pidurgit dalettil. , -WEDNEEIDAT lIORNINCi r Mr' 2, RAI Union State °Tleget. 7011 41iiii1117.11011; —"— ANDILEW,G. cUalriff, of Centro. 70721:1111111 07 703 50711111111 00118 T ; DANIEL AGNEW; of ' Valois Cosily Ticket. •, • • •ai Dimeckett. • NA= RAMMOIL . ; , iota EGTAIL ' ' ISLAM — • 1 1 %ROIL Z.ll/1171/0/4. '`` •. rtf•aurts. WX.,A;11NE807%., - " - AW aiwile - Zroaurdr. • DM= ilailgolz. he Burden t 7 • ABDIIII Recta:ran. _ Bestra wm.7.laoBliD9o2r. • •• • rot Gimp Cdooliksin; • , OFORAZIWULTON. - Prii'Dericeor if ei. poor. ' JOHNIWDBATI). EiZZESENI The ifitional Ink Werner, ever true to lie instinds6 and to its minion of sparing the Anus, iron though at the expellee of the l ; ci :the !made* and the ilfe of the Intl* 'innate its leaden 'with' ie letter films intainJosetdenm, Jr.,—for whon haw AR!' iclikfi itrolleY TorlLes—T3 thildfni t en the. people of the revelling Irwinnoir pea ilaa4arther pranntion of the maneneonlii the irobable Mast Moiety; West; their slaves will be draftsd Into OW moles, sad that to mope this toy : , !lavineible fats,", they would sc ...owls to any Rerun that will not humiliate ind ligivieli them—but mat it: it's them to , beg for peace, aad it the President = will - fuse s proOmtilon, hohillig their leaden to a strict seeOuntabllitr, offering the people ograteetion to Versort_aid party, and keying gifiutitution of Blovery 4.145 4 , 8 4 ( ! igi , a , 11313 Wat, S tafe U M/ they trill not owl inept it, bit will hail thirsettietibbla,magmalmene, and.ured." 4.11 the said lons Azure, Jr., further tilt this le "ta paint okhoner," - thit theyout-lxrat am thing hut dleiiiner, but that they . Juana , stand.-itud thereupon._ MO" 11 4/ 11 . the Ptelliderlthd , ear yriththe suggestion, that it lir: Turoorat'Wheiter. to . uoure to bluuself the appellation of " lbra- Aas as Great," „he will, spare therm "this unspeakable hundliation." To alkwhloh, the Istaligeseer, admitting . • that the entancdpstion question hithe only real Malty in the way, adds that it Is folks= who rule the destinies of this great "lonntry, to iv whether It dual hare (iluttinstioN or iremediaiii and fordble Biwtatipetties, with ruin to a moiety, protraited war, and a...el:plata Cho. stitatkeinteaning thereby Viiionandlao. dear, or Frepiem and perpetuar war. after a two years' 'war, the ?reel ,L, dent aim' to ail thin people tints months' grace, Wl:pier that they might ra pist and save diets negrice, cad, finding tit the end of that time, that. they lamlitnd Ids threats to morn, he let loose the Dolt, , and made the. negro free, ea he told them mould do. dud stow, the net '7obloh they challenged and defied, has conquered - 3 the rebellbut, and hating achieved:ll4,a jest, ia expected to be nodose, &nee* day of Writes Us flat And this la to be, tba weak of the President, of his own mot ion, to aye theyrids tad honor of the (mutter-. ed,feiona, aid on the assumption that, Owe Li no Armor of No _owe worth aolloW in tonneetisit With .he set which holes 4ofte; sad of which the =s try hessesyed the sbanisge 1 I This, flowerier, is only is aooordsneo with- the opinion Web the always tmeseed of him. Bat then there is the joist id dinar with path. "Anything but dishonor they - Cabot.," quotir Joss Alum; 54 7 " but thathey cannot,': We beg to 'ay Hutt /ma la a little oblielotte ? He seems to • have all:rely forgetla ell the 'treachery, eadperjayi and rabery, in 'blots this re originated—how ita anthers: and .Ibetton;—etubieebtg ~nearly all Its evil and *liter) , liattae--Utruyed their tztudi t • —abstained their 9a6-redzed our; arse. ;• cale..4tole our, ttruut 7 atol_klutuiereti our Very mints and - hospital& 'Sorely he will not say te-ne—,or t ritentsa* either-- 1 that those people; who Clapped their Windy, and honored the double.dyed criminal; and profited by their inexpiable rait— those people who soiled themselves allover - their complicity, with Momenta. and •secet damnable of crimes-4att bear any thin else.butifishooor Not Jona Anent, Jr., - don! t mean this. He knows well enough the . ftkepoin . t elbows hie not troubled them, so long se lialoriorleas.prolltsble _and, triturphard: Ile me* they don't like the oonsequenoes , of ,nictsnocesefal crime—the ignominy of defeat; at the hands of Ikon whom they have always regarded as their infbilort and the loud the vary proierti involved= the Tar measure that'ii new adndnlsterting the quietus to It.: ; s phey will, oondeseend.,--tute ishalme--to accept ;: ipeaoeon s iri feima wleloilll karade a/11We them. They will not , big for it q, either.. The President must qir 14 'and f : am to• accept IL Tway.-Mg. they shall Ureic. for the asking, is not enough. Toffee it fen, :without repealing the' proit: /settnlYTitalltg Fellation. to Mime and geolatity;nlia:..4enolnli the mutilation og„ to the Clinstitntionel Immunity of 'Slate 102,4 would be to dishcntor, to hmntllaley a n d' to degrade tlunn. They 'would like to came ixt - again as isterierers, with newgUtudas, and *Mint even the ooafwlan that they hare, been „whipped.. 'llaikkkgpst. would A:cc:gists; le admitted "lib!tps.ieppftheir j aiggera...The'Ppoing o/ , Issaor'!., IS the preseriaateif, that par ; f.;-4tionfir property,which l ed them into the • tiebtaniaKsl4 hashasybe nlaatl,y - mova- cisiefulV ibota44 to itoinClhaeo'beek-ln adiassim and: their defy. That fading uPointen has • plunged do n the bottom of their ,"!-- fooled& • , „:The grind eensorlunt of inet— • the;seat of *When eeutibAtty, ie swig • Si* 2eTehe Tires, lake any Aliw illizOggiliiladrigs .. adAnit bi d/MmorhstitiY - We Ire not'ltoPrisca wltibuii „nbillical!Putriginlikeilliuntied. No taatariar.44 niaterr, ever foil whe itag.lo.ll* , thscia4.lld 4 visTiofellii foe It.a u 7rdr dd stmt. bendttlon b#. things , aormi, - ,. Wine, anal hopti *Mai a.voluntary dad ad hW ato hip wu hilt dolga: -armed, the criminal shlculd and inlet{ Quit insteadof -going' dows-on his kneel to Mee Ices nintoirried boon, he phould be .invited and entreated to ac cept4t, as a iavor—tion char;on Ufa condition that he should not tie nuihdoti, oven peorndarily, for an offence iiiteible, CM th egrituidiltatHWould touch his donor, or .husahltillial degrade him. Hunilliatioit Is took - always amine. With out it, the lesson wontd isomelimes lose half 'value.. -Hittite Wain , of HieTresident and the Nation's not to he sacrificed to pretence of this son„whioh.havellta oven a Matta honor to rest upon.. • No, again, bona 'ADAM, Jr., not eves 'title of "Abraham the Great," lififigh you have so delicately prepared fOr the nostrils of our honest and single-hmirted father at Weohingtoneven at the risk of dethroning the old patriarch and father of the faithful hionself---shallbring him down on hie knees before the tramline* Or pelvis& him to dishonor himself by an ant of perfidy which would throw the itevocc,r tion of the Edict of Nista into 1 40 du*. No, Jona Aname, jr.! a 'thinmead times no. Whatever may be th's titandard if morale down South, yoncannot persuade Old Abe to believe that it.euld be right to cleat; nigger, or to Make a slave, even If you were to tempt him with the title of Abraham the :Magnanimous, or Abraham the Magnitl-, cent. He would prefer to be tailed Alm.; ham the Ant—and even "dosed Old Abe,"; with all its vulgar but affootionate WAX-. arity of phrase, -would :serve his turn much better than all the incense which your titladorbig friends can offer to Min. And flow, Jona Artois, Jr., we have a =nap for your friend& Tell them for or, that if the rot of the President was valid —"what is writ is writ," and before Heaven and earth it is irrevocable. Tell them that if it was not valid, it is a nullity In itself, and the *Courts will eit declare 'tilts the President- cannot. flay to your friends of the Inititiseneer, too, that the country will refuse to accept its alternative of Union 'crielSkterry, or freedom era protraetedwar, however much it may labor to marry the hawk and the dove, or join those things to gether between which °inland nature have decreed an eternal reparation. We luMe tried the Union with Slavery, and toad it writbriot: work. We Propose to try it now eft7lbaf - Stacery, and are whether freedom does mean protracted war, as they assert` Seri it id confesied, at the same time, that the very proclamation of it is the first . thing that has ilisposed our enemies to peace. • maga AS chotteld and the Kansas Troubles. 'We observe:that among the resolutions -passed at an immense meeting 'at Leaven wprtb,:was one, declaring that the tragedy °flew:ton was fßrecti* chargeable to the imbecile, and ixtelEcienf i policy of Gen. Bcitaitatn, the commfnder of that Depart ment, and demanding his immediate re moval--and another that the counties of Platte, day, Buchanan, and Andrew, in idissonri, should be held responsible for sU rebel outrages North ;of the Blur, un der the penalty of the-total denotation of the'frontier line, for a distance of forty es same report states, that, under tho apprehension of some retaliatory measure of_ that sort, Gen. Reno has telegraphed to Lain begging hie intercession to pre :rent 'raid, and promising in return, to protect Lawrence and Kansas, to which Lass replied that he would assemble 5,000 -,troops, and tender them to him on the Bth if September, and that if refused, he would appeal to shigherpower. . We see Mike the fruits of that short sighted policy, which iefthes to take eides, and Wan= to hold the babince even, in times like these, by deferring to the opin ions of what called the rodirate men. It is thetrazue polloy , preeleelyoridoit ruled fors° long name in Waehliigtonand tricky, and which it has cost us co much bitter experience to unlearn. If IL should result in a war between Kansas and Mitt sotni, we should net be at all surprised. We should think, however, that. the Gov ernment his about enough on band, just now, in holding the disloyal element in check in the city of New York. We dull see, however, what the Presi dent has to say now, in reply to tho de mands of the suffering people of Kansas. The Qraotix einnesachtteetti. A Boston correspondent of the N. Y. Sorting Post, referring to the "base at tempts of copperheads in New York and elsewhere to depreciate the efforts and Imo• cess of Massachusetts in raising men for the var," and especially mentioning a speech of Judge-Advocate Waterbury, in which "Ito stated that Mazsaoltrusitts was elxlcen thousand men' short on her former quotas," thee corrects thesemlesta,tements: On the contrary, the lists in the office of Adjutant General Solunger, acknowledged Washingtonto be correc t, (L have it di rect from headquarters ) ) showed that when the present draft was ordered we had tar: aloha seven thousand men more than our various quotas. Of these two , thointaid were colored men) many of whom would hare .the quota, of . Nerr • York if they had been considered worth* of snob a posltion, Receiving an invitation, they came here, and we who are liable Indraft don't feel' that our constitutional rights have been interfered with by this proem of redoing the number of drafted men: . • Tins repelled intention Of .117 DATER to resort to the desperate policy of arming hall a - million of negroes; in - the service of hta Vonfedersey," eanhardly rest on good autioully. - , _Pm. Dims, as we leant hoes the Southern papers pubs, Is far more puzzled to oohs the problem of fleeing what: armies he has In the evert now, than he could be he were prepaUd' to arm, equip and *vide for 601000 more troops of any . color, from white to biimik. Only today we notice the fact mentioned in a Itiolunond paper, that a Slate • snot Las beeautablished for the traaamielion of supplies to relieve the upreming wants' of the cabala:Mere in the field. TUXilmond F of the 204 (13etnr dey,) teethes the igeliatoluitonitot !wen ty.seeen htmatri herb of new -Soar lour at twentydollu aberiel Tui saggestioirof Opines Vast the Inapt fa - North coon= 'nu straw !mambas boa curled pit is fluta. extant:- l'he Nassiialinostts Twitatptldrit bin nitshid =nip Esah bat b bound with btu plan, 4:al/porta • blue sibbut one lid' wits 11k lb. Igess' o 22"- la gold-palate t k irees, caldas mr aPPOSIUM fv . issl4.lssitilx , r;lt iu:stitid, bil sato :albaJIV ill! 4144111odUsi kends vizi * jai Oil lit•ilsiesieriatiikad hal isttled , altd :Claltrriafi baslaiii6 'Mak low* Ws One limillicm , 00 s kilt dollizi )rcatiot plopirlii:, ; ~, E!Ml! . Thy Aida of Retaliation. Inert - artfole upon. tie :distOdnedorcen. prima by:dde govettinenttq relelistr fee the hush troatment of negro soldion, who I smite token prisouno,-o. l riokm , • ti Ze eel, 1 rer the 24th says Mow liege h jolted. We tehe . it tole quite imporsiblo that - car goiternment' .yold oulaten.thittitd Port; .but the gird . demand of the neer ode* Commisdonor will be, that we al outs comma to put the negroes on the footing of - our own troophaeg value themest each other, for man, grade for grade. That being refund, ea it mutt br, the conference, no doubt, will bs broken off, and there la an end of the cartel, and of all (aching* of prhanere. This attimptett outrage by the .Taaktio SOIOIIII2IIIIIi is the dust trait of their tempos my ink in holding.en exessi_of Weems, They Mil themselves of the tiroutuaity to reamed their odgihal themprosmely, that we are totalsand aiming', ! and have no 004.. All the rights ere oi theraide d what they all "the Uwe! they ark supporting so Msurrootion;tlioy ray, in their mot noun try, and Orman are legitimate. Thus the 7. not only adopt the utterly 'barbarous typed. ant 'of exalting sawn" imurntotion, Ind they. Inform ni that if those revolted' nogrom are restored to their mestere, they will'put an egad number of Confeduate ottani to lard Mean:- It but 'nerdy Um lenient proton doa of a regiqz government ideating Jaded with "robots bat it lin deadly stab width they are aiming at our thititutkum themselves —because the know that if Is yaw insane, enough _ point, - to treat bleak men as the equals of white; and Imaged ohms as equivatent to our _brave mean, very foundation of olorlry would he fatally wounded, - The P .. to tetehoner and IS *nazi Ate.a . right everything slain Our emit? I Tit KW* re• hush, are horseWass.- titular *him dr ann s Mon what hops inhere of the anaugs runt of aural upon a footing of equality t Wet Ltaoolah gotrannomt renounce that an dada'spitman to treat us as ablinils oewvri ata deliberately enlisting.= run away Bums into Its mllltirisavies, mu tant to gin them np to be deatvith by our stale laws as Insurgents f We know very well what these questions all tend to. We have long moan( that duelist it at land likes me cora prltmert will bs exelangfer end ow more priconaa will be wham Oar pap!' and our troops are entitled, at the Ueda of their goverimant, tenth peoteatlon as a gov ernment cam afford them. Our soldiers do tard the Oonfederats scam in the soldias of • regalia government, and they cannot af• -ford to meat the aunty in the chamfer. of milasotori. It there is to ueb.thge on equal tams, battathare should ba no 's avage at all—batter that iltaiany Amides. &woad day dower b• leo guiltier atbut nor One: and then at Ina this will be squatty. Basra War Democrat.. In a lentil, just inbllslutd,;written by D. B. Dinkins* of NeW York, eellning a re nomination for the adios of Attorney-Gen eral of the State, hS says: "The rebellion his reoeiVed; its death blow. It has now little power for mischief COTS in its spasmodic struggles as it gasps out its ignoble existence. it mart :7 gal vanic applications (rein its friends n the loyal Buttes, once or twhie rise to its feet and stagger on a little further, but this. will rather beaten than postpone the hour of its Anal dissolution. As . Upsets away, and the law Is preparing its halters and dungeons, and banishments for conspiring leader; let ns pray'for the forgiveness of , the deluded mammal who hovel been cheated or driven into this Wholesale minder, to minister to the anliolpunblilon of some of the moat fiendish monitin who bare ever delerrated earth. As foi the mole.eyed politicians amongst ns whOSepoyerty of intellect harnot algae& them to compre. head tho,magaitnde of the *lila, when they shall CO/110. to encourage the murder; ere of our eons ind brother:od us endure their exhibitionsead tho ebnlitions of their spite without murmur, and In sheer pity measure out to them, as an antidote for their Ineffectual visa s, that scorn which muds most emphatic by expressive silence. P.EC lAL MISETANG..IIBaNR. T viz ALLIGLMSI 011171211:-. relejlatlLlO sels Council as rsqnsated to aunt cm VILIDIT BEST, gbptcater tch. at It o'clock m U•eqsur. VIM= ea u . Bed. noss of arortance 'Um rozaht bare Os Conn. di. I.lod USX N0T10N...44U BOUNTY offhTed to soao who bars soma so &lam for a Latta TM tor Moo nth.' =Ulu, arlih shako of &gloms or Omar,.. Inv foil= • WU-Asti= bombe at go TO fifth grid, a t ,statry. b. SIOULTID. Ist MO. 9th &Omani V. E. V. C. IWBS . AVEIi SE.l6lLtifAttY The FA Tam of lonian Inlets own on the. msr DAY or 1311PTEMBIC Rita pr WIN 141:1 CO—La toad and room. Address. EL D. Inliloll7, Deaver, fa. antlasitt 140TIOEI TO SHIPPERS OF 311Z100113 OS TOR PITTBOI7IOO. von WATaas 0410161 114i4WAT.-4:44 444 after OPIUM= 34. Gra ftetber maths, 40 44104 be natal fa transpodattosatibe drpat of the PUtobinib. Tort Won• a Chteagoir Imlsa4 gm 4 ticlOck p. as. Xt4titsllll W 0044444 W towldnerau amid. .10104 X" bravos, .. Clearel "MAU Amt." ear TIOZ I 'COLORS]) - —Aloha:co It sonatas:l to tbaGifortil of iftelnirgb and the tortormillng country to col* totter b UMW Stalin sucks% to lola to Pahl. Inuttictittllaktir Unary and Chi Union:- Mit rOotinr act under Difilietto Ball. thaw all 1112111 re. *pitifully Invited Waal awl bear tor themstlrea; u . ibe 100 :riber "a: De fixtod - Ivor roan, to Os ail lotorusatton. OW= Rah mai all, tad follow tits iimaisplso or ihcst whO totight at tort 11 . 11L•22. 4.4 CM Bind and rat ursonar. ' Copt. VIOL if., Itcrolit" Protalttoi OM= or Wotan Pa. =I oienblis* Orttaas peeressrrTeaauoYLam I*. Tifbifurifibalay MLA= f wrona, is:=Rear - Grim; to. autoodbui to tam :atom of sb.`Wett eia compoo that on sorassuinf of TtvsDo - buinit isis Unj. PBB mu/ ban brew Wed moo the stook adooribielegaribleat the Oboe of th•-ftealorm, et Pittsburgh oh or, bettors tha Mb day of Joao, 18 3, aad a iiksekaiotod every thirty &madman*? vain eirierodse botired HS order of tha • *eta= - Orbistum XEIT,,SOnMTISANZIR.fir7fII. ewta& STUFF - ; AT it ied at the ,ClAitit.tatil Saln• Hama Yitth amt. ma THURSDAY ATTU 000 1 4 at 2 daloar, ectaant Tot wham - It mar amens; tor TIyO,IADISH MISHOGANT OttaIIISHART& .9 DAYS & MTV:Patti& Q 1 AIM B&W 010.-Btraycd 4pJ.V•U V iba ilidda of thiliabsorlber;a4 corm al roan sad , Ikats atlas* co esPul 2 b4 l 24l. win OM HAT 410=1, 4 vista aid; Idtboas abcni,ls .4;16% IWO( tOghoritli Wet .takap Ma staid lip. *ad a mail war. au Ws shbuldia. Ms 'bass mind ail , b. paid lithe animal is late as theft= anti Ited pre cf . 010. 001.111 r. 101 W ITVD. MERCIEtIiNTB AND MANUFAII jA TUSldatdo-Wailin.4 'Mutton as D 70K ISHIPPM CLASH, In • st oling•••• utaushiduiln Mb*. bl • Pain IrPO LIS ta stpselenit In' boot %Mb& mare*Pou.szelP• dubs, b., du ciadthd omit -vie log ,ta !Buoy whn, ospsetty -rellablUly magnum , teitiormy as je•10. will, powaddpsse :rdp. LUOIL.II: , X -1,4111 t: 111191101AUTION OF POTNIIRSHIP.- Li/ Tts plithishhti huishOr •Ristbs Wiping the cabsalbent, Odor Ws Pp ixt Ili MILL 00.. II Ihdo day dlghaved , by. the .withanvello vra ans. :TA• tubas TUI tiu44 NOW. *fps pattiam, 10.J711 lust *teak r . TEM. BELL, 1167." st 31Ett. . =Mince, the rowtotialm. Oran' and IloCate boating , : ants the et to of . T 110114141 lILLit at 00.. st to '111:4 AM Wager .true. esteem 11114 Consouas os AuxOnesstria.. • Malmnbe A u g' 8411 9' - f rO lIPAOLSTRELEIIB. bo.—Healed :mu t e gi - ita.kb.%4ll),""cnke i ureeti'li DOZES COll/011A be on ot piLoaa to Ovantr Ain. Toe Vertladuni ezTthe it th• °Mc" lb. Mal Comabosoner. LaiIIIIIIIM Iffo.ll LARD MAOII2IIIII. AN to i Lam Kbabird, tor We ley. by 13414111 DUSKY a 00. ,ar - • arivr.e.r.trs4- D ay SALT !HIDES.. 8W Dryfei 111aattiebila "Ake nobl as rorwsan.ti y UMIAK plersaraoo.. DitusivED, PBX XXPRES4 Tani Jl.lo DAT. 10 bblLobvice Isystiv• A/ Am Novi en 4 beds by VOAL et Leos smst. 4rifir 4 a.ribirtialiarrx Ast;turw, The ilke's Nato; or, We Little Parietal. — rit rirt rtra It Ittapal thy totatutt• That the metannagtad OW lattotted, ablate laupten pettusalk.ittram • boand etgab, at 1111•I1 nubs, Ne•. Tett, inaltativ'bitos_ PILa. may 25 OAT& lOW - 2 .. MABO3IO lIAIIO In nu 81714 EL em ltalled. gurnbpaid; cal iiestit oroala.. pH OT 0 RAPIrALBInit3.-4 1 ow •A• • - oruuo THIVPIOST-161.101.1iT PziorOandtrit. itiuxer, Tam adored to thlicfry, coaraddad admaroasataks . at Lbabait dank= ard Nana ask% It • RiErNI 7 S;' Mid4lo :HALL, Flynt Slum EVERY MERCHANT SHOULD BLVD 038. WARD'S BISCL PLATS • Telegraph, Railroad aad &pets Bap. It SWIM a►+t7 osynoz, - - BAILEOLD STATION. AND WILP/11)313 07110111 IM:EM Prated Etatee and Canada" HVIDIIZTOS, °Tito' or laitinum lanai Co.' 62 B Bag Nark. Mu is uta. • LloyriTi. Bag= gad Bantood Mao an dad trim% maks tooko, sad halo gaboxdbod WIVE 11611BBID DOLLABB to ibwo oar mud Bongo Llogo. We dem ft awry meld Blip sod room- Wed it toter:Anew wog. Arias TXPICIE 00. Bj W. B frotaag. rns. - BBLY j 1 60 ON ROLLOBS. Maps now may for 411;sarp PITTOCE'II SEWS DEPOT, sal OPPONTIO rat poor mu* SPHOWi:BOIMEE3 Coed In the kiado weans, 8030018, BILZOT ECI/OOL% IFIIIIALII OOLLENS, WUTZIIII usivse ITT, And the victim. awaked InsUtutl - as to thittlty eta ildatty.. WON, I =plate asrartmari of School Stationery. Copy - Dooki Pans, Ink, Panolls; Yobbos. Matas, Winton. Lain ind Nato Paw, Invalnpwlsalere, Drawlas Papas. Vomposttlen &eta, Go., itc. Tar We at „ MIDLLOR B. PRION4 LOW WIZ OP STIAMBOATS. • • 0..1 Dorm illtrawratweststre Orton. • washritle, Teta, Leg. sr, WV. will oil to the bidder, far teeth tee fot kwlos etessotwohe, wooled faith. Gentberiard' titer, with mrohlsert eel ether wepartentoces. as, thq bry in Wit river I (I) ter./411E$ .*V7.;11. DE Oh" near bred of Ilarprthatwods• ; (9)10151RM wtlitelitalle• Bre vill' ob.vo Esrpeth .Thot/s. Badol bids wilt tei readrad it this taut until 12 o'clock , dqt. 14th. 1863. Me will be rewired for etch. tad .operate, and . the boats will be KU wpWato to the kiloton birder, a: hood to the smut et itl vacua. of Lb. menet awed tbr mai boat, algoWly tub rtsporsibie tor. Mr, to bt dab tad in ostlect or tortoni of piping tbe =inn, b'd, (tt the !Ole erupted,) old eobom• piny nob bid - Me all br abased bribe toiderslgiall, endonod "ilopcitis fer Etteottotte," Rho tight Iv [We red to reject any or oil Ms 1.6 WIPPLOvr; dot. oot e. Q. H. By orderer 0e1,.111 1 11W0 awoaus, sos7Aboad *. Q Penn.. t'. Et ' ISAAC! CRAIG, OUTLET BAIN AtuointEr 0/29r, Stow constantly on Nod tarp ind thrarcnottli aorocroel ttodc of DlXlEllfa,Boa2 AND BOTTOM PLANE S . WII9DOW lAA 616 B?ViP, LlEfflan t 5it8.4314t JOltiTe. BPOIITIHQ, ILATaIr, PAL 008, to, AO, He wlll • Idt o'Atnt for SAWED fro= with promptront Sid 'at filr rotes. It 110-Innono wanting LOHQT/Uft&S - co , PQP.. Lirft or. oarUcolttli Invited to ssaatico stork. • eir Ace on Qtatg drat, war Itoblonta. ' ••, • AMU! c. IMn.lioTlol3.—Notice is hersby a do a 1 pato= woo hare waxen Wog Cary, Water, UM badness, Woe, rebool; and "Mid Bruldhog PA" iu th• diy of Alltutrouy, 1113. that duly are required to f ay Um mos oo before the Mat DAT QV 007'uLFZII HIXT, and that It the 'male cot gala oa or Deka* tb• mid lime day of Octutdr, than ITS portirse. will Oa eddied to aid ms.•piosal• thaws and Matt! thri Mash. sot fold cm ar Wow th•flrat day of Novenater Mira. mg.warrantawW ta dlrecrad to tacqedly canard orroras. comma:B emit of them , lo >Mmid taw. with OH orate and chance steroid thereon, of woods sad chattel' of the dolloquirati erhertiro• SW gonad. and to mem vela UMW dials! similar 115atou In oases of &tetras kr nat. D. ZIACWIIIBOI4 added City Tema:war. 4usirun Qin mennuirrirs Oman, er • Cosn 0 mad Itdetretes, -Waddaytoa,,D.O.. Await entry nal PUBLIC BALE OF CONDEMNED eft tate Owe at the dkotal, nest tles Obeetratoty, to tb. thy. al • ths da ABM eft Avrelageoare or bsirrssaszts, up, tn. 2416th and sew days of the tenth: ih. prcperty coademe•S r oat Per yiblto Arnim Nan to tothataos at 16cteLeet *AM of eich day, ad be oattatted from do to day smtll lka mutat an band than to told. • - Titimmaisighl errermasni Tan& A l a 1LTM1131.1111%. CONGRESS LULL, 'CA pm MAY. Iti6lpa' bib gni rerpectianyloinnal thet iglus d ied will &lethal cons mall Ms Nth of Iv! 'Mbar. he railroad-la now mold* LamTalls• tag umiqtalka, was:9l444U* a n d t h tN trda run dwlrlb and nom Ptilladalphls. Amts. maalitthir AN= :for amino se Ibis- haws as be tilet aaLtd aft‘r Sept. lat.. IflbtaGa stalida• • 'JONES iriutcy Dyeing Estabitsinunt, S 9 tiatorni Attir;Olivir -4-sr - ! , A listed, ragroad In Av., , *AVM os TILAST•11111NA0131 YOB 114.121,41trk • ida it Canal Writ, Ttlearlinskonsty. Ohio, os tt Clailing PLattimreb itarirtall w & Obla Clal.'"Cais Iwo put In Moist a itnallmense., Ter: no irtgaln lo Can dal* UPOD IPPUegtion 0:11r. Canal spoir to, - • • 211011a11, - Oius. coo,' Pat air 2MOO/ &wad 81. N.Y. AgDMUiIBTHATORY NOTIOII.i.-,Let. • tors or Adoiteacro los 01 tli• Ostit,pf.nsan ell y, lit. at I,be. Vlattk Mud. 101tyAlf Pitts. 6021544 tuning bins .ignmui H i.e cam , ego", ill. puns' welted to ,sim Wats an ii. quote. to asks kwasotate prisset.ise Son eum:. Log Oates rigsis sinsta vlll Foot thash, pc41 1 17 atittmoottogorltt actttireasaLa tGYY to • . • ..• . . , , .•• 1 M 011.11104, • atiltitimdow , . . runs DRAFT:.;—Fotsons who sie drift* .L ed. - Who' ars wahlard to - erenaptlea leo Amain wI toga troths OmniPetro aatandarch sL 1110. Alf .to edah to til r ri hi the Mama at IMO, fr o* ad, me w arm to proton a rabstituto le tato tsoto pun vigor:win Sae IS to thole edraaoio o au a eft telh reread orpiv &4 ifarAnitzli44 numa, BIiNBHAN QOM IV* ams ON lbstrecex • Sok. Leriesitai mks m ica ma ispertips tarn la Cateuranacir ihrussoludiuktilsey,,llor pals% nuts to sail pup. pp a ny „ O. W 11414111.3 SOY_ ~- tan TreolieMlit.Wirgm (VT lit lit VirOBPITAL BffESTING, of the" best unitabUtis aims at toss as is sista Bt. sate I( J. SIG !MUM ME=MZ - F; 14J. 1:15C ST.STAMBNI.St EXCHLICGEBANK OF FiTTSB'GH, priTsimm„ !Inn. 1; _ Loans anLplacoemta.—.—.--SLIAtTo 10 - ' Lou 00.000 00 Gold and Slim Vein. main co - rotted Para tiseal Tandarlcoior-; - 470.833 TO - traced States Bands, 7340 per eta.. 103,0:10 00 IL" Plcalll4l3 Pennaylranlaant • - MOM Co • IC.Cretlllenutselpsr '161,00000 SINLG •ChoOknOltd2rolasotternear. --- vi neat- - by other 182.411 co Calataltio,ouo oo . 1,773 376 CO 1141071114...... 174 SST 14 bittluse Bs.* 30.2" eo 47 . 4131,167;464 . rixid Frd ~.E14.3/3 31 • • • $61117,118 Id The above etiteaMid f* the beg of my tenwledge and , IL•Yd. AINIUtAIt. Cambia: Adlm ia mt baton me, able lit da of mryt.,lll6l. ' • • • ' Notary Public DANE: OF PITItiBURGH. *.L.P Pronomaan, f opt 1, 1866. LcOstr, Dliconnts 400 VA?. tilleater of 1fidebt0d0m.........44 4 40.0 11 - trotted Mateo floofikell and,745a... 501,000 00 Beef Ettall and GrowirS 68,401 41 Stocks asolfdistello-fm 9,663,80 Pao byotbor Maas.— ' '5161 676 Bank gofer, Meeks 4 Tilley Notes. 16T.116 00 Specie 193,104 tf Capital .31,113,500 00 Prance and Earnings.,---- 204,233 39 Unpaid Dlvidando sad 1971, - pems An't 13451 ST Dm to other 9,01 39 34,041 00 1}708622110 . . • .13,10a,5M g 0 The above. statement It correct to the beat of my knowledge and Wel /01.12 f ILLIIPILS c4Wer. Sworn to end subteofted this lel taf of re.* , itch. B.BMITB, Ito • Palle. ECHANIqr BANKOP PITTS. M )3118.011. • • ' firm:rum, &pi 1, 18E3. LIABIELIZISS.; Ctratilatiou Dim to other Banks-.... in. to sewn ro 11. 3. Loans and 517 TO - . . .. Doe by other Itanke.:. % - 12,910 97 TroonuyNoteloadtioteauld Mocks oa other Dadra. --. Ir6,ICT 60 Drooeltot to lb 13.-Treamary—...-. 350.000 00 11,10 . ---..... et,4e7 dO " $1.962,0067 Tbs start stamen!. Is correct, to too best Of my knowlodn arid bellsb W. If. 110 WM a, Prost Ihrorebs thla 741 day • at &PL. UM . staiT,W WEAN PIPT, Moors Putdle. M ERDIUNTS AND BIANUFAC - rot. visa • cOl:t 510 - 0 ,1- 11134- coo,ooo Ctrillbitbs SAGAS Oa • Thu Depositoro:.-6. 1.41109 1.3 • As OMIT ACTS SO Sousa:4 &mei ta Oda WSW Notts Cho7s et 'oUter Beaks 110.646 110 • Duet/ other Itant 1 , 1,11!te Oenotoesuelt* of Penna. Lean . +50,000 co U. IL'Gretateent Lora and Tow to The abate w edge etatinneht le oared and true to the best cra knowl and Wet. soaN BOOM Jr., Catider. Swam and enbosibed bethre me this lot do of Peps., 1812. B. MITE!. No Public. CITIZENS EANIi. , Prrtornan. Bot. 1, Loom and =166;640 85 Coin. 164 .670 Ts ' Notes d Mucks at other 13ank1..... 130.66 i 03 U.S. ta an ipa Teii dim 30.0/3 00 U.S. I' - 0.10 U. B. IL par mit. Bon& 200.000 03 U. IL 1 'tar Vartillsotes, (6 pa ant. WPM CO trconilsoks and SACCO 00 SAUD 00 mks 16 Ihsolo Banks and Nankai" 11,165 71 Thit, aboroitgasoant la ecoser.l to tba beat of lay knordadso and boyar. • G. T. VAN. BONIN. Wear. AID Wawa oto tbli Ist day'ot Sept 0563. 'H. Z. DAVIS. Notary Public. 8t Nrovi faxeeti.. lALSt • .B. li ' WO .1: Ma. **Ltd SW , • 000.000 00 Loan a end DISCOLIIIILL. &9,QL7 11 lkapirrotbar a t m Te EMMMMEI MUM 00 Du to other 0 . 4 7*.k• • 45 00 Due to DePoldtim-- aSe:lSt 82 The slams statement It comet soxedlng to the best. at my knowledge end tallef. J. W. COOK, Cubist. Sworn unto takse me this dy. 6 Zlitsll. Notary Mlle. (......._ A N A LYENS.- --- E ) i. A - 04 t* ELIO& 50mm0.....—.60. , t, &AMISS .--4/14% St LOUIS, MO. has Oz.1201.)110; _ 4 . Lire ..—..—.... .01. , O . ~. . . Ittarms.......' .01. - 4... 4 • Warn......... 4040. - . . UwitlE bobogba lb. Arad br the ede:cd tn. 8211 P us mad ow EL Lodi, kt0...1 /a- Mp able and dtad dantaboadem to do andids gm abed. se named by Prod A. A. Ham of llo rt oo , and J. C. Booth. of 'ftddel• We t WU*. ittler with do tad of sated egad, cue b 7 teet Plttsburalk 4.ltaidesitt tad ER Lode &Umtata it to le VW tante elel wet wettable s uds beam abettor rerelprot Asneskea. Pol Ida It Ade dood Is tbe Glue Padua hem dd to adattbs. Tbo laalph of Ztey tam from IM an" without ko7 wedLig or prepensloa laud. did It Pedelala weed adbiediasse amot irdd4A which de not shown by the whbbadmltoftba admitted ot abarpproponnna Cl dither s ben. I am sow to All adds tor the above Old, to be tem et. koala or Adhered hem: BARGAIM ' ' Iff A. - R, I= El ll' S. " ROT 01.118114 AT Mgr. 7 87 roimni entErr, A lap sacretmatforblob wW *mad SA MY gnat Wadi= frani Asko iclool. D. :A E. ETIALLItht 'tali pRMIONI3, BOUNTY, BACK PAY • rt. a macarkau, • Anoreirpat-loxi imd Ciffko 414 • -` No / 11 nnit MIX% PittititAt). 4 Cke746l trn Atr o =dlBo3lllAll3l.l ltraihatis 11 , = 7 ; ROOT/ =Az an thodairged SWAT UM; far woaMild Olken out &Mkt% MD 0 17rEtatid mums my widows. Pima. Zs °Muni Vrottusiod Oft.a. etissUnd rep*. saitattno of. than Via 'sawed byttutionbot Iwo 04 Meg oPesuak from cur itga 11k tarrov d ip vita CatiedAiidsilater Ida Is *lng....e *Maar tiltraveN • • lb rla~ tat our - proud at • • atiektfia.UPe. 4; 1 . 0 10 A :Aotif • sati as Irwin ; pmegois, MONTI l'Arw . , :0101111.14' ft:ARRA 0. 0 14,44ii.5.k.- An WO.A ll 4ea Goldin* wltikinetdriaeas. Wd i. tory or oaror skit* are torgard to SIOD Sonnty 4441=1t'usy„."1.'""° tiP gleAkai of /111011.9.1116 MUM Ain ecidtarcorbe Or at _ eti UV 'intim' an ertltlrd to pin ont thrp, !POO Tlialnerrinvki ductaosi•SlMlL;lW tila4l4;ll* fats mitt Itanti r mar In moan bo collsoud., Asfilvins4r O U!oqx,,ANDA` r- es-aufwiegMailW rice - I PA eiis'iC ;Wm*, ea** dirtias. 10V9Et?Taty3BANSIMq49.1.t r isa:ctsumiwootrasiguk 53.617 272 Es 11241.00.220 20 LLUSILITITS. 41, 0p . ,125 or fl, 90,1C4 10 ALEX. GORDON , , . No. 1.11 EZOOND i'~°l~ Dar,, GOOD& ~~g~y QQODHi, 1\: _: NE-W-GOODER _.. w. .5 %3 `~ tat. 1 411 4" h " ni . iia g* CadaSii ? $46 tWatli that we stow platitiattapc4 01 ' cid frisaillboyeis ivi smsnd gitivitk cm toommil nett tanptmi fa the vett, and plus of car goods. • .IdACRInt4IIOI•TDE•' - .: : " MASETIT Y I .ALLC3- 0 0 321:e . liwew*.u.l4;ll, 'lnlet and Diainiid, Paz:hued direct from the Impeiters and reourotod tarns. In car &nutmeat will b rotmd GOODS; rum TBIIIIII.HOS AHD 81:11101151 ITittrall AND POTATO, Won OOLLLBS; COWS/111 AID BIT!; 148/LID HOTS, 111/411a tl/44020.1; Binsoss, • INlndpititi BALIZOBAVAND /1001. SKIRTS BB lIDB MTh YLBISB ; iaminitirp nittoxits; arm naunnup 000D3 unizr *alum= tam4uCABIONP! And 11211 Moat rtatlons. wtilch vat to &woke! It the Lowest Cash Pricel 115 Ir What:4l4l4ll4km roddlars atd Ilotslll3syses voidd do veil to tztzdaa O JOSEPH HORNE C :, Wm VT AND 19 KAZ2III' gel HOUSEHOLD GOODS MD DOMETTICN 1 New CFOO.DS. & *anti - 110 PLT or ssi6 ' C4I;S{6KIN - " . RUM • ; 'Oh tun receivedskip Semi it 10111111104. 12t0 GOODS sa DOZUBSrICII, an 4 vitt avatar to realm Irma Coes tar nate anas. Oloalca and AlsiritteEt.l ...aura: an Pti4L • CIOUNTEIT 11111tORMEITO;Iviies Ito Ciatiii uni• do troll to tortottomor Kock Goollical lotortlO to 411, LLEL BLISS' 91 In'IRTI. QEDOND ARBlV.itti • NEW 'FALL' '.4:)oiDfifi' M. Burch old e. . BID ULM; .„114:1111PLAN4F. HD ODLO . A 04.001013; / WW4 l Whi!/% 1 4. % 114 0unnn0ma i 1" ,.,. 1°41 . 5 P 1 1 1 111X _ _ ll33XB3 ool4'illiAo6oV.. • rAtar IWlllF4‘i: NEW Jen man& = 4:o6l!Cciaiiinlllo.l6-824'- OtOUNTIr ,, 4 lditao . lWTH'; WILL • • •••• ••• • , 4 .A.; Jost vbal Ommealivr li , REPLEM/813111(1 - '113333 ST O C K, : - • " 4- • • • -- '‘'•l - • • -.$ his 4 j - -, • toivEsvirdiSTEßL (SK PIM lallW OXIDEIL • _ • - • - - ,. ; :iiis l 4 - 1: 611130 06 12 . 0 •Canto" . • tY - A- ., t 7f •G• OZOIZteI itiliaj3r4BOT *Ma; tmo 21014411012117taffltOth EtiO.DRIVERE r . IZADINSTEVAND s salsa LL - Lfalr ularblili lit monmarh IMM . Hman ILILDraMo. natinai".44o,lotasawmi mill b i , .,* •_._- _zAtcliwaingta ._ ..-.: ormi gn --"zar. rt IrtftlidassiL t rwr vaanyznAmlved A igsa mas tapo l =s i qm poem su! misisalmit to emu to - .- *.,: .,, :' ,,, :•'?1 . 1: -';':Xtr.* l .4*!:.PMli, 4 .:,'.:'i MMYTN IMBINUI HAD -AND-SUGH• !r iBB, . LP lIOSTOVWVINNITA3 I /1., Macias PALM yannasse,_ - - ~ taxamuungro aukawilA • . 114.03 0 1 A 121731 aQ 4 * wen - ICPAint APED p Aida let-Gf YOB row. CM AIM_ II ozauresomos sownwoonosi 'aunts - sum ,uta.nesera4 work" WS 401. • • '4' - . 14V 1 . • 429721.0' OSP; •=t shy "• • yr- - - e IBM aleifidaiatitir • MI .44‘ D.MIT r- MOOD& Bwomm3 No. 78 Market Street. • The afloat= of Wartbasta in 4 , s of the di3 an; oxilltshis 'mist* ladted Woe tiututtsos.ionon. ittIIILIIIT GLOVIB 2111f1BbIDIETIM11111131414% , • , my,p,puseirs asu 111IIIX Banns,- • - • IMEMITP, an 4 in. thoussid micas ;Hi/1;i to ipilar":4lsa. GREAT BARGAINS _ x ma, " 69 MAUKit? STREET. ►azorronoa • , SO _a-111BIT. ul TY; 4II . ALL NEW SHIRTING 1213. Per Irati.U&i, JUET'AROICIVTIP:::: minima e, JIT + GILTAADBIZEL BELT SCOttata • 13 ;Y/1 13 / 8 1 6..4 / MV,liEknew p),=)=ITP.UO,O l'opther wllla it"porral°osoettontof gt pr --• OpitoIITdISISINtaCIVIV . 11 41 1 0 3 C474 1 0 4C • 'lists:sm . i*eitiiit'airilUisoaa. IUIIIGIMW. -.- PIIIIN BYLVA NIA,' 11/LITARY . acuitisift - ar witsr - causua: ;vie ugaram illgEbAllik tatty KR* Andmvitfin be werraiit in TR111024:14 ferment' IR: Thi 1131- ilnirat mew= *liras* Die, Dosetal 'Draws 3 Iles. JAILI3 itiLLOMPtidttent. _ • Ora. WW.• /LPN" NR• Plimaral, : -." ' W. Z. RIM allist al ßeentary. Jai= R. 083 'Wirral:: .-...." ' Iber.-Tios. Window .D. unwls Clitsbarsi= Ea. L *Mow* P. ,b Gbatkall:Danya. ..nos.invablitmosano. Ga.? 31111111no-Z,l. B. Cluillse CMGS, .. W. I..fralso. -.... itatiwtobs.gtduisa t -t. aliv.l..iinahr• Rap. W. Z., .1 Ansa, .. Ldßant Rai ' - • - ll* Ws. Bell Waled.: MLPalats.v. 'ULU Rownipl. ' __. - MONO IMO.. . .-- ' , SW otottuages Mid - xr Um imporams al i tharcultsaltsw eilsolllasso ostaidonalo Ow of West Pala. 193 s Aesilasslo Sun la camp*" of gralmed7 eiliptiatinttruslocs !.--ThadoestSooll . De; 1111111 . 11 tIlaitiliX"!?1, 111 7:: 041 1 1 0 1 .1 1 11 1 0 1111 " - CiastalOteuttra b Oa to IllizOnl Win alai' ot 081 OadatL7-: Mr . lIS bat at .1033 alMer, R? . .3/014b.ity itron..elliglerst..' 1, ITTSBMICIE FNI4/111104a$010. • .rxr. asmaampl, .rissqls. lan tuna dta ritiataralt. !Finds °dip 'da OM itaara oft SIIXISISAT swami~%bpi. 7. A /UP aad ablailloatty et sarkson Crab sos bad bra 0M11*414 Ina laravpatintc Milts forlki coma:abut= al-an: marred =mbar .01.1fulta. Donal abo aatatbso. 1040004dt adattkui boa bola sae, a*4 the Oothipt sow Meg Waist kaolkl sad andossaad Naga Ine. lambda ampplord so en balm , nos to lhassoll sad Guido. P pWnoWadfatba optlar Gags dolma, or,*aay of tho arantald.:., • e.x~sataz~:oLesa -sir, "Di us tbsitalatthi caancenzaasailt *bajada -•• .* 1. 0 • - -TILLEGRAP/llNAT•st . `x !OATS DoLtiats pit taxi jassadt 'Oa boardlusdraussaast, amp: usdbatasal tad. add to E'rms-211111.911112111 forsessasgaa. aallfrew iusni noir. Pratt.-Teistami. BELHOT KllOO/4", • ;A: 11 ,Plila 41•,14".04agx111'. `U..I 1 ssittimulanFlrnannair ao:op. r. ct &had ta thslowsto 700011 era the eecend float of ite.•lll Ppm .-tt.eathellUrrilONDOV 01.611:1711116 - 11/12,11163: . Mit& Meek irnmeh - itumtiotaht, lOUs eo Met vill - bs spinal* tomtit to Ute e tt , -liatteaties wed btaadtes elcasthx6. 1d -wpm* to Welt As :mobs; yellah" - .". that Dewy hen the bettar cgiarhuftsfroollig pew noil sae hitspi,il ionic* aid_ "la int seitn—plper Fontenot lite htesithi ate= mann •ssam.tabik sat ptcherthe ettiehelt of , - _Aohooi.itattrefona Vitae. to .•1 WafterUs I.7th WA, 1t1r..7r. sily hoists st the tehspl Zsfaht, ihzetsg the stove hatch PBN2I , OBTITUT -zio:rraausrooort • -- I!ltalooularalsoad beg Imo to. Lai= tkatelsaaasi - :- Um susaeaUs eat thin, ban Woad SO • . P far thermos at candaattat slow Tba assidas Ono gill ammo* as 111011DATiihir las 4. .Tsldaa. ILIUM pat s/o. tor atatairia , and" &a - 'Snow Star eticalataisa Es MI fa Ski setatit T nadt etaria or ataxy roallik • aaikt Ls • • - se. sintaams. _lgv'Mumaill 7 S., sun! 801404 rO3 son. - - la. now nu_ Etta% iron. fa :um t'sui °lb w = Ere inunmuir, Tortoni?' is* tip =Mai% 0,184410hc0l 71,400,,at emus. 111113. M.', IL MYERS , ' 130/01DING 111.-AmL LAT SCHOOto ike-yeLii Leis ell dilidstsaisoLoso TOMlDLY,lso.lsa i sit lisocse' Lust; etssb. 1 4.7•-emess arr tis siestatilllMON"S°' - "Mew PlrA. N,44',.-'i.i,'..;':-::: ruNwoor!l7F-lii meirPi d;4*, ktUZ. si the 1 " 11m144.a j i ! , 1 1 ' ppl al.o2Mlb 'ma tr `/N lll-2 ' 4 "t tila .Al anl NDS. SW Bob Agog kutltU lAN OA I . I rlatOB W - - - - ,i2= i rwaidoriati - •‘ 4 situtod by the itelipet. t ~ : bar the lieriradtliwgrouree *stow titest Zags ai OxilliMullo. P. li. i - illpitAgew . Tart rad lirsoban SAWA. awaifisiir. - Ina Pkes3 ininalxillvo'rervAldarsamw-no ' 1111120;40/10101 fillatiMVllllMlftelrit . AwavassaD 3Famoreingiesse. . . , ~ _ .... —, ...—. - - -- - - - 11=1:ANnatiii4049,31f allAialai itiliailibmis , once aft • ti nt ri sotomaThadiostiosasdasts , into quittrionorbitaiiisiinagrog - 4Ablehowniblisn% W wrissiWcme smug_ mm 4 mown ket. - Mixt gimosiddittlite r samw : . 1 1.. ipatkingrjot 111114 2hUi• .tiattmAtit rOr al • '&41;% , ' - I .W 4 1 111 1::, sakiv lUD lift Oteili. < ~_ _tip, MERE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers