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WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 2,1: L 9 04. h Vitiffizelltig. leimMillre ciiketto;, The Arleta' of Totnifrflartzelle+e`; Counter Statement.' la yashadaY*l p a p er 's i gn acooratof . . • . - L lbar greet cr Inns Man named Hartsell, en, , . , . wohargo Wag dater* from Captain :,.11,0/011 qiist - nuniths min will& do. mut ma learn was grotty exaggerated. St appears that young Mead war tome 'throe dap ]an of absetios—his lean mil , - flatmilaT ifsiihig.' OA Saturday Me , . father soldiad him to return to Coaltilhrith , • illtectidileolliriedr is statione4,but he replied ".:that baba promkol to take with him soils Wets end packages for mambas of the cont.:, Imilinald that he would sot leave until Mon-. dam. 0n Made afbmioon, while on, his way to Swag School, helms told that easmaat Xingu of the Provost Guard. was am hbis t d he kept onto! hlcauy. „Ilartsell soca Ina ribitiiiekto his WW's house at than &Met Of a Mead; but was elotely followod by ;Mo nd A of the hey 'otplabied -to Morgan that his limn had oalyszOred On Saturday ; that los was-going to surt batik on Mal; anise eithotoopolatad to &pile of woks 4:11 4 tka tabk, &anis his charge to deliver to samehare of the and further, the Seed alodviilbit honor that the. boy Assn appear iit insisd h that Nnan hi ..-; - trotaCapt.Wriglit to Mitkethe arrest, but 0- ' torwirds admltmethat‘ he tadltot leteltld ROI eras% as Catib. Wright was not In the 11111.,'Itishart,Ifis alleged that Morgan had mithinslihadouseneltrith young Hartzell, ani boutedthas no would aired him. • Weamy state that Ilastssa was In the ra w widow amnia for two years, haring =any , tombola oat aulleted without thecolt • wilds falliar;eallterved gags& the • Snafus am piti& He war taken prhena I the mond tattle of DM Bon, and bit 41s ; eliate_wil 01404 on the ground of mini*. „ so subsequently eatinrod thesis months' • sersior. old is • nor Mily - etem years of While it is tam that his time had ea razed, yet it'll Gamily tons that he had not the remotest Idea of deserting, and his friends dindy mortified at the odises thussonght to bean open Idea - • • • liabene Corpus Case. .. ~ . The ,fellowing tan of labeas carpi wa s ' .. _ lalribefore JudgeldoCandiess this morning : Ia the out V soff 80.. a qr. -Mr t made a ratan that hi AIM -as erdesider from the iliVittigliaint. T. B. Volunteers The boy's mother testified that Robert bad , sanded without her cadent or his father's causal; that her husband was. when cast ..,- Lord from, ill Washington city ; that ha in -' listed about a.weektefore the son enlieted ; •., AM Sobutkiiis bar nly child ; that ha Was --, • too In 1816; between Christmas and - Nis , - Yam s she knew: that , herhusband had re • • - Mad permisdon to the boy to go into the allay; ihathi'enibted with Capt. Heasedy ; (hat hi baba= toms about two weeks. I ;The daterbuve list mu - produced, and the ---, agt glom - and-registered vauntwasty-dne - yams." Cantritannely testified that Bailey rapreleatid himself as twanty-one years old. and signed a written daebnatiou to that ef ect. lie.also tastdded Alit he had seen the boy's tidier, and that the datluir_toldt him ha was not of agAitras kg wild id dim go. Capt. Wright teatUlisd that. Ballsy mu a sla _ - ze sometime ago" by ,his orbs; and. Wise sent to aarrillnug. VAlleiltere, Ise iris a tailed to do.duty as - Pronet , Gnarl. So e time after hi was seat to Portia/gotta th ~ •,., a detaehment, and while on the way, or at the • • - udge McCandless stated that it was very . • , - douldfok whether the, moths', (in this ease,) • , hada right to make-tho peDtion foils writ of ' • babe& coves. The the The District Attorney remar k ed that ' Dither was A eitisai onlyitithengh he was ante as brigade' wagon toasters that . ha , . • - vas proper person to Witten for thulium. of the =W., , • 'lle writ:was accordingly quashed on 'the ground that the mother In the ease had no right to petition.{ A Sharp, Dodge Dy a Colored sub. Waite. , ' Ws be,. elready notiesd the discharge of a colored man named Cyrus Ball, who had gone ea Iklalbetallte rtOnl this city, to Camp Wm. Pau, at Pidladelpida. It appears that he ha deliberately planned a scheme by which hi amid get three bundted dollars, without villain , say sortie& It appears that Bali sold himself as a ctbstttote„ for Bei. Bather ITiacent, of, i this ci ty, who peed the id/ cite of three hundred dollars.„ - Aftsr4isellig amp at Phlladslikllll his ilitithid obtained s writ of labial corpui and scared his dls -attarge upon the proof that he was ands: - twenty years of age. The antitoritba then Crested him tied took him Wont Aid. Balt ic, who held hinsio answer before the quar ter Sudan' of - Alleghen county, the chirp • of obtaining mottey nadir Alsepatenoes, be hating represented, hisnall cat twenty Ica of iv. After dm "tetmmitment a wilt o f,yea copes wc Wen out,'end those* larbefine- ludge-'Ludlow -on Baturdsh slam% Judgtraspaced e V doubt whether, liaiff the penal cods, he lad anyeight te go ' Into the merits of , the ease, er to - go feather thaw Woke whether the Foca' Ito con seated with the ectutitnamt to answer before the Court at Allegheny were proper and in form. r The argument on this question was adjourned mutat some day this , the Reswerw.Another ' Opera. tron Dtecoveret. • • • The Biltlmorit*ii noticing the Unlit o 1 iankA;Piehliliftgagokh. bs roftupa to liats piratOotivi height houle for the jo nmant,;and . apoa aidWe itaterawitlml B. Tarr, slat tor Capt.. Tompkins/ 1:1; S Quer tainuster, pre him An rusiiita for 110 4 000 each, thbugh the salmelli had not bus deliv ered. iTsrr, the cluk;cordeues to hoe Wed t ell the receipts on otiolat-pipar; bat lid,not sUs the alms of she Voutermuttr.. Tie re. estptiaboiernrowere toned, end Alta. stews. tures conesiOnlied, with others contused by Tsar.'to hare 'bees mints" by.hloweil 'for eutwatent. - Tarr Was taken taco custody, and I, MOW ceased tithe Old Ospltolesisce. It ts stated the% other disaererles harshen suede where Piehl.obtehtsd assns 650.0 00 en shale: rebsipts. - --;The uons7 luebt been Maud bY trends tbsbealrotail not gov , _ saumeat, bus Oben the lore The lad. "&nidientWilln* troerifestagtoi of Tlohl 'lnt toil szersition: and VULberssesonirb7< -Ts% thselast,spokePt the ustterhkall. It .ts tittmett Fishable, that the Po** part of • :Ake sonprAbtalod frost UP bank nAnI huts terusi, at the Altoona/ of ths tarry wu Wade ID sou etter,the.mour iiel.ebUdzed ~ttut h! hod not Marto Opal? of • 'rho fcillawlirslatteritomnmig l l 446 s o 4 o , „ wan riondrait by PostmasMr Non. lisnaltont rooratlyt Sf pabilsh ft as • Braolianno,lla4; An 17,1803 Siz..Wlfir-/brmatiftrilluvrojaitraadln • o.lolavatra ;oar phoo(tittabarib)wia , latoty WOES /lite tatonmszoliontant by a foAr :Pubauakk: atlas "AsY eat , to tho itaionatofnetra dollar% EON -and yabt for tha immotiallfor: • Bh o ,ll^joneanistbarany_ tafortottli of ea fast, sati-ropott-ft to ink - wait 4111,Cfaifor : maa, Mid' Wilton sonifortanatiiiii to tomb. atoll - 10 dittifr Coln - laths mionnt , " of arra 01141ttss 1411511b4 0 M1 Obi 0 ..1 1 ! ;-baltl•44llitiaa4 tout qiirM-54as:sf Wain , • es:jam' of 'actin:o=4 l s tha - rhfortantivif vomfbilor Ifbilt Mid of Woof money tha woman paned, and athatriPt 1.1 of the woman, and - whothorits was atm or bakt a AUL blur, sselijniormatiok toy:WM rooaltsti, fracas fact that thus li . women atisoity,salpootod of taking its atasty:' Plum maim wcsooa e t a pooslblsr sail Ong% libatfittipaetfallro , >A. O. MEMO iiidttede • ainegaz o *a• • •Mto sLIIT triolMlClhist^tbArtbi putlll4lol pail/1 • ..F__lttz,L4. aU24 ga" W. Jc,s eislixOt 0 ,,-vsigloOrsiAßamemmWas. /rola , • saw, Jakoillardoet.4,l 2 °• rtamsa. - Dolaitsaus*, T wl FlNAlf>r?Kli 4 - ,1 , 110-L f l444 # ol f. - • 164141 4 1 1 1Um M t. ' a i rl i rrostin' a OM ail # t o: - ter the ' UMW AM, ~_ _. ~. t .yc'~`~'+~.ti . i 4 'Ck ~ ~ '.f6~rW+,S.Phd. ~.ta.'c~+i .. `t~.ri ~' r's'{~' - , • The flogging' cafe dials. - 1 Dz ti. 2.: Blitto4syspitsited Uteri 41- , denus Donaldson, - and prilirred ii du* 1111 107 11141 0 211 mat -3431 4 - 1 011 . -1 , C5p!.4. 4 Iliina , Noifari,,Novill•fisralal; &pt.: ChailsiV. Ilalllinlj ► tliorie Pel m et , * - . giTa7" MO* sadAnta:Poes• : Th ll -4 1 " fatu gmw itiMirthatim aierisizt +kit* , '',3. S is to& 0;1 :the but isitlib 1 cov ri sad - that, Wins owl of Um def - -11218414 the-bothuftlie alum Imo pinta aldlat railabsttkig. Alb, wa Ise? scoreelr intone_ mouton, kilo NIIIIIIII 1 floggbm, owls . air plum - .. Ms defendants Oro ball far iiimazini on Wednesday artmlasi_sl six o'olc4c. Nap 11 a in the way, and Dr. libirwill vbadloto the.cans o 1 juttel ila Ile ors bask. ' - - - COL. UT Brosn.r.Wo arogratilod to Into Butt this pliant gang awe to - maw n o *Wining front es dots of hit wore wound. He rotund from Craton, yostor4sy, whom ho hat" boos rownittog hie Itiolth amid the monataln• air of that regtott# for some He Is now with MO ftwlly at the Karon Home, New Brighton. LITE =MUM NEWS. EVISOId OUR STRUNG =MOIL] GOOD CONDITION OF OUR FINANCES EXTENSION OF POSTAL FACIUMPI Calling Out of Negro Boidlers by Jeff. Davis Discredited. IMPORTED BIMINI OF TUB VAIDBBBILT BY THE HENN OBOBBIL Nearly 500 Men Lost eta., eta., &a. ...... Srocial Mosta to the Pittsbonsh Gazette. • Partanurata, Sent. 1,1883. The Government has an excess of gold is the Treasury: The premium on gold and di va mast demand to a low figure. Receipts from. mffitoms, paid, exclusively in coin, for the year ending Jane 30, werethlrtp. nine millions. • Thirty-four millions were paid In the nine time in geoid on the .interest on the pnbllo debt. , Judge Pettus, of Meadville, Pa" leaves Last few days, by the President's appointment,, to extend the postal facilities in the hostlio States on the blisshlinpi sad the Gulf. The Passion Mahar, Baton Gsrott and family, lesie for Europe on Saturday. Mena, Ssieretary of the Basilian Lega tion, has started toms. Milltazy *dashers discredit Davis' calling out of the negro soldiers, as reported, but the staking of the Vanderbilt by the rebel steam er Georgia is not doubted. The Vanderbilt was our best eard. We have nothing afloat that eon matoA the British clipper stanzas. We ndght havihadttam—red tape kreyanted. The Abstains aid Geer& were bait from drawings (nabbed before the war began, as an act of courtesy to Air. Lindsey, by the flearetary of the Philadelphia Beard of TarAa. The plans are these of Capt. lerolairs line of steamships now being bulitto run between', Philadelphia and The Vanderbilthad a crew of in hundred men. Twenty philadelphis madness were among them. The crew and officers were all lost except Ant thirty. Olidatinfermation has bees rusive,l of the capture of llui rebel 'brig Atlantic, by the Unitellitateistainter Princess loyal, off the Rio Grande. Theatsamboaffi to Cape Rey have with drawn. The eass-bathing season has term!. noted by decided cool Weather. The census of Invalid idlers in tate hos pital, Is B.6ooktese week before, it was 10,000. There are .many- , Allegheny county boys among them. Nsylor'e saw and planing saW, career of Broad sad Wallasedstreets, burned dons at 1 a. in., to-day. Lose, $5,000. TEE smarm . e,•,.02 TEE RUTH Government Finds Brought to Light. • 'AFFAIRS 'AT CILARLESTOIL on Battery Wagner MOSBY'S DEATH GONYIBIiBD *antaxtrrosi; Aug. 31.—Adiioss have ban remind at the . Treasury.stating that; amain. ry to all expectation, further tearch on the wreck of the Bath has brought to light a poi- .. 'tier of the Government 16ada supposed to have ton bunted. Ples p Walkout, were burned to the depth of an bob, Ltd charred to the cent* In tome ales the daorairte nation an be dhtingutstal. Special tient, will at once be sent on to take charge of the money a recovered. , .bleanwhiie the . tgent there continue. the work with ' fr om . ti Charles re ogees county or: dad lteafo-Akt.and rep orted.to Cent. John- was. Aker state that Real Ofilltillt are bully engaged Is roonsenpting : names' , and hid i taco in lbw Pius ontil en opportunity to carry them away:` offers ing Tbay. alsoafort Oaf gnu, swards, pistils, lite., are aratunniatol them, lurringbeen gath ered tip en arias battle•nelds by rebel gm-, palliate, and forwarded to the 211b1111 of that aunty, lay _whom' they are lent _ to the rebel acl The following IV from the CialleStoll &airier The attention of boue-kapen and animus gentrally, is dirateif tribe bottom recommendinthat a eastsfat' :appl - , of .he g ' 'kept • a band to saliguieli she y fire of.the enemy:s incandissrhslia exploding In Walesa. that i n iodate to balsam& for all pemon:Petelloelmt;cottest kiln* 11 re-, ineoo4,lsl l oPPT..'wm itof limits ordoh the as itslanentoe ,oustet the bombardment feta. .4 3 0 iltitook'a Wu. lePoltog god ' dohinees•''' la.,lllassand-papteof the:kink:oak that :menu weed salad is e thic 4yesterdsii... Not ajohnvid 'the tatbeanoe - add Oa 'Witt ail luta 1400Plig thillipitsban xpek. ems hisetisiontlltesttliaraltemia,drsw se mush =tar . Shahs 044 net Pt her Ms' the river, took wee obliged so bon 1 14.. The following aressiditkomlatie4aPosen" as f 4 those leraislied n , 181114 but are no Aily late.- 4;44l,lm* i fit i batszice IPA'S lllP:tselitteS4Pi r4 4114 fire on Nat Stater dap. 46.11gbtinsfat 'fort WaverveskohleArteakawi WO* ldg of picirata the fIoPV /Mork ttin wbo' that trap prOult wort gowns'', • • -This wain cheat, daltitint stairifs . aria opened A talons' toe ew Wegaergpsaw watery, lamas supposes, The !Mills cadet , dispatelta hails Jut reeeicedi ?• 4 `. Fort Naar, 1,35 p w.—Tba elsin astattit no* being malSetßaterk Wagner. (84uoi);, Auras, Rum • &lout ilenuandiail- Yortiohssioao Aug. 25-7,15 es:—The "U5T1114,1612 tter - 14Ft7PIPI" evidently is form -a t oval.) - • _ : ; --•, ;(lotinisillommandin& 'lntisltatri his cused. The a: - Ciao , it Wring st - tewlnortar . Vials at Wagner. No more eheile lave _best thrown at the city slate disrlidlit et Monday !moths. z equrt—Thfr ilaUlMore Capt._llltobil. wind Ism ildir mandpir friaaortrus *woe, and ,reports kali Naito* and liatilliteaptured ftem the -Usltittllatia.sit, near the IWO or thiribN9WoutookotAirbitna, els the, a szo omilo. , „Ths Innate& suns aweigirinsitian the eommanding °Nal of lava broallberateg.• .• — lisioratigkVa fiat's! tubing attomiaie , alai by s stadia boa: the lout toadrosi, 'imam the lappastilleok- (GT the „wam ef **PM tko relatlPaistkliNnr.ohlb . and nostrifing thermals. "Among th e _ . , rebsle,'w a tiptoes( stemma, was a 1i0r... tiro of the old .Iderzhalo.oo4l/. , A,Alspetelt heehaw Maimed Ir, the Wil ier, authorities here,, from Gin. King, 'az nounelog „the death - of 'Mosel, at a , farm hoore p lusibeyond Bull Bun morratalus.r Arrival of Rebel Officers- I Mb° Beh r - al* 40,000 0 11.44 4 ,at , Little nOCk..- .MOICIIIISILUI of. Cien. IllUit. , ealllO,Bept:L..-Brlg. Gen. Bag ondasson bei 'dialler Hebei officers from below pined through SO- day almost' for Johnson's Wand, in ahem of Lien t. Wright. She Memphis Soilleere learn from kir. Boy, reently a prisoner as Little Rook. that the Itabel fora at eat ghee was 40,000 strong, many of whom are eonstalpts from sixteen to sixty years, only Ulf armed, earamandad by Kttby Buda and Pelee. Theme umaing tor ti4a:Ml=on the ormulte side of the !iota 13 ialles froni Little Bak. It wu zepUted thateen. Blunt was march ilug on Arkadelphia. Bay aye the people of Arkansas are tired of the war ' and would gtodly some under the protection of the Fede al.9ovunmsnt. Babel Steamer Lost... Boat Captured. New You) Sigt.l--Thelliclunond mere sonata the following: The Confeduate Unrest Acton* which left Banana for Nunn this day weelc, with 328 bales of cotton, sprang • leak on needed at see, and went down. The urge wu vaned at $20,000; and therm :el at $50,, 000; all owned by. the Confelftate Oirrern meat. Two boats, with thecriew and Ulcers; landed safely, but lb:third boat mu eat elf and captured. !reUNDERSIGNED, onatesoti to late Ann of LIWIIy DALLEOI. A worm =Um tasmaanniancra or Iron 1114 Vats, anon tad ant" and Arm of LIMA SAW!. DiWag& 00 sad sollolt a continua:n of the ponennno so entanal tanks tato dna. - • - JAMB 0; Was - ,EO9II.I* DALBf _ /SW - A, Non: B&U.ST.• LIMB W. AM& lairWariliann, BOAZ Warm! Wo. itnit ad. Pitbburth.lingaso lout =mit, COMILERCIALL 1000.1131 • Death of Lieut. Gov. Dtadish. New YOll4 18.-4,nthet Deedlsb. for sum Menton% Doman. of. Now Yolk, died on Sunday; aged Wpm. The &film Signalled. lissirsz, Sept. I.—The steamer Aides was =dto.day. • She has dine days later. from Europe. PITTSBURGH DUMMTS. On= as TSB Prnsigman DAUM 0/1111131 TIIIIIDAT, Sept. 1, 1863. Thera is slither mans dons In the produce martial but the transsollani, apt, an light and pancipally local. nosey matters ars without tag Important: change, with ilaciceptkm that gold bu declined, being poled today at 12510 flew Tork. Tartan, R1C135101 and flounntat-Vertilloates Of Indobted smumnainnichaspd. • • • 11101111 a atalas.:mia. ts coming innon fai th and we iota min of RA Iron wagon It 605 and g 1,10410,12 for White. Oats -- ace dull oath a armor folltoneetm; sale oflooo ion ratzed—pall old and girt nsw-•-froto Itaso it 57c. • Ooin gra and in datand; -oils of t=lris plots andlool. from stun at 7841306. Dalai Is still - untatled and, Ili yet, no rag; also rata ban ban astabUin4 an of 700 ibis on Pasts terra, Maar—Than is rather mono @Malty • neur, whin prices are without chanp. - 18ae of 110. bbis toi Pile. family • et 0.75; Toko bbl , pfma &dos at i4.60' ant 80 and 18 bbi liklt grade Way at Ina 15,90 to $8„20--mostO at 86. ' . 0111X/XTITTB Bngae la Way and in.fair &Mai, with agent 113012010 f Cuba; 123012%t0s got ta *co. ladl3 fa sc. pato is plat with small miss of lUD at 151038. foam teas be pang at 53 dibldo for old, and 580160 Ihr now. B&CON--Thera is no:alined bask local &mad, and is note' cant' at 005) pltaiiiailawahlorrolo3 Plain Hams at go for lima, and 10 fa the latter. flops amid hams an held at 13€613X0. 811108—Timaby Beid Is drooping 'aides thir in. - Iffom° of 'Moor/ nooffotet ale of ao bas at $2,84 2,55, as/ 40 bus st $3. • Via EleallstasUing a fin 11,10 to $l,BO. aoll2ll..se.a—tionoonaebts. IMT—in, steady with amt/brats demand while prices ars unchanged; soles farm teas ci 80 loads a ;TIM ranging on fB4 map Inn U 5 to fssll*. ....Teigtaqality. • „- , -I.A.lll)—is man ware but unihingsd; sales of 5 tcs and ISt bbls city las! Yl Illogy • BUTECII—is hi &mind with with of 4 kegs prk. edit 150. and 10 Arkin bah26c. Dut, tar olleaug. , . 161115.8.13T—Oonnum ftectilid is stady, Oath. . isles at from LS to 46; wro rota saes of SO bbn a the „ bails gaunt. • APPLES—unchanged; saki, la lots of 125 Ms at $1.50433 bbl far cammon fa Ohm, • . Pittsburgh Petrolours market. , fligt.l.-71iii marks& lot Ora@ sad Iledrood, has ruled urs -quid to.la, isiltviuS. Uwe* sai prresslibls asap,* siesta vats:Ss. Theta Ss s rod !mg 5410340; Ctsculs,sa, Is thsssipsty is U ed, lb, thiSSYsi iml‘szul 29uN t S0 In thlr-bbis Isciculs4 gals oS bbls Is balk se 31ekis4 193 ind 101Ibla *SW, libts tielud• O. SAWs of bulk on, &re! li salss b;s4,ls subs but Otis, mp we sus n. ts hest s ot soy ini-liNSSsustWay. Goad stand ard Swamis ma; sista& st finis Sl ‘ to Zia Ike Po"' diato7r and IS to °damn- Maoris Sass Wintry for fits Aim" is *es s silo ,of DNS bbls rims 'kJ% km oil sc. Loahrsimer. Os a. ontrensgolshis odd= to do mad rotrObein hr 7 d St SWAM g0T0.12% 67(467% Smr 11a ass% is bawl . New Yolk Petro}eum flsrkefe Bimetal Dlopotob to thillttgotriti aasotto. ' • Now You, Sept. 1.1861 tosnot tot Onoto =thaws ion 4183, sad ptt• moor! it lamb tower, ranging Loom 84% to 360 for lots on them*. ' ises .lii boad.Jleo . la 101,81YeDh WS DI USW. OD Ow spo4 Boptembor 13834. °Pant 148 1 POO 88/,' °PUP: October et sine* 00 3 0. Oc. bcgine °Pam. .1144g0.. liog° to load at 8843700,5c00rd1n5 . t0 gaatlt7. NoPthlllBBl , as troia24 to StScilbr Ittamk. • , • „ • Tito Flat Crop. . • The Irtaa crop or the Untied Mato thin rear wtU to largothatana hfots *nab this Conoteg,nad kepi:slake* readies tai the best •Inode of dioxide* at It: oi.Otaiietuttiges ibises the tamor attar 'Wishing out the sod. Slate& the protect the gist /t *eighties:di; or a good thatch. end . await the eicintHmerf cationtere. who will appear two= this width& &soot the year. It la impstint that theietraw he kept dew, otherwise it wilt eat and thee i Mar bll drifters& Prom proms* apparatus', thests no doubt that thirs *Vibe dain aud lrgry GM itaxisnit4. Nauman win do welt txt WM. , seno all dolmas/min god candid= The pi pm. dal of Bbst Whetter. ke fell for Woe who. ;mho that thetr.epectel bubo" In view of lb. leers* tog trepertatico of 114,consegnent open the scopes. eiaa_ot Cotton torwpagewite Vela. oar Iniontimi modem to guanine end on it Coy cannot . Produce loprorM=ts-In• ltlawrdreeelieg machineng, .7 The Bold for this 'deo of tameitllon!, ma he he a good .. . ~. New-York: 111 Got Masked. Arix47bs itamad butaigk b irid stadosaiiii inns (hst !rodeo Mors W i ran hp out bp mk , tato); :_prloro,,howyror, r an thrt&Ur, u. No mum ounovbrito WPC cororgollau 1011 toolllotoO '64lU no lton Sou kV iroblOl=or ben Orr o nu road" 01 - gareleolug or Oda We usurffirolinolOrrondnotheno lanoto (luta. gligli ir fy or teem Tiro markal ado moll above mai no. uritg„. Oslo of IMO MN Illistlouilt or 60416" trim _lliteller, tO &Ctrardora.24 - no .. ow Ovum. lUll'OO Vir=rat'Ucr 1 sans MISID -i f fl itb Dil esade; 80 410' Wien:. one olbot Or flo it Viallmoon* 3/4000 blown* EOM and ipilauribi. Ma lon pinto um, , /rce tos. clascuois ipo long Iwkod tn, ban buns to rthow and spramoroes Orbits that mon stetrity Mg ...fstcF. l o l. " lo,4l . 6- 74 1 4PPin,1.1p1." , ..*3 ..: Toledo Market. . aaa.29.h-Cha saaast4Oladout 2222111311:10.4tn, tears two two oalso - of o 211t4 at an adman' at on yoldonbrespriest, but Ws totonnott. woltan2J thump, cod /boo obtained tbeibnt VW/ r _ Oats aro advansi - 111 0 ao.J 1 o , saw- npodaa.- , Wasia— , ado eau tif asa lie II Zia at 102,a 1101 but NaS (2 20 X) UP at 920; 11401p120 20 at KV/ 2400 bottle a 'Bad .at`loU...o:l*—ltot ateatanal4 , gats.-sam 110 bp at 110(0:4 11110 bps oni pitting Wing D uno bog at 1i5 . 4 , ; 2,2 1 1 r JAW dill and "cludnY 46 .' ' . -- POOOOll al Italltaad. :: ~ ...-, -- ~ Painsisca NrmallaoffialaaB ii saolo.o44' 2.-71 Mt ,I` &an AO% L a s t • 442 . Utile bol , by, .111cOrietyilla4 ottla A Spoon lit Ma, SW 4111Mral; 1 tot bAloy, 1)11 21/114,1 _4l as sap. a ikidltsri las hod BM* 2 bb:/ n b o i 1 .b a rpoh-MaroPtiok a an 4 Ms tionr, IloDont32 a Allstklil-11 rolls losshor. J Hettmtni 22 bblunnltAJ A 114112 0 dos bloomt, 60 1211trItts. 7 .„„ 27, Lstallai a Shipaaaa do 20, 022 a , *CO. bblo Illys, ObanOlort Anna 1190120, JIL /Mr. 800 WM/WA TAnntai - 211 bp fon‘. Bat A NMI; 12 tin WA F. Mon 1 co; MI =lto btu, 2,2 n 66 Marla A .1 ar . ost.,afaban — a, Thomiollia balm floa!,00111 absp.: a=p •. •• • ....• . _ caaviaapH:iilhaaalanallaaacaailasiat S.:, 1 bbl nopp. Annbott a Wpm AWOL M:opt2 tabs. WSW. 24144 4 / 2 Pra mac 42 2 'l. 4 4 12 itianta. a Valgt Sea; ael bat oltulog "WV GM Si Wail bma 11 9orttAPIIP 241 Am: north; 10 WA "4114 , . 10 OD 641* r 0 walker 61na tbotio, A Glydg 211121/S% Artiit 0 b/k I *VP* JAWllittotli:P2 bas _ chum. Oboe 0 114,14ap 11 it . llBlotther, A 111 Mtlunktr -2001i141114-44tatbnn-aobtli guthVklast e a 130 bbl. moo poet. in , nothuoll 14 41 1 4" 4"r tpil a a , seam Ts do ack a ,lakaiitaas - au ao, /X CIO& on 35 0064 ratol2lll,la9lo leassallVaalamapor.lll TWThircr .r , • r r -.. ...., ..; 1 - I =l f ita 2l 2 l 4 bail Pil s t= kin .2, tuania 1. -7 gaiba .1 .0314311W0 . agiar Oaasaapi I.$W A:n*o Oa MN a la 411.• - 1144011 ; LW %v. 'crook batt•rd lliti. Lap la Duscaarrio.rs, NOTl_oR6drhe pideisigit having mitre stock ftoso.tho long m. hib1hQ1 ,.....4 7700 r stock at J. 11-111009 11 1 1 ..w001l to kb old costotairo and tior rialto blo remota to Won m Liberty Mu& tuba; combo by J. 11. llollaao,) mama law and comp loto ruck ot Bad. dimsend Leather MO" talooiali all al korget 0, u; lumi gum. Ea, In Moats amt.. 'BRiltrtia - :F 1631 . -TUE BIDE . • ano zavrgru Daum% .ctest tordial l 7 costootall Wm:own a tam of to blogritl sal gad bastatat otalUlottollic Ifor rano month! to anus' I 'lda 'cult= to ocatav altbrile• BOW toUtft•tatm. mad sal 'tau grad. atessara la tab:dada' 'Lim to ata wawa acqattattneer, - • J. B. Ido(10511. iitreos may am. 1883. TIARTNZBELHIP/tOTIOB.—Me have tith da iiiodeted as 12 the BallingWU bodesee A:1. /033. Lt atylo el ...Ans Ana to be 11S1031. agars a MAL, the oarecoanip to take athatehle da. rea 011 tadalilidll bir airetel CD hy eh* monlatelha. el batlo4o l6 • "• 1114115th,136.1. •, . 112=ga noir. nos mos xarnaseuia_. Sony J. Dm REESE, GRAPY at DMA limaybdonirs of LII ditoriyagli Iroo2, aat aad Bide Ira* Eating' farad:mated os "arta with • day 03 sairtag tbb kind a trort spec Witt• =Waal soisaits dun dabs trada. • isr alas, =sir of Widallid mad Water . =le DissourrioN OB taataarablp herstofin sestina nada fhb Lim of lAMB. DAGILYLL & vat h. et on the lit day of An MS J B tlee inT S O,, ,D =W m : A lu m. &ISO. &ULM • . Bantam patina kINOLVELON:—The Ocßutile:rib* ollltiag__betweeu' the tam** under the b Azoi SUMO! MOM. BUDD it 00. optred thls dq Iltattatton. 'The' bailing sill hetanthused by OHLltlala IMP, by 'ham di &MU& duo to or trot the Late firm will be settled. oaomaxi SNAP, • H.U. MID% 1i101101.69 E. WADL rest Pttt - founfliy. July lice DM- 11 DUMP . . •DitisOLllTloti oPPAATIMBILIP. --Th• Dullantapiiereinfai basting' between O.itd.ILILWAEINGI, doing epee It 11%85 lteiket strt, ander the It of GUEGIO it WAVlntG.'b this a t y dh.elsed by atatnal omens, II; g. W 131111 6, raag...a Gab4l4 be natbarbsol to Ise the undo et OM nan. In rsttltag the badness. ' - • O. 611810, - IL Et, WAItTEG. ' _. _ JIZEr . 000.101? 141103 NT PUBLIOATIONB. ; ! 7.0 on the *art golty of Wan: =kWh Astroamar of the Dada Dreentag's lams, blot , and geld. Refonsallon In the Thee of (drat, by D'Ambigne. Delderethes minding la Eonth Atlas. Ward's Tour donned the Pyramids.. abighthe's thhnsat War vol. 1. , liatattes setae and Clonisents on Blther:as. —Cagoule on the Pentateuch, rola l and 2. Dolma° on ths Book of Romans. Mahan% Anthers° Dolma The Dentitall4llll2altitai. b) W. W.lf At Odds. bylho Dames Tata • tam The Dray Day = Ilene& by Oideert. Legends of Clvesurripte. by= Mandl, filar tlated. • &hers Camystros of 1883.1&53. Annual of Ontentlda IThnersts7. isr 1863. Diane Tiaras sad Utak Itbranits edition. Lang Claw suld Tennyson, Cabinet • inn satn try SAT 00. 60. 68 Wood et. • anal LATB PUBLICLITIONS. 171 14 Swab= Mira% ~ S T • I=ftiof the Bctionetlo. n the Coles if Ca so the Boundary Gino:W World. The Omit Ino Wheel.Zsealsod. toSeihloy. • Les Illsor Bent Ores Thirty T Cloth end s sars tit the & Bawls. 4 , thlso opa. , The &as sad the taTeT.. - • . Waits Lo IlkkoTS_lffsdhdosoio Ulu ' 'Shm. wo.IS Parra surd. JOINT RESOLUTION prOpbaing &EL tartan Awndaunts to the rleastarallea ' • Be ti roared by Pa &We and Manor aragal" aster qf the assises n ib of Pssa*lstegsta 44busers1 Arigrahti ea r that the tolloetas sawialmeats be pcopseed to the Coastitottia al the Domesonersa!th, In mast MOS with the prorldaas of the tenth ettl ;le thereof There stall be in edititkmal melba to the th i rd &elate of Ito CosurLtoston, to he &slimmed as teo tton Ramon follows: PATIOS 4. Whenersw mai or the Spoolnea caorzeosweelth eb sal be It soyectaeltelhW rr sera* under •nqulsitrart Irma the President of the 113'3.1 Butes, cr by the authority of this Coto reomelth, Such ahem may esaretra Aunt of ealftere la all &Nth= by thcr otthaws,•wodir sash malodour ea ate. or. 'Nabs, pnwzatbol bylaw, as MO se 11 they woe prusent at : thalr usztil Altos of • Thins dill be iris addltlimil Peatbral to thaelei; oath attics of the Constitution. to be dastoattal as motion eight sad la" AA Aglol l9 . laarlow No tall ',hall be mod or the leitsh. tam contalaba4 stare than one - Oh**, which, .ball be rind, argrasal in the title, acces appoptlas Wrier Be till shell be penal by the teitels tum irtalitt4 MAY PAlrMiim pcirtleptw, fn any cm where the sathos try to vises arch po=frhrli, GM Ws boa. or guy hcrune . u pon the courts of thla Oamataawialth. '' • . • - '• • JOBS onsera, email of the Nom of Bertewasetlves. - -30fLN PllttfillY, Speaker of the thaste. • Orrice or BACIATAII or fin Cointresnivra, RO24OcM /spa.' .r EIMBYLITANIA;Ia. • I hereby WWI that this Ihregobag so anaccal lea foLl, teas sad owed copy of 117 .1 7 . -pn ad idatlieeolatioo et the Us Gwent AceesSatS -4114 'k:dal Ilesolattaa proposing cartels 4. ousts to the Onetttollt IV! as the was con' is Simian , whined I ban biretta* art rey Imes Ault sensed the sell, of the loaretely's oftice to be ablzads Oa day mut pier ab:ve - mitten. r, . . ELI OLUISD,' ' Secmlrl of the CommoransaltX BETAVILEUED:I76 evilsa O 111711 . TO111030) -- ► :11,121 . 1:14 . . . _ . le it 115 MAIMED WV= •.; Armiunty Clooluusi strout,Zlew Irely4 . W6ll - gill the atteittot of dtaleisl. the attirlas blispOtuhult;roi.vist- • . " Mililtn.ll2,llYY. • - • • Yectiboy, llni 11054, Moroi Bon* Mont= lkatisson„ DeFulpou, Pan .Inrgjoia, Bacjiltoolito, ' • 1/110111- • Soltehi atcy , 'rata llootofi MA MO !tilt lOtadruotr neyllawnootettansti t/oolBxtche Trash Soda. • . . ,SorAtteution maid Jo tjui for& 'nektitton to MollthuitAlit Ohinvlus end •Ilmamg -15:Mom" beltruillyf a repstintl7., s s '-' • . laotita 94; t, MLA, nOi..1:"141 Zsatedi lite --.47*-oentwitua, It it ofphta ahlh- emus ; • tbroct , tkootal. 0:104 0 Mi Cashatet, Tatklatt. - b. 13,..a. drudged igloo will be Ireton EERY 0. HALE do CO Aistecootoci to BPBING - nott roottilis Owl* - = now OP GOOD% a to *lira dais bad% iridetilid; kali salikt stOrdla= and aa! most a Vart,i i r =al"td has Ize r : c' Uol M00d.% to mot th i Ww1417 piqvz to vitt _ • - 1 io crrder bort wadaarmate, PitOll.-.Blllllg tale allikligl/vinloWn. kr_ 41103.1,44 MD' Ozosim totota 4t• man wear roopiiM auotatiteetilb ltbli tow vitecostoottosoue toopitoh. i'LltroldilovesiolialtotokerMof. lia7l P alaVl -"9-rieNVIPOPISNAi `;; ';!; • a "„... - 40 7 .CA.1.71' 7 111i .1414 : ite • 11 :Xt l istijii . t 6 / 1 1 - 7/AL iii,60. 1111 :::: .....-.,.• .r , - 7 • mr04411,?5 :,;;;,••••• i •,f• - •• 1 " - x ;.•-•,.: - - •-•• it.;. • -,1•• • - . • . tria ida es ' l l Wit' Ur 11111234111111; Opt% W DRUMl im n =maw Willi. I OM' il l aiatna lutit TOUT - NMI Vas MUM 1 Ilia ' ' ' . Vossul arena 1 / 1 01 1 F 1 0 , Icellog. m in minim WNW" 4 1213 7*".41414 ati11b 114 I C leti4 ! .. f t ' ' ll. 1'1 1 1; P l4 4lirit f iliffe •"• ' '-' • . - ~,:10, - itiohasaby iiins '4l- comina T im . ' wo 'j - l inis ilit: oescs v a. Ma rola switzt F ait SALE. • TELE uraurrio , ooparal RESIDENCE °emshd by the oils' crleer. one fans from the city, ea the Bro• monis turepls, conunending • wises DI Abe titles rebate, sr 4- letn oaks of the siren. The Ibick Hews, - of nudism style. bulimia room% be ak WA min and doable Tesindsh, hasca ban Ittabated sod pspred, and Is engird tl ' 4 sad cad index. drawn the. IrsiVe bum eche , xed • never,slllsig spring ef passintstle hugs 1 table, Onctbge ona, anThe labia CI: , • C .clang by Iss out high fence s^d dews non over Ito strdee b, ging lEthlii Inns. Give - Vices, MA Avery earkty of malt trnlts eta elf utbet7—the phsos hissing been hstinf, Ilevireteder crot -Won. To . Mies iirsating de/bible impTottd prots-rty, In coM• Vein order ,ass insdesatotnense, this Is at emir rODDlDldrtit to n MUD Vial, it 3 'MD& Ttei , of ills" znd onbrtintetty minotti . ersik_bl either. bridge, sad fee Wawa! A l from Mrsoingtuun Biases I ailroy. D. W. ainoww. , , males Oarner Water West and Chem alley. FARM FOB BALE 011 }DINT, owalutnia a ACMES, All ander fence, and In a good date of caltlrathak. Thelmprovements consist of i oar DUOS DWZI, LINO, ailtakting 10 rooms Ouse MOM BARS bear ELGUSIi, with 6 rooms ; and goutmlifril of Toone trees. GOAL ander the •hob farm• 611- WA hi BatdVic township. about On nibs how the city. Saguia of SAILIIN MUM& a CO., . Fos _SAL.E.—A oanyenniatyroltory brink drielliVent 'lib back troMing, no. fle 800 steak, PI , Macs • lacm pc " rtr=t asa woXl•linkb•d tam story brick avWlMaboase. *kb back badtog, Ho. ns k cued; between Hat, and Baxatd anat.. abto, • tvoArtory kick &rolling bobs., vttb bik All t • above sto to good coda, 7 • 7:" . "'I — • ). W atul wont. Alio. •am 407 Dam tonics dialnOlo. Biwa I and tb• two atm Mugs • 'lel' 801 l Of than bases an to good °oda) old lotmUlonslltow • .yygalot44 emend osi els nottlgoltilintay dda of Mist M+ at nollrigul Try aim% non Scoligagit• Ingllls • *cola% food milts% otriod. suld ostandingmos In of TM Mayo parity it aging' to a detrain fill of Moony. • . • , far Mons of gab and pompoms Inquire 0 - WK. W. =OMAN. . Ho,loll3ldh Mom,. A TWATER LOTS FOB SALO,, ON TWO ouzo a Fa. 8. liOnsda eounTaliPa , • . lITLTIOL—Tho tutdoudgotil ts antlatrlnd to isell tiro piefu or fing,sone of 6X and-cmo 01 9 410 1 est 4, franuag on the Oblo a Po. IL. li.. bobai van of the lam of ,Dol4l' Dickson, deemed. I Po of thil OPP guy b) Pen by aaning at pay taco, go. 11 rkiia f stiot, Aueikai 0117. JAI= AILtLANDi._ anl3:eal2o IL 11 BPOII T DD3TILLERY F9ll a; • 15&L8.-19te siticetheti, *boat ta mom* to other bottom . WU: far sale thsts DISTILET. sitested m lecepork Artastrosig =sty, P.. no • • ttunenitt, la pool imaning_coviltloo, mod t •-•• •id f ar insastsotosisrays Whlaksly to. big In the Bye spardiselnisa W Wilt= eists.end enjoys a high mmtitiatt 031 . iti aaa Also a intit•PBOON MOM .rondlnewldoley... ; Ws sloogar Ss Ws au OIL 11111 L-4114 to good Ir rat m taireoralMihsitaistal awes+ WM Boa. V i be=al BILL ocf l ss rthau.A. ; 1: A:- • :i: z4a:l:i:' • :41'. Mar irtai liaralfo Lath 119 find I. fttat 1110 hat deep to andOM with a Isis MOO hanos Hancock usm stmt. &dal. rads Madan dat a Van or Nada. Alm. wan __da• snag forpfasts naldatone sane ,inaVa.lana to 1 lon coda I ithak,a bozo atonbar cd bandfod anit o of due, afkm SZI to 60 Mt trait DRIOD 100 dmeposltuted at th• tennis= of tft - Witilk Apol to the on of the • of Jobs Ifinscay &rid. JOHNIIWIIIO4io D. - - - so.trassom, ROB - SLlal...lll2ii sou at * s.: bawl IMMIIII souato. oo took, t if tut tong.ouporbou - ..... ....- ..:...-‘...; '," Pus et_ pairEo/4ainftt....B. s' I I t'ton Mon boo: . • —•- .i • .-- Too 8 Bli.Vllo PAWAriitorTIOSPOIs in • k.: Irmo all comr-Uts. Emil ibm I soomia.booil BTltal IRO .lo= 15 br.b.ell down to 6 MIN Ida& w tor HUGH x.i. BO to , but o*eke B.Upoinci dm cm !dot' . .., .Q.BWICKLBYY.ILLP.• nionavr. pa rog sua—a wall Writ tad otitiotantli, anangod Von Med gout, VOW, 61 , 4WD Int i f aa* Laving it pato) WI, In anopo,,coltat, abla s fa and ethos toinotnva, um 'Adam cm tart. and Ando Ito* altrabbary. do. . ' . 'tipdly‘al 011 otitenuketess.lot loobstai b a JD d to an Coy. , for pito CO to W. •U. 01:1 T kilo • Et Market stmt. • In a " :Oat t :1: "s • zi r • Thai die two dim Brisk IMAM/ • 841 . Wylie sueeS beteg awidlelsi ismer, • - " tithed with oaths sesetest eta will pa tad t s 4 tirosidtens; hoe finialad three • • hrh end limo wash hone, WM team. sato • araMd ea two palms eta kW and khan.''*l es ti Avg, to sit - D. 1144 /11.10,109 Wasulit:st. FOR E*2.• • 50 bbis. ItoolLos Cemsnt. zatnc",opins = E . gh S w,osa atrial t : con isp I I swaps wane= =Km MOM darrZsM "4 94:1 1 1 1 ilia. fIOUNTRY ,HO2lll N., sham fat Moil" te 1402 thmailpitibiL =got All lbw lots so an not PlttolnitiVort WWl* elpitntirt. AVM old P. 0.13 • Amara ot- a! , ' P o Vila atm teAltattann. ana . "VOA SALE-500bble.'Crude 031 A: rum &manor • P. SUMO). t ar ; pan skeur. rittouribi • FOR Rl4l4l%;aitittireviud ON WANDHOIMiIirCh 4 Wag straar door hum irstar_ousau , , •-•- Tar tariarare4 TIME' DAMitk i : (Braoksinißabss &Oa . seDliMni WOOD maw IlitradWocd • STONN QUAVEY 1 1: 1 011BN7 th e itetiburso; ammo. d sad Ohio Basar.Pled Pork ' • ~ C S water West. A d• t a sT. - .osi t aliete V&A b the thlstorldadigfeatal & basil SIMS _ • Javan dradoviSk 14194 0 a. _ • F.`4. ;PM 411/V4ittibis WftrsOrilectir4T War get. - Cadrunnuaut - 31wmai 7 itth t ziinanT muutuatioutuous apps Sh*,6I'G,; . .AtMCHIN4 1 .„,s imtsvitom 0 3 0 ,-.' ,• - .... am • tor wag-- , irettinT 0 - • "Larloindis - i.-,. ----, witai l oinn•-• 1.. •,. - 1 - w a tt ' ,-- 't •,-- • , to•tiivioda.l%, ,- ittf„,flosiednii,„.l. °own, , : • • ' Gla bang CV!. "Ott „ 4florsuoN m ."1.1.4:41r nrrigfilmaam r' ' ei:4l -7 13111a -- 01(34 Wang . Gal*. lidrirdalastUallOrisillkWirgor ims sse buds sr sb• UggIOSNOWCOOPN. Nrs.lo satllPOS,Cidr dud , • mum no I. ha. ~~ - - =- LillDears EIEntOVEID SLOOD 60kROH611, Oancer, , Oanersone Formation'', Sorafalae - • OntanOtmi Maim., • ErPiPealls,* I 4 16 Pimples on um !aces - Bore Byes. Tatter .Affiotlona.. Scald lifortdi DYsiarrgisa Goativaiell; Old and Ottblorn IThionrc *lihaitellageDiscatsi heindleo.. Balt Itlionm; maGurtra /wow. amoral DebilitT. Liver Coraphini... Loss of Appetit*, Low Spirits;' rentaloCeesplaktr. spilepsy or lif a,, Paralysis or rain t' • - Dheases and Caries tie Bona. Igo. 120 Towel gtrePti TOOLTREN WITH ALI. muss ormaam Elxqua Toms maul 111 DRPRATO. OONDITIOS OT THD BLOOD OR OIROIIIA. TORT HEMEL • o,lllllof Mali A. DOZIP. Otrairamoi ltratraoa. lad Da.Q. li. Zatraal-1 take ytraso la =lnk OIL Tol tal7 stattramat In Oar of a statlabtr wall by yoostlal o %tragrei IWO Otraatrar I bad lewd to Au yore with go t% Olatr tact ant 011 my boa and Ostia alasla 0 1 4T, 1 co arty oda, sad took of lb bait trlisallia 431. ass oda IV applablOgn Ihe blaO aal SbOVII Wow ths_ithini.'analtsitlaVagats allesbartoegoa ltratal triarY ?no. Deo_ an WI WO mat fat that ietwalll good Won came oat. I was WY opal *IOW/. awl bail Om mantrap of me goltbsirelle'sa 1 fol Old email di= Oplatraa end tray did ma as pad. la itrytambar lin, Ulla tray hawk It by ulosigra boa .tra ROO triallawar I sof and= I bad wo COI la pilot Owl r bad awl Ow:eta:4ra of Dlaod triaralcare b• arab arbadian eal..1•10 Weed. - I bale ten bkeaa Lasses_bottlaielaybadaada u a . ars atrirdl =apt ttra otrtrslaeltryills. was. I'Ell alas utak that I bail ile OtramaillO tray lolls my Ems sad Lap. 420 EloedOsitratra ales col tholoolltra. 1 tra low a troll mane Pa tarty lop dish =az Km so* estuflall tis aset whip I Ints twat"; bass karlanna Itrleat Una, paaab. I oaf Woo atOltrat Otr 4/B°, drbrabilarrirol bet trial WO. bo boorel eallteelisisrldeitileseit.ebittsoi sus ad eftbema nr.Fgeorluellleakie by Nr• 0 4 9 . bblb/glitl 6,o *z it " li s k init. Mob a,w mewing= bled pa It wpbdtal istbige leeilktou TT I isa lad th•Oliftliatt. au 010* mow In SO trtlONl4ol;mho at Dr. Stritrtrial 119 Wagstaff. ebeteille — thitilekk the Dlotd 08 4 ,61 " alkaline oda wietrool yak • all Antrlatrktr Ultra& itroamai OM I , emis ulll pi the lladatra Orion lON Valeta -OW► baste of Vier ma mop WA Alai seniOith•o34 WWI Me • wed desistroept µldb.ttsr. lkinbccei tbaboal**, 1111 b • grotratryttiallOall irtrtroaltra ltra I WI Mara Ulm be,* be ebb of Wan.; Taa 1511 ijabibel UM El mut% and i tra amdcom ibp trlto its MOW asTnowasynotrad. Ibis ol4i Ho d pla. mil. eat am amplatrO at Cat Mad tolatrales Val= Iteable Iroas. ES Item abut IMMIL d. IMD: am tit Mik#lllAlAo UM; *A Awe ban sitatr Met suouttAttu. Puts' / GOA; oR.VCIEVOWIOat-tbni tanstAs .. ml4. Old Watt gintistdluodkoncithr la taw NW tut -I.llAtetAtt. Es -teld i'ttist met soil uoto Ildlaattada le .e. 13,01 lhadi Mad= thst ioulUarn masa* NiU to quite twills Cs btooth. Ts Mita ,Ibt MP toot Mut tAildamirist:ltAtivity tad Inoab* ttorms Aosta Cow sw tea uttat,l woe auto! "Mid uty dt• me trot nottuattitatit I - 004 try' tOstAtUatt a good Mind Di lAA 1/Allaumr.tteaur istottil RadlAttugillZMlOrtroßiluglrt nistettefel4l:llll4; • - 'M DAVID ILIAIWI,AY, 11961aga XMA rUut# • ..1110LIM Ultimo stmt. Au• &Al attf• , TO: , W I 'S Ares sirs, ~Z-G sa COSI BLS L -1111111 D-1161, --01110 D. DAR spin &1G OM& Atitisviialvadomusill.i6 l6 4 S Ea Iffrlfe Xf ynif .ovoid yttb idooss latt sots, WAhiqi ; Toot tor•ssrair Zr •AK amnia PUS ZVI. 6, to long em, too is boo' maw fez low*lo_A prima Of Oa toldodoWntli. Vie IntStitai wait; tow nutesibmar. .1110 m lie wear taw wooly attriert siialkortioo Tod* sooll gionnielbSttosibOttlail imiateticradt sat ant 1.34047 biTe Itisot Ps Its math% 11,111701#1 it nu Oats. ItStieitwoo, cot'lhoortlo simile orbits Wit Ximitiff• !1 - tomaevaleitin!!!, • ' lir& girlie' kik 1,140 Af l !! "!? I ‘ I. pi. uto. I-•; I4 PRV"..F. :411-1114•164warerwnsmi mdglp , l)ffirchitoilL lollll o 11. .00411= 4 0 1 1 0111111 " 1117411111 " lig mdkggellgalunallt* 1 . 09400 . 401 " * Mi t •ugitiblaibtlaniCtrigital fragt bag weilakonlPPOW/ 2 0 111 0: 6 4 2 9 I "ff AgggegmaggimagraL,r, = IS Ida pus amass MID 001 /111Sabi.. , LahAtk..tEs , 2 r 011 of tli,!L.Fgvillit I4 p_apgixowisohorroxisaiTz• - ..f uV im itiVeAtscatt il a a laur r 64 ass , soil !., • rat -1•4 tt:. iippok r , Wing - zrEenmswAy....TalxnutA rocru,,,math,,,,t..qmumerowt Id 0311 Baum) 'The von-Imam staneass - 1111c-lorit- eadl fatgedol to Who *drool t— orn eiramemcou.........asirimPes• ITT Or LONDON _Patazdin Ms._ la MT OP HEW 2 0111.........0itardas !ad map loPeollzg: Oilartlig. al POOPe ais 44, North Illra. • - Evjo bb t to G4ae m twd m i o s o te k s ti OormoM. :layman do. In isaldap... 83 OD • d°. to tondos.. 115 $ 0 do. Id Parti..; - - - :95 - ib. - -to ponfm.6-pID lb do. tolls:4sol.l*S do. - to Bagibigra la IA preinigen U‘artild to atm, Itrotwo e llot• tw i ny Ea; al tquol ti low Wiwi -,_ ..... --. Ms from. or tilotottowst Itl was imsas4los. Siena" Thowirbo ina is a lm a in SWV,frigasa an prOtir w r 0 thato fortartbor tolittoonms nipti Ot Um Otw3Wwr s Othoi. . - JOBB altailkat*Slotto.. .. _. M 15 BrowlW. 501111011.113011 i Wad dna. en, Wow twit %Mk wait,' - . - .Plttlearrift. ir a .11011 AL AWL MAIL :wrinswim 1108 0011 PART% • ' MAIM Mir,l4l/111C.) ......_ " k ADRIATIC. ligo ItanleVnnWt r tg a ' 1/1132112041,000 Itime•pcinsi tape., . ' rsk . OOL:11t rao ihel Eforampowir to ye tallh ANGLIA; Ifsetialaver, & toss . ~. • , =y amt atsaant.tp AV=il . Mma tree lihrsepod.viaoahrim tolicv Tody, MED. 'Bina% the ISM of ~, tab by nis i:thee damn' *Mello into oltanumillielifida. ages :T toss Limped to Bvabekilli• sale lik vg.ll4ll4llTailo 6 IR 410161101, 7 : •Illat. la , 11210014p . ., pew • le woad Oabta..6.• . a - coi , • ..- • • foe st Us ollki of pa A ri00; • . --,. J :MN+ 0 1013.1aa. && P WWI& Minna o"ffilasger,” - - 't. •• - o G r; li. teintrtai, ..64' roade .6t0.• TO &Mr Perse&•=6 huilvait rams FROILTILBfeIin i 1 . 1 :. nu...—atiiimitirstma ft mar wisesse o• 144 ant noIIVDDI trce sla Pricit s. luta acetx= 3B l4lbar oy sapeziat thezisamothitessost Mit it I , at Gni daft Mtn IF . m fie St n than *bat On DivettbasciLionit loa n e rx 13. she unsismam Dm OM WIL.T. touching's larionderry tatt =ID. ThWm'e onus . vends kora Idnupooli D. aM Doruloca Arnty_, DironDAMIDDIL , 72innin , , in innb (02.01. OUNAKD LL' , lBtoun froak Llstineg natcltmlltlllmsll ls .b slant In^ canary. from Paw 4aik. 6AE5KT117.110614 AP* t" . • TEOX e 144 Pitidelb• wis2Juzly zwitanrip * . , :! , ... ,, - FlßsTlialcaf#L. OF FkFTEIBUitGr • • nation -,' - —w. i • n - - s es _., xsatia arrD. I t PA II S ' l 7gnu"or Oiathothat ar _TlMM UthM% Wiantidsotry WrthmN j to to, asiestritisul It Us- bile isatiot shoran MATIONAILIIAKEL Of to thothorithr ot Allsollosokoad IMO otiosso l loo. sta.kos been datfcrogssit loader Nati totoollss t! this rectirolatoth at V* lith 4 Comm; Olthttl - nit Ast to omits, it Naiad Consomostathits isolatto Cl. limited Mao &MU sod town* Ito its tarraNlika sat stplraptioa obsrsotp, awned Tamar SIM. Itith.sad hos th* via A Oa Dieuot sal4 Act require tots'thootial with bOrotosst_ttos toststosol BOokisig. No% Walt" lOU= X al tha Comity do torisnr=tess a VZ nast : zuersufax. sails, or. rirreaczau. 1 -=anti of AMAMI. and Stott of Tillitlaill. Is ossitozits4l toasolltalOPAllll34l2l2l of grim ols. tor Quad otaresslL , ----. ,-- •f, L 0.. la tatiatha Artiste! "Moo .. toad J,.... 1 thil sath ot this 6th ot t" ion- - au • 4.4:. • -J-= - initor,llo:.".4. • 7= nisitiatoll4443lll OP - ; --; PITTABUIIOI4 - PL, . ~• CUTS rata n= taw cow - „anza,,eoloo.octooarthtipptioosaar , . _, , to CLOW 4360. ' ' - ci - - - -- . . , --- ..: • bas Pittsburgh Trait Csoopthy bolsi omaisol osier tho WOO provide &Mama thotriocimidor the title Cl Uto Pitt! NALTlsthUlls BUM or mamma% wow zinr_oper itilefliall Ito tkoothoctioiotNotta. pitth ollthotonss &xi reads* thoolor on arscolti bay col nth ar• amp on all prowl tbecoadrjr., ~ ,...,.....4 . -, 4 • .13op those whirls be atom= Ow Trost Oco: play State lb ca s santicia fa Will. in bliss% to • osifthat gooroo ,' ter that ; eams at athltu outraged to the tow thw i iIWAM Ida , , ,a thusly, its woo press pu ..- , , • -,- ," /lath% a Yult ' otheosiro oxsoth9sthistO isith Booth god Bask= thisssoboat thio eassisi L __llolls. Um vs cm Mir Wiling bd4ttiallie 11,01.7a' d o blidllisal with as ' -- - ito bindles§ will be colutictoity-titsthath CC . I James lails Alonadoslbioir mar & g o y ._, , Minds taitisissh This so, -. Akz. Braloy.. .: Thos Wirsua, .. &rood Bis, IL= sairanimaaant. , . ;Owe D. actirtsxAidt47.: Asyut • , 'lB6lB : • an te 110LIstil SAVINGS - BANE , - , No. 6i .ILF Youssaaross:- .. ' ' k -; ' t ': -;'. Opal &dr tem ea *smock's*. siirshostsy sad estardss MIX= Ka Saito 01: T, as • e sad Doss Ow= US ton *Sat •-, mend et - sit Sidi act Sas:tissa ass Ikea. lad a illSdied 411bigralltidaderellvk• A .. yenta Jars sad Dec aria. ./sSeadllarbass do. gas sad a 1 'II I I . a 1.2114 m e= S th • r of = • lbs Eva was '..asee;it aid 'dots aal,ts*siot Ss goosed" - slaw dardoltdr sepdsdislosabonstsessists . teradonstssesssasysesJusiutdDoosibroses An 410.00 OssadialLtekd d Pasitboattrosldlaaftl‘alk. Iss as ssa sassef adab soriSa is,ll.mt bb Past "Asian 'Nut Vo dterek.:2- .. lkats. andsadai las Obilissißramaki sum and HavdsSinsausle4:lP 3 o o o l .4. 1 ”,ti c e.. 11 ruaiiixe=as4Bttivum4 , : :- Alin& Idiall,l4 s , , Issa6ll4lWilaisVl . ',Scas Navy ..-.. , 1 - .: - Aroballatstanot , —diszssderapose - • , ,4sessdaMdiel. - -i . .. • dad.z., i .A. IL lallas l / 4 - M.A.,. Aiwa MgAalgri- . . 1/03111da 7: ibh liddaldsms.. - . 1 's. Li' !Ida Al Idadieas Joan Grikalssfsa.l 7 . :WM' raddltes l4 O. Jobs Btrialq k ' ~...t, .Ma ' words Slut. - - Bean Mass A. Cantsr 4 _ Haul ail biro" ilialisi IClO)ltseq, - • AustirishuN, wau sg s - poiabo o ", Adurit:abWo 1 :Sokaaaats - ---.. . t Ydilliasa. , Wipes A...„Efsssa'..;:, ~Akoados `. -• romaterC.. taint. *.-•' • 'Mama `dinsisiD. --. i- t . ' -;- - wss. P. lir-maim mum* dAirdyi.,. t.. ____'• 7.cdridstooraw ... mounds anaisna.,...,ooMlL, 'PIetOPO3LE442 12401 4 . ROHNUOBM L —...."0.10111 V; . . . 0. . W 4 11001.41.115 M. itp. - 'rte. MINA imbio ineedmid ai alga Oa liild n i tdo lbtoaClANAldirliOßElS. ti be i M ictisk Tita . ye• INgton .0:. j* axalillagi totibs ot tam In lots of stet leig thSktalltrart att ro .. boar to imaak4o.4 rttliztatics Naos 1 bigtharseitipiatimds• yalza al ne kin • woo addle —Pf —:. aT - Mg". ;from alliketag• - .'7' " z ,- - , - - . „Theldigis, aVW bldbetataterlibuss mug baltagindesabiassavestmakontwonici. impoparsispdtssermidigglinuingle. -- - ifteripasalbiblutboWszkosuisibsabows .ii&tirsdacomminuolt amass% etas metre: osttri,,prAtii "1101.14ta1FAtiles at. _proaplill:ausibiaditraiitt to 1 Ciiilol. a. a. amniudar,enflillartamastkikasima. ' lot LsgailcasCai-shisankm fir El;gagat-• - -,', : - ~,a,a.r• - - ..in w i . - _• .-., , f 2 - , .*-•,,,,,,, ,•-,. _. , - •• • . _.„ ___. _ , ~ , ~ _. _.............."‘ -5 41)314/ 6-7 ;jilarN Ai I • r ans l / 4 . 1 4 Z ' S 1:1 —. : 2 , . ai m s 6se Iss. I , 0 linifa.... for wisps. 4w. +am= ftomis, , .. nea Iss i B s Cj i .l amA H6 ll : l loo4#4l.l*., : - ../''o*wOh ith - !, wilii-NEffiEEN; " 4 •- - -• "atatatitirter-v:ME Rim , ' l aii vi g2l - Va °ai r s a k .. . .. 4h. _1114, 6 111 , 11. !m m grig:, aliniaid %VW*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers