THE -- ' DAILY PITTSBURGH . GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. itt . sburgh o,li-ettt: ' Copperhead Do ea. - AFFAIRs IN F. 4 I'l , RN \ IRCTINI k. We find m the Cineinnati pa a report of - R ICH ARDSON HARLEY SL Cl) further proceedings agauist thaparties shat g MEADE'S FORCES ADVANCING. IAJ TuuatmAy moBsrNG •,, iv 19 1863 ed with treason and cons poi against the _ ___ _ _ _ Go v ernment of the lentad vitae. In the BATTLE EXPECTED THIS WHEIL 13 And Fatten ha MERCHANDISE BROKER. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. 1 v I. acted States Court, on 31,1 morning, Mr I BRASPi WORK raft PLUMBERS STLsal Olt - -- Petroleum and its , Products, Oils, And dealer hi oil Muds of COUNTRY PBODOGII, Crude and Refined Petroleum, : CAB PITTER I 3,IIALILINISTS, AND • Moterna Ea e, b 7 malt, Per yet. 110 ea Pugh made a motion to qa9 4 lt a indictments New 1 nee, Nor l'c -A spo, tll o the NO. 7,IIIFARSFY STREW'S', Ii.OPPIESMITILI o e month IL In the cases of Mr. and.Bilie Thomas, and vr,„, 1, dated Wit,' --• - s irl; IL .aye Co 19 IRWIN STREET, PITTUBURGII. 1 CAND LII4, ga s &O. BRAM CASTINGS, of all dantriptle., made to e • .. week p i ,„ i „.. nion, „,„ 1 ;r i der. ST.IIAMBOAT WORE, IitTRAM AND GAD- ; la- Mr. Corry tutored a dcm -in the cane of The P 1 f this evening doe arcs that •cpu "con o .. a ROM) LITBRXT-.--.2... Y. is- G and R&PAIRIIG, promptly attended to " envie men a Mr. Cathcart, on the gructrul s Particular attention paid to Pitting up BENIN e. Bemire Semmes , by wail, per year...._..4 50 RITA YOB COAL AND CARBON OlLS. consptrary srms lunga paatale,t • Co tr s: "" rtct :-/ ha lt I :e c a ap bat et tlu ed o tha r.i.n tGr e e end 6 o 3 f le t. ' da ..r.7. d .r l ::::elc ill . 1.44.-"..b*LrAll'A r 4". r...C46•L*d3"rk""'":l4."' "t"dr"'"'" l''' 9b SL AT 1 13' Ft'"? I rs - 1".""'''" Also, gobs Agents far this 'Western District of Penn " month..-- .,32, rreTnannn2 11.1111123nca .. .. week- le. the Una &Lousy born broketel It a quote these and the impresaion Is Con B rine d AOMO Thdt, as „,..,, iq , ,„,,,,,, 0 p,.. , IgiTalila far the tale of HARSH, LALSDEILL k Oo.'o PATINT SYPHON PUMP, the beat ever In• " o / t o & appl e . . „„.• g, two monstrous propositions we Ind there Co learn by notrs directly from the front, to- nTainger flub u, 114 . vented. Hamlett as valves It la net liable le get out Thompson Bell Lee , •Peen Como...eclat Bank. I epl7 m• Wronete Emmet, mingle oophs, Per year._ 2DJ in the copy of the demurrer : frTA I IC& BRO af order, and. will thaws more water than any pump day. It is understood that Gen . Meade is not ~,,,, ' oi twice its sizs. apo " dubs of ato isi, • " - 1 tha 7. That the treason and gonartiracy are ; only advancing to th e Rapidan, oat be to Id - ------ - A I r C i IRMICK 3 C 1LI.1: \ PER CO -- 1.11. U. ILI.LL dc CO, - • dnba of 10er mare" -I A. ` charged to be against allegiliee, when they ' e - and •.• uatt'a h. 11,4 Penf •enlluf •I•b` For a can only he against obedfstise, and because i dab at ftflons, we wtll sand tie 11-uanso Ossarze o f the agreement of th e Stattsof Ohio, and of I cross it before the close of th e we.:::, and cab- i Mol-11.01 is the em#titzttional nom- VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, dolly, For a Nab of twenty, we will vend the all the other Plates, to tam battle if possible PITTSBURGH, PA-, The army 16 6A . •.",%^' condition , anal ee- Ifeamore Disarm daffy, Mangle copies, a cents pact, binding on the citizens cof Ohio and of pecially the cavalry.Thc promptitude KO' All sobsonettonegriwfo 60 adfauee, and papers each State, so long an the eoleact remains 211 and 213 South Water S'rc always at Government In paying toe c Idlers ha: a Most 13ENZIN11, la, I opped when the tarns empires 8. That treason or re f against agriblet the , ,___ , United States, after the ref ai, of some of aa ' a " . ” ""''''''' • 132 NV L1.....,T ST. PH/LArIIP.PISTA a t zir ‘,..„, ~....,....011,,,,a the States to continuo the n , real toompact, Lee Naillag leach-Grit. Stutter --The c • ....tor. eotrustod to our ear. wilt rt.,* onr is no longer possible . ___ ; Rebel Prisoners-- The Ri c h mon d p rompt ~,,„,„,,,, „„.,, „,., l Maim To --- - . ..../..4........".--.., The Louisiana EleetlfirtScheme. ••Db.patc. u" on Meude's Advance. I R. far h., !......- "trherdson, t'arley AC:.O- - ,er Lyday A Cborponntng Iron t dv.,, v, t k, Non Von., No , le The 1,,,,, , d ,,,„,,,,, ~„ pato A C., .d kloClaland k. paiLs, t tifttshotr..l3 numb , of .1 Pabr rtt ' L. 1 iri.:ll,ol. t fr . i ft , Lhalfalot, of apeng Lhalhot a l The scheme of holding ein 'election in Lou - from the Arm. of the Potomac of the I tith, ck h jo ' , B rT" l 4o h "- E' lii - ilt ' sc r.'" B''.4. 9.' A ' !stoma has fallen to the grot lhe htstor) I HON 4.11 I OIL W OR,Kt4 ----`---- 1 /Atop oases ...rtes. ~,r 1 ly rays It is ltoheved Iron , the ene my'. 1 6 strong I PbETE,,L IRK OIL IN ORR of this ansay project may b i ghten brief]) ns picket lino on the LI i Itri that lef s army L ~,, renewal Certain pro-SISAVOrypd genii -Steen- i , &di m gb.,kr4 , „ M e ( l b„, p , , LI DAY .I: CRORPENNING, i -I- Mannfantants of PUPAE rPIITII e tRBON 011. l- A ll AlOll °intone of New Orleanspetzug under an I Heavy --tria have made tee roads end lords Menuflcdunr. and Reas o n of CARRON OIL, Epps l PE7l.Ola L. '.I I. uras4cA'rrho , •1 I organization called the "Le _stone E-ccut c almost impa.tstblo. alepa.liv two I barrel. re seek . ; d oho. to ZINK AND I LIILII . AI 124 (ALS, and deals. in State Committee, ' propc.o 1. tu bolo an el t Gen. ' 8 nie ,_ r I • 2 ",g'"' t ' N '' h REESE & GRAFT, PRo, ~,-, naugurato the potter ho e, inloont e I 0 1,- non un the 2nd last., in sum. porttons of that t ' ,.,., moo r° , it, t o , k t ,,•,,,,, , i t , ~,,,,, Cat' T I.JTC I . IC'FFLOI.R.I 'M. OM., DIONW.t.AUP.L.A. 11t,.. , E ^ lt volt - 2 3 Seats, to choice Inoirittera pfteong. tea, Stile work on the 1 -fe s 14 and organtzing W or t. ~,,,,0 g ,,, g1i.,,,,, I ITIKOS WO( ID R • KR,I) officers and representatives fe a Legislator- ti. blacks 111 the Virginia porto n of his de ('Be., NI, 59 HAND STREET' ! LI pledged to restore the old Order of things, and P ar , thr `" . It C h uts (rout I Or, "I t- e that probe to re-establish negro Slayerpin all its ancient blv all rebel prisoners now in our hands will sail t m I'm Ca a.,,,,Pa r vigor Proelauuttion. werot issued, nomina bo sent to Educe ,j• in-dict n, Ira (0 kcal D I. MILLER, .1a , - GENER A. , .. AnaNy, tons node, and incipient et•Fa taken to effect ' a ; hp., a munition given to .be .1 f !he Riche, Ild 0/4/./l rt so), t /t 11,1 15 IZSWAI sr.!. AT , r'"" 'PEI P.IIA the object of the cons 1 ' There , Crude and Refined Petroleum 1e f.,,,,, ~- wthorn \ trginit 6 10w that N1,A1.11,. 6 fears that this attempt at counter revolutten advancing, with the vices of 1,111,114 n a CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM , 11 , ITH P" ' ' might trivr Ivo series eons quenoes, but the Gunoml 41 tglg.-..nts It It tn I rot It , ) ~ nI be nc " two • . futon tnellutlvoly All charges st most tse ‘. ... iy i 0) R sober second thought of tine 'State Ezeonttve , s, shnt d ohs n the pr. r , r 1.11111 WTI V.- j 4 '0 Ihn I li lA I ' attll.lo , whole fore° 14 16•10`1611 t., be -.nth I rn .r . r ' t ' ; ' ,;;G ' r. 'r yl a REF t .. p . t^ mot ",,„„ „ . t.ommtttee led to ossiii.eri„goot,,,„ The the Rappah unpick Ho , ad, .nee, y Let r 1 t ,hi 14 TIP • . r „ ,od .1. i. committee adjourned the eletetion awls the. lla. .01 ern! miles south of the '_l l' a. , I .rtt. eh , etlent,en p 4 t. nut. roe rx Pula fL i o , st.s-ca rsTle 50...) +, sort Arit Sr moving in the dil t, .1 .corral ford, of Tile . Forza, or a Coreennesoßeitiv iilitc, - the Rapidan . Tare Keokuk Cate (Sly says iltheral Tuttle, of Telegraph . Extended 'Order 01 (.rn. k_,/' t ' \ it" I 1 "Mill'F'if )'s lowa, has tendered his resignation, and will ilic Nett--11 alicron Occupied by our cit s Lt i—hand B return hence as a soonit Es accepted. II ttl Forces-Retreat of ('imp., A - or, r.. enci al xerc acceptance of the Copperhaid nomination for ‘`T Lac t+\ Pe I 11 togedon be. '.. D 1.• , 4 i TIT minerr .7 izeim k rokers, rrtrIPPIIA Governor of lowa and subsequent defeat, e' ( 7 e ° ,: i'd m i ,„ , i ,Li t , " „: ' l " : . ' u,d in ~ , i ~ . „ i , doubtless, made hie presence isl the art, ca n - coulevtatt 1. of ~ 10'0- tt tt a ,i, ' it.„ -1 pleastint,. Indeed, how weld it he otherwise' ed . Gls is 1., t ou,h IN aek r , t, anti ter /, ^-r A sympathetic friend of the rebels--or a cut can; t ' the wire a weerni,l, prl I 'l' .11101 !ant a sympathetic friend of their synti uthc b" , l , ' , ° , '" • , : ~„ ~„,,, p, 4 ) i , o tout - to, fi monde-a scan 1 ird bearor of the peace SI 04 south ; Fat ,stt 1 I at any prlee party mad fuetin the rear men.- Jar seoutteg Inuits eaptu sd l lie :el ,e : weld hiarilly hope that hol presence Iho "" ‘J` t"" ' I '''''' '•' ' ' ' V ' pr sine, o,ld 01orI, • s t,e p rt • er . 0 la army tr mid bell asant darned with l mini-suer 1. CfEIARLES C. BALST.EY, Produce and Commission Merchant. lamas t'n0n5.1.n,.,..' ....AMIS. • . no. sa.ccus I (orltis tats Dm , orb. &D. lUnomahl 1 Pittsbargi. & Co., W !hying Ohio.) f t „MIDOICALD'ic ARBUCKINS, Whole /mi. sale Grocers, Prodnr. and Commission ller- 1 ettasts, Jobtx:rs in COFFER, N. O. SUGAR and MO. '. iLARSIMII, BEIrINSD SUGARS A SYRUPS, FLOUR, ' BACON, TOBACCO, TRAS, RICE, OFIBBSE, SUN, &t., Nos. 142 and 244 Liborty street, Pitts -6=o. nolfly SITRIVEIR & LAZEAR, • i ELTUNERS AND COMMISSION 111311CIIANTS, , Ifanufactortir• and dealers in all the Wilmot Linde .... , of plaivo; .I".LOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, OUT ; - boa. 11' and N. Sailtbdthi St., eor. ascend, 1 71. o.BeTZLIS. /Da With greatly tacresaad tooth t. dry doing hatriney Inaba :lagers to JAW, T'ITTPCRGH. Igi L eptittP•maraviliOn ___ _ 1031/LNStertst.,.., ..-. ... .... --smarm newer. i 1 ! IX •1 1. • ii and LllsFtY gi-, rlitell'ilill , IVrA r !CEO W - 1;:l rk - LINFIART, FLocit. t ' . . ; / JOHN' HALL, , T. J. CULL, •1VD , r264,131 FARO., 1.3[0.1. O.IIIXIILIION i STEPHEN ROODS, MASCRASIII. for the sate et kWh, ttrala. Pork, Ita- I ,„.„,,,..,_ JAS J BROWN croi, Lard, Bettor, Erzge Cheese, Beans, Tallow, I "''''''''' s " - ' I ' ..: 'J. -.:._ Grease, Feathers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashae, ! a. s. araccrxTon44...i. IllErntilL.. .... .—...11. P. 1141&?. Saleratue. Linseed and Lard OIL, Dried and Gruen MACKnatuie HEMPHILL & CO ~ rrwts, TirnalltY. ()toyer, Flax =4 Gra. Illsal.. . -- , - , 0. 6 .1,..,,,,,,,,,, n , mad . ct , c0n.4....t.. I W 1 r eo ir rnor 4-I:kb. O'Hara attest._ near the City .. apt,' J No. =7 Liberty. *met, Pittsburgh. ! ~,,A 0.9 I 3 tneordastnrar• of RACE alivarun.wis IMPROVED OSCLLLA- W M. GORITLY, i TIN sneksuIINGINSIS AND SIDD VALVES, of i I a ll etas and beet style. ! : . .. _ . UTOLESALIGROCEE Yu. 271 LIBERTY STREET, Pitt,burgh, Bartell pnielissal th interest of lis late partners, wilt continue the badmen et the old etend, and be pleased to metre the patronage of his eld friends and civtomer. my 1331 WE,BB &WILKINSON, Com m 1 asiom .. gir T Ustall.mns, Wholmale dealers In WESTERN - 141ISERVE, CHEESE, DRIED • FRC ITS, BITTTkUI v COGS., GRAINS, and produce gonerally. Also, ! LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, ke., No. 217 Liberty . street. Pittsburgh. i IlsTrash adleaneemen:: made. Comignments Baited. Jel2-6nsd ITX. T.'lltelC num. 1111.81181.1. , WM. P, BE('K k CO.. No. 185 LILY' arty-Street, Pittsburgh, P., Who:, ~der Or.. esee,'Ctoinntlesost Iderchanta7 and dealers in COUR- I Square, Flat and, of all 81.1. Warranted TRY PRODHCR, PROVISIONS. DIXON, LARD. equ a l to any Impouteai or man...trod In till. WO, 80T1'611, - EGGII, CHEFS/1, FISH, Ac., PRODUCE, ' try. rr.nua, GRAIN, SELLS, GRUE_N AND ll 'AI 7 :1 , MD - o.ta.oe and warehouse,Noe. 144 .d 151 FIRST rictirrs. ,t , . SALT and LIYIE. 1518 • ' and 120 ual 122 SECOND STRKEIS, Pinaburgh. _ lel I,lyd :1 '. 'II.N 11. CAN II ELI), CowuussioN AND-I . c., • Yoaws soma 511 M ,tll.l, 8811 18h81,81• draler La , W1L.1.1.i 318 A R.N HILL CO , Borclin WESTERN R &SERI, ft CLIELOE, BUTTER, LARD. , Makers atd Short Iron Workers, PENN PURR . . BACON, SLOT' n, 1/6/i POT A' . ri PEA LL ; STREET. .N.. 20, T.I, 24 and 26. Haring scoured a ASHES. SAL ERATUs, LI Ns F.71:11 AND LARD ; Yary.,. 3-4,1 ond Parniebod It with the mo-t. Irnor•Yrd OILS, I.lnik.:D FRUIT, one 1 r.olnce gonendly, N.. ; machinery,, pr ,, v ,,, t 0 ..,,,,,,r...,,,,,,, "„) 11l sod 143 Fmnz stresq, l'lttaburgh,. otn l description of BOILERS , In the brat manner, and . . , 1.111111/1. 1.,,,..r., Pa ]A UT.JI TRIIIII.B. 1 warranted equal to ally loads ill Ille Coun try. LITTLE ~1: TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gro- 1 CHIHNETS, BRICIIEN FIRM BEDS, sTY:Am , PIPES, tutor morivrt BOILERS, CONDENSERS, ran and C "" nnai ' n 71"th°4". desist! In SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL SOLIS, AGITATORS, PRODUCE, 1 LoU It, BACON, CHEESE. FIRM - ---- • SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON lIIIIDGF-s, CALBON AND LARD OIL, Ikea, 3ALLS.GLASS i SII.IA It PANS, and sole maardhetnrore of BARN. _OOTEON YARNS, and Ptttabtmgh manni,tures , HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Rogaithes don, on generally, 112 an 4,11.1 5e,....n.1 etre.% Pittsburgh. , . the .hoe notice, delldf ! _ __. . . __. , P. 1127.8811. l S. 68111E11 1811. O 88.114.8. 1 ----- ' -'----- D E Y.MER 4 BROTHERS, (8u ooessors ' BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS Ji-1 , to I N .1 Ado: omo Whole...oe Costars in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON - F EL7 IO EERT. ISUVIAUS, FUJI WOllhs, Ac., Dos. COLLINS & WRIGHT, 150 and 1214 Wood street, alook - e Firth, Pittsburgh. ' I jytn ly _ . .. . (Successors to C,ln Newton.) . t'll:LP Sc . ' S Hi . ? ITA - li 15, COMMISSION Mann fashir.-re of CASTOR FRAMES, Mrag c±ps, I LADLES, and • gra amity af BRITANNIA N_.. , Fl barn ',TS and dealers in FLOUR. :. RA IN, „rrir, ' Abio, CAIIII7IN ' Ol4. LAMP BURNERS' AND PEUDLiCE, No. 243 Li borty aloes, Po ialoogh. ood L A up BRA ssr,i, geoerally, No. 1.2 i Soeouti Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and FatisOY Pd. ; street, Pittsburgh. rionattuitly on hand. Particular attention paid tu billing order. for lie robenslize urnarully. o"- '4= ' A LLEN M CORMICK & CO., VALLEY' _ . . _ Cam'' LES B. LEECH, I' Loci AND ' FOUNDRY, Pittsburgh, P. 1 1 1 17 - arehouse, 351 LIBERTY STREET, Oita. Facto* AND Comings:out Mgaihia, for . Memoct rent of (XPOK, PARLOR AND HEAT i ;he sale of GRAIN , SEEDS, UMEJ:SE. P lopuer. !NG STOVE ' S, PARLOR AND KITCHEN ORATES. Asi,, and agent by lb. c.i 4 htPt , id 129 '.”=" (1 -; - i BOLLOW PFAM4•44., Steel B o a /10u19. 808-91965iT, 91965iT, N.. 114 ttocood and 143 First a oi, Ise- 4„. um po g ri o , um Gsariug, Boa Wad/ and Ar ta-am-Wood antliecalthareld, Pittsburgh- so. , Oa.. Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Intites t'fou-iftb•"ii• S^- [4 -I RANK VAN C.OHDER, Prodeee and i. ~"; Recur , P a ,.. 6 / 1 ,,"' r ..,` t y. '' ,. "'• C' ' W ''''' .l "' C "" 9 "' 0 Also, Jobbing and Machine .I.' C.coximtasion Marchant, dealer in FI.OIJR, RUT- i eg,,„inir, made to ordrr. Patented p orw , Mill. I ER, BROOMS , SEEDS, LARD, CIiKESE, PORK, -.gat s trom or n o m, poor,. apleintud I'BIED AND GREEN FRUITS, and pbaduon gotta, _____ ___ ._ MIT- La - ond ,••,e,4 "Tan... 92 ' , " 9 ni0t0ii 9 . 9, .• ' JOSEPH I'. HAMILTON & CO. -- -, No. 154 Second street, Pittaburgh. t , 010000 P. 11000 rot,. 1100201.11. . HEAD & METEGAII., Gro , ers and Commition Alercbants, ar4 shelters in all kinds i of Country Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture. No. 249 Liberty at resit, opposite bead of IA 004 street, Pittahlugh. ap3ily - GEO. B. JONES Sc SON. Wholesale Grocer. and Boat Furnishers, dealers to MA NILLA ROPE, °ARUM, OILS, PITCH, and Pitts btmgh lilenntactum3 articles, No. 141 Water street, abort, the 11Innunrahe6t Bridge, Pittaborgh ROBRIIT Sc CO., Whole nth, Grocers, C4611311813i011 and Fornarrllng Mer chants, and dealers he Produce and Pittsburgh man a/onm,,Liberty .tree; _Pittsburgh. WALLACE Commission Merchant, D Dealer in FLOUR and GRAIN, 353 , .Libtrty &treat, appoalte Patinsyiruais R. R. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Storago Ware house, corner Wayne and Penn Streets. Iy IgEnlY 1411011L1tT... HIRTTON A if NntERT, slitrrox & CO.. Whole sale Grocers and Produce r. Sixth strict; Pittsburgh. Jai WATT & WILSON, Whol , . , Ntle Gro sses, Commission sod dratrn in Protium and Pittsburgh manutectures, lio.lSB arty:street. Pittsburgo. J t.:O ItASULL IJSINIAT, JR .....-. ./.013 LINDSAYTELFORD, IVholonale amlit*tail GROCERS, FLOUR AND PRODUCE DEALICES, 107 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. .npiiDox sesioiiisza LA141.1 Q,GLIONE AKER & LANG, COMMISSION sad wholesale dcaltrs 113 G CURERS, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE; d - c. No. .3M Lldirty strot. Pit t.h.r,;h. enl3-rtly 4: gAIn4TY... E . " • ........ ISSMAT.g. Ltairfir&7o, cr..Y i'LM; . INta MILLS, corner Liberty and Advent worts, rittqrargb, Pr. ;• olervapaitty, too barrels p.r day. ap9 v14,31E$ DALZELL tic SON, Ntanufao ':Samba-or LARD OIL, sad Corn Mihiital Ifsr chaste for the porches* and sale of CRUDE AND REMLNED PETROLZUM, Sok 69 and 70 Water etrest, Ptttt burgh. n 0 5 ..., msde on consignment, rin.iiagearitun s Joi.S.IIII[PAVVOCIE. I KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER, BOO tr. orateein to Brown & Kirkpatrick, WHOLE !SALE GROCERS, Noe. 151. and 193 Liborty street, 1 1 1 11041tet apl3:ly DA • [2: , IeCANDLIRP, tessir.C.Storrok, j alssetal Partner. COFFIN, socce”ort. to .1-v• Ltd. i, Lacer it Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, corner of Wend and Wator Create, Pitts burgh. • Jyaily CHEESE WA RE HO USE.—IIENRY H. CO L L TNS, Fonsanlnig ano ^mn mom Mer chant and doaler In CHEESE, DOTTER, LAKE FISH, and Produce generally, No. ES Wood etre., sborelrater,pfltshargh, .y 2 LLAND RIDDLE, paccemo• to Jog H 61e(i111 k Son, No. 133 Wort, eine:3,7l.lM limogh, general PRODUCE, GnuCERY ASH COM DI !IWO/6 MERCHANT. Consignments respect forty 09 1 kat04. Wray - PTLAH 7 DlCKrt' & CO., WholeFn!c firor.rh GOMmission Merchonts, and dealers I,' Produce. NOS. CO Water !street and re I root etrort, Pittsburgh. - 010. W. DILWORTH-- - fou, J.S. ..41.14WORTH & CO., Wholesula . drocliti:Nor. 130 and In Second strmt, near Pittatmugh. nol sous swan-- ...... ....... ......... intain. J O HN FLOYD CO., WL)!egrile Gro -10-iers and Commission Merelnata, 14.. /72 Vir , o4l and OM Liberty arrest, Pittsburgh. JrlG & ARLES L CALD W ELL, to Janis. If ohnin k C 0..) PORK PACKER and dealer in FROVLSIONS,corner of Untket slut Front emus. Pit tsbargh, ' has 0... 11 , , dure.esgor .laCl7- .Ih Tow* **d,) PORN PACKER &ad DEGVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth street, Dear Lib rrty. Pittstmrah. na27 0A.X111% AB y , 11 M VOIGT Ca, sacccessors to 14. L. O. Grail, FROMM' AND N !HEW:HANTS, 247 Liberty ..treet, Pittsburgh. .... nousT. JJOHNL HOUSE e CO., Wholesalo GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner of Smithfield and Mater streets, Pittaborgh. notsg.,.PVI4TIT% CO., Commission Metaanta and dealers in PRODUCE /LOUR, BACONi - WOOL, GITAIN, Le., No. 12 Smithfield 4treet,,Pittabutich. myl2:ly ODWARD EIEAZELTONW, Oiale es ofitoozal AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Last tracer of the Diamond, No. 18, Pittsburgh. J r .14 1..14./tl. . BAUALEY, \i'hulesale . Grocer. Noe. Is and ZO Wood dreet, Plth bursh. - jtatti CILTAWBA. GB ES.--25 boxes rec ‘. l bad fb 7 gale b7Mnr 11. COLLIN& rijiiQUESNI BSA 3 WORKS, CADMA II CRAWFORD, Mancifactoron of ovary varlet, of Enishood Raving put up machinery of largo capacity and of the beat quality, we are .spared to do heavy Joh blng, and BOHM( work in this line, trading that by prompt:am, and the character of our work, to morn pahilo patronage, • We invite .pedal attantlon to our BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, an comblalog adrantavw hanitotor• unattained thla clam of Enenrsa W.Aly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORIII,, PITTSBUROII, PA PARK, BROTHER dr CO., Bisaufmtarers a BEST QUA LITT swarm CAST STEEL. Cor. YIRST AI:D LIBERTY fall., Pittsburgh Almoract.era of SCPERIOII STRAM ENGINM, tetyl33f .EVERANCE, No. 53 Warn: ST Pftteburglt, manufacturer of BOILER RIVETS, WII.OUGhT SPIK ES, common and railroad, of every eleftertptlon. Particular wised or alittped SPII:F.S and Hirt - v., Large or small, made to order at short notice. A good wortmant non.tantly on hand. nir...o ne RIDDLE ,t; CO., 215 Liberty street, opposite Sloth , Pittalinrgb, mauttfutricera of WHIPS, LAREMIS and tilr ITCH- Es, and ovary description of LAATRER DRAIDRD WORK. Orders solicited from the trine. end goods prompt ly. Ripped es per lostructious. fott:iy W . BEN N Ell', Manufacturers of D WHITE STONE CHINA sod (REAR Ct , L• °RED WARE. • UM. szeirWarektonsie at No. 74 FIFTH STREET Pittsburgh. mkls:ly DRY GOOIiS ion• M1L80,...J..11 ow.a....n•rm M . , )(ULM. Ck.)., I /AI ,, Awn , d r Wholesale dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 000DS, No. *4 Wood street, third house above luarnond alley, Pittsburgh. 4.10:tf E•2( . 1.. M. LANK LIMN Ie•ROT at Sr,. ANE, McABOY k . CO., Dealers n -LJ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 140 Federal yarned, feetond'door below new Market Roma) Allegheny ity. mli9tly EK.TON, 31 ACRU L MTCO., Whol,.a o l v and Remit Dealers •sr TRISIII MGR, BUBROI DENIES and DRY GOODS, of every dowcriptter, Ne. 17 trntl 19 Fit h street, Pittaburgh. GOI Rseaii Dealers In FANCY AND MTAPLJ DR GOODS, TRIMMINGS. tke. Nn. 78 Market street, let, ilco Diamond and Paull, Pittsburgh. JBURCH.F LELD, (successor to . Burchfield & C 0.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STAPLF. AND FANCY DRY GOODS, !fortiaaai one°, of Fourth and Market streets. Pittsburgh. 7OSEPH HORNE, Wholesale and Re stail Dealer in all kinds of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS. tte., Nos. 77 and 79 Market street. JI W. DARKER At CO., Dealers in all . kinds of DRY. 00009, No 69 Market street, LOCII'..CI/ Third and Fourth. Pittsburgh. PALMER, -SQ. 84 WinJ Street R. realer la BONNETS, RATA, STRAW TRIM IMINtiP, and !TRA IT 600106 generally. DR CDS,: is-ri4 QMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PCHE DREGS AND CLlZlaledldl, PNILTUISEE). TANGY tiIOODE. nnumNo TIMID, DILA, TA M MY MEDICINES, do., of-stiletty prim.. quality, which ha Gears at lowest priors. Corner Pr.-.!thllnia anti Tourth streets, Pittsburgh. Preserlptluas pas. fully efirupourid,l at all boon. I.Y• solo Drat&DS., and mannfocturera of WHITE LEAD AND LITHADE,nornor of Wond and Front •troe top, Pl,t,bargh. r 01.7 TOIIN P. SCXYPT, Wholeßnle thlaler in DROOP. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIIM AND DTP: STOPTS, No. 2'6 Liberty stroot, Pitlaborgh. All colors rocalre prompt attontlon. DC;EOI{GIi IL KEYSEIL Druggißt JLY No. 110 Wood erect., cornor of 'Virgin Pictol•rgi, Lirs UILIXCE G EXT . • _ • GAIi,DIICEIi COFFIN, Agent for . Traoklhr , Ph , iadclph la and Reliance ioe ll c , ince Cannpar-ics, hinrthrarit corner Waal and Third ctn. Blat.JOaN;ES,Ageh„rtt...!,,i,dorgrtA ancc eurdpanler, 137 Water *treat. QA)I 1) El.; REA, Secretary Citizens' In IJ enranee Company, corner Itarket and Water St. F. 'I74°RDON, Secretary Wentern In =ranee Company, 92 Water street. DM. FIi:TOK, Elecretary Allegheny In . samara Company, 37 Fifth street. .TIUSIC, lre. CIFIARLOTTE DUNE, Dealer in 5111- \J SIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Sole agent for KNADE & CO.'S PIANOS,. CAINE'S 13110 S. PIANOS, and PRINCE & 4.1).11 X7.,LODE MB. No. 43 Fifth street, second door above Wood, Pittsburgh. Pianos to let, and taken In exchange for troy. _opts RIBBER, BRO., Dealers in MU SICC AND MUSICAL INSTRIDIZNTS, and to vonto for EITELNWArB CELEBRATED PI. &NOB. Zip. 63 nth anon, Pittotrorgh. .0729 —•- Ilt -r x. • 0.- EL 'B, -aler in P1A303, BIZIODEONS, &e., No. Wood I. betwooarroarth street and Diamond HIM Pitubti. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MOR*NG, NOVEMBER 19, 1563 .1 Terrible Record of Barbarism-410w Union Neu are Treated le itlcillaond. We have already given our readers so much of the evidence of the barbarous treatment of the Union prisoners in the hands of the rebels, that it appears almost superfluous to harrow the f.elings by calliug up witness after 1Ti , 71.7.143 to repeat tho horrible foots, and make human sensibility shrink from the agonising picture ears more, In fresh and bootless terror and amazement. Still, perhaps, a/ arecerd of whet men barbarized by slavery can be come even in this nineteenth aentnry, it may be permissible to add the following letter to the dark record wo have already made up. It is addressed Lu a New York paper by a Balti more correspondent, ond describes a visit to the prisoners lately brought to Annapolis from Richmond Three days since I went to Annapolis, de termioed to bear and see for myself if such things could be in the Nineteenth enutet7. First let me say, I am a person no longer young, 1.10 who ha.. seen se itch suffering of nit kinds, in all ranks of life, both in this country and Europe, and therefore not likely to exaggerate either from inexperience or first rte,ene. I bare also been a constant Vita tor for a year or more, to the hospitals in and onao.d Baltimore, witnes,lig the most intense suffering among oar rh•is and wounded soldiers too to estimate the amount both of, mental and physical pain which men 'lncapa ble of enduring. On arrival a: ti:, spite! nt Annapolis, we found the matron just starting sn her tour of inspection, and she kindly el 0.e,,i my frioni and myself to neelsohre.aj: her. 1!" ts hing to prepare us for what we 1 , 1110 to see, she gave en an socount of the arrival of the prisoner.. by boat, •ia the 2:lth ult. The men landed at Eve a. tr.., in the chilly dawn. ae..l it ...nettle fitting :Luc furor, mournful prao,ssion. They numbered lot trouia. front Belle Island, e near :emend. Many were enable to walk, I and were carried to the }marital Those that ITClT.—Morehnot , eat, , c oo p,d -- 1 liester, S. Y., baying Look- I y n o d Hi re , to bo forgotten , for, before leaving, the rebels - cavil "1k meet hose P " ` e2L.ti 'ICI" never are mow Itoo wheat to supply Chicago and the gmrounding not only s enentry. 'L ho prices paid range from ' Ailalue at Cita rts t-ipped them of socks, ell .s and iiltnaep, but took from theta their shirts and t grain,th co to ''Than:. en ° If e n n ta per bushel for the Now Yeas.. NOP. I,—The Ilerwi,t's Folly gr tand and rantaloons, except A . :lAre the rags e,..oldPut up '..trer, dated the 4th inst., •ey-t -in barrels for shipment weatsvard. Tl. s •ar• rn , y „p,e,l a revs-re fir, fr.. „ the Laid together. Men came utth , ,et hats nape, as Ise thin rostor, drawer., mast Loehr. ruing " in 'l'm the Foust the W e't is et . "' tt Cullivan's Island. Soule 11 ot the gu:, I bored to seviet—their nakednee• and biers,!-tainly ei , ornalous. But the miu..o, Fort Gregg have been turns. I • at Tt-.• acciden:al and temporary, is the recent frost, rain.] shed. did ho damage.iug feet only by what tatturs •their 1. which cut off eke buckwheat in the section Col I`,. B. nation, of the e e el captors had left them, nut from mercy 1 because they were sound,' s„ keep, hest winch t therhica g o has been appototed 1...171111M11,1 rst uo.scs -0 41Y al Ililsos, fired. la-as and men had been on Bello , which seem, to i. a Le-ren ws.te without ony pntteetion Mite. Bt.OCT, A widow seventy-fire years .•f I,l an d. ~ age . , and her daughter, who remitted on the against the weather, except what they had tliernsialvoss coovarmated. That i ,ad °nib, d., Wing iineuf Bultat and-Jefferson counties, sand, which woe to t h orn b oth bed and t Kentucky, were murdered on Friday night, the house The neigh ing, txposed, both rick and well , to all ex- no ,! • he house then set on A tremes of heat and cold. without clothe., moth- attar clod by the flames, came to the out food,: except small of the ~,,t boom and found the dead bodied. There is repulsive winds,} for weeks and month., many ' l "' ' 0 trio ""s"e"ine, hating been taken prisoners at or before Ilse I battle cf Gettysburg. 'deny are ....tiering from w lint en called .mod 00,1, and the nut gesons in vain attempting to p.odu.e go ne rat circulation of blood, toe cuticie was;; In- t "team- ors, usylv tits we from expo- I cure, and nearly the c.d., end c0m1.% • of parchment. If food was den, 'II, it would as if the veriest Lai narian would have given them shelter to die beneath. WiC, this preparation we T;,. , ” the wards. Oti entering the first room, some sick men sit ting in silence near this fire, lifted their hands to show us, that witli c= was entering the un seen, but not unexpected I . l,ll,re—dent!. Before us lay a young man just breathing his last, a mere skeleton, whoa. dying throes seemed to place in stronger relief a frame which must ever have belonged to n strung and vigorous life. We to-ned away in our horror, only to look open another who would soon follow his martyred comrade. Near the], stern male nurses,n!.o after witnessing horrors of all kinds, both on the battlefield and in the hospitals, st. ,, I perfectly subdued and heart-wrung, in witnessing most fearful of aft deaths—death from sten ation. lo another room was a 1.. or young My, e• t ually squalid in appeartin--e, a network of h ;no,. .totly crazed and tossing irroll about and talking wildly and indistinctly. he, ton, could but a few hours, anal most probably never he sane again. The next pa tient win a resp,table looking middle aged German, with the bedclothes drawn tightly over his bead, MOALlilig writhing in his agony. My . friend Legged mo to 161,3 r., could only distinguish three words am so tired, s•inething to • at, what torment. end then the ejaculation, "fih, Holy Christ l" Tate we case others, mnaciated to the lost de greet. leveret of whom were trying to eat— their kind nurses tempting them with delica cies and such footdas they could Lear. Some, after taking the longed for article and putting it to their ltps,would turn away with an agoniz ed loathing expression, as if eager to swallow but incapable of the effort. Others, after eat ing with famished haste, would, after a few menu, eject it all, thei-•.ernachs being too much weakened to hear nourishment, either solid or liquid. Could anything be more fear ful than this living death—this famishing, with food before their eyes and within their reach. There were other patients who were hotter; they could digest light fond, and had some hope of It was than the matt , day since they came, and out of ISO men, ..3 had -lied of ill-treatment and actual starvation. Tae surgepne said at tense two-thirds of the 180 would die, and if any recovered It would be with broken constitution', utterly Molten, ble of supporting themselves. Many had died on first arriving, t..zenniicious, from their attf tering that toe . ) , were among friends and in the land they had' died for. tit:hors were too for gone to say much, but thankful to foul thit t'..ey might die under the old flag and he taken home to be buried with their kin dred. • Defeat of McCann There in 1101.0 hope that the infamous cu- Colonel IlcerNe, Les been defeated in Now York. His career as City Judge, in New York, was ranch, and his brief military career in and around Washington, wan nuch--that any party lens .2orrupt and degraded than the Tammany and Mosart alliance, would "not hart ventured to touch him with a ten-loot pole. We iri:st the beech of the Supreme Court will never La dishonored by the wen pancy of McCrsis. The N. Y. Trilmne, of Tuesday, says: An 0.1 oak; al cancan has proceeded, the vote for Judge McCraw has grown email by degreaeand beautifully teen, till at length there seems to be a majorit, at 15 Against hi m . That Le should eventually be defeated In ono -of those 'possible" blessings, ,dependent on a disputed return, for which it is dangerous to hope. But if Ito should, might eel the City well decree a monument " than bronco more lasting, than the pyramids loftier," to the Board of Canvassers. MAJ. GIS. L. H. Rce , Yr.Ac hail been naign od to the command at the Hiatt-Ida the Cam hcrland, vice Gon. Gordon Granger,. appointed to the command of the Fourth Corpt. The District of the Cumberland extends from Fort Donolton on the north, to Bridgeport on the south. The appointment of Gen, !tonneau does not in any way interfere with the pc:mi tten of Gen. Granger as Poet Commandant. Ix nettling up aceount., between the GOY err:went and the State of New llnnapshire lately, it was diecovere,/ that the State haa Loon owing Uncle Sam 51e noo since the tsar of I'4'2. EVENING GAZETTE RH PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL DISPATCH. lo.vs to th. Pitt ,UtagL NTH, IDEL.I . N: 1, Nov. 1A63 A dittpatch from the Potomac 'hie morning Faye that the army hat advanced to the Rap- Two divisions of corr has gone south ward; whether to Tonnes.° or Fredersrk, burg, or to threaten Meade's left dank, is not inown. Gen. Mead, will not be at Getty.burg to The Railroad to the Rapidan Is now re paired, and the bridges rebuilt. bout one hundred rebel surgeons are to be sent from Fort McHenry to City ?flint, by a flag of truoe, to be exchanged. All Le I:4ion surgeons in the hands of the rebels are to be released. The army of lien. Sherman has joined ()en. Grant at Chattanooga, reinforeing hint by thirty thousand men. On the 17th, the enemy brought battery to the river ride, an.. sheued the camp of the 127th Illinois Regiment. The Chaplain and four trer 0 killed. The enemy were driven off, tarrying their bl,4nlte with them. Large reinforcements aro said to Le arrirlug to Bragg. 'rho. t.tilroad, from Chickamauga Station for eight miles south. h lined with the enemy's camps. An important enr;otnent may occur, if tic weather perm;.-, before the campaign closes. Rebel Richmond dispatches to their papers nay that Sumter cannot. Im injured farther. iiattery Gregg i.ri.t up a fire on the rebel batteries on Sullivan's Island all Saturday afternoon, the enemy slowly returning the tiro from Fort Lamar and Battery Simpkins, A bearer of dispatches from Gillmoro to Washington arrirod last night pur steamer Ashland. Tin exodus „to -day for Gettysburg is great. The Union League gore up to-night in a sprain' train to the Cemetery Inauguration. Tho Mexicans are harrassing the French outpoets. They recaptured, on tl, lith, the town of TR,BCO from the French with 800 pris oners. Forry'r tit to New Turk was uatenaibly to contract for coal. The Patio Pn ye now ®ye he came on a diplomatic mission: lie woe ineog Ittratighont. W. J. J, Rebel Report ol"a Fight above Bayou Nrir Tons, Nov. IP..—A Richmond paper has the following 3folii/e„Vor. 12. To i ; The fol bowing dispatch, from Tennison, WWI re ceived yeecorday, dated the lath tut., from Col. Hurry Maury, commanding the Fifteenth Cavalry Regiment: We dashed In yeotorday, above Bayou Sara, one plundering party of Yankees, three hundred strong, and drove them to their iron-els& with great slaughter. We brought off their wagon trains and twee ty. live priooners from under the broadoldeo of their gunboats. Only three were wounded of [Signed,) Blexiy 11. MAraT, M.j. Gan Staasachasetta Legislature--nounty 11111 Passed. rosron, Nov, 17.—Tho Legislature has pastsd the bounty bill, and will adjourn to morrow morning. There is a heavy penalty for fraudulent .attempts to obtain the bounty. The enlistmentbill of limt year 'Tag amended so as to put a cheek on the substi tute brokerage business. A •} 5 . ':.•.a . ..:4': , '.. - E;l:' , ':;'l'i4.' itulubArtimrn! Sam", San ft-•.• • \ Foff ) Island letter, of the 14th, to the Tratee. 31:1:1,75 main pretty much iff the saute •tage tt. they were at ln't ativive, The betaltard weft: ttotater still .o timed at intern alt, our batteries being. neettio..ll, . in re turning the fire of Moultrie anti toe 1,0-1, oa Sullivan's Island. PLEirco..i. :PI US t t.. pl A !.s OS.—Thu suhnorihor has rho plea., c, announro that 1,. h.. plot rotormoi from N. Tort end 1a..t00, ho has .olect.d from t• • he 'Noma." Clo,•orltm. Sulu, Jardins , Ilazolt.k. Dr... W. r •nd othert, oirlmpltSl or PIANOS, em Era .lay hal otylftes f L.!), from plain ext.:, Carted Mese instrumonia will ai and the coming reek, sod the attentlon r pu, tl.a• - re Is m r tfnlty t.: t!,tut EIZOMMI CHAS. C. AIELL.OR, - erxxxsts Crl7lll{. fIT rally• Ragatey's BuOdin., 87 Water curet. VIP:STERN INSURANCI COMP A. r NT OF PITTSBL RGH, R. ill 3.3•1131., Jr, 21 - tritiraL U. Ed. GORDON, EJecnreary. Cu And dealers In ' Obßco, .1.7 n• 42'33'10er street, Spank k Ca.'s Wen . house, up atklra, Pittsburgh. - • . CRUDE& REPINED PETROLEUM, . . 13177 ;Isere aguhtsf an bads of Fire ask - kibine litska. A Ilme-Inalteulitra masagetl by Diadem t-, = ' ars leen known la lir smears,, mho r 4 dern.• 11EbtEINE AND I.CBRICATING Di la, ' .....,,,..1 1,, ~,,,,,,,,,,.., ..,,, 7 ,,,,../ 4. ~., „,,,,,,,,,, , grferiny 1 Wave-atter m.o.:A they tams assumed, as 4 1., A. 1.“ Surrlf TV HARVIIS, PR fi11.'71.117 U. pr ,,,„ 5 y...,„ u , h ,,, 4 ,,,,,..„ „,, ...,,.... ir ASSETS, OCTOBER .io, 177. a. tar Storage • emote i ty (onic, cover.) btr 15.0a0 hid, Also Stac k Account, ..... --__ ...... .. 8 Glow ', excellent fatal qt. for ch•; -- ,-Itor to American I 1td,„,.....„ 4 „ ; 'Lion '", •.•••....—.• ......... and Vorelgn ports, at 4 , 13 V . Oar! an tb. liteh. ylkill an v„ urn,. ym.,,,,,,r, --.-.-.- -.. ... ' :,.. sear the pla •ornt of thy PR. IL ,ekt,ly )1,,,t, Accoar.ts, kr ALES, NVETMOI2I3 & CO. . , (J.._ . _ Premium Notes_ .....- . _ .... _- No. Mll 37_37Le_TREET. Nctes and Bills. Pieconetyd.. 111=111 I , ;('K Eli 1-1 I'l A N;()S.-111 .peaking lorl AIJ -11:: t X . ll Ct. , Mg 114 Novr York lb. 1.4110 r of the 13, 4 ,1 r owd WorIA !no 111, wing ro marks " Tho noo,l a Oil. 0cc0..,,,n oc , ro o rcmpaont /1 Hy firm. of 11.. L.lllO ol D-ckor ttrothun , and 0000 very trot ryl iskr .-aid.of otoollont workman/4h pcworfk&l I.t Irrt.^. Doctor'. I'lanco t„, •nonntncturod non In ILI. , coon try Solo moots fo• "Itt.burch, J. M. HOFFIvIANN S. BRO., NA I \'lls are 'natio, A 10! are fully trarratt: 4. f.,r elgut yt A• 11t* Kunt••• m•-•o., are•wonl•l ref, : • rho fertiticate• of euri• lame. 10 - •••••-asinn from Tlin! berg. Gt•tt.o - 1316. Stru - kom-lt, ti. - and If. 1 0•01 - tompt., n al•• • from oottle of rho moot Ill•t!np••••••rt prof•-•••••ry nod Amateurs in at. covntry. A call t• 1•••,-• yolt • t. 11,1 befon puretm•lng mlnynYbere. I'oomm. •t do. tea.* mill plroae twnd forn r.lrcalott Vnr nub m V ac wry by I'll lit Lorrr. BLUME. Ne. I: nr... I Agent for Pittaligh nod Wee,. le, CHOI C t E FO tt itTES. oirn w. k.ction of PIANOS, pere.,nully eelact• ,/ ed at the lantern Factariet by IT. KleLeer, aad war• ranted the BEST PIANOS snalla In t/..e rountry,-- among other' - ondhabla STEINWAY PI ANOS, trUhued o Heal .... eht • • Alm, aztellaut 7 octave Rua P I ANDS from $240 upwards. IL /USHER a 8710.. Nu. fa hush sr"set, toll Pule Arreuda for nelawly'• !'usnua. - - - BOOKSELLERS, Ac. _ W . r., (7 D1 .1(2/1. 13 ;5. k )tensTu P•lntert. ? , 7 WOOll earrst. 'K A Y CO., es Mmes.. In• Thiell. Pittsburgh. SeilinlL and LAW ntn.Ld t umtantly on hand. JL REA I), Bonl:seHei ,4 tutioner . No. 1% Apollo Badding], &MIL EST.ITE aGlLrrs. WILLIAM WARD, Denier in PROM. u t F o r ry Nni t s, 1.103;w, MORTGAI:n.I, .1 securato4 fc. U ,r—v. MEENIII=I Th... wishing to in , et their money to •dran tage, can always find.itrat And wcond impor At ray office for gals. All ceramunlcatkaw and interview, , tiletly r..ufl• dentin'. Office, Grant 'treat, oprewite St. Peel's Onthedral. el V WALL P..II"ERS WP. MAILSHALL, Dealer in WALE . PAPERS, BORDERS, kr., Nn.d7 Woo,l stroot, Plitelsrgh. Js7 - - - - - biro- cow, Importer or SODA ibEf. 273 Liberty street, Pitteourgb. me 6 XirERToN ...18TTfTrilt 1 7,1‘1,-, eN nTe' 1:4 GROCERS AND COMM . /3810N 3tENCII A NTS, Ho. 107 Wood stront, Pltt.ohurph. 1.:1y APP LES.-200 bbls. 141 ,, ice Green A rocelvod and for nar by ne27 .1 11. CANTTFLD. 600 US E VATS, in -- A 5. . ,,, in Ature .. 'i for sale by ' III:A D ' . 4 " 3l ' ETU; A /I. nol7 Ni,. 24, Liberly .1... t ' G ., LAZI,' 1), WALL PAYER at.Si cents, per roll, for sal. by W. l'. NA ILSUA LL _ 4 OILS, :sc. 111.,..Rcru,NTS. 00113.11S:IAT,N F,RwARDI, CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, I DEM N ITV AAI J- - FRAN 1 - ;T.IN • SOPA Atli , BRlAle, P A" . PH/LADELPHII 4 I'RUCS “ILS, "' lJnlt Gi.l. 10 1•n) or 4.11 pro , mptly alteric,.l to It 71: y ALLEN NERI)L}•;I4 I==l Mr:it'll.l 'ff • Vat , •liar M. 111.. pa 11 t , ./11.1j,1 rt: !.l ,f OW' Ina on:j nrflt rn) ; , 1T Crude and Refined Petroleum. e.. d!1 , Id. y nru rteL ha.: de. , nttne.:. • n.-nra.n, Inn•i• ..o rip , I', DD - 3olvionv. ui iy )E, wtth set:only. . 11,ty ny hr. ett of the n.:vnnto, ,• of l'1•11,1. , 1 u.. & 74-, mlni..e-ri ,, n Moontheun ty and dist...mon t• rn ,to . 11 CRUDE & REFLWED PETROLEUM , 41111 i. 1,414.11 r , I.l ' plitlOA , l`n: nl7. AN! , BEY7nLI: 13 IIINTR TR.oNT Sl., rIiiLADELPI.I.I An 4 denl,r to Cru.l., 11.11.1 R•41,..1 i'::11101.81')! RRELA • •144.1 y 1) . 1?1 , ,1V 1:t), COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fit) ND 1.1IIiIf:TT UIL WoILU S. Liberal c-nAls .are• strmai.," rcmslgratectiLa of Refincd or erfftrf Pefroletisto.: Inearaiice Co. of North America, 0)8. IrCQVILStiII WAY HANCnCIi NTB illt. NIBS need not he embarrasqed by the ustiortsentent ve the Snit Ordinance. sehe'n Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., ....... ~.n hers glints OIT. h.-r 0....:: Anti snipped old. out Lou,hlug the City Wharres, es cheep, more pr , ^:u. v::11 lees Ha, 1 , ,,, n , Übt4 and in Lotter onion at KIRK 'S OIL YARD, lb. Atleybeay Tetley Ra , lrneA, above Leerrtnee. , e here Lid Le plumped P - on the boats duvet to the can, and ettippeJ to ton rt.:er. Etter or Weed, erl'herut all: &eying or re-11 , 111..N5. Al , ' , tors pronaprie attended to. redirr - Offinr. ar Yard, on ritleene Pal...engem Peat Offsce ad-irreg., 140.1 ieri, Plusher's-Li ; or I rette Le ..—n do, 7 at the t dr, En np DAVID JiIRX. 30117 WA.•X WALLA tit CURTIN4, Comma :anion Merchants SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, MA [PEN LANE, NEW YORE ray.ld F. M. GORDON, Srrdor, At, b.:fifties /or STOIIA G 6 AND SII I ?IND, PIT 'ZEN'S IN:4j 1: A NcE Coll.l' V OF PITT/IBTIIGII. OM., me n ., 3 y‘,.k., eie inter ...mad floor. DAGALET, Presdec:. 11A)1I1laL REA, Cr Serra. lusuret Sleasabuste and Csagnee. NAYLOR & SMITH, lne.res •galnet Ines and d•lnn...;• la the unslgsr.., n( the s^n hers end Western We've, Lak.s Bayou., sad the .stgstion ot the beg.. Refines and Dealers in Carbon Oil, Insures nelnst I.ra .nd dnma S n by nm. On.arpeawd by any in the easyUet. I /1. M. Flat, Shl.rnn, Jamee M. Cooper, S. 11/.1.414;1,, J. Caldwell, Jr.. John S. Dllernrth, Charles 11. Zug. at th•i• :ant and wharf, Ran Root. nlyl4:tr IyANIOND OIL 40R - 01,10. left at theft ofk,w, No. 41 31,4 ILK ET STRtET, or 0 thoir works In Lawrennevilio, n P o3 ml , o"n koswisd m. Boyers or 0114'104 OIL 01111 R oßElrr A,31 i IP:pi, Fo. 1 BT. CLAM 81., PITTRISVUOIL prAlquis INSL'HANCY ;1( , Forwarding & Commission Merchant Of N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Eta, Or I L Lt - MINA TING, Ll:Dille-1 f INC; , CIL I . DK PETlll'W.Et'll OILS, &a., constantly on hand and I sta.-To. , for eats at the Iswoot matt , t itc:,,. o , t , ,, 0 ,4„,,,,,,,,,,, . w,... r , - , .. 1, I James rn n Veer, still “nters nnliclt-fl apt:Cm Jolts Watt, 't. m. lt y', to, spt. John L. r. , . C. 41, • stonel I'. tihrlecr. , ant ,5:: f Y ill,ll I' llDelltr. yobs r r,, r.r),,, ~ Geo.rge P..fonsa, l i NT(101IVILI.E OIL 1-IEFINEIIY. ; 1'1....: leo S. lite—ll, Daniel Wallsoe, WM-1 . 1111 Kirk, GEO. W. PLO.LDSHIP & CO., ee WM- Plt I LLLPS. Dvoe're! ll.nfootorerc of BURNING OIL AND LI:IIRWA• . JOIIN D'ATT; 11, Previdem. TING OIL. R ., ' ~ conetontly on hand the very / e ve. I V S I T. 051 IDNE/t• 8 ,-,,,, u. Po goal ily of BrItNiND OIL. elem. at...! c;! boot role,: A - , -' . ~ 1.1.1.A.13 I . N 1 k..•:-URANCE II !Al . oleo, c cuter! LUBRICATOR, pore WRITE BEN- ' 7.0 LE and CAR GREASE. l'As'Y 135* I'77TSBVTILII - ogle!. Ao -7 lA r fth mow!. Bank Block. ce- AU orden left at No. 55 BLET/I STREET, neorev against ell ItinJsof Fire on.i3lor.ce Mee, Hack Block, seoona floor, INDS be p&niptly attended i ISAAC JON ~..., A. , .4 , ref . . , JOIIN D. It u 07.11, le. 7,.......:e..i D 51 BOOR, Socr,ry. (..‘,I.L. 11'5I. DEAN, Germ, to-.t. loluter.• R. :4. WAHIN474, luau &aim CRITDF., REFINED, MACIFINERS AND PAINT C- C. Ansel r • Haney OILS , B. L. Pattamterk And dale, to Uutlulng Muturlals. nr2l is No. 3.1 WARKET rri!RbElrirh EttEN ' T - 61.1. W ORYR: DITHOLIST, DITRLAP & CO., Eanneicturorxof _ e,ormr-lt, %.brae senor n: 5& R C. SCIIOFER.. Atormvs nr• . 1 ~::. IM3 rnsorth went,t, 011•111 . 0. oc Pare White' Reined - Carbon Oils, -- TOSEP4 ADAMS Dentist, &molly's Ofilee, na. 2.1 LISSItTir OTRICET, t.l Ib:ENING corner cf noel' rirnrit streacc, Pttebursh. .licrrseer..—Dr. A. M. Pollock, Dr..fral ',wk. Theodor. HobbloA, Boatel EMU.. 147347 m99:6mars P/TTRD URGH. P 4 'VOLUME LXXVII---No. RIDER CLARK, Aescastor th.Pc rOSKS, Nl'W YORK PARAFFIN}: OIL BROKEII.-,, (Lat! of Mm. II W C•..,) Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia 1 earn left at John Porl,field A C. Art of MARKET AND k'l k.+l' r Nth, prompt ntfPntlon. In au act ut 1.11; first M•rtangea. amply f"^n r•••• • Real Fatat• sprdn't 1....ana on amply r. Seentitlea.. Notes and 11.112 ....... Ceuth Tlanrh-r I , 1 I .1811 Wagt,r, David S Ilrosru, ' Samuel Ur.,;(, `: F i, T.E. 1"... l+ K., A Frear.a.., J "• tem Sr 4 :.II:DNF , " ., }'FIN 4; , a my 6 cor NCLaal Tiff, .' L_ • f PRILADuLruI.4 1M1325 El PUILADILPU;.I Hartford Fire Inzurance Company telrlttettrartce in the &bore oh.: e”.l 1.13 ka C•l3 be obtalnini oa application to B Miller, Jr., Jane McAuley. . Nall.autel Alex. Birll , k, lhorge Dwrei•. William U. W. Ricketeon, • Wm. Bajaley, • Jae. Park, Jr, W. ti Johnston, B. F. Jams, Reese °wane, ' Bon. T. M. Bross Barclay Preston, mu AND BIA.R.IN'E INSTiII.;iXC:E JTTOR..►•EY'.4. DEAriiSTI2 F. ofts. rc 002CHISSION 21SECLLAIQT13, W. A. CELAPNA2Y. SA' Irtitor OEM .111hUtA, EIIMMIIIIIII ==l9 /.9'ti L IL.irL'GE ll= I...MST ll~e .1. I: 'Me T W. P. JONES, el. Cont. Sm - , 1 An*ow Aloots,d, c., • PalrA.L. HA, J. 711,J.. rkrti John K. John P McColl, Arian, H. B Sterling', t'•M' I..en B. L.M , Grtu, Pnht. IL Davi,
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