tlitisbuigh gSnetk. TIMBDAY t k',lloilkNti - ; itrOk-* :;f "Unlmi - state Tleket: TOY aursesoa *NOUS!, CI. 'COUTO"( of Centrpi Toe ?Cele OT res 8171.91411 0017 e? : of Brave?. Umioa Coludr-TielliPt ro PrF44.1•40 d u. DtsrMgt Onr‘ NOM ILUIPTON. • - kohl O. Qum. co. BANS 11. 11111903. cy. WIL 0....1)311111111TON. v. ISCAJ,SIGELAIL Per Mai off Coma flhotOsisig rnaminr. DAVID 4.133 M. JAIL AIIBI.IIIL • My hyltien WL.J. 1//0/141MMIL 'M atm* diishTnir. ososna avanoraL Dint or JOHN T. (IWO. A Cassiit Device..Lioilr4ol.litcum And ea you *Lek, Mews. WooDwun , and Lowing,-that while you are both good voters, and fit either to govern or judge • State, the men who are out fighting your tattles and aura, are not to be trusted with the privilep of even 'gremlin their own (Onions in relitten - eel StlizrielUs I Well, that wee seaming arrangement, certainly, to mnisle the watch doge, and tie them . up, before you turned out to "prowl about the habitations of car aleeflng people, ind cep• tare them for the benefit of Jam D•eui Co. And it was a canning device, too, on the pan ed - .:7cm . 9onvention, to keep you in a position where you could hold them by the attain, until your oldest vas accomplished. We striven rictlice; heftier, that we in tend to take the opinions of the Boldly*, ift spite of you, and that we shall challenge your right to disfranchise them for you own benefit, and then to sit in Judgment upon the question, whether they have the right to say Who Chart rule over them; or in other words, :Ailtether you shall impose i'l lialm l N P m t ll lP ° 9 l S b .T. 4l .* d infi who vote ilea who shall not vote. We know that you are whet men, and learned 'ecru—you boingtheJudires—bui aiacennoe wilts agree tbaryirtilluill elect yourselves. You have three brethren, it is true, who have kept sempany with you so long as to leave it uncertain how much further they may be trusted the yourselves. Ono of them, however, wu elected by the Republi cans, and the.thers are said to be War Democrats, as you are not. if either of the two latter is a believer in the war, he will appreciate the sacrifices of the volun teer, and restore himzhe citizenship and the privileges, of which iota have robbed Übe. If he does not, its will_have an so -cunt to settle . withthese men "when this cruel war is—over," and they are back amongst us once more to assist in the pun ishment of the .trattors e hme, who, without the courage of the Southern rebel, have been aiding his cause, by pettifogging quib bles about the Constitution; and all the in .genions sots of profitable ahlecene. We concede too much, primps, In sup posing any jurisdiction In your Court in the case either of a Governor or a Supreme Judge, any more than in that of a member of the Legislature. We will examine this point, however, at our leisure when you _ shall have "marked and inwardly digested it." A COMPANION•PIECE TO THE GREAT O'CONNELL LETTER. Bearetary Chase's Reply to Ma Irish Repealer.•-admirable (Wades's etas of ants-Slavery Mgautant and lutory. [CbsekukeL] MOW =MAIL OMIULNJUIMS 1111411 ItiLICIATX4 It lIILATZWL Bret it was not enough to repress the dis whim In (amid abolition In the States. It was mastery to make thsGtmeral Gov ernment Itself the patron of the detestible institution. The AM step toward ebb and, was to in duce Congress to pus an ant continuing in force the laws of Virginia and Maryland, within the district ceded by those States for the seat of Gm' National Government. This act embraced all the provisions of the Stage slave codes, and of donne at onoe en grafted the spawn of Slavery upon the National Ligipleture. It was • flagrant violation of the implied compact at the for maiden of the Government, that Slavery aboedd never east ander the legislation of Congress. It was also a plain tramm el= of the letter and spirit of the Consti tution, Which not only did not confer on Congress any power to establish or condi us Slavery by law, but expressly declared that no person should be deprived of lib- arty without due legal ?room A mere signal proof of this growing as undone; of the alaveholding interest, and of the perversion of the National Admire ! istuAlon to idaveholder, ma 'Whited slew years afterward in the purchase of - Louisiana from Prance. Upon the soquisitien that territory, the Con gress insteed of emulating the example of the Congress of 1787, and commuting that TOO ne914.t0 imparthdAertyi ., .bsstesd of hastening to redeem the pledge which the nation had Oa to the`orld by the adop- tion of the ordininoe, that Slavery should never be extended beyond its uniting State limits--did ant ample tor provide* for the entianaute of Slavery therein by beas tly* eneousemt, In amebas violation of geed faith and constitutional- obligation. Several slave States have sinew been m ated out of. this;territory, and the reprosem talus of slavei from these States, chosen by Ineaters, have taken their fleets in Con gress by GM side ihio representatives of amidamholdere from the bee States. yrsoodent of squiring tarritory for tim—latilose of ; the limits of Amory Ina thus establielaid. - it was not ausyriaintr, Utsrefore, that !Wand be fol lowaduristkinoimasioniewdrodby Wpm , skim of /Mao frotillpatniand *bah onursp on the Constitution by the contin uum* and *Manion of slavery ln Cut ter :Way legislaties provision., atiMPOS To Tall AeoznazOito oy szATIo• asp aILaTII-4as immix imiTsoutu. These sacceetive violations of _the Con _Otago; resultlatin a-piodiedona eaten. don of the limits, - and enormous so. mision to 'the poweroif slavery, attracted Walt attentkin from politicians; who con sulted their Interests ) by rivalling each ether in - duration Was elan power. few iddlenthmists and statesmen may have mearnatover"deprogram of , an evil whlalt ibex dared not openlyiuni, ealength, however, these& mind mita by the claim of laseettej o WWI was ,lest-ef , the district, teardreit from Trance, Ci be adtalltA W 471411415 se a slaveboldhig State.elidu weeradet ed. The Wastes of - Qs reetztation and thefriends et **Wend= ot elaveri, eewlt l 7- strutettirsi-ae. 1/11149. In the result, however, victory de dared itself on the side of the 08Tel:told - ers, and Missouri was admitted as a slave Rata the termination of this 00D-, tasOznui yiti recently, there hoe been DO organisediippositionlo slafery. The po , - suanTparties of the einnitry have submit ted to the sway of the elate power, and the taint- of prwslavery has fastened itself upon every department of the national 'd adaist:stash. ISIVILEIIIO7I or THE MATIOdii. AOTIIOIIIT7 771 rHi /19771.1472 07 lIU.T.IIERX. Thus we ace that the original emir of pozoddrog for dux partial representation of slaves, which aucitutts to the same thing se conferring peculiar political pollee on mas ters, has. led An enoroaohment after en• aroachment, and aggrereion after aggres sion, mall the true construction of the Con stitution has been subsonic!. It is now boldly claimed that the Constitution guar- Anton; property in men, and that slavery is a National institution. Wehave seen our National Executive, In conformity with this false conitruation; pressing upon foreign governments claims of indemnity for toe less of persons al- - leged to be Id/ITM who were constitutional ly as well as of natural right free, the mo meat they were afield -on the high leak In an American ship. We have seen our Donal Legislature employing the sanctions of law for the protection and extension.ot slavery, while it has insolently denied a. bearing to the rettiontitraaceinf the friends of liberty. Wei rugs sten—oh, charnel our National Judiciary solemnlydeolding a — elaielealder may, in • free State, 'seize any person chunked by him do be hie fugitive 'lave, and drag him into • slave State, without process and without trial, subject only to legal responeibdity, should thermion thus kidnapped ultimately sue. oeed Cu establishing his right to freedom, Riol3lllllo OW PRACTICAL •1111-11LVIERT =EEO These and similar outrages perpetrated in the absurd name •of the Constitution, have at length aroused the attention of the people. They enquire at length whether the - Constitution of the country was in re ality designed—not to establish Justice and secure liberty—but to establish despotism and secure immunity to oppression. They scrutinise the power of Congress to see if indeed there be among them an authority to create or continue the condition of Sla very. They investigate the records of bit. Wry to ascertain what were the injunctions laid upon their posterity by the seta and the precepts of the Fathers of the country. We who addreu you and our fellow-citi zens whom we represent, have been aston ished by the results of these enquiries. We find that the construction of the Gsnstitn tion, which has been imposed upon the peo pie of the- country is morally speaking base forgery. We find- that hit power to create or continue Slavery has been chre tally withheldhein the Nationsl Leftists , tore. We find that oar fathers have..left, on record their solemn censure of the in , .Iqaitons system, and their sacred pledge that It should not be perpetuated or extend ed. We and also, and we feel in our bitter experience that free labor is dishonored, and its wages rendered insect:a through out the what* land by a system which ex acts labor without wages, and degrades the laborer to the level of the beast. We are taught also that our own rights and liber ties see endangered by the spirit of des potism—endangered by slaveholding, which has so fearfully manifested itself in the denial of the right of petition and of trial by jury, and in the desperate attempts to suppress investigation by mob violence, by, ecclesiastical servilism, by legislative en actments and by party ostracism. We have, therefore, "come out from among" the patrons, the advocates and the apologists of Slavery. We have resolved to vote for no man said to sot with no party not Inlay committed and pledged against this enormous evil and wrong. We avow an eternal hostility against despotism and opprueion in every form, whether mani fested in crushing the black man or in de pressing and impoverishing the white man. ITSJATZT BETWLICE A.lllll/OAIII AWN MAIM. ==! From the inmost recesses of our hearts we thank you and the Irish People for jour sympathy with us in our great strag gle. You have our sympathy in yours. You demand the repeal of II statute which makes Ireland the political - vassal of Eng land. We demand the abrogation of lava which makes millions the chattel property of thousand'. You demand the repeal of the Union Statute, because it was carried by fraud and has been perpetuated by force. We demand the abrogation of our national mattchattellsing legislation, be cause it is repugnant alike to the Consti tution of our country and to the code of Heaven. You seek to accomplish your great abject' by pesoefal and Legitimate means. We, like you, appeal twthe people and pdt our trust in Him who holds the heertsrof all men in His hands. Your tri. amply -we believe, is easure and nigh at hand; ours may be deferred to s somewhat more distant date, but it will come! We are smart:East the energetic and an comprising hostility of the Liberator to every form of oppression, has drawn upon him the bitter hate, and subjected him to the calumnious attack; of the partisans of Eilaiery in this country. At a public meek log held in New Orleans some three years since, he was denounced sea "political ren egade entitled to the execration of all sober, upright and enlightened American citizens, and to be regarded with no feellog but ab horrence." About the same time he was stigmatised by a writer in the atite of Mississippi as "that detestable agitator Daniel 0 Connell," and as."that unprinci pled Irish incendiary." More resently the Irish Repeal Association of Baltimore de noting:cod the rpeechdelivered by the Libe rator on the 10th of May last, as "a base calumny against the humanity and the purest sense of human obligation that are the cbgesoteristios of theamatliern people." Even now, unless It has been remcryedeince the - summerof 1840, Chore hails on the walls of a slave dealer's 'Moe, in the Dis trict of Columbia, a filthy caricature repre senting Abolitionists and blacks together, among whom • eamidouous psalm is given to Daniel O'Ochnell, as • fit subject for the dame witticisms of scoundrel traflicers in human flesh. IEI PAO- lILLTAT 11111111 DMUS orsoozo rois 01 ourotiosor; £ID tag urosis, To 1101I*191 rnaarir otoszniform. • rm. . These thing were, however, to be ex pected from the bigoted devotees of slavery in the slave States; but it required the evidence of our seam to 0013'4100 as that the spologiste for the opectilisr institution" who have assumed the leadership of the Irish Repeal Association in thin city, would venture upon any open, denunclatiott of the illustrious obamplon of Irish Liberty, or dare to draw an invidious distinction be tween the Irish people and their liberator. But the resolution of the meeting held in July last, which aanerted that the declara tions of Mr. O'Connell were uslanderoas of the American people," and that It was the duty of the meeting "to repel the ealnetny and hurl back thwoharge with scorn; " the letter prepared and addressed in behalf of the Cincinnati Society to the National Association,and the recent conduct of the Association bore in refusing to the scathing and overwhelming reply of your Cournittes the Inimminecourtery of temp tion, on the pretense that th e Coeuidtution of the Society-prohibited - all reference to questions of a Marisa or political Mule actor, (a pretense demonstrated to be triv idene by previous:MUM= the subject of abolition, and by - the:pusagoef a resolu tion on, the same , evening ~repel the mane Ind unjust:l ingos. of the great Irish Isader,") these things have setithed et that Mose mem, relying on the cruel kid wicked prejudice against persens of color, which, though constantly abating, still toti gtherally characterisii the American poo pie, are ready to premed as Air in their defamation of the Liberator, as they have heretofore gees inla their mune= abuse of the friends of . freedom as boxes. But oan these men Imagine that true hearted Irishmen will long endure their shameful conduct toward a man enthroned in every honest Koh_ heart, as the truest and the noblest frilia of his noun try ? Cart th e rimegine that the Roue of Ireland_ w ho.,' have Bought in this Weiterntrorld a refuge from oppression for themselves, will long consent to be need -as the instruments of oppressing other.? If they do, we think ' tbemeelres. Not many weeks ago, at a National Con e alien of the Friends of Marty, 5/111501: bled at Buffalo, in the j3tate of New Yerk, an Irish laborer, dietinguished by his warm heart and clear understanding, declared that the first vote he ever gave in his life, was for Catholio emancipation in Ireland, and the next was fot liberty in America; and he never meant to gives different vote 50 long as God should spare his life. There are other Irishmen like hlim and the num ber, we trust, will rapittleincrease. • What do theist [O5ll - 5601511 by asserting that " the people of Ohio have never had any connection with Slavery in any. form V' They know that the velem of -represents. Goes of Ohio eustain Slavery at the seat of the National Government'snd in the Terri tory of Florida. They know that if the unconstitutional laws of the General 00V bnuosnt which Sanction Ilaveholding were repealed, and its influence and pstronoge arrayed on the Ada of Liberty, Slavery could herd!, iont exist. They know, 100 that if glel people of Ohio would elect to Congrakths right kind of men, this object could almost certainly be accomplished. These met ray that fifteen millions of whites owe it to freedom .and the world to maintain and Republican insti tutions—by which term they somewhat fa- I oetioully designate American • Slavery. Now, of these fifteen militias, htleast, thir teen million are positively, injured by the existence of the eyeball. Of the rest of the whites, the greater number probably, think :themselves interested in sustaining It, though even among shiveholders, there are not 5 few who detest the system and desire Its Overthrow. The happines of two and a half millions of enslaved and a half million of free colored people Ic beneath the consid eration of these champions of "Republican Institutions" and revilers of O'Connell. CATHOLIC= AND PATRIOT= OP TIM ABU- EILLVEAr NOVI:MUT These men charge the anti-slavery men with being unfriendly to the cause of re peal and bitter enemies of Boman Catho lics. Both charges are false. Among the an ti-slavery men are very many ardent Mends of repeaL Some of them, too, are members of the Catholic church. Differences of _religious Greed or of no• Don* origin are not antlered to divide our ranks We prefer to contend 'with each other, Protestants and Catholics, native born with foreign born—in honest seal for the Liberty of all and the Bights of all. They charge uh also with enmity to our orefetry and to oTri - Natiolial Censtitution. We msy justly retort the 'charge. They— they are the enemies of the country, rho stain its honor, degrade its character and waste its resources in fostering Slavery, our greatest curse. They—they--shamir upon them—are the enemies of our Na tional Constitution who have by violence and false ,eoustrnotion, blotted out all its guarantees of persoW freedom and indi vidual right, and have ,held It up to the' world as a compact for the perpetuation of crime and the extension of despotism. Bat it is useless to expose the inoonsist, ent sophisms or foolish calumnies of these mon. It has already, been done in a man ner they will never forget, by the Liberator himself. Again, in behalf of the oppressed in the land; in behalf of all who are struggling to restore to them their ,righta in behalf of the friends of freedom everywhere, we thank you for your sympathy. Oar hearta throb with anxiety to we await the June of the pending trials, though we cannot doubt what the result truly be. Would that they might be aban doned. Would that England might cover herself with glory by a edam* aok of jus tice to - Ireland I We rejoice to learn that the friends of freedom in England are disposed to make common cause with thallium Lows. It is an auspioions omen. May itbo Milled I And may God send the people of Ireland and their noble champion a safe deliverance I We remain, with the highest regard, Your friends and the friends of Liberty, [Signed,] E. P. CRAB; Joss Ton= Jowl B. KlAirrn, P. McCann, G. BAILEY, Jr., Committee of the friends of Liberty of Ire land and Repeal, in Cincinnati. John Brodhead, the Locetoco Cor reepoadeat of Jeff Davis. A. western journal lately published sev eral letters from persona in the North to Jeff Davie, with* were found in the library of that asoh•traitor lu blisidaelppL Among these was the following rather brief epistla Pattrortrale, Hera 7, 1817141 Its. Jesrmeor Devse—ify Aar 81.: Can you tell co 11 Gott. Irma* its likely to multi moth Imre la Morava ? I should Hee to go to that country sod help epos ilia Illiralidgko• and *yen. I could pt strvey reoomaumdatkase from the Presi de:We gement Woods In Peamylesol• for the gem, were the mold= moult, and I think I would mote • live othelstat. am Wad of Was a whit. ohm at. Kw blortNaral Saar/are /NOM CS ad W/ Boma. Plow let. tn. boa from pow whoa re bawl Lan. Kra. Kra. Brodhartl nano! with ma In scabs kind re. conaborma iOYra. DITil and yagnalL riaterely Lad itratsfully roar Mend Jou BacanuAD. It has been a question with many, since Mr. BRODHIAIOII produotioe saw the light in the manner aforesaid, sa to the Identity of that gentleman—a question we had not met with anybody able or willing to an swer. Bome, Indeed, hastily said that the correspondent was noother than theex-Bert ator,whoitils from /baton; but Richard and not John, should h'svi been the signature, bad-that been the use. - Now, however, at length we may cry, Aran/ The right mast is found at last. A Philadelphia pa, -per of Tuesday noticing the loodooo leapt rants for office on city, says; Among the sapiiints for Moe before the . Copperhead Convention, which mete to• morrow, is Colonel John Brodhead, who asks to tie nominated for City Treasurer. The gallant Colonel, some, years sine., clo• eland - dna be was tired - ofbdig a glare in the North, and desired to emigrate for the purpose of propagating "the nigger.": John ought to be nominated, and we Mut he Will. Hie principles affiliate so nearly to those of Jeff. Davis, that be will make a ant-rate - representative of "the universal nigger" on the Copperhead, tlokeL CedUrDlad TES. •PO B. StiVill.l37.--Btarn B. my, Ulm of easrpabizig, b a oaadlOsta tor MOO, subjaot to tits do:Woo or tha esomtaattag Claaw*Uoll4-iittitervalDNlVlZentlMlthil,htpteio. bar hi. oubl:tm FU a 'Balla' e V.--Jours Boss ism" via be s candidate her the shots cess, sate Joel to the &Masa of the Unto* Ocatnts °Deviation.. saint* Jr g W 4.10 r /saris muli;,s, ra. LOST—On Sandy, somewhere near . Duquesne bcerostib. s HONOR Or ILICTIL Tbe Ander ea b• 'busby reosibei by bobs them Pi'VrtMrl n I ritillflA TWA u rditINIS • . : Le. — , tibi r owanwhastokipastitin s littromi 0.01=86 and It. 8. WABISO, doing. bushes, at se Kukla -stmt. atist.the =As of GREW k WitaTeG,ln this day dis.olvedlltw entail coa= It. el. Waiuso wiling. 41,GRZGIii 4 sat to me UN lII= of tba Onsits siMirg the baslaw 11:11.3P1EI80. 1 AuT 1 Iterasautse — Am 7istilittiaroliiiiiikiiiiii — thi — wasto Boob No &Ivy lito - of Math Waidillitg of PM* hush &;comill. butts boos 'granted to droluidet scrawl, all puma tollobtod to oda nista on vs (011104 to was Iwamoto" poysowit, sad Law bay. log claim spirt oid4 mato will potoosi awn. givpotig atillowlioded . be oittlowwitOo 3.17. NoiILTIJ,_ • W. IL NoIUILTY. salt lawallw Allatidlottoiga PUBLIC 4rOTICER rzELROT PICNIC, to be given at MO S% EOCES. m rLait A I,n m 2.81 b. Tba boat .111 !nava Joos r-,ry Lana iusat 8 citteck. ant't I't)L 4I KF. MEN. 601 .- obsaoe la moor °Corea to I. Co • r Ilea Plltaliough opt the earrunoeleg • oei. tr., to ,41- *railer 10 The Thiltml etale• )01 t ie dg et lta.l the batiks tx Liberty ace tto• Veto, The rlX3ell tmAkr Lsto•ttlil lisl/...rbe .11 a.. r• 11111.7 Welted to =II szolltsar tm I 0w50...t.t. th e m atocaiter ••111 1;:a found crer • V.. inttreiltbiL roma oi.m all. mid .11 • alaioet• o' to wbo gooliht at Port irtaeo••o, ;Ilea I Bond and Fort • wear. t1114..110 , 11 BR; J gas, • acntittag Otarzr lot alas art P. .a : oat° wAk9• o.lsoTlCR.—Prrrautritau GYBILNIATIC saommas.—Tbro• members eletratog the Prlyst• Bow I th. Pr0.604' Boom of lb ' " io non aro hereby notified to n•••• Igo d n rir dram. to the fleonhary btette tee •:10T ,•1 nit PT. MB •.i. or tboy lOU oe • ikl or th- tout It of O. •• t OO . By made, of s 8. , 0r o • telle• • Iv.11•1d J •fiNr Gal Le, e • .ve,t, fg - OoT Atilt :NOTICE.—}4 , 2 tioITSTT otlUnd so wen who ha n .11. d . .41 , 0111 UT a WEI than ol.ze L.enth. gala, et“1:41 of a:LW. u r cou pony. toy hutbar Iworkatlou la 311 , • Fula: moil. li...ben B. a !mi ,o t, n, lit 1.1-at Vih "•giolont P!I aullsodif MILANI) NKI,KCT 60.40 u a kt nn kl. tel • h HA.% .Elmfr .I'OElOOl- al slagged, AIL comm-nee os T , gib fir, topt 1. 186 t Otreo.sti Inforamtlon tel.tlVt t time, 10 clay tr obtdoM at td 110 k Storms • -2,4: WHIM Ot 1.1 IBTOLLO ElattlOittATlO, 0.. I eit.w oath. Slav - 114', 1. f a 8 1^ 1111KBY GIV .N to Ilia 8064c:fiber. to titr Otact of I •4 Weal. ere rtmnsportation (} topaz:, that au ea assf4 oat of VIVI tb , “1.6.111J4 ($b UC9 PLh 813A2118 nu boon Wild nen the stocitsubforibecl,payable tha vela of the Treasures., at Tittabtulh. oa or befit, , h• 12th day of Joan, 17 , 13, rod • Ilia •..o.:ctot ovary ;bin) dairy hervaetar, natal otherwise nntll6:4l Bz order of the Baud JoShitni A. J. IdeDOWELL. Toorstazy. MIEW• Aprzleriaßasts,rirs. 10110113 13A11?-500 bbla. Crude Oil in balk. Ewan of it. P. II tLA• D. au'ef p.n., Moot, Nctthargb. Pa. LILOOK OIL CLOTHS, of all widths a: sad pst , onts, cat to null soy b.ll or room, sh!oh will ts• sold sticks. to adr cur arose, at tor Oil Cloth Dsput of J H. Pkill L.l IP no 7 SO art 4 t.S bt, (11•1 ..,.rt. i" HEAP HOUSE AND LOTS Fu .. 6/11.11 IN 1.1.L15411 ENT 01TY.-35 floblnsas Meet. 5 MORI., culler lot C.W.O. 68 Anne euvey 5 eon, mud ewllee, 11710. Cornet Shodleld and /I d em suede, bona& II lona% 11 iota, 52 1O . South weal stmt. 5 room, had and cellar, $1 400. ZW.I lb Grua a., dwelling end huge lot, $ 1,600 A ppU to gaff 8, 1:01TwIltlIT R 11019., 61 !de , . tat ea. NOTICE TO CXINTRAO I OK =.—Pro posels are invited and II 11l be received by tbs Outemelltsson Streets 4.1 toe Otty of allegbeey, no• Hlintwbb. Sick tbs Grading end Peeing of üblo bane, tr. restate 1... to ltwanont areal, Ingenue with the Denman P . devalke and Clarbounws. Payment will be nada to lb. tkatraet Oil II noon uto money can b wallect.d II the Paopota". to b. Lit •I! Is a. BOUM. &nth Lamson; of lowOldel - JOHN WRIGHT, Ober% of Coot MONONGAHELA WATER CON JJJ. Phlsllr.—Aht a mating of do. flommltilonort of l b . Monoogibela Water Omnpany, held Antal leth, at the Olzmioglbaza o,nounl Chamber. Jame. nallabsity ins apixdoted Ohslmmo, and John P. Pear, eterstary. On motion of Mr. Obizabafe, 9 loot rewired [bat Mel lb. books of the Monongahela Water Co mbeay re mopenad m ',mho tobeeeptlons to the stone of Mad company. conononelng oa 1131.1118Dff k, the VU. day ot •tignet. from 9 o'clock a. au to I o'olonlr p. m contbolog open untll tortber node , l at the Wooing : 4ra s the ofhot faqir. A 011:0011. Matt al som al thi aloe of Zaouir• tansbury, Blnologkizo; and at tbr otO or of Junto kl.lllrg.r, tooth etttaborgb. hooorclog to the dm tee, 01111, dollar me ths•-• •1 , 1 te held .01.0,1 eehe,4 herein, Letters Teee• 4.‘ inestary tuiv. Mb day boon granted to the on• dersigned on the hut Will and leatament of Ad an Wilanl, late of lb. City of Pittsburgh, Moamar& all partial, knoirtug thmeelvei indebted .o said agate .111 was payment immediately. wal brio ha tog dal= oil pnent ttece without thlay l JOIDI WOuttgiDZ, Philadelphia ; .1' RN n. H, ODIN C. Pittsburg ; WK. WALKER, Alkahont Ci ty; astitlWaStwr n•COTS. NOTICE .—The partoorship beTotofore • =tab( batman •DAIB W11,601a set JOHN mummy, tinder the hams of WIIAOS• CO., bee beet dlamelvod by the death o , ADAM WEL. BOLL The ondmitgzed bat tble dey Doreheesd the Intermit of Die Lite partner from rzeoator, sad will emulous the Map sad Candi. testesse. et the vont., of Zen asa Third sinew. under the old arm ammo el A. WIL•O!l at CO. All t.knone todouted to um arm ere hereby requeted to mit% thole so• MittelL JOHN Wlt StrN =MEM ASCLIT•ST Qo • =names, la • OrriCS, j . Corner 0 and Mitt.% eta, Weallinatton, L. 0., noguot 86th, IMUL PUBLIC titiLK OF I.IW.IDEMNED 41/11114L8 Till take Om et the Oornd, near the Obeemtory, 112 team 7, on the IS AHD brt WilltliZSDAYB hEPTEIIIOIs ISO, the hd, lea and 30th day. of the month. The property It condemned es unfit for pshtle emehnt. Wee to memenoe et 10 onlcok e. co. of each day, end Wantland hum day to day 'until the umber cn heed .hell be told. Thaw amb. In Goren:BBW rondo. C. H TOEBEII3B4 il.end A. Q IT 8 A VAI WANTED.—A Farm of Lend, aft soy of no rstirotd linos sot otst 40 lanes flea tL otti sod not over two mils. from astsUon It mast to tuat quality won, widz 'col bcdidlnys sod other Impsoisonnts, sad insloontsln traaltd Co 160 wwwt, =ors at Am Any pima triads' to roll nab stares, cosy And s pnrolsofr by widttsd.s .11 B. Gamins Mot. Plltabwib, PL." 'toasts pot tlcatan about ;aunty of soft, Icindlan, umber of soros Inototsts-nis, write. AA sollf:t1 UALIABLIC UuUrerkix rsEas:r ruts SALII-ooa4blos it saw, boontlfully dta• std au the Obl stow, sad alJolntng Connally's *baba. Fhb plats b bayed, rests? portion 12 meadow, sad Wild watered. itoovvaleat to the city, sal offend st s low prim end an , taros Also, A THAOT Of LAND Wolaing the above, atatabing 10 sorb from this place osa be had an cstsastre view of the railroad and uhlo river The grooms* la itch and Jost the plan for • country tall apply to sull7 /A No LAIN Ou., 102 Fourth stmt. p_XEWITTOR's NOTloB.—Notiee i t maby rhea aimlemon infatuates" rpm tie aMthe of Anorowood, &cowed. Ism of dm oily .of Phtabarga Allegkany Drano. ha boon atantoCto aosimitara. MI pontos Indebted to add mete ttll maks payment, and them bating clannt Ntl present them to MIMI W. MUM, ROM? 118RWOOD. 1 MI claims Wahl be left at the oars et JOl9. W. KM& hecalteot. et. earstnet wirutibitr RALE OF EITgARBOATti iv Dem Qgamissaturian Otrua. Teas. Aug. 21. Idea. I will mil to the highest Maar, for cash. the fol. kitbag steantboarfeoltigi in lb. Cumberland rim; With mac and other mmartenannen m they lay Mina - rim t ..W. H. 81. neat hamlet Barinkth Shoals; On PUIIIIII "OtlanTSll," tee alba ab.te flarpeth ohmic Bead beton! to isollymi at this . orde• until If o'clock ...11uNDAY. e•Pl: nth. le "' SW wilt be teoehed for nob boat morale, and the Male will to oat wpstate to the Wean 1144r1. bowl id She atoomtef II per ant a• tb• meant • (red lit nth boat, Awn) by twormyoralble the, to be binned on naghet or mooed of paying the eanoont b'A, al the Into scottetd, ) . 14 •°wa paniNth bid L addremed to timunlarslgned .adored 'Trepanning , gtaaraboata." . Pb. Cell la rne-md to repot any or an bid. & WLIIBLOW. Oept. eel it. Q • U. D* enter et ooy, glom .Woito3, angflasild a. Q H c.. .I A. arAittilib 01A • 111.6 VAKt, eas LIBIBTE 61111111 S ♦ Imatitital arid viafild fairrsea. at of MARBLE MA N_T Monument. and Brave litones 48811111 PALMA U.O6IINPALA h 10.1 NN- sown 01111.11thir 14.1111•11 • &VIVO. if it • ; LN HOSIIIIAVWS BITTERS. 1 1 01.111HAVIM BMUS. -" The font cum for Oppepil.. The groat orrr ter Ity•proth Wm put cur. for Psapws a, 6416 1a+ Liu ems JOICASTOI9, 'Owner Mize* and Bialthtlakt /tram. 0ft004115111.111 boa " £ it. 10101.11 M respeow 01 ly UI. hillarni Abe erbium of Phi/burgh, tint M lm Etta -APPetated role agent 4a.tbr 464 o• My en a Boa% wow agyy wylt Abte-00RGO•li PZ L MO reCesemended by %be 1 meet b. *4 U" D citianocer • hinelig which ere G iNoollszet &Oa, i *sax vs? 0. Ike; ninth* 00. • ' other. teed 28,000 b 1 1L YULE MUCK IForirisiatbe RC!XLISI011 00AL £!D LPL& 'Alit ' ipauerafiroa.Auaexi3t* onlibatftwOl MUM of • e stainmeemoigem as laskas fits. WWI lip. Gib stem. 3.s IL numrai Alt tr .4 re IrERTISZJIIIEM tTATR FAIR TU EILEVZSITI A.NIMAJ. EXHIBITION TIO. PEM44. BTiTfi.I6IIICULTU6Bti SOCIETY auxoa NORRISTOWN, MONTff Y CO., PA, September 29th and 30th and October Lt and 2nd 1883, tiorristoen Is Oval servibtoon miles TRW of P. 11. ad•q.bis. os at.SetoyttlLl rlnr sod I. by rahro to svgs., watt.* ot to. BM, 17111". . The groande are besot. silty sit.ated, °out. inthe 04 as DM COTINTEId. kith Cue large bolldlure there. n ...ea.& together with W 5. cm Iratt Boeddl g ?I. track to amid to be one of the beet rell. Mocha in the smote. the main= sri the beavieot over W an-0 by the &cloth *Mounting t, about ${77 , 0.. Itospremlums kr all grade. of rattle eamod five of abide are $lO each, 10 Was $l2l to 116. others rutuatog down to leans retro. Beet herd not them 16 head, 14 othatuar, VA End prank= $l5. Boom for all grad the p1,4111PM4 exceed 51650. The Ugh, et 51001 tabilt.loll $O., and 520, end re gtng Bum $l5. $l ,l and 116. roe Shathard Be hit the osmium. range 510 to $6 and SI far Poultry there Is • long list of pron'auss from 52 to 51 earth In the el;owtog niece. moot liberal premiums are offered PlooglA Caltridgore, Death, armors, Zeirrig and - 7Co.tpg lirithbets, Ostler, Coro etb.ilmes, t friar 61 la, Pumps, Bucket. Tin Ware. loather sod tin Ideantactuna, Gas fixtures. kthrole Kenton, Batter, Hoar. Grath ant Seeds,. V, pithier. sad alto for Domeetlo and Ilotneheid hthoufectures, thotb, Carpel, &Senn. Spirting. 6b , oting, Blankets, Piano.* Muerte, Knit Gorda, ae.dra••otk. do , Bread, thkes,Preserres, 2ellissAlth Lard. prevail:Mil e • oflrr.d for every .erletj Or fruit sat- Madera The novel Tent sill be the ieravet et • • en tied by the Society, ant wilt 'or= ane of tn. mart attractive reetoses of the izbibitloa. trait, Grape 'and Wines vrtil be erldbited Is this keparteseat. The Pennsylvania Ilstirtal sod Noldstown road hoe arransok to cam estiest for isehttatlon to sod Icon, tridbitlon haled free. requiring the f.rward freight to to prepaid, which will he meld ehtpplr when rlxds ars r.tarns4 to dm dodo° wtstnas abitpped. It h bopcd to effect the tame with other Important roods. Num:dons st reduced rates w.UI be ran on all the butUng railroads tntrt s can be made et the once, In Nor/idol°, .'tar the eth day cf S•ptscuber. AU artteles wont be entered co the books on or keine Totals' *ono leg Sept. %Ida. Nikhttors mad become sambers. Itscobershlp $1 03, aith four mown Nads sash of mid It • 11l Walt ono perecom to Ike Fair otos. BIBOLT. MINTS. OW A leaf el Prelate= and Baga'aticna can be bad by addressing the Cacretaiy. THOMAS P. KNOX, Praidou A. B ILOWDB LONGAIR, leer, NEW FALL GOODS. 1863. a•• WRITE, ORR ct 00., No. 93 /1/719 611/11117, 13;SM1=2 Domestic fr. Housekeeping Goods Cur arm." In the motet, compiling Linen and Outten Skeetlog; Linen and Patton Shirting: Pillow Mien, Film. licadm Dimity Quilts, klarasillee Inrebb Qathel Table Le able Hapttns Toselimp, (H s, T oek and Summar Olmilutr ; Trench Twills and Mantas; Table and Piano Mows Turkish Bath Blacketa MAaMI 80. E 6 FIFTH BTBELT. Minya tar site • lams line of BOSIZBY. among vhicli an Lailaeyrtate Dutton How Ladies' Unbind:tad Cotton /Intl Labs' Whit. tea Rom tkaildiobad Barr, ladhde Black L.a Hari Ladies' Slots L.a Bow Ladla' Whit. Lob BONI a Imes' W1611•Oottao Hue; Minns' Dablatobad Gomm Ear; Morino Cotton Zlow. W HITS, ORB & CO., No. 22. tine litiaNlNT, Hay. i varied collection of HOOP AND RA.LHOILAL SHIETi, HOOP SKIRTS, HALMOBA.L SHIRTP, RALHOSAL SKIRTS, OOREKTS, HOOP SKIRTS, aul etziped Goods far faxlkta-ING ..21.-.. 6 ONO 11.00103, Sixty-eight New end Popular Songs, Ida ISIX. aura VWled, paib l akl, on nocbtpt of abght amis. by Joan P. HUNT. Photograph Albums. no bat, Ulu draws% the Rotalud the auspoel to the eily. se B 17 H Til. CARTES DE VISITE. Look 6) ants to $1 • doom, GU Undo, as All SSW SOOKS,aII UTZ PAZZIS. all LAMS SIAGASIESS. at . . . TATioNNUT AND BLANK BOOES, WAL LETS ANS WOW BOOKS, PORTEOLIOS AND MIMS INKSTANDS, at JOHN P.•`HUND'B Wholesale and MeV Book, &gems Isguifte end lein Impede', WASONIO HALL, VOW KS= mIT LLOYIYB Emma, PLATS TELE onAin, LX.PILYS3 AND lIALLBOAD 0P 11111 United Maki, Capin" Sew, Brunnielek. lilz., 6 BY 6 VEIT. Acamparkylai etch auts...llap r a taileptaiLint MAP OP Tail LIETIIIIII aTATIB,,i•oak Oat timis se Lamm du =hi letp—she, 6 Ma to dom. along. The two Mair 66'6210 itio. co 106 than show /lAILBOAD summit,. by mbulatolas. eateariptio;% Dada I)011 op.o. J. W. prmi.ox, Bole Agent. .n9IOPPOMY/6 TEM POSY:OPVIONL., $lO REWARD:—A. reward of 'JIM DOL LA EIS, slid the rassassllts INOIIBEISIP, will t• rid Orr ths apprelosudoh yd *slim" a any DlSSlttilla at ths Ilitsaditssztas lb..easyss Provo* liszsbal, sad Qs suss mutt 10/ shy imertzto MAN, mot exempt from 11111tar7 Daly. air falle le raped Or kat* bon ay aokled. &aroma:lan *nun wheat 11&11BORTIG OfiIBO lurid:main TO • DICIVATifyI, am dor the pailths. pnialbad by act of Coupon it Mar - 041M' By ardor of tba;Prortat Marshal Caunal. J. 84sol soon% • Protest Ilaribrd, Itd Alataict s Proms Vuitton 011 actaZEL;110. 00 rouo l anal, Pittsburgh. Avid Min& aNis WiaNGISBA—Ithe M Uni% creed Cbtbe Waste" War - only our OW will pre whet orastartiob. It rano Urn, /Or mossy bad Woos, Stray ulnas& *Waist tore au la but bog" as ft yry Kr itret to thr satleg dacha farads by /1. PaiLtab, 23 rad *I St. Oblt Amok E=M3 DRY 112043c)0. ARRIVAL' NEW FALL COODS, AT 1. M. Burchfield's. AWN FANCY OILED; SUCH mono en L 3 EL PLAIN BLACK AND COLORED MX: ; 711112C11 .11451 N0 4 . o.:cn: satertBAB. a raw styli,: OABEINEFIL.S. 11/00BILD HOUR DI Daum; 03I:D ALPACCAS; IA.IIOI ARIRRING PLAISSZLI. A ttamicrtioant et IFEW AND BEAUTIFUL 000 DB Jar! raaelved all nos led asamltt• tt. stock. GREAT BARGAINS' Eit Ia 3C 3La 312 C. . AT • 69 MARIEET B:IItEET. A ANDUOTION Or 50 PER. CENT. IN DIJON MD DOLOR& ALL NEW SHIRTING MUSLIM. 12 e. Per Yard. sat LA BEEAGEB, OBGAEDIES, COTAIIDIQUEB, EISLOS CIESNADININ, IMIIEZB DEMI NOON; SUMNER BACQUIE, BtIiIINEVEJLETIMS, ME= BELLWA.B, TIMOR LACE PUMA ALL 01111 SUNJEE 600D8 MUD DOWN PERM CHEAP! To mob ram for our NEW IWOOE, Alexander Bates', 21 FIFTH STREET. Nor Cloontry Worob►at► anppliod ►t raxoo►bL pilaw eirCILO6II3, d story toseriptiooy m►noActaxod =22 INDIJOICKENTB AR& 'OPFERND TO KIROV ARM 91 HANDECEHOHIEFS, AT JOE. HORNE & CO.'S. Easing always taado oar HANDEMItCHIEF DEPABTIEENT &V.:With we are ambled to ofAr BABGAINEI In PLAIN LIBZN, rIIBROIDIERP, 11%1111TJ) SJAVICHM, AND 11XlidiTgOBJID. 1111 r • lam stook always on Wad.. Rot 77 and 79 Market Street sulk INTBBEHITNG To THE LAMB! Ideas as ■ 11.1DUOZD PFLIOM Cotton Rodery, Gloves, Luse Kitts, Embroideriea, VoLls, Weaves, Wits, am. kloop Skirts. ollghtly loan% at hat price. Mr Wa on toadying do West otylos of MAD. MAIM an ILO DR 21/ItiIIIIGB, HIMUMB, to. WHOLISLIM 1100 7 / 1 1 up resin. MACRUM & CLYDE, NO. 78 Mill= 13711E8T, sale &ham ittoath and Dionocad. Ckentalnlnt MIMI M 333 CINTAMY BIREIOIIAN7I3 WILL lUD AV ,A. 3r. 333 "R# ' Jro. 59 Market Street, ameba& atiq need far : 4 lanninKi TEXTS STOCK, Loa at the LOWEST. EASTERN CASH PRIM mitt/ BBAD- AND WWI ItilledlNGE3, 11201 BORON MMHG TAXES, All cakes rum TRIIIILIDge, • ALECLBDIUIII 111.09121, GENTLMXIS7B WI NB MBA BELDIT OOLLI4IIII AND M an , - Cacao ago i==ll MALIN° BRIM Y BAUM 11.11181/11.2-00:21. REILTS AND - MILT - 4LASPIEL-1. LP abaft let d OM =NM, OLT AND JIT BAUT SA AO:MAIM IMMICOLORN AALL INAS (1, raffle by organ Mb day. linos, MACRON do 00., VI&At Durioanu iiiims.uttisttitzt A fidl meatßUD & &SAID 5114. MLA; SIBBO2I & 'AZOV 811AIND - nada& sad &AI tholotals mil "-lan : milan i macisax oil, " . 8411 Tin Arse.. lika3 • itlA_!..lizwiliegant Int o OOLIABS.. A 'Nll 1.1111111090. the late Wank t 074178 RIO 011171701111 410. - MATOl.l4O;al7g B CO. sa2ll , • . Ga. 17 !Mb .Ino.l. ==a - - ULMM b Dines rhino?. i - HURT S. *man MAND DAT t•CD elDd-et, Fs. pera t.n 17 Lisa[ St piiNN wd . 4 &MAI tI• Pnb . C r•Lar. ait 1 Itt P t! tl tato rsi-tter•.:ll h• L. Lag dm state Icatl,rttet. - • • es 4'.• .‘ .4.11/ v., cur. to e . , r cinulus is& 1...1 al It - 3 -aL • at llar room r.--. J Alta, A. tt, t t.LILYIS, w 11. V; AK - A .4';-• The mgals! Ten 6a& IL c , tassettee• Tun.. CIA S. to La. cf F.;;;L.Alc—r TGT furl hilt ref - ft:Clan Is. wamu i s . tred.oc,, .4 a: cat &hoc) &loch Sad tkatans. etl.Rhw r. etclalsly SELEL,r ziuktuOL, 121 PESS 67SEET, PITTSBURGH, PI. Het Frets fames to o;ett Papal la the Wee airy tome <lt the 'coned floor of No. Peon none, gm lb, Pi gtIT NUN 0&I Or tiornut. INH, 180 . LAM, Ottet. O tret.lreneb sad O. tete et til-te tottgbt, uhi,o to pipe will be awed to talon to the poyil tboroogb logarastfou is the o.nal bnuathes of w Corti h emnalloa. N. proposes to Loon lb, ottrotoo of pirsdk. them he tux here the be r opportoolty polar manl and latollaseol milieus, tad try= Pow toe. h Ll= .413) yrr Nttefou of Lirelloatbs. • No alai ohemet, - t , to pal dzszlos the Coel half of :to &otiose. iclmol Novo from 9. m. to SIP to. OZraltet the 171 z lad. ;or. N. olsy bosom gamy at Umtata:l Itom‘s, dart% the abonkrara. aal3:td . . CREGARAY LNSTITUTB. Boarding & Day School for long Ladles. Sa. 1531 ...a 132; Fr.. Streit, be swap- roars, of Int trnettoa embrscom Ib Eofflifh and C:/hcl.f senoras see Litorscam— Latn if r a .tt .1i to. branabos which cum. sus.. s A burscob esimmial attn. the being pit bj Prtulabpol, solsts ad by the •ost Pro'. a ors. I conch IA tts lacgtws. of the tumny, sod y opa,. 'tautly spoken 1n ta e Irrtituttan. Ths saaolascs yoar cammaucts &Maths'' Ugh and closes Jot) Ist. Tor circulars sad particulars apply to 1010-2. atrAvAtar rontsavitom.. pITISEURGH FEMALF, COLLFSIL BUT BUETAINED COLLEGE IN THE MEL The lan Una et the Pttadmrgh firth& will corn snap on TDICSDAY 110881110 A tale end abbe ferulty of etheters MeoLsn boa been employed, and amalgamate mite lat the me commolatlen of an lecreased number at peg'. Carlos the Tarattera tteporl ant eddltbms bore been male, end the Co:legandw adotde ansterpueed fedi. 111.. for 114/111111111 a solid and ornamentalednaelloa. Mare teachers bane born employed to ate, Madam than In beach sod Certain. Pupil* reattaed to the regular College denies or in thy et tbsAtimilatat . departments we! be fanned et the awl also one In FORTY DOLLARS per term mu/litmus= In the tvardlng Cpartment. cams vauWnj tad RNA. Send to Pres.!dm% PE itIRIND tor • AostAry, t. iD AL PBOll. Pvert.Teustass. pENN6YLVANI A. MILITARY AOLDISIT. ST WElre GUMMI&jet /Warders sickly )—Toe disease( this Aliesdenir he slimmed on TIIIIBiDAT, Eeptamber Er. The lot. leirtne senqemen compose the Board et Tristan t Boa. eaPL WOE, President Oarr. Wa. APPLIC, Vibe President • . W. XL BASHER, Esq., Becristary. /Laird B oRiK, xso Trearmar. Elev. Mum Newton, D. D. halt. L. Olairharn, Bev T. Brainerd, Id D., Charles B. Dzajet, Hon. cawed Tito =peon, Cho. P. Buell. 800. Charles U'Llstii, Wm. 1,, cptittgr. Hon. John litutnian, Teo. L. Yarrbil, Bon. W. Z. I sham, 4.d.Peon B. Peterson. J B. Tow usend, htodom Hyde. The eolvantaies cffered f , r the esqatristetot of • thnresigh military education are second IM thaw at West Polo; The Academia altar Ucoeepottdd therousbly competent hutroctnrs Tbansuellosal LaparSaent em traces PriaasT, OolYsta4 sod sal. imago were**. -Geretut ruer.t.lrn 1. pied to the caand tuddnoklas of the cadet. Oircoms. mq be - bed pf_JOHII to'hoTl", tio. i 3 Llbat7 mud, huaborgb; Cos. TrIEO.PAM?, ' WestChestopr, Pa M ATCH HOMES AT ATIOTION.-. Aut. on B oTII a DAY 1108HING, Atig. £llk, 10 o'clock, %Ili LI, 641 d In (root of the Onnsvoodal Bales Booms, He. 6i Final street, Coo pair of Gray Mims; vat work ri , tor to tingle or daotblo UMW" Als4. one farm Wro,ll. an9l DaV.s d NW:LACUNA Men. UTRitIOR HOLits:EIiOLO FORM 1J TUBB AT AIM( tOh.—On TM DAY MORN. IMO, dog. 26th, st 11 o oboe, st medians Zia. Ise Third Mesh, will be to‘d the teethe larttlabmeal BCW D sIIP,GB,In/t ➢ 4.89110111, OAMPIITIS. compthlng In p trt Alsho,eny Mae brat &ha o Mahogany ash. rest Chairs. Illeheasny Spring thee Booker, Marble Top Ils%onEsni filer _Walnut Hat Mick - feel:A Walnut Sm.. ion Taiga, Wardrobe, Roltd Waletat letnch sad Yield Pad Liediasada, Walnut Endow] Mseh.tard, Ttpqs,Osis beat Otudn and Becher, Ottostsee, Gilt sod Mahe !emu Leek tilstser, (haute sod Os. netnews Mattis Orneastate, Venetian .t , d DaH /Uses. llsterasems, 'roister Beds end Bedding, twee Chokbeti hems. Wished 1. tmotl.. Q tee2aserts as. o.llPleln.—lc...led in .b rata tell be bond ono rich Plash Darter. B, nen. and ingrain do., Chnuaber and 11. e co., in curls and Stair Qat• pot., Dining S.D., .11.11 raw Stolz Ida:ll2g, lap. no., do. 690041 sits:Urn I. caVed to tkla ado, Out Ilrund. tur. and (24rp• •all kept, and La imo WA • Omsk time. T. A. AI.aCTIZLIAIIik, nUNUAN bTIiEET RESIDFItiOIi AT jg../ A UOILOS.—On lUSEDAT Ist, at ?ad o'clock..lll 10 pfd at the Bales &oat, No. of,akstdeelzabio Idll vP OEUI ZID, eftmte at the corset a Duncan sal Dui, 'meet., haring • front of 03 fent B helm al Duncan grim, and extmaina &cam Dit•te atrial 110 4.1, on w hi, le le ler ctod • n SW TWO4IOIIIID SSIOH DWDLLISQ. mutaining mien gam boA mom and drateln3 roam, dubbed attic. cilia. =dal the entire home with must Bur, gu and igaftr, Briars Lugo mate la the kitchou, marble nut* ant thee nn lobed I , CO! in the pallor, dining room and bad roman. The .hon• was bona is OA mOld durable sumnar, and fla Idled In the tut SIAS be the swum% cwo °maguey. Any poesera desirous of cremag the panic. its g.t to. keys at the Auttiou tan. Tuna—Oue-Coutth. cash; roildne th ree nag animal yaymmu, will lutanti, wand by bong and =mpg% ea) DAVIS A IttalLwArgra. Antaks. 91 MaCUßKlils; PROPERTY,IOII,. J, BALW—On'iltE MAY ZVI:SING, Sept. 14 is l °Weak. will be - acid - a: thaVoramerehalleles ittonatt, at 'Mb stmt. ttua YALU raILE LOT 01 GEOUSD at the math sod cl tits Monotaralele baddq Uontirg os Vamtn or Rein eared. 4.5 wet in width, and tzsendlng butt routhirerdly mew the Etentenallle Railroad shoot ttel lards op theldlit bevies an old FLAME DWWL tatito HOlllathera on. and known as the wcOonle Hone: Outs be tween propbrzy of ?do:Why s Co:, 01 50* ddio, sad AM, maim cam Tram as Benn-600 third, owiti end the nitiOne in two opal papaw:di cap Wad We, 'VW% with s FM FARM AT - - AIJOTIONe undsodgnid.wia snots to Public lish6 a the Mhts last 4 consisting ot AND HZ% situate on the /hotted 131161Ohltalsk shoat one sills trout Whit* s n, to . Batotwhs' town. stalpi arid - known u ..08rsan gaits; on - . THURSDAY. avgasS TUN slog o'clock p..ta. add Swat Is all cdsorsd and nndez goof Isnot, but aboati9 aim I La • Prune -throlltrdrltooss, Log into. 68d othsr faits building ,orrotsd them& 8110 saw:hard of fruit. Is &so well most bay. Ins also turrardslang fruit. . sold dila Wow oppllbis 61 being &rid sdjoto two audios tonne. She puhllo road sons shronitt tt, haring MI aons oa oast& and 18 eve on ohs ethos'._ls be sold ln Itro plata It &Wants. 436/8 pod gy.. Gad to supposed to undalss lb. libels Imo* germ wads known on Mods; of ads, •- •815:roWts JAIRIS miaow/as. SATOH; I:LAM= • 00.. Mr== "10110 - 1182 - H OW - RUBNITUIIII AT Lh.wassozviLtir.-Lon RRIDAT 100, Aar:at - 10th at 10 W 432. will balialdiat teddeace of Mts. laalt, Umtata:girl the Otwasbarg Pik., tho atilt" tie:kat soot HmwLoM Farcittar•, sa., comviaing lastr Bast AJbatca sag rota, Clad Tablas, Halms:yr mad Walaatllatasua, Dteaslng Bureau, fia, Lk-c.,tasne Sad Eteddiag, Ca. NU, Mantel tnnama.t•, la dos r. sad ultras. pimßrat 0zw,.... w i 1104 a: burgs tall gnaw Look tag Manta. U.S Ea-a. uk. t‘ sae tliagtgat7. pada Staklasia, Inatag Watt. Btu taw, tr. Alaossiarge Titylcly 41 Klieban tlonsils, itch . Dews k ===l .pIIRNITURE - AU6IION.—On J: TM:WM/a 67.17,6&00751; - aileata7lll. at eellyjt, wt ha ealcl; at Abe emote:1111110m konaa, 64 - Itifth street, s quantity et if =Oda sad Witham lerattare comcildrig 11.1risaylITtem. aim Table, Wing Beat amme.-Weleat-3 map. Vail Tattle, Ler ao:t Ulatc-4 Wltteada. reasber Bed. ittAtteb OnTeta,:dittasta. Zeli-Jaiitheis. Mahe Linakfiat 7DWe, Ittandi; Bath Takttatga radiltii Thalia; Eatrtealilinh elthig park latches' turitamiadinetedli.£ o . &alb DAVP.4 aliett.W6l2a4 Acet.m. - DMA, azia-f-Wliole .a. Mos. Meanly ant"; r esip 1511110uid - led P.ppii; t. lace Sesa, Orstsmon, ds, vhajile icza ipaq ira=ri y Clrm.vm, Mare a - '• , osissA T ::. iitto =an 143:.,1 1 Ave fluid sine& ED 1 7 CAT 0 • L. /MING , let 14 VS* tr. LI /..t. MIT bit • auter-Sw t . tt r a 'l4 t.CLLC: catCOTk 3. R. snreut, A. N... ?mamas. =V. L ta. PELLSIIIISO, D. D.. Pawn:lm A NORSIAL CLASS TELEGRAPHING. .4 UCTIO.Ir 841.E8. cr.lowyaaw.• sae • DAVIS &TM /AM% ECM= 1331==
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers