.. _.~ _ _, - _ ,Y.. y..:~~-,:~~,~.,.,- . -...-. fiLifib ar th Sauk oppriltogNon---- ;47 1..N.D" SUBUBBAN. '21101:1)711WW.. PAPILIVVO 0.1.3(4r0irY CITY UNION TICILST TOIL PILAPOTL: C. ALEXANDER., Dauscron OP PIEN'iDOP: - , DE911013 GERST. • Melting of VotineU., 'pedal meeting et Cepneile tocir ?Ince . , jest eight, Sennary 'ith. .• In the .srteet, present all except:Mr. I t Andretr Miller. The minutia of the prec lone meet g were Yea and approved. The President read a dispatch f m Ur. Ingham, stating that Cho Governor ha s igned the Street bill. -..' fined to-As :Finance Committee. I C. C. laid. on the table. lottlibra. - Was reed Iron Wm. Varree, praying areduainn of iris hosiery tn... I:0- A communication from the City Ceintrollcr _ was read arid scented, and • reselete ion ee somfanying It reed se follows • 'Espelosti, That the Controller ii here by an. itiorleed to transfer from appropriatiol rilartes :la ....... CO.V. -...ielfartstandlar Warrants, to 510. 7 targets-, 711.= Ash Ward lissket, •". 7 " • 5..1..56 6 Gee Ilsbnaa, " 1141.0 u SDiamenctllartats 1045.1:: le ?tuna 41eputanig "a " 471.17 17 Was Warrants. loMensurnelaWbre, 0 54,10 ISet Allegheny- • ° Bastre' • " " •". ..42.0409.77 This will give the followlegamotk.ts ri be eXpentled by the Committee for the, Present month Rae, Ida 5, ...... 70 _Mead three times and passed. An ordinance regulating the sal lee of 1 the City °Memel we, read three tin a and The report of the Water Committee wee .toad and accepted. • • Mr. W. R. Brown, ens, of the Committee to confer with the Presidetit of the P., Et. W. dt C. It:A., in regard to the pier which is being built:an-the Allegheny wharf,-gave a venal statement of the result- of a meeting with Mr. Cass, and. stated that no: definite conclusion hadibeenatihred at by the parties. The Pres'- ', dent of the road contended that the road wee only liable for the number of egaere fectoc _mpied by the bast'of the pier, while the Com mittee deemed it 'only proper that the city should receive componseuen for the entire frottnevered by the pier, end thus the matter rests. Thei report of the Committee on Fire En gine' and floss, with a report of the annual xpprefrilittoes; Was road and accepted. - AZ ardivanee providing for ao la-reefed tosatimi.was presented, road, and after a pro tracted debate in regard to increasing the water rents, the ordinance was, on motion, takollllll.alietton by motion. Ttup first rection increased the water rents 25 set cent. The second section increased the wharfage one hundred per cent. The third =sties Inas-heed the market eseept butchers', one hundred per emit. • The fourth, section Morseled vehicle license, and' itemise for weighing hay, one hundred per emit. . The tftltasetion repealed all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the above. 'She foartlesection was emended so as is • make it read 4 ' vehicles of every deseription, and all weigh scale fees." The ordinance, is amended, was read three times and finally 'passed. C. C. non-eoneurred in the action of 5. C.. 'nlifixibe vehicle tax, which was amended to ret* 50 per cont." Instead of 108 per cent. reeeded eareonenrred. Cetecont;Ceiremil—rresent—lietsrs. Ann atleeng. ArdraY;Bsilay;Coffm, Coivit e, Feely, Hayq Holmes, Ileitehlason, Mackey, Mont gameryive,MoCandless, McClelland, McVay, IdoTig,h ,a7l9leflowsn, 0'7(.11, Perteell, Steel, , Sant President Drardeindiese offered ep a prayer. Thwintnislinief the last teeetrag were read alfdapprois et; - -Xo4olville crated the following resolu - 1100.,i-Whielt was carried toeselmouely : . - Beithiett s :That the thanks _of this Connell • tiliealtithey:/al hereby tendered to our wor thY>Trisidoset, J. M. Killen Req., for the Able, =ratans, dignified en Impartial man leer with - which he hat disehirged the dales attending his PatitiOn daring the time be has presided erne this Connell. Peesidentrillen then addressed the Council as follows • aergemee nf , tles Cannon Gocrwil.—This is another ocean* added to the many I have experienced itt.Xay life, when I felt, as mow do, my Inehility'M properly express the feel ings,gf my . heart. This Council will coon be Allssoired, and its history will soon be added • ' to that of those -which precedod it. owe? Connell° will assemble sal pees into history. Ten, gentlemen; with whom I have passed se many, pleasant, and, to me very agreeable hours easy be summoned to that Council which , never-adjonnie. Very many passible things frill acme, bat fortho to forget the kind manner in which I lasso boot treated by yen is not one of liana, for if he President of the great Cenneil above in Ills bedsits • mercy wilt _,permit me to .retain my reason while I live on earth,l shall newr ceaseleMertain tbokecneet and most lively reeollecticit for year forbearance cud kindness to are' dining the year 1863. I thank you sin sorely; for Abe resolution jure paseed; though I may not have discharged the dance eery 6tß6ioDay,lll 6l eel:melons of having die cher.-ed them boaestly,, fearleuly - and nnplatiarly. The Motor breeze which hae been rambling the - political waters in the Eighth Ward for some time has welted me into the :lades of retirement; therefore a feeling of Badness 1:06116 1- over me when I reflect that this is, in all hermin pratability, the lett time I will ever • be permitted to meet you collectively in on ordeal Capacity, and in that capacity, I now allot: an affectionate farewell. The retell:dons granting certain privileges • to the l'ittsbargh and Cleveland Railroad Company' !a Select Council, n ee. 28, 1963, referred to Street Cemndttee o and D in on arms date laid over under the ruler, was Won up. It reads as follows: Betolva, - That the right and privilege is hereby granted to the Pittsburgh and Clove ,. lend Railroad .Costipany to temporarily 0.60 Washington street, from the crossing of the titiek the.Goviimmenteziension of rails en slid street to Penn street, in laying one or „.twotrie.ter of rail upon said portion of spirt ~ Street. Provided, however,that the sold Coluirsay shall test enter into bonds with . - - the City Controller to remove said track or ;treat at any time after thirty days flatlet, A 114 ba glean by Com:mite, through any of the City °Heels, to verneve the same,and the said .Cempany leave the said treat In good ender and condition, so far as grading is eon omexed. Arid provided, further. that nethieg -*„ b this : aleklation theft be eenstrned as eon .terying attys.. tight or grant which the, City • Connell* may not have the authority legally A motion to lay it upon the table wee lost by it ales rote. • . . The yeas and nays upon e'inotion to con orriet•the'aotion of the S. C. were taken, „which resulted, as follows: Yetso-ddeem. Artnetiong, Bailey, Colville, Ham Holmes, Hutchison ' Jeremy, M'Cand - . - AV IT VeY: Govian, O'Neill, Steel and • • .Ifaye.—Messts.Ariniy, C, Feely , Mack - ..en•Siontgemety, :21'01011ln:1, M'Tighe and freeldent action S. C. . wastherefore concurred . ordinance relative to salaries of city - • ;1111aenr,ISissed is B. C., war amended as latise • - To tnkittLi ialary Of Mayor's . Merle S7O O ;instead of 1600. • . • . Ths dimes. stating-the Street Commission . .gra • talerisastittelt out. • - Ottager's salary left at one4hlsd of his • and not decrease to one --3it And dense added making the Market Clare's arid , Sm*rintendent's salaries at 3700 As ountruted.passrl. • - o.ed.Wed to their former action, and , asked committie of oonference,_ and . Messrs. O'Neill and Colvtllo were appOlLlted on behalf of the S. Cf. • Mr. O'Neil afterwards reported that the 'Oettealttee of Conference bed agreed to lot the ' :.easgres Mary remain as puled in ordinance at ene-fairth his receipts, this being - only , point 'of disagreement. Tho oral '-:tatieitheu passed the S. C. 7Xr. Colville had hie protest against the • .:-7.gesenge of the Ordinance entered on the min- Mr. MoTighe adored the following: • „ Wstranta, 'Seventy-two thousand dollars , tax was amassed last_ year, far the WI:Wm-of paying the interest on the com; glrenahOs bonds of the city; sod; Maelneset, 'Only. la mall. amount of raid , 12 er . 000 .st; has sa t a ecn .., nirpeuded in payment of said I,nt The government of cur country - • Isis neat of sway-dollar that an bi raised i • 'That the Treateder be and- he is hereby instructed tab ran any balanced gala $72,400 which May remain in his bands in United States Bonde r emninonly known •as fir eotwanties. Eterared.to the Finance Committee. An ordinance increasing The wafer rents, wharfage, vehicle licenses and weigh scale fens, passed in S. C.. was amended by adding 50 per cant: rpm' vehicle lla ma. inetoed of 11:10 per not. The ordimanee, es emended, then finally passed. All which not otherwito noted was con' tuned in by Select COLLECiI. The President P resented a mall amount cf money to Colonel Pratt, the Messenger, as a mark of respect from the member. of the o ld Council. Color.cl Pratt thanked the Council in a •ery neat +peach, and wound up with the followinz sentiment: to the down-hill of lifer, when you and you are doeinivg, !jay your fate no lona fortunate be Thee a snug elbow chnit for each ono to re cline in, And a cot that o'crlookr the wide +ea. On motion, adjourned am, AllOglteny Councils The Councils of Allegheny held a regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening, Jan nary NI. ht 8,-frci, present Messrs. Atwell, Hop kins, Irwin, Kirkpatrick, Riddle, Smith, Wright and Marshall, President. Hinatas of the premllng meeting read and ap?roved. Mr. Kirkpatrick submitted the report of-the Water Committee, with a reacluti. , to loty loudly bills. Report accepted and resolutioo adopted. Mr. Irwin 141i:titled the report of the Com- mitten on City Proparty, relative to tho Drip elation of 11. L. Bollman not the Executors of John Irwin, deo cued, to roil to the city certain property on the river shore, la tho Pint ITard. Tao Committee reported ad venely to the propoottlon. In reference to the proposition to purchaee lots in anent talon Comotery, for the wee of the city, the Committee also made en adverse report. The report wee lamented . Mr. Wright presented the report of the Committee on Streets, with a'resolutlon to Tiny iii drybilh. Abo,tho folls;wing I:ersh-grd, That the Committee on Streets to authorised to contract with the President of the Pitteburgh, Fart Wayne and 'Chicago ! Railway Company, for the remitter. of All*. gimpy ay cone, north rot Franklin street also, Jan,ata wet, between Bidwell street and the present line of Allegheny .Yonne, and Ciro no alley running, parallel with said Juniata street, the name distance, prorided that the Railway Company agree to pay all the e:Tense of opening a slaty feet street, diagonally Crean Allegheny avenue to Franklin street: and Bidwell street, forty foot wide from Frank lin street to Island lane; anal in addition to the 1.10111, pay into the City Tremens: the n m of $2,500. Report accepted and resolution adsittod. In C. C., on motion to concur, the yeas aud nays were called, and were : • Ayes—,Mresm. Boreland Dunlop, Francis, Reckadorn, Ilittchinsen, 3lillnr, Patterson, Wm. Smith, A. D. Smith, Stockton and Presi dent Brown—l I. ].y—Mr. Dill. Mr. •tsrell offered the following: nesofeed, That the salaries of the several City offlimrs, except Weigh sod Wharf-men tors, be, and they en hereby Seed for the year 1564, at thirty-three per rent. additional to the salaries of the preceding year. Bead and referred to a Special Committee, consistin , . of M . Wright and Atwell of Select, and Mertes. Francis, Dunlap and tiro. Smith, ocCommon Council. In COX.II.{ &twit, present Messrs. Barker, Borland, Dill, Dunlap, Francis, fltek.adorn, nutehinson, Miller, Petterson, A. D. Smith, Wm. Smith, Stockton, Thompson not Pr. i dent Brown. Minutes of previous meeting road and. adapted. Mr. livcb.dorn presented a petition for a gas lamp at the earner of Third and Middle streets. Referred to the Committee. Mr. Dill prevented the report of Ike Print ing Committee, with • resolution to pay the hilt of Messrs. Neeh, Dauer it Co., amounting rn $lOO, fOr printing during the year 15f,3. Also, the bill of Mn. etches., for stationery. Report accepted, end resointion adopted. ' Mr. Dunlap presented the report of the Me#.9t Committee, inelosing the receipm of the weighmestors for the month of Deamaber, to wit.: Km: Seandrett, Diamond scales rill-I 10 .T . obn A. White, Oecsact Ws:d scales,. alfa. Si Total, $:O3 95 Deport accepted, and ordered to be flied. Mr. ilutehinsen presented the report of the Stoword of the City Poor ➢arm, which WWI referred to the Auditing Committee. Dr. A. D. Smith, from the Committee of Yin Engine., submitted e report settir.g. forth that the Committee hod contracted with It. It. Hartley to furnish the city with one thoesand feet of bore. Also, that they employeA Mr. (LDonr-afon to take charge of the !lope sir,. sre engine, at a sabu-y of *550.09. They had also ca'alracted with the Amoskeeg Ce. to haiid another engine for the city; of the same: capacity or the "Hope.' Also, Vreentettlen to pay C. T. foghorn *l9O fur the tore of b it stable. Deport accepted, and resolution adopted. Mr. -Dill presented the following : That the Committee on Finance be instructed to report the form of a condi tional bond, to berisrned in tho 'UM of $5O each, and to be based upon an set of the Leg islature authorizing their issue, in payment of the city bounty of £:100 to each man required to 511 the city's quota', so soon es the raid not he ho passed. • The yeas and nays acre called, and arc as : Tass—liessrs. Barker, Dili, Dunlap, Fran cis, Ileeitadorn, Hutchinson, Millar and Pat tarseu—S. dinys-• Poreland, A. D. Smith, W. Smith, Stockton, Thompson, and President Brown—G. Select Council non-ormearred. Ootdmoo Couneil adhered, and a Committee of Collor enni, coneleting of Meson. Dill, Ilersh.dons and Wm. Smith, of C. C., and C. C. Smith and Riddle of 8. C. erns appointed. The Cosa- mittce reportod In favor of etritiae .t the word "Instruct"and needing "request . ' aid changing the cam from 8.100 to "203. The re port eras accepted iu C. C., but negatived it 8. C. lir. Francis offarod the following: Iteolsred, That a committee of Svc be ap pointed to monorails' tho Legislation to pose an act making it a poneempty the chemicals and residuum from the rerlym oil into the Allegheny river, and that the Comets of the city of Pittsburgh be requested to appoint a similar eomeoltteo. The resolation wee adopted, and Menlo. Riddle and Hopkins of Select, and ?desert. Francis, Rotchison and Thompson, of Com mon Council, appointed. \ln all Retion mot otherwlso noted there was a mutual eoncureree, when Council. ad journed. Water Famine In Allegheny Thoeitirene of Micabony were considerably excited yeeterday °Ter a report that the main supply pipe had frozen up, and that no water conid be obtained for zeroes' days. In some parts et the elthe supply woe entirety ex hausted, while other portions am hydrants yielded bat a eranty amount of the neeemary guid. Somenersons wore compelled to carry rater from the river, while others had to seek 11 'apply from pumps and springs . at Very ia alwrentent distances. The main pipe through which the water is drawn from the river had be:omo clogged with tee, and while the ob struction was being removed, the supply In the hula became so limited as to cause the difficulties which we havementioned. borte stately the pipe was cleared, audit to expected that there will be plenty of water te-day and hereafter. TO very were sold weather abieb we hue had for the last week, canoed the breaking of the gas main on Fifth street, opposite the Die patch, building ; in consequence of which the Engineer of the Gas Company w, competed to stop off thogee from the city for a few me mento last evening, causing some trouble to consumers as well as te the Gas.Compuly. Daring this cold weather some of the gee con tamers have had considerable trouble with their gas and generally think that it is owing to the five:lag of the fluid in the meters, %tit this la not the case, the fluid in the meters being of gaols ',lmpose that it will not freeze' , ; the diffurttlky :eases from frost in the service pipe which supplies the meter, and con bo avoided by wrapping the end of the serviee pipe where it =au, through the well with a cloth, end than pouring boiling water on it COAL BOAT co• Prac.—A Imp cost host, moored below Dam No. I, on . the Menongebela river, csugbt fire yestardry evening, about six o'clock, and burnt Insiously for several hours. It was so situated, In the tee, that but little could be done towards extinguishing the llamas, and the coal would probably pro.° total lon. We did not learn the name of the O. Snub, Deadly U 8 Peon moot, 'ill, sko. tog to all balsam of kb ozofoollas. - mink I .2 1 0 w 8.0/ d i n g . A l 4om..mY• ` IS rACIA L . 1; T'er* l ' xon t FF ll4- ; , From tie annuli report of Mr. A. DIMES, Tg,Lup pnay, Fhti andlernanratal AnegtioV7'...° Rein Roofer, and dealer in Ponneyhes4eind learn tint the following now bdlldlnge knee v.,.„,„„0„ s t a b giutztiquatiAs born ereoind during the past year: °Mae at Alex. Laughlin% ress,llire Moir _ _ • 71102 watt. Rolling mill, Lindsey k whippi.; wo4t.n mil:. B. Bradley ; stars and dwelling, IL P. Pchwarte: Z stores and I dwelling, J. A.:arse, dwelling, M. Dorn; do., John Orr ; do., W. Ghee; frame addition, Mn.s Lasky ; Charles Garlachcr; do., F. Gellman; Orphans' Asylum ; dwelling, P. Ilolman ; warehonie, Heitman Ritter; 3 dwellings, Wm. Holmes ; 2 no., Waiter abr.; 1 do., John Simpson; ad dition to carriage shop, C. Coleman ; cooper shop, L. Lamon. Total, 22 new Landings and 2 additidas. I=l , . I dwelling, Thur. Little; du., Geo. W. Rid dm ; 3 de.. 11. Word; I do., Mrs. 3.3ll:night, do. ' It. Jamison ; 1 store and dwelling, James Ward • addition, Gen. Bothwell; bellows shop, J. B. Slanwell A. Co.; 1 dwelling, Mrs. Ann William; addition to turnint ;hop, Lindley A' Rectershausen ; dwelling. John 1./...a ; do., 800. Grope: 2 do., John rrasier ; addiaoo, Alan. Moors ; 1 dwelling, Miss Rills ; engine house. Pittaliurgb, Port Wayne Jr Chicago Railway Company; 3 dwellings, Mrs. 7.Bsni pin ; 1 do., John Widerhuld; de., Jelin B. Bennstt ; I do., W: Peeples ; dwelling refitted, J. Rotlichilds; .1 dwelling, A. Bogey; do., A. Berkley; do.. Jas. McFarland; do. ' Jas. McCorry ; du., Nervy Broil; do., S. Laben ' berry ; do.; Richard Nuttle ; do., John Kirk patriot: do., horde Blouse°, 3 do., Jelin ; McDonald ; I do., John Ward ,• relltted, J. B. McKee : refitted , Agnes Duncan ; addi tion, Daek&N.l4 - untor ; addition, Capt. Wm. noun's- 11Twelling, J. O. S. Golden: stable, each'. heirs ; weigh scales, city property : City Hali, do. ; 1 dwelling, John Ramsey; do., i Chas. Rice. Total, 43 now buildings sad 4 I auditions. TIMM Trl:lD. One dwelling, It. A. Morrison; : do., W. B. Posey; 4 do., J. P. Walker; 1 do:, C. San ; refiete.i, C. llab.C. heir.; I store, J. W. Bon. .on; shop and dwelling, C. Potorins; refitted; frame, John Ilerteosn; de., do., G. Back, turning 'bop, Xmkaod S Anderegg; dwell ing, John Sol:deeper, do , A. Grubbs; do., S. Black; addition, IL Kennedy; S dwelling.; Km. Bell: I do., David P.lger; do., Charles pr A ,siar; P. Wild; do., Jacob S igmund, addition to tavern, W. :Sesser; dwelling. Sholemen .4 Walker; do., Lewis Shaffer; do., Andrew lioeline; 4 do.. dilator A* Co.; cooper chop, C. C. Smith: dnelling, .51... Zimmerman; cooper shop, lien. Eherhart; dwelling, Andrew 2lorr; Job:. Kohlen; carpenter shop ; 0. gooks; cooper chop, Knowff A Ca: dwelling, C. Keradorfer: addition, J. M. White; do., dr. Itan.,7 stable, Jamb Dos.: dwelling C. Gettmet; brewery, Stenornegle k Wacher; cooper shop, llenry fool; shop and dw.lling, John Kamish; addition, Mn. Carlow. Total I —4l nen bullding,s sad i addition.. =MIZE • • . Ono foundry, Reynolds k Townsend; 1 dwelling. John McGraw ; addition to thourn, E. T. A. Falhanber; I dwell:og, R. Brown ; C. Sohnuer ; addition, B. Fraae=u.; dwollini, H. ; ~oper-ehop,, T leraphlll .h Co., 2 dwellings, A. N. Burchfild ; vinegar rectory, In.: 1 'her, S. Si, Bicker; 1 foundry, Henry Anehnts addition to dwelling, Mary Harman ; 2 stores, R. 11-Davis; 1 shoddy far wry, Howard, Catto-rall A Co; 12 addition& to d etchings, G. IP. Jeoltsen's notate ; 2 dwell ings, It. Kinzer; 1 sash and door (notary, Thomreon k °rush carpenter enop, 1.1. Ma nny ; dw•lling, John A.m.; nomper ebon, , io ; dwelling, James Blythe ; • R 013,,, Mor.i drorney. Total-20 now buildings and 16 additions. I=l First Wrri Second Rxrd Third Recd. Fonrth Rata TQtnle I2G '29 The •bero new Leib:Enge were eredted •t a :01.t Oi $2: X62—whiels, considering the high price of labor, building material., ete., exhib ilf a tlatt,!rig degree or prosperity. Allegheny Arsoryil Explosion. T., 14 ei4iersts of Pivr:atrgY aleci ritinity : The Committee appointed by a meeting. of the citizen. of Pittsburgh to ha": a proper monument erected over the u&reeognised so mata. or these killed by the expl,sion at the Allegheny Arsenal, feel that it to proper the ,uhject should Lc again laid Lore tho COlll. 1.1.116:r. .... _ Two thousand dollars being the sum thought neustury to erect a suitable monument, the Committee laureled to think that amount would be masolicitedly.entributedfor that objact;.the . Anoveschpecially at the terrible nature 'of the calamity seemed to have aroused the warmest sympathy of the public. Inguence - el by a general erpression of that sympathy, and per sonal intimati•ms of intentions to contribute, the Committen opened a subscription book for. the receiving of enntmoutione,jrhiel was , left at the Custom Simms, This action wee , made pobtic through an appeal to the nitirene. lint fee person. responded, and an eativenely small rum was sub>oribed. Stun then the Committee barn tried peironel s.dicitwions, but hare been H. coldly reeeived; that they feel unwitting to make further *Guns in that , way. The general response being that' rt bile willing to give for the srippnrt of the tieing, they do not feel called upon to contribute i their money to commemorate in mart:: cols i, tarticutir catostropby et coot-mt.-distinguished from others terrible in their character, and +genii:Mg In their infErlditalitles of shuns: monthly occurrence." To this response the Ccmmittoo would sag j est that,—interred in ono common grave aro the remising of forty Individuals whore man / gled forme vent mutilated and el:jarred beyond teougoition. 'ln that grave nearly two-score konsehoids fondly think ore lying the bodies of thou, who, gulag forth with the morning tun to toe panitous labors tl;4t ell to care frod for time* lea at h•me, enter more re turned; nor did the tearful eyes of bereaved parents erste linger in stfleetbn upon their festure•. A ghastly, sorrowful, heap of un recognisable fragments of humanity, war ell neer which the stricken hearts could otter the irrepressible mono et r.f.lietion, and coed the bitter tear of ruddra bereave meet. Not le separate graves were those remains bpruri beside Tiblen SOTTOWIeg friends could grieve, and envied those tokens of affection we all lore to teetow upon the resting place of our dead. One general sepulchre reset red the dead of forty bousehelds; and the runt Yore bowed their heads Isesid• this common grave, in the a,,,,ny of their bereavement. fettling that for theta there could not be the sacred privacy of scpatuto intermont; that even the sad pleasure of erecting some little stone to mark the lent Testing piece of their "tared and lost" meet he denied them. It would seem bat little te erect over that grate Noah n memeriol as shall by its inscribed mimes, gave to these bereaved (amities, the right to say, bore rest our dead l I t he letter ing on this mar'ele block, authorities as to here plat, such tokens of nur affection as give ezereesion to our grief. The Committee are (oily Impressed that there are a euelelent number of person* in this community, who wilt eheerfally centrib. ate to the cost of the proposed monument, and who design to to do, to armoire the neces sary funds. They do not, however . , feel called upon to endure the many rebuffs Incident to a canvass of the entire population, to find those who are desirous of attesting In, per haps not en net of aboolette neommity, but certainly a graceful act of relatlenehlp In a amnion humsnity; and one of those general expreesiotte of sympathy with the bereave ment of oaten , that. In ettuh instances of wide-spread ealLitty a the tender " touch of nature that makes us all a kin." The Committee have, therefore, replaced the bnok of subscriptinne for this object with C. Batobelor, Eeri., at the Custom House, whore their follow-eitizens are earnestly re vacated to onU end eubscribe toward this, car ' taiely commendable, toad onselfleh object. Stating that the amount so far subscribed amounts to aboust two hundred and Say dol lars, We are very revue:Molly, Tune. M. flume, 1 Josue Mao, C. W. Berommou, y Corn. Gen. 11. TEICSUSTOR, JAM P. Bash. FISK tx ALLIGUILICT.—YOSterday afternoon, the office attached to the taw mill of Mr. Dil worth, in tho Tint Ward, Allegheny, caught fee and Was destroyed, es wu also a small building for the stoup of oakum. The sup ply of water being exhausted, in consequence of the main supply pipe being clogged with ire, the fire burnt away until the metorial wes consumed. The loss was but trifling. Flat: oa L menet. STlLl7.—Last night, about eleven o'clock, fire ear diaoorered in-the can dy room in the rear of Skinner's bakery and confectionary, an Liberty !street, nearly op posite ths moutttof Virgin alloy, and beforo tho flames nen:subdued the building au dam aged to the amount of about $250. Tho tiro caught from the edning furnace. Dissanms end Dyleitary will deeimat• the Tolunteer3 for more than the ballets of the en emy, therefore lot every men see to ft that be carries with him a fell steely of liollowey'i Pills. Their nee in India and the °rime& raved thousands of British soldiers. Ooly 2 w. cen4 per bow. sale HOLLOWAY...I dorLIENXT AND PIISA ITO for sale se ysitos'a Wag stare, Vilth eIOWL 'f• . Wort*, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sus.ria-no-se-AW--lantas Suomi) Tai.A.C. co.—This Tobacco, used by the North Amer , term Indians, Li =antral:l=ra .from the Enlist quality of tobacco, and commingled with the moot hulthfsl and odorous Root.i, Barks nod Herbs, indigirions to the .11.ecity. Mountains, In such proportion, ea to impart to its di:- Suet:ire character, and SeCtlreffr: It ,heroverr it becomes known a hearty welcome. A long residence among the Inditme ch i ce Rocky Mountains, insured an acquce with their habits, enetoms, and modes of life, end among other thing', an insight into the cam asition of their smoking tobacco, and e knowledge of the means by whicia the exqui site aroma la ptodueed, which renders it ea pleasing to the mocker, andao acceptable to those who are not. firaoltors who once be oome acquainted with this tobeeeo wW never be without it. Sold by all tobacconists and by the manufacturer, E 11. Rant, ill Rhea not stmat, Philudelobia. deliiim Vol Faut. AID Wrmo Ififus.arTho . Sam (llol.' E put, end by the rr.ernhtes frost, we becit to apprehend, that fell and winter will shortly he open us, and we must provide oar• selves with the material to keep m e,.infort.. obit. d nice fall mit, or a good end made overeeet ere the very thing, and we do net know of say place where our readers would snit themselves hotter than at Messrs. W. It. Metles k Cele clothing allabllshment, turner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received com plete assortment of gmellenten's furnishing goods, and a groat variety of new patterns fel tradatooating, ko. araTTXXXX, .on examined-the fall and winter stook of pooh at the Merchant Toil toring estahiiehrownt of Bain. Grab= k Co, No. he Market street / fro.h 'apply of poois every week. Fleets yen examined the prime et goo& et to. Merchant l'ailorirp,eatablongent of Sam. anthem k Co., Se. Market etteet It it ie now time you woold, 11.1 d eaT• 2,0 per «eat. in your clothing , Seery garmentLerazranted • perfect fit. dant= Ostanam, 8Y1• MotJavourse. KUISCICT BELLES APPICICIIII4.—]Ira. Anal/ Nantes, of Loulsrillo, Ky., 'nye La • letter: "Vheo in New Yoil, this summer ' I par abased b 7 way of experiment some of Mn. W. A. Allen s oelobreted Hair Restorer and Zyln. balsemuus, whi•ih I hero found valuable. I now write to bare you lend me a dozen clench by express, fur the use of my friends." _Sold by druggists •reryarbero. Depot Greenwich street, Now Tech. the above Is for gals at Fuitea's Drag Store, Fifth street. Jun lILCLITZD A. 5 1, nun/ von Sara--The fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lareiy received by Messrs. Jolla flier L Co., Merchant Tenors, No. 148 Federal street, Al legheny. The week of clothing consist/ of the flown variety of gents' pantalbon.s, tear,, r•ot. sod oranleata. The style of patter-I is tasteful and fashionable. We would lochs ali of ota reredos" to give the ohne geotlernieS e ca H. W 0.3/[2 4 , Jrirsaav, Jr.O.ZJ. M. Roberto, No. IT Fifth street, is now openly% the most 'choice sleek of fine Gehl and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and ?Entry C-1r , 411 itipilhytd in this oily, end ie idling thew: ►t remarkably low paces. Got - inane and earrlar calla will be , Leirac et the Omnibus office, Fo. 410 Peon )treat, day or oLght. All gram left at the libol , l Ogee *ill be promptly ataodo.l to. All tali.. nirvt S• paid to &Avulse. . E 1 RD"Th.-0o Tvdoortiay trollying, u Inti ...look. at the rredettra of her Yon ludas,. :ant. Mehato. H.q.. Dry MART KIittINVIDTo the oy,ti year age. To avoid thy darther of the railroad, tha Csoaral oil! gut tram the realovach of Dr. D. D. lack'', at hiawhe Rrdv. 711.1111 i, Ilk fort., at lOa'ohyok SP ECM L -VOT ICES. - - - 0013B1AR &BRO., Sinn- • 1,. alantman al IDON IRON f A uLrr, D At' LT DDOtf., WIKIKINT silur TERS, WINDOW GVANDS, Ge., I.laa and 111711 M/ 6-.. - ntr.r. bet. Taal tiarkat. Bete• an hand a 'artery of awe ial terns, amel and imitable for all pulp... _ rartictiar attention raid to ete - loa.n, Le Joatier Ilona short neal:11. GOLD PENS ita3r7OIIIT ED eirraer• ; •;,,riOrt.errlr nts. Omuta. fur tt•/51,t00n Pon rant on appil• ontlnn, by road or orberlr're.- b. R. Jfallisos:. MAL/libel, and off . co, obr.l.lox 15 MO 7i.or .rl. HOLMES elk SONS., Dr-LI-nut r• roitticx AND Di.,II.LS7D: DILLS 011 /A , DANGT., rErflirlC.Lii.s or DEPO?IT, TANG :coats ANI.*SPIWM N.. r.? lIA An IT , rI3ItET. rptstrvrth, AM' CoLlert:m. 14,1 , 1 oft viring•pal throlFhoist ate 11..r.iti , d fotn4l, PIA/ 11.7 i COLLINS, taawntr NO ANtt COMMISSION' MERCHANT and rf...loarai• deal., In citrzsr, 61 , T7rD. Sit " ,11 . ..4 No. 8 WOOt.i.T.. 14ttrArvert. tot (4 . W. I'ORCU, Comm . ission and %hipping 'Merchant =1:11 He 4.. IL. Jock & G.., PllLahlarala 9:1.1..41.! Ladd, Clueltin.lll L. G. Knight d G., PIIIL2.111phla; Knight A br.e.., " rAr G.,l,lamenta oulblted. ON RAI. s STONEILV: mAItVtACITTIVRn OF WITZ Wu tlmm halt! ".o1 make to order IRON AND ,1,1./..N 'WIRE cpyrki; AIRVLS, al ord. lII.DDLR , , rounds') us; RSA IY. YMah, FOR KINI•OWS, dr.; en ra; CAORS, O I SARIN - I*AL RI/LE KUHR. for F 10..., ale. Pa so forth TB istßpirt F oR THE FALL OF ISti3 rETIECEIii Lat. 1,15 nth—lncluding all (Le 0.1 1...115r, varirtioa, and many now on.. A.. , a ear, lark. rtkek of PtAll, (star..d.n. and dwarl.t../15:1I r.y,ZII3R6IN. 611.1 DI ANY OILNANIFTAL TIILIS, IIOBZS, is A 5 VINES, GUIII. - 11k. GU66IC/10D.; rt—C4lB, kr., kr., end Wall at Nary ..- .nab', rrictit. JOHN ULU ,OUCH, Jr.. Filutoarkh and Oakland EVES AND EAR. DR. T3AELZ ray. particles, attontios to the troatcnnst of .711?..61.1C PInEASCI 4 , lb. LTB and LLB:%watts oft rAgniln , T, SQUINT MIS, t..r iIITILICII.I inzetto AItTITICIAL ITBII Ind trasto all INFLAMMATORY ILTS9 ; also BARD and all awns. &Totting lb. Car and loading to Disafiteta. OM.. 100 1117T11 ISTBLICT. M CMLISTER & BAER, Ilawstautares mad dna= kiais of tC MO, MUT ►l'D MOAB& to, WGOD 871111C7, PrVTANITUM, PA Kann, renatandy on band a tan. va.rbil of pug a Swains Tobane. Jawing At imoN HAILLANits NI w Bator Coc. Tiara'S WAv4• One yawns. Prim it S& GAT a COMP 51'k I=l BAER, TUBA CCO DEALERS, 101111 , 001) SMUT in ailing a th,t, lams stock or TOBACCO. ITPCB AIM SMOKINO TOBACCO At tbo tin looreet Alan/ fir vosti. AU order. Pea ottoodod to. Dolt ?revs ;c7ifiVELLF, PHAMICIAL PLlTldDitr.t3 GAS AND tPrzzat FITTERS.. ho. 69 VIDIRAL STREIT, Allsettinat Cco, abd - . - So. 257 Liberty rimed. Pletenneelb. .45 ------ - e• re - Frk.TrOVS'UE E FOR il EIVI . --filtrate In Dun Llterty, oppelte the Salton. raif doing sn excellent baslore. Porticoortln WI, lamb, large Vassa4 two porters an first tloor; hell sod lire clambers no wand dm; mad tudlend eleta cherdorni on 'third awe; dlnlnvrxen, Ilia = mad rens.. ♦ lane stable, dewlap Ironer, firsarti sligon ja rehed, b c,, l t oZ: idtkue.ehaaa...l.,4o4.lente:rmiot it. ga n4 r ,t4 den a ra: rude, Emit and eta& truer. ehrubtrrry. eta. -..... Vera% b 1..). lc; imcons, lbw= iposPrinelf,ge Gael vs.. diet ass ofrA .dati • -' ' -- lki.rirouthaourar ~.,. .. , , • LX . I . F . L is s erN W 1 attar Tllll)llollllrMitlinerTlTA l24l " .. .... It, : . 64 . . 861. - 18 • Y he assigned to Fort Delanare a snit u°2- eJ. • ;• L. - • 'L ,ed to carry food ma tclotrtio Bruf - I will Le creoled at Point Leolrent fir the prt . " .1 "7" unie4".X461'416.11. ' l4 41r Tri a rS ri rnOff PZETTL' TELVIRAPIL nsta4nltireas,' te - planh the f Tate!, the United States npern army prison they ftSp lILTSUED LNT .; ; lu. rolred,:. That :he I:redden:Lc reynextell DiILTIOMONSITAIWEEKLYIDITIM. Lo el.eiga Major General r. S. 43rent. ' tO the .nteg "31"I'g. • ;4,iii. command of r r:) "4erllli t:grberwtbsweeeitlotresSe e:loWti iefil,e :: ,t4 : ‘ : t4i r . : e hereby authorised to detail for sebordialtie earximande in the f,eces to hernited under Von sutiwnity of there rosolut lean, elleh Pit WI <it privates now intthe Sell, as he may deeds beet gazitiled, therefore. ur ho may amigo to inch command any peraonaT persons who may Tohneteer na the seine authority. Proe Tided, however, Oast say eiti k ler ar private now in the rothiary merrier of the United Stater, who may he detailed teeny such clew mend by authority, hereby, shall receive no additional ply !or .ash tubstituto servine,nrld no volunteer ardor the setae authority. who .hail hr detailed to any nth command, ihai) recnire m•-e pay shoo era privets. Be.♦l. That Itert retutrtter:ng under am nethoti:T hrreef, ons shalt be etortt tete aerTiel or dry of February near:, and r ho term of their eiliatruent menet, train and aft, r :eat day. Poeked, 4. That both Ifousce of C.lrcrett will, on lb• lilt day of Marsh neat, a. 12 o'rlonlr uiered,an, adjourn to meet on the 4th of Jane toailortiug,6lldilmnedtettil grail chub adjeurn Lica% tocrcb , thtrttofor.n.lot tay jests of ago, and who shall report himscif the commandant of a eemptuy in the fore* hereby provided for, and shall thereupon be swore into the mintrry sere e,:onet dierbargid, said shill centime In ouch oar. T leo without pay theroof until tl•expiratien of the period for whioh they are cr.lirted. The above woe referred Cr the Committri on Military Affairs. OUR SPECIAL pISPATCZES. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Piopntrh tbn Pit,inirgh Go:et t, WASIN , GT ,, N CITY, Jae. 7, 1664. 7% DitrENsit Dv InY raoran CO s.e The fact that the Alabama it believed to he tow making her way toward, the Pacific corn t. I has 'at lest around the attcuthin of the War and Navy Impartments to nor tiefonsc lets rita/tiun. There a iii.glerin gun frigate. It it the California. clinnseires, could I take the harbor of Son Francisco ur any iiiber harbor en the coact. The :tory Department has decided to Pend two three tonniierii then at the earlier< practicable ! moment. Senator Cutire" taut airs ;secured from tie We Department the argignment noel and able commend•r to the Poe f, wet. ! with z,veral batterict of artillery and a mall to Liuo infantry for,. This will en tiea•e Gen. Wright. The Californian: herr some time been making urglini 'Trench,- : tioce of need fur their:: changer and reinforce- EMI= Little ?Hoar &moot Cox got hal:atom:by cornered Iz-day, on n direct question of ye Melly. He moved to strike out us' an appr•- priati•a bill uadtr considorntLds, ibe w. f , ,r missions to Hayti and Liberia, sad obargta. that these were merely itattlsin mi tt etuns, and had been admitted to b• melt by Mr. Gooch, of ktitarsattho>otts, neon the bit: crcatinitberc WAS ',A..; diet uaewn. Hr. Keb ly Ilttlitpot.;Dg Mr. 1; Ottit to ho absent, dcotan trial authority Air. Cox cualtit.g such •' statement. rettet ate," h•t el‘toc..ebt in the !do - mgt. , . Mr. Kelly replied that be had statply to say that it WO utterly outrun, and no such std.,. rudnt had bend made by Mr. C , oul: nt•Y other udetulo, Adruinistrtstion r:.lo,ard uppeelud to the word , . for t tr ott". Mr. Cot aopealuti to Mr. tio toa, oust • • replied. ntlerly denyirg b•rd eret eo'd anytning of the ro..t, uliereopen Mr. t'.'u rule sided. Mr. Gotpth an i rool. S•' rtes followed in sh.ot h't Reartit dAeatl"n nr frxtpl: thc, Ite Gov EJre2u tha Traa.try 1rD11.11,1 rilft • C.l ~,11, ( IF • 11. of frau 3 . Io oortoiL oth, Loi eon, applo..l to the Mot Dopor , it th:or ollivr. nod 631, bail Oita oifwer, stitb a ct:ritstt arrivantg, for time eemetly ttaw.gettl in eretehlag rorn Atrapteloned with panting treurtry note. owl 1.'031 rar - racy. VIA retail or Oki• inv,stigation wns e i ni.ni,.l.4•7 in lay in the diseneery or •crtnln trnult rotten by Ur. Solari lin . rr.n...r .st 1,40 nas °are nrrekted. Y.• M. Clark. Cloof Printing lioenan, b, air merit the renal[ in lbe 10 of Pr. (;einh. r.. ur7 c:i will he rncne the thing to :he hot n.ra TN[ Ad," L'S &)D 7.AIL The Late ..hre a1,.-he ,e.enilla Nt,,k r. ilai:iihore aml Ohio. „ad, wa.. a r.•,, 410 e,. .M.Ill i try ihilec es itsi cd tree. Kelly Lad tel. -.pc.,1 hi !hi w•s piing to he :it,. 2 i; r nest airing trith le Cr.rk • uor', Ferri". All the train: 11 . (16, I.rourdin,tx .2 the irueue vivre rurit,ll3:chherii, The !rut!, ,T 216. that • reree it, us i,S0 0 helld suciriiias hri,l d Dui tv \ 'inch eAICr and a detachment of .i.rts had :sutured, ',ix; Mynas). • • dfli'iy trai.„( • I,ut eisbt r •;. ens. They were se nr, fr-in Crcil, with a suincient g i ns rid- was the extent of the grierri Departmont hi, alt - mtr. ln 0, d d.:cri,•t, flTtt, tt AndlleArtet"rbtm wort rev:luta Into altrair. R.3 , t u•TwErY 1,. , :ronntinti moruing, arriv.a ..n I: and m•ru ing. imll.• .1,1 n 1 • ~,r els .1.13: nr.• ”^- nr,ir.,z, h••ae ntx M . • :tigsc.' • n IDa • :•, e. (.iTtIC rco Ite rojE.. , 11 - a,htnitor. The a tr. b~}iii; ~ ._: dad fi dint it t, ts ve-y Isiey ;ii go through, hut lea trltirtl the tlurerr.a, r:gb; Out : • ,f Tho itirlor • f Ore • _rug Agri,n'totai Ra tion onto the ramp of •••. - or teed for lg.: 'n Una torterpal rioter • . tit ;r• •Incing ntatt. to !ro bunarrd •••••••1 tix t',u•ond font linadrod arid forty-tiglit L 01001, 1 ,, bringa •ia roore from the• .1.00 last yrot 001 to , Iran•l r•r 01 and twaniy-cight thou:and tlrroe Sandal and fatty too bushel.. The docroste it at- Irh•::rd to tho draught, and t , rarnity fc3- 4, an! hay, and edrl7 fail fra.a. Tho t'.. er•ri•.nrr of the Astiral.nr.l Dlpltit, at sel ♦i.es o trill at the na,,lieL plan far .tr. 110.• ing P.bhf A.rruments,l. l li,ll !e to e•1l tip.m a , oar,. Thar, would b..'io'y relax the pre, ~pt Ahroal Agrtoottural Report, ef which one hundred and toronly 111,11 , r.r1 r. ph s to ho printed. hr .!a:anent !hat Gen. Burn.ide ha. M•u 'tined to the rotalnkncl v: the Doptot nt of ObIA, an , l relieeitt, Oen. F,!er. ie irely anfuunden. This stntenlvnt i• mlrlc ~n the authority of Car,. Tie ha., howaver,hoeu aaaigootl to a good nom. maul, soil t, likely to soon enter open its .la tioa. It la fantod that he w . .tulft have boon en tamed to Chio but for hi, uwa objection.. Tt I. also tthitefl, though with wile. foundation canned be unchained, that Porter was re lieved became, some weeks ago, he tnok steamer which the Governme nl was paying $10:0 a day, and used it for several clays In inalsing n. pleasure escorsion tip the !itho', Gen. ()areal.% yesterdny voted alone spinet the whole Rouse on the bill extending the benefice to the Ist March, both to ♦eteraoa and now rvinnteent to-day. Large nutabore the members who retell for Mat 'revalue, are button holding the general, and boggiag theta to smother it; it is oonaidvred 63 amount ing to an abandonment of the draft, end as giving far larger drains on the Treasury than She President Ira kA or rogards necessary. The Senate referred the hill to the pinnner Com mttlec;whero it to pretty eeltain to be killed. reset:leaden, Sherman, Cannes?, and other prominent gentlemen of that Committee, ere tippo,cl to it. BS Wad alma Col. Clarke, late Commissary of the Army of the , Petomau, denies that his removal had any connection with the recent derelepreente In the Quariermeeter's Department, and toys that It wtu made at hie "ern reque , t. lie has Wen ordered fur duty to Now Yetic. El= The Democretie Omens is called for next Saturday night. It Is Intimated that efforte will be mado to harmonize the faction. into which it is rplit, and attempt to restore party discipline, and determine upon a line of pol icy: Ea= Itesontions have bC[l3 Introduced into the Calif./talc Legitiature, ' repeating Senator McDettgall to resign. Ills acoulintances beie en that If he continues his present hab it* of fife,. liti:catusot live more than three 0.0119-141169 r. ilacciAL or I nc alma, rJulosiss II grit 9r,tho rebel prLsoaers to Oak, Eitlolll4trputsg ' '' wttl toratorsin `~l.>` . 2221SEM IL* coranuttee on tno new railroad between Wdzikingtoa me.d New York, which was an nounced to day, is paid by the carpenter of the r•ad to be blstite t, th,:r racrtFure. Tn. Intrectiir, priritiun, and le litely luttri re turn In Cineinn.v.l tto renll3lC God. SAen,k ie di❑ detained in the Welt by Mater, but ie exreted by to raorri.w, or iittir.by, however. Tee led :utiont aro that PresideuL•makitig ppeee!,l nill soon Le the crier of the day ta both llon•er. tiny. JuJgo Jewett and other W1.35101.170N, J tn. 7, Pltl3. • liorota.—Mr. O'Neill, of Pe.. hat been sp • !omelet' a mcnober of the Select Committee on • the Lankrupt Law, to place o f tlr. K e lley. o f Pa.. eXeneed. The Speakor appointed the f77lloeriog tent! ;.gentlemen on U.... •ooleet Committee to lete the ex4ittlieixe7 of a new railroact he tecee Waehlr.gten and New York for postal : and other lot:Tette , Mextra. I.lrandeget. of Cann.. Ailey, ef Meet.: Randall, of Pa.;' Farnswerth, of 1r..; itteeks., of in. Y • Gar : o:a, of of Md.; Vow bled, of • t lad., eat Floor', of ST it. Mr. 1'1 t 17,5e int-educed a bill for the cer.• tultd•tion of the etattlre of the United States. Referred P. tee Curtin:Mee on th• dudieior7, Mr. r ip e , r lding, o f rfr:“., rotrodurod e. hill 14 exempt inn the payment of pottage, oom. rattr:Lotiorrs from a , -larroor . .knlaoomot.aco. toreri to tau Peet ethan Cdmmittee. Mr. L'..14, of Mn., 4.iid a terat.;ati:n, or hien 1,•,. otter, d.recrtn,o tile ere otc•rrttary r tbo y rex s. coy n•• ,ortain and :. , rt the aor. ormto rf dell at st ormo.: b; :ha sr, ooal Satre in their li..rta to enpprees inanrrerilon, and deem •t• AA the jn.igueent of the I! art, ther .11 ono, d u b.. arloalrl ulticaratol7 no axe - weed +di • trittideded by the General to...creme:lt. 31•. Hameln, of Massarthetett. oiftre I f.• ramble settog forth tired 0.0-gattreerl tree- • eon. having ire Imadtitterters or • ;sin to lefinot iolation of the netidoal • sritation.ati hoe no claim , f n . ere•oe thn as rodeos, it ex.., , norr!Lro, /;•: ort. T heo Roy pra,r,trt:ro . , of regret Con with the relict roger to be rejected with out iteettntion er dels 21.1 e retolatttal opt edoi•Jl Yerr, 33, Sala, 21. Phi preamble reo .hca ego tea ,” hf 0 moan -11.111•0 •••:e. reri lutidr. de, lIITIIIC for 11 w ri e r t et , troutiou • f 1:I, nor, bat a: a.O cow, t;rao for totra., evo• or:.ation and romt 7omtoo, ••. Co• a-an :111m, with hon., so ! dt..st ....ire. rile mr r mandrill! mon:- ,o t ha Pro.ljtet and tee Senate in roxding C oil:. Ini , •noeri to Riehmor -1 in ordor ton, •'..r remr rney be tretiqht to a o;oro. - motion r.lo:ro•orro,ef l'arrooyloaaja, the r•eolutiee Mr. tinges woe tablad. • nays Mr Booomall, of Ih:tory!. an lA, attlotlq,.l providing for the o o:our.: n or a nee tr yerd end depot et. tt..• aro :roar 004 h, wbro I Coe " , 33 . , and 0,00.• ,t, & ; ten ,rt~d tr , eoro. Itc furl' tsi. C r 3.33 .3333.3 .3 Nnvol . kfrnir.. - _ . . . . the II luonC ,ntaittet ;Le ‘V nolo on the .. , tato toe I . ran on the norsular and diplanato . approptation e•'' l'h al acd Ift;wltna • to WU. ware LIo 113.1.”3 th., II •o -e nOjnorne4 ti i Mon SY.N.Vrr..— Mr I n. 61 Cora., pre..Tatc.! a eter,etal f: or. a rturul. , r et mint: ices tr athing t!,tr •irailtd they GLAD erepl,,yr,l eitbar ot• ar lir. Wll•nn, or Alas, prreent.,; the Col. T. \I". 11'40, , -I. itmy leg r form.* Ire totl • Inty eolort troop.. Att... a rtiti.Ja tr ;. , :.s.tce. it. :Le rept la• error, •thintl , . - ilt tae. e ',ay a. if re- iiriend ro,tanten - Y. Mr. tiL,un.t, eif L,irt, • rut :anon rtque•tic; i meerriary iif War In furnish nainna atSle of isianert 1.t.0 L'ulted nfoins niter oth.iiineil in and o r o u t .,i Waph.ngino. who draw ii... , mr.lution for tt, it iiittutaft nr fuel. Uu nacitoin of Mr. li•wr, 'latent...li of War It, requested in furnish the pillars In retaranna rn the azuhange ori,llot,a. Me. Carll.l4. of Westorn Virginia, °Cored )tog.thy reiaalltions, sating that as a result of a Pornr.t of Motes, each ditto for itrelf adereted rlist.7•inntilu.on of. SelThitud State. 1,4 conllitutitii. Laid lIIIEBIIM=O2 Mr. 1161,.1-1, of tdiiiirett reitn ittt.on C-intntictie trti tad J 'primary irr ,r top-oiting • joi of •Ittl r 170, 1;162, wbien iptiottibi,.. • force:tote -f ItittatiJ Atural 01 itUrtitd.or, 1 .01 11,. tin•. 3 hill f tuttistitz fiir ti, isottfaci• en- Troll rtifort‘d to thu Cow mit ire of Ti 1:1=MI=1 Mr. tiffetel n re.elution requesting the Pr-eldent of Ito United State, to be re. . I ,4estal pall eat a aof Volt:II:cell for nietry day*, to terry (modem to every captive in rebel purees, - and that Gaul. Grant be L* the uomrnand troops. Referred to the Committee nfihve, and ordered to ho pt toted The bill far c0nt....4;1:g toe bounty to Velun seers who taken up er: en motion of lir. Fes gentian, of Meier, referred to the Gantt:ea t,: an Fitalle-0, with the understanding thel it should be early reported. The blesser or :Le President and the dac ittnente on the risme taildret, were formed to .he arst Commit t ee, Mr. r... 1.12, or Marenchusette, marrd In ' take ur the bill for. Lrtrolling :inflows! Forces. !.nTe i. Ttnir lemprq I=l El= The Senate proceeded to net uu (ho the Amendment. of the :Salters Cemmitu,e,tehich were an adopted rave Footlon 20 repealing the , rmrantation rlmmro vrbieh will he eoneld • ma otter the private ammeadmihate ate od er ed. Mr. Laru ro•poacd the fear th section of the enrollment bill providing for the feinishing of rohe•itste;. lie dented that the. 'Secrete:7 of War h•d power to remit any portion of th• coterie' eallicre . time, and called it en act of toluene* to the country. The ...veteran had etipolated for the term et three ICAIT. Mr. Wiloro replied that he ra• rnuncred in far three e erre. ureic:, .-caner diezherlied. The nettle agreed to take on the three hundred dollar ¬e ..1 the enntlenent bill to-morrow. Mr. E..coner v. -coveted aet'..eituto for the elnuer. The Senate went into Exwoutive Seeninn ll . ..wan:roe, Jan. 7.—Tho President sent toesnage u, :oogreen today enclosing n copy of the deerco oi the Court Cm. the South • ern Dist:clot of 'New York, ro,erarocullin; an appropriation of $17,000.111.an indemnity for the Illegal capture of the... British schooner • • Strennons efforts will Le trade tc strike out the r.:00 emnrcutatlon clause from the Senate amendatory of the Enrollment Act, hut the itenreeeten is that it wtll be retained. A. en inducement for drafted men to terra in person, Senator Wilson her indicated hie intention to offer en amendment reducing the term of service to eighteen menthe. The following Preamble and Joint Itctolu stone for tho relief of the officers and soldiers of the United States, now held espial:et in the rebel Fri:oa■ et Richmond and vicinity, wore presented in the Sennta to-day Visitae.ts, rumens in authority undertraitor. out organisation, which, for the lest three years hare mad. relon ties. war upon the People of the United States, and in their Litwin:anent is o il in bartiarie. capacity, twiny ofiests and eoblicri of the Bolted States and refute to ex- change them record upon condition that they aro allow cd to retain such cf ear omen,. a. have commanded negro troops, and upon the further condition, that wo rill also re lease, upon parole, all the ewe'see of rebel prisoners now In the hand. of our Government amounting to many thousands; and, whereas, the same per son, aro unable or on villi s to make suitable or tolerable provittrin fur the rapport of their cantle., thereby rendering leaprisontitcnr as :tom; an outrage upon the dictates ofidinuaii try, and the leers of war, an It is MAD their duty as thelegiticinte itulijarts ofithcee laws; and, whereas, they hare denied the therltyof the loyal People of the United States, tha priv ilege of supplying the most.proseing dielsess of their brothers In the prisons, and have re fused even to reeeire a flag of twice Item the authorities of the United States width it is forwarded by an officer of their own approval; and, whereas, it dotie not become twenty two millions of people having the - t tihte of, end ability for nelf.goternatent, to allow relwlltovs subject. to dictate lit them *hat agents or oaken they Alit eteltionzor does It beirouto them to feed' pletthfolly at home, while their bratiiran etArttitrttitt opt hundred milal aWrawn carpal. 'Aire." fore, be it fleet jr.iaca /twat o f Jur,. wattifripiikkllitiviiceuraYred;TliAtibe.Ppui dsatiliha trnittaktitiebilpsig)ool4o l4 - - - =EMI ( • grestliena From %V ashlngtou FEMME ilopurt oi the Commissioner of A gri culto re. W -,niaa . rus, Jan. :.—Thy rep , •rt the Department nr Agricaltan, r 77 Iro:, affil ao ,, n be itsentd. Hereafter, It will appiar ovtry two etnrbt only, an experienc4 show, that a monthly rope's ail bat 10 I•no,C. , ,cigh to correepoutlenta to 'properly Father the I:Ilona - lathy uLed t.t theta by the monthly eirerlare, n, doe, It allow mntlara canlideratioa of the twit tical matter Ito rothres 11.z.st mrrespundentt, Th.:. :evertcents:, an silt le front the Coto mission, of Agriculture, strait, the netters erne,Litl: pniftviis,-; ins I's,. o f ' the Tots. are, List, procuring A alArEcient host on c. n,toe the crops tram year to Icor it be made, and to deernune the progress of the other industrial Thirsu;ia. Tale hoots must beun n w4ll ay stentantzed em.ur e very sth) ear, On such a *oasis he is enti.Ecd th.t.rrect ee timataa can he nn .o by tote ft-owe...pendent. in the different roue trier. dly ho sobs power to extend thM ciorreipondenee to as t embrsce •tratistics •ppertsiwie ato ah• I:factures and commerce, as well as to &rice , - teia, Go the nronsid that these in.iustrint rn•- enan are en totertntocni as Wax, inseparable.' The color of sgthinliotal prod.: depends of I the home coveted hr rose feetures and secomerce, sad ttn ,, ele , lno of these is wontiel to .Ic•crinioirg ii.e detailed for the, products. All the 111. rt., olio mate.— ally inancrices lot e a snow-lodge of do alue, condition of the 1.. riot Mom time time, aid of the, net a to i.e which supply ton market. of Great to with 'breadstuffs, Si necessary, end brace ho •,• be placed in eorotrioniestlee a:Ch ,the: through them: thts informatio ou. n oral he outlined. In et - anti:Linn wt.h three earl, etc, the CArntnia nioner a:leouttst the toy of hereaf ter establishing n at aa apart of tho Ageiculinsol Department. ; the lesson Coot haebug a rugular intinCrijs corrosponunrc arty eidtaty of :ha tnisr, it ran commend the setvie.s. of Foreone well lralned in 00Hrettleit etati.t as, anti who predate their object- That,, hence, neither delay, nor error., nor csprone, will be attend -tuts on a census taken by this Department, which boa chatarterised the demo., 0.n.0... roof :tatss this Dej.roreeni nee ....gni:once of inteseri of MO...ilia: per: nit., all matters, sorb as eeniur, which alm..st I exclusively belongs Lr they.yo shoa l come ander the jurisoietian of the Depart mint of Agriculture. The tables of ;Ills report refer more to ins• taisibg the toil by tha ore at proper manures nod dtcp plowing, thra to toe cwt.rdition of crops• bat In thi• coo, _iron la meted tt.a rtncant of the clines est crop f 053, in nit, e of the prsociul 01,4".eatt tmentallrg the Middle :states rowing but :Solo. TOO crap fur three years is as follows: IrdiO, 5d7,109 bushels; 1S5ll,.1,U0:0:0 bushnisi hi`(44a bushels, being a decrease in the last yeara crop of 22d 5-1.2 bushek, or :i per swot. This degrease Cos nosed by drought, the scarcity of fodder and hey, end the saves rity of the tall (rests. The roisett oboes the great utility of planer, eetaaleaukra, once &weer in Jane, and the entire growth Calmed smiler for wheat In the fall. . • • • • - - The neesesity of establishing manufacturlPs of bone ehercual at slaughtering house, for reficlug sorghum me:asses, end using it slier cards as • manure, Is also •Leoh. The rob sYfrlity of the tuformati,, obt,thed by the Departmeat throne. iPs rorrorp,udeuta Is re ft-r1 to :a the present r,roill eo cf the Peck trade, end as I:ml,c:a I :•,I , , , ta.eLt. Teo 4.rpotla Lredo,C.: • sad per . ..to:roe aro gl.ta thrir • , t.O 6. York the let insten;. A:s.A, 11.1 ;:euaral imparts and ea perm, the !dope: mo,:o f th,e hy taking from the mewl:, reports of pr,- coca, the differ.. 1,,,V1C.:1/ gold and CUrrco • . , . the perplextt7 arising trots a I.taai of I uniform system of weight, tea measures in England, and the neee.,ity Of congressional action on the subject in the Scat... Congress prints 12.0,000 copies of :It . sonnet A gr i eo lcurol r eport, ea.i 1:„Q00 eopoee of the monthly revert. Yet then insacquetoly sup nly the public wants, and harms use Cornmte- Stoner advmes a trial of the English plan of distributing public documents, to tell teem st asst. The present cost of this Airiest Agri cultural Report in GO cents. Collections and ordon could heit sent from every county through the regular correepondont of the Department. Thu meteorological part of the report is more foil and interesting than heretofore given. ' The same severity that boa msrked the climate of the Ali .. iss ipri since July, still continues; although, generally, the weather has leer favorable on the fall sown crepe nod i,,r form stocks. Funeral of Archbishop licthes Nair Tosx, Jan. 7.—The leto Areabishop ngbee was buried to-day from St. Patriak's Church. High 1.15 =dolman:al °Ter the remains of the lam diatinviebeei prelate Bishop Simon, or Buffalo, add Berhop lite- Clneky pronounced the funeral dineourec. Ilundrecle of the Catholic clears were present, and the Cathedral wan crowded to its carat:et litnite. After the ceremonies the holy. wee interred to the tomb under the Cathedrat,mith Impressive rellginue extreites. Delegations of both brunettes or the city gown:taint, teem Cathelie charitable and religmus so• clecies, and many distinguished persons teem all part. of the United mama, were prevent. Planeo of buotnose or a number or percent or Catholic faith were closed dating the cere mony. Praoncrs Ercaptured rowr Ilovron, Jan 6.—Joseph Dowors nod Brassard, of the New York Ifountal weep:a from the Yorktown jail en the night of December 29th, 1863. The former won captured by our pickets above Yorktown, and the latter came in and gave himself op but erenhag, !keying he had hem:rout en a ralti. The English gtuabont ar,ITGal Hampton deeds Mil forenoon. /1.14 , , a French sloop-of-war. MAKKETS ISY Tr.r.x.cnArn Philadelphia ,Market. Pnits orttnla, Jan.:.--ros Tsar market is quiet and only 7iSibtils. Extra — ramffy wild at T 7 T.M...7 SO and wsme rains at TS. The rectitoa ars cash mini acciamnistfrin of stock. The stock of rya tour was entalL and Isis as demand at T4l O. Corn Ideal fa bAdat 60 for Pennsylvania. and 35 75 for Brim! , NClae. There Is wall:tile Ilarrtand ' Ear wheat, ota4 only T,OOO to:encle red von t GO,AI CS, sod snail Iwf of white at It eCh e ILSL. rive h rin deed bushels of Penhatiranta rye was sold at 51 4d. ISoni supra and yellow in fair demand it tl'32Gl 13, and whits at T 1 10. Eisis4oll.l' Pk. Earley ranTes frrim St CO toll GO. • 3,CCO hostel. Canada ,reas veers wild at 33. Provisions Laid firmly; sales of old Monrovia .1 519 . mid as. wt 11.ains in [dente at, 11l Lard at i3Ne. Whliity Timm. ±2 les of bbl. at j 5, ia d denlas titan/Ws% • J. IMES M. BA A TiCIIIL SECT, Pivots:. rix_ri.tert Davirtx. A. newt ettanntrib, ! aU Mal* .4.BullAintrn 4 . 4 : , 17.m.v.d....thy:r .tsietinn eat term, Oir Azdtpvin pima, bet Nitoon miits. Anionhnny city. fiy;,l) A R'N'STLI A L, IMPORTER IA AND DEALEII In the moo relrct brandt . :cf GENt'IN It DA VAN.% CIGANN Md. n MON INC: AND' CHIMING TOBACCO. :NV IT: A NI: ACEEILSCHAUX TT Pr., Av./A4t : in great varlet:. InilDia TILE sT.MtIAitt.ES 110; TEL. Iltennargh, N.D.-116 WO* tmtplte4 nn lOtesal term*. T ' - _IA 1M Ova: Oil; 00 !. froklui NT°. .611 . 0 WS/in:ars, Atr mak: by ;14* '' • . Wartn,Avert... 8A61AArD7 77 7.. • 7 • — " anklet. EMES= Tam PuLt.snses.de6Xe to acktunlicage . the fawn. fh . eir efforts' hive been crowned, during-0e past yoitc - ,- and" to ask still further efforts onbehalfof the Gararrs, to the end that its Spoil.° stfill - Incztee say bo extended. It is the purpose of the pubteliers render the lannerrx worthy of :Le liberal and increasing, patronage. which it is now retching. They flatter theinselres that efforts to tltht end, doling, the past few years, hare not been inthrailin::: and point with pride sod pleasure to the greatly in creased circulation which — the GALETTH has now aanined.,as esidence that th . eir , -Torts have hten appr , !ciited by an Doring the spprnachicig yeuethe-grant contest fur the hest Fresidtreyr-:iia7,o - ear; the circulation of a sunatdl4dadt newspapnr is 0 - :c surest and re64* 1 00 , 1 ical method or rprea.irout „trutiCaraii wait bating error; it is' the innisll4l . !ilm . t' and t reliable can:pulp dozuzieiC• of the (1.17.1 . 1:1 is DOIY a subject or pride to the publishers. With a corps . of en ergetic and talented Spvcial CorresPnxid enta; at the news centres et* the day, they are enabled to give, front day to day, reliable and eopiens: dispatalms. which are EXCLCFITI: TO ran GAlrrIS,(Oll.l pfacs it on a par with the most enterprising journals of the day, East or.NY eat: The same outlay far early and reliable !MVO by Telegraph will tu• continued, irdwitiistanding the war and the increas ed cipense therefrom. MILITSnt COHILESI:ONDSSCE, Front the Army. by our own Special Car runpendents, and from volanteer emltrilr utorn, ehall continue to ba n prominent an'4 interesting feature. TllB COMIERCIA,L DEPALLITZST Is conducted thoroughly I:ku . ified to ll:rniF.ll rcliage reports of dailytrans• Lions, fron, r.etual !aim... The quotr.tions of Frothily, Cattle, Flour, Grbeeries,bils, may be relied upon as' the actual prices ` from day to day, ifius furnishing most interesting and . rabtable feature 1,..r all classes of renders. No expense is spared in pr,rurint.; Telezraphie quota tions from abroad, in addition to Loma reports. --• During tha continuance of the war, must necessarily absorb gra," deal of the public attention, and be !natio a. prominent feature of tio (inzZaT. I=l Crier the immediate control of the prof priete,rs. aided be an able corp.. of assiat. auto, Trill be ennduetedin that. honest, earr...st, ~.pen and oandid Manner which will cmineend imcif to an intelligent public. no e',2.2.cr,n i, an independeiat Knot - kn.:ex..; joarnal, bound to no'cliopie, And e,utrolled hr no o.ibel It*ill, In its editorial cciumns, discus's .all' Public mem.nre and public men. with that free 'tom whi-h i 5 the prerocativoof an un trammeled pre...e—the pailadinm. of-'a nation'. f're......cot. The tiAzzrru'vrili,na horetofore, etand by and slnport, with w1...a.. vijor :t mat, every cilbri. of the President to Entbaue.; this ci,gcs,t'or and wicked r.A , e Ilion --- ...iiid . tO.. re-establish .St permanent and - rinj ncrable pr i #e. - To tlies end it will itrive' to pro Mote, tilt) ciection of those r'ito . aytapathite with `our gnverIIXICIA; unit liiil hold up .'to merited scorn and ignominy these ccerct apnPathizer , :With. treasun_who;woul.i,„„,_ ether ccvertly or openly, seek to ?Spilt:ea I therefforts-of the ?resident or his coned- tatior.al adviser& Tun DULY PAPER. • Morn's: EOM na, per raar, " " =mat, 0 recto, • Cesniag yew. ! Do " " ----- 4 0 7 IVETTat.I 7 - Itngto espies, pc; year by po. Tom "' 77 rift,es cop!. .o.aiirsoi; Twenty reprise to 0r571,1rh51,.,,3 "nri . G.4=71 , to am ...... 11# 7 ' Au sobscr:ptione laszriablyr in teisha:olt. That the papers to be steTpeat et Pas.erplrsi.'ora Of,tbia arcul to Which they wore IVAll,':ltemittanFca b y LILO COO he tripes, thrr,pih . the i's , Sh , Or7l••S•g 7 i 7l " "Iftbers' Ash. A Drams S. BI bra,.-041; _IITTSEItaLOI/.7PIL d MART - ILK WORkit.; 336 txurr..7.l. 4 t.antutit wad 17.-3c4 iseefte-rat *1 - MARBLE HANTELS. Monuments and Grace Stance. 'Lear= PSEIti, ace,Esraix Jonsz• USS lAN tielf.trrACLES. L the ettceb path. Tnctaele io.tere, who win. to the .1.2 A a -01',d- RUSSIAN PESIILE BP2CT.E.gLES, . . Aro mobbly, btily Ate r.rmnt stsdorihnr!nU.orot:r titL,rr.s. All tlat b it to ahaalt. AVeber -9 bee; Attu eali ikxol :n.o as ILo. !its:ILAN, DlA.l4oHD,Prar,ttm: . l..Vl t ldr. Usaafbctsia, of th Bhsalaa robbiiiips..tnal!s, Peth 0tr0.....?14.r.r.!7.4 Fort llgZiatel s.&AC CR&l.i, CMTLiET:€6.A.VV eLLzanzsz tr.a. , lf on hand a largo and thorci.anry •-• rota-nip =Won sasiont•L eta Ca. MORI MI. • • tIIPOW FTL.Fg. LINTLFFi 40113211,•8POCTINFO, LATEST,' PAL, t 5135., tc. • ue will AU orders for BAlCpi : r.rW.2IOtIF pr ) f . end at fair rates. . . W. Ti. Par.'s wantinz, LONG T or.lll • 'LAIL or.. part tcolary {spited to ars.au tib ito3as on cntz ems. ix.....2 , 01 , dnr.A. , • piioDuiiK, vi. Nu- • DOTTER ,-3110 ;N. 'Wetly *win: fratb, to tolls; 200 bosom '•• 160 <1.7, Nrert,rl ao• •, ••-• ••'..• • •-•-••. • - . btla Zr. larn.:'ll7 hits' iFlie;J;.•'. • 7... CASSON CAL. Lk fki No. 1 CaAvs, DEANS. tkab.,sasli Wkir.• ikkrit;s„ TITUNIFI , a 0 aa, to star. - • • • , •T ct DER ft; kb:l:Skye:Ulna In *ten '17:1 - 6 by • • -n, tiardt. ••• •-•• •• I.ItOCERIES. • • ' 7 - ' • %A - 3501;633V0Ceew; " ' • l3bbta.R•Good do - 14k chat. ch• -414 Rtart.Ttaa baste Dark Ijets aul.l%.kk,lloD.2.7kikela: 40 ill Natural Ira! . 4.; • I"lrklata 6-toris4. 1.31,14. Na:l Extra 0111 :* • ; • ik garr,a=lrkr4alobf'.7,llll:l.,tir:t. tA15.4.13.• IBELTING; • telttni. ravilag; Rove; reikete, Lava :Leather. and Itivet - 14 a large .cock irlersye efitiaaa - a4 LC. 4la L.elbtrr Delve J. 4,IIzI.III.LLIPS. • dolt- - ries.Rtaneltet Nt..ttlatv riIIEESE-RRESiI'itiIRIVAW;r: NJ SO taxe•inlmoluv'GrAlicada WAD% Ica so •dn's Vritern nal : i)fiCk 13X8. tm . ,611,071 - ' at it tfrAlleit - ircito t-wtoratmetta .acrtsnEtek and vrien't,tja v.-en -a - d•ii .7 -1. • IS. - IRKVAIUICK 4tBLO- LitAD.:.;6to3 p. 4 uti w l / 2 to arirct t-7 1 .0 0 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers