-•' .- , Mt -, ._,Airx..l.,-4,,t,,,,,••-••,•7,,:t-,....,,,,, -, : : , *,:•?.-r,' , .. Y.J1 -1 7M s, f-T 24- 7. - F 725. zg..«. 2 :1 7 .: 1 ; 7- 'A 7f.. " - ;' ,l • 7-.. . q-- --,---- —-- ,— z . -'7:Cr . " 0 ":%7, -- : , L .);_ , ..... - : ::.7.` • ;',`, 7 =,.-•-. • ,-; z • 2 . • , •-:,_ 1 - -•,:-. i• -: 1 _ :-.. -0 „ -- , ,-• •';''. ''','-',. • :-'', ',..- •- - - i ' ::4 ' ' I ' 4 '' ' '., * ' "Lt, • ' . - : ':::: •-: ' ' • . 'i: - ; :1 *•,, . I ..';''''''''• .'t•t,:f.7:'•'!.l'. _ 4ittiburgh ( 61 t 6ll t"'- - - dr," - 0,9••• At. ...---"r"..^ o4 ."."`"'"' '-- rtTDAT hiOigatillt."7l44. tkiTei, ] , 0 1 - nefritttlig e Arabes: -•---, •-- ATaort the man! : Peftlilltt tintt4inn Which swaltiltiietr tC•Onlittlt!; th ei ttln one et- f aes urgent- • tiortanic That 414 coniabitation of it le ratereavvost *Ile; 64 a (Tex 114 ~. rt.. or itu-E* 4 4 withal little delay afparsible..Ttils, o! Wilts; bi 110 -ether than that whirl 01 1.71 r'itelligeo sod PitriOtte emit t:riehego m ore 4flere ilittOst olistialuLA nett and esti& factory answer In, for`liialta, if notllcs amonthsPUtf =2l nnelis /ton' to moil t our extelie tOthAiegttleiti etienith;int i e dT* rating any lialtaeoasarr blrathiP on enl intenntingTinialtireli eoteurrahlls or .. mane tifactuiing, fit. the great and swill econitnoii 'teal of our Prot States, and irltioni beiii- ing At416411207' 00. aro,- class .-cf - ..,acs tliiccust, . quotient surely, of kernelent 411fifinItirit a tfiteleto r e ei a gcrerninint , had to rind it for the first time ; but init . mach is ithis'h4 - miitquoik4s , :pfa ls: ; awn before leglslitnits ana gorernrornts, Im rrelltre the Orillitiftaten of society, one IS &moat tempted-tat saybiere conlti be' lint, 114 10 ,.ailkor , 41•toilok r,tive lt liPeo4)l ,li.ln seething stet aWash& as meld tubed, the results of the Iglit..a ri.e.texyciienc• wenrottlated by;either nations, *hick 1:46'11) had,wars of inica, east , end. magnitude as Oars lo coaduet,=or isthoi let us , say have Conducted waraander theconditlonsonraliss tow soothed, when the ordinary recruiting eargelant is no longer ribleovith 'the Online iy ~isulticenienia holuis 'ln oiler, to fill the -thbma ranks of armies in the fteld,--if only is prudent and teachable, and not*, lain,. self:nonoolta 60. empirical 'spirit, ahead cense to nee the lienr. Fromths intnowilleinta 'deliverances' of some ntetabera of Congress; ea reported he , fore tho adjournment for the holidays, we feared that there night be diffousity—that there rlfght be rash and unwise legislation. Indeed, Of nsolntion which was passed so hastily just barons the n.tlarnxnent, ljthlt . tug the time for recruiting, with the odor of the govenneont bounties, to eo brief ttlepace _'en up to the sth of January, Beemed"it to tify., the very waist-forebodings. lialpily, towerer, t he. interrining days of retire moat" have wpaught 6 great change for the tette!, and we aro ,rtoir advised that Con ga-4 via readily secede to the rcconnen ilafign Conveied :it. the Menage of the Dreslacat, sent in on the sth ilia., and re - send that resolution, "so as to allow b o a, ties to be paid, as they now are, at least nail the carping first day or robruary. ' l'ay, more, we , have heard that on great achyMso has come over tam 'Collective Wis acri; if. 1101601 V out-apoken and impulsive `,' - members thereof tray ho foundered to rep. =sent the . , body, that there will be no &Ili- Culti.in . having Alm term extended even to the gni: ofMarch. Al Ibe - dOir tilts accompanying the ProsidritiPti 'Message wore rat given in foil •-in'Our dispstehes we , now append the moot important portions of then), which will cer tainly prose very clearly , to any candid leader that the President has done very a r ie,ely io asking Congress to reconsider and =edify Its busty ima ill-considered 'Bests- Ititind of December 2:11.,I, _ visits OV THE SECDETA3IIIOIr 6AD. - The fleattery of War r in &dotter nevem- Fakling the rxtsidont's message, says: O.:To GOO 166131 n to doubt thi,neeearity or In r atesing tlid intUtary force for the speedy ter tiabasition of the rebellion; end, although much difference of opinion sales toT raspeet to the limits of tlie eysteta of raiding troops by vol unteers sial the ; payment of hanntice, and the -system of raising an adequate force by draft, yetesto things ate certain: ' ^Tibia; That, whatever stay be the weight ow argartient, tir to. laaaence of individual. opinions a hugs portion or the, people in every "State prefetthe method of contributing their proportion of the: military force by bounty to ' wolunteore rather than by draft. • •Ssirood.--Thatlveteran *Odder!, who have heeonur Inured toservieo, even whoapaid a ham% mutant* rt.Phear threeith ea raw . - reartitior drafted : moo vri at a beauty. "The information received by the War De partment from the armies in the h eld prior t t o Itit=l;bearttlevreersy°llettlna °l pre U r e' rt ez it b n er ot the fans now in the Verner SI wild have-cheerful !` ICY re-enlisted for three years under tho-terms authorised by_the order of this Department, and that eseh enlistments had beta checked, olut will, -(a a reatuiemare, he ratan end to by the restriowerroitriposed by the action of Congrose. It. is hollered that, if=any limita tion should ba isrpoted upon the payment of be:Latta to encourage the ealiatment of the , videran roma new in, the raid, it ought not to be : teener than the find ob February.' Wrar or DIE zuoion wassaitr. email.. The Provest2:eratal General sari ' , Uttar great labor, the volunteer meninx:l far the Melee tinder the President'' can er October lyth, Is fairly in progress. Lettere, ail dated 4 : between tiler:oth and 7.4 th of Decembor, from the troptinatendents of the recruiting service I samaral the rtittirtilittiot,oltpreiviiittp. prospect e a re g e o lli tin T g ery . , largrattusttar of !semi.* by voltutteent. Rae enlistments in enteral Elates were in a fair , way to raise the (Flom tosigned them. The -ct a approved Detamber. lid, 1863, forbidding '' after 4snitaity 611,the payment to-re roleates ' of all lxituaties except the hundred dollar' .7 guiliorised by Ms sot or 1661, mu not known a t the time thole favorable reports leers made •,,,. -tame. - ''t have So doubt that the erect of al; that act will be tO cheek, if it does not 'tap, " • sinEstMents. Of the one hur.dred dollars bounty prorlde4 by the aet at leer, but twenty-live dollars eon be paid to advance; aaventy-five dolor! being due only aftar two . ' alt took some time oiler Oelober 17th to get the people roused to tho sobjoet of volan- testing. They are tiow, in most of the Mateo, earnestly engaged in it, and I have reports for ootooor. ;November, and • part of hence her, showing that forty-two flormatid are • hundr ed and twenty-nine moo hero been en - - liness"eed the daily average , of 4611AtmAliti to Increasing. Under these oonsideratione I estpeelotiy suggest the propriety of a region - , Adoration of the act forbidding the payment ' , of bounties alter January Soh." -; Ths commoniestioni were refereed to the Committee on billitio7 Affairs. ''-';', , '''• --',,. -.112c Statidli2g, lirialca el Europe. ;•-'''''' ';'''-': '. .. - ..siiere at aat prestut . ~z,sip,g7 1101.11i073 :t11144:1:::iouig a. pop arps : f a tb,e cig I,cen urop . '=."•-•,--• --..- toatitulation or 285,48;125 ~••.' : :-' , ': - .7 - ..:2 - • :- EMIL'. These stau,liag armies cost anausl - frtiPos, ..pr $161,281 ; 822. 1 ... . ..... ~..., ... - • . . j 4,f.•;':.4...,:•.,:.Ottrofeircryee-yer.ty-six inhabits:ate oae is ' .;' , :• : ,' : _i• , ;' , '..-.:----istieti.for theMillMty eirsics. - Tao armies '''. N i ...'"' : ' - •• • .: 1 - .J'cost 32 per teat . ; of the total-eipeadituri of It" : ;:1 :: : : '''...i.lia ',oriole countries by which they are : .;;. 3 oidittalued.; The amount it . costs to sop : ' ,••••'-''''''-:-•.;.',...- fori.EtiroiMm armies would build 121,42, ;„••••,':: Matti Of .rallroul, at: .710,13)0 a mile;' which ,r,. , ,...•;:',;: '..:,:_srotild beim/Cleat it, cover ho . t.i . i hemispheres . ir:71.:Z.:;•:,-,,:5.:::,,-.2.,itr-iihiii-' solfl.ttao,*.sranialrcotimadt.,faaciretiiwtioesitidthrsetqu#4,, f. I , ,' lilted we -add to I.ldo.the castor 'maws at , '44l::vj'ausell:julsucei .h i :r 7 xi n c o a t t e re iT s ui ati zea re r icsn*aorigh i2 14,46'004MM iat.erests,•and pre en ....i ice r 4 ,1 ialr u go re t h i ng cow:Lilies*? settitig , ". --,;!•:,t:',.-',,s•.*.itilitiiiitl•die.cultiti. plYuw • 3 In hes r, rye" Bete was mutt ° , 7 ward Date vas 'iliizb,l7(th°l3letals,"l6,Y'aT premium,thatl paid wa Chn'Tet yet , Su duce, t') tOokr atter' highe-stattlin' "sov'Thwig's4 6/1,1 Tbllosse,ser- ch.-FIT° raw' cent, • 17 Mr' w'"tcol.Putout t'orcit Ink - $.19p1,. sl:4ol,ll=l,°,ing c,40 to Pre 7 to $1.0% . r from .'obont, !old, bet Yeftruild. la o .r now $/%4 fro rine tato 858.-- .from Thin car „..% 041,,ug- re° Ina reach :mar. L - • _ ear sun he vetalctr- y: all thAk 'ort• am Pre" Aqtr • imslzur iv'!" • : tki,.:.:i...L.:........,:.,_,,,-c.,,.•,,,,,,5.,..;;-=.,;,ia,: ,>, * Thir i lffrolkt.lgotioff - ‘l= kiedtertfriaa s ect es t the Void, upon the 'Mississippi plantation seltemoottintains admission!) which are high * intsreltilig. t To relieve the army by a ,:seademilitat' occupation of its Haag or con , " =vatting; to okew bow*" 1 4 01 ' sTeilo in Minting BoutherA mops; eitd to relievethe 011141 A From tagratey, land proper him for freedOnt-.4ILOWS are the objoots of the . Schema Micithellrst year of trial, the olounerth and navigation of the blississiPpi inOtheen tostertally shied, end the Improve: tentof the black has began with hopeful imps& In this:geld of - indastrial reform, many diffieulties have been overcome: .firsi the muter" drove off to Tens or doves all the most J likely' of the hands. I gent came the recruiting sergesnt, who took all the alert:oEBd men to the army, and thatollears and men of the army called them for servants, both male end formals, of 'which there is an astonishing prepoWen now with the army. Ilardly an °Meer that lots note cook , and valet, and in some oases privates have them sad a captured mule bo gies. Thom it will baleen that, practically, the platetotions are.bring worked by the de tripe sal refuse of vagrant ilegeo4l. T here is a Menial proportion of 'useless family members in omit draft, so that for each good geld-band you have to kieifour additional Mouths. , The othatellowenes was a halo to the nem of.ootton and eight sores to tho hand; but now the prodaot but three quarters of a bale, and four Sera to the hand is la that can be reolumetiMpen. The experience of 'the forty plantations worked last season, was in thle proportion: Six roads handsome profits, where theywero un distarded by the great raid and fortunate in theists:ids. Six otharelost slightly In , the darengement of the labor, and the rest made jut enough to tempt theinto release." There is no naestion what than be don e with the negroes. Them is no talk of de portation—the demand IS greater than the supply, until &surrey is purged of its so perincumbent weight. "They can be made to woe: without the lash—they hate their former masters and will not work for them.' The following strikes a note far those who are earnest for the reuse, and enter prising for themselves "Oa the whole, this nor and rich terri tory opens a goad field for persons who have energy and email capital, with a certain hope of large rewards. Companies, per sona, discharged and disabled soldiers, could , associate together and taLe a plantation TIM tying as they do from fire hundied to two thousand acres, and realize as touch in a single year as they could REMISS In a life time by the ordinary channels. Cotton was produce& profitably at eight cents per pentad, when field heads commanded two hundred dollars a year Now, that it is at least four times that. price, it /would be made under reasonable eireumetances to enrich all who are engaged in its culture . The enterprise is legitimate, and attendal with no greater risk than attaches w many ordinary occupations." The success of the free plantation , . is now assured by abundant evidence from Louisiana, South Carolina anti filieaissippi, where even the former alavehelder ha'. sometimes eenfeesed an agreeable diacip runtment in the remits of the new syytes Adjutant Gen. Tacuashas entered siscerel,v and actively into this work of economy and humanity. The tree plantations resemble the "mills of the gods, which "grind slowly, but grind exceeding small" They will ease the wheat from the chaff, and economise to the country wealth, and freedom from abase, neglect, and slavery. The Fire. Twenty Loan. The following enbserriptene knee been • made to the rive-Twenty Year Loan through Jsp Cooke, Gene al &lbw:minden Agent, Philadelphia, for the week ending January 2, 1864: Subscribed thronh Stt . ...firenta to New Took. (Incladlut New Turk, part of Sew Jrzety. and the New EogLa.nd 5tat0e.........5z0a,aw 11.11.11. ( iflaliErig sew Tort, part of New .I.rwi, and the Sow ragland Statra)...... 1.a19,MX1 I Sta.! ,' Lstand- - -------.... 13.,Va) St ' rensorleacis - 1,7W,00 Neer Jorsoy 4,7,c00 , Denorore.... . _ :3,1:o Dtatrlet of Eltuat7ll6----------- e. 0,4.5.1 Lat.:7— .._..._ ._. Moots . • -- ..,___ , 2.16,030 --- IDA° 1.54,1 , 70 • ----------141:" FA I,WO Itinnesots 1112=1 Boultsarilv , ed to ala lalndcr. Mr. Jay. Geoke, the 'peeled agent of the Treasury, gives notice that about two hun dred millions of the Government six per mint. loan remain nueold, and that the De partment is reads to deliver bonds four dot after the subscriptions are delivered. The Doke' of Brunswick's Diamonds. Almost every body has heard Of the fa mons diamonds of the Duke' of Brunswick, which are valued at several millions of dollars. The Duke, who resides et Paris, has passed many years of his life in the fear of thieves. Ho canoed on iron safe of enormous strength to be built in his house; his own sleeping room "commanded" thie safe, whiob was guarded by numerous and intricato locks and the Duke, it as said, slept constan tly with a brace of loaded pis tols at hand to do battle with the eel:meted robber. All his precautions were in rain. Ilia English groom—one Shaw—was en far trusted by his master that ho learned from him the secret of opening the strong chest. Be could not mist the temptation, made Use of his informetion, and got safely sway with diamonds of the value of seventeen hundred thousand dollar!. The silly fellow made his way instantly to the coast, in tending to go over to England. The shrewd police suspected his movement, and tele graphed to all the ports to stop him. Ile was caught et Boulogne, with all the dis. moult upon him, and declared that the temptation to steal them was toe great to resist. The Duke. it is sold, will no longer alumni the part of a night watchman, hut will deposit his treasures with the Bank of 'ranee or that of England.—S. Y. Post. A Philadelphia Offieer*o Statement of Libby. John Christopher, a native of•this city, late commanding as Captain of the 15th C. 8: Regiment, and Colonel of the 89th Il linois Regiment, is confined in Libby Pris on, Richmond, Va., from which he states in o letter, of ;went date, "he thinks ho will he held during tho rebellion, as he has not the most remote hope of an exchange being agreed upon." He states farther, "there are about revert hundred and fifty officers confined in Libby, and but one General offa„• err—the celebrated Dow, of Maine. Our rations, I believe, are the same u ho se sued to the rebel army. The condon of the officers is comfortable. I know not what, may be that of the sun. The cup plies we receive item the North render our initiation quite comfortable under existing eiroiinistaneenl—Fhito. Sews. woope pert, rim, Aso D0c..., Sara.— A clerk in the Indian Ofdee bee invented a nen method of filing and -preserving busing/I perm, which entirely revolutionizes the old .red tope "Totem. 'lt censists of a compact folding boz, ao arranged that the papers may be ezomlned by their titles without removing them from the boa. It it duet, mouse, and 'moisture proof, and PO prmitleal that it factl busing/ affain a hundred per cent., in ' dosing uniformity. dispatch, and cleanliness, Rad abolishing effectually the boarde,linen ' taiii in the public ogles's. It Is already in me n the Patent Office and Ag riealuusl Department, and, we presume, will bradopted by all lht Government tams, as well as soma' into - universal use. prtaat Designs: General Bate hes rieerttfr decided that where an &lair - ince high...en made by any Cabinet officer, and the money paid over accordingly, it is act competent for the Comptroller to disallow' it io the SCCOFI.II of did:nutting &liners upon the supposition on their part thet there to want of antherity of- lawfor" the payment in titration. At the beginning of the Govern rnent. it Was held tbat the Comptrollers were indeliendini lateens and their determina tions email notbe changed, except by toper actlmg them in office,- lint within the last thirty yearn the practice tar prevailed of appealing from their decisions to the Secre tary of thelreastuy, end his final determi tuition (often upon ecrusultation with the Attorney General) Ina been -acquiesced in by the Comptrollers, • Al'owsaces by other Secretaries bate been constantly suspended when thought to be without warrant of low. Bet nose:the expenditures of the louse or Senate, es verified orappreved by appropriate eeramittees on expenditures, as well as ec S al lowances b all retaries, aro not eubject to be defea y ted by the schen of Comptrol ars. GOOD. Three rot • TANTSII.—SOMO . moo, from considerable way down Bast,hatinvent ed what be calls the "Patent Neeerfailing Garden Pewterer or lien Walker," the effect awhiet we should like to 800 tried in s certain locality. It consists of a small instrument, something Like a rpm, only considerably long- ' es, which is attached to the hind port of the ben's leg, pointing at on angle of 45 degrees to the pone& When tho hen with this in strument bolter legs, orders the garden to the spring tenor the reeds, she puts her tent for' mud to scratch, the .'wolicor" catches to the groomd, and forces lase forward ; nod oboe she is walked, to her efforts to scratch, entirety out of the garden. That will do. PreT.13.1111.!: 1511031341,.. 11111.X.OAD CAL, Plttahurgh, ]en. 6, A MEETING OF THE STOCK - ROLLERS the Pithibur;'ll and inn!cg ham Passimger rdillrond Cdrnhany Leid on IIiONDA.Y, the Ilth Ass of dennary. 1 4 03, Iv. 10 cluck m, TT the bIOPititi4SIIICLA rittsburgb,st which time end hie, an elertb. llre DireCtOr• will P h id. earn for the mummer r,yr. MK. Nlirtlf K, erreted, A :loam those last an the Wavier Sunny Bide vas a fortune Caller Oa bideammal mad $7O,- 00 by Cel li ns Other pospla's fortunes. Sias 101 l it all, caveats +with Ilts ana tun two ,abtldroa, bectass ibt sOubia'tfosatell heicrwa A taw Yozijourasi DO:Ha • As umum salliii sr; tido reoently with thltt a s trilag nos ;Inc. NA'2"" ma" of l v t a r t4 .aristisil mi.". A co 'l4/.61- "" atiisserthls asfitlbali! , t t c r roFiry *UM. 12=1==i PUB-I.IC XOTICLS ,---'IF--'ll..)ii.A Fr iN FlltS'l' NVA •• i). Al, I.FtIIIENT.—ILo (.4.ommle.tom (a of !tom , • ty .. would call the • ottentko of %h. norotno men of tab ward to the Got Ina( Irmo , ran z,ove 1... ya(*ol to fill the coot, roarote 1 th• am .1 n.. oss stu le. ot,ttood. 3 boo ...mid .at mai ls rr(ineot •bo nem. , ditto payment of ontwriptions by enrollr , l mot sod i others, and urga the 11:oolt C...1(...tr0 ,, to rone.se.d sa • ', ertloas, and to top,. p r -tomp•-y to , the t'o..l.:ms.n7a- ars, la the hdrlt r , , , Lae FT otos; Marsha: a oth.e, 1 Todrtal att.', at 7 F 111( 'LI' r.VSNI t C). 1 wm 'mom rAoN, cb,i,..n. • .10111.1 F SENNlNiin.S,rotarv. • - 'l , l . -..§..' ei N ,,, O k T F M -- e A t h. ..A. r i( 1r j... , ..i 8 i . . • .; ( , ; u l G ) i . : i s . 1 , i , i' L : ( 19.0C1Al lON ;•tll lo 1..(.! 00 Tto ad . m, iitll.rr I. IBM, at 3 r m.. at oho 31netml Dalt, J season a ( Butlu:ad, mono( rt r,... and rt. 41olc atroote, t , Om one 0 1 of run ,. orsen•ron; mid Ank.ciatn,a. i alectlon of liirectota and nth, ofti. , .(n ....:.(oto n -.1 i flydaos. Iv •I tin. t•annart: a ,1 nt •h ,!.., Inoin , m as may lop bonn.ht net«re the :-.ntad Rt113F.131 . Ahll 0 OitTll. A- 4.lttoW ,:, F. 31. 10..(N1i, _... ._.;.(11N NV AI T. D. NI. 110o1i ralablar;ll, nee. 15. 1a'..1. IT '-'4TTENTION ' VOLUNTFIEItz 4 . ~,, ik,l Ch.., fr,rentkonz. 11, sp.ci•l ~ , I tt., standlrK with ft, 15'4r 1.4 par...me , . ,no rll‘ll anntorltlVa b••• . - i,.1, Caot B. P lI,W 1.,,,. fs ant Isnrity t.• , LEI: • c,.,•;ar.y ..t A..t , 11,,,t all: he ttalr...l a• e1,,,;..he••t•r , .. TI.Is : .I.J II J ..,' f`. ~• .1,4 as lit n••cr• 7, . I t he -n t., 10,111,11 I el.u.,- 1 raitl• resnot I 1 • »pr. , ..-.1 Io lb. ~m , , - , of tb• .1. my of /b. 1.. t,. rt.^ I. tt,... r ..I .:.y will 1., , a, rcr.', , a3ll , the 1, , , pi: 1111. v.fl , Mt c, inet•r sits.: for e‘1im.,...; .1,,,,,,. •-•, v. 11 ,, SI LA • n •nvl •.-,,,,5t f• r a t,. • 11/. t. IW, . , IV , . 10 4.7,mtfaopt Fy sp.. tsl :',,,..r 01' the IS ,r 1 - r .,•• Int... Apply ior ...t,i),,teseri at I ...“ .tle.ratal'• ess,, ;:eee It,taht , • o Ite-t-rlitir.g (1111ce In Pitt-•. , I , • 1 . PTP.K.ET 11.1•• Cho., i-F. - ••• 111. , Ilitio• V -,SI)IVIDEN) --11 k, ' , lout itriager• ..1 • err. Ling • Mid,. et, •h• t..by at,o. rt. r a ,.. burgh. In tb• o• A 11..0. ny . rt... ‘l..clare.l tr.ldJa.o aWI t hat s • Capital rltock of the Oonsl,- r 1 `, • . t. Stotituolder• er r•pt wetttr •-• Altar Lb. :116 t 1 t a zi,er rittato,eb, h 0. 1 ,, 1 , - DEM/ Nin _ro 1.1, - Y a pirert,a of lb+ Fa-,....gba, I 1 Stock or tal3 Ocraphliy. on: of ch. ran:l464s traetha. va•sl..l* at I. Trco.nc to fortholth. order of t10.11....1 , tjarollie , ;, Attest JOUff C. STZVENI.tt , S, rtrcast.a. Jatxl, 1.5 St t•" NE`A' GYNINASTIkk , AT V% 11 LX CALL -11.. t.1•21,..•1 a.sa. van for nn r...tut.nry a 1 ...al S ; and Gene. Tri:2•: , Al SOI.I iLII.I ',coo 0 11‘', 1,11,0 .0 , 1 010,11.'0 t\l-ti t A Kw: , RITV Bata 1 TTOY-1. 11/11..., s..Falsx ...or". I t•rt-4, ta For IWO. Tor C7.lldtvt.. bol7 tf . . --- -- . - • oretr. I . rreNa: lan & •Yrv. 5.11,q.L. R. 71 ‘"o., I'lltsboryth. ir.mrnhAr :Ph, 1,1 11 .-- ,1. ILSETING OF 1916 S'i t)(:K.- L HO(DIMS of the Plttabrrewb Rod ;rr, ta.h. villa Railroad Company .111 1... Itclreqs-Ht , the 1111 day rr' 7sansr,/, lid, 4.. t wenn 11. aver+ .1 II o'clock 01 rm. and 12 o'clock m, atth•of:dce of Oro Company, I , o. 144 F..crrh atort, at a l ros an el--usroc ',alder , wed twelve Petro-ors 'dill. held. rt. F. N' Jti Fhr...‘si , , , r 6 _ , T. rirre.:tri P•rererare. -- --- —.- ._ 7-7.E.111 ()Gr. DI VIDENI).—TIr titock -^--, holder. of th• iltret,or,b sirt A 11,!•;,, Arldgl Onrapsny, st Ii trall i • came, mr. beret..., it.!.0...i thst s..lHrldeeld r.f SIX. f*F.ll. CENT.. .re ILI tt: IrOLLARi rru 511.18 E , bra br.en Or. dly de. e ear... , r.l cot ea the ear , a tho r.-- , ~ .. ,,,, 0 , .. pryablo fbrtlirelth. Iv '.SK. 1111,1.1. L, Irr-crror., J•rdt.', :41). 1r1.4. j.rt...2. ... . TIMID NATIfr.,,iAl. ()F U.'S/ PITTSIIVIII6I.I.—The Or.t tl the C•pltel St.t of the Third Nation. 11:10W. Thlnlyeive Per Cent .1.111 ero rtnele d b> the Biped, at the eftta of the Dime :fan - Ingo Ineth , Smithfield easel, appzite• tha Pent ("foe., ri. DAT end SATDxLA Y NE 31, between the ho:" - • 10 sad 3 ADA 1( DP.LNE.II Aft, 1101:10 Irennurer ens %ea. vertex CeetateesH. IZ. Patehurgh, Pee A MEETEN(i )F THE STuC . ,.. DIOLDEUP tf the lit LT,IIIII. elle, r...11r,0d Cowper} .01 be 1.14 at the (.0:110., V; ill Fan. ethyl, en ItlllfDA.3, the 1 , d.} ..f Ines... Il'', betel , . the hewn et 12 •nd In.. .1 1400 E lima end plsre s. el. II h f.r nen , will be held, N se.. for the en.alnr, 6411. P Toel . . tiYety;/I Laic daKY Pl/1,/erorgh, Jay. 4. 1,14, •Q>, Pros:l , ra awl Directors of tbl. C.:apary !nit lay elan, I " Dividend of ON P. tat L LAR PER :2 , 11 AI: L. eat of flit 01-4111.4 of the last airmonth, fr ow. of Dr.y. .-nz.crit lay, Jakyabie Stnckholdrr x or atOor Ib. 11th /natant. It. H. Ban/K. JAA•lotSe,o,ary. Tarct Aar. Y.; - //00 , / 1/1..,a, ioatolleo, J t7'A SPECIAL MKETI IA: TiE "TOO( lIOLDT.I O I of ILI. rank wilt Itril at a,. Banking Bono 1/ A 1, ILO I/ , 10 Jost , .t : n'cl4rk 1.. to , tho fn.!. i't/ /d . area/i1 0 Lila.:.rl•• 1 ntork. )24.12yr 0. , . A. fiIyPLY. 0r1M.71. 011 . 1; 1 5 t P11111,,rr.-1.. Jan 4.1.4 f r7.7?D1 VlDENDmit:E.—The Prow Heat and of tYr .w w w,., this day 11.1arad o I/1/:.I t... 1 of TKO 114J1,,1, A Sllang, free of Gier•rniu-nt Ton. cub on and after the jw.r..ta Y. GARD. it,r,tary. ICV. • . -- friTso -- 11 , 7finSieri:S T s VCis, 1 — (14 Pg.r.lasph Cosspisio Pittsburgh, Deo. 12. ELEcritoi for Nine Direr 4 : ::? of this sissik will 1.1,11 on sta. fireoND Tuzsrmy, day a( Janttory port, Iritsrron the tours of 11 s, m. sod p. JOlrtiC pCV LI.Y. rash!, Crewe` rat twine t t rtrrarceoh. nee-7.let, =fl htiltl-ANNUAL CA )UPO4 of the bowls of the road to Jath...t y lh. 1.564, will be held tto thet date, .1 /I. vette LI the Chtsgpene iv the city of l'itt.sborhh. ote3hlw R. C. 0 ISR. rreertrer. r. --FIRST NATIONAL BANK. AL. LLOQICNY — An larzttom for ulna pireclora of alit Bar.: •111 be held an the lillUre:D TUS.A. ITAY, 12th January was, bateevo the heura if and 1R o'cl , ct a. tn., at tha offl.a of the Illoctaatat* Saylr.e Hank. daa:td C.AIsEDID. 4 TES _ TO.CORONE.4.--JonN 1.1cCIA;o, tb rirrt Ward, Allegheny. will o condi date for Coroner of Ail beta) Ccusity.mbjeti to th daetAnn Of the *riming ()aunty (Won Contention. dialkto - - orE111" a DYER TisEmE.iYTB. MILLOWS WILLOWS 3 TONS for rte by CyLCEI) SALMON.-2 caaes Spiced Soiroop, pal upln Isar pound t:o corm berm 1.. cotly emir& jut racerud from iluutun and oale at tan Parody Ofoool7 From of Jtllls A. RE:S.SII.M, Corner Liberty trot pa.l otreero .Filati A eitiCii bla .Wlng'a talubustadl Matta Crockett Jrut reeeired, fleet. tram .EO lOl 7, sad La daliby :tut burnt or at ro• tan. bi JOIMA. V.tiNialAW, carter Litiettjr.Aadlistol stroeta. • r barrels &ND-ORM"' Gr &N DORM And tr kiln of We V shall t c , laden lot real_ • and h^—nosilo6 sqsrlow" . I 77' caiirl4bort"-114 la atkigNiairV 4 _ ffIHE--ErtZGRIB. -pie-,a ltht he hn• ninth Nan Apt Ptich nt KING,VORt. SiNg G... 1.1.21121 1 10 U.SIVEGO STeliCa. G. SCIRWAtZ. H 4 Nails Wbave., PictladOphis. inatra:le, jallt - Tr :SDP'S _ 9111.189 STREET PROPERTY.—For sals, that stell knoan braiding on 111,1 strsat. fmnerly nnuplsd as San pa oflce of thn f istsbargh Gamtie. nil:mars of ja7.1.. RBI. lf. MUNN, IV 7.mth street. unsti STREET PROPERTY.—For sale, that large and ea:molten. house Co the eontherly oido of taunt, street, wear the cruiser uf Market arrest. formerly the residence of the later .tothelly Peelle. -Enquire of 137 Fourth street, SELL — YOUR OLD BOOKS AND PA 00021.—TLe blghtar price will to psl.l by as for OLD ROOKS, trith back. reraor.d, OLD MIMS. PAPERS, ere ether printed p.p.', et our Paper and bog Store, lie. V, Smithfield .tt.t, Pittsbnrgh. R. B. • 0. P. lIILSISLD. ICE ROUSE AND STORE.For that conflagration. eslabilthment lfroz rand troll kocTrn af .4DIAITS Ift uocar., oa Ma cor- , of Trrry Mor and Fourth awn.. This pro...Sy trill no sold u%tegtar or acfparataly, to mit ruche.- era, and on facorahlo mom Enquire of 7.20 W. 11.11 Ott 1N1T,137 Yourth otsvet. AMAGRI:NISI' WANTED.—A good . wary .ill be glean to a nano 'reit qualified to eupe.rio mod the tr.iblioc of Steamboat T 01814 4 4.. d tete the grapnil ovennunt of s Machine Shop In litsd Imo, ra dian Currezild eith COBB STRI BLING, Ila Indb po COBB aFTIIIon BLINtioG, inevils Vitdry. 91AKE NOTlCE—Fonreu Ward Tax- J. part. Alieuhruy Olty will Owe notice that I hare been so.olt.ted Lollectoe Of liellnquent Tura .old Ward, nod will make Immediate paynamet to me, at ISs LACOCN. nTREET. end UTva recta and trouble. ur.rinta.iort, 001L.Aor N. boor. Crew 7 to 9 A. In. and from 4 t. jannt rpo LET.—'That well known Haul T roport?, long and favorsilly known ea the THL• TUN HOUSE, is WeetilnEten, Washington calmly, Tenn.:wash., will Le leased, if sprite:anon t made lir a suite... person within a IaIVIS time. 'ale otel it than:awl ihe heart the business rvtlon of the town T n it t hailing. art cowman . out, It In ere'' , tesnoti calenhOwd for • Srvi.ohuni Noon. p oe yeaetna teltl 14 gives an tn• ttay of April next. If &aired. arrangements may made aith tlk• preenut est . :4 , lA. by eedtlelt pnseeastdn lettl be 'given at an r•date. Josrrn Waahlngma, Pa. - FoR GovEßNmmsT Oral r rCo t r te•ArrilkStutr.r. rat 111,c6 Tiu.Strovt,rl. ll, . Pr.qx..al. tv.r.rwo. at rantqatrlatinn, the ''nutbarl•od toot T,nnes•to• ktt.are, aril recelsed sr t tlo 6algskr , , laanrtcrcrhutcr Ttan.tror.li.ti 1:1 , 10{1•11 t'uptaln Ferry, Qns.r. at I,,tilartite 1 sad Cap ta l'wrsolo, r Tran.w , tl+.6 ,o o at I St.m 12 ra. MON I , Al', 1:11.. 10.4. matt. ac• ra WlScar hao..l , ed tr , les, for • h t1:11. al t,..1 pet. ~n and tr.aopl, a-sp.. at I 4,7. 1.0 . rate Twr on. I hordreJ for .3 • thr.r :root Ca.n , and St. L 0314 to Ns D. oart.! Eaor , rt. and to and go to terrnediat• tibia . math, thn r uts of 3. 4. 3, • 1 An.l • reet ot water. In 3.21^ 1.... ts are detained totrond • reasnaiktde t....;tja of Um. to ulritaatll.4( 71, 111/:11I, I .4 crUos elicer4. .I,starnarga .111 be 1. rr•nr,t.. ,T vrtll aft. F.. made as ltut loaf. • 111 la: Itw (or ,on-oys, n 3 I.vs tltalr ogro t• I h ll.llm. Mt I. tuft:, horamtsty or p!oLlv f , tr titu c ciao tin. Loolasllla, Cairn I. nu..a t.. tbe • c,bertai..... sal Too- '7:71,1 • Le crta.l.4 t +l,OlO trtmapmrta• I t ••,. on .40113 ,‘, f tut, rwr 1,•• L. :I.rui Ai: or r.,„LA to An.. 1.1 at, days' ba t...r.,1 I..tt• t, rtt, t matte an ‘l...rnst:••• ! f..,r a --ttAtt ,r,ll - ..t A., I.pgth fr tn... 131 of , ..,•v• ha te. ••,:ufol rod .t Saativlllf, It v.. 11 1.. f.ru,ll..ei lb, ..1 ,;•,•••• - 1,11 4 . 1 1. ••iil 11.1L'i • • il• Lln • ...• tt.nt • • ...Ate anti ,/,..13.! .If 1 A .11111 , 1 , 11. 1 . , 0n I .111 le mintra4 Ihr rrtot in • ••rtn. , -st :tot rist n. irt ato al: - I a,na^le LiN IS It V tr,,ONS. r.,4 • Iller ililar Trntt.pose.lo. I.IN 1' (.1A....b COM ; ..r •-urs. vi" :3161' sac;. tvirme, Av.+. wa th• I,l,l!_rotel Am. IF l•rgo land tt.."-:•• wit,. .71 th. awcte. an.i v 6,11 In ccc.l.l.lts rounlog ;dedgrr via or Ylkl.ll OF JANCaIIT. what , Cht) 1.. pr.; , , , .d L. oranar.. taro • ea•-.rtar qaallgy Fiint CliinarieyP I=llllll A 6.1,, :US. M. LlN.n.DuSfuz. 1)0S11 I VELA ONLY ONE Vatti L. HIRSHFELD, .tu.t MLAit or Filar Lh3 U Marts. Undershirts and Drawers, ; a t aorgertm-nt MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, 0111 i, Caso.lmeres and Testl4% :y. :told tar It. thin IN T om. LAST CR.\ NC! mod LA "I r.ZI, t.. tr.y UH I I LI ANs . I% SA ,E virtue :f rrdtr a , 1h• I , rplaat,... rt or Altai/bony y, natal 1:" , a, the nYalral,rovfli ol •-a v 1,1,1,r for rash. rt In 11'111.0. i , January Wsh. at t.., Lots of Gi..n.lsitoste , in.r oft ..a.rrawa.lllY, In .stt e,nt.ty, .t.l.Yrtal la mai 11 in ear , ylan of I•nlIdIng 1 , 11 laid rat sn 11 , ...% P.nl.. Pall. dirntplatrator nf h, ad, .•M, and t 1., hay lag •f, ~ttt nf !IS r.al /Int c•rat ae.l tandltq 1..11. 110 fent lo Lneth cltaarr rdy I. tx,er •-f ern rnyanclng. Far f-trlhor pat undar• tanalre of Id drzudLL L If NrlKti, no. 115 Flfth tete., eitu , nrgb. TEIIIISA tletllLkllll. Lartanlnfralrtz af Pr. F. !'.bath, Jot lltda•T H ONEY P EC'rtlEAl. A tare t..,l,ere r.r e.•IALI. • A •L" , :I3S, )Ll*, CO.IV.1:1: 601 LY TIMOAT T. null.. :1 I, aivalunt , 111..nr , ,••• : l , ogu cr ,nrbre tr , th And 4.Lillty. rp.,...!1^ ,1 ' oto A EET.LI In `i.rl•t 11t••44,14 Itll.lI) POLIO IL Ilx..asm, why it Is hott emo dry l',llll 1. It 4 sarepit . it h at wt.ittoter. 3. It pi to moil dirt OT ittitt 4. e.t.d.. !he mot' 1r.i.inte1,...! It tir,rot , r, from r../.1 4 It is ill. itti.ot ..ronnitirtilllth 7. it ,c-P-rtith ill* toL..r Jen F ..... [l. mt..l 4o.:11411old 5.131'1'9 y r Et,E,:sll4. Embroidered Pismo Gs Table Covers 51.ott•e and Velvet lIng• VOITIA and Urnobeds Ilemoott., &t., T. IL :tirCEN. 1N.t1.1.11 UMM;Ig PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, DODD ED 1/171% AND !KARS= !ARCM'S, CM sod ovor Ulcharlootem Jewelry Atom, PrrrsvanaA, IPA. lIENTS It. g-Tad.l7:3 of orto7 ate pot &Ole. plain or =1.3,1, from too I opular Ca. - to do %lila.. to GoOloot and Itto dr. TCRVI.I.IIeI; world pArticularty onll the U. trot'ro of the Auto A2iD IN TIIIM to the owl se ronoibillaty of Mtn totallelancut. being rondo.; single !aloft litOt of min Primo arodors}o. oUtrfocitOolPororto.d• 0,y25:1 rumens PxUbUCI 31.1h4t FlrrrEa 3 bbls. frcieb. 241; . 4 4 !ram rteoxas-10 doi. re,th Naebra,3 h L tt.ciui; bulb. Sault labi.; • APPLES—I: IO MU. Ilasett*,,,,' b ,to and far fate b 7 isa • - arDDIT. ISILLIbseI vtimo. CILAZND WALL PAPER et - atents, Ow sale by A. PILAU HALL. „ „ ~.;;.?;-.71,L, I=a l = WINTER GOODS. lI.VGR7 1100DS, 6r 1..4L. cnrunizs"s WOOL 11001 a. trEAVT BALMORAL ACOOSINGA. WOOL STOLICINGS. of all lands SOLDIVIS FOOL MISTS .A.ND GLOVES LAILGE STOOL. ECAHYS BILLIXD , KNIT WOOL SOCKS, OWTEI AHD TVS 0L0V123 LADIES' GLOVES.. 013U.DI:E1S °LOFTS 3011 T AOO. GAIITHAVOTS Atli) ICCUITAS At Wholesale and Retail Wbotautle Roan. op !stairs,. BAROALNS! Winter Dress Goods ! J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Having reduced the entire stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS, To close thorn out before taking our an mad inventory, NOW LS 79-11 , C 7'11%11,1 tii supply yetirselvoi with Lay deficiency in tour wnraxoto. y. E• C.. Fourth & Markel titsorta. 1864-, SEMI-ANNUAL SALE DRY GOODS ! J. W. Barker & Co,'s, UNPARALLELED BARGAINS 11A YRAR Th , we who rershod resost• fr.na 61,511- ehrlatatay had beticr rctzro thorralplan . ut..4 PT..►te.7 yII fled arattalq< &Alta. te • Canlsom. NEW TEAR'S PRESENT =Ea r trlsi.. and revlqral W. D. & a ITTCALLUICS, 2:0.67 roullTll aIItERT I.I.I()TOC:ILA.L'ISS SBLIANG CREAP. JOSEPH HOMIT. & CO.. 17 eau TO 11ARAIT ST. Shawls and Cloa k, FIRST GRANI 59 MARKET 9TREIIT WILL B OnTILED RECIPROCATE: 78 X&RIEBT STREET, Vre •uum•ial. 011/7 • •slr so lie s a w and J•vvel G ry Casesenes Drssel rig Gs, es t aisers jser•od liVetrisellosesas , anis Seel.. atoll *test Bretilus & Muria; gagseliteant Photograph Alburtis Laafee'; 'Traveling watched& 1• Pearl Porteelgoussalas, Purses ;d'art..." Oases; LAC. and WWlsla Collars and al Head-Dragaea, ?Sabina, Skating ear, Wholee ale and Retail, MACRIIIVI & GLYDES, No. 78 MARKET STREET dao 113,41t6A1N1S FUR THE HOLIDA Yr' 100 DOZEN t' : to' ►KEBOBIEFs Pnrchans4 In flrrtland, rluol Go d nr at n prwcultinl of bet 45 per mot.. ere offer at GREAT BARCIAINS Ettsil and Idle.loads pariahs. , " wr.lllcd oar otml cmaplyte In ZVLHT PEPALTHENT, whits , terms Ut the tort Irbaral EATON, PRACRUM & CO., TRIMMINGS, PLICI' GOODS, NOTIONS, Sus. 17 AND 19 TITTII 412.1 BAROAI:s;ii Fog Tilt, 1101.1tth 1 6. DRESS GOODS! ►T Itar.l.3lJ C 3 ICI) 1. • C ♦t LAN S, 61eA.130Y & 00.91, 4,2-CP•u.: Allet.ony Ft 7 R ITU RE CAtir. IND WOOD 011A1138 Orr St ZEIVOCTI/ irnOLOALE OU USTAIL JAR. W. WOOBWELL • ar.d .33 Thud street, opposite t drilandwat arid 111 Fmrth attevt. v 31310 HATS AYll CAPS I Of every style ItiS Of mr; Med sad quality. LADLES' AND MISSES' EATS To wit all tuba. DT WDOLISALII ADD lIZTAIL. AT hicOORD 6C 00.'s, 1211 WOOD STD.EDI oar wkrzn osiers, CTIT, POOR d...ND 131:91. WAN TAXIS, for 1101, not pieced In the hangs et 00eRstdee for collection, will atilt be recel , ed et the City Tressorer l a Cats, Fourth Anent, for • Iry uiyo, or et ley residence, No. IN) Webster street, 07 ta7 erica r, dsliketJ.NYWItAN, Cornets. GAULIItiMITIN FARM, of 00 .ni; a otheed at the Iw Plea of $9 par !acre, ,!tatted la one at the haat cantles te. lows. ; The owner ebilied to sallto rats. money illeo, le 11 ars !Oats, ; nor com . 4.s atton,,, Per m r itZ l it t ; irtA NOWit 9 O k borso power, wa1b311 6 4 lad aeaq Pert!..hos pieta; awl; -reete.iula la =atm oldeTe 1.,y1 . Scald the kree papa Of 1115hh * co-Mira _ 80, ITSnU - jT - ; -P•1•1919P. Shbalisfitre4. V 3 '. . , P.T.I4:IIx.IR4IS I C , ;*c , • .7.. A. i L INDSIYS W7A3IEL 11,31:11, , r.d R en IMPROVED BLOOD-SEARCHER. P,llliOS, HABY.9I4IIIMS , "MELODEONS, 9(0.- mo.d. AND .L G , r , )115 CT NTT.A.:.LY No. ,3 tit. Clau• Sr.reet, : tuna, Cutancocr 1.1,•- ••••.5, Srptrelas, DuiL.Nrum. 0.4 trig. W. B. B‘Alitil; I: r. Se. 1•,,r1 , f,ne0 , 14,,1. K Kit A i . " , Pt, iA4ett4.,,, , , I Stubborn Ulan", Rheum...tic Dieurdent OW rtb ft:ZS I t.,,,., ' / D)r ols bor r Onotitrnoot, JAtuolloo,Satt Elam., BOARDS'S A 4 .til.l 'C. .4.1 OP.. STAGS A ~ \.. I , rt 6.1 otirra. \V.., A4V16., .0( 1.4.3. it. Luu ~t Appt , ttte, Low Bpit - 10, Ted Stomach U. h I!. SlillTll . sl retest. Cosiivialuta,t.rgsther with all other dtp MEMO /11arnioni rr 1 TTan d .Melodfons complcte rtatent .4 tll 41N It US ICal • •.j • on ban& Tquic or.e - , a ME-Loppyss and 111 U S; ICA 1 I. 4 , 111111 E s Md. 4.31 . _ _ rl l fl 1101.117. V;A. TILL t 1 IleLi. I'll t HttRP. TILE 1.11 or Pk: LA The above ,a 7, ...iirel4-1 , 1 of 1%. sl +el I strtimuotai viz c POUT rt nit T.T.—TfiE IFDE Li, NIA,. L 31,%; HIP T') F 5 ODE/ f` Ai trS C.; CA L--111E1 11l °OD-SI:4IICH EH 6 LORIONM i Tilt V.UPH- A X T.—Bwono ratement of David lleCrooty, of Ka ne:;l Township, beclfutd Coonty : , In April. IVA. ea ova: al I cast renlemixer, a small pimete made ite op, at., en my ono. lip. which 1 Lt., ii.i. anw eosar.ef .no lore. I nuol ...Ronne of Mall _____— 1 eorml, rot a trash of blor 1.:11. I. will.. ot .1,, --..... . _— _ XTEW TEl.,l': MU .`. . , - r ~.. .1 Oioling the sort exiendle.it, ( milieu oi, lu. Ole, of IN The ;Iwo,: ni...10• • ;.- It is f Il r i ' Shells:bora, tehe tot ohourtnoi it C.IICFR, and pm. .lathing out in faeot el o Lit j ' I tor ihod a w.h of 11.4;...r of tool anA Iclitati peoltmel. ['ILIUM! 1 •' Mtn having eianlir ,L. rirne Tartu et the L Ito-log thf li cl ftTuim'ilin a D-. , .. 11, I fu ll . , ofTn De. I.lr.esee Df.CfrEll IILO , .. . earefedly, we have Sha ff er, of Deeldrnile, E.morset county, who deo coo.. to Got cvnrhoit ~ .-4 elteerfolly'tattily, tbal .... nnnr .... es ,. z ..... 4 c„...,.. nr, and ..„ rna ir ....„.., trey an In evert req. , opurtor to/drum:mita Their ' T time Is rm.-. rt. h,141111. , t, weir &go o ., nog of on , and ester - nal tome Dee—the letter eoheistlng prior l ettneele mitotoei . ha. aelir• Their •nrUnLar.i . .%i.. I pally of cattalle—hut all lo no porpow - , to :Le dive , . ' il ' IT 'O . "T " i' 4' ' '.`"'"u9 than . fli. "' '‘'' I cootir.ned epremile4 toward the note.. I lartt howl s the eery 1.... t materi.l. art rue ann their 4,1..,..., ~,. 0nfi...,,1.. „1 ~,, thr,,,gb , ,Lo, the ~,,,i,, prep.:a . ..on of one.% to the form of .104. Thin simpare ~r the key hoar, ...Tweed ny any other or . limo elleckitel the dimase, bet the Infilmroatlon Then. Forte ei^ hate jar ...rot. won !acre... I next calleil upon Dr. Steller, of 5. B. MAI Throd.. "'. , nw. William Nett, 11,, L0 . 1 ,,,,,,,,, T n ... ii,„ "1,, , a ~,,, m,, I Lt. Clateseillt, Beef oral county, oleo elso pronounced Fowl , / up. , le to hl; Cori Anetut , . seater a( the 1 the die.. Osomer, an PD it 'al.. ta.Pl to b. 5 Doom.. DP". l i'lllt /olldf i t '''''' ' i l " . " -ii i .l cl f r " h- ; never failing noway, but li hel ow often whateeer De ll'onlor •,, r. t.. hitter, Carl Wollitoh, r 6::.- . . . . ._ . _ _ o.o. . to .4 choler ..... f tio.s. siren - too tn.-ono-no. j o ,: ~. iln checking the epreacl of the wee. In 1 .tabor, rteing. JIA HOFFMAN a Blteo., . o f year, the .li.eatir tool oat. aa.y a great. It n " "" Tt i 1 p..* of my lip, .1 lisol attickmi the tow, when / went 1.0 ^lncl.., Ts II:, I convolteil Prof. IL S. , , Newton, v( to. lu - tootle Is.licsl College. He pro. nintocui the ed-rme. ' • cularleolle Canon, soperin . Anee.l by e- Inordinate nee of earroorY. T Lie elltiltui mild zinc ointment, .6 gale me Informal tamed.. My ht. beaked Or, hat the miltwonatton 0010 net tborblagbly renv,[4. In February, 11411. be pro.- ..need ma treed, nte. I 1 , ft for home. la April. the &twee oval° ',turned, and soo wlent ems the pain their I tould not r.-. at iii.tit. Late in May I - etuined to Cimino/La en. aZolo 1 1 00..1 v. 0.1: Un der the .L.rge of lir. he. too. wino 01... 1 mania -1 nolo.li4pfelnber, unting ehirh time he wad every tooter. semi ity. and ymrnly en.,owleti in cLe kb,g ta. dmew., hot when I roll., Led hale thole were still throe discharging Wren open my fans. I o4oLotztd cuing 7,41 01.0 prl p.m Ktlnna. and alte medletto that 1401 horn Dr. Ely, hot :I. Calmer ounitnue4 grow ing nett: It had eat .5' the I. aids of mythe water ponli o of In, Dr thedo, and bad attacked nay left eye. I had g tit. op all any. et oTor . - rd, .100 0 hr. Fly said tie not , only give teller, toot the • more wan impoweible• In :Alamo, ILL!, 1 hwhight • bottle of • ultiond.newreher,- hot I rocet oor fem. that I had no Bath 313 11. 1 was vet; sr. when I costraitheval own. st , but I Wood that. I gained strength day by lay, aod *leo that the older. mos owoued ' , DTI. op. I rootinout,.. oh.. the third bottle was i.e. my 1..0 so-heeled ea if by • min. di. I no. • Worth tottle..4 I las. Wen healthier stows than I hove two foe •no hut gee. leers. Al thouh my taco la sally dl. red, 1 azt etill ente ral to g • toe.. Provlitem. wine hen .pored my lite red which hae been doni: throcigh the totnrhaitor - 1 . Ike of iiLintiaef • Lzproved Pi .1-.9.archer." DAVID McCB-CAILT. B.rn and inthectibei title Sled. of August, A- D. 101., neforo me, era of the Justitos of the Peace, .i. Wet tor the 11.. rough of tollidaysborg, Blair Co' ~ roan. LOLLS GOILL..T, J. L. SCil.ecS , U. J..TaNu. CH:abiT/LAS "PRESENTS. rt , lt bA:.O PS CHAS. C. ME.1.1,011, NI WOOD tiTltr.K.T - CL.7 1.11 .1G E.rTS .„. dot.yry BACK ?AY, U.'. ,NA....-r-Edt (ACNEUAL /LAIMI !AGENT 9. CrazcflL ri LI J ft: flathetrlJ Pa.lnry I.llevt ',at of the. moon talas, Bast •_'llln sn4 Want V tralula tial6ara, can haw. lhalr P , E.EI nr. 14,11nty anti Pay awarvd at %Ifs vilar.r v fro k sent ,ntlaa PIE luf-nastles , t WAY!..•-• tR tn dennuamlahead. Tett. E. Para!on. mut., and Back Pa, and them ani , r ~f orrtrin, aprl?• Ina: W tno>r lei,e et.ti. an 11.1TARY i•1A13,04 i-K F.r.PTIOti W. J. tit GALL PATTZRSON, 144 iroorth PlCreet, tlzi,o t r r17,.1 147 Y, 6.lCia %ad ra RA PA V. At lINISTL!:rIf.. •n• :1,k8ri...t, Alt the. 1.4,1", Ibrcrapay.V IC7:L11P11,01 GI A 1113 nateuind te withmt 6P drk.w. SOLL.DI Rti • CLAIMS, r. ES, PEYFIONS ArD AIM/LAW UT CAT sttor ! Air.TRVISS S. ItIDDILL Tourth l'a adoW 11 - ' kIII.ITA !LY I'I.A INK N . ll ES, BACK TAY al , l 11d11.1Tall *4b i ot ele-y t.l••• 4.Lr n2i rat., v.v. folil 00 , clalasshfl CI. C. 1' A Trou., l.om, rs r.raxo treat, Pltytunk, Ts. 3 I:S. , altiat,Tra alsol: 110. .1.0•• arvl all Lnfortneo.i.a :Jr, gnarl. eel ly SEWLINg ALICILLYES V EIRELE:II :17 WI 1.80:•;' 8 -LOtiKt-'2STIT SEW.ING _MACHINES CISME The illighe:tt PrOrl6ttnl3 At all tie ttaporlaiat htata r,l Alpetaankal Taira fifiero zif.Lit..l Ulm mot,* Imprvvvcrru,. r•csnity *Aden!. Wldol. Trude( 4t• v 1,4 4.1.1n1.14. ottht••• Every 31...bi11e Warr - sated 1 Tear* INSTACCII,ntr, GIVE'S eRAITITotELY CO - C.. 01 haul svo them la "1 , 1111a3111. WEL SIIIIISEB. & CO., ; nfrl.. 27 Fifth S tttt ja&vtavr OJL!, Ole kiIDESK d CLAKK 00!TX14111 014 141 , ..1:..R T.ti IMEMZE Petroleum and its Products, Oil. JI iL LL P. eT,J. Bito.ftp OY WATF.II.% 1.3 YISONT Oa - A ap.laa fa, the. TOLITLANT R KULIST.NT. OIL WORM:, 2: WW r la OA f)L GOUT) , I.: Y. !T. K. A. lIA MAT., Aars r. v. 11 7 , 1 , c w &PRI. 1,11ZEp21.1._ I> f DU PICAS. DUNLAP dr. CO., M•amnwtnr.r4 PUre White Refined Carbon Oils olta, 01 LIIITZTYr.r.VT. I lONz-dIiNNIEN'Ith !Nki \V IN 81.1 J • ple) bosh. Dry A ',p1.., I.ln Cidatro ad. I ~nr. ry Timotlir Feed; 5 du Pr, E. n /re.N.-.lll3utaer, to du pry him IcLery t0....1 W. :0;1411, ,11.1 I.`l. natat.. at,,o i i in do tome: ". 0. Corn o,lln to do \VatnaL , . In , do Pr.par.o 01.105: L.. , do Far Corn; torrar ( I 100a;', ff. do 1 1 .1 0 1; bomb Puota.edd, 115 1110. Crialaberrlda; bbla. Orodn A pples;j 200 1 bbo, W bite Turnips . , I's la. Yellow 00/on0; Tor isle by 1.. Ti. 101114 A CO B OtiaB onlod, o baroo eas.arianerd..solooolo stet.. A'an, • no. 001gatInr. TINCY 00011 ,1 . and. WOWS IMMO. El VCCREI.II. POITTTSION PIiTXO, C 115513 ASO CICCCIIIIII. )TEN, 100011.. al MASON DO 1109, jai. A.. 10l Federal Moo* ' Alleabooy. PATENT LIFTING 3ACIC.—ThI, now and reiloablo Patent is on• on sixtibltton et the Nagle Ilotel, Liberty eirret, which bee peculiar wen . - Ito which mite It important to builders, ...glom , '" end others Wising occasion to um. any machine for lifting great weight", The Pontotoc la now al the a inseg Hotel, when he has o,.felt and full and rrieeldnes, which he sill tat,. pleases In "how• ing,ml will gall tidbit un the toot rresonabt• Woos Taldlt T. L. LANDIS. _ . REMEM BER 1 _ GOOD COOK( CkUDf. GOOD PINE APPLE CANDY. GOOD 110911' GANDY GOOD COLUON CANDY. GOOD 11.0 1 11NTLIG. TL. CAZDI Cai A l at Otd Torn llonoe, To I=4 strett,l e•A Cnr. CNIA, =NW IL B. BUNCH AND WiTIM 8711.111TE31,. 10 tmas pre,ll•44lvallabion , ID minium Partap . neurtabt - VEDIC-1/.1 rnr rho u:re of 41 &maws .it0..4 r/c. 1.413. re. Osseerow Yomas pOs vu tLv Fure,Sore Eyes, 6.14 11...4. Tut Let A 0ra1... OW .4 Mcscurial D beams, GOV. t Lir, Ga.. ordoro Iran on lonproper coroiltikm of Otoo c In.ulatory spilma. A. s R.:tend Tonle, It. eat...a are go.e. Insalgnaut, aml natcot uard ra.T.l - lug47 and so- I=l I'tiDT IPIO IA L. Ih. prsy.iet , Ls% centric:Lk. ri...ug4 on Laod t dl! a Awe, .leetl•viner.c. ell or thom IL: tram trill •ringz Leoe L..vu cnr,l LT the Wood. tr.ar wn:c:. he tL. FITT~OIH~IIt, PA GI VDU; COMPLAINT CUBBB BY LINDSEY'S IMPROVEP 171.00 D-514.4.801111. :LAIR COLIrf T. as. Perm:natty sigyerniu fore eve, one of the Juslicm ..f the Peeve in sad for Blair mmoty, (Image t•gp, 1.120 beton Only sworn ivecardia, to lam doth dap:. esd esy ; t vvi ',us ego I less •011eted with pan tve uun tLe uouldere almost rocclut cough, lose of appetite, thins, Meette, suers, sod very evir.;set ro u VAre nix. gth nt len became so weak <het I madd hardly walk: u 7 physician 8:4 ma oo good. Some. time last fall I amdasrmad Wang Lbaderfs 'haw° , flamd-abareber, and by Om ass of two bottlea wm perfectly cured. I het ufo w num:muduty lom all was tater from Boer &maws, pram: of aypettm and other dams. arlatag from froporlty of the himxt. I surild not Pim to itv without It. I consider it en aussnent Wally medicine. (5-.) GEOIIGS FIOPP. tend&w wkd rabscrited thls lath do) of Starch, ISST, Were me. J. G , A•LET, J. P. _ lioza Expg to • rmbitat of Prat m a•az, sad is well trrmm to thy eat.. of Blair mad Bedford cocrittee m limas of mirollent rhymer , end InAr.onee. A SOT:7TR CAR OF i4CROFULA CUBED DT LINDSEY'S BLOODZWICHES if there be any who atilt doubt that Linilety's Im proved 101-sarcher tag arid will permanently cure toe most dooperate and long-standlog came of Scrof ula, lot thane read the tdlawlag tad he echeinced . Lindsey I you aliteted fey • number of Trap with • dimme, wad by my pkyolclain to ha Serefula. Toro eilast out yeses I was so to 4 that I Ir. unable to be out of mu bed. I tried all the remelles and the Net phyalclans I was One to pro. rue, without any beneficial remit. I continued growing wore. until the dean andsn were entlrsh ratan oh the left side of my peat, shoulder and arm. sorminge wan mid I waa ou. reined, that it required the °Corm of two he r, to m.ive ma to be& This who my nrodition when I ieu induced try the Meer , Balaton, of Miens, to try you Improved hloodSeare.ber, which, to my peat relief, and the satisfaction of my friendo, I .can els comma was helping me. I enntinued the use of It. and gained to rapidly that too.ub od to ly lest Km. than one year 1 was able to go about and att of net horimbold duties, and the parte affected ware all healed up. and covered with sound, healthy Seth end UM, and ham so continued ever since; and 1 neirenJoy a Mete of health that !bail for with. Oen up all hopes of over again being blurt with. biANOT BLZAHXY.T, Near gldarton, &math:mg county, P.. Arzust I, 1065. KETTFIN AGENT.i. Poing amictcd with a grieve , . totter on the areal end ben—after trying many terse:..re which utter!. felled to core—l was iwnuaded by W. hi. Burin ^ Co. to try " Linantl a Imprneml PlereLSeareher,e now, to stoke after using tit. secend bogie, pre nem,* myself used. Theo totter broke out emae. tl-414 orcr one year nno, co the iffsido of coy arm. extending from the elbows down to the sts; also nty racy, buouedistely yronad thy nyna wri tb and chin, .d continued to bee perfect torment to ma at now t roved by tb• 131,M.S.,erelsor. My.... were t slmesi motets. owl to tbe doer crooko tad sores on them, liable to blood at any tints on the least ems. non to lift or wort, and aorootitoce so itchy I could scarcely pement tearing off my flesh. I have Men cured six weeka, and feel it due to If.r. Lindley, awl to Me public generally. to make Ibis statement, in hope that ethers like tayeeirmay be beneSted by ming his Invaluable ceedtclow hnr JANT 74 WILSON. mutt. Sworn to and subleriteel before use. one of the Al. dolman to and for the city of Pittsburgh, this tell day of July, A. P. AND. kfrif AMA, Aldotteth. IN yr 1 o.an ....I 11,1•Cse. crrnsursoo, Pd. -•—••• ti-DiIITON. January 24th. 10.59. J. M. No.hoo—Dear fairs Via are eery zaar out of Your medicine ; Punt tao Ireorould Pat BS, that To= ytad:cine b., oozed • a., of &colt ola that las toun comic -13 on for yeast; Cm the visa eats& drills larly'a arraa—yoa could •aue the OLITIF• erotklig. /3ba to at tau death bottl• now, and the Cub la growing on ictl hot. Tone Illooll4Scarobar to going all 00U *ha country. no pearla a. soot' =nth lounged with the *boys caw. Please tend Os Antrum:lt of entr 11=1112t, aad obliga m. T 0.,, MaI.&SISSON CO., Ehlortor. Indiana Etatloa AS A TONIC, it bee no equal Un- like the many rile mixtures called "Bit- ters," it creates no {nice appetite, T. E. VFAKICII.I.II give!, tone and rigor to the nyEtem grimi tally and permanently. BEWARE 0F COUNTERFEITS ! Ds. J. M. LIFDLINT'a dsxtnxu BLOOD Ststones has .1. M. FULTON'S lim4o printed on end , label. Refuse all e v i = r s t ri o rlyrogeng, paw won Lm. FULTON, Dniggi W4-"73).-4195 42"Yrra'....4° WWI% 44sai.ettier :7 7 : 10,3 : 1_0 1 10 :7 1 = 1 : scutlxv= 7 :tonhire rrasem A Z im. ,c (ATrAgnaiTitri", 1 10 Ulm nytry warty rtas VII a. wr 44146* itsyna CI IV. insvrs. tiOTS .1X73 SHOES TIM ONLY PLACE for great In DOWN d.:;D SUCIZO, Jualowir ,, l iimx PLACE to bate BOOTS EFICIES grarraza.d. la at LI: 6110 E STOWS, G 2 70Th ittr,et. TUB ONLY PLACE-yon can buy raal r.ICETED SIIOEic la at i'scrwr lIALL ETION nom f'4 fIM @tint. THE thiLt PLACE where BOOTS & 6110123 Jr ts mend inn, is ist II IL VINICY ?LACE to buy WOMEN'S I=l WNCEILT LIALL SEWS sTorx. Ca /Mb "'l'd.. riE ONLY PLACE to buy MEN'S - - • - - - STOGY ROOTS to it ?-S, is a CONCELT ITALL 2.1108 57‘0113. 01 iNi .t ..t. THE ONLY PLACE viLere they have etnicr.trr HALL mos ISTOBS, G 2 PK*, .+lst ONLY PLACE to buy Woman's SR.:. RS for 15 ends, is at VINCIGHT HALL !MOE Away, 62 riabk 0,104 IIitEAT, original ana only cleft C.a.la Lilco Uoto., 4 .t , N , l:ltT HALL. SHOE °TOILE. 62 YIRD alma. Y•r t Seer to the Mice FINE GOODS! D! LS' Gq. °cr. DID DAINIOF.AL BOMB; n. at, do CONOILIM do; Da yoltoooO a Goat i.vrt do ICNT'S Trims SOLI nitAIN h CLLV So D. TWO CALF dcr; II of u. b.! csatorm work. 2.6.1 Virratite4 l to Slv ri ,t, GEO. ALBREE, SON & CO.. (3 r T.RT CL)SINU OUT EALE OF Boots, Bhoos, Gaiters, Balmorals snd ➢CSL\O IRE 2dOVIII OT J.SEEART, riALL AND SECI BOOTS, GAITERS & BALMORAL% Js: M 113011-LASID,S, 11.1.4 stmt. BOOTS AND SLIOES, AI RS'S At.ooTe, McCLELLANYS ACCTIOI4, BOYSROOTS, E. 1i LETS AND DRAWERS, j•G AT 31e411. ZL AND'S. ILDEEN S SHOES, LADIES AND MISFES' BOSE, Vitt, a r m,. ADiFS" BALMOBA— BOOTS, ci AT McOLILT.AirD'S. Eußscarrnos 8 BECEIVEED, DIARIES, Fop. 1884, WALLETS &POO= BOOKS, Book, Stationery News Depot, , nds, 11 svl. LLII.INACIS, f,r 1864,.t 1101.1113.1' TICSOZIKLB, Kt. ALL DANS PUBLROAL'IONS, RA ♦LL TIM NOVICLI:11 10 i. st gr rine GCILD PE2I, waerautal Roo but amt. RtNTR nATIONEBT PORTFOLIOS aniVaabk at th"ld prfe.- 2 .5 casin. PROTCaaIiAPEL aistrita, -et dna, abjtea, pricaa and quantal, at lower ptl than 41amtumr, "pm ld pirtxtron upward; sad from ZS ands, with eh alga sad elaaly apaard, at .1. - Nir EVIDLECZ bargain• • ORE, tr. rum .wet but one price, Is .t Jr2T EECEICKD I. co, of Woof .end ionnh ..t. GIThIS, 13011.LANWEI. SO , larke Meet. GAMS U AT 11cOLELLS:tiV& AT 7deCLELL &NW& WI I/T3 STREIT AT McCLELLASIES AUCTION AT 11',CIALT AND'S AS LONFLST PILICEL AT PITIILL3HERW PUICI2I. LO DIIITEULTI STYLT4., DliFgalEST /LOD& AT PITTOONE'S OPPOSITE TIM POST OTTICE ILL Tar. NSW iDOILS.ma .00n sa pal:MA.ok $t All th• LATE VA.PLEA And LULEA/MS% AL JOHN Y. Emir a, STIMST. w /all pIIOTOGILITH ALBUMS! CLBD raOTOGRAPHS! nna, LINE Jts itrirETVD, • And wirl bo said at LOWED. mums than an? OtA* airSPECTABLZ ItOUSII in Ow Won. Books, Papers and IdagazLoes Allnqs bud, LADIES AND GESITLEAM are rearectitaty vikd to call and examine tbs stock to prlceivit JAMES 'L SAMPLE'S, LlTTlalllt =PODIUM, Zia. 85 WeilerBl 15G, s.lltlta Tra.rTif. 000 D GIRL WANTICD-,To'do.giat nalsbclllll26iinca ift‘the u . Mem t *two paid. Ar a g i i TP 0731(71. .1424tf WANTED— /0 Kent) -48 near= bit, tcaia. 257 Llk,artl 'beet. • DWELLING noun. Ota...wit.h statis sxrd oten profaned. ' L.H. VOIGI*01: uriNTED-A firstrratel VT .131/..C= 4 .1111.1. Stesily work, ••11128 but t• • P•d baud I "'.III:IIVVIASLE, Bank of Allegbray aids tkei Past: . . WVINTHD A °ARM EIL-4i—mar U fled wan withoutchlldren proctored.' Ha inset audemtand the cult= of Grapes, and act be arida cf ItUle turd work. Ther s ltit kind of man MD i="nrt ;.fl-.:1"44"/"4 I .-....41011.11ri 1 --' i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers