MIMI 1!=i!!1 DLE . & CO.. ZDYTOU. AND rkenaraOhi --- SATURDAY MORNING :::::: :NOV. 21, 18418 Prison inspectors. We have just noted as an item of news the change made by the Supreme Court in the office of Prison Inspectors, from which it appears that Mr GEORO6 W. Casa has withdrawn, and Mr. Josis It. MeCttN - rocs boen substituted in his place. The pelitiad complexion of the board Is of course xin 7. - changed, Mr. 5110E,4131411.0E1L, who,.as:wo tin; dersmn‘is not here generally. to concern himself in the management, and was elected obviously for that reason, being the only gentleman there to represent t t he dominant party in this State, or in other words, the patriotic sentiment of the North. The appointingpowcr in these cases, which le a branch of patronage not properly be- longing to that body, was transferred to it, a number of years sinee,"for the purpose of taking it out of ihe - sphere party politics. The effect, however, has been precisely the reverse of what was intended, and expected. From that time forward, there has been DO place about that institution for any body who was suspected of a leaning to the Whig or Republican side in politics. Tho Judges themselves—selected more with a view to their politieal opinions, and devotion to the party, than to their ability as lawyers, or honesty - and patriotism as citizens—have recognises), no rule in their appointments, but that of fidelity to the worst teachings of Democracy, and have made their selections, of course, from a class of men who were notoriously unfit - for the place. As a natu ral consequence, the affairs of the institu tion have never been managed with any success under this dispensation. For these reasons an attempt was made by one of di r ir members, two or three years ago, to take the appointing power from the hands of the Judges, and restore it to the Governor. A bill was accordingly s-passed through the House fiir that purpose, but although the Republicans were largely in the majority in the Senate, that body, either from mistaken liberality, or for some other reason which is unknown, refused to concur, and as a matter of course, the same abases have been - continued, and the whole patronage of the institution directed tb the stipport of the Democratic party, withench results as might have been expected. The opportunity again occurs of rectify ing this mischief at the approaching sessie.. of the Legislatrae. We hope it will not be thrown away. as before. It is an ill-judged liberality 'tic: allows the men who here pro.ed untrue to the nation, in times like these, to hold any position in the States to which any considerable patronage -is an nexed. They never indulge in that way themselves. It is to the maxim introduced by them, that the spoils belong to the victors," that they are principally indebted for the maintenance of their power. And it would be as idle to attempt to "make a say puree ottt of a tow's ear." w. •.) took for any regard to the public interests in the bestowal of patronage which was vested in such hands. The time has come when the public offices ought to be purged of ell those whose sympathies are with th, lima, and no better beginning could be unets-rnarrwitn - th'e copperhead incites, an - 1 all their appointees, as there is no place where the virus of secession is more abund ant or malignant, than in the Judicial quarter. _ _ Sufferings of Our Prisoners at Rich martd,—The Crops In the Rebel States —Ctist of Living. Rev. Henry Clay Trumbull, chaplain of the Tenth Connecticut volunteers, who was taken prisoner by the rebels on Morris Island„ and has just been released from prison at Columbia, South. Carolina, fur nishes the Hartford Courant the following interesting information Mr. Trumbull was released in Richmond last Wednesday, prior to which time he was in that city a few days, and had an oppor tunity of learning.the condition of affairs there. The accounts of the suffering of the Union prisoners have not been exaggerated in the Northern papers. A Confederate officer remarked to Mr. Trumbull on the care coming north to Richmond, "It is hard to say it to you, Midyear soldiers ore dying of starvation in Richmond- " "Belle Island, said another Confederate officer, "is a per fect slaughter-pen for your men." A large part of the men on the island are without any ahelter,edeeping uncotered on the sand in all weathers. The exposure, with the want of food, is killing them by hundreds. An officer, who had seen them frequently, describes them as generally emaciated, and perishing from exhaustion. There arc about p 4,000 prisoners at Richmond. On Wednesday last the rations which were served out to the officers in the Libby Pris on consisted of one piece of bread made of 1 ungifted corn meal, with a little flour in it, to each person. The piece measured five incites by two and a half or three. This was the entire food for the day, the only drink being water. No coffee or tea, or anything of the sort, is ever given to them. The ration of meat for LI long tune had been only a quarter of a pound per day to a man, and on Wednesday that was cutoff. Great difficulty proceeds from the scarcity of fuel for cooking. Even when food has been procured it has been impossible to cook it-- There is one small stove to about each hun dred prisoners: These are in use air day, and each man eats his food when ha gets a chance to cook it. One of our officers who had been in a hospital informed Mr, Trum bull that the average of deaths of our men, resulting from starvation and exposure, was about twos day in that hospital. Four teen were hroug! . .l in on , aught on lice verge of starvation, nine of whom were carried out dead the nett moriting. Only within the last few WOCIa has the receipt of packages from our lines been allowed_ But now the officers are getting packages, and such as receive them aro haring more comforts. Packages sent to persons in.-prison there should be directed to the care of General Meredith, 1 Commissioner of Exchange, fortress Mon roe, by express, prepaid. The recent sup ply of blankets from the Sanitary Commis sion was most generous and timely. They had been received at Richmond, and were being distributed under the direction of a committee of our officers designated by the Confederate authorities. The crops in the Confederacy are abund ant, and food is,plenty; but the rebel army is looked after first, and with this, and the difficulty of obtaining transportation, little • - food finds its way to Richmond. Mr. Trum brill paid $1,50 in Confederate money for a erip:Of coffee, and everything elite cords as cemoh in proportion. Whisky, of good iartility,'sells at five thousand dollars a bar rel! though ts cheaper kind findi buyers at two thousand dollars a barrel. A drink of brandy brings five dollars, . ~ , . • ~ n... The rebel authorities 'tale Our gree .... hacks and give their currency eight trollirti, for one! . h there is ,strinimeriak amount of Stiff .1- throughout the rebel 'domains, the nflederaoy is far from ex , hausted." iiiiM - 81iiiectilf thilltiperor Itiapolito ' Tits New York Mau' *Paris correafond- ` xrir , 4/W 117...11) V`Elt TLS }..:..11E-VTS. -. Tbe Preach legislature was opened by the, 1 eat says a strange . reason is given for the - - --- - ---------------"--- . i.j \ ..,....., 1 Emperor in p o tion On the sth instant. Ws. Empress limit* Madrid. The Emperor de- 10tARGES FOR SALE-3 Barges, lOU 1 r}.l- , .zi quote thetatrodnetion -and the passage& rsk - Birc ' t° pater up all his , strength for the .c"ooeoeirder"c'ghlaiVO'bee."toidt.:C..eft..„e'''',f,r7-:;'2' 'i ' Impml cd 6104 ti-z , ear cher luting to foreign affairs in full : I grand European war, which threatens to E DC. I. rli iS S. FTEIt ART, break out in the spring, and in order to n2;i it I s , Messieurs fey S.-writ-arc, I accomplish this the Italian and Mexican 1)1 Np; K Lt;TIM i:ER , —2 (not feet to , .t..t.. f‘ ' . Meant..., tee Depute.: . occupations must cease. The troops at Rome i " The sandal assembly of tho groat bodies I and at Mexico must come home, and the fob- n, ..... this way tot s.tr of the state is always a happy opportunity lowing is the plan by which this is to Itsontre - ,ft voiITEnTS WIT EFT Pgts , to ~h for bringing together the men who are devoted 'be accomplished . Spain will send to Rome nOl 2r to the public welfare and for manifesting the ; ten thousand troops, to take the place of the truth to the country. The frankness of our 1 ten thousand troops now forming the French . ..•)o):7.sh pir:s GALENA LEAD mutual' iritereoarse datum.anxiety and army of occupation in the Hole City, and strengthens our resolutions. I, therefore, t . (hese will return to Fraiwe The Pope . ..t bid you welcome. The legislative body has t . been renewed a third time since the founds- , said to have already given his consent to , , tion of the Empire, and for the third time, in ' this arrangement. Then Spain is to sign a nt-1 - 421 b. ratol street. dispito of some local dissents, I can only con- this with France, guaranteeing the stn- C imiA pgsT AN D IIEsT 1.1.005. g ratalate myself upon the result of the oleo- 1 bdity of the new throne in Mexico. while FI'Ll. - 4 ii7T IVE HEAL Et stER ...4.) tions. You have all taken the same oath to ' France, &OA- compensation, agrees to aid me. Thst is a guaranty to me of your sup- Spain in protecting Cuba. To accompli ... t n.c.our 50... 1 so.i fl 111:, 14,12,411 . .1, t... :2 - ', port. It In our duty to attend to the affairs cf this nice little arrangement, is reports I with r..no -t0...1 and c ..,, .t. I , 't fp.. a Is. , the coulitry -promptly - and well, rambling to have been Eugenie's object in visitinz s '''' 1 .'... 5i.... I.' ilol.. a ca m N. ' . faithful to the constitution which has givenus Q ueen Di,:dbella. For sale only li.i. 11. 1(1.1:HER it Wit no tes:l Fifth Ikt,,q eleven years of prosperity, and which you have sworn to uphold. ,„. ~. VALIJAIiLE STOCKS Al' AUCTION. A SLA_NOER ON -ult. auNCOLN REFTTID i --(DI TUESDAY EVENING, Nov stn, Ifira, at [BM we omit, as not of special interest or The remark said to have been ascribed to 7l;' o'clock, will he ~Ad, as the Commercial Bale importance to readers on this side the Atlan- President Lincoln by Wendell Phillips. to j 1 ;-; . 1 . ,"::. t slum . ia t. 8 ,,,,, k , tic, the paragraphs of the 'peach relating to the effect that "the greatest folly of his life ..., do m ,..,.,,, 0 n. , Nndo ,„., droo , ~,,,, commerce, public works, revenue, the colonies, TIM the issuing of the Emancipation Proc- co e.. u..,,re losoraoc.- P..... do Mechanics Bank sto‘a, education, etc., and give the entire concluding lamation," out of each Copperhead journals '' DAVIS a IIcILWAINE. Atte iv. as the World and the National Intelhgenc , r. soil portion:) • STItA IED OR STOLEN— • rum tin, CIIIN• AND SEIICO. are attempting to make political capital. is corner of Liberty and St. Clair are int on Wi .1- emphatically pronounced in high quarters „..„,,y ~,,,,, bot, a IILALia. MALE, /Insetted to Such, gentlemen, is the substance of what to be altogether untrue.— Wash. Or. of .t'S' a . ,PrLd spring wagon. The wagon wrangled live we have already done, and of what we still r Tribune. - barred. of apple, a box of t hese, a bag of tog , t tie l intend to do. Assuredly, the prosperity of . MAW' nth, small artirles Any ons efving informs ..v. Inn thai will lead to the recovery of thorn. ot l l to our country would advance still more rapidly if political anxieties did not disturb it; but in A CnArrasoonA correspondent mentions lll...rsily r. wattled. Got LEY STAR R, ni di d 71t1 pens ntroct. the life of nations, unforeseen dad Inevitable the continued arrival of deserters from the 1 events occur which must be boldly and fear- rebel army, and a significant tact, in this ' VOT ICE 'I 0 coNTgAcrk /NS — , i'rt , >- lessly faced, and met without shrinking. Of connection, is that most of those men de- ft-,l,,,,,,r,,,.,:t„is.resttrit.7.ntrsiTi.. ( 7 , 1: , 0 r .., k r i r ., 4..... 1 , 1 • 3' ,,, this number is the oaf in America, the com- 'art while on picket duty. Soldiers Slle- y i n D ,y . ~,,,,,,,,,,. ~, , ,,,,.' , ,,,6, fr ~ gr , j ,„, 4 pulsory occupation °Mexico and of Cochin pec t e d of disaffection are never placed on of tittige stem., ,new fools . nueu , 5 ,, ‘ I...i.rinr., China, the insurrection of Poland. The dis tant expeditions which have been the subject picket duty; hence, the conclusion is that , s trt,t, in the Ile: tia.ll Payent , slv toed; t o those deemed most reliable are really disnf- W e "'`"`" ' of no much criticism have not been the result teat rw wry ' ii - i, " t il l . i r i :1 on the bruin-51.1 Proposal% v.lll lc .•evi 1. a Lollars, reefed. Sur, t ; orotata•lant• r, Or of any premeditated plan; they have been . no2l t.l JOHN Al HIGIIT, Thai reran. brought aboi3L - h - y the force of circumstances; NrAlle Eausrstanrre us TENSt.SSEE.—Lotter 3 , , rilu mA \ l'EA("1 I itER S Oh' ill/SE and yet they aro not to be regretted. How, from Tennessee say "that- Major George L. L Prop , sal. an, invited and will ho reteived until infect, could we develop oar foreign corn- Sterns is organising a negro regiment at Gal- , rail) \l, ill .. - th g od., toy the Committi i on I ; merce if, on the one hand, we were to rutin- latin, another at &iambic., one at !Snare,- i Eosin... d en w 01) of Alleghon), for tho Inalut7t quiet, ' all influence in America; and if, on the hero, and one at Clarksville. Ho musters one , "r'' '''' ..' l 7 . ^ 4, 'ld'••). or on. I li , ` , na . at2t l f i , l , other, in presence of vast territory occu- hundred and two men into each company, lit- 1 ~f,,,° o " i• L; t 7t .,,,. "V: r 7: V n L i ' , ;. ,... th r l. l , l ::: . ` , ,T i p t r, ! 1 ' .0. : . :T. 1 . % pied by the Spaniards and the Dutch, France eluding four experienced cooks. In sic weeks ..oli, ited for s and In loch h ..• romp] , o was to remain alone without possessions in the he raised one full regiment and six hundred 1 1.1,1,01q111 h, Is. s-clot .11,1 1.41 silt, %. D SMITH seas of Asia? We have conquered a position 1 ' non 11 . mon in another. in Cochin-China which, without subjecting us . ----.... i 4.‘1.1.\ tiCitli 11 ANt): 4 to the difficulties of the [mai government, Twit New York Urtreterciat Advert.. r a A will allow us to tarn to account the immense nounces the approaching ,„rriap, of one ~, resources of those countries, and to civilize the Russian officers with a young lady of tt.. , them by commerce. In Mexico, after an nn- place. The wedding will take place lii Trio,'' expected resistance, which the courage of our , , Church, and will ho conducted by the padre . f soldiers and of our sailors overcame, we have the fleet. seen the population welcome us as liberators. 1 Our efforts will not have been fruitless, and , on shell be largely rewarded for our sacrifices when the destinies of that country, which will owe its regeneration to us, shall hare been handed over to a prince whose onlightenments and high qualities render him worthy of so noble a mission. Lotus, then, put faith in our expeditions beyond the sea. Commenced to avenge our honor, they will terminate in the triumph of our interests; and if prejudiced min d s inn cot see the good promise of the seed sownlor the future, lot us not tarnish the glory_aehieved, go to say, at the in 0 ex tremities or the world—at Pekin and in MexieJ, azette L. VHE111,I; A RitO h '5. , ,--.? , ••-: ...1 - •r•-•...-, -..-- . • . -. .. . -'' •• ...K., .1 " ! ,' .. ' 41! ,' :.: . r .".' "..• 1. ' 1 ' • :" .. ;iTirt '..7 - , 1-- '',:;DIISCIPLES 01 CII II IS' I . A 1.1. I.- 0 N th , ~,,,,,„h„,,,„,,,,„„,...,,,,,.„er t oett ; ~,,, '.. -.' vicusa irr. ELDER JOSEPH KISG, Past • „,,.1 a t :1 1.. ...id at too pr... 0. 11,„.1. . ot Meet in EXCELSI.IR 11.11.1., tamper of I ...lnd s, .1 ,r., o 7 r. rtte i1 , 51, , 1 out' PIANO, mon , I t ' Lettrock sire ~ Preaching every LORI , sItA Y. ~, e ~. t ., ... ~1. 0 , t,.. ~, • t „.„ 0 t .,„,„ . The Polish guts:ton needs a fuller cxpla- .. n .„ ,; ~; „;„ p! „; ~,,,,,,,. „,,,,;;.;„ „. i.D. nation. When the Polish insurrection burnt i NEI4DAY 111 EN INt:. The_loti•'' , are cord..•!ty Li nn!. tho governments or France and Russia were , sit-i. _ , 021 It on the ine.t friendly footing. Since the eon- - tr 'ltTiiE. FIRST CONGREGATION --' '''. elusion of pea, they Wen always agreed : L..„,,z,r Dr liISCIPLES, ol Plt tel . ~b, meet stated- ( 111 E. 1 I . " I - .l' . 1 . 11 .1 N E V EP. upon the great European ynestions, and Ido , in the I r.,0; , • , TY , riLLEGE IG. It PING,. not hesitate !au declare so. 1 earner .1 Penn and ei. Clair street.. Pre. ' - During the war in Italy. as !autism at the i LORD'S DA Y-Morumg met I.4ening-a ues t 10" ustml time of the annexation of i ice and Savoy, . . 1, ? .. ..7.. ,, b ~.. , . ~......,. .... .:, • EVEN! \l 7 , T i • the Emperor gave me his most sir..nre and ; f , t ,;!; : ; ',..„ , ; ,.. 4 3: „ :,, u 1 y " in k ,,, i; ! . .„ 4 ‘ ; Y n 0.5.11 cordial support. This good understanding 1 t demanded forbearance, and item only 'the 1 ' PUBLIC .rOTICES. Polish question, very ptitmlar in France, that , . .. .....„ - -_ -. . -1, could induce me not to hesitate to compromise, oAN y PE:ESON having toy .I', th one of the first alliances of the continent, and Dr:, SERGEANT A RANT atilt please return it. toiraise my voice in favor of a nation rebell- .01.71 it T. B. HAMILTON, Mi Filth street. iOtt9 in the even of 8.A.110i11, but in ours. heirs 1 - : =-7, r_t_i___E: NLA:i OR . ALT Y COE A 1,1,E. tco, a right inscribed in history and in treaties. N4vertheless, this question touched upon the ! ~ ,,, i ci. t G i ol o l l' o r\ r oT o r „; ' r t . ' ~%‘,7'1,1,,D,,,7„.,,1!„,th„", ;',,.r.',:, most serious European interests. It could not ' Ms name to be used as a candidate for the Ma3orelty he treated by Franco alone. All Insult to nor .of Allegheny Loy, at the ensuing ninnimpal elee honer or a menace against our frontiers alone t.i7n. n - imposes upon us the duty of action, without Urrt , sor Mosomi•iist 1 ins, RAS,. 1 , . , J • preliminary concert. It therefore became . PlitaLoch, No, ::o•i. 1-... necessary, as at the time of the •VOL4II in the 1 ri . _..,. A S ELECI'I ON FOR I . I CI L 1 . :1,N East and in Syria, for me to come to an un- Ls DIRECTORS of Ow/ r• topnet. t•• u•ra.- r derstanding with the powers who had equal ?! . e .., e .r e5 .. !.... - x_ v: : :;:r„.: ,- : T. - . I.: Ju.1d . . ,, , ,‘, ! , , 5 ,r 1 .. . , , , ‘. 1 2 . ,.. - ~,;, I rights and similar re.ons as ourselves to ex , ~.`b,:b,...“,,f1-i, ..-1: n ... ,, , , i 4 1 , 1,.. ' L press an onion. The Polish hasurrootion, .0.2,,.,,i II E. DA Yl`. `•.. 1'' , 11 ,. . which, from its duration, assumed a naitonal . -- - - , 0v e ,.•.... M0505.....11../.... ir•SrasSt•V C`.., i ; character, aroused sympathy on every side, Pool , tro,. Nor. ',oh, i era i' and the aim of diplomacy has been to attract SU rjr,:./1)/ V WEND -Tits- Direetor. ~f (Lis to its cause as much adhesion as possible, - Company have this day ,L-. - tared a Divot o as to bring toles: upon Russia all the pros- t ~1 TWO DOLLARS upon snob •Itare of the Comte sure possible of the public opinion of Europe. i stork, C, he applesl Co the ,iitaction uf 11, One I. This 111 M ,I unanimous expression ° 1 Due Mk. , __ .., wishes appeared to us to be the best means of nt''' s "?.. l _ __ ,li. E. rt, kyl ° • '-' , .:':isz v . persuading the Russian Cabinet. .ruf° T tu - , freaSIGNAL CORPS. C. S. A—A Ed: - nett:ly. c,r distinguished counsels ha ve been C" erhtting Station for this eosin:it , bran, n,.' interpreted a, an I.tLempt to intimidate ; and the army ilea tree °polite/ - /Isis city. The °mu , . the step, taken by England, Austria, and . of lLe r service and the . in v dn or tm , rtrats 0ffe . re .. .1 , 37 ., 7 , ;: , , ,, T , Prance, instead of patting a stet to th e ' rvo,..t.teLeppuvrt.o;, . 0 . 14 , 11 ., n , I . d Struggle, have only tended to em liter it. , ''";.,. turthc ` r t .. , :„ 1r0 `,":„. ing '"„,,,,," : 1 , , ,,,, ing ~,,,. Excesses are being perpetrated on both sides. , u o o, Na, 20 tints strost, Pittsburgh. which, in the name of hamanity, must be ! Limn. J. R. DU I' 1 , , eqoally deplored. What, then, is to be done? . ee11.2. Reecruiti - ME,. ne' Are we reduced to the sole alternative of war ! - ', THE NEW GYNINASTICS A'l' orrilence ? No! Witbout having recourse to It ET I LLE 1111 lA,. -1 be Om.ee are mem arms. and without remaining silent, one menus th e ~,,,,,, h .,,,, e 0„,,, at ~‘,.), t ,,,,,,„ of „,,,,i, g. I . „,„„ re omi ato or. It is to submit tie Polish r i ore• ' and Gentlemen, TUESDAY and FRI , DA V EV I E: I N ., : hots to u Enrol-mon trihonol. Russia has already ING.:, at 714. betties and Child:on, 1 1 E111.; li k :S ' .ATURLIAI A rrLittiouNs, at so , toe . declared the l conferences at which all the ' sod. TIMMS. IS ADVANCE • other questiops which agitate Europe shall be . For Adults. course of twenty irssiins.. ......T" W. , discussed would in nowise offend her dignity,: For Lads and bilsoes, .. " I no. Lot as take note of that declaration. LoCit I For Children, . .. .` 3Um serve us to extinguish once for all the ter- ! .!'.l...3.f__.._;___ men is of discord which are ready to burst I'." . TO STU EN'i SAN 1) LI./ V Eli-S L'o," forth on every side, and from the disquietude OF CHURCIr 7 , 1111 6 si • (..--Th° !":"' ll a k ti:r 1 7 1 " - itself of Europe; which in every quarter is 717 , 0t,',,5ti,•10771N,;.,:r ff1it1i0r,(47,,,,,,,,,1, ~, mined by the elements of dissolfftion, let a • New Tort. will rtsit this city during t 1..• nose mouth new era of order and of peace arise. I to give a short course of Instruction In Harmony, the " Hoe not du 6“111.111 arrived to rebuild on Organ or Melodeon, and Chorus Singing conneeted tame free dations the edifice d e stroyed by the hoed with public perfirnanemit,on %h• Organ, a m nd y n,:t ., 7;1 , of time, and piecoment by remohaions f is it tamed the thelrhils'ic"Rt.otheesn'tr,ftllMl:ds',.r. A a ßro. and urgent to recognize by new conventions that 0. 0 . m o n o , nolltt Deer , . which has been irrevocably accomplished, and to (toffy by common accord what the peace of '1 ,.. . - .„5 . COLLECTOR'S NurtcE—The Annual Assersuaent Livt for Ishii, emitainltor the world requires? The treaties of 1815 have 'razes on Income. Silver Plate, Carriages, V., and ceased to exist. Thu force of circumstances I, License Duties in the 4th Mention ef lb , tried Penna. has upset them, or tends to upset them. They District, rompri•lng Lilo oth, tth anwan ly` Wards of have leen discarded nearly tiverywhere—in the c o l , t lofA' i tt o n ri bu b r g o I , 2l, p tl n t d„ 1 nicest,t Trz ,„. ,‘m e ~. r..c. : , , ..1 .:1 Greece, in Belgium, in Prance, in Italy, as '_'‘ f u rum tte P Luteet ' sor, and lb. , Tam. are now due. I upon the Danube. Berufany is agitating to will receive the Tam. as efori:seid, et the elllca "I alter them, England has generously modified Aldermen BUTLER, 11, 126 V, ylie street, friinl tits them by the concession of the Linian Islands, 21st day of November nntll the 11th day of Deem , . and Russia treads them under foot at War- bar, 1863, Inclitelve. henget. the 1 1th of I and ft p. saw. In the midst of these succesive in- 1n . . ; a . ft i c ii rt t w o h , ! . eh .r t t i . r i s e the 1p'..0 lease pn.seribmi by the .1011: A SEDGEANT, fringements of the fundamental European I Deputy Collector ill, Division, Till D 15:6cl . pact, ardent passion. become over-excited, no2latreilw powerful tintereata demand solution in the ----- South as well o.s in the North. (What, then, MA be more legitimate and more sensible than to convoke the powers of Europe to a Congress, in which self-love and resistance would disappear in the face of a supremo arbitrament? What can be in more conformity with the ideas of the age, with the wishes of the greatest number, than to ad dress ourselves to the conscience, to the rea son, of statesmen fn all countries, and to say —Have not the prejudioes and rancor which divide us already lasted long enough? Is the jealous rivalry of the great powers incessantly to obstruct tbo progress of ctsillsation? Shall wo be constantly casting defiance at each ether by exaggerated armaments' Aro our most precious resources to be indefinitely ex hausted in vain ostentation of our strength? Shall we eternally prmorro a position which is neithir prase with its security nor war with its chances of success? Lot us nu longer giro factitious importance to the subversive spirit of ext.eme parties by opposing ourselves with narrow calculations to the legitimate aspira tions of natione. Let iii have the courage to substitute a regular and stable state of affairs for an unhealthy and precarious condition, even if it should met sacrifices. Let us meet without IL preconceived system, without exclu sive ambition, animated by the sole thought of establishing an orac. of things based hence forth upon the well understood interest of the sovereign and of the peoples. -'I-'cannot bet heifers that this appeal would be listened to by all. A refusal would lead to -the supposition of eecret projects which fear the light of day ; but even if the proposal should not be unanimously adopted, it would have the immense advantage:of hav ing shown Europe where lies danger, and where safety. Two ways are open ; the one leads to progress through conciliation and peace; the othe.., sooner or later, Conducts fatally to war by tho obstinacy of maintaining a past which is rolling away. 'You know new, gentlemen, the tone which I propose to adopt towards Europe ; approved by your,-aanctioned by the public assent, it cannot fail to be listened to, for I speak in ,the name of France. vna EVIZOPECt CON/MISS CALLICD. . ' The latellt ,tulegraphie despatches by the 'i4-1/11:101D1113*Cf3 that the Emperor has issued Totten-the sheraigns to a European Congresarin purtmanceof the declarationcon- Mined in his speech. - : ti,• ,ksal 11011.6 V6.99£.1..4 Von telegram had been posted in the under- *NA kE S•-1 , 1,0( is writer's room at Liverpool, to the following jl‘.. I.o‘,.runludered ~,,, effect: "Don't ship anything to Id atarnoras— ••.i It , II blockade effective.' )I I. WENDELL PHILLIrS, in a leeture at li.-'.cu, ‘i M; r 4 1 . 1‘ ,,, • r • on Tuesday evening, exi.roseed him-elf in • favor of continuing Mr. Lincoln in the Presi. CIIABI.f I TTE 111.U.ME,1.. Fifth stri.t. dcntial chair for an..ther term. •-• f••r w. REL IG lOUS .11^0TIt'ES. -41 ; Ell - AD 11 - ER TM Eat .... RAGS. —lO bales now funding from raiirOad and for .ale by nu2l TM ATA IT PICK FY de ('0 IIEAT I PIRS —7 sacks now Il ndto.L: .1 from railroad and for lab. by no2I ISAIAH I , IeWF.Y & CAREASE.--(35 blAs. now landing froth rallrAvl and inn eAle by Yto2l . IYAIAII DirKEy.r. LUBRICATING OIL—We are now wiling a pure "WELL OIL" equal to Nn. 2 Lard Oil al a lubricator, which we warrant not to chill nor grim and la entirely free from sand. JAR. DALZELt A SON, nn171.• CO and 70 Water greet. cITORE !Tilt ENT ON MARKET STREET.—Tbe baudaner. Iron Front, No. Market street, next door to N. Flamm. & Soot la of fered for rent on fleet of January neat. Addrees JOAN WAY, Jr., nolfit2pgal georlekloyeille P. 0. VORBALE.—Two Braet Furnace En- J.: gine& Steam Oylindere, ched diameter by f..utr feet etrolte. Dicortog Tule 3 feet I inchea diam eter by See feet stroke. All in Good order, harlue been nevi bat abort time. blanufacture4 by Knot) WA ode, Pittsburgh. ApplY Immediately, to WOOD, DIOREF.LL A CO.. Patentee,. Pa. PE F IN FOLL SA E D LE.—TiklPrgeOtNh e N N I I 0 1 I DWELLLNU, No. 85 Ponn U. , toor limy street, offerpd for sale. For. $6,500. The home well built, furniehed with marble mantilla, gm and aster. Largo you' and alley in the rear. Any one wishing to em the house can enter through the sie gate on Penn street. JOU N WAS. d Jr., onlB:2ptjal Beerinkleyville P. O. FLOORING BOARDS Prime Inch Flooring Boards, 16 fuvt long, scions widths, for solo b 7 SCHOMAKER & LINO, GOVERNMENT SALE.—WiII be Bold at &Odic Antilon, by Neon. DAVIS & Melt. WAINE, at No. 54 Fifth street, on WEDNESDAN, Not 75th, 1887; at Id o'clock et. to., • lot of con. damned U.S. TOOLS. ney can bo non at the Auc tion Booms on the 24th lost. Terms - 'NO;IIE, Lieut. C ot, of Ordnance, Commanding Allegheny Arsenal. Eljnet received by HmT 8.08LL22C8. 41111E1117SEMEXW In .tor.. f..r prle .111.}:X.4N1'F.11 GORTUIN MIES l.ra. iil•- i b inn... of o t t. y ;, • ISA FIIITIIIIFI 111:1.11:1 BOOTS AND SHOES _♦ NV lk,/lex4a.it• Pri • • 14;;;;1 4 .\N I; NII.•L- - ••• -•„!•• ..; ; t•• .1. •••• ur.td 11. • 01- ; 1 a 1.-w to •arghtl , ra.iing ;Ma ;,;•••1;. a; JOS. H. BORLAND'S, m r.K ET ge1ten.“5”..1..a XT I 1.1, F E a! 4,11 AT PClti CAt C r 110 N, c , the -,tv.r. L ...t Y 4,1.1 D. V , ETIV•'7 , I-A Y. It ^ I tICAI TL1A.11.% un1:1 Inml,lCr. eq• I r- as .1“1LI: !Me-, part.. V, ol• •n-I 10;1. /. wet+, u. IL.I ,, YITIKISn • A ‘.l I . lll' L'l 10.11'.111()N:- ' , l, I Ny.tt•ln 1 . ••11. A. C.... quy. • - a) •• IVuli.LAN•ut I lk Mai %, N...v tt ,rIE-31p f win 'rho thrl , I. it our 11 , u. 4/.•: Ittii 11,1 ; , ..Itl wpt T•lnn. 11 0:1 -. llnr.nall Ti. , '' ,, 11... I tlt . or Irv,..tr , • idndory o ii• ht.ol• ni on Life. 1 -11 r KAT .1, cO., Wr....1 ntrent. 0 H i ,: t_ I nbeny c, outs , the 1111 l trii ir, ot o ., o ; the • P .1.. .f Jo. ' , hot. Rupert. d. CRIDAY, the !tonnes, A. D. 10.5, 11 It oh 1..0k the follnvrion oirilool tgol I, All tht•ie lots of gr .orol,trogle T.-rllho ton ni•lnio Allegheny could , . Peon-) lvanta. •o h•,ng ow of a. trant of Igo 0n0...1 21.irtng d'^olter, of the Itordogis of Oroetodiurg, it sooreland comi ty, ih rust,' and anode led record , og to dingratn inld propnriy. duly rworileii ~ Iterorder • tub ta and for the •nol .00nty. In Plan soh 2. I..ign ni lola No, 1. 2,2, 4 and 3. in 1,1,011 C. SRA RR PATTERSON, Alsnlnlstrator. of vale 17131i6 known al time of nal , . I no2I UlO I,ST E IN ALL ITS !MANCH ea.—Goring parchareel a large mock of gooilo for CASH, we ore mole to offer groat hatgalan at et troFEAinely low prire. THER. REDS; R AIR, RANK AND SPRING 31.31" f BASSES, OLD Id ATTRASSES, re-made to he beat 1MM0.% and YEATJIEIL BEDS renovated. A grant variety of BLINDS, TABLE A FLOOR 01 f: CLOTH. EMBOSSED TABLE CUTER.,; - LADE GUAM mni at AN ILLA BORDERED MATS, CARPET BINDINGS, and every variety of Rood. kept In that lino. Wo Invite the attuution of the public generally to our WELL ASSORTED STOCK. • All order. , promptly attended to. Pleasi goo no a call at I T':!., FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, (house to, morly occupied by 3fr.Semplo.) DABBER ,t MEM sTIUKWTI' - ' • 6:r FilLsT 1..1i3 {'lll'!.}; IMECI AT THE LONDON WODLD'S FAIIL TLc Loti.l hatroled World .ass Pianos a Steinway'. Naar Tork mat., are. %without doubt tba untataal of th. t 1 'Oil& Tiol [Quo tis moat 1.11-llka Yr° pa, has -41, and combine. that:ton na, .1 of billlion , > and ti „at itovrt.r n ithont n, angin a.t approun to loaraltn-ita. Diasarni Crar.tor, Walt , W. .1. of tha grain Piano Forte tiollary lu liog , ast nra t he. roia wont. ft, England " A thoiro 4took of tiTEINW AY'S PIANOS now re rein ing H. %LEBER & BRO., TIFTU STREET, role agielas k-Strinwri'slll ll .!tat. BAILEY, FARRELL it ea, yIIACYTWAL PLUM BMW, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And ell !dude 9f PtOtto for W•ter,•G. AGITATOM AND TANT:M FOR OIL, ItEFINE HIM, lined with local by • now proneini. oc • fIENTLEMEN'S WINTER BOOTS.— VA We would invite tho attention ofgentlemen who have dialcUlt3 lu getting rloots moo*, to our largo assortment of DOUBLE SOLE C.d1.41T TAP do do d TICIPLP, do do do. Do do wAnrnruacriaßAlN R OOTtI. DOUBLE SOLD AND UPPED DALY do. The goods aro - mad° armorial order, Ind (or nee acne and darability are warranted equal to emy elty work. • GEO. ALBREE, .SON & nolfl Corner of 'Wood and Youth strati. MET= Kt v.,. , rr rA. ,•.,,,,, IY..rnm H - ne. Cu tants.n. Pt I - 4 . .. Er!..nt 1.-J , A pl, ton tto EA. -So .n. ,A, SA: , . . .. 1.1.0 d :•.....I1 \IWO.. ii.,l 1 Trts, Arten.:inrer. :::,: ~.1 00 9 1L..1.11C11 .hut. stubborn Iticere, trissumattr Ente.ntora, e..: - Vto PLlnrl. th.:11.1. ll)spepelts, CA, N Jt: .•., in :111, , u t , Itt,o-nritt r , .. E..n.nrel relt1:1-,Sr.l Ithoulo I r r •:::, AT 111 E WITP.IIY LIFT kittlEY A 1., WEST TtOY ns•Ae. :Am.. tr - Spy Ine I on. Sinnt, Foul :t.,•toitoll. NEW I 1 MK. E .n.ttA f ro t. tgett, r Aril u All utl, t tr.- 10.0) , 1 - .melt Inn terinn •It.tt. •• net front so 111;,[..y. i rm.:ESA:I tr the I,noo Ir•-to: I. tl.• ils t • t •e t al, nost In tinrr,tn., '4,lsts , 10-inch ebells. . snuol 'Ail to I,.•orfil. ,1,...r, A 1 TUE U. S. ARSENAL GOY EENOWS ISLAN i2c uotel pers...ertonly and IV. NEW 'l./ECEL. eonllng to ti ret 1 ,, • " ' st• IIio• .. ',rr - Kg sl: '. '" IS-brob shell. Jill.S 0I V. IT' - h oc. Et-ineb A h r , • S..st ltt.tneh shells. S. M. 'FULTON'S DRUG STORE. ' AT THE ALLEGRENY'AUS UN AL, Pl rTSBUSOII, PEN NNE la ANIA. 1,1 , 0 11.-inch batteriu,; shot. I,- • inch shells. t 1 I.; Si LA/ —1 ho test .ilui 10-Inrh shot. zi stock of 3,000 10.1uch lArge AT TILE ST. 1 '''7l: 3 ARSENAL, ST, LOUIS, MO. Perfumery e.r.d. Toilet ArticieJ, 10.1" loch eheLa. AT THE WASHINGTON ARSENAL, WASIIiNG IDS, D. C. 1,0"... 1.-inch Letter tag eihd. 1.. 1 1; 1" , •1‘. it e h•lls. mel 1 0 , ell elmt. 3,1100 U , - inrlt obeli,. TI. Projectiles are to Le made of the kind of I rectal, and tuepented niter the rub. laid /lawn in the orduanu. Manned, with the esceptlon of the 11. oich hiatus-log shot, mina), art, to Ise main of gun metal, of until'. rau..ito.; 1.•,,C15 35,1N0 am pnund• 1. , I!.e clam.in• and thevettiust mtnt frvm„r Parnaos. l•rawinge of all the plauectlisw run ISel3 of the at - weenie Is Itcre they aro to 1m delltored. The uroJertiles are in in• triste-circl at the foundry where Jost, lei; mast I • •1.-11 i• the ...ions arsenals, ire.' Of clurgn for tr osp nation ..r hantliingoint , i litreied at the arsenic Pelivern a e must be toad at the mt.- of not 1,89 '3U five per ascot. per week. of the mamba. • of prs;"coil , ll entitroctnd for ;the first delivery to t. mode w aloe tlo• ty dep. alter the date f he,Mmet. tied any 'shore to der r, at a ~prcif led ! v.lll sobjee Ito; coo 1 roe!, to a torten. , ' then um lmo ber he stay tail to deliver at that time. neparate town be ntntle for .•och kind of pro .1 t otol tr Incsh r lc. cc, doh.. :it uals .....•-• ote ! . 0...-11 Mud et er-h • '•. - e• !%. 1,1 ol;• - •ed from parties tin 1. propr t .r. 01 worke, alto are known in ihm /HPO , l.O'lll to IV • .r.; the work coot:anl f their ova mdahlia requhroent h potty F. otiatng nontract will hs ir e. , to enter into bonds, sith upprevcci sureties, for it. fsithlol execution. The Itepartment r.servee t. , Itself the Holt to rn• jet any or all bole, it oat .bent satlefsiesory, fur any COUP , proposels will be arldreesed to ' L'fik - ad ler Gen.-, Gt - OltGli D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnonce. Weob ine-ton, D. C.,” and will be midonud "Prey-sal. for Ilea. y GEO. D. RA.filoAY, RolMentitd Brig. GOD. Chief of Ordnance.. 600,000 I U lIF I °"OLL T.LirCiT ltuairrEancrrart GenertAl.'is Dieter., Pittiburp,,h, Pa., Nov. DJ, 1103. ; St sled Priqualle will be racelved at tide office an' til 12 o'clock to. the `2sml LA' Or NOVEMBER, I 130. for forutelaing and delivering SIX iIIiNDRIID 1 P.OOSAND BUSHELS OF GOOD MERCHANT ART.. COAL, at Cairo, r.t., 31.suplIII, Toon., Ticks berg, bile., or New Orleans, La. myt ',tate the ttriLo, delivered at the atarcl ar.mtl rtr_ - re, qeparately Ridden to take the riot of tics "raga of water. The , ' tone ..f deli rot , to b.. airtwaed hereafter. I Pint - K..lr -wWit he marked .'Prop , mals for noo,nnn ; 01 Coel." addrre , ..l to Ltent. O. L.hoSe, Deputy Q. It. 1, n o. C. 0. ..., Pittaher,;h." lota , mar.. The al, l l,ty lon bidder u• ill! the contract, should ,it t. oar s.; • Von, m" , be plarant• by tree p - rentc.. •laust.troX must be Bp to she guarantee. Tho reelastrobiltty of the tmaraulora must hr are,sen by la, °Mel.; curt sea, of •lie Ilk of enamel 4 curt 00 of • the I ti',-•1 States Dietriet Al' • t rwy • dc. Bidders must lie pr. to peruses whet the bide 9 , 1 , ward,, tor ,matd, or • `sir proposals W.ll n..t be coseidered. 19• mar.!..l"• Clouds equal to ete...a... to half the awn to be re trim, on the CUL, nct, signed by the contract. - a. 2 al cr nth .f gattrentor., will be redritrod of the suc. ....sterol bidder open !doing the contract. As the Loral must accompany the contract, It will be uccee racy for the bidder' t - have their bondsmen with tlnin fr to have bond , .lined imucipation, sad Ina ly to be prcal..red It - hen the contract is signed. Form of Gusset/tee. —,of !1e manly of--, tel State of —, anti —of the conht, and State —, do hereby guarantee that li able to fulfil t contract tn ne:nrilanco with the torn. of hie propcwition i aud that, el.eulti hie proposition Is amsepted, h• ill et once enter into a contract therewith. Should the root 'ad ba onsneind hint too are prepered to lewatite tu, Elizabeth 1.0; his ss•surttlee. tp; LTo this quotas:glee m Fo met be offioio/ d. b(79i n meree tr..; ee-t ate abwro rat rammed.] tit Preps:ll9 robe disloyal pe -1 9 will art ase Shahs int cued, and an cloth of allegiance will be required of Madera brio.. alantng contract.. enr uorlemtatod himself the right is rejtat ,all lids that he may deem too high. Payment to be mad. upon the completion of the contract, or nn e'en thereafter as the underalgmal he in read, d. CROSS, Inafifitil Lieut. Col. and D. Q. M. General. Omen Jr TAN Corrr.OLlL6(l. AU...013.1r Clo. Pa-,/ Pttt.burgtr, November litth. 10101. PO PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. _L --Sealed Propowils will be recoleed at this affix ati] time urn INSTA.NT, Inclusive for furnishitig n OFFICE. DUPLICATE' bEYENTY '-1 F.CTION DUPLICATES, sad SEVENTY .CllOOl. DCPLICATES, for the year 1101. Be d meet,. of Comity Oommivicrant. • oln BENDY LAILLIGHT, Controller 1 . .)V AVPLICATI( IN iN Dl'.N --,.1 rrsrin - rm metal- , of the -1 1 e Dental .kseoclatitm," have adopted the FIFTII Yr hrri,. t. cl. i, • tl, -41 EXT. )k111T1,3 POND LkI.LI. .1\,'11::-. , 1: \ T.4.v S. ItAZIN'N J.WKEY r YRAN,:II . ANNI N. \ %IN `ll. , I: Ey ER„t\ P I' r h ,I.ICERTNE SO.a. \ .\ th. .et 11,1 rit•••1 ....Frt. rtt 001114 1;1111 1110::-.1INS. ICS., I. ill- 1.4 BRANDI 1..1 WINF, I. ripe , e In! :ity J. M. FULTON'S DRUG STORE, r. 7 rim( ILFET tw2l 10NZ. 4 I CTLON WATEIf: Tl, r Ntni lb.. only known run etly or Dint.. ytnt Dr t K , nn y- Illorhi r. !3. 1' CA.NIITUTIoN WATER ttllnnt doubt tho 1,. 'IL I• I in-toady far DIABETIS, tool hnt. non n nhitit riu .. that It I•'a itt,Ml.• a , lin , that Mit ‘• • • produrs slc,p..d tin:lift:lly soy that it I. a t tsvcry sae an which it ha- In—tt tttl tti. na in tha Bladder, Cutout... Gravel, Brlok l , u•t ; I 3111.-too. , t Milky Unnilutrcloa sth.r I rot- 3. M. FULTON, Dm:utast I ,1,,r1..1..w 0. I' II I.IsT ot . A 1"11.1l'A TIW.A :or ..11in", !Monti, filed In t% Clurn. i• , ,ward, do; I Nk M 111. r .1 , , do. 1..••. I Il• , 1 •, btl. mon', k; odo w ...• W flow r, 4 Juhu Ooleru.s.l;, do, 011111, John Ito. I,reiner. Watßot, sth w.- John YU, her, want., hut..., do. r. L. Joh...ton. 11.. h 'ells linl,, 1••• oFa:••••, wor.l. 1.11.1.ny do. do: .:oh Jost, ;Ler do; I,ewu tort•rn, 4th ...rt. do, U. A A. Como. .ther do. do; Vird.D,,,ttei. Loom., .In. do; G•••••rne ef. riwr, loom.. do, 11 1......r0nn0.0th0r good, do, .. G.+. tavern, 110 - colughain Ryon.. Cwt ISlrsolnghorn trt,, Lutvrencevlllo; .1. \V e •. do; )101 South Pitt.thortth: ". Lupo, ea. - hon , •, hatough 1 1 1,1110., 1...• Elinatudlit,s; •••hr. Mifflin ty; 3t...ente tp; Chntt. 110. tpt P. n, 11. G .1.1,1 800b00..., L. Ft. or, Pre., 1...0f, de kli n 54. 34111,1 , out I,t; h 0,,, W IO r,t, to,. rn, 1 . . 01, 'lair 41: Ann ...tint: 1 .... tp; . iho Coon will meet on W FAIN Dilf.KY, Decnnunor i 0 ocl , uk ft tn. liesnonlit.ranreg must I, Moll on or 1,1 , re that. Apt,:cants mutt thou. t • toy t•floo Ito do)'' nr twartnd. r21.:11,1 te 1.7,1 \LILY I)\* E COLORS % -i iv %%, [I PATENTEX OCTOBER 13, ihzrk lAg , t‘ dlove.ou, ataroou, Pink, Pur;e. Finimou, soirlet. feel!. t.; ! .;fojeo, Foe , i!rob, I I , ,te, Tech Teiiose. For Pycing bilk, Good, bhav, bract , . Dreeeee, t Bonnet.. Vat: Featners, Kid Woven. Children ' . Clotlong, and ell k olds of Wearing Apparel. terf - SAVING OF co OEII CENT 'Ka For 2:1 rent, yen can color as many pods as would •thcre Use root five times that sum. Various shades con pmelureil from the same die. The process Is simple, and any OITO can non the dye with perfect aurcissit Directions In linglinh, French and Gorman, inelde of each package. For further tuformationin Dyeing, and giving a perfect knowledge what colon are best adapted to dys over others, with many taluabla recipes,' p , :-rbits< !lows & Pleven.' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. bent by mall on receipt of price-10 cents. Man./factored by 110 Writ STEVENS, :4;0 Br midway, Thaton. For rain by druggists and dealers gonerally. Lk : L. k 1 k r. 4 oht Bite h. 1 1: r• h 'V 0 NIORE GRAY lIAIR. I.\ .I.UXTIRIANT HAIR BY USING TI EC RICJIIVICNA TOl2. ror resto , lng and beans I/lag tho Hair Mid it an article. bat recently introduced into thin con Itt ry, hot ban tonic been ¬ably known by tits .r•brityof Franco as - thOir only °Tooth's! II It to onmplote within itnelf, no other Jr•••• 1•• •crompuntmocit of any kind being Wt.- St •orltan lhe ottalOMlPtlt of OH fonowil.t 411 , 01• INole r•••:tl, other lbw complisuce with lb* I. it arltl, 1. attlureil otos .nenther, rvakew (Pow Unto 0 cattle. 2. it tent rtuili it grotr 011 Bald Honda. 1. ft wit! mice.• nth trothealgeoatino. t Ic will remove L . ,e , Daluirwr god .143:v. h. It t.dll 'nuke/Ka ITair Soft .th 4 'Meaty, d. It teal preaOrte thr.OrticinolLadOr to At,.. 7, It teal pwrette lit. flair , r.f• rui/infl A ft twee Dineen of rho Swap. Tt le not Dye coo'ntnius no tiitrate of WSW, or sot.! other inzrultont InJurnthe to either Sift or (lair. rrice, it. For ante by all c.rpoctatle Druggi.ts el Tit 01.Tt1111.7sCI , IN, Lion, .Agent. nor or Smitb field and it.arth Stn., Plit•burn h. noln,tessraw pliv'l'lllilZlYll :1 1.1.43-StS AT wars, MaPionjo Hnll. Fifth Street. (.0 be spod tha lerseel a esorim^cct of am bent wake of ALIIIIIIIS In tha Nt3, at prima In null all, (pan 60 OEN . ' li.perards Yon can gct—TTlir, TI„:111i.EY mouocco AL• BUMS, bolding 50 cards, :nn $.3 upwards, according to idyls and Ilninh. Yon can glq-110110CCO ALBUMS, holding 30 pic tuais, from $l. 50 upward.. You (111 i ttylne atlilltalme priers, .d all aro avrnsatof tol.ef-the lx.st malt. and material. N. I 2 YOBTII STRZILT. Yon eau fp.t—PIIOTOGICArki. ALBUM CASA/Strom Gn tents per dome or 5 cents a piece wards. Yoo can get—Anything yon want at tom+ prim 1140 elsewhere. - CE' Call at If Too trial, to purchase at LOW MOEB for mgt. tiolB pxuumirs (MIXING IBONti just, foootatti and for sale br -- oat JAMES BOWS, 136 Wood street. )1i0!!!.}641 1 .: - Ft.' B ravl,t , UST, OPENING 7 t OV.Ps.,i4. \\ 01,1 0 L. Wlll tt Dl-4.4/...4 , ~I.t,:toti. 7 le, 151$ ; a .t',.....: i%uptror.la u t.'. : .v......'....1, at tht...ttiht. ita- t __ 1 4 6, k ... ~, ,1... 1 rj, OF I)} :t E:V1111 . 111 i BEAD -... N I: :\ T, 1. ,, Ill:1\ V rhoJ E , TI LES. 1 ,, to. de.dr.,l ORNAMENTS, Lo s., ~•..•.. ~...„,.... i Gimpes and Trimmiun ..,.-• ;v. T'!4: I.lio S r.-!.\ L. 1,11;,11.1. kI FOR SAI.}: BY e. a 6 (SYIFTII STREET OEMS JOHN P. UPIMS, MASONIC HALL, TIVTIF EITEMET, P R OP OS.ALLS NITROUS °SIDE GAS, conmonly canal LAUGHING GAS, for the pandoss ratnottot, of tottth. LAUGHING GAS ham long 1..... known to the world as harmleca, and n utast ercntuallr simperer& chloroform and all other ardor Moto. awn,. leading Dentist, to the East hare trtrat.c.tm thy; (ia, for some time, with great C. YING, , J. D. WHITE, J. E. IN(1, VA.NDEVORT gO7( I'. FILL, M. DEPIIY, J. AVESTBAY, HELLIHEN A ORR, J. AIJAIIS, J. HOFFMAN, It. 11.1NCIIESTE11, 11. BAKER, St. O.OII.I.F.SPLE, J. IL WILI.IAMS. no7:3toss•S MTLELLAN D'S SHOE AUCTION HOUSE! No, 55 Fifth Street A noir and toiontitnl poopersilon for Ciaiippost nand*, Lips end Relish Sikhs, doted by cad or iiolj weather Prepared and for rale at CIEOUGL A. WELLY'S CINTILAL-DITG Stearn Carnor Ohio and Todoa Streets, nolo In Idarkei Ham, &134nclony GENY.RA FoligiffcliftENCY AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., TI 11110AIMLY, 'YEW 701111. liitakLlagtom et Ifqr ragas on Great Britain. Iroland ea • twin Lteorpool or Quee”etuern. rackazvs lOrorardol 411111 r—rte of the world. WILLUM BINGIIAIII.3t., rod Addima'asyrom Office, Fittebtattle FOR .SALli—The AV undersigned odors for tale a verydealrable piece of land. mutainfng la% scree, nearly. elidakd to Baldwin township. It fronts on the Drownrille rood on cr.• .140. wail ton olds on the Ellsobctlitorn wind. It is pert of the White MD Farm. Thin lot be. a boo. erected on it, and ea orchard of Apple and (ffier ry tree, bearing trult. Tide lot will Wand ue ecnunmortetin• moms. net void WM* the !DM at I.iarr, it will be for mut. For further particulars inquire at WIWI! RALI., or the aubusiLer, tinowden townallp lD ._ eld.2:eWdorrauf " 1 itr-8111YeUrfoff. fkrkti.dif, learn you can parcbare a terceetc.ry fame , Om*, and lot of ground la ruet front by .10 der., tor Wu? Terms, E`..4)0 etah ; remainder ln ono and- we year, &tam° In Duquesne Driniugh,near the Water Works. Also, a tercestary brick dwelling hour° and lot aunt:tithe, luau. the abon, .will bo for ea —one.half ran, remainder lu ono mid two pare. 'Miners, or all incumtaince. Call at on ce et our ..Co,e td Market street, Dylan would secure a cheep home. S. CIOTIIDEHT SONS EYES ANT) EAR. DR. BAELZ Ts porticubm attention to ttor treatment of CURONIC DISEADES;the ETE Orol - E,A3.1 °past.. on CIXESDACT, ntf DINT ETES, for ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, blurb aUTIFICIAL ETES, and treats rut I NF LA3I3IATUIIY EYES f, Abe linED ILEARriD, A all &mum oXectlng the Ear arid leading to Deolhoro • 0190..100 ELTII Strth'ET. IftEMlStf 400 BBIS. PEACfr BIAZi.W WHITE MEWED, and otter 'mtrletbo of 'DIM. TOES, from Ito* Emit Kato. A 1,., • lot of choke &PELEE, of Illftbront bbtan, frarb ark nom sold by tbe asollootstinfon„. =IS 111/IW•D 11:8 Disoced, • G°t- 1 _" !let FINE STOCK cF VELVET RIBBONS Seasonable Gloves null Hosiery, 'vole. szht t 4, suit rVrryitxly HOODS. FOR . LITTLE :I\U GIG Skating Caps Nubias, Sontags, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Scarfs, Ties, w AREE , AND NOTIONS and ail who buy to .ell again. are fn rit+.•l 1. , give. us a :alt as us uG.•r indcrement• fndu a tar®.• and well selected stock. MACRUM & GLYDE, )I.IIIKICT eiTREEr. 'NO Fnnri 1. root T 5m..1341 i - AFTNTS LINEN CUFFS J! JUST RECEIVED, FINE(ASSORTMENT CENT'S LINEN CUFFS. EATON,'MACRUM & CO., N 03.17 AND ID FIFTH STELE= REDUCED PRICES ! DARKER & CO.'S, 59 MARKET STREET SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MERINOS DRESS GOODS, Gent's and Boys' Wear, E3ALM(~I 3 AL BIIRTt4 GREATEST BARGAINS OFFERED THIS SEASON DON'T DCT BEITOBE ISCES.N... THESE. uul7 N EVE' GOODS.—We have now inst—ore • aauplete atoet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, most of whick Wie rm.:3mnd before the lute ad. ranee In pikes, will be sold at 10 retro. CLOAK ORNAFTEHTS,GUIPURE LACES, MUSD AND BINDINCIS, LACE COLLARS, LINEN t;toLLASS, BREAUJe AST SETTS, new •tylew LIVEN HARES ETlCallaS;old goods at old pricse; SILK d. CASH nrgrx RCM oLAitie, WINS, FLOWERS, FEATrntrs RDSCHES I FLLT HATS, MATER RATS, SII.n. !ULU; BEAD-DRESSES & READ-NETS, inevery style; BONNEI VETS. , BONNET SILKS, SKATING CaeDELHOODS. ZOCAVE JACKETS, BREAKFAST OATES, SONTAGS, BALAIORAL SKIRTS, entirely now styles; SLT, QUAKER, a nd other new HOOP SKIRTS,. FRENCH & ASTERICAN CORSETS; SAL MORAL STOCKINGS; Boston Rib bed, Shokor, Knit, and other kinds, for - Sll and winter; CLOVE-5,1n every style and Tudity ; good pairs KID GLOVES e Rwlisk col on and plaln black, for SI 00; gas! Warn KID GLOVES, for $1 03; Hen's SHETLAND WOOL SEMIS AND DRAWEES, real Scotch. and a full line of other Undurgantents and yfidahltgGoode, for Men, Women and Children. War Wholesale Booms np stales Boyers t country ; and city dularsoritl Ed our dock at all alma uaorted; and prima M lose aa any ether home. JOSEPH HORNS & TT & iB IitABEST STREET. DRY GOODS? J. NI. BURCHFIELD'S. CIA.) ASS, Shawls' and Circulars ; BIiA.NKETS, FLANNELS ; Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds; CASSLIorVERM 3 CLOAKING 01,0`1'.145; FRENCH MERINOS, all colors. EMPRESS CLOTH, all PLAIN AND FIGURED POPLINEib,„, S - .II3II4CVLIALItS EATON, NAOMI co., line. IT AND u FIFTH EiTSIZET, Pertsnitag, Pa h Sole Agent' for . ktkinson's Steel Collars euuleuffe Essrorlled Wblts, hewing the , aypeszseos - srut come fort of Luxes. To mints* ma and trtrelwrk are lerslusble. =WS num ov arm =SAM AND cons: • Cost's Standing Oolisre.------41 Cesalau Tuinaia OD, • , so, ittl; /Wile!' Narrow I 00 Soak ~' Oufle Lb 6 per yrr Best by post on ne;;lpt - Etat Coltet* ressamelled Pot IN cants; at intilrin =asap, a NEW W 16.14.11f0r au .0LD..0193. udios It ta not brake or lent for 'Arcata. - The trade espplbsi st the New York Agnit's ;el* Tor Finalist address .11A.T09, 51,t0n:4x04: oca:to ritsourrat re- FALL GOODS ' • NEW GOODEi Jed remind ihte mviittrir tta Ii0" - SEDIM fnarga. VEW O.IILAN-g7:150. •.11 bbls. far to prima, coatiod aitaga, nolB LITTLE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers