VittsbuTO 6azetitz. THURSDAY MORNING- N0V.19,1863 CITY AND SUBURBAN Official Paper of tho City. Trial of Bernhard Louth for the Mur— der of John Kanter. COMM OP OYER AND TRIOIOSZP.— Wednesday APernotra, Nov. 17.—Judges Starrett, Mellon and Brown. At the opening of Court in the afternoon the examination of witnesses for the defense wan resumed, John and Samuel Brynd wore called and contradicted certain immaterial matters tes tified to by witnesses for the prosecution. Frederick kit. Ertiman testified to having heard Kunzler make threat' against the de fendant. Robert MoCord testified that he saw Kunz , ler during the afternoon, at different times— the last time at eleven o'clock in the evening, when he was laying on the pavement in front of Mrs. Dashbach's house, near the curbstone. Witness remarked: " Kers lies a corpse," when a man approaching told him it was Kunzler. Witness met Loath coming down street, right afterwards, and walked with him linked arms around the -corner, to Carson street. Lauth remonstrated against the hurry of the witness, who then informed him of Kunzler's presence in the neighborhood. Just at that moment Kul:tiler came around, grabbed Leath by the neck, saying " Now I have got you." Louth told him if he didn't lot go, he would shoot him, while Kunzler still held him against the house by the throat. Witness wentzo Levake's for help, being afraid that Kunzler might ho hurt, and on returning (after three or four minutes) found them in the same position—Kunzler bragging repeat edly of his superiority, and Leath flattering - and tasking him to go home. A scathe ensued, Louth trying to get loose, when the pistol went off, after which Kunzler still kept his hold of Lauth's throat Receding then ono stop,Kurisler tried to regain his hold of Leath's throat, when the pistol went off twice more. Kartzlar then walked across the street, say ing, he thought he had no friends there. Levake then sent for a light, to see if Kunzler was hart, while a stranger happened to pass by, who was called to the scene, when Kunz ler, lying against the fence, said: "I am not dead yet." Some persons come there at the time, and were asked by Loath to carry Kuneler into the house—not to let him the on the street, and to get a Doctor, which they refused. Loath and the witness then ran for Dr. Woods, to Birmingham, and hurried him to the scene, after which Louth wanted to give himself up, when witness asked „him to see first whether Bawler was hurt. But in '• !Theo( remonstrances, Leath wakened Justice • Lipp, with the vrituess, telling him his story. The 'Squire saidhe had no constable there, and couldn't do anything, when Lauth and Wit ness went to hunt a constable, lhallmehl whom they found in a beer hull. Leath sur rendered himself to Kalbach, and tl , ^y all went down to the magistrate's office. The 'Squire sent them over to jail, being afraid to keep Louth over night. Leaving the office they met Dr. Wood, when Louth asked him for the state of Kunzler's wounds. The' doc tor remarked, "it is nothing but a flesh wound," when the constable laughing, said, .he* ow they couldn't kill him," and told Lentil to go home. Witness went with Lauth to Lippert's corner, towards home. IL A. Levake, Sr., confinnedithe statement of the last witness regarding his calling them out to the 6COIIO of the shooting. Esquire Lipp testified that on the 17th of November, 1560, between eleven and twelve at night, be was called down stairs by two men, whom he recognized then an Leath and McCord—Louth saying: " I killed a man in self-defense." The witness told them he had no officer at hand, and thought the men were joking. Bo went down to his office, however, after thoy had been hunting Kalbach with out Stleet'3s, and he artdsted them in finding the officer. The statement of Louth was duly taken down with the commitment, and the officer left in charge of the prisoner, Lauth. Court then adjourned till nine o'clock Thurs day morning. Shocking, Cahualty—Explosion of a Locomotive--Nice Mnp We learn that on Tuesday night a looome ties exploded on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Conomaugh siding, three miles east of Johnstown, resulting in the death of the cngi gineer, the fireman, and three other men. The particulars, so far as wo have been able to gather them, are these : Engine No. 114, used as a " pusher" (that is, employed ati an extra engine, at the rear of trains, to :milt in pushing them up the mountain grade.) was kcpt standing on Conernaugh siding, waiting for a stock train, which was b.:hind time. When llue train appeared, the engineer put on steam, for the purpose of running off the siding and taking his position at the rear of the train. As soon as the engine began to move, a terrific explosion occurred, the holler teing blown to pieces. The engineer, John Finley, was killed, as was also the fireman, James Miles. Two drovers, and another man, names unknown, aro also reported killed. It is said that the accident was caused by an in sufficient supply of water in the boiler. Return of Battery A "Battery A" returned yesterday afternoon, and with but few good words for the citizens of Erie. Our men were treated in striking con trast with the hospitalities we extended the Erie regiment when here. We think the bat tery boys were able to take care of them selves, however, for when asked when they "would commence to throw up fortifies Oen'," replied, " when the last man in Erie has been buried." They were astonished at the apathy of the citizens—all business went en as usual until Monday, when, by order of Gen. Brooks, the Mayor of the eity called out the citizens to throw up fortifications. Gen. Brooks, after sparing some two hun dred men from his command, to go to Buffalo, still controls an ample force for any emerge:l ey, and deserves the thanks of every patriot for his promptness and energy. Deserter Arrested. A deserter from Battery 8., 4th New Jersey artillery, was arrested in Allegheny, yester day, and placed in charge of Captain Wright. His name is Edward Green, but he was pass ing under that of Wm. H. Wilson, when ar rested. IL seems that a married woman named Emma Smith had formed a guilty attachment with Green, and no doubt incited him to de sert , she furnished him with a suit of citizens clothes and left her husband and came West with an under the assumed name of Emma Silvers, bat subsequently roturued. Green's whereabouts was discovered by a letter to Emma, which was taken out of the Postoffice at Trenton, N. J., by the injured husband, and handed to the Provost Marshal, who informed the officers here. He was arrested when in quiring for letters under his assumed name, at the Allegheny Postoffice, by L. IL. Lindsey, Esq., of Allegheny. MAN ELLLED.—On the morning of the 14th inst., a man named James liamilton, Sr., a resident of Johnstown, but who had been working at Peomstadt, was killed by falling over a culvert near the latter Waco. lie wee walkinron the railroad, and apes' meeting a train stepped to one side and losing hie bal ance, fell a distance of about thirty feet, oc casioning injuries from which ho died in about three hours. Stmnas DnaTa.—Michael Pritchtuan of Penn township, Westmoreland county, suddenly on the Bth hist., of apoplexy. Ile was on hie way to church at •Pennstadt, and when but a short distance from his residence be wax seen to fall by some of his family, when they immediately ran to his assistance, and found him insensible. Medical aid was at once summoned, but of no avail. lie was 63 years of age. VSETYLLI as Genes.—The Theatre was spin crowded last evening, to witness the performances of the celebratod hi 'lle Vestvall, and Ater reception was fully as flattering and ,enthtmlastio ea upon hcr fast appearance. The e m s will be repeated this evening, and as there will be another lush - for seats, gentlemen - .will -do well to make their selections at the ,b o x emee during the fit-Goiltrsons ITILLux F. Jonnnos and JiLIDOS pallook have been appointad by Gov. Carlin marshals for the Gettysburg .didloationion the part ofPonnayltinia. .. Judicial MlMllcatton.” Enrsona asitrra---The article in your pa- , per of Monday, ' beaded "Judicial Nullieea tioe," sets in avery clear light the attempt of the majority of the Supreme Court to use a bill in equity instead of a habeas corpus. If this was a blunder, and we are bound to be lieve that it was, it is certainly wonderful, and can be accounted for only on the principle that "Homer sometime sleeps." The Demo cratic candidates, and orators, and editors in the late canvass in this State did nothing but weep and wail and howl over the suspension of the habeas corpus. Now every body can see what belly nonsense and humbug this was, if they can use a bill in equity instead of habeas corpus and surety of the peace, both put together. Those mast have been croco dile tears about habeas corpus, when they had in their hands a thing worth two of it. , There is but one thing in tho annals of the legal profession here that comes up to this exploit with a bill in equity, and, that the two may be kept together, hero is the story : An old member of the bar, who died some years ago, when he was commencing practice, was employed to drive off an intruder acid regain possession of a tract of land. Be had never devoted himself much to study, and was sore ly puzzled as to what he should do. At last a lucky thought struck him. He issued a writ of replevin for the land, sent his client along with the Sheriff when he went to servo the writ, and told the Sheriff to drive the in truder off and put his client in possession. The Sheriff did so, and the client alavays thought he had hit upon- the best lawyer at the bar. Onszav FETAL Am:DEN - L-0n Monday morning about five o'clock, as the down passenger train approached the Lehigh Gap, Lehigh county, a coal train backed down on another track so as to lot the passenger train pass, when the conductor on the coal train, named Johnston, jumped while ,the train was in motion, and fell ander the wheels. His head WAS entirely severed from his body. • SPECIAL linsmim de Councits. = Allegheuy Councils meet this (Thursday) evening, to dis cuss Important speciil business. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. THOMAS PAILRY, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer in Penneylrania and Vermont slate of the beet quality et low rates. Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • SECOND ARRIVAL OP FALL AND IVINTZR GOODS, just received at Graham az Co.'s, Mer chant Tailors, No. 54 Market street. It con sists of all the very latest styles of clothe, eassimeres and voetinge; overooatings of all kinds of the very finest quality, all of which is selected from the latest importations, and will be made up in the most fashionable and best manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed by any other in the city, nnci every garment warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give us an early call. Samosa, GRAHAM CO., Merchant Tailors, No. 64 Market it. SANVEL GRANAM, Gen. MCCANDLESS. FOR PALI. AND WINTRY Weos.—The Sum mer is past, and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be upon us, and we must provide oar selves with the material to keep us comfort able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do not know of any place where our readers would snit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H. McGee & Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allogheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a groat variety of new patterns fur waistooating, are. KENTUCKY BILLZB APPNECIATE. — Mre. Anne Snots, of Louirville, Ky., says in a letter : "When in New York, this summer, I purchased by way of experiment some of Mre. 8. A. Allen's celebrated flair Restorer and Zylobalsamum, which I have found valuable. I now write to hero you send me a damn of each by express, for the use of my friends." Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 19fi flreouwich st , Now-York. TOT RECEIVED AND READT vok. &Alt.—The fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothitig, lately received by Messrs. John Wipr t Co; Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al.; - legheny. The stock of clothing consists of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and ovemeata. The style of patterns in tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of our readers to give the above gentleman a call. THE SOLDIER'S Tare FRIEND.—For over forty years, Doctor Holloway has been sup plying all the Armies of Europe with his Pills Ointment. They having proved themselves the only medicines able to euro the worst cases of Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores, Wounds and Bruises. Every knapsack should contain them. Only 25 cents per box or pot. 232 WATCHI23, 311irtUrr, M. Roberts, No. 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most choice stock of tine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goode ever displayed in this city, and is selling thorn at remarkably low pricer. Osorrami and carriage isalls will be taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders left at the above place will be promptly attended to. All calls moat be paid us advance. • DimrAt. Inwrirccra, No. 251 Penn street, is the place where you eon got the Lest cheap dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place, No. 251 Penn street, near Hancock. RA.7B, MICE urn ROACELE.—These pests of the house are speedily vanished by the use of Yarnell's Exterminator. There is no horn bug about it; it is safe and sure and only costs 25 cents. Sold at Dr. Keyser's. Liaot assortment of Fun to be sold at Auction, at McKelvey's, 47 Fifth street to morrow (Thursday afternoon, Nev. ntli,) at two o'clock. Arras!) the largo sale of Furs at Mo'Kol vey's 47 Fifth street, at two &cloak to-ni or row (Thursday afternoon.) GREAT bargains. in Ladies' Furs, at J Finch's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets. BEST French Merinos at $1 25 per yard, at J. Firch's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets. Lop and Square Shawls at low prices, at J, Finch's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets. CLOSING Out Carpets at first cost, at J Finch's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets. C. Brix, Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at tend to all baldness of his profession. MARRIED STOOPS-51cCLELLAlio—By the Rev. John B. Clark, Nov. 17111, at the raidanee of J. PattorkM, Allegheny City, Capt. WILLIAM STOOPS, of Pitts burgh: P. , mod Mlee NANNIE IIoCLELLAN, Shousetoern, Pa. SMITH—WOOD.—At Philadelphia, on November 16th, iltra, by Bev. Benjamin Watson, RICHARD PENN SMITH, Colonel of the 71st Regt. P. V., and LUCY P. WOOD, formerly of Pittsburgh. DIED: siteLursurnaza.—October 31st, of cram, and congestion of the lungs, at the residenceof his grand father, Joseph 7. Kern, at 111liside, &Lk KB IEL WORTH, eon of Benjamin nod Cl Elhalledberger, of California, Pa, aged 18 months .d 13 day, We have given to God, in tears and pain, This child that we both did love, Believing that we will Mad him again In the fields of light above. MEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT LAIN —We take this method of Worming cru Mende and the pubio generally that we are now uiepared to ENTRANT TENTH. WITIIOIiT PAIN In the practice of Dentistry. _ Thom who have been postponing this mtich dreaded operation may nem lay *Adds their fears and give us a call, as theapparatm we Imre in 636 has been thoron tasted during the mst four ymm, fully eetablis t he eats and min ima character of the operation. o Drugs or Chemi cals nor Galrattic Battery used. All them lathing the mrtehim of a good end reliable Dentist will do well to call and conimlt with JAMES f 1.70120, , No. 162 Fourth ;treat, or, Dm C. FLING, No. 47 Smithfield street, Pitts burgh. Jelifimint RAGAN 8 MAGNOLIA BALM and LAIUD'S IILOO3I OrYOUTII, the only per fect and reliable articles no in nee - To - r beautifying and precerring the complexion, for male at CIEO. A. KELLY'S Central Drug Store, corner Ohio and Federal streets, In Market Stowe AlleittisnY• YCERIN E CREM, tOLD %..s CREAM, and Welty perfumed GLYCERINE BOAP, fur chapped bands. face and Ilpir n a l 7 GEO. 6. lours Centnd Stare, ~ • .• In noon, . THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAM OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gawtteo. WAsEgnivroN CrrY, Not. 18, 1883. , Tug. ENION PRISONERS IN RICIDIOND The question of retaliation for the manner in which our priioners are treated in Rich mond, is the subject of discussion bore. The President inclines : to oppose, while some of the members of the Cabinet are said to favor it. Yet no conclusion has been reached, but efforts will bo continued to alleviate the suf ferings of our captive soldiers as far as possi ble. Among the returned prisoners from Richmond is Mr. Walters, of Indiana, taken at Chickamauga, who confirms the statements of destitution there, and says : There was not a beef in all Richmond for twelve days before; his release, and that those which had been thCre for sumo time before had been impressed from the farmers under government authority ; that the Union people had somothnes smuggled in loaves of bread and other provisions to our prisoners, but that they were still suffering greatly, and dying att.he rate of about forty a day. Some fire thousand prisoners, recently confined in the tobacco warehouses through the city, had been sent to Danville and Lynchburg. Other parties from the South represent the Southern feeling as at a much lower ebb, and the enthu- aiastn of their array' to a great extent gone TUN RICHMOND DIEPATt:I I OS TILE ttr.lo.l. CACAO The Richmond I.4orpatel, of the lath inst., uses the following, language respecting Chat- taueogo "All eyes are now turned upon this central point of the Confederacy and of tho war. It is useless to deny that the enemy ere about to make their supreme effort on that geld. They are consolidating there their greatest strenfith. The flower of armies is collected there, with the best of their llcuerals at ha hold. In numbers, in equipments, in ',mini- ••• . • lions of war—all their preparations are of the most collossal kind. The stake at issue war rants the magnitude of their efforts; for if they are defeated there, the hack bone of the war is broken, and all hope of the subjugation of the South is banished forever, area from their own mad counsels. If they are successful, the South will be overrun and it may be many years before we can recover from the consequences. It is an hour of fear ful moment. The destinies of this generation and cf generations yet to come may be in volved in this battle. ESCAI'L OF CNION HOLDIXRS FROM RICHMOND Thirty-fire Yankee deserters escaped-from Castle Thunder by mining under the wall on Friday night tact. A few were re-captured. Mr. WILMIN °TON, N. C A fire occurred at Wilmington, N. C. on the 14th. The — toss is heavy, embracing large quantities of cotton and clothing belonging to North Carolina.'' "Al. OIL an SPIRITS The practice of the Office of Internal Rev enue, from the first has been, and still is, to allow for the actual leakage of coal oil, bonded for exportation, in case the oil is ex ported, not otherwise. Distillers of spirits and relinero of coal oil, who allow purchasers to remove or ship without giving bond for exportation, will bo required to pay duties on the same. PRESIDENT LINCOLN 0 , INE QUESTION OF STATE Tho President has recently militarized that on the question of State reconstruction he ho should take radical grounds. Ile says in Missouri that those for whom ho ma every thing, wont against him, while thteirtiwbose requests he denied, supported him. 11.11.1.Kk56D I'IIIBOAZ/ 1 S ♦66 IV NU Three hundred and fifty prisoners, released by exchange, anivcd at Annopolis to-day, from Richmond, in a. pitiable condition. Six dia on the passage from Fortress Monroe, and others are only alive. Moot of them nre nearly naked and starred to mere skeletons. 1117 TRF. , IOEYT GoNI. TO 01,17T,0r61 The President, accompanied by l'rivate Secretaries Nicola). and Hay, has gone to Gettysburg. No members of the Cabinet ac company hini but Usher, Blair and Seward. The Secretaries of the Treasury. Navy and War are too busy to Z,/. NOIIMAN B. JUDD Norman B. Judd, Minister to Prussia, is here on a brief leave of absence. Ile arrived in the Hansa, from Bremen, last Saturday. Me expects to visit Illinois before his return. raiLLIPS AND rnr.sinExf usroLN The Net;mini Intelligenetr of this morning quotes Wendell report that the Pres ident called his Emancipation Proclamation the greatest folly of his life. CLLIFFORD'S kITAT'"F OF I.II9:RTV Le Crawford's bronze statue of Liberty is to placed over the dome of the capitol next week. UIST 61sT JUDGIT. Cr ALABAMA Richard Busload, of New Y ork, has beer, appointed District Judgo of Alabama, vice Judo Lane, deceased. SCRI*YLER cotrxx. Schuyler Colfax arrived this evening, and is receiving his hosts of friends. THE COI' HT-MARTIAL, Of which Major Gaines is .I . udge Advocate, .ortrued sine du The Potomac Army liztv Tout, Nov. 1 0 .—Tho Poet's Weshing to correspondent says there was 80M0 diz ptite here over an amusing question, and it is, this : Does Gen. Meade desire to advance upon the enemy? It is claimed by some of has friends that ho does desire to push on at once, but that Gen. lialleek is opposed to it. On the other hand, it is sail that both Gen. lialleck and Gen. Meade aro agreed that ao further advance shall be made this winter, but that the President insists upon more fighting before the winter compels the army to cease its operations until next spring. It is a singular condition of things that, at least four different men have the reputation of being opposed to the further prosecution of the war. I feel very certain ef two things : that Gen. Ilalleck is not eager for another battle on the southern side of the Rappahan nock, and that Ga b . Meade is. The General was urged to go to Gettysburg, and ho re fueed peremptorily, and has gone back Ito fight, If the enemy affords him anything like a fair field, and will stand up for battle. Ile will make the hazard. Gen. Meade is a pru dent general ; too cautious at times, bit even he is convinced that it is in his power to beat the army under Gen. Lee. Mosby is gathering up all the Union citi zens of Virginia, between hero and Warren ton, and our troops; by way of retaliation, are capturing the rebel Virginians and bringing them in for consignment to the Old Capitol Prison. Federal Vessel Ordered to Leave Cork Harbor. law Toes, Noe. 18.—The Cork F...uunilser ( Irelando of Nov. dth says: Last evenins'Ad mind Jones lent notice to the commander of the Hearses° to quit the limits of Cork harbor within 24 hours. It is reported that tho federal officer has refaced to do so. Tho Kearsage was engaged in coaling the whole of bat night. Wednesday, 3 p. m.—The Hearses° is Mill in Cork harbor. Our prison at iitchniona—Tho Pro- visions and Clothing Returned. FOIITGESS MOILLOS, Nov. 16.—The steamer Convoy, which left here last Saturday with provisions and clothing for our soldiers held as prisoners in Richmond, returned to-day, bringing back the provisions and clothing. Col. Irving, who had charge of the matter, was refused the privilege of taking . tho rations to Richmond. From Cairo Chao, Nov. IB.—Memphis paters, of the I.sth, bring no news, but private information says that the appeaance indicates another I fight on the Memphis and Charleston Rail- j road soon by Forrest and Chalmers. General Hurlbut has loaned the following ; General Order: People in the districts of Western Tenors see and the Northern counties of Mississippi, ; haring shown no disposition to make an tempt to protect themselves from marauder's and guerrilla bands, but having submitted themselves, without organised resistance, to the domination of these potty tyrants, and combined, in many instances, with the enemy, to procure from the corrupt traders in the City of Memphis, and elsewhere, supplies for the use of the public enemy, it is, there fore, ordered that the linos of pickets around the general military posts of this command be closed, that no goods of any diseription be allowed to pass out nor anythinghe brought in except firewood and provisions, by any citizen, without a written order from some general of ficer. All merchants and others doing busi ness, will be held responsible for the knowl edge of the residences or parties to whom they sell; and the sale of merchandise to persomf beyond the rmos of our pickets, will be punished with the severest rigor known to the law. All persons residing under the protection of the United States, who aro physically capable of military duty, aro liable to perform the same in a country under marshal law, and es pecially in the city of Memphis, where, it it known, that many have fled to escape the lia bility of military service at home. This role will be strictly applied to in pursuance to or ders to this effect from Maj. Gen. Sherman, commanding department. All officers commanding districts, divisona ; and brigades of this corps will immediately proceed to impress into the service of the rotted States, Mitii able-bodied persons no may be required to fill op the existing regi• ments and batteries. Other minimum persons so levied upon, it they enlist for three years or during tho war, they will be entitled to the full benefits, provided by the acts of Coon ems. If not, they will receive clothing and rations, and the question of pay will be settled by the proper anthoritleahoreaftor; when their Is no further necessity for their enforced services, they will be discharged. Washington Item. W A slissiorost, Nov. 18.—The Sias of this evening says that the latest information from East Tennessee is, that Longstreet is going In that direction, and that skirmishiug has already occurred between Burnside's out posts and the outposts of Longstrcol's ads 'mums. The exact position of Burnside's out posts is not known. It is announced by authority, that from this date to the opening of Congress, the Presi dent will ho unable to receive visitors. His timeserill be occupied by public business. Some doubt exists of the report as to the appointment of Gen. Foster in the place of Gen. Burnside, especially as no order to that effect appears in to-day's official Army Ga zette. A special to the World, dated Washington, Nov. 17th, says that the immense number of non-producing slaves in the South are fast becoming an incubus, which the Emancipation Proclamation was not needed to ',swish in good time. Over a million of slaves were re moved from the Border States—new lost ti the Confederacy—and are huddled into beer gin alone, to consume the subsistence which might otherwise sustain Bragg's army dur ing the winter. It is the opinion of many, not only here, but at the South, that that army, now being deprived of all supplies from Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky, will s ...n have no alternative but to surrender to the necessities of hunger, unless General Grant, as now seems probable, forces it to a new ac tivity. To give away, under such a pressure, would not be considered:by:the chivalry dis honorable. It would nt soy rate be deemed a kind:of excuse for doing that which the sword alone has not yet compelled them. It appears from official reports from Gen. Carleton, commanding the Department of Now Mexico that California and New Mexico volunteers Ara sainting the territory, rind ponetratiog to the haunts of the Navajo In dians and destroying villages and crops, and making captures of persons and stocks. Owing to scant supplies of grass and water, further operations are to be made in detached parties on feet, which plan is to be continued during the winter. The Navajo Indians have been mare severely punished during the sum mer than ever before. They have been 7losed upon in almost every direction by our tro,ps. - ------- Latest Qom Europe ST. JOIINS, Nov. 19. —The steamer Teutonia from Southampton en the 6th, passed Cape Race on last Monday evening. The U.S. steamer Kearsage is watching the blockade runners at Cork. The Alabama is cruising in the Bay of Bengal. Lrunrau, Nor. 4.—An Insurgent corps, numbering, it is said, 600 in'antry 'and 230 cavalry, which advatlcod on Sunday into Vol hancia, having been pressed by the Ilatkians, laid down their arms yesterday in the district of Belisle, and in Gallicia,and4oo had escaped with their arms and munitions, and 200 had surrendered to the authorities. It is stated on reliable authority that the Grand Duke Constantine will be relieved from his functions as the Governor of Poland, and General Beery will be appointed as his suc cessor. Stockholm, Nor. s.—The official Ga.ette in a leading article on the German conflict says It is now by no means the fault of Denmark if pence should be disturbed. Thdra, Sor.4.—The Cortes was opened to- day. The Queen's speech says that friendly re lations continue with foreign nations, and that the project of constitutional reform has been definitely resolved on. Dedication of the Cemetery at Getty, burg. llsonsi,ricno, Nor. LB.—The special excur sion train of the Governor's left at half-past one for Gettysburg. Among the principal dignitaries were Governors Curtin, Soymour, Piorpont and 11Slough. General Vanderpool of Now York ; Col. Anderson, I,other of Gen. Anderson; Governors Tod, Dennison and Doorman, of Western Virginia, and their re spective staffs; Gene. Stoneman and Stahl, ex• Secretary Cameron, Clement C. Parkway, of Philadelphia, and part of Gov. Curtin's staff. The train will connect with the Preei dent's company at Hanover Junction. Opening oi — t — he Atianpc and (:realWestern Railroad. Ci.avaLano, Nov. IS.—Governor Vales, of Illinois, Major General Rosecrans, Senator Sherman, of Ohio, with all the prominent railroad mon of the country, are here attend ing the opening of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. The hotels are full. Goa Roseman' hold a reception last night, and was visited by groat numbers. The Sandusky excitement has died out, and the troops are about to be sent home. UnlonPacific Railway. CSICAGO, Nov. y.—Tbe firot section of 40 miles of the Union Pactifie Railroad, eastern division, boa been graded by Sam'l Hallett A. Brothers in 45 days. Forty thousand ties have been delivered, and. tho masonry and bridging is nearly done. Four thousand tone of rail and the rolling stock are in cootie of delivery. It Is confidently expected that the cars will bo in operation on nsw Year'. day. 864. les. Sales of Fls•e-Twent PHILIDICLIII7I. Nor. 18.—Tho subscription agent reports that the sales of Are-twenties to-day amounted to $1,300,900. - GENERAL FOREIGN AGENCY AUSTIN BALDWIISI & CO., 72 BROADWAY, NEW YOUR. 1111wIttancen at low retro OW Groat Britain, Imlstid do. 0/tray prowave from Lirwrpool or (11.41111101TT1. Par-kag” forwardod to ell pwrts of the world. WILLIAM EINGIIADI, Jr., Ageol, oc2l:3meod Adams' Express Office, Pittslmre, 4RAPES! GKAPRSI-45 boxer; choice 'LS Catawba Grapes, put up espressly for family winter use. for ale by Da CULP & SHEPARD, 343 Liberty street. SWEET POTATOES.-2 0 3cree . e.o.m. Potatoes Just received anti for wile To. Second street. FRANK VAN Ce/414DER, _ C _ llEESE.—Western Reserve Cheese selected fur retail Cott fnr sale by on% 11 P. BECK CO. ,W-CifYl.l;LOW3attirtd)Ts 11 now landing fromrallroul cent for Marl 1y ISAIAH DICKEY k CO. oeA'- S AiL T ! --Orders solicited for salt, b Wkf. . Y. DECK & CO., .26 Silmbeale GrOCell, 185 Lthenly alma. CIARgarrAL-100 bbls. Refined in .tor• end fdr oda try " J. D. CANFIELD. FaTtritT - Ftuan ExbiTATl±ApTil 185 Liberty WOK. • ; _i, Y. "111. 00 _ ~~~~=~ yy'i~~'s-~~* INTELLIGENCE. 41,XIV.E.TIZIrT g . The river is still receding 'I"I.Y et this point . I OTTIVSBURGH TELELTIIK Withwren and a halt feet m the channel, according to the pie: marks List everting.The weather peste Lode soot i 5 day tcasdood7.d raw, and the inilicauona for rain 'rep eidianirred favorable. ElDitll ,4 at the wharf quite neliive, .4 all the hosts In port are filling up rapidly for various 1 points below. There ha. be. no arrival , outdo trod the dial., packets; Otto the ;hi till for Oil City sins ;lir only departam. The Eder., from Cincinnati. us.. in.. id , nnilar and n ill probably in r011t07..V. rhr wharf thia morning. Quito a number of coal-trigs left for Cinclunati and Louisville yesterday. with sal the cool they camel toLe on the prdent Chalet of nate, Inci of b o o, the Tom Jones, ran aground on l•ilerridan" and was stitl sticking there at last accounts. .Tho Starlight for Evansville. and the Leonidas for Cincinnati and ',literate, urn htli announced to Sae to-day. The Loniscille Journal of Tuesday The new steamer Fawn was sold yesterday to the Government for al. stun of Fli,t.oo. also, the eteamer Emma Brown, for the cum of 211,0,1. We learned that negotiations sore made yesterday for the sale of the Baur RUCEING or TITS CUT. JOHN FUticarri..—From the Cintlnnnti Gazette of Tuesday we find the following particulars of the .11t1.114i, of the steamer Onpt. John Bricked • • • ' • We are aide to give, to-day, hill peritettiors in N. pull to the sinking of the PGutner Copt Jettu lb I. li ed. Putwiten amen mid eight o'clock, on Saturday iiight, both pilot. twine 10 the pilot-Im,, about a mile and a ball below Caelport, struck a berg, loaded with stone, that bad been anchteirel pr. peer. ' tory to being overturned, nod which lore no built. The bow of the boat was Mote 1 i I.y the sollteion. and site eank to the cabin floor nt tire minutes. A large number of pee/tenger , were on btarti, and al. though the amine woe mid ofmwttement and oinstel nation ' no lives were loot. The sicauto. et et :ea. tly freiligtest with Pittsburgh ulanoWctureu, insured in that place. The l'api Intoly Fold tAi Capt. ion.. , 31e.rvetta for 83 . 2,m0, ucd was ieotiasj for B.f2Jatit In the following offices. of this city: Itt the !ll..truolin b.r . 74 lam; the American. kice o v. the C o mmercial 0.4,tat0; the Buckeye Mate Union 14.000,11..1 in ltVestern tor s:l,iiist. A. there In a prospect of raiding the Brickell, Captitlfrosik ratio. oIKI Letl r.-.ltPrilay it ..111111.7 . of theXpeeent Lity and two barges with he it...tit...try pupa for the porpoise nt werlug the boat. if piusible. The Brisket! was 111 , W boat, only one it ii. before the present one. The /13n16 parr mien has tit., following Into. Luring gatunlay anti Suittla "tee," of cool barges arrimel !it this city from Pittsburgh, to - lows t The J ri Congveve, bringing down 7 luava, containg I Liam 1.112.1u-I° of cost; the Arab. bringing barges, mmtaining FVttJ bushels:sod the Tiger, lit lna log U bargee, coutgintim lIJ O A itualutiv The Fenuie 31cBurnte 'WILY /mid pretend.) , :omitting, by Capt. Knox. and miters to Capt. Daniel Collier, for SkAJetO, the boat to be delivered on her return front her prevent trip. The Lady Franklin its it [poet el be ittrive —day lt't bales settou time Memphis. in. J. terday 11101111 n, itaewel Cnir.), with titei boil. , 01 <olloo on board. . Movement of Coal. After ennaidernblet labor awl ..It2trott7 ACI!11. ILO cval torn rattorday, a.roo enable.] to orive s prod ty accurste n. oolnt of the Art, dloo Imo,' that tr. Wynn' ..nt t T vtoarn.t. pnoarnt rio. Wa do not, or cburvon, Ton, ', t.. .y 0h,,: o• t..oetrortit rorrech hilt ere Fe•Eeto .I.r.t It inas near the truth ;n It ponsible The htite"ing in " rthor r ith nom!, f har4.-6 each boat !lad in Oa. and I!: Auanitt) nr the uarrit h ftb«Maim • N... RAI g, Nu. 11.1.111. Nyorio Name ot at. Tom J..tvtts ...... Braga! Tiger Lalts Eris N. , 3 Ihrlphln Alps Wild t.t 11. ttratot.y. . Tigre. i ' Dtck Fallon No. Tom 11«5.•...... .. I ceder W lade Petrel V ~ '1 Vigilant Webster Eag1e........ Allegheny lantern, I.lSo,ie.ii I In addition to the allele, it .3 estimated that 1 mils of floating boat. als. , went coo n ing in an ! the bo-h• that to w hid • ninotult. will act. 1,431i,1e0 bushel, Markets by 'releg ' hi:h. Nrs, r•ma, Nev. --4,4d10n I s t- for midi! om. online..lli. heti, and manaily so a c tive at for 1 ;tea mr Extra II 11 ft and: .a.o..i,tt" , for ire !a brand, (be market rhea ng quit alai scard-ly e. firm. Whi-ly quiet and prin. rue ait hout -hang. at tic. W . twat 241,:k . higher and in moderate demand et 1.111ii...t1,1d 10. ( - "1 ago Sprin:„ it 1, ei for do, Sl f tlesat 1.41 for 31ileraukoe 1,1. 1 41,4 ii for Anther Mil., 51,45i141,66 for winter red .....etern. el,lO for ntnot..(llldii. Corn is In fair ileina.l, chiefly steuu latent; mixed western In elent at Sl,loal,la for lel . time ere active and le higher at erinlaTc flit weateru and State. Wool u firmer, and a Moderate bueinum was dam, Pork ecarrely ao Item and in fair demand at 51e..60 bat old Incs., and ,!le.finotia,2s for new do. Cut meat; ere sear , and !Inner. Ita.hia tales unchanged. Drnwsed Logo are firmer at ilggee for to.. Lard it firmer anti In moderate itottury 11•/deo, 3.9.0 bide ft r January and Fenn, art - at Ite l ,e, and IMO able wary chum. for January at 13 amts. - • • • Total number ..f luekbeln • In SLADEMaIIg, No, la.—Them Is hot 11ttla doing la Flour and :,alders are Arm In demands, Bdies of itfil barrels Extra Family at $71, 1 t7,25, and Fanoy at 55. Ram{pia small. There Is uoiiye Stone or Corn Meal here. Them Is • tam demand for Wtomt ; 111,000 bushels add at 51,50 1 00,60 for red, and E 242,03 for white. There were sales of Rye at $1.2 . Cora in fair &maw!: bushels yellow sold at S1,130;1.14, and whtte at f 1,12. Cats amlre at ida. Whisky higher and unsettled. Bales at 59(571,. PNILADP.I.I,IIA, Nor. arm, salmi of loth bbls extra family at E7,00(57.?.5. Wheat firm; sates of 100 1 i Moth red at 51 Saql,im. Parrs firm: sales of 11104 hush pillow at fil.l.tregl,l4. and white at 41,11.. l'oftellrfirin and advancing. Sugar arm. liens Pork firm; old it mid at Sll, - 1 , 3111.7', now at 517,An. , Lard firm at 11-be. Whato higher and ana Clod at ba@,7oe. D 11.11.11...., Nor. 1/I.—Flonr is steady at 7l for tioward Street Superfine. Wheat Is attire awl 0.1- yawing.; sales of ! knish Ken tack, while at 52,111 q..2,i15, and 5,000 bush rml at Si Mail TS. Cr,,• is quiet. Whk,hy firm at e5t(11.68 1 .„,e fur .ibto. New York Stock and Money Market. Alma" roma:lima firm and unettangist, Sterling is lunar and golet at 1at.,41 , 71.1i, Cold ismore active tad dorddedly mom Minor. tp..lkl:l; al Co, ) 6 3 /., and 'lising firm at 11 , 151 1 , I _eat. Ca, - :ruMrat SI,. kr, quad and steady. The steamer Ciona. for Lit rhn,l, to-day. rarrtml SISI,II/9. hieks an bun} ant I (nor Pert...... 9,04111inw. Serip ....1118 1 4 C it 1 1 107'. C......... ~ Is& T 1111711, ....1204 caul 95t., pi ,t, P D C All y „....1.12g,, Aa 1 - it . 12414 C A N -Te!; laricp I 1 Hml.on liar' m Ml.ll Mich STE.I. TM O.4TS _ VCR CINCINNATI & WU- Ta— .E ISVILLE.—Tho floe new etemiler PARAGON, Capt. D-nnolly, will elcse SATURDAY, Vet Inst., At p For freight or Paaattge apply co Nord or I. J. D. GOLLINHWOuIt, l Agcu , rttd , JOHN _ FINLNCCNATI & I.OU-1,11M.41_ fine near ateanotr LEONIDAS, Capt. John Anavalt, villl feat. for the above and all Intermediate ports on THIS DAY, loth Instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. For freight or pauago apply on board or to J. D. COL LINGWOOD, t • nola JOHN FLACK. Ag-ntn. 'I 4 I OR EVA NSVILLE.—The nevi and fight draught pae•amgor packK STARLIGHT, Captalo J. A. lißrutn, ill leave as above, ou THIS DA.I, the alth Met., at 4 p. ot. ForYroight or passage, apply on board, or to nol JOHN FLACIi, Agrnt. .4 UCTIO.4^ HALE ••.- • .•. • . AxT iiARTOIS STI{EI r LOTS AT A I*CTION.—Or/TI.IESDAT V:VENING, Non. 2401, nt 7' o'clock, sk al he sold, at the C c ucaeceigi Baleit Rums, W P•ith greet, Four deeirablo Lots of Groond situate the corner of Wharton and liar mniy treats, bu at t Dirnxinghara, rub baring a front of 18 feet on Wharton etreet and extending back Go feat.' Timms—One-third cosh, rmidue Io One and to, Lean, i•.toreeti. nolS DAVIS k Mel LWAISE. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BUGGY HUBS, to.—On THURSDAY Arrr.nNocrs, Nov. 19th, at 2 o'clock, will be sold, at the Comma, dal Sales Room., NA Fifth areas, • stock of DNA amide Toot., de., rot...Fr:slug Bellow., Anvil, Vice, Sledges, Hammer., Tape and Dieu, dc. Also, ono Circular Saw, Mandral and Blades. Alm, 25 set prime White atm Bump Hugs, 6 keg. White Lend, kc. DAVIS ,t SteILWALN E, Auct'rs. A --•-- FItNITUItE, SEWING MACHINE, THURSDAY A.FTERHOOTt. Roy. 19, at 2 o'clock, will be sold, al the Commercial Saks Rooms, No. hi Fifth street, a quantity of Household Furniture, comprising Mahogany Hair Sett Chaira, Arm Chain, Mahogany Dleans, Wardr‘Mo, Med steads, Bedding, Comforts, Blanket', Spring Peat Lounges, 11Huing Room Dolf, Purl, Lampa, Cooking Stove..., Kitchen Utensil. mai Furniture, kc. one Sewing Machine. o 19 DAVIS 2. McILVirAINH. A i.' m LUBRICATING OIL—We fire nnw galling II pare " WELL OIL" eqnni to 1.70. Lard Oil as a lubricator wilicla ao warrant not to dint nor gum &Ad le entirely frt. from sand. JAB. DALZEL4 a lON. nol7e2er GO and 70 Water street. 4-2 aTierces prime t e p;arri i „, , 500 barrels Itxtia D. Salt ; vnhear, sta Tor oak by nol? ~'`, kh zy >"'~` ~'' _ sC~b..~^"..t~,~mSnsn~{+-~....~ .-.. ~" ;.^.'^ ~r~'~`.4," ~ r~R.`. ~~.,. ~.. n.r+'Sa3~ :> yip- ~-3".~.Y.''~`~:+~,k.F~.~+tvu -.:c."~~ ~. ..... ~~„mttS -m-.a,~. LOOM and REMIXIL ornlSOroa frer Thlwd night of the wonderful trees attleent TESTVALI, who ,- rppear In the new groat mwrical drama, translated and adapted from the Trench by Metild*Heron. THIS (wod000doy) EvENTsc, Will he prevented. or, THE JEWISH MOTHER. Cowles Tile Test veil. .Annie Eberlle. Stlela Annie Hyatt. Gideon IlleChlppbudele. Itutchoul Now scenarillpropertree end ;fleets, w lth the new and beautiful meal; by ll,bart Swope'. To conclude with A KISS IN THN IN,flon MASONIC HALL. POSITIVELY FOR OfiE WEEK ONLY MONDAY EVENING, November 513 d, iIeND FIVE FOLLOWING NIGHTS CONTINENTAL OLD FOLKS CONCERT COMPANY, &Pato.' by th. G.r•fnm.+t J. NIC 11U1.:t4 THE CRAIIIIINO NEW LNGLANDSONGSTE.F.S.9 Will mg.. as &Lova In theor Grand Old iaskioned . Concerts, FOR SIX STOATS ONLY, Monday Evening, Nov. 23d, 1869, Aad cattlibulu g enwy tNenimp, .11” in, the vrw.k. 23 lir NTS. car aFTERNOOL: loon La .iveu no 11 - ESDAY, TM'HSI/AY iThar!lsairtan Day,) and SATUILLA Y. Thc FTILST C;ItANIe MATINEE will take place TUE,DAT Nur. 24th not h:9: JrOTICES LCOMMC! , MATZDA 'irtrLIEONA.RY C ON gucen-ar A CrIIABLF risrAsE A CARD—To C”3II3I7MPTIITS. in Tho tinder...nod Lasing lawn retitmad to besiliir a few wee's, by • vary simple remedy, after havlog enffesed seveml pars with • moire lung affection, and that dread disease, Consomptlon—la analime to mate known to his fellow ruiTerers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a ropy of the prescription weed, klree of elotrze,) with the dim , Dons for preparing :rit using the name. which they wilt Mad a sure Cl,ll for CONSUXPTION, ASTIIALk, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, kr. The only object of the eslvertieer in winding the ereseriptiwu Is to benefit the afflicted, nod epre•d information which he conceive. to he invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will ry Lis remedy, al It will curet them nothing, and may proves blessing. l'ertion wishing the proscription plisue whirr Itor. RIO , '" • RD A. WILSON, gh, K lug" ctunlY, Now T" , • IVO.) —3 tint, t.,0,00 ,, VI; M.,U 70.0.10 4 4 7 - JOHN COCHRAN &BRO., Mari am:Wren of 1110 N RA I 111 , .G, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT . ERN, WINDOW GUARDS, SW., Not. 91 SECOND and 8d THIRD SITE :T, bet. Wool end Market. Have on hand a •ariet3 of new Patierne, fanny awl plata, Imitable for all purpoeea. N1111(3112 , attention paid to enelaring Grace Lcitt eliort not ap9 HOLDEBS & SONS., is FOREIGT. AND DOMESTIC BILL: OF EXCII.INGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NoTES AND SPEt IF, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittrlntrah, Pa. Oar Collect noole en all tits principal tido thronaliont the United States. - itp22 TASTED. An Experienced Carpel Epholetercr n==l 01.IVE11 hice.LlNlt.lai CV.I3, a Lady, a situation as TEACRE.II, In any of Use Public :-..choob of either city. Rae bad three years' experience to hozbing, and can give the beet of referenced, Address TRACKER, Boa I,l= Past °Rice. noPthr WANTED TO RENT, A GOOD WAREHOUSE, Situated in a interiors portion of the city. Enquire at BELVND BTREET 0c26:0 WANTED—A Fumr ()Liss Boos arms ; one who has. practical knowledge, and can come well recommended. Addroma BOX E 1.4. Poet Omen. e22. - tf WANTED.-460 A Morru.—We Irani V Agents at Etc a month, eavenees paid, to sell our Pleslusting Pencils, Oriental Shuswes, and thirteen other new, useful and curious article.. fifteen ara , doe sent free. Addmms, sel2,llndawl/ SHAW a CLAIM B.l.:leford, Me. A MosTu want to hire Agents every county as iS • month, •sperae. paid, to sell ut new cheap Family 2.1.11,; Alschins. Address, 8. MADISON, Allred, Mune • ocfaatritio.T LIME WANTED—Ono who under vi amnia cooking, and other bonze-Work- d. Brea BOX. 301, City of talogbeni Port OM., • r•ll,ronco ato co:Wine:atom nod charutor. c433:tf CLAIM .4 G.E.VTS. pEssioNs, BOUNTY,BAek :PAY T. WALL:T73:FL DAY. GENERAL CLAIM AGENT Licemod by tb6ll. &Government. YITTR STREET, 34 door below the Cethedrel Penneytrent& Soldiere weet of the mountains, East ern Ohio Soldiers, and West Virginia Soldiers, con have their Pensions, Bounty end Boek Per secured at this office. Circeters swill be sant Sly ing run Information to the Soldiers, or to deceased Soldiers' Heirs, obolnog wile ore entitled to the Pension, Bounty end Back Pay, and the 17143211er of securing the sallas, by apply hi, to -.o by lellfr Of in portion. ts" No charve err it collected. Jy . V . lysts-is • TEN SION I-MONTY, BACK PAY U. C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CLAIM ARENT NO. 11l TIIITII STBXET, Prrrortnos C.4lectiors to Allegheny and adjoining corrode.. Promo:Me SOLDIERS CLAIMS, of every desert iron ; BOUNTIES for all discharged Soldiers. PEN SIONS, for wounded officers and Soldiers; ROUN• TIES and PENSIONS for Widows, Parents, Orphan Children, Brothers arid Sisters, or other legal repro• mentathea of thnao who have died to the terrine, or hare died after discharge from dinesstconiratted to earrioe. M3 - No charge swill eollocUd. and ne letter.wtli b areneenid 110.0 • atarap la inclosed. roway.t MILITARY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, PENSION& BACK PAY and MI LITA.ItY CLAIMS of every dercription, collected by the 4th. ec,11...r, et the following rater, via: Pension. SIO 00 • aft other dolma E 0 50. C C. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, No. 73 Grant street, Plttebnrgh, Pi N. B. No Charges are made if the claim dose succeed. and all Information even grotto. L°6l'.—About; - the 17th of last month, ht be loot near the Centel.) ) GOLIMV; WITII TWO LOrlfliTS atuicbedt— one small and one medium site—the latter contain ing the picture - of a gentlemen. A liberal reward will be paid to the finder by leaving the articles at tho dike of WOOD , LtaITriTATS L CO., nolGtit 111 Water street, Pluebnrgh, Pa. BELTING, PACKENG, HOSE, ‘..-A and CIASKETS, of all slue and thickness. large supply Just received and for Ede at the India Ruble-r [n.;-,t or J. it H. rtumars, .04 efi and Itt St. Clair street. - fiCTLI..• BUTTER. 10 tutu Prtcked, to ILITITO 010 WEBB& WIISINSON . (111 — E — ESE--FRESII .AB.V.XV/iL - - 30 boxes ;dime largeflosbAn, 111 (tote; 100 do do Western tesorre, to arrive; nolB vrimu 3 wit..Kilisolt:4t7-Ln-,47 COATS! GUMAXIATS !—A large Gdock Jost meshed and for sale at the India Dubber Depot of J. I U. PaILLIPS, °Ol7 and VI St. Mk street. ' UY YOUR BOYS', Y01311113' ANI) CHILDIII2III DOOM it= BOILLAMD. oel -18130---X. erriab , d iedentary habits, troubl.a with sreat• sew latpitatum ot the be,..•.,, k ..f ,4- I:2tiki, distrait, after eating, torrid coeetspe• Una, to., &sett* to saffetif theyw r••:: tr, celebrated PLANTATION BITTERg, Whirl amid= rocureahended by the highest rued azitheritku, sad sarraated•tu produce WI he-m.4,i. hereeacial eilect. They are sacescling l 3 pet tlutly pure, sad must aupervetia other touk , where a healthy, pull.. Pi required. Thoy purify, strengthen aad invigorate. The oelebrste4l GUMMCSICILI,4 nu 2j a' -lock li'dlJrTS No. 81 Fifth street iirisUaL They create . heaithy appetite. They are an antidote to Thane of dater and They ocarcorne effects of dissipation and lets They strength. the system and colleen he They prevent miasmatic and tu4rcr t tent re, They purify the breath and acidity of tn- snma. h. They cure I),t•pctaia cad Conatipatiou. They cure diarrhea, Cholera andClnaora Morhteg. They care Lie.- Complaint and is O o e !l„ad„chn. They make the 'mak strong, the l.gut and an exhaust": :.ature's great restorer. They ary of the celebrated Coliasya ...ark. %vitae, green, measaftan, roots and herbs, all preer"..! to perfectly pore St. trots Vann. Tor partlenlart, ciredisrs and mettnumiale around each le Bovrarts Itup.ters. IC:amine eerry that tt has D. S. ll:trues` signature on ow - pi o.nln l" S. Stomp 0,0( the cosi" tettla &vast ten our Grin etgoistare cat • 1113,• steel plate 6.IIrIVIM: ,`” aldo Inhel. Soo that our bottle' et net s itl. spertotta and delotertom stuff. Wo defy .t te-rsno to march the t•e•te or et....rstiet of on , • .•. A tly person pretending w doll I".autatlon '•,•••••• gallon or in built, Is au iroptader. v. II only is oar log cabin bottle. Auy penwr. bottle, or Felling my other maters! called Plarttatton Bitter. or not, le a crna;:...l • the U. S. Law, and will hr ao prnsevutal by on t . ale:witty 1 , •• twzr eyv oIL 1.1.• no-rall.g bottle, sc., who will atnieweti in gettior; theft. into cloae quarters. Th, demand to: T, oh *. man• tattoo Lanza Ilona bull., ke, IN perfectly Incredible, 'rho .:In' tst'a bottle lo tho evidence we prveent of their , .:L I wiporlority. They are sold I.y rer,v•tablo eats, grocers, phyrticlana, hotels, t,t w=itry Korea. I!=n2M •ul:Cm-stawT --- LrIRAKE'S GENUINE Bfl USW, for We wholesale and retail, tt!, SIMON JORTISTI. Comer Bmithtia4 awl Poorth •tr... a7:fiza-m4IrT - . WINE VIIiEGAJI, EL et b. BOLLMA N, (Formerly droplet Oo 130. The only Vh.gar Awarded witb lily atiblbttors At the 'MaryAtiosul litzhattirm br0 4 ... For aale Dy F. M. Mi LL MAN WLrr IL,. drerr, npPRIVATE DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific Is dm only rehatnu rewods It la Ile dificourropry rhyittcLan whoa. Ilk ca. devoted t. the trvatmn,...l ads dam or &seam.. and •Itb unpre,,tit to Ibr more than tw.uq ”ars. It In r—rfa.l..t. in (tuff, minlrlug us,, wad ins the mhttakett practict , anti the tautottruu.. war 111 lees compohnae othffeei to the public. It I, rel .geub* sad • parr . ..ooy sera. I t sole Uk. ach.rcy Imparts str:Lgett w Igor w the Sinew.. .I OArrios.—The groat of Ills rcmetly to ri &tan; permanent cu lkodt k 4 to Its tieing imitated by mapinclpirt men. Olden.. Lb.r.foro. tbartb• • lostuse ce the proptlator Le attend each box. Itios. •char le genuine. Prepared only by WM. F. DAVIDSON, Soto Proprtater,rinolurtail, 0. Sold by all Druggists. Priee,el pie box edir for sale at 1r hawk by GEO. R. KEYSER 140 Woed street. je33 . .lydewr TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH no =lNill The undersigned would respectfully set atwn 1.1011 to the preparation known as IitKNEWYLL'S csrrviB- ,, a COUGU REMEDY, Tor all Throat and Lung Complaint, ritailiurELL.s TOLLI ANOGY L, Th. groot Neuralgic, Illonunatio. flead.wrhe, Tooth. selbe, Loa of Sleep, and General tiervone Also for the Patna In Monthly Monstrontlom fort relief. lIIIIINEWELL'S 'ECLECTIC PILLS, The most pernect for of Caesarle ever given to the public, which aster require more than two aull sel dom but og: fora do ,eat without thuloaat. griping, and eon, Indlgeetiou, Drapepht, tillouenese, LiVa Compliduta, Piles, Worms, and all of stomach or bowel. The atom prfpnrallons, of such unbounded repu tation 10 Yaw EngMnd, bare OW confidence of, a,: are mod by,gnat numbers of Pbrirhne, ouo AZ prices within retch of all, are worthy the etientko of Invalids, who will And them a strict conformay It, nature ht modish.. Without resorting to the f.m - mon method of columnes of adrortiaing,-1 would sea confaisnes to test them, which be mere:— JOll-1: L. fiIibiNENFELT,, Proprietor, Practical Qtetnist, Rob:, For tale by all whole.. and retail deafen. The anatest freedom of correspondence 1k dotted. Dealers of good references supplied on commission. For sate to Pittsburgh at retail tq .1. 111. Fulton, G. 11. Keyser, Y. P., Joseph Fleming; to Allegh City by Jas. {Stove, M. D.. J. Moans and u.o. A. ii. • B. A. VAIINESTOCE - k. ,liiamoodawT Wholesale Agents, Pittela,.,!:._ Li•LAirE SUPERIOR ..COPPER MILL d SMELTING WOBXS..P/TTn'r .G. PARK, IWCURDY • Idannfastorets of SIIDAT/lINIL BlLlziErs' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER. BOTTOMS, LIMED STILL BOTTOMS, SPAETH - It SOLDER. Ale", importers and dealer, 112 lISTA LS, TIZi PLATE, SHEET 1110, WIRD, Ana Constantly oo hoop, MITERS' M Actium's A ND TvOZ-3. Wareham, No. 110 FIRST and 120 SECOND ST.., Plttaborgh, P. Special orders of Copper cat to any iloslred poor,. saySZklydasT t tc_ _ HE CONFESSIONS AND EX PERIENCL, OF AN ixtgav, for the benefit and we a and potion to Teen., men who sneer from NC1,04.1! Debifity, Premettn, Decay of Idenhood, etc., supplying, at theorem time, the lemos .eV ten. By one who has cored hirnorl I after beteg4to pleat expellee end Injury litrOttzt, wouliced h and queukery. By enclosing • poet-i... 1.1 &dammed en - velure., Itiegi• COpiel may be hod of the author. IiATISANLEL M.& PAL% E.g.. mySlLlydewi Bedford, Kluge county,. N ors. C. sostosov.:— ... ..... 7. lim,legloy. D).irofitifitiii, iiiiHrcad.77lic cea'scrs Lo Itosissas, lbsLa A 1111.tass.) WAS' , ANC TON WORKS, rOI7II7IEILS & Hactossera, Plttab, f. Manufacturers of BOAT AND • STATI , )Nr ?IT STEAM mscnors, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACUINERT, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST. INGE', of all descriptions; OIL TANEN d STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Agents for GIFFARIYS PATENT INJECTOR, FOR FEEDING BOILERS. _ _ - Ll7. 0 1'0 NERVOUS SOVITREAS:7 OF DOM SEXEII.A reverend gentleman har ing hen restored to health Ins feledays,. slier un dergoing all the usual . routine and-Inegtder eaten sire modes of irmament. without maccese,maniders it Ills mimed duty to ectunnemicato Whig anleted kilos mostly** the MK= Of curs Mace, receipt of an addressed envelope, lei will send,lree, *copy .1 the preserlptionereech Direct en Dr. 305111 , LAGS/ILL. ISO Sititou lat*.t.ll. --- 11111thbrdallr _ COLLINO; FT,i I W 4 rID .IND . townfgamsrliptm,tyr .ticamate &air - cinerst.:4"/IM: - SEEDS. .111524 and modems paternity. Do: •%. trOCID ST. Pittsburgh, Pe- not ENEFSEI
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