• 4., IMMIN MEE WIR • t;' , f. - : 4 ' ' '' ;•.; •;, '•'• ; • 4.. :;.•;-'•• • ••• . !.. • ;f:•••:':-1 , "•: , .•'-.1. • MM=tilE=EN • r: ,';','. :' ,i;'''.' s:. : - 1 .. i. : . .i'i 4 . ; •••: •-: :.',; = ; j. - .' -' ; ' 'i! : ::.41il.:;: , !:1 , : ::: 'i ' • - , - , - 1 - ~- •.;:•1: . ;41 • • • EMMEN '~t `~~ :.~. MEM .;.• . 11 '; •-••• •„.• • , . • • • • :;;;, '_3s~: %s ti`s . . . ** VI - .. .... 1 ' • , : 4' 1.2 ~,,,,,, +., *... ; .-0.4,,, . • . . 4 , r 4 - .1 1 ; -. t 33 t - .4!: -;, ..1 , ,i , •;1 : •', ' 1 .1 11., ': ‘:. • • ' - kr'.-1„‘.3 r:„tk 13 1 , - .4, • '. . ••;-04;,igct0,n;C,V.,.....,+-',- ' ' "'' `.- ' ''' ''''-. ‘'.;.- .''..v.';•)4"t N'''''' ' '' . ~... -. • ..".;:...,:,,1.44:-. . '''i'''',:,,:: . '* • ' ... •' 4 ''''`.''': .4 %% ,' , ..t. ` ' ''.! .l, --- ••;'*... ', • ... :,,, ' .;:t. Rt. : : '' 1 ...'. 1: ;''' ' . ' 0.: 1% ;:./ =• 1. ' .:.-; ' ~,,_., , • ' . 1 : ' ...-;.-i c 4 - • ..,...,....' ,' .. '.. .41. i. }: 4.,.....,. i't =!.-: A 4 .vi . r;. 4 ),.25 -.,.., • .-I 1,...;1-,. -''-; 1:I. •;. , 4: 1 : i ... . ; ., '; ' ~..:....11.;;;t.5q,, ~,,.:-.,..:: t: 1........ ,' . f. 4= 7 . • : ‘'Z' !..4‘.1.1 '..'; 'i•ti: 0 . : 't -". 1 .1 ~..a .4..:.:t:1-4:Y.:1.•,:14,;..f."4- :: f c, -~,,,,,,,,,t I fl t!, .:' • ,t o :l.t ~'l•4 :•....::: '.;::!,1..,`,4=-= ~17 -• r•:, , . ; .:, -.: 1 • ...1.,..,,, „•••.,: 41... . -,: f' • ;'' ... ,, wkkitt. .::.4,1r: . ':trz:,-4 .4. w, to,'„'T= :;.:=#, •:' ; . ',. , ,,i. • tw, :•,=.:-. ......" * 4 ' 3 ' • .....I , ;T-• ;•• ....; = 4 .L. ,••t o+r :4'..;1:, , ,,* 't,.-• ~` - I .•..,, ''',' ,L ',,•^-,:',.0. s.- ' ; ~; ::,,-, ~ 1 ~ ... ::. :4'.• Y . =: '=,' —1,,41 ''''', = 0 .‘. • :- . ~. ,'•.,.' , ',,''.• -,,,. ~ ~ .., „ , , ~ ••„. = , = olft-=' . • , ,-• '4 . '7,' ;:4 . 4 , 3 . ; ''''-i; :, 1 . ':. ,= 1,, s`: --. f. '' , ' 1;..,":, •• =:.= •.: :'. ..' :I, * _', '•'• ' ;'.•• =•,-':. : 11i1 .1,:.••• - ' t„.• :., ;.; -,, -•—,, !, ".== '. 1 .:• ,. . -'',", 1 , L , .., *, :.!. '. .`:..' .i:•`',%. '''' - -;: 4 4 ..‘ . :,:-T ': MEE E=IMI .tfif ••. . a ir • .4" • ~ f, ~:.. , _ ~.: .. ~~< =MU ; oN, • . ;- . 1 • :r‘ . .; . . , • -- • 1 - 3. . ' 1- ' l'_ , ~- ^r: r 411ralull simmut - --- 76 - - - .-,:. ------- - wranisaLs MOW OxonlBllll, - --•-, , 44/g4lll sad 0) 11•1111•1 iTnenntaGH. PS. UT LL aomor, . vri.; - . .., - =vitoisenta ow= n o ,kriAiuts7 am= a 0 s s ai.. A C.. 4 , •a . 200310;nicat. ps.. Wiligsabia I.W.ll2ll'ett of tinat• 01121d 2 5 th,totatio situ di dead.ran QlllO tall=r l " ll .P d . "PPOI bli fAf al Mob .. _ .., . ~ . -, . lgled vaastrataazo rims& '' a TRIMBLE, , Wabizaisa Lemellmidil,oo•lll== Mom is PRAM& WL01111,1310011. NUL 01/11032AL611Doiuniovr,NAna, Lam, =Ton YANNO,and PfllgnaP....msachlotnno rolnallal2 and us Soma/ driel s eltlabarlik. 20.21111144.21'irmi. Aircatia, fal,da We Ira at D. • IV Tellacudd I Pittsbalo. a 9% Waltrillo.OttiAL.,„, 44,460U.1&W.710Liw Maonratiwarianwasafra la 00114 N. 0. OUGAB =1 NO 1131112131 MAMA and MUM, notrz, AOON. T O O/000, BIM, C s = „ 8130:11. Alm s No. Mold 211 At., le WM 4 A l tlifta .1 = to Ilayeirrat'Aiilibbitedi delagn TRVIVOWTS AND 131.1014 VZOTIONIESTAIME47IIIIIWORKSiamiNcd. Mend =Wood !Co!!sSraoh MAN fribultb, Pon's. ILIONGiaI-. 9110Lai ••• `^ i ii.1074/N4aa 'AID ATMS MRS' - ... TroVIOZW, No. lOW Liboaq attoodAndonli ktoodA Wood mod, pittola, Yol• od.taY 11E0. B. N&5.44 SON, ,Wl/01.13aLs 11.111 Guam JO ago Dui Pv U 1"Doles In =HULA 110P1, wax, 01 PUQfI. ILO Pltlaboub utozobeoca - olWoo, No. ltliarabititt.. . • zkffl 2ll 4~ Q d l oo l4ll4l-11 ilDd PRAlnlall awl Pitt/. bunch manabcz tan* . - - SLIM INALLAIZIL , 1% ERT, SELEPTON & 430, Wawa. - On 4 CCM DIUIXaIs No;it -Srm .- • soft wart MO moos. WITT & WILSON, VinotzuLa Gua m cus t ainws zugamm. sad &atm to PFlana rittobaMlCOloOtelattinOto.l6B Lite: orti larva, Pittoboxin._ ufts ITTA I /Mice & 01, acasaeLi GM:W. 00/111411¢011 ifaamura. and &gen In PRODUCIIi He{ Viltarrtzeoti and '66 Front arse; Tittetwitb. uo. w. . B. D1LW08T11.4.004 WROLIMALS • Moms. Sas. 130 iukd Oscan* arra, num thlhild, Pittsburgh. t. - WhOlD.rnalit IOHN FLOYlLSCOM;NsoiliffiAlealto azie IMILIMUDMI WI CB Liberty greet. Pt jele Ati i. 1.1 A w ua,tiAtitilf.'Y(licutatiLs VI atm* :dra iSkeir'. &X.:131 Nlll3= Masoncr/oßess le a r sD nittivolts dimbi AND mixer aturowm.ais.,,arr-Wikurovsar it Ho. T 4 rum 000 P . NAM p1.4.00.1a02.14_11EMPR1/ A; CO ., VOrtigallte Oltottl 'tomb, noir the On, llauartrOlf PitObwo,:ro., Moo dictum. of AIM RDAuditl IMPROVED !LEM MILLI= G IMERZlnsanura AND IVIItILV/13.0t tizto =Lima POMP zialcwiarr bitto:cgodlriatt" 01 bu i r4M.rdr.=ol4 3 ,l - &.,MD prasptndd(, 600 tb• Mit, lotto - attention to ottoIt&IADOED . /414 W DAGIDXSi *Wink% • „ „ M Ol / 1404 DOCklo& 02oIld ' 1 . • %SIM:RAMA Na a Woo= St., oludio.bgoastorseurof soma BITITA, W MST arar"COMION AND BAILBOAD, .-...''' all_=`ant W =tba or doped ISPIXZ9 la MAT. PllVlSitiailllie Nall 19 atext at abort aelliLia • 11111r-stalhilltin 11171211:4 : =DLL k 00, .No. 215 •:11C-Idwar ' w arl' A birMt. ma ma darelpataikat WU= WI2ID Orlaresd/dWeiSMs Oa tradroad. ipagSW=lo. 17 alkaaat allPW=momm. A '- SISNIWOYF ~-, . . . . - MEE :i . i- . T::' - T .~~' is ; a .- ~.;_ !;;f> '. _ Ell 13 tEi r` 4 , 1 , viztrumworoaatts. JOSEPH P. !WELTON & CO., - WWI and !Abut, stria. mammon. Al. •-• t lusandassul ISIMMIPII emu* smarm MK VAC4 W"n =fgk7 s e ASr-Viktlfr - ; Ja P II 92.T S, 6: roBl3sAsianzono. rows: Win•WolLSo: Wood street, carom fipmggftutigrecxiic:., , wart • lifts Mite lalr. Japer No. 19 brit i l CPI f Pic An Andftzu AZlEvill; twestpratteatlas. • 00Usodons in ell adlatalag ccamtblAna: .846-16' • . 4 I :I' "antlaiMME l 4 -113 E aSgr taidiii=rtartitioralia... B a su '% I EI Ir" 4" sci=taimed=' ••• 13,011:430H0YM4 ifITOPECIV - ta A frkeilXFloaftb WM% Mitsbutsbi:i - q 7 a • ~~~~a ~G sval _ _ ~ ailißTONAVO:d*iscii. Eli/Jl2 isimaraimermisourplf • Ag-4- BOOKULIMA AIM Stio I —6( emosoi No.le Wad ofx«tistitticer wawa wdzsi. Itetawribs 44 . 8011901ras4 gay se Haa•—• ikiturWisJ 0 w isi'ain)l dP zini dc‘it• 142n5 1 .... TWOI2 - " AP.Vtt*lf.o3sl6 aVO4 _ ? - is - -- t, Roo* ,4tiny 41 11 : .A1Wh141:11 . 117111 4 1 / 4 1 4 .44.,__Atubliimns• i ca o 10 good 4*/ " lbthtta rg itlaisanaxcaua dim imimr, ' ' llll J — Y 4a4 u easoloulkelloos " 144 iniantr"---" 4 - 11 71 .1cat ow* Want 1 : 21.1, ° W m " ',suds! 1 . 117 p . MARallaabt 1111 •Puffu, No. $ll., Wood , uw la Nuabeno. S 8 . YP ILld if" ItTILAW GOO ft 1441510 u.annr °saw' ' - 004 dam' ALBRN A W B CO. V oi tt 1°114.0=1"400404_ OuntrAol - 111 - 118' 1111 r.. o espiris • :'Theinalit •-• ,••; " 24•11 1 PlibilaV.Wir4arl4ll ." ••'..7 - 7 • 0010111119101,7;44:-.4 !rail; ' Agtlt3Dorli-.4 t t ; .but I;11;f1 ?..Etta 11.0± I,IRTZ MBISIOX, Arc. M. P. BROS a 00., No.lB5 =mu& Lib. Wart 7 Pltiabangb. Pa., Whaling* aro. asra. Ocauabatos Ximbaktg,. aad dada's fa 001711. TRY PROM', PHOW=EiII, BAOON. LOW, BMWs, ZINN, elioDtr_oA PLCIPA GRAIN. OBRICI AID DEL= "'Bum, tat BOA' sad LIMIL WKI3B WILICIMON, Worm= E xi t l aukc amin All DUPP2 tea% Daisu VidtibillcullViitt, laterals, Es, °LEA- aa., Dia. West, PI .107iti. air Gish affraaaamaata made. Ocaidipagetti 00. Oatcd jaltaad Lamm NACIZATIIII*MUCCEIS samuurt. MAU/00M' `.46 IMEIART= am. AID GSM ZIATOZIN Pao t= up far es sZibito of nos, Orate, Pak. a iI Z,, o% Bon* grease, Ingha Bstfar,m, Pitouh Ohi -Pot Pearl Asia.: lalaraM4 Limed and lard Oil., Dried sad o[o6ll n=t4, Olorar, Mu sad G Bomb. Chet *dramas mad* on Oossigaments. : : • . I $ AND NIA= ABHIB, BALDNA.' TU. LIN Kim • t • o DBIND YIP 4 . lfri6 ; tri: " " " SO- :411:4• 1:41, ...!. 'PR 24.4113igeset, rei • . eadvily 7. MI& og = "l9ll3l. metl rtiaiessle dealers in GROOS LOU Mg, FR, GREER, P Ps. so., Ect. . betty street, PtttebtorgE. P .11:4111;g: • qui um • 21 ettßignifflaeltrOVA Ita and or tio them caimated Unktatown OZ. .3 , :f tv li cal LI &wad sada AIM stnetNiabi. MA/VANN . :.ff7r l P ••• ,• • thopinThais sad adsol LIBUDXV 614 2,44* TZTEO • afoli.Vatilo Waist • /MI 111 OLLAND BIDD atooessor tO &to. %TAM tio l euag, ' lt " it etait FO lOU - . • Oansignments refsettlitty 148:11:17' , cfaiiifl 1.. stumascr* - • - An. JKIRKPATRICK = '& -BROTHRN • tonconorro to Emma Elapetrialio Woos& puts atto0111113; Wit 'and 105 21batty glut, -Pittabotoh. WWI Norm IeCANDUSSI 1113.11.11 KlAMllduelltli insta partur. A. 00177 M. summon, to Ili=ais. macs- ' • CO a iiitowattioaa NALVANkteIiXDVIiit *YU 71,003,UUT- Mg y l art ige t nge Moral ash shame muds Ca 2 'WMIUMIN N0..15t6 BeC9lldAltrailt, lam VOIGT 400. r_ . ,k,._;o os LA. Graff, PRODUP aiw .taiS =ANTS, 247 Meaty Welt p =pa. TORN L HOUzl• GEOCIRILI AIM Oosiaumi Mmonasicarnersd imltbeela and Water Meats, Plttalmarb. 177_ r&T.LIT & Wy Cowinglios VV ligialLl7ll, mad desists in PfluDV0111.1? bOUB, DAWN WOOL. ay.; No. II BaLltbll62 sum,. mylt ty VD IN LEW iiittabliTUNJ W aoi um but ct,intocca Asp VOANIESION )I,lolollllso, barard th• - D4mond, N 0.1.16 PitUburstf. 1 4 1 . 111.110,TUN tiIIiWAJIT, Wain* (AU am Chu!lntim' lftliMarelh_lio. W 7 Wood amt., Pittabiugh. ickaly DRY GOODS. Kai wu.sais--nauz cum•no • • WILSON, 'OARB CO-41• ~ 1 Vats era,:., P•po • Ckr, : ArgOADIDD&Disgm lOSEIGN &ND DODINSTIO DDT GOODS, Co. 94 Wool Drost,tbird tunas ears Motor& . . . A LEX. BATES, MIN Bunn AND 6?An DDT GOOM DAU OLOANII 15aAWL0. No. al rtfib 4mA Mania, Pa. N. a.—owes.s. tads to aria. U.SI. yip iraaa1.......11.1 111111111. 1 ANA itaABOY & CO Dealers in LJ TORNIGN AND Domssna DRY GOODS. No. 140 Tedsrel eeriest, (eamiel door below maw Me te% Elerar,), thete • . - mbkly E _ ATON, Iii&013IIM & 00. Wholesal e and Wall Dealers E 3, ENBILOI. DAUM and DAT GOODS, of nary dincallytfen, 60a.17 and 19 Nab sfcaat. Plttabarge. keta ll* . 4 1. 14 VdT1 91 4A101 14 1:100D0, TRUidnIGD, ie., fie. 78 Nagai attest, badmen Diamond awl Yoardt. 11Mbuish. I M. .IJUKUMrI.IIO.IO, saooessor $0 LP • DiutOtelil a Co.. Wludituale and Brian Degas in STI.PLI 4141 D AINT DIA GOODS, Ziortk. los corner of fourth P end Market etreata id kiOttNrs, W e and u _tan Peeler ja sU Wombat Tatiaumat.DXlr gOO7 to..Nalle Madre Harlot atent..., JW. fib itK Kit &UV., DALIIIIIO Du • fourt owls. No. Si Maartst dna, balms ISM sail h. Pittabwitk S. JO Daman Pvia DBD6E4 AND ansuasNrarmuuri. lam WON; JII3I2PIMPT OLLO, FAX. /IX .M.MethAP, t 0,4 ha, lubbis.uusl ith which he °Penal low_t Woos. Elnalth kW .. sad Youth strode, sn, , Prosaiptiost carttally somper :mi andol Ps. at all boars. NAaNESTOOK & Oa t Wawa.; Lard Ptiontecn and Irstrullogamt og WHIM MP/ AND LITHABOXsomiot Wcod gad Moat. rtrosts, Pittsburgh. mh7 JO#l4P. erl kitXYPT, Waoutaas Jhuhaa: -Fis Daum PawTsJAPlAOrsaisuatial p : 0. 1 2 0 i re 0 sEtr Litl n r' Itrcatireir WIMP, rikc. 160 W ood itseet, axnut cf Wood sing sn Fir• 0107,,PUMM04". PRODITCI4 lIMAIf,-.71L01111 IMICI I 4 I.PDBAY TRlBOB4kWisougsai annii/011001185.1Nuult AHD TAO. DUOS Dmisobarr Mat/ Wed. riugi=sl6 • aokean ( 11111EtIE WAILIIIIOUMA—LIAN — FLY la EL COLLINS, sad ikssuldsdlialltsr sharst sad duster 43 sum% LAO TIM end Plod= gostaillt 1115 Waxidmis Oars Water. Pittsbrgh. mig • CILIA& 41/1,14/WM41.4 isactecaso: SD ki Jaws floan 064Pdal Walla and da POVIIIIOIII4 corm of Kaska sad grout W I Pittobargh. Li , J. 3.11V1 (mama to Jsak• .iloW3ll'oldiao racusma DIU= Cli PROVISLOBA 1916.1310 117 0 1 St. MO Minty. . . t:=3 GARD , 7 :C . COPFIN, Aeon ,of u.raunass, Piairnian* tun itistazai outgo 40311=0§1,112104e5s masa Wool i mid suss tit Ann Nana An 4 tit Aida of INNurylrats NITA 31,1arrith0 satiate Onroastlemslita_r stmt. • S. 7 I • - hatLiumas,(lo.cra.wrisiTlLyke Wear • • .cnn fIUARIAME is V IMMO AND. IdUBIOAL sawssumwsw. Ws *gad tor swam a 00.4111.113011,11A 11111115 SIM PLUM, sad PM= at 00.% OM. 'HAAS mad atowoowswi Isoconstorn woos, pusetsa. slarEtioso to wows loan wm icww Amman 13 -ALAIMO Mai NOMOWTIUMMIIaTh mid ids sUestiforifallanes alantSl PLAIOSIAaa „ t4 uol,lhutis zs Yuma munansniCifia•_9 stmt. bayou. Arosearliadiad ann.Waud itttanuthits. . _ piQALT.-400 bbla. ado' lid. to Ito ?woo oil ago comaxam eat , Win 1. Mg 4 • 06..0 ,Lci,k. 3 .t2E3- 1511 It ITEM DUQUE:MB BBABB WORSE CADTILAR &CRAWFORD, Esuctiotaress m.e ey midgi7 d ItilOss • . Sams wins wog 112fidAr- MOM os AND . OOP 1111&85 'WOM B 6.0440•11::-. =do ** ardor. P2ll/IXICAT S. =ma A 151) GAlk FITM36, and IMPAIRING poapthr allaTiod to. Particular Wadi= pidd —litism_SlTTlM lIMMI NOB oono MHO *MLR= ono. Itiso,ealo arratatir thoWortewa District al Ammo alma. IT the ado etXUNA 'LAM= A owe MRCP IMIMMI the brat art iamb& Mattes ao nitwi P t to nonfat& too out of coda. Tol TM throw Taro Tata than airg. prof or talccitto dm. ruin= owilia , ant *Vilma os alum. NT and 49 'Mita Etna, modal tiabegaboa 00., mato D M. BARBOUR, wiTst n. L. WWII I HBO., Charmer of !Non s Ctrossoros ENO, BALTIMORE. =Ma. C0111:11381011 likraufiaNT s . And 1..44 Sir tbs uds of Mars 01IMPOiff.. DMZ 11. SW MINTY FM llcirskra Os coligilnlnOt 01l kinds or Worroin Pr o two% mks nissnoss thermos. X‘r-Bolkolktrock in Ikons of Wersbonss. UM so WM= IL draft • 00., PildeirrEt Misr Piatenoo, k Orstrud, W nalibOre W 1 Ord k Soon i p4TENTED OCT. 8, 1861. Dithriages l'tant OVAL ,LAS CHIMNIEB, Esaubctarid of XX FLINT GLASS. f ' Stem Chimalts us tz tended isr the fat Dam, 'ditch hosting all ppm of =Kull', does cot aver kto IL D. DITHRIDGA , r, fat Pitt Glas* watts . • Waibln I • • Pansreitre ,LLI/1313 . : FANIJIr glints i oinwasswis /Our sow; assra run dais, coLaaaa a aLovala livery Teddb utyl. of th. abovevedscm hiN Ira tu lab 1$ BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, BIT QUALITY ByJITInID GAIT WINN equanh rat azul b =4 . at all alma. Warranted equal to any Of nunintaaturad thla x =ianad WarshamabainniP and IEL min and 11A and t a lal 8110011 D BTEIaS, rittibargh. aollayd NtitluDri—liartnglust returned from the Red, vs boy Soy In ittorein Wen dt* isstartmeut at imsta.ndateitrable Dealers an to anspthad iritb LAGOON lowa and OHILDBIIIIII Burrftl,GAlTZß3 and IMMO! mom at a aGtht tamps tar cash, II • 010. atnals„ Boa 00:14 1 14 lla. TL garage Waed sot hoar* ate. Buitiiti AND DHOWS. tabs' > og. Leat's Qon4lhlGis $1 76 ircath $l6O .1 a II n 115 All onus goOtts megbg very low. JAB= 8A88,12 "Luke' street. A !ALIO, tdoCIORMICIL A CO., Vasurs rousoal, mount. Ti. ilorWomaoto, Ho.3oll.tholty street. litoosdketuntro of COOL PABLO'S WM ERAS. ING err vs& MMus ANDErrOMIN MUM, SOLLOW 11ZotoilStool mot ono Itoolthaott• 2UII lon gootrukegli WltoMot At. tlton TipotOott IstmOrolvik lottithmaptu Cloolonottito asui °litho . Attest amol_ osalw.~ to gots l'otootiol ltotoloo 11114 vithstraror 1101101.01/0". aplkaard --7—itaztAbrilAcatitittalraißki • • - Wtlakars sit& EMU'S; boa Wetting, tal .a nk r aTlios. 11), iMS4 and U. 41014 statlets hip sad torn It with Ito =II istPloella ory, vs an snowed to stonabotoro mat destxtptlte at BOILS= laths: hostatuntair. Sat memo _tot equal :tit- say. tads 111,11 ts• : opontn.: 0111X111111301111001H, PIM BIM W'Ml! PiPtStwoustonva BOmine izsD ens; MILT pariemorasatlLM2l Acaveross, ' OWING PANBE:6O/141 3 211 BREDgiai BUGLE PANS.ozol Ego toutollittectits: ot BMW: BmW PAM! BOMB. - Ittpalthai iota at; th• &cruet n0ti0..., , , .- -.1 ~- ! ..c . ~_ r italettl ! Il Ati 0 . BA4a ll 4 — ; "1 , Produce lc tieFal Cammluion Morahan XZECILANDIIII 111101.13, had dialer bell end' OrOOPIITIIT .noDuaa. 11 Water stmt. ArUAlics . • GAz :;+ O_UB CARDS. cuira mu) WOOD OIUDDI SIDUCCOD NUM MI JAS. W. WOODWALLi KATO AND CARL &CORD & c 0.% No. 1.11 WOOD STRUT nrreinuaaa, AO, PA= BROTHER& CO., •BOOTS AND 'SrIErOZIB Adapted to the wawa; GBIAT SODUOTION. u " " ■ 1W " St CO "Nr.l'l9 unintrrnuirpr, ps.rintram, Pa. MR. SMILIBEt it_ respectfully ars worms •Os artisans at Irttlabargh, that be has bosh 'palatal Ws soot br the aai• of ars it lhart assitaid MEM?' ANTI-oDBlloll l fi PEN. They era raamerstraded by the lasysitttßtmat In thy city, moat which art- . own noir/ rip.. 0 0.. licroßirata it Co. tasiVisr TMIT Go.. lacrai Irataritail ' ' ' ' • .itrat 1U 11.41TAIIT OLAIMI3, BUtINT us 17110102 M, BLOM FAIG sod daiill luSlll5 a diralpdon, oollockd tithe sot.' maiberol ills estakets t Nimdclas,lNO IN; an other alalmitAlBo. • ~ O. OTANLOY4 z . NO:NlntruirsieL Uni lit data dor neh 1 N. N. sot smob ad siimird.sad a u im ends. .M.. LTUN • . 17 : t int ,, IMAM AID Diain thii Asstsalxibrandsof GEMINI HAVANA 010125,put all Wadi of 811011114 Xaginile TDDAOOO MUM irmg uniumuces PIXIMIDDb a t i t. F in addl. UN DIX !HI CEL6=B L. OiLDWIALL, (ingix 10 /SEM VOISIN al 0...) POBx`PIOZJ➢. MAW ta,LA8D,5ua55-ausso mse, SMOKY& BIM &o. °oz. Itatirr azo inssr essismk ■. ra. JAMES M. BALI'S, ascarraor. all tlads of litallataga, out alaffaratiftailfla inatias ca raasomataa taros. -Oiko ea As/fnt:4 atria balloon Lerisok J.Rem: R 08,19 VERRZNAS, HEW. 1110n14 ia;--ilthozitangeloa ifflvit, bid collactin of ./faillaspaiti ant Shaft. 10 nohuoonb Oail4l44oiinarl. al/ilia, • NMI; :I 7 II biltornli t .:bet iffsbargrY 6itzt S. RIDDLE & 00., EDITOBB 4151) PIiOPRIZIT6IB, rilblittition Office No. 84 Fifth street. notimaia4ing FVSHR7O pprpzoss, ocanexiinscrerfil Lorsiikongra BOUB 01 PUBLIUATIOB. loisztlitaniki2tsß ll HEW TERSIS OF THE GAZETTE, bi4" 44 11. r at ' - '4, 1 4 - - , • _ 4 1G0dc..... to ur • aura L Visual tivrilol, t 1 =ill Per 6l:4 0 month— 4 88. week_ 10. single L Ws L 1 Itornow, stasis copies, per year.. 2 00. o dabs of sto 10, o 1 50. ch.asonocrmon. 1 rd. 6 - 1 4 0 %.1ei eltr ‘ i 4 , 4 .44 1 4 deb of fifteen, we will send the itismai khnerrn d ay. >ror a gab of twenty, we mU send the blosarma pawls daft. Blues copite,s cents. gparAU rate:riptions dricat in wiens...v, and papers always (topped when the tiro entree, Oar RelatiOsse with Pieties-44X floward'e Dispatches... The Elorlda I at -Breuer A letter from Washington, dated firpL 10th, giveithe following littemitibilltilliginei: I think I may confidently assure you that our Mistime with PlllllOO, represented by some of year mtemporaries as •Ina critical condlitob, 4 fil4l LiA• altarbid, some persons thought they might, by the lu ta/notions sent from fdr.-fieward to Mr. Day ton concerning the occupation of Mexico by the French. Mr. BOWDZO, It IS 1.41.1, does not onside,' traiinoaita a Divettldb btill fel my animadversion upon the emus of the Impe rial Government with regard to Mexico. Knowing that the Emperor does not acknowl edge the principle of the Monroe doctrine, and thatthat:he wag reedy ip , comsat - with :the Gaited Staff the Vied teippliii to tiny Mighbor boring notion on this oentinebt,ttos Secretary of Rite DinitiklbDistriabildne tbMr. Dayton to a rehearsal of those vague and general principle' of traditlenel policy, ',blot' have beim se often pit fOraard b`! 'precedent vi ministrations—cementing himself, for the ;present, in pointing oat to the Branch Gov temment the sentiments of the American peo ple en that 'Ojai:a, and its probable cense lune, to Prance at icons remote period not !designated. Mi. &wadi Inittnetient are .not a protest—itill leis a nmenstrencs; they are simply en mill. on-b.muican polltios— nothing The Beastary, it is asserted, has alto been heard to hold moderate luggage In eons*. games of the information he had received teem Mr. Corwin, thumb' foundation of an Empire WSJ In reality the wish et the great majority of the Mexicans, - and that the pro test of this government in the matter, would have been looked on as a violation of the principle of init. gorlannitillik tattat right," would have been the response of the Emperor, "do you pretend to force upon the Mexican peoplb.a ethielt theydete and prevent them from Mooing the 'Empire which they. prefer , Beet Itiitha dilemma Mr. Seward 011 l have to meat, and hum the non-committal tube efl the document be has sent to Mr. Dayton on the Mexican questiOn. The 1110178 Of the arrival of the privateer Florida Atha port of Brestima,beca recelv ed. She was not detained, as It has bneri at quarantine, but was admitted immediately to the deoks for maim , and provisions. She landed treaty-four Union Prisocera who were taken care of by the American consul at Brest. On the antrum of thelhorida la that harbor she was advised by the French °glom not to fire i as her saint* would not be return ed by the fotte. Thermion cu thet her flag was not noognlnd by Fiance ' and could not consequentri be entitled to he honors paid on similar oricallote to komign vamp. Roca, (ia, the town on wbich Rosartans to advanoing,ormaypoilibly have andynaoh ad, is a place of much importance, having e population of over three .thousand, with a considerable trade. Over twenty thousand bale' el cotton hare beau_ annually shipped from this town. It has railroad connections with Atlanta, Moon, Angacts , andothino Im portant Georgia points, and, by way of At- Wats; with ;Montgomery and- otharkalillee'lll Alabama. An advance from Rome to At lanta, a dietanoo of abort Only miles, would give as control of more than one-half of the railway etiAtem of @arils, and cut off the principal touts of Communisation with Ala bama and lilhassippi, thus practica eon iing thexeirl4lltopouth.Oarelllsaand Via* The capture of Rome would, in another re-, sped, prove a serious blow to ther e elt. They have three large iron foundries and im mense depgte of provisions the one Indispen sable to the armament and the other to the; oommissartat of their armlet. Their provi- . 'lons may, perhaps, be-removed, but the iron! works cannot be so oonveniently carried off, and would necessarily fall into our hand,. . A,Wesurzaron dispatch of Saturday says' that information haw been rteeleird theta that WV troops are holding Bristol, a village to Sullivan minty, at the extreme northeuteral corner of Tennessee: Bristol is the point of junction of the Viz S4 l l l agd IieO,I9OBIUwAY, t4teudinS ittiSsit Tinmes-! tee and Virginia Railway, running from Ms: : bd to Knoxville. Ills two hundred "and four ; miles from Lynehburi, fifteen from Abingdon,{ ono hundred and thirty from Knoxville, and; two buttdreptlitifdrty ffomOtattitneoga:- Id a mod important positiOn,commanding! But Tennesia4WenTirginisild:the moon.' Wide pirtl,42iorth.oarolina. • " Tan ItickuniniaAeOcadasr, speaking it Quontrell's ,to nuusaare, says .rno expedition ' , l;tr ,iiirratee-wav aigailint-Jand =flabby; &Vein poor •)? di as ik fly uponitinte Ned-ii tbo popidattlni of Kum L. inaliallatt we VoMittoll.tb• -1 goad dasdiption, no dotibt ciut be antestdn 4 ad that it win he mule the Amuse and pre text of every atrocity in Missouri, until th Confidant* loaders - do vast they ought have dont), and what they are Idly moused o t i p l a ttv ft irat to lax n i y a o n pe 4. of . islet;t l e r isf SistoOri; at sciohlrilrbe iiiterYirlterek"; ' p t fit , TES ; ifiatii ;Prar Orilabs, Capt 4 Bantikafointrad i lit New .."I:offs.on Iftdol, scionitil, wlth...dirpatahoo - ficon the. Strfliaa to the MANN Eames Gorerninint:' • The Oillabiktr $35 fiat in longtt4 - 0 footheank, 22 loot • depth of hold, and 3,000 - tons btirdirll Shirai:ilia forty: fa grandee, the atom gad beat Manta on *platforms In sq twolartirtainchoson !mapper dock,sha em n o , a s t o w lopr. constnuted of ritratelatae tattch to oaPohlii 91,0efffingfe 0 maa magma •a• • crew of 410 pp, who , ac mo , s f helo, d,nare, , . , loth &Wort sy" , ~ , , Ties 'li'Mblikitila oorrospoidost ' of thi World We that tow:dries 'rospooting the re ported pLaclow of General McClellan on " re tired pay," Wm developed the fact that so t o f comics providis that when an arsol alien shall how foteeflod anomplorat le an six months, ail allowances for 'arrant. honer shall. cam Tho application of low tO Mai. IlicOlottakio AEI) basis o f hi, elvall atto a7 l4. : VE4 7 : r i . „ . 1 .1 1 : . 7 . 7 11.-t1e ,77:1Y: -. : bircli n . : llll . ili" :.; iicararll idernoo 10 Bicoil e 4 PSAIII :",- 1 . A callaspondont of the BpdAgradi, „ k iwi,: ... lolli pop*, Mr. Lineolittleartitmeltk i oj ti'seam a °u "tiny of tioilllIthoN; *..11411, oomointiecipalitinfl of 'Volleadlghanik 8 , mov,,,:woctimAthufte LuntivisifthiloOlmi. Move/ Uri thttiellibottluk Darackaitlerti and soppilostrifie leaders Mk" the wo o ar Balsam's afa--'Aral notthllta ass, on whisk though halt siddifirm shoe I was WWI Ct,.. ftli .11,R. re li'olZ "4 - CrfS2:A. -,: ' • i 41,13 Unf, ed. 3 01,-.,!;.:j • , 4 , • Tom °rumors /X thillit.o2oll Murton. —A total weight of 6,193 pounds of metal oim be hatted at * giTeII 11p011 the Rebel Ereln ChMieston. A alagle 11-inolt son drig anti' will ones every' ten mirmtai for ten hours; throw ten thonsund eight lumdrealfounds of motel. A 154n0h gon 11.-ed ;wit h the gamer rapidity will apt: , tAmright !boomed fire hundred end duty t Any one of the monitor clams will require_ tldrtraine thousand three hundred and sixty pounds,nearly twouty tons, of shell Each .mooltll,_e‘o use Shout two tons - Or powder per day. , The entire tint, working at the same filo; legi hitt e the Robot fertiles dons tour handfed-ad Arty thousand pounds orireit in tan holds. a4' an crspeasa of Any' thonsand poem& of powder, or two hundred end twenty-fire tone of shot and twenty -fire tons of potrder , , . Yu* Bintriortreelrtoportdene of the Now Yolk HO exr pubtifites anothetdetalled state , I pant of theotteettth et the luny upitadls. er General Loa, Thefollowing is a rt . :ca lion of his korai : total artlncri atovo, gu Nandsmen-- ‘49 5 Total ctostryibore;e._-. 18,000 Totanfilkatry abomnizesdivlitons.......—..... SSA= T 941 Sig t of men, fnclutprg Thiele :Tzebahly the utmost. etrensth of General Lee'e, tinny proper.tor the fall ease piste, ulthongh It is possthla this the arrival of meta cortiorTple--fortliq oontlrhe to come to 4 - 413.7.sysatilll the total number to 125,- 000 `Dien; • 'With the 'shots army, however, Oa: > oe id not, ready tweenunenee the fall csmpolSn' _. ' " ninsfaion traoriesived slow daps ago in lkistots ;;1411141itg" ther.isessoiver instantly to litotes a masehant is s nalghboring oil) re• gasdingoertala slitip 014 had an import- Oat-beaslaston hts-peettniaryjntes tens ests. Sas g do. ao;yri_been, to IntrodnOs - the nolkiegts whoa he Wei orabbelliiold ..ta coma to Shy Stitioisi thii bitsinets' at 0000 and then oleos ont.' ate Itlit 'aiother -word, and the lark or the biformitiotrwhtot (tom ettoii civility would lievwfareleted the reetch bit'llse elate cost biro $3.5,000, • • • _ tirowdlng together of slava In the ex trema Southern States is already musing great anxiety to the rebels. Thousands of slaves 'art pourlng intc.Georgia and South Carolina kelp Idississippi and Alabama ; and as the a= crop In the former States to dot large this yisr;low these superfluous mouths shall be fed next winter hat become a very serious question. • Dspriatasn.l--Diptheria is raging fauftaly at Stratton, Vermont. Sumo neighborhoods Ea so aftlionnLthat it la with Chastity help can proaured to take carrot dm tick. Tau demand for tea Is said to be steadily en tbe 'lncrease in Cheat Britain. In nine yam ibe - oonsamption increased from sixty one million to seventy-eight million pounds. - A - ?snit thousand dollar Casimir. shawl— just imported by Stewart expressly for her— Di one of the artilgo3. in Miss Kato Chase's trousseau. . 4 fICTIO.4" S.LLES• T_TAND:. ,, Ohat BITES NEAR OAK- LeaD sTAtioN.—o. Onfill Y AT' IL premises, In Peebles townah clockle,pert of tho farm of the ',ate David. Lynch, Eq., adjoining the meldenoe ef D. H. French. I'd , and within ten Mil Wes walk of the• °algid }HMI= eituate an the Pooirrel Hill • Tewnsktp Road, which is an eaten. on tam Penn Itylvattle most. of Dogma 'met, immediately at totkitend Elation. The trorerly is sobllvided Info four hendrome 'riled lots, for sabre...as resides..' °Attention one and too sores each. with wide feonte on the road, and abonient anon', of rot water. Three tots moony we of the very et sttosticn. In OW rlalt.Lto suighlocrieoad—keetSibeity, Oak land, and the mains of the nti,ghooy ; pcsesoing, also, the wleantege of the prat stateenbero, less lag Meer konlity nowhere etnipre d far Ceallktfole. new. The I ozoty of elfustion, =sapience to the city, And slept:Wry of tho rostra. (!n ell ties iserell,) nuts these tote &strata. for sonburven h:atue.• Will beaold either togot r. or separady (11M. Tune Cr . flits --uns thhd cosh; residue 11, one Wed rye 'pin, ith 'lnterest, teamed by bond and gettllnght ,'ol.g,rocreds ‘lll be noir shows to visite:lb' cla• at tie residence of Hrs. hyn3b, on the racialseS. ssl4 DAVIS az McII,WAINII, Anon*. HOUSE AND LOTS IN LAW NA lISHOITELLT,—.Oa RIIXBDAY LIMBS !WON, that. 16th, at I o'etook, will be sold, or the prim Johan Out Borough of Lawrenceville, the toy Wog clealratie property One lot op the corner of Plea street end tfor,Ut itbelow Blab r streot, haring BS feet front Cu P lay: the eirtat.eatontUng back 110 teat to Ifeater's el• lay, and planted with Coming fruit from. Ore lot adjoininx.l o feet 1% - thobes front-on Tile sin et, extending tatli - 11.0 .eet to Foo'or'e alley, and planted with bearing holt true. , One lot *nothing, re feat trout en rite street, and y, extending boa 110 feet to Vocal's alle whereon is muted • good two story Brick 110tIlty enteled. INA be eznellant condition, coning hall, front nod balk pull" dining room, four rooms oa swami Pion; basement kitchen end cellar. A Xable on task lathe lot. Bidders ars inettel to &I end examine the prom- Lees before solo. oneTatilis or bou—Ooo-third mob ; the balance In and ire wlth tnterest, secutod by bond mortise. DAY'S If oTINLITIZ. Ancers. eilL REFINORY AT AUCTION.—Ci -‘J TOLIMA-I Svsbano. Sept. 15 h, at IX o'doola, will b e sold, at the Oonmerolel Vale llama, 51 Ylith street. ,he Oil Bedlnery of Thol. Sell& Os., SIM!, on Saw 11111 Wan, • &Medan the Borough o f Imperancer die. The machinery is In good work ing order. =alp tar lamellate oseratton, and con sheeted on the taut approved plan. with present laspeeitplar making IES barrels Belltud which can hoLdeadriad at small addlianalaapenh• The btalghip ere substantial, and tankage room for 5010 Carrels cll. 'trams or Fete—Cue thhd cub ; warm in 4 and 8 months, with approval stcaritY. egg Dena g latoll.W•11318. VIRBT IiTRENT .1.1 =opal avarausa, leytember 15th, nt7% o'clock, will to sold, accordion co adjournment, ea the Como:lntel twee Moms, 51 11115 street, • lot ca rry t front= lite noTth aver ag e, deptht. below Ya Mee, telt& en whereon ti the thwarter; Deck Dwelling, Ho. 19, centetsing dirks.room, kitchen, with• honer noon lei roam *, bath room end store roam. She tiaildhog imtetastial. end elegantly iinthod. Baas as nele—Onatourtlb cub, Abe balance tta' ono, two and three yam% with Inbuilt, eecared by bond asdtrattgacfr. sole • pavps $ menwavin Auer". ItNITURE LAWRENCE VILL7.-41a WIDIE IN ➢3DAT 5101011130. dept. loth, at 10 o'clock, will be gold, at tho rails= of F. A. edger, Lanteaceyille, en Allan 'street, be tween Dollar deed Ina the Gressubrirg Pike, the tattle lisemehold. Tann shmeant. nearly , new, com prising Droning Doreen, One Bedstead,' radixes% Wash AtandMano teat On rictore, Dins pit and dont!. borsht Carpets, Window &bad* tire Inn% Cad 'Table, Looking Ohms, Ott Cloth. state' Cexpetonatr Bede, Dining and Dessletutt Tables, .Alantslellocksi Bag Our., Common Omuta, Coot ing,Btors and Maas, Merlon Innolture. Is. soli DAVIS & 31n11.WA11112, AOOIOL VALUABLE tiTOO.lO3 AT AUCTION. -V 7,4155:T1TZ00LT aVESIZIO, &at. Mb, at Valoele, will b. sold at tho Votomorclal lades Jitol9 9 . No• 6i FM Mot, - ado anallsitok Itaustadaral Bank Mod 90 Id B Itakthatuai Nixon tltoalg 90" do "Weabon Insoramo Oa !laxly , .25 4o 131=654bat0 Bads. Co-Bada. 60 do Patabunra a Goonallort13•1 1 . 73 : 0 o.; 63 do Alleabomy 'allay IL B. 00. Boa; 93 do Plosa.e• I=taaas co. Stook; ,410 DLIT, dot IMAMS; Azat'ra. , dea zgaikee Itort mum houNDLEAJudge *Ma Milted Stair relsidint. 008 AND . IST. 4:ll4llZana. Tho torglit;:heopst sad boot. tall Ooswoorchl =lna - e l fu ' irita 1 1 :1 nanoracturfn. Btaambothp 2=l and Bank Book-keeping. • • iltuistwe lona la calkiall tn:Vidantit situ God what st ooy that, • had- to conducted • tn , isporioopia bran had' phiodcal"..ll.commtanto, who pow* I pram owo tor mitre bailout, at She howl sawn and MAW elms.' ht thii - pdas n m. than =a Da litoatiadh lillhhOnao los cahhooly. sista tna uohum preuro piated 81 kir gamuts of" cow this nott.A.,IIXIWIJIYi tha beet Penman of tram:4lo6 .notch Um lard No. of Lt wwwohuos, war Wr0r1q.°61315...16142).- alOtt V* 6 9 11 mirror • Lirstmena Of 1.41,6 ' 6121111 % 1411 i m utplag fon Informaldixi, facials twonty-dro anti to is • , 4 a in June* Wirai p 1121141.14i4f10ww? sAmErgii VERO UE.ON, •‘' • AISICESTIAZin eamied 1166; •snalrina •"Ail!tri,"lrtripzprimmaps wkr. : , is . OILS, OR» TAOS & BRO., Brokers in Crude & Bennet! Petroleum, Benzine, &e., 133 welaun 81 n riaIe&DILPHIA. Boduois eatrritcd to our care will [Mtn car prourptpormatl ottaattea. Defer to Maim Itiebtalion, Harley & ro o:lnver, Make My iaialracelelland a Du* PM:OmM Tkuu,Binith, PATet..llsit, N. A..; a. YorSer Phibidelohts. sas:lTd Du MlALliit, Aaprr, 'sa, w 10irt7 sr.. ranournu. CRUDE & UPINFiI WHIM= o °' egggidulatr-ltro. 17. id/ clime st twat tostonabla Dos MEM BIITLIOD cootcoatri. lot COMM stamped abode. Ileetiartienise attention tal4 to Oa PAST. POT. for eats—MUM SODA, BOTAL an. an. CLBOT it kW:BERTON, GENERAL MEHOHANDIBM MELIA 135 EOM% giroarr. 60113!, PECILADELPEILL , Crude and Bylined Petroleum, OMMTIO SODA, SOD& AEQ, unikaroax DUGS, OIL% ao., 41.11. . • li*Ordozo to boy or toll yroa.ptlyatteaded moldy ALLEN &NEEDLES. _ FRILADTILP Otmunission. Merchants. attention pall to conlignzmuti of CRUDE az REFINED PETROLEUM Or Übersl advance* mach . ml 4 NRY ROE, No. la iforca Tr 437 871u4 PHILADELPHIA, DaoKED LND COMMISSION N.NBADIANT Crude and Relined Petroleum, LDBIIICATLNG OIL AND DENZOL/rn And &dm In Crude and Bawd PETAOLILIN arsaav B REWER, BURKE &00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lqents id the GLOOM. PLOLTIC talll LIBERTY OIL WOMB.. Oar Mend =lab adxsztos made oa ooratipmentit Refined or Crado Petroleum. Om Palmeri WILY MID HAMMOCK Mill; PITTEEMPAR. Ph. IRON CITY (AL WORMS. LYDAY t 61102Z.PENNING, Manufacturers and Seinen of OLIGOOti OM, illfaiLIN IL% Z &ND LCILISIOATING O And &gam In PSTROGION rerW tat% animdta Su arobuxii. Onloo In 1 , 211111 T BLOCIL, Lopata* Ws7, WALES, WETMORE & Oa, coxiblisslorl Nr.ra-amazl24rs•B. suirritats OF PIZTUULEVIN, 118 DiAIDEN LANA 55W YOWL; Wfr &mpla Wilda f T BTOILLGIR AND 811:LP PING. at Oar rad and Thad, RED lima. 1ay14.11 Mi O~y~MISAI nfor need not be embarrassed; the ecement of the Balk 01Tr y, : when they am hags Mete Oil bunted sad white= tasking Otty hams. aa cheap* more prows, with los risk. ma trouble and In Mitts ceder, at rrnre• car !ABA • ea the Allwhiety Valley Wand. abate Lawrent rUle, vixen. MI Is pumped from the boats &treat to the can, as atßi aapoiat, East at Wed, slams sat a or plag, .6.11 orders prow • to. Itiretace at Yard, au Oitteetts Pateeagel It. 11. : Poet Otao. aatleees, BUZ 904 Pttalharah ; or 11 ata be tem daily at the 011 DAVID Kra. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & 00., Commission and Forwarding Merchants CRUDE' & REFINED. PETROLEUM,' EL 19 AM Brain, • —Liberal AI .a..xaeoa amisSEntuntli Pittablugh or Tartan Nubia. ?minim umil=ri Mars. i. S. Dtraraam &CO.; Moroi lia.saionn. Esq. 0 , . , Timm:Linz Baia% Loin Pratt Oosnaacl4l,Pask. enblikesa • • ROBERT ABILWOIITH, Ha 16T. aunt mum main* I Forwarding &Commisisionlierchani AND DBE LIAR IN OIL& or umariiimasa,lannaonnaa, cam) Porrsoi.sula 'Ms. tux, omit:ln:4 ha?til awl br labs at tho bloat sztgkst prime. 0111111111 souorao. -_,..r.,—,---------- _ , so. !O aat01100....*.....--oxiau ziouilo7,' WOODYMIZ OIL JIMMY, ! -- 11 . email w. kowtow of • auzzase ou.. Aim lawman:so oigW. Ebro ottlfttatty on . toad Ito ino7 bort qtr=t ; or 13MMEG 0114 - elror out ottloutodos; cllso, I.lllolloooBdouit.WHlMl SOLI an al keno digs taw 100 . tic, _irtriii Aiwa Mock, weendloar, vin bi.P* 01 180q 0104 ..E.dif ....... :T • N4TLOI Bl,fl Be e°i Dsdrsß9 i oeas ao 4 tresurparma Wag *as ! 4i maim= at their =AA in.plarriborillio, VgalligaitairAll T. P/41113#1,i,087. . MUM DIMULP o f ClDd 1L11110D.CA.11503 GILL 616 ' .1°; * /113t 7 gi F ir tinadzidits. ,• ITITIMMUMOM M 11 : 1 4 13151 contrissiog #acEp7. 1111111111=1 • .1 1 , 1 0: 1 " .22111 - 1 .0. 61,1 41 15A* -ipiro - 64bi titan lialcri*sitti Whairtallistraft% •• ' Mend r c.l - .z-inconinenca , , r Fancy DyclarEstabilshincnti eributbast siit Akeacoft_co l / 4 .,. IV! ": 114 -" 1M Agild 004: 4.93l.o*•!Agrraga 1 i 3r e 11.:!1?r1 . 1. . ref} j.,zovt • . • . _ I-NO. 260 OILS,_Z c. leas a 01 444 g. GOZEISSION zzacausis. ESSIOLIRIZ AMID 115 -rzonrcas: OIL!, 0.115D1.1:4341. 61 BEOAD Erna rr 62 Et/MD 5T85ET.....,... Cle - Astab emit. vorarANDll ll = ollo3l Nvossg, zaw YuHB rAISATM. II git 1. 91 4. I 0011241111 f, gums: • - go Mad after MoCORMICK OIL Duostin, 11 and 213 Sout4 yir,atPr !at-. taioiao. gameati wlldkb•. Most a Caosssisisi, Loa Ctlj _ pll Wodt& Json PADMIS, J. Palntszlk Jso. 11. (bums!, 13pang;Cillaist S Oa: hiatald wsia.toz iminsq,' . ..COMAGUidOII4I.BAW4 I 9. 7 II - And &go* PRIME & IaggInD ' PETBOLEU X„ - - ne )7 0 . NO*. kiWc an ? t1Ea0.12.71 • istrßtenpie civet!, Ware. corarilibilisroo all; • &In =Wens Act Mon tar iblyptur,. to rican _ and loisAark putts; at bur 'uphill on thalklneW Lim. am tag plait= °Sabo Ricanu6.ll.B. je2.5:1. 'WM {ISM ti '- 131731101117, 011i1V13BSEI, - .;•;, hattrraerrant PUN& MITZ=ZI n 4210 rathotstat thinamattarrial sar,rlo, , • BERM f r ,hernetors.. ttT Oftlak, Itonoasabala Honor, Pittabingh. vrsnads.nrva. TNDEIIIiEnr AGAINST LOSS ta .. 1131111i6T/1111401 - PANT 01 PLiILADLLPELL Office, 435 end 451 Ilhadontettert, raw SUM, . Ststoinant 7 4:l Ana% Jantary lat, 1 80 0. pandind; aghteably taut act ol,Astambly, 66 Hot Hartman, conlyiel.rta,ttri (prol ra1.11.06,311 81) ant LAM .cc ,Temponn Loans, an ample Oallstersi : £2,1116 20 :Staniar , tgrenent value Htnntri /2) ant-. WM HI Notes aid Bills Itecetrable.... lom , . , • WM CO • PAWS Et Tbo oat, prattia oral P r which ' Oompttly tittle - by , lav from !Ufa Wok bare beta dotonabtod. ' .: . lamos mod. OD OTeirdeleriPthin Of 1460417 In lowa atutcouttry, at ratio no town aro loa•libt with wxmt. Bincetbotr Incorporation ape at af tblety yea% p t a . /boor WO poi lbws by 114 to an amostat axteating ,amor Xiiltima of DoLtars, atereby afordLog oedema .of .Ibil sztvests of Ittforanoa, &swells' ..Itfitdll. ty end diftlon to facet with ptemitattat all r • NOM 1111 j Law pad deaths the year' u t • • Marla R. Door-Icor, Las° Deo. blordeal D. Levi", Jacob a thaltb, • Tubbs; Waver. Edward Ci.= . Darid B. Bran. G. W. Boatel Gnt, Otago Woo. . BARONS% Frabloat.. ILDWA.PID O. DALE, Tam Pro/ad. wok A- Btaae i3ecrorg pro boa. J. Glltablal 0011 , 11% Agaat, layb Offloe liortheaatoor. Wad & Tbdrd eta tx - rEsTERN INBIIRANCE colarg , Ir Ni Of riTraßLractu. a• U. GOILDON, aadaelf. . OILIce, D. fe Water streeturgb., Etpaa4 _ ICa.`a Willa boaaeotp stair% Plttib WM Ware wand aLt Mats of Fin ad liaise Soh A Saw laaagaft, gawped 4 Dirothon oho are et by re~ Is ida eeastsuaLeg wed mho ma deeer• ealaat„ raptaaarre auk ,fa . oartafisia lho siarraetar Wk Aoy kuro somootatjuo agog Ow bort photo:doe Co aura mia deers to to - mimes, oorlpro. 80,.11300 1 tack AccolLots ..;,.-1-......«..i...........:L...$ 63*0 CO ......_—.............*. 04 03 LL , IL , C ( 0 teoo_ 00 Prnicausag, PA. ORla . I F 3 • Oren Aga:cants, iromlaso Haim and AUL. Digoap {NI4! tansorOwt B. Miller, Jr., I Andrew MAW, JamiwAtoardel, , Nathaniel liotinte. Darld IL Long, Alex. liindck, Bar J. Thome, Glow Dude, Nerd. P. Naluswelli WNW= IL Bad% Rohn 8.11.4lont; Ct. B. Stokatinn. 1 "zan"r 4 my3o . r. v. aoni+ow, Arra _ , INtillit.ANOß. arr. INEVIMANOE B CONFY OF NORTH AUBIOA. muumuu:EA. Insurance Co. of the State of Pen's, Hartford Fire Insurance Company.. der Inscasnee tined:Fre old and reibibliVola males can Ito obtained by 1 1 ,1Thibilam te , • Land. te2Tv!IC Ila4tdMllm. star street. Zlil2 - 41. 71 INSURAIR CMAN or misnusas. oskol, wow /haat gad W l4e . r 1itz°441"44 tilttuskranr, Pleat. loos* sand lals sasSasariarkin Its asdons aS es Saar= sad. ,Wrabas Blun. Lebo, u 11=zultbir issrfgabra of tits Sem. • spbad law and dossp by lts • abanzairs - , Was. Itispbsy, , -. _ • o.ll.Bter, Jaa..Psrk, ir... . . Jobs- C. W. 17:7claStaa. ' - 70. N. , liwn Pr T..lit. - -Mains. ' . Jan& lisaii - ..i... .13arda - oten. ~. IlbarialT4. -- . pEOPLFB W 93 004.,PANY. Ofiice, N. E. oarafisMood 144 Eft Sm. itglOptißßAlNammficiL , n.47roiii, • : . 4..i.-tiiiii.,! -, Jima IT;Vinis*.' ' ' ; Jdhis.Wsth ,- r.i:,-, .-:.: - 2 ail* JokinisAboad, % w m . 76 gay ii;_ ,,.,.. : - Simla P maw, 'John 10.[Forkiii .l' l7 ,1 -'t4lolll,BAciblik , ' , . abildin &NM% , ...:.,. - Dl 2 lai We." -. -. VOL, VISMIrk.'" ' :' FAL Ea= 'WM , ',,, 4 , ..• - . . , , --. : 7.1"---:1'1 ' . .STrIRMWARNAIWaiIiC: 1f..:.ti: , ; - % want wiering• Pnatis:; „ • WIL I. aitUDENE. &cram* , . Mid, - LLEGHBNY ,INSIMANCE COM 43.PANIEOP Pratanagar f?fetegifo•rnial street, But BIOCJW: : mi. sat Isittztat t lfttk il l i nta/M, Pralideti • _ JOSH Nowl+P. Di! l "0"!* ' 6 " P : "7"" ca l s 7 il AigamB, starreirlso :4 ` um, :am; John mcomf z outwit. ws. kw._ • 10:013011 lt• 111 3 POWN I/O. W WW TASMAPP I 4 I44432I „ . Da 1t gIEWAIIMIL . ; s ' tl;akli 6ll , f7 47 -` 7 Jf - ,blCiat=ll,F
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers