' .. THF,': -...----I DAILV -- - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCER/ES, PRODUCE,4c. CHARLES C. BALSLEY, - Produce and Commiedcm Merchant. 111110HAIIVIEZ BEVEMB, And dealt In all kinds of 001711113:1 PRODUGA 10. 179 LIAMSTI" swiss. ' 31[0. AIMOLLS, (of the lute ftna of D.S D. SUDonskl PittsborSh. A Co., Wellsville Ohio.) - NA rDON ALI; & ARBUCKLES, Whole- Groton. Produce and Commission Mor µsots, Jobbers to COTFRY, N. 0. SUGAR sad MO LASSES, REFLEX!) SUGARS A SYRUPS, /LOUR, BACON, TOBACCO. TEAS, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, Nos. SW And MA Liberty street, Pitts burgh. _ _ Do14:ly _ SHRIVIiR & LAZRAE, oRooLTJ AND CONNDSSION NLIESCHANIN, Nos. 27 .04119 Staithlteld Bt., tor. &wad . ... miakkg. MACKEOWN ;S; LINII/JIT, FLOUR .1.1.1. AIM (um /ACTORS, PICCIDtrall ASO COMitinioN Mlicifaffs, for the Ws of Alcoir, Orals, Pork. 'fla con, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Choose, Beaus, 'Tallow, Grease, Feathers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ash.., Salaraimo, !Aimed and Lard Olin, Dried and Green TroldpirTathg, Corn, illatAnd Onus Seeds. Cub 1141rancementh made on Comignments. apkly No. 287 Liberty 'treat. Pittsburgh. V'DL GOEMLY, 11 • • WIiOLEB6LIE or,ocsit, 110. 471 LIBEIITT.BTRISIT, Pittsburgh. Haring pirthsadd the Interest If hL WI partners, Will coastline the business at the old stand, and will beleased to neceire the patronage of his old friends endorseoiart. inylistf lIVEBB 1c WILKINSON, Oommi saws Kumucars,lTheicsale dealers-1n 'WESTERN SEBEBYE MEESE; DEIED YRUITa, tcrrza, EGGS, GRAINS, and prods= pc endly. Also, LEATGEIt, MOBS, OILS. dm., NA 217 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. adreassersards made. Odriefortieats J•l2-4md WM.. P. BF K & CO., No. 185 LIP*. arty Street, Pittabergh, Pa., Wholesale Gro per*, Commiseion Herehante, and deaden In COUN TRY PRODUCR, PROVISIONS, RADON. LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FISH, de., PRODUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, stROS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, etd., RUT and LIME. :TOLIN B. CANFIELD, Commtasios AND /01WAILIMIO kiVACHANY and estvalesale denier in WESTERN R.E.'SERTB CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALREATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILN, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, No,. 111 end 113 Front strum, Pittsburgh. .2 TIM, LITTLE, .. TIMM& L' & TRIMBLE, Wholesale G ro om. and COMTilleestoll Merchants, dealers In SODUOY, FLOUR, RADON, OHICA:SE., PIDH CARBON AND LAND OIL, IRON, NAILS. GLASS otyr tos YARNS, and I . lttaburgh manufactures geperally, 112 and 114 Second atrest, Pittsburgh. D. azrxii. E Mat I BROTHERS, (successors to lkymer t Andsrsan,) Wholesal• Dealers In 110HICIGN FRUITS, land AND SPICES, 00N YEA."11UN EBY, SITGAKB, Ina WORKS, 1., Nos., 1 . 33 and 128 Woad .troet, above LTIAh. Pittsburgh - jy29.ly CULPSHEPHARD,4IOkittamerar 214,,,dkri, and dealers dn KisOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE, No. 213 Liberty streetiPittsburgh. Choice brands of Flourfor Rakers and Nandly tea constantty OR hand. Particular attentloa pad to filling orders for liferchandlee generally. orG:dly"' CHA 'LES 11. LEECH, aam GRAIX FACTOR AIM C.0111111610W ItERARCLIAAT (Of the salaof GLUES, 2tEEDS, CHEESE, PRODUCE, se.. and hient tbr sshratad Unlmtiown CE MENT, Not. 1111 esesnsi and 143 /*lnt streets ho ttest% Wood sod dmitrSeld, Pittsburgh. FRANK VAN GORDEit, Produce and COMILIiRSiOR Merchant, dealer to FLOUR, RUT TER, N1t002211, SEEDS, LARD, CHEESE, PORK, MUSD AND GREEN PEWITS, and prOduco getter. .11y, Liberal wan adranata_sta coneignplaots. Kgrahonae, No. rgi Reseed atroet, , Eitt•bnrw, acorns S. SIRJAD HEAD A METZGAR, Grocers end Conocubolou Marchards, and dealers in all ►ia4 -oT Ono try Produce and Pittsburgh Itionatscoures, tio.U9 Liberty street, opposite heed of Wood street, Pittsburgh. Q. H. JONES. • • - (IEO. B. JONES k SON, Wholesale NA Grocers and Soot furnishers, dealers to KA 'WILLA Bon, OAZITIL OILS, PITCH, and Pitta imrgh maiufactured articles, 80. ISI Water Meet, abase the tourazgabela Bridge, Pittsburgh. ROBERTIra - ELL & CO., Whole- JL 111 sale Grocers, Oenixabision asaliarerarding Em AMA+, and deniers In Produce and Pittsburgh man ufacturee Liberty street, Pittetmegti. D*WALLACE, Commission Merchant, . and Wholaiale Deans In 'LOVA andOILAIN, No. - 853.1.1batty assent oppadte Pennsylvania EL R. Passenger. 10epot; !Pittsburgh, Ps. Sterne Wan. bona., cornet - Wayne and Penn istveets. nornly omit txxocur.-.,:mroux J.AMBgIEM SIIEPTON & Co, Whole .l.-1 sale Grocers and Produce Dee Las, Nu r. Sixth street, Pittebutzh. J. 16 WATT & WHISCrIC, Wholesale Gro- T ears, &mukluks' Merchants, and dealers in Produce and 'Pittsburgh manufactures, Fo. 158 Lib erty Meg, Pittsburgh. JciLS Jon ',MORD. LINDSAY- TELFORD, Wholesale sad Retail GROCERS, 11.0173 AND PRODTRThi DERIPASi GIS Liberty great, Pittsburgh. .Q011.0,11A.K1411 A LANG, CcurnastoN A ktieksiiiiret lirhAe46 &death 010. 42534/WYLOVB,GRAIN,PRODVON.Ma NLUDI, • 1.1114117...- R S. LIGGETT & CO , CITY FLOU. J ING MILLS, corner Liberty end Anima etnn l lsOlttabutalk, Pa. aUrt4l-4.4t7e.W0 barna; panday. . spa JAMES DILZELL 45: SON, Manufae uu.c. of LARD OIL, and Commission Mar nnatalor am pushpin and spin of OECD' AMR PETROLEUM, Nos. 69 and 70 Watm rtrest, Plitstminh. Advaneas made on nonsignmentn JMtIIPATNICK BitaraF4 suo . milk= to Brown I Ilitkpatrickt, WIIOLZ SALII.4IIIOO4I2I, Nco. 121 call_ At Liberty street. , • ' ap12:12 W/11.1.114 J DAVID lircANDlsist, I WOM.11!, • A- &pedal Partesr. '4 - • vs-- COFFIN,' successors to /11!Cordless, Metre & Co.. 1 1 7730LE&LLZ 011.00E114.eorner.erf NireeNl end Watrr streets, Plaii jr&l, rIHEESE W.44EIIOUSE. —HENRY rm t cr zln rs n d, Comml 7, r i rum, and Prciduca,generadly,_No.. IA Wood great, abdas Nazar, Pfttaburgh. . - - • HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to Juo McGill A &in, No. 183 Libertr'strou4Plet. =genes) . PRODCON, CROW= AND 001! lON MIIECHANT. Consigiontruti resPetts Mil, , , • too, TatliAlf DICKEY CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, and dealers to Procktv, Nom. GO Water street and G 5 Front street, Pittsburgh. OW. DILWOSTU. D. DILMOZTIi. JS.. , DIGWORTII Jk- CO., Wholesale :Groceee, Nos. ISO and 13'.% Second street, near AntithSidd, PittsbUlSlL . not & CO., Wholesale Gto .l4.47tag=eA Mee:ass% No., 172 wand . COM-WM 141. CALDWELL, (successor to Ismo Hamra k. C 0..) PUBIC PAW= and denier In PROVISIONS, corner ofiLartet and front suss* Pittiburgt.i. • - _ .J. TOWNSEND; (surepsnor teljaok vi,_ccn Vraeneend,) PORK FACE= end deal er la P110 1 71510153;1 10 . 12 fourth street, Bear Lib erty, Pititutrantb. _ .tadl _ _ _ j... a 17010 T succcessors to L. O. Graff, PBODDCI2 AFLD DOMILIABION • RIZIMUNTS. 24? Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ions z. nova& PUN .4 HOOKE & C, Wholesale fir GROW= AND 001111DISION O. )11111CLIANTS, corner of Ilimithtlattand Water otreeta, Dittsbusgb. fIOOK, & co. Commission lvJ Necianla, and diatom lb P/113DDON, nouß 4 BACON; WOOL GRAIN, ke., No. 13 Eaulthliald strebt:Dittabargg. HEAZELTOX, Wholetale gloom ean comusszoNlisaatuarr, sarsconser of the Diamond, No. 18, Pittiburgh. `',80143118111 /.VS BA . c AL •: .1 , , a :0:1!,80 Wc34 Ana, : 51. 1 M bank 1%0 :,:•..111111$18,00/aalge• ,t,ll -ex JIiaNTIEVICTERERS, di c. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & 47RAViTORD, Nonohetaxwo of mry "srlidy of Anlobed BLIES WORE TOIL PLUMBERS, !WHAM OR GAs IrITTAILS, ILACHIONLTIS, AHD AZIOPPEIDOILITEtn. DZAAVOAIITINGI, of on doooriptiono, mods to coder. STAAJEDOAT WORK, lIIKAM AND GAB - and AZ:PAINING. proaptly attended to. Particular' instates raid to fitting el, ItIIFINE. RITA YOB COAVAND GANNON OILS. Also, Bola Asada kw Warn Diatriet of Pron. orlntais An' /So of MARSH, LADSDIXL k 00.11 PLTIOfT.OTPHON' PVICP, the boat aver in. 'taut Itartag ao tato. It is net Rabic to got out of ardor. sad will throw wawa orator than anr pump tn tidal Ito Oa. • nyllil Pcaoaaaa, PL. JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, Itaaufectorers aad dealers in all the &Nem' kilt& of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CUT TING EOM. ie. WWI greatly Increased faelit tfr doing bolding, we earneatly Welt. dealers to glee cie • call. Idanultetary, Sc . , Warehouse, Oeolhi alley sad Liberty Pittsb'et. JOHN HALL, T. J. HALL, STEPHEN WOODS, ootria JAS. J. DROWN. W. I. iICIEZINTOSE..-...1. 111011111... . P. HAUT. MACKINTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., ILL corner Me and O'Llant streeta, near the City Water Works, Pitubnrgh, mannfecturcre of MACK • INTOSII IMPROVED OSCILLA TING STEAM ENGINES AND SIDS VALVES, of W slue and beet style. Haring pot op machinery ok h uge capacity slide the best quality, we ars ne prepared to do heavy fa bles, andenlicit .ork to this ilea, touting that by promptness, and the character of our .ork, to merit pnlill olnvite patronage. We special attention to our BALANCED TALVB OSCILLATING ENGINES as combining advantagee heretofore unattained in this class of Engines. Madly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORIIi, PITPHD UR PA. PARK., BROTEXIL & BUT QUALITY ILICITNED CAST BUIL, Num*, Tlat and Octagn, of all alum learrsated equal to any imparted or manufactured In this coun try. ' - *Tr OfElcs sad ware Immo, Nos. 149 sad 151 FIRST sod 120 sod 122 SECOND STREETS, Tlttsborgl, WILLLAX It AIINTILLL & CO , Boitza lEJuttri and Sheet Iron Werke* PENN STREET, Noe. 20, 22, 24 and Sa. Having secured • large yard and forninited it nith the! most Improved machinery, are are prepared to cannuiectnre every description of BOILERS, in the best manner, and ertirronted eve , trey . made in the coon nibi try. PIP Cliklifik• RUCHES :rian BS, wriam LCICGINOTIVE BIiTtERS, C ED ONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANN& OIL FLLS, AGITATORS, SETTLES° ROIL IRON BEMOES, SUGAR DAtS. , and Ws m. trfacturere of BARN HILL'S EA ENT:ROILERS.f . Repairing done on the el:weed uetiFe,"-. • del S:tf BRIT ANNI.A .A ND 'BR ASS WORKS • WEIGHT, • (3ammik - to . 4?rite,2lelrton.) . Manufsetarers of CASTOR FRA.IIM. MTIGB, CU PR, LADLN.I, and • grass variety ..rf BRITANNIA stuck Also, CARBON OIVTaIIIP BURN ERA and LAMP BRASSIZ generally. Dio. LTJ dx•col1 street. Plttsbureit. ALLEN M CORMICK & CO.. VaL!..gs Faimper, Pittelmrgh, Pu IttrWarehenne, 391 LI WICUTY STREET, Dfanufattiarois of COOK, PARLOR AEI) ITEAT• lEG STOVES, PARLOR AND KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE,rtc.,stealandOls.Moald.,Rofl- Ina Kill Coalopi, 211.111 Gentian, Gas, AVM, and Ar now, Pips, Sod Irons. Dog Isom, Wag.. Bole., 5. , - gar Kaolin, Pulleys, llatigani, CarWlimls, CotiPi r itts and Castings ipenonalv. Also, Jobbirtg and Machine Cnstlngs made to order: Patented • Portable Bill, with Siam or Bons Power. • ' arl.llloui JOSEPH F-101ELLTO'hU&O:, ITIIST AND .I.l33Elyrf SIM, NW,TeI, STSPEIUOII 'STEAM IMOINSS, IkIAMITNEItY, de aylbtf • -. Q SEVRILLIsiVE, Na 53 WATia. Lle Etteleorgh,maaufactoror of BOILER IIITSTB, WItOtIGHT SPIKES, woman and raaroad, of every daseription. Par*** sized or shaped SPIKES and ItIrSTS, tame or mall, toade to order at abort notice. A coal azdortemotteacetaatly on hand. nkr3o. - - . - - . MM=3l RIDDLE 6 CO., No. 215 W E Llbiet , itreet, Oppdelts Pittabargh, atanafactunere of WIIIPK, LABELS and &Wirer'. n 34K and nen daleripttosof LIATILICII BRAIDED 11 , 4. Orders salleired from the trade, and goats prchapt -17 altlpfed aa per Inetroctions. fesly D,t W. BENNETT, Mangsciureri of . war= STONN CHINA mad CHIAN COL. ORSD WARE. Woe and Warehouse &Vito. 74 PRIM MEET, Pittsburgh. mhl.3:ly DRY GOODS. JOHX W1L80!...-JVIU W. CLXII.....DATID 111 . 04,01.112 W ILSON , CARR (Lae Mao*. Pay. A (b..) Wholesale dealers la NORNION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. OS Wood street, third bame.b., Diamond alley. Pletatmrah. apirttf BAWL 'Lure Winn:Ml[o. T TORRO M A A N BO O T G & T I CO R Y D O a D r , De n . 140 Federal street, (niennddoer below are Market Ilease,) Allegheny Clli. rata ly PATON, MAMMA & CO., Wholesale -LI and Entail Donlan In TBITSBEINGS, =MEDI DENIES and MY GOODS; of ovary tlextriptlon, Non 17 and 19 911913 stnot, P111119191t. MACRUId GLYDE Wholesale a - d -IA& Retail Deigns In JUICY AND STAMM DRY GOODS, TIUMNI,NOS, te., No. 78 IFarkstitnwt, betwrinialsmouttilnd torcrib:Pittstoughl T 3i .BURVHFIELIceesbdr to J;Butonfous eo z i ; Yrbotteiod In EjTARLEVID mr! y . 1200D5; Nextbenst comer of lad.Hl andMA* .itrOstik, WU:burgh._ TOREPH HOR Wholanterniid. &T- V tall Dealer in of kinds of TRIMMINGS, DAY GOODS, se., Ike. 77 and 79 Matkalitreet: JW. BARKER k, CO, Healers in ell . !duds of DAT GOODS, No. SO Market street, Hawn Third and fourth, Pittsburgh. 11TALMER, .N9:84 . Wood &root, -LW Dealer in BONNOTS,_ 'Da% oTRAW TRIM MINGS, and eirum MODS ganotally. QIMON JOHNSTON Denier in MEE 13 DEEDS AND ,cmsaidew -PI3IIIITITETIT TANGY GOODS, VGGGING FLUID, OIL" FAM ILY HLDIOINIS, Lo., ut attattly prime quasi:)) , attach be of at lawatt plees, Comm Pvtl Lad Ireattb atroetr,'Phtibatifi. 'Pritalpti tat.- tallyarmtionaded at al! hems. ~.FAIENESTOCK it . W., Whole -IJ. 11 . sale Drugatata, and manufacturers of WHITE LEAD ANDLATHANG, corner ofitTootiLnd Front 'treat.. Pittabmgh. TOHN i f .Oekitt;WhiiidEtitlo Dea r er in DERHS. - FAIRTS, OILS. TARNISHES AND DYE STUFFS, Rip- 296 Liberty stool, Rittabnrgb. MI order, will mod , . PrmaPlit atteation. - • • REiraltt; No. 140 Wood ,treat, corm of,VlrElp Pittsburgh. • r.rsun.4.rcE AVEAVs. • JGARDINER - .O3PFIN, Agent for • Franklin, Philadelphia and lieltarion Insurance Companit, Northeast corner Wood and Third sta. P. JONES, Agent North America, W sna. or Pentiryinala, and I.hartilird, Istanr and Companitts, 89 Water .treat SAMUEL REA, Socrutf — LWatiioni r entanat Company. corner Ilarnit and Water eta. M7(lol{DON,Setietiiri Westoin In- A! • manes Company, IM Water meet. M. BOOK, Seem , . Allegheny D . manes Company, 37 Fif. tweet. ("BURL( YrrE BLUME, Dealer in MU- N,J: SW AND MUSICAL DantansENTlL soh, agcnt, for &NABS k CO.'S PIANOS, 'RAM. ES Brtos. PIANOS. and PRINCE &AMA MELODE ONS. No. 43 Vltth dreg. mosood door abort Wood, Pittiburgli. ',bum to lot, and taken- in exchange tbr Dm. . solo KLEBER &ORO,' Dinilera in MU laa AND Minnom, iltsztunnarric ANN,spots A* triTtalrArs CZLIEBILINND K- No. 831141 th street, Pttimborgb. • my 29 3014016 PealerOn agr 2 l 3 11,, Iffaxl4l., a!fiet, FP ...a~4Fitßtttip'F PIITSBOBOH, PL., nianhetazers of Mamacturen of DR 17GOISTS. .IFIUSIT, Ice. BS= PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1863 Vittsburgh &aunt.. NOV. 18r,3 L•HIDA 1 MORNING TEEMS OF THE GAZETTE. Maionao Ismoz, by mall, per year_..-.../3 00 montll.--. 70. wrek 13 stngle copies Emmy., Enertax, by ig.fl, pa. year..— . " 61012th...- . .. week " sirygle L 1917ar.v INnerton, sloth copies, per year... 2 W. • • dubs or ita 10, • ... 1 So. • oldie of 10 oe mere ... I rt. —cad oat ex - tre to the party sending club. Tor • dab of fifteen, is will send the 3mm:to Gsrerr• daily. For • elute of twenty, we will send the Mon...xxso Gal:errs daily. Mingle eopiee, 5 mute. OS 11l fsbroriptiorx treledy in edges* and paw. shave Stepped " - hen the time expires. The Esehanp of Prisoners. The position of this question, as appears by the summary of the correspondence between Messrs. Commissioners Meerorra and Oot.n, which we 'have led before our readers, is briefly this : " The rebels any we will keep your prisoners—(and that means we will starve you concede to as every thing we demand, not only in relation to our flagrantly fraudulent account of the number on each side, but also as respects our barbar ous and blood-thirsty purposes with regard to the °Moors of colored regiments, and the rol ured soldiers themselves, who miry fall into oar hands." Of contrite, the Government can never con sent to yield to a deamud so infamous—and no, for the present, the matter rests. We have already said that if Gca. Meant could rise to the greatness of the occa,ion ; if he could use, as many a general could use, the sublime and touching argument and inspira tion growing out of the exigency, he could lead even ono half the ,army he hue through and over all the obstacles and ohstruotio. that Ito between him and Richmond—and that within the days of a single week. If the Army of the Potomac could not be inspired by its leaders to undertake FO noble a work of deliverance and 'retribution without waiting ing for the slow accompaniments of rail road ~oustruction, and all the rest of it,—to which they hare become ac customed in making war a la McClellaw, we should at once propose that a volun teer army, (or this special service, shall ho called out from the Northern States, and we are persuaded that 100,000 men would res pond at once, and that the rebel capital would be in our hands within a month. but, be ths remedy what it may for this dead-lock of negotiation. !,t our readers en deavor to understand the question et issue, first of aIL And to this end we tmb;oin the following article from the N. Y. Tri! In, of Wednesday : Tay Evenivey Pool hnt o i r !.',or 4 'l the MI., which e., "MP 411.2,1011 of .1. r••su tow 1••• • • • •..• rigover , mut . I. =CBE 12111MIEENIMMI M:M and e.ujoite The prolutl M 1.11.90 titikr,rlOG. , : OM!, LI way to tho titifhat d0n.0.• alter it is V. timlr nior.y. Lt •h0t.0.1 lee Lorne it. tulp.l - that;Lt the Goren:moat acce.lc ..the •ictuand , L the B.Altittl,lite•Lt carty4,tlo 4 , fcr. to ,L.:diere Al° latioteuted f.ions to tit. Mbet Jeibt. It note, t.l tIo• t..te ofilcere who cotoloatolcd k ; been captured. The r( 1 ,1 1 1 , 1 1 th. 4 the journala lit the N rth idult. three neouthe ago far t ett.te•oding tlo• ex• hal, • . altogether, becalue the rebel. would Lot Ko crew!, r white ofilecre of colored IV,113,11 . 111. • 1. 1,1 ‘ hien... loin for not entoottting to etill more ntouete....* dctoet..l.. "One gentlemett, who is deeply interertal I/1 tit/0 nod who hoe been eo to W.tlilrigtots, tag , • the Pr.-skint to enhmli t•• et" denta.tel rather te.tu leave our notate. starve In l'ocitmoul jag- Name •.f ' the olllcinis of lltet 11(er Depart:molt 5.-ty t•t••petly I rrpiy to each mow—L.lle Os.. • jben e.•• otoy a• !. letup this ear I torah that Jeff. Duel-ion, to ‘I.• • w I it is tet the. ..ten new iii, the -lure:tie n ..e •elr ti.•.g. now to We handlif we will pot eaknowle•lce the tad , . pondroo• of the t'•atft.lereey It e. itroh.h.e that. li,. lieffeintuent well ar ff... range the dialtire t•t men. way with the Rebel tlovertarteut. It a :II loubtle• give w.ty on many pots, ts, to ermet the public •enti • ment of the couh.ry ; ins tent •tue. gout ~hot I haat beard from the Ilia of ne.to the. On , of the tuetalwra, (lost It della.. to ri,,itivirst. is, level p•orbots attempting to Idiom . Chas i• •Itool , l -LI., to. the Ikbel drmu,, le at every • • , -t: lit' . • pause of unwittame sad h.tior." —We presume that too, loyal journals the North - have pursued the strangmy locus eistent.course ettriblited to then, hove ; but we are sure they must hare been very fe w, sal those distinguished neither I.d: ! genes nor stability. The Copperheads tam. of course, at whatever the Administration may do, and pettifog the case of the 'Whyte, , as they will continue to do at all events ; hut those which stand by their country have very genexady refrained from any such strictures as are noticed above. That our Cloverament is doing and will no what is right—that it will defer in all things to reason and justice, in nothing to bullying and unjust clamor, we I hope and trued.. And we leek evidence that it has departed one hair's breadth from the straight line of justice and duty. Our Government is willing and anxious to effect a further exchange of prisoners ; but it domande equity. The relvi.le have, utterly without authority frmn our ei42; - TOene.l from larole an ordeirfali•ck into active service a argo number of prisoners of war captured by us at Vicksburg and.elsowhere, who have not been exchanged, and for whom we have re ceived no equivalent. Cur Commissioner re fuses- to' mais .forther exchanges until this account is adjusted. Of course, the P.,bois blaster, and of course the Copperhead oracles take the side of the - enemy—the country's, Ler theirs. So far, all is as was to have been expected. The intimulidn ribciVe that the President may be driven by popular clamor to concede more than he ought, is the only novel and alarming feature of the cane. Up to this hour, the rebels have never in dicated their readiness to exchange the color ed soldiers or their white officers captured in battle by them. Up to this hour, we have no knowledge that a single one of those officers or privates have been exchanged or forwarded for exchange by them. They are raising a dust to cover this point, but they do not con ceal it- And, until itshall be settled, we see no chance for exchanges. The World charges that our Seerotary of War is obstructing exchanges, thinking to ml..vra.le the rebels, in view of their destitu ties} by compelling them to feed our prieon ere Can it imagine that the rebels we would exchange for them would eat lam than is now dealt out:to our captured soldiers at Richmond? If tley'ilid, it would soon starve the whole of them. But the suggestion is blindly suspi •olons. : Again'we'eny, - let our Government dine gard unjust fault-findieg and au riqbt. Let us have a further exchange of prisoners when ever we can on eqnitabie tams, but none till I then. If the rebels choose to famish and kill our captured brothers, that is a calamity: let lus not aggravate it by wrong. If we can Le driven to surrender .sir just tisrout• of tutu - during, prisoners of war, we may as I well giro up the contest. THE whole number of three year,' troops sent to the field from Massachusetts is 57,213, Of thesis bounty amounting to $2,313,120 Kee m 64.4.14,590. Bounty amounting to $2,392,- 793 was also paid to 10,160 nine months troops. The - •whole expome of the eyetew adopted in filling the lust quotas of the state, exoltutivo of state and l'aitod State appropri ation, has boob $5,356,202 97. 'IaiLMIZECT. TODD; Who died in Iginoi. in 1859, hoaile'vhed all his estato,auioanting to ntottOsas j ooo.te tho preeidont and trustees of the GinstdCollege,Ttlitadelphie. A commit tee of the diientoreldli just roturnod from 111112cOLCOritfilho fins lnstilment-or this .bo -40414 =milting to about ts;000. • . + - • ^ I `J -x ` ,::r..--.~.: . General flanks at Brownsville The landing of a Union army opposite iMatamoros is ono of the most important events of the war. For many months the rebels have rant cotton out and drawn supplies in by this route; now this great source of guts, ammuni tion and artillery is closed. Our army has. Wore this time, taken possceion of the line of the Rio Grande, which r e qu i res o but a small forcoto hold it, owingt o the char acter of the country adjoining tit river. It is not known what Gen. B kg intends when this work of occupation is flashed. No doubt ho will move - meth the veer part of his army into the intitior, calling the Texan Unionists to his culottes he advances. Texans have constantly asserted that thd,only way to enter Their State successfully wet by way of Brownsville and it is known that a consid erable number of Union mon were living on the Mexican bonier, waiting for :the arrival of a forte to which they could join themselves. General Banks was himself in favor of sad. an expedition no this to the Rio Grande, but was prevented until now from attempting it. The rebels in the truns-Missithippi states— Texas, Arkansas and AtissouritLarc by this movement completely isolated. Mhen Vicks burg fell they boasted that the source of their supplies were not touched; that in truth they were likely to be better off than ever, inas much as Richmond could no more draw upon them. But now they; see the door closed through which they resolved help; they are surrounded and rant aeon give up. The movement of General Banks will en courage the Union men of Texas and Arkan sas. If he can strik4 a few soesessful blow• in the State, or if he accomplishes a march to Galveston cr Houston, we should not ho sur prised to hear of a rising of .the people in other parts of the State against tbc.r cruel oppressors. None hare sufferea so cruelly in this war as the Torun Unionlats. Their en emies hunted them, murdered them ; and it is not the fault of the rebel hinders if there remains to-day a loyal man alive in the Statp. Illydropathy4 the Army. A correspondent; (VW batted from General Meade's headquarters, mentions the following case of hydrenathickretament A private employed as a blacksmith at headquarters was recently surpendA by the thumbs ton tall pine traill, and a pail of cold water slowly poured upon hid cranium by a man on a ladder eavere&deot above. lie re ceived the pUnishmetti - diritt as groat a de gree of complacency ill co d be expected under the cireumstanco, - ;bui still exhibited an apparent sense of §amillation which I think it impossible for Wen /he most stoical rascal to repress on occasidns of a similar character. It is customary lathe army, whet the weather is severe,.or whin the mon hare undergone laborious fatigue iluty, to issue to them rations of whiskey, the effect of which in some Instances, is to bring out in hold re lief every selfish animal protlivtty of man's nature, leaving every commendable attribute in the background. It was thus in the in stance of the culprit referred, to, who took oc casion while in a pugiliktie mo od to approach Gen. Meade with a point blank_ chageoge to single combat, asseveratin v rout terms and in an expressive mans OW con fidence in his taunty to v "014-oom inart•lrr•in.chief "or any of a dad in sisting on the General to "peel" and defend himself. The Genera' probably considerinc th; challeni;e rather informal and not in !W- I:Vidal:ice a tit the ordered the man is arrt...:, remarking that be oelluccd the hl • draitt`iit tri. t,shi :.cable in the pug eerie, p.n.! , atoms MM.. It according ad• a:ter lb. tortlA drove. renaouubly supposed, will, bappr re, 1.•••1 to the prvionor :111,1 o. iiloso IVIIIIOVA 111., scene. z f it PreAentatlon of Rebel Colors to Gets. Meade -The Rebel Prisoners' Opin ion of the General. A kit, from the Realvrt,r, of the Army of I he . Petorne , e, soy*: • i t , e re b e l co l or ., eigl.: in number, captured oy Gil. lius.,ell•:. brigade at Rappahannock Stet . were formally. presented to General Meade on ruet..lay afternoon. Col. Emory t pton, of the 121st 'Now York, one of the regi ments partici!, t.ug in the charge on the rebel works, made toe presentation address, to which the General reiionded fittingly, award ng the higher' r': edit to the gallant brigade, and stating, in conclusion, that he soon call upon the whole army for the performance of deeds of a similar praiseworthy character. The General looks remarkably wet', and carries in his large and expressive eye a quiet confidence, which bodes desirable results for the future. The •prisoners are all anxious to get a glimpse of the man who out generated Lee, and when he is pointed out, ore invariably complimenta.y in their re mark,, on his personal appearance. "lie's a mighty smart moo, I reckon," i.ays one; "lie's a ,right fine lookin' feller," remarks another, and so on, all agreeing as to his im pressive military presence. Il is headquarters aro invariably in his tont, no matter how cold may be the weather. From the Blockading Fleet off Wil mington. A letter from an officer of (meet the bl .ekall ing vessels MI Wilmington, dated c:n the 14th of November, in reference to the prevention of blockade-running, contains the following : We are doing very much better than ever before; we have a better class of steamers and more of them. We rims have sista., steamers, of which seven are on the western and southern side. We want about ten more, small steamers or togs that can't be seen; large strainers are of no use. Abodt a week since the rebels put a Whit w nth shot through the Siphon, the first time they have hit her, although they have fired hundreds of times. It fortunately did little damage, and injured no one. They °rm. ft on the steamer from a masked battery. A Bride Worth flaring The Rockingham I Va.) Register publishw the warriagu of Miss Lucy F. Roller, the daughter of a wealthy farmer in that county, and adds: "She was what we would call 'an independ ent girl,' ears enough. Her bridal outfit was all made with her own hands, (rot: her beau tiful and olegant straw hat down to the hand some gaiters upon her feet! lier own delicate hands span and wore the material of which her wedding-dress and traveling-doalc were made, so that she had nothing upon her per son when she was married which was net mach by herself! Nor was she compelled by neces sity or poverty to make this cshibition of her independence. She did it for the purpose of showing to the world how independent South ern girls ore." A Lerma from a gentleman engaged in taking the vote of the Missouri soldiers at Chattanooga, on teat election day, eaye the voting wall done under de fire of the eneertia guns. As the men gathered together and deposited their ballots the rebel shells were exploding all about them. Three hundred and twenty-seven of them east their votes, and every one of them for the radical tielut. Men whose hearts are in their work could not do anything elms. Tue sliver produot of Nevada territory will this year, it Is estimated, amount to $15,000,- 000, and in two years more it is thought it will be fully . $30,000,000. A -writer in dm San Francisco Belletin, wbo has studied the subject on thy Tot, holds that Nevada is the "richest silver -bearing country in the world. Unlike California, her wealth 'is not where r'n find it,' but her ' silver runs in veins.'" THE PIIESIDINT'S EHANCIEATION PROCLAH %- TION ,HOII3.—WO aro gratified to bo able . to Ante that Thomas B. Bryan, Esq., has purchased the original insuascript of the l'reeident's Emanciliation Proclamation, hav ing paid the managers of the Northwestern Fair the handsome HUM of three thousand dui lor. for it, and having given obligations that it shall notgo out of the city.—ehicoyo Give. _ DEATH OF A $OO or DLL Prarb—J. R. Priestly, Esq., Northumb tu erland county, Pa., and cashier of the Bank of Northumber land, died suddenly . at the depot at Reading on Tuesday morning, of heart. disease. Be was is soh of the famono Bar. Dr. Priestly, welt-known ea n learned tuid'eloquent both in this collntTi iiid Eitrope. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, OUR PRISONERS AT RICHMOND. Clothing and Provisions Returned by the Rebels. HORRIBLE STATE OP AFFAIRS IN REDELDO.II OCCUPATION Of THE CAPTURED CORRESPONDENTS Lc., de., de Spacial Dtspatch ttt thr Fittabargb ihtzettt• PHIL/DELPHI,,, Nov. Ih, I 563 Th• Christian Commission this morning were notiCted that the supplies for Union 1.-in oners will not be received by the rebel,. No reason is given. The fact is, that the rebels are not quite mean enough to steal them. yet unwilling that the prisoners should fore bet ter than their own people. Released agents of the l.bristian Commas sled, just come in, say Richmond is in a state of destitution. Jeff Davis is serionily alarm ed. The guerrilla sys tem of warfare is react ing upon thewolves, when nu Yankeos are there to plunder they prey upon their own people. Horrible tales of outrage are repott ed to the Confederate tiovernment, hot that has no pow. to hew. The Union prisoners are slowly and rotting with .eur‘s7. Every seldior there leaves on Saturday for Dir.ie, blacks and all. Intense feeling exists against the War De partment for not j•.uhlfig on to Richmond and roleasing our 12,000 prisoner, Nothing interesting the Army t,f the Potoms... Our troops. yesterdsy, terned oat and re ooestrneted the fencing on the farm of John Minor Botle. destroyed by the camps. Mr. r, LOW ut and iz the Union. • Borate Libby, mail carrier for the army, was robbed on the , nal. They took his h,ds, money, mail and 11, r,s, and thou let him go. The mail sirm full of greenbacks. A writer says the time of tow captured newspaper correspondents in Libby is occu pied an be er ea ch morning in "grey wLich drop through the floor alto,. The removal of the pri•nnera from hick mond to Danville has commenced. Already 11,;,00 have gs- The Richmond F.' , ../aane says the Yanl,ee Cioeornmeut will not take these priuners un der the laws of etrilired warfare and cartel. They shall be put where told weather and scant fare will thin theta out I, .te:urti^uee with the law • f nature. Two hundred rebel prisoner. wore confined in Castle Thunder for v.:was I,ll , •nfles—servo for desertion, and others for attending pt.., ~ettings in North Car . "..a. wh;le home on furlough. Men, women and children have keen coral, a. in , our line•. n. l'ort•ntouth, for the 1:13t reek, in .unto nurnheri. They tell the old el•:ry of , 11,) Li• , u in tit , • eel-.! cap{r .l. all. I. I'. Spear. l the II th Cavalry, ha , h er , reopp , •,o led Briert:en arat 'f LavaLlry. eon- upon the Avereign. er Eu rope fur a et,ngrcs,. to ~11,it t••.n State altairn. FROM WASHING-TON ._ • J. K. HOIFF.IIAfIi a & BRo" Affaira in Meade'B Department. ou'll No. 51 TUTU STICEII7. _ ___ ..... TWO OR THREE. REBEL REGIMENTS THROWN KNA BE S PIANOS ar e - — 7. ACROSS THE ARPIDAN. now cosuidered the best Flams -- *. ._. _ _._ made, and are folly warranted fort ' - 1 , 1 Two Deserters Publicly Branded. V 1 41::"'"*... 1 ::: ..d"'..17,.".., h t v° =1"" 'er:ho'f Enabs excel . lento in our possession from Melberg, Gottachelk, Strackeech, O. Satter and H. Vico:tempts, as also HORRIBLE RIGHT ON THE RAPPAHANNOCK, from some of tbo moat distingushed professors and amateurs in the country. A call Is respectfully soli - before purchuing elsearbare. Persons at a dbl. Arrival of Paroled Prisoners from tummy - 1U please send fora circular. For sale at Fac tory prices by CHA IILOTTZ BI.L.NK, Richmond. .. _ , .. _ No.. 43 rifth street, ' nol4 Solo Agent for Sithib'gh and West. Ps_ _ REM. /V AI. OF 1'2,001.1 i . NIIIN P RISON ERS I' 11l 01 emuleE PIANOFORTE RICH ItoND Tii LAN''ILI.E. V —.hod received, r very choice --- lintion of PIANOS, pereally select- NI ATT EltS DA 11.1" G! - I 1 INV !NO W01{.6 4E Va:l2 li t!rp .- .: ,- ,. irrAt,';'.h. - , b/P. - „Ttobtr:',.- - „dtr, -- others the onapprnachetie STEINWAY PI THE REBELS MOVING ON ELBASIDE'S FORCES. ANtlt l ' eu B ', ' e ah are ' l ' e ' tit 'i' T 'a oc i to ' r ae e ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from 5240 onward, H. ELEBER A BRO., No. IS Fifth street, Sole Age Lita for Strin,,y's eumai. LEE REP9RTED FALLING BACK New YORK, Nov, 9.—A iferahl Washington dispatch say, tin Monday the rebels threw two OK tarot of their regiment, to this side of the river, but not out of range of their bat teries at Raccoon. Two deserters were publicly branded yes terday. Tho rain on Sunday exposed a horrible sight on the Rappalicrcek. In the rifle pits rum which the rebels retired on this side, the washings of the rain uncovered half-buried arms and legs of Illose slain in tho recent skir mini, with the tith cor e s. The lierfabi nice has the following from the A r my of the Potomac, dated Nov. 17: Each Indiana and AVisoonsin regiment in this army is sending home one commist•ioried c!beer and two privates from each county on recruiting sere ico n with the espeotation of filling their thinned rauka with volunteers. A Washington dispatch to the herald says that a Butler, of the !ill Kentu,ky Cavalry, and seven others, released from Castle Thun der on parole, have reached Washington. They state the removal of 12.000 Colon pris anon, from Richmond to Danville has com menced, and already 2,000 have gone. Thetis are great complaint among Lite poor er people in Richmond at the high price. and scarcity of provisions ' and they etc fermi to adopt the advice of their papers—te live with out eating meat. There .re some 2,000 rubel prisons..^ con fined in Castle Thunder for various alleged offences. Some are in for desertion, and others for attending peace meetings in North Carolina while at home en furlough. Now T one's Wash h. -ton dispatch says : Messrs. Wm. Stannern, of Keoeuk, lowa, and A. A. Mums, of 31cm phin, two citizen, who were captured last May at Granville, Miss., and conBne4. in Libby prison most of the time since, are among the returned prisoners that arrived at Annapolis to-day. These gentlemen represent matters in Richmond daily growing worse. No meat had been issued for days before they left. They confirm the statements Gat nothing sent to eltisens or soldiers had ever been de livered by the rebels oulil the recent inter fcronce of our government. A special:dispatch to the Montt!, dated Wash ington, ICUrember 1101. nays • Advice, re ceived to-day, tem the West, state that the rebels are moving on Gen. Buninide'n fa-me vie Loudon, East Tennessee. The latter are deemed to be in on unrnfr poeition. It is thought that the form now advancing has Men exaggerated somewhat. Arrivals from the front to-night bring no dispatches. end show Gist there is nutmeg of interest developed to-day within our linen. A deserter from the 2d Louisiana arrived hero, and thinks Leo's army is about 90.000 'strong. He adds that the fortifications on the Rapidan arc formidable. N W York, Nov. 19.—A special to the rue., dated Washington Nov. 18th, state§ that Leo is falling back to Carlton Junction, with one half of his army. Rebel Raid Nemphlaipprebended. Naw Toes, Nov. 19.—A Memphis letter, dated the 13th, to the World, states that there are apprehensions of a rebel raison that city. General Tharlbut's division has arrived there. Guerrillas are active on the rives, and the eltlamm are orginizing for self-defitneo. ~ ~...~.: ~~~iti:;~~;`±i .3nlL Ya~'•+T r_ :h.' >> g'^l~.zx3.~?s=e ~5+1~,..ai,--s-i~+~,a...r ~~_ai-_.._l~.Y> VOLUME LXXVII-NO. Interesting from Europe. NEW Year., Nov. 19. — The Persia, from Liv erpool on the ith, via Queenstown on the 9th, arrived this morning. Tho pirate Georgia, before her arrival at Cherbourg, captured two ships and boarded about ninety. A Paris telegram tries to dissuade Liver pool shippers from sending to Matamoras, as the blockade there is effective. . Napoleon's speech to the French Legisla ture sass universally discussed. dome reward it as pacific, and others as warlike. Some English journals say that war is In evitable without there is a Congress on the Polish question. Paris Bourse is dull at 66f. Ln France says an European Congress may be considered as convoked. The Bank of France advanced its rotes Lurrpo L Nor .I.—Cotton has an upward tend.oey. hiria.l.:ufla quiet and steady. Provtaiona, Insgulnr. Lard dull. Consols eirmod at 193:4119 , ga. American storks nomlual. Flour and wheat quiet and stewly. COM, : 'raixed at 7n. fleet I n acti, quiet. Bacon, ixavy, declining 64,j1e. Joeidte, Nue. l.—Breadstuff t dull. fewer advanced Ls. Coffee, Ft.dy. Corifedertte louu, .14365, Gloomy Intelligence from Richmond— Our Prisoner* Eating Dogs--Sup plies Forwarded, etc. BALTIIIOgE. Nov. ii. —The intelligence from our prisoners at Richmond is most gloomy. so meat had been furnished them for twelve dkvs,,and the prisoners onßalle Is land had actually killed and eaten dogs to sustain life. The Supplies forwarded by tie Baltimore Ballet- Plod INTO gols,g forward daily, but are not sufficient to feed thirteen tnoinand man. I Audi endeavor to send fifty barrels of beef and one hundred barrels of dour to-morrow, in fall confident* that our eitizena will bo aided by contrtbat!nns from New York, Plniedelphin, Boston and Wash ington. lam sending provisions in advance at the re,Lipt of fonds to pay fur them. Those men most not be permitted to s terve. CH.OLLES C. FULTON, i',,prieLer of the Baltimore Atee.-;,,,t. Short Engagement on - Mobile. New lutot, Nov 19.—A letter to the licruld, I dated off Mobile, Oct. 22d, says: The Colo- ratio, flagship, and Genesee, hod an engage :lent with the "Ladies' Ram," a vessel pre sented by the ladies of Mobilo to the rebels. 1 1 The Gette,ee fired two shots and the Colorado three, when the rebel ram almost ately put back ander the guns of Fort Mor gan. The rebels have one iron -clad, two steamers and a floating battery tn the bay, but they are of no use. P 1.4.4 OS, MUSIC, hre. P IANO,'.—The subscriber ham the pleaserr no announce that hmtrligg has just raturnorl from New York and Bostoa, where he hes selected from the lfactorice of Clikkertng mine, Jardine & Bon, linraitun Dna., W. P. ii.manica) and others, a splendid assortment of PIANOS, em brining sll etykli finish, from plain to arils caned The. instristuants will anise during this Ira,: tLe cumin greet, and the atteutitu or purchaser. Is re- epectfhlly sollettml to them 1" RI CIS TO BOIT ALL. icci CHAS. C. MELLOR, I) ECK. ER'S PIANOS.-1 .pt..ktog oS (=ail A usbutz'v Con -, ten , e Y, rt.. the editor of the ... eed 13..e1.1 11..11,ce the rold , ,ring rv• •• TL« ixketrumetita used ~a thld ocraniee eery t e • ••...turatl‘nly ma 13rm, of the name of flvvket Brotherv, nod gave very Gnat of ~..ae l ka, .vovarn‘e+hip and powerful and 14 illiant none. Itealter • Pianos Ara untioubtadly the 6.1 manufactured now In this country." e.,u• Keats fOr Pittsburgh, OILS, 4c. MoCORMICK k CALLES . ' DER, - OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street, ORICUIGO. 1/7/r Ounefgament• solicterd. IRMA TO Lyda) & Choryennlng, Iron City Oil Work... Jacob Painter, of J. Palowr & Co. Jno. r. Chalfant, of Spang, Chalfant & Co. 42."1:1y R IDER Sr CLARK, 0011.11LSSION kliftC/1141173, Petroleum and its Products, Oils, OANDLIIIB, AO.. lea 81 BROAD BTRBET...-.... ....... _Yaw You.. 98 WATER 613 E FRONT ' • • ea - Agents An. tiw. PORTLAND Kr.r.onwr: 11L NEW TORE TAlitalraili CANDLE COMPANY, to W. A. CHAPMAN, AO/111M 1".1 rnmt KM. .I.r rrr MATTHEW %AA It PETROLITE OIL WORKS. Manufacturers of FILMIC WHITE CARBON' OIL, BENZOLZ AND ITTILOLEUM LIIBMICATINO OIL. Gapacity taro thousand barrels per weak. REMO & GRAFF, P.GOZZI6TORS. 011 k., YvrUbG~IIELA DOUSE, Plttabmigti. my 23 ENOS WOODWARD, (Late of Wm. H. Wonch.rd a C 0.,) OMNEMAL COMMISSION MERCHANT spwha etentloll Crude and Relined Petroleum. No. 111 SUCTII FRONT SWUM FRUA. oe2r4 ty JAMES IRWIN, ktandliortans at Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. Order, I.ft at John Porterfield & Cln.la Oftice,t or eer of iliAlticrr AND PLUM EITHEZTS, Ind ro tative prompt attention. nal BOOTS .1.1171 SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. GIIZAT iKIDIJOTION Ladien' Kng. Lant . g fang Onitzre,lll 75 worth " 150 •• V) " " " " " IY6 " 173 All other good, aollleg Tary JAMES ROBB, and 89 MAIM= RTRISET JOHN CAMPBELL, Mananctorei of BOOTH AND SHOES, of every dooctipsloo, No. Sm otteet, Pittsburgh. i oc21:l7 GEO. ALHRRF BON .& CO., Mole sale and ROW Deilorm In EOM, SHOES, Ao., corner Wood arot Fourth strootkiittabumb. OILS, AT. RlC'f--1)SON:u-ARlaiY At C., 60WHISSION & 70HRAIIDING 71SIICHANTA Crude and Refined Petroleum, 61. 19 =WIN PrS3ST. ITITISBI79OII. Mr Mbar.' Cash astraaces m canstrarsents Pittsburgh sr Eastern Markets. Maws. J. S. Dilworth Ji 00., Springer Ilarboagh, Thompson Ben, Esq., Picot. OLimmareLal Hank• mblihein TACK & BRO., unnu Crude and Refined Petroteat, BENZINE, itc., 1.” WALNUT ST., PHILADELPIIIA. Swindle entrusted to ear we nartisv mu prompt personal attention. Etter to Kamm ittehardson. Earley d Co.. Drreer, iturk• d Co., end IM.Clelland d Darla Pittsburgh; That. Smith, PrmL Bulk N. A. ; tt. L. a. .I.er Co.. Philadelphia. i IlioN CITY OIL N - Tatia MAT do CHORPENNING, lliumfacturen and Salaam of OALIiON OIL, BUN 11M===21 CRIY L)lt PICI2 R.O LICI.I Worts. opp&ilti ISharisburg. Mee, No. 1,9 HAND lITBRET D. L MILLER, JR., AGurr, ISIS WALNUT £BILA.DELPILLL CRIME & IMEEM PETROLEMI On Commisatrm imakistrely. AU charges at not rraseruhla nue. 13TORAGE FOR 4,LFTVED to cook - cellarg .111, CRUDE, under good 'beds. Partirular &ideation paid to OIL FOR EX PoRT, Yon S.ILLI—C•II7BTIC COLA, oOD.I ASTI, .tc sold) CABOT 6c REM BERTON, General Merohandize Brokers, lA, SOUTH YON 57., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROL/MI, HAMITIC SODA, SODA ASU, M=MIMI Onlc rs to boy or sell promptly attended to. sul:ly ALLEN it NEEDLES, PIULADILPIIIA COMMISSION dIERCIIANTAL Portia:lw. attantloo pald to cooolgooloote of Crude and Refined Petroleum. air Moral &droner mot. onlly HS R ROE. 13 SOUTH FIICNT ST., PII I LADELPHIS. Broker & Comm isai on Morokarst CRUDE & REFINED ESTRUM-11C Crud.° .d 8.-1114.1 BA KEISLS. RAWWI., BUREB Sc CO., COMMUIpION imaciparrs. tyguota of rho GLOBS, PAOITIO AND LIBERTY OIL wows. IJberal cash idyls:ea made on consignmente If Refined or Crude Petroleum- COIL DlNlThatig WAY A lIANCOCIC SIP. Opatty IL WILN need not be emlA - oarnsisell,c the enforcement of the Bulk Ordinance, Vio43 they can here their OIL barrelled aodshlpped • oat teuebbng the City Wharves, es cheap, •re prompt, wish lees risk, lon tronblo•and in Lot ur order, et KIRK'S OIL YARD, On the Alirghitay 'Valley Railroad, oboe Law.sreo. rills, arbors 011 La pimp.] from the beats dlr, s to ilia Qua, and shippod L. any point, East or 'Flaunt any draying or ro-shipping. All erdela promptly ationded to. .1141 - 0111 e. at Yard, on Citizerm ramenger R.ll. Post Oltles address, BOX DOR, Pittsburgh ; or I. ran ba so. , daily at tim On. Lac - manna. apt! DA YID SIPS. WALLACH & CURTIS 6, Coramlemion Merehants. IMM=E:I CRUDE & REFINED PET33.OLEVAI, DiDDINN AND LIIDRICATTNG 0114 Mo. 13 80PPII TVH.4.4 TUT, PIIILADRLIZIA DT Storage =peaty (wader carer,) tbrl6,lVO A 1.., excellent Netlike for shipping to Ame 4-en and Foreign ports, et ear wharf on the Biter, ncer the platform of the P. H. WALES, WETMORE A: CO., 00317118810 N MESCILLX72, SKIPPERS OF FETBALEIJffi, 112 HAMER LANE, y 1 W TORE Ample fsailltleu for STORAGE AND SiiiPPlngß, .t their yard sad wharf. R nOOll. myl4( Lit AsioN D OIL WOM3. _ NAYLOR & MUTH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil, Vusbrpmed by my to tho maTket. 44 - Orders left at their arke. No. 41 STREET, or at their work. in Lae/run:eville, real Lc pro: wady attended to. Buyers of CRUDE OIL. ROT ASHWORM, IST. CLAIR BT., MT.:BURGH, Forwarding & Commission Merchant •HD DNALER IX OILS. ead"'ILLErkIIIiATINO, LIIIMIOATINO, CfriDE PO:ROLF:CM OILS, constantly on hen and for tale at the ICIIIINt market prieek eauslgnaitnts and ordcre witched. ap7k $lO. W. HOLDRILLP HIGNSW4O7.IiIirI WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP & Co., Kannfactuaers of BURRING OM AND LUBLICA TO6 011.. Keep cotodiantly on hand Ow afro bolt quality of BURNING OIL, dear and adillontedPot ; also. • rood LUBRICATOR, pun WHITS /Oa- ZOLE and CAR CREASE. . . . air Al order. left at No. 33. 1 , 71'13 378 W. Bonk Block, wood !bur, will be promptly atteidiAl to. odktf rt. 6. WARING, CRUDE, RNYINID, MACHINEUT AND PAINT OILS, And dcalex m lialnlng Matarlai. In. BS MARKET T. Pitts!).Tab S./CENT OIL WORKS. Duziojilir, DrArLip_a, co., IlLitautlictmen of Pure White Refined Ciii•bon ens, 0111 a), No. Sat LIM= NWT, mansetruan; InYfiltono
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