 MIS 1/1.012,... uou. TORN F L O YD do CO. Wholesale Cho u own lull Commissions Horobants, Roo 172 Wood ud Wooly strut, PlOstougb. " 104 ES L. °ALM KLL, (successor to Ham. & C 0.,) PORK PACEIIII ood &der to PROVISIONS, corn. of Kartot and Front &trent, Plttsburet. Jo. GJ. Towlisgsb,(surcessor to Jack . sob Torreeend,) rootr. PACKER and i r sa 1T.0,161015A No. L^ Swarth alert, neer Lib erty Pirtsbareb. ear TT :• - 11; VOIGT A CO„ succomators to Gres"rsontroz AND-COILMISSION ILLUOILINTS, t 47 Liberty street, Pittrtrorch. ...1:13W41110 unt Cawhote.te 1100 N AND 0011111FAION , NERCIIANTS, eornerr of AmDAAAd sad. Water assets, Pitubtirxl2: (1004, PETTIT k CO., Commission linctuons, ana &mini Is praynuct, FLOUR, 0100 N, WOOL, =MAIN, ac., tio. Sonthael = MIL Pitialmod; Myltay Vb - WrED HEAZELION., Almlesnle ORACZU AND COXIIISSION • atIiRCHANT, Lit =ran of tin Dlaacad, No l , Pittalargb. VI .T.I AM MULE - 1 , , Wholesalo Grocer, Nos. 18 and 20 WWI *root,Pitts. burgh. 11224:11 LEIUNDER KING Wholestilo aro -41141. or. Importer of SODA AB% No. 273 Mort,' stroat. Pittabonb. UftikiMill. STEWART. olesale Elanomais tam COMILD1811)11 12NAGNA1278, No. 107 22t...2 street, Pfttabargh. • lealy II'3LL Pw#PERS.t TAT — P MAlStilijitA.Dealei in IVALI Tif Itzt {lO. VT Wood 71, 7 t - El'T_ dS7 .41 - ~.. We'`,o4 -41, 4 XS I 4 - 2a Zi21,11 Aux!' h / } .. yy... ~ 1. Sheseharanter:OrPresidont Lime°lilt , Tko Rey. Henry Fouler, of Auburre, to hOl 1 Thanksgiving Sermon, ! drew the folldwing !picture of the P rcsidentr, ' irtilth `wilithe re-neg. tired as a striking pettealt its many partictio lazes The progress of the Presidout illustrates the progress of the people. Arthur Stenley speaks of Samuel' the propbct as mediator he. I tween the Mil and the now, in Jorrieh history., ilia two-aided sympathy enabled hies to unite the passing andthe coining epoch. Such on epoch of perplexity, transition, !change, Is not often witrietlisd. In erent . inch postage of a Dation. there ought to ben character like that of Samuel. MiennderstoOd and sulsrepre- I rented at the time 7 ettetke4 by both sides : charged with not I geltitfin,'. !Gogh and with going too far; cbargek4o ~,! ,t rig too much and saying too little; lielO • o • .iinseientious- Iyand honestly wothtlerlbait . •': • 't Problern• Ho was not • fotmde:g . nf*iiii 7 " Ill_latt , of things like Moses; he*Wlttlioe'n'-is • 1"..,230is of the existing order of things like El Ile stood between the tee; between the liir ngind the dead; between the poet and the present:l i between the old &withal:low; with that *yin- The following report presets the most im potbv for melt which at: =CI . . period is the best tope for oily pertatment solution !of the ; portent portions of the debste in the Senate questions which torment it. Ills duty is °ate. ion Friday last, on the Enrollment bill: Stilly to distinguish' between 'Mitt which Ic Mr. Sumner (lin., Mass.) moved to strike temporal and that which Is otoital. Ile has out the whole of the last section, and insert a tint little Prate. from Parttragri bar'''c the new section. Mr. Stunner said the object of Moral healer binding up the teetunds of the his substitute crier to popularise the bill. First age, in spite of it,olf, the good surgeon, knit -No person shall bo allowed to furnish a ting together the ditlocoledbones of the die substitute, but the whole shalt be done by the jet r tektimee. , . • ' Government. Second—The commutation shall `an°. • man was gamoei among the Jots's! he fixed by law at $3OO, audit his income Le such a men was Athanasius among the early °Tar $3OO, ocoording to the following rates:! Christine.; such a mats Is !Abraham Liteoln, Ou all incomes over .1.600 and not over $2,000,1 in this day. The explanation for Lis every 10 per centum; over gd,ooe, end not over ss , _ ; am is this : He carat:Mel the will 01 the lien- I 000, 20 per cantata ; over $:..,000, 30 per cent- !Pim I/O re um. He said it hod been suggested that he pretents n counselling majority. If ho he s t ow it is because the people an slow. proposed to require too large a cora. He asked I __,lf ,ho tit" done a foolis h "to it eat th e °h. the Senator!: if any tutu could be too large to Innal of the peoplew i nch-impe l led it- His a man of wealth, who was drafted ? What is wisdom convicts in carrying out the good the commutation to u ikon ennuis $3,000 ? enase of the nation. lids growth in politico'. What this additional tithe of 111, 20 or 30 p er knowledge, hie steady moven:tont toward I centum ? Nothing. . 1 meta of the national mind. indeed, in char- emaecipatioa, ere hut the growth and move. /dr. Clark ( Union, N. II.) thought the gee tleman had a wrong theory. The Govern- serer and culture, ho is • fair repreeentativu I of the average American. His awkward speech meat asked for men. The idre was that the andl yet more awkward aligner, his uncouth! Government should obtain the man or a sob: Pilule. The Senator puts the whole matter I man.err , hts gramme , ' relf-tattight end pit-sly I inthdhands of the Government. Whoa the I forgotten, his style miscellaneous, 'corieeted Oldbill was posted it was assailed, „d i t was from the best authors; Shea reading book. el/a) um d •t,„o, the r i o t, mob., money, and 1 and yet oftentimes of Saxen forms and ciaiisie. the poor men's blood." Ile hod never failed !Pnrity; his humor an *moment. and Lk le gle to satiety the people that the present bill pasie./ob.: both uns..aeliable at timer nod ire , ' - f or 71 0 1, b one d,. If you strike not L i ao $3OOl Oa able always; Ms questions answcts, commutation Manse, at what priori is a dub- ! nod his &Dowers questions; his g_r , go, gi tu t o to be obtained by the poor 0! „,,,, 7 Te en ; proitheries, end fteltidnient et cr beyond hi, i n d ee d 7 7 wou ld 7, 0 7 ,d,,,,,, 7 7,,,, p! ,,,,, men ., rer _ I promise; honest yet throvtd, simple yet coti • vier, and the rich main's money. ; cent; hoary and yet energetic, never dos pei•• Mr. Clark continued: If you repeal this I ing nad 0 . 0 . r Ignite.; careless) Sertos i draft, people will say you did not believe It i e.rmeletttle . o. bit•e , "trate; ."' r tf.etag a just when you parted it. The draft is m hard i good servant once:tract olomecr deserting a I measure—war ii a hard measure. hut I 226- ! good PrtaelPle enc. adopted ; not 'afraid of mit whether it is net better to secure to repeal 1 sew itt,.,,not despising .1.1 core; impro ving, , tbo commutation? lam not certain kilt tout , opportUnitimi to contess ocean s , rum, to , the $12.0e0,000 had been as well applied 19 it, turn, getting at facts, ooig. whcn ; might here been, we would bare obtained I ho gnotre nee what to du: hesitating at. note might more mem Thee, service should. fall on all.. ing when ho reel the right: lacking theiretog- We ebnedil all serve the Gorernixteut, and I nined qualiticttliats of a party teader and yet ; want th draft he if no can't got ; l"ting Lie party us no "titer on. men, wo e can get money . We should retain ; tai f ief Ids political enemies in Missiouri to! this clause. I oppose the provision of the 1 th eir def.!". anitaining his P.litioiii filiniii in ' gentleman from Massachusetts.; Maryland to their victory ; contereatit e do Mr. Pomeroy, (tin., Kansas ,) nrpro , e d of ! his eymps7hien and endless l in his nets:LFocriet it I too, of the foo,ta, of Mr. Sumner'. pr ., ! „,_ !in hie style soil Baconian in his tenthed: bit ! Attie°. But be thought it A. against the i religion eonsisting in trutbfulnem,i trithper- I spiritof pataintism that a man should not ha! an" , *eking good people to pray fist 'him. • 1 7,7,1 end publicly acknowledging sea to the allowed to furnish a substitute or pa 9. would, indeed, popular:an the bill. , hand of Ged,be stands before 300 as Ina type , Me e Sumner modified his proposition, allow- of ' 'Dru b. , J onathan.• •ao S orted wisp ..d i lug a drafted man to furnish a substitute. !Yot more Pm.berls than See go d. ! r I Mr Collamer (tie.. ? Vt., thought the object ' 'of placing in the $3OO clause eras that the price singular and Important Ductolatt. I would not be higher than the Gevernment ; A ease of almost romantic interest bra et-! tarnished them. The schedule of in timuity , ..-eutly boon decided by slit Supreme Coirpii. ofi, locked to me as! if the surgeon was endeavor - ! ibis Commonwealth. One of the t weeshete L e t°, log to rhos, his learning. No one would !ft late well-known hew In ton Franelsenepar!. I escape, Unless, porheps, the man who said he; chased en retail wish canney - which blilhad! had never been teak eaeept imee, when be had s<ntetty tad fraudulently rib: traded fro*the it the measles. Vari• , reasons l,ookle rhy,i , I funds of the company. On Cu m Il th of Arbil, i eat infirmity had prevented the full moms, of ' ivia, his wife died, and on the 11th at eliilfoe the draft. Again, it was given out that the I foil:Alin.. be addressed a letter to alodiyiviti paymmttof the money did not tore the cheer liasaa•htootts, tittering himielf in VI . eitei et furnishing sebetituter. The Oteeernment .ti informing her that she might ri tot took the money end hired a sulsmitute. That ; cell. Le had purchased ts.her ' ' •4 4 eulistituto was for the wan who ',tin!. Titoism/ °I. treat," be adiled7"it will bra tory ". ' effect of this misuarlemtandhog of the ir.1.00- I deer spot to you, the saws a* it we e i t , yor.r! tine of the email:natation clause was 91119112. * deur aunt Sarah, sad the children ot ! our mu: ; pries of substitutes raised, defeating one tool love." of the objects of the bill. The mode of ol- ; Ilia Lady art-opted a decd of tho place and —. . Vittsbargit 6nzettil. TUESDAY MORNING-- TERMS OF TUE GAZETTE. lion_vm Ulnas, by =tit, per year.........f$ • EoMINO EDITIOX, by moil. por 4 14. mouth..... el ...... SO. eingly Rests EV171401, elogle copies, per yew... f fl •• Mahout 10• r morn" ILk =mill one *Mrs to fbe partr wending Oslo. - Ter Mull et fifteen, tr, will send the Erenam GArnMl day, Ter • • Glen .f tventy, ore will mad Mo. Younnen Bencrrn daft 7. lIngl• cord., 5 coats. Car MI entweriptions stereo in ro, mid pap= More*. ,tapped when the them ezplnes. The Debate In the Senate on the En. ministering. the Ism had a tendency 41.0 to defeat the draft. They obtained alum( .D,Doe men and 512,0C1n,t,00 in :annoy. Why not make another and another draft, even the , whole five before calling the draft a faiiure 7. I think the experiment of the first draft rally vindicates the wisdom of it• framers. Mr. Cullomne opposed the proposttion to ' repeal tLc $3OO clause at tome length. Mr. Lane—Under the provibiont of that Lin 25.000 men paid their money end wore exempt. The !apart of the Provost Mar hal I chows that ten La u hot about 500,0110 men. If you continue thorn exemphons, h o w levy will you have men to draw trout? If the Ivan is to ba yrokyngoiL.l toll you, pan will have to cereal elloexemlition or have no army at cll. We triad the draft and exempted 35, - 000 men. As long ne you retain the 000 clause you will hove a lace and lees Foals le draw from, and ylu will have to make a gen eral conscription without rnbatitution of every ablo-bodied man. It discouraged volunteer ing al.°, fur while a citizen knew ho could re cap., the draft ho would not volunteer. The drag has no fears for him. I think the clause has resulted in evil, and nothing but evil. My State all( 11l her quota without dreiting. I prefer volunteering with high beianties,• but if teed,' make adroit, let it not be • mockery. Mr. Wilma, though Instructed by his Com mittee to report the amendment repeellng the monarounatioct clause, proccoded to speak in favor of itsretsinumet. 110 believed the Sec retary of Wil/ era, striking it out. We have enrolled largo numhers of met who will not boltralto , l. Ye 3hall not. need ell of th••o mon, and a largo portion of the tholes will uruis h ♦nlanreera szcay GOO,OOO reen--100,ti00 ojeetive,ohliers. I lio not think the rebels have over 225,000. I have good reason for the belief. I think this rebellion .- will be crabbed out by October. I do not think our aruly will he depleted of more than 15;000 veterans before July. We hind 86,000 men under premium of tho Elsa / arid the power of commutation. and I believe irate bouncer are eatended to February we Anil put into tho field mom than half tho amount called fur by tho Gurernmant. I do• Ire the commutation clime° Lb be retained, .nd the term of service to bo ebortenotl_te eighteen months, and eball move en to amend the bill. Hr. Cowen (thi., Pa ) believed that the length of Limo had interforadvrith the draft. But thit nee with tho Executive. Thera wen nothing , in the bill eoneeirning time. Ite thought the repeal of the $3OO clause would be tujuilleiout. He thought Me. Eitteuncr's bill eras surcharged with tithed. He thought men could be obteined ender the old draft jy3:l, without difficulty it It were eonducted: After a short Exoeutivo Session, tho Senate adjourned until Monday. A moot singular rumor is gutoing ground in some well.infoimed quarfors In Washing ton which concerns the New York Press. It 11 stated that a curtain jonual in the pippin City is about to suspend, and that represoate• Lions wars made by friends of the proprietor to the rebel government expatiating on the services rendered the rebel cause in the loyal State; by the treasonable fulminations of the paper In question. Rumor goes that four weeks ranee a gentleman connected with the rebel government passed.through this city to New York to make arrangement., with the editor on the part of the rebel government to keep the paper alive. It is said the "ambas sador" got a little merry over his wine at to Seermaion boarding house iu this city, and openly stated that from live hundred to a thousand dollars a week would be given In Confederate securities to the journalist.— .. Washington Disported. Tut best English railway engineers men tion that a coal line, to bo successful, must be capable of being worked at moderate speeds, and without interference with other trade. This is indivensable.- ILtioal trains of forty or fifty tracks, each containing four or five tons of Goals, are to be drawn at high speed, or are to be shunted at every other station to make way for fast trains, the result must be such additions to the cost of working as must vrecludethe possibility of railway coal tralßa being worked In success! ul competition with the sea coal trade. AS English paper, speaking of the posslkdo appearanco of a Russian loan in the I..ondolk market, says that its financial syaseulabits' "would lend money to en t the throat of Poland nithant—the. least compunction.", Those are doubtless the same persons who took the rebel loan. Tar Media a Paris hare adopted a fashion for the winter of wearing their drones drawn "'p pier eolOre4 jerpous, light woollen suite ;fiele of etrineepstrorne, with n band of plaid er • parrow plaited Bonne& =girth . ° edge. They hasa..thua given-;-tepTthOlollFlioe _of nifeerof the qtgOle;' . L .+ .L ".ti-i :JAN. 1.2,1864 ott.,„, p follment Bill tier brio .inn Fr-anti:ire become tri•o Irian t . mud brought a so', in Nitity to r0t...1.er this eataie, whirl. bad been purchased wttb gait. erstip funtl•,that they inigLt apply the avails toward the payment t Lyetr el-ad:win. The ; at:gluten. was, that the estate, haring Leen eeveyed ea a mere gift, without any cansid ora a tion, might be recovered. But the coral derided that the conveyance has jag a lierfeetly valid .insideration,ll•l4,- , ly, a primise of marriage. A 'roman whohm voluntartly made an stir, meat to marry, say the roan, cannot without indelicacy, oral so sot with.: ongoing hervelf to unfavorable obser ration 1101 to 1011. a lore of }midi< favor and respect, perk elsewhere, cuript for good and 1111.1631.111ifti 1450.11., for withdrawing teem an engagement by whiebreb• hoe bound her , self, for .preferment is marriage; and thus her promise and agreement To marry a garlic. Crul person essentially ehange condi: ien lin tile. A legal contract cud premise made In good faith to marry arother tom t, the re fore, like an actual marriage, he deemed to be a valuable eoneideration for the 'our eyanec of an wale, .and will jaatly entitle the grantee to hold it against subsequent put ehast re or the creditors of thle grantor.—Bw foe .1../reraser. Iblegnlar Rumor S; s T..z ~S L i - ..i=;,,art r~ .. n~ _ _,~„~-. "cz? ~' w;~.a: promised no marry the grantor, hut the Mar ring. Oros prevented by tirath in Oregon, where he had gene on I.l.l%ineee. Meanwhile, __—awesss Tar. WINTEELIY Verkshi.e the mild noes of the season is unusual. The gar dens, many of 'them, retain the ecwriet gera niums and stocks of summer yet in hi. em, and rotes still keep their foliage. liooseberriet arc in Taal partly, and about licagglethorpe, in full south poeitions, have aettutily flowered; and rhubarb is pushing 'in the open ground. Altogether-.thorn hav• not Leen Mora thee twelve hours of slight frost. le the fields the wheatcrops are remarkably forward--•prottir ae..tlfe farmers say, and the breadth of shoat ..ben, lianas to the open weather, is very large. Turnips have hardly erased growing yet; the season, indeed, Is more like Michael mas than Christmas.—Loa ioe Times, D , -r. 7.2 d. IT has boon long Illapposed that thorn 'ROA no Itteb oily in China us ilankow, but can English captain hen recently come down from that city tnrongh tho Yang-Tre in it ihlp of a thousand tuns, drawing nineteen foot water, having on board a Intl cargo of 'tea. Ilankow is to the centre of China, and Its greatest, 100 crar,Tof. Tut Engfish.ntoreirants and miurafaeturers az. rajoisior in the largo inereaa• a their foraign trade Ural:last year. The salon of the eaportod linen goods .10110, for the last ten months, was sB3,6lo,V3o—the United States taking ono-thir,j2szanntity and enino. Not a single person was killed or injured on the Great Western railway In the 'ear 1862, though eight million, and a hallo! pea umpire wore carried over it, irairrrs. (100 D GIRL WANTED—To do gen \A end lotunwork, • oltdrl dlttanot the eons. try. Ltlglsoßt raga Intl& •pply M w. &Bat GAZETTE N\i'blo In to. jo Li ft u ln y i: t .4 n t. ea . r . rjosa ta i; DWELLING HOUSE. One twins stable. andbake. UM& prefurred. it IL VOIGT it CO. WANTED--A fleet-tato 31 ACR1NE T T BLACNSMITII. afoul) , nook and the best wage. t.L , a good hand ; none ebbs need apply. - HUGH M. POLA Bank of Alleihony Myer, near 46e Point. WANTED A 43ARDNEK—A mar Mod man without children . preform& He moo understand the orator. of O. .. f, and not be anald 4 111010 hard work. The right kind of. man can got a permanent situation, and good Kay. Eng./mat MI Second emu. Plttaburall. Ps- dog WANTElkk—F,lnpluynlihnt, by into un marriod man. 03 yearn of op, who has boon ucustomed both to book-keeping cad the safe of good.. A pormancut situation, either In loon or countm, &aired. It nrogues., money mu be do. poillteil ma security. Addreag T. li. 5., Post Ollke. jek:lt NA T ANTED.—S6O • Mosyn.—We , want haunts at PO a month. expense% paid, to sell our drerb.Kinti..VentiLe, atonal Thuners, and thirteen ab.r !Uelal endow, articles. Mean anb des not tree. AdAreati. etT SHAW it CLAIM. Stddetard. Me. it7r, A MONI I:It-1 want to hire Agents V in awry county at mouth, ospeturo 1'0 . 4, to sell my ure chosp nuttily netting 114tcbtfltr lAdatt.. MA : DISODi. Alfred. lettan• +at,. BOOTS 4XD SHOE.9._ _6,4nfacturer oi- Bums AND snots, of .1 every description, Ne. 34 Stalthileld street, Pittsburgh. estilay 4:0.1C 1- & - 100 - .,'Mh 0 / 0 " 7 sale and Dealers in }30023,1311DE5* 0 4 •••-•4 and ?musk streets; Pittsburgh. • • I:=Zti=l 1310 LE/tn.-50apig Ualeinoi) ArriTt 4. sad tor ssis by • ' J.;111.11.1 11 D•" • - . lEEE/ EYENIM 041ETTF, TELEGRAMS, THE REBELS GATHERING IN TEXAS. Important New. soon Expected, TILE REBEL GENERAL PRICE'S ARMY. Retirement ut C.arley from lilt She iinndoati Valle) Almost Certain. MOSEBY'S (JAVA I.HY REP.I,:•4ED. cimmwm Sprtial 111Apatch, to W. I'atamro c.kr• NUT, PE.I.rII Is, J thlol6ll ivrt All Ito rebel troops lately operating in Western Louisiana, on the Mississippi and other points, ate gathering for Central Texan, GS - form one large army to attack our new aequisitione on the roast of Texan. They n oon t, e , 20,000. Preparetions hod been mode to mar t the robot for,. .as of greet in. terest fo.m Tex..: it expeele•l shortiy. There is sown danger to lion. Banks. An uric, of the :id rebel A reioneoi regi ment recently deserted to the ( i nn linen at Fort Smith, with a part:. I, of his C 0,4,1114. lie reports that lion. Holmes is in commend of the Train , Mississippi Depart met.'. 4/en. eeintuands tar army is the fell, erhieh is estimated at thirtr, o :h. .1 . Fel o s Pdisseetrians, only three re four th..neand re main, and but low of thtio were part of the army irhieh ho to , ,k out of Mier,nri. The veterans of Lexington and Ped. itidde ore nearly all dead. Reports of the Taira sUCTC...Ia Txos, and Gee. Banks' posse:•ion of;thc 11.1. Grande cre ated gieom among the mix's. Mr. Lincoln's Amnesty Proelemati .0 Iva,. haring its effect throughout :liLir tanks, and ac,etti •on mere I irequenl in runtoquene.. It,. t. not ihringlii tniit ilinri , rui3 040 olio!) noything in tiieSiiiinariLiii•h jto 'fin ri,er oltn•i.; itAtiorraLic ftion IlnntinA inin 11, ie it likely, frOILI the po.ition our iorier t:.iL the ono Grunt a The rair.n.c./ 1:,!0 'row tt.nt .cc • r i I , .1,c.1 rur rumh vr:tb M•:3. by'e airy 51w:by eras Tei:ule,cd. (;:n: ••• .iry M • _::/ . / 0 Ml+ tO Grn. Mc,4e het e r: enth, warmer awl ;um, in t : W. J. J. THE REPULSE OF MOSBY'S CAVALRY Galin! COadliel of Major Cole, N ?out:, Jae. 1 I. - .1 atob io rho Nevi Y .ink iftoirai rto to. • fiat SI Apr Colo, who 1. in eolll[lll,l of a Latta:ion of Maryland eay.lry in London coutd3, trail attacked at ,retd.ordai w,rn.u3by a latiiy of tubule 40 0 etrong, uniler orb.. Attcs Fever° fight ing re an bout, 31toift a in repal•tod, a number of killed and elouniCrd n the fit Id. Amot.g the dol.l W. to 'end f.,str oth,ro. t .1.1:4 I nit - oh t a.o VC,11.41 IttLe 1,1 it le“ ./ 4=i. Rirarn, 1110 t-ree r•. - dry nrst- Otto war to torrotar-1 .ttyttot the cowl. Ityt lot found Maj tr ,'lx tor n. i?cd 1,441 W191 , 11:.11, H Cihl dispatch ha+ gas/tore •.1 the arm,. Oiorlorio,l, Mo. r /o T. Sitiiota Colief. tr( Zia: • • :be folloviteit the pater,' 1 hero ja,r;. ed. I checthslly xviih tho re.got • iren cAilinE, :he a:Lentien et,„, to :he zallaratNitijor and hie brave c ra•man,l. Threat nmurdt roe, aitvak, inala by on io • keialitia fare, al 4 orii,nil a dart:, earl a ilirci iih n•, a a .•. tr a bravery, .•Istaieusiable. H. I Y, Brix. - “org. 11:011yr vr, rtnrliert thia tra..rn Ile gallna .01 ,10 the nt lAt king party T. 1 1.. . ). ru p .rt 611rnc.1 er. Lou: n. I the r • mr camp' nes n•ttet.r..l leers tle.ut I • ,oy end bit 1 : , t. a tr;•t• Sgt:: elreuf. do hut they more rq.1,4 yn .1 dris en from thy rainy tar .lere le two t tilled and thirteen 0%.9. I. Among the lat• tor is Cope. Vernon. , •• •nsly end [dent.. ; Revers, slightly. Th. , - na some miseinF.l but it it imm.srible t•. A the exert number et Forent.' The rel• i. s d ee d It e , e p, Ineluding 0ne........n0 Imutene,.... , They left three 1•• • --Em., of their wounded—inelnding not. All tint public .re 14411ng drepnd in rtinuring, in rciTc . in the inniunry of ilnn. C. B. Sinitk.. 3ltetlng or P 00"... Merrhantb In IMEE! Now You u, Jon. 11.--The Ih".1.1 111, I mo-ning contstios the foll,,trinx A Mrge,and enthusiastic, meeting of produ,re, refiners I and merchants, ongrigod to the Petroleum f trade was held on Ft flay, at 2.2 n Pearl street,' Alr. A. M. COILAILI in the chair, and 31r. Thos.; n. Lixkin, acting es Se,:rctary. There 0.1, a very full attendance of producers, refiners and ether prominent men. interested in the trade. from the various localities ohere Petroleum is products!, refined and sell. The object of the meeting, rts e , ated by the chairman, rms. to hear the report of n ',AV,o appointed Stn prat ions electing, ' which Judge Solden Morrie tr.. Chairman , I and to diocese this propriety nod ospediency of memorialising Congress to modify tho tax proposed by the Commissioner .01 internal Itocenue on petroleum, believing it to Lo die antrous to the trade and tho future, fiord:op. moat of its production. It is further stated that this meoting was called for the purpme of obtaining the vicars I of the trade of the country at large, and net of nay particular class of operators. ALI', that a mooting had boon hold, pursuant to n call of the United Staten Petroleum Asse,ia. titan of the city oflNew York, at which It was resolved to memorialise C 071,41,” 1:1 ,, t to patu a tax on Crude oil, but to increase the present tax of this to fifteen rents per gall,. on refined, fdr del:petite C 011,1111101.. The committee d report, in the ferns of e memorial, was unanimously adopted, asimag for a trot of fire cents per gallon on ern& at the tondo drawback of Um !omit amount on relined oil exported. This tax, it would seem from the statistics, would afford frilly the amount of revenue oohed fur from petroleum, at the same time be of less expense to collect, the moat ehnyle, and least objection• able to the export trade, beside being a great er protection to home manufacturars. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Marvin, Baum, Downing, Cosonne, Wales+, Barrows, Mon bray end Finch was appointotho proceed to Washington to confer with the Committee on Ways and Moans, to urge the adoption of the views set forth in the memorial. The Proposed Increase of Tax on ro- bacco •nd Petroleum Saw Yen, Jan. 11.--The Tramnes Want• ington dispatch says ; The Committee of Ways and Moans still hate under consideration the increase of taxes under the Excise Law. One of the largest tobacconists of New York was before the Committee on Enturday, and a dep utation of tobacco dealers will hare a hearlug with tho Committee on Monday. The Depart ment of Agriculture will make representations to the Committee upon the injurious effects of taxing tobacco in the leaf, claiming that such taxation Will bane a tendency to materially lesson the growth of tobacco. A delegation of dealers in petroleum ore also to hare a !mitring. It is not likely that any bill will he reported before the last of the week, and it Is certain that no action will ho had by Congress, until the amendments to the Enrollment Aet shall he disposed of. Pursued by a [label Crafter. Nor Tom, Jan. 11.—We leans from 1111- vauzio that the Morning Star, which left Now York en 'the 26th alt., was punned un the next day, near Cape Hatteras, by a rebel cruiser of English build. She was a propellor lying low in tho water, carrying two masts and an unusually high smoke stack. Hy putting eft additional steam and - sails the Morning Star antral her, however. The Aila. Sr: Zonis, IT. Jan.lo.—The Royal Mail steamship Asia paned twoaty miles off . Capa Rico ails (Suoday) monolog, .bonua for 1,1v e1p??1,.. Stto could not beboarded. . Congrealforral. 41.1 ff USI2JrIEXTS. f - - r:A.SIitSGTO,I CM, - .413. lld 63. . - vri rinnummArtEpows k ! Thiess.—Mr. Eliott of 2d.5., intro eta a bill regulating pilots and pilotage.... -- . Lc.., iga da.iiii ........ - ...:,... 0 . .., _ .... . 1 , kir.Fcritoa, of S. Y., introduced abi pro- •preasurri—i..-............ ? •.. • • • riding far the payment for the'ioss Kee- z - '- . . .t' -,.--.-_: !. - 2, - tr . „.., struction of the prniverty ,of loyal Dills sliy ~,..H...al?MifilftV,DOLT..7,,....Z.trs? :), ~.. she troops of the 1., rated States durip iker, 7,„,..,:': Mrafg a l4iL gb iri i .' ..r pw . L'; pros.i. reLellion.• Mr, Fenton ell all.; toresortntraargis. pplsticessetlytar.3- ,-.-: - „w oo d o Lill for the cOnstruction Of alnilitesz :• •_ . Tu n egy s tiso i -, ~ i railway Louses= Waskington any N! to.k- int bc. Peru i,l . ' igk'siAnz , " Y s "" fill. A rnoLl of lU, introducedn.lMl.l Rd this • oosst s soo ssoosof 4 sigp cfA4lnultivg tlii , UPI = PigkAr-,....„..,........i........4tx.p,:r. Sandpit issippi with Ike part erg lakes . - ..... .........._.....tt....s o . .trr!o - Y. Mr. Wilder, of ,Karunts„ intrestanert P bill Aonlimfo , -c-‘.- - -...........5.5.- . .- :.....13.15. - Ki requiring an assessment of tiro ,damegaO sus--; r.d t °l-7,- . - .' - ,7, - ;;; -4 .--',„..„-'•-•• , •;;;....k.a b° °' rained at Lawrence, and.othrl' Wane! . tn Sign- : - s rpti - otiW",:iii/D; '1 - .Is, by the guerrillas. . : , 'Usury Iferre.-s-... - ..-.'.....,,,-...r..-a O. Lin. y. Many bilis on A largo, variety. orokjecti . Manderrlllo4t...-....41-.....-..÷..‘..5t..8-8. were introduced. They 'fere wppromiately , Pr. Pi.1 4 f.i..-s-.t..--t,-....-:• , 11 0, S:' e. - 111ary..1...........-........ ...... ........-Aniks kle to referred. Mi. Pike, of Maine, offered' a moo tillcn, granlinig the use of tre.Hall of the Ws so of ftepr,entatives for Miss Anna , Dickintort, r tis deliver au address to incrisaio tiro funds of IMO Freedmen's All Association. . ... . . - Mr. Ancona, of Penns lvapiai named .-t.• he'd , '" the resolution. Negatived—Tani . 36, The reeolotion..ittrittent adopted... ' i .. 'Me. Ferr7ando Wood, u( N. Y.„, ofCesati.gre following: • - li'liettr.xs, Accusations seriously Vail the oil , ix.l integrity of Majoiller.otaT nilet t in the discharge of hie difliel vealCiic i ciiin mond of Now Orient., burr berz 'itu Mg mode; and whereas, other -military-to 'tent hate been charged eit h del anittynek t opi: perceive conduct, nod con,niving at -I ar.dat and ohervas t LL le f tatCti thnt there Ivan been e..llusiepr for roeuring supplies in [heel:tin. tnry and coral Departments; and whcreitc. 1 rennet di,ln , nres show that in the Caxton:, floes: of New York, end other branchs of the Trea,ury Department the revenue has been defrauded and treasonable aid given to •Ilse• 1 n ionietr; and llamas it is apparent that en ! ere' demoralization and incapacity pervade the I:xceutive Branch of the tiovernment to l an extent which calls fur tue interposition and preventive lestrlation of 'Congress; therefore he it. Umpired, That a ems:mutt. of Moo members erpointed to iLrostigato accuttions, with iw rcr P , , sead - lor persons and papers to take testimony nod, SOT 1. , td male reeommeml-' MI.. 01 rltce•.nry reforms, and report at any Mr. st L y, r ., t 0,10.1 to lay tile retOle i,, the tatto. Agr.ed to ; yeas 77, nay, A I.llCOPage receive I from the Senate auLuanokrig the doeth of rienetor flooden, of a ,rg;roa. Brown, of West Virgin., do /teen-1 an eulogy on the deeeneed, end the House egjeorned. The rreNhleut>6 .tulnesty PFoclams— W...e111,601,,, Jan. I I.—A titoi:aLch to the ii. r. , I lzys. The Pre:lndent to engaged inaug arat tr.; In..abort, t. , carry out the term, td . hit are Se, 13 . pro , litaln...ll Ina etee re the I imedy arg•'Heatton c...centtar:. le occeded stole., that are to nhy cohonicrahlt . erLot occonieJ by the L ate h.rcco. Now Vont, -tan. II +l , t• ial Washington di,rat.h L. the Et, ,ioy Pas, says that the Committee of Way, end Means will prolially cool:Linton,' a redo'ti.,o in the naval ostitatates of t.la or Z 10.totn,bnil. It is tholight that airomltteo on liiery affair, not recommend the MD forting of tto: Lieut. kleaCralftjp on General t. C1=1:131! NEW 1.•1It, Jail. IL—Tim newt from Mrs- WO Ili , 0 tho oorupation of Ounnafonto by tbn Free, a Ldoet, aml the ruhr.ble ad. anent on tinadolejors, The ',Tort that Daldorde had denlarsd in for, of the luterventson, was pimply a rues to gain 11,9 r. Hi! trO•rpr 31,1,nryntratiug at !nun. ILI M 111 'lf , i.. Thr `4ic.;4c uY Charle%t.o Progret,lng V \ Jan. !t.—The ste.smshir, trot. Port nese!, sip. date, td Lb* Stb est, has arrived. The siege et Charleston WILA 1,,Ari,P10,. On TilOrlday, the Ch toduty .err thrums into the city, but KhS whet r.i•rit i, net known. tlegatrenteut Iletneen the Dominicans ,htt Span!ante. NKIr Yottt, Jan. ll.—An official dititatett rtre;sc.l..l Murano tot. to the Spanioh eoue itt.tattt.t. et Puente Plate, mention! on engage meet nib the Itominieont ttn Ott. Itttz h ute., in v. 10.r1.1 the t=l...utettta were rietttrinue. Scar 'VORA\ .tan. II kmong the parson ger, gtho orrived per :Lc Atm.:nor Felton, are b.r.“ and Carmichael, Major Little Str Nichol,n, of the navy. aUCTIO.t" SJLES. ( NS' ('HURT SALEM , ' PENN U STI:FFT AND BIRMINGDAM Pr.OrRItTT. T LY EN 11u, Jett. 12th, at It o'cl“-It, wlll n• ...Id, et new ti.rometcial Fettles Ilteteme, fll.tttrct, ord, , ttrhan'e Ceetrt Allegite• tit I.4l,eletr, *alt.bly 11.,.1 Estate of . . • I no Lots on Spun • reel. I'lltsburgit, allotneculs . .. 'shout I: t tn.... !rem 50r11.0.1 conarr t7f k Att..... takb •lax a front ferel 2 In• ehe. nn l'snn sire., and ext..ndlnt: back n"rttoasedly I 1.1 net t,• . la Pp..l all.). U thrma 1 / 4 ts is era 7.1.41 a t•se-stnry k dwelling hens, to IL. Ihupt shed. oil e.sr.tral meat tor 11 11x• amid Churches and ein•.• M j ' l m al,o, one 1..1 to the. Borourh of Birmingham, 24 get (5,e t on reshltn,lon ntnatt, and extending book tta. nem. 1 , 5 feel to aprure alloy, being Lest No. 211 In Bingen idea. Tins lot hi to the midet of a groat manure:luring dintriet, and Ta , n‘ls;. for hnibitug purfe. we. Term. at nal. dent.landh! 1./.1113 S 115.1LWA Ancrm. !J ENS AND LIBERTY STR`BETS PItOPEISTT ACVTION.-OE. Tt/E4151Y KNING, lan 12th, at 7% o'rl.ck, will be told. at I,4o.ll.lYrfiai tialre 'Runup, 84 I Itth letrrel : The. two Lonisltitate al the curates tit' Peon and Washington otu, torther 1...134. • fro., of 5.7 fwvt Maw tro s on Poop stmel, and extending along Wrohlugtuta aircaii ILO C t 0.. Ext.liong• attey, • Lich %re, tha buildlngs formerly used as the Wash.. logton alas, rt that Lot en Lilsy atteet. Immediately 70.r.1:0 Klcs .0.00, having a frout ~ 0 10 feet on 1..10Art7 tt,..1 tro.l.pg bwrir 100. It. to Exehange 000.7. Tr. 5.119 01 ISALY.—Our-third wh, nrolduo in one and two 'ears, ori.h Intnorol. For PirtlAyr vertical/gr apply al Auctloa Homo. d029-1-s:d DAVIS J. Ycti.o 11 Z aact.ra. riIIEST:•:LIT STREET PROPERTY. Al' A TURSIt.I V Jan. tah, titlark will lie roll, tn tit. arrow/ Ilia, of the ...:23412, tri. /WO at mat, That drrirabla lot of ground situate •it Cliownict ttroh t 23 (oat 'tom the cornor of Haut Lana, having a front or rt. , liqrt on theatont atrort, nud rattinillng hark luit feat to tiarstru altos, on welchlo rtroteal the to et,ory }trick I , welllng Nu 1 Choanut tamer, ootalhlna hall, seven routua, Stilsloat attfr, true and wet. r Garden allay aro ertrtril taw twit. 'tort (nano The pr.•N'rts to pow rented ai i t,par tleil:6l. thirdrialitio ID ono and two ',or, with iutoroot 1.1.1111.1 31..1L11A I NE, nrrro, ALUABLE STOCKS AT AueTioN. Te L=DAY EVEtilliO, Jan. 1116.18.1, at ivele:., will be wild, et the Oinninerelal Salo! ei 1 1b strvet • 12===CMI1 2. :doirgLeny Dank /Reek ; DAMS Jr. 14•1LWA12.14, Merl. X(I.IANG lIANIC STOCK x--On L TIJESVA t EVENING, January at TY, o'tirtlt. by sold, at the cettuantrA4l Salta Itoomat No. M rittli strwvt •harm Esc liabgt Bank Bleak. - 1.4.9 DA.CLS IIaXLWAINT, A act'n. CLaff.l/ .IGEJrTS. MILITARY MUMS. EXEUPTION W. I. & HALL PATTERSON, 111 Penrth Street, St Soot, Clalnts aq PENSION, BOUNTY, DACKtaal TIIA PAY, SCRSISTANOR, MIZE HONEY etN MASI:BIO,i nr killed la Um anfoo, pntaptly tended to. EXIMPTIOII CLAIM ettemSni to without . da , la • ' dean , MACKRELL 6c JOHNSON, 454"1" ATTORNETSAT.LAW• AND SOLDIERS' CLAIM AOLNTS. . - So. S 9 GRAS? STRUT. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BO6.i4TIES, DENSiONII AND misimis OP PAT, Promptly ottlriad to by L.V.ThltritS d:IIIDD41. 1 / 4 . go. 135 guarth 64.1, Pittsburgh, Prk. .4.3o:hadaw.l. ,1%/fILITARI CLAIMS, BOUIiTIE, PIINSIONS, AMT. PAY And IC - LITANY CLAMS of awry damiptkm, eclloott.l by Oka attllsar, at thy following rain"; TIE itnittlottO SE IM j ' all other clalam 13 60. : ' - C. U. TAYLOR, Attorsi 7, at Law • . O. Nl3 Grant atroat, N. B. No <harm us iwaila If tin alotS 40 1 11 0 t aseeted, and aO Whraurgc, given /rids: 4411,7 ..414 , 4 ..,r - I - TELE: GREAT pi 7: j.. '-• 1 - MECO WILLLIIIB' . MAMBA • - illaulLid:drl•itt - . - Bro •...- . *tee - rum - 4, ot or; seats I.otint th e •sorktien , mtqWtortij ,- 4, iNcusanyae..s..l4sttrst. ..• •. '' ' '' T l34 irEZ-I.". " LVat j: L 4 ll2 :6 7 ,11L -°' • i tic-r4.XXittArr-112444.1.- tind-33rigtiolt 4 coißl~ •)f' 'l;9 • • svCONtisp.ty trvintili' zi.vx , 64 - 7dner nrttnco that ha ban ytnyierabi.i manes with the fellottleC feLfer celabrit.: AJCGITALMFA: ; OO,RIMP the =lnbreed Prin. Donna from the SIVE angbPSlladelohta Aradr . iiihaVilf SLAW 8 LE• BFLIGbOLi, tlr j grbsemt ''tet. AMPIICS. cani.o PATTI, the yaws' antra l'lnEneat, (brotber of 4 . 401. o. fit GOTTACIIALE, the great eat Ptaobq nod 3112. V. DE 11A31. ardistingnlobad PlanlsE haw kindly tennornttLl to mist Er. Liottrecterelk oo slueinal Directar not C0......t0r S. D.Ellllsl'en'. 1121 - Adualeaion, b.uoling firaclrtsl &ate, One Delar. brats may to ennot.el for either of the tal, nights, at the . ..lc Gorr of C. C. T.lrlber, ran. meaning on WIND , T. el ua. :n. Ina. open at Ceoce . et era: M n cluck. ea/PA SPECIAL TRAIN .11 to rot NI Om P.ourpraela frene iebl, no r,ldas non to n , I.oe bah. Train wth learn W bop .t me at., Ito U.aalert. lany.tf f i r.- 75PGARIRALIHS A 1.," .," Will be estilbitel a! Llf7l.:•ri.tC HA, DIA N. Corn GRAND ITALIAN P tNCRAAIA DP Tin LIFE. AND 1181:01C CA bf.k.ll .1` a.nery nit be at ',Lure fn.m S. live:worm. r.‘ Ikafay, den ary ItS, cantlnnlng frr a le s days only. Mora oyes at .833p{, Admiaainn, TA ...fa; -CbPabon 10 .nta , jfks It.VK VR.I-fire E Ixvnixm AGAINST LOS.'iliY rum.-S nliNSLIti FIRE. INSURANCE COE!. PINY Or PILIEADELPRIA_. Olitce, EIS And 4:4 Clio.tant otniet, veer Fifth. et.lemeet et duet., .11.11/IU7 tfitty 164. A p.l.luolud ivr.a.l.ly tau. .1 of /mu, Vint !SprigsOs, artli . gernr•-1...........14, , W..103 00 hate ipm•'t $1(5.314 01) w t 5V.49;15 00 Trmwrary Loans ea amp!. Co:'44clil on:Wes- . .. - Starks (iaasant satus Skd.rAl it , aoat-. Notas eud Bllb Frrltu44•....__ r2,911,R51 GS CJ' TM. only profits frmn pm-wham. , ahkb Lids Cmupasay ran 41vb.le r 5 lam gm. from risbonath lure 4.4../eirm4.0.1... I.l.oarotto, "Mai of cleo,ll a.? of pr• • y. is. tow and onintri, at nsui Log ithr - • wi,ll moor:tr. Blnre their Incorporation, e peeled of thirty years, they hem paid imam by tan to an weiunint exceodo, Foie. f Dor I lev, thernby atnrilliig evidence of the sdnevitages of lommuce. well en Mule illiipevitiat to m e et with cut prveubtriesd it.- I...nap:di doling ree Tear IE. Chad. S. &tricker, ler..sr Lee, Nitrat., D. Low* I Jacob It. Smith, Watt , r, E.hvard C. Dale, David S. Drown, G.. W. T.irYnryly, . t;ritnt, j flevr,te RLES EANCIZI:II, Peet:Sent EDWARD C DALE, Itiee Itruidentt. W., A.. Err.t.t., :ierretarti pen ft, . . • J. GANI , NIat COFFIN, cmyi. Offh. cor. Wood Ag sts. I NSC Insurance Co. of North Ameiletl. Inanrance Co. of the State of-Peano. 1:1=1 Hartford Fire humane° Company. Crerlosnrenee in we above eld and reliable • ponies can be obtained on application to • Bagaley . • 13.10•11rucs, S 7 Water street. WESTERN INSUEINCE . NY OW PITTSBLIIGH, • All LIM, Jr., Presides!. r. it GORDON, StaitarY. Office, It, 92 9. fuer t r Spin& t GC'. W. burre, up martin; Plt tsburp.k. moire opium, an Linda of Fir. 4 . 1 11 . 6 . VUts, Hon.. Irrehlutioet ~mar red 99 Dinecturs tau etre writ Parma in trur ronnuesirp; cud irier, ere ddr , uuurd,' promphicre aurt, totaixtaix trea Adman ,ski deep dew asionyea, as eferissg 19. berel pro:calor. U thaw eke efewire tu L. issural _ P.. Mill,: Jr., - Andromr Ackley, ?.1 ,, ,t1r.t0111. Atelintllter,St.er. :Mb. , !,I Dohneo, DA id 31. Limgc, Al.x.Ntrull,k, Gees J. Thomas. Georg. Dural.. Ben). P.Vakelrell, • C0mpt....11 R. Ner;ron, . Jobb It. ll'C•dne. C. %Y. Rid:LAN:m.4, , r . . Iny , lo • . F. IL GORDON. fit,e.sry. i'IIITZEN'S I NSUItANUb COM I'AN ‘..., OF•PtITSOCTILGIL . 01116e.....rp0r .).liarktl..if . _ .. . . WM. 110. 0 4..ri, Ara Wart SAMrtt. &Priam, Leans Slearaboas and Cargoes. Laura apapa loua ad laapoo In ale Palpate. Mapthe gpaallera awl Wvatern at Map., ad Oa Itatgatirn Mai Sass: llamas aglaualsas awl &raga 14 Nws . 3r' AV. U. Job Rn IL Kaffir.. Oweue, (rote, BarrlAT,Prratteri. ptuilz.sazsult.&NCE R'corio3i,icrood Tin 'Ai EIRE earirmiiirzursinzmics. Wes. Phillip.: John Watt E. John E. NA*. VITTSBCFROII, PA. iNtaiiiiAliGE COM .a.a.• DANT. OF - 130. rum gin.t, wok pica rr •` o4 ll. l kTgalv.A4,4 JOIDI 0.•11M01111, -- Vka Pm/4mi D. it„ Boca. Becril4l7l. - , Zuic'ro .FAci D. ffeeord: • Ospt. Atilsm teoho,, D. D.. Etefleg; ' • Cape. Wei. Darn; D. L.ll4Grovf• -, • D!=l C. C. nt.a , up liar ri Ci a Grey., Juua Insla, riliatatOcAt, ILE4L" =ESTarL :IGENTS: VTCir tiri,l WARD,. Dealei. in, P.1:031. - MOAT NOM, BOATS, 1101ttalart, sad dl teturfttet for money. - • • Ammo oa rrecare LOINS, throcttli:taragetiti, . maronasYn lllls• visiting tei Inuit their money tn toed an np, ran always llnd !tot nod t mond, cinsi!pmer, attmrnn n e te ,ntGroa and Irnt;arnettoi t1"al, Me ant itre pt ,rata's EZE=E:I DEXTISTRI'L ---- JOSElll.4lJAMS,":llontiot, , Vl:awelly I ' pltypnrgp lixk:2txrj ow wren Geptmziioi tad Grant stro424 ikfirm4s—rni4 , l l l PeAlFek. ma. Agoottinc Y Emit. a 3 44W400. NA.Ll.l,.rAilaria F ---- 311b), 1 abbr . ' :;- - w;r:Lusaikuh• s . • ._ - , ;•,%• la , •••,1';•••• , :., • • • r -••• VOL onE, ltu (~:dy- o 1V*4)114(a. - INDAIAIIHORPEffigIh amarbotazeta .21 , 1 we <lf MOON (tir. BEN 2a54 AND LIMUCA.TING 0W1,1171144= to -crtarrm Rode, opposib trharpabytfr, Office, Sov -60 HASD 8711 EXT. BREWEIL,.BII,RKE & COMMISSION LIERCIUMLI, • e. t " . .40r Um . aIotatt:PAOLVIC A.N4 unarr ortMass. Libre each Wyman mar on tout:mm.on df - Refined Or 40...ted0 Petty/MM. 0 0 Z , :rAMMZEll'E'NTS.T ICFA•VICSI4, Pxr,nm..PA. WAL4S, WETN.ORE & Ample As.:c far fao LNG, . • A 4 thdr Yintazal 10411,, Elm 111 yl4:tf - RICHAR6SON T - 1 fzia.',y &'VO4 comasstoi t for - met:owl' /*arm - • Crude and Senna' PiTrolenm, nr... Err, P/T22lsl*{A. IRTLII,Int 'Cosh .I.llnon • ooldimuka[ita for Pitlzbor/h • . . .111,13 , :r.011 ItirgS.V . ....al, . Airms. J. S.'/Alvoixl.b B(.a •-' . . Sprit.ger ilarixicgli; Dui., . Tholor.t.lllll, :54.,..1".ruat. r4ardna".4.ll:#467lL. 11111W:6ra • • '• '. - ' Jo WS Z. IF 'ILI-AM... .. a ' t ' ii WALLACF:"in 4 . • CRUDE do REFINED PEIROXR:FIai USIIZINE LSD . IXDICICAZING. Vo. .50t7d 14'11.11 VX., Pri/EaD,g*PK/4 ex - Storar esp= , ity (rm. 1..; obret,TrA ooo Alsorr^.....lle , ot lacilltio for t.lnAiling to 3ifjcrirnn end, Forelgo porta, at onr wharf vo laser. new. tho plaatforrn 11,. R. R. 2 Ss2s:ly T ACK k BRO., MORS= LI Crude and Relined Petroleum, entrudul .to oar ..re • 1.111 recalvo our j.: .nnlt lan.a.na.l a•lcation. Er!,t, Kessrv. It !chat-Dan, 00, Timms, Parka L. w., and lii,Vallaue 3 Davi., Pitiahargh; PrvsL. Harr?:. A.; 7.1„ L. .Tater Jo Ca.. Ph iLadatrida. •faLaJ Aril= CK k CIALLENDER;.. OIL BROKERS., , 241 . . and 213 South Water • Street, a.= TO • Lplay & Cliorpear.!ra, rion esty Oil Worla. Jer.c...l, Painter, of J. riklatrr&to... J m, IL Ulalfant, of 91,...n^;,Clieltalit. ID% pETROLtUM COI3IISSION' MER, CiaSTS. A R MSTRON dc KUM,' rt 601:ET LIV RPOOL,VNLAND. New Ta.k—Mr.... R.a. D. &Co ~niDziadvay. era, L. C. Don it Co.; Lapsed OB 0,.: A:dfsco 011 L M1LLE.4,J3.,A0="7, IM.TTALITITS DILILADIGLPHIL: CRUDE tlc REFESITD PETAOLEIIII On Commission exclnallvd7... chtt . rit; . s,:ntost rnanonobto twee. ' " • • •• STORAGE FOR REFINED in mt..: cant% Ear CRELE;mador rood ebnds. - tartiettlar attenOon paid to OIL FOR EXPORT. Ten 8.t..---CAUSTIC EDDA, SODA ASEr. dtc. CABOT lz General M.erchandize BrAars, ISi tiOrtil FRONT IT.; PHILADAPIII6, CRIME & REFINED riniztaaltrE, CA 11.511.0 SODA. SODA DRUMM, DILCOS, OILS, Orden ta brcf or all promptly aitnnilleil to, . • moldy =II ALLEN k NF . DLES; tl PHILADSLPHIA. COMIIISSION ZEBOZA37II Partiallar attantl..P.l4 to coosigumectiot Crude and Refined' rntroleum. auLly ENOS WOODWARD, or Wm. IL Wooki9ol. 4 Cad cur.s=e4.t. cotausistas .mmuctuArr,, Spotl4 attention-41m to- the s .- of Crude And _Relined ,retrglOam. No. 111 IN.INTII INONS NEM A. ocaa:ae 110,011 . pETROLITH (TIE WO K - Xanulltztartztof ralut ‘ratils cm:mos . ou., n E57.~1.E AND OL.EVAI. LlatnicASMOVla..:= 111161.CIOrd. 8..8. Klee; John Shipton, Jaya AL Caper, - S. , Jdtti 8: Dilvorth. VeJli. A. Suarynr. No. 1 frl. CL AIR. ti T, 111721113 g/314 , Porwardi !* - Cit.inni4sicaiXdiChant • .42mivaia." a f 3 iffzi. •• • . ear I.6.I,UNINATIITG, LUERICATING, CatIDZ OILS, •ac,, haid arA avat (4.0 ordireaalelte %!•ar Ouilm ni va krt I . 7A:es. Cz.rsl,,,ilesta , .' James D:Veniii: . ' Cart.4o6n.T.,-Rhaaas, Sasual MEltrlvar,=.- : GtetensP.:ikictis o , , ' ': kit 21 a aVet r.. , :.:. .;:.--- int.t te c.t. , . s,Avita ' WATlVris . 47ilmi.m. ryl. .... ~. joutor: WOODVILLE OIL lIEFECEDY, GEO. W., GOLDSDIIr : i14..h4-kreri, of BURAINGstith r AxiittifimA: :alio DLL - Eorp conoo4lll. nz lawd 1t a %try 6.4 quAr,:s of ItOr.:(ING 014, deur and u.o.bant. mint; abi. • good. Luny.' o.vi pia• )3.11121;:LIZ -1 ILE and (7AR GEZASE. '• • . Or A It Auden. iv _TRIM 82.1151 T, Mak. 111=14.!"=4,4 Cu.a, mll-I_,Pirrprorlptly,anendr4' to.octal. WABaiu. ( P/IW./;".=q=a/,4 PAINT - . ,• bnaP4livii* ' 'Aits u&intifsr.„.Pitabtren. -JAMESIII:WW Oil of Vitriol and Apia Bulimia. Ordersitft t iphn PoiterLlDld 2 Cos Ciao. 'ca.-. : arra M.OLILIT 4.NDUtp.7 4.- eadv.'ountt attatics,„' - - - ' "• . .. . ~. • - inurecorry.lr.7..!...-' '. . '.... OCR al...'6*.pi!..iii,a4_*fQ.ptla w - 4 4. T., DriD 3,llol MSA 6 lCkitlEtg3lorfB; rONDS, .1111:011.6211C9' I,lliNg f and •attivr4.sarmaitOs ti Wrltlas drawn with ue.,i.t.,,war k t isto,l- 4clarocs.‘ haountaitatal for Elocutaar Alai AAltatatstlykze, Ittita-tb MAI Utak, B.,rlr4iitaired lux? 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