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II .'•0 •!. - -- 1 . .---- - vit03311111117-7ii-414-. ;:- DAIUEL - *1... .... 1 ... ,. .;..:.---,,„, . ,_, ;--'• :.,..; ",y:::---:Y'':-; : 7 = 117 7414itsw•: : _i-- . . , t ~,-1z 1 1 41 4414,.,41fqf - • =,--, -,,=- 1-t!'1.1.._-'-',-,, .....ii,:---- ~:'..5...‘„, 77,- • I ..• • • .-4' :V . *lEW....Txrtge • -- ., 4-444 AkFßAF•laggi co i . ..f 5 ;1;:;7 I z,..1. , , _ hilt'"'„l.u. , olar-V3Ze ) 4.enizeozicw..... I ~..., . J ~ .4Va-oirolihiir - Alma& j ,, 4 .T.... , *Lim I 04 —.....:”. 4.4jm=1111 ri ~ 43 7'3416111W or --, J•l2-, - wit, f-11-„,_ 0.../..,,,:„.-z g t 31,1."--. .7.1' ffiLZ • ,"' t, 'WINNE: if...! ' til ntirkitim AI,-.68., .1.4 , -Axe g fr" 1 A'+7o6,eatiballikalt. l l l 44lo4ls)4"2 1411144044 et v 114111glajaat f , 6 0 4 7 13 120'wgt*LA5444 ' tUe l Ply 4 ' lut")14 -t•-• Ida iii jaw tht, hobwager( tort al ..,,TLetzA toibls rAt the Pnetd to 5a,,,....,teue - ~ 1 ..40.--7—....:—., itelitU: ea '''''E-tijilloidan Kltifoularkdoi__,...'. 71... ':'-lmow Irv,- - Awrg-IN-,4,, i--;141-0v..... iiiiii"i4pgarea—lo —"ll4il iesd ith tslae 1 se --# tin 01109244 kliberat#oaer l7llPol. se 4 1- toehitool2*.4lll4-4113_11514;0 m". big ter23i*A",,, essillirlba --4{ll, wit" •••• :raft of ill _10...ut ,aitatno_ ...-- ---/llMMl:jkott it" _ ..1 then, I; tooli i t *9 La. the, laimm•••••' Ahoy *MC ..., she tifilf• &stall) -UM/11W' Aft*Plo beds 11 SW of _....1411 evattgimakj_ _..111. of ile AA , JAI* s'lt 44, tigtewint b i i• bun sr .-,, 14011 t. 62644 iffar,,to 412, ed to planed ti° to,, H t ' ~,'". L - undea the fififes-04%) of ibillkitritifo 1. . f The isocs at: I; ..• ^ its of _,...0304048—0pi00, oh ~ - • dt . • tutivii.„,"VitiaCd-luitor : 3 0 , 411.134-7•4 LUC *ii %sulk 8 - f WS gannti.tallican atm. ries ,- ,--=',Pow" the . ammo= ,•p• a_......cas Depspbmf 9f titititaafaw „, ~..T. either of the grea t, arc q-_,",,. ,se ~.ma_viths", 1 -mks.= ....i.i mu namey itaddel. 11 leak - ----,- Itiosol—s choi to ~.4kf three nal katrytm 11 A ' 4 e. boositiatfrq boded Itvroael4 ifal the IWAlkai ttottaltv us "IluidltiNei° it ta e 0 &zit& , aiming ,-. this _ ) I. V-.. 4," - -424 orates, 40401 ties it .wkdigabt iltkno stligiailut - G. i 4 0,04. fromi 54 4 63 1 , b4ellitelt ga te t 7 *"llC4 V irettAirkn.. Os m a n to 1 2 1 1 a t* g m 7.44,4011 mai ,it of cents., ` tolfil "Wit "48.: a Province 11,13/41:ge par. ~urn ZbealOYM pcoh vine 44p,Itist ill 7-ir spas 914 iterilw '' - ' 4- 11l Mich '..i,arlia'`P's or `1,2 2f th 4•1"41 li r aa e it h er',orld" pattioll,ll4P4. f ...Itsi 4flosbam vick sta, Th•lraignat.---at giff ft ;tom& •-""`' of a alp • „___.....g" under the 'al"foft ' sm``''lbich they fadklic'' 4417 1. IF Tetanal, roam eat vat and icf• ix Ittit 0021.41‘iathsre 119751441 1r irizArawtokilirkt '- ' ~‘,4101 se- L 'l3l : eititisi4EneF,.7to 4. ' --, '.0141k ' --' stoatAar 01!IY! bit 9 -- -:,--. -.#410! whical..-1117, isivAsariii4,puii! '-:_san .ict..t. jAulat 44,7_ :4"7. th ii-%,70414 -- .:, 74lizeiRemou,reidarektorlOkm4 , ~ 9! mis NM -7 ' e rr they,..64.AL'itod4— ~,,..420-7;:th • ' 1 --_-w„.,,..: ,n 7. - -7.._ii--",,, - 1•;-ATit....y. - .11-,_ , ~.-1,443iA1. glum :to. of., ki"utra iat-Ana,_.-9.4i-ulug ,:;„At 1 - • tiosjovtr,& nitwit, 4.16 , A., j i t t likrXreirliki;°*':4 'IIW-44r. •' . 'n; -'-",--.• ' 14 • 'seam ErP2:44*97:l* -...*l.__i_ -- Tor;418 prt_lbl r , - •• kijuitt it , its' r. A sjate___,_____TY- - .•,, .•,, .11-- to ' '-' mat ae.l4.s7—liziewthereriAlides,P ~htu. 7,11. .' iviatill ..1 6-40 . ' bung_ ....- 'iss • *,/' ...'" toor,r- ' t - '-';Utir• ilat„.."'.liffitthe44,7,l, Waset;,,LL, 400 '-,-..taglil,;ll"'lo lsl7.L: *pmvilll4 ......!!").Wr4 WIAUMr- tha i lia4zltittel4ol sip— Ami...--tai „,,1 er 440--,,,L.-7 4,-,- .1417 -44 iTilirataik, iitmmioll44.„---- -- .._-)1401111!1-1.71(11 ';:'• ~.- -- "" Afai!,' ---...t011if .., : ' Vd c',;(l.-, ' ' /04141,::.-----'etriw - ......'"' 4- 44 ';'..4', .._:" ' . sur..japp ' ..1* u t Moll , '•*-,1, `-_,- :. ' r.tl , 7_ , Tr. AP '. ' iitly.ol 011,011;tirtai's - Mid --• - ,iita4M Isflii., bicilltiutoigh'°o4/- 4 ' ,---, ,611-4,0*•,....iut0p! V.,___ , - - ,li, ,-,,,tiv01.#(14,---0 ,67-iii&,-4*m, 0, ~... -,..;--- -....- li4l-41-' 11% - ,141•1131# !.-4.,=, it trk . ...4. 1 -77,7,: , t,...1....,. _._ ... ..,--,.- .........—..-: .. * .i t t , itoraki..l,„ '..: .. ~ .- 1 (0 1 - . - 1 1 -k: .•,---- -- - - 'A - ' Y:-- iliati*Mtakialtluitililliii:thi./44 1 43... , -4 : 4,, ;molts,*toilfti t "h . 4 ...,, ;i:Tr.., 7 , -. . , -' - 40-10401,4Vaitidaiii' W,:-. 1 4 4041i*.”0001411.,444 1.14 ' - ';''''•: l-- -.---'-''' ..,..4.....,,..,„ ....,:1........-„.,,,..,.. ~_-:,:-.;.-:: : ..... ; .- :=1•. , :.. , :.;-,:.,:;.4.;.., - ...,-.-„, : „ . , :-.. ,. .:.:•,....,•.,y.- ~,, , : - . , ..:.a-t.'.:=, r,.. ;..„c1c,..t..4 ...,..-.,..,..iie,„1r.,,-.7.:,,,c;:,--.,....4.„,,i,,,;,:irt,......1..tr--zw,;-.-:.,k'‘Ai14z.f_.,..v.„.? Np , t , 1,'1.Ay.:4';...- -,? 1..- ,... ., -1.4 . - - - -,,, ,,---.. - k-,..:::.,4.,.:r.-.1-.::':;2..-.: ,- ; :.. 7 . - :., . •, . . - : - - • f...ii-41,..0. , -;:r* - -... :::. -, - i . . ' '- • ' - .. :. , ..1a:,.,:::. , .. 3 ,;. ,-,,, .-,-„,.,,.;,,..:-?.:,4..,,:.,,, . 41 -.'-__•,-- iar ''''' ' iiiiiii '— iija - Ora!ty, Ca on ' :BellAterant 1 .. :" al) 7 gill dent es . . ... , - ' . .lll . l4 . giest , a'pepliiit:Dui plim *slant, - ' ..'..': Vaalitriteilliar,Zezici oa..Car ' Otiditittflatiollk 242..137#11. flips spoke Citiki d rate . ' abirard and, nicked Jamie e ...) : _ . liazilzallti,paLlartl,l3r . - - ibilfili "siiiina — lii 111r4i . ...t.a There is, one act of - . the :British Cabinet vridet Stands foremost tut an omen of peril time =foremost ilea • In-the 11df="onlleillmseta,,,itThongli . 'Witness the Tess InjtUd- AttliaixdfietaabK ~ .UT course, • I refef ' ta that 'inconsiderate • • Proclamation in . Via altiliVtli'Qdielir Wart 304 1861 ; 'lda; ear ralthilrehels ie•mongerilo litrexpralityArith Abe national- . goveenmen 'bilelliterbit'll,olo,i,'"ishlonutirdeplare difs'ebeautriiettreezt,the Watered putitti - 1311111•1011ritUonlIftquallty Van not en . intaltintlienatienal" goveenmengand the 4 2 0/ 101 40 1 td 1/Pailthtr:Wil .1101, Moral absurdity, offensive to reason and -all • procedlints iihiehniihnthe Tory _of theihtuttae..llren It n' 'mauls!' beurtirlio-tkin; lmpropeq. at any stags of mica rebelilmeil^waawoese than • nliandir ai thaterlflite.f - :'.lheap*trent - • iletti - hetlieei -314 ticr were Aluatiesuliv Only. a few months . throne' sbetin Iliterioted everywhere '. throughout the United . Blates t -.4ezollpt Illigantis hisiii'llind'ef hie kinsmen. And ya4 - 44ametilately after the Mine Of einiehe sciesult on 'Pert Sumter, befire 1i ti %Mita government had began to put torah its"nirengt , aid trroikvitiMnt &Heald our'rienlYiappainted 'mLWAar,irlicoraglitnomilki be 61! Lim, rot eithin*ay - to' Loud* the proolinna got Wailludikenli laanolad t l, I :1 doubt it any_well informed person who a`ea~3fe s; dispatch of 2d !lay,' 1864 recanting • conversation with the British minister; will vindtoste it-in point of Clearly the alacrity of this con. 4ialitiversitioltippy, for it bora an nir of 4r-, at, lute, of,Deartloanetse to• wards an ally of kindred bind engaged in Vtio:tititintenentiroT its - treidletaisl• power against an infamous pretension. But it wu more unhappy'S till that the good genies .rEngland - did not ,•save .th 4 'Materiel nation, linked with So many triumphs "of freqom, fron.a fatal step, which, under the lOW of uneutrality," was a betrayal of olvillsatibn Unit i.:44;14.-:44.001i.39... exaggerate the cerise. *tearer of •:thii precipitate, unfriendly and 4 nuanyak . iilcinagalt,o 3 l.Whigh- tin, ant sprik enerrittilitiwing - fithitaing mischief d-,34woird-4510.: loafs .iferinite data; .-BrAin - virliat - :lt'rcogelliafes to rebel slave : , angtirc . unßea . aratirt British parte, and, ....secondly, in the - impediments to; WhiolLit rakei from . : Beitich subjects ready to. make . •.IsuratrOtikE.of (tavern all ..of which has bleu - &dared 14 . -' nadeibted 'Selfish au theirity:. Lint Chelmsford—at prefessional - Osnait .81rFredmick Thealgor-an ex- Illeiteelliii,Msed - these words recently in d.tee'lhaite!;of -, Lords: f Pit- , the Southern . Conftnierticy had - not been recognind as a r4lrank.tP9wer he agreed with his noble , ' eartied.frianditord Waltham] that, Underthettroircommanote, it any English- Mani,ireintnlit out a privateer for the par , jkilet of assisling the Bonthern States against She No rthern States, he solid be,guilty of p 77,1litrall Ba - .: - viiii changed by the ueen's prachireiitiori. ' For the rebel elate - monger shoals:the recognition of his flag; forthribitish subjectibere is the opporte .llty.iirlxide.,,For theiebel slave.monger Above 41:fellowshipsndequality. , 1 Fortin liritishiabject , there Is a new customer to ; Whom he maylawfultyeell Armstrong guns and other kwarlike instruments of choicest Iliitishorriekmanstdp; and Lard Palmerston tills us, even. ships .. or war too, to be used in beluilt Ofilivery. - What was unlawful is..zsuddenlymado lawful i vhile-the ban is sicen from an odious felony. iH , ~. „, . -lit seirceislomit saperdueunto - add, that ench - rf hi.. , etOn, thus potent in its reach, must hire betas direct encouragement and overture: to the -:rebellion... '; Slavery itself was exalted When barbarous preteadors— battling to found* new power in its hate ful:suuntor-,irithoutso•urach sea single port on tbeocein where a prise could be carried for candemzetttonere yet, in the face of 1 this essential swiftly icknowl- I 'edged Noma belligerents, whue as a con ' *quit* their "pirate Ships, oinising for platiderinbeltadtof gluey, were Sol:nowt. .lolgetisAmithirial..ships, „er.rittal i to equal 1 trivileger .-srith.ehnriational Ship of. the Ifalted . :litasese , -This - sheipinstateMerit is, 1 i.*Mgli;:', l •';4liiiifintii say that mirth it con „aallitlazczes. I.7reittratilty . ” ' - There : may 1 'nare-,..beent strong temptation te, It, con. • lititatii&perhapp,lttimagined et: amity, 1 itCwithisaur.. - preens- thereFis strong : rzt 4eraptatlast:ks , starry : 'tall,* • B t snob a ieettellskiikle:sittremengets BA ng . • for - c4inditetted - onlysi slavery , '.. , ..4we1l emdertake lodeclare 1 arniateill - ::; - laitWaWrighraird*rortg-- lietWeettSimed - iiiid'irill:-:- - -with a concession -IQ . lAM:hitter of litage*tilghliir and then. 1# Viigia'spoyeto .,, ;ieosidty -, .. , :. -, . i6* - IM the thi • ..:3 f laring th AIM commencement if lin srpozi;TlVlT; 'lto - - results to vidolt that Meifkjpillialebr and,preditate act- of iiii AutßritillegarediaMititti issuing nprec-;, lamspoa To ! - ! • turnnassin„•,riner: , .the 7 conclusion, to the itin!zliapeditinC,Sahreiitto thicanimml; . ..: iSSMOrslissitmilikettitatprosiatztation. 4bieasepesioiaottheitti - 4114 rights of bet= ligereney,or.piney,on--that g -seas to tho - 7rokik'iMittederritaii; .. '7-'' '''•; '' . .:7 - :' - :,...::::„.: '... --- ThstonbesslOnTofheiazi belllktriiiy is a letter of `license from` the ementlng pow'. yet telprezyzelartnnonger . cruiser, er rather, Ats thpeountertio of thoso powers,to the a Of kifery sta:miser: Without, snob •coantrulon _ the slavemonger emlsor would bean outlaw, witlino right to enter ,sisitelon4gli port.' Tha deolitratlou of Selliserellei Ono to him legal =Wane' and, admits' um to testify:by. flue and atillantl etiolt "competeneY be could Itslotti Aft i10ti,40.41 1 4 to bur arms OR 4110ooesti. Barka sententiously describes it att-im tobtarenediste treaty which puts rebels/a thrloti otitis law of nations." -t - ' Vie Anti= 4- , • ,:. - - ' ° til de af l titta eaabesilotomaj be letter I t ilin be aspeole : 'list; ll:elite Vomit imilaugeor stititte.'whlolt It onsferiu4uttiairen embryo toranntent- ofreebertamintutifers on as - nality-sith-establisled - governments; ' it , Terutsers.linfbl'insteid of pi d -opening to them boundless isi -- and in_ port, in that they ingopilmkandz..erin horgiltallty. t4stlegradstituktluttit Lutes& tuaaritileictraent, *MOW itt tree Abet ships treated oaan `io ships of rebetelarelnoU , taikl l / 4 4 o f o il ki r oitr: - voritrigaited in to feti lillant felony. Aid, • , ,u1 sktdilitarbsoci 'II4E6E; by letting /lasted with Wisp, a the; ithi Amax)* tessfesi re toff unbri; Trezttedritreflfroto tt: ` Thp ocean 18 'lb 012•11118 IiCCBIIIII it if Si& Shire it that it Vfl Vbt*.l. lon, Ad o r ' the cuero ll ,Ao_ .ty sf 1 ' var rian 6 41 lion T ‘O 7 .litkiill iiisAfflmPlo qui* J ilid of 44 absolutely deptutdentoufltolo 1 400 10 0 2 b`olUrPatirituPlIgNigOokTfbieiki -iiSstillibelllymneycannot estit:- . _ ; - ';'q -- 7 ' • --- .`:11 -1 . ! , Shereastitieletuftlitio oftioti! irblsitfitre:piterCf4. l l ll oislas that the rem bid Slarinnonitettakie !Id a single-port inte4bitik• milt . Amisetervatveske , est' .'• ~ Qs/ .sad secondly, t• r, : Amrstspowto, , l iwoudi • isisiowailigur - - - iitielatilumatizetiim Vilet - Imbiber of the BrAmb Win matt" tm. 9 01, arligitY - Irenigi ° Pilleise ~„-*: k 4 .: , .e‘.:,:.t:•:!::;.: !of asysazr ~sz~~a.t-i-zs~,-~cca~~ iicEaglsnd, idiot is the naval baSe frees libra, they pally forth on. their predatory ukase - WithotiVenoe entering sport of the own pretended givernment. Theta two 'facts" are different in caw. cater; Tbellas attaches absolutely to the pretended power, rendering it Incompetemk to giceretse b'elligerent • jurisdiction on ilia ocean. Ile second attechei to individual etair,:iindesinf thin 'par:alma: Bit" these simple and unquestionable ;" feats " are the key to unlock the present ,quatlon.. From the reason of the cue there can be no ocean. belligerent without a port into -.which it can tike ha prises. Any other ride 'would be absurd. -It will not he enough to 'call the sea, like the 'Flying Thitebni - ank the ocean belligerent must be able the ;land, and tbitt land its own. Thiapreeeetls on the Idea of warfare that "iomethlng more than ns litnifierce is, essential to_the completeness of s - oaptiu - e. According to the ;earlier tulep traniuoutation of property -use Sc.- compliahed by the "pelmet: halm" of the captured ship 'within the port of the bet; ligerent, or ea it wee called, deduaio infra • • • • 4 . ~1 0 • • If a cruiser may at any time irises, it is , only because of some ex-. optional exigency in a particular cage ' and, not: according to any general rule. The general rule declares that there can be. Ea right to take a prise if there be no 'port into which it may be carried. The right Of capture and the right of trial are the itoniplementa of each other—through 'Phi& tthursh prerogative is supposed tote :rounded intethe proper form of civilised Warfare. Therefore, every ship and cargo burned .by the captors, for the reason that . 114 had no port, testifies that they are without that vital sovereignty cur the ocean Which is needed in the exorcise of the bel ligerent jurisdiction, end that they are not ocean boligerents in fact. Nay more; ail these bonfires of the sea cry out against 'that power, which by a precipitate concea -1 elm of a alse belligerency furtihihed the torch. As well invest the rebellious rajahs of ladia,whe have never tasted salt water, with this ocean prerogative, so that they too may rob and barn; as well constitute land-locked Poland, now in arms for lade penedeee, an ocean ,belligerent; or enrol mountain Switzerland iu the same etas'; or join with Shakespeare in making in land Bohemia a country with hospitable Torts on the ocean. . To aggravate this concession of a false belligerency, the ships are all built, rigged, armed and manned in Great Britain. It is out of British oak and British iron that they are constructed; riggqd with British ropes; made formidable with British arms; supplied with British gunners, and navi gated with British crews, so as to consti tute in all respects a British naval expedi tion. British - porta supply the Time of rebel elavemonger ports. British ports are open to them when their own are closed. Bridal porta constitute their naval base of operations and supplies, furnishing every thing needful--except an officer—the ship's papers—and a court for the trial of the prizeol-each of which is essential to the legality of the expedition. And yet these same *kips, thus equipped in British ports and neker teachinga port of the pretended government, in 'rips() name they rob and burn—being *imply a rib taken out of the aide of England and contributed to a elan meager rebellion—receive the farther pass port of belligerency from the British gem exament,iwhen in fact the belligerency does not exist. The whole proceeding, from the laying of the keel itbaltritish dockyard to the bursting flames on the ocean, is i mockery of international law, and en in sult to *friendly power. • • e I know not the profile which have been secured by tho destruetion of American commerce • but I do know that the Treaty of Utrecht, crimson with the bleed of slaves, is not so crimson as that reckless proclamation which gaup to sla very a frantic life, and helped for a time, nay, still helps the demon, in 'the raga with which it battles against human rights. Such a ship, with the law of slavery on its deck, and with the flag of slavery at its mast head, sailing for slavery, burning for slavery, fighting for slavery, and knowing no other sovereignty than the pretended government of rebel slave mongers, can be nothing less, in spirit and character, than 'a slave pirate and the enemy of the human race. Like produces ,like, and the' pa rent power, which is slavery, must stamp 'Heat Upon the ship, making it a floating offence, to Heaven, with no limit, to its au dacity—wild, outiageouN impious, a mon ster of the deep, to be hunted down by all who have not forgotten thel; duty alike to God and man. Meanwhile there is one simple not which Majolica of England cannot continue to refuse. That fatal concession of ocean bel ligerency, made in a moment of eclipse, when reason and humanity were obscured, must be annulled. - The blunder crime must be renounced, so that the slave pirates may no longer sail the see, burning, do stroying, robbing, with British license.— Then willtheypromptly disappear forever, aud with them will disappear the occasion of Wife between two great powers, who ought to be; If not 43 mother and child, at lust as brotiuthe among the nations. And may l God in his mercy help this:consmains- Bea PUBLIC, XOTIOES. A GRAND MASS MEETING of the Mutts et Um Delon will be hall at the ROME or 001,6 GUM? te the Third Ward, gluey Olt of NOBOAY V 1821.110. flopt. Itth. at Eatintat Omega sad I aallsh mak. in •1 I eddies* the muting. / - Szerder at the View* Committee. stlalt IWA BASSET FlI8T1VA1: will be kold et liHieSlLL%(loott tosethty ) SHOItbD&T. t et* Site at 10 ceeto:lt te. the goons& to Do .ppll . d to bl. Oberlin comma& n. tirL f. B. CLAWS. B.v. Dr. DE 'oast. Piot e. BI- WILLiOI,II... JA t. rEsatme Y. D. D., wed tabor dlettn a ntitittl speaker. will Mina Ito pecpte. a. Laa. Wot. Our, Mil L. W. !Panama, sad °thus, ealluond Oommlit.• of arra:gemertts. IFPOVITICAL droriczs. rE" , TUE I NION 1A f cum yEN -7103.—ne Ini,u tzetiotiva Comeltta, ter eprolfully roved the loyal chinos. of Ilttsbnogb and viodolty a oyez ndl hunter. on WSW: g3DAT, tent. ISM, fort, for the propose of ettondlng the Grand Mist thitornhoo to ba helothi tte altottoon of that do/. Moe Ono dey to ;ono cogratm, • a. N. nabWIN. Presidont. stave ST. fieretary. rellad N. U. L—A meittfag of the Piret iser We l(&DNgb.n7 11)14.) 11.11'00 LISVO be kelt et Inv, Bail <a Torlsrmettet, Ts it (lost du) AVINING. Ersrr amber is (wavily Is. tussled tot. pre sat Ai ender of nl4:l* • IBS PBC711118?• -10..ei UNION 2ESTING will be hell - at the 80800 L 1101341,110 Ihaddnekedeld, of RONDA% etpt. 14111. at 7 o'cl. c A di. nu D. N. Aiwa, in., and otbern aihtnis ' • - 4DrBitTIIIMMUM. • _ 'A I3BBEISQIYB' NOTIOIL—Notide bittsbe cilia to a Demos pate no 1, Qui di tt OgalilltstS enasseratkras neis Esc ly t he Arestant /us nom uses/ thy Art ma I Dlott: Vim •et LE veins. Pampa listostio: S.. tor UP ""17 of AbEitoll. tos ntor Toady. salt will maga 0,,50u Ist xtalna.Vos kr, Ito opts ot Ottawa dm Aoa thts Wm. SS tlio 001:s of sbe thaw= of h. 1:3.1 Moffitt, Dlo. rodessi sleet, Atiesbicy City. -AM Dalai is tartest pens stet ea appeal ottll Do juop s o gb, 5 5 05 Wash feta ltuo ittb to tha bieb D D :DE3, • bleb ileifead plece mods wdt be baud and .1. besebeed gesperlit g. eel ersispecs or mealy, ye. lettosetainsesestatteee, Otis by tl. d ad.t aat omit/ 10111D1CODSkys . 118 1 111 EL Le,- Anew Del Disrcs P enni. . rl4:3et s3tw? YEARS' LEABE. ax ocrso cl nlcubto I and, Oa/ !logy 11 cut* ,to Ito Clh 4 ar,,l„ oflointoir the Ilea WA gterad.. fa:Tabs as lba liallrAtyyd lh.k demi; • email rising 7 / 6 Ms 6 T , Li . 0 ..4 o dirallici of Mtn roam% 'sail • dootio froze Eng* or ill , 000 6, attic, ki tar , " .mrd N tooS loirlog inlay , as the Gaar: tha LIAM= git to =Uinta?, or -wank! MOO, wall tato sots brio tar suburbia ratidnomo., • tongsriMiaaalll to Ottitood %Liam,' 14 add at, • ilWilte , "- • ' Lour - aims? sar k l , . - • Stigasithe mot. Werniu-A abut. distinfei =atm a 1330 D HOIIIMILiBrit. Ulna Ingo pelt. Vann L. 7.0., . gaze= on sollal .[ _ „r~ ?h--- ~ . --- , . XOTICEt WGRAND MASS METING. PITTSBIJRGII, LOYAL PEOPLE OP WESTERN PERNSYLVATIL WEDNESDAY, SEPT. IS, 1863. ALL WHO TRULY LOVE TIMIS COUNTRY, AND HER REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS; ALL IMO. ARE IN FA VOR Vigoretm •Prosecution of the 19ar SUPPRESSION OF THE REBELLION AND TUE PRESERVATION OF That Glorious &marten Union. WIIICH IV THE Palladium of our Liberty at Home Guardian of oar National Honor Abroad, Will tern with a p/ato of patriotic pride that lion. ANDREW G. CURTIN, THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OE TEE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. Hon. DAVID TOD, GOVERNOR OF OHIO, Hon. 0. P. MORTON, GOVERNOR OP MELIA, Major WIN. BENJ. F. BUTLER. Of ■ABSA9UIISII7H, The eecond Hero of Now Orleans, whose fame has - shed new lusts on our acme; Rl' Win Positively be Present .40 ON' - 4'68 OCCASION! It is' Believed That MAJOR GREER til, FRANZ 81ORL, The intrepid young Gang of the Republic, WILL &LBO BE WITH US I The Convention will As eenable at One O'clock, WEST COMMON, ALLEGHENY CITY: FREENES, TURN OUT! AND GI ES ONE DAY TO !HE GREAT CAUSE OP THE .VATIONI " Ours is as eszairsilandbossmaiAs ttraf Ti, PiaUs+, poehaulwl. dad sot a rood But Math its tale waters clear sad sifst r d .la tone slain hada ermucraisd ilisrxL" Committee of Arrangements. WM. Ti. H TUBB, Charm*. Wk. A. EINSIIOII, •J. 0 . Cor7rs. JOHN & JIVEISCP. 8, 8. 1111149111 LL. WEL WOODS. A. wrionr, J 092; R. wag. MOS. R. KAM DUPER Olt% - od. Joint P. OEM OV.O, TI UT,: PHIS W. RIDDELL, JORN P. Puaro. FOSS laws eta). 0. tr. sewrracm W. w. PROPHET/IR. DLVID Num Ws, BOYD. JOIIN EL POMO. O. H. TGWU, Ni J. OILLXOIII, 11411113Z4 WA4311; DATID 310111N803; ' WM pLSU9P. UNi. W. ziososy, • =Aso N. wino. .0011.14TTEE OF iIfcITTIOII. Eau w‘gaatar I.IOBHHTOI. Chakillirs Has. H. Cl. Swiss, Haa p. SHANNOH. Elm W. 11.111UND1B, JOinrIONVE O / 3 ". Hon. T. B MIME LL, a: tiIIaILTOB, 1 / 2 1 ' 21 . COOPS , . Hon I. N. 11 0 ,5118111), JACISSOIT B9lloAlr, B. TOIG WYLY, lir., 0. r ,BATCIIIXLOE4 Dr. ago. NA:owl, ft, J. G. BACZBYZ 1. D. B. agmaras, 14 4 . zOBI. W. gaols r, co. ago. Jr. (mum. JOllll BOOM WM. SO RUO3 N, BROM , 4AX.ZB lla a v ^XL Ho. T. J. SIGNAL - 15Xgpsio ragigB -go d ,- - - 1,03 be nee ea lie /Mane ilebiersp 111 Yektbia ,ersal nage et line mai ' • • MEE .. .. Xl** 41Drzarzszmairrs. GIST THE BEST. WE:ESLER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. THE EGUCT evracstri I 8 IFIZ LAND WO its burros. s gt..tMUM 1331711101 lar , fork g Machina from wimp port• of the country. sad ono moot mossokoily not, to them by mall, so thought It prom to dots oar .spfoLak lu snail to than to this pobtle manner. Vs otto lb. WR2ZZEB AND WILSON BEWISO MAMMA and .at, In rrgud to It, that Is without a rival. Do cilia nicht *exceeds Is in t. manta. Ms to all pals' las of dontottlo nee. It do dolga, not sastli ont oat al oaks, and In point of Oho. thrums and ti'alt no otter sea hhis szaada shad of tt. W. state Ina moo In mod to this assallent mochas ova cur owntagonsibllity, and tuna thereby to , axe onts•lns ottu3dx nhis Use tad ota apt In anarolog Aar calla. bs &ma, EN. rr nvra slam, and ete them In operathm D ECKEE'I3 PlAN(18 1- HZ UST 122 AbIZEIOII We his ma Ind • lot of PIANOS ham thocelo. ►ntod manaLolory of DEOS IR if RO2. Thus Plasma ma by diMargaLitax! ;Unbar, oamideled m the best la Acaorka, &ad me, to preferable to oftwo, coed at Onamto In t s i Yank we invite the public, mad modally the Keel• elm•, to Gall sad ezzattu., tied am contest t tbst the lestrumeett reanneutalthneettee. -fig II LIN I T USE IN LAWRENCE g VIDLIF.—On WID2iDIDAT ninRISIDO. dent I nib, at ISt:clock. win be add, at the sandal:me of s, A. noire, Itwnaatitky sa Allan itrcot, b. limo flatlet sired and tbs. Grestubtug Pike the entire Ilsatehold rtwokhateat. nearly otw, cow. Finns Mewing t ea t Lae Dtdetaad, Enchwed Wash Stand, Oust teat Chairs Stolen, Lbws ply cad den' lagraLa Carpets, Window ShiWn, fire 1t,.,., Clad 'table, Looking 01a 011 Moth. 41. l" Wan Beds Dialog andkLut Tabla=Mocks, Bag Care., Corot= Cosh a, Cook log Stove and Inattsits Etta= Vandtent. to. sel4 DAVIS S IIoILWAIIIIO, Anorak I ::13=3 THE EUBSORIBER OFFEEI3 FOR BMA In lota to anti purobsaus, leis beautiful PAM, situatad in Boss tow:01p, Jost 3} sail from tits efts, and mesa the Ohio naer. Tao place oontalt a Oasts of goodfillatde las d, V.ll favored. There am abuts MO eppLe' peach, pea and army true; also straibam and grape has Mai wend vat essiesp of wator, Ind a gtod wall of me soft WSW MU the house. The tnalld.up are In gold order. The abuse property will be sold low for cub at scprortd paper. for a otosatay staittace the above tam MUM be tarp used toadfish*, aaratt7. Call and ass. Itsoube of L.I. J UM lades Bun, ar of BOB?. WHAT, Jr., Ho. 4 Mae street. asl4:lar L IQUID bTOVE POLISH, ACID THE lIAILII-515 • Wbt (1.15110 —lle link 94J urea Wilaps Is the bat end cheapest that Is manatentrei. Yes seel by J. I IL PHILLIPS, Ka. $6 and CI Bt. Caste street, eel{era Nab for 'Me coney. AUBURN PUBLIEHING CO.'S BOOR /MINI'S MUD QUASTVIB. They hue the latcet, tarred, chastest end but eet.lng aurroay Of TIM BZBILLIOII, Ind other T. 77 ;opals/ books, tar Wash they want good mats fa &torte of tha country. Blaney le plenty. and we guarentee • daily mita, ham E/S. to TAN. DOLL•BS. Poe full gardenias' waits soon, to seladtw2 E. G. 81012.2, auburn. N. Y. BALE—One half of the httel preperty ha Dew Giffin, Lamm, entity, Pa., known an the MOUS BOMA. Irneo d Lama. brancs. Term acennsowlattnn. For mitosis:, aryl to L. L. MaDDFTIN. aq, *Donny, New rutin, Pe., or P. B. BOWL IND, 3.13 Cowan, at., Palladelphts. CASH HOUSE. M. L. HALLOWELL 4!) - CO., DBMS a Din% DbaolE AND saNextimars. 'BMA 41.51) BALKOSALB. • moons, KID GLOVIA tO., &, bought aulnahntl7 tar iamb, and a bly will M at alma. askaw NEW BOAT STORE. IL D1f1D1101......11. P. DAV=ON. HARRY, DAVIDSON & CO, SHIP OHAND.LERS, Asa dealers la BOAT STORES, 01 ono ascription. Ha 49 PI7DLIO LIMN% main 07190150AC1,0. CONGRESS HALL, ON THE OOPS MAX. - !he pobllo ars torpid:KO Mama that tab eat. duo Hotal =Um open oatU tbo aOiD.t tair tiber. Rho railroad to sow asset. Yhtla• =ato We aamillal waterlog plat" and War rm deity to sad Mot Phfiaat#lBa. Ammo. hoodatbkg loam Dx lamtilah at Kb boaeo twl Os Dab ca sa4 flepi. KLI7SB WA= oatadhir i • ITOTIUB TO OONITULOT0118.—Fro• pow. as indult! aa till osodisi lho Oommttno on !Wools of the Co of Allogheny, an. tU TOZSDAT, the lath hut , br the npadtag wing of tho Mama on the an ado of llefond aaroot ottoot, the &n fnno flo th Danntral= mane to Glitch Imam. on. Proposals will be lowan' to alma nonsoa, Stood anconhitozos, or JoEln WEIGHT. oolktal Coalman of Onnmlltoo. a spiry Zulu'. Tawas N. limn, aim Rams, Ja., teprftl P ntasr. Gazieralrartaert. :TEON Car FORGEs. lamas PRIPPP. am NUM hausracm. CwaflwtTlEasltakQiewalßatleayandPlum. DUS isr ck ast Pus yaw: PISISU azd Lecaottve 4131.1. a. itrlbbstet a ISegdombsr UM sitons LOST OVITINCATIL—Mherene the 4agitate et ten thous Of Ototk of tbe Ault of Ptteburibottenber tat. to Nottatbee 181:3, to node Rem deolitst. kis boa milord. or last. mike IM tort la el _tea OW altos Moe We oar- Motto le noemed NW* the nettoolott- at ten melt tr.m data eppllcaka eta be nub to the rank to bale e doptkate tertilloate et tee olodc. W. H. ZIT CAID AtlatisistMee cr the ZaHs et &ado Ear. IStaltmate iL 116 it . . Weds OPEN AGAIN I Duqusegrp Beim° notfsa, vo. inaT4nuin SMUT. Prrittratut, Map.* sod Med ap sla.at - weft an atn. cadge*. thaws= shrug= WW. tar Ikacipas masa. ttti int of tha mum . A NOTMiII SUMMONS IN TSB 11111.1XiAtio Ors saw tropatett to tumid' it wallas sad owooto of I tataluisto with 11121141 0111111; Oozy Minna oto. Ws will tumid' ttionsobluOry al a tom. sad 'wood to plat of exottlitooo to hour Ws hot% by our. ponytails OP to Iles. and shr quality or our mut, to dun wt port nip tt oar Ora Om soon. Y , t ll. IL BOLA But of AUrotoprr mum YEN AND RAH. • • . • •r.. DIL BttILI ', . . , Wan* to th• ;al nin DTUAluni. th• inlaid Haiarmbanden atom Gatuanniliginain Wats.dar LW! MIL PUPIL. hurls 4111:131111.1.1. MIA ard treat, an 11ridinanoan Jill atm Una I...m... o2lLUMW aim l an abaft th• tar aid .133111111/ 11.1111 T. ' manila WAOtthts. , W.ll6lSiAlielte _MT NM, nom Tatiens. krka *a kid and utsas Waage Ana, wimp ruiner nuns DRUM aid Im 110 Win ilaalowlNlUMl4 414 pr ► cb "Platal4 ',row* tm An work sannisd. O. 0n.12 akll Ma [r.o■ a. A:lays:pi Ilaericas OF Sew, rae.l4t. onnutste.il ten. rem+. wilt SUMNER & CO , rTIZIETI J. AL 110117111 N A BB)., inn= why lt b hitter tb Dry Patti 1. It Is &ready mixed S. It has so small vbatassr. B. It produces no Olt or dust. 4. It stands ths .011 !stelae beat. 6' It persona tram rust. d. It Is ttm most scamondesl not one Muth tn. lib .r. SOH JOILIBTOS. Tor sale by corn.. Taurt% sea linslthaskt otnrets. CU 011112111411 T EITRY2T, PILITADILPDIA, XEW AD IPERTL9JEJ:iII. RENRY G. -HALE tc CO., Ara new Sheik FALL & WINTM, STOCK; And iceits their finds and the pubic to examine their stock; which le the &mit ead s nmat ecutplet. our brevet to tide =whet, Meeyl en hand, t irp nenntmont of • pentlemen's furnishing Goods. CORNER PRNN•AND BT. CLAIR HSIEH, PITTSBURGH, Pd. pIIBLIO BALE.—WiII be erpoted for rate. on tbs 29tV DAT OP OthOßßEl.thattdd goirry, (tatter known es WAIA.IIO3'II taIIABDT4 contnlntog 10 antes, m-a• or kw, la =Deo from I tatrargh, on the A. V. B. 11., to Plain township, Minh's, manse. having a front of et poolts on the the, a nuns house and stab's a nornbor of choice bowing apple tree, Ida nmr wits feat a dna 01010 of rook fir grindstone', of all grids{ aawral hundredfarrohn of cellar stone r wilowiT quarried, on the platform, end natty for loading at it. refloat Tht lot would amen for 01l felonies, or asy one that wool/ with to go to the atone but nr Tem' mode known on day of rale Bale to catanuom at 10 o'clock a. to. JAMB 11.1111111.1. Plana 0.. Brat. 1O 180. soltdedtd QODIETHING 'NEW 1 POND LILT POILIDI. MOSS 800 PONILDE. OAHILIA POMADS. quzzu or now= =mar, tor thy Handtorditat. VOT Ono. HIMEJI'S EOIP Oa mawrlng my Gram, Tu, Patens, aci., }nowt, Ens , trttluat Ufnrini tho drat tank. . L6IBDN BLOOM' OP YOUTH. WIEULINIPB HOUMA. Der the Heir. DULLNET'd COOO/11311 and HdLIPTON. LOOT EOAPEI and TOLL= Amami, 01 emu description, st OWL d, anzra OrBYBAL Dacia Wrrna. nia In the now Herket Hume, Mini:hens% $2BO Wild. ISE YAW for a good . MAU TO GO A 5 111:1111TITIITZ. =;EMZEZZEI appto before lloodav mosslng, at 10 o'clock. a► 41A EtTTD OoUNTI I 13.Magni. tallktt NOTIOE.—ANDREN KLOMAN, of MO will, HZ= Paulo, Jr.. and ThoB. N. 111L11.6, of Alltslisoy tar, tune th% day en. Ore/ Into • Matted partnership Or the travocting of Rollin 11111 brishme, ander the Erm elms el ILLOItan d PHIPPS, Ladner Inman and Henry Phlge, Jr. as General and Th omas V. sour as !pedal Pa rtner the partembly to =Um =all ths lit day of Jimmy, MO. A.HDRIW ELOiIII7, ' RINEY PHIPPE, selOdserty THOMAS H. 1111,LH AG4IN AILEAR li 7.0111-152 U. AMAMI, Whim% degas to SNOT AND OMAN& Dm now In store LUNT ReO ttook of pude, which thsy will mall 'nosy LOW FOB OUR. Comairg Noramatt scold do roll to sin Wars purl/Wog olaambers. op= ordap promptly attended to. ton A N A LYRE— limos --4014. SL LOWS, 110. Pas Oz. Isom. . lama .01. rlf Itaanita •••• I. A. 11 ole! Ittedcod the Arthel emu, cdsroi the BLYPLW OL& filmed near St. Noo 11 . lite the attendon of Ghee atd Steel Athwedstioros to the Analysis gm atom ea snorted bi t = A. A. 1/ado. of Boston. sad J.O. Boothe( iddse which. thawther with the test of Wool aped. one lc stinetholliers Pittsborsh, to and Ai. Loola Wooden It to to the Fenn 1010 • eslathle Ovum keown. whether Iforelgo or GA •..thrn. Rota ands from it trath stood to the Comm Wm 05 -tom9 months. Who An**. Is at Clay es taken from ,ths seine, 'throws sny wanted or proaratloa what. sem It poorasse epee adhadrooto aod iuu r= goat they which menet shown by Os *blab emit al the edzaztureol a lam proportion of then Cr boned otq.. I col 00w_ prop!noi to 011 codas for the store (An, to to elthrted Isom Bt. r, oda or dedlneed hoe. ALEX. 0011.110 N, 80. VD 81.00HD MISS% nIMMMay PA. EVERY BISKOSANT SHOULD HAY/ ONE. LLOYD% STEIL PLAID Telegraph, Railroad and ± Nap It shays 'raj TIIMILLAPE ormay, RAILROAD STATION. AliD /1111188 01/1011 United States and Cantata, P7DIS OR: 8503. Out,, or me dams 94m= C0..1 60 Drostlwa, New York. Web. 3,1143. • Liol's Telegrah, as , sad :Whoa! Nap vs dad attest =rib* p 13 as, and hos subserlbsd 1113LIDBID DOLLiBB to show ow wail Espies' Lksa. Ws dans IS a vary amid Nap, sad scam. mad Li to baslnats rasa ADAMS IXn 00. By W. B. Dinnumi. Pos. ONLY $l6O oEr Emma. Naps my toady far &Dm, at PITTOCKI3 HEWS DEPOT. OPIUM TES POST 0/17/0:L oval illuorioir LILES. MOUSE AND LOTS IN LAW 1111111111fILLI—Oa 2132231d&T SlTatt. BOON, &tit MN at 11 thdock, atl b..% on UM =l"fa en tomer of Lawrarionito, IN. dadraVe fooputti . . Ona lot on tto corm of Mitativet wad Kaskrt allay, baby Sutler, strata, tuba a 3 bat front on Pan atrwtorttendia= it .llo Way Nl:sties al. attniantsd mitt ti by, int scan: UDO INIJOWb& %thaw frost Sri fn. stmt. rxteadtaii tam. 110 bests Vaisya only, and plantad lib bearing tuft film Cm lo tr t litiotitilb tribist hoot an Plk. duet, and tatatillng tack 1/0 Ott to (Coil alloy, thaws to aractad a pod two story Brisk Sous% well tabard. and to masa% ocodilloo, Oant a inhat . troat aad bark palm, Maine nom. four room oa secant floor, -,beetantat Mi&m and ceitar. a Waldo Co bait otths kik . Mam ad aro taillai to cal sad mambo the pram boo betas eale, _ Is= or riszi.-01*.th.tril cash; the !alum . to IMO pad' tore pas, "ph tataut, seemed by Wad sad ouFtpie. I:9 • , DAM lionafAllST * , Ancits.. 'PINE TURNITURF.—Cri TUESDAY XO/1111110. &pt. 11114'st 10 o'oltok. 11111 y. sold, at task Imo-4.q lad* dworltag, No. 1011-Wsb• Par 61/1" oXIIMIN of Wooddlootoa. tb• matzo Ham. bold la aaotolPfalahliar Clasabida Boost sad Ittabos. Await tEs anttis asy I. essesfalat Haft bet LOW, sad itotkrify Mar Esst Bots. Mr sad °near tiblo. rat= alai and Onost, HAI off GOMA, Thuds' Stamm Wafd fsts. .ad Low rat Bedstoode. indeed Wu& Wands, Mimba Maas. amen Cora, Work Maud& email Yalta., Chstrs, Malin Uttar. DID. !vacs= Dull, Inning loam Om* CoosbrEfirs sad Utensils, =duo srongtom sr:. vrto hreaall Azioffesa fa szoillesa, welt lot las boats. a ass tsootory "Wok, • milli mina foams sod farts har d. is do rant , DAM IIcILWAME, downs OREIT/NBRY-ATAUCTION.-01 10' Timms , 11TIMING.' &pt. at teolostorill ea' ,at its ooussiessal tslAlLoosts, ss, mai end. the 01 tit=t icii &Thos. Men & Mats oh Emir= Snostakw Tesspers Ths sosoblori la palaces, lag sesse; nay Oa -imessaLsts• Ks/Ulm LA ass . Sete on_ Ms mat &nem& ~deb gisessw saspelty Le making It 6 hunk &awl 02, tide& tan to &milled AS ier.st addrdosal expeass Tao baßeltsp ors SWUM*, VA (MOW ISCS !se PTO; Mums or Ps&V;-Ons this& arirl_th, Wimp' In • imus aitaktbr i whit svorostIRVIT&M: leg aratimAnne. - :MST- 131111110 -ItEEDEMDI—Ovi :11:1ZEIDLIIIivitstaci, Itatabbar UN - at 734 o'doekiallll isgala, totalbalal4 ao lama add riot UN* at 7 iuso,, a las CI tad twat oaths ablhalds oe not east. Way. Zan, aria Ands at - mirage! dap* at an; lambda alb nasally mat. Dear: ad, 'coastwise pula r . dhtsplocco.- - wash. halals sovan'tadamairtalliaganat room ttb• bulldog la aitataatlskar ala tale tdaldual. -Ts7Ascaf mus-4.1.7:01.1, ciaOhibibme• b ma two ad glow VAN *.llk laterastilxiirld Ideit.lllAllala Matta , VALTIABLB OTOCKI3I4.T AUCTION.- v va1110AT2172111.26: 16114 its ea*, vin bit f 4 the cftaiia. rikez , ; a st, No Di nek 04144' • m.lll2odsuitid - 12‘2 . 621%2 .do z Birmthipuireitddiahntocl/4,, ; Wistosstladusacs 0o..112ock; SS to `. 3132=0255a 2110810 1 . Stock , ao do r. littsbsalt lasuullng/* ON a) do - ,5711 , 4122.2.jai Qsalos% 23 do asps% barroom Iliedr„, «nBAUM Stiaanalkiliasseig. • 1 DRY ' GOOD& NE GOODS, Low PRICES, Joseph Horne &. 77 AND 79 DIAIiKET We ire now °rang" met deelzabWeteek of NEW FALL'GOODS. Wbkb wm compriss,nerythlas that* Wt to Ur Trimming of f Jail/fnerg Zinc. Ow ogfortount will cwaht of DRILM TRIUMI34OS III?C110Kei BBOOHA AND OABSIMBH Bomminial BUD AND BUMS 0111118 LNDIIITZTOSS; 01:17PIIIIE AND POIZIT LLCM ootuus.afr• pat dyke. TUEIIII AND GBI*9? Ltri VULD,a4ohes, BUM LACE eau owlyz mum I BILIIMILIr, QKIBTS cbo'es colors and 51 1 : 1111 .7. toQ=4l 00 to to !)0,, iLowitts, Butsolts;PIATIII8a; - Boum% inua, was QUM, BLOND IDODION; BONBAZINBI KOB3ADII an GLOM s PLAID axErosi; LUDIWBOLUSAUDDOWS:jh:3eaILIi $a man Kai, Eturybauts PLtd sa Black sad Ittillu—e; beautiful laf, • lc -LP HANDKNEOHISTII, all kinds abdialcos; =ZINO vELvrte, Amon sniasOi . _ SLIPPIia PATTERNS, WONSTKDSI STOCKING TASK, NICK bats fa Hasa r.; V . 0 1 1 1 I QM Sir, To which dapuiztent Oar ant Is mule% WI our si#o.mul strr asitsfeetkos. NW Cali ak4 took throki t h ooe JOE. nous*: *co. Da WHOLUILI noNs UP imam, ••W goads. ataxy Pop:las: Nov Owes 'Apr/ Papttali Bar Goode. Inas, I%.pltar Hinr Good.. hoar Prplhaw' Erika. Bhinds. Nita. )NOl, ''" ' Bay. fittarda. , ' Bilks. Ithislia.:2 , Black mar, £74.i !tripod Pvplllo. Mick 1311, no Striped ' %AIM Ma, HMI, Sla Mind' Annus ElLvJr. [llll4 Ma ittak4;.fr.pina.: --, ALELINDER BATES, 21 WEVin STItEET. I I Silong& ; i• ashore& Dowsdicw, asciints. ._ f mainsails, Dcwwwfak. 'Wows. Edmonds. Dasestics. Sioques: ' Viemorsta Vssownts. - 0 I r o st taw'w Cartaissarnass. D *walk as 'Ol r 0 2 lark asulatit Monist 0 isseelcs. 1 CI i r a n la.'s.. Catania:UAL D' kis a iik •a. s) 1 r a a lw, r s Curt Wis Muslims D awi ask ii.• liastaer.. cktrarti..' 'Nat, grab. • Nsa'Ars, Cobwis. SOW '00013116 - , Mulls& Cbbsw.s. - Nsw NSW& ' Polka wasp. 4sw.-thoo . ls. sell . . - NEW GOODS - ' . .... EA2'olq, MILOMMB: CO.'El, NM 27 AHD trelfrilaktiMit •a complete MA 131101D1131114 £IR GLEAMS AND GAVISZLZIL • ' HOSION HOMMISI' - • naimonat nuts, • ReOP MURIA. aza.scra coma% R111A1) sipsnis ion emiTTAIIA NNE TABOO, . • BRIST3 nap ZilikiliTJA • And irm7flitias b ths Iletkatss.- , at: end Coludo nap to 14 Sign, WM kid Uto iblif l i at. Yet tO _ tbroVi car priumiritailikk waireatilkir what; ILmi;mcavo - oc - . . _ ski sttur_. - iirir—ev • D nAmenll3-__. • . - 1 13 Bum -I.‘ up. • _ - , sarda.tssua "of", g imunkiNaMlAVYBl bEDIMM, ,tXerl4, F I P 041219,01MMAIlig - . 11 i , "4 111 , 6 swim, eaacsseaozocaaaaor • 011 fr ••;4: ems 75,4 • 4"°l- • - taws=tie; FALL 11001181 _„ e NEW GO OD - • ' - a5:4;40,2a, r " — ii 1 ingc€oo4 - `? - —48114 DicAß `e3/: x,.._... MULGAINS-IN HOOP ef• `jital;:ttl'itVAda , " • arturgolllll‘. - /VOLE/LAWN All ituozwAblirk new masse. Sew 3fiesolls. ds - Kates. %elopes, lasgooss. Melina memo.. lepers - Hogs. epee Hes% Opeo - ;gools. OP III I , emal.
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