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C tritsil uparttit VIA Unit, taialliti ii 2 , en d ri(oo4 to Ml. 4- e ' . •"'"'""••••••••.........••••to .344,, cal 1 . 4 ,.. 1111.° 0 , dm:Amor afoot soy •4 basil at 1 - elma's Auctith Kom t illi Plft/L,241.1 9 ' il ,r kur i tboot rubstod o NM eltail 7 ;a; •N , I ti '.- litri 2 0 11 * I S " II jai l ''''-....,_ , -* P I_ _ :."......., 41iset„,,,,minw /hi:W(4Mb' i p l imeao --, wm " antaistaislhat 1 ........compassy Letuipiiiistbs, wwwq *440(411,7, ~., r ... , Now . e .,. & „ -,- " 4 4:5:4 *OM" rm.-7 _ , ..-., v• --r t - .„.". 11 I 1 I i I 4: MEE 1.'.-'''.;i•':i'-:-'f; . .-: - : -. ;-, ; ' 114.:-;z*,;.-;.:T.'.::.:,.3: . . - MOBNING,J3EM 2, MS. ~...: . _,pirr"A-174. 4 04k:, osirraur. watt OP &rt. Write Of Habeas ettrpni. The following, Additional' write cif Woe - , corpus;wan tend Wore Judge M'Candleu, of .the "UMW StateirDlshin Court, on Tuis - ati " • " In Mutat* of John . Melntirs, Or, D, di e t 114gintionlThia Winners, Use &patient In thilialted Stale* Gnus! H ospit al of this • 411%7, Capt. Wright mind. that A °bare had ban tranSfured to his charge, August 211th, towont to his eutintand. The eertllcateof his discharge, from Ca hospitat; - was dated Augut 15th. The father and mothar testified tan the lloyceiri born in 184 1, and - had - nin witty from home and itallstail'-in - Cleveland. • Jahn was, on- repureintation 'llL charged. In the case cf Paul Blu,y, in enlisted man in Co. Id, fith Itegbant, u. B. Minim Capt. Wrightteplied that he held him as a denutor; that Bleary. by told• him that ha would be twenty-two yeare °data in October next. It was than Courtlhat Mossy wits born in Bwitsurlasid, Nov.lo, 1E0; that Id was than dietitian of .wengi, and was handed over by the town olflciaia toes old man(thepruentp•- tidonar) who retied the child and adopted h 'twat also argued' that then was Anshan bunion the foreign authatilfes and the old man,which centime; to this day by consent of uo boy. The boy had enlisted withottt letting the old man know it. The case was continued over-till next Tuesday, In order that a guardian may be appointed. • In the Quo of Jaeotit6'. Wagner, Captain Coultar, of the 21st District, replied that be held Wagner as dentin from the 67th,regt. - stextpßw lafistry..,-,"Tke father tastlfted that Jacob was born /bud 11,1844; that he enlisted nearly a you Igo ;that hatimtrgan bisciOnetrat; that - he was a paroled poisoner inures cuop:st - Anntipolia. This case was pOstpend thi Tuesday nest In order to noir tsin whether Jacpb is as e:changed prisoner t or net., dod",tlig din' of - .1" ohm'. Smith, a drafted ttionti of Wcatmoreisnd county, Capt. Coulter said that as lie was not *Mato Make a Min hs emend uk the Court to continu a the tan: Thi Oust remarked that it ind nothing to do with`drafted mem Vac sue was' pool , paned 1111 Pridis•asxt• On rigged.7l.4ternoon,- a lad woad Herr, whose mother resides in the First Ward, Al. isghany, wee seriously injured by being inn over byline of the Reheatst street nary, on the Manchester Passenger . Railway. He was at tempting to get en the car, at the corner of Federal and Robinson 'beets, when be fell, and one of the wheels paned over both lip, omitting through the flesh of one thigh, and tsarist Jim teak from the nit of the other leg. No bow *sr* broken. and ids We Le not Witsidued in. danger. Elmsjtudes were dossed byte Opals% and he was: ocurroymi -to Um residence of Ur mother. - The bog Is ' 'about twelve years::at •'W Ms 'father was lonia!"a steamboat oierk. and,f a 'repotted to have been killed while serving in t erebel ITlng.nt Bus first battle of Ball. Lien.. The drivers an this toed and It'impoitibla to keep the b'ols oifthepare, and the' Fodder is that ao many of tbszleseaps being 'What or lillid.r.Parastefus greatly to blame in'not , aintlening.their 'her agedfutt attmoittleg to hang *yolk th.1:4113. 'ltaprantles is ulna-, tnelg darigeraiis, and 'ion , annoying to *lO tisivas and oakum of Slurped. 'A 1144 - 1 mud 01 cort,tciiicrd." . 17 _ A regalsr niont mettles the_ qua Om , Baud eifff Bonin:oilers stssinild on TnenWirsitilet. djpiestimr Ist. %rosiest, kiwis. Borland, Broine, Jr,, Cooper, Pan eis;lllbeien; BieTsieon; Ganda, Gillunarlms, Luttobilletittinigle.'Ediode. Mite. wad Pew Meet Brown.'-';Priltarby the President. 1 Jar. Bnenersidesented the Anal settlement of NA Jszeas.Gralease, callow of school taus In Fourth Ward, which was so. MOT that the salosLos of au As . ilitattifo s ibo Principal, .and the binslcdil of tkOOnmittat Illopartmont, in tint tiojoad Ward, Ito coliollsott,-osolt to roolvoin6f,so titanium. ,ii.pood to. - ~Osintottortoi Mr. Alogonnlgli,llr. and Mr. Cameron (Tfonstunt) wan appointed. * a ttiointittoolo look ninny the moneys die to . .theAlleshosy flohooLtelttleta In the Conti — Trasotieo offtoa. ; ~21to mating Ikon adJoitrnstl. ISPOITATIOI 07 Pass WL11111V41110111.42110 of yroonslag`ptne miaow has tug Usti* fait in this mmununitturhat• hnun7 anything ohm fa found black srviugar lads add With' Mots:ions drugs: ears tndobtal to hir.li% M. Saimaa; dingiest, on Bawer. flanohostars far Importing from Gar. nuury,gmro nine vinegar, free trout drag& Es Imported some of the nose kind last year, turf the purolustars found it to b nth a pram Win% that ha mu; kulused to Impost more. My parson wishing to buy good wine stooges, we would sofa theta to Me' siventeement la Sae ookunno. * • Surma ' felaonuirs...-Haring had orm of Whimlar end, Wlteon'a , Sewing Machina, to cps:Mien form orattoos a year. ego am: bear ' ttetlntosy to 111 extellenes and 'utility. t it is ''' now • Salty In our domestic irktitutioa, and I, t a pit & last thing we wcnld part with. No '• • a, until be hts proved it, am! tell the = ' am tof woik which ono of thus machine's • ' will perform.; Nwor fandly that eta ' l ldhrd ,7 ' It abenl4l be .prelided , ' with. Ans._ ifr. Car. rater. af Wirt Samna k Nea t 21" Milt it., , a ganta for oil, will affrays be found 14' his aidattenlive. ' -'' • •- 1 . ALLIUD Loony, A young gid, whore name am omit by requut, was -yesterday ar rested and looked up by thaAllegheaj oft a obargeedstadiag fifties:dollars from lir. - Job; Connor: molding in the rear of filddoa's sErearf, on 'Waal sant. 214 girl hid as oess to the house, and it is alleged 'that sbi took: the mono frog his pantaloons ported, en ;Eloaday:evaaleg.t No money was found - • upon her; sad the will probably' bo Ws - dung& •, , •Piiitzinko _Wane : slz mita of 4bsill sown litozosiito yootord,ty,--b•fote ! Tags Lovtio; of -Um Elopmio Cori ,_vita eon , _ tinned till Thim4s7morolog, to odotscumisi of Capt.. Wight's Itsrlog •an of ethos ciao Wm* Jadgo orsit3 were to roam* the boats of illvoy ifoLoan s _ • •3,..llarzli k Tovigt.L.X.liorg.4ooopli Bad -13: - 111,ttoioltroad ZWI4 Far 4. by Davie. it 1 Inguif ?drb" *0124 S e pt. ht. :et the 4411kmirtgal Bates amt , • T!!!lae eleWiter OLiit,:thsconia iluEsdoslitalkeri tViteoeseLa - - ---1712211kithiloP 4-300 02 4 0 71& —184431 i - a k' ggnl4l2ads 8e1234•21111t4091w17 dte203444313 3, laokilliplit s Siztr„tollAtti..=Tatonnation ',mat in* o, .4534aratan 440; "agataat ~.,Jobtihnoranisi3Osorgiiirarbor,, amens $3 trot the om it. -."=, 2.ltlnilitik.p”b4k - rTha' affair 000nttrat on ; i-",4114117.1,/inothirg. ths Map totnonly yams, WM , . Welton Moir arm of 1 * -.1. - 74bintfottaatand Omit *los Donna was ,:l-/ 10 41 1 41 01 1 1 t i010 ... • 1 - ;41111"Pyon „ lhatrat..—Anot 1 0 Apo ann. 'anoiutonibtott at tits thostaslast aiming, to 'witness tha togooastattoa of lb. saris of ea "DAM Mpg." T h e - 11.1121Cu1l jgt= the stage, and tb• 41 1 41 1 c i l t r wiLtitiolopoitaszata.tkla Mae_ suiMnad ;in ',1 4745 ,.• 414/1 " 4 /. t C(fl lth lbs fars* u nll film „ , _ • 'Serious Accident. 15 PRI tic X•0(14p - ! comm. Gum irilimunithilitrAlKocuM" 8841 suoluffittelag Moons als lost fa us. A.l. fas OnyorkeonoralAaoi drat. Tanga PASIgh Plata andOznainantsll3l64 Boger, and dealer in Nonsnirants aad Vet moat ants of the ben guilty si bvi Woos at Ilan Liusbtla% tsar thi iti*r . Works, Pitidnailia% • Poetry. 'Get the bid e " say yeartad abbots, wins totat, t heir intention. Goof misbc• to the publicorbo lei admire the din- That eu, eaten its own batmen tO este pmpla venation:. philanthropy Ilea tide will be bowed and landed. And our ennpettton. names on the list of honesty if aide ixattsdls heeded, the remit nIH be known Toadd to oar take, and, lawn their own. *Qat the bate when lon pauchme, is in eseellent direction. And Judge fnloutahn,when you Mane a ulectlon; To accomplish Mk se ins anima to the wanes, . To procure a machine that can sew +etches:a gimes. We etio the raiment as satanical by our tibia, Eat comet the inzpresion to which their Mee:. tisevient tends, In adeising • the' public as to who ems the best maker, They insett ed , their awns= instead of Grater E With this hint to the poldWitiireild also lamest, That spectacle maebinte asemansfee the bes • , In Menton to which, and the.hspoitaat of all, Our bleeds mmt bare kin listing, and handed; sell. - HOZ rata awn Wurran,Wdan.—The sum now .la past, and .by the morning', frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will be shortly upon us, and we must *vide our selves with the material to keep at . comforta ble. A nice hit snit, ors good and well.mtdc overcoat am the rosy thing and we do not know of any place wham our seeders would suit themselves bettor than at Mum. W. H. McGee A Co.'s clothing establishment, corm of Pedant street and Diamond Square, Alla-. shiny. They havo also. moires a complete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patters" for waist- coating, to. Ovum On an Enna tirooa or Corre. Bam'l Graham, mordent tailor, is sedans pa his aping and Banner stock olgoods at Gott. Th .ostudst of all thi latest styles of clothe, awlmtaep and vaMings, of which he is pre pared .to scab up:ln t he mat fsaldonable manner, and at nitric°. ;The path* should not neglect to nail theaselres of Oak rare dance sad care money by girinii hlm itri early all. bloA , a large usortment of Plate and fancy oar mares, well adapted for boys' wear, which. ' will cell by the pleas fax • below out. ' othori should not neglect to esti early. . aim% Swims, Merchant Tailor, , • No. 64 Market east; Mrsemon, Er manta Vozawrreeza l—whe steenttoo of our aranWa brave defenders to.' =Ay returned from the seat of war, and of the pablio io genersl, Is again erected to the very exterudvo and handsome assortment of the latest styles of Prukoh, English and &wart= plow goods, for pants coats and vests, lately received by Mows. John Wes A -Co. Merchant Won, 116 Federal. stmt. ° Allesheity. A WWII Mutton •of igontlemen's fmbinggoods will also always be - found on the shelves of the catoblishment, tigether with • lot of ready-made' elothlag, got cep in this best sasaner., . Buil* tnavan'Orm.-IIEV. ri119. ; E. AISID11118; far istvil sears Niaaarry ro Hest; wow of Matinekergh; N. Y r , Oho cil iate hating etatotay Wooten ha lair odd WlN'•mita, " Hum derived mach !want front Memo! Mrs. 8. A; Mites World's - Boa liastciror and Zrabsloasonot. I hove trbri,vartons other remake, bat nova oar thintShat u nocaniagy ao l ;amanita/glair- Pied ow" 13ohl 'by druggists ovinswhero. Depot, 193 Oreinwah. Wee, New York. tow lowairt os Satnaca,Lazoaaan.aa CoY =ma,'Na 110, Padinal ;treat, Aftenbeny. Tale Initltatioa, oadaotad by an. J. Dan% wbo_faaulsted by expo:lowed and iticonafal Instraetors, ammo° lie Pal Bodin on Ow in of Ikplainbar: limber of papltalbni tad. The English and Commercial Night School rill opapnitnes on the Ica of October. antEl 4: il.llllo COLLiCILILTI .ISZIITII2II—A Wen eluded school for ladles, corner , of Beaver street and StoCkton avenue, Allegheny dry, Ps. The seventh serot-annual session oont miens on Blonday,Septetabsr 7th. Per .cdr rinumior ether Information* as intuition board.osll upon or addrees the Prtneipt4.7: , anklawma Ataa. E.- A. Butyl. • Wstir as Almon or ihnnennto tire' Ma ins smog thetobtotters would be Tweet. cd by the fret ate of SOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 0121311111 N V, Pot Wound.. Bond and tkarvy. tbe OtraMela 1. certain cam aod for Baird complaint', lam a Yozote, the Pills aro the bast ataltolue is the world. 014 25 cent*fiet box or pot 231 , N 011471 TO Patrinn 1103,D1tg, 4.lo2nlAii AIM OTIOI3O moire of tendon to ewes trAveDlogr, now rode, Of t = oho to the Cupsetor Mao, oat at ete Carlotta Shop. Vhilo above fletithitok . street. ore.fte prottyt/ sitooded to. t thErsutsrrx.—The (al teres, of this institution *lli COMELence on Tuesday, the Ist day at September next. Par particu lars see ostaloime. to be tool at any of the bookstores in the city, Ace..lBtb, 1861. , Pout DOLLIII, four dollars. Pour donors, !aim 'dollar& Doutal !Maga*, Duital luatituto. Boot clasp Dual:lt:34 boot &up Doutfotry. No fusohlue work. no Emoting work.. •O , untus and OAJIZILGIN Casa will ,be takes at the Omattsai,odoe, No. 406Llbetty Oleo, der or- sight , All''orden. left et the ebele, place 1411126 promptly styrodod to. Allieslis mast poldla stnaeo: ' dm. . . , Excuatos aLoth swims otionsseetlitontl4, Esptombor 7tlt. - toad for oltooloo, of all at tho Institute, aorta of Pe= and fit. Mar otrroto. C.6iLb Daaest, 318 ?ems' ittplad to all taut:int .r hit ntotettiox-. ZIARBIED us suav—uonst&—on &pt. isca,is ib. Bo Jahn Doves', D. D., Dr. TdOIIAD.OEIRDIE sad Phi JADE susswit,i, bath of .Eprhig HUI," Allosbal cents, - . 'BIDDLE —DAT—On Taesday eventegS•l3t6se :14,1E63. at the realms of the bridal DI M,"DI `Dm Rm. illiets awl 1111.3.02.Z+16.i1d•0s 'laugh toot lis•Abow„Da, tour t.• bLED;s2 ,- .6.14 r xi... ?Nauru' b van; thi alt. ..111". near ii. oiJeba 1tr0vA,441111'44 , 121C' Ills tong min ta!kplaga' oa liftditts4ayi lb. VI 14114 If/mills, Maio 4 hbi.tktbuii.cer3iF;ol sad Dimond era* it 3 o'clock . ' • atiuroloArEs. F.O II BLIZEIFFr•IISIIRIC - 11; wc , -"" LEM a allalt/bUnr. Ca to it t=doate los Shedd, subject to the Odaiest ot thillWasMs CloaTentliro. which will met atilltroidayi OW, ow FON ISHBRlficdooli Bost Ida tea =WM* ta sag Om deo, iratp• get totee ambles qtattrabaCknety Onnistkal. MoOILIMYBRARIF.dg wawa:), i55,533:13.17. s' iii;tgaiiiiiikled isortma et MARBLE , DitAN T E LS, Illoanm'ots And grave Stones. Prams URA 80lIZIDALIA 110 JOinn i * cum= bood z ,IpitrAGONik:CitiTA WEIBEI•BAW FO kipt cm band Maim& titatim,416.17491.V maim emus • num am* sup soWiso waukowsons Cat mad desOcia taii4 gimp am killsw • Abel HiTud =EA warraitio 4 . ?.0;t0;11111.4111, - SAM'. PICROMON, • UALU ovitiwits*O.xxisvant.l3 ira.,4, sonar at Mott , sls4 Fillb ands.' etag..*Parlaq rIDIRSIPAZ aod fin* Ron aOlum Boma earrsas - anwitima. 44 "44. 11 " 1 M1t ab01- wis• •-e-4: , iaispegertagua; lIIIMIV TirE-14TEsT 'NEWS INLIMAPIL Obß 'REIM DISPATCHES. ' FROM WASHINGTON. JIMMIED BUNCEOP-ISEAIM. Supposed Attempt to Flank Gen end Meade. -; 117MII! WE' RIM : : ( 11/iVALIY XAID CONTEMPLATED. Bay ilk.; ike. Emig- Dispatch to the PUtebarel GUM'Ow WAstusratos, 8144 1, 1863 *mons run vainionik. Ths Shit of this nodal; has the Opens: A upon has nuked this 'idly Ll*, a Wes body of the rebel army, add to angora !fly thousand ma, of all asms, yentas; messed the Rappolumnook It Port Conway: it myna& for iho pinyon of flanklag Cnonal We report needs confirmation up to the time we go to press, but it maybe true, as the mbar' have lately shown dig= of restleXt nen, indicating that the time hag =moils the opinion of the nbal Indus, to de or die before the rebellion playa out entirely. Lee, la aroulng so low down as Port Con way, if he tom done to,Must ha= *.eounted upon =extremely low t inge of water in the Rappakinnook, and to save him from $ dank *tusk by our ganboats; but hie porta= may yet pro= a promalous one. If he doweled to try.= advanoo Movement our army will gladly welcome him. Through prints Infermetioa, re me setls lttd the rebel amoral Stud hu been, for mem dais nastoneklng preparations la the eledmlty of 011pspper Court for su extensive eavalrimovementin some dlreottim, es net, unknown to no." If It be trns;as alleged sisserhere in to par, by a report that Lee 'his thrown. a condderablo portion of his army saw of the Itappahannook, in , the vicinity of Port Conway, that movement Must be bat a taint to prevent our cavalry &aril paying dui at tention to the movemants of the force with 1414 Chart propocos ti mato his Gant= • plated raid. About • thousand rolUll cavalry, under Im tioden and White, attacked and punned a small party of ,Ql4r cavalry tartly, chasing them to Edward's Parry, on the Pictorials. The infantry at that Point prevented Ike rehab from crag:lag. It Is maned that another- large body of rebels were attempting to; cross above, at Point of Botdis,but tbis is i ltet folly credited. AnotherforeCof rebels are rspertad to hi at Gnat Palls; fifteen tn* aboii Georgetown, ibis llTlgibb =0 of Widoit aro *lien& TILE LATIIIT, issores. Thu latest reports we that' Gen. Lee is In Richmond, with his army lying Lo detached bodlu bstween , the Btu Ridge and • Tuns .Royal, on the Rappahannock. Um/street commands the extrema right, along the lino of the Richmond end Prigerictimborg Rail road ; A. P. Rill commands the swat" lying from Oran pi:Tout Riau to Calpspper, yd Ewell the left; With most ;if the unity force. The scarcity of subside= is assigned u a Mason for this nattering of MS &LIU. Zang' caul* , brigade is back In the Shenandoah Valley, t . rhile Cook's brigade, of North Clra , RIM troops occupies Prederiltkiburg. • Virrnis or no 011310/311 &nun AND on- ILLTVL, '• The gunboats Release mid Satellite, were metered by the idols on the Reppabannook and axe et Port 'Royal on that steer. An ex pedition is on foot to re•captdrs the boats and &he the rebels sway, and moms is deemed certain. CIONSUILLL DIPMADATIOIS This rilml gnesillas Ooatlatis to commit dirprUutuns *Una& #lpatitok's lan . pave btu sosarlig thts osaatty rut of this 'rills twat sasses,' for tlus last Wu days. 19711 . 1.20 LAND 041Y1 Judge Otto, Assistant , k3srastaiy of the Istsrlorituts added adversely to the °Ulm of Illinois for tin two per mint. for road per posts, on the indite yroatods of thii•• Ishii of imidlo lands le that BAIL The. dales amonnto to *lion% forty thomptt4ollars. The trinoiplipaltis doeislow U applies ls to sim ilar eldgis in Lidwis and ofik. CIONTLLIILIIDI puma Tine crozminnos A largo body of contrabands alma In Iron Prinett Chubs manly, Md., flastutyfrom isbol ayents who arc there Oohing up scary Aggro Au can Is; hold of. 'A STUPID . 11J*/ . D. Tito Herald'. sensation esastd,parport(ng to eve thrllatident'seendinsatt,o o nteisollnlda letter to the Sprint/Add Convention, Is looked aPrn herdii point lose ndsoblevone than etni id. It le proved hy unbolt) . nitres In evelp pertloahtr. - . avearrzurea Daeuria. Rini &settees from the rade, reodved into nor tines, sits: 'Wing the . oath of ails 'enia and "MUDS a. staitityttee In one vain7i:lo4l,llva to TOJC!111 - their aomisdit, Cia7l*ltk* . gotlil;.stolon korai and each other flanderal It war convenient to Voice: aitvaiithe liontiven. . - . The Latinist Atreus Issalpts for Adjust are isrpia , et sty month pi, wonting to fro salltoisliutumiiiklll34l4llrtheitutand twolinsdredllll.4 one dolts's. - rotrip aims; . , frt. Outoi, olttlt to Popoutor Molarlarog idoisietptly slob; Tortjtistitassldalltifittosi the lattor,bsti.whloh looney tin soon tOOOF.f, Oro2,llsa ton trlid by s =Mazy eiatt, owl .tono•kg - Oilth itzd tontosood to Itioopuos ... tomes{ la tho Albany positaitiary. Henn of Neu: Wistatoe Biped tion. Pannurau. Sept. I.. The .804 u his the fogriag dispatch =. • • Anus Maros, dug..,69,—Goui,nrissgea mania to Jul roturald: to Yorktown froia susauslitiouto Bottom a bridge; The faro iiiippilltru part of this Ist New-Yak soul sit Bides, CoL Oadordon t and the 60th' Pa. carairi, _Mout. Cot. Lowe, The expedition tat Wrniatasborg oa Os 25th lustari and p laud through New Kant Court Rau, dirooll , to Bottom's Bridge. At the Una pine one rent' raginat of Waft Wilde pits was fain, wails was suppoftsd - --bT' n squadron Of Angie wu Wan , across the bridge, wldeth •therebela took of age behind. Wa lost Ins Win an one wounded. .Ws captured, five piluumn.;-' Thu enemy left Masa one oases, ous icSaaas and two mu. -Thy also lift s s ut UWE den. The Wain of the Wigs nit; dared it lasposalble , to panto them aid the object of_ the expedition - bong ,soon- . pluitediur troops rennin with ountlars. sable hifalutin is to nisi faros and " morematta is tha TAMP of _ - From-Fott Who onr'ollapoitett palest oi:Goa. Olaat. timeworn, En& .24tiott Zoo Ton Gibson to the 24th toy s" - • • Gut' Blult,2:vdth 6,00 , V jamvand o;3n Of ettlll:4, Grouted' the TaIiaIINIS doer ea the 2E4 tot , the eanoy bawd belt% sad fell bulk. T'heseboi DV* Is 01g504 14 26 000 oonihitinttoli amen! at ltpti Ol io. bat few deaths, kornrez. The swat-pot 'malts to foam altos moss the Istaleasla that rietahbothool, , ead Dow toe It tepot_tedtat lot itootto - es the 2824 I that Blaatba4 batAltrese% hat beta whir plh 'daisies! of thtee Wahl& Q - MIE I , fflmmUuk tEarope*ltiatenillm_es••• Artitat of tie enamel AftleeiZ: lisi=ax; Sept, ;I.—The MOWN Mita from Lliiipinid on the tild, aid Quenstouts au the 233,arrIved this afttniuma.... Cob= Ma and #l. Emitter dial)csi 60 / 110411 sztuPt corn sal has an Iberia feadszury.. Frothing steady: ' The polltind news Is Weimportest._ _ The AntaricanCesuml st Frankfort h a d db. played the Mulesallag. The European, of that vitae *du that it was Is purstatnee of an Urangewent by whishi la mfr_ of the overthrow of ripubn antlierit, la flaziew, Presldeat Unman Woultallow Mabel - to be represented la foreign oeuntrlss by state of the Weehlegton government. The Eseepeces eaten to 11=fset. that InMarchlast Ilsoretary Seward Audited that Preeldinst•Lineola and his Cabinet Would never tobasteabonereidal governsurat in Muleo. and it intleinakis as mediata wit if the Emperor of /Tango dots net OM= Muelf to a demand for inbuen. tioa and idol Nub= a sepubila - , Gun Ilsrausi—Nothing is known of the ustrumusurof Oa Gadsden= pirates/ Flor ida, Megahewair seem of Tatum an the males odd= Stilhaf August,- Spubiathas have been afloat as to the object of the Pier= Ides *lt to British isatersi 'Gnome_ ,rt Is that it wait for the pupae of takbg on board Mr. libeea. who 11 Ant nimbi; to the loath. Mr. Mason, it Ls &bummed, furious to Ireland on a visit to Earl Monanglueen • It is annoureed by the last steamer Cue the Ship Zees had mind at Liverpeol;feau Bounds, with the slim hers - teken , ont the Ansarban 'hip B. B. Itrite h.Sthe pirate The SlippSig Guam says It Is renew that be slim bars will be restored to the original onsigases. The dim was shipped by an lingibth house, and Insured in London for befall amount. It babe stated Wit the onentsader of the Florida-ea hewing, this fest, resolved to restore 11 to , ths rightful The 4raisisact Navy sip it le pet trying'to know that the - Elourmment is not blind to the dangers of &difficulty with Amer ica: nor Is It Ludidareat to the arils of a rap. tore, whipb,we trust, theAood urea of all :repeatable Americans willidd Is In averting. The sin= Joirnal adds 11 is with - ncrwbh to deter thereat. republican tyranay , which buoy selling Its head on the North Merl- era Continent, that we. againreeordrour eon viatica of the ultimate muss of be military means that be North has set to wort to ern= the hero% efforts of the South. If Gan. La I, now able to gin ono kneekdown blow to the Federal and seise Washington, or if be akoub utterly route the Army of the Potomae, the offset will be so great•Abat another year will be gained. and with it, who Mows what may be obtained for - the Confederates. Bat shouldlan. Lee remain butte', and permit the Federal snubs to sweep around is his rear to flood the Cor,ted. army and over•lap all his comment:Wiens, Biabutond may become a mere eget tureen and the South , and ell be lost. The London Mobs regards pesos u still distant, but the issue not denbtfol. IA lays the South may be mangled and saluted, bat must win in the end. The Confederacy loan on the 21st of Art gut, mined 1 per cent, olosbg at 1802501 b. omit. Braur—lt is asserted that the ministry viii not eonelder tee Mexican puttee till the Archduke Meemillaes decision is annonneed la regard to the acceptance of the Minim throne. Seeneflai, .fuly 4,—Ths city Is quiet. The Idperislini attacked Nanking end captured the outworks. Liverpool, Aug 22 —An oasis! eoirespead suet Is pultibhed by the London Rea to-day, regarding the Federal interfere:toe to the trade with the Bahama binds, from Earl Russell to Lord' Lyons, dated int, 18th, in OSA he sale that the British government had some reason to hope that thalaterfactise of the Visited States government *odd have bon diseentinned undue representation from the British government I bat each not beteg theorise, Earl Russell Instmeted Lord Lyons to address nett a remonstrance to the United States flovernaient. Load*. Marta —fluting. ;sport'wheat hour, and undingdownwani, with a Moline of 11(gi2d. on feretp and (M. on English. Intelligenes from hip= anuenitess that be Japanese had paid the inderaity demanded by England.. The hfikidodo had hued or ders to expel all (orangutan and elm tho panes, ports. The lots of property by the earthquake as Mardlia, reashu $40.000,00 Lines—Liverpoot, Aug 22—Cotton bony. ant, andall qualities a trade higher. Breadstalis dell end tending downward. en outamns which is steads. . _. Provisions quistand ream. Produce study: Lemke, deg. 22 —Comb for money Glued at 93)‘®93).1. ' • From California; San Samna°, Aug. 111.--limiaass quiet and the merchants ate giving more at tondos to' preparations -for Wednesday't ideation than to trod*, and shipments Ogee& to Sall Lake and , to the Colorado Itivir ovular, are larger than net before. The bast bands of goal oil sell at SO outs. The buil eastern butter O. - • The AMP Banter Util eharf;wed Wheat for Lirstfool, tasking the - 4th Alp sow Whig bramistolte for Europe. The 'WOO of wheat seams estalatbed at about It $440 1111: boo dred pounds. The ion by the react Are at Virgisia Oily it estimated at half a mildos, bat, probably, this is an ersgreated statiment, Si the bui %mu portion of -the city was not mud dam aged. An immense Union mats meeting in the oily lest analog, was &admitted by Collnotor Lotand Star King, the Union andidstes for Carus. The Dmeoemts alto 'bold a large meeting en the mastitis of the city. It was addressed by blessra, Weller and Downy.. The pooped la that there will bt;agry fall vote to-marrow, and an Immente Injorihr for the Union State tiara. There ate two tidos Legislative tietsts sunning la this @minty spinet the salted Venom's, but Unionists bsibmesitha of their debts Wi pt mote rotas than the Demeents. From liontuckp.frumsgutal of GOT. Diamleiti. RIUMIIIIOI7. EL, gipt. 1,40 v. D ru suats Inis inaugurated to-day. Ia his tr.suanil he *Mends that the revolted Stales did Dol that that ;tato by rebelling ; that ell that le neesuary Is far Wm to numb thee fealty to take their guellisn Is Mutts rebellion did ad remit them, to umntolial Stater. lie says we ban now, and wiu has when the rebellion doses, the identical Con. siltation whlehthe extremlets mato dallier. the one by lrytovation, the other try force . ' It Is nos a restored Woe, net a reconstracted Union that lissitacky desists, bat &preened Union,and a restored lidos era a ordstits. tional bull. The Governor stretch objeote lo Ins of negro resbnents,and asks Oath to be done with net solders at the Glossal thews& , t/e, points to the malt of the neat election as proof that Kentucky will not fratastisi milk rebellion, either open Or omit* and , dr; darts that Kentuoky lea nu bow now •:Ii, and - always will remelt loyal to the Sown. mot of our Tatham • • . • , Frost la Kentucky..-the Tobacco 1491*. ' Irovtaricti, i3spi. I.—Paither iriandik:Of UM offsets of Sudsy AMA Trott at& still oonlitotlng. Boas ooluddszabla damns Is ro• paned is Ilondagon and Davis congas. Oa* groan in Ilenclaugn lost *until atria, and roprolonts kts adslibon in the Wu ocallitioa.. "LI& stoner karbionpurottisbg bon tads', and ballad !Alma liaTo caved theirconsignee. to daolinesaMas at protant. Otlar Ando, rolbada putt's my that;no taboo* los loan Mend - ba NandalsOn 'CA Davis, mop, on;law leads along tkov alto. No Injury Amami in Watts- and oonlitla, nor la Olarktvilionglon. We hot manage of Wary to tits tobacco crop , tram wend pinta In Indiana. , • • ;' *het Bypipatldler. = Ordered , from Kanto City. • , ; • Karns Orridispt , 'l.l-4bolat' sons, ability headier`familiar and red dest& eels city sad who eso believed to Wits and obotton of. the .robellion. isynapalhisors'rithlri•nir bo n % olds * to macre from the altdat. by ardsr o Oss: Thring.v The list inolndos nosy the wsalieissit and moat is duntial 'families' In this vicinity. - Their hour* will be tame for ship ihroiliss•of the Widen '2Sp e lr iss :sai *dot for the removal of o_o vitepi thitstai of West Pelt .aad • arlopn are aro beast ludi out • Public Land Visaitatos,Nl& memo' autos fes *bast sakiNl a r i a to 3 we ail& Om secatosdi of um / a l i t plane hails ta State fte told parpostiw-AliNt setretia Otte bag &dim opts* tk "- I /WOW* ap= isaphis spohleasA , milias Akidiglitama • , IlaellenlErnameipatioa Con . 4arenkisair CnT Sept. L-43his. Blew Mmanidtattimistiuutllere is Mite' Cowrie:- Mon to-day, and effested'aliameanalt ottani ••..• . - •• sittionoritlatiaplifellsi of Co l e nonittp in • thi.fiiiiir;andtere TheiftwilArrile flora sash, Catignmilonal Dittdat.- P0u.r411114 - enle counties, in the Eitate-wriDS renzerattbd, airier delegate:rare expeeted to arrive: L -Can- Metal for buyifte Judges of:the State are to be nomlnii< The- following,retolutlim created the 'wildest .entbusium, and wee re , feared to the-Committee onßesolutiona : • • Tidying upon the unanimitesof feelingerlet -1 lag between the Unlonmen of Mistrial and 11- Midi, wereepeetlillyrequest thelatter,whils Assembled in scums mestingut liptingbild, to join nein appealing to this President forest& • change of .administretion lesibi - Depart- Did% of Missouri as correct the - evils of the:volley of Ur pro-slavery 001111=11011111 emsesesiMi to rebel", which has Strained She Imes= at Lawrence end under. Videb. - the truly loYal men of liderruil. are to-dar earr ing the lifliodon of minter** civil - strife .fromthepresance of, et,iargie Mamba of ene mtss to goveramnil,mbile Orrery hot of her soil litinder Mimi rule.. Amchitka was adopted deelariniit imps dient that this Convention make nerweruyar rangements for calling a Oonstitutional Con vention to adopt and submit to people. an Owitumeis of Immediate WiliZiapatlon and auk other measures as will tend to paci fy the State. r'• • • liesolntions 'wore etio adopted reoemiziond. lag the:people. to instruct, in writing, by e rasjority:st tbe roters,,eael: parcialier of the. present Legislature who Neill not ptodgi erelf, in...siting, to : vete for the-WI of 'a new Convention, and name thit each member LC. tr.ying htAtrastissonts-will be published in ermy - neispeperin the BMW: • The following iris also adopt:di „ :-'ilesofeede , That we reipectfolly. demand of • Gen. Boliofleld, pernduien to recruit negroes,- belonging to - dist:rye:LW...nide Beate. That as the exiglifoles of!. the times indicate' ; ohMige fu she Depart:dud of :osnunandets; we. appoint &Committee to draft arnemorial, which shahs sizted by, tbi members et this Convention. requegint the President to es siga or some other suitable Mill to commend thic.Departmont. That we regard. the President's ptoolaination of January, 18034.1rravocable,rand:Irn ruquai cur Leg gist:twee, Senators,- and Espratintatives of Congratai to sure their utmost endeavors to have oar National Constitution amended; prohibiting slavery forever, in-Suites now free, or •Itersafter applying for admission lit* the Union. • - • • • Markets Di- Telegraph. • Nor Voir, wait. I —Mar lower and pilots m orally ire whir:red materiel change at Wbl. &met at 44044 X nem Is nothing dn in Wasps and al:whoa:od a e, t 8.411,05 for Claes, o Sprint, 21,12 for hillwaskee - Mb, el ,5) for VII*/ Bed - Western, 11,0234 for unsound Winter 86d Wastarn. BLOB for ,Wlater Bed, Ode f.r /111nois Opting and 81,1201,28 for White Western. Oara In mom demand. ant 11'120. bettor; We demend I. partly spectilattre, at 724§1730 for shipping Mixed Vicsurn-naloar; 7& 74u Western Yellow. Osts &mare. 63135f,0 for Wintem. -Pork opens I dell and closed heavy and kiwar at 511,C2X(411.75 for lid Hess,. 813,50 for - -row Bent, 210,6009510,75 for new mime Bess. Bac= 814u.dtel and nemlnaL, Lard firm at axagog e Vona blot* actin and finntr at kV prisms, chi tly at dittlX. Mang, WI. Gold I. slur • deddsdastas, opendait at 07, adessetng to 2734, &chaos to 27X, easing eitt:et .at 27. Omuta:ma stools are attlet. U. 8. C'e, al, Ocnipons,lo7; 106 X - Steam dun mid toter , —P Ft W I• 06 T,134; 0 60,11230 0 k. Minh Central &rip, ma3i; cr I/ $ 3531; Webb an !oath.= icrl9o BmWtng 12; Ilstlem BMX; NY 0,134 Ede: 117Wd.Prairnad,107%. Cams Mosore.-124 am tot for. teat cattle 4 11 without chine. 'thereto a talr away which tatte, geoerally at • rotty pa quail, which brought good - troll to tkolly and MI the ohne err. the mar. het otelteelay.• The =ant rip s toe the aria, 'beef cattle pwr tot Mgt calls,. la team $10 . 60 to $lOl6 t;coramon =CO; fired../46 two. C 0.,; oad'alveo tint gutty, Si. 1. 1 35 CO; ea rahom ae 064 %Nal, ant qul 0413730 ti er o =mon e;ssl; aler 136.. tioes a tir , bead.rx. teves6o6 ; 1.1111311 111c35: s4oi 641; ormeacMll3 '6O to 4; kWh= Si 60 to . Join*, coon= amt, 43$ to t%; Mllt hat 434 to 4: 1 , 4 Secatpto hue," Otto ; moo ; 'oat a sheep era Wahl 3261. salmi am. Purtaostratu , Sept. t .-7iur too/tire. Wheat balatsicky St 6P. Chou quiet; yellow Stc. oala to botteCdentowl Proehdone doll. Ltd de fined loot Petroleueel; Cruct , 13)$Catc 67057 X. Widelm d y advanced 49 060 e. .; DamnOn, Sept. L— flour very dal Wheat: Soattima da 1, red dna at $1 3001. 40. Co a gent; whit, 78c. Wbl.ky steady of iSX,e. Chicago Rbukist. Ave. 81.—There wu a good shipping &mend for Spring Wheat and thenteakrt advancedlo242 per bro . with sales ot No lat 90i 9:e; No 2at 67065: new re befog!' at 721073, dad old rejected at 62340. Winter Wheat war not notch Winfred far and SAM were tea. ding st 01,00654 Nq a red ant tin for Not Ned. The &mewl tor Blur wu mots sell.* and the mar ket need dorsi tort not quotably higher. About MO bate, sit gr ad.?. dotard bands at .25107.62 tar mood to oholonwhite White? Nstits 26.25 tar red Winter. and $0,00071.80 for medium to good Spring :Estras ilreigathistrg with wheat, the Cara mu , adtanced ditbs both, will -a.telr bashers Ewly astee Of o Lure nude atl@jyo, bat after the New York news, plias advanced to 50050%e. ,No 2 Corn raged treat ig30419Y.C. 010014- a, the Waldoo4gurs. Goal then was In br demand; with ulnae 61)(2461.6t0-tor red mixed; 62052;0 am Nol. and Mc tor . the,., high mixed adost, Most of tin Canal tarnis old try tiusiPle, InAralfa of Ire. rani. Oats Wars Erin mad In good demand for dog Gorenunent contrec . • Abontl27,o o o ins sold 111 35 WS fa - No I, sod 641231* for No 2ln dors. tlya mains and • dude higher, ales being mods at 550 era it to t-in iron. ..Butry was to good turcuses and prim were well melatalue 1. No 9ln store "ell log at 72973 e, prlaelpally at the ttitdd• &Ora. Taus arse a pod lout and 'hipping demand far illabwliaos s aral tha mutat Imp nod ,{ e, wirlieala at ClWll.l4.—lolarita.t. Clineland market. dao. 34-11our.4oks 4bh worniag ICt) bbh rod at $4,60. Wboot—la good .demand far calloog porpcoes. ILoodoto lily light: Soho oo 'Mom MTh boo to b. at tlaka. Cor.-4a-good &mood, tad -rant off qtrekly of coo track. lad 630 tram *tore, with oho at both dorm. Oato—Elearce sad ham ay opine. No ink , rstrtad'tothy, but - "unit toWity Loki 45046 c. p Nye—lled 'MTh. lEaltimoro,coffee Acqkiat, Ara. o—The wrot:opened with bolter friars, end ussenntone 11.9, Imo boon oomperattroly how, pxohnr, np some PCO top, Betel cosmic* oppreot th e harped Washlnatan and Lapwing, on Win not nude publin sod Jena begs connoon - to pimennallty at 1:651,M0.11. To day no We onty to ooh • ado of Whop phne lUD Ll 3 iii 4 4115r IZAIrZNVB. 0•27411313101GH TOME. ; _ bow sisior— usii4aioN OTIIiIGTJJ - _ • • 1 , ~• Tara caroneethwannui.; Dap: , peStrmiti pattsit hes& deam's of The DatteS Eignat4 04. n. Lioikt,DATOL..... DOCK GODS saut...- - ADDS. DDSS DS ISSVISS.II. 1:1I1PPSS O&M MIMS. S. *4WD,. --UAW§ lAA PHI ULU& EaL,fooBlll LE bias& i....».atisarsamizak lisps sum; rues Dula% 'rasoaaaaoßteq.(iiiontsitasibr). wee of Alt Attrr , llll HAI ..219 !Mann. tß.' UMW. 2101411MOSISDS ' ....i. SIIIIS. llw .103:11AST • Mb •DSMILII. tioirsiza 1611 g; ?tilt *Dile ,olir nests ean:b• mond Um* • sln &bacon: _ CP-tllt3T'.:4ol:l4li T l 9 1410: ROPEITEAR 111110INGIA1 SAD HOBS CO' • , At SALAMI= d t:0 i Bo3 * On 1111 sy,. op mer StNtu • vUI kayo Os led :fa "too ilataizp tow rill ILI ;Isllta ago; • ` ' -Tkintation d &tut Qat, A' 8111tai'• burg. Mr Das. A. Pitcairn, I. /1. Ckuto • scAIL - ftM . • usoinatA--,1, smusaLrik.: tonbists la Olt* bt _► , 6ISOS ;11;Fir41 . bib4atats siORMINiirI"B ..... . ...,._. _ LOOarl-81EEt5,44t191e,.•.r0 „yquF. - ' vuourrezo per.D.WoMkougi ectisillist • `• ' - ' - •• u •'` --.1r4- __ __,' ` f ella rit 44 ;441 1. - 71: P l . ~ :T-, - ,.-- , ?;', ' usinn'iTainiznistaiswa ~IJ'.;:' ~-,,,,,;', •:- ,"„ ,k.' , .`-','-- 3 12':.;‘;;''',.1". - tini0 f uiitm.'- , 4- - _ • ,rl. ,-.,.; ~- ~.1- ~ 7 , ;-- 1 i •.;::: , .-. 1 ,1 , ,,,1 ~,,,..- 7.' 4 ...1-...z. , tons P,O/Jl74%itr. JrOTICIEL .. _ IW--• ' :I I 0 1 - 110. I I 11, * 04.4 ?I. • - ITU o p siatzps limamottesesc. ... ' aimf -~r.phligg ~ LT. at 2 chliek 2:24 !Mar.& UNION. MEWING Will bolted. _ at tb. wITIIPIIIIBOII swarLasive• ts filurpaß (flastray) iTiatUta, at. idoektaam?M Tao latiataa will De adirossa tar 4 M. Bump. H. e. Illaknal sad tallam aatilt friA 'UNION MEETING will be held. at LtautaArs %MOM abillbin4dl l ; ca WEDTZSDAT X VINING, as • (Mak p:101. Cot. D. Cwt. Hon. Juktuaralma.l.lt. ihrnm, am IL a Ilscknalaaqs oda often the Bimetal. arlpoancaL Zicrnm..—Peisces duktgoo onsttalirtri ihklimicas kerb*, Vittrieta tbresibout Ulf eirs?4,, emus*. emr tutithanza AHD 1.051124 rub Wal ed, !resat thus% by wsh% to. D. IR TIOLGICEOIt, 80 Si Ptftli Wirt. Plttikresh. , snttS W e INION CON VENTION.--Tunti at to the offer cl Ala eat= lbacathe Coatiattay of Albeit:l 'catosty, the atdarthined berehireirstat the" Deleittes mho tepeateutal tba total ante= of aahl oottakela Coanatioa ca Jose 2 d. IBA aLeasia,ns tBCOB4fBTION, at the (POUT 11.1:2E, fa SUbdattift. sa T arab- DAT.- f weather Si. um. at ito ear* a. am. tha the raw, of aozelna'Lag =Mae the thief:too of EiheelL a. IL 111101f1f.Chabtaaa. .1 fin N IL ITIWAHT. E. =Arvid O.FEBBIIRN RALLY I GRAND UNION MASS MEETING! ite Lamm of auritisii Witt% faint Of Om Unica end opponents of C ' CU swath MASS CONVENTION, Tbnreday Evening, gept.- 3d, 1883, 4ILL'EGIIENY DILHKET SQUARp, AT '1,6 O`Ol,OOS P. IS Thp follzetag rpiakera will be present sad wadi* the cr.aittos Bo*. W. D. BELLY, of POVal•lptils ; W roVEIGH. Tat, of Weitcheater Taci!&s 21. x anscrett, Tn. ; Ban. J. E. MOONIELD ; ' JOLIN B. BASEPIOSI. E..; B. B. CM:MAHAL Tn. By minor tit) Unica Nu=Lin Mai: Itree. THE UNION EXECUTIVE 0011- ILITESS. - Ossras Tim, Third Ward, Alieigkeur, Iticussi Lan, Mostosgibigaltarosigg D. B. TRAM* Lamm dt. Car tp; Jose E. Barrs:Licad Ward, Allagbeasy; 11.0'Hsrcc, Lima Ward, Pittsburgh: . Ear. 8C607113, la., Lg./sans WSW, Alleems4;. Harm Bomar, Loath Ward, Pittsburgh; : :ward Sarum, Lana Ward, dcg : H. C. dirraszu.. Peas ton:ship; . Earns, P. Dirk laosomanvillr, E. H. Tacna, Jr.. Waldo tawaship; I. C. Blasi. TIM Ward, Pittsburgh; drat P. - Daira. Wain isigro.bilai :aura 01.2112. EIMTO hors IlicOurssasa. Orarcsizt bilruship; Lan D1C1303, COMO township; Joni DS. routss, larsztont; • Wituss tistoinst, Lithland township; . H. O. Hat:muds, E.q Ninth Wad, Pitistares. • A. Diallaus, Third Wad. fat ;burgh; Ails= liossax, Lau% Ward. dliegbaug; Cspt..lllll Una sib Nsachaitsr; 1. G. Daemons, Mini Wank Pitishargb. A.W. BCOWH, et Platsb lash. abildruml: . J. B. buitrAVP, OcOins tp.,Ceerstary. furCbsstrosses *Fistasco—A. il. BBOWIET, D. 0`31114. and J. H. israWgisT.t. ; H. oznausos . D. CPSIXILL aid se= EtkIIOL AV. r o. arugulp 140611.11L.L; lid fifth caw t ; J• DS xvis,tiv 84 BOL. Tomas stria PAUSIIer, Jr Pitt tp.; ZORN K. 8110WIl i naval streot, ' Allfgheny; D. D. WAIGI7IIOO. 11 4 pith stmt. • IPorsas dashing 'to bold Indus; tretaap to ell Talons elation. NW lots throwibout the ostisty. wrlll bs famtsbad with Epestas bp calks on snw I do shows swami gout I, . • sBO , IfIlL12.111.1" °TICE& . . ep.9vogr'ziedesaaiiAs toPfICIA. 2Sle Dtnewt_ti PSNI‘. [earth Et.. Dintsburitti; Beet. 1,114.1.1 11 . :FtlroXEMPTED • IPIIO2d:DBAFT.--i. Sn accaritinoo with intern. I nabliah the IPIL I=ll of i titsonztjtjte i l , from r ,„ tht , with the twos . tut lt of the& tozetentiont wr Week cr ririsuarra accurczaa trintsvcia.. Nam& •• . ZeriJosaa. BeNtitset. It hi 1 1 / 4 .,rur ' Mat thiteel. Jae HThird ward, John Dexter. /LLD !WWII' =ID= DOLLIM Oro ga B snestroog, Pions entwodp limp A Laughlin hales township. Was Al.aw on. - dd_ Tb os U Bort , t7. dd um Oargo. - • Was A Barchnsid. , "4 Beni Y Wideng. ' do ' ' 143.30= Congos lows thip.r • Bos4, Pena townshtp li th i Wm Us/ rilms; Whim to p. - IXXXIMIA XT TOLXX ITLXICTTZA. Gonne fill, Vestasi townshipt dlishflPy: • Omlg. Pooblot toe:Sid* dissbithy. Wm 11 Whinss. Roblin Monshipe-disabillip. Wm:Bider, Wilkins lowntblp: awbaity, ha It Born% Visages townthlin Wm W leDowoll,Wll/Ini Linn:whin: dl.isbUlry. Wm Davidson. 00.. ' A. C3 S P, WO towo bbfpp dinbilltromorcronda Matted as the battle ottbiOrcbaw fey. 'Frederick bhtl,r. bibles .:James twee - • . (Pouf Yonog, - Wains township: llltp EllSsn,Bishl. 0o It, hisrglOng Cushy, Wilklas John Bairn Wilkins tp; &tatting, Wm.gr s o,: t rilktos tp., do „ , 'Hugh d. Sp:, do. • • ' ' ; - tbout,Vllkinit - N,disalitilii.; :Bohai ls3n,•Wiltint tp.. 111th John Hoy; Waldo*Viabilltyr - Claus Ban; Oo 0, th dhabilltp: llam a a. wonn rsochrol at . Whit. 'Oak Blimp • : •,.. Tot% ie n 4 Jamie Woodrow /VOW Tl 4 ow 53 mcd With &pi& Woodrow, Woodrow. - Dna KWh _Wind= tp I.uer and ‘ toiniod, Wiesieesa T • -. Frank Itourn. Within Jßeeleedellisztirel -nowt- LL . • L : J ser-Wjlem, oth ward. arm' taiki..#l Fy t D i go oksoewykss, I %---• 1 C:Waroblienuss: Wei lbeelielb, Peebles' Mee, Aim weeeei, Peebles SP. - Menem, Ilseeeelik . Pl l O/ 12 : 6 - ' TielalXTPTs i ffnkb!.git VAWITINOX y ovum , [WOK lreeesemen. , = 1 Teak Oldinkot4 rai# Sp." Wkihonsi!i R 164: Min& Airilikt fl WiniV; apsrato, wunui OS; *7;P . mad Mlles -••, • f. • ' ram alsokeinx:ime LuodaVoilL i• - " ; _ ; pniolja,4 l !#. 'WPM, ' Winnib, Pah* ti. AfAstwin, JSabf • gineOhn,..aor _ gnaw tunas 19. laniu4B434orokum!p.ilVliiinimf3jOihm ';r l ßlFiliithatas 31 ; 2 00C ,- !. IIC Whim . ; Oaf, W. *O6 ~llhmb SS 10 0 eininhgoscw, imago tiiiins , 00stsces au ttlollllits 111110,1 . 511 ; 111( ' , " 1 . - 4S I FiFt!. 9•o' , • tans 14xaea, g.4-7444A001047;14cirl --,,0f • f • — sasses „....____ I iDt~laargwsit alt:Viiiths At-LL 5w......... IGUNITCOCY= . . 'OI , , uk . p is q su ,, ,a,s , ptoiz,ke , -t, - ij, e - t' : a;, 4 r e,4-li7fulrs, st_r.al'rli."%- '...;.i.',.f .. . '.. - l i . ,. •- IP? ' i ' ,- , , 1 - ' . . -, '''.. l i Pf i i --' -..: /., i -• -i Ses i.,/; 4-ttf„.-w4:qlo2l;l'i''fq4'l''.taifi, r_.;;; • ,;{,ca lfcr4Ttl? 4 vt ~71 , 4 4 ,.0,,r.,.: -'.- :' gra. mitsmaa haft tutita.iiiirman i ma% hadtcha, palsttlattat of the kusrt. lack of sib pattha tartar dam alto& tcopit the. mistti* Itta,toscbtr 11 . Shay wilt. toat 17 !hi Plaaanrottildlt *1WW.144 Sikh miaow loto:alaaidai bitho P,VoliStoOtts inthodthii, sad .vaititted t l ogt . radata tataddaeldhet. Thai do deosiblet *Sag% Mb* OM sat 'dolt kis:iota, all :Odd tads Idisso bagiVo 1127 WWI latitathfUlla Mg codas ha.tittI,TSEPOIL. , ' ara aa *Mob IS tbsliPitilSii, Slay ea , ion= Adopt !1;41:11)13fatal Ida:tioda. • Thrsatt.o Mulatto natiattadantitit ha aqua, Tkayprioott latittliatiatald fdindliattreitak • nay tho booth iidadattiat doadattalh. Tbsy a ormapla tot Ottottipetotto Stow now toartbsa; Clean atdterati. Mos eona titer Cbaptalat aid lialimaltaltdioha. th.w.ditr.tldblll l b.t. _ and an szbaoded ottani gan Cegapled or tt.a Weirder Calitya hatk. steam plea, aitastrus, toOts_holl 'hada; at l*Pitaa is podoitly per.Bs.crciiitlaYortittfottarg'sso atrol4ataasa4ls wand each . Banta ailtoitsgtis. itEmtto that Mho D. t. 2=o olguaSitaot sutPirm— U. .111 amp Graz the talk. withpiatataat ,asplatots• sot film stouttoraoss a Lamed platiassodtaa on tibial:a- Do that me loottiola lot neat with 'parkin aid daidettOta dad. Wa detr togtibatioa to alit= tha tiate:is ddridararkoorriorti.'4l4 pUbpewit ptstaading toidr Ploathildss Or bbs.k,blm - ODl9llfiln Wous . WC4l4 In GU% 14 ' Cada WWI: 'pataid 'kaftan* Mb ts* , Was* ssisiliSi****Pb4 4)&42 " AVM 'WWI= tilltatati ttakb istatairst_-sr du ILL loar,dut aiptocazated by sta r w• iladirtsat oetldB taw mato at Mai Oar lottlia; lta, alio vat Moot la pigs& thattialtia 6611441111idirtici. - &mot florthalta's -*a •lit:pa Bitters tom' taloa alatooloa. ionaLlato. gartoetly husitaltdit. 'Vat 'etialo' ttfalit Wish Ito addstots as mad d thottaioditiaa itiperkalta. bi atsaoht t dt tavidithia dtar Vata. staato, Ttgrildato, bade, atatogboataiod • ' actuary atom. 2.11 Dun tr..- I=!= r== Or DB A IFS -011:1114117.131T TEE% tr sab, wttolosak ua estsU, by 81ff itiX JOILNSTON, corm emiudga awl ?death litzeets. antimpunrr tar PURE - WINE VINEGAR, siaictii=*co az: Bouatar, Vapory Mazur It tb h Ba r b=) . 15.onlionaspr asiud44 with XLTS,L of day' eiddlgtoli, at tea I"tati lasi= Tors.:. b 7 - F. N. 11044 . 121' slaw Viorogimme. WirLake Swan= Cop' pm =lad mimta vm% rit!eimmm , - PAILIT4 PITITIIDT & Itaaatedamsof. 88 W 523150. VINIZIPIr LID DOLT oonsa, Mt= •00M 11 4 BMW ) . mammal& EarroxicePALIZIENOLDIfit abolesportessmaddidsodsdettaL9,9lllVELAM. BUM 111015, is. • Onion* as WM. UMW EACHIBsBAYD Ivor& wanaptsi.no.lo Titikor4t!UrlaclisilitteM Gilritreidatintaiol Onto; e 0 to or eeitri4 pat tern. • . - - arvitbairlys Wo; Minot" - Sufferers of -Botb A =mend Witham *tot loci; rel. dared to health In &Our dap, idler. undozzoted ell the mg tuuttnit Ind truv - dor oiyirodue modes ro truotrunt, within:LC, i cwm,ranalden , ltAdd,leere duty to omiuulado to Mu aillotedlißertrinealuiror the smut or =a. Mao, qn the i‘ordut df. ka thorned anillowhe will and :lyris) s runky at tta proserfptlon vat& • Direct to 'Dr. JOBB ILAdfl BALL, US BratUrahrtt, Brooklyn, T 41.; D'UTO HER'S - LIGETWING irbv.HILLIII MON 111 . 1flialo 1110,67 r/Z7 goal boaiekooper.'• !Cilulytast "01 kill simatAtoto Moan War. Ileamater thit that dot. Ws, and taws the bur haltiticeit Min amp:rod. Thinstartlalits for ialiterdifeepees. _ TA8111037003423015 ♦ 00s 7 e c ga er S 4 Et° an 4 Roo d lam% lettivdavlt - PlLtabeinits ante Mansions indExpeltezum ps, AN auto, prblithert ioi lltilimatituri as 'a intalaitiOdOriVllONVD X 001441 - ffitSi spier fam Batioos Ittlill4; : lititastris4 'Vice o r llsiahaad,Sto...ioppytap Os *to 4% TIDE MANS oregur CUB A., 13:rpoii *ILO list cocoa Atwell alter Wu pa to plot imam IPS 1 4 11; , throctigli toodlod old Bp atudgidpg pat•tald ailliasoiloompespr, sta. qopetisy tos bid Otte tuditrr: , Kairem,o446 lIIL Woll3lllScyliatili. orittigunutit.: EU 4410;i (ent «um to Bounaralarts It IguaDOlllDDDlarrft Woltz . ; rOVICOI/11 Einalklnt. ritillttigh. Pa. if 'mkt MID :atniontaz awls Ispunse, DUST Nekilllio.:lllLL osstmicvsnaltale,-cum. I=B.o en disowns ; on k naltsk DULLS, 1301=1:421D SEIXT Is—ts 3A131.31' IWZOrtra; fol6alloit Bonen.- - - - aa3 MITIMIONIU COCHILIL - 41 la — ufiatais; Ellozr =um, Thal TAUlath AND :cot:- =ma, wrlnsowsntrrrarA WINDOW cIIAILDS, A*, Km 91 Sexplalrest and lie TN:pane; Wawa Wood sz4/10)**, Ban. ea load: • valet, F191,41•1:14r tmo.7 *a*b Adtablaftsningtorikre I - • Puticubrattentfoia paid to :esielarteg Wale Lei /abbe dom et ihort notice: _ eta tarPREBONL wocbt ' . n.k:frf Anna' ePr. a okaataig staita,:***4 vat) ash Can sa4 Willikaars )19. 34 4 2 . 11.1 " "MM . rtitibualgh.. • ZurasSitres at ILLUNLIFATINGamuI Lunn , weinfoaaanorf on4iDeassizota. 4 Einr4ad.valmatim,clrN;vsn",46,SicPezato abe.'o4inkticaltuzur.. -..-4021„4 HOWEBEI - AISOKOOki GIVAIXD Dozeorno inua or MX COLlatalk VINITIMV/151071=11112, BAWL agrfai - arrriitssfutatariet,ruis sups. .611 , tke pdadgel &k it thzialaticalbli Vaned - 12 7 r 1 : 1 " Rapes • scriitzes sdlllllll2l fa sop', piwiT. CAP.. AID ALT. ' ' : OP IVVAP: Pm PAPIB MMUS mond traoiX:627 grAit ro. laritabbialdristorlitextrithr_Ri. 111111P9ABITOZTUDI VOX 1,145. mat fSrrIEEUIRY-:IL 001Mith Tor iWarattAiwOODECUMUIXICHANTena litiaisateasaki - k-clacoNitings: 82 Z DS =Mod Robot P"en4Y l -. 16 ig"r" wad , Fautztassw-bitedunotoo raa arsalsosidmistbei to ikon" Vatiodth.stur/Post: • ourtass to Unifier/ Vas UM. Of APS& 11* -- aso• • es - iPolighor toreo642oPCOlbitpar - Poui nor , getvoSellivisflikplehic rotiqb•llajni*g l 4*- 5, , Panza&P.44:T*-12#021gtkv 9 4- " 4 • xvisciamistia. ziospitam; m kionfrad, c= i rsa t unt mutat Lam. VirdllVlM ADD pra V mush 1 ' 11114"Motalghrglk fl•simenern, our •Oit./14: 1 0q, sa mamwrioraltas, • .abaiii.***ww.4wo , b , o4o4 ,ll Tortows.innmp matins* 8i 206 woopsomizirimisksit.n., Keep coaitmiuticassil:ikiesi Thom Tobreeiot sollar -447gAtkff.tr -,:t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers