- OhhtiO limispat siowan, exer. igss. c0:Y: : .- ---. 4:f41 - 1p.. -1111P-017707AL PAP*II Ol rEll; INT/. ~Tull of *Us Elizabeth Beatty for .: the -Mtarder of; John Illevormick. . '. AMP . or Onii 'aitt(Tizenna..--Beefore `; Audit Staretia Mellon,' Stowe nail Brown. - • 'Wednesday- Mternoin' Me Coat met at ' quarter to .two o'clock. _.-. Mn. Beatty testified: Am the mother of EllesbethEsatty the defeudent ; do wu 19 VIM aid en the /Levu& Mt; Elisabeth 111111hinstlErelt3tder, to within twowade •01l thei -mmr, when she cum hems; hem Ike time the Meforttme happened (the nut -.'neisfertuati) Blisaimllt was not fla bat mind . bp three weeks; °Mlles day,;;WMg Btisabilit Antatack room, I made her . tel whet was lie Matta; ale disclosed the add of- her coping; from Ms timettimppmed Jetta QM,- de usetinte Me etiontryi Anomie M sash a idateettaindthetehe lima lare tabia her Ma life had Met bees for;me; on two Mt - . fated' Wits ,she . attempted to preelpitite be ilfdowe WWI; Mimi nights,ahe tried . 6 beds herself -1 il , d down on • bowl near ei bike imus, daring bee ef Me oddest sights .' derider; her fallow !ad large egantittes of balm* and omit tinteraught Elinbeth id the set of FIUME the battle to her lip; this *Mt juitiefore shoved into the country to :: her sided; before the misfortune, she slept .Monteilines with ter lister ; after, sometimes es the'lloor;sometinist on the tette% some. Urnell Vl* VISO, - and sometimes another; snide* my how much she would slap; her Slap manes swan; she would got up and go mbont Ina Ira that skewed that she was metetternoinde All Til t. taiChir Medi dry; delditot ; get _bar Mint; map Zither was it hems Udine/11 ant,forward beddes Ellsii;' .. - Mlitilelicrehai llSldditeSild 'my kap -1 etwalend waif r Weir breigareelts(lltid 21utrado Liman „lierclooli,.elncie the OEM Mae Om; lit her "Me she driminett-talkieg e vadat about _Ea daub& i never Melt her to sleep a night from the time the iron ? Ms alma open bee; foe the two months behte " ' the diatti_of ilicCo . l eerytteldom slept at night ; w husband mama slab at the . Om v somWeasi during my stoying up at I sights welting on my husband, I would falki as but 'would be euddealymakinted up by Met Isom Elisabeth; before the trouble ' Came *pole her, she Was • may good, kbid gld; snail, she weialletrike me when s hied to gather in the hod* - .... iiirsatelmixtarattereoaXelin , sister °tittle ' Mlistit Beatty) lastllled 1--Mere not Wu Ur :tog with momerlbriiimiyom ; lire in Bat be email; have hard of the Mat trouble of my sister ; wee not in town between that UM - .and death bf Mettormtok ; Elizabeth was -Mt my-hettns Weser, fourimede ; she lett my -head the tight before the. shooting; I was MtZemin , deaths eldotbeg exuded; she was 'e, giraiiitgiri altogether white at my home . Slfrenfiltat ilia desther before • she' didn't ,411111121 to pay attention to anyth ing Ilk* she used to do before. thb thing happened; she 'would be erying-gcbg send-didn's are -about wooklng--ll she did' do anything, she :Abet de :It sight; ' Oho mita every day f whetl caught bee taltercrebig spells, I could mot heir IMO she said; de skips np stairs; • , Mintly knewheito . sleep; she disturbed us - "Web frotedier Condunt; felts tiell oak floor c..tetimitthio tut - and :eiditul story, of our :; , , , bastal traubtlan lova stairs afterwards, illelast apsaily,lart she would take little ..,des.ssinthi*. Made,' Mr would be sitting, - .cereal/ 1 g appetite ems not good; she wawa ; gotteightem aim:satin a fel: montbfsls; " -, during the time or four malteds was with ; ~...„. ;Mee 4 suer know her_toelsep a sound nigh 4 • beforede had this triable, she wu a Tory eellltyiarl-memr in the habit of lease her -. 1 , al rep;_, about a year before- Weide war out If seem or eight Mahe oa a risi4 Me then slept . ....eery well; nem saw any somMient with her 0 during Oiled make she was with me after 1 thntreable; alum I Camels town that night .'i betrethedteciting, I-stopped at .datiter's: all .. Mat Wight itlizatotli aled--nerer we to • bed...mu outdoors aimed thithouseau night; • i lan town the out der after this shooting • maned; saw Elisalitith the last time, about IS oisilooki at home. , .• ._ _. , ' -- Jltr.kielem - Pattereen Mettned e-des "Ifs of JEd.noea.i 'eider, of Elisabeth; ham known ~, Ethabethiternt tan lean; have been well acqualated with her Anting that titer she visited my bouts laseol mud; she was 4liere : don; a mouth. Se conobersood the testi ; mend Massif*, Edema. ' .. Esther Beettys ...Maned: _A brother two yeanolderibanmyealf ma living at home • buttes sepleg,Edsebetb, rePei and mother; -: Da regand, tojintsaboth's 'conduat _after the trouble came ell bdii I she Wined much the maid the motherl-ham Mown. Elisabeth to .trash dishes: der a second UM; km • knows her to 'Wpm* apron up and than sew ' ~- It together; sometimes ' litliliata4l_ pray God 1 in ielleveku of her trouble. . . I ~ Ilse 'testiineny - far the defense Val t han .:Toni: - .:Toni: - g p .' liir: Mar said *ii willing hei ll ing .to submit, it to the of the Ccort. Air. Kititpatriakmbi ifi is defense had nothing to sag, he had alight:gee say. , •... The Cobiliben read theitsd;the deed. I Mow .of sazder and ozplateed how the law of Ibis Wits didledikomicideinto Moved's. ' ie-th4osse the Kens wat,.4 the opinion of the coed, either Miteriter la the drat degree I dmo-ctrimestolki TM testimony was mu that the life ofJolut McCormick was taken . ' bi ud - the - deretAsatv th at be was killed. by e - •iasci4 Mot from a•plotel In the hand of , leabetb, 3tutty. The circumstance of the shootkga U detailedbythe iltnesoes in the!, tlloseawrotionythiat oat& the °mint Imbed ' ''• ea thipartettlooddeaseothowe ea-Wootton ..'' to Mlll.l:Titlittl bilge *videos in WOW. on vidarAldiatia7:tat : lay Vat, lands; which ther - dourt .remiliett, that indiums 'that ' de, intended maritbedily- Bum. The _law . presumes theti iced Mt use of the : . deadly respoCalw latudad .to kW; and,. that ..- IPTeszzargols ilioldiMeniiinetass the evidence ' MO* cowilf:Oriciattosathfy the „fury' it *dad am liteetlenMilarslut to dognat kdilylmid. The defend tetamp.s.*aria a . ; mouth 411pa8lilinr- the :patio( defendant to commis se*Wld, deliberate sta - premedltatell sterdes-•Met as the; Alfellentdok got shot h ed defendant vas lasatom the ulbat : !ifbit 'spill44W or imegirs Iterould' buy thie saminffedbi her mind, whither:Mr wroag.waa MitivlAngleiry. - The question, : with the jell. wattiellid . from the addezier the - ern:tea listalid. _Tit, 'opinion of the lad' Ohisfleuitte .r r Cillmai:on insenitio " 11 ewe teitidepolat or law, raa rail io glary •`,. as of the charge. The Coutintimated : • that the eardist eh,...he Ottar guilty of atuderlaTsiii, iriattal,lan . aagauvahaU *tut thelart: - _ - Varian Ouratsikial.awa at** Otatt ea - Came nook ands/14 TM eel**. . : - ,20arCtiattstuttillibt at 73; ealoot. - The • : Polagrarlitrid vartertd Vie- following rat elate “N0t_0091,211/11wred of thstsAT . . at the , Alai taraavasiador aadigat le the fi : Mr atittorraltd." .. g . , *t r. • - - -111110dvaliartuid dot Wm dude t h en Aft ' 01.1brOttosaile.disaharded, aa she slpip sada:elm uotbat'araf:j - At - -; , ' • Abe d! Own, proclamation vu ~ 4 *TO 91-2 111 . 1 :0 4 AN . . - 4 - ... -_::_.i.i.....-.... . -.-.... . =2:al Balk . 3111441.^ 1 - : 6 . 2 . 2 0 6 g ZIP ci bus In4l-0 11 41 16 7 4 ' on tluaitialt7stanoin;dllayhavy, on Wadass• day sitiiiosi4'eatutan the itlieshul 0 1 .0, andthWiloistonia CIO of, this altyillatti, iisattiajtor &kat two liallitwtdatOidbatilboystatanod ananyti of trodraiintad notwityto win ihs.antah atlas an inttotailog - eigatalit,.The inn Is as rollout ANAILAI MU; dui .; ,7.llersul• Lost. R013113333330,313333.:4.: 3 MS 21103i33 ".• • ' 1 J. J. Mooto.adloher .3 /0112 - J. , ' 3 • . Joseph . bass. - 6 - 17•BA.:Ufaairkt... • 1 Jame 1117n10r, 4 -• • . - 37 - X Gl* 0101164:1 4113.9•;' #sitit,Loa. John -S. E. Bala 33 hass.:,3: 1 ItoOliitsWo Watts ' 6:.-101hVi I. 8.4 CT.= B. 1746n06 ib t 0 . T. S.— C • &NO** • • AtraittirillialriV Pillion, 4114'46 Loalletolly P "Pi ea* *NW' Amu Issas - Vateas, at ,IstarnolUsal- liaattoa 4ppartold4 Arad embrees4.lgrkombiPenti • 7;75 77, r ; -- - - • s. : ',C ; r,6 1 1 : 4 : fj 41V11,6; t x" ". • - OpeN~s Of•UII~An Uead lßlteT. The haft, knoweas Wilkins' Hall, on , , Fourth' streer,kear , Smithfield, was Lamarly , opened lust evening as the headquarters of the 'Union Club. It has recently ken fitted up for campaign purpores,andmill hereafter la applied with newrpapen, campaign docu ments, eta, and will at all timet be open for the accommodation of the publio. The ball was well Cud, and an excellent Braes Bend. under the direction of Mr. Ar bogast, was in attendance. 4 WM. U. Hirsh. Esq, called the meeting to arder ' and on his motioa, Geo. J. K. Meer-. bead was called to preside. On tattne the Chaireits. Moorhead made a few remarks in which he stated he came to listen to addresses from Goy. Morton' and other distinguished iquiakezt and not to the expectation of speak ing lizself. •He spoke In the most mover. aging 'manure of the prima of that:Wm candidates throughout the State Ind es pi dilly in - Allegheny county. The bluffing and bug ging of the Copperhead Indus had dis couraged a few of the more timid of Our party, but there ware not the slightest 'grenade fordespondeney. Thesamehregglog aid bluffiss was - done kat year, but the efectloscr a lultad in an overwhelming defeat of the, Copperheads. The same would bo the result at the end of this campaign. The General thmedesli some heavy blown at Wood ward aad L Webs, pertieularly in es - gard to their notorious decision which die frarichised every, Collier in the field. He eon eludedby mouth% Gat the Hall was formal ly opined, and extended a cordial invitation to every loyal man to meet there and work earnestly for the insist, of Gut GAM. • Thos. M. Manta% Eve.. being observed In the audience was totally called for, and made short bet fitting speech. He Matra s . spicy Ineldeat at, a total charade; which treated a great deal of merriment, In which one of our prominent Copperheads figured as the hero, and which created considerable merriment.. Ho then entered upon a more serious Clme situ of Tastiest' 'now hafors the people, and oontinned to speak until the arrival of judge ifvfley, when observing that gentle-, men enter the ball, he announced that he wield ant sheet his remarks and give way to that distinguished stranger. ' ;edge Kelly was then iatrodused : fie said in Philadelphia we will roll,up a larger ma jority forCartlAand the C4tatitation than Al legheny, unless Allegheny's:lra six thencand mefority. In Philadelphia the people value thitsonstittitleit aid-the country more thank. party. The only way to 'genes lature blocs- , lags, and to vindicate the: memory of one father; wee to stand by the administration— and the only. way to do that, was to sleet tife Stater end county tie/tete. The 'men of Alle gheny, by stretching their tickets. to gratify pastas& rimier, might betray their aorta try...Why not glees majority like that gives to Abraham Lincoln ? How can into expected that Abraham Lineola can carry on the af fairs of a country Rho this—whose people have been trained to pem—without making a mit. tab; and more than that, please the jedge. meat of every one of you. Look at Maryland and Missouri loyal I—electing administration candidates. Look at Kentucky. There they have oleo ed their candidates by 50.000 to 17,000 Copperheads—ench men who are in favor of Woodward and Vallandlgham. You have elected Abe, why cannot you sustain him ? Work as hard now as yod did to se cute his election? Now old Abe has does muck but he has done it slowly. Caution is speed when danger te In the way. Ile moves that klg foot of his vary slowly, but when he getelt down, he never moves ix backward. M. „A. Woodward, Efq , was then intro duced. He ssid that the Han had born open ed for the benefit of all—for the instruotion of all, bo they for er againet um. He be • lined that the loyal men of Pennlyiventa will, in this aisle, save Pinnsykrania to the Unbce and says the cense of the Utdon,, and 'wales to that Governor who had so much. _ • . honored th• State, who had dons so mach in the Union saute. He may have faulty, but between. Cavan--4 loyal man—end Bee. ST. Woodward. standing upon platform fashion ed after that ofaVailandighatr—there °ln be bat little shots. Whatever atanda it the way of the life of the nation—he it slavery In the Beath. or copperbeadient ln the Borth—it , most go down. In the heart of every man then, can be no tivestion between him and tali Union. CoL Ormsby, of the lath Regiment of Iv • diens Volunteers was then introaneed. Re odd U we are going to OW Andy °artist, we might as well elect him with s big rosjortty. Bash sn elootion would be most welerme to to soldiers. Only out such a vote that will °Wertheim these infernal oopperheadt—that's all he asked. W.O. Moreland, raq was newt introduced, and made a few appropriate remarks, which were well received. Gin. Moorhead then arose and_ congratu lated the andienee upon the opening of the Union (Cab Rail. Re was else glad to have { three good newel° annonnef. The telegraph brings the glorious news, that Chattanooga is Out. LTnis waanstolvedirith hind applause.) Bateman' hat takes pcosession, and our 031- ors swam, tying ovailtuit Micro dicers were then_ given , with I will, for Rose anne I - After the innonnownaut that there would be a Convention ea Thursday afternoon; st Eesanort, and meetings at Birmingham and in the Rail in the evening, the meeting ad journed. Another Habeas Corpus from Judge LONSTIe. jamas Cavanagh, a young man who'anlisti• id sea nabsUinto for John Wasson, of Wash,. Ington county, under the first draft, and who imbsequently deserted frost Capt. J. B. liars company, Was arrested in this city pcsterday, and tuned our •to Capt. Poeta, who under a recent oder , directing that desarters from the /trains under the diet draft ehould be Wad by . a Commissiozi, gave him into the enstody of Captain. Wright, Provost Marshal d the Department: Mr. Bailey; vho alai= the young man as an indentared apprentice, appliod to Jags liostritithtough his coun sel, for a writ of - habeas coque, with view of having him disalierpl. The , writ was granted, and mad* ratarnablit on:Saturday nest -Distriet Attotary.Carnahan bee not Jet riWnad from Washington, he want to lay before the Elsorstary of War, the late opinion' of the Chief ;notice of the fin. preme 'Court of the . : State,. relative told'', power to tilts cognissim of eases of Ibis character. Should the views at thi Judge he atarstod by tho znilitarjrisuthoritias, ha will bonito enbmit."-bal iC approved, tits Protest Therewill prods°, the Wigs as rrivalred. There or• soma interesting Pointe Choy to he rsissdla the presuit eass, which we shall solidi at the vapor time. Grecian Balm. This is a new end delightful snide for tae toilet, and on noeunt of Its mind prop- Urdu and Atinfulless it should be the drawing room of nay lady and gentleman in Inland. If yon want a gout nave, with out any, inatahing and hurting, you will nee the Grecian Balm. If lon want a bath that will m0 41 _199 7 din clean and—make you'- ll:0nm - apt* as when young, nano (ha; elan Balm. If Jan want an• winnable Saadi. .preparation, nee tha anent, -psi* -if you want to remora opts n-plinidee. frown, famoi tine AO **ant to ninon from : ,the zdelimite akin of "Inhale in, rongSusela 44a:ignition:hes, the Britain Balm it ti4i 'Mae _ainded. - :1 Is freo from all hortflit.iiisf Aunts mu/AO I: 4ll 4. 4 *Briins ll4 rignikt ctilAult7olll4l.:TOMPliist Bon mid nada speedily restored to a pearly satin Suture.: /or ail Toilet on' no anion can .neel tha•Grinind liiins.". Boy al Dr. Hymn % N0:14414nd fitreet.- • Hernia, ox-Ruptuto. Th. provabnos of t h is oftmont has bioomo so oownoa that Ds. ezci. 140 Woof strootsluss lam irpoolal attention-to the intjsot drizfag the plot Sinniq VIM ; 114 has nos onlystatill .the asatomy of hosali; bit has four whhati ap#llabossiall 04111110.1fint_of - hosaffitad , ha avast Istaatsises: Mot t thmough • Sad 1 nalluloassi Rimy nada! lams approved '80111,111: bo.foosid fa went, Odds: slasy.othor stsolsaascal:appii• ads, ,in oak cum osin or damnify: Aay of ontrascloss who may stand !lined' a! asysallsls of this wikall'assarod, to lassoitsgsts&lit 14rettifftris iadteatly vtittoct the olden 'stab- - ifilltgßOU for . this papaw ptoosiring 'she boss nods* issproysaisatkso • thot.to, colt ligrarissaimenUthaVosanot hi sezauisd stiffabeqa;;PdlyaSists la the .-Vnikad fitator. - Potwar attsallos 'to the corl'Aork. • J r - :;- triMW It=t r t: 4 4 ll 4 4l 2lll l3 ,vit ' Zi l at &tab Ms stud. . 46 - espon 116 Oarreadein stil sios f dl to: rotairralr Uto grist Bu. Con> a atlon Thlshsksl pli s M NeKeuportio-day.% , Ttus mestiala Orin . tiorti.:' mmee at teo' o'elook to' , the aftunech, is& 'pedal tnatui' MU be:inn between this city end ItleKtMpart, a haft /cm .•Tribul have the forenoon at ,ht and Wotan o'olook, and In Ose Mermen at hilliest twelve and 'half , past three. 'The Committal of Arransfinmats hate pooped 111krelli tor lb. anommodatlon of_ the pnbllo, :end the me-thas will &Atlas be one of • the 'mita and most cambia&veto bald In the touts:, bigeidad aitol lending) na eembled at thia popular Voce. of smusement lot night, to winos the Ito matte; ef Mitt BUM Denim, is the •boantiftel Varietal of Juno In the .t litinchbools.!' ti.was_ tt7oud question the litmet effort that tide popular tub boa mod* slam her remit engsgtmenst commoneed. To-night we are to toroth* thrilling dram of Blowers of the Forest * with. Kiss Detail co 4:7ntWA, the Wild Gipsy - Old, is port lii which we. should enable ken with har meows power,. her flee figure and brillloat oonntenonee, adcdrobirattopted. Iltrible. Dugan. of Maul charged with noleplebts to defraud mama the 234 MUNI - was wetted on taw dey,by "other -Moratil, tit Allegheny, end entered ball In'thisita of .1 1 0001 - to answer it burins before Maw Absentia, en the 18tb but. Wm. H. Ht OU otethtere et Alled4Ni7, Theis alto impiloated ta the alleged fiend, Appeared arid entered be Irltbent a variant havlntbeen seed-, • A _ _ Aiiisizo.—A.min anted Blom satotad, of dogs:tin from tlutlAttla Polutsyhatda ask. ery. In Jape hit; Tootsrdiy *nested by ardar of Capt. Kirke, ProvostUarittal of t 33d platios, "ad --byitytkltpitod,ova t+) t 04=tPetaf,01PLItei•' iciomErstnsis , Guam AID Bun's MITLES KAMM tamilj ind stiacthatottlr Tha*l.ift, finibe tail ICI WO* A. P. Olovolso, Goma Aged. No. 18, IfiNkotrool. Tama Pew, Etta atl.ozaesisatal Ude, and deacs la Pairshauls and Var. moat Vat* at the taist. _quality at, ley rata. O. at Alex: ap t ilta Water 'Nab. Vittstartitb,Ps. siSiga & Noble Purpose; *pi the Glorious Result. There are as Meny..roods to fame and for. tau as there were gateways to wit= Thebes. Your embitiond.warrier le for ChM lag his Way with the uhro—you uplrio politician for marcouvrlng his way by subtler ty and consummate art; but there is one broad' grand path to the goal, along which nothint base can tnveL It is the path set &put for the march of talent, soup, end noble purl,. pots, and, theughluit of obstacles, it eonledne none which a greet -Mum -cannot sunnonnt. This fact has been exemplidedingrantmentble instances, but In fetr more , forcibly then in the career of Doctor : 3411064L if 'London. For twenty.fivo years he may.besalti to hull been clinobing. . ~ : “The deep where Mimed proud tinopixthlneo afsr,'7 -scattering blenshorM at enn4 step. lie ap. nears to.Wre reached the , summit at Wt. The staff upOn which he has' leaned In bit ascent has bean adumfeisg," and by Its ltd bee not only utilised& amid -wide oeisilii4 I and a splendid fortune, bet has been enabled to isudiarise millions of the stet with the heath:re prepertlei of his -Pills and Ointment, who would smear othuwisa- bourbon beiW littad thereby. The 'WWI Ot dyspepsia irt ebb country, and unfortunately their name ht legion, have good cause to reicle• that so wide a publicity hes been Oren to the virtue of his Pills Mr: ugh the cokmn of the Amu. lean press; for if we are rightly informed, they have cared and are now inning more cues of this diotreseing complaint than all other Media:nes combined. We her, too, of ewes of sorefule and other external disorders by the Ointment, which if they mere not for Toot h co b ro e authorit y, /sre n seem the beet we ati"ad pro to do what no otter advertised medicines ben ever dote before—futall ad promisee of tie ad- . Grrau=ca —2l_ Y. .Palica Attars. . • Cuomo Ov nu Sanaa Stook as Con.— filmkam, meraltant - Senor, t soiling of las Spring and Sommer stook of goods at cost. Thep conatst of all rho - latest Malmo of olotlui, c..6..imeres and vs:AMIS. of which to Is pre- pared to make up is the most fashionable manner, and at oost prin. Th e publlo &add notmegleat to avail tharaselem of MO ram chance and awe money by giving him an oarly nail. Also I large a 1108120211 of plain and fury esnlmeses, oankneres, well adapted *Amelia, trllloh he will, tall tip the Platt tar -below cost. Moth= should aotentoot to call asap. tax% dia1111: Morettint Tailor, Vita bd Market strut Paz Rai& Aso WgiTalt Wske.—the emu ma Is pet, end by On morgue* frost, we been to rpprebend, thrit fall and crlntuwlll be shortly upon tureind we mast proride our seine alai the material to keep u comfort"- We. A nloe fall son, or s good and wall-made OTOIVOibt US the very tbing, awa nd we'd° not know of au pleas Where our readers would suit tbemselrubetter alma at Mum. W. U. tdco re .4 Co.'s clothing istsblishmmit, comfy of Federal Streit and.Dismond.Squere, Atis Tlury-hare also• mentrua a complete assortment of pntlenteis's fltrPhhillg Scuds, end.a grist ratioV of new pttenur for waist. oostlag, 4.nizscol, luminsag Vourremoug 1-I%e etrantion of our comitry's breivdetenders re ear.tly retarted fro& the sent ,ofwar t cafe . ' the public &rent; is sofa, ditedted to the tory extensive end Isadsonte assortment of oho lerct • globs ofPreach, Zsiglish d Anierisen Orme goods, for panto, coati end vests, lately_ noire& by Mentre.leha. Water & Co.,' iferehent Taint ti0,,, 7 426 - Iftateral street, Allah tasteful ; &dialer of ggsanatbmon'efaralehinggoodstrill olio gasp befoand an the shelves of the istiblbitatiolit t tordhervith - ilot t 14, rtm: -Issae _alsthbg, tat ap lifthe.beat Auginey. „ _ • • . - Soma Biii,lnew:=43.iir. U. Beans, Bath!, Ahlo, writs:is fei Mee used Idra. - 61. Attlee World ask Reston, and Zylobalsannom. ,Theyethanjiet,torhals _to Its Batumi solosiondetopOed Ite4allingt °IL" gentd soy., ;thing Ingo .bs,said_ in later of say articles. Bold by 'druggists wwwwtere: Depot, ltd Greenwich street, New rock: la It petals that au out 'he .to foolish Si to leave the eity without a espply ►1 Sollo►U'e Ointment =LYDIA! Anwar deas goviUdeeply regret ft. Tih medicines ►e the en4ierhft twofer llowelcomplelztti Varese. Samoa gee 4 : 1111 7 25 001 4 It' to:-0t :pot; a 1 . • • EmolkOlalrzertilaisai, Asians ass Ma. Olgala lavisinlitazatialra at al. taratiaiato sumo or against. asw took Cr ihrothiagieUs fa the Carpeatar Liafr 4 ; eall at ontheaer ownsp:t sumQirjlu ate, alitifati*lthied atteita: All *din MIIIPW litalaild 104 - 1". , . . roWbOu:A)uitaiddillarsf , Your,doikuestour.dollatt.., • • Dental lattitnts, Dotal UW& • Bat ottaz.tp Dimtlitryi !mist olistpDtitittry No ntschtlettatt4ne zwithlatitrult. ' , • thieuttdi-leMitamea•Claue milli* tali at the Weans Moe, No. dOli Many attests. day or eight. MI orders Lift at tha Mem place wiltb•promptly attended WI All NSW oleo be paid is adoOos. Cm. Dostioisas and hoop skirts at Email." i duood. plea, at J. -glob'., coma of Wan aeApllChotrootr.i- 47.134,pastiss,t,t6 I , •* t. sitas ,b4slc•as eLlsta urotiubs. DIWUtItEIIo . ,41,21:;21111.v!.;i4irk.;:ftrilrr-46:414titrba..3701101:::tyt:4111=c117; tming; att. AU*, 311511i11-34rdscrearr a WI!: FA liiiesactos,sipa ttion. ,, x l - •" s" A D,SONIEITIMIO NOTECIL-Zet `4-4 d itdmlntsigillas bleklog boa pasta co lutamuksaJonAbimea. watt*, 40=84 bite Oltba tlfuh Wald at ritistaital. - 411.? prrimr,tscroftjr Isagiiptkarloms Amsted e. ima' fttefirpelasigit,siii, ail mat boista tit doss fl'ithfit; Olaf rikmits derasturiutsvarst „ ,r izM 41•41.16 ; L otoman `4. pSu .lllB wsou o ,, 1411 . 1 . 11 WA; PIWatALWAW-DPlNrita ditca ° b tArattlireCgtis St a rguffrir. WILLIAM 11100«. okuer4 adti Wad MA mom Mat SHE LATEST NEWS BY nUMBAPBt. OUR. BOHM DISPATCHES .• FROM_ WASHINGTON. 0 . 10 :/a DanwCt! +g.. 01 rittftrak Quito. . WALIUMMX. Sot. 9th,11.383. amuse AT CaIItLIVOIL Stoat the Itiolunone Esaatiarr of the 71-ti instore bun the followiniC4l4 import -int and glorious taws : Cliarhaton, B.: ; 0., &pt. Tat--To-day has 'att une d eudasir furious txunbarintent • of lots Wiper ' , and Gran by Os enemy's bit and had *Whs. Birk% was begun Aaglieteand4oi,324loOhntd deadly nn. ark. A, Monitor ts now Ling &SINK and niithu assmdt on Buttery diebll4lll3 Improbable to.ntght. iesterday no attack has been sada 011 Brink Built Gutter, which has bon had twenty days atedist,all efforts by the enonWe rut dusky Land aid ran., Bun thousand. Ave hunks& and fifty-one sholithave been steel at IL tires thousand tour hawked and mu st . have utraok Weds, sod tiotionuad one hundred and thirty to. aide. The dad has been torn, aim fourteen times. , Org* statist ezpoeuro having boon 1104 enforeed;ont triesafittio tram few. Olarinfoni , Rept 0; 0:30; et. 'oa- , -Tnek bom bardment of tattetisa Wagner and Oran las bean Inconsat locate W t 41drt74ira home: The - ache of elikaannoada :18 tremendous.' A u , night thrreiestr.ladded int Oulages'a Pant, In bargraiindinialtadtsattory Grou. The - nrianit partlea!ma ham sat been tomtit Ramo Nolen, -Sept. 9.—Tha ateamildp Daniel Webster haa:arrinsd ham from Oily Point and roparti.4lmi :Monis Island has boon oToonotoa b 7 Oki as Oonfede. pun =MOM' mriarrsint. Clontinoogn. gipt:4 —The inuonyoraro all, niskt on ifildon's brida•, bat *within L samszkobly quiet aeon ttio door .to-day.. Theis ore no lathe Indies -dons of advises on the part of Enemas. TOG Ku orsillo Regulerhos boon removed to • Cllnroload. • izoosp Durim .Ciustkoosigo, Brys. s.r.dithough the ea rotes are thetas* prozislits there are no Ina, oetkoto of au early sagsgsmint, but a slight mum my bring it on, honey, it any mo• ment. Oar Artillery at the Terry opened on tho snap; at stt o'eqk kids lerning, for the guiposi disoiStalning ihkStringth and post• timid therm/my% bitttilieu....„ Plot responded promptly, safer hsU eu boa o artil• lay duel wee kept upoirithetit any lOW, to our side. " . - Ths dGolpltao and hmltb.of ancytlis issory Am. Tb. troop/ ate la UM but spirits. ;tithing has beep hod from ems. Dash. Us's oammsad. - Ths weather is *lsar mt.l Tat: warm. Another dispatch: 1110LOINtre SILLS Until ROCK. , Atlanta, I,7:pt. epootal, dispatch i 2 the dppeni ,fpni,filonatoide, says that Gin.-Pries had list engigannat with , the easnay fifteen miles baby „tails Beck, and obtaincdos vb. tory overt the Yankees. • Tha Arkansu unsi had been tapldly reinforced,: 11311 lIACTIVISt OF TEI P:)&015 TLAIVID. , Gan. Hallook exonzoo *mint Insotbsitp of the Union forma. Lb gm airs aro craft , fag for the onliasstion OA* Slop of Cholas ton, sad that in arse wanks IteorLU-bsco thus corps maim Goo. 9.11 U 46 66cmoost Mobile from Zuzsgools, CAPI/Llt VITO? Ospt. L ft. Shodsii of ths lit I:l64lsdoisite I afaatry, Was shot to.diii fot , iikopmaglag assartioos from his own, compsoy, sod ca bs:2l4g moos, of substitutss. 110 made. a .itkortrporoah, saknowk4glng tEs Justice' ef411., ssotasoo, and manifesOsa tint tittle mesti and &rid 'without - a struggle. ararsistrr cpao'aaa cassasiasto. „ Matt. CA. Adolph, if the swat ,riglintt, was sastterad and ammo:100i 'Words) for juivhag beta mosznal la tho ems OgIIIIOOII. . aouramn wows. Adasta, Apt T.—A special dispatch to Moo Confederacy sale that CoL Morrison, or Da., repulsed the enemy at Diamond Gan on the night of the 31 inst.. Oar lon was two wounded—the enemy' s not known. The brigade fell beak girth of the ,Tonninsee liver.. The noun shelled landed on tho 2d Inst. and Wed tn. warm. The taidge wan bast to prevent the enemy from re trestizg, voles 1111110 IV 1/0131111/40LI11. x.bovo, N. a, ,Sipi 6 —lns Bon. David Itulloooprorents!lvo • of the TreartoDo -4.4".21041. 44 Irate on tie wt. for Wash- Ingtop. Importiottnrintst of *awning-. doled , civil Animator: - • • tho Haiuigt'Alt"dar4 ifd *i t ; pro.: oesdloip of the poses Inostlop from tilfsront courier, which feiplorrly: iniozio the anima of theßnoulard. ' A. prirato letter repaired today front *lllllCh Untoolit .in ftsistgla, eiv that thefesibig North 'Carotins was spinet raaay and ltiolinioad'olidarobl. . .0,• ai= paste insetisgease,;lia,tricat the Euternand uoilon of the State, aid Union.= who had heretofore bean a,. lent, ars, bspoinios bold and persistent in their dewandlor #hat ths State desires— Pessn'Arst asid aeiocistfoa afterwardsi "P"" * l 4 Gowitorlripos'ilient thaliate Legislature irld ihW htote 11 1 ), gnat* 'add raid goartnne4" . • ' ' •Elarerit'or.VAnits'etriends asy. he will moan alt thatiorth Caroline ttgopa seems tbit rebel am. ' The poilthii *suited iy the Raleigh Staid. . enlist favor of place, mat with general oom =dation. 1511 Aims aissebiati, sovkl, caw I d* the q!idesipr of sirgbilfr. Casa it rams to miens tariff *a Ws la , the gouthirist. as*. itioniumor to Ii ?magi ciiiuit. Of ITIfI AXASIXnWII/01: . . , • Bea: stated, Ult be geoid hteemauutd at the Una apedittes. Ills for mer mice fa that State tot a auther-ot Pug readuedids apaeigtuat a good ou. ' Elght7 Netting bUlu. - irltli a upttel tea cod a hoiltatittlaukaii ben Whales& ,Trisozoo utotenosto -or orroolotbik now: TrAto may Odder. • . vim u claw. The Provost ithuhdeepard 'cotillett Gott Tad; that tha Assistant Pgatest hiat. etialf of Ohio, has peen odanift ap g . o r ,i, *di th Ohio tor twelve thosund tea hen ; died end • lawkatteanyth rthlthillthemanaf; Gen. Ben.' DatlirylU thhe - ,sturap In Pcusaylvenle„th 'a few dip, ter £IOINCIIIII.I2. • .„• 'sof uth auw os autque; IgnaUcas ettuof iTisey hariejappeiridin 'the Puma the •Pabuthei ton, l 94lfiAptitiiisiixii. bits Inderia to hi 1111 4 4 alge:! , lrott;:j " 0 11 #4 1 ri 10DIRYIa• , TOzi aledtqfi l toita#9 l 4%. 4 8 +:1iiiid 1444i1WiktautitediwItIt,104Vd 80 n Woman Illalrady rum Intandidi 44414 was wldolt ate fading. The guns came by the way ofMtwaa. 1111,01 TANT To 71110ZUS or int. No prborters of •ar are hereafter to be ea- WWI without the comsat cf the department oeiszteader,ratil fell Inquiry into the history of the arplloaat made• SIX. 110140114115, With Andy Johnson, U estibashing civil au thority in the loyal districts of TSLIMISSO SS rapidly as postible, laths viers tithe Motion of flongrisimn to the next Congrces. IMPORTANT FROM CHARLESTON• Morris flislandbythe Rep Ror ebels!ted Evaen ied ?OYTatB3• Masao', Sept. d.—The steamer Daniel Webs* Les arrived frcnt My Point and teprts'iderrie Mani arsotat.td by the Codedeistes. Beer Yost, Sept. 9.—The transport City a Baltimore, from Cherßaton Dar on the 6th, has arrived. She - roporte thy siege of Wag ner and Seater Tot going on. The iron elad,and tent batteries were bom barding Wagner. which had not replied for savers:ldays. Casaaldoe very few. Porous 'Mositos, Sept. 9.11,1863 —The Rlohmond Reowioer of the Bth last , contains the following : Cflartestoe, Sept. Ith —Morrie island woe errisetuated• yesterday. The enemy had ad vanced their sappers up to the front of Wag ner, and It being impossible to hell it, 81413. regard evacuated it, which took place at noon. Theeenamy holds Cummings' Point, In fall view of the city. Beery 5.;12.,g is now going on betweea our Bette:ries on Sullivan's Islend and Pert Moultrto and the Monitore. The following leifrem the Dichmend Whit of Bth insta Ouestuatos, Sept. 74.—Thobetubardment was kept up without intermission, all day yesteidey and far into night. Abort 15 el one men ware killed and wenn ded at the,battlei of Wagner and Gregg. Tke attempt to assault batter; Gregg was repulsed before the enemy had otmplated their land ing. Greit havoc ie sappostd to have been made on the enemy's boats by oar grape and 415IILItiteit. At dark. on Wednesday the =way having advanced their sappers up to the very month of Wagner, and it being imioselble to bold the Island longer. Gin. Deauregard or dered Its evacuation, which woo executed ba tweea 8 r. u. and I a. m., with success. We spiked the guns of Wagner and Gregg, and withdrew soirtlestly In forty barges. Only bun barge oontalniug twelve men was cap tured. Ail quiet this morning. 8 a. m.—At 6 p. m.. the iron olade and monitors approached sort Sumter closer then nintel, and opened a hot ire against IL Oar batteries on Gulliver's Islar.d,tholuding those at Port Moultrie, replied heavily. The fir ing is still going on. Citarkston ' Egos, 7 —Nom —A dispatoh from MejerSteptien Elliot, oolontandme et Pot Sumter, enummeta ask, a flog of trace demanding the immediate surrender of that fort has jut bean , received from Admiral Dahlgren, by Lieut. Brown, of the eteamor Palmetto State. den. Bleuregerd hes tele graphed to Major Elliot, to reedy to Dahl %Tab, that he can hang Port Sumter when he takes it end holds It, and that In the mean time, snail demands are purely unbecoming. Sate of Confiscated Property—Gen. BoNatrona' Kapott —A Sacessful Hip edition. WaailiZaToti CLOT, Sept. 9.h, 1863 —Ufa interest of seventeen 4:flame pereoni so son dry policies of ground and improvements, forfeited and condemned to the United States under the Confiscation Aot, was sold to. day under a decree of the Cla. The attendance of persons was largo. The nevoid Marshal wee present, end gave nation that the mili tary authorities had taken poseeasion of eight of the boat's, and .42 retain them until they should see proper to surrender the premises. Col. Lemon expressed hhi regret that the military authorities bad lotorforal with the sale, and said the pnr gh nse taut be gevareed by the act. decor logly, under this !variation the estates E d fro m ono quarter to cue filth of their actual value. Maj. Gen. Itomoreue neon of the opera otiose to liaddle Tennessee is tedilly pro mulgated. It embargo the intilimiassiCS which resulud l in driving the rebels cal of that portion el the State, Sloth tho cceopation of Murfreesboro, a point 212 mils, from the nearest Hat at aupplies. Oar loss was 85 'allied, 462 wounded and 25 • talS3lng. Wo captured many moil ants, throe field picots, ate osisions, three limbers, three rifled siege pieces without carriages, besides arms destroyed by tho Cavalry, and la Qaarter master's Cores, eightyqaino teats, eighty nine Asge, and time thousand Are hundred tacks of corn and corn meal. The total number of prisoners taker', was lifteytnine commissioned °Ems, end one thou sand non.eommlssioned and privates. The following report hue bees made by Gra. Avorifi toGen. Kelly : II tdonivilie. 7,0 ~ Avy. Ze.—Cesaliint—l have the h..nor to report the set, retain of my command to this place, after en expedition through the counties of Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greensboro and Pocahon tas. We drove Gen. Jackson ant of Pocatioa tall over the Warm Spring Mountain, In a Mo rbid skirmishes, destroying their saltpetre works. burnt a camp siert/meat if Pocahon tas, end captured a large amount of arms, equipments and stores. We foughi••revice engagement with' a Sari/for' form midst the commend of hlsj. Gen. dam Davis and Cal. Patton, at Rocky Chap, near the White Sul phur Springs. The battle lasted during two days. We &Ovalle enemy !ram his first po , sitioni bat the want of ammunition, and the arrival, on the second day, of three regiments to reinficree the cuemy from the direction whale* the co-operation of Gen. Sao:amen had been premised, Aladdind me to withdraw my command. Oarless in the battle wee probably over 100 .ofieera and min killed and wounded, among 'wheri are Capt. Paul and Baron Von liseulg, end Dr. Camp was killed while baling en as male the enemy's right, and Biel. MoNally of the 21 Pa, and Capt. daring et.the artil lery, dangerously wounded. I liars tomato believe- the enemy's lose grratei then cum. One Parrott gun burst till first day, tad be ceiling worthless, was abandoned. Great el . , Torte, up to even to.dt , p, have been made by the combined forma of .Ic.hcldidi end jacaeou to prevent our retunk.last *lttiout stiess.. We have brought In . coter . 3o prieoneu, ken - dbare Meier. and timer three Lleuteainfe, also kluge =caber of tattle madhouse. Signed,. . . Woo W. A.Vsitins. FOCI o ushitareet. Cminiasit. 9.:—The steamer City or Aft On. kit this momitig for Memphis and Viokr.. burg, hating lon board Gong. libgan and `gar- To atacludit with kids* ei: roars ti their orommandy 0:10; iiiiltanTmatury Agent, 'on 11k way to PRRYRCTION. liamplArLeho hasjan retonst room Noah- 'AIL Tossoaoal— ti r . bits TON. Wigton. Mom if the ta-opoiing of trade is 15 " 425 T -1, Inr*T7' soca alpootid.. ' • Brig , Thu , ?QUM and Strom are ha jprERTIVEJCWW L en routs for the South. TIM stnmsr Julian arrived Mot night ,from ark. A AA ....TWO TRW:TM:ND DOL" Now :Orient, making tar, tan day.: fpW)V4.I. sass innuAL to ,boaxy 'as Aka brinpdataa tothatd. Tboiory best trwhtit lawny atm?, afr. An elm. train .11ralkoar City, o n the inrctra des n giros the following . I virfikliTßD—Wier balk Finneedi:for Braes Tata , flitiptitit es' A lts Into Zion VY which Os brews! wallet ptios be yak CUM City Aa Sonday. 'Ali that sia ardor r 4 010.123 &coati was fad to the troops by order of thn. Dir k des >! sitas vas aosrrss. Calitagrader was Md" in gammon, the inak nerrions by one of J ~:a liiiiianaatootho caught him in a criminal ass 1111Ithla wits. . ' ' , I Dmatata also data that tho lobe* cr :bet fornaln Louisan is not oTor tut thou and, 'tad toattored from Bushier City to Ch amu and Alazandriiii ullaractarna_cd et; ga3. Mt_ Mad:mato:a are at:AL:24 .doaa,, iTiis minims% 'blob ths degootora INA nisei 44 ham surly aildoputmL Tinmom , ngt manta min open nmathir and aosTia a they light no lonsi Mr the Tlaufadarof o cons `is hopeless. , . , - • .... , ~ . :,40;410tts -by Toteinrib; • Israar Ti.o EtPi L—Crettalh ftrr fat 64.'0109 tat: -Vitidlfair ataatida... 'lncur ii *irithc A ys , " 3 th c id e d Atbaago; lath grout's-dead; arftb , s , • t o o ~/ 1 ..e.. / 4 1 taana• dills dull &La dealulagat 4 int% ',ow.. ,kiiimitiadt &tea at 604650X0., V sat .434164 wait =6 pima yound'pactla maw* 4 ,,d el itlll6lllfUnt" an& na" lOWA dill dO C: al% azao lbrapinizataalwatkaa r ilostmo t o I. r .t ms ya6ick.:‘ anti Ta a tar mama ,: vat -. cird ir old and 1 "7 itit 6 2 493 for • _aslant: , Eat t steady it 5a for litalastai riktill!,taht *swan fk kat? trtQuaat any itottilatt atone 7;c 44-2410 op . f u ",,,, prime Aga% behtdin: 601 : 0 jitilt taw mat a . 1:1•4W ige on oz battas tha-.lsttil i t .o t t o w, wo w. awe for it sus 14 1 ; andlika . araubitotoo 'UM tilt Air sits Datataboi atyil„,,,f 4t ,„ m a n „,4 " r d, - Rae= 614066610, ui gd-rttre - Jatliat4* I aim and tica 4 M. " i " nd fame at 1 0 troXa „i -41041,_41,41.4, _ r' loon:vet owteikit 4- 4. ... - I.u-N,...'..- I , 4twu. quiet Id Imam 4,. , ,Tti0 zadr. AttlrPowl.oad4 on/ *NUM /11619 1 14 64 ! Gt " l4°lsklarcct- a Wet aatt trlltaati sagt gelgatti. tta "V it "' s a t skater. PSttv a 0 11430 0 atAT lOU Q Club ini z , It a (Hamm k em u c on; 0 aaa Wilda I' A l a n crin pi y - 900 ip.aoau 141 V 0 / 0 8 B r .a Elio Bra 1013' ars. tong p Y 0 1 2 Z34 Ono It• Ira Val lf °l " 1. =WM Another Threatetaisa laridio* 13:=3 Sr. Loma, Sept. 10.--A mail tHapitai to the Dements from Pula, fC ILE MIS, ayes Be. twain Leavenworth and bare moss uniting reports are in circulation of another threaten ad invasion of Kenna. Qnantrell hee of lezet cue thosurend men user the Seam lb*. The feeling in Johnston, Z 11112.1, Linn ant Bourbon col:mite cannot be appreciated by any one removed from the seat of danger, his recent r.nobstrocted entry into- Ban ns. The supposed return of Quantrell has created an univerral feeling in the hardest counties. The citizens are organising in • military companies, end the teems on the border rigidly patrolled by the dame.— A ; large number of families will leave these emir:ties ening something is dote for their protection. The rendition of the women and children L most. painfuL The .border panic meeting to-day will be a great gathering of rebel haws and Bides! IltkieD men. Lene, Parrott, Morulight, Sid ney, Clark, Jennison, Insley, Babcock, Os born, Shannon, Lowe, Hoyt, Reynolds, Mil ler, Lawrence,A. 0. Wilder, D. W. Wilder and other wekuown men are here. Among all throe there is but ens providing opinion we moot kill teuthwheclurre cr they will kill no. They are in favor of petting them out of the way immediately. Int erostin4 from lievana. • Now Yonx, Sept. 9.—The kismet Patap ewe, from Harems on the ad, arrived to-night. The news from Vera Oral Is to t)te 18th, and is of little importance. The occupation of Tampico by the French wee effected by en expedition of levee Teasels with 1,000 infantry and 700 cavalry. Afters slight remittance the city and fort were ocon pled. Debiado raised $5,000,070, and With 4iooo men started vestwartto pnrobue arras -and, recruit men in California. Great Allegan is being fortided by General Artiger. • • Gonne Dubsis and Sanger, were very ill. The Branch forees occupied Tuealtmtga on the 18th after a slight resistance. Miremon had given in his adhesion to the new order of thing,. Another rebellion le reported to hale broken out in San Domingo, in consequence whereof Gen,Lnero had been obliged to that himeelf up with the garrisen in the fort, and aban doning the city. Troops were imbeequently see e; which oleered the city and scattered the rebels with one bayonet charge, in which there were bat one killed and twelve wounded. The one killed wee the stmx.ander-in.ehlef of the whole expedition, who was shot in the head. It wee reported there can another battle. The yellow fever wee raging in Havana considerably. Evacuation of Chattanooga by the Rebels... Oar Troops in Possession. CINCINNATI, Sept. 9 —Orittanden's division of Eoesorans' army took poroassion of Qat tanoogs to day. The enemy evacuated yes terday, retreating Booth. Some szeiteinoot was created at Columbar) this afternoon oeessionad by souls cavalryman tearing down a Vallandtgham flag. aIIILIIVIRY iroraczs. ?BOPOST 151101/311hLIS 01111011, Dismal or PICFIN'L 09 ffoosib Bt., Pittslmrgb, Sept. 9, 1683. EXEMPTED Fitald -DRAIrI, ita.:7 In sosordencs alth cram, I yeblish the foi• lowlos lb: a pawns tzeniptsd boa' draft by the Board of Inrollment In this District, to this dots: with the ,awns of t@lt t xenarthen VT MOON Or TVENIESISCI scum= 111112. a.. A. Acme &Menu. fahstiwrs Jamb tboor, 11121112 tp, b H PAID TIM= DVXDI DDOLLA/1. Ju Glo, 11011 a tp. ral 2dZign,llicabert9 tp. Iv m k (.011 , 13. Bald tp. Clio Bongo, CO ALI= WOO Dtcc at Di mown ma. True az VCILD £T AM 1LLC . 321%. JoLD in tp. WlMenra,Llßaek mb awer, J Gross. Wm Smist, Baldeia tp. Nrltnesscs, W Limos, P James Wlahtaina, Bath er, V., Wltaseeca, Km P Aran. • Debsle:e o,ntrouber, Baidedu tp. Witness, Julan La•eber, Woo B. humor. We Bowden. loiter St (Bobr ep. Wltymme, W Palmer, 0 Grams.. Mm Illsogob,Ltver a Ctar tp. Witausu. 3' Dthrorlas. LIJJSEEZD SY 131it'D .I.liD lILIITAD. locob 01111 and. &Medi:ie...eddy; austauti. Wm co 0,7, do de, . Rosy oi•G:Lbm)y do . do Joostban Long, do do, Geo 'Gillett, twD, 1234 r V., Baldwin township• dim thdity &OM ilkiiiiitli waited In ths melee. Alszander Wynn, Loins lit Oleic tp; disability. • VISMMUT[MNI Or 'AGM. ' Tambour Ana Wino WStty, tolkkedS timier twenty Wanonow—Ellsnboth ranaliru, H Ana. kink John Fiona. Baldwin locratLip; oar thirty-11re and couri-d Witnesses-0 inattortner, Y 801130111. rills 21411 p llinshober. Baldwin township; aver thirty. tiro and raarrlod Mines es—ht II Wwd. 0 nth Jo Williams, Tetallse town ohlig over forty. titer Witnesses—T 11lobarda, Ann Blatant , . Front Hick. Baldwin township; urn thirty Ste and warded Wang:ass—l Rizatain, A. Weber. Y U Bott, Baldwin townehip undor tienty Wit. naves—n Bott, Sophia. rot'. Adam Hants; Joffolson township; over thirty-110 and married Witnotten—N Gera J Bann. beck. Jotiorron Lowellyn. Lower Si Olsir toil:Ably:ma thirty-12,8.mnd anrriod. Widmann-1C .Torrey, Lnuplen. " o.4l'sarroar or ICED AID nttntn PAZZETS. Jacob HCag, Fed .l 1 tp. Witham, F that I &tat. 041 T 0031 LUXE TO DITLITAILT DUTY, AND Stmrowe 07 John Ds)le, Levu Pt Clair tp. Wltatoini. D reran. D Ts°, T Twin p. Wltnooin, L Priem 9 Boodle. John W Gotdan.Doldwin tp. Wltncers, W Ham. thee,. D Won op. 87X./ SD =MSC/ OOID NCDictlln OAII337.AXOTIn son ..... owaiDLILPSZD I avid A. Omran, astowden tp. , Witzie am, 3 Can nlngbaw, II D.ugtai. , , . J. Ina= 408T514 Captain asl:Pctirost Ltanbal 234 'Mar hot. P. • gab sltdaq • ,Allf lIMERJr2M 12=2 oar Fourth Witt .f thatinin purl aditn . Miss faiIITS.AN DENIN Tians (Thu by) airaUgh a l 4 'm petkirgssa• ;'..The lieu/ore of the Forest. Cl"alth EWAN DINVA, DAASLIC/r=,_ Mr: it.Abiza. leauxia..... • -- Us .CSIYPIINDita, ;uncoils, Vrwyrr..., lamas= lOW Ina vAsur DUET NOTlo.o.—ahoto will be aineatf Wit it Otto blaTlll334aPittsbalitia4 tawny., YUIDAT B. MVOS% ..as cedsck.. 11 anggiN4o. 1D wln street, tarita ofiglopUmg &Lig' of Iltasi; for. Valoce, i .gpetal stsvidlanca of lA, Dtgmm b rev:geed. T11840121311.40..46 KM; 01; tuft's dar bead Orate& TO 48 V. itti-LIS assuming. the hem , t et Ali. LONAN.retihng..: kW. P.tudnoity, Iliptamberigt. • ••••• •AsouvEstalso •' ?RCM 14. WUXI, MUT MT* as • SPKIA = 'VON CITYIOIIOEt • ILL'ONAH PRIPPE4 rum WAla. ,Msnentirm.Var.lroa.iitari asni Stow. hTt Irciitorers!ritrOr. reiilit 714ittsm31.kis pitsAtiftb. gentingoo att. Mt • 1 -, • • lUtaitoS.—AttintiVA " KlablArk Of] PlttstsVgb, EItISBYPERPII,Jr,A*BIIIcOrirJ 41 1 1 1 8 1 arit titv, bcootbts doy es. titodioto *United rartostottlptioc iho tnatoottag of besteeet. anise Ito furor sumo lot 10.1031p0 a.ratria. /mow' atattam iixa ROM Plato, Jr ' : U Gotta iond Tttozoor 111 1 111. so I , p‘ , soimooVito pattlotrobip to °Hittite vottl tholot 000thrtivi„ 11.1911111 N. A 2 InUntr . PROT% TH07148 N' t welt. VUBD BMW— • . • I .) leak ado chapatti Csiusrmo4l.lisr DIM s. flint sr 4 LL /031bblh StlarlNl frijol u a 190bestot• Eta Caress Jost se en& ext ply try Woe bY 1111117 1.11 Maui • 7;77,177.-;575'L:t7W 7:071,7"4.;-; W Y,AF RV :7: •- , . . • . , 11Z=11!Elt= lIPZCLICZ JnMON itaceiria !ideal W.W.I "Mimi's nas ludinds, pfttbstbl!l of the Isaart.istila sp. petits &Oar alter-asautEtcriPla Unto cctatiP ll=.S4.daet7Tetoatllr sr Utgrvnt ketry th• odsbratad PLANTATION= BITTERS. . 'Mal an now tacooncet dad _ Dl thohlibect szthorltho, arid iriorsatma to PVAIRP •••••" beattletal Tl , t4y ari ox.coinitit iermEla. tabpseee, gnat COM& orber_to+Moo • ••r • • burnt', Itengio sibaslaik • Th 7 Mt's, strange= tad fullorate. They mato • boolthy oppstliO. ' -- _ May are au azaldoto to eitrapar wales sod die. They otrecome erode of MAW= WIWI !icor& They wsceiglL= the lipassit indisilleen di* oih:d. 'airy rout» toliimsthisx.l Intim:M*4 OM% , . Iteq/ FlTirs %plinth ea scidi7 alb° lioglnoll. Ths7 fflr•Cp/a - Shy cam Mantis. (Wm asd Charts They ears Llieoonagat sadlinnas Thu mats lb* Ina Oran, the Liottli trallbat, and an sztaatted natarea vest rates. Iti4 es. =posed of the aelatmlal Alit'sayic tart, 'ida gym, susitria, nag awl hirbe. AP" irestnal pateettr pinv ac.Crott lot rutLialus. •t• atmilars end auttmouloit ociatalcosb bot‘br. Boyars of bapintses. Ittastic• pry biatio„ ,aco tbid It bast% 6 Manse 413•Silia on oiiirabaido II Ottawa : Os *iambiVAS pi3Obttitit !mai, load osc dripaisostrs Sat • Sion Use Oda misting cu stiolsbet. btoWS owe bottle b actqtal6t;d4dtb garb= &ad dislatatiouaatat . Ws did:, say yrkavo to match the tint Cr ekenartle of oat teddy. 4n.7 mon pretending beta lisatitt*ri*LrAiiftke piton or to balc, bapi111::'5 1 111411:- . 47147 to ow top cabin bouts. day On I titi:inl tbia butts, or soiling say ctlos mania tbil'tilt:h4tiethcr ogled Plantation BMus ca 'riot, la • ciltalail*dar Um U. S. lay, and till bolo posocatot by an -,Wo skalds Ws oar sys an two parts r• !Wag nor books, don who will mama In gotthg tbeim:hco Into dam imam. Sto &mad tor Drat* Ma , . baton BM= tom baker elesetpnon, lairchlatc. do, Is yotiOnly laatrdibSar Tbn ctmple= trial et • bottle Is tbs trildzru• me present of ttltir aortiiiind roporiadig. Thefts* etdd ty - est.:n . 4lo dttte • Ibis, grocer% rlagerisne, ettsatteeent and cottati7 sal:Dm 'nark D R ARE'S OBRITINE. BIT no, tr ale, 'Wanda ISnd FttanolYr sizes Jortrszort. Casa dadtbdad and lousthit. - eets. 7:6‘torzort WINE VINEGAR, ..11UMISIJIVIE113D WE & it. BOLL VA 8, GEMLIV7t. vormer4 !fa =2 . Iludimts!) She only Virmor sinadat of sixty extillaces,at tbe latanstionsrElialltta , Losoduk IWTheCoidestions andExperienee or AN TITVATAD, partlabett toe the beztobt. cnl ss • weralng exuIOAUTION TO Ton° NEU wit. Nara trete Hermes Debility. Premature Ttxsy o f Manhood, etc.i rupPllng, eb the sem Wee r TAX NUM or err,' ono. Hy emak Ch4,4'451 - iita thrall aft= WAS pct to great ovra• , .sod.t•ir•Y tbsvarb Disaiist bit=bcr,sor iptbeltatt. . . Tr =unto& • pot•g•l 4 adareast ••••4; re, glebcpbe cur be bothi isb4r, SATEUSEITIL 21.13TAL11, myirblieser Bedford, Eine emus,. 15.• T. ISlC'Late Bupenor Copper. /Kill and tit MING WORN% PirriultAA • ; PARE, ROBBY 'BE, CO CO Haw:daturas DRAZI/gBA' AND BOLT GOITIES. PBSIAZD CePPIZ. BOTTOM, RUUD BTLI4L BOTTOM% OPUMED iamb:4oolol'sta dealindA Nr:AIJA FLAT:. eame pod, war,aw. cxx 1113311:Br MACHIN= AID l'001:41; • ; • WAmossi, No. 119 Wird v 2410 lioccil AlTSpeolia wens of WA. - znylkdindvi. , 8M.21) lierirouo Eiugarers-O - Bott —A tanned imattittio haeh4f stored to haslikln • fa deVs. alma azuSitigstir-Ot the anal ttrathie eetl ttrerigaiaitpactlie biota: 42 h Illtieekeeemmeopeablare tt 16' pica.. duty to.oestreateeeo to his •12tctut tallatecceetate• tha was or CMS Haute. as the tseatet of ease ittasse eavalope, ha wilt =A Oleo) iteopj, et:th•L teakettettm twit Mame tote: JOSS DALIN= Toltec street, 2;*ahkie; 11. 2. - i jar/MTGE:BIM L.T.ORTS/Bit tl.a..Bl:4Ll6sapplias a. vast- flab, awry gaud hattsetesper. Mari ahaet Ardt Illtd qui h.tahtta Ms are Mak. Be her thak It that dam thls. and haus. tha ltech.tmltatiodslhst cebrad. Stu nal wards b fihr kritttail L ; D. a. nitin2r*Es, igna co.:- • came ok „ euts.a...er . • --:,•titekkial,—. mi. INV. MIL V. =SU aoryigt , gwitoussozr., - ams.:o,:soA-o*- i x. m st.tstooittroikmuassiaMmluniktog Wous,lNlnosaaamldaaaaszOlttilaili Pa. Iffsuutscarcill ar BOA:tc Itf*las =amts. -BwarrainnaisottOt. liaosnswar,--astatiskeltklinge, &ri INO3,of.llC.miesptioni'itativeriats'a: B TAVA. so= AHD am numWOBX, tionit4, sor . , s _too 0!ZMI 'JOHN COCIDIAIi - 7 3804 onsozi Reuszto,upsrsmitas AND ,ATILI" DMA IPdI7AnCITOA. WINDOW CMAITIOSoich;VoI: 14 Staid 4Ttl to I. B4 Mark goli P b O nalWaigskig"L. UM es biadi outtt2 dl.izwir racism., too& lasdploinootittblolroooll iptiOpm Parttetdor ottemticat phi to ouoloslOs Grate Liao iobbtoit &co otoliatillotto4 " Ila r ' B4 -krrgOlLt 0 - loniff;Anagr Co wefts i Bballettig Bti*P. Ane 4 # l.l42 * naiad?* 00iiiionaVontia740 1,6.113 maia..guatios Piiituisi4mict.44t l l 2 .4" eszattompunkaufax4 MAIM. airo= cklionaziesl iwatiguok• gm v. 1iVMP41 . 4130 Wit.: Go. Irma 4WIAPV= I .. O * - , 1 4.0.; 11110, Pilga4 - .111111 in rezoorril Erma. EpatiVaidstrsotlp all Eh:OMM d . littthisith, Pa. ,garaesn os 110111110 it 'anst. -110L0 11 8*:800;4 1141 41: - 47,01410E1i a Bum of GIMACIEr COMIZEMIAMCULTAPOST,BASS .II9MIIO!B:IIIII24,44p:Atratteistrs,-011,ta, Orpotleogiamo nab at latthe otadtgatata throweces thelLeitra flub& rsuoce ANDOO 3I 4 B BMUnIaV r A iI =Mk PPTTP., fdrAPa ynal,puipTattminiran wo?4 IpuoTo6kulifto-, .0011,011:11142101:t NABlifil4o.ll l P: • C ilhiutidlicatermaltrirdeSs i, mit 40"614711"1,211.4.19‘. ft*lt, 'ol;il4l:tirilitiPtidaebni aciteret ..i;,..aapa. r.t.rte.Esti co. as Viaidim Pa obi by F. at: noLotari; sear m ancrariTot ,~.: -u s._ ~.,~.. -.,~ ~~}'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers