ESTABLISHED IN !786 _ aEtRIVER*. r.A7RA R, owanutuatt Hatunmals. t ,Aritti!'a2°F4l4,2l4s, -4 urrsattett,ve. In3L GOAMLY. wncnase.u.ezeozs, N.PkT.W.3PITY -- Npn.i s li v i oa. 1 • a. 4 .4; pscrolissal' ttrs tatorest of Ids late paStossA *;eta =Ulm We tozalsoss - st lbs old stind, in& islid be eared be sossdrs tbs pstronap of Ids old WWI " asstoosers. molds:a Takiill4ll3lM % j T & TRUIBLE, ..Wzowtatua rig_Tu% riat, nai TLßA Ma, lustrashazidrzaciwtt=4.s:l4.zutegaeiGYlLM IL= at sit D. DD.Dosuild IDittobargh. 'DONALD & A.BUOMA WID)LID And SYRUPS, C CI / 4 tr i nreat i i 1101djan ItEI7IIIW SWAMI 600 H, TOBAOCKINC TEA.MOX• DUDS, to., Zia 4.12 sad 2.411 Bt., - - • col Ty 1. , '2.`714 . - 14 RYMER a -BROTHERS, sacieedson /to to Romer ,4odoonh Wboicada dash= II: FOREIGN • morn, UTEI ANVIIP/01:8, tON. ITOTIONEMSUGAINVEIRE WORILOM4 NM. `1 128 And: =Wood ittraktiakolor litsftrio, MORI, -.MOLL NW , ' oIaZIMIA =Mt% I.IALD IetWZGIAR t : Moans iazii La: oaarnina imbiaita r and dialers lit „ALI tioslaptVocanen Pumas .1=4.4124111011$ AIM. UMW; MO. Thoi street, %patobilfid cot Wood stews,Pittsbnzta. 4 -:DmI L Y G. 111.401......." • •.7 TEI ' 1 " li. : JONES at ISCOIk -,Wifoultaz -Owe= MED Boxy .:YrainagnmW Diikktip 1:.X 1 1 1 1.14.11)201.4 041.41 . 41 ,41 '''',/ilatmge;! nil:shaft Brides. rttlabianit t s OA 4:10041.4WnJr. su=ium,, h o %° ll i7T r , teato nnn tozwaixema bthvb iminuawasn..7-picbtk-,210Ln.:777—. RA-14.l r: LAMBERT;ISIIIMN* Wapiz- ILA sus Gdaassa sad Pioatras pakasam, alltb Artrost. Pittsburgh. Ps. • Jil6 /CPU WILMS. WATT do WILSON, W 1194113112 Giscr cus, aoutiiiiks-thimuars, tmd litaL*l to Pridate end Pittsburgh fiats, mind dellersl nza”,t.cparm. 7 sl.- 4 68 adb :-orty street, Pittsburo. • t 23 1380 '.Z 4 4-1 st ,L DIVSJiIt SAM - Yinos;4elai aviinu m lODIJOAIis,. b. 80 Wiser street, sad Ohm! street ', Plttsberg . .. 'i ii _Art,- kr . • . , ' Zolszu.s l . . : - JOHICLIOYD&OO4iVaustuIa Gut • czu AHD °mason Nztcaurrp e Aip../.751 Wad 411:411111 titteati - Mabtinh/ ' \ rAI/11 1 . 1 A A td. BAUALEY, Wacaameam TT GEOCIA, Nor. 1.8 and SID Wool mom, Pint, Itatati 1, . % ..... ...., ~ ca *li, Waox , ,,Fma , . . . 4,g Ea in , . ' ' "'t.' rli• , 1E: 1 1 EIV7 4 , I4AreIhaCTURJERS. ;rt. W. BENNETT, , /itwrovAinvitai4.l ,!.111.1diat..WHITS °NINA AND 02.NA1l 9owlutp...wesz.. . . .Imaroinnax Atm ITAAsmorss At No. 74 POrr enter, Pirzurata, PA. taatklsitti ALL P. niwr. ikArAtIgniTOSIEL, IiEKEHILL A CO., `.lllVdortgo r r as and O'Hila g* ine near Um Mg !rt .. Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.,. Maniffictiu-4re of OM AND HEXPAILteS IMPUOTED C:TirtIWOSO/LLATIMEI SWAM ENG.II9Z9 LIND - 1104 DE 'PALMS, of sill dire and beet sots Hwang pot op , tiwoldnemot large =gado nail of thakieg. county, WO are prepared to do' heavy for ._Pandaoliedt work in this ibis, tensting that by u r4 ll, %•4ll. l italtatatiirdet cm work, to meilt W st Is. • 7/fa c e& tentLsn tcs-our BILASCED ,ypliLVlO 09 1 1/1172i0-10401.NTS, as combining seleantagge herstofms tmattainad thia chew of , ienald atilaP c F. HAMIL ON di CO., al aofThstlddl WM' &Vogt; - -,4- - , enitnarcnixis or. r:strranson suku sIiGINTS, MACULAE Y, ie.. kn. ' to yliSat j'41C17)314-10X.11*Wiraz Sr., iirsutibervi, t'.. , ::1 _Lnisisubetizzreiriy, ;-- ITORT 71 MU, 0021KON.A.I1D BALLI/Ofd), mg, 4 1br rneriptk •ra. • r: W 104 ftrtisnW.slizsl or Ova VP/ILES and En; laTe.' tlirtn•Mbe4 14 ardoeit ab uotlce. :. • roads asort 63=antly on baad. ort =olio WELLS, /1.11/DIZ a GO AN .Jato. 216 , , -wv Libut, greet, amid. 84tk rtrubiivib, issanb4onmawaypth 1d..5. 1 1E8 - "DZWITCHd Mt 41 M ~ /t iolt of iZAT/#lr, :114App ... . , entiti . OittOlts7llli _ iilithe 4;144 Co'ita 4pt.. :,; f.1 1 ,V51 , 4 1 14 , 1 -• .. .:.. .. ~:0-1 .4w/q -. a .as,Ert e5.miar........iw0urnt..7.6. , W EIL 81011:01.22S3 WORKS,— , 'Wepfrill, PLUnktr 1 CO., ;Willa/106o ' . lir wehOCAM; ,S,. / Wood Acre, corm • = 'llh-ritt; illtsbiutbd YR, •'• , egdo - ~ - . JITTORJrZIII. igO• a COCHRAN; Arnim axab OcrintumstrUe'llew, Odke, No. e 9 Groat 11 1.#0 01 6 Filtttotriths P& AN buttes& entrusted to ausArUlArleari, prompt itteatica. Ocaactkats 131 4 11 000yinattfilsaf4Mita$ todonse.ltud therootory =Mad teomptly. • sadly_ -43.4 5 1tuiCONNIL, Arroain 4 1 1.4w-Orrladidaaraderao,s lL xmes zaw pupa:, ad•Pfsamaad strait • ":•.. attend so ;to 'adtkaantoacaring sad collso. Idan edam; tataddas. Wuhlagton Markt: ikon* 21 * — cksizotok S B ". 4I ' ISI3 BOYEataA I 7 O2 /Ingn "AV.- 9 160 40 rOMMISLOICii HoogikaLirip:saf f . G. JOHNSTON &CO Sumo. ZiOttrAlszinu=romo 366 nE /17118" Ha. 67 W 066 atria 'PIE b.- 6.30 K AY 't 8C9M 1 0440 1-, 6 8 D tom= . , 14 66 DnIa6:465,Womigireet, mit door .7.ofteret•ltast; P1L266,641 liOnoo/.. and; . -- .W-111WABOOKtieniutatlfai arid: - ' I - 1060ait&z - AND .sif, v No. TS loath drat, AWL,/ Seidl:km . . , I k Var , PLATL - ragi' NC» 1 • fitt ra d ir M•24tl,fil 1:1! Mak " - Seam Tiern. No; Tp: _ • NOW Pittobaggh. ••- v e • side ,PATON S MACBUM & CO„ Diuutzst, Tannuns, Emma, Oa, Mi. f. stmt. Pittebortla 01/1 -4 , Enwrzi. • ---- .".7!:,.;WPALIAM WARD; Diem IN Pxosi - ake r. rzinze ! Potapv Notsompa r tuutAll fr. fireman ama4roccus , 111111111 1 00/1101111361L - 4 1 Ai lard tapiticsrars m6O: allnintA4 41304111 socoo den Mar ,AVu.ixiaimudasuousaii:tnti WWI, co& str" ifiatiati , •:omay al7lo, ..ancaue et. mug* - i HULL AP4P44 0 9 • • ' 4- ' :B017:',. e:- tiAry, ThwarlitoliWAZA lir p. mARA r , ka i..,...., ••••• t'iuriolvfm kn i r tA ° '.c# 97- 7: L 40- •• „,..„ ..--....,... ~: , - 1, - ,- r— r ..:!:,...._.:.,.,...,_:...0.....,,_w00p.d r ,, „..,:;,... , ,,.,:„,„..,....g...xinzom,STRAIWTEU,A! : - klehli MAW GOODS enmity. BOOTS dif'D MOS& . . .'' • 7 T ERTAZE inrayiW4o4oiiiiiii or, , ~_. . ROM AND MOWN 'envy aescdpiladi; licr. thaltbileditreet.,l o ll . GEO,.. ALB c , )30rii30.,,Wxora.' Ri .-.,,,, ik 3 , 4 eons! lbartb mad Wood 441 . 1. 34:4" pgiudiljel!!: izzai -,'. _PHEW" ADAMAlhinca, ."..g u ,=*s°,..,!*PAPPOsgsizsats!lots , Ibintusam-Dir. Potkicki Dt• l iat4l4 ; Salta Bobbtuattrall RMS. Ept:dly , altna Eo l-nr:TA .ulhiS L.1%.13 ICIAP. BECK & CO., N 0.18 - Lib. - , Street, Pit-UW:lmb, ra., WhnUsaahl Oro. 00714 OCEIII/11BCOZ Hanhanta,, and dealer. 00tfr titr - PBODZION; ntonsiotta, Baeos. LAUD, . 13tITTBB, 011EZ8Z,11811,6e4 MODUCIE IL11_& sl D 3. GB W. AHD .117111~ Tritilivvikot, SART andsTAIX, , _ . Oa ITHOLSSALD 0110011/18 • --- t . 4 ,•ficontaraa t ii v io , ; 44 •4; tam e =UN% and poaftar itsnenkly. I LIATD/B, HIDES, ma, Noe Ter!, straet, ratunitix - air Chiab Ovanceyients goalftatitsca , Asinin k fifillaCßOWN Gans rixeltZfi PiirthiX3-ain,""P IMICIUXT4 for Ms ids of flou r Grsbo Port_ LBR" AO. 'Ltedir.Zaisr,' , Cluxte,l Beam, - 0110•4 Ilixessersonats, Pot-T4.isy - Potnind PEali Ashes, Alawsksis,•: Idtomeedast Lard OR% Wad KM pm: ftuttl....nillotbpietaxtriirlax sad titan t3eML , t - Nati adrsacel ands am Coadigiumats. Ns.l27.ldbortyst., Pittobarth. lON O.4,NITIELD.,.Cowe. ILION CND PozWAZDIIIII Nnianuis: and idiot:: ale denier EL WESTERN. BESERVE • OELBESE,, eurnra. YARD, NOEL RILOONji_LEUB2 TEAL, POT , ..INE MUHL ASHES, SA ' , hmLATIE3, UN. draN) AND LARD- OWN; 'DRIED TEULT sad • Sox. 141 - kid' 1.43 - 1112 . ut etreet,, 'ocit env oULFreiTEMPARD_, Camas= Ain •-• ram., Aind deems la NUMB. 131LaN AND FLtalstar., No. 243 Li t 7 street, Pitttbargb, Pa. , °Mao broads of Floor far Mikan and lnulaty use ca bead. Part attantloa paid to ' Mae orders for Merehandtes4coserally. Deadly ikiazoi.m. ' ' . int. r. Linaa. § OIIO 4 I. 4I.W.C.IgIiNG .033onsalcur zaaarrs; :and arboladale LW &a, N lbsalarcli•CWer, MS. PLOITS, W24 , PBODUON, o. Many sized, Pictiburithld..l, ak. - sas:Aly 1:111Alliam:lih 'AND Nor 43413141nicasekim Onentonoes trlxtettirr ter she ode cd GUAM, =DS, 011=3.0... 74443005, ke., and toot, tar Alto agitated_ Thatontoir4 070 exist, tros. 116 Second and 143 ftrit stn.% G.. ,-,rtersalroactikad Sodthlidel.-Eltceborsoe. les3 . . Egf,D A T. 7l niii OW; I:thirroh. 'er'?Vi MIS "Of LARL - ClLL.:atut ;002caisaoy meaie,- the -end vale - at CLERIDE AND 6 EFE 517 .D_P510141111.270a. 69 sad 70 Water vir OLT, AND 'RIDDLE, st toaalior to 3no. troOrac son, wk. 113 latmoy stmt. Pitts , GraLE,BAL (111011.1 ELY 41/D Conatelinikti ; CC:A.4;y .8116 CIMPA11101: - lairxvireucc. KIRKPATRICK k Bat/THAR, CP •(atlxsaoriio Brown ttrtpthie.b.). ALIA 011.00ERS, Noe. 1.14-unt 193 1 4.5errY Mr - -ta Plitabarab. - IMAM/2 I DAVID altairmses, tae. VOITIAI, Spor..l4 rartrate. ItifitiNS COFFIN . al/oceans to ltlaroet,dl ir t sop aoo Oniozrau,s, am). Ur*, Weo4 end Wear rtice. Rittil burst), , , - : 472.22.9 . 1 ,71-2tun.;Alg Tutooms, signs, tutu D . CREME, r z OltEt., PRIED, AND GUEEN TWITS and Prod= gen. tray. Liberal cash advances mails on totteiguturnu. itratobonso, H0..126 Second attest, Pittsburgh. calm, 901. ex . VOIGT & CO., noceirsor 14 0: O%Eir_I 4 PICO_ DIIOE AND 00-111rIEStati TB), 71,11.. arty street. Plitabargb, Pa nab _ f . OIDI, J101:14SE - CO., Waoussiir msocus'Ato lizzazums. Darner of dad *Arid and Water arreeta, Pittard's:24 ra• !UL pzl.ll.T 'lt - tkasailicrm V Ilmaar" &alarm P.CaD11047iti.,0178., 11601.9, %VOL, oileail ic., Ito. 12 Er:Mb:lad stmt. ' my1.2.1v -- - - ' illtiataiLlONt-Wacnaztatar .Ikl 030CE3 AND VON.IIIINNOLI it.rmu2Asa7 east caraer,of tits DLscatatd, No. ra Pt.atmrgh. r. bi4:lsam i p • 111) IS" • 1, Van VA Liza • • • - Nzaoso4,4: 147 Wood Moot, ptutrorgh. deka, • n 31131 Y W1L1103....mun 01/30—aurm WILSON, - I)ARR & (Lao Papas 05.,) . PICOLTIML.3 DU.LcJ IN IPORMOD AND DOBILOTIO DRY GOODI4 Yo. 94 Wood giros; third bums shore Masud slim Pittsburgh. SidDstil A"xEAVES, Dmasc lx FAscrir AND fir Ana Dia GOODS, 01.0 AU A BB AWLS, do. 21 Mb 'treat, Plitsborgh, Pa. H. a—atuAas =Ads So ord.". If. UNA 111 . A.M01........5.11 I=lE. I ANR, ItIa.ABOY k, CO., Donlan in roarannt &NU DOIKESTIO. DBY GOODS, 60.140 redaral etrar4lescord door below aur gm. tot Rotuma . • hzny UV. izik97l7 WATON, MAORI - at & CO., Wholople Ai and Udall Dealers In TEJJklitt IN 0 ElllllIIOl - and DDT GOOllB, of every dWitpUila. Sim 17 and 19 Tnalr meet, Pittabargia. ItirIiORIIIKA ELUDE, Wholesale and AA& Deslen a seredsus a STAPL/o Dlcr TE120112368, ittilNe. 78' nuke! stleei, bdlivrark.Dtamo3d /foe tab, etttiLtrab, 01141441 4 'LM14),.. litiooodsCr 10 V.iEaraMstS 2 (b. Who dad grtsil Doane IMPI.1:1121DIAISTOT 1 / 1 17 000 DE, Mr*, IMI 'anon. or FoaOh Markets:rum soil _ItIS • Pit LiU ti Whozesale inQ Re 441"Oralert3 oil tindaof TIIIIIILIII46S, 1:111.1( GOODSeits.; tiftic T 7 kid TD Martial .t ~t Dzszaws Ls Mar CA • Qom, SQ. 69 Makin stmt. betwors Mini ;mud DititattltitS. QIVION JOlrtigrON, DataIaWTIP ' NEN Dnuas -AND 011ElatiA15, PELLYNITEDY, LiIIiterNORD4:I3I3II,NING-1/.l4Di OILS; VALI -1.1.1f J 141,4 , trl•Mi Prime oak. inelyeitjgat. • wan thxdilh talAind—ifoiulbalzoote, b, Pa. Preaarlidloas airef dly yam • • • ded as all latita*-' • • • • TIM& it, CO., sots-. • go mil Itriy(Pitst) and-liannfnclueor of WIIITZ LEAD Azip tar uardals, coma of Wood and irmai stoodo, Plitobiurttr; - • zahl PAM -- k'g':"§lXYPTi„Vactrxiesii fteiaa a IN D lUi r.troar3, MUINIaIMS Pat On DM - o: =i4barkir Aped, Plltsburgil.= ordeniwtil trothe slam attentlfm. r0b.24, I - SBA Dsramourt stroati SONO' CI , Wpi argot au , ' nrtta ' i~ROII,~IC~. ` Wei iaaoiir 31. - Joss =SOM.. LINDSAY: .411 TELFORD; AquourzAza LI axo Amu. OBOOMB6, 'AND TIV.F. paws DX&I,B , ff.?, 1137 I.dbertr:itzelit, Pitub!ulti. WAK HUJJSI .—HJy u Y COLLl.llB,4tanrardhlandOoteireador ..giant( stito4l,lo: WA , Aurvis,- - LAzr niErAbd POlncoi .sockintiuy, rio . . • 116 , Wuod'ittivet, Waufe. - Pittebtußh. ' ai.l9 (*MAP'. 44 - UAW ralu'(stiocoseor,tp, Atatirashaal • d 0.,) FOILS' PACE= drew PIIOTIBIONSpaInust of Ifirkat kid' Pratt sto",, - 4 , J .I.llWkillaNO (sucialisok'tciJsiok lur.sona."AmseatlJPoss Pumas-um. nzAkisii . PWlt3lo.tih.2lo..l2..rotiztaf .0.4. czar Marti, :•• • , • rxereocror 4161EXT8% - GAIIMATIE - IMMT Wan" in *lnualinfl - Emdap t 'mu* (n Aina....o4.4towllorth:aist atraze-Wool.sul 411: - All/siltti, Amu' Aosta 4 jell. &de , 2ainals.- Cid Ilp,f9rl , airsaarOcovaileig wu.r stte _ • • V. •11.0‘; id*rignar _ 4 .2filli*ispicvq/il, mut 19Ater ri No:AsolutrAiri aqrizi! 4aimmumnitlinremst, f 2 Witter Ittriet. • : . ~eTlMUlsoa43oxrAiii. Ta.ltab•gessit., 4fc. . LUNE, DZAL/W tar , - •ABD 11111810 AZ lusruuturrirn. folonemt - brilliMlo SPIXPW -PIANOS, LI 81.1 MS DISOVPIANOS, aut renum *COM ix Er.opu. on. fro:431110,12 otrost,oooond doid. above Wood, taken 9 u . addite toe tdow, ,,, • -• •••=• : • EIV •&::13,1A4 . gAt-luus a ftiviria ani*Mtnimas-latipunziPrm•anA 041. sthentstoritelurrsea Geldisted Patios, Na ihdrea,Tunbingh. , • 113729 • J~OIN-11. Thus= u Pulps ictowsneV/Wirck , 113 ifreet,Thitirma to strodaltd Mmmd elbt. Iltteartit. if* stsiastaikematioiaoosagenal egatAtr , m o ' 6 a Miikß.Bidi i2:0;, • -y;. • , se.z-ii.4.‘4,43,,,A,,,1.4..^1. LF. S.CI 4,1, • CIA fl 1) . GOODS. =Mff=IIIME itiOiNIINId,YSEPTEMBER 14, 1883 .:24:Isciii.surrEotts C4RD DIIQUESNii Blta WO:UitL CLIIII/11T & CIIIWIIO3ID, Zfallatxtoren of •Tart P Tarlit; of finished BRAREt WORK, SOD PIAMILIZIO, STRUM OR RAR-FITTIRS, HAORIRIBTO, r ; , oogrzsammil3. .1111&95 OARZI6OI36'of deseriptioar bads to item BULPRIBOAT IiffORR,ISTRA.BI AHD GLS ;RITIELSG. and B1P&IDiAo proteptlr attettdefteC Particular:Kunnas paid to-fitting - up RERIff& RIRS , FUR OOAL REID °ARBON OIL& • • &Ito, Bois Ages - Ufa thsWeaern-Dtarkt SI rens. eyfranta Mr, the told of MAWR, LAUBDILL CO.'S PATH: SYPHON PUMP, tits bat at tr Inventsi. Rada; so valves, It to not liable to gat .:ant of atder;iout. mill throw more water than say sump of Woo Its alts. 5015 F II 4 NITII : c WWI AND WOOD 0881E8 43114,12113 07:1 WHOLISALI OS amen.. JAB. W. WOODWELL, OT and 99 Mtn! itreet, %path , it ? e • and tll Valve greet. al131" D Ist BARBOITII, WlTtt A. L. WEED & Owner of •Prr.a and ammo:roe Striols. • aeranroS GIUTETIAL cot:mimeo lIEEDHANTE, E, And Agents for tb. Ws of Durowra omarow , DEB 4-3118APETE PUDE. &calve on,oonslgnmont an !Undo of Wester:l P dolor, and noOke Mysore, Duren, bi.D.=•;- . D9lrnal !natio front o 1 Wareham& NVUIDian :Hi Monti & Do., PfUiborkb I filEitrif ' C &pioneer. & chtrrarl: alp - & Stoptunt, flerebonte Hank, Balttmoro P Yard I I)ATENTED OCT. 8, 1861. • Dithridge's Patent OVAL 'LAMP CHLSINIES; IStastafactuxed or Z./. FLINT GLASS. Cat lass 61:1:111-10.1=tgetr1 for parts the glass equally, does vet xfKais ettektnir. M. D. DIPSIZIDGB . Port Pitt Mara Workii Weald:24ton ltroot,' -Lori Pitteburgh, Pa. LADLES' FANCY UI ILDELIVB relit:fir RIMS; ElirS 11313 CAPS, 00b1.4.111) 8 QLOVIa .06T9 AHD OAIII. taus mid, and 471 e erthe above mg! inz 6.111 .aa# fat sal* at BIeCORD 4 CO.'S, No. 1211 WOOD STaerr 3beta DIAMOND BTEEL WORES, ranso2o7ll, PA. PARR, BROTHER CI 00ft Elactiftestann BUT QUALLTTIr r.C 7 IINED CAST lirrrn. Vants:Ftrind Octsgtm,"ol W I,lln. Wcarranted Int - Dr7==scfactattd ID , • - fk'?ulDa+end Wartoilcram bre. 10 and 151 ruin 44 1 m ikud W OZOOL'ID 5=1;11, EW kill.ta)Wr- • aring just returned J. - from the nut, ire bare o. hi store ma extra, ere stiortment cf scarr.o &Lad dootroble. J-1 crr AND Itia.o3ElS Adotod to Von ciu De rttpptad ilth LADE LS', LI I t37-'S' and LIIIILDII4II3I, II 00113, GAITZIIS and 1%1501 311.D.63, at a allgbled!ance for cub, at • OZO. ALBUMS, son Al CO.'S, fl...:ltter Wow! and Torrth .1. uuls At% O,ENAT !INDUCTION Nog. Last's Copt• Ostlers $1 78 worlb $3 60 1 co co '. 125 •' 1 T An Ga.r rzo,ht magi% 701 lOW .1 A C`f ROSS, $l7 . If artet atrmt. .c0)=1(ni6;00:,11ilLmi rOVIIDIIT, Plttebtarg, Pe. orweetenottett, Hot 'Liberty stmt. tagunfectarere of 000 11...PADLOII.A.ND HUT. f 1 BTOVVI, P.llllO/1 ttIiDICITOBESOMAIat, aottow WARE, etc., Bicel and algae Deolds, tog Pl.lll Outing, DM 'Dearing, Ow, Water and dr. deer. Pipe, Sad Irani. Dog Truax, Walton Deemer.. or PalitraVElingeni, Car Wtwele, Corktlinges' end flea. generally. Al., JobbLng and Mtobloe Onettnoloido to order. PaWatoi FoptaTh BUJ, ertterfiretatrerrlittrei Power: WLLIALAnd HAHN tAILL 6 ILAJ.,I3oiJer Welders mei Bb. Ilya Workday, PlOlll hTßZ]t.T,lftdr, ZY;82,124 end YE. Having. seccree lasee yadamithhtrelsited It with the moat imptered htthinoti, I. ere propyred to mimasotors aierf .dgcomptrati. of 11(11LEUEL laths Lest farmer. sad termteltdell equaLl4 400 P. lO , to tht. edentri r UIIIIIIrSIO. 'DBIC111)11i; DCDS, BTHAM 'Pin% ler./ 00 7. 1 21:130.11 , t1ItgOONDIESSak, SALT PANET,CUIEZI4OII,BIII4.4I,4ITATOBB, avenrym - PANEI,• BOTLICII'II3OI2 t EBIDOCB t strauL.Pearn,and 404 mooofietedere 01 BARN. Waal' • VaTElk t Amu/. - tkpalibs 'don. on khathortret make, dtelettr tylAtt. ih.llAut3l4lS Y, Poduec 4tegcral Commisslaniletehtun arsecnieLuDies DllOBll4 , . And its'alor In all lila' of 041711T2:if PRODUCUIL .@o. 170 , r.J.e gar Y AMBEZT, ra44:13 Psreorrasu. • A. H. ifaiClLllgi roepootfolly OA furors:o. the httfishs of fittsbarahe that he has born spwititif4 sent for the safe of dr. 'an h'eWedo'~pp4o'US6fgNl,ANT/.001/8001V PEN:' Aber Are recomtwidt4 P/ legosh hot* ttethetity,'srovegalrftloh. are Guise, Bzwarrr Co., lentos* A 'al.,' ' tloot neao &Ott, - Taos trrrz LW, 'Pattlrrarli - Vha.; • end when.. . ' frs:ll, AAIMMO( CLAIMS - ~ BOONTI RH_ pissatorta, .860 E. PAY. ItIILITITit .01.4111.8 at; ent7 dessrlptionii ototbote try thee6D .cxlber,atthe.rallowing ratty - 111y Reattots, $lO po; on other chan t tilt Ed. TATT..OII . , tittottsy at lAIV, $; $ Omit street, Pittabcrstt., La. Botha/per aro °Welt Mit:Ulm !Ices eel Atvool. and .0 fnl'arralittbn 1 ,Xuri AlfalS 14.1C4.17lrearnfr LA Dieu" In Ow 131204i1Dialtd b 711116 of 01:21/fifill HAY/VIA. CIGARS tad tll4lods of SMOKING AND GRIMING TOBAUX). MUM, TAftflY filtrataLtA NM.% TUFFS. kt. • „*.whe great vorlef};'UNDITIV Mir 011ARLX9 110T.113.ry Plitabnirek,re- • ,• - • EL • 11.--Tbe Traits - nailed obilbefil bit,' OHARLUS PWELL, tiolzaimor to Jamr- ilo7gise 11.(1%...1 ' P Jr' f,d oxan, . _ Deslorin ILSOON,Lensr.quaAsi•Oralmaue, 81.10E1di 2111:11, - von 111uFriail) nun WrallMit,.., JAM , I . I.IIL-BALPH, aspirrzor, . , PrODASAA =DANN? ONAIIINNO AND BEamrtea IT all lauds of EidldlApi .nd-imperijigand. two Erection on rcuottstdalartask Otece.n.s Andel-A.711..0/.9st, belyski I.2ffeksj i d,. mole turas", means . , , :ow R (.)8 9, V?PgNMV, 411iLIO. Tapas, ta.--7y lino** ozoigiticar she tikitift sao bait Cia , loooll 1W61114 Mato about tlup Lt ifintadawaOLELAZlkl4llMiiit. 4 1 1/4iallevilOokafebseiC TY - 0 14 U .24 1.bbia:jakietta ,re. k .k,tOr , Iniaxixivouu; r J 22. EIZA ,' , t~..0=~.n • „, II V 3 05azette, =myLE& 06 EDITORS AND PPOPIIIE7O.BB. Publication ~a ffice 84 Fifth Stun; LIOPSiffiU AIID MEMO ED/TIOE'-', nalvr. NaF,..4 9 . :0 :Tv* hoitit'dy PfrM,Tizt?fccr. ° MONDAY 110111'ZING:: NEW TER4 , II:I,OF TILE GA2.:ETTE, X,C,Ty - mQ X.CITICI, 66: w00th.... 74 IL tr33toa lltirrios7 by =PIT, mouth„. _ waw}...— 13. !Ingle itir.EALT EDITION, 11r.:1f CCrplta, per year.. tr. 411alwrof d aaoi t 1: 16. chariot 10 or ware I!ES., —.ezd c o y. extra perky sanding cittl. o wb 6i idi'td, , 14114 . 12 aced EVESI3O G*Fll7l Car. • club of twenty, we '4lll tauld - 114 Is..dit.l.4e#4Airrit dab: , Alittaft4opift;ls:6sn4, - MTAI/ asbetrirgibod &PAY in adrwwri alwaye cropped wheu4ll.o tlxs twrirer. ' 11111DUCIID PRIUMI, Charles Sumner on Our Fureig ne• The New York meta tf Friday ratirebet besota a large portion of their apace to the groat speech of the Hon. Charles Sruatrr_on oar ZOO 1 3. 1 A4c1Alp deiviittsE olighur4dlll, evening at the Cooper Inatltato In that city. We can bat give tho roporitione direeered by the castle guiehel goat:omen In bit tpeeols. of over twelty comet:its of Ores prier And swell 'typv,ai It oppeara to the New YotitTribeat, mad tbo admtrishbr passage on" oa4utita," with *blob he elated. Th. 6 .btifio .40 "Lack Ovonitg'Coopor Institute' ilia filled to ovoiflowirg with a polite sad enthotilat. tie audience, conrened to. hear the ehariee Steamer aoiiPsr his address on the ooljact of our Forven nitrations. Lang before the tame appointed,for orou• log the tneetinp, ciory sect - was o4apied and tho platform and ei.,lcs were crdwaed with spectators. When tho - dialligufehel Penalor made his appearance, ho was greeted with the warmest demonstrations a approval, chat: , CA:awing chest' until the'lnist half etiont'teitli the ring. log plaudits of the cathusiastic end patriotic, auditors. The non. David Dudley Piald'introdusad the Speaker in a few appropriate remark; which wore lonlly otterr.i. Mr. finnan/Sr. wig 111.89q0Cath, and spir it; and spoke with his watt fervor and power: , '.FatAitirsCrtiscsa I,Xrcltt.tbd, bagiontng of tLo war in which we are ,now engaged; the 'ptibtia Intarret- Loa e:txszat r isr,anaituslY swoon the GUrreDt 0: OV42tZ at home end the more distat.frAyrot Fentlnitelations bare been hardly Isis absorbing thra Dottiestfelici tations, At times the latter nova teemed to went:Ten the ferdltr, 'end i zianket from Ea. rope has been llre a messenger from the teat of war. Ltausoryt.lYorelga lotervettfonare constant, tow (wile torn or Mediation, and now in- the form of Recognition; and teicrc than ones the ottiniry has bten tuamored to -confront the idea of Eogiand, :d of Franco, too, in onto einabination w`th Rebel Scare mongers basta , ng, in the name of Slavery, to b u ild abcfaeft, t , Ice sum cn - ittedw:trnation of Ohre Repuhne. It nosy be wall for tie to !afro acir.:oftt in bat tle and .age here at home:--frour .ce biasing linos of Oetiyebthegr aLSAharlos too—ls loco for a clement at tea leariin from abroad; of coerce Linear. froth Sagland and Franco, for theca ata the caly Foreign Powers that thus far bloc been moved tern tormeddle on the efdo of dbvory. Tee Attie joot to which I now invite attoutlon may iot live the uttrastion of wash.l,3 standards or - Siete:gong mtroher, bttf, moto than any con flict of arms, it costatrua the civil:action of the- age. If roraiga Yawata eau justly In serter.) against Ea:urn Ficedam, they 'input"- lio will not he the only There Is awny te, natural ordor to unfold ing a /object, and I shall try to puma it on chi. coaaaten,-asidao the following heads Arai The peifle to country (tom Ear olgn Power', c.pocially od foreshadowed in She ticexpostad and peraiatent conduct of Eng land, and Tranth mho the outbreak of the WI/. &cocci Tee nature of Farrign Interven tion by bhp:Ration, with thoprloolples applio ible tbeceto as Blestralee by bitted° In etainces—ehowleg especially bow England ! by her cessoienens, wide-spread end most Ce• tot mited Inter section to,peosnota the ezd ito Lien ‘,l Afrkat Slavery, u irreeocatly trd again.' any act Cr policy t.k. t t can caret° izge this craceseat pregmeion. Third The nature ef 'Forelgo la tervan tier. by Ree.qpitica, wi•Li the principles ap plicable thereto, cc tlictatrated ^by historic tuberose—showing - that by tho practice of astianr, and especially by the declared sentiments of British !Statesmen, there sae be qo ror.iya Becoliftia.s *I an isiscryrel Amer. l ie - heir slit contest!, bol•pcoletce ie sliti pored • Poart4 The Moral Impossiblllif of Poteign Rcoognltion, even If the pretended p•Auiri be of. facts Independent, Where it is co:apes:4 of Reba! Slavemongers seeking to found • Hate Power with Slavery for its declared "cornet stone." 7 ,PBTACTI th e tratbfjolplailinels'of the terse rthiell , templey: - • 1 air to' opal& het merely cf Sleveholdare ; but of people to, whom Slavery, in a ponce sad o bualneei— therefore SlaveAos ors • now in or 11 the '4 of BleNkty—theref9re Rebel $l4O-.. Inett g ere. _ . _ . F.ltls The ab:ardity and wrong of conced ing - Ocean Belligerency to a pretended Porter whiok in till Grot„planei is without o Prize Court—to that it cannot be an Ocean Bellig erent infect—and which, in the second pieta, eTart if oftach an ttich odlgns oharnoier that its Recognition is a moral impossibility. • Mr, Samner'a remarks under each of the nhavo ltnads,monid haricity fall vhart-of he proportions da'speash—anuV.toojadiolotniy ispplled l earning ; oomprehentive point at 4i gamete, aid earnest •dignille I eloquenctor rush et monument of Ito:omen•like ability as Is rarely met_ with, even in the past- 7a, those days when "Cacao were giaste on the narth." Bat, as pa have sold, we aka only glvs tbe'passige at the irhich he ad warts toto otra_lausiss It the hold that we have :minted has been ample, it hes ha.ln brightemod always. by 'a o- ii g b s .loecenet Justice, exposlog mearly from bnionligfo cod the. Booted landinarke of duty. I have, boon (rani, .cilsznielng th kolfiiognothion beck; ao "that you havolien - ibibtoreeo the petits to ebb% ,ttio Republic-Ise:pond from'. the nattiest, fob- Annoy of Stir to 1:6,0.1 war, ar exhibitalle the oxamplea Of history, and also from the fatal proclivity of Foreign Powers tointerinaddle, ete 0/albite:Liu recent IliStAlloll4,. of vs windups or._c intrusive . proposition, all , Akron, to the canoe, whilti.idrater taiga %Ass leen. peemittest. to , dcpredato en oar common:if 'Men haw the best historic 14- stances' testify in favor of Freedom, and how alt gistervention ot i osely, hind, whether lir preferof saddled - tin or ecliertelse, beelines in. tolerable, *hoe its isfloence tondo to the es eonifsbrutrit of that soulless* anomtilyi a lab .,fessetl bait on, tho hopelessand over-' ,L as ti os bondage of o raos-,aue especially holy Great Britain tikAaatodq.eitgaged by ail, the l o gto of Iffir history and all her nebrtkou lineage egalost itny Stich neuter)" blebaitenedi; then bow 'all", the Cihrlitian :p owoni ; oonatitotlig the Fituilly of, "Notion i t , aro finally , henna to let theirfameiezainsta Y Betiognition the fitivernmeitit tteberEflavemongete on two grilerfthvbil; . bi.. auto its Independence le notilts ...feet lest*. Heed. and .bstmust;iivea if in fact atablishod, Its Is Impossible without criminal oonspiletty 10116 Slavery; and lutly; how these sauta.Christlan Powers are 'nog, boned by the same- two•fold ;moos , agai ntuftst limy conoessio ptor nof Opera rights to tills #ideelaytti.. 3 , • If. Only. itemalas Sl it tirofloptallo Should to ',t-~+ gs;:at Asa • : ,..., r , : ,4 t ,,, :: ,77 ? ,7 T , :.. ,, ..H .. ....: , 7'.i-.' 0 .T.. - z , ..pj5,. , .:•,:z::;;..i . .T , 7-,'.'.-5.. - ,:: , .:.:e.-,, , T 4 , , . ! 4 7 :.,,--,..,: . ,,,,, 74 ....,..„,.. , ,,.. „ ,.. tt . . 7 '11,4'. ,i. I Hp „. ...„ ~,. e-,.: c,,,- ~...: lift Itself to the bight. of its great duties. W& labia to bear—with its waste, tie pains, its wounds, Its faunal". But in , this war 'we have not been the choosers. We hare been challenged:to the defense of cureountry, and in this sacred owe, to crush, Sievm7. Then is co alternative. Shiveryhepa the combat, slaking its Biased determined to ref ; or. We- That we may continue freemen there 'most be no ,slaves; so that our own security . Sc linked with the redemption of a Mir: Blessed -lot, amidst the harshness of war, td wield the arms and elealtho blows under Width the- toctuter will saisly fall!: The battle le . plghty, for ; Into ii:-Slavery hes entered tbe Spirit of Artli fa pc:Distant, for. wantaw geithesad ..erishcincer, croncentratod, aroused and .maddonedi roost - have a tenacity of life,. not yield at once : Bat might will not save it now; nor time Dither. . That the whole coatis °outlined in Middy may be seen, not only in the acts of the Na Lionel illevernment, butalto in the confession , of the Rebolfilaveholders. Already the 4.tte /dent, by Broolematteo,thea announced that the slave; thsongliont the whole rebel region "ore and frpe," order to giro the tallest assurance of the bre ve:4lbl° character of title sublime edict, he has ' further announced "that the Ekes:nave Gov ternesent of the United States, including the military eta ne.valLitithoritler thereof, will - -rooognise and .maintain the freedom of cosh pereons.". Already an enlightened Commis aim _has been: constituted, to conaider how 'thetetbrongins froodmon eau be bestemploy ,e4 for their own good and the .national de fense. Aid Already the sons of Africa, as =Mitered soldiere of the Unf e lt, have put forth 0 da att ciplined a bravery, 'net unworthy of thstr`fatturrs of old, when the prophet Jere- Wish aald,"Lif the Mighty men eome forth, the Ethiopians handletheehleldf (Asp.' rind, w. 1t . ,) and DWI farther, by their stature, by their appearance in the ranks and even by that nexp , etml testimony of sanitary mils tios—accordirg to which for every black ,soldier disabled by sickness there- are more than ten white soldiers, thus mating the army health of the black ten times as wire that of the rrhit&—by all these things. They have ahJwn that the Father of History, who is oar earliest classical authority, was not entirely :mistaken when be epote of Ethi opia as "the most distant region.of the earth, 'lobate inhnbitmits are the tallest, moot beau *i frit, and most long lived of the human race." (Lierodotes 111..114.) But even it these as's e the Niticnal Govoinmont were less signi-. bunt, all doubt Is removed by the Rebel slave mongers themselves who, fa Satanic indite ty, openly avow t hat Slavery is the end and aim - of the Government which they seek to establish, so that every blow which is struck by them is stunk for slavery. Therefore, in batting agaloet the rebellion, we battle against slavery. Freedom is the growing in spiration of oar-armies and the just Insurip -1.101) of our banners. Bp this siyo conquer. Such a war te not in any jolt itemise war of soljogation; bat a war of Liberation—in or dor to save the republic from a petty olfgare oby of task mestere, cad to 103C110 four tr.illions of human beings from a cruel oppression. Not to-subjugate but to liberate is the object of our Holy War. And yet British statesmen, forgetting for toe moment all so gel dlsticetions—forgetting tied, who will not be forgotten—gravely announce that mac cause must (alit Ales I Individual wick etnes,i,ie too ofteg suosessfal; bat pretended Nation, tackled la trtokedneea and boasting its or/eke-Luz—a- new Sodom, with all the guilt of the old, waiting Co be blasted, and yet, in lie eilirtntrA openly seek trig the fel beship of Christian Powers—is doomed to derma. Toloretten of inch a pretension is practical Atheism. Chronology and geography are both offended by it. Piety stands aghast. is this age of light, and in countries boast ing civilization, there can be no place for its be:harems plenipotentiaries. Au well expect c.ooodiles erawlizg on the pavemeuto ot Lon don and Parts, or the carnivorous idols of Africa installed for worship in Westminster . Abbey and Notre Dame. SEPT. 14,1883 Sven If the Republic were less strong, yet I am glad to believe that the Rebellion malt fail, from the essential !impossibility of any each wicked saiscess. Tee responsibilities of the Christian Powers would be increased by our steatite!". Behind car blockade there would be a eierrithtockad"; behind mu armies there would Ns the moored judgment of the °Triaged world. But not on this mornittet can, we hesitate. Thus is no time to atop. Ber land, Forward/ Thus do I, who formerly ;weeded so ortee for pease, 130 W Da ad to arms. Bat it is hermits, to this terrible moment, these Is no other way to that sincere and stolid peace without which there will be endless war. Even on iseenomic grounds, it were better that thle war should premed, rather than mon rase any psrtitloo, which, beginning with meet involve the perpetuation of armaments and break out/gain in blood. But there it something wane than meteor money; it is waste of character. Give any peace bat o Liborticide peace. In other days, the lm cornea eh:goatee of Berko was stirred against , a Rgieide peace. But the peace founded on tie killing of a 'slog is not eo bad ise a peace founded on Cho killing of Liberty; nor can this saddest ecenes of such a peace be so sad as the daily hie which Is legalised by Slavery. A Queen on the ale ff.ld is not eo pitiful a sight as is woman on the auction blot*. Therefore, I say again, Forward ! Forward/ Bat while thus study in purpose at home, de must not neglect that proper moderation abroad, settle) becomes the oonevionertese of our strength and the nobleness of our cause. The mistaken eympathy which Foreign Pow ers now 110.40 W anon 6lavery—or it may be the mistaken inseueibility—under the plausi ble name of iinentrallty" which they profess— will be worse for them than no. For them It will bee record et shame, which their children would gladly blot out with team. For ne it will be only another obstacle vanquished in the battle for Civilisation, where the unhappi ly flee friends are mingled with open ene mies. Even if the eine, shall seem for a while•imporlied by Foreign Powers, yet oar Ludes are none the less urgent. If the pees tare be great the resieteece must be greeter; nor can there be any retreat. Come weal or woe this Is the place for us to stand. I know not it a Republic like cute can count even now upon the certain friendship of any European Power, unless it be the RepubUoof Wattem Tell. The very name is unwelcome to the full.blown representatives of old En. rope, who forgothow proudly, oven In modern. history, Venice bore the title 'of Sieseausiela /together', It will be for as to 'change all this, and we shall do It. Our anceassfitl eum -pie wUt be enough. Thai far we hare been, known, chiefly through that vital force which Slivery could only degrade but not - subdue. Now at last by the death of Slavery, will the lig:43110 been to live. Per what!, life with out Liberty Y Stretohieg from ocean to ocean —teeming with population—bountiful in re ,sources if all kLuds—and thrice happy In ant-. verital enfranehiseenent—it will be more than conqueror. /Nothing too vast for its power; nothing too minute for Its Care. Trium- Thant over theft:rutin wrong ever Initiated— after the bloodiest war ever waged—lt will know the mejeetrof Right and the baling of Xi:ace—prepared always to uphold the one, and cultivate the other. Strong in Its own mighty steture--1111ed with the titaness of a stew Ufa and covered with a panoply of re• ROWD, it will flout/as that no dominion is of flue which does not contribute to Imam happiness. Dorsi in this latter doy And lie Qhild without onooatral claims, but heir of all -the apt. ,- -it 'Milton - 4 forth to assert the dig, nity of man, and wherever any momber of tbo Haman Family •Is to be succored, there Its 'bloc/ will razott=-42 the voice of Cromwell reached amen runes oven to the ;Persecuted mountaineers of the Alps. Snob ,Pwpablio • urstari among theinsUons. - Afet as the stela. onglne, the tolegraph and abler*, form ae opetsrt. `. Comforter and Uolper lilre these, ft con snow, no boned' to its empire over A willing world..Dat eeriest etas* Is the death of Slavery?., CLlMOTiftlf reesntly exchanged carpet bags with a Copperhead orator at a railroad stance •not map, miles 'from Portland, and mu horrified whoa de was preparing for ser ;Mem; to God a Copperhead oratitn and a bst• ,tto of whisky in his carpet bag, instead of bis skeleton sermon, Probably , theother man. fclt-worce than by ...`"Lisss Secanto trona 4span.-tooolya ; b7.. IF — as a Ban /I:lnaba% obow that-tho Jsponn tom Government had no'poth,ls fho, totem tooks made upon Atottloanond' Zollith silitkrOA of the ',Nicolas, buttthotjt, on f e coattnry,,stsinpto4 ayold •-• - - =111228 _._ .____.. ____ _._._T - -- - -' __ . . ..,' .' , ';'.- ' ; d'; ,IV. 5.,.,. ' I . ... , I tl _ . _ - 0 T am a BRO., *ado It Hefted Petrolezz, Benzines 1 VS2 _waravr BT., Parwuntsnii.. Basta= Jtatrated our. caz:s . , !Al posh" ear ,P 0131 0.PitM. 41 .40 11 4 13 0 " • - Baia tci Mita illabadszo,Uirlar;Or.b Emr. ,Thgkit 41404-atd likeilluut Is Malls, Pittabargb Mica ftnittl jkl#r, 414 xt. wheat. 'Apo fatilsogh, - • sia:l9d MGM;3ll:;4B2{fr, • in wgzarrrs or.; rartivinpzi* On CoinsUgati _izatisitrli; 1 411444 ut. l °mat Hiv realez = l"L i n MillUrilDll;cad agar. — Ica CSUDI ander rood abide. routtlat &Kati= palrie - 06.../11:0 BZ lay anltslysie—C4lll3l7o BMA. 11011/1 MBA CABOT P/01 Ft MON, OZNRIbI IFF;SOB4I4DIZID Crude ondgeduedle!et*o. OADT:TIO B ona,. eons. neller947. • DUN, OW). /to, Merordmi to buy or an promptly afforded to. moldy .• ALLEN & NEEDLES, • PHILADHLFBI4I. Commis' sion.ta. Pattlentar attention paid to anailinietenta at - cit (we & agr 'NED raTitoLiuk eallr Liberal advances made. H ENRY ROB, EBOHNIt AI3D 00111MION MERCHANT Crude and Refined Paroteums LI7BIIIOATIMG OIL AND BEIIZOLII, And dealer In Crtid* and &Anal PICTISOLSOII BA BILIBLS. BREWER; BURKE & CO., 001111188 ION MERCHANTS. Aorta of the GLOBE, PADIIIO AND LXBUTT GIL WOUND. etOW Literal each adman made as ottedgmateal cleaned or Crude Petroleum. Degussaa W&T ua Duro= Darn; faCkly PITTEEMN, Pa. IRON CITY OIL WO MS. LY DA 1' I CH ORPENNING, laszataztarus Rad Botbuss of cwszon OIL S lIMIZINIE IND LUBBICATIZiI OILS, OBEID) PITROMIL eill - wosks, oppoclte Ilbarpebniz. ()Wm in PlittllT SLOCH, Duvall+, 'film Fri...on:4os. Pa. WALES, WETMORE & CO,, cobiznasiON zd.iratCJEE4u,miii. IBUII PX41.11 OF P/SWZIOLLVII, Cr Ampls fsallltles for 5T03,161111 LAD MEP. PLNO, at Wiz jrard and vim% HID Hem. mylt:tl OIL MKN need eat be embarrassed. t 7 the ookoloosiol of ea Bolt Clardl*zasy when they can hue their.oll barreled mad salppid ultra& tonelthes the City Wbareu, u cheap, Row precept, et with les rlak, Ise Uvalde and be better rater, Erass OIL TIED. On the allaiban, Vele, Maros& above Teriminal villa attain' 411 le pumped trona 1b• Wan &red to the con, as tascl: t .o su a g palnt, Belt Or MIA out an, , nr mall NI. 4111 orders =Vat Yard. an Maim Posaavn•B. B. - on addtenn, BOX 904, rttratarel t ra I e in be mu deny at Abe 011 Xnebnop„ . . • - gal . DAVID 8111 X. RICHARDSON, HAMBY at 00., • Comminion and Forwarding NerehaSii CRUDE G REFINED PETBOLEthd, s.. iv ram 8128.21ftlimiatis arembiral cuss as as anteigumb tar . Pittsburgh or Mg= Iffarksids. • News. J. Duaraga 004 Lama Mamma, Lg. Vibl 10111111X11 Di&& Lg., Prete& thasuralal Cask. aikeas ROBERT 'ASH WORT ea t 114 r. 17LALlt PLUtherth. Forwarding !a CcninduionlEarohisnt IND , DAMEit IS ad& ear thurmiliiiiiiio,Lußsi cuansu. mina PXTBOLIIOII VMS, *64 co=tant.ty on tenet and term& el the loweil market Woes. Oantewats , Pb t*Vt) ,, ..14 “Pt4el WOODVILIS 01GBEEINICRY, IMEG.I . W._ROLDSHIP4I ock. errazinabii aunt Lusaigt — nua om 4 /Soap ocuutaatly att • lama 'tb• ism bast quality of BOUM 011yelosr obi wttboutsdsg_alasb • L111810•191! t pitr• piIISIU4 iwbuikB Saran oriels loft lit 114415 itsra num. Biglit : kStdes, sp tr ecsall Cow; will be revtoptly •ItcniseLto., ' , ori • • r. DLLMONO OIL WORK& BETINEBS Alin 'DIALU IB cusinon Us=*ma VI 0 4 6 WE445.• ieiresdces tad in ear ono% Ilik. - 111 - 14111.14117 BVIALT, br at Stu* "Wks th 0,1 promptly attaided to. • • . unmßt or oarrortrW - malt Luo ?qT._orb woRP. - - mats, maul a ex; ' iglidletatevq.' WIIMI Una= ammo* Wzdr. . • _ . Mei baila libßiar WWI. " •e' initHbrbilfl R 4 all4N P* 'coatiaesioN ateadt&sti 011116 AND =mini quo, NOS IstiA lIIMBIIB, 0TA11124 egLi soi„ r girericeln MST II LORE, • Oketts Lailemai What Piuseuray Pa. -- - TOMEIIRWth,4 - t %Jr.. ' ••• • • '" - •'". 44 9" 1 04.1 5 14tratatiPillelyjUkkg/01.1 • ' • '' ' ^ 4 O.44iZtaieergOidigitiVl . . /. 1 " r, 4 , _ • • vo. .1 . 1 1.7 2 in LOGIBMIIks. fi fterldin uA ' m u ng s at i s stm" rte isms newt kjitimiqediaimodsteramatilVANdk l„„ vp z.1.,..,L; , s „„ = 4•T tS" taw ` Gay.- { a.i7-4n4 it ,. .t..1 , 4" i,i, T;..?, MEM VOLUME 259 OILS, It& 125 eovim ribs. Mixt, - PSAiADyLYBIYr=~ tio. IS Norm /soar Briar. MLA impale, Lai daaLen ta 113 MAIDEN USA SBW vomit. erratum zumwris varlps Jputs. Dealabi' --- .44pgy;t4t.64,41,1644.7.4.1" 83;1 ,ti tt.g.Ketn REM ii.O4ARk I ee - 40U/W4W INXIMArIik mmozaus amo—res: racamma, con, 0101/21t3BiAch. SI HAND MM. MlT4l,gasto gar thii * PD . WOMB kiIIiir..TWIRQIIIPLIS A'. lo EPUhrarrigod. olTant se ihme 'tare 3/00ORM !PEI tanaiDEßi - - OIL Edge/KAM.. , A 211 and 213 20*.ti - yrateir St% ammo& LIDAS a CZOMElValaaerfila MIMI Watt. Jocataummilaatatya Co. Jao:s'OaiiYiar F ß nnf itaQa Ifinblyd I ,W,744-4-4—&-QiCkgOATIBA, - VT - r:: A I t.V4V4iRAVAM R I MOPPThr , 1tch,..501140123 alagallemptv igisob bbli. Aleoszaothatt ru.rriliaalbr sad rcaup,,p4l.4st al= tr •._ itt Rivez7biar thir.—%altuk _ ; , „ piroLia - ort,-*ARTmgw. MARACTinua . man Awns tau= =Li - aim= Asa risTPlnsup ivpapausa 0/4 - Capiliffsw•ASlpmartiler•b par visit. ,- ..prakt..(lll,4.M.Proprietors. . air 0mc.,4101262phca, 11ouse. Ilstaburigh. verse .11111gAwV.t. INDEMNITY ' - AGAINST 1088 !3 Y 11 111S.—IBANATAll XTRZUle11114.1:10X001r, PANT OP PBTLADIIIREL4. Floe, 434a0d 437 Inman at Etaboti saw /UM•• - etitizeDi tiAsts,' Sioxtuai tit, ptbist.ed p m rres,bty 1 4 in act pr.,4retibiy, Amin" ! ri Mrtpos, BcokiMata, tiro% taLiamacti, 611opet. = VARA 0) Tompotar7 Lows, R.n.auxtple Liftend stock), (premat ralne&SCA67.l4) Csll,-.1 '117i{„786 0) ota) awl Bfills 1167)%5ib10 7.721 " • • 27.919 07 ar.,Tha •caly_ palta atom : pramtma" ski* Ma Cbattany as &Idris bj aro riga artab ban bacr doammemod..;.• , fiend toads on or damlytka la "cabby, Er ram' lotrassa CU* socust*V •• 7 t ' Mao" Memporatioa, a acad .- at ikkty May Wd laws by Aro to akaittosmt Your 1141 of, Pcdion. that% Ifradafi bar eddsba alba al IsatinmeLms wee uns. as sad Cbmt to . ma— Idea seconama MUM atirj L Japes paid &Wag the yaw IP" Mail= 11 . Brultar r 3 Loa . • • • Horded A. Lora* r ' -Jamb B. . Tobias Wegner, ichnra U. - David B. Broirp, „ , . 13 G pro eorr An rEs4 - Faleak i CD O. DALE. ritas lint: B.romr.i Beerotary to% • ' 2 ' 14414 1221.8/01D8 COrne Amt. alye Oftles Itirrilamat cor. Woad & fun, ata WESTERN TNSURA.NCEL, GOMPL. ISIT OPVITTIBTIBOH: "' N.:06150t, 11114126 . Jr.PralGat .ofillay.lslo. 92-Waistatreet., Spout& OtAti Dam. ataim, Plt 04. ,,War zw. ita traria. 4,po ic i on a g o an as l boats in OM 00642014_ tad aka aro Ada. 044 4 li=ms gekraith ixeittaiis Oa d am p, haw aastoood,,as r .irtautho tad rotoodal to & tioa aka afros& aurA .ArolarM OOTOBSIAIssa B took Da 0419 r i ernitilr - " . ' 1413 480 a 112 5 1 At:wants, -* ' "'"_T . ,BOO 00 uma......,..........7. • WM , Pray /tote 99 47,1215 19 lido sad BLUR firovii --- 2 —isi 174.07 512 , . . . , . .. B. Miller , Jr ., I Athte ' W Arida.' James McAuley. - ' , el.l9:csadere 13peet0 -MatbanielM9l9l9l, . 3 MTM/ 1,1,09 10. ,, ; AM& 1919sIck Iteal I. Thasciu,' Ilieurp Duds. Bad. 1 P.Makami WWl= U. Radii, .J am B lly . at'thum .. Q. W. Rickstros, . ' • . - --, ,•-•,- + , , ,"' MOO ... I. M.. GORDO*. Ems.% psuwio* - 1380BLINTE COIPT **a ammo. Insurance CO. of the Eitateif Penns EIJ*DLP .• • Hartford lire hums= Horapany /kr Insurance to the aben;old aad ralia#loasi miss nzi b• obtatoad . by applkatimlo W. P. so7;l4Arg, rituu Basailay's Bandit:mi. tif . Wataratnet. - : rfiTIZENISINEWILLNO:KOpr4if 5P. , .; ‘ ,. v.; orerrrataratut: 0;6, 6 5 ,;aa araist sat ' 3 .•' Meta drat% wand dom. :. . • -,:, . O . -4 WIL /4. - DAMIX, ;;,, ,tdtifidt -. ..._ aaisrzi .inivitemay: - . • • ... •• • • lastmetastat9ittatod wow. , • ..,-,-- ,:. ~,.• • ' -Ad:um_ opturido and hi um andigato of. titcdovithent odd Weittan , Laktar•as elwa, and Do migration clew Scaok., , - • 1:.., • agitasit las andttaatimpOrkti -- Dm &way, a. is: mit; - ~.. ha Patk r .tr.,, ~r :.:• - ..Tohn - • C i W. G. John, 1 • AP. D. .. • • - ? Hem. T. 14 ' - 'd`otat 8. , , : t ,; r . Sudsy Praha.. v- ~, 'CMOs IL Eat ti l e ' Doom Dluscham. • pEOPLES 1N5110411438 opollfrAN Z Villowlf l .. --19 .tornarWobd'imitiVitiVeca, - • 4 rE a rA ltitatriaiiBVßA*oll: • . ..::: - .. - - - trazinotat....;:,.: i..):..„.. u.:04-/ ,yr.m..ranala, . ... . Jatudd D. Yam,. 2 , • Watt .° '--- - --'f , --• - Oldirlobtak Eta& t -Z. Wra..D.ltays. ',• -,-.,:,,... l aming e.,,11 - ' Jektf 3; Pork'. ...._:- ~:- . !pw &Jona,' 1 ..Dtmetedl,itosui i , „ , , - -„i caasacwanasso ta -w iu v an lurk., : -.: . O. Damn Dam •• • • , , . .11,11421ILLIISaratialit "30f1H-1itirt,,A4 1 56. 1 wimp. crionaix taw A t . LLEGHENT): ciNEMANCIL:OOU.:- • PANT O.IP Mrsgliint,, ossaswannk ~. , c Netrom**6ll gift of Firsaai la¢itilikia , „ , liLluJO.lO2.O Pveldeps, t ilkiSltiVoooB,llolmuttaggis itvisa,' ' .4. , 1 , ; : • . :,..::- - ~ .,,IIIiMITI.- 1 , 4 , .. ,- .4.,%.47P1. es.. itat i: AtiP : nan!tumuch. W s CVarkb ' ':. • ' tbS i rr2r44 4 , ~ n Thftar. -,;:t.. AI Ildiangro :41 5 ,1..tift , -*.1.1., . _ R- Aliren. " ta. '''' survri txsi"" l - uotphilft!iuromuu*Nrmanints 4 - ~~~~DL C ~T~C.i~S~ '. ... 1~ .. ~_~i S'Y~r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers