* Vltislzurgit ,(tinotettil. - FRIDAY 8, MC SIIBI/BBdN. £romY: aterday's Evening Gazette Tho Bab !Raid Towards ctunberlartd— A Goearnment Train captured. eta In yesterday's paper wenotieed the marled - oectspition of Cumberianti,ilda., by a fere* of rebel Antrairy. Tho - report .A the occupation ofthat race lute not been eetifinned; but the • following, from the lifteeling hiclligenccr of Wednesday, fully corroborates the main fart -ofa formidable raid towards Cumberland, by way of New Creek: The train of cars which , left this city on Saturday morning only went as far al Pied mont, where it WU ordered to return to this city, .which it did, reaching here yesterday mormag. The passengers report that a rebel Rows of about three thorium d cavalry, suppos• trito be commanded by Imboden, was march 'int in the direction of New Creek, and there was great activity among our troopaalong the 493111. On Sunday afternoon a force of gner rillas fell upon a government train between Now' Creek and Petersburg, and captured a "large number of horses anti wagons. One of the teamsters, a negro, seeing the guard over powered, cut his mules loose fro:lithe wagon, mounted the saddle mule, and made his way safely to New Creek, followed by the balance of the animals, composing his team. Every important point- *long the read likely to be • attacked was being stzmigthoned by General Kelley, and a groat excitement prevailed among the people. All the rolling stock of the. Baltimore mid Ohio flathead company in • and about Cumbeiland and New Creek and other points Is now_ being moved in this di • rection. At-Nov Creek and Piedmont, on Monday night, the people, for reasons known to the military authorities, were for bidden to exhibit lights. The track of the railroad had not been injured up to Monday night, as the , train from Baltimore met the train of which we bare been speaking at Piedmont, and followed it into this city. It was feared that Cal. Trobnm's command a' Petersburg hod been attacked by the rob els, but nothing reliable was knowo. These rumors in connection with the fact that a largo rebel force is in front of General Averill near Martinsburg, make things look very threatening along the road, and although the rebel raid may not be so extensive no re• ported, there is sufficient cause for tho alarm and extraordinary activity which seems to prevail among our troops. P. B.—We team from passengers who on iv - od on Tuesday evening" (tom Grafton, that nothing in addition LO WhOV*o have mention " ed above was known at that point Tele graphie communication with Baltimore was uninterrupted. There is now no travel on the road between Grafton and Ilarper's Ferry. P. S.-1 A. M.—The trains on the flAlti more road.-east and went, or, roportod 'an right, and they will leave on their regular time to-day. Tho indicatious from Now Creel are that the rebels Are faithg back, and that the demonstration made on that point is not by a very large force. It is surmised that the throat against Now Creek may be a feint in , tended to cover a strike at sonic other part of thereat'. No word hag been received from Col. Thoburn's command up to this writing . The rebels are reports, i in. umsemon or for lingtow, a road crossing eleven mile, frets New Creek toward Petersburg. The Horticultural Society At the meeting of the liorticultural Society held yesterday 'at No. lti Fifth street, Presi dent Adams in the Chair, the following °Meers were elected to scree for the ensuing year president—George If.. White. Vice Neel den t.-Llott. James. P. Sterrett, 8.1.. Fabrics - tock, : lV. S. Bissell. Corresponding Secretary ''-=Hon: Robert McKnight. Recording Seers fary:-D.;l3.seon. Treasurer—Geo..G. Negley. .Cotaniitten of Arrangrments--Geo. W. A, Iterron, Gee. G. Kegley, T. Aiken, J. Vandereert, W. d. Iles en, C. McKnight, ,W. C. Dunn. Committee on Flowers—John Murdock, G o rden, W. s. Bissell, Jas. .:Wardrop, B. L. Fatincstoels, Junes Reed. Committee en ~.,FruitsT. L. Shields, J. Knox, IL Boettitotirjiht..tChess, W. Oliver, Su. Murdock, Goo:lobtiteleis. Committee en . Vegclables—lL CSeimings, V. IL Camp bell, C. Scully, T. Chess, W. Petrie, C. Lock hart, A. J. Woofslair, A. Kegley. Commit tee: on Finance—T. S. Clark, C. IV'. Bachelor, G. W. Mailman, 11. S. Fleming, J. Knox. • ComMittee on Library—J. Bastion, J. W. Vat,- . dervert, G.Adame, C. M'Ketight, R. Bruce. •Committco on Premiuras—M. Chose, Knox, •T. L. Shields, F. M. Gordon, John Murdock, T. Chess, Wm. Petrie. Committee on - Printing—lV. S.. Baron, C. M'Snight, Dr. • Depuy. George Finley, D. Aiken, Jr. Sub ,,ject .for Conaideralion at Next Meeting— ... Pears, hoth Dwarf and Standard. Adjourned to meet again next :Wednesday morning, at o'clock, over the Young; 'Men's Library 'Roman, corner Penn and St. Clair streets. Court Martial Sentences TGe following sentences, under the charges stated, have. been passedby Courts' Martial In the. Arioy of the Potomac:: . 'Second Lieut. Latityekte Cameron ' Com- patty P. sith Regiment Pennsylvania Volun -,- Xecre: Extollingly making false return of the clothing of his Company. To be each - , Urea. • Pilate Joseph Richardson, Co. A, 49th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteels: Deser -77-tion. To be shot, to death by musketry, at `such - time Re place as the Commanding Gen eral may direct. Corporal DevidlicGshan, Co. D. 49th Reg. latent Pennsylvania Volunteer*: Desertion. To.be shotto death by musketry, aesuch time lard...places as the Commanding General may . direct.' Christopher L. Sampson, of Battery F, stb Regiment United States artillery: Desertion. To be-shot to death by musketry, &touch time and Wane as the proper nathot ity may desig nate;. Private Peter Choleauvet, Co- F, 20th Mae ' sachusetts Volunteers: Desertion. To be !het to-death by musketry, at such time and place as the ;Commanding General bay di . reek, The CrXmtual Court. John N. Bennett-and George Bennett plead guilty to a charge of aaraolt and battery, and were sentenced to pay a Goo of ton dollars and costs. 4ntbotty Lehlnrger, charged with assault and hatterron oath of Mary Ann Keating, eae attpriftett, and each party ordered to pay halt the costs. May McDonald was acquitlad of a charge of asOultand battery on Elisabeth Morrie, but ordered to pay tho,c,orts. Mary,-Miller, alias Wagner, was convicted 'of adultery with J. F. R. Jones, and remand ed to-jail for aentenro. James Sheers. charged with misdemeanor in break:tag a hired carriage, was declared not guilty. and the proAecator, 0. Briceland, WAS urdered.to pay half the carte. 34eRtt F. Stark plead guilty to a charge of assault - and battery, and was sentenced to (. a pny costs and gire honda to keep the peace. ' ..' .. 1110r 20 Mur. A• CITELP ICU 1101751 L—Any • ono S•rho Rows near a water routes can, at the 'espouse 'often dollars. build an lee bowie capable of containing a cube of the crystal . luxtfry fen feet square. Rough boards for the enter walls, slabs-for the inner, with a filling a foot thick of tutrbark.or saw-dust, a layer of the- Dam° thiehnisii npon the top; a clap board ioof;s drain to- carry off drippngs fro m the ;ice, and then phck 'in the ice close and compact, cover It with saw-dust, and the work ;lone. Suoh a store would furnish - half•s dotion families With hard butter, cold water, frozen cuitards, and all the luxuries of a- fait-glass lee-tPDAM saloon for the whole BOU STRZ67 M. I. ChstrolA concert and ezhibiton was given on Tuesday evening, at - tbe itoss Street M. E. Church, for the purpose of raising adonation in aid of the Sanitary Commission, and also to secure funds to replen ish ti e library of the Sabbath School. The Scat entertainment was so entirely successful • thatn repetition was demanded, which was ..• likewise lar,gely attended and the performance bo repeated again Thursday evening and roday evening. The object is every why worthy of commendation, and those within access of the church should lend a -helping hand. accuuncYntin roe PIIOIIOTION.—CoI. Wm. Rickatde, jr.', of the 29th regiment P, V., has ---- been reemsunended.to the War Department for remotion to brigadier General. Gen. Geary E. - sut written a letter strongly rccommendog the promotion, and setting forth the good judg xnent.and gallant conduct of Col, Richards at Chaniellereville, Gettysburg, Wauhatchte, Lookout Mountain and Ringgold. It was the -• 9=o.4ol.table disposition of bis regiment by Col. RiekertaristWauhatehie that saved the force • thetpoint, and resulted hr the brilliant "tor! of ,wbieh the "White Stare" areeo justij road. • „ • ntrAbt.4 Olotk by bol •-goilltreottunittbd.tojoll, by pliyailifoxioador to otrowei',Ocho.No 3togillog hogs from Bat. bard "`--'^,: ;.;.~ ~ ,3~~r.?~~r,.~~,,.. vim, tib ~ ~..~ n.f - .r_-~c.,.a0vv,...,.. , .~~+a .:5 ~.. u ~> x:..:.c:~-+ K-~ ...;.~.,.,~~. 0 • Important to Dratteditteninniatte Eon ;'WlUlam Vrtittiai,Solleitoi of tho War . . Department, delivered an liability some time sines, on the giestitin of liability to serve, of men drafted bt Pennsylvania, in 18432, - but who bays never been mustered Into service. The following is the OtlSlOS:—Ltilitio men drafted under the latta of the State of Pennsylvania, not having been mustered into the terries of the United State& cannot lawfully be treated as deser ter& Ittaamneh as the number of troops and the length: of their service in the different Stitesibseo been, or will be, taken into con sideratien by the President so as to equalise die mane among the States in the draft which to soon to bo ordered under the Oct of 1863, and M the .defielt of troops of Pennsylvania will thus be made up, it is my opinion that no furtheampromedings should be taken in rela tion to the persons draltedlast fall. \Don. Daniel Agnew. On Tuesday evening last there was a plea sant gathering at the house of Mr. John M. Maris, of Philadelphia, whero then Judge of the Supreme Court', old friends of Mr. Maris, met by invitation, to form social acquaintance with Ron Judge Agnew, jest elected to the Supreme Court. The North America). says Judge Agnew come. to Philadelphia a compar ative stranger. Ile is a communicant of the Methedlst church, and Is held In high es teem by the Methodist community. The meet ing lastnlght at the house of Mr. Marie was a very pleasant occasion, enabling the brethren oQthe Supreme Court to make the acquaint ance of the now member, Judge Agnew, under the pleasantest circumstances. Judge Agnew was cordially welcomed by his brethren of the ermine, and the evening was delightfully spent under the hospitable and munificent roof of Mr. Maria. The Vestry of St. Peters Editors Gazette: The publication of the resolutions passed by the Vestry of St. Peters Chinch, Deo. 4, and which appeared in your columns on Wednesday, with the vote attach ed,having given rise to some misconception as to the poirition of those voting in the neg ative, we understand thaFthey, the minority are preparing an address to the parishioneri of that church, which will show the whole proceedings which originated those resolu tions and carried them through. This address will. be publiehed in pamphl, form,and we hare no doubt the parishioners la. well as many others, wilt welcome its up poarance as as explanation of the votes the cast, as it will show doebtless the true issue which is not always apparent on the face o resolutions of this sort. X. LLaa DROMXIII. —On Tuesday morning a man named Geo. hose was drowned in the Monongahela river, near Hussey Co.'s cop per works. lie was employed as watchman one pair of coal 'mate moored near that point, and while walking from the boats to shore, he missed his looting, and falling into the water was drowned. Several moo employed at the copper works were at hand, and although they made every exertion to save him, it wee It rain. The deceased was a blacksmith by trade, and a resident of West Newton. The body has not yet been recovered. Ton Ort. Tuna.—At the late meeting of rill merchants, In Philadelphia, in reference to the tax on petroleum, Mr. ll'llenry thought that a tax of ono dollar, or even two dollars, could not interfero with the exportation of the article in question. 'The production of oil is about 2,106,000 barrels, while only about $OOO,OOO is realized by the Government. The exports of coal oil from Philadelphia during the present year have amounted to about 0,000,000 gallons, being nearly twice ao much as was sent out of the country in 1602. The exports from Sew York exceed 12,000fi00 Morons . Pessions.—By a recent regula tion of the Pension Office, many mothers of deceased soldiers are now entitled to pensions, . • who wore not previously. Ender the original regulations, a mother was required to prove her marriage, and only icidoiced mother. were entitled to penstbris; while ander the present regulations any mother ef a. deceased officer or soldier, if she was dependent wholly or to part on her deceased son for support, is en titled to a pension, whether her nueband be living or not, and it is now unnecessary for a mother to prove her marriage. FATAL FALL.—Mr. Thomas L. Patterson, a returned volunteer, and o native of Butler county, come to his death the other day in the following singular manner: Ito had been, since his return from the army, residing in Allegheny city, bat went out to his mother's, in POllll township, to spend the holidays. On Christmas eve, while skating in company with one of his brothers, he slipped and fell, his head striking the ice. /le walked to the house and told his mother that he bad an "awful headache." She assisted him to bed, and sent for Dr. Stewart; bat before the Doctor ar rived he was dead. DISORDEHLT.—Mrs. Sarah Dreathwood, and her eon and daughter, William and Sarah .Breath wood, were brought before Mayor Alex ander, last evening, on a charge of disorderly conduct preferred by Mrs. Sarah Burton. It appeared In evidence that Mrs. Breathwood, who resides near the Hand street bridge, is a very disorderly neighbor, and the Mayorfined her three dollars, bar eon tw► dollars, and or dered the daughter to pay the costs. The money was paid and the parties loft for their homes. Mow If ILLEIL—Mr. William Kunkel, a shift er in theemploy of the Pennsys•ania Railroad at-litirriabarg, was killed shout eight on Tuesday morning. Ile was shifting some cars, and had just tut the train in two and stopped aside on the main track, when the down passenger train caught him and injured him so badly that be surelsod but Meaty min utes. Oae side of his face was carried away by the ash-pan, and his bodyothenrise terri bly mangled. A Vaunt. larsarsos.--Mr. Winner, Pro fessor of Music, has patented a device which is intended to assist those learning the piano. The intention consists of key boards, which contain the score, the note and the letter, and when placed on the plane dts °Tor the key which is represented-0 Thus the learner becomes at once familliar with the name of the key, and at the same time recognizes the mask which distinguishes It on the scale of matte. W. T. neCILLNAII, a member of the City Council, of Wheeling, was recently arrested and committed to the military prison on a charge of disloyalty—drinking the health of Jeff. ()ladle, eta. He denied haring drank Jeff.'s health, but admitted that ho did toast o cousin, mho is a Brigadier General in the rebel army. lie wee released on giving boil and taking the oath of allegiance. Pno-lisaLrngs Comm Poison.—The total number of commitments to the county prison during the past year was 17,219, being an in crease of 2,573 over the previous year. Of this Increase 794' wore females. The prison ers wore in sex and color as follows White rooks, 9,132; white females, 7,10" black male, 958; black females, 731. The amount of actual expenses, $511,608.54. Sear Orin.—Wm. 11. Norris, sentenced fivo years and six month, fur anon; Robert Arm strong, aontermed one year and nine menthe for bigamy, and John full, sentenced ono year and six months for larceny, were oGnrery ed from the county jail to the penitintiary, this afternoon. BOUM To Damn.—A little girl of John Graff 's, of Greensburg, aged about six years, was so severely burnt on Saturday evening last, by her dollies catching fire, that oho died in a few hours afterward. Smarr.—Wm.i Mellon, of Lower tt. Qloir township, has bean committed to jail to an swer & charge of =Mow violent threats against Adam Apple. Min/MLR Tgui..—Charles Wont In now on et-Wheelies, for the warder of II egtk Chintzy. MAOKRELL & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS.AT.I.AVV, iiPID scrunsr.s• CLAIM Ativrre No. $9 GRANT STUZET, .VENTRAL DRUG STORE, Weir Ole sea Aiwa( Bind. Allighwar, CIZO. A. KELLY, Pl.OlttlfrOS BPATLICLI27O SODA WATICIL PATNNT XIDICIDEB, b+ t rPbysleirer . pt•scrtptlms carohlly eamnr:l - - - . DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO.'S Sight Mlle on too: Cafes Zook, London, owl B%M BIM on way Important butt b. Gortrouty,Arrurry Endtterlon4 loot Italy, for oak in soma to otlkyot , chasms, by. WILLLLIIS at CO, soltitbm Wood *not. wow or Th DOCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY ea:m.464u I' mt, foe sotbk by ..42 MED plowN,lse Wood Orme. CO.MMERCI,4I4I.toId). parrsisuaca IaRKE.Ti4. TERTJUIT, lsigioary 7,161 GRAIN—Vie reentipte of Wheat evortious. light. sal rho market Is gimlet but firm, with small tratrn fr m wagon 4< Sl e TI for Red, and $1,4461,45 Rr 15"tilte. Corn—is firm uud In huller it:rut...ll 910 nits Ear from derat at 51,1 , , and 010511 emir. from store at 11,5:,. Oati quint but .read} with . o few nles from store at &st, Barley In unehttrutvil 01 II . 14 for Spring, and 51,10 for Fall. solos at 51,5561,40. PROVISIONS—The demand for Pa,, u in good, the market lino, and prices are well suntained, Lard Is active, with autos at nt Illena Pork la firm and quotation . . nt he giro° at i1..50621 per 1,14; ale of 2.4 , Idae on print. terms. Bulk Meat- - eats of 10,000 lit Eit.hed Sides at and 10,0001/ode on private terms. ILOUR.—the demand continues light, and the tr.:in...El°. are Frau!, and unimpottaut. Extra Family to rolling from .ion, at 57,5"• l 0 b7,:st for ill for well known hruu.l.l. Bo.htvlicut dour may he quoted at 64,01.1(44,Z rer GROCERIES --the market In whet mot may he tersood dull, while prices aro gym and well outtai ton,. Sugar rung. front 133. to 15c f..r Row, nod 1761 v for Refined. Coffee la ntrudy with salts at 316.,,tc— , some choice at 3,1 o. Idolurseenquiot at .5607 c. FIAY-11 arm with a demand fully ogwil to ill ..PPIT: gal. of 13 loads Inene from males at t ,542 pet ton, and :Chain pressed at ihOt. ASHES—Am and dtawrildion. are a shad higher. The. currant moiations are as follow, CIIMMuII Soda P•%gpQarc nedoed du SNO.::!..?; Al kadi e 3 4 ,, and liitrate Suds and Pearly 10, Pitteburgh Petroleum Market. Jaw.l.—The market for Petroleum, both crude and Reiltml. loan been quiet and rather dull to-doy, and the transactions 'sere [baited and of an 11311.01 , taut character. Crude appears less actlee though price remain about as last quoted, ranging from cp In balk and 21@Z Mils, and wino feirr make were at the above range. There le considerable inquit7 for ELl:l[ll'4 In bond, but yet, there boot. Men no operations, and eve continue to quote at I". though vime bolder. are asking 41.412. Free oil i dull and nominal at :A. Wo note a •alo of 100 bid "Lucifer" Lubricating oil at 10, blapitia and Peoria nom continues dull and unchanged. The receipts and ships:tests timing th. is - enty foul L.. ,ding atto-.ln) wet... 6 ilox s— to Ness Yoit, 177 bhls Itslisrd. 1 ht.is 61 , 111 bbls NspthE no bbl. Ile-Wm:III. ay. blAs Crud, hhle lt,ts MEINIII E== New 'fork Petroleum Markel. Spvcial 1,1.01.11 U, the Pitt:Lure , N,,, y o .„ 7—Clu,lo but Lic r,,uging frvn, 10 on the Fol•ruary delivery, InJyt.r4 orti. , n. ix at 4 , %17 for ' I. tr.,. Allegheny I.li C Stock "larkut (estvirrro l• ell,ll %MT, ) .I.•e. 7—Tl,re warrg-r3 ,burt [11,1113 aaly "wk. ti,e atibmie nmb., tvach..l4 only al.:lt al: Ittnotro..l brad. The%l. rvatrict• e.trotn,iskrALly fill/m . 1111.U, of the ,xtrol..ty weather. and tts - n,ht.at t. Vmplet,ly 1.1.. , k,.1 tha w, - ,torn rnilnw,l.o The that It !Ina 1,, alizw.t intpos..h.e t flock through fr ,, n‘ h.. sweat, ..tf with a rirq.,,, largel, it, rsgt. , ... , 11 1 /.1111,1 4.11a1,....h , Men r2,lahh.thr,l. Th, a.l. ape.. fully ryu..i t•.,.r. half cant r Iti n.l. and a niAtty 0.1d10,W WO maw wale eat I 1...... II at i. - a 3 t. In ‘rett would bara 1a,a1,41.t t... .r rt..' g' 411141'6110U iY ih. lilt' ad% 4110; 1%111 h;,t II) tseitertl e a.. the-re re.o le se. s i,. ss I lug for ;ransportall• , [l, :1411”. 41:17. uzal, 112 .t 1capr,...1r,•-otpta =II t trerk wr• boy,rg tuber mold Ira,. n I .I.‘nt 1.,. •I" 911,1 Quotaiioort ; . at 1;;0y Laid, .i. 1,41 At 00n to r o e . ovr pound Fr , rg, 0.0dr..; ;-••to. w v. • 101 d 01 Oc,l.lrt 0 on .0 , 10 frd o r.. otrd la 01dr.t0.1ntrov0 tho mart rl. 3 iro . l. I; .0.11.- I. 1; d ll.t of rho talr, hook abolear1;01 so orr;I:r.0; dorC.,;.r. ;At 60)00;or srbolr,010.1" , of ar, for •aOO. I rr 00000,0.1. r.r.1.1 at ~otor.lit sold 'm tread at . 0 000 11. to .141 rtra cattle at 1r; 1c..7 T1t.1,• r ,1;00.1 50r..;;.,; 033.1. - ; E %; hittlerey 10.001 ; 01110 11 Boyd ;IS 0100,arrraging 1114; fr, at S 1,0; vet tl hook 40 / LIILU towns or ,• 0 0, Brow, roas 02:r per head: E Wrrlfo 2 0 d.• Li / wtt Small cart.; a; :1,4.. II A Mr.. lek road. .1 I find at , fo,o to ; 31.0 ft yOl-0 .0 Ito. retrrdo.l Lead at from 4 to and to, rtorno hrto 0.4,1 it head, aterngin, //NO , rod, al Fod ;0, 10001. Tho morlpta of 11,:w hay.. lw..n rer, 1,1,t, • with a good demaml and on y a limited nopply, an .rk.n. h. ruled 'nil firm, and n muter.] on olow. inwn Th , ad rnllrviy L.r •hipment 4. the rawer.. mat L.• the lou-1 n twisr rwlal •h. bought ahmat nil the, want. Quohn nt. 1113) fairly glyrit at from vv. , I e 7, 00 rat, 3, 6,4., althunih en extra lot would prot , nl4, t17,•24. The following in a partial lief rah, werk . Gilchtiegt bor:cht I...tat. aer:llg,, lb, t at Lt.,: N. J 11 Huff bought I.- I,AJ,nr.,vo " 1:1 fvfv.62. 01vues ..J.11.0 a , t... nolm" d I . ki(l, 81”1 , 1 c+ , o 1 aJ, nr,r,ing Jut,u. Cto, a•er,in4 27". U. --nu extra lot a hogl—at "rt in Toe tiferis,,, 611,1 , cnnlitme t, r 7 liF Lt, Itln only r nnderale demand, prier,. r•.ln,in I Wt tooted. St. Louts Provision Market— tonuAl Review. (Vrorn the Price Current, Jan. Ll With no etport denten I I.r meats, arid the rates of freight to the minte.aid prohibiting .hip. motile except to a lint Rod ex melt sine- the opealtn, the Lower Missiiattipi, the bovines/I of the ti1 ,, r1 , 4 In the past year hes hors mainly speculative, and ni aupplying the Government and lievernmebt mutter - tot, by .bleb the greater part of 11/e 'applies eel, taken. The market W. generally dolettirough the year, cicala tar a ehorttliiir In be sva log, and oft.. the stOcks of men pork and cut vents had teecerne re• dared and acettinulmi , l in tow haiide, Ida. 10/mar tian, were between dealers and ma.trarear, and the particulars wen, tora mad., piddle. pork advanced from $.12 In January to SI 3,7.,0e51 I it, je m bruary, and (bus gradually declined thretigti the following three months w StICLY//,.. 1 tb Jan -though In all this time todaer, of city parked Claimed and occminnally sold at higher 114 im.a. Dar ing the Interne. there was very 1,1 Ile demand for and the price WWI tumidly not:Anal—at Satin 12,50 in July. $1 . 4,40(41d.: ,0 in dingovt usal Septem ber, and $1,1114 ti bbl thence on the clews. to mot meets, both bulk and picido, there wav i on. id, ra ids bmineas, mostly speculatird, through the prime, mlvancinif with other cninmodit les In Valea• au, and thence declined, through March sod April --al:mailers In balk firm liNiglc .Pipicd, halm front 4%,44),ic, sweet pirkled ham* front 111 to cod Mars bony td or all:hell umaleable at 4 and its for rtn and. tear. T. Jane the stoc k l a y; mo d . , chanced hand., and prieve of jint,. iinproved, hat aid. ot roallonct to he neglected. Du; lax lb^ ebb, mar no4l fall there Nor, rady tramedclione, woolly ea private b-lops. aed at the elneoef the neat .11 sliout.trivi 101•71[1l4 , 1 Lau b 0 ~ 7,4, Dad clear sides to an ILel. P , whieli the sto c ks were all illevocd. Of the new meat pr +hots, little has le.on dare. Satre of 2,lKamd,ri,moo Ida, prime 11/ ,. /.. and niona + • re I made Ms November on pile.. home, imolcrebeal be at $l4 and Three Mend or Welt.. sin ,, , as price. hots ailvenrod nod dealer were unable to ogle , : tilmn I err.. In the past two asks noway:irk bu been held firmly at sie , bbl, end armor to.. lots sere reported aoltlio.ir end at Alton at that price, bet ilia. t was dull at this pries , at themlm, Par hulk meats WI. nye will, out a quotation, aa Lot e mile h. rill.' to oar Lied w kelao, and price. at the ChM) were nominal. Receipts of the pant lutlt years compare. . +G?. ledl. :e+.*lfle 14.1+7 1111,415 1.21,10: 1.130 G.. 115 I I,:k - di 2,420 ft 1,000 .0111,70) 467,fie. 761,313,Kit,d7.7 New York Grocery Market. (Prom toe (kimmerclal List, Jan, 'Corr.—Me demand cuidinuee eatternely trosler• ato, and though holders of the smell ntonh now here are ram, not offering theft parrele id present rnlna tlenr, the market Is doll, and we redo,. our pots. lion. of Rio half a cent per Ili. other kinds are without movement or change sines our leek The ealeo Include '214 bags Rio at 11 ts; w:• Jamaica, W.4:132%; and 375 alaracaitio, musM discount for Wk. 'rho stock of Rio In the es - otu, es rn.le up by Messrs. NV &vitt a ton, 14,1nd bogs, ri7, 13.,k 11 , 41 bags bere„,pud ASS at Baltimore. Stock In Boston, January 1— B. 2,360 Potketa " 500 5, (On anger—With the toothf the year the L e aned /14 cnnso of doomed, for nod for home OW. nod lo holderecootinfie firot, oftei lug their •rnege sparingly, wires of both may be quoted one. eighth era cent higher. The mice Wolff& I:tiilild. I:rho at 11,412!. cents; ' 2 119 Porto 141 , .. 12'60413: 344 Near Orleans 21?6(tabi; 15. Clarified do. 10,415: PO boom 11arn0ria,12.41434 4 mos: 20 hbds 5 Les and nil Demerara. and ("25 boom Horan.. in bond, on term. not made Mohan—Thera Is rather more inquiry for home one, sad though the market presents no nor foature, there Is perhaps none firmness, Pretty 1011 prices sd ing refaced. The mien are 1537 hhds Porten/art •t 50 ante: 341 thh ttds 49 les and Cohn Hueco. natio, 50, bo for refining: 51 liltds Playe4l Cuba, for nisliOlog, 44; 95 !Ada and do nay crop New Or • Glts7; nad 10 bblein ferior er du, 5.9•3re1, 4 nies. PrMIMIIIOII. Pa Chicago Market. .la.a. s—Provisions very no; tendency Kinard. Sale. 1,000 kids rues* pork at Peoria at 51705 doll v °rad nen; city Is bald at 11141)1a,25. Priv+. mess in good demand. Baled too tbla at $14,:',051-1.75, closing arm. Voider* asking 515. Balk meats firm; nab.. SVIO plecks at 0% . (5.1c for barna: 7144 8 ‘• rot sad u 3 0w far staroldera,• all loos.. lierVtl plcklad hauls at W.Ao l ,it., Lard o shade higher; askant 4.50 tlarovis 011 fettle ai m" el.m. steam at MI 00 tierces do it 11,1 c; 500 tierces city and Malta item 143.4'; 100 to Ilrown% kattl• 1134 c. Whisky iallaaccd into UV bids as 624 Elf, cloning Ottn at ttte. rant dalL' Wltvat &shad. begun Ti 41.51,16 t0,21,1634:1(.3 2.ll,4gkaxe. Caro ;know; stor corn is oiling at 01.4gic....1. 1 . 1 of 030 ftt liol;aludtdriaMe for No' 2 • vats inlet of idolit gala* Ikplitrtn. aides or Ito t. at sl . ,tgar 1,06. paltry dull and nominal. . . Import: WAVI'Fr. CIIICA. 611.111J0. Jt% 7 —1 hoz wallop, 6 bblri.apples, Frizer .1 - Ana pkgs. pr.:n(4mm, Unitary Coracalaalon, 1 car ttla, G., LAB.; 7.:; hp oats, 17 b. rhairr amt. Bingham. Sturgi., pa .1 ca; 5 dos brocum, Maas, & a as, LIP!, J Alrl.i trlrk $ Bra: a J L Ma..l,alt: Joeloda 11. , 1.; 7 J. d. 11' A Stern 10 du do. 8 D.lLril J.rai 15 4 , 3 .t do, Itartland k Camarr . .. . • „...... ,s.or-. 20 do do, W 11.4.414g0; 1'..1.. do, J A. 0, .10 do. 110..4 & pkgs 11 & 1.: ,1.3 s tuL,, J F Dilworth & co; 44 ea nolo, T 1. McClelland; 1 rar Pig sartal, John Moor. b.-.d; lamp. 11 Gemrig; li loose. candles, 11,,,0..„ 0 .. 2 lo!', broom corn. T. B Ma. thew.; 0,, 1,,,s barloy. 01 , eorvr McKay; 370 4ks do JI bid.., .1 T Iloi.ouglilln; 100 do do: G N llotSlott; 2 bide alcohol. J Dryer; r. do do, 11 F Voodorort. '• do do J F PI, taltz; 21 do do. IVI., 0m...v . 1 bbl. 3 P Cold 4 , 41; If. b 1,14 Pow A C 110.ksor W tee hams, b cox and Parker. 21 4144 41 0 rkio Y c, 1 bbl 31ellane.A . Anger; 140 4ks wheat, Toll Strong; 131 oil 1,1.1.rJ A Canghey; 12: do do, .1 II ItlrCuno. I:I2TMLNID Jr PITIVEraaa 6111.1 a., Jail. G-- 1 oar ram., Ilitchret 4, .41c-Creery .k.roi. 2 kg. lard, 11 Biddlo; v .k. feathers, therm.* Oro; 1 bbd. tobacco, Slattlan.l.4 Cornier; .i do du, John (:ralier; 1 do do, 2! 11 07 1, 1 , 11, hble floor, Shocaokrr S Lanz; . .`O3O dodo, Culp & Sherbard; Ott sks ryo, Thus Moore; 04 loam hay, 8 II Floyd; .0) boo.. Tattgorder; 117 .0 0 o rn , .3 mks rata, Bingham, Etnrgson k ro; 18 pkg.).pices, M beg.. cher4e, Shams .lo do, .1 Daub; 114 , boort°, Thomas Ik4l S co; bid.., d N llolistolt; S bbl. bolter, 2 1.1.1 s boons, I keg lord, Atwell, I.e.- d. co; 414 1.11. rm. -per, Ilrarl oteu."l bl.l martini fruit, L 11 Volgt .I.l.t•orn, II network. s lcCreery A ro. FOR SALE. • ni,AsT FtTItNACE FOR SAI.E.—The 3IIPPLESEX BIL3i ACE, at hliddlasex, Hon. mi ty, was taken by the present one. fur r co dools, nod al they have other important In toe g nuilleient to fully occupy their attention they offer this properly for tale, at a moderato price. The Furnace bee recently been reconstructed and im proved, the Hearth and Lining are new—the latter, both loner and out., wally. of ho. I Fire Brick. The Stack is a manure stun. wort, ..11 a rock foundation.. A railway brings 110 coal to the top of the abut. The Ore and Coal House* ant now. Themo are about 17(0 tent of Lake Superior Oro now on hand, and • future certain supply may be negotiated for a term of roars. Abantlanee ortb., bolt quality of Iron. maing Coal It in the Immediate vicinity. Than ate land. on the Canal, belonging to the properly, for the deposit of On. and Iron, and the Erie and Pima. burgh Itailrowl crossem the premise., them giving • choke of transportation. 0 Ith Iron at the prewent pricov,:tho pron. - of making Iron are very large, and tho opportunity t.f stepping imosediaiefy Into a highly rvoinueratt‘e roolava.,, need. only to 'Jo an - Lion nred to la, appreciated. For terms wryly to the undersigned, at loveland, I 03 B. B. 3.UTTLE S MIN. C1...0.1and, Ohio. 30, 1003. jaP.:lto nRy GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in Wier„ town the P. F. W. Mk* 11,11:1 P/314b0,1"01., 1.1,104 I.•i:.g and prt.ficable Ir.clo. The eteck Is new, t... 1 eelerted with ref....no. to the con.Lry r uA.. If ell Lc. purclutenl lor cioeitt at rn..t. 4.4 The lrrcu ut T.l.lprt.t.r twat 411•71.1.41 to re 1. , from the taleu•rley. to hod •nd no. rthte.olly Ai,. Ow ...r male ; shoo th” gno.l • al n 1 the r•. rt:g party. The. honer hos a /aro mud roapot.t.43ll. , mu rt twined. Th• pro..lat tuck llo . .l.e rrt.tnmr../. 1.. tru thous•ud dnlh.n, but ' 1 " 1 the ;.artlcelar• .1111,.1•es• ‘,111 , ..1e0nA11, .11 LSDAY a ChIoLIPENNING, 11a,••:etr,t, l'ltteborgh, Pa. TALC:II.O.E FARM FtLR sAI.li nit trA In ch.,. r S LIII tsranobsp s I usisana riiuuty, sa. ,!ca. arrest r•• 'ran, e strc a Ins, Ilaut Itns is, taro. femur /1• , .. IMO atunrw, Lot r Natiss, It LI a rsi•r, .st tram, °art It , a r./Ni hag •us lug ant, sristrat. Ths - rr i t attiasur ranallig 11 11,0 kgft aarßcis s isrs Lr ih srissar Alrstst solashalt isi it ris-arril aryl isnairr isral r ' s-isias; n... 1 pasta cy vt taraslLsar isso It.; a gerAl sr ....I Irnrt, rt.4.11t . 11 1 . to (hitraar, II )•i ,O• rsiiiriai an I a ors', rid..., 1.•• as. Tlirrr a r r nl n rrisss P rairut ai u earrlsrui ••r grisikas. aps.. ist• nsailr to A S. FAT n.I IMA:N( I N, Ag.lat, TV.AII, I.4na S•._ ALLAItLE FANNI I , tlS. SALE —A v. o rilflatl. it Pronkill t oP , I" " •ym n•n!!. Inlt-burgh and Roil:nod . to; iv, I. In rnl 1...1.r len, It. in,prtor..- nwo .11 P•-•tu• ! n tory.. In r ..". ; . • L.• ,1•1 , 1 fs , ll. •et Wot t r•c•rlillr VAIL AI:LE i Anal EIIK SALE, 1 „ t Li, nit qt II 1111i4• ..f Vittaliti - t iatiltait 111 antatt, tot tilt Sl—tio slid 1.. 4.11, no 2: it,titatt / 1•111 f ?ha It.il•nt• hair 1 , vitati r it•l .arnl3. , n 1 . ....0tta• I .liirt: :al, I F•tr :molar WST 11 I t I,3 t rimar'a ma. air It Alltt 111111 ELL, Jaark• t•to 11, • frii.llw!.l ci i/W Fou if . •••••.n rd an: 5nr,.1t1.1.., 1 "..4 • TV. s 11, it' • 1.1 , 11' , ,F.. .-uttatalug ;‘). ri,.• • able. .itIT t 14.1, Baal It”..nt. a,. 1.. t Its fn I. p I:Etla .t 5 ritubur,l, l i'' vi:ri I,w I'Ut'VET L 1 trylst.tittr, & ft-t ,trokt., :L. trlth or vt ttitt.tat Wait, Ithntt. E rttrr. Pump. Ste. Ibte Ett,,lttt I tr. I a, tuptttl utitzry nuttttportt•il, It-dtt.t: and In* IL Tlrittzt..ll4llt.CF.LE Cll. tvttott All.ttrt-4 rill) LT-- A Nrc!l itniqhctl t..4.-st,ry i BUN N It i-1.1.1\ G. nn Wt., No 61, cnntaining nith alittwer-Itattt, Lot and rAI I.wg. jat I, ...lb out Al., A 1 wo-1-1, 011 lay .11..). ut,ttr Chat pt, ttt•tttth• Itttittt- , .t. , 1 It tiTgltit.ETT, .2.77 Itetan .t. _ _ Lr ift sAI,E---A lot of land, containing j_' from Dlxtuoat St. l'lttobtlryl , .l , ..rt Wayne .t 1'1.1c•go I. I. .1..0 property 1,1 w 4.11 timdrrt, with • good ung orckt.. a of r rolmrg .1-111 Lae ternan. tortbor y.vaculnn nr1.1,••• C 31AST /CIL. Ep01e1.,) , .414.. 1. t , 1 SALE—A 1.4 A ol Ilrounll, with ilr•.lrazo.. .1t001..1 on 11.0 North Cornr.:.•el n..nr11...5t-rond Nii4rd ?w13..0l P.11..a1, , .ny City, • lab'.. fret frt.at uu th. Commord, a.l re•no.;.g For p,ilrultkr• Inquir. al 11, I L Ja.2..tf IIcKELVT. - _ - - 1 4 , 0 R lerze awl well light tielisLiet ill tin sitrel•-• iv riert. .iirtOeirr L 1 IAItLIrIiEU 17n0. 1 PETER LORILLARD F AND TODACet, MANDFACITILES, lq A ND IS l' HA ,TII LIFT. ,Yolih•r1) 4., , lokthrm Oavet, Few t , 1,19/s a 41-alers to the articles of hit tosi,tiit 'az, sit !taus I;taso,. littikpre, A.., 1.. k !Ai, 1., 11. ig Pare krg,to la, h... hitorl.c., n.ti, 1140. :non It, • Tow. or n f A ttonil.m t.• roThn $n In prioto. of nn. ni 1.. on.: awl Solok to, TlPilaci,l4l, b N be, round of o TOU %IVO. lilao•inw-Innng, No I, N 0...., Non I nod 2 tritaid, hint Cur Cot in.o• P A f.., or plain • litrinu ,„l,, ... Tin !it'll SVIAS IMO .) t'uow‘tor, Torklrh N. - A , I.r v. V.lll In witit tilt dlipt 11,oi n rly I 11\I\ \I, NVItl - 1..) Kith • It , to: the following nl,loi firango 1,141, f tho.lowrw.o. WI.. will of thn Fir , Pr-uoin. t Wrio4n•r i•Frout tiont tiler our. with II in oar i 1&w111 . hoot 111* hull:tinny iif who err,iwol it nwi . (roil ilin eiiiintriertioo of 11,. fun. pi.hyrio —nn rnel cf rrin Olio it In worthy u place. J• every handy wlinre the • iinlittsg i. don• •t howite. A child run tonality ion tnlsful ele.thon le • few whew. , It ix to rnullty • Cloth. Miss I a Tin, fist,' Anil n Streiti‘lb haver I The raring a • IMISSSIIi x 111 alotio pay it huge poreentagr On ils on.). M • thlrk the ire.llll/0 ninth 13111101.1,kn hay* for 1 All orrry row it tin- not log of guriticntii. I her. see wiiiral Moll, o , nrtl ullite to 011,0 in.. structino, hot we conni.hr It tospothwit thal Ilia toMIIII othrruine •moan of gtirtnnuti tinny Its.. tlilirt nail I lin ',Bern Spen the crook nhuft ititilitrat I him uwo In lira nf the flint tow!, awl it la no gothl nn now, &Cimino:fly four wow.' onuntunt ow." For .ale .ill at h;w. nod 2A St. !lair xtriwt, Ivy 11. PHILIP'S, d. 21 Nolo Chin. for thir conicity. BOQUE;TS, CUT FLAMERS, -&,-1., rofIC.Vd,.l u, order from 13=1 Fourth etreet rery ron oat t. the Urnenhot Ter, loon reihrth., • ru,l7:tf - ItTERS, I A.1)I tr.l3 lit ) N lovitro tau attention of Sportsmen ood others to kik I,len•Rd latork or OPICS, 111F1.11S, PLSTIOS, PtiIVDER FLASEN,BIIOT lIIILTd and I'OUCIIES, DILAII FLASKS, and am. notottion of every kind. Ilia clock Latta iarkert aver bronchi to this market. 0.17 ' - - -i AI R; A. U. FAlsa.ll.lh 1. regrectiu y Inn m. the citizens or Pithibrirgh, that he has laien Appoints,' mil°ilt fur thn lisle of MYERS k SON'S ORIGINAL sp CEmirxr ANTI-CORROSIVE PEN. They ate renaninstende4 by the largest honors lit the city, smonvelilch are Guars, Bum, A tlin.,l Smola A CA., ...3) /top. x en. Isov Co. MUST Co, Zuo, I'AINTIM a On., And others. pails • NE -- w itigrotticm, WORK.-'-' HISTORY OF crient.rs, Tax nom) DUKE Of BITIJOUNDI. By Jobu foster Kirk. 11 . 0114 EVO.. with portrait. Tor de by & oicruy IcAmi . %)‘;d ~saa:rxwa;~aVs u. e.thlP'S'i'S; OIL CLOTH, c. AT TEE NEW c 3.4 ELE.ic - r wrotur., urtna A t atontb, at rbelarale 1 ::: retail, titTUOUT ANT ADVAlitii IH MLR, fall 11. of - • CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloth>•t, li, ..h.t. 3 to El feat wide. WOOLNN DRAIGGLIS AND OSUMI OLOTDS, WINDOW SILADES, TABLN AND PIANO COBERS, m„ lALJI L93Dii, Au These hoods have advanced, Is drat hands, Ems TEN to TWENTY-PIER PER CENT. irithin thirty day*, and ere are nom mitred at LESS THAN MAN UFACTURER% PRICES. Ono stock Is almost en tirely am all having trees purchased within Diem days, for tasty at the very lowest prices of the yid, McFarland, Collins & Co., Now. 71 AND 73 FMB STILBST, Between Poet °Bios end Dispatch de3 GOODS FOR THH HOLIDAYS. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CON, 80. 23 Fifth Street, I. viva of tho •pprooch of th• 0.13H.113TNEA14 ()LIE) A:Y iIITV Pat opollad • large smaurtme.t of NEW GOODS Consivting f Vlclorls, Imbwiliefl and Bunn/Wren TABLE AHD PIANO COVERS; Pions end GM Berderesl WINDOW MIA DES; Velvet, Chenille nod Tufted HUGS; Min and Fancy MATS, HAS. SOCEN, Au. Also, tho largtot ALA Aunt complete stock of C.rpetlngr, 011 Cloths, Illattings, at, P=IiiiMOMM OLIVER id eCL 1 STOCK & CO SIIII'PIAW • Till IS ATLANTIC Ist, 1 ROYAL MAIL STEAM NATTGA "[ION COMPANY. GALWAY LIFE. ASADIAIIO, 1.91 d Hem-power, 4 too , lota alumusTA. LOOU Bor.-power, 3,00 n loos. OOLCUBIA.LOUO Horan-power, 9,00 e tow.. IiNGLI A, 1,01.0 Ilureu-powor, 9,Lag. loos. The magnificent ste.tnehtp H I HEIM IA will 001 l from New York for Llrerpool on THEIhI•A Y. the toll. of Doceother. Bate. of paeaege Prom Now York to thvvrpooL pay- Ws In gold or Ita Noire/col to currency. Intarmed ... 401 Pam:engem sorwarded .now London. Parts. Haan. burg, HaHris,Breineti, lintitirdwia, Antwerp, A%..1 the lowest rater Yves !man Liverpool or Gala-..y Po New Tort, sod Horton, r2A, 939, 115, stt HOP, boo pooooge apply at the cilia.. wl Agooth bAIIKL A PEARLY, Luta... Jonah, Hacager. . . ur, KILL, e...A.6 uftiar Flallatng, No. Th Filth .t., 4y3Dlllatt. .n.l t. Smith (1..1,1 .1.. I'll La.:lmb. O.Tb:A Ni KER Ll"rt) ..111 ERPOOL, tw.alilri; at QUENNSTt , .. (Oulu ilantala.) av11.1...11 ol• ..tn-n. • 1 if. iverpol. tit... I(..rk awl Plolatt , /pl-. ewal. Ontmesnr *IT Intrwl.l a• Cf4l..ara • CITY ••,,v .f.. eiryiiF L'Y I ........... Jan. ,• EMI= In= VAT's AY rdvs.ol. Go/d., A. , undo", rind? CAPIN, . I ' 6 do to tolndou... KA .1 , d. indol.,t, :34 lift du to rartd. du V, ',in 411 54 , du to LlArnburg . W tt,l g (7 it) P.....nitrrt tuttoturded Itt, ivon i-rvtam. A at ptipplly I. 1r..... ran: (ruts, Litt.rtunl or tlit...r.t..tb 1.1 175, tt.t, St , ., 5 1 . 1 Tt,* who rtl.b 1.. aqui tor th. , lt triutola can boy Van. 1.. at Lt... • appoint...l by thi• 11. paa.notil ft" Ri-11114 a lion J. X. Moot - bond ot Pomo., Iranta. NV,lta.o Pool,. of itb•nly I•land, and Joh. A. 0r.1.r. of I .I.la, I'o:tax - tog' arPro• tom , 1..1. I, Oa la., • ton. t.-t 1..• I.a , Ii• Pity of rolls. atm, a ; props /VA n. a , tot.. tor rot: n. I•nto thoonaml ' [tarot, tart. and after ner-oral Arty.' it t talzt••..4 Mot a Int-thea (alll.mo ot Ittot; o• • .0a ooglit pr• no wain:dr. r•-... 11•• lt.lj , ono r.. 1 za.t ar:ata on N 1:01; 1:1 , 1 3 A Is, t,, .;I• .lal .4 Volonary noo, at • Th..rorpiort .all Inter.strd in Ira. 0101r - it...trot ••1 this apt.o.la 141,0, etro or 0t,.: . t lb , 111;. nto I,.lorptrtn. lit, n r r ln for that day, xamples tho h.an arol 1.11 lu it,- Ore. nt sing.. of pleiaroillollalt 01.00. al.l fahr , os propared 1., It.. I ,s,•ani...l l•) •t-at• • moats of do, 3•Iroao. pror•aaa naaf. mod tiro root r C aXitklio a• 1, argo , 10n.„p1.. of ll.r tog:other aoh any arol ail .;.I I rll,l 'II that nzay to ton•fol to tho Cr0n0n...1.1, .1 3,in informat L noeoroary In•foro an intelligant ttatot. run ..I tho uprroprintwo :w ru,ulo. tiala to 1, 1 .0 i NEN, P 0 A, , Command...or. •t • Ira Co -r •aom.ra or Al u.nst Pa., t ttat.orritt. January lit, lanl. pia() le.—ln conformity with -L A.l Annorally of Apt il nth, Ina:, !Lal.-.1 Pro posals .011 In. i0r , i5 , ..1 at thts otllco until ntlt t-tuntar, for supplying Iha 10 amnern In County Jail ItraaJ. for enl month+ from I: , th inst. Loare• to sron,lt I', and .3 po la ~.pacts, the nunthar d re. ult .41 ear , l thainnated Ills T•T • ' t T ” I N V ••"‘• .f rarl In '. Trattla i aCa.tr ‘ rs, .e.'rrt ho ptanty to In. . 1 . 1., .1.. ;•I,..rirt woo Jailor. Itoln Le mab Ly tIo. Loot, w,•1,1, 1., nod bond to la ..1,11110 , 1 Cr faithful ucrtorrnance routrart. ['ety m.,. will lar. troola monthly. .3 warn. of County Commotsionora, pr.-m.olrd at this ofn. , with tto. var. 1; n-ot. of Itt.arid' er 101., and bill probated t. 11 11111 S LA]/ ja I St ClOnt roll., fitrtk., tra.rtnall..o Apply ml 1 '..1- 4 .1 1 Ofprn JOHN 0. I , A A,:o. , I , Brcmhor.r tirw York. JOlll , l T/1 , 1311 . 80N, 11..1 otTeet, brlst hown frywn 11.. bridge O UNLiRD LI lik—Staa' m Iron] 1411, LI V ERN.. L 0111 D /(f'KYND'I OW $2.5 I/I II• rquivsl.llt Iv ,ort.t , rlit.M KATTIGA Agv.ot, rittaba,at YATI NTE W:11 )is H. 8, Isl.' N.X FLINT GLASS 71,..... C0in......ya at/• 1ut.,r1,4 for the Oat 11:a. heating all parts of the glaas ~pally d•.. It to cracii.¢. K. T DI 1111.111 , GE, Yuri I'M elan Works, Wnalfinw ton et.r.q.l. apll I.lllmburgh. Pef,on TilKgiiliie..e la liE it, - _ - _ • AOEIiT ron John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, onnstantly rrcristug the u n ah h ho b Ali 5. , 11 on the naat fasorabis b.rm.. Thi. Ash Is pa i n larly adapt,l to the maunfartnn• of glass. C. W. CHURCHMAN, FRONT STREET, Ybiladelpht. fannqi 1864, LRAM ES. A largo , aceortinent of POCKET AND COUNTING HOUSE I/I AILI ES, k.a 11Na4—in paper, In cloth, in 104/1, itultatitin Turkey, in Turkey Hort. , with gilt eilges and with marble rages—with bag, s, patent clasps and elastic bietenings. All ail, awl from the communiat to the very For Fah. a , racuionablii nitre by WTI. O. JOHNSTON k CO.. Stationer., ocl4.3avr-weave 67 Worm! (Arr. t. SN W DEN , NOPAJLY YU FSLIC, rte. es DIAFOND STILICKT, Ack.wlrAiro.ntiof Med., P.p.titions !Ind A 01• d.. A. inlet, Also, DeMllll, Nort,ag.4, Article. of Agn.ntent, Loa.* laud Legal Plary•n of evrry loud written, pelKcem Cii L. C.t LUNVELL, (5t,....0r I, Ja.mcd If ultum ) 111ME11311213 ItAoo.N. I.A ILU, SI;GA CO IMP II .\ \ M3=l MA ILK KT AND F I icsT-Brl:nia:3 /1.., it ACitb>l FOR 1: NA - A ~.mfartabln and C4.llll,lkratly rr ing ot' th. I i [l,:. laws. of nolo n+ e, lam. barn, 1,1101 raLrllent water, fruit and sin... otra• t, rarphas nee, ICralw .loon and ehrubtaTl; Mtnatr hr. - uslhe fr...in the ray, and 'l.l or • mile from Wood.' Stalhen, P. E. W. k a. It. IL; n gra.al road &IA plank ratk In the etatlnn. P price and rota apply t 01.1T/IPICILT k SOHN, Jet' Cornmmolal Brokers. Al Market et KW IP ADO - 0 NkSNV IR )I‘ . 1 RISE AND PR.0011.K. 4 S St 7 SIDAT FOllOOll , —A Movaphy or Rota Ilaikm nod Wm. Vox PI John t: roan r 1 ma. Priem $1 rat A MA a UAL ON EX TCACTINI7 TEETH -- 1 , 0401L11 A 0.1 the Anatomy of the part. Involved to the operatiou; the kinds and pauper a 11.11rortion of inetrunsimta. Sc. 1.01. Mtn, HEAVEN OUR lIOMA. I ma. Nino. DARIN.) AND surrearsca. I,oln Polo-a ge, A large •upply of the latter work mt recoimd Jas 3. L. 'READ, 73 Fourth atmet. VAPER. AND ENVELOPE WARN norst.--„h2pt onne . r.l,.a . la . r . m, Mork n 7 NOTE, LIiTTi:R A PAPP:RS. Ab, EN vEimi.E.S. In anal onrlotho, colors end yonlitlee, for et rry tart.. For rale by W. G. JOHNSTON !I- 00„ Pot., Dootore, 0r.14-2orr-In row At Wood etrool. •-•- - - DECENT SCI NT I NIC .-- I'VRI,CA I TIONP. Truron on the Idannfactur• of Iron. Sopplotootst to II Dirtlonory. Donne Manual of Goology. I.yoll on the Arittnnlty of M.o. Itnon'r Itorre of the Old World 111111 , 2 Prltrlplre of Politlool lernnnnJ Aneted'e Orval Btono Book of Not•tre. Annals e Studien in Notornl II lator , y. Tor oole by Y CO.. 1.-5 Hood L ARD DLL. N3borTels No. 1 Lard efr do " 2 " On bond 1 04 for de by JAB. DALZELL A SON, eol eS and 70 Wafer etre. Cil Era Sift --3,000 boxes E. D. Cheese do W. 3. do; WA) do lialnbarg do; 200 do floebmr: For ealn by J. H. CANFIELD. _ • r, BA.RRELS ORANGES 25 bole. LEMONS; Eat meidre4l and for sale by REIMER d. 13)205., nod ' Era. 126 and 122 Wood etmet. (*RIDE AND REFINED OIL always 1.../ on band and for We by JAS. DALZELL !SON, dol6 C 9 and 70 Water street. ..:VEWMACK,EP.EISMR, packages, bbh., ball bbli.i,qnsiters'l624l)l.l6,,Nya I, 2' rod 3 bars teedinabia Mots Er ..h by I LITTLE I EAU BM 1641;Anc_ke !Pr p w rim m e r oa . Bcce ts fol to sq . 0 JOISCELVJAVOrti rtOCIA P ihatatforially lb • pro liatatt an Act t.t the Gettatal Aas•teht, of tL, Ctutuntur.uc•lth of r. eyleatta, entittcd • An A, tecon.urettt, thr City al Alluebtday” and • tdpc.lcatuvt .u.q ,1 d•y of Altrtl, 104-1, 1, A. (' ALs \ » It, 51,), of the Mid city, du uutnt ;ht• in • 4.-clartv.; that to the Krt.:tit T LNI.A Of JAN ITAILY, being IL. it .I.y .4 11,c LLl.lli :1, qualithrd voten of each It •cd • .1. mutt tdl lb. 1.1.0.. ttu-Ludt , e e l tuautiato.4. awl y t•t •t.trc.-•ct to eel,* OS May., acd ••.• • Ituctt ou - 1, Otfflutcr at the Pour. itt-t Vt A 11 It: The the PublJ6Sf h.. I as tt. • EIM= CGlvadl, four ono too-, ono for tt.t., I t rt o I I 11•1,..fl Cur/stable. I=l The qualt, , .r tl,O ...t1 Ward of ety tevet /I.il ord, to elect our t u L.. tut., ..1 t lir i4l,t Council, few to Cowlu.l3 Council, en.. n..•. for t eon, one f, E of Ekelions. tut. lot nd,•••1 auto yen., and t for oo', b at. Tor , 1..0r tor, autoyo ar, and une fur Cona:alde. THIRD WARD The qnsilfird the Tuinl II ..l wlll Imyt we folios", •to: The Fit, rr,clort tot et th• 5c10. , 1 cald Wurd, mry ,;? ludo sad Shst.sp.•',nets ; ma I m t.- t at the Lou, t rnt, rc , runt or tit ot,!, to eh-rt, LT hidlot., One .itl, a: . bort.- a, • 00 , 43 , the S••h. Claunctl, 1.00 to 1111,tb-r% ••1 ht. t °mutt. Comte-11, nue to ve Aldvruaau. 4 0.. It. t two fur Aw.mtnot ..ot. 1., .1 .Ig, 4,f - (lops, two for I Directors • er., nod oue f.r ?MO yvn:n, mad um for out. . for 0..0t . . The qualttnelr.piefft of the LL Ward eV.: meet n fullovr• Fort lf,trftut 1.. ufeet the Engine e 800..., Ti. ,•:11. r of A udf eL , rt ; and the brood Pre , le-t Isi no. I at the hense Mrs. Pack, currier tff vile...tont and Muni street, to suld ward, to el , t. 1.: f me tit Pren vme t, member of the n. ether Coon.", Leo - e..rvt• as t`t . .. lum of the t ...to. it 6.ottLll. Om A 1.,, t • ace one for .11,1, of ElectUfr,, tuff for loopect re o of Election, la , S•lfoLl Din ctort, lid one for Constatiln. Mut.nd• r Or hand and col, the as) Lf Decnuther, A. I, 1 def-ttl f's ABANDi I N /el FL , I•I.‘NTATION, ot th. order 1 , 1 the Se. r. t.tr • I'.J‘e a,..:nertG and in 1n.... ,ttain the First Arran, I. Atkansan nod so much of Le fit, ~,, e „ a• I Afahuroft n. is within the Iffia • ruy. , rat... from Um North. I shall go dn. n the at ono*, to make the nereueary arrangements far leasing plantations and providing them u • lb thn labor of freedmen. Inform...eft. as totkc., will be publisher] as a as pfu.ible. I tt thr r meantime, peraoun flesh - nits pluntati..m, for the coming year. may fool rrot.fred that et pry effort sill he tondo to innore 1...- re-tn. to thane workintr sorb lands, and to ril.na pr..litn commensal Ste to the entorpme. Venans with small meat, .1,1,... , 1 to ,'.von. 'heir peremal tilt thoel•empL-3,1 by them, I. ail he panto:daily et:moue:l,d. 11 is efettiatated by thonn uh`• fee rsateltl the eu I gnl..inet, ill, tin. reqo • •i fur a-rlfog 111 W hundred arr.. a 1111 e, aboot St Mo, find the net about Silf,t/VO, at preff , ll: pray at Agrhultnial itriplenreh., and nil f the, le, ur .1 In :he I.+ The Inn dote. ad! be (of - seri t.• 14. a At It ffr empleyiLeut. and .opp H.l that cc nnufy Mr. fit• wlll I,y allthOt • flf.,,stoo ply C.feeif Vielintottrg. Nat.-Is, ar..l 'Lel. other 1.10 re .0, um, Ac r oft •el nt t ,nrumati. ,ttle., 100:1. 1.11 If 111 r1.1.1(N, Avnt, Tr. ote.i If...etruent IfEIff.I:TMENT t.V ( i ) THE (11\1)WEIO' AND :\ I A Nr, _ CA' IFIZFIL , tor FLAN .‘NI , utair.—Thn lt,ToT1(•}; •ito coTTON DEALEILS easelt ,ek e S . t. Ac Etc', nest signory noted .Nair. re,otoev l/. Prptrtrramt, December 30, 15)'0.. J Py rohment of General GaAs, sod Arm r , lorpre Diets If, cool“l'Lvss le hi. eart :nett and In pur- suant.° a In il stru d ction/I from D the tb.cretary of the Treasury, authority will to , Finn to all proper per sons to purchase the pbeincte of Slaw. in,aaortac. ut dt placesin this I.4eury a thegotu of Nauonal nulaary ocrupalion. Appli. alto. Lo - end) autlioritioa ran he male to tiny A.oo:tut Epecial Agent In the Ylnst .fgency, or at this office. Partin, rectlviru authorities will be required to Oro bond, with two ,Ilailient COCA pinned thr their obee, ant, of all reculatoms, roles, and military 0r.1 , • 4. and for the payment of all Gorern• went fees and taws. P MELLEN, Suporl to mg . i.perial Agent, Treasury bet , t, Jahlw W HOLESAI.E DRUIi /SOUSE, J. J. 11E .tiD.E.XL b CO Rare aw.o• v inyittaborgli A 1111.1.2. NA LE Dlit7o AND .10DDING HOUSE, No. 'II, corner LIBLIILTI' @ WAT'N S. STUMM& ~ p ie.mtLe Lulea Parwenr_r !N1...1, mod !war otter for ewle wonament or PILI . (IS, PATENT MENICINF-S, WHITS Lr.AIII 4 , OILS, PAINTS, VA IiNIAIINN, NYE-STUFF:\ WINPOW GLASS, GLASSWA/IN, Lte. Ywcitssrn will find our alook at all tin. aoll as sorted, and prime such A• to pr , . shore eatlnfactiou. J. J. BENDER A Cl)., T I'HOLST Eli I NO.—ll:Lying purchas laryv moat of p.m!. for CA.5111, I am Oda off, bar,toi at ,str,ln..ly low prior.. WEATII Eli DEUS; flair, II a..k and Spring MAT TILASbES ; • gn.nt rat air` ,IIA DES, TABLE it I.OUR 11l L ,, Tllti; I ANI'ETS; TABLE COV.EILS; l'..toa awl Ala- Borlrrod 1 , 1 AT , ,, of .p.al y, and 0'b....g• alugypa_vwd. All ordrt• pn.niptly 5t?...1.1.-.1 In. Honor o .:1105* FEI , r ENA All glosny, drTl (formAtly t.tsital by .11 mph ) TBOM 11A I.'R ER I=llll3 MEDICAL W. H. WIDEN M Ell, M. I) Offen. Lb itet•reattirtttal 11C1,1‘ ,4 1 1 ,1 1 . 11.11,11 1 1 0 l'ttotiturgit .11 Alt trclty, lu tlito itrcltAtte ttl Metlictes .d Th.. tltArcla• of the Itt•clr 12101x1.1 Kolnryti, N{ ...cll., A, , form thr int ticlltty clf li In Ittillttr, It 111 etrlct attunlittn. Iked.leor• •t 1110NithGA 11 Mil lIOUSF . . 1V °TICE. --A II pound are cautioned Isgainsst emrsissylng, In tsy term, tins Lind.- uvulas •111.11 hevol usod during the pnyt thre. -Tear. 11,.•ivint.1 tha clonbin n.nd troble stmsgth .11 DI fll DO E ' S Tha •.• 'lnnis brands R.n3 al X Flint I:lnsr. jYtt. Olga X Flint tilu. , ; Or Itoy•I Nut Crulo.in Pr rst 0 v•I Nut erartor.. 'twee who int, Inv ssny of (hot, hrond• pro.-..rd.41 • wainxi anc..r•lto; t.. the. I.i.r rnoul•ting. grade walks. N. U. DITLIII.I fort Pitt Gin. %V.. 1 e..1,40.1.1 , A. 114 Ant Olt, n-ecr, fvr ..k hy IL. I , AI ZELL A Co., 1.11..t11 nowl AI,T,-10119 hi i EXIIII f - 4 111 t. for kJ rain at 110 tty .rprf, M P 1:111'1:.1 1,1,1., fIOW n.lifig - from Vf .toatmor SI in..rrs fir ifalo by flel6 INAIA if racK KY k 00, sfE N'B VI NE FRP:NV.I.I CAL' STITCHED IP .OTE. nt IDIP JA 192 Harker stn.. 1116 E -H.--- - 600 Mils. Sweet Cider, on eon- N.., .Iy:unapt. SUEUMARREA LANG MOLASSES.-- . .. 100 bids. N. O. Molasses ILL la store sad for sale Os .1 KIRKPATRICK A RRO. . . . Li'k'i- • Alit.- - '_'lR) tierces prime No. 1 I A.,:if Lail In eto. Awl f.,r P 21 1 ,1,, o°ll D. WA LLACE, :"..13 tlb,rty I,llVet. M-7C -. A..P — WALL PAPERS.—ltcautifui Wall Paprrs, Al IA crate, for tali. b . , oc2o W P. At A OSO ALL. A 7 m nod 0w...0_ APP:r".....,..1.Z..— . 200 bbir . . elmico Green ode APPI" " '' '''d '''' M "1 ; 'if. cmiv, EIJI. etirSiotifi r .61ift..5.--10(ibuShels prim Ti"b7 6'.4 00 h lti kV la d ill :7 1 CO., delBl WAlgi atm.! . iiyAPPilik-401i - busbola puma .1.../ In Won, and for WA by • Awlo WEBB 11 . 114LKINSCIN. -- boc,k Iti , :i7Coffee in 'store ind Fai ialeA.y 3. KIRIErd'3IIIOIC BECoi FOR 'IMF Cue. Qra.r.i.al.l-I,Lll'll °Mete 1 J. -- .fgENTIAL R. Et IV...king:ea Depot, l'evelnler 9, lila. WIMTRIt ARRAN GE pr.ipea. aro invited by Owe undersigned tut MENT.—NLN DAILY T. 19.41.216. supplying tl.e U. P. idratetertnecter's Departmontent Constant siditioes as Inflegatsde to the atleOP• oa„,usoginea, 11 C , Ale...atria anti midat of this expellant doaleiatrant Fort ill. r ottner of shag. idpeee, slth rent, and creep ponnlile gars will be exercised fa HAT, ~, vrs and STRAW. t thn rennfort of ,p4asengere and =Rid mnv.mast of Bid, will lir r-0ev,..1 for CI, delivery of !..t•ie ! height. Teal. Will leave flee 'Depot lnePltteberph of ciirti or eat., and 50 tops of hay or anise word.. I The meouua ACCOILMODAT/911 =AXIS 10. o: ,1•LO wt„ h the *hese reamed ten.... the Paesenger'Statt. daily, (eacept Cuia.7.) 'het prot.s a; make tie nix. at 1..50 a, m.., stopping at a/1 btatisem barrows Pita . „ li t a 111 mate burgh sad Philadelphia, and snaking dtroat iienswei t xf earl. article prhp —1 to he x. iirered. the 011e11. tErr New Text cud veten said deliveries theft, tie pee:nee! 1, and when The TUILORGII MAIL TRAIN trole. lb. pu t. 1.. ; 8101100 e'er) etiortitzg (except Sundap s ) sl Thr prixe moil Lc written out w .n the hi.le. ! 2,50 .rkppi.g cfnly prLueipal stations, sad put up iu go..d .0.01 ea• etout tee, saki e.t.a conneettuat at Hamden for Bald. ht: Oats t ht: tr an of ale „t throe mom d aehtngton e opLf. New T. via Philo. Thr !acts to lu furnnerd withed ielphls. . • hAr- h. the ctuV.,,11.1. Tbe I,y sod vita. ! The TIMORGH PEPHRSiI TEAT'S Imo. dilly at haled 1 : 30 P. nxiaiornirihintilist principulet,tione, making IL. lie - li. xlar khet or d,ript Lan of corn, itreet at Harrisburg for Baltimore., Waett 0, .t rest j ti.j‘m•l to be drliertvd, must.l.,,tou wad ph mthr propeeals. Ito FAX , / LINA: leases the Station dalkl. (=lad ' the art.clee effere.l ender the bids ht rein , eloping 01.6p.1114. tt,d ~.; W >.), tto 1 , 1 a rt,; Inspection 1.7 toonere,u, lharbdurg for Italtinters and :arrout tll3l. r, , t, 0-tote 101. g e`..1 , .. 4 . aed SOT Sew York ,la Alieutosnt rust* Connects will lc et , erl .11 otu time to time to the . letelwal ch.ge of cars; aleo, at Phitedniplitt IT I..wrist niipensible bidder, as the Uttertot of the Goy- New born ernop.nt I,ay rely:um, wad payuleut will be made A(iCOMISODA SION' TRAINS. when the e, bole atoottut coutrected fed ilea halo The Johnstown Ac.. - cmmodation Train loons dolly horn drlti end .n.I riecepted. !lexcept Sunday) st3 - .03 pELL. stopptug at .a Stattene, The bidder wilt le regteired Co scc , ,meany Ito pro-1 and matting as faro. Conemangh, purad with s guaranty. signed by two reepenethie I Find Accommodation Train' Art %Ws Blatko otee, , n, that 1.1 L acrepted he or Cloy'eaves (except SuLde,y) at u ill, w aide n dai • th h reafter,execote tbiicontract ! ijocond Accommodation bride Ihr WOr. Sielhea for the tome, with good rind t in a tray,* daily (except Sundnyl at 11110 a. ea. Thud tieeenunedatlen Tewle, Wall . . Mat n ' L ' ii " ti r :kg '' s l lose. dolly (except draday) at 3:50 p. a , tie, eit „.eia. pt and on ...seethe. .01.1 Liddet eatiold ' Fourth Acomannodatien Treln for Wa1re„ . 8...e.a., , it h, the eentr,irt, I. make j ps..l llw daily (except natralayst p. • tighten:. le tweet, t1o• noon of sell !odder wed tl.e The Church Train leaves Vail'. Station everySea -tolt 1. V., r, the rson to li.do day el 9105 1.m.; reirndldhlio Pitub=lit•. l LL. ,•..0 .‘,, , ULLA y. ret. The reil....tedini y the skiarantore (next be obi in a Returning Trains 11.:01111 m Pltlabtrgh aaloßeen Ihe th errs inr•tr Lointnet A it"rury, Calif-more ..I,eeter of l'artonts, an) ether under the PhiLulelpbla )...prese 1:209. en. u. lsiss!..s person mast ........ ....... ' u SLID. I.o.•srn In tho. All bidders will ue duly n0,16e5.1 of the acci/ptaa. • Johnstown Arcem.mosistion..-.-----s.,:sslth os or rep,tiou of their prup.,li. , first Wail's Station Acc0mm0t1ati.........:-. 0 . 2.5a-nt. 11, Nr, o nb , l 11.1:Insu. s.sels Llstars &.cond IN all's Smt.tun Ancsannualation.....- sass. 2:4 ar. veritteu h. 11.. proposal. third Wall's Ration Aecumrsoslntion.--. LS3 p. m. Pmpo.als us.; ho whin n, o. iirigadier General F.nrin Wall's Station Accommedation..... @o.sµ mt. D. 11 . I,;ugEit, tNar,srol.ter, Wash- , Baltimore ilsorrse trill .trice with Philadelphia: ngton, D. C., gt..l should I.c plainly tonsketi "Prop:- Nap.. at I:2u p. on sliond•J's sal, fur Forage! . Tsai. tor ilh• and Indiana nonnea St Bond, lo a sum silos!!o the amount .1 the son. rill., Interes,tibe with Through Iscoommashition n1r..1 by tkos cur:tsar', sod 1 1,•1 It guar. Joh.town Arroormesdation and Express Train Mints sbosr, ..e.inoti of ills hislass or sod with itssitsutore Express and Johnstown Annonts slount, the couttort. modation b , rms La. gnarnotss.s, and wow., may Tmi. 5. Eberscurg connect st Creasun with Et • bissh apphcatl..n at 11.1...11ie, gyms Trwl us and `JiailTnain Wnst, and With Tim:Nigh F.. 1,31 1•10.1,,TAL hoscommoslation sad Exprals Train Zaat. 11 own, I..sosay slut —.' l 2 6.0iT0 Daitimmv....—. VI 00 ~ . • 1 ate.'.-- ---. ' T.. New York -.-$l2. SOiTo Do/timore....-....- ... - •ce v• '-ecrli^ r.d.. herder pt. Oa. to fors oh a“ , iv Matalelphia...... 10 501 To Lonesome .......... 41 SO .I.cloet b. t it . bmtni o.atea, at the l•,. rtes ...,,,-I' 15. lianisborc..-- 7 G.51T0 Altoona.-- 500 Depart:sir:am . /c. 1 .-icahil 0 ' the term- , • 1 1.1..,:c05ce elieek.at to all Statham on tbellonzurilslY a d,,,,,,,,„„0„ ins ,a ::;; to ..1.....i1, I.r t, rn,, au Control Railroad, and Lo ilatladelphia, Dalkhnoro 'Jolted N aliiniteu Depot, liecernber e, 0,1, tho fol. and New York. leamg articles, rte: l'acangers porchaing tickets in the cars rill bi _43.0,, of (.en, )„,.„ c •„, ; ,,, - per babel, . chargtol au exems, according to thodistanca , traveled. ; 1 of fib pounds. In addition to the station retie. except hum stations -bushel. of Om, to c ook., 0. - per be. 11.1, ' when the Company ha uo agent of :e, pounds. NOTICE.-to awe of boas, the Company aril bold -tons o f hal e d liar, at - per ton, of 2,000 , themselree responsible fur la-social Izag , ~ only, ?mnds. i sod for ma ameurit not ozoeudiug 8100. - loused Straw, az - per ton, "f 2.,..10 ponnia i N. 11.-An Uranilms Lino has Men tooployrod to bolivery lo COMOUnce on or hefor„ tlo -day at convoy passengers and bagtm band from ths Dee -, tail-, and halve complet..it on pr o . tha - ' pot, at • charge not to enot 25 orate, t o coch par d. s , of-, act -, end plain. my St t enter Into a . winger and lonmago. ror tickets apply to wramn contr with the rhaed States, with world J. STEAVASS, Agent ' and appivaol ercutities, alter being notified that ay hid has ban accepted. Station. on Lawny and Grant streets. j Your ol.odient evil sat, . ifl 1. I'4 N. .E I, AN/)...7,-7,,,, , 12 1 .a.... /0 1,0.11, r Conorril D. II /t bey ra, V I'ITTSIII I IIC.II AND r...,' . ~.,,ifj 0, -,..r i ~.r . o t Qoartertuater, : V. 111:1:1,ING lIAILROAIt tt ...Mouton, D. 0. 1r,.1 NTI It A ill: AN 0 ESI FINT.--00 and alter GUAILANTY. ' MONDAY, November 11th, 1003. Trains will lease We. the undersigned, re.i.lents of , In the Depot of the lienns3lmatia ILtilrond, in Z./MR ....roomy of ---.nod State of • • burgh, as follows : hei. h, 1..10111 suet rererully, re.t.tiant win, :ha .. Pictsbarok and Frlzzling Li.. rii.l.d 51010,:00 , 1 carotin, to coo' the Ivroismou ' Leaven Pitatotrglii 1:45 a. I 31.• 0:20 a. m. 1:45 p. try bid at a ,thin ten Jaya alter th• rue...titan, of said tot, Co.-. do Sreillieliviai MO .. 9,15 .. folkS n rote the. emt,ai t for ili• alike althmo oi and stlitiCient. do 0l beellog . ililel " !Ili® .1 OWL .. or, 0 •ilin ...pa.: t. the amount of the root nut, Arrives Ltelizir.... 050 .1 11.1.15 .. 1 6.IAV w to hu , . tt"•fora. p•-re. 4 11l Matt/Mull,. Ito .. I,,ane6 [lt.. at eleniu-ltrilion and Deihtirwith Sten ' 0..... b of advertisenieot dated ri,Plliia,T, la.t. melee Iwo, die and Indiana Itailrond and Central Oblivr,all l i a 1.1.-h the bid am rood., aid. toea. the said --- rosil foi Zan•villu, Newark, adurtanti, Xenia, Day , .1.5.11 fail tamer in to • contra- 1 a af,conid, tre guar- nio, 1 tollasiatal Mt, (.laCittlLlti. Louisville, - CalrA.lit I .111 It.' 1.. Mill' ,V ,- .1 the ...dep.,. lona,' 11.0 offer Lou,., hi. Jodepb, nod all points watt and southwart 11, the ...A - stet the tort lon a+tt reep.insible and at Wheeling with Milan.° and Ohiu Railroad • hciclm, erthe ,soson 1 ,, ailon, the eon tear t may he . Pinot/aro/ nal Clerciand Liee. Larva Ploaliorch.-........ ...... . 11.15 a. m. 1)45p.m ; Wlimee, I Given undercut; hands mel send.. do Wellsville ..... -... ...... -. 414 . COO .. lt.y d 1 06 , [Foial. do Ail/arta 6155 .. Gad w i fs,i. do Ravenna_ 1 7110 rr 6,54.__. 110 all certify that, 0 , the hest of coy bawl., ce do Ifoilron -..- 0:11, '. 7)... ; . 4 am; beio.r, tn.. ni. 'vomiter., Guarantors are mad sold . 1 / 4 rrives at til ea d n .n.i..____, 9,25 14 Zia a sufli..tent a 'melte. let the soon. foe Witi.b 1.11*) Cenneetlnc. at Bayard will Turearawas branch Syr cm; ta he ',wily. . New iltiladriphli aid Canal Dore at Alliatioestrifk 'lso I-. ort Med II the 1 1 ailed ?tales Dedriet Altar- Pit tabdrgh., Fort Nlayur. and Chi -agoßailroad; at li , y. l'onrrt, of t tat-e.m. or air idle., ofil,r under I:avant. with A Oman: and Great ) .tertv Railroad ' known w Cott,: ellietor-üboerv.... rat, or re.p...toble person for Warren, Green, We, Ileadril e, tnion i A•lolTh 1 known to this Once. Jamadown nod Salome:at, et /Inds= Wit/10Mo All pr.w...a10 rea.tved an der :hi, advertisement land, :laze-aide ad lltneimiat I 114.1lleassi Z. Aketar, 1 a 1.1 le eclenoimel ea.unined at t his ollhe on \1 1 1:11- • Czyaliitgra rolls soil 110.. --erg, .d at (levels. ; N ESL)... I' and r1.v.71 1 1t DAY of earl. week. at 12 la. with C. S I:. 11.11. for I- . l'unkirk and BMWs 111 , 1d.m are reep.-etfolly l Ai nod t.• be present at the with C. 0 'l'. It. It. for bandaky, Teltalo, and M. opeatoz ef hid., If they date, with ateameerfor ',fruit. . D. 11. DUCKER, litenbeuville and Wtilt,iiito AC.C.(41..0.i. , 01l 4 4 .... del I.GIn Dric Gen an/ garter man,. Allegheny City a: 2...eti 1,. ni. .._ • 14.0.mit.e trains art ire at 11}.0011 a. . .10 1 / P. itts 13 It 11 PI) S A i.S F1'1). LAVA lvitY ssel p. cu. anti :JO . tn. 1 l.'-• _ _' , 2 , 1 1 • .I._' CIO tcliCS. • Throng), Tickets to all ?rumbled!' intimo be personal at We Liberty Street Repot Itteitnnzin 1 . 11,1. CT r.cr.cse, Orrice or rut tour Qtia.r.IMAFITa,./. And at Allegh.z G y E Cl U;n ty 6 . E rAnkir'''-ria"'s 141" L. Watiinctins, D. C., Nov. 23, IBC= l A. Q. CASSELBEIIIat, TickeialiSeitb. reopieutl% are re/Dm:v.l, and will he met/ ral at title Foe further information apply to -1.....; 7....-7 Olin. for the furnishing of Cavalry Ilona, to be de. IVILLI A5l SIIEWATI-TeAszisit, IlverM at W.laington, D. C., It. Loom, Me., aid At the OultllaloraoOlC,Olo Freight EtAticlOiri - _ . Ocliat• Chicago, 111. - The Ilenow to comply with tint following eprelara. ,_..._-...ery tiom, VIII: To lia Dorn fifteen (15) to sizttert (lb) hoods hich, from fore 1I) to nine (9) yearn old, well, _ broken to the saddle, cein partly hunt, In good deela, n - 0.1.1.A.8. bAVII: , .,'" 46 - ii - b..5.1:, - iicr.6 and free from all ilefals. Thu ability of Cos bidder to Mall his agreement .L.l goon. Smarts, mat be gnitranteal by two respotniiblo pen..., CIIARTTRED Cl le:A. • ' ' whoa oh:natures roust be Apia-oiled to the guarantee. Open daily frorml) to Z o'clock, al.o on icl.rhusday No I;ropresis will he entertained unborn the oath of and Saturday atentitma, h{.o, Slay let to Notralbrr alleulaure of the person or pereous Lidding shall ba • lat., from 7 b 9 o'clock, and ERlSO:Lioseraber bt to or die to this odic.. May lot from d to S &clock."1: 111 t.li ._ Thfl recip,nsilititty of the mannintors most be shown 1 I/c00...a received of all alzmiliOt less On - Me by the official tertifirtte of the Clerk of the nearest Dona . , and a dividend of the profits deelamd altiOlt.n Distritt Court or of the United State District At. 1 roe, in Julie and liecersher. Interest boa Vela de- LOVIICy. . dared send-annually, Ito Juno and Deartaber, Si.. Proposals most be addressed to Merit. Col. C. 1/./. ' the Dank woo organized, at the rate of sin par cont. SAWIRLLE, 0.211ef Quartermaster. Cabeley Durcan, • year. and he ondoroed on the envelope °Propo,als for , lutercat, If not drown out, is pls./ totle'eredtt , of the clepeitor m princirel, and tome tips mme in. Cavalry Humes agreeing with the above erraillos.. tcrest from the first dare of Jima and DOCLIW.K.rs C.O. Stool will bet ?orchard In open market, at fair price., ; pounding tuts; a rear without trunining ths &pod. at the following piaci, cm: Nove . York City, Albany, ; for to call, or cren to present his pass book. Al this Donal. and Doc:hater. N. T.; Flttaburgh, Penna. • ; mete triune, will donlito in less than twelve year, . C.,10t010u., Olalo , Becton, Slays. ; A rumor:, Maz aria/ 1 Rook., contaiultig the Charter" By-Laers, - Rulee Malison, NV is. C. G. SAWTELLE,' alai Regulations, furnished gratis, On applicalloONlS , _ Lieut. C01..d Chief Qoart.rclundoe, ' t/. 0 o .lce. toellbdtf Cavalry Bllltrala. Pazetnnar-OROT' TIC. tbi.7 John D. 11•S'adclon, John Robust', Alsrmuler freer, D.J. L. Faisnostock, Jams ?!cA,uhrJ, • IT NIT EIMT AT ES At LUNAR KM i...- ROAD OFFICE, No. 230 G street, \Washing ton, D. C., IN-comber 19th, LOOO3IOTIVIO ENGINES AND RAILROAD IRON FOR SALE.-I mill aoll of public notion, at the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Depot, in Alta, andna, V., un \WEDNESDAY, the Ant day of .I.llllXy next. Ten second-I.lrd Locomotive Tligthes, 4 Not it 34 lushes gauge. About 1,000 ttuas of old Bails. T and II pattern. " SOO " Oar Wheels; TOO " Car Axles ; 200 " Wrought Snap Iron; EX; " Cast A lot of Steel Spring., Sheet Iron, AA Selo to commence at 10 s. to. Tenn rash, In Gonna:lent finds. IL 1.. ROBINSON, de7.l:ld Captain and A. Q. M. GEORGE It RIDDLE, Oftics, No. 89 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Ps. LEEDS, LIORTOMTES, AGREJLATENTS,IIONDA, MECHANICS' LIES'S, and other Instrumanta of Wilting drawn with ceramics and legal accuracy Amounts stated thr lacrators And Administrators, Titles to noel Estate, Act., examined and Itocords Asarehed ter Lien. dr.a. ondmiluidaseT A IISIIN 151'14A 1 rOW8 N U'l' 1 1.; Lr Whereas, bottom of Administration have been fhb. day Arantod to the subscriber on the rotate of James Orr, deceased, late or Tarancum bonmsli, Al- legiteny county, Ali perlins indebted to said CllOlO are reiptited to iamb. Ituntedlata payment, and those haidng claims against mid estate, penal at them, Lror ß r , ll .. a .z u Lbentirated, ,s to 3 , l l4: . Al ii ILA 1t , , tr. D0 . 4. ;. or Tarentam, ber. 1011, VI ;OUR ! FLOUR! 4;l1 Ws. lord's XX !LAW. near; Vst •• Itartlptt's XX .• • Prick, or ti of nle Baket's Flom' Ilay too Family Lq •• Golden Sheaf (later'•' 12U0 serious brands L. 6 Font. For only Ly Ei:LIONAKEIT 6 LANG. (4.14 = Liberty street. SI !I IA tt.` l .—•-ttl kluls. prime N. 11. Sugar - , 30 do lehnd do; WI tins cv Is do : .00 bid.. crushed do; GO do ¢ do do In nun , iuri for ale by 0n1.4 J. KInF.PATRICK d nto SU N D EB.-2.0 sacks folatoen; 11 bbl.. 0.101,.11 ILO do Omen Apples; VI Rule Ikry Apps; 100 MAL Whllb Berra; For aalA Libor& sleet. dear WIC P. BECK- k Cal says Dr. lltll, "pro otnea *at& and prreastnee Spathe... The beat praventlia I e rat, of WATLIt-P11001? BOOTS. Go and rat 19. pair, at tel 9 3<L - WIMP, AB Marko strrat. 0 .EfiiiRELM, for Cratio and 'Relined ier We by' /Mk DALZELT. FON. ten nand TG Wator lama. ~‘,ZYift.Wl4 . -1 00 bbls. assorted brands Ai Symp. In stare and for gala 1; . deli .J. R I FIRDATRIDE .t BRO. BASI.C.I.;I' ‘VILLOW "--1— bars. new laudiri, far !Ale ir.T _ _ —..... y , on . . dela !FAT/in Dfra.R Licit.D.--al tdAs. and tierce . ; LEAF LARD for rale by SC Edell UOMA REM A TARO. _ _. _ _ ... _.itTFUE7:I.I-76.0 Ws. Greenings, Rua- La. s.ts, sc.., reeky - ad and for gala by .. J. B CA DVTERD. DE ItL casks for sale by Sal J. ti CeNFOA.D. Ilie.AN.t) 'bans for B .t I 5 Llberty of Wll. P. BECK d Co. Ii.EBSIt.--400 boles Priwe W. FL for G We by 3) C 13.5.1. C. BAT.SLET. 179 Liberty mt. rTitIATW bbla now LAnding 1 trans railroad; Wr Ws• . d_ak. BLUR DICKEY 1 CO. tJI~PEIt-1U tubs nod 1U pnil -1.1D11117 just remind .1414 forme by - -J. 13. tIA.I4IICLD, ODLY . FORKS oat -"' Alm uowi- Dew oat eft& EINE PROPOSaL& MIES a and i ia:choieo . r mt; - ,chußoJumr,,,,, Ba.hrii :OM AIJ3I/Ell mr.rrs I lemc .11...Pennock. John Marshall, James B. O. Mend*, A. M. Pollock, U. D., llill Durguirt, • J. Ausloomoa, SUM : Prter A. taulers, Walter P. Mariana; Calvin Adams, John o.l3ackofen John Orr. Itobtrt Bubb, new L. Eingsla. Jaw 0 Biudlerb Ocorge Blade, Ado.. A. Oarriea laws addle, Jelin H. nboenberger, William E. Schmertz. Alexander . Vanklik, . asiles A. Calm,. Dougl:A, lan Emus, William S. Hems, Peter H. Hanker. Richard Elam Lease Whittler, Ismes D. Kelly, Wm. P. Weyman Wil S. Lave Christian Wager. , Pccarrnar k busts..-4.11.1A8. A. COLTON.: reP..dav . . FIRST NATIONAL BANE, ()F PITTSBURGH J . _.„ TIIKASCIIT DKPARTIdEIiT , . tierws or CourmotAxa or Tuft Conitzwer, Washlout.. City, August <411.110, • • , Wgitras,' By satisfactory widen...few. ,to Co undersigned, it, h. he r e nude to applwr 'that the 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK or rrecsr.ortni, h, the County of Allegheny, and tdate or l'enneylea, nit, has tern duly organl.l ondcr .d_awardlog.to the wrialremente of the Act of C.w . 0.. onti*d -.LAO Act to provide a National Curre.y, secornOey uphill" of United States Stock., and' to provider for do eirenhtion and redemption thereat' . appiored F e b r uary rith,"l.sdtr, and lotrromplled irlth,Alllho I prat - Woos of said - Ait required to tbetouttilled with before cc...poll:mt. hollows of Banking: - - - Bow, therefore, 1, limn licenl.totio. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify athei *kid TIIIST NATIONAL BANE' . 0/i . TITTSBUILGE, county of Allegheny, .4 State of Yeantrylranlac le anthorl.l to conanwuce theltualnese of Ilanklow.- der the Act afore.itt to 1...110311.Mf whrfoof fsilaa4 I .o I and e,-.0 of Oleo, this fth dr.* of dviat, J IBta. • / luau accouto43l, Comptnallor of the Conreqk -'- • - THE FIRST-NATIONAL BANE OF PITTSBIIRGE, (LATE PITTB4!M.OIITEI3/3/.oolll.AliT.j CMITAL, $400,000, wlib prlvitecalattalsw Lo 01.00 - , The Fitt:thumb - Tout Company betelng . perrinthed . under the art to provide s Natio.) Currency ender the title or the Fllt-ST NATIONAL .M.tatig OF NrysOoool.l. trouthinropehtfolle offer Its.whitheh for the colhvrtion of Not... Wafts, GUE dc., its money 12, drieJait, and buy lout= change tat ell p•rie the annuity. , The rucceed aoended . .the MAO& Tritet Cutepeoy. eve On-orpottattion In 38.5 R, lOU he believe eetnmtrd., La • eofficint. gnereuteet thajonebre• the 'new orghelsothea.w{rxecehre i.e ensue Prompt ui, c toje• very ustenkiteennuipmflerine wlttt Bads end Banners throughout the country, we beiteriwe hen oQr avowal factittle• M awe* whgt dp holiness with ne. The botdneei - a itl6o chhdaetc-} eY the; Ifama Oaken and Directuth. - .-• Alexander Pr, Franehi €l..llry, Alas Samuel Bea. James Tanghtio, • Bober. S. /lays, _Thomas Ccl Thamw Wizbitrua, r , JADIES LACollLlll.l'real4 5. I0E11; 1). SCULLY, CaA4Ller. Awned sa- 1863. • & 31. ISUSTEEN, 13a.isa tau:gms, • • Cu asto Sree - ri _Particular ationtion paid to the Citing up. aod , repplrheg of-LIL E 1.71. NERTES, All kind. of BEAM AND INUN tX)CII.9 mule , to order. - Alm 11RASS 'CASTING% 'ta alt kinds, tondo at the shortest notice. All omen telt at 1411.311mA 24 WAITS $211.1"=, near Llberly,vlll be promptly - attended t 0.... allribe members of this line trio; readfealme ebialm, of many Vara' - 6 %;+erlenos trelbeir be:dates ra laso to sire sage kon In awry- sraperlol We are also gamuts far'ilaUde eattliari•AlAo:a STZAII. PUMA \ for pumplegXgrerscaltda SAd 3("1“ - BECLS, GpErs Mtp•AvAlly 300 Iu atoreand far soh b 7, T. AVALuauw , 1 *Ur •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers