MEE !,'..:',.'+::!• - .7.".` ii,,:,;:;:•.:c...',.' .:.: ;•;t.'..:,:':•.:‘,..';':-:- ••• [~ ,hi • . the &trot WU= mibitantiallt`the very cue 4Viclrighotif4elailatelf; sod 74.(110:C/d4! Attlee wilfullx(esertrlthelatfer lfugit of the Coon boa ZI0Pin8111)t i44111(34:4 . 0 4 6 1111jts reasoning shove that the othe4 VW equally within the ntiraiuJ In thW iii 1 0 30 414 Orili , c4/ea thet a ` 1i e>aieni of th ke t l i Pl i o o4 thi a ge i nntiqt#Pel o / 41 `iditurect 4..Allugq titntlatiettietrithefitate;itit Ejainlfibm i b ed i fetoL 14e quote a tew seriteiieiVlrintir* opinion of -Chief auntie° Taney to verlfY Id* KO liave 4 : 4 Ate ;aid ba'arvais - 414 - nageideoi Ste.s, that ...Tepee Qs Wade Cowl of eln le the d owe cat rod end do ilea to noandolocasi.aentd the pronchno ors , •ctidmor of the Vetted Haw, end ne - c data* a pilaw who/tad Wen coamltted by it. Odoelsetwor for an acne mina the Ins et ad 9 1 ZP 1 , 0= cat. i ' 1 .- 6 . 4 k ., ut Adana cad daaned sod_ cuttdd-JerirC i on on doe prosellsoe autpdgftere • rh•Aci Coon of di esitsitAstaidtx.. ''Ke Mate can itatroattooordltahogio or Coodd es=odnotel,preeze tubseanoopesoostbd4 dmotjaddlahnt Weather 'aw tneto. :he ' l u gs grodnuaddi ha bete of Wboototta it =PHU to bat becn g i gnr 4 6111004101110 ,- * "No mots Moo Cif 170404 t, snit' thei *Ay luttotold-toat tbolotty imprteoned andel tiseatiddiffeedie Adel tWay he any Aga too t Is toms vita bba.ot to weld WI to be brought het foctibtaf_endt, the eatbottkrafa State Lithofino, Zitr Se me ng=etattfiatorquti iffie seesetateameemowetehiceiem e eme Wood C email a _leiedit dl sod , alitikeliSkiMAl k sonosc . , to male tate theaotbotity sa dlitaccatadifbjemewel teestme." l goom mum. me maw esee aiwt.Topt,- sfoorocts.lo antoot— oirtor botooktottlot ttnitod Bono to c l 1 I SOWS tar ifirm•OtroVA-..-. •,‘‘-} • 11 44144 4 ;:bit Itat elep a impirOmlgt*ward 1 .0'1044 ups Afile * mlig r et, the ealmr! , F,o34": to betas IF 110LttitOt cop*liest zate; tti'itighttiti4;diading offieete • celethei iielirm&iurAiCAvrEncli . ttmmuldfatitahlftmet imkth Pies 'lnc iquiehount - ww, of gad% SkiVl:44itirafir letkpimem,* . A* , tams -Andel am - emir - 4getikiltsraß4 - - ,cis widow! mikivlkit4 an.fritmmptm jet i4;:jitt is wink, 400- 1 34„ .(1141,1140r1te Miejsti MM. Teepsetgliic eamideetheitatii.a.t. the eilueare. The 15Matim**Epa tt iieceres7 o trareti , PißtibunkantrafonallAriteseglop thio of r Ardp ccitamatch to tppneeednbtdowCeeq of, the mtoless siiibulausk left i‘lefimmar.M.Lzmke misAtei!Aii.::JW-haiiiis of nef . etioo ll f maw,7:4; - W. tWilifin*: did Ms! utir444144 awe . I here to pto>tmtirT'f ► Chlef ThliNt 7444iiwooplrais409 eng a' l ll I # l O , C IsAffirtooo7 That may beneofers* . ainktdo 3l theSTOßDC of,lo444 l oAirittaiitertzeo" rAwklik l / 4 4The , iyoutwoloannotsgon gad to-r -, 1/4 - 4 411 ka,: — :ilksoft Aors , r rtk mldli.4ne CO/0/' r ttritflA4ll4 tY ittiTiOludYi44l444l aorkimaglifd we PrAtll , *) 3 o /0 4 0t from ifs clts traMi l to abi:the mIlobX f, or ;. * . - ,r4!,.. , .;!.. L , '::: , ;:•':;':,' , i,:•:1: ,`-' %:4•!.f.',..:::-: •!.1:'..:•:.1-.:!1'!-:' , 4•,• .;• . • . _ : : ,':',.gt • ,!..;.,':; • ,t 1 :::••• ' z . • ,: . i : . : 7 :•:. '' •• • .. %,--- fi ::'1 i - 2, ' • - :' , ' - -1 , ;!I .-.: !,...eO. ' -.' ?.0): : ' - :!,::',0 :' 4 . • ' 4 . !I '..'-.. 1 :..f.".•':..';:t3; . ,4 , . - ..."g' .. )i'-' ,. 41.1‘: . : '-.;-;4:.;,;:::*'. . • ' gqt s bi t i g t t :.._ i g orm64.6. , . . Tiwatuay mo*No, 84* 10,1€63. = Ofit,GOVINAM REfif . CURTIS, of Cootie. am - sla or in omen coin: r • - • DAIfZ6L 4s(sllWhof Dearer. Vido /I crowds' Tialtsiti':' 3 .,:-, , ,Ahr Alidatitarokolat twit ch.i. - Irma summa. . . refi.ameak.: 2.41.118 L itiliXD trt ISAIVI IL SIOSIWN. 1 '4 11 1 1 ; FDA. a, EMAIL 1081 f 1L - 114:r1/441. erzwsur. ef garb. ' AA* ttedrilememn." 111913) !w iyfrß For Oat deranforp. -111010 BANATQL Wow*" of as ice:. • SOIMIL MVO: Oboptitctirine; lied IN.Bemcjiy. wax,' tikiditv:tUaten. The Chief 4lttlllice haerlatterbla shot l iti en ' 4) P ll * l / 4 ; 1 9. t,F9 1 , 1 0,47 :We, are iihtly infliMed—pre re nap, butexcogitated and elaborated in idierise; nedettl>t, as a oars: ,14tIgie,Siisniiirit,intriV- putpa t ` of ili pro; igromerof-which iheMortod sPgraiipn !Kenn Atanction against a rennet Mir. ahal I(e`rii4delpila, to restrain him trtim prooeed~aj to,nfarathsdraft , Is probably the ,oeniptdaient. ; ', Thar result Is precisely 7hsl we o, ihmeo4..4ll4.kriicfareshisdoircol onsnataikepecial,objet4lnis' to the juts :dials et i'xiooeritestif - candidate. t• , .,.4,4o4kagteltill r g.cottrui ho discharged, 1 1 _ Mier Jecige ritiogalkaKtEeViutticrity or porlngthitthe elsolatan'wairmais by a Dencianatierßenoh,4l the interests of iheaLre power , tc 'file g na t Jo) at the time of all men like tehtitere;to tierir; e rade ie applinatoo f by eseertlpg thatlhe question there was . Only - nttl47l3iiiiiialien out of tie nu Prthit,fscrodei,kiartricas of thelederal ilmuttheni - -41Lak he does iiel,.nmieratind . I :44iiiieTuiar to :bun; 7inii!at more alai this' -and lie d, Lc mcaatmore=fhan nrcus called for t and all beyond le mem 4.lllliki ' l#Chni, end=annot be tenant s nfri- Vat' int:bitchy 'eor so important a Afta~i'thrps weeAepreParation in advance case; imp% will ioisloir to be. I!tt#4:l l l.oirthat ?Otio•LtlenOtdld not a. Judy Tai sr, or that bethlitheit meant more than the _can called fur Th ciphdas to which he seism,'was dative/1 In two separate _ ind - dlittut =M r whi irl z !retcodiosidare_ eriio 2 : l- itavisit wan oast-At **lama' *l4 mader — eonvideiOn the %Aga coprtigt ihatikemeetitifatiir in rescue of a fi4 litl*elarew. - -136 1 'ollier arse of ereciesiti under a warrant tuned by ithuitur.ouldnethiadgitly, Slave Low, c -A 0 Mi olo34 s 4 4ii-bit 4 4abilia4itispo , -T h !f i r a fflte r etc"*; llol4 ze ,bsr4aigoalsituri r %. of Y; prisoner ask 1;441 '**Lev Cite Federal .9'iv***r.itr-,100 spinet its recurrence, by patting the par ' Itek:iforlitY of thictietorbence under bonds 'tor their good poi:ten. tiou in!ipish cies fid*ipti the hot of totigiiiicberme' theisame forum where the &math% otinriedietion—nsztle.eptedily settled by the tribunal to which it properly taidlogi . _ _ - • we_werwat 14bertricaupyaselhepoc lability - of an actual itharanli - Impiikai; meat, for oirtitutgii . "-hey the =taste the State Jialge:-T)era public opinion - woad condom the usurpation, and 110,44 reelable the' reristance, and the ri gisaispipinikialitatitherity astray t t z 'TolOo! 7..7- for lkee PuM O l O --wo do z_ot kno whe ther, on isener,alprinolples, the eiunrultmeniareildbe is:ezeta. •4 111 ?/.4 ) a! wrikol• Ham Cerro, miles; pOiltaysy:ron theyinglehaels atorratipluto Itairof juftediotton Ova tit Sabi* matt= 1104PealvrOuldflefauct the& 011119 n. fir iFyroseention for AR %Aniline= lion, is will al Inlna hill iietten by the iietlifai clearer I than that, while it is trite thalamus Juror ofASmoOl it lo be hiked ilia—mar xcese it pet= ellie ,ll er, tliaisef of jueirdfetfoi is slwsye sitsintial to the -windily Of the dariiie. • ingis fhb ponseedini-bsays,, judeei . ltTli of course, an abiaitita in ita4 aline*. therefore; Ulf j self,; aitify the usurping alter.< If it Wore otherwlhei bowsaw, there ie no excuse for thus robsun=.. deratanding the law, where it, has bee; :BO jilntaly-and &lard: Even the tonerallY,orioodeti viealetieia of that: Conti scald not 'now be sureessfully cab lice' wad of excuse for Stich a mistake The gentlemen, honorer, who, for our ohm, are eitiusted with the administration of:jostles in this -State, will do 'welt to bethink thounsaircs tharthey are no longer deoling,with the G:inunisslotters of Alla theny county, or the member:to( the PlUS nrgh Coastal* iiith an immense money poirer it their oint batdpi—or 41,1 h mete private individuals like or 1 , /n.-. rasorsasPLand annot - now venture upon any pranks of thereame l kind with the im punity...which attended them there. The . question is too big a one for such expirl tuinie--There ire tso Mani people " inter estiOhlt Just now, to Silow.ourpacte and asittiltO 3 be trifled with, and there is pow er enough—sw the lesson so recentlY ad ministered to their felloi.laborere in New York ought, to-Itaverstught titcm--th re• pries any ` atteinpi to Interfere with the execution of tla; laws.' judging, however, from , the well known loyaltyof our people, and the intense,--though.yet smothered feeling of indignation, with which the arro gant issumption of Judge Lewin lassteou received by them, the Government will have no oesasion to resc=ue` the' military arm' - ,in This community, at /east, for ihp purpose-of onopellingobedience toils lays, as well by ;ages; as by babbler reins* We are inclined to think, however, that hcrw bravely 800Ter the Chief 4petionAttiay -have acted in defying the Public eenU• meat here, and, intrulting our pubiio rune- Canaries from the'klesteh, while he was elms forcing a adralttid to be a violation of the Conatibalian, that heiallasell wessworn to_ support, he isUl think twice, before he ventures into a:conflict with each a Finer aa the redirtal IloiernmenL French et ,Alurchlpg jOrder. "The Praiadone-taken- to prevent oar catching cold and - lo insure our comfort andtedthil:ilfohght - thenistitthlik • now excessive. In the first place, if the weath- t er.weroshilly; TO. wan obliged to march! in close order, for warmth. As the day,Wariattr l 3.131? ermd, 60 1 titt, we shbald - not be fiziommode by dust and perspiration. , As emelt sawn began to: panspinadelirkslasergemas f oapeafi t , tenants.trotted aboutoureolneasaihonting to meat* batten 'up their coats it they! Oniatedikinn, and diminishing 'the:" quick- sitlV our sten Same approached the halt; and when we did arrive at the halt, woe'to the oarohed ialler Who 'dare ton t& water he received ceders lc do:: so. 'gat Stead immltinsteyour'arontit W e nt* Went l'ott on packs, and mbiloni.;the•grounArt. oyci Sir, two days sally* ,pollcb for lyingi "doernlttlii Shade. ,:to. you think wo can', drag fever and rheumatism about with, net try Ifith7fon - 1 7 . - AnT ion (4..4' tag. yeti Cheat' to the cold air: yon writhing ? like ; a, corkscrew prescatty."! lirbeitire arrived' 'at one distillation - `the; butte and hurry-worry was greater. , First duties over and soup eaten the oift-; aersietrated possessed'; they stormed' and shouted at the eight of a particle of dust; on a shoe rtheyeatised Leonetti to be turn . • • pto, sea that there were no•Alamp feet; doctors flew aboutl e ii ng stiritig after" etre. Scala; captains pm __,4etthels face, and threatened — prison, ienue, and even shooting and cutting lataralnil,litur of: lit tle piec es, their AthettiOn4 see „every thisk orderly and comfortable. Eider" Intesc - Whettifiliv - eirier•ciTYlKlA . the regiment 'wad hi' lintel - as 4 - Ihinta. Next naterningetrarybodyawoke- refreshed, and rather inclined for another march than tallititttsW=Dieraiguidnihilriiir",43ilisrE' I Andrew . "'Johnstire an Abilitstonist. ' l _4,,ie'llyeeelii dill:hied In . , liasbrilkin X ... 11 ;beeping telti,,',:af si enlisting Wiled in . ace over the nationstartonesene berm Do fii:XigreClobnikiiideolsred i l i ng l Oti:liblfilagikitXtigkflAgeWitathl; and urged the immediate and mitre Will. don ofep.W r .a,Tiniti:—.si: eef e V d....„ eli tiwi ere.Tlk4ll inkoliiilkhlfonofindr t O d l f A s Vl24tol iarlitireW paiirthebtatesinidifiabe. e . sted upt_ninktillzto lore a way.the saterfer, andlesynthe rootn. to propagate the :ditP 11112 0_,M16-baLlo-oznove -it-*togefther. Let us destrWithe amid 4itet dote* dissensions and this :idoift civil war. lt 1 is neither wisereafinst fo compromise with d en 4 1 vik:AciageatiaadicsvoweClacteut kuTrocauy for the rentirat of slanry; the sooner; Its out le - olfecteil'the better. MC kiF.Til!glittetes—taight, most likely ttittil _ ..4Fouow, tetnparartiy; bukthespWenlif m q . il I 1 I n Cl2l33 W ili k t Olbrabilitnate inn. to- au- emr-iciprost g ly t - , II Mu on of fretiltoritweiV labor. 'lle' was for Immediate ,eroanalpatitin, if No' Could get 1t;"-if this oinild not hit obtained, rizoas for gradruebmhandi pation; tut sties at qilevente.,, , , tr5W ,''s ' " EV hil i aki 41 tt -11 ..6Art0 Cut ar - W• lavish fear which WWll:etc sealed thiiii ps on this quiudion, and speak .and, eat !Kase/IT/Mil. ••-aa-obettid, -As * To aristocracy bad long laitd-'46- , foot. ups*. their necks anikezactyttbMixtrirat #iemi Anialigibtlit. dirlKOtfree Ed. Act the era of freedeat beAtitiesfo pro. chimed to the nou44ifilioldeee, of F iles ; 5i*1",.c.,3 ~, .4.21 ~.--..n.i.) is_l:-a?;._, ..... _ .... Goss Mun i o , letitisat=likeia Is_ a Out so* of ailtaatorora to tht - golftdats; 41 tW.,.aoulAtof—Palicep About tlifity4vo ~.SE'srona limb% Cupowf...`That4;ani . aunt $ Wawa mono at thaqlfigsgeP itio gold distaioCestroldto over s d tante tasti ng . Al* stiles, yart of illamistalasollt as of Queboat l llothafine nuggets, .Ilestir la 011 1 1 4"A s s e= p1A Tabieftifokad Said tt kW& natiVlAOHlisik4 lan"bita . ' ' Bramcgrizmokm FLosam•.—Mr.l.4. Eittoltne4 ., tez:comadasiotter of ilorids, sr; *red ittliashington 'yea tirrdaY. mom* for the:4 of '.tor Cho _the dealmlet thsTeogoof Plod& that • force should be rent to that Mato to ram them from rebel rale..oi mid& he ma they are heartily tired, that they may :be ; enab led to reorganka:the State goym• mitt and elect members'ef 4clairtse. Elie saye„that.-11 molt a force is sautimmedi— stets, their senators iand — reliteseittatirei eart - be elected la time to-tabratdiaastati Conga at thecommontemeat thertelt, .13snmumw or- LAirlason—LThe-Boston Transeripcsaye: _A privateletto Crone - Lew. reneck.Kiesei% the town wttt , rise again: -- Senator. PoMmerhae.,iithirair4,-_, 000 towards Wale are many, otherar era not discouraged, brit go right toWort. A good many, say that Lawrence . is an idea, and dual not go down." . _ , • • .Tire Boxsaararer ortiCleassrson_ifunn Frres. Mate.—Asoording .to - rtr Port. /Copal correspondent, tan *nada of Are •bonottard- , Saud of - .oltarleston ;tree &gutty .Itiord ik ilanfottitdistesee of lay , - PUBLIC • JIPOTICIREL. 3RABD.OOI7IiOII, N. 17. L. Mt will iiiist A STEET 197g131)&t_tit p.7 :- 711 HEAVuutarill% Wallis Bap, Dipiiii E4 igi noroidialw itchy sokabia.Stwt . _ 0. F.,VININVITY,LQINNI /kw-•.-so u.—A-mfattiadismetth•' REIID►T . QIN legs Is ipsdarrovisited cm REID ZUBLIII7, I.lth 124.1m.crolmmeltke Gmeg• B..lsiTte 0404 who LIZ v141 1'11 . 1; t a t 'lletuttinsof:thtattle its 04417 limited. Br order*? ft* Lode% ihont TABS NOTIOL-449280UNTY emus to — . who haissorcedros lkddicas tat ictsm km them 'Elneciumtdpi.v . p.icsicdcd cd Ecitminit er.Costapapy. for tostlia6 telidadaticai tapirs At Irtt street. Ikp then.B. ZIOHABDk • ,• :341.118cd. alb * Sexism:it P. 8.11.17. roLirza ArOTICSB. TSB UNION MUST BE PEW Nmr 8111V158. NO PARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY ALL vOtnt,,reord to old ;oily Um. wlro ass IA favor of the ‘ • GOVEIMIENT- OF 'OUR COUNTRY. And a ITIGUBOIIS.PBALE iIITIOI ON TUB WAil lot Ito impprtreou of the 14641.10 n and prtiet. nib. of . OUR .GLORIOUS' UNION; -• • oho lon Unit Oonntry All vb.+ beheroietri'nn had Lthdoorsey) All who Int libet!it, and - ire Use el tan rind. plea or nr Ilteeolationare shot „ ALL, whether railvetradOpted. who - story In the title-of Azuni-rectiterp I - • ' All who ire In ante of the dean:xi -of the SOL lellilinDo • • -ANDREW C. CURTIN, - And cpxotd . t;) =ORO it W. WOODWAS.D, tp.* liken:dam-0 on, noVe volunteer noldrott, 'nod' nr dived tonn to Os potitloo of *own oolong iiikrOos and OR who aro In fact o reined of tholcopo initublo Jam AGNEW. To theft:CM, Hush of Pansylvants, lairturi bawl:able Ts • GRAND MSS COMM% SCOTCH HILLAHAREST MAIM _ Coma wars 'Acizana num, PITT ECT:TRaIa . ♦T NOE 07930:16 TL. fal..wisig Waal **Uri . sllgadirear the *creation o •D AV ID TOD - , of-Ohio ; • Gov'. MORTON,'OS . India:gm; GOT: ANDREW A: MAJOI _ a Atoaos Gaon MoJoh . ~,,,,,,,,,,,, BIGELIo Hai:THOS. Mi HOW;; Hos. 4 IOgOORHE el) ; Hos. BOHT.ifoHIIGHT; , Hos. WM. Poi JOO BTON; SOU ! P. C. saesigols. ; cos. J. ii;OLAHM3 , gn0,q..54..) , Li0gatv,;15545. A. H. GHOST. • Too: Ir - THD - 17NION ADM' AND aIIALL .wer_ DE'PallainvlD:.-onala 4, U1)11 CM ; TUITION 4 1 -- 1PIZIMPOIIP.—.111•10 41 dilsios at Wnicß Peaoaylvanbwlll alcomble at Nairaili6 EMIT, sn'TBUB4 DAL/mt. ung,. *Vol* Irr. l =ls - 05a - lat . and &Übaldo oipon the stale of OM - oritztft. , Suer ma Iruitsig so, , sod Wa ldo as iboloildll . oeli 'tom U 7 ow:AM Trio tzdF:ot, sAlnar th. Bor&At crawrrig— ntrtb. .BOY, moaros.alatrartiMnizitilroaralle. seavv HON. P-41 MAXIMA • T. ELOWAIIN'Irrut ' - 1.101..1; N. CLANK, _ • ALIASIEAL J. N. ILLPEPATRION,-114 - • 4 , ;- OIVO ONZ DAY TO YOUR OCURTP.Y I ° =TJ:hrit v ialia 47 ;: 4l:lll ccameitsi ratlntrolin T kll s ol 4th . Vo'l4 ll4ll7 llea. 11"rda ChrlaK°4 AIIRLILIMtp,II. 0.G.0. P. Mink P. Wan Ittentno; U.. elackdris ton Cenitllttals; 11. IL. Llc(lalimm, Coultanting Jahn L Planer, /MuWM. Banal Matti; Llu. bolt; Beg Oont.ln. nutlnh IR: 0. Lt. TOW?, illstb,th; Prank Pattintotn. illystmith to.; Copt 04= env, El - nboth tp.; Daotil ear, MO abatby Na, Neu. ,wataza wash; Jotest Wean; brans to I' John: 010. 1 1.:.Jatt.note-4p ; John (IL Whha;111111tn tp ; Jots Wing*, Z 11En smfaillikt B. tomb Pesalika Ip; Capt. Ban. Wood, YataJW. gp4 Gpfirbfektbikbfas tpi r ocept. Q. W. rate*. 104 Pedal tp.;•,0... J tern t Mgt V.& Jain Y. Ustnn, Amine Gray. Pitt ts• 4 wm. LltUe, rapteht l l l4 o.obbettlLAMP. Wm: V. Rath. Wm. AL lisissll, Wm 41;:lour.PtIwt4ttalit John F. Junin hams Pak. In, A den wm. thnuhm, - fnmnelßorm Vrlttb, AL 0 ttlithltW. Thomas Pram r..Zmit ilharmikai,t, - Spirt What tit 11l laitlVlNtintulth bettarsact• P.O no 6gLat4t • , Mit** Idis7 AL: . I%lad Train p. alarm da.11:00 " foot th a:10 aetralnualklaiif 111albalost as lbrata ' rant Tta'n 1:15 p L Phemal taala A Syscial flrealat lain* Wan amt.:aim UtAll P. at . itaygag at all raga's! seat' ma, lad anirlag at ilaterotpart a*t.ol:lMlll,3llduaalatkvill'hia. astap4t 0130 P. L. for %Nat tams m?... MAS 4. 3 ENTEN nt t_o_li in 46 , ', • arSslffe. - Alt 134 - crotim B. JUD3EI NEWT, cilililladititladraUC Nfla tt : lBl W 4 !_ ...Pq*AT• !Etl:9 o 7StArgSO4 lipittanriffil i flit =Mb& Cum rtird 4" - " , ",,, t!"4lx, ;$1,11ri:4011.11.' , 11MON1111110/NG little held Os spopkoavarao Ducluzsgs 8080., on inapAr EvErpia, .40,01! 4, at nidecleok— ids'itttil.Vllllll, 17 . e.„ +GRA niirao era: tvienii mrigt46., it - trialtiksoypoprowyse w =n4' Wad. 'AU k tki . 3 l 7. llPP4ital L 1 ibcxximityt Koloa v4itaiorm awn is Wiikkiittn://egerk.44lbiL at Warp .tricv:Pruto, 844.2*."6pf iiinain it teirostbit4b • • ati3`td WUNTIVEXECIN. TiVA.9ollls4l4lfti£t , i 06c .41lArmi.,ionles of Ztsb sad Gnat dreek. — citi NVIIIIIriItrO . F!OfrT , ..Ind DAY evirosfooksi....L'! Iig*UNION BALLY..—lfiere s - . “ 112 P 0020;4 ass a taritany aty mu*. belS i, in. . VIIIIIIO9D ea:gaps/ rayssimelit.'nftbAgArotte:lttmt, net '4rdirr beLisibradimee.... ' • itt4l2 l 4olrhi*lST/Ziii will to held u?' ta mos Scrinatitt k ow; TAMED Zillaldeolk '70404. 4 .!wi.WATl.,PralgbistAses„ urn slietitlik *Wee - • .~ ~.rsyYr~ '+.'- ~wc~3~ki~x~al~,s4.Z .+ dr~r [i<~+ tb~d"-.. r 7-7 I a. O, III TATIQWWANXBD:—A: mait of mo gait traiihemi /mut...sea Dania tad .tr . rotuttatt, daises aidtustiott fa clue olive burins !triable* aunt sad eau attantios to duty would to aMedattd. Oat .d eutplcrintent mimed. Ho ob'ertant to halls' the ooo 4 10 " b b ZUrigOier - Winf money, or boy as Werra to the badman U Adding.' era.:ll4cirris CM= r adtlai " RENT" IN MABOBZEITNIt.- -Tlartaktalsommtr oriel blB. Cl. 'nem; doe% diode no the corner of Locust and Pnbla Imola, a largo twootore Wok deviling Imae . 4l . O r ihroPtio.tiolobed ado sad vaiti.houm, arm= int« is klbehon sad ostler. MI to •oeit - the mot: enbaloadd *lilt and teat tobbed home la the borough, dad la to soadlort Gem /MS lii oba7e item &rubbery and taros tittel• rltb a. unman a ran. 0 61 Norte* street. GIBOXOEI - PRY GOODai—We have , : jait nailed a lino lot of DBMS GOOD!; I*/ hit i IfEB, . N ell Priam names, In only Car. PRA 414114 b sod = WLaof. mere pa. vita tcorq telhe trade-.a miles aisentril me* lallitsit oil Masai peel -to Phial ire bane the attentles ot air Pleads sad the Wale oelienall, *WO • warm owl a ea. WOG - attlik.-Foir Acres of Ground Al :la Esour moo l4 ' 4 ' 321b4 barn_ waLse.spfzul ke • snimo. maw, raw huirby mulct; an to pttratuld on•-kalf ititeld•aleas4by_flUttlice . wlLLtall WARD, at No. 9) Oast atria. littibergh. 12 Ann WILL PIMOILIBEI A NEW mow TWO4TORY 1:111108' DWELLItra, tbruteasosslttai dttage Balkbactine itml4 AM, ..thetlallitsgrcedi which will rant bit twintr nu sows pomnalt. Tattoo ow. Apltty to 9. FL HOU Cloautoodol Broker, Bd. stmt. Loorogoolitto iota I: r :1 :Pli UN "z 0' :61 • 8111elralildi digested and aressied with • `ot.rnatott istomoto. pp to the dew WA hat he a l-- 44116 11 tar too.. ea Wood stmt. CONOMNIEENTa - IeaIoad el Pots loon 10 bailie!' Ptaisc >n pail! tfeshilattar. (liftable for hugli mar, MEE VAX GIORD=. areond amt. CON . Gt.)11;8 aux, CAPRI MAX. The nnblleatsterseennlty Informed that thle Amt. duo Hotel win c•nniatee opals meth the teth of rep. mew. She agreed b now couplets Loot Phil. 4 siptila to Ws ;revelled wstaleg phre, and three Wanton detly to And tram Pntlmlelphts. Acme. outtalthi tenor for Wallet et Me knee Inn be allidfall itidiattetvt.MlLL:an Wan, snt&tw Pro deem. lISTVALID PENIONERS.—aho 'lntieritiki will 11Z1113i011 INVALID PZE. frOhliliff, et Ms office at Dfi. tic3llolC, No. 110 MIN MUM. PlttslAregh, en the let DAY Off OLTOII2 NTXW. These wham penitent ma,. aterced pek Ate the sal of Karol' Is's. ens matted to be 'Attained bdore -they cm obtain the et me. The charge to . $3, which will be retendell7 the Vete,* At att. OCO. ScOCOfft li D., J. W. ISLA Ketramat. 1111:13iante Illargerm IaTANDABD LAW PUBLICATIONN Iv flank's Forms of Procedara • Brunie A Deard's Odminal Cam 2 rota. American I eeding Cara. V eds. Bilitard ea Itertasma. ll vols. Washburn en Deal nowt,. 2 T.L. Litiltard cn Bankruptcy. Pinup' on BD's. 11 Tula. Do. Contratts. V vols. Do. Ifereentlar Law. DOST4eII Law Dictiosary. I 'cis. t hlty oa Pleatiama Srola Ante t ma I. , mitatiUns. Do. Oa:rim Do. lase ant Life truntrauce rorma. by . X&Y a CO., ea Word stroll. LOWS 11}133.—1f you want " your 'l!ciass fit up elth BOP AND COLD WA:1271. =I; EITOLIEV.BATaI TUB, weala CLOUT, Itch 611 PIDIDIAL 52111267, ALlnbar, or MI LT15114117 ETU IT, Tall It !WILL", Ilutemooto to Wm. To* Jo. 41 Co. CASH HOUSE. X. L. HALLOWELL Zc CO., CIIICatHITZ:FILIZT, P.ULLUMILLPHIA, 11A":1111E1W IR 'TOILS Dam doom* ELIA AIM vescir en.u. • maims ADD BALI:LOB/ad 11113110113. BID aziovEs. tti, ie. rumor, atztmaigy for ankh, and Iddeb • 111 bb son . . Waxman Ovum. millte ARG/AE9 IN 13 Er 0 IEI S pracat U 044,0 AreatilaSlSPS 4saction House, mego , _ sirill 821111 Z N' l ool,4l6P OPENED !AT TELE • • St l iV 64.*tPF21; STORE or Mdatland,' Collins 4k Co., 71 AIND 73 FIFTH CT, ' 19s9ras std Ilwf lace mg Digokk Dafdtcy - _Hutu fad pathaell for PIN derrigi dm mint favatablitondliftratibe ourtkats, • neon sitssathe taU C War.igMKOISIIMS th . War sad choked ft.lto 9 • • •PA PET Ott •Clcithis ' Wlndow 9hade4 AT PRIOB~ of A. YBAB 4430. o.9;4ll;ndaCkab piaaa+ hana7matdated cal Pa r ; toripirr mollimes aad D 9 w 9 , 8 f 4 h I /In 199vb49,1, awl peon:, ter 218TISTLY- N/iW *AND 78E5 ir Br 00X, bt Ea me awed la daddralstildsyssisssiesicmde, • • Dame 0 sad std Meth • • 7P off, D hot I\lo/01411t,...W be sold at Public; Ala • AlWa i sS! IllellsiatarassaVs ;Wardlasse„. •a. .tait betiassal sad f 1 ,0 . 1 1 AIM aid 132 Shinn* WiDaII,DAY. tau' 113/ fastald, • lugs PlaDdaladayeessattlataltslsadaer tam, antenna! as sane as r as. Ws 'ldt EC SIM MOD LDli: 82.DLIK MU dr ~LlSs'lli R , lIMPLass gild ' P. alld dADU AGPWWITdo -19DLd. sad.onatoows, . llasUftunftollolpft*ll:= - i woe— . 0344.11110 11.0. & •. ••• sulnistlatiakessurarnalttnall i •}- Unica and as dlariadiGthaas& Matt ' % lALFr OF. CONDI:RNM:I' - 4121111414.1111' tiCk AMsitr.oaarali lado Ida , Ott of tha aD AND lard'idlDN LYS oireamouns. lad% Utt ga. /all add sostrasfitef thicaat.b: ;4 pcnsTB7 i.e.:4140ga ma dully Iry pabaddaraPda , • , Caw taatalassaad a LW OW."' atn. of each day,' 40.4 bladdtbded track*, to day Wad lb, mamba dal baud *ill ba 104, •• • 1 - •• • ent, . grirattemilx . -sad A.Q. C. V: a "' JOrirTo,,P94 , - • • BANTA. ItOtthß • yinlnittyyl *pasta OM, 18E3: By . ritinettly f tin tacretiii of" he !Finnic:4e NollOir ATEIIIIIIT 0111/tg.• test td•bre'e lit& sod "Itellter.:lettin..lidih , onl. destine! eo 164 , .01403 le ths.etelee otTeoseeet4.'Ailtenes4 Kiva IPA 7.0 ti •ermt Ann Ottawa acts:: ', Vend to Idl Da hlt.X.lCX4ntD. end, atotatnit'oestentoni aid re If psi ..011telei for • nmetitt.o* theittiebll ae tk• cod to hosts. et tjßosse dodged 15:4 tic Ittlyietas ate relutrad taob. - laAYsraeon end glee Wl* Inn tee 4 0411401 rd Igileilnt be Arlttrtiallit Mil tate cl liniktff Sian, pieced. ylettiothni stilb• thou didpnded idi - the" donna, Been thinnest :eattelei eet6.llt4 by lei 11. t BOW.Orlame ded ramie Co thtentlek *tIOIS et imblotittnittel 'Mee titmhet'. Onid. itputidt tot. itc ihs elm Venal rtaten, em aft bovncogba• paYst tictlag t!n •• iApyrtgastasot (guild& leddete the bosh eat =la 10 11014tirctettia.thiltal autos. , avasedlnte,tdeeeta ir S223 *day. Z. noel. t_ ag. tenth. iiinity yneterld • • felt Me 111 . oatiter , tavortersoturAboiti.. vaal W: fits Sivalriv a (*mum u• Tan , or w it ifi ni ii .z r..,9 I R# I "OC L st=Watoh*axmara,Lossy 404 =D AT. 4411 I FINUIVATIM ~'`~ajir"r'c'.k'~~-~`~.~yY~'-j.~c~A;-~ -'~+~~~.i.s"~>'> ~, es''l:ttz anrwatruziagiviv. BMW ISO I NO BOONS, Clontisteg 78 New sad Popular bags. TOIIBITZEI 01181 ztrarleg omtv,n this renal Wes Le emr.'• c.ltatly a mad the rim. Baja" "Who WOO OvalorMotber sow." "NY rOcentry, ft le of ',beet" cciloth!r, Pe• floata Wore to Din" c•I base no efothar nos." roar flag he lure! .11m Iftnalmata Lantepa's Batt" ono l aps., Calfasrafaa." Etta ma wood. algae. Co hm." *it topic= Clantaf • ." Whuslahertyd wogs. lbws le my Cocai cy. Maid Words caa aim We." .Wia my Bretter fa dm Pactlo." cmo they Wok of UM at balsa.•• they miss a at hems." "john Rmwele .T/ NI or rich." "Lot me bet Ms for Ms Kollar." "Nsentdea Moore' nEtother. Ii the MMe our." rooms ono to lova'• afro at. to Iota" "Ni., to, bats cf that lons rim." 4 .Bhe of Ow Inentnic... Oar coed Skip :Me to-aft ht." ..aattdata ammo nun." Lod other toe namerms to mention. HMIs& post. patd, on no.lpt of 10 amts. by JOB P. AWN, p l atys.. web Was +Me Bel Firth ,tarsi. lIENRY 0. RALE Br. 00., Lee ties .adds{ theft FALL & WINTER STOCK, And lane theft Wends and the pub bto ssaratus *Air Meek. Walsh fa the dust sad met a mplete ersr breoett to thh mike. • Mime ea band, o lave anntrtntent of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. CORNER PENN AND IT. CLAIR STREWN; PIITSBITSGII. PA. as REDIRIRD PRIORS I To mills room for • largo stock of Wail arcocoass, T 3 &tan, we are new *dog ant ace sawri mat ci Carpet4gs, Oil Cloths, XaStings, Window Shades, LI • geed reduction [nun punt =Ltd isles. oLivma SI►CLiI4TOUi & Co., NO. 23 FIFTH STREET, EVERY IiSROHAI4T SHOULD HAVA ONZ. uonni STEEL METE Telegraph, Beßroad and Express Ma It dims anz7 fIL!GRLPH 017:011, RAILROAD 1311120 N, LSO WEI= 011/01 United Bisbee and • • • - VIDICSON: SM. Onus ay ma dame Musses 00. I rr69 Beostwor, New Tack. Vsb. 9, 1668. Ij Ido Tolss. dimes sod Wooed Mao vs dud eigrsal sirtics to 00. sad tmo abused VIVI ORDBID LOLLARD to itow oar smog Erre= Lbws Ifs is= II •my wed Zags sad rasa. and ft to btudnal 111021. luau TEMA/ CO. By N. a. =tam ft.. 0111.2 $1 60 03 ROLLERS. Sirs not tuft DR Mimi at ETITOCIC'S DEWS DEPOT, • oproarri Tam ran 'Onnan. SOBOOL 800118 PIJEILIO SOROOLB. RICH BOROOLA BALLO! acaooLs. rseuci POLLZOS. WISED= 01111TILI8ITT And the vadtat intrustkaal laditati"as QUM, and tidally. Al" a mai:plata alaarbasat of School Stationery, Pep's Hoek% Pen; ink. Pencils. Mani Welting. LAW sad Hots Pew. ltateicine. Mem Dravieg POWs?. ilonsealtien &Ars, an. ko. . far algae 2dXLTALOR 141. aon In toad stmt. PRIM LOW. SW .BOAT STOW,. V. C. D 0113107. HARRY, DAVIDSON & co., 013 IV CHANDLERS. • Oat dialers to BOAT STORES, , Ot stICJ donototka. • 10. s PUBLIC LUIDINO. leftist • cascinnuno. Ma awa ussma mine, . =Mr MEM blaidtai*nred umtassal Df MARBLE - MAN T E LS, KRAuslistiiiiiid Grave Stones. ama, RIABTIE6 PAal, sosinns AIM JOM TOih r i,CIZILOIITIL I aeklugi PRN. L AGAIN.I . sumrsorra x;iporsous EATlfip I.IOUBM, Ito. a' earninnt• Blurt; Irritants. "PA. Mar raiai wisektantatrlei. din' etcLs'alawonionslums in haat, • Mwrihnooti aurae the anciar om L -.. • -2.415114. 11440,03gaie, - 11 Lt69l9t? of . . Mitiiimesfizgre 11%ialiptaad removed stock DXO BOXXASDM MAXX.`INIXDOWP X lITWIT_ _ .guriptakrourrik notrzarch- XAM: ixefitios 4 MOW. nik-xXli 1111 Oidtte ** , XIIIID2XIXn -vita N ''- ANE s . ll4 glai rsi ftlAnt rszn. estop. *, irt. anicoluurf 6imosta• 414. • Sigtdris Chlistsumoists " enerai Chltas - 0 ET .--11110C(911WalfzilLi- P rm.. IL R. Jack* Ca alltsbnAt a. Istat Oth, ral O. . italititt 1 Slues Pharsdpka, sildne NNW GOODS I NEW GOODS Ire tale ileum Su ticibmtbs car etskusur Ina talus Wag ink . am 'ow isartytti s lairs awl axis. rlate isatood al C3-003D8 !waned direct tunas the tinpgrtan and zeaan'so Wren. In vex en..71--^• min be :mad Ituannutir. GOODS; DUZSEII2IIIII2II4OB LSD BIITIOS21; GULETELE AND POINTS LACE COLLARS COLL/12.9 AND BLTT3: iSBAID EILT% Black and Clatareil ; 8188038, • xplandld lot; BALAIODAt! AND HOOP BILIDU SWUM AZD YLIIIKB BZAD•DBffigf AND HITS I GIUSTir lIIFIGISELSG GOODS I E 011.), jor.l Ori 4. gliap. And • toll Uno of Notions, vbich win Do dirpolor,pt Lowest Cash Prices. Mir Wholamb Dealer., 1111 Than. Peddlan and Estill Bur= would do moll to undo& JOSEPH HORNE & CO., ■ca IT .BD 19 i. 5111 9 ,2 EMIL al FALL DRY GOODS. • SECOND ARRIVAL Ls J. M. Burchfield's. MGM= imams i P.?•PLIDS, pWn sod brand; • LIAM= OOLORDD 4LIPLODA6i D1715=11 OLGTa: SHIESING TLAZDZIA I CIAL1003; DLBACHED 1111131.1515; MIME MILNE; 11. EU SWILLED DIADEBILS; Do. PLAID do; DLAZIXITS; it brio aiscatoial al NSW GOODS .117BT 120111 TED. BARGAINS PITfBBIJUGH No. 78 Market Street stisatkra at Morabutssall Deem si etty salt Pastry. Is semi:alb , Irlltod to our stack of • nollumr. Guo9lll, EXlcitolDliatts, manorm, 111111.Datinias ABD ram. SUB" ' 03211175, MITOIMMIX ZWITOIN Lad lb* thmaslid sad ono undo Ix.= WA we sonde boot an buyers. Mod not Ida ou tootomod tollittk Toad gin Mut lurPini to no quaky atd gotta ot outlook' KAORMILA GLITZ, rtt Litioset V atl *rail isd Mum/4 NBW GOON FALL DRY' GOODS, Ws ars SOW 111mhb1it5 1 4,..1147 Se; aostamod of am Vas& VOGUL- Var dolt WI te Stant ossaltie. ell She Mama eart. afoot hali,7 • so be Ilmuid Is she Wear* dem In our VIZARTIIIIIIV will be/Seed • mash birpeseartsmat taut vsiveelly Ime s ad es pair swab earner Sava=lug saalms.- Os; CLOAK EMU= bin boa &mad With coo slavableave Iron V* Istelt sad met Omblessbla ages etalet, lOC depilates inn ia intautiotanid e• out antalesemeally latiated.evll iamb km" rata' Slums ta* wee pada °sale beetat is. Venus Ma& in oar iBaWLII. DIMS VOW" eall 11.00112[111M5 , 1100115i VIII at lane WI lama _am end asubsble Rots etas man. Oar IlleMele bop= vtil dowel to rival& omr Wink Was lestosolga. _ _ Alexander LL ,Bates 91,F1M BTBB Bt. NEW was • --- EATON, MACRUM & WM 31 - ABDO 111Ptit "VIM r". =aphis Rock Q Dien ' •, aKBROIDiBIiS LiD 1402 - - ' GLOMS AND BORON BISHID - DALliußif. SUVA : !MOP Ilitirte, wanton. °our% asap nesens; • Mann ANDAITIMMII/14, MIN SH ITTING TaBill„ • 1111111145 AID Dialnillik• • - Ana remain In tbelittkiinab. • •-•_...- ad Omuta .aueduate;11314 , 111.;: , 111111 bill ea 8114114 Wilt ID Utak tats td kObOk OlOggb our Vetlatasoli-belkes meditialgAdi", . - RAIDS, team * Co. ..4 in wring roam N‘Yv ivt?Pel, ; th)uazo;tazoil • 1/111114 1112113/26141111 CUD: I7RY CVO satz,3lPAillir 11111111DILib 1175;111179 llama OUT GOOD/. FENatokis, BUUNTY 440 r, PAL :Tr? TIALTILDtri • • . .64cenu - tiounip.a. uvula - liar% suim tie. ills: Ain , or R ug_ midohaza acoad,to VJXI Notaty: :rod -Paolo& all eolAllisa oho bays antra tog j,otiontittloato.. l 4lllAFlßosolte-, Mem bytentrll GUN" ol i i ntlilittc 'alaireNlidoot Ot sown mt. damtotti fa. , 41 1 1 , 1 1 141410 , 1111losnramWpiteifiloiceliii Qy Undid to: rik loads d say onorioam tbk: IpSNE r IONINBOI3IMOMOMPAr n oe s i ft - z I..c t .Thitgr nri err mg 4 iseninoutra v g= mum seaueru nvz =hit 111148111.1ttiadir e eitiji ladidna,Brothistiosaahqw tor otkat bpi mew . .tuitstburitthear irbolamitkdtlENlONMeek 111 f.. tur dimEgier:Otalmipilki=i dtactisambrisi VA* 4IIIMP111101:61.1*IMPS,„ _',4*ll,4llnat Golußusuurivi -, : , „-zovatidx,irislika; tel*.#l 44-. .. 3170 * USA B C " W einlaVACHAVlECaltirait s''. _ , .1"1110* - BOVITAiny.- _ Autet, Fs!_aigutp. - 11)4i, Gaols wouwiu....4 Nammousti:,stemrim Dior`::- WOODS. NNW GOODS! NEW GOODS '! wow loNVAY, *MN' 7TH, BARKER & CO2S, 60 EfAEXET'STREET ZT EMT SI MI Mi 3 I NEW SHAWLS T. NEW DRESS GOODS I vrT J MVP RBORIVEO-- • MORA= ZEIMOIDEBT BRUN , • // arr, GM.TAZDEtiZZL 13IILTBIIC*Mau 1721102 B=ETBDI _ • IBIBIBIBLI, BEAD AIM BAUD ZINFNAIRA „ 'nit& irr ip latral anottm e etta so oLottri , podi • MAOTATM atYIIFI4-i -agall BAT* Tirartb QABAH STREET LOTS: i 110 1113111711011/11L—On 8 117111 DAT a7ms: ••• NOON, &opt. itch. at 9 o'elook. ,9111 be acid; - 1011 s, ge=liot, oa tank:tsar Haratoas stgest e tbs 91 1 9 . 010 t deelrabSo lots bit= Blnaktitbam Your lots mins* dd• of Bask IMMO% sigh list log a front of 19 het. sad esteadtss back CO hat. the lot osh =sib olds of Sank sneak basing a frost o k S to on •a xayaglh m tO haetm.. t. each ball= a front of 19 bug, salashadlng book WM& 01I•10i On am basing altuat of/Tholsaall ateadtog baolc GO feet. Tyro but on tbsportb We of 'fa= cos% tack 11 Stet frost, sad atonal= bok SO bet. ass lot on Os north ado .of bar= "treed, II bet e% tubes trot:aka ottfeadtag back CO het. two tats on am s/loy between Ow= end bar= streets, each Wks a km: 01 16 loot lad otteollak wet SO Mt. - On. lot ort tbo wne allsy 17 hat 6X lath= boat, sad saterdleig beet ISO bet. Tram 'mean" -Nu &Ida ash eish sad two ywh lath totrass,axgra2 hs ha* aid rum of Qs•Junsorty goo ba bad st Ms Allotting Zooms, 1fa.114 Mb • so , DAVI9 MUM. TI OUSE AND LOTS . _ lNrylar.. .LL 1141501V/Itily 2111811kr 411211....- 11007411sed. 111114 at 5 oblookonld.dosol4 ea tM motor. takths Bonnet a Lgarreatte 'No iortlog &Ostia Tama tt Oas lad so tits tansy et Figs auto 11110/IgraV ,-- : as?. tolovr Buthr.strisL 51 1 17 / 1 0 , 04 hog 11 =0 05 Me street. ralsaditag back 110 sestaii:Naltaos I. • LS. sad Heated trnll boning halt Sum '' • uns las oglogdag. 10 stst tachsaftact mil an«, ri!eadtag Intl =gess go FM eliabli ad plaate4 wag bearing gals trees. 12as lot sitedalag, Y 5 fast groat Ga Wks ettts4 atld trrttadlag bseg llo o4lgollaster's idlr7 t aihrtort mood s good two story Brick Boas, terllllalsboL sad In extellsot ccmdtltna cocusta!a - 100.4egat sad tong Coln roina, !oat ma [ nof moat dank, busmen: Lltegra tad Aellar. ry. giggly On Deck st rho IoL Skid= ars Inattal to cal ar4 exinalas ha prem. Ws babas Taus or Ilars,-.021.46dad . catb.; tha balm* !a trs 3a wt. %Us 6stiaiat, asaara4 6l bond a sa ga % DAYS warmnitaxmcvtit- OIL =FLURY:AT AUCTiOII.—On -mum' marrawilet-'151.:4 „t win tup sett, st shso=oresltsllo *Ma 64 NM stmt. las GU aster, nrZlios .Etoonta llon a CIIO 4. snottoon flaw .11.131 lan , ' Tsiustannorlns. .11s. assontory pod melt. sni war. testyLT lounattsts %satins, saa_oon• mooted on ths • otoirtraptroft4 Aso: trUlL;vraont omits doubt nuUS tatesbo irllca CaSt double lmet addition sa upon bandlsgs sallrataistut WO:gm= trOGO Tian or IP.u.rsis Ibrarcidif CM barks In imps z =au, intat aPTacecid , 109 • . DAI73 )IcILIII term' 4100D.BTERNITURE .ATAINZCION. X z.oaREIVEbDAY NOBTINT, at 10 *Watt, at tha MEW° gait Attattaa ID TWA ainatiattllbiaoal, "woes d Paat Muds: Wataat Pat *a. Wad GA twat Ws Qua Ta t:Wa sagas rb beabtbft W7alaanit sorbs' b i i ad.notsin E raw Ttattlr at t Itteasa e Ow* T Conrad TstwkWadt tackatalli ZedflAotwiesAbizatart Ofato 1344 - e; Tharatn 'Canata,. nom, arr r. retaturaum. evict: L.OIINGES, SEWING,- BUWEIINBS a.J a snow AT AUCTIOX -ThrES• Dalr NABILSO. NA 10 thank. pelimalcolati auctltgalore,lNS nth stgaikt; • _ T. A, AtcOI•IIMLLIMA6er. =MM WIDEMAIMOV.-4,;Farinot Lisad, .6:.-Am My et tierdbietZ Itomistotmto mnm koalas my ao4 mt. mu two Wks team manta. It mmt be OM tailll7 011. MOtsoOS Mango ma 4 othm twommutots. sad may omits tome tolin sermaare im p vis MOdag. wing nub *Om cm find • Ol ailtrbg lt• OMITS Grel94 Itt tbs. PS4 ,Irtitali e varw Maim iMmt of ste y toomtmi of lam; MoreMmottawki: .ttt. B PR it VAN= Mc& sant calabk.stfitaritl-05.40:0r &Al at Backs, sad whllivldunirtaidisitild in , Addt wo l dAg*J. lo,l43 Z 44, P 4 :''':oB44 an , A ma. , • good joußinrcss WALTOh4ULKILL - Itrtnikall l lo% Adituy egfr.crlxt sow 41ukiisbutit;Wsilibiirots; •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers