'4!? - • . • TIE DAILY PITTSB GH .• A ALZ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GROCEMES,PROOTICE,Ne. CHARLES C. BALSI,EY, Produce and Commission Merchant. MERCHANDISE BB OE ER, And daalor in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODU sa. 179 LIB BTREBT, Pnimumas,PA Dese.tx el'oov/LtV , ttee. a ell, Set: Of the late firm of b d D. rlionalii Pittsburgh. C h . Wellsville Ohio.) f • 'DONALD & ARBTTCKLES, Whole :1‘1/. We Grocers Praihre and Commlselon Mfr. Weenie. Jobbery In BOYCE'S, N. 0. SUGA.ll.andllO - BISIPINVD SUGARS & STB.CPB, rt,oua, kfiur, TOBACCO, THA3, HIDE, CHEESE, BEDS . , be., Nee. SU sad 2.41 Liberty street, Patc hett, ou14:1y SERIN - ER LAZaIII, OROCNRS AND COMMISSION MBSCHANTS, Nos. 117 and ED Beedad.'ol 6t., eor. Second jaKly wgz.a.taa LIlDi L?. ACK EOW:s; Sc LINHART PLorn. M 5.,13 Gins!, P•rea.m, Paasserrx inn ' , maws°, 111a4cuarre. n,r tLe •ale et Flour, Llrniu, Pork Ha- Butter, Km, C10p.., Drama, Twiner, Oraue, re‘thar7. YOLut.en Put and Pearl Aehoe, Saleralua, Lirwe....d and Lard (Ms, Dried and Gni!. rrritin, T'eu.:ll7. 4 21,, I', FL,. and Grans Sea!, soL advaskoemente made Da GOISEIVIII,C1:1. aptly 'So. 297 Liberty ntrcet. NAT N. . WHOLESALE GROCER, No MI LIBUTITY STREET, Plftsburgtl ilaving purclunted the Interest el his late partners, will continuos the basins at the old stand, and .111 tw pleaaed to receive th, patronage of his old Mends uLttromere. royltutf AN , EBB dr, WILKINSON, COMMISSION M../79,Tpg, Wholesale dealers in WESTERN ,ESERVE MESE, - DRIED FILUITS,DUITER., GRAINS, and produce generally. Also, SATHER, RIDES, OILS, ac., No. 217 Liberty - -e: t. Patehurgh. A:IS - Cash advancement made. Consignments ed. I. ...I. jel2-tintd THOS. 11111CIE ELL ttr:ll. P. BECKCO., No. 185. LIB- T - erty Street.,Pltial,prgh, Pa., MlioleashaGre. G ran, Oomralatßrn tin pouts, and d_euleia in CMS- Bqrtare, Plat end Octagon, of nines Warranted TRY PRODUCE, PROYISIONS BACON, LARD,' equal to any Imported or manufactured In this co.- BUTTER, 5008, CHEESE, FISH, PRODUCE, try_ FLOUR, 0r,..u.5 . , SEEDS, 4,11 BEN AND DRIED I :War OMce and warehorma, N. 147 and IM FIRST FR CI TS, Its., SALT and LIME. kid and 12D andltl SECOND STREETS, Plttsborgh. W felLlyd JF4.1,48..1M.0 APACII.LICT and wholesale dealer In ' UM B 9 RN HILL.S. CO 13oi gII WE ItEeERYS CHERSE, BUTTER, Lard), -2dakenrand Sheet Iron Work - ma, PIINN Pi PILE, BACON, FLOOD. FISH, 00 - r AND PBARL STREET. Nee. 2n, ^4, 2l.rd 2e. Raying secured a A.SILFS, SALLRATUS, LrNSBED AND LARD large yard and ramie/tett It with the most iLli,:oveal LAU, PRIED BRUIT, and Ptudteu generally,::,., I machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every 141 .33.1 143 Front street, Pirtehurgh. oeS ; deecriptioa of BOILERS, In the ban =inner, sad warranted equal tie nal nada In the count, CHIMNEYS, ERICHi,2I. rums Bane, STEAM PIPES, /4000MOTIY1 BOILERS. coNDISNSIBS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS. AGITATORS, SETTLINO PANS, BOILER IRON mswo.Ks, firce.". PANS, and sole masufAncrers of BARN RILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repatriug done ea the shorteet notice. deleaf ITTLE & TRIMBLE, W holesile Grtt cerss and Commission nerd:mute, dealers in PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, OMISSE, 71811 OADIP)N AND LARD OIL,IIION, NAT LS, GL ASS OOTtON TARNS, and Pittsburgh manclfacturvs rnerxlli. 112 and 114 begond street, Pit tanumh. G. ESTNICIL...-1111t. D. =ram. RWINER &BROTHERS, (successors to Dermot & Audernan) Wholesale Denim in TORSION PEWITS, NT.ITS AND SPICES, CON - FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORILS, so., Nos., 120 and Wood street, .Dore Fats. Pittsburgh. JYII-17 C6il.P .E SHED 11 A R 1), Commissicm Idrinlnarrre and dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN, AND PH , tDIRM,__Lio. 143 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choi. brands of flour for Balton and Family ux constantly on hand. Particular stlentlo• paid Mltn ortiotu fur tilarchandlre trenernilY • CP.A4LE3 B. LEECH, iloort AND (hum Fit - rot AND COYITSRIMI Mlntrattorr for the, sale of GRAIN, SEEDS, CHEESE, PRODUCE, and igent for she rd-..1-rntrsi Fn imam, CE MENT, Nos. 1145 &mond WV/ 148 Firs: sures, be tween We .1 st- • Smithfield, PittelterYb. se. i`7l/Nli VAN 140.1{DER, Produce and JC Comm eetion Merchant, dealer in FLOUR. RUT - TER, MOORS. c rrom. LARD, CREME, PORE, DRIED AND GREEN If 'WITS, and product gener ally. Liberal cash adv.cris on consignments. Warchonste, No. 12S S.00111(i street, Pittstmrgh. HEAD & METZGAE., Grocers and tbmmlulx Muolumts, and detlerf in all kix,dA of Country Protium. aaid Pittsburgh Manotacturoa, No. ?AB Liberty street, opposite head of Wood Pittsburgh. a. YON. 0. B. Amax. ....... . • • AEO. B. JONES & 80N, Wholesale Vf tiroeers and Boat Furnishers, dealers 1n Edd -1 I:LA EOPE. OAKUM. OILS PSTOf. awl burg,. manufactured art Mho, 1,, 141 Water street, abet , the almmgahela Rril4c, Pataburg.h. OBEKT DA..I:ZEI 1. & CO., Whole R Grocer, rommiamion and Forwarding M , gad deafen in Produce and PRtsburgh mat Mem re, Liberty street. Pittatairgb. 02.1111 T 1-1116 E it -10115 SHIP". • W•LI L,AmunT. 613.1PT0N & W. Whole -I._LA Gr..t:nrsand Pn...turt, boalxrx, Tic. C Sixth CMIZE2I2I3 • ••" •• - AATATT & WILSON. Wholermle Gro ter., nonmisolon Alerrbstei, am deetrn In ro.tne. La/e r.tz sbargh Yr., No. U Lib t====ll LI.N . DS AY A: TELI'ORD, Whol,-tmli, And RetAll GROCERS. FLOUR A.ND PRODUCE DEALERS, IS7 Liberty otrePt, I•GGbarr n. Ap4l,tr, Q s CHOMAKEU 6: LANG ' CostvixF , oN MZEI , IIANTIi end wholeoalo denim ;n Caq- CEIIIES, FL' l 3, GRA/ N, ko., No. 313 Liberty litntt.rit!‘burgt!_ J. S. .JOHN I S. LIGG ETT & CO, CITY FLOU It • •J iNci MILLS,Lawny au i Adam, am -to, Pntaburgh, Pa. 4013 barrels pnr daj. J. 1.1 1 N, M DALZELL k SOanufnc curers of L.c.tt.D OIL, and Lommission Net °coots for Um parcbsso and imle of Cfl. CDS, Jain REFIITED PEVIOLITN, Nos. 69 and 70 Water strtnt,Plttilpurgh. Advance, made on consignment!, vx KIRKPAfitieK & BROTHER, 211.10- 0 ofolscrts to Btoorn d Kirkpotriclo, WIEIOLZ SA 1.11 GROCERS, Roo. 191 sad 193 Liberty street, l'uomblogh. spla:ly WILLIA.II 6nnp. I DAVID ArrAvtDA.DA, ...kJ, A. COMA, Special Partner. Aif EANS COFFIN, successors to id*Candleis, Means fl Co.. WHOLE/MIA %Dares, corner nt Wood and Waller aroma, Pttta jy3:ly .• OFIEESE WAREHOUSE.-HENRY IL COLLINS, Forward/agent] COP.) Met rbant sad &aster to CHEESE, IIeTTER, LAKE FISH, and Prodnoe generally, No. 18 Woo.' ecroot, ob.lee Water, Pittehurigh. tyl. OLLAN D RIDDLE, successor to Jno I. A. !ROM k Son, Ii•o. 183 Liberty atreet, , ,Pltte burgh, general PRODUCE, GROCZIIT A.ND CO) Mistattli 31EUCLIAST. Consignments reapset aelicitud. !OM:1y SAiAli Die Sal" CO., — WrioleAnlo Grocers, Commbsion Blerchante, and dealers to Produce, Fos. 00 NVater street and 0.8 Trout ser.t, Pittsburgh. OEO. W. 13/1:;i011.1.11. JS. DILWOIiTIi. b CO., Wholesale • Grticsrs, Nos. 130 nod 'LIE Second street, near Smithfield, I' fittburgh. 00l Jolt"( ?LAID 111111.1111 non, 1 OLIN FLOYD 4t CO, Wholenale_Gro• el cerw andtbmmtssion Meats:do, Nom. ITS Wood iod 128.LIbort7 'trot. Pittaburgh- 4.16 • ARLES LCALDWELL, (eruccessor to hairs Iloiroes /t Ca.,) Polllf PACK= and dellstle'PlirOVlSlONS, condor of Narked. and Frost saris, Pittsburgh. 556 TOVTIGEND,(suroemor to Jack- NA - . sou ,t Tcraroxend,) PORK PACKER and &O ra otritoviszulss, No. 12 Fourth street. ',sr 1.. b. aril. Pittsburgh. non DASICr. FULTZ . T. - Et VOIGT 4: CO.. sucocesson to -11-. S. L. O. Ora; PEODUCE AND COMMISSION Yak/MASTS, 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Joey r. now? UM AID JOll.ll L 110U8E & CO. , 'Wholesale t GROCERS AND COMMISSION ERCIIIANTS, j corner of Smithfield And Affah.r Wrote. Pittsburgh. • CVETT]. Commipsion Hersh:nth, u dealers In PRODUCE, rLocri, BACON, WO O L , GRAIN , ~ No. 12 Busltlfteld street, Pittsburgh.. my 12.1 y dr RD IIEAV LTON, Virholegale GROCER AM) eqgmissiox MERCHANT, EiIIAtIMMET.Of the Diamond, Nth 18, Pittsburgh. mbl4:lncr. ....,...1.13-31 IL 'A . Wholesale i . r Grocer. Eco. 18 and Z 3 Wood emej takif te- buret. . A. LIW— ANDER KING, Wtiolesale Gio: cor,,imion., of SODA ASEL, No. 81 . 3 I ,l DortY j street,•Pittehmwb. • 133118 E 1 TON & . EW2CRTWholesale 1 -L-AGBACERS AND 00111XISSION ADIDCIIA.PITS, r soy 07 Waal groat, Pltubarsit. .10VAT ~~ o ~' } ~ S t .11.1.1rUF.4CTURER13, dfC. • s' DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Kaanfactarers of every vari•ty of flatshni BRASS WORK /OR PLISKREDS, STRAIT OR GAB TITTERS, xAcauusrs, AND ICOPPEASKITHIL BRASS CASTINGS, of an dancrlptions, mad. to order. STEAALBOAT WqRE. STEAM AND OAS f rI2TPrO. end RETAIRING, promptly attrt... , l to. Particular attention paid to Att,og up RETINA , RIES FOR COAL AND CARSON OILS. Alm, Sc.,:a ApoMfbr tlm Wetter* Dtrtrict of Penn loyle”la for ths A.M. of /dARSII„ ,LAUSDELL k 00.'6 PATENT SIPHON PLEP, the heat Greer La rooted. Haring no mire. It 1. out iubt. to pt oat of order, and at Lti throw mots water thou any pump twice It trim ' 'pll 01D7 HALL A VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKEI, TITISIMMOU,PA, MILIIIINC(137 i:s and dental in all the &Maryut kinds or PLOWS, mow 012TTNI4, SCOOPS, iPT. TING BOLES. ie. With greatly increased Anal ! tins for doing buirame, neatly invite &Man to give as • rail. 4 &thod,,,a, - ,, inKrandosilla. Warehouse, alley ankl. St., - 7.lttsb . gh. JO Y,ff. LL, • T. J.VIALL, "f ST11E14(1111 WOODS , k.I.kb2ILOWN. 77ns. DUG( INTOf xi AUK risVOSIII , II"CO., CAY £Lourner Ylkitd , 97l4treete, near tb• Ws ter Worksj,WA• titanium, nf Artli A lISMPHILL.S. , ' , ROVED OtrrlLL.ll - golf sicarprts , Aars El DB VALVES, or all one. and befit : ' patipnweldnelt:Altlarge capacity and of the beet:qualittWirlirr propeied to do heavy Job bing, and solicit Work In this line, Wasting that by promptnew, and the character of our work, to merit public patronage. We Melts special attention to ear 21.11.iliSelp V ALVS . OSCILLATING LUOIXISS, ass combining adrantagee heretofore unattained In this class of Nagints. Jan:ly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSBURGH, Pd. PARK, BROTHER & CO., BEST QUALITY REFINED OAST STEEL, BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Ence.sors to Orin lioart.oa.) Maroufseturere of CASTOR PRAMES, nrcuz, CrPS, LADLES. and • great variety of BRITANNIA artielee. ALo, CARBON OIL LAMP 131'11NERS and LAMP BRASSES generally, Ns. &wood attest, Pittsburgh. ALLEN coßmicK ot/CO., VALLEY Furslour, Pittsburgh, P. FAH - Ware,bortt , P, 3DI UHERTT STRRET Manatee-borers of COOK, P.A1110.8...AKil rrEA T• I NG STOVES, PARLOR. IND It rretraN GRATED, HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Gloat Manias, Rail ing Mill Cuttings. Mill Gearing, Gm, Water told Ar• Gym Pipe, Pail lrom, Dag liana, Vi egJI, BOX., Su gar Ketam, Pullers, Gam:ere, Cap W 11,12, Coupling". end Caetiligs generally. Alro. Jabbing and Maclaine leetinge made to order. Patented Portable with Steam or Harm rawer. epleinord MISMiMM Cyr. FIELST AND LTIIHRTY STS., Pirtsburg.h, li.o.facture. of SUPERIOR STEAII KNOT 33.1.CRISFRET, kc rayls3f 81: VERANCE, No. 53 WATER ST., A.J. Pittaburgh7dmanniantam of finiLrn Ery Drs. wItOCCAIT drilLlZS,aommoa and railroad. of every ipt !en. Particular sisal or shaped SPIKES and RIVETS. large or mail ic to orJ-r at abort. notice. A good amortmant constantly on hand. tor:A.. Y - rEf.r.e. RIDDLE 3; CO., No. 215 I Liberty street, opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh, roannhotnrors of WIIIPB, LA4lllral and SW I'll%l. XS, and entry &on option of LEATH Et BRAID= WORK. Orders solicited from the trwle, acid roods rrompt / .hipped te per instructmos. . & ET BENNT. Ntanufacturon‘ of D WTIITI: StOli.ll CHINA &ad CRP A3l rot,- Or EP W 12= . . g 47/en and Warehnna, at Nn. 71 FIFTH t•THECT l'ictsburgh nahln.ly DR ' GOODS !MIN 101.41111._../.1.1.1 W. cAux.....airro .X . CANCI.I7I, CARR 3g: doe.o, FC/lINIUN ...ND DOMESTIC OUT GOODS, N'. W Wood atmet, ht , l , Diamond alloy. l'lttal‘orgb. apl,tr UM . 1. n Li"! T Tn Tr 117.6. 1 - AN E. M,ABOY A. CO., Destara in L r9R SIGN ANT , I , .. tfEsTir DRY GOODfli` No. s 0 Federal stroot,(second door helnve new Market House,) All9beny Cty. robe:ly mAnITNI&6j, --- NChOiento and Rota.l3 lenshra In TRIMMINGS, HMTIROI DE RIES an/ DRY GOODS, of every descriptien. N.. IT and 10 Mb street, Plitoboegh. Aitilt i, u3l .3.. t . - 21, FANCYYI) E , AND r ' . k e 7 I L ! x e D a D R : 1 1 . GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Sr., No. 78 Mr.rket street, between DlArtiond and F.rth.Pittabnrgh. JM. BURCHFIELD ? (successor tn • Burchfield et C 0.,) Whdreal• and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND TACT DDT GOODS, Nureuesst wryer of Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh. TOSEI*H HORNE, Mrholenalo and Re tall Dealer In all kinds at TRUILBINGS, DRY ,GOODS. d.c.,'N'oe. 77 and TO Market street. J*. BARKKII 6: CO., llealore in nil . kind. of 1)11T GOODS, It., 59 Market emit, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. R u. PALMER, No. 84 Wood &root 1%6 Denfir in BONICETE, RATS, ETRAW TRIM MINOS, aadETRAW GOODS genoraßy. Dn. itiPilitsrar. QIMON JO/I STON, Deider in PURE A.) DREGS AM) TACT fIODDS,I3VILIMIG TL ID , OILS. PAM ILT M DItPZS Vie., of ettletly prime quality, which hatltUis at lowest prices. Corner Smithfield and Tuutfit streets, Illitabingh. Preemliptiona art fully tidilp.Mtruicd at all homy. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Whole ' seeh. DregOt., and manufacturers of WEITE LEAD AND LITHAIIGE, corner of Wood and 'front irtreeta, Pittabnra, I 01IN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Den.lotTit DUCTGS, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHES AND DYE STIIFFII, No. 496 Itbirty stmt., Pittsburgh. All orders will zeoelve, prompt /Mention. DIiAROME - 11 KEVRIC, No. 140 Wood Area, corm; of Virgin obi, Plititnagh. GARDINER' WPM, Agent for . Franklin, Philadelphia And Sallano• Insurance Companies, Northetat corner Wood and Third it.. VIT P. JONES, Agent North America, V T . Rata of Nano - Th.la. and Hartford n.nr unvt Companna, Fr, Water stmt. QAMUEL REA, Secretary Citizens' In 1.0 rollout Com . 7. co ml. Markel and TVaterdo FM. GORDON, Secretary. Weetern in . ....at. osamear. 42 W.s r str.t. M. lIONC, Secretary Alloitieny In D =ranee Corogravr, 37 11.1t5 etront. .Iff VATIC, if c. rsEußfacorrE Bung, Dealer in MU BIC AND MrtICAII IDENnfitilIfENTB. agent for KNAVE & f31.1S 1"1,k110/3., LIAINE3 D'aqs. PIANOS, and PRINCE, 414.00:3 ON!. No. 43 Fifth groat, *sound door above Wood, Pltteburgb. rhinos to let, and taken In exchange *pig TT 'MEIJER le BRO., Dealersin MU 31s fRO ASD MUSICAL /NBTROMP.HT9, and pole agents for ECTELNWO'S CELERE&TRD PI• &IGO& 1G0:63 PIM West, Pittsburgh. ray 29 nH, ARLES ja, MP 340 A .Deater do 1...1 PIANOS, Diamond , N 6. et ird:a.t., botwesa /Fourth 646 6 t sad alley, Fltteleg. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1863. Vittiburgit o.sazett4, WEDNESDAY MOUNING::::NOV. 18, 1863, TERMS OP THE GAZETTE. M(46,1711; Eamon', by marl. per year... ......Se 00. " Ones copkag....— a. Ewa Roirraws by Irmo, per year....—. 4 W. week-- IS. Waste Elrowtos, single copies, per year... 2 00. 0 dubs of ato 111, " —1 /A " dubs alter more" 1 IA —.and on extra to the pert; sandhi etab. Per • dab of Moen. we will wad fba ilexwora Gears* dolly. Yew • club of teres,ty, we tett snag the Amino* Guam' dadT. Cagle copies, a crate. IFIr An eabscriptlooserteto ...We."' 000 paper always stepped when the Woe eapi-m. Hear the Testimony of Another Con- Wo lately transfereed to our onlumns some remarkable passages from a recently published address to the peiplo of Arkansas by Gan. ' Gears, who had been a acoesaienit t and also in the rebel army, hot who is now thoroughly oonvinee I of the error and crime into which hop and the majofty of his class among the , Southern people, fell. Wo 130 r: g:re the fol lowing equally remarkable statet-annt of another Arkansan corvert to loyalty and Ur,lon. W. M. FISBACK, a member of the Convention which voted Arkansas out of the rnion in 1881, in a speech at the Union hag at Little Rock, on the tint ult., said • • .1 am a native of Virginia, and an old rust dent of this State. I have been one •f you. ; The same direst' , n has been given to ray pre judiees. 1 wet taught to believe, and did be lie•-, that everything maeof..etnred in N e w , F.l.giand was made to cheat with; that 11. •- ligion of the people was hypocriV - v, tb, lertr touch wTii contamination. Fellow-et:A.:us, I have seen Ns, En-linl and its people. I , have been welcome d at the house, of the rich —an exile, without a de-eat coat to my Itaik, nr money in toy pocket. I hare alwar n the warre.:at Fverlicra hosritality et the X. , nses of their middle tenses?, and, Iny fallow-citizens, in oatscuse of th wor.l, they have no faun 1 ha-re 14 ftl! , ,d awe and a condrmniug r n• science through the school hvusee foul,/ at I ever:. corner of a cross road. I -aw her barren Hills covered with plenty ; I saw her sturdy • aons,evegy one of atom as educated mart,he -ten t shoulder their muskets axd pore them,elv-s in [be ranks of the defenders of their country ; ! used I heard them making vicuvas for the South, mach in the spirit that a kind elder brother would fee their wild younger brother ; and I discovered as you have, that they are not cowards. And follow-cil!tzns, New Eng- ! land is a reprosentatzve of the North.. The speech was of nearly two hours' in , length, and the reenter concluded by enTittg .. ., that there was no power on earth or below It j that could destroy this government, f *. tr twenty millions of people, like those of :Vao haro said this Ligon must awl Anil see p - corrxd. The Rogersville At it iu V.a,t Ten nessee-1 Panic ou Both Aidess—The Opposing Forces Running to Opposite Direction% Ina letter from Knoxville to Coe Cincinnati Gorefie we flint' the foliot, log reeetint of Ibe hogerevilla off:tire : The 80Mpetie of the 7th O. V. 1., and 3,i Tennessee to; Rogersville is confirmed, very much to the discredit of those regiments. L. most amusin,g_Lact.of the story is, that' while our boys were rr^ring in oda direction the rebels in = imilar panic were making time as es fart as possible in the other. The concus sion most have been fearful, since the rebound sent Oct, Imboden'. :died, clear back to Moo casein Gap, at double-quick for fear of being cut off ky General Shackleford, and our boys are supposed to be still on the run. Several fngaufous Tenrca,seis officers and men were arrested hero last night en route for some place of safety. The whole affair is laughable as it was 43;T-rote:rut, simply a raid on the part of the rebels, a mistake as to their num bers or ours, and a panic on both sides. About one-tualg of the 2d Tennessee are said to have been captured; more probably lurking in the hills, and will come back in due time. '..ln intelligent contraband," who was cap- Sorel and taken as far as Kingsport, tells me that the rebels had about ISO prisoners, nod were running away with them as tastes they c number of prisoners making their ce are duri rg the consequent baste and ,e n fosi . Vexatious es all thi• may be, it i the ',Ludo( warfare to which wc. will Le ,erected nu Joust all winter. We hal o °eon most ac tively engaged ,rose no entered East lei:memo, and theta eau be no reasonable of any improvement. s:r by foes and mountains as we ore, we Twee- - 3 rrnyvkably [lntl field fnr P.,nthern gentlem,n ambitin.., to emulate. John Morqmo in th.. guorrilin ro.' , .0 practice the 6rilral,d .tylp —The above account mentior, ir, hundred mud f fly prisone. Leine in the blinds of the rebels. but the rebels themselves, as on loaio from their dtspatehes, When boy step ped running and took time to count their pris oners, found only seventy-five remniLinel The Richmond Examiner on the Salva tion In the %oath w est. The passage from .the Richmond Ex.,' nor, referring to the 11l r zdi•lon of atf..irt in Cue Bov.thwed, and prodieting another retreat of BILAGO, to which a brief allusion was n.nile in our despatches s day or two ago, is wipriii ing before our readers in full The country may as well prepare itself f. r another retreat in the West. Tho indications of the annual migration of bird. are searesly more unerring than are the auguries which foretell the disappointment of the higti ex pectations:armed of the results to be atta:ne,i to that quarter. After a continuance ot f. Terrible prognostice, to which aileb• . iinal strength was given by the confident tone of the Pr es ident since his recent too of inspec tion ; after reiterated aesuranecs ofthe straits to which the enemy treie reduecit, of the pre carieun tenure of his coinumincationi, the difficulties of stibsistenee by which hs was pressed and the impossibility of his long con tinuance in his present position, we now note a certain and somewhat indefinable eliange of tone, whieii, to people rendered doubly acute by long habit and deep interest, servos to mark the fall of the barometer, and give warning of the coming storm • • • r Consistent accounts reach us, not only of mistakes in execution, but of disagreement and discord in the councils of the western army. It is certain that with such astute of things full cit:dewy cannot bo expected from an army. We have had the report that Gen. Blunt wan In danger of being attacked by a largo rebel force, and the train which ho waa tak ing into Arkansas captured. The Leaven worth Consc,oolitis of Wednesday, wo am glad to see, corrects this very unpleasant rumor. It says, reports in circulation relating to the dangt: to t,ir train now proceeding to .1 rt Smith, under Gen. Blunt, are, wo are assured by information direct from Fort Scutt, wholly imbue. "Cooper has not crossed the Arkansas. There is no strong rebel force north of that river. Scattered band, of Brooks' and She]. bye' commands have hovered on Blunt's line of march, but no serious obstacle has appear ed as yet. At last accounts the general was moviiist cautiously on the oast aide of the Grande River. He bad net corraled his train, and not consider himself in danger." CE .IGEXTFI. GA tuts GOEDOII, an :officer of the rebel army, has been tried as a spy by a court-martial at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, and found guilty of reoruiting for the rebels within the fedora! Hues, and also of hanging about federal camps 3s Mends°, &Dais under sentences to he sbot on Friday of this week. The offences were alleged to hare been committed in Western Virginia, where he was arrested. The sentence haS ' , olio be approved by the President. idagle a1e...._._ verted Arkansas ..4;i':.;:.?;.; , ,, , ,;.. , , , A:rya , :::,.,. , :„ . :...,, , ;;,.... The Rebel Conspirncy In Canada.:A The following explauution is - given by 44 Moraro tt l commercial Atinertwn, a seeeertin newepsper. of the thwarted rebel eunspitr4 in Cer..tia.: The expedition intended to effect tho libOr k Blinn of the Confederate ofn,ors held ii-is , ,r, 'r, on Johnecia's island, Lake Erie, laaringlai . , ill us)... 14.1 rernove the misapprehensions t ci f may be created by Federal oc-ounts of a C' adian plot to bum Western cities, we give - low all tbo facts in which the public is in - ested, which way, .1, aro assured, be irrkpfi . ty relied on. -i . .. .. The Washington Gorernment haring Fettled to continue the exchange of prisoners of Inc under the cartel, sent the Routhorn °Mewl accustomed to a tropical climate to dotiroris'a Island, where 2,000 of them were confine in i t_ wretched ;carters, absolutely unfit to h se cattle. There is nu reason to doubt that - the °Macre solicted fur this prison were thole on w h om th e cold, danir ,siallto and erpointro n cold act molt prejudicially. It. mu, in fact, an attomr,t to cdninit murder without plainly in-arrici the odium of •laughter. In these eire th.f confederate ilorcrnment mode ar attempt to r•+cue the doomed otheers, and for ttie purpose at. lare ditier was fitted ..oi. consisting of thirty-ail officers, under the ,onmatid of ono who had distinguished biinself in sihrila: 1.1,1/I‘l7 en terprise•, and three hundred mon. The oh at Wilmington in the Confed erate stnamor Rob.rit , and landed nt Halifax. The eottiin and toliaoco brought by that steamer as friiight were sold to furnish toe tends required, amounting to about 0,- 000. The men cam. noeiland through the States to :moll parties to the general render l'utl The intention was to nowise tho Federal garrison on Johnson's Bland, liberate the prisoners, convey them to Canada in vessels provided for that purpose, and forward them , by Halifax to ;Nassau or Bermuda ; the greater part nt tile funds being specially devoted to paying their passage to one of these points. ey further operation nn the lakes wore left the discretion of the officer in command, teh.t.e tad r , were stringent and peremptory to Amid n wrench of neutrality, and to take ea t e that even the semblance of international • “11.3 should he prevented. Had Johnson's Island been taken, it might hove formed a basis for other operation. against Federal ,ontioerec on the lakes ; but the real object of the expedition was to rescue two thousand ' talearic lives from the cruelty which had de voted them to slow but certain death in a cli mate and situ.t.tion in the least degree ininsi. etl t' them. Contraband. on the ItlisMssippl--Thelr Nuathert., Efficiency, etc., etc. A Western correspondci.: t.ri tee It is act , nishing what a number of contra bands are now employed by thy navy. Al. most every gunboat below Cairo hoe an • • cr. age of fifuen or twenty each, who are em ployed as coal hearers, bargemen and •ere ants. It takes them longer than a white rural to learn their duties, but when once loarne.l they make efficient penmen, ..:, tractable, and will obey orders. They can be trained as gan crows, and ou nor way down to Baton Rouge, while we were fired into by guerrillas, Acting Volunteer Lieut. (Meer, of the old navy, con cluded to try them at the guns. Th. , rgh awk ward at first, they noon got waked up and proved their capability of taatiding under r ue and of making good gunners. The gunboat Manitnu, .1 at Elli;en rid• gun crew, who LUC., been in Anti., od who 1.111 , 10 ,,,, 1nti co,tr d Lit, MA 1,11 3 0 white ,camen. There are a re•t number --felditra , -ands. Shipworth's Landing, at N,ri•• lions near Hurricane I.land. at Nateher. et Helena, at bland N: lo and. Na', A great many hare recently , Ins i n a t t h e inotut. of Red 11;rtr, anti are oucatepod the hank. being protected by our goz.boo At F.,-; Pillow, in Tenness,u4 an '•.-r t telt). and as fact //. tl.ey take them nom 'these points, whit,, toe women are vent North f.-1 - reel - anti in or for .-tieh oerupatien a.rthcy may be for. Ilect•riorgeon Pinekne ..,nsa b,an: of him hospital ship. the Tted Rorer, at Mem phis, J.G. unit,' own rok, and one of hi, bc,t waiter,, both bright, intellige-t colored !err and excellent terratt''. and I w :! ven ture to au, lout even in the boa; hotels en] reetaurnots in Cincinnati iv t:-.cro a better rook. than thin name rook of Fleet-. Surgeon any. No wonder Int. Seathern Confed r-tc is suffering evoerially when after taking their food we take their co. L.. The body servant of the rebel Secretary The it now en ..tged on hoard one of the steamers plying between Memphis and New Orleans, and many other once valuable gloves, are now in happy freedom, making men of themselves. At many of the contraband camps. zealous rha p- Mins, and noble men and women vent forth by the Christi... .-ommis.ions of the several Statesatre now laboring to elltvate the charac ter of the freedmen, end trying to make thoin induetrious and orehi. both to OIt:S.O , OS and the atm:randy. . _ Keriturky Rebel!, i e Yrt ful y.,) Comnonwerrith f,l!,ring forci, 1t to ,an the hdernlant , , t. • cruit;ng to go 411 in ht..1 , t1. ky, :hey lb.! State 1 , . i s hied with the worm rebela —men who would i.o rcad7, upon tit. proach of a g 00. l Army, t. , tr,uble some and leap roue-t.:,uc over. The mean est rebels who figured in tho invn,ion last year. Were th,o who hod here tvated mo, leniently. I.:ebbl; tint e been permitted to re turn, who aided in tearing 'ho stars cod stripes from our ,tato Capitol. and trampled the deg in the dust; and who, vvi..ri were. were most vi lent ntAl vindicthe. Cnion men can't afford to leave their homes, when each men are left itching to do mischief. This Sadis m:wont° return of rebate should ho stopped. Cargo of Enfield Rifles In Texaet-- Rebel Plot Discovered oac, Nov. 1L —The Tribune's sporial a3hington, dated Nor. 16, says : The , creme, t has received information through at Monterey, that a few days to- the ny .nre of Brown,ille by General Paul, , a large carp of Enfield rifles, enough to arm all the militia in the State, had landed there. When the 1 1 . S. steamer Nowhere was on tier w•y with • large number of rebel pris oners, a plot was discovered to take the 'vessel from the officers and men, es there were less than fifty of them, and fifty rebels could have cifected their design, had it not been for the Ingenuity or the naval officer who, disguised es n , sailor, discovered the plot. Bounty to New York Volunteers—The Iron Clad Dictator New YORK, Oa. t6.—The re•;nty bounty in this city to volunteers is fixed at $3OO, State bounty $l5, in addition to a govern ment bounty of $302 to new recruits or $402 to veterans. Thirty thousand men are wanted. The Iron Clad Dictator will be launched on thanksgiving day. Ncw ORLEA NS is filling np with a Northern population. Two steamers from New York recently arrived, with 452 passengers. The New Orleans neta of the Ilth nit. says : "Every vessel that comes from the North reaches UN freighted with the wives and chil dren of those who have come here to reside— very many of them nermanently—among us." A BILL to prohibit the nsanufseture and robe of spirituous liquors in West Virginia is be fore the Legislature of that State. Liquor for mechanical and medical purposes only may be sold, and that by agents to be special/5 , ap pointed for the purpose. One guntlemau, to favoring this measure, said ho "considered the act of whisky selling worse than truamon." GEHMIAI. ROBIRT , A NDIMBoN has been r.,- Booed from the command at Fort Adams, at Newport, Rhode Island, to which ho had boon but recently assigned, hie ill hualth not allowing him to contintle longs: in .errire. Tna streets of St. Louis must be in a pleas ant condition. A paper of that city says a woman was &pothered to death to a mud hole some days since. - - Om.r two hundrod and seven recruits worn obtained in Pennsylvania duringlhe month of Ootobor. _.< < EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS,_ ICE k (.u., GEL BANKS TEXAS EXPEDITION. 0031111 i, Oti I TORWAB.D.C. , I bIEIoCELANTS Dextenetlon of the Contraband Trade Between Europe and the Rebels. OPERATIONS AT CIIATTANOOOA. C✓b a.lveoms TIIE CA?iADIAN SCARE FIZZLED OCT. Plnelonh sr Eastera Netted., - _ 1 T111.51,...111 11.2110.2.Ca1l : WAR BETWEEN ,, NEW GRENADA AND EQUADOR t !loom. J. S. Dilworth ,t Co., IMMINENT. . ET anger Blubaugh, may., • Thoropeark Boil, EN., Prost. t7uwitoorclol Bonk. ,ta Spatial Dispatch to the Dittsbas-,;`,.. Casette. =We 1.11 PHILADELYIIII, Nor. IT, 18153. Tito Banks oapeilltiou made h recounted,- ()rude and Refined Petroleum, tenet) over the Toiae upset awl the mouth of I BIiNZENT's, da t sho Rio Grange and disturbed a eery pretty arrwaremeot with too Itinektris rummy, The and fort, enemy off Sabina N. Calreslun, hare all been re,nnoitered, prompt p u er.onal attantlem Rod ale net half to foc—...laLle /Mt E' irke r k 2 . . * 1;:u1 .7.7 . 4 - - - Ib bv: The bloekatle runnel, off tbo Rio Grange, , Prost. Baal , U. L. Fre...r C 4., l'b iladelphta. I.lrotertv Lae reeefort aro ranch dit lour prizes wiiio token hp the fleet st the mouth of ilia lirrizos river. San Luis Pos., nod the fortifications around Galveston were all examined and measured. Our fo-cc, ht bled are sufficient to hold tho points occupied. The practical purpose of the expedition is the interruption and destrnetion of the immense contraband trade. carried on between Europe and the Southern Sfaton by why of Mexico. The government Intends to seal Matmoraa ILA well as Charleston and Wilmington. Tbo latter could have been sealed long ago, but the fleets look to prim money, and instead of destroying, try to coptute. Llenno nn many A dispatch from A t lan ta, (la., dated the 13th rave that a figLt bet,5,,.., the rebc I bat teries and our forces before Chattanooga r.•n tinned briskly up to that time Oar troop? have male a div,,i,rl from right to left. a. 11 a view probably t attack Look Ir t ••••untain. • There is nolLing further from CeerlesLon dl.u•r•. Cornell. Jevrett and Vallandlgltam have edd,qeed latter. ton Liverpool ~.per in favor of Y I er.....11 mediation iu An arrive! from Panama ehow^ that war La iturnincnt I..otween N"w Grenada and r.oqua dor. The New Grenadian MiniAter had no erieed hi, paliports rr..ta Qoito. P.e...mrka.1.;.: gold nod eilrer aro lo the Northern province,. of Ch;li. Th.. United Pt3tt, dnnoi. war cyßne had urived at. PAllittilik from 0..0 r, ^11.1", ;EN. SiiER)IIVS IT CIIIITINOOGt The Potomac Army Not Going Into Winter Quarters. HOOKER REPORTED ENGAGED WITH THE ENEMY. —A 1....10gram dal .1 !ho ie.. :hat MAI. G,., 'tllsl,llflll I=lllll a? , ;cn Iholnar . Itea..AqUa -, f.:, ye tu•d, n 2,1.1..L1tal of hi enlito ,irnnt•e 4.—C,caut It4es,io I=MI!!! :ten n• •i KilT.atnek ivvu: In 1111 V. It Al uvui,nt tho A -•r . m not wing Lute: . quarlert pr,ent A Chattanooga lvtter, Nor. !:tth, to tho //•T .are: It is rumoi,a toe, Hooker jUnit been engaged with tho enemy Alialr* at Chattanooga CsIATTA•O• ,, ,, NoV. is quiet In Gant. The Lookout oattery he., been quite Yigort.usly worked to-day, alternately nn Hooker's camp, 31 oce.t.in Point and ChaL tatiooga. Shells are occasionally thr , n, !".alO the town, Las the phi: ,t. 01.; lire neither a-- curate nor effective. No c,nalties are re ported here. tint .11oecaoin batteries have splendid range on the camp , is Chattanoo,o valley, on the cart aide of Lookout The in dications were that a ...tile ' , lull be made fot Booker's uoAition by e largo force of rotois eru ; but it, etre• ;th and afivantagt,ce p,it..,11, with a r.,-operation with othtr turret', :ed to the ob noti,nment of the eoherno. it :3 benceed that the tote, in o:.teino , l from our -cootseotttrafliot Cat_ f--over :. said that tho Weatcrn and Aflan , i; vr. , rk NI to it 1'1111...0 ernleity. bringing rcinfolownenu. to Bragg. and :he ma'. Chickamauga Station, eight mile,. South, 14 ...Ind Intb the camps of rebola. will not be /qr....A trlthout decisive and Woody struggle f, Chattanooga and F:rot Tenne,oe. The intelligence (two Eit,t Ter ot evening of tho 14th is satisfactory. Ansther Capture--Rebel Agents im— prisoned—Gen. Graham—Rumors of aralry Fighting—A Wagon Team Captured by Rebels. W.4.8111NG.5, Nov. 16.—The -Navy fAipart meat has received information of another cap ture off Wilmington. The part ieulars are not yet received. George T. Ayre, agent for the sale of Con federate bonds, hoe been sent hither from the Army of the Potomac, and committed to the old Capitol Prison. Several other dangerous charseteni, also, have been sent to that prison. Brigadier General Charles K. Graham has been relieved, by order of the Secretary of War, from his command in the Army of the Potomac, and directed to report to General Butler.' The Timex' dinpatch from Washington, dated Notember to, Pltyl : Remote roach here to night of earalry lighting to-day on the Itapi don. Firing wan heard yesterday in the di rection of Sterensburg, and again to-day in the came direction. The rebels captured a wagon train yent-einy neat Eterenslatirg. The canna of the firing to-day in not known np to this hour ill p. From Nashvilio--Movements of Rebel= Bridges Deliroyed—The River, etc. Narturnd.a, Nor. i6.—Forty-f.7n prisoners, among them one captain and three lieutenants, caftured by Major ER:gibbon, of the 14th Michigstr, at Lawrenceburg, reached the city , to-day. 1 The rebel Col. Cooper's force, which wore routed at Lawrenceburg, are now endeavor ing to cross the Tennessee river. The country around Columbia is clear of guerrillas. On the 12th inst. Reddy robot cavalry crossed the Tennessee river and came to Cali 'pito, near Lynnville, on the Tennessee and Alabama railroad, and destroyed two bridges ' and trestle work. It in reported all quiet at the front. Lieut. Col. U. C. Unclips, Chief Quarter , master, has been ordered to Lee, onerenh, Kansas. J. L. Donaldson, Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Quartermaster, has been ap pointed to akin post- I Rh-or.—There are 3!..; feet of water on the slionic A Itrge lot of coal for government CRUM, REPINED, 111ACUTNERT AND PAINT use has ar: rod Soldiers , Bounty. Wsittatiorott, Nor. I7.—A 1,111 will bo in trodneed early next se•rion of Congreas to ; °a w l , have the boar.ty to soldier, paid in ,aunthly , ---- instalments, additional to their monthly pay. LUCE NT OIL WORKB. T's.s will make their pay $3O a moat!. instead 'of $l3. i MINOAN, DUNLAP & CO., ' steamer Water Witch Foundered—All ; Manufacturers of on Board Supposed to be Lost. Dtrutorr, Nov. 17.--The steamer Water Pare White Refined Carbon Oils, Witch is teported foundered to a recent pie 1 oftk,.. yr,...yri Lyzyary dr.nEZT. i t , s i gonsw Bay. All on hoard are bop- 1 ' posed to b. loft. my9:OEUEII ~-x.4. ±'YY:~.'.k , ~~L-•= - _,,.h ... ~.~.. ~ :-' . :: k :,~:fs_.2 =: EA.u„C s X3~Ss. . ~.fsa`u~~u:`'kxk .. ~: ~t t~::~~ik , ~:4a~:u?.,7=.ss.,sn:r,:s~3 ». ~ ' ~r*~~~c, ; ~y"~"" * 'y~r~~~. VOLUME LXXVII---1.,;0 07L 9' cc Crude and Refined Petroleum, ND. 19 nvirm STEIMET. PIITISBIIIIGH. MACK & BRO., 131WALlitT ST., PRILADSLP 1111, 13t1111111=1!1131 r paltOLl7,X. tJU 15"01:Kz , . 'Atertufactureeg of r .47 wit vrEurn 4 ~,,non OTh, DrNZOLE AND Maenfae[c+w,a and nen.. on., nrs- • U:L• napircity two th.ertaref barrels ,or Ina ! IRON CITY CIL . ; LIDAi & CIIORPUNTSG, LTNIS AND LLIIIIILUTING OILS, 5_.144•40.re In cift u Dim YET ix() FC TM Works, opposite frlsarp.braig. Moo, No, co BAWD STRIiVr. W=EA D L. MILLER, .la., AGIPST, 121 WA LYTT2 BT., PHIL/DEIST lA. CRUDE & REPUTED PETROLEUM IMMiMOM 'IOIIAGR FOR RSTINED to relies.. cnrDE, under r'° •hed, Port leular attention ;mei t, ()11. FOR F S Pl,ll T T. YOLA. SC.D.I CABOT dc PEM BERT( q.C, GP".Erti Merchkudizo E: 135 BOOTH 71105.1 . Wt., FULADEL CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, I=MSM!I ME= !-.:y of pn prcm.,,!T att., !ri T I, F. CF. : : ' o=3 Particular attrattou v-• (I•l,lo.eut. of Crude and Refined Petroleum. fkir ad•als , 013 tuatMs H F•71?-;. I~'JORTH FRONT ST , Yn 1:. 74 rrolcor:•: Cil7T rn igl36i , 1 Al-01 - h t CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, ]6:d dt ale r Itt , rtp;t: spd IGnu• : !`LT I“,Licrm RAnnßiz.. BR IiNV It, HU Mat Sr, ('U G'OMMISSION MERCHANTS, MEE! (noun, I'ACIFIC I.II:ZUTT WiII:LES. I,4toral cosh Advances Imolo 000signroouta or 12rfinol or Crude Petrol.Acm 0011. PUN "ESTI E wes & IT A WWII' " (111. ?JEN nerd not be embarrust,-,1 by N_/ the onforromen , of the !hilt thrift:shoo. whe . n they can hen" Inolo OIL herrbl2 ,, •nhotool tr,th -•‘,!ty Wlmtwon, its cheap, .n7re prompt, with 6.1 Hen, Ines trouble end in hotter order, al KIF.R"A OIL YARD On the Allegheny Talley Railroad, &bora Lawrence stkuon. Oil 1. penned t urn the twat+ thre-t to Ito ram end .hlpped to arty point, Ran or Welt, will:mot any arayutg or neeltlpping. All ordera pronz;dly attended tn. Ofe. - e at Tard, on Citizens Patwenger R. B roe Oddro addrao, BOX 902, Plttaburgh ; or i rao to' wen daily at the Ott rt , a,nu, kptil WILLIAM urrrlS, WALL.ACE Comm if...inn ert-ht, n ts, \ Anti Arnie rs io CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM. ZI NB AVD 1.1"BRICA TIN() MAI, yo. 134 ft , ) TY G - ItAilraz, faILAPti...PIII.4 W Ettore,' rkpanity (under roes.) far I.3.are bbl.. Alen •erallent f , 7 n•er.-.t.n and Foreign parte. at our wharf on the Schuylkill Rl.—r. arer the platform of .he P. RP. 1.2511 WALL'S, WETMOItB A: CO COMMIRSTO El MERCTIA!M, SHIPPERS OF pETRoLzvm, 111 MAIDEN LANE, itrw YOUR Aropto torilltieo for STOILAOE AND FIRIPFINfI. t tbelr prd mid wtizri, Gm Ron myltif DIAMOND OIL WORKS. NAYLOR it SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil, Vorcripumwd byway in thy notkot gar Orders left at tbetr office, No. 41 StARICIST STREET. or at their work. ha Laterepooolth - , ^ Iv I promptly attended to. Boyer. or CRUDE OIL. mh .1 ROBERT ASHWORTH., No.l BT. ST., I 111111175011 Forwarding Sc Corinsioion Merchant 1 Dr ALMS IS OILS. oar ILLITMENATIWO, LITE }MATING, CRUDE I PrTROLECM OILS, it..., cor,..taarly cu baud wad for sale at the !owlet rnarkat flraigamonce and orders rolldted. sp7:6m WOODVAIE r oIi FIFIN ER Y CEO. W. HOLDSHIP & CO., Mannfactare - re auranDra OTL AND T.L`BRI , A. TLSO OIL. Keep oonatantl 7 a^. bani the very but quality of BURNING OIL, cn.ar and wath..a: ; also, W good LUDRATGE, pure 11' RITE.PIS.N• ZOLE and CAE GREASE. . . . . . oar All °Mery left at No. &S YW2P sIItEZT. Bank Moak, mama tit+. , b r6Luptly atteaueu 0,-.Jar I ri OILS. And dulat La Ile/lulus Materiall. len. as ISARIEET Plitabargh PITTSBrEaII, Pd. OILS, Zir. A - cco it II ICK CAT. T, f: EN I . ILL OIL BROKERS, 1 - )11 and 213 Smith Water Street, afflOdu.o 4Jr - G...D:lgummai• tio1,;:•J Lyday 8 Chorpennl.4, Icon Cif, 00 Worts. Jarot. vr • JaC..ll. Chsliarit, of Spans., I. oaltsrkt I Co. _ It11)EH & CLARK, CkArMl.ll9/ON I1KRUI110:113, Pail°leum acd is ProductF, CANnt Z .M. k :. 61 1:1110AD sTicarr w.ATER S 112 PUNT fir W: l'Ula LAND nLH.•af:N& v•TIIES, NICW" PAPCArl , r`' "LE ti 31PANY, Jx W. A. clAr.•w, WAI.II. 1 73.EESR & GRAFT, rts ode.., 110 ,-- :',11 - :ELA 1101'SE, r I rtsbar.4.l: ENOS WOOD Vt D, cf T ., :a. h. Woodward S Co ,) Npoctal attention siren in he w• id erred° and Refined Petroleuffl. No. 111 Pr ,, Til lar,NT : , 11tEF.7, PIMA TAIL-I 1: , 011 of Vitric.: and Aqn' rs sit u ^. r AUT.:ET A VI, FIR.I S. .I. I. • I 'lt.i. 't I I.( rrEc rnr.Er_:: •Y OF “nj ' ••,tt •tr...et,t,ar Ft!th -s le<, 15ca, pu~Lstr -te In 11 . 1 1.• v il•L atur:irtges, amply Stg-Ra tr• - • , - fir rlalue P.SA.6P7 72 - 1, aodlll P =WEE o, 1.• curl naon moil, ••, IL n an•l o with n.rw their 11,-,-,..111.1 on. A r• ham qj r..it Lel • with r• ',raw., paid Iv, - J.,.„: .Sm••! _rl. , 1.. 1. f 11.011. ES N. 1.1 ER. El'W.l.ltl. l t . ;. 1 ., W X. A. 6.1..tr1.. Sknown—y ✓v- J. I..flkil/N }Li: 0.11 IS, iv... flffirp Northff.L.o Ni•K Insurance Co. of North America 13=1 Insurance Co of the State of Peara PHIL A. D is L r rt to Hartford Fire Insurance Company , l'lnsttralson In tha al, -114. ..:: ant rt•lta!•l.2 :NJ= paws , la bdt obtain.l on applicatlou tc lil tea: it). Ba.ca.ley's DuiMullin, marl- attevt ' x ‘ TrTERN INz4uft.k M A ft CuNIP I Y ov n. MILLEL, Jr., Prrstriew j. 4 ,i'srr Prams It en... W.,- . . 1:.1s. 4 lionos Igunfeta,t -iaslact , ei int.:lnn who •. ' . n a mnnutnnity. em.lare tictrr td ' • . 1 .14 . Er:4,lL/, GM the ! • 1- L'ary ,tranGe.i, 0ff,13.1 the N. 4 ,• t. low trAo desire ASSETS., 1 ODER :0 , , Stu. k Ac,onots__. . Stu tgs ; . Oa: lurulture ..... open Accounts, .... ....... . Pr.-mican Di. Notes; biota/ and Bllls .cocatod.. DRLCTOI26 R. A mfr., rklcy. Jaa.• Mc.l uley Alexamitr :fixer Nplasuiel R.lxnew, DAlrrt Lan;, Alex. xfmlel, I R. J. T,••^.A., Den). r. J.,Ln S 11:C use. Ci,unt• Wi 11. Smith, C. W. Rirketsom. my:A . F X. n0r.z.:7 , :, Se-,qtry ----.. 0111 ZEN'S IN:-:CRANC'E (iii PA N Y N.— , OF PITTSBrIVIII. 051ce, corn., Nat art •r.. 1. ,„) Water ern..., :.rend Sear. WM- be GALE Y, kr,...4.5.-. sultrrist, TtEA, Erer , trro Tr. 7,7 i 5V . •n1 10 .61• and tn.. g. 0.0. I Irmo,. altar. ler. •r 4 damage la the nartgati. - . n :le Southern and Wetter - II /11 "ors, 1..1-'e an . ' Du r-r, and the navtget lot. .: the :S., 1 ' 11.1.14 . Against leen aro: damage by firt. • ClLE,lnitsl. Wre. Barley, .Isa. Peak, Jr., I s. M.. al., 1 John Sh :pals, wr: 1,. , ^',..0, • on', P. S . J akm, I S. Hezbaugh, Beale Owens, i J. Cald,.'l, Jr., }von 'r 7-.1. Stew., I John S Pseeertb, , Barrlay Pna1t05,:............ U. Zu.o" ti ge Illruthare. I doSOallJ rEuPLFS toMPA'S Office, IL Z. corner Wood Lt Filth Ste. • M corner, Cap, John L. T1L.n...19 Wm. Phillip+ John w lt, 'Yin. 1.1. Hoyt, . 1 &mud r. .ihri.,t. John E. Park., (4.... rt, P. Joao., Charles S. Bwkoll, I Daniel Wali.,,, Wm. Van Birk, i C. ll.an.on Love. Whi• PHI Ltirs, Prs:::Gvt JOHN WATT, VG, Preside:44 WM. F. OAILDNETC. Svreturat. JuGGI y A LLEGH EN Y I c,...1:1i .1 N l;k: CUM. 1 .n. PANT OF PiTTSDURGIL— 001 es, No. 37 1 Faith street. Bank Mork. Insure+ .noinst all kinds of Tire ass: I.7s.rino auk. ISSAO JONI'S. Prtrided, • JOIIN D. ?J'CIAID. Via Irr.A.l.la D. M. BOOR, &cm/Arry. Capt. W'-'I. DEAN. arnerai .fr,,..t. DIRECTOR% • I lasso Jones.• I Jobs P. MoCard. C. C. riuss., i 1 Ups. A... JRCOtA, iII4,ITY Citll.l%, I D. B. StrrDnz, , rapt. h. C. Gray, I 1"/Lpt• W.. 7.1,,,,,, 1 Jobs lrein., Jr.. I D. I.4.N.Crele, : i 1.1. L. Fahn,t,:k. • 1 Robt. iii. 1,Z11.1. : .sITiOR-rL'YS. I. NIZOTS", ,s C. scuorlx• cir. S. HCHOYER, Attorneybatt. , . Othce. No. 1..2 . 3 Fourth streot, PillAurgh. °en DE:3TWSTItY• i 0641'14 ADAMS, De l tti,t;f! Mamma entl , firiptAt.r.. F.trarrsters.-In - : A. M. Pa.*, Dr. ital. Theu.lono Itobblns, Etztnel Erctt. ris Ynut .f, is.o. . ( ^ 1 ti n , _ , n. MIEM=9
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