THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCERIES,PRODUCE,Ac. 011ARLES C. BALLY Produce and Commission Merchant. MERCHANDISE BROKER, Lad &tiler to al kinds of COUNTRY PIIODUCH, NO. 179 LISIBT7 amps?, ant4l•ll . • JIZO. •11111:4[11, (or the late firm of D. &D. M'Donald ) Pittsburgh. Cn., ' Ohio.) WONALD & ARBUCKLF4S, Whole sale Grocers, Produce and Commission M-r. chants, jobbers In cnerßE, N . 0. SUGAR and MO LASSES, REPINED SUG•TiS A clarrs, FLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, RICE, OfIRESS, WEEDS, As., No.. 242 and 2.14 Liberty street, Pitts burgh. no14:1 y SHRIVI R & LA ZEA P GEOCEILS AND 9DMHISSION MIIIICHANTB Not. !7 acid field St., cor Secorol Se aily PITTSBURG'S. 11,31.0 , a, TOLILIN. L1N10.61 . . 1' A 1. , ;(114'N do LINIiART, FLocB • sr, t,nsi. Fscwons, Plt..+l,Crl•l. C 010111111•10,1 ami saws, fur the sale of Floor, Grain, Pu. k, Ba ton, Lard, Butter, Chilean, Beans, Tallow, Grease, Feathers, Potatoes, Put and Pearl Ashes, ilederatts, Linseed add Lard Oils, Tried and Green Fruits, Timothy, Clover, Flax and Grams Bends. Cash advancement. made on Consignments. No. ..C.); Liberty stmeit. Plttslinrgh. N v . G()12141,,Y, • r WLIOLESILE GROCER., b 1,.. I LIIWITTY STREW'', Pittenurgh, Ilevieg pitrrh ~,1 the luterrgt of hie lats partners, n ill costinna he brielnegs at the ell! stand, and wits ho pli•nn.-1 to (Tire the patronage of Ills old Moods ~...I nnor.,lll. l x - . tn7ls:tf NITE 813 & e El esneti ILES/C . IITE Ct Uki111 , ,,• Glt 1.11 LEATHER., h street, Pittebni airenah ath licked. WILKINSON, COMM' EISION !cm, vrbolemie &Wen In WESTERN W£4,11, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, S. and prodn generally. ,IDES, OILS, Sc., co. 1.17 Liberty • cements made. Conalgamerde to Jel2-6md j WM: Y. erty St TOY 'PIIODUC IWTT.EE., EGG' 1 LOUR, GEM F UUITS, Sc., S '.EcK & CO., No. 185 LIB-' L .- Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Gm. Merchants, and dealer. In COUN-1 Sqnare, Flat and Octagon, of all sit,. Warranted , PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, equal loony imported or manufactured in this codn- CHEESE, FISH, ge., PRODUCE, I try. , SEEDS, GEkEN AND DRIED I CM - Office and warehouse, Non 149 and 151 FIRST LT anti 1,151 E. Iylo . and 120 and 122 SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh. I fel Llyd NTIELD, COMMISSION AND , - '---t . . turutorr and wholmule dealer In ' WILLLA M B Ail NIIILL & IX/ , I.IOILER' 101 E CHEESE. BUTTER, LARD, ; Waken, and Sheet Iron Workers, PENN LOCB., FISH, POT AND PEARL STREET, Nos. 20, T.I. 24 and 20. Caring snored a t TVS, LINSEED AND LARD , large yard and furnished It with the moot unproved . 'IT. and Produce geteerall7, Nat i machinery, wa no. prepared to :manufacture every I .. JAIIILS 111/11.1A. t. Pittsburgh. • .2 description of BOILERS, In the best manner, and t5.....tr0.0, an - ---- - : warranted equal to any mad. In the country. .--.... LITTLE & 'PR BCE, Wholesale-Gro- CHIMNEYS BRICHEN, VIRE BEDS, STEAM , PIPES, LOCI:010T' YR BOILERS, CONDENSERS. .... nod C. .° l sr ..b'. l " , doom. " . SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, 2.4OIJUCE, FLOUR, naCiOs, CHEESE, FISH ' SETTLING PANS, 'BOILER IRON BRIDGES, CARBON AND LAND CIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS 'SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturersof BA RN OOT PON YARNS, and Pittsburgh........ : HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on gener. 1. 4 becorul street, Pitts:ninth. ; the shortett notice. &lad r. Mktmt,:a pE 1 . '4,.LF, it "&,* ' BROTHERS, ( 816„, I RBITANI%II A AND BRASS WORKS JAI to It-yrtler .1 Anderson,) Wholesale Denim in . -.--" FOREIGN FRUITS,, NUTS AND SPICES, CON- • rum ONERT, SUGARS, nag WOILKS, So., Bon, ' COL-LINS ec WRIGHT, 120 and L.% Wood etreet, above Fifth, Pittsburgh. I 1729 ly - (Successors to Otto Newton.) W'L Cll.' ---. ''''' -- ..--..- -'n.'"."4""'. ! Mannfacturers of CASTOR FRAMES, MUGS. ( - UPS, CULI' & Sli E PHA RD, Cuannastox LADLES, and • mat variety 4 BRITANNIA Mturettsto and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN, I artiel.. Also, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS AND PRODUCE, No. 243 !A.M.,' street, Puishergh. I and LAMP BRASSES generally, No. 139 Second Choi. brand..ff Flour for Bakers and Family me ~,,,, pi tu b m - s h . filling on hand. Particular attention paid to ! filling orders for Werrhandire generally. ento.lly= ; ALLEN 51 UORMICK & CO., VALLET Fousnar, Pittsburgh, Pa. ODA - LES B. LEECH., FLOUR AND ' Alte - Warehense, 391 LIBERTY .STREET, V Gus, Vats. •so Co:memos 51 tut..? for ' Manufacturer , r COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT.. the .leaf 41411 N, SEEDS. ell EESE. raourcg. . ING STotF.S. PARLOR kND KITCHEN CRATES. Ar., und agrut for Oa colo . rated Un.s'stl.•'s 0 rE- 11,,1.L0W WANE, etc.. Steel and Gino. Arnaldo, Roll 51EN 4. Non 1 ,1 rand and 145 Tint street , . ho- I log 51111 Coetinge, Mill Geso-ing, Gee, Water and Ar lumen Wood al. smithneiti. Pot,iltngh. , I -3 Hun Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon D,ues, :la . ; 1-- . ~..,t . Kettles, Pagers, Renner., Car Wheel, Curipllti,gs 4 1 11ANK 1 I N GORDER, Produce and r c.„,, t , i ,,,.....,.... 11 ,,.. 11.0, .lobbing am , R a dii.. .5; tummies's. Merchant, dealer in FLOCILBUT• Qpnin g s wen te.-ordor , pstennog port4ln Kul, TER, 8110 , 411 ' 555119. LARD, cassia, DORY ; *Rh grin. ~r B o ro n pone, 8,14.6md DRIED'AND,, -EEN FRUITS, and produce getter. ; ally. Ltt .al earn mdratmum ea n.l4E...est. IJOSEPH F. HAMILTON & CO., ' se Warehou, Nu. 13f. Second Creel, Plttebergh. HEa. 11.1.0 ry.ont.t .1.7f.4.4.8. : AD & METZGAR Grocers and totrants , ...n 51erebtmta,and dealers In all kinds • of Country Prod.'s and Pittsburgh Martufartores, No. 219 Literty 'toot, opposite head of Wood street, I Pittsburgh. ap3tly GE°.IL JONES & SON, Wholesale Grorcn. and Boat Furni•lurs, dealers In MA NILLA ROPE, ' , ARUM.. OILS, PITCH. and Pitts. burgh manufactured articles., Nu. 141 Water Most above the Monongahela Bridge. Pittsburgh. IOLIN Youwarxmc ICES iLkOON. kSIIES, SALER OILS, narED Flt 1.11 and 143 Front a A. F. FULFILL. ÜBEHT DALZELL & CO., Whole salee Grocer', Commiaslon and Forwarding Ms, rhanta, anti dealer. in Prod...and Pittsburgh roan nrarlorea, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. D. WALLACE, Commisaion Merchant, .”,1 Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR And GRAIN, No. Wet Liberty street, opposite Penowylvania S. B. I's.-eager Depot., Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage Were hew, corner Wayne and Penn streets. no17:1y ngN, 1,1111-11,. JOll,l 1111IPTOM IVA LLAVL. LAM BERT, SEILPTON CO., Whole sale on rent uud Produce Dealers, 40. 6 Sixth Pdisludlrls Jab% . _ •••• • - • • WATT s 51'11,80 - .\ - ,'Wholesale Ciro rorn, Commission Merchants, and do-Mors in Produce and Patsburigh manufactures, No. lad Lib erty Fv.,,et. Pittsburgh. s AA MULL L • • ,Slik TILLTOBD. LN & TELFORD, Wholesale sod Basil GP: FLOUR AND PRODUCE IJEALKIZS , , laT Liberty street, Pittsburgh. avt:rau Qi.:I{O.MAKER. & LANG, CONMISSION /I[llrlo,lll and wholesale dealer. In GBO - if,Vl2lt, GINA N, PROM: IT, N 0.323 str”rt, Plttaburgh. nel3nlly 2. ... - .......... .. 1011K LIXDSIA.S. f S. LIGUETT & CO , C 1 .11( FLOUR t) LNG MILLS, corner Liberty and Adams, Pitsaborgb. Pa. rairGapoc,:y. 100 ba--rolo par day. ap9 . f MIE _ S DALZELL & SON, Sianufna- el torero of LARD (Mb, and C01131:111/4i011 kler• ci,aoug for tho puctteee and sale of CUUD4 AND REPINED PET.ALOLEIIM, Nos. 69 and IQ Water trret, Pitttbargh. Adeancee made on consignments. EMZ= JKIRK PATRICK h BROTHER, 911C cvsrkun to Brown 4 111rkpatricks, WPIOLL sAi GROCERS, No.. 191 and 199 Llborty street, a.011:1y . WILLIAM ZiSANS.n„. 1 Da Vin IrCANDLIOS. ill., A. alrret,l2 —° '1 Special Partner. MEA!.siri ' COFFIN, successors to WCandleec, 31renc 3 Co., WHOLESALE it, US, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pitts j7BSy 011 EESE WA REHOUSE.—HENRY %...J IL cot TANS, Fornording m i commialmilfer -4,,1nt and dolor In CIINESE, BUTTER. Loa. and Produce generally. No. Di Wood street, \Cater • Pittsburgh. 1172 - - I I (IL. lAND RIDDLE, successor to !no ~ic o au. A se e , No. 183- /dimity , otroot,tPitts ge.local PUODUCE, GROCEI2I2 AND 002 d N .N.F.N.C116.22T. COnstgazoinito roopoct I. :If nol f e axd, 28215:1y ; DICKEY & CO., Wholesale come, owe. H.-chant., sod deafen to Ame, Nos. r.O \Voter street and 66 Front street, /.Itl.4l.ntah. LTDILVVvraII —40,111 S. raLwvarn. S. DILWORTH dz. CO., Wholesale P. . Grosern, Nos. ra , and 133 Second street, near Smithfield, P Ittsharah. nol TOHN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gro s, core and COUIMISIIi. Idetellants, Noe. 172 Wood and 228 Liberty parcel.. Pitteborgb. Jel6 e tuAItLES L CALDWELL, (succeßsor JAMPS Holmes d C 0.,) PORK PACKER and dealer-111 PROVISIONS, corner of Karkot and Front otreota,Pittsburgh. Joe ci .1. TOWNSEISITJ,(eurce.e.or to Jack . Nun Tovrneend,) PORK PACKER and deal er In PROVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth street, near Lib erty, Pittaburch. n 027 DANIEL ........... ....... VOLGT. VOIGT & Oa, suceceasors to I..JL L. G. Ural', PRODUCE AND COMMISSION 71 ENCHANTS, 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. it. ' l!.l I. lIOII6r. EDWARD 00000. Tom; L I.loTia /t CO., 'Wholesale ODOCER. 2 AND COMMISSION 11ERCEIANTS, cornsr of Smithfield mud Water streets, Pittsburgh. rit. - ) - Ur7. - PETTITT. CO., Commission l_i Merchants, and dealers 113 PsoDucz, FLOUR. micox, WOOL, GRAIN, As., No. 12 Sndthfield street, Pittsburgh.. my'Llly UPWARD EL LAIELTON.. - Wh - citesale _IN OROCES AND .cosurvisios" 141:11C.11ANT, End corner of the Diamond, No. 18, Pittsburgh. iblpft _ A BATAITIF, Wholesale - Grow .iico. 18 and 20 Wood street. PUta. burgh. - Jaktt ___-____ _ • --,-.------- 'd fIA--—TAW--13A GRAPES —2t, boxes ree •-/ and for solo by 111511 RY 11. 0041 aid. •- _ , • • • :.• •••',- : ;i' g..;s;:t4i" , :lMZ"' : .' .4 *-;i 5„, .; - . l, ::=X-44 - ;:'=""l&:',7ii , -,71F - - - -4:: - 4.4'41,7.CEWAP.,,,r4 r. 44; ,- &sa4ll4r2:' • 4 , ~ , - M q•clV4- e .d.'•'•, . .• " 4 " , 4' ''' • . 1 11.4JrUF4CTURER9, itc. DUQUESNE BRASS WORitS, CADKAR & CRAWFORD, I Dissactutarus of every rubq of 6d•Lud BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM OR _ - - GAS ) ITTEILS, MACHINISTS, AND (COPPER. lIIITHS. - - BRASS CASTINGS, of an descriptions, made to order. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Parttenlar attention paid to fitting up REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. Also, Sole Agents for the Western District of-Penn sylvania for the sale of MARSEL LAUSDBLL CO.'S PATENT SYPHON POMP, the best error In rented. Raving no valves it id net liable to got ant of order, and win throw more water than any pomp of twice Its sloe. apIS I==DJ JOHN 11.thL &CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, ' ilinnufatturers end dealers In all the different Rinds of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, GUT TING BOXES. Ste. With greatly increased facili ties for doing business, we earnestly invite dealers to giro us a roll. Xenon.. Wry, Teinpenincanllle. WareL.nise, Geells alloy and Lfberty at., l'ittsb'gh. JOHN HALL, T. J. HALL, STEPHEN WOODS, JAS. J. DROWN. W. a sticaiwroon J. If trPIIILL N. P. DART. mA CEINToSII, kCO.. minter Pike and O'llam etreets, near the , :ity Water Works, Plitelitirght, niannfui.ircts AI ACE - INTOSII At 11Val PIIILL'S LEPktiPiED OSCILLA TING SI'EASI ENGINES AND 51131STALVEd, of nil sit s and style. Haring pot up machinery of large capacity and of the twist quality, we are prepared to do hoary Job bing. and solicit work fa this line, trusting that by promptness, and the PILIT.ter of our wi - rk. to went public paernnage, We invite special attention to nor BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES. as combining advantages herotofcrr wasp:Ono:l in this chow "1 Engine.. jadady. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, Pi 175/1 OBGII,_Pd. PARK, BROTH :FM & CO., BEST QUALITY REPINED CAST STEEL, Cor. YIELST AND LIZE3TI7 STV., Plttabargh Tdraoaf.turers of PERIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACIIIIISBY, do my 1.531 SSEVERANCE, No. 53 WATER, ST., Pittsburgh, mann fart n rer of ROI LER RI Ers, WROUGHT SPIKES, common and railroad, of e , C ry description. Particular wised or shaped SPIRES and RIVETS, largo or small, wade to order at short notice. A good •ssortm'ent consbuotly on hood. tny2o:us IV - ELLS, RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 I Liberty street, op Its Baal, Pittsburgh, manufacturers of WHIPS, LASHES and SWITCH ES, and every description of LEATHER BRAIDEDWORK. unleu solicited from the trade, m3d goals prompt ly shipped am per inetrootiops. fedly DD& Itlanufnetureri of . Willpg"hTONE CRINA hod CREAM COL ORED WARE. limes and Warehouse at TTu. 74 PIPIT STET:Y:7 Pittsburgh. DR r GOODS. - - - JOAN W. .T111.....1, 1... A NULL. V/ LSO & CO., (Lai. 11 - 11.0., Payne cf: ,) Wboinerale deal,. in FOREIGN AND uuml;....ric I ur GOODS, Nn 94 Wool etroet, tb int house ebn, Diamond siley, Pitt•hurgh. sipitbtf Y. Luse J. LTNNI Y I ^1 ELI IAT UNE' ..M.CABOY & CO., I)oniers fit FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY (WWI'S, No. 111.1 Federal sestet, I...stolid door below new Market /Roue Alleglinny etty. tribibly EATON, A; Wh Q lc,saTe an Ratull Deleon; in TRIMMINGS, EMBROI DERIES and DRY GOODS, of every iltsecription, Foe. 17 Cud U FIGk street, Pittsburgh. U.EC T RUM EGLI . DE: Wholesaieand IYI FANCY AND ,STAPLZ 000DX TILLNEMLW. Ecc, No. 78 Market Mcnott, bets,nn Diamond and F.rth Pitteburzh. M. BURCHFIELD, (suort.9sor . 13,grablild bWholetalo and Retail Dealer tortal.r. Alm FANCY DRY GOODS. Northeast rumor of Fourth and Market Create, Pittsburgh. _ TOSEPEI HORM Wtiolesaln -and P ') tall Dealer In all kinds of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS. ke., Nee. TT and n Market 'treat. 11R1(Elt A: CO., Dealers in all J. kinds of DRT GOOD?, No. 5S Market etr,ret, lAstsreon Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. AuH. PALMER, No. 84 Wood three., . Niger in BOYNCTS, HAys, STRAW TRIM /LINOS, and STRAW GOODS morally. DR lIG GISTS QI.IIIION 30101E31'0 N, Dealeriitl6lE KJ DIMS Ja) ciramicAte, PERFIIIRRY, FANCY GOODS, BURNING FLUID,OILS.FAM ILY lINDICINIIS, /to., of au Icily prime quality, rslifoh hs offers lowset prism Corner Smithfield and Fourth stroots, Pittsburgh. Proscriptiou• cur.- compounded at all hours. B A. A. FAILNESTOCK CO., Whole .. sale Drogsiets, and manefattorers of WAITE LEAD AND LITHAIIGE, corner of Wood and Front streets, Pittsburgh. rola T 01 -Di P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in DIMS. PAINTS „DIU, TAIIND3RES AND E EITIMM,Xo.II , O LibertYstrect, Pittsburgh. AD orders will tre*he prompt caskfi)Ps• DdEORTSE lirra YO, Druggist, 1.1 No. IQ Wood I.t/tet, corner: 9f Virgin alley, PI t teburgb. • , • E•XTB JGARDINER'LCOFFEN, Agent for . Franklin, Insuranca Cnmpanien, Forth :mai carter 7rtkal and Tiara Ma. jV P. JONES,. AgeatNorth America, TV . • s tate t o4 , P s nt e vaa r tad Hartford /mar- SL SEA, Secretary Citizens' lil oncerei tiny, comer Illarkel nod Water etc GORDON,Seeretary Western la x.. aimince Company, 02 Water street. n BGOK,Seoretary Alleghenyl; nanwee Company, 37 Fifth .tree. .MuslC, CHARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU NO AND =SWAT. INSTRUMENTS. Sole agent for KNABE d CO.'S PIANOS, RAINES BROS. PIANOS, and PRINCE A CO.'S SIELODE ONS. No. 13 Fifth greet, world door above Wood, Plttalowgh. Pianos to let, and taken he exchange for new. aple TT KLEBER & BRO., Dealers in 'MU -13/43 AND NITSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and sole agents for sismwers CLUEBRATEM Na 63 Fifth street, Pltiaburgb. my 29 raikftLES C. ITALLOR, Denim in ‘../".11AA04 accLopEoEs. Wood rt, lirtlttot Youth street and Diamond Orr, Pittobl. PI TTSBURGEI, PA PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1863 Vittiburgit 6azefttt. MONDAY MORNING NOV. 23, 1888 TEIGIIS OF THE GAZETTE. Ilowerso Eeirroer,.by mall, per year----1141 00 " eines copies S. EVIDIROO RDETION, bw mall, per year...--. 4 60. month-- 35. " • week. 10. ft. single copies iTumsr Ramos, angle copies, per year... 9 00. sink a to IS, ^ ._ 1 w dabs of le armor... ... 1 LS. ...and ono extra to the party wading sleds For e .lab of Mt..., we will send the RVINTING Gezerri daily. For a slab of to - enty, we will send th. MOILSINd ileum dally. Single copies, 5 male, dl' All entworiptiene striethe ID edema, and papers shiny. stopped when the time expire.. The Delaware Election In one of our special Washington dispatches incidental reference is made to Mr.Smitbers' success in Delaware. This supplied an unac countable omission in the dispatches of the Associated Press, yesterday, in which we had no notice whatever of the election of Mr. SIDiIIeTV. We find, however. that the neat ~f the Aszoeiated Press actually did send a proper announcement of the fact to other points than Pittsburgh. Here it is, now,ss it comes to no in the papers of the more fa vored localities : WILIIINOTOS . , Nov. 19.—1 t having become evident, front the vir,orour campaign con ducted by the Unionists, that Charles Brown would be overwhelmingly defeated, the friends of that gentleman withdrew his name the day before the election. Smithers, the Union -ondidito, has 4,008 majority in New,Castle minty. Th.. returns from the other counties indicate his triumphant election without oppo sition. A County That is Not Asleep There is a French praterb—at least there proverb that has a conspicuous place in recent French history, as the motto of the Da,r . neire party, of which the historian 4:ulstr was the most distinguished leader—to t he ,Scot that t' God Tin aheays help th.e who ',te l . , carat .tly and iraelligenay to help them Wee," In the following .paragraph, which we quo o from a Western paper, this is strongly exemplified. Marion county, Ind., (Indianapolis;) offers a premium of $lOO bounty to volunteers, ad ditional to that provided by Governmei.t. As were was not money sufficient in the County Treasury, the Commissioners applied to the banks to take the order and advance t h e means. The request has been nobly responded to. Within twenty-four hours, WAS was advanced—the 'lndianapolis Branch Banking Company alone taking Po,ooo—and pledges given for the balance needed. The C 01911161- :I:..ners also iotend to provide liberally fur soldiers' families. —Ntry, if it were not almost too irrererent, we might almost say, this shows that at least sometimes those who wisely endeavor to help themselvee, have both God and MIMIMM , to help them. But go We read of this c o unty of Western t.:tate —we think of - the counties of our own State, and must acknowledge that, so far as WO can judge, they aro all just in the eoaditiori in which a paragraph elsewhere in oar,day.tusertetthey Important to Hay Dealers. In consequence of the exorbitant prices now asked for hay in Missouri, Government an. thorities hare felt ccmpelled to take steps to polo stop to unbounded speculation in this ay tide, es will be seen by the following order, which Ro ciip from the St. Louis Drevx-rof • ASSISTANT QtAIII,B)IaBTRICS ID:rtrit,) FORAUr DEPAILTMZST, U.S. A., • - Sr. Loom, M.., Nov. 17, Bed. i The action of speculators has been such, that the Government has been compelled to pay extravagant prices for hay, in order to moot its necessities. liercaftor no more than twenty-five dollars per ton, for good, well baled, Timothy Uay, duly Inspected, will be paid. Ifhay doom not come forward freely at that price, Government will seise it, wherever it is found, and send it to St. LOUIS, or Cairo, and deduct the transportation from the above price. By °viand' Chief Quartermaster of the West. E. D. Cuartiax, Captain and A. Q. M. XESTUCKTAHH DLSEETIHG THE. REBEL SEE- N" icE.—A Covington correspondent writes: At en period since the rebellion broke oat, has there been so many desertions of Ken tuckians from the ranks of the enemy, no at present. We are constantly .bearing of rebel soldiers returning to their homes, in this and adjoining counties, willing to take the; oath, or do anything else, no that they may bo aliaoed to remain. Five reached the little town of Walton, Boone county, In one day, last week, and they report large numbers of others on the way. SECRETARY WELLES has written, in reply to a communication from New York merchants, urging greater real in the penult of the rebel privateers, that all the vessels which can be -pared from the blockade service, have al ready been dispatched after them, and every means in the power of the department hav e been used. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, The Recall of the Truant States—Plan of the President. Nee S nail, Nov. 20.—A spcoialdispatch to the Tri4une from 'Washington, dated NOVOLI2- he r 20th, says: Tun attention of the Presi dent and mere prominent members of the cabinet, and other gentlemen, line been largely given of late to the consideration of the im portant question connected with the recall to the Cuion of the truant Southern Slates, sev eral of which may cool bo knocking at the door. Tho President's course to be adopted is not yet determined. several theorists claim the President's ear ; but ho is, himself, engaged in maturing a practical plan by which to secure reunion open the only practicable basis, the basis of freedom and equality before the law for all. Recent utterances of the President, and in structions to the commissioned representa tives of the Government, In districts of the South now in our possession, leaves no doubt that the policy of the administration is to permit none of the vagrant States to come . back with a elm constitution, is fixed. The present discussion relates to the ways ,and mean of effecting this result. From the Army of the Potomac. New Tolle, Nov. 21.—The Iferal4 hoe tho following : Army of do Potomac, Nov. 20.—The goer_ riling around Warrenton having fired open our pickets quite frequently of late, the citi zen:, hove been notified that on the first recur rence of picket shooting, Warrenton will be shelled.. Broody Station, Not,. 20.—A sinadren of the 6th New York and 3d Virginia Cavalry, of Buford's command, under Capt. Conger, of the latter rogitnent, made a reconnoissanee yesterday In the direction of Sporryville, and captured a rebel herd of 232 cattle, 14 horses and 15 herders. seizure of All Cotton In New Orleans. New Yoga, N0v .. .21.—A Now Orleans cor respondence, of Nov. 14th, to the licruhi, states: Yesterday the United States Marshal and hie deputies seized all the cotton now in New Orleans. The seizure was made on the order of Mr. Hafts, Waffler, the United States District Attorney. A rumor says that the seizare was made on Information derived from secret parties, that most of the cotton now in store In transits, was purchased from disloyal parties, and that before it can be re• leased, the present avows must prove that the parries frs ip , wheat they parehaaea toyed bike triattd State, Government. EMI OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. The Richmond Examiner. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lessee isci 7ts.s,„-er REBEL DISPATCHES FROM CHARLESTON. ! LAST WILEK POSITIVELY. • Rein r mint, f r nr” .4 the grunt BURNSIDE'S ARMY IN ATIGHT PLACE. _ . - MLLE, VESTVALI, CONTRIBUTIONS FOR OUR PRISONER 15 ..., . wi,,, niu apper in tl. grand rimatitie ilritnia ..1 Ms RICHMOND. - ' DrEE'S Mu ri - i, : • As ninyed in Lniidnn for -ver six hun.lrill nigh AFFAIRS Iti BEY. HIDE'S DEPARTIENT. i " h th '•'" - -"'"- . Cupt. . ^ ...a.: tie T..1,,, , 11. r ... ..V.., % ettvall. -- . , N , It.. will eltig the 5. , ng .1 the • Pagthlng.. Carel inr. — ' „ad it , 11 , irritinen, .. tr 011 IM. 5/11141 ./ rant cur VISIT OF BRITISH OFFICERS . rivu •.• ids. all the er r Music end r. s. The Delaware Election _ • 0. spri.. GENERAL BANES' EIPEDITION A SUCCESS. '1"'" DISCHARGED TROOPS RE-ENLISTING, et, Skii•raul Diupalch to the Pittsburgh Gazett . PHILADELPHIA, Nur. 21, lati3 The It hinond E.reminer, of the 18th, is before me. :The type is bat tcrod and worn. The paper grocery wrapping. There OLD FOLKS CONCERT COMPANY, is nu local ruiws, and the shipping column k played out, except two arrivals at lA-awing ton. The only telegram worth a notice is 1.1 nrl .1. N ICIIO from Charleston. It says list a monitor F.V!.W her smoke stack perforated. the day previour. win npp•nr in ihrir Our iron-clash made a surrey of the from Cummings Point toward the city. Ti. Grand Old Fashioned Concerts, attack on Foit Sumter is stir going on. Tim SIX Nit;llTei ONLY batteries at Fort Gregg threw twenty -nye shuts into the Cily of Charleston A report frilm . Sumter states that our mon Monday Evening, Nov. 23d, 1862, tors took thfjr position to-day near Cum ming's Point, and itfterwarL pa-s,, up the end room•ju g "" r) .".* * " ..L channel. It is - believed that they earned A 11)1Issiw.; henry weights suspended at certain depths below the water, to ascertain if there was passage for •c9sels of a certain draught, Burnside bleb a tight place, socare from ou TUESDAY, TIT , ItSDAY •TL.aksuinog Day.) mediate d 2 ngari hat surrounded with clan- ErsISATUTtDAY ceties. The* is little faith placed in his statirli that all was right The line )iIILWCIOI3 Cumberland Gap end 'I ("Ka:JAY A FTEII!.: ‘,...i, Nov. 241 h, at 2'o'clock not: ON Knoxville is i *ly interrupted. -•-•,., The stutet that the rebel authorities had refusestj 'Bolen to convey provisions ; i-, t H \• co( ms sToRE rim SALE, i„ and clothing to triton prisoners in Richmond, . Lie floarbblog Wo,oro lowa on tb• P. F. W. 0 P. R. R.. n,4 or, 3.0 111.10.1 troy r.:::‘ • -Zit, 1.014. is a mistake. 'no authorities there not only doing a large .41.0 10'0M/tisk. tn.'s. The et.k Jr accepted the contributions, but appointed a . view, cud lot. b , en eel, led with referenne to the commission of •Union of f icers to distribute r', ,, ""',` , 17,, k , p ?ff..' " b '''''' l'"d"o' d f " r "'" 01 Lhasa. I tolograpned you on the faith ot a Vt0.11,..T.1 yq r prb 'or ha.. dorn , le.l to retire from private dispatch to that effect, received by . , 1 , 1 r i.. .„. " 1‘, 1 ,::::,,,'," g ,.r., " : 1 ,, i ,;,,t t : : :;',..% . 4 , 0 ,„."7:„11t." 4 . 4 , . the President of the Charleston COO/10i...Ph.P, ttr ma pariy. The.b• err hos a hirer and,trid.. , fe.ole, wW , t .-h can be no,. .-d o. Ihe sent stork (1, 11. Stewart, Esq. w il l ioroi, ft. he to h .. thounan.l pre dollars, but General Mende, Adjutant i ienoral William", i ^•. , 1 4 . .v rvilt ,,,, if d' - dr , ll. and Chief Quartermaster Ingalls, hat .. morn- „„j 1 ,;,.f " : r ' ,..,, 6 , 1 , ' ; ' ,., " ;.; ' ,„ 1 :7,7,.„ 1 , 4,0 P'''''''' will Ph.a' ed to the army till the 17th. LYDA I' 1 t'IIuIiPENNING, 0c15.1r 69 Hand et r. t. I . Itt•ttrOn. N... Tho bridge over the Rappahannock is ionn plated. . pit SALH.—Two ~ .,Iwrior I'3 :;ite'r floilerA, :Pa Inclie• diameter, :.,0 feet long mad British officers, from Canst,2.., ~ ,1 ~ et the ,it 0,, inch Iron, wrought iron heads ~,, tt,. -0 : ft, ,I. array headquarters on Sunday evening. 1:., ''' '''''''' '" '''''''" '''''• Ao.o, On.• "' rm: , .1 T,:ho!nr it.. 11.0 of party consists of Cu!. Earl, of the Green..iisr .is 1. • '.. p,,,, .4 tn.!: )111..1. r cod II tn. h at rot:- Guards ; Capt. Peel,rt eon of Sir Roliert Pool. Li . ,:',,, "' LL7,,1',7, 1 ",,,'7 . : i i ,:,. " ,, " ,. ' ": ' ,.:',', ; ' :,, : r :', " ; r ;; ' ,; k ". . P ; CapL Stevenson, mud Lord C.1,111:6.01.101 of ~iiv wing ",-, " ' , '"ii""i` the sot.eb ~.,,.,___ 4s „,,_ , . . ~ . .1 ioo, One 1..00- 1,,•,) 1r.,1, Md 1.,-; , 14 it.,l, ...t........_5. onjo , to f tn. , ~, • ryllutl,, 11, It , 10..5t, do.. ~, •“ a I.Mli/C14:1. W. l l. is Fin!rdy curinsitt....----.1, . ~........s. 11, .41 a.fors-.1 t•• roo r,. I, 001 l ,•1 - ~ m all 1.... b ntlit. The Delaware fl.,itsi olection for Me oiler i,,,,,, ct Il M. m , !, , of Congress, to which the State is entitled, : '''''" r P "'" ""I') and 1. '" , "'"'"" ''''Y' ouP , lnt Pituamtgh. hoc gone by default. Smithery, the Admit' is. . EST ERN LANDS 1 -. 4 lit SA LE I/ It tration candidate, has had it all his own (way. !. I YI F.X CHANGE 7. 2,Srkeo Arr... i• lowa, i„, ~,,,,,,, The expedition of Banks is a great suer,— The enemy have thrown away their 1111111. and in td - wl ' oss. " n r Z ''' ,,ws , Arr." i .4 tt. fled to St Antonio. Brasov Island, point nod hnrw Isabel and Bienville are in our possession, ' their atlyst.Z., , ,and and unless reinforeciat.nis are sent the vi--t..ry " n !v In All gl q. will be barren. For ttrottnrk..t - , .11.1 v to tt. S. ittfTKS, (% , ,nteretni The discharged troops am re-enlisting here 14 Butler ittrret. l.rtarotes, almost inn body. Of the 17th Pennsylrunia ) l:Hl :\ LL RAL „ just paid off, SOO men took the boot ty and ~..1„„„r i l , ofh., tw. A LLD:RENT went In to gee ther war out. Payruatter Tag-' gart saya that a large !kart of ti.e \Thole army and u.n..uue bp, ••' Vst.t.d. Burrs, with all the late-t Impio taaclonere for inanafeeinrlng the beet brands of noir. Enjoy, a peal local no , luretifo custom. Th. is a are chatire for Clothing and Supplies for Indiana Pris- bunineos men. nod we invite any w Lo. wleb t .infage °non-...Proposed Release of Correa- , In & profitable haaioes • to mil et the 411111, where pondents, etc. Lame will be know, I tiolawT VOSOTLY. New TIME, Nov. :I.—The iVoi fa's Wa"li- ington dispatch says The Indiana State H UTEL H ilt Pr.PlrtS koo, thiTEL, agent reached here tonight from Fortress Monroe. bris"ing with hint a letter from Com- • The lot la 40 fret troll •-n Founb str...t, be S 5 feet missioner Orld, in reply to one of his own, deep. The liotol Isa ion, awry lonic, T 1 rt...t by etattng that the rebel authorities will p 7-I f•-t The house only built. onl a Lively receive and deliver to all Indiana r b., 1001 o i0.„ Lll cold with the diera in the Confederacy all clothing and ,up- For fartb ' er pailkolar, a" to term., 10:1011.0 plies which may be forwarded to thetd, and of J. W. HALL. lin ati Fifth • ire-t, or of J. 11. for which he lOuld) will give due notice to the DIEASUR, on the rretnt...e. Indiana authorities from time to time , no ouch 106 : ,04 0ini J. 11 7ilf.elNoll. may be delivered Ind accounted for. witENcEvii.LE A proposition has been made to the Riot,-' pftoPtitcrr Von cot Lk, satin.. on Butler mond authorities to release, uneonditiona , ,trod, near the fork,. ot the r A, snq fr. °mar without parole or exchange, all now/parer correspondents in prison, lonic idol a similar i. aq the 0 „ , „, 11 please of the same number of civilians • in or d er . Th e made here. 4.for la ono of the hoot ;II the borough, ill follow the example Adviecil from the front to-night state that no collision has yet occurred. Tic rebels have mlde no new ilentol,trittion within a day or two, but seem to he still strengtheeizg thuir earthworks. 64,000,000 In Gold for Mexico NRIV Yonx, Nov. 21.—The Wort/ Fllyel that the French war steamer Media has just arrived at this port from Vera Cruz, via Havana. She will return directly to the former post, having Leon ordered to New Yoik expressly to take out to Mexico $.1,000,0b0 in gold, purchased in thin city on account of the French govern ment, by the housii ..f Belmont h Co. , If'adr'TS IvANTE:II-4 1 60 A Atorrrn.—WlS want Ap. At . At ato s month, expense. paid, to sell our Hnerinstiv I' -.1., Orin&lal Damen, sad thiet e ., other new, rueful and cartons articles. Plft.en ank el.u. sent/rye. Address. EffIANS' A f/LARK. Biddeford. Ne. $75 A i. MONTH!— ia i t EU . li t r b e Agents paid, to tall my sew cheap Family Sewing MMus,. Address, 8. MADISON, Alfred, Malin ue.24Smdars? WANTED. An Experienced Carpet Upho Is wanted Immediately al OLIPZB ItcOLINTOCK & 00.11, No. 23 rift strort. W ANTED—Ina Drug Stare at M asoa tin*, lowa, an ASSISTANT L. H. HARKIN, no2D9t Corner First nod Wood str,ete. WANTED TO RENT A GOOD WAREIIOI7BE, Situated to • business portion of the city. Enquire at SECOND SYSKErt. ocVi:tl WANTED—One who under studs cooking, and other hone-work,emu BOX 301, City of Allegheny Yost Office with ralitreoco at to qualideattons and ammeter. Leaetf AUCT 10.7 w WHARTON -STREET LU'I'S AT AUCTION.—On THEBDAY EVENING, Nor. 24th, at 734 o'clock, will be sold, at the Commercial Bales Rooms, Si run street, To desirable Let. , of Ground altuate at the corner of Wharton and Har mony streets„ East Birmingham, such haring a front of 18 feet on Wharton street and extending back GO feet. Tans—Ons.third cash, residua in one and two Tears, with interest. nolo DAVIS & Auct'rs. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. —On TIINADAT EVENING, Nov. 24th, ISM, at 7',i o'clock, will be sold, at the Ointments! Bales Roams, No. 64 litith streets altars Exchange Bank Stock; 2.5 do Merchauta'46 lianufactaxars . Dank; Z. do Western kininittoo Co.; I l do 114d:uvulae' Bank Stock; DAVI& & McILWALICE, Allen. .I.I7USEMEJrTS To cotchule with THE IRISH RECEiETT [ .. _ i; ,-.MASoN IC HALL. ; MONDAY EVENING, November 23d, CONTINENTAL 13111=1121 Doon op. at 7 o'cl“. k . • 11L1144.11, •It, +t'', AFTZIZNOoN EN rEI: iAI 11Ktir," will b , " ;ivun Thu FIRST CI: .1\ ]lll i will Ink• pl. n FOR SaLE Tyrol. rnty. Apo) b. 0..1 1 . BAILS, Cvnnotn.tal Rtoker, 0 , 11 thativt e..+3, Lawn-prey:llo. _ . .BALK —A 11"Ti1..A31 iI.NUINE, 13 foot •t rolo. , cyloolor, 13 544. Itoo fly oh ;el, end of about 150 horse le,uer. Mew, ono I,l4AvAtor, two Ilry '` , Rod Steam Glue Itoilrnt, one noel-lit Boring illn-lone, ono Chain !lack b,,w, one machine Jro Malting Pump Iltels for 101 Wont, on , ronyt. T:11 ILnrb ino,aolt shoot 100 !vet 2% awl '2 mob ohafttult. All . ftleore article. wal Ito sold at o prom, bar m, by applylog at once at 42 FIFTII: 4 I . II.Err. J. 4 1. 4 1 01 i SALE—A house and Lot on FBI ": h , 11.17wt, In the Sixth ward. lad . 25 feet front and extending bock to Cotta bird Atroot lar.' feet. The lettoto iA at largo too-Atory brick dwel4ng , arranapel with oido hall, parlor, dialog-room kitchen and Loupe. on Prat dinar; floe anon. and bath room on second floor; gas and water through°ut the pron. boo; good call don )ard. Clomtnanallux a flue slew of the river., Citfr• 11 0011 B. Pticl,A 5, Forth m m q. 'FOR HALM OR LEASE—A large Lot la Sharpsburg, on the Paosenger Railway, fire Ale. from Pittsburgh, on which there is a good Derailing House of Om. rooms, oleo, serwral other Monaco, all built of brick. A VITII of good water to the pant, plenty of goal fruit, and conreutent to Chnrchea and School Houses, 'for particular. address or call on G. T. GILLIAM, Sharpebneg, Allegheny County, l'A or2l:tfdavrif 110 TEL TO RENT. A Flest-Class lintel In Philadelphia, Centrally located, will Lo to lot on Jowl:try lot, lar4 MIZE@ Application ma& to nofrateorl No. 113 Femili Seventh street. - filol{, SALE—A lot of land, containing J 2 78 acres, situated It/ mil. from Dlsmont Btre that, oa the Pltleburgh, Fort IVayne S Clte ago IL 11. The above property In well timbered, with a ps.d yooag orchard of leariog fruit trams. This property will be cold on reasonal.l4• terms. Fur further partieulnre address oclw-arn 8. C. IffcMABTEII., Senn.kisysills, Pa. 'lt SALE:LI - Two 'BOILEI/S. 42 in. by 38 feel, Doubts ruled, in good pmdttion, with mnd and steam drums; fire trot, ITITSSEY, WELLS S CO., Steel Works, Fifth Wsrd DEAVISTR T °SEP!! ADAMS, Dentist, corner of Disinowl and Pittsburgh. Itivrener.—Pr. A. M. I`, Dr. Hai leek. Theodore lgobillaiz. }Waal Emit. roritly - - 1864. DtAidtis-. A lame nenortment of POCKET AND COC::TENG fIOUSE DriAllEA, for IFel—ln paper, in cloth, lu man, in Imiretion Turkey, In Ttirkey Aleruero_. with gilt edgetAnd with marble edgre—with tucks, „d ent a no . endyylnetie fasteninge. Ali omirn, emtl from the ..owimoneel to the Tory best. For kale al reasonable rates by WM. G. JOIINKiON ACA. , Stationers oclASaw-wrew S 7 wood etrewt. [JAPER AND ENVkLi.)IItWARk- L Itousin_Juir, opened, alf Ine to of NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS. z.NvELoyr.s. la great varieties, colors sad grailtlps, for every lastt. For sale by W. O. JOHNSTON d Dealer* oel4:3mr-irtmg 57 Wood xtze:el. R 1(11 l 1: Dt:;bN. 1-17kiibiY ...W so. ftcrucuos 1301 f MISSION A FORWARDING MERCIIANTB, Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 19 IRWIN EITI/M, PITTBBUSGII. c Liber+l Cash misuse°. an consignments frt. T`ittsburgb or Eastern Muskets. einem. J. 5. Dilworth & Oa, Springer llartengh, Esq., Tl,,reptoo Bell, bey., Preen Ckaanserohel Bank. ruhltram TACK & BRO., .J 0. frit••ti ..C. L I, 0 Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, 132 WALNUT IT., PHILADELPHIA. entrusted to our ogre will reeelve our prep pt rentorsal anew Inn. nefur to Mears. glehardont, rfurh7 Burke S Co.. and McClelland & Davis, Birtkh&rill; Smith, Esq.. Preet. Bank N. A.; R. L. Buster Pht IRON (Try OIL WORKS. J /COI arra-- lit.trut.ty ankrf PE'ritOLITE OIL IVORK. 4 . Hanufactxtren of PRIER WHITE CARBON OIL. BENZOLE A SD I'ETEOLEI.II LL'DIIII:ATING OIL. atm...kJ two thiltuand bariTtl per twe..k. TINE AND LO RE ICA II SG OILS , sod austere in LYDAf& CIIORPEF.4IING, MallaSnotmreel and B.Oaan or OA ?BON ull., BEN: C'F? I PETROLEUM WorA., orv,slte Sharp•burg OfLice, Nu. SO HAND ST LNET. aplITSm D L. MILLER, .IR., Afisxr, IZ3 WA LE PT BT., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFIXED PETROLEUM EiEMEN Oa eareattsslun alektstrely. All *bursa at taint r-aaanal/la rates. STORAGE! SUR REFINED In cool cellars. for CRI'DE, under good sheds. Particular attention paid to OIL FOR EXPORT. Poo Sata—CAPSTIO SODA. SODA ASH, kr. CABOT Jr PEMBEIZTON, Chneranderohandizeßrokers, um !MUTH TRONT ST., PHILADMLPHIA. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEITM, , AUSTIP SODA. SOPA ASR, BRIMSTONE, Ordure to !my or gull promptly attended to ettPly ALLEN tlt NREDLES, PIIILADHLPILIA- COM9TCQMS MPECHINTSi Partlculzr attention paid 'to rrinstptmatite of crude and Refined Petroleum. ear Liberal advancer med. :111 ly 14 — E . N RUE, wourn FlitiNT 9T., Pill LA LUMP!!! A 24r , •ker2Lc Ccham i salon Merchant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, Au 3 deal r lu Crudo ast4 liortued PET R ( s. rtrli nAnetrt..s an."l:ly _ 1 ) WY.K , BURKS &CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BLOBS, PACIFIC AND LI BltitTY OIL WORISS Ltboral cash naran.+4 made on consignmonta of Refined or Crude Petroleum 006 truurysNs WAT& lIANCOCK BTS., js`Ydly VNI HN nerd not embarrassed by V the enforcement of the Bulk Ordinance, when they can hate then OIL bar,:led uutt .Lipped with out touching the City Wberress, we cheat, MOM prompt, with lose nob, tees trouble and in better order, at KIRK'S OIL YARD, the Altoglit.ry Valls:, Railroad. above Lotrrence i.tie, whore 00 to pumped trona the beats direct to the nun, and shipped to any taint. East or West, without any ilraynag or re-shipping. At' ordwra promptly attended to. gtta - 011iete at Yard, on eitiren. rum:titer Pont Office addrotte. BOX 902, Ihtteborgh ; or I ran to eeett dolly at the LILL EICZANOL. WA LI. A(' E a (1 , RTISti, Com misFt i 011 orcha te, CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LCIIIIICATING OILS 110. 134 SOUTH WHIR VAS, PUTLADHLPHIA OW &trap, tattled ty (hailer rarer,) ft -1:•,0073 bbl.. Alec rxuriltutt rarttitte• fur •Ittyping to An....rimn end Perrtgo port, at D wharf on tlts tk iH or Hirer. bear the platform of the P. R. H. Je2s..ty . . _ . _ WALES, WETMORS do CO., COMMISSION atracnitrrs, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, A mpl. Gm' 11 Hies for STORAGE ANIt SR 11'1'1 NG, nt Ihair Infd 1121 d wharf, Rau noon myl4:tf D IAMOND OIL WORKS. NAYLOB &SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil. Oneurpaelled by any lu the market. War Order s left et their office, No. ft mAinurr ST-fti.llT,'Or at their works in Lawrenceville. will be promptly attended to. Boyers of OItUDY, OIL. mbll ROBERT Atill \VORTII, No. 1 NS. CLAIR 87., PITTSBUROU, Forwardiar, & Commission Merchant AjCD DEALER 19 OLL& La: 1:07' ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING, CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS, de., eonstardly on hand and for sale at Gio knreed market pride. Consignments and orders solicited. ai,7:6aa 1.0. R. mnamtitr. ttounwr 'WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDS/HP & CO., lianotacnorers of NIIHNINO OIL ANT LINIRTOA. TING OIL. Keep conttaut.ll nu hand the very Lew quality of BUNNING OIL, clear aad without color; alto, a gruid LrIIIITCATOS pure WHITE BE and gnu akr.ASP. order lest at No. 86 STREIT, Bank Block, second door, .111 be prakoptly attended tn. rc..s:tf K WARING, • CRUDE, REFINED, IiIApHINEUY AND PAINT OILS. And dada. In litedning MAW:riga. 'No. 33 MARKET ST., 'Pittsburgh LITCHN7 DIINCAN, DMILLP & CO., IL WORIM Pure White Refined Carbon Oils, Me, No, MI LIBRIITY ECTIUIZT, mylkflmas PiTTEWURGH, Pd. VOLUME LXXVII---NO. '3. OILS, :cc. Armee of the Li= I=l A.I)IIIIOSTRATOR'S NOTIM-i—L4 ri thr. of Administration having heen grant t the undersigned upon the - estate oi CoL Junes N. t.,llldr, latsof Allegheny county, Ps., damaio. :OF persona lockbted tould caste an manned to make, payment to tie andamfgraidomdthose brorinerlikros against said estate mill .prescnt Omar. Pr/ ;afte thentleatad, to CHA RLIES A. HOWE, A r, at Oftior of Haney, Webs &Co.; corner of Harris2o and Pike streets; Or to MITCUXL tPA IM - R, dowse=s„ nolfklawdew No. Fr Fifth street, Fittabargh. OILS, :cc. MaX)R3IICK .t CALLENDER, OIL BROKEItb. 211 and 213 South Water Street, Offlo4GO. ear Cooslgnmonts solicited II rrin To ' Ja cob Path te r , & (Thor , p oennlf J. u Plantar a lly UG Work. Jno. E. Chalfant, of Erang, Cbaltint RIDES & oomarisEaos xsacamrra. IMZEDEI Petroleum and its • Prodaotn, Oils, 04NDLAS, &47.. dta. 61 BROAD trrEBET. 63 WAVLE t 1:2 TROBV STS_ Elm= Sr Agnate thr the PORTLAND K KRONEN% OIL RyNKIL NKR Iviaek PANAFFizvE IANDIN CONPA NT, to. W. A. CHAPIVAr. Wikier t la 2 Yrupt sta. RIESE & GIULFE, IC* (office, SIONONCATIELA nurse (Itoooleoroclo cror.Xl ENOS WOOD WA RO, (fate of Wm. H W u.dward 4 C 0..) GENERAL COMKIBI4ION 3IERCII tNT Special sttemtim gime to the sale of Crude and Refined Petrolea*. No. 11l MUTH TEONT BIEXET, CUILA:‘ err 1y t i AMMI IRWIN, M.lnfoc . toror of Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. Order. left at John Porterfield it ro 'm office. c, nor uf ffiilLAEr ANL FIE.. , r STIALIS, a.tll to relve prompt attention. ydrs 1 ACAINST LOSS Ft FIEE.—/lIAN II LI N VIRE INSURANCE et,3l -11 P PHILADELPHIA. Oft 137 I.l.csulut /Erma, atoar r Lot h. Statement of Assets, isenary Ist. 'lnn, rullisbetl Agreeably to an set of Assembly, tremg— Tint Mortgages, amply ...... .4.86 , 893 00 Heel Estate (pres't val. 5108,31; ti) ..,et 102,..M5 tni Temporary .011 oo ample :aka (Pr value sBn,noT tun l'inten and Buis Receivable mar The only profits from premiums wide)] this Col:titian) u 11.12 ,ole by Ltw aro from Hsi:, m loch here been determined. Inenrunco made ou every description of propefty, :mil CS.try, rates W. low es are constettent with security. Since their incorporation, a ponied of thirty yang, they hart pool losses be are is au amount oxen-thug Fur o Ift/horis therehy unording evidouro of the advantages of Insurerow. as well se their sLili ti and disposition to ascot •with promptiloos oil lie oilittes. DIALC - To LtS ; Charles N. [Snooker, Isaet Lee, Murders] D. Lewis, I Jacob R Smith, T_l.:ae Wagner, Eduard C. Dale, David S. Brown, C., W. Itichar,ll, Senulel Grant, J George Vales, • UIARLF—S 11.11,,K.r.n., EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preoderd Tral. A. STEW" Sea-ocean, t.ero. J. GARDNER COFFIN% :tarot. my 6 Ofne• c.o. Wood !I Third stn. INSURANCE. • Insurance Co. of North America. PHILADELPHIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company IZlrlnsurance In the aboee old and retiaoln 4,n1 poolre can be obtained on application to R. P. JONES, Agent. 8,27A1y Biwaley'. 1311Iblizn. 87 Watur Meet. WESTERN INSURANCE COMI'A Y OF PITTABUB-014. R. TALLER, Jr., Prossdrul. p N. GORDON, &aviary. Zio. 92 Water street, Bpang et Co.'s Witr. boost., np ostry, Pittsburgh. i.ars apt..+i a/1 kinds .f Firs and nier.e 1..4 A :Tome tnamogrel trhr ore tort/ knows w lid conanumitso, am/ trio are dtte.r. i4Pti, by promptness onst liberality, to maintain Ar charades. srkic . dry An. am.m a, . oferny o.e 11.4 yr oto.tioa to atom .09.1 dr.ire t.• !re imoirert . ASSETS, OCTOBER. 30, Stock :1 ortwagre Oft/ cerFn-o itnne Uwo Actvunts. kr Premium Nous.— N. 4. mid BIIL Dincuuuted D1111tC[0141: R. Miller, Jr, Andrew Ackley, Jamey Dl-Aulay, Alexander Stmr, Nathaniel Huhn., I Daled $.:. Long, Alex. Nitpick, I Redo J. Thomas. ft. nets Dorsi,l Benj. P P .a.,. Al, WillllOxi It. timals, 1 Joon IL 31'Cone. C. W. Illcketson, I my.lo ' P. 11. 110BDON s -firrangw. GITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPAN Y OF rirrsztuGli. c.:::,, corner Market and Water streeta, second floor. WM. BAC/ALIT, Presidfm. SANIIXL BEA, flemtary. [wares Steamboat. and Cargoes. 11101114 against ion :ad dantegi In the navigation of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lake. and Bayou., and tits navigation the nom. insures against lass and damage by fire. W. B r . Jr. 8. H. Klee, Jae. paT " , John ohipLon, W. G. Johnston, James 8.1. Cooper, B. F. Jones, S. Barbaugh, Reese Owens, J. Caldwell, Jr.. Ron. T. M. Bows, John S. Dllworth, Barclay Preston Uttarles H. Zug. . ' Georg. !Hugh/4 de3o:lYil PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Ste. 41:4:/.4.344.1:isa:12,1:111:7.1;(t): Wm. Phillip., John Watt, Wm. B. Hay., John E. Perko, Chute. S. Bissell WM. Van Kirk, Jame. D. Verner, Capt. Jam L. Rhoads P.u..12c1 P. Shr!Ter, George P. Jones, Daniel Wallace. C. Dumas Lore. WM PHILLIPH, Prodzkiel. RHIN WATT, {Us Frar:dcat. Arm. F. GARDNER, Stertuy. jaMly A 1.1,2 i; HYNY INsIURANCE COM PANY OF PirraßunGll. on.; N. 37 Fifth .treat, Bank Black. Insures agahmt :di Plods of Tire aad Marine ItOta. LILAC JONES, Previdemt, JOHN D. MVO! D, rice Powident. D. 21. DOOM, Berretow. Copt. WM. DEAN, o,tera/ &ad. PIWTOIL John It. McCord, Ca t. Adam Jamb*, B. 13.1itm1:ng, Capt• Wm. Dean, L.McOrew, Debt. 11-paida. Ina. Jos". INSI=I Harvey Capt. R. C. Gray, John Train, Jr., 111 L. Tahnegtock. az:=lM3 BEENE EIME=I EIME
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