1 ::::_.:•,--, 2 ,, -1.• 1 ,.....-..., ~.Tik‘.....,,,:, ~, • , , • - • - 7. . . 0 ,„ :" ........ ....., . ....... , . 1 ,- 2.7 . :11 -........... ':. ~, ;5ai.........:::ff -7-: -,,-- _ . - TUESDAY' M01114ING:::=.7 ' °WWI 1 , 42 F. ;-. Fl 71t _ rottiVaterclafsEveaw. Report of ilia 818.1.0' Txr.lunrer. Ice have received weepy of' the report of Mr. M 4 Grath,'thei: State •Tressarer. After skewing tho'firincial eondition of the State Txmirctry which 'Lai already Leen girea theltiqeegrnor'e mearage, horsy': enejectt of 'the paymentof the interest on thaiiiiblie debtat the State ix one which, from its importance, ought.;to receive your early and civtieat attention.' of Ike last two years, and including the amount - due on, the let last, the interest hag hien paid tri'speclo Or its equivalent, through ' Men= tarnished by the banks of the Com monwealth: In 1862, under the act of April 11th-of that year, they were required to pay into the treasury their rateable proportion of such ,premium for gold, or eta equivalent, as had boon actually paid hy the State. Druiag the last year, under the provision} of the act of June 30th, 1863, they were required to ex ' change with the Commonwealth'' r' sufficient amount of coin for currency to pay•the interest. on the State debt ; and the State Treasurer was authorised to issue to them Specie certi • fieates of. exchange, not transferable. pledg-. lag the faith of the State to return need coin and re.exchange for notes current 'at that time, en or before the fret Monday of March, 1864 d said certificates to bear Interest at the rate of 2;5 per cent per annum. Under the provisions of this sot the Cora ,trionwesith haweachanged with the bunks cur rency for coin, amounting to one million nine ;hundred end sixty-eight thousand nine hen ' dred and four dollars and ninety-seven cents, :181,988,401,970 the interest en which, due the • :, banks on theist of March, 1804, will amount to forty-one thousand atid forty dollars and .fifteen rents ' ($41,010,15.) ) 7,'.T0 return this amount in coin at tho present Market rate for gold, (151 N) will cost the State 81,013,1156,06,.which, with the interest Clacton, 541,040,15 amounts to the sum of 51,015,020,21. This Commonwealth has pledged her faith tu.pay on the Ist of March, • . =esti, If' it be determined to hoop faith with the' -Eolders of the leans, by paying the totem.: .on the public debt in specie or its equivalent, aul.tho banks were freed from similar calla, do atot doubt, frotuthadispooition they have manifested to aid in maintaining the credit of the Commonwealth, that they will be will in; to relieve her term the repayment of their coin for the next your, if prompt stops be to ken to provide the means for their reimblirse ments at au early period. But to continuo longer this - Spasm of compelling the banks I A tone to furnish eciu for the Interest on the publitt debt, is, t think, aekiog mere than they I can bear, and more than they can be expected , to do. fielding this opinion and desiring to obtain for your honorable bodies all the infor mation I could get on the subject, flat month addressed a circular to the banks of the Corn-I • monweelth, inquiring whether, under the I teams of the existing sets, they could be relied on to furnish specie or its equivalent, for the pai men'ofthei'wf t e co at l? ' ume of the banks :t r ti;d es m it uejast to their stockholders longer to con. tine° t is system of es:hanging rein far our- I reney, end therefore decline tieing ao. Others are willing to ronticce the system if concur eel in by all the IriakA. and required by the State.; bat ail agree as to the impettey nod in , justice of singling out a particular interest in, - the State to bear ell the burden of doing that which interest:. the yr hots people. They claim that, as they farMith on annual reveant. to I the Treasury of over three hundred thousand dollars, and are now bein,,; brought into own • • petition with another system of banking ex crept from a largo share of the taxation ink- posed upon them, it "ought to be the diem,- titian of the State. rather to relieve than I impo:re additional burdens upon them - It is evident, therefore, from nil the infer motiontl that ran be in. tbst 0.,: State must' - look elsewhere for the purpose of maintaining her rredit. And is it n-' the dot •of her pen. I pie, in view of her heretofore well settled , policy, tomake soma sacrifices io order to ac-. cotopltsh it? Theenbject was very ably argued by my predecessor in his report to the Legislature Met winter; and fully concerting in hits views, I take the liberty of quoting two or three of the very pertinent questions therein put. I lie says the question generally asked fn die cursing this subject is, con the State aliorti to pay this largo difference between currency , and specie in the payment of her interest? ! Ought not the question rather to be, can she affordam to dolt! Will not the credit of the I State suffer materially if she refusku to do it ? Is her credit of no value to her anti her- eiti• • eene ? • To the State so rtrong, and, powerful, :souther° any liability of future want, that elm' can exercise her power irrespective of any sEthether action may have upon her credit?" This State, by the act of Jane 12th, 1840, appropriated a sufficient sem to reimburse her loan holders for the diffrroncrtain value 'between specie and the currency in which they had previously been paid, and then eel ' emnly declared "that hereafter the interest failing due on Pennsylvania sleeks shall • always be paidfireperde or its equivalent." • This to the law to-day, and foe its ob. ; ~:xervatice, and the maintenance of the present! gaol name of the Commonwealth, no alert or ' . sacrifice - ought to be spared. '..Ttio General Government pays the interest in:fill debt in specie. tiasseetteetts con. to pay specie, and Now York partially -eat Omagh the system she has adopted of dis• nriminating in favor of her foreign creditors I Some of {the States that pay in currency contrithedtheir debts since the suspension or, • .. speeiepayMents, and therefore borrowed cur• - reney; bet Pennsylvania borrowed money from •,' her creditor., and she ought to pay theta in n'ate•• w ftey.l4l , 3 • I • * -Let witherefore so act now that in the fa-1 „tare, it may be the boost of oar itionered old ' • „Commonwealth that amid al the trials of this • _ eventfal yeriod of the nation's history, she 7natlifnllyPerformed her whole duty, and ” : "'somekutaf 'the ordeal with unsalted honor. - In !another portion of ;his repcit the die -continuance 17... the Pennsylvania Railroad -Cioraykuiref-the• collection of the State tax • -front. the.boad-hoidere le referred to. This in ... , ,the only colopen,' in. the State that over per- I . . . . fgrmed that. duty, and n. lem unable to find „ any law imposing it upon them, 1 presume, of _ • '""' course, it was done voluntarily. , iI 2 'a es - Stlell.fsititerrell nisnoini, that a very large • . . portfolio(( the pireonot property in the State _ eecapes taxstien altogether, either through the pegloot of.assessors or the failure of the owners to report to them. Anti it ft therefore Ellpfising.that the easy and effective mode . of securing the largo royonue dueitho Com , moniefialth for taxes on rho bonds if( corpora _ o ,•by requiring the corporations to collect •-' •• theists and return it ti•tbe Trcisury, has not beforst this been•provided for by lap. I Log leave, thmefariti.. respectfelly to urge 4 ~, tb4 . e.,BuTsgo,of„ pAhorining end direct ing railroad corporations and other corpora fobs, at the lime Of the interest on their bonds, to 'deduct from the Amount due „ • •the holders thereof thi; tax due thq Common wealth la the name manner that treasurers "of ,r. municipal corporations are by the Act of April 2911t;1814, now requited.to do. By the report of the Auditor Gdneral, lest Ir, .::; a ,t i h oi l . E furided debt s o: the railroad eompa tafed a t veuty.seren millions of dollars. A very largo proportion of which, excleilie of the amount held by non -- residents, escapes taistion,l It mint be eel =".' dent, therefore that thsonsetment of such , Slag' as hsveteJladcd to ill • vary ' largelptibroditedelTrintre." , The act of April 16, thli2, and he supple 'meta theretc;ef April 22d, ISO, or tlio pay sad exptusne PeArlsYlvatia" oluriteses :.-All provided that-these elibursbould e paid on • -- - I -of the otrar-0 3 ,0 0 9. 000 . •lif -03,009. 000 Ilthorhee ••• , l• . by the sot of 1)11 .ii if the -Fero lnanleloat,thenont of any o cr mane 4 • inthe Trounity. not, othnrerisa app •printed. • .. The .."ItariflPit7, l ,o nor oslipirui .1j and 1 , , these claims It ti trippcned, 'will Mount nearly $2301i,00, istirto • tint tb esamotitsiviskdireitiof . receipts _ the Treasury many real:100bl° tl .0. WI raill/C/PingC4 4 1 4. 411 the in •=ref: . .StateAteept the tax of 234 'tea Pfirsoliallproporty, Is sppFspristed •• thefil • tog Fond,and IhlSlCiimenssionert f thcS ',, leg Pond are authorised to trans r from 'general fund' ru zionunt tuffteicat • • pa, interest, Ind redeems portion oft • prig 'of the public debt rultullly;fewl be • era that some other means eve Pirnsentof these lain _ • P.eitif.u-Birlng down Vood str rd• in at Chas. Metlor's Piano It one amino his new .Grand" Chieke • and Were , found,-a. perfect faro, esi procure seats to the Gottschalk a • • B oPfiratiaconcerts, !.o be given on et a n 4 /61137,,,0t Beale. The , :oriff if r sdom. Voyontt tg._4:. et, .1A Irebniumil• by the elite . of ourieitirs - Our publhe always ai true moue and-talent.saeli.sa.G Cl Wlle.,Cordier, Pitting I • A few „choice. scats irst,dill to, e , for both nights. Conn;Vrilli IA is irliCzalf: — M l jll&t.;inu.tairilltVll:l l AlAClmmi tte• from court, • ,-;••%; irkttorlrial.fiPM • • . . #....0ke of , t . tilbiem7 Ilrefirtit ,„1 1 P . Y' , .. Arms. The - jury found • hninnot-Orio• and ordcrcd the costs to be eget* , divided beiween the parties. John r. Jones was pot on illal - frrliAla , Ulith Nial a r i r ri ellpllft . ilef , -Vat cu WaS fifiAlColitTiaal*r Jo* found • yerdiet of guilty. Jones was nut arraigned on a mach more action, charge—that of peritu7. The indict— ment charges the defendant with having 0002- milted willful, deliberate and corrupt patjary, In testifying, under oath, before the Court., in the roar of the Commonwealth vs. Mary Wag ner, charging her with adultery with hint, (Jones;) that ho never bad any illicit inter comae with her. Since the deferidanthasjnat been convicted of the offence which he denied haring committed, the cue looks rather bad for him. On trial. Gazette Pittsburgh and StenbenvUle Rs!lrma], The Stotitholders of the Pittslrargh and Stahel:lalie Railroad Company held their an nual election for President and Directors to day, at the office of the conipany, on Fourth street. There wes no formal report made to the meeting. S. F. Von Bormhorst, Esq., the Secretary, stated verbally, that the work of constructing the road was programing favora bly under the direction of the Western Trans portation Company: Tholeliewing ticket wu elected : • Prmident--Inao Jones. Direetons—P.. Smyth, M. B. Brown, James Sehoonateker, Wm. Phillips, Joshua Rhodes, A.S. Nichol son, W. S. Karen, M. K. Moorhead, Jesse ltdingion, Nathaniel Holmes, A. B. Berger and John S. Cosgrove. Manchester Borough Election. To-morrow (Tueeday) the annual election fir °Mee rs for.. the borough comes off. We have not heard of any Democratic nomina tions, but the following ticket will ho sup ported as the Manchester Borough Union Ticket. The ticket is composed of some of thollelt MOD Ja the borough, and we here 110 doubt that it will receive the support of nearly every Haien man in that place : Burgess, Wm.. S. Spratt. Connell, James Miller, W. N. Kirk, W 11. Phelps, Abraham Patterson, J. B. Livingston, James A. Butch lation. School Directors, N. Belson, William Trimble. Judge of Elections, John C. Har per. Inspector, Alexander Patterson. As , senor, David Luther. Assistant Assessors, 'James T. Simpson, Allen Means. Auditor, Wm. A. Eas . .emou. Constable, I. Stewart. CHAaTIJLS EXTRSDID.—Ants extending the chartera of the following banks worm passed py the last Legislature, and have since been signed by the Governor: Lancaster County Bank; Miners' Bank of Pottsville, Schuylkill coanty, Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh I Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia; York County Bank; Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Phil's.; York Bank, York county; Lebanon Bank; Ilarrisburg Bank; Farman' Bank/. of Backs county; ilonesdale Bank; Bank of Delaware county; Wyoming Bank at Wilkes-Barre, Lucerne co.: West Branch Bank, Williamsport; Farmers tad Mechanics' Bank of Easton; Bank of Chambersburg. The Governor vetood - tho bill extending the charter of the Montgomery County Bank. . Io Toteetc—Bartholomew Scanlon was lodged is jail to- day,.by Alderman Nicholson, to answer charges of &caracoled assault and battery, preterred by Samuel Norman: as sault, and battery on James Mason; and con spiracy, on oath of \V. P. Kane. The diffi culty, or transaction oat of which these suits arose, occurred at Ireland Station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Boor FOUR o.—The body of George Ogtr, who was drowned in the Monongahela river, 'near the copper works, on Tuesday last, was found this morning, and an Inquest was held by Coroner McClung. Tho deceased was employed as watobroca un a pair of coal beau, and uoidentally tell orcboard sod was drowned. Ile resided at West Newton, 1744S morsland county. NILIICANTILIS LIDIAIIT SLIirSION.—Tiso an nual election for President and Directors of this institution will be held this evening at seven o'clock. there are two tickets in the held, anti so exciting contest is anticipated. Every member of the Association should make it a point to attend. One of the tickets will be found in our advertising eolconns. PAPSED Tneoran.—The iSth New York Pagimentarrited hers thin morning from the Western arm y,and after being so terts ined and tefrashed by lite Subsistence Committee ' took the. man for the-erest. They ins•e ro-enlisted for tin war, and are going home on furlough. COM.MEJ2CIAL RECORD eirisstroniT DaRICE.TS. • humor, Rmonary 11, XB4. • GRAN—There Is mom inqulryjor Coro, rod the market Is firmer; Ear is held et $1.30 by the car load, and 1111,1.: from etore. For Oats, the demand Is I light but prices are very arm, with sales from @to. let Wie - 487c. Barley is steady and enchanted: we nn- Mono to root° a $1,3:1 lot tipring non 51,40 for Fall. iTherst le fine and I demand, while the receipts aro very light; from wagon, email nice . ot $1,117 for Red, and 51,4441,43 for White. PROVISIONS—Boa. is decidedly firmer and higher, we note email sabot at telly*. for Ra:tide., and for color Cured name Lard, also, has advauced, being held at from 1:7;1• to Ito. Nees Pork I. °seated and uneettled, nod in the abscisco of mks, or omit quotations. FLOES—The market far flour coetintom to rule quick but firm, while prices remain unchanged. Good broods of Extra Family are welling It tho melt way from Moro at 57,23 to 47.50 per bbl. Hale of 118 Girls Soporarte at $3,60. Buckwheat flour Is dolt md may le quoted nomlual at 11-1,0064,11Z1 pet cwt. GEOCKULES.--iingar Ls arm, and ELdlacef has ad tomcod % cent par pent, the quotations being 17% to 111%e for soft and bard. CoCee le eteady with a fair demand, ohne prices are unchanged, rettglag !from Moo 36°. Idols.. (plot but fir= at from hI to Rec. lIILL TEM/I—ls gala bat Arm though unchang ed; sale of 5 tons from eters at sI,LO per cot for Shorts, and 51,70 for Seconds. 111ddlInra mar to quoted at 12,16@2,1.5. IlAY—The demand Is fair, and with light receipts the market may. be quoted Arm, with email miss or loom from scales at SAD to ESL for tun, and holed On frock at $38(340. CHEESR—Tho demand le may moderate, theme% the market is firm at tic for - "astern Reserve, and Lk for Coshen and Lfaxabori, ?ale to the trade of 134 LAa on private term. DRIED FEDIT—Firm with regaler tiemend, and we continue to quote Apples at t to Dc per pound, and Eminent 140. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. J. 11—The market for Crude was more active ea. day, though the transactions in the aggregate were light, while prim ore unchanged. The sake re port were: LO ibbls, on the wharf, at 2 4 1!ic • do at 2.1%0, free on board can; and 200 and . 240 Olds at 25c, fo h. We also beard of a *sled MD pbt, in hulk at Ric, but we cannot 1,116 for the, correctneu of the report, as It was not waft authenticated. fin_ Coed Ls quiet and unchanged, the nominal quotatioU being 400 in bond, end Vic free. litesidetuns is held at 114,03 per 001, while then 1. net enough doing I. 104400 to estabiLsktd quote dons. The receipt* and shipment* mace our lut report, were as follows:—Stdpments, to New York, 115 bbl. relined, 1002 Willi dude, 42 LW* Residuum, to Fide -1 delphin, 584 Lida relined, lib 1.4i1e crude, 49 bids nap , Ilia, 41 Ms lubricating; to Boston, NG lads residue; to Balthrore, let bids crude: West, Ili tibia refined. likciipts—per Allegheny Talley Railroad, 170btile re fined, and 1451 Mils send.. New York Petroleum Market. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. `.fay Yeas., Jan. It—The market TO Persian= continuos dull and Inxtlre, though prioes ars on thangsd. B=lll4les at .1142.31brA for Crude; 440460 for reflood to bond, and 01664 c free. Napa% le nominal at Coulter quotations. Cleveland Market. 9..-71mm—Itarkat confirmed aittromatirea, mostly ter tba Warrior.' Saha too bbla XX rid at 5 1 5,15; ltod bide du at id,Lt.; 6u bbia extra at 13041. WhoatMariwt-dra, with good demand and nett readpts. sr:es 1 cartel att track at $1,28; 1 car then stan at f1;50; 1 car an track 11,30. dell and Mull es; ra don 1 car new on track at sl.od. Oats—Slail aVitiratract:l 74 o 7s c how .I***, Rya—Tina; Mal. 1 car ham 'wrest $1',20. Itpiwy . --tiordad at . • • Imports by . Railroad. , nroorosoi, - rs. Warn* Cm[aoo Einacur.„ Jan 11-4 oats Wane, .1 Scatod.b; 100 bids dorm - WAWA AVilsen; lug bides. a Dean. t co; 44 NIS henguy, . 2 ' <Airport bbli, 1, II Notgi *co; 0 ant Add, Joan •Mocebrad; 32 *animlitarkb. t toct lops Wotan•• 0 Kipper. Ess *a who*, .1 Linen & co; 'V/ ble aony ; Shomaker a Lang. • • 144 2 4* 14 1 Errincsou, Jar. 11.— Cabaleelusr; J A :Cenely; ant Worms, flallasan, Ulm Rbo, 100 bp lye, Tbos.Moore; MA do do„ 'Dos Eic/lR CO. 4 bola wadding:, Wilson, McElroy-.t no; Age Ms snaky. Lannon* antiden; am aka *slam Wit Guard, •144 ten wheat. I& I.lmeil A co- IS bide tobacco, D Loma; 121 aka corm Inn; it annairne2llllbblrantrr, T 8 Zaakinl4o yam IS .A.Esbnestosk *co; 100 bids now, 1,1.* dry trait 00010'* Kaman 68 by @Wand, it H Eilydam:• atints corn, J Bprea - ,_60 bake tom /la chudg 2 ;AA. 1011.., Woodside & Wilber, 1 tar .salll Dud, Ilea gireorn, -_Was Clark; 10 - bas *nem Wen Reddens.= do do ; Webb Wilidwion; •do 'do,' la Ealtella.to;l6 do do; ZWICIA co; 37 ban moon; lanE klaninock; 10 bp peacao.".l F D t co; 'lOO .110144pir, OHL...chi 1 00 dor% 4424,44 . , Lana Lada sand, liFeur Pm r• • -•- •'• Teary, of to jail tot ailliflli A MEE Weartßeirlevrof the New-York-Pe. Market. : , ~trupoApd tonne ritest..tgrui4tAit Thit:l/Wlitt(Oekitawboth OM:motorized by estrrroe 4411dmilrltr boiettpWrie rad 15/tined - id!, yat, prices 15611, erameily lc per gallon. TAi ittentlOn of the trade has Mn' absorbed to o groat *Stint by the Corsecarosi held by the dealers for this wpm., of talelur, action upon the prop mod inturaseid tag on Petroleum. A correlation was held lin 'Foamed.) tad Thureday, and a minority con- TentiMi 011Fritlay. A committer , from the original or majority =vent!on went to Waahlorten to hi duos the government to impose an additional taz of 5 cents en Defined, or 15e altogether. Grade not to be taxed at nit. The Ideas advanced by roam of the delegates were &oder than Crude Petroleum, and mew of them displayed a:wofili ignorauce in regard to the .object matter, which was wholly.tnexcusable and tended to greatly Injure the cause. 'The minor- Ity convention was made up mostly of Reiner., who wished to dodge the issue evidently, and Az a tar. 013 mats per gallon on Oriole, with a dtawitrek for es, porta. By this means they tigore up an increase In tbo revenue of iii,ooo,Okt per ...Iwo. A committee of thi. convention will start for trosington early on Tuesday morning. One Wen a. paramount at bath ctonventione, to wit: Let anyl.tr, everybody, be toed bat me. The Interest of the bade n. 1.00 broad a platform for almost any of the delegates to stand upon. The actual buelaele traes+tetlena of the week hay. been unimportant. There her been quite a move meat la neptlett, hoverer, which has e.lvtaaced *boa 'V. cents. The sales comprise about 16,0ne labia Crude, nearly all at rie4,37.0, hot inotailn; OM* bbls for January and 'February, at.1..,' , 5fr/ho, buyers option, 1,0i.0 do Relined nearly alt an the nod, and nearly all at 4455 to 47e for light straw to white. Timm has b.ea racy little demand for export, sod [bp martet closed dull and almost nomiaal. In fres oil the malt hero been end bbl. at Irem 43 to Mu for dui:, to kg 67 tbr 11;ht straw to wllite, and tebigreac for prime white. latiptlus boo sold to the extent sf Malt Rotated, GOGG4, gravity, et 20 to 2no but nearly nil 22.474 c, closing firm at 218,2 f, for prime city dm odortied. The receipts of oil hose Merl Liereselw...., and monad a dcpromiegiuguence. The motet at the close was wry, doll, end prices almost nominal et ahrsr..c fur Crude. 455.1..0. fur Ile- Mud, 470 for prime white, and bbroll, fur tree. Poles were mule to-slay al tight arrow to white in bond for Febtoory mad Horeb at 4Go, buyers optima. Now York Grocery Market. (Trout the Commercial Lier, Jan. 1.) Sugar—There Is au lormanltsg demand for raw, for borne me, end . of Calm lloz, fur exportation, further corialderabl , zt.toa of tho lattcr harlot: lowa mode since our tall. Thu marl:-t, lu roosequenc., puha, 11rmtmrs from ay today, not! prices are again ...boot 0n5,,,,05r orn cool higher—nringing values tu a higher raugo Man at nny prsistuus perio4 tor many years past. inshned has boon iuertin. requesit., and priers herr nts.. ads.), d fully one.qtuirter of* tent Manors. B. L..t A. knout's prices, WI arrang• ed ymterasz. are isry cents fur loaf, i7': for crushed, If fur granulated said ground, lab for whit. A, and for yelloo The oth.t rennors quote hest, 17i4151:5. ..scnts, soft whim 17:-Yii4Intic. and yellow 1,7340.15, cash. The ral.• of ruesm 914 hit& Cohn at 11 4 / 4 12.:', cent+, 50 tags 40.12.10 lands stew crop do, (suld 10, 10.0) 11,%; i 5 Ittont Purt• 12.g123i; 112 Demerara, !IA hew °dean% 12'. 013,,ii an: clurlfle..l dos 1 3 , - ar.1. 1,0 5. 42 . 0 " In;. bro.. Pernamburo, 12!4;4(91i bozos Ilaranstaf , t 00190 no, 125131 i, 4 tas, arid 2310 do for rport bond, ins.b. By auction, 24'2 hhos and 111 (li, hen Orlenne sold at 1441 a% wo,+l mos. Color—We. not:.,, • ronoo'll ref the donlaro: from the trade and ott Loth I r Brasil sod V•os• India df.CliklIODA, hires faßt beta: relatively hosper than Brazil. which la nvotly held sLoro the •I•tre ul l n)en. Thom Is hone. mp:c0....0r to note in pikes, sr hich tune 1. called ettorly ut toe re ductlon•or Lai( cent outlets: In ten 1..1 or port. Tiro ilsorLection• inoludolcallo•oslttormyl,•• , hze to ea' . per Eie.•nort, Star sad B Storol• do Pero, per lo.ine, two Invade-. )larseettl• toetro-r al7o tan., :4.0 Logo lot, roe torms to.t Bin, .15.,•@:14 cents: Into Idorsrailo, ;P.M' :NV Java, 4D, lOU J•rnal. a. 4tu ilo:Idd• do Ittt . ,; awl Mr , . bags at. It, on 170, 0 , 1 os•Ii. Kols•Pos—Thoro I.asten iy for .lent.ord for Lo.r., sitlloot parroorted obango In LI, to•rl. t wW , t, in otradv at prevlon• vslurs. The lalo. •to 'LTA 7.1,4. sod 211 . 1.11 for tonning,root, 1,0, Globs Porto BIC, 41,Z.•nd I. in! Cuba IN; 10 htol• ?irk, its, ) 7 •, ' 7N Rd, awl 11t' hid... ns. crop Bow Orleans, Vl„rtn, and 1.01,11 , 41 do, 4 MM. By W. Now rlol-one !odd at 47 coots for old crop, and nJt, for ow, 4 MI, 31 AKC.ETS R TELLGRAPII Nan Yo4c.Jeu. II.—TL. mark , :• =lea are on< tod at Sir. flour tier. , ::sal bble for ital., rFooth ern unobenro-d. 133 eat twoyan sale" 37. re, at 01,4‘.31,N1 I%les, F V..; •.11. 52 far 11 ilwatikoe f.1..7..{ . .t I;•1 f,..r Med %Vest 11. I'ol n quiet el/1 held at e1,37,!..1,, Pork tio New 31,-u le ~noted at 1.113. tO Dry. at Whiok) elowol firm ai , f I lour fw bblfil 111‘eat, 7:0 47;1.11 Stacks Lawler:an.l L.., lelaw Ito 47tonnerlatol, 1 to•', : Central l,• Ilendlng Its Irowl, 11l to,„ Ild. re-I the.., 1. 3 _1; I an. ton (•0., 13.3 1 i; 3lisw wit towriean Gold, Troarney 7 3-10, ; Coupons 1041 103% `,..„sts 1, Philadelphia Market. PIIILAWELrIiII. Jan. 11.—Trade D 2, 11 11 111 in all .lepartaleutr..its) bosh of closer seed wee...llM 'was po.i, trloothy- at 83 end re.-. 1 at 8, ('olive la Wont al ellor.WW. Corm, roger and molas ses are quiet. flour is dolt, awl owl. Vain 1,...14 were *old at r foe lOW trades, cut zuod erta family sold at 10 for Gluey loin. Ily. 11,•,r 11 1 / 1 1 corn meal are .earre nod there ia nothing dome lo either. Wheat is Jell; 3100 In”ll of reel ere , . wl.l nt $1 ray4l e. 3 per bosh': whit. ranges Iron, 73 / /1 33. Nye is wanted at 21 ID, corn is ....roe and le bigher. sales of 113 X, Lush of El 1:101 14 and el•wing at the latter Ognr• :33/0 tooth of 6ats mere...Ad Cl Mo. Petroleum 1110T,11 slowly, .moil sales of stool. al 30c, and relined In/sand:at C.44ele frwe at In prortsiona there I. won. act 'sit e; (..0 1.1.1 s of mass pork were 2 2:1 for obi and 11 1 -12 23 for cars; 10: tibia beef hams it 520, and filo tea of pick lad Lams at 11 412 e. Whiskey It firm at Sr. DALT, MOUT., Jan. 11 —The, is no grAin are, and POli.1111: dving linos dui% dd. Extra 17 7 37+,4. Whisky arm; Ohio Con, quiet at 33%5634c for.llko. SHIPrx-rc TH 8 ATLANTIC 1R1811" , ROYAL AWL ISTRAM MAVIC&• TION 00M-PANT 1:= 1,4.X1 florae-power, f,COU torw. HI RlSTaff.k. 1,0 M) Hon.-; r, OCILUiiinA,I.OOIO Horse-power, 3.0.10 trr ANGLIA. 1,1300 Hon.-lower. 2.0i11i nragalficent Illemoship LIM; will ml from blow 'fork for Llompool oo Ti aiDALT, the Vitt of Docombm. Eater of persairc from nu, To to Mr,lvo!, voy. M. to iota or Z:. rgo.lvaleat in currency. Purr Cabin.--....600i1itrer5z0..—..—...-1130 Istterx.rdiutu— ...... 40 Paeuer forwarded a/L., fr. Lon Jon, Pali., 11.1.- berg, Flerpe, Lfretnott, Rotterdam, Antiortm, r 4 the loweet ry,tea. _ _ • . • . • . Warts Ravi Llmn-pool or GMlmmv I, Now York and Sds, 875. SSA SIOA. Tor mmatmn npply el the d Attept.t. BA St SEARLE, Rs Ilsoltd.sy. Ctdusettt Stud, Elett.fim , or. D. O'NEILL, nmeirdrelroutela thArldlutt. No. 7o FIRS fL, Wo:l,m said SR Smithfield It., Pltdat.htet. QTEA3I WEEKLY TO Lf4".ak_ P,J ERPOOL, tomehbg QIII:SNBTOWII,J7-14 , Kr= SI.E.IIL) Th e ereol-kuoven dr...scam of au, serpool, New York end Philadelptdo .dreoniohb Company aro brooded . CITY OT ILANC/1PT11C..—...--OatLuday, J.. 0. CITY CT BALTIMORE— -fi.turdny, J.. In. CLTT Of.-...Saturday.J‘n. 23. Ared ewer? , inecooding liaturdsy, el moo, (row Nur 44, North Shur.. - - 11.&10 air romuow Prop* Is Gold or Lho equivalent fa Clarrcory. 1 raw Coml.._ .—. ...iiH Wo rsiursto.m.. ....APO 00 do to Loodon.— 86 00 do to Lo.don 31 CO do to Paris...—. 95 90 do to Facie._ SO 60 do to Hamburg. 90 CO do to Throb". 37 CO Hassongen also fonrarded to Moro, Bremoo, lin tato., Autwrip. W0...0t .I=ll7 tow rote:, Yaw from Liverpool or Que.ovtoem; la Outdo, 170,1756, 9105. atbtr,03,47.0. Thom who wish to Wail for Hoar Moods am boy Canto here at rhos. Woo. . . timber tattmnation apply .t the Oumpany's Deere. JOLIN O. DAIS, Agent, &A Droadway,lin• York. 301111T110.1.PSON, Agen, Band stmt. Ant home from thq bridge. mltlEctt rlttabornh. CHEAPEST PASSAGE Fito3ls "TUC "OLD 00UNTRT."- Pamornrem bruorbt oat In TTEST GLASS MAIL STrA MEP" from faverponl, -Londoodorry, Coliray or Cork, for Twenty-Five Dollarw And by railing vesbela for TWENTY.' NE DOL LARS, la currency.. Apply to D. O'NEILL, ElrefaLnd Ob.tiele Ilailding, FLO eitmet. meit;tualod sad,CC Erni thGeld .t., l7ttWarlfh. CUNARD LlNR—Steam from LIMPOOL AHD QITEINSTOW 11:0 I -, c Its esysfenleutla currency. MON NM TOUR, SW in enrroa...7 tans st . utry went., Apply to TRODLte ILATTIGAN, Arat. Plltlatramb. McCARGOE MARBLE WORKS, LIBIBTI tiTEILZT, A boantltal and vu:Sed Amortmeat al 'UWE IMITELS, Monumenta and Grave Stones. ?Lear's FASO. usexasekt AND JOHN& 'SOWN Catlltl9ll3. SNOWDF:I - 4, - NOTARY rux3Lac., no. 69 Diimortb STEELS, Tnisviat. of baits acku tak imiedstaca D i. ia e Sipa3lemi =amt. en. Moo t , oeda, liOrtrlgiii Artloko 'Agroesoect, Leases =MO. r"pars ereg k ind "'Otto. • “lladP FEET,” Bays P . ilnU, D dac• ml ,iadpiisnatne destlm" Tb.fret 'nutlike Is 11 pair of wAyEr,ruogir poor:0 GI "ii .kr 141* Jae, ROniFB;o3lirket i A - DayßDlLVlNTEarittifig i r than Car the year ISDL . Vtc;l:..7k tt aria:loo.d *soda tyr Mew, 'At , 1.1 eititrs 7 qrPitistmovls, la &t rot aad Ctelosoa. atatrhint, ad d is ku.N.by ordaiard mat maid. be tta tratatritr qf the amts, - That tituritretenue of mkt city, for the year 1144, attain,. Born Sala*, Loans, and all ether worn, togather *nth eny moo. yr to, thartreasory out ottorr•tse approprLsned, htn by' appniaitteti La the foltorehtty papaws: - 4111114.1./ .1111114PIIIATIONS. 1. lattreet oral Mx on )11101e1pa1.._...r f,O 000 00 •• i"orrittroralso.— 141,(0000' 2. Salaries of 10.550 CO 3. Paliße Printlog 4 Fire 1:051r ea ...I Ra-- =AO 00 5. Fight Pollee • 01,030 (10 5. Water Worta. 30,000 00 7. Llg Gar i; E. llug tom 00 1 023 00' 11. Alliglieny Wlart 3,500 00 12. Woigh ............. 500 0 0 11. ('5(11 001 !nod SMU 00 14. Bound of Health . • WO_ 18 ) 15. le.. due and falling doe-- ... 2 41 080 .... Outetnnd'g 11 - arra/as, not cona'an'tl. 1 00 17. /8. Finance Department.._.. ....._.. ........ ..... b 2 ," 00 5 ° 0 2: 3 1 00 0 19. Pinking Fund 20. 1/111.11 Ward Natant— ..... 84.4 OQ Ill.krrs or rsc=ris or ecrracrE roirL63.l _ 011.000:00 13,000 CO 00 • City Tax ..... ... Disistnees Allogheny Whnrf Monongahela -14,300 00 Diamond Alarkate: ....... ,0110 m Mayor's Oaks Measuring Wood and 3: •or m la w Board Measariug 12 00 Sea Inapesting...— 123 00 Passer:, Railway ...... _ LOCO 00 Wrlab ...... ... ...... 30 30 GO_. Lost,. duo owl Luling MPS VU Tb 51,5.311 ger. S. 'nut for the porpote of providing sufflelont royenee ro meet the ordinary expeness of the city, and pay the Interest on the Compromise Bonds am. thorned by Act of Assembly, approved the 11th day of sprit, itir4l,' and the °Nimmons of °mind pant ed In yurartarone thereof. the mom of taxation me hereby Met. awe t a:rote what is anti:raised by former Acts of Amr&ly, and for oho year 1564 they shall he ng Rd Wwa , vie : • 1. Ilpou all crete-rty taxablo fur ttta.• or County purpose., tight rates 12 epee the duller of the vslua- •• • . 2. rpon all goods, wares and merchandise, and upon all articles of mule arid contrarree, including axles at nw:tion and otherwise, ono and two-third on the dello, Lion the actual yearly mars of each and emery r menraged In the trade, hoerrs. or ono stt rupuu retn,ling for him, Inr or their 1+,0 , 14, rinpoo, fermented or dimlllool 111.0.05, and on the actual yolorlo not.. n ear.h an d no m , p.m., or arm angemed In the I..1.«011 o ernoperlon of aa •mh tonic.% lire to.ll. or. the duller. excepting on the salmi.,( rho-k, real ...tat« atennotemte, the rate of whisto shell he one and t .o-t hind na hie on the dollar. 4. tin the woes,. wanetbrly bwrurno of ell for nanllog end commission merchant., bret ma and bank.,motitntiohs, and on the aeerege r or insurance companion monmatm mason-Ire. «apnea. ompaniet eget telegraph co:lli:notrn eoe end t0...-trzrd hots en the Molter. and at the mar.. tim t'ay Aoomoor nr so-o th•• mold ta,eo All w-uLcisuce• 1.1-• nrillanneee, to •1-1, Az • int.,¢si t. 0 , rrewith,• , « bomb) r•peale f. tnltottnl at.l nand int.. • lau [Lip ,111 .13, a J.11,,. 12 , A • JAMES MeAULET. Pr,u1....4.1 ,lect C.lne4l .lttmt E. 5. 31,,t,., 1110. k TKCI, ,•f I'•nninno Count' . 11l 011 M 11,,k ..r ,mtudn 3.0 Si NA , N . CE te o gre...crihinA s. t, ✓,,,,, A. f 4, F.,11 dw.o Psta..tre.k. r. ,rranno (L.., I. dod .martrti Thnt tar not.: 3 - rat of 1,1, •nd al— 1ab0r."... re,..nlnted by dtd.•dr, th.• ra tln• .4y (dli , rds rha/1 lartra r Tin• +Ala, liar 31•yor , rt.rb •ramn bnudied '.•r annum. Ti..' •alary Sha d•r• rr annmn. Ti.. •alary Ihd ,nl,llrr, lindrudal dollars lon •rlnry ~ 7 tom.. rdy melee hundred 11, Praiary thr lint Inds i.l"don , . 3:3nnalt• ui drr annum. Tir salary ni I , ndrlrt htrnrl Commis htr,l,ldtlarg per annum. Ts.' van, .d 11, 111dr .nvabela IVI,ArI ulvht hundred 1...1.5r• per Annum. Tho ra,ry ~1 11,hony Wharl 3l•dh r, elgut I, u.nlr-1 d.dhkr• rye unnnm. Ihe .r.l.ry M.....n e rt ..'utn•ll..r, flare ban. d...! ,I• prr P 1/,,...1ary np.r em.r.rdr and C. nanit• ndrr Wt. 4 , ,I r. I.- As, tun and Tit, Ihr I I . obnal.e•reartmrmvetin nx fn.! n To.:111 of ht.,1[0.14 of .rne•thlrd, litAtfor, bupt. lumirnt nri • f are lnrr 10.. In0••••••rt :1. .11.4 nll orasaanrrs, nr i.trts ow M!• se Itr tho nan., s oar vial/ thin or , ll- ,3, , , Orr rr;aal rta..,l Into a law I, I,n. I•, 711$ 'lay !attn.,. .1 U. 1))1 F:4 M.. kr LLT, Preglaut , SQ4.-t ‘'t• 5."1.• •1 Con,ll. 1 . ,11`; 9. h 11.1.E11, rr..1.1.4:1 .4" 0 , ..,3'41u. Attelt • 11 r Wl•wrryt, CI,. odn,non )µ.S% _ AIN A 'AC.; ANA NCI.: iacrunsing the Wa,r VnLiclo Limn... and Few Sr, I. t• a rr.-./.•••....1.z...1 Jr . ,'.anon ax.l ooluon,l of POl.loogk, 14 g. 7,1 00.1 Comm.,* Comordo 0•A0ar,A,....1 a A Itc.ebo ....mart nrr•l wooeird by Mt oho woo, That thr• rata. or Neater *tut. arr I .I,r.y aro. intrr.sered twenty- Corr tot, rentnrn r.rt4 r :no pre.tatrt arl.mhale. thr. An. tenor ryt tVert...•• 'trate 0.01 bt.r.fter uts.lte Ito sa. arrorar,,t• at that rat, 2. Ihet rats. id . l.arfahn no the blonun gelieln ‘Vlierf and en the Alleghooy Wharf be and the .em. an to rent' Increrned .on hundred per re:s tow over prenet tatu. ecr. 3. That ell rents far market stalls .1 stands, except Witchery' 'wend, to and th.e ease are harsh, Increased pet orntom ever prennt vse-ta arr. 4. Thl linern,s of es:Malec el every eh.- noon and dewription, srd ell welsh wait wne, be nod the wone are hereby locoweed filly per ventem w resent min. Taal ell or.linaw - ed, or •arta of nrdlnsarew, Pe far no inennbieent herewith, are hereby rerented. Ordained nod enacted lot , a Ina In f'oancils, this 7th day of J nunar; , A. 1404. JA4UEB McArLET, 'rewldent of Select Comiril. Attest E. a. alohanw Clerk uf Sweat f ennel. JOIIN Pneldent of Common Connell. Attrst r ll nom :St - Manna, Clerk of ltnnsion Onnoeit. )n2:34 REJU VENATOR. EP.LI It '1"1-111: ll= nab. to t. oriblool ~t ot, and protinclos ❑olr whore It had o/WiretLer Isvi Irsomo Alin, I. every ley becoming non manifzat, and establlems, ►o• yur.d doubt, tba [Act.— TAM tt mill, to amtimes own tattat•-r, aware Gray Role tm tto ortpaal eofor. no! U mat maim U rota o• Bold Kewha That a Ina nave N. Naatral ttecremat. nat U teat remora m Amami and Ite/ano. That U teal mate ate Mir imlt and Maim. Vat U preserra Ow Origami Color to Did Apia Tao/ a rat palatal t). nail Alm Balm Of. nag U mil/ ma. aU Direams of at &Op. It ta not • Dy ; ettztalato no filtrate , of pave:, or .y other logmalnot It:Orions to ether Skin to Hal, Prim, ONE DOLLAR. 811408 JO/INSTON, General • Om. of timlthtlald and fostrtb DM, Plt stola:Dattc•wr YROCLAILA'rION.—Cirr ov ALL ON Au. N. In conformity with a pi-mitten of an AU of the General Assembly of the Commoner..lth of Penn• aylveals, mtttled ••An Ant incarporating U. qty of Allegheny," end a sopplament passed the 11th day a April, 141.1. 1. A. G. ALAXAsnnn, Mayor Of the ..to city, do 1.0.1. Ohio. Proelametion, declaring that on the SLCOlir. TUESDAY Or JANUARY, igti, being [ha 12th day of the month, the 3aalised enact-00 each weed will meat at the ghat bersinah sissationed, and elect, ty ballot. ene citizen to rime SA lifeyoe, and one citizen to .Etr. e. 00111.0 or of the Poor. Jinn wAaD. The quaLthrd voter+ of the First Ward to meet at the PM,Ile hchool ktom In mid ward. to Met, by !elitist, owe oltirms to Born' as a member of the fteloct Connell, fora to term as members of t►. Common Commit, one fur Amomor, two Wr Aseletent Ama son', no for Joh,. or Election•, tore Ins Inspector. of Zlooflons, tee tor frbool 111rtstare, and ono for Oonstabla. CEMEI2II3 The quaintest voter. of the Sooood Ward of sold city to tarot at the Public School Itado In mid ward, to elect cos citizen to amp as a mrattber of the Select Council. four to sorra as turnatora of the Comma Connell, one for Aosowrar,,tre for assistant Au entrtc-one for Jodi. of EiV olilion, two for laspectors of Zlnctinta, toe for Kama Inman's, fee area Jun, and two for School Dirs.-lora Ita tato rear, sad oast for Coostablo. . . • • • • • TI7IItD SWAIM. The qualified votere or the Thlnl Went will meet .. follow., sin: The I , lret Preclact to meet of the Pottle, &oboel ilea. in sold ward, eoester cf .T lM , he. mule and Shmwt plet street.; and the &wood n at the hones et CoL George Gera, eorner Of Iran boo. and &cond. street, le said ward, to elect, tor ballot, .n. tithen to serve ae a Umber et the Select Cleuneil, fear to serve so members of the Cameos Mandl, One to OarTO Si Alderman, ens for AMMO; two for Assistant Ammon, roe for Jade*? Mee tiona, two fsr Lorpectore eirkettone, two Mr SAM Directors fur three years, and ono fur temps", and one fir one-year, and ewe ioraonstable. YOU/ITEI WAILD. cealided roters of ,the rooeth Ward 'du meet faiorn., Ca: The First Precinct to meet at the Cositia lions. - corner of Andantes, and Leo n and the Second Precinct tit meet at tie honaaef Atm Pack, corner of Chimaera and Main struts, In said ward, to clock hr 0. citizen ,to urn as • menitior of the Beira Conned, four to lime u mama berm of the Common Mandl. one to . servo es Alder man, one for Amara, to.. for Asetotant -Ammon, one Ur*Judge of Elections, two for Issuctors of 121brAlans, - two for Schad DirretOri, eon ms. Ibr . Consta mbl un e. filder an hand end tad, the :lath day of Drumber, A. D. DIM A. 0-11TICTAIPODEL.: (1,8.111.-101) sacks prime Oats fors Nile : ' , • WX.PASECIX4,OO4 •-- • •t 4 .., FDS_S4LL FtrniAVEVOR - 18 AT L IFFDDLEOrk 1T31.10,02, at 11111bilesen, mer cer begat; Pa., ins taken h the moment owners Ore ladeteednoqs, and or Uri ban other Issportml ID 11.raa4 gabbiest te fidly occupy their attention they *Mir this property for eats. at • moderate prim, The Terns. hes recently teen nerenstrnited and Un proved, the Hwib and Lining are new—the lattee. Wet Inner and outer walls, of 11 .. I Fire Brick. Illa• &anklea anauir• stoke work, on a rock focindetlen. A nilway brings the nod tetho top of the .raft. The On and Coal Houses sin new. Then are a b et 17IN tone of Lake fluporior On now on head, and a future certain supply may be negotiated far • tern of year, •buradance of the beet quality of iron• meting Coal is In the Immediate vicinity. Thera an 1... the c.a.. 1 .1.2 to thop.p.ty. the the deposit of On and Inn, and the Lie aad Mts. beret ltallroad crown the pregilsre, thin giving a chain of transportatien. Ni - Ith Iron at the present priors, the profits of uniting Pig Iron am very large, and the opportunity of shipping haweitiately lute • hlghty rentuneretho bognras, !nide only to be an. neuriced to be appreciated. For tern= apply to the undereigned, at Cleveland, Ohio. H. IL IUITLE .t BON. Cleveland, Ohio, De , 30. HO. AnAil DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE in dourishing Western town on the P. P. W. d 0. It ft, not over SW mUm from Pittsburgh, n &log le largo and proltatdo trade. The stock no Is newt and bee been eelested with reforetoo b th. mato trade. Hos all been purchased far rash at lomat niarkei prison 'l3O Frame proprietor has deckled to =tiro nvre the trade °slog to bud holdth, sad new n d eo r o wi„ offers tho stock [wage ; oleo the good will of tin re tiring party. me bonze We a large and reepecteble trade, whkh a= be retained. T h e prawn& Stodi Till Invoke from wren to ten thotutand dollen, Ant mold be reduced if desired. Parties wishing to know the porno:dm will please adder es coll pereocen soot LTDAY k C11013211:NNIRO, 69 Hand rtreet. PittAbonith. P. 13,500 00 ... 10,000 00 VALUABLB FARM FOR SALE Bit, need In Cberr7b W totritoldp, Indiana anon, P. conniving tee arm. mom or lea. with o large Pale Haat Bare, krre,, Game Boole, too stone Sprng L1,11..1,10:I • .tort' of (rams °omit ; • nemr-61aug •pring of man convenient. Them te stream of water raining through ft miflicient for mill poorer. About onmhalf of It cleared end under rod Mire; • good quantity of meads. on It; m geed apple orchard of good fruit, convontant to Chorales, tichmdm, Mill , and Stems, aad within ninon mike of the cesaty mat. Stem I. coal cenrenlant. Thh to an nattiest nark or palm farm. Payment, undo to mit porch..., and • good title giro. rat further particalars address, A. L PATTEISSON, Ar.at, Jal,lard EWnrtile, ladluta Clonaty, P. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-A valuable T. containing. 2011 now, 'Ramo in Pranklla laarrabip, Payette county. P.., miles from Damson . . Station, an the Pltubczah and Coa. nallaalflo flathead ; ILLI erne in • good .tata of cal tivatlan, Wan. a...al timber land. The improvr. men...al. • a... 1 tug dwellaug, ores:h t 1. a: uu containiu ala rooms and toot cellar; a barn, with otabllng andurarath, ewa, ~ evrn nibs, p. 11., 1, PAW tarn. v aratarrd, awl .detain 20 IWO, .t radereul..s.d, • taa Co•Jt 0,20. Fur term., apply up ti 8 DATE.S. lt.atitmlvtAl 11 . Butl.r str.t • • TESTIMONIALS AND AFFIDAVIT... VALE iltl..F. FARM 14)1t. SA I.F. sl Us- We, t 17.• undeseigned, mthttos of P.m.-ken Cour ty .0.4 0, L.L.l" ' e• '''''''• P. a ''' • ' n ' '' '' 1 Kentucky, artily that for many ysar. we hay* fr•- eest of rltlAburgb, onntandlug Ills...re*, Balk Rows and /,tri, Dere thereon ?After. e . J0.01....1 i ',_.,;,,,,,-:,.,.,"",, , ~ch Caro b, , ~,.„,,,,.,,,,,,„ 4 ~,„. hettom Wad end the Cayenne sbeends .. sit, I ..., m ,,, p 4 i i , lino u . . ~,,,,,„ „ ~.„,, i Memo and awl, with • t....1-plt la oper•ti • 1....,,, , s , ...mere, •• lure porch.... n.du druggist. and Mod (Den riprit Ist, 1364. i oder. lomts wt... had them fur le. We Nate re. r° ' furib"- P •"l ''''' . I. "'" 01 W '' " ' Lo " n • reedy tie. I tt o . toosetenbu -- N egetahl• rll. and at Lartener'a blation, oar AA MOS HUM :I. ... k m 7 i , ~,d , c ,,,. .. , , ‘.. .t ., ,, ,, ,, ,,. .,,,, ~.. „,,,,,, eorzeille. 1 I . .:• - .1 -2- ~d merit by umn, them at dm-n-nt t... ; ... halt Volt .ALE FRS's L.ow —4 hle rt 'i'l•'.'i man Ind hoard of their t•markable oftPacy, troth on 1 .....r oleo sod ... boar 1a.0001...., and we deem them deca l. VALV , ' RN ' ' , G , INK ' ,?., Inch `7 1 , • '' .4 ' ''' , dldly the d m....rt iperrios, the .afar and most twin .en't.. It ' •th ''''''''' "'•''''''''' '''''' " ' ' •bye medicine eted one•ed to the pnblio, and we re- Melo ban, Fly Wheel, Flans., tun,. 1,. o ... i .‘ ,„, :c , , ,,,, ~,„.. ~ „, . 1,,, ,‘,..., „,..,,..,,- Thia Eal,in. h , well . 4 + , 0° 4 I'' , ..te.: . —... I li. 11 KDEleul.l. til.l.ll.df ELY, boo ../ ..d.il l r.r • 11 " M" Mill ' J." '"' -- s to AN 1.A...L50N, Jell ...IAVEIO.II., 7110 S A RBCCRIAL 1 ... • (.70.SklotIrsi..Elt. Author e;•eee,.., e, . - 1 IL IAD I 11.031.0 A, , I, ....G,AI /loo.ted, brotpv. of one Veda, tor Bracken deft.ll M4 '.'" -. '' ' . ti.., Red-tacky, ber.hy a.m., that th• subwrlhem to F 0,.... J....._,.... ,I). I. I. F 1 11. . .1... forremng certancJlo.. are citm.ns o f D o , e..., I . if S ellP" , f ' 7 ROL \ A ~,—, .....,,,...,1,1, ~,,,i ~,n „ ,,,, , . , , ...., ~ t density, hen tu.k... , •nd I kw.l them to I• yezrel , , ut. : 4 ..,,,,' D r,„, " , m ,,.." ‘ b ,„.`;' . .,,.,", ( 1t n ,17,, • 0 ~j,„7,,,.', 1 ,. • ,...,....',', ',': ~,a ',',',..! i , 1 1, t, ...00:0 ,1 0 .11 0 n:e . ..1 , 1 L " e n 0.? 0 Li. 0 ....r 4 , 0E10::-.....l. "l : l 4:l.o7:7 ' fblt o t w n Lit:e7o ., o ; m r. b os:t. r•• P'''''''''' r • N 00••• •°4 4 " '"'•"7 ' ''' •-• "'' .". In. . Ne-.. L IA• r 1 . 0 11 1 1 h .erfull add mile.. Rem the toy, anti %ef • mil. p. n 11. o.i. en fe , t • . 0 ...my non y, c a y Run 811.10 u, P.F. W. aC. R. K., • g-•• •I to, .0.1 .7 t.tinthn7 In the , fJoor plenk nark to Mee otttiou. - • , Wren neder my hood end snot. Jadlr-d ROL Pf Oh Ju•tire of the Pewee, , r " v 0 1" " d ''""'"X Pl i te ' I a* lb.a •I- • . •, • i .1 the tow., of .t•vriinEnr .5 ••••:••••• `', ''' '''' .^ • u " ' ‘c,"" d ~ 3• "' C '''' ' '' ..' n"4.". 00 r '''' '"' rZt,`ZA — . 'c'..l7 - 0,,, c ;i";! . .. 7. . N ,::., ,',',°.,„ii`',".:111,,,'` It) LET—A — welt finished tine .slor, , that w• and enr fnmilless wee u• :I t 1... Grow:cab., BRICK 'ol'll,l,lNa, on Wylie et... 0 NJ ...A Vegetal:a Pills •nd readily medwinae and with the ...attaining el,oilat rwoons, wtth 'bower-dal, h e e .1 , mom. &readying mulls. We hells.. they Justly mold, Large yard, with .91-Mus. t{^. , .... mes.l the ahnl or.alltirs 1n.n...1 N. , them by the Alen, A two-Mory lieu. on Clay alley, n-er IT e. Cllr Poutpan 7, and would rot.:Niently n.eolo- Ilain .1.00.1. Reel 510 per month I equ.,• or 1 mend them to the. poodle flora/ Dr. STlllitarrl, 2 , 1 1 . • .1. J. 15,;004 by .. ... .... j Georgn S. flirter, Thom. J. outer, hysiotn); FOIL .d 1 t.r.—A Int or 1.1,..nd, t WILL. 00 to.t. A bruits.... Sue Ler, Vernier,, I I . 14P.0n, tie., TS woow.. attnered Itof mltre from .1.. woo.. 0.. John liare.,o,m-c1....r,0 . ,. 11y 1'..r., t.. 'nee). Stmdh-n tiNo,oe Ilm Plttabnonh. Port W•ice. A t 15k,... , it II '.,earl. (Ganser,. 1 J Go.. ldruvert .; F Poutn• TI,. .1.,,,, ~..,,,,, ~ ..,.11 ttmher•d, e.loo, ~ .... . ' :irk, (luster), P. 17.1 d. n. ttermert. tl ut Grifhth., young nrobard el Lotting trail revs. dh, , . ',Mater,. D. Grannly Os La ter, elere /dem I'. will A. cold on reasonable t.ruds. leely (toothier). ll N. 11. ea ,mere John For Moller partieutan •Ilrms li•n.heart (Cantor.. V \'.n Durk. ( ordwatuer). oelt.O.,nn 8 0 KOJI Attllift F...er1ett1..!..11.. / . a .„,-„ ,„„,„ 0 „ 14 0'1'1 4 :1, AND LOT F'llR SA 1.F... •"_.: JOllh B. WIL DOR, /usu. of lbw Pmea. I L- 2d r'oluon.t.ty',';•.D"rL7.t''..,ha"r/017.41.:irtte'n'I'...1 " to 1 . " , ''' ,..,,, d. , 1 , . lin. ":. u h. E. 0. 2. ! 6 •. E A R R.... , t +1 ," 1 " 0n 0"' 1• , . , 16.W ."" :1X . 1• Railroad street sib lat. Strisk /140•1 f.• 1,-... 1., ... ' THE GRAEFFINBERIi fret .itchen .en he 15 f•ed. ntstde EA toy 14 ...et If md sold, it will Le rented PUNTER A 111. kbaet Fegirlnti. bow. 50, ISM. *471,011 14 1 01 t SALR - A t etuiflreund. I.: two Frame. Daollioge them., •itae..: H.- kortb reemrnea. attar the Sratind Watt! H Allegheny City, anti 60 fat [rout aa t'c end eanning back fiat. For partloolar• Inquire at the premise lea( H. Meg POR, REST—The three-storied ['teen !rig Hoary No. Ni, eltua.• on F• 1.. 61 0r... Allegkery City, nearly opposite I ha. Gen, !Loh neon. Fur term, apply to JOHN C `.l", Watt b Wilton's, No. kek T.ibort, atrcet. JAPaodtf NIOHI:laON tN It V Elf 0011 . fiVit SALE—A lot on Virgin alley, I mama Wood and Smithfield etroate, rr , t.t ooatatalaa about s,oluare trat, a. 41 ~1 L., a temolketraing catabl want, bill b. eold 1...• Apply at Ten. CI INGO IiTRIIICT 7 CARPETS, OIL CLOTEIS, tfr GOODS FOR THE HOLIDA IS OLIVER liiCLINTOCK & CO., No. 26 Fifth Street to elm of the approeoh of CI3IIISTAIAJS 13L0LA1%,%. Ve4 II a . , twit ape9..l 6 lame ana matrivwxst NEW 000D8 ! Onnenting of Yletria. Brobonsed and LooroLl.r.a TABU!. AND PIANO COVERS•, Clam sod Ola Bordered WINDOW NIIADIEIi; Velvet, Citeoine mad Tu(kd N 17614; POLL and Panto DI its, HAS BOOBS, A 1,., the, tangent and wont ultuplata st ,, cll .4 Carpeting', oil Cloths, Evan bronght to the city, at Itw that p , to t mat tat rates. OLIYTB kte•LINTUIIt S IX;,, dciH It.. '4 *PIK lotreet, Pi:...bur AI. AT -THE MON CA_HAPICT STN.) 1 t Ws ah+ll cud rAtlVarMrliVat l i IN Pttiti6., • hall Hue Cl CARPETS, Floor Oil 0/oth:-4 Ia .beets 3 to 2f toot *lda WOOLEN DIICUGITS AHD CRUMB LOTH2, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE AND PIANO C0VECH.11.031,1.... MATS, STAIR HOMO, L.. . . Then goods hate•Adtineed,!tn Snit ,re TEN to Twslirr-rivii DUX CENT. .I. bin thirty daya. and 14 - 0 art now idling at LESS THAN MA N. DPACTEHEIDS emit be seem un Wily new, all haying been porches& 'Fla, nin..ty L for nub. at the Ter) lowest pric.. ni I. McFarland, Colllne & Co.. R.an AND 7: w ITTO Between Poext tHrtc. and Manua antidin.ts rAAO CRAW, ouTiarr • , Boer. courtaotly band a Lwao tad 1.."44,1 , 4) senrcniad mock of DEUILINO, BOAT AND Bo TVA . . PLANK, WINDOW /BABB &TUFT, LIN'CLFS 4 , BUBBILLB, JOISTS, BPOCTINO, Eatity, DIGS, go., tr..,are. Ile will CO ordars for BAWLS STITT , n,tb prompt:Dom sad at 61r rat.. N. B. Batons wanting LONO TUBBIER 81. LAS ail particular/ Unita, to examine 1A.,- INlFOtilakos Craig stmt. war Bobirabor .trig: l LARD OIL • 60 barrel. 80. 1 hard Oil; 0. ka'a fit bI JAS. DALZELI. "MS, GO and TO Wo;or C li H ESE --3,00010 - xes D. Ch eese; 1.003 do W. n. do; 600 do Ilosolmrg do; 260 do Gab.: Torino by J. B. CIANYI r, BARRELS ORANGES - _ el St 6 OM LEMONS ; . Jest received end for min by RXIMEIt a BROS.. ' reed .-•: bled. 120 and I$ Wool 14net SUNI)HrES..2O . Iacks POtatoDN llbbts. Dillow; 150 de Omen Apples.' 10 saas Dry App • •-• • 1W tmsb. Whitt. Denim • For We at US Elbert) Amt. da) . WU. P. DM a CO Sll/1 MLR Ogg i E YORK ertni IM GUAR= .SlO POTATOM of Nub Dlow,Prio bats, L.,.ra!istiek total* by - .mas • { in Batt ;WHITE :FLINT EOM 11 w 20035popbrBrooto /hales; bo .... _W a nalhor i '"Er'marimawrini., Ml= ITU IND DISLit;E: TLC TI O:;1+ LIETLIOD or COUR. A great eb.4.,ity effectio: the human et , fn,m o.oederotop.mout of Use ilipoitire nr;.oo. TlcOo¢au , tow of these .:It-sore ie the otonifostiog tio.ll .silt') of Gnaw. Thu, Lroto crowd ) of the :iv,: End eosero path In the siocno... dereng.tnent 1.13 the rencenenron.ror, of ,:.• ntonon-h, an Pen widely differont meniOotall,os ol dnwoo, but, the toych-ing au. mesa, they lan P.o.n corr.! by tk..ostro When the , tom,e!. and Lewin pvrforrn lbeir fauc. tiros eatunslly ; nkra the pone of lii• .kio wry open end salon the eianer* ars Food condition, tensing the Orin.; to ff. , dr..:cPar, dtpeos , of diges tions ore imp,a)Pl.. ir.in Roy of th.re u;ents fall to perform Noir core properly, ..I`,.oims of di,potoni M the natmd god tio.tlinble ton..ltiroon. The OBAEYENtrit.; TEGrrABLE PILLS eriu mtlere dl dimeteen r I t m‘y be the eympternit Bet-nal. they ore,. We puma, cleanse and etrougthen the storitzeh and I.otruts make the urine Lieu healtliftily, cod fire toes and rigor to the irliole ezeteai. DlSYlidtai OF DlGti7:lo:t. The GTLIEFENBEIIO VEGETABLE MLLE, 23 unto per laLt„ere iu Um owe of Dili.. Complaint., Asthreco, °oustlpatiort, Dyspepsia, Ely dpelas, Low, Nefftall and Nlmple Severs ; Gastric revere, Drllea, Ilenerburn, li•adaelt, Indl&estlon Ltystertre, Ltier Co:iylnlot, Neuralgia, Enentuattetn, end all di...ft. arlritg (row went of cation In the dlgeatlee ors - nes; Doi :ft, Deßelent artion to Bowel.. Breast Peng, L.t art IL, ol CreAnaucy, Dlffloni Breathing, Dy.lept„.. CaLsnruptlca, /us. perGett Diy,..lon. Determination of Blood to (ho lorecbo, Epilepsy, Muth...7 ; Frequent Itleedia, at If. Noe , . Beal rla Fe.or, Write, Incontiaeura of Urine, Inflammation of Susi Carta Itointornat ow of the alsosach, Jeandite, Low Opirtts. It‘tony r , id mho: n CAI arolch te eotamendtd for so ut aurora,. Is Lou p.Welamp, and Inconsequvnor oortLy of c .1.101.11106 then It it proferacel to cure Eno , doe:-...e. (tut, se re :a dray., time. ,91111 , 1311.“ nth, from the of the ore or,..tue—dud oral bet, Nature cure. we am • vs of ten loadlus prturtphs, h tot, tot , thy nhs. Josephy of tho th.,,1 of ruse. SW Turns to a Ca, roueaw . Tt.al Pa, vfrlan :r called )lens.lanyto ed up with arty 13....16., :o tail tr. lisrottstinity watt, . • • • . ph.cian, and tinio• their fewertr. ...a. .ty ...I and orlologfrxdo ,141,1T,cr• the -.an • orrael. flirty slat son, tompt • ...• • 0 "ditch thrin Oils an. attcris posiurtisits—ain. tlits OM Of these the math. r• Is referred Gnat. Wier/ iferssel qf H"--114 and ether publications al ths Graaf...46am Gin:trans. Put Ittl rhos. who suf. •r from any of the complaints Vogt enoroarntad .hem a Galt trial, scounittig to dtractinns, argil they wiU be healed. BE=I Aro rtropaxeti tinder tho sr.per, utioll 01 • t:titirot phy.iclan, end they ma; too relied open in tOI ntoes. Tho Inteillgeneo of the moor-, try Is WI 1.1111.11 by the. otlet of • sixty% toodlotna which claim• to cure U dloesoen, toil the firoofeolsorti Rent..hoe tt.otolot oleve• attiorout ot.ne - tstalled to the sure of 11. d l.t.en ft.r whir?, they ere mom otnattrel, moony; .Mott cony t.. oolectod •ppm pr;ste to any of the Cornea inettleut to t►.. country 01i1.1111•. The Grehintierg Tegotable Pill. nee Lcttu than shy , thot kind nr pale In the world. Prim 25 013t4 • boo. no Groefortherg Sainof...l - 11:* l by Cu the muit orerilal and etilonedona eanationodin coo. Poke , 11 tiottle, The dreofeltherg Pentotery syrup to o oortain nod • t utee remedy tor all doievio of the bowel.. /hit!. ,t 1 cents s bottle. The Greeeieberg Pilo reonody veneer leas to rot. momently reliever - ads distressing disease. Pike 81 bottle. Thu Cu.:anion Children's ransom Is en trualls obi., compound In discus/a borldoixt to otaldum. l'rten 60 cuts a houle. The Gracie:lbn; Fes er and Ague flamed, Is a fioc erelga epoch/ fir ILL particular diaraae. Price 60 mute a box. The CI raefetsbrtg ema El. - matt% o:utment ex ‘,..l. on other Bolen In It carsttee et I' bets. hie° '23 croft • hoe. The Gossfealesra Ceasurept Mee palm :duds the most astanbilslog relief le all pulnemer) cemplaliste. Prim E 3 e battle. Th• Braetbmhar a • aralth Mauna areae meet aat and delfghtfal tank aver preparn.l. Prim 13 coma • package. Tbs Graefeabers Ey, i,otSon.l• anpar•lleled .t teummatlon cr dines. of Me opt. Price 115 cent • bottle, The Groot:titers Monnol of rtooltb (slevsntly tilnetrated witk expensivo engrovhsp,) I. the mast oompl•to Medical book In pang. Priooonly 25 mats. Soot b 3 mail, post-paid, no any part of the country, on receipt of M tents. She Graefoobers (klarsholl's) Utztirte C.thollocn to no belaslabla remedy far all Mule cllsonons s month ly Irregularities, weakness, tumors, %lovration, ins Commotion, whiles, Wilms anti other luc4 deron,:e. masa of the uterine argon. PM. Pt tO per bottle ; Ire bottles Cm. IM. Itiattin g., ac., CArnon.—An sutlelo, wbelly mumtbuined, nearly mumbling thl• in mum and laMl, bag Won put in clumbalut. . or All of the araefenbers, Famll7 Ilellelnca b. rarely sent by express. In qusetalca of deo dol lars worth and apward, they will be formatdal at a 'basal deduction from rotall arks. Da. GEO.II. lESTSErs, dal° Bola Agent for Pittsburgh. IIRALTI:1 OF AMERICAN WOURN [Fro.; N. Nam T 0.15 Ira se.] The Gnartrabcrg Family Homedfoe are mat sells. Mo. Irk We unircraal and dleaarrdte dlenrans of women, the rotorlloo aro grattir,Juclkious and earth effective- (Awe As tr. Y. Tim., Zdtgeriot, /Yea. 1, 1132.1 We eehlum waive any of the advertisements In our paper. supporta.; filet urery advertiser can mate-his own claims to public euutbienee. Sornetiutes, how ever, a nutter conies up of enflicient importance to L sestily s word from ne. pooh we deems toles thotiretes. tent...erg Compasty, Ns. 32 Park flew, which haw al most revolutionised medical practice by introducing new and most snecesafol methods of care. Trio let tere and tellitiMattlalm loom every putt of the tonally tear evidence of troth. and (rpm them we)odge that the Dlrestots of the tirsefenherg Inetltutinn under rate their claims to public coofideuer, instead of claiming too mock—o strtain sign that they .fated dem ou•the absolute. merits of the telllll4l they sdro.. ate. The TAW, of cheer tetturtontsla Y tortises as sorry! by letssue from Ilse. Ur. bangs, of the Pieties. diet Chard; Fracas 11.11, pruptiotor or the Oess eserciat Asieertieee, sad others of responsibility and honor. Prink. maims sod torthsentala hero aehtbliabod the bet that the GRAWTENBRIC COMPLIST'S ILARSEALL'S UTERINI CATHOLICON to the only reliable, mom lb, tboe disarm. whkh read.. the Rhea of women, from the ego of ter upward, miserable to an extent only known to tbeameltee. The. dia.' ens *Mkt. married and aloes, sod no aerial pew, ties, relukenat allying or condition. la Ilk, agora any goar►oty against dem.. Beside the load uteri. eymptoma they aro ellen attended with Derangedltoothly Potod., IrregutarUfee, We-4ms, faint. Dam, Deranged Appetite, Sallow Comilealon, Palo In the Rank end Kidneys, CUD, Cold Rends and Pest, Ricotta" Per;riehtrem, limmalgia, Patna.- Ilan of the Heart; Madam, Nerrotomeas, Reader-he, Iteellreenese, Diettrrlxd Sleep, Mak. of Heat, Gen. seal Pain, Crawling end Nis to the Spine and be. tenon the Shoulders, Acid Stomach, NILYIVNI, Indh gra DURcul paellas et Citae with heat or amartingi 'Wang, Borates or Irritation of the -Marine 0....., Nightmare, Despair, Ibacs.l4, Anxiety, Red Ti.., Nem. Twitching, Starting. lkoratipation, Irritablo Temper, Saturn, Depraved Appetite, remitter., Bleated and Ltregolar SW.% thipknitaal Dn.., Pairs in the Ctairm.Orgarm, Norabeeep arid Pain la the Lhabe, Lees of Mary, Bewilderment, Burnam oiled. pan - laths Rua, , The OreaGmberg ilk/7110a, * Mt rf,pi Cathollgon to prepared bins *dunned pbolan?,s, aid may he Rally. d, F anded upon., All other PreCpirtditralt Shod! led avoided. DR.GEO.I3.,,ERISER. HO. WOOdAresti-dedlgifettl.":: PROPOS.ILS • PROFV4SI,4' AMR FORAGE, gnikenklliskinte Trealtlngtot Depot, December a, itink . l Bened propownswie invited by the miner - signed for supplying ties U. di Lint - tuirrautsee Iselertment, al WmitinateN 0 , kid-, lionondria end Yorl 41.rve. VA rioted ,or either of oted plego, with LIA I, (ORB, OATS mie - 1 ETLIAW. 111,1 will be meelved for the deli,. ir of 5,010 huh. of core or oats, and so toos of Loy gkr tre w, nod op. Wards. Bidden must stain at which of the above carried polnbe they prom. to malt. &In.-not, nod, the rates at which they w ink...le:hen, them o r, th e qt.., tityOf each article pt epecti I. be delivered, the time what said debut:rim shall Ise commenced, end when to bo completed. The primmest in w-riali Out In words us the lAA' Cum to be pat spin gvW shod melte, t stout two bositele each. thief In the seeks, of sheet them be:theism-h., The sacks to be Inceisited without ex un charge ta lion Govan:ascot. The bey and eteurr to be soundy Leda The particular kind or deo-Option of cats, Can, hsy, or seines - pi - opened to De delivered, mot U. elated in the prop-nal, All tror articles °Feted under flan bide herein lo oted will tie' subject\t" n rigid inrpoetion by 11, Croverntat nt ofom Wang accepted. Oottmcbt will he awarded from tune to tiros to lbw lowest responsible Odder, we the interest of the Gor arnment may require, and payment will he Mad. whoh the whole amount cotton:led for abed{ ham been delivered mid accepted. The Wad, will IX , ..italuired to accompany BD pm pond with a gm:minty, signed by two impounda persons, that in cam hit bid fa accepted he or 4hey will, within ton day. nut . ..1t0% execute the unatiact for the wan, with good and ntilicient suruneet, in a ento Mad to tie astiont of the contract, to deliver rho fureip groped In rentfurnalty with the terms of this adterthetnent; and Wenn , the mid bidder &bon! (nil to eater Into the centract, they to make good the difference, bets nee the oiler of sold bolder ton: the neat loomt reeponeible bidder, ur tba person to whom the contrut me) be awarded.leo rrepoeslielity eft tir moot he Phone by the edified mother. ore 12. 0. blettiet Attorhey, Collector el 011.tonan, or May ether -Mover under Ito Culled blab. Goveromest, responeilds person annuls to this office. All bidibEis will be duly iletined.of thiroreptusec or reneerloo of ton troy , oat The full name nod I'. D. videos of each bidder moo be legibly "-mites in Ihe props-tat. Proproile 000.1 100 addressed to Drhpoller nenerol D. if. BCCK 1: it, Chief Detot Quartiriouter, Wroth ingteo. A C., and thosid be ploini) aaliked "Crop.- mil for Voinge." Bends, la a nneet ..inal to the onionut ef the mce Duct, signobby the mu Duo, nod hob of hi. doar antun, will be required of thesocoeeettil bidder or bidders upon eighth: the rostra. t Blank Dime of hula, gualaninia, and bonds, may to obtained upon application at this • fr., - FORM 01 - 10:01'0.11.. (Town, Counry and State,)- T, the sobscrilrr, herby pony', to tarnso/o amt loot.l litotes, at tho traartervuostor's I,;.at [moot at ,a,“,cobly La the terms a your advertise:nett, Inviting proposals for forage, da,d waaht.gtun Depot, Deeraiber 2, 18 , 2, tho fol lowing articles, vii bushels riTewria to each, at por bushel, . of 56 potuds. busbola of Oats,lt racks, at per bushel, of 12 pounds. or haled Tlay, at per (00,.0!'2,000 pourids. tots of Straw, at—per tot, 0(2,000 porttds. Delivery tothriguence on or Isofora los—day of 100-, and to to completed on or before the day awl plydga myself to outer Into a written contrast with the United States, with good and approved wet:intl.-is, within the spar, of tot days after being touted that thy bidtas Wm accepted. Tour olowlirlit wrvant, BrlgAdier Gelrral D. 11. Itrrxr, I.pot Umat•rtn.oi.r, Wasltirigtoai D. a. GUARANTY. We; ropigirra. the county id, and Shaine( herebe, jeititiy and et o r ally, cotenant with rite Unite . d States, and gmaiartite, in caw the foregoing bided within ten de yeafter , tht a“..e14.1..ac0 of enid WO, exe cute thn ceultra-1 for un , sunk with goodend.thclent surethn to s emu ...nal to the amount of the centrlct, to furnleh the foracr nronosed lu.eurnfornalty to the term" adverthecment datc.tinvembor 7,11 a., under which the Ind was :near, end. La ram the imhl hi \Ali C.l to enter irons ccutract aforee.ald. we par entre to rusk& g.noql the dlarrn , c between the oiler 1.7 the call - end the next lowent cr..ponell,to !Adder, or the pers.n to whom the contract may In air ard..L W 121212111. f U 1,012 L I{der our hands and seals 1 this day of—, ISU—. [ tleSenLj fal. , I heroby ,ertify that. t a ths Inv< of my know I gs. and tsdkr, al. apses oamrtl guarantors •aw good and sudlrient as sureties for ths amount for Which thsy offer le be security. ---t---, To to e•rtlrliet hy rho Uttitt4 SIDAP..• Instr . let Attar. net., 14.11ortur of Crederno, or other Mir, under th. Cuited Staten leareruturnt, or nrolortriblo person koorru to duo oatco.. All prupamaln nagl:d U chder thla adiertlare . l7t en -111 npeeml 5212Acaluml at thin ultra ma hl/. ESIIA V and EATIIItPAY of tech :era k. at 12 .2. Bidders are regantfally lealted to be peasant at the rpraleitt et 1 , 111, if wry duLre. It. 11. 11CCICIM, 401:Gm Ceck. stid l, , n).:4rumutter. PROPOSALS FOIL fIOV ERNMENT TBANSPORTATION. • Orris or Ceirr Qrairtkintaarrdi or Wnier-} MN Ervin llsiouncroirralloa, Ft. Louis, Ito, Dociafor 13tf, 1303. Propooda for Goroandott Transportation, on tkic Camberlaud and Tanners., Elvers, will to =aired at the offloa of Captain koikart, Quartardionetcr of Tracoportation at Cincinnati f Captnin lorry, Qtier terraiotar of Tramipartation at lointarilla sod Cap tain Panto., Quarnirmactor of Tranaportatlati at St. Loofa, notil 12 o'clock or. MOSIDAT, decatiary 11 in, flint Bidder. will stela the rata per hundred mitre, for which :bey will trampart officers and troopa, homy, mule, rattle, wayour •ud bay. Alm rata par one pounds, per hundred ta11,., ter all other freight, from Cloctunall, Lorthellle, Cairn sad 84. LOl3ll to Nat►- rill< and liartputt, and to and from IWrmedlsta putting. }ltd. Bill to tmulo wornmtively on tholml• of 3, 4. 5,0, 7 nod 8 lent of water. In ram boats are rtetalned boyond a rtarmstahle length of time in nulorallon or otharwire, by nealert or ardor , of Gurrrommt ofacera, demurrage will b.: allowed. Arrange:mots will also he made so that boats will not be delayed for convoys, unless at their own re quest. • Bids canbe made'separately or jointly for the transportation from Cincinnati, Lotturtlio, Cairo and Si. Lords, dit also to the Cbtoberbmd rind Teo . . _ Bide may also be . made fer the/ whole trarieporta boa or foriany givin camber of tuns, not less th en fire Ibromend. The ritht to annul the oontraet, on twenty days' written notice, will be rescreell to both pante!, un less bidden. those, to make la alternatne proper:- Von for a emtais oontroct for any glees Liogreb of time, from three (2) to twelve (12) months. Wben there Ls Government Coal at Northville, it will be !amidst:l at the coat to Oarernment. Compensation will be rondo In all oases for tho ac tual Ablative tmeeported. Bids will he addrresed to and opened by ebb , te of tbsabovodamed Quetta - mutters. A bathed bond will be required for the perform ativ/ of nay viatract eotored tato. Government referral the right to Moot say or all bids vossidorod unreasonable. Lan - re D. Colonel. and Chief QoArtxrmastor, j01:1.41 Wokteru Inver Truusportstion PROPOSALS FOll. CAVALRY UOILSES. Casual , Brorto Crew. or nut Ct., QVA., Witeldngton, D. C., Nov. 25,15e3. • Deopooslo do solicited, and will be melted at this th.) for the forolohlog of Covilry Bootee, to be de• llverod at Washlr.gton, D. C., bt. Lords, Tdo., en" Chicon, lIL The Homo to “mply with the. following epeolllos thew, vlst To b. front catedn, (15) to tin.. (16) handy hlgh, from lire (5) to ohm 0) scare old, well broken to the eoutZle, eaurnetly boll% to good twat, mold Doi flow all defects. The ability of the lathier to fulfill Ms agroornent must be gaersoteoli by two rospontlhle whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee. ' Ne . proposals will be entertained twins then:Lib of Allegan. of the person or persons bld,ilag shell be en tie In this aka by the= b ee li ggea n tr or th r :ZYt to e; '4 eTtl im ette g' t Meted. Court or of ttue Untied btatee ittstrlct At torney. ' Proposals moot be addressed to Mott. Got. 0. G. .9.IWYELLZ, ChtetQuertermaster, Caestry Duman,' and be endorsed on the envelope "Proposal: 11.1 r Identes.” Cavalry limes arming sith the shove spectfleip: Mos sill hs purchased in open bdr. Yrl. 6 , St 000 i ll pluce, vb. t Nos Yorraty, Albany, 11Cale and Rochester, W. T. • Plttelna ?en.: -, Cohm.bus, Ohio, Beaton, tilas ; AllgtO MO.; and Madison, Wis. O. G. HAW Q, Ident. Got. and Chki Quartet:6.f.. noMdtt Cavalry Bureau. UNITED *STATE'S MILITARY RAIL D.OAD 01111. X., .:58 atroet, Wagang toe, D. 0., De ember MY, 1863.. SOODIIOTPTE lOGI114:5 AND SAILD.OAD IKON FOR BALE.—I will sell at public Inaction ' at the °tang* and Alexandria Selena Depot, In Alex— anbia, 9a, on TiSDNFI3DAT, tha • 13th day of .J.tunary Ten second-hand lacomotiro Sugiura, 4 Set'S% inch.. - -- About I,uoO ton* of oid llaila, T And 11, gallant. - 3W" Oar Inters; NO CAt Axles; SOD • " ' Wrought tirtap Don ; A lot of 84 •44 SPrina; Q0E4111;14 to. gala to casononceitt 10. Ten= mob, hallorannient At" U • , • .I.laptaba and A. O. EL VLOUR I .FLQUIt I 400 bbl.. Bord's dk.."*T. Baker', Roar; 3.90 Farttetes XX " • " - • , ", Mao Idlariesato Bakers Flow .Bas Loa Bsmity • - " 0 rW " (ididra Sheaf Baker's vsziops broads Bs. t CUR. "`. For solo by 6CIBVSUBBIL S LANG, , del, • 7es4,lbortystreet. hhds. prime N. U. Saw; 33 do Isliad • do; ISO Herm, duded _ - fol bbl, crushed • LO do A. "Coffee us do A. do 00 00 . 2 4° .tons and for sate by deli J. KIMEPABISIC,T. DUO, _ T 7 IitiTYITTY SEED.--JOG 1 ' wbr s ' s 4 541 D i Tga r ts CA.. (111. IJORINCITMLS— , OI6 'Act!, flint,- A.., Cr ula by - DALZEBT. kW.; '- mod • '• r ben/AZ.4C • ZALT.-1000.1155 by . Emtra"cr. Butt, for " . :ale at 113 Liberty , iitroc!,_ - indAP. RECKA CO. • lifilertesr *din ,frcla ‘,Jf itauatti . I,:laTh A. 4 1 1 .9ff ' •' • , - Mum DICIEST CM 1. tr 1": 131.-trtITCIIXO - 80017 lit - • del9 .I.O.ItODSVS, Zwicei drat, -‘ IL.:IU=SIO4D& WINTER SVGA G .421.4".-4SISe nr l ta.2,lll. coiatantidkOlGolaVarPlALledat", t h s 6143 P. ,tneo of this, ano-aaat d,adAGLaric and impala man, aienory - pwatdimralirbe trwarciad he the candart or lascapders 'anal raPid sadrdsdat at fret ght: Trains sill lame the DeSiets kituimugh ea Lermsr,- ray 11111.011011.ACOQXBIODATIOS TIM= loorclyto-Bl:Lmottgor Station daily, (=apt Bealay,) e8:50 a. m., apprlas at aa Stladol3l bream Pa* wesaed-Pt.Walptata; lad inaktag &rat ataaao. • tion for NeerTook and r 1411c1.11this. TIIAOUGU Al.l =UN Lass tin Pas. Meer Station, entry =cretin (et Bonslop,) at VAVa. IS. atoppthe torlaai 1. 4 Wag alma acguar,tanta a tong auti more and Wathlastorq'and for New Yort ~n Mit!. YISPELSS TRAIN )o Cali 4 ealver.lll , V9l.l3'clap at rraalpa Wuhn, making direct conncecionLt ILariamt tor Baltimore, Wadi togton and PLAndelphia. - Th. PAST LIN& imvailia daily (arm t eowlay) at San p." k atoppeog *Oa principal ea,: coannzitvg alHurisbari tor Ilaltimnr• and waseingtora and for lair York via Allsotoalt route, 'without 0b.., or cam; slag at, BULarlolpkLa tor Nov York AccOII2IOD2CI9S - - - -----..-.. 'The JoMiatovra Amannumdatimu Ttaa beam daily (oa.apt Scmday) at SW atoniing at as Stations, and running NI tax sa plat A...-mtitondattan_ 7catt% Jim. rail'. Station team, dally (eaccpt StmiLay) at OM O. m. Second ACronatuada.tion Tizin. for Va.:P• Statprj Imam daily (cunt .9=dayt at IMO a. tn. Third Aecommundatton traits wtan Suakin Immo daily (excerpt Sunday) ata:3o p; Fourth Accommodation Meniti to War. ittaMan Imam daPy juam•pflicoottny) atfol3p.M. The Cha: mar.j...ms anucy Sun day at . 1:03 a. tn.: roturuiug, teUtautt:Pitteuttsh at L..M5 p. tn. - litzurnmu . Trains arcitkin. Yittahnsila re Ingo= t Dalt:more leYnp. m. Fault Latat. to. ThornzbliallTrairt-_- - 1: 0 9 Ctn. JoLinttorrn AccormendatiCl34'. " 4.a. lirat Wail'. Station Accommalation„.. Cc.. 13 a. at. Sconnd WWI. Station Ammon:lodating t , ..16 L. m. Thiel Wag'. tltacioa AttgzOLUOdatloll..t..- LaS p. F~orL F'ail's Stati.uf Accommodation-- 6:03 p. m. Halthnon. Parma - will arrive with' Phit?clphia for Mairwrillortridththairs connect or ULitri •ille low:v..lor. with Thrr - tb docororow.tation lolowitowo 4.1....11{..181106 .4 lispreu Trwel EM„ ALLA witti Holtirritiro J.hnstorn Acoccro mothilloo Trains for 01en:11mm marmot at Onuo with Mr. prm, TrAln, and Idnil Tr.titi West. 'wick rarsingh Ar,...,, ,, .•t0n and Express Troia/lot. ro 14. - M;k„.......412 sr 110 CO I'o Phthtdciphfo..s:,: 1D 50 To Liar:sag 10 linrrit , burg.—.. 7 C 5 Te 9 50 liagngs cherhal to ailktollotoi on its Pen:wylva uto Centred Railroad, and to Philocklphlo, Bleat:lore and tirw York. I , osoney.vrs pisrluatng ticketih: . tlai can will hi lan:Kt...l excm, according to tkindlittnao irsre4wl, in addition to thikalstbn ettto, euer hum atattona where th.• 11,14.7•07h:w120 ;'; 1:10T10E.--In tam of latZili Conspany hold thentwirms renponsible pernorn4 hannyis only. .1,1 for on knatront not eromlidt 514. . X. B.—An Okusibos Line ban Men om , „loyed tip 000vey pww.gwrn sztd.twookir.to nab= Cu. rom ps:, at • chary, not to trAGeta 25orsitd, for noel pa nalicr and tw=4-s. - Far tcketa kpwli sr At tko roaim•linnia Contra Zoilrood Posaroser Station. on Liberry and Gratit ifreetc ]r7o _ L E 17. E LAND,: p u s ''t.'" rrrrspirtGß AND ."5. WILtELLNG RAILMO/I.l =-: WINTER IatratiGLIIIIIn 7 and anal. MONDLY, Nor - ember itt1,,•184.1,-Trniu will leave Dapor of PaansVrazila Railroad, lv MY- Dinh, as fulkwa : Pimberivii and 1...a50t Pitalwazia 1,17. a. m. 12.10 . a. Wt.' 1.15 I, m. do Inclaalle.l 4:10 " Lin " - Ciso '- no titonttut . e &AO " Stls_ ,"- 6.05 " do Wh....-ding.. 4:01 " ILOO ." WI " &raven Benoit,- ILLO " 11.15 " l'n:Si 0 • Connect lag at Stoubenvillo and Btller Ith Saw t-oville and Indlona R1L1n.i.1.1 , 41 *Milli Ohio Lail rood for Zau6Tille.. Newark, Colnnabnh.X. id. Day ton. hllanatalia..elocionatl, 10n1i144114. CE.b.• it Louis, St. dowel, and all iwitati waa and notttlanat ani At Nillnellan with Batik.re and"Ohlo liallroad Paidnovir A.! el=etand' Liu. Lams Pittaborgla.....-.-.--.1 1 : 45 W g•- 14, P W do e11aa110....-...,-.... 4:30 .". 41110 do 8ayard......—.0..---- MM!M do Eiri.D,n. Arrives. into Cannecting et Iloyard with granolas ranch for lfew ritil.lntribia and Canal Dover: at &1LL.... with ittel.rgli, Fort Wog., and Clti.trigortailroad, nt Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for Warren, Gnwnville, Dian, CdreD J.eattcan and Balannotent . Iltntwon with ClOn. land, Zanesville and 4 , i itaillicad for Akron. ettlethoga Voila and and at Cleveland with C. & G R. D. for Erie, Dunkirk and 114E•10. *lll-C. k T. R. R. for Etedidneky, Toledo, and slat with steamer+ for Detroit. • • . _ bteabenville Anil nicilirrilloikccorarriciintLon lea ks Aliegt.crie City et 3.0 p. tn. • • Iteternirvy trues =ire at 10:03;o:sti.), AteD p. !Mb p. cb and 2,10 a. in. Throe:L. lickete•to all piniebreent pants can be pricared at the Liberty Street Depot, kUtebragh. GEORUZ PARALN, Ticket Agent. Arai at Ablegiteny City. A. Q. CAESELBrfLICT,Tickct Agent. Tor farther internintion apply to WILLIA' EITZWART.Agent, At the Carepany'a Oaks to Freight btation, retinal. nolG itaaws. NA:Mg - it BANE., ON PITTSBURGH. TrzAstaT DEPARTMENT Orme or Coterrumait or rat Cornescr, Washington City, August 50.180, Wasaats, ByL natisfactory evidence -prep.. to the madoreigned, It has been 'inado,tte a ppm, that abs FIRST NATIONAL MANS ON pirranuncu. to the Comity of Alleghtny, and Staten( Pennsylva nia, hoe been duly organirrd niski-tend according to the requirements of the Act of Cong . :ass, entitled ...An Act to provide a National Correme7, mewed by pledge of Coifed State. Stocks, and to provide for the eizoilation and rodemption thereof,” approved February 2.5th,1863, and line complied with all the prodeluns of sold Act required lobo complied with before commencing the ldteintes of Banking t sow, therefore, I. /lc= iltecut.actr, Comptroller of the Correett7, do hereby rtit that the mid Filter NATIOSAL BANK OF FTITSBUFXIS, tummy of Ankgbetty, aaJ Suits of Penrulrsala, aothotixed to commutate the Iluatates et. Bearing on• . d.r the Ad atoteeald. • In tau:many whom: mitMes my bawl { Bs , iNt .cal of offim in t 3 r u altrAcaltimat, flemptrollex of am Carly., TEE FIRST NATIONAL • BANK OP PITTSBITROS,, (LAW PITTSBITEGH,Thrfq Corral, $400.0 00. with Etirtlmo to loasoill to 3...09 0, 00 0 . The Pltteburgh Tenet Cbmpany.havlng enTaulted under the act to pmehle • histionakehheenty,uneou the •tide tot the FIRST SidT/ONAL SUFF. OF FITTSEIIMff, woohl_reettully oder Ile welders for,tho eellectiori Et hrotee; Drafts; Bills of Tzehtuge, hr„.', receive money on - deposit; end Mgr-and sell Ex thump on all puts of the eanntu)'• The *eon. which, Len atten r Ottl. tlto Pittehugh Trust Comeau:, since • Its orgradzation to 1652, win we believe, lb a sufficing guepnltee that bnalruee cant:mutt to non. oronLmthu will venire the wane prompt Atteurine. r • J .awing If Ban tes throughout the country, we Wier. we cue offer iutuaaat eseilltint to:than who do hancre wtth to She bendnwilwrti be ehridentedf pt• mole Moen and Directors.= • - ' :•• ' -"•-• Jagica lanzblin,.. • • : Hubert el. Ha" Thomaa Hell. - Maa Slm ss -JAMES • JOHN 41...r„ut aln.lesS. . D'AR ii.A.VING. BAIHK, Dia 15 Yon.= Brasix. ' cainantaimmt law Open daily from Bto o'clock...also on Wedm odoy aza liattrday 'erre dna% frott 'Ray Ist to S.:molar Ist, from '7' to 9 o'clock; =Uhl= IS'caosaber LA to Id ay Ist nun 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits receive of all into int - lea than One and aAlrldind of Ina pronlAdeclared Mk" a year, lo Jom and Dicennbcrc Intermit La. bean dared errol-annually, in Juno' 162d , N.mber, alma the 88..0k tatorvallacd, at Oa. tap ct stz per cent. rear..n ac;' the =an of thr 6eporltorne principal:and bents the unto La tereattionilLo flirt dip orlsaa and Decorator, cclot. pc.i.wlarktireyear .Bclthboatrcularrtho "- toz.toli or are a provost lapels bock. At Oda rat. rooky will - do:Mc ttikils than twelro years. - Boob!, ccottatnlng tha ChartCti V.-1,1111. Da and Aer,r4.llono, tnnclaktdg n 14,. on application ....Pnalicncar--06.01161 A.LBASE. • . ,„ - -- • - . Jobe IL Tretsedo2; ' ' . TessOlL Penns*, John gamts.. - ; ''. '; Jelin Yanlrall,. Alerandrelipeer,-' - - --.-:. demos D.-1). Heeds, Berri. L. felon:stock: • ' :A. AL Pollak , Al. D., Imre IdeArdsy, .-,..... , llAlLerren, James tleidinso,_ , -: 'l4ll,7lSen J. Anderson, • •lisMn Adarne,' -' ' 'PO:WA: Madern4 John G. Berinfon, Walt= Y. Etrozhaß. Jena D. Bindlel, ,'r `• -Jena U.. • Crorp ; Lidek .- -._ .-. ,I.Lotrrrt Robb, - Moue? A. caruis; 1 ; :11=71 Liddissit. .. Ltterlsor A.' Cotton', --- - , Jastios St 4 ddlo, •slabiu. D..sghs. -',.., .. -: John 'IL Limenbergor, „ . ieber - Nr/ms :- - . - . 7 7 , - :;:W1.111.31,1L Arlonerb, Indian 5...1/sopn.. -.- Aleter.,..• 'rind* Poter IL Hunker, ' '.. 'lVllllesslirankirk. - -nl c ho.l go, - ___;:' - r •TeiseAVAittter, Willtera B. Larely,- --- " - L'Ardedan 2 mere. Sttmertari A Tis.ussis....Cum„it.,.conson. . . 3/1 -- 10:0.7..„A.• ENtiLLlll.4lespectfulti ton . ..tee thluino plitshath. tat he Ina bon( - o:d sputtnE eel* agenttur 1b5..0). of Ityrats OUIGINAL Viii-Onr-OSTVZ KIN; Iteyb jt largert Immo In the eity, iinnon.3arblett ars ' - _ GILVIO3M-31ft.„,r1C0. gorGn.°•* • 1a 004,, r 41, - twig crrr Turn co., Pate . pnia 02.; - ; - • Ar 4 ahem VRICA.Le WORK. acinots rmertamtivin or ..... t rusortio . r.._rp Jahr Vadat , Birk. - 2 soli., rattiao,ky t.,, SIYjLCOYPdBY. '&l3 -a ,!, 6d2Tood street. rtEMEt!IVALIt PAlteltafßcautiful witirip.., id amkti;an-,isoty oar- Aro?. 21#6 1 1RaLloriFoqd_ grad. - . Frartmle (1.-DxUele A. BeiAl,le tATIGIMIN, Tnabi.t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers